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Level 1 6.2 Lesson Plan: Session 1

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Level 1

6.2 Lesson Plan

Session 1

Dictation Slowly dictate each word twice.

Check Go over the Write It! assignment.

Ask students to choose any five words and then make up a sentence
with each. The words (not in alphabetical order):
shout / visit / arrive / nephew / strange / thief / decide /
no one / uncle / happen / lucky / scared

Discussion Elicit verbs that students know and remember. You can go back to the list
from U6L1. As students produce these verbs, write them on the board in
two columns: Regular / Irregular Verbs.
Help students along by reminding them of irregular verbs like:
teach / go / have / eat / drink / fight / give / understand
Give each list a title: Regular / Irregular Verbs.
Elicit the difference between the two lists.
Show the past form of these irregular verbs and explain why there are
many irregular verbs (because theyre all verbs we use a lot).
Introduce the seven new verbs in this lesson, and ask students to add
them to the appropriate list:
dream dreamed / feel felt / lose lost / speak spoke /
take took / wake up woke up / win won

Movie Watch the movie. Ask students to listen and watch for more irregular
verbs to add to their lists.
Other irregular verbs that appear in this movie are:
had, was/were, went, fought, made, ate, drank, taught, sang, told,
understood, gave

Homework  ord Search (included at the end of this lesson): Students look for the 15
irregular past forms. Beneath the Word Search, students write all the verbs
they found, together with their past forms. There are also 8 regular verbs.

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 1 (cont.)

Sum-up Complete the sentences, and then add a suitable time expression.
For example: The children drank _____________.
The children drank milk yesterday / last night.
a. I lost _______________.
b. He spoke ______________.
c. When they woke up ________________.
d. He felt _____________________.
e. She won ___________________.
f. I took __________________.
g. She taught _________________.
h. They gave ________________.
i. We ate ________________.
j. I understood _________________.

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 1 (cont.)

Past Tense Word Search: Find 15 irregular verbs and 8 regular verbs.

s m e l l e d f e l t f
w e n t w o k e u p o n
w o r k e d s l w e r e
f u n d e r s t o o d a
o w o n t a u g h t r r
u d g w e n t a t o e r
g w s p o k e e s o a i
h a p p e n e d h k m v
t s v t r i e d k a e e
w a t e d e c i d e d d

Irregular Verbs Regular Verbs

verb past verb past
1. ________________ - ________________ 1. ________________ - ________________
2. ________________ - ________________ 2. ________________ - ________________
3. ________________ - ________________ 3. ________________ - ________________
4. ________________ - ________________ 4. ________________ - ________________
5. ________________ - ________________ 5. ________________ - ________________
6. ________________ - ________________ 6. ________________ - ________________
7. ________________ - ________________ 7. ________________ - ________________
8. ________________ - ________________ 8. ________________ - ________________
9. ________________ - ________________
10. ________________ - ________________
11. ________________ - ________________
12. ________________ - ________________
13. ________________ - ________________
14. ________________ - ________________
15. ________________ - ________________

Which verbs appear twice? _________________________________

Which verb is the winning verb because it appears three times? _______________________

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 1 (cont.)

Past Tense Word Search Answer Key

1. felt (twice) 1. smelled

2. went 2. worked
3. woke up 3. dreamed
4. lost 4. arrived
5. drank 5. happened
6. were & was 6. asked
7. taught 7. tried
8. ate (twice) 8. decided
9. spoke
10. took
1 1. gave
12. had
13. fought
14. understood
15. won (three times the
winning verb)

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 2

Warm-up Collect the students Word Search homework and go over it with the class.
Since the movie is about traveling, it is useful to bring in a world map to
point out the different countries.
Introduce these new words:
China Chinese / France French / Italy Italian / sailor
Do a substitution drill using the words. Put the first sentence on
the board and point out the use of capital letters for countries and
a. I am from China. I speak Chinese.
b. France I am from France. I speak French.
c. They They are from France. They speak French.
d. Italy
e. You can add more countries/nationalities: America American /
Brazil Brazilian / Denmark Danish / Japan Japanese
Students can copy the list of countries and languages/nationalities in
their notebooks.

Movie Watch the movie.

Practice I Ask students to summarize what Ben and Moby did. You can put
vocabulary on the board, for prompts.

Practice II Students work on specified features from this unit at the teachers
discretion. Allot 15 minutes for this activity.

Homework 1. Add the missing verbs in the past.

2. Number the sentences to tell Bens story as it happened.
____ B en ____________ to go to France, but Moby ___________ to go
to Italy.
____ In China, they ____________ Chinese food. Their Chinese
friends ________ Ben and Moby gifts.
____ Their new French friends ___________ Ben and Moby to sing in French.
____ W hen Ben ______________, there was a sailors hat in the
room. What a strange dream!
____ In France, they __________ French food with their new
friends. They _________ a good time together.
____ Ben ____________ he was a sailor.
____ Ben ______________ to go to France and then to Italy.
____ In Italy, they ___________ some good Italian pizza.

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 2 (cont.)

____ T
 hen they _________ to China where everybody _________
Chinese. In Bens dream, he _____________ the language.
____ T
 hey __________ to decide where to go. Moby __________ very sad
when Ben __________ .
Add a word bank for those students needing more prompts.
Answer key available in session 3 lesson plan.

Sum-up 7-6-5-4-3-2-1!
List 7 irregular verbs.
List 6 regular verbs.
List 5 countries. (China, Italy, France, Spain, England, USA)
List 4 people in BrainPOP ESL movies. (Ben, Moby, Ed, Nikki, Mike)
List 3 opposites. (win-lose / white-black / take-give /
always-never / quiet-noisy)
Name 2 jobs. (teacher / sailor / doctor / singer)
Name 1 new thing you learned today.

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 3

Check Check the homework assignment. Have students come up and write the
Homework sentences on the board in the right sequence.
Answer Key:

2. Ben wanted to go to France, but Moby wanted

to go to Italy.
9. In China, they ate Chinese food.
Their Chinese friends gave Ben and Moby gifts.
6. Their new French friends taught Ben and Moby to sing
in French.
10. When Ben woke up, there was a sailors hat on the
bed. What a strange dream!
5. In France, they ate/cooked/had French food with their new
friends. They had a good time together.
1. Ben dreamed he was a sailor.
4. Ben decided to go to France and then to Italy.
7. In Italy, they ate/had some good Italian pizza.
8. Then they went to China where everybody spoke
Chinese. In Bens dream, he understood the language.
3. They fought to decide where to go. Moby felt/was very sad
when Ben won.

Movie Watch the movie.

Practice I Ben and Moby wrote a postcard to their friends at home. Fill in the blanks.
Dear Ed and Nikki,
Moby and I ____________ to Italy. The people _______ Italian to us.
We ______ pizza and ______ Italian drinks. The food ______ great!
They ______ us how to cook Italian food. Our new friends _____ us
some gifts, too.
We ______ very happy.
From your friends,
Ben and Moby

Practice II Work on the Read it and Write it features of the lesson.

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com
Level 1
6.2 Lesson Plan
Session 3 (cont.)

Homework Copy the 5 sentences from the board.

Add capital letters where necessary.
a. i spoke to an old chinese man yesterday.
b. theyre italians, so they know italian.
c. are you from france? Do you speak french?
d. many canadians know two languages: english and french.
e. we were in spain last week. thats where i lost my english books.

Sum-up The teacher produces a sentence in the present and students have to
change the sentences into the past.
a. She speaks Italian.
b. He feels fine today.
c. They wake up at 8:00 every day.
d. Danny takes his cousin home.
e. I win the game every summer.
f. We are sailors.
g. You always lose your things.
h. I dream about chocolate at night.

2009-2010 BrainPOP ESL. All rights reserved. Visit us on the web at http://www.brainpopesl.com

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