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The disputed phenomenon that I have been examining is known as Jinn. In the Quran it

says Jinns were made with smokeless fire and created by Allah to test the human race. Jinns are

usually known by different names in different places. For example, they are sometimes called

ghosts, demons, and etc. The name, Jinn, is usually referred to by Muslims because of the

Quran. According to my research there are many types of Jinns. These Jinns cannot be seen in

their own forms so they tend to pose as humans.

This subject can be very intriguing because of so many unanswered questions. Some

unanswered questions are: How can we prevent ourselves from getting possessed by Jinn? How

can they see us? Why cannot we see them? Where do they live? How do they live? To find out

the answers to some of these questions, I asked a Hafiz (A Hafiz is someone that has

memorized the Quran). These questions are sometimes unanswered because scientifically,

Jinns do not exist.

Some people believe that we see Jinn because of what the media has drilled into our

heads. Since the movie industry has made several movies on possessions and spirits, we believe

them to be real. People who do not believe in Jinns tend to look to science for some of these

answers. According to scholars, the movie industry and media do play a role. They tend to play

a role because of the influence by everyday events.

Historical Context

The Jinn is a spirit in the Islamic culture, they are made out of smokeless fire by Allah.

They are creatures with free will and have the ability to take any form of a human or an animal.

There are human beings with both good and bad intentions. Jinns are constantly mentioned in the

Quran and are known to live in an unseen world called Jinnestan. Jinnestan is another universe

and known as the realm of Jinns. This realm is divided into two parts, the Desert of Monsters and

the Desert of Demons. Its capital city is known as Schadou Kiam.

Jinns have the ability to possess and take over the minds and bodies of a human being.

According to Islamic writings, jinn live alongside other creatures but form a world other than

that of mankind. Though they see us they cannot be seen, since we are visible to them, Jinns

take that to an advantage (NCBI). We are only able to see them when they have taken a form of a

human or animal, Their shape shifting abilities have enabled them to hide in plain sight the

world over, either as the unseen or in a host of paranormal guises (The Vengeful Djinn). Jinns

are said to have families like any other creature, they get married and have babies.

Although no one really knows when Jinns were created exactly, according to Muslim

scholars and the Quran, Jinns were created before Adam. Also, before Jinns came along, there

were other creatures called the hinn and the binn. The hinns shed blood, disobeyed God's

commands, and therefore were destroyed by the Jinns. The Jinns were brought down to prevail

over hinns and binns and then replace them. Some opinions say the Jinns were purposely brought

down to test us, to see if we follow in the right path God wants us to go in.

In different religions, Jinns are perceived in different ways. We all believe that something

is there but in different religions it either has a different name, like in Christianity Jinns could be

seen as demons. Over the last century, the subjects of possessions have become commercialized.
There are several movies that have been made that commercializes possessions and spirits; the

viewers believes spirits are nonexistent because they believe its only in movies. Most of the

horror films out there are influenced by Christianity so most people do not know the existence of

Jinns. Moreover, Jinns are a popular ideology among Muslims because it is based on Islamic

beliefs. The ideas of Jinns have evolved into the movies industry; even though most people

arent educated on the topic about Jinns, they basically believe the same thing but they call it

demons. Human possession is something which has brought great attention to society.

When a Jinns willingly takes over you, you dont have any control over your body. A

pregnant wife was smothered to death by family members who later all claimed she may have

been killed by an evil spirit, a court has heard, the husband was possessed with the jinn so

technically it wasnt the husband who had killed the wife (Daily Mail) Jinns can possess a person

for different reasons, sometimes it is because the Jinn or its family has been hurt accidentally. It

could be because the Jinn has fallen in love with the person. However, most of the time

possession occurs because the Jinn is simply malicious.


What are Jinns? There are several different connotations for Jinn; some spell it Jinni,

Genie, Djinn, Jann or Djinni. However, not many people know what a jinni or ever heard of

them. For example out of the one-hundred bravo students I surveyed, less than 50% of

students believe in ghosts (seen in figure 1). This explains their already lack of belief in the

supernatural. Jinns are creatures that Allah created out of smokeless fire. They are said to have

been created before Adam and Eve .Also, Jinns can take whatever form they wish to. They tend

to live in another universe called Jinnestan, which is located in another realm or dimension.

Furthermore, we cannot see them unless they want us to but they can see us.

Do you believe in ghosts?

43% YES


(Figure 1)

In the article, Animals in Islam, it talks about how animals played a role in the role of

good and evil Jinns. For instance, a spider once saved Prophet Muhammads life. However,

Jinns used to approach humans disguised as gorillas and harm them in that day and age too.

These examples were used to show a difference between good and bad Jinns. The author wrote

in an expressive tone to help better explain the difference for his curious audience. Also, in the
Quran and article it states, Some animals see what the human eyes cannot. In the Quran it

expresses if you ever hear the barking of a dog or the braying of a donkey at night, seek refuge

in Allah from Satan (Hamdan).

In the article, The Evolution of the Concept of the Jinn From Pre-Islam to Islam it talks

about how only in Islam are Jinns seen as real beings. Remember, that Jinns are known under

different names in different religions. According to this article, Jinns can make their own

decisions and walk in their own realm known as Jinnestan. This is stated in order to explain why

Jinns may be uncommon. This idea was backed when the author claimed, Islam deepened

beliefs in the Jinn. It introduced the idea of spirit beings equal to humans in faith, intelligence,

and responsibility (El-Zein).The targeted audience was anyone who is interested in how Jinns


How did the Jinn originate? In this Monster Talk podcast, David Smith talked about who

Jinns are, how they live, and what they do. They back their claims by relating it to a novel

which had the same basic idea. The podcast happened in order to explain who Jinns are and

how they are seen across the world. The podcast discussed in an unbiased manner in order to

let one make their opinions. In the 24:29 mark of the podcast, David stated, We may never

know if Jinns are real to ensure there might never be enough evidence. Nonetheless,

according to the folklore and stories, some may have dealt with Jinn themselves and that itself

is enough evidence for them.

A source written by Najat Khalifa states in her news article, Possession and Jinn,

explains the belief of jinn and how they can harm humans both physically and mentally. Khalifa

supports her explanation by referring to the Quran many times. Khalifas purpose is to ensure
our understandings on why people believe in Jinns in order for us to not judge. The author

writes in a respectful tone for readers to not offend anyone. In the

Majority of Jinns are wicked, but sometimes they are admirable beings. In my survey

below, I asked if people thought mental issues are actual health concerns/issues. As you can

see in figure 2, the overwhelming majority believed they are health concerns. David Wilkes in

the news article, Pregnant woman was smothered to death by family before they claimed she

was killed by an evil spirit focuses on a man who was on trial for killing his pregnant wife at

home. Nonetheless, the article claims he had been possessed by a Jinn at the time. Wilkes

supports his explanation by arguing that the mans family claimed that it was not manslaughter

because he did not have control on what was happening. In the article it is explained by stating,

[The wife] Her husband Mumtaz, 24, his father Zia Ul Haq and mother Salma Aslam, both 51 as

well as his brother in law Hammad Hassan, 24, all deny charges of murder and manslaughter

(Wilkes). Wilkes purpose is to share the information in order to keep us more aware of what is

happening in the world. The author writes in an expressive tone for the readers to share his

thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Do you believe mental issues

are actual health concerns?
3% 4%


(Figure 2)
As I stated before, Jinns are invisible to us so they can take advantage of human beings.

Rosemary Guiley and Philip Imbrogno in their book, The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden

Agendas of Genies analyzes what the Jinns are, where they can be found, and what some of

their secretive schemes against the humans are. In the book it states, Their shape-shifting

abilities have enabled them to hide in plain sight the world over, either as the unseen or in the

host of paranormal guises (Guiley, Imbrogno 48). This gives an example of their powers. Guiley

and Imbrogno further support their analysis by exposing their educational and scientific

background with the evidence to make the case for the real life existence of Djinn. The

authors purpose is to prove to his readers that Jinns do exists in order to keep us aware of

what the Jinns capabilities are. The authors write from a biased point of view to express their

reasoning on why Jinns are real.

To further explain why Jinns may be real, interviews are done with people who have had

possible encounters with Jinns. Simon Dein and David Napier in the journal article, Jinn,

Psychiatry and Contested Notions of Misfortune among East London Bangladeshis assert that

some psychological disturbance and unexplained physical symptoms are caused by Jinns. Dein

and Napier support their assertion by interviewing forty people that have experiences with this

supernatural being. The authors' purpose is to question about Jinns in order to learn and

understand them. The authors write in a skeptical tone for their vast audience. They express

their skeptical tone by stating, People resort to traditional healers frequently, even though

there is no proof of their methods working (Dein, Napier).

Not thinking rationally can lead to mental illness. Michael Shermer in his book, Why

People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
argues why people believe in superstitious creature. Shermer supports his argue by revealing

the dangers of thinking illogically. The authors purpose is to educate people in order to keep

people from hurting other or themselves. The author writes in a biased humorous tone for the

people who read his book by making of fun of people who believe in superstitious things. In the

novel he says why these ideas are humorous by stating, The essential tension in dealing with

weird things is being so skeptical that revolutionary ideas pass you and being so open-minded

that film artists take you in (Shermer 73).

Sometimes modern medicine is not enough to cure some of these people. In their book,

Integrating Traditional Healing Practices into Counseling and Physical Therapy, Roy Moodly and

West William share different type of methods to cure one who is possessed by a Jinn. Roy and

West support their findings by testing their working methods on various patients. The authors

purpose is to teach ways to cure possessed people in order to help them. Nonetheless,

sometimes the case was not being possessed, yet, sometimes antipsychotics were not enough.

For instance, in the novel it states, The second patient was a 25 year old unemployed man,

who had auditory hallucinations, delusions, behavioral problems, and alcohol and cannabis

abuse. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but his compliance with antipsychotics was

insufficient (Moodly, William). The author wrote in a commanding tone to help people.

Sometimes people confuse being mentally sick with spirits. Haley Starling in the news

article, Muslim mother stabbed daughter 40 times and cut out her liver in ritual killing to

'exorcise evil spirits' asserts that a mother who was diagnosed with acute transient psychosis

stabbed her daughter 40 times and killed her daughter atrociously because she thought her

four-year old daughter was possessed by a jinn. Starling supports her assertion by detailing
what had happened in the tragic event by talking to the doctors and judges. In the news article

it states, In the winter months of last year Ali developed acute transient psychosis, which

ended up in the killing of the child on December 16 (Starling) to show what was occurring in

this time period. The authors purpose is to report this case in order to keep us educated on the

difference of mental illness and possession of spirits. The author writes in logical style for the

readers so they can understand the difference between mental illnesses and spirits.

Another example of how Jinns are sometimes not to be blamed for human decisions is

expressed in a news article by Gulf News. In this news article, Father Sentenced to 15 Years in

Jail for Killing Jinn Baby in Saudi Arabia argues how Jinns may not be real but is a mental

disorder. This article is supported by facts from the case of how the mother died and the child

died. The mother died after getting hit by a vehicle while trying to retrieve the baby that was

thrown out of the car by the father. Why did the father throw the baby out of the moving car?

Well, according to the news article it states, The father, who was reportedly high on drugs,

while driving started to beat his baby and then threw the child out of the window (Toumi). This

was written in order to start a discussion on whether Jinns are real or not. The targeted

audience is people who are skeptical about Jinns and want to see how events such as these are

influenced by them.

According to a few sources, Jinns can grant your wishes. Abhishek Saha in the news

article, Believe it or not: Inside 14th century Delhi fort, djinns grant wishes, explains that

every Thursday, a huge crowd visits the Feroz Shah Kotla ruins to pay their respects to the Jinns

to get help from them. Saha supports his explanation by describing what happens at the ritual

and for what purpose they go for. For instance On Thursday, it states, they are busy when
thousands turn up with letters for them (Hindustan Times) meaning Thursday is the day the

worshipping is done. The authors purpose is to call attention to this topic in order to show

another different point of view about Jinns. The author writes in a casual style for the people

who are reading his article to show different points of views.

Before jumping into conclusions on what is happening to a person, make sure they see a

doctor first. Catrin Nye in the news article, Possession, Jinn and Britain's backstreet exorcists,

discusses that many ethnic minorities have a strong belief in spiritual possession when in reality

it isnt always the case. Nye supports her discussion by explaining incidents such as when a 20

year old boys parents believed a Jinn had taken possession of him, but after his treatment not

helping, they took him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Nonetheless, in the news article it stated, For five years Mr. Khan has been treated by Mr.

Mohammad, who he says summons up the Jinn inside of him and speaks to it directly, easing its

affect (Nye), meaning that this method was used and supposedly worked. The authors

purpose is to show how having strong beliefs in religion isnt always a good idea. The author

writes in a logical style for her audience to convince the audience to think logically.

Most Jinns are evil; they can make people visualize things that are just illusions. Juswant

Guzder in the novel, Fourteen Djinns Migrate across the Ocean, explains that terrible

accidents that had been occurring in a family because Jinns possessed the family. Guzder

supports his explanation by talking about how sexual abuse, medical illness, family deaths, and

etcetera occur in the family. In the novel, the explanation is stated furthermore by stating, In

this family, the cumulative trauma determinants included their experiences of domestic

violence, marital infidelities, downward socio-economic status, culture change, family deaths,
medical illnesses, and sexual abuse (Guzder 110). Guzders purpose is to explain the events in

order to let people know what a Jinn is capable of. The author writes in a emotional tone to

reach out to the ethos of the people.

Carl Sagan was one of the most well-known scientists of the 1970s and 1980s; he

studied extraterrestrial intelligence throughout his career. Carl Sagan, in the book, The

Demon-haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, argues that scientific thinking is

essential not only to find the truth but to the very well-being of our mental states. Sagan

supports his argument by justifying observed evidence and control studies, while uncovering

many errors and weaknesses in the positions of occultists, paranormalists and pseudo

scientists. The authors purpose is to persuade in order to keep us educated on the difference

between pseudoscience and actual science. The author writes in an understanding style for his

skeptical audience so he wouldnt seem biased about the topic.

Who do Jinns target? Jinns target anyone they wish to. Chadwick Moore, in the news

article, Flickering Lights, Strange Music, and a Host at a Brooklyn Bar discusses that the bar is

haunted by Anna Smith (she was the original owners first child). Chadwick supports his

discussion by interviewing the victim and the relatives of the ghost. In the article it also

states, And other employees at this Mexican bistro in Williamsburg have reported strange

happenings: music turning on without explanation, lights flickering, odd patches of

luminescence in the basement, and the feeling of being watched by an unseen presence in

order to give proof to the readers.

Based on my findings, many sources say there are people who can heal a person from

possession by Jinn. Hannah Wettig in the news article, The man who can see the jinn, and
make them go away, explains that if a Jinn takes possession of a human, it can have disastrous

effects and how someone like Abu Yusuf can take the evil Jinn spirits out of you. Wettig

supports her explanation by personally interviewing the Abu Yusuf and questioning him how he

succeeds as a religious healer. The authors purpose is to expose us to new information that

might not be familiar to us in order to keep us from judging one another without knowing the

topic. The author writes in a hopeful tone because he talks about how people can actually be


One should never be scared of Jinns. In the documentary, Never be Scared of Jinns it

argues you should never fear Jinns. It tells you to not be scared of the Jinns creator by stating

Fear the one who has made Jinn, not the one who is Jinn This documentary was recorded in

order to remind everyone where their real fear should be allocated. The targeted audience is

anyone who is scared of Jinns to remind them who to actually fear.

To conclude, I did an interview with Muhammad Umair, who is a Hafiz. A Hafiz is

someone who has memorized the Quran and understands the complete meaning of the book. I

asked him. Do you believe in God? If so do you identify yourself with any one religion?

Secondly, do you believe some of the works by jinn may be a mental disorder? Thirdly, is there

any way to prove that Jinns are real? Lastly, have you or anyone you know had any encounters

with Jinns? If so, would you like to share some details? He responded to all of these questions

by stating, if you mean do I believe that some mental ailments can be misdiagnosed as Jinn

possessions, then yes. Islam is a religion of balance and reason, so science and faith go hand in

hand. Unfortunately there are places in the world where this balance is not achieved. So in

uneducated, rural environments, some mental conditions may be treated as Jinn possessions
and in logic-driven, secular areas, some Jinn possessions may be treated as mental disorders.

Religion is largely about faith in the unseen. So for someone like me, my proof is the word of

God. However, scientifically testable proof may be hard to come by and instead there is

anecdotal evidence. [Nonetheless] I did have a female cousin who felt she was possessed by a

Jinn. She would not be able to control her own body and her voice would change beyond what

seemed humanly possible. She was taken to an Islamic scholar who recited verses of the Quran

over her over the course of a few weeks and eventually her symptoms went away. With all of

this in mind, do you believe in Jinns? Should anyone believe in Jinns if there is no solid proof?
Drozdek, Boris, and John P. Wilson. Voices of trauma: treating psychological trauma across
cultures. New York: Springer, 2011. Print.

Jinn and psychiatry: comparison of beliefs among Muslims in Dhaka and Leicester . N.p., n.d.

"Muslim mother stabbed daughter 40 times and cut out her liver in ritual killing to
'exorcise evil spirits' Daily Mail. N.p., n.d. Web.

"Pregnant woman 'was smothered to death by family before they claimed she was killed by
an evil spirit' ." Daily Mail. N.p., n.d. Web.

" Father sentenced to 15 years in jail for killing 'jinn' baby in Saudi Arabia." Gulf News. N.p.,
n.d. Web.

TheProphetsPath. YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 08 May 2017.

Sagan, Carl. The demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark. Place of publication
not identified: Paw Prints, 2013. Print.

"Possession, Jinn and Britain's backstreet exorcists." BBC. N.p., n.d. Web.

Shermer, Michael. Why people believe weird things: pseudoscience, superstition, and other
confusions of our time;. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2002. Print.

Guiley, Rosemary, and Philip J. Imbrogno. The vengeful djinn: unveiling the hidden agendas
of genies. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2011. Print.

"The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine." Skeptic Podcasts MonsterTalk 2011
Episodes. N.p., n.d. Web. 2017.

I came into this topic with some background information, but I have managed to learn a

lot more than what I thought was there. I learned why Jinns posses, who they are, and how

they survive. I also learned how Jinns have special abilities and how they have been

commercialized by the movie industries. Nonetheless, this topic is still very controversial.

I learned Jinns posses because of many reasons, but usually it is because they just want

to. Also, we cant see Jinns because they can shape shift to whatever form they want. Also, they

reside in a different realm known as Jinnestan. It is crazy to think Jinns can live among us but

we will never know because of their invisibility. Sometimes these Jinns have their own families

and live their everyday lives like any of us.

Jinns are also very commercialized in todays day and age. For instance, in Christianity

they are knows as demons, ghosts, and etcetera. They are more than likely the same thing, but

the difference in religions have caused one to be more known than the other. Also, these

movies are sometimes incorrect because the Jinns do not have certain powers.

How do you keep Jinns away? According to the Quran you can recite Surahs. Some of

these Surahs are Surah Nas and Ai-Tul-Korsi. However, if you do not know these Surahs, you

can wear a necklace called a Tabiz to keep the Jinns away. Although you can keep the Jinns

away, in the Quran it states you should not be scared of Jinns but rather be scared of the Jinns

maker, Allah.

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