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Age of Revolutions Unit Plan

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Age of Revolutions Unit-by-Design Outline Arpan Patel


Established Goals
Survey the major revolutionary developments that occurred over the course of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Explore some of the factors that helped shape, drive, and facilitate these particular developments.

Examine how these events changed the world.

Use these historical events to serve as models to understand contemporary developments today.

Determine the extent to which these revolutions were successful through the process of historical inquiry.

Understandings Essential Questions

Students will understand that revolutions are not all How do different revolutions arise?
the same but result from a specific set of
circumstances. How do revolutions change the world?

Students will understand that revolutionary What lessons do past revolutions have to teach us
developments can have broad-reaching effects on about our world today?
various levels and aspects of society and the world-at-
large. To what extent were the revolutions of the 18th and
19th century successful?
Students will understand that past revolutions can
provide a framework of understanding for
contemporary developments in our world today.

Students will understand that revolutions do not always

achieve and meet their objectives and goals.

Students will know Students will be able to

Key facts related to the developments of the American Closely read, evaluate, contextualize, and corroborate a
Revolution, French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, broad range of primary and secondary sources to build
and Latin American Independence Movements. a comprehensive understanding of this time period

Traits/examples specific to new ideologies, processes, Establish probable trends, patterns, and cause/effect
and systems of organization developing during this relationships pertaining to these revolutionary
period of time developments.

Historical and contemporary examples of the impact of Analyze the lasting impact of past historical processes
revolutionary developments on various aspects and on our contemporary society through multiple, clear
areas of society. examples.

Construct evidence-based arguments through multiple

perspectives on the extent to which these revolutionary
developments were successful.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 1

Age of Revolutions Unit-by-Design Outline Arpan Patel


Performance Tasks Other Evidence

Age of Revolutions Summative Unit Project Homework Presentations

Students will select an assessment modality from a provided Each day one individual student will be randomly selected to
project-grid, or create their own with teacher approval, to give a one to two-minute presentation based on what they read
demonstrate their summative answering of the Essential for homework the previous night. Afterwards, students will be
Questions from Unit 4 through the inquiry process. given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions based on the
assigned material. This assessment will serve as a diagnostic to
Key Criteria: give the teacher a representative sample of student
understanding of the pre-instructional experience.
Students will be arranged into a set of content groups based on
one of the major revolutionary developments that occurred Formative Discussion
over the course of the 18th and 19th centuries. In these assigned
expert groups, students will gather reliable and logical primary Students will be given opportunities to demonstrate their
and secondary sources to effectively support their conclusions formative understanding of learning objectives through
in their total summative answering of the Essential Questions facilitated student-driven discussions. By wondering, by asking,
from Unit 4. by sharing, and by thinking out loud, students will have the
opportunity to openly demonstrate their level of understanding
Each project will be graded based on the Thinking Skills rubric of the content and further extend learning through sufficient
which will assess students on the ability to utilize reading, application and exploration of the posed questions.
writing, and thinking strategies to investigate important
historical questions. Essays

Regardless of which medium students choose, they must At select points in this unit, students will write essays based on
include all information as listed on the summative project prompts related to the historical content they will have
checklist. surveyed. These essays will serve as opportunities for students
to show their ability to create evidence-based arguments
through historical thinking. Essays may be predicated on
practice of one or more of the following skills:
Contextualization, Sourcing, Corroboration, and Argumentation.

Content Quizzes

Throughout the unit, students will take a series of content

quizzes related to each movement surveyed in the Age of
Revolutions. These quizzes will provide the instructor a
summative understanding of the ability of students to meet
particular learning objectives as related to the historical
developments of this time-period.

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 2

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