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Background: Although there are established drugs for treatment of cardiovascular diseases, due to adverse effects
these drugs may not be clinically applicable to all patients. Recent trends have seen the emergence of drugs which
act on funny current channels to induce selective heart rate reduction. Ivabradine is one such drug developed for
coronary artery disease and heart failure. There is inconsistent evidence about the effect of this selective inhibitor in
reduction of cardiovascular related mortality and morbidity. Such an inconsistency warrants the need for a meta-
analysis to consider the effectiveness and efficacy of Ivabradine in the treatment of coronary artery disease and
heart failure.
Methods: Randomized controlled trials with a minimum follow-up period of one year were searched in Pub Med/
Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials published between 1980 and 2016.Each eligible
study was assessed for risk of bias by using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment tool. The outcomes assessed in
this study included: all cause mortality, cardiovascular-related mortality, hospitalization for new or worsening heart
failure, and adverse events. Subgroup analysis and publication bias were assessed. We used Mantel-Haenszel
method for random-effects. Analysis was done using RevMan5.1.This study was registered in PROSPERO as
[PROSPERO 2016:CRD42016035597].
Result: Three trials with a total of 36,577 participants met the meta-analysis criteria. Pooled analysis showed that
ivabradine is not effective in reducing cardiovascular deaths (OR: 1.02; CI:0.911.15,P = 0.74), all-cause mortality (OR:
1.00; CI:0.911.10,P = 0.98), coronary revascularization (OR: 0.93, CI: 0.771.11, P = 0.41) and hospital admission for
worsening of heart failure (OR: 0.94, CI: 0.711.25, P = 0.69). However, the drug was found to significantly increase
adverse events: phosphenes (OR:7.77, CI: 4.414.6,P < 0.00001), blurred vision (OR:3.07,CI:2.184.32,P < 0.00001),
symptomatic bradycardia (OR: 6.23, CI: 4.29.26, P < 0.00001), and atrial fibrillation (OR: 1.35, CI: 1.191.53, P < 0.
0001). Subgroup analysis by duration of follow up on cardiovascular outcomes found that there is no difference in
effect of ivabradine depending on the duration of follow up. There was no publication bias in reporting of included
Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggests that ivabradine is not effective in reducing cardiovascular-related morbidity
and mortality unless used for specific conditions. On the contrary, the use of this drug was strongly associated with
the onset of untoward and new adverse events. This finding strongly supports previous findings and further
informs the rational and evidence-informed clinical use of ivabradine.
Keywords: Ivabradine, Randomized trials, Meta-analysis, Funny current, Coronary artery disease
* Correspondence:
College of Health Science, Adigrat University, Adigrat, Ethiopia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Mengesha et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2017) 17:105 Page 2 of 9
bradycardia, phosphene, cardiac disorders, as well as any outcome data (attrition bias), selective outcome report-
other documented serious adverse events or infections. ing (reporting bias), academic bias and source of funding
bias. Each included study was assessed for each domains,
Search strategy with ratings of low, uncertain, or high risk in accordance
We searchedOvid Medline, Pubmed, Embase, Scopus, with the criteria as published in PROSPERO [23].
Clinical and the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials for randomized placebo controlled tri- Ethical clearance
als of ivabradine effect using the terms Ivabradine, pro- Ethical clearance was not necessary for this study.
coralan, stable coronary artery disease, stable angina,
ischemic heart disease, randomized controlled trial, Results
and placebo as text words, and corresponding MeSH Study selection and characteristics of the included studies
terms. We searched for studies in the reference lists of a In this analysis a total of 11,042 records were assessed
meta-analysis study, controlled trials, and review articles for eligibility and of these 10,865 records were excluded
from the established review period. Efforts were made to because they were duplicates and after titles were exam-
identify, include, and acquire grey literature (i.e., unpub- ined. Of 177 records 151 were excluded because they
lished studies) via personal contacts and/or emails lead were only abstracts, animal studies, commentaries, and/
by BW and TB. or reviews. After further screening, three (3) trials met
the requirements for inclusion in the current meta-
Data extraction, measure of effect and analysis analysis. The major reasons for exclusion were: not
Data was extracted by two independent reviewers using double blind, non-human sample, and non-placebo con-
a data extraction template. Where disagreement exists trolled randomized studies. Figure 1 provides a graphical
reviewers discussed about the issues to reach consensus. representation of the selection and de-selection process
A Mantel-Haenszel random-effect model was used to at this preliminary stage.
consider the heterogeneity of studies and calculate com- Three eligible randomized clinical trials were screened
bined effect size to provide a more conservative estima- into this analysis, which included a total of 36,577 par-
tion of odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval ticipants (18,297 in the ivabradine group and 18,280 pa-
(CI). When I2 < 50 fixed effect model was used. Individ- tients in the placebo group). Sample representativeness
ual patients were the units of analysis. Missing data was included patients with stable angina with left ventricular
considered by intent to treat analysis using imputation dysfunction in the BEAUTIFUL trial [9], stable CAD
assuming missing data happened at random and would without clinical heart failure in the SIGNIFY trial [14],
have similar outcomes to the available data. and chronic heart failure with systolic ventricular dys-
To assess statistical heterogeneity between summary function (plus a majority with ischemic heart disease-
data at trial level we used the tau statistic (P < 0.10) and originated heart failure) in the SHIFT trial [15]. The me-
the I2statistic (I2 > 50%) was considered low if I2 < 30%, dian follow up period for these studies was less than two
moderate if I2 is between30 75%, and high if I2 > 75% years (i.e., BEAUTIFUL(19 months), SHIFT(22 months),
[21]. Publication and other reporting biases were and SIGNIFY(27.8 months)). The left ventricular ejec-
assessed using funnel plots and Eggers test where neces- tion fraction (LVEF) was less than <40%, <35%, and
sary. The effect of ivabradine on cardiovascular out- 40%, in the BEAUTIFUL, SHIFT, and SIGNIFY studies,
comes by stratifying based on duration of follow up of respectively. In these included trials, the dose range of
patients was investigated using random and fixed effects ivabradine ranged between 5 mg and 7.5 mg twice daily.
meta-regression analyses. The mean pre-treatment resting heart rate across all
Analysis was done using Rev. Man 5.1 and CMA three studies was 70 bpm. The primary composite end
3.0. All tests were two tailed and considered significant point in the three trials was related to cardiovascular
if P < 0.05. death, admission to hospital for new onset or worsening
of heart failure, and admission to hospital for fatal and
Assessment of risk of bias in included studies non-fatal myocardial infarction (refer to Table 1).
The risk of bias in this study was assessed using the risk
of bias assessment tool for randomized control trials Risk of bias assessment of the included studies
[22]. The Cochrane risk of bias domains was used to Based on the Cochrane Collaboration for risk of bias as-
identify the risk of bias in individual studies [22]. The sessment criteria, the three included studies were low
domains were: random sequence generation (selection risk in terms of the six major domains. The interpret-
bias), allocation concealment (selection bias), blinding of ation of low risk for each domain is explained in detail
participants and personnel (performance bias), blinding in our proposal published in PROSPERO [23]. However,
of outcome assessors (detection bias), incomplete assessment for other possible sources of other bias is
Mengesha et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2017) 17:105 Page 4 of 9
Fig. 1 Study flow diagram for the study inclusion and exclusion process
uncertain due to limited articulation in the respective group. The majority of participants (i.e., 13,905(76.2%))
studies (refer to Table 2). were men. The mean LVEF was 32.4(5.5), 29(5.19), and
Regarding the baseline characteristics of patients the 56.4(8.5) for the BEAUTIFUL, SHIFT, and SIGNIFY tri-
mean (sd) age of patients was 63.5 9 with 63.7 9 in als, respectively. With regard to co-morbidities,
the ivabradine group and 63.4 9.1 in the placebo 7093(38.8%) and 14,319(78.4%) had diabetes mellitus
Table 2 Risk of bias table assessment result for the included studies
Study Criteria for risk of bias assessment
Random sequence Allocation Blinding of participants Blinding of outcome Incomplete Selective Other bias
generation concealment & personnel assessment outcome data reporting
LR Low Risk, UR Uncertain risk
and hypertension in the ivabradine group, respectively. Admission to hospital for new onset or worsening
At randomization, 5193(86%) of participants in the ivab- of heart failure: all the three trials had assessed this
radine group and 5201(87%) in the placebo group were endpoint and were therefore included in the analysis.
taking -blockers (refer to Table 3). Ivabradine did not significantly decrease admission to
hospital for new onset or worsening of heart failure
Effect and safety of ivabradine on cardiovascular compared to the placebo (OR: 0.94, CI: 0.711.25,
outcomes P = 0.69).
The effect of ivabradine on cardiovascular outcomes was Coronary revascularization: Two trials with 30,019
analyzed using the random-effects model of Der Simo- patients assessed the effect of ivabradine on coronary re-
nian and Laird considering potential heterogeneity. We vascularization [14, 15]. Pooled analysis of these trials
summarized the effect of ivabradine compared to pla- showed that ivabradine was not effective in reducing the
cebo on cardiovascular outcomes as follows: occurrence/events of coronary revascularization com-
pared to placebo (OR: 0.93, CI: 0.771.11, p = 0.41).
Efficacy of ivabradine on cardiovascular outcomes Overall, ivabradine was not found to decrease the
Cardiovascular deaths: We included three trials with number of events related to cardiovascular morbidity
36,524 patients, which considered cardiovascular deaths and mortality in comparison with placebo group patients
as an outcome variable. On meta-analysis, ivabradine with stable angina and heart failure (Table 4).
did not have a significant effect in reducing cardiovascu-
lar caused deaths/events compared to placebo (OR: 1.02; Safety of ivabradine
CI: 0.911.15, P = 0.74). The details of the analysis and All the trials included had assessed the adverse events of
forest plot are presented in Fig. 2. ivabradine experienced by study participants. These
All-cause mortality: we assessed all-cause mortality as major adverse events are summarized as follows:
a one endpoint and found that the effect of ivabradine in Phosphenes: two trials [14, 15] assessed the adverse ef-
reducing all-cause mortality was not different from the fect of ivabradine on vision. Ivabradine significantly in-
placebo (OR: 1.00; CI: 0.911.10, P = 0.98). creased the incidence of phosphene (OR: 7.77, CI: 4.4
14.6, P = <0.00001) and blurred vision (OR: 3.07, CI: Publication bias on the outcome cardiovascular deaths
2.184.32,P = <0.00001) compared to the placebo. The assessment of publication bias on the three out-
Cardiac: Ivabradine significantly increased the inci- comes (cardiovascular, hospital admission for heart fail-
dence of symptomatic bradycardia (OR: 6.23, CI: 4.2 ure and all-cause mortality) showed that there was no
9.26, P = <0.00001) and atrial fibrillation (OR: 1.35, CI: publication bias which could affect the pooled analysis
1.191.53) compared to placebo. of this study. As can be seen in the funnel plot figures,
In addition.two trials [9, 15] generally assessed the ad- all the three trials included to this study had no bias in
verse effects of ivabradine on different systems in which publication. Figures showed that the studies are approxi-
incidence of adverse effect was not significantly different mately symmetrically distributed across the line (see
on cardiac disorders all serious adverse events, infection Figs. 3 and 4).
and infestation compared to placebo (Table 4). Although few number of studies were included to this
analysis, Eggers test to check the publication bias captured
Subgroup analysis by the funnel plot on effect of ivabradine in reducing admis-
A subgroup analysis was undertaken by stratifying the sion to hospital for worsening or new onset of heart failure
trials based on duration of follow up, reflecting a period found that the intercept (B0) was 0.096, 95% confidence
of less than two years [9, 15] and one of 2 years [14]. interval (86.23, 110.13), with t = 1.58, df = 1. The one-
Based on this subgroup analysis we found that effect of tailed p-value is 0.17, and the two-tailed p-value is 0.35. This
ivabradine on cardiovascular deaths (OR: 0.99, CI: 0.84 suggests the absence of significant publication bias.
1.17, P = 0.9) and all-cause mortality (OR: 0.97, CI:
0.841.12, P = 0.69) did not significantly vary depending Discussion
on the duration of follow up by using random effect, This study considered the extant evidentiary base on the
Mantel-Haenszel 95% CI analysis. effects of ivabradine in reducing cardiovascular outcomes
Table 4 Meta-analysis in efficacy and safety of ivabradine in patients with stable coronary angina and heart failure
Ivabradine Placebo Odds ratio P-value I2
in %
Outcome Event/Total, n/N % Event/total % M-H, random
& Fixedb, 95% CI
Cardiovascular death 1247/18270 6.8 1227/18254 6.7 1.02(0.911.15) 0.74 51
All-cause mortality 1560/18270 8.5 1557/18254 8.5 1(0.911.10) 0.98 78
Hospital admission 1156/18270 6.3 1280/18254 7 0.94(0.711.25) 0.69 89
Coronary revascularization 717/15029 4.7 750/14990 5 0.93(0.771.11) 0.41 57
Phosphenes 601/12771 4.7 69/12804 5.3 7.77(4.414.6) <0.00001 78
Symptomatic bradycardia 907/12771 7.1 142/12804 1.1 6.23(4.29.26) <0.00001 1 71
Atrial fibrillation 814/12771 6.3 613/12804 4.7 1.35(1.211.51) <0.00001 22
Blurred vision 134/12771 1 44/12804 0.3 3.07(2.184.32) <0.00001 0
Infection& infestation 519/8709 5.9 555/8690 6.3 0.93(0.821.05) 0.26 0
Serious adverse event 2683/8709 31 2792/8690 32 0.97(0.851.11) 0.36 48
Cardiac disorder 2203/8709 2.5 2454/8690 2.8 0.85(0.651.11) 0.24 89
CI Confidence Interval, a shows hospital admission for worsening or new onset of heart failure,bindicates the use of random effect model when I2 50 and fixed
effect if I2 < 50
Mengesha et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2017) 17:105 Page 7 of 9
in patients with stable angina and heart failure. The re- of the majority of sampled participants exhibiting stable
search hypothesis was that ivabradine may have a signifi- angina and heart failure caused by ischemic heart disease
cant effect in reducing cardiovascular outcomes in and in terms of the outcomes measured). Specifically,
patients with stable angina and heart failure and that such participants in BEAUTIFUL, SHIFT, and SIGNIFY had
effect may vary among subgroups and/or across period of stable angina with left ventriculardysfunction, heart fail-
follow up. Ivabradine pharmacological effectiveness for ure patients (majority with ischemic origin) with ejection
these conditions relates to its selective reduction of heart fraction <35%, and stable angina without clinical heart
rate by acting on the pacemaker sino-atrial nodes so- failure, respectively. As a result, there was similarity in
called funny channel [13] thereby redressing the estab- target population across these studies.
lished risk factor of increased heart rate [59]. Independently, each trial revealed that ivabradine was
A number of large multicenter trials have been con- effective for reducing events in subgroup patients of
ducted; specifically, BEAUTIFUL, SHIFT, and SIGNIFY heart beat 70 bpm in the BEAUTIFUL study and was
studies [9, 14, 15]. Although these trials targeted distinct effective in reducing primary outcome and secondary
patient populations, they exhibited similarities in terms outcomes in the SHIFT study but in the recent trial with
Standard Error
relatively longer duration follow up but without clinical affirmed that prescribers should be cautious in clinical
heart failure (SIGNIFY) it was found that the addition of use of this drug for unspecified conditions or for off
ivabradine to standard background therapy did not im- label purposes. This meta-analysis suggested that ivabra-
prove outcomes [14]. A recent meta-analysis found that dine is not effective in reducing cardiovascular related
unselective use of ivabradine in patients with CAD is morbidity and mortality in other than specified condi-
not supported by evidence and may be associated with tions and is associated with new onset of adverse events
new onset of adverse effects [18]. In the current study, in non-specified use situations. Therefore, this finding
ivabradine was found not to significantly reduce all effi- strongly supports previous analysis related to the use of
cacy outcomes according to the trials assessed in this ivabradine and emphasizes the imperative for health
study. However, in the SHIFT study, ivabradine was professionals to be aware of these evidences for rational
found effective in reducing primary composite end point use of ivabradine in clinical practice.
and other secondary outcomes such as hospital admis-
sion for worsening of heart failure, but this finding was Additional file
not true in the pooled analysis for ivabradine compared
to placebo participants. Based on this analysis, there is a Additional file 1: PRISMA 2009 Checklist. (DOC 62 kb)
need to be cautious in interpretation of the effectiveness
of ivabradine for patient subgroups with left ventricular Abbreviations
dysfunction and high resting heart rate 70 bpm. BEAUTIFUL: morBidity-mortality EvAlUaTion of the If inhibitor ivabradine in
patients with coronary disease and left-ventricULar dysfunction; BPM: Beats
Further, this meta-analysis showed that ivabradine is per Minute; CAD: Coronary Artery Disease; CMA: Comprehensve
significantly associated with the new onset of adverse MetaAnalysis; CI: Confidence Interval; CVD: Cardiovascular Diseases;
events such as blurred vision, phosphene, atrial fibrilla- PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis
PRISMA Checklist; OR: Odds Ratio; SHIFT: Systolic Heart failure treatment with
tion, and symptomatic bradycardia. Although adverse the If inhibitor ivabradine Trial,; SIGNIFY: Study Assessing the Morbidity
events varied across the trials, the analysis showed most Mortality Benefits of the If Inhibitor Ivabradine in Patients with Coronary
of the adverse events were significantly related to ivabra- Artery Disease
Publishers Note
On meta-analysis, we found that ivabradine was not ef- Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
fective in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortal- published maps and institutional affiliations.
ity outcomes but was associated with new onset of
Author details
adverse events. 1
College of Health Science, Adigrat University, Adigrat, Ethiopia. 2College of
In summary, ivabradine is approved by European Med- Health Science, School of Public Health, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia.
icines Agency [16] and the United States Food and Drug College of Nursing; Adjunct Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and
Technology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. 4College of
Administrations [17] for clinical use in stable CAD and Health Science, Department of Pharmacy, Haramaya University, Harar,
heart failure of specific conditions. This meta-analysis Ethiopia. 5College of Health Science, Department of Medical Biochemistry,
Mengesha et al. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (2017) 17:105 Page 9 of 9
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