Kimre - Innovative Clean Air Technologies
Kimre - Innovative Clean Air Technologies
Kimre - Innovative Clean Air Technologies
or more than 4 0 years, KIMRE product KIMRE engineers routinely analyze gas-stream
consumption and separation effectiveness. solution requires selection of the right ancillary
components such as spray equipment, nozzles, and
Process engineers, environmental engineers and pumps. KIMRE
production managers in operations as diverse as can recommend
fertilizer, sulfuric acid, waste-to-energy and power the appropriate
plants recognize KIMRE as a valuable resource. We choice of
are respected as a resource that is not only components to
knowledgeable, but also one that is responsive and ensure optimal,
committed to boosting production and efficiency in overall system
the chemical processing industry. performance.
KIMRE customers: KIMRE Technology improves:
Fertilizer Producers Evaporators Oil-Water Separators
Sulfuric Acid Producers Concentrators Liquid-Liquid Separators
Semiconductor Manufacturers Wet Scrubbers Extraction Columns
Marine Vessels Drying Towers Paint Spray Booths
Power Plants Knock Out Pots Humidifiers
Pulp and Paper Plants Absorption Towers Vacuum Scrubbers
Animal Feed Plants Separators Flash Coolers
Chlor-Alkali Plants Distillation Columns Calciners
Petrochemical Plants Strippers Prill Towers
General Chemical Plants Cooling Towers Tank Vents
High Purity Chemical Producers Air Intakes Laboratory Hoods
Waste Water Treatment Plants Gas Coolers Condensers
Utilities Emergency Scrubbers
Automotive Plants Dust Scrubbers
Rendering Plants Electrostatic Precipitators
Surface Finishers Oil Mist Collectors
Incinerators Candle Filters
Food and Agricultural Plants
Metallurgical Industry
Remediation Plants
Bed supports TM
Tower packing
Mist eliminators
Fog collectors
Aerosol collectors
Drift eliminators
Dust masks
Air intake filters
Candle protectors
Candle filters
Kimre Technology
The introduction of Kimre patented high-performance,
interlaced mesh structure revolutionized the technology of
process fluid separation and air pollution control.
Our engineered mesh construction has a large surface area and void space. The choice of filament
diameter and the physical arrangement of mesh layers optimize the effectiveness and range of solid or
liquid particle removal.
Kimre B-GON mist eliminator and KON-TANE scrubber media are produced
in a variety of thermoplastic filament materials which allows for continuous
service 204 C (400 F) and process corrosion resistance.
ETFETefzel Tefzel(TrademarkofDuPont)
PFATeflon PFA:
ist elimination or
demisting can be
defined as the
mechanical separation of liquids This picture represents a composite mist eliminator supplied by Kimre. The
from gases. The first and most various styles and materials manufactured by Kimre can be combined into
widely used separators were single pads to meet your system's requirements. Grid supports and technical
comprised of impaction devices support are also available.
in packed columns, such as
packing and perforated plates. Cyclonic separators were later developed to lower the height of the packed
columns. Then wire mesh mist eliminators were invented to lower the pressure drop of the cyclonic separators
and improve the collection efficiency of smaller droplets.
The wire mist eliminators, commonly referred to as knitted mesh mist eliminators, collect droplets by the inertial
impaction and interception mechanisms of collection. The wire mesh separators are commonly used to collect
droplets above 5 microns in diameter. However, when the separation of droplets in the 1-3 m is required, these
wire mist eliminators are largely ineffective because of the meshs random structure, irregular density, and coarse
fiber diameters. Kimre structured media expands on the wire mesh mist eliminators capacities, providing lower
pressure drops, higher collection efficiencies and have greater tolerance for liquid loading and fouling resistance
providing lower maintenance and operating cost.
** (Example:8/96):Lefthandnumberdesignatesfilamentdiameterinmils(1mil=0.001inches).Righthandnumberdesignatesthevoid
Kimre developed a structured mesh to combat the weaknesses of the wire mesh already on the market. The material
has been described as ladder-like or honeycomb-like and is comprised of three-dimensionally interlocked plastic
monofilaments. Since 93% of the fibers are perpendicular to the gas flow, the pressure loss through the media is
dramatically lower for the same level of efficiency as a traditional knitted mesh mist eliminator. Because of Kimres
unique structure, we are able to produce our media in the widest range of fiber diameters in the industry. This allows
Kimres engineers to design for the highest level of performance at any particle or mist size.
Description of B-GON
Kimre offers custom designed mist eliminators for collection of droplets and particulates above 0.8 microns in
diameter. Several standard pad designs are available for routine installations, but thousands of pad combinations
are available for unique situations. The following graph displays the collection efficiency and clean operating
pressure drop of some standard pad designs operating in an air/water environment under ambient conditions.
Please feel free to use this information for general information purposes only. We strongly recommend that
you contact Kimre to discuss your particular application and determine the best design for you.
Tower Packing
ower Packing is usually thought of as a mass
of inert solid shapes dumped in a cylindrical
column for the purpose of providing greater
surface area for the gas and liquid in a wet scrubber
to make contact. Structured tower packing is thought
of in much the same manner, a series of stages are
installed in a vertical tower to provide maximum
surface area for the gas and liquid to make contact.
However, most designers tend to overlook the
benefits of an alternative tower packing in a cross
or semi-cross flow arrangement.
Description of KON-TANE
Tower Packing
KON-TANE packing is a structured,
interlaced monofilament material. It is
designed to facilitate breakup of the liquid
phase, creating maximum surface area for
mass transfer with the vapor phase. KON-
TANE packing produces low pressure drop,
prevents liquid holdup on and within the
packing and curtails excessive energy use.
KON-TANE tower packing is manufactured in stackable, layered pads up to 7 1/2 inches (190mm) in depth.
They are fabricated to fit your vessel in easily installed modules. Large one-piece pads can also be designed
and built to meet your needs. Filament diameters run from 4 mils (0.1mm) to 37 mils (0.9mm).
Through the individual selection of the void fraction of up to 97%, the monofilament diameter, and the use of
several consecutive packing stages, one can achieve stage-wise particle separation, that is particle removal
by size. This achieves an intentional reduction in the possibility of plugging.
Unlike conventional packing, KON-TANE packing can be easily built into cassettes so that in case of
plugging, for example by salt crystals, they can be easily removed for cleaning.
Cleaning is quite simple, and shutdowns are very short and can often be completely avoided.
Particle Dominant Elimination Kimre
SizeRange Competitor(s) Technology Advantages
MECS Candle Filters
<1 BeggCousland Deepfiberbeds(separatevessel)Easeofmaintenance,
OttoH.YorkCo. Rangeofstyles,
110 ACSIndustries MeshPadMistEliminators Lowpressuredrop,
KochEngineering Materialselection,
Koch(Fleximesh)YorkDemister ACS MaterialofConstruction
4120 4BA Metal
4210 421 Metal
4310 431 4CA Metal
3710 371 Metal
3260 326 3BF Metal
6440 644 Metal
5310 531 5CA Metal
9310 931 7CA Metal
2212 221 8T Teflon
2414 241 8P Polypropylene
technology is
based on Kimres
patented struc-
ture used in our
B-Gon Mist
Eliminators and
Scrubber Stage 1
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Tower Packing which has been used since 1974
in over 20,000 installations worldwide.
The AEROSEP system utilizes a stage wise
An AEROSEP removes particulates and aero- approach to separating liquid and solid
sols in the submicron range - under 0.2 micron aerosols.
diameter (dry measurements). AEROSEP
works by a combination of particle growth and 1) Gas Saturation and removal of incoming
particle removal. The particle growth is pro- particles or mist larger than 3 microns.
duced by a process known as flux force or 2) Growth of incoming submicron particles to
nucleated condensation. approximately 1 micron.
Nuclei grow to approximately one-micron 3) Coalescing the 1 micron particles to a size of
diameter droplets in the presence of only a 10+ microns.
small amount of supersaturation with pure 4) Final removal of re-entrained droplets from
water; one-micron droplets are then easily stage 3.
coalesced and removed with KimreTM
Using high efficiency media, the Kimre Candle Fiber Bed mist Custom-designed filters for any vessel
eliminator can achieve efficiencies greater than 99.9% on High flow per filter
particles smaller than 1 micron. Enhanced drainage capacity
MAT and roving media allow custom designed composite beds. Easy to clean, reusable media.
Designed to meet the specific requirements of each plant. Designed to meet the specific requirements of each
Kimre offers exact replacements of existing elements in many plant.
KIMRE, INC. 744 S.W. 1ST STREET HOMESTEAD, FL. 33030 TEL: (305) 233-4249 FAX: (305) 233-8687 E-MAIL: SALES@KIMRE.COM WB: WWW.KIMRE>COM
To achieve high efficiency separations, the settling unit must include a coalescing stage for
removal of small droplets of oil. Kimre Inc.'s LIQUI-NOMIX coalescers provide high efficiency
polishing of liquid streams and can reduce contaminant levels to less than 2 ppm.
Kimre, Inc can provide LIQUI-NOMIX separators in easy-to-install cartridges of almost any
size. These cartridges can be used in either horizontal or vertical vessels designed to
continuously settle, coalesce, and withdraw contaminating oil.
LIQUI-NOMIX coalescers resist fouling due to
their patented structure, with over 90% of the
fibers perpendicular to the flow, their high void
space (94-97%), and the range of monofilament
diameters available. LIQUI-NOMIX coalescers
are custom designed, usually with Kimre, Inc.'s
coarser styles (16 mil, 37 mil) in combinations
that protect inner layers from fouling in dirty
service and effect fine polishing of the aqueous
Kimre LIQUI-NOMIX coalescers are durable and
easily cleaned. Pressure washes may be used to
remove sludge without damaging the mesh.
LIQUI-NOMIX coalescers provide long-term
service and a rapid return on investment.
atypicaloilwaterseparator.KimreLIQUINOMIX Standard construction uses Polypropylene
mediacanbesuppliedasaframedcassette,foreasy materials; other materials are available for high-
installationandmaintenanceofyourseparator. temperature service, or corrosive applications.
Contact Kimre, Inc. for a quote on a LIQUI-NOMIX coalescer for your gravity settler.
For those which require a complete gravity settler/separation unit, Kimre, Inc. can provide references of
manufacturers which use KIMRE LIQUI-NOMIX for the polishing stage of their Oil-Water separators.
Primary Features: Secondary Features: You:
Integral, Uniform 3-D Structure: Extraordinary Strength High Fiber Tensile Strength Provides the Ability for Large
Pads to Withstand Higher Degrees of Loadings and Stress.
Integral, Uniform 3-D Structure: Built-in Drain Points Accommodates Large Liquid Loadings and Higher Velocities.
Best Design Program Accurate Prediction of Efficiency, Flow Capacity & Pressure Drop
Non-Isotropic Flow Properties: Gas Flow Spreads-out within the Media which Evens the Flow
Integral, Uniform 3-D Structure: Flow Resistance Inside the Across the Media, Providing Flow Stability, Complementing other
Media is Lower than the Flow Products such as Chevrons, Making for Excellent Operation
Resistance Through the Media for Carbon Bed Supports, as well in Cyclone Separators.
Integral, Uniform 3-D Structure: Wide Variety of Void Fractions: Provides for a Wide Range of Liquid Loadings.
60 to 97% Allows use in "Plugging" services, and in High Load Bearing Conditions.
Large & Wide Pieces: One-Piece Construction Interleaving Allows the Construction of Huge Single Piece Pads.
Allows the "In-Place" Construction of Seamless Pads in Large Vessels.
Materials of Construction: Selected for the Process Enables a Wide Range of Chemical & Temperature Resistance
Hot Wire Edge Cutting: Very Accurate To Size" Cuts Provides the Best Fit and the Lowest Risk of By-Passing
Hot Wire Edge Cutting: Cut Edges are Always Denser Provides Less Risk for By-Passing.
than the Body of the Pad Reduces the Risk for Localized Flooding.
Proprietary Thermal Stabilization: Media is Stabilized Provides the Best Heat Stability of any Non-metallic Mesh Pad.
Achieving cleaner air, water and improved gas-liquid process
operations using Kimre Technologies.
We are a world leader in the design and implementation of innovative technologies
which clean and protect our environment to create a better world for future generations.
Proactively identifying and responding to global environmental needs and opportunities.
Fostering a team environment.
Building mutually profitable customer relationships.
Understanding and supporting customer needs.
Promoting environmental education and awareness.
Maintaining positive and effective communications internally and externally.
"God created it, we polluted it, Kimre cleans it."
Staying focused and dedicated to following through and achieving goals.
Treating everyone with dignity and honesty.
Our Common Goal.
Knowing what is expected.
Knowing where you stand.
KIMRE: Your Clear Solution to
Phase Separation, Mass and
Heat Transfer, and
Air Pollution Control.
AEROSEP , DRIFTOR , B-GON , SXFTM, KON-TANE , LIQUI-NOMIX are registered trademarks of Kimre, Inc.
Copyright 2014 by Kimre, Inc. (Rev.2f)