AA4-Evidence 1 Street Life
AA4-Evidence 1 Street Life
AA4-Evidence 1 Street Life
Look at the following image and describe the different activities people are
doing while they are walking around the street. Also, describe their outfits. /
Observe la siguiente imagen. Describa las diferentes actividades que las
personas estn realizando mientras circulan por la calle y, tambin, sus
Fuente: SENA
Examples / Ejemplos:
1. Lisa:
2. Charlie:
Charlie is depositing a letter in a letter box while he says
someting to Michael, he wearing a polo shirt, grey pants and
yellow shoes
3. Michael:
Michael is walking his dog; his do is chasing a cat. Michael is
wearing boots, black pants and a sport-shirt
4. Andy:
Andy is sitting next to Louise on the table the restaurant. Andy is
drinking coffee and talking to Louise. Hes wearing grey pants, a
black jacket and black shoes.
5. Louise:
Louise is Reading a newspaper and talking to Andy. She is
wearing a brown skirt and red heels. Louise is sitting next to Andy
on the tablet the restaurant.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:
Criterios de evaluacin
Intercambia informacin usando el presente continuo con el vocabulario
requerido en un contexto especfico.
Describe vestuarios con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.