Tanah Teduh
Tanah Teduh
Tanah Teduh
I hope Tanah Teduh will be a source of inspiration and a project that Indonesia
could be proud of as explained by developer, Ronald Akili. Tanah Teduh honors
the work of nine admirable Indonesian architects, with their distinct architectural
styles that combines the enrooted principle of modern architecture to support the
aesthetics of concrete, wood, water, light, space and nature, promoting a sense
of place and meaning to its resident. Its stark architecture among the lush green
vegetation further reflects the architects vision to further engage the residents
with the sensibilities of Indonesian contemporary architecture.
8. 9.
The mission behind this project is partly educational, as Tanah Teduh is It has been a pleasant task to work on the 2 hectares land,
an invitation to revert back to Indonesias architecture at its best, calling out
everyone to experience a proper way of living in a space designed by outstanding with lush and luxuriant trees growing in the eastern part of
architectural practice, with high hopes that Tanah Teduh can be a benchmark and the site and on the dale in the west.
an exemplar for future developments in Indonesia.
The first thing I decided when I began working here was to keep as many original
trees as possible, and to make an optimal use of the land contour. I also use
the existing ponds on the west as the wastewater processing facility and water
Sincerely Yours, catchment area. The existing bodies of water also serve as aesthetic elements in
the complex.
I then proposed for the government of the special capital territory of Jakarta to
simplify their street plan to enable us to keep the land with the existing trees
intact. Some of the houses in the complex share a communal parking lot to
Ronald Akili maximize the verdure.
The site has two main views; one of them having the lake as the focal point, and
another the existing trees, forming a kind of inner garden.
I have been fortunate as the sites owner let me choose the architects to work on
the project. I thus selected competent architects who would be able to collaborate
well in the project.
I hope the project can serve as a model for future developments that consider the
nature and uses the surrounding nature as an integrated part in the design.
Warm Regards,
Andra Matin
Principal Architect
The Architects
Adi Purnomo
Adi Purnomo Started own practice Andra Matin Principal Architect
Mamostudio in Jakarta in 2000. Received for Tanah Teduh, loves travelling &
IAI (Indonesian Institute of Architects photography. Established andramatin in
Awards) in 2002 and 2005. Author of book 1998. Awarded with five IAI (Indonesian
Relativitas (2005) that shows the attitude Institute of Architects) Awards 1999, 2002,
to put actual and rational reasons as the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and architecture
Ahmad Djuhara Zenin Adrian base of his design decision. exhibition at GA Gallery, Tokyo.
Antony Liu His first collaboration Eko Prawoto Architect and lecturer
with Ferry Ridwan under the name TonTon who combines contemporary design with
Architect was in The Bale design project. local knowledge. He has been intensively
This 2.8 hectare resort in Bali received an involved in the world of art, joining in
Antony Liu Eko Prawoto award from the IAI (Indonesian Institute many exhibitions, as well as in many other
of Architects) in 2002 for its remarkable activities. His recent research is about
architectural concept. earthquake-resistant buildings made
from bamboo, straw, and woods from the
Ferry Ridwan One of TonTon coconut tree.
Architect's founders. Along with Antony
Liu & Andra Matin, their signature design Yori Antar Architect, educator,
of The Infinity Chapel at the Conrad, Bali photographer, book writer. Speed and
Ferry Ridwan
has become host to many unforgetable timing is the best key success in design
wedding events and is a landmark of process. Recently started the Rumah Asuh
new approach on minimalist architecture project, a movement trying to preserve
design. traditional houses.
Wendy Djuhara
14. 15.
main access road 08. jend.gatot subroto 1 6 . fa t m awa t i business district F. k e m a n g c b d address
01. k.h.mas mansur 09. h.r.rasuna said 17. a n t a s a r i A. m.h. thamrin cbd g. Pondok indah cbd J l . W a h i d RT 0 0 9 / R W 0 0 3
02. m.h.thamrin 10. hang tuah 1 8 . wa r u n g ja t i b a r a t B. kuningan cbd H . t . b . s i m a t u pa n g c b d J a t i P a d a n g Ra y a .
03. h.o.s cokroaminoto 1 1 . k ap t . t e n d e a n 1 9 . pa s a r m i n g g u C. lingkar mega kuningan K e lur a h a n Jati Pa da n g,
Maps 04. sultan agung 12. m.t.haryono 20. ampera raya D. sudirman cbd K e ca m ata n Pa sa r M i n g gu,
0 5 . p r o f. d r . s a t r i o 13. kemang 2 1 . p e ja t e n b a r a t E. senayan cbd Ja k a rta Se l ata n .
06. casablanca 1 4 . m a m pa n g p r apa t a n 22. ragunan
0 7. j e n d . su di r m a n 15. ciputat raya 2 3 . t . b . s i m a t u pa n g
01 02 03
07 06
08 C
10 12
13 14
16 17 18
16. 17.
public facilities G . Ma n a g e m e n t & M . E s u pp o r t House No.1 House No.3 House No.5 House No.7
A. Entrance Security H. Joggin g Track by Antony Liu & Ferry b y W e n d y Dj u h a r a by Yori Antar b y E k o P r aw o t o
B . Pa r k i n g A r e a I. swimming Pool R i d wa n Dj u h a r a & Dj u h a r a h a n awa l & pa r t n e r s
J. Shower Area
House No.9
C . Pl aygroun d Studio Tonton
Site Plan D. Pedestrian K . Ba r b e q u e a r e a
House No.2,8,11,12,
House No.4
by Adi Purnomo
House No.6 b y A h m a d Dj u h a r a
Dj u h a r a & Dj u h a r a
E . G r e e n pa r k A r e a L . La k e b y Ta n t i k La m
14,15,16,17,18,19,20 Ma m o S t u d i o ta- studioa rch itects
F. C l u b h o u s e M. Pool Deck
b y A n d r a Ma t i n House No.10
by Zenin Adrian
N c g 17 18 9
K 10 13
M 15
A 1
19 20
18. 19.
Communal Garden
22. 23.
h o u s e n o. title:
01 L+L
s i t e m ap :
The site is 475 sqm big, with existing fruit trees that
are still productive. A rambutan tree stands in the
middle of the site, so the building would be divided
into two to give space to the tree. This results in two
building masses.
h o u s e n o. title: architect:
Andra Matin
570 sqm 394 sqm
description: s i t e m ap :
A ndra M atin ho u se n o . 0 2
32. 33.
A ndra M atin ho u se n o . 0 2
34. 35.
h o u s e n o. title: architect:
Wendy Djuhara
325 sqm 269 sqm
description: s i t e m ap :
h o u s e n o. title: architect:
Adi Purnomo
405 sqm 333 sqm
description: s i t e m ap :
Second Floor
h o u s e n o. title:
05 The
Yori Antar
s i t e m ap :
Second Floor
h o u s e n o. title:
06 Barnyard
s i t e m ap :
h o u s e n o. title: architect:
Eko Prawoto
445 sqm 334 sqm
description: s i t e m ap :
h o u s e n o. title:
08 House
Andra Matin
s i t e m ap :
andra matin ho u se n o . 0 8
56. 57.
andra matin ho u se n o . 0 8
58. 59.
h o u s e n o. title:
09 Light
Ahmad Djuhara
s i t e m ap :
h o u s e n o. title: architect:
Zenin Adrian
271 sqm 345 sqm
description: s i t e m ap :
h o u s e n o. title: architect:
Andra Matin
372 sqm 374 sqm
description: s i t e m ap :
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 1
68. 69.
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 1
70. 71.
Garden Houses
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
12 House
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 2
74. 75.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
13 House
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 3
76. 77.
Lake Houses
The dining room is located next to the pantry on the ground floor, with an inner
court that connects the reading room and the children bedrooms. To prevent a
towering appearance due to the vertically-intense room arrangements, parts of
the ground floor are surrounded by the landscape, half-burying the rooms to
almost one-story deep. The living room is located on the first floor and enjoys the
largest view compared to other rooms, with a terrace that might also be treated
as an extension to the living room, thus creating an even larger space. The master
bedroom and bathroom are also located on the first floor, designed to be half-
open with a view to the lake.
The air conditioning system is mainly used in the common areas, while the
corridor has natural lighting and air circulation for energy efficiency.
Dominating materials are the brick walls for the massive boundary lines, glass to
enable visual access, and the filigree structure to optimize natural lighting and
cross ventilation for almost all the rooms. The units are designed in response
to the front area of the site that serves as the main access for the cars and to
the lake. To their left and right are other units, and the back of the buildings is
separated from Unit 10 only by a 1.5 m wide pedestrian corridor. Each of the
building masses adapts to its surrounding through the allocation of private spaces
at the front and an open garden at the back, enabling a sense of openness, wider
pedestrian paths, and a larger garden at the back.
The inner courts are placed facing one another, forming a boundary between the
units that takes the form of an open garden instead of a high separating wall. The
inner court also enables the building volume to be thinner and optimizes natural
lighting and air circulation.
Unit 18 has a living room that serves as the focal area, with higher ceiling
compared to other rooms and a closed appearance at its upper part and an open
look below, to establish a greater sense of privacy. Such an arrangement creates
a monolithic look while also filters the intensity of the sunlight. The dining room
has a lower ceiling and an intimate atmosphere.
80. 81.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
14 House
Ground Floor
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 4
82. 83.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
15 House
Ground Floor
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 5
84. 85.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
16 House
Ground Floor
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 6
86. 87.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
17 House
andra matin ho u se n o . 1 7
88. 89.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
18 House
Terrain Houses
When designing the Terrain Houses for the first time, Andra Matin decided to
place the main entrance to the side of the building. The circulation of movements
inside is facilitated through a kind of corridor between the sitting area and the
work area, followed by an inner court with left and right boundary walls and
a two-story-high ceiling, creating a visual surprise for the guests as they walk
deeper into the house.
The sitting room that functions as the main area has a small courtyard inside,
creating a strong sense of privacy. The bedrooms are located upstairs. The master
bedroom looks directly to the courtyard, with an open bathroom that makes the
room feel larger. Unit 20 is located on a site with a lot of existing trees, making it
a special unit. To leave the trees intact, parts of the roofing are left open, forming
sources of natural light and air circulation for the spaces below. The rooms are
spread out, giving rise to a playful spatial arrangement.
The sitting and the dining areas are the main areas and located upstairs, next to
each other. The children bedrooms and the master bedroom are connected with
an open corridor that crosses the garden area. The garden itself serves as a shelter
for the space below.
In unit 19 and 20, the garage and laundry spaces are designed in an interlock to
optimize the use of land.
92. 93.
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
19 House
h o u s e n o. title: s i t e m ap :
20 House