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A Survey On Reconfigurable Architecture Based On Fpga For Ofdm Transmitter

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Shephali Swami1, prof. V. B.Raskar2

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering,

Imperial College of engineering and research Wagholi, Pune, India.

Abstract- OFDM is a special case of multi-carrier modulations, which is of great use in various
wireless communications, such as DAB, DVB, HDTV, CMMB, TMMB, 802.11a. The OFDM
frame structure is similar to each other.Nowadays, wireless mobile communications have
expanded dramatically all over the world, leading to a need to increase their bandwidth capacity.
One way to increase the capacity of a wireless mobile communication system is to improve the
communication technology. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is considered
the technology for the next-generation broadband wireless systems. Therefore, the main
communication blocks must be designed with high capability in terms of reconfigurability. This
paper presents the architecture and implementation of a reconfigurable Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmitter with such capabilities. This transmitter supports
4/16/64-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) modulation in superimposed training (ST)
and data-dependent superimposed training (DDST). The proposed architecture is capable of
generating frames for the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard and with minimal modifications
can also generate frames for IEEE 802.11a and 802.11g standards. Results have shown a
moderate FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) consumption and good SQNR (signal to
quantization-noise ratio) performance of 50 dB average.
Technical Keyword: OFDM, LTE, FPGA.
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the multi-carrier modulation
(MCM) techniques that transmit signals through multiple carriers. These transporters
(subcarriers) have diverse frequencies and they are orthogonal to each other. Orthogonal
recurrence division multiplexing systems have been connected in both wired and remote
correspondences, for example, the uneven computerized supporter line (ADSL) and the IEEE
802.11 standard. It is outstanding that Chang proposed the first OFDM standards in 1966, and
effectively accomplished a patent in January of 1970. Later on, Saltzberg broke down the OFDM
execution and watched that the crosstalk was the extreme issue in this framework. Albeit each
subcarrier in the foremost OFDM frameworks covered with the area subcarriers, the
orthogonality can at present be protected through the amazed QAM (SQAM) procedure. Be that
as it may, the trouble will rise when a substantial number of subcarriers are required. In some
early OFDM applications, the quantity of subcarriers can be picked up to 34. Such 34 images
will be affixed with excess of a protect time interim to wipe out intersymbol interference (ISI).
Orthogonal recurrence division multiplexing (OFDM) is a strategy for encoding computerized
information on various bearer frequencies. OFDM has formed into a mainstream conspire for
wideband computerized correspondence, utilized as a part of utilizations, for example, advanced
TV and sound telecom, DSL Internet get to, remote systems, control line systems, and 4G
versatile interchanges. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) could be followed
to 1950's yet it had turned out to be exceptionally mainstream at nowadays, permitting high
speeds at remote correspondences. OFDM could be considered either a regulation or
multiplexing procedure; its progressive system relates to the physical and medium get to layer.
An essential OFDM framework comprises of a QAM or PSK modulator/demodulator, a serial to
parallel/parallel to serial converter, and an IFFT/FFT module. The iterative way of the FFT and
its computational request makes OFDM perfect for a devoted engineering outside or parallel to
the principle processor. Utilizing FPGA rather than an ASIC gives likewise adaptability for
reconfiguration, which is a requirement for the Software Defined Radio (SDR) idea. These days,
remote portable interchanges have extended significantly everywhere throughout the world,
prompting to a need to build their data transfer capacity limit. One approach to expand the limit
of a remote versatile correspondence framework is to enhance the correspondence innovation.
Specifically, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is viewed as the innovation
for the cutting edge broadband remote frameworks. In actuality, it has been embraced for some
guidelines, for example, third Generation Partnership Project-Long Term Evolution (3GPP-LTE),
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), Digital Video BroadcastingTerrestrial (DVB-T), Digital
Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H), and IEEE 802.11.
The motivation of this paper is that the Future communication systems such as 5G will require
high interoperability between standards, obligating current designs to contemplate the inclusion
of multiple standards into a single device.
The objectives of this paper are given below:
To increase bandwidth capacity.
To increase the capacity of a wireless mobile communication system is to improve the
communication technology.

In literature, the problem and the previous techniques of reconfigurable architecture is described

Revanna et.al In this paper the scalable radix-2 N-point novel FFT processor architecture based
on a reasonable balance between performance, power, area, flexibility and scalability parameters
was proposed. The versatile FFT processor was outlined, executed utilizing VHDL, simulated
utilizing ModelSim and integrated on an Altera Stratix V FPGA gadget 5SGSMD5K2F40C2.
The FFT processor fulfills the prerequisites as far as speed, control, territory, adaptability and
versatility required by wide scope of numerous remote norms, for example, IEEE 802.11a/g,
IEEE 802.16e, 3GPP-LTE, DAB and DVB. Thus, the FFT processor engineering can be received
in SDR stages supporting indicated different remote guidelines. The proposed engineering beats
the current settled and variable length FFT processors as far as speed, power, region, adaptability
and versatility. In addition, the processor architecture can also be adopted in any other
applications where a reasonable balance between specified design parameters is essential.[1]
Bautista-Contreras et.al [2] in this paper, architecture for a reconfigurable computerized
baseband transmitter under the SDR worldview was displayed. It has the capacity of select on-
the-fly from three diverse plan of preparing: ST, DDST and express; seven distinctive sorts of
balance: 4/16/64 QAM, BPSK, DBPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK and bolster for up to 32 sorts; the
waveform of the beat forming channel; the length of the drive reaction of such channel; the
upsampling component; the recurrence operation of the clock base and the information rate.
Comes about demonstrate that it accomplished couple of assets of the focused on FPGA (< 1% of
the total resources) at a frequency operation adequate its use in practical communication
standards [2]
Zhang, B. et.al [3] It has been presented that the entire outline can fit for OFDM modulators of
various remote wireless standards with different IFFT length, sub-carrier index, cyclic prefix and
guard interval, whose resource consumption is quite low as well. Additionally, executing this
work on FPGA demonstrates that the SDR idea can be acknowledged on current customary
gadgets like Twister IV arrangement. Reducing repetitive work makes the system design more
convenient and efficient.[3]
This work was performed utilizing abnormal state apparatuses like System Generator and
displaying devices as MatLab and Simulink that encourage this undertaking. The outcome
displayed demonstrated that is conceivable to actualize an OFDM modulator for IEEE Std.
802.11a utilizing an accessible gadget like Virtex 2 (utilizing around 10 % of the accessible
assets). These outcomes demonstrate that genuine gadgets could bolster the SDR idea at IF
preparing level even at high number juggling requesting benchmarks or prepare. It is achievable
to decrease more assets utilizing VHDL improving procedures like the work introduced by M.
Canet . However that optimization would require much more time than using a high level tool.[4]

Zhang, B.et.al [5] . It has been introduced that the entire plan can fit for OFDM modulators of
various remote norms with various IFFT length, sub-bearer file, cyclic prefix and protect interim,
whose asset utilization is very low too. Additionally, executing this work on FPGA demonstrates
that the SDR idea can be acknowledged on current common gadgets like Cyclone IV
arrangement. Diminishing redundant work makes the framework plan more helpful and
proficient [5].

Garcia, J. et.al [6] second International Conference on, 2005. It has been introduced the entire
plan, approval and usage of an OFDM modulator consistent with the Std. IEEE 802.11a. This
work was performed utilizing abnormal state instruments like System Generator and
demonstrating devices as MatLab and Simulink that encourage this assignment. The outcome
exhibited demonstrated that is conceivable to actualize an OFDM modulator for IEEE Std.
802.11a utilizing an accessible gadget like Virtex 2 (utilizing around 10 % of the accessible
assets). These outcomes demonstrate that real gadgets could bolster the SDR idea at IF handling
level even at high number-crunching requesting benchmarks or process [6].

Mr. Rahul et.al [7] The primary reason for this project is that, they can move the flag from low
recurrence to the high recurrence and from high recurrence to low recurrence i.e.vice-versa. So
that a same flag can be utilized as a part of two or more recurrence extents. It implies that if one
recurrence range is not accessible then they can move it on another scope of recurrence. It is
been implemented using OFDM model. At the same time they are going to find the Bit Error
Rate (BER) & Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR).[7]

Meghana Shetty et.al [8] an architecture for DS-CDMA/CI transmitter utilizing Cordic
Algorithm. As the framework generator configuration show sets aside more range and
opportunity to play out the operation, it is thusly actualized utilizing the FPGA to lessen the
range furthermore, control. The design utilizes CORDIC Square to create transporter and to keep
away from utilization of complex augmentations the stage counterbalance equal to spreading
code is added to the stage generator yield. Code selector piece adds runtime re-configurability to
the model. At that point these modules are actualized in SPARTAN3 FPGA by utilizing Xilinx
ISE 13.4 and mimicked in modalism 6.3f. The Chip scope master Analyzer is utilized to see the
execution after effects of FPGA.[8]


Fig: System Architecture

The block diagram of the proposed system is given above. The input to the system is the bit
stream. The modulator is used to modulate the streams. The pilot streams are inserted in the
stream. Fourier analysis converts a signal from its original domain (often time or space) to a
representation in the frequency domain the DAC is the digital to analog converter it is used to
convert the digital data into analog data then the streams are broadcasted after the broadcasting
the next step is receiver side the ADC converts the bits into analog bits and the pilot streams are
removed and the streams are demodulated.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been studied by researchers all over
the world, which makes a great difference in modern modulate techniques. It has been presented
that the complete design can fit for OFDM modulators of different wireless standards with
different IFFT length, sub-carrier index, cyclic prefix and guard interval, whose resource
consumption is quite low as well. In this paper, a reconfigurable OFDM transmitter architecture
for 4G-LTE applications was presented. It has the capability of selecting on-the-fly from five
different transmission modes: 1.4, 3, 5, 10, and 20 MHz; three modulations: 4/16/64 QAM,
frame size, OFDM symbols/slot, and the assembly configuration parameters of each OFDM
symbol, such as the number of null carriers, the CP size, the pilot inclusion, etc. The proposed
architecture outperforms the existing fixed and variable length FFT processors in terms of speed,
power, area, flexibility and scalability. In addition, the processor architecture can also be adopted
in any other applications where a reasonable balance between specified design parameters is
[1] Revanna, D. and Anjum, O. and Cucchi, M. and Airoldi, R. and Nurmi, J. A scalable FFT
processor architecture for OFDM based communication systems. Embedded Computer Systems:
Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS XIII), 2013 International Conference on,

[2] Bautista-Contreras, B. and Parra-Michel, R. and Carrasco-Alvarez, R. and Romero-Aguirre,

E. A SDR architecture based on FPGA for multistandard transmitter. Global Conference on
Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2013 IEEE, 2013.

[3] Zhang, B. and Guo, X. A Novel Reconfigurable Architecture for Generic OFDM Modulator
Based on FPGA. In Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2014 16th International
Conference on, pages 851-854. IEEE, 2014.

[4] Garcia, J. And Cumplido, R. On The Design Of An Fpga-Based Ofdm Modulator For Ieee
802.11a. Electrical And Electronics Engineering, 2005 2nd International Conference On, 2005.

[5] Zhang, B. What's More, Guo, X. A Novel Reconfigurable Architecture For Generic Ofdm
Modulator Based On Fpga. In Advanced Communication Technology (Icact), 2014 Sixteenth
International Conference On, Pages 851-854. Ieee, 2014.

[6] Garcia, J. What's More, Cumplido, R. On The Outline Of A Fpga-Based Ofdm Modulator
For Ieee 802.11a. Electrical And Electronics Engineering, 2005 Second International Conference
On, 2005

[7] Mr. Rahul S. Bilwane ; Prof. Amit G. Fulsunge Literature Review On Design Of Ofdm
Model International Journal Of Research Available At
Http://Internationaljournalofresearch.Org/ P-Issn: 2348-6848 E-Issn: 2348-795x Volume 02 Issue
03 April 2015 Available Online: Http://Internationaljournalofresearch.Org/ P A G E | 348 - 351

[8] Meghana Shetty , Yuvraj , Praveen , Raghavengra Rao A Novel Architecture For A
Dscdma-Ci Transmitter Using Cordic And Its Fpga Implementation International Journal Of
Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering And
National Conference On Advanced Innovation In Engineering And Technology Vol. 3, Special
Issue 1, April 2015 Doi 10.17148/Ijireeice

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