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‘CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA * SUITE 2340 * OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning & Building Department (510) 238-6402 Bureau of Buil FAX: (510) 238-2959 Building Permits, Inspections and Code Enforcement Services TDD{G10) 238-3254 woww.oaklandnet com April 22, 2016 ‘Thomas Ruth Tr 636 Clara Street Oakland CA 94603-1108 Subject: 636 Clara Street Oakland CA 94603, ‘Substandard/ Public Nuisance Declaration and Administrative Citation Assessments Reference: Complaint No. 1504316 Parcel No, 044. $014-010-00 Dear Property Owner: 1. Substandard /Public Nuisance Declaration and Administrative Citation Assessments A re-inspeetion of your subject property December 28, 2015 confirmed that habitable conditions remain deteriorated and health and safety violations remain unabated to an extent that the Fire Marshal and Building Official have made the following determination: ‘+ Substandard violations identified on the attached List of Violations during inspections in February 2016 continue to ‘endanger the residents of your building and visitors to your property to the extent that the premises is determined to be a Public Nuisance and manifestly Unsafe to occupy (OMC sections 15.12.116, 15.08.340). Consequently, the Building Official is taking the following enforcement actions (see page 3 for appeal procedures) ‘+ ‘The building is declared Substandard and a Public Nuisance (OMC Sections 15.12.116, 15.08.090) ‘+The Certificate of Occupancy is revoked (OMC Section 15.08.090). ‘© Administrative Citations totaling $5,000 are assessed (OMC Section 112.020). {636 Clara Street - 1504316 Substandard Public Nuisance Declaration and Administrative Citation TIL. Appeal You have the right to appeal the Substandard/Public Nuisance Declaration and the Administrative Citation assessments to an independent Administrative Hearing Officer. An appeal hearing will be scheduled upon timely receipt of your request and a non- refundable filing fee $110.00. Your appeal should clearly identify how the City has erred or abused its discretion in this action (ee attached Appeal form). Please file your appeal in writing directly with Gregory Clarke, either by mail (address on page | Of this notice) or by personal or courier delivery (9:30 a.m, to 4:00 p.m, weekdays) at our Inspections Counter on the 2nd floor of the Dalziel Administration Building, If we do not receive your written appeal with the filing fee before 4:00 p.m. (local time), May 6, 2016 you will waive your right for further administrative adjudication ofthis matter, and your only other method for redressing this matter will be judicial action. Please note that incomplete appeals including, but not limited t0, oral notification of your intention to appeal or receipt of a written appeal without the filing fee will be rejected. Please be advised that you will be assessed additional fees for processing the administrative hearings should your appeal be denied Sincerely, L-\\ AIMOTHY LOW, PE Actinls Building Official Enel Photographs “Aalinstrative Hearing Fees Filing Fee $110.00 Conduct Appeals Hearing Actual Cost Appeal Processing Fee $931.00 Reschedule Hearing $320.00 Fees Include 95% Recnds Management Fee and 525% Technolgy Enhancement Fee (636 Clara Street - 1504316 Substandard/Public Nuisance Declaration and Administrative Citation Penalty Assessment Oakland Municipal Code 1.12.060 Administrative Citations shalt not be assessed at more than five thousand dollars (85,000.00) cumulatively per calendar year (excludes accrued interest), Fees will be assessed as follows: Issuance $100.00 3 Issuance $250.00 2 Issuance $150.00 Subsequent Issuances $500.00 A “title” search to determine individuals with record ttle on the building or structure, the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or ‘ther lien or encumbrance of record, the owner or holder of any lease of record and the holder of any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or the land on which itis located will be obtained and the actual cost plus administrative charges will be against the owner of record, Remedies Therefore, you are hereby ordered to do all of the following within the time limitations indicated below from the date ofthis notification: ‘© Within 14 days, pay relocation benefits to affected residential tenants to allow abatement work to commence (OMC chapter 15.60). ‘© Should you fail to make the require payments to eligible tenants, the City may make the required payments on your ‘behalf and charge you for the payments and associated costs. A more detailed summary of the Code Enforcement Relocation Ordinance is enclosed for your review. © Inaccordance with California Civil Code section 1942.5, you are precluded from specific retaliatory actions against tenants for exercising their rights under Title 5, Chapter 2, or for filing a complaint with the City, ‘Within 30 days, pay assessment fees and execute a Compliance Plan for rehabilitating the building. + Wit (60 days, pay permit fees and submit a complete permit application for rehabilitating the building. Within 120 days, obtain permits to rehabilitate the building, Within 300 days, obtain final inspection approvals and a renewal Certificate of Occupaney forthe rehabilitated building, + Continually maintain the premises free of blghting conditions. Failure to comply fully with all parts of these Remedies will subject you tall of the following: + Judicial civil action to compel compliance + Assessment of civil penalties (OMC sect 1.08 020). + Assessment of r-inspection and administrative fees (OMC 15.12.1093.1.2 and 15.08.130). ‘© Securing the building against unauthorized entry. (OMC section 15.08.080), Disallowance by the Franchise Tax Board of tax deductions for interest, taxes, depreciation, or amortization paid or i the taxable year (California Revenue and Taxation Code sections 17274/ 244365), (636 Clara Street - 1504316 Additional Enclosures/Interest Holders ‘Thomas Ruth Tr ‘Sun West Mortgage Company, INC. Regional Trustee Services Corporation City of Oakland / Mandatory Garbage Section ORM Sen Te CERTIFIED MAIL° RECEIPT eee ah a fone ieee eee ‘Gramrecutusoy Drammen § Domecncinerccowey § Diansoantecnt Bloor sean sy _ Thomas Ruth Tr ; 636 Clara Street ©"? Oakland CA 94603-1108 *=" 1504316 / Substandard / KXC LIST OF VIOLATIONS Address: 636 Clara St Inspection Date: December 11, 2015 A (044-5014-010-00 Complaint No. 1504316 Inspector: Gregory Clarke Occupancy: R-3 No, of pages: 1 “Approved Use: Single Family Revised Date: February 10, 2016 ‘THE FOLLOWING VIOLATIONS OF HABITABLE CONDITIONS ARE DANGEROUS AND SHALL BE CORRECTED EXPEDITIOUSL| |. Structural Hazards. Residential and non-residential buildings or stractures or portions thereof shall be deemed Substandard and a Public Nuisance when they are or contain structural hazards, Structural hazards shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Defective, damaged, or deteriorated flooring, floor supports, stairs and landings, or balconies and their load-bearing connections. 2, Flooring, floor supports, stairs and landings, or balconies and their load-bearing connections of insufficient size to carry {imposed loads with safety. 3. Members of walls, partitions, posts and columns, moment-ressting frame, or other vertical supports and ther load bearing connections that split, lean, list, fracture, or buckle due to defective material, damage, or deterioration 4. Members of walls, partitions, posts and columns, moment-resisting frame, or other vertical supports and their load bearing connections that are of insufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. 5. Members of ceilings, roofs, ceiling and roof supports or other horizontal members and their load bearing connections hich sag, split, fracture, or buckle due to defective material, damage, or deterior 6. Membets of ceilings, oof, ceiling and roof supports, or other horizontal memibers and their load bearing connections that are of insufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety ‘OME 15.08.340 C. Obtain approvals, permits, inspections. 2. Hazardous Flectrical Wiring and Equipment. Electrical wiring and equipment which was installed in violation of code requirements in effect at the time of installation or electrical wiring and equipment not installed in accordance with generally accepted construction practices in area where no codes were in effect or which has not been maintained in good conditions or which is not being used in a safe manner shall be considered Substandard and a Public Nuisance. 1. The buildings electrical system and electrical equipment exihbits a deteriorated and damaged condition, OMC 15.08.340 E. Obtain approvals, permits, inspections. 3. Hazardous Plumbing, Plumbing which was installed in violation of code requirements in effect at the time of installation or plumbing not installed in accordance with generally accepted construction practices in areas where no codes were in effect or ‘hich has not been maintained in good condition or which is not free of eross-connections or siphonage between fixtures shall be ‘considered Substandard and a Public Nuisance. 1. The buildings plumbing system and plumbing equipment exhibits a deteriorated and damaged condition. OMC 15.08.340 F. Obtain approvals, permits, inspections. 4. Hazardous Mechanical Equipment, Mechanical equipment which was installed in violation of code requirements in effeet atthe time of installation or mechanical equipment not installed in accordance with generally accepted construction practices in areas ‘where no codes were in effect or which has not been maintained in good and safe condition shall be considered Substandard and a Public Nuisance. 1-The buildings mechanical system and mechanical equipment exhibits a deteriorated and damaged condition. OMC 15.08.340 G. Obtain approvals, permits, inspections. 5. Faulty Weather Protection. Residential and non-residential buildings or structures or portions thereof shall be considered ‘Substandard and a Public Nuisance when they have faulty weather protection which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: |. Deteriorated, crumbling or loose plaster or gypsum wallboard, 2. Deteriorated or ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roof, foundations or floors, including broken windows or doors. 3. Defective or lack of weather protection for exterior wall coverings, including lack of paint, or weathering due to lack of paint ‘or other approved protective covering. 4. Broken, rotted, spit or buckled exterior wall coverings or roof coverings. OMC 15.08.340 H, Obtain approvals, permits, inspections. THE FOLLOWING VIOLATIONS OF THE HABITABLE CONDITIONS ARE UNSAFE AND SHALL BE CORRECTED IMMEDIATELY: CORRECTION NEEDE! Certain areas were not open for inspection. Any violations or deficiencies subsequently identified shall become a component part of this report and shall be corrected in an approved manne Corrections shall not commence without issuance of a Compliance Plan, submittal of a perform: payment of all assessments and business tax license, field cheek inspection, and issu security deposit, \ce of required permits. S1G20hh, =) Maes EMean Sire rael i 2a STL CAE) TT ‘CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA * SUITE 2340 * OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning & Building Department (510) 238-6402 Bureau of Building FAX:(510) 238-2959 Inspections, Permits and Code Enforcement Services TDD{(510) 238-32: www oaklandnet.com ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL Declaration of Public Nuisance ~ Substandard Dangerous to Occupy, Graffiti Abatement Administrative Citations Fee: 110.00 (Non-Refundable Filing Fee) April 22, 2016 PROPERTY ADDRESS 636 Clara Street NON-REFUNDABLE FILING FEE$L10.00 - COMPLAINT NO, 1504316 CERTIFIED MAIL__ DATE__ PARCEL NO, O44. $014.010.00 ____ 6B puatic muisance-suastaxoaro CJ panosrous To occupy [2] AbwiNisRATIVEcrrATION APPELLANT PROPERTY OWNER Thomas Ruth Tr ADDRESS ADDRESS 636 Clara Steet CITY/STATE CITY/STATEOakland CA 94603, TELEPHO! TELEPHONE, Cl A waive my right of appeal and Administrative Hearing] 1 will be represented by an Attorney at Law CONDITIONS FOR FILING AN ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL THE MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE ADIUDICATION BY AN INDEPENDENT HEARING EXAMINER OF THE ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS INDICATED ABOVE FOR APPELLANTS HAVING RECORD TITLE INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY AN APPEAL MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH A FILING FEE. IP THE APPEAL AND FEE ARE NOT RECEIVED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE MAILING DATE OF THE NOTIFICATION OF THE ENFORCEMENT ACTION, OR IF THE APPELLANT FAILS TO IDENTIFY FACTS WHICH SUPPORT A CONTENTION THAT THE CITV HAS ERRED OR ABUSED ITS DISCRETION, THE APPEAL WILL BE DENIED WITHOUT AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING, THI ONLY OTHER REDRESS AVAILABLE TO AN APPELLANT WILL BE JUDICIAL ACTION (CIVIL PROCEDURE 1094 6, ete) (A separate sheet of paper is attached for your convenience) Briefly identify your legal interest in the building or property Briefly identify which ofthe enforcement actions by the City you are appealing, Briefly identify how the City has erred or abused is dseretion in bringing this action. Briefly identify how you want the City to resolve your appeal. oo00 Declare Under Penalty of Perjury that the information given herewith isin all respects true and accurate tothe best of my knowledge and belief APPELLANT'S SIGNATURE DATE AGENT MUST PROVIDE NOTARIZED AUTHORIZATION Ad ing Fee sui0.00 istrative Hearing Fes Conduct Appeats Heating Actual Cost Appeal Processing Fee $931.00 [Resehedale Hearing $329.00 “Fe aed 9.1 ots Mineo Fo md £298 Tc nance Ft ‘Fees and cons wil be charge should the Appeals be deed Administrative Appeal Declaration of Publie Nuis Proper Owner Name: Thomas Ruth Tr Property Address: 636 Clara Street Complaint#: 1504346 CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA * SUITE 2340 * OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning & Building Department (510) 238-6402 Bureau of Building FAX:(510) 238-2959 Inspections, Permits and Code Enforcement Services TDD.(S10) 238-3254 wwwoaklandnet.com ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Ordinance 1.12 Abatement Acti Assessors Parcel No ‘Substandard Public Nuisance Declaration 44 5014-01000 = == aly Property Address: G\pMivisteative crraTion Cl civit crn tion COPROPERTY USE LIMITATION Enabling Legislation Property Owner(s): Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 1.12 Thomas Ruth TR Complaint No 1504316 Mailing Address: (636Clom Stet Initial Occurrence: Lzygo1s Oakland A 94603 Municipal Code Violation: OMC Section 15.0 Responsible Person(s) Property Overs Prior Assessments: eecharges Description of Violation: Fire damage dwelling Corrections Required ‘Obtain the cequted permits and repai the dwelling ital Assessment 5100.00 Second Assessment $180.00 Third Assessment $250.00 Subsequent Assessments, $3300.0 ‘Ma Acrls. 00000 + interest & fees Assessment Begins Assessment Ends Frequency of Assessment Daily Penalty Criteria Maintaining a Public Nuisance in violation of the Oakland Fire ode and the Oakland Building Main Further Abatement Action: To be determined GUARANTEE G NORTH AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1855 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 * (800)869-3434 NORTH AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY » BE e ames fofm ofa This Guarantee bong issued by North Amarcan Tite Copan, Inc as authored agent fr this underrter, Questions abou ths poly can be decd tothe raining tie ofcer or by contacting our corporate ofce a Marth American Title Company Ine 41855 Gateway Blvd, Sulte 600, Concord, CA 94520 Guorantce No, 54606-16-1405215 Oner 5215 LITIGATION GUARANTEE ‘SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN, THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, ‘THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERETO ANNEXED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GUARANTEE, North American Title Insurance Company ‘California corporation, herein called the Company GUARANTEES The Assured named in Schedule A against loss not exceeding the liability amount stated in ‘Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurance which the Company hereby gives that, according to the public records, as of Date of Guarantee shown in Schedule A: 1, The ttle to the herein described estate or interest is vested in the vestee named In Schedule A. 2. Except for the matters shown in Schedule 8, there are no defects, liens, encumbrances or other matters affecting title to the estate or interest in the land shown in Schedule A, which matters are not necessarily shawn in the order of their priority. 3. a, The current interest holders daiming some right, tile or interest by reason of the matters shown in Part IL of Schedule B are as shown therein. The vestee named in Schedule A and, Parties claiming to have some right, tile or interest by reason of the matters shown in Part II of Schedule B may be necessary parties defendant in an action, the nature of which is referred to in Schedule A. b. The current interest holders claiming some right, title or interest by reason of the matters shown in Part I of Schedule B may also be necessary parties defendant in an action, the nature Of which is referred to in Schedule A. However, no assurance is given hereby as to those current interest holders. 4, The retum address for mailing after recording, if any, as shown on each and every document referred to in Part II of Schedule B by specific recording information, and as shown on the document(s) vesting title as shown in Schedule A are as shown in Schedule C. THIS LITIGATION GUARANTEE IS FURNISHED SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FACILITATING ‘THE FILING OF THE ACTION REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE A. IT SHALL NOT BE USED OR RELIED UPON FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. This Guarantee s beng sued by Neh American The Company, Inc. as authored agent for this underwriter. Questions about this poy can be crcted to the nginating te afer orb contacting cur coperateatce at: Moreh American Tile Company, Ine “1855 Gateway Blvd, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 Guorantee No, 54606-16-1405215 Oder No 1405015 6. The land referred to in this Guarantee is situated in the City of Oakland, State of California, County of Alameda, and is described as follows: LOT 90 AND 91, ACCORDING TO MAP ENTITLED, "MAP OF THE ALVIN TRACT, BROOKLYN TOWNSHIP, ALAMEDA CO. CAL., 1892" FILED AUGUST 5, 1892 IN BOOK 14 OF MAPS, AT PAGE 2, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ALAMEDA, APN: 044-5014-010 NOTE: FROM INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE ASSESSOR'S TAX ROLLS, FOR WHICH THIS COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, THE STREET ADDRESS(ES) OR OTHER COMMON DESIGNATION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS: 636 Clara Street, Oakland, California 94603-1108 Ths Gusrante 's bong issued by Nerth American Tite Company, Inc. as authorzed agent fortis underwriter. Questions about ths pac can be crected to the rgnating tte ofa o by contacting our corporate ofice a" North American Ttfe Company, Inc. 41855 Gateway Blvd, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 Guarantee No, $4606-16-1405215 Order No 2408215 SCHEDULE B liens, encumbrances or other matters affecting title: PARTI 1, General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2016-2017, a lien not yet due or payable. 2. General and special taxes and assessments for the fiscal year 2015-2016. First Installment: $1,085.77, PAID Penalty: $0.00 ‘Second Installment: $1,085.77, OPEN Penalty: $118.58 Tax Rate Area: 17-032 A.P.No.: 044-5014-010 3. Thelien of defaulted taxes for the fiscal year 2014-2015, and any subsequent delinquencies. Tax Rate Area: 17-032 ALP. Nou: 044-5014-010 ‘Amount to redeem: $1,681.05 Valid through: February 2016 ‘Amount to redeem: $1,701.41 Valid through: March 2016 ‘The amount(s) must be verified prior to close of escrow. 4, The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 commencing with Section 75 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. 5. The lien of bonds and assessment liens, if applicable, collected with the general and special taxes. ‘The fact that the land lies within the boundaries of the Coliseum Redevelopment Project Area, as disclosed by various documents of record This Guarante sbeing issued by Neth American Te Company Inc as authorized agent forts underwriter. Questions about ths pokey canbe crate to Che ovgnating tte ofcer er by contacting our corporate office at. North American Tile Company, Ine: Gunrantee No. S4606-16-1405215 {1855 Gateway Blvd, Sulte 600, Concord, CA 94520 Ordo Wo, 2405215 SCHEDULE B Part Ir 7. A Deed of Trust to secure an original indebtedness of $544,185.00 recorded June 8, 2006 as Instrument no. 2006222510 of Official Records. Dated: May 26, 2006 Trustor: Ruth Thomas as trustee of the Ruth Thomas Living Trust dated December 15, 2004 Trustee: First American Title Beneficiary: Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. ‘According to the public records, the beneficial interest under the deed of trust was assigned to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by assignment recorded October 12, 2011 as Instrument no. 2011290251 of Official Records. 8. A Deed of Trust to secure an original indebtedness of $544,185.00 recorded June 8, 2006 as Instrument no. 2006222511 of Official Records. Dated: May 26, 2006 Trustor Ruth Thomas as trustee of the Ruth Thomas Living Trust dated December 15, 2004 Trustee: Senior Official With Responsibiolity For Single Family Mortgage Insurance Programs In the Department of Housing and Urban Development Field Office With Jurisdiction Over The Property Described Below, or a Designee ofthat Official Beneficiary: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 9. Len for Delinquent Refuse Service and Administrative Fees in favor of City of Oakland Ruth Thomas $182.85 December 1, 2014 as Instrument no. 2014288636 of Official Records. 10. Lien for Delinquent Refuse Service and Administrative Fees in favor of City of Oakland Ruth Thomas $159.90 January 28, 2015 as Instrument no. 2015022333 of Official Records. 1. Lien for Delinquent Refuse Service and Administrative Fees in favor of City of Oakland Ruth Thomas Tr $139.85 June 1, 2015 as Instrument no. 2015150130 of Official Records. This Guarantee i being issued by North American Tale Company, Incas authored agent fortis undenter. Questions about ths poly can be dected tothe orgiatng tie oMcer r ty contacting our corporate afice at: North American Title Company, Inc. {1855 Gateway Blvd, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 nantes No. $4606-16-1405215 Order na. 1405215 12, Len for Delinquent Refuse Service and Administrative Fees in favor of City of Oakland Ruth Thomas Tr $139.85 ‘August 7, 2015 as Instrument no. 2015220588 of Official Records. ‘This Guarantees boing sued by Mert Ameran Te Company Inc. as authored agent for ths undenuniter. Questions about this pokey can be crete to the ‘ovginating tle offeror by contacting cur corporate ofce ot: North american Tite Compony, Ine. 1855 Gateway Bld, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 Guarantee No, S4606-16-1905215 Order ho 1908215 SCHEDULE C Addresses Paragraph #5, Schedule A January 10, 2005 Ruth Thomas Instrument no. 2005011175 636 Clara Street Oakland, CA 94603, Paragraph #6, Schedule B, Part June 8, 2006 Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc " Instrument no. 2006222510 18303 Gridley Road Cerritos, CA 90703-5401 and October 12, 2011 Regional Trustee Services Instrument'no. 2011290251 Corporation 616 Ist Avenue Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98104 2258 Attention: Lien Release Department Loan #: 106136015000 (Case #: 042-7958725-952 Paragraph #7, Schedule B, Part June 8, 2006 ‘Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. u Instrument no. 2006222511 18303 Gridley Road Cerritos, CA 90703-5401 Paragraphs #8, #9, #10 and December 1, 2014 Gy of Oakland #11 Schedule B, Part Il Instrument no. 2014288636; Mandatory Garbage Section 150 Frank H Ogawa Plaza January 28, 2015 Suite 5342 Instrument no. 2015022333; Oakland, CA 94612 June 1, 2015 Instrument no. 2015150130; and August 7, 2015 Instrument no. 2015220588 "is Guarantee being issued by North American Tie Company, Ine. as authared agent for ths underwrite. Questions about ths pale canbe crete to the ‘ovaiating tele offeror by contacting our corporate office at: North American Tite Company, Inc. 1855 Gateway Blvd, Sulte 600, Concord, CA 94520 Guarantee No, 54606-16-1405215 Onter s90s215 SCHEDULE C Addresses CONTINUATION: Vestee at Address Shown on Ruth Thomas Trust Tax Roll 636 Clara Street Oakland, CA 94603 This Guarantee s being sued by Hoth Amencan Tite Company, Inc. 2s authoraed agent for ths undone. Question about ths poy can be decd othe vignating tte ofcer or by contacting our corporate ofc a: North American Title Company, Inc. 41855 Gateway Blvd, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 Guarantee Ne, 54606-16-1405215 Once a 1405215 [SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE cto the ein tat pic eros are rove Sc A of Grote, Company sesares 9 ay frou damage by rasan ofthe Sow (Gy "Outer, tars, encumbrances, adverse cn or or ratrs agate tl, nator Sony he erect, (8) GO" Yanezoosesamers of ay tung autety Bot oes tas esses a fea prope (2) Pacts by pu mercy which my ‘aut nuns or usesoart, hates aa posse, tre fet the raters che wi (2) ae Sow y rcs ag ‘Sect of yet ear (1) Crys ming am (2) satin excepts n pte orn As aubwrang the since het 3) water apts, ore ‘ner ther ote ates exuded nt (1,2) ae shown y the pie ec vant ay soctcasaarces Which ae pov n Scie A of his Gurate, he Cpr ass vob or es or domage by rasan of ‘atowrg (2), tens, cantons adres cs ow mates afcing he le to ary property ey ees fhe nd exes cescibd he desrten ‘etfath in Soc () mPa? ts Garriott set ads, ws fers Wh Suh ed so the romeo then vu, ts, aps oF any Sect & roars or 3 ARs of easeatn Wee rss Sh pope, Scr eens ae ‘Spry ond spatial St oth Pad dese pen, (0) Bateson, eeamtrancs adverse dso aer mater, Wheto rot sown by the publ cot; (1) whi re cet, ee, sued fared 0 Eyes ar ve ofthe Bort (2) atch reat oom Asus () whch do at ek the MaRS or Petal vay eS Wal or REN usc proce wich s wl espe ard purpose othe sirens rowed (The ty of ay par sho teed ton Stel A {5} Theva, neo rary any ate sho & tefered 0 ths Gurren [GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Beton of terms. 4 company’s Option to Defend or Prosecte ete Cargny al reascabie ad any The wong ts When ied the Grane Seton buty of Assured. Claimant to ‘Sion or prc, sear er, ron tang arene, o en Bou Be Company as no ity wo ind or ‘Sten tate x ut whch (0) te ses te pry or pres osm a efor n Parga abe: Be oonen a te Cnpary nay be fave as Be kos (a) the Cong an have Be rh, 3 5 reese desrabe esac re te Gizates, or on a sponta ‘ed co, thse ot {Sheena o restated heey rng exc bye Company. Prosecta soy scan or proce, 'o saish te fen ns of Be rene a ere, a ited), oF ‘iret I the Conoany rete by 0) ee te nd ecrb orréorad {Bday eer ct wich WS opr {he fue of he Rowe heh Oe pin Soesue AN orm Petz rd Foy brraesnry oda eh eqred coat, the Cones: bhorrererts aad thro seh oy eae ere eat or ret Sta ‘Sian to he Aasurcd err Wee SSr conte el property. The em ron, ort eth the fen rts of Gara st aria "Re des ek ce oy ery Sev orto pee orreuca bss 5. Proof of Los or Damage. ‘on the ne te re (dana tothe Ared The Company Ih atom and aera ees rere ure ‘refered wn Sail (0) OF ‘tay te any swopte aon under San? thene Cocos ard Sulton hve Fort 2 vor omy rio te eet {he ume ona Gosorte,ntader of ban powded the Congay, a pr oo (Ge oc earent sting Ses, ‘arate tok ew, ane Salar set and scr ty he Aare shal be fas, eres ays es, ays ‘et tery conc aby arabe a) func to he Croary wey 30) Cs coe foson fhe Garetoe. 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Fote of te Acuff 2. No Duty t Defend or Prosecute. Sock Assad or tie pup. ornate roy peu er reas ‘The Congory shal have no Gay 1 fond oF inane eons bythe Congr, atest rat fot pemssonf se any acon or poewdng 9 ch te ened te Conoanys epic, ial) eastaby rcs Fert orm ed Parte oswed & 9 te rowre Ss vegured te above para uss oh ‘hy slog mau acne processing. tw oF goverment rebar, so tmnaee ‘Ts Guaranteeing issued by North American Tite Company, Inc. as authorized agent fr this undeunter. Questions about this poy can be ected tothe npnating te offeror by contacting cur coverate office ot: North American Tile Company, Ine. “1855 Gateway Blvd, Suite 600, Concord, Ch 94520 Guarantee No, 54506-16-1405215 Order No. 2405215 © Options to ay or otherwise. Settle hima erminain of tabi. Incase chm ude hs Garant, he Conpay Sather belong acter opts ©) To Fer of Tandr Payment of te ‘rot of Layo” Pacha te reese The Congas hve te ote yo sete Conpeme fron ie nae of te Aone 2 {Son wich cud ent ner toe eure win te caverge of ths Gurnee, c to py the fl Sout of bis Gunae ffs cuvarce 6 Shed fre Senet at's ate ofa moony ot 9 tate, the Congay shal hate eee 0 pcarsey se regan Esa tn for the arent ning ron, ee woh eye estab tore fees ard ‘renee by re Asie aime ‘ere atotied bye’ Cargo up to fe tie prone Sich purchase, paymet otro payer of he i amount’ te costes terme ISbitye he Campa bewunder In he rt ‘he oe of ai han ter ent the Coa bye Ase tw Company fs to prc a octets, te omer of ah hates sa ‘ons an as sade, tae eh ‘case! secur tte Canary sen part STtvepachase pes pen te exrcse by the Company of the opine rt. fr Poaganh(@) the Comoanys [pat the sured under uaa rte ‘Sire ns Sino, eer on nse ayer reqred m Bat srgraph, sol mate, Feudna on olgaon to erence te dese ot fone (2) eemant cf abiy sated in Schade Aon a2: ‘7s Guarantee is being issued by North Arercan ite Cmnpany, Inc. a5 authorized agent fr this undermter. Questions about this poy cn be decd othe of bese Condaons ant Sipuatons o 25 ‘otead under Sston 9 se Conan Sh Steustona ot the te tress or nape SSred ophst by. hs. Guartee “os, {Speer wth tres theo, or (©) tetra btwae he ao te eae ‘est ener hac 2 Sate er 2 be ‘ve of De exae or eres ett a9 {teen gente sno 9m 8 timtatin bitty {G) the Conary sabes tet, fenoves esha off or (Ceara, rere any aber ater ‘Sst aga bythe Guontr n 8 fownetiyiget mane by Iraod, cud Waster and he fonpeton of sy agpma Deans ‘Pa tve fay peared tors So epect 0 at mateo a ak her oy ess or doge cused here. (©) In be event of any tegaton by te pany owt the Canary cere, ‘he Company sha have ray fr 1 or dae tm a 3 (rol astemiaten by 2 ewe ‘monet eon rd egoetn of ‘Spi theton, aes to De Stoo ated oe (©) Tea Carpny sl ot be abe or bas camape tan sr fr Iaiey ‘enn assured by Be Ae! {eting any cm or sat ue Be ‘or ron ore th Cony. Reduction of Uabilty oF Termination of tani. A papers tnd ths Gurren, except parents ‘ole for cant tomey tos aa experses pura {DProqagh # sta eda te ant oI Bo 10, Payment of toss. "Cy" no foment shall be ade wa rateg. the Grate erent fe porment ws Be ‘Garces toon sto eve, Bahan ee pet of eat ‘secon he Caron (©) When ttt and he eter of bso ‘mage fas te dey fe Scconce nth fee Cacti be Stuns te ss 2 mage sal ats i iy) 11. subrogaton Upon Faymento Settlement ‘hance te Corea Sat Pave tke pa hur oner tae Camas, a ight ef scpan Sor feat he Conny nated by any act tthe Sewers ‘ne comoany sat be suo wae bo eet to art drones wc te soured ous rave “Seto Sate nt hee ean ‘euesta by the Coneny, he Asie sa ar {0'te Company at rs and remade ot 3) Person or prop res oar pret Fhe o segson The Asued st pent {moan to So, compro settee ae the dese ou te ae of he Bosal Sey tarocton ef tgaton mele ae Ts oF rginaing te ofcer or by contacting cur corporate office ot: North American Tite Company, Ine. 1855 Gateway Blvd, Sulte 600, Concord, CA 84520 Gumrantoe No, $4806-16-1405215 16a poymare on curt of len does rt fay Cover the es fe Aswad the Conway al ‘Strgated to a ros ond rns ob feed har te Asured hal fave roe mee, iret anc of ealleion 42. Aitation. ios prey apple i, ether the Cony" ote. Asuras may derand abiaton firwart the Trance ean Ra the rere and Ye Acoanen. fable mars ‘oy i a a ied ay ervey er ‘hin betwen he Convany a eased ‘trata sare The naan ean ae, 1 copy of the Rules may be ota tom the on toon eat 23, Unity United to Tis Guarantee: ‘Guarantee Entire Contract (0) toy cam of ote wmage, weber or ‘at bse oneal, acon it such cm al vee (Ne anernent oo encase ths ‘Glarrte "an oe me ont Oy 8 tng endored ren era ‘ees sped by etter he eset, 2 Yee render, he Seta, AS Seeory, oe whiny oer oF eatrael sratary of be Cran 14. Notices, where Sent. 2 noes reir be gen te Company a3 Ondo No 1408215 ms Guarantee bang issued by North American Tile Company, In. as authorized agent fr this under. Questions about this poy can be directed to the ranting tie ofcer or by contacting cur corporate offce at: North American Title Company, Inc. "1855 Gateway Bl, Sulte 600, Concord, CA 94520 Gurante No. 606:16-1405215 Order No, 405215 Privacy Poliey Effective: November 1, 2015 North American Title Group, Ine. Family of Companies WHAT DOES NORTH AMERICAN TITLE GROUP, INC. FAMILY OF COMPANIES DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION? ARES Financial ‘companies choose how they share your personal information, Federal law gives consumers the right to Te go ee mr a pa A B] section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the transactions, maintain your agcounts), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bure For our marketing purposes — Yes No fer our products and services to you For joint marketing with other financial companies No We dont share For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes ~ Yes information about your transactions and experiences For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes — No We dont share {information about your creditworthiness For our affiliates to market to you No We dont share For nomaffilates‘o market to you No We dont share Call 1 (888) 444-7766, extension 6585 The North American Title Group, Ine. amily of Companies (identifed below), which offer gaale ttle insurance, settlement services, and property and casualty insurance. ‘hes Guarantee being issued by North American Tate Company, Ine. a authored agen fo ths underwrite. Questions about this poly canbe rected to the nginting tee ofeer or by contacting cur corporate ofce at: North American Title Company, Inc. "1855 Gateway Blvd, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 uranic Ho, S4606-16-1405215 ore no, 1405215 How does NATG protect your personal information? To protect your personal information from unauthorized acsess and use, we use security measures that comply with federal lw, These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings, How does NATG collect your personal ino | Why can’t you limit al sharing? Aiiaes In general, you can visit our website on the Internet without disclosing your identity or any {information about yourse If Our web servers collet statistical information, such asthe umber of Visitors, etuming visitors, country of origin, source of traffic (e.g, Google) and method of access (e.g mobil), but not the email addresses, of visitors, Ths information is aggregated to measure the numberof visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed and similar information used £9 Jmprove the overall content of our website to all visitors. You may choose to provide personal {information tous through our website in order to request information, products oF services, oF to submit a complaint or inquiry. Any information provided via our website will be used ony in accordance with the policies outlined here We collect your personal information, for example, from: Applications, contrasts or © Information p het forms you complete ded about your transaction by you, by affiliate or others, whether received in writing, in person, by telephone or any oer means + Information provided to us by other partes involved in your transaction, such as your lender, mortgage broker, attorney o realestate broker. Such items may include an appraisal, ln survey credit report and account informat = Ini mation we receive from a consumer reporting ageney or credit bureau Federal law gives you the right o limit only ‘Sharing for affiliates? everyday business purposes ~ information about your creditworthiness . Affiliates fom using your information © Sharing for nonaffliates to market ‘Companies related by comm companies ownership or control, They ean be financial and nonfinancal Nonafiiates| lated by common ownership or contol, They can be financial and noninancia! + Nonafitiates hare with can include collection agencies, IT service providers, perform marketing services on our behalf, consumer reporting agencies companies, ‘and others + NATG does not share with nonafliats £0 they can market ther goods r service Joint marketing A formal agresment between nonaffiited financial companies that together market financial products or services to you. NAT doesnot jointly market. "The Nath Amecan Tle Group, Tne Family of Companies cons of ie alinng em == = North American Till Company. Ine RASALLC North Amencan Tale Insurance Corps North American Advantage Insurance Services, LLC North Amertan Services, LL North American National Tile Solutions, LLC North American Title Ageey, le ‘his Guarantee is beng sued by North Amencan Te Company, Inc. 2s authored agent fr this undenurter. Questions abou ths poly can be ected othe nian te offeror by contacting our corporate ofce at: North American Tite Company, Ie. 4606-16 1905215 ‘855 Gateway Bl, Suite 600, Concord, CA 94520 Order No, 2408245 ASSESSOR'S MAP 44 WAP of she ALVIN TRACT fan sary) Cole AreO No P-OSE i » Woscer ae Ree E 2 3 E sel Hoy be .Q «@ Yee oe \ R, or : : AP @ sons ~ = | coro Re F a ——+ 8 Is. a orf ve yal Re x S | 8 : 8 as ct ption: Alaneda,CA Resessor Map ~ Book.Page 44,5014 Page: 1 of 2 al Cooment: _ ul aA NUXTE —946032602-1N 05/03/16 ‘TURN TO SENDER renee Se Somnago usu Tone 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 2346 Oakland, CA 94612-2031. Thomas Ruth Tr 636 Clara Stree! Oakland ca 946 NIXIE 946032706-1N 03/04/16 RETURN TO SENDER, UNABLE TO FORWARD LE (ABD BEtUnN £0 SENDER ao 250 Frank H. Ogawa Piaza, Suitg2340 Oakland, CA 94612-20: THOMAS RUTH TR 636 clara ST / OAKLAND CA 94603 1504316 / GX¢ / KXC / ORDER TO ABATE | sri-22(10ray 7010 0250 0001 1242 Be02 CITY OF OAKLAND. Planning and Bui 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 2340 Oakland, CA 94612-2031 / J ‘THOMAS RUTH TR 636 CLARA ST OAKLAND‘CA 94603, 1504346 / GXC / KXC / ORDER TO » 636 Clot : CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA * SUITE 2340 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning and Building Department (S10) 238-6402 ‘Bureau of Building FAX:(510) 238-2959 Permits, Inspection and Code Enforcement Services TDD:G10) 238-3254 ‘www.oaklandnet.com BLIGHT ABATEMENT CHANGE ORDER Property Address 636 Clara Street. Complaint #: 1504316 Contract #11510 - Parcel #; 044 -5014-010-00 Contractor: Sam's Low Cost Hauling Amended Work: Change: BY Clean Lot 1 Demotition TIAda to Contract] Deduct from Contract 15 Clean Premises 7 Survey Haz Mat! (Paint Premises.) Remove Haz Matt Compensation: {Ci secure Premises] Fence Cum sum Time & Material Cotes No Adjustment DESCRIPTION OF AMENDED WORK Install 49 of chain link fencing across the front of the property including a 4f gate on the right side of the driveway GENERAL CONDITIONS + Amended contract total specified herein shall be fll compensetion for alt authorized work, + Allauthorized work shall be satisfactorily completed within the amended contract duration of calendar days specified herein. © Other work which mayor does exceed the scope of authorized work shall no be performed without prior writen approval by (Change Order. SPECIAL CONDITIO) Original Contract Total: $16,444.09 (Original Contract Duration § days ‘Change Order (Add/Deduct): $1,644.00 ____ Change Order (Add/Deduet) 5__days ‘Amended Contract Total: $18,088.00 ‘Amended Contract Duration 10 days Project Funding Authorized By: rk Authorized By: a feg/e (ZS fale Date 2A Inapection Services Unit 260 Frank H. Ogewa Plaza". Oaktand, cA 94612 ‘si asessat CITY OF OAKLAND CEDA, Building Services Department BLIGHT ABATEMENT NOTICE TO PROCEED Prope sires 636 Clara Stes compat 1504316 sis CLINSGXC am ane 044 6044-00-00 cama santer 11540 contmact Clcniss demain suaworsty 1128/2018 _eraion SDays work Elian vara E] survey Herron Mae Da} cm outing]. move rardos atria CO runo aus Crserssisag } oer a ox Dscoremisig E] sear tor¥ea commene Sas Low Cost Hauling. Ing. omer ‘Thomas Ruth TR Livenset: — 941749. — Address 1935 East 26th Street Apt D Address: 636 Clara Street City’stare Oakland, CA 94606 Ciysate Oakland CA 94603-1108 Teepe 510-967-8913 _Tetepne GENERAL CONDITIONS 0 AUTHORIZED WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT AND NOTICE TO PROCEED. (¢ AUTHORIZED WORK SHALL COMMENCE ON OR BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED HEREIN AND SHALL BE COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY WITHIN THE DURATION OF CALENDAR DAYS SPECIFIED HEREIN. (© CONTRACTOR SHALL. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY OPB OF CHANGES WHICH MAY INCREASE OR DECREASE THE SCOPE OF AUTHORIZED WORK OR CONDITIONS WHICH MAY EFFECT THE PROSECUTION OF THE WORK, EXTRA WORK SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL BY CHANGE ORDER. SPECIAL CONDITIONS C cosiet [I isposa neceipts [7] insurance Limits [] iguidated Damages [] License __ [7] exigent issuance [7] Prevaiing Waze C1 Suretyicuarantee [Jorser used Alternate No. Detey [7] Weather [] nicected Re-work [_]change Order [_] OTHER Comracrtomt $16,444.00 comerorer = S_ 4 AY. OD COMPLETE smnaatast —§_ 18,089. 06 RECEIVED NOTICE TO PROCEED ISSUED LAV C DATE INSPECTIONS MANGER Dai ceived: 24 Approved For Pay’ Inapection Services Unt 200 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza ‘akand, cA 94st (er02s6-361 (CITY OF OAKLAND CEDA, Building Services Department BLIGHT ABATEMENT PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Property ‘Address 636 Clara Street Complaint 1504316 wsprist__ CL-INSP/GXC:asm. Parcs 044 -5014-010-00 Pes, work [} — cLEANLOT O_o pemourion wrenion cueanine EK) cteaeremses [_] survey Hazardous MATERIAL CD soaro ur (0 _— pawreremses [_] REMOVE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, 1 securcpremses [] omen. contractor Sam's Low Cost Hauling, Inc. cense 941749 ‘contract 41510 THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND THE CITY OF OAKLAND, CEDA, BUILDING SERVICES DIVISION, INSPECTION ‘SERVICES UNIT, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CONTRACTOR AND THE CITY HAVE DULY EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT AND ARE MUTUALLY BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED HEREIN, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED HEREIN. CONTRACTOR CITY OF OAKLAND. ACTING INSPECTIONS MANAGER PA L-27L6 Le IPYWo SioRATORE on septe one ‘CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY LABOR, MOTOR VEHICLES, SAFETY EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, MACHINERY, TOOLS, APPARATUS, TESTING AND DISPOSAL FACILITIES, AND OTHER MEANS OF CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLETE THE WORK SAFELY AS ‘SPECIFIED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS, AND WITHIN THE DATES AND DURATIONS AND FOR THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN THE NOTICE TO PROCEED. 2. AGENCY ‘CONTRACTOR IS NOT AN AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY AND IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK SPECIFIED HEREIN, FOR CONTRACTOR'S OWN ACTS, AND FOR THE ACTS OF CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES, SUBORDINATES, AND ‘SUBCONTRACTORS, CONTRACTOR HAS NO AUTHORITY TO BIND THE CITY IN ANY MEANS TO ANY OBLIGATION. 3. SUBCONTRACTORS ‘CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT USE OR EMPLOY OR CONTRACT WITH ANY SUBCONTRACTOR WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM CEDA. CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE PROVISIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT IN ALL SUBCONTRACTS, 4. SURETY ‘CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE APPROVED SECURITIES GUARANTEEING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK AND WARRANTING PAYMENT OF LABOR AND MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS. Sea INITIALS Paget of4 CEDA, Bullding Services Department, Inspection Services Unit BLIGHT ABATEMENT PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT 6. FEES, TAXES, PERMITS, SECURITIES, AND LICENSES, CONTRACTOR SHALL INCUR THE COSTS OF AND MAINTAIN CURRENT ALL FEES, TAXES, PERMITS, SECURITIES, AND LICENSES REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, STATE, REGIONAL, AND CITY REGULATIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CITY BUSINESS TAX AND STATE ‘CONTRACTORS LICENSE, 6, NON-ASSIGNMENT CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SELL OR ASSIGN THIS AGREEMENT OR SUBLET ANY RIGHT HEREIN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM THE CITY. IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OR INCAPACITATION OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM UNDER THIS ‘AGREEMENT, NO RIGHTS SHALL ACCRUE TO ANY HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, ASSIGNS OR ANY OTHER PERSON. 7. COMPENSATION CONTRACTOR WILL BE REIMBURSED FOR THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN THE NOTICE TO PROCEED FOR WORK SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED UPON RECEIPT BY OPS OF AN ITEMIZED INVOICE WITH SUBSTANTIATING DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED ‘TO CERTIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS AND TESTING, TO EMPLOYEE PAYROLL AND SUPPLIER DISBURSEMENTS, TO RECEIPTS FOR DISPOSAL, PERMITS, AND LICENSES, TO PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORDS, AND TO HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANIFESTS. EDA MAY AT ITS OPTION REJECT OR RETAIN AMOUNTS INVOICED FOR WHICH CHANGE ORDERS WERE NOT APPROVED (INCREASE/DECREASE IN SCOPE OF WORK) OR RETAIN AMOUNTS FOR COMPLETION BY OTHERS OF UNSATISFACTORY WORK OR FOR CLEANING OR REMOVAL OR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT BY OTHERS OF DAMAGED WORK OR DAMAGED PRIVATE PROPERTY OR PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE. 8, INDEMNIFICATION CONTRACTOR SHALL SAVE, INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF OAKLAND, ITS COUNCILMEMBERS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND VOLUNTEERS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS’ FEES, OF LIABILITY OR INJURY OR DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENT PERFORMANCE OF THE work. 9. COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROMPTLY COMMENCE THE WORK AND SHALL EXPEDITIOUSLY PROSECUTE THE WORK AND SHALL [SATISFACTORILY COMPLETE THE WORK STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DATES AND TIME DURATIONS SPECIFIED IN THE NOTICE ‘To PROCEED. CONTRACTOR HAS INVESTIGATED THE WORK SITE AND DETERMINED THAT THE TIME DURATIONS SPECIFIED ARE REASONABLE AND ‘SUFFICIENT TO COMPLETE THE WORK, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSIDERATION FOR HISTORIC WEATHER CONDITIONS AND UNUSUAL WORK SITE CONDITIONS. BECAUSE ACTUAL DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY THE CITY SHOULD THE WORK NOT BE COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY WITHIN THE DURATIONS SPECIFIED ARE DIFFICULT AND IMPRACTICAL TO DETERMINE, CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPENSATE THE CITY WITH LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AS SPECIFIED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS. 40. INSPECTION CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN UNIMPEDED AND SAFE ACCESS FOR INSPECTION OF THE WORK SITE AND PREMISES AT ALL TIMES DURING THE PROSECUTION OF AND AT THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, ‘11, PRECEDENCE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE APWA "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION” AND THE CITY'S MODIFICATIONS THERETO. WHERE A CONFLICT EXISTS, THE MORE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT SHALL BE APPLICABLE, Verma PAGE20F 4 CEDA, Building Services Department, Inspection Services Unit BLIGHT ABATEMENT PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT 42. CONFLICT OF INTEREST CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE NO FINANCIAL INTERESTS IN PROPERTIES OR PERSONAL OR FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH PROPERTY ‘OWNERS AFFECTED BY THE WORK, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT ENGAGE IN ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH NOR GIVE THE: APPEARANCE OF BEING MOTIVATED BY A DESIRE FOR PRIVATE GAIN RELATED TO THE WORK PERFORMED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT BID WORK, NOR SHALL CONTRACTOR PERFORM WORK, NOR SHALL CONTRACTOR RECEIVE COMPENSATION FOR WORK PERFORMED FOR SO LONG AS A RELATION BY BLOOD OR MARRIAGE WITHIN THE THIRD DEGREE EXISTS WITH THE MAYOR (OR COUNCILMEMBERS OR CITY MANAGER OR DEPARTMENT HEADS OF THE CITY OF OAKLAND, 13. INSURANCE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ‘THE CALIFORNIA LABOR CODE (SECT 3700), CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO MAINTAIN GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE, INCLUDING COMPREHENSIVE BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, AUTOMOBILE AND PRODUCT LIABILITY, AND COMPLETE OPERATION COVERAGE, SPECIFICALLY INCLUDING CONTRACTUAL ABILITY COVERING LIABILITY ASSUMED HEREUNDER, PROVIDING BODILY INJURY LIMITS OF NOT LESS THAN $500,000 FOR EACH PERSON, AND NOT LESS THAN $500,000 FOR EACH ACCIDENT OR OCCURRENCE, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY LIMITS OF NOT LESS THAN $100,000 FOR EACH ACCIDENT OR OCCURRENCE FOR CLAIMS WHICH MAY OR DO ARISE FROM THE OPERATION OF (CONTRACTOR OR ANY SUBCONTRACTOR IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK SPECIFIED HEREWN, IN LIEU OF CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY FOR THE CITY, SAID COMPREHENSIVE BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY OR POLICIES SHALL INCLUDE AS A NAMED ADDITIONAL INSURED THE CITY, ITS COUNCILMEMBERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS. THE PREMIUMS FOR SUCH INSURANCE SHALL BE PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR. EACH POLICY (OF INSURANCE SHALL CONTAIN A CLAUSE SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FOLLOWING WORDS: “IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT THIS POLICY MAY NOT BE CANCELED NOR THE AMOUNT OF THE COVERAGE THEREOF BE REDUCED UNTIL THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS AFTER RECEIPT BY THE CITY OF OAKLAND, COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, OF THE WRITTEN NOTICE OF SUCH CANCELLATION OR REDUCTION OF COVERAGE, AS EVIDENCED BY RECEIPTOF REGISTERED LETTER” 14, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND MINORITY AND FEMALE OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (MBEWBE) ‘CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND CITY REGULATIONS FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY EMPLOYEE OR APPLICANT FOR EMPLOYMENT BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGIOUS CREED, GENDER, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, PHYSICAL HANDICAP, MEDICAL CONDITION, AGE, ANCESTRY, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE THAT BOTH APPLICANTS FOR EMPLOYMENT ARE EMPLOYED AND THOSE, EMPLOYED ARE TREATED WITHOUT REGARD TO SUCH DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES. SUCH ACTION SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO EMPLOYMENT UPGRADING. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH CURRENT FEDERAL, STATE, AND CITY REGULATIONS FOR MINORITY AND FEMALE OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES AND SHALL USE ITS BEST EFFORTS TO OBTAIN THE MAXIMUM USE OF SUCH ENTERPRISES BASED IN THE CITY ‘OF OAKLAND AND SUCH ENTERPRISES SHALL HAVE MAXIMUM PRACTICABLE OPPORTUNITY TO COMPETE FOR SUBCONTRACTED WORK. Page 3 of 4 CEDA, Building Services Department, Inspection Services Unit BLIGHT ABATEMENT PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT 15. WAGES CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH FEDERAL LABOR STANDARDS ACT (FLSA) REGULATIONS FOR EMPLOYEE RATES OF PER DIEM WAGES. ‘CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATES OF PER DIEM WAGES APPLICABLE IN ALAMEDA COUNTY {LABOR CODE SECT 1770) AS SPECIFIED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS. 16. CHANGES. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY OPB OF CHANGES WHICH MAY INCREASE OR DECREASE THE SCOPE OF WORK OR OF CONDITIONS WHICH MAY EFFECT THE PROSECUTION OF THE WORK. EXTRA WORK SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL BY CHANGE ORDER. GEDA MAY AT ITS OPTION INCREASE OR DECREASE THE SCOPE OF WORK SPECIFIED OR CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT OR TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT IN WHOLE OR IN PART IMMEDIATELY FOR CAUSE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FAILURE BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR ANY REASON TO FULFILL ANY OBLIGATION PROPERLY OR IN A TIMELY MANNER. 47. DAMAGES CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CARE AND PRESERVATION OF THE WORK UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY CEDA. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO THE WORK SITE, THE PREMISES, SERVING UTILITIES, PROPERTIES COTERMINOUS TO THE WORK SITE, AND PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO ‘CONTRACTOR'S ACTIONS OR LACK THEREOF IN PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. 18, NUISANCE, CONTRACTOR SHALL AVOID, CONTROL, MITIGATE, AND ELIMINATE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE NUISANCES AT THE WORK SITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NOISE, FUGITIVE AIRBORNE PARTICULATES AND CONTAMINANTS, HOURS OF OPERATION, EMPLOYEE CONDUCT, CARE AND PRESERVATION OF ACCOUTREMENTS (FENCING, LANDSCAPING, ETC.), OPEN OF EXCAVATIONS, STORAGE OF MATERIALS. AND EQUIPMENT, AND ACCUMULATION AND DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS AND HAZARDOUS WASTE. 49, TRAFFIC CONTROL CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CLOSE OR OBSTRUCT OR EXCAVATE WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL BY CCEDA OF A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN AND ISSUANCE OF PERMITS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN UNIMPEDED AND SAFE ACCESS AT ALL TIMES TO PRIVATE PROPERTIES AND SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK WITH MINIMAL INTERFERENCE TO DRIVEWAYS, WALKWAYS, PASSAGEWAYS, ALLEYS, AND SIMILAR INGRESSIEGRESS FACILITIES. 20, SAFETY ‘CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY REGULATIONS AND WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS FOR USE AND DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN ALL MEANS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO COMPETENT AND CONTINUOUS ‘SUPERINTENDENCE, FLAGMEN, SECURITY PERSONNEL, SCREENS, SIGNAGE, FENCING, BARRICADES, AND SHORING, NECESSARY TO. ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC AND THE CARE AND PRESERVATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND THE PRECLUSION OF UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS DURING PROSECUTION OF THE WORK. Le Page 4 of 4 cory rowan COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CEDA) Building Services Department Inepection Services Section 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza Ste., 2340, Oakland, California 94612 (510) 238-3381 Blight Abatement Performance Specifications Clean Lot Vegetation Household Garbage offal Recyclables Fecal matter Containers Rubble Personal effects Ashes + Debris shall approved manner. "Ground vegetation (weeds/grass/vines/etc) shall be removed to within 4 inches of the ground surface. ‘shrubbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit of the foliage crown. ‘approved mechanical methods shall be used exclusively (herbicides/incineration, discing etc. prohibited) *Parcel number shall be stenciled (4” high) in contrasting color paint on curb face. cleazed from the parcel, transported from the work site, disposed of in an Clean Premises All Offal Fecal matter Rubble Glass shards Ashes Household garbage Recyclables Containers *Rbandoned or disassenbled furniture/appliances/fixtures/equipnent/tires/machinery, personal effects and debris shall be cleared (“brooned clean”) from the premises, transported fron the Work site, and disposed of in an approved manner. tFixture traps (washer, sink, bathtub/shower, toilet, floor drain, etc.) shall be primed with er and one ounce (1 oz.) of non- vegetable cooking oil. ‘Water Heater shall be drained sappliance and fixture flow control valves shall be “closed”. ‘overcurrent Protection breakers shall be “OE”. ‘open water, gas and waste lines shall be capped. Secure Premises all exterior openings (floor, wall, roof) within 10 feet vertically of the adjoining ground or within 6 feet vertically or horizontally of a stair or landing which provide access to the Lntezior of the premises or basement or underfloor area shall be completing covered with plywood. Glazing shall be preserved intact. “Plywood shall be new and: = "exterior glue = 0.75 inch noninal thickness - A/C surface finishes (smoother surface exposed to the exterior) painted on the exterior with neutral colored water-based exterior latex sPlywood shall fit tightly into openings and shall be secured in place with 0.5 inch (2/2") diameter galvanized carriage bolts, washers, and nuts spaced not more than thirty-six inches apart and installed through = _ wood “strongbacks” on the interior of the opening “"strongbacks” shall be new wood and =" spanned completely across the opening f-— = 2"x4" nominal cross-sectional dimension eToTRL = Spaced not more than 48 inches apart - within 12 inches of the top and bottom of the opening ‘Coverings shall be secured with nails, screws, or similar fasteners. “Coverings for main entry doors shall be secured with two new recessed hinges (tamper- xesigtant pins) and one new 3 inch hasp with padlock (Master-3NKA, 2 keys). Paint Premises sexterior surfaces shall include rainwater gutters/downspouts, railings/handrails, trim, cornices, corbels, roof projections, stairs/landings/suppozts, window sash, doors, plywood coverings for openings, masonry, stuccc, wood, piping, conduits, vents, and flashing and shall - reattached and refastened to the structure where loose. - free of loose paint, stain, corrosion, oil, and other residual deleterious materials to provide a sound substrate for! application of new paint. - painted fully and evenly with a prime coat layer and a finish coat layer of neutral colored water-based exterior latex. sutility meters, control valves, glazing, and door/window hardware shall not be painted. ‘lead-based pint (LBP) shall be’ encapsulated with an additional layer of latex paint sloose LBP (peeling, flaking) shall be abated in accordance with the City’s “Public Works Master Specification for asbestos and lead based paint abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination training, including respiratory protection, exposure monitoring (worker 4 Public P.E.L.}, medical surveillance, and engineering controls.’ Demolition sstructures shall be razed to grade and foundations, septic tanks, pools, retaining walls, basement walls, underground piping and fixtures, etc. shall be removed. spilings shell'be removed to a depth of 12 inches below the ground surface sserving utilities shall be terminated/ abandoned in accordance with public utility and City regulations wall surface vegetation fecal matter srubble sashes shousehold garbage scontainers scontainers sabandoned or disassembled furniture/ appliances/ fixtures/ equipment/ tires/ machinery/ etc. spersonal effects, and debris shall be cleared from the parcel, transported from the work site, and disposed in an approved manner. smouhds/depressions/holes/excavations shall be leveled. imported earth shall be certified “clean”. ‘ground surface shall be compacted and graded to conform with the exi! and te convey surface waters to the public right-of-way. ‘parcel number shall be stenciled 4” high in contrasting color paint on curb face ng surface contours Perimeter Fencing sgalvanized chain Link fencing shall conform with the requirements of the current editions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction”, City modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail M-2 and shall be 72 inches’ (72") fabric height with knuckle top edge, pipe posts, top and botton rails, and pipe braces. Sanitary Séwer/Storm Drain Lateral Abandonment of utilities in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements of the current edition of the APWA ‘Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction” and City modifications thereto. Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach sRepairs and replacement of surface improvements in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements of the current editions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction: City modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail $-1. sAbandonnent of water wells shall conform with the requirements of the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. Pool/Fountain *Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary, font, walls, diving board, railing, etc.), surface paving (pool deck, mow strip, etc. and below-grade walls/lining/footings shall be removed to a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surface. *Pool/fountain bottom shall be partially demolished (core drill, pneumatic hammer, etc.) to preclude the entrapment of water. ‘depressions/holes shall be filled with imported earth (certified clean’) and compacted. sserving utilities shall be terminated in an approved manner. Underground Storage Tank (UST) Wazardous Material sspecnon secs BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT era A BLIGHT ABATEMENT 1B lo (510) 208-9981 CITY OF OAKLAND: CONTRACTOR BID QUOTATION ms a contrat aration ve (5) Caer Day esis mest) | Complaint No. 1504316 Control No. 160122 Property Address: 636 Clara Street Parcel No. 044. License Oo Oen Oes Oesr ea Inspector Greg. Chak (sto) 2382168 Staion CLINSGNCAm — Omer WORK ISSUANCE: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Qetean Lot Digposat Receipts EX] Permits ctean vara Ansurance Limits [1] Surety el cean uitaing Crain ausing Disecuresiaiog ——)revait Wage Csecuretocivara Comer Description of Pace Works vacant iting (C] ccpicd Premise —[L] Accemery Mating] tnaperatve Vice (Aumont Popes Excratn——C) Impcton Warrant] Other El rom vars Bear vars) ettsite Yard Be roeat size vara] terior ening Ty secre nuising FE} vacanttor —) ain Batting 1 sccenory Hung —] Fence Lav¥ard Performance Specifications OO Clean Lot G Vegetation [] Household Garbage O ofta C Recyclables Fecal mater [) Containers © Rubble 1 Personal effects C1 Ashes: Dy Debris shall be cleared from the parce, transported from the work site, disposed of in an approved manner. Ground vegetation (weeds/grassvines/tc) shall be removed to within 4 inches ofthe ground surface. Strbbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit ofthe foliage crown. Approved mechanical methods shall be used exclusively (herbicidesincineration, discing et. prohibited) C1 Parcel number shall be steniled (4 high) in contrasting colo paint on cub face. Subtotal: s. Clean Yard Clean Building Be) Vegetation —([] Fecal matter E] Paint over Graft ( aliomal ass shards [2 Rubbie [Household garbage Ashes Containers Be) Recyclables Ed Abandoned ordisessembled fumitureappliances/fixtures/equipmentires/machinry, persona effects and debris shall be cleared (broomed clean) ffom the premises transported from the work site, and disposed of in an approved munner. D1 Fixture traps (washer, snk, bathtubishower, ole, floor drain, et.) shall be primed with water and one oune (I 02.) of no vegetable cooking i Water Heater shall be drained. J Appliance and fixture flow control valves shall be “closed” et Overcurrent Protection breakers shall be “Of?” Open water, gas and wast lines shall be eapped Subtotal: $, Eb Building Services Department — Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications | 1 Secure Premises Pryor shal be new and p | CD exterior glue (F075 inch nominal thickness | (2) AvC surfce finishes (smoother surece exposed tothe exterior) 5) painted on the exterior with neutral colored water-based exterior latex LE] Plywood shall tightly into openings and shall be secured in place with 1 055 inch 172") diameter galvanized eariage bolts, washers, and nuts spaced not more than thirty-six inches apart end stalled through 1 wood “strongbacks" on the interior ofthe opening | | (*Swonghcks” sal be new wood and C) spanned completely across the opening | ] 2°x4" nominal cross-sectional dimension spaced not more than 48 inches apart C1 within 12 inches ofthe top and bottom ofthe opening DB Coverings shall be secured with nails, screws, or similar fasteners. 1 Coverings for main entry doors shall be secured with two new recessed hinges (tamper- resistant pins) and one new 3 inch hasp ‘with padlock (Master-3NKA, 2 keys) No. of Exterior Door(s): No. af Window(s): No. of garage & patio doors): No. of other opening(s): Subtotal: C1 Paint Premises C1 exterior surfaces shal include rainwater gutters/downspouts,railingsbandrail, trim, comices,eorbels, roof projections, stairs landings supports, window sash, doors, plywood coverings for openings, masonry, stucco, wood, piping, conduits, vents, and ashing and shall be: 1 reatached and refastened to the structure where loose fre of loose paint, stain, corrosion, oi, and other residual deleterious materials to provide a sound substrate for application of new paint C1 painted fully and evenly with a prime coat layer and a finish coat layer of neutral colored water-based exterior latex. 1 uiitty meters, contol valves, glazing, and doorwindow hardware shall not be painted. 5) tead-based pint (LBP) shall be encapsulated with an ational layer of latex pant loose LBP (peeling, faking shall be abated in accordance with the City's “Public Works Master Specification for asbestos and lead based paint abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination traning, including respiratory protection, exposure monitoring (worker & Public PE), medical surveillance, and engineering controls.” (TIALS | E Copy Performance Specifications | sien | | 1 structures shall be razed to grade and foundations, septic tanks, pools, retaining walls, basement walls, underground piping and fixtures, ete. shal be removed pilings shall be removed toa depth of 12 inches below the ground surface Cy serving utilities shal be terminated abandoned in accordance with public utility and City regulations CF attsurface vegetation [offal C) fecal mater [1] rubble [ashes TF) household garbage recyclables] containers [7] containers Cy abandoned or disassembled furniture! appliances fixtures! equipment tres! machinery’ et. 5) persona efecs, and debris shall be cleared from the parcel, transported fom the work sit, and disposed in an approved manner. C mounds/depressions/holes/excavations shall be leveled. {Cy impored earth shal be certified “clean 1 round surface shall be compacted and graded to conform with the existing surface contours and to convey surfice Wales tothe Public right-of way, parce number shal be stencied 4” high in contrasting color paint on cur face Subtotal: $. | (0 Perimeter Fencing | Ci entvanized chain ink fencing shal conform withthe requirements of the cutent editions ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications | | For Public Works Construction”, City modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail M-2 shall be 72 inches (72° fabric eight with knuckle top edge, pipe posts, op and bottom rls, and pipe braces Cy Pain over grat Install ft, of new fence Repair ft. of fence Length wiSetback ft fromeurb Gate Width fh. Subtotal: ‘Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Lateral bandonment of uilities inthe public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements of the current edition ofthe APWA Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction” and City modifications thereto. Subtotal: ()__ Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach CF Repairs and replacement of surface improvements in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements ofthe current editions ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications For Publie Works Construction: City modification thereto, and City Public Works Suundard Detail $-1 Abandonment of water wells shall conform with the requtemens ofthe Alameda County Department of Envi Subtotal: $. A EF , Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation y Performance Specifications | C1 Pool/Fountain CZ. Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary, font, walls, diving board, railing, etc), surface paving (pool deck, mow strip, etc. and below-grade walls/lining footings shall be removed to a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surface. 1D Poot/fountain bottom shall be partially demolished (core drill, pneumatic hammer, et.) to preclude the entrapment of water: depressions*holes shall be filled with imported earth (certified “elean”) and compacted (7 serving utilities shall be terminated in an approved manner. Subtot: 8. (1 Underground Storage Tank (UST) Subtotal: $, (_— Hazardous Material Subtotal: | Speci ons (1) Copy of Notice to OPD Abatement | [1] Copy of public right-of-way map indicating set back from curb | [] Copy of Inspection Warrant (issued by judge) and 24 hour posting placard [1 Copy of notice to P.G. & E requesting termination of electric and or gas service | [City Survey crew request form and work order (J Copy of Notice to Animal Controt (__ Special Site Condition / Alternate Bid Subtota 8 ‘Summary/Additional Instructions Remove all trash and debris, discarded personal items, houschold items, furiture, shopping carts, motorcycle, tools, bicycles, tires ire damaged debris, etc. from the exterior premises. Dispose of in an approved manne 'Sevure the existing wrough iron fence/gate at driveway with city locks and chain, Remove and dispose of the fire damaged trailer in driveway FE Copy Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Blight Abatement Bid Quote Property Address 636 Clara Stree Complaint # 1504316 _ Control ¥ 160122 GENERAL CONDITIONS © TOTAL BID AMOUNT SHALL ME FULL COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK SPECI [MID QUOTATIONS FOR ANY REASON OR WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY OR IRREGULARITY, WHETHER MATERIAL OR OTTERWISE. ID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE FULLY COMPLETED ON BUILDING SERVICES FORMS AND SHALL INCLUDE ALL ATTACHMENTS AND, SHALL BE WITHOUT ERASURES, DELETIONS, EXCLUSIONS, OR QUALIFICATIONS. ©THE SUCCESSFUL BID QUOTATION WILL BE THE LOWEST COMBINED AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM BID PLUS UNIT BID EXTENSIONS PLUS ACCEPTED ALTERNATE. BIDS TENDERED BY A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE TENDERED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF BID OPENING. EXTRA WORK SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY CHANGE ORDER. © WORK SPECIFIED SHALL RE PERFORMED STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT AND THE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS. © WORK SPECIFIED SHALL. COMMENCE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ISSUANCE OF THE NOTICE TO PROCEED (OR IMMEDIATELY FOR EXIGENT ISSUANCE) AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME DURATION SPECIFIED. SPECIAL CONDITIONS © Seoul wih sting yf o _ a ATTACHMENTS ‘Other All required documents are on file. Sle OT pode 25TEBbwrn auc Saag Nos MLL 4u424 Zp City SM- P26 7~FUF | | 54 |. Telephone | pena License [] Contractors License [Bidders Affidavits [] Insurance Certificates] Surety Signature shall also constitute endorsements of the Bidder’s Afidavis attached hereto. 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2" FL FLE Gopy | (510) 238-3381 CITY OF OAKLAND. BLI IT ABATEMENT BIDDER'S AFFIDAVIT (Signature om the Bid Quotation shall constitute endorsements of each of he certifications below) ‘© CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR EXCLUSIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT: 10162) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, HE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NEITHER HE OR SHE, NOR ANY OFFICER OF THE BIDDER, NOR ANY [EMPLOYEE OF THE BIDDER WHO HAS A PROPRIETARY INTEREST IN THE BIDDER, HAS EVER BEEN DISQUALIFIED, REMOVED, (O8 OTHERWISE PREVENTED FROM BIDDING ON, OR COMPLETING A FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT [ECAUSE OF A VIOLATION OF LAW OR SAFETY REGULATION, © CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR SANCTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10232) N URY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NO MORE THAN ONE (1) FINAL UNAPPEALABLE FINDING OF ‘CONTEMPT BY A FEDERAL COURT HAS BEEN ISSUED AGAINST THE BIDDER WITHIN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING TWO (2) YEAR PERIOD BECAUSE OF THE BIDDER’ FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF A FEDERAL COURT WHICH ORDERS THE IDDER TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (NLRB). © CERTIFICATION OF NOPRIOR CONVICTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 102851) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED WITHIN THE PRECE ‘THREE () YEARS OF ANY FRAUD, BRIBERY, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, OR ANY OTHER ACT IN VIOLATION OF ANY STATE OR FEDERAL ANTITRUST LAW IN CONNECTION WITIL THE BIDDING UPON, AWARD OF, OR PERFORMANCE, OF, ANY PUBLIC CONTRACT WITH ANY PUBLIC ENITTY, AS DEFINED IN FCC SECT. 1101, INCLUDING THE REGENTS OF THK UNIVERSITY OF ‘CALIFORNIA OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. THE TERM "BIDDER" IS UNDERSTOOD TO INCLUDE. ANY PARTNER, MEMBER, OFFICER, DIRECTOR, RESPONSIBLE MANAGING OFFICER, OR RESPONSIBLE MANAGING EMPLOYEE. ‘THEREOF, AS REFERRED TO IN PCC SECT. 102851 0 CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 7106) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT THE BID PROPOSAL IS NOT MADE IN TIE INTEREST OF, OR ON [BEHALF OF, ANY UNDISCLOSED PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION, COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR CORPORATION; THAT HIE BID PROPOSAL 1S GENUINE AND NOT COLLUSIVE OW SHAM; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INDUCED OR SOLICITED ANY OTHER BIDDER TO PUT IN A FALSE OR SHAM BID, AND HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY COLLIDED, CONSPIRED, CONNIVED, OR AGREED WITH ANY BIDDER OR ANYONE ELSE TO PUT IN A SHAM BID, OR THAT ANYONE SHALL REFRAIN FROM HIDING; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY MANNER SOUGHT [BY AGREEMENT, COMMUNICATION, OR CONFERENCE WITH ANYONE TO FIX THE BID PRICE OF THE BIDDER OK ANY OTHER IDDER, OR TO FIX ANY OVERHEAD, PROFIT, OR COST ELEMENT OF THE BID PRICE, OR OF THAT OF ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR TO SECURE ANY ADVANTAGE AGAINSE THE PUBLIC BODY AWARDING THE CONTRACT OF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE PROPOSED CONTRACT, THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE BID PROPOSAL ARE "TRUE; AND, FURTHER, THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OW INDIRECELY SUBMITTED HS OW HER HID PRICE OR ANY BREAKDOWN THEREOE, OR TH CONTENTS THEREOF, OR DIVULGED INFORMATION OR DATA RELATIVE THERETO, OR PAID, AND WILL NOT PAY, ANY FRE TO [ANY CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, COMPANY ASSOCIATION, ORGANIZATION, IID DEPOSITORY, OR TO ANY MEMBER OF [AGENT THEREOF TO EFFRCTUATE A COLLUSIVE OR SHANI BID. ‘© CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION (ITTLE23, UNITED STATES CODE SECT. 112) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ENTERED INTO ANY AGREEMENT, PARTICIPATED IN ANY COLLUSION, OR OTHERWISE TAKEN ACTION IN RESTRAINT OF FREE COMPETTTIVE BIDDING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID PROPOSAL. INITIALS api 2012 INSPECTION SERWCES BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT eee BLIGHT ABATEMENT ermeeet 19 (0 CITY OF OAKLAND, CONTRACTOR BID QUOTATION 2 Contract duration ive (5) Calendar Days CD esigent immediate) Property Address: (626.Clara Street Complaint No. 1504316 Control No, 160122 Parcel No. 044 -5014-010-00 Ucese on Oona Oecss Oesr Bee Ingecter ison Chk crm 2i6s Staton cLstoxCam 0) 0 WORK ISSUANCE: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Coreen toe 1D demain Depo Receipes D2] vermis C] Belcrea vara 1D sigidated Damages samorance nite C) Sarety EF} TE ctean Butding D1 Survey tazardoas Material CD paint Bonding Ly Remove Hazardous Material Lsccure outing Prema wage Dsecuretot/vara 7) other Desraono Pace Wars vacant ie) occupa Premise] Accetory Baiting] nopertve Vice (Cl) Atandosed PoovOpen Excavation E] tapecton Warrant [] Other (5 rromevard — Rearvard att ide Yar BE rigside vars] taerior Cheng 1 secre nunang —C] vacanttot —C) Mala Batng OF Accesory Batting — EE] Fence Lover Performance Specifications (1 Clean Lot Vegetation 1] Household Garbage ofa CO Recyelables DD Fecal matter ([) Containers Rubble 1D Personal effects C1 Ashes C1 Debris shalt be cleared from the parcel, ransported from the worksite, disposed of in an approved manner, LI Ground vegetation (weeds/grase/vines/tc) shall be removed 1 within 4 inches ofthe ground surface. C2 Shrubbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit of the foliage crown. TE) Approved mechanical methods chal be used exclusively (herbcides/ncineration,dacng te. proibited) C2 Parcel number shall be stencifed (4” high) in contrasting color paint on curb face. Subtotal: $, Clean Yard Clean Building BQ vegetation Fecal matter) Paint over Graft © altoral Glass shards E Ruboie & Household garbage Bd Ashes Containers Recyclables al Abendoned or disassembled furiture/appliancs/Gxturs/equipmentires/machinery, persona effects and debris shal be cleared (“roomed clean”) from the premises, transporied from the work site, and disposed of in an approved manner. Cr Fixture taps (washer, snk, bathtuhshower, ol, lor drain, ec) shall be primed with water and one ounce (1 07.) of non- vegetable cooking ol 1] Water Heater shal be drained. ) Appliance and fixture flow control valves shall be “closed”. Overcurrent Protection breakers shall be “Off”. 1 Open water, gas and waste lines shall be capped. Subtotal: S. A S Performance Specifications 11 Secure Premises C1 Plywood shall be new and: exterior glue © 0.75 inch nominal thickness [5 AvC surface finishes (smoother surface exposed tothe exterior) Cy painted onthe exterior with neutral colored water-based exterior latex ) Piywood shal fi rightly into openings and shall be secured in place with C2 05 inch (1/2") diameter galvanized carriage bolts, washers, and nuts spaced not more than thirty-six inches apart and installed through: 1 wood “strongbacks” onthe interior ofthe opening |. ( strongbacks” shall be new wood and pened completly acs he opening | Ay Ramee costo [Gy spaced not more than 48 inches apare | EI Mit it tpn tam te pei | | : Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation 1 Coverings shall be secured with nails, screws, or similar fasteners. (Coverings for main entry doors shall be secured with two new recessed hinges (tamper- resistant pins) and one new 3 inch hasp with padlock (Master 3NKA, 2 keys). No. of Exterior Door(s): No. of Window(s): No. of garage & patio door(s): No. of other opening(s): Cs Paint Premises exterior surfaces shall include rainwater guters/downspouts, railings/handrals, trim, comives, corbels, roof projections, stairs/landings/supports, window sash, doors, plywood coverings for openings, masonry, stucco, wood, piping, conduits, vents, ‘and flashing and shall be: reattached and refastened to the structure where loose. new paint Dy painted filly and evenly witha prime coat ayer anda finish coat layer of neural colored water-based exterior latex. 1 utility meters, contol valves, glazing and dooniwindow hardware shall not be painted. G tead-based pin (LBP) shal be encapsulated with an additonal layer of latex paint GF oose LBP (peeling, flaking) shall be abated in accordance with the City's “Public Works Master Specification for asbestos and Icad based pant abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination training, including respiratory protection, exposure monitoring (worker & Public P-E.L), medical surveillance, and engineering contol.” ns GF free of toose paint, sain, corrosion, oil, and other residual deleterious materials to provide a sound substrate for application of pai ling Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications 1D Demotition 1 structures shal! be razed to grade and foundstion, septic tanks, pools, retaining walls, basement walls, underground piping and fixtures, et, shall be removed, 1 pilings shalt be cemoved toa depth of 12 inches below the grouad surface. 5) serving utilities shall be terminated abandoned in accordance with public utility and City regulations (C aitsurtace vegetation C] offal fecal mater [] rabble 0) ashes household garbage FF} recyclables} containers [containers abandoned or disassembled furniture! appliance fixtures! equipment tires/ machinery’ ete personal effecs, and debris shall be cleared from the parce, transported from the work sit, and disposed in an approved manner. B. mounds/depressions/holes/excavations shall be leveled. 1D) imported earth shall be certified “clean” Gi ground surface shall be compacted and graded to conform with the existing surface contours and to convey surface waters to the public right-of-way. C1 parcel number shall be stenciled 4” high in contrasting color paint on curb face. Subtotal: $ C1 Perimeter Fencing galvanized chain ink fencing hal conform with the requirements ofthe current editions ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction”, City modification thereto, and City Pubic Works Standard Detail M-2 and sll be 72 inches (72° fabri boight with knuckle top edge, pipe posts, top and boom rail, and pipe braces. Pict over grat Install fl. of new fence s Repair fof fence ss, Length w/Setback ft fromeurb s Gate Width =s Subtotal: Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Lateral 1 Abandonment of ules inthe public right-of-way stall conform withthe requirements of the current ction ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction” and City modifications thereto Subtotal 8 (__ Sidewaik/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach Repairs and replacement of surface improvemenis in the public right-of-way shall conform wit the requirements of the current editions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction: City modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail $- C1 Abendonment of water wells shall conform withthe requirements ofthe Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, Subtotal: $. INITIALS, EN A A LC COT A ce Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications 1 PoovFountain C1 Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary, font, walls, diving board, railing, et.), surface paving (pool deck, mow stip, cle, and below-grade wallaining footings shall be removed t a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surfsce Pov fountain bottom shall be partially demolished (core drill, pneumatic hammer, et.) to preclude the entrapment of water ) sdepressions/holes shall be filed with imported eath (certified "clean”) and compacted. J serving utes shall be terminated in an approved manner. Subtotal: $. (___ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Subtotal: $. 1 Hazardous Material Subtotal: S, Special Conditions 1D Copy of Notice to OPD Abatement Copy of publi right-of-way map indicating setback from curb Gi Copy of inspection Warrant (issued by judge) and 24 hour posting placard Cy Copy of notice to P.G, &E requesting termination of electric and or gas service City Survey crew request form and work order (5 Copy of Notice to Animal Control ao Special Site Condition / Alternate Bid Subtotal: $. ‘Summary/Additional instructions Remove all trash and debris, discarded personal items, houschold items, furniture, shopping carts, motorcycle, tools, bicycles, __ ices. fire damaged debris, tc, from the exterior premises. Dispose of in an approved manner, Secure the existing wrought ion fence/ente at driveway with city locks and chain Tire damaged trailer in driv Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Blight Abatement Bid Quote Property Address 636 Clara Street Complaint # 1504316 Control # 160122 GENERAL CONDITIONS ‘TOTAL BID AMOUNT SHALL BE FULL COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK SPECIFIED. BID QUOTATION SHALL BE EXECUTED BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTOR. [BID QUOTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY BUILDING SERVICES UNTIL 3:30 PM ON THE DAY OF BID OPENING. BUILDING SERVICES MAY REJECT ANY OR ALL BID QUOTATIONS FOR ANY REASON OR WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY OR TRREGULARITY, WHETHER MATERIAL OR OTHERWISE. ‘ID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE FULLY COMPLETED ON BUILDING SERVICES FORMS AND SHALL. INCLUDE ALL ATTACHMENTS AND SHALL. BE WITHOUT ERASURES, DELETIONS, EXCLUSIONS, OR QUALIFICATIONS. © THE SUCCESSFUL, BID QUOTATION WILL BE THE LOWEST COMBINED AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM BID PLUS UNIT BID EXTENSIONS PLUS ACCEPTED ALTERNATE BIDS TENDERED BY A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BID QUOTATIONS SHALL. BE TENDERED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF BLD OPENING. © _ EXTRA WORK SHAUL NOT RE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY CHANGE ORDER. © WORK SPECIFIED SHALL BE PERFORMED STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE [AGREEMENT AND THE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS. © WORK SPECIFIED SHALL COMMENCE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ISSUANCE OF THE NOTICE TO PROCEED (OR IMMEDIATELY FOR EXIGENT ISSUANCE) AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME DURATION SPECIFIED. ‘SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0 Securad with exiting City of allend ick nd chen 0 __ ° a Sa ATTACHMENTS ‘Other All required documents are on file Foo acts Cl Contractors License [1] Bidders Affidavits) Insurance Certificates C] Surety Sin ln OF Po he DEVEL RE ions ole ¢-35-/6 ‘Company Name_ Street Date od Alecn — 2 2 ax SH-967-~F UZ Ye? __ ‘Telephone No. License No, ‘Signature shall also constitute endorsements of the Bidder's Affidavit attached hereto, ‘apil2012 |_ © CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR Ex Inspection Services 250 Frank H, Ogawa Plaza, 2° Fi Oakland, CA 94612 (S10) 238-3381 CITY OF OAKLAND, BLIGHT ABATEMENT BIDDER'S AFFIDAVIT (Signature on the Bid Quotation shall constitute endorsements of each of the ceriicadtons below) SIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10162) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE SIDER CERTIFIES THAT NEITHER HE OR SILE, NOR ANY OFFICER OF THE BIDDER, NOR ANY EMPLOYEE OF THE BIDDER WHO HAS A PROPRIETARY INTEREST IN THE BIDDER, HAS EVER BEEN DISQUALIFIED, REMOVED, ‘OR OTHERWISE. PREVENTED FROM BIDDING ON, OR COMPLETING A FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT [BECAUSE OF A VIOLATION OF LAW OR SAFETY REGULATION. © CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR SANCTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10232) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE. BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NO MORE THAN ONE (1) FINAL UNAPPEALABLE FINDING OF CCONTEMIT BY A FEDERAL COURT HAS BEEN (SSUED AGAINST THE SIDER WITHIN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING TWO @) YEAR PERIOD BECAUSE. OF THE BIDDER'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF A FEDERAL COURT WHICH ORDERS THE, [BIDDER TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (NLRB). © CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR CONVICTIONS —__(PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 102851) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED WITHIN THE PRECEDING ‘TREE () YEARS OF ANY FRAUD, BRIBERY, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, OR ANY OTHER ACT IN VIOLATION OF ANY STATE OR FEDERAL ANTITRUST LAW IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIDDING UPON, AWARD OF, OR PERFORMANCE OF, ANY PUBLIC CONTRACT WITH ANY PUBLIC ENTITY, AS DEFINED IN PCC SECT. 110, INCLUDING THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ‘CALIFORNIA OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. THE TERM "BIDDER" 1S UNDERSTOOD TO INCLUDE ANY PARTNER, MEMBER, OFFICER, DIRECTOR, RESPONSIBLE MANAGING OFFICER, OR RESPONSIBLE. MANAGING EMPLOYEE, THERKOF, AS REFERRED TO IN PCC SECT. 10285 © CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION. (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 7106) LUNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT THE BID PROPOSAI, 1S NOT MADE IN THE INTEREST OF, OR ON BEHALF OF, ANY UNDISCLOSED PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCTATION, COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR CORPORATION: THAT ‘THE BID PROPOSAL IS GENUINE. AND NOT COLLUSIVE OR SHAM; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INDUCED OR SOLICITED ANY OTHER BIDDER TO PUT IN A FALSE OR SHAM BID, AND HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY COLLUDED, CONSPIRED, CONNIVED, OR AGREED WITH ANY BIDDER OR ANYONE ELSE TO PUT IN A SHAM BID, OR THAT ANYONE SHALL REFRAW FROM BIDDING, THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY MANNER SOUGHT BY AGREEMENT, COMMUNICATION, OR CONFERENCE WITH ANYONE TO FIX THE BID PRICE OF THE BIDDER OR ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR TO FIX ANY OVERHEAD, PROFIT, OR COST ELEMENT OF THE BID PRICE, OR OF THAT OF ANY OTHER BIDDER. OR ‘TO SECURE ANY ADVANTAGE AGAINST THE PUBLIC BODY AWARDING THE CONTRACT OF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE PROPOSED CONTRACT, THAT ALI. STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE. BID PROPOSAL ARE TRUE: AND, FURTHER, THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUBMITTED RIS OR HER BID PRICE OR ANY BREAKDOWN THEREOF, OR THE CONTENTS THEREOF, OR DIVULGED INFORMATION OR DATA RELATIVE THERETO. OR PAID, AND WILL NOT PAY, ANY FEE TO. ANY CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, COMPANY ASSOCIATION, ORGANIZATION, BID DEPOSITORY, OR TO ANY MEMBER OF [AGENT THEREOF TO BFFECTUATE A COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BID. 9 CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION. —_(IITLE23, UNITED STATES CODE SECT. 11) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ENTERED INTO ANY AGREEMENT, PARTICIPATED IN ANY COLLUSION, OR OTHERWISE TAKEN ACTION IN RESTRAINT OF FREE COMPETITIVE. ‘BIDDING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID PROPOSAL. INITIALS Sam's Low Cost Hauling, 2070 AUSEON AVENUE, OAKLAND, CA 94621 510-382-1665 Office -510-967-8913 CELL y CA License #941749 INVOICE INVOICE DATE: FEBURARY 2.2016 INVOICE NUMBER: 2 BILL TO: Inspections Services Unit 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2” floor Oakland, CA 94612 REMIT TO: Sam's Low Cost Hauling, Inc 2070 AUSEON AVE. Oakland, CA 94621 SERVICES PROVIDED: BLIGHT ABATEMENT. PROPERTY ADDRESS; 636 CLARA STREET CONTRACT WORK: CLEAN UP CONTRACT NUMBER: 11510 cy ORIGIONAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $16,444.00 CHANGE ORDER 10%- $1,644.00 AMENDED CONTRACT TOTAL: $18,088.00 PLEASE NOTE: DISPOSAL RECEIPTS, AND PICTURES ARE ATTACHED Commercial Waste & Recycling, LLC Ticket No 510163 725 Independent Road Date :1/29/16 Oakland, CA 94621 Phone :(510)636-0852. www.CommercialWasteAndRecycling com Fax (510)636-0880 Customer. SAMLECESENE Sam Licesene 1935 E 26th St#D Oakland, 94606 Truck ‘TY65984 Gross: 11080 fb, MANWT = In_ 10:53 am with driver Tare: 8280 fb «STORED Out 10:52. am Location: OAKLAND City of Oakland Net: 2800 Ib 1.400 tn Deputy Weighmaster: KENDYL —Kendyl Fenton Material $ 86.80 Delivery $ 0.00 Driver: Misc $ 0.00 Tax$ 0.00 Remarks: Thank you for your business. Total $ 86.80 Received $ 86.80 "WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of acouraey, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 42700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture MATERIAL ary UNIT-$. DELIVERY-$_MISC-$ TAX-S TOTALS GREEN:TONS Tadoin 82.00 86.80 $86.80 ‘Thank you for choosing Commercial Waste & Recycling, LLC Questions or concerns? Contact our President, Joshua J. Foakes, by cell 830-351-2508 Landscape Supplies just around the corner two streets north at 5900 Coliseum Way See our products and check out our prices Order online: FIREWOOD & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY WWW-OaklandLandscapeSupply.com 1 abe ‘ONIONMIAVH LSOO MO SiNVS — t gezo |ooozs |e oosls ‘IB3LS VaVIO 9€9 ost} snsar ‘evezito | oo'os| 8 oosts 1B3ULS VEVIO 969 “oisit | somo. suezio [oros|@ oosis Taau1S VUVIO 969 lorsti xane euecio | oo0s| 8 | «OOS IBBULS VUVTO 9€9 ovsth “anny a1zono | 000s) 8 oorsis ‘T33ULS VEVTO 9¢9 e0st1 GOL sreond | ozs 8 costs isadis vavio ses OlstE MSHLLV sreo0 | ooOrrs |e ogzis | L3au1S VIO 9e9 lolstt | AOANS GHYNESa 91/8Z0 COOLS 8 oszis ~ ‘TSSYIS VEVIO oe9 01811 VINOLNY guez/lo —on'ovis 8 [ores A3BULS VUVTO 909/ OFSHE awe ESE EM SE SOWIE SSBHOGVKISEON: Ot" SWNNSSACTSNS Golad GOIwad AVd HOS BINGBHOS TOY AVE ONYTAVO JO ALIO Lefed eWezilo jooors| 8 os zis ISSHLS VEVIO 9€9 jorstL [AOANS GUvNUaa LL ~ Ll j Siz OO'OKLS 8 Os Lis ‘TB3ULS VUV1O 9€9 01511 VINOLNY gueziLo = ov'oris 8 Os Zbs 4133U1S VUVT9 9¢9] 01: avis DREN: FI oy Paigesudavikiuaaoud WYN SSO GORMAd GOMad Avd HOS BINGSHOS TION AV NVDIVO JO ALIO. ‘ONI 'ONFIAWH L809 MOT SiNWS oy -eeet my 499911 TRHOL isdvey 1185 enCES: al aay ‘9h "6es ena ad ‘oo"eees dea ‘ay EHes HY 0902+ oroz = peOT oor aus e9-T4na + puetyea 3e°6$ 092 z G01 #Y 3509 {u09"{NBay-d-UDY pueried Or "e2s end x oor aL ~ ebuey ns—Tand PURTHEO @@"ebes ee "set suol 26°F @0T UT aBeuuoj-a5nj2y.o2-1SW urBrag qanpoud 261 ———! at ove pi 9102/¢2/10 — ai eet 5 9702/82/18 UT #91 09611 any #0d uoygeurasaq area #Burttia #92u9 2ynoy san tad aamOTL TeNUeH e4u0 yseg addy quamsed Tr96OXB #9TOTURD 9102/82/10 8380 1 sawoqsng 2t1qnd T veTwueg siamoysng Ysen SYD SHEN J2Moysng SOE2-GEI-OIS Ud 2esv6 ‘Ya toupuesy wes egsa2ee #3241. wos uaquaauapueBsp "mmm *49a435 Stseq CTIE reuyB1J0) UOTFEIS HasSUeLL 398195 STAED aaageubis §.sa0taa £2 9N0) MYT SHL SLT iMBOT UNA dub sselDD\y ayeq O YALaV a 34No438 aungeuBts s,senT.ig 29"6zes isduey 1129S eM(PSTTES 909) iMUT SHL SLT id¥OT UNDA cuwL BE"@Ls ena By3 ‘eo-aeTs PavspueL amy ‘z2g"GZzH AY 0-028 20-02 peor + QO} smuosroug puepuers-T-4n3 4 puerteo f4°L$ ose % WOT ey 9509 duoqeTNBay-d-yoy PUETHEO 6ST £22 % Q@T 41 - aBueyoung tensTand = 2 pueTteO S2-9eTs 90 "c2T suol 6y°T OT UT abeuuoj-asnjay.or-ish ust squamuog yt at ease gtez/e2/to 370 #91 g2Te stee/ee/t0 UT <41 QattT auth #00 uoygeuraseq eotee KOUTTITE wi28ug aqnoy ant #9an9TL TenUEH dauresuog yseg adh, yuamdeg Te96XB BBTOTUAA 9182/82/10 9380 39011 o3sng OFTand | daraeg wiamo4sng Yseg HSU 8MeN Jaoysng 20E2-829-01S ud 2ush6 ‘io ‘oupuesy) ueg SOLzEE HIDHOTL moo ‘uaquaduapieBsp Mm “42a9g STAPG ST9Z TeuTB 9 UoT4e9g MessuR.L ge—9g s7Aed SsalD0v aed O Yaldv O 3YOj3a8 aungeuBts s,Jaayaa er 20n8 amu 9eHOTL TRIOL jsduex T1@g @MC@STIEZ OAD) IMT BHL SLT id¥OT UNDA cwuL 28°26$ eng Gy ‘eQ"@ass Parepual yay ‘BT "Zers r) PURTIED 90"028 0-02 peol 1 QT eBuosTAUR PuepuEys—T-4303 PURTHEO 1 °ETs eo" * oot 3809 AuozetnGay-d-woy PURTHED 26 "228 geek * ot 41 ~ abveyoung tens-TBN4 2 PURTHEO Ge*THEs 90°S2T suo, e2°2 O01 UT abeuuol—asnyey.oe-1SW T G0 WNSINSOW NII BLS squees03 a aT e9ys ste2/82/1@ 3nd #91 0968 5102/82/10 UT aat aeryt oath #00 uoyqeurgseq yesre@ #OUITIIE raya aanoy seatag saeyor. 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Se mailed a ; BES GP TeldrAl MOUS) Oke on an i] S fo) = J ad SS gee enennenneiee eee a ee MGebb nerecron serves BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT hair icreirriail BLIGHT ABATEMENT (siOjzescet (CTTY OF OAKLAND CONTRACTOR BID QUOTATION [contrat duration five 5) Calendae Days Clesigent immediate) 636 Clara Street Complaint No. 1504316 Control No. 160122 reel No, 044 -5014.010-00 Leese Con Ooa Ces Cer Bes Impector—_Geery Cte stots ston CLINSPONC as) Otte WORK ISSUANCE: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Doe tet Cy demotion DoposaReets [2] Permits Bowen vce 1) aided Damages aretrnce Lints C) sere Ecreanpaiding Survey Hazardous Material Dpaioe Baiting (Ey Remove Hazardous Material Cseere ating] reval Wage CDiseeretor/Yare oer Desiplno Parcel/Weks ) vecant tot C] vacant Batting —£] Occupied Premise] Accessory Buiiting [inoperative Vehicle Fi Avandoaes PoovOpen Excavation ] Inspection Warrant} Other DB] Frou vara BQ Rearvara i] Lettsie Vara (3 rigwesite vara) terior Chanting 1D secure Suiting} Vacant tot ==) Main Baling OF Accessory Batting ("} Fence Lavvard Performance Specifications Dl Clean Lot 1 Vegetation [] Household Garbage O ofa 1D Recyclables Fecalmaner — [) Containers CD Ruvoie Personal effects OD Astes, [Debris shall be cleared from the parcel. transported from the work site, disposed of in an approved manne. CZ) Ground vegetation (weeds/grass/vines/etc) shall be removed to within 4 inches of the ground surface. Shrubbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit of the foliage crown. 1B Approved mechanical methods shall be used exclusively (herbicidesincineration.discing ete. prohibited) Parcel number shall be stencled (4” high) in contrasting color paint on curb fae. Subtotal: $. Clean Yara J Clean Building 1d Vegetation [Fecal maner —() Paint over Gatfii O aurora Bi Gass shards J Robbie 13) Household garbage 02 Ashes El Containers Be Recyetabtes 2 Abandoued or asassembled furitue/applianesfntwesequipmentiresmachinery. personal effects and debris sal be cleared ‘broomed clea) from the premises. transported fromthe work sit. and disposed of an approved manner. GO Fisrure traps (washer sink, batubshower. et oor dain et) sll be primed with wate and one ounce (102. of on tepetable cooking oil 1) Waer Hester shalt be drained. Appliance and fixture flow contro valves shall be “closed”. C) Overeurent Protection breakers shall be "OFT C1 Open water. gas and waste lines shall be capped. Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications C1 Secure Premises C1 Prywood sha be new and: TE) exterior ioe 10) 07S ce sominlhickness 1) A sutice Haihessmosher surace exposed tothe exterior) 15 painted on the exterior with neta colored water based exterior latex [D) Ptywood stall fi ih ito openings and sal be secuced in place wit 1G 05 tach (1/2) diameter galvanized carage bol waser, and nts paced aot more than thy i inces apart and installed trovgh Ceo stongbacks” onthe interior ofthe opening 1D “Strongbacks” shall be new wood and: Z spanned completely across the opening (J) 2°x4™ nominal cross-sectional dimension spaced not more than 48 inches apart (D within 12 inches of the top and bottom of the opening D Coverings shalt be secured with nails. serews. or similar fasteners. Cl Coverings for main entry doors sal be secured with wo new recessed hinges (amper- resistant pins) and one new 3 nc asp wit padlock (Master SNKA.2 key) ‘No. of Extertor Doors): No. of Windows): No. of garage & patio doorts): No.of other openingisi: C1 Paint Premises 1 exerioesurtaces sal inctude rainwater guters/downspouts, railings andes, tim, comices corbels, roof projections. stairslandings!supports. window sash, doors. plywood coverings for openings. masoary.stueco, wood, piping. conduits, vents, and flashing and shall be 1D) reanached and refestened tothe stir where Hose Gree of tose paint sain, cocsion ol. and other residual deleterious new paint. (2 pried uty and evenly with prime coat ayer and a finish coat ayer of neta colored water based exterior latex. serials to provide a sound substrate for application of, CZ utility meters. control valves. glazing. and door/window hardware shall not be painted. G) lead-based pint (LBP) sail be encapslated with an additional layer of latex pint. (C1 toose LBP (peeling. aking) shall be abated in accordance with the City's “Public Works Master Specification fr asbestos and lead bated pin abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination training. including respiratory protection. exposure monitoring (worker & Public PE 1.) medical surveillance, and engineering contol.” Ze. INITIALS Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications OC Demolition C1 structures shall be razed to grade and foundations. septic tanks, pools. retaining walls. asement walls, underground piping and fixtures. etc, shall be removed, pilings shal be removed to a depth of 12 inches below the ground surface. G serving utilities shall be terminated’ abandoned in accordance with public wility and City regulations 1 atsutacevegerion [ oftat CJ fecatmater () ribbie C) ates 1) household garage) recyclables) containers [containers 1) abandoned o disassembled furniture’ appliances frre! equipment ies machinery” ete (CF persona fects, and debris shall be cleared from the parcel. transported from the Worksite, and disposed in an approved manner. [Gy toundsisepressionstotes/excavations shal be leveled [Gy ipored eat shal be cerified “clea (5 round surface shal be compacted and graded ro conform with the existing surface contours and to convey surface waters f the publicist of way 2 parce umber sal be stenciled 4" high in contrasting color pant on ci face Subtotal: $. C1 Perimeter Fencing O galvanized chain link fencing shall conform with the requirements of the current editions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction” .City modifications thereto. and City Public Works Stand Detail M-? and shal be 72 inches (7°) fabri eight with knuckle op edge pipe poss. top and boom ris. and pie braces. Paint over pati Install ft. of new fence Repair of fence Length w/Setback ft fromeurbs Gate Width ‘Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Lateral 1 Abandonment of wilitis inthe public right-of-way shall conform wit the requsements ofthe curent edition ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Constetion” and City modifications thereto, Subtotal: §, (_ Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach 27 Repairs and replacement of surface improvements in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements ofthe curent editions ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction: City modifications thereto. and City Public Works Standard Detail $1 DZ Abandonment of water wells shall conform with the requirements of the Alameda County Department of Enviroumental Health. Subtotal: §, INITIALS: Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications 0 PoolFountain C1 Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary. font. walls. diving board, railing. etc.), surface paving (pool deck. mow strip. etc. and below grade wallslining/footings shall be removed to a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surface Pootifountain bottom shall be partially demolished (core drill. peumatic hammer. etc.) to preclude the entrapment of water. Gy epressonstotes sal be filed with inponed earth (certified “leas” and compacted serving utilities shall be terminated in an approved manner. Subtotal: (0 Underground Storage Tank (UST) Subtotal: 1 Hazardous Material Subtotal: ‘Special Conditions C. Cops of Notice to OPD Abatement G Copy of public right-of-way map indicating set back from curb Cy Copy of inspection Warrant (issued by jodge) and 24 hoor posting placard 1 Copy of notice 1 PG. & E requesting termination of electric and or gas service Cl City Survey crew reqoest form and work order Cl Cops of Notice to Animal Coatrot _ Special Site Condition / Alternate Bid Subtot 8 $s. [Remove and dispose ofthe fire damaged trailer in dnveway, Contracting Company: Sig Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Blight Abatement Bid Quote Property Address 636 Clara Street Complaint # 1804316 Control # 160122 GENERAL CONDITIONS © TOTAL BUD AMOUNT SHALL BE FULL COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK SPECIFIED. ‘BID QUOTATION SHALL BE EXECUTED BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTOR. ‘BID QUOTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY BUILDING SERVICES UNTIL 30 PM ON THE DAY OF BID OPENING. BUILDING SERVICES MAY REJECT ANY OR ALL BID QUOTATIONS FOR ANY REASON OR WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY OR IRREGULARITY, WHETHER MATERIAL OR OTHERWISE. © BID QUOTATIONS SHALL HE FULLY COMPLETED ON BUILDING SERVICES FORMS AND SHALL INCLUDE ALL ATTACHMENTS AND SHALL BE WITHOUT ERASURES, DELETIONS, EXCLUSIONS, OR QUALIFICATIONS. © THESUCCESSFUL BID QUOTATION WILL BE THE LOWEST COMBINED AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM BID PLUS UNIT BID EXTENSIONS PLUS ACCEPTED ALTERNATE BIDS TEXDERED BY A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE TENDERED FOR A ‘MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF BID OPENING. © _ EXTRA WORK SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY CHANGE ORDER. © WORK SPECIFIED SHALL BE PERFORMED STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE [AGREEMENT AND THE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS. © WORK SPECIFIED SHALL COMMENCE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ISSUANCE OF THE NOTICE TO PROCEED (OR IMMEDIATELY FOR [EXIGENT ISSUANCE} AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME DURATION SPECIFIED. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Seed withing Cy of ad ck allan ATTACHMENTS 1] City Business License (Contractors License] Bidders atfidavts (Insurance CnifiatesC) Surery (Ey Other All required documents ae on fle, CONTRACTOR Roca Ewe DEA Evectat Oey. LTB 13% St. 01 -2S- 2016 Company Namie Seoet Adcess Date Oakland CA a4got Gay 7p Conifers 5 (510) 6oy-go40, 269 Telephone No. Tisense No, Signanire shall also construe endorsements of the Bidder's Affidavit attached hereto. Inspection Services 2250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2" Fl. ‘Oakland. CA 94612 (S10) 238-3381 CITY OF OAKLAND BLIGHT ABATEMENT BIDDER'S AFFIDAVIT (Signature on the Bid Quotation shall constitute endorsements of each of the certifications below) «© CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR EXCLUSIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10162) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NEITHER HE OR SHE, NOR ANY OFFICER OF THE BIDDER, NOR ANY EMPLOYEE OF THE BIDDER WHO HAS A PROPRIETARY INTEREST IN THE BIDDER, HAS EVER BEEN DISQUALIFIED, REMOVED. (OR OTHERWISE PREVENTED FROM BIDDING ON, OR COMPLETING A FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT BECAUSE OF A VIOLATION OF LAW OR SAFETY REGULATION. © CERTIFICATION OF No PRIOR SANCTIONS, {PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 1028 UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NO MORE THAN ONE (1) FINAL UNAPPEALABLE FINDING OF CONTEMPT BY A FEDERAL COURT HAS BEEN ISSUED AGAINST THE BIDDER WITHIN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING TWO 12) ‘YEAR PERIOD BECAUSE OF THE BIDDER'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF A FEDERAL COURT WHICH ORDERS THE [BIDDER TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (NLRB. (© CERTIFICATIONOF NOPRIORCONVICTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10285.) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED WITHIN THE PRECEDING ‘THREE (3) YEARS OF ANY FRAUD, BRIBERY, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, OR ANY OTHER ACT IN VIOLATION OF ANY STATE OR FEDERAL ANTITRUST LAW IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIDDING UPON, AWARD OF, OR PERFORMANCE OF, ANY PUBLIC (CONTRACT WITH ANY PUBLIC ENTITY, AS DEFINED IN PCC SECT. 1101, INCLUDING THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF (CALIFORNIA OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE CALIFORMA STATE UNIVERSITY. THE TERM “BIDDER” IS UNDERSTOOD TO INCLUDE ANY PARTNER, MEMBER, OFFICER, DIRECTOR, RESPONSIBLE MANAGING OFFICER, OR RESPONSIBLE MANAGING EMPLOYEE ‘THEREOF, AS REFERRED TO IN POC SECT. 102881. © CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 71061 UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT THE BID PROPOSAL IS NOT MADE IN THE INTEREST OF , OR ON BEHALF OF, ANY UNDISCLOSED PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCTATION, COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR CORPORATION; THAT ‘THE BID PROPOSAL IS GENUINE AND NOT COLLUSIVE OR SHAM; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INDUCED OR SOLICITED ANY OTHER BIDDER TO PUT IN A FALSE OR SHAM BID, AND HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ‘COLLUDED, CONSPIRED. CONNIVED, OR AGREED WITH ANY BIDDER OR ANYONE ELSE TO PUI IN A SHAM BID, OR THAT ANYONE SHALL REFRAIN FROM BIDDING; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY MANNER SOUGHT ‘BY AGREEMENT, COMMUNICATION, OR CONFERENCE WITH ANYONE TO FIX THE BID PRICE OF THE BIDDER OR ANY OTHER ‘BIDDER, OR TO FIX ANY OVERHEAD, PROFTT, OR COST ELEMENT OF THE ID PRICE, OR OF THAT OF ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR ‘TO SECURE ANY ADVANTAGE AGAINST THE PUBLIC BODY AWARDING THE CONTRACT OF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE [PROPOSED CONTRACT: THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE BID PROPOSAL ARE TRUE; AND. FURTHER, THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUBMITTED HIS OR HER BID PRICE OR ANY BREAKDOWN THEREOF, OR THE ‘CONTENTS THEREOF, OR DIVULGED INFORMATION OR DATA RELATIVE THERETO, OR PAID, AND WILL NOT PAY. ANY FEE TO ANY CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, COMPANY ASSOCIATION, ORGANIZATION, BID DEPOSITORY, OR TO ANY MEMBER OF ‘AGENT THEREOF TO EFFECTUATE A COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BID. © CERTIFICATIONOF NOCURKENT COLLUSION (TITLE 23,UNITED STATES CODE SECT. 12) ‘UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTUFTES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ENTERED INTO. [BIDDING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID PROPOSAL. INITIALS, ‘pl 2012 InsPecTON ERVICES BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT wags C8 see BLIGHT ABATEMENT (810) 236-3981 CITY OF OAKLAND CONTRACTOR BID QUOTATION 2 contrac erton ve) Calendar Days Cesigent ima) Property Address: 636 Clara Street Control No. 160122 Parcel No. 044-501 Ges Des Bes Inspector Gregory Clarke (810) 238-2168 ‘Station CLINSPGXC:asm 2) Other WORK ISSUANCE SPECIAL. CONDITIONS: cream Lot D Demottion Disposal Receipts DX) Permits Bihan Yara Fy igeaatea Damages Inserance tints C] sere] Belcrean nating (2) Sevey Harardous Materia CPaine Boitaing (Z1 Remore Hazardous Material Csccre titan (F) Prevail Wage Liscenretotrvara ote Descripon of Parse! Work: () vacamttot J vacant Baiting} occupied Premise LJ Accessory uiting —]tnpertve Vehicle CE} Abandoned PoovOpen Excavation} Inspection Warrant) Other Ba] rrontvare BE) earvara et ide vara Pe a ec DD Secor Baiting] vacanetac EE) ain ain CO) acconey Baiting —E) Fence Yard Performance Specifications 1 Clean Lot 1 Vegetation (Household Garbage i ona D1 Recyclabtes DD Fecal mater [) Containers 1 Rubbte 1D Personal effects Ashes Debris shall be cleared from the patce, transported from the work site, disposed of in an approved manner. [5 Ground vegetation (weeds/gras/vines/et) shall be removed to within 4 inches of the ground surface. (5. Shrubbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit of the foliage crown, Approved mechanical methods shall be used exclusively (herbicidevincineration, diseing ete. prohibited) G Parcel number shall he stenciled (4" high) in contrasting color paint on cur face Subtotal: §. Clean Yard & Clean Building Eq Vegetation —(E] Fecal mater) Paint over Graffiti © aorta & Glass shards BQ Rubbte Bg Houschold garbage B® Ashes & Containers E Recyclables [Abandoned or disassembled furnitue/appliances/fixturesfequipmenVtires/machinery, personal effects and debris shall be cleared (broomed clean”) from the premises transporte from the work site, and disposed of in an approved manner. C1 Fixture traps (washer, snk, bathtub/showser, toilet, oor drain, et.) shall be primed with water and one ounce (I 02, of non vegetable cooking ol. Water Heater shail be drained, GI Appliance and fixture flow controt valves shall be “closed D2 Overcurrent Protection breakers shall be “Of?” Z OOD Open water, gas and waste lines shall be capped. subto: $_77, ‘COO De Silva Enterprise 4 ises —__ 104 Villa Dave INITIALS San Pablo.CA 94806 510-685. Lie # 16287 ue : Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications (1 Secure Premises Phyo shall be new ae: | 1 exterior glue 0.75 inch nominal thickness AIC surface finishes (smoother surface exposed (o the exterior) painted on the exterior with neutral colored water-based exterior latex Plywood shall fit tightly into openings and shall be secured in place with: 0.3 inch (1/2") diameter galvanized carriage bolts, washers, and nuts spaced not more than thirty installed through ‘wood “strongbacks” on the interior of the opening ono0001 ix inches apart and a 1 “Strongbacks” shall be new wood and L} spanned completely ross the opening Prd" nominal cross-sectional dimension ] spaced not more than 8 inches apart J within 12 inches ofthe top and bottom ofthe opening i Coverings shall be secured with mils, serews, o similar fasteners C1 Coverings for main entry doors shall be secured with two new recessed hinges (tamper: esstant pins) and one new 3 inch hasp with padlock (Master-3NKA, 2 keys No. of Exterior Door(s): No. of Window(s): No. of garage & patio door(s): No, of other opening(s): Cs Paint Premises G. exterior surfaces shall include rainwater guttersidownspouts,ralings/handrails trim, cornices, corbels, roof projections siairs/landings/suppors, window sash, doors, plywood coverings for openings, masonry, stucco, wood, piping, conduits, vents, and flashing and shall be: reattached and refastened tothe structure where loose Ey free of loose paint, stan, corrosion, oil and other residual deleterious materials to provide a sound substrate for aplication of Paint printed fully and evenly with a prime coat layer and finish coat layer of neutral colored water-based exterior latex 11 titty meters, control valves, glazing. and door/window hardware shall not be painted. tcad-based pint (1.BP) shall be encapsulated with an additional layer of latex paint Boose ABP (peeling aking) shall be abated in accordance with the City's “Public Works Maser Specification for asbestos and lead based paint abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination training, ining respiratory protection, exposure monitoring (worker & Public P-E.L.), medical surveillance and engineering controls ue INITIALS . Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications 1 Demolition I structures shall be razed to grade and foundations septic tanks, pools, retaining walls, basement walls, underground piping and Fistures, etc, shall be removed. pilings shat be removed toa depth of 12 inches below the ground surface Gi serving tities shal be terminated abandoned in accordance with public uty and City regulations CF altsurtace vegetation) otfal C) eeat matter] rubble Cashes TF} household garbaze recyclables) containers C} containers Gy abandoned or disassembled furniture! appliances intures! equipment tires! machinery! ete Ey personal effects and debris shall be cleared from the parcel. transported from the worksite, and disposed in an approved manner. moundsdepressions/holesfexcavations shall be leveled Ey imported earth shall be ceritied “clean 5} round surface shall be compacted and graded to conform with te existing surface contours and to convey surface waters tothe public rightof-way parcel number shall be stenciled 4” high n contrasting color paint on curb fave Subtotal | C1 __ Perimeter Feneing CF aivanized can tnk fencing shall conform with the requirements of the curtent edions of the APWA “Standard Specificato For Pablic Works Consttion”, City modifications thet, and City Public Works Standard Detail M-2 and shal be 72 inches (22°) fabric height with knuckle op ede, pipe posts, top and betiom ris, and pipe braces 1 Paint over gratia Install ft, of new fence Repair fof fence Length wiSetback ft fromeurb Gate Width ft. Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Lateral | Cy Abandonment of uiltes in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requiementsof the eurent edition ofthe APWA, “Standard Specifications or Public Works Construction” and City modifications thereto Subtotal (2 _ Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach G Repairs and replacement of surface improvements in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements ofthe current ditions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction: City modifications thereto, and City Public ‘Works Standard Detail S-1 C1 Abandonment of water wels shall conform with the requirements ofthe Alameda County Depurtment of Environmental Health Subtotal: §, uz INITIALS Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation | Performance Specifications 1 _— PoovFountain 1 Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary, font, walls, ving board, railing, ee), surface paving (pool deck, mow strip, cic. and below grade walslining/footings shall be removed to a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surface. 5) Poolfounain bottom shal be partially demolished (core dil, peumatic hammer, ee.) 10 preclude the entrapment of water. 5 depressions/holes shall be filled with imported earth (certified “clean”) and compacted serving uilities shal be terminated in an approved manner. Subtotal: (___ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Subtotal: §. (1 Hazardous Material Subtotal: §, Special Conditions | GZ Copy of Notice to OPD Abatement 1 Copy of public right-of-way map indicating set back from cur 1 Copy of Inspeetion Warrant (issued by judge) and 24 hour posting placard 5) Copy of notice to P.G. & E requesting termination of electric and or gas service 5) City Survey crew request form and work order 1 Copy of Notice to Animal Control (1 Special Site Condition / Alternate Bid Subtotal: ‘Summary/Additional Instructions Remove all trash and debris, discarded personal items, household items, furniture, shopping carts, motoreyele, tools, bieycles, ites fire damaged debris, etc from the exterior premises, Dispose of in an approved manner. jecure the existing wrought iron fence iveway wi AS and chain, Remove and dispose of the fire damaged trailer in driveway De Silva Enterprises | 104 Villa Dave 1 San Pablo.CA 94806 510-685-0832 # 762871 Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Blight Abatement Bid Quote Property Address 636 Clara Street Complaint # 1504316 Control ¥ 160122 GENERAL CONDITIONS © TOTAL MD AMOUNTSHALL RE FULL COMPENSATION FOR THE WORK SPECIFIED. &BiDOUOTATION SHALL i: EXECUTED BY AN AUTHIONIZUD REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTOR. $— RIDQUOTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY BUILDING SERVICES UNTIL 30 FM ON THE DAY OF BID OPENING. & BUILDING SERVICES MAY KAJECT. ANY OR ALL BID QUOTATIONS FOK ANY REASON OR WAIVE. ANY INFORMALITY O8 TRMEGULARITY, WHETHER MATESUAL O& OTHERWISE. © MQUOTATIONS SHALL Be FULLY COMPLETED ON BUILDING SERVICES FORMS AND SHALL INCLUDE ALL ATTACUMENTS AND SHALL ME WETHOLT ERASURES, DELETIONS, EXCLUSIONS, OR QUALIFICATIONS. —_THnSteceSsrU1 Bip QUOTATION WILL BE THE LOWEST COMBINED AMOUNT OF LUME SUM BID PLUS UNIT BID EXTENSIONS PLUS ACCEPTED ALTERNATE BIDS TENDERED BY A RESPONSIBLE, BIDDER. HID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE TENDERED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS AFTEIC IE DATE OF BID OPENING. 0 _ EXTRA WORK SIALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY CHANGE ORDER. S WOKK SPECHTED SIALL. he PEKPONMED STRICTLY IN| ACCORDANCE ‘WITIL THE PROVISIONS OF TIL PERFORMANCE GREEMENT AND THE PERFORMANCE SPECIICATIONS WORK SPECINIED SHALL COMMENCE WITILN 21 HOUIS OF ISSUANCE OF THE NOTICE TO PROCEED (OR IMMEDIATELY POR ENIGENT ISSUANCE) AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME DURATION SPECIFIED. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ° ‘Secured with existing City of Ualland lack and chain o ° __ ° ° 2 ~ ° ATTACHMENTS CB City Business License [] Contractors License [] Bidders Affidavits [[] Insurance Certificates] Surety 1 Other il required documents are on file ‘Company Name Zip CONTRACTOR o/ Ls) S WE Telephone No, License No. Signature shail also constitute endorsements of the Bidder's Affidavit attached hereto, De Silva Enterprises 104 Villa Drive San Pablo.CA 94806 510-685-0832 Lie # 762871 Inspection Services 250 Frank 1. Ogawa Plaza, 2" #1 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238.3381 CITY OF OAKLAND BLIGHT ABATI ENT BIDDER'S AFFIDAVIT (Signature on the Bid Quotation shall constitute endorsements of each of the certifications below) ‘6 CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR EXCLUSIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10162) ‘UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NEITHER HE OR SHE, NOR ANY OFFICER OF THE BIDDER, NOR ANY EMPLOYEE OF THE BIDDER WHO HAS A PROPRIETARY INTEREST IN THE BIDDER, HAS EVER BEEN DISQUALIFIED, REMOVED, (OR OTHERWISE PREVENTED FROM BIDDING ON, OR COMPLETING A FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT ‘BECAUSE OF A VIOLATION OF LAW OR SAFETY REGULATION. { ‘© CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR SANCTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10232), UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NO MORE THAN ONE (1) FINAL UNAPPEALABLE FINDING OF ‘CONTEMPT BY A FEDERAL, COURT HAS BEEN ISSUED AGAINST THE BIDDER WITHIN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING TWO 2) YEAR PERIOD BECAUSE OF THE BIDDER'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF A FEDERAL COURT WHICH ORDERS THE. [BIDDER TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL. LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (NLRB). 0 CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR CONVICTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10288) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED WITHIN THE PRECEDING ‘THREE (3) YEARS OF ANY FRAUD, IRIBERY, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, OR ANY OTHER ACT IN VIOLATION OF ANY STATE O8 FEDERAL ANTITRUST LAW IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIDDING UPON, AWARD OF, OR PERFORMANCE OF, ANY PUBLIC CONTRACT WITH ANY PUBLIC ENTITY, AS DEFINED IN PCC SECT. 1101, INCLUDING THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE CALIFORMA STATE UNIVERSITY. THE TERM "BIDDER" IS UNDERSTOOD TO INCLUDE, ANY PARTNER, MEMISER, OFFICER, DIRECTOR, KESPONSIMLE MANAGING OFFICER, OR RESPONSIBLE MANAGING EMPLOYEE, ‘THEREOF, AS REFFRRED TO IN PCC SECT. 102881, © CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLL SION (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 7106) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT THE BID PROPOSAL IS NOT MADE IN THE INTEREST OF, OR ON BEHALF OF, ANY UNDISCLOSED PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION, COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR CORPORATION; THAT ‘THE BID PROPOSAL IS GENUINE AND NOT COLLUSIVE OR SHAM; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INDUCED OR SOLICITED ANY OTHER BIDDER TO PUT IN A FALSE OR SHAM BID, AND HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY COLLUDED, CONSPIRED, CONNIVED, OR AGREED WITH ANY BIDDER OR ANYONE ELSE TO PUT IN A SHAM BID, OR THAT ANYONE SHALL REFRAIN FROM BIDDING; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY MANNER SOUGHT BY AGREEMENT, COMMUNICATION, OR CONFERENCE WITH ANYONE TO FIX THE BID PRICE OF THE BIDDER OR ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR TO HX ANY OVERHEAD, PROFIT, OR COST ELEMENT OF THE BID PRICE, OR OF THAT OF ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR TO SECURE. ANY ADVANTAGE AGAINST THE PUBLIC BODY AWARDING THE CONTRACT OF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE | PROPOSED CONTRACT; THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE BID PROPOSAL ARE TRUE: AND, FURTHER, THAT THE [BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUBMITTED HIS OR HER BID PRICE OR ANY BREAKDOWN THEREOF, OR THE ‘CONTENTS THEREOF, OR DIVULGED INFORMATION OR DATA RELATIVE THERETO, OR PAID, AND WILL NOT PAY, ANY FEE TO ANY CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, COMPANY ASSOCIATION, ORGANIZATION, BID DEPOSITORY, OR TO ANY MEMBER OF | [AGENT THEREOF 10 EFFECTUATE A COLLUSIVE OR SHAM ID. | ‘© CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION. —_(T1TLE23, UNITED STATES CODESECT. 112), UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ENTERED INTO. ANY AGREEMENT, PARTICIPATED IN ANY COLLUSION, OR OTHERWISE TAKEN ACTION IN RESTRAINT OF FREE COMPETITIVE BIDDING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID PROPOSAL. INITIALS Apt 2012 INSPECTION sens BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT bacon ills .TEMENT (610) 238.381 BLIGHT ABA’ 086822. CITY OF OAKLAND CONTRACTOR BID QUOTATION 1B Contract duration five (5) Calendar Days Ci exigent gimmeatas Property Address: 636 Clara Street Complaint No, 1504316 Control No, 160122 Pareel No. 044 -5014-010-00 Lice Do Olen Ces Oost Seo Tnspector —Gregury Clarke ____ (S10) 238-2168 Station CLANSPIGXC sm __[]_ Other WORK ISSUANCE: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: demotion Disposal Receipts [X]_ Permits Qa B uiguidated Damages Insurance Limits [] Surety EXlctean Boitsing (Z1 Survey Hazardous Materiat Cpaine Boitding Remove tazardous Material Csccure buitaing 1 Prevait Wage o Disecure Lot rd Other Description of Pareel/ Work: Vacanrtot (J vacent Buitsing 1] Occupied Premise —[) Accessory Buitding ]_tnoperative Vehicle Abandoned PoovOpen Exeavation TF inspection Warrant = [} Other DB Front vara B® Rear Vara BR cet sie vara Right Side Yard 1 interior Cleaning: © Secure Buitsing —[)_ Vacant Lot CO Main Boitaing D7 Accessory Building [7] Fence LovYard Performance Specifications Clean Lot Z Vegetation [1] Household Garbage Offal © Recyclabies Fecal matter) Containers Rubble OO Personal effects Ashes Debris shall be cleared from the parcel, transported from the work site, disposed of in an approved manner. Ground vegetation (weeds/grass/vines/etc) shall be removed to within 4 inches of the ground surface. Shrubbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit ofthe foliage crown, Approved mechanical methods shall be used exclusively (herbicides/incineration, discing etc. prohibited) Parcel number shall be stenciled (4” high) in contrasting color paint on curb face. Subtotal: S. Clean Yard + Clean Building” Vegetation [J] Fecal manter_ Paint over Graffiti All Offa 6 Glass shards Rubble Eq Household garbage Ashes B Containers Recyclables Abandoned or disassembled furniture/appliances/fixtures/equipmenttires/machinery, personal effects and debris shall be cleared (roomed clean”) from the premises, transported from the work ste, and disposed of in an approved manner. Fixture traps (washer, sink, bathtub/shower, toilet, floor drain, etc.) shall be primed with water and one ounce (1 07.) of non- ‘vegetable cooking oi Water Heater shall be drained. Appliance and fixture flow control valves shall be “closed”. Overcurrent Protection breakers shall be “Of” 1 Open water gas and waste lines shall be capped. Subtotal: oo00 0 RRRBORR oo0000 on00o0 9 INITIALS Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications [1] “Secure Premises “ - Plywood shall be new and: 1D exterior glue 075 inch nominal thickness [AC surface finishes (smoother surface exposed tothe exterior) Gy painted onthe exterior with neutral colored water-based exterior latex [5] Plywood stall Fi tghtly into openings and shall be secured in place with 1 05 inch (172°) diameter galvanized carriage bols, washers, and nuts spaced not more than thirty installed through wood “strongbacks" on the interior ofthe opening inches apart and 1 “strongbecks” shall be new wood and: IL} spanned completely across the opening [B 2%xa" nominal cross-sectional dimension Gy spaced not more than 48 inches apart Gi within 12 inches ofthe top and bottom of the opening (1 Coverings shall be secured with nails, screws, or similar fasteners. C1 Coverings for main entry doors shall be secured with two new recessed hinges (tamper- resistant pins) and one new 3 inch hasp with padlock (Master-3NKA, 2 keys) No. of Exterior Door(s): No. of Window(s): No. of garage & patio door(s): No. of other opening(s): Subtotal: [: >Paine Premises = 2 x aay | C1 exterior surfaces shall include rainwater gutters/downspouts, ailings/handrals, trim, cornices, corbels, roof project stairs/landings/supports, window sash, doors, plywood coverings for openings, masonry, stucco, wood, piping, conduits, vent, | and flashing and shall be: reattached and refastned to the structure where loose five of loose paint, stan, corrosion, oi, and other residual deleterious materials to provide a sound substrate for application of new pant O painted fly and evenly witha prime coat layer an a finish coat layer of neutral colored water-based exterior latex. © utility meters, control valves, glazing, and door/window hardware shall not be painted. [5] lead-based pint (LBP) shall be encapsiated with an additional layer of latex paint. 1 toose LBP (peeing, faking) shall be abated in accordance with the City's “Public Works Master Speciation for asbestos and Tead based paint abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination traning, including respiratory protection, exposure monitoring (worker & Public PE.) medical surveillance, and engineering controls” INITIALS {ing Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications £).Demolition.-*- if C1 structures shall be razed to grade and foundations, septic tanks, pools, retaining walls, basement walls, underground piping and fiatures, etc. shall be removed 7 pilings shall be removed to a depth of 12 inches below the ground surface. Gi serving utilities shal be terminated! abandoned in accordance with public utility and City regulations | 1) altsurtace vegetation [offal fecal mater] rubble Cashes Fy household garbage) recyclables C1] containers ) containers TE) abandoned or disassembled furitue! appliances! fixtures! equipment tres! machinery et. 1B) personal effects, and debris shall be cleared from the parcel transported from the work site, and disposed in an approved manner [5] mounds/depressions/holes/excavations shall be leveled. E] imported earth shall be certified “clean”. (1 ground surface shall be compacted and graded to conform with the existing surface contours and to convey surface waters to the Public righ-of way. 1 parcel number shall be stenciled 4” high in contrasting color paint on curb face. Subtotal: S. (C Pétimeter Fenging = > * § 2 C1 galvanized chain lnk fencing shal conform with the requirements of the current editions ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications or Public Works Construction”, City modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail M-2 and shall be 72 inches (72°) fabri height with knuckle top edge, pipe poss, top and bottom rails, and pipe braces. 1 Paint over graftiti Install. of new fence Repair ft of fence Length wiSetback ft from curb Gate Width te “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction” and City modifications thereto. Subtotal: S. *SSidewalk/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach os ‘ Repairs and replacement of surface improvements in the public righ-of-way shall conform withthe requirements ofthe curent editions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction: City modifications thereto, and City Public ‘Works Standard Detail S- 7 Abandonment of water wells shall conform with the requirements of the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. Subtotal: $. INITIALS Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Performance Specifications Oo 1 Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary, font, walls, diving board, railing, etc), surface paving (Pool deck, mow strip, ete. and below-grade walls/lning/footings shall be removed to a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surface. 1 Pootfouniain botiom shal be partially demolished (core dil, pneumatic hammer, ec.) to preclude the entrapment of water. depressionsthoes shall be filed with imported earth (certified “clean") and compacted. serving utilities shall be terminated in an approved manner. Subtotal: $. £2]. Underground Storage Tank (UST) Subtotal: S$. (© Mlazardous Material Subtotal: S. | Special Conditions 1 Copy of Notice to OPD Abatement CG Copy of public right-of-way map indicating set back from curb Copy of Inspection Warrant (issued by judge) and 24 hour posting placard 1 Copy of notice to P.G. & E requesting termination of electric and or gas service 5 City Survey crew request form and work order oO Copy of Notice to Animal Control “<2Special Site Condition / Alternate Bid Subtotal Summary/Additional Instructions yglarcyale- fi ed debris, etc, from the exteri | Secure the existing wrought iron fence/gate ai driveway with city locks and chain, [Remove and dispose ofthe fire damaged trailer in driveway Contracting Company: ‘Signature Building Services Department - Contractor Bid Quotation Blight Abatement Bid Quote Property Address 636 Clara Street Complaint # 1508316 Control # 160122 GENERAL CONDITIONS ‘TOTAL BID AMOUNT SHALL BE FULL COMPENSATION FORTHE WORK SPECIFIED. ‘BID QUOTATION SHALL BE EXECUTED BY AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTOR. [BID QUOTATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY BUILDING SERVICES UNTIL 3:30 PM ON THE DAY OF BID OPENING. [BUILDING SERVICES MAY REJECT ANY OR ALL BID QUOTATIONS FOR ANY REASON OR WAIVE ANY INFORMALITY OR IRREGULARITY, WHETHER MATERIAL OR OTHERWISE. [BID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE FULLY COMPLETED ON BUILDING SERVICES FORMS AND SHAL SHALL BE WITHOUT ERASURES, DELETIONS, EXCLUSIONS, OR QUALIFICATIONS. ‘THE SUCCESSFUL BID QUOTATION WILL BE THE LOWEST COMBINED AMOUNT OF LUMP SUM BID PLUS UNIT BID EXTENSIONS PLUS ACCEPTED ALTERNATE BIDS TENDERED BY A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. BID QUOTATIONS SHALL BE TENDERED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF BID OPENING. EXTRA WORK SHALL NOT BE PERFORMED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BY CHANGE ORDER. WORK SPECIFIED SHALL BE PERFORMED STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT AND THE PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS. WORK SPECIFIED SHALL COMMENCE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ISSUANCE OF THE NOTICE TO PROCEED (OR IMMEDIATELY FOR INCLUDE ALL ATTACHMENTS AND EXIGENT ISSUANCE) AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME DURATION SPECIFIED. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Delis usa dv tafe damage o ATTACHMENTS 1) City Business License) Contractors License] Bidders affidavits] Insurance Certificates C] Surety Other Atl required documents are on file, CONTRACTOR Company Name Street Address Date’ iy Zip Contractors Telephone No. License No. ‘Signature shall also constitute endorsements of the Bidder's Affidavit attached hereto Inspection Services 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2" Fl Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238-3381 CITY OF OAKLAND BLIGHT ABATEMENT BIDDER'S AFFIDAVIT (Signature on the Bid Quotation shall constitute endorsements of each of the certifications below) (© CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR EXCLUSIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10162) INDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NEITHER HE OR SHE, NOR ANY OFFICER OF THE BIDDER, NOR ANY EMPLOYEE OF THE BIDDER WHO HAS A PROPRIETARY INTEREST IN THE BIDDER, HAS EVER BEEN DISQUALIFIED, REMOVED, OR OTHERWISE PREVENTED FROM BIDDING ON, OR COMPLETING A FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT BECAUSE OF A VIOLATION OF LAW OR SAFETY REGULATION. 0 CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR SANCTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 10232) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT NO MORE THAN ONE (1) FINAL UNAPPEALABLE FINDING OF 0 CERTIFICATION OF NO PRIOR CONVICTIONS (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 1028 CONTEMPT BY A FEDERAL COURT HAS BEEN ISSUED AGAINST THE BIDDER WITHIN THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING TWO @) YEAR PERIOD BECAUSE OF THE BIDDER'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF A FEDERAL COURT WHICH ORDERS THE. BIDDER TO COMPLY WITH AN ORDER OF THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD (NLRB). UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT BEEN CONVICTED WITHIN THE PRECEDING ‘THREE @) YEARS OF ANY FRAUD, BRIBERY, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, OR ANY OTHER ACT IN VIOLATION OF ANY STATE OR FEDERAL ANTITRUST LAW IN CONNECTION WITH THE BIDDING UPON, AWARD OF, OR PERFORMANCE OF, ANY PUBLIC CONTRACT WITH ANY PUBLIC ENTITY, AS DEFINED IN PCC SECT. 1101, INCLUDING THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OR THE TRUSTEES OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. THE TERM "BIDDER" IS UNDERSTOOD TO INCLUDE ANY PARTNER, MEMBER, OFFICER, DIRECTOR, RESPONSIBLE MANAGING OFFICER, OR RESPONSIBLE MANAGING EMPLOYEE ‘THEREOF, AS REFERRED TO IN PCC SECT. 102881. © CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION (PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECT. 7106) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT THE BID PROPOSAL IS NOT MADE IN THE INTEREST OF, OR ON BEHALF OF, ANY UNDISCLOSED PERSON, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION, COMPANY, ORGANIZATION, OR CORPORATION; THAT ‘THE BID PROPOSAL 1S GENUINE AND NOT COLLUSIVE OR SHAM; THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INDUCED OR SOLICITED ANY OTHER BIDDER TO PUT IN A FALSE OR SHAM BID, AND HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY COLLUDED, CONSPIRED, CONNIVED, OR AGREED WITH ANY BIDDER OR ANYONE ELSE TO PUT IN A SHAM BID, OR THAT ANYONE SHALL REFRAIN FROM BIDDING: THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN ANY MANNER SOUGHT BY AGREEMENT, COMMUNICATION, OR CONFERENCE WITH ANYONE TO FIX THE BID PRICE OF THE BIDDER OR ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR TO FIX ANY OVERHEAD, PROFIT, OR COST ELEMENT OF THE BID PRICE, OR OF THAT OF ANY OTHER BIDDER, OR ‘TO SECURE ANY ADVANTAGE AGAINST THE PUBLIC BODY AWARDING THE CONTRACT OF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE. PROPOSED CONTRACT; THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE BID PROPOSAL ARE TRUE; AND, FURTHER, THAT THE BIDDER HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SUBMITTED HIS OR HER BID PRICE OR ANY BREAKDOWN THEREOF, OR THE CONTENTS THEREOF, OR DIVULGED INFORMATION OR DATA RELATIVE THERETO, OR PAID, AND WILL NOT PAY, ANY FEE TO. ANY CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, COMPANY ASSOCIATION, ORGANIZATION, BID DEPOSITORY, OR TO ANY MEMBER OF AGENT THEREOF TO EFFECTUATE A COLLUSIVE OR SHAM BID. (© CERTIFICATION OF NO CURRENT COLLUSION —_(TITLE23, UNITED STATES CODE SECT. 112) ‘April 2012 UNDER PENALLY OF PERJURY, THE BIDDER CERTIFIES THAT HE OR SHE HAS NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ENTERED INTO ANY AGREEMENT, PARTICIPATED IN ANY COLLUSION, OR OTHERWISE TAKEN ACTION IN RESTRAINT OF FREE COMPETITIVE, BIDDING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS BID PROPOSAL. INITIALS . INSPECTION SERVICES 280 Fark Ogawe Pe, 24F1 BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT (akiand, CA 84612 (10) 238381 (CITY OF OAKLAND INSPECTOR’S BID DEVELOPMENT January 19, 2016 Property Address: 636 Clara St. ‘Complaint No. 1504316 Controt No. 16) |2Z2 Parcel No. 044-501401000 Inspector Gg cate InitialsfExt. GXC x2168 USE: Resear Commercial} Vacant Lot [1] (Retrto cneckist for REQUIRED DOCUMENTS) Site Conditions Bid Conditions Premises Occupied No Board Up/Cleanup Yes Line Survey No Locked Gate: No Fence & Gate Yes Reimbursement Yes Guard Dog No Inspection Warrant No Terminate Utlities No OPD Abatement, No Recyclable Yes Tenant Relocation No Work Requirements Disposal Receipts: Yes Stencil Parcel No. No Swimming Pool / Excavation: No Hazardous Materials: No 1 Clean Lot 1 Vegetation [Household Garbage Offa 1 Recyelables Fecal matter [J Containers Rubble C2 Personal effects Ashes BF Remove Graffiti Debris shall be cleared from the parcel, transported from the work site, disposed of in an approved manner. Ground vegetation (weeds/grass/vines/etc) shall be removed to within 4 inches of the ground surface. Shrubbery shall be shaped to re-establish the natural growth habit ofthe foliage crown. Approved mechanical methods shall be used exclusively (herbicides/incineration, discing ete. prohibited) Parcel number shall be stenciled (4” high) in contrasting color paint on curb face. Clean Yard KI Clean Building Vegetation] Fecal mater] Remove Graft Rubble BQ Glass shards) atom Ashes By) Household garbage Reeyelables De] Containers ‘Nbandoned or disassembled furniture/appiances/ixtures/equipmentires/machinery, personal effets and debris shall be cleared (broomed clean”) from the premises, transported from the work site and disposed of in an approved manner. Fixture traps (washer, sink, bathtub/shower, toilet, floor drain, etc.) shall be primed with water and one ounce (1 oz.) of non- vegetable cooking ol. Water Heater shall be drained, Appliance and fixture flow control valves shall be “closed” ‘Overcurrent Protetion breakers shall be “OI Open water, gas and waste lines shall be capped 000 O @ eeee wooo coool Building Services Department INSPECTOR'S BID DEVELOPMENT C1 Secure Bi Plywood shall be new and: exterior glue (0.75 inch nominal thickness (A.C surface finishes (smoother surface exposed to the exterior) 1 painted on the exterior with neutral colored water-based exterior latex Plywood shall fit sight into openings and shall be secured in place with: 055 inch (1/2") diameter galvanized carriage bolts, washers, and nuts spaced not more than thirty-six inches apart and installed through 1 wood “strongbacks” on the interior of the opening O "Strongbacks” shall be new wood and: spanned completely across the opening 2x4” nominal cross-sectional dimension spaced not more than 48 inches apart within 12 inches ofthe top and bottom of the opening 1 Coverings shal be secured with nil, screws, or similar festener. 1 Coverings for main entry doors shall be secured with two new recessed hinges (tamper- resistant pins) and one new 3 inch hasp with padlock (Master-3NKA, 2 keys). C1 Paint Building 1 exerior surfaces shall include rainwater gutters{downspouts, ailingshandrals trim, comices,corbels, oof projections, stars/tandings/supports, window sash, doors, plywood coverings for openings, masonry, stucco, wood, piping, conduits, vets, and lashing and shal be. ‘reattached and refastened to the structure where loose. fre of loose paint, stain, corrosion, oil, and other residual deleterious materials to provide a sound substrate for application of| new paint 7 painted fully and evenly witha prime coat layer and a finish coat layer of neutral colored water-based exterior latex. utility meters, coneol valves, glazing, and door/window hardware shall not be painted 5] lead-based pint (LBP) shall be encapsulated with an adcitional Iyer of latex paint. 7) toose LBP (peeing, aking) shall be abated in accordance with the City's “Public Works Master Specification for asbestos and lead based paint abatement” (Section 02070) by workers who have received hazardous contamination training, including respiratory protection, exposure monitoring (worker & Public P.E.L), medical surveillance, and engineering controls.” Building Services Department INSPECTOR’S BID DEVELOPMENT Demolition structures shall be razed to grade and foundations, septic tanks, pools, retaining walls, basement walls, underground piping and fixtures, ec. shall be removed. pilings shall be removed to a depth of 12 inches below the ground surface. serving utilities shall be terminated/ abandoned in accordance with public utility and City regulations all surface vegetation (2 offal (] fecal matter [] rubble [[] ashes household garbage) recyclables [] containers [] containers abandoned or disassembled furniture’ appliances! fixtures/ equipment tires/ machinery! ete. personal effects, and debris shall be cleared from the parcel, transported from the work site, and disposed in an approved manner, ‘mounds/depressionsholes/excavations shall be leveled. imported earth shall be certified “clean”, ground surface shall be compacted and graded to conform with the existing surface contours and to convey surface waters to the public right-of-way. parcel number shall be stenciled O oo00000 oo 8 oO igh in contrasting color paint on curb face. Perimeter Fencing D. galvanized chain tink fencing shall conform with the requirements of the current editions ofthe APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction”, Cty modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail M-2 and shall be 72 inches (72°) fabric height with knuckle top edge, pipe posts, top and bottom rails, and pipe braces. D Remove Graffiti (Sanitary Sewer/Storm Drain Lateral Abandonment of utilities in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements ofthe current edition of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction” and City modifications thereto (1 Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter/Driveway Approach C1 Repairs and replacement of surface improvements in the public right-of-way shall conform with the requirements of the current editions of the APWA “Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction: City modifications thereto, and City Public Works Standard Detail $-1 1 Abandonment of water wells shall conform with the requirements of the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, (7 PoovFountain TG Contiguous above-ground appurtenances (statuary, font, walls, diving board, railing, et.) surface paving (pool deck, mow strip etc. and below-grade walls/ining/footings shall be removed to a depth of 6 inches below the adjoining ground surface. Poolfountain bottom shall be partially demolished (core drill, pneumatic hammer, et.) to preclude the entrapment of water. as wana 749 \ CITY of OAKLAND SR ‘CONIMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVE OPMENT AGENCY 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA, SUITE 2340 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 / WS odd AS % zee $000.47! Sho tSoozea sav 26 2016 i | | | | | EXER (937 . eran TO SERPEB oy Thoma’ Ruth TR 1 atremereoy, BiWans : "Oakland, C . . gaeazzesise | Tas, 0 Oaktand, Ca 94603 ° / 1 BS A ehaecttte UE LEY / Lrik-sup saso3 °°" vaio Courtesy notice l600245 26 Clara Str CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA = SUITE 2340 * OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning and Building Department (510) 238-6402 Bureau of Building FAX:(510) 238.2959 Building Permits, Inspections and Code Enforcement Services TDDASI0) 238-3254 wowwwoaktindast com January 22, 2015 Regular Postage Thomas Ruth TR 636 Clara Street Oakland, CA 94603 Subject: Courtesy Notice of Violation _. Oakland Municipal Code Chapters 8.24, 12, 15.08, and 15,64, and Title 17 _ . Property: ~ i eee i s "i | 1 Dear Property Owner: ‘The City’s Bureau of Building, Code Enforcement Services has received a complaint that your property may be in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code. You are receiving this letter as a courtesy to allow you an opportunity to correct the violations (if they exist) without any further action by the City. If'some or al ofthe violations marked below are present on your property or the adjoining right-of-way, please remove them immediately. If you believe that some or all ofthe violations marked below are not present, please immediately contact Bureau of Building, Code Enforcement Services by: Use the email ofthe Technician’s business card located in this notice ie, scan and return the Property Owner Cenification form ‘Email it inspectioncounter@oaklandnet.com, scan and return the Property Owner Certification form. Return the Property Owner Certification form with photographs in the enclosed envelope (no postage required) Facsimile at 510/ 238-2959 vyvy To avoid an inspection of your property and possible fee and penalty charges, please correct the violations and sign and return the enclosed Property Owner Certification form (page 3) with dated photographs (and, in the case of unapproved uses or activities, documentation confirming Code Enforcement Services approval), within (3) weeks from the date of this Courtesy Notice. ‘This will notify Code Enforcement Services that your property is in compliance. For questions contact the Technician or leave a message at $10-238-6402. 1 Yard and Vacant Lot 1 Building Exterior OD Buitsing incrior — (). DumpstersiGarbage/Green Waste/Reeyele Cans D Zoning OF Public Right of Way G Nuisance Description: Trash and debi around the property. We appreciate your responsiveness to this Courtesy Notice and your suppor in our efforts to Keep Oakland Beautiful, Clean and Green, ° Sincerely, BUREAU OF BUILDING Code Enforcement Services Enclosures as applicable: 1B sigh brochure D Residential Code Entorement Brochure LD Vericular Food Vending By Property Owner Certieation Mota and Moisture Brochure {I pushean Food Veni Lead Paint ochre Undocusiented Dveting Unis Gisinoke Alarms Gi Photographs Diep Week Brochure CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA « SUITE 2340 * OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning and Building Department (510) 238-6402 Bureau of Building FAX:(S10) 238-2959 Building Permits, Inspections and Code Enforcement Services TDD:S10) 238-3254 www.oaklindnet com January 22, 2015 Regular Postage Thomas Ruth TR 636 Clara Street Oakland, CA 94603 Subject: Courtesy Notice of Violation Oakland Municipal Code Chapters 8.24, 12, 15.08, and 15.64, and Title 17 [Property: 636 Clara Street. woe ve [Parcel'no.: 044-5014-010-00 °° .° 2. Ae Ps (Caseno.: "1600245 - 5 a 2 Be : Dear Property Owner: ‘The City's Bureau of Building, Code Enforcement Services has received a complaint that your property may be in violation of the Oakland Municipal Code. You are receiving this letter as a courtesy to allow you an opportunity (o correct the violations (if they exist) without any further action by the City. I'some or all of the violations marked below are present on your property or the adjoining right-of-way, please remove them immediately. If you believe that some or all of the violations marked below are not present, please immediately contact Bureau of Building, Code Enforcement Services by: Use the email ofthe Technician’s business card located inthis notice i.e, scan and return the Property Owner Certification form. Email bt inspectioncounter@oaklandnet.com, scan and return the Property Owner Certification form Return the Property Owner Certification form with photographs in the enclosed envelope (no postage required) Facsimile at $10/ 238-2959 vey To avoid an inspection of your property and possible fee and penalty charges, please correct the violations and sign and return the enclosed Property Owner Certification form (page 3) with dated photographs (and, in the case of unapproved uses or activities, documentation confirming Code Enforcement Services approval), within (3) weeks from the date of this Courtesy Notice. ‘This will notify Code Enforcement Services that your property is in compliance. For questions contact the Technician or leave a message at $10-238-6402. Yard and Vacant Lot D Building Exterior © Building Interior ~— []_ Dumpsters/Garbage/Green ‘Waste/Recycle Cans D Zoning 1D Public Right of Way O Nuisance Description; Trash and debris around the property. 1[Page We appreciate your responsiveness to this Courtesy Notice and your suppor in our efforts to Keep Oakland Beautiful, Clean and Green, Enclosures as applicable: 2 Bligh brochure Ed Property Owner Centieation Lead Paint brochure G Photographs Sincerely, BUREAU OF BUILDING Code Enforcement Services D Resident Code Enforcement Brochure 2 Vericutar Food Vending )Moid and Moise Brochure 5 Pasheant Food Vending Undocumented Dweting Unis Bisiose alarms Stop Work Brochure ernment rnning & Building Department ‘eau of Building J Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 2340 l kland, CA 94612 7OLS UbbO O00 0855 5272 Thomas nuthR . e212 /23/15 x RETURN TO SENDER ATTEMPTED © NOT KNOWN UNABLE TO FORWARD BC: 94612203190 = *98e5-01218-16-01 bgfoatagty fated gf fat yloggteto|gfoeeng oto gfpotgge 1 SO43I6 (2 Clara Street sa GAGS tains aning & Building Department eau of Building Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, Suite 2340 and, CA 94612 tEXTE 957 DEL @e12/23/15 RETURN TO SENDER ATTEMPTED ~ NOT KNOWN UNABLE TO FORWARD \ \ \ sc: 94812203290 *e905-o120a-16-01 atohnioaty adnate | ‘Thomas Ruth TR 636 Clarajst Oakland,/CA 94603 : aa 12/1435-6C: iw sat Sos | SOADIG HAMLIN oon (930 Clara Street ‘CITY OF OAKLAND, 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA * SUITE 2340 * OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 Planning and Building Department (S10) 238-6402 Bureau of Building FAX:(510) 238-2959 Inspections, Permits and Code Enforcement Services TDD{(510) 238-3254 www.oaklandnet.com NOTICE OF VIOLATION December 1, 2015 Certified and Regutar mait To: THOMAS RUTH TR Code Enforcement Case No: 1504316 636 CLARA ST Property: 636 CLARA ST OAKLAND, CA. 94603 Parcel Number: 044 -5014-010-00 Re-inspection Date: December 28, 2015 ‘The Code Enforcement Division inspected your property on December 11, 2015 and confirmed that the violations of the Oakland “Municipal Code (OMC) marked below are present. Photographs of the violations andl a brochure explaining how to correct them are enclosed, Photo | Description of Violation Location TOME Section Property Maintenance | | Yes Trash debris noted throughout this property. Remove and properly | Exterior yards [a2am20 DI | dispose of this trash and debris including the trailer. —— —| Building Maintenance (Codey Te Ye | The dveting has been camsgesby fe. Oban pernis,apesions | GCLARA ST 308050 and approval. Repair the fire damage | 15,08.240 ‘Secure this property / dwelling to prevent unauthorized persons entry. | 636 CLARA ST 15.08.080 D Maintain the exterior ofthe property ina safe, clean and tidy condition Nate of Violation Page tor? Notice of Voltion Page 2012 At this point no fees or other charges have been assessed for these violations. To stop further code enforcement action, you are advised to correct the above violations and either mail or fax the enclosed Owner Certification form with photographs or contact Inspector Gregory Clarke, who is assigned to your case, before the resinspection date shown above. Your inspector is available by phone at 510-238-2168 and by email at gelarke@oaklandnet.com, I you do not seturn the Owner Certification form or notify your inspector why you cannot comply and ifthe re-inspection verifies that all violations have not been corrected, you may be charged for inspection and administrative costs, which can total $2,045.00. The City may also abate the violations and charge you for the contracting and administrative costs, which can also total over $1,000.00, In addition, Priority Lien fees in the amount of $1,194.00 may be assessed if fees are not paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice. Charges may be collected by recording liens on your property and adding the charges to your property taxes or by filing in ‘Small Claims or Superior Court. Furthermore, this Notice of Violation may be recorded on your property You have a right to appeal this Notice of Violation. You must complete the enclosed Appeal form and return it with supporting documentation in the enclosed envelope. If the Code Enforcement Division does not receive your written Appeal within 30 days ofthe date ofthis notice, you will waive your right for administrative review. Sincerely, Specialty Combination Inspector Planning and Building Department Encl: Blight Brochure Violation Appeal Form cc: Marlene Thomas 2207 Segundo Ct. #1 Pleasanton, CA. 94588 C1 Surface mold present on N/A . See enclosed brochure for remediation sidelines. ‘(Description required, eg bedroom walls) City of Oakland May 204 Scant: Code Enforemeat-Chronology-Abatement Activities CITY OF OAKLAND 250 FRANK H. OGAWA PLAZA * SUITE 2340 « OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-2031 dnsirections Planning and Building Deparment 1. Review the property address and owner information shown atthe le and make any ‘Bureau of Building necessary corrections swwov.oablandnet com 2. Remove the violations marked below and/or ‘ross out the Violations that are not present PROPERTY OWNER CERTIFICATION and sign ths form 3. Before the Deadline to Respond shown at the left retum this signed form with dated photographs REMOVED VIOLATIONS ‘of your property to verify the violations were ed oF nat present: CORRECTED ALLEGATIONS E-mail inspectiongouater ndnets Facsimile: $10/238-2959 Mai: City of Oakland Property: 636 CLARA ST pene Building Services arcel no. O44 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza Suite 2340 Pare no. 84+ -SOL4010-00 Oakland, CA 94612-2031 Case no.: 1508316 (Envelope enclosed - no postage required) Owner: THOMAS RUTH TR Courtesy Notice date: N/A Deadline to Respond: December 28, 2015 I certify that I have corrected the following violations or allegations identified in the Notice of Violation received from the City of Oakland’ 1D Lanaseoping TD Storage 2) Trashand Debris. 2] Fencing 1) Odors) Building Exterior CO Building tmerior — (Plumbing Electrical Gi Heating 2 Parking (Concrete Paving C1 Fencing D0 Barbed Razor Wire (Sidewalk Display/Advertising TB Unapproved Home Business — Exterior lighting 1 Excessive Noise 1 Unapproved Sidewalk Display [Unapproved Advenising [2 Unapproved Mobile Food Vending TF Roosters on Property [] Dumpsters/Garbage/Green Waste/Recy‘cle Cans (left in view, left on sidewalk) a we Property Owner Certification Print Name (print) Date May 2014 Sean to: Cade Enforcement-Chronalogy- Abatement Activities Property Owner Signature — Day time telephone ( E-mail: May 2014 Scant; Code Eaforcement-Chropology- Abatement Activites County Assessor Display County Assessor Display Assessor Parcel Record for APN 044- -5014-010-00 Page | of 1 Parcel Number: }44-5014-10 [Property Address: ___]}636 CLARA ST, OAKLAND 94603 ywner Name: [EHOMAS RUTH TR [Care of: [Attention: [Mailing Address: [636 CLARA ST, OAKLAND CA 94603-1108 [Use Code: [SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES USED AS SUCH [Recorder Number: ]2005-011175 [Recorder Date: 1/10/2005 bat einen Last Document Input hs p005 [Deactivation Date: [Exemption Code: Enter Number — ach Site enican ors fe Oakland, CA 94603 7015 LbbO ooo 085s 9272 Jessi Liars; #1504316- 12/14/15-GC: jw http://revfilesvr/countydisplay/display assessor record.asp?apn3=044 501401000 ynanms City Of Oakland INVOICE PAGEL OF ‘Department of Planning and Bullding RECORD 1504836 Bulng Services TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $526,487.60, 250 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza - Room 2340, (Onkand,Calforia 94612 5102363452 PROPERTY OWNER ‘Thomas Ruth Tr 635 CLARAST OAKLAND, CA sasosag8er ‘The TOTAL AMOUNT OUE fortis invoice I being charged to you for series on the folowing property: Assessor Parcel Number: 044501401000, Property Ad 635 CARAT —_——— ~~~ DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES —- — tem Service Date Service Category $ Amount 1 07/01/2016 tigation Report 600.00 ‘TOTAL INVOICE 600.00 lwwoices: 2348195 INVOICEDAE: 02/03/2018 DUE DATE: 03/21/2015 AMOUNT DUE: 600.00 —— sneer DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ne ~ iter Service Date Service Category $amoust 1 07/20/2016 Records Management Foe 1,991.00, 2 07/20/2016 Technology Enhancement Fee 4400.00 3 oypropanis Contractor Change Order 11944.00 4 02072038 Contractor- Clean Up/Board Up Third-Party 16,444.00 5 o2yro/2038, Contractor- Clean Up/Bosrd Up Third-Party Adminstrativ 2817.60 6 02/20/2016 Bid Development 260.00 ‘TOTAL INVOICE 24,088.60 Invoicek: 2250830“ INVOICEDATE: 02/20/2016 DUEDATE: 03/21/2016. AMOUNT DUE: 24,046.60 ne DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ‘tem Service Date Service Category $ Amount 1 /20/2016 Re-inspecton 208.00 2 02/20/2016, Records Management Fee 104.00 3 0220/2016 Technology Enhancement Fee 57.00 4 02/20/2018 Proess Violation 250.00 5 o2prop2036 Complaint vestigation 128.00 ‘ 02/20/2016 Propare Document - Notice af Violation 12.00 ‘TOTAL INVOICE 1254.00 Invoicer:’ 2250437 INVOICEDATE: 02/20/2016 DUEDATE: 03/23/2016. AMOUNT DUE: 1,284.00 —— = DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES tem Service Date Service Cetegory $Amount 1 07/20/2016 Involce- Records Management Fee 48.00 ‘TOTAL INVOICE 8.00 Invoice: 2250528 INVOICE DATE: 02/20/2016 DUE DATE: 03/21/2016 AMOUNT DUE: 49.00 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES ~ item Service Date Service Category $amount 1 02/20/2016 Involce- Technology Enhancement Fee 26.00 TOTALIWVOICE B60 Inwvoices: 2350529 -—‘INVOICEDATE:” 07/20/2016 DUEDATE: 09/21/2016. «AMOUNT DUE: 25.00 ~~~ DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES —_ tem Serdce Date Service Category $ Amount a 7oj20s6 Prepare Involee 612.00 TOTALINVOIGE ————_—61200. lworcer: 2150590 ‘INVOICEDATE: 02/20/2016 DUEDATE: 05/21/2016“ AMOUNTOUE: 512.00 TOTALAMOUNT DUE: $26,487.60 Make check, money. order, or eashle’s check payable to the “Cty of Oakland”, Whte the INVOICE 4 and the RECORD fon the check Mall or bring 3 copy of this Invoke to the sbove address. Retain the orignal Invlce for your record, Payment by VISA or MasterCard I also ccepted, DO NOT SEND CASH BY MAIL, hat the IF the Invoice is not pald by the PAYMENT DUE DATE, the -Chy of Oaltand wit record a Priority Uen ‘described property forthe TOTAL AMOUNT DUE plus lien preparation, recording and release fes plu interest. Fallure to pay the lian in full wil result In the cost belng added as a Special Assessment to. your general property tax bil Fale to payor dellnueney n paying the taxi can rsut in foreclosure and sale ofthe propery City Of Oakland INVOICE ace 3 0F3| ‘Department of Planing and Bulag RECORD H 7000052 Bulang Services ‘TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $1,249.00 250 Frank H, Ogawa Plaza - Room 2340 Oakland, calforia 94612 510-238-3452 PROPERTY OWNER ‘Thomas Auth Tr 635CLARAST OAKLAND, CA S4603:80F ‘The TOTAL AMOUNT DUE for ths Invole is being charge to you for series on the Following property Assessor Parcol Number: 044 501401000 Property Address: 636 CLARAST ne DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES een Item Service Date Service Category $ Amount 1 02/28/2087 Records Management Foe 112.00 2 02/28/2007 Prepare vole en 346.00 3 o2/2e/e017 Notarved Priory Uen 94.00 4 02/28/2017 Record Pity Lien 50.00 5 op/2037 Proparo Prot Len Termination 344.00 6 2/28/2017 Prepare Port Len 344.00 7 02/28/2017 ‘Tech Enhancement Fee 61.00 YorALINvoIee 4,849.00 INVOIcEH: 2199390 «INVOICEDATE: 02/28/2037 OUEDATE: 03/30/2017 AMOUNT DUE: 1348.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $1,340.00 Make cheek, money order, or cashier's check payable to the “Cty of Oakland", White the INVOKE # and the RECORD # con the check Mall or bring @ copy of this invoice to the above address, Retain the orignal involce for your records, Payment by VIS or MasterCardls also accepted, DO NOT SEND CASH BY MA. HH the Invoice Is not paid by the PAYMENT QUE OATE, the Cty of Oakland wil record a Prony len against the dlescibed propery for the TOTAL AMOUNT DUE plus len preparation, recording and eelesse fees pls interest, Fallure to pay the len In full wil result In the cost being atlad as a Speci! Assessment to your general property tax bil Fale to payor delinquency I paying the tax bil en esto foreclosure an sale ofthe property. oe noon mK _$p8c0 above for Recorder's use only PRIORITY LIEN AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RECORDING REQUESTED BY: CITY OF OAKLAND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO iy of Oakland Planning & Buliding Department 260 Ogawa Plaza - 2nd Floor Oakland, CA 04612 ‘Assessor's Parcel #: 044 501401000 Record: 1504316 Property Address: 636 CLARA ST Lien: 17000052 Lien Inv: 2199390 Orig Inv: 2148195, 2150430, 2150437, 72150530, 2150528, 2150529 Property Owner: ‘Thomas Ruth Tr PRIORITY LIEN & SPECIAL ASSESSMENT $27,836.60 + Interest WHEREAS, te owners, as known tthe City of Oakland, ofthe referenced eel property were lnvfully noticed by the City ofa muence or substandard or hazardous or injurious condition on he property maintained in veation of code or ordinaace; AND WHEREAS, the City lewfily intted abatement action when the condition onthe property was not comected expeditiously by the owners, AND WHEREAS, te owners, pon demon, filed to reimburse the Ciy fll for abcumlating fees and costs and accruing interest lawfully sessed for statement eon; THEREFORE [NOTICE IS NOW GIVEN, tothe owners and to morgagces and holders of lens and other encumbrances of record endo banefcaries under deeds of trust of record or ater els or soesssre or assigns ad to purchasers whether for value or by delinquency sale or transference or conveyance, ‘mong oer having legal interest in the property Ua the Cy endubers the property with a rine fr the referenced dollar amount and sceruing intrest frm the general levy of propaty taxes witha special assssment (GOV 38773, GOV $3935, R&T 3712); AND. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVE, forthe priority Hon and speci! assessment, tht all avs applicable tothe levy and colleetion and enforcement of ‘municipal and county prot taxes oe equally appleebe and smiley tht under foreclosure and dlinguent sale all penalis ond interest end [BUILDING OFFICIAL. CITY OF OAKLAND iat varios ony be Horta ho inal wha pea ba cima ‘ia piace oar obs consora ates suey er veto at cure loves hie corsots echo, eno he tues ‘STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA (oyenozal 20.8% pete ne, NOLS ___. Notury Pubic, personally appeared Timothy ‘Lov who prove ote oh bis etfictoryeveoe ob the pero whan mnn whl oe win tment and sknowldged ome ht he ‘routed te same ine uterind eapachy, nd that by i sgt on te nent te peo, o te nity wpon behalf which te pton ee, eed he | oatty unr PENALTY OF PERJURY under th In ofthe tof Celera tht the Fegsng paragraph tel cares, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL: ‘SIULING KetLOe Gent tsar SIONATURE SMe any 5 itary Pi WOTARY PUBLIC ve

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