Winter-Spring 2006 Botanical Garden University of California Berkeley Newsletter
Winter-Spring 2006 Botanical Garden University of California Berkeley Newsletter
Winter-Spring 2006 Botanical Garden University of California Berkeley Newsletter
Vol. 31, Numbers 1 & 2 Published by the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BOTANICAL GARDEN at Berkeley Winter/Spring 2006
Photos by J. Williams
problems were unavoidable, and adjustments became com- ment can be controlled remotely, without having to manual-
monplace. For example, unanticipated utilities—gas and ly open and close large gates.
electrical—were frequently located during excavation, and The goal of the design was to have a distinctive entrance
excessive ground water required major modifications to that would make a bold statement while fitting into the gen-
facilitate drainage. eral motif of the natural canyon. This new entrance portal
was positioned further back from the roadway to create room
Process and components
for vehicular pull-off as well as a space in which to congregate
The process comprised two major components: the hard-
in front of the Garden. The gate was flanked by a wooden
scape and planting. The hardscape consisted of the entrance
fence that incorporated a façade to conceal the old kiosk and
portal, the internal plaza and finally, the rockwork that sup-
visitor window; we learned that any major change to the
ported the planting. The portal was defined by a pair of
kiosk itself would trigger serious issues regarding the use of
imposing columns topped with a hand crafted redwood trel-
temporary buildings, in addition to escalating costs. A new,
lis that formed a distinctive visitor entrance while an electric
larger, visitor window improved access to the kiosk and the
gate and driveway was designed for vehicular traffic, the first
inner side of the building was remodeled to include a proper
time that these two disparate functions were separated. The
roof and dormer windows.
electric vehicle gate is noteworthy from both a safety and
The internal plaza was designed to be welcoming and
functional standpoint: for the first time, vehicular move-
Winter/Spring 2006 3
functional. The goal was to have visitors enter immediately Nathan Smith in Pacific Horticulture (January/February,
into a spectacular garden setting. It was also important to March 2006). This phase began with a major amendment of
assure accessibility to all, including those with mobility the soil—our endearing clay mixed with asphalt was replaced
restrictions; the old entrance was badly sloped and irregular. with up to 18 inches of a prepared planting mix—and the
By combining regular concrete with pervious concrete, we placement of rockwork. American Soil Products made much
produced two durable but decorative levels connected by a
large staircase in addition to ramp access to the Garden. The
pervious concrete, a gift of the Northern California Concrete
Alliance, also adds a new dimension of functionality in facili-
tating water removal during watering or rain—water instant-
ly percolates through the surface. A large boulder embedded
in the lower plaza—donated by American Soil Products—
has already proven a valuable spot for children to play or
adults to sit, or even to pontificate.
There is no question but that the planting of the entrance
Photo by P. Suchecki
was the most important element for its success. For full
details on this process, I recommend the recent article by
We were fortunate
to have a warm sunny
afternoon and much
good cheer. Commem-
orative coffee mugs
mark the event. It was
particularly fitting that
Robert Riddell, a past
chair of the Friends of
the Garden, cut the
ribbon since he had
devoted considerable
energy toward one of
the first major attempts
to address the entrance
Photo by P. Suchecki
The new Entrance
has now become the
springboard and focal
September 2005 dedication ceremony
point for another set of
initiatives to expand
estimated weight of 5.5 tons, proved a major undertaking.
the Garden experience. For example, the Garden Shop and
To complete the waterwise goal, we installed a state of the
Plant Deck were spruced up, a new concrete path was
art irrigation system, with a controller based on evapo-tran-
installed to the upper restrooms and these restrooms have
spiration principles, donated by ET Water Systems. It is
been renovated to include hot water and new flooring. Most
designed to utilize meteorological conditions, including
importantly, the entrance provided an impetus for an ambi-
wind, sun, temperature, and humidity (these data are avail-
tious program to provide interpretive signage for the Garden.
able on our website under “visitor information”), combined
This effort began with the creation of the Arid House exhibit
with information on soil type and slope to maintain the
and recently with the construction of a new carnivorous plant
desired level of soil moisture. The planting beds were then
and orchid display in the small greenhouse (previously Fern
covered with a mulch of gold granite, donated by Granite
& Carnivorous Plants House) near the entrance. We are in
Construction Co., Ltd of Watsonville, to improve appearance
the process of producing extensive new signage to form an
and reduce moisture loss.
“interpretive corridor” as visitors enter, and these will be pro-
Dedication gressively extended throughout the Garden.
The construction and planting were completed in large There is no substitute for seeing and experiencing our
part by early summer 2005, and a dedication ceremony in new Garden entrance in real life!! Please visit often and bring
September commemorated the event. your friends.
NEW email R E G I S T RY
If you would like to receive e-mail notices of our special plant sales and programs, visit our web-site
( and add your name to our e-mail registry.
Winter/Spring 2006 5
Photo by J. Williams
alumroot (Heuchera micrantha), western columbine
(Aquilegia formosa), golden currant (Ribes aureum var.
aureum), western spicebush (Calycanthus occidentalis) and
several cultivars of California-fuchsia (Epilobium califor- Isoplexis canariensis
nicum). The sale will include hard-to-find orange-flowered
passion vine (Passiflora parritae) and a spectacular assortment You can also select from several unusual grasses, grass-like
of flowering Chilean bellflowers (Lapageria rosea) including plants (Luzula sylvatica var. marginata), and restios, including
the cultivars White Cloud and Mission Restio tetraphyllus. We will also feature
Lace. We will offer a selection of potted numerous choice cacti and succulents
bulbs, including Scilla natalensis, from the Garden’s collections, including
Stenomesson (in several colors) and some the succulent Operculicarya decaryi, as
California natives. You can also select well as Adenium somalense and an
from rare trees and shrubs from the expanded offering of larger cacti.
Garden’s collections such as Camellia We will continue to offer a wide range
pitardii var. yunnanica, Cupressus duclouxi- of carnivorous plants, salvias, orchids and
ana, Monnina xalapensis and the rarely an expanding range of hardy ferns.
available Sonchus ortunoi. The Member’s Sale will include
This year’s sale will feature an refreshments of food and wine; there will
Photos by C. Rendon
I write this in the midst of a rainy season
that has brought both problems and
delights. To quote a famous bad phrase “It
this has created a timely haven to escape the
intermittent downpours. Moreover, the expe-
rience gained in producing these materials
was a dark and stormy night”. The worst should serve us well for our goal of expanding
problems occurred during the heavy deluge the interpretive signage throughout the
on December 31st when a mudslide above Garden. In this regard, I am pleased to
the Garden resulted in the damming of report awards from the Stanley Smith
Strawberry Creek where it passes under the Horticultural Trust and the Elvenia J.
main road above the beautiful Japanese pool. Slosson Endowment Fund that will fund the
The creek jumped its banks and traveled creation of what we are calling an “interpre-
many yards down the road before diverting tive corridor”, starting with the new
down the steep slope into the Japanese Pool. The torrential entrance. I hope this project will be the beginning of an
flow that greeted us in the morning was a bit awesome and ongoing process to share more of our secrets with the public.
frightening and several hours of Another exciting addition to
labor by three dedicated staff the Garden is our new
(Anthony Garza, Judith Finn and Carnivorous Plant and Orchid
Jerry Parsons) were required to Display. The original carnivo-
clear the creek and restore normal Seasonal storms bring new bloom rous plant display was built in
flow. In the interim, a large swath and an exciting new display is 1977. After a break-in and loss
of the hill above the pool was of some plants in its first year,
washed out, filling the pool with installed with member support. the doors were replaced with
mud. Major efforts were required plexiglass, which was soon
to clear and restore it. Unfortunately, we did not have con- scratched and uncleanable. This made the old cage 29 years
tingency funds for such major events and so had to divert old—a miracle in deferred maintenance. Judith Finn
funds from other planned projects. informs me that efforts to replace the old structure have
Fortunately the rainy season also brought a number of been ongoing for 15 years. The new glass display was
delights. With regard to the Garden, the rains and relatively
warm winter have encouraged a flush of new growth and
blooms, especially striking in the native California Area and
in the rhodendrons of the Asian Area. In the last Newsletter
I mentioned the new Arid House signage and exhibit, and
Photo by J. Williams
LEFT: The overflowing Strawberry Creek escaped its normal confines and
created a new waterfall into the Japanese Pool. ABOVE: New interpretive
signs, funded by LaVerne (seen here) & Douglas Leach, now lead visitors
Photo by P. Licht
In support of The Fern Collection
Norris E. Gaddis, family and friends
In honor of Iris Gaddis, Garden volunteer, and her
love of ferns
In Support of Interpretive Signage for the Orchid,
Fern and Carnivorous Plant Collection
East Bay Garden Club
The Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
In Support of The Orchid and Carnivorous
Plant Display
Photo by J. Williams
Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society
Steven Beckendorf
Jay Caldis, family and friends
The new carnivorous plant and orchid display. In honor of Niki Caldis and her love of orchids
Casper Curto–Casper Landscape Design
designed by our own Lead Building Maintenance staff, David O. Gray
Gerald Ford, who also worked with our recent appointee in Glenn and Virgina Haldan
this area, Eric Deschenes, to construct the final product. It is San Francisco Orchid Society
located in the newly named Orchid, Fern and Carnivorous The Docent Class of 1990
Plant greenhouse near the entrance. Judith Finn and Jerry In Honor of their 15th Anniversary
Parsons are responsible for “planting” the new display case. Claude Babcock
You may recall that we house one of the most species diverse Lisa Bowers
orchid collections, mostly of wild origin, in the country, but June and Earl Cheit
they have not been accessible to the public for the past five Eleanor Crary
years. The new display will show off the best in a rotating Mansurali Nurmuhammad and
exhibit. As with all such projects, this one was fully funded Nurjehan Gulamhussein
by private gifts from individuals and societies (see sidebar for Gayle Roberts
list of donors). Ellen Rosenau
Please take this opportunity to come and marvel at the Kathy and David Welch
gems in this Garden.
—Paul Licht, Director
Supporting School Change
through School Gardens
S chool gardens provide a touchstone for children to
explore their cultural and artistic connections to the nat-
ural world while investigating math and science. This year
den help one another either structurally or chemically to
grow well. This interdependence provides the students with a
symbolic model for collaboration and cooperation, a skill
the Tides Foundation supported the Garden’s Ethnobotanical that they developed while working on the mural. The
Mural Project in three partner schools in Oakland. Our Whittier second-grade class visited the UC Botanical Garden
School Garden Specialist, Lauri Twitchell, has a vision for during the annual Food of the Americas festival and
school gardens that interweaves the creative talents of chil- observed the mature crops in a three sisters garden featured
dren with the practical aspects of in our Crops of the World
growing plants that you can eat Garden.
and enjoy on many levels. Lauri CHANGE Melrose Elementary chose the
worked with teachers and mural topic of trees for their project
artist Josef Norris, from Kidserve, School gardens provide a touchstone with first-grade students. They
to design a program that address- learned about products that
es California State Standards for children to explore their cultural
come from trees, including fruit,
while promoting healthy foods and artistic connections to the syrup, wood, and paper. They
for children, their parents, and
the school community.
natural world while investigating also learned about three native
trees of California, the big leaf
The three underserved ele- math and science. maple (Acer macrophyllum), the
mentary schools selected have coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)
more than 50% of children eligible for free or reduced lunch, and the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). One of the
and have teachers who have implemented the Garden’s Botany parents commented that now when she takes her son to the
on Your Plate curriculum. Lauri and Josef met with each of park he picks up acorns and tells her they are from oak trees.
the three classes at least once a week over an eight-week peri- One teacher, when asked how this project enhanced the
od exploring a particular plant topic. The children then school garden efforts, included in her evaluation “It has been
learned about the craft of making a tile mural, and designed an inspiration to all, plus it has added beauty to our school.”
and produced the mural for their school. Healthy snacks that She then added, “My students are very proud of their new
were featured in the lesson were knowledge.”
served to the children after they Another vibrant Garden
sketched the vegetables and tree project has come full circle
parts. Many children had never under the enthusiastic leader-
before tasted fresh green beans ship of Jenny White, now
or maple syrup. emeritus Associate Director for
The “three sisters” garden, Education. The colorfully illus-
an intercropping technique trated book, Math in the
developed by Native Garden, co-developed with the
Americans, is planted with Lawrence Hall of Science, is
corn, beans, and squash, and now available in our bookstore
was the focus of the project at and on-line at our publisher,
Whittier and Lazear the National Gardening
Photo by J. White
Photo by D. Wellhausen
Children explore program now
graphing with edi- employs a whole
ble leaves and seeds; school model for
they measure the Local teachers (background) learn to use activities from our new book Math in the Garden during partnering with
weight and volume modeled lessons with our Green Stuff summer camp. schools and their
of fruits and vegeta- communities.
bles, and compare the area and perimeter of edible leaves. What began in 1997 with a handful of schools has led to
These activities have been translated into Spanish to further partnerships with more than thirty local schools in the devel-
support the inclusion of parents and children who are opment and testing of programs for children, teachers, fami-
English Language Learners. lies and community members.
Our Growing Learning Communities Project (GLC) uses Our Bay Area hillsides are turning green with new vege-
Math in the Garden to promote science and math in the out tation, and school gardens are sprouting with enthusiasm for
of doors through the process of Japanese Lesson Study. At growing things. I encourage you to become involved with
our summer institute, Katie Johnson, co-author of Math in one or more of the following partner schools where our
the Garden and teacher at Oxford Elementary School in school garden efforts have helped enrich the outdoor learn-
Berkeley, taught the lesson “Inside the Coordinate Grid” to ing environments of urban children.
children in our Green Stuff Camp while GLC teachers from —Katherine Barrett
the region observed.
Photo by H. forbes
ering size) by 2005. Barbara Keller (40 - 92%). An average of 20% ger-
and I collected limited numbers of mination for native seeds is consid-
seeds in 2001, 2003, 2004, and ered good.
Many Baker’s larkspur seedlings are coming up in the
2005 (2002 had one of those Garden’s nursery. Our site visit in mid-March
human-induced disasters) in part- 2006 revealed that two of the larger
nership with California Department of Fish & Game and plants from 2005 did not come up, and the one that flow-
US Fish & Wildlife Service, with participation from mem- ered and set seed last year was in bud when it was bitten off
bers of the Marin Chapter of the California Native Plant at the base of its stem, likely by a small mammal (e.g. a
Society. We are experimenting with seed treatments while vole). The remaining six plants are too small to flower this
growing out a number of seeds for future introduction year (and will not likely flower for a few years). We hope
efforts of this extremely endangered species. Seeds were that damaged plant will survive to flower again in 2007.
sown by Garden propagator John Domzalski in the nursery We continue to review potential sites for introduction
on November 30, 2005, and those that were placed in a attempts to start new populations. —Holly Forbes
NEW STAFF: pool. The animals were temporarily held in tanks, and rein-
Eric Deschenes recently joined the garden staff in troduced to the pool upon completion of the clean-up. To
Building and Grounds Maintenance. He is a graduate of the our knowledge not a single adult newt was lost in this
University of California at Santa Cruz where he studied art effort. Horticulturist Elaine Sedlack has worked extensively
and tinkered in several gardens. As a manager of an alterna- to repair damage to the Asian Area, restoring paths and
tive student housing complex (a trailer park in the woods), he replanting beds.
developed a park beautification plan, created funding for and
implemented the construction of new community gardens. GARDEN WEATHER: Want to check weather conditions
Eric is very excited to be a new member of the garden staff. before your next visit to the Garden? Check the web site,
Caroline Emily Dennis: Emily can be found in the
Entrance Kiosk most week days. She and her family recently 06Z, for current information.
moved to El Cerrito from Santa Barbara to be
closer to her extended family. She grew up in El ROAD AND PATH
Sobrante and attended UC Santa Barbara IMPROVEMENTS:
where she studied sociology. She loves working This past fall a number of
with people, especially in customer service, roads throughout the gar-
which makes her job at the Garden ideal. den were stabilized and
improved. Most notably,
STAFF RECOGNITION: Christine Manoux the road from the inter-
is a recipient of the Chancellor’s Outstanding section of the Asian,
Staff Award for 2005 for her service as a role South American, and
model and leader in her work with low-income Australasian Areas up to
communities through our education program. the Garden of Old Roses
This is the second time in three years that the was paved, eliminating a
programs she coordinates have been recognized rutted and hazardous situ-
Photo by H. Forbes
by this award. ation. The road from the
Japanese Pool to and
WINTER STORM DAMAGE: In addition to Paul Licht, Chris Carmichael, and Judith Finn netting around the Crops of the
the damage to the Japanese Pool described in newts prior to the dredging of the Japanese Pool. World Garden was grad-
our Director’s Column, four ed, making vehicular and
young trees in the Australasian human access much more safe and pleasurable!
Collection were knocked Additionally, the perennially muddy gravel paths
down, but we’re hopeful they behind the Arid House were replaced with con-
will recover. There was crete. Stained the same color as the concrete in the
remarkably little damage in entrance plazas, the area now feels like an integrat-
the rest of the Garden, in ed extension of that recently refurbished area.
Photo by L. Twitchell
Elfi Tarazona
Leeza Vinogradov
Join the 100-member strong community of dedicated Garden docents. Learn how to create memorable and exciting
learning experiences for Bay Area school children and adults from around the globe at one of the most diverse botanical
gardens in the U.S. Training will be given by our expert horticultural staff and plant specialists from UC Berkeley and the
community. The 18 week Docent Training Class will start in September 2006.
! For more information and to apply for the class, call 510-643-1924.
Winter/Spring 2006 13
CALIFORNIA NATIVES Sunday, May 21, 2006, 10 am to 12 pm
Sunday, April 23, 2006, 10:30 am to 12 pm Everything the urban gardener needs
Join Garden Horticulturist for the California Area, Nathan to know about urban bees!
Smith, for a workshop exploring innovative and practical ways Learn how to encourage
to use California native plants to create a colorful, perennial bees and other natural polli-
border. nators to visit your garden
$25, $20 members through creating effective and attractive
native bee gardens. Dr. Gordon Frankie,
SPRING PLANT SALE professor and research entomologist in the
Saturday, April 29, 2006, 9 am to 2 pm UCB College of Natural Resources, will share plant lists and
MEMBERS ONLY SALE AND SILENT AUCTION planting patterns most beneficial for urban bees. Lecture
Friday, April 28, 2006, 5 pm to 7:30 pm includes a Garden tour, weather permitting.
Check our website close to the sale date to see a list of fea- Free.
tured plants.
WALKING TOUR OF THE GARDEN OF OLD ROSES Saturday, May 20, 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday, May 6, 2006, 10 am to 11:30 am Sunday, May 21, 2006, 12 pm to 5 pm
Treat yourself to a walk in the Garden of Old Roses during the The Garden is a co-sponsor of the 37th annual wildflower show
peak of their bloom with the Garden’s Horticulturist for the col- at the Oakland Museum, which will feature a profusion of
lection and rose expert, Peter Klement. Learn about the history freshly gathered native flowers of northern California. The flow-
of our collection including the influences of Chinese, Persian ers are displayed individually, in mixed bouquets, and dissected
and European cultures on the roses we grow today. for study.
$12, $8 members Included with museum admission.
Call 510-643-2755 for more information or to register. Reservations are required for all programs and events, except the Sick Plant Clinic and Plant Sales. Parking is available
in the UC lot across Centennial from the Garden Entrance at $1 per hour. Program fees include Garden admission. Register early, class space is limited. Cancellations received at least two weeks prior to
program date are subject to a $10 service fee. Program fees of $10 or less and cancellations received less than two weeks prior to the program are non-refundable. Program fees will be refunded if the
Garden cancels the program.
14 University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley
June 1, 2005 to January 15, 2006
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albin Ms. Mary O’Byrne Mr. Glen Jordan Ms. Raina Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Andress Mrs. Genevieve Dreyfus & Mr. and Mrs. Brian Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson
Mr. Michael Anker & Mr. Hubert Dreyfus Mr. Stephen Kasierski Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Nexsen
Ms. Janeece Dagen Mr. Peter Dull & Ms. Judy Tsui Ms. Mary Keene & Mr. Terry Keene Ms. Gay Nichols
Mrs. Devora Anner Mrs. Chandra Easton & Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kehret-Barbieux Mr. John Nitta
Ms. Michelle Bacares Mr. Scott Blossom Mr. Jay Kelekiah & Ms. Karen Matza Mrs. Diane Nolting &
Ms. Kristen Badgley & Ms. Maria Echaveste & Mrs. Nancy Kibbey & Mr. Kevin Nolting
Mr. David Sturtz Mr. Christopher Edley Mr. Mead Kibbey Mr. Edmund Ow
Ms. Madeline Bakarich Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eisenmann Ms. Helen Kim & Mr. Matthew Kelso Mr. and Mrs. Yuri Panchul
Ms. Katherine Barrett & Ms. Susana England & Ms. Lynne Knight Dr. Olga Paredes
Dr. Reginald Barrett Ms. Margaret England Mr. K. Benjamin Knipe Ms. Norma Parker
Denise Bates, Landscape Architects Dr. Randi Engle & Mr. Thomas Kuhn Dr. Katherine Kocel Dr. Ronald Parker & Dr. Ruth Parker
Mr. Anthony Beach & Mr. Joel Evans M. Sandy Kohut Ms. Mika Phinney
Ms. Linda Albera Mrs. Patricia Evans Ms. Judith Kramer & Mr. Reto Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Zack Pitt-Smith
Mrs. Carolyn Beahrs & Ms. Marguerite Fernandes & Ms. Kristin Krukenberg Mr. Daniel Podolsky
Mr. Richard Beahrs Mr. David Correia Ms. Namiko Kunimoto Ms. and Mrs. Xuan Quach
Beauregard’s California Bistro Mr. Sean Fine Ms. Gail Stempler Lake & Mr. and Mrs. Venkat Raman
Mr. Mark Becker & Mr. Robb Fisher & Ms. Caroline Todd Ms. Peggy Newgarten Rasselas Jazz Club
M. Tucker Malarkey Ms. Corinna Fong Ms. Demi B Lathrop & Mr. Hunter Rayner
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Berry Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fong Mr. Tom Lathrop Mr. and Mrs. William Reaney
Mrs. Billie Jean Bertoli & Dr. Marc Foster Mr. Nicholas S. Lavrov Mrs. Lillian Regelson &
Mr. Mark B Bertoli Mrs. Penelope H. Foster & Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee Mr. Ephraim Regelson
Ms. Caroline Beverstock & Mr. Gordon B. Foster Dr. W. Vernon Lee Mr. and Mrs. Gary Richards
Mr. Gene Fleet Ms. Sally Fritz-Hambright & Mrs. Elizabeth Lichtenberg Rick & Ann’s Pantry
Mr. David Bigham & Ms. Stacy Fritz Ms. Lise Liepman & Ms. Corina C. Rieder &
Mr. Howard Arendtson Mr. Poj Gavinlertvatana Mr. George Chittenden Mr. Darryl Pretto
Dr. Donald B. Bivin Dr. Michelle Geary Ms. Carla Lieske Ms. Aurora Robinson
Ms. Elinor Blake Glass Onion Catering Mr. and Mrs. Mu-Lee Lin Ms. Phila Rogers
Ms. Lisa Bowers Ms. Allison R Green Mrs. Moira Little & Mr. Gail Riley Mr. Douglas Rooney &
Mr. Robert L. Bradley Ms. and Mrs. Marilyn Green Mrs. Suzanne Lofquist Mr. Alfonso Gurriocio
Mr. Stephen M Brickley Ms. Eliza Greene Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacBride Mr. Mike Roskey
Mr. Steven K Brown Mr. Frank Greene & Ms. Joyce Sakai Mrs. Kelley Macdonald Mr. and Mrs. Josh Rotenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brucker Green Jeans Nursery Ms. Ingrid Madsen Mr. Terry Royer
Ms. Lauren Buckland Mr. Roger Gridley Dr. and Mrs. Steve Malamuth Mrs. Jena Ruhland &
Dr. Patricia Busk & Dr. Michael Busk Mrs. Angelika Groenbeck & Mr. Tom Malarkey Mr. Fred Ruhland
Ms. Theodora S Carlile & Mr. Thomas Groenbeck Ms. Luana Malone Mr. Charles E. Ruppert
Mr. David J Smith Mr. Peter Guerrero Ms. Julie Malork Ms. Janet Ruyle
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cassidy Ms. Alexandra Gunde Mr. David Marin & Mr. Zac Salem
Mrs. Molly Chappellet & Mr. Stephen Hanrahan Ms. Mandy Halpin Mr. Rick Sayre & Ms. Nicki Kaiser
Mr. Donn Chappellet Ms. Marjory Harris Ms. Suzanne Marr & Mr. John Baylor Ms. Gillian Scharff
Ms. Betsy Cheitlin Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hauger Mr. Brent Martin D.V.M. Mr. Galen Schauer &
Mr. Sam Ciofalo Mr. Brendan Havenar-Daughton Mr. Daniel Mason Ms. Hannah Thomas
Dr. John Clark & Ms. Cynthia Clark Mr. and Mrs. John Hensley Mr. and Mrs. James Massey Mr. Arthur Schroeder
Ms. Tracey Cockrell Mr. Clare Hess Ms. and Mrs. Sally Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schuster
Dr. Carol Cohen Ms. Carolyn C. Hodges & Mr. Warwick May Mrs. Olga Shalygin Orloff &
Ms. Marie Collins Dr. Frederick M. Hodges Dr. Damian J. McColl Mr. Cliff Orloff
Mr. Gary Cornell & Ms. Grace Wong Mr. Albert Hoffman & Mr. Delmar McComb & Mr. Norman Shea
Ms. Diane Craddock & Mr. David Shepherd Dr. Lynn Peterson Skates by the Bay
Mr. David Hogye Mr. Eric Hoffman & Ms. Thelma McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slavitt
Ms. Elizabeth Crane Ms. Ayesha Ercelawn Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer Ms. Janet Smartt
Ms. Arlene Crooks Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hollowood Ms. Angela Moffett Ms. Christine M. Smith &
Mr. and Mrs. George Crozier Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holt Ms. Terrie Moore Mr. Todd K. Smith
Dr. Haynes Currie & Ms. Lucy Lawless Mr. John Hosack Mr. Robert Morey Mr. James D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Danielsen Ms. Shu Huang & Ms. Ann Cheng Dr. Max Moritz & Dr. Shelly Cole Mr. Edward Smyth &
Ms. Topher Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Sittichoke Huckuntod Mrs. Bonny Morris & Mr. Gene Morris Ms. Valerie McFarlene
Ms. Lisa Denenmark & Dr. Thomas M. Jackson Ms. Jessica Morton & Dr. Penny Sneed & Dr. Dan Kelly
Ms. Keiko Lane Ms. Irma Jarvenpaa & Mr. Mark Morton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sonne
Mrs. Sheila Diehl & Ms. Keila Diehl Ms. Saana Deichsel Mr. Thomas Moure Ms. Sandy Sonnenfelt
Mr. Allan Dodge Mr. Timothy W. Johnson & Mr. Ari Nava Mr. Jojo Soriano
Mr. Scott Donahey & Dr. Caroline B. Johnson Ms. Elizabeth Navas-Finley Ms. Kathy Sparling
Winter/Spring 2006 15
Photos by J. Williams
between our two annual Plant Sales.
Members support the Garden and
receive a 10% discount on Garden
Shop and Plant Deck purchases Gifts from the Garden Shop. Wooden bowls are made by artisan John Doyen, an Emeritus
year round! professor from UC Berkeley. His award-winning turnings are crafted from both unusual native
and ornamental species, including many from Garden specimens.
GARDEN HOURS: The Garden is open from 9 am – 5 pm year round. Closed first Tuesday of each month.
The Garden Shop is open 10:30 am to 4:30 pm daily.
Public Tours are offered at 1:30 pm each Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Call (510) 643-2755