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PresidentsProphecy Ebook

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P.O. Box 30000, Phoenix, AZ 85046

Presidents in Prophecy

Copyright 2014 by Time Worthy Books

P. O. Box 30000
Phoenix, AZ 85046

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any
otherexcept for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Design: Peter Gloege | LOOK Design Studio

PDF: 978-1-62961-015-3
ePub: 978-1-62961-016-0
Mobi: 978-1-62961-017-7

Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from The New King James Version
of the Bible. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publishers. Used by

Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible: New International Version NIV.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan
Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the New Living Translation, copyright 1996,
2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers.

Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version.
Containing the Old and New Testaments. J. I. Packer, ed. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Bibles (a
division of Good News Publishers), 2001.
This book is respectfully dedicated
to a true friend of Israel:
The forty-third President of the United States,
George W. Bush.
BI BL E & S CR I P T U R E PA S SAGE S f ro m
PR E SI DE N T I A L I N NAUGU R AT IONS.................................................. 6

PR E FACE.............................................................................................. 9


(1) I S A M E R IC A in PROPH E C Y ?.............................................................. 19

(2) T H E JOLT of J I H A D.......................................................................... 33

(3) T H E U N I T E D STAT E S: SPI R I T UA L o r SE CU L A R? . . ......................... 45

(4) A L A N D DI V I DE D . . ............................................................................ 53

(5) E X P ORT I NG H AT E............................................................................ 65

(6) T H E H IGH CO ST of A PPE A SE M E N T.................................................73

(7) LU NAT IC S , L I BE R A L S , a n d L I A R S.................................................... 81

th ro u g h th e H E A RT of J E RUSA L E M................................................... 91

(9) T H E CI T Y of th e GR E AT K I NG.. ....................................................... 101

( 10) W I N N I NG T H E WA R o n T E R ROR.....................................................1 1 1

( 1 1) T E NACI T Y to T H WA RT T E R ROR I SM.............................................. 1 17

( 1 2) T H E N E W A N T I- SE M I T I SM............................................................ 1 25

( 1 3) CONSE QU E NCE S of A N T I- SE M I T I SM............................................. 1 35


( 14) PR E SI DE N T S a n d PROPH E C Y.......................................................... 147

( 1 5) GE ORGE WA SH I NGT ON a n d H AY M SA L OMON.. ............................. 1 57

( 16) JOH N A DA M S , T HOM A S J E F F E R S ON

a n d T H E OD OR E RO O SE V E LT . . ......................................................... 165

( 17) PR E SI DE N T W I L L I A M TA F T vs . H E N RY F OR D............................. 173

( 18) WO ODROW W I L S ON A PP OI N T S th e
F I R ST J E W I SH SU PR E M E COU RT J UST ICE.................................. 179

(19) WA R R E N G . H A R DI NG , C A LV I N CO OL I D GE ,
a n d H E R BE RT HO OV E R................................................................... 187

( 20) F R A N K L I N D. RO O SE V E LT AVOI D S th e J E W I SH I S SU E................ 19 7

( 21) F DR S T R AGIC DE CI SIONS............................................................. 207

( 22) F DR F I NA L LY AC T S......................................................................... 21 5

( 23) F DR S I DE A fo r a J E W I SH HOM E L A N D.......................................... 221

( 2 4) H A R RY T RU M A N DE CI SI V E LY MOV E S F ORWA R D . . ...................... 231

( 25) T RU M A N a n d th e J E W I SH DE L E G AT ION.. ......................................239

( 2 6) T RU M A N V E R SUS th e STAT E DE PA RT M E N T................................ 2 49

( 27) T RU M A N R E CO GN I Z E S T H E STAT E of I SR A E L . . ........................... 2 61

( 28) E I SE N HOW E R S I M M E A SU R A BL E
CON T R I BU T ION to H I ST ORY.......................................................... 27 1

( 29) JOH N F. K E N N E DYLY N D ON B . JOH NS ON E R A.. .......................... 281

( 3 0) R ICH A R D M . N I XON a n d
GE R A L D F OR D AC T o n I SR A E L S BE H A L F.....................................295

( 31) JA M E S E A R L (J I M M Y ) C A RT E R :
PA L E ST I N I A N CH A M PION . . ........................................................... 3 0 5

( 32) RONA L D R E AG A N: a FA I T H F U L F R I E N D . . ..................................... 31 5

( 33) GE ORGE H .W. BUSH (41).................................................................. 325

( 3 4) W I L L I A M J E F F E R S ON CL I N T ON................................................... 329

( 35) BI L L CL I N T ONR E DU X................................................................. 3 45

( 3 6) GE ORGE W. BUSH BR E A K S R A N K................................................... 355

( 37) BA R ACK OBA M A : NO M I X E D M E S SAGE. . ....................................... 3 67

( 38) T H E F IG T R E E BL O S S OM S.............................................................. 37 7

A PPE N DI X A : A N I N DE X of A NCI E N T PROPH E CI E S..................... 391

E N DNO T E S....................................................................................... 39 7

Each President of the United States, when sworn into office,

has had the option of using the Bible of his choice open to a particular
portion of scripture. Both the Bible and the scripture chosen were of
special significance to the men who have served in the White House. The
table below lists the known selections:

George Washington 1789 Genesis 49:132 (Masonic Bible);

opened at random due to haste

George Washington 1793 Not known

John Adams 1797 Not known

Thomas Jefferson 1801, 1805 Not known

James Madison 1809, 1813 Not known

James Monroe 1817, 1821 Not known

John Q. Adams 1825 Not known

Andrew Jackson 1829, 1833 Not known

Martin Van Buren 1837 Proverbs 3:173

William H. Harrison 1841 Not known

John Tyler 1841 Not known

James K. Polk 1845 Not known

Zachary Taylor 1849 Not known

Millard Fillmore 1850 Not known

Franklin Pierce 1853 Affirmed instead of swearing the

oath; did not kiss Bible

James Buchanan 1857 Not known

Abraham Lincoln 1861 Opened at random

Abraham Lincoln 1865 Matthew 7:1; 18:7; Revelations 16:74

Andrew Johnson 1865 Proverbs 21

Ulysses S. Grant 1869 Not known

Ulysses S. Grant 1873 Isaiah 11:1-35

Rutherford B. Hayes 1877 Privately, no Bible; publicly,

Psalm 118:11-135

James A. Garfield 1881 Proverbs 21:1 5, 6

Chester A. Arthur 1881 Privately, no Bible;

Psalm 31:1-35, 6

Grover Cleveland 1885 Psalm 112:4-10; Bible opened by

Chief Justice and by chance it fell
to this Psalm7

Benjamin Harrison 1889 Psalm 121:1-6 5

Grover Cleveland 1893 Psalm 91:12-16 5

William McKinley 1897 2 Chronicles 1:10; Bible given

to him by Methodist church

William McKinley 1901 Proverbs 16 5

Theodore Roosevelt 1901 No Bible

Theodore Roosevelt 1905 James 1:22-235

William Howard Taft 1909 1 Kings 3:9-11 5

Woodrow Wilson 1913 Psalm 1195

Woodrow Wilson 1917 Privately, not known;

publicly, Psalm 46 9

Warren G. Harding 1921 Micah 6:8 (Washington Bible)5

Calvin Coolidge 1923 Not known

Calvin Coolidge 1925 John 1

Herbert C. Hoover 1929 Proverbs 29:185

Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933, 37, 41, 45 1 Corinthians 135

Harry S. Truman 1945 Closed Bible held in left hand;

right hand on upper cover10

Harry S. Truman 1949 Matthew 5:3-11 and
Exodus 20:3-1711

Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953 Psalm 127:1 (Washington Bible)

and 2 Chronicles 7:14 (West Point

Dwight D. Eisenhower 1957 Privately, not known; publicly,

Psalm 33:12 (West Point Bible)13

John F. Kennedy 1961 Closed Bible14

Lyndon B. Johnson 1963 Missal 15

Lyndon B. Johnson 1965 Closed family Bible16

Richard M. Nixon 1969, 1973 Two family Bibles, both open to

Isaiah 2:417

Gerald R. Ford 1974 Proverbs 3:5-618

James E. Carter 1977 Family Bible open to Micah 6:819

Ronald W. Reagan 1981, 1985 Mothers Bible open to 2

Chronicles 7:14 (Both privately
and publicly in 1985)20

George H. W. Bush 1989 Washingtons Masonic Bible

opened at random in the center;
family Bible on top opened to
Matthew 5

William J. Clinton 1993 King James Bible, given to him by

grandmother, open to Galatians

William J. Clinton 1997 King James Bible, given to him

by grandmother, open to Isaiah

George W. Bush 2001 Closed family Bible22


As an advocate for Israel, I have for the last four decades stood
in defense of the Jewish people and their homeland. In the 1970s, God
opened a door for me to become a confidant to Menachem Begin. When
I arrived in Israel and met him for the first time, he asked me why I had
come. I had no answer for him. We talked for ten minutes in his office,
and the prime minister asked me again why I had come. Again, I had no
reply. We discussed his having had two heart attacks and the fact that one
of his grandchildren had attempted suicide. He opened up to me as if I
were his pastor.
At the end of our thirty minutes together, he asked me the question a
third time. I replied, I know God sent me.
What? God sent you to meet with me; did He tell you why?
No sir, I responded.
Mr. Begin turned to his secretary, Yechiel Kadashi, and shouted,
Shake this mans hand. You have met an honest man. He flies 8,000 miles
to meet with the prime minister; he says God sent him, but he doesnt know
why! He turned to me, When God tells you why would you come back and
tell me? Im very curious. I assured him that I would.
Two days later, I met again with Prime Minister Begin to tell him that
God had sent me to Israel to build a bridgea bridge of love between Bible-
believing Christians and Jews.
Mr. Begins eyes lit up. He stuck out his hand and said, We will build
this bridge of love together.
In December 1988, I flew to Geneva, Switzerland, and checked into the
Hilton Hotel. I believed that God would open doors with leaders of nations,


and to my amazement, I was allowed into the facility where the General
Assembly meetings were being held. It looked as if I would only be allowed
upstairs in the nosebleed section. After PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat had
delivered his speech, it was concluded that he had not clearly stated that he
would denounce terrorism as had been expected. He was forced to hold a
press conference, which was predominantly peopled by the PLO executive
council and organization members. The location had not been divulged to
the general public.
The moment I heard of the meeting, I walked the halls of the building
and prayed. The Spirit of God spoke to me and directed me to go to room
401. Once inside, He sent me to the second row of seats next to a long table.
There I was told to put my locked briefcase on the center chair and then
leave the room.
Hours later, as Arafats minions filled the room strict security was in
place to keep out those who were unwanted. When the room was completely
filled, I approached one of the terrorists acting as a security guard and
requested that I be allowed to find my seat.
What seat? You have no seat here. You cannot enter, he snapped.
My reply was: Go to the front row of chairs. You will see my briefcase
on the second row, middle seat. Open it; the combination is 0001. Inside you
will see my passport and several other things.
He reluctantly turned and stalked up the aisle. Shortly he came back
and escorted me to the chair that held my briefcase. Minutes later, Arafat
entered. I was directly in front of him in the middle seat. The camera crews
had been assigned row threejust behind me. Not even the PLO executive
council had been permitted to sit in rows one and two. The cameramen
were screaming because my head was in the way.
Before me was a table where Arafat and the few men who would
accompany him were to sit. They entered the room, and the PLO chairman
delivered his speech. Afterwards, he said, I shall allow three of you to
speak. You may choose among yourselves.
Knowing I would not be chosen, I clutched my Bible, stood to my


feet, and held aloft a copy of the PLO charter. Mr. Arafat, if you denounce
terrorism, then denounce this covenant that calls for the destruction of
Israel. Raising my Bible in the other hand, I began to recount the biblical
position of the Jewish people.
Arafat screamed: Shut up, shut up! What must I do to make you shut
up? When he paused in his rant, I turned and was met by eyes filled with
murderous hatred because of what I had said. Suddenly, it was as if a carpet
had been rolled out. I saw a path I could navigate. I walked quickly through
the midst of the gathering into the dark hallway, climbed into a taxi and
was taken back to the hotel.
In October 1991, at the conclusion of the first Gulf WarOperation
Desert StormIsrael was again forced to the bargaining table at the Madrid
Peace Conference. Viewing the richly appointed royal palace, I realized the
beautiful interior was all glitter and no substance, a disguise for its actual
purpose: the place where even more land-for-peace would be demanded of
the Jews.
The ceiling in the grand Hall of Columns was ornately embellished
with the images of false gods: Apollo, Aurora, Zephyrus, Ceres, Bacchus,
Diana, Pan and Galatea. From their lofty perch, these bogus gods looked
down on the official proceedings to elicit a counterfeit peace. Like the
apostle Paul at Mars Hill, I found myself praying to the one true God while
under that canopy of idolatry. How ironic that Israel had been forced there,
of all places, for an international peace conferenceto Spain, where one-
third of the Jewish population of its day had been massacred during the
Inquisition. Representatives of nation after nation mounted the podium
to insult and accuse Israel, and to demand that her leaders relinquish the
majority of her land.
I can still hear their voices reverberating through the marble halls:
We will accept your land in exchange for peace. What they were really
saying was: This is a stick-up. Give me all your land and you wont get
hurtmuch. Muggings usually happen on the streets of major cities,
yet the Madrid Peace Conference, by any measure, was an international


mugging. And the world was the silent witness too intimidated to report
it to the police. Most of the nations represented pretended not to see the
gun pointed at Israels head.
As I left one of the meetings, the Syrian foreign minister stopped me,
pulled a picture of Yitzhak Shamir from his pocket and told me he intended
to accuse the prime minister of being a terrorist. Shamir had been a member
of the Irgun (an early Israeli paramilitary organization). I borrowed a cell
phone and called Benjamin Netanyahu to relate to him what I had been told.
The next morning before the beginning of Shabbat and in the presence of
President George H.W. Bush, President Gorbachev, and other world leaders,
Mr. Shamir stood and said, I have to leave now. I am an Orthodox Jew,
and I leave these proceedings to my able delegation. Thirty minutes after
he departed, the Syrian foreign minister stood to speak but faced only an
empty chair where Shamir had sat.
In March 2009 I was in The Hague, Netherlands, at the International
Conference on Afghanistan. It didnt take long to discover just what
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would deliver to Iran, whose Islamic
Revolutionary flag was flying just a few feet from the U.S. flag on the dais.
The only flag not in evidence at the convention was Israels. But then, why
should they have been invited when the majority of Arab states still refuse
to recognize their basic right to exist?
I stood and spoke boldly against Secretary Clintons assurance to those
in attendance that the majority of the Taliban were moderates and the
U.S. would accept them if they wanted to join forces. What? The Taliban are
the extremists who decapitate Jews and Christians. Its adherents throw
acid in the faces of young girls or shoot them at point-blank range just for
going to school. There is no such thing as a moderate Taliban.
I was outraged to realize that the terrorist nation whose proxies are
killing Jews and wants to wipe Israel off the map with an atomic bomb
would be invited to help the US win the terror war in Afghanistan.
On July 19, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry announced President
Obamas new peace plan that had the support of the Arab League. The


pressure on Israel is and has always been to divide Jerusalem from east to
west, making East Jerusalemthe home of Christianitythe capital of an
Islamic state. Most of Judea and Samaria would be included.
During the same week, the European Union announced sanctions to
exclude all Israeli settlements in the occupied territory from European
cooperationan economic declaration of war against Israel. Such a move
would cost the Jewish state tens of billions of dollars in lost trade.
It took the US government six months of shuttle diplomacy and six
trips to the region to accomplish this feat. Stunningly, at the same time,
almost one hundred Syrians have been killed in a civil war; the Muslim
Brotherhood has torn Egypt apart; Iran is but the turn of a screwdriver
away from going nuclear, and Hamas and Hezbollah terror organizations
are plotting every conceivable act to kill Jews. No, none of those issues were
on the U.S. diplomatic radar screen.
For too long, God-fearing Americans have been silent. The prophet
Zechariah, in chapter 12, verses 2 and 3 declared:

I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the

surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as
well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the
earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an
immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it
will injure themselves.

The United States is in prophecy. Since the inauguration of George

Washington, who on April 30, 1789, placed his hands on Genesis 49:10,
NKJV, which reads:

The scepter shall not depart from Judah . . . Until Shiloh


From that day forward, America has been blessed because she has


blessed the Jewish people and Israel. Genesis 12:3, NKJV, says, I will bless
those that bless thee, and curse him that curses you.
Now, rather than confronting the radical Islamic virus that is rampant
in the Middle East, the U.S. seems determined to antagonize the State of
Israel, Americas greatest ally in the region. If God-fearing Americans do
not take a stand, a curse will fall upon this country. The United States must
not touch prophecy by leading the nations of the world to divide Jerusalem,
or by taking Judea and Samaria from the Jewish people.
Throughout history, the nations that came against Jerusalem were
cursed by God and ended up in dust and ashes. The Roman Empire collapsed
after destroying the Temple and leveling Jerusalem. Israel was Gods
dream; the title deed belongs to God Almighty. When he gave Jerusalem
D.C. (Davids capital) to the Jewish people, there was no Washington, D.C.
or even a United Nationsonly pagan nations. The prophetic spotlight of
heaven is on Israel. It all began there, and it will all end there. If America
touches Gods prophetic plan and people, she will be sticking a finger in the
eye of God:

For he who touches you, touches the apple [pupil] of

His eye, (Zechariah 2:8, NKJV.)
I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They
shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make
mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, (Isaiah 62:6,

Presidents of the United States have played a sometimes major role in

determining whether Israel survived and thrived or was overrun by the
enemy outside the gate. Some have compromised the relationship between
the U.S. and Israel; others have proven to be staunch friends. Those who
desired the blessings of God upon themselves and this nation stood strong
in the face of intimidation and terror. The U.S. has one reliable ally in the
Middle EastIsraeland must defend her right to exist in Palestinethe
Jews God-given homeland.
part i



Their horsemen come f rom afar; the y f ly like an eagle . . .

(Habakkuk 1: 8b.)

Is America in prophecy? While skeptical of attempts by many to

link the United States to prophetic interpretations, after many hours of
research I am totally convinced that the US can be found in prophetic
scriptures, though not mentioned directly by name.
The thread began in the Old Testament with Abraham and his
offspring, Isaac and Ishmael. The US has tried to join hands both with
Israel, a descendant of Isaac, and Arab countries, descendants of Ishmael:

The Lord had said to Abram, Leave your country,

your people and your fathers household and go to the
land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you
will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and
whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you, (Genesis 12:1-3 nkjv.)


The United States has endeavored to employ Israel, the tiny

democratic state in the midst of a sea of instability in the Middle East,
as a firewall in deterring communism, fascism, and terrorism. Its liaison
with Arab countries is one of convenience and economics: The mortal
enemy of Israel brought a dowry of black gold (oil) to the marriage and
uses it still today to intimidate the United States.
The Middle East is home to two-thirds of the worlds global oil
reserves. OPEC presently accounts for forty percent of the worlds oil
imports. According to the International Energy Agency, by 2030 that
figure is on course to rise to sixty percent. By that time, it is projected the
Middle East will supply fifty percent of US oil imports, fifty percent of
European imports, eighty percent of Chinas imports, and ninety percent
of Japans imports.
As Middle Eastern oil flows to the West, arms are shipped in their
direction. In fact, the Middle East region is currently the United States
number one client for weapons of war. Even after 9/11, petrodollars
earned by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Libya have been
utilized to sponsor terrorism, produce weapons of mass destruction,
and finance a gospel of hatred that is employed to brainwash millions
of Islamic youth. America has been unwilling to admit that it is being
blackmailed, let alone drawing a firm line in the sand against it. Its time
for the US to stand up to these bullies and stop capitulating to blackmail;
our future depends on it.
Knowing Islamic fundamentalists are hell-bent on annihilating the
tiny country, Israel has developed the fourth largest nuclear arsenal
in the world. Israeli leaders are determined that what happened in the
Holocaust will never happen again. Israel has reportedly opened her
nuclear silos during three Middle East wars, and has targeted cities such
as Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, and even some in the former Soviet Union.
It has long been known that Israel has had nuclear strike capabilities
since at least the late 1960s. Today Islamic nations are very close to
having a finger poised over the red button as well. It appears at least one


of these nations may have obtained suitcase nuclear bombs paid for by
money from oil sales to America. In addition to this, the Washington Post
reported the following on December 21, 2003:

Documents provided by Iran to UN nuclear inspectors

since early November have exposed the outlines of a vast,
secret procurement network that successfully acquired
thousands of sensitive parts and tools from numerous
countries over a 17-year period. . . . While American
presidents since Ronald Reagan worried that Iran might
seek nuclear weapons, US and allied intelligence agencies
were unable to halt Irans most significant nuclear
acquisitions, or even to spot a major nuclear facility under
construction until it was essentially completed . . . . Irans
pilot facility, which is now functional, and a much larger
uranium-enrichment plant under construction next door
are designed to produce enough fissile material to make at
least two dozen nuclear bombs each year.23

Through these two politicaland spiritualliaisons, the US has

stepped into the center of a prophetic storm. She now finds herself trying
to accommodate Jew-haters who have refused even to acknowledge the
very existence of the State of Israel. The US now has to appease with
both bombs and baksheesh (bribes): more than $400 billion in military
equipment and over $100 billion in aid have been dispatched to various
Arab countries.
Liberal politicians and special interest groups continue to propagate
a myth that Islam is a peaceful religion, but think about this for a moment:
Islam has approximately one billion adherents worldwide. The actual
number is probably higher, but one billion is a nice, round number for the
sake of argument. Even if 99.9 percent of the Islamic world is completely
nonviolent, grave danger still exists. If only one-tenth of one percent of


all Muslims were radical Islamists, that is still a staggering number: it

means that one million people are intent on murder and destruction. It
took only nineteen hijackers to wreak massive destruction on the United
States on September 11th. Each one of those men believed he was on a
divine assignment from Allah.
The terrorists war against the US and Israel is rooted in a radical
religious doctrine called Islamic fundamentalism, a distorted belief very
difficult to comprehend. One reason is that our modern secular world is
still conflicted by the relationship between science and religionwhich
most assume was won by secular science. Suddenly, a religious adversary
is attacking secular America. Its no longer just the streets of Jerusalem
that are threatened, but those of New York, Washington, Boston, and
who knows how many other cities.
In April 2003, while the US was in the midst of the Persian Gulf War, I
wrote a book that ultimately became a New York Times bestseller, Beyond
Iraq: The Next Move. In the book, I stated my belief that weapons of mass
destruction were in Syria. It took the US almost a year to be willing to
admit that. I also stated that compliments of the Syrian government and
the Iraqi Embassy in Damascus, money and key Iraqi leaders were being
moved through Syria.
It is possible the US may soon have to go to war against Syria, a
proxy of Iran and a much more dangerous terrorist-harboring state than
Iraq. Hopefully that war can be fought through economic and diplomatic
means without the loss of American lives. If not, the USand Israelwill
still be forced to shut down the engine of terror in Syria.
Untold numbers of free world troops died because Syria allowed
Islamic martyrs to use their country as a pipeline from other Arab states
into Iraq to attack the US infidels. There is little doubt that Israel will
have to go into Iran and take out its nuclear reactor in the same way it
did in Iraq. It appears likely, too, that the US will turn a blind eye while
Israel does so, and then deny any involvement, as it did in the 1981 attack
on Iraqs nuclear reactor.


Israel must be allowed to fight the war against terrorism that it has
never fought. Sadly, it will undoubtedly be forced to do so alone. Israel
is surrounded by enemies and must be allowed to root out the terrorist
organizations that threaten. The war on terrorism will never be won
as long as Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, and the Palestinian territories remain
points of exportation for suicide bombers. The dissemination of media
propaganda that enrages the masses from adjoining Arab countries must
also be stopped.
True hope for peace lies in discerning truth and acting on it, not in
believing myths propagated by liberal power brokers that incite Jew-
hatred. Too many people in the US view the real enemy as narrow-
minded, right-wing, Bible-thumping Christians who believe in black and
white, right and wrong. The same people who see conservative Christians
as the enemy often legitimize the acts of cold-blooded murderers as a
means to obtain freedom and peace. These apostles of appeasement have
raised the hopes of the Islamic fanatics so high that the national security
of the United States is now at stake, and equally important, our very
freedoms are at risk.
The question is often asked: Why do Islamic fanatics hate us? The
answer: They just do! The more important question is this: What is fueling
that hatred, and how can the engine of hate be derailed? Bigotry is at the
root of it all. It is no coincidence that the World Conference on Racism in
Durban, South Africa, turned into a World Conference on Jew-hatred,
and ended three days before September 11, 2001. Was there a correlation
between the US and Israel walking out of the conference, and the events
on 9/11?
Many believe the current Palestinian crisis has much to do with
the issue of Jew-hatred, and it does. The entire Palestinian crisis can be
attributed to two thingsrefugees and terrorism.
Is there another refugee crisis anywhere on earth that has drawn the
world into such a mess? The answer clearly is, No. Civilized countries
solve refugee crises on their own; conversely, the Arab world has fueled


and fed the Palestinian refugee crisis to exploit Jew-hatred. The attitude
is: Blame the Jews for all problems, just as Hitler did, and we will not be
held accountable for our brutality. Since these thug-ocracies are run
by the bullet, and not the ballot, someone needs to bear the blame . . . why
not the Jews and so-called crusaders. The Liberal Left media contributes
mightily to the problem.
The US has done little, if anything, to address this danger that must
be stopped. Every possible means available must be used to shut down the
Islamic fundamentalists who kill in the name of Allah. Some have even
recruited children and used them as suicide bombers, mine sweepers,
and decoys.
How did Israel solve its refugee crisis in Europe at the end of the
Holocaust? How did it resolve the crisis in Arab countries where Jewish
citizens were being killed? It simply took care of its own.
Why did the Arab League turn its back on the very refugees it created?
Why did it initiate the myth that Israeli Arabs must have a separate state
inside Israel, even though a Palestinian state has never existed? These
refugees were told that Egyptian-born billionaire terrorist Yasser Arafat
was their George Washington. Why?
There is, I believe, a direct correlation between current events in the
Middle East and prophecy. I am firmly convinced that President Jimmy
Carter unlocked Pandoras Box in the Middle East; then President Bill
Clinton stepped into the ensuing maelstrom. The US began to tolerate
subtle anti-Semitism perpetrated in the name of Islam. It is a bigotry
presently polluting and poisoning the peace of the world. The war on
terrorism cannot be won without a war against such prejudice.
Had the US maintained moral clarity, Iran might have continued
to be pro-Western. Iraq might never have gone to war against Ayatollah
Khomeini and Irans Revolutionary Guard, a war which took the lives
of 1.2 million Arabs. The USSR might not have invaded Afghanistan,
and America would not have armed and trained thousands of terrorists
throughout the Middle East to battle the Soviets. These same US-trained


and armed terroristsOsama bin Ladens al Qaeda being the most

infamous examplehave now turned on America. The truth is: America
might never have ended up in this mess had it maintained a conservative
policy of not negotiating with terrorists.
Rev. W. O. Vaught, Clintons pastor while he was governor of Arkansas,
and who made more than forty trips to Israel during his lifetime, told
Clinton that God would forgive him for mistakes he made while in office:

Bill, I think youre going to be President someday. I

think youll do a good job, but theres one thing above all
you must remember: God will never forgive you if you
dont stand by Israel.24

That quote turned out to be as prophetic for the Clinton presidency

as Galatians 6:8:

For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap

corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit
reap everlasting life,: (Galatians 6:8, NKJV.)

Barely a month into his first term, President Clinton received a

wake-up call from bin Ladens organization. On February 26, 1993, a truck
bomb exploded in the underground parking garage of the World Trade
Center in New York City. While this first WTC attack went relatively
unnoticed, in it were seeds of the eventual September 11 attacks, and not
only at the same location. The actual aim of the bombing was to topple
the towers and kill as many as 250,000 peopleseven individuals died.25
If the attack had been successful, we would be commemorating February
26, 1993, rather than September 11, 2001. But, because our president at
the time was more occupied with implementing his economic program
than keeping Americans safe, US security forces paid little attention to
the bombing.


As the author of Losing bin Laden, Richard Miniter, said about

Clintons inability to deal with bin Laden throughout his presidency:

In 1993, bin Laden was a small-time funder of militant

Muslim terrorists in Sudan, Yemen, and Afghanistan. By
the end of 2000, Clintons last year in office, bin Ladens
network was operating in more than fifty-five countries
and already responsible for the deaths of thousands
(including fifty-five Americans)....
Clinton was tested by historic, global conflict, the
first phase of Americas war on terror. He was president
when bin Laden declared war on America. He had many
chances to defeat bin Laden; he simply did not take them.
If, in the wake of the 1998 embassy bombings, Clinton
had rallied the public and the Congress to fight bin Laden
and smash terrorism, he might have been the Winston
Churchill of his generation. But, instead, he chose the role
of Neville Chamberlain (whose appeasements of Hitler in
Munich in 1938 are credited with paving the way to the
Nazi invasion of Poland that began World War II the next

The 1993 WTC bombing had been planned and organized by Sheikh
Omar Abdel Rahman who said:

The obligation of Allah is upon us to wage Jihad for

the sake of Allah. It is one of the obligations which we
must undoubtedly fulfill... and we conquer the lands of
the infidels and we spread Islam by calling the infidels to
Allah and if they stand in our way, then we wage Jihad for
the sake of Allah.27


The FBI eventually found forty-seven boxes of Rahmans terrorist

literature. In an unbelievable fit of moral blindness, the agents marked
the tops of the boxes, Irrelevant religious stuff. It seems the very reason
for the attacks and failing to connect them to the worldwide Islamic
fundamentalist movement that had fueled it was totally dismissed.
In October 1993, the same year as the first World Trade Center
attack, US troops had been sent on a humanitarian mission to Mogadishu,
Somalia. Two Blackhawk helicopters were shot down and a roughly
twenty-hour firefight ensued in which nineteen US soldiers and over
a thousand Somalis were killed. Shortly after the massacre, President
Clinton made the decision to pull out of Somalia. Evidence was later
found that the Somalis who shot down the helicopters had received
training from bin Ladens forces. Those same mercenaries had become
adept at bringing down advance Soviet helicopters in Afghanistan with
rocket-propelled grenades. Bin Laden eventually admitted his significant
involvement in Somalia, although in a supporting role, and considered it
a glorious victory for Islamists.28
The United States is still the mightiest nation on earth and has long
been a partaker of Gods blessings. During the past few decades, America
has seen her culture polluted, attempted to dethrone God, and defiled her
heroes. Bible-believing Americans have been demonized as bigots and
extremists. God has been taken out of schools, courts, and town squares,
and some have even tried to remove Him from the Pledge of Allegiance
one nation, under God. The same moral compromise infecting our
domestic policy has also tainted our foreign policy: the US sends foreign
aid annually to such terrorist-harboring countries as Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,
Pakistan, West Bank/Gaza, Indonesia, and Somalia.
If Americans do not wake up to the truth, the US political machine
will continue on a collision course with prophecy. Many believe there
is nothing we can do about it; that if it is foretold, it must come to pass.
However, we could be missing the true point of prophecy. The Bible
doesnt tell us what the future holds so that we can sit back and let disaster


strike; but rather so that we can take any necessary actions to make sure
we are on the prophetic side of blessing. In the Old Testament God often
warned His people of impending disasternot just so they would know it
was coming, but to give an opportunity for repentance and restoration. It
is up to God-fearing Americans willing to step out and make a difference
to keep our country headed in the right direction in both domestic and
foreign policy.
This is also why in 1981 I accepted an invitation from President
Reagans staff to attend a high-level briefing with US generals and
admirals over the sale of AWAC planes to Saudi Arabia. I challenged them
regarding that decision, warning that those planes could eventually end
up in the hands of Islamic fundamentalists thereby posing a major threat
to US and Israeli security. When I inserted a scripture into my short
speech, I was asked, What does God know about foreign policy?
I replied, He is foreign policy!
Do we truly think we can move our government forward without
His guidance? Our forefathers certainly didnt!
Several months later, as part of a small US delegation, I was invited
to have lunch with President Reagan and his Cabinet. Sitting next to me
was the late Chuck Colson who was making his first visit back to the
White House since his Nixon days. I said to Mr. Colson, I imagine youre
thinking all about the White House strategy thats going on in this room.
He smiled and said, Not at all. Im thinking about one thing . . . eternity!
His statement really struck me. Sooner or later everyone on this
planetrich and poor; skeptic and religious; president and pauperwill
be forced to think about eternity. Can we really plan for the futureof
our nation, our worldwithout considering it? While democracy may
have been conceived in Greece, it was not until Bible-believing, God-
fearing people joined together to form the United States of America that
it has risen to the ideal it has become today. Our governmental structure
may not be perfect, but it is the best our world has seen, and all because it


was founded as a system defined by moral clarity, and based upon biblical
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, Nothing in the world is more
dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.29 The US
entered the twenty-first century with a terminal case of both. Our nation
is in this position primarily because of its alliance with both Israel and
the Arab nations. The descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, are
still in a struggle for dominion; the US has stepped right into the middle
of it.
Ancient scriptures have a great deal to say about the two spirits
behind this battle. Ishmael was not the son of promise, but the son of a
man trying to work the will of God in his own way. God had promised
Abraham a son, but his wife Sarah was barren. At her insistence,
Abraham took Hagar, her maidservant, and impregnated her. Ishmael
was the result of that liaison. A man of faith, Abraham acted in his own
wisdom and lust rather than following Gods direction. He justified a
foolish action through moral relativism, tradition, and human reasoning.
He was trying to secure Gods blessing on his own terms. It was not until
some years later when the son of promise, Isaac, was born that Abraham
fully realized the gravity of his mistake. Rejecting the son of human
reasoning, God made a covenant with Isaac, the son of faith. Ishmael
became the father of the Arab race, and Isaac a patriarch of the Hebrews.
The battle continues even today. The Quran teaches conversely that
Ishmael, not Isaac, was the son of promise, and that he inherited the land
and the title deed to Jerusalem.
The United States today is caught in the same moral dilemma: wanting
to do good without God, but only making our halls of government
secular, amoral, and blind. Instead of looking to God for blessings and
prosperity, we look to our own reasoning and logic. For this reason we
are willing to trade almost anything to get the black goldoilthat keeps
our economy lubricated.
The majority of Arab countries have believed the same lies spoken


by Hitler to twist the minds of the Germans: that the Jews are the reason
for the ills of the world at large. If they were simply annihilated, everyone
worldwide would sleep easier. Yet, the US has done little to counteract
this vile doctrine. Instead we label as diplomats those who preach hatred
and anti-Semitismterrorist organizations such as the PLO, Hamas,
Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and others. Through negotiations, Israel is
forced to make concessions to an implacably angry Arab world that will
never be appeased with a Palestinian state. Only possession of all of Israel
will suffice.
While terrorists may wave the Palestinian Authority flag with the
cry of Death to Americans, we cannot believe that it will suddenly
begin to love the US and Israel if statehood is granted.
Dr. Yossef Bodansky and I spent considerable time in Jerusalem
discussing this matter. In his book, The High Cost of Peace, he states that
the Palestinian step-by-step plan to retake Palestine actually came from
the experience of the Vietnamese in dealing with the US:

Abu-Iyad detailed how he brought up the question

of why the Palestinian armed struggle was considered
terrorism whereas the Vietnamese struggle was lauded
and supported throughout the West [to the Khmer Rouge].
His host attributed this phenomenon to the different
ways the two liberation movements had packaged their
goals. The Vietnamese team agreed to sit with the PLO
delegation and help them develop a program that would
appear flexible and moderate, especially in dealing with
the United States, the Vietnamese explained, one must
sacrifice the unimportant if only in order to preserve the

The book emphasized that the Palestinian Authority must remain

committed to its ultimate objectivenamely, the establishment of a


unified democratic state in the entire Palestinein the near term, and
that it would be politically advantageous to accept transient phases and
even short-term solutions. The Vietnamese suggested accepting the
division of the land between two independent states, without making it
clear that this was only an interim phase.
The Hanoi team also introduced the Palestinians to such issues as
dealing with the US media and with liberal political circles and institutions.
It also provided insight into the power of the Jewish community. Experts
in disinformation and psychological warfare assisted the Palestinians in
formulating a moderate political program accepting the establishment
of a small Palestine in the Territories. The result was the Phase Plan
adopted as the resolution of the twelfth Palestinian National Council in
Cairo on June 19, 1974.
We can never win the war on terrorism by appeasing terrorists on
the one hand while trying to dislodge them with the other. This is a sure
guarantee for another 9/11or worse. This tide will never be turned
without getting to the root of Palestinian hatred for Israel and for the US,
and exposing it at the source.



In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be

far f rom oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and f rom ter ror;
for it shall not come near thee,
(Isaiah 54: 14, K J V.)

The teaching of jihad must be unearthed and outlawed in America.

Islamic fundamentalists use religion to recruit shahidsmartyrsmen or
women willing to kill themselves. When the late Yasser Arafat delivered
a speech calling for one million martyrs to liberate Jerusalem, he was not
simply humoring the crowds. Jerusalem has experienced more terrorist
attacks than any city in the world. When Islamic fundamentalist clerics
in mosques across the nation of Islam call for jihad, it is not just religious
jargon: Islamic fundamentalists kill.
Its not only critical that we understand why they hate Westerners,
it is absolutely vital that we understand why they act on that hatred.
The shahids believe they are performing a holy ritual for Allah. From
childhood, Muslims are taught that to be a martyr one must be chosen by
Allah, the greatest honor in life. They are taught that when a martyr dies,


there is no memorial, but rather a wedding. This is the reason Muslim

families forego a funeral when a child commits an act of martyrdom;
instead, a wedding celebration is held.
The prospective shahid is told that when the holy and religious act is
He will feel no pain or fear. In essence, the sting
of death is removed.

He will not die, but will go directly to paradise;

his own personal and immediate resurrection.

He will be honored when he arrives in paradise

with a crown of glory with a jewel of the wealth
of the world in the center of it. (In Christianity,
saints lay their crowns at the feet of Jesus.)

He will attend the wedding accompanied by

seventy-two black-eyed virgins. The word black-
eyed does not denote eye color; it denotes that
they are incorruptiblean interesting word. This
belief is so strong that before the act of martyr-
dom, the shahid shaves all pubic hair, and tapes
his private parts, symbolic of what is to come.

He will pave the way to paradise for seventy rela-

tives, and will be exempt from the horrors of hell.
In essence, the blood of the shahid atones for sin.

The insane aspect of this belief is that a diabolical battle for the
minds of children begins in kindergarten. Cartoon characters similar to
Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck are combined with a message to seduce
and recruit small children as shahids. Kindergarten camps teach the
principles of jihad. Bridges, roads, parks and buildings are named after
the suicide bombers. Posters with photos of the martyrs are everywhere.


(Thousands of children were forced to clear minefields during the Iran/

Iraq war. Red plastic keys to heaven were hung around their necks and
a martyrs badge pinned to their clothing as they were sent out to die a
horrible death.)
Todays war on terrorism is fueled by stone-age hatredthe same as
Cain had for Abel, Ishmael for Isaac, and Satan has for Jesus. Terrorists
wage a spiritual war of fear and bigotry beyond understanding; such a
war cannot be won with tactical weapons alone.
Islamic fundamentalists are the reason for the September 11 attack
that launched the United States into a war against terrorism. The ideology
is as lethal as fascism or Nazism. As long as godless liberals attempt to
dull the senses of God-fearing Americans with a steady stream of political
correctness, the war on terrorism will not only survive, but thrive. In
order to win this battle, Americans must speak out against moral decay,
bigotry, and anti-Semitism as Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King,
and other brave men and women have done.
Yet Americans hide their collective heads and do little to counteract
the vile doctrines embraced by Islamic fanatics. Instead, in order to
appease Arab allies, Israel is often denied its rightful place as full partner
and democratic ally in the Middle East. For instance, following the
first Gulf War, Israel was forced to bear the attacks of Saddam Hussein
without being allowed to retaliate. The US aligned herself with Islamic
terrorist-funding regimes and armed Islamic terrorist-harboring states.
This is a certain guarantee for another 9/11or worse. Bigotry is an equal
opportunity employer: Extremists murder Christians with the same
justification used to kill Jews. Someone needs to shout out, Its about
prejudice, intolerance, and narrow-mindedness!
The war on terrorism being waged today is a spiritual war of fear
and hatred. There has never been a more urgent time for Americans to
act with moral clarity than today. Despite the danger, we seem more
complacent than ever. The future of our nation, as well as our world,
hangs in the balance between apathy and action.


The US has rejected the foundation that has traditionally held it

together (God and the Holy Scriptures) and as it drifts away from that
center, we no longer hear His voice. As a nation our innocence has
perished. Those who would declare the Words of Godin the political
arena, the pulpit, and the halls of justiceno longer possess that
conviction in order to be effective. They are being systematically silenced
because of a perverted interpretation of separation of church and state.
First Amendment rights are denied to those who would speak for God;
meanwhile those who fight for self, special interests, and immorality are
passionately intense as the spirit of the world takes over. This spirit can
be seen in the isms that have plagued us: fascism, Nazism, communism,
and now twenty-first century terrorismone of the greatest threats to
human liberty the world has ever faced.
The final battle will one day take place in Israel. The line will be
drawn through the heart of the city of Jerusalem, whose disposition has
continually thwarted peace efforts in the Middle East. Palestinians have
been offered their own state time and againfirst in 1947 by the United
Nations, then in 1991 at the Madrid Conference after the Gulf War, then at
the Wye River talks, and again during a desperate President Bill Clintons
final days in office. The major stumbling block on the way to peace has
always been control of East Jerusalem, the historic city of David where
the Temple Mount reststhe very spot where heaven and earth met, and
will meet again. Many of the most dangerous prophecies concerning the
nations of the world are written in its stones. It all began with, But now I
have chosen Jerusalem for my Name to be there, and I have chosen David
to rule my people Israel, (2 Chronicles 6:6, niv.)
With the dawn of the first decade of the twenty-first century, the
United States continued to stand prominently as a buffer between
the Arab nations and Israel. From the time of Israels declaration of
statehood on May 14, 1948, providing military materiel during the Yom
Kippur war of 1973, and the defense aid we have given since, no nation
has championed Israel as has the US. On the other hand, since 1945, when


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt met with Hitler-supporting King

ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia and promised that no decision regarding the
Middle East would be made without first consulting the Arabs, the US
has also been closely linked to the Muslim nations in that region.
US influence on both sides goes even farther back. What these
relationships have done is make the United States a broker accepted
by both Arab and Jew to attempt to barter peace between them. This
position has placed the United States squarely in the eye of the storm of
biblical prophecy.
Caught in the tug of war between oil, political expedience, and
conscience, decisions and policies concerning the Middle East will
determine whether the United States survives or goes the way of the
Roman Empire. Only the People of the Bookand I mean the Biblecan
tip the scales in the right direction.
Though many warnings have sounded, America remains too
complacent. As examples:

1983 - Beirut barracks bombing, October 23, 1983;

305 people, including 241 US servicemen, killed
by 2 suicide bombers.

1985 - TWA Flight 847 hijacked; US Navy diver

Robert Dean Stethem killed by Hezbollah

1985 - Achille Lauro hijacking, wheel-chair

bound Leon Klinghoffer, an American killed by
Palestinian militants.

1988 - Pan Am Flight 103, outbound from London

for New York with 259 people aboard, destroyed
by a Libyan bomb on December 21, 1988 while
over Lockerbie, Scotland. All aboard the aircraft


were killed as were eleven persons on the


1988 - 1990 - Marine Col. Rich Higgins

kidnapped, tortured and murdered by Hezbollah

1993First World Trade Center bombing,

February 26: 6 killed, 1,042 injured.

1995 - Killing of two US Diplomats in Pakistan,

March 8.

1996 - Khobar Towers bombing: 19 American

servicemen killed.

2000 - USS Cole attacked in Aden, Yemen; 17

Navy sailors killed, 39 injured.

2001 - September 11, 2001 World Trade Center

attacks, 2,997 killed;

2003 - Three American diplomats killed by a

roadside bomb targeting their convoy in Gaza.
Palestine Resistance Committees, an umbrella
organization has taken responsibility for the

2004 - Civilians Nick Berg, Jack Hensley, and

Eugene Armstrong kidnapped and beheaded in

2004 - Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr., civilian

working in Saudi Arabia, kidnapped and
beheaded; five other Americans died in attacks in
Saudi Arabia.


2008 - John Granville, US diplomat, assassinated

in Khartoum, Sudan.

2012 - US Embassy in Libya attacked. The

ambassador and three other Americans killed.

2013 - Boston Marathon bombings, 3 killed, 183


The spirit driving Hitler and Stalin is the same one driving terrorists
today. It is the spirit of hatred that always begins in the same way: first with
Jew-hatred and then graduating to hating Bible-believing Christians. If
you read some of the Islamic papers today, many are eerily reminiscent
of newspapers from the early years of Nazi Germany. Hitlers gospel has
The United States can ill afford to ignore signs that another world
war could soon be upon us. The first is the increase of rabid anti-Semitism
again spreading throughout Europe and which has never ceased in Arab
countries. Do not doubt the US can be destroyed by terrorists despite it
being a mighty nation. If Americans were to experience an equivalent
number of suicide attacks in malls, movie theaters, restaurants, churches
and synagogues per capita as does Israeland that would mean hundreds
of attacks weeklywould it not be better to declare all-out war on
terrorism now, before all-out war is declared on US cities?
Arab leaders are at the tip of a pyramid whose base rests on the
blood-lust of millions of fanatics, sympathizers, and potential terrorists
who lionize the bin Ladens of the world.
Kesser.org, a literary repository yielded the following opinion:

Joseph Goebbels was Hitlers master propagandist.

Using the medium of radio and motion pictures, he
crafted some of the most compelling propaganda theater
of all time. Weaving together myths about the German
Teutonic past, as well as exploiting traditional German


xenophobia and anti-Semitism, he must be seen as one of

the major fertilizing agents [manure] in allowing Nazism
to take hold. Similarly, Adolph Hitler, who was one of the
most charismatic German speakers, used his oratorical
strengths to both vilify Jews, as well as to play on feel-
ings of lost German pride after the disaster of WWI. It
was this combination of negative propaganda (anti-Sem-
itism, anti-west, anti-communist) as well as positive
propaganda . . . that was the key to toppling the forces of
humanity, civility, and democracy in Germany.
Similar parallels exist in modern Arab and Muslim
nationalism. Arab propagandists have a rich soil for
spreading their lies. There are fears in the Arab and
Muslim world about being swallowed in permissive
secular western culture and about loss of identity. This is
coupled with a deep sense of history and awareness of the
fall of the Arab/Muslim world from its dominant position
to one of subservience to the West. The Arab world, like
the pre-war German world, is searching for a banner and
champion to restore its lost pride and identity. 31

Why would the US then turn a blind eye and even fund anti-Semitic,
terrorist-harboring regimes? Have we learned nothing from 9/11? Have
we forgotten the screaming mobs chanting, Death to Israel and Death
to America? The goal of an Arab conquest of Israel is to launch another
Holocaust. As for the United States, Islamic extremists hate everything
about us, but their greatest hatred is our Christian majority and biblical
principles upon which our nation was foundedthe emancipation of
women, freedom, wealth, power, and culture. They want to kill Americans
because of all we represent in their oppressed and twisted minds.
While researching this book both in America and the Middle East,
I experienced some eye-opening revelations about Americas role in


prophecypast, present, and future. Below are some of the questions I

have had answered:

Why does America continue to feed and fuel

Islamic regimes that are more racist than the
Nazi Party and whose population is taught
terrorists-breeding ideologies?

Why was America afraid to arrest a terrorist/

murderer, Yasser Arafat, who killed dozens of
Americans, including diplomats; a terrorist who
kept on his desk one of Hitlers best-loved books,
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and proudly
quoted from it?

Why has America not allowed Israel to fight a

real war against terrorism?

Why did the US State Department keep FBI

agents from arresting three terrorists traveling
with the Saudi entourage that met with President
Bush in Crawford, Texas seven and a half months
after the 9/11 attacks?

Why did leaders of nations call for a 2001

conference on racism and the attendees work
themselves into a rage against the Jews? Why
was the United States attacked just seven days
after joining representatives from Israel in
walking out of the conference in protest?

Why is Hitlers Mein Kampf still a bestselling

book throughout the Muslim world over sixty
years after Hitlers death?


Why is the US promising a terrorist regime for

half of Jerusalem when prophecy pronounces a
curse on those who divide this city?

Our nations fate will be determined in a final test. Will the US choose
Gods side of the prophetic battle, or will she fight against God? If America
chooses the latter, she will end up on the ash heap of history.
The war against such apocalyptic hatred, I believe, can never be won
without first dealing with four key issues:

1. A merica must not ignore the virus spreading the

plague of Jew-hatred throughout the Middle East.
The flood of billions of dollars of war materiel
flowing into Jew-hating Arab regimes must be
stopped, and the recruitment of a new generation of
suicide bombers must be deterred.

2. The events on September 11, 2001, would never have

happened had the US fought bigotry in the 1990s
rather than appeasing those who spread it. Millions
of Jews would be living today if anti-Semitism had
not been ignored in the 1920s and 30s.

3. The war on terrorism has been fueled by US

support for Islamic terrorists surrounding Israel.
The Arab world also feeds that war to save its own
thug-ocracies. These leaders have refused to take
care of their own so-called refugees as the rest of
the world has done. This mind-set has infected
world leaders (as evidenced by the Durban Anti-
Racism Conference of 2001.) Should that support
continue, the war on terror will never be won.


4. A merica is under a biblical curseone that can be

reversed. Jerusalem is to be the final compromise.
Should the US support dividing Jerusalem, there
will be no forgiveness.

This nation has been weighed in the balances and found wanting
(see Daniel 5:27, NKJV.) The graveyard of history testifies that God
rejects nations that reject Him and His Word. Is God preparing to reject
America, or will God-fearing Americans stand in the gap and speak the
truth? These words are etched into the wall in the lobby of the original
CIA headquarters building in Washington, DC, to characterize the
intelligence mission of a free society: And ye shall know the Truth and
the Truth shall make you free, (John 8:32.)
I believe we are closer than ever to the coming of Christ. Americas
fate will be determined in a final test. It is time to repent and return to
the God of our fathers, and to our Judeo-Christian beliefs!
Many who speak on the subject of prophecy give a sense that
circumstances are accelerating toward some unknown event. Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking before the US House of
Representatives Government Reform Committee on September 20, 2001,
said: September 11 was a wake-up call from hell that has opened our eyes
to the horrors that await us tomorrow if we fail to act today.
In Deuteronomy 30:13, Moses warns:

Today I have given you the choice between life and

death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on
heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that
you would choose life, so that you and your descendants
might live!




Where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is libert y,

(2 Corinthian s 3: 17, N K J V.)

From the charters drafted by the Pilgrims who first colonized

what would one day become the United States of America, our forefathers
purposed to be a force for good on the earth as defined by the Bible and its
prophecies. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, they believed
these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among
these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Thomas Jefferson,
one of the writers of that Declaration, further said: Can the liberties of a
nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties
are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?32
From this first declaration and by invoking the blessings of God in its
foundation, our forefathers placed the United States of America into the
hands of God for its existence and its future.
Bible prophecy begins and ends with the nation of Israel. By founding


the nation and its values on these same scriptures, the framers of our
Constitution forged an alliance with Gods chosen people. This decision
would eventually lead America to be a key player in bringing about the
most significant prophetic event in nearly two millenniathe rebirth of
the nation of Israel.
Though some scholars debate whether or not the United States was
founded as a Christian nation, it is difficult to look at the writings of the
founding fathers and not see their faith. There are many writers who do
a better job of proving this than I can here, but suffice to say that up until
the latter half of the twentieth century this debate would never have
been raised. In fact, in 1892, in the case of Church of the Holy Trinity vs.
United States the Supreme Court ruled that the Church has precedence
over state and federal law, because This is a Christian nation. In the
court opinion written by Mr. Justice David J. Brewer, the court felt that:

No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to

any legislation, state or national, because this is a religious
people. This is historically true. From the discovery of
this continent to the present hour, there is a single voice
making this affirmation. . . . 33

From there the Justice went on to give various examples of Americas

connection to Christianity in documents ranging from the foundational
principles set forth for the colonies to the constitutions of several of the
states to a myriad of court cases supporting biblical principles, all of
which supported Christianity as the basis of our laws and government.
One argument from the state of Pennsylvania even went so far as to say
that the defense of Christianity was a necessity, while the defense of
the religions of the imposters Muhammad and the Dalai Lama were
not. From these precedents, Mr. Justice Brewer had this to say in his
concluding remarks:


These and many other matters, which might be noticed,

add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of
organic utterances that this is a Christian nation. 34

If the Supreme Court found this to be a Christian nation even 116

years after the Declaration of Independence, then it is odd we should find
otherwise today. Somewhere along the way we have lost connection with
our rootsour moral compass was replaced by moral relativism and the
ship of our great nation began to drift off course.
Considering these roots, it is not surprising to see that Christian
men setting the foundations of our nation felt an ingrained bond with the
dispersed Children of Israel in their day. They were the other people of
the Bible, the descendants of Isaac, with whom we felt a kinship from the
beginning, and with good reason.
American history textbooks once carried a story revealing
Washingtons heart concerning how Gods hand was upon him. On July
9, 1755, during a battle of the French and Indian War near Fort Duquesne
in Pennsylvania, Washington was the sole mounted officer to survive
uninjured, despite the fact that he had four bullet holes in his coat and
two horses were shot out from under him. On that day over half of the
nearly 1,300 American and British troops with him had been killed or
wounded, including the British commanding officer, General Edward
Braddock. History eventually dubbed Washington bulletproof because
of this incident and his never having been wounded in battle. 35 A godly
man was needed to chart the course of the United States as its first
president, so it appears His hand of protection rested upon Washington
throughout his lifetime.
While America was a Christian nation at its inception and throughout
the Civil War, can the same be said about us today? If we are not following
godly principles, has the hand of God that protected George Washington
and the United States during earlier years and conflicts been removed
today? After the attacks of 9/11, we should answer a definite Yes.


The United States adopted the Ten Commandments and laws of the
Bible as the basis for its own laws. The newly-born nation rejected tyranny,
creating a constitution of checks and balances to control government
power, and also declined to embrace old world struggles, i.e., that of
Christian against Jew, as part of its culture. The fledgling government
took literally the Scripture, old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new, (II Corinthians 5:17, KJV.) This admonition was
the basis of separation between church and statethat all faiths would
have the right to freedom of religious gatherings, worship, expression,
and that the State would not dictate which church one attends, nor would
it deter anyone from expressing their faith in public office or halls of
The writings of Georg Hegel were not then available to our forefathers
when the US constitution was forged. Hegel, born in 1770, conceived the
dialectical philosophy that would inspire Karl Marx who preached that
the State was actually God walking on earth . . . and had the foremost
right against the individual. 36
The founding fathers saw no conflict between these freedoms and
an outward demonstration of their religious beliefs as they went about
daily, nor would they silence any religion at the behest of those who
chose not to believe in God at all. The government was not to be anti-
religious, amoral, or secular as the courts seem to think todaybut rather
impregnated with the Judeo-Christian virtues of love and a dedication to
pray for others rather than try to force change upon them.
This kindred spirit between Jews and early American founders
would be taken to a deeper and more active loyalty in just a few decades.
In 1814, at a dire point in the midst of the War of 1812, the United States
caught a glimpse of what it would grow to be just over a century later: a
nation integral to the rebirth of Israel. A Presbyterian pastor in Albany,
New York, John McDonald made a startling discovery while teaching on
Old Testament prophecy to his congregation. He had been preaching on
the subject for some time, especially focusing on the prophecies in the


book of Isaiah, which spoke of the restoration of the nation of Israel and
the subsequent redemption of humankind. One day, while pouring over
Isaiah 18, he read a challenge to the land shadowing with wings, which
is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sendeth ambassadors by the sea,
(Isaiah 18:1-2.) In this he believed that beyond Ethiopia meant a nation
far to the west of Israel, which was where Isaiah spoke these words. It
was a nation shadowed by wingsa nation whose symbol was a great
birdlike the bald eagle, perhapsone that sent its ambassadors by sea.
He pondered: what other nations were forced to send their ambassadors
by sea besides those on the continent of America? In MacDonalds eyes
a prophetic notion took shapeit had to be the United States! And what
was the challenge to this nation? Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation
scattered and peeled, to a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a
nation meted out and trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled!...
In that time shall the present be brought unto the Lord of hosts . . . to the
place of the name of the Lord of hosts, the mount Zion (Isaiah 18:2, 7.)
In that chapter, MacDonald heard a clarion call from God for the great
nation of the United States to send ambassadors to help reestablish a
kingdom for the Jewish people upon Mount Zionthe city of Jerusalem!37
While Washington and other founding fathers had called the Jews
friends and allies of our nation and seen the founding of America as a
parallel to the Jews coming to possess their promised land of Canaan,
MacDonald had seen a divine call to champion the Jews. It was a call to
help them regain their own nation, in the Holy Land with Jerusalem as
its capital. In his eyes, America was the nation of prophecy that would
send their sons and employ their substance in his heaven-planned
expedition38 to reestablish the nation of Israel.
Thus MacDonald sounded a prophetic trumpet: Jehovah . . .
dispatched American messengers to the relief of his prodigal children.
Rise, American ambassadors, and prepare to carry the tidings of joy and
salvation to your Saviors kinsmen in disgrace!39
It was not long thereafter that a flamboyant New York Jew by the


name of Mordecai Manuel Noah stepped behind the lectern of New Yorks
Shearith Israel synagogue on April 17, 1818 and struck a similar note, one
that would resonate for over a century and a quarter. In his address that
day, he stated that the Jews:

. . . will march in triumphant numbers, and possess

themselves once more of Syria, and take their ranks
among the governments of the world . . . This is not fancy
. . . [Jews] hold the purse strings, and can wield the sword;
they can bring 100,000 men into the field. Let us then hope
that the day is not far distant when, from the operation of
liberal and enlightened measures, we may look towards
that country where our people have established a mild,
just, and honorable government, accredited by the world,
and admired by all good men.40

This image of 100,000 Jews marching to Palestine was of note: in

April 1948 diplomats discussed returning to Palestine this exact number
of European Jewish refugees displaced by the Holocaust.
The murders of Jews in Damascus in 1840 had apparently opened
the eyes and ears of Americas leaders to the need for a Jewish homeland
within whose borders Jews worldwide could find security from
persecution. The incident was the epitome of old-world prejudices from
which the United States had been struggling to escape. It was the first
and only time the State Department acted on behalf of Jews without first
being prodded by the American people.
The affair was brought to the attention of President Martin Van Buren
and Secretary of State John Forsyth in a dispatch from the American
consul in Beirut. The document described the massacre of Jewish men,
women, and children in Damascus who had been accused of blood libel,
a perceived ritual murder to obtain blood from Christian children to
be used in Passover services. Ultimately, it was discovered that French


agents had initiated the rumor to incite Muslims in that region against
the Jews and to enhance Frances position as protector of Christians in
the area. While the issue was undeniably a gross violation of basic human
rights, the end result placed the United States unequivocally and officially
on the side of the Jews. It forced the US to communicate through formal
diplomatic channels in support of the Jews. US action was so swift, that
by the time the public raised the issue to the government, formal protests
had already been lodged.41
The British Foreign Secretary, Lord Henry John Temple Palmerston
also supported the Jews, being one of the first government officials to
endorse Jews in Palestine by extending consular protection to them.
Another Englishman, Sir Moses Montefiore took a series of trips to the
region and became a new Nehemiah with charitable works conceived
to help Jews living in Palestine.
In the 1830s and 1840s, a great number of Jews entered the United
States from Central Europe. The unrest inciting these families to seek
new hope in America was also a precursor of what would happen over the
next century. The Jewish Problemi.e., the displaced people of Israel
scattered among the nations without a land to call their ownwould fuel
the Zionist movement and eventually lead to Hitlers abominable final
solution to the Jewish problem in the death camps.
Even as a young man Adolf Hitler was convinced that he had been
anointed to rid the world of undesirables, and to establish a super race
that would rule the world. At the age of 25, he volunteered for military
service. He later told an acquaintance that he was so overcome with
emotion he fell to his knees, and thanked heaven from an overflowing
heart for granting me the good fortune of being allowed to live at this
time.42 When Austria was swiftly and successfully conquered, Hitler
addressed jubilant German crowds:

I believe that it was Gods will to send a youth from

here to the Reich, to raise him to be the leader of the


nation . . . I felt the call of Providence. And that which

took place was only conceivable as the fulfillment of the
wish and will of this Providence.43

Following an early failure in his rise to power, Hitler affirmed, We

knew we were carrying out the will of Providence, and we were being
guided by a higher powerFate meant well with us.44 To Italian dictator
Benito Mussolini, he stated: It is obvious that nothing is going to happen
to me; undoubtedly it is my Fate to continue on my way and bring my
task to completion.45 And following an assassination attempt, Hitler
opined, I regard this as a confirmation of the task imposed upon me by
In 1937, five years into his campaign to obliterate the Jews, Hitler
was still convinced of his calling and his invincibility:

. . . yet at the moment when [the individual] acts as

Providence would have him act he becomes immeasurably
strong . . . When I look back only on the five years which
lie behind us, then I feel justified in saying: this has not
been the work of man alone.47

Fortunately for the Jewish people, biblical prophecy triumphed over

Hitlers Providence.



God heard the lad cr yin g; and the an gel of God called to Hagar
f rom heaven and said to her, What is the matter with you , Hagar?
Do not fear, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is ,
(Genesis 21: 17.)

It may seem strange that no one seemed to be concerned about

Arab reaction to a Jewish homeland in Palestine when the Balfour
Declaration was written; at that point, there was little cause for
concern. The Turks, not the Arabs, controlled the region, and Britain
hoped to liberate it by the end of World War I. The Arabs, on the other
hand were scattered throughout Palestine with no central leadership or
apparent nationalistic leanings. In 1917, few, if any, foresaw the war that
would erupt at almost the same hour a Jewish state was declared three
decades later. The reason for this is that while the Jews were struggling
for statehood, Arabs were recovering from having been removed from
long-held control in the Middle East.
The Muslim world was at its zenith in the early part of the second
millennium, excelling all others in arts and sciences. Islam was expanding


into Northern Africa, Europe, and the Near East. Believing non-Muslims
to be infidels and barbarians, Arabs cut themselves off from the rest of
the world and savored their glory days. Because of this isolationism, the
kingdoms of Islam failed to notice when Europe emerged from the Dark
Ages into the Renaissance, the Reformation, and then the technological
revolution of the early industrial age in the West. Until the late eighteenth
century, only one Western book had been translated into a Middle Eastern
languagea medical book on syphilis. It was allowed entry because most
Muslims felt the disease had come from the West.48 Earlier in the rise
of Islam, Christianity had been the greatest threat to its spread, but as
it seemed to be fading with the crumbling of the Roman and Byzantine
Empires, Arabs had little trouble thwarting the Crusaders. In their
view, Christians would eventually fall by the sword of Allah as all other
religions had at the time. China was too remote to be a concern; Africans
were too easily made into slaves; India and the Near East were slowly
being converted to Islam. The followers of Allah grew content to conquer
the world little by little. After all, they felt their eventual dominance was
For the Muslims, Judaism and Christianity were thought to be
brought to completion by Muhammad in much the same way Christians
believe Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. Thus the threat of
Christianity was not one of conversion, but of power, technology, and
conquest. Buddhism, Confucianism, and other religions of the East had
not fared as well as Christianity, so they posed a much smaller threat.
Muslims were not afraid of ideas at this pointfor their culture was so
much more advancedbut of Europes military might. Over time, many
Muslims developed a tolerance for Christians and Jews as monotheists, or
People of the Book, because they were mentioned in the Quran.
Western culture and ideas soon eclipsed those of the Islamic empires
as Arabs and Persians went to war. Author and Islamic history expert
Bernard Lewis notes that, had it not been for the Ottoman Empires
differences with Persia, Europe may well have become part of their empire


in the mid-1500s.49 However, the Ottomans fought with the East instead
of the West and the struggle went on for centuries, taking attention away
from Europe. The Ottoman Turks were Sunni Moslems and the majority of
those in Persia and the Arabic Peninsula were Shiites. In response to the
Shiites converting those in the extreme eastern portion of the Ottoman,
Ottoman Sultan Selim I (and subsequent Ottoman rulers) invaded the
region. At its height in the late 1600s, the Ottoman Empire stretched east
to the Caspian Sea engulfing the westernmost parts of Persia (Iran), south
to the base of the Red Sea and along the Asir Mountains thus controlling
Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, and edges of the Arabian
Peninsula. To the west it reached into North Africa nearly to Morocco,
and then north to Hungary and the provinces on the northern shores of
the Black Sea. The bulk of the center and southern edges of the Arabian
Peninsula however, a vast desert at the time remained free, and the Arabs
of that region became tribal, nomadic, and divided during the centuries
prior to World War I.
In 1744 Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab had formed the
fundamentalist Wahhabi sect and spread it to the Saudis by making an
alliance with Muhammad ibn Saud. It appears that al-Wahhabs daughter
married ibn Saud, and thus became an ancestor of the Saudi royal family.
He preached that Islam was deteriorating because it was being infected
with heresy from outside religionsa form of polytheism. Things such as
the veneration of the early Islamic disciples, worship of sacred trees and
the like were all forms of idolatryand, again, polytheism. In his Book of
Tawhid, ibn Abd al-Wahhab wrote, Shirk [polytheism] is evil, no matter
the object, be it king or prophet, saint or tree or tomb.50
Since there was not a large enough Christian or Jewish population
in the Middle East to turn his attention to, he attacked other Arabs who
had become apostates. To justify this, al-Wahhab reinterpreted the ideal
of jihad. For most Muslims of his day, particularly Shiites, jihd (meaning
struggle), was described as the spiritual struggle towards holiness. It
included missionary outreach, but no longer necessarily called for battles.


However, al-Wahhab taught his followers that for the prophet Muhammad
jihad had been a holy war upon the infidels and had never changed. Those
of false faithsincluding Muslims who had perverted their religion with
outside influenceswere deemed acceptable only for either conversion or
death. Conversion was definitely the secondary goal. So polytheists, called
mushrikun, were considered less than human, cattle to be slaughtered in
sacrifice to Allah, the one true god, and women, children, the elderly, and
the defenseless were no exception. The Spanish Inquisition had nothing
on Wahhabism. Under al-Wahhabs doctrines, committing mass murder
became a way of drawing closer to God.
With the strength of the Saudi armies, al-Wahhab soon established a
nationalist Arab state in Najd, the region in the central Arabian Peninsula
around Riyadh. From there a war was waged to purify Islam, including
sacking the Shiite holy city of Karbala in 1802, part of Iraq today. Its
religious shrines and temples were destroyed and the Shiites ruthlessly
slaughtered infidel polytheists. Al-Wahhab even destroyed the tombs of
the first disciples of Muhammad because they were being venerated in a
similar fashion to those of Christian saints. During the raids, thousands of
men, women, and children were cold-bloodedly murderedthe youngest,
the eldest, and the pregnant were all mercilessly executed. 51 In 1803 the
Wahhabis captured Mecca and even threatened Damascus from 1803-
1805. Eventually though, the marauders were pushed back and retreated
to Riyadh, where in 1824 they established their capital and recaptured
much of the previously occupied land. However, the dynasty fell into
civil war after 1865, with the kingdom divided among the Ottomans and
various clans. The Saudi royal family fled to Kuwait for safety.
The House of Saud would, however, rise again. In 1902, a young Abdul
Aziz ibn Saud retook Riyadh, and by 1906 his forces controlled the Najd
region and were establishing themselves as a fighting force, although a
small one. Ibn Sauds forces showed the same brutality in their warfare
that their Wahhabis predecessors had a century earlier.52
For ibn Saud, the extreme fundamentalism of Wahhabism was an


incredible tool for religious and political control. Defined by isolationism

and nostalgia, it engendered a longing in its followers to return Islam to
its former greatness. It created an aura of romance around the Bedouin
lifestyle and the glory of ancient Arabic royal courts. One thing to note
about this Muslim fundamentalism is that culture, government, and
religion are inseparable for them.
As Zionism began to rise in the West and Britain, Jews were
encouraged to look to Palestine as a possible new homeland. Men such as
T.E. Lawrence (of Lawrence of Arabia fame) and Harry St. John Bridger
Philby were organizing Bedouin Arabs to help Britain oust the Turks from
the Middle East. While the bulk of this was structured by Lawrence with
Sharif Hussein as the puppet leader of the Arabs, the British sent Philby
to clean up a bit of muck hampering that cause. A small group of dissident
Moslems from an extremist sect were making terrorist raids on Husseins
forces. Philby tried to dissuade their leader, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, a ruler
of the extremist Wahhabi sect, to stop the raids and join the British cause.
Ibn Saud, as he became known in the West, eventually went on to establish
the nation of Saudi Arabia. Its leaders today are direct descendants.
The idea of separation of Church and state was introduced neither
by our forefathers nor modern liberals; it was done by Jesus who said
that we were to Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to
God the things that are Gods, (Mark 12:17, KJV.) Christianity was a
spiritual kingdom that brought about change in peoples hearts; Islam was
founded on secular laws of government and culture that then determine
ones spiritual status. Thus Christian fundamentalists can deal with the
heart issues of the Bible through a more literal interpretation of it and
apply them to any culture. They do not demand a return to the dress and
cultural practices of Jesus and the disciples.
Wahhabists, however, not only return to a more literal interpretation
of the Quran, but also to the culture and practices of the time those
scriptures were written. Both progress and modernization are viewed with
great suspicion as temptations and corruption. Al-Wahhab preached an


ascetic and legalistic doctrine that rejected all luxury: dancing, gambling,
music, and the use of tobacco among other things. Such a belief system
could not co-exist within another, but must pervade and dominate. Its
objective is to take the entire world back to the ninth and tenth centuries.
All that is modern is seen as perversionexcept modern weapons that can
lead to the ascendancy of Wahhabism. Anyone seen as forward-thinking
is simply characterized as a follower of the Evil One.
Government and conduct in most Muslim countries today is based
upon Shariah Law, which consists of four principal sources:

1. the Quran;

2. t he Sunnah, a collection of actions and sayings of

the prophet Muhammad;

3. ijma, meaning consensus, which refers to the

consensus over the centuries of the schools of law,
but can also refer to the consensus of the Muslim

4. qiyas, reasoning by analogy, in which jurists and

scholars formulate new laws based on the Quran
or the Sunnah. Wahhabists, however, reject
ijmathere is no room for consensus or other

Law is thus handed down from the Quran by cleric/judge/leaders,

called ulema, or scholars, called muftis, or in decrees, called fatwas.
Such declarations are binding and not debatable. The populace needs no
education besides these fatwas, and, as a result, over half those in most
fundamentalist Muslim countries today cannot even read the Quran for
themselves. Ibn Saud and his descendants could rule without opposition
backed by a religion that enforced his absolute authority.


Outsiders, especially modern Westerners, were viewed quite

dogmatically as infidels and contact with them was seen as risking
contamination. Thus when European Jews reached the shores of Palestine
to build homes and set up shop, they were an incredible threat to the
Wahhabist way of life. And with no great love for ruling by consensus,
democracy was no welcome neighbor either. The British and their Balfour
Declaration were nothing ibn Saud wanted to see in his domain.
Despite this, however, Philby and Saud became friendlyprobably
because they could be mutually beneficial. It appears that Philby helped
make ibn Saud king of Saudi Arabia and Saud helped make Philby rich.
Perhaps part of it was also that Philby had an equally strong contempt for
the Jews. The two formed a lasting partnership that would empower the
Arabs with both hope and the means to return Islam to greatness. What
ibn Saud and Philby began in World War I marked a straight and clear
path to 9/11 and todays ongoing war against terrorism.
During World War I, both T.E. Lawrence and Philby embraced
the Arab culture and ways, and adopted a native lifestyle with Philby
assuming the name Sheikh Abdullah. Philby felt that Britain was assuring
independence to Arabia if it helped defeat the Turks and Germans. The
two promised Arab counterparts everything they wanted in exchange for
loyalty. As a result, each of them took it as a slight betrayal when Britain
adopted the Balfour Declaration and a full betrayal when Britain refused
to move significantly toward Arab independence. Those in power in Great
Britain saw the Arabs as a rag-tag lot that couldnt hold a government
together if it were handed to them on a silver platter. They werent worth
the effort or expenditure to support, and so they refused to let go of the
cords that bound Arab leaders.
Lawrence took this as an affront, yet remained loyal to the crown;
Philby decided to turn traitor. He preferred the Arab lifestyle to returning
to England, though he did make the trek from time to time to keep up
appearances. Philby, an excellent spy, produced a son, Kim Philby, who
became the most infamous Soviet double-agent in British history. After


the First World War, ibn Saud began to call for the overthrow of British
puppet leaders in the region. Philby, who had actually been fired for his
outlandish attitudes and outspokenness on behalf of the Arabs, managed
with the help of Lawrence to stay on in the Middle East as a chief British
representative in Amman, Transjordan. Thus he was in the perfect position
to feed ibn Saud intelligence needed to overthrow the British. Ibn Saud
took the cities of Jebel Shammar in 1921, Mecca in 1924, Medina in 1925,
and Asr in 1926 with remarkable swiftness. Ibn Saud then proclaimed
himself king of Al Hijz. In 1932, after unifying the conquered territories,
he declared Saudi Arabia a nation. It remained a backwater state however,
until oil deposits were discovered in 1938. Saudi Arabia played both sides
during World War II until it was obvious the Allies would win and then
declared war on Germany and Japan in March of 1945. By the time Israel
declared statehood, ibn Saud had collected a decade of oil money, and US
companies had paid $53 million in royalties, which quadrupled to $212
million by 1952.53
This might be laid at the feet of Philby and the British had it not been
for the partnership they had with two American brothers, John Foster
and Allen Dulles. The two lawyers had connections with Germany
between the world wars that ultimately helped to fund the Nazi Party.
Their connections with the oil companies delivered power to Saudi Arabia
and wrested Middle Eastern oil rights from the British in order to give
them to US companies. The Dulles brothers political careers blossomed
under President Eisenhower as John Foster was appointed Secretary of
State and Allen Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Washingtons
Dulles International Airport was named in honor of John Foster.
According to Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg who had served in
US intelligence during the Second World War, The Dulles brothers were
traitors, because they had given aid and comfort to US enemies before
and after World War II.54
As a member of the Wall Street legal firm of Sullivan and Cromwell,
John Foster Dulles represented a number of large German corporations,


one of which was IG Farben. He also represented wealthy American clients

whom he persuaded to invest in German industry. These were some of the
same clients who were involved in the round-robin of reparation payments
known as the Dawes Plan whereby loans were made to Germany to pay
reparations to Britain and France. The medium of exchange was gold.
The plan was devised by the Dulles Brothers, who incidentally sat on the
boards of German banks and IG Farben, which later manufactured Zyklon
B, the poison gas used in the extermination of Jews.
During the 1920s one of Hitlers ploys was to attack the industrial
corporate structure of Germany as part of the Jewish international
conspiracy to destroy the country. Dulles client IG Farben was at the top
of the list.
After WWI, US companies were encouraged by the Dulles brothers
through the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell to invest heavily in
German industry. German companies likewise invested in US companies.
IG Farben owned large blocks of stock in American oil companies.
Owners, in return for gold payments, exchanged important industrial
information with German industrialists including technological patents.
John Foster Dulles in 1934 drafted an agreement between Standard Oil of
New Jersey (Rockefeller) and IG Farben to provide the Nazi war machine
with synthetic oil and rubber patents. Farben manufactured the products
using slave labor at Auschwitz, the notorious death camp. So while Dulles
sat on the board of directors of IG Farben, the company contributed to the
genocidal policies of the German government by working slave laborers to
death for profit.
In the 1930s the Dulles brothers continued their duplicitous projects
by encouraging their Western clients to contribute to the Nazi Party as
well as the Nazi war machine in return for financial favors.
According to some sources, the Dulles brothers used legal
technicalities and their personal connections to impede the prosecution
of German corporations that had used slave labor to produce war materiel.
In addition, they were able to prevent the prosecution of Nazis who were


known mass killers. The brothers personally interceded on their behalf

and were instrumental in arranging Nazi escapes from Germany and
southeast Europe to the US, to our Allies and to South America. Under
the Freedom of Information Act the supportive documents for these
statements of fact are filed in the historical archives of this country and
are now available.55
John Foster died in 1959. Allen was eventually forced to resign as
director of the CIA by President Kennedy because of the Bay of Pigs
debacle, but was appointed by President Johnson as a member of the
commission that investigated Kennedys assassination.
Despite all of this, however, the Middle East of the 1950s became a
chessboard of the Cold War. Independence was wrested from imperial
powers and Arabs began to adopt self-rule rather than British protectorate
status. Two trends began in the Middle East, one toward Arab nationalism
and modernization following the vision of Egyptian President Gamal
Abdel Nasser, and the other towards the nostalgic Wahhabist vision of the
monarchies of the region. Saudi Arabia, of course, was the leader of this
latter group. The monarchies of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait also
had a legitimate edge over the nationalists because they controlled the oil.
The Cold War further polarized the region. Because of the influence of
American oil companies, the US supported the monarchies, and though
Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy both made solid efforts to court
Nasser, Egypt and Syria moved to the Soviet side of the table having
received most of their military technology from them.
Thus the chess pieces began to be moved across the board as East
and West played their game: Britain signed the Baghdad Pact in 1955 with
Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan in an attempt to keep these nations pro-
Western. In 1956, Britain moved with France and Israel to invade the
Sinai Peninsula which precipitated the Suez Crisis. In response to these
maneuvers, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic in 1958. It
would eventually be the alliance that initiated the 1967 Six-Day War and
the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In response, Jordan and Iraq formed the Arab


Union of Jordan and Iraq that same year, joining together their Hashemite
kingdoms. Former premier of Iraq, Nuri as-Said, was named leader of
the new venture. Nasser responded by calling upon the people, police,
and military of Iraq to overthrow their pro-Western government. This
resulted in the July 14, 1958 coup dtat that put the military in control of
the country and dissolved the Arab Union. Iraq withdrew from its own
Baghdad Pact in 1959.
An odd trend developed: the US began to favor the regressive regimes
over the progressive ones. While both were dictatorships and repressive,
America was supporting the faction that would produce terrorism and
continue to return the region to the Middle Ages, not the side that would
move towards modernization and a better standard of living. As the US
had depleted its own oil reserves in Oklahoma and Texas to win the Second
World War, Middle Eastern oil, and particularly that from Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait had become of great interest, if not a necessity to
keep the US economy prospering. As Americans paid richly to pump the
crude to keep its economy thriving, they were unknowingly funding a
growing underground movement against Israel and stability in the region.
Through it all, Saudi Arabia maintained the neutrality ibn Saud had
exhibited during World War II. After Ibn Saud died in 1943, his second
son who became King Saud waited to see what would transpire before
taking a stand. Though Saudi Arabia had no love for the fledgling Jewish
state, it was more concerned at that time with its aggressive neighbors,
particularly the Hashemite kingdoms of Jordan and Iraq on the northern
border. Under King Saud, and despite the continual flow of oil money into
the region, Saudi Arabia was plunged into financial chaos. King Saud was
eventually deposed and replaced by his younger brother, Faisal bin Abdul
Aziz, in 1964. The Wahhabi ulemas (Muslim scholars trained in Islamic
law) had much to do with this change in leadership, and Faisal wouldnt
forget it. Sauds government had grown soft and more open; Faisal would
return the country to its ultra-conservative Wahhabist roots. Faisal,
whose mother died when he was six years old, was raised by his maternal


grandfather. He advised the future king, Saudi Arabia should lead the
Arab world and the ideology of Wahhabism should be exported.56
Though Faisals grandfather died not long after giving him this
advice, apparently it was never forgotten. It also appears Faisal was more
like his father, ibn Saud, than his older brother had been. But it was the
clever, behind-the-scenes ibn Saud that came out in Faisal rather than the
cutthroat invader who had retaken Mecca and Medina. He would use his
influence and the power of Wahhabism, not military might, to promote
Saudi interests. Just as Saud had supplied only two Saudi brigades to
help fight the Jews in their war for independence in 1948-1949, so Faisal
would only supply one for the Six-Day War in 1967. The division would
see no action. Saudi Arabia ultimately benefitted from Israels victory in
many ways. With Egypt embarrassed and weakened, Nasser pulled his
troops from Yemen where he had hoped a coup would deliver the Arabia
Peninsula into Pan-Arab Nationalist control. With Nassers withdrawal,
Saudi Arabias southern border was again secure.
King Faisal showed no gratitude for Nassers move and soon found
another way to undermine Israel and those Arab states that might rival
Saudi in the Middle East. He began to financially support an upstart
organization called Fatah (The Movement for the National Liberation of
Palestine), headed by an Egyptian who adopted the name Yasser Arafat.
Fatah and brother organizations used Saudi money to destabilize Jordan,
eventually forcing the country to apply its full military might to oust them
during Black Septemberthe Jordanian civil warof 1968. However, Fatah
would still manage to take full control of the Nasser-created Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1969, combining several terrorist groups
under one umbrella.
All the while, Saudi Arabia continued to maintain solid relations with
the US as oil money flowed into Faisals coffers. Indirectly, US dollars
promoted and exported Wahhabismthe doctrine hatred for Israel and
the West.



As for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him ,

and will make him f r uit f ul, and will multiply him exceedin gly;
t welve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a g reat nation .
But my covenant will I establish with Isaac .
(Genesis 17: 20 -21)

The Six-Day war of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973 not
only preserved Israel, but also turned the tide in the Arabic world
toward regressive, pro-western monarchies. As the Arab nationalists
following Nasser failed repeatedly to defeat the small sliver of a state
that is Israel, Saudi Arabia sat back quietly and paid thugs to ensure its
interests. This money assured that targets such as the TAPLINEthe
Trans Arabian Pipelinestayed off terrorists lists. The pipeline ran from
Sidon in Lebanon, through the Golan Heights, and into Saudi Arabia.
The protection money failed to achieve the desired result though when
Lebanon collapsed in 1983 and the oil stopped flowing. As the PLO took
control over terrorism in the region, Saudi Arabian princes and kings
became Arafats most faithful backers.
While King Faisal suspended oil exports to the US and Great Britain


during the Six-Day War, the results were minimal and Faisal hadnt
fully discovered that oil could be used as a weapon. However, the world
changed greatly from 1967 to 1973. By that time, both Saddam Hussein,
vice-president of the faction that had toppled the Iraqi monarchy in
1972, and Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, who had taken control in Libya in
June of 1973, had nationalized all oil interests within their borders. The
Organization of Oil Producing Countries (OPEC) was at its apex. Saudi
Arabia was content to remain on the sidelines as the Yom Kippur War
erupted on October 6, 1973, and sat idly by through most of the struggle.
King Faisal decided to finally step in when all appeared lost as Israeli
troops, under the command of Ariel Sharon, crossed the Suez Canal on
October 16. By October 20, troops were within 63 miles of Cairo. Faisal
then cut off oil supplies to the US and ordered other OPEC members to
do the same. They complied, and on October 21, stopped the flow of oil
to the US sixth fleet in the Mediterranean. Suddenly, Israels allies were
selfishly urging her to sign a cease-fire.
Though the war ended with neither side conceding defeat, the only
real winners were the Saudis, who had never fired a shot. They had shown
other Arab nations that they possessed the power pan-Arab Nasserites
and Syrians did not. This might have had enough of a ripple effect on its
own, but the embargo would have an unexpected additional benefit: oil
prices soared. Saudi oil revenues in 1972 had been $2.7 billion; but in 1973
rose to $4.3 billion. In 1974 numbers skyrocketed to $22.6 billion, 57 and
suddenly Faisal had nearly unlimited resources with which to propagate
Saudi and Wahhabist interests.
Saudi Arabia soon boasted the leading economy among Arab countries,
and became a destination for Muslims who could not find decent-paying
jobs in their own countries. Wahhabist ulemas would use this to their
advantage. These immigrants would be indoctrinated with Wahhabism
while in Saudi and eventually, when they had earned enough money,
would return to their own countries with changed minds. Wahhabism
would become the cry for Islam to ascend to a place of dominance in


the world system. Saudi Arabia became the ideal of every other Muslim
nation and Saudis preached Wahhabism as the belief system that Allah
blessed so richly. The Muslim world looked to Saudi Arabia both for
financial deliverance from poverty and for enlightenment. Wahhabism
was proclaimed the seed of revival for true Islam.
Additionally, with Saudi control over the holy cities of Mecca and
Medina, to which every Moslem had to travel at least once in their lifetime
as part of the Hajj (a pilgrimage which is one of the five pillars of Islam).
This afforded them another way of showing the rest of the world true
Islam. Pilgrims were introduced to extreme-fundamentalist Wahhabi
doctrine which was deemed the true Islam of Muhammad. As interest
grew, Wahhabism spread throughout the Muslim world and became a
standard curriculum in schools, mosques, and universitiesSaudi grants
and donations to Islamic charities made sure of this.
The West glossed this over, calling the movement Islamism. The
US State Department, intelligence community, and other concerned
branches of the government paid it little attention. In a relativist culture
of separation of church (religion) and state, Islamism was viewed
simply as a cultural movement to uplift the spirits of some of the poorest
nations in the world. The thought that a religious teaching could actually
be dangerous bordered too closely on intolerance (the greatest sin of
political correctness) and went against the grain. The US wouldnt begin
to take notice until after the attacks on September 11. Even then it would
take more than two years before any governmental agency publicly
announced that Wahhabism might be a threat.58 Until that day, no one
in the US government was willing to suggest that someone could hate
this country enough to hijack a plane and commit suicide in the hope of
killing thousands. The narcotic power of Wahhabism and the hatred it
created had been totally underestimated.
The Yom Kippur War also brought other changes in the Islamic world
and the Middle East. After Egypt and Syrias defeat in a conventional
war, it became evident, especially when the US began to back Israel as


a military ally and bolster her military with advanced US weaponry,

that there was little chance of winning a direct conventional war against
Israel. Despite the fact that it held only one-eighth of one percent of the
land of the Arab states, this little country was much more than a David
against their Goliath. Somehow Israel had become the Middle-Eastern
superpower, especially since it was the only country in the region with
the atomic bomb. This brought about concern that Israel might attack Iraq
with nuclear weapons if provoked during the 1991 Gulf War, again causing
America to rush weaponry to defend Israelthis time the Patriot missile
in exchange for Israels promise to stay on the sideline. As a result, Israel
absorbed thirty-nine missile strikes without retaliating even once, all the
while keeping Baghdad in her nuclear crosshairs.
As a result, at a 1974 meeting in Rabat, Morocco, the Arab League
appointed the terrorist organization, the PLO, as the sole, legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people, and Egyptian-born Mohammed
Abdel-Raouf Arafat al Qudwa al-Hussaeini, as its leader. He would become
known as Yasser Arafat.
Another result was also the brightest ray of hope seen in the Arab-
Israeli conflict in the last Century: the peace treaty and normal relations
between Egypt and Israel and returning the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt on
the guarantee that it remains demilitarized. Even with this agreement
came signs of dissention. After Egyptian President Muhammad Anwar
al-Sadat made his unprecedented trip to Israel in 1977 and became the
first Arab Leader to address the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, I asked
Prime Minister Menachem Begin what he thought of the Egyptian leader
in an informal meeting we had some time later. He responded, I didnt
like his tie, and I didnt like his letter. Although I didnt know what he
meant at the time, I felt it was inappropriate to pursue the matter. Later
I discovered that as Sadat addressed the Knesset he wore a tie with a
dazzling pastiche of large Nazi swastikas. Rumors spread in 1953 that
Adolph Hitler may have escaped capture and was alive and well in Brazil.
An Egyptian weekly, Al-Musawwar, asked Sadat what he would write to


the fuehrer. Sadat (who played a role in Nassers coup to oust King Faruk)

I congratulate you with all my heart, because, though

you appear to have been defeated, you were the real victor.
You were able to sow dissention between Churchill, the
old man, and his allies on one hand and their ally, the
devil, on the other . . . That you should become immortal
in Germany is reason enough for pride. And we should not
be surprised to see you again in Germany, or a new Hitler
in your place.59

Prior to this, and in the midst of World War II, Sadat had spent time
in jail for his openly pro-Nazi stance and frank endorsement of Hitler
in British-ruled Egypt. Sadat would thus sign a peace treaty with Israel
while flagrantly sporting his anti-Semitic tie.
Despite this, Sadat was assassinated in 1981 for his efforts to bring
peace to the Middle East. Normal relations broke down. Egypt withdrew
its ambassador to Israel in 2001. Sadats move did, however, set a precedent
that would be followed by Jordan as it signed a peace treaty with Israel
in 1994. To date, Egypt and Jordan are the only two Arab countries to
agree to such treaties; other Arab nations have remained openly hostile
towards Israel. However, anti-Semitism is again rising in Egypt.
If direct military confrontation were not the answer to defeating
Israel, what was? Ayatollah Khomeini provided part of the answer in
ousting the Shah of Iran, and the PLO provided the rest when invading
Lebanon. The Arabs aimed to fight a war of attrition against Israel,
defeating her little by little and destroying her will to fight back. This
would be through spreading the virus of rabid anti-Semitism and
asymmetrical terrorism. Khomeini showed how to unify secular, social,
and religious groups in their hatred for the Shah and the US and used it
as a political and military tool to overthrow the government. With the


storming and capture of the US Embassy on November 4, 1979, he showed

that the West was far from all-powerful. Suddenly Islam became the new
Goliath determined to defeat the US and Israel.
The revolution was a surprise in Washington and Langley. A 1978
Mossad report to US officials that Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi was in
eminent danger of being deposed was soundly rejected. When the Shah
fell roughly a year later, it was not only shocking to President Jimmy
Carter, but extremely embarrassing. Unfortunately this would not be the
last event of this magnitude about which the CIA would fail to inform the
president or that Carter would mishandle.
Despite the USs surprise, the Saudis welcomed the overthrow in
more ways than one. Saudi Arabia benefited from the Iranian revolution
as it cut off Iranian oil to the West. Saudi oil revenues again grew
disproportionately as a result just as they had after the OPEC embargo
of 1973: their royalties were $32.2 billion in 1978, $48.4 billion in 1979,
and $102.1 billion in 1981.60 As a result, between 1982 and 2002, 1,500
mosques, 210 Islamic centers, and 2,000 Muslim schools were built in
non-Muslim countries alone in order to promote Wahhabism. The Saudis
also donated academic chairs for Islamic studies to Harvard Law School
and the University of California at Berkley, as well as grants supporting
Islamic research at American University (in Washington, D.C.), Howard
University, Duke, and Johns Hopkins.61 In a two-year period in the 1980s,
according to Muslim World League internal documents, the Saudis spent
$10 million to build mosques in the United States.62 Since 1973, Saudis
have spent well over $87 billion to spread Wahhabism throughout the US
and the Western Hemisphere.63
The Saudis also began to purchase arms from the United States
about that time. It was in February of 1978 that Jimmy Carter informed
Congress he planned to sell fifty F-15 fighters to Saudi Arabia. Despite
objections from Israel, pro-Israel lobbyists and demonstrators marched
in the streets with signs bearing such slogans as Hell No to the PLO
and Aid to Israel! Best Investment for America. The sale was eventually


approved.64 America was now selling advanced arms to both Israel and
the Arabs.
The PLO and Hezbollah (Party of Allah) contributed to the rise
of Islamism by creating something that eventually became known as
asymmetrical terrorism, used to indicate that the strategy and tactics of
one side differs significantly from the other. These were not battles with
visible soldiers wearing identifying uniforms and shooting at each other
over no-mans land. These were sudden, surprise kamikaze-type attacks
aimed at killing as many as possible with no opportunity to retaliate
because there was no one alive at which to return fire. Under careful
manipulation by zealous minds, a new H bombthe Human bombhad
been created. It was one that could be used to zero in on any target with
greater precision than any of Americas smart bombs and cost millions
less to produce. Loss of human life has never been a consideration for
Using H-bombs, the PLO and Hezbollah demonstrated how to use
asymmetrical terrorist tactics to scare an enemy into retreat. I was in
Beirut in October 1983 when two truck bombs were used against US and
French troops stationed there. The explosions killed 241 US military
personnel and fifty-eight French paratroopers. I remember the chaos
and panic that rippled through the streets that day. The result was that
the foreign troops withdrew and Lebanon was turned into a terrorist
incubation center where Christians were killed and Muslim children
in daycare centers and kindergartens were taught the glory of being
martyred for Allah as suicide-bombers against Israel. America had lost
its first significant battle in the war on terrorism and its citizens didnt
even know they were at war.




For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a

st ron g tower f rom the enemy,
(Psalm 61: 3.)

W hile Wahhabism focused its hatred on the West, the Communist

East was also in its crosshairs. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan
at the end of 1979 to protect its puppet government from the Mujihadeen
(Persian for warriors) rebel uprising, Osama bin Laden, the twenty-three-
year-old heir to the largest construction business in Saudi Arabia, left the
Middle East to fight the Soviets for the freedom of his Islamic brothers
in Afghanistan. He received support from Saudi, Pakistan, and the US to
fight a guerilla war against sophisticated Soviet military might.
The Saudis spent $4 billion in aid to various Afghan rebel groups
between 1980 and 1990, which excludes the amount given through
various Islamic charities and private funds of the princes.65 Bin Laden
received special training from the CIA and created a network throughout
the Muslim world to successfully recruit fighters and secure equipment


for the Mujihadeen cause against Soviet infidels. After nearly a decade of
fighting, the Soviets finally withdrew in February of 1989. It was apparent
they were no longer able to move into a region and suppress an uprising
as they had throughout Soviet Bloc countries in previous decades. As
a result, Soviet republics began to secede from the USSR, one by one
declaring their independence. Moscow had no resolve to fight a civil war
to stop the succession. As a result, the Berlin wall fell on November 9,
1989 and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was finally dissolved in
December of 1991.
Fighting in Afghanistan did not end with the Soviet withdrawal
however, as rebel forces continued their drive to take over the government
that had precipitated the Soviet intervention. The government held out
against these forces for some time until, before its demise, the Soviet
Union signed an agreement with the United States to stop giving aid to
either side. Over the next few years various groups claimed control until
a Wahhabish movement headquartered in Herat called the Taliban finally
won out and set up a government. This movement was organized with
the help of the former Saudi construction engineer who was suddenly
a George Washington to the Arab world. Bin Laden had not only helped
to topple the Soviet Union, but also made way for the first Wahhabist
government outside of Saudi Arabia.
Intoxicated by his success in vanquishing the Soviets, bin Laden would
turn his attention to the only remaining superpower that threatened the
Wahhabist worldview: the United States. In 1988, the incredible network
this Muslim folk hero had formed to defeat the Soviets became al Qaeda
(The Base.) With its inception, more than a decade of violence against the
US would not really be noticed until fifteen Saudis and four other Muslim
members of al Qaeda high-jacked four US airliners, crashed two into the
World Trade Center Towers, and one into the Pentagon on September
11, 2001. The hijackers on the fourth plane targeted Washington, D.C.
but it crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after passengers
bravely tried to overcome the terrorists.


Meanwhile Saudi leaders sat back and watched, quietly funding

terrorism and securing more advanced military hardware and protection
from the United States to safeguard its oil interests. The threat to Saudi
Arabia was real, however. In 1990 Saddam Hussein could easily have
pushed through Kuwait to Riyadh had he so desired because of Saudi
Arabias poor defensive ability. While they possessed some of the most
sophisticated US weapons available, Saudi troops werent combat ready
and could hardly have been expected to operate effectively. The Iraq war
was no more than a bump in the US economy; gas prices temporarily
soared in response to the possibility that the war might bring shortages,
then quickly returned to normal. Martin Indyk, former US Ambassador
to Israel said:

Weve struck a Faustian bargain, turning a blind eye

to Saudi Arabias domestic policies . . . and a blind eye to
Saudi Arabian efforts to export Wahhabism.66

In roughly that same time period (1990-2001), the Saudis were the
number one world customer for advanced US conventional weaponry
with sales totaling over $45 billion. Saudis have also invested about
$200 billion back into the US economy through the years. However,
despite having the most sophisticated weaponry in the region, without
mercenaries or US troops to operate and maintain it, they are little more
than fancy, and extremely dangerous, toys. Like much else that has been
done in Saudi Arabia, great sums of money have been spent to look good,
but no infrastructure has been built for arms maintenance.
Saudi Arabias wealth is based solely on its oil reserves, but all those
billions have created no lasting industry in the country where few Saudis
are trained to run anything. The entire country has been kept afloat by
engineers and experts from the West and cheap labor from the rest of
the Muslim world. Saudi Arabia seems to have benefited little from the
reign of the House of Saud. Instead of creating more wealth and raising


the standard of living in the country, riches have been wasted on the
opulent lives of its government officials (almost all of whom are relatives
of the 7,000-member strong royal family), and on exporting the hatred of
Right after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August of 1990, Osama bin
Laden offered the aid of his well-trained Mujihadeen forces to protect his
Saudi homeland from Saddam Husseins continued march through Kuwait
to Riyadh. This would keep Saudi Arabia free of a possible infidel influence
by allowing Western troops into the country to defend it. The Saudi
Government did not take Bin Laden seriously, and soon US troops landed
in Saudi Arabia to form the Desert Storm invasion force. The presence of
American troops in his homeland became another mark against the United
States for bin Laden, and one against what he must have viewed as Western
corruption. This was further evidenced by the fact that bin Laden became
more and more critical in his comments about the Saudi regime to the point
that in 1994, the Saudi government revoked his citizenship. There is also
evidence that it was this sentiment that motivated al Qaeda members to
carry out the four Riyadh bombings in May and November of 2003 claiming
the lives of forty-two individuals, including eight Americans, and wounding
hundreds in an attempt to remove all Westerners from Saudi soil.
In April of 1991 Arab rage began to become more consolidated and
focused. Radical Islamic sympathizers with Iraq during Desert Storm
convened in Khartoum at the invitation of Hassan al-Turabi. Islamic
militants called the National Islamic Front (NIF) had toppled the Sudanese
government in June of 1989 and Sudan moved into the Islamist world (after
the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, bin Laden made trips to Sudan
to help organize the NIF.) Many of the groups attending received Saudi
financial support. Fifty-five nations were represented including several
from the Middle East as well as representatives from Hamas (an acronym
for the Islamic Resistance Movement) and Islamic Jihad, as well as
Yasser Arafat and bin Laden. Bin Laden even set up residence in Khartoum
from 1991 until he was expelled in 1996 (at which time he returned to


Afghanistan to set up new headquarters). In those few years he initiated

various businesses there as money-collecting fronts for al Qaeda.
What these groups all had in common was their hatred for the United
States and its Middle East proxy, Israel. From it came the Popular Arab and
Islamic Congress (PAIC) that met every couple of years until Sudan closed
its offices in Khartoum in February of 2000. In a parting shot, al-Turabi
blamed the US among other nations for the closure of offices because the
United States is well known for its hostile attitudes towards Islam.67 In
that time span, PAIC became a terrorists convention where they could make
new relationships and alliances, share bomb-making secrets, coordinate
efforts and logistics, and encourage one another in their hatred. Al Qaeda
blossomed as a result of the connections bin Laden made there and at the
next conference held in January of 1993. On his own, Bin Laden would
coordinate efforts with Hezbollah in 1992 and Hezbollah would attend
PAICs 1995 conference. PAIC became a Whos Who? of international
It was during the early days of William Clintons presidency, that the
United States received its second wake-up call from bin Ladens organization:
the February 26, 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center. The first al
Qaeda attack was in 1992 against the Goldmore and Aden Hotels in Yemen,
a temporary barracks for US Marines in transit to Somalia. While this first
WTC attack went relatively unnoticed, in it were seeds of the eventual
September 11 attacks, and not only in the same location. The actual aim of
the bombing was to topple the towers and kill as many as 250,000.68 If they
had succeeded in even one percent of this instead of killing seven, we would
be remembering February 26, 1993, not September 11, 2001.
In Losing bin Laden, author Richard Miniter wrote of Clintons
ineptitude in dealing with bin Laden throughout his presidency:

In 1993, bin Laden was a small-time funder of militant

Muslim terrorists in Sudan, Yemen, and Afghanistan. By
the end of 2000, Clintons last year in office, bin Ladens


network was operating in more than fifty-five countries

and already responsible for the deaths of thousands
(including fifty-five Americans) . . .
Clinton was tested by historic, global conflict, the
first phase of Americas war on terror. He was president
when bin Laden declared war on America. He had many
chances to defeat bin Laden; he simply did not take them.
If, in the wake of the 1998 embassy bombings, Clinton
had rallied the public and the Congress to fight bin Laden
and smash terrorism, he might have been the Winston
Churchill of his generation. But, instead, he chose the role
of Neville Chamberlain (whose appeasements of Hitler in
Munich in 1938 are credited with paving the way to the
Nazi invasion of Poland that began World War II the next

The 1993 WTC bombing had been planned and organized by Sheikh
Omar Abdel Rahman who said:

The obligation of Allah is upon us to wage jihd for

the sake of Allah. . . . We have to thoroughly demoralize
the enemies of Allah by blowing up their towers that
constitute the pillars of their civilization . . . the high
buildings of which they are so proud.70

In an uncompromising fit of moral relativistic blindness, FBI agents

dismissed the very reason for the attacks, failing to connect the bombing
to the worldwide Wahhabist movement that had fueled it. Rahmans
fanatical Islamists were viewed as a splinter group.
Rahman, who was involved in the assassination of Egyptian President
Anwar Sadat, came to America in 1990, free to set up his terrorist shop
in New Jersey. A PBS special aired in 1994 documented a patchwork of


Islamic groups and terrorist sponsors that had sprung up across America
after the Iranian revolution. These groups include arms of Islamic
Jihad, Hamas, and Hezbollah with cells in New York, Florida, Chicago,
Kansas City, and Dallas. The groups hide behind a smoke screen of small
businesses and religious and charitable groups. These team members
operate in the US to raise funds, recruit volunteers, and lay plans for
terrorist missions for the ultimate battle against The Great Satan. Their
primary mission is to succeed in obtaining widespread media coverage,
maximizing psychological and economic damage through terror.
By 1993, Jew-hatred empowered by US oil royalties was rampant
in Arab countries. Terrorists had been trained in toppling superpowers
through organizations such as the PAIC. Terrorist-harboring states
worldwide, as well as business and charities in the US were donating
money to fund attacks against the US and Israel. Another piece of the
puzzle leading to 9/11 was the December 1994 attempt by the Algerian
Groupe Islamique Arms hijacking of an Air France plane they planned
to crash into the Eiffel Tower. Most in the group were Arabs who had
fought in Afghanistan. The plan failed, because none of the hijackers
could fly the plane, so it landed in Marseilles instead, where it was
stormed by French police. No direct connection was made to al Qaeda,
but the attempt likely influenced the September 11 hijackers. They made
sure there were terrorists on board who could fly the airliners, even if
they didnt need to know how to land them. The United States was now
directly in the sights of Islamic rage.


L IBE R A L S, and L I A R S

He who says to the wicked, You are righteous ,

Him the people will curse; Nation s will abhor him .
(Proverbs 24: 24 N K J V )

As the nation that helped the Jews return to the land that had
been theirs some two millennia before, and as the nation that had raised
Arab countries from obscurity by the power of the petrodollar, the United
States moved from the eye of the prophetic squall on September 11, 2001,
into the fury of the hurricane. It was also the day the fragile economic
house of cards for which the Clinton administration took credit began to
topple. The nation went from a time of unprecedented hope and economic
confidence to despair in a matter of minutes.
The presidential election of 2000 was filled with debates about what
America should do about its incredible budget surpluspay down the
national debt? Save Social Security? Give tax cuts back to the taxpayers?
The government enjoyed budget surpluses in 1997 and 1998the first
since 1957. Projected estimates in January 2001 suggested that by the


year 2010 the US government could have as much as $5.6 trillion dollars
in surplus income with which to work. By March 2002 that forecast
dropped to $1.6 trillion. In 2000, the United States budget had a surplus
of $237 billion, which fell by almost half to $127 billion in 2001 following
the 9/11 attacks. It dropped $158 billion into the red in 2002, and hit at
that time a record deficit of roughly $374.2 billion in 2003 in the wake of
the Iraqi war. In mid- 2010, national forecasts for 2010 were cut from the
$1.6 trillion surplus to a slightly less than $1.3 trillion deficit.71 The 2013
budget shortfall is projected to be $977 billion.
When the Stock Market reopened on Monday, September 17, 2001
following the attack on the Twin Towers, it saw record losses in the
first few hours of trading. Not only did the US economy take a dive, but
also did those countries around the world that depend largely on US
consumer trade. In the weeks following, the market rebounded, only to
be hit again and again as consumer confidence deteriorated. Tech stocks
corrected from being grossly overvalued. Corporate accounting scandals
hit companies like Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco. Americans had been
robbed by the inflated economic optimism preached in the 1990s and by
corrupt corporate leaders. At the same time the airline industry took a
devastating hit as a result of the attacks, and United Airlines was forced
to file for Chapter Eleven Bankruptcy.
However, one industry did boomthe security industryas
Americans spent large sums trying to provide safety. The new Department
of Homeland Security created by the Bush administration was allotted
$37.70 billion for its 2003 budgetan increase from $19.5 billion in 2002.
A department that didnt exist when Bill Clintons second term ended
was demanding an ever-growing infusion of US tax dollars.
Eclipsing that were the lives forever changed on that day: children
who lost mothers or fathers, those who lost a spouse, a friend, or a son
or daughter. Driving home a few days after the attacks, I listened to the
account of a father calling his sister in the minutes before the second
tower fell. He gave her a final message to pass along to his wife and


children. I felt the real loss and madness of those attacks. Innocent lives
were scarred in an instant because of a murderous doctrine of hatred.
No moment has better defined the senselessness and horror of terrorism.
The moral clarity that could have prevented the attacks on September
11 also could have saved countless lives and a tremendous amount of
money. Unfortunately, despite increased awareness of real needs brought
about by September 11, deep ties to the Arab world still determine the
federal governments response. It appears that warning signs continue to
be ignored.
One example of this is that a group of Americans on a federal
commission tried to sound a warning twice: In September 1999 and in
January 2001, just 11 days after the Bush inauguration. The preliminary
report by former Senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, co-chairs
of the Commission on National Security, was given to then-President
Clinton. It stated:

A direct attack against American citizens on American

soil is likely over the next quarter century. The risk is not
only death and destruction but also a demoralization that
could undermine US global leadership.72

This warning was virtually ignored by top officials and the news
media. The commission continued its work, however, and on January 31,
2001, seven months before the attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon, Hart and Rudman presented the commissions final report
of 150 pages to newly elected President Bush. It was called Road Map
for National Security: Imperative for Change. In it the commissioners
reissued their warning, along with a detailed plan of action to make
America safer from terrorism. Again, the report was ignored.
On April 24, 2002, some seven and a half months later, an eight-plane
delegation of Saudi officials landed at Ellington Field in Houston, Texas.
The group onboard was on its way to meet with President George W. Bush


at the Western White House in Crawford. What should have been an

international incident instead turned into a State Department cover-up.
Why? Among the passengers in Crown Prince Abdullahs entourage was
one person on the FBIs most wanted list and two others on the terrorist
watch list. The feds were ready to storm the plane and arrest the three
men; however, the State Department had other prioritiesafter all, it
had been that organization which had issued visas in the first place. The
State Departments intervention resulted in the planes leaving without
incident. The FBI and Secret Service made certain the men got nowhere
near Crawford.73 Once again, economics and oil carried more weight than
national security.
Worse, perhaps, was the Visa Express program that issued US visas
to the Saudis through travel agents rather than with a trip to the embassy,
as is required elsewhere in the world. At least three of the fifteen Saudi
terrorists responsible for 9/11 entered the US via Visa Express, yet the
program continued to run uninterrupted. It took another ten months and
extreme media pressure to finally force closure.
In the wake of September 11, Saudis hired several public relations
firms to repair their image in the eyes of the US public. According to
Justice Department filings, approximately $17 million was spent on that
project. The firms hired included one of Washingtons most prominent,
Patton Boggs, which reportedly received some $200,000 a month.
Patton Boggs is especially known for its contacts among Democrats. It
was founded by Thomas Hale Boggs, Jr., a well-connected Democratic
lobbyist, and son of the late Hale Boggs, House majority leader. His sister
is journalist Cokie Roberts.
The New York Times reported the Saudi government also hired Akin,
Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, a company founded by Robert W. Strauss,
former head of the Democratic National Committee. The firm was paid
$161,799 in the first half of 2002. Frederick Dutton, a former special
assistant to President John F. Kennedy and long-time adviser to the
Saudis, received $536,000 to help manage the aftermath of September 11.


The Saudis ran hundreds of television and radio commercials in

virtually every major American media market and placed advertisements
in publications such as People magazine and Stars & Stripes, presumably
to influence US troops in Iraq. The latter was apparently an attempt to
divert attention from Saudi reluctance to respond to President Bushs call
for support during the Gulf War. The Saudi memory lapse regarding how
the US prevented Saddam Hussein from targeting the kingdom during
the 1991 Gulf War was obvious.
Three well-connected Washington lobbying and law firms were
hired and paid handsomely from the Kingdoms coffers to polish their
image. Ex-Washington officials have also been paid handsomely by the
Saudis. The list included such former government figures as Spiro T.
Agnew, Jimmy Carter, Clark Clifford, John B. Connally, and William E.
Simon. A Saudi source was quoted as saying that his countrymen had
contributed to every presidential library in recent decades.
Despite attempts by the Saudis to hone their image, the 2013 Amnesty
International report stated:

The authorities severely restricted freedoms of

expression, association and assembly and clamped down
on dissent. Government critics and political activists
were detained without trial or sentenced after grossly
unfair trials. Women were discriminated against in law
and practice and inadequately protected against domestic
and other violence. Migrant workers were exploited and
abused. Sentences of flogging were imposed and carried
out. Hundreds of people were on death row at the end of
the year; at least 79 people were executed . . . .Torture and
other ill-treatment of detainees and sentenced prisoners
were reported to be common, widespread and generally
committed with impunity. Reported methods included
beating, suspension by the limbs and sleep deprivation.


Those tortured reportedly included detained protesters,

who were held incommunicado for days or weeks without
charge or trial.74

The US must emerge from its lethargy. All is not well, and it must
no longer be deceived by appearances. It has obviously been no deterrent
to discover that fifteen of the nineteen hijackers on September 11 were
Saudis, and that Saudi Arabia is the largest supporter of al Qaeda. These
details are conveniently overlooked in order to maintain the flow of oil
that lubricates our nations economy. The US has been lulled to sleep with
whispers of Everything will be all right. Islam is a peaceful religion. You
have nothing to fear.
The rivulets of prophetic utterances are beginning to flow and
quickly merge with the rapids ahead. The next key events of biblical
prophecy are easily identifiable as the players slip into position:

1. Israel
Against all odds and unprecedented opposition, the Jews
rose from obscurity and Israel was reborn. Israel had
much for which to thank several American presidents. It
stands on the world stage as a nuclear power, and has on
more than one occasion brandished that power in the face
of invasion and possible defeat (the Yom Kippur War of
1973 is one of the best examples). Israel seems ready today
to take on the world if need beand may soon be forced
to do just that.

2. The European Union (EU)

Occupying the same lands as did the Roman Empire these
nations have traditionally been seen as the ten toes of
Nebuchadnezzars dream revealed in Daniel 2:31-45. This
mix of iron and clay cannot truly join together, i.e., oil and


water. It will more likely be an alliance of two governments

such as Middle Eastern monarchies and European
democracies. Whatever this alliance is, it seems likely the
EU will be central. During the presidency of George W.
Bush, the US, UN, EU, and Russia tried to force Israel to
accept yet another land-for-peace deal. That cooperative
could easily be part of the end time government that will
ratify a seven-year peace agreement between Israel and
the Antichrist.
This second member of the Quartet has become a
major proponent of Arab League anti-Semitism in past
decades. While it has done much to worsen the Palestinian
refugees plight since 1948, its Secretary General has also
spoken frequently against Israel. In the company of North
Korea, China, Saudi Arabia and other Shariah law nations,
Israel alone has been uniquely criticized and scrutinized
for so-called human rights violations. This masquerade
extends further when terrorist-supporting states such as
Syria head the Security Council or Libya leads the Human
Rights Commission. No wonder that arm of the UN
proclaims that Palestinians can use all available means,
including armed struggle75 to regain their occupied
territoriesa clever endorsement of suicide bombings.
At an Anti-Racism Conference in Durban, South
Africa in 2001, most conference attendees banded
together to condemn one nation as patently racistIsrael.
It is, incredibly, the only democracy in the Middle East
committed to civil rights, the rule of law, and Arab
participation in democratic government, but was unjustly
accused of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.76
Representatives of Israel and the United States walked out
on September 4, exactly one week before the attacks on


the World Trade Center and the Pentagonthe only two

nations willing to acknowledge the lunacy and prejudice
of the entire proceeding. During the conference, streets
were filled with protesters carrying banners reading,
The blood of the martyrs irrigates the tree of revolution
in Palestine and George W. Bush: Palestinian blood is on
your hands. It is all too easy to see that this organization
has changed greatly from its original intent and has
become a repository for the vengeful whims of Islamic
fanatics in these latter days.

3. Russia
Since the fall of communism in Russia, most Americans
no longer view this super power as a threat. The Cold
War (which some called World War III) may have ended,
but as the world edges towards another World War to be
fought over control of the worlds known oil supplies, this
former superpower will be a key player. Why? It likely
harbors oil reserves rivaling those of Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
Iran, and Kuwait which at one time were considered to
be as much as two-thirds of the worlds remaining oil. As
a third member of the Quartet, Russia, former leader of
the Communist world, a nuclear power, and the probable
reincarnation of Gog and Magog will prophetically sweep
down from the North to attack Israel; its role in the final
conflict also seems apparent.

4. China and the East

These nations can also be seen easily fitting into an anti-
Israel coalition because of links with the former Soviet
Union and an utter dependence on outside sources of
oil. We also know from Revelation 16 that the kings


of the east will join with those at the river Euphrates

(Babylonia) in the final battle.

5. The Terrorists
Their most vocal cry has been for the destruction of Israel
and the return of the third holiest site in Islam, Jerusalem
(and in particular the Temple Mount), to Arab control.
Most experts agree the terror war begun with the US on
September 11 will never truly end. The US has been lumped
together with Israel in this fight. The anti-Semitism that
has infected Arab countries is again spreading in Europe
and Russia. It is an ingredient that binds the anti-Israel
faction in the Battle of Armageddon.

6. The United States

The country stands in the midst of the gathering clouds of
this storm. As a member of the Quartet, the US was the only
one that really had the voice to urge Israels acceptance
of the Road Map. The strategic alliance with Israel also
makes the US her greatest defender. This position in the
last days will be determined by a choice of allegiance:
will the growing liberal tendencies of the US push her to
join the EU, UN, and Russia in a globalization move that
will, in the end, force a false peace on Israel and begin the
Tribulation? Or will the US with its moral clarity, large
Jewish populace, and Christian consciousness align itself
so closely with Israel that the two countries are literally
indistinguishable in the final chapter of Bible prophesy?

As you should be able to tell from this brief summary of the players,
such a decision will be one made by the US alone, and not imposed by
outside forces. Those nations will influence the United States either


through negotiations or terrorist attacks. What will the US do? Will

freedom be bartered for plentiful but expensive oil, globalization, and
moral relativism, or will Americans stay the course and hold to biblical
principles? Will the US nation be on Gods side in the final conflict? Will
we acquiesce to lunatics, liberals, and liars in weakness, or stand strong
and seek a revival of moral clarity?



DR AW N through the
H E A R T of J E RUS A L E M

But I have chosen Jer usalem , that my name might be there;

and have chosen David to be over my people Israel,
( 2 Chronicles 6: 6.)

Lines for the approaching Battle of Armageddon have been drawn

by UN resolutions, terrorist demands, and US acceptance of the Israeli
boundaries of 1967 that declared the Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, West
Bank, East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount occupied territories. On
three different occasions between 1991 and 2001, the PLO was offered
that land minus control of East Jerusalem. Each time the offer was
refused and violence escalated. The conclusion is only too obvious: the
PLO now referred to as the Palestinian Authority or PA, will not sign a
final agreement with Israel until control of East Jerusalem is included.
The battle line has indeed been drawn through the heart of Jerusalem,
the Old City and the Temple Mount.


Israelis and Palestinians both claim Jerusalem as their capital, yet

most countries including the United States have embassies in Tel Aviv.
The reason is found in the hesitancy to be seen as backing one side
against the other. To back Israel would send a strong message to the
Arab nations that the US has as yet been very hesitant to make.
Several years ago, I met with former New York Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani to discuss Jerusalem. I asked him what the most important
things were that Jerusalem and New York had in common. He replied:

We are both blessed with freedom and democracy.

Much of the world doesnt have freedom and democracy.
Because we share the same principles on which
government and society are based, than all of the other
friendships become even stronger.
The relationship of blood also exists between New
York and Jerusalem. There are so many who have family
in both places.
We have the relationship of religious significance
for Jews, Christians, and Muslimsthe historical
significance and the reality that we are two of the worlds
great cities. Jerusalem is older than New York. A good
deal of the world passes through both places. We share
great bonds. 77

New York and America indeed share a great bond with Jerusalem
the city that will be the center of global attention in the final days. Even
after over four decades of visiting Israel and studying the conflicts and
prophecies surrounding her, I still dont fully comprehend why this is so.
The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism, perhaps second only
to Golgotha to Christians. It is considered the third holiest place in the
world to Muslims (behind Mecca and Medina), though Jerusalem, the
city Muslims call al-Quds, is not mentioned in the Quran. For Jews, it is


the place of which God said, In this house and in Jerusalem, which I
have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put My name forever, (II
Chronicles 33:7, NKJV.)
Why has Jerusalem been a bone of contention to the world? Why is
such a tiny city so often in the world news? It is because of that ancient
prophecy whose fulfillment Jehovah himself guaranteed!
Every nation that has come against Jerusalem has been cursed.
In 586 B.C., the Babylonian army besieged Jerusalem and ransacked
the Temple. On Friday, April 11, 2003, the Iraqi National Museum in
Baghdad was plundered by a lawless society. More than 170,000 ancient
and priceless artifacts were stolen. These relics covered the entire 7,000
years of Babylonian history.
Saddam Hussein, who claimed to be Nebuchadnezzar incarnate,
was cursed just as the first Nebuchadnezzar was cursed. Saddam should
have read the Bible. Who would ever have believed that the man who
caused nations to tremble would end up hiding in a hole in the ground,
hair matted, beard dirty and unkempt, and dining on rotten food. Bums
living under bridges look better than Hussein did when captured.
In Madrid, I was the first to challenge then-Secretary of State
James Baker over Jerusalem. I asked, Why cant America recognize
Jerusalem as Israels capital? Baker was incensed by my question and
said he refused to be entangled in a fruitless debate, and that the status
of Jerusalem would be determined by negotiations.
Why have I been so concerned? There is no other city in the world on
which Jehovah pronounces a blessing to those who bless it, and a curse
on those who curse it. The nations that divide Jerusalem will be cursed
beyond their ability to comprehend. If that happens, no amount of prayer
or repentance will reverse the curse on that nation. Once prophecy is
touched, Jehovahs anger will not be assuaged.
This revelation is amazing. Presidents have placed their hands on
the prophecy of King Solomon found in II Chronicles 7:14 while being
sworn into office. They trusted that Jehovah would bless America as


well as their term in office. It is unlikely, however, that many have read
the prophecy by Solomon found in 2 Chronicles 6:6: But I have chosen
Yerushalayim, that my name (shem) might be there, (paraphrased.) This
amazing prophecy denotes that Jerusalem is the only city in the world
on which Jehovah has chosen to place His name.
Is it important that Jerusalem not be touched? Unequivocally, yes!
Heaven and earth met in Jerusalem after the birth of Jesus and will meet
again upon His return. The prophecies declare that Jerusalem will be
unitednot dividedwhen the Messiah returns. He is not coming back
to a Muslim city.
At the end of the age, Jerusalem will be the center of all prophecy:

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down

out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully
dressed for her husband, (Revelation 21:2 niv.)

The prophet Amos proclaimed:

The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his
voice from Jerusalem, (Joel 3:16, NIV.)

The prophet Zechariah declared:

I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem,

(Zechariah 8:3 niv.)

It is no coincidence that the first words of the New Testament are:

A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of

David, the son of Abraham, (Matthew 1:1 niv.)


David, the first king of Jerusalem, was forerunner of the true King,
Jesus Christ.
The final Battle of the Ages will be over Jerusalem. If Americas
leaders choose to line up against the Scriptures, she will find herself
fighting against Jehovah, a battle that will definitely be lost!
Satans challenge to Jehovah can be found in Isaiah 14:12-15, NIV:

How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son

of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you
who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart,
I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above
the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of
assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make
myself like the Most High. But you are brought down to
the grave, to the depths of the pit.

Notice he says he will sit on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, on

the north side. Yet Jehovah says, You will be cursed and brought down
to the lowest pit of hell. Most wars have been fought over ownership
disputes, over land and over property. Personal battles have raged over
someone illegally using the name of another person to write a check or
to buy goods. It is called fraud. The person who commits fraud can be
punished severely. America even has laws that grant a citizen the right to
bear arms to protect his property. Jerusalems title deed does not belong
to anyone; it belongs exclusively to Jehovah. He placed His Name there!
The prophets declare :

Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those

nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his
feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives,
which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount


of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the

east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great
valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the
north, and half of it toward the south, (Zechariah 14:3-4,

Its amazing that the US, supposedly a Christian nation, would move
to divide Jerusalem and give East Jerusalem over to the PLO, a terrorist
regime, to become the capital of an Islamic state.
There is, indeed, in ancient prophecy, a curse that Jehovah will
place on the nation that divides Jerusalem:

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling

unto all the people round about, when they shall be in
the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And
in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall
be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be
gathered together against it. In that day will I make
the governors of Judah like an hearth of fire among the
wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall
devour all the people round about, on the right hand and
on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in
her own place, even in Jerusalem. In that day shall the
Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is
feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the
house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord
before them, (Zechariah 12:2, 3, 6, 8 niv.)
And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will
smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem;
Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon
their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their
holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their


mouth. And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the

wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered
together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance,
(Zechariah 14:12,14 niv.)

The Mosque of Omar with the golden dome that dominates the
skyline of Jerusalem is more commonly known as the Dome of the Rock.
It is built over the stone upon which Abraham reportedly laid Isaac as
a sacrifice. In Muslim traditionechoing the jealousy of Ishmael, the
eldest but not favored sonit was he, not Isaac, who was offered here. It
is also said to be the place from which Muhammad ascended into heaven
for a special visit. Muslims do not refer to the area as the Temple Mount,
but as the Noble Sanctuary.
Some believe this is also the location of the altar of the first two
Hebrew Templesthough this may be due more to the Crusaders con
fusion of it and the Temple of Solomon than any actual archeological
evidence. The Muslim edifice was built sometime around AD 700. Caliph
Omar I, successor to the prophet Muhammad, took Jerusalem in AD 637.
Though it is the more famous of the two mosques of the Noble Sanctuary
because of its brilliant dome, it is not considered the holiest.
That designation rests with the second mosque on the Mount, called
the al-Aqsa Mosque (which means the farthest place of worship of the
One God and refers to its distance from Mecca.) It sits just to the south
of the Dome of the Rock, and is the largest mosque in Jerusalem. It was
built soon after the Dome of the Rock and is dedicated to Muhammads
night visit to heaven and supposedly rests upon the place from which he
took that journey.
It was also this location that became the focal point for the beginning
of the second Intifada, which is also called the al-Aqsa Intifada because
it began when then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited that
holy site. The violence began in smaller outbreaks days before this,
but on September 28, 2000 it reached new heights after Sharon stood


at the door of the al-Aqsa Mosque. Though Sharon entered none of

the mosque buildings on the Temple Mount, his mere presence on the
Noble Sanctuary (all of which Arabs actually consider a mosque) caused
an eruption of shouting and rock throwing. The melee resulted in
twenty-eight Israeli policemen being injured, three of whom had to be
hospitalized. There were no reported Palestinian injuries that day. The
following day, however, orchestrated violence erupted after the Muslims
Friday prayers which resulted in deaths and casualties on both sides.
The worst period of Palestinian violence in Israeli history ensued. From
September 29, 2000 to September 11, 2002, some 427 Israeli civilians and
185 members of the Israeli Defense Forces were killed, 3,202 civilians
and 1,307 IDF members injured.
Though the violence had likely been set to start the moment Arafat
walked out on the Camp David talks with Israel in July, it was Sharons
visit to the Noble Sanctuary that was purportedly the catalyst for violence
to begin in earnest. It is a testimony to how control of the Temple Mount
is at the heart of the conflict. It has also been the site of other outbreaks
of tension such as the one on September 24, 1996 that led to four days of
fighting with tanks and attack helicopters being employed. When the
dust and smoke settled more than seventy had died with hundreds more
wounded. The pretext of that battle was the opening of a new exit to the
Hasmonean Tunnel, an archeological site running along the Western
Wall and under part of the Old City of Jerusalem. At the time visitors
had to enter and exit by the same opening.
It is traditionally believed that the Dome of the Rock will have to be
removed before the third, and last, Temple can be builta prophecy well
known to the Arabs and a reason to further distrust Jewish oversight of
the Mount. Some believe, however, that the original site of the Temple
may have been on the northern part of the Temple Mount, which is open,
not in the south where the Dome of the Rock sits today. If that is the
case, it is possible the Temple could be rebuilt without harming the two
mosques, which would be more peaceable considering the importance to


both the Jews and the Muslims. One way or the other, it seems likely that
the rebuilding of the Temple will be one of the bargaining chips used by
the Antichrist to draw Israel into the seven-year pact mentioned in the
Book of Revelation.


T H E C I T Y of the

For the LOR D Most High is awesome;

He is a g reat Kin g over all the earth ,
(Psalm 47: 2.)

Bestselling author Leon Uris in his book, Jerusalem: Song of Songs,

described the city as:

. . . the center of the world, the eye of the world, and the
navel of the world. She is regarded as the halfway house
between heaven and earth. . . . Jerusalem is the greatest
of the great, for she alone has achieved immortality on
moral and ethical grounds.78

The Psalmist wrote:

It is high and magnificent; the whole earth rejoices to

see it! Mount Zion, the holy mountain, is the city of the
great King! (Psalm 48:2, NLT.)


Ultimately, the fate of Jerusalem, the City of David, will become

the paramount reason for false hope in this world as the pact is signed
with the Antichrist. It will also be the site of the final loss of hope as
the Antichrist enters the rebuilt temple and desecrates it, marking the
beginning of the Tribulation. I believe it is the spirit of Antichrist which
provokes the actions of the PLO and other terrorist groups. It adds
a spiritual dimension to why Jerusalem is the key to the Palestinian
Authoritys acceptance of a treaty with Israel, and why it is such a sticking
point for anyone proposing peace for the region. It is about much more
than how many have died in suicide bombings or Israeli police actions;
it is about who controls the center of the world and the rock upon which
God made His covenant with humanity.
Not only has the line been firmly drawn, but each side knows what
it is willing to sacrifice to get what it wants. The Palestinians wish to
chase Israel from what they consider their land; the Jews want to protect
their place in the Holy Land. Though America and the USSR desire to
avoid an arms race in the Middle East, they can not while maintaining
their loyalties. The Soviets, therefore, armed Nassers Pan-Arabists and
the United States eventually promised to keep Israel one step ahead of
her neighbors after the Yom Kippur War. This proved more difficult as
the US also agreed to supply weapons to Saudi Arabia, Egypt (after Sadat
signed a treaty with Israel in 1978), The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait,
Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, Lebanon, Qatar, and Yemen (based on previous
sales from 1990 to 2001).79
One report stated:

USweapons sales more than tripled in 2011, reaching

a record high, according to a new congressional report.
The country sold $66 [billion] worth of arms last year,
up from $21.4 [billion] in 2010. The previous record had
been $31[billion] in 2009; global arms sales declined
slightly after that because of the economic crisis.


Americas largest customer was Saudi Arabia, which

purchased more than $33 [billion] worth of weapons from
the US, including dozens of F-15 fighter jets, missiles, and
other materiel.
The United Arab Emirates and Oman also both spent
billions, purchases driven in part by fears over Irans
regional ambitions. The Obama administration has touted
these deals as a major stimulus for the US economy,
saying the Saudi arms sales alone would generate some
75,000 new jobs . . . .All told, the US sold 78 per cent of the
worlds arms in 2011. Russia was a distant second, with
$4.8 [billion] in arms sales.80

Thanks to the US, those on opposite sides of the line running through
Jerusalem are well prepared to wage conventional warfare in order to
control it.
So far the edge has gone to the Israelis, not only because of promises
to keep them one step ahead in this race to obtain US arms, but because
of Israels nuclear strike potential. Almost from Israels rebirth in 1948,
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion saw that nuclear power would be
useful in making the Negev desert bloom by supplying electricity and
powering desalinization plants to provide drinking water. However, as
author Seymour Hersh wrote:

Nuclear power was not Ben-Gurions first priority;

the desert would glow before it bloomed.81

Ben-Gurion had his eyes set on Israel becoming a nuclear power.

Throughout his contacts with the United States, Ben-Gurion continued
to push for a promise that Israel would find sanctuary under the umbrella
of US nuclear weapons. He could never secure this promise. Israel began
a game of cat-and-mouse with her ally. On the one hand, she tried to


persuade the US to promise protection, and on the other, developed

protection of her own.
By 1953 the Weizmann Institute in Israel had developed an improved
ion exchange mechanism for producing heavy water and a more efficient
method for mining uranium, which it bartered with the French for a
formal agreement to cooperate in nuclear research. By 1958, Israel had
begun construction of its own nuclear facility near the Negev Desert
town of Dimona, which was based upon visits to the French nuclear
research facility at Marcoule. The Israeli government would continue its
research for a decade before the first nuclear bombs were manufactured at
Dimona in 1968. The facility went into full-scale production at that point,
turning out four or five bombs each year. During this time, the US tried
through various means to figure out just what was going on at Dimona
and Israel tried to conceal it. However, evidence seems to suggest that
the US had a pretty good idea of Dimonas purpose, but simply looked the
other way knowing that Israel didnt have much choice. Some members
of congress even supported Israels actions. A few days before meeting
with President Kennedy to further discuss the Hawk missile purchases,
Shimon Peres met with Senator Stuart Symington, a Kennedy supporter
and ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. As Peres
told his biographer, Symington said, Dont be a bunch of fools. Dont
stop making atomic bombs. And dont listen to the administration. Do
whatever you think best.82
However, this struggle didnt come without its political casualties. In
the spring of 1962, President Kennedy was pushing Prime Minister Ben-
Gurion for some solid answers about Dimona, or at least promises that
its research was not for military purposes. Ben-Gurion held his ground.
According to Yuval Neeman, a physicist and defense ministry intelligence
officer who was involved in Israels nuclear weapons program, It was not
a friendly exchange. Kennedy was writing like a bully. It was brutal.83
As a result, Kennedy shut out Ben-Gurion in the midst of a growing
threat. It was in April that Iraq joined Egypt and Syria in the short-lived


Arab Federation, making the threat of another Arab invasion similar

to the War of Independence much more likely. Author Seymour Hersh
described the situation:

He [Ben-Gurion] instinctively turned to Washington,

and proposed in a letter to the President that the United
States and Soviet Union join forces to publicly declare the
territorial integrity and security of every Middle Eastern
state. If you can spare an hour or two for a discussion
with me on the situation and possible solutions, Ben-
Gurion asked, I am prepared to fly to Washington at
your convenience and without any publicity. Kennedy
rejected Ben-Gurions offer of a state visit and expressed
real reservations, according to Ben-Gurions biography,
about any joint statement on the issue with the Soviets.
Five days later, a disappointed Ben-Gurion sent a second
note to Kennedy: Mr. President, my people have the
right to exist . . . and this existence is in danger. He
requested that the United States sign a security treaty
with Israel. Again the answer was no, and it was clear
to the Mapai Party that Ben-Gurions leadership and his
intractability about Dimona were serious liabilities in
Washington. Golda Meir acknowledged to Ben-Gurions
biographer, We knew about these approaches . . .
We said nothing, even though we wondered.
A few weeks later, on June 16, 1963, Ben-Gurion
abruptly resigned as prime minister and defense minister,
ending his fifteen-year reign as Israels most influential
public official.84

By 1973 Israel was thought to have about twenty-five nuclear

warheads with three or four missile launchers in place and operational
at Hirbat Zachariah. Israel also had a number of mobile Jericho I missile


launchers at her disposal. This provided the capability of launching

nuclear weapons and hitting targets as far away as Tbilisis and Baku in
southern Russia. Damascus and Cairo were within easy range.
When the Yom Kippur War erupted in 1973, the US was slow to
respond. Several sources suggested that Nixon and Kissinger planned
for Israel to suffer a severe setback before responding in order to teach
her a lesson. It was at this point that Israel had developed what became
known as the Samson Option. It was based on Israels determination that
there would never be another Holocaust at the hands of a foreign power.
It was better to die by their own hand than be captured by an oppressive
force, whether that be Romans, Germans, or Arabs. It was the biblical
character Samson from whom they took their example. In his last hour, a
blinded and weakened Samson was marched into the temple of Dagon as
a show of Philistine pre-eminence over the Jews. As the mocking catcalls
swirled about him, Samson prayed, O Lord God, remember me, I pray
thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be
at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes, (Judges 16:28, NIV.)
Then, placing his hands firmly on two pillars supporting the roof of the
temple, he prayed again, let me die with the Philistines, (Judges 16:30,
NIV) and with all his might pushed the columns over, bringing the roof
down upon himself and all the Philistines. The Bible tells us that in this
final act he killed more Philistines than he had in all his previous battles.
The Samson Option thus illustrates Israels willingness to bring the
world into a nuclear war and suffer annihilation. Israels leaders knew
the consequences of a pre-emptive attack against Egypt and Syriathe
Soviet Union would launch an all-out nuclear attack: Armageddon would
ensue. Once the US was appraised of Israeli resolve, Nixon pulled out
all stops to help Israel win a conventional war that prevented nuclear
proliferation in the Middle East. He ordered that the US come to Israels
aid by launching military airlifts to rival those directed at Berlin after
World War II.
Since Israel had nuclear weapons and her neighbors did not, this


further bolstered her position as a nation that could not be defeated in

open warfare. If the Arabs developed nuclear weapons however, this
distinct advantage would be lost. So it was that on June 7, 1981, Israel
used US F-15s and F-16s purchased for defensive purposes only, to take
out the Osirak nuclear reactor twelve miles southwest of Baghdad before
it became operational. Israel did not want another David vs. Goliath
While the world fumed, the US gave Israel only a mild reprimand
for this pre-preemptive strike. According to Richard V. Allen, Reagans
national security advisor, when President Ronald Reagan was informed
of the attack, the conversation went like this:

Mr. President, the Israelis just took out a nuclear

reactor in Iraq with F-16s. . . .
Why do you suppose they did it?
The President let his rhetorical question hang for a
moment, Allen recalled, and added:
Well. Boys will be boys.85

The White House announced that the next installment of a 1975 sale
of seventy-five F-16s would be suspended because of the attack. However,
two months later the suspension was lifted and a shipment of four new
F-16s was delivered to Israel without incident.
It appears Israel had also found a way to get around restrictions
required for use of Americas extremely advanced and secret KH-11 spy
satellite system. President Carter had agreed the Israelis could receive
satellite pictures of areas within one hundred miles of their borders so
they could detect troop movements in neighboring countries that might
portend an invasion by Arab forcesagain for defensive purposes only.
However, somehow in addition they received enough images of Osirak
roughly 550 miles from Jerusalemthat they could also launch a surgical


strike against Iraq without being detected until they had reached the
Soon Israel added nuclear submarines to its inventory and in June
2000 an Israeli submarine launched a cruise missile that hit a target 600
kilometers away. Israel became the third nation, after the US and Russia,
to have that capacity. However, in the spring of 2002, Iran launched a
missile that covered a similar distance. When asked about Irans nuclear
capabilities in May of that same year, Russian Deputy chief of the General
Staff, General Yuri Baluyevshy said, Iran does have nuclear weapons.
Of course they are non-strategic nuclear weapons. I mean these are not
ICBMs with a range of more than 5,500 kilometers...86
They may not have the range to reach Moscow or Washington, but
they could certainly reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Goliath is quickly
closing in on Davids military edge. But, it doesnt matter how many times
you can blow someone up, just that you can.
While in the USSR in 1999, I met with a former KGB head. I said to
him, It is wonderful how the world is now a much safer place to live.
He responded, Listen, the world is not a safer place to live. Our republics
are cash-poor and crime-rich. We have thousands of nuclear bombs.
Last month in the Ukraine, two missing bombs were reported. Only the
casings were left. When I asked where they were, I was told, Russian
entrepreneurs. While your country was celebrating the end of the cold
war, we were panicking over the beginning of a hot war.
I asked him about Israel. He responded, We have been targeting
their cities, and they have had their big bombs trained on us for years. So,
what else is new? I knew he was telling me the truth, for I had heard this
from a key advisor to two of Israels prime ministers years before.
The Washington Post reported:

In the ethnic conflicts that surrounded the collapse

of the Soviet Union, fighters in several countries seized
upon an unlikely new weapon: a small, thin rocket known


as the Alazan. Originally built for weather experiments,

the Alazan was transformed into a weapon of terror,
packed with explosives and lobbed into cities.
Military records show at least 38 Alazan warheads were
modified to carry radioactive material, in effect creating
the worlds first surface-to-surface dirty bomb. Experts
and officials say the warheads have disappeared.87

During the 1991 Gulf War, Reuben Hecht, who had been a senior
advisor to Israels prime ministers, lived in Haifa, a target of Saddam
Husseins SCUD missiles. He said to me, We have picked up intelligence
that Saddam has given the order to load chemical and biological weapons
in SCUDs. I can assure you that if they hit our cities, Baghdad will be
a radioactive dustbowl. Israel has mobile missile launchers armed with
nuclear weapons. They are facing Baghdad even as I speak, and are ready
to launch on command. We are on full-scale nuclear alert.
Today in Israel names like Dimona, the Samson Option, Project 700,
the Zechariah Project, the Temple Weapons, and Z-Division are all part
of one of the most massive nuclear arsenals in the world. Now new names
are being heard: Pumped X-ray Lasers, Hydrodynamics, and Radiation
Transportthe new Armageddon-generation of weapons. It is thought
that Israel has over 300 tactical and strategic weapons including more
than 100 nuclear artillery shells, nuclear land mines, and neutron bombs
that will with massive doses of radiation destroy human life. It also has
lasers for its planes and tanks and electro-magnetic weapons that will
shut down radar. As of November 14, 2003, Israel took her first order
of US F-16I fighter jets, which signaled the largest arms deal in Israeli
history. The new jet can reach nations as far away as Iran and Libya and
can be armed with AMRAAM air-to-air missiles and equipped with
Northrop Grumman APG-68 radar. That would give the Israeli Air Force
the capability to shoot down other jets from over thirty miles away.
At least nine nations currently have the capability of attacking an


enemy with a thermonuclear bomb: Russia, the United States, China,

Israel, France, Great Britain, India, Pakistan, and, it appears, soon
Iran. This gives them all the possibility to unleash a plague of nuclear
or neutron bombs that would be very much like what is described in
Zechariah 14:12, NKJV:

And this shall be the plague with which the Lord

will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem:
Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet,
Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their
tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.

Others such as North Korea claim to be closing in on it. In the last

battle, Russia, the European countries (Great Britain and France), and
the Eastern countries (Iran, Pakistan, India, China, and North Korea)
will be on the other side of the line from Israel. But where will the United
States be?
Thus far, the war on terrorism has taken us from the attacks of 9/11
to lengthy campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. But if we are ultimately
to win this war and prevent another, perhaps nuclear attack on US cities,
where must we go from here?
Americans have no idea what they could face if the nation continues
to ignore the call of God for prayer and repentance. As George Santayana
said, Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.88

( 10 )

on T E R ROR

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,

The people He has chosen as His own inheritance,
(Psalm 33: 1 2, N K J V.)

As the US entered a new millennium, America truly faced

the greatest threat ever to its existence and way of life. While atheistic
communism once posed the greatest potential of a new imperialistic
culture, it significantly decreased with the disintegration of the Soviet
Union and the end of the Cold War. This current struggle in the war on
terrorism is no longer just a fight for the supremacy of a political ideology
through military might; it is a battle for hearts and minds through a
twisting of truth that turns our enemies into zealous sociopaths willing
to give their lives to murder others.
This is not Christianity which can be lived with righteousness
through love, but a tyrannical system that envelopes cultures and
governments and dictates truth for its own interests. The repressive
Taliban government is perhaps the best example of how Wahhabists
really want the world to appear.


Islam is the force empowering impoverished nations against their

economic superiors. It has become the greatest threat to our nation with
a foreign policy that denies truth for the sake of a Clinton-style house-of-
cards prosperity and a lack of resolve to win the war on terror.
Many seem to believe that the United States needs to return to the
more isolationistic stance it had at the beginning of the twentieth century,
letting the rest of the world take care of itself. This is no longer possible
in a time when live television signals can be broadcast all over the planet
and where journeys that once took months can now be completed in
hours. We have come a long way from Jules Vernes fantastic idea of going
Around the World in Eighty Days to a time when satellites circle the globe
in ninety minutes. Since most consumer products are made abroad, we
are irreversibly tied to the rest of the world as never before.
Because of this, I believe the areas of Foreign Policy and National
Security will dominate election debates over the coming years, as will the
question How do we win the war against terrorism? I see winning the
war on terror as perhaps the greatest solution to securing peace for the
nation. For the first time in history a war must be fought against a deadly
religious ideal, Wahhabism, rather than a political idealist or a madman
bent on universal rule. We can no longer tolerate every belief in the hope
that this will lead to global brotherhood.
When Wahhabists call Christians polytheists and crusaders, it
is more than just demonizing our point of view or a misunderstanding
of who we are. When pamphlets are circulated referring to American
Christians as polytheists because of a belief in the Trinity, we merely
shake our heads and mark those materials as irrelevant religious stuff.
However, when Wahhabists label us polytheists, we become targets
for jihad, animals for the slaughter. Brutally murdering mushrikun
(polytheists) is an act of worship and devotion for Wahhabists today just
as it was for the original followers of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in
the mid-1700s.
The Crusades are often viewed as a mistake of the Church in the


Middle Ages. Wahhabists refer to Crusaders as the forces which wrested

Jerusalem and the Noble Sanctuary from their control, amassed to wipe
out Islam in the same way jihadists hope to extinguish Judaism and
Christianity. It also lowered the Crusaders status to something less than
human, as was exemplified by Sallah al-Dins breaking of his peace treaty
to recapture Jerusalem. Apparently, there was no need to keep ones
word to apes and pigs.89
This brings a spiritual dimension to the war on terrorism. There can
be no ceasefire in a war against people hoping to be martyred. Such a
war cannot be won without tremendous dedication to spiritual truth and
Christian people praying to win this battle for hearts and minds.
The Bible tells us in I Timothy 6:10 KJV, that the love of money is
the root of all evil. This has never been more evident than it is today
when much of what is good and holy in America is traded for economic
gain. While money is good to have, we need to realize that nothing is
more valuable than Gods blessings of peace, freedom and security.
We cannot win the war on terrorism by vowing to defeat terrorists
while at the same time trying to appease them. We must realize that the
major front in the war on terrorism is the battle line Muslims wish to see
drawn through the heart of Jerusalem.
Though liberals in the United States have painted the struggle of
the Palestinians as a political revolution for freedom from oppression,
no nation has ever aimed strictly at civilians in order to overthrow its
enemies. The terrorists fight a war on the innocentnot caring who
their victims are as long as it generates headlineseven if it means
killing children or babies in strollers as has happened all too often. The
truth must be recognized: terrorists are not freedom fighters; they are
murderers. Israels struggle against the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and
other such organizations is a war on terror. How can we ignore an allys
fight against terroriststrying to force them to appease the terrorists
and expect to win our own? If we hope to win the battle against terrorism,
all must be treated as criminals, not diplomats. If a man breaks into your


house to steal or to harm your family, you dont negotiate with him about
which rooms he can invade; you dispatch him, or at the very least have
him arrested! The US can no longer afford to legitimize terrorism as a
negotiating technique to win more concessions from sovereign govern
ments. As we have seen, there is no appeasing these thugs; they want it
On October 12-14, 2003, I attended the first annual Jerusalem
Summita forum to discuss establishing peace in the Middle East. I
had the honor of being the keynote speaker on the first evening of the
conference alongside world leaders and media celebrities such as Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert, Director of the Middle East Forum Daniel Pipes, Benny Elon of
the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, the Honorable Richard Perle, syndicated
columnist Cal Thomas, and former Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes.
Interestingly enough, the theme of this first summit was Winning the
War on Terrorism through Moral Clarity. The scripture from Zechariah
8:19 on the cover of the program read: . . . so love truth and peace.
As he addressed the conference, former Prime Minister Netanyahu
had this to say:
Conscience is a moral compass. Conscience is absent
in some societies and they endorse terrorism. Terrorism
is deliberate and systematic action to kill innocent civil-
ians. Israel is fighting terrorism. But the UN doesnt make
the distinction between these two kinds of violence,
because that would say some of the UN members are per-
petuators of war crimes, or terrorism. . . .
The UN will not stop the terrorists; only an alliance of
free states led by the US, geared to bring down regimes
that fuel and propagate terrorism, can do that. We must
implant values and morality in civilizations. Salvation
will not come from the UN . . .
The Israeli Defense Forces must continue to fight


terrorism, for Israels survival as a nation, and to uphold

justice and morality.90

The Minister of Strategic Cooperation between the US and Israel,

Uzi Landau, added this:

No cause justifies terror . . . Israel is a small target;

America is the big one. But we are on the front line. If
terror is not defeated here, it will move to the US and to
Europe. Our war is a war of free societies against terror.91

And as Ambassador Keyes said:

In the wake of September 11th we should have taken

a stand clearly and unequivocally, that if you practice
terrorism you lose your claim to legitimate participation
in all and any international processes whatsoever . . .The
hope and heritage of righteousness and faith . . . says,
Come what may, do evil what it will, God is God and I
shall stand for Him. This, I believe, is the moral heritage
that transcends any struggle for evil. . . . We shall fight the
fight as it is necessary in the world but we shall win it first
in our own souls and spirit. So that at the end of the day
we shall standnot as people who have defeated evil, but
as people who have once again vindicated the truth that
come what mayyou cannot crush out that faith which
holds on forever to the righteous will of God.92

( 11 )

T E N A C I T Y to T H WA R T

Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily:

be thou my st ron g rock , for an house of defen se to save me,
(Psalm 31: 2, K J V.)

The war on terrorism cannot be won without a resolve for victory,

without a conviction to call terrorism evil (whoever may be instigating it),
and without the determination to win the battle first in the spirit realm
through prayer. Natural insight is not enough to win this fight; we need
Gods guidance. When tenacity and conviction begin to weaken, a tolerance
for viewing children with no legs and allowing those who maimed them
to walk free develops. Im not talking about being hateful or mean-
spirited, nor am I preaching a racist hatred of Arabs and Muslimswhat
Im talking about are values. We cannot violate rules of law and evidence
to go after such men, but we must not let terrorists and murderers walk
free for political reasons when we have evidence to convict them. What
I am talking about is real loveGods lovethat includes justice, but not
vengeance. If we are to win the overall battle against terrorism, we must
win it first in Israel.


I believe that in order to do that, we must also take some clear and
concise step towards that end. Many of the things America needs to do, in
fact, are already in place. If we want to send a strong, clear message to the
terrorists that their reign of terror is over, here is what we must do first:

1. Support Israels construction of a security fence in order to

save Palestinian and Israeli lives.

Israel has exhausted every means to provide security

for Israeli citizens. The last resort was to build a security
fence to deter terrorists from slipping across the border
into Israel from the West Bank. This decision by the
Israeli government was not an ill-conceived plan. There
are similar barriers along the borders with Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, and the Gaza Strip.
In places where no security barrier exists, terrorists
only have to walk across an invisible line to get from the
West Bank into Israel. US forces captured Saddam Hussein
because a security fence was built around Saddams
hometown of Tikrit, in order to control traffic in and out.
This limiting of access eventually enabled the military to
capture him. Israel must be allowed to do what the US
would do in its place.

2. R
 ecognize Jerusalem as Israels capital and ratify the
Jerusalem Embassy Act.

The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 echoes other such

legislation supporting Israel that the US Congress passed,
but Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have resisted
based on perceived National Security issues. The Act
called for US recognition of Jerusalem as Israels capital
with the move of its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by


1999. Listed below are a few basic tenets of the Jerusalem

Embassy Relocation Act:

The United States maintains its embassy in the func-

tioning capital of every country excepting the case of
our democratic friend and strategic ally, the State of

The United States conducts official meetings and

other business in the city of Jerusalem in de facto
recognition of its status as the capital of Israel.

Jerusalem should remain an undivided city in which

the rights of every ethnic and religious group are

Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the

State of Israel; and

The United States Embassy in Israel should be estab-

lished in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999.93

The first positive step the US must take is to show

solidarity with Israel and send a message to terrorists that
continued violence will only diminish their negotiating

3. R
 atify the 1987 Anti-Terrorism Act.

The 1987 Anti-Terrorism Act is also being held up on a

National Security Waver, perhaps mainly because of one
thing: it names the Palestinian Liberation Organization
as a terrorist group and accepting this would end our
ability to negotiate with them.


If the US stepped forward to declare the PLO a terrorist

organization and remove it once and for all from being a
valid representative to negotiate for the Palestinians, it
would first of all send a clear message that terrorism no
longer pays. Secondly it would clear the way for municipal
and rural council elections as Israel and Jordan had
first planned in the late 1980s. Such a move would be
tremendously positive towards peace in the region. The
Palestinian people can never have peace, nor can Israel,
so long as a terrorist organization presides over their
Once the PA is back on the list as a terrorist organiza-
tion, it should be targeted in the same way we are have
tried to eliminate al Qaeda. The Obama administration
should freeze its billions of dollars in assets and imprison,
or at least allow Israel to imprison, its leaders. Such
actions would be an easy next step to take in winning the
war on terrorism and trying them for their crimes.

4. R
 equire the Arabs to end the Palestinian Refugee problem by
taking the refugees into their nations just as Israel, Germany,
the United States, Jordan, and other countries have done with
refugee groups.

The Palestinian refugee camps are the longest standing

camps of their kind in the world; the only ones where the
children and grandchildren of those in the camps have
been born as refugees. Jordan has been the only nation
willing to give citizenship to those within its borders.
Neither Lebanon, nor Syria, or any other Arab nation has
offered to do the same, nor allowed those in the camps
to resettle elsewhere. They keep these people boxed in,


prisoners held by their own Arab brothers and yet lay the
blame squarely on Israel. After three generations these
refugees continue to be pawns in the game of the Arab
States to de-legitimize the state of Israel in any way they

Journalist Joseph Puder in an article for FrontPage Magazine wrote:

The humanitarianism of the American people is wasted

on people who care more about destroying the Jewish
state than attending to the needs of their Palestinian
people. Israel absorbed a greater number of refugees
from Europe and the Arab states in the 1950s, and gave
them back their dignity . . . Palestinian political gangsters
thrive on the misery of their Palestinian people.95

Perhaps in light of the violence they breed, refugee camps are Israels
problem, but they cannot truly be considered her responsibility. The
refugees have grown from 700,000 to over four million under the UN and
Arab Leagues watchful eyesa vast disgraced and disgruntled horde
with no hope of a home or a homeland. No wonder many have become
suicide bombers!
Many other nations have dealt with refugees, but the Arab States
have refused to take in those they call brothers. After agreeing to a
ceasefire with Israel in 1949, the Arab states forcibly expelled 900,000
Jews from their lands, all of which Israel absorbed, in addition to the
continual flow to the Holy Land of displaced persons from Europe.
As one writer noted:

Israel has allowed more than 50,000 refugees to

return to Israel under a family reunification program.
Arabs who lost property in Israel are eligible to file


for compensation from Israels Custodian of Absentee

Property. As of the end of 1993, a total of 14,692 claims had
been filed. Claims were settled for more than 200,000
dunams of land (each equal to about acre), more
than 10,000,000 NIS (New Israeli Shekels) had been
paid in compensation, and more than 54,000 dunams of
replacement land had been given in compensation. No
compensation has ever been paid to any of the more than
600,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were
forced to leave and abandon their property.96
Yet as Jamal Abd al-Nasser said, The return of the
refugees will mean the end of Israel.97 The Arabs need to
discard this trump card in favor of doing the humanitarian
thing of helping their fellow Arabs. They must dismantle
these terrorist incubation centers and give the Palestinian
people homes.

5. L
 and for peace is not an option until a true representative of
the Palestinian people can be raised.

The current Palestinian populace is a tainted and

brainwashed people. These are the people who danced
in the streets when told about the attacks of September
11. These are the people who raise their children to be
suicide bombers, dress their sons as guerilla fighters with
automatic weapons, some toys, some real, and have their
daughters dip their hands in liquid symbolizing Israeli
blood.98 These are the people who celebrate Israeli
deaths with suicide attacks as Jewish doctors treat Arab
casualties in the same hospitals. This cycle of rabid anti-
Semitism in the Palestinian territories must be reversed.
Until a legitimate Palestinian leadership emerges, there
is no one with whom Israel can negotiate. Intervention


is needed to develop such a group and reverse the

propagation of hatred in Palestinian-controlled areas.
This is a very unlikely role for either Israel or the US.
Instead it should be handled in cooperation with an Arab
partner such as Jordanessentially the same plan Israel
and Jordan were working on in the late 1980s.

6. We need to fight the racism of anti-Semitism as fervently as

we fight racism in our nation.

Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism need to be squelched.

This hatred fuels, feeds and spreads terrorism and suicide
bombers. The United States cannot financially aid nor
should it supply weapons to nations that regularly air
anti-Semitic television programming or endorse anti-
Semitic literature.
The war on terrorism is a battle for hearts and minds;
only God can touch a persons heart and change it. While
taking these steps would be a decisive move politically
towards a return to truth as a governing principle in
the US, they will never be taken without an almost
miraculous return to God. Presently, though, the US is
still contaminated with the idea that money, education,
and charm will suffice.
In the Great Commission Jesus told the disciples you
shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the end of the earth, (Acts 1:8, NKJV.)
Regrettably, the Great Commission has become the Great
Omission. Christs love is no longer taught in Judea and
Samaria (the area of the West Bank) as God had ordained.
If we are to reverse the hatred fueling Palestinian
terrorism, we must revert to Gods first instructions to
the Church.

Is America headed for a great awakening and a revival?

Or are we headed for a rude awakening; the discovery that
our confidence has been misplaced? Prophecy indicates
that we are ultimately heading towards an event that
will dwarf the impact of September 11 a thousand times
overwill that event lead to the end of our nation, or its
salvation? In order to answer that question, we must first
come to grips with what was the greatest moral issue of
the twentieth century, one that promises to be even more
significant in the twenty-first.

( 12 )


The voice of thy brother s blood crieth unto me f rom the g round,
(G enesis 4: 10, K J V )

As the ink was drying on the newly penned Constitution of the

United States, many of those taking part in crafting it saw that the silver
lining of promise for Americas future was overshadowed by a dark cloud.
One issue threatened to halt the proceedings before the young country
could be birthed. The delegates struck a compromise with the three-
fifths clause. The question was based on how slaves would be counted in
the census. The Rutgers Law Journal addressed this question:

Delegates opposed to slavery generally wished to

count only the free inhabitants of each state, but delegates
supportive of slavery, on the other hand, generally
wanted to count slaves in their actual numbers. Since
slaves could not vote, slaveholders would thus have the
benefit of increased representation in the House and


the Electoral College. The final compromise of counting

all other persons as only three-fifths of their actual
numbers reduced the power of the slave states relative to
the original southern proposals, but increased it over the
northern position.99

Rather than revert to colonies that the British could easily conquer,
the delegates negotiated the outcome. The black cloud seen by our
forefathers was the issue of slavery, and the hatred and racism that
accompanied it. It was an issue they felt could have eternal ramifications.
Thomas Jefferson, himself a slave owner, described it in this way:

The whole commerce between master and slave is

a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions,
the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and
degrading submission on the other. Our children see this
and learn to imitate it; for man is an imitative animal.
This quality is the germ of all education in him. From
his cradle to his grave he is learning to do what he sees
others do. . . . The parent storms, the child looks on,
catches the lineaments of his wrath, puts on the same
airs in the circle of smaller slaves, gives a loose rein to
the worst of passions and thus nursed, educated and
daily exercised in tyranny. . . .
Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure, when
we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in
the minds of the people that these liberties are of the
gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his
wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect
that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever:
that considering numbers, nature and natural means
only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange


of situation is among possible events: that it may become

probable by supernatural interference!
The Almighty has no attributes, which can take side
with us in such a contest. 100

Jefferson obviously felt that Americas racism, despite whatever

Christian principles our nation was founded upon, could well bring its
destruction at the hands of a just and moral God. In the midst of the Civil
War, Abraham Lincoln included this thought in his second inauguration
address of 1865:

If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of

those offences which, in the providence of God, must
needs come, but which, having continued through His
appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives
to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe
due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern
therein any departure from those divine attributes
which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to
Him? Fondly do we hopefervently do we praythat
this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet,
if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by
the bondmens two hundred and fifty years of unrequited
toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn
with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the
sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it
must be said, The judgments of the Lord are true and
righteous altogether.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with
firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let
us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the
nations wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the
battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which


may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among

ourselves and with all nations.101

Racism did not end with the Civil War, but lingers even today. If Gods
hedge of protection was removed from the Christian nation in the 1860s
to the point that Civil War erupted, what can be expected to happen to
us if we tolerate the racism of anti-Semitism arising today just as it did in
Germany in the 1920s and 30s?
The Jew-hatred that surfaced in Germany between the World Wars
has found a new home, and not only in the Arab nations today. As we
saw earlier from Theodor Herzls experiences in France, Germany was
not the only European nation that disliked the Jews. Anti-Semitism was
concealed beneath the guilt of the Holocaust, but not extinguished. Nearly
seven decades after the Holocaust, it is reemerging. Todays detestation
of the Jews has returned in the form of hatred for the nation of Israel. It
now hides behind the politics of opposing Israel.
This anti-Zionism is spread democratically by fanatics across the
ideological spectrum, from the extreme Liberal Left to the extreme
Comments by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad at the
Organization of the Islamic Conference summit in October of 2003 are
I will not enumerate the instances of our humiliation
and oppression, nor will I once again condemn our
detractors and oppressors. It would be an exercise
in futility because they are not going to change their
attitudes just because we condemn them. If we are to
recover our dignity and that of Islam, our religion, it is we
who must decide, it is we who must act. . . .
We [Muslims] are actually very strong. 1.3 billion
people cannot be simply wiped out. The Europeans killed
6 million Jews out of 12 million. But today the Jews rule


this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for

While former National Security Advisor and later Secretary of

State Condoleezza Rice said she did not believe Mohamads ideology
represented that of the Muslim world, it seemed unlikely that the
delegates of over fifty-seven nations to whom he spoke agreed with her.
At the conclusion of his speech, all stood and applauded loudly as they
shouted their approval.
Newspapers around the world are noting the rise and new openness
of anti-Semitism; how different are such remarks from those of Hitlers
propaganda secretary Paul Joseph Goebbels on, of all dates, September
11but in 1937, not 2001:

Who are those responsible for this catastrophe?

Without fear, we want to point the finger at the Jew
as the inspirer, the author, and the beneficiary of this
terrible catastrophe: look, this is the enemy of the world,
the destroyer of cultures, the parasite among the nations,
the son of chaos, the incarnation of evil, the ferment
of decomposition, the visible demon of the decay of

Early in 1937, Goebbels documented a meeting on church affairs,

where Hitler freely expressed his vision. In his diary, Goebbels wrote:

The Fuhrer explains Christianity and Christ. He

[Christ] wanted to act against Jewish world domination.
Jewry had him crucified.104

Similar language of this common doctrine of accusing the Jews of

responsibility for virtually all the worlds ills has resurfaced today in the
halls of European government, academia, and the media, and through


worldwide distribution over the Internet. Of course, if all these ills are
because of the Jews, the next logical step is to begin shutting them out
of positions of power, taking away what they own, and boycotting their
businessesthe same steps Hitler took in 1933. He expressed his gospel of
redemptive anti-Semitism in 1922, which sounds eerily similar to diatribes
being shouted by Muslim leaders today:

My first and foremost task will be the annihilation of

the Jews . . . until all Germany has been cleansed.105

In July 2013, the European Union declared war on Israeleconomic

warfare. This is far from surprising since biblical prophecy indicates that
the Antichrist will come from within EU confines. In Daniel 8:24-25, KJV,
the prophet describes events surrounding his rise:

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power;
and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and
practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper
in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and
by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against
the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

In a recent move designed to cause Israel great financial hardship, the

EU voted to forbid all twenty-eight members from having any interaction
with Israeli territories outside the original 1949 lines. This would include,
according to news sources, cooperating, transferring funds, giving
scholarships or research grants to organizations or individuals based in
Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and even the Golan Heights.106
The instructions target the years 20142020. The decision dictates that
Israel must disavow settlements that are not part of the 1949 mandate.
Subtle, and many times not so subtle, anti-Semitism is spreading


across Europe once again. In 2012, a German court ruled that Jewish
children could not be circumcised until old enough to consent. Citing
animal cruelty, Poland has banned the practices surrounding kosher meat
production. The dominant view regarding Jews in the EU now coincides
with that of Muslim countries, and it is no surprise that those feelings are
now being asserted in the political arena.
This action by nations comprising the European Union is a move that
could easily backfire. As previously noted, Genesis 12:3 records, I will
bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you. It is no
small thing to curse the nation on which rests the hand of God.
Just as traditional anti-Semitism sought to deny Jews rights as
individuals in society, today it attacks the Jewish people as a nation. Just
as they were exploited as scapegoats for their host countries problems,
Israel is being singled out as the root of all the worlds evil. It explains what
happened at the UNs international Conference on Racism in Durban,
South Africa in August of 2001. As far as delegates were concerned,
racism would be a thing of the past if just the one nation, Israel, were
eliminated. Consider Israels November 2003 General Assembly draft
resolution calling for the protection of Israeli children from Palestinian
terrorist attacksthe first resolution introduced by Israel to the UN since
1976. It was soundly rejected by the assemblys Social, Humanitarian,
and Cultural Committee, even though a similar resolution to protect
Palestinian children had passed just weeks before.
Opposition to Israels policies and Jew-hatred has become utterly
indistinguishable. Foes of globalization and US intervention in Iraq blame
Israel by attributing these policies to Jewish control over Washington, as
part of the historically anti-Semitic canard that the Jews aim to take over
the world.
Of what are the Jews usually accused? How is it that they have gained
control of the world by proxy? What are perceived as their greatest sins?
Dont be surprised if you can answer this yourself; you have probably
been more exposed to such anti-Semitic propaganda than you realize. The


big three always seems to be: 1) the Jews control the media, 2) the Jews
control the money, and 3) the Jews killed Jesus.
Is this actually true? Among the wealthiest people in the world, only
six percent are Jewish. Who does control the money? According to a
recent BBC report, seven of the ten wealthiest heads of state in the world
are Arabs; none are Jewish. Nor are Jews CEOs of any of the worlds ten
largest companies.
Do they control the media? Of the ten largest media companies in
the world, only one has been run in recent years by a Jew, Michael Eisner,
former chief executive officer of the Walt Disney Company, hardly a pro-
Israel propaganda machine.
Did the Jews kill Jesus? Read your Bible. The Sanhedrin had to go
to the Romans to have Jesus killed. It was Roman soldiers who nailed
Him to the cross and a Roman spear that pierced His side. What of the
angry mob that called for his death? I have stood in the courtyard where
that happened and it would hold no more than a hundred people. The
Sanhedrin would have probably rallied at least half that number or more.
That is a pretty small sample for which to blame an entire race.107 Today,
no one holds todays young Germans accountable for the Holocaust that
happened less than a century ago; how can we still hold Jews responsible
for an act that occurred two thousand years ago? You might as well hold
Italians liable for the destruction of Jerusalem; Titus was a Roman.
Besides, it was the sin of all humankind that nailed Jesus to the cross.
While anti-Semitism is on the rise again in Europe, nowhere is
it more vehemently expressed than in the Arab World, and especially
in Egypt, Israels first Arab peace partner. A recent mini-series on
Egyptian state television based on the infamous forgery The Protocols
of the Elders of Zion is only one example. Egyptian schoolbooks fill the
minds of impressionable youngsters with hate propaganda against Jews.
State-controlled newspapers publish Nazi caricatures of Jews; and a vast
array of anti-Semitic literature in Arabic or translated from the original
language are readily available in bookstores. Both the fraudulent Protocols


and Hitlers Mein Kampf are bestsellers in Arab states today. They are
illustrated, as are the daily newspapers, with depictions of grotesque
hook-nosed, bearded, thick-lipped Jews, Israelis indistinguishable from
that published during the Holocaust by Nazi propaganda chief Josef
Goebbels in Der Sturmer.
Just before the visit of Shimon Peres to Cairo on April 29, 2001,
the front page of the newspaper Al-Arabi boasted a swastika and a
photomontage of Peres in a Nazi uniform. On April 18, journalist Ahmad
Regev wrote in the official Egyptian newspaper Al-Akhbar:

Our thanks go to the late Hitler who wrought, in

advance, the vengeance of the Palestinians upon the most
despicable villains on the face of the earth. However,
we rebuke Hitler for the fact that the vengeance was

Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass 1983 book, The Matzah of

Zionan Arab variation on the medieval claims of blood libel that sparked
the Damascus incident of 1840accuses Jews of baking Passover matzo
with the blood of Muslim children. It was recently reprinted. A television
program, Sucking the blood of Arabs has been aired repeatedly in the
Arab media. The Egyptian weekly October has informed its readers about
the loathsome qualities of the Jewish race throughout its long history.
Meanwhile, the official Syrian daily Tishrin frequently accuses Israel of
fabricating the Holocaust, as have numerous Iranian politicians in recent
Holocaust denial is a frequent theme in the Arab media, with The
Palestine Times writing of Gods lying people who are the Holocaust
worshippers,109 and the Palestinian Authoritys TV channel: No
Chelmno, no Dachau, no Auschwitz, only disinfecting sites . . . the lie of
extermination. The PA mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Sabri Ikrama, excuses
the Holocaust, stating:


It is not my fault that Hitler hated the Jews. Anyway,

they hate them just about everywhere.110

Other Muslim clerics call upon worshipers in the mosques to have

no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country . . .
wherever you meet them, kill them.111

( 13 )


Show me a sig n of your favor, that those who hate me

may see and be put to shame because you ,
LOR D, have helped me and comforted me,
(Psalm 86: 17, ESV.)

Palestinian terrorists practice a form of anti-Semitism: a combination

of savoring the murder of Jews along with their dehumanization by the
Nazis, all for the sake of annihilating the Jewish people. While most
European countries have faced the past ensuring that anti-Semitism will
never again become official policy, the Arab world has done nothing to
douse the flames of Jew-hatred within its borders.
The Palestinian Authority television station broadcasts movies in
which children kill Israeli soldiers. Reports aired from PA summer camps
show children training with weapons and singing songs filled with hatred
for Jews and songs of praise for the shahids (suicide bombers.) The studio
map of Greater Palestine covers the area of the entire State of Israelbut
Israel is not mentioned and all Israeli cities are identified as the cities of


SITAmnesty writer Amos Nevo penned:

Esti Vebman, an expert on anti-Semitism from the

Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism and Racism at
Tel Aviv University, has been following the topic in the
Palestinian Authority and Arab world for more than
eight years. Back in the Middle Ages, says Vebman,
the Christians used this motif of poisoning wells. The
Arabs are now adopting the Christian anti-Semitism of
the Middle Ages and Nazi anti-Semitism; they are adding
Islamic motifs and integrating it into their anti-Israel

Amos Nevo continued in his article:

It was a good day for the Jews, when the Nazi Hitler
began his campaign of persecution against them, writes
Sif Ali Algeruan of Al-Hayat al-Jedida.
They began to disseminate, in a terrifying manner,
pictures of mass shootings directed at them, and to invent
the shocking story about the gas ovens in which, according
to them, Hitler used to burn them. The newspapers are
filled with pictures of Jews who were mowed down by
Hitlers machine guns, and of Jews being led to the gas
ovens. In these pictures they concentrated on women,
babies, and old people, and they took advantage of it,
in order to elicit sympathy towards them, when they
demand financial reparations, contributions and grants
from all over the world. The truth is that the persecution
of the Jews is a myth, that the Jews dubbed the tragedy
of the Holocaust and took advantage of, in order to elicit
sympathy towards them.113


Since the beginning of the second intifada in September 2000,

Israel has been subjected to a worldwide campaign of de-legitimization
in the media as well as international forums by political leaders and
intellectuals. Extremists of the Left and Right have joined together in
their hatred of the Jewish State, resulting in a dramatic increase in anti-
Semitic incidents including physical attacks on Jews. These attacks on
Israels legitimacy have been accompanied by attacks on Jewish targets
worldwide, but particularly in Europe. Anti-Semitic incidents have
included bombings of synagogues and Jewish schools, vandalism and
desecration of Jewish cemeteries, death threats and unprovoked violence
against Jews, including murder. These hate crimes are often disguised as
anti-Zionist actions.
One of the consequences of Palestinian anti-Semitism has been an
increase in attacks on Jewish targets in the Arab world, such as the April
2002 terrorist attack on the ancient synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia, where
12 European tourists, four local Arabs, and a Jew were murdered. In
Istanbul in November 2003, twenty-three persons were murdered, six of
them Jews, and hundreds were wounded in suicide bombing attacks on
two synagogues.
The following are excerpts from a report on anti-Semitism in Europe
in 2002 by the European Unions European Monitoring Center on Racism
and Xenophobia:

Physical attacks on Jews and the desecration and

destruction of synagogues were acts often committed
by young Muslim perpetrators . . . Many of these attacks
occurred either during or after pro-Palestinian dem-
onstrations, which were also used by radical Islamists
for hurling verbal abuse. In addition, radical Islamist
circles were responsible for placing anti-Semitic pro-
paganda on the Internet and in Arab-language media
. . . . In the heated public debate on Israeli politics and the


boundary between criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism,

individuals who are not politically active and do not belong
to one of the ideological camps mentioned above become
motivated to voice their latent anti-Semitic attitudes
(mostly in the form of telephone calls and insulting let-
ters). Opinion polls prove that in some European countries
a large percentage of the population harbors anti-Semitic
attitudes and views, but that these usually remain latent. . . .
Observers point to an increasingly blatant anti-Semitic
Arab and Muslim media, including audiotapes and
sermons, in which the call is not only made to join the
struggle against Israel but also against Jews across the
world. Although leading Muslim organizations express
their opposition to this propaganda, observers assume
that calling for the use of violence may influence readers
and listeners. . . . We recommend that the EUMC request
state authorities to acknowledge at the highest level the
extraordinary dangers posed by anti-Semitic violence in
the European context.114

France, with its large Muslim minority, stands out as the country in
which the greatest number and most serious anti-Semitic incidents have
occurred in comparison with other countries globally. These include:
physical attacks and harassment of Jews all over the country, torching of
synagogues, desecration of cemeteries, and threats and dissemination of
radical anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda. The perpetrators come
mainly from among young North African Muslim immigrants.
It should be noted that a number of attacks have been the result of
organized action, rather than spontaneous mob activity or vandalism,
which target Jews in reaction to events in Israel and are part of efforts to
delegitimize Israel. These attacks are not limited to Israel, but are blatant


manifestations of anti-Semitism involving Jews everywhere, generally

beginning in mosques and other large concentrations of Muslims.
In other European countries, especially those with large Arab
populations, Jews have been physically assaulted, and often suffer
verbal harassment, graffiti, and cemetery desecrations. They have
been physically attacked in Belgium, in addition to attacks on Jewish
community facilities. Universities throughout Europe have become active
centers of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda and threats. Even in
Britain, Jews have been attacked and synagogues and other community
facilities have been desecrated.
Numerous anti-Semitic incidents have occurred in Scandinavian
countries, especially Denmark and Sweden, whose governments have
been extremely critical of Israel. In Germany in recent years there have
been a large number of anti-Semitic incidents by neo-Nazi and Islamic
In Eastern Europe and Russia anti-Semitic activities have mostly
taken the form of propaganda and demonstrations. In Russia a number of
Jews were injured and synagogues and other Jewish facilities have been
damaged. One Russian innovation is placing booby-trapped signs with
anti-Semitic slurs along highways, which explode when someone tries to
remove them.
As an analysis that appeared in the London Spectator regarding the
attitude of the British clergy acknowledged: Animosity towards Israel
has its roots in a deep hatred of the Jews.115 This was echoed by the late
Italian journalist, Oriana Falacci, who strongly denounced the double
standard often practiced in Europe:

One standard for the Jews and another for Christians

and Muslims, one vis--vis Jewish blood that has been
spilled and another vis--vis other blood. And there is
the lack of proportion between attacks on Israel, which


are not political criticism but saturated with anti-Semitic

terms, and what Israel actually does.116

There is an ironic Jewish joke that defines anti-Semitism as a disease

suffered by gentiles that is often fatal to Jews. As such, there is not much
that is new about the so-called new anti-Semitism at the beginning of
the twenty-first century.
Israeli historian Robert Wistrich noted that it is radical Muslims
and not necessarily white Europeans who are leading the present wave
of anti-Semitism. The Islamic world imported anti-Semitism from
Europe, converted it to Islam as part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
and exported it back to Europe and the West in general by means of the
Muslim migration and anti-West and anti-globalization elements.
Regarding the blood libels of the new century, Wistrich concluded:

Arab governments are doing nothing against these

fabrications, and in essence legitimize them in order
to protect themselves from the wrath of their own
embittered citizens, deprived of democracy, freedom of
speech and basic human rights.
Against this background it is clear how millions
of Muslims are prepared to believe every falsehood,
including the blowing up of the World Trade Center by
the Mossad.
This Semitic antisemitism is especially threatening
when it is on a mission from Allah, and the 1979 revolution in
Iran against the Great Devil (America and the Crusader
West) and the Jewish-Zionist Devil bears witness to this.
This is total war, because it is mainly a religious war.
Antisemitism of this kind has diverted the Jihad from its
original objective and turned into a death cult.117


This growing trend has gradually become not an echo but an

amplification of what transpired in pre-World War II Germany. While
cries against the Jews grew louder, the rest of the world simply shrugged
it off with comments such as Oh, I dont think that is emblematic of
all the Germans. Their silence made those nations accomplices in the
Holocaust. Are we any less guilty if we stand quietly by and let the cry to
kill Jews grow among Arabs and Europeans? How far must such blatant
hatred go before we do something about it? I feel that it has already gone
too far.
There is perhaps no better sign that the spirit of Antichrist is again
on the rise with this reemergence of rabid anti-Semitism. Satan hates
Jews because they were the first with whom God made a covenant. The
US can be no less guilty as a nation for being silent about racism towards
Jews because of its acquiescence to racism towards African-Americans
as its constitution was being written. As Thomas Jefferson said:

Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that

God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.118

It was the director of Israeli Mossad Isser Harel who told me:

Hitler first killed Jews, and then he killed Christians.

Our culture and our democracies are the root of the rage.
If were right, then they are wrong.

September 11, 2001 was a tragic day in American history. The attack
was a physical manifestation of a battle lost weeks, months, and possibly
years before because of a lack of prayer. Osama bin Laden had been
verbally attacking America for years, but the Church was asleep. The
demonic powers that were influencing him should have been violently
confronted by holy angels on assignment through the power of prayeras
it was in the Prophet Daniels time.


Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is not praying for stones or dirt;
it is praying for Gods protection over the lives of the people there. It is
praying for revival, for Gods grace to be poured out on the Bible land and
all over the Middle Eastprayer that demonic powers will be defeated
by holy angels in a battle not seen with the natural eye. Mother Teresa
was one of the first people who told me she prayed daily for the peace
of Jerusalem according to Psalms 122:6. She said to me, Love is not
something you say, its something you do. I believe that with all my heart.
Is it possible that America might have been spared the Great
Depression if she had not ignored the plight of the Jews? Is it possible
that tens of thousands of Americans would not have died in World War
II if America had not closed her doors to the house of Israel? If so, God-
fearing Americans must stand up now before it is too late. Where will
end time prophecy place the United States of America: on Gods side in
support of the Jewish people, or on the side of the Enemy?
In the last quarter century many have cursed again and again that
which God calls them to bless. Are they inviting Gods blessings or curses?
President Obama and others before him want East Jerusalem as the
capital of an Islamic Palestine (a Jew-free state.) If this happens, prayer
will not prevent the wrath of Almighty God from falling upon America
for touching prophecy and dividing Jerusalem.
Consider this for a moment: Deuteronomy 28 is perhaps the most
widely quoted chapter of the Bible concerning the blessings and curses
of God. I have numerous times heard ministers read verses 1-14 of that
chapter listing the blessings of God available to Believers; how often have
we heard the curses read? Let me end with one of the last curses in this
chapter: Read it very prayerfully:

The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away,
from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a
nation whose language you will not understand, a fierce-
looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the


young. They will devour the young of your livestock and

the crops of your land until you are destroyed. They will
leave you no grain, new wine or oil, nor any calves of your
herds or lambs of your flocks until you are ruined. They
will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until
the high-fortified walls in which you trust fall down. They
will besiege all the cities throughout the land the Lord
your God is giving you . . . , (Deuteronomy 28: 49-52 niv.)

It is time to decide: Will the US live under Gods blessings or incur

His wrath? It is time to answer the trumpet call, and correct the nations
course. Americans often look to the White House to make course
corrections, so it is only fitting to look back at its leaders to see how each
has dealt with Israel.

part ii

( 14 )


While people are sayin g, Peace and safet y,

dest r uction will come on them suddenly, as labor pain s
on a preg nant woman , and the y will not escape,
(I Thessalonian s 5: 3, NI V )

Virtually every United States President has in some way been

impacted by prophecy. Beginning with George Washington through every
other presidential decision concerning the direction of the United States
and its relationship to Israel and the Arab states, leaders have navigated
the murky waters of foreign policy and the US role in world affairs.
Domestic conscience has elected men to office and directed how the US
will account for its stewardship of the power entrusted to them. Though
we were prophetically called upon to be used of God in the world, the
nation will also assuredly have much to answer for because of apathy in
taking its appointed place of leadership.
In the early 1900s Palestine was a desert wasteland in the hands
of the unfriendly TurksAmerica held much greater promise for the
displaced Jews of the world. Many came to view the US as their Promised


Land; they were comfortable in the US and felt no need to seek peace
elsewhere. This sentiment was not without repercussions, however. As
many of the indigent Jews of Europe flooded to the US, it not so much
answered what some deemed to be the Jewish problem but brought it
to America. US leaders determined the influx was too great and another
answer would have to be sought.
In 1921, Congress passed a quota mostly targeting Europes unskilled
workers. Another law passed that same year limited immigrants from
each country to the equivalent of only three percent of its nationals
already residing in the US in the year 1910. This law limited total annual
immigration to 357,000 people. Three years later the Johnson-Reed
Immigration Restriction of 1924 lowered this quota to only two percent,
also resetting the base year to 1890when just 150,000 people were
allowed into the country. The governments restrictive immigration
policy thus drastically cut immigration from 800,000 in 1921 to 23,000
in 1933. Ellis Islands role quickly changed from an immigration depot
to that of a detention center. In 1915, Ellis Island processed 178,000
immigrants; by 1919 that number fell to just 26,000. What some saw as
the Jewish problem would have to be further resolved in a manner other
than allowing them into the US.
However, before this issue came to the fore, God had prepared
someone to step forward with a solutionWilliam Eugene Blackstone.
Blackstone was born into a Methodist home in upstate New York in 1841,
but followed his fortunes west to Oak Park, Illinois after the Civil War.
Though he was not an ordained minister, but rather the founder of a
construction and investment company, Blackstone had been an ardent
student of the Bible from his boyhood. In 1878, he published a book called
Jesus Is Coming that sold over a million copies (no small feat in a nation of
only about fifty millionroughly a sixth of Americas population today).
While the book was offensive to many who had grown comfortable with
their own brand of Christianity, it was welcomed by such men as Dwight
L. Moody and Cyrus I. Scofield. Those two men and others of similar stripe


appreciated Blackstones literal interpretation of the scriptures. They

favored a more active and evangelical, missions-minded Christianity. It
so touched the US conscience that it in a large measure set the tone for
this period of history.119
Blackstones book was so well documented it was actually more
scripture than commentary, listing hundreds of Bible passages for the
reader to review at his own pace. It was a book difficult for any true
Believer to ignore. Suddenly, America was becoming a beacon to the
world pointing to Bible prophecy. The book was eventually translated
into forty-eight languages, including Hebrew, and is still in print today.
Blackstone wrote:

You may say, I dont believe the Israelites are to be

restored to Canaan, and Jerusalem to be rebuilt.
Have you read the declarations in Gods Word about it?
Surely nothing is more plainly stated in the Scriptures.120

Blackstone then listed eighty-nine Scripture passages that support

his assertion. Later in the chapter he further states:

It would seem that such overwhelming testimony

would convince every fair-minded reader that there is a
glorious future restoration in store for Israel. . . .
I could fill a book with comments about how Israel will
be restored, but all I have desired to do was to show that
it is an incontrovertible fact of prophecy, and that it is
intimately connected with our Lords appearing.121

Perhaps Blackstones remarks seem somewhat overstated to us some

six-and-a-half decades after the birth of Israel as a state, but in his time,
the confidence of his assertions was no less than prophetic. Many in US
churches gave little credence to the possibility that the Jews would ever
have their own land and state again, let alone in their ancient homeland


with Jerusalem as its capital. Many Jews themselves actually had little
interest in the idea. By the outbreak of World War I, only about 20,000
of the 2.5 million Jews in the US belonged to a Zionist organization.122
American Jews were quite happy where they were.
Blackstone, however, looked upon Israel as Gods sun-dial. He
even went so far as to say, If anyone desires to know our place in Gods
chronology, our position in the march of events, look at Israel.123 For
Blackstone, it was the next milestone along the river of prophecy.
In what light did churches in the US interpret the scriptures quoted
by Blackstone? How could the certainty of these prophecies concerning
the rebirth of Israel been missed? It was interpreted as referring to
spiritual Israelthe modern-day Church. Wisely, Blackstone had a
few things to say about this as well. His book would touch on some of
the darkest episodes for the descendants of Jacob. He saw quite plainly
that Israel and the Church were separate entities, each with a future that
signified two different covenants. God had not forsaken one for the other,
he argued, but rather had a unique plan for each.
However, by replacing literal Israel, it appeared the Church no longer
had to feel any responsibility to the Jews as Gods Chosen People. This
Replacement Theology would quiet the Church in Germany during
World War II as the death camps were rushed into full operation. There
was no feeling of obligation to the Jews. They were instead suffering for
their sins of rejection of the Messiah. It was as if Jesus death cut the
Church free from Gods chosen people rather than grafting the Gentiles
into the olive tree. However they saw it, this insidious virusan invisible
anti-Semitismallowed the mainstream German Church to look the
other way as the most horrific and ungodly acts were perpetrated on the
Jewish people.
Blackstones words did not fall on deaf ears in the United States,
however. As his popularity rose, so did his activity. In 1888, he and his
daughter Flora visited Palestine, and concluded their trip in London
during their year-long sabbatical.


When he returned, Blackstone was more zealous for the cause

of reestablishing the state of Israel than ever before. Soon thereafter,
the burden of his heart was to initiate a conference between Jews and
Christians to discuss this very topic. The Conference on the Past,
Present, and Future of Israel took place November 24-25, 1890 at the
First Methodist Episcopal Church in Chicago. It was attended by some of
the best-known Christian and Jewish Leaders of the day.
The assembly passed resolutions of sympathy for oppressed Jews
living in Russia, and copies were forwarded to the Czar and other world
leaders. However, Blackstone knew it was not enough to beg mercy from
these leadersthe Jews needed a land to call their own within borders
that afforded peace and security. He wanted these world leaders to grant
the Jews permission to return to Palestine and establish just such a state.
Out of these meetings came the inspiration for the document that would
eventually be known as The Blackstone Memorial.
On March 5, 1891, Secretary of State James G. Blaine introduced
William Blackstone to President Benjamin Harrison. Blackstone
personally handed the President his memorial, originally titled Palestine
for the Jews. President Harrison seemed like a man who would favor
Israel as well, since he chose Psalm 121:1-6, KJV as the Scripture on which
he would place his hand as he took the Oath of Office as the twenty-sixth
President of the United States:

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence

cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which
made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be
moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he
that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The
Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right
hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon
by night.


The first paragraph of Blackstones memorial began simply, What

shall be done for the Russian Jews? and the second, Why not give
Palestine back to them again?124 It was signed by 413 prominent Americans
including John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Cyrus McCormick, the Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, heads of several major newspapers, the
Speaker of the House, other members of congress, the mayors of Chicago
and Philadelphia, and several other businessmen, ministers, and clergy. It
called for a conference to discuss the possibilities of a Jewish homeland
the first step on the road to a Jewish stateand copies were also sent
to the head of every European nation. The letter that accompanied his
memorial ended with these words:

That there seem to be many evidences to show that we

have reached the period in the great roll of the centuries,
when the ever-living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
is lifting up His hand to the Gentiles, (Isaiah 49:22) to
bring His sons and His daughters from far, that he may
plant them again in their own land, (Ezekiel 34, &c). Not
for twenty-four centuries, since the days of Cyrus, King
of Persia, has there been offered to any mortal such a
privileged opportunity to further the purposes of God
concerning His ancient people.
May it be the high privilege of your Excellency, and the
Honorable Secretary, to take a personal interest in this
great matter, and secure through the Conference, a home
for these wandering millions of Israel, and thereby receive
to yourselves the promise of Him, who said to Abraham,
I will bless them that bless thee, Genesis 12:3.125

While many in the US have probably never heard of William E.

Blackstone, the same could not have been said of presidents from
Harrison through Truman. Blackstone, believing the Church could
well be raptured (being caught up to heaven) at any moment, became


increasingly preoccupied with the Jewish people and their promised

return to Palestine. He kept the issue before every US president until his
death in 1935. Blackstone not only personally handed the memorial to
Harrison, but would also see it presented to Presidents William McKinley,
Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow WilsonWilliam
McKinley signed it before being elected president.126 Blackstones words
so saturated those presidents, that in 1949, some fourteen years after
Blackstones death, Harry Truman, who by his action made the US the
first nation to recognize the newborn state of Israel, virtually quoted
Blackstones letter. When he was introduced to some Jewish scholars
that year as the man who helped create the State of Israel, Truman
responded with, What do you mean helped create? I am Cyrus, I am
Cyrus!127 He referred to the biblical king who allowed the Jews to return
to Jerusalem from their captivity in Babylon.
Blackstones memorial was written five years before the father of
modern-day Zionism, Theodor Herzl, published his book, The Jewish
State and founded the Zionist Movement. When Blackstone discovered
that Herzls book was practical and political, not prophetic, he marked
all the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning Israels rebirth in a
Bible, and sent it to Herzl. Blackstone informed Herzl that his proposal
to have the Jewish state in Argentina, Uganda, or any other country
was unacceptableit had to be in the promised land of Palestine with
Jerusalem as its capital. Blackstone so greatly influenced Herzl that the
Bible containing those marked prophecies was, for a time, displayed in
Herzls tomb in Israel.
Because of his zeal, Blackstone is among those recognized and
honored in Israel today. While righteous gentiles such as Corrie ten Boom
and Oskar Schindler have a tree dedicated to them for saving lives during
the Holocaust, Blackstone has a forest named after him and is mentioned
in some textbooks on the history of Israel.
Despite his presence before presidents and his popularity, Blackstone
would be to them what Moses was to Pharaoha voice calling from God,


Let My people go! And, like Moses, his voice wouldfor the most part
go unheeded. Just as Pharaoh vacillated in his decision to release the
Jews to go to Canaan (ancient Palestine), so would US presidents waver
in making decisions regarding Gods Chosen People. As God hardened
the heart of Pharaoh, so He would harden the hearts of those in the US
State Department during various administrations.
While State Department employees had incited US protests against
the murder of Jews in Damascus in 1840, it would silence any response
to Blackstones plea. Actually it welcomed US apathy towards the
murder of Jews during the Holocaust. The death knell that sounded
over the Blackstone Memorial came in a penciled note from Alvey A.
Adee, Assistant Secretary of State. He held the office from 1886 to 1924,
an incredible thirty-eight years. Adee left his fingerprints everywhere
in US foreign policy throughout his tenure and beyond. If Adee felt one
way, then it was a good indication of the way any up-and-coming young
State Department officer should feel if advancement was desired. His
note read:

For thirty years and I know not how much longer,

Turkey has writhed under the dread of a restoration of
the Judean monarchy. Every few months we are asked
to negotiate for the cessation of Palestine to the Jewish
nation. The whole project is chimerical [fanciful].128

While the project was not an impossible and foolish fancy as Adee
suggested, his note was enough to infect the State Department. The idea
arose that any action towards helping Israel become a nation again was
not only a waste of time, but also not in the interests of peaceful relations
with the powers that controlled the region at the timenamely the
crumbling Ottoman Empire. The tone was also set in those intellectual
halls that the simplistic, black-and-white values and ideals of evangelical
Christians such as Blackstone were nave and quixotic. Well-informed


diplomats, it was thought, knew more about the values and cultures
of the regions involved, so they were in a better place to make policy
regarding issues concerning them.
Slowly the US State Department began to make its decisions based
more on what other nations thought than using the values upon which
the country was founded. This trend away from the moral clarity of our
forefathers and towards the relativism of humanistic secularism is what
turned the State Department into what it is today: a friend of the United
Nations and globalizationmore than the friend of its own nation.
Further prophetic insight was realized when William Blackstones
friend, Cyrus Scofield, published his famous study Bible in 1909. It
was greatly inspired by Blackstones interest in biblical prophecy and
the simple, straightforward interpretation of Scripture. In his notes,
Scofield interpreted Ezekiel 38 and 39 to mean that Russia would invade
Israel during the end time. That interpretation was challenged and
even mocked. Many asked, How can you possibly say that? Russia is
a Christian Orthodox nation; there is no Israel. . . nor any possibility
it will ever exist. Scofield reportedly answered, I dont understand it,
and I cant explain it, but the Bible says it, and I believe it. Today no
one doubts that Russia might attack Israelespecially since it has been
known to regularly pinpoint Israeli cities as targets for possible nuclear
strikesand Scofields interpretation is now usually taken for granted.
William Blackstone was Gods voice to a generation. He called
Believers to Zionism before the movement was even founded. Through
Blackstone, God was prevailing upon the US conscience that had called
on Him to save it from the tyranny of the British, and from its own divisive
internal strife over slavery. God answered willingly and faithfully,
keeping the country whole through these, and other, conflicts. Now God
was calling on the United States to act on behalf of His chosen people,
the Jewsand for more than fifty years, His call went ignored. Had any
of the presidents who received Blackstones memorial acted instead of
disregarding itlives of six million Jews who died in the Holocaust as


well as the lives of those persecuted in Russia and elsewhere in the world
might have been saved. It was Dietrich Bonhoeffer who said:

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold
us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.129

About a century before Israels rebirth, the groundwork had been

laid within the American conscience for its support of and relationship
with the descendants of Isaac. The call had begun for America to become
an international ambassador to help the Jews reestablish a land and
state. Over the next century, almost every American president would be
faced with the issue of being part of or ignoring prophecy stating that the
people of Isaac would again have their own homeland. Amazingly, the
battle continues today with Arab hatred for the Jews, and the numerous
conspiracy myths that the Jews blew up the World Trade Center towers.
Such fabrications are propagated by the radical Islamic fanatics of the

( 15 )

and H A Y M S A L OMON

Judah , you are he whom your brothers shall praise;

Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies;
Your father s children shall bow down before you ,
(G enesis 49: 8 , N K J V )
P R E S I D E N T G EO R G E W A S H I N G TO N , 178 9 I N AU G U R A L

The United States of America was built on Judeo-Christian

principles, with the Ten Commandments and the tenets of the Bible as
the basis for its laws. The newly-born nation eschewed tyranny, creating
a constitution of checks and balances to control governmental power. It
also refused to embrace Old World strugglessuch as that of Christian
against Jewas part of its culture. The fledgling government took literally
the verse of Scripture, Old things are passed away; behold, all things are
become new, (2 Corinthians 5:17 nkjv.) From this admonition sprang the
idea of separation between church and statethat all faiths would have
the right to the freedom of religious gathering, worship, and expression.


Moreover, the state would not dictate what church to attend, nor would it
silence anyone from expressing their faith in public office or in the halls
of government.
The founding fathers saw no conflict between these freedoms and
openly expressing their religious beliefs, whether going about their daily
business as citizens or civic leaders. The American government was not
formulated to sanction oppression of any kind. With regard to religion,
the government was not to be amoral or secular as some seem to think
today; rather, governance was to be based upon the Judeo-Christian
virtues of love and prayer: to love and pray for others instead of trying to
force them to change.
As early settlers continued to make their way to the colonies from
Great Britain so too did people from other countries. Among them were
the first Jews to reach North America. They set foot on Manhattan Island
in September 1654. The four men, six women, and thirteen children had
sailed from Brazil aboard a leaking and filthy French ship rampant with
disease. It was a miracle any survived the difficult journey. When the
Jews arrived in the new colonies, they proved to be a conundrum for
their neighbors. They were a people without a homeland, wanderers
often unwelcomein whatever land they chose to settle. The Jewish
immigrants were by nature a close-knit group, and their commonality
was often viewed as being conspiratorial.
In 1790, the first census was taken of the thirteen colonies of
the United States. The total population was nearly four million, and
approximately two thousand were Jews. George Washington wrote a
letter to the Sephardic congregation of Newport, Rhode Island, in August
of 1790, and thanked them for the contributions of the Jewish people in
the fight for independence:

May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in

the land continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the
other inhabitants. While everyone shall sit safely under


his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make
him afraid.130

The second president of the United States, John Adams, had an equal
admiration for the People of the Book. Near the end of his life, Adams
expressed, For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent
nation.131 This became a slogan among early Jewish nationalists.
Then later, it is quite possible that an incident of 1840 opened the
American earthat of both Jew and Christianto the need for Hebrew
people worldwide to have a homeland within whose borders they could
finally find security from persecution. What had brought the affair to the
attention of President Martin Van Buren and his Secretary of State John
Forsyth was a dispatch from the American consul in Beirut describing
the massacre of Jewish men, women, and children in Damascus. Jews
there had been accused of ritual murder in order to obtain the blood of
Christians for use in their Passover servicesthe old and ever-present
charge of blood libel. (This false accusation has been revived in Islamic
nations today.)
The accusations were used as a justification to destroy Jewish
property and murder Jews in the streets. In the end, it was found that the
rumor had been started by French agents to incite Muslims and enhance
Frances position as the protector of Christians in the area.
While the issue was undeniably a gross violation of basic human
rights, the end result was that it placed the United States unequivocally
and officially on the side of the Jews, forcing the nation to, through formal
diplomatic channels, support the Jews for the first time in its history.
This action came so fast, in fact, that by the time the American public
raised the issue to the government in order to persuade President Martin
Van Buren to officially object, complaints had already been raised. The
US consul in Egypt was called upon to file a formal protest. The incident
was such an epitome of Old World prejudices the United States had been
trying to escape, that it was the first and only time the government,


especially the State Department, acted on behalf of the Jews without first
being prodded by the American people.
Thus, a little more than a century before Israels rebirth, the
groundwork was being laid in the American conscience for its support of
and relationship with the nation of Israel. The call had begun for America
to become an international ambassador in helping the Jews reestablish
a land and a state for themselves. Over the next century, almost every
American president would be faced with the issue of being part of or
ignoring the prophecies stating that the people of Israel would return to
the Land and form their own government. Unfortunately, however, these
same presidents, on the advice of the State Department and because of
the pressures of their own times, would take no action to answer this cry
until after World War II.
Virtually every American president has in some way been impacted
by the Jewish people. From George Washington to Barack Obama, leaders
have navigated the murky waters of foreign policy and what Americas
role should be in world affairsand in recent years how foreign policy
relates to Israel. This will not change with future presidents. Domestic
conscience has directed and will continue to direct how America will
account for its stewardship of the power entrusted to it, particularly with
regard to Israel. There have been times that sluggishness in responding
to that call and taking the appointed place of leadership has caused the
loss of lives, much pain, and not a little consternation.
Today, Israel is the closest ally the United States has in the Middle
East, though that claim may be argued in light of recent governmental
actionor inaction. While the reborn Jewish state seeks succor from
its big brother for military support and political assistance, as well as
financial aid, the United States has benefited equally. Israel has offered
staunch support against the enemies of democracy in the region, shared
outstanding industrial advances, and succeeded in areas of research and
development that have benefited the United States as well.
Is this a recent phenomenon, this cooperation between the Jewish


people and the United States? Hardly! In a letter to Reverend F. A. van

der Kemp, John Adams wrote of the influence of the Jews on western

I will insist that the Hebrew have done more to

civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist,
and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe
that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential
instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist
of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that
all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had
ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind
the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty
sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great
essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all

President Woodrow Wilson felt strongly that the ancient Hebrews

set the standard for the unfolding United States of America:

Recalling the previous experiences of the colonists in

applying the Mosaic Code to the order of their internal
lives, it is not to be wondered that the various passages in
the Bible . . . [were] held up before the pioneer Americans
the Hebrew Commonwealth as a model government. . . .
In the spirit and essence of our constitution, the influence
of the Hebrew Commonwealth was paramount in that it
was not only the highest authority for the principle, that
rebellion to Tyrants is obedience to God, but also because
it was in itself a divine precedent for a pure democracy.133


President Calvin Coolidge praised the contributions of the Jews to

the American Revolution:

The Jewish faith is predominantly the faith of liberty.

[He listed] some among the merchants who unhesitatingly
signed the nonimportation resolution of 1765: Isaac Moses,
Benjamin Levy, Samson Levy, David Franks, Joseph
Jacobs, Hayman Levy Jr., Matthias Bush, Michael Gratz,
Bernard Gratz, Isaac Franks, Moses Mordecai, Benjamin
Jacobs, Samuel Lyon, and Manuel Mordecai Noah.134

Coolidge also recounted the story of Haym Salomon, Polish Jew

financier of the Revolution:

Born in Poland, he was made prisoner by the British

forces in New York, and when he escaped set up in
business in Philadelphia. He negotiated for Robert Morris
[the superintendent for finance in the Thirteen Colonies]
all the loans raised in France and Holland, pledged his
personal faith and fortune for enormous amounts, and
personally advanced large sums to such men as James
Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Baron Steuben, General St.
Clair and many other patriot leaders, who testified that
without his aid they could not have carried on in the

Near the beginning of the Revolution, when the colonial soldiers

were poorly armed, starving to death, and on the verge of defeat,
Salomon went to the Jews in America and Europe and gathered a gift of
one million dollars (an incredible amount at that time). He sent the funds
to General George Washington, who used them to buy clothing and arms
to outfit American troops, an act that ultimately helped the Colonies win


the war. Salomon pledged his personal fortune. It is said that altogether,
Salomon gifted the Continental Army with $25 million dollars and later
died a pauper. Neither he nor his heirs has ever collected a dime of what
was due from the Government. He never even received a medal for his
services . . . a glaring example of history often forgetting its heroes.136
In addition to his gifts, Salomon loaned the US government at least
another $800,000. It has been calculated that were his loan to be repaid
today at 7 percent interest, the amount owed the Salomon family would
equal at least $2.5 trillion. The aid given to Israel today is but a drop in
the bucket compared to the debt of gratitude due Haym Salomon.
To show his appreciation, Washington instructed the engravers of
the US one-dollar bill to include a memorial to the Jewish people over
the head of the American eagle. It is still there today. If you look closely
at the reverse side of a one-dollar bill, you will see thirteen stars over the
eagles head that form the six-pointed Star of David. Surrounding that
is a cloudburst representing the Glory in the tabernacle in Jerusalem.
President Washington specified that this was to be a lasting memorial
to the Jewish people for their help in winning the war for independence.
Washington was not alone in his faith or feelings of brotherhood
for the Jews. At the Continental Congress of 1776, Benjamin Franklin
suggested that the Great Seal of the United States bear the likeness of a
triumphant Moses raising his staff to divide the Red Sea with the waters
crashing in on the armies of Pharaoh in the background. Thomas Jefferson,
on the other hand preferred an image that showed more perseverance:
that of the children of Israel marching through the desert following rays
from the pillar of fire.137 The final design of the Great Seal included a
pyramid (Egypt), and eagle (protection), rays of fire and a cloud (Divine
leadership.) All were symbolic of the Red Sea experience of the Children
of Israel.
Because Salomon was very sympathetic to the cause of the men
fighting the Revolution against England, he soon joined the Sons of
Liberty. He was captured by the British, charged as a spy, and incarcerated


on a British warship for eighteen months. He was pardoned because

he was fluent in several languages. His interpretive skills enabled him
to persuade the German Hessian regiments hired by the British as
mercenaries to abandon the cause. Salomon was also responsible for the
escape of a number of Patriot prisoners.
Salomon married Rachel Franks in 1777. She was the daughter of a
leading Jew, Moses Franks. When the elder Salomons loyalist activities
were exposed in 1778, he was again arrested and sentenced to death by
the British. He once more managed to escape and slip into Philadelphia.138
There, he used his skills as a broker to become the French consuls agent
and paymaster for French forces aiding the Americans in their fight for
independence. As a sympathizer to the Patriots, he offered them below-
market interest rates and never sought repayment.139
Author Dr. David Allen Lewis wrote:

Salomon had a dream for the Jewish people, that

America would be the place where they could find rest,
and that one day this nation would be the instrument
for reestablishing the national homeland for the Jewish
people in Eretz Israel.140

In 1941, a memorial to George Washington, Robert Morris, and Haym

Salomon was erected on Wacker Drive in Chicago. In 1975, Salomon
was honored with a commemorative ten-cent stamp to mark his true
patriotism as a financial hero.

( 16 )

T HOM A S J E F F E R SON, and

Thus saith the LOR D of hosts; In those days [it shall come to pass],
that ten men shall . . . take hold of the skirt of him that is a Je w,
sayin g, We will go with you: for we have heard [that] God [is] with you ,
(Zechariah 8: 2 3, K J V )

Each president who succeeded George Washington had some

contact with the Jewish population in the United States. Some had
personal and intimate relationships, while some hid behind a cloak of
bare civility. John Adams knew about the Jews as a people through his
religious upbringing. Adams had been raised a Congregationalist but
later became a Unitarian. Whatever involvement he had with the Jewish
constituents who helped elect him began only after the inaugural on
March 4, 1797. Adams once commented:

My religion is founded on the love of God and my

neighbor; on the hope of pardon for my offenses; upon


contrition; upon the duty as well as the necessity of

[enduring] with patience the inevitable evils of life; in
the duty of doing no wrong, but all the good I can, to the
creation of which I am but an infinitesimal part.141

Adams had a deep appreciation for Gods Chosen People and for their
contributions to make the world a better place for all.
Under his administration, thousands of Jews living under oppression
in Russia, Prussia, and Austria petitioned for admission to the United
States. The Naturalization Act, a part of the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts
was passed to limit French immigration, making it impossible for Jews
from Russia and regions of Europe to move to America. A clause in the
legislation included the words other foreigners, which many American
Jews considered a pointed reference to their race.
This legislation was the result of what came to be known as the
XYZ Affair. When French privateers began to pursue and raid American
trading ships, President Adams dispatched a delegation to France to try to
settle the issue. The refusal of French Foreign Minister Charles Maurice
de Talleyrand to entertain the envoys and the insistence on a bribe in
the amount of $250,000 in order to end the conflict offended Adams.
Refusing to accept the severity of the problem, Thomas Jefferson and
his associates demanded to see the diplomatic communiques in Adams
Attempts to negotiate a settlement with France were rebuffed,
leading to the undeclared Quasi-War of 1798. The president eventually
made the documents available, but with names omitted. He had instead
replaced those with the letters X, Y, and Z. The anti-French sentiment
resulted in the aforementioned Alien and Sedition Acts. Adams lost
the Jewish vote and the election in 1800 to Thomas Jefferson, an anti-
Federalist Republican.
He also once expressed to a Jewish petitioner his wish that:


Your nation be admitted to all the privileges of citizens

in every country of the world. This country has done
much. I wish it may do more, and annul every narrow idea
in religion, government, and commerce.142

In 1818, long before the Zionist movement was formed, Adams wrote
to Mordecai Manuel Noah, a journalist and politician:

I really wish the Jews again in Judea, an independent

nation; as I believe the most enlightened men of it have
participated in the amelioration of the philosophy of the
ages. . . . I wish your nation [of Jews] may be admitted
to all privileges of citizens in every country of the world.
This country has done much. I wish it may do more, and
annul every narrow idea in religion, government, and

Adams was gracious in his loss to Thomas Jefferson and retired

to his farm. He was not so congenial, however, as to attend Jeffersons
inauguration in 1801. John Adams died on July 4, 1826, two years after he
saw his son, John Quincy, elected to the White House.

From the charters drafted by Pilgrims who first colonized what would
one day become the United States of America, its forefathers purposed in
their hearts to be a force for good on the earth as defined by the Bible
and its prophecies. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, they
believed these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Thomas


Jefferson, one of the writers of that Declaration, and who would become
the third president of the newly-formed nation, further said: Can the
liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that
these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with
His wrath?144 From this first declaration and by invoking the blessings of
God in its foundation, the founders placed this new nation into the hands
of God for its existence and its future. Little did Thomas Jefferson and
his companions realize how closely this one nation under God would
be tied to an as yet unborn Jewish nation that would be settled on a scrap
of land along the Mediterranean Sea.
While Thomas Jefferson was arguably the most erudite president to
ever occupy the White House, he was sadly lacking in knowledge of the
Jews. Jefferson was a deist: He believed in a Creator, but not in a God
who was daily involved in the lives of His creation. However, as president
of the United States, he felt compelled to attend church. Once, when
challenged on his outwardly hypocritical attendance, he replied:

Sir, no nation has ever yet existed or been governed

without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the
best religion that has been given to Man, and I as chief
magistrate of this nation am bound to give it the sanction
of my example.145

Jefferson took office in 1801 and appointed Reuben Etting, a Jew, as

United States Marshal for Maryland. Uriah Phillips Levy, although not
a Jefferson appointee, so greatly admired the third president that he
purchased Monticello after Jeffersons death and refurbished the sadly
neglected, dilapidated home. His mother was buried on its grounds, and
his nephew, Congressman Jefferson M. Levy, used the property as a sum-
mer home.
Jefferson was also acquainted with Mordecai Manuel Noah and
received the same communique from him as did Adams following the


dedication of the Mill Street Synagogue in New York City. Jefferson

responded to Noahs missive with:

Sir, I thank you for the discourse on the consecration

of the Synagogue in your city, with which you have been
pleased to favor me. I have read it with pleasure and
instruction, having learnt from it some valuable facts in
Jewish history which I did not know before. Your sect
by its sufferings has furnished a remarkable proof of the
universal spirit of religious intolerance in every sect,
disclaimed by all while feeble, and practiced by all when
in power. Our laws have applied the only antidote to this
vice, protecting our religious, as they do our civil rights,
by putting all on an equal footing. But more remains to be
done, for although we are free by the law, we are not so in
practice; public opinion erects itself into an Inquisition,
and exercises its office with as much fanaticism as fans
the flames of an auto-da-f [public penance prescribed for
condemned heretics].146 A staunch believer in the value
of education, Jefferson helped found the University of
Virginia in 1819. He once wrote to a friend: If a nation
expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was
and never will be.147

Even in death Jefferson chose to highlight his love for independence,

liberty, and education. When he retired from public life, he went home
to his beloved Monticello. His days there were spent reading and
corresponding with friends and acquaintances. As Jefferson neared the
end of his life, he set his affairs in order, and then turned his thoughts to
designing his headstone.
His role in national politics had been an important one in the
establishment of a new nation. He had served as president, vice president,


secretary of state, Minister to France, and governor of Virginia. Any or

all of those designations could have been written as his epitaph. Instead
of outlining his accomplishments, he chose rather to have the artisans
chisel carve:

Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, Author of the

Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute
of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and Father of the
University of Virginia.148

Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, the fifth anniversary of the

independence of the nation he had governed as its third president. He
predeceased former President John Adams by just a few hours exactly
fifty years from their signing the Declaration of Independence. He and
Adams were the only two signators to attain the highest office in the new
Years later, in a White House speech to a group of Nobel laureates,
President John F. Kennedy, hinting of Jeffersons gifts and talents, alleged:

I think this is the most extraordinary collection of

talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered
together at the White House, with the possible exception
of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.149

Although elected president in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt was born a

sickly child in New York City in 1858. He was determined to leave behind
weakness and set about to improve his health through weightlifting,
boxing, and hiking. He was an ardent hunter, which is attributed to the
creation of the Teddy Bear.


The story is told of a hunting expedition during which Roosevelt

failed to bring down a single bear. One of his fellow huntsmen found a
hapless bear cub and tied it to a tree. Roosevelts refusal to shoot the
orphaned bear earned him accolades as gentle and cuddly, despite his
widely-known daring. Two Jewish immigrants created a cuddly stuffed
bear and sought the future presidents permission to give it the nickname
Teddy. Permission was granted, and Rose Michtom and her husband
Morris began to market the toy as a Teddy Bear. It was a resounding
success and remains so today, over one hundred years later.
Meanwhile, Roosevelt began his rise in the world of politics, first
as police commissioner in New York City and then as secretary of the
navy. In 1898, Teddy was elected governor of the state of New York. It was
during that same year that he organized the Rough Riders and led the
charge up San Juan Hill near Santiago de Cuba during the war with Spain.
Following his success, Teddy was chosen by President William McKinley
to run as his vice president. Six months after McKinleys inauguration,
the president was felled by an assassins bullet while visiting the Pan-
American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. A young anarchist, Leon
Czolgosz was arrested and charged with the crime.
While each succeeding president had interaction with the
Jewish residents of the United States, the first significant government
appointment came through Theodore Roosevelt after the heavy mantle
of the presidency settled on his shoulders. He turned for advice and
encouragement to Oscar Straus, brother of Nathan Straus, who had
purchased Macys department store in 1895 and continued to develop it
into what became one of the worlds largest retailers (and for whom the
city of Netanya in Israel is named). In 1906, Roosevelt appointed Straus
secretary of commerce and labor making him the first Jew ever to serve
in a US cabinet post. Straus and Roosevelt remained close friends after
Teddy left office in 1909.
Roosevelt penned a letter to Jacob H. Schiff, a prominent Jewish
philanthropist, businessman and community leader, during a celebration


in Carnegie Hall to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the first

Jewish settlement in the United States. He wrote:

I am glad to be able to say, in addressing you on this

occasion, that while the Jews of the United States, who
now number more than one million, have remained loyal
to their faith and their race traditions, they have become
indissolubly incorporated in the great army of American
citizenship, prepared to make all sacrifice for the country,
either in war or peace, and striving for the perpetuation
of good government and for the maintenance of the
principles embodied in our constitution. They are
honestly distinguished by their industry, their obedience
to law, and their devotion to the national welfare.150

( 17 )

vs. H E N R Y F OR D

So g ive your ser vant a discer nin g heart to gover n your people
and to distin g uish bet ween right and wron g.
For who is able to gover n this g reat people of yours?
(I Kin gs 3: 9)

Theodore Roosevelts successor, William Howard Taft, held the

distinction of being the first sitting president to attend a Passover Seder
at the invitation of his Jewish friends. Tafts father had been a close
friend of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, who led Bnai Yeshurun, Cincinnati,
Ohios largest synagogue. Taft and his father would often visit the temple
to listen to Wises sermons. A rabid opponent of Abraham Lincoln, Wise
was extremely interesting. He led the battle of equality for women. He
crusaded for the ordination of female rabbis, for womens suffrage, and
even for the banishment of obey from the marriage ceremony. He


was not a proponent of the return of the Jews to Palestine, however. He

errantly decried the thought of the Jews as a nationality:

If facts are eloquent witnesses and prove anything, they

prove, in this case at least, that the Jews do not wish to and
will not go back to Palestine; furthermore, that most of
them, being citizens of this and other countries of advanced
civilization approaching the ideals of Moses, want no Jewish
state; would join none, if the establishment of such a state
were possible. They will not separate themselves from the
powerful organizations of the great nations of the world to
set up a miniature statelet, a feeble dwarf of a government
of their own in Palestine or in any other country.151

The president also enjoyed a close friendship with Judge Mayer

Sulzberger, a stalwart of the Republican Party. After his election as
president, Taft offered the judge the post of ambassador to Turkey, but due
to his age, the judge declined the post and elected to remain on the bench.
Another of Tafts closest Jewish friends was Julius Rosenwald,
president of Sears, Roebuck and Co. The prominent Jewish businessman
was a loyal Republican and a strong Taft supporter. Taft was vocal in his
abhorrence of anti-Semitism, and after leaving office continued to write
articles and lecture across the country in his role as president of the
American Bar Association.
Tafts term as president ended in an overwhelming defeat in the
election of 1912. In 1921, President Warren G. Harding, a close friend of
Taft, appointed him to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court created by
the death of Chief Justice Edward D. White. Taft served nine years on the
Court, thus becoming the only man to hold both the offices of chief executive
and Supreme Court justice. Health issues forced his resignation in 1930,
and William Howard Taft died on March 8, 1930, at the age of seventy-two.
Earlier in 1920, during a speech to the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai


Brith in Chicago, Taft had launched a full-scale attack against Henry Ford
for having published The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The former
president clearly and forcefully condemned the wave of anti-Semitism that
followed Fords allegations of a Jewish capitalist conspiracy. One can but
wonder how this diabolical lie was ever perceived as truth.
The basic story contained in The Protocols, which Taft found so
abhorrent, was composed by Goedsche, a German novelist and anti-Semite
who used the pseudonym of Sir John Retcliffe. Goedsche plagiarized the
main story from another writer, Maurice Joly, whose The Dialogue in Hell
between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864) involved a hellish plot aimed at
opposing Napoleon III.
According to Robert T. Carroll and The Skeptics Dictionary:

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a forgery

made in Russia for the Okhrana (secret police), which
blames the Jews for the countrys ills. It was first privately
printed in 1897 and was made public in 1905. It is copied
from a nineteenth century novel by Hermann Goedsche
(Biarritz, 1868) and claims that a secret Jewish cabal is
plotting to take over the world.
The Protocols were exposed as a forgery by Lucien Wolf
in The Jewish Bogey and the Forged Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion (London: Press Committee of the Jewish Board
of Deputies, 1920). In 1921, Philip Graves, a correspondent
for the London Times, publicized the forgery. Herman
Bernstein in The Truth About The Protocols of Zion: A
Complete Exposure (1935) also tried and failed to convince
the world of the forgery . . . Even after [it was] exposed as a
forgery, Fords paper continued to cite the document. Adolf
Hitler later used The Protocols to help justify his attempt to
exterminate Jews during World War II.152


The Protocols was first published in the United States in 1920 in

the Dearborn Independent, a Michigan newspaper purchased by Henry
Ford mainly to attack Jews and Communists. Ford had become a pacifist
at the beginning of World War I and required an outlet for his ever-
growing anti-Semitic leanings. He engaged a journalist, E. G. Pipp, as
managing editor of the newspaper. William Liebold, Fords personal
secretary and watchdog, was named business manager; and a Detroit
journalist, William Cameron, was employed as staff writer. Cameron was
responsible for articles penned under Fords name on what was touted
as his Own Page. It afforded the owner a way to espouse his ideas and
theories regarding what he called the working man.
Ford began to build the framework to place the blame for World War
I at the feet of Jewish international bankers. These shadowy, nameless
men could, according to Ford, manipulate certain instincts and
passions with a skill which could only emanate from Satan himself.153
In a meeting with peace activist Rosika Schwimmer, whose plan was to
appeal to Henry Ford, the pacifist, she and the other guests in attendance
were stunned when Ford blurted out, I know who caused the warthe
German-Jewish bankers! I have the evidence here. Facts! I cant give
out the facts now because I havent got them all yet, but Ill have them
Shortly thereafter, Fords first issue of the Independent hit the
stands with articles blaming the Jews for having caused the war and the
world economic upheaval. It was followed later in the year by his book
The International Jew, which had been translated into German. It is
said Hitler had a dog-eared copy on his desk. That would not have been
unusual, since Ford and Hitler held common beliefs regarding the Jews.
So close was their relationship that Henry Ford was the only American
named in Mein Kampf. In it Hitler wrote:

It is Jews who govern the stock exchange forces of the

American Union. Every year makes them more and more


the controlling masters of the producers in a nation of one

hundred and twenty millions; only a single great man,
Ford, to their fury, still maintains full independence.155

On July 30, 1938, Ford was awarded the Verdienstkreuz Deutscher

Adler (the Grand Service Cross of the Supreme Order of the German
Eagle) by the Third Reich. He accepted, no doubt aware of the extent of
Hitlers vicious nature and the cruel and inhumane attacks against the
Jews in Europe.
Why are Henry Ford, his association with Adolf Hitler, and The
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion important in a study of Presidents
and Prophecy? In his deprecatory writings about the Jews, Ford
ultimately incited sympathy for them. As Fred Jerome wrote in his book
Einstein on Israel and Zionism: His Provocative Ideas About the Middle
East, Nothing brings out nationalistic feelings and the sense of ethnic
pride or racial identity as much as being attacked for being a member of
a minority group.156
In some churches, members were warned against Fords acceptance
of The Protocols as truth. And yet through the decades since its first
printing, the lie still persists; born of fantasy, fueled with hatred, and
supported by bigots. Dressed in the Emperors new clothes it is palatable,
but nonetheless, it remains a naked prevarication. It continues to feed
Holocaust denial and Jew-hatred around the world.
One thing is certain: Much of the rise in fervency among the Jews
to establish their own homeland in Palestine was fueled by the strident
anti-Semitic attack of Henry Ford and the subsequent Jewish defense of
President Taft.

( 18 )



Deal with thy ser vant accordin g unto

thy merc y, and teach me thy stat utes ,
(Psalm 1 19: 1 24)

William Howard Tafts successor was Woodrow Wilson, a man

who had great regard and appreciation for the descendants of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. In an address to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of
the House of Representatives on December 11, 1911, New Jersey Governor
Wilson opined:

Here is a great body, our Jewish fellow citizens, from

whom have sprung men of genius in every walk of our
varied life; men . . . who have conceived of its ideals with
singular clearness and led its enterprise with spirit and
sagacity. . . . They are not Jews in America, they are
American citizens.157


The 28th president of the United States was well versed in biblical
principles and theology. Both his father, Joseph Ruggles Wilson, and
his maternal grandfather were Presbyterian ministers. Early in his life,
the elder Wilson had made a commitment to pray morning and evening.
His family prayed before mealsanother habit Woodrow continued
and regularly attended midweek church services. As a young child, he
felt that it was his destiny to become president of the United States and
thereby achieve the goal of helping to restore the Jewish people to their
homeland in Palestine. In his later life, Wilson was humbled: To think
that I, the son of the manse, should be able to help restore the Holy Land
to its people.158
At the age of seventeen, Wilson left for Davidson College but had to
return home due to poor health. When he was healthy enough to resume
his academic studies, he chose Princeton University in New Jersey.
Following his graduation, he entered the University of Virginia Law
School, but Wilsons career as a lawyer was short-lived. He resumed his
schooling, graduating in 1896 with a doctorate in history and politics.
Having opted for a teaching career, Wilsons efforts took him to
several small colleges before he was invited back to Princeton as a
professor of jurisprudence. (He is the only US president to have earned a
doctorate.) From that position, he was elevated to president of the college
in 1902. He then followed his political star and was elected governor of
New Jersey. Fellow Democrats, sensing a winner, nominated him for the
1912 presidential race, and he emerged victorious due to a vote split three
waysbetween Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft.
Wilson would be influenced by many during his White House years,
but perhaps the most prominent was Louis D. Brandeis, a Jewish lawyer.
Brandeis had attended Harvard Law School and opened his practice
in Boston. In 1914, he wrote Other Peoples Money, a book that greatly
impacted Wilson, its message coinciding with Wilsons New Freedom
platform on which he had run in 1912.
Needing a qualified candidate for the Supreme Court in 1916, Wilson


chose Brandeis. His selection threw both Wall Street and Washington
into a ditherBrandeis was liberal, radical, and pro-union. But that
wasnt what many considered to be the biggest strike against the nominee:
Louis Dembitz Brandeis was a Jew, and although named after his uncle,
who had been instrumental in securing the presidential nomination of
Abe Lincoln, was deemed by some to be unfit to ascend to the hallowed
halls of the nations highest court. The fact that he had been raised in
the Kentucky heartland and had little to commend him as a Jew held no
sway with his detractors. He considered himself to be first and foremost
a citizen of the United States. Besides, he averred that there was no
inconsistency between loyalty to America and loyalty to Jewry.159
Brandeis had been elated to learn that his beloved uncle had joined
an experimental farmor a moshavin Haifa and had with one accord
been selected as its chairman. The young lawyer was soon to find that he
too was drawn to Zionism. When the World Zionist center of operations
was moved from an increasingly bellicose Berlin to New York City, he
played a decisive role, not only in the welfare of Jews in Palestine but in
their very survival.
President Wilson, in his nomination speech, listed his grounds
for wanting the appointment of Brandeis to the Supreme Court to be

I cannot speak too highly of his impartial, impersonal,

orderly, and constructive mind, his rare analytical powers,
his deep human sympathy, his profound acquaintance
with the historical roots of our institutions and insight
into their spirit, or of the many evidences he has given of
being imbued to the very heart with our American ideals
of justice and equality of opportunity; of his knowledge
of modern economic conditions and of the way they bear
upon the masses of the people, or of his genius in getting
persons to unite in common and harmonious action . . .


This friend of justice and of men will ornament the high

court of which we are all so justly proud.160

Brandeis drew the ire of many special interest groups, for which
President Wilson was unprepared. When challenged, he said of his long-
time friend, He is a friend of all just men and a lover of the right; and
he knows more about how to talk about the righthe knows how to set
it forward in the face of its enemies.161 It took the president four long
months to finally secure the votes to have Brandeis confirmed by a margin
of forty-seven to twenty-two, thus becoming the first Jew to serve in that
august body.
Brandeis traveled to the Holy Land only once, in 1919. When he
returned to the United States, he penned his unfortunately erroneous
opinion in his journal:

So far as the Arabs and Palestine are concerned, they

do not present a serious obstacle. The conditions under
which immigration must proceed are such that the Arab
question, if properly handled by us, will in my opinion
settle itself.162

Although Brandeis eschewed a role in political circles in his later

life, he was induced to lead the Palestine Development Council, a private
organization of Jewish banks. A young labor leader, David Ben-Gurion,
applied to the organization for a home loan. Ben-Gurion would later say,
[Brandeis was] the first Jew to be great both as an American, quite apart
from what he did for the Jews, and great as a Jew, quite apart from what
he did for America.163
In 1937, a kibbutz in the fledgling country was named Ein Hashofet,
The Judges Book, in honor of Louis Brandeis. It is reported that between
1912 and 1939, the year he resigned from the Supreme Court, Brandeis


donated over $600,000much more in todays dollarsto Jewish

organizations, with most of the money donated toward Zionism.164
Louis Brandeis died on October 5, 1941, of a heart attack. Wayne
McIntosh, an associate professor in the Department of Government and
Politics at the University of Maryland, wrote of Brandeis:

In our national juristic temple, some figures have been

accorded near-Olympian reverence . . . a part of that legal
pantheon is Louis D. Brandeisall the more so, perhaps
because Brandeis was far more than a great justice.
He was also a social reformer, legal innovator, labor
champion, and Zionist leader . . . And it was as a judge
that his concepts of privacy and free speech ultimately, if
posthumously, resulted in virtual legal sea changes that
continue to resonate even today.165

Another of President Wilsons inner circle, along with Brandeis

and Wise, was multimillionaire Bernard Baruch, a long-time admirer
of President Wilson and a campaign contributor. As an advisor, he
was decidedly anti-Zionist and openly against a Jewish homeland. He
considered himself an American first and a Jew second. However, by the
time the issue landed on the floor of the United Nations for debate in 1947,
he had had a change of heart.
Baruch was joined in his admiration for the president by Henry
Morgenthau, whose German-Jewish family had immigrated to the
United States just as the Civil War ended. Henry was educated in New
York City, graduating from Columbia Law School in 1877. He began to
invest in real estate and became quite wealthy. He served the Democratic
Party as chair of the finance committee and in 1913 was dispatched to
Turkey as US ambassador. In 1920, he was appointed to the commission
charged with the establishment of the International Red Cross.166
While World War I and the German war machine devastated most


countries of Europe, President Wilson was able to keep American troops

at home. However, in February 1917, German naval forces breached an
agreement not to attack merchant ships in the Atlantic and began to
sink American vessels, including the British-owned Lusitania, with 128
Americans onboard. Wilson abruptly ended diplomatic relations with
Kaiser Wilhelm, and on April 2, petitioned Congress for a declaration of
war. Four days later Congress granted the request, and the United States
entered the battlethe one Wilson fervently hoped would be the war to
end all wars.
The following year, the Kaiser and the Central Powers (Austria-
Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire) petitioned for
peace. On November 11, 1918, at 11:00 am, a ceasefire was signed and
implemented. Kaiser Wilhelm and Crown Prince Frederick Hohenzollern
fled to Holland, where they were given asylum. Dutch officials refused
to extradite the two to face war-related charges. On November 28, 1918,
Wilhelm II submitted his proclamation of abdication:

I herewith renounce for all time claims to the throne

of Prussia and to the German Imperial throne connected
therewith. At the same time I release all officials of the
German Empire and of Prussia, as well as all officers, non-
commissioned officers and men of the navy and of the
Prussian army, as well as the troops of the federated states
of Germany, from the oath of fidelity which they tendered
to me as their Emperor, King and Commander-in-Chief. I
expect of them that until the re-establishment of order in
the German Empire they shall render assistance to those
in actual power in Germany, in protecting the German
people from the threatening dangers of anarchy, famine,
and foreign rule.167

In preparation for the Paris Peace Conference, which followed in


January 1919, President Wilson prepared a fourteen-point program

he believed would provide a fair and just settlement of war claims and
conditions.168 As part of his presentation, Wilson put forth an appeal
for a League of Nations, which he hoped would guarantee political
independence and territorial integrity to all countries and nationalities,
large and small.169 This interpretation of the fourteen points was derided
by the Arabs and mocked by the French premier, Georges Clemenceau,
who chided, God has ten commandments. Wilson needs fourteen
Wilsons attempt to introduce the concept of a League of Nations
was successful, and the organization was founded in 1919, with a total
of 63 nations joining in what would become the United Nations that we
know today. Unfortunately for Wilson, a charge against the organization
was mounted by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, and
the United States declined to join the body. Wilson was devastated by
Lodges success and launched a whistle-stop tour of the country to try
to win grassroots support for his vision. While en route from Kansas
to Colorado, the stress of his campaign caused the president to suffer a
debilitating stroke from which he never completely recovered.
At the end of his term in office, Wilson and his wife Edith Galt
Wilson retired to their home in Washington, D.C., which Bernard Baruch
had arranged for them. Wilson died just short of three years later, on
February 3, 1924. He left behind the legacy of a man friendly to the Jewish
people, uncompromising in his stand against anti-Semitism, and a man of
conviction and honor. Wilsons steadfast devotion to the ideal of a return
to the homeland of the Jewish people in Palestine would later be even
more deeply appreciated.

( 19)

WA R R E N G. H A R DI N G ,
C A LV I N C O OL ID GE , and

Where [there is] no vision , the people perish:

but he that keepeth the law, happy [is] he,
(Proverbs 29: 18)

In an era when every move by political candidates is closely

scrutinized by the media, it is highly unlikely that Warren G. Harding
could have been elected president. He had two strikes against him that
would have felled other, stronger men: 1) At the age of twenty-two,
Harding suffered his first nervous breakdown, followed by four additional
episodes over a span of twelve years; and 2) Harding allegedly fathered
an illegitimate daughter with Nan Britton. (Modern DNA testing would
resolve the issue, but Brittons daughter, Elizabeth Ann Britton Harding
Blaesing, refused to submit to paternity tests during her lifetime. She died
in Oregon in November 2005.)


Harding was the first of eight children born to Dr. George Tryon
Harding Sr. and Phoebe Elizabeth (Dickerson) Harding. Warrens mother
had been a midwife, and later earned a license to practice medicine. It
was rumored, supposedly by a recalcitrant thief, that Hardings great-
great-grandfather may have been African-American, a claim which was
discounted by his family. His career was launched at the age of ten, when
his father acquired the Marion Daily Star, a declining Ohio newspaper.
The elder Harding rebuilt the publication into a top broadsheet, at which
Warren was taught the basics of operation.
Harding was raised by a deeply religious mother, which is what
could account for his signing the Lodge-Fish joint resolution of approval
to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine when he was president. It
was perhaps one of the only positive notes regarding the Jews to emerge
from his lackluster stay in the White House. Harding stated:

A long-time interest, both sentimental and practical,

in the Zionist movement causes me to wish I might meet
the members of the organization and express the esteem
which I feel in behalf of that great movement.171

As a candidate for the White House, Harding had cozied up to such

rabid anti-Semites as Thomas A. Edison and Henry Ford. Bubbling
beneath the surface, Jew-hatred began to roil and force its way above
ground. It was under Hardings watch that, in 1920, Henry Ford began
his pointedly anti-Semitic rant against the Jews by the dissemination of
the The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
As president, Harding was clearly out of his depth. Historians credit
him with being more interested in his weekly poker games, visits to
vaudeville theaters, regular golf games, and boxing contests than affairs
of state. To his credit, he was instrumental in establishing the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier, and among his accomplishments were income tax
and federal spending reductions, economic policies that reduced what


became known as stagflation, a reduction of unemployment by 10 percent,

and a bold foreign policy that created peace with Germany, Japan, and
Central America.172
Hardings term in office, however, was plagued by scandal, perhaps
the most infamous of which was the Teapot Dome. Harding learned
of the duplicity of Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall while on an
Alaskan tour. He was devastated to discover that his intimate friend
had betrayed his trust by accepting a bribe estimated at $400,000 in
exchange for lease rights to federal oil reserves. Others of Hardings
close associates were also involved in the scandal. Harding packed his
bags and headed home. He stopped in San Francisco, where he became ill
and developed pneumonia. Warren Harding succumbed to the sickness
on August 2, 1923. The remaining two years of his term were served by
Calvin Coolidge.

During the watches of Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, and

Calvin Coolidge, inhabitants of southern Russia and the Ukraine were
actively engaged in pogroms against the Jewish population. As a result,
some eighty thousand-plus Jews emigrated to Palestine. Many of the
victims of the pogroms would have made their way to the United States,
but were barred from entry by the austere allocations regulated by
Congress. Between March 1920 and May 1921, marauding Arabs struck
Jewish quarters and farms, maiming and killing. The British were
appalled by the violence, but they disingenuously called in the fox to
guard the henhouse.
Hajj Muhammad Amin al-Husayni, well-known for his virulent anti-
Semitism, was elevated to an office created especially for himthat of
Grand Mufti. It was, according to the Jewish settlers, a conciliatory move
by Britain. Thus began a repeating pattern of conflict: Anti-Semitism in


Europe and the USSR would drive displaced Jews out of those nations
and into Palestine, creating a no-win situation for the Jews and producing
even more Jew-hatred in the region.
This same precedent was reproduced in 1924, when yet another
wave of Jewish refugees from Poland fled to Palestine. Rumors that the
new arrivals had plans to overrun the Temple Mount spurred an all-out
attack against Jewish settlements near Jerusalem and in outlying areas.
When the smoke settled, 133 Jews and 116 Arabs had been killed.
Government officials in the United States had no wish to become
entangled in the ongoing struggle, so they not surprisingly chose the path
of neutrality toward both parties. The entire conflict, as it was explained,
fell under the authority of the League of Nationsthe organization to
which the United States did not belong. Despite tiptoeing through the
minefield of Palestinian politics and Jew and Arab hostility, Washington
would eventually be drawn into the chaos that gripped the region, then
and now.
Although Coolidge was not noted for his interaction with the Jews
in America, he did voice his sympathy with the deep and intense longing
which finds such fine expression in the Jewish National Homeland in
Palestine.173 He later became friends with Adolph Ochs, a Tennessee
newspaperman, and Louis Marshall. Ochs had purchased the near-
defunct New York Times and turned it into a successful publication.
Coolidge repaid their friendship by signing the JohnsonReed Act
limiting immigration. It was also during Coolidges presidency that
Henry Ford decided it was in his best business interests to apologize
for publishing The Protocols in the Dearborn Independent. Ford products
had been boycotted by both Jews and Gentiles to the point that it was
causing serious concern for Fords bottom line. Author David L. Louis
wrote of Fords dilemma:

Mass meetings in various cities denounced Ford,

and a resolution of protest was introduced in Congress.


Representatives of almost all national Jewish organizations

and religious bodies issued a common declaration
deploring the campaign. One hundred nineteen widely
known Christians, including Woodrow Wilson, William
Howard Taft, and William Cardinal OConnell called
upon Ford to halt his vicious propaganda.174

After having been sued by Aaron Shapiro for his role in printing the
fraudulent document, Ford issued a weak apology:

I deem it to be my duty as an honorable man to make

amends for the wrong done to the Jews as fellow-men and
brothers, by asking their forgiveness for the harm that I
have unintentionally committed.175

Before his death, Ford apparently repented of his repentance and

declared his signature on the apology had been forged by Harry Bennett,
his private investigator.

Herbert Clark Hoover was waiting in the wings to assume the role as
the first Quaker president of the United States. Orphaned at an early age,
Herbert was reared in Oregon by an aunt and uncle. He was educated by
the Quakers in a secondary school which afforded him one of the most
comprehensive educations of any of the presidents who had preceded
him. Hoover enrolled in the first class to pass through the doors of
Stanford University, destined to become one of the premier universities
in the country. After graduation, he accepted a job with a British mining
enterprise, Bewick Moreing and Company, in Australia. Hoover excelled
in developing mines that produced zinc and silver, and soon made his


fortune. He established his own mining company, which developed

natural resources in countries such as Russia, adding to his international
Hoovers humanitarian endeavors earned him accolades worldwide,
especially during World War I in Belgium. He organized the distribution
of food to almost ten million starving French and Belgian refugees
stranded between the German armed forces and the British navy. His
actions are thought to have been one of the greatest humane and noble
initiatives in history and gained him international acclaim. It was through
his effort that American and Allied troops received the necessary food to
survive during the German submarine blockade.
When the war ended, he once again stepped into the fray and provided
incalculable assistance to a war-decimated Europe through President
Wilsons newly established American Relief Administration (ARA). As
head of the Allied Food Council, Hoover also directed the distribution of
goods to European civilians nearing the end of the conflict. In 1919 and
the early months of 1920, Hoover and his workforce supervised delivery
of over thirty million tons of food to twenty-three European countries.
Without those efforts, many would not have survived.
Hoovers expertise won him the job as secretary of commerce to both
Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. When Coolidge decided not to
pursue another term in office, Hoover easily won the Republican Partys
nomination. He faced opponent Al Smith, the first Catholic candidate to
run for the White House, and Hoover won with a margin of 444 to 87
electoral votes, the most since Ulysses S. Grants presidential victory.
Hoover had a number of active Jewish supporters in his corner: Lewis
L. Strauss, an investment banker; Herbert Strauss; Julius Rosenwald,
president of Sears, Roebuck and Co.; Harry Guggenheim; Felix Warburg,
a New York German Jew; and Louis Marshall, a lawyer and president of
the American Jewish Committee. From these select men, Hoover would
choose several for his administration.
Lewis Strauss had served as Hoovers secretary during his term as


director of the ARA and became one of the presidents closest friends and
confidants. According to Strauss personal papers:

In February of 1917 [Strauss] chanced to read about

Herbert Hoovers efforts to save the Belgians from
starvation and Hoovers recent appointment as USFood
Administrator. Acting on his mothers advice, Strauss
decided to volunteer his services without pay for a few
months as Hoovers administrative assistant. Hoover soon
came to appreciate the initiative and executive abilities
of his young assistant, giving him ever larger and more
challenging assignments.176

According to his papers, in which can be found tidbits and pieces of

the puzzle that was Lewis Strauss:

According to legend, Hoover provided Strauss with

an uncharacteristically fulsome recommendation in
which Hoover promised to refund all of the salary
paid to Strauss over the next ten years if his employers
did not feel that they had gotten their moneys worth.
Several months before the expiration of the trial period,
the senior partners announced Strauss elevation to full

Strauss was an ardent supporter of Hoover and campaigned untiringly

for his reelection. He raised more than twenty thousand dollars to boost
Hoovers coffers, but it wasnt enough to propel Hoover to a second term.
Julius Rosenwald was one of the most prestigious Jewish
humanitarians in the United States. He invested millions of dollars in
various charities, universities, and institutes across the country. One of
his major concerns was the trouble facing Jews in Europe. Because of


this disquiet, he founded the American Jewish Relief Committee for War
Sufferers and donated over one million dollars to the relief effort. It was
through this organization that Rosenwald befriended Herbert Hoover
and worked closely with the humanitarian to provide food for Russian
sharecroppers in 1917. The two men were partially responsible for saving
the lives of thousands of Russian Jews who would otherwise have starved
to death.
Rosenwald was born in Springfield, Illinois in 1862 and was
apprenticed to his uncles in the clothing business in New York City. By
1890, he had married Augusta Nusbaum, the daughter of a rival clothier.
When Sears, Roebuck and Co. encountered financial difficulty, the
co-owners, Richard Sears and Alvah C. Roebuck, offered to sell half of
the business to Rosenwalds brother-in-law, Aaron Nusbaum. He, in turn,
invited Julius to invest. In 1895, Nusbaum and Rosenwald owned half
of the company for an investment of $75,000. In 1908, when Sears faced
declining health, Rosenwald became president of the multimillion-dollar
Having worked with Hoover during the war years, Rosenwald
evolved into an articulate and vocal supporter who believed his friend
would go down in history as one of Americas greatest presidents. He
was a hearty contributor to Hoovers campaigns and worked diligently to
enlist support for the Republican presidential nominee.
Hoover was so appreciative of his Jewish friends Rosenwald and
Strauss, and so confident in their abilities, that he attempted to appoint
each to public office. Rosenwald declined an appointment as secretary of
commerce due to his age and ill health. (He died in Highland Park, Illinois,
on January 6, 1932.) Strauss declined Hoovers several offers to serve in
his administration. That did not deter the president from appointing a
number of Jewish acquaintances as ambassadors and heads of special
commissions. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, a noted American Zionist, was
appointed to a national advisory committee on jobless relief; and Harry


Frank Guggenheim was assigned to the National Advisory Committee on

Aeronautics, and then served as ambassador to Cuba.
One of Hoovers most celebrated choices was that of Benjamin N.
Cardozo as a Supreme Court justice to replace Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Cardozos nomination by Hoover made him only the second Jewish man in
the history of the Court to be nominated. Considered one of the countrys
most brilliant judges, Cardozo was a descendant of Rabbi Gershom
Mendes Seixas, who spoke at George Washingtons inauguration. His
father, Albert Cardozo, a Spanish-Portuguese Jew, was a noted member
of the New York State Supreme Court.
The young Cardozo owed his superb education to the likes of Horatio
Alger, who tutored the young man before his entry into Columbia College
and then Columbia Law School. After successfully working his way up
from law school to the New York Court of Appeals, in 1927 he was elevated
to the position of chief judge. President Calvin Coolidge offered Cardozo
an appointment to the International Court of Justice at The Hague, but
Cardozo declined the honor.
Hoover bucked the trend of most presidents when he entered the
name of Cardozo as a nominee to the Supreme Court. He was first of all
a Jew during a time of increasing anti-Semitism, and he was a Democrat
who had supported Al Smith during the 1928 election. Yet Hoover was
able to transcend partisan politics and appoint the man he felt best suited
for the position. So popular was Cardozo that he was confirmed without
debate or roll call. The New York Times said of Cardozos appointment:
Seldom, if ever, in the history of the Court has an appointment been so
universally commended.178 History would record that it was one of the
presidents paramount and most long-lasting accomplishments.
Justice Benjamin Cardoza died in 1938, leaving only a six-year legacy
on the bench. He, along with Louis Brandeis and Oliver Wendell Holmes
Jr., was named among the ten most distinguished justices in history to sit
on the Supreme Court. Hoover was lauded for his foresight in selecting
this renowned jurist.


After a mere eight months in office, tragedy struck. As the Great

Depression began to settle over the country, Hoovers popularity began
to fade. Although he ran for reelection in 1932, Hoover was defeated by
Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a rout equal to or exceeding
his own election margins four years prior. Despite Hoovers pro-Jewish
leanings and his staunch support of the Zionist movement, the majority
of American Jews backed Roosevelt.
When the public began to be aware of the heinous treatment of Jews
in Germany well after the outbreak of World War II, Hoover took a strong
pro-Jewish stance. On October 29, 1932, the fifteenth anniversary of the
Balfour Declaration, Hoover wrote to Lewis Strauss:

I have watched with genuine admiration the steady

and unmistakable progress made in the rehabilitation of
Palestine which, desolate for centuries, is now renewing
its youth and vitality through the enthusiasm, hard work
and self-sacrifice of the Jewish pioneers who toil there
in a spirit of peace and social justice. It is very gratifying
to note that many patriotic American Jews, Zionists as
well as non-Zionists, have rendered such splendid service
to this cause which merits the sympathy and moral
encouragement of everyone.179

Herbert Hoover lived to the age of ninety and died in New York City
on October 20, 1964.

( 20 )

AV OI D S the J E W I S H I S S U E

Thou gh I speak with the ton g ues of men and of an gels , and have
not charit y, I am become as soundin g brass , or a tinklin g c ymbal,
(1 Corinthian s 13: 1-3, K J V )
P R E S I D E N T F R A N K L I N D. R O O S E V E LT,

Although history has dealt Franklin Delano Roosevelt some harsh

criticism for his handling of the Holocaust years, especially with regard
to attempts by Jews to immigrate to the United States to escape death,
he had a number of close Jewish friends. Roosevelt, who was the scion
of a wealthy upper-class family of Dutch-English heritage that resided in
Hyde Park, New York, was born on January 30, 1882. He was educated in
the best schools and claimed then-New York governor Theodore Roosevelt
as a cousin.
Franklin completed the illustrious Groton School, where he was
greatly influenced by Headmaster Endicott Peabody. Peabody taught his


students that it was a Christians duty to help those less fortunate and
urged his charges to enter a life of public service in order to achieve that
goal. In midlife, Franklin would say of the headmaster, It was a blessing
in my life to have the privilege of [his] guiding hand.181 Roosevelts son,
James, called his father a frustrated clergyman at heart. As senior
warden at St. James Episcopal Church in Albany, New York, one of his
greatest desires was to be asked to stand in for the rector.
It was no surprise to James, then, that in 1934, Roosevelt surprised
everyone by inviting the crews of three escorting vessels (two American
cruisers and one British) to anchor near where Columbus had landed
in San Salvador. He [Roosevelt] handed out printed programs he had
secretly prepared for Divine Easter Service. He then led the prayers. On
the Nourmahal that day, [Roosevelt] delivered a simple sermon, stressing
the religious significance of the spot where we were anchored. He said
that Columbus had arrived there and discovered America only through
his belief in divine guidance . . . a Supreme Being gave Columbus courage
to sail on when threatened by disaster and mutiny. Roosevelt told the
party with some elation that this was the first time he ever conducted
a service or preached a sermon all by myself. He seemed delighted.
[Roosevelt told Churchill that the Beatitudes and the thirteenth chapter
of St. Pauls letter to the Corinthians were two of the most influential
passages in his life. He chose I Corinthians 13 the four times that he was
sworn into office.]182
After graduating from Groton, he went to Harvard and studied
political history and government, and then his next stop was Columbia
Law School.
In 1905, Roosevelt married a fifth cousin (twice removed), Anna
Eleanor Roosevelt. She was the niece of Theodore Roosevelt, who gave
the bride away at the wedding. In 1921, polio robbed Franklin of his ability
to walk and forced him into a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He could
stand or walk no more than a few steps without the aid of crutches. This
early tragedy cemented the relationship between Franklin and Eleanor,


but alas, it was not to be a lifetime commitment. They had six children:
Anna, James, Franklin (who lived less than one year), Elliot, Franklin
(the second child to be so named), and John.
Roosevelts religious beliefs would eventually be summarized by
Frances Perkins, whom he would later appoint as secretary of labor, the
first female to serve in a presidential cabinet:

His sense of religion was so complete that he was

able to associate himself without any conflict with all
expressions of religious worship. Catholic, Protestant,
and Jew alike were comprehensible to him, and their
religious aspirations seemed natural and much the same
as his own. He had little, if any, intellectual or theological
understanding of the doctrinal basis of the major religions.
But he had a deep conception of the effect of religious
experience upon a mans life, attitudes, moral sense, and

Roosevelts liaisons outside marriage with two women, Lucy Mercer

and Marguerite Missy LeHand, have been widely documented. His
choices caused a cataclysmic rift in his marriage to Eleanor, who moved
out of the home, but the two chose to remain married, becoming an
indomitable political and social duo. So deep was the chasm between
them, Eleanor firmly refused to move back into Franklins home in Warm
Springs, Georgia, when his health began to fail and in the months before
his death.
Eleanor had been instrumental in much of what Franklin achieved
politically. Even though he was confined to a wheelchair, it was she who
persuaded him to enter the political arena. He acquiesced and, despite
his handicap, was elected governor of New York. Just four short years
later, he entered the presidential race as the Democratic candidate with


the bouncy campaign song, Happy Days are Here Again, and defeated
incumbent Hoover in the election.
As Roosevelt took the oath of office on March 4, 1933, he was faced
with a country still under the thumb of severe economic depression. It
struggled with events such as Black Tuesday, the collapse of the stock
market. He faced the task of amassing a group of advisors who could help
him overcome the devastating blow to the American marketplace. He
found those men among current or former college professors, many of
whom were Jewish.
The Jewish population was ecstatic over Roosevelts victory, which
was accomplished with a vote of over 82 percent of its people. That
number increased to 85 percent in 1936 and 1940, and 90 percent in
1944. Jonah Goldstein, a Jewish Republican Congressman in the 1930s,
quipped, The Jews have three velten [worlds]: die velt [this world], yene
velt [the next world], and Roosevelt.184 Some close Jewish advisors to
Roosevelt included Justice Louis Brandeis, Judge Joseph Proskauer,
attorney Benjamin Cohen, and the brothers Herbert and Irving Lehman.
Among Roosevelts most trusted advisors was Rabbi Stephen S. Wise.
A free-thinking spirit, Wise was a passionate proponent of organized
labor and aided in the establishment of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Wises efforts to elevate the
underdog caught the attention of Roosevelt, and the two men became
fast friends. The friendship was strained when Wise and another close
associate, Rev. John Haynes Holmes, sought help from then-governor
Roosevelt to oust New York City Mayor Jimmy Walker from office.
Roosevelt was concerned that Walkers base, which included the powerful
Democrats at Tammany Hall, would impede his run for the presidency.
When the two clerics persisted in their efforts against Walker after
Roosevelt won the presidency, Wise became unwelcome in the Roosevelt
White House. The president extended an olive branch to Wise in 1935,
just a year away from his second run for the presidency. Apparently he


was successful, given the percentages by which the Jewish population

voted for him.
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. later noted:

For a long time [Roosevelt] was a hero. No president

had appointed so many Jews to public office. No president
had surrounded himself with so many Jewish advisers.
No president had condemned anti-Semitism with such
eloquence and persistence. Jews were mostly liberals in
those faraway days, and a vast majority voted four times
for FDR.185

One of the most outstanding members of Roosevelts advisory team

was Felix Frankfurter. According to Louis Brandeis:

[Frankfurter was] the nations most useful lawyer.

Oliver Wendell Holmes remarked that he displayed an
unimaginable gift of wiggling in wherever he wants
to. General Hugh Johnson denounced him as the most
influential single individual in the United States. . . .
William O. Douglas remembered him as brilliant and
able, friendly yet divisive . . . People either loved or hated

Felix was born into a practicing Jewish family in Vienna, Austria,

and moved to New York City at the age of twelve. He attended school on
the Lower East Side, and at graduation moved on to City College then to
Harvard Law School, where he was editor of the Harvard Law Review and
an honors graduate. He boasted the best scholastic achievements since
the graduation of Louis Brandeis.187 At the age of thirty-two Frankfurter
was invited to join the faculty at Harvard as a law professor, where he
was known as a radical liberal.


Roosevelt met Frankfurter when the aspiring president served as

assistant secretary of the navy. He acknowledged and appreciated Felixs
legal brilliance. It was no surprise that when Roosevelt was elected to
the presidency, he chose Frankfurter to replace Supreme Court Justice
Benjamin Cardozo upon his death.
Robert Burt wrote of the affection the judge held for the president:

Two days before his death, Frankfurter told his chosen

biographer, Tell the whole story. Let people see how
much I loved Roosevelt, how much I loved my country,
and let them see how great a man Roosevelt really was.188

Frankfurter retired in 1962 and was recipient of the Presidential

Medal of Freedom in 1963. President Lyndon B. Johnson said of the
honoree, Jurist, scholar, counselor, conversationalist, he has brought to
all his roles a zest and wisdom which has made him teacher to his time.189
Justice Felix Frankfurter died from congestive heart failure in 1965
at the age of eighty-two.

While Roosevelt was busily occupied with the development of his

New Deal programs and the exodus from the Depression that had held
the country in its grip, the National Socialist German Workers Party
(Nazi) in Germany was equally busy laying the foundation for another
attempt at world domination.
In 1921, Hitler claimed the chairmanship of the National Socialist
German Workers Party and began to dazzle crowds with his formidable
gift of oratory. Soon thereafter, the party had a new logo the swastika
which Hitler believed symbolized the triumph of the Aryan man. It also
adopted a new greeting, Heil! and eventually Heil, Hitler! (This can


be translated as Hail Hitler, or more ambiguously as Salvation through

The mustachioed little man mesmerized his listeners with his
gravelly, impassioned voicenever mind that his speeches contained
little of actual value. Near the end of 1921, he had come to be known as the
Fhrer (leader.) He formed gangs to maintain control at his assemblies
and to apply goon-squad tactics to disrupt those of his adversaries. These
were the beginnings of the infamous storm troopers, the SS, Hitlers
black-shirted and dreaded bodyguards.
Hitler declared the Jewish people to be Germanys No. 1 enemy, the
race accountable for the nations internal problems. He strongly stressed
what he saw as the anti-Semitism of reason that must lead to the
systematic combating and elimination of Jewish privileges. Its ultimate
goal must implacably be the total removal of the Jews.190
German lawmakers made a disastrous error in judgment in 1925. They
removed the prohibition against the Nazi Party and granted permission
for Hitler to address the public. Moreover, when he needed it most in order
to expand the reach of the party, a worldwide economic crisis reached
Germany. Ironically, the resulting magnitude of unemployment, panic,
and anger afforded Hitler the opportunity to step forward and claim the
role of redeemer and savior of the nation. On January 30, 1933, Weimar
Republic of Germany President Paul von Hindenburg was persuaded
to nominate the Fhrer as Reich Chancellor. Germany had lost its last
chance to avoid a Second World War and the Holocaust.
Hitlers determination to outfox his opponents and remove the
conservatives from any role in the government took little time or effort.
He abolished free trade unions, removed communists, Social Democrats,
and Jews from any participation in politics, and consigned his rivals
to concentration camps. He solidified his hold on Germany in March
1933 with the use of persuasive argument, indoctrination, fear, and
coercion. The faade was firmly in place, and the people of Germany were
intimidated into subjugation.


By August of 1934, the Third Reich had a determined dictator who

held the reins both of Fhrer and chancellor, as well as all powers of
the state accorded to a leader. He abandoned the Treaty of Versailles,
conscripted a massive army, supplied it with war materiel, and in 1938
forced the British and French into signing the Munich Agreement. Soon
to follow were concentration camps, laws against Jews, the destruction of
the state of Czechoslovakia, the invasion of Poland, and a non-aggression
pact with the USSR. The only obstacles standing between Hitler and the
rest of the world were Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph
Stalin, and the armies of the Western civilization.
Just one week after President Roosevelt was sworn in for his first term
as chief executive, German laborers had completed Dachau, the original
concentration camp. Within its confines some 40,000 individuals would
be murdered, most of them Jews. Hitler would follow the opening of the
camp by nationalizing the Gestapo and bringing it under his full control.
Just three months later, he had successfully combined all commands
under the aegis of the Nazi Party.
The events of Kristallnacht in 1938, in which the Reich looked the other
way while the citizenry attacked Jews and their businesses throughout
the country, did little to move Roosevelt toward a more proactive stance
on rescuing European Jews caught in Hitlers reprehensible assault.
Roosevelt had entered the office of the presidency with no firm policy
regarding the Jews and a Palestinian homeland. It was not until Rabbi
Wise and a group of his close friends talked with the president in the
early months of 1939 that Roosevelt expressed an interest in the manifest
destiny of the Jewish people.
Roosevelt and Wise would also become close friends with Nahum
Goldmann, founder and president of the World Jewish Congress. At
a weekend meeting with the presidents aide, Samuel R. Rosenman,
Roosevelt glimpsed the men on the verandah. He called out, Imagine
what Goebbels would pay for a photo of this scenethe president of the
United States taking his instructions from the three Elders of Zion! It


was also Rosenman who, upon hearing FDR comment about erecting a
barbed-wire fence around Palestine, said it would not only keep Arabs
out of a Jewish homeland, it would keep the Jews inside.191
As events of the 1930s led ominously toward a Second World War,
the Nazis under Hitler had already been searching for a final solution
for what they considered the Jewish problem. Initially, steps had been
implemented to allow German Jews to immigrate to whatever countries
would accept them, but the move proved to be too slow for the Fhrer
and the Reich. It was decided that Jews were to be purged, beginning in
Germany, Bohemia, and Moravia. After that, they were to be expunged in
Europe from east to west.
Since the summer of 1941, more than a half million Jews had been
murdered behind army lines. The question was how to attain the goal
of mass extermination in areas outside the battle zone. A more efficient
way needed to be found to eliminate larger numbers. No, the meeting
was not called to determine how to begin the process but rather to spell
out how the final solution would be achieved. By January, death camps
equipped with gas chambers were under construction.
Franklin Roosevelts lack of support for the European Jews caught in
Hitlers slaughterhouses and his lack of action caused another rift with
Rabbi Wise who had launched a campaign to persuade the president to
sign a boycott against German imports. Roosevelts response was to issue
a concerned communique, but he instituted no corresponding action.

( 21 )


And thou gh I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,

and thou gh I g ive my body to be bur ned,
but have not love, it prof its me nothin g,
(I Corinthian s 13: 3)
P R E S I D E N T F R A N K L I N D. R O O S E V E LT,

On May 23, 1939, a shipload of 925 Jews, including families with

small children, some of them toddlers, left the port of Hamburg for
Cuba. They were grateful to be escaping Nazi discrimination. Though
every one of them carried a visa for Cuba, none were admitted. The
ship, the St. Louis, then turned its prow toward America, hoping to
find a safe harbor there. Instead, they found that door closed as well.
Michael Barak, one of the small children aboard the ship, described
the US welcome at a 2002 reunion of those passengers in Jerusalem:

When approaching Miami of the free country,

Roosevelt sent the US navy to prevent any entry. On top
of that he warned any country in the region from letting


any of the damned Jews to land safely on their soil. In

Canada, the head of immigration said, after being asked
how many Jews of that ship could be accepted, None is
too many.192

The ship sailed along the coast of Florida for five days while its
captain did what he could to find an open door somewhere in the world.
In all, three weeks were spent trying to find refuge. Urgent cables were
sent to every level of the US government, including two personal appeals
to President Roosevelt. No reply was forthcoming. Instead, Coast Guard
boats patrolled to prevent anyone from swimming to shore. On June
7, the St. Louis was forced to set sail back across the Atlantic, where it
was allowed to disembark its precious cargo between England, Holland,
France, and finally Belgium. Of the passengers aboard the St. Louis, most
of the families were separated when the Nazis took control of Holland,
Belgium, and France the following year (1940). About 260 were deported
immediately to killing centers,193 and nearly half of them died in the
The presidents inaction regarding the St. Louis caused a change of
heart among some of his supporters, who felt that Roosevelt bore some
responsibility for the devastating tragedy. It would be a visit from a
Polish diplomat, Jan Karski, that would provide even more evidence of
the chief executives lack of sympathy for the plight of European Jews.
Karski was dispatched to London and Washington to deliver a firsthand
account of the atrocities being visited on the Jewish people. He met first
with Justice Felix Frankfurter who, though not convinced, took Karski
to the White House to meet with Roosevelt. Karski reported to the

There is no exaggeration in the accounts of the plight

of the Jews. Our underground authorities are absolutely
sure that the Germans are out to exterminate the entire


Jewish population of Europe. Reliable reports from our

own informers give us the figure of 1,800,000 Jews
already murdered in Poland up to the day when I left the

Karski later gave a firsthand report of the presidents response to

his plea:

You will tell your leaders that we shall win this war.
You will tell them that the guilty ones will be punished
for their crimes. You will tell them that Poland has a
friend in this house.195

Roosevelt then changed the subject and moved on to the next topic
for discussion. Eleanor said this about the way her husband dealt with
unpleasant things: If something was unpleasant and he didnt want to
know about it, he just ignored it. He always thought that if you ignored a
thing long enough, it would settle itself. 196
According to Michael Soltys of the Buenos Aires Herald, in London,
Karskis pleas again fell on deaf ears:

[Karski] was told that if the Germans were so foolish

as to lose sight of military strategy with such secondary
objectives as the extermination of the Jews, the Allies
had no intention of repeating the error.
If Hitler wants to waste his trains transporting Jews
to concentration camps, let him! and What do you
expect us to do? Bomb the camps so that they die quicker?
were among the responses he received. The writer H. G.
Wells, a lifelong socialist, told Karski: Youve got to look
at the reasons why anti-Semitism has emerged in all the
countries where Jews live.


It was no better in the United States where President

Franklin D. Roosevelt . . . pumped Karski for four hours
for information on Europe behind the lines but showed
zero interest in the plight of the Jews. Frankfurter, a Jew
himself, simply refused to believe his story, as did other
US Jewish leaders.197

At the end of the war, Jan (Kozielewski) Karski was honored by

the State of Israel as a righteous Gentile. In 1994, Israel bestowed on
him an honorary citizenship. The following year, he received Polands
highest honor, Knight of the White Eagle, from President Lech Walesa.
Jan Karski died in the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C., in 2000
at the age of eighty-six. In 2012, Karski was posthumously awarded the
Presidential Medal of Freedom.198
It was during Woodrow Wilsons presidency that a politician named
Breckinridge Long unfortunately entered the political arena. He had
been awarded a minor post because of his contributions to the presidents
campaign. By the time Roosevelt became president, he had parlayed that
appointment into the oversight of Jewish refugees trying to flee Hitlers
Germany. How this rabidly anti-Semitic buffoon rose to that position is
an unanswerable question, especially perusing some of his comments
regarding the Jews. Herbert Druks wrote of Breckinridge:

Long was the fellow who had been so impressed with

[Benito] Mussolini [the Italian dictator] because the
Duce made the Italian trains run on time, and on April
7, 1936, had written to William E. Dodd, US Ambassador
to Germany: From a purely objective point of view, I
think the suggestions made by Hitler if they are sincere,
afford the biggest, broadest base for discussion made by
any European statesman since the World War. . . . It was
Long who . . . wished to convince Roosevelt to impose


even stricter visa regulations to protect America from

undesirables. [Long was convinced] Jews were lawless,
scheming, defiant and the same kind of criminal Jews
who crowd our police dockets in New York.199

Eleanor Roosevelt wrote that Long had been rhapsodizing about

the achievements of Mussolinis new corporate state, saying: Italy
today is the most interesting experiment in government to come above
the horizon since the formulation of the Constitution 150 years ago.
[Mussolini] is one of the most remarkable persons . . . And they are doing
a unique work in an original manner, so I am enjoying it all.200
Longs simple philosophy toward Jewish refugees was not his
alone. Others felt as he did: that all were rabble-rousers and should
be refused admittance to the United States. The story is told of a well-
known journalist who was approached by a State Department official in
an American embassy in Europe. The politico challenged, I hope youre
not helping Jews to get into the United States.201 Such was the antipathy
toward those targeted by Hitler.
In an article for Yahoo! Voices, Brandon Moran summarized Paper
Walls, a book by author David Wyman. Moran wrote:

The Paper Wall around Central Europe in the

summer and fall of 1940 slowed the migration of
Germans into the US dramatically. This wall consisted
of stringent legislation and policy passed during this
period, tightening the strangle hold on immigration
into the US Avra Warren played a large role in doing
so. Warren worked to raise legislation for stricter
immigration controls. His goal was to protect the country
from subversive aliens. The new legislation suspended
temporary immigration because temporary immigrants
could have subversive connections or intentions. Warren
and Assistant Secretary of State, Breckinridge Long,


devised a plan that effectively walled out any applicants

the State Department wished to exclude. 202

Citing Long, Wyman provides an issued memorandum spelling out

his intent:

We can delay and effectively stop for a temporary

period of indefinite length the number of immigrants
into the United States. We could do this by simply
advising our consuls to put every obstacle in the way
and to require additional evidence and to resort to
various administrative advices which would postpone
and postpone and postpone the granting of the visas.
However, this could only be temporary. 203

Consular officers were instructed to decline visas to applicants who

had parents, children, husband, wife, brothers, or sisters in residence in
territory under the control of Germany, Italy, or Russia. Many bills and
laws were introduced at this time, adding cement to the Paper Wall. The
flow of immigrants into the US had slowed to a trickle. By July 10, the US
government ordered all German consulates closed. . . . By late 1941, the
doors into the US had been all but closed.204
When Rabbi Wise and a group of concerned individuals approached
President Roosevelt about the exclusion policies barring immigration of
Jews, they were referred to the person most responsible: Breckinridge
Long. He reacted to their pleas as though he were the one being
persecuted. He justified his anti-Semitism with the paranoia of the
infiltration of German agents embedded within immigrating Jews.
With politicians like Long in high places, Hitlers final solution was
guaranteed success.
In August 1942, the rabbi received a devastating cable from Gerhart


Riegner, the World Jewish Congress representative in Switzerland,

which read:

[T H AT] A L L J E W S I N C O U N T R I E S O C C U P I E D
O R C O N T R O L L E D [B Y ] G E R M A N Y. . . S H O U L D
I N E A S T AT O N E B L O W B E E X T E R M I N AT E D . 2 0 5

As Wise had no way of knowing that the US State Department had

received an identical message, he sent a copy to Undersecretary of State
Sumner Welles. Welles petitioned Wise not to circulate the information
until it could be corroborated. Two months later, in a press conference,
Wise revealed that Jews in all German-controlled areas were being
transported to Poland, where they were being murdered. What should
have been front-page, above-the-fold news in US newspapers was
relegated to the inside pages.
By December, the president had been convinced to meet with Wise
and a group of rabbis in order to examine Hitlers sickening plot. The
leaders presented a memorandum to President Roosevelt that read, in

We ask you now once to raise your voiceon behalf of

the Jews of Europe. We ask you again to warn the Nazis
that they will be held to strict accountability for their
crimes. We ask you to employ every available means to
bring solemn protest and warning to the peoples of the
Axis countries so that they may be deterred from acting
as the instruments of the monstrous designs of their mad


Breckinridge Long was infuriated that he had not received a copy

of the Riegner Report before it was shown to Rabbi Wise. As a result of
his anger, a telegram was dispatched to the American Legation in Bern,
Switzerland, on February 10, 1943, which read (paraphrased):

In the future we would suggest that you do not

accept reports submitted to you to be transmitted to
private persons in the United States unless such action is
advisable because of extraordinary circumstances.207

( 22 )


[Charit y] does not behave r udely, does not seek its own ,
is not provoked, think s no e vil;
(I Corinthian s 13: 5, N K J V )
P R E S I D E N T F R A N K L I N D. R O O S E V E LT,

In 1943, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. launched an

investigation into the role of the US State Department regarding the destiny
of the Jews in Hitlers Europe. He was not allowed to see the telegram sent
to Switzerland and was told politely, of course, that it was of no concern to
the Treasury Department.
On the surface, Morgenthau did not seem the man to take up any
banner for any cause and plant it on top of the mountain of Washington
bureaucracy. He was what some might call a fragile man. He had suffered
from migraines and spasms of nausea all of his life and spent hours and days
stretched out in dark rooms trying to recover from them. When Rabbi Wise
enlightened him of what was happening in the death camps and through
other Nazi pogroms, it could not have helped these bouts. As Wise told him
of the millions murdered, that the Nazis were making soap from the remains
and lampshades from the skin of the Jews, Morgenthaus confidential aide
Henrietta Klotz recalled that he grew paler and paler, and I thought he was
going to keel over. Morgenthau even cried out for Rabbi Wise to stop, I
cant take any more!208

In Morgenthau, however, Wise had found his David to take on the

Goliath prejudice of the State Department and the Washington career-
path bureaucrats. When Morgenthau learned of Breckinridge Longs
hostility to refugees, especially to Jews, and that Long was deliberately
hindering the funds, information, and passports that could save Jews from
Hitlers final solution, he decided to confront him. In December of 1943
Morgenthau told Long:

Breck, we might be a little frank. The impression is all

around that you particularly are anti-Semitic. [When Long
denied this, Morgenthau continued,] Breck, the United
States of America was created as a refuge for people who
were persecuted the world over, starting with Plymouth.
And as Secretary of the Treasury for 135 million people, I
am carrying this out as Secretary of the Treasury, and not
as a Jew.209

Morgenthau then took the matter to Longs superior, Secretary of State

Cordell Hull, whose wife happened to be half Jewish, though Hull had
done everything he could to keep that fact quiet. Morgenthau, however,
would now pull no punches. He told Hull that if he were a member of the
Cabinet in Germany today, you would be, most likely, in a prison camp, and
your wife would be God knows where.210
Morgenthau got no more than bewilderment from either of these
men. He then determined he had to take the matter to President Roosevelt.
Knowing the presidents previous attitudes on these issues, Morgenthau
knew the matter could well cost him his position in the cabinet, as well
as his friendship with Roosevelt. It no longer mattered to him though; his
conscience would not let him escape. He had to see it through to the end
one way or the other.
Meanwhile, in downtown Manhattan, a crowd of about 75,000 waited
outside Madison Square Garden while another 21,000 pressed inside for a


rally on March 1, 1943. As one voice the people shouted, Stop Hitler Now!
Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the articulate and persuasive leader of the Jewish
Agency, moved the gathering with his plea:

The world can no longer believe that the ghastly facts are
unknown and unconfirmed. At this moment expressions of
sympathy without accompanying attempts to launch acts
of rescue become a hollow mockery in the ears of the dying.
The democracies have a clear duty before them. Let them
negotiate with Germany through the neutral countries
concerning the possible release of the Jews in the occupied

Rabbi Wise had hoped to secure more congressional support as well as

assistance from President Roosevelt, but he had little success. Weizmann
moved those listening to his speech with the concluding words, When
the historian of the future assembles the black record of our days, he will
find two things inconceivable: first, the crime itself; second, the reaction
of the world to that crime.212 Still, he failed to move the administration in
Washington, D.C.
Rabbi Stephen Wise was roundly condemned for his belief that FDR
would rally in support of Europes Jewish population. However, when he
died on April 19, 1949, at the age of seventy-five, he was remembered by
Israeli Ambassador Eliahu Elath, who said:

The people of Israel will join with Jews and non-Jews

all over the world in mourning the death of one of the
great humanitarians of this century. We of Israel owe him
much for he was, half a century ago, among the pioneers
in Zionism who lifted their voice in the cause of Israels
redemption. A fearless and tireless advocate of the causes
he held dear, he fought our battle tenaciously decade after
decade until it was won.213


Perhaps one of the most damning charges brought against Roosevelt

and his administration was the failure to acquiesce to bombing the railroad
lines leading to Auschwitz and the gas chambers inside its compound.
It was possible that by the spring of 1944, such action would have been
practicable, yet it was rejected with the explanation that it would have
taken necessary men and airplanes away from definitive operations in
other areas. That was seen as a smokescreen, especially since the Allies
had already marked for destruction industrial complexes near the death
camp. Historians believe that had American bombers been sent to target
the railroads, thousands of Jews from Hungary and Slovakia might have
November 1943 found Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin (premier of the Soviet Union) headed
to Tehran for a military strategy conference. En route, the president had
instructed his pilot to fly low over Palestine. As he viewed the country
from his window, Roosevelt excitedly pointed out sites from his childhood
Bible lessons, from Beersheba to Dan. Once in Iran, Stalin was eager to
create a second war front in Europe, a move with which neither Churchill
nor Roosevelt agreed. Both felt the resulting casualties would be too great.
Stalins fear was that the two leaders would agree to a peace plan with
Germany which would open the door for the defeat of Russia. After much
discussion and wrangling, Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to launch a
major offensive in the spring of 1944.
Before the offensive could begin, however, two of Morgenthaus
researchers in the Treasury Department, Randolph E. Paul and John Pehle,
produced a document titled, Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence
of this Government in the Murder of the Jews. In the account the two
men concluded:

The tragic history of the Governments handling of this

matter reveals that certain State Department officials are
guilty of the following:


1. They have not only failed to use the Governmental

machinery at their disposal to rescue Jews from Hitler,
but have even gone so far as to use this Government
machinery to prevent the rescue of these Jews.

2. They have not only failed to cooperate with private

organizations in the efforts of these organizations to
work out individual programs of their own, but have
taken steps designed to prevent these programs from
being put into effect.

3. They not only have failed to facilitate the obtaining of

information concerning Hitlers plans to exterminate
the Jews of Europe but in their official capacity have
gone so far as to surreptitiously attempt to stop the
obtaining of information concerning the murder of
the Jewish population of Europe.

4. They have tried to cover up their guilt by:

a) concealment and misrepresentation;

b) t he giving of false and misleading explanations
for their failures to act and their attempts to
prevent action; and
c) t he issuance of false and misleading statements
concerning the action which they have taken
to date.214

Morgenthau forwarded the statement to Roosevelt. It produced

immediate action from the chief executive, who formed the War Refugee
Board and placed John Pehle at its helm. It effectively removed all Jewish
liberation and relocation issues from the hands of State Department


employees. Deplorably, by the time this action had been taken, some four
million Jews had been slaughtered.
As March 1944 began to flow into April, President Roosevelt submitted
to a routine physical at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Although his diagnosis was
not made public, Franklins doctors ordered him to take a brief sabbatical
to rest and recuperate. He accepted an offer from his good friend Bernard
Baruch to travel to his estate in Hobcaw, South Carolina. After a month of
sleeping long hours and relaxing during the day, Roosevelt returned to the
White House, refreshed and ready to resume daily activities.
While the president convalesced, a major battle was shaping up in
Western Europe. The opening salvo of Operation Overlord would be fired
on D-Day, June 6, 1944, on the beaches of Normandy. When the smoke
cleared, the invasion was deemed successful; the casualty count, however,
was devastating to the Allied forces:

The cost of the Normandy campaign had been high for

both sides. From D-Day to 21 August, the Allies had landed
2,052,299 men in northern France. There were around
209,672 Allied casualties from 6 June to the end of August,
around 10 percent of the forces landed in France. The
casualties break down to 36,976 killed, 153,475 wounded,
and 19,221 missing. Split between the Army-Groups; the
Anglo-Canadian Army-Group suffered 16,138 killed, 58,594
wounded and 9,093 missing for a total of 83,825 casualties.
The American Army-Group suffered 20,838 killed, 94,881
wounded and 10,128 missing for a total of 125,847 casualties.
To these casualties it should be added that 4,101 aircraft
were lost and 16,714 airmen were killed or missing in
direct connection to Operation Overlord. Thus total Allied
casualties rose to 226,386 men.215

( 23 )

F D R S I D E A for a

And now abideth faith , hope, charit y, these three;

but the g reatest of these [is] charit y,
(I Corinthian s 13: 13, K J V )
P R E S I D E N T F R A N K L I N D. R O O S E V E LT,

As a leader, Roosevelt often seemed either unable or unwilling to

act, to use his considerable influence to counter the indifference and igno-
rance that seemed to have gripped Europe during the Holocaust. While
the president appeared to have the will to help, it was quite obvious that
he could not find the way. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kerns
Goodwin wrote of Frances Perkins intuitive description of Roosevelts
mindset, especially where the topic of authenticity was concerned:

He would have one of these flashes [of almost

clairvoyant knowledge and understanding] now and then
. . . . He couldnt always hold on to it or verbalize it, but


when it came, he suddenly understood how all kinds of

disparate things fit together216

Perhaps this helps to explain Roosevelts reaction in late 1939 and

1940, when he brooded over a plan to resettle Jews as a means of escape
from Hitlers assault. As a student of geography, he became engrossed in
maps and excitedly shared the news when he felt he had found yet another
spot where the Jews of Europe might thrive. He eventually platted 666
possible landing spots around the world that could accommodate those
threatened by extinction. Some of the places he touted were Angola, Cuba,
Northern Rhodesia, Brazil, Mexico, Tanganyika, Bolivia, Cameroon,
and Santo Domingo. At one point, the presidents excitement led him
to telephone Henry Morganthau and enlist his help in getting together
one thousand of the richest Jews in the country so that Roosevelt could
inform each how much they were to contribute to his resettlement plan.
Morganthau managed to tactfully table that suggestion.
It was also about this same time that Roosevelt directed his secretary,
Grace Tully, to initiate a file on Palestine. Meant to be only a temporary
file for his personal use, it ultimately grew to gigantic proportions during
the presidents three terms in office.
It had been just two years prior that an article in Harpers Magazine
commented regarding the Near East Division of the State Department:
[It] is not often marked with excitement . . . our relations with these
peoples [in the Middle East] are not important.217 The world would soon
know just how important that region would become.
The Near East Division of the State Department was ruled by the
dictatorial and short-tempered Wallace Murray, who sported a British
accent. He was inflexible in his oversight, taking on the character of a
feudal lord rather than that of an employee compensated by taxpayer
dollars. The anti-Semitic Murray had little interest in happenings in
Europe and in the destiny of the Jews there. He supported the entire
Arab worldTurkey, Iran, and Afghanistan and he and his cohorts


believed Jews who had already immigrated to Palestine were unwelcome

intruders and had no right to be there. Murray fueled the departments
already well-developed hostility against the Balfour Declaration, vowing
that Palestine was a British problem, and American diplomats were not
to be involved.
Murrays superior, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, thought the
Palestine issue a provincial one. It mattered little that his wife was
Jewish; he was overtaken by more weighty matters. Hull tended to pass
Palestinian matters along to Sumner Welles, his undersecretary. Welles, a
graduate of Harvard and a close friend of President Roosevelt, was one of
the few friends the Zionists had in the State Department. In his position,
he was able to forestall some of Murrays more anti-Semitic policies and
acted to provide information to the heads of many Jewish organizations.
For all of his access to information, Welles, like so many others, failed
to comprehend the reality and scope of Hitlers final solution. He did,
however, intercept a proposal made by Alexander C. Kirk, US Ambassador
to Egypt, which outlined a plot to bring Zionist leaders into the United
States to revise their views on the Palestine problem in the light of the
demonstrated impracticability of the present policy.218 Murray fully
supported Kirks request, but Welles intervened. President Roosevelt
never saw the proposal.
The aforementioned Palestine file, thought to be only temporary,
had burgeoned with information from Zionists such as Wise, Frankfurter,
and Benjamin Cohen, but not from the State Department. Indeed, Cohen
presented what he called a radical proposal to the Department in 1942.
His memo consisted of four pages and suggested that Palestine be made
an unquestioned sphere of Jewish influence by reason of the numbers
of Jews who will be settled there.219 Murray lost no time in adding two
additional pages to the memo, outlining his objections to the plan. It was
ultimately decided that Cohens suggestions were of no interest to the
United States, as Murray felt a US military presence would be required to
facilitate Jewish statehood.


July 1942 found Roosevelt again in the company of Chaim Weizmann,

thanks to a plea from Winston Churchill. As stated before, rather than
discuss the plight of the Jews, the president launched a barrage of questions
regarding the chemists knowledge of synthetic rubber. Weizmann, at the
White House to discuss a Jewish homeland in Palestine, was completely
foiled in his every attempt. He left the residence frustrated. Just days
later, Roosevelt was asked by Frankfurter to entertain David Ben-Gurion;
the president emphatically denied the request.
Roosevelt had not totally abandoned his plan to move the Arabs
out of Palestine, however. In a rambling conversation with Secretary
Morganthau, he outlined his idea:

What I think I will do is this. First, I would call Palestine

a religious country. Then I would leave Jerusalem the
way it is and have it run by the Orthodox Greek Catholic
Church, the Protestants, and the Jews have a joint
committee to run it. They are doing it all right now and
we might as well leave it that way. I actually would put a
barbed wire around Palestine, and I would begin to move
the Arabs out of Palestine. . . . I would provide land for the
Arabs in some other part of the Middle East, and I know
there are plenty of places. Each time we move out an Arab
we would bring in another Jewish family.220

Winston Churchill, an unabashed Zionist, had openly presented his

position about a Jewish state in Palestine during a visit to Cairo in 1943.
He was also quick to cite Roosevelt as a stalwart: I am committed to the
establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, and the president will accept
nothing less.221
In a conversation with Undersecretary of State Edward Stettinius,
Roosevelt was voluble in his vision for Palestine. Stettinius recorded in
his diary: [Roosevelt] thinks Palestine should be for the Jews and no


Arabs in it, and he has definite ideas on the subject . . . . It should be

exclusive Jewish territory.222
State Department minions tried desperately to muzzle the president
to avoid pro-Zionist comments, but they had little success. They were
unaware that in private, Roosevelt was openly profuse in his statements
about a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Welles, his most trusted friend
and disciple, was often his sounding board, and it was he who suggested
that Roosevelt engage Lt. Col. Harold B. Hoskins, an Arabic-speaking
intelligence officer, as a special emissary to provide unimpeachable
information for his Palestine file, apart from the State Department.
Hoskins, unfortunately, leaned more toward the anti-Semitism displayed
by Murray. As a confidant to Roosevelt, the duplicitous Hoskins was able
to provide an even better picture to Murray and his cohorts of Roosevelts
true thoughts and feelings about Palestine.
Again, Zionist leaders were not privy to information from the State
Department but had to use other means to secure information about
Roosevelts plans regarding Palestine and Jewish immigration. In October
1943, those organization heads appealed to Eugene Meyer, publisher of
the Washington Post, for assistance. It was suggested that Meyer wrangle
an invitation from Roosevelt rather than petitioning the president for an
audience. Meyer was successful, but during an almost hour-long chat, he
succeeded in gaining nothing of real import in concessions regarding the
issue, except for a plea from the president to assure the leaders that he
would not fail them. Left with no other option, Zionist leaders continued
to put their eggs in Roosevelts basket.
In backroom meetings with leaders of these various organizations,
suggestions of coexistence were being voiced. Contrary to Roosevelts
views, it was thought that the Arabs and Jews could share governance
of the region. The president was aware that his vision of a Jew-only
state was at that time unattainable. On December 3, 1944, FDR penned
a personal letter to New York Democratic Senator Robert Wagner, in
which he wrote about Palestine:


There are about half a million Jews there. Perhaps

another million want to go. They are of all shadesgood,
bad, and indifferent. On the other side of the picture there
are approximately seventy million Mohammedans who
want to cut their throats the day they land. The one thing
I want to avoid is a massacre or a situation which cannot
be resolved by talking things over.223

FDRs economist, James Landis, reinforced King Ibn Sauds hatred

for what he considered to be the Jews trespassing on Arab lands in a
memorandum dated January 17, 1945. Political scientist Dr. Winberg Chai

Landis began by noting that the king felt very strongly

about the matter, had refused, to date, all suggestions
from the United States that there might be some middle
ground, and recently in the presence of a member of
Landiss staff had threatened to see to the execution of
any Jew who might seek to enter his country. The director
added that Ibn Saud politically represented the Wahhabis
sect, which was the spearhead of the pan Islam movement
and was unwilling to have any dealings with infidels, let
alone Jews.224

Even as his health failed, Roosevelt was consumed with the desire
that had possessed so many succeeding presidents: to settle the Palestine
issue during his final term in office. To do so, he felt, he would need to
personally talk with Saudi Arabian King Ibn Saud. In January, before
Roosevelts inauguration for a fourth term was to take place, he revealed
his strategy to the newly elevated Secretary of State Stettinius. The
presidents plan was to produce a map to convince the king of the small
amount of land that is Palestine. He would patiently explain why letting


go of a portion of that region for a Jewish homeland would harm no one,

especially not the Arabs. He would then point out to Ibn Saud that the
Jews would confine themselves to the land assigned. FDR had already
assured the monarch in May of 1943 and again in February 1945 that
No decision would be taken with respect to the basic situation in that
country without full consultation with both Arabs and Jews.225
Before he was to meet with Ibn Saud, FDR had scheduled a February
conference with Churchill and Stalin in Yalta, an ancient city on the Black
Sea in the Crimean region. That meeting produced the Yalta Agreement
the document that would become a Declaration on Liberated Europe.
The document would outline the destiny of Europe after Germany was
defeated, the division of Berlin, the formation of the United Nations, and
the future of Japan. It is interesting to note that the pronouncements
made at Yalta would define much of the modern political, military, and
economic world as we know it. It would also signal the beginning of
the Cold War and the cultivation of Middle Eastern potentates, whose
countries held two-thirds of the worlds known petroleum reserves.
FDR casually mentioned to both Churchill and Stalin that he would
visit with Ibn Saud on his return trip to Washington, D.C. He asked
Stalin his opinion of Zionism and his thoughts on a Jewish homeland.
On February 10, Stalin inquired how the king might benefit from such a
meeting. With a twinkle in his eye, Roosevelt joked that he might offer
the king the six million Jews in the United States.226
In reality, the meeting with the monarch proved to be less than
satisfying for FDR, who still harbored a desire to see a homeland for
the Jews in Palestine. When he broached the subject with Ibn Saud, the
kings response was unequivocal: The Arabs and the Jews could never
cooperate, neither in Palestine, nor in any other country. . . . The Arabs
would choose to die rather than yield their lands to the Jews.227
Upon his return, the president addressed a joint session of Congress
to deliver an overview of his trip. He stunned some of his advisors by


I learned more about that whole problemthe Moslem

problem, the Jewish problemby talking with Ibn Saud
for five minutes than I could have learned in the exchange
of two or three dozen letters.228

The president had learned with resounding finality that the Arabs
were adamantly opposed to having the Jews share Palestine. It was a
truth that was difficult for him to accept. He placed a call to Rabbi Wise
and asked him to help set the minds of the various Zionist leaders at rest.
Frightened that Jews already in Palestine would face war or yet another
massacre by their Arab neighbors, Roosevelt even called in a member of
the anti-Zionist faction, Judge Joseph Proskauer. He petitioned the judge
to add his voice of reason to calm the fears and diminishing hopes for a
much-awaited Jewish state.
On March 3, the president invited Colonel Hoskins for what would
be the last White House meeting between the two. They were joined
in the family dining room by Mrs. Roosevelt and their daughter, Anna
Roosevelt Boettiger. As the two men discussed the Palestine problem, the
First Lady enjoined that the Zionists were much stronger, and perhaps
willing to risk a fight with the Arabs.229 FDR replied that there were
fifteen to twenty million Arabs in the region. He thought that when all
was said and done, they would prevail over the massively outnumbered
A year later, in March 1945, Roosevelt returned to his estate in Warm
Springs, Georgia. Approximately two weeks after his arrival, on April 12,
1945, he was awakened for his morning routine of a nourishing breakfast
in bed. He was presented with a number of drafts of letters to various
Middle East leaders. Citing them as typical correspondence, he signed
them and handed them back to his aide. Three hours later and just prior
to lunch, he complained of a severe headache, then sank back in his chair
and drew his last breath.
The president died before his great-grandson, Joshua Boettiger, was


born. He never knew that his granddaughter would marry and produce
a son, John, who would wed a Jewish woman. Joshua Adler Boettiger
was born and reared by his mother as a Reformed Jew. Today, the thirty-
second president of the United States could boast a great-grandson who
at this writing is a rabbi at Congregation Beth El in Bennington, Vermont,
the only rabbi who can trace his roots to the White House.
When studying the presidency of FDR, it is difficult to ascertain
exactly where his actual thoughts and feelings about a Jewish homeland
in Palestine lay. To Morgenthau, he expressed his concerns about Arab
acceptance of a Jewish state when his own government refused entry to
refugees. When Roosevelt surveyed the Holy Land during his flight to the
Tehran Conference, he expressed reservations about the sustainability
of life in the rocky terrain. The presidents erratic policies toward the
Jewish people, both in Europe and in Palestine, left little if any precedent
for his successor. His statements were often hard to interpret, and his
actions even more difficult to decipher. At his death, he left behind more
questions than answers in this regard, even though his White House was
rife with Jewish advisers.
History, of course, has yet to write the closing pages on Franklin
Delano Roosevelt and the Holocaust, which claimed the lives of six
million Jews. Does the fact that Jews in the United States overwhelmingly
supported the Roosevelt presidency term after term somehow balance the
scales regarding his refusal to do anything constructive to save the lives
of European Jews? Or will history record that he shuffled responsibility
first to one and then another in his cabinet in an attempt to pass the buck?
It would be his vice president and successor, Harry S Truman, who
would make famous the statement, The buck stops here. It was a simple
way to say that responsible action would not be delegated to anyone else
it would be the duty of the president to act. The nagging questions remain:
Had Roosevelt not succumbed to ill health, and had Harry Truman not
become president of the United States, would the events of May 14, 1948,
have taken place with the blessing of the United States? Would FDR, with


his desperate longing to be liked by everyone and his concern that Jews
in Palestine would be massacred by the Arabs, have capitulated to the
pressure from Ibn Saud and his ilk and denied Israel recognition?
Roosevelt dreamed of a Jewish state and the Arab countries in
the region working side by side to promote development, to build cities
and infrastructure, and to irrigate the desert so that it could produce a
variety of foods to nourish and prosper the people. Today, the US State
Department is still trying to realize that dream by promoting a two-
state solution: That Israel would occupy a small area of the region; the
Palestinian Arabs would occupy an adjacent area; and the small State of
Israel would be surrounded by hostile Arabs bent on its destruction. Like
Roosevelt, many in government today still choose to live in denial of the
Arab worlds intentions and believe the impossible to be possible.

( 24 )


Blessed [are] the y that mour n: for the y shall be comforted,

(Matthe w 5:4, K J V )

W hen Franklin D. Roosevelt succumbed to what was reported

as an unexpected and massive stroke, Vice President Harry S Truman
assumed the mantle of chief executive. He and House Speaker Sam
Rayburn were reportedly ensconced in Mr. Rayburns office, sipping
whiskey and discussing the political climate in Washington, when their
reverie was disturbed by the ringing of the telephone and a summons to
the White House. Truman, knowing the delicate state of the presidents
health, imagined the worst.
Upon arriving at the official residence, he was immediately taken
to Roosevelts second-floor study, where Eleanor waited. Harry, the
president is dead, she declared as he entered the room.


Stunned, Truman responded, Is there anything we can do for you?

She replied, Is there anything we can do for you, youre the one in
trouble now.
That evening, around 7 oclock, Truman was sworn in as president.
He later remarked to reporters, Boys, if you ever pray, pray for me now. I
dont know if you fellows ever had a load of hay fall on you, but when they
told me yesterday what had happened, I felt like the moon, the stars, and
all the planets had fallen on me.230
Harry S Truman was born to John Anderson Truman and Martha
Ellen Young Truman on May 8, 1884, in Lamar, Missouri. Harrys
middle name is S in honor of both his grandfathers whose names were
Anderson Shipp Truman and Solomon Young. Rather than be accused
of favoritism, his parents opted for the single initial, which is common
among those of Scots-Irish ancestry. The family moved frequently during
Harrys early years, but finally settled in Independence, Missouri, when
he was six years old, so that he could attend the Presbyterian Church
Sunday school. He began his formal education at the age of eight.231
Harry badly wanted to attend West Point but was rejected because
of poor eyesight. He invested several semesters at various colleges, but
would ultimately be the only president after 1897 to serve without a
college degree. Instead, he joined the Missouri Army National Guard
where he served six years. With the onset of World War I, he rejoined the
Guard and was eventually dispatched to France as a battery commander.
At the end of the war, he married his long-time sweetheart, Bess Wallace.
One daughter, Mary Margaret, was born to the couple.
Lieutenant Truman and an army buddy, Sgt. Edward Jacobson,
served together in the 129th Field Artillery and after the war ended
opened a haberdashery in Kansas City. The joint venture store would be
a victim of the 1921 recession. During his later life, Truman would credit
Jacobson as the person whose advice had a major impact on his decision
to recognize Israel as an independent state.
Truman entered the political arena and eventually served as


Missouris Jackson County judge. His chief political desire was to serve
as governor of Missouri or in the US House of Representatives, but his
advisor and Democratic Party boss, Tom Pendergast, urged him to set his
sights higher and run for the US Senate.
When he arrived in Washington, D.C., as a senator, Truman realized
that Zionist organizations were pushing for a Jewish homeland in
Palestine, but he was clearly in unfamiliar territory. The early whispers of
Hitlers anti-Semitism and finger-pointing at the Jews proved unsettling
to Truman, as was the 1939 White Paper issued from the halls of British
Parliament that severely restricted Jewish immigration to the Holy
Land. Truman wrote that the document made trash out of the Balfour
Declaration and served only to swell the already lengthy list of British
capitulations to the Fhrers Nazi regime. He had been so disturbed
that in 1941 he became a member of the American Christian Palestine
Committee, a pro-Zionist organization. When seventy-seven US senators
supported a Jewish state, Truman cautiously explained his reservations
in a form letter sent to all those urging him to add his name. He wrote:

My sympathy of course is with the Jewish people, but

I am of the opinion that a resolution such as this should
be very circumspectly handled until we know just exactly
where we are going and why. . . .
. . . with Great Britain and Russia absolutely necessary
to us in financing the war I dont want to throw any bricks
to upset the applecart, although when the right time
comes I am willing to help make the fight for a Jewish
homeland in Palestine.232

Little did the junior senator from Missouri know he was about to
become an historic figure and that the right time was just around the
corner. His brief stint in that office was quite uneventful. He drew some
criticism during those early days for attending the funeral of his friend


and mentor Tom Pendergast. Truman replied, He was always my friend,

and I have always been his.233
After making his mark in the Senate, and to the astonishment of
all and the chagrin of some, Truman was tapped by Franklin Roosevelt
to serve as his fourth vice president. He was selected to replace Henry
Wallace. Although Truman reluctantly acquiesced to the demands of the
president and the Democratic National Party, the label of the Second
Missouri Compromise was firmly affixed by some to the selection of
Truman as the vice presidential candidate.
Truman was an odd choice for Roosevelt as a running mate, as they
had been on opposite ends of several issues while Truman was a senator.
However, the choice made good political sense to the party because
Roosevelts prior vice president, Henry A. Wallace, was seen as being too
liberal. Due to Trumans record for honesty and efficiency in facing tough
issues (he was credited with saving the country roughly $15 billion in
defense contracts through the toughest years of the Second World War),
his name rose to the top of the list.
Harry S Truman was sworn in as vice president of the United States
on January 20, 1945. Roosevelt and Truman rarely conferred, and when
Roosevelt died just eighty-two days into Trumans vice presidency, the
new president knew very little of his predecessors plans for the end of
the war and its aftermath. However, Trumans Midwestern values and
ability to meet difficult issues head-on seemed to guide him. His love
for the Bible (he had read it through twice by age twelve) gave him a
natural inclination to favor Gods Chosen People in their quest for a
safe homeland. Just as FDR had been a student of the land of Palestine,
Truman was a student of its people.
As a young man, one of his most cherished belongings had been a set
of essays edited by Charles Francis Horne. The eight volumes contained
essays about Great Men and Famous Women. It was in the pages of
these books that he read and reread the stories of David, Solomon, and
others. He had pored over the story of Nebuchadnezzars capture of the


children of Israel and his ensuing madness. Young Harry studied the
life of Cyrus the Great, who willingly allowed the captives to return to
Palestine. He would later compare himself with that ruler.
In April 1943, almost two years before he would take office, Truman
accompanied Rabbi Wise to a meeting in Chicago Stadium. There the
future president delivered a scalding volley directed at those ambivalent
listeners who had not raised a hand to help the Jews:

This is the time for action. Todaynot tomorrowwe

must do all that is humanly possible to provide a haven
and place of safety for all those who can be grasped from
the hands of the Nazi butchers. Free lands must be opened
to them. To do all of this, we must draw deeply upon our
tradition of aid to the oppressed, and on our great national
generosity. This is not a Jewish problem, it is an American
problemand we must and we will face it squarely and

Just two days after he was sworn into office as chief executive,
Truman delivered another passionate speech:

Merely talking about the Four Freedoms is not enough.

This is the time for action. No one can any longer doubt the
horrible intentions of the Nazi beasts. We know that they
plan the systematic slaughter throughout all of Europe,
not only of the Jews but of vast numbers of other innocent
peoples. . . . Their present oppressors must know that they
will be held directly accountable for their bloody deeds.
To do all this, we must draw deeply on our traditions of aid
to the oppressed, and on our great national generosity.235

The State Department, headed by Secretary Edward R. Stettinius


Jr., held a decidedly pro-Arab stance. On Wednesday, April 18, 1945,

Secretary Stettinius wrote to the newly inaugurated president:

It is very likely that efforts will be made by some of the

Zionist leaders to obtain from you at an early date some
commitments in favor of the Zionist program which is
pressing for unlimited Jewish immigration into Palestine
and the establishment of a Jewish state. . . . The question
of Palestine is, however, a highly complex one and involves
questions which go far beyond the plight of the Jews in
Europe. If this question shall come up, therefore, before
you in the form of a request to make a public statement on
the matter, I believe you would probably want to call for
full and detailed information on the subject before taking
any particular position in the premises. I should be very
glad, therefore, to hold myself in readiness to furnish you
with background information on the subject at any time
you may desire.236

Perhaps it was Secretary of Defense James Vincent Forrestal, who

best summed up these views when he said, You dont understand.
There are four hundred thousand Jews and forty million Arabs. Forty
million Arabs are going to push four hundred thousand Jews into the
sea. And thats all there is to it. Oilthat is the side we ought to be on.237
(Secretaries of state have seemed not to waiver from that stance to this
day: Oil trumps reliable allies.)
Years later, Truman would write of this memo from the striped
pants boys, saying that they were in effect telling me to watch my step,
that I didnt really understand what was going on over there and that I
ought to leave it to the experts. However, the new president was not to
be intimidated. He felt that as long as I was president, I would see to it
that I made policy.238


While it may seem unlikely that the memos pushed Truman to

support Zionism, what it did ensure was that whatever his decision on
the subject, it would be made quite independent of anti-Semitic State
Department pressure. Two days later, the new president entertained a
Zionist group in his office.

( 25 )

T RU M A N and the

Thou shalt not take the name of the LOR D thy God in vain;
for the LOR D will not hold him g uiltless that taketh his name in vain ,
(Exodus 20:7, K J V )

Even as President Harry Truman was finding his way through

the minefield that was Palestine, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, a contemporary
of Herbert Hoover, pushed the Zionist agenda in individual states and
among politicians. Under his urging, thirty-three state legislatures, which
characterized 85 percent of the US population, approved proclamations
supporting creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. Thirty-seven governors
were joined by fifty-four senators and 250 representatives in signing an
appeal to the president. While the political movement made little impact
congressionally, it did pave the way for open discussion.
In September 1945, Rabbi Silver and Rabbi Wise visited with Truman.
The outcome was less than satisfactory, as the president grumbled about
all the various factions that were applying pressure for their personal


projects. He advised the two Jewish leaders that the best course of action
would be patience on their part.
The stress must have reached a fever pitch when the presidents own
mother petitioned on behalf of a Jewish friend who wanted an item added
to the agenda at the upcoming London Conference. Truman replied to his
mother peevishly in a letter:

There isnt a possibility of my intervening in the matter.

These people are the usual European conspirators and
they try to approach the President from every angle. The
London Conference is for a specific and agreed purpose . . .
Dont ever let anybody talk to you about foreign affairs. It
is a most touchy subject and especially in that part of the

The enigmatic and mysterious Middle East fascinated Truman, who

kept a worn, plastic-covered copy of a map of the area in his desk drawer:

Unfolding the map on his desk, Truman then

proceeded to give a 15-minute dissertation on the
historical importance and present-day significance of
the area, which at least one person present described
as masterful. As he concluded, Truman turned good-
humoredly toward General Eisenhower and asked if he
was now satisfied that the situation was understood.
Eisenhower joined in the general laughter of all those
present and admitted that he was indeed satisfied.240

Another factor that would influence Trumans support of Zionism

was the plight of the remainder of the Jews in Europe. With the Germans
finally defeated and the death camps liberated, the world was not only
stunned by what had been done to these people, but over the months to


follow shock abounded at what was done with them in their liberation.
Death camps were replaced by displaced persons (DP) camps, but there
seemed little difference between their accommodations except that one
had been set up to kill them and the other was attempting to save them.
The DP camps were horribly sparse; there were few resources at the
end of the war to dedicate to them. Additionally, those who for so long had
nothing to cling to but the hope to survive had little idea what to do, now
that they were free. There was nothing for them to return to in Europe.
They were caught in a no-mans landno place to go and no place to stay.
Solving this problem would become a key issue for Truman throughout
his deliberations about the destiny of Palestine. One of his first acts was to
request that Britain open the doors again for the immigration of 100,000
displaced Jews into Palestine. James Grover McDonald, who would
become Trumans first ambassador to Israel, wrote that the president was
hell bent on the 100,000.241 Trumans decision to push the envelope on
immigration numbers would effectively countermand the British White
Paper, which guaranteed the Arabs a majority in the region.
McDonald had become interested in the plight of Jewish refugees in
1933, when he was a history and politics professor. His concern led to an
appointment as the League of Nations Officer of High Commissioner for
Refugees from Germany, which included a department of Jewish affairs.
He was hampered in his efforts to render aid because of the United States
refusal to join the newly formed League, while the British and French
were members but not overly concerned about the refugee situation. Add
to that a lack of sufficient funding, and it was obvious to McDonald that
his effortsat least at that timewould be futile.
In 1935, he resigned his appointment as High Commissioner and
charged the government of the Third Reich with plotting to exterminate
an entire racethe Jews. He condemned the membership of the League
of Nations for its apparent lack of concern over the issue. Shortly
thereafter, FDR established the Presidents Advisory Committee on
Political Refugees and enlisted McDonald as chair. Deeply disturbed over


restrictions on Jewish immigration into Palestine, McDonald resigned

the presidents commission. He was recruited to serve on the Anglo-
American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine and supported the call for
allowing 100,000 Jewish refugees into Palestine.
Following liberation of the camps at Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald,
and Dachau, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau began to push
President Truman to seek the advice of his cabinet regarding the fate of
survivorswhere they would go, how aid would be delivered, and other
equally vital issues. Not taken with Morgenthau or his plans, Truman was
nevertheless hoodwinked by the secretarys proposal to send an envoy
to visit the camps and file a report with the State Department. Truman
selected Earl G. Harrison, dean of the University Of Pennsylvania School
of Law. Harrison had also served as Commissioner of Immigration and
Naturalization during the war. His fact-finding trip in the summer of
1945 would define Palestinian policy for years.
On his first night in Munich, Harrison hosted Abraham J. Klausner, a
young rabbi from the United States. Never having been much of a Zionist,
Klausners life was changed dramatically after being assigned to help
the survivors of Dachau, and he was transformed into a militant Zionist.
Through their discussion, which lasted through the night, Harrisons
views were altered as the rabbi described the horrors of the concentration
camps. The envoys report to Truman was one of introspection and soul-
searching. His report made the front page of many newspapers in the
United States when he questioned the treatment of the survivors:

As matters now stand, we appear to be treating the

Jews as the Nazis treated them, except that we do not
exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in
large numbers under our military guard instead of S.S.
troops. One is led to wonder whether the German people,
seeing this, are not supposing that we are following or at
least condoning Nazi policy.242


Harrisons retrospective contained a decisive summation of what

should be the fate of the displaced Jews, and he also supported 100,000
immigrants to the Middle East:

Palestine is definitely and pre-eminently the first

choice. Many now have relatives there, while others,
having experienced the intolerance and persecution in
their homelands for years, feel that only in Palestine will
they be welcomed and find peace and quiet and be given
an opportunity to live and work. . . . there are many who
wish to go to Palestine because they realize that their
opportunity to be admitted into the United States or
into some other countries in the Western Hemisphere is
limited if not impossible.243

Truman responded to Harrisons report by writing immediately

to General Dwight Eisenhower with an order to provide immediate

We must intensify our efforts to get these people out of

camps and into decent houses until they can be repatriated
or evacuated. These houses should be requisitioned
from the German civilian population. That is one way to
implement the Potsdam policy that the German people
cannot escape responsibility for what they have brought
upon themselves. . . . I know you will agree with me that
we have a particular responsibility toward these victims
of persecution and tyranny who are in our zone. We must
make clear to the German people that we thoroughly
abhor the Nazi policies of hatred and persecution. We
have no better opportunity to demonstrate this than
by the manner in which we ourselves actually treat the
survivors remaining in Germany.244


Truman diligently read his Bible and fervently believed in a homeland

for the Jewish people. He also believed that the Balfour Declaration was
the basis for a solemn promise that fulfilled the age-old hope and dream
of the Jewish people.245 With that in mind, he too kept a private folder
in his desk drawer throughout his presidency; it was labeled Palestine.
After having read Harrisons indictment, he was forced to look at the
possibility that the Sheerith Hapletah, or saved remnant who had survived
the Holocaust, were inextricably interwoven with the future of Palestine.
The president forwarded a copy of Harrisons study to British Prime
Minister Clement Attlee, asking for quick action to evacuate as many
of the refugees to the Holy Land as could possibly be achieved. State
Department officials were completely in the dark regarding Trumans
actions. He was unaware that while he was coming forward with a
proposal to repatriate the Jews, the very determined striped pants boys
were working on a memo in oppositionobviously still more concerned
with reaction of the Arabs in the region than with the devastation left in
Hitlers wake. At the same time, Britain was thrown into a state of panic
by Trumans proposal, a state from which it never recovered during its
remaining rule over Palestine.
Some Christian writers of the day went so far as to confront the
refugees and demand they decide once and for all if they were willing
to be reintegrated into the nations from which they were disgorged into
the death camps, or if they would rather attach themselves to the hopes
of a Jewish homeland. Commentaries and journals outlined Gods Divine
plan for the end times as it concerned the children of Israel and the Land,
which God had given to Abraham. There were even calls for repentance
by Evangelicals for the horrors that had been done to Gods Chosen

On December 4, 1945, Truman met Chaim Weizmann

whom he repeatedly referred to as Cham, although
he had been warned innumerable times that the C was


silent.246 The men were poles apart regarding their

wishes for a Palestinian refuge for the victims of Hitlers
Holocaust. Truman was pushing Britain for a total of
100,000 immigrants to Palestine; Weizmann saw the need
for 1.5 million Jews to be allowed into the protectorate.
The Zionists believed that the Jewish immigrants could
reclaim the waste places:

For the Lord will comfort Zion, He will comfort all

her waste places; He will make her wilderness like Eden,
And her desert like the garden of the Lord; Joy and
gladness will be found in it, Thanksgiving and the voice
of melody, (Isaiah 51:3 nkjv.)

You shall shoot forth your branches and yield your

fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come,
(Ezekiel 36:8 nkjv.)

Israel shall blossom and bud And fill the face of the
world with fruit, (Isaiah 27:6 nkjv.)

I will put in the desert the cedar and the acacia, the
myrtle and the olive, (Isaiah 41:19 niv.)

Following his introduction to Truman, Weizmann was determined

to try the smooth rhetoric that had earlier convinced the likes of Lord
Balfour and other British diplomats of the need for a homeland. He typed
a seven-page, single-spaced missive in which he presented his arguments
for Palestine as a secular state on the pattern of those in the United
States and Western Europe247not a religious state or a theocracy.
As Weizmann was ushered into Trumans office, two men were
being ushered out another door: Lessing J. Rosenwald, president of the
American Council for Judaisman anti-Zionist organization; and David
J. Stern, publisher of the Philadelphia Record and a dissident Zionist.


These two mavericks were arguing for a universal Palestine that would
be homeland neither to Jews nor Arabs; it would be a utopia for all world
religions and all faiths equally, in which all would be responsible for
its governance. As he exited the White House, Rosenwald leaked the
information that President Truman was opposed to establishing a totally
Jewish homeland in Palestine and would not commit to such a move.
Just days later, Weizmann attempted again to persuade Truman with
the same tactics that had worked on the British. He wrote the president
that a new Jewish state would not be a theocratic one; rather, it would
be a secular state. The Jewish leader was edging ever more closely to
an argument that would hit home with Truman, the Bible scholar, when
he later proclaimed that the Jews must be rescued from homelessness.
Weizmann pleaded with Truman for a homeland for his dispossessed
Many believe the presidents ultimate change of policy was a direct
result of his encounters with powerful White House bureaucrat David
Niles, as well as Max Lowenthal, Clark Clifford, and long-time friend
Eddie Jacobson. It was Niles who confessed his reservations about FDRs
commitment to the Jewish cause. Niles admitted to having serious
doubts in my mind that Israel would have come into being if Roosevelt
had lived.248 He recommended Major General John H. Hilldring, a
determined cavalry officer, to be Trumans Assistant Secretary of State
for Occupied Areas.
Hilldring had an affinity for the refugees vision of a homeland.
Again, Niles urged Truman to appoint the general as his watchdog on
the General Assembly delegation to assure that the presidents position
was expressly and accurately conveyed. By so doing, Truman forestalled
any planned sabotage against his Middle East policies. Hilldring, a tough
military man, performed his job with the full authority of the president
of the United States. Had it not been for his efforts, there might never
have been a declaration of statehood on May 14, 1948.
Truman would meet with Eddie Jacobson several more times


specifically in November 1947 and March 1948and each succeeding

encounter would yield distinct results. His daughter, Margaret Truman
Daniels, refuted in her book, Harry S Truman, that the two met repeatedly;
however, Truman expert and foremost journalist on the subject, Frank
Adler, says the exact opposite is true. He contends that Mrs. Daniels
version is categorically incorrect. Adler indicates in his writings that the
two men met over twenty times in the Oval Office and several times in
New York, Key West, and Kansas City. He contends that the presidents
old friend and former partner even traveled with Truman onboard the
train that carried the president on his whistle-stop tour across the United
States.249 Regardless of Margaret Daniels perception of the relationship
between her father and Jacobson, the president indicated that he trusted
his friend totally. In a letter from Vera Weizmann, Chaims wife, to
Jacobson, she wrote in reference to efforts to swing the pendulum in favor
of the Jewish people, One day the world will know the part you played
in helping my husband achieve his goal.250 Ambassador McDonald said
of Jacobson, Just because Eddie Jacobson is so thoroughly American
and so Jewishhe has played quiet but effectively his large constructive
role.251 In the end, however, it would be Weizmann, with Jacobsons help,
who would secure Trumans backing and loyalty.

( 26 )

T RU M A N V E R SUS the

Thou shalt have no other gods before me,

(Exodus 20: 3, K J V )

It was in response to the Balfour Declaration that Truman first made

his feelings known on the issue of Zionism. He alleged the British had
hedged on the Declaration until it was little more than a worthless bit of
paper. He described the measures as a Munich mentality and a shameful
denial of Britains obligations to the Jewish people. Although Truman was
charged with ambivalence in his own actions toward European Jews and
their bid for a homeland in Palestine, American Zionists were encouraged
when he wrote to his friend A. M. Levin, fight for the Jewish homeland
in Palestine.252 He would discover that there were some hard choices to
be made regarding the issue before his first term ended.
As Roosevelts successor, Truman made new discoveries daily. He
was soon informed that FDR had made a pact with King Ibn Saud of
Saudi Arabia, stating that no action would be taken with respect to the


basic situation in that country [Palestine] without full consultation with

both Arabs and Jews, and that he would take no action, in my capacity
as Chief of the Executive Branch of this Government which might prove
hostile to the Arab people.253
Given the state of FDRs health when the letter was penned, some
speculate that the assurances given to Saud were not penned by the
president. When challenged about this so-called promise, Truman
retaliated by saying there was no proof that FDR had ever signed such a
document or made such a commitment. Not one of his years in the public
eye had prepared Truman for the minefield of following in the footsteps
of Roosevelt. He soon learned it took infinite skill to traverse the deadly
territory that was Middle East politics. Every presidential successor
to date has encountered many of the same problems caused by an all-
consuming Jew-hatred in the Arab world.
Despite the uncomfortable territory in which the president found
himself, his biblical beliefs were so deeply ingrained that he supported
the Jewish people in their quest to immigrate to Palestine. But therein lies
the rub: His feelings about an actual Jewish state were a bit ambivalent.
Truman made it abundantly clear that every possible opportunity must be
seized to give a chance for a renewed life to as many Holocaust survivors
as humanly possiblea kind of refugee Zionism. Thus, the basis for
his Middle East policy was compassionate and charitable in nature. It
has been said that he viewed the Jewish refugees struggle in Palestine
as very similar to the battles for independence fought by his countrys
Founding Fathers. He saw the neighboring Arabs as the modern-day
parallel to Britains King George III.
Nahum Goldmann, founder and president of the World Jewish
Congress, wrote a letter to a friend in Israel regarding Trumans
ambivalence. He felt that the president had not yet accepted the real
need for a state, and that Truman did not fully understand the reasoning
behind that need. The president, it seemed, was in a constant maelstrom
of dissent from both his own anti-Zionist advisors and the Zionist


organizations. The Zionists were pushing Truman for more immigration

relief, even as they sought his support for a homeland for the unwelcome
and unwanted survivors of Hitlers wrath. Zionist activists would soon
find that one of their greatest champions occupied the Oval Office at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Truman, however, was so frustrated with the constant upheaval that
he wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt:

The action of some of our US Zionists will eventually

prejudice everyone against what they are trying to get

After a year of campaigning for massive Jewish immigration to

Palestine, many of Trumans Arab friends had become estranged and
Americas standing in the Middle East was in tatters. The president
had been cautioned by King Saud that only Allah knew what the
consequences of Trumans actions would bring.255 Truman later wrote to
an associate that the situation in Palestine seemed to be unsolvable, even
as he wrestled with the issues of a Jewish homeland there. On October 4,
1946Yom Kippurhe announced that he was going on record in support
of a viable Jewish state.256 The Arabs were incensed by the statement.
King Saud accused Truman of waffling on his earlier avowal to consult
with all parties involved before making any policy statement regarding
Upon hearing of the kings displeasure, Truman wrote to King Saud:

The Government and people of the United States have

given support to the concept of a Jewish National Home
in Palestine ever since the termination of the first World
War, which resulted in the freeing of a large area of the
Near East, including Palestine, and the establishment of a
number of independent states which are now members of


the United Nations. The United States, which contributed

its blood and resources to the winning of that war, could
not divest itself of a certain responsibility for the manner
in which the freed territories were disposed of, or for
the fate of the peoples liberated at that time. It took the
position, to which it still adheres, that these peoples
should be prepared for self-government and also that a
national home for the Jewish people should be established
in Palestine . . . . The Jewish National Home, however, has
not as yet been fully developed. . . . It was my belief, to
which I still adhere, and which is widely shared by the
people of this country, that nothing would contribute
more effectively to the alleviation of the plight of these
Jewish survivors than the authorization of the immediate
entry of at least 100,000 of them to Palestine. No decision
with respect to this proposal has been reached.257

He closed his missive to the king by saying: I take this opportunity

to express my earnest hope that Your Majesty . . . will use the great
influence which you possess to assist in the finding in the immediate
future of a just and lasting solution.258
Trumans pronouncement of support did little to sway the British
from their intractable position of disallowing massive immigration
of Jews to Palestine. Its leaders, in fact, began to talk of evacuating
Palestine and leaving Jews already there to their fate. British Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs Ernest Bevin reacted to the establishment of
a UN Special Committee on Palestine established in the early months by
saying, After two thousand years of conflict, another twelve months will
not be considered a long delay.259
Truman said of Bevins statement, It was an ignominious thing to
say. [Bevin] went on to say that if I had not meddled with the thing, they
would have had the thing settled. That didnt help my Missouri good


nature one little bit.260 Truman thought Bevins pronouncement showed

contempt for the wretchedness in which the refugees found themselves
especially in light of the delays and miserable conditions in which they
awaited permission to travel to Palestine.
The Soviets, on the other hand, were highly critical of a Jewish state
and made it known that any attempts to carve one out in Palestine would
be met with opposition. A memo dated May 10, 1947, from the charg
daffaires in Moscow, Elbridge Durbrow, regarding the Soviets long-term
policy in the region read in part: Opposition to formation in all or part
of Palestine a Jewish state, which USSR would regard as Zionist tool of
west, inevitably hostile to Soviet Union.261
Within four days of the release of Durbrows memo, Soviet
representative to the UN Andrei Gromyko would stride to the stage at
the UN General Assembly and startle all its members. He vowed that
the USSR fully understood the Jews desire for a homeland, calling it a
legitimate right, and would propose identical Arab and Jewish states
as the ideal way to proceed. Neither the Jews, the United States, nor the
British were prepared for the Soviet announcement.
US leaders in the State Department spent nearly two weeks evaluating
and debating the Soviet stance. They finally determined that Gromykos
magnanimous gesture was a ploy to gain the trust of liberal Jewish leaders
in the West. It would allow the Soviets to retain the freedom to act as they
pleased. The move, however, led almost immediately to prompt leaders of
various Jewish organizations to line up outside the Russian mission in
Manhattan for protracted meetings, including toasts of LChayim (to
life), which would ring through the meeting rooms.
It was Kermit Roosevelt, son of Teddy Roosevelt and long-time
Middle East intelligence operative, who would ultimately define the
Russians purpose. He thought the division of Palestine would open the
door in the Middle East for a Soviet toehold based on the assumption that
maintaining any attempt at partition would result in the need for force,
which would require the assistance of the USSR. Kermit felt a separation


would almost certainly guarantee turmoil in the region. He was not

the only one concerned about the resulting upheaval. Loy Henderson,
a Foreign Service officer attached to the State Departments Near East
Division, wrote to Secretary of State Marshall:

I consider, therefore, that it is my duty briefly to

point out some of the considerations which cause the
overwhelming majority of non-Jewish Americans who are
intimately acquainted with the situation in the Near East
to believe that it would not be in the national interests of
the United States for it to advocate any kind of plan at this
time for the partitioning of Palestine or for the setting up
of a Jewish State in Palestine.262

While the General Assembly was in session in November 1947 at an old

ice rink that had been built for the 1939 Worlds Fair, various groups met
in different venues, some in Flushing Meadow, Queens, others in a Long
Island community named Lake Success. Even the most ardent Zionists
in the US delegationamong them Hilldring and Eleanor Rooseveltwere
unsettled after hearing of reservations regarding the division of the Holy
Land. Others of the delegates suggested passivity would be the best course:
accept the idea of partition while refraining from persuading members
to join in support of the move. As the meeting in Lake Success moved
forward, it was revealed that US delegates were pursuing two decidedly
different sets of instructions. One came from the State Department, the
other from the White House.
The various factions involved busily argued about the partition
map suggested by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine
(UNSCOP). The State Department supported that division; Truman
and Jewish leader Chaim Weizmann did not. On that map, the Negev
was assigned to Arab Palestine, a stance that US Ambassador to the UN
Herschel Johnson was expected to confirm. In the presidents mind, it


was clearly Jewish land. As the meeting progressed on November 19,

Truman called Johnson, who was in the process of delivering a statement
supporting the State Departments position. Johnson was forced to leave
the podium for a twenty-minute conversation, and upon his return revised
his intention to report that the Negev was to go to the Jews.
When the roll call was finally taken, UN membership, which consisted
of fifty-seven voting nations, was apportioned along these lines: thirty-
three votes for partition including the United States and the USSRtwo
more than the two-thirds required; thirteen votes against, including Saudi
Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Greece,
Turkey, Cuba, Yemen, and India; ten abstentions, among them Great
Britain; the delegate from Siam was absent. France typically waivered
throughout the process due to worries about Arab oil on the one hand and
US financial support on the other. Finally, Bernard Baruch, who had made
the transition from anti- to pro-Zionist, challenged the French delegation.
He strongly suggested that if they voted against partition, American
aidall American aidwould be cut off. It was the tipping point, and
France voted for partition. There is an interesting side note: The Arabs in
Palestine were offered a separate state and rejected the offer.
Listening from the sidelines in Jerusalem was Haganah leader,
Yitzhak Sadeh, who prophesied: If the vote is positive, the Arabs will
make war on us. And if the vote is negative, then it is we who will make
war on the Arabs.263
Menachem Begin, the head of Irgun (a Zionist paramilitary group
operating in Palestine), found little in the UN vote for which to rejoice. He
said: The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized....
Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel [the land of
Israel] will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And forever.264
In his memoirs Truman wrote:

The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes

back to the solemn promise that had been made to them


[the Jews] by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917

a promise which had stirred the hopes and the dreams
of these oppressed people. This promise, I felt, should be
kept, just as all promises made by responsible, civilized
governments should be kept.265

In early 1948, Eddie Jacobson sent a telegram to Truman in a last-

ditch effort to secure a meeting with him and Weizmann. Truman
refused. With little to lose, Jacobson flew to Washington and marched
into the White House unannounced. He implored the president to meet
with Weizmann:

Harry, all your life you have had a hero. You are
probably the best-read man in America on the life of
Andrew Jackson. . . . Well, Harry, I too have a hero, a
man I never met but who is, I think, the greatest Jew who
ever lived. I too have studied his past and I agree with
you, as you have often told me, that he is a gentleman
and a great statesman as well. I am talking about Chaim
Weizmann; he is a very sick man, almost broken in health,
but he traveled thousands and thousands of miles just to
see you and plead the cause of my People. Now you have
refused to see him because you were insulted by some
of our American Jewish leaders, even though you know
that Weizmann had absolutely nothing to do with these
insults and would be the last man to be a party to them.
It doesnt sound like you, Harry, because I thought that
you could take this stuff they have been handing out to
you. I wouldnt be here if I didnt know that if you will see
him you will be properly and accurately informed on the
situation as it exists in Palestine, and yet you refuse to see


Jacobsons success in moving the president was evidenced by a terse

reply that Truman would receive Chaim Weizmann as soon as possible
after the presidents return from New York on March 17, 1948.267 The two
men finally met on the following day and spent almost an hour together.
Among the issues discussed by the two statesmen were the hope to see
a homeland established without bloodshed, ideas for development of the
area, and the desperate need for land to support the immigrants. When
the dust settled, Truman had given his wordwhich to the man from
Independence was as good as a signed documentthat the United States
would immediately recognize the State of Israel once it had been declared
and would back the plan for partition. Unfortunately, Truman had failed
to notify the striped pants boys of his promise.
The following day and without Trumans knowledge, Senator
Warren Austin, his emissary to the UN, addressed the Security Council.
He informed the Council that partition in Palestine was no longer a
viable option. The New York Times reported that a pin-drop silence and
bewilderment settled over the hall.268 Members of Trumans cabinet
adamantly avowed that Austin was a maverick, acting alone; others
declared that the senator had spoken with the full authority of the
president behind him. White House Counsel Clark Clifford and advisor
Oscar Ewing categorically denied the president had given his approval
to Austin. Clifford insisted he had warned that State Department heads
desired to reverse Trumans position on partition, yet the president
replied, You are unduly concerned. I know how Marshall feels, and he
knows how I feel. They are not going to change our policy.269
The passage of time has not dispelled the What did Truman know
and when did he know it? aspects of the senators speech, nor has it
lessened Trumans response. A note on his personal calendar explains
his ire:

The State Department pulled the rug from under me

today. I didnt expect that would happen. In Key West, or


en route there from St. Croix, I approved the speech and

statement policy by Senator Austin to the UN meeting.
This morning I find that the State Department has
reversed my Palestine policy. The first I know about it is
what I see in the papers! Isnt that hell? Im now in the
position of a liar and a double-crosser. Ive never felt so
low in my life. There are people on the 3rd and 4th levels
of the State Department who have always wanted to cut
my throat. They are succeeding in doing it. Marshalls
in California and [Undersecretary Robert] Lovetts in

After about ten years as a private citizen, the former president was
interviewed by Edward R. Murrow. The broadcast journalist asked Mr.
Truman if he had any second thoughts about recognizing Israel as a state.
Truman answered:

Not the slightest for this reason. Im going to brag a little

if youll allow me. I know the history of that section of the
world fairly well. When it came time to make the decision
and there was a chance to create the State of Israel, as
had been promised, I just carried out the agreements that
had already been made on the subject, and Ive never been
sorry for it because I think its necessary that there be a
State of Israel.271

Truman became the punching bag for some of his own friends,
definitely for the Zionists in America, and for the media. The New York
Times screamed:

A land of milk and honey now flows with oil, and

the homestead of three great religions is having its fate


decided by expediency without a sign of the spiritual and

ethical considerations which should be determined at
least in that part of the world. Ancient Palestine was once
described as not the land of philosophers, but the home
of prophets. It would take a prophet sitting on a rapidly
spinning turntable to have foreseen the course which our
government has pursued during the last few months.272

While the president endured some of the darkest days of his term
in office, Truman tapped Clifford to determine how the debacle had
happened. While the dust was swirling about him, Clifford dispatched
White House Special Council Samuel I. Rosenman to Chaim Weizmanns
hotel in an effort to reassure the Jewish leader that the president would
stay the course and honor his word. The Zionist declared to his cohorts
that he was assured of Trumans support, and as Eddie Jacobson reported,
[Weizmann] was the only human being outside of myself who expressed
the utmost faith in the word of President Truman.273
The partition vote was accomplished and the Jews, who had been
homeless for two thousand years, would be homeless no longer. Rabbi
Isaac Herzog proclaimed, After a darkness of two thousand years the
dawn of redemption has broken.274

( 27 )

T H E S TA T E of I SR A E L

Blessed [are] the peacemakers:

for the y shall be called the children of God,
(Matthe w 5: 9, K J V )

President Harry Truman is said to have viewed Army General

George C. Marshall, who had been tapped as secretary of state in January
1947, as perhaps the greatest American alive in his day. Despite the high
regard, however, the two men were destined to butt heads regarding the
Palestine issue and the as-yet unnamed Jewish state. Marshall was joined
in his antipathy toward US recognition by Undersecretary of State Robert
Lovett; his predecessor, Dean Acheson; Secretary of Defense James V.
Forrestal; Charles Bohlen, third in command in the State Department;
and Director of the Office of United Nations Affairs Dean Rusk. Forrestal
was violently against the move and expressed his opposition vociferously:

You fellows over at the White House are just not facing
up to the realities in the Middle East. There are thirty


million Arabs on one side and about six hundred thousand

Jews on the other. It is clear that in any contest, the Arabs
are going to overwhelm the Jews. Why dont you face up
to the realities? Just look at the numbers! . . . [If Truman
supports a Jewish state] then hes absolutely dead wrong.275

As I have mentioned previously, the State Department was and still

is peopled with a majority of pro-Arab experts, greatly enamored of the
abundance of Middle East oil. They apparently felt it their calling to either
avert or delay any move by Truman to recognize a Jewish homeland in
the region. Those individuals were more closely aligned with the British
position on the question rather than with those of the president.
At midnight on May 14, 1948, the British Mandate would expire. Sixty
seconds following the end of that era, the world was assured that David
Ben-Gurion would step to the microphone and boldly declare the rebirth
of a Jewish homeland. The name of the new nation had not been decided
would it be Israel? Would it be Judaea? One thing was almost certainfull-
scale war would erupt immediately, as had been threatened by the Arab
nations surrounding the tiny state. Of course, there were those who were
convinced that the only way out was to turn the entire area over to the
United Nations as its caretaker. Clark Clifford was much opposed to that
move, which he felt would see the demise of a Jewish homeland before it
had come to life.
Clifford had prepared a possible announcement for Truman to deliver
shortly after the stroke of midnight. At their usual meeting days before
the event was to take place, Truman outlined what he wanted the White
House counsel to do in order to convince Marshall to endorse the idea of a
Jewish state:

You know how I feel. I want you to present it just as

though you were making an argument before the Supreme
Court of the United States. Consider it carefully, Clark,


organize it logically. I want you to be as persuasive as you

possibly can be.276

When all the players on Trumans teamMarshall, Lovett, Niles,

Clifford, and various aidescame together late in the afternoon on May
12, dominant in the room was the famous sign on the presidents desk:
THE BUCK STOPS HERE. As the men filed into the Oval Office, a mere
two days separated them from the rebirth of the still-unnamed state. The
surface calm in the room belied the underlying tension.
The meeting began with an overview of the situation and the Jews
confidence that things would go smoothly in the transition. Marshall
assured everyone present that he had given the Zionists notice not to
expect assistance from the United States, even in light of the possibility
of increased hostility. The secretary of state was angry because it was said
that he had dispatched someone with a message to David Ben-Guriona
statement he implacably denied. Marshall unwaveringly avowed no
knowledge of a message, and also stated he had no idea who Ben-Gurion
was. (He was, of course, the head of the Jewish Agency, and the projected
first prime minister of the new state.)
Next in the rotation of speakers was Clifford, who presented his
points succinctly. It was his last point that would fuel the fire of Marshalls
intransigence. Clifford said:

Mr. President, I strongly urge you to give prompt

recognition to the Jewish state immediately after the
termination of the British Mandate on May 14. This would
have the distinct value of restoring the presidents firm
position in support of the partition of Palestine. Such a move
should be taken quickly, before the Soviet Union or any
other nation recognizes the Jewish state. [He concluded:]
I fully understand and agree that vital national interests
are involved. In an area as unstable as the Middle East,


where there is not now and never has been any tradition
of democratic government, it is important for the long-
range security of our country, and indeed the world, that a
nation committed to the democratic system be established
there, one on which we can rely. The new Jewish state can
be such a place. We should strengthen it in its infancy by
prompt recognition.277

When Marshall indignantly objected, not only to the content of his

statement but to Cliffords presence at the meeting, Truman laconically
replied, Well, General, hes here because I asked him to be here.278
The debate raged on as first Marshall and then Lovett joined the
attack against recognition. Marshall was so incensed that he actually
threatened Truman during the discourse. He wanted the president to be
assured that should he side with Clifford (which he had already), the vote
of the secretary of state would go to his opponent in the next election.279
Truman ended the meeting with the issue still unresolved between
him, Marshall, and Lovett. Not only did Marshall record the entire
discussion in the official record of the meeting, it has been said that from
that time forward, he refused to even speak the name of Clark Clifford.
May 14, 1948, in the US capital dawned unusually warm and humid.
The anticipation in government halls was palpable: Would the president
recognize a Jewish state or would he acquiesce to his secretary of state and
postpone any acknowledgement? Unlike todays instant news instantly
mindset, the transmission of information took a bit longer. What was going
on in Jerusalem? How high was the anticipation there? How great was the
threat of annihilation?
In the White House, Clifford was still trying to sway Marshall and
Lovett to the side of recognition. He approached Lovett with the question
that if the secretary of state refused to support Truman on the matter,
would he at least not openly defy him? After much vacillation, the general


finally agreed to do nothing, neither positive nor negative. He would simply

make no comment.
Clifford also contacted Eliahu Epstein, head of the Jewish Agency,
and requested his assistance:

Mr. Epstein, we would like you to send an official letter

to President Truman before twelve oclock today formally
requesting the United States to recognize the new Jewish
state. I would also request that you send a copy of the letter
directly to Secretary Marshall.280

Working with several advisors, Epstein drafted a succinct missive

that reached the White House by noon on the fourteenth. His request as
an agent of the Provisional Government of Israel read as follows:

I have the honor to notify you that the State of Israel

has been proclaimed as an independent republic within
frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United
Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947, and that a
provisional government has been charged to assume the
rights and duties of government for preserving law and
order within the boundaries. . . . The Act of Independence
will become effective at one minute after six oclock on the
evening of 14 May 1948, Washington time. . . . I have been
authorized by the provisional government of the new state
to tender this message and to express the hope that your
government will recognize and will welcome Israel into
the community of nations.281

In the original document, Epstein had referred to the new state simply
as Jewish state. As the letter was being delivered to Clifford by aide Harry
Zinder, Epstein was advised by shortwave radio that the official name of


the newly-established state would be Israel. He immediately dispatched

a second aide to overtake Zinder, strike the phrase Jewish state, and
insert Israel into the document.
At 6:11 that evening, White House Press Secretary Charlie Ross read
the following statement dated May 14, 1948, approved and signed by
President Harry Truman:

This government has been informed that a Jewish state

has been proclaimed in Palestine, and recognition has
been requested by the [provisional] government thereof.
The United States recognized the provisional government
as the de facto authority of the new [State of Israel].282

Just as Epsteins document had the added word Israel, so had

Trumans document. The United States of America, in the year of its 172nd
anniversary, was the first foreign nation to recognize the sovereign State
of Israel; the USSR followed three days later. The presidents pro-Zionist
advisors bore the brunt of criticism for Trumans actions; however, it was
the feisty, fedora-wearing Missourian who made the final decision.
One of the presidents most coveted messages landed on his desk at
about 10 pm on the night of May 14. It was in the form of a thank you from
his long-time friend and ally, Eddie Jacobson.
What would the outcome have been if the president had yielded to
the Marshall crowd? We will never know the answer; however, support
from the United States chief executive gave Israel an advantage that was
essential for its survival. Without the deterrent offered by US backing,
Israels enemies on all sides may well have been much more pro-active in
waging war, and the outcome could have been completely disastrous for
the new Jewish state.
The account of a meeting with David Ben-Gurion in New York City
after Truman left office had the president leaving the hotel in tears.


The Israeli prime minister was asked what he thought had caused the
presidents emotional response. Ben-Gurion answered:

These were the tears of a man who had been subjected

to calumny and vilification; who had persisted against
powerful forces within his own administration determined
to defeat him. These were the tears of a man who had fought
ably and honorably for a humanitarian goal to which he
was deeply committed. These were tears of thanksgiving
that his God had seen fit to bless his labors with success.283

Chaim Weizmann was entertaining guests at teatime when his

political advisor, Ivor Linton, interrupted the gathering. The Jewish leader
was overjoyed to learn of Trumans actions. Meanwhile, traffic on Sixty-
sixth Street, in front of the offices of the Jewish Agency, screeched to a halt
as a blue and white flagwith the Star of Davidwas unfurled for the first
time. It waved over the newly designated Israeli Embassy.
The president expressed the outcome of the day when he said:

One of the proudest days of my life occurred at [6:11] p.m.

on Friday, May 14, when I was able to announce recognition
of the new State of Israel by the government of the United
States. In view of the long friendship of the American
people for the Zionist ideal, it was particularly appropriate
that our government should be the first to recognize the
new state.284

In September 1948, Truman wrote to Chaim Weizmann. In the letter

he made no mention of the fighting and bloodshed that had gripped the
region since the rebirth of Israel, but did express concerns for the battered
Jewish people: I hope that peace will come to Palestine ... and that we


will eventually be able to work out proper location for all those Jews who
suffered so much during the war.285
The tale of President Harry S Trumans choice to back the formation
of a Jewish state and immediately recognize it is in actuality the account
of how God grooms an individual to make a momentous decision that
becomes the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Truman was a student of
the Scriptures and of Jewish history. His path to the presidency led him
through the military during World War I, where he met Eddie Jacobson,
a young Jewish man who would become Trumans best friend. Harry was
profoundly touched by the horrors of the Holocaust. Two of his presidential
advisors were devoted advocates of Israel and strongly supported him
in his decision to recognize the State of Israel. Perhaps time and again,
Truman had read in his Bible and believed:

See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the
land which the Lord swore to your fathersto Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacobto give to them and their descendants
after them,(Deuteronomy 1:8 nkjv.)

Approximately a year after Truman acknowledged the newly formed

State of Israel, Isaac Halevi Herzog, the chief rabbi of Israel, visited the
White House. As tears flowed down Trumans face, the Israeli dignitary
blessed the president with the words: God put you in your mothers womb
so you would be the instrument to bring about Israels rebirth after two
thousand years.286
Truman said about the rebirth of the State of Israel:

I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have in

it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just
another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the
great ideals of our civilization.287


Truman chose not to run for a third term in the White House. He
felt it was time to revert to the traditional two-term policy. He retired in
1953, on the day General Dwight D. Eisenhower was inaugurated. The two
men were less than cordial when they met for the swearing-in ceremony.
However, Eisenhower immediately noticed that his son John, who was
supposed to be on active duty in Korea, was in attendance for the ceremony.
He questioned Truman about it, and the president replied to the query:

The president of the United States ordered your son to

attend your inaugural. The president thought it right and
proper for your son to witness the swearing-in of his father
to the presidency. If you think somebody was trying to
embarrass you by this order, then the president assumes
full responsibility.288

Following his retirement from public service, Truman lectured and

taught while working on his memoirs. He worked with architects on the
development of the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Eleanor
Roosevelt was the keynote speaker when it opened on July 6, 1952. His
health began to fail at the age of eighty-eight. He was hospitalized for a
lung condition in December 1972, and on the day after Christmas, Harry S
Truman died. He, his wife, Bess, and their daughter, Margaret, are buried
on the grounds of the library named for him.
In the aftermath of his valiant defense of a Jewish homeland, Truman
could have rejoiced in the knowledge that the Jews became faithful
and committed defenders of the Christian holy sites in the Holy Land.
Moreover, he would have been pleased that no American troops have ever
occupied the Holy Land. Instead, Israel has become a powerful military
presence in the region, and the nation and its people have never been
overrun by communist ideology. The truth is: The two nationsIsrael and
the United States of America have long been bound by strong cords of
Judeo-Christian beliefs.

( 28 )


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves ,

and pray, and seek my face, and t ur n f rom their wicked ways; then will
I hear f rom heaven , and will forg ive their sin , and will heal their land,
(II Chronicles 7: 14, K J V )

Eisenhower (also spelled Eisenhauer) is a name which in Hebrew

means iron worker. When the family came to the United States from
Switzerland, the family name was misspelled by immigration authorities.
It was because of their surname that the family of the 34 th president of
the United States was sometimes thought to be Hebrew. Born and raised
in Denison, Texas, and the third of seven boys in the Eisenhower family,
the future leader was not reared in the company of Jewish people, but
nonetheless Dwight grew up being infused with an appreciation for Gods
Chosen People at his mothers knee.
At birth, he was named David Dwight Eisenhower and called


Dwight. He would later be nicknamed Ike or ugly-Ike by some. He was

educated in the school system in Denison and graduated from high school
in 1909. Having devoured his mothers treasury of books, he determined
that a military career was his destiny. He applied to the Naval Academy
but was denied entrance because he was too old, having just passed his
twentieth birthday. In 1911, he was accepted into the Military Academy at
West Point. When he enrolled, Dwight inexplicably reversed the order of
his name and became Dwight David Eisenhower. He was commissioned
as a second lieutenant in 1915, and while posted at Fort Sam Houston in
San Antonio, Texas in 1916, met and married Mamie Doud.
Eisenhower served under Generals John J. Pershing, Douglas
McArthur, and Walter Krueger. He was summoned to Washington, D.C.,
by General George Marshall and in 1942 was made commander of the
landing of Allied Forces in North Africa. Ikes career with the armed
forces was stellar, and he ultimately attained the highest rank of five-star
general during his service in World War II.
In December 1943, Eisenhower was appointed Supreme Allied
Commander of the Expeditionary Forces. As such, he was informed of
the Nazi concentration camps, but nothing could have prepared him for
the reality he would find at Ohrdruf, a camp outside the town of Gotha
in south central Germany. When the 89th Infantry Division, accompanied
by the 4th Armored Division, marched into the camp, the troops had
no way of knowing that it was an arm of the monstrous Buchenwald
extermination facility. Ohrdruf had a capacity of 11,000 detainees, but
when the Allies arrived, it held only about a thousand bodiesvictims of
starvation, abuse, disease, or a German bullet. Captives still able to walk
had been assembled and marched to Buchenwald.
An eyewitness reported that mounds of bodies, little more than skin
and bones, smoldered throughout the campan attempt by the departing
German SS members to destroy the evidence. In a letter to General
Marshall, Ike wrote:


I have never felt able to describe my emotional reaction

when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence
of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of
decency ... I visited every nook and cranny of the camp
because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on
to testify firsthand about these things in case there ever
grew up at home the belief or assumption that the stories
of Nazi brutality were just propaganda.289

The Eisenhower Memorial Commission later released the following


When General Eisenhower learned about the camp,

he immediately arranged to meet Generals Bradley and
Patton at Ohrdruf on the morning of April 12th. By that
time, Buchenwald had been captured. Consequently,
Ike decided to extend the groups visit to include a tour
of the Buchenwald extermination camp the next day.
Eisenhower also ordered every American soldier in the
area who was not on the front lines to visit Ohrdruf and
Buchenwald. He wanted them to see for themselves what
they were fighting against. . . . He ordered that every
citizen of the town of Gotha personally tour the camp and,
after having done so, the mayor and his wife went home
and hanged themselves. He cabled General Marshall to
suggest that he come to Germany and . . . He encouraged
Marshall to bring Congressmen and journalists with
him. It would be many months before the world would
know the full scope of the Holocaustmany months
before they knew that the Nazi murder apparatus that
was being discovered at Buchenwald and dozens of other
death camps had slaughtered millions of innocent people.


General Eisenhower understood that many people would

be unable to comprehend the full scope of this horror.
He also understood that any human deeds that were
so utterly evil might eventually be challenged or even
denied as being literally unbelievable. For these reasons
he ordered that all the civilian news media and military
combat camera units be required to visit the camps and
record their observations in print, pictures, and film.290

Lt. Col. Lewis H. Weinstein, chief liaison of Eisenhowers staff, wrote

of the generals reaction to the scene at Ohrdruf on April 12, 1945:

I saw Eisenhower go to the opposite end of the road and

vomit. From a distance I saw Patton bend over, holding
his head with one hand and his abdomen with the other.
And I soon became ill. I suggested to General Eisenhower
that cables be sent immediately to President Roosevelt,
Churchill, DeGaulle, urging people to come and see for
themselves. The general nodded.291

The future president seemed to have a firm grasp on human nature.

Today the world is beset by Holocaust deniers who disparage the truth
of the extermination of six million Jews. They have learned from Hitler
that a lie is believed because of the insolent inflexibility with which it is
propagated.292 Those who deceive themselves refute official documents,
multitudes of photographs, filmed testimonies of those who endured and
survived the camps, and thousands of feet of filmed footage that support
the horrific results of Hitlers heinous crime spree.
Three days later, on April 15, the two camps that were referred to
as Bergen-Belsen were liberated. Though these Nazi death camps were
devoid of gas chambers, the overlords were held responsible for the
deaths of 35,000 captives by starvation, relentless work conditions,


sickness, cruelty, and brutal and inhumane medical experiments. When

the British Royal Artillery 63rd Anti-Tank Regiment marched into the
camp, it still held more than 60,000 prisoners in the two facilities, which
were little more than a mile and a half apart. After those incarcerated
were freed, the death toll continued to rise due to malnourishment and
typhus. Another nearly 14,000 died as a result of their previous treatment
at the hands of their Nazi captors. So great was the death toll, that many
had to be buried in mass graves to prevent the spread of disease.
Dachau was liberated on August 29, and accompanying the soldiers
into that camp was noted CBS correspondent Edward R. Murrow. As
he had from Buchenwald, Murrow reported entry into the camp with
a horror-filled voice fully cognizant of the terror that had gripped the
men and women inside. His account brought the reality of Hitlers Final
Solution home to the United Statesa reality unmatched to this day. It
fully surpassed Roosevelts description of the attack on Pearl Harbor as
a day of infamy. As the troops moved from one concentration camp to
another and uncovered the abominations, the time could well have been
described in words such as shame, disgrace, ignominy, revulsion, shock,
and repulsion. The Third Reich had earned every one of those words and
much more.
Following the end of World War II, Eisenhower was offered and
accepted the position of president of Columbia University. In 1951, he
took a leave of absence after being given the role of supreme commander
over NATO forces. A group from the Republican Party sought Ike out in
Paris and prevailed upon him to seek the presidential nomination in 1952.
Armed with the catchy slogan, I like Ike, Dwight David Eisenhower
was elected in a landslide and inaugurated on January 20, 1953. He would
serve two terms in the White House.
The eight years of Eisenhowers presidency that followed Trumans
were perhaps the iciest of US-Israeli relations. Eisenhower refused to
meet with Jewish leaders, kept Israel at arms length for the most part,
and courted the Arabs hoping to turn them away from the Soviets.


As president, Eisenhower inherited one of the most problematical

decisions he would have to make as chief executive. During the Truman
administration, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, her brother David Greenglass,
Harry Gold, and Morton Sobell were charged with espionage. The
Rosenbergs, who were Jewish, were found guilty and sentenced to death.
The other three defendants received prison sentences. After Eisenhower
took office, he was approached by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach and others,
who asked for clemency for the husband and wife. The president rejected
the appeal on June 19, 1953:

Only most extraordinary circumstances would

warrant executive intervention in this case. I am not
unmindful of the fact that this case has aroused grave
concern both here and abroad. In this connection, I can
only say that by immeasurably increasing the chances
of atomic war the Rosenbergs may have condemned to
death tens of millions of innocent people all over the
world. The execution of two human beings is a grave
matter, but even graver is the thought of the millions of
dead whose death may be directly attributable to what
these spies have done.
When democracys enemies have been judged guilty of
a crime as horrible as that of which the Rosenbergs were
convicted; when the legal processes of democracy have
been marshaled to their maximum strength to protect
the lives of convicted spies; when in their most solemn
judgment the tribunals of the United States have adjudged
them guilty and the sentence just, I will not intervene in
this matter.293

That same evening at Sing Sing Prison in New York State, the
Rosenbergs were executedJulius at 8:05 and Ethel at 8:15. For years
afterward the guilt of this couple was questioned again and again,


primarily because the testimony and evidence at trial seemed insufficient.

Finally, the reason behind this insufficiency was made known when
Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan had the Venona Project
declassified in 1995. Venona clearly showed that Julius was guilty,
but it cast doubt upon Ethel; she was guilty by complicity, if anything.
Unfortunately, the evidence of Venona could not be presented at their
trial because the project was still ongoing and classified. It must be noted
that the Rosenbergs were not executed because of anti-Semitism, but
because a crime was committed and the guilty had to be punished.
The conviction of the Rosenbergs cast a shadow on the entire
American Jewish community, and both those with anti-Semitic beliefs
and passions and those who merely favored the Arab cause in the Middle
East rose to take advantage of it. Once in office, Eisenhowers Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles attempted to sway the new chief executive in
favor of the Arabs, and principally Egypts President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Unfortunately for Egypt, on July 26, 1956, the Eisenhower administration
withdrew funds designated for erection of the Aswan Dam in Egypt, and
Nasser became incensed. He proceeded to nationalize the Suez Canal
which connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas.
Nassers actions took the entire world by surprise, and especially
British and French stockholders of the Suez Canal Company. Leaders
in Britain and France immediately began to make plans to wrest the
canal from Nasser. The seizure of the area surrounding the Suez Canal
was of great concern to Israel as well, because it would be impossible
to ship goods through the Arab-controlled locale. Joining with Britain
and France in what became known as the tripartite collusion, Israel
attacked the Egyptians across the Suez on October 26, which allowed the
other two countries to join the battle on Israels side.
When the Russians become involved in support of Egypt and issued
threats to Britain, France, and Israel, President Eisenhower responded
with, If those fellows start something, we may have to hit emand, if
necessary, with everything in the bucket.294


It was Canadian External Affairs Minister Lester Pearson who

brought a bit of sanity to bear on the parties involved. He suggested the
formation of a United Nations Emergency Peace-keeping Force to be sent
to Egypt to form a buffer zone between the Egyptians and the tripartite
group. During one of the meetings, and angered by the unfairness of
the UNs placing all blame on Israel, Australian Prime Minister Robert
Gordon Menzies took the group to task:

The United Nations made Israel a victim of a double

standard of belligerent rights. Egypt sought to justify
her denial of passage throughout the [Suez] Canal of
Israeli ships on the grounds that she was at war and had
belligerent rights, and thus she had been in contempt of
the United Nations for six years. Israel, having accepted
the proposition that she was at war with Egypt, attacked,
but was ordered out of the Gaza strip and the Sinai
peninsula; and Egypt still refuses to allow her ships safe
passage; I cannot believe this kind of thing is a triumph of
international justice.295

The presence of the peacekeeping forces slowly dispelled the threat.

(The Nobel Committee presented Lester Pearson with its Peace Prize in
1957 because of his efforts to avoid an all-out war in the Suez region.)
The UN units were withdrawn in December 1956, and the canal returned
to Egypts oversight. Israel, however, remained at Sharm-el-Sheik and in
Eisenhower had been spared the move for military intervention, but
having taken Dulles advice, the president proceeded to alienate the pro-
Israel lobby in Washington with his attempts to placate the Arabs, who
had been soundly defeated by the Israelis during the Sinai Campaign.
The president took to the airwaves in February 1957 to demand Israels
immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Sharm el-Sheikh and


Gaza. He threatened sanctions if his demands were not met. His actions
did not endear him to the Jewish community and particularly not to
I. L. Kenen, the head of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC). The group had achieved its goal in securing Congressional
backing for the fledgling State of Israel. Senators and representatives had
been convinced that a tough and robust Jewish state would be a safeguard
against Arab expansion in the Middle East.
The members of the organization rallied to counter Dulles influence
on Eisenhower. Both the president and the secretary of state were
infuriated when Ike received a letter from Congressional members
outlining their disagreement with his plan to implement sanctions.
So upset were the two, that a plan was developed to disallow private
contributions to Israel through Jewish organizations and the purchase
of Israeli bonds. AIPAC leaders went straight to Congress with this ploy
and were rewarded when Eisenhower was forced to drop the proposal.
Democratic Senate Majority Leader from Texas Lyndon Baines
Johnson warned Dulles that coercion would not be allowed, as it would
damage the genial association between Israel and the United States.
Republican Minority Leader William Knowland of California joined
forces with Johnson in opposing sanctions.
Eisenhower was then placed in the position of having to soothe the
rightfully ruffled feathers of Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.
The president asked the prime minister to consider withdrawal and
assured him he would be amply rewarded for his statesmanship. Israeli
Foreign Minister Golda Meir traveled to New York to deliver a speech
before the UN General Assembly. So it was that:

Israel agreed to a withdrawal from the Sinai in 1957,

on the basis that a United Nations Expeditionary Force
would shield Israels southern border from attack, and
that international guarantees would ensure freedom of
navigation through the Strait of Tiran. Significantly, it


was the failure of these guarantees and the withdrawal of

UNEF that resulted in the war of 1967.296

While seeking the office of president, Eisenhower had been unable

to capture the Jewish vote. His challenger Adlai Stevenson carried that
vote both in 1952 and 1956. The lack of support for the man responsible for
directing the liberation of Europe could have been due to Eisenhowers
apparent reluctance to support a Jewish state in 1948. The president did,
however, have several highly visible Jewish men in his administration:
Maxwell Rabb, who helped push the 1953 Refugee Relief Act through
Congress; Arthur Burns, an economics professor at Columbia University,
who advised the president on economic affairs and graduated to the role
of Richard Nixons economic advisor; and Norman Cousins, editor of the
Saturday Review.
After serving two terms, President Dwight David Eisenhower and his
wife Mamie left Washington, D.C. They would have died with few worldly
goods had Congress not reinstated his rank of five-star general, complete
with its accompanying pension and medical benefits. It was sufficient to
allow them to purchase a small farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
It was in 1965 that the general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal,
Max M. Fisher, sought an audience with the retired Eisenhower to seek
his permission to award Ike a medal for his role in liberating the Jews
from German concentration camps. As Fisher rose to leave the presidents
farm in Gettysburg, Ike said contemplatively, You know, Max, looking
back at Suez, I regret what I did. I should never have pressured Israel to
vacate the Sinai.297 According to an interview with Peter Golden for his
biography, Fisher recalled the president adding, Max, if Id had a Jewish
adviser working for me, I doubt I would have handled the situation the
same way.298

( 29 )

J O H N F. K E N N E D Y

Yet you do not know *what your life will be like tomor row.
You are just a vapor that appears
for a little while and then vanishes away,
(James 4: 14, NA SB)

The young senator from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy, addressed

the Zionist Organization of America convention in June 1947. He
articulated his undeniable support for a Jewish homeland:

It is my conviction that a just solution requires

the establishment of a free and democratic Jewish
commonwealth in Palestine, the opening of the doors of
Palestine to Jewish immigration, and the removal of land
restrictions, so that those members of the people of Israel
who desire to do so may work out their destiny under their
chosen leaders in the land of Israel. If the United States is
to be true to its own democratic traditions, it will actively
and dynamically support this policy.299


John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the first president to be born a child

of the twentieth century, and the first president to have been a Boy
Scout. Born to Joseph and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, he was named
after his maternal grandfather, who had been both a congressman and
mayor of Boston, Massachusetts. The future presidents father was a
wealthy entrepreneur, who had served Franklin D. Roosevelt as chair of
the Securities and Exchange Commission and as ambassador to Great
Britain. He proved to be a provocative figure because of his opposition to
US entry into World War II.
Young Jack, as his friends called him, completed high school at
The Choate School in Wallingford, Connecticut, before matriculating
at Harvard. After graduation in 1940 with a degree in international
affairs, Kennedy assisted with the writing of his fathers memoirs before
trying to enlist in the army. He was rejected because of chronic back
problems, but was accepted by the navy. After completing training, he
was assigned first to Panama and later to the Pacific Theater. Kennedy
was given command of the patrol torpedo boat PT-109. While on patrol
in the Solomon Islands, his boat was struck by a Japanese destroyer, the
Amagiri. The impact ripped away the starboard aft side of the boat, and
two of its crewmembers were never recovered.
Kennedy gathered his surviving crew together in the water around
the wreckage and asked them to vote on whether to fight or surrender.
Kennedy stated, Theres nothing in the book about a situation like this.
A lot of you men have families and some of you have children. What do
you want to do? I have nothing to lose. 300 Shunning surrender, the men
swam toward a small island. Kennedy, despite re-injury to his back in
the collision, towed a badly burned crewman through the water with a
life jacket strap clenched between his teeth. 301 He towed the wounded
man to the island and later to a second island, from where his crew was
subsequently rescued. 302 Kennedy was awarded the Navy and Marine
Corps Medal for his heroic actions. Once asked by a reporter how he


became a hero during the war, Kennedy quipped: It was involuntary.

They sank my boat.303
Joseph Kennedy had groomed his oldest son, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.
(Joe), to fulfill the familys political aspirations. The elder Kennedy was
crushed when Joe, a pilot, was killed in a freak air accident over England
during World War II. The political mantle then fell on Jack, who was
thrust into the political arena in 1945, shortly after his discharge from
military service. With the seemingly unlimited funds of the Kennedy
patriarch, Jack was easily elected, besting nine rivals for a Congressional
House seat. In 1952, he sought the Senate seat that had been held by
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and won with a margin of 74 percent.
As senator, Kennedy stood in strong opposition to an arms embargo
of Israel. The embargo had stayed firmly in place during the Eisenhower
years despite a small one-time only sale of a hundred unsophisticated
anti-tank guns in the last days of Ikes term. The decade-old nation
of Israel had to wonder if its old friend had turned cold toward her.
Congressional voting records for Kennedys terms in office reflect that
except for one vote in opposition to monetary aid for Israel and the Arab
countries, he backed the pro-Israel bloc.
In 1960, Kennedy leveraged his senate seat for a Democratic
presidential nomination and ultimately a victory over Eisenhowers vice
president, Richard M. Nixon. In doing so, he overcame opposition to his
candidacy because of his Roman Catholic beliefs. The Jews in the United
States were particularly wary of his bid for the White House, because
charges of anti-Semitism had been lodged against Jacks father while
ambassador to the Court of St. James in the 1930s. Herbert Druks wrote:

In 1934 Ambassador Kennedy asked his son Joe P.

Kennedy Jr. to visit Germany, Austria, and Hungary and
to report on conditions in those countries. Joe Jr. traveled
there and wrote to his father that the Jews had too much
power in those countries and that many were lawyers,


businessmen, and judges. Nationalists and Nazis planned

to change all that. Joe observed that it was unfortunate
that innocent Jews would be hurt because of the guilty. 304

Based on the exchange of letters between father and son, Druks also

Joe Senior believed that Hitlers anti-Semitism was a

means by which he aimed to win control over Germany.
Anti-Semitism seemed all right to Joe Senior and Joe
Junior, but they could not understand why the Nazis
picked on the Catholics. 305

Arthur Hertzberg wrote of a rabbi who sought an audience with

Ambassador Kennedy in London. The man had family members, who were
US citizens, stranded in Europe. He wanted to petition the ambassador
for help in rescuing them. Kennedy was less than amiable as Hertzberg

Kennedy received [the petitioner] coldly and told him

to stop being a pest. The rabbi was so disheartened and so
outraged that he uttered a curse: May God have as much
compassion for your children as you have for mine. 306

At first glance, it would seem that Jack was the more amenable to
working with the Jewish population and had more compassion for them
than his brother JoeDaddys first choice for the White Housewould
have had. As a presidential candidate, Jack tried to allay any fears from
Jewish citizens by staging a meeting with a powerful group of Jewish
leaders in New York City in August 1960. He was able to convince these
high-ranking men that, should he be elected, he would instruct that the
door to the Oval Office would always be open to them. It was enough to


elicit $500,000 in campaign donations and to draw further support from

the Jewish community.
It would be the warm personality of John F. Kennedy that would
take US-Israeli relations out of Eisenhowers deep freeze and into a new
place of prominence in the eyes of America. Let every nation know,
Kennedy announced in his inaugural address, whether it wishes us well
or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,
support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of
liberty.307 It was Kennedys aim to find out just who did wish us well or
ill in the Middle East, who would support democratic liberty there, and
solidify our friendships with those nations to promote further promote
freedom and peace in the world.
While it was Nassers Egypt that Kennedy aggressively pursued
initially, for a number of reasons that friendship never developed, not the
least of which was Nassers aggression into Yemen in an attempt to join
the Arabs by force since his coercion had failed. Nasser would slide from
the world stage as that struggle turned into a winless Vietnam for him.
Thus when Kennedy was ready to look elsewhere in the Middle East for
friends, Ben-Gurion was already knocking at the door.
Israel knew it needed the support of a major power to survive, and
with the largest population of Jews being in the United States, it seemed
the best friend to make, especially after the debacle of the Suez Crisis
left things with England and France on a questionable footing and with
the Soviet Union supplying weapons to Israels enemies. As one Israeli
diplomat once put it, The Almighty placed massive oil deposits under
Arab soil. It is our good fortune that God placed five million Jews in
America.308 Thus Ben-Gurion knocked, because it was time for Israel to
take its relationship with the US beyond simple economic support.
Ben-Gurion told Kennedy that there was a missile gap in Egypts
favor and that Egypts new Soviet MiG-19s were superior to Israels fleet
of French-manufactured Super-Mystres. Thus if Egypt attacked, Israel
would be at a deficit. The Hawk missilewhose name was an acronym


for Homing All the Way Killerwas a ground-to-air defensive weapon

that would home in on attacking jets and knock them out of the sky. Such
a weapon could balance arms technology between the two countries
and discourage a possible Egyptian offensive. Since it was also strictly
a defensive weapon, it could not be used for another Suez-type Israeli
invasion. As Shimon Peres would one day word it, they just wanted to
ask President Kennedy for a few Hawks on behalf of Israels doves. 309
Kennedy seemed to think that this sort of help to Israel might just be a
possibility. He knew the full ramifications of the sale, so he knew it was a
major step to a new relationship with Israel.
A Hawk sale would also set a precedent, however. The Hawk had a
technologically advanced system that the US had not even made available
to many of its allies. While the tactical necessity of Israel acquiring this
weapon was the main discussion of the day, the symbolism of the sale
was evident. This was much different than Eisenhowers one time only
sale of anti-tank rifles. If Kennedy agreed to sell Israel the Hawks, he was
letting Israel into the USs closest military confidence, throwing open the
door for Israel to request anything else it wanted in the US arsenal. The
arms embargo would be a thing of the past. Opinion ranges widely on
why Kennedy seriously considered, and finally agreed to, this request.
During Kennedys 1,036 days in office, he made several decisions
in favor of the Jewish people. In 1961, he met in New York City with
David Ben-Gurion. In their meeting, the prime minister shared with the
president, We are the remnant of a people struggling for its last hold of
its existence. Israel is our last stop.310 Throwing tradition to the wind,
Kennedy decided to sell surface-to-air Hawk missiles to the Israelis to
help defend against Arab attacks. He was the first president to do so, and
in acquiescing to Ben-Gurions request, defied the powerful and mostly
anti-Semitic State Department and Pentagon. Then he tripled Israels
financial assistance from the United States.
The president seemed to understand what so many in the State
Department refused to acknowledge: Tension between Israel and her


Arab neighbors was, and is, much more than a proliferation of arms. In
his book John F. Kennedy and Israel, Herbert Druks wrote:

The Arab leaders used Israel as their scapegoat and

a means to gather popular support from their people.
They claimed that all their troubles came from the
fact that Israel existed. Instead of improving the life of
their people in such countries as Egypt, Syria, Jordan,
Lebanon, Arabia, Iraq, the Sudan and Libya they bought
weapons with which to dominate and control other
countries and to control their own people.
For Israel it was a basic question of survival and not a
desire to dominate or rule the world. It was not a question
of an arms race. Israel needed weapons in order to protect
itself from such countries as Egypt, Syria and Iraq that
sought its annihilation. 311

As president, Kennedy was the first to select two Jews for his
cabinetSecretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg and Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare Abraham Ribicoff. A well-liked former governor
of Connecticut, Ribicoff had served as a representative, and following his
stint as a cabinet member would run for a Senate office. He served in that
capacity until his retirement in 1981.
Goldberg was an important labor lawyer, who had graduated to
the role of counsel for the AFL-CIO by the time JFK took office. He had
played a supporting role in Jacks bid for the White House and would be
rewarded with a Cabinet appointment. When Justice Felix Frankfurter
chose to retire in 1962, Goldberg was tapped to fill the vacancy on the
Supreme Court.
As a senator, one of Kennedys first undertakings had been to support
a resolution condemning the harsh treatment of Jews in the Soviet
Union. In September 1963, just months after his inauguration, President


Kennedy flew to New York to address the UN General Assembly on that

topic. He admonished those present that:

Man does not live by bread alone and the members of

this organization are committed by the Charter to promote
and respect human rights. Those rights are not respected
when a Buddhist priest is driven from his pagoda, when a
synagogue is shut down, when a Protestant church cannot
open a mission, when a Cardinal is forced into hiding, or
when a crowded church service is bombed. 312

Just before that fateful trip to Dallas, Lewis H. Weinstein, a major

political contributor and friend from Boston, visited Kennedy in the Oval
Office. He was there to talk about doing more to secure freedoms for
Soviet Jewry. Weinstein reminded the president that no chief executive
since Theodore Roosevelt had done anything to intervene with the Soviet
leaders on the behalf of Russian Jews. When the two men parted, it was
with Kennedys promise that when he returned from his trip to Texas,
he would set up a conference in the capital to discuss the Soviet Jews
who were being deprived permission to exercise their religious beliefs.
The president would not live to fulfill the vow to his old friend. He had,
however, proved to be the friend of the Jews that his father was not.
While riding through Dallas in a motorcade that was to take
the President and First Lady Jacqueline to the Dallas Trade Mart to
address those assembled on the topic of national security, Kennedy was
assassinated in Dealey Plaza. Texas Governor John Connally was also
wounded. The Warren Commission established by Lyndon Johnson
would conclude that the president was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald,
a disgruntled American citizen with ties to Russia. Oswald would be
gunned down while in police custody by a local Dallas bar owner, Jack
The casket of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirty-fifth president


of the United States would lie in repose in the East Room of the White
House. His casket then was borne to the Capitol Rotunda, where he lay in
state until moved to St. Matthews Cathedral for the funeral service, then
his body was transported by caisson to Arlington National Cemetery,
where today a simple eternal flame marks the site of his burial.
The Saturday before the funeral, Rabbi Levi Olan of Temple
Emanu-El in Dallas eulogized the fallen president as his congregation sat
in all-consuming grief and shock. It was unbelievable that this tragedy
had happened, and in their city.
In Jerusalem, a memorial stands with the name of John F. Kennedy
emblazoned over the door. It resembles a large tree hewn down before
its time. Fifty-one columns rise from the base of the monument, each
symbolizing the fifty states of the union and one indicating the District
of Columbia. Inside the memorial is a bust of the fallen president with
an eternal flame rising from its center. The memorial was funded by
contributions from Jewish organizations in the United States. Adjacent
to the memorial is the Kennedy Peace Forest, filled with beautiful trees.
Israel remembers those who have made contributions in support of the
Jewish people and the home of her rebirth.

While in Dallas with President Kennedy and riding only two cars
behind on that fateful day, Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)
would within hours become the chief executive of the United States.
As the crowds gathered around Parkland Memorial Hospital awaiting
word of President Kennedys condition, Johnson was rushed back to
Love Field to board Air Force One. Two hours and eight minutes after
the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Johnson was sworn inflanked
by Lady Bird Johnson on his right and Jacqueline Kennedy on his left. 313
Federal Judge Sarah T. Hughes, a friend of the Johnsons, would make


history on that date: She became the firstand so far the onlywoman to
swear in a US president. LBJ was also the only president to be sworn in
to office on Texas soilalbeit stained with the blood of his predecessor. A
Catholic missal was substituted for the Bible, as none could be found on
the martyred presidents plane. 314
Born in Stonewall, Texas, in 1908, to a mother from a long line of
Baptist preachers, Lyndon gained his early education from his mother
and was greatly influenced by the biblical beliefs of his forebears. His
father, Sam Johnson Jr., was a Christadelphian. Like many earlier
presidents, Lyndon had been taught of the Jews place in antiquity and of
their heritage in Palestine. It was, perhaps, because of his early childhood
instruction that he was so amenable to surrounding himself with the best
of American Jewish leaders.
In 1918, at the age of ten, Lyndon eagerly told his father that one day
he would be president of the United States. He could not have known
how true that statement would be or under what tragic circumstances he
would attain the office. From a childhood wish to a stunning reality, from
a farm in central Texas to a career in politics, LBJ rose from shoeshine
boy to representative to senator to vice president, and from there was
catapulted into the limelight as the 36th president of the United States.
As Johnson shouldered the responsibilities of office, he also had to
walk the tightrope of emotions that besieged the country. The prince
was dead; Camelot was without its leader. While LBJ was known as a
wheeler-dealer, neither he nor Lady Bird possessed the charisma and
savoir faire of the Kennedys. However, having navigated the tricky halls
of Congress for years, Johnson began to push through some of the late
presidents programsparticularly those surrounding civil rights and
antipoverty. During those battles, LBJ was accompanied by numerous
Jewish supporters and advisers.
One of Johnsons staunchest Jewish supporters was Abraham (Abe)
Fortas, a powerful Yale lawyer and protge of William O. Douglas. Fortas
had served as undersecretary of the interior under FDR and was later


appointed by Truman to sit on various delegations during organizational

meetings of the United Nations in San Francisco. He also represented the
United States at the 1946 General Assembly meeting in London. 315
Fortas has been credited with assisting Johnson in his political
achievements more than any other individual. Impressed by LBJs
management of his appointment as chairman of the Naval Affairs
Subcommittee (established to investigate misuse in the conduct of naval
operations), Fortas and then-congressman Johnson became fast friends.
It was during the run for the Senate that Johnson called on Fortas for
assistance. Having beaten challenger Coke Stevenson for the seat by only
eighty-seven votes, this caused the election to be contested. Johnson
asked his old friend Fortas to represent him. Fortas was successful, and
Johnson was labeled with the moniker Landslide Lyndon. Johnson
called again upon Fortas in 1965 to fill Arthur Goldbergs vacant seat on
the Supreme Court.
In 1964, President Johnson was approached by Israeli Ambassador
Abraham Harman, who had been advised by Prime Minister Levi Eshkol
to seek a military alliance with the United States. The president replied
that such a treaty was unnecessary, as America was committed to Israels
security, a pledge recognized by other world powers and Arab countries.
When Egypt closed the Straight of Tiran to ships bound for Haifa and to
Israeli ships seeking passage, Prime Minister Eshkol sought Johnsons
assistance. After conferring with former President Eisenhower, LBJ
reiterated that the Israelis were guaranteed the right of access to the
Gulf of Aqaba and that this was definitely part of the commitment we
had made to them . . . the Gulf of Aqaba is an international waterway and
the blockade of Israeli shipping is, therefore, illegal.316
Even as Johnson contemplated Nassers move, the grandson of
Winston Churchill, another Winston, was interviewing David Ben-
Gurion at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. A Kol Israel radio newsman
announced the closure of the Strait. The Egyptian leader had effectively
severed Israels lifeline for oil imports. According to Winston:


Ben-Gurion, with a gesture of the hand, ordered his

assistant to switch off the radio and, shaking his great
mane of white hair gravely, declared with sorrow: This
means war. I am very frightened. Not for Israel, for she will
survivewe cannot afford otherwisebut for the younger
generation. It is always the best of their generation who
never return.317

Israel was ultimately forced to take action against Nasser and the
countries that backed him. In six days during June of 1967, the Israelis
blitzed the Arab armies. Not only were they victorious in the conflict,
but Jerusalem was once again reunited and in Jewish hands. Israeli
commander Motta Gur expressed the feelings of a grateful nation:

For some two thousand years the Temple Mount was

forbidden to the Jews. . . . The Western Wall, for which
every heart beats, is ours once again. Many Jews have
taken their lives into their hands throughout our long
history, in order to reach Jerusalem and live here. Endless
words of longing have expressed the deep yearning for
Jerusalem that beats within the Jewish heart. You have
been given the great privilege of completing the circle, of
returning to the nation its capital and its holy center ...
Jerusalem is yours forever. 318

Johnson was aided during his White House years by a number of

highly placed Jewish Americans. Those included some of the nations
best legal minds: Arthur J. Goldberg, whom Johnson persuaded to resign
his Supreme Court position and assume the role of ambassador to the
UN; Sheldon Stanley Cohen, to whom LBJ turned to put his affairs in
order following the assassination of Kennedy; Eric Frederick Goldman,
who became a special consultant to the president; and Professor David


Riesman, whom he appointed as undersecretary of the Department of

Health, Education, and Welfare, and who assisted with the Medicare and
Medicaid programs. Johnson depended heavily on these gifted American
Jews to assist him in carrying out his various programs.
One of LBJs great disappointments was a scandal that broke when
he nominated Abe Fortas to succeed Chief Justice Earl Warren. It was
revealed that Fortas had accepted an annual stipend of twenty thousand
dollars to serve on the board of a charity foundation headed by Louis E.
Wolfson. A hue and cry arose because Wolfson had been incarcerated for
stock manipulation. Not only was the tainted Fortas rejected for the seat
of chief justice, he was forced to resign from the highest court in the land.
Johnson eschewed a second full term as president due to opposition
surrounding his handling of the Vietnam War. When Robert Kennedy
decided to seek the Democratic presidential nomination, Johnson
announced that he would bow out of the contest. He stunned the nation
with his announcement, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the
nomination of my party for another term as your president.
He chose instead to retire to his ranch on the Pedernales River in the
heart of the Texas Hill Country. Almost four years to the day following
the inauguration of Richard M. Nixon, Lyndon Baines Johnson died of a
heart attack while en route from his ranch to San Antonio. He is buried
in the Johnson Family Cemetery on the ranch grounds.

( 30 )

R IC H A R D M. N I XON and
o n I S R A E L S B E H A L F

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomor row.
You are just a vapor that appears for
a little while and then vanishes away,
(Isaiah 2:4, N K J V )

Richard Milhous Nixon succeeded Lyndon Johnson as 37th president

of the United States. He was born in Yorba Linda, California, to Quaker
parents. His family moved to Whittier when Richard was nine, and his
education culminated in a law degree from Duke University. In 1940, he
married Thelma (Pat) Ryan and joined the navy during World War II.
Upon resigning his commission in 1945, he and Pat returned to Whittier.
The Republican Party in California tapped Nixon to run against
US Representative Jerry Voorhis. Nixon won the election and in 1947
began his political career in Washington, D.C. In 1950, he took a seat
in the Senate, and because of his age (39), his strong stance against the


advancement of Communism, and the size of his California political

base, he was selected to run as Dwight D. Eisenhowers vice presidential
candidate. The ticket won the election.
After the inauguration, Eisenhower broke with traditionthat of a
vice president being mostly an honorary positionand assigned specific
duties to Nixon. Irwin Gellman, who recorded the Nixon years in
Congress, wrote also of his stint as vice president:

Eisenhower radically altered the role of his running

mate by presenting him with critical assignments in both
foreign and domestic affairs once he assumed his office.
The vice president welcomed the presidents initiatives
and worked energetically to accomplish White House
objectives. Because of the collaboration between these
two leaders, Nixon deserves the title, the first modern
vice president.319

Though groomed to succeed Eisenhower, Nixon lost the 1960

presidential election to the handsome and charismatic John F. Kennedy.
Then, after Lyndon Johnsons refusal to run for a second full term as
president, Nixon ran against and defeated Hubert H. Humphrey in 1968.
Having been painted as anti-Semitic in his early years, and with
some corroborating evidence, Nixon somehow managed to disguise his
wariness of Jewish people. Despite this bent, he scoured the country
for the brightest and best Jewish minds and welcomed them into his
administration. These included Leonard Garment, a liberal Democrat
who assisted the newly elected president with cabinet selections; Arthur
Burns, an economic advisor who served as White House Council and was
later appointed to the post of chairman of the Federal Reserve; William
Safire, a speechwriter and later a Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist;
and Heinz Albert (Henry) Kissinger, a foreign policy advisor and later
secretary of state.


In the annals of support for Israel, Nixon is perhaps best noted

among American presidents for having literally saved that nation during
the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Accounts of the activities which took place in
the White House and Pentagon on that defining day in 1973 are as varied
as the two men who were the main rivals: Secretary of State Kissinger
and Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger. What is known from the
differing accounts is that President Nixon was the catalyst.
On October 6, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement and holiest day
of the Jewish year, the Arab Coalition, comprised of Egypt, Syria, and
Jordan, struck Israel with a sneak attack in the hope of finally driving
the Jews into the Mediterranean. Israel was tragically caught off-guard,
as most of its citizenry were in synagogues, and its national radio was
off the air. Because people were enjoying a restful day of reflection and
prayer, Israel had no immediate response to the coordinated attacks.
Israeli intelligence had not seen the assault coming, and the military was
ill-prepared for war.
At the outset of hostilities, Egypt attacked across the Suez Canal.
The battle raged for three days with Egyptian forces advancing nearly
unopposed into the Sinai Peninsula. By the third day, Israel had mobilized
its forces and halted the Egyptian army, resulting in a stalemate. On the
northern border, Syria launched an offensive on the Golan Heights. The
initial assault was successful but quickly lost momentum. By the third
day of fighting, several thousand Israeli soldiers were killed. More Israeli
soldiers fell on that first day than in the entire Six-Day War of 1967. Forty-
nine planes, one-third (more than five hundred) of her tank force, and a
good chunk of the buffer lands gained in the Six-Day War were also lost.
The Israelis seemed to be on the brink of another holocaust.
On the fourth day of the war, Prime Minister Golda Meir reportedly
opened up several silos and pointed the nuclear-tipped missiles toward
Egyptian and Syrian military headquarters near Cairo and Damascus.320
Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan was reported to have said, This is
the end of the Third Temple, in one of the crucial meetings. Later he


told the press, The situation is desperate. Everything is lost. We must

In Washington, Nixon intervened in inter-cabinet squabbles
between Kissinger and Schlesinger and lit a fire under those who
were inundated by legislative lethargy. As preoccupied as he was with
Watergate about which more is written later, Nixon came straight to the
point, announcing that Israel must not lose the war. He ordered that the
deliveries of supplies, including aircraft, be sped up and that Israel be
told that it could freely expend all of its consumables (ammunition, spare
parts, fuel, and so forth) in the certain knowledge that these would be
completely replenished by the United States without delay. Earlier in his
presidency, Nixon made it clear he believed warfare was inevitable in
the Middle East, a war that could spread and precipitate World War III,
with the United States and the Soviet Union squaring off against each
other.322 He was now staring down the barrel of that war.
Nixons insistence that armaments be airlifted to Israel to ensure her
victory was because the president assigned a great sense of exigency to
the task. He said, You get the stuff to Israel. Now. Now!323 White House
aide Alexander Haig said of Nixons focus on Israel:

As soon as the scope and pattern of Israeli battle losses

emerged, Nixon ordered that all destroyed equipment be
made up out ofUSstockpiles, using the very best weapons
America possessed . . . . Whatever it takes, he told
Kissinger . . . save Israel. The president asked Kissinger
for a precise accounting of Israels military needs, and
Kissinger proceeded to read aloud from an itemized list.
Double it, Nixon ordered. Now get the hell out of here
and get the job done.324

In a Jerusalem Post editorial, Nixon insider Leonard Garment was

quoted as saying: It was Nixon who did it. I was there. As [bureaucratic


bickering between the State and Defense departments] was going back
and forth, Nixon said, This is insane . . . . He just ordered Kissinger, Get
your [behind] out of here and tell those people to move.325
Secretary of Defense Schlesinger suggested that the United States
dispatch three transports loaded with war materiel in what became
known as Operation Nickel Grass. When he presented the proposal to
the president, Nixon angrily sent the secretary to do his bidding. When
Kissinger returned later to explain yet another delay in the presidents
orders being carried out, Nixon snapped that the delayed planes were to
get off the runway immediately.
Every available American plane transported conventional arms to
Israel. The resulting supply to defend Israel was larger than the Berlin
airlift that had followed World War II, and it literally turned the tide of the
war. Nixons quick action saved Israel from almost certain extermination
and the world from possible nuclear war. He had carried Kennedys
agreement to militarily support Israel to the next logical levela full
military alliance.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a counteroffensive within
the week and drove the Syrians to within twenty-five miles of Damascus.
Trying to aid the Syrians, the Egyptian army went on the offensive, all
to no avail. Israeli troops crossed the Suez Canal and encompassed the
Egyptian Third Army. When the Soviets realized what was happening,
they scrambled to further assist Egypt and Syria. The Soviet threat was so
real Nixon feared direct conflict with the USSR and elevated all military
personnel worldwide to DefCon III, meaning increased readiness that
war was likely. However, a ceasefire was finally worked out between the
United States and the USSR, adopted by all parties involved, and the Yom
Kippur Warcalled the Ramadan War by Muslimswas ended.
There are those who ascertain that Nixon acted only because
of the threatened use of nuclear weapons by the original Iron Lady,
Golda Meir. That is rebutted by Mordechai Gazit, who thought Israels
relationship with the United States was not solidified sufficiently for


Nixon to have been so manipulated by Meir. It was J. J. Goldberg in his

book Jewish Power, who wrote:

[John F.] Kennedy initiated the first US arms sales to

Israel . . . Johnson continued and intensified Kennedys
policy of warmth toward Israel. . . . In 1966 Johnson
approved the first sale of American warplanes to Israel.
Nonetheless, it remained for Richard Nixon, a
Republican elected with little Jewish support, to create
a now-familiar US-Israel alliance of more recent decades.
It was Nixon who made Israel the largest recipient of US
foreign aid; Nixon who initiated the policy of virtually
limitless US weapons sales to Israel. The notion of Israel
as a strategic asset to the United States, not just a moral
commitment, was Nixons innovation. 326

Israeli President Chaim Herzog, when asked about Nixons anti-

Semitism, responded with: He supplied arms and unflinching support
when our very existence would have been in danger without them. Let
his comments be set against his actions. And Ill choose actions over
words any day of the week.327
Wily as he was, Richard Nixon had no misconceptions regarding
how his role in the Israel airlift would be regarded by historians. By the
time he was called upon to provide a means of assistance to the State
of Israel, his administration was embroiled in the Watergate Scandal,
the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew, and Nixons impending
In the summer of 1973, Agnew came under investigation by the US
Attorneys office in Maryland; the charges: tax fraud, conspiracy, bribery,
and extortion. He was eventually charged with having accepted bribes
of over $100,000 during his tenures as a Baltimore County Executive,
Governor of Maryland, and Vice President of the United States. In


October of that year, he was allowed to enter a plea of no contest to only

one charge: failure to report $29,500 in income. He was instructed to
resign from the office of vice president. Nixon named as his replacement:
House Majority Leader Gerald Ford.
Nixon, too, left office under a swirling cloud of darkness following the
eruption of the scandal which exploded due to the June 1972 break-in and
burglary of the Watergate Complex in Washington, DC. The attempted
cover-up by the president elicited threats of a Senate trial. On August 8,
1974, Nixon, accompanied by his family, made a television appearance to
announce that he would resign his office and relinquish duties to Vice
President Gerald Ford. A month later the Nixon family returned to San
Clemente, California, and President Gerald Ford issued a full, free, and
absolute pardon.328 When the dust from the debacle had settled, forty-
three people had been tried, convicted and imprisonedmany of them
Nixons top aides.
Despite his exile from politics, Nixon was ultimately viewed as an
elder statesman, his advice enthusiastically sought. On April 18, 1994,
Richard Milhous Nixon suffered a severe stroke and died four days later.
He was buried on the grounds of the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda.
History has been kind to the former president, although the final chapter
remains unwritten, but perhaps his greatest accolade came from Prime
Minister Golda Meir:

However history judges Richard Nixonand it is

probable that the verdict will be very harshit must also
be put on the record forever that he did not break a single
one of the promises he made to us. 329

Upon Richard Nixons resignation, Vice President Gerald R. Ford was


sworn in as 38th president of the United States. Shortly after assuming his
duties in the White House, Ford reassured the Israelis:

America must and will pursue friendship with all

nations. But, this will never be done at the expense of
Americas commitment to Israel. A strong Israel is essential
to a stable peace in the Middle East. Our commitment to
Israel will meet the test of American stead, fairness, and
resolve. My administration will not be found wanting.
The United States will continue to help Israel provide
for her security. My dedication to Israels future goes
beyond its military needs to a far higher priority the need
for peace. My commitment to the security and future of
Israel is based upon basic morality as well as enlightened
self-interest. Our role in supporting Israel honors our
own heritage. 330

President Ford was deeply concerned about those issues supported

by Jews in America, among them the treatment of Jews in Soviet Russia.
In an attempt to alleviate their suffering, Ford signed the Jackson
Vanik Amendment, which bestowed Most Favored Nation status on
those countries that agreed to honor basic human rights. It provided
an additional tool to seek the freedom of Jews under the thumb of the
President Ford was unashamed of his overt support for the State of
Israel. During a news conference on October 20, 1976, he reiterated:

The United States is dedicated to the security and

survival of Israel. The three million Israelistheyre a
democratic state in an area where democracy doesnt
flourish. . . . since I have been president . . . the Ford
administration has either granted or sold about $2.5


billion worth of military equipment to the State of Israel.

And the net result is, today Israel is stronger militarily
than it was prior to the Yom Kippur War because of the
support of the Ford administration. 331

In addition to military support, Ford achieved some success in

opposing an Arab boycott against companies trading with Israel. Writer
Amy Goldstein aptly summed up the Ford presidency and his ties with

While no person or President is perfect, President

Fords actions on behalf of the Jewish people (including
the Helsinki Accords) during his presidency, and then his
grace to stay out of the public debate afterwards, continues
to be a stark contrast to the actions of his successorboth
during and after his tenure. 332

Ford would complete Nixons term of office, but then lose his quest
for a second full term to Washington outsider James Earl (Jimmy) Carter
Jr. in 1976. After attending the inaugural of Jimmy Carter, Ford retired to
his home in Rancho Mirage, California, with his wife, Betty. He pursued
his hobbies of golf and tennis, and in 1981 attended the state funeral of
Anwar Sadat in Cairo. He was once again thrust into the public limelight
in 1994, when he was called upon to speak at the funeral of Richard M.
When Gerald Ford died on December 26, 2006, he had reached a
milestone unachieved by any other president: At the age of ninety-three
years, he was the longest-lived among all his predecessors by 165 days.
Because Ford had been selected to replace disgraced Vice President Spiro
Agnew, he bore the label of being the first and only US leader never to
have been elected as president or vice president. He is buried on the
grounds of his presidential museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

( 31 )


C A R T E R : PA L E S T I N I A N

He has shown you , O man , what good;

And what does the LOR D require of you But to do justly,
To love merc y, And to walk humbly with your God?
(Micah 6: 8 , N K J V )

Jimmy Carter, successor to Gerald Ford, rocketed to the top of the

charts as the number one advocate denying a most elementary right,
that of self-determination for the Jewish peopledespite his flowery
platitudes to the opposite. In 1980, President Carter avowed:

I am opposed to an independent Palestinian state,

because in my own judgment and in the judgment of many
leaders in the Middle East, including Arab leaders, this
would be a destabilizing factor in the Middle East and
would certainly not serve the United States interests. 333

Since relinquishing the Oval Office to his successor, Carter had been
able to achieve what others before himand especially his good friend the

late Yasser Arafathad failed to do: define Israels governing guidelines

as apartheid. Introducing this blatant racism into Israels struggle for
survival had been a work in progress for the former chief executive and
a tribute to his determination to view the world only through his own
narrow-mindedness. How did Jimmy Carter, a devout Southern Baptist
deacon and Sunday school teacher, a man well versed in Scripture, reach
this apex of error? How did he develop such a determined blame Israel
for everything position? Perhaps a brief look at his life and the evolution
of his beliefs will answer those questions. 334
Jimmys father, James Earl Carter Sr., landed in Plains, Georgia,
when his father, Alton, decided to move the family to the small town
in southwest Georgia. Mr. Earl, as Jimmys father was known around
town, was an astute businessman. His ventures in peanut farming,
forestry, and a small grocery made him successful, if not rich. He
was a well-known local figure, and like other farmers in Georgia and
elsewhere, worked hard for his living. It is likely the elder Carter could
well sympathize with author and poet Andrew Nelson Lytle, who wrote:
A farm is not a place to grow wealthy; it is a place to grow corn.335
In his book The Real Jimmy Carter, Steven Hayward describes the
area in which the future president grew into manhood:

Jimmy Carter . . . was the first American president

to be born in a hospital . . . about the only modern
appurtenance of Plains . . . There were few paved roads.
Plains, with a population of about six hundred when
Jimmy Carter was born, wouldnt get electricity for
another ten years.336

Perhaps it was Carters mother, the acerbic and outspoken Miss

Lillian, who had the greater impact on the future president. Miss
Lillian Gordy married James Earl Carter Sr. in 1923, the same year she
completed her nurses training in Atlanta. Jimmy, the eldest, was born


in 1924. His three siblings, Gloria (1926), Ruth (1929), and Billy (1937),
would all achieve some fame (or notoriety), but none would reach the
pinnacle of the elder sibling. One of Miss Lillians most famous quotes
may have been the result of her exasperation with some of her childrens
antics. Said the witty lady: Sometimes when I look at all my children, I
say to myself, Lillian, you should have stayed a virgin.337
Jimmy rose through the ranks of local and state politics to become
the 39th president of the United States. Along the way, he would realize
a number of firsts. He was the first president to graduate from the
United States Naval Academy, and, so far, the first native-born Georgian
to become president, the first president from the Deep South, the first
president to walk with wife, Rosalynn, from the East Portico of the
Capitol Building down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House on the
day of his inauguration, the first (and only) president to be interviewed
by Playboy magazine, the first president to report an attack by a killer
rabbit, 338 and one of only two presidents339 to report a UFO sighting.
What is even more astounding about former president Carter is that
he feels his short and arguably failed attempt at governing the United
States somehow endows him with great influence in the world arena.
This is the same man that, in his early days of campaigning for the White
House, elicited the response, Jimmy who? Perhaps the better question
would have been: Jimmy? Why? Even then Carters duplicitous
approach was evident. The ever-grinning Carter was an enigma.
Journalist Bill Moyers observed: In a ruthless business, Mr. Carter is
a ruthless operator, even if he wears his broad smile and displays his
Southern charm.340
After graduating high school in Plains, Carter attended Georgia
Tech and Jackson State University. He received an appointment to
the United States Naval Academy, from which he graduated with a BS
degree in physics. In the summer of 1946, James Earl Carter Jr. married
his sweetheart, Rosalynn Smith, following a one-year courtship. After


graduation, he was assigned to a series of ships and diesel submarines in

the Atlantic and Pacific fleets.
While Carter has claimed he was interested in politics at the
young age of eight, he showed no real proclivity for political leadership
during his high school years. His only stab at politics in college was an
aborted run for class president during his freshman year. When asked
about Carters early political aspirations, an unnamed Naval Academy
classmate replied:

He didnt show any signs of greatness, and I dont recall

that he held any strong political or religious views. . . . I
think we were all amazed when he became governor of
Georgia, and positively astounded when he ran effectively
for president. 341

At first blush it is incomprehensible to think of Jimmy Carter, the

lay-preacher from Plains, Georgia, as being anti-Semitic. After all, he had
read the same Scriptures that confirmed Christian Zionists have read;
when and where did he make the leap from Bible-believer to enemy of
the Jewish people? Was it during the Camp David talks, when he was
ensconced with Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat? Was it the Israeli
prime ministers intractability when it came to giving away Israel in
order for Mr. Carter to achieve his goal of a peace treaty? After all, one
would have thought Mr. Carter and Mr. Begin would have been able to
meet on common ground: the Bible. When I interviewed Mr. Begin in
1980, I asked him about his Bible study, and he eagerly explained:

When we face our various problems, we should

always strive to live by the Bible. That is true for all of
humanity. This is the book which has kept the Jewish
people alivethat is my belief. And I am proud to quote
the Bible in substantiation of our rights. If anyone brings


it up, I tell them I plead guilty of quoting the Bible on

matters of public policy, but I dont apologize. [David]
Ben-Gurion had a wonderful saying . . . Some people say
that the mandate is our Bible, but it is not. The Bible is our
mandate. And you know something? Every time you read
the Bible, you find something new. Every Saturday night a
group of sages gather in my home and we study the Bible
together. And every time we find something new. The
Book which has been studied for thousands of years by
great rabbis, professors and sages still yields something
new each time you study it. Its wonderful. 342

Was it at Camp David that the president, despite their common

leanings, developed his almost megalomaniacal determination to force
a peace agreementno matter the cost to Israel? We may never know;
but what we do know is that no assessment of Carter would be complete
without exposing a detractor who seems determined that the long-
coveted and long-awaited Jewish homeland will become nothing but a
memory in the Middle East.
Perhaps the answer lies in Mr. Carters personal feelings and events
that were set in motion prior to the Camp David meetings over the
settlement issue. The president claimed that Prime Minister Begin had
agreed to halt settlement construction prior to the meeting with Sadat,
that he was open to giving up part of Jerusalem. The truth lies elsewhere.
On the subject of dividing Jerusalem, Mr. Carter wrote in his
book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid that Menachem Begin viewed the
possibility favorably. Nothing could have been more inaccurate. Mr.
Begin gave me a copy of a letter he had written to President Carter on
September 17, 1978. In the letter, Begin penned, On the basis of this law,
the government of Israel decreed in July 1967 that Jerusalem is one city
indivisible, the capital of the State of Israel.343 That doesnt sound like
Mr. Begin wished to divide Jerusalem to placate Mr. Carter. I refuted


Mr. Carters assertions regarding Prime Minister Begin both in a review

posted on Amazon.com and in my book Jimmy Carter: The Liberal Left and
World Chaos.
The former president also wrote that Begin had agreed to a freeze
on building Jewish settlements. Again, apparently not true. Begin told
me he had only agreed to a three-month moratorium on building, from
September 17 to December 17, 1978. Emory University professor and
historian Kenneth Stein clarifies the issue:

During his tenure as prime minister, Begin forbade

the negotiation agenda to include the West Bank and
those portions of Jerusalem that the Israeli government
annexed after the 1967 Six-Day War. This refusal to
negotiate became Carters core disagreement with Begin
. . . . With Begin not offering a fallback position, Carter could
not initiate a conclusive Israel-Palestinian negotiating
process. He never forgave Begin. 344

The letter written by Prime Minister Begin to President Jimmy Carter

on September 17, 1978, plainly stated Israels stance toward relinquishing
any territory, especially that in Jerusalem. In the letter, Begin penned:

I have the honor to inform you, Mr. President, that

on 28 June 1967 Israels parliament (The Knesset)
promulgated and adopted a law to the effect: the
Government is empowered by a decree to apply the law,
the jurisdiction and administration of the State to any
part of Eretz Israel (Land of Israel Palestine), as stated
in that decree.
On the basis of this law, the government of Israel
decreed in July 1967 that Jerusalem is one city indivisible,
the capital of the State of Israel. 345 (Emphasis mine.)


Mr. Begin did not wish to divide Jerusalem or relinquish any land
simply to placate Mr. Carter. Perhaps it must also have been a bit hard to
swallow when both Begin and Sadat were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
for their efforts at Camp David, while Jimmy was overlooked.
At this writing, Carter is the oldest living former president and the
Democratic Partys elder statesman, and he never overlooks an occasion
to openly malign the State of Israel. He advocates the most extreme form
of a Palestinian stateone that would succeed in wiping Israel from the
map leaving Hamas, Fatah, and the Palestinian Authority in charge.
In his post-White House days, Jimmy Carter became quite adept at
legitimizing terror and championing Yasser Arafat, the long-time PLO
leader. The two first met in Paris in 1990 at the Hotel de Crillon for a
ninety-minute session. According to a euphoric Carter, He [Arafat] has
done everything possible these last months to promote the [Middle East]
peace process. Hes explored all the possibilities to make progress toward
a total peace settlement.346 Arafat welcomed Carter with open arms. Why
not? After all, Arafat was engaged in dialogue with the man Anwar Sadat
considered a brother, the man who was the highest-level American to
have met with him. It mattered not that Carter was a former president; it
mattered only that he was sympathetic to the Palestinian leaders cause.
Israelis were appalled at Carters fawning over Arafat, the man
who just days before had been acting the sycophant to Saddam Hussein
in Baghdad. During his visit to Iraq, Arafat had spewed his hate-filled
rhetoric, designed to enrage the Arab world against Israel. Furthermore,
he had threatened Israel with attacks using Baghdads al-Abed missiles. In
2007, Carter was interviewed on Al-Jazeera Arab television. During the
interview, the former president admitted: Well, I dont really consider, I
wasnt equating the Palestinian missiles with terrorism.347 Perhaps that is
why Arafats threats from Baghdad were of so little concern to Mr. Carter.
Despite Arafats record of murderous terrorist activities, Carter chose
to embrace him. In fact, he went so far as to assist Arafat with writing a
generic speech to be delivered to Western audiences. Carters advice to


Arafat was to try to drum up as much sympathy as possible from world

leaders and to show Israel in as bad a light as possible, as often as possible.
He gave the PLO leader specific examples, sympathetic illustrations that
could be changed or embellished to suit the audience in question.348 This
aid from Carter came regardless of the fact that, in 1980, Arafat bawled,
Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an
all-out war, a war which will last for generations.349
During his more recent visits to the Middle East, Carter has worked
to build a bridge with the leaders of Hamas, who support the myths found
in The Protocols and refuse to acknowledge a Jewish state. The former
president has met with Khaled Mashaal, Hamas exiled leader numerous
times in Damascus. His last meeting with Mashaal took place during
the final days of the George W. Bush administration. Mr. Carter openly
defied the US State Department in order to visit with the terrorist leader,
and he believes Hamas must be included in any peace negotiations. What
a travesty of justice and what a slap in the face to the Israelis, who have
long been targeted by Hamas rockets and terror attacks!
Apparently, Mr. Carters playing footsie with Palestinian terrorists
has paid off. He added another honor to his miniscule list of
achievements when he was awarded the Palestine International Award
for Excellence and Creativity. The dubious tribute was certainly well
deserved. Carter has been very creative in his support for the terrorists
that surround Israel. In his acceptance speech, he promised to support
the campaign for an independent Palestinian state to the death. He also
implored the Palestinians to halt internal strife. Was the implied intent
that of uniting the warring factions into one cohesive unit in order to
better attack their Jewish neighbors?
Said the former president in his speech, I have been in love with
the Palestinian people for many years, and he indicated that his family
shared his devotion: I have two great-grandsons that are rapidly learning
about the people here and the anguish and suffering and deprivation of
human rights that you have experienced ever since 1948.350 Mr. Carter


doesnt seem to share the same sympathy for the Jewish people, whose
history has been riddled with pogroms, hate crimes, the Holocaust,
and a continual struggle to survive as a nation surrounded by enemies.
In his closing comments after receiving the award, Carter pledged his
assistance, as long as I live, to win your freedom, your independence,
your sovereignty and a good life.351
Carters push to be on the cusp of the birth of a Palestinian state
reached a new pinnacle in September 2011, when he openly backed an
attempt by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to secure statehood
recognition in the United Nations. Had such a move been successful, it
would have negated all attempts to reach a peaceful agreement negotiated
by the Israelis and Palestinians. Carter applauded the move and said
recognition would be a step forward. Apparently, a world without Israel
is preferableby hook or by crook.
Carter has carried his Liberal Left political invective far beyond his
presidency. He seems to have forgotten that as a citizen he still represents
the United States, even though he doesnt rise every morning and trek
downstairs to the Oval Office. Jimmy Carters popularity seems to be at
its height among those despots whose hatred of America is legendary.
He is a man who considers himself to have been an ideal president and
whose term was simply unfinished. Carter has inserted his opinions
in countries around the world, and in so doing has managed to regularly
and repeatedly speak ill of those elected by the majority of Americans
to conduct business on their behalf. Only time will determine if Jimmy
Carter was this nations worst ex-president, but the current consensus
of opinion is that, at the moment, he holds exclusive rights to that
Has former president James Earl Carter, Jr. become a unifying
force for peace, as he hoped he might, or has he become the divisive,
sanctimonious, pacifist many see? In his book Palestine: Peace Not
Apartheid, the former president summed up his proposal for peace in the
Middle East:


It is imperative that the general Arab community and

all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they
will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism
when international laws and the ultimate goals of the
Roadmap for Peace352 are accepted by Israel. 353

Discord and wrangling still follow him nearly thirty years down the
road from the White House. It is the sound of meaningless noise like a
noisy gong or a clanging cymbal, (1 Corinthians 13:1, NLT.) It grates on
the nerves of any true believer in Jesus Christ, those who understand the
biblical importance of Israel and who love the Jewish people.
Carters Liberal Left policies during his administration and
his outspokenness against things American since departing 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue should leave no skepticism regarding his past
performance. It should, in fact, be a red flag to every American: Dont take
the Carter road ever again. It is infinitely sad that Mr. Carter has allowed
his bias and resentment against Israel to skew the facts and produce an
erroneous interpretation of Israeli actions.

( 32 )

a FA I T H F U L F R I E N D

. . . if my people, who are called by my name,

will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and
t ur n f rom their wicked ways , then I will hear f rom heaven ,
and I will forg ive their sin and will heal their land,
(II Chronicles 7: 14, NI V )

The past several decades, especially those surrounding the

rebirth of Israel, have produced US presidents most of whom were
pro-Israel. None equaled or surpassed the 40 th president of the United
States, Ronald Wilson Reagan. He was, perhaps, the best friend of
Israel ever to sit behind the desk in the Oval Office.
When the dust had settled following Reagans 1980 election, it was
obvious that the Iranian hostage situation354 had aided his cause. As
he placed his hand on his mothers Bible, open to 2 Chronicles 7:14, 355
the 52 American hostages that had been held in Iran for 444 days were
released. As I watched the events unfold, I reminisced about a meeting
I had had with Reuven Hecht and Isser Harel (head of Mossad from


1951 to 1963). I had asked Harel whom he thought would be the next US
president. He responded:

The word on the streets is that terrorists might have

a say about that. They are going to attempt to influence
your elections by releasing the hostages precisely when
Reagan is sworn into office. They want Carter out because
of his challenges to Islam.

The former intelligence officer was referring to the Camp David

accords, and to Carters advice that Sadat give a speech in Egypt stating
that religion and politics must be separate. This speech was heard by a
blind cleric named al-Rahman who issued the Fatwa to assassinate Sadat.
It was carried out on October 6, 1981. 356
Another factor in Reagans victory was the support of approximately
twenty million pro-Israel Christians. Those fundamentalist stalwarts
had been appalled in March 1977, when Carter delivered a major
policy address in which he said, Palestinians deserve a right to their
homeland.357 Those seven words sent Evangelical Christians into a
tailspin. The reaction was immediate: Lobbyists and Evangelicals
launched a publicity campaign, buying advertisements in a number of
major US newspapers, which carried the message:

The time has come for evangelical Christians to affirm

their belief in biblical prophecy and Israels divine right
to the land. . . . We affirm as US evangelicals our belief
in the Promised Land to the Jewish people . . . We would
view with grave concern any effort to carve out of the
Jewish homeland another nation or political entity. 358

The tide had turnedlanding Ronald Reagan safely ashore and

carrying a disgruntled Jimmy Carter out to sea.


Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in an apartment above the H. C.

Pitney Variety Store in Tampico, Illinois, on February 6, 1911, to Jack
and Nelle Wilson Reagan. As president, he was said to have joked that
he was once again living above the store.359 At the tutelage of his
mother, a devout member of the Disciples of Christ, Reagan learned
compassion and faith, particularly a firm conviction that people were
basically good.
Ronald was an unusual young man, in that he opposed racial
discrimination at a time when it was widely accepted. In the book God
and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life, political science professor Paul
Kengor told of a time when Reagan brought home two young black
basketball players who could not find a place to stay in the town of
Dixon, Illinois. He invited them to spend the night and have breakfast
before their departure the next morning. When Ronald strode through
the front door, the two young men remained outside, fearing they
would be turned away because of their skin color. Nelle Reagan did not
miss a beat; she smiled warmly and said, Come on in!360
Reagans path to the White House led him through a career as a
radio sports announcer, as an actor, then as president of the Screen
Actors Guild. In 1940, he married actress Jane Wyman. They had
two biological children, Maureen and Christine (who survived only
one day), and then adopted Michael. Jane divorced Ronald because
of disagreements over his political aspirations. He met actress Nancy
Davis shortly afterward, and the two were married in 1952. Their union
produced Patti and Ron. The Reagans marriage has been described as
close, authentic, and intimate.361
Reagan began to move from the more liberal Democrat tag to the
more conservative Republican label. In 1966, he tossed his hat in the
ring for the nomination of governor of California and beat two-term
incumbent Pat Brown. Reagan won reelection in 1970 and set his sights
on attaining the White House in 1980. He bested President Jimmy
Carter by an electoral vote tally of 489 to 49.


Even before he began his quest for the presidency, Reagan was
known for his support of Israel. He spoke at pro-Israel rallies during
the 1967 Six-Day War. As governor he persuaded the California State
Legislature to permit banks to invest in Israeli bonds. He was greatly
influenced by a strong, conservative, Jewish think tank, and appointed
members of the group to posts in his administrationincluding Elliot
Abrams, Richard Pipes, Richard Perle, and Eugene Rostow. While
stumping for the presidency, he readily condemned the PLO and
considered Israel to be a tactical resource in the region. In a reception
for a Jewish group in New York, he averred that Israel was the only
stable democracy we can rely on as a spot where Armageddon could
In a White House meeting with Jewish leaders in 1983, Reagan

Since the foundation of the State of Israel, the

United States has stood by her and helped her to pursue
security, peace, and economic growth. Our friendship
is based on historic moral and strategic ties, as well as
our shared dedication to democracy.363
The president further encouraged the ironclad bond
between the two countries when he said, The people
of Israel and America are historic partners in the global
quest for human dignity and freedom. We will always
remain at each others side.364

Once ensconced in the West Wing, Reagan became widely known

as a resolute champion of Israel. He opened new lines of communication
with his peer, Menachem Begin, the man alienated by Jimmy Carter.
When he greeted the prime minister at the White House in 1981, Reagan
assured Mr. Begin: I welcome this chance to further strengthen the
unbreakable ties between the United States and Israel and to assure
you of our commitment to Israels security and well-being.365


Reagan then set about to reestablish defensive and financial ties

with which to cement friendly and interdependent relations between
the two countries. Perhaps more importantly, the president enjoyed
a spiritual intimacy that was later compared to that of George Bush
(43) and the Israeli people. The two presidents understood that Israel
is important not only because of her tactical location but because of her
biblical history.
According to Americans For a Safe Israel Executive Director Helen

It seems that presidents like Reagan and Bush

who have a foundation in the Bible have a better
understanding of what Israels role is in the world. Israel
is not meant to be a nation like all the other nations. Its
not meant to be absorbed into the Middle East or the
Commonwealth of Nations. It is a nation that represents
the biblical promisethe Promised Land, the chosen
people, and its obligation to be a light unto the nations
. . . . [Reagan] we had heard woke up every morning and
asked to do Gods willnot his will, but Gods will. 366

Despite the distractions of the Iran-Contra Affair, 367 Reagan

worked tirelessly to secure the release of Soviet Jews from Russia and
to persuade its leaders to tear down the physical wall of separation
between East and West Germany. In 1985, I launched a national
campaign to ask President Ronald Reagan to appeal to Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev to release Natan Sharansky and a handful of other
Russian dissidents who wanted to go to Israel. I wrote Let My People
Go, a book on the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union, and I produced
a television special spotlighting Sharanskys fight for freedom. The
appeal was successful, and President Reagans efforts eventually led to
a flood of immigrants into Israel. The pro-Israel Reagan administration


opened the door for me to attend a series of White House Seminars,

which included meetings between the president and other Christian
Zionists, such as Jerry Falwell, Hal Lindsey, and Dr. Tim LaHay.
Josh Block, a spokesperson for the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC), said, There are a number of things President
Reagan did that are monumental in their importance to US-Israel
relationship.368 Among those achievements were the formation of the
Joint Security Assistance Planning Group, a strategic security think
tank that has promoted cooperation in the war on terror, and a free-
trade accord that opened the door for more balanced business dealings
with industries in Europe.
When he inked the document, Reagan stressed its importance:

I believe this new economic relationship with our

friends in Israel will further our historic friendship,
strengthen both of our economies, and provide for new
opportunities between our peoples for communication
and commerce. 369

Ronald Reagan was also instrumental in bolstering the Israeli

economy when he appropriated $1.5 billion in aid, half paid in 1985,
the remaining half in 1986. However, then a decision by Reagan to
sell the Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft (AWACS) and
other military equipment to Saudi Arabia caused a chasm in USIsrael
relations that took almost a year to be bridged. The Saudis reiterated
that the planes were to be utilized to monitor Irans air maneuvers,
but it was widely accepted that the same planes could be used against
Israel. Despite an uproar from the conservative, pro-Israel bloc,
Congress approved the sale to the Saudis in October 1981. Thankfully,
even the strain caused by that transaction was not enough to seriously
maim relations between Israel and the United States.
Israels Prime Minister Shamir said of the Reagan White House:


This is the most friendly administration we have

ever worked with. They are determined that the strong
friendship and cooperation will continue and even be
strengthened despite the differences that crop up from
time to time. 370

Reagans empathy with leaders in Israel and with American Jews

was based on his belief in the biblical concept of a Jewish homeland for
the People of the Book. He also understood the necessity for a strong,
democratic Israel in the Middle East. He admired the courage of the
people whose state had been forged from the fires of adversity, who for
centuries had vowed, Next year, Jerusalem. He proclaimed:

In Israel, free men and women are every day

demonstrating the power of courage and faith. Back in
1948 when Israel was founded, pundits claimed the new
country could never survive. Today, no one questions
that Israel is a land of stability and democracy in a
region of tyranny and unrest. 371

Reagan seemed to be at ease in his dealings with Israel, partly

because experts believed he knew and recognized the importance of
a strong Jewish state in the region. He was well aware that Jerusalem
should not be divided and that a Palestinian state co-opted by terrorists
would mean the end of Israel.
Although Reagan was the first president in several decades not to
have had a Jewish cabinet member, he often called for advice from men
such as Milton Friedman, who served on the Presidents Council of
Economic Advisers. Friedman was a Nobel Prize winner in economics
and taught at the University of Chicago. Ronald Lauder, son of cosmetics
queen Este Lauder, was tapped by Reagan to serve as deputy secretary
of defense for European and NATO policy and later as ambassador to


Austria. Lenore Annenberg, wife of philanthropist Walter Annenberg,

held the post of chief of protocol and directed the visits by the Reagans
with heads of state. Marshall Breger became the first Orthodox Jew to
serve a US president. He held the post of adviser on Jewish and Israeli
affairs. Those were but a few of the distinguished Jewish men and
women to advise Reagan.
When his second term neared its end, President Reagan supported
Vice President George H. W. Bush in his run for the post of chief
executive. After the newly elected Bush was sworn in to office on
January 20, 1989, Ronald and Nancy Reagan left the cold Washington
winters for his beloved ranch in Southern California. He went to work
on his memoirs and raising funds for the Reagan Presidential Library,
which stands today in Simi Valley, California. On a devastatingly sad
day in 1994, the former president made the difficult announcement that
he was suffering from Alzheimers disease and would thereafter make
no further public appearances. In his letter to the American people, he

When the Lord calls me home, whenever that day may

be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of
ours and eternal optimism for its future. I now begin
the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life.
I know that for America there will always be a bright
dawn ahead. 372

President Ronald Wilson Reagan died of pneumonia on June 5,

2004, after a ten-year battle with Alzheimers. His body was flown
to Washington, D.C., to lie in state. A funeral service was held at the
Washington National Cathedral, after which the casket was returned
to the Reagan Presidential Library. After a memorial service there, his
remains were interred on the library grounds.


His final resting place bears the words Reagan himself spoke at the
dedication of the library:

I know in my heart that man is good, that what is

right will always eventually triumph and that there is
purpose and worth to each and every life. 373

( 33 )

G E O R G E H . W. B U S H ( 4 1 )

Let your light so shine before men , that the y may see
your good work s and glorif y your Father in heaven ,
(Matthe w 5: 16)

Not all American presidents have been Zionists neither George

H. W. Bush, William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton, nor Barack Hussein Obama
could be described as such. If challenged, each would vow their allegiance
to Israel as a US ally, but also each have had issues with Americas number
one ally in the Middle East.
George Herbert Walker Bush was elected president following
Ronald Reagans second term. George was born on June 12, 1924, in
Milton, Massachusetts. His father, Prescott Bush, was a US senator from
Connecticut. His mother, Dorothy Walker, was a deeply devout woman
who raised her children in a staunchly religious environment.
George joined the navy after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941
and was subsequently assigned as a pilot to the USS San Jacinto and Air
Group 51. His aircraft was a Grumman TBM Avenger, used to attack


Japanese ships in the Bonin Islands. During one such attack, Bushs plane
encountered severe anti-aircraft fire, and flak from one of the Japanese
guns struck the Avenger. Although his engine caught fire, Bush completed
his bombing run before heading back toward the home carrier. Bushs
crew, Radioman Second Class John Delaney and Lieutenant Junior Grade
William White, were both killed during the attack. Bush parachuted from
his damaged plane and was later rescued by the submarine USS Finback.
For serving his country, he was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross,
three Air Medals, and the Presidential Unit Citation was awarded the
USS San Jacinto. 374
Shortly after returning from assignment in the Pacific, George
married Barbara Pierce, whose father, Marvin, was the publisher of
McCalls and Redbook magazines. He enrolled at Yale, and after receiving
his degree, he and Barbara headed for the wide, open spaces of Texas.
George had oil on his mind. It paid off in a big way, because by the time
he was forty, he was a millionaire. He campaigned for the House of
Representatives and was elected in 1966. He tried twice for a senate seat
but was defeated both times.
Richard Nixon appointed Bush ambassador to the United Nations.
Gerald Ford followed that with an appointment as the chair of the Liaison
Office in Beijing, China, and then as director of the CIA. George entered
the 1980 presidential race, but lost the nomination to Ronald Reagan, who
then chose him as his running mate. The team stayed together through
two races, and then George entered the contest in 1988 as Reagans
successor. Despite the Jewish community supporting his opponent
Michael Dukakis by a 2-to-1 margin, Bush became the 41st president of
the United States by a margin of 54 percent.
George H.W. Bushs first major international challenge as president
was the Persian Gulf War. The conflict was prompted by Iraqi dictator
Saddam Husseins invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. Husseins invasion
was presumed to be provoked by greeda desire to procure Kuwaits oil-
rich land and to expand Iraqs hold over the region. Fearing that Saddam


entertained a more expansive vision for the countries in the region, the
US acted under the auspices of the United Nations, eventually forming
a comprehensive alliance of nationsincluding several Arab countries.
Troops soon began to amass in northern Saudi Arabia.
The UN Security Council demanded that Iraq withdraw from
Kuwait, and when Hussein missed the deadline the federation launched
a massive air offensive against the Iraqi leader. He responded by lobbing
ballistic missiles into coalition states and Israel. The Bush administration
prevailed upon Israeli leaders not to respond to the Iraq SCUD missiles
targeting the Jewish state. On February 24-28, 1991, coalition forces
launched a ground war; victory quickly followed. Deaths in the Iraqi ranks
were estimated at as many as 100,000; alliance forces lost approximately
300 troops.
In October, following the Gulf War, President Bush and Secretary
of State James Baker developed the plan and objectives for a peace
conference in Madrid, Spain. Partnered with the Soviet Union, an
invitation was extended to Israel, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and the
Palestinian Liberation Organization.
Prior to issuing the invitations, the Bush administration had stalled
with $10 billion in loan guarantees to Israel in an attempt to appease Arab
nations destined for the Peace Conference. The president told reporters:

It is in the best interest of the peace process and of

peace itself that consideration of this absorption aid
question for Israel be deferred for simply 120 days. 375

When Israeli emissaries visited Washington in early 1991 they

discovered, much to their dismay, that President Bush was tying the
$10 billion in loan guarantees to an Israeli assurance that no additional
settlements would be erected in what Washington called the occupied
territories. Yitzhak Shamir was quoted in a Tel Aviv newspaper as saying,
What President Bush was telling us was very simple: If you wont behave


yourselves in the peace process, and if you wont accept the principle of
land for peace you wont receive the loan guarantees.376
In August 1992, Bush finally agreed to allow the loan guarantees to
be fulfilled. He insisted that the loans be offset by any funds spent on
housing or improvements in what some referred to as the territories,
but the presidents credibility among pro-Israel supporters had been
badly, if not critically, damaged. His credibility may have been wounded
prior to the loan guarantee issue. In 1990, he voiced his opposition to
new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem, inferring that
parts of the Holy City were not a sovereign part of Israel. While some
believe the major achievement of the Bush (41) administration was the
Madrid Peace Conference that reopened the door for the Middle East
peace process and the Oslo Accords, others feel that the accords were
unsuccessful due to the increase in attacks against Israel.
George Bush (41) lost the 1992 election. His support from the Jewish
bloc had fallen from 35 percent in 1988 to approximately 12 percent in
1992. 377 We will see later that his son, George W. Bush, would, without
apology, ardently support the Jewish people. Bush 43 would be the
rightful heir to Ronald Reagans Israel policies and arguably the most
Christian Zionist president to follow Reagan in the White House.

( 34 )



For he who sows to his f lesh will of the f lesh reap cor r uption ,
but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap e verlastin g life
(Galatian s 6: 8 , N K J V )

The man we know today as Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson
Blythe III in Hope, Arkansas, on August 19, 1946. His father was a traveling
salesman who had been killed in an automobile accident three months
before Bills birth. In 1950, his mother, Virginia Dell Cassidy, married a
local car dealer, Roger Clinton; and at the age of fifteen, Bill assumed his
stepfathers last name.
Bill was an excellent student, ultimately graduating from Georgetown
University and, as a Rhoades Scholar, attended Oxford University. He was
awarded a law degree from Yale in 1973. Having met President Kennedy
in 1963, Clinton developed a taste for politics and was determined to
enter the fray. He first ran an unsuccessful campaign for Congress before
marrying Hillary Rodham Clinton in 1975. He made a victorious run


for Arkansas attorney general in 1976 and two years later was elected
governor for a single term. Four years after his defeat for a second term,
he won reelection and served as governor until he ran for and won the
office of the presidency in 1992.
Rev. W. O. Vaught, pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock,
Arkansas, told his parishioner, Governor Bill Clinton:

You might be president one day. You will make

mistakes, and God will forgive you. But God will never
forgive you if you abandon the state of Israel. 378

Almost exactly a year before the September 11 attacks, on September

8, 2000, President Bill Clinton welcomed an incredible assembly of world
leaders made up of dignitaries, ambassadors, and heads of state who
were attending the United Nations Millennium Summit to a reception
held in one of the most remarkable places in New York city: The Temple
of Dendur, a Nubian shrine honoring the Egyptian goddess Isis. The
temple was rebuilt stone by stone in the Sackler Wing of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, which is a glass room large enough to accommodate a
house and overlooks Central Park. It was disassembled in the 1960s to
preserve the ancient site as the Aswan Dam project would have covered
it in water. It had been given to the United States in 1965 as a gift of
friendship from Egyptian President Jamal Abd al-Nasser, and awarded
to the Met the same year that Nasser provoked the Six-Day War.
The symbolism of the event and the location speak volumes about
the Clinton presidency; not only the symbolism of meeting with U.N.
members in a room housing a gift from a man who hated Israel, but
also the symbolism of the temple itself. The temple was erected roughly
fifteen years before Christs birth as a Roman tribute to Egyptian heritage
and even depicts the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus (the emperor
responsible for Mary and Joseph going to Bethlehem for Jesus birth)379
sacrificing to the Egyptian gods alongside other pharaohs, symbolizing


the supremacy of such gods to people of that day. Isis, to whom the temple
was dedicated, has been one of the most enduring goddesses of all time,
being the great mother-goddess, maternal spirit, enchantress, goddess of
magic, and protector of the dead; an archetype identified with mother
earth; the earth goddess, Gaia; and similar worldly traditionsin their
words, she symbolized of Spiritus Mundi, the spirit of the world. If
ever there was a gathering that epitomized the moral relativity of Bill
Clintons eight years in office this was itperhaps even going one step
further than the day he lied before a federal grand jury concerning his
sexual harassment of Paula Jones.
Many liberals gloss over the issues surrounding Bill Clintons
impeachment as a right-wing Republican witch hunt to oust a progressive,
educated, highly intelligent, and charismatic world leaderthe man who,
until now at leasthas come the closest in history to bringing peace to
the Middle East and the president who presided over the time of the
greatest prosperity in American, if not world, history. Some say, So the
man had a few sexual scandals, so did President Kennedy, and look at
what a great man he was! Yet, as often happens, they have their facts
confused. William Clinton wasnt impeached for having an affair with
Monica Lewinsky or even for using his position as governor to sexually
harass Paula Jones. He was impeached for placing his hand on the Bible,
promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
and lying to cover up his own indiscretions. If the man would lie to do
that, what else would he be willing to lie about? If he were willing to
twist the reasoning of moral judgment to justify perjury, what else would
he do to achieve the goals he set for himself? And would this presidents
lack of moral judgment make him a danger to the citizens of the United
As the facts emerge about him and his actions during his presidency,
it appears that Clinton was indeed willing to lie about and justify a
great deal more to carve a place in history for himself. Yet history will
not remember President William Jefferson Clinton nearly as fondly as


he would have liked, and, unfortunately, his sexual misbehavior is far

outweighed by the gravity of what he did to America. If America falls into
obscurity in the events of the final chapter of the Bible, it will have been
Bill Clinton, his policies, moral relativity, and favoring of globalization
and the U.N. over strengthening and protecting America that weakened
its stability enough to begin that landslide. Treason may not be a strong
enough word for what he did to America during his presidency.
Clintons strengths were his uncanny charisma and his ability
to make people hear what they wanted to hear in what he was saying
without ever having said it. He also had the incredible aptitude of
always understanding the pulse of American opinion and acting to stay
in the good graces of the whims of popular sentiment. A large part of
this was because of his unprecedented use of focus groups and his
skillful exploitation of their findings. Focus group research is done by
taking random collections of people into a room for a two or three-hour
session, giving them a small hand-held device on which to indicate their
responses, and showing them videotaped speeches and addresses. They
rate what they see and hear to indicate what they like most and the least.
Then the gestures, phrases, and expressions that receive the highest
approval ratings can be incorporated into the next speech or debate to
illicit the greatest positive response from the audience.
Clintons solutions for the problems he faced in his initial election
concerning his dodging of the draft, his affair with Gennifer Flowers,
and other concerns that voters had about his moral character were all
resolved through intense focus group research. He mastered the art of
spinning issues to put them in their best possible light, thus making
his corruption and immorality palatable to most of the American public.
This was also something he used widely during his presidencyin
his first year he worked with more different focus groups than George H.
W. Bush did in his entire four-year term as president. Through it, Clinton
became a master at manipulating image and public opinion, and keeping


a high approval level through most of his presidency while selling the
United States and its allies down the river.
I remember sitting next to Jim Wright, a former Texas congressman
and Speaker of the House, as Arafat spoke to an audience on the lawn of
the Rose Garden at the September 1993 meeting when Arafat and Rabin
shook hands. In his speech, as one reporter put it, Arafat said:

I assure you that we share your values of freedom,

justice, and human rights for which my people have been
striving, . . . his reading glasses and soft tone belying
his ogre status. Our two peoples want to give peace a
chance, he said to applause from a crowd of 3,000, a
Whos Who of the American establishment . . .
We are relying on you, Mr. President, and all the
countries who know that without peace in the Middle
East, peace in the world is incomplete.380

Afterwards, former Congressman Wright turned to me and said,

Wasnt Arafats speech brilliant? He is a charming fellow, and I used to
not like him.
Such comments left me astounded at how well glitz can succeed
over substance. Yasser Arafat had left a trail of blood beginning with
his involvement with Fatah in the 1960s, then with his later actions
being a renewed call for a million martyrssuicide bombersto march
on Jerusalem and kill innocent men, women, and children. However,
all of this magically disappeared as Arafat and his entourage marched
into the White House on thirteen different occasions during the Clinton
era as welcome guests to negotiate the release of Palestines occupied
Clintons aim was to hold the hands of both Jew and Arab as he walked
each of them through the peace processand he did so by validating
one and applying pressure upon the other. One of the things that he did


to legitimize Arafat, perhaps with further aid from his focus groups,
was to change the language of the discussion. The PLO would no longer
be referred to as terrorists, but as freedom-fighters or militants.
Somehow, the building of Israeli settlements on the West became morally
equivalent to suicide-bombers murdering innocent people in major Israeli
cities as each was pitched as the reason negotiations were continually
failing. A clear example of the Clinton administrations moral makeover
happened in 1997, when Sara Ehrman, a co-founder of Americans for Peace
Now who became a senior advisor to Clinton, organized a conference call
in New York between Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and some
American Jewish leaders. Among the participants was Ken Bialkin, who
noticed this tendency on the part of the Clinton administration. He asked
Albright, How can you compare building in the settlements [in the West
Bank] to Arafats terror? You are creating moral equivalence.
The conference call ended and everyone hung up. But one participant
remained on the line and recorded the rest of what was said. Sarah
Ehrman angrily asked her friend Steven Cohen, who had been Shimon
Peress contact man with the PLO during the 1980s, How is it that there
are people here asking such embarrassing questions? Dont they realize
that Arafat has no choice but to use terror?381
He had no choice? The PLO and similar organizations have no choice
but to send some of their most dedicated youth to murder innocent people
by committing suicide? Then of what value are all the peace talks? Do
Arafats successor, Mahmoud Abbas, and other Arab leaders really want
peace with Israel any more than did Yasser Arafat? If so, why have they
rejected it time and again? Why did they reject it in Madrid in 1981 when
they were offered ninety-five percent of the lands won in the Six-Day
Why did they renew their intifada after they were given the Gaza
Strip, Jericho, and Bethlehem if what they really want is peace? Do they
really have no option but to renew violence time and again after Israel
makes concessions? On the other hand, the Palestinian Authoritywhose


strings are pulled by the PLOhas yet to honor its word in any of these
negotiations and blames the continued violence on the Islamist splinter
groups of Islamic Jihad and Hamasmany of whose attacks were,
however, coordinated with Arafat and the PLO before being carried out.
Wouldnt a better choice be to follow through on what they have promised
as Israel has done, rather than breaking agreement after agreement by
reinitiating violence time and again? As Democratic Congressman Elliot
Engel from New York put it:

Its not poverty; its fanaticism that causes terrorism.

They are the product of a system that hates the Jews.
Islamic Fundamentalism is against anything Western.
Israel has the right to go after the terrorists everywhere.
The fight against terrorism is a fight for world survival.
We must speak with moral claritythere is no equation
between suicide bombers and Israeli actions. 382

It is this type of moral relativism that has given birth to this mess,
not the love of truth that provides transparency. It is the United States
that has raised Muslim hopes that the US will help them achieve their
demands. The Arabs refuse to settle for anything less than 100 percent of
what Israel won in 1967. Once that is accomplished, they will continue to
work to gain what was mandated to Israel in 1948.
As author and law professor, Dr. Alan Dershowitz said in the first
pages of his book, Why Terrorism Works:

Terrorism is often rationalized as a valid response to

its root causesmainly repression and desperation. But
the vast majority of repressed and desperate people do
not resort to the willful targeting of vulnerable civilians.
The real root cause of terrorism is that it is successful
terrorists have consistently benefited from their terrorist


acts. Terrorism will persist as long as it continues to

work for those who use it, as long as the international
community rewards it, as it has been doing for the past
thirty-five years. 383

Why does terrorism work? In a word: Appeasement! The perpetrators

of terrorism believe they are valid representatives of the cause even if the
people they claim to represent do not. Their acts of violence gain more
concessions or prompt intensification of negotiations. Whenever the
violence increases, the US goes out of its way to ensure more concessions
will be forthcoming. So why should the jihadists stop?
It was in doing just thisvalidating the PLOs acts of violence by pan
dering all the more earnestly to themthat Bill Clinton and his obsession
with achieving historical notoriety as the author of a lasting peace in
the Middle East caused unremitting erosion in Israels negotiating posi
tions with the Arab world in the 1990s. Then when Israel was forced to
fight against terrorstriking back at military targets to disable terrorists,
Clinton did not give it his full backing.
As Israel was at the center, it was also the focus of Clintons pressure
to force agreements. According to the Oslo Accords, Israel would
negotiate separate peace accords with Jordan, Syria, and the Palestinians,
yet only one of these was ever signed: with Jordan on October 26, 1974.
For Syria, Israels deportation of 415 Hamas members in December 1992
precipitated a crisis in continuing the talks, so that they demanded the
PLO be a part of their negotiations and that the PLO also be given the
power of veto.
The fate of the Golan Heights was also a major issue as these
mountains provide a natural protective barrier from which to launch
attacks against Israel as Syria did in the Six-Day War. Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin had stated during his election campaign in 1992 that
He who considers withdrawing from the Golan Heights forsakes the


security of Israel.384 So, at least for the meantime, Rabin saw no mutual
basis upon which Jerusalem could negotiate with Damascus.
In the wake of the signing of the Oslo agreements, however, Clinton
formulated a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East, and Syria
was the main objective. So in 1994-1995, he pressured contacts between
Israel and Syria to shift into high gear. As a result, a peace agreement
appeared to be emerging. The proposed peace settlement, which included
Israels withdrawal from the Golan Heights, awakened tremendous
opposition within the Israeli populace. In the context of the contacts
with the Syrians, Rabin gave President Clinton what became known as
the deposit, a paper stating that if all of Israels security needs were
addressed and its demands regarding normalization and a timetable
were met, it would be willing to carry out a full withdrawal from the
Golan Heights. The paper was not a diplomatic commitment, but rather
intended only to serve to inform the president as to Israels final position
to ultimately attain a peace agreement. According to a different version,
Rabin was willing later on to explicitly mention the June 4, 1967 borders.
To this day, it is not clear how this deposit was born. It is quite
possible the US presidents constant pressure for progress with the
Syrians placed the Israeli prime minister in an untenable position. Given
Clintons later actions, it appears his role in the deposit may well have
been greater than Rabins. However, the result was that the Clinton
administration was willing to exploit Rabin in order to attain Israels
withdrawal from the Golan Heights and a subsequent peace agreement.
Clinton betrayed Rabin and showed the Syrians the deposit that
had been intended for his eyes, only. It was Rabin, however, who was seen
as a traitor and assassinated by an Israeli extremist on November 5, 1995.
Standing at Rabins state funeral, I watched as a tiny bead of sweat rolled
down Bill Clintons face. He looked sullen and tired, but unfortunately
not remorseful. The damage done to negotiations was irreversible and
talks with the Syrians deteriorated until they finally ended in late 1998.
When Benjamin Netanyahu ran for the office of Prime Minister in


1996, Clinton did not find him as malleable as Rabin had been. In fact,
Netanyahu posed such a barrier to Clinton fulfilling his dreams for
history, that he did something unprecedented: Clinton sent his own
democratic campaign advisors to help Netanyahus incumbent opponent,
Shimon Peres, win the election. (Peres had been foreign minister and
an integral part of the peace negotiations under Rabin. After Rabins
assassination, he became leader of the Labor party and prime minister).
Why did Clinton see Netanyahu as such a threat to his plans?
Benjamin Netanyahu was a man who realized that the problems in the
Arab-Israeli conflict could not be resolved without moral clarity, and also
saw through Clintons double-talk. He would not sell Israels security
down the river for agreements from Arafat and the Palestinian Authority.
After the violence was renewed in a series of murderous bus bombings in
February and March of 1996, Netanyahu was already leading Peres in the
polls, because the Israeli public would find that Clintons peace process
had an evil twin: Palestinian suicide attacks. When Netanyahu and his
Likud Party spoke of security, the voters liked what they heard as opposed
to the Labor Partys peace process that only led to more violence.
Clinton, for his part, viewed the Likud Party and its leader, Netanyahu,
as a Middle Eastern chapter of the Republican Party. Unfortunately, due
to the Clinton administrations double-dealing and pressure, Netanyahu
would not be able to deliver the security he had promised Israeli voters.
A few weeks before the elections, Rahm Emanuel, Clintons senior
advisor on internal affairs, arrived in Israel. Emanuel, by the way, comes
from an Israeli family of former Irgun (the Israeli resistance movement
of the 1940s) members. He came to hear assessments as to what could be
expected in the elections and to coordinate with his staff the possibility
of helping Peress campaign. The American embassy in Tel Aviv invited a
number of Israeli political experts, i.e., Yitzhak Herzog, Yaron Haezrahi,
Rafi Smith and others for a meeting with Emanual. Only one of those
invited to the meeting dared disagree with the general consensus in the
room, maintaining that the question was not if Benjamin Netanyahu


would win the election, but rather by how much. Everyone laughed,
including Emanuel.
That same individual bumped into Emanuel on a plane to Washington,
where they had many hours to argue. Get used to the idea that soon there
will be a new sheriff in town, he told Clintons top advisor, relating the
policies that Netanyahu planned to introduce after the election, based on
what Netanyahu wrote in his book, A Place Among the Nations. When the
two parted company in Washington, Emanuel said, Tell your friend that
if he dares to act according to what you have describedwe will kick him
in the &^$# so hard and he will be so miserable, that he wont know what
hit him.385
Netanyahu, however, held the day and won the election. The
confrontation between Clinton and Netanyahu on the personal-political
level became immediately evident during Netanyahus first state visit to
Washington as prime minister in the summer of 1996. Clinton encountered
a head of state standing beside him during a press conference whose sound
bites were better than his and who gave a more impressive appearance.
Telling the truth makes a difference; Clinton found it virtually intolerable.
American-Israeli relations in the mid-nineties should be viewed
in the context of Clintons overall policy, which may be defined as
conciliatory towards terror and all potential aggressors. If Arafat
wanted faster action or more concessions from Israel in their talks, all
that had to happen was for violence to increase. Clinton could blame
Netanyahu for moving too slowly. Arafat moved backwards, assured that
Madeline Albright and the Clinton team would chastise the Israelis for
any perceived failures. Clinton cared little about Israels security and
Palestinian violencewhat he cared about was keeping the peace process
going. It increased his approval ratings and diverted attention from his
moral scandals. Clinton demonstrated laxness in the war against terror
(as evidenced by his continually ignoring the growing threat of al Qaeda)
and was largely responsible for creating an environment friendly to terror
and the creation of destructive trends in the world. During his term, the


United States systems and will to deter terrorism deteriorated. Clinton

made only a weak gesture to respond to the Iraqi assassination attempt
on former President George H.W. Bush in Kuwait in 1993. Clinton ordered
the bombing of an empty Iraqi government building in the middle of the
night, and as we will see later, paid virtually no attention to the first
World Trade Center bombing that took place the same year. This was
followed by a series of terror attacks peaking with the strike in Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia, that killed nineteen Americans.
The year 1998 saw mass terror outbreaks in Kenya and Tanzania, in
which 224 were killed and almost 5,000 injured as the US Embassies in
Nairobi and Dar es Salaam (which, oddly enough, translates as Haven
of peace). They were almost simultaneously attacked with truck bombs.
Clinton responded by firing cruise missiles at insignificant targets in
Sudan and an attack on an abandoned terrorist target in Afghanistan.
(Poor judgment on Clintons part led to bin Laden being tipped off about
the attacks and escaping by minutes.) It sent the message that the Clinton
administration only wanted to do enough to make it appear as though the
president were taking action in order to keep the support of the public.
Once US citizens went on with their lives thinking he was taking care
of things, Clinton went back to his agenda and forgot about the terrorist
threat. Subsequently, seventeen Americans were killed and thirty-seven
injured aboard the U.S.S. Cole when a suicide bomber hit it on October 12,
2000 as it refueled at the dock in Aden, Yemen. It was the deadliest attack
on a US warship since World War II. Clintons continual weakness in the
face of terrorists proclaimed an open season on Americans throughout
the world.
In 1999, Clinton tried to restore the appearance of military strength
during the war in Kosovo, but the massive air strike on the Serbians instead
sent an unintended positive message to Yasser Arafat and a negative one
to Israel. Arafat could see himself as part of the Kosovo Liberation Army
among militants fighting to free Kosovo. Israel, on the other hand, found
itself being falsely portrayed as a Serbian-type aggressor.


Israels leaders also showed Clinton raw data proving that Arafat had
given the green light to the renewal of terror attacks by Hamas. Israel had
monitored the talks Arafat held with Hamas leaders in Gaza on March
12-19, 1997. Based on that information, the then-head of Israeli Military
Intelligence, Moshe Yaalon, determined that Arafat had indeed approved
and sanctioned terror attacks on Israel. Clinton could have been expected
to respond to this very harshly. However, he did nothing because he was
unwilling to abandon Arafat, who was part of the Oslo legacy and peace
process to which Clinton was committed.
In 1999, Clinton made even more blatant use of his special position
as president in the eyes of the Israeli public. He attempted to undermine
Netanyahus standing and cause him to lose the election. Psychologically,
Israels unique relationship with the United States has always been one of
the most important foundations of Israels national security. The rationale
was that if this relationship were to be viewed by the Israeli public as
being shaken due to a particular individual, even if this had no objective
basis in reality, it could result in serious public stress. Right at the start of
the 1999 election campaign in Israel, Clinton sent a very clear message as
to what he wanted: he again dispatched the team that had run both of his
successful election campaigns to lead Ehud Baraks campaign. Composed
of James Carville, Stanley Greenberg and Bob Shrum, this team was
worth more than a million dollars, and regarding the activities for which
the three were responsible, much more than that. Stanley Greenberg
had already been involved in the process of figuring ways to win against
Netanyahu back in 1998. He kept close contact with Barak. As the most
prominent figure among the three, Greenberg did public opinion surveys
and analyzed focus group data. While the general opinion in the US and
Israeli press during 1998 was that Netanyahu would be in power for at
least four more years, Greenberg found, and told Barak, that there was
a way to beat Netanyahu. The method was to cross the security image
threshold, and stick to the economy and social affairsthe same strategy
Clinton had used to win his second term in office with the sleight-of-hand


slogan Its the economy, stupid! It kept Americans focused on their

wallets, and he did as he pleased while they werent looking. That was
the main input of the Americans, said Tal Silberstein, one of Baraks top
advisors for the campaign. They structured the research, they came
with the insights, and we adapted it to Israel.386
Some of the top donors to Clinton and the Democratic Party were
mobilized for Baraks campaign as though this were another election the
Democrats must win.
Overall, the Labor Party spent between $50 and $80 million on its
anti-Netanyahu contest, roughly ten times what Netanyahus own Likud
Party spent. In early 2000, the state comptroller of Israel produced
a report that in doing so, the Labor Party had grossly violated strict
Israeli campaign finance laws. The government fined the campaign an
unprecedented $3.2 million. 387
Clinton personally contributed to Ehud Barak by continuing his
warm meetings with Arafat in the White House, while freezing out
Prime Minister Netanyahu and receiving Barak and Yitzhak Mordechai,
the two candidates running against Netanyahu in the election. Clinton
helped Barak more than he had to, says one of Baraks men. 388 The fact
that Arafat had become the White Houses most welcome official guest
(he could have also been awarded the Blair House frequent-guest prize)
was interpreted in the Israeli media to the detriment of Netanyahu rather
than of the American president. The result of all those efforts was the
collapse of the Israeli political center with six percent of Netanyahus
voters moving over to the other side, causing a change of government in
Clinton, now with his new Israeli Labor Party partner, continued
his intensive race to curry favor with the most extreme leaders in the
Arab world and attain a long sought-after peace. The timetable of the new
Israeli prime minister in regard to the peace process on both fronts, the
Palestinian and the Syrian, was now tied to that of the American president
who had only one more year in office. It became evident with the Camp


David initiative of July 2000. Politically it was very risky for Barak to
rush to Camp David, but the partnership with Clinton dictated a tight
schedule. The results regarding both the Syrians and the Palestinians
were disastrous.
The late Syrian President Hafiz al-Asad, although he had an Israeli
agreement in his pocket to return to the June 4, 1967 lines, refused to
sign it and negotiations began over parts of the Sea of Galilee and the
Northern mountainous part of the Jordan River. Exactly the same thing
happened with the Palestinians: they got everything they demanded,
only to present new ultimatums backed by an onslaught of terror the
likes of which had yet to be seen in the region. Of Clintons appeasement
policies, it has already been said that the road to hell is paved with
good intentions. More than three months after the Palestinians began a
Second Intifada against Israel (September 2000) with an increased wave
of bloody suicide bombings, Arafat continued to be a welcome guest in
Clintons White House.

( 35 )


Those f rom amon g you Shall build the old waste places;
You shall raise up the foundation s of many generation s;
And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach ,
The Restorer of St reets to D well In .

On January 2, 2001 the lame-duck president was supposed to be

getting ready to vacate the White House and make way for the about-to-be
inaugurated President George W. Bush. This was about six months after
Israels prime minister had presented the most far-reaching concessions
ever offered the Palestinians. President Clinton came up with yet another
peace initiative, this one involving even more far-reaching Israeli
concessions than those Prime Minister Ehud Barak had agreed to at Camp
David; Arafat refused. The Second Intifada was having its desired effect.
Arafat landed at Andrews Air Force Base, and from there went to
the Ritz-Carlton Hotel where he met with the ambassadors of Saudi
Arabia and Egypt. They promised to back him if he agreed to the Clinton
plan and warned him that he would receive no backing if he went back
to war. When Arafat left the hotel for the White House and his meeting


with Clinton, it was clear there were only two possible answers he could
give: yes or no. Arafat was late returning. Clearly, the meeting was not
going as planned. Clinton told Arafat: Its five minutes to midnight, Mr.
Chairman, and you are about to lose the only opportunity your people
will ever have to solve their problem on satisfactory grounds by not being
able to make a decision. . . . The Israelis accepted.389
The Saudi ambassador, Prince Bandar, knew that Arafat was
responsible for causing the Clinton offer to fail and told him that
missing the opportunity was not just a tragic mistake, but a crime also.
Nevertheless, the next evening, a spokesperson representing Clinton said
that Arafat had agreed to accept Clintons proposals as the basis for new
talksin other words, he would not sign the agreement and expected yet
more concessions to be made.
This pattern of willingness to negotiate endlessly with enemies, even
when they were already shooting, was one of the trademarks of Clintons
presidency and in particular characterized his relations with Israel.
It was during President Clintons early watch that the United States
was rocked by a devastating attack planned by Osama bin Ladens
organization: the February 26, 1993, truck bombing of the World Trade
Center. While this first attack went relatively ignored, in it were seeds of
the eventual September 11, 2001, attacks at the same location. Because
our president at the time was more occupied with implementing his
economic program than keeping America safe, no one else paid much
attention to the bombing either. In his regular radio address the day after
the bombing, President Clinton mentioned the tragedy (he never once
used the words bomb or terrorist in the address) and never mentioned the
incident in public again. Neither did he ever visit the site of the blast. The
author of Losing bin Laden, Richard Miniter, addressed Clintons inability
to deal with bin Laden throughout his presidency:

In 1993, bin Laden was a small-time funder of militant

Muslim terrorists in Sudan, Yemen, and Afghanistan. By


the end of 2000, Clintons last year in office, bin Ladens

network was operating in more than fifty-five countries
and already responsible for the deaths of thousands
(including fifty-five Americans).
Clinton was tested by historic, global conflict, the
first phase of Americas war on terror. He was president
when bin Laden declared war on America. He had many
chances to defeat bin Laden; he simply did not take them.
If, in the wake of the 1998 embassy bombings, Clinton
had rallied the public and the Congress to fight bin Laden
and smash terrorism, he might have been the Winston
Churchill of his generation. But, instead, he chose the role
of Neville Chamberlain (whose appeasements of Hitler in
Munich in 1938 are credited with paving the way to the
Nazi invasion of Poland that began World War II the next
year). 390

In September of that same year, Clinton held a celebration on the

White House lawn for what he called a brave gamble for peace,
standing with his thumb actually pressed into the prime ministers back,
and forced Rabin to shake hands with PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat over
a blank sheet of paper that represented the Declaration of Principles,
or Oslo Accords. The paper lay on the same table over which President
Jimmy Carter had presided, as Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat signed
the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979. President Clinton later
described it as one of the highest moments of his presidency as the two
shook hands for the first time in front of a billion people on television, it
was an unbelievable day.391
One of Clintons greatest hopes was to be the man who finally resolved
the ArabIsraeli conflict in the Middle East. In order to do this, he used
his tremendous aptitude of image transformation to change terrorist and
murderer Yasser Arafat into a diplomat. It also seems likely that Arafat


got some coaching from Clinton and his advisors on what to say, how to
speak, and what to do to help in this metamorphosis.
Jewish actor and spokesman Theodore Bikel said of Arafat:

Arafat turned out to be no partner for peace . . . he

had never intended to be such a partner in the first
place. Oslo and the handshake gave him the cachet of
peacemaker; it also gave him half of a Nobel Peace Prize,
which, if he had had any sense of shame, he would have
returned. In truth, for him Oslo was nothing more than
an opportunity to obfuscate and spin wheels. In all the
summit meetings, he appeared to be pacific, conciliatory,
and seemingly accommodating, yet he withdrew as soon
as real concessions were required. . . . He never meant for
the Oslo Agreement to be implemented. 392

Bill Clinton and his obsession with going down in history as the
author of peace in the Middle East caused an unremitting erosion of
Israels negotiating position with the Arab world in the 1990s. When
Israel was forced to fight against terror, he did not give the country his
full backing. As the Jewish state was the center of it all, it was also the
focus of the presidents pressure to force agreements. The fate of the
Golan Heights was also a major issue, with these mountains providing
a natural protective barrier from which to launch attacks, as Syria had
done in the Six-Day War. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, representing
Israel, saw no mutual basis upon which Jerusalem could negotiate with
What a joy it was for me to be in the White House when the prime
minister conducted his first meeting with President Clinton. Years before,
during one of my journeys to Israel, I first met Benjamin Netanyahu. I had
gone to the home of his father, Benzion, to offer my condolences on the
anniversary of the death of his son Jonathan, who was a fallen hero in the


daring raid that freed the Israeli hostages being held by PLO terrorists in
Entebbe, Uganda. Shortly after my arrival, Benjamin entered the room.
After a few minutes of conversation, I asked if I could pray with him. He
agreed, and I anointed him with oil and prophesied that he would serve
as Israels prime minister.
I thought of that encounter the morning on which he would be
pressured to give up even more land for peace by my president. I called
David Bar Ilan, Netanyahus advisor and my friend, to tell him I had a word
from God for Benjamin. David asked me what it was, and I responded:

Tell him to be strong. President Clinton will pressure

him to give more land to Arafat today. But this is
Judgment day for President Clinton. There will be a major
distraction in the meeting. What the distraction will be,
I dont know. David, I only know that God said it, and it
is as sure a word as when He told me more than twenty
years ago that Bibi would be prime minister. 393

Later, my phone rang. When I answered, David shouted: You were

right! A note was handed to the president and he ended the meeting. He
told us he would have to meet later. He seemed very agitated. I just heard
it has something to do with a lady named Monica Lewinsky. That name
sounds Jewish. A story is going to break any minute now. It definitely
looks like you were right about the distraction.394
Afterward, when Netanyahu spoke before Congress and received a
standing ovation, especially from the Republican wing, Clinton began
to treat the prime minister not as the person expressing the will of the
Israeli people, but rather as if he were head of the opposition party in
the United States. Moreover, Clinton seemingly made every effort to
undermine Netanyahu while he was in office.
AmericanIsraeli relations in the mid-nineties should be viewed
in the context of Clintons overall policy, which may be defined as


conciliatory towards terror and all potential aggressors. If Arafat wanted

faster action or more concessions from Israel in their talks, all he had to do
was increase his violent tactics. Then Clinton could blame Netanyahu for
moving too slowly, and Clintons team and Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright would start chastising the Israelis.
More than three months after the Palestinians began a Second
Intifada against Israel (September 2000) with an increased wave of
bloody suicide bombings, Arafat was still a welcome guest in Clintons
White House. According to columnist Charles Krauthammer, Arafats
intifada was designed to demoralize Israel, destroy its economy, bring
it to its knees and thus force it to withdraw and surrender to Palestinian
demands, just as Israel withdrew in defeat from southern Lebanon in
May 2000.395
President George W. Bush observed afterward that Clintons final
attempt at peace was the work of two desperate peopleClinton and
Barak. One wanted to leave behind a legacy of peace in the Middle
East when he completed his presidency (in addition to his need to clear
his name after the sordid Lewinsky affair); the other needed a peace
agreement in order to survive the next elections in Israel. On the eve of
the 2001 elections, Eyal Arad, Ariel Sharons strategic advisor, described
Clinton and Barak as two children on a playground playing with a barrel
of gunpowder.
Arab sources show that Clintons extensive offer in July 2000
involved extraordinary concessions on Israels part: It gave Arafat
almost everything he wanted, including 98 percent of the territory of
Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, all of East Jerusalem except for the Jewish
and Armenian quarters, Palestinian sovereignty over the Temple Mount
(conceding only the right of Jews to pray there), and a compensation fund
of $30 billion. Incredibly, Arafat rejected the offer and walked out of the
meeting. He did not want just part of Jerusalem and Israel, he wanted it
This pattern of willingness to negotiate endlessly with enemies, even


when they continued senseless violence against innocent people, was

one of the trademarks of Clintons presidency. Personal, selfish motives
characterized the whole of his relationship with Israel.
Bill Clinton was a president who could not stand being disliked,
even by his enemies or those he had betrayed. Saudi Ambassador Bandar
bin Sultan said of Clinton, He gets excited by the possibility of talking
to his enemy and changing him. If Clinton leaves office . . . and doesnt
have a relationship with Cuba, North Korea, Iran, or Libya, he will feel
internally that he has not accomplished his mission.396
As with the Obama administration, Clinton was, and apparently still
is, incapable of grasping one basic fact: Palestinian leaders are not seeking
statehood alongside Israel; they are seeking statehood with no Israel.
This was again made patently obvious in an interview with a number of
bloggers in early 2012. Clinton was in rare form as he castigated various
Jewish groups for their refusal to negotiate with those who wished them

Youve had all these immigrants coming in from the

former Soviet Union, and they have no history in Israel
proper, so the traditional claims of the Palestinians have
less weight with them. The most pro-peace Israelis are
the Arabs; second the Sabras, the Jewish Israelis that
were born there; third, the Ashkenazi of long-standing,
the European Jews who came there around the time of
Israels founding. The most anti-peace are the ultra-
religious, who believe theyre supposed to keep Judea and
Samaria, and the settler groups, and what you might call
the territorialists, the people who just showed up lately
and theyre not encumbered by the historical record. 397

One of those detractors denounced by Mr. Clinton was none other

than Natan Sharanksy, the Russian immigrant whose freedom was


sought by Ronald Reagan. In riposte to Clintons volley, Mr. Sharansky

said: I am particularly disappointed by the presidents casual use of
inappropriate stereotypes about Israelis, dividing their views on peace
based on ethnic origins.398
It is ludicrous to believe that a man of Mr. Sharanskys stature, who
spent years longing for the freedom Israel represents, would not fathom
and embrace Israels historical record. The obvious fact is that while he
was president, Bill Clinton failed to recognize Israels right to freedom
from terror and for the Jewish people to be treated with human decency.
He played jovial host to Yasser Arafat not once but thirteen times, and
was seemingly eager to allow the despot to create a terrorist enclave.
It appears that Mr. Clinton was not content to blame Prime Minister
Netanyahu for every perceived ill in the ongoing peace process; he drew
God into the debate. He pondered: The two great tragedies in modern
Middle Eastern politics, which make you wonder if God wants Middle
East peace or not, were Rabins assassination and Sharons stroke.399
Like many who have spent time occupying the chair in the Oval
Office, Clinton allowed his ego to impede reality. He continues to refer to
the deal rejected by Arafat in 2000 as my deal. The inference is that he
was more interested in securing his place in history than in negotiating a
sure and lasting peace between Israel and her enemies. After all, a signed
treaty would have been the jewel in the crown of his presidencyno
matter the threat to Israel.
In September 2003, almost three years after leaving office, Clinton
visited Israel to express his continued solidarity with Israeleven if it
was only with a particular part of the Jewish state. He came to celebrate
Shimon Peres eightieth birthday.
I was in Jerusalem at the King David Hotel at the time to speak at
a world summit on winning the war on terrorism through moral clarity.
I spent the evening with dear friends, Benjamin and Sarah Netanyahu.
Benjamin, the former prime minister, and at that time Minister of
Finance, was also a keynote speaker.


He asked, Are you going to the party in Tel Aviv?

I said, Not me. How about you?
He replied, Are you kidding? No chance.
I asked Benjamin, Remember when Bill Clinton was pressuring you
to give up more land to the PLO, and the meeting was cut short because
the Monica Lewinsky scandal had broken?
I added, It just hit me! The date that report was submitted to
Congress was September 11, 1998. Very interesting! By the way, I heard
a rumor that Monica is in the air and on her way to Jerusalem. Is that
Benjamin responded, Yes, it is. President Clinton had better not stay
too long.
However, that same evening we were speaking, there was another
telling moment occurring across town that further reveals Bill Clintons
relativism and worldview. At a certain point in the celebrations for Peres
birthday, Clinton, clad in a tuxedo, got up on the stage and burst into
John Lennons 1971 hit, Imagine, a theme song for moral relativists. He
crooned, Imagine theres no countries, It isnt hard to do, Nothing to kill
or die for, No religion too . . . 400

( 36 )

G E O R G E W. B U S H

A f riend is always loyal, and a brother

is bor n to help in time of need,
(Proverbs 17: 17, N LT)

Only one other father and son had served as presidents of the United States
before George Walker Bush was elected as the 43rd president of the United
States: John Adams (2nd president) and John Quincy Adams (6 th president).
The elder Adams had apparently groomed his son to succeed him in the
office of president; the elder Bush was quite shocked and surprised when
George decided to run for governor of Texas and then tossed his Stetson
in the ring for the 2000 presidential nomination.
George W. Bush, the son of George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara
Pierce, was born in New Haven, Connecticut. This transplanted Texan
attended school in Midland, Texas, graduated from Yale, and then took
a degree in business at Harvard, the only president at that time to have
received an MBA. George then returned to Texas, where he cast his lot
with the oil industry. It was there he met teacher and librarian Laura
Welch at a friends barbecue. She would have a dramatic impact on his
life. He has said of Laura:


I saw an elegant, beautiful woman who turned out

not only to be elegant and beautiful, but very smart and
willing to put up with my rough edges, and I must confess
has smoothed them off over time.401

As presidential candidate and later chief executive, George would

become known as a pro-Israel, Christian Zionist presidentunlike his
father before him. When George first met Israeli president Ariel Sharon,
he is said to have made it abundantly clear that he would not follow the
same path as his father. The elder Bush had been hard on Jewish leaders,
particularly on the issue of settlements, or what many refer to as the
occupied lands. Sharon had been instrumental in the development of
those areas.
George first met Sharon when he was governor of Texas. On a visit
to Israel, the governor was accompanied by then-foreign minister Sharon
on a helicopter tour. Sharon, who preferred to meet in his office, was
advised by his aide, Raanan Gissin, that he should take Governor Bush on
a flying tour of Israel. Said Gissin:

Youre at your best when you explain in the air . . . Who

knows? . . . the worst that could happen is that you gave a
helicopter ride to one of the candidates. But the best that
could happen [is] that one day this man could become

When they next met it would be over tea in the Oval Office in March
2001. The president indicated to Mr. Sharon that he would strongly
support Israel. An anonymous source in attendance reported that Bush
indicated he would use force if necessary.403
Reportedly, Bush deviated from his fathers policies primarily
because of his Evangelical tiesa resolute Republican group with strong
Zionist beliefs. Idealogically, he was cut more from the Reagan pro-Israel


cloth than that of his father. George was an adherent of Reagans spiritual
and emotional ties to Israel, seeing it as the land of the good guys, who
were working alongside the United States to battle fanatical evildoers.
The elder Bush had entered the White House with extended
experience in diplomacy and a political worldview based not on
theoretical aims but rather on a businesslike rationalenot with the
dream of promoting democracy in the Arab world. He cast himself as
a neutral player in Middle East politics. Whereas George the elder had
courted the Middle Eastern monarchs, his son allied himself with Israel
and Gods Chosen People.
The father and son obviously had differing approaches in the ways
they governed. According to William Kristol, a journalist who worked
for the elder Bush:

Bush the father was from a certain generation of

political leaders and foreign policy establishment types.
He had many years of dealings with leading Arab
governments; he was close to the Saudi royal family. The
son is less so. Hes got much more affection for Israel, less
affection for the House of Saud.404

In a speech delivered in Miami in 2006, Bush 43 delivered what

some saw as a veiled criticism of his fathers governing approach. He said:

The current Middle East crisis between Israel and

Hezbollah is part of a larger struggle between the forces
of freedom and terror. For decades, the status quo in the
Middle East permitted tyranny and terror to thrive. And
as we saw on September the 11th, the status quo in the
Middle East led to death and destruction in the United
States, and it had to change.405


Perhaps Bush saw clearly what other chief executives before and
after him had failed to grasp: The United States has an undeniable link
with Israel. The Jewish state is clearly a democracythe only one in
that troubled region. The countries share the same values, enjoy free
enterprise, embrace Judeo-Christian principles, cherish their freedoms,
support an unrestricted press, and welcome a zest for life lived within
fundamental parameters. The majority of Americans (more than 60
percent) are supportive of Israel; 56 percent consider Palestinians to be
extremists and an obstacle to peace, and 55 percent do not consider
Palestinians to be victims.406
Bush has been ridiculed because of his faith and castigated for his
commitment to Jesus Christ as his Savior, but his beliefs are central to his
support for the nation of Israel and in defining his worldview. He knows
that Israel is the birthplace of the Christian religion and having many
sites sacred to him and millions of Believers around the worldGolgotha,
the Garden Tomb, the Via Dolorosa, and the Garden of Gethsemane,
among others. He champions the preservation of the nation of Israel.
In the volatile Middle East of fanatical Muslims with a long history
of infighting, it seems implausible that the peoples of two nations could be
friendly simply due to shared beliefs and ethics. What possible good could
come from such an alliance? The United States has no troops stationed
in Israel. Neither exploits the other for the sake of oil, gold, diamonds,
minerals, or industrial superiority. Arab leaders are unable to grasp the
idea of anyone standing with the Jewish state and have concluded that
there must be some Zionist conspiracy afoot.
Thanks to President Clintons last-minute bungling, Bush entered
office with Arafats violent intifada in full swing. Reports of terror attacks
infused the front-page headlines. There were over sixty such attacks
some majorbefore September 11, 2001. The new president worked
to fulfill the role of peacemaker between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Unlike Clinton, however, he closed the doors of the White House to Yasser
Arafat. Bush stopped all contact with the godfather of terrorism in 2002,


after a ship laden with weapons bound for the Palestinian Authority was
intercepted. His dealings with Arafat also colored the way he dealt with
Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations that still threaten Israels
existence today.
Bush ultimately assumed the role of intermediary and helped develop
the Road Map for Peace, which was introduced in 2002. He seemed to
be guided even in his peacemaking attempts by the events of 9/11. The
president also recognized the inequity with which Israel is treated by
other world powers. In an article for the Jerusalem Post, David Harris
enumerated a number of ways that Israel is regarded differently from
other countries:

Israel is the only UN member state whose very

right to exist is under constant challenge.

Israel is the only UN member state that has been

publicly targeted for annihilation by another UN
member state.

Israel is the only nation whose capital city,

Jerusalem, is not recognized by other nations.

Israel is the only country that has been censured

by name not once, but nine times since the new
UN Human Rights Council was established in
June 2006. Astonishingly, or maybe not, this
UN body has failed to adopt a single resolution
critical of any real abuser of human rights.

Israel is the only country that has won all its

major wars for survival and self-defense, yet its
confronted by defeated adversaries who insist on
dictating the terms of peace.407


History mandates that to the victor goes the spoils, which

includes decreeing the terms for peace with her enemies. This doesnt
seem to apply to Israel, however. After defeatingnay, humiliatingher
treacherous enemies in three successive wars (1948, 1967, 1973), Israel
must fight for the right to keep what was hers in the beginning. She is
frequently dragged to the bargaining table and forced to be nice to those
who seek only her ultimate extermination.
Fundamental Islams driving fanaticism to target not only the Jews in
Israel but Americans in the United States stems from jealousy, according
to Irwin N. Graulich:

In addition, during that same period [1948current],

Israel totally embarrassed the entire Arab/Muslim
world by defeating them economically, technologically,
intellectually, culturally, religiously, medically, socially
and morally. Since Americas accomplishments are that
much greater, it is no wonder that the Arab/Muslim
nations feel totally frustrated. They subscribe to a
religious belief that promises world greatness, strength
and domination, while reality shows them trailing very
far behind.408

Bush recognized the precarious position in which Israel reposes and

vowed to give her his full support as president of the United States. In an
address to the National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance on
April 19, 2001, he observed:

Through centuries of struggle, Jews across the world

have been witnesses not only against the crimes of men,
but for faith in God, and God alone. Theirs is a story
of defiance in oppression and patience in tribulation,
reaching back to the exodus and their exile into the


diaspora. That story continued in the founding of the

State of Israel. The story continues in the defense of the
State of Israel.409

As the sands in the hourglass of his presidential era began to seep

slowly to the bottom bulb, George Bush, like Carter and Clinton before
him, began to seek a lasting Middle East peace. Unfortunately, he went
back to play the appeasement card. Why? The first reason is that peace
agreement signings play well to the home audience. Much of the American
public had lost patience with protracted negotiations and endless rounds
of international shuttle diplomacy. Many fail to understand the convoluted
politics of the Middle East or to realize that it will take far more than
signatures on a series of agreements, like the Hebron Agreement, the
Oslo Accords, the Road Map Plan, and the Annapolis Summit, to usher in
a lasting peace in the Middle East.
In an address of the American Jewish Committee in May of 2001,
President Bush had these words to offer:

We will speak up for our principles and we will stand

up for our friends in the world. And one of our most
important friends is the State of Israel. . . .
Israel is a small country that has lived under threat
throughout its existence. At the first meeting of my
National Security Council, I told them a top foreign
policy priority is the safety and security of Israel. My
Administration will be steadfast in supporting Israel
against terrorism and violence, and in seeking the peace
for which all Israelis pray.410

On June 24, 2002, Bush made one of the most important speeches
of his political career regarding Israel. His opening statement outlined


For too long, the citizens of the Middle East have lived
in the midst of death and fear. The hatred of a few holds
the hopes of many hostage. The forces of extremism and
terror are attempting to kill progress and peace by killing
the innocent. . . . For the sake of all humanity, things
must change in the Middle East. It is untenable for Israeli
citizens to live in terror. . . . Israeli citizens will continue
to be victimized by terrorists, and so Israel will continue to
defend herself.411

The president then outlined his dream for the region and the changes
the Palestinian people and leaders would have to make in order to see this
dream become a reality:

My vision is two states, living side by side in peace and

security. There is simply no way to achieve that peace until
all parties fight terror. Yet, at this critical moment, if all
parties will break with the past and set out on a new path,
we can overcome the darkness with the light of hope. Peace
requires a new and different Palestinian leadership, so that
a Palestinian state can be born. I call on the Palestinian
people to elect new leaders, leaders not compromised by
terror. I call upon them to build a practicing democracy,
based on tolerance and liberty. If the Palestinian people
actively pursue these goals, America and the world will
actively support their efforts. If the Palestinian people meet
these goals, they will be able to reach agreement with Israel
and Egypt and Jordan on security and other arrangements
for independence.412

Bush is, I am convinced, a religious man who loves God and loves
his country. What then, I wonder, did he see when he looked outside his


window during his visit to Jerusalem in 2008? Did he see the hatred for
Jews that the Islamic world continues to clutch to its chest, as a drowning
man would clasp a life preserver? Did President Bush see then the fanaticism
that still today grips the Islamic world, one teaching its children that Jews
are monkeys and pigs? Did he comprehend that determination not just
to occupy half of Jerusalem but to literally push the Jews into the sea? Did
he truly understand, as he stood in Jerusalem, that he was surrounded on
all sides by terrorists that hate both the Jews and America with the same
demonic passion? Im afraid at that moment he was gripped by the desire to
leave a legacy other than that of Iraq. He was determined that history would
speak well of him and succumbed to the temptation to touch that which
God has warned mankind not to touch: the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8).
While a two-state solution in the Middle East was a dream President
Bush hoped to achieve, the reality was much uglier. When the president
arrived in Jerusalem on Wednesday morning, January 9, 2008, he was met
by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The two men have much in common: Both
are fitness enthusiasts; neither could be proclaimed a popular leader,
both had met terrorism head-on, and both tried to warn the world of the
danger that exists from the threat of Islamic fanaticism. Yet both were also
determined to hammer out some kind of agreement that would accomplish
what other presidents and prime ministers before them had failed to do:
create peace in the region.
The question still remains: How can any lasting peace be achieved in
the Middle East when the nations surrounding Israel refuse to recognize
her right to exist? The issue is not that her Arab neighbors want Israel to
make land concessions; Israels Arab neighbors want it all, minus any
Jewish inhabitants. The Arab desire is not for a two-state solution, Israel
and Palestine, the desired solution is for Israel to become another Arab
state devoid of any Jewish population. It is worth noting here that Bush
visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial and museum in Jerusalem. He
called his visit a sobering reminder that evil exists, and a call that when we
find evil we must resist it.413


Even though he had detoured into Legacyland, George Bush was

otherwise ever the defender of Israel. In May 2008, he traveled to Israel
to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the rebirth of the nation. He was
welcomed with all the pomp and circumstance due the Jewish states
dearest ally. He visited the Holy Land amid rocket attacks launched from
Hamas-controlled Gaza into Israel proper. In a speech delivered to a
group in Jerusalem, Bush cited President Harry Truman:

Because Harry Truman did what was right instead

of following the conventional wisdom, we can say today
that America is Israels oldest and best friend in the
world. America stands for peace and so does Israel. And
as we stand in peace, we must understand the realities
of the world in which we live. We must be steadfast. And
we must be strong in the face of those who murder the
innocent to achieve their objectives.414

As Bushs second term in office edged to a close, it became apparent

that his successor would be Barack Hussein Obama, and with that
election, Israel would lose her friend in the White House. It quickly
became clear that the next chief executive had little regard for Israel.
Perhaps Rabbi Steven Pruzansky put it most succinctly in his blog:

Jews will have to cultivate warmer relations with

the new Republican House and friendly Democratic
congressmen, and bear in mind that Israels base of
support in America today is not in the White House,
but in the Congress and, more importantly, with the
American people. They are the ones who will resurrect
and strengthen this relationship that reflects so well on
both countries and can yet benefit all of mankind.415


Following the inauguration of Obama in January 2009, Bush returned

to his beloved Texas. He and Laura purchased a home in a Dallas enclave
and at this writing divide their time between there and their ranch in
Crawford, Texas. When asked by Oprah Winfrey for a comment on his
successor, the former president replied:

I want to treat my successor the way Id like to have

been treated. I dont think its good for a former president
to be out there opining on every darned issue. Hes got a
plenty tough job. Trust me. And theres gonna be plenty
of critics and he doesnt need me criticizing him. And I
dont think its good for the presidency. Other people have
a different point of view.416

Many think Mr. Bush was referring to one of his harshest critics,
Jimmy Carter. Even when given the opportunity, George Bush declined
to name names. His courtliness had no effect on those in the new
administration, who continued to blame him for every ill that has beset
the country years after he left office. Although President Bush did make
a few blunders in his presidency, one thing is certain: Israel would miss
him in the days to come.
After leaving the White House, President Bush has maintained a low
profile both at home and abroad. He and wife, Laura, strongly support
humanitarian causes, and especially AIDS initiatives and cervical cancer
prevention in Africa. According to the former president, he much prefers
quiet leadership and hard work to being in the eye of a media storm.

( 37 )


On that day, when all the nation s of the earth are gathered
again st her, I will make Jer usalem an immovable rock
for all the nation s. All who t r y to move it will injure themselves ,
(Zechariah 1 2: 3, NI V )

As the days of the George W. Bush presidency wound down, the

country was faced with soon having a relative unknown in the White
HouseBarack Hussein Obama. He had burst onto the political scene in
Illinois when he ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives in
2000. Four years later he was victorious in securing a US Senate seat. It
was during the Democratic National Convention in July 2004 that the
charismatic, mixed-race Obama grabbed national attention when he
delivered a stirring keynote address. Just three years later, he launched
his presidential campaign. After defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton
in the Democratic primaries in 2008, he won the nomination. He then
ran against and defeated Republican candidate John McCain and was
inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Would that I could write Barack Obama is a Christian Zionist and tell
of his uncompromising support for the Jewish people; the opposite has


proven to be true. The appalling deterioration of the relationship between

the United States and Israel has created a strain not apparent since the
days of both George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. During his election
campaign, Obama stated that one of his first goals as president would
be to sit down and negotiate with the rogue leaders of such countries
as Iran and Syria. The despotic heads of those countries and others like
them search for any microscopic evidence of weakness on the part of an
American president. When found, the tyrants historically make use of
that toehold. To date, Syria is still in massive turmoil due to a bloody civil
war, and Iranian leaders continue to thumb their collective noses at calls
for a halt to their nuclear pursuits.
During his initial campaign, Obama surrounded himself with people
whose anti-Israel leanings are sometimes knownsometimes suspect.
One such individual is Robert Malley, whose Syrian-born father is said to
have loathed Israel and who became a close confidant to Yasser Arafat.
Malley has written a number of op-eds that are scathingly opposed to
Israel. He often blames Israel for any perceived failure to reach a Middle
East peace settlement with her enemies. Malleys rhetoric has proven to
be rich fodder for the PA and anti-Israel militants worldwide.
Another man from whom Obama has sought advice is Joseph
Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund. Listed in Discover the
Networks, a guide to the Liberal Left, the Fund is defined as: a public
grant-making foundation that supports initiatives to prevent the spread
and use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and other weapons
of war, and to prevent conflicts that could lead to the use of weapons of
mass destruction. It also opposes Americas development of a missile
defense system.417
Cirincione, it has been said, has decidedly anti-Israel leanings. Ed
Lasky, writer for American Thinker, concurs. He wrote that Cirincione is
another in a disconcertingly long line of Obama advisors who seemingly
have an anti-Israel bias and who would be very willing to apply American
pressure on our tiny ally to disarm itself in the face of its mortal enemies.418


Days before the 2008 election, the leader of one rogue state endorsed
Obama, according to an AFP article in YNetNews:

Iranian parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said Wednesday

that Iran would prefer Democrat Barack Obama in the
White House next year. Larijani also dismissed any idea
that the US would attack Iran. We are leaning more in
favor of Barack Obama because he is more flexible and
rational, even though we know American policy will not
change that much, Larijani said at a press conference
during a visit to Bahrain.419

Now, why do you suppose both a terrorist organization and a terrorist

state would support one candidate over another? Could it have been the
knowledge that one candidate was likely to be more left, more liberal,
and more willing to sacrifice Israel than the other? And yet it is eerily
apparent that despite his circle of anti-Israel advisors, the media and
many voters continue to view Barack Obama as a staunch supporter of
that tiny nation in the midst of a sea of detractors.
Shortly after taking office, Obama did his best to alienate American
Jews and their Israeli counterparts. He made every effort to visit Muslim
countries, including two trips to Indonesia and Afghanistan, and one
each to Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia (where he was caught on camera
infamously bowing to King Abdullah), and Egypt. In an article for Front
Page Magazine, Joseph Kline criticized Obamas treatment of Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

Obamas latest blast at Netanyahu recalls his snub of

Netanyahu during the prime ministers first visit to the
Obama White House in March 2010. Obama presented
Netanyahu with a list of demands, including a halt to
all settlement construction in East Jerusalem. When


Netanyahu resisted Obamas charms, Obama picked up

his marbles. He stormed out of the meeting and declared,
Im going to the residential wing to have dinner with
Michelle and the girls. Obama also refused the normal
protocol of a joint photograph with the Israeli leader.420

During his first term in the White House, President Obama did more
to destroy Israels legitimacy and weaken her already fragile place globally
than any president since Jimmy Carter. His tactic was elementary: He
simply became president with a world platform to demand that Israel halt
settlement construction as a prerequisite to peace talks. This includes
erecting homes for Jews in their own Jewish Quarter. Reportedly, his
first contact after becoming president was a telephone call to Palestinian
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, not to the prime minister of Israel,
the chief US ally in the Middle East.
Less than six months after assuming office, Obama flew to Cairo
to deliver a major speech designed to impress the Muslim world.
During the speech he said, Anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an
unprecedented Holocaust.421 He failed, however, to call attention to the
Arab anti-Semitism during World War II and its continuance in todays
Muslim world. He chose as his platform the country of the Grand Mufti
Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini, Hitlers frequent wartime guest in
Berlin, who was instrumental in helping the Fhrer advance the Final
Solution. Not one time did the president articulate the word terrorism.
But he did pander to the Palestinians present.
Anne Bayefsky, professor and Hudson Institute Fellow, wrote of
Obamas Egypt speech:

Obama [in the Cairo speech] analogized Palestinian

daily humiliations . . . that come with occupation to the
humiliation of segregation of black slaves in America
and the moral authority of people from South Africa.


His Arab audience understood that the president of the

United States had just given a nod to the single most potent
defamation of the Jewish state todaythe allegation that
Israel is a racist, apartheid state.422

In his speech, the president designated Israel as the second major

source of tension in the Middle Eastfollowing fanatical Muslim
terrorists. At the same time, he stated unequivocally that the United
States would not turn a blind eye to the desire of the Palestinians for
statehood. It seems that Mr. Obama was then, and still is, dedicated to
the proposition of a fifty-fourth Muslim country. With the creation of a
Palestinian state, Israel would be completely isolatedan island in a sea
of fanatical Muslim countries.
The truth is, no oneeither at home or abroadhad any earthly idea
what Barack Obama would do when he arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue. Even now after a second election, more questions than answers
remain: If there were a nuclear attack by Iran against Israel or the United
States, would Mr. Obama have the courage to open the briefcase and
enter the code for retaliation, or would he decline to become involved?
If fanatical Muslim terrorists were to again initiate an attack on US soil,
how would Mr. Obama respond? Would he jeopardize US allies in every
region of the world? Just what is his backbone quotient?
How did Barack Obama handle the challenges of his first term as 44th
president of the United States, in both domestic and foreign relations?
What will be the results of his second term? What will US foreign policy
look like in 2016? For an insightful glimpse, consider his treatment of our
ally Israel. Consider his inability to take a courageous stand against Irans
nuclear ambitions. Consider his deferential behavior toward the worlds
Muslim leaders. Consider his first post-election trip outside the United
Statesto Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar, while Israel once again
faced an incoming barrage of missiles from Hamas, Irans proxy in Gaza.
The question remains: When Iran reaches the threshold of nuclear


weapons capabilities, will the United States stand with Israel, or remain
on the sidelines, too fearful to act decisively? The 2012 election was a
bitterly fought campaign for Mr. Obama. He won both the popular
vote and the Electoral College, but nearly half the United States was
disenfranchised by his victory. Like Presidents Clinton and Bush before
him, he is a two-term president, but now as a lame duck head of state,
there is little to indicate he will change his stance regarding the issues
that plague Israel.
Just as Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal and abandoned
Iran to Islamic fundamentalists, will Obama give Israel away and then
abandon the United States to her enemies? Has our nation become the
frog in the pot of cold water? Have we elected and then re-elected a
president so complacent, that when the Middle East fire is ignited, we
will be forced to give in without a fight, turning a blind eye to Israels
plight, letting her perish without our support?
In July 2013, President Obama introduced his latest plan to resurrect
talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. His proposal
included granting freedom for over one hundred of terrorisms most
heinous criminals. The men whose release has been given include the
perpetrators of some of the most hideous acts of terror imaginable. Two
of the terrorists in the group tossed Molotov cocktails into a bus traveling
to Jerusalem. Rachel Weiss and her three children died, while IDF soldier
David Delarosa was murdered trying to rescue them. Another duo, the
men who invaded the home of David Dadi, stabbed him and his friend,
Chaim Weitzman, to death and then cut off their ears as souvenirs.
Apparently the president has forgotten or perhaps never bothered to
learn the origins of the PLO, which continues to hide under the banner
of the Palestinian Authority. Masquerading as Abu Mazen, PLO chief
financial officer, Mahmoud Abbas masterminded the Munich massacre
during the 1972 Summer Olympics.
The PA/PLO has, over the years, been equally complicit in hijacking
airplanes (TWA, Pan Am, and BOAC), attacking school buses filled with


Jewish children, and murdering, maiming, and mutilating the innocent.

Its members have killed Americans abroad: Ambassador to the Sudan
Cleo Noel and Leon Klinghoffer, a wheelchair-bound Jewish invalid,
aboard the Achille Lauro cruise ship, to name just two of the many victims
of the PLO.
The crisis facing President Barack Obama, and indeed, the world is
a test of moral will and faith. Humanists make excuses for the evil of
terrorists in the nations that surround Israel. At the worst, they refuse to
confront terrorism by denying its existence. This only feeds the beast of
evil. In truth, Israels relationship with the United States is a unique danse
macabre, and President Obama has embraced the role of dance master.
On October 1, 2013, Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke to the United
Nations General Assembly. Just days before his address,President Barack
Obama and Irans President Hassan Rouhani who followed Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad into office held the first direct talks between US and Iranian
leaders since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Exchanging pleasantries during a fifteen minute, have-a-nice-day
telephone conversation, Obama communicated his deep respects for the
Iranian people, and congratulated Rouhani for his recent election. Mr.
Obama also expressed his good wishes and hopes that he and the Iranian
leader could resolve over the next few months the differences between
the US and Iran.
For thirty-five years, Hassan Rouhani has served as an unswervingly
loyal Islamic cleric and a close aide to the Ayatollah Khamenei. Despite
the fact that President Obama congratulated him on his election,
Rouhani was only one of six presidential candidates. After 678 had been
disqualified by the regime as being ideologically unsound, Rouhani was
the final choice. Obama had an opportunity to maintain moral clarity and
keep the line of sanctions drawn in the sand. He had the chance to stand
by the United States greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel; instead, he
played the appeasement cardthat would only serve to devalue Americas
currency in the Middle East and embolden terror.


In his UN speech, Mr. Netanyahu called former Iranian President

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a wolf in wolfs clothing, and made it clear
that newly-elected Hassan Rouhani is unlike his predecessor. Instead,
Netanyahu said, he was the more conventional wolf in sheeps clothing
who thinks he can hoodwink the world at large. Said the prime minister,
I wish we could believe Rouhanis words, but we must focus on Irans
actions. And its the brazen contrast, this extraordinary contradiction,
between Rouhanis words and Irans actions that is so startling. Rouhani
stood at this very podium last week [September 28, 2013] and praised
Iranian democracy . . . But the regime that he represents executes political
dissidents by the hundreds and jails them by the thousands.423
Mr. Netanyahu then enumerated all the reasons why President Obama
and others should not believe Irans controlling clerics: One, all Iranian
nuclear facilities are hidden deep underground to forestall attacks; two,
facilities for uranium enrichment have been cloaked in secrecy; three,
intercontinental ballistic missiles have been developed with the specific
purpose of delivering nuclear warheads that would most certainly reach
Israel, and could within years reach cities on the eastern seaboard of
the United States; and four, Irans leaders are prepared to subject the
populace to crippling economic sanctions in order to keep International
Atomic Energy Agency officials from scrutinizing the countrys atomic
operations. The prime minister had one answer: Irans facilities are not
for peaceful nuclear pursuits.
Apparently Rouhanis trite, but effective, hale-fellow-well-met
strategy is one that works. The success of that falsely friendly approach
was touted in his 2011 book when he wrote: While we [the Iranians]
were talking to the Europeans in Tehran, we were installing equipment
in Isfahan. Mr. Netanyahu summed up that theory quite succinctly with
Rouhani thinks he can have his yellowcake and eat it too.424
Barack Obama, a lame duck president at this writing, is desperate and
perhaps willing to do anything to create a legacy for which he will be long
remembered. Israel, on the other hand, needs no reminder of what can


happen when past lessons are buried under a barrage of bluster. Its people
know the price that will be extracted if the fanatical regime in Tehran is
allowed to arm itself with atomic weapons. Netanyahu reminded us, We
in Israel, we know all too well the cost of war. But history has taught us
that to prevent war tomorrow, we must be firm today.425
President Obamas desire to negotiate no matter the cost gives rise
to those in the West who have become unwilling cohorts of the jihadists.
These individuals rationalize the presence of evil and the attacks by
terrorists based on their perception of our past sins.
Time alone will provide an opportunity for his presidency to be
properly evaluated. Will his imprint on the White House be similar to
that of his idol, Abraham Lincoln, or will it be more like that of Jimmy
Carter? What will be Obamas epitaph regarding the State of Israel? Will
he ultimately be equated with the Righteous Gentiles, or will his name
be missing from the list of those who are Friends of Israel?
As we consider his track record so far with regard to the State of
Israel, my best guess is that we will never find the name of Barack Obama
in the Hall or Righteous Gentiles at Yad Vashem.

( 38 )


For this is what the LOR D Almight y says:

Af ter the Glorious One has sent me again st the nation s
that have plundered youfor whoe ver touches you
touches the apple of his e ye I will surely raise my hand
again st them so that their slaves will plunder them .
Then you will know that the LOR D Almight y has sentme,
(Zechariah 2: 8 NI V.)

The river of prophecy is filled with rocks, rapids, eddies, and

undercurrents. It often has more to do with milestones we see along the
way than it does in the details of how something that was foretold will
be accomplished. Events tend to collide and conflict in the currents as
prophecy is fulfilled. Sometimes it seems to move ahead briskly, other
times it comes to a stagnant halt, flowing backwards for a time as its
energy builds, or even disappearing from sight only to reemerge farther
downstream. This often makes finding ourselves in the river rather
confusing. It is easy to get lost unless progress is gauged relative to the
bank, and this is why God gives us markers along the way to alert us to
the next bend in the river. By understanding the flow of prophecy over


the past few centuries, and seeing how those events relate to the patterns
of today, we can begin to clearly see what effects Bible prophecy has on
modern-day nations.
The US today is regarded as a world leaderand as such should have
a presence in events that will shape the world during the final days of
this earth. The key to the future is not buried in bureaucratic babble; it
lies instead in understanding the Word of God and what God is doing and
saying before the final confrontation that will be followed by a thousand
years of peace.
Many look at prophecy and think because certain things are ordained
it provides a reason to do nothing but sit and wait. As in the days of Noah,
too many continue to eat and drink, marry and be given in marriage, while
either disaster or deliverance is at the door.
While many may think the fulfillment of biblical prophecy is a
sovereign act of God, the scriptures themselves indicate that we can
choose on which side of prophecy we prefer to beblessed or cursed.
When God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He asked, Shall I
hide from Abraham that thing which I do? (Genesis 18:17, NIV.) God felt
He should take no action of judgment without giving His friend Abraham
the right to intercede on behalf of the inhabitants of the sinful cities.
Daniel, reading in the book of Jeremiah in his old age, came across a
scripture that said, After seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will
visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return
to this place, (Jeremiah 29:10, KJV.) Daniel did some hasty calculations:
over seventy years had passed and Israel was still in captivity in Babylon!
So he began to pray to Jehovah God. Thus was the heart of Babylonian
King Cyrus changed and Nehemiah was given permission to return to
Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple.
As Jesus said:

You are my friends if you do what I command. I no

longer call you servants, because a servant does not know


his masters business. Instead, I have called you friends,

for everything that I learned from my Father I have made
known to you, (John 15:14-15, niv [emphasis added].)

As Jesus followers, we should be informed as to what Hes planning

concerning events for our nation. We should be involved with praying
about their fulfillment. As it was with Daniel, God needs someone to agree
with Him, pray His promises into reality, and carry out His plan on earth.
In the parable of the fig tree (Matthew 24:32-44), Jesus warned His
disciples that when we begin to see certain events unfold, they would be
indications of the season of the end of this age. Just as new leaves on the
fig tree would indicate that summer was coming, so the generation that
saw these things would also see end time prophecy fulfilled. Look for a
moment at what Jesus said would mark the final age and His return:

Many would come in His name setting themselves up

as Christ and establishing their own religions (Matthew
24:5, 11)

The twentieth century witnessed a dramatic decline in membership

in mainline Protestant denominations. Not only has there been a decline
in church membership and attendance, the last few decades have seen a
departure from the historic faith. American studies show that two to five
million young adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five are
involved in approximately 2,000 to 5,000 cult groups today.426
Many churches and entire denominations have totally abandoned
biblical truth. Openly gay men and women have been ordained in some
of the older mainline churches. I have no doubt these clergyman and
women are sincerely committed to the faith and want to help the people of
their parish. The problem is a lifestyle that directly contradicts the clear
teaching of Scripture. God does not hate gaysfar from itbut does He
want practicing homosexuals misleading His Church?


This is not a new problem, by the way. The church at Corinth had
homosexuals, adulterers, and drunkards as members. The difference is
that they had all given up their former lifestyles after accepting Christ as

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not

inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither
fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,
nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards,
nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of
God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but
you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of
the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God, (1 Corinthians
6:9-11, KJV [emphasis added].)

There would be wars and rumors of wars; and nations will rise up
against nations (Matthew 24:6-7.)

All we need do is turn on any 24-hour radio or television

news channel to hear of wars and rumors of wars worldwide,
in countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, the Sudan, Egypt,
and other locales. How long have 24-hour news channels
been around? The first, CNN, began broadcasting in 1981.
Now, terrorist strikes and the ongoing battle on terrorism
are reported daily by that channel and several others.

There will be famines, epidemic diseases, and earthquakes all

over the world (Matthew 24:7)

An entire continent, Africa, is suffering from drought,

war, poverty, and plagues. In recent years, parts of the


United States have suffered debilitating drought and

wild changes in the weathermassive killer tornadoes,
devastating hurricanes, and repeated historic floods are
becoming commonplace.
Despite longer life expectancy, new diseases are being
discovered regularly; AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases are devastating entire continents. Viruses such as
the West Nile and SARS, as well as a new strain of flesh-
eating virus linked to strep have thrown many into panic.
We have more knowledge than ever before about disease
and better technology and techniques, yet at the same
time we are seeing epidemic increases in cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, and Alzheimers.
Since 1900, the world has experienced more than a
hundred different earthquakes where a thousand or more
were killed, and of the twenty-one earthquakes in the
history of the world where more than 50,000 were killed,
over half of them have taken place in the last century.427
In December of 2003 an earthquake hit Iran that killed
as many as 30,000, injured another 30,000, and left
more than 100,000 homeless. On that same day several
other earthquakes over 5.0 on the Richter scale hit along
the worlds ring of fire, all reported to be unrelated. In
December 2004, an earthquake off the coast of Indonesia
birthed a tsunami that killed as many as 300,000. In
October 2005, an earthquake in Pakistan caused the
deaths of as many as 100,000. In 2008 almost 70,000 died
in an earthquake that hit Sichuan Province, China. The
devastating earthquake that struck the Caribbean Island
of Haiti in 2010 killed between 230,000 and 316,000. An
earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 left over 18,000
dead and thousands missing. In addition, there were


hundreds of earthquakes with much lower death tolls felt


Persecution shall increase (Matthew 24:8-10)

Over sixty-five percent of the nearly 69.5 million

Christians who have died for their faith, died in the
twentieth century. Today, an average of 435 Christians die
for their faith every day.428 In a 2011 article in the Church
of England newspaper, it was reported that a Christian
dies for his/her faith every five minutes, yet we hear little
about this from the Liberal Left media worldwide.

Sin shall flourish and Christian love will grow cold (Matthew

This prophesied falling away is quite evident today,

and rapidly increasing. There is a modern disconnect
between personal spirituality and the traditional church
or synagogue. Polls consistently show that over ninety
percent of Americans profess a belief in God, and more
than sixty percent say religion is very important to their
own lives; yet only forty-three percent attend church or
synagogue on a regular basis.429
Liberals have used freedom of speech to legalize
every form of perversion. What used to be unseen and
spurned is now taking to the streets and growing. At the
same time, Christians in the US seem less and less sure
of themselves as the culture has turned against God.
Christian expression is being increasingly and forcefully
limited in our schools and society.
Meanwhile, our pews are filled with people who are


biblically illiterate. Why? Because many churches have

abandoned Christian education in favor of a feel-good
faith! We pay more attention to the music we sing than the
gospel preached. Our marching orders are to go into the
world and make disciples . . . baptizing them . . . teaching
them to observe all things, (Matthew 28:19-20) that God
commanded. The goal is not converts; it is disciples; and
discipleship requires more than a dont-worry-be-happy
gospel; it requires faithful preaching of all of Scripture,
including the parts that convict our hearts.

There shall also be an honored remnant of Believers who will

not grow cold and indifferent, but will become more diligent.
These disciples will see the gospel of Gods kingdom preached in
every nation (Matthew 24:13-14.)

While there are other signs of the end times foretold

in the Bible, I think these are enough to cause us to see
that the season Jesus spoke of is upon us. While we
dont know the day or the hour, the leaves of the fig
tree are definitely spouting and flourishing. It is time
we understood the significance of todays events and
our nations precarious position between the two sons
of Abraham, so that we know what to do in the days to
In order to do that, we must first know the milestones
for which to watch. According to Bible prophecy as it
has been interpreted by those who have dedicated much
of their lives to studying and understanding it, here are
the most significant biblical prophecies, past and present,
with respect to the salvation of Gods people:


Jesus first coming (Isaiah 53; Psalm 41:9 55:12-

14; Zechariah 9:9; 13:7)

Jesus death on the cross and resurrection

(Jeremiah 31:15; Psalm 22)

Jesus ascension to the right hand of the Father

and the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church
(John 20:17)

The destruction of the temple and Jerusalem

(Matthew 24:1-2)

The scattering of the Jews to the nations of the

earth (the Diaspora) (Genesis 49:7; Leviticus
26:33; Nehemiah 1:8)

The Reunification of the nation of Israel (Isaiah

11:1; 35:10; Jeremiah 31:10)

The Rapture (1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1

Thessalonians 4:16; Luke 17:34)

The Antichrists seven-year-peace pact with

Israel (marking the beginning of the Tribulation)
(Daniel 9:27)

The rebuilding of the Temple (Ezekiel 43:2-5;

44:4; Acts 15:13-17)

Gog and Magog (most commonly seen as

representing Russia or a coalition of forces led
by Russia or perhaps some of its former Soviet
Republics) attack Israel, but are thwarted by a
supernatural intervention of God (Revelation


The Temples desecration by the Antichrist

(marking the beginning of the three and a half
years of Great Tribulation) (Daniel 9:27)

The battle of Armageddon (Revelation 18)

Jesus Second Coming (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17;

Acts 1:11; Matthew 24:30; 1 Peter 1:7; 4:13)

The Millennium (Revelation 20:1-5)

Satan again loosed for a season (Revelation


The Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation



In looking at these prophetic mile markers, there are a couple of keys

to noticenamely where we are in this series of events, and when and
how they have occurred. One is that, since the destruction of the Temple
and Jerusalem by the Romans in ad 70, the single most significant event
of prophecy was the reunification of the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948.
A second is that the world sits on the threshold of one of the next
two events: 1) The blessed hope, the Rapture, followed by 2) the hell of
the Tribulation. If we are reading and interpreting the signs correctly,
these are likely to happen soon, possibly within this generation. Though
we have been told this to the point where its urgency has been lost for
many, it is nevertheless true. Jesus said, when you see all these things,
know that it is nearat the door....This generation will by no means pass
away till all these things take place, (Matthew 24:33-34.) It seems very
likely that events currently seen in the Middle East are setting the stage
for what will happen in the world during the Tribulation.
The spirit of Antichrist so active in the world today is, not surprisingly,


rabidly anti-Semitic. While the twentieth century was the worst period
of Christian persecution in the history of the world, it was also the time
of the Holocaust and of pogroms designed to rid Germany and Russia
of the Jewish populations. Today the cruelest persecution of Christians
happens in fundamentalist Muslim countries under Shariah Law (the
religious criminal code set forth by the Quran), and whose news media
also promote Jew-hatred. These are the white-hot beds of coal that keep
the fires of anti-Semitism and terrorism ablaze. If we interpret trends
correctly, this spirit is also behind much of the Liberal Lefts secular
relativism trying to silence Gods voice in the US today. Though this
spirit has also infected the Church from time to time, turning it towards
apostasy and anti-Semitism, we should not be confused. The true Church
will always be the one following the Spirit of Christ, exhibiting His true
fruit and gifts, not those who have turned to political correctness rather
than the love of God as its rule of thumb.
While America is clearly in this river of prophecy, it is evident that
nations such as Jordan (represented by the ancient peoples and lands of
Ammon, Moab, and Edom), Egypt, Iran (biblical Persia), Iraq (biblical
Babylon), the European Union (the reunited ten toes of the Roman
Empire), Russia (Rosh), Saudi Arabia (Sheba and Dedan), among others,
are specifically mentioned in the Bible. Some have also proposed that the
United States is in prophecy disguised as the tall and smooth-skinned
people who are feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange
speech, whose land is divided by rivers (Isaiah 19:2, NIV) or as a young
lion of Tarshish (see Ezekiel 3813, the two wings of the great eagle,
(Revelation 12:13-17, NIV) or even the spiritual Babylon of the end times.
In fact, highly respected evangelical leaders such as the late Rev. David
Wilkerson, pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, believed
that the US, with New York City as its spiritual center, is the Babylon of
Revelation 18. Look at how he described the nation that will be spiritual


1. It is a nation of immigrantsRevelation 18:15

2. It is a cultural cityRevelation 18:22

3. It has a deep water portRevelation 18:17-19

4. It has the wealth of the worldRevelation 18:15-

19; Jeremiah 51:13

5. It is the last super power on the earth (Babylon

the Great)Revelation 17.

6. The worlds leaders will assemble there

Jeremiah 51:44

7. It will be a world policemanJeremiah 50:23

8. It would seem to be connected to outer space

Jeremiah 51:53

9. It would have some amazing stealth-type

technologyIsaiah 47:10-13430

However, while this may be a possibility, I believe the United States

has another course. The Bible says, Blessed is the nation whose God is
the Lord, (Psalm 33:12, NIV) and Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin
is a disgrace, (Proverbs 14:34 nkjv.) Our politics and the course of our
nation do not determine what is in our hearts. If God is to truly heal our
land, it is not just a question of acceptable foreign and domestic policy;
it is an issue of churches in the United States rejecting relativism and
earnestly seeking God and His ways. The battle is not a conflict between
Christian and secular culture, but between good and evil, between the
Spirit of Christ and the spirit of Antichrist, between revealing Jesus
to our world and being satisfied with complacency and lukewarm
spirituality. Americas roots were firmly established in the moral clarity
of the Bible and prayer. If we call on God to heal our land, America might


well be better aligned with Israel and aid in its revival in the end times,
not engulfed by the spirit of the world that will place us on the wrong side
during the battle of Armageddon.
While the Rapture of the church may not happen tomorrow, or
perhaps for years, the Bible admonishes us to Occupy till I come, (Luke
19:13.) There are things that can be done to have peace in our time, win
the war on terrorism, and avoid abandoning Israel as other nations have
done. With Gods help, the US can accomplish what no other nation on
earth could even hope to do, but not without a major course correction. It
is time to realign our moral compass. The Church needs to be an eternal
purpose-driven Body of Believers, determined to preach the truth from
pulpits in America, determined to be salt and light to a dark and hopeless
We stand as Nineveh did after Jonah delivered a message from God:
we must either choose to leave God behind and continue as we have in
the past, or repent and experience revival. We are at a crossroads, but
even more significantly, we are in the crosshairs of fanatics who hate
Christians and Jews, and all things for which the United States and Israel
stand. We must respond both spiritually and naturally with Christian
love and compassion and with political wisdom based on clarity of vision
and moral integrity. It is a worthy calling far more powerful than the
suicide bombers quest for martyrdom. Yet until we live with greater
conviction than that for which they die, our generation will see nothing
of Gods plan and purpose.
Had the Church obeyed the Great Commissionto be a witness unto
Him in Jerusalem, Judea and SamariaIslamic fundamentalists such as
Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and others of that ilk would not have
been able to corrupt the minds of Arab children with hatred for Jews and
Christians. Instead, they would know the Word of God and more would
become followers of Him, filled with love. Revival would be spreading
across the Middle East and events of September 11 and the ensuing


wars in Iraq and Afghanistan might never have occurred. The truth is:
Palestinian Christians do not kill Jews.
Has the Church failed this nation and our Lord? Is the Church
guiltier in the eyes of God than the apostates who have turned away from
Him? Is it too late? No, its not; but if ever the Church of Jesus Christ
plans to repent and obey the Great Commission, rather than continuing
to pursue the Great Omission, it is now!
I pray that pastors will begin to preach on the Second Coming of
the Lord. The Bible tells us that we are to live soberly, righteously, and
godly, in this present world, (Titus 2:12.) There has never been a time
in history when God dwelt in a Church with an earthly perspective. It
is time to proclaim this message. Why? The world has infiltrated the
Church. Abortions, divorces, pornography, drugs, alcohol and even
homosexuality are alive and well in the Church. Many pastors allow fear
of retaliation to keep them from preaching against these matters.
God has placed one message on my heart to preach in this hour:
Jesus is coming! The Bible says, I know your deeds, that you are neither
cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are
lukewarmneither hot nor coldI am about to spit you out of my mouth,
(Rev. 3:16, niv.)
The Shepherd is calling for spiritual warriorswill you answer His
call? If so, we need to understand the currents of American prophecy
from our beginnings so that we know how to navigate the waters that lie
ahead of us.


Israel is the nation mentioned most often in the Bible. Do you know
what nation is second? Its Iraq! However, that is not the name used in
the Bible. The names used in the Bible are: Babylon, Land of Shinar and
Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia means between two rivers
more precisely, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
The name Iraq means country with deep roots. Indeed, Iraq is a
country with deep roots. That is very significant in the Bible. Heres why:

No other nation, except Israel, has more history and

prophecy associated with it than Iraq.

Prophecies: Curses on nations that reject God and His Word

Genesis 27:29 Malachi 1:14 Deuteronomy 30:1
Genesis 18:18 Genesis 22:18 Genesis 26:4
Psalm 72:17 Isaiah 61:9 Jeremiah 4:2
Malachi 3:12 Galatians 3:8 Deuteronomy 28:14-68
Joel 3:16

Prophecies: God fighting against nations that reject His Word

Jeremiah 1:19 Jeremiah 15:20 Jeremiah 21:4
Jeremiah 21:5 Jeremiah 32:5 Jeremiah 34:1,7
Jeremiah 34:22 Daniel 10:20 Daniel 11:7,11
Zechariah 14:2, 3 Acts 5:39 Revelation 2:16
Genesis 12:1-3

Prophecies: Curses on Nations that attempt to divide the land of Israel

Zechariah 7:3 II Samuel 7:10 Genesis 25:23
Genesis 17:4-9 Genesis 28:13 Zechariah 2:8
Jeremiah 12:14 Amos 9:14-15


Prophecies: Nations that conspire together to divide the land of Israel

Psalm 83:1-18

Prophecies: Nations blessed for blessing Israel

Genesis 18:18 Genesis 22:15-18 Genesis 26:4
Genesis 27:29 Psalm 72:17 Isaiah 61:9
Jeremiah 4:2 Malachi 3:12 Galatians 3:8
Genesis 12:1-3 Isaiah 2:3 Isaiah 62:1-7
Psalm 128:5 Deuteronomy 28:10-13

Prophecies: Curses on the nations that come against Jerusalem

Zechariah 12:1-6 Zechariah 2:8 Revelation 16:12-16

Prophecies: Specially chosen by God

2 Chronicles 6:6 Psalm 135:21 2 Chronicles 37:7

Prophecies: Protected by God

Isaiah 31:3 II Samuel 24:16 II Kings 19:34-34
Zechariah 2:5 Psalm 121:4-8 II Chronicles 12:7

Described as prophecies
Psalm 48:2 Jeremiah 22:8 Psalm 122:3
Psalm 46:4 Isaiah 60:14 Matthew 5:5
Isaiah 1:21, 26 Zechariah 8:3 Isaiah 62:12
Nehemiah 11:1 Jeremiah 3:17 Psalm 48:12
Isaiah 33:30 Zechariah 7:3

Prophecies fulfilled
Jeremiah 20:5 Jeremiah 9:11 Jeremiah 26:18
Isaiah 64:10 Isaiah 44:26-28 Zechariah 9:9
Isaiah 2:3 Isaiah 40:9 Luke 19:42-44
I Kings 14:25, 26 II Kings 14:13, 14 II Chronicles 12:1-4
Isaiah 7:1 II Kings 16:5 II Kings 18:17
II Kings 19:1-37 II Kings 23:33-35 III Kings 24:10, 11
II Kings 25:1-30 Jeremiah 29:1-8

Prophecies: Jerusalem and the nations

II Chronicles 32:23 Psalms 79:1 II Chronicles 33:9
Isaiah 66:20 Jeremiah 3:17 II Chronicles 34:14
Jeremiah 4:16 Ezekiel 5:5, 8 Ezekiel 26:2
Joel 3:1 Micah 4:2 Zechariah 8:22
Zechariah 9:10 Zechariah 12:3, 9 Zechariah 14:2, 12, 14, 16
Luke 21:24 Luke 24:47 Psalm 125:1-2

Future prophecies
Matthew 24:21, 29 Matthew 24:6-15 Revelation 2:12
Isaiah 2:3 Jeremiah 33:7-8 Revelation 21:1, 2, 10


Prophecies declaring the land and eternal covenant

Genesis 17:4-9 Genesis 15:18-21 II Chronicles 37:7
Psalm 89:28-37 Psalm 105:8-11 Genesis 13:14-15
Psalm 102:12-13 Isaiah 49:15 Amos 9:14-15
Jeremiah 30:3 Ezekiel 28:25-26 Ezekiel 36:24

Prophecies: The Messiahs return to Jerusalem

Psalm 102:15 Zechariah 14:1-3

Prophecies: The Rebirth of Israel in 1948

Isaiah 66:8-13

Prophecies: The Temple Site

Isaiah 14:12-15 Isaiah 2:2-4 Daniel 8:23-25

Prophecies: The return of the Jews to Israel

Isaiah 49:22 Isaiah 43:6 Ezekiel 11:1
Amos 9:14-15 Isaiah 11:12 Jeremiah 29:10-14

Prophecies: Babylon (Iraq)

Eden in Iraq: Genesis 2:10-14
Adam and Eve created: Genesis 2:7-8
Satans first appearance: Genesis 3:1-6
Nimrod established Babylon: Genesis 10:8-9
Tower of Babel built: Genesis 11:1-4
Confusion of languages: Genesis 11:5-11
Abrahams hometown: Genesis 11:28-12:5, Acts 7:2-4
Isaacs bride from Iraq: Genesis 24:3-4, 10
Jacob in Iraq: Genesis 27:42-45, 31:38
First world empire: Daniel 1:1-2, 2:36-38
Daniel tested: 2 Kings 24; Daniel 2:49; 3:12-30; 6
Greatest revival in history: Jonah 3
Book of Esther: Esther
Book of Nahum: Nahum
Prophecies in Revelation: R evelation 17; 18; Revelation 9:13-16;
Revelation 16:16-19
Fall of Babylon: Daniel 14:8
Judgment: Ezekiel 37; 38; Isaiah 13:1,6, 19; Isaiah 14:22-23
Daniels Prophecies: Isaiah 14:22-23; Daniel 2:44; Daniel 9:2426;
Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11:31

Prophecies: The Promised Messiah

He will be born of a virgin: Isaiah 7:14
Place of His birth: Micah 5:2
Rachel weeps for her murdered children: Jeremiah 31:15
He will be called out of Egypt: Hosea 11:1
The Spirits anointing: Isaiah 11:2


Triumphant entry into Jerusalem: Zechariah 9:9

Betrayed by His friend: Psalm 41:9; 55:12-14
Forsaken by His disciples: Zechariah 13:7
The price of His betrayal: Zechariah 11:12
Prophecies: The Returning Messiah
The Judge: Psalm 98:9
The Builder who appears in Glory: Psalm 102:16
Son of Man and Kingdom Claimer: Daniel 7:13
Glorious One from the Father: M atthew 16:26:27, Titus 2:11-15,
Hebrews 9:24-28
Claims His throne: Matthew 19:28
Prophetic timeline of His appearing: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21
Bridegroom: Matthew 25:1-2
Judges His servants: Matthew 25:13-30, II Timothy 4:1
His appearing in the clouds: Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:62
Reward for denial: Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26, II Peter 3
Ready for His coming: Luke 12:35-48, Luke 17:20-37, 18:8
The ten talents: Luke 19:11-28
The promise of Gods anointing: John 1:51
The promise of His return: John 14:3, John 14:18; John 14:28, Acts 1:10-11
Promised refreshing: Acts 3:19-21
Wait for His coming: I Corinthians 1:4-8, I Thessalonians 1:19
Judge not: I Corinthians 4:5
In Remembrance: I Corinthians 11:26
Behold, He comes: I Corinthians 15:23, 16:22, Philippians 3:10,
Revelation 16:15
Rejoice: II Corinthians 1:14
The Day of the Lord: Philippians 1:6-10
Watching for Him: Philippians 3:20-21, I Timothy 6:13-15, Hebrews 10:25
With Him: Colossians 3:3-5
The joy of His coming: I Thessalonians 2:19
Blameless: I Thessalonians 3:13, I Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 10:22
The Rapture: I Thessalonians 4:13-18, I Thessalonians 5:1-10, II John 7,
Jude 14-15, Revelation 1:17, Revelation 2:25, Revelation 3:3,
Revelation 14:14-16
The revelation: II Thessalonians 1:7-10, I Peter 4:13, I Peter 5:1-4
The reward: II Timothy 4:8
Satan defeated: II Thessalonians 2:1-8
Patience: Hebrews 10:35-37, James 5:7-8, I Peter 1:7, I Peter 1:13
Confidence: I John 2:28
Like Him: I John 2:2-3, I John 3:2-3,
Even so, come quickly: Revelation 22:20


At that time Michael shall stand up,

The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people;
And there shall be a time of trouble,
Such as never was since there was a nation,
Even to that time.
And at that time your people shall be delivered,
Every one who is found written in the book.
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to everlasting life,
Some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Those who are wise shall shine
Like the brightness of the firmament,
And those who turn many to righteousness
Like the stars forever and ever.
But you, Daniel, shut up the words,
and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and
fro, and knowledge shall increase.
Daniel 12:14 [italics added]

Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket,

And are counted as the small dust on the scales; . . .
All nations before Him are as nothing,
And they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless. . . .
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:15,17,30-31

And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain

great and high, and showed me the Holy City,
Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.
Revelation 21:10 NIV

The great dragon was hurled downthat ancient serpent

called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.
He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
Revelation 12:9

1. Library of Congress website, Bibles and Scripture Passages Used by Presidents in Taking
the Oath of Office Online at: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/pihtml/pibible.html. Ac-
cessed: 5 January 2003.
2. Bowen, Clarence W. The History of the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George
Washington, N.Y. 1892, 72, Illustration.
3. Listed in the files of Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress, source not given.
4. Wright, John. Historic Bibles in America, N.Y. 1905, 46.
5. List compiled by Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1939.
6. One source (The Chicago Daily Tribune, Sept. 23, 1881, p. 5) says that Garfield and Arthur
used the same passage, but does not indicate which one.
7. Hutchins, Stilson. The National Capitol, Washington, 1885, 276.
8. Harpers Magazine, August 1897.
9. Senate Document 116, 65th Congress, 1st Session, 1917.
10. New York Times, Apr. 13, 1945, 1, col. 7.
11. Facts on File, Jan. 16-22, 1949, 21.
12. New York Times, Jan. 21, 1953, 19.
13. New York Times, Jan. 22, 1957, 16.
14. New York Times, Jan. 21, 1961, 8, col. 1.
15. Mooney, Booth. The Lyndon Johnson Story, 1.
16. Office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court via phone July 1968.
17. Washington Post, Jan. 20, 1969, A1.
18. New York Times, Aug. 10, 1974, p. A1.
19. Washington Post, Jan. 21, 1977, A17.
20. White House Curators Office.
21. Washington Post, Jan. 21, 1997, A14.
22. Inauguration staff. George W. Bush had hoped to use the Masonic Bible that had been used
both by George Washington in 1789, and by the Presidents father, George H. W. Bush, in
1989. This historic Bible had been transported, under guard, from New York to Washington
for the inauguration but, due to inclement weather, a family Bible was substituted instead.
23. Joby Warrick, Nuclear Program in Iran Tied to Pakistan, Washington Post, December 21,
24. The Role of Israeli Lobby in US Presidential Elections, http://ezinearticles.com/?The-
Role-of-Israeli-Lobby-in-US-Presidential-Elections&id=1084134; accessed August 2013.
25. Tom Robbins, The Lesson: Incident at the Towers, 1993, New York Daily News, December
9, 1998 in Richard Miniter, Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clintons Failure Unleashed Global Ter-
ror (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2003), P. 19.
26. Miniter, Losing bin Laden, xvi, xix. (Insert added.)


27. Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, speaking in Detroit in 1991, https://litigation-essentials.lexis-

+L.J.+1347&srctype=smi&srcid=3B15&key=4c30bebc9815da8a6077c0a42bb897ba; accessed
August 2013.
28. Yossef Bodansky, bin Laden: The Man who Declared War on America (New York, NY: Random
House, 1991) p. 57.
29. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-68), U.S. clergyman, civil rights leader. Strength to Love,
Philadelphia, Fortress Press, pt. 4, ch. 3 (1963).
30. Yossef Bodansky, The High Cost of Peace: How Washingtons Middle East Policy Left America
Vulnerable to Terrorism. (Roseville, CA: Forum, 2002), 9-10.
31. In Search of Truth: Historical Parallels as a Means of Understanding the Rise of Arab Na-
tionalism, http://www.kesser.org/essays/arab-nationalism.html; accessed August 2013.
32. Thomas Jefferson, Commerce between Master and Slave, 1782, http://douglassarchives.
33. Holy Trinity Church v. United States. 143 U.S. 457, 465 (February 29, 1892).
34. Ibid, p. 471
35. David Barton, The Bulletproof George Washington. (Aledo, TX: Wallbuilders Press, 1990), 35,
44, 50, 57.
36. William F. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster,
1960), p. 98.
37. Scholars today believe that Isaiah 18 refers to CushEgypt as we know it today. Though
Pastor MacDonald may have misinterpreted this scripture, his call to action was still a godly
one. It was the first step in the American conscience towards supporting the rebirth of the
nation of Israel.
38. Peter Grose, Israel in the Mind of America (New York, NY: Knopf, 1984) p. 9.
39. John McDonald, New Translation, Isaiah Chapter 18 (Albany: E. & E. Hosford, 1814), p. 23;
http://olivercowdery.com/texts/1814McDn.htm; accessed September 2013.
40. Grose, p. 15.
41. Ibid, p. 23-4
42. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, translated Ralph Manheim (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1943(, p.
43. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, p. 349.
44. Ibid, p. 77
45. Ibid, p. 1056
46. Ibid, p. 1069
47. Ronald Lewin, Hitlers Mistakes (New York, NY: Quill, William Morrow, 1948), pp. 15-16.
48. Abdulhak Adnan, La Science chez les Turcs ottoman (Paris: 1939), 87, 98-99 in Bernard
Lewis, What Went Wrong?: The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East (New
York: Perennial, 2002), p. 7.
49. Lewis, What Went Wrong?, 9.
50. Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798-1939 (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1970), 37 in Dore Gold, Hatreds Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global
Terrorism (Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2003), 19.
51. Dore Gold, Hatreds Kingdom: How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism (Wash-
ington, DC: Regnery, 2003), p. 26-27.
52. Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, p. 13.


53. Nadav Safran, Saudi Arabia: The Ceaseless Quest for Security (Cambridge: Harvard Univer-
sity Press, 1985), 58 in Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, 60.
54. John Loftus and Mark Aarons, The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage
Betrayed the Jewish People (New York: St. Martins Griffin, 1994), p.71.
55. Sources: Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation (Thunders Mouth Press, 1994); Adam Lebor,
Hitlers Secret Bankers (Birch Lane Press, 1997); John Loftus & Mark Aarons, The Secret War
Against The Jews (St. Martins Press, 1994); Christopher Simpson, Blowback (Weidenfeld &
Nicholson, 1988); Christopher Simpson, The Splendid Blond Beast (Grove Press, 1993).
56. Nawaf E. Obaid, Improving U.S. Intelligence Analysis on the Saudi Arabian Decision-Mak-
ing Process, (Masters Thesis, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
1998), 13 in Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, 60.
57. Nadav Safran, Saudi Arabia: The Ceaseless Quest for Security (Cambridge: Harvard Univer-
sity Press, 1985), p. 58; in Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, 60. Safrans source was the Saudi Arabian
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources.
58. The State Departments U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom was the first
government agency to step forward publicly and finger Saudi Wahhabism as a strategic
threat to the United States. See Tom Carters article, Saudis Strict Islam called a Threat,
The Washington Times (November 19, 2003), http://www.washtimes.com/world/20031118-
113127-4259r.htm; accessed November 2003.
59. Kenneth R. Timmerman, Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America (New York:
Crown Forum, 2003), p. 66.
60. Safran, Saudi Arabia), p. 221 in Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, p. 119. Safrans source was the Saudi
Arabian Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources.
61. Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, p. 126.
62. Blaine Hardin, Saudis Seek U.S. Muslims for their Sect, New York Times, October 20, 2001
in Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, p. 126.
63. Reza F. Safa, Inside Islam (Orlando, FL: Creation House, 1997)
64. Cockburn, Dangerous Liaison, 194.
65. Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, 127.
66. Tom Carter, Saudis; Strict Islam called a Threat, The Washington Times (November 19,
2003), http://www.washtimes.com/world/20031118-113127-4259r.htm; accessed November
67. IslamOnline.net, Sudanese Islamist Group To Look For Office Abroad. http://www.islam-
online.net/iol-english/dowalia/news-14-2-2000/topnews5.asp. Created: 14 February 2000;
accessed November 2003.
68. Tom Robbins, The Lesson: Incident at the Towers, 1993, New York Daily News, December
9, 1998 in Richard Miniter, Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clintons Failure Unleashed Global Ter-
ror (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2003), p. 19.
69. Miniter, Losing bin Laden, xvi, xix. (Insert added.)
70. Joseph Grinstein, LexisNexis, Harvard Law Journal, March 1996, https://litigation-essen-
accessed August 2013.
71. Congressional Budget Office, October 7, 2010, http://www.cbo.gov/publication/25107; ac-
cessed August 2013.
72. Gary Hart and Warren B. Rudman, Roadmap for National Security: Imperative for Change
(Wilkes-Barre, PA: Kallisti Publishing, 2001), p.12.


73. Joel Mowbray, Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Threatens Americas Secu-
rity (Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2003), p. 9-10.
74. Annual Report 2013, Saudi Arabia, http://www.amnesty.org/en/region/saudi-arabia/report-
75. http://christianactionforisrael.org/un/backs02.html; accessed August 2013.
76. Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Graffiti on Historys Walls, U.S. News & World Report vol. 135,
no. 15 (November 3, 2003), p. 47-48.
77. Mike Evans personal interview with Rudolph Giuliani
78. Jill and Leon Uris, Jerusalem, Song of Songs (New York: Doubleday, 1981), p. 9.
79. See Appendix C for more information on sales to these countries.
80. Congressional report shows that arms exports tripled from previous year, with
Gulf Arab states the main customers, http://www.aljazeera.com/video/ameri-
cas/2012/08/20128273548544850.html; accessed August 2013.
81. Seymour Hersh, The Samson Option: Israels Nuclear Arsenal & American Foreign Policy
(New York, NY: Random House, 1991), p. 20.
82. Hersh, The Samson Option, p. 119.
83. Hersh, The Samson Option, p. 121.
84. Hersh, The Samson Option, p. 121.
85. Hersh, The Samson Option, p.9.
86. Yossef Bodansky, The High Cost of Peace: How Washingtons Middle East Policy Left Ameri-
can Vulnerable to Terrorism (Rosehill, CA: Forum, 2002), p. 568.
87. Joby Warrick, Dirty Bomb Cache Gone without a Trace, The Washington Post, October 13,
2003, http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/12/12/1071125654030.html; accessed August
88. George Santayana, The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905
89. Terminology that is often used to describe the Jews and their allies in the Islamist docu-
ments. See for example Dore Golds Hatreds Kingdom, 231.
90. A convocation of world leaders was held in Jerusalem beginning on October 11, 2003. The
purpose of the meeting was to discuss how to win the war on terrorism through moral clar-
ity. Transcripts were made available of all addressed and are held by Dmitry Radyshevsky,
executive director, The Michael Cherney Foundation. References to remarks offered during
the summit are taken from these transcripts.
91. Ibid.
92. Ibid.
93. The Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act, The Jewish Virtual Library, http://www.us-
israel.org/jsource/Peace/Jerusalem_Relocation_Act.html; accessed December 2003.
94. Mort Zuckerman, Graffiti on Historys Walls, U.S. News & World Report, 50.
95. Joseph Puder, Dissolve the UNRWA, May 5, 2009, FrontPage Magazine, http://archive.
frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=34682; accessed August 2013.
96. Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees, http://www.zionism-israel.com/issues/return_
detail.html; accessed August 2013.
97. Ibid.
98. Gold, Hatreds Kingdom, p. 246.
99. Paul Finkelman, How The Proslavery Constitution Led To The Civil War Rutgers Law
Journal Volume 43 Fall/Winter 2013 Number 3, p. 405.


100. Thomas Jefferson, Commerce between Master and Slave, 1782, http://douglassarchives.
org/jeff_a51.htm. (Emphasis added.)
101. Abraham Lincoln, Second Inauguration Address., http://www.law.ou.edu/hist/lincoln2.
html; accessed December 2003.
102. Speech by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia to the Tenth Islamic Summit
Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, (October 16, 2003). Complete text of the speech available
online at: http://www.adl.org/Anti_semitism/malaysian.asp; accessed December 2003.
103. Der Parteitag der Arheit vom 6 bis 13 September 1937: Offizieller Bericht uber den Verlauf des
Reichsparteitages mit samtlichen Kongressreden (Munich, 1938), p. 157, in Friedlander, Nazi
Germany and the Jews, p. 184-185.
104. Ibid, p. 177
105. Gerald Fleming, Hitler and the Final Solution (Berkley: University of California Press, 1984),
17, in George Victor, Hitler: The Pathology of Evil (Dulles, VA: Brasseys, 1998), 123.
106. Jerusalem on the Line, Messianic Times, July 17, 2013, http://www.messianictimes.com/
daily-news/israeli-news/1361-jerusalem-on-the-line-july-17-2013; accessed August 2013.
107. Phyllis Chesler, The New Anti-Semitism: The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About It
(San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2003), 218-223.
108. Sergei Trifkovic, Islams Nazi Connections, FrontPage Magazine, December 5, 2002,
http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=20831; accessed August 2013.
109. The Palestine Times No.114 (December 2000).
110. Associated Press (March 25, 2000).
111. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, Friday sermon in Gaza mosque on October 13, 2000, broadcast live
on Palestinian Authority TV.
112. Amos Nevo, Hitler is a Youth Idol, Mein Kampf is a Bestseller, http://sitamnesty.word-
press.com/2010/02/24/hitler-y-est-une-idole-des-jeunes-mein-kampf-un-bestseller/; ac-
cessed August 2013.
113. Ibid.
114. Daniel Pipes, Locus of Euro-hate, December 10, 2003, The Jerusalem Post, http://www.
danielpipes.org/1350/locus-of-euro-hate; accessed August 2013.
115. Manley Philips, February 20, 2002.
116. Courierra de la Sera (April 12, 2002).
117. Robert Wistrich, Muslim Anti-Semitism, http://www.sullivan-county.com/id3/cairo.htm;
accessed August 2013.
118. Inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC.
119. John F. Walvoord, Foreword to William E. Blackstone, Jesus Is Coming: Gods Hope for a
Restless World, 3rd printing of an updated edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications,
1989), p. 8.
120. William Blackstone, Jesus is Coming, (New York: Fleming Revell, 1908), p. 161.
121. Ibid, pp. 171, 175
122. Grose, Israel in the Mind of America (New York: Knopf, 1984), p. 45.
123. Elesha Coffman, Zion Haste, Christianity Today, August 8, 2008, http://www.christianity-
today.com/ch/news/2002/feb1.html?start=1; accessed September 2013.
124. William Eugene Blackstone, The Blackstone Memorial, 1891, http://www.amfi.org/black-
mem.htm; accessed October 2003.
125. Ibid.


126. Hilton Obenzinger, In the Shadow of Gods Sun-Dial: The Construction of American
Christian Zionism and the Blackstone Memorial, http://www.stanford.edu/group/SHR/5-
1/text/obenzinger.html. Last updated: February 1996; accessed October 2003.
127. Moshe Davis, Reflections on Harry S. Truman and the State of Israel, in Allen Weinstien
and Hoshe Maoz (eds.), Truman and the American Commitment to Israel (Jerusalem: The
Magnes Press, 1981), p. 83.
128. Peter Grose, Israel in the Mind of America (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1984), p. 41.
129. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2276917/posts; accessed August 2013.
130. History of the Jews in the United States, Wikipedia; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His-
tory_of_the_Jews_in_the_United_States; accessed October 2011.
131. John Adams Embraces a Jewish Homeland, Chapter 33, American Jewish Historical
Society; http://www.ajhs.org/scholarship/chapters/chapter.cfm?documentID=221; accessed
October 2011.
132. Judaism, Wikipedia: John Adams, in a letter to F. A. van der Kemp (February 16, 1809) as
quoted in The Roots of American Order (1974) by Russel Kirk; http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/
Jews; accessed October 2011.
133. Reuben Finkh, Excerpting from an address by Woodrow Wilson on May 7, 1911, titled The
Bible and Progress; http://www.sweetliberty.org/perspective/jewishpersecution12.htm;
accessed October 2011.
134. National Affairs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Time Magazine US, May 11, 1925; http://www.
time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,728422,00.html; accessed October 2011.
135. Ibid.
136. Charles Spencer Hart, George Washingtons Son of Israel (Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries
Press, 1937), p. 5.
137. Peter Grose, Israel in the Mind of America. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984), p. 5.
138. Bob Blythe, Haym Salomon, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior;
http://www.nps.gov/revwar/about_the_revolution/haym_salomom.html; accessed June
139. Peter Wiernik, History of the Jews in America (New York: The Jewish Press Publishing
Company, 1912), p. 95.
140. Dr. David Allen Lewis, Haym Salomon: The Forgotten Patriot, Bridges for Peace Interna-
tional, Jerusalem, Israel, 1993, p. 35.
141. Jon Meacham, God and Politics: From George Washington to Barack Obama, October 26,
2010; John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics; http://rap.wustl.edu/transcripts/
transcript-jon-meacham-god-and-politics/; accessed November 17, 2011.
142. John Adams Embraces a Jewish Homeland, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/
US-Israel/adams.html; accessed July 2013.
143. Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress: The Author of the Declaration and the Ar-
chitect of the Constitution, Jewish Virtual Library; http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/
jsource/loc/madison.html; accessed November 2011.
144. Thomas Jefferson, Commerce between Master and Slave, 1782. http://douglassarchives.
145. Thomas Jefferson Monticello; http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/no-
nation-has-ever-yet-existed-or-been-governed-without-religionquotat; accessed November
146. Jefferson to Mordecai Noah, Qumsiyeh: A Human Rights Web; http://qumsiyeh.org/jeffer-
sontomordechainoah/; accessed November 2011.


147. Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel Charles Yancey, January 6, 1816, The Writings of Thomas
Jefferson, Vol. 11, Paul L. Ford, ed. (New York and London: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1904), p. 4.
148. All my wishes end . . . at Montecello, Thomas Jefferson Monticello; http://www.monti-
cello.org/site/jefferson/all-my-wishes-end-monticello; accessed March 2012.
149. President John F. Kennedy, remarks at a dinner honoring Nobel Prize winners of the West-
ern Hemisphere, April 29, 1962. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F.
Kennedy, 1962, p. 347. QuotationsBook; http://quotationsbook.com/quote/38431/; accessed
November 2011.
150. Quoted by David G. Dalin and Alfred J. Kolatch in The Presidents of the United States & The
Jews (Middle Village, NY: Jonathan David Publishers, 2000), p. 125.
151. Rabbi I. M. Wise, On Colonization and Zionism, Chapter V, pp. 605606. http://american-
jewisharchives.org/wise/writings/5532/III_part_3-4.pdf; accessed February 2012.
152. Robert T. Carroll, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The Skeptics Dictionary; http://www.
skepdic.com/protocols.html; accessed July 2010.
153. Neil Baldwin, Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate (Public Affairs, 2002),
p. 99.
154. Ibid, p. 59
155. John Cunningham Wood, Michael C. Wood, Henry Ford: Critical Evaluations in Business and
Management (London: Taylor and Francis, 2003), p. 130.
156. Fred Jerome, Einstein on Israel and Zionism: His Provocative Ideas About the Middle East
(New York: McMillan, 2009), p. 11.
157. Termination of the Treaty of 1832 between the United States and Russia; Committee on
Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Monday, December 11, 1911 (Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, 1911), p. 16.
158. U.S. Presidents on Israel: Woodrow Wilson, Jewish Virtual Library; http://www.jewish-
virtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/presquote.html#ford; accessed January 2012.
159. Louis Brandeis, The Jewish Problem and How to Solve it, University of Louisville; http://
www.law.louisville.edu/library/collections/brandeis/node/234; accessed March 2012.
160. Nomination of Louis D. Brandeis to the United States Supreme Court, 64th Congress, 1st
Session, Document 409, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1916), p. 6.
161. Robert Merrill Bartlett, They Did Something About It (North Stratford, NH: Ayer Co. Pub-
lishing, 1939), p. 67.
162. Larry M. Roth, The Many Lives of Louis Brandeis: Progressive Reformer, Supreme Court
Justice, Avowed Zionist, and a Racist? page 11; http://www.jlaw.com/Commentary/Louis-
Brandeis.pdf; accessed February 2012.
163. Stephen J. Whitfield, In Search of American Jewish Culture (Lebanon, NH: UPNE, 2001), p.
164. Ibid, p. 9
165. Wayne V. McIntosh and Cynthia L. Cates, Judicial Entrepreneurship: The Role of the Judge in
the Marketplace of Ideas (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997), p. 23.
166. Herbert Levy, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., The Remarkable Life of FDRs Secretary of the Trea-
sury (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2010), Footnote 81.
167. Kaiser Wilhelm II, FirstWorldWar.com; http://www.firstworldwar.com/bio/wilhelmii.
htm; accessed December 2011.
168. Fourteen Points, Wikipedia; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Points; accessed
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169. David G. Dalin and Alfred J. Kolatch, The Presidents of the United States & The Jews (Middle
Village, NY: Jonathan David Publishers, 2000), p. 142.
170. America Becomes a World Power: World War I; http://www.academicamerican.com/pro-
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172. Wayne Lutton, Warren Harding: One of Our Most Accomplished Presidents? Human
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173. Yitschak Ben Gad, Politics, Lies, and Videotape: 3,000 Questions and Answers on the Mideast
Crisis (Jerusalem: SP Books, 1991), p. 160.
174. David Lanier Louis, The Public Image of Henry Ford: An American Folk Hero and His Com-
pany (Detroit, MI: Great Lakes Books, 1987), p. 146.
175. Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State, p. 140.
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178. Cardozo Is Named to Supreme Court, The New York Times, February 16, 1932; http://select.
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181. James MacGregor Burns, Roosevelt, Volume 1 (Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1956) p. 16.
182. NY: Random House, 204), pp. 27-28.
183. Frances Perkins and Adam Cohen, The Roosevelt I Knew (Westminster, London, England:
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187. Michael Alexander, Jazz Age Jews (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001), pp.
188. Robert A. Burt, Two Jewish Justices: Outcasts in the Promised Land (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1989), p. 40.
189. Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks With Under Secretary of State George W. Ball at the Presi-
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190. Robert Solomon Wistrich, Whos Who in Nazi Germany (Hove, East Sussex, UK: Psychology
Press, 2002), p. 118.
191. William D. Hassett, Off the Record with F.D.R. 19421945 (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 1958), p. 209.
192. Michael Barak, e-mail to Renata Valar, February 22, 2002.
193. Parade Magazine, December 7, 2003, p. 6.

194. Jan Ciechanowski, Defeat in Victory (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1947), p. 182.
195. Transcript, America and the Holocaust, American Experience; http://www.pbs.org/
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198. AJC Welcomes Presidential Medal of Freedom, Awarded Posthumously, for Jan Karski,
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202. Moran, Brandon, The Question of Refugees Fleeing Nazi Persecution: Youre Not Welcome
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207. State Department Instructs Swiss Mission to Stop Forwarding Reports from Jewish Orga-
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208. Michael Beschloss, The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitlers Ger-
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209. Ibid, p. 53.
210. Ibid, p. 54.
211. Ruth Gruber, Haven: The Dramatic Story of 1,000 World War II Refugees and How They Came
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223. Douglas Little, American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
(New York: I. B. Tauris, 2003), p. 22.
224. Winberg Chai Ph.D., ed., Saudi Arabia: A Modern Reader (Indianapolis, IN: University of
Indianapolis Press, 2006), p. 52.
225. Donald Neff, Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945, The Wash-
ington Post; http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/fallen-
pillars.htm; accessed February 2012.
226. Frank Freidel, Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny (New York: Little, Brown,
and Co., 1990), p. 594.
227. Howard Grief, The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel Under International Law (Jerusa-
lem: Mazo Publishers, 2008), p. 630.
228. Ibid
229. Monty Noam Penkower, The Holocaust and Israel Reborn: From Catastrophe to Sovereignty
(Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1994), p. 279.
230. Thoughts of a President, 1945, EyeWitness to History; http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.
com/tru.htm; accessed December 2011.
231. David McCullough, Truman (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992), pp. 37, 77, 1112.
232. Michael Joseph Cohen, Truman and Israel (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,
1990), pp. 4647.
233. Alan Brinkley and Davis Dyer, The American Presidency (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004),
234. Michael T. Benson, Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel (Westport, CT: Greenwood
Publishing Group, 1997), p. 20.
235. David McCullough, Truman, p. 336337.

236. Paul C. Merkley, The Politics of Christian Zionism, 18911948, (London: Frank Cass, 1998), p.
237. Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986), p.
452; quoted in A. F. K. Organski, The $36 Billion Bargain: Strategy and Politics in U.S. As-
sistance to Israel (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), 26.
238. Michael Beschloss, The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitlers
Germany, 19411945 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002), p. 224.
239. Margaret Truman, Palestine Was One of Trumans Most Difficult Dilemmas, Sarasota
Journal, December 14, 1972, Eleventh of Fourteen segments, p. 4; http://news.google.
pg=7314,3441247; accessed February 2012.
240. Joseph Marion Jones, The Fifteen Weeks, February 21June 5, 1947 (New York: Viking,
1955) pp. 6364.
241. James McDonald Report of Conversation with President Truman, July 27, 1946.
242. Alex Grobman, Daniel Landes, and Sybil Milton, Genocide: Critical Issues of the Holocaust
(Springfield, NJ: Behrman House, Inc., 1983), p. 320.
243. Report of Earl G. Harrison, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; http://www.
ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/dp/resourc1.htm; accessed February 2012.
244. Trumans Letter Regarding the Harrison Report on the Treatment of Displaced Jews,
Jewish Virtual Library; http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/truman_
on_harrison.html; accessed February 2012.
245. Clark Clifford, Factors Influencing President Trumans Decision to Support Partition and
Recognize the State of Israel, in Clark M. Clifford, Eugene V. Rostow, and Barbara W. Tuch-
man, The Palestine Question in American History (New York: Arno Press, 1978), p. 44.
246. At War with the Experts, C-Span Video Library; http://www.c-spanvideo.org/pro-
gram/197078-1; accessed December 2011.
247. Michael T. Benson, Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel, p. 121.
248. Barry E. Horner, Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must be Challenged (Nash-
ville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2007), p. 124.
249. Frank Adler, Margaret Truman Daniels Harry S. Truman, Harry S. Truman Library, p. 4.
250. Frank Adler, Roots in a Moving Stream (Overland Park, KS: The Temple, Congregation Bnai
Jehudah, 1972), p. 198.
251. James McDonald to Bnai Briths Frank Goldman, March 3, 1950, cited in Adler, Roots in a
Moving Stream, p. 224.
252. Harry S. Truman to A. M. Levin, February 7, 1944, Truman Papers, Harry S. Truman Li-
253. Roosevelt to Ibn Saud, April 5, 1955. Cited in Department of State Bulletin, October 21, 1945,
p. 623.
254. McCullough, Truman, p. 773.
255. King Saud to Harry S. Truman, July 9, 1946, OF 204-B; James Forrestal, The Forrestal Dia-
ries, Walter Mills, ed. (New York: Viking, 1951), p. 180.
256. The New York Times, October 5, 1946, p. 2.
257. Item 241: Message to the King of Saudi Arabia Concerning Palestine, Harry S. Truman
Library and Museum, October 28, 1946; http://trumanlibrary.org/publicpapers/viewpapers.
php?pid=1787; accessed December 2011.
258. Ibid.
259. Alfred Steinberg, Man from Missouri (New York: Putnam, 1962), p. 306.

260. At War with the Experts, C-Span Video Library; http://www.c-spanvideo.org/pro-
gram/197078-1; accessed December 2011.
261. United States Department of State/Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947.
The Near East and Africa, Vol. 5, p. 1081, University of Wisconsin Digital Collec-
tions; http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=goto&id=FRUS.
FRUS1947v05&isize=M&page=1081; accessed February 2012.
262. Ibid, p. 1054.
263. Peter Grose, The Partition of Palestine 35 Years Ago, The New York Times, November 21,
1982; http://www.nytimes.com/1982/11/21/magazine/the-partition-of-palestine-35-years-
ago.html; accessed March 2012.
264. Menachem Begin on the day partition of Palestine was approved, Wikiquote; http://
en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Menachem_Begin; accessed March 2012.
265. Ami Isseroff, President Harry S. Truman and US Support for Israeli Statehood, Copyright
by MidEastWeb for Coexistence R.A.; http://www.mideastweb.org; All rights Reserved;
accessed March 2012.
266. Ibid, pp. 24
267. Ibid, p. 5
268. The New York Times, March 20, 1948, p. 1.
269. Jonathan Daniels, Men of Independence (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri, 1998), Dan-
iels Research Notes, Harry S. Truman Library, p. 50.
270. Harry S. Truman, Off the Record (New York: Harper and Row: 1980), p. 127.
271. CBS Reports, From Precinct to President, interview by Edward R. Murrow, February 2,
1958, Film Collection, HSTL.
272. McCullough, Truman, pp. 745746.
273. Jacobson Papers, Harry S. Truman Library, pp. 89.
274. Walter Laqueur, A History of Zionism (London: Tauris Parke Paperbacks, 2003), p. 582.
275. James T. Patterson, Grand Expectations: The United States, 19451974 (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 153.
276. John Acacia, Clark Clifford: The Wise Man of Washington (Lexington, KY: The University
Press of Kentucky, 2009), p. 105.
277. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, May 2008, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; http://
nize_Israel; accessed March 2012.
278. James Pfiffner, The Modern Presidency (Florence, KY: Cengage Learning, 2010), p. 60.
279. David Jeremiah, What in the World Is Going On? (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2008), p.
280. Richard H. Curtiss, Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948, US Decision to Recognize Is-
rael, Information Clearing House; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4077.
htm; accessed March 2012.
281. The Recognition of the State of Israel, Truman Library, Eliahu Epstein to Harry S. Tru-
man with attachments re: recognition of Israel, May 14, 1948.
282. Ibid.
283. Clark Clifford, Preserving the Free World, quoted in Kenneth W. Thompson, Portraits of
American Presidents the Truman Presidency: Intimate Perspectives (New York: University
Press of America, 1984), p. 18.

284. Judith Apter Klinghoffer, Was the Recognition of Israel Contrary to U.S. National Inter-
ests? George Mason Universitys History News Network; http://hnn.us/articles/24559.
html; accessed December 2011.
285. Mitchell Geoffrey Bard, The Waters Edge and Beyond: Defining the Limits to Domestic
Influence on United States Middle East Policy (Piscataway, NY: Transaction Publishers,
1991), p. 170.
286. Paul C. Merkley, The Politics of Christian Zionism 18911948, p. 191.
287. Harry Truman Quotes; Think Exist.com. http://en.thinkexist.com/quotation/i_had_faith_
288. Margaret Truman, After the Presidency, Life, December 1, 1972, p. 70.
289. Liberators, A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust; http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/people/lib-
erato.htm; accessed January 2012.
290. Ike and the Death Camps, Eisenhower stories, Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Com-
mission; http://www.eisenhowermemorial.org/stories/death-camps.htm; accessed January
291. Liberators: Lewis H. Weinstein, Lt. Col. and chief of the liaison section of General Eisen-
howers staff, April 1945, A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust; http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/
people/liberato.htm; accessed January 2012.
292. Holocaust Denial, Anti-Defamation League; http://www.adl.org/holocaust/introduction.
asp; accessed January 2012.
293. The Atom Spy Case, Federal Bureau of Investigation; http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/his-
tory/famous-cases/the-atom-spy-case; accessed January 2012.
294. Suez Crisis, GlobalSecurity.org; http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/suez.htm;
accessed January 2012.
295. Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, Middle East Diary, p. 332.
296. Golda Meir 18981978, Israel and Judaism Studies; http://www.ijs.org.au/Golda-Meir/de-
fault.aspx; accessed January 2012.
297. Eric Rosenman, Letter to the Editor: Israel entered Suez War for several reasons, The
Washington Times; http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/apr/6/israel-entered-
suez-war-for-several-reasons/; accessed January 2012.
298. Peter Golden, Quiet Diplomat (London: Cornwall Books, 1992), p. 19.
299. David Geffen, In appreciative memory of JFK, The Jerusalem Post, October 27, 2010;
http://www.jpost.com/Features/InThespotlight/Article.aspx?id=193027; accessed January
300. Robert J. Donovan, PT-109: John F. Kennedy in WWII, 40th Anniversary Edition (Camden,
ME: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press, 2001), pp. 106107, 119.
301. Ibid, p. 124
302. Ibid, pp. 125126, 141142, 162164.
303. John F. Kennedy and PT109, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum; http://
htm; accessed January 2012.
304. Joseph P. Kennedy, Hostage to Fortune: The Letters of Joseph P. Kennedy, Amanda Smith, ed.
(New York: Viking Press, 2001), p. 110.
305. Ibid, p.133
306. Arthur Hertzberg, A Jew in America (Harper Collins: New York, 2002), pp. 9293.
307. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961, http://www.yale.edu/law-
web/avalon/presiden/inaug/kennedy.htm; accessed November 2003.

308. Walter Eytan, The First Ten Years: A Diplomatic History of Israel (New York: Simon & Schus-
ter, inc., 1958), 209ff in Schoenbaum, The United States and the State of Israel, 79.
309. Warren Bass, Support Any Friend: Kennedys Middle East and the Making of the U.SIsrael
Alliance (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2003), 144.
310. Herbert Druks, John F. Kennedy and Israel (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group,
2005), p. 34.
311. Ibid, p. 139
312. President John F. Kennedy, Address Before the 18th General Assembly of the United Na-
tions, September 20, 1963.
313. JFK Assassination Coverage Part 2: Lyndon B. Johnson Sworn in, Upi.com. 1963-11-22.
in/12386108698633-4/; accessed January 2012.
314. Transcript, Lawrence F. OBrien Oral History Interview XIII, 9/10/86, by Michael L. Gil-
lette, Internet Copy, Johnson Library, p. 2.3.
315. Abe Fortas, History of the Sixth Circuit, US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; http://
www.ca6.uscourts.gov/lib_hist/Courts/supreme/judges/af-bio.html; accessed January
316. Paul C. Merkley, American Presidents, Religion, and Israel: the Heirs of Cyrus (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004), p. 58.
317. Zalmi Unsdorfer, Young Winston Churchill a true friend of our people, The Jeru-
salem Post, June 4, 2010; http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.
aspx?id=172525; accessed March 2010.
318. The Six-Day War, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America; http://
www.sixdaywar.org/content/ReunificationJerusalem.asp; accessed January 2012.
319. Irwin Gellman, The Richard Nixon vice presidency: Research without the Nixon manu-
scripts, as quoted in Melvin Small, A Companion to Richard M. Nixon (Oxford: Wiley-Black-
well, 2011), pp. 102120.
320. Seymour Hersh, The Samson Option: Israels Nuclear Arsenal & American Foreign Policy
(New York, NY: Random House, 1991), pp. 224-226.
321. Ibid, p. 223
322. Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House (New York: Sum-
mit Books, 1983), p. 234.
323. Jason Maoz, Nixon: The Anti-Semite who Saved Israel, The Jewish Press, August 5, 2005.
324. Keith Koffler, Obama Wildly Cheered by Reform Jews, December 16, 2011, white house
dossier; http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2011/12/16/obama-wildly-cheered-reform-
jews/; accessed January 2012.
325. Zionism, Nixon-style, The Jerusalem Post editorial, December 12, 2010; http://www.jpost.
com/Opinion/Editorials/Article.aspx?id=199133&R=R6; accessed January 2012.
326. J. J. Goldberg, Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Estate (New York: Basic Books,
1997), p. 158.
327. Chaim Herzog, Living History (New York: Pantheon Books, 1996), p. 182.
328. Ford Pardons Nixon: Address to the Nation, Watergate.info; http://watergate.info/ford/
pardon.shtml; accessed January 2012.
329. Lewis Sorley, Arms Transfers Under Nixon: A Policy Analysis (Lexington, KY: University
Press of Kentucky, 1983), pp. 193194.
330. U.S. Presidents On Israel: Gerald Ford, Jewish Virtual Library; http://www.jewishvirtual-
library.org/jsource/US-Israel/presquote.html#ford; accessed January 2012.

331. Gerald R. Ford, Section 925: The Presidents News Conference, October 20, 1976, Public
Papers of the Presidents of the United States (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Of-
fice, 1977), pp. 25922593.
332. Amy D. Goldstein, response to a Letter to the Editor: Carter and Ford: an exchange, Ameri-
can Thinker, January 5, 2007; http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2007/01/carter_and_
ford_an_exchange.html; accessed January 2012.
333. U.S. Presidents On Israel: Jimmy Carter (Jimmy Carter at the United Jewish Appeal
National Young Leadership Conference, February 25, 1980), Jewish Virtual Library; http://
www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/presquote.html#carter; accessed January
334. For a detailed study of Jimmy Carter, see Mike Evans, Jimmy Carter: the Liberal Left and
World Chaos (Dallas, TX: TimeWorthy Books 2009).
335. Andrew Nelson Lytle, The Hind Tit, Ill Take my Stand (New York: Harper & Bros., 1930),
p. 205.
336. Steven F. Hayward, The Real Jimmy Carter (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc.,
2004), p. 14.
337. ThinkExist.com; http://thinkexist.com/quotation/sometimes_when_i_look_at_all_my_chil-
dren-i_say_to/213661.html; accessed February 2008.
338. It seems that while fishing in a pond in Plains, the president encountered a rather berserk
bunny. The Washington Post picked up the story under the headline, President Attacked by
Rabbit. The animal, a large swamp rabbit that Carter described as making strange hissing
noises and gnashing its teeth, seemed determined to climb into the presidents dinghy. The
president valiantly fought off the invading rabbit with his oar. The episode soon became
known as the attack of the killer rabbit.
339. One night in 1974, from a Cessna Citation aircraft, one of Americas most famous citizens
saw a UFO. There were four persons aboard the plane: pilot Bill Paynter, two security
guards, and the governor of California, Ronald Reagan. As the airplane approached Bakers-
field, California, the passengers called Paynters attention to a strange object to their rear.
It appeared to be several hundred yards away, Paynter recalled. It was a fairly steady light
until it began to accelerate. Then it appeared to elongate. Then the light took off. It went up
at a 45-degree angle at a high rate of speed. Everyone on the plane was surprised . . . . The
UFO went from a normal cruise speed to a fantastic speed instantly. If you give an airplane
power, it will accelerate, but not like a hot rod, and thats what this was like. http://science.
howstuffworks.com/ronald-reagan-ufo.htm; accessed August 2008.
340. Howard Norton and Bob Strosser, The Miracle of Jimmy Carter (Plainfield, NJ: Logos Books,
1976), p. 93.
341. Kenneth Morris, Jimmy Carter: American Moralist (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press,
1996), p.169.
342. Dr. Evans personal interview with Menachem Begin in Jerusalem, 1980.
343. Personal information given to Dr. Evans by Prime Minister Begin.
344. Kenneth W. Stein, My Problem with Jimmy Carters Book, The Middle East Quarterly,
Spring 2007, pp. 315; http://www.meforum.org/pf.php?id=1633; accessed March 2012.
345. Camp David Accords Annex and Letters: September 17, 1978, Israel Ministry
of Foreign Affairs; http://israelipalestinian.procon.org/view.background-resource.
php?resourceID=1541; accessed March 2012.
346. Carter Meets Arafat in Paris, Praises Him as Peacemaker, The New York Times, April
5, 1990; http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE2DB133AF936A35757C
0A966958260; accessed March 2008.

347. Noel Sheppard, Jimmy Carter on Al-Jazeera: I Wasnt Equating the Palestinian Missiles
with Terrorism, NewsBusters; http://www.newsbusters.org/node/10199; accessed March
348. Jay Nordlinger, Jimmy Carter, Apologist for Arafat, National Review, October 16, 2002;
0D50BF0F2F43; accessed March 2008.
349. Quotes: Arab Leaders, Serious Games Interactive; http://learning.seriousgames.dk/
quotes.aspx; accessed March 2008.
350. Toby Klein Greenwald, Jimmy Carter, an unwilling Bilaam, The Jerusalem Post, January
12, 2012; http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=145861; accessed Janu-
ary 2012.
351. Malkah, Fleisher, Jimmy Carter: I Repent for Stigma I Created Against Israel, December
22, 2009, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/135149; accessed January
352. The roadmap for peace is a plan to resolve the IsraeliPalestinian conflict proposed by a
quartet of international entities: the U.S., the EU, Russia, and the UN.
353. Jimmy Carter, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006), p. 213.
354. See: Mike Evans, Jimmy Carter: the Liberal Left and World Chaos.
355. If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My
face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their
sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14 nkjv).
356. Personal conversation: Dr. Mike Evans, Reuven Hecht, and Isser Harel, 1980.
357. Donald Wagner, Bible and Sword: US Christian Zionists Discover Israel, Information
Clearing House, October 10, 2003; http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4950.
htm; accessed March 2012.
358. Donald Wagner, Evangelicals and Israel: Theological Roots of a Political Alliance, The
Christian Century, November 4, 1998, pp. 10201026.
359. David Schribman, Reagan, all-American, dies at 93, The Boston Globe, June 6, 2004; http://
accessed January 2012.
360. Paul Kengor, God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life (New York: Harper, 2004), p. 15.
361. Michael Beschloss, Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How they Changed America
17891989 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2008), p. 296.
362. Gore Vidal, Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia (New York: Nation
Books, 2005), p. 72.
363. U.S. Presidents On Israel: Remarks at a White House Meeting with Jewish Leaders, Febru-
ary 2, 1983; http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/presquote.html#4;
accessed January 2012.
364. Ibid, (Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Chaim Herzog of Israel, Novem-
ber 10, 1987.)
365. Elizabeth Stephens, US Policy Towards Israel: The Role of Political Culture in Defining the
Special Relationship (East Sussex, UK: Sussex Academic, 2006), p. 201.
366. Reagan, Free Republic; http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2669552/
posts#reagan; accessed January 2012.
367. The Iran-Contra Affair was a clandestine action not approved by the United States Con-
gress. It began in 1985, when President Ronald Reagans administration supplied weapons
to Iran a sworn enemy in hopes of securing the release of American hostages held in
Lebanon by Hezbollah terrorists loyal to the Ayatollah Khomeini, Irans leader.

368. Jon E. Dougherty, Reagan: A Staunch Friend of Israel, NewsMax.com; June 9, 2004;
http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/6/8/172342.shtml; accessed January
369. Statement on Signing the United StatesIsrael Free Trade Area Implementation Act of 1985,
June 11, 1985; http://www.sice.oas.org/tpd/usa_isr/uslaw1985_e.pdf; accessed January 2012.
370. Elizabeth Stephens, US Policy Towards Israel: The Role of Political Culture in Defining the
Special Relationship, p. 201.
371. U.S. Presidents On Israel: Remarks at a White House Meeting with Jewish Leaders, Febru-
ary 2, 1983; http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/presquote.html#4;
accessed January 2012.
372. Reagan Quotes: November 5, 1994, American Experience; http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/
americanexperience/features/general-article/reagan-quotes/; accessed January 2012.
373. Ronald Reagan Library Opening, Plan B Productions, November 4, 1991; http://www.
planbproductions.com/postnobills/reagan1.html; accessed January 2012.
374. Lieutenant Junior Grade George Bush, USNR, Naval History and Heritage Command,
April 6, 2001; http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq10-1.htm; accessed January 2012.
375. Israel, Ignoring Bush, Presses for Loan Guarantees,Thomas Friedman, The New York
Times, September 7, 1991, http://www.nytimes.com/1991/09/07/world/israel-ignoring-bush-
presses-for-loan-guarantees.html; accessed July 2013.
376. Yedinot Aharonot, Tel Aviv, January 16,1996. Quoted in Samuel Segev, The Arab-Israeli
Conflict under President Bush, p. 127.
377. Marshal Breger, Bush, George Herbert Walker, Jewish Virtual Library; http://www.
jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0004_0_03769.html; accessed January
378. Address by US President Bill Clinton to the Knesset, October 27, 1994, http://www.mfa.
gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0bz20; accessed November 2003, and Remarks by President and
Prime Minister Netanyahu in Exchange of Toast, December 13, 1998. Online at: http://clin-
ton3.nara.gov/WH/New/mideast/19981214-14375.html; accessed November 2003.
President Clinton quoted this on many different occasions to audiences concerned with
the future of Israel, but at times interchanged the word forget for abandon. I have used
abandoned here because it seems the more commonly used in the quotation than forget.
379. See Luke 2.
380. Simon Tisdall, Symbolic gesture seals hopes to end blood and tears Guardian Un-
limited (September 14, 1993), http://www.guardiancentury.co.uk/1990-1999/Sto-
ry/0,6051,112648,00.html; accessed November 2003.
381. Ambassador Dore Gold, an interview with Amnon Lord, October 2003.
382. Elliot Engel, address during the Jerusalem Summit: Building Peace on Truth, October 12-14,
383. Alan M. Dershowitz, Why Terrorism Works: Understanding the Threat, Responding to the
Challenge (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002), p. 2.
384. Dr. David R. Reagan, Yitzhak Rabin, http://www.raptureforums.com/IsraelMiddleEast/
yitzhakrabin.cfm. Accessed September 2013.
385. Yoram Etinger, an interview with Amnon Lord, Oct. 25, 2003.
386. Tal Silberstein, an interview with Amnon Lord, Nov.2, 2003.
387. Yossef Bodansky, The High Cost of Peace: How Washingtons Middle East Policy Left America
Vulnerable to Terrorism (Roseville, CA: Forum, 2002), p. 223.
388. Tal Silberstein, an interview with Amnon Lord, Nov.2, 2003.
389. The New Yorker (March 24, 2003).

390. Richard Miniter, Losing bin Laden: How Bill Clintons Failures Unleashed Global Terror
(Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2003), pp. xvi, xix. (Insert added.)
391. White House Report, Clinton on Life, Career, Decisions, August 11, 2000; http://wfile.ait.
org.tw/wf-archive/2000/000811/epf501.htm; accessed November 2003.
392. Alan Dershowitz, What Israel Means to Me (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
2006), p. 53.
393. Private conversation between Dr. Evans and David Bar Ilan.
394. Ibid.
395. Charles Krauthammer, The failure of Arafats intifada, The Seattle Times, June 21, 2004;
er21; accessed January 2012.
396. Ibid.
397. Elliott Abrams, Clinton Reinvents Israel, Council on Foreign Relations, September 22,
2011; http://www.cfr.org/israel/clinton-reinvents-israel/p26017; accessed January 2012.
398. Ibid.
399. Ibid.
400. http://www.lyrics007.com/John%20Lennon%20Lyrics/Imagine%20Lyrics.html; accessed
August 2013.
401. Read her lips: Literacy efforts on first ladys agenda, People in the News, April 8, 2001;
http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/people/shows/bush/profile.html; accessed January
402. Mark Matthews, The Lost Years: Bush, Sharon, and Failure in the Middle East (New York: Na-
tion Books, 2007), p. 20.
403. Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Bush and Israel Unlike his father, The New York Times; Febru-
ary 8, 2006; http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/02/world/americas/02iht-bush.2363483.
html?pagewanted=all; accessed January 2012.
404. Ibid.
405. Steven Donald Smith, Bush Calls for Lasting Middle East Cease-Fire, End of Status Quo,
American Forces Press Service, U.S. Department of Defense, July 31, 2006; http://www.
defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=310; accessed January 2012.
406. Rebecca Ann Stoil, Poll: American voters support for Israel rising, The Jerusalem Post,
November 11, 2011; http://www.jpost.com/International/Article.aspx?id=245193; accessed
January 2012.
407. David A. Harris, Ten Ways Israel is Treated Differently, The Jerusalem Post, (no date
given); http://www.aish.com/jw/me/ten_ways_israel_is_treated_differently.html; accessed
January 2012.
408. Irwin N. Graulich, Why America Supports Israel, FrontPageMag.com, December 20, 2002;
http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=20579; accessed January 2012.
409. Mitchell G. Bard, Deconstructing George W. Bushs Middle East Strategy, Jewish Virtual
Library; http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/deconstruct.html; ac-
cessed January 2012.
410. Speech to American Jewish Committee, (May 3, 2001).
411. President George W. Bush, Speech on the Middle East, Council on Foreign Relations, June
24, 2002; http://www.cfr.org/publication.html?id=4746&issue=26; accessed January 2012.
412. Ibid.

413. President Bush Visits Yad Vashem, The White House: President George W. Bush, January
11, 2008; http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/01/20080111.
html; accessed January 2012.
414. As Bush celebrates Israels 60th birthday, rocket attack hurts dozens, New York Daily
News, May 15, 2008; http://articles.nydailynews.com/2008-05-15/news/17897335_1_popu-
lar-resistance-committees-mideast-peace-rocket-attacks; accessed January 2012.
415. Why Obama hates Israel, Rabbi Pruzanskys Blog, November 23, 2010; http://rabbipru-
zansky.com/2010/11/23/why-obama-%E2%80%9Chates%E2%80%9D-israel/; accessed
January 2012.
416. David Jackson, Bush wont critique Obama (or Palin), USA Today, November 5, 2010;
obama/1; accessed January 2012.
417. Ploughshares Fund, DiscovertheNetworks.org; http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/
groupprofile.asp?grpid=7156&category=79; accessed January 2012.
418. Ed Lasky, Obama Keeps Hiring Anti-Israeli Advisors, American Thinker, April 25, 2008;
accessed January 2012.
419. Larijani, Iran Prefers Obama, YNetNews.com, October 22, 2008; http://www.ynetnews.
com/articles/0,7340,L-3611840,00.html; accessed October 2008.
420. Joseph Klein, Obama, Sarkozys Contempt for Netanyahu Exposed, Front Page Magazine,
November 9, 2011; http://frontpagemag.com/2011/11/09/obama-sarkozys-contempt-for-
netanyahu-exposed/; accessed January 2012.
421. Joshua Rolnick, Obamas Speech: First Take, National Jewish Democratic Council, June 4,
2009; http://www.njdc.org/blog/post/obamas_speech_first_take; accessed March 2012.
422. Obama and Israel, DiscovertheNetworks.org, November 11, 2011; http://www.discover-
thenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1521; accessed January 2012.
423. Full Text of Prime Minister Netanyahus speech before the United Nations General Assem-
bly 2013, October 1, 2013, Times of Israel, http://www.timesofisrael.com/full-text-netanya-
hus-2013-speech-to-the-un-general-assembly/; accessed October 2013.
424. Ibid.
425. Ibid.
426. Robinson, Frye, and Bradley 1997.
427. United States Geological Survey, Earthquakes with 1,000 or More Deaths from 1900,
http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eqlists/eqsmajr.html. Last updated: 23 October 2003; accessed
January 2004; and USGS, Most Destructive Known Earthquakes on Record in the World:
Earthquakes with 50,000 or More Deaths, http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eqlists/eqsmosde.html.
Last updated: 23 October 2003; accessed January 2004.
428. David B. Barrett and Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends a.d. 30a.d. 2200: Interpret-
ing the Annual Christian Megacensus (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2001), 229.
429. www.pollingreport.com/religion.html; accessed November 2003.
430. This list is from Mark Hitchcock, Is America in Bible Prophecy? (Sisters, OR: Multnomah
Publishers, 2002), pp. 27-28, though I have changed some of the scripture references to
verses that more clearly represent his points.


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