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Zika Virus

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Zika virus

Fact sheet
Updated 6 September 2016

Key facts
Zika virus disease is caused by a virus transmitted primarily
by Aedes mosquitoes.
People with Zika virus disease can have symptoms including mild
fever, skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise or
headache. These symptoms normally last for 2-7 days.
There is scientific consensus that Zika virus is a cause of
microcephaly and Guillain-Barr syndrome. Links to other neurological
complications are also being investigated.


Zika virus je flavivirus koji se prenosi komarcima. Prvi put je identifikovan u

Ugandi 1947. godine u majmuna preko mree koja je vrila monitoring
ute groznice. Prva infekcija oveka zabeleena je 1952. godine u Ugandi i
Ujedinjenoj Republici Tanzaniji. Izbijanje Zika virusne bolesti je zabeleeno
u Africi, Americi, Aziji i Pacifiku.

Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that was first identified in Uganda

in 1947 in monkeys through a network that monitored yellow fever. It was
later identified in humans in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of
Tanzania. Outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa,
the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. From the 1960s to 1980s, human
infections were found across Africa and Asia, typically accompanied by
mild illness. The first large outbreak of disease caused by Zika infection
was reported from the Island of Yap (Federated States of Micronesia) in
2007. In July 2015 Brazil reported an association between Zika virus
infection and Guillain-Barr syndrome. In October 2015 Brazil reported an
association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly.
More on the history of Zika virus
Read the latest situation report
Signs and Symptoms
Period inkubacije Zika virusnom boleu najverovatijie traje nekoliko dana.
Simptomi su slini drugim infekcijama arbovirusima poput denga
infekcijom i ukljuuju visoku temperaturu, ospu, konjuktivitis, bolove u
miiima i zglobovima, malaksalost i glavobolju. Simptomi su uobiajeno
blagi i traju 2-7 dana.

The incubation period (the time from exposure to symptoms) of Zika virus
disease is not clear, but is likely to be a few days. The symptoms are
similar to other arbovirus infections such as dengue, and include fever,
skin rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache.
These symptoms are usually mild and last for 2-7 days.
Complications of Zika virus disease

Sistematskim pregledom literature 30. maja 2016. godine, WHO je dola

do zakljuka da Zika virusna infekcija tokom trudnoe je uzrok
kongenitalnih modanih abnormalnosti, ukljuujui mikrocefaliju, kao i to
da je Zika virus triger Guillain- Barre sindroma. Intenzivirani napori se
nastavljaju da bolje istre vezu izmedju Zika virusa i opsega neurolokih
poremeaja unutar ogranienih istraivakih okvira.

Based on a systematic review of the literature up to 30 May 2016, WHO

has concluded that Zika virus infection during pregnancy is a cause of
congenital brain abnormalities, including microcephaly; and that Zika virus
is a trigger of Guillain-Barr syndrome. Intense efforts are continuing to
investigate the link between Zika virus and a range of neurological
disorders, within a rigorous research framework.
Q&A: Zika virus and complication

Zika virus se primarno prenosi na ljude ujedom inficiranog komarca iz roda

Aedes, uglavnom Aedes aegzpti u tropskim regionima. Aedes komarci
uobiajeno ujedaju tokom dana, najvie u ranim jutarnjim asovima i
kasnom popodnevu. Ovo je isti komarac koji prenosi dengu i utu groznicu.
Seksualna transmisija je takodje mogudja. Ostali modaliteti transmisije
poput transfuzije krvi trenutno se istrauju.

Zika virus is primarily transmitted to people through the bite of an infected

mosquito from the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypti in tropical
regions. Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day, peaking during
early morning and late afternoon/evening. This is the same mosquito that
transmits dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. Sexual transmission of
Zika virus is also possible. Other modes of transmission such as blood
transfusion are being investigated.
Na infekciju Zika virusom moe da se posumnja na osnovu simptoma i
skorije istorije putovanja u oblasti sa aktivnom Zika virusnom
transmisijom. Dijagnoza se postavlja kroz laboratorijska ispitivanja krvi ili
drugih telesnih tenosti poput urina, salive ili semene tenosti.
Infection with Zika virus may be suspected based on symptoms and recent
history of travel (e.g. residence in or travel to an area with active Zika
virus transmission). A diagnosis of Zika virus infection can only be
confirmed through laboratory tests on blood or other body fluids, such as
urine, saliva or semen.
Laboratory testing for Zika virus infection

Zika virusna infekcija prolazi obino kao blago oboljenje koje ne zahteva
specifinu terapiju. Oboleli od Zika virusa se lee simptomatski i obino se
preporuuje odmor uz dosta tenosti, od lekova u okviru terapije Zika
virusne infekcije koriste se antipiretici i anelgetici. Trenutno ne postoji

Zika virus disease is usually mild and requires no specific treatment.

People sick with Zika virus should get plenty of rest, drink enough fluids,
and treat pain and fever with common medicines. If symptoms worsen,
they should seek medical care and advice. There is currently no vaccine

Mosquito bites
Ujedi komaraca
Prevencija ujeda komaraca je glavna mera prevencije Zika virusne
infekcije. Ovo se moe postii noenjem odee koja pokriva to veu
telesnu povrinu moguu. Korienje fizikih barijera poput mrea na
prozorima i vratima, i korienje sredstava za zatitu od insekata koja
sadre DEET, IR3535 ili icaridin. Putnici i oni koji ive u oblastima sa
aktivnom transmisijom Zika virune infekcije treba da koriste ove osnovne
mere predostronosti opisane gore kako bi se zastitili od eventualnih ujeda
Vano je pokriti, isprazniti ili oistiti potencijalna mesta na kojima se
komarci razmnoavaju u ili oko kue poput kanti, lonaca, oluka, korienih
guma. Zajednice moraju podravati lokalne vlasti u naporima da redukuju
komarce na datoj teritoriji. Zdravstveni autoriteti takodje mogu savetovati
prskanje iskticidima.

Sekualne transmisije
Zika virus moe se prenositi sksualnim putem. Ovo je od znaaja zbog
asocijacije izmedju Zika virusne infekcije i tetnih ishoda trudnoe. Za
regije sa aktivnom transmisijom Zika virusne infekcije, svi ljudi sa Zika
virusnom infekcijom i njihovi seksualni partneri naroito trudne ene, treba
da prime informaciju o rizicima seksualne transmisije virusa. WHO
preporuije da se seksualno aktivni muskari i ene korektno konsultuju o
celom opsegu kontraceptivnih metoda kako bi doneli informisanu odluku o
tome da li i kada zatrudneti u cilju prevencije moguih tetnih ishoda
trudnoe. ene koje su imale nezatieni seksualni odnos i koje ne ele
trudnou iz straha od Zika virusne infekcije moraju imati gotov pristup
hitnim kontraceptivnim sredstvima. Trudnim enama se savetuje pavilno i
stalno korienje kondoma ili apstinencija od seksualnih aktivnosti tokom
trajanja trudnoe.
Za regije bez aktivne transmisije Zika virusa, WHO preporuuje sigurn
seksualne odnose ili apstinenciju u periodu od est meseci za mukarce i
ene koji su se vratili iz regiona sa aktivnom transmisijom virusa radi
prevencije seksualne transmisije virusa. Seksualni partneri trudnih ena
koji ive ili se vraaju iz regiona aktivne transmisije treba da prektikuju
sigurne seksualne odnose ili se savetuje apstinencija tokom trudnoe.

Zika virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. This is of

concern due to an association between Zika virus infection and adverse
pregnancy and fetal outcomes.
For regions with active transmission of Zika virus, all people with Zika virus
infection and their sexual partners (particularly pregnant women) should
receive information about the risks of sexual transmission of Zika virus.
WHO recommends that sexually active men and women be correctly
counselled and offered a full range of contraceptive methods to be able to
make an informed choice about whether and when to become pregnant in
order to prevent possible adverse pregnancy and fetal outcomes. Women
who have had unprotected sex and do not wish to become pregnant due
to concerns about Zika virus infection should have ready access to
emergency contraceptive services and counselling. Pregnant women
should practice safer sex (including correct and consistent use of
condoms) or abstain from sexual activity for at least the whole duration of
the pregnancy.
For regions with no active transmission of Zika virus, WHO recommends
practising safer sex or abstinence for a period of six months for men and
women who are returning from areas of active transmission to prevent
Zika virus infection through sexual intercourse. Sexual partners of
pregnant women, living in or returning from areas where local
transmission of Zika virus occurs should practice safer sex or abstain from
sexual activity throughout the pregnancy.
Prevention of sexual transmission of Zika virus
WHO response
WHO is supporting countries to control Zika virus disease by taking actions
outlined in the Zika Strategic Response Framework":
Define and prioritize research into Zika virus disease by convening
experts and partners.
Enhance surveillance of Zika virus and potential complications.
Strengthen capacity in risk communication to engage communities
to better understand risks associated with Zika virus.
Strengthen the capacity of laboratories to detect the virus.
Support health authorities to implement vector control strategies
aimed at reducing Aedes mosquito populations.
Prepare recommendations for the clinical care and follow-up of
people with complications related to Zika virus infection, in collaboration
with experts and other health agencies.

Prema najnovijim informacijama od 10. marta 2017. godine:

Zemlje, teritrije i subnacionalne oblasti koje belee ZIKV infekciju po prvi put od 1.
februara 2017.:

o Nijedna

Zemlje i teritorije koje prijavljuju mikrocefaliju i druge CNS malformacije mogue

asocirane sa ZIKV infekcijom po prvi put od 1. februara 2017. godine:
o Mexico, Saint Martin
Zemlje i teritorije koje prijavljuju Guillain- Barre sindrom sluajeve mogue asocirane
sa ZIKV infekcijom po prvi put od 1. februara 2017. godine:

o Curaao, Trinidad and Tobago

WHO, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the European
Centre for Disease Prevention and Control su razvile novu Zika virus klasifikacionu emu.
Klasifikaciju slui da kategrizuje prisutnost i mogunost vektrske transmisije Zika virusa i da
informie javno zdravstvene preopuke.

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