Letter To W. Stephen Muldrow USAFLM Re Natasha Aguilar - Cesar Gamero - May-14-2017
Letter To W. Stephen Muldrow USAFLM Re Natasha Aguilar - Cesar Gamero - May-14-2017
Letter To W. Stephen Muldrow USAFLM Re Natasha Aguilar - Cesar Gamero - May-14-2017
RE: Forged signature of Natasha Aguilar for Dr. Gamero on Schedule II and other drugs
Natasha Aguilar frequently forged the name of Dr. Gamero on my prescriptions for drugs,
including Schedule II Hydrocodon-Acetaminophen 5-325. I know because I stood in front of her
and watched her write the name Cesar Gamero on prescriptions while in the office.
Natasha Aguilar is an unlicensed medical assistant ( 458.3485). Is forging the name of a doctor
on prescriptions by an unlicensed medical assistant a crime? Ms. Aguilar does not meet the
requirements of 458.345. A sample of Dr. Gameros handwriting is enclosed ( 458.339).
Examples of forged and not forged prescriptions are attached to my letter May 8, 2017 to Aimee
Moon, Investigation Specialist II, Re Natasha Aguilar, DOH reference #2017-06351.
x Letter May 8, 2017 to Aimee Moon, Investigation Specialist II, Re Natasha Aguilar, DOH
reference #2017-06351, with examples of forged and not forged prescriptions.
x Handwriting sample for Dr. Gamero provided by PRR from the Fla. Department of Health.
x Fla. Stat. 458.345 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital
employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.
x Fla. Stat. 458.3485 Medical assistant
x Fla. Stat. 458.339 Physicians consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations
x Letter to Crystal Morris, GovAnalystI Florida Health, re Cesar Raul Gamero 201707871
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481
Tel. 352-854-7807
Email: neilgillespie@mfi.net
VIA Email and U.S. Mail First Class May 8, 2017
This is a follow-up to your phone call April 18, 2017 about the nurse services provided by
Natasha Aguilar, who is not a licensed nurse. None of the following medical procedures were
done under the direct supervision of Dr. Gamero. He may have been in the office seeing other
patients, or not in the office at all.
Natasha Aguilar performed drug screening on me because I was prescribed pain medication, see
the report February 27, 2017, bearing her electronic signature AGULAR NATASHA, MA. Is
drug screening by urinalysis considered a nurse function? Also, Natasha Aguilar signed her
name followed by MA indicating she has a masters degree, which I assumed was a masters in
nursing degree. However the MA may actually refer to m.a. medical assistant. Is that right?
Natasha Aguilar gave me injections, my annual flu shot, and perhaps other injections. Is giving
injections of a flu shot considered a nurse function?
Natasha Aguilar frequently forged the name of Dr. Gamero on my prescriptions for drugs. I
know because I stood in front of her and watched her write the name Cesar Gamero on
prescriptions while in the office. Is forging the name of a doctor on prescriptions considered a
nurse function? Or is that just illegal? I scanned many of the prescriptions for years, and have
PDF copies, but not for scripts only sent electronically.
I scan documents and keep detailed records to compensate for disability, so I can recall with the
aid of records memory function damaged by traumatic brain injury and/or other disabilities.
I believe the forgoing shows Dr. Gamero and Natasha violated Fla. Stat. 458.331 Grounds for
disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
Compare and contrast the signature on prescriptions signed in 2008 and 2009, before Natasha
Aguilar worked for Dr. Gamero, and after. The signatures are wildly different, not even close.
Florida Department of Health May 8, 2017
Re: Natasha Aguilar and Dr. Cesar Gamero Page - 2
Scripts signed before Natasha Aguilar was hired:
A sample of Dr. Gameros handwriting ought to be on file with the Department of Health, see
Fla. Stat. 458.339 Physicians consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.
The foregoing is another reason why phone calls are bad. When you called April 18, 2017, I did
not know a nurse/medical assistant could lawfully practice unlicensed; and I was not prepared
to know and apply the Florida nursing standards to an unlicensed nurse/medical assistant.
I was a patient of Dr. Gamero since 2008. I believe Natasha Aguilar may have started working
for Dr. Gamero in January 2013.
For a number of years Dr. Gamero complained to me about the Florida courts, for himself, and
for his cousin Adolpho Cairo in the Miami area. Dr. Gamero complained that a judge talked
down to him during a hearing in his divorce case. (he speaks English poorly, but Florida judges
are notoriously rude to everybody, even English-only speakers like me). So I provided him a
copy of my DOJ complaint alleging rigged judicial elections in Florida. Then I provided him and
his staff (they all use the same email) my petition for president, Case SC16-2031. I also provided
him my letter in 2015 to the Chief Medical Examiner in Hillsborough County about the death of
a litigant in court on a home foreclosure case.
In March 2013 I provided legal research, books and CDs to Natasha about a child custody issue
with her 4 year-old niece, her brothers daughter with an estranged woman who is not his wife, a
drug addict living in Orlando motels, who voluntarily gave child to Natasha. Natasha wanted to
legalize the agreement, and raise her niece and start her in school next year, and legally terminate
the parental rights of woman, and her brother. (Natasha said the woman was a prostitute).
I now recall a snide remark by Natasha about my presidential petition. They likely supported
Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. They may wrongly blame me for a role in her defeat.
Whatever happened, Dr. Gamero falsified my medical record dated February 27, 2017, with a
likely intent to end my disability status and end my Social Security payments. So I believe that
may have happened. Or Gameros conduct is part of a general effort to get people off disability. I
believe that is why he stubbornly refused to provide my lab report showing my poor health.
Regarding Dr. Gameros inability to speak proficient English, Natasha acted as an interpreter
more than once. But Natasha was not in the room during exams and office visits, so there was no
one present to interpret during those critical times in the so-called doctor-patient relationship.
The website for Dr. Gameros Jeunesse Aesthetic Medicine is Spanish language only. He
apparently has no desire to improve his English-speaking skills, communication vital to the so-
called doctor-patient relationship.
The article in the West Marion Messenger June 26, 2013 shows Cesar Gamero wanted to be a
singer, not a doctor, but his parents pushed him into medicine, and he capitulated. Now well into
middle age, I believe he regrets not pursing a singing career. Cesar Gamero does not like sick
people, which may be one reason he started Jeunesse Aesthetic Medicine, with a website
depicting young, healthy, thin, attractive women.
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481
Tel. 352-854-7807
Email: neilgillespie@mfi.net
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Jeunesse Aesthetic Medicine
Jeunesse Aesthetic Medicine
Bioestimulacin con Plaquetas
El plasma rico en plaquetas es, en la actualidad, uno de los tratamientos ms usados para el rejuvenecimiento
facial y corporal tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Tambin se utiliza como tratamiento capilar para reforzar
el folculo y evitar la cada del cabello.
Consiste en usar los factores de crecimiento (protenas) que se obtienen de la propia sangre del paciente para
potenciar, acelerar y estimular la regeneracin de tejidos. Esto permite la produccin, por parte de nuestras
clulas, de nuevo colgeno y elastina. Obtenemos, de esta manera, una atenuacin de las arrugas y un aumento
de grosor y suavidad de la piel.
Este tratamiento se puede realizar a partir de los 35 aos como prevencin del proceso de envejecimiento o a
partir de los 45 aos como tratamiento correctivo y regenerativo.
La mesoterapia es una tcnica mdica no quirrgica muy reconocida en Europa y Sudamrica. Este
procedimiento consiste en la inyeccin de cantidades muy pequeas de medicamentos, vitaminas, minerales y/o
aminocidos en la capa media de la piel.
Esto permite:
Bioestimulacin con Plaquetas
El plasma rico en plaquetas es, en la actualidad, uno de los tratamientos ms usados para el rejuvenecimiento
facial y corporal tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Tambin se utiliza como tratamiento capilar para reforzar
el folculo y evitar la cada del cabello.
Consiste en usar los factores de crecimiento (protenas) que se obtienen de la propia sangre del paciente para
potenciar, acelerar y estimular la regeneracin de tejidos. Esto permite la produccin, por parte de nuestras
clulas, de nuevo colgeno y elastina. Obtenemos, de esta manera, una atenuacin de las arrugas y un aumento
de grosor y suavidad de la piel.
Este tratamiento se puede realizar a partir de los 35 aos como prevencin del proceso de envejecimiento o a
partir de los 45 aos como tratamiento correctivo y regenerativo.
La radiofrecuencia es una de las tecnologas ms avanzadas para el tratamiento de la flaccidez facial y corporal.
Este tratamiento no invasivo genera calor a altas temperaturas en la profundidad de la piel, estimulando as la
produccin de colgeno. Los resultados consiguen:
La mesoterapia es una tcnica mdica no quirrgica muy reconocida en Europa y Sudamrica. Este
procedimiento consiste en la inyeccin de cantidades muy pequeas de medicamentos, vitaminas, minerales y/o
aminocidos en la capa media de la piel.
Esto permite:
La mayora de los pacientes experimenta resultados notables desde la primera sesin. Estos, a su vez, van
mejorando con las sucesivas visitas.
La microdermoabrasin es un procedimiento que consiste en exfoliar la piel, retirando las clulas muertas sin
lesionar las zonas tratadas, dejando una piel ms lisa, suave y rejuvenecida. Los resultados son inmediatos, las
sesiones duran aproximadamente 30 minutos y se deben repetir una vez por semana o cada 15 das.
Tratamiento para:
Pieles fotoenvejecidas
Pigmentaciones superficiales
Secuelas de acn
Lneas finas
Pieles secas/Deshidratadas
El plasma rico en plaquetas es, en la actualidad, uno de los tratamientos ms usados para el rejuvenecimiento
facial y corporal tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Tambin se utiliza como tratamiento capilar para reforzar
el folculo y evitar la cada del cabello.
Consiste en usar los factores de crecimiento (protenas) que se obtienen de la propia sangre del paciente para
potenciar, acelerar y estimular la regeneracin de tejidos. Esto permite la produccin, por parte de nuestras
clulas, de nuevo colgeno y elastina. Obtenemos, de esta manera, una atenuacin de las arrugas y un aumento
de grosor y suavidad de la piel.
Este tratamiento se puede realizar a partir de los 35 aos como prevencin del proceso de envejecimiento o a
partir de los 45 aos como tratamiento correctivo y regenerativo.
Se aprecia un efecto "Lifting" inmediato, pero los verdaderos resultados se obtienen a partir de la segunda
semana, ya que el organismo debe producir nuevo colgeno.
Peeling Qumico
Es una tcnica que consiste en la utilizacin de cidos sobre la piel para renovar sus capas mediante una
exfoliacin que permite mejorar las imperfecciones y uniformar el color de la misma, logrndose una
atenuacin de las arrugas, una piel mas luminosa, hidratada y rejuvenecida. Los resultados mejoran
paulatinamente luego de varias sesiones.
Recomendado para personas con una piel cuidada o jvenes que solo buscan dar luminosidad a su rostro de
forma prolongada. Sus resultados se ven en los primeros das del tratamiento.
Recomendado para atenuar secuelas de acn, manchas o arrugas finas. Este peeling uniforma la piel, reduce la
profundidad de lneas y arrugas, mejora las manchas y minimiza el acn microqustico.
Recomendado para mejorar cicatrices, arrugas profundas, pieles secas y deshidratadas. Se usan cidos ms
potentes que conllevan a perodos de recuperacin ms largos.
La radiofrecuencia es una de las tecnologas ms avanzadas para el tratamiento de la flaccidez facial y corporal.
Este tratamiento no invasivo genera calor a altas temperaturas en la profundidad de la piel, estimulando as la
produccin de colgeno. La duracin de la sesin es aproximadamente de 30-50 minutos dependiendo de la
zona a tratar. Los resultados consiguen:
La mesoterapia es una tcnica mdica no quirrgica muy reconocida en Europa y Sudamrica. Este
procedimiento consiste en la inyeccin de cantidades muy pequeas de medicamentos, vitaminas, minerales y/o
aminocidos en la capa media de la piel.
Esto permite:
Fillers (Rellenos)
Son sustancias que se inyectan en la piel para corregir inesteticismos (cicatrices, arrugas y surcos)
Es una sustancia altamente hidratante, segura y biocompatible que puede ser utilizada en distintas partes del
cuerpo para corregir imperfecciones.
Es un mtodo que utiliza el plasma extrado de la sangre del propio paciente. Este, a travs de un proceso
especial, se gelifica y se inyecta en las zonas que necesitan ser corregidas. El proceso es puramente natural, ya
que no se utiliza ningn tipo de qumico.
Toxina Botulnica
La toxina botulnica elimina arrugas por inmovilizacin temporal del musculo. Se realiza preferentemente en el
tercio superior del rostro para poder tratar las arrugas del entrecejo, las patas de gallo, las lineas frontales y las
nasales. Proporciona un rostro mas relajado, fresco y joven. El tiempo promedio de duracin es de 6 a 8 meses.
Alta Frecuencia
La alta frecuencia es un tipo de corriente elctrica que emplea electrodos de cristal llenos de gas con el objetivo
de generar un aumento de calor en la piel, mayor irrigacin sangunea y, como consecuencia, enriquecimiento
del tejido de oxgeno. Este tratamiento es desinfectante, descongestivo, anti-inflamatorio y estimulante de los
tejidos. Es un procedimiento no invasivo y no requiere de ningn tiempo de recuperacin.
May 10, 2017
Public Records Request. F.S. 119.07(1)(c) All public records requests shall be acknowledged
promptly and in good faith. Access to public records and meetings, Art. I, Sec. 24, Fla. Const.
Provide a handwriting sample for CESAR RAUL GAMERO License No.: ME95007 on file with
the Department of Health, see Fla. Stat. 458.339 Physicians consent; handwriting samples;
mental or physical examinations. Thank you.
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
Tel. 352-854-7807
Email: neilgillespie@mfi.net
Page 1 of 1
Neil Gillespie
To track your request and respond, visit the Public Records Center, then click on "View My Public
Records Requests."
Select Year:
5/14/2017 1:46 PM
issued to the hospital or teaching hospital by which the person is employed or at which the persons services
are used;
(b) The person is identified by a discrete suffix to the identification number issued to such hospital; and
(c) The use of the institutional identification number and individual suffixes conforms to the requirements
of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
(7) Any person willfully violating this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(8) The board shall promulgate rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 as necessary to implement this
History.ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 28, ch. 88-1; s. 25, ch. 89-162; s. 12, ch. 89-374; s. 1,
ch. 91-22; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 83, ch. 92-149; s. 25, ch. 97-264; s. 248, ch. 98-166; s. 39, ch. 2000-318; s. 22, ch. 2001-277; s. 6, ch.
5/14/2017 1:46 PM
Select Year:
5/14/2017 1:56 PM
Select Year:
5/8/2017 2:40 PM
VIA Email and First Class Mail May 12, 2017
I received your letter in the mail dated May 9, 2017, PDF/copy attached. You wrote in part:
We have determined from our review that we can take no further action because the
healthcare provider has not violated any laws or rules regulating this profession.
Florida law requires that all information in this complaint remain confidential.
First, what review did you contact me about? I made several complaints against Respondent
Cesar Raul Gamero. There is nothing in the letter that indicates which complaint you mean.
Second, you failed to cite any Florida law that requires that all information in this complaint
remain confidential. Even so, any such law is likely unconstitutional.
The Supremacy Clause to the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) says the
FIRST AMENDMENT is the supreme law of the land,
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance
thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be
bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary
Crystal Morris, Government Analyst I May 12, 2017
Florida Department of Health Page - 2
Ms. Morris, you are encouraged to consult an attorney who can investigate the particular
circumstances of your situation. I expect a reply to this letter. Until then, I have published this
under The FIRST AMENDMENT to the Constitution of the United States. Thank you.
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, FL 34481
Tel: 352-854-7807
Email: neilgillespie@mfi.net
Kelli T. Wells, MD
Deputy Secretary for Health
Florida Department of Health
Email: Kelli.Wells@flhealth.gov