1. Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is an extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool that can be used to integrate data between heterogeneous data sources.
2. In ODI, interfaces are used to move data between sources and targets, and knowledge modules (KMs) define the data integration logic and operations. Common KMs include IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update and IKM SQL to SQL Control Append.
3. To handle both inserts and updates while using an ODI sequence, a custom knowledge module can be created by combining commands from existing KMs. The custom KM allows inserting and updating data in
1. Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is an extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool that can be used to integrate data between heterogeneous data sources.
2. In ODI, interfaces are used to move data between sources and targets, and knowledge modules (KMs) define the data integration logic and operations. Common KMs include IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update and IKM SQL to SQL Control Append.
3. To handle both inserts and updates while using an ODI sequence, a custom knowledge module can be created by combining commands from existing KMs. The custom KM allows inserting and updating data in
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Oracle data integrator interview questions
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odi 3 (Oracle data integrator interview questions)
1. Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is an extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool that can be used to integrate data between heterogeneous data sources.
2. In ODI, interfaces are used to move data between sources and targets, and knowledge modules (KMs) define the data integration logic and operations. Common KMs include IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update and IKM SQL to SQL Control Append.
3. To handle both inserts and updates while using an ODI sequence, a custom knowledge module can be created by combining commands from existing KMs. The custom KM allows inserting and updating data in
1. Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is an extract, transform, and load (ETL) tool that can be used to integrate data between heterogeneous data sources.
2. In ODI, interfaces are used to move data between sources and targets, and knowledge modules (KMs) define the data integration logic and operations. Common KMs include IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update and IKM SQL to SQL Control Append.
3. To handle both inserts and updates while using an ODI sequence, a custom knowledge module can be created by combining commands from existing KMs. The custom KM allows inserting and updating data in
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1. what is load plans and types of load plans.
2. what is profile in odi
3 what is the odi console 4.how to write the sub queries in odi 5.suppose i having 6 interfaces and running the interface 3 rd one failed how to run reaming interface 6. how to remove the duplicate in odi 7. suppose having unique and duplicate but i want to load unique record one table and duplicates one table . 8. how to write the procedures in odi 1)How can we achieve parameter file concept in odi 2)How can we do incremental and initial full load for a single dimension. 1. Create an Interface with an Oracle DB as a target that can handle Inserts and Updates. 2. As part of that Interface I also have to use an ODI Specific Sequence. 3. For the ODI Specific Sequence to work, I have to use IKM SQL to SQL Control Append, for good reason, per Oracle Knowledge Base Article ID 423872.1 (login required). 4. The IKM mentioned above, IKM SQL to SQL Control Append can only handle Inserts. 5. But, another IKM, IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update can handle Inserts and Updates, but not ODI Specific Sequences. Given the above scenario, we need an IKM that can handle ODI Specific Sequences in an Interface and allow Inserts and Updates to happen in the same Interface. This is where our custom IKM comes into play. We will combine commands from the 2 the IKMs, IKM SQL to SQL Control Append and IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update to create our own custom IKM. Here are the steps to create this custom IKM: 1. In the Designer tab, under Knowledge Modules, right click IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update. 2. Click on Duplicate Selection to create a duplicate of this IKM. 3. Rename our new duplicate IKM, to say, IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update Custom and hit Save. This duplicate IKM will be our new custom IKM. 4. Click on the Details tab of our new custom IKM. 5. Double click Insert New Rows command to edit it. 6. Rename this command to Insert New Rows Custom and hit Save. 7. Remove the existing code under Command on Target tab and hit Save. 8. In the Designer tab, under Knowledge Modules, open IKM SQL to SQL Control Append. 9. Double click Insert New Rows command and copy the code from Command on Target tab. We want to use this code in our new custom IKM because we want our ODI Specific Sequence to work. 10. Paste this code under our Insert New Rows Custom Command on Target tab, from step 7. 11. I simplified this code a bit. insert into <%=snpRef.getTable("L","TARG_NAME","A")%> ( <%=snpRef.getColList("", "[COL_NAME]", ",\n\t", "", "((INS and !TRG) and REW)")%> <%=snpRef.getColList(",", "[COL_NAME]", ",\n\t", "", "((INS and TRG) and REW)")%> ) values ( <%=snpRef.getColList("", ":[COL_NAME]", ",\n\t", "", "((INS and !TRG) and REW)")%> <%=snpRef.getColList(",\n\t", "[EXPRESSION]", ",\n\t", "", "((INS and TRG) and REW)")%> ) 12. Hit Save. 13. Click on Command on Source tab. 14. Remove the existing code under Command on Source tab. 15. Enter the following code in there. select * from <%=snpRef.getTable("L","INT_NAME","A")%> where IND_UPDATE = 'I' 16. Hit Save and you are done! 17. Use our custom IKM, IKM SQL to SQL Incremental Update Custom in our Interface to achieve the scenario mentioned earlier.
1. What is Oracle Data Integrator ?
2. Can we call ODI as a ETL tool. If yes then How ? 3. Is it a ELT tool? Explain. 4. What are the new features available in ODI 11g? 5. What is agent in ODI. Differentiate local agent and java ee agent. 6. What is the role of context ? 7. What is logical schema ? What is the importance of it ? 8. Explain ODI Architecture. 9. What is the error handling mechanism available in ODI ? 10. What is the difference between flow_control vs static_control ? 11. What are knowledge modules ? Which kind of codes they support. 12. What are different ODI Tools you knows ? 13. How interface works with aggregation ? 14. What is dataset and how they are helpful in interface ? 15. What do you mean by control append and incremental update ? 16. What is scenario in ODI and why it is required ? 17. What is local variable and global variable in ODI. How can we access them inside KM and procedures ? 18. What are the different datatypes and history of an ODI variable ? 19. What is temporary interface ? How they are helpful ? Give some scenarios on this. 20. Can we use a sql query as source in interface ? if yes then how if not then why ? 21. How can you configure a java ee agent ? Explain. 22. What is internal id in ODI ? Explain. 23. What is sunopsis memory engine ? 24. Can we create multiple local agent ? If yes then how ? 25. What are the different strategy for promoting a project from one env to other env. 26. What are the minimum things required to take master and work repository backup. 27. Is it necessary to have a key in interface. Explain your answer. 28. How to create agent as a service in 10 and 11g version. 29. What are the known bugs of ODI you have listened ? 30. What is the oracle forum id of oracle data integrator? 31. How do you create different user for ODI login. What are the different profile available ? Explain. 32. What do you mean by webservice ? How ODI support web services ? 33. What is ODI console and EM ? 34. How ODI is different than OWB ? 35. How can you send authenticated emails in ODI. 36. What are the different temporary tables created in ODI ? 37. How can you handles when multiples interfaces loading to a same table ? 38. What is substitution api ? How to get the error message using substitution api ? 39. What do you know about ODI SDK. What is the use of ODI SDK ? 40. What technology you will chose to process mdb files ?
1) What is the history of ODI?
2) What are the types of Knowledge Modules? 3) What are the types of data contol? 4) What is Journalization and why we are using in ODI? 5) Tell me step by step to enable Journalization? 6) What is An Interface ? 7) What is temporary Interface( Yellow Interface) ? 8) Tell me some differences between ODI 10g and ODI 11g? 9) Tell what are the ODI tools have u used in your project? 10) What are the Types of repositories in ODI? 11) Can i create more than one Master Repository in ODI? 12) What is a scenario in odi? 13) What is load plan and types of load plans in ODI? 14) What is CKM and when we will use this CKM? 15) What is SKM and when we will use this SKM? 16) What is package and main advantages? 17) Differences between package and loadplans? 18) How to load data from multiple files to single target? 19) How to load data from file to file and what are the KM's required for this requirement? 20) how to pass a variable more than one values?