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2008 - Autism and Asperger Syndrome - Frith PDF

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Is Asperger syndrome a syndrome in its own right or is it a form of autism?

from the syndrome are like autistic individuals in that they show the same kind of
impairments from early childhood; yet they are unlike them in being far more
verbally articulate and socially adapted. They can be highly intelligent and remini-
scent of eccentrics with their unusual interests, special skills and unworldliness.
In this volume several of the major experts in the field discuss the diagnostic
criteria of the syndrome, named after Hans Asperger who first described the
condition in the 1940s, and illustrate their views with case studies drawn from their
clinical practice. These clinical studies are complemented by personal accounts and
placed in a new theoretical framework. Significantly, Uta Frith provides the first
English translation of Asperger's paper: his work has long been neglected, but his
insights reflect a very modern awareness of the broad continuum of autistic
disorders. They also provide surprisingly practical suggestions on the education and
management of autistic children.
Current opinion on Asperger syndrome and its relationship to autism is fraught
with disagreement and hampered by ignorance. This book gives the first coherent
account of Asperger syndrome as a distinct variant of autism and will undoubtedly
arouse a good deal of debate.
Autism and Asperger syndrome
Hans Asperger. From the collection of Dr Maria Asperger-Felder
Autism and
Asperger syndrome
Edited by Uta Frith
MRC Cognitive Development Unit,

CAMBRIDGE u n i v e r s i t y p r e s s
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 8RU, UK
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Information on this title:www.cambridge.org/9780521386081

Cambridge University Press 1991

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First published 1991

Nineteenth printing 2008

Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge

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ISBN 978-0-521-38608-1 paperback

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List of illustrations pageix

Acknowledgements x

1 Asperger and his syndrome

Uta Frith
MRC Cognitive Development Unit, London I

2 'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood

Hans Asperger
Translated and annotated by Uta Frith 37

3 The relationship between Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism

Lorna Wing
MRC Social Psychiatry Unit and Diagnostic and Assessment Unit, National Autistic
Society, London 93

4 Clinical and neurobiological aspects of Asperger syndrome in

six family studies
Christopher Gillberg
Department of Youth and Child Psychiatry, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 122

5 Asperger syndrome in adulthood

Digby Tantam
Department of Psychology and School of Postgraduate Medical Education,
University of Warwick 14 7

6 Living with Asperger's syndrome

Margaret Dewey
Ann Arbor, Michigan 184

viii Contents

7 The autobiographical writings of three Asperger syndrome adults:

problems of interpretation and implications for theory
Francesca G. E. Happe
MRC Cognitive Development Unit, London 207

Name index 243

Subject index 245

Hans Asperger frontispiece

i. i Work in the University Paediatric Clinic, Vienna page 8
4.1 Family 1 125
4.2 Family 2 128
4.3 Family 3 131
4.4 Family 4 133
4.5 Family 5 136
4.6 Family 6 138
5.1 Retrospectively reported developmental anomalies 165
5.2 Schizoid and express scores of individual subjects 174
7.1 The relations between thoughts and utterances 235


I would like to thank the contributors to this volume for the enthusiasm and
forbearance they have shown towards this project. I am particularly
indebted to Lorna Wing for allowing me to use and quote her own case
reports, and for tutoring me on the many varieties of the developmental
progress of autistic individuals. She was the instigator of the translation of
Asperger's 1944 paper, recognising its importance and topicality long
before anyone else. Christopher Gillberg and Digby Tantam who them-
selves have done much to increase awareness and knowledge of Asperger
Syndrome have also been instrumental in the origin of this book. To
Francesca Happe I am much indebted for stimulating discussions of the
theoretical issues and for her vital help in clarifying thoughts and words. My
writing has benefited immeasurably from Margaret Dewey's magic touch.
Dr Maria Asperger-Felder graciously provided materials pertaining to her
father as well as vivid biographical information. I am thankful also to Judith
Ayling for her careful reading of the translation and expert help in keeping
the text faithful to the original yet readable in English. Jacqueline Harvey's
meticulous copy editing has prevented innumerable infelicities and inconsis-
tencies. John Morton, who has been a constant provider of intellectual and
material support, is owed an enormous debt of gratitude. My deepest
thanks go to Chris Frith who read every line of innumerable drafts and
persuaded me that this volume preliminary as it is in the future history of
Asperger syndrome - must now meet the critical eye of its readers.
Chapter 2, '"Autistic psychopathy" in childhood' by Hans Asperger, was
first published as 'Die autistischen Psychopathen im Kindesalter' in 1944 in
the journal Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankenheiten, 117, 76136.
It was reprinted in Heilpadagogik (Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1952, latest
edition 1968). We acknowledge the permission of Springer-Verlag, to print
this translation of Asperger's article.
Asperger and his syndrome

Asperger's pioneering paper published in 1944 is part of the classic

literature of child psychiatry, and a landmark in the development of the
concept of autism. So far it has been accessible only to the German reader.
While Kanner's original paper on autism, published in 1943, has become
extremely well known, Asperger's has been strangely ignored. The neglect in
turn has led people to believe that Asperger did not merit their attention.
Nevertheless, the terms Asperger syndrome and Asperger's syndrome1 are
fast becoming used to describe certain patients who have never been easy to
classify but who seem to constitute a recognisable type of autistic individual.
In the last ten years there has been an increasing interest in Hans Asperger
and his syndrome.z This volume makes a start in answering some of the
questions that are now being asked. It contains a translation of Asperger's
1944 paper, and in addition, presents reviews of current concepts of autism.
These reviews suggest that the time has come to differentiate various forms
of autism. As the contributors to this volume contend, one of these forms is
justifiably called Asperger's syndrome. Supporting the argument are a
number of case histories. At this stage it is largely through detailed case
studies that we can begin to understand the syndrome. Just as one comes to
recognize a Mondrian painting by looking at other Mondrians, one can
learn to recognise a patient with Asperger syndrome by looking at cases
described by Asperger and other clinicians.

Both terms are widely used. There seems to me no virtue in being dogmatic about the letter
5, and for this reason Asperger syndrome and Asperger's syndrome appear in this volume.
Wing's (1981) paper was instrumental in kindling interest in Asperger syndrome; Tantam
(1988), Gillberg (1990) and Green (1990) provided annotations; diagnostic manuals
(World Health Organization, 1990) and textbooks (for example, Rutter and Hersov, 1985)
began to define the category, and systematic studies are now appearing (for example,
Schopler and Mesibov, in press).
2 Uta Frith

Should autism and Asperger syndrome be seen as distinct and mutually

exclusive diagnostic categories, or should Asperger syndrome be seen as a
subcategory of autism? This question cannot yet be answered definitively
from existing scientific data. In this volume the subcategory view has been
adopted which, in the absence of compelling evidence to the contrary,
presents the parsimonious option. The terms autism and Asperger syndrome
are therefore not treated as mutually exclusive. We propose that the
Asperger individual suffers from a particular form of autism. This form does
not seem to be particularly rare.3

The developmental diversity of autism

To understand why and in what sense Asperger syndrome can be claimed to
be a type of autism, it is useful to start with a general picture of autism as it
unfolds in development.4 This is not the place for detailed evidence. Instead,
a number of simplified statements must suffice to summarise the prevailing
clinical and scientific opinion. Autism is due to a specific brain abnormality.
The origin of the abnormality can be any one of three general causes:
genetic fault, brain insult or brain disease. Autism is a developmental
disorder, and therefore its behavioural manifestations vary with age and
ability. Its core features, present in different forms, at all stages of
development and at all levels of ability, are impairments in socialisation,
communication and imagination.
The first year of life of the autistic child is still shrouded in mystery.5 It is
as yet unknown if at this early stage behavioural abnormalities can be
picked up that are truly specific to autism. This is not to say that no
abnormalities whatever can be observed or will not be found in the future.
The problem is to know whether they are specific or non-specific. General
developmental delay is often associated with autism but is also present in
mentally handicapped children who are not autistic. One of the first signs
that is specific to autism is a lack of pointing and looking to share interest
and attention with another person. If a child is very delayed in all respects,
however, then absence of such behaviour would not be a specific sign. In
non-autistic children with developmental delay the phenomenon of shared
attention would also be expected to make a delayed appearance. It is
therefore very difficult to make a secure diagnosis of autism before the age
of two or three years.
The pre-school years, often stormy in normal development, frequently
' Gillberg and Gillberg (1989) estimate the prevalence of Asperger syndrome in the
population of Swedish schoolchildren as between 10 and 26 per 10,000. If confirmed, this
proportion is twice as high as for more classic types of autism (4 to 10 in 10,000).
This brief sketch is based on the more detailed account in Frith (1989a).
A recent study (Losche, 1990), based on home movies, suggests that the timing and
sequence of developmental gains differs between normal and autistic children only from the
second year of life.
Asperger and bis syndrome 3

mark the phase of most troublesome difficulties for autistic children and
their families. At this stage autism produces a highly recognisable pattern of
behaviours, even though there is an enormous amount of individual
variation. All sorts of behaviour problems can worry parents at this time. In
almost all cases language learning is delayed, and in some cases language is
never acquired at all. Most young autistic children do not seem to
comprehend what others are saying to them or, indeed, what is going on
around them. Deafness is often suspected but ruled out. Social interaction is
severely limited. Imaginative pretend play is noticeably absent. The children
are often fixated on simple activities, and may inadvertently tyrannise their
family by intolerance of any change in routine. It has often been stated that
young autistic children behave as if other people did not exist. Again there
are degrees, but, taken with a grain of salt, this description sums up their
behaviour quite well.
Developmental changes which are rightly experienced as improvements
are often a marked feature between the ages of five and ten. From here the
paths begin to diverge to such an extent that the idea of subtypes cannot be
ignored.6 Progress will be very different for the autistic child who speaks
fluently and the child who has little or no language. Progress will also be
different for the child who shows evidence of ability in some areas and the
child who suffers from such pervasive brain damage that all his or her
intellectual abilities are impaired.7 Language and general intellectual ability
tend to go hand in hand, but there are exceptions. These exceptions are not
addressed in this volume, but deserve to be studied in their own right.
How should we tackle the question of subgroups? It may not be through a
distinctive pattern of signs and symptoms at a particular moment in time,
but rather through differences in developmental progress that we will be
able to discern variants of autism. In this volume we focus on those autistic
children who make good progress and are not crippled by multiple and
severe learning disabilities. How do they diverge from other autistic
children? Perhaps the main feature of children for whom we propose the
label Asperger syndrome is that they tend to speak fluently by the time they
are five, even if their language development was slow to begin with, and
even if their language is noticeably odd in its use for communication. Some
of these children show dramatic improvements despite having had severe
autistic symptoms as toddlers.8 As they grow older they often become quite
interested in other people and thus belie the stereotype of the aloof and
withdrawn autistic child. Nevertheless, they remain socially inept in their
Problems in diagnostic classification when the whole range of ability and course of
development are taken into account are discussed by Cohen, Paul and Volkmar (1987).
Rees and Taylor (1975), as well as Bartak and Rutter (1976), drew attention to differences
in developmental progress in autistic children with and without additional mental
Rapid improvement in bright autistic children's social and communicative behaviour just
before the age of five was found in a questionnaire-based study by Shah (1988).
4 Uta Frith

approaches and interactions. By adolescence many will vaguely realise that

they are different from their peers and that there is a whole sphere of
personal relationships from which they are excluded.9 They may learn many
facts about the world, but their knowledge seems to remain curiously
fragmented. They somehow fail to put their experience and knowledge
together to derive useful meaning from these often unconnected bits of
information.10 Like other autistic individuals, they tend to show a highly
typical pattern of performance on IQ tests, but unlike them, they usually
score in the average range of intelligence.11 It is a frequent complaint of
parents, however, that their children, despite sometimes high academic
abilities, lack common sense.
As adults Asperger syndrome individuals can become, superficially at
least, well adapted and some are exceptionally successful. On the whole
they tend to remain supremely egocentric and isolated.IZ They do not seem
to possess the knack of entering and maintaining intimate two-way personal
relationships, whereas routine social interactions are well within their grasp.
Because of their idiosyncrasies, their egocentric bluntness and fragility, they
find it difficult to live and work with others and may require psychiatric
help. This is despite the fact that they may be intellectually able and often
have special skills and talents. In line with these skills they tend to be
preoccupied with some fanatically pursued interest, and in favourable
circumstances they can achieve satisfaction and success. Adults with
Asperger syndrome bear no physical resemblance to each other, but often
appear gauche in the way they move and almost always sound odd in the
way they speak. They seldom enter the natural flow of small-talk, and their
use of language and gesture is often stilted. Even those individuals who are
This observation was made by Kanner (1971) in his follow-up study of the eleven children
he had described in 1943.
Frith (1989a) attempted to sketch out the preliminary theory that one deep underlying
cognitive deficit in autism has to do with a lack of coherence. In other words, autistic people
lack the drive to pull information together into overall meaning. This theory addresses itself
to the peculiarly fragmented pattern of abilities, the fragmented sensory experiences and the
stereotypic repetition of fragments of behaviour. All these phenomena are associated with
autistic spectrum disorders, and are particularly conspicuous in Asperger syndrome.
Elisabeth Wurst (1976), a member of Asperger's team in Vienna, studied the performance
on Wechsler IQ tests of fifteen seven- to eight-year-old children with Asperger syndrome
diagnosed by Asperger himself. She found peaks on information and block design subtests,
but troughs on comprehension and picture arrangement. This pattern of abilities is very
similar to that shown in other studies with able autistic children (for example, Rutter and
Lockyer, 1969; Lockyer and Rutter, 1970; Rumsey and Hamburger, 1988). The IQ level of
the Asperger syndrome sample was average or above, while a comparison sample of what in
this study were termed Kanner autists scored in the range of moderate to mild mental
- Volkmar (1987) reviews research on the social development of autistic individuals in
general, and Sparrow et al. (1986) report on the social adaptive functioning of a very able
group. It is possible that there are many undiagnosed individuals who would be recognised
as having Asperger syndrome but who are doing so well that they never come to the
attention of clinicians. How to distinguish such people from the normally shy is, of course,
a very difficult question.
Asperger and his syndrome 5

very able intellectually and have coped well with their handicap will strike
one as strange. This strangeness may be perceived as anything from chilling
cold-bloodedness to endearingly old-fashioned pedantry. 13
Within this very brief and general outline of typical Asperger syndrome
individuals there is much variation. Some show extreme behaviour diffi-
culties, others are gentle and easy to manage. Some suffer from specific
learning disabilities and do badly at school, others do very well academi-
cally and have university degrees. Some may find a niche in society and lead
a reasonably contented life, but others become outcasts or remain misfits.
For all their strangeness, people with Asperger syndrome seldom find the
help and sympathy they deserve and need. As we shall see, theirs is a
devastating handicap.
So far, Asperger syndrome is the first plausible variant to crystallise from
the autism spectrum. 14 No doubt other variants will follow. In this volume
we address the question of how best to characterise the syndrome from our
present state of knowledge. A good starting point is to find out more about
Asperger and to see how his ideas differed from those of Kanner.

Names and labels

Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner were both born in Austria and trained in
Vienna, but they never met each other. 15 Kanner, born in 1896, emigrated
to the United States in 1924 where he became head of the Johns Hopkins
clinic at Baltimore. With his textbook on child psychiatry he became the
founder of a new discipline, but his greatest fame came from his discovery of
autism. In 1943 Kanner introduced the label early infantile autism for a type
of disorder hitherto unrecognised as a clinical entity, although it is possible
to find earlier case descriptions. These early descriptions had failed to leave
their mark because nobody pointed out their significance or gave them a
name. After Kanner, every major clinic immediately found cases which
fitted the category of early infantile autism.
Asperger, ten years younger than Kanner, pursued a career in general
medicine with a view to specialising in paediatrics. He was attracted by the
approach of remedial pedagogy, which had been practised with difficult
children from about 1918 at the University Paediatric Clinic in Vienna, and

This brief generalised description roughly distils Asperger's clinical description of the
syndrome in its mature form. It also corresponds to descriptions of adults given by many
other authors (for example, Wing, 1989). It also fits in with descriptions of less
well-adapted cases as, for instance, in Tantam's (1986) study of a sample of adult
psychiatric patients, subsequently diagnosed as suffering from Asperger syndrome, whose
main characteristics were unusual interests, impaired non-verbal communication and
clumsiness. This study is discussed by Tantam in chapter 5.
Different forms of autism, seen as part of a spectrum of autistic disorders, have been
described by Wing and Attwood (1987).
A sympathetic appraisal of both men has been provided by Lutz (1981).
6 Uta Frith

joined the staff of this clinic, where he worked on his Habilitation, that is,
his second doctoral thesis. The topic of his thesis was what he called autistic
psychopathy and what we would call autism. He submitted his thesis in
1943 a n d it w a s published in 1944. It is this paper which appears in
translation in chapter 2.
By a remarkable coincidence, Asperger and Kanner independently
described exactly the same type of disturbed child to whom nobody had
paid much attention before and both used the label autistic.16 They were
pioneers in recognising that autism is a major developmental disorder and
not merely a rare and interesting childhood affliction. From the start
Asperger had an idea of what these children would be like as adults. He was
interested in the subtle, and possibly milder, manifestations of autism in
more able children. Nevertheless, he also emphasised that autism could be
seen throughout the whole range of ability and that it produced a
particularly striking picture when accompanied by mental retardation.
At the time of Asperger's and Kanner's pioneering studies a concern with
subgroups would have seemed remote. Both men were intent on one aim, to
convince colleagues that there was a previously unidentified entity, a highly
recognisable disorder, which was present from early childhood and per-
sisted for many years. It is only now, after autism has become almost a
household term, that refinement into subgroups begins to make sense. Just
where the category boundaries for such subgroups should be drawn is a
difficult question, and readjustments from time to time are to be expected.
The present volume is afirststep in this process.
I wish to express the hope that the translation of Asperger's paper will not
be used as a means for a false othodoxy. It contains some startling insights
which are still new to many. It also reveals some misconceptions that have
crept into secondary sources. Nevertheless, we cannot extract from this
paper a definitive view of Asperger syndrome, or of autism for that matter.
In the first description of a few cases of a puzzling clinical entity of unknown
aetiology it cannot be presumed that all the essential features and only the
essential features will at once be identified. After all, such a description
hinges on the happenstance of individual cases that come to the clinic. The
task of identifying the core symptoms of autism has taken many decades,
and a definitive answer will be reached only when we have full knowledge of
the biological origins and their effects on brain development. It will
undoubtedly be some years before Asperger syndrome is fully defined and
recognised. We shall now take a closer look at Asperger and his back-
ground, and then briefly compare Kanner's and Asperger's first thoughts on
This label, first used by Eugen Bleuler to describe the schizophrenic patient's loss of contact
with the world around him, was chosen presumably because detachment from the social
world strongly characterised the special children Kanner and Asperger were studying. An
English translation of Bleuler's textbook of psychiatry (1916) appeared in 1951.
Asperger and his syndrome 7

The man behind the syndrome

To understand Hans Asperger (1906-80) it is necessary to understand the
idea of Heilpadagogik or remedial pedagogy. This approach to the treat-
ment of disturbed children must not be confused with that form of remedial
education which is entirely anchored within education and outside medi-
cine. Instead, it is a seemingly intuitive synthesis of medical and educational
practice applied by inspired doctors, nurses, teachers and therapists in a
team effort. The children who in Asperger's view most urgently needed such
treatment and could most benefit from it were children who suffered from
what he called autistic psychopathy. Asperger believed that these children
suffered from an inherited personality disorder which made them trouble-
some but also fascinating. He set out to prove that they constituted a real
type a recognisable clinical entity with specific and persistent handicaps.
He was sure that despite their difficulties the children were capable of
adaptation provided there was appropriate educational guidance.17
Asperger clearly cared about these children, who in most people's eyes
were simply obnoxious brats. They were very unchildlike children. They did
not fit in anywhere and were troublesome because they lacked any respect
for authority. They made their parents' lives miserable and drove their
teachers to despair. So unappealing were these strange boys that other
children and adults were drawn to ridicule them. That a young doctor was
captivated by these difficult children was a small miracle. Asperger appre-
ciated their many surprising positive features while fully recognising their
negative ones. He admired their independent thinking and capacity for
special achievements, but also candidly documented their learning problems
and seemingly spiteful and malicious behaviour.
Why did Asperger become the champion of these misfits and how did he
approach the task of explaining their problems? Indirectly, we may find an
answer through a lecture he gave to commemorate his predecessor as head
and founder (in 1918) of the University Paediatric Clinic, Erwin Lazar.18
Asperger spelt out three pairs of paradoxical virtues that he admired in
Lazar: first, there was the mixture of tolerant humanity and deep scepticism
that, he claimed, marks the genuine Viennese; secondly, there was the
mixture of scientific thinking and love of the arts; and thirdly, there was the
combination of razor-sharp scientific formulation and popular expression.
Each of these virtues seems to apply to Asperger himself. Equally apposite
seems Asperger's characterisation of Lazar's 'unsentimental, apparently
cool, but in reality deeply empathic contributions'. Lazar, moved by the
Examples of practical hints for the education of individuals with Asperger syndrome can be
found in chapter 6. These hints are very similar to techniques advocated by remedial
pedagogy. Examples are also given in Asperger's original paper (chapter 2) and in his
textbook Heilpadagogik (1952).
This lecture was published in 1962.
Uta Frith

Fig. i . i Work in the University Paediatric Clinic, Vienna: Hans Asperger

and his team testing children. Asperger is second from left. From the
collection of Dr Maria Asperger-Felder

plight of neglected and deprived children following the First World War,
was involved in voluntary organisations that ran homes and day centres in
Vienna and provided help with forensic problems for children and adoles-
cents. His compassion and commitment to this work were no doubt an
inspiration to all who worked at the clinic.
Asperger frequently acknowledged his debt to the work of his predeces-
sors and colleagues at the university clinic. The special and novel feature of
the remediation practised at this clinic was its biological basis. This meant
that the design of any programme began with the identification of organi-
cally caused limitations or deficits of individual children. After the handicap
was identified, the children would be treated sympathetically. Education
and therapy were the same thing. It is fascinating to read of the development
of this work. To begin with, the remedial ward was like any other clinical
ward. As in the hospital's other wards, the children lay in neat little rows of
beds, and twice daily there was a ward-round. They were treated as sick
children who needed to be made well again. As the team's experience grew,
their ethos changed. Soon the children were out of bed during the day and
played and worked in a busy round of activities. Now the aim was to give
handicapped (rather than sick) children as positive an education as possible.
In 1926 the ward moved to the beautiful purpose-built Widerhofer Pavilion,
with its airy rooms, architect-designed furniture and artistic wall friezes.
The daily programme of play and lessons was led by a remarkable
woman, Sister Viktorine Zak. Asperger called her a genius. Her intuitive
diagnostic skills and therapeutic effects as a teacher were legendary. One of
Asperger and his syndrome 9

Asperger's formative experiences, he reports, was witnessing Sister Vikto-

rine calm a panic-stricken toddler in the midst of a destructive tantrum.
Sister Viktorine's programme started daily with a PE lesson, using rhythm
and music. There were organised dramatic enactments of events or of songs.
There were also proper school lessons and speech therapy. The pervading
ethos was that the clinic's work should be governed by the wish to
understand and help children. Tragically, Sister Viktorine was killed when
the ward was destroyed by bombs in 1944.
The team were keen to use psychological tests, but the qualitative
assessment of performance was considered more important than the
quantitative. Early on, Lazar had experimented with psychoanalysis and
employed one of the first child analysts. However, he finally rejected the
methods as unsuitable for children. With psychoanalysis flourishing in
Vienna at the time, it is surprising to find little sign of the influence of the
ideas of Freud or other analysts on Asperger's ideas on autism. At most, one
can find an acerbic remark about possible psychodynamic factors; for
instance, Asperger's paper mentions Adler's ideas on severe psychological
problems that arise from being an only child in the family, but dismisses
them as a possible cause of autism. This was not because he did not think
that autistic children often were only children, in fact, he mistakenly
believed that this was frequently the case. Turning the psychodynamic
proposition on its head, he thought that it was the parents' own autistic
pathology that made them produce only one child. He was convinced that
autism ran in families and never wavered from the assumption that organic
or constitutional factors were the causal roots of autistic children's prob-
lems. It is no coincidence that the remedial ward was situated within
paediatric medicine and not psychiatry. For this reason he also tended to be
sympathetic to the parents who, as he said, often understood their autistic
child very well and did their best to bring him up.
Lazar died suddenly in 1932. His successor, Hamburger, who was
interested in the unconscious affective life of children, carried on the
tradition of remedial pedagogy at a time when Asperger was preparing for
his Habilitation. The idea of a deep affective disturbance at a biological level
of drives and instincts strongly influenced Asperger's conception of autism.
It is interesting to note that the core team of doctors, nurses and teachers
met at each other's homes for dinner once a week to talk about their cases
informally. More than likely, the characteristic features of autistic children
were debated on these occasions. Thus, the roots of the concept of autistic
psychopathy originated in the vision and work of an extraordinary group of
people during one of the darkest times in European history.
Asperger's private life was uneventful. He was married with four
children. He was a quiet, reticent man, steeped in the humanist tradition,
with an extensive knowledge of classics, history, art and literature. He
enjoyed giving tutorials in all school subjects to the children on the ward,
io Uta Frith

and regularly accompanied groups of them on summer camps. Such camps

were important to him because of his own schoolboy experiences of youth
groups and camps run by enthusiasts of the Jugendbewegung.19 The
romantic ideology of such groups was comparable to that of the Boy Scouts,
and the freedom of outdoor life represented a vivid contrast to the then stern
discipline of school. Asperger spoke of these early influences as decisive,
citing them to explain what had first interested him in the children who
could never join in with the gang and would panic when forced to
participate in a group. Far from despising the misfits, he devoted himself to
their cause - and this at a time when allegiance to misfits was nothing less
than dangerous.
After the war, Asperger was appointed to the Chair of Paediatrics at the
University of Vienna which he held for twenty years. Large crowds of
students always attended lectures, and his influence on many generations of
them was significant. He received national and international recognition
and obtained major academic distinctions. He died suddenly in 1980 while
still actively engaged in clinical work.

Asperger versus Kanner

There is a great deal of overlap between Asperger's and Kanner's views of
autism (see chapter 3 for Wing's discussion of the similarities and differ-
ences). Both recognised as prominent features in autism the poverty of social
interaction and the failure of communication; highlighted stereotypic
behaviour, isolated special interests, outstanding skills and resistance to
change; insisted on a clear separation from childhood schizophrenia; and
observed the attractive appearance (although Asperger emphasised odd
aspects of appearance as well) and similarities in children's and parents'
behaviour. On all the major features of autism Kanner and Asperger are in
In their original papers some important observations were made by one
but not the other. Kanner first described language peculiarities, such as
echolalia, pronoun reversal and difficulties in generalising word meanings.
The children Asperger first described, apparently, did not show these
features, but had clever-sounding language, invented words and generally
spoke more like grown-ups than children; these comments suggest that
there was something not quite right in the way they used language.
Asperger, on the other hand, was the first to report oddities of non-verbal
communication: eye gaze, gestures, posture, voice quality, prosody and
word choice. He highlighted lack of humour and pedantry. Influenced by
Asperger provided this information in a talk given in 1977 at Fribourg, Switzerland and
translated into English in 1979. This publication has long been the only primary source
accessible to English speakers. Unfortunately, his reference to the Jugendbewegung has
occasionally been wrongly interpreted as an allegiance to Nazi ideology.
Asperger and his syndrome 11

Ludwig Klages' (1936) then popular science of expression, he considered

these phenomena to be of fundamental importance in the clinical picture of
In his original paper Asperger reported examples of obsessive collecting
of meaningless sets of objects which has since become recognised as a
prototypical feature of autism. He also claimed that there could be severe
homesickness and strong attachment to selected people, observations which
have not always been endorsed by others. Asperger was keen to stress the
possibility of social adaptation and academic achievement in those of his
cases whom he presented as highly original thinkers. Like Kanner he may
have been inclined to overestimate their intellectual abilities. Nevertheless,
he also believed that there were some serious attention deficits and specific
learning disabilities even in children with good intellectual skills.
The slight differences in the first two accounts of autism point to the
possibility that the prototype Kanner had in mind was younger with
delayed and markedly deviant language acquisition was, in short, a child
with a more blatant and severe communication disorder. There remain,
however, some contradictions which have so far hardly been formulated let
alone investigated. Kanner believed that only the relation to people was
disturbed and that the relation to objects was, if anything, superior to that
found in normal development. Consequently he commented on the dexter-
ity with which autistic children manipulated objects. Asperger, on the other
hand, believed that there was a disturbed relation not only to people but
also to objects. This for him explained the notable impracticality and
clumsiness of the autistic person as well as the social ineptness. These two
conjectures are interestingly different and amenable to being tackled by
experimental techniques.
Asperger's paper is relevant to the understanding of autism in all its
variants but may not serve as the ultimate yardstick for what will be called
Asperger syndrome in the future. As more clinical and epidemiological
studies are completed, different investigators will offer their own interpre-
tations. Such studies are reported by Lorna Wing in chapter 3, Christopher
Gillberg in chapter 4 and Digby Tantam in chapter 5.
Kanner's cases are so well known that they will always remain prototypes
for new similar cases. Children who do not talk or who parrot speech and
use strange idiosyncratic phrases, who line up toys in long rows, who are
oblivious to other people, who remember meaningless facts these will
rightly conjure up Leo Kanner's memory. Children and adults who are
Asperger reported having met Klages when he was studying at Leipzig in 1934 and being
much helped by his ideas. The history of a science of expression goes back a long way and
includes Charles Bell's (17741842) Anatomy and philosophy of expression (1806) and
Charles Darwin's work on the origin of the emotions (1872). Impairments in emotion
recognition and expression in autistic individuals have been investigated only relatively
recently (Hobson, 1986a, 1986b). Their relevance to Asperger syndrome is highlighted by
Tantam in chapter 5.
12 Uta Frith

socially inept but often socially interested, who are articulate yet strangely
ineloquent, who are gauche and impractical, who are specialists in unusual
fields - these will always evoke Hans Asperger's name.

Diagnostic categories and diagnostic signs

Our knowledge of Asperger syndrome is still patchy, but a consistent
picture is beginning to emerge. The developmental course of able, as well as
less able, autistic individuals from childhood to adulthood has been
traced.ZT Excellent progress is observable in at least some cases, whether
these have been labelled high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome. zz
We are also beginning to arrive at an understanding of problems that arise
even for very able autistic individuals in certain situations, and of aspects of
their behaviour that those around them find difficult to understand. This
knowledge should have benefits for management. On the other hand,
because the diagnostic classification is still in a fluid state, communication
between different centres is, unfortunately, much hampered. This volume
will have served its purpose if it provides a basis for discussion for future
developments of diagnostic procedures.
There is unanimity among the contributors to this volume. All agree on
the assumption that Asperger individuals belong to the autistic spectrum.
All believe that Asperger syndrome has in common with autism in general a
special type of communication failure and social ineptness. Nevertheless
they see Asperger syndrome individuals as distinct from other autistic
individuals, as better at communicating by virtue of their better language,
and as more likely to achieve successful adaptation. The differences that
have already been noticed and those that may yet come to light may suggest
that Asperger syndrome is a separate clinical entity, not merely a subgroup
of autism. Even within the subgroup view, there is disagreement; for
instance, some have argued that it is unnecessary and confusing to use the
label Asperger syndrome and that high-functioning autism or mild autism
would be preferable, while others suggest that both categories might be
useful. However, it is not yet clear where, and on what basis, the line

Bartak and Rutter (1976) compared progress in retarded and normally intelligent autistic
children, showing considerable differences between these groups. Newson, Dawson and
Everard (1982) conducted a questionnaire-based study in Britain on a sample of over ninety
very able people, most of them between sixteen and twenty-six years old. Discussions of
practical issues in the life-span development of autistic individuals of very different
capacities for adaptation can be found in Cohen, Donnellan and Paul (1987) and in the
series edited by Schopler and Mesibov (1983 onwards).
Szatmari et al. (1989), in a follow-up study of high-functioning autistic children, reported
some excellent and near-normal adaptation (four out of sixteen). On the other hand,
Rumsey, Rapoport and Sceery (1985) documented rather poor outcomes in able autistic
adults. Other cases of excellent adaptation have been described by Kanner, Rodriguez and
Ashenden (1972) and Brown (1978).
Asperger and his syndrome 13

between high-functioning autistic and Asperger syndrome individuals

should be drawn, if at all.Z3
There are also disputes on the drawing of boundaries between Asperger
syndrome and semantic-pragmatic disorder^ and other types of learning
disability/5 Others have argued that the concept of schizoid or schizotypal
personality would fit the clinical picture of Asperger syndrome/ 6 Relation-
ships to other developmental disorders, such as attention deficit disorder,
have also been pointed out. All these questions are addressed and discussed
from different points of view in the chapters by Wing, Gillberg and Tantam
on the basis of their own extensive clinical experience of autism and related
disorders. The authors, who have published key papers elsewhere, draw up
helpful guidelines and spell out their own diagnostic criteria. As Wing
points out in chapter 3, there are in fact great similarities between the sets of
criteria used by a wide range of clinicians.
In defining clinical categories two kinds of error are common: the
categories aimed at are too small and leave the majority of patients
unaccounted for, or they are too large and do not differentiate patients who,
in most clinicians' opinions, present different types of problems. In autistic
spectrum disorders the twin dangers are omnipresent, accounting for
pendulum swings between over-inclusion and ultra-specificity.
Diagnostic differentiation will eventually also have to take account of
certain similarities between Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia. It is
worth noting that the so-called negative signs of schizophrenia (poverty of
speech, poverty of ideas and flattening of affect) bear a striking resemblance
to the prevailing features of some types of autism in adulthood.2"7 Progress
in diagnostic classification depends on a better understanding of diagnostic
Examples of the first studies tackling the question of how to differentiate high-functioning
autism from Asperger syndrome can be found, for instance, in Gillberg (1989a); Szatmari,
Bartolucci and Bremner (1989); Szatmari et al. (1990); Kerbeshian, Burd and Fisher (1990);
and Ozonoff, Rogers and Pennington (in press). It has to be said, however, that these studies
suffer from the current lack of consensus concerning the diagnostic characteristics of the
groups compared. No study so far has avoided the danger of contrasting what may, in fact,
be overlapping groups. This may be why no useful unanimous conclusions have as yet
Bishop (1989) discusses possible differences between semantic-pragmatic language disor-
der, autism and Asperger syndrome.
A number of neuropsychological investigations, recently reviewed by Semrud-Clikeman and
Hynd (1990), have all identified a pattern of impairments in children which is suggestive of
right hemisphere involvement. These impairments prominently include social ineptness, and
the group so identified may well belong to the autistic spectrum.
The schizoid or schizotypal individual (or schizothymic in Kretschmer's (1925) termin-
ology) is usually described as unsociable, over-sensitive, cold (lacking in affectionate
resonance), stubborn and pedantic. Wolff and Barlow (1979) and Wolff and Chick (1980)
used the labels schizoid personality and Asperger syndrome interchangeably. Nagy and
Szatmari (1986) came to the conclusion that patients with schizotypal personality disorder
could also be diagnosed as suffering from mild autism. Many clinicians, however, prefer not
to collapse the categories (Tantam, 1988b, 1988c).
Frith and Frith (in press) discuss the relationship between autism and schizophrenia and
suggest that there is a hidden similarity in the underlying cognitive deficit.
14 Uta Frith

signs. One behavioural sign especially in need of clarification concerns the

much reported clumsiness of Asperger people. It is tantalising not to know
whether their gaucheness is in fact a motor co-ordination problem, or will
turn out to be a problem not so much with movements as with the use of
movements. It is also not yet clear if clumsiness can act as an important
discriminating diagnostic sign of Asperger syndrome as opposed to other
variants of autism.
Stereotypic behaviour remains a puzzle. In times of stress, able autistic
individuals are just as likely to show stereotypic movements as less able
ones. Those who have more social awareness, however, learn to suppress
stereotypic movements more successfully/8
The odd interests of Asperger people are a largely unexplored feature.
Their special interest is often their sole topic of conversation. Asperger
individuals seem to love talking about their interest, regardless of whether
one has heard it all before. Autistic repetitions and obsessions appear to be
different from compulsions as the autistic person does not try to resist them,
but apparently greatly enjoys enacting them. Attempts at deflection will be
met with extreme annoyance/ 9 The interest may appear excessive, abstruse
and sterile to others, but not to the Asperger person. The special interests of
Asperger individuals are so striking that they offer themselves as
aide-memoire labels for individual cases, for example, the case of the little
frog expert in chapter 4. Fortunately, the ability to sustain strong interest in
a particular area and to be absorbed and even enraptured by its pursuit can
lead to outstanding achievements.
One mysterious feature that is not currently given much importance may
hold further clues. Some Asperger individuals give first-hand accounts of
sharply uncomfortable sensory and strong emotional experiences, often
including sudden panic. From autobiographical accounts we learn that
again and again the Asperger individual's interpretation of perceptions by
ear, eye or touch, tends to be either extremely faint or overwhelmingly
strong.30 There can be hyper- as well as hyposensitivity. Feeling scratchy
clothes, for example, is not merely uncomfortable, but agonising. On the
other hand, pain may be tolerated to a phenomenal degree. Both the
interpretation of the sensation and the subsequent emotional reaction, or
lack of it, seem to be out of the ordinary. The same may also be true for

Rumsey, Rapoport and Sceery (1985) provide results which support this claim. However,
Szatmari, Bartolucci and Bremner (1989) found that stereotypic movements were observed
much less frequently in their Asperger group than in their high-functioning autistic sample.
Rumsey, Andreasen and Rapoport (1986) highlighted the rinding that able autistic adults
who showed considerable similarities to schizophrenic patients with negative features, such
as poverty of speech, poverty of ideas and flattening of affect, were, nevertheless, much
more likely than schizophrenics to exhibit perseveration on a given topic and single-
mindedness in its pursuit.
Grandin (1978), for example, describes extremes of sensitivity to certain types of sensory
Asperger and his syndrome 15

other types of autistic individuals but, unlike the Asperger syndrome person,
they cannot tell us about their sensations. Unfortunately, we are far from a
clear understanding of the mechanisms by which human beings normally
interpret sensations and react to them.
These poorly understood features do not mean that Asperger syndrome is
impossible to identify. Asperger himself maintained that the persistent, if
sometimes subtle, impairments typical of the individuals he described are
very obvious once one has come to recognise them.

The biological basis

Asperger was convinced that the syndrome he described was of constitu-
tional origin and genetically transmitted. In the less favourable cases,
however, where additional physical and neurological abnormalities were
present, he assumed a different type of biological cause, for instance,
encephalitis. He speculated on whether the preponderance of males pointed
to a sex-linked form of transmission. In Asperger syndrome this preponder-
ance is particularly marked. Today these ideas are still topical as more
information on putative brain abnormalities becomes available.
Gillberg, in chapter 4, presents results of pedigree-tracing and neurobio-
logical investigations and discusses their implications. The evidence for a
biological basis seems as strong for Asperger syndrome as it is for other
variants of autism. As Gillberg's studies show, the difference is simply in the
severity of the biological signs (Gillberg, 1989a). Asperger individuals tend
to show less severe and fewer signs. The evidence for a genetic contribution
to autism in general is impressive, while studies on Asperger syndrome are
as yet rare.31 What emerges in Gillberg's family genetic studies is that
Asperger syndrome and autism frequently occur in the same family, for
instance, a man with very mild Asperger syndrome may have a totally mute
and autistic nephew. This finding suggests that the two conditions may
indeed be different expressions of the same basic defect. Results of
neuropsychological tests of able autistic people have been highly consistent.
They are strongly suggestive of frontal lobe dysfunction.3Z These results do
not necessarily mean that the frontal lobes are damaged. Since autism is a
developmental disorder with very early onset, brain abnormalities would be
likely to occur even before the frontal lobes are functioning. The kind of
damage we are looking for may occur at a particular point in brain
For recent reviews of genetic and neurobiological factors in autism in general see Rutter et
al. (1990) and Gillberg (1989b, 1990).
Rumsey (1985) investigated verbally able autistic people and found marked deficits on the
Wisconsin Card sorting test which is sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction. Rumsey and
Hamburger (1988) showed a clear profile of performance impairments on so-called frontal
tests, but not on temporal or parietal tests. Ozonoff, Pennington and Rogers (in press) also
used frontal tests and found severe impairments in Asperger Syndrome individuals, and
indeed in high-functioning autistic people in general.
16 Uta Frith

development where a critical pathway is being prepared. This pathway may

well project to the frontal lobes, possibly, from some much older part of the
It is likely that the investigation of the biological basis of autism will
advance faster by studying those autistic people for whom we propose the
label Asperger syndrome. Only when complicating brain abnormalities can
be ruled out, when there are no additional mental handicaps, can one begin
to make links between specific patterns of impairments and results from
brain scans or autopsies. The unravelling of the biological origins may
therefore be expected sooner for Asperger syndrome than for any other
variant of autism.

The cognitive explanation

If Asperger syndrome is a type of autism, we must seek to understand its
nature and origin in terms of explanations that apply to the whole spectrum
of autistic disorders. The cognitive explanation of autism provides the most
complete understanding of the cause of this disorder so far and it is useful to
have a brief summary. Alternatives to cognitive theories in the explanation
of autism are psychodynamic theories and behaviourism. Neither of these
has succeeded, partly because they focus on only some aspects of autism
and partly because they ignore biological factors. By the 1960s, facts had
accumulated that made it no longer tenable to believe that a pathological
relationship between mother and infant might be the cause of autism.
Behaviourism induced researchers to look at the behaviour of autistic
children in its own right. Social and communication impairment were seen
as patterns of wrongly learnt behaviour which new learning might put to
rights. It turned out, however, that behaviour modification the practical
application of behaviourist principles - involved heroic effort, and often the
effort did not justify the limited results. Specific learning did not lead to the
hoped-for generalisation. There were always new situations in everyday life
where previously learnt behaviours were not appropriate and where new
behaviour had to be generated. Nevertheless, behaviour modification
remains an exceedingly useful tool in dealing with specific problem beha-
The cognitive view, to put it simply, maintains that between behaviour
and the brain there is a legitimate level of description: the mind. As a
cognitive psychologist I do not take the behaviour of autistic children
merely at its surface value, nor do I see it as symbolic of remote
psychodynamic conflicts. Instead, the cognitive approach attempts to
explain behaviour by a set of mental processes and mechanisms. These
mechanisms need to be specified eventually in computational form, so that
For a comprehensive review and a discussion of the principles and applications of behaviour
modification see Schreibman (1989).
Asperger and his syndrome 17

they can be mapped on to brain processes. The mind is neither an irrelevant

black box nor a seething sea of unconscious primeval drives. The image I
prefer is that of a wondrously complex machine. There are some simple but
helpful hypotheses about the working of the mental machinery. For a start,
we assume that the mind is made up of components which are innately
programmed to process information, to produce knowledge and abilities,
thoughts and feelings. Secondly, we know that great changes take place
during development. If one of the innate components is faulty the whole
course of development will be affected.
What particular advantage does the cognitive view offer? Above all, it
provides a framework which may eventually allow us to bridge the vast gulf
between brain abnormality and behavioural manifestations. It has already
helped us to distinguish behaviour that is truly a manifestation of autism
from behaviour due either to additional factors or to a secondary reaction to
the primary problems. We can attempt this analysis because of a remarkable
convergence of clinical, epidemiological and psychological studies. 34 The
clinical studies told us which symptoms always occur together. The
cognitive theory of autism tries to explain why they occur together.
The classical image of the autistic child - the child in the glass shell - was
shattered by these studies. First, it was found that autistic children,
especially when they are older, often show active social approaches. Their
active social behaviour, however, suggests impairment just as much as their
aloofness.35 Secondly, a most prominent feature, often the major reason for
referral of the child in the first place, namely, problems in language and
general intellectual development, has had to be reinterpreted. It was not that
poor language or poor intelligence caused poor communication and sociali-
sation, rather, it was the other way round.36 Thirdly, the autistic adult has
come into focus. All these changes opened the way for reclassifying children
and adults who did not previously fit into a more narrow concept of autism
but whose oddness and vulnerability had long been recognised.
The most important theoretical change in the concept of autism centred
around a deceptively minor feature, the lack of creative play, which was
found to be as unique and universal a feature in young autistic children as
was communication and socialisation failure.37 This finding led to the
critical question that enabled a breakthrough in our understanding of
autism. What did pretence have to do with social and communication
problems? Conversely, why did mentally handicapped non-autistic children,
despite limited language and social interaction, show an appropriate level of
See Frith (1989a).
See W i n g and A t t w o o d (T987) for descriptions of different types of social impairment.
See Frith (1989c).
W i n g a n d Gould (1979) contributed these i m p o r t a n t findings o n the basis of a large
epidemiological study.
18 Uta Frith

An answer was provided by a new theory of cognitive development. In

this theory Alan Leslie38 distinguished first-order and second-order rep-
resentations. He highlighted pretence as a major developmental milestone.
The ability to pretend presupposes the capacity to form and process internal
memory representations of mental states, and keep them separate from
internal memory representations of physical states. The child can represent,
for instance, the thought 'Mummy pretends that the banana is a telephone'
without getting mixed up about what one does with real bananas and real
telephones. This same capacity that underlies pretence is also fundamental
to the child's ability to conceive of somebody else having a different belief.
Here again, an internal memory representation of a mental state (that is, a
belief) has to be created and kept separate from that of a physical state (that
is, the real world situations that the belief is about). The processing capacity
involved here is taking a propositional attitude, that is, pretending or
believing something while temporarily suspending the normally active
processes that check the truth and falsehood of states of affairs. You can
pretend something that is not actually the case and, likewise, you can believe
something that is not true.
There was a moment of 'Aha!' in this convergence of different perspec-
tives. A strong prediction was made that if autistic children lack pretend
play then they would also lack the ability to understand what beliefs are. 39
This ability was tested, for example, by the following test: Sally has a
basket, Anne has a box. Sally puts a marble into her basket. Sally goes out
for a walk. While Sally is out of the room, Anne (naughty Anne!) takes the
marble from the basket and puts it into her own box. Now it is time for
Sally to come back. Sally wants to play with her marble. Where will Sally
think her marble is? Where will she look? The correct answer is: in the
basket where she has put the marble and where she must believe her marble
still is. This answer presupposes an understanding of belief. The results of
the experiment suggested that autistic children did not understand the
concept of belief. They expected Sally to know that the marble had been
transferred even though she was absent at the time. They could not conceive
of Sally looking anywhere but in the place where the marble was.
Morefindingshave been systematically accumulating and they all support
the hypothesis that autistic individuals have inordinate difficulty in conceiv-
ing of mental states such as belief, knowledge and ignorance.40 They have
Leslie (1987) has set out in detail the requirements for the achievement of pretence and has
specified a mechanism which can explain pretence as well as the ability to form and use a
so-called theory of mind. For updates of the theory see Leslie and Frith (1989) and Leslie
andThaiss (in press).
This prediction was first tested and confirmed by Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith (1985).
Frith (1989b) discusses the origins of the theory of mind hypothesis and the relevance of
such studies as, for example, Leslie and Frith (1988) and Perner et al. (1989) to explaining
the core symptoms of autism.
A recent review of the field is provided by Baron-Cohen (1990).
Asperger and his syndrome 19

no problems in understanding what it means to see and not to see

something, but they cannot reliably relate seeing and knowing. They can tell
what a scene looks like for different people at different places, but they
cannot understand somebody else's point of view if by this we mean
somebody else's attitude or belief. The cognitive fault we hypothesise is
subtle, but has far-reaching implications for social interaction. One conse-
quence is that the concept of an inner world of thought would be immensely
difficult for the autistic person. On the other hand, their understanding of
the physical world should not be severely affected.41 One particularly
striking consequence of the deficit is that their understanding of emotions in
themselves and in others would be very limited.4Z
Encouraged by our empirical results, we work with the assumption that
the normal child comes equipped with a mechanism for manipulating
representations of mental states, and that, given normal developments, this
mechanism causes us to understand mental states such as pretence and
belief. We hypothesise that autism results if this particular component of the
mind is faulty. Above all, the fault would impede development and learning
of social imagination and communicative skills.43
How does this theory apply to Asperger syndrome? The theory addresses
itself to the core symptoms that apply to the whole of the autistic spectrum,
namely the triad of socialisation, imagination and communication impair-
ments. Asperger individuals appear to be less severely impaired in these core
symptoms than other autistic people. Furthermore, given a relatively high
age and ability, they tend to solve simple theory of mind tasks such as the
SallyAnne test. 44 Do they, then, possess a normally working theory of
mind? Not necessarily. Bearing in mind that the tasks are normally passed
by the age of four, and that autistic children who can solve false belief tasks
do so at a much later age than normal, they may well solve them by a
different strategy which is not theory-based.45 Those who manage to
perform simple tasks such as the Sally-Anne test still tend to fail more
complex theory of mind tasks which normal seven- to eight-year-olds solve
easily.46 Thus, by using theory of mind tests of varying complexity, we can
Evidence for this prediction has been obtained, for instance, in studies by Baron-Cohen,
Leslie a n d Frith (1986) a n d Baron-Cohen (1989a).
H o b s o n found evidence for a specific impairment of emotion recognition in able autistic
individuals. H e proposes that this impairment is a primary deficit, n o t a consequence of
lacking a theory of mind. For discussions of this issue see H o b s o n (1989) a n d Leslie a n d
Frith (1989).
^ Possibilities a n d problems in the causal connection between the basic cognitive dysfunction
and the core symptoms of autism are discussed by M o r t o n (1989).
This result was obtained recently by Ozonoff, Rogers a n d Pennington (in press).
In a study carried o u t at the M R C Cognitive Development Unit, we found that o u t of fifty
able autistic children (minimum verbal mental age of y.6y) n o child passed theory of mind
tasks with a chronological age of under eleven a n d a mental age of under five years.
Furthermore, the majority of those beyond these levels failed still.
Baron-Cohen (1989b) documented that a group of ten able autistic individuals, selected for
passing a simple false belief test, failed a higher order belief test.
20 Uta Frith

objectively distinguish several degrees of competence. It remains to be seen

if these distinctions map on to diagnostically valid categories. If so, the
diagnosis of Asperger syndrome and other variants of autism would be
greatly facilitated. For instance, one criterion for the diagnosis of Asperger
syndrome as opposed to, say, high-functioning autism, may be success on
belief attribution tasks. This success may be no more and no less than a
further sign of the superior adaptation of Asperger individuals.
Clearly, there are theoretical advances to be made in order to understand
what enables some individuals to gain a measure of success on theory of
mind tasks and what this success implies for their social and communicative
abilities. One such advance has been the application of Relevance theory. In
Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson's (1986) theory of Relevance the essential
element in successful communication is the ability to infer the speaker's
intentions. According to this theory, if this inference cannot be made
automatically, then communicating with each other becomes arduous.
Genuine interactive communication (as in understanding irony and reading
between the lines) becomes impossible. Specific predictions can be made as
to which aspects of communication will be learnable and which will not.
For instance, understanding of factual information can be developed to a
high degree. Understanding of intended implicit information will not be as
good as understanding of literal information. The theory is suited par
excellence to guide research into the problems of Asperger syndrome
individuals. Their fluent, yet literal use of language is elegantly explained in
this new framework. Francesca Happe, in chapter 7, discusses Sperber and
Wilson's theory of Relevance and applies it to the autobiographical writings
of some very articulate individuals with Asperger syndrome. Their writings
seem to test the very limit of communication that can be achieved with
impaired cognitive ability for inferring intentions and computing relevance.
If we take seriously the notion of Asperger syndrome as a subspecies of
autism, we must attempt to apply the hypothesis that the underlying
cognitive deficit in Asperger syndrome is the same as in autism in general. If
the underlying cognitive deficit were shown to be different - and it may be
different then a more complex model of autism and its variants would
have to be worked out. In the absence of such evidence, however, we must
try to conceptualise how a single cognitive abnormality can result in severe
autism in one case and mild Asperger-type autism in the other. Could it be
that the underlying cognitive deficit can be more or less severe? A less severe
underlying deficit would have less severe repercussions. The mechanism we
propose to be faulty can be faulty in a mild sort of way. One could think of
partial, intermittent or slow functioning, or of more or less extreme
developmental delay. All these possibilities deserve to be explored.
We can also consider another, perhaps stronger, hypothesis: the underly-
ing cognitive fault does not come in degrees, but at one end of the spectrum
of autistic disorders there are aggravating factors, such as additional
Asperger and his syndrome 21

handicaps, and at the other end, where Asperger syndrome is situated, there
are mitigating factors which cushion the effect of the deficit. The problem is
to specify what such mitigating factors are. Here then is a chance for
speculating and producing testable ideas. To start with, could it be that one
such factor is the presence of a sociable disposition? Asperger syndrome
individuals seem to be distinguished from other autistic individuals by a
desire to communicate and be part of the social world.47 Their desire to
communicate is often demonstrated in their tendency to talk incessantly
about their pet interest. Their desire to be part of the social world is often
seen in their expressed frustration and sorrow at not finding friends or
spouses. Could it be that a sociable disposition drives the acquisition of very
detailed social learning, which can be applied to great effect in routine
situations, as well as in the SallyAnne test? One test of this hypothesis
would be to see whether meaningful subgroups of autistic children can be
identified at very young ages in terms of their basic sociability. Measures of
sociability would have to be independent of the ability to conceptualise
mental states.
Those Asperger-type individuals who have found effective ways of coping
in social and communicative interactions and still retain their autistic
oddness present a great challenge for theory and practice. In the next section
I shall tentatively explore the hypothesis that we are looking at compensa-
tory learning in the presence of a severe deficit rather than at a very mild
form of deficit. In line with this hypothesis I propose that well-adapted
Asperger syndrome individuals may have all the trappings of socially
adapted behaviour, may have learnt to solve belief attribution problems, but
yet may not have a normally functioning theory of mind. The hypothesis
allows us to describe behaviour as resembling the normal pattern but arising
from quite abnormally functioning processes.

How far can they go? 48

An exceptionally well-adapted and able autistic person resembles that
imaginary creature, the mermaid, of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy-tale.
The mermaid, who was in love with a human prince, desired to take on
human form, but could do so only at considerable cost. She had to sacrifice
her voice to gain legs but when she moved it was like walking on knives. As
she was unable to communicate, those around her did not understand her

Case studies s h o w that n o t all Asperger individuals are talkative and show a desire to be
sociable. Indeed, some are distinctly reticent and keep themselves to themselves (Wing,
1989). As a coping strategy this may be highly effective. Perhaps it is this type of person w h o
occasionally appears in family histories as a relative w h o w a s recognised as eccentric b u t
never needed specialist attention.
This title echoes that chosen by Kanner, Rodriguez and Ashenden (1972) in their follow-up
22 Uta Frith

true nature. This led to the prince marrying someone else, and to her own
failure to gain a place in this world.
Superficial resemblance to normality is, as case histories in this volume
show, within the reach of at least some Asperger individuals. It may well be
that this capacity to achieve near-normal behaviour is the single most
distinctive feature of Asperger syndrome as opposed to other forms of
It is possible for the Asperger person to learn social routines so well that
he or she may strike others as merely eccentric. They would not consider
that there was anything wrong with them. Of course, such hard-won
adaptation is achieved only at a price. The Asperger person will have had to
learn with great effort what others absorb quite naturally. He or she will
have needed unstinting help and a high degree of motivation. Unfortunately,
achievements bought at high cost are often fragile, and he or she will have to
run where others stand still. The question arises whether such gains are
worth the high price. One has to acknowledge too that not all Asperger
syndrome individuals can achieve near-normal social integration for all
their strenuous efforts.
Just how high is the cost, and how much effort is being spent in keeping
up appearances? Often outsiders do not appreciate that there is a cost at all.
Parents must find it irksome to be told by someone who has seen their
Asperger son or daughter for a brief and pleasant interview that they are
fussing about nothing. If the family members bring up anecdotal examples
of difficulties, they will probably be told that these are normal problems that
could happen to anybody. For instance, they may mention the embarrassing
occasion of an autistic adult sitting in a crowded underground train and
readjusting his or her underwear. 'So what?' comes the well-meaning but
naive reply, 'Anybody in extreme discomfort might do this!' As for the
charmingly humorous example of the autistic man who always forgets to
take off his bicycle clips, the standard comment is 'Well, which bicyclist
Many examples of Aspergerish behaviour - to do with being oblivious of
other people's reactions or with being over-concerned can be cited, but
there is always a retort handy that implies it is nothing out of the ordinary.
Even the more outlandish examples, such as the young man who came
down naked to a living room full of visitors asking where his pyjamas were,
can be put down to a healthy disregard for stuffy conventions. In terms of
behaviour the autistic person can be so well camouflaged that his or her
occasional slips are generously discounted. Is it truly generous to overlook
such problems? Or is it in fact a mistake not to acknowledge that there has
been a cover-up of much more serious problems?
Sometimes the incompatibility of interest groups the person with
Asperger syndrome, the family, the community and the specialists - has to
be kept in mind. Imagine a child with Asperger syndrome who is up for
Asperger and his syndrome 23

adoption. If his or her difficulties are ignored or dismissed as within the

normal range by a well-meaning care-professional, this would be a great
disservice to the child and the family. Would the family be able to cope
without being warned about the problem and without some guidance?
Probably not. Would they become demoralised when the hoped-for normal
relationships with the adopted child fail to develop? Probably so. On the
other hand, if properly prepared, the adoptive parents may be willing to
enter into the challenging but rewarding process of guiding such a child, to
use Asperger's own words.
One can, of course, look at the struggle for adaptation in another way.
What, after all, is normality? Given that there is an enormous range of social
behaviour with many degrees of adaptation and success or failure in the
normal population, where does normality end and abnormality begin? Does
it make sense to talk about deficits and exclusive categories? Should one
instead talk about normal and abnormal behaviour shading into each other?
To put it another way, should one look at Asperger syndrome as a normal
personality variant?

A word to the person with Asperger syndrome

What would follow if the autistic individual saw himself or herself as just
like everyone else and were treated as such? When routines have been long
established and when things are going well, this attitude may be justified. It
can convey a well-earned feeling of triumph and success. But what if things
do not go well? And what if nobody, including the autistic person, is aware
of the deeper underlying problems? To what extent can Asperger people
themselves be aware of their difficulties? The uninformed employer might
request something that for a normal person would be a trifling effort
unwittingly demanding a major effort from the Asperger individual. Sudden
panic could result. For example, an autistic person who retains an extreme
dislike of breaks in routine may be asked to accept a change that seems
reasonable to the employer but which will throw him or her into despair.
Presumed normality does not make allowance for sudden gaps in the
carefully woven fabric of compensatory learning. A catastrophic reaction
like screaming can cost a job, then.
The person with Asperger syndrome may well ask, 'What is so good
about being normal anyway? So what if I am different?' The single-minded
pursuit of a special interest or an outstanding artistic or musical talent is
worthy of admiration and can lead to great social success. Those who care
for an autistic individual may be captivated by his or her beauty and
egocentric dependence. There is a fascination about eccentricity which is
missing in conformity. Much that is obnoxious can be forgiven. Many
people find autistic innocence appealing. 'Autistic is beautiful' could be a
24 Uta Frith

slogan which helps to increase confidence and happiness.49 Asperger went

out of his way to emphasise how valuable to society the autistic person can
be. The autobiographical writings of Asperger individuals discussed in
chapter 7 represent concrete examples of outstanding achievement, a
coming to terms with the handicap.
However, only a few Asperger syndrome individuals adapt so successfully
as to pass even fleetingly for normal. As yet we have little idea what makes
the vital difference. Common sense suggests that high general ability,
determination, a controllable temperament and a favourable environment
all play a positive role. Chapter 6 presents the examples of Jack and Anne,
two people who have adapted admirably. They have accepted the problems
created by their handicap in a realistic fashion and even suggest ways of
coping that might be helpful to others in a similar situation. The recognition
of a handicapping condition leads to greater general tolerance, but not
everyone can be informed. Ultimately, it may fall on handicapped people to
explain themselves and request patience. Asperger individuals need to strive
to be tolerant of those in their social environment who lack understanding
and who can cause them anguish. It is not easy, but in controlling
themselves they are dealing with the one person over whom they rightly
have power.

Malice and the law-abiding citizen

Perhaps Asperger's most provocative speculation is his characterisation of
spiteful and mischievous behaviour in the children he describes. What are
we to make of this? Some readers of Asperger's paper in the past have been
antagonised by these uncompromising statements. Nobody else has
described autistic children as malicious. Margaret Dewey, in chapter 6,
makes a convincing case for considering the examples Asperger gives as
motivated by a simple desire for physical ends, not psychological effects.
This is the case, for instance, when Fritz V., Asperger's most prototypical
case, made his teacher angry simply because he enjoyed seeing a display of
anger. Fritz readily admitted to this, just as another similar boy admitted
that he enjoyed seeing blood spurting out after a knife wound. Malice does
not come into it, but Asperger failed to distinguish between a deliberately
malicious act and a merely unpleasant one.
Acknowledgement that some autistic children can be guilty of peculiarly
repulsive acts has been rare. 50 Yet it is vital to acknowledge this problem of
Mesibov and Stephens (1990) reported on high-functioning autistic individuals' perception
of popularity a m o n g peers and found that they valued h u m o u r , attractiveness, intelligence
and athletic ability though they did n o t necessarily agree with other people's perceptions of
these attributes.
Examples of socially unacceptable behaviour in the children described by Asperger include
running away, shouting, violent attacks, self-injury, i n a p p r o p r i a t e sexual behaviour, temper
t a n t r u m s a n d eating a n d sleeping disturbances.
Asperger and bis syndrome 25

which practitioners have long been aware. It helps us to understand

repugnant behaviour if we realise that the autistic person does not calculate
the effect his or her behaviour has on other people's states of mind.
Likewise, violent and dangerous acts can be committed by an individual
who does not automatically take account of his or her own and other
people's mental states.51 Autistic people are not intent on hurting other
people's feelings. Hurting another person's feelings is a behaviour that
presupposes an active theory of mind, something which autistic people
conspicuously lack. If care-givers are upset by an autistic child's apparent
enjoyment of the distress that he or she provokes, they need to remember
that without an understanding of the underlying mental states, delight and
fury give rise to equally fascinating facial and vocal displays. In this way an
innocent detached curiosity can be the cause of socially harmful behaviour.
Autistic people, and particularly those of the Asperger type, have been
involved in some difficult forensic cases. Sometimes their offences are part
of their single-minded pursuit of a special interest, sometimes the result of a
defensive panic-induced action and sometimes the consequence of a com-
plete lack of common sense. Police officers and magistrates profess to the
strong but subjective feeling that the person before them cannot be held
responsible for his or her action. Typically, the Asperger individual, when
apprehended, does not seem to feel guilt, does not try to conceal nor excuse
what he or she did, and may even describe details with shocking openness.
Sometimes, however, law officers misunderstand and thus mistreat the
unfortunate and unwitting culprit. This is especially likely in the case of the
relatively well-adapted Asperger individual whose behaviour is superficially
normal, whose appearance and demeanour do not elicit the help he or she
It should also be said that many Asperger individuals, far from becoming
delinquent, are excessively concerned with doing the right thing. They
anxiously refrain from doing what they believe to be unlawful, and also
expect others to behave lawfully. One very small and gentle 2 5-year-old
carried with him for a time a set of police handcuffs so that he could make a
citizen's arrest if he spotted unlawful behaviour. Examples of Asperger
people as law-abiding individuals are shown in many case studies in this
volume and elsewhere. One cannot make reliable generalisations regarding
autism and antisocial behaviour because of the observed range of actual
behaviour, from violence to saintliness.

One viewpoint assumes that essentially everything experienced by humans,

however extreme, is within the range of normality. Only degrees of
difference exist. At extremes one may talk, merely as a shorthand, of

An example is given by Baron-Cohen (1988) who describes a case of a 21-year-old with
Asperger syndrome who often violently beat his 7i-year-old(!) girl-friend.
26 Uta Frith

abnormality. Autistic features in particular show a whole range of mani-

festations. Surely everyone is a little bit autistic on occasion?
From the point of view of the diagnostician there is much support for the
idea of Asperger syndrome shading into normality. After all, the diagnosis
is, so far, based on behaviour and not on tests that clearly identify
underlying problems. If it is difficult to diagnose Asperger syndrome, one
might argue that a case could be made for its being a normal personality
variant rather than a brain abnormality. I am fortunate to be allowed to
reproduce here an example of a professional report on a case which seems to
fall into this borderland, a case which does not show all the classic features
of Asperger syndrome. Let us refer to it as The case of the lonely cyclist'.

Dear Dr Robertson,
Re: James Jones. Aged 16 years
Thank you for asking my opinion concerning James's diagnosis, which
presents an interesting problem. I saw his mother on 13 February 1987 and
she gave an account of his developmental history. I saw James himself on
15 February with two colleagues.

James was the first and only child of his parents. Labour was prolonged
and delivery was by forceps, but his condition was said to be satisfactory at
birth. As a baby he was very placid and noticeably less demanding than
other babies of his mother's friends and relations. He was not cuddly and
did not positively reach out for attention and affection, although he smiled
when approached. He would lie in his pram and gurgle happily at the trees.
He was easily toilet-trained and slept well from birth onwards.

Development of basic skills

He walked rather late, but was not slow enough to cause alarm. He was
somewhat delayed in talking and when he did talk his speech was very
unclear. For a long time his mother was the only person who could
understand him. Dressing and self-feeding skills were also delayed.

Play and imagination

James was quite good with fitting shapes, but had no pretend play. He had
many toy cars, which he would arrange in lines and push along. He did not
use them imaginatively. Before going to school, he played with other
children in the street but always followed what they did he never initiated
Asperger and his syndrome 27

activities. He lacked curiosity and did not go through the usual childish
stage of asking questions about everything.

Behaviour at school
When James was three years old a nursery schoolteacher informed Mrs
Jones that he interfered with the other children, often knocking their toys
down, and was very restless. However, he was allowed to stay at the
When he transferred to primary school, he was unco-operative, over-
active and disturbing to the class. He was slow at learning and was found
to be below average in intelligence. He was placed in a special school with a
structured, organised programme, and there he got along well. This seems
to have been the best placement of his childhood.
For his secondary education he was first placed in a school with a
permissive regime. His behaviour became extremely disturbed, worse than
anything before. Again, a move to a school with a more structured regime
produced improvement.

Social interaction and communication

Now, at the age of sixteen, James seems fond of his mother, his
grandmother and the family pets, but does not seem able to understand
what upsets other people. When his family has visitors he goes to his own
room. He desperately wants to have friends but his peers will not put up
with him. He always wants his own way and does not seem able to develop
a give-and-take relationship. His attempts to interact are clumsy and
irritating to others. He makes remarks which upset his peers; he pushes
people and takes their possessions. However, if others turn on him, he does
notfightbut runs away and cannot be caught.
He has never been able to converse, and cannot explain his own actions
or motivation. He replies briefly to questions. This has been the case all his
He is just beginning to be interested in girls but does not have the social
skills to make friends with a girl.

Motor skills
He can swim, horse-ride and cycle with a fair degree of skill. On the other
hand, he is hopeless at team games of any kind. He appears unable to
co-ordinate his actions with those of the rest of the team and ends by
aggravating everyone. He is quite likely to kick the ball into his own goal.

Current interests
At home he still likes his toy cars, which he continues to push around in
long lines.
28 Uta Frith

He has no interest in his own appearance and his mother has to choose
his clothes for him.
He also needs help with brushing his hair.
He likes watching television and has a remarkable memory for past
programmes. He also remembers routes to places, even those visited only
once. He memorises routes on the London Underground and likes looking
at maps. He seems to have no interests apart from these and spends much
time in his room when at home. He goes out alone for long rides on his
bicycle. His parents worry about him going out alone but do not want to
deprive him of one of the few things he enjoys.

Difficult behaviour
James has never been much trouble within his own home, where the main
concern has been his passivity and isolation from social interaction.
However, there has been a series of problems in other environments,
beginning with his disturbed behaviour on starting school. He tends to
make inappropriate comments to strangers in the street and will push past
other people or barge into them as if they did not exist. He sometimes
attempts to join in the street games of younger children and does odd
things such as throwing bricks or running away with their footballs or
cricket bats, to their bewilderment and fury. There have been several
incidents of his taking money, apparently to try to buy friends. He has also
been seriously assaulted by two of his age-peers, an incident which he
recounted with little emotion.

Reasons for present referral

Recently, James went out alone on his bicycle and was away for longer
than usual. It seems that he cycled into town, entered a supermarket, filled
a basket with a random assortment of items for which he could not have
had any use, then walked out without paying, in full view of the employees.
He was apprehended, his parents were contacted and, eventually, a referral
for a psychiatric opinion was arranged. He could offer no explanation for
his irrational act beyond suggesting that he 'wanted a bit of fun'.
He tends to elaborate some answers to questions to the point of fantasy.
For example, he described a purely imaginary episode that, he claimed,
occurred on a skiing holiday which ended with him hanging by his arms
from a cable car. It is likely that these stories were copied from television
commercials current at the time of referral.
He shows no guilt or concern for others. When asked to talk about and
describe his mother he said she had blonde hair and 'looked American'.
He expresses no affection for his parents nor worry about the effect of his
behaviour upon them. His plans for the future are singularly unrealistic,
comprising the intention to live with one of his earlier school-mates whose
father, he claims, owns a travelling fair and is a millionaire!
Asperger and bis syndrome 29

On examination
James is small for his age and has a naive, immature appearance and
manner. He was friendly and amenable and did not seem to be at all
disconcerted by the situation. He answered questions fully and elaborated
some of his answers. He was by no means monosyllabic in the interview.
He made good eye contact, used appropriate gestures and intonation when
speaking and was prepared to involve all three people present in the
conversation. He had none of the mannerisms, odd intonation and lack of
gesture typical of autism or Asperger syndrome.
James has an overall IQ of 67 on the WAIS with no marked discrepancies on
subtests. He was given tests of his ability to understand sequences of events in
picture stories and their consequences for the characters involved. These he
completed at a level a little above that predicted from his WAIS IQ.

James is in the mildly retarded range of intellectual ability, but this on its
own does not account for his strange behaviour.
His developmental history, while showing elements of both conditions,
is not typical of Kanner's early childhood autism or of Asperger's
syndrome. His profile on the WAIS does not show the very marked
discrepancies found in these conditions in the classic form. In particular, he
has no special skill with block design, although he is quite good at object
assembly and is reported to be adept at jigsaw puzzles. He is able to
arrange pictures to tell a story which is unusual in typical autism and
Asperger syndrome.
He lacks some other common features of the above syndromes, that is,
the stereotypes, odd bodily movements, repetitive routines and
idiosyncratic language of typical autism, and the long-winded repetitive
speech on special topics found in Asperger's group. On the other hand, his
language development was delayed and he failed to develop imaginative
play. His mother says that he is capable of affection but his social
interaction skills and empathy with others are limited and, in practice,
disastrously inappropriate. His gross and fine motor development was
delayed, and he is inept when attempting to join in team activities,
although he can perform reasonably well in solitary physical activities. He
conspicuously lacks common sense which, Asperger emphasised, was a
cardinal feature of his syndrome. He appears to have little capacity to
describe his feelings and motivations. His pattern of interests is markedly
limited, and he has the unusual memory for routes, maps and television
programmes typical of conditions in the autistic continuum. His 'fantasies'
seem to be limited to scenes he has watched on television.
It can be argued that James has a developmental disorder affecting his
capacity to plan his own life and fit into the social world. Classification as
socially impaired and having a disorder within the autistic continuum
would seem to be appropriate. The assignment of a precise diagnosis for his
pattern of behaviour is of academic interest. From the practical point of
30 Uta Frith

view, it is important to realise that the prognosis is poor for young adults
with similar histories and behaviour patterns. Because of their lack of inner
resources of understanding or imagination, they are unable to benefit from
programmes of re-education that are based on psychotherapy, group
therapy or family therapy. They function best in a closed, structured,
organised but sympathetic environment, with staff who understand their
handicaps and a high staff-to-resident ratio. They need to be provided with
a range of activities but should not be under any pressure to achieve
beyond their level of ability. The fact that James did well at a school with
this type of regime is evidence of his needs.
Ideally, such an environment should be provided on a long-term basis.
Unfortunately, in most such cases, any improvement is specific to the
situation. Once the programme ceases, relapse to the former difficult
behaviour is only too likely to occur. People like James are, because of their
developmental impairment, unable to build an organised inner world of
ideas capable of regulating their own conduct. They need other people to
provide structure for them over the course of many years, and perhaps for
their whole lives.
Yours sincerely

The goalposts have shifted

This report was taken almost at random from a busy clinician's files. It
makes clear just how much has changed from the days when everything
outside classic autism, but nevertheless resembling autism, was a no man's
land of diagnostic uncertainty. With a more precise clinical picture of
Asperger syndrome, the no man's land has shrunk considerably, and now
we can acknowledge that there are cases, like James Jones, who do not
follow any textbook and would probably not have been recognised
previously as belonging to the autistic spectrum at all. More recently, he
might have been described as a mildly retarded person who has some
autistic features in the way that an unrecognised clinically depressed
patient may be described as a dull person with some depressive features.
Both autistic and depressive features can be shown by anybody occasion-
ally. They are behavioural signs and need not necessarily be caused by
autism or depression. Conversely, autism and depression can exist in
unrecognised and/or camouflaged forms where clear behavioural signs may
be suppressed. Therefore, the diagnostician needs to consider signs as clues
and to evaluate them as positive or negative evidence for the hypothesis he
or she holds about the condition, rather than the other way round. This is
very much the procedure followed in the report. Behavioural symptoms are
almost always attributable to many different causes. We cannot find the
causes merely by going backwards from observation; we also need to go
forwards, guided by hypotheses.
Asperger and his syndrome 31

The category Asperger syndrome even when it is seen as a subcategory

belonging to the spectrum of autistic disorders - has itself associated with it
a spectrum of more or less prototypical cases. Just as within the range of
normality there are ordinary people and eccentrics, so within the Asperger
syndrome there are typical and less typical cases. In clinical practice, of
course, the less typical is the more frequent. This is because circumstances
and efforts at compensation muddle even the purest case.
We can now ask the question that prompted the inclusion of this case: Is
James Jones normal, only very odd? Is he, in fact, a case which belongs at
one extreme of the distribution centred around the prototypical normal? If
this is our conclusion, then we would have to consider that all his different
oddities are there by coincidence. This may be so we cannot be sure. If, on
the other hand, we conclude that James Jones suffers from Asperger
syndrome, all the oddities would fall into place. However, he would be a
less typical case of Asperger syndrome. This is no idle speculation, since it is
amenable to being tested. Using the cognitive theory, we would predict that
James Jones has subtle communication problems and would not be able to
understand irony, for instance.
There is no reason to suppose that behaviour shading into normality will
ever cease to be a problem for diagnosis. The aim of compensatory learning
is to produce behaviour that more and more shades into normality. As
demonstrated by the report, one solution of diagnostic problems presented
by cases where camouflage is achieved is to reconstruct a full childhood
history. The history would reveal if there once were important signs (for
example, lack of pretend play) and if difficulties were overcome by special
The categorical distinction of normal and abnormal functioning of
mental processes at a deeper level can only be inferred and cannot be
directly derived from the initial observation of behaviour. As far as the naive
observer is concerned, anything can happen. Not so the expert, who asks
specific questions guided by specific hypotheses. Differences in observed
behaviour outweigh similarities to such an extent that one often hears the
argument that there is no point in classification since every child is unique.
This conclusion is inevitable if one restricts oneself to only observed
behaviour, which is infinitely variable. It would be quite different if we aim
to explain behaviour at a cognitive level - we would draw together
superficial differences and bring out hidden similarities. This is no easy task,
and in the case of Asperger syndrome it is only just beginning.

A dash of autism
Hans Asperger deserves to be recognised as a pioneer and champion of all
Asperger children. His case studies of Fritz V. and Harro L. are enthralling
to read. These extraordinary boys have, unbeknown to themselves, contrib-
32 Uta Frith

uted greatly to the study of developmental disorders. Asperger pleaded for

the recognition of such children, pointing out the potential that they had to
offer society, and from the start he argued that they should be given very
special education and guidance. He warned of them being teased and bullied
at school, and of being misunderstood by teachers. He identified with them
to the extent that he believed that to help autistic people one needs to have a
dash of autism oneself. He also suggested parallels between autism,
scientific originality and introversion. As a classicist he was undoubtedly
influenced by Seneca's famous words that there is no genius without
madness. 52" While this idea has been with us for centuries, it is only now that
we are considering that the madness in question may point to autism.
Asperger's views on the positive value of autism as an important aspect of
creative thought and intellectual style are still fresh and provocative, and
perhaps just as controversial as his views on malicious behaviour. The cause
of autistic originality was, for Asperger, not some mysteriously intact
special ability but, rather, the result of an inability to learn by conventional
means. There is no getting round the fact that autism is a handicap. Even the
best-adjusted individual with Asperger syndrome has more than the usual
share of problems. It would be tragic if romantic notions of genius and
unworldliness were to deprive bright autistic people of the understanding
and help they need. The case studies presented in this book serve to
document the severity of the sometimes well-camouflaged handicap.
Like Asperger, I too would sometimes like to claim a dash of autism for
myself. A dash of autism is not a bad way to characterise the apparent
detachment and unworldiness of the scientist who is obsessed with one
seemingly all-important problem and temporarily forgets the time of day,
not to mention family and friends. True to the recursive pattern of thought
it is possible to conclude that an appropriately never-ending subject for such
a single-minded interest could be Asperger's syndrome.


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beliefs about the relationship of melancholia and creativity.
Asperger and his syndrome 33

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'Autistic psychopathy 5 in childhood
Translated and annotated by Uta Frith

In what follows, I will describe a particularly interesting and highly

recognisable type of child.1 The children I will present all have in common a
fundamental disturbance which manifests itself in their physical appear-
ance, expressive functions and, indeed, their whole behaviour. This distur-
bance results in severe and characteristic difficulties of social integration. In
many cases the social problems are so profound that they overshadow
everything else. In some cases, however, the problems are compensated by a
high level of original thought and experience. This can often lead to
exceptional achievements in later life. With the type of personality disorder
presented here we can demonstrate the truth of the claim that exceptional
human beings must be given exceptional educational treatment, treatment
which takes account of their special difficulties. Further, we can show that
despite abnormality human beings can fulfil their social role within the
community, especially if they find understanding, love and guidance. There
are many reasons for describing in detail this type of abnormally developing
child. Not the least of them is that these children raise questions of central
importance to psychology and education.

Name and Concept

I have chosen the label autism2 in an effort to define the basic disorder that
The first seven pages of general and somewhat discursive introduction, which Asperger
himself omitted from a slightly revised reprint of the paper in his textbook Heilpddagogik
(1952), are omitted in this translation. The omitted section consists of a discussion of
various then current typologies, whose aim it was to categorise personalities in normal as
well as pathological forms. It finishes with the suggestion that it is possible to overcome
their limitations by using general descriptions as well as individual case studies.
The title of Asperger's landmark paper has propagated the term autistic psychopathy. This
term could have been translated as autistic personality disorder or else autism to bring it
into line with current terminology.

38 Hans Asperger

generates the abnormal personality structure of the children we are

concerned with here. The name derives from the concept of autism in
schizophrenia. Autism in this sense refers to a fundamental disturbance of
contact that is manifest in an extreme form in schizophrenic patients. The
name 'autism', coined by Bleuler, is undoubtedly one of the great linguistic
and conceptual creations in medical nomenclature. 3
Human beings normally live in constant interaction with their environ-
ment, and react to it continually. However, 'autists' have severely disturbed
and considerably limited interaction. The autist is only himself (cf. the
Greek word autos) and is not an active member of a greater organism which
he is influenced by and which he influences constantly. Bleuler's for-
mulations of schizophrenic autism included the following:
The schizophrenic patient loses contact with reality to varying degrees. He
ceases to care about the real world. He shows a lack of initiative,
aimlessness, neglect of reality, distractedness, but also impulsive and
bizarre behaviour. Many of his actions, as well as his whole attitude to life,
are insufficiently externally motivated. Both intensity and extent of atten-
tion are disordered. There is lack of persistence, but occasionally certain
goals are held on to tenaciously. One often finds 'whimsical obstinacy',
that is, the patient wants something and at the same time the opposite. One
finds obsessional acts, automatic acts, automatic commands etc. Schizo-
phrenic patients often live in an imaginary world of wish fulfilment and
ideas of persecution.
Bleuler here describes a particular type of thinking which he calls 'autistic'
or 'dereistic' thinking. 4 This thinking is not goal-directed but is guided by
desires and affects. Apart from schizophrenia, where it is at its most bizarre,
autistic or dereistic thinking can also be found in people who are not
psychotic, and indeed in everyday life, for example, in superstition or
pseudo-science. However, this type of thinking does not play a role in the
children we are concerned with here. At most, there may be occasional hints
at this particular type of thought disturbance.
All but the last mentioned feature of Bleuler's concept of autism can be

* The Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler, who wrote an influential textbook of psychiatry,
coined not only the term autism but also the term schizophrenia. Bleuler differentiated
autism and autistic thinking. In English translations of his writings these are usually
translated as dereism and dereistic thinking, referring to a loss of contact with reality.
For Bleuler autistic thinking meant thought associations driven by affects. He applied this
concept not only to schizophrenic patients but also to normal people. 'Autistic thinking
turns the boy playing soldiers into a general, the girl playing with her doll into a happy
mother... it enables the dreamer to express his wishes and fears.' In 1919 Bleuler
published The autistic-undisciplined thinking in medicine and how to overcome it, where
he castigated then current medical practice. He gave examples of beliefs in medicine that are
wishful rather than truthful, analogical rather than logical, fantasy rather than reality. It is
clear from this bitter treatise that autistic thinking in Bleuler's sense has nothing to do with
autism as we know it. This is also recognised by Asperger, who in his later revision for his
textbook (1952), omits any reference to dereistic thinking.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 39

found in the type of personality disorder to be described here. While the

schizophrenic patient seems to show progressive loss of contact, the children
we are discussing lack contact from the start. Autism is the paramount
feature in both cases. It totally colours affect, intellect, will and action.
Essential symptoms of schizophrenia and the symptoms of our children can
thus be brought under a common denominator: the shutting-off of relations
between self and the outside world. However, unlike schizophrenic patients,
our children do not show a disintegration of personality. They are therefore
not psychotic, instead they show a greater or lesser degree of psychopathy.
The fundamental disorder that we have identified in our children affects all
expressions of their personality and can explain their difficulties and deficits
as well as their special achievements. Once one has learnt to pay attention to
the characteristic manifestations of autism, one realises that they are not at
all rare in children, especially in their milder forms. A few prototypical cases
will be described below.

Fritz V.
We start with a highly unusual boy who shows a very severe impairment in
social integration. This boy was born in June 1933 and came for
observation to the Heilpadagogische Abteilung (Remedial Department) of
the University Paediatric Clinic in Vienna in the autumn of 1939.5 He was
referred by his school as he was considered to be 'uneducable' by the end of
his first day there.
Fritz was the first child of his parents. He had a brother two years
younger who was also somewhat difficult but not nearly as deviant as Fritz.
Birth was normal. Motor milestones were rather delayed. He learnt to walk
at fourteen months, and for a long time was extremely clumsy and unable
to do things for himself. He learnt the practical routines of daily life very
late and with great difficulty.6 This will be looked at in more detail later. In
contrast, he learnt to talk very early and spoke his first words at ten
months, well before he could walk. He quickly learnt to express himself in
sentences and soon talked 'like an adult'.7 Nothing was reported about
unusual childhood illnesses and there was no indication of any brain
From the earliest age Fritz never did what he was told. He did just what
he wanted to, or the opposite of what he was told. He was always restless
This famous clinic was founded in 1918 by Erwin Lazar and pioneered a combination of
special education and paediatrics.
Practical routines include self-help skills such as washing, dressing and, generally, keeping
clothes and body clean, and probably also some typical social skills, such as eating properly
at table, and sitting still and paying attention at school. Toilet training is never mentioned
while it looms large as a problem in Kanner's cases.
Donald, Kanner's first case, also appears to have had rather early and unusual development
of speech. By the age of two, he was said to be able to name large numbers of pictures and to
recite poetry and prose. Asperger's descriptive phrase 'talking like an adult' suggests
oddness over and above precocity.
4<D Hans Asperger

and fidgety, and tended to grab everything within reach. Prohibitions did
not deter him. Since he had a pronounced destructive urge, anything that
got into his hands was soon torn or broken.8
He was never able to become integrated into a group of playing children.
He never got on with other children and, in fact, was not interested in
them. They only 'wound him up'. He quickly became aggressive and lashed
out with anything he could get hold of (once with a hammer), regardless of
the danger to others. For this he was thrown out of kindergarten after only
a few days. Similarly, because of his totally uninhibited behaviour, his
schooling failed on the first day. He had attacked other children, walked
nonchalantly about in class and tried to demolish the coat-racks.
He had no real love for anybody but occasionally had fits of affection.
Then he would embrace various people, seemingly quite unmotivated. The
effect, however, was not at all pleasant. This behaviour never felt like the
expression of genuine affection, instead, it appeared to be as abrupt as a fit.
One could not help thinking that Fritz might never be able to love anyone
and would never do something solely to please somebody else. He did not
care if people were sad or upset about him. He appeared almost to enjoy
people being angry with him while they tried to teach him, as if this were a
pleasurable sensation which he tried to provoke by negativism and
Fritz did not know the meaning of respect and was utterly indifferent to
the authority of adults. He lacked distance and talked without shyness even
to strangers. Although he acquired language very early, it was impossible
to teach him the polite form of address ('Sie'). He called everybody 'Du'.
Another strange phenomenon in this boy was the occurrence of certain
stereotypic movements and habits. 10

Family history
The mother stemmed from the family of one of the greatest Austrian poets.
Her side of the family were mostly intellectuals and all were, according to
her, in the mad-genius mould. Several wrote poetry 'quite beautifully'.
A sister of the maternal grandfather, 'a brilliant pedagogue', lived as an
eccentric recluse. The maternal grandfather and several of his relatives had
been expelled from state schools and had to attend private school. Fritz
strongly resembled this grandfather. He too was said to have been an
exceptionally difficult child and now rather resembled the caricature of a

While conduct problems are highly prominent symptoms in Asperger's cases, they are not in
Kanner's sample although the problems mentioned there do include aggressive and
destructive behaviour. This difference can perhaps be explained by the more child-centred
attitudes prevalent in the United States at the time, while in Europe the instilling of respect
and discipline had remained a major aspect of education.
The social impairment described here closely resembles the picture of the 'odd' rather than
the 'aloof or 'passive' type, using Wing and Gould's (1979) terminology.
Examples later on show that Fritz's stereotypic (repetitive) movements and habits include
jumping, hitting and echoing speech. The critical feature of such activity is its fragmentary
nature. Often it seems to be generated without external provocation.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 41

scholar, preoccupied with his own thoughts and out of touch with the real
The mother herself was very similar to the boy. This similarity was
particularly striking given that she was a woman, since, in general, one
would expect a higher degree of intuitive social adaptation in women, more
emotion than intellect. In the way she moved and spoke, indeed in her
whole demeanour, she seemed strange and rather a loner. Very
characteristic, for instance, was the situation when mother and son walked
to the hospital school together, but each by themselves. The mother
slouched along, hands held behind her back and apparently oblivious to
the world. Beside her the boy was rushing to and fro, doing mischief. They
gave the appearance of having absolutely nothing to do with each other. 1'
One could not help thinking that the mother found it difficult to cope not
only with her child but with the practical matters of life. She was certainly
not up to running the household. Even living, as she did, in the upper
echelons of society, she always looked unkempt, unwashed almost, and
was always badly dressed.IZ She was also, clearly, not coping with the
physical care of her son. It has to be said, however, that this was a
particularly difficult problem. The mother knew her son through and
through and understood his difficulties very well. She tried to find similar
traits in herself and in her relations and talked about this eloquently. She
emphasised again and again that she was at the end of her tether, and this
was indeed obvious as soon as one saw them both together.
It was clear that this state of affairs was due not only to the boy's own
internally caused problems, but also to the mother's own problems in
relating to the outside world, showing as she did a limited intuitive social
understanding. Take the following typical trait: whenever things became
too much for her at home she would simply walk out on her family and
travel to her beloved mountains. She would stay there for a week or more
at a time, leaving the rest of the family to struggle for themselves.
The boy's father came from an ordinary farming family, with no
reported peculiarities. He had made a successful career for himself,
eventually becoming a high-ranking civil servant. He married late and was
fifty-five years old when hisfirstchild was born. The father was a
withdrawn and reticent man who did not give much away about himself.
He clearly hated to talk about himself and his interests. He was extremely
correct and pedantic and kept a more than usual distance.

It is interesting to compare Kanner and Eisenberg's (1955) description of the autistic boy
George and his mother: 'As they come up the stairs, the child trails forlornly behind the
mother, who does not bother to look back'. Here the authors seem to sympathise with the
child while being somewhat censorious of the mother. Asperger instead points out the
similarity of mother and son in the way they ignore each other.
Kanner and Eisenberg's (1955) account of George's mother is again strikingly similar: 'His
mother, a college graduate, looked bedraggled at the time of the first visit. She felt futile
about herself, was overwhelmed by her family responsibilities and gave the impression of
drabness and ineffectualness.'
42 Hans Asperger

Appearance and expressive characteristics

The boy was of a rather delicate build and very tall, 11 cm above the
average height for his age. He was thin, fine-boned and his musculature
was weakly developed. His skin was of yellowish-grey pallor. The veins
were clearly visible on the temples and upper parts of the body. His posture
was slouched, his shoulders slumped, with the shoulder blades protruding.
Otherwise his appearance was unremarkable. The face showed fine and
aristocratic features, prematurely differentiated in a six-year-old. Any baby
features had long since gone.
His eye gaze was strikingly odd. 13 It was generally directed into the void,
but was occasionally interrupted by a momentary malignant glimmer.
When somebody was talking to him he did not enter into the sort of eye
contact which would normally be fundamental to conversation. He darted
short 'peripheral' looks and glanced at both people and objects only
fleetingly. It was 'as if he wasn't there'. The same impression could be
gained of his voice, which was high and thin and sounded far away.
The normal speech melody, the natural flow of speech, was missing.
Most of the time, he spoke very slowly, dragging out certain words for an
exceptionally long time. He also showed increased modulation so that his
speech was often sing-song.
The content of his speech too was completely different from what one
would expect of a normal child: only rarely was what he said in answer
to a question. One usually had to ask a question many times before it
registered. When he did answer, once in a while, the answer was as short as
possible. Often, however, it was sheer luck if he reacted at all! Either he
simply did not answer, or he turned away while beating a rhythm or
indulging in some other stereotypic behaviour. Occasionally, he repeated
the question or a single word from the question that had apparently made
an impression on him; sometimes he sang, 'I don't like to say that. . .'.

Behaviour on the ward

Posture, eye gaze, voice and speech made it obvious at first glance that the
boy's relations to the outside world were extremely limited. This was
instantly apparent also in his behaviour with other children. From the
moment he set foot on the ward he stood out from the rest of the group,
and this did not change. He remained an outsider and never took much
notice of the world around him. It was impossible to get him to join in
group play, but neither could he play properly by himself. He just did not
know what to do with the toys he was given. For instance, he put building
blocks in his mouth and chewed them, or he threw them under the beds.
The noise this created seemed to give him pleasure. ' 4
Kanner (1943) does not dwell much on peculiarity of gaze in hisfirstcase descriptions, but a
clear reference to the same phenomenon that Asperger describes appears in the case of
Virginia: 'She responded when called by getting up and coming nearer, without even
looking up to the person who called her. She just stood listlessly, looking into space.'
In comparison, Donald (Kanner's first case, described in 1943) 'had a disinclination to play
with children and do things children his age usually take an interest in'. Further, 'he kept
throwing things on the floor, seeming to delight in the sounds they made.'
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 43

While appropriate reactions to people, things and situations were largely

absent, he gave full rein to his own internally generated impulses. These
were unrelated to outside stimuli. Most conspicuous in this respect were his
stereotypic movements: he would suddenly start to beat rhythmically on
his thighs, bang loudly on the table, hit the wall, hit another person or
jump around the room. He would do this without taking any notice of the
amazement of those around him. For the most part, these impulses
occurred out of the blue, but sometimes they were provoked, for instance,
when certain demands were made which acted as undesirable intrusions
into his encapsulated personality. Even when one was able to get him to
respond for a short time, it was not long before he became unhappy, and
there would eventually be an outburst of shouts or odd stereotypic
movements. On other occasions, it was sheer restlessness which seemed to
drive him to engage in stereotypic behaviour. Whenever the ward was in a
noisy, happy or restless mood, for instance, when there was a competitive
game going on, then one could be sure that he would soon break out of the
group and start jumping or hitting.
In addition to these problems there were also various nasty and
unacceptable habits. He 'ate' the most impossible things, for example,
whole pencils, wood and lead, or paper, in considerable quantities. Not
surprisingly, he frequently had stomach problems. He was in the habit of
licking the table and then playing around with his spit. He also committed
the mischievous acts which are characteristic of this type of child. 15 The
same boy who sat there listlessly with an absent look on his face would
suddenly jump up with his eyes lit up, and before one could do anything,
he would have done something mischievous. Perhaps he would knock
everything off the table or bash another child. Of course he would always
choose the smaller, more helpless ones to hit, who became very afraid of
him. Perhaps he would turn on the lights or the water, or suddenly run
away from his mother or another accompanying adult, to be caught only
with difficulty. Then again, he may have thrown himself into a puddle so
that he would be spattered with mud from head to foot. These impulsive
acts occurred without any warning and were therefore extremely difficult
to manage or control. In each of these situations it was always the worst,
most embarrassing, most dangerous thing that happened. The boy seemed
to have a special sense for this, and yet he appeared to take hardly any
notice of the world around him! No wonder the malicious behaviour of
these children so often appears altogether 'calculated'. 16
As one would expect, the conduct disorders were particularly gross when
demands were made on him, for instance, when one tried to give him

Kanner (1943) does not talk of mischievous behaviour. However, Donald showed
behaviour that Asperger would almost certainly have labelled spiteful: 'He still went on
chewing on paper, putting food on his hair, throwing books into the toilet, putting a key
down the water drain, climbing onto the table and bureau, having temper tantrums.'
One of the most controversial of Asperger's ideas is his contention that the autistic children
he describes display intentionally spiteful or malicious behaviour. This idea has to be seen
together with his other observations of the children's general indifference to other people's
feelings. Examples that Asperger gives suggest that the child had only a physical effect in
mind, not a psychological one, as, for instance, when Fritz provoked his teacher because he
enjoyed seeing her display anger.
44 Hans Asperger

something to do or to teach him something. This was regardless of whether

he was in a group with other children or on his own. It required great skill
to make him join some physical exercise or work even for a short while.
Apart from his intransigence to any requests, he was not good at PE
because he was motorically very clumsy. He was never physically relaxed.
He never 'swung' in any rhythm. He had no mastery over his body. It was
not surprising, therefore, that he constantly tried to run away from the PE
group or from the work-table. It was particularly in these situations that he
would start jumping, hitting, climbing on the beds or begin some
stereotyped sing-song.
Similar difficulties were encountered when one worked with him on his
own. An example was his behaviour during intelligence tests. It turned out
that it was impossible to get a good idea of his true intellectual abilities
using standard intelligence tests. The results were highly contradictory.
His failure to respond to particular test questions seemed to be a matter of
chance and a result of his profound contact disturbance. Testing was
extremely difficult to carry out. He constantly jumped up or smacked the
experimenter on the hand. He would repeatedly drop himself from chair to
floor and then enjoy being firmly placed back in his chair again. Often,
instead of answering a question, he said 'Nothing at all, nobody at all',
grinning horridly. Occasionally he stereotypically repeated the question or
a meaningless word or perhaps a word he made up. Questions and requests
had to be repeated constantly. It was a matter of luck to catch him at
exactly the moment he was ready to respond, when he would occasionally
perform considerably in advance of his age. Some examples are given

CONSTRUCTION TEST (a figure made out of sticks, and consisting of

two squares and four triangles, is exposed for a few seconds and has to be
copied from memory). Even though he had only half-glanced at this
figure, he correctly constructed it within a few seconds, or rather, he threw
the little sticks so that it was perfectly possible to recognise the correct
figure, but he could not be persuaded to arrange them properly.

RHYTHM IMITATION (various rhythms are beaten out to be

copied). In spite of many attempts he could not be persuaded to do this

MEMORY FOR DIGITS He very readily repeated six digits. One was left
with a strong impression that he could go further, except that he just did
not feel like it. According to the Binet test, the repetition of six digits is
expected at the age of ten, while the boy was only six years old.

MEMORY FOR SENTENCES This test too could not be properly

evaluated. He deliberately repeated wrongly many of the sentences.
However, it was clear that he could achieve at least age-appropriate
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 45

SIMILARITIES Some questions were not answered at all, others got a

nonsensical answer. For instance, for the item tree and bush, he just said,
'There is a difference'. For fly and butterfly, he said, 'Because he has a
different name', 'Because the butterfly is snowed, snowed with snow';
asked about the colour, he said, 'Because he is red and blue, and the fly is
brown and black'. For the item wood and glass, he answered, 'Because the
glass is more glassy and the wood is more woody'. For cow and calf, he
replied, 'lammerlammerlammer . . .'. To the question 'Which is the bigger
one?' he said, 'The cow I would like to have the pen now'.

Enough examples from the intelligence test. We did not obtain an accurate
picture of the boy's intellectual abilities. This, of course, was hardly to be
expected. First, he rarely reacted to stimuli appropriately but followed his
own internally generated impulses. Secondly, he could not engage in the
lively reciprocity of normal social interaction. In order to judge his abilities it
was therefore necessary to look at his spontaneous productions.
As the parents had already pointed out, he often surprised us with
remarks that betrayed an excellent apprehension of a situation and an
accurate judgement of people. This was the more amazing as he apparently
never took any notice of his environment. Above all, from very early on he
had shown an interest in numbers and calculations. He had learnt to count
to over 100 and was able to calculate within that number-space with great
fluency. This was without anybody ever having tried to teach him - apart
from answering occasional questions he asked. His extraordinary
calculating ability had been reported by the parents and was verified by us.
Incidentally, we found, in general, that the parents had an excellent
understanding of their child's intellectual abilities. Such knowledge as the
boy possessed was not accessible by questioning at will. Rather, it showed
itself accidentally, especially during his time on the ward, where he was
given individual tuition. Even before any systematic teaching had begun, he
had mastered calculations with numbers over ten. Of course, quite a
number of bright children are able to do this before starting school at six.
However, his ability to use fractions was unusual, and was revealed quite
incidentally during his first year of instruction. The mother reported that
at the very beginning of schooling he set himself the problem what is
bigger lA(, or l/,8 - and then solved it with ease. When somebody asked for
fun, just to test the limits of his ability, 'What is ZA of 120?', he instantly
gave the right answer, '80'. Similarly, he surprised everybody with his
grasp of the concept of negative numbers, which he had apparently gained
wholly by himself; it came out with his remark that 3 minus 5 equals '2
under zero'. At the end of the first school year, he was also fluent in solving
problems of the type, 'If 2 workers do a job in a certain amount of time,
how much time do 6 workers need?'
We see here something that we have come across in almost all autistic
individuals, a special interest which enables them to achieve quite
extraordinary levels of performance in a certain area. This, then, throws
some light on the question of their intelligence. However, even now the
answer remains problematic since the findings can be contradictory and
46 HansAsperger

different testers can come to different intelligence estimates. Clearly, it is

possible to consider such individuals both as child prodigies and as
imbeciles with ample justification. 17
Now, a word about the boy's relations to people. At first glance, it seemed
as if these did not exist or existed only in a negative sense, in mischief and
aggression. This, however, was not quite true. Again, accidentally, on rare
occasions, he showed that he knew intuitively, and indeed unfailingly,
which person really meant well by him, and would even reciprocate at
times. For instance, he would declare that he loved his teacher on the ward,
and now and then he hugged a nurse in a rare wave of affection.

Implications of remedial education

It is obvious that in the present case there were particularly difficult
educational problems. Let us consider first the essential prerequisites which
make a normal child learn and integrate into school life, in terms not just of
the subject matter taught, but also of the appropriate social behaviour.
Learning the appropriate behaviour does not depend primarily on
intellectual understanding. Well before the child can understand the
spoken words of his teacher, even in early infancy, he learns to comply.
He complies with and responds to the glance of the mother, the tone of her
voice, the look of her face, and to her gestures rather than the words
themselves. In short, he learns to respond to the infinitely rich display of
human expressive phenomena. While the young child cannot understand
this consciously, he none the less behaves accordingly. The child stands in
uninterrupted reciprocity with his care-giver, constantly building up his
own responses and modifying them according to the positive or negative
outcome of his encounters. Clearly, an undisturbed relationship with his
environment is an essential requirement. In Fritz's case, however, it is
precisely this wonderful regulating mechanism which is severely disturbed.
It is a sign of this disturbance that Fritz's expressions themselves are
abnormal. How odd is his use of eye contact! Normally, a great deal of the
outside world is received by the eye and communicated by the eye to
others. How odd is his voice, how odd his manner of speaking and his way
of moving! It is no surprise, therefore, that this boy also lacks
understanding of other people's expressions and cannot react to them
appropriately. 18

Asperger and Kanner were both impressed by the isolated special abilities found in almost
all their cases. Fritz shows superior rote memory and calculating ability; Donald likewise
has excellent rote memory and could count to TOO at the age of five.
Recent findings of an impairment in the understanding of emotion in voice and face confirm
Asperger's impression. See Hobson (1989) for a review of research and theoretical
interpretation. Asperger believed autistic children to have a disturbed relation to the
environment in general, and not merely to the social environment. It follows that their lack
of emotional understanding is a consequence of the same underlying problem (that is,
contact disturbance) which also results in their helplessness in practical matters of everyday
life. Kanner (1943), instead, contrasts the 'excellent relation to objects with the non-existent
relation to people', a highly influential view which has become the basis of many theories of
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 47

Let us consider this issue again from a different point of view. It is not
the content of words that makes a child comply with requests, by
processing them intellectually. It is, above all, the affect of the care-giver
which speaks through the words. Therefore, when making requests, it does
not really matter what the care-giver says or how well-founded the request
is. The point is not to demonstrate the necessity of compliance and
consequence of non-compliance - only bad teachers do this. What matters
is the way in which the request is made, that is, how powerful the affects
are which underlie the words. These affects can be understood even by the
infant, the foreigner or the animal, none of whom is able to comprehend
the literal meaning.
In our particular case, as indeed, in all such cases, the affective side was
disturbed to a large extent, as should have become apparent from the
description so far. The boy's emotions were indeed hard to comprehend.
It was almost impossible to know what would make him laugh or jump
up and down with happiness, and what would make him angry and
aggressive. It was impossible to know what feelings were the basis of his
stereotypic activities or what it was that could suddenly make him
affectionate. So much of what he did was abrupt and seemed to have no
basis in the situation itself. Since the affectivity of the boy was so deviant
and it was hard to understand his feelings, it is not surprising that his
reactions to the feelings of his care-givers were also inappropriate. 19
In fact, it is typical of children such as Fritz V. that they do not comply
with requests or orders that are affectively charged with anger, kindness,
persuasion or flattery. Instead, they respond with negativistic, naughty and
aggressive behaviour. While demonstrations of love, affection and flattery
are pleasing to normal children and often induce in them the desired
behaviour, such approaches only succeeded in irritating Fritz, as well as all
other similar children. While anger and threats usually succeed in bending
obstinacy in normal children and often make them compliant after all, the
opposite is true of autistic children. For them, the affect of the care-giver
may provide a sensation which they relish and thus seek to provoke. 'I am
so horrible because you are cross so nicely', said one such boy to his
It is difficult to know what the appropriate pedagogic approach should
be. As with all genuine teaching, it should not be based primarily on logical
deduction but rather on pedagogic intuition. Nevertheless, it is possible to
state a few principles which are based on our experience with such
The first is that all educational transactions have to be done with the
affect 'turned off. The teacher must never become angry nor should he aim
to become loved. It will never do to appear quiet and calm on the outside
while one is boiling inside. Yet this is only too likely, given the negativism
and seemingly calculated naughtiness of autistic children! The teacher must

From Asperger's descriptions throughout it is clear that he believed autistic children to be

capable of having strong feelings, and to be disturbed only in their ability to manifest such
feelings appropriately.
48 Hans Asperger

at all costs be calm and collected and must remain in control. He should
give his instructions in a cool and objective manner, without being
intrusive. A lesson with such a child may look easy and appear to run along
in a calm, self-evident manner. It may even seem that the child is simply
allowed to get away with everything, any teaching being merely incidental.
Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, the guidance of these
children requires a high degree of effort and concentration. The teacher
needs a particular inner strength and confidence which is not at all easy to
There is a great danger of getting involved in endless arguments with
these children, be it in order to prove that they are wrong or to bring them
towards some insight. This is especially true for the parents, who
frequently find themselves trapped in endless discussions. On the other
hand, it often works simply to cut short negativistic talk: for example, Fritz
is tired of doing sums and sings, 'I don't want to do sums any more, I don't
want to do sums any more', the teacher replies, 'No, you don't need to do
sums', and continuing in the same calm tone of voice, 'How much is . . .?'
Primitive as they are, such methods are, in our experience, often successful.
There is an important point to be made here. Paradoxical as it may seem,
the children are negativistic and highly suggestible at the same time.
Indeed, there is a kind of automatic or reflex obedience. This behaviour is
known to occur in schizophrenics. It could well be that these two disorders
of the will are closely related! With our children we have repeatedly found
that if one makes requests in an automaton-like and stereotyped way, for
instance, speaking softly in the same sing-song that they use themselves,
one senses that they have to obey, seemingly unable to resist the command.
Another pedagogic trick is to announce any educational measures not as
personal requests, but as objective impersonal law. But more of this later.
I have already mentioned that behind the cool and objective interaction
with Fritz and all similar children there needs to be genuine care and
kindness if one wants to achieve anything at all. These children often show
a surprising sensitivity to the personality of the teacher. However difficult
they are even under optimal conditions, they can be guided and taught, but
only by those who give them true understanding and genuine affection,
people who show kindness towards them and, yes, humour. The teacher's
underlying emotional attitude influences, involuntarily and unconsciously,
the mood and behaviour of the child. Of course, the management and
guidance of such children essentially requires a proper knowledge of their
peculiarities as well as genuine pedagogic talent and experience. Mere
teaching efficiency is not enough.
It was clear from the start that Fritz, with his considerable problems,
could not be taught in a class. For one thing, any degree of restlessness
around him would have irritated him and made concentration impossible.
For another, he himself would have disrupted the class and destroyed work
done by the others. Consider only his negativism and his uninhibited,
impulsive behaviour. This is why we gave him a personal tutor on the
ward, with the consent of the educational authority. Even then, teaching
was not easy, as should be clear from the above remarks. Even
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 49

mathematics lessons were problematic when, given his special talent in this
area, one might have expected an easier time. Of course, if a problem
turned up which happened to interest him at that moment (see previous
examples), then he 'tuned in' and surprised us all by his quick and excellent
grasp. However, ordinary mathematics sums made for much tedious
effort. As we will see with the other cases even with the brightest children
of this type, the automatisation of learning, that is, the setting up of routine
thought processes, proceeds only with the utmost difficulty. Writing was an
especially difficult subject, as we expected, because his motor clumsiness, in
addition to his general problems, hampered him a good deal. In his tense
fist the pencil could not run smoothly. A whole page would suddenly
become covered with big swirls, the exercise book would be drilled full of
holes, if not torn up. In the end it was possible to teach him to write only by
making him trace letters and words which were written in red pencil. This
was to guide him to make the right movements. However, his
handwriting has so far been atrocious. Orthography too was difficult to
automatise. He used to write the whole sentence in one go, without
separating the words. He was able to spell correctly when forced to be
careful. However, he made the silliest mistakes when left to his own
devices. Learning to read, in particular sounding out words, proceeded
with moderate difficulties. It was almost impossible to teach him the
simple skills needed in everyday life. While observing such a lesson, one
could not help feeling that he was not listening at all, only making
mischief. It was, therefore, the more surprising, as became apparent
occasionally, for example through reports from the mother, that he had
managed to learn quite a lot. It was typical of Fritz, as of all similar
children, that he seemed to see a lot using only 'peripheral vision', or to
take in things 'from the edge of attention'. Yet these children are able to
analyse and retain what they catch in such glimpses. Their active and
passive attention is very disturbed; they have difficulty in retrieving their
knowledge, which is revealed often only by chance. Nevertheless, their
thoughts can be unusually rich. They are good at logical thinking, and the
ability to abstract is particularly good. It does often seem that even in
perfectly normal people an increased distance to the outside world is a
prerequisite for excellence in abstract thinking.
Despite the difficulties we had in teaching this boy we managed to get
him to pass successfully a state school examination at the end of the school
year. The exceptional examination situation was powerful enough to make
him more or less behave himself, and he showed good concentration.
Naturally, he astounded the examiners in mathematics. Now Fritz attends
the third form of a primary school as an external pupil, without having lost
a school year so far. Whether and when he will be able to visit a secondary
school we do not know.

Differential diagnosis
Considering the highly abnormal behaviour of Fritz, one has to ask
whether there is in fact some more severe disturbance and not merely a
50 Hans Asperger

personality disorder. There are two possibilities: childhood schizophrenia

and a post-encephalitic state.
There is much that is reminiscent of schizophrenia in Fritz: the extremely
limited contact, the automaton-like behaviour, the stereotypies. Against
this diagnosis, however, speaks the fact that there is no sign of progressive
deterioration, no characteristic acute onset of alarming florid symptoms
(severe anxiety and hallucinations), nor are there any delusions. Although
Fritz shows a very deviant personality, his personality remains the same
and can largely be seen as deriving from father and mother, and their
families. In fact, his personality shows steady development, and on the
whole this is resulting in improved adaptation to the environment. Lastly,
the complex overall clinical impression, which cannot be pinned down
further, is completely different from that of a schizophrenic. There, one has
the uncanny feeling of a destruction of personality which remains
incomprehensible and incalculable, even if it is perhaps possible to some
extent to stave off disintegration through pedagogic means. Here, however,
there are numerous genuine relationships, a degree of reciprocal
understanding and a genuine chance for remedial education.
One has also to consider the possibility of a post-encephalitic personality
disorder. As we shall see below, there are a number of similarities between
autistic children and brain-damaged children who either had a birth injury
or encephalitis. Suffice it to say here that there was no reason for thinking
this applied in the case of Fritz. There were certainly none of the symptoms
that are always present in post-encephalitic cases (though these are
sometimes easily overlooked). There was not the slightest evidence of
neurological or vegetative symptoms such as strabismus, facial rigidity,
subtle spastic paresis, increased salivation or other endocrine signs.

Harro L.
Our second case is a boy who also shows the main characteristics of autism
in highly typical form, except that the relationships to the outside world are
not as severely disturbed as in our first case. Instead, the positive aspects of
autism become more obvious: the independence in thought, experience and
This eight-and-a-half-year-old boy was referred to us by his school as
unmanageable.20 He was in his third year at school, but was repeating the
second year because he had failed in all subjects.21 The teacher believed
that he 'could if he only wanted to'. Occasionally, he made surprisingly
clever remarks of a maturity way beyond his age. On the other hand, he
often refused to co-operate, sometimes using bad language, for example,
'this is far too stupid for me', which threatened to undermine the discipline
of the whole class. He hardly ever did his homework. Worse still were his
As in the case of Fritz V., conduct problems seem to have been the main reason for referral.
Failure to reach the required standard at the end of the school year resulted in repetition.
The child was placed with a younger age group going through the same syllabus again. This
would have carried a stigma for the family and the child.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 51

conduct problems. He rarely did what he was told but answered back and
with such cheek that the teacher had given up asking him so as not to lose
face in front of the class. On the one hand, Harro did not do what he was
supposed to do, on the other, he did exactly what he wanted to do himself
and without considering the consequences. He left his desk during lessons
and crawled on the floor on all fours. One of the principal reasons for his
being referred by the school was his savage tendency tofight.Little things
drove him to senseless fury, whereupon he attacked other children,
gnashing his teeth and hitting out blindly. This was dangerous because he
was not a skilled fighter. Children who are skilledfightersknow exactly
how far they can go and can control their movements so that they hardly
ever cause real trouble. Harro was anything but a skilledfighter,and since
he was very clumsy, could not control his movements and had no idea
where to aim, he often allegedly caused injury to others. He was said to be
extremely sensitive to teasing, and yet in many ways, with his strange and
comical behaviour he directly provoked teasing.
He was said to be an inveterate 'liar'. He did not lie in order to get out of
something that he had done this was certainly not the problem, as he
always told the truth very brazenly but he told long, fantastic stories, his
confabulations becoming ever more strange and incoherent.22
His early independence in certain things was outstanding. Since his
second school year, that is, since he was only seven years old, he had
travelled alone by train to school in Vienna. His parents lived in a village
approximately 25 km from Vienna. The father, who wanted his son to
have better opportunities, disdained the village school and therefore sent
him to school in Vienna.
On a more unpleasant note, Harro also showed his social unconcern in
sexual play with other boys, allegedly going as far as homosexual acts,
coitus attempts.
From the family history, we note that Harro was an only child. He was a
forceps delivery, but no disturbances were observed that might relate to
any birth injury. His mental and physical development was unremarkable.
As a small child, he was supposed to have been perfectly ordinary, except
that his stubbornness and independence were evident very early.
The father, who brought the child to us, was a strange man, and very
similar to his son. He appeared to be something of an adventurer. He
originally came from Siebenburgen (Transylvania) and during the First
World War, under great danger from the Romanian army, fled to Austria
via Russia. By profession he was a painter and sculptor, but out of financial
necessity he was making brooms and brushes. While there was severe
unemployment at the time we saw the boy, the contrast of the two jobs was
certainly striking. The father, who himself comes from peasant stock, is a
typical intellectual. He professed to be completely and painfully self-
Sadly, examples of fantastic stories told by Harro are not given. In their absence it is difficult
to know whether these stories were imaginative in the ordinary sense of the word, that is
whether Harro was fully aware of their fictitious nature. Donald (Kanner's first case) was
also said by his mother to dramatise stories, again without examples to illustrate what was
meant by this.
52 H a n s Asperger

taught. One could make out from what he said that he had nothing to do
with anyone in the village where he lived and where he must have been
considered highly eccentric. He said himself that he was nervous and highly
strung but that 'he controlled himself to such an extent that he appeared to
be indifferent'.
The mother, whom we never saw (we felt that the father did not want us
to see her) was also supposed to be highly strung. In both the father's and
mother's families there were said to be many highly strung people. No
more details were obtained.

Appearance and expressive characteristics

Harro was a rather small boy, 4 cm below average in height, and of stocky
and muscular build. His arms and legs looked as if they were too short for
his body. In some ways, he looked like a miniature adult, especially since
his facial features were very mature. His typically lost gaze was often far
away. Sometimes he appeared to be in deep thought, then he would draw
together his brows and assume a strange, slightly funny dignity. His
posture too was odd. He stood broadly, arms held away from the body, as
a portly gentleman or a boxer might do. He had few facial expressions and
gestures. His dignified seriousness was only rarely interrupted, for instance,
when he secretly laughed to himself. It was usually impossible to make out
what had struck him as funny at that moment.
His voice fitted this picture well. It was very deep and appeared to come
from very far down, in the abdomen. He talked slowly and in a deadpan
way without much modulation. He never looked at his interlocutor while
talking. His gaze was far away. With a tense, even cramped, facial
expression, he tried to formulate his thoughts. In this, he succeeded
remarkably well. He had an unusually mature and adult manner of
expressing himself, not, as one occasionally sees in children, by using
ready-made copied phrases, but drawn from his own quite unchildlike
experience. It was as if he coined each word to fit the moment. Often he did
not respond to questions but let his talk run single-mindedly along his own
tracks. He could describe his own experiences or feelings with an unusual
degree of introspection. He could look at himself as a detached critical
observer ('I am dreadfully left-handed')/ 3 Although he was aloof from
things and people or perhaps because of this he had rich experiences
and his own independent interests. 24 It was possible to talk to him as to an
adult, and one could really learn from him. This phenomenon is well
demonstrated by his behaviour during intelligence testing, as described

Intelligence testing
First, some general remarks about the testing methods that we use in our
department. The main difference from traditional testing (for example, the
'Ich bin ein ganz fiirchterlicher Linkser'.
Harro's social impairment included being aloof as well as odd. He showed, for instance,
aggressive disrespect for teachers, and kept himself apart from his peers.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 53

Binet test, from which we have taken some subtests) is that we use a clinical
approach where we are not interested merely in the passing and failing of
single tests but, instead, in the qualitative aspects of performance. First we
score the performance according to the level reached, and represent this
graphically to obtain a test profile. In this way, one can see the
discrepancies between the performances in various tests, which would
otherwise have been submerged in the overall IQ score/ 5 More
importantly, we observe how the child solves various problems, his method
of working, his individual tempo, his concentration and, above all, his
ability to relate and communicate. We adapt the way we test according to
the personality of the child, and we try to build up good rapport. Of
course, every good tester would do this anyway. Thus, it is important to
help the anxious, inhibited child who lacks self-confidence, for example, by
starting off the task for him or by helping him along. The chatty and
hyperactive child, or the child who does not keep a distance, on the other
hand, has to be restrained and somehow made to do the required work.
Obviously, any help given needs to be taken into account later when
scoring, which is not easy. We also try to find out what special interests
each child may have. We always let the children produce something
spontaneously, and we let them expand on their responses by asking more
questions. If there is a particular failure or if there are specific problems on
some subtest, then we ask questions that are not part of standard
procedure until we have clarified the reason for the difficulty.
This method of testing demands much greater experience than
schematically laid down methods with rigid scoring. However, if carried
out well, it can tell us not only about the intellectual ability of the child, but
also about important personality functions.
It was almost as difficult to carry out the testing with Harro as it was
with Fritz. Very often, he shut off completely when a question did not
interest him. Sometimes he did not seem to hear the question. A lot of
energy went into simply making him do the tasks. Again and again he went
off on a tangent and had to be brought back. However, once his attention
was engaged, his performance could be remarkably good.
Any tests that did not yield anything of special interest will be omitted,
but I will describe in detail the results of the similarities subtest. Here,
where Harro was able to produce answers spontaneously, he became lively
and interested, and one even had to cut him off, since he threatened to go
on for ever.

T R E E / B U S H 'The bush, that is where the branches grow straight off the
ground, completely jumbled up, so that it can happen that three or four
cross over each other, so that one has a knot in one's hand. The tree, that is
where there is first a stem and only then the branches, and not so jumbled
up, and rather thick branches. This happened to me once, that is where I
The examples Asperger gives of IQ test questions are chosen to illustrate the quality of the
autistic child's way of thinking, but they do not go beyond a clinical impression. His
colleague Elisabeth Wurst, in 1976, published profiles of IQ test performance which show a
characteristically uneven pattern such as is generally found in autism. The nature of this
pattern is discussed in Frith (1989).
54 HansAsperger

cut into a bush, I wanted to make myself a sling, I cut off four branches and
then I have an eight-part knot in my hand. This comes when two branches
rub against each other, then there is a wound there, then they grow

S T A I R S / L A D D E R 'Stairs are made out of stone. One doesn't call them

rungs, they are called steps, because they are much bigger, and on the
ladder they are thinner and smaller and round. It is much more
comfortable on the stairs than on the ladder.'

S T O V E / O V E N 'The stove is what one has in the room as a firebringer(!)

and the oven is where you cook something.'

LAKE/RIVER 'Well, the lake, it doesn't move from its spot, and it can
never be as long and never have that many branches, and it always has an
end somewhere. One can't compare at all the Danube with the Ossiach
Lake in Corinthia - not in the least little bit.'

G L A S S / W O O D 'Glass is transparent. Wood, if you wanted to look

through it, you would have to make a hole in it. If one wants to beat on a
piece of wood then one has to beat a long time until it breaks, unless it's a
dry twig. Then that would break easily. With the glass you need to hit only
twice and then it's broken.'

F L Y / B U T T E R F L Y 'The butterfly is colourful, the fly is black. The

butterfly has big wings so that two flies could go underneath one wing. But
the fly is much more skilful and can walk up the slippery glass and can walk
up the wall. And it has a completely different development! [Now he
becomes over-enthusiastic, talks with exaggerated emphasis.] The fly
mother lays many, many eggs in a gap in the floorboards and then a few
days later the maggots crawl out. I have read this once in a book, where the
floor talks I could die laughing [!] when I think of it what is looking out
of this little tub? A giant head with a tiny body and a trunk like an
elephant? And then a few days later they cocoon themselves in and then
suddenly there are some dear little flies crawling out. And then the
microscope explains how the fly can walk up the wall: just yesterday I saw
it has teeny weeny claws on the feet and at the ends tiny little hooks; when
it feels that it slips, then it hooks itself up with the hooks. And the butterfly
does not grow up in the room as the fly does. I have not read anything
about that and I know nothing about it (!), but I believe (!) that the
butterfly will take much longer with his development.'

E N V Y / M E A N N E S S 'The mean one has something and doesn't want to

give it away, and the envious one wants to have what the other one has.' 26
Asperger believes that his examples of answers to the similarity questions demonstrate
depth and originality of thinking. However, a striking feature of the answers is their
seamless mixture of general knowledge and personal memory. Perhaps this indicates that
the children had little idea of the purpose of the questions. The normal listener would realise
that general questions require general answers, and refrain from recounting specific
autobiographical incidents.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 55

School attainment tests

Since most children who come to us for observation also have learning
difficulties, we frequently use scholastic attainment tests. Naturally, we are
aware of environmental influences here, for example, neglect of
educational needs. Incidentally, when do environmental influences not play
a role where test performances are concerned? It is a grave error to think
that the responses to Binet tests come entirely from within the child and
show no environmental effects!

READING He read a story shoddily and with errors. However, one could
notice clearly that he read for meaning and that the content of the story
interested him. He wanted to read faster than he was able to and for this
reason was not very accurate. As this observation suggests his reading
comprehension was excellent. He could reproduce what he had read in his
own words, and he could say what the moral of a story was even though
the moral was not explicitly presented in the text (the fable of the fox who
was punished for his vanity).

WRITING TO DICTATION His handwriting, as to be expected from his

general clumsiness, was very poor. He carried on writing carelessly and
messily, crossing out words, lines going up and down, the slant changing.
His spelling was reasonably accurate. As long as his attention was focused
on a word, he knew how to spell it. It was very significant, then, that he
made more spelling errors when copying than at dictation. Really, one
would expect that copying should not present any problems at all, since,
after all, the word was there in front of him; but this very simple and
straightforward task simply did not interest him.

MATHEMATICS Here his 'autistic originality' was particularly evident.

A few examples:

27 and 12 equals 39. He spontaneously explained how he had

worked this out: '2 times 12 equals 24, 3 times 12 equals 36,
I remember the 3 [he means 27 is 3 more than 2 times 12], and
carry on.'
58 plus 34 equals 92. 'Better: 60 plus 32,1 always go for the tens.'
34 minus 12 equals 22. '34 plus 2 equals 36, minus 12 equals 24,
minus 2 equals 22, this way I worked it out more quickly than any
47 minus 15 equals 32. 'Either add 3 and also add 3 to that which
should be taken away, or first take away 7 and then 8.'
52 minus 25 equals 27. '2 times 25 equals 50, plus 2 equals 52, 25
plus 2 equals 27.'
A word problem (consider that the boy was only eight-and-a-half
years old, and was only in the second year of the primary school!). A
56 Hans Asperger

bottle with a cork costs I.IO schillings, the bottle costs just one more
schilling than the cork, how much does each cost? After five seconds
he gave the correct solution and explained when asked: 'When a
bottle costs i schilling more, then you have to leave one schilling
aside, and something of the 10 groschen still needs to be left, so I
have to divide by 2, so the cork costs 5 groschen and the bottle costs
1 schilling and 5 groschen.'
Fascinating as his mastery of numbers may be, we can nevertheless see the
disadvantages of his original methods. They were often so complicated -
however ingenious that they resulted in errors. To use the conventional
methods that are taught at school, for example, starting with tens and then
units when subtracting, did not occur to Harro.
Here we come to an important insight: in autism there is a particular
difficulty in mechanical learning, indeed there is an inability to learn from
adults in conventional ways. Instead, the autistic individual needs to create
everything out of his own thought and experience. More often than not this
results in defective performance, even in the more able autistic individuals.
In this way we can explain why such a bright boy as Harro was unable to
attain the end of his form year and had to repeat it. Of course, in school he
was more difficult than during individual testing, where we made
allowances for his problems and provided an opportunity for him to give
spontaneous and original answers. On the ward too, we were able to
observe how much worse his performance was when he was taught in a
group. Being taught in a group, of course means that everybody has to pay
attention and do what the teacher asks. Harro could do neither of these.
His mind wandered off on his own problems and he would not know what
the lesson was about. He took away from the lesson only those things for
which he had a particular affinity and could think about in his own way.
According to the school report he hardly ever knew what homework he
had to do, and could not therefore do the appropriate work at home
despite the father's efforts. It is not surprising, then, that in the previous
year he had not been able to advance to the next form despite his
undoubted ability which was recognised by the school.27

Behaviour on the ward and educational treatment

The peculiarities of Harro's behaviour can all be explained in terms of his
contact disturbance, that is, his extremely limited relationship to his
environment. Through the length of his stay on the ward he remained a
stranger. One would never see him join in a game with others. Most of the
time, he sat in a corner buried in a book, oblivious to the noise or
movement around him. Usually, of course, such fanatical reading is rare
before the age of ten. The other children found him odd and he became an
object of ridicule because of the way he looked and the 'dignity' that went
Underachievement at school is commonly found in autistic children of both normal and
high intellectual ability and this has been confirmed by recent research. For recent reviews
see Gillberg (1989).
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 57

with it (children are particularly sensitive to this!). Nevertheless, they

treated him with a certain shyness and respect, and with good reason.
Any teasing by other children was met with brutal and ruthless aggression.
He did not see the funny side of things and lacked any sense of humour,
especially if the joke was on him.
He could be shamelessly recalcitrant when disciplinary requests were
made. He always answered back, for example, 'I wouldn't even dream of
doing this'. Even if he happened to be temporarily impressed by the
teacher's authority, he would at least grumble to himself.
Harro did not form any close relationships, either with another child in
the ward or with an adult. His interest could be engaged, and then it could
be very stimulating to talk to him. Nevertheless, he never became warm,
trusting or cheerful, just as the staff could never quite warm towards him,
and he never became free and relaxed.
All his movements eloquently expressed his problem. His facial
expressions were sparse and rigid. With this went a general stiffness and
clumsiness. Nevertheless, there were no neuropathological symptoms
indicating spasticity. The clumsiness was particularly well demonstrated
during PE lessons. Even when he was following the group leader's
instructions and trying for once to do a particular physical exercise, his
movements would be ugly and angular. He was never able to swing with
the rhythm of the group. His movements never unfolded naturally and
spontaneously and therefore pleasingly from the proper co-ordination
of the motor system as a whole. Instead, it seemed as if he could only
manage to move those muscular parts to which he directed a conscious
effort of will. What was true of many of his responses in general was also
true here: nothing was spontaneous or natural, everything was
Nevertheless, through patience and practice improvement was achieved
in a number of practical skills. Like all autistic children, Harro was
especially clumsy if not downright obstinate when it came to daily chores
such as getting washed. One had to fight hard to teach him the important
social habits of everyday life. The many practical skills needed in daily life
present little problem to normal children. They can copy and learn them
from adults with ease. This is, of course, what teachers expect. The teacher
who does not understand that it is necessary to teach autistic children
seemingly obvious things will feel impatient and irritated. Autistic children
cannot cope with precisely such simple matters. It is impossible to say
whether this is because of motor clumsiness or because of a failure to
understand. Both seem to go together. Furthermore, they are particularly
sensitive about personal demands, and it is far easier to engage their
interest intellectually. It is not surprising, therefore, that autistic children

Almost certainly, the ideas Asperger has in mind here are those discussed in a classic work
of German literature, Heinrich von Kleist's (1810) essay about the puppet theatre. Kleist
contrasted the natural grace of the unconsciously moving child with the artifice of
mechanical puppetry. Similarly, Asperger contrasts 'intellectualised' behaviour, which is
formal and stilted, with spontaneous behaviour, which is naturally graceful and appealing.
58 H a n s Asperger

show negativism and malice to seemingly petty and routine demands, and
that it is there that serious conflicts often arise.
How, then, should one treat these difficulties? We have already noted in
the first case that more can be achieved by 'switching off one's affect and
by using an impersonal, objective style of instruction. Here, with the more
able and less disturbed Harro, we found a way which we believe to be
successful with more autistic children. The boy was more amenable when a
request appeared not to be directed towards him in particular, but was
verbally phrased in a very general, impersonal way, as an objective law,
standing above the child and the teacher, for instance, 'One always does
such and such . . .', 'Now everyone has to . . .', 'A bright boy always
does . . .'.
Another important point is this: normal children acquire the necessary
social habits without being consciously aware of them, they learn
instinctively. It is these instinctive relations that are disturbed in autistic
children. To put it bluntly, these individuals are intelligent automata.
Social adaptation has to proceed via the intellect. In fact, they have to learn
everything via the intellect. 29 One has to explain and enumerate
everything, where, with normal children, this would be an error of
educational judgement. Autistic children have to learn the simple daily
chores just like proper homework, systematically. With some children who
admittedly were somewhat older than Harro, it was possible to achieve a
relatively smooth integration by establishing an exact timetable in which,
from the moment of rising at a particular time, every single occupation and
duty was outlined in detail. When such children left the hospital they were
given a timetable. It was, of course, made up in consultation with the
parents and adapted to the individual needs of each family. The children
had to give an account of how well they followed the timetable, sometimes
by keeping a diary. They felt that they were firmly tied to this 'objective
law'. In any case, many of them have pedantic tendencies veering towards
the obsessional, and it was possible to use such tendencies for this
regulatory purpose.
In this way Harro too achieved better adaptation, though not without
difficulty. He certainly began to respond better to the demands of group
teaching. Several months after he left, we heard that he was much happier
at school. Unfortunately, we have not heard from him since, as his parents,
we believe, have moved.
The difficulties these children have with instinctive adaptations are, then,
amenable to partial compensation through an intellectualising approach.
The better the intellectual ability the more successful this approach. Now,
the autistic personality is certainly not only found in the intellectually able.
It also occurs in the less able, even in children with severe mental

Asperger frequently recommends learning through conscious intellectualising as the appro-

priate method in the education of autistic children. In the method of Heilpadagogik this
form of compensatory learning would be taught only when it was clear that normal intuitive
learning had failed.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 59

retardation.30 It is obvious that in the latter case adaptation is much more

difficult to achieve. A further case will be given as an example.

Ernst K.
This seven-and-a-half-year-old boy was also referred to us by his school
because of severe conduct and learning problems.
The following points from the family history deserve to be mentioned.
Birth and physical development were normal. Ernst was an only child. His
speech was somewhat delayed (first words at the age of one-and-a-half).
For a long time, the boy was reported to have had speech difficulties
(stammering). Now, however, his speech was exceptionally good, he spoke
iike an adult'.
He was reported to have been a very difficult toddler, paying heed to
neither his indulgent mother nor his strict father. He was said to be unable
to cope with the ordinary demands of everyday life. The mother believed
that it was because of his clumsiness and impracticality that he had more
difficulties than other children. For instance, it was still necessary to dress
him, since, by himself, he would dawdle endlessly and also make a lot of
mistakes. He had learnt to eat by himself only recently and was still a messy
eater. The mother also reported that occasionally he could be very naughty
and would not do what he was told.
He was never able to get on with other children. It was impossible to go
to a park with him, as he would instantly get embroiled in fighting.
Apparently, he hit or verbally abused other children indiscriminately. This
had become more of a problem since he started school. He acted like a red
rag to his class and was teased mercilessly. However, rather than keeping
away from the other children, he acted as a trouble-maker. For instance, he
would pinch or tickle other children or stab them with his pen. He liked to
tell fantastic stories, in which he always appeared as the hero. He would
tell his mother how he was praised by the teacher in front of the class, and
other similar tales. 31
The report said that it was difficult to know how bright he was. Before
he entered school, everyone was convinced that he would learn particularly
well, since he was always making clever remarks and original observations.
Moreover, he had by himself learnt to count to twenty, as well as picking
up the names of various letters. At school, however, he failed miserably. He
just managed to move up from the first form (wrongly, as we had cause to
observe later), but now, in the second form, according to the teacher, he
was not performing adequately. Instead of listening and answering when
appropriate, he constantly argued with the teacher as to how to hold his
pen. According to the report, he had a strong tendency to argue with
The important insight that autism can occur at all levels of intellectual ability, including the
subnormal range of intelligence, has often been overlooked, even by Asperger himself in his
later papers.
As in the case of Harro L., the information given does not tell us if Ernst himself believed his
fantastic stories to be true or if he was aware that they were not and told them deliberately
to mislead his mother.
60 Hans Asperger

everybody and to reprimand them. He was 'very precise': certain things

always had to be in the same place, and certain events always had to
happen in the same manner, or he would make a big scene.32 There was an
interesting contradiction here: in certain matters he was particularly messy
and could not get used to things being done in an orderly fashion, but in
others he was pedantic to the point of obsession.

Family history
The father was said to be very highly strung and irritable. By profession he
was a tailor's assistant. Although we had known the boy for many years,
we had seen the father only once. He was clearly eccentric and a loner. The
mother did not like to talk about her domestic circumstances. However, it
was plain that her life could not have been very happy due to the husband's
difficult character.
The mother was a very bright and extremely nice woman whose life was
not easy. She complained of nervousness and headaches. She was also very
sensitive. She found it hard to cope with the fact that her son, who was
obviously her one and only interest in life, was such an odd child and did so
badly at school. She constantly tried to take his side against the school and
fought desperately against a transfer into a special school for retarded
The rest of the family was said to be without any special peculiarities, the
information being given with some reticence.

Appearance and behaviour

Ernst was tall (2 cm above average), very thin and delicate. His posture was
slack, and his shoulders drooped. The face was handsome with finely
chiselled features, marred only by large, sticking-out and somewhat
misshapen ears. He was particularly vaso-labile, that is, when embarrassed
or excited, there were bright red blotches on his face, sharply outlined, and
big sweat drops on the ridge of his nose.
Again, the eye gaze was highly characteristic, far away and unfocused.
The eye did not seem to grasp anything and was vaguely aimed into the
distance. Mainly for this reason the boy looked as if he had just 'fallen from
the sky'. His voice too fitted in with this. It was high, slightly nasal and
drawn out, roughly like a caricature of a degenerate aristocrat (for
example, the immortal Graf Bobby).33
It was not only his voice but his speech too which conveyed the
impression bordering on caricature. Ernst talked incessantly, regardless of

*2 This observation clearly relates to the phenomenon which Kanner calls insistence on
sameness, and which he believes to be a cardinal symptom of autism. Asperger observes but
does not particularly focus on this symptom.
'* Graf Bobby, the butt of popular jokes in German-speaking countries and particularly in
Austria, is a refined aristocrat who constantly finds ordinary events incomprehensible. This
image of the gentle innocent may well have been inspired by the existence of able autistic
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 61

the questions he was being asked. Everything he did was accompanied by

elaborate explanations. He constantly justified why he did something in a
particular way. He had to tell others at once whatever it was that captured
his attention, whether or not the remark was relevant to the situation.
Some of these 'asides' were quite remarkable, not only in the sense that
they were very adult in diction, but also because they showed good
observation. His practical skills, in sharp contrast, were highly inadequate.
Even the simplest demands foiled him. He could recite in minute detail all
the things he was doing when getting up and getting dressed in the
morning, but in fact he was always forgetting or confusing things. While he
could recite the theory, on a practical level his inadequacy was only too
In a group, which is meant to follow a common command, he behaved
impossibly badly, especially in PE lessons. Ernst always stuck out from the
group. This was not only because he was clumsy from a motor point of
view but, above all, because he had no notion of discipline or appeal. He
was a nuisance when he complained or was hurt, just as much as when he
started to talk unconcernedly: 'Oh yes, I've got it, I know it already'.
To the very end of his stay on the ward he remained a stranger, walking
between the other children without ever properly taking part in their
games. At most, he would tell off one or other of them, or suddenly start a
furious fight, either for no apparent reason or because somebody had
teased him. Of course he was the perfect target for teasing, indeed, his
whole demeanour was designed to provoke teasing. He was quite a spiteful
boy, who pinched and pushed children secretly and spoiled their games.
When the smaller children or the teacher were upset about this, he was only
spurred on to further mischief.
He made life hard for himself by his awkwardness and endless
hesitations. If something was only slightly different from the way that he
had imagined it or from what he was used to, he was upset and confused
and would go into long tirades. It was very difficult for the teacher to put a
stop to this. He also tortured himself with his obsessive pedantries. For
example, he had wanted a pullover for Christmas, but because this wish
could not be granted, he was given a particularly nice shirt and some toys
as well. He was inconsolable over this 'incorrectness'. He never even
looked at the other presents, and was unhappy over the whole Christmas
period. 34

Intelligence and attainment testing

Apt as his remarks might have been occasionally, Ernst's whole behaviour
spoke of such disturbed adaptation that we did not expect him to perform
well on an IQ test. This was indeed the case.
Ernst lacked concentration to a high degree. This was not because he was
distractible from outside (passive attention), but because his active

By the examples he gives Asperger implies deeper links between insistence on sameness,
obsessive pedantry, narrow preoccupations and tenaciously held ideas.
6z Hans Asperger

attention was disturbed. It was typical that during testing he seemed either
to be somewhere else or as if he had just fallen from the sky. He was clearly
not tuned in for proper responding and was clueless on most of the test
questions. Thus he only managed a very poor performance even when one
held him down long enough by look or by word.
Very characteristic again was the performance on the similarities subtest.
Here are some examples:

FLY/BUTTERFLY 'The fly has wings like glass. From the wings of the
butterfly you can make silk [this apparently referred to the silky shine].
They are colourful. The butterfly, when it gets colder goes down, and in the
spring he turns into a caterpillar and then again a butterfly, first he is a
cocoon and this is all silvery.' Then he talked about some events that had
happened to him involving moths in his room and worms in the soup,
which had nothing to do with the question.

RIVER/LAKE 'In the river the water flows, and in the lake it stands still,
and on the top is green slime.'

WOOD/GLASS 'Glass breaks more easily and wood doesn't. Glass is a

mass, wood is sappy and damp. It has marrow in the middle. Wood burns
to ash, glass stretches apart and then melts.'

STAIRS/LADDER 'The ladder is leaning like this, and the stairs go like
that, and up there like this [he draws steps by gesture]. The stairs have a
kind of surface for treading on, the ladder has rungs.'

CHILD/DWARF 'The dwarf is small, the child big. The dwarf looks
completely different. It has a pointed hat, but this is red. The child has a

Again, we found the peculiar signs of 'autistic intelligence'. Performance

was best when he gave a spontaneous response, worst when he had to
reproduce learnt material or do something in a prescribed manner. His
knowledge of the world arose mainly out of his own experience and did not
come from learning from others. This is, of course, precisely what makes
the achievements of autistic people so often particularly original and
delightful. With the less able children, who are much more disturbed,
however, the answers are not so much valuable as deviant. The bits of
knowledge that they gain accidentally from their own experience often
miss the point. This is the same with their language. In the favourable case,
we can often obtain especially apt and original verbal expressions. In the
unfavourable case, however, the expressions tend towards neologisms and
are often more abstruse than delightful.
With Ernst K. the negative aspects outweighed the positive ones,
especially if we consider that he was a good half-a-year older than Harro L.
His performance on similarities was by far the best he managed on the test,
demonstrating as it did his independent powers of observation and
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 63

experience. On the other tests, especially the school attainment tests, we

could see the reverse side of 'autistic intelligence'. If somebody can only
experience in an original way, and if he can only be 'his own self rather
than feel himself to be an integral part of the world in other words, if he is
not engaged in constant interaction then he is unable to learn. He cannot
assimilate the ready-made knowledge and skill that others present to him.
He is also unable to build up 'automatic programmes' through practice and
All autistic individuals, therefore, have their characteristic difficulties of
automatisation. The cleverest among them can overcome their difficulties
in the end by dint of sheer intellect. The more disturbed ones fail at school
to a far worse extent than one would expect on the basis of their formally
tested intelligence. Ernst belongs among these unfavourable cases. In all
school subjects his performance was miserably poor. He could do
arithmetic only with continuous concrete presentation. He did, however,
count on hisfingersquite skilfully and quite fast, so that occasionally he
was able to simulate a competence that he did not have. His reading was
very slow. He often confused letters and had the greatest difficulty in
blending letters together. His comprehension of written text was, perhaps,
slightly better. His most blatant failure was in writing. Like almost all
autistic individuals, this motorically clumsy boy had atrocious
handwriting. The pen did not obey him, it stuck and it spluttered; he
corrected without concern for appearance and would simply write new
letters on top of the old ones; he crossed out, and his letters varied in size.
However, this was not the worst aspect of his writing. Even when copying
where he drew letter by letter with painful effort he would make many
spelling mistakes. In dictation, one could hardly recognise what the words
were meant to be: letters were omitted, inserted, or put in the wrong order,
and some could not be recognised at all.
On the basis of his performance, it was hard to understand how the boy
could have advanced after thefirstschool year to a higher form. The reason
probably lies in his habit of constantly asking questions and talking about
things that occasionally sounded quite clever. Thus, on the surface, his
difficulties were disguised.
One could readily imagine that a teacher might have considered the boy
to be essentially quite bright from the way he talked and would try to
explain away his poor performance. The teacher might have blamed lack of
attention and also considered that he did not yet know his pupil well
enough after only a year at school, and, of course, he would have hoped for
It had become clear during testing that the boy's spelling deficiency was
caused mainly by his inability to segment words into letters. He was unable
to understand the structure of a word in terms of its individual elements.35

Asperger here describes a problem that is strongly suggestive of classic dyslexia, a disorder
marked by severe problems in phoneme segmentation (see Snowling (1987) for a detailed
discussion). It is not known as yet whether dyslexia co-occurs with autism more than one
would expect by chance.
64 Hans Asperger

Therefore we used the whole word method, leaving aside phonics, as an

experiment when teaching him. However, when he had to read and write
words in this fashion, this too proved extremely slow and tedious. Besides
his specific learning difficulties, there were, of course, his general learning
difficulties which resulted from his contact disturbance. Nevertheless, it
was possible to demonstrate that the boy made some progress. The
personal effort put in by the teacher was immense. Of course Ernst had to
be taught individually, since it would have been impossible to get him to
concentrate on his work in a bigger group. It was clear that the boy could
not progress satisfactorily in a normal school, and that transfer to a special
school was inevitable. However, since the mother considered such a
transfer terribly degrading for her child, we tried the normal primary
school again. Now, two years later, he attends the third class of the special
school, and he certainly does not count among their best pupils. Indeed, he
finds the school much harder than the typical special school pupil, who has
difficulties with abstract thinking but can readily acquire the practical skills
of everyday life.
It was quite difficult to decide whether Ernst was particularly able or
mentally retarded, but there are numerous unequivocally retarded people
who show the typical and unmistakable characteristics of autistic
psychopathy: the disturbance of contact, with the typical expressive
phenomena in terms of glance, voice, mimics, gesture and movement, the
disciplinary difficulties, the malice, the pedantries and stereotypies, the
automaton-like nature of the whole personality, the lack of ability to learn
(to acquire automatic programmes), juxtaposed with relatively superior
spontaneous performance. Indeed, in the mentally retarded autistic
individual the impairments just mentioned are usually even more striking,
since there is no counterweight of otherwise normal functions.36
In a reasonably sized out-patient population such cases are not
particularly rare, and they are instantly recognisable to the experienced
clinician. Anybody who knows such cases will immediately think of the
remarkable similarity to personality disorders with an organic cause. These
are disorders which are unequivocally caused by brain damage, possibly
due to birth injury or to encephalitis in early childhood. Both of these
clinical phenomena result in the same disturbances whether in terms of
pathological anatomy or in terms of function.
Characteristic stereotypies in particular are common to both the autistic
and the brain-injured retarded child; for example, hopping, fidgeting,
whirling, spinning of objects (often with surprising skill) or rhythmic
rocking (for instance, of the upper body). In both groups wefinda
primitive spitefulness which, even with the severely retarded individual,
often has the appearance of real cunning, since these children seem to sense
whatever it is that might be the worst thing at any particular moment. In
fact, parents often consider this ability to be proof of their child's

*6 Asperger's claim that autistic features are even more striking in retarded individuals than in
those of normal intelligence is important to note. His clinical picture of autism is not limited
to able children alone.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 65

intelligence. Water supplies in the house are particularly popular targets for
mischief (and one can indeed do a lot of it there!), but equally popular is
throwing things out of windows, even when these are opened only for an
instant. Then there is the instinctive aggression which is characteristic of
both clinical groups, shown frequently in pinching, biting and scratching.
Brain-injured patients often distinguish themselves by masterful spitting,
especially if they have plenty of material due to hyper-salivation! In short,
the disturbance of contact which we have already described in autistic
children with its characteristic features can be found in a very similar form
in many post-encephalitic cases.
It is often not easy to differentiate diagnostically whether, in such cases,
the disturbance is constitutional (that is, autistic psychopathy), or a sequel
to acquired brain damage. Important factors to consider are family history,
birth history, presence of high fever with dizziness, sleepiness, vomiting, fits
at any time, and other neurological symptoms. Among these are signs or
hints of spastic paresis such as dysarthric speech, stuttering, oculo-
muscular symptoms, strabismus, vegetative signs such as increased
salivation (in our experience, hardly ever absent in the brain-injured),
increased eye brilliance (which, together with some other elusive features,
forms the basis of the 'encephalitic glance') and profuse sweating. Lastly,
there are endocrine disturbances, in particular, obesity. It is increasingly
believed that endocrine disturbances are caused by primary cerebral
disturbances, in particular, disturbances of the hypophysis. With endocrine
disturbances go certain trophic disturbances such as double-jointedness,
especially of thefingers,or a particular prominence of the middle of the
face. The alveolar appendices can become enlarged and coarse, and the
gums become hypertrophic. These signs are particularly striking when they
are seen in children who earlier were of an elfin beauty. Three, four or five
years after encephalitis, they have a badly misshapen face. As an example,
another case will be described briefly.

Hellmuth L.
This boy is the fourth child of his parents, who are themselves without any
peculiarities. He was born seven years after the third child, when the
mother was forty-one years old. He had severe asphyxia at birth and was
resuscitated at length. Soon after his birth he had convulsions, which
recurred twice within the next few days, but have not since. His
development was delayed and he started walking and talking towards the
end of his second year. However, he then learnt to speak relatively quickly,
and even as a toddler he talked 'like a grown up'.
He was always grotesquely fat, despite a strict, medically supervised diet.
He gained weight without having a big appetite. When we met him six
years ago, at the age of eleven, he had distinctly formed 'breasts and hips'.
He has remained thus up to now (we have recently seen him again). He had
bilateral cryptorchidism (for about a year he had been masturbating a good
deal). The boy had been treated with hormone preparations, especially
66 Hans Asperger

thymus and hypophysis preparations, since his early childhood but without
any effect on his condition. He was double-jointed to a high degree. When
one shook his hand, it seemed as if it had no bones and were made of
rubber. He had knock knees and flat feet. He had noticeably increased
salivation, and when he talked one could hear the saliva bubbling in his
His appearance was grotesque. On top of the massive body, over the big
face with flabby cheeks, was a tiny skull. One could almost consider him
microcephalic. His little eyes were closely set together. His glance was lost
and absent but occasionally lit up with malice. As is to be expected from his
whole appearance, he was clumsy to an extraordinary degree. He stood
there in the midst of a group of playing children like a frozen giant. He
could not possibly catch a ball, however easy one tried to make it for him.
His movements when catching and throwing gave him an extremely
comical appearance. The immobile dignity of the face which accompanied
this spectacle made the whole even more ridiculous. He was said to have
been clumsy in all practical matters from infancy, and has remained so ever
Listening to the boy talking, one was surprised how clever he sounded.
He kept his immobile dignity while speaking and talked slowly, almost as if
in verse, seemingly full of insight and superiority. He often used unusual
words, sometimes poetical and sometimes unusual combinations. This was
consistent with an interest in poetry as reported by the mother. He clearly
did not have any feeling for the fact that he did not really fit into this world.
Otherwise he would not have shown off in his peculiar way, especially
not in front of other children. It was not surprising, then, that he was
continuously taunted by other children who ran after him in the street.
Of course, he could never do anything to his fleet-footed tormentors,
becoming only more ridiculous in his helpless rage. This was the reason the
mother had arranged for him to be taught privately over the last school
years. He managed, surprisingly, to attain the fifth grade of primary
His school knowledge was very uneven. He was an excellent speller and
never made mistakes. He also had quite a good style. On the other hand,
his arithmetic was very poor, not only in terms of the mechanical aspects,
but also when problems were presented in verbal form. One noticed the
degree of his disability and his ignorance of worldly things when
questioning him about ordinary matters of everyday life. This was where
he failed abysmally, giving empty, pompous-sounding answers. The
mother was quite right when she said that he was always 'in another
world'. However, this did not prevent him from doing a lot of malicious
things to the people he lived with and to other children. He enjoyed hiding
or destroying objects, especially when he was little.
He was reported to have been pedantic from earliest childhood, for
instance, he created scenes when something was occasionally placed in a
slightly different position from usual. In everything he did, it was said, he
had his particular rituals. He was especially concerned with his clothes, did
not tolerate a grain of dirt on them, washed his hands very frequently and
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 67

observed his body and its functions very closely. His pedantries tyrannised
the household and he was in general very difficult to cope with.37
Much of his description is reminiscent of the earlier cases. This boy was
'an autistic automaton', impractical and instinctually disturbed. His
relationships with the outside world were extremely limited. He did not
have any genuine human relationships, was full of pedantries and also
showed spiteful behaviour.
In Hellmuth's case there were clear indications that his autism was due
to brain injury at birth. His medical history asphyxia, fits, endocrine
disorder, hyper-salivation, neurologically based apraxia - clearly pointed
to an organic cause.
We can therefore draw the preliminary conclusion that there are cases
where an organic disorder can result in a picture that, in numerous critical
points, is closely similar to the picture presented by 'autistic personality
disorder' of constitutional origin.38

The Clinical Picture of Autistic Psychopathy

Instead of describing further cases in detail, let us work out the typical
characteristics that autistic children have in common. The information we
draw on comes from all our cases, but, as expected with any typological
approach, not every case has every feature. Nevertheless, those who know
such children never cease to be surprised at the striking coincidences of
detail. The autistic personality is highly distinctive despite wide individual
differences. Our method would have failed if it ignored the differences and
if it let each child's unique personality vanish behind the type. Autistic
individuals are distinguished from each other not only by the degree of
contact disturbance and the degree of intellectual ability, but also by their
personality and their special interests, which are often outstandingly varied
and original.
A crucial point which makes clear that the autistic personality type is a
natural entity is its persistence over time. From the second year of life we
find already the characteristic features which remain unmistakable and
constant throughout the whole life-span.39 Naturally, intelligence and
personality develop and, in the course of development, certain features
predominate or recede, so that the problems presented change considerably.
These examples are again reminiscent of Kanner's insistence o n sameness.
T h e brevity of this case description suggests that Asperger is n o t as fascinated by the more
severe clinical manifestations of autism as he is by the milder ones, as exemplified by Fritz V.
and H a r r o L. In later lectures Asperger frequently refers t o cases of autism reported in the
American literature which are often very severely handicapped. H e maintains that these
cases are very different in that there is a different aetiology. Severe cases of autism, in his
view, h a d t o have brain insult rather than constitutional causes.
This i m p o r t a n t statement, that symptoms are present from the second year of life, is so well
buried in the text that it has often been overlooked. Instead the belief has persisted that
Asperger's cases show normal development, especially in language, u p to three years or
68 Hans Asperger

Nevertheless, the essential aspects of the problem remain unchanged. In

early childhood there are the difficulties in learning simple practical skills
and in social adaptation. These difficulties arise out of the same disturbance
which at school age cause learning and conduct problems, in adolescence
job and performance problems, and in adulthood social and marital
conflicts. Thus, apart from its distinctiveness, it is its constancy which
makes autism a highly recognisable entity. Once one has properly recog-
nised an autistic individual one can spot such children instantly. They are
recognisable from small details, for instance, the way they enter the
consulting room at their first visit, their behaviour in the first few moments
and thefirstwords they utter.40

Physical Appearance and Expressive Characteristics

Autistic children lose their baby features very quickly. Instead of a chubby,
soft and undifferentiated baby face, they have highly differentiated, finely
boned features. They can be of almost aristocratic appearance, possibly
somewhat degenerate. Their early thoughtfulness has formed their faces.
The furrowed brow betrays the introspective worrier.41
The characteristic peculiarities of eye gaze are never absent. It is not only
poets who know that the soul lies in the eyes. From the first moment when
an infant can properly 'look', that is, from the third month of life, and well
before there is any verbal expression, the majority of his social relations are
based on eye gaze.42 How the small child drinks in the world with his eyes!
With his eyes he grasps things and expresses his feelings in a much less
inhibited way than the adult, who has learnt to distance himself and to hide
his feelings. With our children here, there is a fundamental difference.
Hardly ever does their glance fix brightly on a particular object or person as
a sign of lively attention and contact.43 One can never be sure whether their
A good example of give-away behaviour in the first few m o m e n t s of an encounter with an
autistic child is given by Kanner (1943) in his notes on Donald: 'An invitation to enter the
office w a s disregarded b u t he h a d himself led willingly. Once inside, he did n o t even glance
at the three physicians p r e s e n t . . . b u t immediately m a d e for the desk a n d handled papers
and b o o k s . '
In his later textbook (1952) Asperger stresses that the appearance of autistic individuals
varies greatly. T h e aristocratic appearance he emphasises here is n o t a general feature of
autistic people. While many writers have commented o n the beauty of young autistic
children, few also mention that even captivating beauty can be lost in adolescence a n d
adulthood. In early a n d middle childhood, an unchildlike, self-absorbed a n d socially
disinterested demeanour, combined with childlike symmetrical features, m a y result in
Asperger's attractive image of the little prince.
In normally developing children socially motivated gaze can be observed in the first year of
life, b u t it is as yet n o t clear whether it is absent in autistic babies. Since autism cannot be
reliably diagnosed before the age of t w o or three, direct observations are hard to come by.
Asperger's conclusion that the peculiar pattern of gaze in autistic individuals is due to the
short a n d fleeting nature of the glance, fixing equally briefly o n people as o n things, is
remarkable since, for decades, many professionals have held the belief that autistic children
deliberately avoid looking at people. T h e idea of gaze avoidance may be partly responsible
for the misunderstanding of autism as a state of withdrawal from social contact. Earlier
awareness of Asperger's w o r k might have prevented this misconception.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 69

glance goes into the far distance or is turned inwards, just as one never
knows what the children are preoccupied with at a particular moment or
what is going on in their minds. The disturbance is particularly clear when
they are in conversation with others. Glance does not meet glance as it does
when unity of conversational contact is established. When we talk to
someone we do not only 'answer' with words, but we 'answer' with our
look, our tone of voice and the whole expressive play of face and hands. A
large part of social relationships is conducted through eye gaze, but such
relationships are of no interest to the autistic child. Therefore, the child does
not generally bother to look at the person who is speaking. The gaze goes
past the other person or, at most, touches them incidentally in passing.
However, autistic children do not look with a firmly fixed glance at
anything, but rather, seem to perceive mainly with their peripheral field of
vision. Thus, it is occasionally revealed that they have perceived and
processed a surprisingly large amount of the world around them. There is
one situation, however, in which the eye gaze of these children becomes
extremely expressive; their eyes light up when they are intent upon some
malicious act, which is then perpetrated in an instant.
It will have become obvious that autistic children have a paucity of facial
and gestural expression. In ordinary two-way interaction they are unable to
act as a proper counterpart to their opposite number, and hence they have
no use for facial expression as a contact-creating device. Sometimes they
have a tense, worried look. While talking, however, their face is mostly
slack and empty, in line with the lost, faraway glance. There is also a paucity
of other expressive movements, that is, gestures. Nevertheless, the children
themselves may move constantly, but their movements are mostly stereoty-
pic and have no expressive value.44
Next in importance to eye gaze as a channel for expression is language.45
As we saw with our first case, Fritz V., language expresses interpersonal
relationships as much as it provides objective information. Affect, for
instance, can be directly expressed in language. We can hear from the tone
of voice what relationship people have to each other, for instance superior
and subordinate, and whether they are in sympathy or antipathy. This is
regardless of the often deceptive content of the words themselves. It is this
aspect of language which tells us what someone really thinks. In this way the
perceptive listener can get behind the mask. He can tell from an individual's
expressions what is lie and truth, what are empty words and what is
genuinely meant.
While Kanner rarely mentions poverty of expression in autistic children, Asperger goes into
great detail to convey the nature of this to him essential s y m p t o m of autism. It m a y be that
the disturbance of expressive functioning that Asperger highlights is more striking in cases
with fluent language a n d paradoxically p o o r communication.
Asperger addresses a n d anticipates here that aspect of language we n o w k n o w as
pragmatics. It is well established that autistic individuals have a specific failure in
pragmatics, that is, in the use of language. This is true even if their speech is otherwise
linguistically sophisticated.
jo Hans Asperger

It is impossible to list all that can be revealed in volume, tone and flow of
speech since these aspects are as varied as the human character. In any case,
we do not intellectually understand many of these qualities and can only feel
them intuitively.46
Again, it will come as no surprise that contact-creating expressive
functions are deficient in people with disturbed contact. If one listens
carefully, one can invariably pick up these kinds of abnormalities in the
language of autistic individuals, and their recognition is, therefore, of
particular diagnostic importance. The abnormalities differ, of course, from
case to case. Sometimes the voice is soft and far away, sometimes it sounds
refined and nasal, but sometimes it is too shrill and ear-splitting. In yet other
cases, the voice drones on in a sing-song and does not even go down at the
end of a sentence. Sometimes speech is over-modulated and sounds like
exaggerated verse-speaking. However many possibilities there are, they all
have one thing in common: the language feels unnatural, often like a
caricature, which provokes ridicule in the naive listener. One other thing:
autistic language is not directed to the addressee but is often spoken as if
into empty space. This is exactly the same as with autistic eye gaze which,
instead of homing in on the gaze of the partner, glides by him.
In a wider sense, the choice of words too must be considered among the
expressive functions of language. This will become clear in the following

Autistic Intelligence
The skills that a child acquires grow out of a tension between two opposite
poles: one is spontaneous production, the other imitation of adult knowl-
edge and skills. They have to balance each other if the achievement is to be
of value. When original ideas are lacking achievement is an empty shell:
what has been learnt is merely a superficial and mechanical copy. Autistic
intelligence is characterised by precisely the opposite of this problem.
Autistic children are able to produce original ideas. Indeed, they can only be
original, and mechanical learning is hard for them. They are simply not set
to assimilate and learn an adult's knowledge. Just as, in general, somebody's
good and bad sides are inextricably linked, so the special abilities and
disabilities of autistic people are interwoven.
This becomes clearer when we look at the language production of autistic
children. They, and especially the intellectually gifted among them,
undoubtedly have a special creative attitude towards language. They are
In Asperger's remarks about expressive functions the influence of Ludwig Klages (for
example, 1936) is strongly evident. Klages was a widely read author of the time who
attempted to find a scientific basis for character-reading from phenomena observed in each
person's style of behaviour. Target behaviour included voice, movement, facial expression
and also handwriting.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 71

able to express their own original experience in a linguistically original

form. This is seen in the choice of unusual words which one would suppose
to be totally outside the sphere of these children. It is also seen in newly
formed or partially restructured expressions which can often be particularly
accurate and perspicacious, but also, of course, often quite abstruse.47 It is
worth mentioning here that all young children have a spontaneous way with
words and can produce novel but particularly apt expressions. This is what
makes for the charm of child language. Beyond the toddler age, in our
experience at least, such spontaneously formed expressions are found only
in autistic children. As an example, we can mention a six- to seven-year-old
autistic boy who defined the difference between stairs and ladders as 'The
ladder goes up pointedly and the stairs go up snakedly'.48
Especially rich in original language productions was an eleven-year-old
autistic boy: 'I can't do this orally, only headily.'49 (He wanted to say that
he had understood something but could not express it verbally.) 'My sleep
today was long but thin.' (This is also an example of autistic introspection.)
'To an art-eye, these pictures might be nice, but I don't like them.' 50 'I don't
like the blinding sun, nor the dark, but best I like the mottled shadow.' To
the question whether he was religious: 'I wouldn't like to say I'm unrelig-
ious, but I just don't have any proof of God.'51
Behind the originality of language formulations stands the originality of
experience. Autistic children have the ability to see things and events around
them from a new point of view, which often shows surprising maturity.52"
The problems these children think about are usually far beyond the interests
of other children of the same age.53 A good example for this is our second

T h e original w o r d s a n d phrases p r o d u c e d by autistic children are m o r e often t h a n n o t
characterised by a disregard for t h e listener's ability t o c o m p r e h e n d their meaning, a n d
particularly the reason for their use. Asperger tends t o stress the originality and overlook the
inappropriateness of idiosyncratic language.
'Die Leiter geht so spitz u n d die Stiege so schlangenringelich'.
'Miindlich k a n n ich das nicht, aber kopflich.'
'Fur ein Kunstauge sind solche Bilder vielleicht schon, aber mir gefallen sie nicht.'
' 'Ich m d c h t nicht sagen dass ich u n f r o m m bin, aber ich h a b so kein M e r k m a l von G o t t . '
An interesting example of a seven-and-a-half-year-old b o y q u o t e d by Asperger in his 1 9 5 2
t e x t b o o k also serves t o illustrate the capacity t o m a k e original observations a n d the ability
to d r a w causal inferences t h a t one can find in bright autistic children: G L A S S / M I R R O R 'A
mirror is n o t m u c h different, a sheet of glass t h a t is painted with mercury o n the back; it
mirrors back t h e picture before the glass; w h y mercury is able to d o this, I d o n ' t k n o w ,
perhaps because it is so dark. I have found o u t t h a t y o u can see yourself w h e n there is
something d a r k behind the glass. W h e n there w a s light behind it, I have never been able to
see myself. In o u r house w e have a glass d o o r ; you can see yourself in it only w h e n the light
behind it is n o t switched o n . ' Incidentally, this example shows the same mixture of
personally remembered episodes a n d factual knowledge as is found in t h e answers given by
Fritz and H a r r o .
Very often the interests of autistic children cannot be described as advanced; rather they are
outside the interests of their normal peers. However, their reasoning with biological or
physical concepts appears to be ahead of their reasoning with psychological concepts
(Baron-Cohen, 1989) while the opposite is true of normal children.
72 Hans Asperger

case, Harro L. Often a very narrow, circumscribed and isolated special area
can show hypertrophic development.
We know an autistic child who has a particular interest in the natural
sciences. His observations show an unusual eye for the essential. He orders
his facts into a system and forms his own theories even if they are
occasionally abstruse. Hardly any of this has he heard or read, and he
always refers to his own experience. There is also a child who is a 'chemist'.
He uses all his money for experiments which often horrify his family and
even steals to fund them. Some children have even more specialised
interests, for instance, only experiments which create noise and smells.
Another autistic boy was obsessed with poisons. He had a most unusual
knowledge in this area and possessed a large collection of poisons, some
quite naively concocted by himself. He came to us because he had stolen a
substantial quantity of cyanide from the locked chemistry store at his
school! Another, again, was preoccupied by numbers. Complex calculations
were naturally easy for him without being taught. We are reminded here of
our first case, Fritz V., which, however, also shows us the possibility of
failure. The same child who astounded others by solving complex maths
problems had the most serious learning disabilities at school, and could not
learn the simple calculation methods that were taught there. Another
autistic child had specialised technological interests and knew an incredible
amount about complex machinery. He acquired this knowledge through
constant questioning, which it was impossible to fend off, and also to a
great degree through his own observations. He came to be preoccupied with
fantastic inventions, such as spaceships and the like, and here one observes
how remote from reality autistic interests often are. 54
Another distinctive trait one finds in some autistic children is a rare
maturity of taste in art.55 Normal children have no time for more
sophisticated art. Their taste is usually for the pretty picture, with kitschy
rose pink and sky blue. The artfully stylised children's books, so fashionable
fifteen to twenty years ago, are therefore as unchildlike as possible.
Fortunately, matters have now improved in this respect. Autistic children,
on the other hand, can have a surprisingly sophisticated understanding,
being able to distinguish between art and kitsch with great confidence. They
may have a special understanding of works of art which are difficult even
for many adults, for instance Romanesque sculpture or paintings by
Rembrandt. Autistic individuals can judge accurately the events represented
in the picture, as well as what lies behind them, including the character of

A b o u t ten years later, Asperger points o u t in his t e x t b o o k (1952) that spaceships are n o
longer a fantastic invention. H e jokingly suggests that the inventors might have been
The claim that autistic children have a special gift for art appreciation is very surprising.
One can imagine, however, that bright autistic children may well give refreshingly
unconventional responses to high art and literature.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 73

the people represented and the mood that pervades a painting. Consider
that many normal adults never reach this mature degree of art appreciation.
Related to this skill is the autistic person's ability to engage in a particular
kind of introspection and to be a judge of character. 56 While the normal
child lives unself-consciously and appropriately interacts with others as an
integrated member of his community, these children observe themselves
constantly. They are an object of interest to themselves, and they direct their
attention towards the functions of their body. Here is an example: a
nine-year-old autistic boy suffered badly from homesickness57 in the
evening (homesickness always being worst at this time), saying: 'If one lays
one's head on the bolster, then there is such a strange noise in the ear and
one has to lie very quietly for a long time and that is nice.' The same boy
also described an occasional micropsy: 'At school, I sometimes see that
teacher has a tiny head, then I don't know what it is; it is very unpleasant to
me that I see this way. Then I press my eyes very hard [demonstrates how he
does this], and then it gets better.'
These peculiarities lead us to a digression. As always, the miraculous
automaticity of vegetative life is at its best when left unconscious. When
attention is directed towards it we invariably find disturbances of these
functions. Hamburger has always emphasised that educators should never
direct the child's attention towards eating, sleeping or elimination, since this
would only disturb these automatic functions.58 With autistic children,
however, their own bodily functions are in the forefront of their conscious-
ness anyway. The functions are not only registered and taken seriously, but
they are also often disturbed. Especially frequent are eating and sleeping
difficulties, which can lead to serious conflicts within the family.
Just as these children observe themselves to a high degree, so they also
often have surprisingly accurate and mature observations about people in
their environment. They know who means well with them and who does
not, even when he feigns differently. They have a particular sensitivity for

Introspection a n d self-reflection usually refer to mental rather than physiological processes.
Asperger's examples all pertain to observations of physiological states. If the autistic child
has difficulty in conceiving of mental states, then biological concepts might well take on
special prominence in such a child's life. T h e idea of personality that w o u l d follow from a
biological theory w o u l d be quite different from that derived from a psychological o n e . F r o m
this viewpoint the claim that autistic children can read character in others is a most unlikely
one. However, autistic children m a y unerringly k n o w which person really loves them
precisely because they tend t o be behaviourists. They w o u l d ignore the person w h o merely
talks sweetly b u t does n o t in fact help them.
Experience in b o a r d i n g schools for autistic children over m a n y years confirms t h a t severe
homesickness can occur b u t is n o t particularly c o m m o n . Asperger later on suggests a reason
for the type of homesickness he observed: the missing of daily routines. As highlighted by
Kanner, great unhappiness can result from even apparently trivial changes in familiar
Asperger pays homage here to his mentors at the University Paediatric Clinic where he was
trained. Hamburger was the director at the time this work was carried out and no doubt
influenced it.
74 Hans Asperger

the abnormalities of other children. Indeed, abnormal as they themselves

may be, they are almost over-sensitive in this respect.
Here we have to solve an apparent contradiction, which will, however, lead
us directly on to a very important point. We want to demonstrate that the
essential abnormality in autism is a disturbance of the lively relationship with
the whole environment. We claim that this disturbance explains all peculiari-
ties shown by autistic individuals. Now, how can one reconcile this contact
disturbance with the special clear-sightedness which is implicit in the exam-
ples just described? How can somebody with disturbed relationships experi-
ence so much so consciously? The contradiction is only apparent. The normal
child, especially the young one, who stands in a proper relation to the
environment, instinctively swims with the tide. Conscious judgement does
not come into this and in fact can occur only when one has some distance
from the world of concrete objects. Distance from the object is the prerequi-
site of abstraction of consciousness, and of concept formation. Increased
personal distance which characterises autistic individuals and which is also at
the heart of their disturbed instinctive affective reactions, is, in a sense,
responsible for their good intellectual grasp of the world. This is why we can
speak of 'psychopathic clarity of vision' in these children, since it is seen only
in them. This ability, which remains throughout life, can in favourable cases
lead to exceptional achievements which others may never attain. Abstraction
ability, for instance, is a prerequisite for scientific endeavour. Indeed, we find
numerous autistic individuals among distinguished scientists. The contact
disturbance which gives rise to a helplessness in the matters of practical life is
typical of the absent-minded professor, and has made him immortal in jokes
and cartoons.59
Unfortunately, in the majority of cases the positive aspects of autism do
not outweigh the negative ones. We have mentioned repeatedly that autism
occurs at different levels of ability. The range encompasses all levels of
ability from the highly original genius, through the weird eccentric who lives
in a world of his own and achieves very little, down to the most severe
contact-disturbed, automaton-like mentally retarded individual. Our third
case, Ernst K., may give an idea of people in the middle group. A further
example for this group is an eight-to-nine-year-old boy who, when asked
'What is the difference between wood and glass?', replied 'The wood grows
and gets a dirty skin, it attracts the dirt from the soil, and it gets so hard that
it sticks to the tree and does not go away any more. This is how the soil fixes
itself to the tree. If one drops glass, then it breaks even though it has been
welded together, because the stickiness which is welded in lets go, and then
it breaks.' Clearly this abstruse theory is weird rather than original!
The image of the unworldly professor is indeed reminiscent of autism. Kanner too evokes
this image when describing parents of autistic children: 'Many of the fathers remind one of
the popular conception of the absent-minded professor who is so engrossed in lofty
abstractions that little room is left for the trifling details of everyday life.'
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 75

From this middle group there is a smooth transition further along the
range to those mentally retarded people who show highly stereotyped
automaton-like behaviour. Sometimes they have crackpot interests which
are of no practical use. They also include 'calendar people', who know the
name of the saint for every day of the year, or children who, long before
they enter a special school, know all the tram lines of Vienna with their
terminals, or children who show other feats of rote memory. 60
So far, we have looked at the intelligence of autistic children from the
point of view of their own spontaneous productions and their own interests.
Now we shall turn to learning and schooling. Obeying only spontaneous
impulses and never paying attention to social demands may well lead to
originality but will also lead to learning failure. The truth of this statement
is borne out in almost all our cases. The very same children who can
astonish their teachers with their advanced and clever answers fail miserably
at their lessons. What they find difficult are the mechanical aspects of
learning which the least clever, even somewhat retarded, pupils find easy, in
other words, reading, writing and arithmetic (multiplication tables!). Some-
times, school subjects happen to coincide with the child's special interest.
For instance, some of these children may learn to read particularly easily
because they absorb all reading material from an unusually early age, say six
or seven years (normally, children become bookworms around the age of
ten).61 'Savant' calculators can certainly do well at school arithmetic,
although there are some noticeable paradoxes here. The obsession to go his
own way in all circumstances and the exclusive use of his own self-invented
procedures can prevent the child from assimilating the calculation methods
the school wishes to instil. These children make life difficult for themselves.
They are bound to make errors and to arrive at the wrong results. Examples
are described in the first case (Fritz V.) and the second (Harro L.). Another
example is of an autistic boy who was just starting school, but could pose
and solve the problem of how many seconds there are in two hours.
However, when asked to work out 5 plus 6, he said, 'I don't like little sums,
I'd much rather do a thousand times a thousand.' After he had produced his
'spontaneous' calculations for a while, we insisted that he solve the given
problem. He then presented the following original, but awkward method:
'Look, that's how I work it out. 6 and 6 equals 12 and 5 and 6 is 1 less,
therefore 11.' This boy was also particularly prone to being distracted, that
is, distracted from within. This type of distraction impairs the performance
of many autistic children.

Why special skills in autistic individuals so often involve feats of rote memory is as yet
unexplained. The spontaneous predilection for calendar skills and transport is also an
unsolved mystery. Through Asperger's observations we know that these odd interests were
as conspicuous then as they are now.
Asperger himself is known to have read all of the works of Grillparzer, one of Austria's
greatest playwrights, by the time he was nine.
j6 Hans Asperger

We regularly find a disturbance of active attention in autistic children.

Here we are not, or not only, talking about the common-or-garden
problems of concentration. These are problems that we find in many
neurologically disordered children who are constantly distracted from work
by external stimuli, especially restlessness or movement. Autistic children on
the other hand are, from the start, not interested in directing their attention
to outside stimuli, in this case, what the school wants them to attend to.
They follow their own ideas, which are mostly far removed from ordinary
concerns, and do not like to be distracted from their thoughts. Nevertheless,
autistic children can often be quite easily influenced from outside, in this as
well as in other matters.62
It is little wonder, then, that most autistic children have severe learning
difficulties. With the cleverest children, teachers may overlook the problems
in mechanical learning. Usually, however, teachers despair at the tortuous
efforts required of them and of the children themselves. In many cases, there
are also characteristic conflicts between teacher and parents. Parents are
generally inclined to judge their children favourably, and if the child shows
original and inventive ideas then they will often believe him to be
particularly intelligent. Teachers tend rather to see the failure in the taught
school subjects and give bad marks. This easily leads to conflict where both
parties are to some extent right.
At this juncture, another point concerning the practice of intelligence
testing needs to be made. Most intelligence tests, especially those devised by
Binet and subsequent modifications, deliberately avoid testing school
knowledge because this is thought to depend largely on exogenous factors.
Instead, the tests exclude tasks where learning and environment play a role.
Strictly speaking, this is, of course, impossible. Now, the Binet test,
especially at older age levels, involves above all logical, abstract thinking.
Since this is what autistic children often find congenial, they may achieve a
high score, which would give a false picture of their intelligence. The
difficulties of these children will, however, be revealed in tests involving
learning. Here one can readily witness the particular kind of learning failure
that has just been described. We therefore use learning tests to tell us not
only about the scholastic knowledge of these children, but also about their
methods, attention, concentration, distractibility and persistence.63 Clearly
there are influences of exogenous factors, for instance the possibility of
teaching neglect, and one has to be aware of them. Of course, this is also
true for IQ tests if their results are to be of real value. To mention just one
Asperger's observations on disturbance of active attention in autistic children are interesting
and deserve to be followed up by systematic investigation. An obvious question is whether
links could be made from attention disorders to narrow preoccupations. Those autistic
individuals with strong special interests might, for instance, also show a pronounced lack of
Unfortunately, we are not given any examples of such learning tests. Innovative as the idea
is, it is difficult to evaluate the evidence for Asperger's claims of mechanical learning failure.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 77

example: the verbal fluency of socially advantaged children can often

produce deceptively high test results.

Behaviour in the Social Group

It has been my aim to show that the fundamental disorder of autistic
individuals is the limitation of their social relationships. The whole per-
sonality of these children is determined by this limitation. So far, we have
looked at the children by themselves and seen how the disorder affects
expressive functions and intellectual performance. However, the nature of
these children is revealed most clearly in their behaviour towards other
Indeed, their behaviour in the social group is the clearest sign of their
disorder and the source of conflicts from earliest childhood. These conflicts
are especially pronounced in the smallest social unit, that is, the family. The
fact that schizophrenics too suffer their worst conflicts within the family
provides a parallel example. The reason is simple: the family unit is based
on the emotional bonds of the members to each other. The children in the
family are influenced strongly by these feelings, by the interplay of feeling
between parents and children. Neither the schizophrenic, with limited
affect, nor the autistic individual knows what to do with these particular
feelings. They face them with incomprehension and even rejection. Thus
parents suffer deeply from the unfeeling behaviour of their children.
It is thus mainly within the family that 'autistic acts of malice' occur.
These acts typically appear to be calculated. With uncanny certainty, the
children manage to do whatever is the most unpleasant or hurtful in a
particular situation. However, since their emotionality is poorly developed,
they cannot sense how much they hurt others, either physically, as in the
case of younger siblings, or mentally, as in the case of parents. 64 There can
sometimes be distinctly sadistic acts. Delight in malice, which is rarely
absent, provides almost the only occasion when the lost glance of these
children appears to light up.
Similarly, there are negativistic reactions, as we saw in the case of Fritz
V.65 These can often be caused by failure and frustration in the practical
matters of life. We have already discussed the gaucheness of autistic children
and their need to learn by way of intellectual effort. They can learn only
with the help of elaborate rules and laws and are unable to pick up all those
things that other children acquire naturally in unconscious imitation of

Again, we hear about acts of malice; this time, however, Asperger suggests that the cause
might be a poorly developed sense of how much another person may be hurt. This idea fits
well with the hypothesis that autistic individuals usually fail to take account of mental
states. For further discussion of this topic see chapter 1.
Negativistic reactions include refusing to do what one is required to do or doing exactly the
78 HansAsperger

adults. Parents find the learning problems particularly hard to understand.

They expect compliance in the daily routines of washing, dressing and
eating. Therefore it is precisely these situations which give rise to scenes and
to the negativistic and malicious reactions.
Having just considered aggressive reactions within the social unit of the
family, we have to take into account the isolation of the autistic child within
the family. This isolation occurs when there are siblings, but it applies
equally to only children, which autistic children usually are. 'It is as if he
were alone in the world' is a common enough description. 'He dwells
among people as if a stranger', 'he seems to take no notice of what happens
around him'. Of course, one is sometimes surprised at how much is
absorbed of what goes on despite the apparent lack of interest. The child sits
preoccupied, perhaps apart in a corner, or even in the middle of a happy,
noisy group of siblings or peers. He is like an alien, oblivious to the
surrounding noise and movement, and inaccessible in his preoccupation. He
is irritated only if someone breaks into his isolation.
The young autistic child is often engaged in stereotypic activity. Some-
times we find the simplest movement sterotypies, such as rhythmic rock-
ing. Sometimes there is monotonous play with a shoelace which goes on
for hours or with a particular toy, for instance, a whip or an old doll,
which is treated almost like a fetish. The children often enjoy rhythmical
beating and hitting, and forming patterned rows with their toys, for
instance, they sort toy bricks according to colour, form or size, or
according to some other unfathomable rule rather than building with
them. It is usually impossible to tear them away from their play or their
preoccupations. A seven-year-old autistic boy showed severe eating prob-
lems because he never stopped looking at the little specks of fat that were
swimming on the surface of his soup. They interested him excessively, to
look at, to move to and fro or to blow at. Seemingly, the changing forms
were alive and meaningful to him.66
In everything these children follow their own impulses and interests
regardless of the outside world. In the family one can largely adjust to these
peculiarities in order to avoid conflict, and simply let these children go their
own way. Only when it comes to the daily chores of getting up, getting
dressed, washing and eating do we get characteristic clashes. In school,
however, the freedom to indulge in spontaneous impulses and interests is
heavily curtailed. Now the child is expected to sit still, pay attention and
answer questions. Autistic children can do none of these things, or do them
only with great difficulty. Causes for open conflict are now multiplied.
While parents can often cope with the oddities of small autistic children on
The appearance of rapt attention and deep absorption in their own preoccupations may be
partly responsible for the belief that autistic children have a rich inner imagination.
However, there is little evidence to suggest that autistic children have the same sort of
fantasy life as normally developing children.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 79

their own, at school they are almost always referred to child guidance
centres because they cannot be handled in the ordinary way.
In the first two cases we pointed out the learning and conduct problems in
school that are due to autism. It was also mentioned that autistic children
are often tormented and rejected by their classmates simply because they are
different and stand out from the crowd. Their conduct, manner of speech
and, not least, often grotesque demeanour cries out to be ridiculed. Children
in general have a good eye for this and show great accuracy in their mocking
of conspicuous character peculiarities.
Thus, in the playground or on the way to school one can often see an
autistic child at the centre of a jeering horde of little urchins. The child
himself may be hitting out in blind fury or crying helplessly. In either case he
is defenceless. The situation can be so bad that the mother must accompany
the child to protect him from this sort of cruelty. The child may need a
minder to the end of his school years and often beyond.67 In favourable
cases, however, it is possible for autistic children to earn respect, even if it is
mixed with ridicule, either through sheer intellectual prowess or through
particularly ruthless aggression.

Drive and Affect in the Autist

It will be clear by now that the personality of the children presented here
lacks, above all, harmony between affect and intellect. While intellect may
often be above average, drives and instincts are often severely disturbed.
This is shown in the failure of instinctive situational adaptation and when
faced with the practical demands of ordinary life. It is also shown in the
expressive aspects of behaviour. We will now go on to look at these
disturbances of drive and feeling one by one.
We start with sexuality. The picture is by no means uniform. Some
individuals, throughout their childhood, and also beyond puberty, are
sexually uninterested. They have a weak drive and never achieve healthy
sexuality even in later life. However, in the majority of cases, there are early
signs of strong sexual activity. In many cases, this is shown in masturbation
which appears early, is practised intensively and obstinately, and is not
amenable to change. Since any feelings of shame or guilt are largely absent,
the children may masturbate in public, exhibitionistically, and they cannot
be made to desist. One also hears of homosexual acts in relatively young
children, as in case 2.
Sadistic traits are frequently reported. As an example, we mention some
remarks of a seven-year-old boy with strongly autistic features: 'Mummy, I
A delightful example mentioned by Asperger at a later date (1952) was that of a boy who
regularly dived into a watchmaker's shop, which was situated right next to the school gate,
to escape his tormentors. The watchmaker got to like the boy and the two of them spent
much time together discussing philosophical questions.
80 Hans Asperger

shall take a knife one day and push it in your heart, then blood will spurt
out and this will cause a great stir.' 'It would be nice if I were a wolf. Then I
could rip apart sheep and people, and then blood would flow.' Once, when
the mother cut her finger, 'Why isn't there more blood? The blood should
run!' When he injured himself on one occasion, he was said to have been
utterly thrilled, so that the doctor who tended the wound remarked on the
child's state as extremely odd. At the same time, the boy was particularly
anxious. He was afraid to fall over in his chair and extremely afraid of
fast-moving vehicles on the road. There is also not infrequently a tendency
to use obscene words which may stand in strange contrast to the otherwise
often stilted language of these children.
Thus, with the sexual aspect of affective life there is often a definite
disharmony, either a weakness or precocity and perversion, but no har-
monious integration of sexuality into the developing personality. The same
is also true for other areas of affective life. Over-sensitivity and blatant
insensitivity clash with each other. Here are some examples.
In the sense of taste we find almost invariably very pronounced likes and
dislikes. The frequency of this phenomenon provides yet more proof of the
unity of the type. There is often a preference for very sour or strongly spiced
food, such as gherkins or roast meat. Often there is an insurmountable
dislike of vegetables or dairy produce.68 It is no different with the sense of
touch. Many children have an abnormally strong dislike of particular tactile
sensations, for example, velvet, silk, cotton wool or chalk. They cannot
tolerate the roughness of new shirts, or of mended socks. Cutting fingernails
is often the cause of tantrums. Washing water too can often be a source of
unpleasant sensations and, hence, of unpleasant scenes. In the hospital we
have observed hypersensitivity of the throat which was so strong that the
daily routine inspection with the spatula became an increasingly difficult
procedure. There is hypersensitivity too against noise. Yet the same children
who are often distinctly hypersensitive to noise in particular situations, in
other situations may appear to be hyposensitive. They may appear to be
switched off even to loud noises.69
The impression of disharmony and contradiction only increases when we
consider the higher feelings as they are manifested in relationships to
objects, to animals and to other people. As soon as one starts to work with
these children, one is struck by a distinctive emotional defect which one may
well consider an ultimate cause of their social disturbance. This defect is
apparent in their isolation while they are in the midst of other people and in
their contrariness with their environment and especially their closest family.
It is possible t h a t food allergies, if investigated, might have h a d links with some of the
aversions mentioned.
In contrast to Kanner (1943) Asperger remarks on the paradoxical p h e n o m e n o n of hyper-
a n d hyposensitivity to s o u n d , light and touch. This p h e n o m e n o n has since been observed in
autistic children of all ability levels. N o consensus has been reached, however, on the
diagnostic value or meaning of this feature.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 81

They lack the displays of affection which normally make life with a small
child so richly rewarding. One never hears that they try to flatter or try to be
nice. Indeed, they often turn nasty when one tries to be nice to them. Their
malice and cruelty too clearly arise from this impoverished emotionality.
Autistic children are egocentric in the extreme. They follow only their
own wishes, interests and spontaneous impulses, without considering
restrictions or prescriptions imposed from outside. They lack completely
any respect for the other person. They treat everyone as an equal as a
matter of course and speak with a natural self-confidence. In their dis-
obedience too their lack of respect is apparent. They do not show deliberate
acts of cheek, but have a genuine defect in their understanding of the
other person.
For personal distance too they have no sense or feeling. Just as they
unconcernedly lean on others, even complete strangers, and may run their
fingers over them as if they were a piece of furniture, so they impose
themselves without shyness on anybody. They may demand a service or
simply start a conversation on a theme of their own choosing. All this goes,
of course, without any regard for differences in age, social rank or common
Autistic children's relations to objects, too, are abnormal. With the
normal child, particularly the infant, things become alive because he fills
them with life through his vivid relationship with the world around him. He
gains experience and maturity through lavishing his attention and love on
objects. This does not happen with autistic children. Either they take no
notice of the objects in their environment, for instance, they take little
interest in toys, or they have abnormal fixations. Perhaps they fixate on a
whip or a wooden brick or a doll that they never let out of their sight, and
cannot eat or sleep when the 'fetish' is not there. There can be the most
severe tantrums at any attempt to take away the object of such passionate
Very often, the relationship of autistic children to things is limited to
collecting, and here again, instead of the harmonious order and richness of a
normally balanced affective life, we find deficiencies and empty spaces, in
All the autistic features which Asperger considers in the three preceding paragraphs can be
explained by the theory that autistic individuals lack a proper conception of mental states:
first, they do not display affection or try to be nice, because they do not try to manipulate
other people's feelings towards them; secondly, they are totally egocentric because they do
not distinguish their own from other people's mental states and do not recognise that they
may differ; thirdly, they appear to be rude because they are unaware of the social niceties
that allow smooth mutual understanding. Likewise, the disobedience and bad behaviour
that seemed to be the major reasons for referral of Asperger's cases may arise from a defect
in understanding the effect of their behaviour on another person's mental state.
The potential link between disturbance of active attention, attachment to objects and
narrow preoccupations is referred to by Asperger as a poor relationship to the world of
objects. While Kanner makes a distinction between poor relations to people and good
relations to objects, Asperger points out examples of poor relations in both spheres.
82 HansAsperger

which singular areas develop to an excessive extent. The collections that are
favoured by autistic children appear like soulless possessions. The children
accumulate things merely in order to possess them, not to make something
of them, to play with them or to modify them. Thus, a six-year-old-boy had
the ambition to collect 1,000 matchboxes, a goal which he pursued with
fanatical energy. The mother, however, never saw him play trains with them
as other children do. Another boy collected cotton threads; a third
'everything' that he found on the street, but not like the street urchin, who
has everything in his trouser pocket that he might need for his pranks. The
autistic individual just stacks boxes full of useless junk. He constantly
orders things and watches over them like a miser. Thus, there are serious
rows when the mother dares to throw anything away. In adulthood the
passion for collections often becomes more interesting and selective, in short
more 'rational', and their mental attitude to collecting improves. The real
collector-type is often an eccentric with pronounced autistic traits. 7Z
Autistic children also do not have a proper attitude towards their own
bodies. It is often well nigh impossible to teach them the numerous
requirements of cleanliness and physical care. Even as adults they may be
seen to walk about unkempt and unwashed, including those who have taken
up an academic career. Up to the end of their childhood autistic children
tend to be extremely messy eaters. They may smear or 'paint' with their
food while being preoccupied with some strange problem of their own.
Another characteristic of autistic children is the absence of a sense of
humour.73 They do not 'understand jokes', especially if the joke is on them.
This is another reason for their often being the butt of teasing: if one can
laugh at oneself, one can take the edge off ridicule. However, autistic
children are rarely relaxed and carefree and never achieve that particular
wisdom and deep intuitive human understanding that underlie genuine
humour. When they are in a merry mood, as sometimes happens, then this
often strikes one as unpleasant. The mood is exaggerated and immoderate.
They jump and rampage around the room, infringe other people's space, are
aggressive and annoying. When making puns, however, autistic people
sometimes shine, and may even be highly creative. This can range from
simple word-play and sound associations to precisely formulated, truly
witty remarks.
Nevertheless, if one focused only on the features just described, one
would gain a false impression of the emotional side of autistic individuals.

Later examples of collections mentioned by Asperger include collecting toys and collecting
sewing thread. Collecting as a peculiarly autistic feature is not mentioned in Kanner's
original paper. This has since been frequently documented in autistic individuals of all levels
of ability.
This original observation of Asperger's has been amply confirmed by later case descriptions.
A sense of humour depends crucially on an intact ability to understand the use of language
in communication, that is, pragmatics.
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 83

There are also observations that do not show such a decidedly negative
Again and again, we have been surprised by the severe bouts of
homesickness of autistic children when newly admitted to the ward. At first,
this phenomenon did not seem to us to fit at all with the otherwise blatant
signs of emotional poverty. Ordinary children, even those who have a very
strong and genuine emotional bond to their family, adapt to their new
environment after a short period of grief. This is because they can soon feel
the love and care offered to them, and because they increasingly become
interested in the new environment and the various activities that fill their
days. Autistic children suffer from homesickness much more severely. For
days they may cry desperately, especially in the evenings, when the pain
always breaks out anew. They talk about their poor tormented parents and
about their home with the tenderest words with the mature language that
we have already mentioned and also with an exceptionally differentiated
emotion, which children of that age cannot usually express. In a peculiar
mixture of naivety and sophistication they give reason upon reason why
they cannot stay, why they definitely have to go home today. They write
imploring and quite shattering letters home. This all lasts very much longer
than the homesickness of normal children, until at last they too get used to
us and start to feel happy under the inescapable structure and guidance that
we impose. It is possible that an exceptional degree of bonding to the objects
and habits of the home, bordering on the obsessional, causes these children
to suffer so much at separation. Therefore, it may be their general limitation
in the normal freedom of action which lies at the root of this reaction.
Nevertheless, the phenomenon of severe homesickness shows that autistic
children are capable of strong feelings.
There are other examples. One boy, whose highly creative verbal
expressions have already been quoted, had two white mice for which he
cared tenderly, and which he preferred to all human beings, as he frequently
pointed out. This boy deeply upset his parents by his spitefulness and cruelly
tormented his little brother. There are similar examples of undoubted
emotional attachments to animals and also to particular people which can
regularly be observed in autistic children.
In view of these facts, the problem of the emotionality of autistic children
is made extremely complicated for us. In any case, the children cannot be
understood simply in terms of the concept 'poverty of emotion', used in a
quantitative sense. Rather, what characterises these children is a qualitative
difference, a disharmony in emotion and disposition. They are full of
surprising contradictions which makes social adaptation extremely hard to
84 Hans Asperger

Genetic and Biological Factors

Given that the autistic personality type is both circumscribed and persistent,
the questions of heredity must arise. The idea that psychopathic states are
constitutional and, hence, inheritable has long been confirmed. However, it
is a vain hope to think there may be a clear and simple mode of inheritance.
These states are undoubtedly polygenetic, but it is as yet impossible to know
whether such a trait is dominant or recessive.
The task of tracing the pedigrees of our children will have to remain for a
later investigation. We want only to state briefly that over the course of ten
years we have observed more than 200 children who all showed autism to a
greater or lesser degree. We have been able to discern related incipient traits
in parents or relatives, in every single case where it was possible for us to
make a closer acquaintance. 74 Usually certain autistic peculiarities were
present, but often we also found the fully fledged autistic picture starting
with abnormalities of expressive functions and gaucheness up to the higher
level of 'integration difficulties'. If it is the father who has transmitted the
autistic traits, then he will in most cases have an intellectual profession. If
one happens to find a manual worker among them, then it is probably
someone who has missed his vocation (see case 2). In many cases the
ancestors of these children have been intellectuals for several generations
and have been driven into the professions by their nature. Occasionally, we
found among these children descendants of important artistic and scholarly
families. Sometimes it seems as if of the former grandeur only the
eccentricity remains which often also characterises great scientists. Many
of the fathers of our autistic children occupy high positions, despite their
noticeable peculiarities. This testifies to the social value of this personality
The familial findings we have sketched here certainly suggest a dominant
mode of inheritance. They also suggest specificity since there is astonishing
similarity between autistic individuals.
It is fascinating to note that the autistic children we have seen are almost
exclusively boys. Sometimes girls had contact disturbances which were
reminiscent of autism, and there were also girls in whom a preceding
encephalitis had caused the state (as in case 4, Hellmuth L.). However, we
never found the fully formed picture as shown in cases 1 to 3. How can this
be explained? There is certainly a strong hint at a sex-linked or at least
sex-limited mode of inheritance.
The autistic personality is an extreme variant of male intelligence. 75 Even
Unfortunately, a pedigree study w a s never completed, and the s u m m a r y statement that
autistic traits were always present in a relative of the child w a s never backed by data.
Gillberg (chapter 4), however, provides detailed evidence for the heritability of Asperger
s y n d r o m e in six family studies.
This provocative idea deserves t o be re-examined in the light of neurobiological theories on
sex differences in brain maturation (for example, Geschwind and Galaburda, 1985).
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 85

within the normal variation, we find typical sex differences in intelligence.

In general, girls are the better learners. They are more gifted for the concrete
and the practical, and for tidy, methodical work. Boys, on the other hand,
tend to have a gift for logical ability, abstraction, precise thinking and
formulating, and for independent scientific investigation. This is the reason,
too, why in general boys at older age levels do better than girls in the Binet
test. The narrowly logical and abstract items which start at the ten-year level
are simply more congenial to boys! In the autistic individual the male
pattern is exaggerated to the extreme. In general, abstraction is congenial to
male thought processes, while female thought processes d r a w more strongly
on feelings and instincts. In the autistic person abstraction is so highly
developed that the relationship to the concrete, to objects and to people has
largely been lost, and as a result the instinctual aspects of adaptation are
heavily reduced. 7 6
While we have never met a girl with the fully fledged picture of autism, we
have, however, seen several mothers of autistic children whose behaviour
had decidedly autistic features. It is difficult to explain this observation. It
may be only chance that there are no autistic girls among our cases, or it
could be that autistic traits in the female become evident only after puberty.
We just do not k n o w . 7 7
When surveying our case material, we found that more often than not
autistic children were only children.7* This is noticeable even after allowing
for urban population trends. Precise numbers have to await further
investigation. An observer coming from a background of 'individual
psychology' ('Individual-psychologie') would naturally explain the whole
clinical picture out of the situation of the only child, and see in this proof for
an exogenous cause of autism. He would explain the disturbed social
relations, as well as the precocious speaking and thinking, simply from the
fact that only children grow up among adults and never learn to adjust to
siblings. Parents and teachers too often tend to explain the typical diffi-
culties by referring to the notion of the only child. However, here as so
often, this particular psychological approach confuses cause and effect. If
one sees h o w autistic children grow up autistic from babyhood, and if one
sees that those w h o grow up among siblings develop in exactly the same

Asperger's c o m p a r i s o n of the sexes in terms of underlying t h o u g h t processes and interests is
very m u c h in accord with cultural stereotypes. As yet we have little scientific basis for these
widely held beliefs. So far there is no empirical evidence to suggest t h a t autistic boys differ
from autistic girls in terms of abstract thinking.
In his t e x t b o o k (1952) Asperger still maintains t h a t the only y o u n g girls he has seen with the
full clinical picture of autism are those w h o have acquired autism after presumed
encephalitis. T h a t y o u n g girls t o o can s h o w the typical Asperger variant of autism has been
well established. Several cases are described elsewhere in this volume. It remains true,
however, t h a t girls are vastly o u t n u m b e r e d by boys. A sex-linked m o d e of inheritance is
compatible with this p a t t e r n .
Epidemiological studies have n o t confirmed that autistic children are p r e d o m i n a n t l y only
86 HansAsperger

way as those who are only children, then an explanation in terms of

exogenous causes must seem absurd. Autism does not arise because there
are unfavourable developmental influences for a siblingless child, but
because there is an inherited disposition. It may be an expression of autism
in the parents that they have brought into the world only one child.
Undoubtedly, there are many reasons for the wish to have children, and this
is subject to change by outside forces. An excellent example of such change
can be seen most recently in Germany.79 The variations of the human
character suggest, however, that the wish for children, or its converse, has a
deep biological basis. A lack of or reduction of this wish is a characteristic
trait in most autistic personalities and can be considered another symptom
of their hyposexual, instinctually disturbed nature. Many autistic people
lead solitary lives and do not marry and have children. Many of those who
do marry show tensions and problems in their marriage. In such a marriage
the proper harmony between mind and body cannot be found and there is
little space for raising large numbers of children. One is reminded here of
Ludwig Klages who said 'the intellect is the enemy of life'. We need to
emphasise, then, that being an only child is a symptom rather than a cause
of the autistic condition.
In our description of the cases, especially the first, we saw that there were
a number of similarities between autistic psychopathy and schizophrenic
states. Indeed, the question arises whether a child as deviant as Fritz V.
suffers from childhood schizophrenia. We considered this question and
rejected the diagnosis of a schizophrenic psychosis in this case. The same
applies to the others, who were less deviant in any case.
We now need to turn to another question. Could it be that at least some
of the cases described are precursors of schizophrenia? The answer is again
no. Our cases here do not show the progressive deterioration that would be
expected for psychosis. In essence, they remain the same throughout their
life, though there is often improved adaptation, and many can achieve a
reasonable degree of social integration. I know of only one case, first
considered to be severely autistic, in which, two years later, a progressive
destruction of the personality occurred, and hebephrenia was diagnosed. In
all other cases, some of which I have observed for twenty years or longer, I
have not seen a transition of autistic personality disorder into genuine
Concerned with this, we now need to ask whether autistic psychopathy
derives, perhaps partially, from a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. If we

This refers to the pressure which the fascist regime then p u t on families to p r o d u c e m o r e
children. This single r e m a r k is the only one in the whole paper to refer to a point of fascist
ideology at a time w h e n it w o u l d have been o p p o r t u n e to m a k e m a n y m o r e such references.
Apparently, acceptance of Asperger's thesis w a s delayed because he was n o t a party activist.
It has recently been s h o w n t h a t superimposition of schizophrenia on autism can occur. A
specific case is described by T a n t a m (chapter 5).
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 87

presuppose polygenetic inheritance for schizophrenia, are autistic individ-

uals carriers of single genes which, in combination, would cause schizophre-
nia, or is autism a sign of disposition towards schizophrenia which has
failed to manifest itself? These questions can be clarified only by means of
exact family studies. It would be necessary to find an excess of schizophre-
nics in the blood relations of autistic children. We can give no conclusive
answers at present but have to refer again to future studies. Meanwhile, it
should be pointed out that we do not believe that there is an excess of
schizophrenics in the families of autistic children, and thus the autistic
personality is neither biologically nor genetically related to schizophrenia.81
This would be consistent with Schroder's view of personality disorder or
psychopathy; he maintained that psychopaths are not mad, nor half nor
quarter mad.

The Social Value of the Autistic Psychopath

The aim of this paper was to report on a personality disorder already
manifest in childhood which to my knowledge has not yet been described.82
In the following section we try to go beyond this aim and consider what will
become of autistic children. At the same time, we shall consider their
potential value to society. This question is important enough to be discussed
in spite of the limitations of this paper, which can deal only with autism in
One might expect from much that has been said so far that social
integration of autistic people is extremely difficult if not impossible. After
all, we have pointed out that the essential feature of the condition is a
disturbance of adaptation to the social environment. This bleak expecta-
tion, however, is borne out only in a minority of cases and, in particular,
almost exclusively in those people with considerable intellectual retardation
in addition to autism.
The fate of the latter cases is often very sad. At best they may get into a
low-level odd job, often only on a temporary basis. In the less favourable
cases, they roam the streets as 'originals', grotesque and dilapidated, talking
loudly to themselves or unconcernedly to passers-by as autistic individuals
would. They are taunted by urchins and react to this with wild but
ineffectual outbursts.
This is not so with intellectually intact autistic individuals, and in
particular those of above-average intelligence. Of course, in adulthood too
their relationships to others are as disturbed as they are in childhood when
they produce the same characteristic conflicts. An old definition of psycho-
Asperger's view is identical to that of Kanner and has been confirmed by epidemiological
studies: schizophrenia is not seen in increased numbers in the families of autistic children.
Kanner's classic paper on autism was published a year earlier but would not have come to
Asperger's notice during the war years.
88 HansAsperger

pathy is that psychopaths are people who suffer from themselves, and from
whom the environment suffers in turn. The latter part of the saying certainly
applies to autistic individuals but it is hard to know whether they suffer
from themselves. They are strangely impenetrable and difficult to fathom.
Their emotional life remains a closed book. Given their behaviour problems
in childhood, it is to be expected that their closest relatives or spouses find
them difficult to get on with. However, it is a different matter where their
work is concerned.
In the vast majority of cases work performance can be excellent, and with
this comes social integration. Able autistic individuals can rise to eminent
positions and perform with such outstanding success that one may even
conclude that only such people are capable of certain achievements. It is as if
they had compensatory abilities to counter-balance their deficiencies. Their
unswerving determination and penetrating intellectual powers, part of their
spontaneous and original mental activity, their narrowness and single-
mindedness, as manifested in their special interests, can be immensely
valuable and can lead to outstanding achievements in their chosen areas. We
can see in the autistic person, far more clearly than with any normal child, a
predestination for a particular profession from earliest youth. A particular
line of work often grows naturally out of their special abilities.
Here is an example. For almost three decades we were able to observe an
autistic individual from boyhood to manhood. Throughout his life he
showed grossly autistic behaviour. It was as if he never took any notice of
other people. He behaved so absent-mindedly that he often did not
recognise his closest acquaintances. He was extremely clumsy and gauche,
and there were all the difficulties we described earlier in learning to deal
with the practical chores of daily life. He remained awkward and socially
unconcerned in his demeanour. For instance, one could see him as a young
man sitting in the tram and picking his nose with great care and persistence!
When he was at school there were constant serious difficulties; he learnt or
did not learn as the whim took him. For languages he had no talent at all. In
secondary school he never advanced beyond the elementary grade of Greek
and was able to get by only on the basis of his other abilities.
Even as a toddler, one could see in him a most unusual and spontaneous
mathematical talent. Through persistent questioning of adults he acquired
all the necessary knowledge from which he then worked independently. The
following scene is reported from his third (!) year of life. The mother had to
draw for him, in the sand, a triangle [Dreieck or three-corner], a square
[four-corner] and a pentangle [five-corner]. He then took a stick himself,
drew a line and said 'And this is a two-corner [Zwei-eck], isn't it?', then
made a dot and said 'And this one is a one-corner [Ein-eck]'. All his play and
all his interest centred on mathematics. Before he even started school he was
able to work out cubic roots. It must be emphasised that the parents had
never drilled the child in calculating skills, but that the boy quite spontan-
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 89

eously, sometimes against the wishes of his teachers, forced them to teach
him these skills. In secondary school he surprised his teachers by his
specialised mathematical knowledge which had already advanced to the
most abstract areas. Thanks to this extraordinary talent, and despite his
impossible behaviour and failure in other subjects, he managed to advance
without having to repeat classes, and was able to take the university
entrance examinations. Not long after the start of his university studies,
reading theoretical astronomy, he proved a mathematical error in
Newton's work. His tutor advised him to use this discovery as the basis for
his doctoral dissertation. From the outset it was clear that he was destined
for an academic career. In an exceptionally short time he became an
assistant professor at the Department of Astronomy and achieved his
This case history is by no means exceptional. To our own amazement, we
have seen that autistic individuals, as long as they are intellectually intact,
can almost always achieve professional success, usually in highly specialised
academic professions, often in very high positions, with a preference for
abstract content. We found a large number of people whose mathematical
ability determines their professions: mathematicians, technologists, indus-
trial chemists and high-ranking civil servants. We also found some unusual
specialisations. For instance, there is a heraldry expert who is said to be an
authority in his field. There are also several musicians of considerable
stature who were observed by us when children. The superficially surprising
fact that such difficult and abnormal children can achieve a tolerable, or
even excellent, degree of social integration can be explained if one considers
it a little further.
A good professional attitude involves single-mindedness as well as the
decision to give up a large number of other interests. Many people find this a
very unpleasant decision. Quite a number of young people choose the
wrong job because, being equally talented in different areas, they cannot
muster the dedication necessary to focus on a single career. With the autistic
individual, on the other hand, the matter is entirely different. With collected
energy and obvious confidence and, yes, with a blinkered attitude towards
life's rich rewards, they go their own way, the way to which their talents
have directed them from childhood. Thus, the truth of the old adage is
proved again: good and bad in every character are just two sides of the same
coin. It is simply not possible to separate them, to opt for the positive and
get rid of the negative.
We are convinced, then, that autistic people have their place in the
organism of the social community. They fulfil their role well, perhaps

Asperger notes in 1952 that the young man in question has long since become a university
professor. Interestingly, the following sentence, which here states that the case is by no
means exceptional, is changed in the 1952 volume to say that this is a very exceptional case.
90 Hans Asperger

better than anyone else could, and we are talking of people who as
children had the greatest difficulties and caused untold worries to their
The example of autism shows particularly well how even abnormal
personalities can be capable of development and adjustment. Possibilities of
social integration which one would never have dreamt of may arise in the
course of development. This knowledge determines our attitude towards
complicated individuals of this and other types. It also gives us the right and
the duty to speak out for these children with the whole force of our
personality. We believe that only the absolutely dedicated and loving
educator can achieve success with difficult individuals.

Now, at the end of the paper, one ought to discuss the literature, but this
would not be very fruitful at present. One should investigate in what way
the type of child described here relates to existing typologies. While I do
not believe in a perfect systematic typology, the concept of type can be
useful in certain cases, and this I have tried to prove in the present
The literature on personality types certainly includes those who show
similarities to the autistic personality. There is E. Kretschmer's schizo-
thymous personality, E. R. Jaensch's disintegrated personality and, above
all, the introverted personality described by C. G. Jung. In the description of
the introvert, in particular, there is much that is reminiscent of the children
described here. Introversion, if it is a restriction of the self and a narrowing
of the relations to the environment, may well be autism in essence.85
However, none of the authors mentioned has anything to say about the
behaviour of their particular personality types in childhood. Hence the basis
for comparison is largely lacking, and the descriptions are situated on quite
a different level from ours. The debate will undoubtedly become more
fruitful when we know what becomes of our autistic children when they are
adults. This awaits a later comprehensive study, in which we intend not only
to research more fully the biological and genetic basis, but also to look at
development beyond childhood. This, then, will offer the opportunity to

T h e historical b a c k g r o u n d to this passionate defence of the social value of autism w a s the
very real threat of Nazi terror which extended to killing mentally h a n d i c a p p e d a n d socially
deviant people.
The remark that introversion may in essence be the same as autism is odd but also
fascinating in view of the fact that Asperger considered himself, and was considered by
others, to be a typical introvert. Aspects of autism are not alien to normal experience and
comparison to introversion may be relevant. However, it should not be overlooked that
there is a world of difference between a well-adjusted introverted personality (who does not
have to try hard to adapt) and an essentially no more than precariously adjusted autistic
personality (who is constantly struggling).
'Autistic psychopathy' in childhood 91

compare autism in more detail with the characterisations of personality

types reported by other authors. 86
In the present study, our purpose was to report on one type of abnormal
child, both because we have first-hand experience of such children, and also
because we have a deep commitment to their education. This type of child
is of interest not only because of its peculiarities and difficulties, but
also because of its relevance to central psychological, educational and
sociological problems.

Asperger's References
Bleuler, E. (1922). Das autistisch-undisziplinierte Denken in der Medizin und seine
Ueberwindung. Berlin: Springer.
Bleuler, E. (1930). Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. 5th edn. Berlin: Springer.
Hamburger, F. (1939). Die Neurosen des Kindesalters. Vienna and Berlin: Urban &
Heinze, H. (1932). Freiwillig schweigende Kinder. Zeitschrift fur Kinderforschung,
Jaensch, E. R. (1929). Grundformen menschlichen Seins. Berlin: Eisner.
Jaensch, E. R. (1936). Der Gegentypus. Leipzig: Barth.
Jung, C. G. (1926). Psychologische Typen. Zurich and Leipzig: Rascher.
Klages, L. (1936a). Grundlegung der Wissenschaft vom Ausdruck. 5th edn. Leipzig:
Klages, L. (1936b). Die Grundlagen der Charakterkunde. Leipzig: Barth.
Kretschmer, E. (1928). Korperbau und Charakter. Berlin: Springer.
Schneider, K. (1934). Die psychopathischen Personlichkeiten. Leipzig and Vienna:
Schroder, P. (1931). Kindliche Charaktere und ibre Abartigkeiten, mit erlduternden
Beispielen von Heinze. Breslau: Hirth.
Schroder, P. (1938). Kinderpsychiatrie. Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurolo-
g/e, 99, 269-93.

Asperger, H. (1944). Die 'Autistischen Psychopathen' im Kindesalter. Archiv fiir
Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 117, 76-136.
Asperger, H. (1952). Heilpddagogik. Berlin: Springer.
Baron-Cohen, S. (1989). Are autistic children 'behaviourists'? An examination of
their mental-physical and appearance-reality distinctions. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 19, 579600.
Bleuler, E. (1916). Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. Trans. A. A. Brill (1951), Textbook of
psychiatry. New York: Dover.

Sadly, Asperger never carried out this promised study. His later work was almost solely
concerned with consolidating his views and propagating the approach of remedial
pedagogics (Heilpadagogik).
92 HansAsperger

Bleuler, E. (1919). Das autistischundisziplinierte Denken in der Medizin und seine

Ueberwindung. Berlin: Springer.
Frith, U. (1989). Autism: explaining the enigma. Oxford: Blackwell.
Geschwind, N. & Galaburda, A. (1985). Cerebral lateralization: biological mech-
anisms, associations, and pathology. Archives of Neurology, 42, 428-62, 521-56,
Gillberg, C. (ed.) (1989). Assessment and diagnosis in autism. New York: Plenum.
Hobson, P. (1989). Beyond cognition: a theory of autism. In G. Dawson (ed.),
Autism: new perspectives on diagnosis, nature and treatment. New York:
Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous Child, 2,
217-50. Reprinted in L. Kanner (1973), Childhood psychosis: initial studies and
new insights. Washington: Winston.
Kanner, L. & Eisenberg, L. (1955). Notes on the follow-up studies of autistic
children. In P. H Hoch & J. Zubin (eds.), Psych op athology of childhood. New
York: Grune & Stratton. Reprinted in L. Kanner (1973), Childhood psychosis:
initial studies and new insights. Washington: Winston.
Klages, L. (1936). Grundlegung der Wissenschaft vom Ausdruck. 5th ed. Leipzig:
Kleist, H. von (T8TO). Ueber das Marionetten-theater. Berliner Abendbldtter.
Snowling, M. (1987). Dyslexia: a cognitive developmental perspective. Oxford:
Wing, L. & Gould, J. (1979). Severe impairments of social interaction and
associated abnormalities in children: epidemiology and classification. Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders, 9, 11-29.
Wurst, E. (1976). Autismus. Berne: Huber.
The relationship between Asperger's
syndrome and Kanner's autism

A year before Asperger's first on 'autistic psychopathy' appeared, Kanner

(1943) published his famous first account of eleven children with a pattern
of abnormal behaviour that he decided to call 'early infantile autism'. He
began as follows: 'Since 1938, there have come to our attention a number of
children whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything
reported so far, that each case merits and I hope will eventually receive a
detailed consideration of its fascinating peculiarities.'

The characteristics of Kanner's syndrome

Kanner pointed out that these children had a number of characteristics in
common. Kanner and Eisenberg (1956) selected five diagnostic criteria from
Kanner's descriptions. Kanner's own words are given in quotation marks.
The expansions and examples are based on his descriptions and my clinical
1. 'A profound lack of affective contact with other people'. When young,
the children appear aloof and indifferent to other people, especially other
children. Kanner wrote: 'There is, from the start, an extreme autistic
aloneness that, wherever possible, disregards, ignores, shuts out anything
that comes to the child from outside.' Their parents describe them as
'self-sufficient', 'like in a shell', 'acting as if people weren't there', 'happiest
when alone'.
2. 'An anxiously obsessive desire for the preservation of sameness'. This is
shown especially in resistance to change in the daily routine (for example,
absolute insistence on a lengthy bedtime ritual) or in repetitive activities
invented by the child (for example, playing a set of records in the same
sequence over and over again) or in the arrangement of furniture, orna-
ments, curtains, other household items or the child's own toys.

94 Lorna Wing

3. 'A fascination for objects, which are handled with skill in fine motor
movements'. Some children become intensely attached to specific objects or
collections of similar objects such as empty detergent packets, tin lids, dead
holly leaves, and show resistance to any interference with these possessions.
These objects are used only for repetitive activities such as making them spin
with amazing dexterity, twisting them into identical complex shapes or
arranging them in long straight lines, or are amassed for no obvious
purpose. Normal pretend play is conspicuous by its absence, or, if present, is
narrow, limited and repetitive in form.
4. 'Mutism, or a kind of language that does not seem intended to serve
interpersonal communication'. The latter includes immediate and delayed
echolalia, the reversal of pronouns ('you want biscuit' meaning 'I want. . .')
and the idiosyncratic use of words or phrases, often due to irrelevant
associations formed by one chance incident and remaining fixed thereafter.
Kanner (1943) gave the example of a child who invariably exclaimed
'Peter-eater' when he saw a saucepan. This association began at two years
old when his mother accidentally dropped a saucepan at the same time as
reciting a nursery rhyme to him, beginning 'Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater'.
Sometimes autistic children invent new words or adapt names, such as the
child, known to me, who called a dish-washing machine a 'gaslectric
Those who have at least some comprehension of language tend to make
literal interpretations of the meaning. For example, a boy, when asked
'Have you lost your tongue?' anxiously looked around for it, and a little
girl, being told to 'walk on ahead', stopped and touched her head as if
wondering how it was possible to obey that instruction.
Those who have speech use it repetitively and those with large vocabu-
laries tend to be long-winded and pedantic in their utterances. Kanner
quoted one child who asked endless questions about light and darkness.
When persuaded to answer some questions his replies were 'painstakingly
specific'. For example, he defined a balloon as 'made out of dried rubber and
has air in it and some gas and sometimes they go up in the air and sometimes
they can hold up and when they get a hole in it they'll bust-up; if people
squeeze they'll bust. Isn't it right?'
5. 'The retention of an intelligent and pensive physiognomy and good
cognitive potential manifested, in those who can speak, by feats of memory
or, in the mute children, by their skill on performance tests, especially the
Seguin form board'. Kanner explained failure on intelligence tests or
subtests as due to lack of co-operation. The islets of ability, as the special
skills came to be called, also include a remarkable memory for music, the
ability to play musical instruments, drawing with accurate perspective,
calculations based on calendars for past and sometimes future years, and
unusual skill in mental arithmetic, even, in some cases, extending to
negative numbers. These skills can be manifested from an early age.
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 95

In his early writings Kanner stated that the behaviour pattern was present
from birth, though he later modified this view (see below).

Additional clinical features

Kanner also described other abnormalities but did not include them in the
list of essential diagnostic criteria that he distilled from the complex clinical
picture. These additional features include the following:
1. There is impairment of non-verbal aspects of communication and social
responsiveness, manifested by lack of facial expression, poor eye contact,
monotonous or peculiar vocal intonation, little or no use of gesture to
supplement or substitute for speech. Autistic infants and toddlers typically
fail to adopt a posture showing readiness and desire to be picked up.
2. Although some autistic children appear agile in large movements and
indulge in hair-raising feats of balancing if they escape supervision, such as
walking along the top of the house roof, others are clumsy and ill
co-ordinated despite their dextrous manipulation of objects and are nervous
even of simple motor tasks such as descending stairs.
3. Stereotyped movements of limbs and body are common, such as
finger-flicking, arm-flapping, tip-toe walking, jumping and complex whole-
body movements.
4. Odd responses to sensory stimuli are frequent in young autistic children
and include, for example, intense dislike or fear of some loud noises,
fascination with lights or spinning objects, indifference to quite severe pain,
heat or cold.
5. In some the ability to imitate is very poor or absent, but others show a
remarkable capacity to mimic exact tones of voice, accents, movements or
whole sequences of actions performed by other people. There is no
impression of deliberate teasing in this mimicry rather a quality of
automatic action without understanding the meaning of that which is
6. Though some will eat anything, including non-edible objects, problems
affecting feeding are described in some autistic infants and young children.
These can lead to extraordinary limitations of the types of food that will be
accepted. One child known to me lived for months on bananas and lettuce
7. Temper tantrums, aggressiveness, destructiveness, without any appar-
ent awareness of the effects on others, are common, especially in response to
interference with repetitive activities or changes in the environment. In some
children, this type of behaviour disturbance seems to be associated with
high levels of anxiety, hence Kanner's reference to an 'anxiously obsessive
desire for the preservation of sameness'. Autistic children often appear to
react negatively to every approach except from people who understand how
to elicit their co-operation.
96 LornaWing

Kanner's and Asperger's accounts compared

Comparison of Asperger's writings (1944, 1979) with the above summary
of Kanner's early papers shows many striking similarities between the
children described by the two authors.
1. Both emphasised the marked excess of males over females. Asperger
originally believed that his syndrome never occurred in pre-pubertal girls.
2. Social isolation, egocentricity and lack of interest in the feelings or ideas
of others characterise both syndromes. Asperger described how his children
would 'finger strangers as if they were a piece of furniture'.
3. The same problems in the way language is used were described by both
authors (Asperger, 1944, 1979; Kanner, 1946), including the lack of use of
language for interchange with others; the reversal of pronouns, especially in
the early years; the peculiar, long-winded, pedantic speech in Asperger's
children and in those with Kanner's syndrome who have enough speech; the
tendency to invent words and to use language in idiosyncratic ways; the
repetitive questioning.
4. Impaired non-verbal aspects of communication were noted by both
authors, including poor eye contact, poverty of expressive gestures and
movements, peculiar vocal intonation.
5. Both authors described the lack of flexible imaginative play.
6. A repetitive pattern of activities was described by both authors as a
major feature, including dislike of environmental change shown as intense
homesickness in Asperger's children, stereotyped play with fixation on some
objects while others are ignored, the collecting of objects, stereotyped bodily
7. Both wrote of the odd responses to sensory stimuli, including hypersen-
sitivity to noise, love of strong-tasting foods and fascination and skill with
spinning objects (Asperger, 1979).
8. Kanner described clumsiness in gait and gross motor performance in
'several' of his first eleven children, and Asperger remarked on this as a
general characteristic, but both noted the dexterity with which special skills
are performed (Kanner, 1943; Asperger, 1979).
9. Both authors noted behaviour problems such as apparent negativism,
aggressiveness to people, destructiveness to objects and general restlessness.
Asperger's comment concerning one child that 'he was abandoned to his
spontaneous impulses' would apply equally to Kanner's children.
10. Special abilities, in contrast to learning problems in other areas,
especially skill with numbers and good rote memory, were mentioned for
both groups.
There are also certainly some differences in the accounts. The children
described by Asperger all developed speech before school age. They typically
had large vocabularies and reasonable grammar and some were described as
'talking like grown-ups' in early childhood, although they tended to ramble
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 97

on, sometimes on fantastic themes. Although they were socially isolated, they
were not unaware of the existence of others, but their approaches tended to
be inappropriate and sometimes malicious in effect. Asperger described them
as odd in appearance in contrast to the alert, attractive look often mentioned
as typical of Kanner's children. He also commented on their 'originality of
thought' and the frequency with which their interests were 'canalised into
rather abstract subjects of little practical use' (Asperger, 1979).
Asperger, unlike Kanner, did not compile a list of essential diagnostic
criteria for his syndrome. The features mentioned here are extracted from
his clinical descriptions and discussions of cases.
From my own case material I include as illustration one case (already
published, Wing, 1981a) which is a typical example of Asperger syndrome,
showing social ineptness, communication problems and peculiar interests.
(Reprinted by permission of the publishers, Cambridge University Press.)

The case of the train enthusiast

Mr K. N. first presented as a psychiatric out-patient when he was
twenty-eight, complaining of nervousness and shyness.
As a baby he was always placid and smiling, and rarely cried. He used to
lie in his pram for hours, laughing at the leaves on the trees. His mother
remembered that he did not point things out for her to look at, in contrast
to his sister. He continued to be quiet and contented as a toddler. If other
children took his toys he did not protest. Walking was somewhat delayed,
and he was slow in acquiring self-care skills, though not enough for his
parents to worry.
He began to talk around the age of one. He had several words at this
time, but after seeing and hearing a car crash which startled him, he
stopped talking and did not begin again until he was three. His parents
thought his understanding of speech was normal. K. developed good
grammar, though he referred to himself in the third person till he was four
or five. He has never been communicative. Even as an adult he gives
information only if questioned and then replies as briefly as possible. His
facial expression and gestures are limited, and his voice is monotonous.
As a child he was attached to his mother, never made any friends and
was much teased at school. He remains a shy and socially isolated person
though he would like to be able to make social contact.
K. has no stereotyped movements, but has always been ill co-ordinated
and very poor at games. He does not swing his arms when he walks. He
attended a private school and did well in subjects needing a good rote
memory, such as history and Latin, but fell behind at the stage when
comprehension of abstract ideas became necessary. He was in the army for
a short time, but was not allowed to take part in marches and parades
because of his clumsiness and inability to do the right thing at the right
time. He was discharged because of these peculiarities.
K. did not object to changes imposed by others but was, and still is,
orderly in his own daily routines and in arranging his possessions.
98 LornaWing

From early in his life he liked toy buses, cars and trains. He amassed a
large collection and would notice at once if a single item were missing. He
would also make models with constructional kits. He played with such toys
on his own for as long as he was allowed to. He had no other pretend play
and never joined in with other children. The interest in means of transport
has remained with him. In his spare time he reads factual books on the
subject, watches cars and trains and goes on trips to see trains with fellow
train enthusiasts. He has no interest in fiction or any other type of
K. has been employed for many years in routine clerical work. He enjoys
his job and his hobby, but is very sad and anxious because he is aware of
his social ineptness and would like to have friends and to marry. He writes
many letters to advice columns in magazines, hoping for help with these
problems. His concern over what he terms his 'shyness'finallymade him
ask for help from a psychiatrist.
The WAIS gave K. an IQ in the low normal range, with similar verbal
and non-verbal scores. He was particularly poor at subtests requiring
comprehension of a sequence of events.

The relationship between the syndromes

In their original papers, written towards the end of the Second World War,
neither Kanner nor Asperger referred to each other. As far as I am aware,
Kanner never referred to Asperger's writings in any of his papers on autism.
Asperger, on the other hand, in his paper published in 1979, did discuss
Kanner's early infantile autism and its relationship to 'autistic psychopathy'.
Asperger wrote of the 'astonishing similarities within these two groups
which accounted for the same choice of name. The two types are at once so
alike and yet so different.' However, in his 1979 paper, he described far
more similarities than differences and even those differences he did find he
tended to argue away. Thus, although he said that children with his
syndrome tended to develop grammatical speech even before they could
walk, he qualified this with the comment that, like Kanner's children, they
did not use the speech they had for purposes of interpersonal communica-
tion, but held forth on their own interests regardless of the listener.
Asperger's final conclusions are not completely clear, but seem to be that
autism can be the end result of a variety of causes and that Kanner's
syndrome is a much more severe form than 'autistic psychopathy'. He refers
to Kanner's syndrome as a 'near psychosis or psychosis', which virtually
meaningless terms add nothing of significance to the discussion.

Evidence for separation of the syndromes

The reader of Asperger's first paper cannot fail to be impressed by the close
similarities to Kanner's case descriptions and the relatively few differences.
When other clinicians became interested in Asperger's work, some adopted
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 99

the position that the two syndromes were different in nature. Van Krevelen
(1971) produced a scheme of the points he considered to be the major
distinguishing features that, in his opinion, 'made it unmistakably clear that
early infantile autism and autistic psychopathy are two entirely different
nosological syndromes'. These points were: early infantile autism is mani-
fested in the first month of life, whereas autistic psychopathy is not
manifested until the third year of life or later; the child with early infantile
autism walks earlier than he speaks, speech is retarded or absent, and
language is not used to communicate, whereas in autistic psychopathy the
child walks late but speaks earlier and tries to communicate although in a
one-sided manner; in early infantile autism, eye contact is poor because, for
the child, other people do not exist and he lives in a world of his own,
whereas the child with autistic psychopathy evades eye contact and lives in
our world but in his own way; early infantile autism is a psychotic process
and the social prognosis is poor, whereas autistic psychopathy is a
personality trait and the social prognosis is rather good.
The major problem with this formulation is that, in clinical practice, the
features are not neatly divided as in this account; many, perhaps even most,
individuals manifest elements from both lists (this point is pursued in detail
in other parts of this chapter). Van Krevelen went on to suggest, on the basis
of Asperger's and his own observations of the personalities of the parents,
especially the fathers, that autistic psychopathy is a familial trait transmitted
via the male line and that early infantile autism occurs when a child who
inherits the trait also suffers organic brain damage. Thus, he recognised a
relationship between the two conditions even though he considered them to
be entirely different.
Wolff and Chick (1980) described a group of children with an abnormal
pattern of behaviour that they classified as schizoid personality disorder.
They defined the core characteristics as solitariness, rigidity of mental set
and an unusual or 'odd' style of communication, and considered the group
to resemble Asperger's syndrome in all respects except that a small minority
were girls. Wolff and Chick stated that, although there were similarities to
Kanner's autism, children with schizoid personality never showed what they
considered were the essential features of autism, namely, absent or impaired
language development with echolalia, lack of emotional responsiveness with
gaze avoidance, ritualistic and compulsive behaviour, all beginning under
thirty months of age. They agreed with Van Krevelen that Asperger's
syndrome is an unchanging personality trait, whereas changes can be seen in
autistic children over the years. Unfortunately, Wolff and Chick did not give
any details of the pre-school years of their 'schizoid' subjects, so it is difficult
to tell whether any typical autistic behaviour was present or absent at that
Wolff and Barlow (1979) compared eight matched pairs of 'schizoid' and
well-functioning autistic children. They also included eight matched control
ioo Lorna Wing

children attending normal schools. The subjects were given tests of intelli-
gence, language, memory, cognitive processes and emotional constructs.
The results showed that there were some differences and some similarities
between the 'schizoid' and the autistic children and that, in general, the
'schizoid' group were intermediate in function between the autistic and the
normal children. The authors concluded that the study confirmed their
hypothesis that the two handicapped groups are distinct from each other
and from normal children, though the results could be interpreted as
evidence for the hypothesis of a continuum of autistic disorders, as
discussed later in this chapter.
Kay and Kolvin (1987), in their discussion of the borderlands of
childhood psychosis, considered that Asperger's syndrome was biologically
linked to childhood autism. However, they also hypothesised that the
syndrome was a type of 'personality disorder' whereas autism was a
'psychosis', but they did not define the meaning of these terms.
Nagy and Szatmari (1986) considered that Asperger's syndrome was the
same as schizotypal personality disorder found in adults (American Psy-
chiatric Association, 1980) but with onset in childhood. They also equated
it with the clinical picture in the group studied by Wolff and her colleagues
(Wolff and Barlow, 1979; Wolff and Chick, 1980) although these workers
used the term 'schizoid'. Nagy and Szatmari carried out a case record study
of twenty children with social isolation and oddities of behaviour. They
concluded that these children could be diagnosed as having pervasive
developmental disorders as well as fitting the criteria for schizotypal
personality. They noted that a subgroup may represent a mild form of
infantile autism despite the fact that the children concerned did not meet the
DSM-III criteria for this condition. (Nagy and Szatmari also suggested that
some of the children displayed symptoms of schizophrenia, which raises
questions concerning the specificity of the criteria used by the authors for
this diagnosis but that is another story.) However, in a later paper,
Szatmari et al. (1986) argued for the retention of the term Asperger's
syndrome, at least for the present, since firm evidence for the unity of
Kanner's infantile autism and Asperger's syndrome was not yet available.
They suggested that Asperger's group might comprise a subtype of children
with similarities to and differences from classic autism. Retaining the former
term would have the advantage of opening up a wider field of enquiry than
autism alone.

Evidence for a close relationship

Other authors argued from clinical evidence that there is a close relationship
between Kanner's and Asperger's syndromes and that they should be
classified as the same, or at least as in the same general category.
In 1962 the German psychiatrist Bosch published a book on infantile
Asperger s syndrome and Kanners autism ioi

autism, which appeared in English translation in 1970. This comprised

mainly a fascinating though abstruse discussion of the nature and implica-
tions of language disturbances in autism, but also contained a comparison
of Asperger's and Kanner's syndromes. The author noted that Asperger
initially believed the two syndromes to be identical but later revised this
opinion. Bosch pointed out that among the people known to him who were
diagnosed as having typical Asperger's syndrome, there were some who, if
they had been seen in their early years, would at that time certainly have
been regarded as having Kanner's syndrome. Conversely, some children
diagnosed as having early infantile autism began to make progress and
gradually revealed more and more a picture of 'autistic or schizoid
psychopathy'. Bosch discussed the views of various authors and concluded
that doubt remained as to whether the difference between the two syn-
dromes was fundamental or only one of degree. His own view seemed to be
that Kanner tended to describe more severely affected cases while Asperger
described those with milder problems, but there was an overlap between the
two, giving some central cases which both authors would have accepted as
within their respective groups. The Russian psychiatrists Isaev and Kagan
(1974) also regarded Asperger's syndrome and early infantile autism as
subgroups within the wider range of the autistic syndromes.
Schopler (1985), in an editorial comment on some published papers,
pointed out that Asperger's syndrome, higher level autism and some cases of
'learning disability' converged in their clinical pictures, and emphasised that
no behavioural distinction between the first two had yet been demonstrated.
Volkmar, Paul and Cohen (1985) made the same point, giving a case history
as illustration.
Tantam (1988a, 1988b) studied a group of adults in touch with
psychiatric services selected for lifelong eccentricity and difficulties with
social relationships. He found that the majority had childhood histories,
dating from their early years, of abnormal behaviour and developmental
deviances like those found in autism. The behaviour in adult life was like
that described by Asperger. A minority of the subjects in the study
developed eccentric behaviour in adolescence, and some of these could best
be classified as schizoid and others as borderline personality disorders.
Tantam emphasised the close relationship between autism and Asperger's
syndrome. He considered these conditions to lie on a continuum of severity.
He also discussed their relationship with schizoid personality disorder, but
concluded that, despite some similarities, the evidence did not justify
including this last condition within the autistic spectrum. More work was
needed to clarify the reasons for the similarities and differences.
A study of the 929 first- and second-degree relatives of fifty-one children
with autism or other pervasive developmental disorder was carried out by
DeLong and Dwyer (1988). They found, among other results, that there was
a high incidence of Asperger's syndrome in the families of children with IQs
102 LornaWing

above 70, but not in those with lower IQs. Fifteen of the nineteen probands
with IQs above 70 had the clinical picture of Asperger's syndrome as well as
showing the DSM-III criteria for autism or pervasive developmental
disorder. The authors suggested that high- and low-functioning autism are
different conditions; Asperger's syndrome and high-functioning autism are
largely equivalent and have a predominantly familial aetiology, in contrast
to low-functioning autism in which there is a high incidence of evidence of
Gillberg and Gillberg (1989) examined all six-year-old children who
were not mentally retarded living in Gothenburg in 1977. They found
fourteen individuals who had a combination of deficits in attention, motor
control and perception, referred to as the DAMP syndrome. The group
was followed up at ten, thirteen and sixteen years of age. Eight of the
fourteen children showed 'autistic type traits', that is, impairments of
social relationships, speech and language and stereotyped behaviours or
interests. One had the DSM-III-R criteria for autism, three had all the six
diagnostic features of Asperger's syndrome listed by the authors, and four
had three or four of these features. The authors reported that among
mentally retarded children in the same area studied in 1984, the only child
found with the diagnostic features of Asperger's syndrome was one mildly
retarded boy. The authors suggested that the clinical findings fitted the
hypothetical construct of a continuum of disorders with, at one extreme,
severely or profoundly retarded children with the triad of impairments
described by Wing and Gould (1979) (see below), followed by Kanner's
syndrome, then Asperger's syndrome and, towards the mildly handicapped
end of the scale, the DAMP syndrome (see chapter 4 for further details of
this argument).
The idea of a continuum fits very well with findings of family-genetic
studies. Burgoine and Wing (1983) published a clinical account of teenage
identical male triplets diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome but who
had some typically autistic features in their histories and current behaviour.
They differed along a continuum in the severity of their impairments, the
degree to which they showed autistic features and the amount of peri- and
post-natal trauma each had experienced. Bowman (1988) described a family
in which two of the four sons satisfied the diagnostic criteria for autism
except that one had no history of speech delay, a third son had the features
of Asperger's syndrome, and the father was a loner with circumscribed
interests and odd language-use. Only the mother and the eldest son did not
show any clinical features of either syndrome. All the family were of normal
overall intelligence but all the males, including the eldest son, had an
unusually wide scatter of subtests on WISC or WAIS performance scores,
with highest scores on block design and object assembly and lowest on digit
symbol and picture arrangement. In the case of the two boys with the
autistic clinical picture, the mother had had ante-partum haemorrhages, but
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 103

she had had no problem with the births of the other two sons. A similar
family (the case of the lawyer) is presented in chapter 4.
Perhaps the strongest argument for a seamless continuum from Kanner
autism to Asperger's syndrome comes from clinical case material where the
same individual was typically autistic in his early years but made progress
and as a teenager showed all the characteristics of Asperger's syndrome. The
following (earlier published in Wing, 1981a) is such a case. (Reprinted by
permission of the publishers, Cambridge University Press.)

The case of the late talker

C.B. at age thirteen. His mother dates C.'s problems from the age of six
months when his head was accidentally bruised. From this time he became
socially aloof and isolated and spent most of his time gazing at his hands,
which he moved in complicated patterns in front of his face. At the age of
one he began to watch the passing traffic but still ignored people. He
continued to be remote, with poor eye contact, until he was five. He passed
his motor milestones at the usual ages and, as soon as he was physically
able, spent hours running in circles with an object in his hand, and would
scream if attempts were made to stop him. At the age of three he began to
be able to recognise letters of the alphabet and rapidly acquired skill at
drawing. He then drew the salt and pepper pots, correctly copying the
names written on them, over and over again. For a time this was his sole
activity. After this, he became fascinated with pylons and tall buildings and
would stare at them from all angles and draw them.
He did not speak till the age of four and then for a long time used single
words. After this, he acquired repetitive phrases and reversed pronouns. C.
had many stereotyped movements as a young child, including jumping,
flapping his arms and moving his hands in circles.
After the age of five, C.'s speech and social contact improved markedly.
He attended a special school until the age of eleven, where they tolerated a
range of bizarre, repetitive routines. At one point, for example, he insisted
that all his class and the teacher should wear watches that he had made
from plasticine before lessons could begin. Despite all the problems, he
proved to have excellent rote memory, absorbed all that he was taught and
could reproduce facts verbatim when asked. C. was transferred to a normal
comprehensive school at the age of eleven. He has good grammar and a
large vocabulary, though his speech is naive and immature and mainly
concerned with his own special interests. He has learnt not to make
embarrassing remarks about other people's appearances, but still tends to
ask repetitive questions. He is not socially withdrawn but prefers the
company of adults to that of children of his own age, finding it difficult to
understand the unwritten rules of social interaction. He said of himself,
'I am afraid I suffer from bad sportsmanship.' He enjoys simple jokes but
cannot understand more subtle humour. He is often teased by his classmates.
At the age of eighteen C. still has social and communication
impairments. He has developed two circumscribed interests, namely, maps
iO4 LornaWing

and citizens' band radio. Using the latter, he enjoys talking to a wide circle
of fellow enthusiasts despite his problem in sustaining face-to-face
interactions. He has no other friends and leads an isolated life.

Variations in diagnostic criteria

As can be seen from the literature reviewed above, the distinction between
Kanner's and Asperger's syndromes is not, in practice, as clear as some
writers (for example, Van Krevelen) believe.

Definitions of Kanner's syndrome

The blurring of the borderlines is not confined to the interface between the
two conditions. In 1956 Kanner and Eisenberg modified the criteria for
autism given by Kanner in 1943, thereby shifting the parameters within
which the syndrome could be diagnosed. They noted that their case material
had expanded to include some children reported to have developed
normally for the first eighteen to twenty months of life before becoming
autistic. They also selected two of Kanner's original five criteria as being of
primary diagnostic importance and sufficient for identification of autism,
namely extreme self-isolation and obsessive insistence on the preservation of
sameness. They went on to say that the preservation of sameness must be
manifested as preoccupation with 'elaborately conceived rituals' since
simple repetitive activities may be present in severely retarded children. The
authors did not offer any operational criteria for distinguishing these two
types of repetitive activities.
In 1973 a collection of Kanner's papers on autism was published,
together with some additional material. The last chapter comprised Kan-
ner's brief descriptions of thirty-four 'psychotic' children, fifteen of whom
he diagnosed as having early infantile autism, seven as 'childhood schizo-
phrenia' and the rest as 'disorders with evidence of organicity'. Kanner
noted that the grouping reflected 'the frequently apparent perplexities of
nosological nomenclature'. The discussions of the individual children
showed how difficult it was even for Kanner himself to apply his own
diagnostic criteria precisely and consistently. Autistic features appeared to
be scattered at random among the children in the different groups. The
reasons for classifying some as schizophrenic were obscure, and it was not
clear why Kanner felt that some had an organic aetiology and others did
not, since no positive neurological findings were available for any of the
children, but all had marked cognitive abnormalities.
The definitions of infantile autism officially adopted by the World Health
Organization (1978, 1990) and the American Psychiatric Association
(1980, 1987) differ between the two organisations and in different editions
of the relevant manuals within each organisation. However, in their latest
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 105

editions, both the WHO and the APA emphasise the importance for
diagnosis of impairments of social interaction and communication and the
presence of repetitive stereotyped routines. In contrast, the definition
adopted by the Autism Society of America stresses disturbances in the rate
of appearance of physical, social and language skills; abnormal responses to
sensations; speech and language absence or delay; and abnormal ways of
relating to people, objects and events. This definition overlaps with the
WHO and APA systems, but would produce some significant differences in
deciding which children should be included as autistic and which excluded
(see table 3.3).

Definition of Asperger's syndrome

Asperger also subtly changed his descriptions of his syndrome over the
years, perhaps affected by the opinions of other authors. In his later paper
(1979) he emphasised the high intelligence and special abilities in areas of
logic and abstraction, whereas, in 1944, he had specified that his syndrome
could be found in people of all levels of intelligence, including those with
mental retardation. In 1979 he stated that his children developed highly
grammatical speech before they could walk. But, among the four early case
histories given as representative of 200 children (1944), one child (Fritz V.)
fitted this picture, talking at ten months and walking at fourteen months,
one (Harro L.) was said to be 'unremarkable' in his early development, one
(Ernst K.) was delayed in speech and did not talk till eighteen months but his
age of walking was not given, and the last (Hellmuth L.) was said to have
walked and talked when nearly two years old.
Until now, no English-language translation of Asperger's original paper
has been published. Also, as mentioned previously, Asperger himself did not
lay down specific criteria for the diagnosis of his syndrome. In consequence,
variations in ideas concerning the parameters of Asperger's syndrome can
be found in the literature, for example, that it is always associated with
normal or high intelligence, that development is normal for the first three or
more years (whereas Asperger said it was rarely diagnosed in the pre-school
years) and that the social, language and behavioural abnormalities seen in
Kanner's syndrome do not occur.
In the draft of the tenth edition of the World Health Organization's
International classification of diseases (World Health Organization, 1990)
Asperger's syndrome is included for the first time in this classification
system; it appears as a subgroup of the pervasive developmental disorders.
Alternative labels mentioned are 'schizoid disorder of childhood' and
'autistic psychopathy'. As can be seen in table 3.3, the only essential
diagnostic criteria listed are a lack of clinically significant general delay in
language or cognitive development apart from possibly motor delay and
clumsiness; qualitative impairments in reciprocal social interaction, as for
106 LornaWing

autism; restricted, repetitive and stereotyped interests and activities, as for

autism. Circumscribed intellectual interests, so much emphasised by Asper-
ger, are not mentioned specifically, but are included by implication in a
reference to abnormal preoccupations, and in the list of possible types of
repetitive activities given for autism. No mention is made of the abnormali-
ties of verbal and non-verbal communication (as distinct from the formal
aspects of language) so graphically described by Asperger.
It is to be hoped that the material presented in this book will provide a
more informed basis for discussion of the issues involved in diagnosis and

Other relevant clinical pictures

Children with impairments of social interaction, abnormalities of interper-
sonal communication and a behavioural repertoire dominated by repetitive
stereotyped activities have been described by a number of writers both prior
to and since the work of Kanner and Asperger. Some authors considered
that all these could be grouped together as one single condition, namely,
childhood psychosis, which they regarded as the childhood variant of
schizophrenia (Bender, 1947, 1961; Rank, 1949; Szurek, 1956; Goldfarb,
1970; O'Gorman, 1970; Creak, 1961, 1964).
Other authors attempted to identify specific syndromes. De Sanctis (1906,
1908) applied the terms 'dementia precocissima' and 'dementia precociss-
ima catatonica' to conditions characterised by social and cognitive deterior-
ation and stereotyped behaviour following a varying period of normal
development. Heller (translated by Hulse, 1954) described similar condi-
tions for which the term 'dementia infantilis' was used. Some of the children
these authors wrote about died within a few years following the regression,
but, in others, their condition stabilised at a low level of function. In these,
the clinical pictures were strongly reminiscent of severe autism associated
with severe retardation. Earl (1934) wrote a vivid account of a group of
adolescents and adults who functioned as severely or profoundly mentally
retarded with no speech or self-care but with some motor skills, who were
indifferent to people and absorbed in repetitive, stereotyped movements of
fingers, limbs and body. He referred to this clinical picture as the 'primitive
catatonic psychosis of idiocy'. Mahler (1952) described a group of children
with abnormal social relationships, especially 'empty clinging' to adults,
echolalia and repetitive speech on bizarre themes, to which she gave the
name 'symbiotic psychosis'. Newson (1983) wrote about children with
what she called the 'demand avoidance syndrome' with some features
reminiscent of Mahler's group. They had repetitive speech and play,
accurately mimicking people, inappropriate social interaction and a marked
tendency to react to any demand from others by tactics of avoidance, which
appeared to be manipulative, although in fact they lacked real social skills.
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 107

The patterns of impairment described above tend to be associated with

moderate, severe or profound mental retardation. Social and communi-
cation problems with odd behaviour can also be found among those with
borderline or normal intelligence. Weintraub and Mesulam (1983)
described adults with a clinical picture similar to that of Asperger's
syndrome, although they did not mention circumscribed interests. They
referred to this picture as 'developmental learning disabilities of the right
hemisphere'. Rourke et al. (1986) wrote of 'central processing difficulties' in
a group of children with abnormalities of social behaviour, repetitive speech
and specific learning problems affecting arithmetic and visuo-spatial skills.
Sparrow et al. (1986) reported follow-up findings on 'atypical' children who
had odd social interaction, were awkward and clumsy in motor skills and,
while not typically autistic nor fitting all aspects of Asperger's syndrome,
nevertheless had features of both conditions. The same or similar clinical
pictures can be found among children and adults given different psychiatric
diagnoses. As already discussed, 'schizoid' and 'schizotypal' personality
disorders are relevant examples.
The literature on language disorders includes accounts of children whose
speech and behaviour is remarkably like that found in children with autism
or Asperger's syndrome. Blank, Gessner and Esposito (1979) considered
this type of speech problem to be 'a marked discrepancy between the
conceptual and the social-interpersonal aspects of verbal behaviour' which
is precisely the problem identified by Asperger in his group of children.
Rapin and Allen (1983) coined the term 'semantic-pragmatic disorder' for a
problem affecting language and behaviour, the features of which closely
resemble in fact, are virtually identical with Asperger's syndrome. More
recently, Rapin (1987) has modified her views. She now suggests that autism
and semanticpragmatic disorder are not mutually exclusive diagnoses, but
are terms describing impairments of different aspects of psychological
function (sociability and communication respectively) and can and do occur

Creating order out of chaos

The history of diagnosis and classification in this field can be expressed in an
analogy from music. It is as if some groups of people believe they are singing
the same song but each singer has chosen a different key and some have
changed their keys over time, while other groups are really singing the same
song but each singer has called it by a different name.
The questions that need to be answered concern the relationships among
all the 'syndromes' (not just those of Kanner and Asperger) in which
impaired social interaction is a feature, and the relationships of these
syndromes to mental retardation, other childhood disorders affecting
cognitive, language and social functions, personality variations and disor-
108 LornaWing

ders and the psychoses usually occurring in adult life (Waterhouse, Wing
and Fein, 1989).
The last question was dealt with by Kolvin and his colleagues (Kolvin,
1971; Kolvin et al. 1971ae). In a study of a series of children presenting
with childhood psychoses, these authors found that, on the basis of the
clinical phenomena, intelligence testing and personal and family history,
they could differentiate between children with autism and autistic-like
conditions on the one hand and on the other those with symptoms of the
adult psychoses, especially schizophrenia. The latter were rare and were
virtually never seen before seven years of age, while the former were
comparatively much more frequent and, in almost all cases, began before
three years of age.
With regard to the relationship to mental retardation, a number of studies
have shown that the clinical phenomena of infantile autism and of
autistic-like conditions can occur in association with any level of intelligence
as measured on standardised tests, though the majority of those affected are
mentally retarded, more than half being in the severely retarded range, even
though they may have isolated skills at a higher level (DeMyer et al., 1974;
Lockyer and Rutter, 1969; Wing and Gould, 1979).

A population study
In order to tackle the questions that were still unanswered and still the
subject of debate, workers in the MRC Social Psychiatry Unit decided to
carry out a study of children from one geographical area, Camberwell in
south-east London (Wing and Gould, 1979; Wing, 1981b, 1988).
The aim was to examine the full range of clinical phenomena in the
children in order to see if the syndromes named in the literature could be
identified and separated from each other and from other childhood
disorders. The children were then followed-up into adolescence or early
adult life to observe any changes that might occur over time. The children
selected were aged under fifteen years and were functioning as severely
mentally retarded (that is, were catered for or known to the services for
severe mental retardation) or were of any intelligence level and in any
service but had any one or more of the features described as occurring in
autism or autistic-like conditions.
The details of the method used are given in other papers (Wing and
Gould, 1978, 1979). The results showed that the children studied could be
divided into two main groups. Some were on the borderlines and were
difficult to classify but most could be assigned to one or other category with
reasonable confidence. One group comprised children who were normally
sociable in the light of their mental ages, although, because of the method of
selection for the study, they were all functioning as severely mentally
retarded even if they had IQs of 50 or above on some tests (see table 3.1).
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 109

The other group contained the children whose social interaction was
impaired and would have been abnormal for any mental age. This group
included all those with any autistic features and, because of the method of
selection, their intelligence levels covered the whole range from profoundly
retarded to normal, although most were mentally retarded. Most were also
especially impaired in language development, and examples of all kinds of
other specific developmental delays in cognitive and motor skills could be
found scattered among the children.
It was found that social impairment was closely associated with impair-
ment of two-way social communication and impairment of the development
of imaginative activities, especially those related to social understanding,
referred to by the authors as a 'triad' of impairments. Furthermore, when
these problems were present, the pattern of activities, instead of being
flexible and creative, was rigid, repetitive and stereotyped.
Each of these abnormalities was manifested in different ways in different
children. Impairment of social interaction could be shown as aloof indiffer-
ence to others, passive acceptance of approaches, or active but odd,
repetitive one-sided approaches. Impairment of communication (as distinct
from formal language skills) varied from absence of any attempts to
communicate, through communication of needs only, to repetitive question-
ing or lengthy monologues regardless of the responses of the listener.
Imaginative activities could be totally absent, copied from other children in
a meaningless way, or spontaneous but carried out repetitively in an
identical fashion regardless of suggestions from other children. The rigid
repetitive pattern of behaviour could be manifested as simple bodily
directed stereotypies such as rocking or tooth-grinding, collecting and
organising objects into meaningless patterns or insistence on repetition of
sequences of actions or routines, or they could be verbal or abstract such as
repetitive questioning or concentration on circumscribed interests in specific
subjects such as railway timetables, calendars, chemistry, complex arith-
metical calculations. No subject was too abstruse or bizarre to become a
special interest of someone in this group.
An attempt was made to identify the named syndromes and to fit each
socially impaired child into some diagnostic group. All the syndromes
mentioned in this chapter were represented among the socially impaired
children in the study but this exercise highlighted a number of problems.
First, the longer the list of essential diagnostic criteria, the fewer the children
that were eligible. Thus, as shown in table 3.T, seventeen children fitted
Kanner and Eisenberg's (1956) two criteria for infantile autism (see page
104) but only seven out of the seventeen fitted Kanner's original five criteria
(see page 93). Secondly, although it was possible to identify the diagnostic
criteria when present in typical form, for every item there were problems of
delimiting the borderlines. Thirdly, the criteria for different syndromes
overlapped so much that some children could be given two or more
no LornaWing

Table 3.1. Camberwell children's study (fully ambulant children

surviving to age 16+)

IQ Kanner's Kanner's Other functioning
(non-verbal syndrome becoming Asperger's socially as severely Total
tests) (two criteria) Asperger's syndrome impaired retarded in study

<5o 6 40 33 79
50-69 6 2 13 23 44
70+ 2 3 2 4 11
Total 14 3 4 57 56 134

1. The total population of children aged under 15 years numbered approximately 35,000 at
the time of the study.
2. There were 29 non-ambulant children not included in the above table, 16 of whom were
also socially impaired.
3. The use of non-verbal tests gave, in most, though not all, cases, higher estimates of levels of
abilities than verbal tests.
4. The number of children with Asperger's syndrome with normal level of ability was an
underestimate (degree unknown).

diagnoses. Fourthly, many children had mixtures of features from different

syndromes and could not be fitted precisely into any diagnostic category.
The more narrowly the criteria were defined the fewer the children that
could be included.
One limitation of this study was that eligible children were sought only
among those attending special schools or special classes. Any children with
Asperger's syndrome attending normal school and not given any special
educational help would not have been found. Nevertheless, there were four
children who, when first seen, had odd social interaction, grammatical but
pedantic language, circumscribed interests and motor clumsiness and who
could be given the diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, as shown in table 3.1.
The follow-up into adolescence or early adult life showed some changes
in the manifestations of social impairment in about one-fifth of all the
socially impaired children. Most of those who changed became passive or
odd rather than aloof, though none became appropriately sociable. A
minority tended to become more aloof with the passing years.
Of particular relevance to the present discussion is that three who, when
first seen in childhood were aloof and fitted into Kanner's syndrome, on
follow-up in late adolescence had all the features of Asperger's syndrome,
including the odd, naive social approaches to others. Thus, at follow-up a
total of seven children fitted the criteria for this syndrome.
Twenty of those in the study who were socially impaired but not
classically autistic had some, but not all, of the characteristics of Asperger's
The increase in social interaction found in some adolescents and young
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 11 r

adults diagnosed as autistic in early childhood, though they still remained

socially impaired, is similar to that described by Kanner (1973) m m s
follow-up studies. Eleven of Kanner's ninety-six autistic adults had
improved sufficiently to maintain themselves in society. They all remained
socially odd. One was described as gifted in mathematics and as 'awkward
and intellectual'. In his spare time he did some composing and built a
telescope. Kanner does not mention their motor co-ordination or give all the
relevant details, but his accounts of these individuals suggest that some at
least might be recognised by Asperger as members of his group.

The autistic continuum

The findings from research and clinical work are best explained on the
hypothesis of a continuum of impairments of the development of social
interaction, communication and imagination and consequent rigid, repeti-
tive behaviour. To quote Kanner (1973): 'It is well known in medicine that
any illness may appear in different degrees of severity, all the way from the
so-called formes frustes to the most fulminant manifestations. Does this
possibly apply also to early infantile autism?'
The continuum ranges from the most profoundly physically and mentally
retarded person, who has social impairment as one item among a multitude
of problems, to the most able, highly intelligent person with social
impairment in its subtlest form as his only disability. It overlaps with
learning disabilities (Shea and Mesibov, 1985) and shades into eccentric
normality. It is approximately equivalent to 'pervasive developmental
disorder' as defined in DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association,
1987). Another name for it is the 'autistic continuum' (Wing, 1988).
But it is necessary to emphasise that this triad of social impairments,
though of primary importance, is not the only variable involved in the
clinical pictures. Language, non-verbal communication, reading, writing,
calculation, visuo-spatial skills, gross and fine motor co-ordination and all
other aspects of psychological and physical function may be intact or may
be delayed or abnormal to any degree of severity in socially impaired
people. Any combination of skills and disabilities may be found and any
level of overall intelligence. The overt clinical picture depends upon the
pattern seen in each individual. (See Anderson (1986) for a discussion of a
theory which combines the notion of general intelligence with that of
various cognitive processes each having some degree of independence.)
Table 3.2 summarises the manifestations at different levels of severity of the
diagnostic criteria for the autistic continuum. Table 3.3 shows the vari-
ations in the criteria used to define 'typical' autism adopted by different
authors or groups.
This view of multiple impairment was discussed by Wing and Wing in
1971 in relation to Kanner's autism. At that time, the idea of specific

Table 3.2. The autistic continuum (features most often used in diagnosis*

Item Manifestations15
1 Tend to be seen in the 4 Tend to be seen in the
most severely least severely
handicapped/retarded handicapped/retarded

a Social interaction Aloof and indifferent Approaches for physical Passively accepts approaches Makes bizarre one-sided
needs only approaches
b Social communication No communication Needs only Replies if approached Spontaneous, but repetitive,
(verbal and non-verbal) one-sided, odd
c Social imagination No imagination Copies others mechanically Uses dolls, toys correctly but Acts out one theme (e.g.
limited, uncreative, repetitive Batman) repetitively, may
use other children as
'mechanical aids'
d Repetitive pattern of self- Simple, bodily directed (e.g. Simple, object-directed (e.g. Complex routines, Verbal, abstract (e.g.
chosen activities face-tapping, self-injury) taps, spins, switches lights) manipulation of objects, or timetables, movements of
movements (e.g. bedtime planets, repetitive
ritual, lining up objects, questioning)
attachment to objects,
whole-body movements)
e Language-formal system No language Limited - mostly echolalic Incorrect use of pronouns, Grammatical but long-
prepositions; idiosyncratic winded, repetitive, literal
use of words/phrases; odd interpretations
f Responses to sensory Very marked Marked Occasional Minimal or absent
stimuli (over-sensitive to
sound, fascinated by
lights, touches, tastes,
self-spinning; smells
objects or people;
indifferent to pain, cold,

g Movements (flaps, jumps, Very marked Marked Occasional Minimal or absent

rocks, tiptoe-walking,
odd hand postures, etc.)
h Special skills No special skills One skill better than others One skill around One skill at high level, well
(manipulation of but all below chronological chronological age rest well above chronological age,
mechanical objects, age below very different from other
music, drawing, abilities
mathematics, rote
memory, constructional
skills, etc.)

There arc other clinical features seen in disorders in the autistic continuum, but they are not mentioned in the various sets of criteria considered essential
for diagnosis.
The manifestations of each item (numbered t to 4 under each heading) are arbitrarily chosen points along a continuum. In reality, each shades into the
next without any clear divisions.
Table 3.3. Comparison of essential diagnostic criteria (the numbers refer to the features listed in table 3.2)

Abnormalities of Typical autisma syndrome Autistic
Kanner Lotter Rutter DraftICD-iob DSM-1HC DSM-UI-R3 Wing Draft ICD-10 Wing and Gould
1943 1966 1978 WHO, 1990 APA, 1980 APA,1987 1981a WHO, 1990 1979

a Social 1)2. 1,2 1,2 r,2-,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4
b Social 1,2 1,2 i,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3 1,2,3,4 3,4 1,2,3,4
c Social i,3 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 3,4 i,2,3,4
d Repetitive 3 3 3,4 2,3,4 2,3,4 1,2,3,4 4 3,4 1,2,3,4
e Language !,2.,3 1,^,3 4
f Sensory 1,2
g Movements 1,2
h Special skills 3 4 4
i Other Attractive No Clumsy May be
appearance delusions clumsy
no organic or hallucinations No language
aetiology or cognitive
Age of onset of
signs of abnormal
development 0-2 Vi 0-2 Vi 0-3 o-zVi 3 + , but may
be earlier
motor delay

Most workers imply that the characteristic features have to be present in early life, but may become less obvious or change in manifestation in middle or
later childhood. However, none has specified precisely the age up to which the features must be present to make a diagnosis, except Lotter, who specified up
to 7 or 8 years, and Rutter who specified up to around 5 years.
At least three examples from a, two from b or c and two from d must be present.
Examples (number unspecified) from a and b or e and d or f or h must be present.
At least eight examples, including at least two from a, one from b or c and one from d must be present.
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 115

impairments of the skills of social interaction, communication and imagin-

ation had not been formulated, so the list of the fundamental impairments
and the secondary abnormalities of behaviour now seems inappropriate
and inadequate. Nevertheless, the basic premise remains unchanged: the
various clinical pictures of autism and related disorders depend upon the
combinations of different impairments, which vary in severity indepen-
dently of each other, though they interact to produce the overt behaviour
The nature of the social impairment is still the subject of debate and
research. Are social interaction skills inborn attributes of humans and other
animals that are inherited as an indivisible package, or do they depend upon
a set of simpler psychological functions? Are the skills best classified as
cognitive, affective or conative, or are these terms outdated and irrelevant in
relation to social interaction? These issues are discussed elsewhere in this
book (see chapters 1 and 6).

Discussion and conclusions

From the review in this chapter, it can be seen that most workers who have,
to date, published results of research work in thisfieldconclude that there is
a close relationship between Kanner's and Asperger's syndromes, even if
they differ in their ideas on the nature of that relationship.
Given the available evidence, Kanner's and Asperger's syndromes are best
regarded as falling within the continuum of social impairment (of which
they form only a part) but characterised, at least in the earlier years of
childhood, by somewhat differing profiles of cognitive, language and motor
functions. Thus, to emphasise the differences, the young classic Kanner's
child has good visuo-spatial skills, good manual dexterity when engaged in
his or her preferred activities but has delayed and deviant language
development as well as social impairment of the aloof kind. Those with
typical Asperger's syndrome have good grammatical speech from early in
life, passive, odd or subtly inappropriate social interaction and poor gross
motor co-ordination shown in gait and posture. They also tend to be in the
mildly retarded, normal, or superior range of intelligence, while Kanner's
group covers a wider range of the IQ scale with many being severely
retarded on standardised tests, although on non-verbal tests some are in the
mildly retarded, normal or even superior range. However, the more able
among Kanner's group can, over the years, develop the characteristics,
including the types of social interaction, of people with Asperger's syn-
drome and become indistinguishable from them in adult life.
There is much to be said for equating Asperger's syndrome with
high-functioning Kanner's autism, since the two syndromes shade into each
other and into other parts of the social impairment continuum. But the
danger of taking this view without further questioning is that the interesting
116 Lorna Wing

differences that do exist between typical examples of each of the so-called

syndromes will be overlooked instead of being investigated for the clues
they might provide concerning underlying causes and dysfunctions. How-
ever, there should be no conflict between accepting that Asperger's syn-
drome is part of the autistic continuum and, at the same time, studying the
variations in ways in which the autistic pattern can be manifested.
The classification of Asperger's syndrome as a personality disorder
raises the question of the meaning of this term. Wolff and Chick
(1980) emphasised that personality traits are enduring characteristics of
the individuals concerned and argued, like Van Krevelen (1971), that
Asperger's syndrome must be a personality disorder because it is lifelong.
This view ignores the fact that developmental impairment of any specific
skill can be lifelong. This is the case, for example, for reading disability,
speech disorder and motor co-ordination disorder. The permanence of under-
lying social impairment and its accompanying pattern of odd behaviour
do not preclude its classification as a disorder of the development of a
particular aspect of psychological function.
Placing Asperger's syndrome in the continuum of autistic developmental
disorders has useful practical implications for management and prognosis,
whereas the use of the ill-defined blanket term 'personality disorder' does
not. The word 'schizoid', with its overtones of a relationship with adult
schizophrenia, is particularly unhelpful with regard to management and for
the families concerned, since few if any people with developmental social
impairments develop clinically recognisable adult schizophrenia.
It is, of course, possible that Kanner and Asperger each identified clusters
of psychological and behavioural features that will be shown to have some
independent validity, but solid evidence is still lacking. Future advances in
techniques of examining the central nervous system and its functioning may
enable new reliable, valid and useful schemes of subclassification to be
devised. The plural is used advisedly, since it is possible that subgroupings
based on different levels of analysis (gross organic aetiology, neurological
dysfunction, psychological impairment or overt behaviour) may have little
or only a partial relationship with each other, but each would have value for
different purposes (Waterhouse, Wing and Fein, 1989). In the meantime,
the best way to help any socially impaired child is to recognise the social
impairment, examine for and, as far as possible, treat or alleviate any
identifiable underlying cause or associated conditions, assess specific skills
and disabilities and overall level of intelligence, then use this information to
plan an individual programme. Identification of any of the eponymous
behavioural syndromes within the full range of developmental social
impairment (the autistic continuum) is not of any practical help in this
At this point we must raise the question whether the term Asperger's
syndrome is of any value, or whether as Schopler (1985) suggested, it should
Asperger's syndrome and Kanner's autism 117

be discarded to avoid diagnostic confusion. In replying to Schopler (Wing,

1986), I agreed that the syndromes within the autistic continuum could not
be clearly differentiated, but put forward two main reasons for the limited
usefulness of the label Asperger's syndrome in current clinical practice. The
first, also emphasised by Szatmari et al. (1986), is that the diagnosis of
autism is, in the minds of many lay people, synonymous with total absence
of speech, social isolation, no eye contact, hyperactivity, agility and
absorption in bodily stereotypies. There is a lack of understanding of the
wide range of severity and the widely differing manifestation of the basic
impairments. For this reason, parents without special experience tend to
overlook or reject the idea of autism for their socially gauche, naive,
talkative, clumsy child, or adult, who is intensely interested in the times of
tides around the coast of Great Britain, the need for the abolition of British
Summer Time, or the names and relationships of all characters who have
ever appeared in a television soap opera, such as 'Coronation Street'.
The suggestion that their child may have an interesting condition called
Asperger's syndrome is much more acceptable. That this is closely
related to autism and is in the autistic continuum can be explained gradually
over the course of time, and the parents can then be introduced to their
proper reference group of other families with similar problems through
the National Autistic Society.
The second reason is that professional workers without special experience
of autism, including psychiatrists working with adults, also tend to have a
narrow view of the clinical picture. Many of them think of autism as a
condition of childhood and do not automatically include it as a possible
diagnosis when seeing adults. The various recent papers on Asperger's
syndrome have attracted attention from adult as well as child psychiatrists
because of its novelty value in English-language publications, whereas
papers on autism would probably have been read only by people working
with children. As a result of using the Asperger label there has been an
increase in awareness that an autistic person of normal intelligence can be
undiagnosed in childhood but be referred to a psychiatrist in adult life.
Attention has also been drawn to the fact that such people can develop
psychiatric illnesses and that the presence of the developmental disorder as
well as the adult illness complicates treatment and management.
To quote the final sentence of my reply to Schopler: cIt is indeed a pity to
introduce yet more terminological confusion into the field of autism (itself a
term subject to muddled interpretation) but the discussion of Asperger's
work has been of help to many families who previously believed they were
alone in their problems.' This controversy will have served a useful purpose
if it leads to more clinically and theoretically appropriate descriptions of the
disorders comprising the autistic continuum that take into account the
variations related to differences in severity and the changes that occur with
age, and to more reliable and valid ways of subgrouping these conditions.
118 Lorna Wing

When these aims are achieved it would be preferable to find new diagnostic
terms since those in current use overlap sufficiently to cause confusion, as
can be seen from the variations in definitions in different diagnostic systems
(see table 3.3).
Social interaction, communication and imagination are just three of a
large number of developmental skills, any of which can be absent, delayed
or deviant on their own or in combination with others. Impairment in any
such skill causes problems for the individuals concerned, so why should
particular attention be paid to abnormalities of social interaction? The
reason is that any degree of impairment of the social skills has a particularly
profound effect upon the development of the child as a whole person and
upon his or her chances of becoming an independent adult, able to work,
marry and raise a family. Only those socially impaired people who have few
or no other disabilities and who have sufficient skills and determination to
compensate for their problems manage to become reasonably well-
functioning and even, in a few cases, markedly successful as adults. The
majority need help and guidance in sheltered settings for all their lives.

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Clinical and neurobiological aspects
of Asperger syndrome in six family

Asperger syndrome whatever it is cannot be dismissed at the drop of a
hat as 'mild autism' and thereby relegated to the status of eccentricities in a
textbook on child psychiatry. Since the seminal paper by Wing (1981),
interest and work in thefieldhave so grown that one senses the presence of a
true diagnostic entity at least from the clinical point of view which for
many years has haunted child and adult psychiatrists alike, variously
alluded to as 'autism in high-functioning individuals', 'MBD (minimal brain
dysfunction) with autistic traits', 'borderline personality', 'schizoid per-
sonality disorder' or 'schizotypal personality disorder'.
Hans Asperger, in his original 1944 paper (see chapter 2), described a
group of patients suffering from 'the autistic psychopathy of childhood'
who in some respects (particularly with regard to superior language skills,
perhaps also with respect to worse motor skills) appeared to differ markedly
from the group of cases described by Kanner in 1943. Van Krevelen, in
1971, made a devoted attempt to conceptualize autistic psychopathy as a
separate disorder. Nevertheless, Asperger's original descriptions did not, as
it were, catch on, until Lorna Wing drew attention to them in her 1981
paper, in which she acknowledged the usefulness of the term Asperger
syndrome while at the same time announcing that she considered it to be
one among several entities within the 'autism spectrum disorders'. Since
then, Schopler (1985) has argued against the use of the term, while Nagy
and Szatmari (1987) and Gillberg and Gillberg (1989) have albeit on
different grounds made claims for its usefulness.
In Gothenburg we recently carried out a clinical and neurobiological
study of twenty-three children (twenty-one boys and two girls) with
Asperger syndrome who were diagnosed according to specific criteria
(Gillberg, 1989). The criteria are outlined in tables 4.1 and 4.2. We

Six family studies 123

Table 4.1. Asperger syndrome.

Gillberg and Gillberg s 1989
diagnostic criteria at a glance

1. Social impairment (extreme egocentricity)

2. Narrow interest
3. Repetitive routines
4. Speech and language peculiarities
5. Non-verbal communication problems
6. Motor clumsiness

Table 4.2. Asperger syndrome. Gillberg and Gillberg s 19^9 diagnostic

criteria elaborated

1. Severe impairment in reciprocal social interaction

(at least two of the following):
(a) Inability to interact with peers
(b) Lack of desire to interact with peers
(c) Lack of appreciation of social cues
(d) Socially and emotionally inappropriate behaviour
2. All-absorbing narrow interest
(at least one of the following):
(a) Exclusion of other activities
(b) Repetitive adherence
(c) More rote than meaning
3. Imposition of routines and interests
(at least one of the following):
(a) on self, in aspects of life
(b) on others
4. Speech and language problems
(at least three of the following):
(a) Delayed development
(b) Superficially perfect expressive language
(c) Formal, pedantic language
(d) Odd prosody, peculiar voice characteristics
(e) Impairment of comprehension including misinterpretations of literal/implied meanings
5. Non-vorbal communication problems
(at lea>t one of the following):
(a) Limited use of gestures
(b) Clumsy/gauche body language
(c) Limited facial expression
(d) Inappropriate expression
(e) Peculiar, stiff gaze
6. Motor clumsiness
Poor performance on neuro-developmcntal examination
124 Christopher Gillberg

Table 4.3. Infantile autism. DSM-III (1980) diagnostic criteria at a glance*

A. Onset before 30 months

B. Pervasive lack of responsiveness to other people (autism)
C. Gross deficits in language development
D. Peculiarities in speech pattern (if speech is present, e.g. echolalia, pronominal reversal,
idiosyncratic language)
E. Bizarre responses (resistance to change, peculiar interests, attachments)
F. Absence of schizophrenic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, incoherence)

For full diagnostic criteria of infantile autism, with examples of behaviours see DSM-III
(American Psychiatric Association, 1980), pp. 87-90.

Table 4.4. Autistic disorder. DSM-III-R (1987) diagnostic criteria at a


A. Qualitative impairment in reciprocal social interaction

B. Qualitative impairment in verbal and non-verbal communication, and in imaginative
C. Markedly restricted repertoire of activities and interests
D. Onset during infancy or childhood

For full diagnostic criteria of autistic disorder with examples of behaviours see DSM-III-R
(American Psychiatric Association, 1987), pp. 389. Autistic disorder is classified as a severe
form of pervasive developmental disorder with onset in infancy or childhood (pp. 3 39).

compared them with twenty-three sex-, age- and IQ-matched children who
had been diagnosed as autistic on DSM-III criteria (table 4.3). These autism
cases also fulfilled DSM-III-R criteria for autistic disorder (table 4.4). The
present chapter examines three of the Asperger cases from this sample and
three more recent cases in detail. These cases and their families provide a
basis for discussion which is complementary to group studies. The paper
goes on to discuss the implications of the cases as regards the arguments on
Asperger syndrome as a clinical entity. Delineations vis-a-vis autism, and
the possible neurobiological basis of the disorder are also discussed.
In our study there were no requirements regarding the child's intellectual
level. This is in line with Asperger's own viewpoint, as is evident from the
clinical status of the patients he described. However, the six cases, with their
families, presented here are all of rather high general ability. This allows one
to see the most subtle features of Asperger syndrome unconfounded by
additional handicaps. For purposes of cross-reference the cases are given
aide-memoire labels.

Family 1. The case of the lawyer

11:4 i n this family is now thirty-three years old. He is an unmarried man
with all the classical traits of Asperger syndrome. I have had irregular
Six family studies i25

Asperger syndrome

Asperger traits

^Kk Autism

Fig. 4.1 Family 1

contact with him for just over twenty years, from the time when he was
pre-pubertal. He was then a highly intelligent but very peculiar, tall and
skinny boy of twelve. He had no friends and did not seem to care. He had
the most amazing interest and knowledge in the field of Rommel's desert
wars: he knew the 'exact' numbers of soldiers who had been killed in
various battles and would enact the major battles in the same fashion over
and over again using a set of tin soldiers. His speech was almost hilariously
formal, and children and adults who did not know him often burst out
laughing on hearing him for the first time, believing him to be joking and
putting on a show (which, of course, he was not). His gait was stiff and all
his motor movements were awkward and ill co-ordinated.
He had been slow to start walking (sixteen months) and comparatively
slow as regards speech development. He did not say much until almost
three years of age, when in a very short space of time he started saying long
and complicated sentences. These perfectly echoed things he had heard his
mother say during the day. He never showed an interest in anything but
mechanical toys and electric equipment of various kinds. The parents state
that they never noticed any kinds of stereotypies but, at the age of
thirty-three, it is plain that 11:4 shows highly stereotyped repetitive
spreading of the fingers, hundreds of times each day, and has a tendency to
make slight but clearly stereotyped nods for no obvious reason. These
repetitive movements have been present since I first saw him. 11:4 does not
like water and the parents had a tough time trying to teach him to swim
when he was nine years old. However, he learnt to swim (in a very stiff
manner) one afternoon at 5 o'clock. The parents remember this very clearly
because, since that day, whenever he has been to their summer house he has
gone for a swim at 5 o'clock sharp.
He was perceived as odd by his parents in particular the father from
around the time when he was five years old and did not want to mix with
age-peers. Throughout childhood, adolescence and early adult life he has
remained completely without friends. He is now a lawyer and has to meet
126 Christopher Gillberg

people every day. This works out all right, he thinks, because he is very
interested in their 'cases' (various economical and financial problems). He
does not participate in social gatherings at or in connection with his work.
He has had one 'girl-friend', when he was twenty-three - a fellow student
whom he once invited for a Saturday to the parents' summer house, but
with whom he has had no further contact since. At the age of thirty-three
he seems to be perfectly happy with his job, his very restricted daily routine
and visiting his parents once a month. He has a small flat which he keeps
very neat and tidy. He is always clean and well dressed. His voice is a
high-pitched monotone, and his speech is still almost unbearably pedantic.
11:4 is f normal appearance and right-handed.
Unfortunately, it has never been possible to make a complete
neurobiological work-up in his case. However, the case is of great interest
because the family history reveals both Asperger syndrome and autism
among its members.
His eldest brother, II: i, ten years his senior, has Kanner-type autism and
mild mental retardation. He was first diagnosed when he was four years
old. He now lives in a group home for mildly mentally retarded people. He
belongs to that group of autistic individuals who are passive and friendly
(Wing, 1983). The mother had rubella during the first trimester of this
brother's pregnancy. The mother herself has several Asperger-type traits:
she does not have any friends, is very formal, pedantic, obsessive and has
difficulty understanding some abstract expressions in spite of overall very
good intelligence (she took a Ph D in history at the age of sixty, after having
been a housewife for twenty-five years). However, her personality would
probably have been seen as on the extreme end of a normality continuum
had it not been for her sons, one with autism, the other with Asperger
The middle brother, 11:2, also has several traits suggestive of Asperger
syndrome: formal, pedantic and staccato-type speech; difficulty mixing
socially with other people; and stiff, awkward gait. He is married and
works as a chief dentist in a laboratory. Tragically, hisfirst-bornson by a
healthy unrelated woman shows at the age of three all the signs of infantile
autism (and probably normal intelligence). This boy had severe perinatal
The father of 11:4,1:2> a v e r v distinguished civil servant with a lifelong
interest in geography, is a quiet, warm but socially rather shy person with a
few very good friends with whom he has kept in contact throughout his life
(he is now seventy-two years old).
This family history suggests that there may be important genetic links
between Asperger syndrome and autism, at least in some cases. There are
similarities between this family and the one recently described by Bowman
(1988), in which there seemed to be a continuum of disorders ranging from
Asperger-type traits to typical Asperger syndrome and autism.
If Asperger-type traits have indeed been inherited in this family, pure
X-linked inheritance is excluded as a candidate mode of transmission unless
II: 2 has more than one X-chromosome. The fragile-X abnormality could not
otherwise account for thesefindings.The physical phenotype in all cases in
Six family studies 12.7

this family is very dissimilar from that described as typical of this

chromosomal abnormality. Nevertheless, since no chromosomal cultures
were performed in this family, conclusions cannot be definite in this respect.
The presence of Asperger traits in the mother, I:i, is unusual, but has been
described by Asperger himself (1944) and also by Wing (198 1).
Otherwise, clinical experience (for example, Gillberg, 1989) abounds
with examples of Asperger males having Asperger-type fathers. From the
very limited data so far available a (perhaps atypical) dominant mode of
heritability seems to be the most likely candidate, but this cannot be
regarded as even near settled. The two cases of autism in this family were
both associated with brain-damaging factors (maternal rubella and
perinatal asphyxia), while no such factors were present in the Asperger

Family 2. The case of the one-dress girl

IV: 1 is a fourteen-year-old girl with high intelligence (full scale WISC at the
age of twrelve 1 20, verbal IQ 1 27, performance r TO, poorest performance
on picture arrangement, digit span and parts of the comprehension subtest,
average on block design), whom I have followed regularly at least twice a
year from before her first birthday. She was born after a normal pregnancy,
and birthweight, length, head circumference, and peri- and neonatal
periods were all normal. She was a very 'good' baby, not demanding much.
When I first saw her in connection with a routine health control at the age
of ten months, I made a note in the record that she seemed 'very serious', 'a
little late in gross motor development' and 'slightly hypotonic'. She started
walking at the age of fifteen months. At eighteen months she had acquired
a few single words. At thirty months she seemed a bit slow in language
development but by the age of four years she was speaking at an
age-appropriate level (no test performed).
She was described as 'day-dreaming' and 'never listening' by the parents,
and this impression was substantiated in connection with a routine health
check. She had no peers with whom she would play, and was totally
uninterested in other children except one particular girl who was a year her
junior. One day she demanded that her parents ask this little girl to come
over. When she came, she was in complete control of all situations and
IV: 1 remained passive. IV: 1 was uninterested in all toys, except a
particular doll which she would dress and undress endlessly. She demanded
that her parents buy unreasonable quantities of clothes for this doll and
they complied lest she throw a severe tantrum. She spent some time in a day
nursery but had to be taken out of it because she refused to mix with the
other children.
At the age of six years, she was talking in a shrill, monotonous voice,
endlessly about clothes. A ten-year-old girl who lived in the neighbourhood
selected IV: 1 to be her 'slave', a role she performed without complaint for
at least two years until the older girl grew tired of the situation. IV: T
gradually developed a strong interest in paper bags which she would collect
128 Christopher Gillberg


Asperger syndrome

Asperger traits

Alzheimer's disease
(autopsy - verified)

Elective mutism
Fig. 4.2 Family 2

and store in the attic with such fervour that her parents became extremely
concerned. This interest was at its peak from the age of eight to ten years
and was then replaced, rather suddenly, by an almost fanatic
preoccupation with the idea that research on animals must be prohibited.
She would write long letters on this subject to various state officials, but
would not expect an answer. She had a pet, a guinea pig which she treated
in a rather careless fashion and which eventually died, presumably because
of starvation in connection with a family holiday when it had been left
behind for several days.
Throughout her early school years, IV: 1 insisted on wearing the same
dress every day (except at Christmas and Easter). Her mother had to wash
the garment secretly at night and then try to make it smell 'non-clean' in
order for the girl not to notice and throw a tantrum.
She had a very formal and repetitive way of responding to questions and
always ended each statement on a very high note. Much of what she said
spontaneously seemed to be exact repetitions of what she had heard other
people say. If asked 'What do you think?' she would invariably respond
'Oh, I don't know'. She had several 'friends' at the age of twelve but never
made any demands on them, except in so far as animal research was
discussed. She passively accepted what her peers proposed. She was well
liked but the parents saw how her friends marvelled at her complete lack of
intuitive notions about other people and deficient appreciation of irony and
her inability to understand such concepts. She was clumsy and her gestures
and movements ill co-ordinated. She got very poor reports for PE but
participated seemingly without self-criticism in spite of the fact that her
performance was 'comical' to say the least. She also had problems with
Six family studies i 29

mathematics but otherwise performed as expected in all school subjects

given her relatively good IQ. She looks normal and is right-handed.
The girl represents a case which, scrutinised this way, is a typical
example of Asperger syndrome. The fact that she has several 'friends' may
at first seem to detract from the possibility of this diagnosis. However, this
case demonstrates clearly that reports about existing interactions with
age-peers have to be analysed very carefully before they can be accepted as
indicative of normal socialisation. This girl at the age of fourteen in the
middle of her pubertal period, has interactions with other people that are
either obsessive or passive. Indeed IV: 1 shows many of the characteristics
of the passive and friendly autism group described by Wing (1983).
The case is particularly interesting in that it illustrates that Asperger
syndrome can occur in girls. It suggests that, on the surface, symptoms of
impairment of social interaction might be less conspicuous than
corresponding symptoms in boys.
As in the case of family 1, she has never been referred for child
psychiatric treatment or help. Both her parents are dentists and have been
able to cope with the problems partly because of personal contacts with
psychiatrists and psychologists, and their almost incredible patience, and
also to some extent because of their respective family histories (see the
pedigree). Since IV: 1 has taken part in various research projects, I have
been in a position to obtain the necessary information which has allowed at
least tentative diagnoses. I have made a point of meeting and talking to all
the members of the family shown in the pedigree, except the paternal uncle
who died of Alzheimer's disease many years ago.
The paternal grandfather is a very tall and thin man, very formal,
pedantic and socially inept. Furthermore, he is clumsy and ill co-ordinated.
He is without doubt one of the most clear-cut examples of Asperger
syndrome I have met. The paternal aunt, III: 1, was diagnosed in childhood
as suffering from psychosis. In retrospect it is clear that she must have
fulfilled current DSM-III-R criteria (American Psychiatric Association,
1987) for autistic disorder. Her mother, II: 3, in the third month of
gestation, had a temperature, a rash and arthralgia. Rubella infection was
not then considered a plausible aetiological agent, and in retrospect it has
not been possible to confirm or refute this diagnosis. Ill: 1 is of low or
borderline normal intelligence. At the age of forty she has half-sheltered
work and is treated by an adult psychiatrist with lithium because of
frequent mood swings.
IV: 1 's younger sister, now five years old, has shown some features
suggestive of Asperger syndrome but also fulfils DSM-III-R criteria for
elective mutism. The maternal grandfather and uncle both represent mild
but clear variants of Asperger syndrome. Both parents, although friendly
and cheerful people, have problems identifying with the feelings and
perspectives of other people. The mother fulfills criteria for histrionic
personality disorder according to DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric
Association, 1987).
With regard to neurobiological examinations, IV: 1 has a normal
karyotype and no fragile-X positive cells, a normal CT of the brain but a
130 Christopher Gillberg

bilateral pathological prolongation of the I-V interval on auditory

brainstem response (ABR) examination.
Like family 1, this family illustrates that Asperger syndrome can cluster
in families and that autism too can occur in the same family. Autism can be
the outcome perhaps if brain damage is added to the genetic predisposition.
There is the possibility - although in this case we have no hard evidence to
support it that a viral infection (perhaps rubella?) in the first trimester
tipped the balance negatively for III: 1 so that what might have turned out
to be a mild case of Asperger syndrome (or an extreme of normal
social-cognitive functioning) developed into autism instead.
There is double genetic loading in this case, with both parents having
family histories of Asperger syndrome. It is of considerable interest that the
parents themselves do not show obvious outward signs of the disorder.
Therefore a genetic rather than a psychosocial mode of transmission seems
Finally, the prolonged brainstem transmission time in the index case
might be taken to indicate brainstem-vestibular dysfunction. Unfortunately
we do not have data on any of the other family members in this respect.

Family 3. The case of the amateur actor

III: 1 is an eighteen-year-old young man of good intelligence (full scale
WISC 118, verbal IQ 130 (poor performance on comprehension),
performance IQ 108 (top performance on block design)) who was a typical
case of Asperger syndrome when I first met him when he was twelve years
old, a year before he entered puberty. He was first seen by a child
psychiatrist at the age of seven, when his mother had applied for help for
him because of difficulties adjusting socially with age-peers at school. He
was described as 'eccentric, monotonously and repetitively talking in a
shrill voice and yet giving a naive impression'. The mother described him as
a 'problem child' from the start, who screamed a lot and needed little sleep.
He did not seem to listen and was regarded as unduly active. He was
stubbornly fixed in various routines by the age of three. He spoke long and
complicated sentences before the age of two and was already, by that time,
imitating television reporters, which has remained his favourite activity to
this day. He imitates them very well but can never improvise. Instead, he
has to say everything the reporter said in the same tone of voice and sitting
in exactly the same posture. If interrupted, he got and still gets furious.
Already, before the age of two years he shunned body contact and, at
playgrounds or family gatherings, would stand isolated with his back
towards other people, usually doing nothing at all. He has never shown
major motor stereotypies but from very early in childhood has had a strong
wish to wave objects. Now, at the age of eighteen, he almost constantly
plucks at his fingers in various odd ways.
His mother insisted that as a baby, before he started walking, he had
been cuddly. There is no reason to doubt this information since she was a
trained nurse and had been working with small children for many years.
Six family studies 131

Asperger syndrome

Asperger traits

Died of breast cancer

at 40 years
Very mild mental

Fig. 4.3 Family 3

From about the age of two years, it became obvious that III: 1 was
extremely pedantic in all his undertakings. He always demanded to sit in
exactly the same position at the breakfast table and to wear the same red
trousers every day. His mother had to wash them at night when he had
gone off to sleep. Afterwards, he would complain for hours that the
trousers smelt and felt 'wrong'.
From around the age of four years he began to concentrate on
circumscribed interests, first aeroplanes, then trams then trains and now
chess and stage productions. These interests have always excluded all other
activities, at least until very recently when he had to some extent,
successfully - taken part in an amateur actors' group.
His manner of speech is very pedantic and formal. Up till about the age
of fourteen he always echoed by whisper what people said to him.
Nowadays he always hums before he answers a question. Asked why, he
says that 'under the hum' he repeats your question.
Children at school have always found him strange and even 'weird'.
Adult people such as the parents' friends, on the other hand, have always
found him amicable.
At eighteen he has no friends, attends a normal school (achieving like
average teenagers) and considers going on to university to study trains! He
shuts himself in his room most of the time when he is not at school, except
when he goes out to his actors' group.
He is the firstborn of three. His younger brother has very mild mental
retardation, an operated cleft palate and a tendency towards both
hyperactivity and obsessional traits. His sister, who is ten years younger, is
healthy in all respects. Sadly, his mother died of cancer when he was fifteen
years old. Before she died he said to her in his very formal way: 'How
unfortunate that you should have cancer.' His father has mild Asperger
132 Christopher Gillberg

traits and is a bit of a loner. He is easily moved by human suffering and

misses his wife to the point of utter despair.
After the death of his mother, when people asked III: 1 how he was
doing, he usually answered: 'Oh, I am all right. You see I have Asperger
syndrome which makes me less vulnerable to the loss of loved ones than are
most people.'
A full neurobiological work-up, including an EEG and a chromosomal
culture in a folic-acid depleted medium, has shown normal results
throughout. The boy is of normal weight and height and is good looking.
He is right-handed. There are many relatives (all male) on the paternal side
of the family who show many features suggestive of Asperger syndrome. A
paternal uncle has a grandson with epilepsy and a paternal cousin (female)
is mentally retarded. The maternal grandmother has a sister who has a
daughter and a granddaughter both of whom have epilepsy.

Family 4. The case of the little frog expert

111:2 is a six-year-old boy of normal intelligence whom I have known since
he was four years old. He is a typical case of Asperger syndrome, but
equally a case could have been made for a diagnosis of autistic disorder
{DSM-III-R, American Psychiatric Association, 1987), at least before the
age of five.
His parents describe him as 'good and undemanding' in hisfirstyear of
life, much easier to manage than his older brother, who craved more
attention. He had appeared to be particularly content with being left in his
bed. He started walking at fourteen months and had full bowel and bladder
control by the age of twenty months. From about eighteen months of age,
he gradually began to need less and less sleep, until eventually he slept only
five or six hours out of twenty-four. He got out of bed after midnight and
stayed up for many hours wandering about the house. During this period
he was considered 'totally impervious to distraction' by his parents.
At twelve months he stayed with his maternal grandparents for a week.
Exactly a year later, he again visited his grandparents together with his
parents but this time he stubbornly refused to get out of the car. His refusal
was so serious and had such fervour that the parents had to bring him
home again without leaving the car. From around the age of thirty months
he was perceived by his parents as turning 'hyperactive' and 'obviously
uninterested in other children'. He 'communicated' with loud noises but
had no speech whatsoever before the age of three years. He was very
destructive and all sorts of household equipment was destroyed by him.
Every summer the family went on a sailing trip in their boat and III: z was
then (and has been since the age of two) very different: calm, insisting on
routine and very careful not to damage anything on board.
At the age of three and a half years, when his expressive speech
development was still limited to a few single words, he was admitted to a
full-time day nursery. His behaviour did not change much and his language
development appeared to be unaffected.
Six family studies 133

flgj Asperger syndrome

^2 Asperger traits

Recurrent severe depression


\p\ Suicide

Fig. 4.4 Family 4

At four years he started relatively quickly to use long sentences. These

were almost always perfect imitations (with regard to content,
pronunciation, pitch and inflection) of what he had heard some grown-up
say seconds or hours earlier. Both the parents and staff came to regard him
as exceptionally gifted in many ways, both because this manner of speech
seemed to them to be much more mature than that of his age-peers and
because he led his peers in various technical games (he managed to build
ingenious trains out of chairs, saucepans or empty boxes). However,
everyone thought he was odd in that he still seemed to be almost
completely unaware of the other children (and most of the grown-ups too).
He began to develop a special interest in trains and aeroplanes just before
his fifth birthday. He would enquire endlessly about makes and details of
engines and cabins. For almost a year he was totally preoccupied with these
two areas of interest and would talk about them in a monotonous, hoarse
voice at the dinner table, at the day nursery or to nobody in particular at
the tram station. Suddenly, just before his sixth birthday, these interests
were abandoned and he started to accumulate facts about frogs. In this
connection he quickly learnt the letters of the alphabet and acquired some
reading skills to the extent that he could amass new knowledge out of
encyclopedias concerning frogs. Asked to read other texts he refused, but
also seemed unable to manage it. Now, at the age of six years and four
months, his main interest is in frogs. He demands to go the library every
day to take down all the books with information about frogs from the
shelves. He is also concerned with various minute technical details at the
day nursery (for example, connecting wires inside the telephone). He
knows the names of his age-peers but does not play with them. They are
interested in him, but he does not show any interest in them. He still echoes
134 Christopher Gillberg

(often whispering) everything said by adults. If what he just echoed was a

question directed at him, he sometimes answers in a very matter-of-fact
way. He does not display any emotions except anger (when he doesn't
want to accept demands). He still sleeps very little (aroundfivehours out of
the twenty-four).
The boy's mother first contacted a child guidance clinic when III: 2 was
three years and eleven months of age. A Griffiths test at that stage revealed
him to have an overall developmental quotient (DQ) of 82 with very poor
results on hearing and language (DQ 69) and practical reasoning (DQ 65)
but age-appropriate skills in the gross motor, eyehand co-ordination,
performance and ADL (activities of daily life) domains. A speech therapist
made a diagnosis of 'echolalia' when he was four and a half years old. At four
years eight months he was referred to the special autism diagnosis centre
where I work. Testing with the Griffiths scale again at the age of i\ve years
five months yielded a DQ of 89, but this time hearing and language was on a
par with other functions. Only practical reasoning still came out poorly (DQ
74). On the Leiter test he obtained an IQ of 8 5. A year later his Leiter IQ was
9 5. On the ITPA (Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities) his scores ranged
from 120 to 77. He was best at auditory reception, auditory sequencing and
expressive language skills, and worst at visual reception and visual analogy.
It is the clinical impression that once he can be tested with the WISC he will
show an uneven profile with scores ranging from mild mental retardation to
much above average intellectual functioning.
A full medical work-up has shown him to have a large head (99th
centile), be slightly overweight (80th centile), of normal height (50th
centile) and without obvious physical stigmata. He has two small
pendunculated fibromas (2X5 mm), one near the left ear and one on the
left shoulder. He is clumsy in all his movements. The auditory brainstem
response (ABR) examination showed a pathological prolongation of the
brainstem transmission time on the left side. All other examinations (CT
scan, chromosomal culture (including fragile-X), EEG, ophthalmological
examination, audiometry and CSF) were normal. However, his CSF-HVA:
HMPG quotient was relatively high (7.1:1; cf. Gillberg and Svennerholm,
1987). He is right-handed.
The mother had slight toxaemia signs in pregnancy (oedema and mild
proteinuria), but otherwise, the boy's intrauterine and intrapartal/neonatal
periods seem to have been uneventful (medical record data).
The boy's father has typical Asperger syndrome as manifested in the
following features. He has a monotonous voice, a circumscribed interest in
electronics (runs an electronicsfirm),and a sincere wish to understand
other people but a total lack of intuition in this respect. He has no friends
and adheres to a set of daily rituals. The failure to perform one of these
rituals (for instance, while travelling) makes him extremely tense and he
cannot sleep. Even under ordinary circumstances he has a sleeping
problem. He always takes notes when he is listening to other people 'in case
something might be missed'. The father's brother also has many traits
reminiscent of Asperger syndrome. The boy's mother is a warm, sensible
woman, whom it has taken about twelve years to realise that her husband
Six family studies 135

has a social handicap. The boy's eleven-year-old brother is normal but has
suffered from recurrent depression since the age of seven. Both paternal
grandparents suffered from severe recurrent depressions. A paternal aunt
suffers from 'paranoia', according to psychiatric hospital records.
The boy's psychosocial circumstances are the best possible and the
family is well-to-do. His mother took very good care of him at home during
his first three years of life. Before the work-up in connection with
diagnosing Asperger syndrome, he had been admitted to hospital once for a
two-day period at the age of three. Apart from this and half a dozen
middle-ear infections, he has so far been physically well.
From the neurobiological point of view, there are several interesting
features in this case. The family history is one of Asperger syndrome,
depression and 'paranoia' on the paternal side of the family. There are
signs of brainstem dysfunction on the ABR, and the CSF mono amine
balance is similar to that encountered in autism.
Clinically, this case is interesting in that it shows many similarities with
autism. Also of particular importance is that this boy seemed at first to be
very severely handicapped in the field of expressive language skills, an area
in which after a few years' follow-up (into primary-school age) he excelled
on formal testing. A diagnosis of mild mental retardation was suspected
when he was four years old, but this is no longer so at the age of six when
he scores above average in many areas. A particularly interesting point is
that on formal testing with the Griffiths test his gross motor skills are
average. Yet the clinical impression is one of considerable motor
In summary, this case illustrates clearly that autism and Asperger
syndrome are sometimes not clearly separable diagnostic entities.

Family 5. The case of the mathematician

III: 1 is a nine-year-old boy with Asperger syndrome and at least normal
intelligence. He was the first-born child to healthy, unrelated parents and
he has a healthy sister. Pregnancy was uneventful. He was delivered by
Caesarean section due to narrow pelvis. He was a quiet infant who had
clear sucking and feeding difficulties. He developed hypcrbilirubinemia
with a maximum bilirubin value of 335 mg/ml. The mother was in training
when III: 1 was born, and is now a clinical psychologist. She was interested
in child development and thought very early on that something must be
wrong. At seven weeks the boy was diagnosed as suffering from congenital
hypothyroidism (due to thyroid aplasia), and appropriate medication with
synthetic thyroid hormone was started. His feeding difficulties and icterus
quickly disappeared. However, with regard to development of social and
communicative skills, both parents agreed that he was slower than other
children and from the point of view of motor development was more
clumsy than his age-peers. He walked unaided only at eighteen months
of age.
136 Christopher Gillberg

ggj Asperger syndrome

^/>) Asperger traits

Fig. 4.5 Family 5

Typical from very early on were his obstinacy, impatience and 'lack of
respect for other people's integrity' (mother's words). He needed little sleep
(much less than his sister and his parents). He appeared to be restless,
fixated on his own interest, 'not listening', hyperactive and his attention
could rarely be gained. Around fourteen months of age he was placed in a
day nursery where he remained until seven, the normal starting age for
school. He never showed an interest in the other children. He was regarded
by the pre-school teachers as 'domineering'.
From the age of three he showed an extreme interest in mathematics and
before age four years he knew how to add, subtract, multiply and divide
three-figure numbers.
At the age of seven, when Ifirstsaw him, he could instantly extract the
square root of any number under 200. His only interest in life is
mathematics and he turns everything into a mathematical problem. He
solves the problem but is totally uninterested in any connecting aspects and
fails to see similarities between problems which are not completely
identical. His skills in the mathematical area at the age of seven
corresponded to those offirst-yearuniversity students in mathematics
according to psychological testing and comparison with current university
norms. The parents described him as totally disinterested in other children
and minimally interested in members of his own family. He would treat
people as objects, move them to suit his needs and bite them if they did not
comply with his demands. He could not tolerate changes of routine, but if
changes could be explained in terms of the solution to a mathematical
problem, he reluctantly agreed to accept them. He incessantly asked the
same set of questions and did not really care what the answers were. His
gaze was very stiff and 'non-reciprocal'. He laughed when other people
cried. He has always had great difficulties understanding human facial
expressions. He was described as having had a very early development of
speech (considerably earlier than the other children in the day nursery).
From about the age of four he has often expressed himself by way of
neologisms. Very often he has spoken only in sentences in which every
word begins with the same letter. His voice has always (from the first
month of life) been a little hoarse and his intonation flat.
Six family studies i37

His gross motor performance was very poor and he could not manage to
hop on one foot more than two or three times. Diadochokinesis
performance corresponded to that of a five-year-old (at the age of seven
years nine months). His WISC score was 108 (performance 100 and verbal
188). His poorest performance was in coding (82) and his best in block
design and arithmetic (138). On the ITPA his scores range from (visual
memory) to auditory reception (118) and visual analogy (125).
His mother is very matter-of-fact, highly obsessional and always takes
notes even when conversing with acquaintances. Both parents have traits
reminiscent of Asperger syndrome, and the mother in particular is formal,
pedantic and shows circumscribed interests. However, she is deeply
devoted to her son's progress and has always tried to care for him in the
best possible way. She has suffered two episodes of major depression.
The boy now attends a special class for bright children with autism and
autistic-like conditions. He started school in normal class but his dislike of
the other children and theirs of him made it impossible for him to continue
It is likely that the hypothyroidism which remained untreated for the first
seven weeks of the boy's life has played some part in the pathogenetic chain
of events in this case. It is equally likely that hereditary factors have played
some part. The hypothyroidism may well have acted by way of producing
hyperbilirubinemia (which the boy had), which in turn could perhaps have
made Asperger-sensitive brain areas dysfunctional.

Family 6. The case of the little professor

111:2 at twelve years of age had classical Asperger syndrome. According to
the WISC he was found to have a full scale IQ 1 50 with low results on the
comprehension and picture arrangement and superior results on the other
subtests. He was considered to have 'a lot of locked-up aggression and
tension', according to projective tests (draw-a-man, children's
apperception test). He was referred to me by the school doctor because the
situation in his classroom had become intolerable and he had recently tried
to jump out of a window on the third floor (smiling).
I had met him in the school setting several times before his father
brought him for consultation at the clinic. As usual, on meeting me (or any
adult), he started chatting away about various kinds of gunpowder for
which he had amassed a multitude of prescriptions. He told me he would
start to try them out in the school-yard. He then interrupted himself, stared
intensely but briefly at me and said: "I say, you do look a lot like
Christopher Gillberg!' I asked him if he could guess the reason for my
looking so much like Christopher Gillberg. 'How am I to know. You just
happen to look like a copy of him, that's all!1 I then said: 'Well, you see, I
am Christopher Gillberg.' He looked up briefly and exclaimed 'What an
extraordinary coincidence!' and then made his way into my secretary's
office, stumbling on the threshold. 1 started to say 'This is my
138 Christopher Gillberg


Asperger syndrome

Asperger traits

Fig. 4.6 Family 6

secretary . . .', but he did not seem to listen and, instead, immediately
asked, 'How many letters per second can you type?' My secretary said:
'Well, it used to be 1100 in three minutes.' He then proceeded to her desk,
made a quick computation and shouted: 'Six point one one one one one
one in all eternity one one one.' My secretary looked astounded and said:
'Is that so?' He then pointed at me and stared into thin air and said: 'He
does look like Christopher Gillberg! What a coincidence!'
He then entered my office and started picking out various books and
papers from one of the shelves. Quite by chance he found a Swedish leaflet
for parents on Asperger syndrome. He said: 'This is something I've never
heard anybody say a word about before. I think I'll call it AS for short.' On
reading the text aloud he soon remarked, as though in passing: 'It seems I
have AS! By golly, I do have AS. Wait till my father hears about this!' He
went on reading and soon decided: 'My parents just might have AS too,
you know, my father in particular, he too has all-absorbing interests
and . . .' He did not seem to react emotionally to what he read. 'Now I can
tell my classmates the reason why I pace the school-yard briskly ten times
up and down each break all the year round is I have AS. And it will get my
teacher off my back. If you have a "handicap condition" they have to
tolerate you.'
111:2 was the firstborn child to healthy unrelated parents of superior
intelligence who both show mild but clear traits of Asperger syndrome
(the father in particular). A little sister, seven years of age, also has
Asperger-type traits but nothing near as severe as those of her elder
brother. There are reports of extreme Asperger traits in both the maternal
and the paternal grandmothers. Pregnancy and delivery were uneventful.
111:2 was a little slow to start walking (fifteen months) and spoke very little
before two and a half years but then started 'conversing with adult
strangers' almost at once. He showed virtually no interest in age-peers
other than as short-cuts to computers, his favourite pastime. His way of
talking was very fast and formal, 'like a professor'. When very young he
showed a number of stereotyped hand movements and grimaced in
stereotyped ways. He soon started to amass facts about chemistry and at
Six family studies 139

the age of eleven was judged by a professor of chemistry at a polytechnic to

fulfil the requirements for a university degree. He is very clumsy in gross
motor domains and does not want to take part in PE. He demands constant
attention in the classroom. When ignored he threatens (and tries) to jump
out of the window. The school psychologist thought he was depressed and
was trying to commit suicide, but he replied: 'No! I just wanted to jump
out of the window, that's all.'
A full neurobiological work-up (including chromosomal culture in a
folic-acid depleted medium, CT scan of the brain, EEG and ear and eye
examinations) has shown him to have a pathological bilateral prolongation
of brainstem transmission time on the ABR.

These six case histories of Asperger syndrome were chosen to illustrate
various clinical and neurobiological issues which might be relevant for a
discussion concerning the delineation of the syndrome vis-a-vis autism, the
changing manifestations over time and possible aetiological pathogenetic
mechanisms. They do not constitute a representative sample of children
with Asperger syndrome but are fairly typical of the series of twenty-three
patients seen in my own practice (Gillberg, 1989). The last three cases in
particular are extraordinarily similar to the cases describea by Asperger.
The first three show the developmental course to adulthood of some
relatively mild cases and there is the case of a girl with Asperger syndrome
whose clinical picture is also rather mild. In the absence of population-based
studies of Asperger syndrome these cases will have to serve as a reasonable
clinical sample for formulating hypotheses which can be put to the test in
future epidemiological studies.
From the diagnostic point of view, two of the cases (from families 3 and
4) fulfilled DSM-III-R criteria for autistic disorder in early childhood but
later better fitted the prototype of Asperger syndrome. This is similar to
what Wing (1981) reported in her series of thirty-four patients, some of
whom had been autistic in the pre-school years but who later appeared to be
classic cases of Asperger syndrome.
The main question that demands discussion is the relationship of
Asperger syndrome to autism. It is clear that Asperger syndrome overlaps
with autism in several key aspects, perhaps most notably with regard to
some of the core symptoms, the persistence of handicap for many, many
years and certain associated neurobiological markers.
Let us look at the core symptoms first. It is striking that all six cases
described here show a reduced capacity for conceiving of other people as
creatures who think and feel. This symptom has recently been proposed as a
core deficit that underlies all autistic spectrum disorders, and this proposal
is presented in detail in chapter 1. In particular, it is argued that this deficit
140 Christopher Gillberg

very precisely accounts for the quality of the social impairment of autistic
We turn next to the symptom of language problems. All six cases had
language problems, in particular with respect to semantics, pragmatics and
comprehension. These same problems are also always encountered in
autism. However, unlike individuals with autism all had good or very good
expressive language skills at a level which far exceeds that usually found in
autism. Furthermore, they all had developed a near-normal level of speech
by the age of five.
It is often surmised that stereotypies are particularly typical of autism
with mental retardation. Indeed severe motor stereotypies, such as exces-
sive hand-flapping and rocking, are probably more often encountered
when autism and mental retardation coincide. Nevertheless, it is clear that
stereotypic motor behaviours occur in Asperger syndrome too. All six
cases described showed pronounced behaviour of this kind in early child-
hood (hand-flapping, head-banging and tiptoeing in one case each). How-
ever, they later learnt how to hide these behaviours and perform them only
in socially acceptable settings. Nevertheless, some still exhibited clear-cut
repetitive finger or hand stereotypies or stereotyped facial grimacing (in
one case each). Obviously, even though stereotypies of this kind in adult
age are less conspicuous (and perhaps (?) less frequent) in Asperger
syndrome than in typical autism cases, they cannot be used as a differen-
tiating criterion.
Perhaps the most striking feature of Asperger cases is their odd all-
absorbing interests. It may be thanks to their normal intelligence that they
have turned those interests into areas of expertise in which they shine.
Clearly, comparison with less able autistic individuals would be unfair in
this respect. Nevertheless, autistic people too, even some who are totally
mute and aloof, can develop rare circumscribed interests and skills, such as
drawing. While the present symptom itself does not discriminate autism
from Asperger syndrome, the attempts to impose the interest (or any special
routines) on others in everyday life appears to be particularly pronounced in
Asperger cases. However, the nature of this symptom is as yet too little
understood for specific claims to be made.
Finally, with regard to possible distinguishing features in clinical diagno-
sis, the issue of gross and fine motor skills needs to be discussed.
Unequivocal cases of classical Kanner autism usually exhibit relatively
excellent skills in the motor domains, relative that is to their overall severe
deficits in so many otherfields.Asperger syndrome cases, on the other hand,
are often described as showing clumsiness, a lack of co-ordination of
movements and a stiff, awkward gait. In a recent comparison of twenty-
three Asperger syndrome cases and twenty-three sex- and age-matched
Kanner syndrome cases, motor clumsiness did indeed appear to be a
hallmark of the former and not of the latter (Gillberg, 1989). Motor
Six family studies 141

clumsiness had not been included as a necessary criterion for diagnosing

Asperger syndrome in that study, but it was found that nineteen of the
twenty-three cases showed motor skills to be more than fifteen points below
the child's overall IQ. This held in only five of the twenty-three cases with
Kanner autism. All the six cases described in this chapter had moderate
problems in the field of motor control. One could argue that children with
autism are so handicapped that they never get to show enough motor skills
to make it apparent that they too have co-ordination problems and that the
only reason for children with Asperger syndrome showing such problems so
often is their generally higher IQ and hence their broader range of skills.
However, such an explanation seems unlikely, considering that children
with autism often perform better than brighter children with Asperger
syndrome on tasks involving balance and fine motor manipulations (Gill-
berg and Gillberg, in progress).
On balance, therefore, the available evidence suggests that autism and
Asperger syndrome are closely related clinical entities. The possible distin-
guishing quality of motor clumsiness, which cannot be accounted for by
higher IQ, may imply that continuities may not exist across syndromes
(Asperger syndrome representing but mild autism or autism in children with
high IQ), but rather that there is important but not complete overlap with
regard to the neural circuitries which are involved (Asperger syndrome
engaging core 'autism centres' in the brain plus centres or connections
with centres regulating motor but not expressive language skills). One
way of testing part of this hypothesis would be to study the motor skills in
those cases of autism which appear in families in which Asperger syndrome
and autism cluster. In such families it seems plausible that there is a genetic
basis for Asperger syndrome and that in cases with autism, brain damage
has been added. It would be difficult to account for cases with autism and
good motor skills in such families. Therefore, in such families one would
expect motor clumsiness to appear in both autism and Asperger syndrome
cases. In the two families described in this chapter where there were
members with autism and members with Asperger syndrome, this certainly
In this connection one must not forget that most cases with autism do not
show motor skills above the norms of age-peers and many do indeed
perform below level (DeMyer, 1979).
Asperger syndrome manifests itself in varying ways according to the
child's age and developmental level. In some cases there is clinical continuity
across syndromes with autism as in two of the present cases who actually
fulfilled DSM-III-R criteria for autistic disorder in early childhood but went
on to develop a clinical picture which better fitted that described by
Asperger. Further, it is obvious that even though some children with
Asperger syndrome never fit the criteria for infantile autism or autistic
disorder, quite a number of cases with autistic disorder would also fit in
142 Christopher Gillberg

with the general criteria for Asperger syndrome outlined at the beginning of
this chapter.
However, children with Asperger syndrome do not come all in one shape
with regard to early symptoms and this is well illustrated by the six cases.
Some present with a suspicion of autism, but others do not cause major
worry or concern until well into their school years. This is not to say that
such cases do not have Asperger-type problems from very early in their
development, but there must exist relatively wide inter-individual variation
with regard to severity of problems.
Szatmari, Bartolucci and Bremner (1989) have made claims for a
distinction of autism vis-a-vis Asperger syndrome on the basis of well-
developed early attachment behaviour and absence of severe language
problems in the latter. In all the six cases described here and in a majority
of the clinical series of twenty-three referred to previously (Gillberg, 1989)
according to interview with the mother, early attachment behaviours were
not quite normal, and neither was the child's language development. I do
not think that at present we have a firm enough basis for subdividing cases
with 'autism spectrum' or 'autism associated' disorders according to early
attachment behaviour and language development. Again, it appears that, at
least with regard to disturbed attachment behaviour, which can be seen as
one aspect of overall social impairment, quantitative rather than qualitative
differences between autism and Asperger syndrome prevail.
In respect of language development, there are certainly considerable
differences with regard to the level of skills between cases with classic
Kanner type autism and classical Asperger syndrome when examined in
later childhood, but differences may be less pronounced in early childhood
(perhaps in particular with regard to language comprehension) at an age
when laymen do not yet react strongly to what they perceive as subtle
problems. Many authors, including Hans Asperger, stress the excellent
verbal skills of children with Asperger syndrome to such an extent that all
the major problems (major, that is, in relation to overall IQ and other skills)
in the field of semantics, pragmatics and comprehension in general are
obscured. Seventeen of the twenty-three children with Asperger syndrome
seen in my clinic over the last ten years (Gillberg, 1989) were slow to start
talking, according to parental report. Once they started talking, however,
their speech and language soon turned adult-type and formalistic. This
perfect quality of their speech has tended to detract from the proneness of
many of them to concrete misinterpretations.
One boy of fifteen reacted to his mother's statement 'She's on the way to
getting better' by asking 'Whereabouts is that?' He then put a number of
questions which showed that he believed that 'the way to getting better' was
a street address. This boy had a full scale WISC IQ at the age of fourteen of
132. Many more examples of concrete misinterpretation are given in
chapter 7.
Six family studies 143

Four of the six children showed late speech development and the fifth had
echolalia. All the cases had problems with regard to prosody and language
comprehension. Other speech-language characteristics included whispering
echolalia (cases 2 and 4) repetitive questioning (all six cases) and galloping
speech (case 6). Thus if one accepts the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome in
these six cases, one would also have to accept that it is impossible to
subdivide cases of Asperger syndrome and autism according to absence or
presence of language problems, which seems to be what Szatmari and his
group (Nagy and Szatmari, 1987) suggest.
The careful neurobiological analysis of the six cases described here (table
4.5) does not yield a consistent picture except in so far as Asperger-type
problems heredity is concerned. All six cases had a close relative with
Asperger syndrome (this was true for three of the cases) or Asperger-type
traits (which was true for the other three). Two even had close relatives with
autism. It is relatively uncommon for parents of children with classical
autism to be themselves autistic-like or Asperger type. Four out of five
examined cases showed signs of brainstem pathology according to auditory
brainstem response examination. One case was probably triggered by the
effects of congenital hypothyroidism and hyperbilirubinemia in the first
seven weeks of life. The neurobiological problems encountered in these six
cases are similar to, but not as pronounced as those seen in children of
near-normal or normal IQ who have been diagnosed as suffering from
autism. In the study of twenty-three Asperger syndrome and twenty-three
children with autism referred to above, major indications of brain
damage/dysfunction were found in 6 1 per cent of the former and 78 per cent
of the later group.
One hypothesis which could account for most of the findings in the field
so far is that we are dealing with three groups in this connection: (1) Kanner
autism which is usually the result of environmentally determined brain
damage or specific hereditary factors causing brain dysfunction; (2) Asper-
ger syndrome which is usually caused by polygenic hereditary influences;
and (3) a clinically less specific group with traits of both conditions, a
developmental course during which both diagnoses are considered and a
background of both hereditary Asperger-type problems and laboratory
indications of brain damage.
The early histories of at least four of these cases seemed to indicate
attentional problems early in life. All six cases had some motor-control or
motor-perceptual problems. Courchesne (1987) has suggested that autistic-
type disorders could arise as a consequence of disruption of normal
development of attentional processes early in life, followed by development
only of some higher brain centres which have been spared from the effects of
stimulus deprivation due to the attentional deficits. Brainstem pathology
was common in the present material and could mirror damage to crucial
'neural attentional circuitry1.

Table 4.5. Characteristics of six children with Asperger syndrome

First or second
degree relative Recurrent
with Asperger depressions in
Age at syndrome (AS) First degree first and second
examination or Asperger relative with degree relatives Late speech EEC Brainstem CT-scan Medical
Case (years) Sex IQ-V IQ-P traits (AT) autism development pathology dysfunction pathology diagnosis Other comment
12-33 M ? AS mother Brother no Familial
AS brother Nephew (but echo) clustering of AS
and autism

2 0-14 F 127 no AS paternal Paternal aunt no yes +ABR a Paternal

WISC grandfather granduncle
clustering of AS
and autism

3 12-18 M 130 108 AT father no no no no Brother with

WISC (but echo) mild mental
4-6 M 95 AS father no yes yes no +ABR a

5 7-9 M 118 100 AT both parents no yes yes yes +ABRa Hypo- Neonatal hyper-
WISC (moderate thyroidism bilirubinemia
increase of (congenital) -
low treated from
frequency age 7 weeks
6 12 M > i 5 o > i 5 o AT both parents no (yes)e yes no +ABR a
WISC (mild in mother}

ABR = auditory brainstem response examination (+ = pathology).
IQ exceeds 130 according to clinical judgement.
indicates 'not performed'.
Fulfilled DSM-III-R criteria for autistic disorder in early childhood.
Severe recurrent depression in several paternal relatives according to maternal report.
Six family studies 145

It has been suggested that there may exist a spectrum of autistic disorders
(Wing, 1989). The disorders range from severe specific social impairment in
conjunction with severe mental handicap, through Kanner's syndrome
(autistic disorder), with moderate mental retardation and Asperger syn-
drome, in cases with low to normal or normal intelligence, to even more
subtle social deficits seen in children with so-called DAMP (deficits in
attention, motor control and perception) - often referred to as 'MBD-type
problems' (minimal brain dysfunction) (Gillberg and Gillberg, 1989). The
overlap both with autism and DAMP seen in several of the present cases
could be seen as supportive of such a continuum.
Nevertheless, no firm conclusions can be drawn on the basis of the data
presented here except that there is a great need for continued epidemiologi-
cal clinical and neurobiological research in the field of autism spectrum
disorders. The nature of the social deficits and attentional problems
encountered in individuals, either from within or outside the autistic
spectrum, warrants systematic study now.

American Psychiatric Association. (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders. 3rd edn. Washington: APA.
Asperger, H. (1944). Die 'Autistichen Psychopathen 1 im Kindesalter. Archiv fur
Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 1 17, 76-136.
Bowman, E.P. (1988). Asperger's syndrome and autism: the case for a connection.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 15 2, 3 7782.
Courchesne, E. (1987). A neurophysiological view of autism. In E. Schopler & G.B.
Mesibov (eds.), Neurobiological issues in autism. New York: Plenum.
DeMyer, M.K. (1979). Parents and children in autism. Washington: Winston.
Gillberg, C. (1989). Asperger syndrome in 23 Swedish children. Developmental
Medicine and Child Neurology, 31, 52031.
Gillberg, C. & Svennerholm, L. (1987). CSF-monoamines in autistic syndrome and
other pervasive developmental disorders of early childhood. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 151, 89-94.
Gillberg, I.C. & Gillberg, C. (1989). Asperger syndrome - some epidemiological
considerations: a research note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30,
Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous Child, z,
Nagy, J. &c Szatmari, P.A. (1986). A chart review of schizotypal personality
disorders in children. Jorunal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 16,
Schopler, E. (1985). Convergence of learning disability, higher-level autism, and
Asperger's syndrome. (Editorial.) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disor-
ders, 15,359.
Szatmari, P., Bartolucci, G. &c Bremner, R. (1 989). Asperger's syndrome and autism:
146 Christopher Gillberg

comparison of early history and outcome. Developmental Medicine and Child

Neurology, 31, 709-20.
Van Krevelen, D.A. (1971). Early infantile autism and autistic psychopathy. Journal
of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia, 1, 82-6.
Wing, L. (1981). Asperger's syndrome: a clinical account. Psychological Medicine,
11, 115-29.
Wing, L. (1983). Social and interpersonal needs. In E. Schopler & G.B. Mesibov
(eds.), Autism in adolescents and adults. New York: Plenum.
Asperger syndrome in adulthood

It's only by logic and lack of emotions that I get through. Hiding feelings
came after I became the victim. All emotions are a sign of weakness. I'm
about as flexible as a thick bar of metal in a barrel of nitrogen . . . I shall
turn out a mechanical, inflexible person who [sic] nobody likes, nobody
loves and who everyone will be glad about when I'm in my grave. I'd only
be concerned with money . . . It's a vicious circle, r. I get teased z. I make
myself miserable and cynical 3. I get teased again . . . The best school
would be one where I spent my time working with machines remove the
human factor. If the people were very nice I could probably do very well.
What I find difficult about learning, as well as the teasing, is that there's a
massive great group of us and they're all unruly . . . I can break out of the
vicious circle, but I can't take down the barriers. The clay has set I've
moulded my personality. The wall's there for good. I'm no good at
changing. My flexibility was one of the first things I lost lost completely.

So wrote a twelve-year-old boy with Asperger syndrome to his mother to

explain his quite unprecedented emotional distress when the family cat died.
The teasing that he suffers, his inflexibility, his lack of emotional under-
standing and his other current difficulties are no different from the
experience of other children with Asperger syndrome, although his superior
verbal skills (his verbal IQ was measured at 152) give his expression of them
unusual articulacy. Alistair's major concern is also that of many parents
what will happen to him as an adult.
In the introduction to a book on autism in adolescence and adulthood
Mesibov, one of the editors, writes: 'despite the tremendous increase in
research [into autism in childhood] there remains a large gap in our
understanding of autistic people as they become adolescents and adults'
(Mesibov, 1983). This applies a fortiori to Asperger syndrome which is only
just now entering the official taxonomy with its inclusion in the tenth

148 DigbyTantam

revision of the International classification of diseases (World Health

Organization, 1990).

Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome in adulthood

Asperger syndrome is a developmental disorder with its origins in infancy,
but it may cause the greatest disablement in adolescence and young
adulthood, when successful social relationships are the key to almost every
achievement. Abnormalities that are mild enough to be disregarded in
childhood may become much more conspicuous in adolescence, leading to a
specialist opinion being sought for the first time. Diagnosis may therefore
have to be made after childhood, and should be suspected in anyone with
abnormalities of reciprocal social interaction, non-verbal communication
and imaginative activity (Wing and Gould, 1979; Wing, 1987; American
Psychiatric Association, 1987).
Although there has been controversy about the relationship of Asperger
syndrome to autism (see, for example, Rutter and Schopler, 1987; Volkmar,
Paul and Cohen, 1985; Volkmar et al.^ 1988; Bowman, 1988), there are
good reasons (Tantam, 1988a) for considering that Asperger syndrome is
one of a group of autistic disorders (called pervasive developmental
disorders in the revised third edition of the American Psychiatric Associa-
tion's Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders DSM-III-R)
that all share features described as the 'triad of social impairments' by Wing
and Gould (1979).
A definitive diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder in adulthood
can be made when a careful history shows that the triad of social
impairments stretches back to early childhood and is not therefore attribu-
table to a later deterioration after an episode of psychosis. Unfortunately,
developmental information may not always be available to the general
psychiatrist seeing an adult for the first time, but an attempt should always
be made to obtain it.
The social impairments to be found in adults with Asperger syndrome are
shown in table 5.1 and form, with clumsiness, its characteristic diagnostic
features. People with Asperger syndrome give a strong impression of
individuality. They have an interest in other people and the environment
although this may be confined to details or characteristics that other people
find peculiar. Their use of language is highly developed. They usually lack
the marked stereotypies and unusual sensory preoccupations of more
handicapped autistic people and, also unlike them, are generally not overly
concerned with mere repetition although change usually upsets them and
they often cleave to routine.
The adult with Asperger syndrome may have had similar handicaps in
childhood or may have had more severe symptoms, including those that
would have led to a diagnosis of early childhood autism. It has been
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 149

Table 5.1. Diagnostic criteria of Asperger syndrome in adults

In adulthood
Lack of non-verbal expressiveness, associated either with 1. idiosyncratic facial
expressions, gestures, voice prosody or posture; or 2. an inability to recognise socially
important cues; or 3. both.
Unusual 'special1 interests which are narrow and private. The special interest may be
idiosyncratic or pursued obsessively, or both. Special interests often involve collecting
objects or memorising facts.
Difficulty in behaving according to socially accepted conventions, particularly when these
conventions are normally implicit.
Pragmatic abnormalities of speech.
Lack of close peer relationships often but not always, as a result of social advances being
rebuffed by peers.
Impression of clumsiness.
In childhood
Symptoms as above, or symptoms of autism.
If childhood history unavailable, symptoms cannot be attributed to psychosis occurring
after early childhood.

suggested that the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome should be restricted to

the former. This may be useful for research purposes, but what matters
clinically is the level of current function. Asperger syndrome in this chapter
will therefore be used descriptively to refer to anyone who currently meets
Asperger criteria irrespective of the type of autistic disorder from which they
previously suffered.

Studies of Asperger syndrome in adulthood

Only two large descriptive studies have been carried out. Newson, Dawson
and Everard, based at the University of Nottingham, recruited ninety-three
'able autistic people' from non-clinical sources, notably the membership of
the United Kingdom National Autistic Society (Newson, Dawson and
Everard, 1982; Dawson, 1983). They based their diagnosis on Wing and
Gould's (1979) triad of impairments, and included only people who were
judged by a researcher to have normal or near-normal intelligence. Most,
but not all, of their subjects meet the criteria of Asperger syndrome used in
this chapter.
In the second study, carried out under the auspices of the Medical
Research Council, I interviewed sixty adults already known to other
psychiatrists who had identified them as eccentric and socially isolated (see
also Tantam, 1986, 1988b, i^88c). Forty-six met criteria for an autistic
disorder of the Asperger type, having had either the triad of social
impairments in childhood or, if a thorough childhood history could not be
obtained, problems of social development in childhood coupled with the
150 Digby Tantam

Table 5.2. Nottingham and MRC samples compared

(Newson, Dawson and Everard, 1982; Tantam, 1986)

Nottingham (N = 93) MRC (N = 46)

Mean age (years) 23 24.4

Male to female ratio 10:1 6:1
Professional or skilled parents (%) 70 62
Abnormal development of:
Language (%) 96 45
Non-verbal communication (%) 97 74
Interest in people (%) 53 79
Play(%) 56 82
Autism already diagnosed (%) >9<D 20
First professional contact younger than
agen(%) 87 55

Asperger triad described above. Patients who were unable to give a clear
account of themselves and their families were excluded from the study so
that only able autistic people were included, as in the Nottingham study; 6j
per cent of them were currently socially impaired (see below for details), 91
per cent had marked abnormalities of non-verbal expression currently, and
95 per cent had unusually restricted or asocial 'special' interests currently.
Corresponding figures for the remaining fourteen, non-autistic, subjects
were: 14 per cent, 38 per cent and 43 per cent. Ninety per cent of the autistic
subjects had both abnormal non-verbal expression and special interests
currently, compared to only 8 per cent of the non-autistic group with this
The Nottingham and MRC samples were collected at the same time, but
only one case is known to have been included in both. Comparison of the
two samples (table 5.2) shows the expected preponderance of men, but the
ratio of approximately six men to one woman in the MRC study is lower
than that reported in Nottingham and by others (for example, Gillberg,
1989). There were more parents with professional or managerial occupa-
tions than in the general population in both samples, but this may be an
effect of selection bias (see Wing (1980) for a general discussion). Newson,
Dawson and Everard's subjects were more likely to have been previously
diagnosed as autistic, to have had special schooling (usually in schools
specialising in autism) and to have had language impairments in infancy.
The age at which their child's problems were first acknowledged by parents
was also lower.
Other findings quoted in this chapter are from the MRC study unless an
alternative citation is given.
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 15 1

Robert: a clinical example of lifelong Asperger syndrome

Robert is a nineteen-year-old man who is enrolled in an employment
training scheme and attends a self-advocacy group for mentally
handicapped people. He attended an ordinary school, in a remedial
form. His intelligence when he left school was assessed as 79 (verbal)
and 80 (performance). The diagnosis of Asperger syndrome was only
recently suspected.
Robert was delayed in his use, but not in his understanding, of
speech, and in physical co-ordination. Although he is said to have
enjoyed playing with other children, he played in parallel, without
interaction. He has never had a close mutual friend. When he refers to
friends it is to people to whom he has attached himself, and who act
towards him more as carers than as friends. He has always disliked
physical contact but has never seemed unusually passive. His parents
occasionally had difficulty in interpreting his facial expressions, and
this lack of facial expressiveness, coupled with occasional facial
grimaces, persists. His voice is also monotonous and he does not use
expressive gesture. His gaze is roving, rarely resting on one's eyes when
one talks to him, but there is no obvious avoidance. As an infant, he
sometimes repeated words parrot fashion and may have occasionally
used stock phrases, but his language was not otherwise abnormal.
Nowadays he is articulate, but uses the word 'whatever' in stock
fashion and repeats some phrases several times.
His parents could remember no stereotyped movements or abnormal
sensory behaviour, but he was occasionally fascinated by certain
sounds and became distressed if he heard the nursery song 'London
Bridge is falling down'. He did not resist change and his parents did
not think he had special routines, although these are currently a
prominent feature of his life. He has always had special, engrossing
interests. As a child these were, at different times, pots and pans,
watches and clocks, and street-lamps which he noticed, to his parents'
surprise, were individually numbered.
Since his family moved to a new house and his mother told him that
he could be responsible for emptying the rubbish, the interests have
largely centred on rubbish disposal. He spends much of his money on
black rubbish bags and monopolises the disposal of the household
rubbish. He often throws useful articles away in the interest of making
a large rubbish pile and has several times requested more dustbins
from the local council.
In the past he has hoarded rubbish in his bedroom. He has also
collected newspaper cuttings about disasters, and has entered into
correspondence with a local undertaker about funeral arrangements:
he is very concerned that he should be buried and not cremated. Since
befriending the undertaker, he has started to cut out the notices of
funerals for which his friend has made the arrangements. His favourite
television programme is one which reports on crimes.
Robert is clumsy and has an unusual head shape. He does not
152 DigbyTantam

appear immature, but a childlike impression is given by his assumption

that an interviewer already knows a great deal about him. His parents
think that he is becoming increasingly self-conscious and were recently
surprised by how upset he became over the death of an aunt. He
unexpectedly told his friend that he was thinking of killing himself
although he was not depressed or otherwise ill at the time. He has no
interest in girls, but has asked his father to blow up balloons and
'burst them with his naked bum' which his father interpreted as serving
a sexual interest. He has passed his driving test, and drives to local
cities. He lives with his parents, but has been away from home to
conferences of advocacy groups which he has addressed. Currently he
is working full-time in a kitchen and doing well.
The non-autistic subjects in the MRC study were themselves an unusual and
interesting group. Their social isolation arose from a failure to make
relationships rather than from an abnormality of social interaction. Most
met diagnostic criteria of either schizoid, schizotypal or borderline per-
sonality disorder, but often the features were very mixed, as in the following
case example.

Dennis: NOT a case of Asperger syndrome

Dennis's birth was induced because of his mother's pre-eclampsia. He
was blue at birth but responded to oxygen. Subsequently he was noted
to be a sickly baby who had frequent ear infections and was a poor
feeder. He was slow to walk (at two years) and talk (first words at
two years and six months), and was not fully continent until the age of
four. His mother had been depressed following his birth, having lost
her one-year-old daughter during her pregnancy.
From the age of three he had frequent nightmares and spent nights
in his parents' bed. He clung to his mother when he was due to go to
school and, in fact, missed his first six weeks. At school he mixed little
and was easily upset. From the age of five his mother noticed that he
masturbated every night. At seven he was referred to a child
psychiatrist for assessment of social withdrawal, anxiety and
obsessional behaviour, he was noted to prefer dolls and doll's houses
to other toys, and this interest continued until he was thirteen. He was
reluctant to open his bowels in a strange toilet and would sometimes
soil himself rather than do this. He said that he was frightened of the
hole in the toilet.
His mother answered yes to almost every question about
developmental anomaly, but close questioning did not disclose
stereotypies, unusual sensory interests, anomalies in speech or non-
verbal communication development. She did think him lost in his own
world, however, and also distressed by change.
At the time of the study Dennis had been confined by anxiety to his
home for two years and was described as withdrawn and apathetic. He
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 153

spent much of each day checking that there was no one at the front
door, that the tablets in the bathroom cabinet were as he had left them
and that the bath was not full of water. He was perturbed by intrusive
thoughts that he might kill someone or that he had already done so
without realising it. He sometimes thought that he was telepathic. He
never made eye contact at interview, but his mutual gaze when talking
to peers was normal. His major interest was in pop groups, about
which he was knowledgeable, football and television. He collected
miniature liqueur bottles and stamps.

Detailed description of the diagnostic characteristics of

Asperger syndrome in adulthood

Impaired social interaction

Appropriate social conduct is regulated by conventions shared with other
social actors. People with Asperger syndrome act as if they are unaware of
these conventions, or of their underlying ordering principles, which enable
social actors to generalise rules to new situations. One father, for example,
described to me how upsetting it was that his son who had Asperger
syndrome, would sit with him and his wife in the same room but his chair
would never be in the same group as theirs so that they never felt he was
with them. Another instance of his son failing to follow the 'rules' was
shown when he terminated an interview with the headmaster of a private
school to which he had applied by asking the headmaster's age. In this he
transgressed social conventions relating to intimacy versus formality, and
age conventions.

Sociolinguistic versus psycholinguistic abnormality Social conventions

are particularly closely applied to that class of social actions known as
speech acts. Speech and language impairment are prominent features of
autism and have in the past overshadowed the social impairments in clinical
descriptions. Asperger (1979) considered that the children he had described
had relatively normal language development, and that this was a contrast to
the children described by Kanner, although he did recognise that some of
them had abnormalities of speech development which, he implied, were
predominantly social rather than linguistic in origin.
Distinguishing between verbal and non-verbal aspects of speech, and
between syntactic, semantic and pragmatic abnormalities of word-use, may
go some way towards clarifying the distinction that Asperger was making.
In the MRC study, speech prosody - pitch, stress and rhythm of speech -
was considered separately from the use of words in speech. The latter was
rated according to three criteria, namely, the occurrence of syntactic
abnormalities, defined as the occurrence of ill-formed or meaningless
154 Digby Tantam
phrases in which meaning could not be restored by the substitution of a
single word; of semantic abnormalities, defined as meaningless phrases in
which the substitution of a word would restore meaning; and of pragmatic
Examples of syntactic abnormalities were phrases like They bring that
into three pages with each other, that small detail' or 'It took him too
shortly later'. Semantic abnormalities, with the meanings suggested by their
context, included neologisms such as 'rammer' (get involved?), 'fonding'
(affection), 'missage' (defined by the subject as 'going to sleep when your
favourite person goes away for a long time'), 'begrudgement' (being made to
bear a grudge?) and 'pretendly' (insincerely?). Syntactic errors were, in fact,
rare and always occurred in association with semantic errors. They were
shown by fourteen (30.4 per cent) of the subjects, but were conspicuous in
only six. I later consider evidence that syntactic and semantic abnormalities
occur in only some adults with Asperger syndrome; in other words, they are
not part of the essential autistic handicap but are expressions of a distinct
language handicap.
Pragmatic abnormalities of speech have affinities with non-verbal com-
munication rather than with the purely linguistic abnormalities mentioned
above. Van Dijk (1977) defines the pragmatic dimension of speech as
follows: 'an utterance should not only be characterized in terms of its
internal structure and the meaning assigned to it but also in terms of the act
accomplished by producing such an utterance. This pragmatic level of
description provides crucial conditions for reconstructing part of the
conventions that make utterances acceptable, viz. their appropriateness
with respect to the communicative context'. Non-verbal expression, for
example prosody, may determine what sort of illocutionary act is encoded
in the utterance: the difference between a question, a command or a
statement may reside, for example, only in the tone of voice in which it is
uttered. There is thus a considerable overlap between a pragmatic descrip-
tion of an utterance and the description of the non-verbal expressions that
accompany conversation.
Pragmatic considerations, which are discussed in detail by Happe in
chapter 7, include the wishes, intentions and goals of both speaker and
hearer as well as a grasp of the relationship between discourse type and
social conventions, such as role and hierarchy. Features of pragmatic
competence include the distinction between presupposition and introduc-
tion of facts, objects or persons; focus; and the ability to convey a point of
view (Van Dijk, 1977).
The pragmatics of the discourse of autistic children have recently been
studied intensively (Tager-Flusberg, 1985; Tager-Flusberg et al.y 1990) and
a preliminary attempt to assess pragmatic errors was made in the MRC
study. Abnormal pragmatic perspective, in this case a failure to respond to
social convention, was apparent in a subject's over-familiarity with the
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 155

Table 5.3. Asperger and non-Asperger subjects in MRC study

(Tantam, 1986) compared

Asperger Non-Asperger
% affected % affected

Circumscribed, unusual interests 9S 43

Impaired non-verbal expression 91
Pragmatic abnormalities 67 4
Semantic or syntactic abnormalities 7
Clumsiness 91 36
Autistic disorder in childhood (where history available) 100 0

interviewer, for example hailing the doctor, at a first meeting and across a
crowded room, by his first name. Another abnormality of perspective was a
lack of the guardedness which would have been appropriate to the
beginning of an interview with a stranger and a lack of curiosity about the
purpose and consequences of the interview. Abnormal choice of topic was
rated as 'idiosyncrasy' or 'fanaticism', depending on how forcefully the
topic was imposed on the conversation and how odd it was. Ratings were
also made of the assumption by the subject of knowledge which the
interviewer could not be expected to have, an example of the failure to use
the illocutionary act of 'introduction', and of gaucheness, a residual
category of pragmatic abnormality.
Pragmatic abnormalities of the type described occurred in the speech of
two-thirds of the Asperger group (table 5.3) and were significantly more
common in the subjects with lower verbal IQ scores and clumsiness.
Semantic and syntactic abnormalities tended to be more common in subjects
with lower verbal IQ, but were not associated with clumsiness. Nor was
there a tendency for semantic and pragmatic abnormalities to occur more
frequently together.
Semantic abnormalities were associated in the MRC study with deviant
language development, lower verbal than non-verbal IQ, and presence of
Rutter's (1978) criteria for autism in early childhood, but not with
abnormality of non-verbal expression (table 5.4). These associations can be
interpreted as indications that the syntactic and semantic abnormalities are
a language handicap which is distinct from the handicaps associated with
pragmatic errors.
The severity of language handicap was significantly (p<.O5) associated
with an excessive use of routines in childhood and an early age of
recognition of abnormality, these associations probably contributing to a
highly significant (p<.oi) association with a history of Kanner syndrome.
On a principal components analysis of ratings on the various standard-
ised assessments used in the study (table 5.5), 60 per cent of the variance of
the scores of the combined ratings of the subjects in the MRC study was
156 DigbyTantam

Table 5.4. Association between linguistic impairment, abnormal language

development and early childhood autism, contrasted with the lack of
association with measures of non-verbal impairment (Tantam, 1986)

Semantic errors currently

Present Absent

Deviant language development (%) 70 37.0

Meet Rutter's criteria of childhood autism (%) 60 ^3-3
Mean verbal IQ 84 95
Mean non-verbal IQ 85 88
Mean severity of abnormality of non-verbal expression 6.8 6.0

accounted for by the first three factors. Low intelligence, pragmatic

abnormality and clumsiness had the highest loadings on the first factor with
impaired non-verbal expression having a smaller loading. Syntactic, seman-
tic errors and abnormal sentence sequencing (thought disorder) had the
highest loadings on factor II. Impaired non-verbal expression, schizoid
personality severity and restrictiveness of interests had the highest loadings
on the final factor.
These findings are further evidence that the symptoms of Asperger
syndrome are the result of several handicaps. Factor I may be interpreted to
be a general mental handicap factor and the loadings on this factor of
clumsiness and pragmatic errors suggest that there are non-specific findings
indicative of generalised rather than specifically autistic impairment. Factor
II corresponds to the language handicap. The final factor has the best claim
to be the fundamental handicap. Interestingly, schizoid personality charac-
teristics have almost as large a loading on this factor as impaired non-verbal

Abnormal non-verbal communication

Expressive abnormalities Asperger's own account contains constant
references to expressive abnormalities. A brief experiment demonstrates
how readily such abnormalities are picked up in a social interaction, and
that special expertise is not needed to detect them, although it may be
needed to identify them consciously. Video-recordings were made under
standardised conditions of adults with Asperger syndrome talking to
normal volunteers. Five of these recordings were shown to five autistic
experts and three to a general professional audience of forty-one. On each
occasion, the viewers were asked to rate whether or not each of the
interactants was 'odd'. The experts were shown two minutes of interaction,
first with the sound turned off and then with the sound on. In the second
experiment, only one minute of recording was shown, without sound.
There was little difference between experts, between the one-minute and
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 1 57

Table 5.5. Principal components analysis of abnormalities (Tantam, 1986)

Factor loadings after varimax rotation


IQ 0.64 0.1 9 0.19

Pragmatic errors o.6s O.OI 0.23
Clumsiness 0.75 0.07 0.1 5

Psycholinguistic errors 0.08 0.93 0.08

Sequencing errors in speech 0.14 0.9 1 0.14

Impaired non-verbal expression 0.44 0.04 0.75

Schizoid personality severity 0.42 0.20 0.70
Special interests 0.01 0.07

the two-minute exposure, and between viewing with and without sound.
The rating of oddness was, however, almost completely restricted to the
Asperger subjects, about whom it was common: 89 per cent of the general
professional audience, for example, rated the Asperger subjects as odd,
whereas only 3 per cent gave this rating to any of the control subjects. What
conveyed the impression of oddness? Raters gave the following reasons: odd
posture, lack of expressiveness, unusual clothes and, in the case of the sound
playback, unusual speech patterns.
When the assessments of the forty-six subjects with Asperger syndrome
were compared to the fourteen isolated and eccentric subjects without a
developmental disorder, a similar pattern of expressive abnormality emer-
ged (see table 5.3). Abnormal non-verbal expression is common among
Asperger subjects, and co-occurs with clumsiness. It is also more common
than speech abnormality, but less specific.
Non-verbal expressive abnormalities were rated in the MRC study using
a specially designed rating instrument (the express scale). This scale differed
from otherwise similar rating scales for negative symptoms in schizophrenia
(for example, Andreasen, 1989) in differentiating abnormal expressions
from an abnormal lack of expression. Abnormalities of speech prosody,
facial expression, gaze and gesture made the largest contribution to the
rating of abnormal non-verbal expression. More detailed analysis of
video-recorded interviews has shown that the frequency of expressive
movements, including other-directed gaze, does not differentiate Asperger
and non-Asperger subjects, nor are there forms of expression that are
restricted to Asperger syndrome subjects (Tantam, Holmes and Cordes, in
press). Our analysis suggests that the impression of abnormality results, in
fact, from a lack of integration of expression, speech and gaze. This can
have the effect of making an ordinary gesture seem incongruous or
inexplicable. We postulate at the moment that the lack of integration results
from a failure to orientate, by gaze or change of expression, to actions by
158 Digby Tantam

another person: the apparent lack of expression is, actually, a lack of

expression at the expected time.

Interpretation of emotion Parents of children with Asperger syndrome

sometimes comment on their child's insensitivity to their facial expressions.
Occasionally, parents also say that their children are unable to identify
family or people that they know well from photographs. The ability to
recognise people and their emotional states correctly is one facet of order in
the social environment that most people take for granted, and its impair-
ment in Asperger syndrome would be further evidence of the disordered
nature of the subjective world of the Asperger sufferer.
There is growing evidence that autistic children have difficulty with facial
(Hobson, 1986a, 1986b; Tantam et al., 1989) or other expressions of
emotion (Hobson, Ouston and Lee, 1988) and with the recognition of
identical faces (Langdell, 1978; Tantam et ai, 1989). Several studies have
produced results suggestive of similar problems also occurring in Asperger
Wolff and Barlow (1979) gave tests to 'schizoid' children, a group that
they consider includes children with Asperger syndrome, and found that
they showed abnormalities. Scott (1985) gave ten in-patients with Asperger
syndrome or Asperger-like characteristics tests of vocal and facial recog-
nition, as well as vocal and facial expression. Their performance was
compared to those of ten staff members and ten patients who showed few or
no characteristics of Asperger syndrome. The Asperger patients were
significantly worse than the other patients in selecting the correct label for
photographs or prints of facial expressions, and significantly worse than the
staff at labelling video-recordings of posed emotional expressions.
The patient groups were matched for age and intelligence, although no
information is given about whether the latter was a verbal, non-verbal or
full-scale score. No other cognitive tests were included in the actual study,
and so it is uncertain whether Scott's findings could reflect only non-specific
differences in attention or motivation between the groups.
In the MRC study, sixteen adults with Asperger syndrome and seven
eccentric and socially isolated individuals without Asperger syndrome were
given photographs of faces of trained actors, one male and one female,
posing six 'basic emotions' from a standard book on facial expression (Ekman
and Friesen, 1975) or no emotion. There were fourteen photographs in all
which subjects had to (1) pair according to emotion, (2) label with cue
cards showing emotion words, and (3) rank according to mouth width. The
latter was used as a test of attention and comprehension. The groups were
matched on age, male-to-female ratio but not on intelligence: the control
subjects had significantly greater verbal and highly significantly greater
non-verbal IQs. In a second experiment, seven of the sixteen Asperger
subjects were compared with the seven controls on their ability to match cue
Asperger syndrome in adulthood i59

cards with video-recordings of posed actions, meaningless postures, emotio-

nal behaviours, facial expressions of emotion, figures drawn in the air and
verbal labels, and with sound-recordings of action sounds and emotion
sounds. The cue cards showed schematic drawings of actions or emotional
expressions which the subjects had previously been taught to identify.
In the event, the subjects with Asperger syndrome were highly signifi-
cantly (p<.oi) worse at interpreting still photographs of posed emotions on
both of the tests of this, but no worse at the control task using the
photographs. They were also worse on all the tests using the video-
recordings except for the identification of shapes drawn in the air and
significantly worse at the tests involving faces or sounds alone, or requiring
labelling. It was expected that the subjects with Asperger syndrome would
do less well at the tasks involving emotions, but not at the others which
were included as control tasks. Emotionally neutral actions, such as
sneezing or halloing, were included in the latter group, but contrary to
expectation, the autistic subjects also made errors in labelling these or in
matching them with their appropriate sounds.
The results in both of these tests may be the consequence of the poor
matching of the experimental and control groups, but they are in line with
Scott's findings, and both studies together suggest that Asperger syndrome
may be associated with an impairment in the interpretation of non-verbal
expression as well as its production.

Special interests
These self-selected leisure activities are both unusually narrow and unusu-
ally engrossing. They are pursued privately and with no eye to their social
implications. They often involve an element of systemisation or repetition.
The simplest interests, usually found in the least intellectually able, involve
either routines or collections. Examples of routines are arranging a particu-
lar toy car-track in a certain configuration and putting every object in the
sitting-room into a particular place every day. The collections of some of the
people with Asperger syndrome I have met have included toy mobile cranes,
records and photographs of cats, pictures and books about cathedrals, TV
Times issues, maps, pictures of trains and of car washes. More complex
interests involve memorising facts, producing stereotyped drawings or lists
or pursuing a detailed line of abstract study. Examples of facts memorised
by people with Asperger syndrome include carrot varieties, rose varieties,
boxing records, heights of tallest buildings, dates of historical events, the
Dewey Decimal Classification, names of jockeys, bus routes, addresses of
courts and the livery of Great Western trains.
The following case history contains an example of a special interest.
Rosalind, the daughter of a music teacher, had a particular interest in
singing. She said that she would like to sing in a choir but became upset on
160 DigbyTantam

one occasion singing in public. She developed the habit of practising with
her mother and would have a temper tantrum if her mother refused or if
the practice was shorter than half an hour. On occasions she had literally
dragged her mother away from guests to another room so that she could
practice. Her mother complained that she did not put any expression into
her singing. She liked to sing the same songs over and over again and
refused to practise alone. Her mother found these demands difficult, and so
often left it uncertain whether there would be a practice session until the
last minute, and sometimes cut practices short.
Rosalind's interest had an obvious relation to her parents' life, but it was
pursued in an unusually solitary way and was rather narrow in that she
showed little interest in other branches of music than singing and disliked
religious music particularly.

The choice of a special interest may be determined by one, presumably

emotionally charged, moment in a relationship. Robert's special interest in
rubbish has already been mentioned. His mother dates this behaviour to
their moving into a new house when she told him 'You can be responsible
for clearing up'. Robert, like most people with Asperger syndrome, has few
social roles that he occupies and none in which people rely on him except
James has given his own description of this. As a child he was lively and
intelligent, spending a considerable amount of his time writing. Nowadays
he is withdrawn and his main interests are children's radio, a particular
record and asking strangers the question: 'What would you do if a tall man
with yellow hair came and swung you up on to his shoulders?' This is a
longer account, written when James was younger, of what this man meant
to him (I am grateful to Professor David Taylor for making this available
This wicked witch thought it would be great fun to make someone
suffer for all absolute endless eternity. So one night, after I started
school, the wicked witch came to my house and crept upstairs to my
bedroom. Then the wicked witch put a spell into my mouth and gave
me a drink of water to swallow the spell so that it would work. The
magic spell was to make me fall in love with that man who was nine
feet tall with long straight light yellow hair down to his elbows, who
was wearing a dark brown three-piece suit. . .
And then one day, when I had been at that school for six or seven
years, this man at my school who looked sofineto me and made me
feel so great decided to leave school and go to live somewhere else
millions and millions of miles away. When I came back to school on
thefirstday of the following term, I looked all round and about the
playground for this man who looked sofineto me and made me feel
great, but I couldn't find him anywhere. So I asked the teachers,
'Where is that man who is nine feet tall and thin with long straight
yellow hair down to his elbows, who wears a dark brown three-piece
Asperger syndrome in adulthood i 61

suit, because I love him with all my heart, and he looks so fine to me
that he makes me feel great?'
When the teachers at my school said that I wouldn't be seeing him
any more, I was so upset I just didn't want to live any more. So I
asked the people in the Real World to take away all the interesting
things which I liked to see or do, so that 1 completely forgot about
them, and to put me to sleep in a dark, underground cave which no
daylight could get into . . .
But so far he has never come to see me again so there I am still fast
asleep in that dark, underground cave.

James's account shows some imaginative ability which is even more

apparent in a short story he wrote when he was eight (see Tantam, 1986).

Wing (1981) has described the lack of imagination typical of the play of
children with Asperger syndrome, but this description needs some modifi-
cation to account for James and other people with Asperger syndrome who
make up stories, imaginary worlds or imaginary play companions. My
experience has been that the crucial element lacking in the play of more able
children with Asperger syndrome, and its later development into interests
and hobbies, has been an ability to role-play, to switch into a different
persona. Children with Asperger syndrome, in my experience, do not
spontaneously dress up or play cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers.
Adults do not have the ability deliberately to charm, seduce or disguise and
are often unable to detect this sort of behaviour in others. When they act a
part on stage, they have difficulty in infusing it with a character other than
their own.
The hypothesis needs testing, but some substantiation is offered by a
further case example.
Elspeth is the elder of two daughters who has been markedly delayed in her
social and motor development since birth, although her language was
neither delayed nor anomalous. She attended a normal school but was
socially isolated at the time. Her play was stereotyped. She lacked normal
facial expressiveness, her speech was delayed and she had many other
features of autism. However, one feature of my home assessment that did
not fit in was that Elspeth dressed up as a fairy and came back to show me
her costume.
On review a year later she had rapidly progressed in her social
relationships and was playing normally with age-peers. Her parents
thought that she had lost most of the autistic features that had previously
concerned them.

Elspeth may have suffered from Asperger syndrome transiently or had a

different, though related, disorder with a better prognosis. Whichever of
these is so, her use of role-play was the only clinical indication when 1 first
saw her that her social development was going to proceed well.
162 DigbyTantam

Abnormal attention can explain much of the idiosyncrasy of people with

Asperger syndrome. Dele, when asked about his family, mentioned each of
their names and then their waist measurements. Robert, whose history was
described earlier, had noticed that lampposts had numbers. Reg, noting the
effect of rapid cutting in television advertisements asked 'Why life in
advertisements goes faster than in real life'. To remark on how plump
someone is becoming is not in itself odd, but in some circumstances it is
inappropriate and hence socially unacceptable. To be interested in the
numbers on trains is not odd either, because many people are. But because
hardly anyone notices the numbers on lampposts, to be interested in them
would be considered odd. The attention structure of autistic individuals
such as Dele and Robert is unique rather than shared. In some circum-
stances, therefore, it would be expected that autistic people are more
attentive than non-autistic people to certain stimuli and there is, indeed,
some evidence for this (Shah and Frith, 1983).
Although the obsessive nature of many special interests is often their most
salient feature, it is also a feature of normal interests in which it is, however,
'forgiven' because it is socially expected. Thus the fisherman who spends
every weekend watching a float or the nineteen-year-old who scatters bits of
engine throughout the house are not seen as having pathological interests,
but the boy with Asperger syndrome who stares at electricity pylons or the
girl who makes lists of 'nonsense' which she leaves everywhere, is.
Abnormal attentional strategies may account for the apparently sudden
shifts in the topic of special interest which sometimes occur. Idiosyncratic
attention structure may also explain why even common interests are
interesting in unexpected ways to the person with Asperger syndrome, why,
for example, Roger who had a particular interest in chess problems, never
discussed them with others and had no idea who was playing in the world
chess championship which was then taking place.
Special interests are often tangentially related to social relationships but
are not products of them:
John was in hospital for behavioural treatment after an indecent assault on
a girl. He had been attracted to her but had not known how to approach
her. In hospital, he studied 'non-verbal communication' by staring at girls
and writing down any movement they made. John lacked a workable
theory of how boys meet and get on with girls, since normal social
interaction and imitation were closed to him. He was, instead, resorting to
trying to learn what to do by finding out the rules.

Children and adults with Asperger syndrome typically give an impression of
clumsiness, which is borne out by delayed motor development and a lack of
aptitude for all ball games. Yet they can be surprisingly dextrous in pursuing
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 16 3

their interests, for example, building toy engines or drawing objects which
fascinate them.
Ninety-one per cent of the forty-six Asperger subjects studied in detail
were judged to be clumsy, and a number of tests were devised to investigate
this further. Clumsiness was assessed by means of two tests developed to
assess right and left hemisphere brain damage (Kimura and Archibald,
1974; Kimura and Vanderwolf, 1970), a catching test and a test of balance
on the right and left legs. The scores on all these tests were significantly
inter-correlated and the first factor in principal components analysis,
accounting for 50 per cent of the total variance, had factor loadings on all of
the tests. Gesture-copying, catching and leg-balancing were all significantly
more impaired in the Asperger subjects, with the most errors relative to the
non-Asperger subjects being made in the catching test.
Many parents described the abnormal routes used by their children to
acquire motor skills, although this was not confined to the autistic children
in the MRC study. Walking 'just happened' without prior crawling or
shuffling, and talking could be acquired after reading. On the other hand, if
a motor skill was not 'invented' in this way by the child, it proved very
difficult to acquire. Demonstration, the normal means of teaching motor
skills, is of limited help to autistic children or adults. Poor performance on
the tests described above may therefore also have reflected this difficulty in
copying movements that another person is making. It is consistent with this
that copying simple designs was performed by the Asperger group as well as
the non-Asperger controls, although unusual strategies were also in evi-
dence here. For example, some subjects drew the Necker cube by superim-
posing two diamonds and then joining them up.
The most typical Asperger syndrome patients, who were usually the least
neurologically impaired, were often the most clumsy. If it is in learning
movement, rather than in producing it, that the abnormality lies, then it
would be expected that movements which require little learning would be
dextrous while those that require considerable learning, such as socially
determined behaviours, would be poorly learnt and therefore poorly
performed. This may be one explanation of why people with Asperger
syndrome, who are less handicapped than people with classical autism, are
more clumsy: their behaviour contains a much higher proportion of
attempts to imitate the behaviour of others and since these are the source of
the clumsiness, the appearance of clumsiness preponderates.
Clumsiness may not be entirely attributable to motor abnormality. It is,
for example, a feature of the self-consciousness of adolescents who are
striving to adopt new and more socially acceptable motor schemata.
Movement patterns are subject to social structuring: certain postures are
condemned or emulated, for example. Children may be instructed in the use
of gaze 'Look in my eyes', they may be told, or 'Look at the ball and not
the thrower'. Such instruction focuses on the importance of integrating gaze
164 Digby Tantam

with motor sequences. Many people with Asperger syndrome seem to have
particular difficulty with this. One who liked to play table-tennis was said to
do so without ever seeming to look at the ball. Another had difficulty
sighting down a telescope.
The problem of co-ordinating gaze and movement seems to be one aspect
of a general problem of integrating individual movements into actions
which may have its basis in a brain lesion, but may also reflect the autistic
person's inability to model behaviour on that of others and thus to acquire
socially transmitted motor schemata. Gaze is discussed in greater detail in a
later section.

Subclassification of Asperger syndrome

Some people with Asperger syndrome - Robert is an example - are
conspicuously clumsy and gauche, use language fluently but idiosyncrati-
cally and have marked abnormalities of facial expression, tone of voice and
gesture, but despite these are able to convey feeling, and often have a degree
of empathy for others.
Others, by contrast, do not show obvious non-verbal abnormalities,
although they use emotional expressions less frequently, but are more
passive in their social interactions. They are less clumsy and give an
impression not so much of adolescent-type gaucheness as of a less self-
conscious social immaturity. Their intelligence tends to be lower than that
of the first group. They are generally less empathic and this group contains a
higher proportion of the callous individuals first described by Asperger,
which needs further testing. A possible explanation is that they are more
impaired in the recognition of non-verbal cues than in their expression,
whereas the opposite is true of thefirstgroup.

Diagnostic stability of the triad of social impairments

The unchanging nature of social impairments in Asperger syndrome has
been noted before (Howells and Guirguis, 1984). In the MRC study, all the
elements of the triad of social impairments showed considerable stability
over time. There was 81 per cent agreement in the rating of non-verbal
expression in childhood made retrospectively by the parents and non-verbal
expression in adulthood made independently by me. Agreement on special
interests was also high: 74 per cent. When the frequencies of developmental
abnormalities reported by parents was considered (figure 5.1), abnormally
restricted play, lack of facial expression and lack of vocal expression were
the three most common abnormalities. Restricted play and apparent
deafness were specific to Asperger syndrome, never being reported of the
non-autistic subjects.
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 165

30 i




Fig. 5.1 The distribution of retrospectively reported developmental

anomalies in a sample of fifty eccentric psychiatric patients: numbers
Play play narrow, restricted
Face facial expression difficult for parents to interpret
Voice voice flat, monotonous, mechanical
Passive no initiation of social contact
Cold avoidance of cuddling, dislike of touch
Copying difficulty in copying actions
Sounds inexplicable aversion to certain sounds
Rocking rocking in a stereotyped manner
Aimless movements sometimes aimless or purposeless
Deaf suspicion of deafness
Routines routines for everyday life

Cases of Asperger syndrome have been reported in association with
Tourette syndrome (Kerbeshian and Burd, 1986), aminoaciduria (Miles and
Capelle, 1987) and ligamentous laxity (Tantam, Evered and Hersov, 1990).
Gillberg (1989) found a variety of neurological abnormalities in 60 per cent
of twenty-three people with Asperger syndrome that he examined. Some of
the organic handicaps associated with Asperger syndrome in the MRC
study are shown in table 5.6. A history of epilepsy could be reliably
ascertained only in a proportion, and only a proportion had had a thorough
physical examination or neurological investigations. The frequencies of
abnormalities may therefore be overestimated, but it is clear that organic
brain disease is over-represented.
166 DigbyTantam

Table 5.6. Neuropsychiatric

abnormalities in Asperger syndrome
(Tantam, 1986)

Epileptic fit ever (% of 39) 20.5

EEG or CT scan abnormalities (% of 31) 41.9
Neurological soft signs (% of 30) 26.7
Full-scale IQ 50-69 (% of 42) 9.5
4049 (% of 42) 2.4

Other aetiological factors that have been implicated in autism include

biological factors such as birth injury or heredity and socio-psychological
factors, such as having foreign-born parents or being the first-born. The
presence or absence of these factors in the Asperger group and the
non-autistic group were compared in the MRC study (table 5.7), and there
was limited evidence for the importance of heredity and of some biological
factors, but no support for socio-psychological explanations of autism
(table 5.8).

Two twin pairs were included in the Asperger group in the MRC study. One
pair, whose uniovularity had been confirmed by blood grouping, were
concordant for Asperger syndrome. The second pair, who were identical but
in whom uniovularity had not been confirmed, were concordant for many
features of Asperger syndrome, but one was less severely impaired than the
other. The father of this latter pair also had some features of Asperger
The numbers are too small to draw any conclusions but the findings are
consistent with the model of Burgoine and Wing (1983) that the severity of
the expression of the Asperger/autism genotype can be influenced by other
factors, so that the same genotype can result in severe autism or milder
Asperger syndrome.

Birth injury
Perinatal complications were retrospectively reported in 51 per cent, but
this figure was lower, although not significantly so, than the 62 per cent of
non-autistic subjects in whom perinatal complications were reported. This
finding contrasts with previousfindingsin autism (for example, Finegan and
Quarrington, 1979) in which a normal control group was used which
showed a lower rate of perinatal complications than the non-autistic control
group in this study. This could be explained if birth injury is actually linked
to a non-specific feature, such as coming to medical attention, rather than to
Asperger syndrome. One possible non-specific link might be the increased
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 167

Table 5.7. Factors of possible aetiological importance compared in people

with and without Asperger syndrome (Tantam, 1986)

Only occur in Asperger syndrome Family history of autism (in 3/44)

Epilepsy (in 8/39)
Significantly commoner in Asperger syndrome Brain abnormality on EEG or CT scan
As common in Asperger syndrome Parents aloof or antisocial
Parents born abroad
Early separation from parents
Family history of psychiatric disorder
Birth injury
Report of post-partum anoxia
Body build
Neurological signs
First-born child
Significantly less common in Asperger syndrome Parents divorced
Older parents

Table 5.8. Measures on which individuals with

and without Asperger syndrome did not differ

Age Male-to-female ratio

Class Per cent time employed
Birth order Sibship size
Accommodation Contact with child psychiatrist
Involuntary admission Per cent committing offence
Teasing at school Sexual relationships

likelihood that mothers will remember birth problems if their children are
impaired in any way.

Brain lesions
It has been suggested that Asperger syndrome is the behavioural expression
of a lesion of the right cerebral hemisphere on the basis of the similarity of
the communicative abnormalities of Asperger syndrome to the aprosodia
described in adults (Weintraub and Mesulam, 1983) and children (Voeller,
1986) with acquired right hemisphere lesions. Such a view does not take
into account the plasticity of cerebral development when lesions occur
sufficiently early in life, although the extent of the compensation possible as
the result of the development of other structures is, admittedly, not known.
If the suggestion is correct, an excess of right hemisphere structural and
functional abnormalities would be expected in Asperger syndrome. There
was some evidence for this from the MRC study in which the Asperger
subjects had an excess of right hemisphere lesions in the CT scans or EEG
168 DigbyTantam

Table 5.9. Lateralisation of CT scan and EEG abnormalities (Tantam, 1986)

Nil Right-sided Left-sided

% %
Asperger syndrome 17(54.4%) i3 a (4i.9) 8a(25.8)
Non-autistic 7 (70.0%) zh (zo.o) zb (20.0)
Seven subjects with bilateral lesions included.
One subject with bilateral lesion included.

(see table 5.9). Unfortunately, not every subject was fully investigated by
this means, and selection bias cannot therefore be ruled out. Furthermore,
EEG abnormalities may be an unreliable means of lateralising dysfunction.
In some cases (one of which is reported in detail on Tantam, Evered and
Hersov, 1990), the apparent focus changed from being right- to left-sided
over a period of years. Balancing on the left leg was slightly worse than
balancing on the right leg in the Asperger group, but this also fell short of
significance and may, anyway, have been an effect of right leg dominance.
Although the mean verbal IQ was 92.2 and non-verbal IQ was 86.7, there
was a considerable scatter of scores between subjects, with one subject
having a verbal IQ of 65 and a performance IQ of 104 and another having a
verbal IQ of 94 and a performance IQ of 6$. The IQ distribution was
skewed towards a lower than average score. Five out of forty-two subjects
were mentally handicapped 'overall' but rather more were handicapped
either verbally or non-verbally. Asperger syndrome does not have an
association with mental handicap but, as others have reported (Burgoine
and Wing, 1983; Gillberg <?#/., 1986), does not exclude it.
Van Krevelen (1971) has made the suggestion that autism results from a,
possibly heritable, handicap in association with brain damage. When there
is no brain damage, Asperger syndrome results. This suggestion is partly
supported by some of the findings of the MRC study. Many of the patients
in the study had been physically examined and had had EEGs or CT scans
performed. When the results of these are compared to the results of one of
the balancing tests, it is apparent that the clumsier the subjects the more
likely they are to have EEG or CT scan abnormalities and to have soft
neurological signs. They are also more likely to have had a fit at some time
in their lives, to make syntactic or semantic speech errors, to have lower
verbal IQs, and they are also more likely to have met Rutter's criteria for
early childhood autism (table 5.10).
These findings are evidence for an association of psycholinguistic abnor-
malities, brain damage and Kanner syndrome, and are consistent with Van
Krevelen's hypothesis that brain damage may lead to Kanner syndrome.
However, even the least clumsy subjects and the subjects without evidence
of semantic or syntactic problems have an increased risk of EEG or CT scan
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 169

Table 5.10. Association of neurological abnormalities and motor, linguistic

and intellectual impairments (Tantam, 1986)

Percent with
on right leg Mean IQ Soft Psycholinguistic History EEG or CT
(seconds) Verbal Performance signs abnormalities of fit abnormal
>IO 102.8 91.4 1 5-3 25.0 12.5 .6.7
5-TO 87.8 84.6 20.0 ^0.0 25.0 33-3
<5 82.6 85.2 44.4 50.0 36.4 66.7

Table 5.11. Frequency of psychiatric disorder in

eighty-five adults with Asperger syndrome
examined by the author

Number affected

Mania only 4
Mania alternating with depression 4
Depressive psychosis only 2
Schizophrenia 3
Epileptic psychosis 1
Hallucinosis 4
All psychosis 18 (21%)

Depression only 5
Depression and anxiety 2
Anxiety only 4
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 2

All psychiatric disorder other than autism 3o a (35%)

One man who experiences hallucinations and has
obsessional symptoms counted only once in final total.

abnormalities as well as epilepsy, suggesting that the distinction between

Asperger syndrome and autism is not whether or not brain damage occurs
but its severity and extent; the greater the extent, the more likely other
symptoms secondary to brain abnormality become conspicuous. These may
include epilepsy, aphasia and apraxia.

Complications of Asperger syndrome

Mental illness
Thirty (35 per cent) of eighty-five adults with Asperger syndrome examined
by me met criteria for a psychiatric disorder other than a developmental
disorder (criteria taken from the Ninth Revision of the International
170 DigbyTantam

classification of diseases, World Health Organization, 1978). This propor-

tion is likely to be higher than that to be found in an unselected community
sample, as psychiatric disorder is one factor leading to psychiatric referral.
As recently reported by others (Gillberg, 1985; Clarke et #/., 1989), there is
a higher than expected risk of psychosis, with mania (occurring in 9 per
cent) being commoner than schizophrenia (3.5 per cent) (table 5.11). The
single most common disorder is depression, occurring in 15 per cent.
Anxiety disorder is also common, reaching clinically significant severity in 7
per cent, and is often associated with depression.

Richard: a case of bipolar affective psychosis complicating

Asperger syndrome
Richard has attended a psychiatric day hospital for the last three years,
since he was aged eighteen. He is the younger of two sons. His mother's
previous pregnancy had ended in a miscarriage. His birth was induced
because of pre-eclampsia, and he was a small baby. He would not settle
away from home, sometimes could not be soothed when he was upset and
was slow to gain weight. He walked at fifteen months and first talked at
two. He was investigated for small stature at the age of four, when temper
tantrums were noted but no physical abnormality was found. It was at this
age that his parents first thought there was something wrong with him. He
would not tolerate any change of position of any articles in the house,
would never sleep without all his windows closed and later developed a
routine of checking that the doors too were closed.
He was placed in a day nursery while his parents went out to work, but
was never happy there. His mother thinks that he made friends and played
with other children, but this is doubtful in view of the fact that he
subsequently only made one friend and this seems to have been a
relationship in which he was regularly humiliated, for example, by being
made to drink coffee into which his friend had spat.
He occasionally used stock phrases, and his speech has always been
monotonous and shown a lack of spontaneity. He has always avoided
mutual gaze. His play and interests have always been restricted and
privately pursued. As a young child his main interest was in dismantling
electrical appliances. Later he became interested in computer games. Now
he seems to have few interests. He occasionally flicked things repetitively,
and became absorbed in staring at objects. He has always been fascinated
by tapping noises and sometimes liked to spin round and round.
At primary school he quickly learnt to read, and at seven his reading age
was eleven. However, he had difficulty in learning to write and developed
an idiosyncratic script. Arithmetic was also a problem. He has always had
great difficulty in catching or hitting balls, and his inability to participate in
organized games became a problem at this time. His parents had already
noted that he had difficulty in copying movements or actions, and also
thought that his memory was not as it should be. He was again investigated
for his small stature, without any abnormality being found. At the age of
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 171

eight he was referred to a child psychiatrist because of behaviour problems.

His IQ was found to be 96 at that time. At nine his checking of the doors
and windows before bedtime was taking up so much time that he was not
going to bed until 1 or 2 am. He would also worry that he was not getting
the right thing if sent on an errand for his mother, and would return three
or four times to check.
Richard went to a private school at the age of eleven but there were
many problems there with his idiosyncratic behaviour, which included the
habit of repeating aloud what was said to him. His parents took him to a
private psychologist and also to acupuncturists and hypnotists. He was
often teased and was nearly expelled. With the help of private tutors in
mathematics and English, he was able to pass the simplest public
examination in three subjects. After leaving school at seventeen, he had
difficulty finding work or going on to further education, but did manage
some placements in various firms on a training basis. He was admitted to
an adolescent unit at the age of eighteen because of increasingly disturbed
behaviour at home. Richard had been slamming doors so hard in temper
that they had broken, and had also made several apparently unprovoked
attacks on his mother. He has not been in paid work since.
Family therapy was tried without success, and Richard was referred to a
general psychiatrist whom he told that he had occasionally heard voices
when there was no one there, that people spied on him and that his father
could take thoughts out of his mind and put thoughts in. These ideas seem
to have developed over the period when Richard had changed from his
previous affectionate over-trustful manner to being irritable, suspicious
and cold. Over the ensuing years of day hospital treatment, which also
included several hospital in-patient admissions, cycles of over-activity and
disinhibited behaviour, and episodes of low mood associated with suicidal
thoughts, became apparent. The combination of lithium and a depot
neuroleptic was found to minimise these, and also to reduce Richard's
suspiciousness and ideas that his father was interfering with his thoughts.
The situation became worse when either of the medications was omitted.
Violent outbursts at home became rare, although Richard continued to
take his meals alone in his bedroom where he also spent most of the
evening watching his television and listening to the radio simultaneously.
Psychometric testing showed Richard to have a full-scale IQ of 98, with
a verbal score of 106 and a performance score of 89. He did best on the
comprehension, similarities and vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale and worst on the arithmetic, picture arrangement and
digit symbol subtests. His score on a simple memory test (paired associate
learning) was above average, but on the logical memory test he scored
more than two standard deviations below the average. No specific
abnormality has been found on neurobiological examinations, and two CT
scans have been normal.
Richard began to attend classes in computing and a day centre. He had
many sessions of social skill training but these resulted in little
improvement: Richard could not refrain from monopolizing the group
leader's attention or, otherwise, withdrawing. He managed better with his
172 DigbyTantam

own carer whom he met once a week, but there was no change in his social
avoidance or his lack of sensitivity to social cues. He did, however, became
more able to tolerate change.
Several of the cases of depression were severe and associated with
biological symptoms and suicidal ideas. Five were associated with delusions
and one with stupor. The biological symptoms in these cases were typical of
depression but the content of the illness was coloured by previous, autistic
preoccupations such as in the man who threw himself into the Thames
because the Government refused to abolish British Summer Time. He
believed that watches were damaged by being altered twice a year when the
switch to or from GMT occurred. People with Asperger syndrome who
become depressed may also not seek help and, because of their impairment
in non-verbal expression, may not have a depressed appearance. The
diagnosis may therefore be missed. Similar problems may be presented by
mania, although sleep disturbance is as reliable a diagnostic feature in
Asperger syndrome as it is in non-autistic people. In less able autistic people,
this may not be so as their sleep may normally be disturbed. Lithium was
effective in reducing the frequency of mood disorders in several patients.
The excess of affective disorder over schizophrenia is a further point
against Asperger syndrome being genetically related to schizophrenia as has
been suggested by some workers (Wolff and Chick, 1980). It is not possible
to say whether there is an excess of affective disorder compared to the
general population from the present sample because of selection bias but it
seems likely. Leff, Fischer and Bertelsen (1976) have estimated the incidence
of mania to be 2.6 per 100,000 per year in Camberwell. For the risk period
from which most of the present subjects were drawn, aged fourteen to
thirty, this gives a likely prevalence of 44 per 100,000. On that basis, the
eight cases in the present study would have been drawn from a notional
population of 55,250. Since eighty-six cases of Asperger syndrome were
also drawn from this population, the absence of any particular association
between mania and Asperger syndrome leads to a prevalence estimate of
detected Asperger syndrome of 1.6 per 1,000. This is higher than many
estimates but lower than one (Gillberg, 1988).
Only unequivocal cases of mania have been considered as such: the
remaining cases are difficult to classify. A fairly confident diagnosis of
schizophrenia can be made in the presence of a clear episode of increased
disturbance associated with new first-rank symptoms but even these may be
misleading when they are described by an autistic person whose experi-
ences, self-image and vocabulary may all be idiosyncratic (see Clarke et al.
(1989) for an example). None of the people with schizophrenia experienced
a clearly deteriorating course, although one had become a hospital resident.
A diagnosis of schizophrenia, often simple schizophrenia, was made in a
majority of the group that I studied in detail, and most had received
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 173

neuroleptics (major tranquillisers) at one time or another before entry into

the study. Neuroleptic medication can be helpful, especially in a crisis, but
was associated in the study with significantly greater facial inexpressiveness
and may therefore have worsened the impairment in non-verbal expression
and thus contributed to chronic social difficulties (Rifkin, Quitkin and
Klein, 1975).

Asperger syndrome and personality disorder

Asperger used the term 'autistic psychopathy' (which could also be trans-
lated as 'autistic personality disorder') for the syndrome that he was
describing in the knowledge that autism was considered at one time by
Bleuler to be a fundamental symptom of schizophrenia and of what would
now be called the schizophrenia spectrum. The other personality disorder
associated with schizophrenia was known for many years as schizoid
personality disorder, but has more recently been renamed schizotypal
personality disorder on axis II of DSM-III-R. Schizoid personality disorder
can be diagnosed in childhood, and several workers, notably Wolff and her
colleages, have assumed that childhood schizoid personality disorder and
Asperger syndrome were alternative descriptions of the same condition
(Wolff and Cull, 1986).
I have argued elsewhere (Tantam, 1988c) that the autistic-like abnormali-
ties of social interaction characteristic of Asperger syndrome are of a
different kind to schizoid abnormalities of social relationship, evinced by
emotional detachment, introversion and over-sensitivity. Because abnormal
social interaction is likely to lead to some impairment in social relationships,
some contingent association between them might be expected but this
would be a less strong association than would be expected if they were a
part of the same syndrome. The MRC study of Asperger syndrome in
adulthood enabled a test of the strength of the association since the severity
of schizoid personality traits could be compared with the frequency and
severity of abnormalities of the development of social interaction and the
presence in childhood of autistic-like behaviours. In the event there was no
association between developmental problems and either schizoid severity or
a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder.
There was an association of personality and the severity of current
communicative abnormalities, but non-autistic subjects who were without
communicative abnormalities sometimes had as severe schizoid personali-
ties as autistic subjects (see figure 5.2). Comparison of more with less
schizoid subjects suggests that the special response to the communicative
problems posed by Asperger syndrome may be one factor that determines
whether or not a schizoid 'defence' develops.

n n



Individual subjects
I Express scores I Schizoid scores

Fig. 5.2 The distribution of observed abnormalities of non-verbal expression (express scores) and
ratings of schizoid personality (schizoid scores) in a sample of thirty-six eccentric psychiatric patients
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 175

Peter: an example of a person with schizoid personality traits and

Asperger syndrome
Peter was born during the war while his father was overseas with the armed
forces. His father first saw him when he was three, and shortly after that his
mother left him in the care of her mother-in-law in order to set up house
with another man. He had intermittent contact with his father for the next
two years and spent one year in a residential nursery before returning to his
elderly grandmother's care.
In adult life he was estranged from his family, contacting them only
when he was short of money. He had fallen out with his father because he
day-dreamed instead of working on the family farm (he himself attributed
this to lack of energy). Furthermore, when he was living with his family, he
had become a laughing-stock in the local village as a result of his behaviour
when intoxicated with alcohol or illicitly obtained paraldehyde a
frequent occurrence at that time.
He drifted from one temporary accommodation to another. He would
move on if he felt that too much interest was being taken in him by medical
services. He also disliked changes in his routine and had become aggressive
to landlords who had, for example, confronted him about some aspect of
his accommodation. Often these incidents resulted in the police being
called by Peter. He was continuously carrying on litigation with various
authorities over slights that he felt he had received from them. He had
many unusual beliefs, for example, that a man with red hair had attempted
to assassinate him with an umbrella (this after a similar incident involving a
Bulgarian emigre).
He has always been a loner and was described as being 'detached and
unaware of other people' and by the staff of a psychiatric hospital as like a
machine' and 'metallic'. Notwithstanding this, he did well working out
from the ward, in a laboratory, during the later part of this admission. At
the time of the study, he was working at night, packing. He found it more
congenial to work then because there were fewer people. Most of his
interests were solitary but he did attend evening classes in karate and had
enrolled in, but infrequently attended, a Russian evening class.

Simon: An example of a person with Asperger syndrome but few

schizoid traits
Simon was the elder son of a couple who had married late in life. His
mother had been a nurse, and his father had a successful career in a bank.
Both grandparents lived locally and provided considerable support to the
mother during Simon's upbringing. His parents and grandparents were
fond of Simon and had a good relationship with him. There had been no
periods of parental separation.
In adult life, Simon described as friends the many people whom he met
through his very active involvement with an evangelical church. He also
considered himself to be a well-respected resident at the working men's
hostel where he lived. He liked most of the other residents and the warden.
176 DigbyTantam

He worked full-time in a stores department and enjoyed this. Very few of

the people he described as friends would have regarded themselves as such.
Simon often treated near-strangers in an intimate way and liked to make
long and frequent telephone calls to many of these acquaintances, a
practice which sometimes resulted in the termination of the relationship.
Despite this he managed to maintain an active social life and a considerable
trust in the good-will of others. Possibly his open, innocent manner,
coupled with his eccentricity, protected him.
He was on good terms with his family whom he often visited, was
punctilious and was never rash, even if he sometimes acted oddly.

Antisocial behaviour
Many adults with Asperger syndrome have rather strict, law-abiding
attitudes, but in a minority these may coexist with a lack of empathy that
can result in unpredictable violence towards others. My own clinical
experience suggests that this may be more common in those innocent-
looking autistic people who seem to have particular impairment in their
ability to interpret non-verbal expressions.
Lack of empathy may result in inappropriate emotional reactions, for
example, some would laugh when others were hurt, and some would
respond to domestic crises caused by sudden illness by complaining of a
disrupted meal or television-viewing. Lack of empathy may also have been
linked to the serious, unheralded violence to vulnerable individuals that
occurred in a few cases, examples of this included attacks on younger
siblings, on younger, unrelated children, on young animals and on mothers.
These attacks were rarely understandable. Frustration often seemed to have
been involved, although the target of the aggression was often not respon-
sible, often being chosen, it seemed, for their vulnerability or proximity.
The attacks were occasionally serious. Four people with Asperger syn-
drome known to me set fire to a building while there were people in it, and
one started a forest fire. Another killed a school-mate, probably as an
experiment, and has subsequently been detained in a special hospital.
Violence as a result of one person dominating another in a fight, in an
explosion of rage or in sexual excitement - is rarely shown by people with
Asperger syndrome. Sexual offending is generally rare, although indecent
exposure may sometimes occur. Property offences are also rare except when
they are side-effects of the pursuit of a special interest.
Unconcern for others is not a universal characteristic of people with
Asperger syndrome. Many of those showing it had experienced separation
from one or both parents for a significant period of their childhood, but
further study is needed to find out whether this is a contributory factor.
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 177

Table 5.12. Social adjustment of adults with

Asperger syndrome in Nottingham and MRC
studies (Newson, Daivson and Everard, 1982;
Tantam, 1986)

Nottingham MRC

Higher education 11 4
Employed currently 22 9
In residential care i6 53
Living independently 7 3
Living with parents 7 1
Interest in sexual relations 76 76
Heterosexual relations ever 15 1
Married 1 2

The social adjustment of the Nottingham (Newson, Dawson and Everard,
1982) and the MRC subjects are shown in table 5.12. The latter were a
more socially handicapped group than the Nottingham subjects. Only two (4
per cent) had had any education after school, compared to ten (11 per cent) in
the Nottingham sample, and only four (9 per cent) were working compared
to twenty (22 per cent) in that sample. The number attending a social group
regularly was probably also greater in the Nottingham sample, but the
proportion who had had a regular girl-friend (defined as dating for longer
than one month) was the same. Information about the IQs of the Nottingham
sample is lacking, but the pattern of their developmental handicaps (see table
5.12) suggests that it is unlikely that they had a higher than normal
intelligence. Their better social adjustment is thus likely to be due to some
other factor. Fewer of them had seen a psychiatrist and more of them were
living with parents, perhaps indicating that they were less disabled.
My clinical experience strongly suggests that, while the fundamental
handicap of Asperger syndrome is not produced by emotional factors, its
long-term effects may be altered by them. Of course, it is not possible to be
sure about this because of the complicating effect of other associated
physical handicaps and the difficulty of measuring severity. However, there
is a marked variation in adult adjustment, especially in sociability and
adaptability, which is most readily explained by the differences in upbring-
ing, including the strategies that parents have used to deal with autistic traits
and the differences in the emotional environment of the family.
The provision and receipt of help or support was one of the measures
used to assess the strength of social networks in the present study. It is
consistent with the greater dependence of the autistic people in the present
study that only one of thirty-seven questioned (3 per cent) considered that
178 Digby Tantam

they were able to help others in exchange for the help that they received,
while thirty-seven (40 per cent) of the Nottingham sample thought that they
Eight (22 per cent) of the present subjects in whom a confident rating
could be made were thought to be close to those at home: usually this rating
was given only to those in hostels or living with their parents. A similar
proportion, 20 per cent, of the Nottingham sample was reported to be close
to their mothers. Many of the parents in the Nottingham study reported
concern about their child in the future. In the MRC study, parents of
twenty-eight subjects, out of the twenty-nine subjects who had parents who
could be questioned, reported that their child was a source of concern to
them. The commonest worry, troubling 5 5 per cent of parents, was the fate
of the child after the parents' death. This was the main worry of rather
fewer, 21 per cent, of the parents interviewed in the Nottingham study. The
parents of only three subjects (10 per cent) complained of the burden
imposed by their child. However, the home situation of many people with
Asperger syndrome was not satisfactory: 39 per cent reported regular
conflict which in half had led to violence.
Only one parent reported guilt about their child's condition. Most had
been told at some stage that they were over-reacting or that their child's
disorder was an emotional reaction with the implication of some fault in
their upbringing, and reassurance that this was not so was requested at
some time during almost every interview with parents.
The parents could be reassured that Asperger syndrome is not a conse-
quence of child-rearing practice, but it was noticeable that only some of the
Asperger subjects presented conduct or emotional problems. These tended
to be more common when there was familial stress or separation of parents
early in the child's development. The latter may itself be due to the
considerable difficulties posed by the upbringing of a child with autism, and
more evidence would be needed before it could be assumed that these
familial factors led to the emotional disturbance.
Asperger considered that the prognosis for the syndrome he described
was good and, indeed, my own clinical experience has shown that able
people with autism can sometimes have childhood histories indicating much
more severe impairment. Recent follow-up studies (Fombonne et al., 1989;
Szatmari et al.9 1989) have also tended to confirm Asperger's view, although
the characteristics that predict a good outcome are still unclear.
The general trend towards amelioration of the symptoms must, however,
be balanced against the often poor social outcome. A minority of subjects in
both the Nottingham and MRC studies were working (see table 5.12), fewer
than 10 per cent were living independently, and very few had established
any sort of intimate relationship outside the family. Asperger syndrome,
despite being a milder form of autism in terms of the apparent severity of its
symptoms, is, clearly, still a highly socially disabling condition.
Asperger syndrome in adulthood 179

Asperger thought that special education played an important part in

improvement. Relatives, on the other hand, have often reported to me that
improvement was due to active socialisation, with limits on time spent in
withdrawal into special interests, inactivity or stereotypy. Their own efforts,
encouragement from younger siblings and particular schools were all
credited with putting this into effect.
Adolescence, with all its social upheavals, is a particularly trying time and
previous gains may be temporarily lost. Once over these troubled waters,
many people with Asperger syndrome seem to go on improving on their
social abilities well into their twenties and thirties.

Wing and Gould's (1979) triad of social impairment persists throughout the
vicissitudes of autistic development as the cardinal feature that distinguishes
autism from other developmental disorders. My own study of Asperger
syndrome in adulthood quoted here provides further evidence for this, at the
same time suggesting some slight modifications to Wing and Gould's
formulation of the triad as it is expressed in Asperger syndrome.
Two variants of the triad can be usefully distinguished: passivity in
social interaction coupled with reduced, but not obviously unusual, non-
verbal expression and, I have previously hypothesised, particular impair-
ment in the recognition of facial and other non-verbal expression; and,
corresponding to Wing and Gould's (1979) category of 'active, but odd', a
greater degree of social initiation, odd and idiosyncratic non-verbal
expression and, according to my hypothesis, less impairment of the
interpretation of non-verbal cues than the first group. My clinical impres-
sion is that the former group tend to contain disproportionately more of
the minority of callous individuals, to be more immature in person and
manner and to be less intelligent. Those in the latter group are not always
deficient in imagination, as Wing (1981) suggests, but may lack the ability
to role-play.
The more evidence of brain damage there is in the form of soft
neurological signs, abnormalities on CT scan or EEG, epilepsy or low IQ
the more likely the affected person is to be clumsy or to have a language
problem affecting semantic and syntactic competence, or both.
One interpretation of this is that the core neurological defect producing
the trait often coexists with more severe neurological abnormalities which
may affect speech areas or motor cortex, or both. This would provide an
explanation of the greater likelihood of mental handicap in Kanner
syndrome compared to Asperger syndrome: that the greater language
impairment in the former results from neurological involvement of the
speech areas. This core defect may correspond to a specific anatomical
lesion or, as seems more likely, to a specific loss of function equivalent to a
180 DigbyTantam

specific sensory loss such as colour blindness (see Tantam, 1988c!) or to a

specific expressive abnormality, such as aphasia.
My own hypothesis discussed in detail elsewhere (Tantam, in press) is
that Asperger syndrome results from a failure of congenital gaze reflexes,
which ensure that the normal infant attends to social signals preferentially
and locks the normal infant into the ebb and flow of social interaction. The
normal child, it is hypothesised, learns to anticipate how much gaze they
and others merit, and this leads to the development of an 'attention
structure' which is shared with other people. It is from this, I argue, that
social theories evolve.
According to this hypothesis, the lack of inbuilt gaze responses results in
the person with Asperger syndrome being unable to acquire the fundamen-
tals of social competence. Many of the features of Asperger syndrome could
be derived from the failure of the first developmental step, the gaze reflex,
but supportive experimental evidence still needs to be obtained. Until then
the hypothesis, and its implications, remain speculative.
This hypothesis, like others that have recently been applied to autism,
emphasises the importance of abnormalities of social competence in Asper-
ger syndrome. These are not speculative. Quite the contrary, they and their
ramifications have been the focus of a growing body of experimental
evidence. This is exciting because it brings closer the identification of the
fundamental handicap of Asperger syndrome. Once that happens there is
likely to be a dramatic improvement in the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome
even when it is mild and even when, as is not uncommonly the case, it first
becomes a problem in adolescence or adulthood. From that it will be a much
shorter step to the discovery of the neurological cause or causes of the
handicap, very early diagnosis and the possibility of remedial programmes
being instituted early enough for social development to be put back on the
right track.

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Living with Asperger's syndrome

An informal test of social know-how and its uses

Challenged to write about problems which face adults with Asperger's
syndrome, I would like to begin by challenging readers to a simple test. The
aim of the test will become clear later. For the moment, think of it as a test
of your knowledge of human relations. I have offered the stories to my
autistic friends with the following explanation and reassurance: 'I am
interested in your opinions so that I can compare them with others. There
are no precise right or wrong answers to this test, so you cannot fail it.'
The test was composed in 1974 for some young men whose parents were
members of the American National Society for Autistic Children. It was my
first attempt at trying to understand the frustrations of adolescents who no
longer fitted the stereotype of younger autistic children. After constructing
stories involving some ordinary social interactions mingled with unusual
interactions, I presented them first to a class of normal college students.
They compared their answers and challenged me to a lively debate. After a
few revisions, I was satisfied that the stories were understood consistently by
normal students, and that unconventional answers might help pin-point
problems in my autistic subjects.
The autistic subjects were most co-operative, taking a lot of trouble and
risking humiliation in order to be helpful to people like themselves, that is,
high-functioning autistic individuals who might also be classified under the
term Asperger's syndrome. Later, I will discuss their responses, but for now
you can go and find a pencil.

Test instructions
In the following stories some parts are in italics. Immediately following
there is a pair of brackets ( ). Rate the behaviour which is illustrated by the

Living with Asperger's syndrome 185

portion in italics according to how you think most people would judge that
behaviour if they witnessed it. Use this scale.
Fairly normal behaviour in that situation (A)
Rather strange behaviour in that situation (B)
Very eccentric behaviour in that situation (C)
Shocking behaviour in that situation (D)

Story no. 1. In the supermarket

The market where Robert always shopped had a small sign in the door
summer day Robert saw a pretty girl enter the store without shoes. She
seemed about his age, twenty, with long hair and an old-fashioned dress
reaching to her ankles. Robert wanted to warn her about the sign but he
was afraid to speak to her. Unpleasant things happened if he tried to talk to
strange girls. Finally he decided he might be able to shield her feet from
being seen by the manager. He pushed his cart close behind hers down aisle
after aisle. ( ) Once or twice the girl looked back at him with a cross
expression. Suddenly she wheeled into the quick-check lane with twelve
items in her basket although the sign said FOR TEN OR FEWER ITEMS. ( )
Robert was more upset than ever. He thought this pretty girl was tempting
fate by breaking another rule. When the check-out clerk let her through
without comment, Robert finally relaxed. Just then, the barefoot girl
turned and said to him, 7 don V know why you are following me, but buzz
off or I'll call the police!' ( )

Story n o . 2. In the elevator

Charlie, twenty-three, had been out of work for several months. On this
day his hopes were high because he was on his way to apply for a job which
seemed just right for him. As Charlie rode the elevator to his interview
a stranger said pleasantly, 'Nice day, isn't it?' ( ) Just then, Charlie
happened to see his reflection in a mirror by the elevator buttons. His hair
was sticking up in a peculiar way and he had no comb with him. He turned
to the friendly stranger and asked, 'Do you have a comb I could borrow for
a minute, please?' ( )

Story no. 3. In the park

Keith, age twenty-five, was a file clerk who worked in an office in the city.
At noon he took his lunch to a small park and sat on a sunny bench to eat.
Often he tore part of a sandwich into bits, scattering it on the ground for
pigeons. ( ) One day when he came to his favourite bench a baby carriage
was parked beside it. Keith noticed that a young woman was swinging an
older child nearby. The baby in the carriage began to cry but the mother
did not hear this because the swing was squeaking. Now, Keith had learnt
that when his baby nephew screamed, sometimes this meant that a pin in
18 6 Margaret Dewey

his diaper had opened. Rather than bother the mother in the park, Keith
quickly checked the baby's clothing to see whether he could feel an open
pin. ( )

Story no. 4. The forgotten name

Paul, twenty-three, had a little shop where he renovated old furniture.
Sometimes a customer would ask to have some work done in her home.
On one such occasion an elderly lady called him to stain a scratch on her
desk. Unfortunately, Paul forgot to jot down her name when he wrote the
address. ( ) The lady greeted him warmly at her door, saying 'Come right
in, Paul. I have heard that your work is good.' Ashamed because he had
forgotten her name, Paul waited until she left the room and peeked into a
drawer. ( ) Sure enough, he found some letters addressed to Mrs Isabel
DeWitt, and this jogged his memory. Satisfied, Paul shut the drawer
without disturbing anything and soon had the scratch nicely refinished.
When the lady of the house saw it she said, 'That's perfect! How much do I
owe you, Paul?' He replied, 'It did not take very long, so ten dollars will be
fine, Isabel.' ( )

Story no. 5. In the airplane

Emily, age nineteen, overslept on the morning of her airplane trip. When
she woke up, there was just enough time to dress and get to the airport, so
she skipped her breakfast. ( ) At noon, the stewardess came around with
lunch, but Emily was so hungry by then that one portion did not satisfy
her. She watched a little girl across the aisle toy with her food,
complaining, 'I can't eat it.' Apparently, the father didn't want any more,
because he told the child to just leave it. Emily leant across the aisle and
said, 'If your little girl doesn't want her tray, can you pass it over for me?' (

Story no. 6. The dinner invitation

Roger, twenty-two, lived in a rented room alone. He was quite a nervous
person, but it seemed to him he felt better if he ate every two hours and
limited his diet to certain foods. One day a lady called and invited him to
dinner explaining that she was a friend of his parents. Roger gladly
accepted. However, he warned his hostess that he ate no meat and would
like his vegetables served unsalted. ( ) When Roger arrived at the
appointed time he recalled that he had not eaten for two hours. Without
wasting any time, even before the introductions, he asked the hostess when
dinner would be served. ( ) She replied that it would be about an hour
before the meal would be ready. Hearing this, Roger opened his briefcase,
removed an apple and some nuts and promptly ate them. ( ) After that, he
was introduced to the family and they sat around talking for an hour. Just
before dinner, the hostess showed him an attractive platter of fruits and
vegetables, asking whether it looked like enough. 'It looks fine, thank you,'
Living with Asperger's syndrome 187

Roger said, 'but if you don't mind I will wait another hour to eat. I just had
some food an hour ago.'

Story no. 7. Forbidden foods

Elizabeth had been diabetic most of her life. Doctors told her that careful
attention to diet was necessary to avoid serious complications. When she
was invited to someone's home for a meal, she explained her problem in
advance. But at large gatherings she handled the matter herself by avoiding
forbidden foods or leaving them untouched on her plate. ( ) On such
occasions she did not mention her medical condition unless somebody
urged forbidden food on her, in which case she said, 'No thanks, I'm
diabetic' At some parties there was not much she could eat, and in such
situations she enjoyed the conversation and companionship, waiting until
she returned home to eat the food she was allowed to eat. ( )

Story no. 8. The lunch-time nap

Frank found employment at the age of nineteen with a company that cared
for people's yards. He carried his lunch with him in a box. At noon, Frank
washed his hands under the hose and sat in a shady part of the yard to eat.
( ) Since he was allowed an hour for lunch, he sometimes snatched a
quick nap by curling up behind a bush. ( ) One day it began to rain at
noon. Frank knocked on the door and asked permission to eat inside. The
lady said he could come in, and since she was busy with her children he
decided not to bother her further. He located the bathroom by himself and
washed his hands. ( ) Then he found the dining room by himself and ate
his lunch. ( ) He cleaned his crumbs from the table and looked around the
house for a place to rest. ( ) The living room carpet was thick, so he
decided to curl up for his nap behind a large chair. ( )

If you responded to these stories like my student controls, four categories

were not enough. For example, some behaviours were decidedly abnormal,
yet more laughable than shocking. Other underlined behaviours seemed so
bland and ordinary that they hardly deserved to be rated at all. That was
deliberate. I wanted to find out whether autistic people misjudge in one
direction as well as the other, that is, do they sometimes perceive normal
behaviour as strange in addition to rating some odd behaviours as normal?
The answer is yes, but before further discussion of responses let me
summarise the purpose of the test stories:

They serve as examples of common social situations which can create

problems for autistic people.
They reveal the idiosyncratic thinking which is a clue to the nature of the
They challenge teachers to provide more flexible guidelines for social
behaviour than rigidly applied rules.
18 8 Margaret Dewey

They provide an opportunity for non-autistic people to reflect on their

automatic but perhaps misguided reactions to the blunders of autistic
In individual cases, they illuminate aspects of social behaviour which can
benefit from further discussion.
They offer a tactful way to engage autistic people in discussions about
social behaviour without the pain of direct personal confrontation.

Some informative responses

The seven autistic young men who took this test in 1974 rated the
behaviours in idiosyncratic ways. They plainly failed to understand the
stories in a conventional way. Their judgements appeared to be influenced
by their own experiences or behavioural rules they had learnt and applied
rigidly. These differed from person to person, so they did not have
predictable answers as a group, yet they were similar in failing to attach the
usual significance to social interactions. More instructive than A-B-C-D
ratings are the comments which parents passed on to me. All the quotations,
printed in italics, are by autistic subjects, followed by my comments.

Story no. 1. In the supermarket

You shouldn't follow people closely. It makes them nervous. This is an
example of a learnt rule, well applied.
/ do not think it is normal to go out a check-out lane with more items
than a sign says because that is not obeying the rules. All autistic subjects
were critical of this behaviour, some to the point of being shocked.
It is shocking for the girl to say she would call the police because she
should only call the police if the guy hit her or touched her or threatened
her. This guy never even touched her! This remark was typical of autistic
reactions, whereas the normal controls readily understood the girl's
reaction to being followed by a strange man.

Story no. 2. In the elevator

/ never saw an elevator with a mirror in it. This is a typical pedantic,
irrelevant remark.
It was eccentric for the stranger to say, 'Nice day isn't it', because you
can't see the weather in an elevator. This is a typical literal analysis which
misses the point that comments on the weather are common pleasantries
between strangers.
Borrowing the comb is normal behaviour for him because he has to look
nice for the interview. This is the most important thing because he needs
very badly to get this job. Most controls rated the comb incident as quite
Living with Asperger's syndrome i 89

shocking. Other autistic subjects varied, as some may have learnt rules
about sharing combs.

Story no. 3. In the park

That's eccentric to waste good food by throwing it on the ground for birds.
Other autistic subjects rated this as strange without saying why. By
contrast, all controls recognised that feeding pigeons is a common
recreation for people relaxing in a park.
Babies should be left to the care of their own mothers. A learnt rule well
applied, contrasts with another autistic subject's reason for rating the baby
incident as rather strange: / wouldn't know how to handle diapers. It is
interesting that several autistic subjects put the diaper incident in the same
league as feeding pigeons, whereas the controls rated touching a strange
baby as shocking and bird-feeding as perfectly normal.

Story no. 4. The forgotten name

/ wouldn't have forgotten her name. It is too important that you
remember. Other autistic subjects thought it was shocking that Paul forgot
his customer's name, whereas the controls recognised that it was fairly
normal behaviour, though deplorable.
You shouldn't look through personal papers. This was apparently a
good rule which the autistic subject had learnt. Other autistic subjects and
the student controls responded in variable ways to this incident. Some
students thought it would be a logical way to recall a forgotten name, and
that many people would do it if they felt certain they would not be
observed. Therefore they rated it as fairly normal.
All of the autistic subjects overlooked the oddness of Paul addressing his
customer by her first name. Instead they focused on the way the price was
set: That's normal. It's up to the two of them to decide on a price.
The student controls laughed at the name incident, considering it either
eccentric or strange.

Story no. 5. In the airplane

That's the most important meal, said one autistic subject who rated
skipping breakfast as shocking. Other autistic subjects thought it abnormal
to skip the meal even when late for a flight. They rated this behaviour more
severely than asking another passenger for leftover food. In fact, two
subjects thought the latter was normal behaviour for the situation, or at
least a good idea, / would be tempted to do that. The food would go to
waste, otherwise. My student controls were in agreement about the
normalcy of skipping breakfast on occasion. They had mixed reactions to
Emily's polite request for the child's uneaten food. Some thought it would
be acceptable if she had established contact with the child's family already
190 Margaret Dewey

through exchange of smiles. If she explained, 'I had no breakfast and am

still quite hungry,' her request would be within the range of normal.

Story no. 6. The dinner invitation

On the whole, my autistic subjects rated Roger's behaviour as normal and
appropriate because he was a nervous person. Their comments reflected
admiration for Roger in that he had found a way to control his
nervousness. One subject did consider it eccentric not to eat meat,
however, because he himself is very fond of meat. The student controls
recognised vegetarianism as fairly normal. As for Roger's behaviour at the
dinner party, student controls rated it in the range of eccentric-shocking
because it violated custom and seemed insensitive to the feelings of others.

Story no. 7. Forbidden foods

Autistic subjects varied in their reactions to this story, being generally
dissatisfied with the way Elizabeth handled her problem because she went
to a party and had to go home hungry. They viewed this as strange or
eccentric, certainly not normal. I had hoped to provoke comments about
her enjoyment of the conversation and companionship, but the low ratings
suggested that autistic subjects did not think such pleasures could override
the deplorable situation of being unable to eat the party food. The student
controls rated Elizabeth's behaviour as normal, being aware of the
seriousness of diabetes and more significantly, the fact that it is widely
recognised, thus socially acceptable, as a valid reason for avoiding certain

Story no. 8. The lunch-time nap

Both the student controls and the autistic subjects were tolerant of Frank's
behaviour outdoors. The reaction to Frank's indoor behaviour was
markedly different, however. On the whole, the autistic subjects graded it
as normal behaviour except for the nap. One autistic man thought that
napping behind a chair was acceptable because some carpets are thick and
soft. I am left wondering whether the others graded the nap as strange
because they thought it would have been more suitable for Frank to rest in
his customer's bedroom! The student controls were amused at Frank's
indoor behaviour, which they regarded as mainly eccentric, not shocking.

Some general characteristics of the responses

Parents reported that their autistic sons pondered the stories for a long time
before they felt ready to answer. They carefully weighed the merits of
segments of behaviour with little regard for the social context or social
convention. There was almost no consideration of how the targeted
behaviours might be interpreted by other characters in the stories.
Living with Asperger 's syndrome 191

In contrast, student controls rated the behaviours in question quickly and

intuitively. When the stories were first read aloud to the class, they
frequently laughed in unison. Such laughter signifies an unexpected turn of
events, the recognition of an incongruent element or a shift to an uncom-
mon viewpoint. The spontaneity of their laughter revealed that the students
shared a common social perspective, although their ratings showed minor
variations. They argued some points because they were bright young adults
who enjoy challenging convention. The autistic subjects showed little
awareness of convention except in a few situations where they saw a chance
to apply a learnt rule for social behaviour. A few older intelligent autistic
subjects have taken the test since 1974. With more social experience, they
show an improvement in awareness of social conventions. Nevertheless
their judgements seem to be based on rules rather than intuition.

Uses of the test stories as catalysts for informal training

Even though the eight story situations do not come close to covering all the
social errors that a person with Asperger's syndrome might commit, they
give an idea of how aware any individual is of situational nuances. Most of
the parents in the original group were amazed at the extent of social
handicap the test revealed in their own sons. A young adult may already
know the proper behaviour for all situations he shares with his parents,
having been observed and corrected by them. Appropriate behaviour at
home is not likely to fit other situations, however.
Teachers or parents may want to use the test to insert one or two new
stories which fit the needs of a specific subject. For effective disguise, the
name, age and setting should obviously be changed and totally new
circumstances invented. The underlying behaviour should be similar but not
identical to the target problem behaviour. Two of the stories in my test
were, in fact, created to help two different subjects with personal idiosyn-
crasies. Neither subject recognised that the story had been based on his own
An autistic person is not likely to feel manipulated by this ruse, though he
may be sensitive to certain subjects and resist altering his viewpoint at the
time of the discussion. An interesting phenomenon many parents report is
belated acceptance of new viewpoints. At some time, perhaps months later,
the autistic person may reopen an argument which had seemed lost. He
shows a new comprehension of what his helper was trying to convey,
presenting it as his own idea. My advice is, Tor goodness sake, give him
credit!' It took a lot of pondering to come to full understanding. For all
practical purposes, his new viewpoint really is a product of his own
thinking. The worst thing the helper can say is, 'Well, it's about time. That's
what I have been trying to tell you all along.'
192 Margaret Dewey

Common misunderstandings of behaviour in intelligent

autistic individuals
Astute as Asperger was at recognising traits which are common in the
syndrome he identified, he was sometimes tripped up by his own intact
system for social analysis. That is, he attributed certain motives to
behaviours which might be associated with such motives in normal children.
Occasionally he did concede that his patients seemed unaware of their effect
on others. But elsewhere he labelled behaviours as spiteful, hostile, mali-
cious, cruel or sadistic. These terms imply awareness of the feelings of other
people and an intention to influence them. This is clearly an over-
What causes such misunderstanding of autistic behaviour? Autistic
children would have to possess a genius for getting into the minds of others
in order unfailingly to pick the worst possible time to create a disturbance,
as Asperger reported. More likely that impression is the cumulative effect of
listening to parents and teachers attempt to explain their exasperation. It is
still difficult to put one's finger on precisely what is wrong.
The tales that are remembered and repeated are precisely those that are
most shocking. It is also true that certain tense situations invite action,
without any malice or premeditation on the part of the child. Consider, for
example, the hush that falls just before the most significant moment of a
solemn ceremony. Rather than observing the ceremony, an autistic child
may be listening to other noises in the room such as coughs, shuffles,
whispers and rustles. Suddenly, a complete silence falls. The child notices
and is tempted to fill it with his favourite silly noise. The worst time? Yes,
but not because that autistic child spitefully plotted to ruin the occasion.
Now consider one of Asperger's examples which could be based on a
similar misinterpretation. Here are the reported words and behaviours of a
seven-year-old boy who was viewed as sadistic:

'Mummy, I shall take a knife one day and push it in your heart, then blood
will spurt out and this will cause a great stir.' 'It would be nice if I were a
wolf. Then I could rip apart sheep and people, and then blood would flow.'
Once, when the mother cut her finger, 'Why isn't there more blood? The
blood should run!' When he injured himself on one occasion, he was said
to have been utterly thrilled, so that the doctor who tended the wound
remarked on the child's state as extremely odd.

I do not see in this account a sadistic child, but one who is obsessively
interested in the way blood is forcefully pumped through the body. Even his
own injury is viewed as an exciting occasion to observe the phenomenon.
The first remark is shocking because it appears to be a threat to his mother.
But autistic children are socially far younger than their actual age. Many
young children resort to exaggerated threats to show displeasure. I know a
Living with Asperger 's syndrome 193

four-year-old who became so upset with his father that he shouted, i l l

make you drive 100 miles without your seat belt fastened!' At four, a
normal child is unaware of amusing or shocking nuances in his utterances.
Autistic children remain socially unaware much longer.
It is also possible that child-rearing practices in Austria in the decade
before 1944 contributed to the hostility Asperger observed in some patients.
That was a turbulent period in history. Asperger spoke with admiration of
the dextrous fighting of normal children. One can imagine the chagrin of
parents at the sissyish behaviour of autistic children, averting their eyes and
avoiding physical contact whenever possible. By punishment and exhorta-
tion the parents might have changed the natural inclination of frightened
children to flee, causing them to defend ourselves with excessive force. Let
me give an example.
Once I intervened just in time to stop a litle boy from hitting a playmate
with a segment of iron pipe. Stuart was not autistic but he was puny. He was
no match for others his age, yet if he ran home in tears he was punished. His
father scolded him for acting like a baby and sent him back to fight his own
battles. Having no chance of winning in fair combat, Stuart was about to
make his point with an iron pipe.
One other factor may have contributed to an excess of violence in
Asperger's sample. Perhaps the main reason for their referral was their
tendency to fight. Asperger's willingness to work with 'violent' children
could have resulted in a reputation for knowing how to deal with just such
problems. In that case, the teachers and therapists in guidance clinics would
selectively refer their most aggressive autistic patients to Asperger. Others
who posed no threat to their classmates might have been counselled in
clinics near home, muddling through school as very odd fellows. The
wonder is not that an astute observer like Asperger would make some false
assumptions, but that he identified so many traits that are correctly
associated with the cognitive handicap we call autism.

Overcoming misunderstandings

Smoothing the way with interpretation

The idea of an interpreter for such verbally articulate children as Asperger
describes may seem odd at first, but I am not concerned with interpreting
their discourses. Sometimes their strange behaviour must be interpreted for
a teacher, fellow students, shopkeeper, banker or employer. Just as often,
the puzzling words or actions of other people have to be interpreted for
autistic individuals.
Asperger accepted as natural the behaviour of normal children, rejecting
and tormenting the autistic ones whose behaviour 'cries out to be ridiculed'.
194 Margaret Dewey

Perhaps this is the natural reaction of uninformed children to incomprehen-

sible oddness. It does not need to be accepted as inevitable, however.
In many American and British schools, handicapped children are now
integrated into regular activities from which they can benefit. The entire
school staff is briefed in preparation for dealing with them. Selected
students may be chosen to interact with the handicapped pupils on a
one-to-one basis. This is recognised as an honour, often accompanied by
fringe benefits such as being excused from some tedious drill. During
periods when the special students are absent from the classroom for
individual tutoring, the teachers sometimes present material on the nature
of the handicaps, using the occasion to praise the normal students for their
help and compassion.
Similar programs of interpretation have been used to ease qualified
autistic youths into jobs. In this instance, the job placement team has two
aims: to help the autistic person learn the work routine and to ensure that
fellow workers are sympathetic supporters of the effort rather than
The fact that some autistic workers are warmly accepted by co-workers
who understand them belies the unpleasant generalisms Asperger made
about personality. This is not to say I have never met an autistic person who
seems indiscriminately hostile. I know one, and I know a few others who
risk exploitation by being indiscriminately trusting. It is the lack of
appropriate discrimination which typifies autism. Asperger's candid por-
trayal of disagreeable traits can serve as a warning, however. A child who is
often rejected and tormented may well develop hostile defences. The need
for interpretation is therefore greater when an autistic child has Asperger's
syndrome than when he is non-verbal and sheltered as a matter of course.
Beyond providing a compassionate environment, parents can decrease
hostility by the way they interpret other people's behaviour. This presents a
dilemma. They want to send their naive child out into the world prepared to
recognise evil in all its disguises. Yet they risk warping the child's outlook if
they put much stress on ways others deceive and exploit him. The only
solution seems to be a kind of benign supervision through an ongoing
support system. That is a tall order with many ramifications. The support
system merits attention as a new topic in itself.

Some insights on management

When Jack, the third of our four children, was born in 1947, the few
doctors who had heard of autism tended to blame it on defective mothering.
We were lucky, therefore, that his first diagnosis was mild retardation. After
a brief period of shock we could accept that Jack would learn more slowly
than our other children. Yet we took hope from glimmers of talent and kept
faith in our parenting abilities, which were sorely needed to help Jack by
Living with Asperger's syndrome 195

trial and error. That may still be the best way to handle some unique
problems of autistic individuals. Eventually, one comes to recognise what
kinds of intervention work for each child and what kinds are counter-
Today Jack is a reasonably contented middle-aged man, gainfully
employed as a piano tuner and living in his own small house. Younger
parents sometimes ask 'How did you do it?1 Actually, he did it by dint of
sustained effort as well as ability. My insights stem from a forty-year
perspective and fortuitous contacts. Certainly, I cannot write as an infallible
Asperger's paper is a convenient reference point from which to discuss the
problems of high-functioning autistic people. Obviously, they are capable of
more independence than those who are severely handicapped. But that does
not necessarily ensure that life will be easier for them. Each step towards
greater independence is accompanied by new pitfalls. Asperger dwelt on one
such transition, the start of school. He observes, 'Parents can often cope
with the oddities of small autistic children, but at school they cannot be
handled in the ordinary way.'
The phrase 'in the ordinary way' is rich with meaning. It suggests that
readers will know what everybody, even little children starting school,
should know. There are expectations surrounding the school situation.
Unfortunately, many of the most elementary things which everybody is
assumed to know can elude an autistic child. (Don't ask for a list: it is too
variable). An unspoken expectation is nothing but an idea in other people's
minds, something which quite baffles an autistic person. Even when the
message is put into words it is apt to be misinterpreted. The phrases most
commonly used in everyday speech can seldom be taken literally. If 'Fold
your hands!' seems like an impossible order, an autistic child does not look
around to see what others are doing. He is more likely to look for a way out.
The teacher is perplexed because this child leaves his seat for no apparent
reason and wanders away. She is no more perplexed than he. The same
comedy of errors will be repeated on the occasion of every drastic change in
an autistic person's life.
The more capable an autistic person appears to be, the more likely it is
that he will be expected to manage his own affairs without supervision. It
would seem that he should be able to handle at least simple social
interactions of the everyday variety. But that is not necessarily so. The
oddness of an autistic person shows up most starkly in commonplace
situations. He does not intuitively know what everybody is presumed to
know, and he lacks the awareness of other minds which would enable him
to get guidance from subtle cues on the spot. By contrast, in situations
where almost everybody is baffled by expectations, autistic people are less
obvious misfits. They may do well travelling abroad, for example, seeming
just a bit more odd than other tourists.
196 Margaret Dewey

I will not concern myself with how to teach autistic adults to be

law-abiding citizens. They are generally quite good at that. Instead I want to
address some of the eccentricities Asperger noticed. How can one protect an
autistic person from scorn and its devastating effects on self-esteem? Can
autistic people be guided to change long-standing habits and mannerisms
that set them apart?

An interpretation of the belated acceptance phenomenon

Why do some autistic people belatedly convert other people's ideas into
their own insights? I once viewed it as an unconscious ego defence. It
seemed as though they had an exceptional need to give the appearance of
being able to figure things out on their own. Therefore I assumed, they
resisted immediate change in their stance even when it should have been
obvious that they were mistaken. By waiting a while, they hoped the
original discussion would be forgotten so that they could appear to reach
the correct conclusion by themselves. This is an explanation anybody can
understand. It is based on the emotional reactions of ordinary people, plus
the awareness that an autistic person suffers more than his share of social
Now I have revised the above interpretation. After reading Autism:
explaining the enigma by Uta Frith,1 I realise that autistic people cannot
easily assume a viewpoint other than their own. They have the greatest
difficulty simultaneously perceiving two different interpretations of one
situation. If the notion is correct that autistic people lack a theory of mind,
then they may not realise that they changed a belief or why they changed it.
They have beliefs, they can change them but it is another question whether
they actually know how beliefs come about. As far as they are concerned,
insights just happen like the light that flashes over a cartoon character.
A highly motivated person may mull over advice in private. If he tests it in
a social situation and finds it to be helpful, he begins to change his previous
position. Then, in all sincerity, he may return to the person who implanted
the idea for change and announce, 'I decided not to make phone calls after
9 pm because some people like to go to bed early.' An appropriate response
would be, 'That's very smart! Some of them have to get up early to commute
to their jobs', and let it go at that, without reference to his previous habits or
the origin of the suggestion.

The ultimate tool for change

Probably nothing is as effective in guiding an autistic person as positive
reinforcement. I do not mean bribery in the form of a reward offered for
Oxford: Blackwell, 1989
Living with Asperger's syndrome 197

changing behaviour. That sometimes works, but if the reward is valued, the
cost of failure is also dear. The autistic person becomes so anxious that one
slip can provoke a catastrophic emotional reaction.
I have in mind continuous positive reinforcement by favourable notice
and well-timed approval. It is selectively directed at any sign of desired
change up to the point of victory and well beyond that.
Consider the child's game, Hot and Cold. One child is kept in the dark
about the location of a hidden prize. (This may be compared to the way an
autistic person may be in the dark about appropriate social behaviour.) The
player starts out blindly, counting on others to direct him. If he moves away
from the prize, they chant words like 'You're coolcoolercoldfreezing!'
So he changes direction and continues to change until he hears 'You're
warmwarmerhotburning!' Even the tone of the guiding voices heats up
with excitement as the triumphant player closes in on his trophy. Ultimate
success is assured with this step-by-step reinforcement. The cool signals are
positive because they are not delivered as a punishment to deter him from
his reward, but as an additional guide to help him win. (Remember this
game. You can use it to explain to an autistic person why it is sometimes
necessary to point out errors as a short-cut to success.)
In real life, the guidance game is often played quite differently. Correct
behaviour is scarcely noticed because it is taken for granted. Every situation
has implied rules, and every person is assumed to be marginally acquainted
with them, at the least. The person who drives in the correct direction down
a one-way street is not singled out for praise. But if you are aware that he
frequently goes in the wrong direction you may take notice. (How you
notice and what you say depends on the individual's personality. All the
autistic adults I have known respond favourably to sincere compliments. Do
not be afraid you will provoke misbehaviour by saying something nice.)
Here is an excerpt from a letter written by one mother about her autistic
I have been trying positive reinforcement with surprising success. Deciding
on what behavior I wish he would develop, I compliment him greatly when
I see the slightest sign of it. It works like magic! He is so guileless he doesn't
see through it as you or I might. He always monopolizes the dinner table
conversation, so one day I waited for a pause as he was eating, and I said
'You know, Barry, you talk much less at the table than you used to.' (It was
true, although he still talked far too much.) 'And sometimes you listen to
what others say and follow the dinner conversation.' Well, this statement
brought a marked change, so much so that his sisters noticed when they
came home.
In the above example, the family should repeat the compliment often to
encourage him to keep on trying to control his compulsion to spill out all
the ideas he has been mulling over. The follow-up compliments would be
even more appropriate, and should be phrased in different ways. When an
198 Margaret Dewey

autistic person has made a concentrated effort to overcome some habit it

doesn't hurt to mention the improvement at intervals to prevent backslid-
ing. This is true even when the original impetus is something else, as in the
following example.
Years ago, a parent wrote to the newsletter of NSACZ asking for help in
dealing with annoying little problems like the way her son never took his
trousers out of his socks after he had tucked them in to ride his bike. I
laughed, because our Jack did the same thing. He would go around tucked
in all day because he didn't see how he looked and was too preoccupied to
pull his pants out after dismounting his bike. At the time, I resorted to
frequent reminders. Recently, he happened to mention that he was about to
sing a solo in front of his church congregation when the organist whispered
to pull his pants out of his socks. 'Oh, Jack!' I blurted out. 'Not againl All
those times we reminded you, and you still forget? Isn't there some way you
can jog your memory by putting a note on your bike lock, or something?'
(He always locks his bike.) Stung by my reaction, Jack went home to ponder
the challenge. I do not dare to criticise him often, and he has learnt not to
explode when I do, yet he always dislikes it. The next day he triumphantly
brought his bike lock to show me. On it, he had painted what looked like an
electric plug with a diagonal line across it. 'That's an international signal
that means "unplug your pants",' he explained. Never since then have I seen
Jack with his trousers tucked into his socks except when he is about to
mount his bicycle. We still compliment him on this victory before we
challenge him to try to solve another problem.

Compromises: learning when well-enough will do

On a scale of one-to-ten, plugged-in trousers certainly rank low in
importance. (It is a good idea to introduce such a scale to autistic people,
otherwise they tend to view criticism as hostility, judging their errors as
equally significant.) Yet appearance does play a part in social acceptance: it
is hard to maintain a tolerable degree of self-esteem without cleanliness, for
example. Asperger believed that autistic children do not show the proper
attitude to their bodies, noting that even as adults some walk about
unkempt and unwashed. I believe that the peculiar grooming habits of some
autistic adults result not from poor attitude but from poor understanding of
what is appropriate, combined with their inability to sense how they appear
to others. Many are overly formal rather than unkempt.
Today, we all know normal individuals who have a casual attitude to
grooming. Some young people, in particular, vie with each other in adopting
outrageous new styles of dress and hair. No doubt all of this makes it easier
for the occasional odd autistic person to go his way unnoticed. Yet there is
National Society for Autistic Children. It is now called ASA for Autistic Society of America.
Living with Asperger's syndrome 199

conformity even in non-conformity. Each season has its 'look' which the
autistic person is unaware of.
Asperger made many references to family conflicts which arise from the
difficulty of teaching autistic children the practical chores of daily life. This
tense situation may be eased when one understands that the basic difficulty
is not wilful obstruction but a need for precise and patient instruction.
Autistic people can be guided to develop grooming habits which help them
look (and smell) acceptable in most situations. The trick is to keep it as
simple as possible with a minimum of contingencies. For example, a man
wearing corduroy slacks and a clean shirt will pass at a picnic or a funeral,
even though jeans are more suitable for the former occasion and a dark suit
is traditional for the latter. Habits of cleanliness should be the basic ones,
without too many daily rituals.
Under pressure of time, an autistic person will not intuitively know which
details of grooming to eliminate. Tooth-brushing, nail-trimming, deodorant
use, shampoo, underwear-changing, body-washing, hair-cutting, sock-
changing, clothes-cleaning and many more common details of grooming
need to be put in perspective for an autistic person. The best tactic is to set
up a schedule - and keep instructions basic. Interestingly, Asperger himself
made the suggestion of a timetable for everyday practical necessities.
Beyond that, a degree of discrimination can be taught by use of a one-to-ten
scale applied just to grooming. Other common activities also have scales
and the activities themselves fit somewhere in an overall scale of importance
for survival.
Normal people compromise with their own schedules more than they are
willing to admit when they give advice to others. There is no way to cram
one day with all of the proper procedures for care of one's self and
possessions. Each gadget and each garment comes with rules for care and
dire warnings for failing to heed them. This can quite overwhelm an autistic
person who cannot discriminate the essential from the trivial.
The more sheltered the individual the less he has to worry about. Those
who venture out on their own deserve candid advice which includes
short-cuts and acceptable omissions. Sirens do not sound for failing to floss
one's teeth!

Helping an autistic person identify a support system

By support I mean tactful counsel and intercession when it is needed. In a
sheltered setting, there would be such support as a matter of course. Yet
autistic adults who live independently are no less in need of support, their
greater skills being offset by greater risk from a wider sphere of activity.
Human beings are normally born with a desire to form social relation-
ships. Their natural social awareness provides a support system consisting
of associates such as family, friends and co-workers. In almost any
zoo Margaret Dewey

situation, they intuitively know where to turn for a helpful suggestion. In

fact, normal people seek advice before taking a significant step, knowing
that two minds are better than one. Asperger commented on the unusual
degree of mental independence in his young patients, noting the way they
tended to pursue their own interests single-mindedly. With the benefit of
present-day knowledge he might have said they are not aware that other
minds have entirely different perceptions.
By adolescence, autistic people of normal intelligence must realise that
other people's minds can have knowledge they lack, such as factual informa-
tion. Yet they still tend to assume that others should know what is on their
minds without being told. Conversely, they sometimes feel accountable for
knowledge which nobody would expect them to have. (This is not surprising,
in view of their common experience of being blamed for not knowing
something which would be obvious to anybody else.) One of the functions of
the support system is to help them sort out confusing situations, to relieve
them of worry or help them make amends. Here is a very recent example.
Yesterday, Jack made a telephone call in response to a request left on his
answering machine by a lady customer. Her husband answered the phone
and said he would take the message. Now, Jack's explanations can be rather
wordy because he wants to be sure he is understood. After a while the man
said he would tell his wife about the call, but he himself had to leave. 'Are
you late for work?' Jack asked in some alarm. 'A little,' the man replied.
Jack ended the conversation with profuse apologies and called us, dis-
traught over his mistake. Would he lose his customer-friend because of this?
Would the man lose his job for being late and might he then blame Jack? If
so, could the husband sue? (I think he deliberately exaggerates the possible
complications to ensure that our reassurances will be emphatic. Therefore, I
now mix reassurances with reminders.) In this case, we talked about
keeping messages short and ending a conversation graciously at any hint of
inconvenience. I also told him that he had no way of knowing that the
husband was about to leave for work until the man told him so. Jack would
not be held accountable, just as he must not hold other people accountable
if they unwittingly call him at a bad time.
The best sources of support are family, friends and co-workers because
these are the people who are most understanding of the individual. But, in
time, family members are less able to help. An autistic person seldom has
close friends. Co-workers are even more scarce, given the limited opportuni-
ties for employment of the autistic. Without the kind of support system
other people take for granted, autistic people may turn to various agencies.
Sometimes they do so in preference to confiding in family members. But if
the agencies are not familiar with the cognitive disorder of autism, they may
react in a punitive way which discourages autistic people from seeking help
again. This was Jack's experience when he visited various agencies on his
own, as a young adult:
Living with Asperger's syndrome 201

I need help to know whether a problem is serious enough so that I ought to

see a lawyer, call the police, go to a doctor or something. I thought a crisis
clinic would give me that kind of advice. But now I would not want to go
there because I am afraid of getting the wrong reaction.
The 'wrong reactions' he feared are:
Ridicule: being laughed at or treated with contempt for being so naive.
Anger: being scolded for bothering them about a trifle or for not having
enough 'common sense' to seek help at the 'proper place' immediately.
Fear: Being denied help because the volunteer worker is afraid of 'crazy'
people and does not want to get involved. In this case, instead of offering
an honest evaluation of the problem, the person insists that the matter
should be handled by a psychiatrist even when the problem is not serious
enough to warrant that.
Mental comprehension is often expressed by the word see. ('Do you see
what I mean?' 'Yes, I see.') In this sense, an autistic person can be blind to
the meaning of a situation. No helper of the blind would react with ridicule,
anger or fear to a request for visual help! The autistic handicap is in need of
wider understanding.
The amount of support autistic people need is an individual matter, but
all of them should be taught to keep in touch with people who understand
them. Needing other people is entirely normal and acceptance of this is
praiseworthy. Parents must ponder the need and arrange things as best they

Two insider viewpoints

On a cool October evening in 1988, we find Anne Carpenter and Jack
Dewey on easy chairs beside the fireplace. I have pulled up a seat between
them. The tape recorder picks up the crackling sound of burning wood as
we relax a moment, watching the flames. Then our discussion begins.
Margaret: Would you introduce yourselves and tell your ages?
Anne: My name is Anne Carpenter and I am thirty-one and a half years old.
Jack: My name is Jack Dewey and I am forty-one.
Anne: Jack, you're the same age as my sister! She's forty-one too.
[Many autistic individuals seem to delight in coincidences involving names and birth
dates. Perhaps this is because human relationships are generally based on subtleties
which are not readily pin-pointed.]
Margaret: We are relaxing by the fire now, but I am curious to know why both of
you told me that you often feel anxious. Is it because you are afraid that something
unexpected may happen
Anne and Jack: (almost in unison) Yes!
Margaret: and you can't handle unexpected things easily, so you lose
control of what happens to you?
202 Margaret Dewey

Jack: Yes, I have that feeling a lot.

Anne: I relate to that.
Margaret: Or are you afraid you may say or do the wrong thing for the
Anne and Jack: (even more emphatic) Definitely! That is absolutely the feeling!
Margaret: Are you also afraid of losing ground after all you have worked
Anne and Jack: (their affirmation reaching a crescendo) YES ! YES !
Jack: I am pathologically over-sensitive to criticism, I fear that people are not going
to be pleased with me. I am afraid that if I do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing
I will undo all the progress I have made so far. It could happen as the result of doing
something by accident.
Anne: I think I am capable of doing good work and of being a loving wife. But I
may never be able to participate fully in society. I may never be able to find
somebody or be able to have a full-time job and support myself. There may be just
this barrier and society will not let me. I worry about that. I don't want to live on
social security the rest of my life.
[It is appropriate to mention here that both Jack and Anne have gone far in
overcoming obstacles raised by their handicap. They each live independently, Jack in
a small house and Anne in a rented apartment. By dint of great determination, Jack
took two years of music composition at the university before training as a piano
technician. Anne obtained a master's degree in library science. Against a background
of autism from early childhood, their accomplishments are impressive.]
Margaret: I am sorry that my questions reminded you of your worries.
What I intended was that you would tell how you deal with such anxieties,
because I am impressed by how well adjusted you both seem on the surface.
Other autistic people might benefit from your insights. For example, do
you have a philosophy for dealing with people who do not understand
Anne: A lot of people ask me, 'What's the matter with your eyes?' [She attributes
her lack of visual control to autism.] I've been very honest and open. It seems to
work. People accept that. But sometimes they say, 'Oh no, you couldn't be because
autistic people don't talk and they're retarded.' Then I explain that I'm high-
functioning. My doctor, Dr Andrew Maltz, says Asperger's syndrome is the same as
high-functioning autism.
Jack: I have problems with people who accuse me of not listening if I don't
understand what they're trying to tell me. Sometimes I say I'm autistic and say
'Please be patient'.
Margaret: I know that tuning takes concentration, and you don't like to
be rushed when you work. Anne, do you have this experience, too?
Anne: I had one temporary job where I didn't know what was expected of me. I
went real slowly and carefully, but it turned out they had wanted me to whip
through it. Nobody explained that, and they were displeased. Generally, I need to to
think things through. That's one reason I don't want to drive a car. You have to
react real fast.
Jack: I certainly identify with you ioo per cent, Anne. I didn't want to learn to
drive, and even after I took driver's education I refused to drive for a long time. I
would rather take the bus, I would rather ride my bike or walk. Butfinallymy boss
Living with Asperger's syndrome 203

said he couldn't drive me to jobs any more, so I bought a car. It was a long slow
process gradually getting used to driving. I was very cautious, planning my routes
ahead. I had to automate my driving skills one by one. The way I handle the
hurry-up pressure on the job is choosing who I work for. I now refuse to do concert
tunings because I know there is a deadline tofinishthe piano. I don't like to have the
artist saying, 'Hurry up! Get that done so I can practise!'
Margaret: Do you have a philosophy for dealing with your reaction to
people who seem disappointed in you or angry with you?
Anne: I think, That person might be upset about something in his or her own life.
Maybe I can gain something from this experience.'
Jack: (after a moment of silence) I am very impressed with Anne's philosophy for
facing people who are disappointed in her. It has always been one of the worst
traumas for me to feel I have displeased somebody. I tend to remember it years
afterwards. It hurts more than I can bear, practically. One thing I do is daydream
about how I can be reconciled with people I have displeased and change their
opinion of me.
Margaret: Do you have a philosophy for dealing with feelings of failure?
Anne: I think, 'Maybe this wasn't meant to happen right now. Maybe this wasn't
meant to work out, but something else will.' I believe strongly in God and often it
works out that if I say, This wasn't meant to be', it does turn out to be for the best. I
believe that there is a good and benevolent force beyond us. If I say, 'I am going to
leave everything up to God' after I have done my best, things seem to work out
Jack: My most profound feelings of failure are as far as music composition is
concerned. My musical compositions have had virtually no impact on the profes-
sional music world. The philosophy I have for dealing with that is like the fox and
sour grapes story. I say, 'If I were successful I might get some very caustic reviews
and I would be crushed because of the way I feel about criticism.' Also, the way to
lose all of your private life is to become famous. You can't reverse that, and I like my
Margaret: Does either of you suffer from loneliness?
Anne: I don't feel as though I have enough friends but I've been feeling a lot better
lately because of all the things I've been doing. I work part-time organising the
library for the Autistic Society. And I do some part-time work with the Developmen-
tal Disability group. Right now I am a volunteer with the Dukakis campaign. There
are some benefits from being alone, too, I can think things through and be more
ready to go out again. I often feel lonely for a man. I would really like to have
somebody but I am glad that I haven't gotten attached yet so I make further progress
and be more acceptable.
Jack: Actually, I don't suffer from loneliness. If I have to relate to people too much I
become nervous and uncomfortable. As I said before, it is important to me to please
people. Once I have pleased people it is not that important that I see them often. I
seem to crave a lot of privacy. I am practically an after-work recluse. Since I am
pathologically sensitive to criticism if I were married, quite frankly, I'd feel sorry for
my wife. All she'd need to do is criticise me and I might have such a fit it would ruin
our marriage. It would be a bad thing for her.
Margaret: Couldn't you learn to control your reaction to criticism?
Jack: No! In fact, so much not that I actually plan my life in such a way that I make
204 Margaret Dewey

sure it doesn't happen. For example, the only customers I accept for my tuning work
are the two 're's', referrals and repeats. I never have trouble with those people.
Margaret: Have you thought about controlling your reactions rather than
trying so hard to control the circumstances?
Jack: Of course, I've been conditioned not to scream when I am criticised, but the
feeling is there inside me just the same. It's like being poisoned.
Margaret: Now, here is a question for both of you. Do you have trouble
letting go of ideas?
Anne: Yep I sometimes drive my mother up the wall by talking too much about
the same subject. I do have fixations.
Jack: Oh, yes, I have quite a number of things I talk about and can't let go of. But
since you've conditioned me not to bore people, I talk to myself incessantly.
Anne: Oh, I talk to myself all the time, too!
Margaret: I have heard of this happening in so many cases that it must
serve some useful purpose for you.
Anne: I think it does. You know, I like the sound of my own voice because it keeps me
from feeling lonely. I think there is also a little fear that if I don't talk a lot I may lose
my voice. I didn't talk until I was almost five, you know. Before I started talking I
noticed a lot of things, and now when I tell my mother she is amazed I remember them.
I remember that the world was really scary and everything was over-stimulating.
Jack: Talking to myself helps me figure out and practise how to express ideas well.
[On other occasions Jack had mentioned many reasons he feels compelled to talk to
himself, though he avoids doing so in public places. Apparently it organises his
thoughts and serves as a memory aid. Like Anne, he enjoys the companionship of his
own voice.]
Margaret: Can you say a few words about your reaction to being called
Anne: The autism diagnosis was like a great big weight being lifted from my chest!
[She celebrates the anniversary of that diagnosis as a special day.]
Jack: Me too! I was relieved to know that it was a real thing and it wasn't just my
fault for not trying hard enough.
Margaret: You had other diagnoses before autism. Why didn't those
explanations work for you?
Anne: People thought I was mainly visually impaired at first. My lenses were
removed when I was a baby because of cataracts. I didn't talk or indicate to people
that I saw things, so they thought I was practically blind. I was started in a blind
class in school. When I started to read instead of learning braille, they realised I
could see. I didn't even need large print. Then they called me hyperactive with
minimal brain dysfunction and tried various things for that. For a while, I thought
my problems were all psychological and I had psychotherapist after psychotherapist.
I won't say some of them didn't help a little bit, but they weren't able to make the
autistic behaviours go away. It was a relief when Dr Maltz identified my problem as
autism, and suggested the behavioural approach.
Jack: First they thought I was retarded, then brain-damaged. I was often accused of
not paying attention or not listening even though I was trying my best. The way I
knew when I did the right thing was when people were pleased, not because it was
clear to me or obvious. [Maybe this is why Jack is so senstive to criticism and eager
to please people.]
Living with Asperger's syndrome 20 5

Anne: I still have to work on my problems caused by autism. I even get new ones.
Recently I've developed obsessive-compulsive behaviours. I go to bed and wonder,
'Did I turn off the stove and slide the dead bolt?' I get so anxious I have to get up and
check again.
Jack: I know what you mean. The same thing happens to me. I always have to make
sure! I am not comfortable until I have checked certain things.
Here we end our discussion. It seems we have come full circle to the topic of
anxiety once again. Autistic people are likely to feel anxious about
safeguarding their achievements after their tremendous effort to attain
independence. Is it all worth it, then? Jack and Anne obviously think so. In
some follow-up conversations they talked eagerly about the things that give
them joy. There are many small daily pleasures as well as weekly events and
special occasions which are anticipated for months.
Jack has always been involved with music for pleasure as well as work,
both creating and listening. As a baby, he walked around beaming with joy
and singing songs long before he could talk. Now he gets excited about
using a sampling keyboard at a recording studio. He says he loves to
orchestrate musical sounds in ways that have never been done before. I
believe his claim that the combinations are unique because he never forgets
a sound-combination. His ability to recognise and identify classical music
seems limitless. It is as if all the music he has ever heard and he is a
prodigious listener has been forever recorded in his mind for instant recall.
Anne seems attracted to people by nature. She enjoys occasions which
give her a chance to mingle with people in small groups. (Large gatherings
can be confusing, she admits.) On a typical Sunday recently she rose early,
joined a friend for a festive breakfast and walked a considerable distance to
the little church she attends. After the formal meetings she remained at
church for a pot-luck dinner. Planning her contribution and seeing it
appreciated was another pleasure of that day.
Both Anne and Jack enjoy watching nature documentaries on television.
Travel films are favourites too. Jack is drawn to documentaries about
science while Anne confesses to favouring those about people. Both have
been avidly following a recent series about the mind. In fact, they were
thrilled because the first program included a segment about a young man
who is autistic. They easily recognised symptoms they share with him,
although his interests are different.
Jack sometimes relaxes at home by playing the organ or piano. He bought
a large used organ which the movers were able to fit into his bedroom by
removing the door frame. A grand piano from his grandmother dominates
the living room. Just as Jack enjoys expressing himself on all sorts of musical
keyboards, Anne finds pleasure exploring ways to use her personal compu-
ter. She is looking forward to adding components from time to time.
When asked what she enjoys doing with free time, to relax, Anne said she
loves to read. She likes to write too, poetry, prose and letters. In fact, she
206 Margaret Dewey

belongs to a correspondence club of single book-lovers. Through this group

she acquired some pen-pals, and mail-time became something to look
forward to. Jack admits that reading is a slow process for him, yet he ranks
reading in bed as one of his pleasures. He has explored many scientific
subjects, enjoying astronomy in particular. He also reads biographies of
composers, finding comfort in the fact that not all of them achieved
recognition early in life or even within their lifetimes.
Anne does volunteer work. Jack sings in a church choir. The list of
activities which enrich their lives goes on and on, as it should. When we
concentrate on the grim task of solving the problems of autistic individuals
it is easy to overlook the importance of pleasure. Yet without joy in living,
all else is pointless.
The autobiographical writings of
three Asperger syndrome adults:
problems of interpretation and
implications for theory

'How far can autistic children go in matters of social adaptation?' This

question formed the title of a paper by Kanner in 1973. ft *s a question still
asked by parents and professionals, and in a sense it is the question we ask
when we look at the writings of the more able autistic or Asperger
syndrome1 individual. Surely the self-expression of writing, and especially
of writing about oneself, must put to the greatest test those social,
imaginative and communicative skills thought to be crucially impaired in
autism? There can be little doubt, then, that those autistic adults who
manage to produce autobiographical works are among the most successful
cases in terms both of their degree of social adjustment and of their
Several questions then arise: just how able are these people, or rather
perhaps just how handicapped? What can we point to in their writings that
deserves the label 'autistic'? And what is it about even the most able patients
that leads us to say autism is a handicap that one does not grow out of?
These writings, then, present a challenge to our theories of autism in so far
as they represent and bring home to us the very real and striking range of
abilities shown within the group of people we call autistic. This range
requires explanation, and a new theory of communication presented by
Sperber and Wilson (1986) may hold the key to understanding the vast
spectrum of autistic communication problems as well as giving us an
insight into the special qualities of the autobiographical works presented
here. This theory will be discussed below, and the claim made that in its

The terms 'Asperger syndrome' and 'able autistic' are used interchangeably throughout this
chapter. While more precise criteria for Asperger syndrome are discussed in other chapters
of this volume, the term is used here to apply to autistic individuals with fluent language and
normal intelligence.

208 Francesca G. E. Happe

light the writings of these able autistic adults have much to tell us about
autism in general and the nature of autistic communication in particular.

An impressionistic account of the writings

Temple Grandin: Emergence labelled autistic (with M.
Scariano) and 'My experiences as an autistic child and
review of selected literature'
Temple Grandin is a highly intelligent and articulate woman in her early
forties. She works as a consultant designing livestock facilities, and has her
own company. She also has a PhD in animal science and has published over
200 articles on her work and studies.
In many ways, the first impression of Temple's book, Emergence labelled
autistic, is one of great normality. It begins with her receiving an invitation
to her old (normal) school's reunion, and then as if in flashback proceeds
chronologically through her life, from 'Early school days' to 'Working
coping surviving'. Some of what she tells us about her childhood is
unusual such as her throwing her hat out of the car window while her
mother was driving, and causing a crash (which she seems to have rather
enjoyed). However, we are more struck by what we do not hear for
example, about her family life and the odd behaviour that she surely must
have shown for her to have been referred to clinicians. In other words, what
Temple tells us in her book is in some ways less informative than how she
tells us and what she leaves unsaid.
An important point to note about this fascinating book is that it was
edited by Margaret Scariano, a children's writer, who rewrote sections of
the book, gave it its flashback format and generally structured it to make it
easier to read. This obviously presents us with problems, casting doubt on
exactly those passages which are most interesting and challenging to our
ideas about autism. For example, there are accounts of friendships and
imaginative games which are surprising, coming from an autistic child.
These stand as a challenge to current theories of autism - which see a social
handicap and the lack of pretence as key features of the disorder - but they
are, sadly, undermined by the presence of a second, non-autistic author. At
one point Temple recalls:
Even in the games at school I tried to be creative. We used to play hide and
seek. In order to confuse the goalkeeper so I could come in and touch 'free',
I'd take off my coat and stuff it with leaves and then put it where the
goalkeeper would see it. When he went to tag the stuffed coat, I'd run to
the goal and win. I always tried to think of new ways of doing things
(p. 40).

This is an extraordinary thing to be told of an autistic child doing, and it is

very hard to know what to make of it. It does not sound a plausible scheme
Autobiographical writings 209

for playground games, but if true it shows a very good understanding of

others' minds. Temple goes on to tell the story of wrecking her teacher's
garden and then feigning sympathy and lying about who had done it to
escape punishment. This shows a sophisticated understanding of how to
manipulate another person's beliefs and emotions. z It is a great shame that
we cannot be sure of the authenticity of these accounts or of the degree of
rewriting by the co-author. It is clear from these instances, and from the
overall difference in tone and pattern of Temple's co-written book, com-
pared with her unedited article, that only the work of the autistic writer
alone can give us a reliable insight into autism.
Temple's article 'My experiences as an autistic child', is all her own work.
It includes a brief account of her childhood, a section on her tactile
experiences, which Temple feels are of central importance in autistic
development, and a description of her own creation the squeeze machine.
This machine is based on the cattle shutes used to hold cattle still during
branding, and was made by Temple to provide firm but controlled pressure,
which she finds soothing and believes is of therapeutic value. She goes on
from her own experiences to a review of research on the physiology and
effects of touch, and work on perceptual and attentional issues in autism.
The following extract gives some idea of the style of her writing:
As a child I wanted to feel the comfort of being held, but then I would
shrink away for fear of losing control and being engulfed when people
hugged me. At the age of 18 I built a squeeze machine. I could barely
tolerate being touched and I would stiffen up, flinch, and jerk away. One
day about twelve years ago, a Siamese cat's reaction to me changed after I
had used the squeeze machine. This cat used to run from me, but after
using the machine I learned to pet the cat more gently and he decided to
stay with me. I had to be comforted myself before I could give comfort to
the cat.
I have found from my own experiences with the squeeze machine that I
almost never feel aggressive after using it. In order to learn to relate to
people better I first had to learn how to receive comfort from the soothing
pressure of the squeeze machine. Twelve years ago I wrote, 'I realise that
unless I can accept the squeeze machine I will never be able to bestow love
on another human being', (Grandin, 1970, unpublished). When handling
cattle, I often touch the animals because it helps me to be gentle with them.
'Touching the cattle is very important. If I never touch or stroke the
animals, it would become easy to shove or kick them around' (Grandin,
1974, unpublished) (p. 151).
Although surprisingly well written, Temple's unghosted work is hard to
follow in places, in ways that are perhaps significant, for example, there are
Interestingly, Temple's account of this incident also shows a lack of understanding of her
reader's probable reaction. She does not temper such candour with excuses or claims of
guilt or regret.
210 Francesca G. E. Happe

changes of topic that do not run smoothly for the reader. An enlightening
example is where she switches abruptly from talking about her squeeze
machine to talking about how to handle cattle, in the passage quoted above.
At this point in the article, the reader does not know the origins of the
squeeze machine, and the topic change is puzzling and hard to follow.
Knowing about this link, on the other hand, makes the change of topic
appear smooth. It is as if she fails to appreciate that her reader does not
share the important background information that she possesses. Similarly,
after many references to the squeeze machine, Temple waits until page 152,
after the passage quoted above, to describe the machine - thus giving
information vital to understanding earlier references only after these
references. On page 167, in the middle of a description of her nervous
episodes, she introduces, with no further explanation: 'After I swam
through the dip vat, the organophosphates greatly reduced the "nerves".'
Again, it is as if she does not realise that the reader does not share her
personal knowledge, or perhaps that, without further explanation, swim-
ming through a dip vat will seem a pretty odd thing to do.
The dip vat episode also raises an interesting point about Temple's ability
to empathise not just in terms of understanding her reader's state of
knowledge, but also in terms of emotion and feeling. Temple's motive for
swimming through the dip vat, which is the vital piece of information for
making her reader understand this strange action, is revealed only in the
reference at the end of the article: 'Grandin, T. 1978. How stressful is
dipping I jumped in to find out. Calf News (November), pp. 646.' This,
in turn, is interesting in two ways. Firstly, it suggests perhaps a lack of
ability to empathise, since she felt it necessary to put herself through the
same experience in order to feel the same feelings. When we empathise with
another person we generally mean that we feel with them, despite the fact
that we are not actually suffering with them. It might also be an inability to
empathise to the normal extent that leads Temple to fail to distinguish what
is unusual in her experience from what is universal. So, for example, she
tells us that 'Even as an adult, I find that it is easier to learn something if I
can actually do it instead of watching' (p. 164) an almost universal
experience, in much the same way as she tells us of her extraordinary early
'fixation on spinning objects, refusing to be touched . . . destructive beha-
viour . . . inability to speak . . . and intense interest in odours' (p. 144).
The second point of interest raised by the dip vat episode, is Temple's
attitude to animals. She quotes animal research data throughout her article,
much more than she quotes experiments with human subjects, and uses this
data without any suggestion that some allowance might have to be made
when reasoning from animal to human subjects. She does not seem to see
the divide which, rightly or wrongly, most people feel the need to construct
between animals and humans. This is evident in her creation of the squeeze
machine, and it is interesting that while Temple is certainly aware that her
Autobiographical writings 211

teachers and family find the machine odd and disturbing, she herself does
not feel this perhaps irrational, but none the less intuitive, unease. The
photographs in her book capture this disregard for the usual barriers we
construct between ourselves and other animals, and it must be in part due to
this disregard that Temple has been so successful in her job designing
livestock facilites in ranches and meat plants.
One explanation for Temple's merging of human and animal data may be
that she ignores or discounts the importance of our affective or emotional
life. Evidence for this comes mainly from a lack of reference to her own
emotional life, the reader's potential emotional reactions or her family
relationships in her account of her childhood. It is also revealed in what she
does say, for example, in discussing the beneficial effects of the presence of
younger 'therapist' monkeys on adult monkeys reared in isolation, she
writes: 'The beneficial effect could possibly be due to a combination of
tactual stimulation and increased motor activity' (p. 150). The social and
affective effects of the presence of the therapist monkeys are not seen to be
important.3 Again in her description of her own anxiety attacks, it seems
that Temple discounts the emotional significance of events in favour of a
more physiological analysis of her reactions: 'An intermittent itch would be
totally insignificant to most adults, but in me it created the same reaction
as being chased by a mugger' (p. 167). Elsewhere she talks about her
'emotions' where most people would feel that stress or anxiety (in some
sense, the physiology of emotion without the affective meaning) better
describes her state: 'The only relapse I have had was during an extremely
emotionally arousing event when some new equipment I designed was being
started up at a meat packing plant' (p. 168). Such examples leave the reader
with the feeling that Temple's emotional life is not like most people's.
This lack of interest in the affective and emotional significance of events is
perhaps most striking where she talks about her view of the fundamental
deficits in autism. She seems throughout to disregard the fact that most
people would feel the social handicap to be the most striking aspect of
autism. Instead she is more interested in the autistic person's differences in
cognitive style, perceptual experiences and underlying nervous system. One
example of this is where she talks about Genie, the girl who was found after
spending her first thirteen years tied to a chair with almost no social contact.
Temple writes: 'Genie . . . had many autistic behaviours. "Genie is an
'appositional' thinker, visually and tactually oriented, better at holistic than
sequential analytic thinking" (Curtiss, 1977)' (p. 149). This seems an odd
thing to say, since Genie was notably not autistic in terms of forming
affectionate relationships with her nurses soon after being rescued a
feature which most people would feel was of more significance in any

Even behaviourists, who make a point of not appealing to mental states, acknowledge the
importance of affect and social factors.
212 Francesca G. E. Happe

comparison with autistic children than features of preferred cognitive style.

We get an important insight into Temple's view of autism in the following
passage: 'Geschwind (1983) states that people with delayed left hemisphere
growth have talents. If autism and dyslexia were prevented maybe the price
would be turning potentially talented individuals into ones with mediocre
talents' (p. 147). Thus she seems to see autism not so much as a handicap
but as an alternative cognitive style - and perhaps, if the social handicap is
taken to be unimportant, this is a fair view. Interestingly, she begins the next
paragraph, 'Research with artificial intelligence may provide some
insights . . .', confirming her lack of interest in the social aspects of the
autistic handicap.
It is important to stress, of course, that Temple's biological bias is one
shared by many respected researchers and is in no sense given here as an
indication of handicap. It is interesting, however, in conjunction with her
evident lack of interest in her own and others' emotions and it should
perhaps serve as a warning to us that these autistic writers may not be
interested in, or capable of writing on those subjects about which we should
most like to hear their views. It is, of course, hard to tell whether a writer is
not describing, say, emotions because she is incapable of doing so. In
Temple's writing there are some indications that she lacks insight into the
world of social relations and feelings, in addition perhaps to a natural lack
of interest (maybe with its roots lying in a lack of comprehension). For
example, at one point she seems to attribute people's reaction to her as due
solely to her odd voice: 'I wish one of the psychologists would have told me
about my speech problem instead of worrying about my id. I was aware that
sometimes people didn't want to talk to me, but I didn't know why'
(Emergence, p. 87). Later on, she feels that clothes might be an important
factor in social acceptance, and reveals her lack of understanding in saying:
'I still had problems with social relationships. Some of the students called
me "Buzzard Woman"! Even when I wore stylish clothes, many of the
students didn't want to talk to me. I couldn't figure out what I was doing
wrong' (p. 108).
Finally, Temple's writing shows two features which we may want to see
as due to her autism. The first is a tendency to keep returning to the same
topic the squeeze machine. She also shows a degree of perseveration across
her various articles. She tends to use precisely the same words and phrases
to express the same point in different contexts: for example, in a recent
article, 'An inside view of autism' (in press), she replicates the passage
quoted in full above practically word for word although almost six years
separate the two pieces of writing. The second feature worth noting is that
she tends to take metaphorical expressions rather literally. So, for example,
in her book she recounts how upon hearing the passage, 'I am the door: by
me if any man enter in, he shall be saved . . .' (John 10:9), she looked for an
actual door through which to pass (p. 80). Again, she uses the phrase 'a pat
Autobiographical writings 2.13

on the back' in the sense of actual physical contact as praise (p. 144). This
literal use of language, as we shall see, may be an important feature of
autistic communication.
Overall, the writing is remarkable and an achievement of which almost
anyone would be proud. There can be no doubt that Temple Grandin is a
capable and intelligent woman and a success story to encourage parents,
teachers and those who themselves receive a diagnosis of autism. Her
success lies, perhaps, in her lack of interest in social matters, and hence her
lack of distress at her relative isolation. It is interesting too, as a last
thought, that she has succeeded in a field which requires some 'empathy' for
farm animals since this is an area in which we are all left guessing and
using scientific facts to infer 'feelings'.

Barry: letters
Barry is a young man who was in his twenties when he wrote these letters.
He lives in the United States and started writing to his correspondent - a
middle-aged woman after visiting her and her autistic son. The correspon-
dence lasted for about a year, when it suddenly stopped as abruptly as it had
begun. Barry wrote sometimes as frequently as three times a month letters
which were often several pages long. These letters are exceptional in being
totally self-motivated and without any external editing. The following is the
first letter Barry wrote to his correspondent, and gives some impression of
the style of the letters:
Dear Mrs Jones,
I'm glad you enjoyed our visit very much. I am eager to write to your son
Tom, but I don't know his home address. Please give me his own home
Also too Yd like for you to send me that old fashioned peanut butter if
you would. That old fashioned peanut butter here is too expensive.
Would you please send me a list of addresses of all the people I met at the
meeting in Flint, Michigan when Christmas comes around, so that I can
write them Christmas cards.
Speaking of girls, I've met two girls, one named Darlene, age 20, the
other Denise, age 17 and getting friendly with them. I began thinking that it
would be better for now that I can have one or two more girlfriends for
three years and find another one or two girlfriends or more for the next
three years and so forth. Lots of guys do that. Here almost all of the girls
are getting married, which are those of my age. They seem to be marrying
very rapidly. When I think about girls of my age I think of the passenger
railroad trains which are going off the tracks here in the USA.
So write soon. My address is included in this letter.
Yours truly, Barry
Barry's letters are quite different from Temple's published works. As one
would expect from the less formal genre, the writing is less polished, less
214 Francesca G. E. Happe

fluent, and the grammar is sometimes awkward. However, all of this might
be expected of someone of similar intellect and education, without autism.
Some aspects of his writing style, on the other hand, seem peculiar in a more
significant way. Here we shall look at a number of these features, including
his idiosyncratic use of language, his flitting between topics, his persevera-
tion, parroting and social naivety about other minds.
One of the most striking aspects of Barry's writings is his use of idiosyncra-
tic terms, which are not explained, and which the reader could not be
expected to understand by normal conventions. For example, in the letter
above, he writes, 'When I think about girls of my age I think of the passenger
railroad trains which are going off the tracks here in the USA'. This rather
opaque comparison appears several times in the letters, with no direct
explanation as to what aspect of the girls reminds him of trains. The only clue
is an aside in a letter over a year later, about passenger trains being cut in
number: 'Now, we hardly have any passenger trains left anymore'. Presum-
ably Barry, who is his twenties, feels that girls of his age are slowly
disappearing as they get engaged and married to other men. Another example
which, interestingly, Barry seems to realise is idiosyncratic, although that
does not lead him to explain why he employs it is his use of the phrase
'student nurses' age group' for those aged seventeen to twenty-one.
This use of idiosyncratic terms is important and revealing. Kanner wrote
about similar cases in 1946, referring to the autistic subjects' 'irrelevant and
metaphorical language'. Kanner showed that apparently nonsensical
phrases could often be traced back to a first occurrence, from which the
child had derived his or her own meaning. He gave the example of J.S., a
three-year-old autistic boy who referred to himself as 'Blum' whenever his
veracity was questioned. This was explained when the boy, who read
fluently, pointed out an advertisement claiming 'Blum tells the Truth!'
Kanner pointed out that this association is just the same as that which we
would recognise in our culture between, say, all lovers and Romeo, except
that it is essentially a private rather than cultural and shared association.
Hence, 'the basic difference consists of the autistic privacy and original
uniqueness of the transfers' (Kanner, 1946). The important point is,
perhaps, that even an autistic writer who is trying to communicate will use
such private 'transfers' without explanation. Thus it seems that, like
Temple, Barry does not recognise what knowledge is shared and what is
personal. In accord with this explanation, he also fails to explain to his
reader the meanings of several train abbreviations which, although conven-
tional, are obscure to non-rail enthusiasts (such as his correspondent). That
his own idiosyncratic terms are based on normal parallels and equivalences
is shown in one letter where he coins and explains a new term: 'Steam
locomotives have been the most expensive and the most painful locomotives
ever to run on any railroad track. For this reason, I shall call steam
locomotives girls.'
Autobiographical writings 215

The lack of awareness of what is private, as opposed to general,

knowledge may also account for the apparently random flitting from subject
to subject in Barry's letters. For example, in the letter quoted in full above,
he starts a new paragraph, 'Speaking of girls . . .', when as far as the reader
is concerned he has simply been talking about the people he met in
Michigan. Another example of an awkward change of subject follows the
passage about calling steam locomotives girls, quoted above: ' . . . I shall
call steam locomotives girls. I got a map of Cleveland for Christmas.' It is an
interesting question whether Barry's association processes are different from
other people's, or whether it is simply a literary convention that most of us
recognise that one does not simply write the first thing that comes into
one's head but tries to lead smoothly from one topic to another. This is
perhaps an instance where having appropriate control letters may help to
shed some light on what is special about the writings of these able autistic
Two aspects of Barry's writing style that seem unusual, and possibly
peculiar to autistic writers, are a tendency to perseverate and the use of what
would appear to be parroted material. The perseveration appears in the
form of repetitive openings, something of a fixation with transport (which is
indulged rather than limited with a view to the reader's interests), and the
same closing remark 'So write soon' at the end of every letter. Parroting
seems probable in view of the style of some passages in the letters, on topics
about which Barry is very likely to have read reports. For example, when
talking about the decline of rail transport, Barry writes: 'Our passenger
train service is dying rapidly . . . we are now the only first class country on
earth without first class passenger train services.' The style of such parroted
material contrasts strongly with the rest of the letters.
We see a degree of social naivety in Barry's letters, as in Temple's writing,
the more noticeable as he, unlike Temple, is very interested in such things as
finding a girl-friend. Indeed, it is when talking about girls that Barry appears
most socially immature and odd, for example, he writes in one letter: 'If the
girl does too much talking . . . I would let her get away with it only if she is
saying just things that interest me.' Elsewhere, talking about the possibility
of a girl he likes getting married, he says, 'my old friends can always get me
another girl'. Barry's ignorance of many social dos and don'ts is obvious in
much of what he writes, and in his open and childlike requests for his reader
to send him peanut butter, cookies and so on. In one letter he talks at length
about how women's hair-styles have changed. He says that he would not go
out with a girl whose old-fashioned hair-style made her look 'even older
than my mother', and goes on to say: 'I would be better to have a girlfriend
with the popular hairdo that makes her at my age only look like a little first
grade kid.' What is fascinating about this comment is that while society
would frown on someone saying they wanted a girl-friend who looked like a
schoolchild, it is certainly true that many fashions play on the attraction to
2i6 Francesca G. E. Happe

men of baby-doll looks in women. Barry's observation and desires are

normal here, he is different only in so far as he says what most people would
be embarrassed to admit or too socially constrained to recognise. Similarly,
he says of a pop singer whose record he has just bought: 'Melanie is a great
singer, but her voice sounds whiny. She sounds like a little kid.' Again, his
observation is perfectly accurate, but he does not recognise the negative
overtones of the description 'whiny' and its contradiction with being a
'great singer'. It may be just this alternative perspective, free from cultural
rules or conventions, that led Asperger (1944) to describe his autistic
patients as unusually 'imaginative' or 'creative'.
Underlying Barry's lack of social awareness is, it seems from his writings,
a more general inability to understand the independence of other minds. For
example, he writes about a girl he likes - 'If something bad happens to
Geraldine such as Geraldine getting married to somebody else . . .' as if he
does not recognise that his misfortune might be another person's happiness,
or that the same event might make one person happy and another person,
with different goals, unhappy. He does write at one point: 'You've said Tom
got hit by a hoodlum when he was living in an urban apartment or motel or
hotel? Well, I can imagine he was glad to move out of there.' This might be
taken to show Barry's understanding of other minds, but it is important to
recognise that Tom's reaction to the attack can be predicted by Barry
referring to his own reactions - and indeed Barry says elsewhere that he too
had problems living in rough neighbourhoods. What would indicate a full
understanding of the independence of others' mental states is a recognition
that someone else might be glad to be hit, say to get sympathy, make
someone feel guilty and so on. A lack of insight into others' minds may also
explain Barry's very simple moral reasoning in a letter where he writes: 'I
am never going to kill anyone since I would hate to die in the electric chair
or get life imprisonment.' This sort of crime and punishment moral
reasoning may be a feature of mental age, but it also shows a lack of insight
into others' feelings and one's own duties and responsibilities. Without a
full and rich knowledge of how others feel in different situations, we would
have little more than a fear of retribution to guide our actions.
Barry's letters, then, give us some insight into the workings of a mind with
limited understanding of the independence of other people's minds in terms
of knowledge states, feelings and desires.

David C. Miedzianik: My autobiography

David differs from the above writers in being English rather than American.
He differs from Temple in that he is unemployed and shows no academic
interests that might make an unemotional stance seem normal. He comes
from a background with few privileges and lives at present with his
grandmother and mother near Rotherham. He was about twenty-eight
Autob iograp h ical writings 217

when he wrote this autobiography. His interests are primarily in the normal
desires of life - getting a job, being liked, finding a girl-friend. This, plus his
enthusiasm for writing, makes him a very open and potentially very
informative subject. In view of all this, it is perhaps surprising that on
reading the autobiography the most striking impression is of a man who is a
little simple, but more importantly, is simply lonely, bored and depressed.
Of course some social gaucheness shows through which in part accounts for
his loneliness, but he shows a degree of social understanding not seen even
in Temple's edited work. The question of parroting cannot, of course, be
ruled out - but if David's remarks are his own they are surprising and
David wrote his autobiography as a sort of personal advertisement, in the
hope that 'someone that can offer me some love and affection will get in
touch' (p. 101). It follows a loose chronological order with diversions on
various topics. It has not been edited except to correct spelling errors, add
commas and split the text into more paragraphs than David himself used.
The following extract is representative of the writing in this autobiography:

I think religion helps some people but it doesn't help others. I think I'm one
of those people that it doesn't help much. I've led a more or less pure life
for so long that I'm sick of it. Mind you [Jane] smokes a lot and I don't
think she minds drinking a bit too. She just turned up at our house last
Sunday; perhaps if she'd have rung up it would have been an idea. She gave
Peter her address and said I can bring Peter up to call on her sometime. I
hope she doesn't go out with Peter. My mother told me that you needn't be
afraid of him. She said girls like lads to look clean. My mother sees that I
look clean. She's just brought me a new pair of shoes and I've put them on
this morning. Sometimes new shoes are murder to wear. I wear the soles
out on my shoes very quickly because I do an awful lot of walking. My
mother seems to always have the washing machine on, it's on again this
morning. I don't think my mother likes anything to go dirty and it's on
most days, the washer. I think it's one of those washers with a programme
so she just puts it on and leaves it. We've had this washer about 2 years. I
think she wore the last washer out by using it too much, no doubt. Odd
times during the winter the pipes on the washer get frozen up and water
spills out of the washer then. This winter was that cold the water wouldn't
run out of the bath one day because it was that cold. The water eventually
went down the pipe; the hot bath water must have melted the ice after an
hour or so being in the pipe (p. 90).

This passage illustrates David's tendency to roam from one subject to

another, as he does throughout the book. However, it is interesting to note
that unlike the two previous writers, David rarely introduces material to the
reader without a proper explanation. For example, when he mentions a
friend called Paul who has been described earlier in the book, he writes:
'Paul who I go and see up Thorpe Hesley, the one I've wrote about earlier on
218 Francesca G. E. Happe

in the story' (p. 76); and both Jane and Peter who are mentioned in the
passage above, have been fully introduced to the reader earlier. Such
consideration for the reader's state of knowledge is not seen in Temple's or
Barry's writing. This is only one example of David's apparently good
understanding of others' minds, or as it has come to be known theory of
mind. A rather different example is where he writes about going into a pub,
with two badges pinned 'on a funny place on my chest, and a fellow in the
pub was very amused and he said "you've got your badges stuck in the
wrong place". I think he thought I was trying to imitate a woman because of
the places I'd stuck those badges' (p. 72). Here David seems to show that he
can appreciate another person's mistaken ideas about his intentions (thus
understanding someone's ideas about his thoughts).
Understanding another person's false belief about a situation or mental
state has been accepted as good evidence in the experimental literature (for
example Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith, 1985) for the possession of a theory
of mind. David clearly passes this test and, indeed, shows an appreciation of
and interest in more subtle social interactions. He writes of his family, for
example: 'My mother doesn't always get on well with my grandmother . . . I
think my mother gets out of her way by going to French classes a l o t . . .
These classes help her take her mind off things' (p. 100). Understanding of
jokes and deception is often thought to be a skill that even able autistic
adults do not master, and Barry's and Temple's (unedited) works seem to
bear this out. David, however, seems to have a grasp of these forms of
communication: 'I also know a group called 3-D fiction,' he writes, 'I think
they've got some of my poems . . . They said they might write some music to
my poems but I think they might be joking' (p. 82). Later on he writes about
trying to impress girls: 'I usually try to kid them I'm doing well as a writer
but they don't fall for that one very easy' (p. 101).
Along with an apparently quite astute understanding of other minds (by
autistic standards), David seems to have some degree of social awareness.
So, for example, he writes about going for a job interview: 'This woman
asked me why I wanted the job. I said to get some money. It was the wrong
answer . . . By the end of the interview I knew I hadn't got the job' (p. 68).
Later in the book he describes going along to a meeting where they started
celebrating someone's birthday: 'That was one reason why I didn't like
stopping, because I didn't know the person whose birthday it was' (p. 83).
Although obviously socially gauche in his attempts to find a girl-friend,
David does have some accurate ideas about what girls do not like, for
example: 'I think I'd get more girls interested in me if I lived on my own, it
seems to put girls off if they know you live with your parents, I think' (p.
85); and later, 'I find it hard to talk to girls, I never seem to know the right
things to say to them. I'm in a bad set-up, so no matter what I say won't
make them take much interest in me . . .' (p. 101). Again, he seems to have
some idea of social dos and don'ts, as, for example, when he writes about
Autobiographical writings 219

Jane in the passage above: 'She just turned up at our house last Sunday;
perhaps if she'd have rung up it would have been an idea' (p. 90).
This last example leads us onto the question of parroting, since it sounds
rather like something his mother might have said about the girl's rudeness.
There is always the possibility that with autistic children and adults, who
often seem to have such excellent rote memory for overheard material, some
expression they use which may seem to show startling social skill is simply
an echoed phrase remembered from a previous and similar context. In
David's work, and in all the writings considered here, it must be borne in
mind that some instances of social insight may simply be copied or taught
expressions. While this seems an unlikely explanation for all David's
insights, there are some instances of obvious parroting in his book which
leave the reader feeling cautious. In many cases he will make a remark and
then add, 'Well, that's what my mother says.' But an example from page 84
makes it clear that not all David's borrowed thoughts are so clearly
accredited: 'I think the thing about the pop music industry is that everything
has to be new . . . I had an old guitar teacher . . . He said the only reason for
a 12-string guitar is that everything has to be new in pop music' It is
interesting, however, that David adds his own (?), contrary opinion 'Mind
you, I think you get a fuller sound with a 12-string.' The possibility of
parroting must, therefore, cause doubt on the significance of apparently
insightful remarks such as 'I read somewhere that certain tablets can destroy
brain cells . . . Mind you, you can't believe everything you read in the
papers'(p. 97).
It would be easy to overstress David's abilities, especially when reading
his book in the context of other writings by autistic individuals after
which one tends to forget what a 'normal' standard of writing is. It is
important not to lose sight of the many odd features of David's writing. It is
clear from what he says that his behaviour has not always been as normal as
it appears to be at the time of writing. He describes his delusions, obsessions
and stereotypes when not on his present medication - and it is certain that if
he had written his autobiography at that time we would get a very different
picture of the degree of David's handicap. He says of himself, 'I think my
mind is clearer taking those Haloperidol tablets. At one time I used to think
I was in tune with the whole world. So if something happened on the news
or something I used to think it was affecting me when I wasn't feeling very
well . . . I also thought we'd got a 3-D TV at our house' (p. 87). This
perhaps sheds some light on what Asperger, in his 1944 paper, referred to as
the autistic child's 'long, fantastic stories, his confabulations . . . ever more
strange and incoherent', it being unlikely that his patients either meant to
deceive or were being overly creative in a make-believe sense.
David also writes about his obsessions at the time: 'I also had to do
certain actions at certain times, I got so mixed up. Like if I didn't have a cup
of coffee at 10am, something terrible would happen' (p. 87). The topic of
220 Francesca G. E. Happe

autistic people's obsessions has been neglected in the research literature,

even though the autistic child's 'obsessive insistence on sameness' (Kanner,
1943) has always been recognised as an important symptom. Baron-Cohen
(1989b) has argued that autistic people cannot be said to have obsessions or
compulsions since they cannot report the diagnostically vital subjective
experiences of distress, ego-dystonia and resistance. Instead, he suggests
that we should refer to autistic people's 'repetitive activities'. For autistic
people as able as our three authors, however, this argument may not hold -
since they do have some, albeit limited, insight into their own feelings and
thought processes. With someone like David, then, there may be something
useful to gain from the application of current theories of obsessive-
compulsive disorder.
Lastly, David describes his stereotypies, saying 'it always fascinates me
watching the gas man mending the stoves. It makes me very excited and I
jump up and down when I see the gas flames burning. I've always jumped up
and down since I've been a kid' (p. 88). This extract is indicative of the
unique and puzzling blend of apparent normality and extreme oddness
which characterises the able autistic person. Some of this oddness is due to a
sort of delay or childishness the acts are odd not in themselves but only in
view of the person's age. For example, David - at the age of twenty-eight -
writes in the passage quoted above, 'My mother . . . said girls like lads to
look clean. My mother sees that I look clean' (p. 90). Later he writes:
'Sometimes when I used to go for runs in the car with my mother when I was
younger I used to wave a lot to the passengers in the cars behind our car; I
think I did this up to the age of 20 or so' (p. 98).
That David is so open about his past oddities, and even hospitalisations,
in a text which he hopes will attract a girl-friend, demonstrates that despite
some social knowledge, he still shows marked social naivety. Like Barry
with his 'whiny' voice, he is not fully in tune with the cultural and social
connotations of words. For example, he says, 'There was a lovely girl called
Amanda . . . She had lovely long mousey coloured hair' (p. 95) evidently
not recognising the negative overtones of the phrase 'mousey coloured'.
David's naivety shows itself again when he talks about making friends:
'I think I will keep writing [to the radio], it's a good way of getting to know
people. I think females like men that can get their names on the radio'
(p. 100). This reveals both David's odd ideas about what it is to 'get to
know' someone and his rather simple and concrete ideas about what women
find attractive.
David's writing also shows the characteristic flitting from subject to
subject seen in the previous writer's works as, for example, in the passage
above where he moves from talking about religion to talking about Jane, to
his shoes, and on to the washing-machine. There is also a tendency to
repetition that may in part be due to this lack of structure. David shows
some perseveration in his sentence openings; for example, one paragraph
Autobiographical writings 221

contains a string of sentences beginning. They also . . . They also . . .

I also . . . I don't g e t . . . I know . . . I don't know . . . I don't think . . .
(p. 98). Perhaps to accommodate his swift changes of topic, David also
often uses the opening, 'Well anyway, to change the subject. . .'. An
explanation for these repetitions and subject changes may be given by his
comment on page 101: Til be repeating myself a lot if I write many more
pages of A4 paper. It's a bit hard for me writing because I have great trouble
sitting down for any length of time.' If Temple and Barry also wrote their
works in short bouts this might explain in part their flitting from subject to
subject, as well as the occasional contradictions.
To conclude, then, David seems from his writing to be in some ways the
'least autistic' of our three authors. This is interesting in view of Temple's
likely superiority in terms of IQ and certainly in terms of academic
achievement, and suggests that, just as autism may occur with little
additional damage and hence normal IQ, so the degree of autistic social
handicap may be independent of the child's intellectual functioning. Of
course there is likely to be a minimum IQ level below which a child is
unlikely to fall within the more able section of the autistic spectrum, in
terms of Wing's (1981) triad of social impairments. Intelligence and social
skills may interact; brighter children are more likely to develop coping
strategies for their social handicap, and more sociable children may benefit
more from their education and hence do better academically. It may be the
case that social awareness and IQ dissociate only within the group of
autistic people with near-normal or superior intelligence. However, in view
of the fact that even quite severely mentally handicapped Down syndrome
children may be sociable in a near-normal way, it does seem to be necessary
to divide the 'able autistic' group into two subsets - those who are able in
terms of IQ, and those who are relatively able socially - with only a limited
degree of overlap between these sets. It may be important to recognise this
distinction within the group we call 'able autistic' in formulating our
definition of Asperger syndrome, as we shall see later.
David speaks out for himself and captures one's impression of his
writings when he says: 'Someone says I should have written about the
moods I have, but I think I have described fairly well why I think a lot that's
happened to me is enough to make anybody moody. Yes, I think anyone
normal would find it hard to lead the kind of existence I have' (p. 103).

Hazards of interpretation
If we hope to draw conclusions about the nature of the autistic handicap
from the writings of the three authors quoted above, we must be aware of a
number of factors that are potentially misleading. Analysis of these writings
is obviously a subjective method of investigation and hence prey to all the
problems of that type of method. Some authors, for example Wolff and
222 Francesca G. E. Happe

Barlow (1978), have tried to avoid these difficulties by simply counting up

the number of words of different types that autistic subjects use in
spontaneous descriptions of, say, their mother. It seems fair to say, however,
that the more sophisticated productions presented here deserve a more
sensitive, and therefore of necessity more subjective, approach.
Problems of both false negative and false positive conclusions arise, due
to the nature of the writers' handicaps; for example, lack of insight and of
interest in social matters may lead to a glossing over of the writer's
handicaps in this area, if he simply chooses not to write about such things as
family relationships, absence of friends or school teasing. On the other
hand, parroting and the help of co-writers may lead us to believe the autistic
writer is more socially adept than is actually the case. Again, their very
naivety may make their writing (unintentionally) misleading as, for
example, when an autistic man calls any girl who has given him the time of
day his girl-friend. One way around some of these problems may be to
analyse style rather than absorb content. In this way, the writings of such
able autistic people may have some advantages over other subjective
methods such as self-rating tests, since they are amenable to an analysis of
how the individual expresses himself, and what he does not express, as well
as giving the person greater freedom to write as he pleases about what he
pleases. The medium of the written word may also have advantages for
some able (verbally advanced) autistic people, who feel more at ease writing
than in a face-to-face interview.
Previous presentations of the writings of able autistic individuals have not
always recognised these problems of possible false negative and false
positive results. A number of researchers have included autobiographical
writings in their case histories of able autistic people, but these have always
been analysed in terms of content alone. So, for example, Volkmar and
Cohen (1985) present 'A first-person account by Tony W.' but aim to gain
from this some idea of the experience of being autistic, taking his account at
face value. Similarly, White and White (1987) quote their autistic son's
description of his experiences in order to find out 'what it was like when he
was young,' and use what he says to support their theory of a malfunc-
tioning of the endogenous opiate system in autism. So little has style - the
way these accounts are written - been considered of importance that most
researchers have simply paraphrased their subject's reminiscences (Bempo-
rad, 1979; DesLauriers, 1978). Abstracting the content from these
accounts, without considering style or possible limitations in the writer's
insight, not only discards valuable data, but must lead to questionable
conclusions. What are we to make for example, of an autistic person's
comment that his mental processes or sensations are radically different from
other people's when he is likely to have severely impaired insight into other
minds? Is it not probable too, that an autistic adult will have peculiarly
unreliable memories from a childhood without self-awareness? While these
Autobiographical writings 22,3

remain open questions, we must be careful in how we use the contents of

autistic autobiographies. Therefore, in this analysis of the writings of three
able autistic adults I have tried to consider both what they say and, more
importantly, how they say it.
A rather different problem with drawing conclusions from the writings is
the question of generalising from such an able group. Obviously, those who
manage such advanced writing are not only among the highest IQ autistic
adults, but also the most verbally skilled. It is possible that we would be
unjustified not only in generalising from these subjects to the lower IQ end
of the autistic spectrum, but also in generalising our findings to those high
IQ autistic adults whose ability lies in the non-verbal domain and who are
relatively disadvantaged in their language abilities. In view of the still open
question of the separate status of Asperger's and Kanner's subject-types,
and bearing in mind our subjects' greater resemblance to Asperger's portrait
of 'autistic psychopathy' it may be unwise to generalise from these
subjects to the entire population of autistic individuals.
These problems mean that the writings of able autistic people must be
viewed with caution if used as evidence for more than an appraisal of that
one individual. One measure that could give us greater confidence in our
analysis of the writings, however, may be the use of appropriate control
works, and it is to this question that we now turn.

Making fair comparisons

It is a significant problem in our analysis of the writings of these able autistic
authors that we lack an appropriate control group. We simply do not know
how a 'normal' person of similar intellect and education would write. Few
of us have the opportunity to read average adults' attempts at autobio-
graphy. We are all too used to reading professional writers, and even works
by unknowns get into print for a reason. What we read is selected for
quality. It would thus be useful to have an unselected sample of normal
adults' and adolescents' writings with which to compare the works dis-
cussed here. Such control works might reveal great differences in choice of
subject matter, or frequency of change of topic, which are hard to spot when
reading the autistic writings in isolation. Obviously, it would be ideal to
look at normal, but rather isolated, subjects' writings to control for some of
the oddities of life-style contingent upon being autistic. Another factor it
might be important to control for is exposure to literature, since it is a
characteristic, even of the "very able group, that autistic people take little
pleasure in reading fiction. As a result they will have absorbed fewer of the
cultural and conventional rules of story-telling.
Finding the right control group for any experiment with autistic subjects
is always tricky. Experiments with autistic children have often used Down
syndrome subjects as controls in whom chronological age and mental age
224 Francesca G. E. Happe

are dissociated, and for some of the less intelligent autistic writers this
comparison may be informative. On the other hand, recent work looking at
Asperger syndrome subjects has taken schizophrenic subjects as controls
(Bowler, 1989). This choice highlights the fact that in the very able group,
some autistic people may not have seen a clinician until adolescence or later
and are therefore not suitably matched with people of subnormal IQ who
have been in special schools and homes all their lives. Unlike autobiogra-
phies of normal amateurs, writings by schizophrenics are relatively plentiful
and accessible in published form. A good anthology of these, which takes
one away from the glossier novels, is Dale Peterson's A mad person's guide
to madness, which contains many first-hand accounts of the experience of
mental illness from 1436 to 1976. A full bibliography of the accounts of
mental patients, from i960 to 1982, is also available (Sommer and
Osmond, 1983). Of the single accounts published, that by Mary Barnes
(Barnes and Berke, 1971) is in some ways a good comparison work for
Temple's book. It is a good match because the women were of similar ages
at the time of writing, and Mary Barnes rightly or wrongly would say
that she had been 'odd' almost from birth: 'Much of me was twisted and
buried, and turned in upon itself, as a tangled skein of wool to which the
end has been lost. . . The big muddle started before I was born. It went on,
getting worse. My mother and I battled with feelings. My father was in it,
then my brother barged in. My two sisters came and the mess got bigger' (p.
An interesting parallel between the two accounts is that both Mary and
Temple have a machine they appeal to for relief from their problems. As we
have seen, for Temple this is her squeeze machine. For Mary it is a box
which her therapists have built down in the cellar: 'We try it, it's beautiful.
A big wooden box. You bend down to go in the opening. There's coloured
lights inside. . . . It's super. Stay in the box and you really go places. I want
to try i t . . . This was my biggest delight, the box. I sat still in there . . . I was
"going somewhere" in the box. It was to give me experiences out of this
world. The lights went on and off. You watched them' (pp. 98, 102).
Compare Temple's description of her machine: 'The squeeze chute I
ultimately built was that secret, coveted cubby hole of childhood dreams.
Sometimes I worried that the squeeze chute would overpower me, and I
would not be able to survive without it. Then I realised that the chute was
just a restrictive device made from scrap plywood. It was a product of my
mind' {Emergence, p. 96).
Striking too is a similar, extreme reaction to tactile stimuli: 'Although I
lay in a stupor for most of the time, I was very aware of what was going on.
Touch seemed to mean everything. By it I moved away or inwardly moved
nearer' (Barnes and Berke, p. 113). Compare this with Temple's description
of her tactile experiences: 'As a child I wanted to feel the comfort of being
held, but then I would shrink away from fear of losing control . . . I could
Autobiographical writings 225

barely tolerate being touched' ('My experiences', p. 151). At other times,

however, Mary is clearly far more disturbed than Temple ever reports
being: 'In my room, sitting on the top of a small bookcase, was a boy, with
longish hair and a big bow at his neck, as worn in the past. My eyes were
shut. It all seemed real, yet not a dream, nor an imagining. When it seemed
so real that there were spiders and insects on the floor, I put out my hand to
prove to myself they were not really there, alive, crawling all around'
(p. 113), and again, 'My body did often seem apart. A leg or arm could be
the other side of the room' (p. 112). Unless Mary is simply conjuring up
masterfully her thought processes and expression at the time, her writing
would seem to show a still very disturbed mind. The bizarreness of her
writing indicates what a useful purpose comparison writings would serve
even if the writings of schizophrenics are not the ideal control works. Such
writings for example, make us aware of peculiarities of expression not seen
in autistic writing, as well as normal topics and subjects not touched on by
our autistic writers.
Lastly, it would be interesting to compare our authors' works with
children's writings. This may reveal which features of the autistic writer's
style are found in normal development and at what ages (which might be
related to other social skills and theory of mind at these ages). It seems quite
likely that the flitting between subjects, repetitions and fixations, as well as
the ignorance of the connotations of certain words seen in Temple's, Barry's
and David's writings may also be seen in young normal children's composi-
tions. Investigating this question may shed some light on the issue of delay
versus deviance in autism.
To conclude, it seems that we must be cautious in our use of these
writings, but as we shall see in the next section where we turn to a new
theory of communication, this material has important implications and
exciting potential if handled correctly.

Relevance theory and the breakdown of communication in autism

Sperber and Wilson's (1986) Relevance theory of cognition and communi-
cation makes explicit the role of the comprehension of intentions in human
communication. This makes Relevance theory a promising framework for a
deeper understanding of the autistic communication handicap.4 It may
allow us a clearer insight into the baffling variation in degree of communica-
tion problems, from the mute autistic child to those able and very verbal
adults whose work is discussed above. In turn, a fuller understanding of the
autistic communication handicap in its mildest (but still characteristic) form

In this section autism and Asperger syndrome are again used interchangeably on the
understanding that the underlying communication handicap is the same in both, although
Asperger syndrome is a mild manifestation of this handicap.
226 Francesca G. E. Happe

- as seen in our authors' works - will have implications for our definitions
of Asperger syndrome, since relatively good language is perhaps the only
unanimously agreed distinguishing feature of this group.
In what follows, the premises and conclusions of Relevance theory are
outlined, with suggestions at each stage as to the possible breakdown of
normal functioning in autism.

1. Cognitive economy: the problem of optimal allocation of central

processing resources
For any device with limited information processing resources, it is impor-
tant that these resources be deployed as efficiently as possible. This leads to
the first major premise of Relevance theory, that our attention automatically
turns to what seems relevant in the environment. 'Relevant' here means
capable of yielding large cognitive effects relative to small cognitive effort.
New but unconnected information is seldom relevant, since it can be
processed only as isolated bits and pieces and has few implications
processed in the unrelated context of past information. New but related
information, on the other hand, may have important contextual effects
when processed in the context of old premises. As Sperber and Wilson say,
'the selection of a particular context is determined by the search for
relevance', and since some contexts are more easily accessed at any one time
than others, and hence are less costly in terms of processing effort, the first
available context that produces sufficient contextual effects to meet the
demands of relevance will be used. Since the effort to access any particular
context depends on the organisation of memory, the importance of this
organisation in the assessment of relevance is clear.

2. To communicate is to claim the hearer's attention

This second premise makes clear the implications of these general cognitive
principles for communication. These two premises together lead to the idea
that communicated information comes with a guarantee of relevance. This
is Sperber and Wilson's Principle of Relevance; that every act of ostensive
communication5 communicates the presumption of its own optimal rele-
vance.6 This guarantee guides the hearer in his choice of processing context
and the speaker in his choice of words so that the first available processing
Ostensive behaviour is behaviour which makes manifest an intention to make something
manifest, for example, showing something to someone. Ostensive-inferential communica-
tion - where the communicator makes manifest to an audience his intention to make
manifest a basic layer of information is a special case of this.
An utterance is optimally relevant if the set of assumptions which the speaker intends to
make manifest to the hearer is relevant enough to make it worth the hearer's while to
process the ostensive stimulus, and if the ostensive stimulus is the most relevant the speaker
could have used to communicate those assumptions.
Autobiographical writings 227

context yielding an adequate range of effects is usually taken as that

intended by the speaker. For example, after a conversation about pet cats
and dogs, the speaker who says 'Henry had a big cat' can be assumed to
mean a large domestic cat if he had meant to communicate that Henry had
a lion or tiger he should have said so - while in a conversation about big
game hunting the most accessible interpretation may be reversed.

In autism?
It is a common observation that autistic people seem to miss what we would
regard as salient in a situation, and pay close attention to what seems to us
irrelevant. This is also reflected in experimental findings, for example,
Rincover and Koegel (1975) found that, in training, autistic children tended
to learn responses to irrelevant details of the teaching situation such as the
teacher's dress and so on, which severely limited the generalisation of learnt
responses. There are at least three possible reasons why autistic children
may fail to turn their attention to what we would regard as relevant. The
first is suggested by Frith (1989), who argues that autistic children do not
process stimuli for meaning, a tendency which is pervasive in normal human
subjects. In her words, 'A good decision [about what to attend to] would be
based on large amounts of pooled information. If coherence at this central
decision-making point is weak, the direction of attention would be quite
haphazard.' Frith suggests that it is the autistic child's inability to take
account of context that both produces excellent block design performance
and leads to their inability to process stimuli for meaning (as demonstrated
in Frith, 1970). As we have seen, it is the processing of information in
context that gives the contextual effects which are weighed against pro-
cessing effort in the estimation of relevance. An individual who cannot
process information as part of a larger context, therefore, would obviously
be peculiar in his calculation of relevance and hence deviant in his
deployment of attention.
On the other hand, just as attention would be oddly focused in a person
unable to derive normal contextual effects, it is also possible that the
autistic child's odd attention springs from peculiarities in the costs of
processing. Throughout Relevance theory it is stressed that the interpre-
tation of ostensive behaviours and utterances is guided by the inability to
tolerate nonsense and irrelevance. For example, it is said to be a character-
istic of powerful ostensive stimuli such as speech signals that they are
'stimuli which both pre-empt the attention . . . and are irrelevant unless
treated as ostensive stimuli'. Thus the inability of humans to treat utter-
ances as if irrelevant leads to a type of disambiguation of speaker's
meaning and, as we shall see, ultimately an appeal to speaker's attitudes
and intentions. But what if the cognitive system did not demand meaning
and did tolerate the speaker's message being interpreted as irrelevant? We
began with the idea that new, unconnected information that could only be
228 Francesca G. E. Happe

processed piecemeal would not be worth processing, since the costs would
outweigh the meagre benefits and so violate the principle of Relevance. But
what if such piecemeal processing was not too costly to be pursued? Is it
possible that in at least some autistic people the same cognitive architec-
ture that allows extraordinarily good rote memory, and even outstanding
'savant' abilities, could lead to an abnormally low level of processing
costs? This idea is, of course, only the other face of Frith's theory of lack
of central coherence leading to an inability to process for meaning. It may
be that such unusual memory ability is a coping mechanism for this
inability to process information in context for meaning. As usual in
development the causal directions are hard to establish without experi-
ment. It may be that the inability to process for meaning is the cause of
compensatory rote memory skills. But it is also possible that someone with
such good rote memory would never be driven to the cognitively economic
measure of processing and storing meaning or gist. The breakdown of the
usual search for relevance due to a peculiarity in either the costs or the
benefits of processing are not incompatible hypotheses. It may, however,
be interesting to investigate the effects of excellent rote memory on
language by looking at communication as a function of 'savant' abilities,
which, after all, also occur in retarded but non-autistic individuals. Cer-
tainly, it seems likely that the normal cost/benefit analysis that underlies
the directing of attention towards what is relevant is deviant or defective in
(many) autistic individuals.
A third and last possible breakdown in the assessment of relevance, and
one that might have more subtle effects on communication than the inability
to calculate normal costs or effects, also derives from the possibility that
autistic people have a peculiar memory organisation. Sperber and Wilson
stress 'the crucial importance of the organisation of encyclopedic memory in
the pursuit of relevance'. It is only due to some assumed universality in
memory organisation, and hence in the accessibility and so cost of retrieving
contexts, that the speaker can estimate the relevance her remark will have
for her listener. If autistic people have radically different memory organisa-
tions, this system will break down, and with it communication. It is likely
that whether due to innately different rote memory abilities, the develop-
ment of superior rote memory to compensate for an inability to process
information in context for meaning or just because of this last inability -
autistic memory will show differences in organisation. Certainly this is a
hypothesis that should be amenable to test. In its turn, this difference in
memory organisation would alter the costs of processing, which, as we have
seen, are a vital component in the usual calculation of relevance and hence
of the normal focus for one's attention. Because of the balance of costs and
benefits underlying relevance, Sperber and Wilson claim that 'At every stage
in disambiguation, reference assignment, and enrichment the hearer should
choose the solution involving the least effort, and should abandon this
Autob iograp hical writings 229

solution only if it fails to yield an interpretation consistent with the principle

of relevance.' But what if those 'paths of least effort' are thoroughly
idiosyncratic? The implications would obviously be tremendous. Of course,
it is as well to bear in mind that whatever we postulate as the deficit
underlying the autistic communication handicap, we must also defend the
normal working of this particular component of the mind in those very
retarded but sociable non-autistic people who communicate relatively
These three possible peculiarities in memory, and hence in processing,
may explain some of the features of the autistic writings discussed above.
For example, it may be that the difficulty the reader has in following these
writers' subject changes is in part due to the different availability of various
contexts to the autistic and the normal person. Communication may break
down with each party getting hold of the wrong end of the stick if the
autistic speaker is intending his utterance to be processed in a context that
the normal hearer does not have easily accessible at the time. It may be that
autistic speakers fail to prime the right interpretation, by the usual
introduction we give to new topics, which generally serves to make the
intended processing context the most easily accessed.

3. Communication versus language

Sperber and Wilson stress an important fact about communication: that
language and communication are very different and logically distinct things.
A language is a grammar-governed representational system and, as such
tends to be a necessary prerequisite for most cognitive activities: 'Any
organism with the ability to draw inferences must have a representational
system where formulas stand in both syntactic and semantic relations to
each other.' While it is not necessary to use a language to communicate, for
example gestures can be used, communicating devices must possess internal
languages. Not only this, but 'in the case of ostensive-inferential communi-
cation, this internal language must be rich enough to represent the
intentions of other organisms, and to allow for complex inferential pro-
cesses' (my emphasis).

In autism?
There is less wrong with autistic language than with its usage. Indeed, in the
works above it is hard to find anything formally wrong, rather the reader is
left with an overall impression of oddness. While it is true that some autistic
people never develop language, it is more striking that even those who do
still fail somehow to communicate fully. At its extreme, this presents as
those cases of hyperlexia where language seems far in advance of communi-
While there is little work that looks directly at the inferential abilities of
230 Francesca G. E. Happe

autistic individuals, it seems clear from the good performance found by

Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith (1986), using mechanical and behavioural
story sequencing tasks, that autistic children can reason and infer (outside
the domain of mental states). It therefore seems that they do possess an
internal language. However, it is doubtful that this language is rich enough
to fulfil Sperber and Wilson's criteria for an internal language able to
support ostensive-inferential communication. If such a language must be
able to represent others' intentions, then it must include what Leslie has
termed metarepresentation.7 His hypothesis, that autistic people have a
system of primary representation but lack the more sophisticated secondary
or metarepresentational ability, then, makes sense of the intuition that
autistic people do possess an internal language, but one too poor perhaps to
allow for full ostensive-inferential communication.

4. Two ways to communicate: coding versus inference

Another important distinction that Sperber and Wilson draw is between the
two possible ways of communicating. First, one can communicate in the
way that Morse code operators do, by a system of encoding and decoding
messages. This seems to be what happens in transforming the speech stream
into the linguistic meaning of the spoken sentence, occurring at a low level
in specialised peripheral modules. But normal communication does not end
there, as is clear from our ready comprehension of irony, metaphor and
figures of speech, as well as cases of ordinary implicature.8 Also clear from
the fact that we can recognise and appreciate these modes of speaking only
in context is the point that what goes on beyond decoding is a central,
unspecialised inferential process.
In autism?
The autistic speaker, then, would seem likely to achieve only the coding
method of communication, since, as we have seen, they seem to be
handicapped at the level of central, global cognitive processes (Frith, 1989).
We would predict, as has indeed been found (Tager-Flusberg, 1981), that
phonology and grammar, which are products of the specialised coding
modules, would be normal in autism. What autistic speakers will lack is just
that which lies beyond coded communication. Here it is significant that it is
exactly those modes of communication that go to prove that we use more
For a full discussion of metarepresentation see Leslie (1987). A metarepresentation is a
representation of a representation, for example, a thought about a thought or a belief about
a desire.
Implicatures are contextual assumptions or implications intended by the speaker but not
explicitly communicated. The following indirect answers are relevant because of implica-
tures following from them - the propositional form of the replies does not directly answer
the question. For example, Q: What do you want to do tonight? A: I have an awful
headache. Or, if you come in with a heavy and hot dish of food, I may simply say 'Put it on
the table.'
Autobiographical writings 231

than coding in normal intercourse (that is, irony, metaphor and less special
cases of indirectness), which seem incomprehensible to even the more able
autistic person (recall Temple and her 'door').

5. Inferential communication and the recognition of intent

The other way to communicate, apart from using codes, is by providing
evidence for an intended inference about your informative intention - that
is, by inferential communication.9 Such inference is thought to fill the gap
left after the decoding process of comprehension. Inferential processes
operate on the output of the specialised decoding modules to derive from
the linguistic meaning of the sentence the speaker's intention in uttering it. A
communicator intentionally engaging in inferential communication pro-
duces an ostensive stimulus with two intentions; first, the informative
intention to inform the hearer of X, and second, the communicative
intention to inform the hearer of his intention to inform him of X. Thus the
communicative intention is itself a second-order informative intention. The
normal process of ostensive-inferential communication relies upon the
capacity to recognise both these intentions. (This is because it is knowing
that X was deliberately and intentionally communicated that allows the
listener to use the guarantee of relevance to disambiguate the speaker's
intention in using the utterance.)

In autism?
Research into the autistic child's theory of mind (Baron-Cohen, Leslie and
Frith, 1985) has found a severe impairment in most autistic subjects' ability
to comprehend another person's false belief. Leslie (1987), in his metare-
presentational conjecture, has shown how representing such mental states,
along with pretence, requires a more advanced form of representation (the
representation of representations). This level of secondary representation or
metarepresentation seems to be lacking in the autistic person's processing of
social situations. Thus most autistic people are handicapped in the under-
standing of others' mental states. For such people, inferential communica-
tion - which requires the recognition of intentions - may be an unattainable
goal. This would leave them, perhaps, with only coded communication,
which may be what underlies the repetitious echolalic or single word
instrumental speech of many less able autistic individuals. Without the
ability to recognise the intention to inform, many autistic people may be
unable to recognise ostensive behaviour, or to distinguish it from non-
ostensive behaviour. This might explain the apparent 'deafness' and delay in
Inferential in the sense that the audience infers the communicator's intentions from evidence
provided for this purpose. For example, in reply to the question 'How are you feeling?' I
may do a cartwheel and three back-flips. There is no code to tell you this means I am pretty
well, but I have made clear my intention to show you just that.
23 2 Francesca G. E. Happe

language learning seen in many autistic children who do not orientate to

speech, but seem to treat it as part of the background noise. Normal
children, by contrast, pay attention to speech sounds as specially salient
stimuli produced with intention towards the hearer.
However, it is a consistent rinding of those experiments that suggest a
deficit in theory of mind underlying the autistic handicap, that around 20
per cent of those autistic children tested do pass first-order false belief tasks
(understanding that someone can have a false belief about the world). While
it is an as yet untested possibility that these subjects are using some heuristic
but do not have a theory of mind, it is likely that at least some autistic
people do develop metarepresentational ability sufficient to comprehend
others' first-order mental states (including intentions). These individuals still
show peculiarities of expression, as we can see from the works quoted
above, and these require explanation.
It may be that some of this able 20 per cent do understand first-order
intentions, but not second-order intentions (Baron-Cohen, 1989a) that is,
intentions about others' mental states rather than about the world. This
would make them capable of recognising the speaker's informative inten-
tion, but not their communicative intention, which, as we have seen, is itself
a second-order intention. This inability would have surprisingly far-
reaching consequences. This is because the guarantee of relevance which our
communication carries and which allows us to take a short-cut in grasping
the speaker's meaning, depends upon our capacity for recognising the
communicative intention. Without this capacity, true ostensive-inferential
communication cannot take place. An autistic person without second-order
metarepresentations, then, will be communicating intentionally, but the
transparency of intentions that normal communicators enjoy, will be gone.
This will leave the able autistic person in very much the same position as the
rest of us find ourselves when we try tofigureout someone's intentions from
their ordinary, non-ostensive behaviour. In such situations we have to
puzzle out intentions from the evidence - the immediate ease of reading
intentions, as in communication, is gone. The able autistic person may have
to do this hard detective work even in understanding communication. This
is not to say that they will not become proficient in working out meanings,
but they will rely heavily on typical schemata and familiar situations in
which the intentions are predictable. Unusual reactions, new figures of
speech and other situations that call for flexible interpretation may leave
them baffled.

6. Recognising intentions allows the same sentence to convey different

There are many situations in which the speaker aiming at optimal relevance
should not give a literal interpretation of her thoughts. This is the case, for
Autobiographical writings 233

example, where pedantry is avoided. If someone asks you how much you
earn, you will in most cases not give the precise figure but a rounded
estimate that is less costly for the hearer to process (in the absence, that is, of
any indication of need for greater precision that would justify the greater
processing costs). Sperber and Wilson claim that there is no discontinuity
between such loose uses and figurative speech. Both occur simply as a result
of the speaker's search for relevance, which leads her to adopt a more or less
literal interpretation of her thought.
It is because in communication we are concerned with the speaker's
intentions, that, as Sperber and Wilson put it, 'the same piece of evidence
can be used, on different occasions, to make manifest different assumptions,
even mutually inconsistent assumptions, as long as it makes manifest the
intention behind the ostention'. The initial message we derive from the
speaker saying 'The weather is lovely', for example, is not <The weather is
lovely> but rather <The speaker is saying that 'The weather is lovely'>.
Thus the speaker's attitude to what she is saying, her intention in saying it,
becomes of vital importance. Why is the speaker saying this? If the weather
is obviously horrible then the search for relevance may lead the hearer to
understand the speaker as being sarcastic. Thus the same surface form may
make manifest different assumptions, according to the different communi-
cative intent underlying its utterance. And, as before, it is the criterion of
consistency with the principle of Relevance that allows us to decide which
assumptions are warranted.
Metaphorical expression then, is just another way of striving for rele-
vance in one's communication. Therefore, 'whatever abilities and pro-
cedures are needed to understand it [metaphorical expression] are indepen-
dently needed for the interpretation of quite ordinary, nonfigurative utter-
ances'. As above, in metaphors the logical form of the utterance is not an
explicature (that is, not part of the intended interpretation). So, as with the
weather example, the explicature the hearer derives from the utterance,
'This room is a pig-sty' is not <This room is a pig-sty>, but rather <The
speaker is saying that 'This room is a pig-sty'>. (Note the similarity
between this form and Leslie's form for metarepresentations, Agent-
informational relation-"expression", for example, I PRETEND "this empty
cup contains water".)

In autism
If, as I have suggested above, even able autistic people are communicating
without the guarantee of relevance (due to an inability to represent
second-order intentions), then communication should be most likely to
break down for them where the speaker's attitude must be taken into
account in modifying the literal meaning of the sentence used. Those autistic
people who lack even first-order theory of mind may be operating with the
propositional form of the utterance as the explicature they derive in
234 Francesca G. E. Happe

communication, that is, they will be doing precisely what we have just said
normal communicators using ostention do not do.
It is widely reported that even the most verbally able autistic people (that
is, people with Asperger syndrome) fail to understand non-literal speech
such as sarcasm, joking and metaphorical expressions. From Sperber and
Wilson's theory it follows that these autistic people must also be handi-
capped in their understanding of literal, non-figurative utterances. This is
likely in view of the common finding that able autistic speakers are
inappropriately pedantic in their communication (for example, Szatmari et
al. (1989) found that 60 per cent of their sample of able autistic adults
showed 'overly formal speech'). Similarly they seem to fail to recognise the
connotations behind words the attitude people have to the words they use
or the intentions behind their choice of word (recall David's 'mousey
coloured hair'). Without the principle of Relevance to guide them the
autistic person may fall back on a literal interpretation of all utterances. So
when someone says 'The weather is lovely' the autistic person derives the
explicature <The weather is lovely>. This may serve well enough to get by
when the speaker is speaking literally, but the autistic person must be
baffled by ironic or figurative usage - and also, perhaps, where the speaker
is simply mistaken, or is lying. A highly intelligent person with autism/
Asperger syndrome, such as Temple, may learn to recognise situations
where people 'do not mean what they say' working on simple rules such
literally false or puzzling speech + smile = joke
literally false or puzzling speech + frown = sarcasm
But without the principle of Relevance to guide them, the transparency of
intentions that allows us to use language in a truly flexible way is not open
to autistic communicators. In the face of the puzzle that our ostensive
communication must pose them, they may have no choice but to adopt a
rigid interpretation a default value of the propositional form of the
utterance in place of our shifting and mercurial intentions.

7. Interpretive and descriptive representations

Sperber and Wilson claim that any representation with a propositional form
(for example, an utterance) can represent things in two ways: 'It can
represent some state of affairs in virtue of its propositional form being true
of that state of affairs; in this case . . . the representation is a description . . .
Or it can represent some other representation which also has a propo-
sitional form - a thought for instance - in virtue of the resemblance between
the two propositional forms . . . here the first representation is an interpre-
tation of the second one' (my emphasis). On a fundamental level, then,
every spontaneous utterance is an interpretive expression of a thought of
Autobiographical writings 23 5


is an


which can be




e.g. Irony, e.g. Exclamatives, e.g. Ordinary e.g. Basic

attributive interrogatives assertions imperatives

Fig. 7.1 The possible interpretive and descriptive relations between the
propositional form of an utterance, the speaker's thought and what that
thought represents (from Sperber and Wilson, 1986)

the speaker. Figure 7.1 adapted from Sperber and Wilson, shows the two
sorts of representative relations at play in various types of speech act, plus
some examples of the types of utterance that might fall into each category.
According to the figure, some types of utterance are interpretive representa-
tions of interpretive representations of states of affairs. It is tempting to
equate Sperber and Wilson's two types of representation with Leslie's
(1987) representation/metarepresentation distinction. This leads to some
interesting predictions. If 'interpretations' are metarepresentations, and
'descriptions' are primary representations, then every utterance is under-
stood as a metarepresentation, since an utterance is 'an interpretive
expression of a thought of the speaker and the hearer makes 'an interpretive
assumption about the speaker's informative intention'. As such, the implica-
tion is that without a theory of mind, autistic communication never works
like normal communication, and perhaps succeeds only by keeping to a
strictly literal expression of the meaning, where the explicature they derive
is simply the propositional form of the utterance. So, in the figure, the
propositional form of the utterance will always be taken as a literal
interpretation of the speaker's thought. In other words this parameter will
236 Francesca G. E. Happe

be fixed in autistic communication, whereas in normal communication this

interpretation can be more or less literal (allowing for loose usage, where
the speaker is not committing herself to all the implicatures of her
Figure 7.1 also leads us to more specific predictions. If interpretation is
metarepresentation, then anything on the right-hand branch of the diagram
requires first-order metarepresentations and anything on the left-hand
branch of the diagram requires second-order metarepresentations (since it
involves interpretations of interpretations of the world). So the prediction
would follow that an autistic person who proves unable to process
second-order metarepresentations (for example, second-order false beliefs),
would also be incapable of using properly or understanding normally such
speech acts as attributive imperatives, irony, interrogatives and exclama-
tives10 since all these lie under the left-hand branch of the diagram. On the
other hand, anyone who has first-order theory of mind should be able to
operate with ordinary assertions and imperatives. These are very specific
predictions and would be worth testing, since they suggest some non-
intuitive communication handicaps that might follow from impairment in
metarepresentational capacity. An encouraging start is the finding by
Winner and Leekam (in press) that in normal children recognition of irony
relies upon the ability to process second-order metarepresentations.

Summing up the possible points of breakdown in autistic relevance

It may seen from what has been said that Relevance theory leads one rather
to over-determine the cause of the autistic communication handicap. I have
suggested three distinct places in the working of relevance in communica-
tion, where autistic people might fail. However, it is plausible that this
gradation of possible deficits may represent a way of understanding the
great variation in the severity of communication handicaps seen within the
autistic continuum.
The possible points for the breakdown of relevance in autism can be
summarised as follows:
(a) Autistic individuals are unable to calculate what is relevant in the
normal way, hence the observation that the focus of their attention
seems peculiar. This failure would probably result from differences
in memory organisation (which might follow from a lack of theory
of mind?). They may fail to calculate relevance as normal speakers
do because:
1. they lack central coherence and cannot process information
in context to derive normal contextual effects-, 2. their different
Note, however, that interrogatives and exclamatives are generally marked grammatically, at
least in English. Where there is an invariant linguistic form to show an intention, one would
expect able autistic people to manage deceptively well.
Autobiographical writings 237

cognitive system leads to a tolerable cost to processing unrelated

and irrelevant information; 3. a radically different memory
organisation means that the most accessible context is idiosyn-
cratic and not that which the speaker intended, even if the
autistic person is attempting to interpret the message in the way
a normal listener would.
(b) Inferential communication requires comprehension of intentions,
so autistic subjects lacking a theory of mind would be barred from
proper use of this mode of communication perhaps leaving them
with coded communication alone.
(c) Using the guarantee of relevance in ostensive-inferential communi-
cation to allow the reading of intentions requires the capacity for
recognising the speaker's communicative intention. So any individ-
ual who has only enough theory of mind to process first-order
intentions but lacks second-order metarepresentations will be
barred from full ostensive-inferential communication. He will be
unable to read the speaker's intention and will be left having to
puzzle out their meaning from situational cues and learnt rules. In
addition, lack of second-order metarepresentations may lead to a
distinct set of impairments involving utterances which are 'interpre-
tations of interpretations' (see figure 7.1).
These possible sites of breakdown are listed in descending order of the
severity of their imagined outcomes, and although they deal explicitly with
understanding, parallel impairments would be expected in production.
Many of the features found in the autobiographical works quoted above are
explicable as due to a lack of theory of mind and failure of normal relevance
principles. For example, the writings of all three subjects were said to be
hard to follow in places, often flitting between topics. This can be
understood, perhaps, as due to a failure of relevance calculation the
autistic person does not go through the process of introducing new topics in
order to make most accessible the intended processing context. This may be
due to idiosyncratic memory associations where the autistic speaker has
accessible at certain moments in the conversation contexts which the
normal listener does not have 'at the forefront of their mind'. At other times
the writings may be hard to follow because the autistic author does not take
account of the reader's lack of knowledge concerning things about which he
himself knows.
Another interesting feature of the writings upon which Relevance theory
sheds some light is our authors' use of metaphor, simile and irony.
According to Relevance theory, similes can be understood at a purely literal
level - saying 'He was like a lion' is no different from saying 'He was like his
father'. In both cases the hearer is set the task of deciding in what respect
there is a similarity. We would therefore predict that even autistic speakers
who lack a theory of mind should be capable of using and understanding
23 8 Francesca G. E. Happe

similes. And indeed we find many examples of simile in the works of our
three autistic writers. For example, Temple writes: 'relations between
people are like a glass sliding door. The door must be opened gently, if it is
kicked it may shatter' ('My experiences', p. 145). Barry too uses similes, for
example, he says about having a new girl-friend: 'I think it wouldn't be wise
behaviour to both spend money on her and practice behaviour with her at
the same time. It's just like you cannot build the roof of a house first then the
foundation later.'
Metaphor, on the other hand, requires some understanding of intentions.
In a metaphor the propositional form of the utterance is a more or less loose
interpretation of the speaker's thought. Therefore metaphors cannot be
fully understood or properly used without a first-order theory of mind -
using a default value of literalness will not work. Not surprisingly, then,
examples of metaphors are much harder to find in the writings. Temple, for
example, seems to have a tendency to take metaphors literally - as in the 'I
am the door' example. Rather like examples of humour, metaphors are
conspicuous by their absence. Barry does use some metaphors, in passages
of the letters which appear to be parroted, but in a strange way: 'I read an
article on the trouble of our transportation. They are finding cures for the
illness of our transportation. Transportation has been getting sick before I
was born, and is getting sicker every year.' Interestingly, Mary Barnes, the
schizophrenic writer quoted above, often uses rich and evocative metaphors
in her book, for example, she writes: 'Slowly I worked free from the past,
from the web . . . A whole lifetime could be spent making, outside oneself,
webs to match how one is inside. To go into madness, to start to come out,
to leave the web, is to fight to get free, to live . . .' (p. 162).
Lastly, irony is more demanding still, requiring as it does an understand-
ing of second-order metarepresentations since it is an interpretation of an
interpretation (an attributed thought). There is not, to my knowledge, a
single example of irony in any of the writings by our autistic authors. Here
again control works would be useful to tell us the usual incidence of irony,
metaphors, similes, exclamatives and so on - and a more direct test of the
comprehension of such forms may circumvent the problems of parroting or
rote learning.
Relevance theory can lead us to make some non-trivial and non-intuitive
predictions about autistic language use and, with theory of mind
explanations of autism, may help us to understand many of the features of
our autistic authors' writings. In addition, Relevance theory may shed light
on other elements of autistic behaviour not explained by a lack of theory of
mind. For example, I have mentioned the poor understanding we have of
obsessive behaviours and interests in Asperger syndrome. One explanation
may be that these behaviours are a consequence of the failure to calculate
relevance normally, and part of the autistic person's odd focus of attention.
Imagine, for example, if the driver of a car paid as much attention to the
Autobiographical writings 239

position of his seat-belt as to what was going on in the road in front of him.
Or if someone placed as much importance on the fact that their lunch was
late as most people would on the very late return of a loved one who is
usually prompt. Such odd focusing of attention would appear obsessional. It
may be, then, that it is not the degree of attention or anxiety, but its odd
focus and subject - the peculiar attachment of importance to apparently
irrelevant things - that makes the autistic person seem obsessive. Much the
same point could be made about the incidence of fixations in autistic people
- it may be the oddness and incompleteness of their interests that earns this
label rather than any great difference in passion between them and the
normal train-spotter. A child who talks about electricity pylons all the time
is more likely to be thought oddly fixated than one who talks about horses
or football teams. Such phenomena as obsessions and fixations may be seen
as in part a result of the breakdown of normal relevance.

Current interest in Asperger syndrome may be seen as a response to the
puzzle which autistic people as able as our three authors present to
researchers in this field. These writers represent the most optimistic answer
to the question 'How far can autistic children go in matters of social
adaptation?' (Kanner, 1973). We asked at the start of this chapter just what
it could be that makes us say these impressively able people are still autistic.
Here we have looked at their writings, which are a testament to their
success, and picked out some elements of style and content that seem to be
characteristic of the autistic handicap. 11 To do this I have applied the most
stringent analysis - judging these writers by normal rather than handi-
capped standards. As can be seen, they come off very well, but I would
suggest that what flaws their writings do show are significant. My sug-
gestion is that even these very able autistic adults show some characteristic
handicap in communication.
Having suggested that there is a communication handicap, Relevance
theory was presented as a framework for understanding this deficit. This
theory helps us to understand the autistic communication handicap by
showing how a theory of mind, and specifically the ability to handle
metarepresentations such as intentions, may be vital to the full ostensive-
inferential communication that we as human beings enjoy. In Sperber and
Wilson's words, 'Communication exploits the well-known ability of
humans to attribute intentions to each other.' Relevance theory, therefore,
allows us to reason from the now well-known work showing a deficit in
autistic subjects' theory of mind (Baron-Cohen, Leslie and Frith, 1986) to
the well-documented autistic communication handicap. It goes further than
I would like to thank Temple Grandin and David Miedzianik for their kind permission to
quote from their writings.
240 Francesca G. E. Happe

this too in relating degree of metarepresentational capacity to degree of

communication ability in a quite specific way. The application of Relevance
theory to autism, therefore, both generates testable predictions about the
nature of the autistic communication handicap and leads to a possible
method of testing Relevance theory itself. Sperber and Wilson have
regretted that 'the view developed in "Relevance" is very speculative and, as
it stands, too general to determine . . . specific experimental tests'. Autistic
communication may serve as a valuable test case for Relevance theory.
Lastly, relating the autistic person's social and communication problems
more directly, via theory of mind and relevance, may have important
implications for our definitions of Asperger syndrome as a diagnostic entity.
Good expressive language is one of the few universally agreed criteria for
saying that an autistic person has Asperger syndrome. If this proves to be
more than a good vocabulary and a fully developed grammar that is, if
these people have better communication than most autistic people it may
be that we can begin to be more specific about what we mean by 'able
autistic' in this context. In other words, it appears from what has been
argued above that communication will be good when, and only when,
theory of mind is relatively good. So the group of able autistic people
defined by good communication may also be those who are able socially.
We may want to distinguish this 'able' group from another 'able' group
whose skills are shown in non-verbal intelligence tests, and who, I would
predict, do not show comparably good social adjustment. The label
Asperger syndrome may be useful, then, to cover those autistic people who
are able in terms of communication and social skills, as opposed to those
who have special skills or simply a high performance IQ. If communication
and social skills co-vary due to a common reliance on social metarepresen-
tational capacity, labelling this group separately on the basis of these
features may have more validity.
As a last thought, it is interesting to note that this analysis sheds new light
on two of the features of development that have been pin-pointed as being
indicators of a good prognosis. Researchers since Kanner have found that
acquisition of communicative language by the age of five years bodes well
for the autistic child's future development. In addition, Kanner (1973)
writes of his most successful autistic patients that 'unlike most other autistic
children, they became uneasily aware of their peculiarities and began to
make a conscious effort to do something about them'. This suggests that
these children, who became relatively high-functioning adults, were distin-
guished by a sense of self-awareness, which can be seen as the emergence of
some degree of theory of mind (since metarepresentations are needed to
think about one's own mental states, just as they are to reflect upon
someone else's thoughts). Good communication and the emergence of
theory of mind, then, appear to be indicators of a good prognosis, and their
co-occurrence may be far from coincidental.
Autobiographical writings 241

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Name index

APA 100,104,111,118,124,146,148, DeMyer et al. 108,119

180 De Sanctis 106,119
Anderson 111, 118 DesLauriers 222,241
Andreasen 157, 180
Aristotle 3 2 Earl 106, 119
Asperger 6, 10, 32, 38, 72, 79, 85, 89, 91, Ekman 6c Friesen 158, 181
96, 98, 105, 118, 122, 126, 146, 153, 180, Finegan & Quarrington 166,181
216, 241 Frith 2, 4, 17, 18, 33, 53, 92, 196, 227,
Barnes &c Berke 224, 225, 241 230, 241
Baron-Cohen 18, 19, 25, 32, 33, 71, 91, Frith & Frith (in press) 13,33
220, 232, 241
Baron-Cohen etal. 18, 19, 33, 218, 230, Geschwind & Galaburda 84, 92
231,239,241 Gillberg 1, 13, 15, 33, $6, 92, 122, 126,
Bartak & Rutter 3, 12, 33 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 150, 165, 170,
Bell 11,33 172, 181
Bemporad 222,241 Gillberg &c Gillberg 2, 33, 102, 119, 122,
Bender 106, 118 123, 145, 146
Bishop 13,33 Gillberg &C Svennerholm 134,146
Blank etal. 107,118 Gillberg et al. 168, 181
Bleuler 5,33,38,91 Goldfarb 106, 119
Bosch 100, 118 Grandin 14, 34, 209, 210, 211, 212, 225,
Bowler 224,241 238,241
Bowman 102,118,126,148,180 Grandin & Scariano 208, 212, 224, 241
Brown 12,33 Green 1,34
Burgoine & Wing 102, 118, 166, 168, 180
Hamburger 73,91
Clarke et al. 170,180 Heinze 91
Cohen, Donnellan et al. 12, 3 3 Hobson 1 1 , 1 9 , 3 4 , 4 6 , 9 2 , 1 5 8 , 1 8 1
Cohen, Paul et al. 3,33 Hobson et al. 158,181
Courchesne 145, 146 Howells & Guirguis 164, 181
Creak 106, 118 Hulse 106, 119
Darwin 11,33 Isaev & Kagan 101,119
Dawson 149, 181
DeLong & Dwyer 1 o 1, 119 Jaensch 90,91
DeMyer 142, 146 Jung 90,91

244 Name index

Kanner 4, 34, 39, 42., 43, 46, 68, 80, 92, 93, Rutter & Schopler 148, 182
94, 96, 104, i n , 119, 122, 146, 207, 214, Rutter etal. 15,35
Kanner & Eisenberg 41, 92, 104, 109, 119 Schneider 91
Kanner etal. 12,21,34 Schopler 101,116,120,122,146
Kay & Kolvin 100, 119 Schopler & Mesibov T , 12,35
Kerbeshian & Burd 165,181 Schreibman 16,35
Kerbeshian et al. 13,34 Schroder 91
Kimura & Archibald 163, 181 Scott 158, 182
Kimura &C Vanderwolf 163,181 Semrud-Clikeman &c Hynd 13,35
Klages 11,34,70,91,92 Seneca 32
Kleist 57,92 Shah 3,35
Kolvin 108, 119 Shah & Frith 162, 182
Kretschmer 13,34,91 Shea &: Mesibov 111,120
Snowling 63,92
Langdell 158,181 Sommer & Osmond 224,242
Leff etal. 172, 181 Sparrow et al. 4,35,107,120
Leslie 18,34,230,231,235,241 Sperber & Wilson 20, 3 5, 207, 225, 226,
Leslie & Frith 18, 19,34 228-30, 232-5, 242
Leslie & Thaiss (in press) 18,34 Szatmari et al. 12, 13, 14, 36, 100, 117,
Lockyer t Rutter 4, 34, 108, 119 120, 142, 146, 178, 182, 234, 242
Losche 2,34 Szurek 106, 120
Lutz 5,34
Tager-Flusberg 154, 182, 230, 242
Mahler 106, 120
Tantam 1, 13, 36, 101, 120, 148, 14979,
Mesibov 147, 181
Mesibov &C Stevens 24, 34
Tantam et al. 157,158,165,168,182
Miedzianik 21621,241
Miles & Capelle 165, 181 VanDijk 154,182
Morton 19,34 Van Krevelen 99, 104, 116, 120, 122, 146,
Nagy & Szatmari 13,34,100,120,122, 168, 182
143, 146 Voeller 167,182
Newson 106, 120 Volkmar 4,36
Newsonetal. 12, 34, 149, 150, 177, T 8 I Volkmar & Cohen 222, 242
Volkmaretal. 101,120,148,182,183
O'Gorman 106, 120
Ozonoff, Pennington et al. (in press) 15,35 Waterhouse et al. 108,116,120
Ozonoff, Rogers et al. (in press) 13, 19,35 Weintraub &C Mesulam 107, 121, 167, 183
White & White 222,242
Perneretal. 18,35
WHO 1,36,104,121,148,170,183
Peterson 224, 241
Wing 1, 5, 21, 36, 97, 103, T08, i n , 117,
Rank 106, 120 121, 122, 126, 140, 145, 146, 148, 150,
Rapin 107, 120 161, 179, 183, 221, 242
Rapin &t Allen 107, 120 Wing & Attwood 5,17,36
Rees & Taylor 3,35 Wing & Gould 17,36,40,92,102,108,
Rifkin et al. 173, 181 121, 148, 149, 179, 183
Rincover & Koegel 227, 241 Wing &c Wing 111,121
Rourke et al. 107,120 Winner & Leekam (in press) 236,242
Rumsey 15,35 Wolff 6c Barlow 13, 36, 99, 100, 121, 158,
Rumsey et al. 12,14,35 183, 2212, 242
Rumsey &c Hamburger 4,15,35 Wolff &c Chick 13, 36, ^9, 100, 116, 121,
Rutter 155, 182 172, 183
Rutter & Hersov 1,35 Wolff & Cull 173,183
Rutter &c Lockyer 4,35 Wurst 4 , 3 6 , 5 3 , 9 2
Subject index

able autistic 12, 88, 207, 221, 240 Bleuler, Egon 6,38
abstract thinking 49, 74 borderline disorders 100,101
adolescents 4,110,147,179, brain,
Anne 24,2016 abnormality 16, 1659
anti-social behaviour 1767 damage 64, 65, 67
anxiety 14,80,211
Asperger, Hans 512, 312, 938, 105, calculating ability 45, 46, $$, 75, 88
122, 192 calendar skills 75,94,109
Asperger's syndrome Camberwell childrens' study 10811
controversy 2, 116-18, 148, 223 camouflage 22,30,31
definition 12,13,1056,114,240 cases
diagnostic criteria amateur actor 13 0-2
Gillbergs' 123 late talker 1034
Wing's 114 lawyer 1247
Tantam's 149 little frog expert 13 2-5
prevalence 2,102,110 little professor 13 79
subcategories 164,240 lonely cyclist 2630
attention, abnormalities of 49, 62, 76, 162, mathematician 135-7
180, 227, 236, 238 one-dress girl 12730
autism, train enthusiast 978
diagnostic criteria clumsiness 11, 14, 49, 55, 141, 142, 162-4
DSM-III 124 cognitive explanation 1621, 22539
DSM-III-R 124 coherence, lack of 4, 220, 2278, 236
Wing's 112-14 collections 812, 159
positive aspects of 32, 50, 74, 8790 communication 22939
subtypes of 2 - 3 , 12, 116 problems 173,22539
autistic/dereistic thinking 38 compensatory learning 213
autistic continuum 5, 19, 3 1, 102, 11117 conduct problems 40, 50, 79
intelligence 623,707 construction test 44
autobiographical writings 20742 contact disturbance 44, 46, 56, 74
awareness of other minds 140, 195, 196, control groups 223
200, 214, 216, 218 conventions, awareness of 18 8-91,199
creativity 70, 216, 219
Barnes, Mary 224-5,238
Barry 21316 DAMP syndrome 102,145
birth injury 50, 64, 166-7 delusions 219

246 Subject index

dementia praecocissima 106 imagination 109, 161, 179

Dennis 152-3 imitation 163
depression 170, 172 implicature 230
developmental abnormalities 1645 impressive of oddness 157
Donald 3 9 , 4 2 , 4 3 , 4 6 , 5 1 , 6 8 improvements 3, 191
dyslexia 63 impulses 43
insistence on sameness 60, 61, 67
eccentric 22, 74, 149 intelligence, intelligence testing 4, 44, 52-4,
echolalia 231 61-4, 76, 134, 168-9, ZZI
education 179, 194 introspection 71,73
EEG 144, 168-9 introversion 32,90
encephalitis 50 irony 238
endocrine disturbances 65 isolation 78,80
Elspeth 1612
emotions Jack 24, 194-5, 201-6
feelings 47,823,1589,147,211 James 160-1
understanding of 19, 46-7 John 162
empathy 164, 176, 210 Jugenbewegung 10
epilepsy 165, 169 Kanner 56, 10, 938, 104
Ernst K 5965 Kanner's syndrome 155
express-scale (Tantam, 1986) 157, 174 clinical features 935
expressive functions, characteristics 37, 46, definition 104-5,114
52, 68-70 relationship to Asperger's
eye contact 42, 46, 68, 164 syndrome 93118,155
face recognition 158 Klages, Ludwig 11, 70, 86
family language 229-30
factors 166, 177-9 development 3, 143
studies 12439 problems 10, 94, 140, 1536
fantastic stories, lies 51, 59, 209 Lazar, Erwin 7, 9, 39
fighting 51,59,193 learning
follow-up studies 11011 automatisation of 49, 63
forensic problems 25,176 disabilities 3 , 5 , 5 6 , 6 4 , 7 6
friends 129,177,215,220 left hemisphere problems 212
Fritz V 3950 letter writing 21316
frontal lobe problems 15 literal understanding 20, 143, 195, 212,
genetic studies, factors 15,84, 143-5 234-5
Genie 211 loneliness 2034
genius 32,74 lies 51, 59, 209
George 41 malicious/mischievous behaviour 24-5, 43,
Graf Bobby 60 58,61,66,77
Grandin, T. 20813 management 196201
mania 170, 172
Hamburger 9
memory 228-9,237
handicap, awareness of 139, 191, 2045,
for digits 44
212, 222
mental retardation 6, 58, 64, 108, 168, 179
Harro L 509
mental states
Heilpadagogik 5, 710, 58
representation of 1820
Hellmuth L 65-7
understanding of 81,196
heredity 84-7, 101-2, 143
mermaid 212
high functioning autism 12, 14, 102
metaphor 212,233-4,237,238
homesickness 11,73,83
metarepresentation 2303, 2358, 240
humour 57, 82, 103
Miedzianik, D. C. 21621
hyper/hypo-sensitivity 14,80
motor skills 141,163
idiosyncratic, 'metaphorical' language 94, MRC study (Tantam, 1986) 149-71
214 multiple impairment 111, 115
Subject index 247

negativistic behaviour 47, 48, 77 SallyAnne test 1819

neologisms 62, 71, 154 schizoid 13,99-100, 116, 156, 173, 174,
neurobiological analysis 143-5 i75
neurological impairments 15, 163, 165 schizophrenia 6, 13, 389, 86, 100, 108,
non-verbal expressions 1011, 1546, 159, 116, 157, 173,224-5
174, 176 schizotypal personality 13, 100, 173
Nottingham study 14950,1778 school attainment tests 5 5-6
semantic abnormalities 154
obsession 14,60,81,219-2.0,2.39 semantic-pragmatic disorder 13, 107
originality 32,56,59,62,702 sex differences 845
ostensive behaviour, sexuality 7980
communication 2267,231 sexual offences 176
parental guilt 178 similarities test 45, 534, 62, 71
parents 22,76,117,178,191 simile 237-8
parroting 215,219 Simon 1756
PE lessons 9 , 4 4 , 5 7 , 6 1 single-mindedness 88-9
pedantry ^8,61 social
peripheral vision 42, 49 adaptation 4, 234, 58, 8890, 1779,
perseveration 215 239
personality disorder 7, 37, 116, 173 conventions 1534
pervasive developmental disorder 100, 105, impairment 17,77-9,115,118,148,
in 164, 179, 180, 191
Peter 175 social interaction 118, 156, 173, 194,
physical appearance 6870 199-201
play 78,208-9 know-how, test of 1847
population studies 10811 naivety 194,215,220
practical skills/chores 39, 57, 61 special interests 14, 23, 45, 72, 75, 889,
pragmatic abnormalities 69,1535 M 1 * 159-62., 239
pretence 17-19,208 speech characteristics 42, 6970
prognosis 99, 178, 240 spitefulness 245, 43, 61, 64, 83, 1923
psychodynamic theories 16 squeeze machine 209, 224
psychosis 1703 stereotypies 14, 40, 43, 47, 64, 140, 220
symbiotic psychosis 106
reading, spelling 49, 55, 56, 63, 66, 75 syntactic abnormalities 1534
relevance theory 20,22539
tactile experiences 80, 209, 224
remedial pedagogy/education 5, 7-10,
teachers 4 7 , 4 8 , 5 7 , 7 6 , 191
46-9, 56-9
repetition 109,220 teasing S7? 59, 61, 79
representations, first and second order 18, theory of mind 1821, 196, 200, 218, 231,
230 232,233,237-40
repulsive acts 24,43 timetable, schedule 58,199
rhythm imitation 44 topic change 210, 215, 220, 237
Richard 1702 Tourette's syndrome 165
right hemisphere problems 13, 107, 167 University Paediatric Clinic, Vienna 79
rituals 66, 93, 104, 199
violence 25, 176, 192-3
Roberts 1512, 160
Virginia 42
Rosalind 159-60
rote memory 46, 228 Zak, Viktorine 89

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