Kuhnke IA Series Relays
Kuhnke IA Series Relays
Kuhnke IA Series Relays
Made in G
25 1A
Order Code
Order code I A 4 24 V DC
Type of relay I
A Plug-in type for socket or soldered connection A
C For 2.8 mm connector, C
B-extension required for EN-mounting
G For printed circuit G
Contact arrangement
2 C/O 2
4 C/O 4
6 C/O (for DC only) 6
8 C/O (for DC only) 8
Contact material, type of contact
- Hard silver (no code letter) -
F Twin contacts hard silver F
G Twin contacts hard silver gold-plated G
Nominal operation coil voltage (see coil data)
24 V 24 V
Coil current type
DC Direct current DC
AC Alternating current 50 Hz (60 Hz on request) AC
for IA2 and IA4 only
- None (no code letter) -
M Blow-out magnet M
B Quick-action fastening for rail B
EN50022-35 x 7.5
(combination M/B not for IA2/C2)
Contact Data
Contact arrangement 2, 4, 6, 8 C/O
Type of contact Single contact Twin contact
Contact material hard silver AgCdO hard silver hard silver gold-plated
Nominal contact current 6A 4A
Inrush current 20 A 10 A
Nominal contact voltage 400 VAC, 250 V (with 8 C/O)
Max. switching capacity (resistive) 3000 VA, 2000 VA (with 8 C/O) 1200 VA
Min. switching capacity 50 mA / 20 VDC 50 mA / 20 VDC 20 mA / 10 VDC 1 mA / 100 mV
8 6 4 2
(-) (-)
74 84 74 84
8 (C/O) (+) (+)
71 81 71 81
- - -
72 82 72 82
+ +
(-) (-)
54 64 54 64
6 (C/O) (+) (+)
51 61 51 61
- -
52 62 52 62
+ +
(-) (-)
34 44 34 44
4 (C/O) (+) (+)
31 41 31 41
- -
32 42 32 42
+ 8 C/O
(-) (-)
14 24 14 24
(+) (+)
11 21 11 21
2 (C/O) - -
12 22 12 22
+ +
A1 A2 A1 A2
I I ... M IG
General Data
Pull-in-time approx. 15 ms
Drop-out time approx. 10 ms
Bounce time approx. 6 ms
Mechanical service life > 20 x 106 switching cycles DC
> 15 x 106 switching cycles AC
Test voltage
Coil - contact 2500 VAC
(C/O) - (C/O) 2500 VAC
Contact - contact 1000 VAC
Insulation group VDE 0110b/2.79 C250, B380
Ambient temperature -25 C to +60 C DC
-25 C to +40 C AC
Vibration resistance (30 - 100 Hz) >2g
Weight approx. 140 g to 180 g
Operating range DC AC, 50 Hz
Class 1 Class 1
(0.8 - 1.1 UN) (0.8 - 1.1 UN)
after coil excitation
with UN at TU 20 C
Drop-out > 0.05 UN > 0.15 UN
Coil Data
5 5
Service life of contact
106 106
5 5
2 2
105 105
5 5
10 2 5 100 2 5 1000 2 5000 10 2 5 100 2 5 1000 2 5000
Switching capacity in VA Switching capacity in VA
2, 4, 6 C/O 8 C/O
Switching Capability DC
without blow-out magnet
Below limiting characteristic: service life of contacts
1 x 106 switching cycles (90 % operating)
resistive load
6 6
4 4
3 3
Switching current in A
Switching current in A
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.5
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
2, 4, 6 C/O 8 C/O