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Blanco RAROC Risk Capital 09 04

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Economic Capital and Risk-adjusted Return on Capital for Energy and Commodity

Trading Firms

Carlos Blanco, Ph.D., Managing Partner, Black Swan Risk Advisors, LLC.

1. Introduction

Identifying, measuring, managing and pricing risk at a firm-wide level involves designing
appropriate policies and systems to allow for the evaluation of different business units and
risk taking activities within the firm from a risk-adjusted return point of view. How can
managers determine who are the most efficient generators of revenue on a risk-adjusted
basis? What type of returns should be expected given the risk assumed to generate them?
Risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) measures, which are widely used in the financial
services industry, provide a common measurement unit for risk-adjusted returns on
allocated (ex-ante) and utilized (ex-post) risk capital.

The allocation of risk capital amongst different units is one of the key activities performed
by senior management of trading firms, and also one of the building blocks of an integrated
risk management framework. Determining the economic capital allocated to each activity or
business unit provides senior management with a mechanism to link risk and return, and
therefore provide a risk/reward signal that can be used at different levels of the firm. An
investment evaluation process based on economic capital considerations, where decisions
are based on a risk-adjusted return basis, encourages corporate managers to become risk
managers, due to the fact that risk must be taken into consideration explicitly at the time of
allocating resources internally and making investment and divestment decisions.

In this first article, we introduce Economic Capital and its role in Risk-Adjusted Return on
Capital (RAROC) calculations by presenting some strategic uses for senior managers in
energy trading firms. Economic Capital lies at the heart of enterprise-wide risk management
and its management and optimization provide a link with shareholder value creation. Many
energy firms are still using VaR as a proxy for Economic Capital. We will also argue that
there are superior measures to VaR, particularly for Economic Capital and Liquidity

Adequacy determination. In the second article of these series we will concentrate on Capital
Adequacy assessment for energy trading firms from a regulatory, credit rating agency, and
internal firm perspective, analyzing recent proposals by the CCROs and Standard & Poors
regarding financial liquidity adequacy to cover short-term unexpected events as well as
Economic Capital to support medium and long-term business operations.

2. Economic Capital for Energy Trading Firms

The CCRO White Paper defines economic capital as the “the capital a company is required
to hold to support the risk of unexpected loss in the value of its physical and financial
portfolio.” For energy companies, the primary sources of risk covered by economic capital
are Market risk, Credit risk, and Operational/operations risk. There are different ways to
obtain an aggregate capital measure that range from a simple sum of the capital required to
cover each of those risks, to an integrated simulation framework adding multiple sources of

Capital allocation decisions are made to share the costs to support the different risk taking
activities between the various constituents of a firm with the objective achieving a “fair”
allocation of capital and provide a basis for performance comparisons amongst constituents
in a risk-adjusted return basis.

The cost of capital for energy trading firms’ is considerably higher than the risk-free rate
earned on the “risk capital” used as a buffer against large unexpected losses, and therefore
holding a substantial amount of capital dormant, misallocating it to low risk-adjusted return
activities, or not making full utilization of it, is a considerable burden for trading
corporations. In the next article, we will analyze in more detail the Capital Adequacy
proposals for energy trading firms from the point of view of regulators, credit rating
agencies, and internal and external stakeholders.

Due to the interdependencies between the risk-taking activities of an energy trading firm,
the capital allocation process is particularly complex. If we just measure the economic
capital of each unit in isolation, we would be missing key portfolio effects and therefore

under-allocate capital and incur in a substantial cost for shareholders. To the extent that the
“risk capital” required by a firm is considerably lower than the sum of the capital to support
each risk taking activity, it is reasonable to expect that each of the constituents should share
those benefits. This can be achieved by calculating the risk capital of a constituent in
isolation, and subtracting its allocated share of the diversification advantage. This can be
done by looking at the correlation between the different risk-taking activities, and using
historical performance and management’s judgement.

2.1. Types of Economic Capital: Stand-alone, Marginal and Diversified

There are three main types of Economic Capital depending on the scope of the measure and
the extent to which interdependencies between risks are introduced in the analysis. We will
see how each measure can be very valuable as a decision-support tool in different business
contexts. .

Stand-alone Economic Capital can be defined as the amount of capital an individual risk-
taking activity would require if it was independent from the rest of the firm. Stand-alone
economic capital is traditionally used to evaluate the performance of managers responsible
for maximizing the risk-adjusted returns of that particular activity. If we use VaR to
measure economic capital, we need to measure the VaR of that risk-taking activity in
isolation. For example, once capital is allocated to each desk by management, trading
managers can break down their own charges amongst their traders or books. The sum of the
stand-alone economic capital assigned to each activity should always be greater than the
capital necessary to support the firm, and we will show that VaR does not always guarantee
this condition.

Marginal Economic Capital is the amount of capital that each business adds to the entire
firm’s capital requirements. If we use VaR to measure “marginal” economic capital, we
need to measure the VaR of the firm before and after removing a particular component
corresponding to each risk-taking activity. Marginal economic capital can also be
interpreted as the amount of capital that would be release if we decided to divest from a

particular activity. Marginal Economic Capital can be used for acquisition and divestment
decisions after taking into account the expected returns from those decisions.

Diversified Economic Capital is the amount of capital allocated to each risk taking activity
as a part of the overall firm. Diversified economic capital is calculated by taking into
account the interdependencies between different risks-taking activities within the firm, and
is similar to a portfolio beta. If we used VaR to measure diversified economic capital, we
would calculate it by taking into account the risk of each activity and subtracting the risk-
reduction benefits at the portfolio level. Marginal Economic Capital can be used for
measurement of contribution to risk from each risk taking unit and therefore for internal
capital allocation within projects.

3. RAROC and Risk-adjusted Performance measurement.

Risk Adjusted Return on Capital provides an indication to relate the return on capital
provided by a risk-taking unit or transaction to the risk of the investment required to
generate that return.

The numerator is the adjusted income while the denominator is the capital at risk required to
support the generation of that income. The expected losses refer to the credit risk
component of a loan or transaction.

Graph 1. Credit Loss Distribution, Expected and Unexpected Losses

Although each business activity has different levels of risk, and therefore different capital
requirements to sustain them, the (expected) return of economic capital for the firm should
be homogenous for all activities.

It is important to point out that the capital in the denominator is not the capital in the
balance sheet, which is clearly an incomplete measure to determine the capital used and
required by different business activities, particularly energy trading. Economic Capital is
adjusted to covers credit, market, operational and other risks incurred in the normal course
of business. Some people prefer to call it RARORAC (Risk-adjusted Return on Risk-
adjusted Capital), but the capital used in the denominator is already risk-adjusted in most
RAROC calculations.

Once we have an estimate of the expected returns (net of expenses) and the capital required
to sustain each activity, we can produce ex-ante RAROC estimates to allocate capital across
the firm. One the actual results are known, we can use the actual profits or losses achieved
by each risk-taking unit to determine the ex-post risk-adjusted returns for performance

measurement, evaluate the actual capital utilized by each risk-taking unit, and set
compensation levels.
Natural Gas Economic Economic
P&L Utilization Hurdle
Trading Capital Capital RAROC
(net) Rate Rate
Desks Allocated Used
Northwest $340,000 $3,000,000 $2,925,000 98% 12% 15%
Mid West $257,000 $350,000 $335,000 96% 77% 15%
Southwest $87,000 $400,000 $340,000 85% 26% 15%
Northeast $85,000 $250,000 $210,000 84% 40% 15%
Canada $120,000 $2,500,000 $2,400,000 96% 5% 15%
Firm-wide $565,500 $5,000,000 $4,657,500 93% 12% 15%

The “Basle Accord” Capital Adequacy standards (CAD) allow banks to use the results from
internal VaR models to set capital requirements. In particular, VaR should be calculated for
a horizon of 10 days and a confidence level of 99%, and multiplied by a factor of three in
order to account for “extreme events” not captured by the models. In doing so, regulators
assume that VaR models are unable to measure tail risks adequately, therefore mistaking an
implementation of a risk model with the model itself, and penalizing “good” risk modellers.

From this point of view, choosing the right variables to model in the risk analysis (e.g.
MtM vs., Earnings vs. Cash Flows), the material risk factors (e.g. spot vs. forward prices,
implied volatilities, volume, counterparty risk…), trading strategy and liquidation period
(e.g. stop-loss, delta-neutral, taking positions until expiration, etc.), and the right risk metric
(VaR, Expected Tail Loss, etc.) are key decisions that need to be made before setting short
term and long term capital requirements. As Bucknall (2002) writes “A common
misunderstanding has been to simply run VaR calculations with extended holding periods
and label the result as an “earnings-at-risk” measure. This misses the key issue of using an
accrual-based approach in risk management of asset-based business units. Where VaR is
directly measuring the risks of previously achieved MtM earnings being lost over the next
few trading days, PaR (Profit-at-Risk) is focused on risk to accrual based earnings over
specific future operating periods.”

In our next article, we will explore the Basle Capital Adequacy (and inadequacies) when
applied to energy trading firms, and explore the key changes that should be taken into
consideration when exploring capital adequacy for energy trading operations.

Box 1. RAROC Ten Commandments of Generally Accepted Capital Principles for Energy
Trading Firms*

1. Include all business activities and the global operations of the firm. An enterprise-
wide portfolio approach including physical assets and financial instruments is
necessary to provide clear signals in an integrated framework.

2. Strive to implement a RAROC system impervious to arbitrage (including tax

differentials) and possible “gaming” by risk-takers (Economic capital for each risk-
generating activity should take liquidity and counterparty risks into account.)

3. Be explicit, consistent and goal congruent with other policies (transfer pricing, price
guidance, performance measurement, compensation, etc.)

4. Recognize different types of capital, but the primary emphasis will be on economic
capital. Financial liquidity adequacy is also crucial for trading firms, but it should be
analyzed separately.

5. Use a single risk-adjusted hurdle rate charged as a cost of capital (which shall be
broadly consistent with the firm’s long-term target return on capital.)

6. Develop and implement an economic risk framework comprising credit risk, market
risk (fixed assets, physical and financial trading) and operational risks. Add any
other significant risks for the firm such as volumetric risks, liquidity risks, etc.

7. Recognize funding and time-to-close liquidity, particularly for long-term deals and
physical assets.

8. Attribute capital as a function of risk and the authority to take risk (e.g. market risk
limit). Trading managers should have enough economic capital to allocate amongst
traders or desks in order to achieve profitability goals.

9. Economic capital should be based on a confidence level deemed appropriate based

on the targeted solvency standard and the confidence on the output from the risk
model. Regularly backtest and check the validity of the models used.

10. Promote matching of revenues and risk charges when risks are incurred. A
“forensic” or ex-post analysis is also important, but the key in RAROC analysis is to
identify and measure risk and expected returns before decisions are made.

*Adapted and extended from Crouhy, Galai and Mark (2000)

4. Economic Capital, VaR and Expected Tail Loss (ETL)

Internal and external Capital requirement ratios are usually based on a risk measure that
attempts to summarize the entire probability distribution of profit and losses with a single
number. The problem that arises when you characterize the whole probability distribution
with one number is that you are always going to lose a considerable amount of useful
information. Risk managers should identify the risk measures that best capture the risk of
the portfolio and the firm’s risk tolerance. If VaR is the best possible measure, then there is
no need to look further. However, just knowing that we are likely to lose more than a
particular amount with a particular probability, without knowing how much we could lose
on average on in worst case scenarios, is not likely to be for regulators, credit rating
agencies, or most managers and board members.

There has been much debate on the strengths and weaknesses of different ways to estimate
VaR (e.g. Monte Carlo and Historical Simulation, Variance-Covariance, etc.), but relatively
little debate on the inherent weaknesses of VaR itself as a risk measure. For example, in the
“Valuation and Risk Metrics” White Paper from the CCRO, VaR is the risk metric more
thoroughly discussed and recommended.

Academic work over the last few years has demonstrated that the VaR fails to satisfy a
basic property – subadditivity – which means that the risk of a portfolio consisting of
subportfolios A and B should always be equal or smaller than the sum of the risks of
subportfolios A and B in isolation.

The non-subadditivity of VaR can be demonstrated by the following example. Let’s assume
that we have a portfolio which contains short digital puts and calls on the same underlying,
and that we calculate VaR for a horizon equal to the expiration of the options. Each option
has a notional amount of $100 million, a 4 percent probability of ending in-the-money, and
the current MtM for each option is $4 million. The 95 percent VaR for each option in
isolation is zero (the probability of loss is only 4 percent). However, the 95 percent VaR of
the portfolio is $100 million − 2 ×$4 million = $92 million. The VaR of the combined
position is therefore greater than the sum of the VaRs of the individual positions, so the

VaR is not subadditive. It is also interesting to point out that the VaR of the portfolio
composed of one-half of each position is (1/2) × ($100 million − 2 ×$4 million) = $46
million. This means that VaR is not a homogenous measure of risk either.

A few consequences of using VaR for Capital requirements

• A firm could break itself up in order to reduce its economic capital

• Margin requirements could be minimized by creating separate margin accounts. This

could be exploited for exchange traded contracts, and OTC contracts through
changes in netting agreements and margining provisions.

Expected tail loss (ETL) or Conditional VaR (CVaR) is the loss that we would expect in a
‘tail event’ where the loss exceeds VaR. ETL numbers, and other alternative
complementary measures such as worst-case scenario, and the standard deviation of the
ETL also have the attractive property that they provide information about what happens
beyond VaR, whereas the VaR tells us next to nothing about tail events. So why use VaR,
when there is at least a clearly superior alternative?

VaR proponents usually say that most market participants are familiar with VaR and its
limitations, and it would be too complicated, and possibly a setback, to move to another risk
measure. VaR proponents believe that after years of training and developing policies and
processes around VaR, shifting to ETL or other measures would create confusion and
would undermine the use of quantitative risk measures in energy trading firms. However, as
Dowd (2002) nicely states “familiarity is hardly a decisive or long-lasting advantage”, and
in our opinion, it is not enough to justify the use of VaR if it is not the most appropriate
measure of risk and has clear limitations. For example, Reliant Resources made the decision
to exit proprietary trading after experiencing a loss of US$80 million in a spread position
after a weekend price increase of $2.53/mmbtu for Natural Gas in February 2003. Even
though the position was within VaR limits, the VaR did not indicate much about what could
happen beyond VaR and the nature of “tail risk” for those positions. The CEO of the
company indicated that “while this loss resulted from unprecedented market volatility, its

magnitude is inconsistent with our desired risk profile and led to our decision to exit the
proprietary trading business.” This means that either the VaR limits were not consistent
with the risk appetite of the firm, or that VaR was not a good proxy for the risk tolerance of
the corporation.

5. Conclusion

Risk management and capital allocation decisions are clearly interlinked, and should not be
made in isolation. RAROC provide a bridge to tie risk/reward relationships through the
different activities and balance sheet items of a firm, and therefore serve as a common
analysis and communication tool.

Energy trading firms that successfully adopt and implement economic capital and RAROC
models throughout the firm will have a competitive advantage by being able to run their
businesses with less capital, while also showing greater transparency and improving the
confidence on their ability to manage risk to credit rating agencies, shareholders, regulators
and creditors.

The implementation of a capital allocation model based on risk-adjusted returns for energy
firms should be specifically tailored to the business activities of each firm rather than taking
existing models used in the financial services and insurance industries. As Hickman, Rich
and Tange (2002) point out, “energy companies should also resist the urge of seeing every
problem as a “nail” simply because they possess a first-rate VaR analytics hammer.”

Carlos Blanco, Ph.D. is Managing Partner of Black Swan Risk Advisors, LLC, an
independent risk management consulting firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area. BSRA
provides strategic risk-management advisory services, risk audits, and assistance with the
design, development, implementation and validation of hedging programs, derivatives
pricing, and risk-measurement models to global energy and commodity trading firms. He
welcomes comments and can be reached at carlos@blackswanrisk.com.


Bucknall, D. (2002) “Only Risky for the Unprepared.” The Risk Desk. December.

Committee of Chief Risk Officers (2003) “Emerging Practices for Assessing Capital
Adequacy.” White Paper.

Crouhy, M., Galai, D. and Mark, R.. (2000) Risk Management, McGraw Hill New York.

Dowd, K. (2002) “Measuring Market Risk”. Wiley.

Hickman A., Rich, J. and Tange, C. (2002). “New Framework for Risk: Filling in the
details.” The Risk Desk. December

Tierny, J. and Smithson, C. (2003) “Implementing Economic Capital in an Industrial

Company: The Case of Michelin”. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Volume 15. No.


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