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compound method
Ferrocene Iron (III) chloride is treated with
Potassium cyclopentadienyl. The
reaction occurs in a three necked flask
which is constantly purged with Argon
for three conservative times. The
mixture is then filtered and washed
with 4 portions of water.
Ferrocene and Acetyl ferrocene Ferrocene was acetylated and the
mixture was filtered then separated
by column chromatography using
petroleum ether as an eluent for
Ferrocene and diethyl ether as an
eluent for Acetyl Ferrocene.
compound Melting colour mass %yield
Ferrocene 171 C- Dark 2.06g 52.28%
172.5C orange
Ferrocene 173 C orange 0.13g 8.66%
-181 C
Acetylferroce 81.5 C Dark red 0.11g 5.98%
ne -83 C
Ferrocene was successfully synthesized with a medium percentage yield.
Purification of actylcyclopentadienyl (Cyclopentadienyl)iron(III) yielded very low
products of ferrocene and acetylferrocene. Some of the products may have been
lost during the filtering step by being washed away or not properly removed in
the round flask.in the second practical separation of ferrocene and
acetylferrocene was achieved through column chromatography. Petroleum ether
is a hexane eluent and thus only non-polar compounds will move with this type
of eluent and in this case it was acetylferrocene. The second eluent which is
diethyl ether is non polar thus ferrocene is less polar and will have higher affinity
for this type of mobile face.
1. 2 C5H6 + 8 KOH + FeCl2.4H2 - Fe (C5H5)2 + KCl + 6 KOH.H2O
Fe0 = 8e-
2 x C5H5 = 5e- x 2 = 10e-
Total = 18e-
Ferrocene obeys the 18-electron rule
Ni0 = 10e-
2 x C5H5 = 5e- x 2 = 10e-
Total = 20e-
Nickelocene does not obey the 18-electron rule.
2. The IR spectrum of ferrocene has many peaks. According to the literature,
values there are not supposed to be peaks absorbed at a wavelength
between 2054.18cm-1-1748.52cm-1. The reason for these peaks may be
due to some of eluent, which was supposed to be discarded as first waste
was added together with ferrocene. When wavelength of peaks decrease
the functional groups becomes simpler.
3. Ferrocene is less polar and thus its mobile phase will be petroleum ether
(Hexane). Addition of petroleum ether as an eluent will result into
movement of ferrocene. Acetyl ferrocene is polar and thus will move in a
mobile phase with an eluent which is polar and that eluent is diethyl
The aluminium foil was important in order to protect our product from
light and keeping temperature of reaction constant.
4. Biscyclopentadiene