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Review & Analysis of Interference & BER Analysis For MC-CDMA

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

Review & Analysis of Interference & BER Analysis

Gaurav Sharma, Rajesh Khokkar
interference (ISI) due to multipath. This method requires
Abstract As demand for higher data rates is continuously transmitting extra guard interval signals, which introduces
rising, there is always a need to develop more efficient wireless overhead and thus decreases bandwidth efficiency.
communication systems. Efficient use of the spectrum is an
essential problem in creating any multi-user cellular mobile II. MC-CDMA
system. The bandwidth requirements of the future 4G systems
far exceed what the existing traditional setup can provide. A The combination of multicarrier transmission and CDMA can
more creative utilization of the available bandwidth is more be achieved in different ways. Consequently, the multiplexing
important now than ever before. The work described in this CDMA designs fall in two categories:
paper is my effort in this direction. I evaluated interference
and bit error rate for multicarrier code division multiple access A. Frequency Domain Spreading
wireless communication system. In this thesis my concern is find MC-CDMA combines the multicarrier transmission with
out the effect of fading in MC DS-CDMA system. Performance the frequency domain spreading, i.e., the original data
analysis of a multi carrier direct sequence CDMA system will be stream from a user is spread with this user's specific
carried out including the effect of fading. In this Paper, our main
spreading code in the frequency domain but not in the
objective is to evaluate the effect of fading and Inter Carrier
Interference (ICI) in a MC DS CDMA wireless system, to find time domain. In other words, each symbol is transmitted
out the expression of Unconditional BER of MC DS CDMA simultaneously in a number of subcarriers, but multiplied
system including the above system limitations. I find out the by corresponding chips of the spreading code for every
analytical results of interference and BER analysis. Simulations subcarrier Fig.1 and Fig.2 give the transmitter and receiver
are given to support the system and receiver design. All the structures of an MC-CDMA. It can be seen that the data rate
simulation is carried out on MATLAB tool for each subcarrier is only 1/N as that of a single carrier
DS-CDMA system. This means that the chip duration is N
Index TermsBER, MC DS-CDMA, MATLAB Tools. times longer. Therefore, the channel delay spread is
comparatively shorter. If it is much shorter than the
extended chip duration, the original frequency selective
I. INTRODUCTION fading channel is divided into a number of flat fading
Multicarrier modulation is a data transmission technique channels. Thus, the complicated time domain equalization
where several sub carriers are employed to transport the can be replaced by a simple gain combining in the frequency
users data stream signal. Today using very fast and cost domain.
effective digital signal processors, multicarrier modulation Cos(2f1t)

can be implemented using discrete signal processors;

multicarrier modulation can be implemented using discrete b(n)
Cos(2f2t) X(t)

DFT as the set of orthogonal sub carrier. This makes the

technique very attractive. Multicarrier modulation improves Cos(2fNt)

system capacity by making transmission more robust to

frequency selective fading and enhances user spectral Fig 1 MC-CDMA Transmitter
efficiency. The basic idea to use multicarrier transmission in a
CDMA system is to extend the symbol duration so that a Cos(2f1t)


frequency-selective fading channel is divided into a number

of narrow band flat fading channels, and the complex r(t) d(n)
time-domain equalization can therefore be replaced with a Cos(2f2t) Ck,2

relatively simple frequency domain combining. LPF

Normally an Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) block is Cos(2fNt) Ck,N

used in the transmitter to modulate user data in the sub

carriers and an FFT block is used in the receiver to Fig 2 MC-CDMA Receiver
demodulate the data so as to achieve fast computation.
Frequency-domain diversity can be easily achieved in B. Time Domain Spreading
multicarrier CDMA systems by means of frequency diversity Another way of combining multicarrier modulation with
schemes. However, sinusoid waveforms are not well localized CDMA is the MC -DS-CDMA scheme that spreads the
in the time domain. Thus, timedomain diversity within one original user data stream in the time domain. As shown in
symbol period is difficult to achieve. Therefore, a guard Fig.3, the user data stream is first serial to parallel converted
interval is needed to eliminate residual intersymbol into Nc (the number of subcarriers) sub streams, each of
which is time-spread and transmitted in an individual
Gaurav Sharma, M.Tech. Scholar,SPGIT Rohtak. subcarrier. In other words, a block of N c symbols are
transmitted simultaneously. The value of Nc can be chosen
Rajesh Khokkar,AP SPGIT Rohtak (Guide)

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Review & Analysis of Interference & BER Analysis for MC-CDMA

according to the system design requirement. However, it is subcarriers whereas the OFDM scheme transmits different
commonly assumed to be equal to the length of spreading
code N which will also make the comparison with symbols. is the spreading
MC-CDMA easier .All the symbols are spread in the time code of the jth user in the frequency domain, GMC denotes the
domain using the same spreading code for a particular user. It processing gain, sometimes called the spreading factor. The
is clear that this scheme achieves time domain diversity but no input data stream is multiplied by the spreading code with
frequency domain diversity for each individual data symbols. length GMC. Each chip of the code modulates one subcarrier.
The sub carriers satisfy the same orthogonality condition as The number of subcarriers is N = GMC The users are separated
that of MC-CDMA. This scheme is suitable for uplink by different codes. All data corresponding to the total number
transmission since it is easy for the establishment of of subcarriers are modulated in baseband by an inverse fast
quasi-synchronization between different users. Fig.4 gives Fourier transform (IFFT) and converted back into serial data.
the basic structure of the receiver of the MC -DS-CDMA Then, a cyclic prefix is inserted between the symbols to
system where each branch equals to a single CDMA combat the inter-symbol interference (ISI) and the
signal detector. inter-carrier interference (ICI) caused by multipath fading.
Finally, the signal is digital to analog converted and
upconverted for transmission.

In MC-CDMA transmission, it is essential to have frequency
Ck Cos(2f2t) X(t)
nonselective fading over each subcarrier. Therefore, if the
original symbol rate is high enough to become subject to
frequency selective fading [1], the input data have to be S/P
Cos(2fNt) converted into P parallel data sequences

Fig 3 MC-DS-CDMA Transmitter and each S/P output is

multiplied with the spreading code of length GMC. Then, each
Ck sequence is modulated using GMC subcarriers. Thus, all N = P
LPF GMC subcarriers (total data) are also modulated in baseband
by the IFFT.
r (t) To d(n)
Cos(2f2t) Ck



Cos(2fNt) Ck

The MC-CDMA receiver configuration for the jth user is

shown in Fig 6. The received signal is first down converted.
Fig 4 MC-DS-CDMA Receiver Then, the cyclic prefix is removed and the remaining samples
Another time domain spreading multicarrier CDMA are serial to parallel converted to obtain the m-subcarriers
scheme called MT-CDMA scheme uses much longer components (corresponding to the apj data), where m = 1,
spreading codes so that the bandwidth for each subcarrier 2,. GMC
signal is about the same as the original DS-CDMA signal.
The signals for different subcarriers overlap heavily and
do not satisfy orthogonality condition, but longer
spreading codes help to eliminate the multi-user
interference .


The MC-CDMA transmitter configuration for the jth user is

shown in Fig 5.

Fig 6 MC-CDMA receiver

The m-subcarriers are first demodulated by a fast Fourier

transform (FFT) (OFDM demodulation) and then multiplied
by the gain qmj to combine the received signal energy
scattered in the frequency domain. The decision variable is
given by

Fig 5 MC-CDMA transmitter And

In this figure, the main difference is that the MC-CDMA (2)

scheme transmits the same symbol in parallel through several

253 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
where ym and nm are the complex baseband component of the 10
BER vs Nu

received signal and the complex Gaussian noise at the mth

subcarrier, respectively. zmj and aj are the complex envelope 10

of the mth subcarrier and the transmitted symbol of j th user, -2

respectively. J is the number of active users.

I. Simulation Result

(i) The number of user with Inter Carrier Interference :

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
ICI vs. j
-3 Number of user (Nu)

-4 Fig 9 BER vs. Nu
InterCarrier Interference (ICI)

-5 Here, we can see the plot between the numbers of user (Nu)
with unconditional Bit error rate (BER). If we increase the
-6 number of user (Nu) the bit error rate (BER) will be increase.
After reach in nee point the bit error rate is getting fixed. We
have used the formula of unconditional bit error rate. Here the
number of user (Nu) is 128 and each user divided into 1000.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of user (j) (iv) The Number of user (Nu) with unconditional Bit
error rate (BER) with Nc= 32, 64, 128, 200
Fig 7 ICI vs. j
BER vs Nu
Here we can see that the plot is about the number of user (j) data1
vs. Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). If we increase the number 10
-50 data3
of user (j) then the inter carrier interference (ICI) will be
increase. Here the number of user is 14 times, signal power is 10

1mw and the we have used the ICI equation and the curve is

for the value of alpha = 0.2 10


(ii) The signal power (Ps) with bit error rate in db -200

BER db vs Ps
-3 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of user (Nu)

Fig 10 BER vs. Nu (with value of Nc)

-3.5 Here we can also see that the plot between the Number of user
(Nu) vs. unconditional Bit error rate (BER). In this plot, we
BER db

consider the number of sub-carrier (Nc) and vary this into

different values such as Nc= 32, 64, 128, 200.
(v) The number of sub-carrier (Nc) with the number of
users (Nu)
Nc vs Nu

-108 -106 -104 -102 -100 -98 -96 -94 -92 25

Signal Power (Ps)

Number of users (Nu)

Fig 8 BER db vs. Ps 15

Here we can see that the plot is in between the signal power 10

(Ps) vs. bit error rate in db form. If we increase the signal

power (Ps) then bit error rate (BER db) will be decrease. Here
for alpha = 0.2 we got the curve for 10 user and four 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
sub-carrier. Numberof Subcarrier(Nc)

(iii) The numbers of user (Nu) with unconditional Bit Fig 11 Nu vs. Nc
error rate (BER)
This plot is from the previous graph. For different values of
Nu we got different values of Nc. Here the conditional bit

254 www.erpublication.org
Review & Analysis of Interference & BER Analysis for MC-CDMA

error rate is 10^-15. If we increase the number of sub-carrier

(Nc) then the number of users (Nu) will be also be increase.

This paper reviews Multicarrier based CDMA schemes such
as MC CDMA, DS CDMA and MC DS CDMA with the
effect of fading and discuss about their some features. This
paper is basically focused on the MC DS CDMA system and
its analysis with fading. In this paper I use MATLAB to find
some plots to verify the concept of multicarrier CDMA and
finally I concluded the following facts that On comparing the
numbers of user (j) with inter-carrier interference (ICI) as we
increase the number of user (j) then the inter carrier
interference (ICI) will be increase. And on comparing BER
db with signal power (Ps) as if we increase the signal power
(Ps) then bit error rate will be decreasing. Also on comparing
the Number of user (Nu) with unconditional Bit error rate
(BER) as we increase the number of user (Nu) the bit error
rate (BER) will be increase. On comparing the Number of
user (Nu) with unconditional Bit error rate (BER) we
conclude that with the increase the number of user (Nu) the
bit error rate (BER) will be increaseand finally on comparing
the number of sub-carrier (Nc) with the number of users (Nu)
as we increase the number of sub-carrier (Nc) then the
number of users (Nu) will be also be increase.

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