Energy Audit of Commercial Building Paper Publish
Energy Audit of Commercial Building Paper Publish
Energy Audit of Commercial Building Paper Publish
objectives of energy auditing should be fulfilled The bill amount is seen maximum in the month of April
whatever methodology adopted should be known to the and May and lowest in the month of October, November
external energy auditor before hand, so that the energy and December. Due to various practical exams the
auditor remains aware about the activities, He is energy consumption in the month of April and May is
supposed to do during the auditing phase. This can be more. Various motors and computers running the energy
discussed during pre bid discussion. Some of the steps consumption is more. In these months the city of PUNE
for finalizing the methodology for Preparation of single experiences the hottest period of the year and hence the
line diagram of electrical system. Average load on usage of Fans, Water cooler, Air conditioners etc, due to
transformers and on various other feeders are required this the energy consumption in these months are more
to be mentioned. Collection of energy audit is mentioned than any other month in the whole year.Proper use of
below; Predefine data related with energy consumption. fan should be done so as to reduce the unnecessary load
Study of annual energy bill and energy consumption and to switch of the Fans where nobody is present Also
patterns. Preparation of pie chart, graph etc. of the use proper Energy efficient Air conditioners and Water
energy consumption pattern. Identification of energy coolers so as to reduce the energy consumption in the
consumption per unit of product and also cost of energy given period of time.
per unit of product. Identification of cost of energy in
total cost of product. These are all baseline data, which VI. KVAH
are neglected during the detailed analysis of energy
consumption. A scheduled for taking measurements of
site is to be prepared in consultation with the engineer- KVAH
in-charge, so that plant personnel could be spared and 80000
deputed along with the auditing team. It should also be
indicated that the suggested energy saving scheme is 60000
new one or retrofitting in the existing system is required.
Further, it should be prioritized by short, medium and KVAH
long-term measure. Training program for general 20000
awareness may also be kept in the scope of energy
auditor however, this requirement is optional. The
energy auditor may also study the existing energy JAN MAR MAY JUL SEP NOV JAN
monitoring and reporting scheme and if any
improvement is required, it may be suggested along with Fig 2 -UNITS UTILISED
the cost benefit analysis. Many times, harmonics study
In the conventional method of electricity metering, the
and thermography of the equipment are also kept as
active energy (KWh) is measured. And the tariff is fixed
part of energy audit program. Sometimes, involvement of
by most of the utility (duly authorized by the regulatory
energy auditor in implementation of energy saving
authority) for active energy consumed. When the
scheme is also kept as part of energy saving scheme is
reactive power factor of the load falls below unity or
also kept as part of energy audit.
below specified value, the apparent energy (KVAh)
delivered to the load increases for the same active
energy (KWh) delivered. This means the supplier has to
800000 maintain an additional installed capacity due to poor
power factor of the load maintained by the consumer. It
indicates that the total energy consumption by the
college is same throughout the year, and there is a same
amount the total Active and Reactive power that has
400000 (IN RUPEE) been consumed by the college every month.The use of
300000 proper Energy efficient Fans and other motors that are
200000 used throughout the years such as Water pumps for
100000 boring and to pump the water to the tanks and other fire
0 fighting pipes installed all over the college.
total saving.