Cover Letters Should Answer The Following Questions
Cover Letters Should Answer The Following Questions
Cover Letters Should Answer The Following Questions
A cover letter introduces you and your qualifications to prospective employers. Next to your resume,
the cover letter is the most important document in your job search. Contact the career development office
for assistance in creating and perfecting your cover letter.
What position are you seeking, and how did you hear about the position?
Why are you interested in the position and organization?
What skills or attributes do you bring?
What specific skills / knowledge / experiences make you a good match for the position?
Personalize each letter to the position and organization. If you do not know the name of the person to
whom your letter should be addressed, call the organization and ask the receptionist.
Use paper, font style and font size to match your resume.
Keep the letter short. Three to five paragraphs on one page will help hold the employer’s interest.
Explain how you can fill the company’s needs, not what the company can do for you.
Vary your sentence structures (i.e., don’t start all of your sentences with “I”).
Do not close the letter without identifying what you will do next. Request an interview. Show initiative
by offering to call.
Sign the letter and keep copies of all correspondence.
Proofread. Bring your letter to the career development office to have someone else proofread it.
If you are sending the resume and cover letter by e-mail, you can either attach both the cover letter and
resume to the e-mail, or you can treat the body of the e-mail as your cover letter. Delete the address
block, and keep the letter brief and professional. You do not need to sign e-mailed cover letters.
First Paragraph
Middle Paragraph(s)
Closing Paragraph
Reiterate that you are a strong or qualified candidate for the position
Refer to your enclosed resume if you have not already
Indicate your interest in an interview
Include a statement expressing your appreciation for the employer’s time and consideration
Calvin College Career Development . (616) 526-6485 . career . . Revised May 20105/24/2010
Please accept the attached resume for the systems analyst position that was advertised on Calvin
College’s online job posting system. My education and experience have prepared me to succeed in this
Being a systems analyst requires experience in computer systems, financial applications software and
end-user consulting. With a major in economics and a minor in computer science, I have skills using a
wide variety of software programs and applications. Experience in my college’s computer center as a
programmer and student consultant gave me valuable exposure to complex computer operations.
Additionally, I worked as an intern in computing operations for a large bank where I gained knowledge
of financial systems. These experiences, coupled with my strong analytical and quantitative skills, make
me an excellent candidate for your position.
I will contact you within seven days to further discuss this position and the possibility of an interview. If
you have any questions, please contact me at (616) 526-4444 or Thank you in
advance for your consideration of my qualifications.
Jim Elgar
Calvin College Career Development . (616) 526-6485 . career . . Revised May 20105/24/2010
Adding bullet points or other formatting features is acceptable if you want to change the visual appearance of your
letter. The letter below includes bullet points to make it easier for an employer to quickly skim.
Leslie Brown
Calvin College Career Development . (616) 526-6485 . career . . Revised May 20105/24/2010
I am writing to express my interest in the Youth Services Librarian position at Cascade Township
Library, which I heard about from a library employee, Cheryl Jones. My experience and education
make me an excellent candidate for this position.
My past work experience, in both private and public libraries, has given me the knowledge and desire to
succeed in your position. Working at Calvin College’s Hekman Library for the past four years, I have
become adept at assisting patrons who have requests and questions. In addition, my volunteer work in
various branches of the Kent District Library system has prepared me to navigate myself efficiently in
library settings. I have enjoyed serving my community and enriching the lives of others with the
plethora of library materials available, and I hope to be able to do this at Cascade Township Library as
With a bachelor’s degree in English, my educational background also fits well with this position. Not
only do I have effective oral and written communication skills, but I also have strong knowledge of
literature after earning a bachelor’s degree in English from Calvin College. I have extensive experience
working successfully with computers, and I am comfortable with and quick at learning new computer
I look forward to further discussing this position with you and how I can contribute my skills and
experiences to Cascade Township Library. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kathleen Johnson
Calvin College Career Development . (616) 526-6485 . career . . Revised May 20105/24/2010