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It is found in society that many a couple is found unhappy because

of issuelessness even after the lapse of many years after
marriage, more so is the female partner. Some women suffer
from some kind of weakness or trouble of the reproductive
organs, as a result of which they suffer silently but with a heart
full of pent-up feelings. Sometimes they become prone to
attacks of hysteria. After all, motherhood is a very important
mile-stone in the life of a woman leading to her physical and
psychological development in full. In the above circumstance,
couples seek the advice of trusted and famous astrologers and
ascertain if they have any chance of being blessed with children,
the cause of the delay and what remedial measures are to be
adopted for getting success, and when could they expect it, on
the basis of their radical charts as well as praSm or query pertaining
to the subject. Horary astrology becomes the only tool
in the hands of the astrologer in the case of people who have no
horoscope, nor a correct idea about their birth-data.
When a house-holder, accompanied by his wife, goes to a
divine, the former puts a question like this: "Am I destined to
beget a child by my wife?" The querist is then asked to mention
his name. Though the question of issue concerns both husband
and wife, yet all about the man should be read from the sign rising
at the time, and other houses, and all about his wife (health,
fertility etc.) from the Arudha lagna (including the one indicated
by the place occupied by her),
Ketra and BIja (Soil and Seed)
The astrologer has to find out first if the woman's reproductive
organs are in normal health and free from defects. Similarly
he must do this with reference to the man also. How are we to
know if the soil, i.e. the woman, is fertile or otherwise? Should
the lords of the Aru4ha and the 9th house therefrom be eclipsed,
one should declare that the soil has lost its fertility and there is
156 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
no possibility of the woman conceiving. In olden days in such
cases remarriage for the man would be recommended. In
modern times, however, it is forbidden by law. So a man could
have remarriage only if he obtains divorce from his wife. But
before thinking of divorce, one should exhaust all avenues of
correcting the deficiencies such as medical treatment and religious
acts and observances. On the other hand, if the lords of the
Udaya lagna (rising sign) and the 5th house therefrom be combust,
it should be said that the man's seed is dead, i.e. his power
of procreation or fertilizing the ovum is defunct. If the defects
be not serious, the objective could be achieved by means of
medical treatment along with the worship of Gods and observing
If the Moon be posited in one ofthe Upacaya houses (3,6,10,
11) counted from the Arudha, and in a non-Upacaya house
counted from the Udaya-lagna, and if the Arudha and the lagna
be even and odd signs respectively and if both these lagnas synchronize
with the rise of the Agni-bhuta (fire element), and if
both the lagnas be included in the list of signs viz. Taurus, Leo,
Virgo, and Scorpio, and if at the time of query there be no
fruits (or flowers) on the tree allotted to the star occupied by
Jupiter, the couple would have little chance of getting issue.*
Explanation-. Scholars divide the problems connected with
issue into five categories as (1) Issuelessness; (2) Taking a boy in
adoption; (3) Grief on account of children; (4) Having a single
child, which is termed Kdka-Vandhyatva; (5) Having a large
number of children.
(1) Yogafor Lack ofIssue: When Jupiter and the lords of
the ascendant, 5th and 7th houses are all devoid of strength, one
may conclude that the person concerned will have no issue.
(2) When a malefic occupies the 5th house without benefic aspect
its lord being debilitated, the same result could be expected.
(3) When the 5th houses counted from Jupiter, lagna and the
Moon are occupied by malefics without benefic aspect, the result
is the same.
Adoption: (i) Should the 5th house be owned by a Eunuch
planet (Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius), and associated
Vide charts attached at the end of this chapter.
Progeny 157
with Saturn or Mandi by occupation or aspect, the native would
have a son by adoption.
(ii) When the 5th house is tenanted by a strong benefic, but
not aspected by its lord.*
Grief on account of issue: If Jupiter be in the 5th house, which
is either Capricorn or Pisces, there might be grief on account of
Birth ofmany daughters: If sign Cancer happens to be the
5th house, occupied by Jupiter, a large number of daughters
would be born to the person.
Loss ofchildren: (1) If the lord of the 8th house be posited
in the 5th house, the lord ofthe latter be in the 8th house, debilitated
or in inimical house and not receiving benefic aspect, loss
of children would take place.
(2) If weak Jupiter be hemmed in between malefics, lord of the
5th house without strength and without benefic aspect or association,
the above result should be declared.
(3) If the lord of the 5th house be debilitated, eclipsed, in
inimical house, or associated with the lord of the 8th or 12th
house, and if both the 5th house and its lord, devoid of benefic
aspect, loss of children would ensue.
Birth of good children: The following conditions ensure the
birth good children: 1. The lord of the 5th house should be
strong and joined with or aspected by the lord of the ascendant,
and the 5th house, free from malefics.
2. Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces being the 5th house should be
occupied by Mars and aspected by or conjoined with Jupiter.
3. The 5th house should be surrounded by benefics, or aspected
by them, or combined with or aspected by its own lord.
4. The 5th-lord should occupy any house other than 6th, 8th
and 12th, be strong and aspected by benefics.
5. The strong 5th-lord should be in that house or ascendant
or the 7th house without getting malefic aspect or conjunction.
(Note: Part of this condition viz. the lord of 5th house being
in the 7th house, is contrary to Varahamihiras rule. So I propose
to have an amendment to the effect that the 5th-lord may be
situated in the 9th house.)
*For greater details Vide page 173 of the Fundamentals ofAstrology.
158 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
6. Put Jupiter instead of the 5th-lord and proceed.
7. The lord of the 5th house, being strong, is to be surrounded
or aspected by or conjoined with benefics.
Birth of many children: (i) The 5th-lord, Mercury, Jupiter,
and Venus are to be strong and posited in or aspecting that
house. The number of children is proportionate to the strength
of the lord of 5th house. It should be read from the lord's
(ii) The 5th-lord should be in his highest exaltation point,
and in a male Navdmsa and aspected by a benefic, provided 5th
house is neither aspected by nor conjoined with malefics.
(iii) The following planets should be posited in any houses, except
the bad houses, which are odd signs and odd Amsas: Lord
of5th house, Jupiter, the Sun and Mars. One would beget worthy
sons, if the lord of 5th house be strong.
Birth of daughters: A wise astrologer would predict birth of
many daughters, should the Moon, Venus and lord of 5th house
be posited in even Rasis and Amsas.
Hurdles in the Way of Progeny
The following Yogas are said to be capable of obstructing
chances for getting issue:
(1) The ascendant should be in the Moon's Hard ; and the
breath should flow through the left nostril; and both the ascendant
at query and Arudha be even signs.
(2) The ascendant should be in the Sun's Hord, breath flowing
through the right nostril; and both the lagna and Arudha be in
odd signs.
(3) The ascendant is to be in the Lunar Hord and breath flowing
through the left nostril; and the Moon, Arudha, and lagna be
in Taurus, Leo, Virgo and Scorpio.
(4) Along with the rule (2) substitute the following for the last
clause: The Moon, Ariidha and lagna in the Alpasuta (difficult
issue)* signs mentioned already.
All the above Yogas should also synchronize with the rising of
Agni-Bhuta (Fire-Element). (Note: The Arudha is called Chddya
*Here the word Alpa-Suta has not been translated literally.
Progeny 159
(to be covered or enveloped); and the lagna, Chadaka (that
which covers).
Giving Away a Son in Adoption
When one has more than two sons, the middle one is generally
given away in adoption to one who is in need. The following
Yogas lead to the above result:
1. The lord of V house should be in I, V or VHhouse.
2. Lords of / and VH be posited in V house.
3. Lord of V be conjoined.with the lord of I or K/Zhouse.
4. Since Jupiter is the significator for progeny and so on a par
with the lord of V house, we may substitute him for F-Lord.
Birth of a Son
(1) If the lords of / and V houses are conjoined, there is chance
for the birth of a son.
(2) The two lords should aspect each other.
(3) They should be in mutual reception.
In this connection Madhavacarya gives the following additional
Yogas, which are given below for the benefit of students
of astrology:
1. At a query about issue the Moon should be in a non-Upacaya
house from the Arutfha.
2. She should be posited in an Upacaya house from the rising
sign. This shows that you have to divine a female-birth from the
Arudha, while male-birth from the rising sign.
If the above Yogas be reversed, i.e. the Moon in an Upacaya
house from Arudha, or in a non-Upacaya house from the rising
sign, there would be no chance ofchild-birth.
Garbhadhana or Consummation of Marriage
In olden days when pre-puberty marriages were in vogue, girls
used to come of age only after marriage. Then they got menses
every month until pregnancy set in. Astrologically what is the
cause of this feminine phenomenon? Ancient authors of Ayurvedic
classics state "mdsi mdsi rajah Strtnam", i.e. women between
certain ages get menstrual flow month after month. Varahamihira
refers to this phenomenon as being caused by the interaction
of Mars and the Moon (bile and blood). But when the
160 Essentials of Horary Astrology
Moon comes to an Upacaya house from the woman's natal
ascendant, and is aspected by Jupiter, sexual union will be fruitful.
It is, therefore, essential that the man's Moon too in transit
should be in an Upacaya house from his natal ascendant, and be
aspected by Jupiter. Besides that his Sun and Venus should be
strong, in own houses or AmSas at the time, and the night of
union even during the fertile period. For Garbhadhana (Impregnation),
an auspicious weekday, asterism, Tithi, and Muhurta
should be elected.
The following procedure is adopted in respect of Santana Prasna,
query about issue:
First of all work out the position of Yamakarttaka for the day
in question. The rising time of this satellite of Jupiter on Sunday
on words is at the end of Ghates 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22
respectively. Now add the longitudes of the ascendant (not the
Arudha) and Yamakanfaka. Thesumis called Yoga-Sphuta (Y.S.).
In this new longitude (Y.S.) find out which of the two viz. Rasi
and Amsa, is stronger. That will be the "Reference Sign" (R.S.).
Now find out if thisR.S. is a.Prsthodaya (backward rising), Adhomukha
(downward-looking) or an even sign, and if it be aspected
or occupied by Eunuch planets or malefics, there will be no
chance of progeny. Should the R.S. be a Biped one, the querist
would be blessed with children. If this be, in addition, upward
looking, rising with the head in front, odd and having association
and aspect of benefics, there would be progeny in the near future.
The same result could be achieved under the above-named
conditions with the exception ofthe longitude of the ascendant
being added to that of the Yamakarttaka. Here we can get the
Yoga-Sphuta by taking the longitude of the lord of the Arudha,
all other conditions being the same.
No Prospect of Success
If the lord of V house, Jupiter, and Yamakarttaka posited in
even signs or Antsas that are inauspicious houses (dusthanas), be
aspected by or conjoined with Eunuch planets (Mercury and
Saturn), and V house, being in an odd sign and having association
or aspect of Mercury and malefics and not of benefics, and
the Lord of V house be in an odd AmSa, and the Santdna-Tithi*
*For getting this vide page 186 of the Fundamentals ofAstrology.
Progeny 161
be one after the 8th lunar day of the dark fortnight, there would
be hardly any chance of success in respect of issue. It is true that
we cannot think of a case wherein all the above-noted conditions
are fully satisfied. If they be present only in part, success might
be possible by means of expiation in the form of Japa, worship
of Gods, observance of vows, recitation of sacred texts, feeding
and such other religious acts performed with due devotion and
POri^a Santana (Full Progeny)
This means to have sufficient number of good children, both
male and female. This could be attained under the following
1. Jupiter, Yamakanfaka and F-Lord should be posited in
auspicious and benefic houses identical with their exaltation or
own houses.
2. They should in addition be in odd signs and/or Arhsas, aspected
by benefics, and neither by malefics nor by Mercury.
3. The 5th house should also satisfy the conditions mentioned
in 2.
Santana-Kala (Time of Child-Birth)
(1) Find out the sign that happens to be the DvadaSarhsa of the
lagna (not Arutjihd) at query. Take the 5th house therefrom (i.e.
from the DvadaSamsa sign). If its lord be in the Ariidha, there
would certainly be child-birth within a year. If that planet be in
the 2nd house from the Ariidha, it would be within two years; if
it be the 3rd house, within three years and so on. If it be a
house beyond the 6th, success might be obtained after much delay
and through many expiatory rites. And if he be in 6th house,
8th or 13th, very stringent expiation would be necessary for
(2) Take the Rasi as well as its Arhsa of the Yoga-sphufa;
when Jupiter transits the 5th, 7th, 9th or 11th house therefrom,
there will appear signs of pregnancy. Whichever house among
these four (5, 7, 9 and 11) has benefic aspect or association, will
certainly indicate successful pregnancy when Jupiter transits that
sign. The idea is that at the time of query one ofthe four houses,
say the 9th, has benefic aspect. In that case when Jupiter comes
162 Essentials of Horary Astrology
in transit to that house, i.e. 9th here, at that time signs of pregnancy,
if sighted, will prove undoubtedly effective. On the other
hand, when Jupiter transits one of these four houses, which has
malefic aspect or association, both signs of pregnancy and abortion
would be felt.
(3) Add up the longitudes ofthe ascendant, Moon, Yamakantaka
and Mandi. This will be called Catusphuta (sum of four
longitudes). If this resulting Sphuta be an odd sign or Amsa and
if it be in trine or angle to Jupiter, there would indeed be childbirth,
provided it is not in trine or angle to Mercury, Saturn,
Rahu or Ketu. In the absence of the above conditions such as the
resulting sign or Amsa being even, and in trine or angle to Mercury
and others, and not to Jupiter, success is impossible.
Proper Time for Garbhadhana
In spiritual parlance the act of sexual union is a sacred sacrificial
act which ought not to be misused, ifone wishes for good
progeny. Ordinary mortals steeped in ignorance, sunk in sins,
care only for momentary sex-gratification, the result of which is
the birth of savages and human brutes that prove a menace to
human society. Those who hanker after a child or a son, take
astrological advice before they resort to sexual union. This is well
and good, (i) Now take the lord of the 5th house from the rising
sign at query. Note in which house he is posited. If this sign or
its Amsa be occupied by Jupiter, success is assured; (ii) Note the
Navamsa of the Arutfha; note also where its lord is posited,
and if this Rdsi or Navamsa is occupied by the Sun; or (iii) see
if the Moon is posited in the sign or Amsa occupied by the
lord of the rising sign. That is the proper time for Garbhadhana
(or Niseka = Impregnation) leading to singular success, (iv) (a)
Add up the longitudes of the rising sign and the Moon at
the query and note the Dvadasam&a of the sum. When the Moon
transits this sign, or (b) when the Sun transits the Navarhfa of
this sum; or (c) when Jupiter transits the Rasi or Amsa of the
sum total got by the addition of Jupiter's longitude and the first
sum got above (i.e. of the longitudes of the lagna and Moon); or
(d) find the sum of the longitudes of the lagna. Sun, Moon, and
Mandi, and treat the resultant sign as the ascendant for impregProgeny
nation; and when Jupiter arrives at this sign in his transit, treat
that year, and when the Sun transits that sign, that solar month,
and when the Moon transits that place, that star as the best time
for success in this direction.
The methods enunciated in this section are very good for fixing
the exact time for Niseka for success. As a precondition for success
the querist must have implicit faith in his family deity, his
chosen ideal, i.e. Ista Devata and the astrologer.
Female for Progeny
If a man asks an astrologer as to a woman of which caste or
community should he marry in order to beget a son, the following
procedure should be adopted: See in which sign or Amsa the
lord of 5th house is posited, and which planets occupy or aspect
it. The caste would correspond to the planetsthat aspect or
occupy the Rasi or Amsaand to the concerned Rasis. Pisces is
Brahma^a; Aries, Ksatriya; Taurus, Vaisya; and Gemini, Sudra.
Among planets Jupiter and Venus are Brahmanas; the Sun and
Mars, Ksatriya; the Moon and Mercury, Vaisya; and Saturn,
(The commentator of the Krsnfya states thus in this connection
: Should Saturn be in a Brahmana sign, the person concerned
would be a Sudra servant of a Brahmana. On the other hand,
ifa Ksatriya planet be in a Brahmaqa sign, it would be one born
of a Brahmana by a Katriya woman. In the same manner the
country or direction is to be deduced from the planet's Aritsa-
Two or More Marriages for Progeny
Add the longitudes of the ascendant and Yamakantaka. If the
resultant Ra&i happens to be a dual sign, the man, not getting
issue by the first wife, will have to take another wife or more for
progeny. If the above Rail has malefic aspect or association, his
wife is likely to quit the world, or be barren. On the other hand,
should the resultant sign be aspected or occupied by benefics, he
would have children by all the wives. Should Mercury and Saturn
aspect it, none of the wives would be able to bear children. Consequently
the man would be forced to have a son by adoption.
164 Essentials of Horary Astrology
Adoption of Two
If the above resultant Yoga-sphufa sign be Virgo, aspected by
Mercury and Saturn, he would have two adopted sons. Should
Saturn and Mars occupy the above Rdsi; and both the Sun and
Mercury aspect it, both the adopted sons would be quarrelling
with each other constantly and be thrown out of the'house.
Should Jupiter and Venus aspect the Y.S. sign, the second
adopted son would be well-behaved and obedient and inherit the
lion's share of the property.
Welfare of Foetus, Parents etc.
At a query about the state of the foetus, the Yoga-sphufa
(Y.S.) mentioned already should be treated as the ascendant.
From this and the Moon all about the mother should be ascertained
; through the 7th house counted from this lagna as well as
the Sun, about the father; and from the sign occupied by Jupiter,
about the child in the womb.
Parents' Demise
If the new ascendant, i.e. Y.S., its 7th house, the Moon, Sun,
and Jupiter be all weak, or have malefic aspect or association
and no benefic connection whatsoever, the parent would surely
quit the world, and the child too be dead. If under the above
conditions Jupiter alone be strong, and the rest afflicted, the child
alone would survive.
Pregnant Woman's Death
If the above Y.S. Lagna, its lord and the Moon be weak and
afflicted by malefic association and aspect, the pregnant woman
would perish. Should Jupiter be strong, her death would take
place after child-birth. Should the Sun, the 7th house and its lord
be all weak and have malefic connections, the father would die
before seeing the childs' face. If Jupiter be strong, the father
would die after the child is born.
If the Sim and Mars be conjoined, the father would fall ill; if
the Moon and Saturn be together, the mother would suffer from
ailments. On the other hand, should the Moon be afflicted
through association or aspect by only Mars, Saturn and Rahu (or
Progeny 165
Ketu) and not by benefics, the mother would die along with the
foetus. This would be certain, if all the three malefics be involved
in this condition. If the Sun be involved in the above Yoga, the
father would die before the child is born. If these three malefics
be connected with Jupiter by aspect or conjunction, the child
would die in the womb, provided there is no benefic connection.
Another Yoga for Lack of Issue
Add the longitudes of Jupiter and the lord of the 12th house
from the query ascendant. Treat the sum as the figure of the new
lagna. If there be malefics, Mars and Saturn, in its 12th house,
there would be no issue at all. If this result be confirmed by the
natal charts of the couple, they would have no chance at all of
having issue. The same result will have to be predicted, if the
star of the sum (Y.S.) of the longitudes of Mandi and Ydmakari-
{aka, happens to be the 3rd, 5th or 7th from the natal star of the
husband or wife.
Curse of Serpents
Sometimes loss of children takes place on account of curse of
serpents. IfRahu be posited in the 5th Bhava, or the lord thereof
be conjoined with Rahu without benefic aspect, the cause of
issuelessness or loss of issue is to be said to be serpents' curse.
Curse of Ancestors
(1) If Saturn in association with Martdi be posited in the 5th
or 9th house, receiving no benefic aspect, the person loses children
owing to the curse of ancestors. (2) If the lord of 5th housebe
conjoined with Mars, or with the lord of 6th house, and be without
benefic aspect, loss of children is due to some black magic
done by enemies. (3) The same effect would follow, should 5th
house be occupied by a malefic or the lord of the 6th house, and
be without benefic aspect.
Curse of Gods
Should the 5th house, being tenanted by its lord, be aspected
by malefics, but not by benefics, loss of issue would be caused
by divine displeasure or curse.
166 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
Mother's Curse
Should the 4th house be occupied by malefics, lord of 5th house
be conjoined with Saturn and 12th house afflicted by malefic pi e
sence, children would perish as a result of mother's curse.
Father's Curse
The following planetary configuration is likely to cause loss of
children due to father's curse: Malefics in the 9th house, lord of
5th house together with Saturn, and Mandi be in the 5th or 9th
Curse of Gods, Brahmins etc.
When Jupiter and lord ofthe Lagna and 5th house are strong,
and the lord of9th house eclipsed, the loss is due to divine displeasure.
Ifin the above Yoga both Jupiter and Venus be afflicted, being
conjoined with malefics, the cause ofloss of issue is said to be
Brahmins' curse. Similarly if the Sun and Moon, conjoined with
malefics, occupy inimical, debilitation etc. houses, it is due to the
curses of the father and mother.
Great Sin
The planetary Yoga in which lords of 1st and 5th houses, and
Jupiter are weak, the lord of the 10th house posited in a bad or
inauspicious house with malefic aspect or association, would
indicate darkest sin born of some heinous crime committed by
the couple in their previous life, which has visited on them by
destroying their children.
(2) The lords of 1st and 5th andJupiter being weak, Mars and
lord of 6th house be strong or are jointly posited in the same
house, or the lord of 6th and Mars be in 5th housethis Yoga
bespeaks black magic practised by enemies resulting in the destruction
of precious progeny.
Affliction of House
Although the lords of 1st and 5th houses and Jupiter be strong,
yet there might be malefics in the 4th house, or its lord occupy
the 6th, 8th or 12th house. In that case the disaster maybe due"to
the blemishes in the house-site. On the other hand, if the three
Progeny 167
planets viz. Jupiter, and lords of 1st and 5th houses, be strong, but
the malefic in the 4th house be devoid of strength, then it is undoubtedly
the inauspicious and afflicted state of the house-site
that is responsible for the tragedy. If these three planets be associated
with Rahu, or Rahu be in 5th house, serpents' curse must be
the cause. If Mars be conjoined with Rahu, serpents must have
been deeply hurt by the destruction wrought on their tribe and
developed much hatred for the perpetrators. This hatred coupled
with their increasing grief is visited on the concerned couple in
the form of this tragedy.
Posthumous Birth
If the three planets mentioned above are endowed with
strength, the Sun conjoined with malefics, and 9th house, aspected
by and conjoined with malefics, the father would breathe his
last before the child sees the light of day in consequence of the
former's sins. Under the above conditions if the Moon is afflicted
being conjoined with malefics and the 4th house too afflicted
by malefic association and aspect, the mother dies almost simultaneously
with child-birth.
State of Issue Through Bhutodaya
The subject of Rise ofElements has already been explained.
The astrologer should find out by calculation which of the five
elements is rising at the time of query. If it be the element of air,
it would augur the 'curse of ancestors' as the cause of children's
death; if it be the 'fire element', 'divine wrath'; and if 'ether
element', it is a combination of the curses of both Gods and ancestors.
On the other hand, 'the rise of earth'as well as'water
element' presages early child-birth. This shows that the first two
elements viz. earth and water, are happy auguries.
Quick Success
The following six conditions are mentioned for quick success
for those who hanker after issue:
1. The lagna be in the Sun's Horn and the breath flow through
the left nostril.
2. The lagna be in the Moon's Hora, and breath through the
right nostril.
168 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
3. The Ariiffla be an even sign and ascendant an odd sign.
4. The lord of 5th Bhava from the Arudha and the lord of 5th
house in the natal chart be one and the same planet.
5. Or, the above two lords (mentioned in 4) have mutual connection
through conjunction, aspect, angular relationship etc.
(Note: there are five kinds of connection.)
6. Note the star occupied by Jupiter at query. The tree ruled
by that star be laden with fruits.
Ifone ormore of these conditions are satisfied, the person will
be blessed with a son ere long.
More Yogas of Early Success
(1) Add the longitudes of the luminaries and Jupiter. T&e sum
should be taken as the new Yoga-sphuta (Y.S.). Look at the
Navamsa of this Sphufa. Similarly, note the Navamsa of Mandi.
Now see if there is connection between these two Navarhfa Rdiis.
Ifthey be Samasaptama (nearly 180 apart), or in trine to each
other, there would be child-birth ere long.
(2) Find the sum of the longitudes of the lords of 1st and 5th
houses. If Jupiter be in trine to this Yoga-sphufa, i.e. either sign
or its Navarhfa, the same result could be expected.
(3) IfMandi be posited in trine to the Rix&i or Athia occupied
by Jupiter, early child-birth is indicated.
Possibility of Pregnancy
Should the Arudha be aspected by Mars, you could take it as
an indication that the woman's ovum is ready to welcome the
male sperm for its fertilization. In case Mars' aspect be absent,
there would be no pregnancy owing to excess of blood.
Time of Child-Birth
Have the querist's natal Sun's Asfaka- Varga chart. Note also
the sign occupied by Mandi in the query chart. Note also the 5th
and 9th houses from Mandi. Now look at the Sun's A.V. chart
(A${aka-Varga). Note in this chart the 5th and 9th houses from
the Rdii occupied by Mandi in the query chart. Whichever of
these trines contains greater number of benefic dots, should be"
noted down. When the Sun transits that sign, that would be the
month of child-birth.
Progeny 169
To find out the possible natal sign of the child, take the person's
Moon's A.V. chart and therein note the sign that has
greater number of benefic dots in the trines from Mandi, as explained
above. When the Moon transits that sign, the expectant
woman would be delivered of her child. In the same manner we
have to repeat this process in Jupiter's A.Y. chart. The year of
child-birth would be shown by Jupiter's transit through the sign
that has greater number of benefic dots. Similarly, note the Navomsn
sign of the ascendant. When Jupiter arrives at a trine to
the Navamsa of the Lagna, success would be certain.
Detection of Pregnancy
(i) If a woman goes to an astrologer and expresses her wish to
know if she is in the family way, the answer would be in the
affirmative, should Rahu be posited in one of the Rdsis viz.
Arudha, ascendant and Chatra.
(ii) If Jupiter occupy or aspect the 5th, 7th or 9th house,
either from the ascendant or the Moon at query, she should be
(iii) If the Moon occupying any RdSi be conjoined with benefics,
she must be pregnant. If the associating planet be Jupiter,
the child would be male; if it be Venus, female.
(iv) If the lord of 5th house be in an odd sign or Arh&a, and in
square to Mandi, it should be an indication of pregnancy. In
addition, if the lord of 5th house be in a sign that rises with its
head foremost, it would definitely be an indication of pregnancy.
(v) Should the Moon or Rahu aspect or occupy the Navamsa
sign tenanted by the lord of 5th house, there would be no symptom
of pregnancy so far.
(vi) If Mars be substituted for the Moon and Rahu in (5th),
presence of pregnancy should be predicted; but if at the same
time there be no Jupiter's aspect, it might lead to miscarriage.
(vii) If the ArhSa occupied by the lord of 5th house, be a sign
that is both immovable and downward-looking, and be occupied
or aspected by Saturn, the concerned woman should be declared
to be without any trace of pregnancy and monthly menstruation.
(viii) Should Venus occupy or aspect the Arutfha, or the rising
sign at the time or the 5th house from either, indication of pregnancy
should be predicted.
170 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
(ix) The following auguries too point to the same effect:
Sighting a pregnant woman, a baby, hearing a thunder, sight of
a pair of birds fighting with each other, the querist touching his
or her arm, foot or nose, and somebody dragging some article.
The following nine Yogas too reveal pregnancy:
1. Mandi and the Moon be joined together in any house,
especially in the 5th house.
2. The Moon and Mars be joined together.
3. The Moon being aspected by Mars.
4. Benefics occupying the 9th house.
5. Benefics in the 5th and 11th houses.
6. The lord of the 5th ho use be conjoined with Mandi.
7. The lord of the 5th house be aspected by Mandi.
8. Amsas of the Moon and Mandi being identical.
9. Amsas of the Moon and Mandi be in trine or kendra.
Her Longings
It is well-known that pregnant women entertain peculiar longings
for certain food preparations or tastes, dress, ornaments,
entertainments etc. This is seen in purapiccharacters too. For
example, Sri Sitd expressed a strong desire to see nature in her
pristine purity and grandeur, when she was carrying in her womb
the twin heroic sons of Sri Ramacandra viz. Kusa and Lava.
There are some who eat mud secretly. Find out the Rai corresponding
to the place occupied by the concerned woman. If that
Rasi becomes the Arudha she would be longing for the taste ascribed
to the planet owning the Arudha. If the planet be weak or
afflicted, the woman would be afflicted by a disease caused by
that taste. The region, precious stone, colour of garments, deity
etc. signified by that planet she would be greatly interested in.
Indications of Abortion
The following five omens bespeak miscarriage:
(1) After the querist puts the question somebody goes away
from the place.
(2) One who arrives there leaves the place almost immediately.
(3) Somebody is removing the wax from his or her ear, or doing
a similar act.
Progeny 171
(4) Among the betel leaves brought by the querist, the 5th being
(5) A dead insect sticking to the betel leaf mentioned above.
(6) Mars and the Sun be in kendras, the 8th house being tenanted
by some planet, and Jupiter in anon-kendra house.
(7) The Moon being in a kendra, Jupiter in a non-kendra, and
some one in the 8th house.
(8) The Moon being in the ascendant and a malefic in the
19th decanate.
(9) Jupiter being in a kendra, Mars in the 8th house, and
Saturn in the ascendant.
(10) Ahalo around the orb of the Sun being seen.
Sex of Child
(a) If the Moon be posited in an odd sign counted from the
lagna, the child to be born would be male; while if in an even sign,
female, (b) Add up the number of the weekday, lunar mansion,
and the lunar sign. Ifthe sum be odd or even, the child should be
stated to be male or female, as the case may be. (c) If the Sun or
Saturn be posited in the 3rd, 9th, 10th or 11th house, it would be
male, (d) If all the planets be posited in odd signs, the child would
be male, (e) If all the vargas ofthe lagna be strong and masculine,
be aspected by strong male planets, the child would be male; if
they be feminine, it would be female. If Mercury be in the lagna, it
would be female, (f) If the ascendant, Jupiter, the Sun and Moon
be all in odd signs, the result would be a male child, (g) If the
luminaries, Jupiter and the ascendant be all in even signs, the
result would be female. If this condition be mixed, the result
should be declared on the strength of the planets. If Saturn be in
an odd sign except the lagna, there would be a male birth, (h) If
odd signs be occupied by strong Jupiter and the Sun, the result
would be a male-birth; on the other hand, if Mars, Venus and
the Moon be in even signs, it would be a female, (i) Saturn in an
odd Rdsi from the lagna, leads to a male-birth; and in an even
sign, female. (Saturn in an odd Rdsi at a query about marriage,
leads to quick marriage, while in an even sign, spoils chances of
marriage.) 0) The Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the 7th
house would lead to a male-birth; while other planets there
betoken a female. Similarly, Saturn in the lagna leads to the
172 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
birth of female, (k) Should the querist touch his or her limbs on
the right side with the right hand, there will be a male; if the
person touches the limbs on the left side with the left hand, it will
be a female. If the condition are mixed, the result is miscarriage.
(Note: The head and neck belong to odd signs; while face and
shoulder, to even signs.)
Birth of Twins
If the Navdmsas of both the lagna and the Arutfha be even
signs, there would be birth of female twins. For this result the
condition must be reinforced by the aspect or conjunction of
female planets on the lagna. In the above condition if odd signs
and male planets be involved, the result would be male twins.
Note: With regard to query about pregnancy and birth, omens
occurring at the time such as sight, sound, activities etc. too
should be taken into consideration as additional and contributory
causes for the result. Similarly, if the Aru4ha be an odd sign,
and male planets occupy or aspect it, the querist sitting or standing
in a male direction, the number of articles brought there be
odd in number, and on the right side etc.all these factors
would goad the astrologer to pronounce the result as male. If
the conditions are contrariwise, it would be female. The cardinal
directions are male; and the intermediate ones, female.
Sex of Child
(i) If the Amsa of the lagna be an odd Rdsi, or a diurnal one,
or if the strong Mercury and Saturn be in the lagna, or in an odd
sign, a boy would be born.
(ii) If the ascendant, Sun, Moon and Jupiter be strong and
posited in odd signs and Amsas, it would be male, and if these
be in even signs, female.
(iii) Should the Sun and Jupiter be in odd signs, male would
be the result; while the Moon, Mars and Venus in even Rdfis
cause female-birth. Should these planets have dual AmSas augmented
by Mercury's aspect, twin-birth would result. To distinguish
the sex of twins, follow the following rule: (1) The ascendant,
Sun, Moon and Jupiter should be aspected by Mercury for
the birth of male twins. On the other hand. Mercury's aspect on
Progeny 173
the Moon, Mars and Venus would lead to the birth of female
Demise of Coltple
If the querist should touch a limb on his left side with his
right hand, the pregnant woman might breathe her last; while if
it be the left hand and right side, the effect of that would be
death of the husband.
Time of Delivery*
(1) Convert only the degrees and minutes of the Lagna-sphuta
(Longitude of the query ascendant, leaving off the signs) into
minutes and multiply it by 3, and divide the product by 50. The
quotient would give the number of Rdsis. Now multiply the remainder
by 30 and divide the product by 50. The quotient gives
degrees, and the remainder multiplied by 60 and divided by 50,
gives minutes. Now add the signs left off above to the result. If
the signs are more than 12, deduct 12 from it. This would give
the Sun's longitude at the time of child-birth. This gives the solar
month, day and Ghafts of the birth.
(2) Or leave off the signs in the /agna-longitude and add the
degrees and minutes to the Moon's longitude. Multiply the sum
by 9. This too gives the Sun's longitude for child-birth. Among
these three results whichever is nearest should be taken on the
basis of the estimated time.
(3) Or multiply the Sun's longitude at query by 108. The product
can be taken as the Sun's longitude at child-birth.
(4) Now we have to learn a new element called Kak?d or Zone.
A sign is divided into 8 Kaksds; and one Kakd is equal to
30-45'. Without distinction all the days have the same Kak$a at
particular periods, as follows:
The first part everyday is presided over by Saturn; the second
by Jupiter; the third by Mars'; the fourth by the Sun; the fifth
by Venus; the sixth by Mercury; the seventh by the Moon; and
the eighth by the ascendant. Now find out from the longitude
of the lagna, in whose zone it is situated. See also where its lord
*This may be read in continuation of the topic "Child-birth" on page
168 supra.
174 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
is situated and his Dvddasarrisa (1/12) Rdsi. When the Moon
arrives at that sign, labour pains would start, and when the
Moon transits the sign that is his Navdmsa, delivery would take
place. For the sake ofclarity let us work out an example: Let
the ascendant at query be 3s-20o-38'-16". See in whose zone this
longitude lies. It is in the sixth zone owned by Mercury. His
Dvdclasdmsa-Rdsi is Pisces (Mercury's longitude being ls-260-27').
The Moon transits Pisces 3 days later, and the Navdmsa sign is
Leo. The time interval between these two is about 14 days. This
is only a dummy illustration. The ascendant of child-birth would
be the sign ruled by the planet owning the Trirhsamsa Rdsi of (
the lord of the zone. In this example it is Mars who is posited
in Pisces which is an even sign. So Mars' even sign viz. Scorpio,
should be the ascendant at birth. The time of birth, whether day
or night, could be found out from the Hord occupied by the lord
of the zone. In our example, it is the Sun's Hord. So it should
be daytime.
(5) Should the lord of the Moon's Dvddasdmsa be stronger
than the Moon, take only the degrees and minutes of her longitude
and multiply it by 12 and convert the product into signs,
degrees and minutes. When the Moon in transit goes to that
place, delivery is to be expected. If the above product be in the
first decanate, and if the Moon be in the middle decanate, delivery
would take place when the Moon transits the 5th Rdsi from
the one tenanted by her at query. If the above product be in the
third decanate, the event would take place, when the Moon
transits the 9th house from her original position at query. On
the other hand, if the Moon herself be stronger than the lord of
her 1/12 Arhsa, find out the number of the Dvddasdrhsd. The
birth will synchronize with the Moon's transit through the Rdsi
that is so many Rdsis away as the number of the Dvddasarhsas.
The counting may also be done from Aries.
(6) Leave off the signs in the Moon's longitude and multiply
the degrees and minutes by 108 and reduce the product to signs,
degrees and minutes. If this sign or its trine be a downwardlooking
sign, then delivery would take place during the Moon's
transit through that sign. If in addition, Mdndl occupies or asProgeny
pects it, one could be cocksure of the event taking place then. It
may also take place when the Moon arrives at the sign which is
got by adding the longitudes of the lagna and the Moon. If this
Yoga-sphuta sign be a nocturnal Rasi, subtract this Y.S. from 12
signs or 360. The resulting sign should be noted for the Moon's
(7) Add the longitudes of the lagna and the Moon; leaving off
the Rasis, multiply the degrees and minutes by 12 and note the
star of the product or its 10th one; and when the Moon transits
one of them, birth would surely take place.
Ascendant at Delivery
It may be one of the following:
(i) The Dvddasamsa sign of the ascendant at query; (iil its
Navariisa sign; (iii) a trine of the sign occupied by Mdndi; (iv)
that Rdsi wherein Mdndi rises the same night, or its trine or one
ofits Caturvarga. (It is explained hereunder):
(/) The first varga is called Navdmsa, which is obtained by
multiplying the planet's longitude by 9.
(//) The second one is named Nava-Navdmsa, which is got by
multiplying the planet's longitude by 8.
(III) The third one is known as Navdmsa-Dvddasdmsa, which
is obtained by multiplying the first varga by12. While doing this,
leave off the signs and multiply only the degrees and minutes.
Then add the signs that have beexj left off. The result is Navdmsa-
[Note: These and other numerous techniques employed in this
system that are very popular in Kerala, which have been given
here only for the benefit of scientific researchers. I doubt very
much that an astrologer in his day-to-day practice would be able
to do justice to all the methods mentioned above to find out the
approximate time of delivery of the child.]
(IV) The fourth varga is known as Dvddasamsa, which is got by
multiplying the planet's longitude, without signs, by 12. Then
add the Rdsis left off to this product. The result is called Dvddasamsa.
(8) Find out the Adhomukha (downward looking) Rdsi between
the 5th and 9th houses counted from the Arudha. When the
Moon transits that sign, the child would be delivered. This, they
say, is the topmost secret of this question.
176 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
Expiation for Santana-Doa
When planets are found to be in a frowning mood or unfavourable
at a query session, owing to their ill-placement, proper
ways ofatonement are prescribed by competent astrologers,
so that such planets and their presiding deities, being moved to
pity by the utter helplessness of the faithful, do shower some
amount of blessings:
1. When the Sun or Saturn combined with the Moon is posited
in an untoward house (6th, 8th or 12th) which is an odd sign,
propitiation of one's ancestors is very essential for success. If the
Sun be in an even Rasi under the above conditions, performance
of Ksetra-Sraddha should be resorted to in a famous place of
pilgrimage like Gaya in Bihar. Some other places are Kasi,
Ramesvaram, Nasik, Haridvara, Gokarna. Talakaver! etc., recitation
of Vedas, Puraijas, Rudrabhieka etc. If Saturn be in an
untoward house which is an even sign, a hearty feast should be
given to all classes.
2. Expiation for the Luminaries
If the trouble for progeny be found due to the Moon, it should
be attoned for by means of Srdddha in a sacred shrine like Gaya
or through the dances of Bhutas in their shrines. If either the
Sun or Moon be found afflicted by malefics, some ancestor must
have become a wandering evil spirit {Preta) on account of unnatural
or violent death. Hence for its salvation Pi^ia-Praddna
'or Srdddha, wherein rice-balls are offered to the departed souls,
should be done elaborately with faith and devotion.
3. Expiation for Mars and Mercury
If Mars be posited in an odd sign identical with an untoward
house, the remedy is worship of the Lord Kartikeya and feeding
Brahmanas with choice delicacies. If Mars be in an even sign,
Goddess Durga is to be worshipped like Lord Subrahmaijya. If
Mercury be ill-placed, worship of Lord Narayana by means of
Abhiseka (ritual bath) with Pahcdmfta (a mixture of five sweet
ingredients viz. cow's milk, ghee, curd, honey, sugar and banana
pieces), offering of Pdyasa (milk-porridge), feeding of Brahmanas,
Japa and recitation of the mantras called Saubhdgya Sukta.
Progeny 177
4. Expiation for Afflicted Jupiter
When Jupiter is found to be the main cause of loss of children,
because of his position in an untoward house that is an odd
Rasi, Ayurvedic medicines such as Kalyana Ghrta (a medicated
ghee preparation), Pancagavya-Ghrta, Sukumara-Ghfta etc.,
consecrated by the Japa of Purusa-Sukta, Santana-Gopala etc.
should be given to the woman as medicine for eradicating the
defects in her reproductive organs. Similarly Gaya-Homa too
should be performed. If Jupiter, in addition, be in an even sign,
both the Gods viz. !ahkara, and Narayana should be propitiated,
and a thousand Brahmapas worshipped with a grand feast
and Daksina (monetary gift).
Atonement for Venus's Affliction
If Venus be found to be the cause of trouble to the cause of
progeny on account ofhis stay in an odd and untoward house,
the female deity viz. Yaksl (or Durga) should be propitiated by
the olfering of Apupa, Pdyasa, fragrant articles like sandal paste,
music etc. If Venus be in an even sign, the following remedial
measures should be undertaken: Worship of Dharma-Daiva,
Havana, libation of water (tarparta), feeding of Brahmapas sumptuously,
taking consecrated medicinal ghee etc.
Expiation for Rahus Trouble
If Rdhu posited in an odd sign be found to have caused trou-
* ble in respect of issue, the worship of serpents called Asle$a-Bali
must needs be performed. If he be in an even sign, serpents
should be propitiated through music, dance etc. If it be a dual
sign, two images of serpents should be worshipped and given
away to worthy recipients.
Santana Candra-Sphuta
At a query about issue find out the time in Ghafls and Vighafls
that has elapsed since sunrise. Convert that into Vighafls and
divide the result by 50. What you get is in Ratis. The balance is
to be multiplied by 30 and divided by 50. The result gives
degrees. If the remainder be multiplied by 60 and divided by 50,
you would get minutes. If in the place of Rdsis there should be
more than 12, deduct that from the larger number. The result is
178 Essentials of Horary Astrology
to be subtracted from 1 sign. If the latter is smaller than the
former, add 12 Rasis to it. Multiply the result by 5 and reduce
it into signs, degrees and minutes, as shown above. This is termed
the longitude of Santdna-Ravi (Sun). Now take the total
number of Vighatis got from the time elapsed from sunrise in
Ghatls. As before divide the Vighatis by 50 and reduce the result
into signs, degrees and minutes; and add 8s-15 to this, and multiply
the sum by 5 and reduce the result into signs, degrees and
minutes. This is called Santam-Candra, i.e. longitude of the
Moon pretaining to progeny. Another method of working out
these two longitudes is given below: Take the Sun's longitude
at query and multiply it by 5. The product represents Santdna-
Ravilongitude. Similarly, take the Moon's longitude at query
and multiply it by 5. The product will give you the longitude of
Santdna-Candra. The second method, no doubt, is simpler; but
when should one utilize these methods? The Prasnamdrga states
that when the Arudha is stronger, use the first method, whereas
when the lagna is stronger, the second method.
Atonement for Affliction to Santana-Tithi
First of all find out the Santana-Tithi. For that subtract the
longitude of the SantanaSun from that of the SantdnaMoon.
The resultant longitude would give you the Santana-Tithi at the
rate of 12 per lunar day. If this tithi happens to be in the bright
half, there would be issue. If it be in the dark fortnight, success
would be attainable through expiation. Up to the 5th tithi in the
dark half there would not be much difficulty in getting progeny.
If it be the 6th tithi in the dark half, Lord Kartikeya should be
propitiated for issue. If it be the 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th lunar day,
one would have issue by another wife. Even this would be possible
only after performing worship of Lord Vinu on a day ruling
the star Sravana, and feeding Vedic scholars. Ifit be 11th or 12th
tithi, even by performing the sacrifice called Dvddasi-Homa it
would be difficult to beget a living child. On the 13th and 14th
tithis, adoption alone is the course open to the couple. If it be
new Moon, even an adopted child would not live long. One of
the chief causes for childlessness is the wrath of ancestors. To
atone for that one ought to perform the Srdddhas called Astakd
Progeny 179
and Parvana etc. and earn the goodwill and blessings of ancestors,
which will pave the way to the realization of one's object.
For the omission of obsequial rites and annual Sraddhas attract
their wrath. Even in the light half the Rikta lunar days (4th, 9th
and 14th) are not favourable for issue. If it be one of the dark
fortnight, the trouble would be due to black-magic practised in
bygone days by the person's enemies. For the 4th tithi, the blackmagic
should be got exercised by an upper-class Mantrika; for
the 9th tithi, it should be done by magicians of cruel deeds; and
for the 14th lunar day, through low-class magicians. If the
Santana-tithi reveals Visti or Bhadra Karana, curse of serpents
should be the cause of trouble. If it be of the bright half of the
month, the curse must be one of recent origin, while in the other
half, it would be an old curse. If the Santana-tithi is one in the
light half, some issue is possible upto the 5th tithi; from the 6th
to the 10th, a good number of children; and from the 11th to the
full moon, more children would be born.
Adoption According to Tithi
If the Santdna-Tithi be the 7th, one's brother's son would be
taken in adoption. If it be the 8th, it is one of his own Gotra; if
the 9th tithi, two boys would be taken in adoption, and the
second one would be of good character. If it be the 10th lunar
day, one's sister's son would be adopted; and on the 11th day, it
would be a boy of another Gotra. On the 12th day, no child
could be adopted. Consequently the person's entire wealth would
be snatched away by his kinsmen.
Remedies for Tithis
Though the Rikta. lunar days and Visti Karana of the light
half are not helpful for issue, still for the 4th day Gana-Homa is
the remedy prescribed by sages of yore; for the 9th day, worship
of Mother Durga and for the 14th day, worship of Lord Rudra.
By following the above directions one could hope for success in
respect of issue. Should the santana-tithi be the full moon, one
could hope to be blessed with children by worshipping Lord
Viiju in His shrine and doing Japa of Purusa-Sukta, as well as
by the chanting of the three Yedas, and feeding Brahmanas on
Purnimd day, coupled with listening to the exposition of the
180 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
ancient Puranas (epics) which were recited by Suta for Saunaka
and other sages in the Naimisa forest in ancient days.
By these means one could hope to get success.
The following chart gives remedies to be undertaken for the
different lunar days of the dark fortnight:
Tithis Mode of Tithis Mode of Tithis Mode of
of Propi- Propi- Propi-
Dark tiation tiation tiation
1 Worship of 3 Worship of 5 Worship of
Gopalakj^na Mother one's Istaby
Santana- Durga devata
2 Taking Pahca- 4 Performing 6
gavya Ghrta Gana-Homa
sanctified by with Atfa-
Gopala Dravya
7 Worship of 10 Performance 13 Arranging
Hari and of Gana Special Festi-
Hara Havana vals in temples
8 Worship of 11 Ksetra Sraddha 14 Ksetraserpents
or Pin^a offer- Sraddha and
ings to the worshipping
manes in a Brahmapas
sacred place
Worship of
Lord Subrahmapya
9 Feeding a
12 Worship and
feeding of
12 Brahmanas
on Sravana star
15 Performing
Astakd, Pdrvana
and Tila-
Homa etc.
Progeny 181
As Jupiter plays a very important role in the sphere of issue,
fortune, merit of previous life, his Santana-sphuta is made use
for discussing the topic of issue. Proceed thus for getting it: Add
the longitude of Yama-Karitaka (Jupiter's satellite) to that of the
ascendant at query. Multiply the sum by 5. This product is termed
Smtana-Jlva (Jupiter). If this has all the following dosaa
(afflictions), there will be some chance ofgetting issue with much
difficulty, after performing propitiatory rites and observing
strenuous vows:
(1) Venus aspecting the Navdrhsa sign of the Santana-Jiva. (2)
The ArhSa sign belonging to Venus and being occupied by Venus.
(3) The Lord ofthe Navdrhsa being posited in one of the stars
ruled by Venus (according to Vimsottart-dasd system) viz. Bharant
P. Phalgml and P. A$adhd. These Yogas or afflictions suggest
remarriage for the concerned man. (4) Next find out the
longitude of Santdna-Sukra by multiplying Venus's longitude by
5. (5) Now see if there is any connection between these two
Santdna-sphutas (Note: Sambandha is offive kinds) in respect of
their Aihas etc. If the answer be in the affirmative, the man
would have as many marriages as the number of planets that are
posited in the 7th house from the Santam-Sukra. (6) In case the
Aih&a-sign is stronger than the one occupied by Santana-Venus,
the first wife would not bear him any issue; but the second one
would be successful in bearing children. (7) On the other hand,
if the Santdna- Venus sign be stronger than its Arhsa, the man
would, after marrying a second wife, beget children by the
first wife herself. (8) If the Arhsa of Santdna-Stlkra belongs
to a eunuch planet (Mercury or Saturn), and is occupied or
aspected by a eunuch, one would beget children by the third
1. Santana Yoga-Sphuta
Add the longitudes of Yamakattfaka and the Santdna-Jtva.
The result is known as Santdna Yoga-Sphuta. This is made use
ji of in ascertaining the number of children. If this shows more
; than 5 degrees, there would be only one son; if it be more than
1 10, two sons; if more than 15, three sons; if more than 20,
182 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
four; if more than 25, five; and if 30th degree, six children. If
in this Yoga-Sphuta there be three Vargas(Hora, decanate etc.) belonging
to Jupiter, more than six children could be expected;
and if the Vargas of Jupiter be more, still more children could be
(2) Ifthe lord of the decanate of the Santana Yoga-Sphuta be
debilitated or in an inimical sign, and has just come within the
5th degree, and the Yoga-Sphuta too has advanced only so far,
the first son is likely to perish; if the Sphuta has advanced within
10, the second child is likely to die, if it be within 15, the third
son dies; for 20, the fourth son, for 25, the fifth son; and for
thirty degrees, the sixth child may quit the world. In addition to
this, the astrologer must need note if the Yoga-sphuta is in
Taurus, Leo, Virgo or Scorpio. If that be so, there would be no
issue at all.
(3) The three of the vargas (Rdsi, Navamsa and Drekkdna) of
the above-named Yoga-sphuta be connected with eunuch planets,
twins would be born, but their survival and death depend
on the strength and weakness respectively of the planets
Datta-Sphuta Effects
Add the longitudes of Mercury, Saturn and the lord of 5th
house, and multiply the sum by five. The product will represent
Datta-sphuta or adoption longitude. If this be a diurnal sign,
and its Ama, a Nocturnal sign with malefic association or aspect,
a son by adoption is indicated. On the contrary, i.e. the
sign and Amsa be nocturnal and diurnal respectively, there
would be no chance even for an adopted son. If this Datta-
Sphuta suffers from all the afflictions mentioned above (see pp.
183-85), one could not hope for even an adopted son.
Yoga for Issue
If Jupiter and Mdndi be posited in the first six signs from
Aries, identical with trines to the longitude of Santdna-Jiva, they
would promote chances of getting children. The same result
would ensue, if they be in the six signs from Libra, identical with
Progeny 183
trines to the Navam&a of the above Santana-Jiva. The sex of
children should be read from the sum of the longitudes of Yamakantaka
and Mandl. If this sum be an odd or even sign, it does
not matter; but if its AmSa be odd, the child would be male; if
even female.
Santana Trisphuta
Here the lunar sign of the child to be born is explained. Add
the figures of (1) Santana-Jiva, (2) Yamakantaka, and (3) Santana-
Mandf. Multiply the sum by 81 and reduce the result into
signs, degrees and minutes. Find out the star of this. When the
Moon transits one of the three following signs, child-birth
would take place: (1) The star of the final result; (2) a Rasi trine
to the Trisphuta, and (3) the Rasi that happens to be the Amsaka
of the star of this Trisphuta.
S. Stars Trees Botanical According Botanical
No. Names to others Names
1 Asvini Karaskara Strychnos Honge
nuxvomica (Kan.)
2 Bharani Dhatrl Emblica
3 Kfttika Udumbara Ficus race-
Indian fig. mosa
4 Rohini Jambu Eugenia Nirma
jambos vu
5 Mrgasi- Khadira Acacia
ras catechu
184 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
S. Stars
Botanical According Botanical
Names to others Names
6 Ardrd Patala
7 Punar- Bamboo
8 Pusya Asvattha
9 Asle?a Naga
10 Maghd Nyagrodha
11 Purva- Palasa
12 U. Guava
Phalgu Amrud
13 Hasta Amba
14 Citrd Bilva
15 Svdti Challangai
Stereo- White
spermum Matti or
suaveo- Maruva
Ficus reli-
Ficus Haritaki
Butea Flame of
monos- the forest
Spondi- Bile
as mangi tree
Aegle Wood
marmelas apple
Terminalia Sle$mataka
Progeny 185
S. Stars Trees Botanical According Botanical
No. Names to others Names
16 Visdkha Ankola Alangium
Vikankata Gymnosporia
17 Anurddhd Bakula Mimusops
18 Jyesthd Sarala Cedrusdeodara
19 Mula Candana Santalum

20 Purva Jambu Eugenia Black

Asddhd jambolama plum
21 U. Panasa Artocarpus Jack Artocar-
Asddhd integrifolia pus heterophyllus
22 Sravana Arka Calotropis

23 Dhanis- iSami Prosopis < Acacia
{hd spicigera spicigera
24 Satabhi- Kadamba Anthpce- Anthocesak
25 Pwrva Cuta Mangifera Nimba Azadira-
Bhddra Mango indica Neem chta
26 Uttard Nimba Azadira- Cuta Mangifera
Bhddra Neem chta
Mango indica
27 Revati Madhuka Bassia Indian
Ippe (Kan) latifolia butter
. tree
186 Essentials ofHorary Astrology
The following chart gives the Trees assigned to the twelve
signs of the Zodiac beginning with Aries.
S. Signs Trees Botanical According Botanical
No. Names' to others Names
1 Aries Red (Red Sand-
Candana ers) Pterocarpus
2 Taurus Udumbara Ficus Durva Cynodon
glomerata dactylon
3 Gemini Panasa Artocarpus Apamarga Achyran-
Jack integrifolia thes aspera
4 Cancer Palasa Butea
5 Leo Camphor Cinnamo- >
Tree mum Camphora
6 Virgo Mango Mangifera
7 Libra Bakula Memusops White
elengi Nityapuspa
8 Scorpio Khadira Acacia RedNitya-
Catechu pupa
9 Sagitta- Asvattha Ficus
rius religiosa
10 Capri- Rose-wood Dalbergia <
corn latifolia
11 Aquarius Sami Prosopis
12 Pisces Nagakesara Mesua ferrea

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