Goodwin-Gill - International Law of Refugee Protection
Goodwin-Gill - International Law of Refugee Protection
Goodwin-Gill - International Law of Refugee Protection
This chapter examines the international law of refugee protection, focusing on the legal
tools, treaties, and national laws which prescribe or implement the obligations of states
to refugees, as well as the core protection functions and responsibilities of the Office of
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It first considers the
definition of refugee, persecution, and the reasons for persecution as spelled out in the
1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. It then discusses the principle of non-
refoulement and UNHCRs responsibility to seek permanent solutions for the problem of
refugees, including voluntary repatriation, local asylum, and resettlement. Finally, it
looks at the refugee problem in the context of human rights.
Keywords: international law, protection, treaties, refugees, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,
persecution, voluntary repatriation, asylum, resettlement, human rights
The movement of people between states, whether refugees or migrants, takes place in a
context in which sovereignty remains important, and specifically that aspect of sovereign
competence which entitles the state to exercise prima facie exclusive jurisdiction over its
territory, and to decide who among non-citizens shall be allowed to enter and remain, and
who shall be refused admission and required or compelled to leave. Like every sovereign
power, this competence must be exercised within and according to law, and the states
right to control the admission of non-citizens is subject to certain well-defined exceptions
in favour of those in search of refuge, among others. Moreover, the state which seeks to
exercise migration controls outside its territory, for example, through the physical
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interception, interdiction, and return of asylum seekers and forced migrants, may also
be liable for actions which breach those of its international obligations which apply extra-
territorially (Goodwin-Gill 2011; Moreno Lax 2011, 2012).1
The international law of refugee protection, which is the source of many such exceptions,
comprises a range of universal and regional conventions (treaties), rules of customary
international law, general principles of law, national laws, and the ever-developing
standards in the practice of states and international organizations, notably the Office of
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
While the provision of material assistancefood, shelter, and medical careis a critically
important function of the international refugee regime, the notion of legal protection has
a very particular focus. Protection in this sense means using the legal tools, including
treaties and national laws, which prescribe or implement the obligations of states and
which are intended to ensure that no refugee in search of asylum is penalized, expelled,
or refouled, that every refugee enjoys the full complement of rights and benefits to which
he or she is entitled as a refugee; and that the human rights of every refugee (p. 37) are
guaranteed. Protection is thus based in the law; it may be wider than rights, but it begins
with rights and rights permeate the whole. Moreover, while solutions remain the ultimate
objective of the international refugee regime, this does not mean that the one goal is
automatically subsumed within the other. That is, protection is an end in itself, so far as it
serves to ensure the fundamental human rights of the individual. Neither the objective of
solutions nor the imperatives of assistance, therefore, can displace the autonomous
protection responsibility which is borne, in its disparate dimensions, by both states and
The modern law can now be traced back nearly 100 years, to legal and institutional
initiatives taken by the League of Nations, first, in the appointment of a High
Commissioner for Refugees in 1921, and then in agreement the following year on the
issue of identity certificates to any person of Russian origin who does not enjoy or no
longer enjoys the protection of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
and who has not acquired another nationality. After the Second World War, the refugee
question became highly politicized (Goodwin-Gill 2008), and the UNs first institutional
response to the problemthe International Refugee Organization (IRO), a specialized
agencywas opposed by the Soviet Union and its allies, remaining funded by only 18 of
the 54 governments which were then members of the United Nations. Notwithstanding
the politics of the day, tens of thousands of refugees and displaced persons were
resettled under IRO auspices, through government selection schemes, individual
migration, and employment placement (Holborn 1975; Loescher and Scanlan 1986).
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In 1951, the IRO was replaced by a new agency, an initially non-operational subsidiary
organ of the UN General Assembly charged with providing international protection to
refugees and seeking permanent solutions. The Statute of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was adopted on 14 December 1950, and the Office
came into being on 1 January 1951.2 Its mandate was general and universal, including
refugees recognized under earlier arrangements, as well as those outside their country of
origin who were unable or unwilling to return there owing to well-founded fear of
persecution on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political opinion. Once a
temporary agency, UNHCR was put on a permanent basis in 2003, when the General
Assembly renewed its mandate until the refugee problem is solved.3
(p. 38) The difficulty of maintaining a refugee definition bounded by time and space was
soon apparent, but it was not until 1967 that the Protocol relating to the Status of
Refugees helped to bridge the gap between UNHCRs mandate and the 1951
Convention.5 The Protocol is often referred to as amending the 1951 Convention, but in
fact it does no such thing. States parties to the Protocol, which can be ratified or acceded
to without becoming a party to the Convention, simply agree to apply Articles 2 to 34 of
the Convention to refugees defined in Article 1 thereof, as if the dateline were omitted
(Article I of the Protocol). Cape Verde, the United States of America, and Venezuela have
acceded only to the Protocol; Madagascar and St Kitts and Nevis remain party only to the
Convention; and Madagascar and Turkey have retained the geographical limitation. The
Protocol required just six ratifications and it entered into force on 4 October 1967.
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The refugee must be outside his or her country of origin, and having crossed an
international frontier is an intrinsic part of the quality of refugee, understood in the
international legal sense. However, it is not necessary to have fled by reason of fear of
persecution, or even actually to have been persecuted. The fear of persecution looks to
the future, and can emerge during an individuals absence from their home country, for
example, as a result of intervening political change.
Although central to the refugee definition, persecution itself is not defined in the 1951
Convention. Articles 31 and 33 refer to threats to life or freedom, so clearly it includes
the threat of death, or the threat of torture, or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or
punishment. A comprehensive analysis requires the general notion to be related to
developments within the broad field of human rights,6 and the recognition that fear of
persecution and lack of protection are themselves interrelated elements. The persecuted
do not enjoy the protection of their country of origin, while evidence of the lack of
protection on either the internal or external level may create a presumption as to the
(p. 39) likelihood of persecution and to the well-foundedness of any fear. However, there
The Convention does require that the persecution feared be for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion. This language,
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The Convention does not just say who is a refugee, but also sets out when refugee status
comes to an end (Article 1C; for example, in the case of voluntary return, acquisition of a
new, effective nationality, or change of circumstances in the country of origin). For
political reasons, the Convention also puts Palestinian refugees outside its scope (at least
while they continue to receive protection or assistance from other UN agencies; Article
1D); and it excludes those who are treated as nationals in their state of refuge (Article
1E). Finally, the Convention definition categorically excludes from the benefits of refugee
status anyone who there are serious reasons to believe has committed a war crime, a
serious non-political offence prior to admission, or acts contrary to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations (Article 1F). From the beginning, therefore, the 1951
Convention has contained clauses sufficient to ensure that the serious criminal and the
terrorist do not benefit from international protection.
Besides identifying the essential characteristics of the refugee, states party to the
Convention also accept specific obligations which are crucial to achieving the goal of
protection, and thereafter an appropriate solution. Foremost among these is the principle
of non-refoulement. As set out in the Convention, this prescribes broadly that no refugee
shall be returned in any manner whatsoever to any country where he or she would be at
risk of persecution.7
The word refoulement derives from the French refouler, which means to drive back or to
repel. The idea that a state ought not to return persons to other states in certain
circumstances was first referred to in Article 3 of the 1933 Convention relating to the
International Status of Refugees. It was not widely ratified, but a new era began with the
(p. 40) General Assemblys 1946 endorsement of the principle that refugees with valid
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Today, the principle of non-refoulement is not only the essential foundation for
international refugee law, but also an integral part of human rights protection, implicit in
the subject matter of many such rights, and a rule of customary international law.
States have also agreed to provide certain facilities to refugees, including administrative
assistance (Article 25); identity papers (Article 27), and travel documents (Article 28); the
grant of permission to transfer assets (Article 30); and the facilitation of naturalization
(Article 34).
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In 1969, the Organization of African Unity (now the African Union) adopted the
Convention on the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (Sharpe 2012).10
Article I(1) incorporates the 1951 Convention definition, but paragraph (2) adds an
approach more immediately reflecting the social and political realities of contemporary
refugee movements. Also to be accepted as refugees are those compelled to flee owing to
external aggression, occupation, foreign domination, or events seriously disturbing public
order. In 1984, 10 Central American States adopted a similar approach in the (non-
binding) Cartagena Declaration,11 recognizing in addition flight from generalized
violence, internal conflicts, and massive violation of human rights. Two years later, in the
extradition case of Soering v United Kingdom,12 the European Court of Human Rights laid
the essential foundations for protection from removal under the European Convention. In
this first judgment in what is now a long and consistent body of jurisprudence, the court
ruled that it would be a breach of the Convention to remove an individual to another state
in which there were substantial grounds to believe that he or she would face a real risk of
treatment contrary to Article 3, which prohibits torture or inhuman or degrading
treatment. Later judgments have confirmed the applicability of this principle without
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exception, for example, in security or criminal cases,13 and in the context also of extra-
territorial interception operations.14
No international instrument defines asylum. Article 14 of the 1948 Universal
Declaration of Human Rights simply says that Everyone has the right to seek and to
enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. Article 1 of the 1967 UN Declaration
on Territorial Asylum notes that Asylum granted by a State, in the exercise of its
sovereignty, to persons entitled to invoke Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights...shall be respected by all other States. But it is for the State granting
asylum to evaluate the grounds for the grant of asylum (Goodwin-Gill 2012).
Neither instrument creates any binding obligations for states. Indeed, both texts suggest
a considerable margin of appreciation with respect to who is granted asylum and what
exactly this means. In practice, however, states freedom of action is significantly
influenced by external constraints, which follow from an internationally recognized
refugee definition, the application of the principle of non-refoulement, and the overall
impact of human rights law. Regional instruments and doctrine have also had an
important impact on the asylum question. Again, the 1969 OAU Convention was among
the first to give a measure of normative content to the discretionary competence of states
to grant asylum (Article II).17 Within the EU, the 2000 Charter of Fundamental Rights
declares expressly that the right to asylum shall be guaranteed..., and that no one may
be removed to a state where he or she faces a serious risk of the death penalty, torture,
or other inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Articles 18, 19). The
Qualification Directive provides in turn that member states shall grant refugee status to
those who satisfy the relevant criteria (Article 13; see also Article 8 of the Temporary
Protection Directive) (Gil-Bazo 2008).
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The ultimate purpose of protection is not to ensure that refugees remain refugees for
ever, and voluntary repatriation reflects the right of the individual to return to his or her
country of citizenship. No universal instrument deals with this, but the right to return is
widely accepted as an inalienable incident of nationality. The only formal reference
(p. 43) appears in the 1969 OAU Convention, Article 5(1) of which emphasizes that the
essentially voluntary character of repatriation shall be respected in all cases and no
refugee shall be repatriated against his will. On several occasions, the UNHCR Executive
Committee has proposed standards and guidelines for voluntary repatriation
operations.19 The general rule is that refugees should return voluntarily and in conditions
of security, and the international community has a legal interest in the follow-up to any
repatriation movement; the security of those returning and the implementation of
amnesties and other guarantees are rightly considered matters of international concern,
and therefore subject to monitoring against relevant legal standards.
Local integration, that is, residence and acceptance into the local community where the
refugee first arrives, is the practical realization of asylum. States may be bound to the
refugee definition and bound to observe the principle of non-refoulement, but they retain
discretion as to whether to allow a refugee to settle locally; this point was underlined by
the UNHCR Executive Committee in its 2005 Conclusion on local integration,20 although
with little if any regard or reference to states other obligations under international law
which govern the treatment of non-nationals on state territory.
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The 1951 Convention remains quite state-centric, in the sense that it represents
undertakings and obligations, accepted between the parties, to respect, protect, or
accord certain rights and benefits.22 Sometimes a right may be stated simply, unqualified
other than by reference to the refugees lawful presence (Article 32), but at others, it has
to be implied (the refugee shall be allowed...: Article 32(2)), or must be assumed as the
reverse side of a qualification to the competence of the state, rather than a right strictly
correlative to duty (contracting states shall not expel a on grounds of
national security or public order: Article 32(1); shall not impose penalties....: Article 31;
shall issue identity papers...: Article 27; and No contracting State shall expel or return
(refouler) a refugee...: Article 33(1)).
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In addition to the protection gap between the principle of non-refoulement and asylum
in the sense of solution, there are further doctrinal gaps between the Convention/Protocol
refugee regime and the seemingly broader regime, or regimes, of human rights
protection. The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides no answer, for
example, to the question of how far the general prohibition of discrimination in Article 26
of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is to be applied to
refugees;23 or how, if at all, their specific entitlements under the 1951 Convention are to
be updated or expanded in the light of parallel systems of protection which seem to be
simultaneously applicable.
The practice of states at present provides no clear answers, save that states themselves
appear to want to maintain the specific, refugee-focused approach of the 1951
Convention. The fundamental principles of refugee protection, particularly refuge, non-
return, or non-refoulement, are necessarily common material to both fields, but reports
of human rights undermining the refugee protection regime24 are likely exaggerated or
premature, or just plain academic speculation.
insensitive to security concerns, particularly terrorism and organized crime, and even
redundant, given the protection now due in principle to everyone under international
human rights law.
The 1951 Convention does not deal with the question of admission, and neither does it
oblige a state of refuge to accord asylum as such, or provide for the sharing of
responsibilities (for example, by prescribing which state should deal with a claim to
refugee status). The Convention does not address the question of causes of flight, or
make provision for prevention; its scope does not include internally displaced persons,
and it is not concerned with the better management of international migration. At the
regional level, and notwithstanding the 1967 Protocol, refugee movements have
necessitated more focused responses, such as the 1969 OAU Convention and the 1984
Cartagena Declaration; while in Europe, the development of protection doctrine under
the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights has led to the adoption of provisions on
subsidiary or complementary protection within the legal system of the European
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Nevertheless, within the context of the international refugee regime, which brings
together states, UNHCR, and other international organizations, the UNHCR Executive
Committee, and non-governmental organizations, among others, the 1951 Convention
continues to play an important part in the protection of refugees, in the promotion and
provision of solutions for refugees, in ensuring the security and related interests of
states, sharing responsibility, and generally promoting human rights. Ministerial
Meetings of States Parties, convened in Geneva by the government of Switzerland to
mark the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the Convention in December 2001 and
December 2011, expressly acknowledged, the continuing relevance and resilience of this
international regime of rights and principles... and reaffirmed that the 1951 Convention
and the 1967 Protocol are the foundation of the international refugee protection regime
and have enduring value and relevance in the twenty-first century.25
In many states, judicial and administrative procedures for the determination of refugee
status have established the necessary legal link between refugee status and protection,
contributed to a broader and deeper understanding of key elements in the Convention
refugee definition, and helped to consolidate the fundamental principle of non-
refoulement. While initially concluded as an agreement between states on the treatment
of refugees, the 1951 Convention has inspired both doctrine and practice in which the
language of refugee rights is entirely appropriate.
Brownlie, I., and Goodwin-Gill, G. S. (eds.) (2010) Brownlies Documents on Human
Rights (6th edn.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gil-Bazo, M.-T. (2008) The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and
the Right to be Granted Asylum in the Unions Law. Refugee Survey Quarterly 27(3): 33.
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Goodwin-Gill, G. S. (2011) The Right to Seek Asylum: Interception at Sea and the
Principle of Non-refoulement. International Journal of Refugee Law 23: 44357.
Goodwin-Gill, G. S., and McAdam, J. (2007) The Refugee in International Law (3rd edn.).
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Holborn, L. (1975) Refugees: A Problem of our Time. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press.
Loescher, G., and Scanlan, J. (1986) Calculated Kindness. New York: The Free Press,
Marrus, M. R. (1985) The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Moreno Lax, V. (2012) Hirsi v Italy or the Strasbourg Court v Extraterritorial Migration
Control? Human Rights Law Review 12(3): 125.
(1) . See, among others, Hirsi v Italy (Appl. no. 27765/09), 23 February 2012; R (European
Roma Rights Centre and others) v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport and another
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(4) . 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees: 189 UNTS 137. Text in Brownlie
2010 and Goodwin-Gill and McAdam 2007.
(5) . UNGA Resolution 2198 (XXI), 16 December 1966; 1967 Protocol relating to the
Status of Refugees: 606 UNTS 267; text in Goodwin-Gill and McAdam 2007.
(6) . Cf. Article 1, 1984 Convention against Torture: 1465 UNTS 85; Article 7, 1966
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: 999 UNTS 171; Article 3, 1950
European Convention on Human Rights: ETS No 5; Article 6, 1969 American Convention
on Human Rights: OAS Treaty Series No. 36 (1969); Article 5, 1981 African Charter on
Human and Peoples Rights: 1530 UNTS No. 26,363.
(7) . Article 3 of the 1984 Convention against Torture extends the same protection where
there are substantial grounds for believing that a person to be returned would be in
danger of being tortured.
(9) . See UNHCR, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for the Determination of Refugee
Status, Geneva: UNHCR, 1979; UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusion No. 8 (XXVIII),
1977: UN doc. A/AC.96/549, para. 36.
(10) . 1969 Convention on the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa: 1000
UNTS 46; text in Brownlie 2010, Goodwin-Gill and McAdam 2007.
(11) . 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees: OAS/Ser.L/V/II.66, doc. 10, rev. 1, 1903;
text in Goodwin-Gill and McAdam 2007.
(13) . See, for example, Chahal v United Kingdom (1996) 23 EHRR 413.
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(17) . See also Article 12(3), 1981 African Charter of Human and Peoples Rights; Article
22(7), 1969 American Convention on Human Rights.
(19) . Executive Committee Conclusion No. 18, 1980; Executive Committee Conclusion
No. 40, 1985; Executive Committee Conclusion No. 101, 2004.
(21) . Cf. Article 1(3) UN Charter; UNGA res. 428(V), para. 20.
(22) . The 1984 Convention against Torture is somewhat similar in this respect.
(23) . Article 30 of the Vienna Convention deals with the application of successive treaties
relating to the same subject-matter, but not with the situation created by overlapping
multilateral treaties, in particular, those concerned with human rights.
Guy S. Goodwin-Gill
Guy S. Goodwin-Gill is Professor of Public International Law and Fellow All Souls
College, Oxford University.
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