Essentials: Week by Week
Essentials: Week by Week
Essentials: Week by Week
Week Week
by Essentials WEEK
(1.05, 5.02)
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Thinking Mathematically
What place in North Carolina
has the highest elevation ?
Fraction Action
What place in North Carolina has the lowest This is half of set Q. Add on to make
elevation? What is the difference between the the whole set.
highest and the lowest places?
1 3
4 Exploring Data
2 What are the favorite books of
fourth graders? This is two-thirds of set J. Add on to
make the whole set.
Design a study to investigate
this question. Are there ways to
gather this information other
than asking the students? Who
might be interested in this
(4.01) (1.03)
Pieces of Eight 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 284,935 453,829 359,842 259,348 895,432 935,428
Number cubes.
Number of Players:
2-4 2 245,893 529,438 389,452 594,832 485,392 423,985
1. Every players rolls the
cubes and chooses one
of the spaces he or she 948,325 942,385 843,529 938,425 824,593 284,953
rolled. For example if 3
the player rolls a 1 and
3, the player may
choose, (1, 3) or (3, 1)
4 823,459 538,924 325,984 829,534 532,984 593,824
2. The player with the 8 in
the place with the
largest value wins the
round. In case of a tie
the player with the 5 982,453 954,823 342,958 583,249 935,248 358,294
largest number wins.
Keeping Skills Sharp
1. 447 + 2,816 = 3. 14 x R = 126
5. K 5 = 16
10. They went in the zoo shop. Sue bought four stuffed
animals for $5.00 each. Ned bought two posters for
$7.50 each. How much money did they spend?
+ 2 +
3 - = 1 (1.05)
Solve this!
Use only the numbers 1 to 5, one time each. Place them in this diagram. The sum in each
direction must be the same. Try to find 3 different solutions.
Grade 4
4 2 3 Set Q
3 5 2 1 3 5 5 1 2
1 4 4
Set S
Notice one solution starts with the largest
numbers in the range in the middle circle,
another solution with the smallest number
and then the middle number of the range.
Set J
7 8 7
6 10 9 10 6 7 6 8 10
8 9 9
Week Week
by Essentials WEEK
+ 2 +
3 - = 1 Write about what happened.
Thinking Mathematically
Work with a partner. Choose a number be-
tween 11 and 32. Take that many counters.
Divide your counters into equal groups. Do
this for at least 10 different size groups. Record Fraction Action
your results on a chart like this:
Leftovers Put a point on the number line to
Your # # in Each Group # of Group Remainder
show where the fraction should be.
30 4 7 2 2 ________________________
3 0 1
For which size groups did you have no left-
overs? Why do you think this is true? 5 ________________________
6 0 1
3 (Review circle graphs)
1 3 ________________________
2 0
2 Exploring Data 1 2
Multiplication Mark Off
Use a regular deck of
cards to play this game.
Let Aces = 1, Jacks = 12 20 16 40 18 27 64
11, Queens = 12, and
Kings = 0.
The first player to
capture 10 spots wins. 48 10 60 0 14 26 9
54 32 27 35 56 49 21
30 16 63 40 144 18 72
42 28 15 60 81 6 24
3. 45 9 = 4. 200 4 =
5. 8 x 70 =
10. Does Cody have enough left to buy a poster for $1.50?
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Solve this! A Christmas Tree farmer in North Carolina has 24
trees to plant. In how many different rectangular
arrays can she plant her trees?
Sketch your solutions.
Grade 4
Week Week
by Essentials WEEK
Looking Out For Math
Calculate! On a geoboard, construct polygons
I am thinking of a number. When I add 55 to having these attributes:
it and then multiply it by 2, I get 310. What is a) just one right angle
my number? b) exactly two right angles
c) six right angles
I am thinking about a number. If I multiply it d) three right angles and seven sides
by itself three times I get 625. What is my e) no right angles
number? f ) as many right angles as you can
Exploring Data
Working with a partner, get a calculator. Have How many squares are in each half?
your partner time you for fifteen seconds as you
count by ones by entering
1 + = = =. Record your ending number. Time Is this
your partner for 15 seconds. Record that
number. Survey your classmates and present
the class data as a bar graph. divided
into halves?
( 3 to 8 players)
You will need 3. The next player tosses all six
6 dice dice and must make a number
paper and pencil between the other two. If the
player cannot, he or she says
Game rules "shucks" and is out of the
game. If the player can, he or
1. The first player tosses all six dice she writes the number
and makes the largest possible between the first and last
six-digit number with those numbers.
digits. Suppose the dice show
these digits: 6, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1. That 4. The next player tosses the dice
order makes the largest possible and must also make a number
number for those dice. The between the first and the last
player writes that number at the number. It should be written
bottom of a sheet of paper. so that all the numbers on the
paper are in order from top to
bottom. If the player cannot
make a number between the
largest and smallest, or if he
or she writes the number so
that the numbers are not in
643,3 21
order from top to bottom, the
player says "shucks" and is out
2. The next player tosses all six
of the game.
dice and makes the smallest
possible number for those
5. The players continue taking
digits. The player writes that
turns until only one person is
number at the top of the same
left in the game. That player
sheet of paper.
is the winner.
Keeping Skills Sharp
1. 8 + 22,042 + 398 + 25 = 2. 8,203 - 6,892 =
3. 3 x 40 = 4. 16 x 3 =
5. 56 8 =
8. 60,000 + 300 + 50 + 9 =
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Solve this!
Cecil has a Mysterious Money Machine that will double
any amount of money placed in it and add $5.00 to the
doubled amount. Yesterday, he placed a certain amount of
money in the box, got a new amount, then placed the new
amount back in the box. Then he had $51.00. How much
money did he first place in the Mysterious Money
(1.05, 5.02)
Grade 4
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Thinking Mathematically Create a new triangle puzzle.
How many kernels of
unpopped popcorn are in a level quarter
cup? How many cups of popped corn
does one quarter cup yield? (First,
estimate your answers, then experiment.) Fraction Action
How many quarter cups do you need to Divide a geoboard into fourths in
count to talk about the typical number? as many different ways as you can.
Discuss range and median. Record your solutions on a geoboard
(4.02) record sheet.
1. Each student needs a game board and at least
20 markers. The same brown bag is shared
by all players.
Place one set of fraction bars in the bag.
Each student takes a turn drawing a fraction bar from
the bag and marking one fraction on his gameboard which
is equivalent to the fraction shown on the fraction bar. After each
turn, return the bar to the bag.
3. The winner is the first student to cover 4 in a row.
1 3 2 1 3
4 4 3 12 6
1 5 1 2 2
2 12 3 4 6
4 0 4 3 3
4 3 6 3 12
10 2 8 5 4
12 2 12 6 12
7 0 9 1 11
12 2 12 6 12
Keeping Skills Sharp
1. 67,192 + 34,501 = 2. 8,002 - 3,999 =
3. 132 4 = 4. 64 8 =
5. 5 x 300 =
a b c
9. If each car will hold one driver and 5 students, how many cars
will be needed to take Mrs. Wilson's 28 students on their field
+ 2 +
3 - = 1
Solve this!
If vowels are worth 9, consonants made with only line segments are
worth 4 and letters with curved lines are worth 7, how much is
NORTH CAROLINA worth? Find the following:
a. the county worth the most.
b. the county worth the least.
c. any counties worth the same as North Carolina.
Grade 4
To the Teacher WEEK
9 x 9 = 81 Fraction Action
9 x 99 = 891 Use the geoboard record sheet Blackline
9 x 999 = 8991 Master found in Week 18. There are 4 squares
9 x 9999 = 89991 in each fourth. To prove that the geoboard is in
So: 9 x 99999 = 899991 4ths, students might record on paper and cut to
compare, or count squares and halves of
Thinking Mathematically squares.
It is important for students to have many
experiences predicting outcomes and
planning experiments to check their
predictions. They need to learn that good
scientists and mathematicians make
predictions which are often proved wrong, Exploring Data
and that it is from these experiences that An extension of this would be for students to
they learn new ideas. It is equally
important that they understand the need for set up a spread sheet with their data, sort their
lots of data before we can talk about a data, use the chart function to display data in a
"typical" outcome. (The law of large number of ways. Which charts show the data
numbers says that the more data you have, appropriately?
the closer your results will be to a
mathematically typical outcome.) Their
answer to the last question should generate
some good discussion. This could be an
ongoing experiment which students could
do at home.