Telenor HRM
Telenor HRM
Telenor HRM
Human Resource Practices at Standard Chartered Bank
M.Afzal 43
Mazhar Khan 009
Group: 09
If oceans turns into ink and all the wood become pens, even then, the praises of Allah
Almighty can not be expressed. Unfeigned and meek thanks are before him, who created
the universe and bestowed the mankind with knowledge and wisdom to search for its
secret, favored and invigorated me with fortitude and capability to complete my report.
My special praises after Almighty Allah with trembling lips and wet eyes stand for our
HOLY PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH), who is social reformer,
revolutionary and a source of guidance for the mankind, whose blessings enabled me to
perceive the higher ideas of life. We have a great honor to offer my heartiest gratitude to
my worthy teacher GHULAM HUSSAIN, Department of management science,
COMSATS institute of technology Sahiwal, for his personal interest, valuable
suggestions, inspiring guidance and sympathetic attitude during in the preparation of this
Executive Summary
The project of HRM practices in Telenor which we have taken is about Telenor and its
popular Prepaid service. In the we will discuss the organizational culture adopted by the
company and the strategies which affect the company policies. In this project report first
of all we have give the introduction of the telenor Company and its mission statement.
Then we have give the introduction of its popular Prepaid services(Explanation of the
service). Then we have discuss its Organizational HRM functions. We have discuss
about the recruitment and selection process that how Telenor can analyze and improve its
new employees. Then we have discuss about the training, training need assessment and
training policies. Then we discuss about the performance appraisal management. And in
the end of project we will discuss about the compensation and rewards given by the
Telenor to its employees.
Chapter No 1
elenor Pakistan acquired the lincense for providing GMS cellular service in Pakistan in April 2004,
and has launched its services commercially in Islamabad, Rawalpandi and Karachi on March
15,2005. the official opening was held in Islamabad with the President of Pakistan General Pervaz
Musharraf as the guest of honor nad a Telenor delegation headed by CEO Telenor Jon Fredrik Baksaas. on
March 23, 2005 Telenor started its services in Lahore, Faisalabad and Hyderabad will be launching its
services in other cities as per the roll out plan .
Telenor has its corporate headquarters in Islamabad, with regional offices in Karachi and Lahore . the license
terms stipulate that by year 4, Telenor will cover 70% of Pakistan’s 297 administrative Tehsil headquarters.
Telenor will fulfill the license requirements and provide superior quality coverage. Telenor is operating world
wide in 13 countries with more than million people in their services.It has a subscriber base of 21.88 million
as of December 2009 . Telenor Pakistan is owend by telenor ASA and adds on to its operations in Asia
together with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh . Telenor ASA is an international sevices provider of high
quality telecommunications, data and media communication services. It ranks as world,s 7th largest mobile
operator with a total of 164 million subscribers in its mobile operations. Telenor Pakistan launched its
operations in march 2005 as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for
further foreign investments in the telecom sector. The company has crooses many milestones and grown in a
number of directions , making Telenor Pakistan a leading telecom operator of the country. Telenor is the
fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage reaching deep inta many of the remotest areas
of Pakistan. In the most difficult terrains of the country, from the hilly northern areas to the sprawling deserts
in the south, at times telenor is the only operator connecting the previously unconnected. Telenor is keeping
ahead by investing heavily in infrastructure expansion with USD 2 billion already invested , Telenor have
extended agreements with vendors for network expansion and services until 2010.
We acknowledge and respect local cultures . we do not impose one formula woridwide.
We want to be a part of local communies wherever, we operate. We believe loyalty has to
be earned.
1.3.5 CSR
he telecom industry has a transformative impact on society. Corporate responsibility is
therefore an integral part of the way we operate
Goals of Telenor
Telenor’s main goal is to create value for shareholders through the servins of customers,
employees, partners nad the general public interest.
Persona postpaid.
Chapter no 2
As Telenor is one of the growing company of the country so, it is also facing a lot of
challenges in order to make its human resource as its competitive advantages, the major
challenges which are being faced by the Human Resource Development department in
Telenor are
11. Increasing workforce diversity
22. Competing in a global economy
33. Eliminating the skills gap
44. The need for lifelong learning
55. Facilitating organizational learning
62.3 Units in HR Department
2..3.1 HR Planning
Franchisers are just like multinational firms with the only difference that multinationals
create the whole separate set up for all national campuses while the franchisers follow the
strict policies and strategies of HR being pre-set by the home base. However franchises
may carry out specific HR plans as per the local cultural adjustments but within a
restricted provision of base.
Transnational firms retain the freedom of decision-making in determining its own HR
Such strategies follow the cultural adjustments in the best interest of company. Such HR
strategies are fully coated with local cultural essence that gives the firm a new home
2..3.5 Experience
HR needs the experience of 3 TO 5 years for managerial positions. They also hired fresh
graduates for their customer service department.
2.3.7 CV Submission
Interested applicants should submit their CV to their official site and followings channel, Telenor Pakistan - Moaiz Center, 13-K, F-7, Islamabad
Once they receive your CV, they will assess it according to there recruitment policy.
There recruitment methodology is based on looking at capabilities i.e. sets of behavior,
skills and knowledge that can be determinants of job success.
2.4 Assessment
The selection criteria may involve different steps with respect to the position you are
applying for. There can be one to one interview with concerned Division head,
Recruitment Manager and or a panel interview, or there can be series of interviews.
Special process of a preliminary test might be carried out, depending upon nature of the
Chapter no 4
Recruitment and Selection
In TELENOR, the activity to fill a vacancy or a new job starts with the requirement
communicated by the respective managers to the HR department. The HR department
then looks for the possibilities of internal and external recruitment.
By the help of replacement charts HR department can easily fill up a vacancy by giving
promotions to the lower ones by this way they can fill the vacancies. This promotion
depends upon the performance of the employee.
For external recruitment inTELENOR, the line managers are required to make a
requisition form for the job in which they have to mention their need taking in account
the budget for establishment and salaries for the position of Management, Business
Support Officers and Workers. Role profile for the specified job is also prepared
matching up the requirement and the grade of the job. Training period is also specified on
the requisition form. The requisition form along with the role profile is sent by the line
manager to the functional director for his approval and then forwarded to HR Manager.
The HR manager confirms the availability of budgets required for establishment, salaries
and cost of advertisement for the job. After all this, the requisition form along with the
job profile and the budget forecast is sent to the HR Director for his final approval. After
approval from the HR director the HR manager and the line manager work hand in hand
to prepare job and person specifications for advertising or giving to the head hunters. The
sources that TELENOR uses to attract applicants are:
• Inviting applications through advertisement
• Recommendations from the head hunters
• Applications obtained from the data bank of TELENOR where direct applications
are received from time to time. After a substantial amount of applications have
been received, the line and the HR managers again work together to shortlist the
This is done by carefully going through all the application and by giving different
weight age to the following criteria:
Relevant experience The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed
candidates along with blank application forms by Date, time and venue for the
preliminary interview is advised and candidates are asked to bring along completed
application forms. A two-member panel of HR and line management carries out
competency-based interviews focusing on functional skills and managerial and
supervisory skills. After the preliminary interview is cleared people applying for
different jobs are tested in different ways.
The following management competencies are assessed by a panel of cross functional
assessors In the case of management selection:
• Communication skills
• Resource management
• Rational decision making
• Influencing
• Creative thinking
Business development The HR department is responsible for over administration of the
assessment centre including training of the assessors. The HR department provides details
of remuneration package and terms and conditions of service. The HR department also
prepares appointment letter, service agreement and finalizes other documentation for
service record.
They are using advertisements for recruitment purpose. For this the way is only
newspapers and this way is used in very least cases.
Reference hiring
When ever a vacancy is made then the information is spread out all over the organization
which employees can contact their relatives for the job.
They have outsourced their most of the recruitment functions, the lower level or
operatives are completely selected by consultancies. They often use THE RESOURCE
GROUP (TRG) for head hunting and to beat there competitors.
They also post there job application form on their web site so that by this way employees
can save their time and efforts.
2.3.3 Selection
Selection policy
Selection technique
TELENOR PAKISAN don’t conduct the test for the top managers middle managers post
candidates with the experience more the 5 years.According to them its insult for the
candidate to have test for the job. They use to have interviews for them.
Management role
The Interviews are conducted by line manager and floor managers and HR manager. The
final authority to select the candidates is owned by the GM of the particular department.
Legal issues
They provide health and safety to their employees in the kind of any emergency.
Steps in selection procedure:
4.3 Criteria/officer
STEP1: Recruitment process
STEP 2: Collecting CV’s
STEP 3: Short listing of applicants as per job description
STEP 4: First interview on telephone
STEP 5: Short listing of applicants in first interview
STEP 6: Second interview with supervisor
STEP 7: Final interview with the head of HR department
STEP 8: Formal offer made to the selected candidates
STEP 9: Reference check
4.4 Criteria/top manager
STEP 1: Recruitment process
STEP 2: Collecting CV’s
STEP 3: Short listing of candidates as per job description
STEP 4: First interview on telephone by supervisor
STEP 5: Second interview with the head of HR department
STEP 6: Final interview by CEO
STEP 7: Formal offer made to selected candidate
STEP 8: Reference check
Chapter no 5
Training and development
either locally or abroad according to preplanned schedules. The objective of such training
is to upgrade the capabilities of employees. If an employee attends an overseas training
then he/she has to serve the company for a certain period after the date of completion of
training subject to the cost and duration of training itself. In case an employee leaves the
company during this period he/she will have to pay the amount specified at that point in
Operational level focuses on the work that is being assigned to the employees. The job
analyst at Telenor gathers the information on whether the job is clearly understood by an
employee or not. Training officers gathers this information through technical interview,
observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking the closed ended as well as open
ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are dynamic and keep changing over the time.
Employees need to prepare for these changes. The job analyst also gathers information on
the tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be required in the future.
There are a number of methods which Telenor Pakistan is using to gather data about
employees’ performance. Each works well in given circumstances; therefore, Telenor
adopted the most suitable method for determine specific needs. Management of Telenor
believes that none of these methods can stand alone; they always use at least two, if for
no other reason to validate their findings.
These Methods are
11. Observation
22. Interviews
33. Questionnaires
7 Chapter No. 6
Performance management System
2) Very Good Indicate performance that consistently meets the requirements of the
indicates the individual is on track for advancements.
3) Good Indicated performance that requires improvement (i.e. meet requirements
without initiative or advancement).
4) Basic Performance to be improved (hardly meets requirements)
Sources of Performance Appraisal:
At TELENOR the primary sources of performance appraisal are the managers and
secondary sources are employees themselves. Though the peers also give their opinion
but it usually does not have any weight age unless a conflict arises between the manager
and the employee.
employee’s performance for that task. Standards are clear when good BARS are
6.4.4 Ranking
Ranking is a performance appraisal method that is used to evaluate employee
performance from best to worst. Under the ranking method, the manager compares an
employee to another employee, rather than comparing each one to a standard
measurement. An offshoot of ranking is the forced distribution method, which is similar
to grading on a curve. A predetermined percentage of employees are placed in
performance categories: for example, excellent—5 percent, above average—l5 percent,
average—GO percent, below average—l5 percent, and poor—5 percent.
6.5.2 validity
the performance measurement system use at Telenor are valid. As stated by the
management, the core job areas extensively. They are not only aligned with the
company’s strategic objectives but are also free from deficiency. Contamination is
acceptable as few things extra from the actual job recuirements are expected.
6.5.3 Specificity
the performance measure used at Telenor has a very high specificity because it guides the
employees as to ehere they lack and how can they improve.
• It enables the reviewer to redefine whether the initial assessment was correct, as
circumstances may exist that the reviewer is unaware of.
• By asking the worker what he sees to be his own strengths and development areas
often help to reduce negative responses and makes planning training needs/inputs
activities easier if the person is able to express for himself the areas in which he
feels he can improve.
Chapter No 7
7.1 compensation
Telenor Pakistan offers the employees with good salary packages and incentives in return
of the performance the employees are providing. The employees are awarded with high
quality income in relation with the high quality performance. The compensation and
benefits are the motivating tools for some of the employees at telenor that enhance the
efficiency and working ability of the employee.Instance, if the employee is having the
urge to get better salary he have to work better from the others, cause it’s the rat race. So
being productive for the company, benefits the employee themselves.
7.2 Salary Policy
• The company will pay salaries of the employees as fallows
• All new employees have to open bank accounts in specified banks prescribed by
the company so that their salary will be credited at the end of each month.
• After opening account with the bank employees should forward his account
number to HR.
• Upon termination of services the employee will receive his salary within 15 days
up to the time of date of his last working day.
Upon resignation the employee will be paid his dues during a maximum period of 15
days from the date he left the job.
7.3 Monetary Reward
• Targets achievements
• Special assignments
• Medical care
• Life insurance
• Vacations
• Relocation
• Credit advance policy provident policy/advance against provident fund and a
capping of gratuity
• Recreation
• Club Policy Travel
• Education assistance policy
• Mobile phone
• Business mobile phone policy
• Official Blackberry Policy
• Life insurance
7.3.2 Promotion
The employees are upgraded when their performance meets the standards or beyond, this
is a motivating driver. The employee is awarded for the level of productivity contributing
towards the organizational vision and values.
7.3.3 Bonuses
The employee may receive 1 to 3 month bonus subject to evaluation of accomplished
objectives. In TELENOR the reward system is based on the individual performance and
individual employee performance is judged for the reward. The manager of respective
departments recommends a candidate from his section for the reward purpose to HR.
safety and well being of all of us. Therefore, interest in practicing safety prevention must
be encouraged by:
A) Setting good examples
B) Acting upon safety records.
C) Reviewing safety programs.
D) Holding personal interviews or group conferences.
E) Starting activities that will stimulate and maintain employee’s interests.
No phase of operation of administration is of greater importance than accident
prevention. It is the policy of the Company to provide and maintain safe and healthy
working conditions and to follow operating practices that safeguard all employees and
result in safe working conditions and efficient operations. Proper First Aid Kit will be
available at all TELENOR Offices including remote locations. There is no need for such
measures at TELENOR as maximum jobs do not expose you to the health hazards and
are not such that require safety measures.
Chapter no 8
Industrial Relation
Industrial Relations
It is the company policy to ensure that the required standards of performance and conduct
are maintained. The disciplinary procedure is intended only as a statement of Company
policy and management guidelines. It does not form part of the contract of employment
or otherwise have contractual effect.
• The employee may be suspended from performing his or her duties for a period of
time as conveyed in written.
• Unauthorized absence of more then two times in Six month can result in
termination of employment.
• An employee who is absent from the job with out satisfactory explanation is
considered to be an unauthorized unpaid absence.
• Discrimination, intimidation and harassment based on sex, race, religion, age,
color, disability, sexual orientation and cultural background is prohibited at the w
• The Head of Department should maintain direct control of all disciplinary records.
A copy of all records must be placed on the employee's personal file in the
Human Resources Department. All warnings will remain upon the employee's
personal file indefinitely, but will normally be disregarded for disciplinary
purposes after the following periods:
• Stage 1 - Verbal warning: 03 months
• Stage 2 - Written warning: 06 months
• Stage 3 - Final written warning: 12 months
• Stage 4 - Dismissal
• These time periods may however be extended in appropriate circumstances taking
into account the nature of the offence.
• The time period will commence from the date of the letter/memorandum
confirming the warning, even though any specified time for improvement has
8.1.2 Dishonesty
Falsification of any official company records will subject to the termination without prior
8.1.3 Violation of Safety Rule
Failure is refusal to conform to safety practices or the misuse of safety device.
8.1.4 Violence
Causing a disturbance on company property resulting from fighting.
8.1.5 Profanity or Indecent Conduct
The use of engaging in immoral conduct