Conflict With The Law PDF
Conflict With The Law PDF
Conflict With The Law PDF
In the area of juvenile justice, UNICEF aims to to 117,000 in 1990. Russia alone accounted for 65
reduce incarceration while protecting children from per cent of these numbers.3
violence, abuse and exploitation. It promotes reha-
bilitation that involves families and communities
as a safer, more appropriate and effective approach BUILDING A PROTECTIVE ENVIRONMENT FOR
than punitive measures. Justice systems designed CHILDREN
for adults often lack the capacity to adequately
address these issues and are more likely to harm Government commitment and capacity
than improve a childs chances for reintegration These are crucial to promote and support policies
into society. For all these reasons, UNICEF strongly that encourage the use of alternatives to deprivation
advocates diversion (directing children away from of liberty. A proper approach to juvenile justice also
judicial proceedings and towards community solu- requires that efforts be made to prevent children from
tions), restorative justice (promoting reconciliation, coming into conflict with the law in the first place. This
restitution and responsibility through the involve- is work for the entire society, not just the government.
ment of the child, family members, victims and com-
munities), and alternatives to custodial sentencing Legislation and enforcement
(counselling, probation and community service). National laws should be revised to conform with in-
ternational standards, with legislation enacted and
enforced to prevent children from being deprived of
Facts and figures their liberty when they have been victims of abuse
and exploitation, were used by adults for criminal
More than 1 million children worldwide are activities or have committed status offences or petty
detained by law enforcement officials.1 crimes. The death penalty for children should be
In many prisons and institutions, children and young abolished.
persons are often denied the right to medical care,
education and individual development.2 Attitudes, customs and practices
Children in conflict with the law may be portrayed
In 2002, 136,000 children in the CEE/CIS region as wicked or threatening, and presumptions of
were sentenced for criminal activities, compared character need to be challenged. The establishment