PEB Technical Bid PDF
PEB Technical Bid PDF
PEB Technical Bid PDF
Part I :- Technical Bid from Page No.1 to 119 including General conditions of
Contract, Special conditions of contract, drawings, Annexure A to G, Schedule A to D,
Part II :- Commercial Bid from Page No.1 to 3 of Bill of Quantities.
Tender should be submitted in a sealed cover super scribing the name of work,
Tender Notice number , Due date of Opening.
Tenders without EMD shall be summarily rejected.
Note: The tenderer shall return the duly filled in tender document after affixing
signature on all the pages of the Tender Documents.
Issued to :
1) Eligibility criteria:
Tender bids not meeting any of the above pre-qualification criteria shall be rejected.
Note: If any of the question is not applicable, please mention as Not Applicable
BHEL reserves the right to go for a Reverse Auction (RA) instead of Opening the
submitted sealed bid, which will be decided after technical evaluation. Information and
general terms and conditions governing RA are given below.
Against this tender for the subject work/system with detailed scope of work as per
tender specifications, BHEL may resort to REVERSE AUCTION PROCEDURE i.e.,
1. For the proposed reverse auction, technically and commercially acceptable
bidders only shall be eligible to participate.
2. BHEL will engage the services of a service provider who will provide all
necessary training and assistance before commencement of on line bidding on
3. BHEL will inform the vendor in writing in case of reverse auction, the details of
Service Provider to enable them to contact & get trained.
4. Reverse Auction rules like event date, time, Start price, bid decrement,
extensions etc. also will be communicated through service provider for
5. Vendors have to fax the Compliance form in the prescribed format (provided by
Service provider) before start of Reverse auction. Without this, the vendor will
not be eligible to Participate in the event.
6. BHEL will provide the calculation sheet (e.g., EXCEL sheet) which will help to
arrive at Total Cost to BHEL like Taxes and Duties, Freight charges, Insurance
and loading factors (for non-compliance to BHEL standard Commercial terms &
conditions) for each of the vendor to enable them to fill-in the price and keep it
ready for keying in during the Auction.
However if the service tax is applicable for this contract, the same will be
reimbursed on production of valid document proof for having paid service tax by
the tenderer.
7. Reverse auction will be conducted on scheduled date & time.
8. At the end of Reverse Auction event, the lowest bidder value will be known on
the network.
9. The lowest bidder has to Fax the duly signed Filled-in prescribed format as
provided on case-to-case basis to BHEL through Service provider within 24
hours of Auction without fail.
10. Any variation between the on-line bid value and the signed document will be
considered as sabotaging the tender process and will invite disqualification of
vendor to conduct business with BHEL as per prevailing procedure.
11. In case BHEL decides not to go for Reverse Auction procedure for this tender
enquiry, the Price bids and price impacts, if any, already submitted and
available with BHEL shall be opened as per BHELs standard practice.
12. BHEL reserves the right to negotiate if need be, with the L1 vendor of the
Reverse Auction
2.6 After the completion of erection and construction, the contractor shall submit to
the Owner As Built drawings in 3 sets of copies as specified elsewhere.
NOTE : All frames shall be designed for future expansion as given in the above
specifications and general arrangement drawings.
Effective length of comparison member should be as per clause 7.2 and maximum
values of effective slenderness ratios should be as per Table 3 of IS-800-2007.
1.5.11 If necessary and called for by the Engineer, shop drawings shall be revised
to suit modified requirements and these shall be resubmitted for approval of
the Engineer in charge.
1.5.12 While the shop drawings prepared by the contractor, and approved by the
Engineer in charge represent the correct interpretation of work to be done,
the contractor is not relieved of his responsibilities for:-
a) Dimensional accuracy
b) Correctness of engineering and design of connections
c) Fit of parts
d) Details
e) Errors or omissions
f) Material and workmanship
g) Methodology of fabrication and erection
h) Safety of performance Electrodes for shielded-arc manual welds shall comply with the
requirements of IS: 814 and shall be amenable to radiographic tests and
shall be of approved make. The electrodes for manual arc welding shall be
suitable for use in the position and type of work, as laid down in the above
specifications and as recommended by the manufacturers. Electrodes
classification group 1 or 2 as given in IS: 814 shall be used for welding steel
conforming to IS:2062. Electrodes shall conform to IS-1442 for steel
conforming to IS: 8500. Joints in materials above 20mm thick, and, all
important connections shall be made with low hydrogen electrodes
Electrode flux covering shall be sound and unbroken. Broken or damaged
coating shall cause the electrodes to be discarded. Covered electrodes for
manual arc-welding shall be properly stored in an oven prior to use in a
manner recommended by the Manufacturer and only an hours quota shall
be issued to each welder from the oven. In case the tests uncover defective work, such tests shall be at the
Contractors cost and the Contactor shall correct such defects at his own cost
and prove the soundness of rectified work. The correction of defective welds shall be carried out as directed by the
Engineer in charge without damaging the parent metal. When a crack in the
weld is removed, magnetic particle inspection or any other equally positive
means as prescribed by the Engineer in charge shall be used to ensure that
the whole of the crack and material up to 25mm beyond each end of the
crack has been removed. Cost of all such tests and operations incidental to
correction shall be to the Contractors account.
1.7.10 FABRICATION TOLERANCES: Unless otherwise shown on drawings, the fabrication tolerances shall
generally be as detailed hereunder.
1.7.11 STRAIGHTNESS: The dimensional and weight tolerance for rolled shapes shall be in
accordance with IS: 1852 for indigenous steel and equivalent applicable
codes for imported steel. The acceptable limits for straightness (sweep and
camber) fro rolled or fabricated members shall be:-
Struts and columns: L/1000 or 10mm whichever is smaller. For all other
members not primarily in compression such as purlins, beams, bracings & web
members of trusses and latticed girders: L/500 or 15mm whichever is
less.(Where L is the length of finished member, or such lesser length as the
Engineer in charge may specify).
1.7.12 TWISTS: A limit of twist (prior to erection) in:-
Box girders and heavy columns: L/1500
Other members L/1000
1.7.13 CAMBER: Tolerance in specified camber of structural members shall be 3mm.
Metallographic investigations of
welds macro-structure and
The following safety measures should be strictly adhered to during execution of works at sites.
1. Providing the working platform with toe board and handrail for continuous working at heights.
2. Providing safety belt and life line at all times for men working at heights.
3. Providing dust or fume respirator in places where dust and fume concentration exists.
4. Providing goggles and welding screens.
5. Providing acid and alkali proof rubber gloves for handling acid and alkali and chemical which
are corrosive.
6. Providing rubber gloves for working on electrical works.
7. Ensuring proper lashing of the components while being transported in vehicles.
8. The vehicles must have side supports or have body to support the materials conveyed.
9. The materials should not be allowed to extend or overflow the sides of the vehicles.
10. Materials should not be allowed to overhang from the rear edge of the body of the vehicle.
11. Driver of the vehicle must possess license.
12. Vehicle must not be overloaded prescribed limits.
13. Red flags and lights for parts projecting from the body of vehicle must be provided.
14. The speed restrictions within the factory premises must be strictly adhered to.
15. The gas cylinders must be always handled on trolleys or kept tied down not in use. They should
never be rolled as Roller for conveying.
16. Cylinders should not be used without regulators.
17. All excavations must be barricaded and red lamps / tapes must be provided.
18. All electrical connections must be properly earthed.
19. No work should be taken up for execution inside shop floor, without obtaining necessary work
20. Providing helmet, safety belt, safety shoes etc., for high level work and sufficient number of
Industrial Safety nets at appropriate level to safeguard the persons working at high level
particularly in trusses, girders, roofing etc., of industrial and high roof buildings.
21. The contractor should maintain a register regarding the driver license particulars.
22. All personal protective equipment conform with standard specification as per the details given
in the code of conduct.
Contractor including their sub contractors, agents and labour engaged on the work are
required to scrupulously adhere to the safety regulations, safety precautions and measurers.
Any violation thereof will invite punitive action being taken against them. Also contractors with
frequent violations of safety regulations will not be entrusted with further work in this
1. Vehicles carrying material should have proper registration documents and must be produced on
demand by our Security Staff.
2. The light on right side, i.e., over the drivers cabin shall be in working condition.
3. Both the head lights as well as park lamps must be in working conditions.
4. The vehicles should have valid smoke emission test conducted before entering the site premises
and should the same shold be produced to security/safety personnel if required.
1. The vehicle should not travel at more than 20 in our premises.
2. The Driver of the vehicle must possess heavy duty license and produce on demand by the Security
3. Vehicles carrying inflammable liquids in the tank containers should have grounding chain or the tank
should be coated with insulating material also to avoid Static Electricity.
4. In road junctions, speed breakers and railway crossing, the speed should be lowered and vehicle
should proceed cautiously.
6. The vehicle should not be parked in road which could obstruct the vehicular traffic.
7. No person other than driver should be allowed to sit or stand on the prime mover or trailer.
8. The vehicle should pass only through the approved routes. Short cuts should be forbidden.
10. The driver should avoid making quick starts, jerky stops or quick turns at excessive speed.
1. The Contractor shall not employ in connection with the work any person who has not completed 18
years of age.
2. The Contractor shall in respect of labour employed by him either directly or through subcontractors,
comply with or cause to be complied with the following statutory provisions and rules and in regard
to all matters provided therein.
a) The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970 and the related Tamil
Nadu Rules.
b) The Minimum Wages Act 1948 and the related Tamil Nadu Rules.
c) The Payment of Wages Act 1936 and the related Tamil Nadu Rules.
d) The Factories Act 1948 and the related Tamil Nadu Rules.
e) The Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952.
f) The Workmen Compensation Act 1923.
g) The Industrial Disputes Act 1947.
and any other law or modifications to the above or to the Rules made there under from time to time.
3. Every Contractor shall register his name with the Welfare Section of BHEL before taking up the work
awarded to him by giving the following information and getting a Code Number :
This information is called for, for the purpose of informing the Inspectorate of Factories whenever
they call for information regarding contracts.
4. The Contractor employing 20 or more workmen is required to obtain license from the authorities (
The Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories / Assistant Commissioner of Labour as the case may be ).
The license shall be amended and / or renewed wherever, there is an increase in the workmen
employed by him or in the event of contract being extended or renewed. The Contractor shall
inform the license number to the BHEL Management before taking up the work.
5. The Contractor (Licensed or unlicensed) shall promptly furnish every information and document
required by BHEL authorities for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations as Principal Employer and /
or Occupier of the Factory and shall render all necessary assistance for the same.
6. The Contractor shall pay wages to the workmen employed by him at the rate which shall not be less
than the minimum wages applicable under Law from time to time.
7. The Contractor shall fix wage periods in respect of which wages shall be payable. No wage period
shall exceed one month.
8. The Contractor shall ensure payment of wages to the contract labour employed by him within three
days from the end of wage period in case the wage period is one week or a fortnight and in all other
cases before 10 day of the following month.
9. All Payment of wages shall be made on working days at the work site and during the working time
and on date notified in advance. In case the work is completed before the expiry of the wage period
final payment shall be made within 48 hours of the last working day.
10. Where the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the Contractor, the wages
earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the day on which his
employment is terminated.
11. Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct or to the person authorized by him in this
behalf. All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency in both.
12. The Contractor shall ensure the disbursement of wages in the presence of such authorized
representative of BHEL Management.
13. The above payment shall be verified by the authorized officer / representative of BHEL with the
following certificate of the payment sheet Certified that the amount shown in Column No..
has been paid to the workmen concerned in my presence on
14. A certificate of payment shall be furnished in duplicate by the Contractor to the Engineer in charge
each month in Form A.
15. A notice showing the wage period and the place and time of disbursement of wages shall be
displayed at the place of work and a copy to be sent to the Welfare Department by the Contractor
under acknowledgement.
16. Notices showing the rate of wages, weekly rest days, hours of work, wage period, date of payment
of wages, names and addresses of the Inspector having jurisdiction, the date of unpaid wages shall
be displayed in Tamil and English in conspicuous places at the establishment and at work site by
the Contractor. The Contractor shall inform the BHEL Management every month the details of
contract labour engaged for contract in this following form :
a) Serial Number
b) Location
c) Period of work
d) No. of contract labour engaged during the month
e) No. of days worked
f) No. of men worked
g) Wages paid to workers
The above statement shall be furnished to BHEL Management at the end of every month.
17. The following documents / formats under Contract Labour ( Regulation & Abolition ) Act 1970 and
Tamil Nadu Rules there under shall be maintained by each contractor.
18. The Contractor shall display the abstract of the Contract Labour (Regulation Abolition ) Act and the
Rules there under both in English and Tamil.
19. Half yearly Return shall be sent by the Contractor in duplicate to the Licensing Officer.
20. The Contractor shall submit the returns required under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition )
Act 1970 periodically to BHEL Management.
21. The Contractor shall without fail give up to date information in writing of the attendance of the
workers employed by him.
22. The Contractor shall ensure that his workers keep and produce their Employment Card when
coming to duty and take them back when leaving duty.
23. All the above registers and records shall be preserved in original for a period of three years. All the
registers, records and notice maintained under the Act and rules shall be produced on demand by
Inspector or any authority under the Act.
24. No worker shall be required or allowed to work on Sunday unless he has or will have a holiday on
anyone of the three days before or after the said day.
25. The Contractor shall inform BHEL Management in the prescribed form details of the contract
workers scheduled to work on Sunday, the day of rest and also indicate the substituted holiday in
lieu thereof. This shall be intimated two days in advance before his workmen are booked for work
on Sunday.
26. The contract labour working for more than nine hours in any day or for more than 48 hours in any
week shall be paid wages at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of wages in accordance with the
provisions of Sections 59 of the Factories Act 1948.
27. The Contractor shall provide all safety devices and personal protective equipment to his workmen
at his own cost and shall ensure that his workmen wear / use such devices or equipment provided
to them while doing the work and there should not be any relaxation on this.
th st
28. The Contractor shall give four paid National Holidays to his workers, viz., 26 January, 1 May,
th nd
15 August and 2 October.
29. The Contractor shall ensure that his workmen vacate the premises after the shift is over.
30. The Contractor shall give leave with wages to his workmen who have worked for a period of 240
days or more in the Factory premises during a calendar year. This leave shall be allowed during the
subsequent calendar year at the rate of one day for every 20 days of work performed by the worker
during the previous calendar year. The worker whose services commences on a day other than the
first of January shall be entitled to leave with wages at the above rate (One day for every 20 days of
31. No woman worker shall be required or allowed to work in the Factory except between the hours of
6.00 A.M. and 7.00 P.M.
32. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions relating to Welfare and Health facilities as provided
in the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 read with the Tamil Nadu Contract
Labour Rules 1975.
33. Notwithstanding anything contrary to this, in the event of accident the contractor shall be required to
fill injury report and submit the Engineer in charge immediately and ensure the compliances of ESI
/ Workmens compensation Act, Factories Act and Rules made thereunder. He shall also maintain a
register of accident as per the Act.
34. The Contractor shall get the contract labour engaged by him insured under Workmens
Compensation policy from General Insurance Corporation of India before actually starting the work
of contract. The insurance coverage should be for the entire period of Contract. The Contract shall
comply with the provisions of the Workmens Compensation Act 1923. (This should be read in
conjunction with the provisions of ESI Act )
35. The contractor shall ensure that his workmen are covered under the EPF & Miscellaneous
Provisions Act 1952 and accordingly produce to the BHEL Management the registration / enrolment
number before awarding of contract work. As per the existing provisions every worker shall be
entitled and required to become a member of the fund. The employees contribution payable at
present is 12% of wages which will be recovered by the contractor from the wages of his workmen
and the contractor should pay equal contribution. The contractor is also liable to pay any
administrative charges in this behalf that may be decided from time to time. It will be the
responsibility of the contractor to ensure such contribution payable in respect of workmen employed
through sub-contractors also.
36. The Contractor shall take note of any amendment in the rate of contribution payable under the
scheme from time to time.
37. The Contractor shall within seven days of the close of every month submit to BHEL a statement
showing the amount of contribution payable / paid for employees engaged by him or through him
and shall also furnish to BHEL such information as Principal Employer is required to furnish under
the provisions of the PF as well as the schemes made there under to the authorities concerned.
38. Whenever any sum of money is found to be recoverable from or payable by the contractor under
the above Act, the sum shall be deducted from any sum that may be due or which at any time
thereafter may become due to the Contractor under this contract or under any other contract or
from his security deposit. In case the recoveries are not sufficient to satisfy the claim, the contractor
shall pay the balance thereof on demand. In case any recoveries are made under this clause from
security deposit, the contractor shall immediately thereafter pay such further sums as may be
required to replenish the shortage caused by such recoveries in amount of security deposit.
39. The Contractor shall abide by all the labour and other laws applicable to contract labour / worker
under this contract and shall at all times keep BHEL indemnified against all loses, claims,
prosecutions under any law.
40. In case of non-compliance of any of the provisions of the Acts and in case BHEL having complied
with the same, BHEL will be entitled to recover the same from the contractor / sub-contractor.
41. Non-exercise of any of the powers or rights available to BHEL hereunder or under any law, shall
not in any way operate as waiver thereof.
In these General Conditions of Contract, the following terms shall have the meaning hereby assigned to
them except where the context otherwise requires:-
a) The CONTRACT means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof, together with
all documents referred to therein including General and Special Conditions of Contract, Schedules
A, B, C, D, E, and / or General Summary attached to the form of tender, the Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited, Schedule of Rates as amended and in force the Specifications and the
Drawings. All these documents as applicable taken together shall be deemed to form one Contract
and shall be complementary to one another.
b) The TENDER DOCUMENTS means the form of Tender the applicable Schedules A, B, C, D,
E, and / or General Summary, General and Special Conditions of Contract and the Specification
and / or Drawings as given to Contractors on payment for the purpose of preparing their tenders.
c) The WORK means the work described in the tender documents in individual work orders and/or
accompanying Drawings and Specifications as may be issued from time to time to the Contractor by
the Engineerin charge within the powers conferred upon them, including all modified or additional
works and obligations to be carried out either at the site or at any Factory Workshop or other place
as required for the performance of the Contract.
d) The SITE means the lands and/or other places on, in into or through which the work is to be
executed under the Contract or any adjacent land, path or street which may be allotted to or used
for the purpose of carrying out the contract.
e) The CONTRACTOR means the individual, firm or Company, whether incorporated or not
undertaking the work and shall include the legal personal representatives of such individuals or the
persons composing the firm or Company, or the successors of the firm or Company and the
permitted assigns of such individual or firm or Company.
f) The Engineerincharge means the Engineer who is incharge for the works referred.
2. Heading to the Contract:
The heading to these conditions shall not effect the interpretation thereof.
3. Contract Documents
The Accepting Officer shall furnish to the Contractor on demand FREE OF COST three copies of
signed drawings and one copy of the signed agreement comprising of preamble to agreement,
General and Special Specifications, Schedule A, B, C, & E, etc., (but excluding General
Conditions of Contract and Drawings) and three copies of all further drawings issued during the
progress of work.
However, for any additional copies of the agreement or drawings required by the Contractor the
same will be supplied on payment at the specified cost.
The Contractor shall keep one copy of all the Drawings and the Specifications at the site and the
Engineer-in-charge or his representative shall have access to them at all reasonable times.
None of these documents shall be used by the contractor for any purpose other than that of this
The Contractor shall take necessary steps to ensure that all persons employed on any work in
connection with this contract have noticed that the Indian official Secrets Act 1923 (XIX of 1923)
applies to them and shall continue so to apply even after the execution of such works under the
The Contract shall, except as provided under Schedules B and C include all labour, materials,
tools, plants equipment and transport which may be required in preparation for, and in the entire
execution and full completion of the work. Schedule A shall be deemed to have been prepared in
accordance with good practice and recognized principles and unless otherwise stated, the
descriptions given therein shall be held to include waste on materials carriage and cartage, lead,
return of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting in position and all other labour necessary in and for the
entire execution and full completion aforesaid. Any error in description or quantity in schedule A or
any omission there from shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Contractor from the execution of
the whole or any part of the work comprised therein according to the Drawings and Specifications,
or from any of his obligations under the Contract. The insertion of the name of any firm of suppliers
in the Tender Documents is for the purpose of obtaining a particular class or quality of materials or
workmanship but the articles or materials specified may be obtained from any other firm subject to
prior written approval of the Engineer in charge.
In the case of a discrepancy between Schedule A the specification and / or the Drawing, the
Accepting Officer shall be the sole deciding authority as to which shall prevail and his decision shall
be final and conclusive. If neither Drawings nor Specifications contain any mention of minor details
of construction, which in the opinion of the Accepting Officer whose decision shall be final and
conclusive, are reasonable and obviously and fairly intended for the satisfactory completion of the
work, such details shall be provided by the Contractor without any extra cost as if they were
specially mentioned and shall be deemed to be included in the contract.
The contractor will be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the nature of the site, local facilities of
access and all matters affecting the execution and completion of the work. No extra charges
consequent on any mis-understanding in these respects or otherwise will be allowed.
item inserted in the tender documents shall be deducted from the contract sum and the value of
work ordered and executed thereunder shall be ascertained by measurement or valuation as for
No work under these items is to be begun without instructions in writing from the Engineer-in-
The extent of quantities or items described as Provisional shall not be held to guarantee or limit the
amount and description of the work to be executed by the contractor either in respect of the items
concerned or the work as a whole.
No addition or deduction shall be made by the Contractor to the amount of the provisional lumpsums
as included in the tender documents.
6. Deviations
The contractor shall not make any alteration in addition to or omission from the work as described in
the tender documents except in pursuance of the written instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. No
such deviation from the work described in the tender documents shall be valid unless the same has
been specifically confirmed and accepted by the Accepting Officer in writing and incorporated in the
The Accepting Officer may deviate either by way of addition or deduction, from the work so
described, provided that the contract sum be not thereby varied on the whole by more than the
percentage set out in the tender documents. The value of all addition and deductions will be added
to, or deducted from the contract sum. Whenever the Accepting Officer intends to exercise such a
right, his intention shall specify the deviations which are to be made, the lumpsum assessment or
the proposed basis of payment, the extra time allowed, if any, and the date for completion of the
entire contract.
Any objection by the Contractor to any matter concerning the order shall be notified by him in writing
to the Engineer-in-charge within Seven days from the date of such order, but under no
circumstances shall the work be stopped (unless so ordered by the Engineer-in-charge) owing to
differences or controversy that may arise from such an objection. In the absence of such a
notification of objection by the contractor, he will be deemed to have accepted the order and the
conditions stated therein. In the event of the contractor failing to agree with the Engineer-in charge
regarding the terms of the proposed deviation, the objection shall be referred to the Project Manager
whose decision shall be final conclusive and binding on the Contractor.
7. Time
Time is the essence of the contract and is specified in the tender document or in each
individual Work Order.
As soon as possible after the contract is let or any substantial Work Order is placed and before work
under is to begin, the Engineer-in-charge and the Contractor shall agree to a Time and Progress
Chart. The Chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in the Tender Documents or
the Work Order for the completion of the individual items there of and/the contract or order as a
whole. It shall indicate the forecast of the dates for the commencement of the various trade
processes or sequences of the work, and shall be amended as may be required by agreement
between the Engineer-in-charge and the Contractor within the limitation of the time imposed in the
Tender Documents or Order
The contractor shall suspend the execution of the work, or any part or parts thereof whenever called
upon in writing by the Engineerincharge to do so, and
shall not resume work thereon until so directed in writing by the Engineer incharge. The
Contractor will be allowed an extension of time for completion not less than the period of
suspension. However, no other claim in this respect for compensation or otherwise however will be
admitted. Provided the cause for suspension is not attributable to any default on the contractors
part to proceed with or fulfill the contractual obligations. This may also be extended to allow for
alteration of work made by the deviation order.
The contractor shall, at his own expense and without delay, supply samples of materials proposed
to be used in the execution of the work for approval of the Engineerincharge, who may reject the
materials not corresponding either in quality or character to the approved samples.
In the case of stores provided under Schedule B the Contractor shall bear the cost of loading,
transporting to site, unloading, storing under cover as required assembling and jointing the several
parts together as necessary and incorporating or fixing these stores materials in the work, including
all preparatory work of whatever description as may be required, and of closing, preparing, loading
and returning empty cases or containers to the place of issue without any extra charges.
The Contractor shall fully indemnify B.H.E.L or the agent, servant, or employee of B.H.E.L against
any action, claim or proceeding relating to infringement or the use of any patent or design or any
alleged patent or design rights, and shall pay any royalties which may be payable in respect of any
article / or part there of included in the contract.
In the event of any claims being made or action brought against B.H.E.L or any agent, or servant or
employee of BHEL in respect of matters aforesaid the Contractor shall immediately be notified
thereof for taking necessary action provided that payment of indemnity shall not apply when such
infringement has taken place in complying with the specific directions issued by the BHEL but the
Contractor shall pay any royalties payable in respect of any such use.
All charges on account of Octroi, Terminal or Sales Tax and/or other duties on material obtained for
the work (excluding materials provided by B.H.E.L on payment) shall be borne by the contractor.
12. Royalties:
Royalties fixed from time to time as per prevalent local rules will be recovered for
materials, which the Contractor may be allowed to remove from quarries situated on land
which is in charge of the B.H.E.L authorities.
The Contractor, shall at his own expense, supply all tools, plant and equipment (here-in-after
referred to as T & P) required for the execution of the contract other than those listed in Schedule C
which subject to their availability may be hired by B.H.E.L., to the Contractor or issued free for use in
the execution of the work as specified in Tender Documents.
The Contractor shall not, without the prior written approval of the Accepting Officer, assign or
transfer the Contract or any part thereof, or any share, or interest therein to any other person. No
sum of money which may become payable under the Contract shall be payable to any person other
than the Contractor unless the prior written approval of the Accepting Officer to the assignment or
transfer of such money is given.
The Contractor shall not sublet any portion of the Contract without the prior written approval of the
Accepting Officer.
The Contractor shall conform to the provision of any statute relating to the work and regulations and
bye-laws of any local authority and of any water and lighting Companies or Undertakings with whose
system the work is proposed to be connected. He shall, before making any variation from the
drawings or the specifications that may be necessitated for such connections give the Engineer
in charge notice, specifying the variation proposed to be made and the reasons there for and shall
not carry out any such variation until he has received instructions from the Engineerincharge in
respect thereof. The contractor shall be bound to give all notice required by Statute Regulations or
Bye-laws as aforesaid and to pay all fees, and taxes payable to any authority in respect thereof.
16.1 Security Deposit should be collected from the successful tenderer. The rate of Security Deposit
will be as below:
Above Rs. 10 lakh upto Rs.50 lakh 1 lakh + 7.5% of the amount Exceeding
Rs.10 Lakh
At least 50% of the security Deposit should be furnished before start of the work by the contractor
in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee.
iii) Local cheques of scheduled banks in the name of BHEL subject to realization
iv) Securities available from Post Offices such as National Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras etc.
(Certificates should be held in the name of Contractor furnishing the security and duly pledged in
favour of BHEL and discharged).
v) Bank Guarantee from Scheduled Banks / Public Financial Institutions as defined in the Companies
Act subject to a maximum of 50% of the total security deposit value. The balance 50% has to be
remitted either by cash or in the other form of security. The Bank Guarantee format should have the
approval of BHEL.
vi) Fixed Deposit Receipt issued by Scheduled Banks / Public Financial Institutions as defined in the
Companies Act . The FDR should be in the name of the contractor, A/C BHEL, duly discharged on the back.
vii) Security deposit can also be recovered at the rate of 10% from the running bills. However in such
cases at least 50% of the Security Deposit should be collected before start of the work and the
balance 50% may be recovered from the running bills.
viii) EMD of the successful tenderer shall be converted and adjusted against the security deposit.
NOTE: Acceptance of Security Deposit against Sl. No. (iv) and (vi) above will be subject to
hypothecation or endorsement on the documents in favour of BHEL. However, BHEL will
not be liable or responsible in any manner for the collection of interest or renewal of the
documents or in any other matter connected therewith.
the final bill and the balance 50% of the Security Deposit is refundable only after the expiry of
the maintenance period of six (6) months from the date of completion of work as stipulated in
All orders, notices etc., to be given under the contract shall be in writing typescript or printed and if
sent by registered post to the address given in the tender of the contractor, shall be deemed to have
been served on the date when in the ordinary course they would have been delivered to him.
The contractor shall carry out without delay all orders given to him.
The Contractor shall not enter on (other than for inspection purposes) or take possession of the site
unless permitted to do so by the Engineer-in-charge. The portions of the Site to be occupied by the
Contractor will be clearly defined and marked on the site plan, and the Contractor will on no account
be allowed to extend his operations beyond these areas.
The Contractor shall provide, if necessary or required at the Site, temporary access there to and
shall alter, modify and maintain the same as required from time to time. He shall take out and clear
away the access route when no longer required and restoring the area to its original condition.
The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to execute other works (whether or not connected with the
work in the contract agreement) on the site contemporaneously with the execution of the original
work and Contractor shall give reasonable facilities for this purpose.
B.H.E.L reserves the right of taking over, at any time, any portion of the site which they may require
and the Contractor shall at his own expense clear such portion forthwith. No photographs of the
Site or of the work or any part there of shall be taken, published or otherwise circulated without the
prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
No such approval shall however exempt the contractor from complying with any statutory provisions
in regard to the taking and publication of such photographs.
B.H.E.L Officials connected with the Contract shall have the right of entry to the Site at all times.
Engineer - in charge shall have the power to exclude from the site any person whose admission
there to may, in his opinion be undesirable for any reason whatsoever.
The Contractor shall either himself supervise the execution of the Contract or shall appoint a
competent Agent approved by the Engineerincharge to act in his stead. The contractor shall
employ an Engineer/Agent having at least a Degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering from a
recognized University/on any work with a Contract value exceeding rupees two lakhs, and having at
least a Diploma in civil Engineering from a recognised college, on work with a contract value
exceeding Rs. 50,000/- but not exceeding rupees two lakhs.
The Employment of an Engineer/Agent as aforesaid shall not be necessary if the Contractor himself
in possession of a recognized technical qualification and is in opinion of the Engineer-in-charge
capable of receiving instructions of the Engineerincharge and of executing the work to the
satisfaction of the Engineerincharge. If the Contractor fails to appoint a suitable Engineer/ Agent
as aforesaid, the Engineerincharge shall have full powers to suspend the execution of work and
stop payment of any advances that may have become due until such date as a suitable
Engineer/Agent is appointed and the contractor shall be held responsible for the delay caused to the
work and no extension of time on this account shall be given to him as stipulated in condition (9)
Orders given to the Contractors Agent/Engineer shall be considered to have the same force as if
they had been given to the Contractor himself.
The contractor or his Agent shall be in attendance at the site during all working hours and shall
superintend the execution of work with such additional assistance in each trade as the Engineerin -
charge may consider necessary.
The contractor or his accredited agent shall attend when required and without making any claim for
doing so, either the Office of the Engineerincharge or the work site to receive instructions.
The Engineerincharge shall have full powers, and without assigning any reason to require the
Contractor immediately to cease to employ in connection with the Contract any Agent, servant or
employee whose continued employment is, in his opinion undesirable.
20. The Contractor shall employ labourer in sufficient numbers either directly or through sub-contractors
to maintain the required rate of progress and of quality to ensure workmanship of the degree
specified in the Contract and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall not
employ in connection with the works any person who has not completed his fifteen years of age.
The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-charge at the intervals specified by him, a distribution
return of the number and description by trades of the work people employed on the works. The
th th
Contractor shall also submit on the 4 and 19 of every month to the Engineer-in-charge a true
statement showing in respect of the second half of the preceding month and the 1 half of the
current month (i) the accidents that occurred during the said fortnight showing the
circumstances under which they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused by them
and (ii) The number of female workers who have been allowed maternity benefit as provided in the
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 or Rules made thereunder and the amount paid to them.
The Contractor shall pay to labour employed by him either directly or through subcontractors
wages not less than fair wages as defined in the Contractors Labour Regulations.
The contractor shall in respect of labour employed by him either directly or through sub
contractors comply with or cause to be complied with Contractors Labour Regulations in regard to
all matters provided therein.
The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act 1936, Minimum
Wages Act 1948, Employers liability Act 1938, Workmens Compensation Act 1923, Industrial
Disputes Act 1947, Maternity Benefit Act 1961 and Mines Act 1952, Contract Labour Regulation and
Abolition Act 1970 or any modifications there of or any other law relating thereto and rules made
thereunder from time to time.
The Engineerincharge shall on a report having been made by an Inspecting Officer as defined in
the Contractors labour Regulations have the power to deduct from the moneys due to the
Contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by the
worker or worker by reason of non-fulfillment of the Conditions of the Contract for the benefit of
workers, non-payment of wages or of deductions made from his or their wages which are not
justified by the terms of the Contract or non-observance of the said Contractors Labour
The Contractor shall indemnify the B.H.E.L against any payments to be made under and for
observance of the Regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his
In the event of the Contractor committing a default or breach of any of the provisions of the
aforesaid Contractors Labour Regulations, as amended from time to time or furnishing any
information or submitting or filling any form / Register/Slip under the provisions of these Regulations
which is materially incorrect then on the report of the Inspecting Officers as defined in the
Contractors Labour Regulation, the Contractor shall without prejudice to any other liability pay to the
B.H.E.L a sum not exceeding Rs. 50/- as liquidated damages for every default breach or furnishing,
making submitting, filling materially incorrect statement as may be fixed by the Engineerincharge
and in the event of the Contractors default continuing in this respect, the liquidated damages may
be enhanced to Rs. 50/- per day for each day of default subject to a maximum percent of the
estimated cost of works put to tender.
The Engineer in charge shall deduct such amount from bills or security deposit of the Contractor and
credit the same to the Welfare Fund constituted under Regulations. The decision of the Engineer-
in-charge in this respect shall be final and binding.
Safety Code
The Contractor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety provisions as appended to these
conditions or as required by the Engineer in charge, in respect of all labour directly or indirectly
employed for performance of the works and shall provide all facilities in connection therewith. In
case the Contractor fails to make arrangements and provide necessary facilities as aforesaid, the
Engineer incharge shall be entitled to do so and recover the cost thereof from the Contractor.
Failure to comply with model Rules for Labour Welfare, Safety Code, or the provisions relating to
report on accidents and to grant of maternity benefits to female workers shall make the Contractor
liable to pay to the B.H.E.L as liquidated damages an amount not exceeding Rs. 50/- for each
default or materially incorrect statement. The decision of the Engineerincharge in such matters
based on reports from the Inspecting Officers as defined in the Contractors Labour Regulation as
appended to these conditions shall be final and binding and deductions for recovery of such
liquidated damages may be made from any amount payable to the Contractor.
21. BHEL will provide water at free of cost by identifying the water source (Open well) within the BHEL
premises subject to availability and the contractor has to make their own arrangement for pumping
the water from well and using the same after ensuring the suitability for the purpose. In case BHEL
is not able to provide water as stated above, the contractor has to make their own arrangement for
bringing the required quality of water at their own cost from outside BHEL premises for construction
& testing purpose.
On completion of the work all such temporary buildings shall be cleared away and the site restored
and left in a clean and tidy condition to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
Where in accordance with the contract stipulations certain Stores & Materials (for incorporation in
the work) are to be issued to the Contractor by the BHEL as detailed under Schedule B such
items will be so issued only to the extent required for the actual completion of the work as
stipulated in the contract. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge regarding the quantities to be
issued as above shall be final and binding on the contractor. For any excess quantities consumed
on the work upto 5% over the theoretical consumption will be charged at issue rates and excess
consumption beyond this limit, their cost will be recovered from the Contractor at punitive rates
which will be 100% (Hundred Percent) more than the issue rates of the BHEL as specified in the
Instructions to the Tenderers.
In regard to the materials and stores which may be issued to the Contractor by BHEL the Contractor
shall give the Engineer-in-charge reasonable notice in writing of his requirements of such stores and
materials and on the approval of his demand being notified to him, he shall make immediate
arrangements for drawing the same. Such stores and materials shall be transported by the
Contractor at his own expense direct from the place of issue to the site of the work, unless prior
written approval is obtained from the Engineer-in-charge to take them to a Store or Workshop
The Contractor shall have to build a weather proof shed for the storage of cement required for 15
days consumption of the work.
BHEL Officers connected with the Contract shall have the power at any time to inspect and examine
any stores or materials intended to be used in or on the work, whether on the site or at any factory
or workshop or other place where such stores or materials are being fabricated or manufactured or
at any place where the same are lying and the contractor shall give necessary facilities for such
inspection and examination.
The Engineer-in-charge shall be entitled to have tests made of any stores or materials supplied by
the Contractor who shall provide at his own expense all facilities which the Engineer-in-charge may
require for this purpose. If at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge an independent expert is
employed to make any such tests his charges shall be borne by the Contractor only if the test
discloses that the said stores or materials are not in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
All stores and materials brought to the Site shall become and remain the property of B.H.E.L and shall
not be removed from the site without prior written approval of the Engineer-in-charge. However, when
the work is finally completed, the Contractor shall at his own expense forthwith remove from the
site all surplus stores or materials originally supplied by him and upon such removal, the same shall
revert in and become the property of Contractor. All B.H.E.L Stores and materials issued to Contractor
for in-corporation or fixing in the work and which, making due allowance for reasonable wear and
tear/or waste, have not on completion of the work been so incorporated or fixed, shall be returned by
the Contractor at his own expense to the place of issue.
Credit for surplus stores and/ or materials returned by the contractor to B.H.E.L will be given to him at a
price based on the prevailing market rate but not exceeding that at which the said stores and materials
were originally issued to him but due consideration shall be given to the allowance claimed by B.H.E.L
in respect or any depreciation or damage suffered by the stores and/or materials whilst in the custody of
the Contractor regarding which the decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge (which shall be final and conclusive) any stores, supplied by
B.H.E.L have either during currency of the work or after completion of the work whilst under the custody
of the Contractor, become damaged to such an extent that they cannot be usefully utilized, either in the
same work or in other works, the Engineer-in-charge shall not accept the stores and in the event of his
rejection the contractor shall be charged for the said Stores at a rate as fixed by the Accepting Officer.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim whatsoever on this account.
A monthly detailed statement of the hire charge incurred in respect of B.H.E.L tools, plants, equipments
etc., shall be given to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-charge.
The Contractor shall provide all watchmen necessary for the protection of the site, the work, the
materials, tools, plants, equipments and anything else lying on the Site during the progress of the
work. He shall be solely responsible for and shall take all reasonable and proper steps for
protecting, securing, lighting and watching, all places on or about the work and the Site which may
be dangerous to any person whomsoever.
28. Setting out of the Works and Protective and Maintaining Signals and Works:
The Engineer-in-charge shall supply dimensioned drawings, levels and other information necessary
to enable the contractor to set out the work. The Contractor shall at his own expense set accurately
according to the drawings and figured dimension thereon, all the work comprised in the contract and
any extras or additions there-to and shall be solely responsible for their being so set out and
executed. All bench marks, pegs, signals on the surface, alignment stones, milestones and all
similar marks whether put in by B.H.E.L Authorities for the purpose of checking the Contractors
work or in the nature of permanent survey marks will during the tenure of the contract, be under
the care of the Contractor who shall, at his own expense, take,all proper and reasonable
precautions and care to preserve and maintain them in their true position. In the event of these
marks being disturbed or obliterated by accident or due to any other cause whatsoever, the same
may, if deemed necessary, be replaced by the Engineer-in-charge at the Contractors expense and
the cost thereof deducted from any money then or thereafter becoming due to the Contractor.
Where requested by the Contractor, the level marks, center line and chainage pegs corresponding
to those shown on the Drawing will be pointed out to the Contractor on the ground but all bench
marks or chainage pegs additional to those shown on the Drawing will be set out by BHEL
31. Foundations
The Contractor shall not lay any foundations until the excavations for the same have been examined
and approved in writing by the Engineer-in-charge.
The Engineer-in-charge will communicate or confirm his instructions to the Contractor in respect of
the execution of the Work in a Work Site Order Book maintained at his office and the Contractor
shall visit this office daily and shall confirm receipt of such instructions by signing the relevant
entries in this book. Such entries will rank as order or notices in writing within the intent and
meaning of these conditions.
The Contractor shall give to the Engineer-in-charge reasonable notice of the start of any work
ordered to be executed by day-work and shall deliver to the Engineer-in-charge within two days of
the end of each pay week a return in duplicate giving full detailed accounts of labour and materials
for that pay-week. One copy of each of these returns, if found correct, will be certified by the
Engineer-in-charge and returned to the contractor and must be produced at the time of adjustment
of accounts.
An invoice in duplicate signed by the Contractor or his agent shall be sent with each delivery of
materials for day-work and the Contractor will be furnished with a receipt signed by the Engineer-in-
charge specifying the description, quantities weight or measurement (as the case may be) of the
articles approved, reference will be made in this receipt in the return aforesaid and the Contractors
In the case of Lumpsum Contracts, the rates to be charged and the percentage addition for profit
and establishment charges, etc., will be agreed upon between the Accepting Officer and the
Contractor prior to the execution of the work.
38. Insurance
The contractor shall within one month after the date of the acceptance of the contract, insure the
work against loss or damage to the contract works, temporary work and materials erected in
performance of the contract on all risks basis from the time of arrival on site until taken over by
BHEL on completion of the contract.
The cover shall also include wherever necessary the risks of testing including breakdown or
explosion of plant and machinery undergoing testing, trail and commissioning operations. The
insurance shall also specifically cover removal of debris cost. The sum insured shall represent the
estimated full value of the contract works inclusive of value of free supply materials by BHEL,
transport charges, customs dues, express freight, overtime charges, cost of erection, value of
constructional plants and machinery, removal of debris and escalation of costs where the
contract includes a maintenance period, the insurance cover shall specifically include the
contractors liabilities during the maintenance period. The insurance shall also be extended to
cover third party personal injury and property damage for a sum to be specified by BHEL. The
insurance shall be effected in the name of BHEL and the contractor shall submit to BHEL a draft of
the insurance policy for approval. The policy when issued will be lodged with BHEL together with
receipts of premium for such insurance and the contractor shall maintain such policies in force until
the obligations of the contractor are fully discharged.
If the contractor fails to comply with the terms of this condition the Accepting officer may insure the
work and may deduct the amount of premiums from any money that may become payable to the
contractor or may at his discretion refuse payment of any advances to the contractor until the
contractor shall have complied with the terms of this condition. This provision does not, however,
absolve the contractor of his responsibility for taking up the insurance. The contractor is, therefore,
primarily responsible for taking up the insurance in time.
40. Completion
The works shall be completed to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge and in accordance
with the Contractors forecast of Time and Progress where operative, and all unused stores and
materials, tools, plants, equipments, temporary buildings and things shall be removed and the site
and work cleared of rubbish and all waste materials and delivered up clean and tidy to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge at the Contractors expense and/or before the Scheduled date
of completion.
The B.H.E.L shall have power to take over from the Contractor from time to time each sections of
the work as have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
In case the Contractor fails to remove any of his properties, assets or fails to clear the rubbish and
waste materials within 30 days of the completion of the contract, it is lawful for the contractee, that is
BHEL to take such action as it deems fit to clear dispose of such properties, assets or such waste
materials and charge the contractor any expenses incurred thereon.
The Engineer-in-charge shall certify to the Contractor the date on which the work is completed and
the state thereof.
The Engineer-in-charge shall also certify to the Contractor the state of the work at the end of
maintenance period, where applicable.
This will also apply to items or group of items for which separate period of completion has been
For this purpose the term Contract Value shall be the value at contract rates of the work as
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this condition shall
not exceed the under noted percentage of the contract value or of the contract value of the item or
group of items of work for which a separate period of completion is given:
The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set-off against any sum payable to the Contractor
under this or any other contract with the B.H.E.L.
a. Offer or give or agree to give to any person in BHEL service any gift or consideration of any kind as
an inducement or reward for doing or for bearing to do or for having done or forborne to do a day act
in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other contract for BHEL service OR
b. Enter into a contract with B.H.E.L in connection with which commission has been paid or agreed to
be paid by him or with his knowledge, unless the particulars of any such commission and the terms
of payment thereof have previously been disclosed in writing to the Accepting Officer, OR
If the Contractor,
a) Being an individual, or if a firm any partner thereof shall at any time be adjudged bankrupt or have a
receiving order or orders for administration of his Estate made against him or shall take any
proceedings, for liquidation or composition under any Bankruptcy Act for the time being in force or
make any conveyance or assignment of his effects of composition or arrangement for the benefit of
his creditor or purport to do so, or if any application be made under any Bankruptcy Act for the time
being in force for the sequestration of his Estate or if a trust deed be granted by him on behalf of his
creditors, OR
b) Being a Company, shall pass a resolution or the Court shall make an order for the liquidation of its
affairs, or a Receiver or Manager on behalf of the debentures holders shall be appointed or
circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or debentures holders to appoint a Receiver or
Manager OR.
c) Assigns, transfers, sub-lets or attempts to assign, transfer or sub-let any portion of the work without
the prior written approval of the Accepting Officer. OR
d) Shall suffer an execution being levied on his goods and allow it to be continued for a period of 21
Engineer-in-charge will have powers to take possessions of the site and any materials,
constructional plant, implements, stores, etc, thereon and or carryout the work by any means at the
risk and cost of the contractor.
In case the BHEL completes the work under the provisions of this condition the cost of such
completion to be taken into account in determining the excess cost to be charged to the contractor
under this Condition shall consist of the cost of materials purchased and/or labour provided by the
BHEL with an addition of such percentage to cover superintendence and establishment charges as
may be decided by the Project Manager/Project Engineer whose decision shall be final and
If the contractor fails to pay the excess sum within a period of 30 days, the Engineer-in-charge shall
have the right to sell any or all of the contractors unused materials, constructional plant implements,
temporary buildings, etc., and apply the proceeds of sale thereof towards the satisfaction of any sum
due from the contractor under the contract and if thereafter be any balance outstanding from the
contractor, it shall be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
If the Contractor:
(a) makes default in commencing the work within a reasonable time from the date of handing
over of the site and continue in that state after a reasonable notice from Engineer-in-charge,
(b) in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge at any time, whether before or after the date or
extended date for completion, makes default in proceeding with the work, with due diligence
and continue in that state after a notice of seven days from Engineer-in-charge, OR
(c) fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the contract or after 7 days notice in
writing with orders properly issued there under, ( OR)
(d) fails to complete the work order and items of work individual dates for completion and clear
the site on or before the date of completion or fails to achieve the progress as set out under
clauses 7 of these General Conditions of Contract.
The Accepting Officer may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy which shall have accrued or
shall accrue there after to B.H.E.L cancel the contract as a whole or in part thereof or only such work
order or items of work in default from the contract. Whenever the Accepting Officer exercises his
authority to cancel the contract as a whole or in part under this conditions he may complete the work at
the Contractors risk and cost, provided always that in the event of the cost of completion (as certified
by Engineer-in-charge which is final and conclusive) being less than the contract cost the advantage
shall accrue to the B.H.E.L if the cost of completion exceeds, the money due to the contractor under this
contract, the contractor shall either pay the excess amount ordered by Project Manager or the same
shall be recovered from the contractor by other means. Engineer-in-charge will have power to take
possession of the site and any materials, constructional plant, implements, Stores, etc., thereon.
In case the B.H.E.L completes the work or any part thereof under the provisions of this conditions the
cost of such completion to be taken in to account in determining the excess cost to be charged to the
contractor under this conditions shall consists of the cost of materials purchased and/or labour provided
by the B.H.E.L with an addition of such percentage to cover superintendence and establishment charges
as may be decided by the Project Manager/Engineer whose decision shall be final and conclusive.
Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this contract if the contractor dies, the
accepting Officer shall have the opinion of terminating the contract without compensation to the
If at any time after the acceptance of the tender B.H.E.L shall for any reason whatsoever not require
the whole or any part of the work, to be carried out the project Manager/Engineer shall give notice in
writing of the fact to the Contractor who shall have no claim to any payment of compensation or
otherwise howsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the
execution of the work in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the foreclosing of the
He shall be paid at Contract rates, for the full amount of the work executed including such additional
works, e.g. clearing of site, etc., as may be rendered necessary by the said fore closing. He shall
also be allowed a reasonable payment (as decided by the Accepting Officer ) for any expenses
sustained on account of labour and materials collected but which could not be utilised on the work,
as verified by the Engineer-in-charge. Neither shall the Contractor have any claim for compensation
on account of any alterations having been made in the original specifications, drawings, designs
and instructions, involving any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated.
a) The contractor shall pay not less than the Fair Wage to labourers engaged by him on the
Fair Wage means wage whether for time or piece work notified at the time of inviting tenders for
the work and where such wages have not been notified the wages prescribed by the Project
Manager/Engineer for the stations at which the work is done.
b) The Contractor shall not with standing the provision of any contract to the contrary, cause to
be paid a Fair Wage to labourers indirectly engaged on the work, including any labour
engaged by the Sub-Contractors in connection with the said work, as if the labourers had
been directly employed by him.
c) In respect of labourers directly or indirectly employed on the work for the performance of the
Contractors part of this Agreement, the Contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied
with B.H.E.L Contractors Labour Regulations (appended here to as Annexure A to these
conditions) in regard to payment of wages, wage period deduction from wages, recovery of
wages not paid and deductions unauthorisedly made, maintenance of wage book, wage-
slips publication of scale of wage and other terms of employment inspection and submission
of periodical returns and all other matters of alike nature.
d) The Engineer-in-charge concerned shall have the right to deduct from the money due to the
contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered
by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfilment of the conditions of the contract for the
benefit of the workers non-payment of wages or of deductions made from his or their wages
which are not justified by the terms of the contract or non-observance of the regulations.
f) The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach
thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of this Contract.
All items having a financial value shall be entered in the B.H.E.L Measurement Book so that a
complete record is obtained of all works performed under the Contract.
Buildings, etc., priced in Schedule A as a unit lumpsum will be entered by number at the unit
Work carried out for agreed lumpsum will be described and similarly recorded.
Lumpsum omissions will be entered for deduction. Measurement shall be restricted to that required
to ascertain the financial liability of B.H.E.L under the contract.
Work which fails to be measured in detail shall be measured physically, without reference to any
local custom that may obtain excepting where it may otherwise be directed in the tender documents.
The measurements shall be taken jointly by any person duly authorized on the part of the BHEL and
by the Contractor.
The Engineer-in-charge shall give reasonable notice in writing to the Contractor of appointment for
The Contractor shall, without extra charge, provide assistance with appliance and other things
necessary for measurement.
The Contractor shall bear all the cost of measurement of his work.
Measurement shall be entered in the B.H.E.L Measurement Book and signed and dated by both
parties each day at the Site on completion of measurement. If the Contractor objects to any of the
measurements recorded on behalf of the B.H.E.L a note to that effect will be made in the BHEL
Measurement Book or against the item or items objected to; and such note shall be signed and
dated by both the parties engaged in taking the measurement.
If, as a result of such objection, it becomes necessary to re-measure the work wholly or in part, the
expense of such re- measurement shall be borne by the party requiring the measurement.
Measurement to be re-taken, provided that a net error is found by this remeasurement to amount to
less than 5% (five percent) of the value as recorded by the first measurement. But, where the net
errors amount to 5% and over of the said value, then the cost is to be borne by the other party. In
any case, if the net value of errors found exceeds Rs. 500/- the expense of re-measurement is to be
borne by the other party. If the Contractors representative fails to attend when required, the
Engineer-in-charge shall have power to proceed by himself to take measurement and in that case
these measurements shall be accepted by the Contractor as final.
The contractor shall, once every month, submit to the Engineer-in-charge with a copy to the Civil
Manager/Senior Engineer details of his claims for the work done by him up to and including the
previous month which are not covered by his Contract Agreement in any of the following respects;
a. Deviation from the items and Specifications provided in the contract documents.
b. Extra Items/New Items of work
c. Quantities in excess of those provided in the contract schedule.
Except where any general or detailed description of the work in quantities expressly shows to
the contrary, schedule of quantities shall be deemed to have been prepared and measurements
shall be taken in accordance with
the procedure set forth in the schedule of rates specification notwithstanding any provision in the
relevant standard method of measurement or any general or local custom. In the case of items
which are not covered by the schedule of rates / specification, measurements shall be taken in
accordance with relevant standard method of measurement issued by the Indian Standard
Institution or as per standard engineering practice.
1. For any item of work required to be carried out after the contract has been awarded and which is not
covered by Contractors Schedule but is covered by B.H.E.L Schedule of rates the rate payable for
such a fresh item will be derived from B.H.E.L Schedule by the method of proportion as follows:
a. In the same proportion to rate in B.H.E.L Schedule of Rates as the tendered rate for the nearest
analogous item of work in Contractors schedule bears to rate for the particular analogous item of
work in B.H.E.L Schedule of rates.
b. If a single appropriate analogous item of work is not available in both Schedule (Contractors and
B.H.E.L Schedule) then the method of proportion will be applied to the nearest analogous group of
items available in both the Schedules referred to i.e. in the same proportion as the total tendered
cost of that particular group of items (the sum of the products of the tendered rates and the
quantities for which orders are placed bears to the total cost of the same items and quantities at the
B.H.E.L Schedule of Rates.
c. If even an appropriate analogous group of items is not available in Contractors Schedule and
B.H.E.L Schedule, then the methods of proportion will be applied to all those items of the whole
work, which are available in both the Schedules and for which orders have been placed on the
contractor, i.e., in the same proportion as the total cost of all these items of work (the sum of the
products of the tendered rates and the quantities for which orders are placed) bears to the total cost
of the same items and qualities at the B.H.E.L Schedule of Rates.
II. If any work not covered by any of the foregoing is ordered on the Contractor, the basis of payment
shall be decided by the Accepting Officer whose decision shall be final and conclusive and binding
on the parties.
The selection of analogous items or analogous group of items referred to above shall be done by
the Engineer-in-charge. Where the rates for deviated items or new items of work can be derived by
the selection of different analogous items or analogous group of items, the lowest of all such derived
rates shall be taken as the correct rate.
In the case of the contracts for which the Engineer-in-charge is the Accepting Officer, all disputes
regarding the settlement of rates of deviated or new items or work shall be referred to the Deputy
Manager/Manager whose decision shall be final and conclusive as the case may be.
If after submission of the tender and/or during the progress of the works, the price of any material
(not being a material supplied from the B.H.E.L store in accordance with the Conditions of the
Contract) is increased or decreased by an Act of Legislature (Central or State) and/or any
notification there under or on account of new duties or levies such as octroi or on account of
increase or decrease in such duties affecting the price of materials required for incorporation in the
The Contractor shall, for the purpose of this condition, keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary to show the amount of any increase claimed or any reduction available
and shall allow inspection of the same by any duly authorized representative of the B.H.E.L and
further shall at the request of the Engineer-in-charge furnish for verification such other information of
the Engineer-in-charge may require.
The Contractor shall within a reasonable time of his becoming, aware of any alteration in the prices
of any such materials, give notice thereof in writing to the Engineer-in-charge stating that the rate is
submitted in pursuance to this condition together with all information relating thereto which he may
be in a position to supply.
No payment shall be made for work estimated to cost less than Rupees FIVE THOUSAND till the
whole of the work shall have been completed and a certificate of completion given by the Competent
In the case of work estimated to cost more than Rupees FIVE THOUSAND the contractor may at
intervals of not less than one month or as otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents,
counting from the date on which order to commence work is given by Engineer-in-charge submit
claims on B.H.E.L forms for payment of advances on account of work done and of materials
delivered in connection with the Contract.
The contractor shall be paid in respect of such claims to the extent approved and passed by the
Engineer-in-charge subject a maximum of 90% of the value of the work actually executed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The certificate of the Engineer-in-charge regarding such
approval and passing of the sums so payable shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor.
After the full amount of Security Deposit is made up through the 10% deduction from On
account bills, 100% payment of all subsequent bills may be made to the Contractor.
The Contractor may also be paid during the progress of the work 75% of the value of any materials
which are in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge in accordance with the Contract, and are actually
required for incorporation in the work and which have reasonably been brought to the site in
connection therewith and are adequately stored and / or protected against damage by weather or
other causes, but which have not at the time of payment of the advance been incorporated in the
work on furnishing a formal hypothecation deed. Payment of such advances, however, shall be
purely at the discretion of the Deputy Manager/Senior Engineer provided always that payments shall
not be made under these periodical certificates in respect of perishable materials like lime, cement,
timber, sand, kankar, etc., Any sums/due from the Contractor on account of Tools and Plant, Stores
or any other items provided by B.H.E.L shall be deducted from the respective advances, the
Engineer-in-charge shall from time to time certify the sums payable to the contractor after retaining
the reserves.
Any certificate relating to work done or materials delivered may be modified or corrected by any
subsequent interim certificate or by the final certificate and no certificate of the Engineer-in-charge
supporting an advance payment shall itself be conclusive evidence that any work or materials to
which it relates are in accordance with the contract. All such intermediate payments shall be
regarded as advances against the final payment only and shall not be considered as an admission
Such intermediate payment shall not conclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the
Engineer-in-charge as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise, or in any
way vary or affect the contract.
As soon as possible after the completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge,
the contractor shall forward a certified final account on BHEL form, in duplicate.
It shall be accompanied by all abstracts, vouchers etc., in support thereof and shall be prepared in
the manner prescribed by the Engineer-in-charge.
The Contractor shall be entitled to be paid the final sum less the value of payments already made on
account subject to certification of the final bill by the Engineer-in-charge. Any sums due from the
contractor on account of Tools & Plant, Stores or any other items provided by BHEL not yet
recovered from the contractor shall be deducted from the final sum aforesaid.
No charge shall be allowed to the Contractor on account of the preparation of the final bill.
50% of the Security Deposit mentioned in condition 16 above, may be refunded to the contractor in
respect of all contracts on completion of work and after payment of final bill and the balance
50% on expiry of the maintenance period, (described under clause 23) provided the contractor
shall have rendered a No-Demand Certificate. In case of works where maintenance period is not
involved 100% of the Security Deposit may be refunded after payment of final bill provided that the
contractor shall have rendered a No-Demand Certificate.
58. Arbitration:
Except where otherwise provided for in the contract all questions and disputes relating to the
meaning of the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions hereinbefore mentioned and as to
the quality of workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right,
matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings,
specifications, estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the work
or failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the
The arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred being transferred or vacating his office or
being unable to act for any reason, such Executive Director / General Manager as aforesaid at the
time of such transfer, vacation of office or inability to act, shall appoint another person to act as
arbitrator in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such person shall be entitled to proceed with
the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor.
Subject as aforesaid the provision of the Arbitration & Reconciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory
modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made there under and for the time being in force
shall apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause.
It is a term of the contract that the party involving arbitration shall specify the dispute or disputes to
be referred to arbitration under this clause together with the amount or amounts claimed in respect
of each such dispute.
The arbitrator(s) may from time to time with consent of the parties enlarge the time for making and
publishing the award.
The work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue, during the arbitration
proceedings and no payment due or payable, to the Contractor shall be withheld on account of such
The Arbitrator shall be deemed to have entered on the reference on the date he issues notice to
both the Parties fixing the date of first hearings.
The arbitrator shall give a separate award in respect of each dispute or difference referred to him.
The venue of arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the Arbitrator in his sole discretion.
The award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties to this contract.
In the event of disputes or differences arising between one public sector enterprise and a Govt.
Department or between two public sector enterprises the above stipulations shall not apply the
provisions of BPE office memorandum No. BPE/CL 001/ 76MAN / 2 (1.10) 75-BPE (GM-1) dated 1
January 1976 or its amendments for arbitration shall be applicable.
1. Definition:
In these regulations, unless otherwise expressed or indicated, the following words and expressions
shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them.
b) Fair Wage means wages, which shall include wages for weekly day of rest and other
allowances, whether for time or piece work, after taking into consideration prevailing market
rates for similar employments in the neighborhood but shall not be less than the minimum
rates of wages fixed under the minimum Wages Act.
c) Contractor for the purpose of these Regulations shall include an agent or Sub-Contractor
employing labour on the work taken on contract.
2. Notice of Commencement :
The Contractor shall, within SEVEN DAYS of commencement of the work, furnish in writing to the
Inspecting Officer of the area concerned the following information with copy to the Engineer-in-
(ii) Weekly day of rest: Every worker shall be given a weekly day of rest which shall be fixed
and notified atleast TEN days in advance. A worker shall not be required or allowed to work
on the weekly rest day unless he has or will have a substituted rest day, on one of five days
immediately before or after the rest day. Provided that no substitution shall be made which
will result in the worker working for more than ten days consecutively without a rest day for a
whole day.
Where in accordance with the foregoing provisions a worker works on the rest day and has
been given a substituted rest day he shall be paid wages for the work done on the weekly
rest day at the overtime rate of wages.
NOTE: The expression Ordinary rate of wages means the fair wage the worker is entitled
The Contractor shall before he commences his work on contract display and correctly maintain and
continue to display and correctly maintain in clean and legible condition in consipicuous places on
the works, notice in English and in the local Indian languages, spoken by majority of workers, given
the rate of fair wages, the hours of work for which such wages are payable, the weekly rest days
workers are entitled to and name and address of the Inspecting Officer. The Contractor shall send a
copy each of such notices to the Inspecting Officers and the Engineer-in-charge.
The Contractor shall fix wage periods in respect of which wages shall be payable .
No wage period shall normally exceed one week.
6. Payment of Wages:
(i) Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct. All wages shall be paid in current
coins or currency or in both.
Wages of every worker employed on the contract shall be paid where the wage period is one
week, within, THREE DAYS from the end of the wage period, and in any other case before the
th th
expiry of the 7 day or 10 day from the end of the wage period according as number of workers
does not exceed 1,000.
(ii) When employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor, the wages
earned by him shall be paid before expiry of the day succeeding the one on which his
employment is terminated.
(iii) Payment of wages shall be made at the work site on a working day except when the work is
completed before expiry of the wage period, in which case final payment shall be made at
the work site within 48 hours of the last working day and during normal working time.
NOTE: The term Working Day means a day on which the work on which labour is employed is in
7. Register of Workmen :
A register of workmen shall be maintained in the form appended to these regulations and kept at the
work site or as near to it as possible, and the relevant particulars of every workmen shall be entered
therein within THREE days of his employment.
8. Employment Card:
The Contractor shall issue an employment card in the Form appended to these regulations to each
worker on the day of work or entry into his employment. If a worker has already any such card with
him issued by the previous employer the contractor shall merely endorse that Employment Card with
relevant entries. On termination of employment the Employment Card shall again be endorsed by
the Contractor and returned to the worker.
(i) A register of Wages-cum-Muster Roll in the Form appended to these regulations shall be
maintained and kept at the work site or as near to it as possible.
(ii) A wage slip in the form appended to these regulations shall be issued to every worker
employed by the Contractor atleast a day prior to disbursement of wages.
(i) Wages of worker shall be paid to him without any deductions of any kind except the
a. Fines;
b. Deductions for absence from duty, i.e., from the place or the places where by the terms of
his employment he is required to work. The amount of deduction shall be in proportion to
the period for which he was absent.
c. Deduction for damage to or loss of goods expressly entrusted to the employed person for
custody, or for loss of money which he is required to account for, where such damage or
loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default;
e. Any other deduction, which the B.H.E.L may from time to allow.
ii. No fines shall be imposed on a worker save in respect of such acts and omissions on his
part as have been approved by the Chief Labour Commissioner.
iii. No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deductions for damage or loss shall be made
from wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such
fines or deductions.
iv. The total amount of fines which may be imposed in any one wage period on a worker shall
not exceed an amount equal to three paise in rupee of the wages payable to him in respect
of that wage period.
v. No fine imposed on a worker shall be recovered from him in instalments, or after expiry of
sixty days from the date on which it was imposed. Every fine shall deemed to have been
imposed on the day of the act or omission in respect of which it was imposed.
vi. The Contractor shall maintain both in English and the local Indian language a list, approved
by the Chief Labour Commissioner, clearly stating the acts and omissions for which penalty
or fine may be imposed on a workman and display it in good condition in a conspicuous
place on the work site.
vii. The Contractor shall maintain a register of fines and the register of deductions for damage
or loss in the Forms appended to these regulations which should be kept at the place of
The Contractor shall maintain a register of accidents in such form as may be convenient at the work
place but the same shall include the following particulars:
The Register of Wages-cum-Muster Roll required to be maintained under these Regulations shall be
preserved for 3 years after the date on which last entry is made therein.
13. Enforcement :
The Inspecting Officer shall either on his own motion or on a complaint received by him carry out
investigations, and send a report to the Engineer-in-charge specifying the amounts representing
workers, dues and amount of penalty to be imposed on the contractor for breach of these
Regulations, that have to be recovered from the contractor, indicating full details of the recoveries
proposed and the reasons therefore. It shall be obligatory on the part of the Engineer-in-Charge on
receipt of such a report to deduct such amounts from payments due to the contractor.
The Engineer-in-charge shall arrange payment to workers concerned within FORTY FIVE days
from receipt of a report from the Inspecting Officer except in cases where the contractor had made
an appeal under Regulation, 16 of these Regulations. In cases where there is an appeal, payments
of workers, due would be arranged by the Engineer-in-charge, wherever such payments arise,
within THIRTY days from the date of receipt of the decision of the Regional Labour Commissioner
All money that are recovered by the Engineer-in-charge by way of workers, due which could not be
disbursed to workers within the timelimit prescribed above, due to reasons such as where-about of
workers not being known, death of a worker, etc., and also amounts recovered as penalty, shall be
credited to a fund to be kept under the custody of B.H.E.L for such benefit and welfare of workmen
employed by contractors.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Inspecting Officer may appeal against such decision to
the Regional Labour Commissioner concerned within THIRTY days from the date of the decision,
forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the Engineer-in-charge. The decision of the
Regional Labour Commissioner shall be final and binding upon the Contractor and the workmen.
ii. A Contractor shall be entitled to be represented in any investigation or enquiry under these
Regulations by an officer of an association of contractors of which he is a member or by an officer
of a Federation of Associations of Contractors to which the said association is affiliated or where
the contractor is not a member of any association of employers, connected with, or by any other
employer engaged in the industry in which the contractor is engaged.
iii. No party shall be entitled to be represented by a legal practitioner in any investigation or enquiry
under these Regulations.
The Contractor shall allow inspection of the Register and other documents prescribed under these
Regulations by Inspecting Officer and the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative at any
time and by the worker or his agent on receipt of due notice at a convenient time.
On any question as to the application, interpretation or effect of the Regulations the decision of the
Chief Labour Commissioner or Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) shall be final and
20. Amendments:
Central Government may, from time to time, add to or amend the Contractors Labour Regulations
and issue such directions as it may consider necessary for the proper implementation of the
Contractors Labour Regulations or for the purpose of removing any difficulty which may arise in the
administration thereof, based on which the B.H.E.L., Contractors Labour Regulations herein
contained shall be subject to revision.
1. Definition:
(a) Workplace means a place at which, on an average, twenty or more workers are
(b) Large Workplace means a place at which on an average, 500 or more workers are
2. First Aid: At every workplace, there shall be maintained in a readily accessible place first-aid
appliances including an adequate supply of sterilized dressings and sterilized cotton wool as
prescribed in the Factory Rules of the State in which the work is carried on. The appliances shall be
kept in good order and, in large work places, they shall be placed under the charge of a responsible
person who shall be readily available during working hours.
At large workplaces, where hospital facilities are not available within easy distance of the works First
Aid posts shall be established and be run by a trained compounder.
Where large workplaces are remotely situated and far away from regular hospitals an indoor ward
shall be provided with one bed for every 250 employees.
Where large workplaces are situated in cities, towns or in their suburbs and no beds are considered
necessary owing to proximity of city or town hospitals, suitable transport shall be provided to
facilitate removal of urgent cases to these hospitals. At other workplaces, some conveyance
facilities shall be kept readily available to take injured person or persons suddenly taken seriously ill,
to the nearest hospital.
At large workplaces there shall be provided and maintained an ambulance room of the prescribed
sizes, containing the prescribed equipment and in the in-charge of such medical and nursing staff as
may be prescribed. For this purpose the relevant provisions of the Factory Rules of the State
Government of the area where the work is carried on may be taken as the prescribed standard.
3. Accommodation for Labour: The Contractor shall during the progress of the works provide, erect
and maintain necessary temporary living accommodation and ancillary facilities for labour at his own
expense and to standards and scales as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
4. Drinking Water: In every workplace, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable places,
easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit for drinking.
Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply each workplace shall be
provided with storage where drinking water shall be stored. Every water supply storage shall be at a
distance of not less than 15 meters from any latrine drain or other source of pollution. Where water
has to be drawn from an existing well, which is within such proximity of latrine drain or any other
source of pollution, the well shall be properly chlorinated before water is drawn from it for drinking.
All such wells shall be entirely closed in and be provided with a trap door which shall be dust and
A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well, the trap door shall be kept locked and opened
only for cleaning or inspection which shall be done at least once a month.
5. Washing and Bathing places: Adequate washing and bathing places shall be provided separately
for men and women. Such places shall be kept in clean and drained condition.
6. Scale of Accommodation in Latrines and Urinals: These shall be provided within the
precincts of every workplace latrines and urinals in an accessible place, and the accommodation,
separately for each of these, shall not be less than at the following scales:
No.of Seats
a) Where number of persons does not exceed 50 2
b) Where number of persons exceed 50 but does
not exceed 100 3
c) For additional persons 3
Per 100 or part thereof.
7. Latrines and Urinals: Except in workplaces provided with water flushed latrines connected with a
waterborne sewage system, all latrines shall be provided with receptacles on dry-earth system
which shall be cleaned at least four times daily and at least twice during working hours and kept in a
strictly sanitary condition. Receptacles shall be tarred inside and outside at least once a year.
If women are employed, separate latrine and urinals, screened from those for men and marked in
the vernacular in conspicuous letters For Women only shall be provided on the scale laid down in
rule 6. Those for men shall be similarly marked For Men only A poster showing the figure of a man
and of a woman shall also be exhibited at the entrance to latrines for each sex. There shall be
adequate supply of water close to latrines and urinals.
9. Disposal of Excreta: Unless otherwise arranged for by the local sanitary authority, arrangement
for proper disposal of excreta by incineration at the workplace shall be made by means of a suitable
incinerator approved by the local medical health and municipal or cantonment authorities.
Alternatively local excreta may be disposed off by putting a layer of night soil at the Bottom of pucca
tank prepared for the purpose and covering it with a 15 cm. layer of waste or refuse and then
covering it with a layer of earth for a fortnight (when it will turn into manure).
The contractor shall, at his own expenses, carry out all instruction issued to him by the Engineer-in-
charge to effect proper disposal of soil and other conservancy work in respect of Contractors work-
people or employees on the Site. The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of any charges
which may be levied by municipal or cantonment authority for execution of such work on his behalf.
10. Provision of shelters during rest: At every workplace there shall be provided, free of cost, four
suitable sheds, two for meals and two others for rest, separately for use of men and women labour.
Height of each shelter shall not be less than 3 meters from floor level to lowest part of roof. Sheds
shall be kept clean and space provided shall be on the basis of at least 0.5 sq.m. per head.
11. Crches: At a place at which 20 or more women workers are ordinarily employed, there shall
be provided at least one hut for use of children under the age of 6 years of such women. Huts shall
not be constructed to a standard lower than that of thatched roof, mud floor and walls with wooden
planks spread over mud floor and covered with matting.
Huts shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings, for light and ventilation. There shall be
adequate provision of sweepers to keep the places clean. There shall be two dais in attendance.
Sanitary utensils shall be provided to the satisfaction of local medical, health and municipal or
cantonment authorities. Use of huts shall be restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of
When the number of women workers is more than 25 but less than 50, the Contractor shall provide
at least one hut and one Dais to look after children of women workers.
Size of crche (s) shall vary according to the number of women workers employed. Creche(s) shall
be properly maintained and necessary equipment like toys, etc. provided.
12. Canteen: A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of
workers wherever it is considered necessary.
On completion of the works the whole of such temporary structures shall be cleared away, all
rubbish burnt, excreta or other disposal pits or trenches filled in and effectively sealed off and the
whole of site left clean and tidy to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, and at the
Contractors expenses.
14. Anti-malarial precautions: The Contractor shall, at his own expense, conform to all anti-
malarial instructions given to him by the Engineer-in-charge, including filling up of any borrow pits
which may have been dug by him.
15. Enforcement: The Inspecting Officer mentioned in the Contractors Labour Regulations or any other
officer nominated in his behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge shall report to the Engineer-in-Charge all
cases of failure on the part of the Contractor and or his sub-contractors to comply with the
provisions of these Rules either wholly or in part and the Engineer-in-Charge shall impose such
fines and other penalties as are prescribed in the conditions.
1. Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all work that cannot safely be done from the
ground, or from solid construction except such short period of work as can be done safely from
ladders. When a ladder is used an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the
ladder is used for carrying materials as well, suitable footholds and hand-holds shall be provided on
the ladder and the ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than to 1 ( horizontal and 1
2. Scaffolding or staging more than 3.25 meters above the ground or floor, swung or suspended from
an overhead support or erected with stationary support, shall have a guard rail properly attached,
bolted, braced and otherwise secured atleast 1 meter high above the floor or platform of such
scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with
only such openings as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging
shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure.
3. Working platform, gangways, and stairways shall be so constructed that they do not sag unduly or
unequally, and if height of a platform or gangway or stairway is more than 3.25 meters above
ground level or floor level, it shall be closely bordered have adequate width and be suitably fenced,
as described in 2 above
4. Every opening in floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided with suitable means to
prevent fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing with a minimum height of
1 meter.
5. Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places. Every
ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 9 meters in length. Width
between side rails in a rung, ladder shall in no case be less than 30 cm, for ladders upto and
including 3 metres in length. For longer ladders this width shall be increased by atleast 6 mm for
each additional 30 cm. of length. Uniform step spacing shall not exceed 30 cm.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No materials on
any of the sites shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or
the public. The Contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights to protect public from
accidents and shall be bound to bear expenses of defence of every suit action or other
proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the
above precautions, and pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit, action
or proceeding to any such person or which may with the consent of the Contractor be paid to
compromise any claim by any such person.
All trenches, 1.5 metres or more in depth, shall at all times be supplied with atleast one ladder for
each 30 m length or fraction thereof. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of trench to atleast 1
metre above surface of the ground. Sides of a trench 1.5 metres or more in depth shall be stepped
back to give suitable slope or securely held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides
collapsing. Excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5 metres of the edge of trench or half
the depth of trench, whichever is more. Cutting shall be from top to bottom. Under no
circumstances shall undermining or undercutting be done.
7. Demolition: Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the process of the work:
a. All roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably
8. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer-in-Charge shall
be available for use of persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition suitable for
immediate use and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by
those concerned.
a. Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials cement and lime mortars/ concrete shall
be provided with protective footwear and protective gloves.
b. Those engaged in handling any material which is injurious to the eye shall be provided with
protective goggles.
c. Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welders protective eye-shields.
d. Stone breaker shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and seated
at sufficiently safe intervals.
e. When workers are employed in sewers and manholes which are in use, the
Contractor shall ensure that manhole covers are opened and manholes are ventilated atleast
for an hour before workers are allowed to get into them. Manholes so opened shall be
cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or boards to prevent
accident to public.
The Contractor shall not employ men below the age of 18 and women on the work of
painting with products containing lead in any form. Whenever men above the age of 18 are
employed on the work of lead painting, the following precautions shall be taken:
i. No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or ready-
made paint.
ii. Suitable face masks shall be supplied for use by workers when paint is applied in the form
of spray or a surface having lead paint is dry rubbed and scraped.
iii. Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractor to workmen and adequate facilities shall be
provided to enable working-painters to wash during on cessation of work.
9. When work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary equipment shall be
provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in
danger and adequate provision made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be
sustained during the course of the work.
10. Use of hoisting machine and tackles including their attachments, anchorage and supports shall
conform to the following:
a. i. These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength and free
from defects and shall be kept in good working order.
ii. Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall be of durable
quality and adequate strength, and free from defects.
b. Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no person under the
age of 21 years shall be in charge of any hoisting machine including any scaffolding winch or give
signals to operator.
d. Incase of departmental machine, safe working load shall be notified by the Engineer-in-Charge. As
regards contractors machine the Contractor shall notify safe working load of each machine to the
Engineer-in-Charge whenever he brings it to site of work and get it verified by the Engineer-in-
11. Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting appliances shall
be provided with efficient safeguards; hoisting appliances shall be provided with such means as will
reduce to the minimum risk of accidental descent of load. Adequate precautions shall be taken to
reduce to the minimum risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced.
When workers are employed on electrical installations which are already energized, insulating mats,
working apparel such as gloves, sleeves and boots, as may be necessary shall be provided.
Workers shall not wear any rings, watches carry keys or other materials which are good conductors
of electricity.
12. All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be maintained in
a safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed while it is in use.
Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near the places of work.
13. These safety provision shall be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a notice board at
a prominent place at the work spot. Persons responsible for ensuring compliance with the Safety
Code shall be named thereon by the Contractor.
14. To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions,
arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge or his
representatives and the Inspecting Officers as defined in the Contractors Labour Regulations.
15. Notwithstanding the above conditions 1 to 14, the Contractor is not exempted from the operation of
any other Act or Rule in force.
i. Name and address of the Contractor-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i. Number and date of the WORK ORDER & CONTRACT AGREEMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------
iii. Name and address of the department awarding the contract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iv. Nature of the Contract and location of the work----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
v. Duration of the Contract--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sl. Name and surname Age & Fathers / Nature Permanent / Present Date of Date of Signature Remarks
No of the workers Sex Husbands of emp- Home address address commen- termina- or thumb
Name loyment of Employee cement tion or impression
Desig- (Village, of emp- leaving of the
nation. Distt. Thana). loyment of emp- employee.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
N.B:- For a worker employed at one time on piece-work basis and at another on daily wages, relevant entries in respect of each type of employment
should be made separately.
3. Wage period.
7. Overtime Wages.
nature of deductions )
Sl. Name Fathers / Sex Department Nature and Whether workmen Rate of Date and Date on Remarks
No. Husbands name date of showed cause wages amount which fine
the offence against fine of fine realised
for which or not, if so, imposed
fine imposed enter date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Regulation 9)
i. Name and address of the Contractor--------------------------------------------------------------------
ii. No. & Date of the Contract Agreement /Work Order-------------------------------------------------
iii. Name and address of the department awarding the Contract-------------------------------------
iv. Nature of the Contract and location of the work-------------------------------------------------------
v. Duration of the Contract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vi. Wage period----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Serial Number
Name and Surname of the worker
Father's/Husband's name
Designation and Nature of work
worked 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.,31)
Total attendance Units
W ages payable
No.of hours.
W orked
O vertine
Deduction from
House rent
Recovery of advances
Other deductions
Date of payment
Signature of thumb impression
of the worker
Regulation No 10 (vii)
RANIPET 632 406
3. Address : ..
4. Telephone No. :
28. Licence No. and validity of licence obtained from Dy. Chief
Inspector of Factories / Assistant Commissioner of Labour
(i) Name
(ii) Staff No.
(iii) Designation & Department
(iv) Unit
33. Details of similar works completed during the last seven years (To be submitted in separate
sheet as per Annexure-II.)
34. Certificates from clients in original as per proforma given in Annexure -III for all eligible
(i) I/We (including all partners) certify that I/We have read the Preamble & Terms and
conditions and shall abide by them.
(ii) I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of our knowledge. I/We also
understand that if any of the information is found wrong, I/We am/are liable to be debarred.
(iii) I/We certify that I/We will not get myself / ourselves registered as contractor(s) in BHEL
under more than one name.
(iv) (a) I certify that I did not retire as an Engineer of Gazetted rank or as any Gazetted Officer
employed on Engineering or Administrative duties in any Engineering Department of
the Government of India during the last two years. I also certify that I have neither
such a person under my employment nor shall I employ any such person within two
years of his retirement except with the prior permission of the Government. (For
Individuals seeking enlistment in their own name).
(b) We certify that none of the partners/directors retire as an Engineer of Gazetted rank or
as any Gazetted Officer employed on Engineering or Administrative duties in last two
years. We also certify that we have neither under our employment any such person
nor shall we employ any person within two years of his retirement except with the prior
permission of the Government. (For partnership firms and limited companies).
2. ... .
3. ... .
4. ... .
5. ... .
NOTE: 1) All the relevant certificates, details etc. should be attached with the application.
2) The terms that are not applicable may be scored out.
Sl. Name of Date of Date of completion Reasons for Work order Gross cost of completion Name,
No. work & commence delay & Value designation &
Agreement ment Stipulated Actual compensation Including cost of Excluding cost complete
No. levied, if any cement, steel of cement, steel address of
reinforcement & reinforcement & the authority for
strl. steel strl. steel whom
the work was
104 | P a g e
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Boiler Auxilaries Plant,
Ranipet 632 406
Civil Projects & Services
I / We hereby agree to receive the payments due from BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED by the National Electronic
Funds Transfer and/or RTGS Transfer mode by credit to my / our above mentioned Bank Account. I / We also agree that
payments made to the above mentioned Account are a valid discharge of the liability of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited. I / We
also agree to bear the applicable Bank Charges for the above mode of transfer. A copy of the cheque leaf/cancelled
cheque leaf of the above account is sent herewith.
Bankers Certification
We confirm that we are enabled for receiving RTGS and NEFT credits and we further confirm that
the account number of ____________________________________ ____
____________________________ (name of account holder), the signature of the authorized signatory and
the MICR and IFSC codes of our Branch mentioned above are correct.
Signature of the BHEL Executive with Name Seal (Operating the Contract/Services)
105 | P a g e