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Richard T. Miller

A Phoenix Book
By Richard T. Miller

STAR WARDS - (Welcome Home Earthman) - 1979-2007

STAR WARDS III - 1991-2007


Copyright 8 1993-2007

The Izar Effect - Copyright 8 1985-2007

The Search for The Arisian Legacy

Copyright 8 1985-2007

Threads of Destiny - Copyright 8 1986-2007

A Phoenix Book / 1995-2007

Third Edition

All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 8 1993-2007 by Richard T. Miller
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 8 2002 2007 by RJO LTD.

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form,

or by any means, without permission from the author.


Phoenix Books are published by

3624 Meier Street
Los Angeles, CA. 90066

The Keeper of The Galactic Archives



Prologue i

The Izar Effect C Interval One

Chapter One 1
Chapter Two 9
Chapter Three 17
Chapter Four 27
Chapter Five 37
Chapter Six 47
Chapter Seven 53
Chapter Eight 59
Chapter Nine 69
Chapter Ten 79
Chapter Eleven 89

The Search for The Arisian Legacy

C Interval Two C
Chapter One 101
Chapter Two 111
Chapter Three 123

Threads of Destiny C Interval Three

Chapter One 137

Chapter Two 147
Chapter Three 153
Chapter Four 161
Chapter Five 177

The events described in AThe Arisian Chronicles@ take place millions of Galactic Years before
the discovery of a remote solar system containing the Planet Earth. In fact, before life of any
kind existed on Earth.

Much later the descendants of MAN, who are presently called AHumans,@ will become the
inhabitants of Earth B but that is another story.

It is Galactic Year 494,407,200. The dominant life-form throughout the galaxy B is AMAN.@
Throughout the Milky Way and neighboring Galaxies, the Universal Confederation of MAN has
spread to millions of star systems. Space travel has been present for millions of years. Two
Galactic Empires, along with their dreams of conquest, are already ancient history.

Mental telepathy, for communication, is used throughout the Universal Confederation of

Man. Many people are highly skilled in its use. A spoken language is only used when
communicating with less advanced races. The comm-unit, is a communications device used to
transmit and receive and record telepathic communications or other information.

To provide the reader with a sense of location and direction, the common names of
Constellations and Star Systems known to Humans are used throughout the Arisian Chronicles.

The first episode of the Arisian Chronicles is AThe Izar Effect.@ This story is about one of the
most unusual and important events in the history of MAN and the Confederation. It is the story
of a unique relationship between MAN B and another life-form. Here is that story.


As if a bolt of lightning was hurled by some mythical god of old, the Starship Aris
pierced the heavens as it sped toward its destination, the third planet of the ruby-red star
B Antares.
Inside its softly lit interior, Galactic Zone Agent Radon was asleep. The Aris was
taking him home. Home, for a much needed rest. It had been more than three galactic
years since the Department of Galactic Zones had last granted him leave. The Universal
Confederation had only twenty-two Zone Agent=s available. Time-off was a rare
occurrence for the Department=s highly trained troubleshooters.
The Aris whispered quietly to itself as he slept. Its controls automatically and
unerringly guiding it along the preset course. Suddenly, a blue indicator light started
blinking on the pilot=s instrument panel. A softly pinging alarm signal awakened Radon.
Now what, he thought, sitting up and rubbing sleep from his eyes. Rising, he walked
from his quarters down the corridor and across the thirty-foot control room. Seating
himself in the pilot=s chair, he turned to the clamoring comm-unit and silenced the
alarm. The security channel displayed a high-priority message on its glowing screen.

UC-162-Z B Aris B Z.A. Radon

494,407,200 B 04-01, 08:10:32 B UGT.
Priority: URGENT

Imperative you report to G.Z. Hdqrs. - Trantor. Major episode in progress.

Details will be provided at your briefing. No other Z.A. available. Your
leave is postponed.

Signed: Talon B Coordinator.

Now, fully awake, he muttered to himself, AI knew it! I should have known better
than to expect any leave. Wait until I see him@ B Him, being Third Coordinator Talon;
the Head of the Department of Galactic Zones B his superior.
Being a professional, however, he once more read the message, swallowing his
frustrations. Can=t even query him for details, he thought. The message line ADetails at
briefing,@ prevented any further inquiry. Must be some crisis, he thought, when Talon
wouldn=t use the security channels to brief him on the situation.
He quickly had the nav-computer plot a new course; this time, for Trantor. Moments
later the comm-unit was sending his acknowledgment and estimated time of arrival.

Had anyone been watching the Aris, they would have seen the ship perform a com-
plicated loop, roll, and turn before streaking off toward the heart of galactic civilization.
He secured the instrument panel, stood, stretched, and turning, walked back to his
quarters. He stopped in front of a mirror and gazed at his rumpled look. What he saw
was a little more than six feet of slim muscular build. He had black tousled hair and
slight shadows under his eyes. There were fading lines of fatigue etched into his
handsome features. Not too bad for an old man of thirty-two, he thought. A few more
hours of sleep and I=ll be ready for anything Talon comes up with. With that thought, a
grin returned to his features and he headed for his bed. Sleep came quickly, a trait Zone
Agent=s learned early in their busy careers.
A strange dream drifted through his sleeping awareness. In it the Aris, actually an
Aris Class Starship, was arguing with him. There was something about whether
computers needed a vacation. After all, they did all the work. Something, mysterious,
was trying to tamper with the ship=s computer banks B a big fuss about strangers
installing all kinds of new equipment in its gleaming 198-foot length. This is nonsense,
his dreaming self said. Whoever heard of anyone carrying on a conversation or arguing
with a ship B the dream faded; the Aris went on whispering to itself.

Two hours before arrival, a preset alarm aroused him. Quickly he stepped into a
refresher unit. Warm jets of compressed gases scrubbed his body clean and, in turn,
were sucked out via hidden exhaust vents. Instantly dry he went to the wardrobe and
selected a dress uniform. Moments later, a well groomed and very official looking Zone
Agent, strode down the corridor and into the lounge adjoining the control room. A few
quick selections produced a nourishing meal, which disappeared quickly. Implements
and utensils vanished into the table top, when he was finished. Then, he crossed the
control room and seated himself before the pilot=s console.
The instrument console sprang to life as his fingers darted over the controls. The
view-screens presented the ship=s status. A practiced eye quickly noted every essential.
Everything was as it should be. In moments, the ship would drop from faster than light
velocities into normal space and time. Before it, the innermost star systems of the
Sagittarius Sector would blaze like a curtain of unimaginable brilliance. It=s a sight not
duplicated anywhere in the universe, he thought. Then the alarm sounded. View-screens
dimmed automatically. The ship slid smoothly into a gentle turn, as its sensors picked
out the nav-beacons which would guide it to the Confederation=s Capitol World B
The comm-unit had instantly reached out and identified the Aris. Within seconds, an
answering signal returned. He touched a control. Every movement of the ship would
now be controlled, from a world still light minutes away. The velocity indicator was
steadily dropping. The Aris, at the moment, was only one of several thousand ships, of
every description, being guided to a safe touchdown on Man=s central world. This
enormous task was being handled by the most sophisticated computers in the universe.

Unerringly, the ship changed from one unseen approach lane to another. Its
destination, Trantor=s main spaceport B and the berthing area assigned to Galactic
He watched the view-screens as Trantor itself came into view. The planet was
ablaze in the glowing light of its seven neighboring suns. An old quotation came into
his thoughts: AA jewel, within a ring of jewels.@ Then, the ship plunged into the protec-
tive force-fields surrounding the planet. Light exploded into every imaginable color and
radiated outward in shimmering wave after wave. To an observer on the planet=s
surface, the sky would appear to be bursting with a rainbow of colors as each ship
passed through the planetary fields. The splendor of Man=s central world, and its
dazzling sights, were known throughout the civilized universe.
Within minutes, the Aris was over the main spaceport. It hovered and then began a
flat horizontal descent, gradually slowing until it touched gently down on the marked
landing pad. He touched those controls which shut down the drive engines. The ship
came to rest. Almost immediately, the landing pad began a slow descent and stopped at
the second level underground.
He touched another control; power flowed to the ship=s anti-gravity field and the
Aris floated gently off the landing pad. He was guided to a berth just to the right of the
landing pad, which had already started ascending to the planet=s surface. Again he
touched the controls and the ship settled onto the waiting cradle. Service units
positioned themselves around the ship. An official ground vehicle drove up to the ship=s
main entrance hatch and stopped. He secured the instrument console. Moments later, he
stood by the hatch as it opened.
He was greeted, first, by a familiar face B the maintenance supervisor. The
supervisor assured him the ship would be checked thoroughly and be ready whenever
he wanted to depart. These details settled, he turned to the waiting driver.
AI=m to take you directly to Headquarters. Coordinator Talon, is expecting you,@ said
the driver.
AThat=s fine. Let=s not keep him waiting,@ he replied.
He sat relaxed as they drove to the government complex. He couldn=t help thinking
about the Department. The tasks it performed for Man, and the nature of a Zone Agent=s
duties. Not one galactic citizen in ten-thousand, knew of the Department=s existence.
The Department of Galactic Zones had been created by some of the most brilliant
minds ever assembled, shortly after the Confederation had come into existence. Those
learned AOnes@ had foreseen the need for an organization that could work quietly behind
the scenes maintaining peace, stability, and order throughout the civilized realm of
Man. The most troublesome worlds were those not associated with the Confederation.
They were members of the Grand Alliance. They were young and immature. Many
times, by ignorance or intent, they threatened the rights of their stellar neighbors or their
own planetary inhabitants.
Thus, Galactic Zones had been created to deal with such situations. It functioned
outside the regular channels of galactic government and administration. Galactic Zones

was an organization of highly-trained troubleshooters. Their true functions known only

within their own department and to the First Coordinator (the President) of the
Confederation, to whom they were responsible. All Departments had been instructed to
cooperate with and assist AZones,@ and their Agent=s, whenever requested.
The Department had the largest intelligence gathering and correlation activity in the
known universe. Its research and development laboratories were the finest ever
developed by Man. The ships used by their Agents contained the latest technological
improvements. However, in appearance, such ships looked very ordinary.
Zone Agents had awesome responsibilities. Their selection and training were a
matter of special importance. It also explained why their numbers were limited.
Galactic Zones had an uncanny and mysterious way of selecting candidates for
agents. No one knew exactly what criterion was used, but it worked.
Radon, remembered when he had first been approached by a Zone=s representative.
He had been a senior student at the time and was majoring in advanced communications
engineering. His secondary major was in ancient galactic history. A combination, at the
time, even he thought was strange. The Zones Representative had invited him to attend
a special seminar on galactic history. It would be presented by the research staff of
Galactic Zones. Fascinated by the offer, and that the seminar was scheduled for the
week following his graduation, he had accepted.
He had made the trip to Trantor, attended the seminar, and talked with various
officials. One thing led to another. Before he knew it, he was being trained as an Agent
Candidate. There had followed months of training; punctuated with very brief intervals
of rest. Fellow trainees kept disappearing. He discovered they had been disqualified for
some reason or another. Then, one day, he was summoned to the Office of the
Coordinator. He was assigned to a Zone Agent. He was going to help on an actual
mission. Months later, he returned to Trantor feeling centuries older, injured, and a
great deal wiser. He spent several weeks being treated by the medical staff. The report
tersely worded, and filed by the Zone Agent regarding his deplorable physical state, had
merely stated, AZone Agent Candidate Radon B zigged, when he should have zagged.@
With the treatments completed and the body healed, he was again summoned to the
Coordinator=s Office. He was congratulated on completing the assignment. This was
followed by a brief ceremony and the presentation of a Zone Agent=s credentials and
insignia. He was assigned a ship; presented with another assignment and asked if he
intended standing there, with that foolish grin on his face, when his abilities were
needed elsewhere.
And, Radon thought, as the triple towers of Confederation Central appeared, I=m still
at it.
The driver stopped the vehicle in front of the center tower. Together, they entered
the imposing lobby and walked to the lift shafts. Moments later, they emerged and
stepped into the Office=s of Galactic Zones. A staff member greeted them and excused
the driver. He motioned Radon to the corridor behind his desk and said, AHe=s waiting .
. . You know the way!@

AWho could forget,@ he responded. AGood to see you again Danon. Maybe we=ll have
a chance to talk over old times.@
AI=d like that,@ Danon replied.
With a wink at his old friend, Radon entered the corridor. He passed many offices,
and finally stopped before the door of the Coordinator=s Office. He recognized the faint
shimmering haze of a security force-field blocking the doorway. A moment later it
vanished and the door opened. He entered and walked over to stand before the Man he
deeply respected and, oftentimes, intensely disliked.
Coordinator Talon looked up from his work, then leaned back in his chair. Tired
lines were etched into his craggy features, but his eyes were sharply alert. He gave
Radon a quick smile, followed by a serious one.
AGood to see you Radon. Please . . . be seated. Sorry about your leave being
postponed; couldn=t be helped though. We have a strange and serious problem on our
AI can deal with the leave being postponed. What=s up?@
AWhat=s up? I wish I knew,@ said Talon, Abut we=d better find out B and quick! Ok . .
. This is what we know: Two weeks ago a new interstellar trade route was opened
between Arcturus and Coma Berenices. Since then the navigational computers on six
different starships, traveling the route, have gone berserk flinging the ships off course.
Our Correlation Department picked up on this, after the second report came in. After
studying all six incidents, they determined that the problem developed as the ships were
passing the Izar System.
AWe notified >Transportation= to stop using the route, until we found out what was
going on. At our suggestion, the Galactic Patrol has cordoned off the sector to prevent
any ships from wandering into the area. Meanwhile, >Transportation= wants to know
how long it=s going to take us. The presence of the Patrol is causing questions, and
everybody=s curiosity is mounting B exactly the opposite of what we want. What we
don=t need is some wild rumor getting started.@
AAnd obviously,@ Radon said, Athere=s never been a report of this happening before.
Who cleared the route for use, originally?@
AGalactic Survey,@ Talon replied. AThey=ve been notified and now they=re upset too.
They don=t like thinking they might have missed something when they surveyed that
sector. Here=s their report, sent over at my request.@ He reached across the desk and
handed him a folder.
Radon quickly thumbed through the Survey Report on the Izar Sector. He noted
several interesting items. AMust have been a dull job, making this survey,@ he said. AAll
wide-range sensor scans, apparently. All the planets are listed as barren and lifeless.
There=s nothing here to invite a closer look at any of them. They must have made
routine, long-range scanning sweeps. Anything as dismal as what=s listed here wouldn=t
even attract a casual traveler. Until that route opened, I doubt anyone, other than the
Survey, ever went near the place.@

AA good point,@ Talon said. AThat probably explains why nothing like this was ever
reported before.@
AMy thinking exactly, Sir.@
AYou can understand why I didn=t send this over the comm-unit,@ Talon said. AWe
can=t have ships suddenly veering off course without a reason. Well, you=d better get
started on this. Unfortunately, you can=t work alone on this mission. Galactic Survey
has insisted on being involved. I suggest stopping at Arcturus first, before going on to
Izar. I=ll alert them to expect you. Also, I expect you to handle this as discreetly as
possible. All I need, with everything else going on, is to have a few more Departments
of the Confederation getting involved; there are too many already. Then, we=d have a
real mess on our hands.
ABy-the-way, the Survey Representative on Arcturus, your working partner up to a
point, is named Inuai,@ he said, glancing at another report before him. AA very capable
woman, it says here. Since she=ll be aboard your ship, part of the time, you=ll take the
necessary precautions to conceal its special features from her.@
AWait a minute! Who said anything about a woman partner . . . Aboard the ship
too?@ Radon responded. ACome on, Sir. From the looks of this, I=m going to have my
hands full. I won=t have time to look after some pretty female civil servant B let alone
getting her to cooperate on the mission, or keep her from wandering all over the ship
and seeing things she isn=t supposed to know about. Besides, we don=t know what we=re
up against. It could be dangerous . . . @
AThe survey=s aware of the risk and is willing to accept it,@ Talon said. AI=m sure
you=ll find a way of dealing with this matter. Do so! I=ve ordered your ship prepared for
immediate departure. I think you know enough to get started. Any other details that
could be helpful, I=ve included in this briefing packet,@ he said, handing it across to
Radon. AConsider this mission >SECRET= and keep me informed of any developments.
Knowing the urgency of this matter, a quick solution would be appreciated.@
Radon, realized the briefing was over. AOK . . . So I=m stuck with the woman,@ he
He rose from the chair and standing before Talon=s desk, said: AWith all due respect
Sir, please hear me out. Sure, I=ll find a way of working with her and, hopefully, keep
her from finding out about all the Department=s special >goodies= tucked away on the
Aris. However, I don=t like going into an unknown and possibly dangerous situation
with one hand tied behind my back B and that=s what it=ll be if I need to use some of the
ship=s special tricks, and can=t B because she=s along and might see me using something
that supposedly doesn=t exist.
AAlso, I don=t like exposing a woman to danger even if her Department, or she
herself, waives all responsibility. Next . . . I=ll get you an answer about what=s going on
out there B not because you=ve got three Departments breathing down your neck and
putting the pressure on but, because it=s my job, what I=ve been trained to do. I also
happen to care, that some ship might go careening off into a Sun, or something equally

disastrous. If we don=t come up with an answer, people could be killed. And lastly, I
note you failed to mention any of this in my briefing. May I be excused, Sir?@
AYou may, Zone Agent,@ Talon replied, a startled look on his face.
Radon abruptly spun about, and strode from the room. As the door to his office
closed, Talon raised his head and spoke, apparently, into the empty air. ADid you get
that B psych-tester?@
A voice spoke, from a battery of instruments lining the wall behind the
Coordinator=s chair, AYes, Talon.@
ATouchy, isn=t he?@ Talon said. AThink he can handle this assignment?@
AI detected nothing wrong with Zone Agent Radon. He reacted, with indignation, to
your apparent callousness toward the woman, himself, and the lives of ship=s crew
members. I=d announce him fit for the mission.@
AWell,@ Talon said, AI did have to take his mind off his leave being postponed, didn=t
I? After all, he was bristling about it when he came in.@
AYour tactics, Talon, are going to get you in trouble, particularly if you keep trying
them on this Zone Agent. He may see through your little game one of these days. Since
he=s exactly the type of Agent you=ve always wanted, I=d be more careful with him . . .
And, I=d make sure he gets his leave when this mission assignment is completed.@
AI=ll bear that in mind,@ Talon said. Seconds later, he turned to the other matters
awaiting his attention. Zone Agent Radon wouldn=t enter his mind again, until a mission
report was received.
Radon, meanwhile, was on his way out of the offices, still fuming. When he came
up to the front desk he stopped and told Danon their discussion would have to wait for
another time.
ATalon has me leaving right away,@ he said.
AI figured as much,@ Danon replied. AI heard the orders go through to have your ship
ready to leave immediately. There=s a vehicle waiting for you at the main entrance. It=ll
take you back to the spaceport. Good luck.@
AYou don=t miss much around here, do you?@ Radon said, grinning. AShould have
known. See you again, old friend.@
In minutes, he was on his way back to the spaceport. His thoughts, now, were on the
details of the mission.


The maintenance supervisor met him at the open hatch of the Aris. AEverything
checks out. Had your nav-computer programmed with all the latest updates. You=re all
set to go,@ he said.
AThanks!@ Radon replied. ABe seeing you.@ With a wave, he entered the ship.
In minutes, he had departure clearance and the ship locked into the spaceport=s
computers. His departure was the opposite of his arrival. The Aris was guided out to a
point beyond regular travel lanes, before Trantor=s departure computers released the
ship=s controls. He was waiting for that moment. When it arrived, he quickly verified
the nav-computer=s course and vector headings. All were correct. A finger touched a
button on the instrument panel. The ship accelerated and moments later B vanished. He
watched, as a blue spark on the velocity indicator moved upward until it steadied on a
reading of T+4. The Aris, at this velocity, was hurdling toward the Arcturus Star
En route, he studied the additional material in the packet that Talon had provided.
After countless rereadings and cross-checking of the data, no clues were apparent. Part
of the problem, he thought to himself, is that so little is known about the Izar System.
He reached over and activated the ship=s nav-computer and studied the Izar Sector.
Finally, shaking his head; he gave up. There was nothing to shed any light on the
He laid the folder aside and picked up another. It was marked personal. Better get to
my other problem, he thought. Opening the folder, he started reading the personnel file
on Galactic Survey Specialist Inuai. The information was concise: She was twenty-eight
years old, and trained as a planetary survey specialist. The record revealed she had
considerable field experience. Her superiors rated her work as excellent. She had
moved rapidly up through ranks, since joining the Survey at age nineteen. Lately, she
had been assigned to the Survey=s ASpecial Branch@ where she had handled her last
assignment on Menkab with distinction. Special Branch, he noted, handled problems
within the Survey or matters which could affect the Survey=s image.
Well, she=s either a good investigator or a good public relations type. I=ll probably
find out soon enough. He lifted a small tri-dimensional photograph of Inuai. Turning it
in his hand he saw the image of a smiling brunette about five foot seven. She had a trim
build, and was dressed in a Survey tunic. He turned it again, this time pausing to study
the eyes. Never fails, he thought, the eyes tell it all. This one, is bright. I=ll have to be
careful around her.

He gathered up the report=s files and placed them in a special compartment. For the
next two hours he was busy doing mysterious things in various parts of the Aris.
Another hour was spent rigging false panels for a special section of the ship=s
instrument panel. He then took a stroll through the ship carefully looking at its various
areas, as if he were a perfect stranger. A grin spread over his features when he finished.
A Port Inspector wouldn=t notice anything unusual now, he thought. If the lady is
curious, and snoops, she=s not going to get much satisfaction.
It should be mentioned that, oftentimes, a Zone Agent conducted a mission acting
incognito or in disguise. Aris Class Starships were common enough, throughout the
Confederation. They seldom aroused much interest or curiosity. Which was one of the
reasons Radon had selected one for his use. Zones= engineers and technicians, however,
had spent months modifying and equipping the ship for an Agent=s use. The external
and internal appearance could be altered with special panels, partitions, and covers. The
ship=s external registry numbers could be changed at the touch of a special control and a
complete set of authentic Aships= logs,@ to go with any disguise. Such logs could be
produced within moments; Logs good enough to stand the scrutiny of any Port
But, the real secrets of a Zone Agent=s ship were buried behind, or beneath,
innocently appearing walls, bulkheads, compartments, and various sections of the hull.
Behind, but in tandem with, the Astandard@ planetary and star drives, were special drives
designed by Zone=s engineers. Other special items included: unique force-field
generators and special communications and navigational aids. Included, was a highly
classified weapon=s system of awesome potential. He had never used the full potentials
of everything the Aris was equipped with, but he remembered the details of secret
It was generally believed, by those in a position to know, that a Zone Agent=s ship
could outrun and outperform any starship in the universe. And, that its weapons were
equivalent to the fire power of three, heavily armed, Patrol Cruisers. Thus, it was only
natural that the Department of Galactic Zones went to great lengths to conceal the real
nature of such ships and why strangers or guests, aboard such ships, were a rarity.

At the Arcturus Headquarters of the Galactic Survey, it was early in the morning.
Survey Specialist Inuai, paced back and forth in the office newly assigned to her. She
stopped and reread the note clutched in her hand, for perhaps the fifth time. AA Zone
Agent -- I=m going to be working with a Zone Agent,@ she repeated to herself. An
excited thrill went through her again. It hadn=t taken her long to realize the importance
of what that meant. It=s the chance of a lifetime, she thought. I don=t know of anyone in
the Survey who=s ever worked with a Zone Agent.
Her thought was interrupted by a signal from her comm-unit. She walked around the
desk and pressed the response button. A message appeared on the screen.

G.Z. Agent Radon, aboard the Starship Aris, due to arrive Arcturus
Spaceport in thirty-minutes. Ship assigned landing berth 01-05, Galactic
Survey Quadrant. Per your request, a vehicle will pick you up in twelve
minutes so you can meet this arrival.

Tarka B Port Director

Inuai, quickly, acknowledged the message. She thought for a moment then walked
across the office and paused briefly before a mirror. Brushing a stray lock of hair into
place, she inspected herself. Clear brown eyes looked back at her. She then noted every
detail of her uniform. Everything=s in order, she thought, as she turned, slightly,
smoothing a seam in the mid-thigh length tunic. Satisfied, she crossed the office and, as
its door slid open, entered the corridor beyond. She waited until the vehicle arrived,
before leaving the Survey=s complex.
The vehicle stopped at the safety zone, outside the Galactic Survey=s Quadrant of the
Spaceport. Emerging from the vehicle she stood and scanned the sky, her eye=s
searching for the ship about to land. Suddenly, a glint of light appeared overhead. Her
heart seemed to skip a beat as the Aris came into view. She watched, fascinated, as the
bronze-gold ship, perfectly horizontal, slowed, and gracefully descended. It settled into
the assigned berth. It=s beautiful, she thought. Then, a second thought struck her. I
wonder what he=ll be like?
When the Aris landed, Radon walked thoughtfully through the ship. He stopped at
the main hatch. He was dressed in a standard jumpsuit, favored as working clothing by
Agent=s. Casual and comfortable and even innocent the clothing might appear but,
wearing it, he was almost as well protected as he would be aboard the ship. Tiny
microcircuits, provided a multitude of automatic protective functions. They were
ingeniously distributed throughout the suit=s fabric. This major improvement in
protective clothing was a recent development of Zone=s Labs. Since its introduction, the
life of more than one Agent had been spared when the unexpected had occurred, and the
unexpected, was almost a daily partner to a working Zone Agent.
The hatch opened and he stepped out. He instantly recognized Inuai as her vehicle
drove up, halted, and she stepped out to greet him. Quickening his stride he walked
over to her.
Behind him, after he had passed a safe distance, an orange colored force-field
enveloped the ship. It was a standard security measure. Its pulsating presence meant the
ship was off-limits to all Port Personnel.
As he approached, Inuai noted his assured manner and good looks. At least, she
thought, this one=s handsome B and a warm smile appeared on her face as she looked up
into his smiling eyes.
AZone Agent Radon,@ she said, AI=m Inuai. Glad you arrived so quickly.@
APleased to meet you,@ he responded. AI didn=t expect to be met, however. It=s a
pleasant surprise. Thank you.@

AI thought you=d like to go over the reports as soon as possible. It might save us
some time. Shall we go to my office?@
AGood thinking. Yes, your office would be fine,@ he said.
Together, they entered the vehicle and moments later arrived at the Galactic
Survey=s Offices. Little conversation took place during the ride and Radon sensed a
certain awkwardness between them. Without Inuai=s knowledge he very delicately
probed her thought=s, telepathically. He quickly sensed the source of the problem and
decided to ease the situation.
He turned to her as she started to leave the vehicle. AInuai . . . A moment please B
before we go inside.@
She turned to face him. A momentary look of confusion appeared on her face.
Putting just the right amount of seriousness into his expression, but tempering it
with a hint of humor, he said, AYou know what, I=ve never worked closely with anyone
from the Galactic Survey before. I=m a little nervous about it. How do you suggest I get
over it?@
A startled look crossed her face. Just moments before, she had been thinking exactly
the same thing, about him. Then it dawned on her. A smile appeared, and she gave him
a look of mock accusation.
ASay,@ she said, Ayou=re good at that! Telepathy, wasn=t it? I didn=t detect it either.@
Then laughing, her eyes sparkling coyly, she said, AAnd what other thoughts did you
peek at, Zone Agent Radon?@
AJust that, Inuai, nothing else B honestly.@ Grinning, he took her hand and helped her
from the vehicle and together, laughing, they went into the building.
The barrier of awkwardness had evaporated. They worked hard for the next two
hours examining the reports she had gathered. Then, as a matter of protocol, she
introduced him to the local Resident Director of the Survey. With those formalities
completed they returned to her office. They had received the Director=s assurance of full
Helping her gather up the reports, he said; AWe=re finished here. Let=s go to Izar and
check it out. Do you need time to get ready or too pickup anything?@
ANo . . . I=m already packed. Everything=s here. I=m ready to go.@
AIf that=s the case, would you object if we delayed our departure, just enough, to let
me take you to dinner. I=m hungry. How about you?@
AThat=s the best offer I=ve had today,@ she responded. AYes . . . I believe I=ll accept. It
so happens that I=m hungry too.@
After their meal was completed, they relaxed. They enjoyed watching a video lumia.
It was a picture of swirling clouds lazily drifting across an imaginary horizon.
She turned to him, a whimsical smile crossing her face.
AI hope, this isn=t your way of telling me the food aboard the Aris lacks something.@

AOh . . . I=d rate its menu above the Spaceport=s cafeteria,@ he replied, with humor.
AThe Department thinks we deserve it. Something to keep us fit and properly
AThat=s good. If the food=s this good, I=d desert the Survey and go to work for Zones.
But, I guess I=ll stick with the Survey, until someone tempts me with the right menu.@
AIt=s time for us to get going,@ he said. Standing, he offered her his hand. She rose
and together they walked to the exit.
ATell me,@ she said, giving him a curious look, Ado all Zone Agent=s get special
training in being courteous?@
He nodded at her and produced a painful looking grimace on his face, before
replying. AYes . . . Inuai, months= and month=s of it. It=s really awful. They seem to think
it=ll help us become gentlemen,@ and he broke out laughing at the expression on her
Twenty minutes later having already picked up her baggage, they arrived at the
Spaceport. Radon paid a courtesy call on the Port Director and arranged their departure
clearances. In a few more minutes, they approached the Aris. He touched a button on
the little strap bracelet which encircled his wrist. Instantly, the security force-field
surrounding the ship disappeared.
He led her to the open hatch, helped her aboard, and placed her baggage next to the
closing hatch. Lights had come on, automatically, as they entered. He spoke a command
and a large robot rumbled forward, and stopped before him. Inuai, looking startled,
started to edge around to his other side.
AI=m sorry. I should have told you about the robots. I=m not accustomed to having
visitors aboard the Aris. You see, there=s no crew aboard a Zone Agent=s ship. The
robots sort of take their place, taking care of maintenance and other things. Actually,
they=re quite harmless. In fact, they generally stay out of your way unless called, which I
just did.@
He gently steered her around, to stand beside him. AMustn=t neglect all that
courteous stuff you were mentioning earlier,@ he said, grinning at her. AHere! Let me
introduce you to R-1.@ He looked up and said, AR-1, this is Inuai. She is going to be our
guest for a while. I=d appreciate it, if you would extend her every courtesy and whatever
help she requests. Please inform the others about her and my instructions concerning
R-1's head turned to look at her, the twin lenses of his eyes photographing and
storing her image. A surprisingly gentle replica of a voice, came from his chest area. AIt
will be as you request, Radon. Everything will be done, to make Inuai=s stay as
enjoyable as possible.@ Then, in a manlike gesture of courtesy, R-1 turned and picked
up her baggage. AWelcome aboard the Aris, Inuai. We=re honored to receive you as a
guest. Shall I take these to your quarters?@
AWhy yes, R-1. That would be fine, and thank you,@ she replied.
R-1, again, turned and rumbled off across the cargo hold and disappeared around a

ACome along, I=ll take you up to the control room and we=ll get underway. We can
talk on the way and later I=ll take you on a tour of the ship,@ Radon said.
He led her to a lift beam. Seconds later, on the second level of the ship, they were
walking down the main corridor toward the control room.
AR-1, really startled me for a moment,@ she said. AHe=s so big and powerful.@
An apologetic look on his face, Radon replied, AI really am sorry. I=m so used to the
robots, I never thought to mention them. I suppose, though, I should be grateful. I never
have a disagreement with any of them B which is always a possibility if you=ve got real
crew members to deal with.@
AI wondered why you were so courteous to R-1,@ she said. AIs there something here
that I=m missing?@
ASomething you=re missing? Yes, there is!@ A thoughtful look settled on his face.
AR-1's saved my life B twice. Maybe I=m old fashioned, but I can=t help thinking of him
as a friend. A friend worthy of my respect and courtesy. Maybe, sometime, I=ll tell you
about it.
AHere! Sit here next to me,@ he said, as he indicated a chair next to his. AYou can
watch our departure.@
For the next few minutes he was busy clearing the Arcturus Spaceport. Within
minutes the Aris was leaving the planetary system.
Seated alongside him, she watched the smooth precision of his every move. A
variety of thoughts flowed across her Mind. What and amazing and complex man, she
thought. Obviously, he=s a professional in his work, and exposed to danger. R-1's saved
his life, twice? Yet, unlike the rumors she=d heard about the hard cynical and cold
efficiency of Zone Agent=s B this man didn=t seem to fit that description.
Her womanly instinct said to her B Inuai, this man is sensitive. He really believes in
what he does B he cares. He=s lonely B even though he tries not to let it show. She
thought about the large ship; no crew, just those robots; the long lonely days and nights,
while he=s going from one place to another. Yet he=s strong. He=d have to be. She felt a
strange feeling stirring inside her, a certain warmth. Oh, no! Put the clamps on that one
girl she said to herself. Remember, you=ve on a mission. You know B work to do. Her
thought trailed off.
Radon was just finishing. He turned to her and said, AWe should arrive at Izar in
about six hours. Want that tour or would you rather freshen up and rest?@
ARest first, for a couple of hours, then the tour, then your plans, in that order. OK?@
AGood idea. Let me show you your quarters.@
He escorted her back down the corridor pointing out his quarters, and just beyond,
hers. AEverything=s standard. You shouldn=t have any problems getting things to work.
When you=re ready for the tour, call me on the comm-unit.@
AThank you. I=ll do that.@ She entered the room as the door slid aside. Stepping back
into the corridor she said, AOh, it=s a beautiful room. Thanks.@
AGlad you like it,@ he said, and smiled. He turned and went into his own quarters. He
sprawled on his bed hands folded behind his head. Well, he thought to himself she=s the

good investigator type B not the public relations type I=d envisioned. Her background
work has been solid and competent. She=ll be good, and I like her attitude. Let=s hope
we find the answer to this Izar thing quickly. Seconds later, he was asleep.
Two hours later, exactly, his mental alarm clock went off. He was instantly awake.
Her voice came from the comm-unit. AI=m ready for that tour.@
AMeet you in the corridor in two minutes,@ he replied.
For the next hour, they toured the ship. First, he showed her the cargo area and
engine room on level one. On level two, he showed her the ship=s main computer, the
nav-computer, his quarter=s, the lounge, the chart room, and the medical facilities,
including the emergency treatment tank.
The tour completed, they went back to the lounge, to carry on their conversation.
AI have to admit,@ he was saying, Ait was fun showing you around.@
AAnd, I think you=re an excellent guide. However, I still have a question about the
emergency treatment tank. We don=t have them on Survey Ships. How=s it supposed to
AWell, if I=m seriously injured on a mission, I generally end up inside it. Usually I=m
unconscious, completely anesthetized, immersed in some type of gooey medical jelly,
pumped full of oxygen and bombarded by every type of healing radiation medical
technology has yet devised. The whole process is controlled by the medical computer.
Eventually, it decides I=m fit to return to duty. The gel is washed off and I=m dumped on
the floor, squeaky clean, and generally mad at myself for being injured in the first
place,@ he laughingly explained.
ADoesn=t sound like a laughing matter to me,@ she said, a look of real concern
clouding her features. AJust out of curiosity, how many times have you been in that
thing, or is that a secret?@
ANo, no secret. Let=s see now . . . Three or four times.@
AAnd how do you get inside it if you=re badly injured? I don=t imagine you just walk
up and hop into it.@
ANo, hardly that,@ he responded. AUsually R-1 puts me in it. Watches over me like a
mother sometimes.@
A sudden thought struck her. She said, real concern in her eyes and voice, Aearlier,
you said that R-1 had saved your life, twice. Is this what you meant?@
Laughter and humor vanished from his face. The same expression she had noticed
before, when he=d first mentioned it, was there again. ANo! Not exactly,@ he said. He
sighed, as if the memory was still painful. AOn two occasions, I couldn=t make it back to
the ship on my own. R-1 is programmed to protect me, if needed. His sensors picked up
my distress signal B something=s built into him that lets him detect it and, like a fool, he
came out and found me. Somehow, he brought me back to the ship and dumped me in
the tank; and got us, and the ship out of there. He was heavily damaged, both times.
And, both times, I woke-up back on Trantor in a Zone=s Medical Ward. Both times, he
had to be rebuilt by Zone=s Labs.@ He looked over at her, AThat=s, what I meant.@

She quickly turned away. There was a mistiness in her eyes she didn=t want him to
see. AI didn=t mean to prod that out of you B please forgive me. I understand, now, why
you feel about R-1 the way you do.@ She dabbed at her eyes, before turning back to him.
He sensed her distress and reached across the table to take her hand. AIt=s nice to
know that someone else can understand it. Come on, we=ve still got a lot to discuss
before we get to Izar.@


They were in the lounge reviewing the Izar Reports.

AWhatever it is, seems to affect the nav-computers on those ships which passed
close to Izar,@ Radon was saying. AWhich means we can=t get very close without it
affecting us as well.@
Inuai looked thoughtful. AAccording to our data, that trade route is at least a parsec
from the Izar System. What could span that distance and interfere with our ships?@
AI haven=t the slightest idea,@ he said thoughtfully. ABut, that=s what we=re here to
find out. Fortunately, we=ve been warned and can make some deliberate tests. Here=s
what I have in mind.@
She listened as he outlined his plan. AFirst, we approach the Izar System using
primary drive (interplanetary) rather than star-drive. All the other ships were in
star-drive when they went off course. That way, we can approach slowly with all
sensors set at maximum range. We stop when we get one parsec from the System.
Then, we launch a computer guided probe toward Izar. The probe has enough data
instrumentation to sample whatever attempts to interfere with it. Meanwhile, we sit here
and analyze, with the ship=s computers, the probe=s data transmissions. Hopefully, we=ll
find out what=s going on.@
AI like the plan,@ she said. AHow soon before we reach Izar?@
He glanced through the transparent wall, separating the two rooms, at the
three-dimensional navigational globe resting on its pedestal in the center of the control
room. A blinking green dot representing the current position of the Aris, in the Arcturus
Star System, was moving slowly toward a pulsating red dot circled by a yellow ring --
AIn half an hour,@ he answered. ABut, we=ll drop from star-drive before then and
approach on primary. We should start getting ready.@ They stood and crossed into the
control room.
ARight,@ she said, flashing him a warm smile. AIt=s about time we started coming up
with answers, rather than more questions.@
They seated themselves before the controls. Radon busied himself with checking
various instruments, then turned to her and said, AIt=s time we put R-1 to work. He can
get the probe ready to launch.@
She nodded. AI wondered about that.@
He opened the comm-circuit and gave R-1 his instructions. Deep in the cargo hold
of the Aris the robot trundled a silvery looking projectile, the probe, to a launching pod
on the side of the ship. The robot spent several minutes inspecting it and checking its

instrumentation. Apparently satisfied, he pressed several studs on the wall. The pod=s
airlock opened and R-1 settled the probe into a launch cradle. Then the robot wheeled
about and left the pod. The airlock closed and he moved to a wall-mounted comm-unit.
He advised Radon the probe was ready for launch.
In the control room, Radon acknowledged the message and turned to Inuai, AThat=s
taken care of!@ The status screen, before him, suddenly came to life announcing one
minute to transition. His fingers touched several controls.
AGet set for your first view of the Izar System, even if it=s long range.@
In the emptiness of normal space, a disturbance occurred. A flash of light exploded
in that emptiness, followed by the sudden appearance of the Aris. Aboard the starship, a
forward vision screen cleared. A yellow sun with three planets circling it came into
view. The ship, its force-fields flaring, glowed with a vivid spectrum of colors as it
rapidly slowed and became motionless.
Inuai said; AIzar should be the second planet B right?@
ACorrect,@ he said. His left hand moved over the control panel. Gradually, the image
of the second planet enlarged until it filled three-quarters of the screen. AI=d say the
Survey=s Report was accurate, at least from appearances. It does look desolate and
Radon had punched up the Izar data on another screen, looking from one to the
other. AI=m ready if you are,@ he said.
She looked at him and smiled. ANo sense just sitting here. Let=s go!@
He touched a control and the Aris, on its primary drive, started toward Izar.
AI=ll stop the ship just before we reach the danger zone.@
He touched several more controls, setting the sensors at maximum range. Then, as
an afterthought, he increased the ship=s defensive force-field screens to half power.
ANo point in taking chances,@ he said, noticing her curious expression. ABetween the
sensors and defensive screens we should have a warning if anything on Izar reacts to the
AGood idea,@ she said. AIf something happens, we don=t want to be caught napping.
What can I do to help? I feel rather useless just sitting here.@
ABeen thinking about that,@ he said, with a grin. AI=ll show you how to monitor the
probe=s data transmission and how to route it to the computers. If you keep an eye on
that and any data the computer kicks back, it=ll free me to keep an eye on the probe.
That OK with you?@
ASuits me.@
For the next few minutes, he showed her the controls and computer links.
AThat=s what I like,@ he said. AYou=re a quick study. Beauty and brains; quite an
appealing combination.@ This time, the grin was followed with a sincere smile.
AWhy, thank you kind sir. It=s nice to know a hardworking girl is appreciated,@ she
said, her smile sparkling with good humor. Beneath her smile, the thought, did he slip B
Her thought was interrupted as the Aris came to a stop.

He glanced at the instruments. AWe=re just outside the danger zone,@ he said; his
attention focused on the navigational plot. His gaze swept the sensor scans. Everything
was normal. ATime to launch the probe. Are you all set?@
She nodded.
He turned back to the controls, made several adjustments and held a finger poised
over a button. AReady!@ The finger dropped.
Along the side of the Aris a pod door opened and the gleaming probe shot away
from the ship, turned, and started toward Izar. Instantly, the data-link with the probe
became active and Inuai directed her attention to the monitors.
The view-screen, monitoring the flight, was constantly changing as it tracked the
probe. He watched its progress as it steadily closed the distance to Izar.
AWe have a contact,@ she said, excitedly. AThe probe=s sensors have picked up
something. Readings are coming in now!@
AStay on it and get it all,@ he responded. AOh, oh! Whatever it is, it=s starting to affect
the probe=s computer guidance. Distance from Izar is three-quarters of a parsec and
AYou won=t believe the wave pattern and energy levels I=m seeing on the probe=s
sensor scans,@ she said, even more excitedly. AShips= scanners are now registering too.
I=m recording it all.@
AThe probes changing course,@ he said. AIt=s ninety degrees off course, and losing
stability. It=s pitching and rolling . . . No! Now it=s tumbling, spinning and twisting, all
at the same time. I=ve never seen anything like it.@
Inuai, her eyes glued to the probe=s data monitor brushed her hair back from her
eyes, then rubbed her eyes, as if unable to believe what she was seeing. AHaven=t time to
look. Something funny is going on. Wait a minute.@
AI don=t believe it,@ Radon said, interrupting her, Asomething just switched the
probe=s engine to full power. It=s heading away from Izar at maximum acceleration. I=d
better put a stop to this. We can=t afford to lose that probe and all the data it=s gathered.@
His hands moved over the controls, touching several buttons. AThere, that ought to
do it!@
ADo what,@ she asked, not taking her eyes off the monitors?
AHad a hunch something like this might happen. So, I had R-1 rig-up a remote
power disconnect, to both the probe=s guidance system and engine. Everything aboard
the probe is turned off. It=s just tumbling through space.@
His fingers darted over the controls again. Power surged through special circuits. A
tractor beam lanced out from the Aris and caught the tumbling probe. It stopped, dead.
Then, it started moving again back toward the ship.
ACaught it with a tractor beam. I=m bringing it back to the ship now,@ he said.
Inuai had turned her attention to the ship=s sensors, when the probe=s power was cut
and its sensors disabled. AWe=re not out of trouble yet,@ she said. ASensors are indicating

that same wave pattern, and energy, heading our way. Whatever it is, it seems to know
we=re here. Maybe we should get out of here. Fast!@
AThe tractor beam,@ he said. AWhatever it is, it=s following the tractor beam right
back to us. I can=t cut the ship=s power or we lose the tractor and the probe. You=re
right! We=re getting out of here.@
His fingers flew over the controls and the Aris sprang to life. The ship turned
abruptly and started away from Izar. The tenacious hold of the tractor beam was
dragging the inert probe after the accelerating ship. For an instant, a frown of
concentration furrowed his forehead. Then, he keyed a number of other controls in
rapid succession.
She darted a glance in his direction and saw a look of determination on his face. He
turned to her, and suddenly grinned. AI presume it=s gaining on us and will catch up to
us quickly.@
AI was just going to tell you that,@ she said, a startled look on her face. AI=d say in
about two minutes, at the rate it=s closing on us.@
ATake it easy. I=ve done everything I can to protect us. I didn=t think we could outrun
it. Not at this speed. And we can=t use the star-drive or we=d lose the probe. Besides,
whatever it is, it affected ships in star-drive, remember? Our defensive screens are at
maximum power; I=ve preset the controls of the nav-computer to shut off, if anything
attempts to tamper with it, and switch us to manual control. The ship=s engines are on
manual control. R-1 has been alerted to take over, if both of us lose consciousness, snap
us out of it, and recover the probe. I=ve put recorders on line, to record anything
affecting the ship=s controls.
AOur best bet, is to increase the distance between ourselves and Izar. Eventually,
we=ll get beyond the effective range of whatever it is. So, all we can do is wait and see
what happens when we=re overtaken@
Her look of concern had changed to one of open admiration, as he mentioned each
item. Then, she glanced at the sensor scans. AThat should be in about ten seconds,@ she
said, her voice calm.
Radon suddenly became alert. He smiled at her and then turned his attention to the
ship=s controls.
Silence pervaded the control room of the Aris. Then, an alarm beeped. The
nav-computer indicator lights winked out, as its power was cut. Several other alarms
rang out, before he calmly reached out and silenced them. The ship, seemed to shudder
for a second. For several seconds, he had the distinct sensation of something crawling
inside his brain. His scalp itched. Then, the sensation was gone.
Inuai=s face went white. Her mouth opened, as if to say something, but no sound
came out. He quickly reached out and took her arm in a firm hold, reassuringly. Her
head turned toward him. There was an indescribable look in her eyes. Then her head
sagged forward. She was unconscious.

Still gripping her arm, now, to keep her from falling from the seat, he had the
distinct impression of a presence inside the ship. A grim look of determination appeared
on his features.
No! No, his Mind screamed out. A telepathic thought, of intense denial, bolted from
his Mind and slammed around the control room. There was a queer wavering of the
light within the room. Suddenly, the presence was gone. Perspiration beaded his
forehead, as he staggered to his feet. He looked down at Inuai=s unconscious form.
Tears formed in his eyes, as he bent and gently lifted her into his arms. He, carefully,
carried her back to her quarters and laid her gently on the bed. He reached over and
triggered the comm-circuit. AR-1,@ he said, Acome quickly, to Inuai=s quarters.@
Moments later, the robot entered the room and came to his side. His eyes, took in the
situation. His voice strangely subdued, he said; ALet me examine her.@ He reached to his
waist and removed a small instrument attached to his body. The hand moved the
instrument close to her body; from head to foot then back to her head. AThere is a
problem; she is injured. A blockage, here, in her brain,@ he said. AYou must enter her
Mind. Talk to it. Explain the problem and how you=re going to correct it. Tell her you
must mentally enter her brain and remove the blockage.@
AThat=s what I thought you=d say,@ Radon responded. AI just wanted your
confirmation. While I=m working on her injury, go to the control room and use the
tractor beam to recover the probe. Bring it into the ship and remove the data recorders.
I=ll want to study the recordings. Then, set a course for Terminus and get us underway.
I=d like to get there as soon as possible. Velocity T+6, should be all right.@
AIt will be done,@ R-1 responded.
AWhen you=re finished, please come back here. I may need your help.@ R-1's head
nodded, and he left the room.
Radon, brought a chair and placed it beside her bed. Taking her hand, between his
hands, he gazed across the room. Calmly, his telepathic thought reached out to her
Mind and made contact. He began, soothingly, to comfort her Mind and explain what
had happened. Her Mind opened to his gentle thought and accepted what he said. Its
distress, over her brain=s inability to function properly, slowly faded. A sudden rush of
warmth, gratitude -- and love, flowed from her Mind and flooded his thoughts.
No, not now, his thought responded. He intensified his thought making it stronger,
subduing -- pushing back her uninhibited mental response. AWork with me,@ his thought
stated. AHelp me; join me; two Minds working as one.@ Her mental outburst subsided. A
momentary pause, then, her Mind blossomed open and reached out to his. Two >Lights=
of intelligence merged, to work together.
A softly glowing radiance, of mental fusion, enveloped them. Radon released her
hand and placed a hand on either side of her head. Light, flowed along his arms to his
hands. Then, it streamed from his fingertips and reached into her brain. It traced along
feathery filaments of brain fibers; flowed along neural circuits and came to a disrupted
neural junction. It stopped. Little strands of light formed at the broken connection. They

grew in intensity and arched across the gap, restoring the broken connection. Then, the
light withdrew. It moved back along the way it had entered her brain.
Thank you, he thought. The blockage has been repaired. Then, he gently disengaged
his Mind from hers. The glow around them dimmed and vanished. He removed his
hands from her head and leaned back in the chair.
R-1, chose that moment to reenter the room and approach the bed. AIt is done,@ he
AYes,@ Radon replied. AShe should be regaining consciousness, any minute.@
R-1 moved to the other side of the bed. AHer color is returning.@ He moved the
instrument he carried and placed it against her head. AYes, she is all right.@
Inuai stirred. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Radon took her hand and she turned
her head in his direction.
AWelcome back,@ he said.
AWhat happened,@ she said, weakly? Then, her eyes took in the room and she
recognized her surroundings. AWhat am I doing here?@
He gently squeezed her hand. AWhatever it was, got to you. It overloaded a neural
pathway in your brain and you passed out. It would take too long, at the moment, to
explain it all. Right now, I want you to rest for a while. When you feel up to it, you can
join me in the control room. Here, telepathy is quicker than words B close your eyes.@
His thought reached out to her Mind and said; you tell her about it.
AR-1 is here beside you,@ he continued. AIf you need anything, he=ll get it. He=s very
good at taking care of people. Meanwhile, I=ve got some other matters to attend to,@ and
he gently released her hand. ACan you manage, for a while?@
She closed her eyes and said, AYes . . . Thanks.@
AGood. See you in a while.@ He stood and left the room.
When he was gone, she said to herself, OK Mind B what happened? For the next few
moments, her Mind replayed the events that had occurred. She examined the thoughts,
one by one. She blushed when she came to the part where her Mind had exposed her
inner thoughts and feelings, about him, to his awareness. She tried to interpret what his
reaction had been, then, gave up after a moment and went on.
She marveled, inwardly, when their two Minds had merged and repaired the injury
inside her brain. She=d heard of such a AMind Fusion,@ but had never experienced it
before. She recaptured the moments and basked in the remembered glow of its
experiencing. Waves of pleasure washed along her nerves and throughout her body.
Involuntarily, she squirmed on the bed. AWow,@ she thought, Awhat a way to make
love.@ She, reluctantly, forced her thoughts to another subject B where she finished
examining the sequence of events.
She then considered her feelings and what she should do now. Obviously he knows
how I feel about him, but I can=t let that interfere with this mission. It=s too important.
I=ll just have to live with it and do the best I can. We must solve the Izar problem. A
new thought struck her. She opened her eyes and turned to R-1.
AR-1, may I ask you a question?@

AOf course,@ R-1 replied.

ACould you tell me where, and when, Radon learned the Mind Fusion technique?@
ATo my knowledge, he was born with it.@
AI=ve never heard of anyone being born with it. I thought only those who were
advanced in the Higher Teachings ever learned of it. And, that it took years of study and
practice to master the technique.@
AThat is my understanding also,@ R-1 said. AI=m sorry Inuai, but I can=t answer your
question further. I don=t have that information in my memory banks,@ he paused,
Aperhaps you could ask Hatonn. We=re on our way to Terminus, even now, to talk with
him. He might be able to answer your question.@
ATerminus . . . Hatonn? Not the Hatonn? The Keeper of the Galactic Archives? He
knows Hatonn?@ she asked.
AYes, the two of them are old friends.@
AOld friends . . . @ Her voice trailed off. She had a stunned look on her face. Hatonn
was the most famous, and distinguished, historian in the Galaxy. Someone you might
live a lifetime hoping to meet B and, they=re old friends; her thought trailed off again.
Amazement written on her face, she said, ARadon certainly seems to know people in
high places. He must be very special.@
AYes Inuai, very special.@ R-1 replied.
AI=m beginning to get that impression. R-1, may I get up? I=m feeling better. I=d like
to get back to work and help him.@
AIf you like,@ he replied. ALet me assist you. I=ll escort you to the control room. You
seem a little unsteady.@
AThanks,@ she said; accepting the arm he extended. AThank you again for your help
and answering my questions; I do appreciate it.@
Radon, after leaving Inuai, had gone to the comm-unit. He spent several minutes
composing the messages to be sent. Activating the >security channel= of the comm-unit,
he sent a full report of what had happened, to Talon. He reported that they were en
route to Terminus, to confer with Hatonn. They would search the Galactic Archives for
information regarding the Izar System. He advised a continuing quarantine of the Izar
area by the Patrol.
Another message was sent to the Survey=s base on Arcturus, advising Inuai=s
superior of their current progress and plans.
A third message sped across the light years to Terminus, advising them of their
expected arrival. Still, another was sent to Hatonn requesting a conference. He keyed in
a command, to the comm-unit, to retain copies of the messages.
He had finished sending the messages, and was studying the Probe=s data tapes when
Inuai, leaning on R-1's arm, entered the control room.
He stood and walked over to her, a warm smile on his face. AThat was a quick
recovery. Glad to see you up and about. Here, R-1, I=ll take over. Thanks for watching

over her.@ He transferred her arm to his and led her to the chair he had been using. AR-1,
I think she could use a warm, nourishing broth; Would you bring it to her.@
The robot responded by moving into the lounge and busying himself.
Radon gently eased her into the chair. ANo need to say anything for the moment. I
thought you might like to catch up on what=s happening, first.@
R-1 returned with a steaming cup, and offered it to her. She took it and sipped its
warm contents. A happy smile crossed her face and looking up at R-1, said, AThat=s
delicious. Thank you.@
AYou are welcome. Radon, may I return to my other duties?@
AYes, of course. Thanks again for taking care of the lady.@
The robot nodded, turned, and left the room. Radon leaned over her and activated
the comm-unit, then took a seat across from her. AI saved this for you,@ he said. AIt=ll
explain what you missed and bring you up to date. Please take your time and read it,
before we talk.@
She nodded and smiled at him, grateful for his understanding and sipped her broth.
She spent the next few minutes reading the reports he had transmitted. Then, she
reached over and turned off the comm-unit.
AYou did the right thing; the reports are good.@ She raised her eyes and looking into
his, said, AAll right, let=s talk.@
Radon, with a curious look in his eyes, said, AInuai, I had no idea your thoughts and
feelings about me were so deep and sincere. I had no intention of probing for them.
They just tumbled out of you, and caught me by surprise.@ He paused. AWhy me?@
She dropped her eyes and gathered her thoughts, then raised them again to look
straight into his eyes. ABecause, I=ve never met anyone like you. You=re the most
fascinating, and astonishing man I=ve ever met. Talents and abilities just spill out of
you, and you seem unaware that they=re there or that you=re using them. I know dozens
of men who would be happy, if they had just one of your talents. I=d even like a couple
of them myself. Yet because you=re unaware of them, you=re modest, considerate and
AI sense a mysterious strength and power B deep inside you. You could be a very
dangerous man. But again, somehow, it=s held in check and only little glimpses of it
ever show. And, you seem unaware of that too. You=re the most coordinated man I=ve
ever seen, or met.@
She paused. AIt=s not my emotions, or romantic thoughts, making this interpretation.
Even R-1 says you=re something very special and he=s not subject to emotions, or
romantic thoughts, just logic. And, I don=t think you or anybody else tinkered with his
programming causing him to think that. Don=t you get it, Radon? You=re the type of
man most women dream about. I=d be crazy, if I didn=t feel the way I do about you.
There! Now you know.@
Radon, a look of genuine surprise on his face, looked shocked for an instant. AI
didn=t know that,@ he said, his voice low, his look B thoughtful. Then, he took her hand.
AThank you for your honesty. I don=t know B if I live up to your description of me. I=ve

never really thought about it. However, I do know that you=re a very attractive and
talented woman. I appreciate that. And yes, I do care about you. I don=t know how deep
that caring goes, but time and events should provide an answer to that. Let=s give this
situation some more time. Then, I=ll be as honest with you as you=ve been with me.@ He
paused . . . Awill you work with me? I really would like your help on this Izar thing.
Regarding our feelings for each other why not let them grow or not grow according to
what develops. Fair enough?@
AFair enough,@ she agreed. She smiled then, comfortably, and asked, AWould you
mind sharing some of those data tapes. I=d like to help study them.@
He relaxed, visibly. AThank you,@ and a grin reappeared on his face. AThought for a
while, there, I might have to do them all myself.@
ANot on your life,@ she said. ARemember; I=m part of the team.@


Meanwhile, Radon and Inuai studied the probe=s data tapes of the Izar phenomena.
The Aris moving many times the speed of light flashed toward the constellation of Vela
B its destination the planet Terminus. Terminus, was the home of the Galactic Archives.
The Archives were the repository of all known knowledge. A place where the historical
records of Man, from the ancient times of the old Galactic Empire to the present, were
Their study of the data tapes completed, Radon and Inuai had slept. Now, both were
awake. They were seated in the lounge adjoining the control room when the
navigational alarm sounded.
AWe must be entering the Vela Nebula,@ Radon said. ACome, there=s something you
should see.@
Looking curious, she followed him to the control room and seated herself. He
activated the forward view-screens and she noticed a bright star, surrounded by a
strange halo, directly before them. It quickly grew in size.
AIt=s one, of two major Pulsar Stars in this region,@ he explained. AWhat makes it
unusual, and worth seeing, is that both Pulsars are being fueled by matter, antimatter
reactions. The vast quantities of gases released by the Pulsars are being driven outward,
by radiation, causing the nebula to expand.@
AIt=s beautiful,@ she said.
As they drew nearer, the Pulsar=s image shifted. The view slid off to one side, as the
ship altered course to avoid it.
ABeautiful . . . And deadly,@ he responded. AThere=s enough radiation near that star to
cremate half the galaxy. The other one is just as beautiful and just as savage. That=s why
the navigational alarm went off, to warn us of the danger. It=s something few people
ever get to see. I thought you might like to see it.@
AThank you,@ she said. AYou=re right. It=s worth seeing. I seem to be getting quite an
education on this mission.@
Then, looking thoughtful, she turned to him. AHow long before we reach Terminus.@
ALess than an hour,@ he replied. AWe should start getting ready. I=d like Hatonn to
see, and study, the Izar data we=ve collected.@
She turned to him, the thoughtful look still on her face. AHow should I dress? I
mean, I=ve never met anyone as important as Hatonn.@ Her voice trailed off.
A flash of understanding crossed his features. AJust as you are. Standard working
uniform. Hatonn doesn=t insist on formalities.@
A look of relief appeared on her face. AThat=s good. I was worried because I didn=t
pack anything formal. I thought this was going to be strictly a field job.@

AGood. That=s settled then. Let=s get the reports together. It shouldn=t take but a few
minutes. You have plenty of time to freshen up.@
An hour later, both were seated in the control room. They watched the view-screens
as the Aris swung into an orbit around Terminus. Radon, in communication with the
spaceport, acknowledged their landing clearances. The ship began its descent. Inuai,
watched as the planet revolved under them noticing its barren, desert-like, appearance.
Suddenly a large ocean, azure blue, appeared. Near the approaching coastline, she
noticed a beautiful green island and pointed it out to him.
AThat=s where Hatonn has his home; there on that island,@ he responded.
ALooks like a large park or garden,@ she said.
AActually, a combination of both.@
Then, the ship passed over the coastline and, suddenly, what appeared to be a large
city was before them.
ATerminus . . . The Archives Complex,@ he said, as the Aris slowed and hovered
over a modest sized spaceport. He released his manual control of the ship as the
spaceport=s automatic guidance systems took over and the ship started its final descent.
AThey don=t have many ships stopping here,@ he explained. AMainly supply freighters
or couriers. Terminus only exports knowledge or information and that=s mostly via the
interstellar communications network. That=s why the spaceport=s rather small.@
She nodded her understanding. AWhat about the city? From its size, they=d need
enormous quantities of supplies for the population.@
AWell,@ he replied, Ait=s not what it seems. There=s less than a thousand people on the
whole planet. They=re mainly scholars B and engineers to keep the place running. That
city B is the Galactic Archives. It=s one huge computer complex.@
Inuai was still thinking about that, as the Aris gently settled into its assigned landing
berth. Radon, quickly scanned the ship=s system monitors before shutting down the
drive engines and the controls before him.
ACompany coming,@ and he indicated an approaching vehicle. AWe=d better meet
Moments later, they stood before the main hatch. It opened and a fresh breeze
flowed into the ship. They walked down the ramp and over to the waiting vehicle.
Behind them, the hatch closed and the pulsating orange force-field suddenly appeared
and enveloped the ship.
AZone Agent Radon?@ the waiting driver inquired politely?
At his answer, the driver said, AHatonn is expecting you. He=s at the Archives. I=m to
take both of you there. Are there any stops En route?@
ANo . . . No stops,@ Radon replied, as he turned and helped Inuai into the vehicle.
As they rode toward the Archive=s complex, Inuai became increasingly tense.
Sensing her condition, he reached out and took her hand. AHe=s really very friendly. I=m
sure you=ll make a good impression. Now quit worrying about meeting him,@ he said,
gently squeezing her hand.

Relaxing, slightly, she gave him an accusing and somewhat pained smile. AYou did
it again; read my thoughts. I haven=t been this nervous since my graduation at the
Survey=s Academy. It=s just . . . I=ve just never met any one of his stature before. It=s like
meeting the President of the Confederation for the first time.@
AI=m sure Hatonn would be flattered by your comparison with the President,@ he
Their conversation ended as the vehicle stopped in front of the Archive=s imposing
front entrance. Before them, as they stepped out, a series of steps led upwards to a wide
veranda dominated by an enormous entrance which looked a hundred feet high by fifty
feet wide. The door of the Archive=s building was a huge slab of impervious metal two
feet thick. The door was in the raised, open position. It appeared to be the impregnable
entrance of the largest vault ever imagined.
Thanking the driver, he led her up the steps and into the cavernous interior of the
building. They paused in what appeared to be a foyer and Radon spoke with the
receptionist, while Inuai stood, awestruck. Beyond B a wide hallway, hundreds of feet
high, stretched off into the distance. Above the main level, where they stood, level after
level of massive computers rose up the walls and stretched endlessly off into the
AThis doesn=t do anything to calm my nerves,@ she said softly.
He turned and with an equally soft voice answered her, AIt=s impressive. I know how
you feel.@ He then took her arm and they walked to the office entrances along one wall.
He stopped before the ninth doorway, grinned at her, then entered. The receptionist
which greeted them was, easily, one of the most beautiful women Inuai had ever seen.
She rose, and smiled a warm greeting to both of them.
AGood to see you again Radon,@ she said. Then, she moved from behind her desk to
stand before Inuai. Taking her hand in both of hers, she said, AMy name is Alira.
Welcome to Terminus. If I can be of any help while you=re here, please call on me.@
Inuai suddenly relaxed, smiled her acknowledgment and introduced herself. Alira,
releasing her hand, turned and motioned to the door beyond her desk. AHe=s expecting
you; go right in.@
The door opened as they approached. As they entered the room, Hatonn was bending
over a table, apparently examining some papers. Hearing them enter, he straightened,
turned, and a look of warm welcome crossed his features.
AGreetings Radon,@ he said, as he walked over to them. AAnd, this lovely and
attractive young woman must be Inuai. Welcome. Please be seated and tell me all about
this mysterious affair you=re investigating.@
Radon smiled at his old friend and took the hand that Hatonn had extended. Then,
with a mischievous wink at Hatonn, he said; AIn all my years of knowing you old friend,
I=ve never heard you come to the point so quickly. What could be affecting you?@
With a twinkle in his eye Hatonn grasped Inuai=s hand, ignoring Radon=s remark,
and courteously guided her to a comfortable chair. AMy dear,@ he said to her, Apay no
attention to this brash young man. He=s always trying to tell me that I take forever to

make my thoughts known. I maintain, he=s just too impatient to follow the course of my
thinking.@ With that remark he took a chair across from Inuai and waved Radon into the
other, beside her.
APerhaps,@ she said, meekly, ARadon should give you the details of our mission. I can
give you my observations if they=re required.@
AAs you wish, my dear.@ He turned to Radon. AAnd what are these details?@
For the next twenty minutes, Radon explained the nature of the Izar mission and the
results of their recent efforts. He handed Hatonn the reports and they moved over to a
computer terminal. As Radon explained the significant details of each page, Hatonn
nodded his understanding and fed the sheets into the terminal. In seconds, the
computers of Terminus started the process of analyzing the data and searching for the
information they sought.
While this was going on, Inuai studied Hatonn and tried to sort out her impressions
of the famous, elderly, scholar and historian.
He=s not what I anticipated she thought to herself. Hatonn, she noted, was about five
foot eight or nine, of medium build, and appeared to be in good physical condition. He
had silver white hair and a mid-chest length beard, unusual, in that he was the first man
she had ever seen with a beard. Only the age lines in his face, and around the eyes, were
indicators of an elderly person. Elderly people, at least in appearance, were a rarity in
the Confederation. Almost everyone used a process which halted the physical aging of
their bodies and appearance, at whatever point desired.
His eyes, she thought, look as if they=ve seen everything. They=re penetrating, full of
wisdom, yet kind and sincere, and full of understanding. He has a sense of humor. It
shows in his eyes.
There=s a force radiating from him like an aura. It=s like a beautiful presence. You
feel good, just being in the same room with him. Somehow, you get the feeling that
something infinite, is reaching out to you. He=s a very kind and gentle man, and strong
as well. I suspect his will is stronger than the vault-like door of this building.
And, her thoughts rambled on B he loves beauty. Her eyes took in the details of his
office. The simple yet graceful line of the furnishings. The intricate and lovely lines of
gold cord, used in several wall hangings; some form of art with which she was
unacquainted. Graceful pedestals and bowls, and vases of a soft pearl-white substance
were scattered about the room.
Yes, Hatonn, Keeper of the Records, you are an astounding man. I=m glad I=ve had
the opportunity to meet you.
Her thoughts were interrupted, as the men finished their work at the computer
terminal and returned to their chairs.
AAnd now, Inuai,@ Hatonn said, in a quiet voice. AI=d like your impressions and
thoughts, regarding the Izar force you experienced aboard the Aris.@
Confidently, she related the details of the incident, as he listened intently. Only
when she mentioned the method that Radon used, to restore the damaged area of her

brain, did his eyes leave hers. He glanced at Radon, then returned his attention to her
comments. When she finished, he thanked her.
Then speaking to them both, he said, AThis is a strange matter. I=m not sure that what
you seek is here in the Archives. However, the computers are searching for anything
that might help you. I=ll leave word for my staff to give it their full attention. Since it
may take some time, perhaps you would accept my invitation to rest and relax at my
home while we wait for any results. I assure you, it=s more comfortable than any
accommodations either here or at the spaceport. That is, unless you have other plans.@
They looked at each other, then Radon spoke, AWe=d be honored to accept. We
haven=t made any other plans. We came here directly from the Spaceport.@
AGood,@ Hatonn said, a smile on his face. AMy days work here is finished. I=m
looking forward to the occasion. Perhaps Inuai will give me the opportunity to get to
know her better.@
AI=d be delighted,@ she said.
AThen, let us be on our way.@
On leaving, Hatonn gave Alira instructions regarding the computer search of the
records, and where they would be when any results were available. Then, they left the
building, boarded a small shuttle craft and moments later were skimming over the
ocean toward the green island. Hatonn piloted the craft with skill and soon they landed
beside a beautiful home. About them strange, lush green vegetation, bushes, plants,
trees, hanging moss and ferns, stretched away into the distance. Little pathways led off
in several directions and vanished into the greenery.
Inuai was enchanted with the beautiful setting and asked Hatonn about the strange
species of plants and trees, where they came from and why the predominance of green.
AI had them brought here from a strange world,@ he replied, pleased at her interest.
AThe green colors I find very restful and calming. But come, you must be tired. Rest for
a while then we=ll have a meal. Later, if you like, we can take a walk in the gardens.@
Inside, the house opened up into several spacious areas each divided by waist-high
room dividers. The absence of floor to ceiling partitions, in the main areas, created a
feeling of uncluttered spaciousness. On the far side of the main room, private guests=
suites and a small office were visible. Radon and Inuai were quickly shown their
individual quarters.
Several hours later, they gathered to carry on their earlier conversation.
Hatonn, responding to Inuai=s questions regarding the unusual furnishings, explained
the gold artwork hanging on the walls. The off-white material, used in the various
pedestals and globular shaped objects, scattered throughout the house, was a medium-
hard rock mined on Altair II. It could be sculpted or machine worked, to produce
objects which reflected light with a beautiful satin sheen. Many of the pieces he had
crafted himself and he took delight in showing them to her. He admitted that the
gold-cord artworks, hanging on the walls, both here and in his office at the Archives,
were his personal creations.

Then, their conversation returned to the Izar problem. As they discussed the topic,
several housekeeping robots served them a delicious meal.
ACome my dear,@ Hatonn said, Aenough of this talk of Izar. Let me show you the
gardens while there is still daylight.@
AMay I use your comm-unit, while you two are out walking,@ Radon asked? AI have
some messages to send to Trantor and I=ll be busy for a while.@
AOf course,@ Hatonn replied. AMake yourself right at home.@
Hatonn led Inuai from the house. They walked in silence for several moments,
taking in the quiet beauty of the winding pathway. Then, she felt impelled to speak.
AHatonn, I have some important questions. May I ask them as we walk?@
AI wondered when you would,@ he said, in a soft and gentle tone. Taking her hand in
his, he stopped, and turned to face her. His kindly eyes searched her face. APerhaps I can
save you some time; spare you moments of awkwardness and answer many of your
questions, all at one time.@
Looking slightly perplexed for a moment, she hesitated. Then she looked into his
eyes. A sudden calmness seemed to flow into, and through her. She gently squeezed his
hand. AYes, perhaps that would be better.@
Still holding her hand, he turned and they started walking again.
AYour experiences,@ he said, Asince the start of the Izar Mission and meeting Radon,
have been a succession of startling and unusual occurrences. No sooner has an event
been encountered, experienced, and dealt with, when another arrives and the process is
repeated. You=ve been taken completely away from your normal environment, both
personal and professional. If I may use an antiquated expression B >you are like a fish
out of water=B and you=ve felt amazed, dazed, and awed by the rapid succession of
events and experiences.@
They came to a small bench along the side of the path. ALet us sit for a moment,@ he
said, interrupting his comments. Once seated, he continued, still holding her hand as his
eyes gazed off into the tree-lined forest about them.
AAs a result of all this, you=ve had the feeling of being continually off-balance. Your
image of yourself, and even your professional ability, you=re questioning within
yourself. Being attacked by an unknown force while aboard the Aris and becoming a
casualty in the incident was, again, something you wouldn=t have encountered in your
normal work. And, in an attempt to bring something familiar and comforting B
something you can easily relate to, into this confusion, you reached into yourself and
brought your love to the surface and, unexpectedly, exposed it to Radon.
AWhen he used the >Mind-Fusion= technique, known only to those advanced in the
Higher Teachings, it added to your confusion. Yet if he had not used it you would be in
a Confederation Healing Center, deep in a coma, waiting for someone to use it.
AAll in all my dear, you=ve undergone a remarkable series of events. And, rather than
being critical and unsure of yourself you should, instead, be proud of the fact that your
professional attitude and training, and your good common sense, have made you a
valuable asset to the Mission.

ARadon does not consider you a burden or liability, nor for that matter, do I. The
blame, for your predicament and confusion, lies solely with those bureaucratic superiors
who insisted they be part of a mission that should have been handled by Zone Agents.
Your having been thrust into a situation like this, without knowing that Zone Agent=s
possess and use remarkable powers and abilities, and deal with dangerous situations as
an everyday routine, is inexcusable.
AGranted, the other Departments and the public know little, regarding the true
functioning of Galactic Zones and its Agent=s. It seems though that the better judgment
of those who did know, was overridden by extreme political pressure. Under the
circumstances, I feel you should be commended.@
Inuai=s entire perspective of herself became transformed, as Hatonn=s words
penetrated her awareness. Confidence, in herself, returned with a rush. Her confusion=s,
dissolved. A sudden realization struck her. Dangling bits of information, rumors, gossip
B all concerning the Department of Galactic Zones and its Agent=s, suddenly fell into
place. Her eye=s expressed happiness as she gazed at Hatonn=s calm and gentle face.
She thought, what an extraordinary man. He had read her thoughts and questions,
and answered most of them. Then, he had confided what was, obviously, very
confidential information. This time, her thoughts were not colored by awe or
amazement. Instead, they were thoughts of admiration and respect.
AI cannot thank you enough for your help,@ she said, sincerely, her eyes looking
deeply into his. AI realize what I now know about Galactic Zones and its Agent=s, and
about Radon, is highly confidential. I also realize, you must have one of the highest
security clearances to be so well informed. But why, Hatonn, did you breech that
security and reveal the information to me?@
Hatonn lifted his eyes from hers and momentarily gazed off into the surrounding
trees where the shadows were deepening. He seemed to be listening to some unheard
sound. Then, a smile appeared and his gaze returned to hers.
AWhy, Inuai?@ he said, responding to her question. AThere are two reasons. First,
whether Galactic Zones knows it or not, their security was broken the moment you
became involved in this mission. Secondly, because of what is yet to occur, you need to
know that Radon may use other powers in your presence. Their use, cannot confound
you or create confusion. In order for this mission to be successful, your thoughts and
actions must be crystal clear. Please, accept my insights into these matters.
Confirmation will occur, sooner than you think.
AAnd,@ he continued, AYou must pledge your silence regarding these matters, your
new knowledge, and what you will learn in the times ahead. I assure you, it is in the
best interests of Mankind.@
An honest and firm resolve appeared in her eyes, and then she replied, AYou have
my Oath, in The >Light,= that what I know and learn will only be shared with those
entitled to such knowledge.@
AI humbly accept your oath,@ Hatonn responded. ACome my dear. We must share
this with Radon.@

They both stood. Hatonn released her hand and Inuai, a brilliant smile on her
features, faced him. AJust a moment, if you please,@ she said. AThere=s a matter I must
take care of, right now.@ Before he could react, Inuai placed her head against his chest.
Her arms went around him in an affectionate hug. She murmured into his chest, AThank
you for everything.@ She quickly released him and stepped back her head tilted up, her
eyes sparkling. AYou deserved that, you know!@
AMy dear, we really must do something about your spontaneous outbursts,@ he said,
giving her a look of mock severity. Then the look changed and the smile reappeared.
AOn second thought, however, let=s not give it our top priority. I might enjoy
experiencing it again.@
Moments later, both laughing and obviously enjoying some huge joke, they entered
the house and confronted a startled Radon, who decided to join in with their obvious
AIt never fails,@ Radon said, addressing his humor to Inuai. AEvery time he takes an
attractive young woman for a walk in that garden, he comes back acting this way. OK
you two . . . What=s up?@
The laughter faded as they seated themselves. Inuai said, AI=ll let him tell you about
it,@ and she settled back in the chair with a satisfied sigh.
Hatonn repeated the matters he had discussed with Inuai, her responses, and its
conclusion. Radon listened intently, occasionally looking from one to the other as key
points were related. Hatonn, ended his remarks and said, AAnd your thoughts on all of
AI know better than to question your insights into these matters, old friend. And, it=s
better that Inuai isn=t completely in the dark, regarding Zones and what might happen in
sticky situations. You=re right! I=d rather have her thinking clearly, if we get into a mess,
than astonished every time I have to do something she=s never seen before. As I see it,
it=s time we do something both for and about her.@
AYes, I agree,@ Hatonn said, stroking his beard absently. Then winking at Radon in
such a way that Inuai couldn=t see it, said, AYes, something must be done about her.@
AWait just a minute,@ she said, springing up from her chair, alarm flashing in her
eyes. AWhat=s this something you two are cooking up?@ she demanded.
Radon=s grin widened and suddenly he broke into laughter, choking out B AI suppose
we could . . . @
Hatonn, now, was also laughing, as Inuai stood before them, hands on her hips, a
puzzled look on her face as she glared at first one and then the other of the two men.
AYes,@ Hatonn said, wiping at his eyes, Ait=ll have to be done.@
AWhat?@ she sputtered.
Hatonn, regained control of himself and waved her back into the chair.
Inuai, casting them a suspicious look, sat down on the edge of the chair. AI=m
waiting,@ she said.
AMy dear,@ Hatonn said, AI=m surprised it hasn=t already occurred to you. You know
far too much about Galactic Zones, and Zone Agent=s, to continue working for the

Survey. I=m sorry if we=ve had a bit of fun leading up to this,@ he said, the laughter of
moments before being replaced by a serious expression on his face.
AI don=t understand,@ she said. AYou=re not going to have me fired from the Survey,
just because I know something I shouldn=t?@
ANo, nothing like that,@ Radon interjected.
AActually,@ Hatonn continued, Awe were thinking you might like a transfer to
Galactic Zones. Perhaps, you would find the experience more in keeping with your
talents and abilities and B your new knowledge. Of course, the decision would have to
be yours. But, I believe if I made a request, at certain high levels of government, such a
transfer could be arranged. What do you think of the idea?@
AI would like to think about it before I make any decision,@ she said, thoughtfully.
ADo I have any alternatives?@
AMany,@ Hatonn replied. AYour oath of silence guarantees your right to make any
choice you desire. Your decision would be honored, of course.@
AThen, I=ll let you know in the morning,@ she said. ANow, I=m going to get some
sleep. It=s been a busy day.@
AAn excellent idea,@ Hatonn said. APerhaps we should all turn in. Tomorrow may be
busy, for all of us.@
Sleep came quickly that night, to all of them. The coming day could be a turning
point, for at least one member of the Family of Man.


The next morning a soft chime woke Inuai. Even though she felt completely rested,
she was aware that her Mind had been active during the hours of sleep. It had reviewed
her personal life and professional career. Somewhere in the process, a decision had
been made.
The men were deep in conversation when she joined them a short time later. They
both greeted her, and Hatonn offered her a delicious beverage as they moved to
comfortable chairs to continue their discussion.
AEverything points to some type of psi force radiating from Izar,@ Radon was saying.
AA telekinetic energy so powerful it can span an entire parsec of space. Unfortunately,
our defensive force-fields are not designed to deal with that type of energy. Which
means we can=t get close enough to Izar, to locate and study the source. The Aris needs
to be equipped with some new type of force-field. Something that can block telekinetic
AAnd, I take it,@ Inuai interjected, Asuch a force-field is unknown to the
Confederation and Galactic Zones.@
ARight,@ Radon replied. AWe=re at an impasse, as far as the mission is concerned,
until one can be invented and the Aris equipped with it. And, I know that Zone=s Labs
doesn=t have it, or the technology to invent it. So what do we do now?@
AWe go to Procyon,@ Hatonn said.
Hatonn=s quiet remark produced a sudden, startled, silence.
AWhy Procyon?@ Inuai said, a perplexed look on her face. AIf I remember correctly,
they discourage visitors and just barely tolerate our having an embassy, and ambassador
there. Nobody goes there, unless they=re invited.@
ACorrect,@ Hatonn replied. ABut do either of you recall the reason why?@
A look of dawning comprehension appeared on Radon=s face.
AOf course. I remember studying their ancient history. For thousands of years, their
civilization has been developing the powers of the Mind to the highest possible degree.
They=ve been so successful that today, as a race, their major interest centers in that
activity. Even though they=re members of the Confederation, they consider visitors a
distraction. A nuisance; something that interferes with their mental activities.@
AYou remember your history studies well,@ Hatonn said, smiling at him. ANow, let
me ask you both what better choice could we have, in solving our problem and perhaps
inventing your psionic force-field, than a world highly advanced in the study of the
Mind, and the entire field of psionic abilities?@
AThat=s a brilliant deduction,@ Radon said.
Inuai leaned forward. AI agree. But why, if they consider us a nuisance, would they
help us?@

ASeveral possibilities exist,@ Hatonn replied, stroking his beard absentmindedly.

AFirst, the problem is in an area of major interest to them. The telekinetic aspect of the
Izar phenomena, and the fact that it appears to be a curious new event in the cosmos,
might easily interest them. It could be presented in such a way that they would consider
it a mental challenge. Something worthy of their attention. Also, it so happens that one
of their chief scholars is an old friend. I could contact her and request a meeting to
discuss this matter.@
Before anyone could comment, a chime sounded from the nearby computer terminal.
AThat must be what we=ve been waiting for,@ Hatonn said. AExcuse me.@ He stood
and went to the machine. He read the message on its screen and then touched a control.
Several sheets emerged from the unit. He scanned them quickly then returned to his
guests and handed them to Radon. AI=m not surprised. The Archives have no record of
any phenomena similar to what=s been encountered at Izar.@
Radon, after reading the report, handed the sheets to Inuai. She studied them briefly
and passed them back to Hatonn. AIt appears there=s only one path we can follow,@ she
Radon, a serious expression on his face, stood and placed a hand on Hatonn=s
shoulder. AI think you=d better contact your friend and see if she can get us an invitation
to visit Procyon.@
Hatonn nodded his agreement. He then turned to Inuai. AMy dear, may I ask if
you=ve made a decision, regarding our conversation of last night?@
Her clear brown eyes searched both of theirs, for a moment. AYes I have. I=ve given
it careful thought.@ Then, a warm smile appeared. AIf Galactic Zones will accept me, I=d
consider it an honor to serve in their Department.@
Broad smiles appeared, on each of the men facing her. Her hands were warmly
clasped by each. A strong and silent bond, between them, came into existence.
AThen it will be,@ Hatonn said, a kindly and wise look appearing in his eyes. ANow,
there is much to be done. I suppose you two can ready the Aris for departure, while I
take care of some matters? Take the shuttle craft when you=re ready. I=ll have another
bring me to the spaceport and meet you there in two hours.@
Radon and Inuai agreed, and soon were gathering their reports and belongings. They
waved goodbye as they left, and in moments the shuttle craft was returning to the
Hatonn had been seated at the comm-unit for over an hour, before the last message
was sent and the last instructions to his staff were completed. Three, of the chain of
messages he had sent, had been crucial. Two, had been directed to Trantor, using a very
special security circuit. The third message went to Procyon.
Hatonn had first spoken with The First Coordinator of the Confederation (The
President), and presented him with a quick briefing on the mission, its results, and the
planned future activities of the three of them. Then he had been briefed, regarding Inuai,
and asked to expedite her transfer to Galactic Zones. It was decided not to inform the
Confederation=s Ambassador on Procyon, of their impending visit. The less who knew

what was going on, the better. Hatonn preferred their dealings with the Procinians to be
on a personal basis rather than an official one. The First Coordinator had readily agreed.
The second message to Trantor had been received by Third Coordinator Talon of
Galactic Zones. He had listened attentively to Hatonn=s briefing, remarks, and requests.
Several times he responded with quick and concise questions. During the
communication, the First Coordinator had entered Talon=s Office. He waved to Hatonn
and nodded agreement. Soon, agreement had been reached by all.
The third message was received by Senior Scholar Jero, on Procyon. Based on their
old friendship she quickly extended an invitation for the visit. Hatonn and his two
friends would be her guests. She would take care of the formalities and arrange for them
to be met and escorted to her private home, in order to honor Hatonn=s request for
Hatonn arrived at the Terminus Spaceport via another shuttle craft and was quickly
taken to the Aris. Radon and R-1 met him at the open hatch. They escorted him aboard
and quickly had him settled in his quarters. Moments later, the ship lifted from the
Seated in the lounge Hatonn explained the messages he had sent, and that he had
received an invitation for their visit.
Radon was to contact the Procyon Spaceport and pass on a coded message when
they were five parsecs from that Star System. Then, put the Aris in a holding orbit and
wait for their escort. When these matters were disposed of, the conversation turned to
the Mission and a review of what they knew to date.
Hours later, Radon announced that he was going to get some rest. His guests could
turn in, when so inclined. He excused himself and retired to his quarters. Inuai, at
Hatonn=s request, was telling him of her childhood, growing up, schooling, and her
work with the Survey. When she had finished, she turned to him.
AHatonn, there is still a matter concerning Radon that I=m curious about. If you are
allowed to talk about it, perhaps I could understand him better. Where, when, and how,
did he learn the Mind Fusion technique. How could he be born with it?@
AI can understand your curiosity,@ he replied. AYes, I can discuss it, since I know you
will treat it as confidential information.@
AYou have my oath,@ she replied.
AMy dear, to understand how he would know and be able to use such a technique,
requires me to give you a quick review of Man=s evolution. As you know each of us
exists, in spirit, as an eternal essence; as an awareness. From the moment we are
conscious of ourselves as distinct entities or Beings, we live successive lives and all of
our experiences accumulate. They become >as one= in the sum total of our awareness.
AThat awareness, our true spirit, and the knowledge it has accumulated in each
lifetime are immortal. It survives each successive death of our physical bodies yet
incorporates itself into each new birth. As Man, we have the ability through the power
of our Mind=s to remember and use any or all of the previous knowledge and experience
we have acquired. Thus, there is no reason to repeat any given life experience unless

that is what we desire. We enter each new life expecting a variety of fresh new
experiences. We bring our total accumulated knowledge of the past with us, to help
master that life.
ATherefore,@ he continued, Aeach of us is incredibly old and wise, each in our own
way. Some are older than others merely because they started sooner. Our modern and
continuously changing concepts of the evolution of Man go back trillions of Galactic
Years. I mention this because, in order to help you understand some of Radon=s talents
and abilities, your own, and those of others, you must also understand how the process
of Man=s evolution works.
AThe simple answer to your question is: That he learned the technique several
lifetimes ago, in the Shaula System - Scorpius Sector, from a teacher in one of the
Temples of The >Light=. He was born with the knowledge of how to use it, because it
was in his awareness when he came into this present life.@
Inuai drank in every word, with a thirst that startled her. In just moments, Hatonn
had answered questions that had intrigued her since childhood. Tears of gratitude
formed in her eyes, as she looked reverently at the gentle man seated across from her.
AHow can I ever thank you,@ she said, in a quiet voice? AHow is it you always answer
my questions and then, reach inside me to answer those I didn=t realize were there?@
AIt could be my intuition or years of experience,@ he answered, in his quiet but
reassuring voice. AThere is also, my dear, an ancient saying: `When the student is ready,
a teacher will appear.=@
AWill I ever be such a student? Can I ever study the Higher Teachings?@ she asked.
AWe are all students,@ Hatonn replied. AWe are all constantly observing and learning,
unless we choose to do otherwise. However, The >Light= will not allow us to default on
our experiencing forever. Sooner or later, we must get on with our growth of awareness.
Yes, Inuai, you are a student. It is as if you have been sleeping but now you have
awakened. As to the Higher Teachings, they are always open to those who wish to learn
them. How well you learn them depends on your efforts.@
Suddenly, Inuai realized she was tired. AI think it=s time I got some rest. Would you
excuse me, Hatonn?@
AOf course. We can talk again tomorrow.@
Hatonn, escorted Inuai to her quarters, then he walked silently to his. A thoughtful
look, on his features.
In half an hour, all was quiet. The Aris whispered, again, to itself as it sped toward
Procyon. In Inuai=s quarters, a glowing ball of light slowly materialized and moved to
the side of her sleeping form. A hand reached out of the glow and gently touched her
forehead. Light flowed from it and spread into and through her until her entire body
glowed. A smile formed on her lips. Then the light was absorbed into her body; the
glow diminished and vanished, as did the softly glowing ball of light.
Moments later, the same event occurred in Radon=s quarters. As the glowing ball
was fading, a whispered thought also faded into nothingness. It seemed to be saying,
AThe threads of destiny B so many possibilities B so many possi . . . @

Following the rest period, the three of them were in the lounge talking and eating.
The conversation was interrupted by an alarm from the ship=s comm-unit. Radon
touched a control, and the screen beside them displayed a message indicating several
messages were waiting.
AMaybe this is what we=ve been waiting for,@ he said, touching another control.


494,407,200 B 04-07, 10:02:56 - UGT.

Be advised: In recognition of your superior work performance, past and

present, and for outstanding work in establishing better relations with other
Departments of the Confederation, you have earned the Confederation=s
Award of Merit.

As recipient of this award, the Confederation=s Merit Review Board has

decided your talents and abilities can best serve the Confederation, in a
position of greater responsibility. They have requested you be transferred
for reassignment to the Department of Galactic Zones. Your Award has
brought honor to yourself and this Department. You are hereby formally
relieved of your present mission assignment and transferred, immediately,
to Galactic Zones.

Congratulations, we wish you every success in your new assignment.

Signed: Doron B Coordinator B Galactic Survey



494,407,200 B 04-07, 11:30:14 - UGT.

Be Advised: Your transfer from G.S. completed. Effective immediately

you are temporarily assigned to Correlation Section - Department of
Galactic Zones - with the rank of Specialist. You have been assigned to
detached field duty to act with and under the supervision of Z.A. Radon for
the duration of his present mission or until contrary orders are issued.

On completion of the mission, or at his direction, report to Headquarters -

Galactic Zones - Correlation Section - Trantor, with mission field reports.

Proper credentials and uniforms will be supplied at the first opportunity.

Z.A. Radon responsible for briefing you, and any other details or supplies
needed. Welcome to Galactic Zones.

Signed: Talon B Coordinator B Galactic Zones

Radon touched a control after scanning the messages. Two copies emerged from the
unit. He turned and handed a copy to Inuai and Hatonn. He waited until both had read
ASomeday,@ he said, Awe=ll have to find out from Hatonn what kind of grease he
uses, to get the wheels turning. I think congratulations are in order.@ He turned and, in
one movement, with a wide smile on his face, lifted her from the seat. Placing an arm
about her shoulders, he gave her a quick hug. ALet me be the second to welcome you to
the team, partner.@
Her eyes sparkled as she turned to him. AI=m glad to be aboard. I really am.@ Then
she turned to Hatonn. ALately, I always seem to be thanking you. Please, accept my
thanks again.@
AAccepted my dear. However, meager my efforts may have been. But, in
anticipation of a favorable reaction to my request, I also requested to be the one to
present you with the Insignia of Galactic Zones. Coordinator Talon was quite agreeable.
And, it seems, Radon had a spare one available. If you have no objection, may I
formally and cordially confirm your new appointment?@
AI=d consider it an honor,@ she replied.
Hatonn stood and faced her. He spoke the Oath of Galactic Zones, and she repeated
the phrases. He then removed the Insignia from a pocket. The three, gold, interlaced
triangles of Galactic Zones, glowed in his hand. He reached out and placed it just above
her left breast. The Insignia clung to the fabric of her jumpsuit, by a special form of
adhesion. He then took both her hands between his. AI know you will carry out the trust
and responsibilities of your new position with honor, Specialist Inuai.
ANow, I think we=d better discuss our upcoming meeting and how we can obtain the
help we need from Procyon,@ Hatonn said.
The three reviewed the problems to be discussed with Jero and how, hopefully, her
help and that of the Procinians could be obtained. The rest of the day, and another rest
period passed.
Radon was seated at the controls when the ship dropped from star-drive and
appeared in normal space just outside the Procyon System. Following Hatonn=s
instructions, he placed the ship in orbit around the System. The coded message was
sent. They waited.
A short time later, the ship=s detectors picked up an approaching spacecraft. He
flashed a recognition signal. An answering signal was received. Moments later, a
gleaming silver scout-ship appeared on the view-screen. A violet beam of light leaped
from the scout-ship and enveloped the Aris.

Suddenly, a mental presence was with them. A thought question vibrated in the air
about them.
AYes, I am Hatonn and these are my friends. We are here at the invitation of Senior
Scholar Jero,@ Hatonn responded to the telepathic question.
AYou and your friends are expected,@ the presence, responded. AWe will leave the
violet force-field around your ship until we clear the planetary force-fields. Please
follow our ship.@
AThank you. We will follow your instructions,@ Hatonn replied. The presence
withdrew. The scout ship started moving away. Hatonn, nodded to Radon, and the Aris
left orbit and followed the scout.
AI=ve been here before,@ Hatonn said. AWhat you=re about to see may startle you. The
planet we=re heading for has an invisibility field about it. Just follow the scout ship.
Once we=re through the field, you=ll be able to see the planet.@
AI wondered about that,@ Radon said. AIt would appear the scout is leading us away
from the Sun and out into space. The sensors don=t indicate a planet anywhere near us.
Must be some field they=re using.@
AThat=s why we came here. Their research into force-fields is far beyond what is
generally known,@ Hatonn replied.
A blinding light suddenly burst around them. The view-screens quickly adjusted.
Below, a beautiful planet had appeared. Both ships dropped toward the planet=s surface.
AIt=s beautiful,@ Inuai said. ALook. It has green forests, and mountains.@
AYou=re in for a still greater surprise,@ Hatonn responded. AIn a moment we=ll start
seeing some of their homes and, further away, their cities.@
As the two ships skimmed closer to the planet=s surface, the violet force-field around
the Aris disappeared. A mountain range, over which they were passing, changed into a
broad plain. Ahead, what appeared to be a small estate hung suspended several
thousand feet above the ground below. Far off, in the distance, other large homes and
surrounding landscapes also hovered.
AYou didn=t mention this,@ Radon said.
Inuai was delighted. AFloating homes, estates, and cities. They=re wonderful.@
They were approaching an isolated floating estate, when the ship before them started
slowing. Radon quickly slowed the Aris and maintained the distance separating them.
The little scout-ship gradually, approached the floating island estate. Soon they were
skimming over gigantic vine-covered trees. Before them, the growth thinned and, a
beautiful home appeared.
A thought invaded the control room. AYou have arrived at Jero=s residence. You may
land your ship on the pad near the house. May your visit be pleasant. We leave you
now.@ The little scout-ship sped away.
Radon maneuvered the ship carefully. It settled gently and came to rest. ANow
AWe exit the ship an greet our hostess,@ Hatonn said. AThere! I believe she=s coming
to meet us,@ and he pointed to the view-screen.

The screen showed a tall woman walking toward the ship. Radon closed down the
controls and the three of them left the room.
Moments later, with Hatonn leading, they met their hostess.
Senior Scholar Jero of Procyon was a stunning beauty. Her blonde hair was long,
mid-shoulder length B tinged with warm golden highlights. Her skin was evenly tanned
and a light bronze. Her eyes, sparkling pools of green mystery. She was wearing a
beautiful, elegantly simple, white gown. She stood perfectly relaxed, as her guests
Hatonn stopped before her. AIt=s good to see you again Jero. Thank you for receiving
She raised her hands to his and gently clasped them. A warm smile lit her features.
AYou=re always welcome, my dear Hatonn.@ She leaned forward to kiss him lightly on
the cheek. She leaned back and said, AAnd these are your friends.@
Hatonn, made the introductions and both Radon and Inuai, were quickly captivated
by her relaxed and easy casualness. Her green eyes, sparkling with alertness, had
quickly appraised them, then, warmly welcomed them.
AYou are my welcome guests. Come! Let us go inside.@
The path led directly to the large, airy, three-level home. They entered through a
sliding door. Inside, a circular hall or wide veranda surrounded a sunken step-down
main living area. Other hallways entered onto the circular veranda and, apparently, led
into other areas of the spacious home. She led them into the main area and indicated
comfortable lounge seats for all. Once seated, she turned expectant eyes upon the group.
ANow, perhaps you can tell me what all this is about?@
AIf I may?@ Hatonn looked inquiringly at both Radon and Inuai. They nodded
agreement. Briefly, he outlined the curious events that had alerted the Confederation.
How Galactic Zones had undertaken the task of determining the problem and finding a
solution. What Radon and Inuai had discovered, and experienced, and the events up to
the moment.
Jero, interrupted the discussion, occasionally, to ask a searching question. A look of
deepening interest grew steadily as she listened.
Hatonn said, AThis entire matter has grave implications which could affect the entire
Confederation. That, is why I asked for a private meeting with you. At this point, the
fewer who know what is going on the better.
AThe Izar problem has confronted us with an enigma. Our only hope of solving it
depends on Radon and Inuai getting close enough to the planet to locate and identify the
source of the psi radiation. Unfortunately, the force-fields of the Aris were never
designed to deal with psi forces, nor, for that matter, are those of any other ships in the
Confederation. At the moment we=re stymied B at a dead end.
AWe can=t proceed and we can=t afford not to. The longer we delay, the worse the
consequences will be if word of this leaks out.@
AI see,@ Jero said. A thoughtful look crossed her features. AAnd, you=re here to see if
our people can help you B in complete secrecy, of course?@

AYes . . . That is what we hope for,@ Hatonn responded.

AYou realize,@ she said, directing her remarks to Radon, Athis would require the help
of others B scientists, technicians and starship specialists. The security of your mission,
of the entire matter, might become known. Are you prepared to deal with that?
Providing, of course, such help is offered.@
AIn view of what=s at stake, for Man, for the Confederation,@ he replied, an earnest
expression in his eyes and voice B AIt=s a risk I=d have to accept. However, I=d like to
suggest that not everyone who might become involved, would need to know all the
details we=ve discussed. That would limit the risk, to a considerable degree.@
AQuite true,@ she responded. She paused and looked thoughtful for a moment. Then,
she reached a decision. AI admit, it=s a fascinating challenge. I don=t ever recall
encountering a similar one. If the effort was successful, Izar might reveal still other
She turned to Hatonn, AYou presume a great deal based on our friendship, old friend.
But,@ and a warm smile appeared on her lips, AI=ve never been disappointed in following
your insights. All right! I accept the challenge this represents. Now, I shall endeavor to
convince others that this is a wonderful opportunity to gain further insights into the psi
powers of the Mind. If I start now, I may have the help you desire by tomorrow.
ASince I may be busy for some hours, let me show you to your rooms. I don=t wish to
be a poor hostess, so I will assign a robot to each of you. They will take care of your
needs, show you around, and take you on a tour of the estate, if you wish. Consider this
your home for the present. You are free to rest, relax, and enjoy yourselves.@
Some time later, the three were settled in their rooms. Jero had excused herself and
headed for her study.


AUTHOR=S NOTE: This is the most important Chapter in this compilation

of AThe Arisian Chronicles.@ It is the key to an event that will affect the
future destiny of two individuals and the entire cosmic destiny of Man and
The Confederation.


...THE WATCHERS B The name given to those Beings of the fabled, ancient, and
long vanished Arisian Race who, seemingly, are still interested in the evolution and
destiny of Man . . .

...There has been speculation that some of the Arisians returned from the higher
dimensions to live incognito, in physical form, among Man. Supposedly in order to
observe more closely, and study Man=s ultimate destiny. However, to date, no evidence
supports such speculation. Unverified, also, are reports that the Watchers when not in
physical form appear as glowing balls of light . . .


Hatonn rested for a while then went in search of Jero.

Radon and Inuai, with their robot guides, went for a walk to see parts of the estate.
R-1 had brought their baggage to the house and returned to the ship. Later, a delicious
meal had been served. Jero had taken a break, and joined them for the meal. She
reported some progress in obtaining the help of others, but would give them a full
report the next day. Hatonn suggested they all get some rest and sleep. If Jero was
successful, their next few days could be very active.
Jero=s guests, retired to their rooms on the second level of the house and were soon
Some time later, a mysterious event took place in Jero=s home. As if by appointment,
two glowing balls of light B one male, the other female B met in front of the rooms
occupied by Radon and Inuai. A telepathic communication took place, between them, in
a dimension unknown to Man.

The female, started the conversation. AYou had another reason, besides the Izar
matter, in guiding them here to Procyon!@
AYes,@ he replied. ASeveral reasons. It is a matter of the destiny patterns. The
probability factors must be more certain. And, there is every reason to believe that
Radon will soon hear the whisper message we left for Man to discover. But, in order to
understand it, he must be mated to the right woman. Lastly, I needed your help.@
AAh! The destiny patterns,@ she said, excitedly. AYou=ve found the one we=ve been
waiting for? Are you sure?@
AI=ve been watching him over many lifetimes. Yes . . . I=m sure. This, is what we=ve
waited for.@
AThat=s wonderful. But wait . . . What about his probable mate, the woman. Have
you found her too?@
AFound the woman. Yes, in a manner of speaking B I have found her ancestor.@
AAncestor? You mean the woman. Inuai? Wait B that=s it! She=s not the one B but,
one of her descendants will be. Tell me about it.@
ARemember our history,@ he said, Aand the Legacy our Race left for Man to discover.
How, the Legacy is to be the next step forward in Man=s evolution. Our ancestors
concealed that knowledge, in the whisper message which they broadcast throughout the
universe. Since then, we=ve waited for someone to not only hear that message, but
locate its source; learn its meaning and make the great discovery.
AAll along, we knew it would require the talent=s of an exceptional individual. That=s
why some of us remained behind, in their dimension B to search among the threads of
destiny for such a person and, a suitable mate. One equally exceptional, who will help
in the discovery. Then, our task was to gather the threads, manipulate the possibilities;
and increase the probability factors.
AThe Legacy requires that the one who hears our whisper message, locate its source.
Discover its knowledge. But, to understand and apply that knowledge requires a
partner. The discoverer=s must be mated. Together, it will be up to them to explore,
discover, experience, and know, within themselves and with each other, the full
potential of the power of Love.
AThey must learn the power of the opposite polarities they each represent and how to
join, to fuse, them together. Only then will they be able to experience the greater
awareness. Then, they will begin to understand the legacy we left Mankind. The
breakthrough in understanding they will seek, and strive to attain, will only come from
their repeated attempts to reach the highest pinnacles of their love. At some point, they
will succeed. Then they will have an incredible experience, their love, coupled with an
understanding of our message, will express itself on every level of manifestation.
AThey will elevate themselves to a new level of awareness. Their opposite polarities
will suddenly merge and become One. They will create a fusion B an ecstasy of love
beyond any of Man=s current knowledge and experience. That, in turn, will trigger the
breakthrough. The structure of space and time will be pierced, altered B and a new
dimension will be opened to the Race of Man. Man=s knowledge of the universe, of life

itself, as they enter and explore that new dimensional realm, will reveal the purpose of
and the reason for Man=s creation.
ABut,@ he continued, Ain order for that to happen, to bring those threads of destiny
together B to create the maximum probability, we must give them our help B give them
an essence of our Race B a part of our ourselves. Into each of them we must fuse the
male-female elements of our Race=s knowledge of love. I, the male elements into his
spirit and body. You, the female elements into hers. Then, in the future when they mate
and come together, within them, there will be a spiritual consummation of the Love we
have contributed.
AAnd, in addition, you must implant a chromosome and DNA molecule from your
body into hers. Otherwise, she can=t pass it along to her descendants B one of which is
destined to become his mate. There are no indications he will have descendants until
they are mated, or later.
AWithin her, as a safeguard, we must place a >Light= barrier around your implanted
gene. It cannot become active, until her descendant meets him. And then, only if he
reaches out to her with The >Light,= in an attempt to save her life. If that occurs, the gene
implant will be activated.
AThen the knowledge of Love you fused into her spirit, and brought into her physical
awareness by your implanted gene, will blossom into her total awareness. In that
instant, she will begin to experience the transformation. Whatever her knowledge of
love, whatever her social behavior in that life has been, will suddenly be changed. From
that moment on, whenever love expresses itself within her, she will unknowingly reach
out and draw upon the cosmic awareness of love that you imparted to her. In those
moments, she will be in communion with you.
AThat B is what I have in mind, why I guided them here; why I need your help.@
AYes, I see,@ she responded. AI agree! Without an infusion of our >Light= and
knowledge, the understanding of love our race has gained, they would be severely
handicapped. They would have difficulty understanding our message B using its
contents to help them in the fusion. Obviously, you are quite certain that one of her
descendants will become his mate.@
AMy search along the path of her destiny,@ he said, Aand that of her descendants,
interestingly enough, shows several occurrences when they actually meet. However, in
reviewing the time sequences, those meetings do not properly match the highest
probability curve. That is why I suggest placing the >Light= barrier around the gene
implant. The highest probability event, when their two destiny patterns actually touch,
will involve his using The >Light= to save her life. It is why I suggest using >that= as the
AAn excellent idea. Why, by the way, did you enter their Mind=s while on the ship?@
AYou=ll recall he used the Mind Fusion technique with her, after her injury. I thought
it an excellent opportunity to study the effect of that intimacy on both of them, and how
it might affect their destinies. I=m satisfied with what I learned. It merely confirmed my
original decision and what methods to use.@

AWhat method do you suggest?@

AThe Triad, individually, for each of them. Her=s will take a little longer, because of
the gene transfer. We should have them together, side by side.@
AThat will involve moving one of them. Which one?@
ARadon B I can handle it. You prepare her, while I=m getting him.@
The glowing balls of light separated and easily moved through the walls of the two
rooms. The first Watcher hovered over Radon=s sleeping body. A beam of light reached
out and enveloped him. It grew brighter, and the body was gently lifted from the bed. It
floated after the glowing ball. They passed through the wall, as though it didn=t exist,
into Inuai=s room.
There, the second Watcher hovered over her sleeping form, which was also
enveloped in glowing light. Radon=s body floated over to her side where it remained,
suspended, next to hers.
Hovering over the sleeping forms, the beams of light firmly uniting the two sleepers,
the glow around both Watchers steadily increased. The air in the room seemed to quiver
for a second, before a gleaming crystalline jewel materialized and hung suspended,
between, and at the head of the two sleeping forms. The second Watcher=s glow
diminished as she moved a short distance away.
A shaft of light, from the first Watcher, reached out and entered the jewel, which
started increasing in brilliance. Its light pulsed and shifted upwards through every color
of the spectrum. Then, at the peak of its brilliance, a beam of light flashed from it and
enveloped Radon=s body. It formed a dazzling triangle uniting him, the Watcher, and
the flashing jewel. Tiny sparks and little flames danced over and through the glowing
field of light that surrounded and permeated his body. Two separate and glowing
images seemed to emerge from and hover, shimmering, just above him. The brilliance
of the triangle, and the jewel, then softened and slowly started to diminish. The floating
images sank, and merged again with his physical form. The shafts of light forming the
triangle faded and disappeared. The first Watcher moved away, to one side.
The second Watcher moved, and hovered over Inuai. The exact same process was
created again. The shafts of light formed, creating the triangle uniting Inuai, the second
Watcher, and the jewel. This time, the sparks and dancing flames took on a rose and
golden colored hue. Midway in the process, a spiraling amethyst colored ray flashed out
from the second Watcher. It penetrated the glowing field surrounding Inuai and pierced
her physical body. Moments later, it withdrew and suddenly vanished. Inside Inuai a
new gene was surrounded by a sparkling barrier of >Light.= It glowed with a soft violet
light of its own.
The glowing bodies of the two Watchers moved next to each other. Their glowing
forms united with the jewel. A brilliant flash of light lit the room. Then, the jewel
dematerialized and slowly faded into nothingness.
AThe Triads are completed,@ the first Watcher said. AOur task for the moment, is
finished. Let me place him back in his room. I=ll join you outside.@

A moment later, the two Watchers met in the hallway. AThank you my love,@ he
said. AThey may be the first, among Man, to really experience the majesty of love. At
least they will have the potential to do so.@
AIf he learns as well as you did, my dear,@ she replied, Ahis future mate will be a very
happy and satisfied woman.@
AI seem to remember some rather startling and galaxy shaking moments you caused,
as well. You know B all this talk . . . @
AI thought you=d never get around to suggesting it,@ her thought sparkled, as she
slipped a glowing arm of light through his. AThis form, or Man=s?@
AMan=s,@ his thought responded. AWhere B My lovely E=Sha?@
AMy room,@ her thought whispered, as their glowing forms drifted slowly down the
hall. AThe pillows are softer, my darling Le=Adon.@
Hours later in the silent house, a beautiful woman=s lips gently kissed the forehead
of the man beside her. Then, lovely eyelids closed over the luminous pools of her green
eyes. As sleep drifted over her, a lingering smile and thought slowly faded. ALe=Adon
never noticed the gene implant took longer than necessary. Our Zone Agent is going to
get more than he ever imagined, when he meets his future mate . . . @


Little wisps of clouds were slowly dispersing around the island estate and home of
Jero. Sunlight streamed through the windows next to the seated group. The three had
been discussing the mission, when Jero emerged from her study and joined them.
AIt seems my efforts have been successful,@ she said. AMy colleagues will cooperate
and help with the project. However, we=ll need to analyze your data recordings of the
Izar force.@
AOf course,@ Radon replied. AI=ll get them right away. Excuse me.@
AI=m delighted your friends agreed to help us,@ Hatonn said. AWere there any
ANo. Once I explained the situation and what might be learned, they were quite
excited. Several of them will arrive shortly to study the data recordings. Then we=ll
know what approach to use B what type of force-field to design.@
Radon returned at that moment and handed the recordings to Jero. AIf I can help in
any way . . . @
AAs soon as we know what is needed,@ Jero said, Ayou=ll have to move your ship to
another island estate where the necessary repair facilities are located. There, the
modifications and equipment can be installed. I=d suggest you remain with your ship
while that is going on. You can supervise the installation and learn, at the same time,
how the new force-fields operate.@
ANo problem, I=d appreciate that.@
AGood,@ she responded.
A shuttle craft arrived and Jero excused herself. The newcomers were introduced.
Hatonn, realizing that he and Inuai could contribute little at this stage suggested they
look around the estate. They would stay out of the way for the present. Jero, Radon, and
the new arrivals disappeared into her study.
In the days that followed unbelievable activity took place at Jero=s home and on a
neighboring island estate. In two days, Jero=s friends had analyzed the data recordings.
They identified the Izar Force as a new type of powerful, random, and uncoordinated,
psi energy. One never before encountered.
As a result of their research a concept emerged for the new force-field generators.
Other specialists arrived. In hours, plans and drawings for the new project were being
created. Radon moved the Aris to another island estate, where Jero had already
assembled the technicians, engineers and specialists who would build, install, and test
the new equipment.
In three days, all the operations had moved from Jero=s home to the new location.
Night and day, continuously, men and robots swarmed over and through the Aris.

Radon roamed everywhere an armload of plans and drawings tucked under one arm,
helping the workers disassemble parts of the ship. Large sections of the ship=s hull
plates had been removed exposing the supporting frame, beams, and internal cables
which seemed to run everywhere. New strange looking coils, and large crystal-shaped
objects were installed near the center of the ship, encircling the hull. Heavy cables were
installed connecting them to the ship=s fusion generators. New hull plates were installed
to replace the old ones.
Then, the scientists and specialists designed, built, and installed a psionic beam
projector. It would be used as a probe to locate the source of the psi activity on Izar. On
the ninth day, in the middle of the night, the work was completed. The ship, resting on a
special repair cradle, gleamed under the brilliant work lights surrounding it. The special
team of workers relaxed. Many, including Radon, caught a few hours sleep. With the
coming of daylight the ship and its new equipment would undergo testing.
During the time the Aris was being refitted; Hatonn and Inuai toured various
sections of the planet. She was fascinated by the floating cities, art museums and other
points of interest. In addition, she requested and studied all the Izar data the Correlation
Section of Galactic Zones could supply.
Jero, had focused her attention on the AAris Project@ B what she had named the effort
to refit Radon=s ship. She was everywhere B coordinating the workers, ordering the
needed parts and supplies, and expediting deliveries. Once, Radon found her helping a
specialist installing new circuits in the ship=s control room. She was halfway under a
control console, her cheek smudged with cable grease, holding a terminal block in place
while a specialist tightened its mounting bracket. Later, that day, he had found her
sitting at a table in the lounge of the Project=s headquarters. She was going over a
handful of reports. Wearily he sat down next to her. They talked for several minutes and
he told her how he appreciated everything she and her friends were doing.
Morning came. Hatonn and Inuai arrived on a shuttle and joined them. In an hour,
the ship was ready. A picked crew consisting of Radon, Inuai, Jero, and two scientists,
were in the control room. The ship lifted from its cradle. Minutes later, it was headed
for deep space. Jero had arranged for a special escort. As the Aris left the planet=s
atmosphere behind, a Procinian ship, the largest Radon had ever seen, came up beside
them. It signaled them to follow then pulled ahead to lead them through the planet=s
Inuai was overwhelmed at the ship=s size. AIt must be thousands of feet long,@ she
AIt=s the Clarion, one of our special research ships,@ Jero said. ANormally we use it to
explore beyond the galactic rim. Lucky for us, it was here being re-supplied and made
ready for another trip.@
Radon turned to Inuai. AJero told me about it, two days ago,@ he said, indicating the
giant ship ahead of them. AIt=s equipped with the most powerful telepathic amplifier
they=ve ever built. They=ve been using it, out on the galactic rim, searching for

extra-galactic civilizations; sending out very powerful telepathic bursts, then scanning
for any responses.
AI=d been wondering how we could test the new force-field screens, without actually
going back to Izar. Then, I had an idea. If the new screens can block out the most
powerful telepathic burst that ship can focus into a beam, we=d have a good indication
our new screens are working. I asked Jero if we could make arrangements to borrow it
for a few hours, and run this test.@
AFortunately,@ Jero said, Athe head of that project is a friend. When I explained what,
we wanted, the use of the Clarion for one short test; he readily agreed to help us.@
AI don=t know how we=d have gotten this accomplished,@ Inuai said, Awithout your
help and that of your friends. You=ve all been wonderful.@
AWe=re far enough out, beyond the planet=s force-field, to run the test,@ Radon said,
interrupting the two women. ALet=s get started.@
He communicated with the Clarion and made the arrangements. The huge ship came
to a stop. The Aris swung around its port side and halted, some two hundred yards
away. On the Clarion a large twelve barreled helical projector, backed with a parabolic
reflector, turned toward the ship and stopped.
AThe new force-field screens won=t stop the operation of our comm-units. We=ll be
in constant communication with the Clarion throughout the test. We=re going to have
them start with low power and gradually, in steps, increase it too maximum. The new
force-field screens, supposedly, won=t interfere with our use of telepathy inside the ship.
We=ll test that as well. Our scientist friends will be recording any psi leakage on their
instruments and monitoring the overall test. If any of the Clarion=s signal penetrates the
new screens, we=ll all know it instantly. Any questions?@
There were no questions, but everyone seemed a little tense. Radon activated the
new force-field screen. Instantly, a swirling purple haze enveloped the ship. He signaled
the Clarion=s Commander to start sending the telepathic energy bursts.
A faint glow appeared around the other ship=s projector. At roughly one minute
intervals, the glow brightened as the power was increased.
Aboard the Aris everyone was intently watching the recorders. After ten minutes
Radon, telepathically, called everyone=s attention to the fusion reactor=s energy meters.
Their indicators were steadily creeping upwards. Outside, the purple haze of the new
force-field was growing brighter, as it absorbed and dissipated the tremendous energy
of the Clarion=s projector. After twenty minutes, the Clarion=s Commander notified
Radon that they were at maximum power.
A cheer went up from everyone on the Aris. Not one erg of the Clarion=s beam had
penetrated the new force-fields of the ship. The test was a stunning success. Radon
thanked the Commander for his help, and Jero sent him her personal thanks as well.
Minutes later, the two ships reentered the planet=s force-field then went their separate
ways. The Aris descended to its repair cradle and gently landed.
Word of the successful test spread quickly. All those involved in the project
gathered to congratulate one another. Jero finally got everyone=s attention. She

announced that Zone Agent Radon had arranged a celebration party. Later, inside the
building, the party was in full swing. It was interrupted only long enough for Radon,
Inuai and Hatonn to briefly, but sincerely, express their gratitude for all the work and
effort Jero=s friends had contributed. Each expressed their special thanks to Jero, for
putting it together and bringing the project to a successful ending. Hours later, the four
of them boarded the Aris and quietly returned to Jero=s home. Sleep came quickly.

The next morning as they were having breakfast the conversation focused on the
next part of the mission.
AWe=ll be leaving shortly,@ Radon was saying. AI still find it hard to believe that not
one word of this leaked out with all the people involved; the work, material and
supplies B you=d think someone would have gotten curious about it?@
AOh, they were curious enough,@ Jero responded, an amused smile on her face. AI
had to tell them it was a private project.@
AAnd that was enough?@ Inuai said.
AA private project, on Procyon,@ Hatonn said, Ais never questioned. It=s considered an
endeavor of the greatest service.@
AWell,@ Radon went on, AI=ll never forget those friends of yours. Every one of them
came up to me, at the party last night, and assured me they hadn=t seen anything unusual
aboard the Aris, and wouldn=t discuss the project with anyone. You=d think the project
never existed.@
AOfficially, it doesn=t,@ Jero replied. AThere=s absolutely no record, whatsoever, of
the Starship Aris ever visiting this world. As far as my friends and I are concerned, the
Aris Project never happened. Of course, should you ever decide to visit us, you would
be warmly received.@
ASpeaking of that,@ Hatonn said, AI believe you have something for them.@
AYes,@ she said, reaching for a small box on the table. She opened it and removed
two small silver stars each mounted on a blue sapphire. She handed one of them, to
both Radon and Inuai. AWhenever you wish to return to this world, for whatever reason,
merely show this to the commander of the starship which intercepts you. You will
instantly be recognized as welcomed guests and every courtesy will be yours.@
Radon and Inuai were deeply impressed.
AI don=t know that we deserve such an honor,@ Radon said.
AThat=s right,@ Inuai said. AIt seems like we should be the ones honoring you.@
ANonsense,@ Jero replied, smiling warmly at each of them. AI=m sure; you will both
contribute something valuable to Mankind. After all, if the Izar mystery is solved, you=ll
have more than earned the privilege the gift bestows.@
AI quite agree,@ Hatonn interjected. ASolving the Izar matter is, now, in both your
hands. I plan on remaining here on Procyon for a few weeks, to handle some other
matters concerning the Archives. Then, I=ll be returning to Terminus.@
AI=m sorry to hear that,@ Radon replied. AI was hoping you=d be with us.@ He stood, as
Hatonn stood up, and affectionately placed an arm around the older man=s shoulder.

Jero and Inuai stood also. Hatonn looked at each of them for a moment. AIt=s good to
know I=ll be missed. Now, you two, you=d better get your things together,@ he said, a
twinkle in his eyes. AI=m not getting any younger, standing here, and I=d like to hear your
report on Izar before I=m an old man.@
In an hour, Radon and Inuai were ready. Everything was aboard, and the four of
them stood before the open hatch of the Aris. Inuai gave Jero a parting hug and stepped
back to look into her eyes. AIn the short time we=ve been here, I can=t believe we=ve
gotten to know each other so well. I can=t explain it, but I feel like I=ve known you
forever.@ She brought out the small star, looked at it and said, AIt=s beautiful. I=ll treasure
it forever.@
Jero, a look of understanding in her eyes, merely nodded and squeezed her hand.
Inuai turned to Hatonn. She put her arms around him, and laid her head against his
chest. She muttered something only he could hear.
Radon turned to Jero. He took her raised hand and held it in both of his. AYou=ve
given us something to remember, and help beyond anything we expected.@
A startled look appeared on her face.
AI=ll always remember this place,@ he assured her, Aand you, and your friends.
Someday I=ll be back.@
AYou=ll always be welcome,@ she replied, a smile replacing the previous look. Then,
she leaned forward. AYou=ve some very interesting things tucked away on your ship,
behind certain bulkheads. Maybe some day you=ll tell me about them,@ she whispered in
his ear.
It was his turn, to have a startled look on his face. Then, he grinned at her. AHow
could I refuse such a request, from a lady who=s had her cheek smudged with cable
grease. Remind me, when we meet again. I=m sure I=ll be able to explain them, then.@
They laughed. He and Inuai turned, and boarded the ship. They waved as the hatch
closed. Hatonn and Jero walked back a safe distance.
They watched as the Aris hummed quietly and then lifted. They too waved, as it
silently climbed toward the heavens above and disappeared. Then, arm in arm, they
walked silently back to the house. Their thoughts, were on matters beyond the stars.

En route to the Izar System, Radon made a brief stop at the Galactic Zone=s field
office in the Regulus Star System. Within hours, Inuai was provided with proper
credentials, uniforms and a new wardrobe. Then, the trip to Izar continued.
He sent a report to Coordinator Talon, at Zone Headquarters, informing him of their
recent activities and current plans.
Inuai received the latest reports from Zone=s Correlation Section, regarding activities
in the Izar Sector.
The remaining time was spent planning their next encounter with Izar, relaxing, and
comparing notes. In a little less than twelve hours they would arrive.


Hours later, the Aris reentered normal space-time just beyond the Izar System.
Radon and Inuai were seated in the control room. He had activated the long-range
sensors, carefully scanning the planet before them. Their plan was to approach Izar
slowly, all sensors set for maximum range and every data recorder ready to respond
instantly. When they were just outside the safety limit, they would activate the new
psionic beam projector and probe the planet=s surface. They would be looking for the
source of the Izar energy.
Inuai had just finished adjusting the safety belt of her seat when Radon turned and
grinned at her. AWe=re about there. Ready to give it another try?@
She nodded and mentioned that, this time, he wouldn=t need to hold her in the seat if
anything happened.
AThen, lets go,@ he said.
The Aris moved slowly forward. The navigational screen was highlighted with a
calculated line, marking the safety boundary. The glowing dot on the screen,
representing the ship, was creeping steadily nearer. Then the ship stopped. A newly
installed port, on top of the ship, slid open. A strange looking device, the Psionic Beam
Projector, moved into position, and aimed itself at the planet ahead. As Radon touched
a control, a pale beam emerged from the Projector. The beam flashed across space,
between the ship and the second planet, and quickly searched a small section of the
planet=s surface.
The response from Izar startled them with its swiftness. Radon barely had time to
activate the new psionic force-field screens, before the ship=s sensors shrieked an alarm.
Signal lights danced across the data recorders and the ship bucked for an instant, before
the screens blocked the energy sent at them.
AThat=s strange,@ he said, turning to Inuai, Awhatever is there, didn=t hesitate in
AAlmost, like it was expecting us B waiting for us to try something,@ she said, an
awed look on her face.
AYou=re right. Just, like it was expecting us,@ he said, a thoughtful look on his
features. AIt might be an indication that this force is intelligent. Now wouldn=t that be
ABut the Survey Reports and our previous scans, didn=t show the presence of any life
forms. What could it be?@

AI haven=t the faintest idea,@ he replied, Abut, whatever is down there, intelligent or
not, has got to be identified. And, if it=s expecting us, I don=t feel we should disappoint
AWell,@ she said, looking at the instruments, Athe new screens do seem to be
working. No psi energy is getting into the ship. Ok, let=s give it a try.@
He nodded agreement, and touched various controls disabling the ship=s nav. and
piloting computers. ANot taking any chances,@ he said. AIf those new screens should
fail, that force could affect the computers and put the ship out of control. We=ll
approach under manual control with automatic breakers on every major circuit.@
R-1 rumbled into the control room and stationed himself behind Radon. AR-1, if I
lose consciousness take over and get us out of here B about 10 parsecs should be
enough. Then, take care of us and get us conscious again. Understood?@
AI understand,@ R-1 replied.
Radon grinned then his fingers flew over the controls. The Aris with a blinding burst
of speed, shot forward. The psionic projector beam, and every sensor, focused on Izar.
The ship settled into an ever tightening spiral about the planet, while the sensors
mapped every detail of the planet=s surface. The psionic beam searched for any trace of
telekinetic activity.
Radon flattened the spiral path of the ship into a circular orbit, when the indicators
of the fusion generators approached the danger point. They were still thousands of miles
above the planet=s surface. The Psi force-fields protecting the ship, and its occupants,
were streaming violent flares of light. The Aris looked like a comet trailing a purple tail,
as it circled Izar every few minutes.
AWe can=t get any closer,@ he said to Inuai. AThe ship=s fusion reactor will blow, if
we try. We=re stuck right here. All we can do is hope the sensors can locate the source
of that energy.@
Inuai nodded understanding. Her eyes were glued to the instruments. Minutes later
she touched several controls, leaned forward, and peered at the readout.
AWe may have found it,@ she said. ACan you take us over Sector 162, Quadrant 6. I
mean B right over the center of it?@
His fingers moved over the controls and the ship changed course. AWe=ll be right
over it, in 40 seconds.@
She activated the image camera and quickly reset two of the recorders, tensely
watching the constantly changing numbers in the corner of the screen. Then, her finger
pressed the control as the numbers indicated S162-Q6.
AGot it,@ she said, excitedly. AI think you can get us out of here.@
He grinned at her as the ship broke orbit and flashed away from the planet.

The Aris hung suspended, just beyond the safety zone of Izar. Hours had passed
since their return from probing the planet. They were seated on opposite sides of the
lounge table, surrounded by spools of data tapes. Inuai studied the pictures taken by the
image camera.

AI don=t get it,@ she said. AThe sensors indicate it=s a mineral deposit. The image scan
shows a mineral outcropping on the planet=s surface. But, if it=s a mineral, why doesn=t
it match the spectrum of any known mineral in the galaxy?@
Radon had an equally puzzled look on his face, Awhoever heard of a mineral
generating a psi force that=s ten-thousand times more powerful than the Clarion=s psi
AYeah,@ she responded. There was frustration mixed with fatigue in her voice. AJero
and her friends will think we=re crazy, if we tell them we=ve found a pile of rocks that=s
a more powerful psi generator than their zillion-credit super ship.@
AHey! Take it easy,@ he said, reaching across the table to take her hand. AIt=s not that
bad. Sure, telling them that might have them thinking we=ve gone over the deep end.
But, if we had a sample of that mineral, proof of what we=re saying B well, that=s
another matter.@
She smiled at him. AThanks, for the support. But, how do we get a sample when we
can=t get closer than some hundred-thousand miles to the thing?@
AI=ve been giving that some thought,@ he said. AThink about this for a moment. The
Procinian force-field is designed to absorb, neutralize, and dissipate this psi energy.
Obviously, there=s an upper limit to what the field can handle, and also a limit on the
capacity of the ship=s fusion generators to furnish the power to do it. But, on the other
hand, if we could determine the frequency of the energy coming from Izar and tune the
force-field so that it reflected it B rather than absorbing it, the ship=s generators would
have power to spare.@
She suddenly brightened as what he=d said, registered. AYes B A reflector, rather than
something soaking it up. That makes sense!@
AAnd,@ he continued, obviously pleased she was following his thought, Asuppose we
take it one step further. Not only reflecting it away from the ship, but aiming that
reflected energy back at its source. I wonder how, whatever it is, would handle a severe
case of positive feedback?@
A brilliant smile was dawning on her face. AA dose of its own medicine, so to speak.
If it was strong enough, it could even neutralize the original energy, or maybe cause
something to overload down there.@ She paused, AThat is, if what we=re talking about
can be done.@
AIf we can neutralize, or overload that something, then we can get close enough to
use the Tractor Beam and yank a sample of it loose. Then we=ve got the proof. But, I
suppose we=ll never know unless we get on the comm-unit and talk with Jero and her
scientist friends. I=ll contact them right away. Meanwhile, I suggest you get some rest,@
he said.
AI=ll only agree if you promise to let me know the minute we hear something back
from Procyon. Fair enough?@
AYou=ve got my promise. Now, get some rest.@

Within an hour, he had not only communicated their request to Jero but also sent her
the latest Izar data. She promised to let them know the instant they found a solution to
this new problem. He then walked slowly back to his quarters, lost in thought. Moments
later, the ship was silent.
A solution to their problem didn=t arrive for two days. Meanwhile, Radon and Inuai
were busy on the comm-units, filing reports and transmitting data. Galactic Zones had
been advised of their recent activities. Radon, acting on an inner hunch, created an
uproar at Zone=s Headquarters when he requested a team of experts, metallurgical and
psi, a field research lab B and a full security staff be sent to Arcturus. He caused still
further consternation, when he requested that it be in place and functional within two
Within minutes of his request, Coordinator Talon was attempting to contact the Aris.
Radon told Inuai to remain on one side, out of sight of the comm-unit=s visual pickup
range, and not to say a word. Then, with a quick mischievous grin at her, he calmly
accepted Talon=s call.
The Third Coordinator=s features quickly materialized on the screen. He looked both
perplexed and aggravated at the same time. He glanced down at something on the desk
before him, then looked up again. AThis request B no Agent=s ever requested anything
like it before. Do you realize what=s involved in getting the personnel and equipment,
on such short notice? And you want them on Arcturus, fully setup and ready, in two
days?@ The look on his face clearly indicated Radon=s request was preposterous.
The expression on Radon=s face was composed and completely neutral. Then his
voice came over the comm-unit in Talon=s office. AYes Sir, unless they can be ready
sooner than that.@
Talon looked shocked for an instant. He recovered, and his voice took on a steely
edge. AThis is no time to be joking.@
AForgive me Sir, but I was under the impression that this mission was considered top
priority. Under the circumstances B with a possible solution so near, I naturally thought
I=d have your full support, and every possible assistance from Headquarters.@
Talons= head jerked up B APossible solution, did you say?@
AYes Sir. Surely you=ve studied my latest reports?@
A sheepish look momentarily appeared, before Talon gruffly replied. AIt seems I
haven=t got to them yet,@ and he indicated a stack of reports on one side of his desk.
Then, he adopted a brisk attitude. AYou=re quite right. If you=re that near to getting us
the answer to this matter, you have every right to request whatever you need. I=ll
personally expedite your request.@
AThank you Sir. I=ll keep you fully informed.@
AYes, do that.@ The screen faded, as Talon abruptly broke the connection.
Radon leaned back in his chair, a smile of satisfaction matching the laughter in his
eyes. Inuai, wearing a quizzical expression, moved to the seat across from him.
AI don=t know, what that was all about,@ she said, and her look was one of mild
reproach, Abut, you were deliberately baiting him. May I ask why?@

AIt goes back a long way,@ he said. ATalon plays a clever game with his Agent=s,
particularly when it comes to new mission assignments. Somehow, I=ve always known
when he=s doing it and it always bothers me. I can=t resist the urge, when the
opportunity presents itself, to needle him. It=s to let him know, that I know what he=s up
too. It must be the rebel in me.@
AI can understand that. Yet you respect him; I can tell.@
AYes, I do,@ he replied. AI know that each person must be highly qualified to hold any
position of authority, according to Confederation Law. He=s, obviously, the best person
to be in charge of Galactic Zones. I respect that fact, and the fact that he earned the
position, and the authority that goes with it. In that sense, I respect the man, his
position, and the job he does. However, I don=t have to like his little game of trying to
be clever.@
AThat=s clear enough. Mind if I file it for future reference?@
ANot at all. Now, let=s get busy with these new modifications.@
Jero and her friends had finally found an answer. The comm-unit had silently
produced several pages of modifications to the ship=s new force-fields. Fortunately,
nothing new had to be installed. It was merely a matter of adjusting several special
circuits and assemblies already in place. Radon, scooped up all the original plans, and
the new modifications, and headed toward the hull=s mid-section. Within a day, with the
help of R-1 and Inuai, the modifications were completed. Then, there followed several
hours of testing and checkout procedures.
Satisfied that the psionic screens, now coupled to the Psionic Projector, would
reflect the Izar energy back at its source, they gathered once again in the control room.
AWe=ll do it the same as before,@ Radon was saying. AOnly this time we=ll direct
more power to the new reflector. If this works, I=ll try and get close enough to use the
tractor beam and grab a chunk of that mineral right off the planet=s surface. I=ll need you
to monitor the sensors and record every bit of data we collect. All set,@ he inquired,
glancing at Inuai?
She nodded her head, and activated the recording instruments.
The ship, once again, flashed inward toward Izar. Instantly, the planet=s psi force
reached out to them. The new reflector fields, just as quickly, intercepted that energy
and shot it back at the planet.
AIf you can believe this,@ Inuai said, never taking her eyes from the sensors, AI=d
swear I just detected a surprised response from Izar. The psi force wavered, and
diminished for a few seconds, before building up again.@
AGood. This may be the first time anyone=s ever given a planet a case of psionic
indigestion,@ he replied.
The ship=s force-fields changed colors, as the Aris dived toward the planet=s surface.
Radon aimed the ship, precisely, at Sector 162-Q6. When the instruments informed
him they were within range, his finger stabbed the control before him. The pitch of the
ship=s fusion generators climbed a full octave, feeding an enormous amount of energy

into the tractor beam. It lanced out from the ship and, momentarily, touched the rock
outcropping on the planet=s surface. There was a flash of light followed by a violent
puff of rock dust. The diving ship curved gracefully away from the planet and streaked
upwards. A chunk of the strange material clutched in the unrelenting hold of the tractor
Radon, for minutes, was too busy to comment. He had focused the tractor beam as
narrowly as possible, in order to yank a small sample of the material from the main
outcropping of the mineral deposit. Now, as the ship swept away from Izar he was busy
drawing the sample toward the ship, watching the instruments, and piloting the ship. A
victorious grin was slowly forming on his face. He instructed R-1 to ready a Telonium
capsule to put the sample in.
As the ship passed beyond the safety zone, he lowered the power to the psionic
reflector fields and reactivated the ship=s piloting and navigational computers.
Then, he did a very strange thing. Unfastening the safety-belt holding him in his
seat, he stood and moved over to Inuai. He unfastened her safety-belt and lifted her
from her chair.
AWe did it! We actually did it,@ he exclaimed, holding her at arms= length, beaming
happily. Then he hugged her to him and whirled her around the control room.
She looked surprised for a moment then, smiling happily, said; ARadon, how about
letting me breathe.@
He loosened his grip around her waist, letting her feet touch the floor.
She wriggled loose and stared up into his happy face. AI know we did it B but I didn=t
expect to be waltzed around the control room because of it.@
AForgive me,@ he said, but he remained exuberant. AIt=s important, Inuai. Somehow, I
feel like we=re on the verge of something bigger than we realize. Maybe it=s a
premonition, but something tells me that chunk of rock is one of the most valuable
things ever discovered B by anyone.@
AWait a minute,@ she said. ANow it=s starting to make sense. I wondered why, among
other things, you requested a full security team from Headquarters. I meant to ask you,
but somehow it slipped my mind.@ She stopped and looked at him seriously. AYou were
expecting that we=d be successful today, and that B that thing out there, would be
valuable in some unknown way.@
ACall it a hunch, or whatever,@ he replied, now serious. AIt=s something I=ve felt,
almost from the start of this mission.@
AWell, let=s not stand here. We=d better let Headquarters know we=ve got the sample.
Have you figured out how we=re going to get it aboard, without it affecting us or the
ABy now, R-1 should have the capsule ready. It=s made of Telonium, the strongest
metal Man=s ever developed. I=ll have R-1 put a portable psi reflector field around it.
Then, it=ll be safe to bring aboard.@
AGood. Let=s do it. Then, if you want, we can celebrate.@

Seating himself, he communicated with R-1 and explained what should be done.
When R-1 was ready, he adjusted the controls of the tractor beam and held the rock
about a mile from the ship. A pod door slid open and R-1, using a thruster and carrying
a portable psi screen reflector, made his way out to the rock. Radon, steadied the rock,
holding it motionless; then, shut off the beam. R-1 drifted over to it. In moments, it was
inside the capsule and the psi reflector screen was enclosing the capsule. A tow-line
was attached. Moments later, R-1 and the capsule were back aboard the ship.
Radon, busied himself preparing the report they would send to Headquarters. Inuai
had disappeared for a few moments. When she returned, she was wearing her new
regulation jumpsuit bearing the insignia of the Correlation Section of Galactic Zones.
Radon turned and watched her, as she crossed the room and seated herself beside him.
He gave her an appreciative look.
AI=ve never seen one of those jumpsuits fit anyone so well. You=re going to make
quite an impression at Headquarters,@ he said.
Inuai had an impish smile on her face. AIt would be terrible, if everyone thought I
was just the brainy type. I wouldn=t want to create a false impression.@
He nodded, muttered something inaudible, and put through the call to Talon.
The screen cleared. Coordinator Talon looked haggard. AThe team and equipment
you requested, and the security unit, will be departing in a few hours for Arcturus. Is
this another request?@ He looked up, and noticed Inuai on his view-screen. AI didn=t
realize you were there, young lady.@
ANo, Sir, it=s not another request,@ Radon replied. AYou remember our new specialist
from Correlation? Specialist Inuai B The one you assigned to this mission, to assist me?
We=re calling to report that we were successful in obtaining a sample of the Izar
material. It=s safely on board. We=ll be departing for Arcturus in a few hours.@
A transformation appeared to affect Talon. His face brightened; the fatigue seemed
to vanish. AYes, yes B I remember. It=s good to see you Specialist Inuai. Did I
understand correctly? You=re reporting success?@
Radon gently nudged her indicating she should respond.
AYes Sir,@ she replied, giving Talon a bright smile. AYou heard correctly.@
Talon straightened in his chair. AYou have no idea how pleased I am to get that
news. Well B Well, congratulations, to both of you. Leaving for Arcturus, you say?@
AYes,@ Radon replied. AHowever, I=ll orbit the planet until our team arrives and gets
the lab and security established. The Aris is carrying >Security One= material and I don=t
want to take any chances.@
At the mention of ASecurity One@ (the code phrase signifying information, or
material of the highest and most secret nature) Talon, became very alert and efficient.
He indicated, he understood.
AI=ll see that a Patrol Cruiser meets you in orbit at Arcturus B and remains as your
escort until you land at our facility. Give me an hour, and all arrangements for your
clearances will be taken care of. If you need anything else, let me know.@

AThank you Sir,@ Radon responded. AI=ll keep you advised of any new
Radon broke the connection. He noticed Inuai=s curious expression and explained
the meaning of Security One.
AI wondered what made him change so quickly,@ she said.
He grinned before replying. AI=d say it was a combination of things: The way that
uniform fits you, your smile, our success, and the fact that he can now get at least three
Departments of the Confederation off his back, and Security One, in that order.@
She gave him a strangely mysterious smile, in return. AI have something in my
quarters, back on Arcturus, that fits even better than this,@ she said, indicating the
jumpsuit. AI=ll show it to you sometime.@
He laughed and standing, took her arm and steered her toward the lounge. AMan
does not live by the fit of uniforms alone. Come on Specialist Inuai, It=s time we had
some food. I=m hungry, and I=ll bet you are too.@
Their conversation was light and casual, as they relaxed and enjoyed the meal. Later,
he reentered the control room. He sent a message to the Arcturus Spaceport informing
them of their expected arrival and the orbit he would maintain while awaiting further
orders and their Patrol escort. Then he activated the nav-computer. The Aris, swung
about and accelerated. Then, it vanished, as it passed beyond the speed of light.

They waited two days, in the company of a Patrol Cruiser, while orbiting Arcturus.
The special team of scientists and a security detachment from Galactic Zones had
arrived. With frenzied effort a field laboratory was setup in a building on the edge of
the spaceport. Coordinator Talon, assisted by a Memo from the President of the
Confederation, had cleared every bureaucratic and diplomatic obstacle for this
extraordinary activity. Then, when all was ready, a signal was sent to the Aris. The ship
descended and landed. A team of Galactic Zone=s scientists and security guards met the
ship, and received the capsule containing the Izar material. It was carefully moved to
the new, thought-shielded, laboratory facility.
Hours later they met in the conference room. The scientists had carefully examined
the Izar material. They were discussing the preliminary lab findings.
Lab Director Fransen, was in charge of the project. He opened a folder and
presented the information. AThe Izar material represents a totally new discovery. It
appears to be a mineral which possesses psionic powers, both telepathic and telekinetic,
and it seems to receive the energy for these functions from an external source -- either
electrical, or inductively, from a massive psionic field. Those properties alone would
classify it as completely new and unknown.@
Radon interrupted, with a question. ASo how does it interfere with the nav. and
piloting computers on our ships?@
AI was just coming to that,@ Fransen replied. AApparently, it somehow detects the
logic activity in their computer circuits. Then, again, by an unexplained process it

duplicates or mimics that activity, amplifies it tremendously and directs it back at a

ship, and the ship=s computers go berserk.@
There followed a lengthy discussion.
Radon, a thoughtful look on his face finally proposed an idea.
AWould it be possible to take a small amount of the Izar material and use it to make
a new computer logic chip. Then, put the new chip into one of our thought translator
computers? And, connect our Mind Probe equipment to the translator?@
AWhy would you want to do that?@ Inuai said. Then a frown appeared on her face.
AWait a minute. Are you thinking that it might be possible to communicate with that
AFransen, did say it had telepathic abilities,@ he responded.
AHe also said it could amplify whatever it detected and direct it back to its source.
You could get killed trying it, or end up a brainless idiot,@ she said, with a look of
alarmed concern on her face.
AI see what he=s driving at,@ Fransen said, interrupting them both. AJust a moment
you two. To answer your question, Radon. Yes, it would be possible to make a chip
using the Izar material, but it will take time. Maybe a day. As to any danger in trying to
communicate with the thing, we can take every precaution to protect him,@ he said to
Inuai. AHe=s coming up with a brilliant idea. He could learn in hours, what it might take
us months or years to find out.@
AThen let=s get on with it,@ Radon said. ANotify Talon of what we=ve discovered, and
what we=re going to try. And, notify everyone that this project, and what we=re working
on, is top-secret. Not a word, or thought, to anyone who=s not part of the staff.@
The three of them left the room. Radon and Inuai returned to the ship. There was a
lot to do before the next step could be taken.


While the lab scientists were involved in creating a new computer chip from the Izar
material, Radon and Inuai were busy with their own research. Radon contacted Hatonn
and briefed him regarding their findings and current plans. He requested any
information on the subject of establishing a mind-link with inanimate matter. In
particular, what mental state or condition would be required.
Within hours, a reply was received. No information existed, on the subject
requested. However, a personal reply from Hatonn suggested it would require a highly
controlled mental state and could be dangerous. Hatonn, suggested that every
precaution should be taken. Further, the mind-probe equipment should be adjusted to
break the connection, if the subject=s brain wave patterns showed any abnormal
indications. He asked to be advised of the experiment=s outcome.
The information and equipment safeguards, suggested by Hatonn, were passed on to
Fransen. The mind-probe equipment would be setup to perform, as suggested.
After discussing the experiment Radon and Inuai relaxed. They had a meal and went
to their quarters for a much needed rest. The excitement of the coming experiment did
not prevent Radon from quickly falling asleep.
Inuai was not as fortunate. She tossed and turned, as her Mind kept going over the
details of the experiment. Finally, she drifted off to sleep only to experience a strange
dream. In her dream she was surrounded by a sea of emerald green. As if an unknown
tide was retreating, the sea drew away from her leaving her standing alone on an
unknown shore. A gentle breeze whispered about her, carrying gentle thoughts. The
thoughts became a voice. The voice kept saying; everything was all right. She lifted her
eyes to stare at the far horizon. The horizon turned pink and gold. The voice continued,
and spoke of love.
Clouds on the horizon, suddenly seemed to change into two people; a Man and a
Woman, standing side by side. Higher than the clouds, a brilliant ball of light formed.
The couple joined hands and suddenly, from each, a shaft of light reached upwards
touching the glowing sphere above them. She saw a triangle of light form, uniting the
couple with the brilliant object.
Deep inside her B something stirred. She felt herself rising from the ground, floating
higher and higher. From this height she looked down. The emerald sea was not one, but
two vast oceans. No! They were not seas at all. She was looking into a pair of luminous
green eyes. The eyes smiled B and the dream ended.

The comm-unit=s insistent signal woke Radon. He swung his legs over the side of
the bed and activated the screen. Two messages were waiting. The first, was from

Headquarters giving him permission to be the subject in the coming experiment. The
second, was from Fransen. The new chip was finished and being installed in the
Translation Computer. The experiment could start in two hours. He quickly dressed and
headed for the lounge. Inuai was already there, sipping a warm beverage. He told her of
the messages, as he sat down.
She pressed a control and another cup of the beverage appeared. She passed it to
him. He quickly sensed a change in her attitude. The night before, she had seemed
deeply concerned about his volunteering to be the subject in the experiment. This
morning, however, she appeared calm. Confidence radiated from her, in an almost
tangible way.
Her brown eyes looked directly into his. She reached across the table and took his
hand. AWhat you=re doing today, is very important. I know it=s dangerous. But, I=m
going to be there with you, monitoring your brain waves on the recorder. If anything
goes wrong, I=ll be there to break the connection. I want you to focus your entire
attention on what you=re doing, knowing I=m there backing you up. Somehow, I know
you=re going to be successful. We=re in this together.@
He knew that she meant every word.
Later, they entered the building and walked over to Director Fransen. He was facing
a semicircle of monitor screens. Beyond him, a chair had been placed in front of the
portable translation computer. On a platform, above the translator, a large monitor
screen had been installed. This would allow the staff, and Radon, to observe the
Translator=s responses. Stationed on both sides of the chair were additional monitors,
recorders, and brain wave analyzers. The mind-probe equipment was enclosed in an
ominous looking large cabinet, directly behind the chair. A slender cable led from it to a
special headset which was draped over the chair=s back.
Fransen, at Radon=s request, explained the operation of the equipment and how the
technicians and scientists would be monitoring and recording the experiment. Radon
then requested, that Inuai be provided with a special mind-probe disconnect switch,
and, that she be standing next to him. He wanted her to watch both the brain wave
analyzer readouts and his physical condition. Fransen, quickly, had the technicians
provide what he had requested.
Then, they went over the procedure. Radon, using the mind-probe as a powerful
telepathic amplifier, would attempt to establish a mind-link with the new Izar computer
chip. The chip would be powered by the energy of the translator. The objective B some
type of response from the Izar material in the chip. If that was successful, then he would
see if he and the chip could work together. It would be important to determine if the
chip could learn, and cooperate with his mental instructions.
The other possibility -- the chip could respond senselessly, uncontrollably, and
dangerously. If this happened, Radon=s Mind and brain, joined to the chip via the
mind-link, could be seriously damaged. Fortunately, as one of many precautions to
prevent such an occurrence, Inuai and other technicians, would instantly disconnect the
power circuits.

The three of them watched as the scientists and technicians ran through a final check
of the equipment. The checklist was completed. Everything was working properly.
Radon turned to Fransen and said, AMight as well get started.@ He moved to the chair
and sat down. A technician, under the watchful eye of Inuai, took the mind-probe
headset and placed it on his head. Fransen, checked his staff and received nods
indicating each was ready.
ALet=s do it,@ Fransen announced. The units were turned on. The room was suddenly
tense with activity. Radon made a signal and the mind-probe hummed into life. It was
quickly adjusted to his thought patterns, and Fransen told him to go ahead.
Radon, telepathically, reached out and gently probed the chip, and quickly withdrew.
The chip responded. A variety of wave patterns appeared on the large monitor screen.
ATry sending it a word, and its meaning,@ Fransen suggested.
Radon considered for a moment, AI=ll try this. Let=s see if it understands.@ He sent his
name; he spelled it. Then, explained it was a symbol of his identity.
The translation computer responded. Wavy lines appeared again, and flashed across
the screen. Suddenly, the letters B R A D O N B formed, and remained on the screen.
Excitement broke out. There were startled voices, everywhere in the lab. Everyone
seemed to be talking at once.
Fransen, murmured to himself, AIt understood B it understood.@ Then, he roared out a
command. Suddenly, the lab was silent. ARadon. Explain the word learn, and what it
means to that thing.@
Radon nodded. Again, his thought reached out to the chip. He mentally explained
the word, and its meaning.
Again, the chip responded with the translation computer interpreting the responses
on its screen. The letters of his name suddenly vanished to be replaced by the letters B L
E A R N.
Again, the room exploded into excited conversations. Order returned, only, after
Fransen motioned everyone to be still. He turned to Radon B AExplain >learn,= again.
Ask if it would like to learn. Explain what >Yes= and >No= mean, and ask for a response.@
A sudden hush descended on the lab, as Radon=s thought reached out to the chip.
Before he could finish his thought, the computer screen flashed
B L E A R N - Y E S.
Radon waved the scientists, now wildly excited, to silence. He turned to Fransen. AI
have a hunch. Can you program a data-flow to the translator with all our thought and
word symbols, and their meanings?@
Fransen, was lost in thought for a moment. AYes B It will take some time, but it can
be done.@
AGood, let=s do it,@ he responded. He then turned back to the unit and explained the
thought symbol for Await.@ The chip responded and the screen went blank. He signaled
Inuai and the other technicians to turn off the equipment. He removed the mind-probe
headset, stood, and walked over to Fransen.

Fransen was already busy; instructing the scientists and technicians to prepare the
data-flow program. Radon asked, AHow long will this take?@
ASeveral hours, to prepare and then program the data-flow,@ Fransen answered.
AThen, it will depend on how fast the chip can accept it. Of course, we=ll have to verify
its understanding as we go. It might take the rest of the day.@
Radon smiled. ALet me know when it=s completed. Meanwhile, I=ll advise
Headquarters and take a break.@
Moments later, aboard the Aris, they were seated before the comm-unit. Radon
punched in the highest security code. Inuai smiled, as the screen cleared. Talon listened
carefully, obviously pleased with the report.
ADo you really think the Izar material can learn and then communicate intelligently,@
he asked?
AWe=ll never know until we try it,@ Radon replied. ABut, I have a feeling it can.@
What appeared to be a smile crossed the Coordinator=s face. AThen try it and keep
me advised, and, be careful. You do realize what this could mean to Zone=s and the
AYes, I do. I=ll let you know what develops.@
He grinned as the thought of how badly Talon wanted this, went through his Mind.
Never thought I=d see him this excited, he thought, as he broke the connection and the
view-screen faded.
Several hours later, the comm-unit aboard the Aris informed him the data-flow was
ready. He and Inuai left the ship and went to the lab building.
AThis could be the part that makes all the difference,@ he said to her. AIf the Izar
material can learn our thought symbols and the words they represent, and understand
what it all means, then we=ve paved the way for an entirely new experience for Man.
Think of it B communication with an intelligent mineral life-form. That=s a first.@
He stopped, and turned to face her. AI=m glad you=re here and a part of this. I really
am,@ he said, sincerely.
She looked at him; her frank brown eyes reflecting her words. AI never thought it
would develop into this. I mean, something so vital and important. I=m not sure I=ve
gotten used to the idea of it. But, I=m happy to be here, with you, and involved in it all.@
She slipped her arm through his, as they headed into the building. Her eyes, also,
expressed something else. Something, it was better he didn=t see at the moment.
A few moments were spent discussing the next phase of the experiment with
Fransen. Then, he took his place in the chair again, and donned the mind-probe headset.
The translation computer housing the Izar computer chip had been shielded to prevent
the thoughts of the others present from interfering with the experiment. Radon signaled
the technicians. The recorders and instruments monitoring the experiment were
turned-on. Then, both the translation computer and the mind-probe were activated.
His thought reached out to the chip B explaining that thought symbols, words, and
their meanings, were going to be sent. Learning, was about to begin.

Across from him, the computer screen lit up. It displayed, once again, the answering
response B L E A R N - Y E S.
Radon glanced up and, removing the headset, nodded to the waiting technician. A
switch was pressed and an auxiliary circuit fed the mind-probe equipment. The
data-flow started.
There was an answering response. The display screen went blank and just as
suddenly the thought-word symbols, and their definitions started crawling across its
illuminated surface, slowly at first then with ever increasing speed. Suddenly, the screen
blanked again.
Radon signaled the technician, to stop the data-flow.
Instantly, two words leaped to the screen=s surface B L E A R N - F A S T E R.
There was a murmur of excited conversation from the assembled scientists. He
waved them to silence and nodded to the nearby technician. AAll right B double the
speed.@ Then, donning the headset, again, his flickering thought reached out to the Izar
chip. He repeated the phrase B learn faster B yes.
Again, the data-flow was started. The thought symbols crawled across the screen at a
faster rate.
He removed the headset, stood and, with Inuai, moved over to Fransen, who seemed
to be watching everything at once.
Radon said, AEvery time the screen blanks, increase the data-flow rate. Let=s see how
fast it can take the data.@
Fransen nodded his understanding and gave the instructions to the technicians.
Radon and Inuai then moved to a corner of the room where an elevated desk looked out
over the lab complex. Elbows propped on the desk, his chin supported by his hands, he
watched with an air of intense interest as the Izar chip continued its learning experience.
During the next hour, the data-flow was increased many times. The screen became a
continuous blur. Then, the screen blanked again. Nothing happened for a few minutes.
The mind-probe technician with a look of surprise on his features called out, AIt=s
stopped.@ He bent over the instruments, attempting to determine the cause. Radon,
Inuai, and Fransen hurried over, and stood beside him.
The technician looked up, astonishment written on his face. AIt=s over. It absorbed it
all. The data-flow=s finished.@
Fransen looked incredulous. He turned to Radon and sputtered, AYou mean B that
thing B just absorbed an entire, universal, telepathic library B and did so in the last hour
and a half?@
Before Radon could reply, the screen of its own accord, came to life.
AApparently so,@ Radon answered Fransen, and his grin widened. AI had a hunch it
might surprise us, that=s why I was waiting, so patiently, over in the corner. Now, it
appears that it wants to talk with me. Rather remarkable, wouldn=t you say?@

AI=m getting too old for such surprises. Particularly, ones like this,@ Fransen replied.
Radon, still grinning, again donned the mind-probe headset. He signaled the
technician to connect him into the circuit. His thought reached out to the Izar chip. In
answer to your request B I am known by the name of Radon. I am the identity that has
been communicating with you.
Across the computer screen, there now appeared B I TOO HAVE IDENTITY BUT,
You can name yourself whatever you like, his thought responded. Why not consult
your memory of our thought symbols, for names, and select one.
Radon thought for a moment, before a wide grin appeared on his features. I would
like to suggest the name AIT,@ his thought responded.
Laughter broke out between the scientists and technicians, as the tensions eased
throughout the room.
AIT,@ Fransen mumbled to himself. ANow, I have to call it IT,@ he groaned, as he
sank wearily into a nearby chair. AAre you trying to test my sanity, or merely needle
me,@ he said, looking at Radon?
Removing the headset, laughter twinkling in his eyes, Radon cast a meaningful, and
sidelong glance at Inuai. Merriment appeared in her eyes, as she correctly interpreted
his look.
AWhy Director Fransen,@ he replied, AIT, seemed to fit. What else would you=ve
named IT?@
Fransen=s face reddened. He started to stand, a dangerous look in his eyes then,
suddenly, his face relaxed as a new thought struck him. AYou=re right! What else could
we call IT,@ he howled, as he sat back, laughter shaking him?
Radon=s grin turned into a large smile, as the room shook with laughter. ANow,
shouldn=t we get back to IT?@
Replacing the headset, and suppressing his laughter, his thought reached out again.
He explained the reason for the precautionary force-field surrounding IT, and the
translator computer. He described the Abounce-back@ effect of ITS unshielded psi
energy. How it affected people and the navigational, and piloting computers aboard the
Confederation=s ships. He then asked a question. AIT! Can you control your psi energy
IT, then went on to say, it did not wish to harm anyone or anything, and seemed
disturbed it had caused such effects. IT stated, it would carefully analyze and adjust its
energy responses so that no harm would be caused by its unshielded presence or to
anyone telepathically linked to it.

Radon, immediately, motioned the technicians to turn off the force-field surrounding
the translator computer. Then, he asked if IT would communicate with him directly,
telepathically, without the aid of the mind-probe apparatus.
IT agreed, and stated it would enjoy such communication.
AAll right, that=s it,@ he informed the technicians, while removing the headset. AThis
time we=ll try it without the equipment. Keep the recorders running, just for the record.
Headquarters, will want to study this later.@
The technicians rolled in more instruments, connected them, and then nodded the
go-ahead. Fransen, now fully recovered, seemed to be checking everything at once. A
good man, Radon thought. He really knows his job. Finally, everything appeared ready.
Radon, caught Inuai=s hand and she bent over to hear his quiet comments. AWatch
the brain waves, closely,@ he said. AThis is the dangerous part. You don=t have any
disconnect switch in your hand, to stop this, if it gets out of hand. Keep your hands on
my shoulders. If anything dangerous happens, tip the chair backwards and dump me on
the floor. That distraction should help me break the contact. Understand?@
AYes,@ she whispered in his ear. AI=ll watch. You can count on me.@
Not knowing what to expect, in a direct telepathic link with IT, he unconsciously
gripped the arms of the chair. Then, he nodded at Fransen. The Director signaled that
the recorders were on.
He sent the thought B AIT, this is Radon. Please be careful when you respond. Do
you receive me?@
Something alive, but weak, seemed to wiggle in his Mind. Then it became stronger.
AYes, Radon, I am here,@ IT responded. AIs this uncomfortable?@
AIt=s all right,@ he replied. AKeep it at that level!@ He paused, then mentally said B
AIT, it=s time I asked you an important question. I, and others of my kind, need to know
exactly what you are? What others of your kind on Izar are, as well? And, working
together, how your kind can stop affecting our ship=s computers, when they pass by
your world?@
AQuestion or questions, Radon,@ IT telepathically, replied. AYou asked more than
one. However, they seem reasonable requests. To answer your questions B We, my
kind, are alive and conscious just like your kind B only in a different way. In your kind
B Man, each individual is a separate unit of awareness; each evolving at their own rate.
In my kind, there are no individuals. We are together, as one B what you would call a
>group awareness.= Therefore, we all evolve at the same rate.
AYour kind, has been exposed to a multitude of varying experiences and have
various states of awareness, and evolutionary growth. Our kind, has not yet been
exposed to such experiences. We are all at the same level of awareness.
AYour kind,@ IT continued, Ahas mobility, the ability to move about freely. To
encounter more varied experiences contributing to your growth. Our kind is immobile
thus our experiences are severely limited, as is our awareness growth.

AThus, my kind hungers greatly for experiencing and growth. That, is why we must
have reached out to your ships, as they passed near us. We sensed a greater awareness,
and we wanted to experience it. It appears now, from what you=ve explained to me, that
in our eagerness to reach out for that awareness, to appease our yearning, we were too
enthusiastic. We were not aware, that we were causing such chaos. It appears that in our
ignorance we came close to driving off our only chance to gain a greater awareness had
your ships decided to avoid our planet entirely.
AAlthough we are relatively unaware we have the capacity, ability, and desire to
learn -- and that is important. Your decision to come to our world and extract my
substance, and let me share your awareness, by learning B is the greatest gift my
awareness has ever received. I, and my kind will be forever grateful to you and your
AYes, I will help you B and your kind. Yes, we can work together. If you will take
me back to my world, I will share what I have learned with my kind. That will end the
problem we=ve created for your kind. However, understand, that my kind will also want
to learn and experience. In return, we will help your kind.@
There was a pause in the communication. Then, IT continued.
ARadon, I would like to remain with you B to learn more and share your thoughts,
and help you. Let me ask you, as one sentient Being to another B is that possible?@
Radon hesitated before responding B a grave and thoughtful look on his face. His
gaze swept the room. He noted the varied expressions, on the faces of those present.
Then, he came to a decision. His answering thought reached out.
AThank you, for answering my questions. You have given our kind much to review
and consider. I understand as a unit of group consciousness, or awareness, that you can
speak for and commit your kind to what you have proposed. However, I do not have the
same privilege or authority. What you have proposed must be considered and acted
upon by other individuals of our kind who have that responsibility.
AYour request, to remain with me, must also be considered B by those to whom I=m
responsible. Whether it is possible, or not, is their decision. I, personally, would
consider it an honor to be your friend, and a friend of your kind.
AUnfortunately, you have given us a great deal to consider and those decisions will
take days, and possibly weeks. While we are waiting, I will be your escort. I pledge you
will be treated as a friend.@
AI understand,@ IT replied. AI will await the decisions of your kind.@
Radon acknowledged the response. His Mind broke the contact. The communication
ended. He signaled the technicians; the equipment was turned-off. Fransen, gathered up
the recordings of the experiment and gave them to him.
AIt=s up to Headquarters, now,@ Radon said. AClose it down, and let everyone get
some rest.@
The Lab Director nodded, turned, and dismissed the staff.

Inuai looked at him. Her eyes had a misty appearance. AThat was the finest gesture
of understanding to a new friend I=ve ever witnessed. I=m proud of you. You treated IT,
with honesty, respect, and dignity. And, even more importantly B friendship.@
Radon, a thoughtful look still on his features, managed to smile. AIT,@ he said, Agave
intelligent, eloquent, and thought provoking answers to my questions and, then, offered
friendship to Man. Quite an accomplishment, considering it just met us and only
learned how to communicate with us less than two hours ago. The thought occurred to
me that IT, as a representative of his kind, has the rank of Ambassador considering the
A few moments later, aboard the Aris, the comm-link to Headquarters was
transmitting the data of Man=s first communications encounter with AIT.@
AThat should give them something to chew on,@ he said.
He set the comm-unit to alert him when Headquarters replied. Then, he turned to
Inuai. ALet=s grab a little rest while we can. It will take Talon, and whoever else gets
involved, at least a few hours to digest this.@
She nodded, and each went to their quarters. Soon, each was asleep.

Unknown to Radon and Inuai and all those involved, the events of the day would go
down in Galactic History. This day was to become a turning point in the affairs of Man.


The next morning Radon and Inuai were in the lounge, discussing the previous day=s
activities, when the comm-unit signaled them.
AThat=s probably Headquarters,@ he said. They both turned to the screen, as he
activated the unit. He was immediately confronted by Talon=s beaming face.
ACongratulations to both of you for completing the project,@ he said, smiling
broadly. AYour message created quite a stir, here at Headquarters. In fact, I just returned
from a personal conference with the First Coordinator B he wanted the details first hand.
By-the-way what you accomplished has reflected favorably on Galactic Zones; thought
you=d like to know.@
Which explains, no doubt, why you=re in such a great mood, Radon thought.
Creating a look of proper respect on his features, he replied: AThat=s great Sir B Just
doing our job, you know. Now, I don=t suppose you have a new assignment for me, by
AWell,@ Talon=s smile faded, Anow that you mention it B yes. We=d like you and
Specialist Inuai to bring IT, and the rest of the mineral sample, back to Headquarters
right away. The Lab people can=t wait to run further tests. And there are the political
matters regarding Izar, Confederation membership; what kind of relationship we=re
going to have with ITS kind, and so on.@
AOf course Sir, I understand,@ Radon said, a humorous smile spreading across his
face. AI=ll close down the project at this end. The Lab Director and his crew can
probably leave by tomorrow. We=ll leave tomorrow also. Oh . . . What should I say to
the Galactic Survey. They=re mighty curious about what=s going on?@
AThank them for their help B mention there will probably be a few promotions for
those who have earned them, and that the whole matter has been referred to Trantor for
the higher-ups to deal with. And, until they hear otherwise from their Headquarters, that
the whole matter is still top-secret. I=ll speak to their Coordinator, so it=s all nice and
formal,@ Talon replied!
And, you=re loving every little twist and turn in all this, Radon thought, before
replying, ARight! That should do it. Anything else?@
ANot at the moment. See you soon,@ Talon replied, and the comm-screen faded.
When Radon and Inuai arrived at the Lab a short time later, the activities to depart
were already underway. After a brief conversation with the Director, he carefully
packed IT, in a special container. The rest of the mineral sample received careful
packaging, as well. It was then stored aboard the Aris.

Then, there was a quick stop at the Galactic Survey=s Operations Center; brief
conversations with key personnel and a stop at the Spaceport=s Operations Center. The
official formalities were soon completed.
He turned to Inuai as they left the Spaceport=s offices. AIt=s hard to believe that in
two days we=ve wrapped-up this part of the mission. With all the details at this end
completed, why don=t we take the rest of the day off. We can go to your quarters and get
your belongings packed. The Survey people said they=d take care of getting them over to
the ship. Then, if you have no objections we can go out and celebrate; anywhere you
ASounds like a good idea to me,@ she said, smiling brightly. AAnd, I know just the
place we can go, afterwards.@
Several hours later, and with the help of some of Inuai=s friends everything was
packed. Farewells were said and then a vehicle arrived to take her belongings to the
Aris. When they reached the ship, R-1 took charge and moved the items she wanted to
her quarters. The rest was stowed in the ship=s cargo hold.
Later, rested and refreshed, they left the ship. A vehicle had been placed at their
disposal, and they drove to a place Inuai had selected. During their meal, and
afterwards, Inuai asked many questions regarding what it would be like working in the
Correlation Section of Galactic Zones. What her work would encompass and where,
and what type of quarters were assigned to Zone=s personnel.
Radon answered what questions he could and assured her that she=d have a nice
place to live, plenty of friends, and she=d find her new work interesting and challenging.
AI suppose I won=t be seeing much of you after we reach Trantor, or afterwards,@ she
said, her eyes downcast?
He looked at her, quickly sensing her change of mood. ANow, is not the time, or
place, to think about that.@ Then, he reached across the table and gently lifted her chin.
Smiling, he looked her straight in the eyes. AWe=re supposed to be enjoying this
evening, remember?@
She gave him an answering smile and turned her head away. He didn=t see the
sudden look of determination on her face as, within herself, she made a decision.
Turning back to face him, she said, AWould you care to go for a walk? There=s a
beautiful garden surrounding this place. I think I=d like to be outside for a while, before
we go back to the ship.@
They left the building and, saying little, followed winding pathways through the
foliage. She leaned her head against his arm. Then, they stopped. She pointed up at the
night sky. ALook,@ she said. AAll those stars. I wonder how many we=ll get to visit? How
many worlds will know our presence?@
He looked where she was pointing. A thoughtful look, matching hers, appeared on
his face before he answered. AWe=ll get to all of them, eventually. It=s just a matter of
time.@ He turned to her and looked deep into her eyes. AThose that follow us, our
descendants, or perhaps even we may, someday, find something even beyond the stars.@

She was startled for a moment. For an instant, she saw in his eyes a mysterious look
that seemed to leap beyond the universe. Something, again, stirred deep within her. She
shook her head, shaken for a moment. The look in his eyes, somehow, etched itself into
her memory. They walked for a while longer then, by common consent, returned to
their vehicle and headed back to the ship.
Once aboard, Radon seemed restless. He suggested they depart for Trantor. She
He nodded and completed the departure procedures. Later, the Aris lifted gracefully
from the Arcturus spaceport. The nose of the ship swung about and centered on the
vector selected by the nav-computer. Minutes later, after clearing the nearby planets, the
Aris became a gleaming gold-bronze streak, before vanishing into the heavens.
As they departed Inuai excused herself saying, she wanted to freshen up. Radon,
finished locking in the navigational and piloting computers and left the control room.
As he neared his quarters, Inuai=s door opened and she called to him. He moved to her
doorway, and instantly halted.
She appeared before him dressed in a translucent robe that clung to her body B in a
never to be forgotten way. Without waiting, she moved; stood on her toes, and placed
her arms around his neck. Then, she pressed her lips to his. His arms went around her
waist. She released her kiss and murmured softly in his ear. AI want something to
remember you by. I have a terrible feeling that once we reach Trantor I=ll never see you
again. Don=t leave me tonight,@ and tears ran gently down her cheeks.
Radon cupped her face in the palms of his hands. Tenderly, he wiped the tears away.
Then, without a word, he leaned over and picked her up. Cradling her in his arms, he
carried her into the room.

The Aris made planet fall on Trantor, the next day. A security detail met them, and
they were escorted to Headquarters. Radon gave the Izar samples to Director Kieran,
Head of Zone=s Laboratories. Inuai, reported to the Correlation Section and was
immediately placed in charge of the Izar Data Reports. Radon reported to Talon who
had arranged a meeting, and mission debriefing, with the First Coordinator.
That debriefing and all the subsequent meetings, took place in the office suites of the
First Coordinator (the President) of the Universal Confederation. Those present
included: The First Coordinator; Third Coordinator - Talon, and Zone Agent Radon.
The first meeting included a briefing on the Planet Izar and a summary of all that
had happened, including the education of IT. A long discussion followed, regarding ITS
The lab personnel were working night and day to establish ITS mineral makeup; the
degree and range of its awareness, the scope of its learning potential, and a thousand
other questions regarding ITS kind.
The second meeting explored the political and technological impact on the
Confederation. Then, there was the question concerning the type of relationship to be

developed between Man and ITS kind. Whatever it would develop into had to be
beneficial to the Confederation B and ITS kind. Mankind had never before, in all of
galactic history, encountered a sentient, consciously aware, and an intelligent mineral.
Normally, the Department of Cultures would handle matters of contact with a new
world and its inhabitants. Their activities included such efforts as, providing a bridge of
understanding that would ease such a world into the Confederation, and whatever else
was required to insure the success of such a transition. However, all their experience
was in dealing with people B not a mineral, conscious or not. At best it was decided
ACultures@ would be blundering around in an area totally unfamiliar to them. They
could not be allowed to act in this matter. IT, and ITS kind, deserved better.
The uniqueness of the situation applied to all the other Departments of the
Confederation B and, Man in general. Under the circumstances perhaps it would be best
if all knowledge of IT, and ITS kind, was known only to Galactic Zones, and the First
Coordinator B at least for the present. It was agreed, by all present, that more
information was needed and the meeting was adjourned.
The third meeting resulted, because of an excited call from the Lab=s Research
Director who insisted on presenting his report in person.
Director Kieran was visibly excited, as he faced those present. AI would like to
summarize the report and go into details only as needed or requested.@
He waited for agreement, then went on: AThis is what we know at the moment:

AItem 1. IT B is not a mineral, even though we all thought it was originally. It looks
like a mineral; it has metallic properties, and it=s capable of fooling our scanners into
identifying it as a mineral. In short, it should be a mineral, but it isn=t! We finally
identified it as a substance known as Metalloid. Metalloid, is a particular type of
element that has both the properties of a metal and a nonmetal. But, because of its other
unique properties B its psionic powers and abilities B we=ve decided to label it EKA-

AItem 2. IT is conscious, aware, and intelligent. Therefore, it=s a life-form. A highly

evolved life-form judging from its enormous capacity to learn, remember, and extend
its awareness. Yet, we have no idea what factors led to creating a >state of
consciousness= in IT, or ITS kind.
AITS kind, never experienced contact with any other life-form, either on Izar, or
from elsewhere, until Radon successfully initiated contact. However, prior to that, ITS
kind recognized the coherent data strings in the computers of passing ships as
something organized -- possibly, something alive, and made attempts to reach out to it.
Those efforts and their effects on our ship=s nav. and piloting computers, and our
subsequent investigation into the problem, fortunately, served the dual purpose of
bringing us into contact with each other.@
AIf I may interrupt,@ said the First Coordinator, AI have a question! Why did ITS kind
not detect, or sense, the presence of the ship=s crew members; of the telepathy in use

between them, and the electrical activity of their brains? I mean B why choose the
circuits of the navigational and piloting computers, instead of real living Beings?@
AAn excellent question,@ said Director Kieran. AThe same thing bothered us, as well.
There=s a logical answer, however, which we later confirmed in questioning IT.
@ITS kind, we must remember, possessed only a primitive, unsophisticated, form of
awareness prior to our contact. It was easy for them to detect the enormous raw energy
of a ship=s engines B a ship itself. They were intelligent enough to recognize that, as
energy only. However, their curiosity caused them to detect the organized energy of the
computer circuits aboard those ships B and that did interest them.
AThe reason they didn=t detect the crew, or telepathy, is quite simple. Their primitive
awareness, just didn=t include such a concept. They wouldn=t even have thought to look
B or known what to look for. They just didn=t have a concept that could conceive of
something as highly individualized and organized as Man=s awareness; as sophisticated
as intellectual thought, or even a concept of telepathy. Does this answer your question?@
AQuite well,@ the First Coordinator replied. AIt=s a mistake, I realize now, to think
about and compare these Beings in the same manner as we would Man. Please go on
with your report.@

AItem 3. then,@ Kieran replied. AAs far as we can determine there is no conceivable
limit to ITS ability to learn, and then apply that learning to any function.
AExample: After only one learning session with Radon, and teaching it our thought
symbols, it was able to understand them B and the meaning of every symbol. Then, it
went on to grasp the entire concept of telepathy and how it worked B and used it to
communicate with him. An outstanding and remarkable accomplishment, you will all
agree. You must remember that only hours before it was a naive and primitive
AThat staggering ability to learn and then apply that learning, almost instantly, to a
function B is the most important aspect of this entire matter. And, it suggests to us how
ITS kind, and Man, can have a mutually rewarding relationship.@
Director Kieran paused and let his remarks sink in, before continuing. AI=d like to
propose some interesting possibilities for your consideration:

AA. That, ITS kind be made-up into integrated circuit modules. And, that these new
modules are made available for interfacing with the navigational and piloting computers
aboard every Confederation Starship B governmental, commercial, and private. That
every module be programmed to telepathically link the nav and piloting computers, of
those ships, to the Mind=s of the pilots and/or navigators. This would be a major
achievement, both politically and technically, benefiting everyone in the Confederation.
And, it would certainly contribute to interstellar navigational safety.

AB. The modules would be made up, and supplied by us. The Galactic Patrol would
handle the programming, both navigational and piloting, for these modules. They would
also be responsible for their distribution and retrieval.

AC. RETRIEVAL! That=s the key. Every year or so B you decide the interval, the
modules would be removed from service and new >updated= ones installed. The ones
removed would be returned to us and we, in turn, would take them to Izar. There, each
module would share with ITS kind everything it had experienced such as, travel
throughout the galaxy and a relationship with Man. This method could fulfill ITS
request B that others of ITS kind be allowed to learn.@

Director Kieran, paused. AAnd now Gentlemen B perhaps the most interesting part of
this report. It is in the nature of a special request. My Staff and I would like permission
to engage in a special project that we=re all very excited about. This project could be of
special benefit to Galactic Zones and all our Zone Agent=s.
ALet me describe it this way. As I mentioned earlier, IT has virtually unlimited
learning and applications potential. We would like to explore those potentials in a
unique way. We propose to link IT, experimentally, with a ship=s nav. and piloting
computers. And, in addition, to all of a ship=s systems: power, engines, shields, sensors,
communications, and life support B to everything on a Zone Agent=s ship. This would
result, if it works, in the ship becoming a LIVING extension of its Zone Agent. The
benefits, to Agent=s on assignment, would be phenomenal.
AOf course, this special use of ITS abilities and functions would have to be a closely
held secret. No other persons, no other Department=s of the Confederation, could know
of it. It would be known, even within our own Department, only to those at Zone Agent
levels or above. And, we would like to try this with Radon, since he and IT have
already established a special rapport with each other. Naturally, the ship would be the
AThat Gentlemen, concludes my report and my special request. I believe it is now
apparent why I requested this report be given personally. Are there any questions,
before I ask to be excused?@
The First Coordinator glanced from face to face. AApparently not,@ he said. AYou=ve
given us a great deal to consider, Director Kieran. Thank you for an excellent and
informative report. I assure you. We will give it our serious consideration. I know
you=re anxious to get back to IT, and your further studies. Please keep us informed of
any new developments. Yes! You are excused! And, Gentlemen, I suggest we take a
break and reconvene this meeting in two hours.@ With that, the meeting adjourned.
Talon said, ARadon, would you and Kieran have lunch with me? There are a few
items I=d like to go over.@
Both agreed. After all, it looked as if things were coming to a head.
The fourth meeting produced a decision. Many of Lab Director Kieran=s suggestions
were adopted. In addition, The Confederation would establish a Galactic Zone=s

Research Center on Izar. The presence of that facility would allow The Izar System to
be classed as a Security Sector. No visitors would be allowed. This would safeguard
ITS kind from any type of publicity or exploitation. The interstellar trade route would
be rerouted, to avoid the Izar System entirely. The project to link IT into the computers
and systems of Radon=s ship were approved, subject to ITS approval. Then, IT, was
brought into the meeting.
After Radon established telepathic contact with IT, a lengthy discussion among all
of them took place.
IT, was recognized as acting Ambassador for Izar. The various proposals were
discussed. They concerned IT and ITS kind, and Izar=s admittance into the
Confederation. IT, was delighted with the opportunities it provided for his kind to learn
and experience.
Agreements were quickly reached, regarding the creation of a Zone=s Research
Center on Izar. Full diplomatic representation would be present by both parties.
Then, the matter of Director Kieran=s experiment was discussed. After the details
had been explained, IT consented.
Plans were made, for taking IT back to Izar. IT, would explain the details to his
kind. A small fleet of five ships, from Galactic Zones, would accompany them. When
IT completed the arrangements with his kind this special delegation would land on Izar.
The setting up of diplomatic relations, and the construction of the research facilities
would follow.
IT, and Radon, would then return to Trantor, where the experimental project linking
IT to the Aris, would proceed. A short time later the meeting was adjourned. Izar,
through its new ambassador, had joined the Universal Confederation of Man.
The week following that fourth and final meeting was very busy. The Administrative
Sections of the Departments involved demonstrated how efficient they were. Myriads of
details concerning the coming events on Izar were completed.
Somewhat contrary to Inuai=s premonition, she and Radon did manage to see one
another for brief periods. These occurred, when they could break free from their busy
tasks. She had been fully briefed regarding the decisions and arrangements concerning
Izar. Her new position, as Specialist on Izar Affairs, was anything but dull. Each time
they met she radiated excitement, enthusiasm, and pleasure, at how the Izar matter was
progressing. Aboard the Aris, a team of specialists connected IT to the psionic
projector. This would allow IT to broadcast a message to his kind, when they
approached Izar. That way, the Aris could approach safely and land on the planet. IT
would then relate, to the group consciousness, the agreements reached and the new
relations they would have with Man. Then, IT would teach his kind telepathy so they,
and Man, could communicate.

Later that week, the Aris and the small fleet left Trantor. When they arrived the fleet
stayed a safe distance outside the Izar System.

As the Aris approached the safety zone, IT began sending a message to his kind. A
reply was soon received. The mysterious force that had reached out to them, subsided.
Their approach and landing were quickly accomplished.
After the Aris landed, IT made contact with the group consciousness. When that was
completed, IT, somehow, taught them telepathy. IT, then invited Radon to telepathically
monitor what followed.
IT, using telepathy, presented an entire account of what it had experienced. The
account described everything that had occurred since Radon=s initial contact. The
Confederation and Galactic Civilization were described in detail. Then, IT explained
how Izar and ITS kind were now Members of The Confederation. Included, were details
concerning the new learning opportunities their group awareness could now experience,
and what it would mean to them. This was followed with a description of the delegation
of Man waiting to meet them. How Man would live among them and the research
facilities that would be built on their world. The recital of events was finally finished.
Radon sensed an undercurrent of telepathic murmuring. The group consciousness
was considering what it had just learned. He used the moment to review what IT had
shared with them. Then, a glimmer of an idea started forming in his Mind. He directed a
thought to IT.
IT, you did a good job of sharing your experiences. However, I think there=s
something missing.
I missed something, IT responded? I thought I covered everything.
You covered every incident and detail completely, my friend, Radon=s thought
responded. However, I=m not referring to that. It=s something else. Let me explain.
You=ve shared the detailed information, the absolute literal meaning, of everything with
your kind. What=s missing, is a picture of it. You haven=t learned yet, how to visualize a
mental picture. Someone once said, >a picture can convey the `meaning= of something,
far better than words or thought symbols.= Would it be all right if I shared something
with you and your kind?
I have never experienced a picture, IT responded. Yes, we would like to learn about
a picture. Can you send me a picture, via telepathy? I would share it with my kind.
Yes, Radon answered. I can send you a picture, telepathically. But, I=ll do better than
that. I=ll send you a whole series of pictures. Tell me when you=re ready.
IT, paused for a moment and shared Radon=s request with the others of his kind.
Their murmuring stopped. We are ready, IT responded.
Radon directed his thought to IT. He let his Mind picture the immense sweep of the
galaxy. He showed them a billion stars, sparkling, against the cosmic background. A
picture of a swirling nebula displaying every color of the spectrum was next. This was
followed by pictures of the sunrise and sunset of hundreds of remembered worlds. He
allowed his emotional responses, to each of these sights, to accompany the pictures.
You, all of you, will have the opportunity to experience all this and even more. As
friends, we would share this together.

There was a long pause. That was the most beautiful event I=ve ever perceived, IT
responded. We did not know such majesty and beauty existed, nor have we ever
experienced what you added B your emotions. You have presented us with a priceless
gift. Wait! We have something to share with you.
Something gentle and warm suddenly embraced him, mentally and physically.
Something, even more gentle, entered his Mind. It was a thought from ITS kind and it
meant B Welcome friend. We welcome you B and your kind.
A tear, suddenly appeared in the corner of Radon=s eye, and ran down his cheek. He
brushed it aside, while his other hand pressed the control activating the comm-unit.
ACome on in,A he said, to the five ships waiting outside the Izar System. AOur friends
are waiting to meet you.@
History would later record that one of Man=s most rewarding relationships was
founded on the understanding a picture created, the honesty of a telepathic sharing, and
a warm embrace.


Two days later, with the diplomatic and scientific teams firmly established on Izar,
Radon and IT returned to Trantor. The Aris was directed to land at Zone=s special
section of Trantor=s Spaceport. There, the ship was moved into a research building. IT
was removed from the ship and returned to Zone=s Labs to undergo further education.
For the next few weeks, under the supervision of Director Kieran, IT would study and
be taught the operation of every system aboard the Aris.
Meanwhile, a prototype unit to interface IT with the control systems of the Aris had
been under construction. Swarms of engineers and technicians descended on the Aris to
begin the modifications.
Each day Radon would visit with IT and carry on a telepathic conversation to
increase their degree of mental rapport. The friendship between them was growing
steadily. Zone=s Psychologists were also busy. They were educating IT, regarding the
subject of emotions and emotional stability. The coming intimate mental relationship
between IT and Radon, would require IT to recognize and understand what emotions
were, and how they were a part of Man=s existence.
It could never be forgotten that IT, at times, would be controlling every function of
the Aris, although Radon would normally be the controlling intelligence aboard the
ship. Suppose Radon became disabled or unconscious B IT would be in complete
control of a Zone Agent=s ship. An awesome thought, considering the lethal potential
the ship contained. An immature or capricious mentality in control of such a power
could not be tolerated. IT B must be trained to think and act responsibly B to think and
act as Man.
Experts spent days considering every aspect of IT being in control of the Aris. It was
decided that a special computer program would establish the limits of any independent
actions IT could initiate. Those limits could be overridden by Radon if the
circumstances required. IT would be prohibited from taking any aggressive action or
using the ship=s weapons, without first receiving Radon=s approval.
For the time being, and for the duration of the field-tests, R-1, the main robot aboard
the Aris, would be able to override any of ITS functions, if necessary.
The prototype unit connecting IT to the ship=s various computers and systems was
finally completed and installed. ITS familiarization with the ship=s systems was also
completed. After intensive programming checks were completed, the day arrived when
IT was taken from the Lab and brought to the Aris. Radon and Zone=s engineering
specialists made the final connections. IT was finally linked to the ship.

IT, was similar to an overeducated child filled with all the theory of how to operate
the ship, without ever having had the experience. For the next few days, IT gained the
practical knowledge of actually controlling various functions of the Aris. Radon and
R-1, patiently, led IT through test simulations and practice exercises of one function
after another. Finally, they and the engineers were satisfied. All that remained was an
actual field-test; a shakedown cruise of the Aris.
Radon, Lab Director Kieran, and Coordinator Talon met aboard the ship for a final
inspection and briefing. The decision was made to start the field-tests the next day.

In the early light of dawn, Radon was seated at the controls of the Aris. Telepathic
pick ups, linking Radon with IT, had been installed throughout the ship and outside the
ship=s hull.
Radon sent out the thought B are you ready?
Yes, IT answered.
Then, monitor everything I do so you can duplicate it, precisely, when it=s your turn,
he replied.
During the next half-hour, Radon took the Aris through the required departure
clearances and liftoff. Trantor=s computers cleared the ship through the System=s
inbound and outbound traffic, and finally released it. The Aris floated quietly in space.
Radon, verified ITS understanding of the procedures and actions he had taken.
I have it all, IT responded. With the exception of your conversations with Departure
Control, which you=d have to initiate and complete, the rest seemed quite simple.
Good! Your education is paying off, Radon replied. A grin appeared on his features.
Now, let=s practice putting the ship through every possible maneuver using planetary
drive. I=ll think of, and picture, each maneuver in my thoughts. You put the ship through
For the next hour, anyone who might have been observing the Aris would have
wondered what madman was at the controls. The ship climbed, dove, spun, whirled,
looped, and dodged through the heavens. Ordinary maneuvers progressed to an
imaginary combat encounter with another ship. Recorders aboard the ship, carefully
monitored each maneuver and how skillfully they were performed.
Radon calmly and patiently critiqued ITS performance. They repeated any maneuver
which lacked competency, until IT mastered the techniques perfectly. In two hours, IT
had acquired the skill and piloting experience that Radon had acquired over many
lifetimes. Radon=s delight at ITS ability to learn, and apply that learning, so quickly,
was growing rapidly. IT, in turn, was enthusiastic, enjoying the experience immensely.
At last, Radon was satisfied. The ship leveled off, and came to a dead stop.
All right my friend, you did that beautifully. Now, let=s plot a course that forms a
triangle, which will bring us back to this point. You do the navigational plots; I=ll check
them B then you take over.
IT murmured a response. Several minutes passed while the ship=s nav-computer was
consulted. A moment later the figures for the course, the velocities needed, and the

duration of each jump, appeared on the screen before Radon. He studied them for
several minutes and consulted the nav-computer. Then he leaned back in his chair. Ok,
my friend, it looks good. Take over.
The Aris pivoted slightly, to a new bearing, then quickly accelerated. Moments later,
as it passed the speed of light, it vanished. Six hours later, the ship reappeared at the
point of its departure.
My calculations, IT said, indicate I missed our original starting point by a factor of
0.002. A note of disappointment was present in his thought. I=m sorry. Should I do it
A sympathetic grin crossed Radon=s features. He quickly formed the thought B No.
Your navigation and piloting were almost perfect.
He paused for a moment, as IT remained silent. Then, he opened his Mind and
emotions, and reached out to his friend. A warm sincere feeling touched ITS awareness,
as Radon=s thought flowed over the emotion B My friend, you did an incredible job
today. I=m very proud of your accomplishments. I=d trust you to take us anywhere.
Again, there was a pause. Thank you Radon, IT responded. I=ve never had a friend
before, or shared a friend=s feelings. If I did well, it was because I knew you would
expect me to do so. I am honored by your trust.
Radon=s thought acknowledged ITS sincerity. Mentally he said B That=s all for today.
Take us back to Trantor.
The Aris turned and sped off. An hour later the ship landed at Zone=s research area.
Several hours later, Radon and Director Kieran were seated in Coordinator Talon=s
AThe test was a complete success,@ Radon said. AWe=ve evaluated ITS performance
and concur that its near perfect.@
Talon nodded. Then he turned to Kieran. AAnd you=re satisfied enough with the test,
to let us turn them loose on a mission?@
AMore than satisfied,@ Kieran replied. ABut since the Aris has been so extensively
modified with the Procinian force-fields and, now, the addition of IT, it=s hardly the
same ship. In honor of the occasion, I=d suggest renaming the ship.@
A thoughtful look appeared on Talon=s face. AYou=re right, it is an occasion. With
the Izar matter settled and the tests completed, we=re at the beginning of a new era. Yes
. . . It seems fitting to rename the Aris. Any ideas?@
AThe ships practically been rebuilt from bow to stern,@ Radon said. AHow about the
name Re=Aris; meaning the rebirth of the Aris?@
AYes . . . It fits. That=s good. That=s very good,@ Kieran broke in.
AGood,@ Talon replied. AThe Re=Aris it=ll be. From a practical standpoint, it will
simplify changing the registration papers. Now, if that=s settled, when can Radon and
the Re=Aris be freed for assignment?@
It was Kieran=s turn to look thoughtful. AWithin two days. There are a few details to
be taken care of. Then, I see no reason for keeping them here any longer. Now, I have
things to do. Excuse me.@

Talon nodded as Kieran left his office. When the door closed, he reached for a
folder. He glanced at the first page for a moment then handed it to Radon. AYour new
assignment. No . . . Hold on,@ he said, noting the look and expression in Radon=s eyes.
AYou=re officially being ordered to take three weeks of leave. Go home to Antares or
wherever you were going when this Izar matter came up.@ Talon stood, and walked
around his desk to stand before Radon.
Radon, a puzzled expression on his face, also stood up, and faced his superior. A
smile, or what appeared to be one, appeared on Talon=s face.
AThat was a good piece of work you just completed,@ Talon said. AI=m speaking for
the Department and everyone here who worked on the Izar matter.@ He raised an
outstretched hand.
Radon, now thoroughly puzzled, allowed his hand to be firmly grasped. Talon gave
him a firm handshake. ACongratulations on a job well done.@
AThank you Sir,@ Radon replied.
Talon released his hand. AOfficially, you=re on leave as of now. I don=t imagine you
want to spend any more of it just standing here in my office.@ He turned and waved at a
pile of work on his desk. AYou=re excused Zone Agent. As you can see, I have work to
Radon, strangely silent, nodded and left the office. Talon walked over to a window
and hands clasped behind his back, stared out at the sprawling City of Trantor. AWell,@
he asked, apparently into the empty air?
AYou handled that well,@ the voice of the Psych Tester, behind his desk, responded.
AZone Agent Radon deserved his leave. Your gesture of appreciation left him properly
confused, undoubtedly causing him to reassess his opinions regarding you.@
AHumph!@ Talon said, returning to his desk. He reached for another folder.

Radon, deep in thought, wandered out to the reception area of the Zone=s complex.
There, he sought out his old friend Danon. He told him what had just happened.
ASo, the old man threw you a curve, did he?@ Danon said. AI haven=t seen you this
confused since the time you woke up in the Medical Section, when I brought you back
from that mission.@
Radon looked up and grinned. AI guess he did. Took me completely off guard. I
really didn=t know what to say.@ Then, his smile widened. AYou know I=ve never quite
lived down the comment in your mission report. Every now and then, someone still
asks me what you meant by B >I zigged, when I should have zagged.=@
AWell,@ Danon laughed, Alike you at the moment, I didn=t quite know what to say --
about how you were injured.@ He clapped Radon on the shoulder. AYou were pretty
green back then, but I thought you had the right potential. Seems I was right.@
AI had a good teacher; the best,@ Radon replied. Then his thoughts turned back to the
mission on Cygnus, ten years earlier, when Danon=s ship had crashed, injuring him
severely. He had been forced to retire.

Zone=s, however, had given his friend another duty. Danon, a retired Zone Agent,
although listed as a Security Specialist, became involved in dozens of other activities at
Headquarters. In reality, his talents and sage advice were deeply respected. He was an
invaluable asset. Zone=s was his life, and everyone was his friend.
Danon gave his shoulder an extra squeeze. AThat reminds me. Inuai, over in
Correlation, left a message for you to stop by and see her.@ His eyes directed a question
to Radon.
AThanks, I=ll do that. Do me a favor, old friend. I=m going to be away for a while. I=d
appreciate it, if you=d help her learn the routines around here.@
Danon nodded, comprehension and understanding expressing itself in his eyes. AI=ll
look after her like a daughter.@ And, with that statement a perfect understanding was
shared between the two men.
Radon and Inuai had dinner together, that night. He told her about the successful
tests with IT and the shakedown flight just completed. He mentioned that the ship was
being renamed. It would now be the Re=Aris. He mentioned that Talon had finally
approved his leave; he would be going home. When his leave was over he would be off
on a new assignment; a new mission.
Inuai, gripped his hand and her eyes were moist. AMy premonition was right, even if
it was delayed. You=re going to be away for a long time. I=m going to miss you.@
AWe shared a lot,@ he said, looking into her eyes. AI=ll remember it; you=ll always be
there, in my memory.@
Suddenly, he stared past her as if he saw something.
Inuai, for the second time, had the feeling he was looking at some vision beyond
normal space and time. Then, another thought struck her. Hatonn had looked the same
way, that time in the garden on Terminus.
She quietly asked, AWill I ever see Hatonn or Jero again? I don=t want to lose the
friendship we shared.@
His gaze returned to her. AI=m sure you will. Hatonn always remembers those he=s
been close too. I imagine Jero is very much the same.@
AAnd, you Radon,@ she asked in a quiet voice, her eyes searching his?
Before he could answer, a voice called his name. AThere you are. It=s a good thing
you left word where you=d be, otherwise I=d have been looking all over the place.@
Radon turned, and looked up into the smiling face of Danon. ADirector Kieran,
wants you right away. Said something about going over some final details before you
left. Sorry to interrupt your dinner.@
Radon stood up. AKieran=s timing is terrible. Inuai, this is Zone Agent Danon, an old
friend. The fellow who had the unfortunate task of taking me out on my very first
assignment. Somewhere along the line, something hit me. I spent two weeks in the
Med. Section, with this guy dropping in every day to cheer me up. For some strange
reason we became friends. Danon, this is Specialist Inuai from Correlation.@ He
motioned to Danon and said, AYou might as well sit down.@

AHe never was any good at making introductions,@ Danon said, taking a chair and
smiling at Inuai. He reached across the table to shake her hand.
Inuai, at first, looked disappointed and then puzzled. Then, she smiled at Danon. AOf
course I know you, but this is the first time we=ve been formally introduced.@ Then, she
turned to Radon. AWill you be long B talking to Kieran?@
AI don=t know,@ he replied. AIt all depends on what he wants.@
AWell, if you=re not back shortly, I=ll see that Inuai gets back to her quarters,@ Danon
AI=d appreciate that,@ Radon said, directing a questioning look at Danon. Then, he
turned to Inuai. AI=ll try not to be away long. Excuse me. Oh! Don=t ask him anything
about Zones or he=ll talk your ears off; you=ll be here all night.@
When he arrived at the Lab, Kieran was working beside a desk full of data tapes.
ASorry to interrupt your evening Radon but our programmers just finished these,@ he
said, pointing to the stack he was packing into a container.
In answer to Radon=s questioning look he said; ASince you and IT are going to be
gone for a while, we wanted you to have these, and feed them into IT, and your main
AWhat are they,@ Radon asked? AWhy tonight? What=s the rush?@
AIn the order that you asked, additional instructions for IT and R-1. We won=t have
time to do it ourselves since you=re leaving so soon. You=re scheduled for departure
within the hour.@
AWait a minute,@ Radon responded. AEarlier today, you said it would be two days
before you=d be through, before we=d be leaving. Now you=re telling me that I=m leaving
within the hour. What=s going on?@
AYes, I know what I said,@ Kieran replied. AIt would have taken our lab-crew two
days to program all of this into your ship=s computers, IT, and R-1. But your new
orders, to leave tonight, didn=t leave us any time. That=s why I=m giving these tapes to
you. You=ll have to do it.@
AWhat new orders?@ Radon said, growing puzzlement showing in his expression.
AWho issued them, and when? I haven=t received them.@
AWhy Talon, who else. About an hour ago. You didn=t receive them? Wait a minute,
I have a copy of them here somewhere,@ he said, rummaging through the pockets of his
lab-coat. AYes, here they are.@ He drew out a crumpled copy of the orders and two
sealed envelopes. He handed the copy to Radon and glanced at the two envelopes,
perplexed, as if he had never seen them before. Then, he let out a groan. AOh, no. These
envelopes have your name on them. The messenger must have delivered my copy and
left me yours, as well.@
ATake it easy. It=s just a mix-up. You=re not to blame,@ Radon said, handing him back
his copy of the orders, as Kieran handed him the two envelopes. He opened the first one
and glanced at the single sheet. AJust some urgent items wanted by another Zone Agent.
The destination is on my way to Antares and I=m to drop them off on my way home.

Well, that explains the rush! Thought for a moment Talon might have canceled my
leave again.@
He glanced at the second envelope and noted it was from Danon. It was marked ADo
not open until en route.@ He slipped it into a pocket. AHere let me give you a hand with
those tapes.@
During the next hour, Radon cleared his temporary quarters and helped Kieran get
the tapes to the ship. He sent a messenger to Danon, with a note, asking him to tell Inuai
he wouldn=t make it back that evening. A second note, to her, explained the reason for
his sudden departure.
The urgent cargo, to be delivered en route, was already loaded when he arrived.
Kieran and another specialist explained the procedures for programming the tapes into
the ship=s computers, and then left. The bustle of activity ended.
On the way to the control room, his thought reached out to IT with his instructions.
An instant later the main hatch closed behind him and the ship=s engines hummed into
life. Seated at the controls, he requested immediate departure clearance. His request was
His thought reached out to IT, again. She=s all yours. Let=s get going and remember,
be polite to Trantor=s departure computers. With ITS answering thought, the ship lifted
gracefully and entered the departure traffic. Meanwhile, Radon had IT plotting their
course to Antares including the planned stop they would make en route.
When Departure Control released them, the ship, piloted by IT, made a sweeping arc
and accelerated. Moments later, the newly christened Re=Aris vanished into the heavens.
Finished, at the controls, Radon reached into his pocket and withdrew the note from
Danon. It read -- Learned of your early departure when the orders came through from
Talon. I knew you were having dinner with Inuai and that it would turn into a
going-away, farewell, situation. Since this is the first time you=ve encountered such,
with a woman, I thought it best to be there, to ease the parting. They never taught you
this in the Academy, but someday you=ll be doing this for someone else. It=s part of
what we all learn. It=s never easy for a woman, who=s formed close ties with one of us,
to experience the parting and know she may never see you again. I=ll try to help her
As to the routines around here, I=ll give her some advice and keep an eye on her. The
girl=s got spirit and talent. Now, it has to be seasoned. Rest easy my friend and may the
ALight@ be with you B Danon.
Radon folded the note. He was touched by his friend=s understanding. Inuai would
be in good hands. She=d have to search for a long time, to find a better friend.
He stood, yawned, and walked slowly from the control room, and down the corridor
to his quarters. A silent thought was sent to IT. IT responded and confirmed his request.
He would be awakened if anything needed his attention.
Stretched out on his bed, hands behind his head, he let his thoughts drift lazily over
the events of the past few months. When he had mentally reviewed everything that had
occurred, a new thought suddenly appeared. Man had, for the first time, entered into a

completely new, mental, emotional, physical, and symbiotic relationship with another
life-form. The uniqueness of such an event had to be a major achievement in Man=s
evolution. IT, and ITS kind, had opened new vistas for all of Man. A new relationship,
beneficial to each, had been established.
His thought continued. Who could predict the eventual benefits that each would
receive? What would the future hold for each of them?
As his eyes closed and sleep drifted over him, another thought slid into his Mind B It
will be named The Izar Effect, when the history is written.
Radon, as if to indicate that he understood moved his head, nodding agreement, as
sleep finally claimed him. Outside the door of his quarters a glowing ball of light slowly
faded into nothingness, as The Watcher departed. A strange glow that had enveloped
the ship, also disappeared. Ahead, billions of stars were arrayed. They were like
beacons, sparkling, in a universal sea of blackness. IT, and the Re=Aris, whispered to
each other. It was a conversation only they could understand.


During the years that followed, a number of notable events occurred:

Radon=s mission assignments, from one end of the Galaxy to the other, prevented
him from ever seeing Inuai again. Although, via the comm-unit, they did keep in
touch with one another and remained good friends.
Computer chips made of the Izar material were integrated into the nav-computers
of all Confederation Spacecraft.
The relationship between Man, and ITS kind, proved highly successful and
The symbiotic relationship between IT and the various computers, and systems
aboard the Re=Aris, after three years of field-tests, were considered overwhelmingly
successful. All Zone Agent Ship=s were, then, equipped with the Izar Mind-Link.
Under Radon=s tutoring IT continued to learn about, understand, and appreciate
emotion. IT, gradually developed emotional responses. Over the years, ITS mental and
emotional character developed into a personality. IT, became a thinking, reasoning,
emotional Being.
By mutual agreement between Radon, IT, and R-1, a portion of IT was made a part
of R-1. R-1 became an extension of IT. IT, had satisfied an internal longing. Now, it
had a body and mobility. The friendship between Radon and IT continued to develop
into a remarkable relationship.
After three years of service, Inuai became a >Senior Specialist= in the Correlations
Section of Galactic Zones. She was reassigned, and moved to the Capella System.
There, she was placed in charge of the Correlation Section for that Sector. Seven years
later, she came to love a Supervisor within her Section. They decided to become Mates.
Both Hatonn and Jero were invited guests at the ceremony. Radon, on assignment, was
unable to attend. His old friend, Danon, was there as his representative.
Three years later, a daughter was born to Inuai and her mate. The child had blonde
hair and green eyes. The child, was named Re=Esha, and became the first in a long line
of female descendants.

Inuai had Jero=s gift, the star on a sapphire background, made into a ring. She
established a family tradition. The ring would be passed-on, to the first daughter born
in each new generation.

AUTHORS NOTE: The AIzar Effect@ and the relationship created between Man, IT, and
ITS kind, was highly significant in Galactic History. It provided the stepping-stone for
that which follows B AThe Search for The Arisian Legacy.@
Comment [COMMENT1]: Septemb
er 1, 1988
Richard T. miller





Comment [COMMENT2]: April

24, 1988
Richard T. Miller

Created 3/7/86. Edited &

revised for Word Perfect
format on 4/24/88, from Pro

Inky blackness surrounded the Galactic Patrol Cruiser Onitar. Here on the Galactic
Rim only a few stars glittered against the immensity of the universe.
It was mid-watch for the duty section aboard the Cruiser. The ship, on routine
patrol, was traversing the Galactic Rim between the Grus and Indus Sectors. Thus far,
the patrol was uneventful. The atmosphere in the control room was relaxed. The watch
officer glanced at the navigational plot. The course was correct. He returned his
attention to the monitors before him.
The crewman, third class, monitoring the long-range sensor scans was lost in
thought remembering the just completed leave on Holman their last port of call. He
turned from the monitor=s screen to glance at the ship=s clock. He still had four hours
before his watch was completed. In that instant, while his eyes were still on the clock,
he failed to notice the small blip which registered on the sensors. His attention
wandered back to the monitor before him. Seconds later, he noticed the winking dot on
the screen; it was moving slowly, leaving a glowing trace in its wake.
Suddenly, he was alert. ASir. I have an unknown object on the scan,@ he said,
directing his remarks to the watch officer. Anticipating the question he knew would
follow he was checking the object=s vector heading, and probing it with the long-range
scanners for its material composition.
The officer stood, and walked over to stand beside him. AHeading, coordinates, and
composition?@ he asked.
AOn line with Galactic Center, from our current position, bearing X-172, Y-45,
Z-1.5. Metallic, man made, and faint traces of power-flow within the object,@ the
crewman answered.
ANone registering, Sir,@ the crewman responded.
AStay on it. We may have a derelict, or someone in trouble.@
The officer moved away, returning to his command console. He activated the
comm-unit. ACommander, this is the watch officer. Sorry to disturb you. The scan has
picked up an object. Man made, possibly a derelict.
AI=ll be right there. Notify the Exec. Have him report to the control room,@ a voice

Moments later, Commander Colson entered the room and strolled to the command
center. He touched several controls activating the monitors before him, and those across
the front wall of the room.
AThe Exec.=s on his way Sir,@ the watch officer said. AAll the data we have is on
your displays.@
AGood work. Now, what do you suppose we have here?@ he murmured to himself,
as the Exec. entered the room and joined him at the command console.
AWhat do you make of it?@ Colson asked, turning to him.
Lt. Commander Hendron, the Executive Officer, studied the monitors. AA moment
Sir,@ he said, continuing to study the object=s course and velocity. AAbout the object, I
can=t say for sure, based on the present data, but@B and he turned to face Colson,
Awhatever it is, if it maintains its present course and velocity, it will eventually reach
the center of the galaxy.@
The Commander smiled, but a question was still evident in his eyes. AVery good,
Hendron. I=d arrived at the same conclusion. But, I=d suggest you check its back-trail. It
might be interesting to see where it came from.@
Hendron moved to another monitor, to check with the nav-computer.
Meanwhile, Colson activated the comm-unit, and issued several commands.
APiloting, prepare to bring us out of star-drive. Navigation, plot an intercept course to
rendezvous with the object. Watch Officer, bring the ship to full alert status.@
Officers and crew jumped to their tasks. Alarms, warning of transition from
star-drive to planetary, and ordering full alert, sounded throughout the ship. Sleepy crew
members emerged from their quarters and reported to their stations, joining those on
duty. The watch officer=s comm-unit buzzed with activity as the various stations
ASir, the ships at full alert. All stations manned and ready. Ready for transition,@ the
watch officer reported.
Colson nodded, touching the comm-unit. ANavigation, are we in the clear?@
AAll clear, Sir. Nothing, other than the object, is within a hundred parsecs of us.@
AVery good. Piloting, start transition. Once we=re on planetary drive get us alongside
the object, on a parallel course no closer than half a mile, and match its velocity.@
A blinding flash of light burst around the gleaming thousand-foot length of the
Cruiser Onitar, as it slowed from faster-than-light velocities and entered normal space.
The force-fields surrounding the ship flared violently, as they checked its forward rush,
slowing the ship=s velocity. The yellow glow of the planetary drive appeared, and
gradually changed to a greenish color as the ship continued to decelerate. Three
thousand miles separated the ship from the object it was approaching.
Lt. Commander Hendron, following the Commander=s request, had been busy
checking on the object=s reverse course. As the readouts appeared, a puzzled look
appeared on his face. He ran the figures again, watching the nav-computer redraw the
course on his monitor. Finally, he shook his head and turned to his superior officer.

ASir, there=s nothing out there. Not a star, not a star system. It=s a void. I backtracked its
course ten-thousand light years.
Commander Colson=s expression became one of tired tolerance. AYou=re suggesting
that the object came from nowhere?@ he asked, his voice edged with disbelief.
Hendron=s face turned slightly red. The Commander=s expression, and voice,
indicated he was about to undergo another learning experience. AAh . . . No Sir,@ he
replied. AIt had to come from somewhere, but . . . @ his baffled voice trailed off into
silence, as he pointed to the monitor.
AIf you extend the back-trail to thirty-thousand light years, what then?@ Colson
Hendron turned quickly, and requested this new information from the
nav-computer. He felt his neck turning red knowing the Commander was waiting for
his reply. The monitor blanked itself, and started redrawing the course again. He
suddenly forgot his embarrassment, as the course-line touched another star system. He
turned excitedly, a note of awe in his voice. ASir, the De=los Sector B the Greater
Magellanic Cloud.@
ACongratulations Hendron, you=re absolutely correct,@ Colson replied. AKeep that up
and, someday, you might have your own command. Come here! Look at the object=s
back-trail on my monitor.@
Hendron moved, to stand beside the Commander. What he saw was an exact
duplicate of the image on his monitor.
Commander Colson laid his hand on the officer=s shoulder. He spoke in a friendlier
tone of voice. AI ran this,@ he said, indicating the nav-plot, Aright after I arrived. We=ve
had standing orders, longer than anyone can remember, to check anything that appears
to come from the De=los Sector. When I discovered the object=s back-trail led there, I
gave orders to intercept it. That=s why I wanted you to check it out. You=ll never gain
the experience to command your own ship, unless you make a point of checking your
hunches. Always check them out. That=s what I did. We=ll know soon enough if my
hunch is correct.@
AYes Sir, I=ll remember,@ the Exec. replied.
The comm-unit buzzed. AComing alongside Sir. Matching velocity. Maintaining a
half-mile separation,@ piloting reported.
AVery well,@ Colson acknowledged, as his gaze swept the image monitors. AGive me
a full scan of the object. I want all the readouts.@
He shifted his gaze between the scanner readouts, and the image monitors, assessing
the information.
As the image scanners slowly panned the near side of the space-worn cylindrical
hulk, from bow to stern, a picture of a pitted and scarred hull appeared on the monitor
AIf it=s a ship, our computer doesn=t recognize its class,@ the Exec. said. ANo registry
or identification symbols are visible.

Colson nodded. APiloting B put us in slow rotation around the object. I want to
examine the entire hull. Scan. I want recordings of all the scans, both data and visual.
As the Cruiser executed this new maneuver, the image changed. The object seemed
to roll slowly on the view-screens.
AWhat=s that?@ The Exec. said, pointing at a section of the hull just coming into
APiloting B hold this position,@ Colson ordered. AScan, give us a close-up of grid
three. Center it on the screen.@
The view stopped moving. The image shifted to center, and rapidly enlarged.
AGreat Galaxies,@ Colson said, awe in his voice. He clapped Hendron on the
shoulder. AWe=ve found one B It=s an Arisian artifact, and, you spotted their emblem.@
Hendron=s eyes were fixed on the image of a five-pointed star. The Arisian emblem,
in raised high-relief, was clearly evident on the monitor. AArisian?@ he said. The
word faded and astonishment was written on his face. He shook his head, attempting to
clear the jumbled thoughts racing through his mind.
ABut Sir,@ he stammered, amazement changing to confusion, Athey disappeared
millions and millions of years ago . . . How could we find something belonging to them,
now? I mean B now.@
Colson, took the arm of his dazed Executive Officer and led him away from the
command center to a nearby chair, and gently pushed him into it. AI can=t answer that,
any more than you can,@ the Commander said, answering Hendron=s question. ABut, that
artifact=s real. It=s something we=ll have to let the experts answer. And, we=ll have to
notify them immediately. Sit here, until you=re ready to go back on duty.@
Colson left the officer and returned to the command center. He issued a rapid
succession of orders. The alert was canceled. The Onitar held its position on a parallel
course with the object. He announced the discovery, of the Arisian artifact, to the entire
crew. They were to consider it as highly classified and top-secret.
Within minutes, a message of the highest security classification was on its way to
Galactic Patrol Headquarters on Trantor. It notified them of the discovery and requested
further instructions.
In an hour, Colson received a reply from Headquarters. He was ordered to stop the
object, hold his present position, protect it, prevent entry, and maintain his present
distance from it. Further instructions would be forthcoming. The reply included
congratulations to commander and crew.
Colson issued a new command. An instant later, a tractor beam lanced out from the
Onitar. The artifact came to a dead stop. Together, they hung suspended in space.


THE ARISIANS: One of the most advanced Races to inhabit the Universe. Noted,
primarily, for possessing the most advanced of all spiritual knowledge. A prominent
legend credits them with the ability to perceive the history, direction, and future of
Man=s evolution, and the Cosmos.

DATA: 18,000 UGY (Universal Galactic Year) . . . The Arisian Race and their Worlds
are discovered within the Greater Magellanic Cloud, De=los Sector. This occurred
during the latter periods of the Second Galactic Empire . . .
...Ambassadors are exchanged between the Empire and Arisia. The Arisians, establish
limited diplomatic and cultural relations with Man. Commerce and trade with the
Empire are forbidden. Information regarding their advanced spiritual knowledge
becomes evident to Man. The Arisians decline to share this with the Empire, stating
they will present it to Man at some future time . . .

...UGY 30,000 - The Second Galactic Empire collapses . . .

...UGY 32,000 - The Universal Confederation of Man is established. Diplomatic and

Cultural relations between the Arisians and the Confederation are improved . . .

...UGY 35,950 - The Arisians report that, shortly, their stellar system within the De=los
Sector will be destroyed. Their Race and their worlds, will disappear forever. They
promise to prepare a message and gift for Man. A legacy will be left. Offers from the
Confederation to save their civilization is refused. They state it is a matter of destiny
which cannot be altered . . .

...UGY 36,000 - A series of supernovas occurs in the De=los Sector. Confederation

ships, searching the area afterwards, are unable to find any trace of the Arisians, or their
worlds. The promised message, gift, and legacy, are not found. The Confederation is
profoundly shocked by the disastrous fate of the Arisians. A great sadness is
experienced, and felt by all . . .
...In hopes that somewhere, sometime, the Arisian message and gift will be discovered,
the Confederation issues standing orders to all ships of the Galactic Patrol and Survey
to investigate any objects or information traceable to the De=los Sector . . .

ADDENDA: ...See also: The Watchers, De=los Sector, De=los Teachings, Arisian
Legacy, Planet Corlandra (Tucana and Octans Sectors) . . .

On Trantor, the Confederation=s Capitol World, the Fifth Coordinator B Head of the
Galactic Patrol sat frowning, nervously tapping a finger on his desk. The message from
the Cruiser Onitar, and his reply, was on the desk before him. He had reread them many
times. The significance of the discovery had shaken him badly. He was trying to
estimate the impact it would produce. Finally, he gave up. An estimate was impossible.
He activated the comm-unit, muttering to himself, AMay the >Light= be with us.@
Seconds later, he was telling the First Coordinator, the President of the Confederation,
the details of the discovery.
Within minutes, a quiet furor erupted in certain high-level departments of the
Confederation. Selected Coordinators dropped whatever they were doing and hurried to
the office of the First Coordinator.
In less than two hours the meeting was adjourned. News of the discovery would not
be released until more information was available. The artifact had to be examined.
Details were needed. The matter would be handled at the highest levels, with complete
secrecy. The future of the Confederation, of Man, might be affected.
As the most knowledgeable historian living, Hatonn, Head of the Galactic Archives,
would be in charge of an investigative mission. He would select the needed specialists
from: the Archives, Patrol, Survey, Cultures, and Galactic Zones.
The Patrol=s Heavy Cruiser Copernion would provide transportation and be their
mission headquarters. It would provide logistical support for the mission team. Admiral
Darius would command the vessel.
During the next few hours the Confederation=s communications facilities hummed
with activity. The specialists needed for the mission, were being summoned. On fifty
different worlds, and dozens of starships, comm-units relayed the urgent summons. The
individuals notified, were soon on their way to Trantor, or would meet the Copernion at
Holman, the planet nearest their destination. Two days later, the Copernion left Trantor.

Halfway across the galaxy, the Governing Council of the Planet Ferus, a young,
vigorous, but immature new world and Member of The Alliance was in an uproar. Four
AMembers of the Council@ had suddenly and mysteriously, reversed their opposition to a
new interstellar trade agreement. In the midst of the uproar, the other Members of the
Council completed their vote. The trade agreement was approved. The citizens of Ferus
would, now, receive a wide-range of goods, services, and technology, from neighboring
star systems, at prices they could afford.
The tall figure of Merakor, a representative of Inter-World News, left the Council
Chambers when the voting was completed. Shortly thereafter, he arrived at the Ferus
Spaceport. There, he boarded a ship registered to the news organization. As the hatch
closed behind him, he sent a telepathic thought to the ship=s main computer. IT, the Izar
Life-Form within the computer, answered his request.
AI=ve already obtained our departure clearance.
AGood. Tell them we=re ready to leave. Get the Re=Aris out of here.

As he headed for the ship=s control room, Zone Agent Radon, of Galactic Zones,
was occupied with the task of removing the makeup of his disguise. A disguise which
had, for the last two hours, allowed him to impersonate Merakor, the well-known
Newsman of Inter-World. Hours earlier the real Merakor, after being briefed, had
agreed to let the Zone Agent take his place at the Council=s meeting. The famed
Newsman would now resume his regular activities knowing he had played an important
part in helping the people of Ferus.
Moments later, the ship left the Ferus Spaceport and just before it made the
transition to light speed the Inter-World News markings and registration numbers,
disappeared. Once again, the Re=Aris bore the insignia of Galactic Zones.
AHow did it go at the Council Meeting?@ IT asked, as Radon entered the lounge
adjoining the ship=s control room.
ARather well, all things considered,@ Radon replied, a grin appearing on his features.
AI merely mentioned, to the four council members opposing the trade agreement, that
Inter-World News was aware of their hidden ownership in the monopoly controlling the
Ferus economy. They were intelligent enough to realize what would happen, if the good
citizens of Ferus knew the truth about their activities.
AI suggested they dispose of their ownership in the monopoly, and end their
opposition to the trade agreement. In return, Inter-World would forget about them.@
IT, responded with a mental nod of agreement, then spoke again. AI=m receiving an
urgent message from Zone Headquarters. Priority One.@
Radon was instantly alert. AI=ll take it here.@
The comm-unit beeped, and the message appeared on its screen. He read it
carefully. A thoughtful look appeared in his eyes.
AIT, my friend, compute a new course for Holman in the Indus Sector. What=s our
estimated time of arrival at maximum velocity?@
Radon sensed sudden excitement within his friend. Within seconds IT,
telepathically linked to Radon=s mind, responded with the information he had requested.
AAcknowledge the message,@ he instructed. ATell them I=ll meet the Copernion, at
Holman, in thirty-two hours.@
The comm-unit=s screen blanked. He rose and headed for his quarters. He would
need to be fully rested for the coming activity. Before his eyes closed, his thoughts
reached out B AGet us to Holman at maximum velocity. We have an appointment to
As sleep overcame him, the lights dimmed aboard the ship. IT, substituting as pilot
and navigator, took control of the Re=Aris. The secondary star-drive, the special and
highly classified addition to a Zone Agent=s ship, was energized. The ship=s velocity
suddenly doubled, then quadrupled; then quadrupled again.

The preliminary mission briefing, in the auditorium of the Cruiser Copernion, was
just ending. Those present were the hand picked specialists which had joined the

mission team on Trantor. Others would be joining them when the ship reached Holman.
In addition, Admiral Darius and the ship=s officers were in attendance.
Hatonn, had presented information regarding the discovery, and the nature of the
mission itself. An excited murmur swept through those present as they realized the
magnitude of the discovery and the implications of what it could mean to all of Man.
And, of course, that each of them would be participating in the history making event.
When Hatonn finished, Admiral Darius spoke to the assembly. He too reminded
them of the need for absolute secrecy regarding the mission. Investigating the artifact,
and describing their findings, would demand the best efforts of all those involved.
When the mission was concluded word of the discovery and all that they had learned,
would be released to Mankind. The audience, in thoughtful silence, quietly left the
room when the briefing ended.
Rendezvous with the other members of the mission team would be accomplished in
space, well removed from Holman. The presence of a Galactic Patrol Flagship,
shrouded in mystery, at Holman, would have attracted too much attention and curiosity.
For those making rendezvous and joining the mission team, an automatic homing
beacon would guide them to the Copernion.

Hatonn, deep in thought, left the meeting and walked slowly back to his quarters.
They adjoined those of Admiral Darius. He nodded briefly to those he knew, as he met
various people in the ship=s corridors. Entering his quarters, he went to a small desk and
seated himself. A strange aura of light suddenly enveloped him. Almost immediately,
another glowing ball of light materialized in his room. A telepathic conversation began.
AAll is in readiness, Le=Adon?@ the feminine thought came, from the second glowing
AYes E=Sha! The threads of destiny are closely woven at this point in time. Mankind
has finally reached a degree of awareness where they can, now, accept the first part of
what our race left for them.@
AAnd both of those involved in the destiny patterns are here?@ she inquired.
AYour namesake is aboard this ship, and will participate in the discovery. Radon
will arrive shortly. He will experience the first part of the transformation, after they
arrive at the time vault. Is everything ready for that event?@
AYes, I will be waiting in the chamber=s crystal. He will see the vision I=ve prepared,
hear my thoughts, and experience the beginning of transformation. The >Light,= entering
his Being will be intense, and his reaction will cause the event that brings Re=Esha to
him. He will, unknowingly, call out to her.@
Le=Adon nodded. AHe will still be glowing with the >Light= when he leaves the
chamber. She will be the first to reach him and administer aid. In that way she will
touch the >Light= before it fades. Later, she will recognize it when he saves her life.
Then, the gene you implanted in her ancestor, which has been passed on to her will be

ASo much effort, my love,@ E=Sha murmured, Ato guide them. To guide them all,
along >The Way.=@
AYes,@ he answered kindly, enfolding her in his glowing aura, Abut our destiny and
theirs are linked. It is why some of us returned, and remain among them. Progress along
>The Way= is difficult. They have benefitted from our help.@
A quiet sigh, almost heard, radiated itself in her answering thought. Then, the two
glowing spheres merged and became one. Some time later they separated, and the
second Watcher slowly dematerialized. The glow around Le=Adon gradually faded
leaving, in its place, the seated figure of Hatonn.
The command bridge of the Copernion, overlooking the massive control room
below, was a scene of organized activity. The Executive Officer received the report, and
signaled the Admiral.
ASir. The Galactic Zone=s Starship B Re=Aris, has appeared on our scanners and is
approaching for rendezvous. Zone Agent Radon has signaled us, and is requesting a
parallel course matching ours. Also, permission to teleport aboard us.@
AVery good, we=ve been expecting him. Advise him that both requests are granted.
Notify Hatonn of his arrival and request that he meet me in my quarters. Direct the
Zone Agent to my quarters, as well.@
The Admiral=s instructions were rapidly carried out.
IT, carefully maneuvered the Re=Aris alongside the Copernion, following Radon=s
instructions. Then, a piloting link with the larger ship was activated. The Re=Aris would
maintain its position and distance, and follow any maneuvering changes of the Cruiser.
Moments later, Radon teleported aboard the Copernion. He was directed to the
Admiral=s quarters.
When he approached the door, it quietly opened. Inside, Admiral Darius turned and
greeted him. AWelcome aboard, Radon. Come in, and join us.@
AA pleasure Sir,@ he responded, entering the room to stand before the famous
commander. AMy respect=s Sir.@
ANo need of that young man,@ the Admiral said. APlease, be informal. I believe you
already know our Mission Director!@
AWe=re old friends,@ Radon replied, walking over to Hatonn. He grasped his friend=s
hand and smiled broadly. AIt=s been a long time,@ and he pretended to scrutinize the old
scholar carefully. AYou haven=t aged a bit.@
Admiral Darius looked startled. He was surprised at the Zone Agent=s familiarity
with the famous scholar and historian.
Hatonn=s eyes twinkled with merriment. ADarius, I=ve known Radon for many
lifetimes. His concern for my years, and appearance, have been a constant source of
personal enjoyment. He=s one of the few people I know, who isn=t overwhelmed by my
reputation. We=ve joked about it many times. Now come, you two,@ he said, indicating a
group of chairs nearby, Awe have much to discuss.@
To the Admiral=s amazement, formality seemed to vanish. The three of them were
soon discussing the mission, with an ease that old friends might find in discussing a

spectacular sunset. A course of action, and a plan for examining the artifact, was
quickly developed. They would wait for the other specialists to arrive, then move on
and meet the Cruiser Onitar. An air of excitement permeated the ship.


The pace of activity aboard the Copernion picked up in the following hours as other
members of the mission team arrived. When all were present, the giant ship moved
silently away. Within hours it joined the Onitar. A joint briefing, between Commander
Colson and Admiral Darius, was conducted aboard the Copernion. Shortly thereafter,
the Onitar was relieved of its task of guarding the Arisian Artifact and resumed its
patrol duties.
Over the next several hours the Flagship went through a methodical process of
scanning the entire hull of the Artifact, analyzing every detail of the strange cylindrical
hulk. In the scan center, the leaders of the mission team studied a holographic,
three-dimensional model. A model, which slowly took shape as each of the scanning
results was received, correlated, and integrated by the ship=s computers.
Admiral Darius looked puzzled, when he finally turned to the others present. ANo
hatches or entrances anywhere. It seems they built a cylinder with a drive-unit at one
end. Then, built a passageway down the middle connecting the drive chamber with a
medium sized room at the other end. Finished, they capped both ends and sent it on its
ANo one aboard,@ Radon added. ANo air B no air pressure. Just an engine, and an
automated guidance system. There=s nothing to protect it. No force-fields or hull shield.
A rather vulnerable craft,@ he continued, Aconsidering the hazards of space and the
enormous distance it=s traveled.@ He turned to Hatonn, noting the scholars= deep
concentration as he studied the strange craft=s details.
AWould the Arisians place anything valuable in such a fragile container? Then send
it off on a long journey, lasting millions of years, without even the protection of a hull
shield? The pitting and scarring of the hull are evidence that it=s had a rough trip. It=s a
miracle it hasn=t collided with something large enough to destroy it completely.@
AAnd why,@ Darius interrupted, Awas it moving at low velocity? The Onitar reported
it was barely making headway, a speed slightly over the galactic drift. And, along with
Radon=s thought, if it contains something valuable, why not a beacon? Something to
call it to our attention. It=s another wonder it was spotted this far out. It might have
continued on its course for another thousand years, before it was detected.@
Hatonn lifted his eyes from the object and looked gravely at each of his friends
before answering. AAll excellent questions. Questions, I=m sure, the Arisians could
answer. But, since they=re not here, it appears our task is to find our own answers. The

fact is B it=s Arisian. Therefore, it=s valuable. Whether or not it contains anything of
value remains to be discovered. Now, our first task is gaining entrance to the cylinder.
Since we haven=t discovered an entry hatch, how should we proceed?@
Admiral Darius took a seat, and stared at the holograph.
Radon stood, then said. AQuite a problem. Creating an opening is easy enough. But,
doing it without damaging anything inside is somewhat harder.@ He walked over to the
model and pointed to the passageway. AThis seems the most likely place to gain
entrance. Both the drive chamber and room, at either end, have sealed doors. If anything
of value is aboard the craft, I=d bet it=s in the room. Creating an opening in the
passageway shouldn=t damage anything of value.@
Turning to Hatonn, Darius said, AI agree. I have enough skilled men to handle it.@
ASince you both agree and I see no alternatives, we should start as soon as possible,@
Hatonn replied.
The group moved to the Copernion=s command center. Darius issued a series of
commands and the Cruiser moved closer to the Arisian ship. It stopped, when the
distance between them measured twenty-five yards. Another command caused a pale
force-field to reach out from the Copernion and envelop the Arisian ship. Darius
watched the scanners intently, as his specialists used the force-field to rotate the
cylinder. When its interior passageway was level with the horizontal plane of the
Cruiser, the pale force-field then vanished, to be replaced by a twin set of tractor beams
which gripped the Arisian ship both fore and aft. The two ships were now locked
together. The distance between them held constant.
In moments, a hatchway opened on the side of the Cruiser. From it, a walkway
slowly extended. It stopped just short of the hull of the Arisian ship. Two space-suited
crew members, carrying a portable Dis-Ray, emerged from the Cruiser onto the
walkway. They made their way to the other ship=s hull.
Hatonn nodded approval, and Admiral Darius touched the comm-unit. The order to
proceed was given. The two crew members, standing near the other ship=s hull, raised
the Dis-Ray. A narrow beam of opaque light, quickly, cut a man-sized opening through
the hull. The section removed was set aside.
ASir. Increased power flow from the Arisian ship,@ said a specialist monitoring the
This was followed by startled expressions from the two crew members outside the
other ship=s hull.
ASir, lights just came on inside this thing.@
AAnything else,@ Darius said, addressing those monitoring the scanners. ANo
Sir. The power flow is steady. Apparently, the lights just were coming on which created
the increase.@
Darius looked at Hatonn. AAny other surprises which could endanger those men?@
AAdmiral, all three of us studied that ship and didn=t detect anything dangerous. I
sincerely doubt that the Arisians would plant any lethal devices aboard their ship. All of

our records indicate they were a peaceful race. In addition, they seemed to hold life in
great reverence. I believe your men can proceed with safety.@
AHe=s right Admiral,@ Radon said. AI=ve studied those records as well. Gaining entry
must have triggered the lights. And yes, it surprised us. But I don=t think we have to
interpret it as dangerous.@
AVery well,@ Darius said, the concern lessening on his face. He turned to face the
monitor screens. AScan, if anything changes aboard that ship, I want to know about it
Then, he spoke into the comm-unit addressing the two crewmen outside the Arisian
AMen, apparently there=s no danger but I want you to be especially alert. Proceed
with entering the ship, and make your way to the room at the forward end of the
passageway. Be careful not to disturb anything. If you can open the door of the room,
do so. Stay in the doorway and describe the room and whatever is in it. Don=t enter the
room. We=ll be watching you on the scanners every step of the way, and recording your
observations. Is that clearly understood?@
AYes Sir.@
AThen, carry on.@
They watched as the two crewmen entered the ship and moved slowly along the
passageway until they reached the forward end and stopped.
ASir,@ one of the crewmen said, AI=m looking at the door and there doesn=t appear to
be any method of opening it. Nothing on the door. However, there is a plate with what
looks like a jewel in the center of it, about a foot away, on the right side of the wall. It
might be what actuates the door. Awaiting instructions.@
Darius looked at Hatonn, his eyes questioning.
Hatonn seemed lost in thought for a moment then said, AHave them press on the
center of the jewel and then stand aside.@
Darius relayed the instructions.
AIt worked,@ exclaimed one of the crewmen in the passageway. AThe door slid open.
We can see into the room. Sir, following your instructions B lights are on. There is a
round canister of some type, with handles on it, on a square base in the center of the
room. There seems to be some type of plaque, with writing on it, attached to the
canister. Otherwise, the room is empty.@
AAdmiral,@ Hatonn said, interrupting, Amay I suggest the men remain where they are.
We should send in an additional team to make a visual recording of the passageway and
room before we disturb anything. Then, we can bring that canister back here and
examine it.@
AI agree,@ Radon said.
Darius nodded and issued the orders.
In less than an hour the tasks were completed. The mysterious canister was now in
the cargo bay of the Copernion. It had been thoroughly scanned by special instruments
and pronounced safe. It rested on a table illuminated by a soft light. Hatonn and a crew

of specialists were examining it carefully. Then Admiral Darius, Radon, and the crew
members who had discovered the object, joined them.
Darius and Hatonn spoke briefly, while the others stood nearby. Throughout the
ship, for the benefit of the crew, the scene was being viewed on countless monitors.
Recorders were capturing the scene for future historical reference. The prevalent
atmosphere was one of silent respect.
Finally, Admiral Darius stepped forward and spoke to those present and the ship=s
AWe are privileged, all of us, to participate in a remarkable moment of history. The
discovery of the Arisian Ship, by the Onitar, is an outstanding historical event. The
Arisian Ship is the first artifact of that vanished civilization to be discovered in millions
of years.
ALet me summarize a few historical facts before we proceed. The records of our
contact with the Arisians, eons ago, established the fact that they had reached a pinnacle
of evolution. The Confederation was honored when they offered us their friendship. As
all of you are aware, they made no such offer to the old Galactic Empire. The
Confederation looked forward to a long and enlightening relationship with Arisia. We
hoped they would share their wisdom with us. All of Mankind would benefit.
AThus, you can all imagine how our ancestors were stunned, when the Arisians
announced that their worlds and civilization would soon end. They predicted a series of
supernovas would destroy their galaxy. When our offers to evacuate them to other
worlds were declined, a greater shock was experienced. Their statement B >It is our
destiny,= was hard to accept.
APerhaps to ease our distress regarding their fate B their destiny, they promised to
leave us a gift. Something that would benefit all Mankind.
ABut, when their civilization vanished, as they had prophesied, and no trace of the
promised legacy was ever found, the Confederation experienced a deeper sense of loss.
Yet, none of our ancestors doubted the validity of the Arisian=s promise. For that
reason, for millions of years, we have searched for their promised gift B their legacy.@
Admiral Darius paused. He momentarily looked down, then looking up again his
gaze swept the room resting for a moment on each one present.
He pointed to the canister. AThat object may be what we=ve been seeking. Hatonn,
perhaps you can tell us.@
Hatonn walked to the canister and turned to face those present. AThank you
Admiral. I will try. First, I have examined the canister and the symbols on the plaque.
There is no doubt, that both are Arisian. The symbols represent expressions of
telepathic meaning, rather than a series of words. However, they are easily translated.@
He continued. AThe plaque describes how to open the cylinder and that instructions,
regarding the contents, will be found inside. I suggest we open it and see what it
Admiral Darius looked at the group and measured their response, then he nodded
approval to Hatonn.

Hatonn bent over the cylinder and pressed several indentations at the top. A series
of small clicks was heard. Then, he turned the top cover and gently removed it. He
reached inside the cylinder and removed, first, a sheath of metallic looking papers. He
glanced at them momentarily before laying them aside. Then, reaching in again, he
removed a square device with a round dome on the top. He placed this on a nearby
table. Picking up the papers again, he examined them intently. He looked up, facing the
He lifted the first of the metallic sheets. AThis is what it says,@ he continued, as his
finger traced across the sheet:
AGreetings from Arisia. Our Race will leave this universe shortly, to experience a
new existence in another dimension of >The Light.= We promised Mankind a gift. What
we have prepared is about to be revealed. We know that you will not discover this
message for many millions of years. It is a matter of time and destiny. In our present
time, as I record these thoughts, Mankind has not yet developed the degrees of
awareness to understand, or use, our gift.
AThe legacy we would share with you, is divided into several parts. Each part will
be discovered, as you reach still greater degrees of awareness. Since you have
discovered this message, a portion of the legacy has been fulfilled.
AThe device we have provided is a holographic projector. It contains a message.
There are instructions to activate it. When you have viewed the message, follow the
instructions contained in the additional sheets. You will be guided to a new destination,
and discover another part of our legacy.
ANow I must depart. May the >Light,= illumine your path.@

A strange silence, lasting several moments, followed Hatonn=s reading of the sheet.
Then, a quiet murmur passed through the group.
Admiral Darius was the first one to speak. AI suggest we set up that projector in the
ship=s auditorium and have all personnel, and off-duty crew members, view the
recording. Those on duty may watch it on the ship=s monitors.@
AAn excellent suggestion,@ Hatonn said.
A short time later, the auditorium was full. The Arisian projector rested on a
pedestal. Hatonn stood next to it. Admiral Darius motioned for silence. AWill you
activate the device,@ he said to Hatonn.
Hatonn nodded and pushed a small switch. A pale beam of light came from the
projector and touched the floor. It spread out, creating a circle of light which suddenly
brightened. The image of an elderly man appeared within the circle. He stood with his
head bowed. He was dressed in a long flowing robe. He raised his head and seemed to
look at his unseen audience. Then, he raised a hand in the universal sign of greeting and

AGreetings in the >Light= of the Radiant One. I am known as E=loai, and I speak for

AAs Man, you have waited a long time to learn about our race. I shall be brief
because, soon, you will have the details of our history, and our purpose for Being. Until
then, please accept this short explanation.
AOur Race was present before Man, before Man evolved on any world. Yet, our
destiny and yours are intertwined for an eternity. Our purpose, as defined by the Radiant
One, is to guide Man=s course of evolution B to see that Man=s destiny is fulfilled. We
have been, and still are, fulfilling that purpose. You might say, that we are the guardians
of Man=s civilization, progress, and evolution.
ABut now, as a result of your evolutionary progress, we must leave the physical
universe, and carry-on our purpose in another dimension of reality. You see, the first
part of our task is completed. As Man, you have grown in awareness. Now it is time, for
you B Man, to bear the responsibility of that new awareness. To meet the challenges
which still await Mankind. In a way, you will be taking-on a portion of our task. Our
joint task. Remember my statement B Our destinies are intertwined?
AYou have done well. When you receive this message B the Universal
Confederation will be the most highly evolved assembly of Man in the universe. As
such, it is your responsibility to guide the myriads of worlds and star systems which are
still evolving. To guide the evolution of their awareness until they reach the state that
you have achieved. The task will be challenging.
ATherefore, we are merely moving-on to a higher dimension of the >Light.= Our
guidance, and our presence, will now come from another state of awareness. AJust
as awareness and responsibility are gained, part-by-part, our Legacy to Man, the gift we
promised, will be discovered part-by-part. We have provided directions which will
guide you to the first part of that discovery.
ABut, the most important part, that which will elevate your awareness into another
dimension of reality, a reality where Man=s destiny can be realized, will be the most
elusive. And, though all of Mankind will experience the reward of that evolutionary
step, the discovery and first realization of it will be made by only two people.
ASince the most important part is also the most difficult to discover we have left you
a clue. It is contained in another message. A telepathic message carried by the ethers,
and whispered throughout the cosmos. Some will hear it, but not recognize its meaning.
But, eventually, someone will hear it and recognize its importance. Another will join
that searcher, and both will seek its source. When the whisper is traced to its source, its
meaning will be known. Then, your Race B Man, will achieve that new dimensional
reality; an awareness and reality beyond imagining. It is a vital step in realizing the
Destiny of Man. You will then know the completeness of our gift, our love, and our
legacy to all of Man.
AThe time of our departure is now near and I must end this message. Go now, and
claim the first part of your inheritance B our gift to all of Man. All of Arisia bids you
well. May the >Light= be with you, in the pursuit of your destiny.
AIn the >Light= of The Radiant One B I am E=loai.@

The image of the Arisian spokesman faded and then vanished. The circle of light, in
which it had appeared, also faded. The dome of the projector darkened. Silence, a
stunned silence, permeated the auditorium of the Copernion.
Several minutes passed. Finally Admiral Darius, with effort, rose from his chair. He
moved over to stand beside Hatonn. He then faced the seated audience.
AI doubt that any of us will ever forget what we=ve just seen and heard,@ he said. He
paused for a moment then he turned to Hatonn and asked, AIn the sheets you=re holding,
are there directions, or coordinates, to guide us to another location?@
Hatonn nodded his head. He selected the second metallic sheet and silently handed
it to the Admiral. He pointed to a section of the sheet.
The Admiral stared at the cryptic symbols then, handed it back. His eyes searched
Hatonn=s for a moment. A question was asked.
AI=ll give the coordinates to the navigator,@ Hatonn replied softly. He laid a hand on
the Admiral=s shoulder. The Admiral nodded agreement and turned to face the still
silent audience.
AWe=ll be departing in two hours for our next destination. I=d suggest each of you
take advantage of that time to rest and think about what we=ve learned, and what lies
ahead. This assembly is dismissed.@ He turned and walked quickly from the auditorium.

An hour later, Radon was summoned to Hatonn=s quarters. He was answering one
of Hatonn=s questions. AAccording to navigation, the coordinates are for the third planet
of a star named Corlandra. It=s located between the Tucana and Octans Sector,@ Radon
was saying.
AWhat information do we have on the place?@ Hatonn asked.
AAccording to the Survey Reports the third planet is lifeless and not a very
hospitable place. A rocky terrain, poisonous atmosphere, and a surface temperature of
several hundred degrees. Apparently it has a flyby survey. They cataloged it, and kept
going. There was no reason to take a closer look.@
Hatonn looked thoughtful. AA place nobody would want to visit. It seems like an
ideal place, to conceal something you wouldn=t want someone to discover prematurely.
Any inhabited worlds nearby,@ he asked?
ANothing close enough to matter.@
AWell we should be arriving shortly.@
Hatonn stood, and started for the door. ACome, from the bridge we can watch our
approach and get a look at this mysterious world.@
As they approached the ship=s control room, Hatonn suddenly stopped. He faced
Radon. AAbout the landing and survey team; I=d like you to be second in command.@ He
smiled. AIt seems, we=re the only two aboard who have studied the ancient cultures.
Since I can=t be everywhere at once, I=d like you to supervise the second half of the
team. Is that all right?@
Radon grinned at his old friend. AI=d have felt fortunate just to be a part of the
survey team. Of course it=s all right. I=d be honored.@

Moments later, they entered the control room. Darius motioned them to his side.
ARight on time. We=re about to make transition. According to navigation, we=ll be just
outside Corlandra=s Solar System.@
Alarms rang throughout the ship. This was followed by a slight twisting sensation in
one=s stomach. The Copernion and the Arisian ship, still held by powerful tractors, and
the Re=Aris, enveloped in flaring force-fields, burst into normal space.
The control room monitors suddenly cleared. The Corlandra System appeared on
the view screens.
APiloting ready,@ a voice said, from the comm-unit.
AAcknowledged,@ the Admiral replied. AMake for the third planet and establish a
scanning orbit.@
The Cruiser veered slightly as its course was altered. The huge ship continued to
slow as it penetrated the solar system. The view of the third planet grew larger as they
APiloting, give us the readouts as we approach,@ the Admiral ordered.
AYes Sir,@ came the reply. AScan indicates a single moon orbiting the planet; altering
course to avoid it . . . Now in third quadrant, orbit in two time periods . . . Now in
second quadrant, orbit in one time period . . . Now in first quadrant, detect ionization
wave. Altering the ship=s magnetic polarity; matching the planet=s magnetic field.@
AEngage all fields,@ the Admiral ordered.
AAll fields engaged and reading maximum charge,@ the pilot reported. AAltering the
ship=s magnetic field to allow for lunar gravity. Entering orbit . . . Orbit established,
AA nice bit of maneuvering,@ the Admiral said, complimenting the Cruiser=s pilot.
AMaintain orbit. Scan, I want readouts and recordings. Every square inch of that planet.
AUnderstood, Sir. Commencing scan.@
AThis may take a while,@ Darius said, turning to Hatonn, and Radon. AWhen we find
it, whatever we=re looking for, you=ll want to send a team down to the planet=s surface, I
Hatonn nodded. AActually, two teams. The first to check out the site. That won=t
require many people. Once we know what we=re dealing with, the rest of the mission
team can be brought in.@
AThen you=ll need two shuttle craft. What else will you need?@
AThe atmosphere and surface temperature is a problem,@ Radon said. ABut,
protective suits with environmental force-fields will be enough.@
AI=ll see you get them. Since the Copernion has the Arisian ship in tow, I=d better
keep them in orbit. The shuttle craft can make all the landing and return trips.@
AAdmiral,@ the Executive Officer interrupted, AScan, has something.@
AGo ahead Scan. What is it?@ Darius said, turning back to the monitors.
APutting it on your forward screen, Sir,@ Scan replied.

A section of the planet=s surface appeared on the view-screen. Horizontal and

vertical grids appeared, as an overlay. One block of the grid blinked yellow. A series of
numbers appeared along the top, and both sides of the screen.
AWe just swept this area for the second time, and suddenly it appeared,@ Scan
continued. AThere=s a lot of power radiating from it. Fusion energy, according to
analysis. It wasn=t there the first time we scanned the area.@
AWhat=s the size of the area?@ the Admiral asked.
AOne square mile, according to our measurements,@ Scan replied. AExcept for a
small area on the surface, the rest of it is buried a hundred feet below the planet=s
AHave you found anything else on the planet, besides this?@
AOn the first scan, nothing out of the ordinary, Sir. We were halfway through the
second one, when this appeared.@
AThen complete the second scan of the entire planet. I want to know if there=s
another place that didn=t show up the first time. Then, scan everything a third time. If
nothing else is found, come back to this site and scan it with everything we=ve got.@
AYes, Sir,@ Scan replied.
Darius ran his fingers through his hair. A frown appeared on his face. He motioned
Hatonn and Radon to accompany him as he went to a small room at one side of the
bridge. He closed the door after they entered, and pointed to several chairs. When
everyone was seated, he said, thoughtfully B AAltogether, too coincidental, if you ask
me. I don=t like it.@
AWhat is it?@ Hatonn asked, a puzzled look on his face.
AI think I know what he=s concerned about,@ Radon replied. AI thought it was
unusual myself.@
AWhat are you two talking about?@ Hatonn asked.
AThe power coming on,@ Darius said, glancing at Radon, and seeing his nod of
agreement. It=s happened twice now. First, the Arisian ship, when we made an entrance;
the lights suddenly came on. And now B nothing the first time we scanned the planet,
but on the second sweep B suddenly there=s power coming from a mile square area.@
Radon interrupted the Admiral. AAs if, in both instances B we were expected. As if,
someone were watching us, or anticipating our moves.@ Abruptly, he stopped speaking.
An incredulous look crossed over his features, and he suddenly turned to Hatonn. AIs it
possible there are Arisians down there B waiting for us? Have they been watching us,
anticipating our every move, maneuvering us every step of the way?@
Hatonn looked at both his friends. An understanding look appeared in his eyes. AI
see, now, what=s bothering you two.@
He paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before going on. AYou=re
suspicious, and looking for answers. All right, this is what I think, although I don=t
know why either of you expects me to have the right answers.
ALet=s deal with the power first. Yes, it seems coincidental, but now that you=ve
pointed it out, I agree with both of you; there must be more to it.

AAre we being watched? Well, reflecting on what we know of the Arisians, from a
historical viewpoint, and what we learned from the recording they left us, it=s evident
they=ve been watching Mankind from the beginning. I=d say, that our present mission,
and what we=ve discovered so far, would interest them. A discovery of this magnitude,
finding what they left us, has got to be important to them. To answer the question B
beyond doubt, we=re being watched.
AI think we should also realize, that we are expected. After all, we were given
directions. That also answers the question about us being maneuvered. We are. We=re
following their directions.
AThe objective of all this, starting with the discovery of their ship and the message it
contained, is to find what they=ve left us. Everything that=s happened so far, including
the things you=ve both noticed and are concerned with, I find, are consistent. Consistent
with achieving the objective, theirs and ours B finding their legacy. I could only share
your concern if the situation, thus far, were inconsistent.@
Hatonn turned to Radon. A gentler look came into his eyes. AAs to whether the
Arisians are down there, and I presume you meant B to greet us, I can only say that I
doubt it very much. However, I can appreciate your eagerness to meet them.@
Darius had listened intently to Hatonn=s remarks. The frown had gradually
disappeared. He stood, a smile appearing. AI can only hope the Arisians, wherever they
are, are as tolerant and wise as you, old friend. Pardon my concerns.@
Radon, also stood. AMy concerns seem pointless, as well.@ A serious look, however,
remained on his face. AIt=s strange, but I still have an uncertain feeling about all this. It=s
something I can=t put my finger on. I don=t know whether it=s good or bad. I have a
premonition that there=s something else. Something B beyond discovering the Legacy.
That=s why I=m a little on edge.@ Then the serious look vanished and he suddenly
grinned at Hatonn. AYou=re right about my wanting to meet them, though. That=s
something I=ve always wanted, ever since I studied the old records.@
Hatonn rose and placed a hand on Radon=s shoulder. A smile played across his
features. In a joking manner he said, AYou=ll just have to put up with me, until that
In much higher spirits, they left the room and returned to the bridge. The Executive
Officer was waiting for them.
AAdmiral,@ he said, Aall the scans are completed. We haven=t discovered anything
else. That=s why I didn=t disturb your conference. We=re concentrating everything on the
power source and the results should be available in a few minutes.@
AScan, give us an update of what you have,@ Darius said.
ASir, the power hasn=t varied since we picked it up. Analysis indicates that it=s safe.
No radiation hazards. Cross sections of the area, above and below ground, show a
chamber with an area of one square mile. The chamber appears to have been hollowed
out of the rock. The floors, walls, and ceiling, is metal lined. The ceiling is seventy feet
above the floor. Numerous objects appear to be scattered all over the chamber=s floor.

We can=t make out exactly what they are. Oh, and there is a room, fifty by a hundred
feet, located in the center of the back wall and attached to the main chamber.
AA passageway, two-hundred feet in length, runs from the right front corner of the
chamber upwards, at an angle, to an opening on the planet=s surface. The opening has a
double air lock, and appears closed. The passageway is fifty feet wide and seventy feet
high. The scan indicates a breathable atmosphere in the chamber and passageway.
That=s all we have.@
AWell done,@ Darius replied. ALet me know if you find anything else.@
Darius turned to Hatonn. AWell, my friend, as Commander of the Copernion I=ve
completed the task of getting you, and the mission team, here. What we=re looking for
is, apparently, down there waiting for us. As Mission Director, you=re now in command
of the mission. Of course, I=ll assist you in any way possible.@
AThank you, Admiral Darius,@ Hatonn replied graciously. AIn matters concerning the
Copernion, and her crew, you=re still in command. I=d suggest we assemble the mission
specialists in the conference room, and plan the landing team=s activity. While that is in
progress, perhaps you can have two ships prepared for our use and readied for


After the briefing was completed, twelve members of the mission team boarded one
of the Copernion=s shuttle-craft and descended to the planet=s surface. Their destination,
the surface entrance the ship=s scanners had located. They landed on a broad plateau
several hundred yards from the designated site.
As the atmospheric and biological tests were being completed, they studied the
rocky terrain between the shuttle-craft and what appeared to be a moderate-sized cliff of
native rock. A group of five would spread out along the base of the cliff looking for
signs of an entrance. The rest of the team would set up measuring and recording
instruments, to monitor the site and visually record their activities for the historical
records being created.
The protective suits, each was wearing, were lightweight and comfortable.
Resembling one-piece jumpsuits, each radiated a small force-field which protected
against external hazards and, at the same time, provided internal life-support functions
for the wearer.
When all was ready, they disembarked. Hatonn led the group setting up the
instruments, while Radon led the others to the cliff.
Hatonn=s group was just finishing, when he heard Radon=s voice on his comm-unit.
AWe=ve found the entrance,@ Radon said, Abut, it=s buried under a few hundred tons
of rock. Sometime in the past, part of the cliff collapsed. You=d better come and take a
Within minutes, Hatonn was standing beside him. Together, they surveyed the mass
of fallen rubble. Hatonn looked puzzled. AHow do we clear this from the entrance?@
AWe could do it the hard way, piece by piece,@ Radon said, Abut that would take a lot
of time. I have an idea, which might work; It would be a lot faster.@
AWhich is?@ Hatonn asked.
AWell, the Copernion has a robot controlled work-ship. I saw it in one of the cargo
bays. It=s equipped with a Dis-Ray projector, among other things. We could guide the
ship here, through our comm-units, and use the Dis-Ray to gradually vaporize the
rubble until the entrance is cleared.@
AWould we damage the entrance or its air lock?@
ANot if we keep the ray on low power and be careful,@ Radon replied.
AThen, that=s how we=ll do it,@ Hatonn said.

After a brief conversation with Admiral Darius, things began to happen. The entire
team moved back several hundred yards from the buried entrance. Moments later, a
sonic boom echoed through the planet=s atmosphere. A squat black shape, the
work-ship, screamed over their heads before turning, as it was about to disappear over
the horizon.
Radon, holding the comm-unit, spoke several commands. The ship continued to
turn, braking furiously, and headed back toward them. It stopped overhead, hovering
silently. Another command was issued. A port opened on the nose of the ship, revealing
the deadly muzzle of the Dis-Ray projector. Slowly the nose of the ship angled
downward, as Radon continued to operate its controls.
He turned to Hatonn. AEveryone clear,@ he asked?
After a quick glance around, Hatonn nodded an ok.
AThen here we go,@ Radon said.
Suddenly a strange sound, a series of high-pitched whines, was heard. An
orange-white beam spat from the ship=s projector. Orange-white fire splashed against
the mound of rubble. Instantly, clouds of smoke and steam boiled up into the air as the
rock was vaporized. Just as suddenly, the beam vanished.
Radon, waited until the air cleared, looking closely at what remained of the mound.
Three more bursts were fired, before a gleaming metal slab was revealed. Satisfied, he
spoke another command and the work-ship flashed away returning to the Copernion.
He turned to Hatonn. AThat should do it. Better let things cool down a bit, before we
inspect the entrance.@
Hatonn agreed, then spoke into his comm-unit. AAdmiral, send the rest of the team
down in the other ship. We=ll be ready, shortly, to try entering the shaft=s airlock.@
They were scanning the entrance from a distance, while the area cooled, when the
other shuttle-craft appeared. It descended rapidly and landed nearby. Soon the mission
team, all fifty specialists, was assembled. They approached the shining metal slab.
AThere it is,@ Hatonn said, pointing out the five-pointed star, the Arisian symbol,
engraved in the center of the metal slab. AExactly as described in the instructions they
left us.@
Everyone moved closer, as Hatonn and Radon walked over to examine the symbol.
AAnd, this must be the control unit, they mentioned,@ Hatonn continued. He reached
up to touch a round object in the center of the star. AIt=s supposed to be detachable by
turning it a half-turn to the right, a quarter turn to the left, then pulling straight out.@
Without waiting for comment, he removed the object.
The back side of the half-rounded object was flat. In the center, in a depression, a
small button was apparent. He handed it to Radon, who examined it carefully, before
handing it back.
Radon, then, placed his hand on Hatonn=s shoulder and gently turned him, until he
was facing the rest of the mission team.
AI believe Hatonn deserves the honor of activating this control-unit,@ Radon said.

A chorus of approval came from everyone. Hatonn looked surprised for a moment.
AIf that=s your decision,@ he said, Awe should all move back a little.@
The group stood silently by, as Hatonn pushed the button. A mechanism, long
unused, made an audible sound of protest before functioning. Then, the metal slab
moved outward slowly. Lights suddenly came on revealing a second doorway, the
second part of the airlock.
The team moved forward until they were crowded together in the entrance. Radon
examined the second airlock control. It was familiar, a star with a jewel in the center.
AJust like the one on the Arisian ship,@ he said.
Hatonn nodded agreement. He walked forward and pressed the jewel. Behind them,
the outer metal slab moved inward and closed. There was the sound of air being
exhausted through some hidden vent. Then fresh air entered the chamber. A moment
later, the second door of the airlock opened. An illuminated passageway, slanting
downward, stretched out before them.
Radon held up a hand, halting the team. He lifted a small instrument and sampled
the air. Satisfied, he replaced it in a pocket. He touched a concealed switch on his
jumpsuit and the faint force-field vanished.
AThe air is all right,@ he said. AEveryone can turn off their suits.@ Everyone complied
and they moved forward.
The passageway, constructed of gleaming metal, was featureless. As the team
continued on, a low-pitched hum came from in front of them. Continuing, they finally
came to the end. They all stopped. They stood at the edge of the main chamber. It was
lit by some type of concealed lighting.
Before them, stretching off into the distance, was row on row of metal and
crystalline objects. Some of them glowed with a strange internal light. The mission
team was awestruck.
Finally, a voice behind them, from one of the team, asked the question in everyone=s
thoughts. AGreat galaxies, what is this place?@
Hatonn answered. AThat=s exactly what we=re here to find out. I want the team to
split up, half with me, and half with Radon. Inspect, visually record, and log everything
here. I don=t want anyone pushing buttons or trying to activate anything. Let=s see if we
can determine what we=ve got here, first. Take an hour, then, we=ll all meet in the center
of the chamber and compare notes.@

The group split and fanned out, walking slowly, and carefully through the rows of
unfamiliar objects. As they progressed, groups of three would circle around an object,
visually recording it, jotting down notes and putting numbered tags on the objects.
Occasionally, there were excited calls from some group, and a certain specialist would
rush over to join them. Their observations were continuously fed into special
comm-units. A constant flow of data was transmitted back to the Copernion.
When the first hour was completed, the various teams had covered about a third of
the chamber=s vast area. A noisy group gathered, in what appeared to be the chamber=s

center area. There a singular device made of gleaming rods, spheres, and crystals, stood
by itself on a raised platform. As Radon came up, he found Hatonn studying the device.
Hatonn looked up. Excitement shone in the old scholar=s eyes.
AWhat is it?@ Radon asked, his curiosity evident.
Hatonn backed up several steps. He seemed to measure something. Then, taking
Radon by the arm, he led him around to a short flight of steps. ACome, look at this,@ he
said, cryptically. He mounted the steps, Radon following close by his side. When they
reached the top of the platform, he walked over and pointed to a circular area inside the
device. Radon, saw a chair in the center of the structure. A slim crystalline rod with a
small circular disk at the end, was suspended directly over the chair. Further up the rod,
spaced at intervals, was a series of graduated disks, each one slightly larger than the one
preceding it.
Radon studied it carefully, at Hatonn=s urging. Then he turned to his friend. ASome
kind of intensifier, obviously,@ he said. AIt seems to be aimed at the area of some
persons head, when they=re seated in that chair.@
AExactly,@ Hatonn said, excitement in his voice. AIt may be exactly what we=re
looking for.@
A look of sudden comprehension dawned on Radon=s face. AA learning intensifier,@
he exclaimed.
AThat=s what I think it is,@ Hatonn answered happily. AIt seems our Arisian friends
may have left us a device to help us learn what all these objects are. What they=re used
AIt makes sense,@ Radon said. AHere it is, right in the center of everything. A logical
place to put it. I was thinking earlier, that it would take us years to figure out everything
in this chamber.@ Then, his excitement vanished. ABut, how does it work. Are there
Hatonn smiled at his young friend again. AThere must be. We just haven=t found
them yet. But, we will. We must tell the others.@
They turned to the mission team. In moments they quieted the group, and explained
this latest development. Then, in an orderly manner, they discussed what the various
groups had found.

When the discussion ended, Hatonn suggested they finish cataloging the chamber=s
contents. He appointed another to lead his group, while he stayed to study the learning
Hours later, Hatonn received a call from Radon. AWe=re finished with the main task.
At the moment, we=re all assembled near the back wall. The only thing we haven=t
checked-out, is that room annexed to the chamber. How are you doing?@
AI found the instructions,@ Hatonn replied. AIt=s another canister, like the one on their
ship. It was in a compartment near the chair. I=ve been studying how to operate the
intensifier. We can make it operational.@

AGood,@ Radon answered. AI think you should see what is on this door. It=s got
another symbol and some other writing next to it. You=d better translate it, before we do
AI=ll head over there right away.@
The mission team was resting when Hatonn arrived. AGood job, everyone,@ he said,
congratulating the team. Then he turned to Radon. ALet=s take a look at that symbol.@
The familiar five-pointed star was emblazoned on the door=s entrance. Beneath it,
were two rows of the Arisian symbols. Hatonn ran his fingertips over them, his lips
silently moving. His expression, suddenly, became serious and thoughtful.
He moved back from the door, and un-slung a roll of charts from his back. He
looked around and motioned to one of the women of the team. AWould you help me
with this,@ he asked, pointing to the roll of charts.
She hurried over, anxious to help him.
He unrolled the charts, spreading them out. He, hurriedly, searched through several,
before selecting one. ARadon, if you=ll hold one side,@ he said. He turned to the woman
B AIt=s Re=Esha, isn=t it?@
AYes Sir,@ she answered.
He nodded, AIf you=ll hold this other side.@
Then, oblivious to both, he bent over the chart. He quickly scanned the symbols on
it. His finger stopped on one. He looked at it, then, up at the door.
AWhat is it?@ Radon asked. Hatonn, he thought, seemed strangely absorbed in the
translation of the symbols.
AOne line of the text, contains a symbol I wasn=t sure of,@ Hatonn answered. AYou
can let go of the charts,@ he said, to both of them. AIf you=ll hold on to these, Re=Esha,@
and he handed her the charts.
He grasped Radon by the arm and returned to the door.
AThat one,@ he said, pointing to a symbol in the second line. AI wasn=t sure of the
translation,@ Hatonn said. ABut, I thought I=d seen it before B on the charts.@
Radon looked slightly confused. AWhere did you get those charts, and what=s so
unusual about the symbol?@
AForgive me,@ Hatonn said. AThose are the instructions I found back at the learning
intensifier. I was studying them, when you called. I brought them along. The symbol
seems to mean alone or one only. In the charts, it means only one person at a time can
use the intensifier. Its use here, in the text on the door, bothered me. I wanted to recheck
its meaning.@
ASo what does it mean?@ Radon asked, pointing to the door.
The look of seriousness returned to Hatonn=s face. AI think everyone should hear the
translation.@ He turned, and made a motion to get everyone=s attention.
The group quickly grew silent.
Hatonn motioned Radon to his side. Quietly, to one side, he asked Re=Esha to
remain and keep the charts for him. He faced the group.

AThis,@ he said, pointing to the door, Aleads into another room. I have translated the
meaning of the symbols below the Arisian emblem. Apparently, something unusual is
in the room. So unusual, that the Arisians are quite specific in their instructions.
AThis is what it says: >Beyond this portal lies a gem of great value. It must be
removed from its pedestal. However, only one, can pass this portal to retrieve it. That
one must place their hand on our symbol, for the door to open.=@
AOnly one,@ Hatonn repeated. He looked slowly around the group. ANo doubt there
could be many volunteers. No, I will not be the one. I=ve already had the honor of
opening this chamber. I think this honor should go to another.@ He lifted his hand and
quickly turned. AI think Radon should be the one. He has, also, studied the ancient
histories,@ and he laid his hand on Radon=s sleeve.
Again, a chorus of approval was voiced.
Radon, shocked at the announcement, stood still for a moment. Then, he placed a
hand over that of his old friend.
AThank you.@ He turned to face the others of the mission team. AAnd, thank you.@
The team had moved back, away from the door. Radon gripped his friend=s hand.
He held it firmly for a moment then walked to the door. He raised his right hand and
placed it firmly against the Arisian symbol. From somewhere above, a beam of light
flashed over his body and quickly vanished. He lowered his hand, as the door silently
opened. A dim light came on, in the room beyond. The door remained open.
He entered the room, and stopped. As his eyes became accustomed to the dim
lighting, he looked around. The room was empty, except for a waist-high pedestal in its
center. The floor, walls, and ceiling were carved from native rock. A large jewel rested
on the pedestal. It pulsed with an emerald green radiance.
He walked slowly across the room until he stood before the pedestal. In his mind, a
voice suddenly spoke. APick up the jewel,@ it said. He hesitated for a second adjusting to
the fact that, something, was sending him telepathic instructions. He reached forward
and gently lifted the round jewel, holding it carefully in his hands.
A slight noise, behind him, caused him to twist around. An opening had appeared in
the floor. From it, a chair emerged.
ABe seated,@ the mental voice stated. AContinue to hold the jewel.@ He cautiously sat
down. The glow within the jewel grew brighter.
The mental voice became louder. AA little knowledge can be dangerous when given
to an unstable culture. They lack the awareness to use it wisely. It is a lesson your Race
must learn. When you understand what, we have left you, you will understand our
civilization. How we built it. How we control the power we=ve harnessed. And, you will
begin to understand our culture, teachings, philosophy, and morality.
AYour Race has much to learn. You will assume great responsibility. Your Race has
developed telepathy and certain telekinetic powers, but you have not used more than
one percent of your mental capacity. As you learn our teachings, you will experience a
tremendous surge of power as the vast dormant energy of your Mind is released.@

Radon sat paralyzed, holding the pulsing jewel in his lap. His Mind, locked to the
mental voice. The others of the mission team had crowded close to the room=s doorway,
attempting to watch his progress in retrieving the gem. However, a transparent,
shimmering, force-field had appeared. It blocked the room=s doorway. Puzzled at
Radon=s actions, they were forced to peer through the field. Hatonn, and the force-field,
held them back. AOnly one,@ Hatonn said, raising his voice.
Meanwhile, the mental voice continued speaking to Radon. He was told about the
creation of the AMaxim Light,@ the sacred eternal flame of the Radiant One previously
unknown to Mankind. How, once they had been trained, special teams would kindle it
upon the worlds of Man ready to receive it.
Then, the mental voice softened. It became the voice of a woman. In his awareness,
a mental picture of a beautiful woman appeared. She was dressed in a long flowing
gown of gossamer white. Her golden hair fell softly to her bare shoulders. She stood
before him, in the vision, her head demurely bowed. Then, she raised her head.
Instantly, he was lost in twin pools of emerald green as he looked into her eyes. A touch
of recognition, momentarily, flickered through his awareness and was just as quickly
lost as she raised her hand.
AI am Re=Esha,@ she said, extending her hand. ACome, I will show you the Maxim
In the vision he saw himself rise, and follow, as she led him into another room. In
the room, a circular shaft of blazing white light, ten feet in diameter, shot continuously
up from a raised pedestal base and disappeared into the ceiling. On two sides of the
pedestal, steps led upward. She stopped at the steps.
ANo other living mortal has seen the eternal flame,@ she continued. She led him up
the steps and stopped several feet from the blazing, swirling, shaft of light. She moved
from his side and stood facing him, grasping both his hands in hers. She focused her
eyes on his again. Once again, he sank into their beautiful depths. She drew him to her;
her arms went around his waist. Her golden hair brushed his cheek as she laid her head
against his shoulder. Then, she pushed herself away and, again, grasped his hands. AIn a
moment the flame will change. We must enter it together. Do not be afraid, it cannot
harm you.@
ALook,@ she said, glancing over her shoulder, Athe time has come. Come my love,@
and drawing him toward her, she stepped backwards. Together, they entered the blazing
shaft of light.
His arms went around her, and she pressed against him. Her lips found his and
millions of dazzling sparks sprang from their bodies to merge with the swirling light
enveloping them. Their lips parted. ARe=Esha,@ he heard himself say. She, again, raised
her eyes to his. Her lips moved silently, but in his Mind he heard the words clearly. AWe
are one, my love, in the Maxim Light B the sacred flame. We will be together for all
Suddenly, the vision in his Mind started to fade. Her image and the love she
projected, along with the room and blazing light, dimmed and vanished.

A sudden sense of loss flooded his awareness. An unbearable longing rushed over
him. An anguished thought reached out from his Mind. ARe=Esha. No! Don=t leave.@
The glowing jewel, still held in his hands, flared into sudden brilliance. Its function
B to transmit thoughts into his Mind, was suddenly reversed by the intensity of his
projected thought. He had made a grave mistake.
A bolt of emerald lightning flashed from overhead, enveloping his body. It shattered
the jewel held in his hands. He was knocked from the chair and sent sprawling across
the floor. An ominous rumble jarred through the room and, an instant later, parts of the
ceiling split open and collapsed. Rubble fell across his legs pinning him to the floor.
Shocked into full awareness by the pain which washed over him, he struggled to free
A cry of alarm came from those waiting outside the room, as they witnessed what
was happening. They rushed toward the room=s door, but were stopped by the sudden
appearance of a flaming curtain of light. They watched helplessly as, within the room,
more of the ceiling collapsed.
Inside the room, Radon=s struggles grew weaker. As he started to lose consciousness
the vision, again, flashed through his awareness. As he slid into the darkness washing
over him, he felt her love reach out and touch him. Tears flooded his eyes; A sob broke
from his lips B ARe=Esha . . . Re=Esha,@ he called out. He slid into black oblivion, his
lips still moving . . . ARe=Esha.@
Outside the room, standing next to Hatonn, she heard him call her name. Before she
could think about it, she saw him quit moving. At that moment the flaming curtain,
blocking the doorway, vanished.
She dropped the charts she was holding, and with five others, dashed into the room.
The rubble was quickly removed from Radon=s legs, and he was dragged from the
Without thinking she kneeled beside him, brushing the others aside, and pressed a
medical probe against his throat. She was so busy she didn=t notice the faint glow
around him or how it spread over her hand, and disappeared.
She felt someone pulling at her shoulder. Startled, she looked up. Hatonn was
saying, AThat=s enough, Re=Esha. Let the medical team take over,@ and he gently
removed her hands from Radon.
Suddenly, she realized what she had done. Her face flushed a deep crimson. She
stammered an apology. AI don=t know what came over me. Her voice faltered. He called,
and needed help . . . @
AI know,@ Hatonn said, reassuringly, as he helped her upright. AYou were the first to
reach him. You did the right thing but, now, it=s best if we let the specialists use their
A team of medics was working over Radon. One of them looked up. AHe should be
coming around in a few minutes. He=ll be all right.@
AAnd his legs?@ Hatonn asked, a note of deep concern in his voice.

ANothing broken. He has some deep bruises and his legs will be stiff and sore for a
few days but, other than that, he=ll be all right.@
Radon=s head moved. His eyes fluttered open. He looked confused for a moment.
He became aware of his surroundings and tried to sit up. A firm hand, gently, pushed
him back. AStay there,@ the equally firm voice of the specialist told him. ANo sitting up,
or moving around, for at least five minutes.@
AWhat happened?@ Radon asked.
Hatonn moved over and knelt beside him. AApart from being struck by lightning and
having half the roof of that room fall on you; you lost the gem you went in to retrieve.
In addition, you were nearly buried under several tons of rock, and almost lost your
life,@ Hatonn said, his voice filled with ironic humor.
AAll that?@ Radon said, a look of astonishment on his face.
AA demolition team couldn=t have done a better job. What=s left of the room is a
total disaster,@ Hatonn said gruffly, but a twinkle of humor lightened his expression.
ARest for a few minutes,@ he went on. AWe=ll discuss it when the medics get you on your
Hatonn turned, and beckoned Re=Esha. AIf you=ll retrieve those charts, and join me,
I=ll continue studying them.@
Radon, limping and favoring a sore leg, found them later. They were sitting on the
pedestal base of one of the machines. Hatonn had several charts spread across his lap,
but, instead of studying them, he was talking with Re=Esha about her duties with the
Galactic Survey.
AI was wondering,@ she was saying, Awhy I was picked to join this mission?@
Hatonn, motioned Radon to sit beside him, and answered her. AWhen I was
selecting those who would make up the team, I asked your Coordinator to send me ten
of his best people,@ he replied. ANaturally I went over everyone=s records.@ He stopped
for a moment to draw Radon=s attention to the discussion. He gave her a direct look and
lifted an eyebrow. AYou seem to be a talented young woman, and very competent in
your work; The type of person I wanted on this mission.@
He turned to Radon. AAnd, she demonstrated that competency by being the first
person to rush through that door and reach you. When they removed the rubble from
your legs and dragged you out, she administered anti-shock medication and stayed with
you until the medics took over.@
A serious look had formed on Radon=s face, as Hatonn described her actions.
ANormally I=d stand, to thank you,@ he said. APlease accept my apologies for not doing
so,@ and he pointed to his legs. AIt also seems I didn=t catch your name, but, thank you.
I=m grateful for what you did.@
Now Re=Esha looked confused. AYou=re welcome, but I don=t understand your not
knowing my name. You called out to me. That=s why I rushed in to help you.@
Hatonn stood and faced them both. There was a strange look on his face. AHer name
is Re=Esha,@ he said to Radon. ADoes the name mean anything to you?@

Radon paused, a blank expression crossed his features. He shook his head. AI don=t
think so. I can=t seem to recall it.@ With a pained expression, he turned to her. AI
apologize, Re=Esha. I can=t imagine why I called you.@ He was genuinely distressed.
AIt=s all right. Maybe it was shock,@ she said.
AMaybe,@ Hatonn replied. He turned and spotted a box of supplies. He moved it, and
sat down facing them. ASuppose you tell me what happened in that room,@ he said.
For the next half-hour, Radon described all he could remember of the events. The
narrative ended with establishing the Maxim Light on other worlds.
Hatonn listened attentively. Occasionally he interrupted, to ask a question. When
Radon finished, he sat still for a moment lost in thought. ATwo questions,@ he said.
AFirst, are you sure there was nothing else? Second, how long did this mental voice talk
with you?@
A frown creased Radon=s forehead. AI don=t remember anything else,@ he said. AHow
long? About an hour, I=d say.@ Hatonn glanced at Re=Esha. She=d remained at his
request. He saw what he expected, in her eyes. He turned to Radon. AYou were in that
room less than eight minutes.@
Radon looked stunned. He was speechless.
AI believe you,@ Hatonn said. AHowever, there=s more to this than what seems
obvious. I believe you experienced a form of time distortion. Something the Arisians
may have perfected. As a Zone Agent, you=re too experienced an observer, to be so
wrong about the time. To you, it seemed an hour had passed. Time distortion is the only
thing that could account for the discrepancy.@
AI=m also inclined to believe,@ Hatonn continued, Athat you experienced more than
you=re remembering. That bolt of green lightning which struck you, may have induced
some form of selective amnesia. If you ever remember anything else that happened, I=d
like to know about it.@
Radon looked vastly relieved as he said, AIf I do remember, I=ll let you know. For a
moment, I was beginning to think I was crazy. Thanks for the explanation.A
Hatonn still looked thoughtful. ARe=Esha,@ he said, Aperhaps it would be better if we
kept this amongst ourselves. I=d like to explore the time distortion idea and see if the
Arisians could have developed it.@
AOf course, Sir,@ she replied. AMay I get back to my work now?@
ABy all means,@ Hatonn replied. AThank you for helping out. I=ll talk with you
She excused herself and left.
AShe=s right,@ Hatonn said. AThere=s a mountain of work to finish before we leave
here.@ He looked critically at Radon. AI know you=ll insist on helping, but get some of
the others to do the running around until your legs are better.@
AI understand,@ Radon said. AIf the medics are correct, I should be all right in a day
or so.@
The next two days saw the transfer of the chamber=s most important contents to the
cargo holds of the Copernion. Confederation Headquarters would send additional

transports to pick up the rest. All the Arisian artifacts would be housed on Trantor.
Years of study would be required before everything was understood. Hatonn=s discovery
of the learning intensifier, and how it operated, would speed the research.
The Copernion waited until the additional transports arrived. Part of the original
mission team would remain to supervise the removal of the remaining artifacts. The
transports would be escorted back to Trantor by Patrol Cruisers.

Prior to departure, a final meeting took place aboard the Copernion. Those in charge
of the mission were gathered in one of the conference rooms.
Hatonn, and the others, summarized the bulk of their findings. Besides the artifacts
the Arisians had left for Man, there remained the most important discovery of all B The
advanced philosophical and spiritual knowledge of the Arisians. Those records ranged
from the simple to understand, to the most profound teachings ever discovered.
The Arisians had, indeed, left Man a legacy. It was a new understanding of moral
and spiritual principles. At Hatonn=s suggestion, these would, henceforth, be known as
the De=los Teachings.
Information had also been discovered, on how to establish and kindle the sacred
flame of The Radiant One B The Maxim Light. Throughout the Confederation, in The
Temples of The >Light,= the Maxim Light would soon burn brightly. Those who
undertook the special training, on how to kindle the sacred flame, would be formed into
special teams. They would be known as the Delta Focus.
The synopsis of the discoveries ended, and the meeting was adjourned. Hatonn and
Radon, however, continued wrapping up loose ends. Of necessity, because of their deep
involvement in the discoveries, it would be necessary for them to maintain contact with
each other far into the future.
Hatonn would be returning to Trantor with the Copernion. As Head of the mission,
his work would not be completed for many months. Radon, would resume his Zone
Agent=s duties. The comm-units would provide the communications link between them.
The time of departure, and separation finally arrived. Sincere farewells were
exchanged. Radon teleported back aboard the Re=Aris. The ships disengaged. The drive
fields of the Copernion flared, and it moved away. The Re=Aris remained motionless.
Radon was busy catching up with his regular work.

The comm-unit flashed a message. Galactic Zones had another urgent matter
requiring the attention of one of its Agent=s. The Re=Aris pivoted, the glow surrounding
it brightened. It flashed across the heavens and vanished.

Comment [COMMENT1]: April 25,

Richard T. miller

Created on: 7/3/86. Edited &

revised for Word Perfect
format: 4/25/88





Comment [COMMENT2]: April

25, 1988
Richard T. miller

Created 7/5/86. Edited &

CHAPTER ONE revised for Word Perfect
format on: 4/25/88 from Pro

The space-liner Aurora, one of Stellar Transport=s finest, made its way across the
heavens. It was en route to Altair.
Aboard, some two thousand passengers were enjoying their trip in luxurious
comfort. Among those passengers, traveling incognito, were two representatives of
Galactic Zones. They were returning from a meeting on Deneb. One, was Zone Agent
Radon and the other was Leil, of Zone=s Correlation Department. The two were deep in
Leil was speaking. AIt=s a pity the Re=Aris is being refitted at Headquarters. Our
return trip would have been quicker.@
Radon smiled at his companion and settled back in the chair with a sigh of
contentment. AThat=s true,@ he said. ABut it=s nice to enjoy a change now and then,@ and
he waved at the luxurious surroundings, to emphasize his point.
Leil nodded understanding and once again fingered the sheath of reports in his lap.
AMy head=s still swimming from everything covered in the historical reports presented
at the meeting, and I=m supposed to like that sort of thing.@ He paused, as if trying to
gather his thoughts, AI=m still vague on this >Spirit Incarnate= thing, and the continuance
of one=s awareness from life to life.@
AOh,@ Radon said. AWhat part are you having trouble with?@
AWell, even before the De=los Teachings made it clearer, I=ve never quite understood
how the sum total of one=s awareness could be passed on, from life to life, even though
I know it does,@ he said.
AWhat level of the Teachings have you reached?@
AThe second degree.@
Radon paused before answering. In his mind, he quickly reviewed that level of the
Teachings. He smiled and said, APerhaps you=re still considering the Mind and brain B
as one. It=s a common enough misconception.@
AYou=re probably right,@ Leil answered. AI know they=re different, but I can=t seem to
think of them as not being the same.@
ALook at it this way,@ Radon replied. AThe brain is a physical organ which interprets,
stores, and acts upon all the sensory input you receive during a life. But the Mind, is its
nonphysical counterpart. Somehow, the two intercommunicate. Everything the brain
perceives, is passed along to the Mind. When the body dies, the brain dies as well. If the

brain and Mind were the same, that would be the end. You=d only have realization and
awareness of that one life experience. And, that concept doesn=t allow for any growth or
evolution of awareness. It would be called the >One Life Concept.=
AThe Mind, however, is constantly making a permanent copy of everything the brain
perceives during a life experience. When the brain dies, everything it has perceived, all
the stored data, is lost. However, the Mind=s copy of the original data is still intact,
because that record is somewhere in the nonphysical. Where, no one really knows. But
it exists, and can reestablish a link with a newly born body and brain. All that was
learned in the past, can be passed along to the new physical Being. A new life
commences, with knowledge of the past. The experiences of the new life are added, as
well. Thus, nothing is lost. Awareness continues to grow and evolve, from life to life.@
AThat makes it easier to understand,@ Leil said. AThanks for the explanation. Spirit
Incarnate, then, is just another way of referring to the Mind when it=s linked up with a
brain. And >Spirit Mind,= would refer to its reality and functioning in another state or
ANow you=ve got it,@ Radon said.
Leil seemed pleased with his new understanding. Then, another realization struck
him. He said excitedly, AAnd that might explain why many of the lesser evolved worlds
and civilizations, like those of the >Alliance,= have so many difficulties.@
AMeaning . . . @ Radon prompted.
AWell, for example, the younger civilizations seem to be plagued with troubles. If
they believed in the >One Life Concept,= their only goal would be to make the most of
that life. There wouldn=t be any incentive to search for, or study anything which would
increase their awareness.@
AThat=s correct,@ Radon replied.
AThat brings up a point mentioned at the meeting,@ Leil said. ADo you recall the
reports about that solar system they discovered a while back B the one out on the Rim?@
He dug through the reports on his lap, and selected one. AYes, here it is. A place named
Sol System.@
AI remember it being described as very unusual. Why do you mention it?@
Leil again glanced at the report. AAs they were describing the conditions on one of
its planets, a place called Earth, I kept thinking it would be a nightmare for any
correlation=s specialist to figure out.@
AI must have been in another session, when they discussed that part,@ Radon said.
AWhy would it be so difficult?@
AWell, according to the reports, Survey studied all the planets in the system. Several
of them had developed various degrees of civilization. The one called Earth, although
habitable, lacked any intelligent life. However, there was one highly developed
civilization, on a nearby planet called Jupiter. They, were immediately admitted to the
Confederation. Apparently, when The Department of Cultures got involved, they
convinced Jupiter that they should colonize Earth.@

AThat=s not out of the ordinary,@ Radon said. APractically, standard procedure. As a
Correlation Specialist why would you think it=s so unusual?@
AWait until you hear the rest,@ Leil said. ABoth Survey and Cultures had determined
that Earth was really strange. There seemed to be stiff competition for survival, among
all the life forms on the planet. That=s why both departments advised Jupiter to make it
an experimental colonization. As events turned out, it was a wise precaution.@
AOh? What happened?@
AJupiter sent two people to the planet. At first, everything seemed all right. Then,
children were born and things started going wrong. The children didn=t possess any
past-life recall, or telepathic abilities. They became aggressive B and competitive, as if
they had picked up a variety of negative traits from the environment. I tell you, it=s got
Survey and Cultures, both, very upset. They can=t seem to figure out what=s wrong with
Earth. And, I=m glad Zones and Correlations haven=t got involved.@
AI=m beginning to see what you mean,@ Radon said. ASounds interesting. I=ll be sure
to take a look at that report.@
The conversation, between the two, then moved onto other topics.

Senior Specialist Re=Esha, of the Galactic Survey, was in the process of finalizing
her latest survey report. She had been on Agari, in the Cygnus System, studying an
interesting mutation in several species of that planet=s flora. Now, she was moving onto
her next assignment.
Scout ships of the Galactic Survey, especially the one-man type she was using on
this mission, was a stark example of pure utility. However, if one looked around,
certain feminine touches were evident. Strange plants and flowers, in special containers,
all lovingly cared for, were tucked into every available niche or found hanging from any
convenient support. The scout ship, at least for the duration of her current assignment,
was a traveling greenhouse.
On auto-pilot, the ship was proceeding to her next destination. Meanwhile, her full
concentration was devoted to finishing the report. Perhaps for that reason she failed to
notice a blinking warning light on the control console. For some unknown reason, the
audible alarm which should have been triggered by that light wasn=t working. The light
indicated a malfunction in the ship=s main source of power, its fusion reactor.
Of all the disasters imaginable in space travel the failure of a ship=s fusion reactor
while in star-drive is considered the most catastrophic. If such an event occurs, all
power is instantly removed from the propulsion system and inertial force-fields. A ship
would, instantaneously, drop out of star-drive and reenter normal space without any
force-field protection. The ship and its crew would be subject to the enormous
AG-Forces,@ of instant deceleration. These forces are normally controlled by the inertial
force-fields. The effects of sudden deceleration, under such circumstances, are beyond
comprehension. However, the odds of such an event occurring are millions to one.

Nevertheless, as a rule, all major starships operate on two fusion reactors to prevent
such an occurrence. Among the exceptions to that rule B are one-man scouts.
Re=Esha never knew what hit her, when the fusion reactor failed. One moment, she
was seated transcribing her report. The next, she was flung against the forward control
panel with unbelievable force. Every bone shattered, puncturing organs and tissues.
Flesh became pulp. Only her jumpsuit prevented what remained of her body from
splattering. Her scream B a subconscious telepathic scream B was choked-off by a
blinding flash of pain. Mercifully, she sank into oblivion. The crumpled jumpsuit slid to
the floor. The emergency distress beacon was all that functioned aboard the stricken
ship. Its Apick-me-up@ signal flashed through space.

Aboard the Aurora, Radon and Leil were still discussing the meeting they had
attended. Suddenly, every telepathic alarm in Radon=s awareness went off. He jumped
up, and headed for the door of their compartment.
AWhat was that?@ Leil exclaimed, wiping a hand across his forehead.
ASomething, you hope you never hear,@ Radon said, as he bolted out the door and
into the passageway. AA telepathic death call.@
An instant later, he burst into the Aurora=s control room.
AZone Agent Radon,@ he said, flashing an identity signal at an ashen-faced Captain
Arons. AScanners at maximum range. Look for a distress beacon.@
AThe instant I heard it, I ordered the scan. If it=s within range, we=ll locate it in
seconds. Welcome aboard Sir,@ the Captain replied.
AI have it,@ a voice said. ARange four parsecs.@ This was followed by a set of
AWell-done Captain, you run a tight ship,@ Radon said. AI=m going after that ship.
Have the emergency treatment room ready. I=ll teleport there, when I return.@ He turned
and vanished.
In a fraction of a second, and using the coordinates furnished by the Aurora, Radon
had teleported aboard the stricken ship. He recognized it as a ASurvey@ scout ship. An
instant later he found the body. Light flashed from his hands, forming a glowing cocoon
around the body. He bent and carefully lifted it, while his awareness scanned the ship.
ANo others,@ he muttered. He stood upright, and teleported back to the Aurora.
He reappeared in the ship=s medical emergency room. Captain Arons and med-techs
were gathered there. He placed the glowing body on a treatment bunk. Again, his
awareness swept over it. As if from a distance he heard his voice issuing orders.
ACaptain, clear the room. No interruptions. I=ll call you when I=m through. No, I don=t
need help.@
In the same detached state, he saw the room cleared. As the Captain was leaving, he
sent a thought to Radon -- Amay the >Light= be with you.@ The door closed.

Radon closed his eyes for an instant. From the depths of his Being, he made a
request B AI invoke the >Light= of the Radiant One, to guide me.@
He opened his eyes and began opening the fasteners of the jumpsuit. He wasn=t
aware that a circular nimbus of sparkling light had formed above him. It descended
slowly until it rested on his bent head. In addition, two glowing spheres of light had
also materialized above and behind him. A beam of light, from each of them, reached
out and fastened itself to his body.
Radon=s concentration became intense. Light glowed around his body and streamed
from his hands, and fingertips. An amazing clarity permeated his thoughts.
With exceptional speed, he removed the jumpsuit. As quickly, he parted the body=s
flesh. He located the heart B it suddenly glowed with light, as he handled it. Next, he
selected the arteries. Oxygen tubes, from the treatment bunk, were quickly attached to
them and fastened with ribbons of light. His hands moved quickly. Torn and ruptured
blood vessels were made whole, as Light streaming from his fingertips traced along
them. The bleeding was checked.
His attention then focused on the skeletal bones. As each bone was selected, he had
to hunt for the matching fragments; the proper bits and pieces. It was nearly an
impossible task. As each major bone was reassembled, light from his fingertips welded
it together making it whole. One leg had been broken in seventeen places. But the
joints: toes, ankles, knees, hips, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, spine and neck, was
the greatest challenge. Hours passed, before the skeleton was finally restored.
The major organs, still enclosed in the glowing cocoon of light, were next. They
were re-formed, and repaired, as each was handled and put into place. A sudden
realization struck him. It was a woman=s body he was restoring.
Unknown to him, excitement passed between the two glowing spheres behind him.
Thoughts flashed back and forth between the two Arisians who were watching.
AIn a moment the gene will be activated,@ Le=Adon said. ATheir destinies
intertwined. Between them, an immutable bond created B for an eternity.@
AOur efforts rewarded and B a triumph for Man,@ E=Sha replied. ALook, my love, it is
about to happen!@
As Radon picked up the spleen and moved it into place, he noticed a violet spark,
which flared, when the light from his hands touched it. However, in his mentally
detached state, his curiosity was only momentary.
AIt is done,@ Le=Adon said. ANow, they must learn the dimensions, and power of
AAnd, we=ll be there to guide them,@ E=Sha said.
As Radon continued, the woman=s body slowly took form. Finally, the internal work
was completed.
Repairing the outer flesh, required patching together all the pieces, which had been
preserved. Tissues, nerves, muscle groups, blood vessels and skin were all put in place.
That which was missing or damaged beyond repair was regenerated by the `Light.=

Then, the flesh was shaped and molded until the form was completed. Rivulets of light
flowed from his hands and fingers. They created invisible seams, mending the original
flesh with that which was newly regenerated. The technique being used would eliminate
all scar tissue.
The moment came when the ribbons of light which had prevented bleeding, were
dissolved. An electric shock, from his fingertips, restarted the heart. Oxygen had
preserved the blood=s integrity and nourished the brain, throughout the hours which had
passed. Lost blood was rapidly replaced, as the regeneration continued. Then, the
ribbons of light which had attached the oxygen tubes were released, and the arteries
sealed. Another shock activated the lung muscles. Her breathing was restored. In
minutes, a natural color returned and her body temperature became normal. The process
was completed.
From somewhere inside himself, he knew she would live. The cocoon of light he
had used B and, in rescuing her within a minute of her telepathic scream, and the use of
the `Light= throughout the procedure, had made it possible and would prevent the
trauma of shock.
The two glowing spheres of light, behind him, withdrew the beams of light attached
to him and vanished. The cloud of light which had rested on his head also faded and
disappeared. The strange sense of a mental detachment slowly faded from his
Radon=s alertness returned for a moment. He looked at the results of his efforts.
Wonder swept over him, as he looked at the naked form before him. Something caused
him to lean forward, to examine the face. The thought B She=s beautiful, barely had time
to surface. Suddenly, with a rush, memory returned and with it recognition. AGreat
Galaxies B it=s Re=Esha,@ he exclaimed. A feeling of compassion, mixed with a sudden
happiness, swept over him. He stood, looking at her for a moment.
Then, he turned and activated the comm-unit. He informed the Captain of Re=Esha=s
identity, and requested the Survey be notified. He requested that her ship be recovered
and towed to the nearest port for examination. As he finished, he requested complete
isolation, for himself and his patient, until he was satisfied with her recovery. Captain
Arons readily agreed. Everything would be taken care of.
He turned from the comm-unit, and returned to Re=Esha=s bedside. Once again, he
checked her vital signs. Satisfied, he drew a covering over her. Again, a glowing light
from his hands spread over her. She would sleep for hours, while the healing
progressed. Without warning, a wave of fatigue washed over him. He found a chair and
drew it up beside the bed. He sat down and sent a silent thought, of gratitude, to the
Radiant One. Then, exhaustion overcame him. With arms folded, as a pillow, his head
slumped forward. An instant later, he was asleep, his head resting on the bed beside her.
He slept for good reason. He had worked around the clock, without stopping, in the
effort to save her life.

Hours later, he awoke. Instinctively, he stood and stretched, relieving cramped

muscles. Then he looked at the sleeping woman. Fatigue still clung to his awareness,
but he was determined to check on her progress. He checked her vital signs. Then he
renewed the glowing force around her and removed the covering. He focused his entire
attention on the task of examining her. Light, again, glowed around his body. As his
hands and fingers moved over her skin, her body became transparent to his vision. He
traced the healing progress going on within her, checking that everything was
functioning and healing properly. Suddenly, he remembered the strange violet spark
that had flared, when he was replacing her spleen. His curiosity aroused he bent over to
examine that area more closely.
For some totally unexplained reason, Re=Esha regained consciousness at that
moment. She should have remained asleep for another day. Consciousness filtered into
her awareness. Sleepily, her eyes fluttered open. Memory had not surfaced, as yet. The
unfamiliar surroundings startled her. She next became aware of something touching her
abdomen B something, was touching her stomach. Dizzily, she raised her head.
Instantly, she realized she was naked, and that a strange man was bent over her. It was
his hand she felt. Sudden indignation, and anger, rushed through her. A strangled sound
burst from her lips.
Radon=s head jerked around to look at her. Surprise, registering on his face.
Rage and anger flashed from her eyes. Her voice came out sounding like a croak.
AHow dare you touch me . . . @ But her voice failed. Weakness suddenly hit her. She fell
back, unconscious.
A stricken look came over Radon=s face. He understood her interpretation of his
actions. Her rage and anger had made it very clear. The stricken look, changed to one of
sheer misery. Even though she had misinterpreted his actions, he had caught her
thought, and what she had thought hurt him deeply. Then, his expression changed to
one of puzzlement. Her opinion of him, suddenly, had become very important. The
more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became. Finally, he shook his head.
Maybe later, when he wasn=t so tired it would make sense.
He finished examining her and replaced the covering. She=s doing well, he thought,
as he laid his head beside her. Sleep was instantaneous.
Two hours later, Re=Esha awakened again. Her alertness returned slowly and it took
several minutes, after her eyes opened, to realize she was not aboard the scout ship. It=s
a medical room she said to herself. The room was very quiet, and she tried to move.
That was when she felt the pain. Her whole body seemed to ache, but it was bearable if
she moved slowly. She tried several times then decided it wasn=t worth the effort. She
rested, and tried to think. At least, that didn=t hurt.
The last thing she remembered was sitting at the desk working on her report.
However, something else was tugging at her memory. She went over it again. There
was something. She remembered a change in the sound inside the ship. Then, the
memory of those last few seconds rushed in. The sound of the scout=s engines had

changed -- they=d stopped. She felt herself hurled across the room, the sickening impact
and pain, then nothing.
Perspiration broke out on her forehead. I=m dead, she thought, and they have
medical rooms in the great hereafter. Something about that seemed humorous and
caused her to smile, and that hurt too. Then a slight stirring sound caught her attention.
She felt a movement.
I need to find out what=s going on B where I am, she thought. Very carefully, gritting
her teeth against the pain, she tried to raise her head and upper torso. She did,
sufficiently, to get a better view of the room. It was then that she saw the man. He was
sitting in a chair, leaning forward, his head on folded arms, resting on the side of her
bed. Apparently, he was asleep.
She was puzzled. Nothing was making any sense. Maybe I=m dreaming, she
thought. She tried to raise herself further. The pain increased. ADamn realistic dream,@
she said, aloud. AEven the pain seems real.@
At that moment, she felt the stirring again. The man had shifted his head. Now she
could see his face. Memory rushed back. She remembered. I woke up. I was naked.
This man had his hand on my stomach. Then, she remembered her anger.
She thought about it for a moment. She looked at him again. There was something
familiar about the face. Do I know him, she thought? The man moved his arm, as he
shifted position again. The cuff of his sleeve became visible. The cuff bore an insignia.
She stared at it. Recognition penetrated her dulled awareness B A Zone Agent?
Oh, no. I can=t be dreaming, she thought. She looked closely at the man=s face.
Then, realization flooded into her awareness. Radon? It can=t be. That was so long ago.
The realization was too much. She eased herself back, until her head was again on
the pillow. Thoughts, memories, and questions, raced through her head. What=s he
doing here? What am I doing here? The questions kept coming, but there weren=t any
Then, an idea came to her. At first, she was shocked at her own audacity. But, the
more she thought about it, the more sense it made. And, if it worked, she=d have some
answers to her questions. At least she=d know what was going on. However, her idea
depended on him remaining asleep B unaware of what she was doing. She closed her
eyes, and mentally, reached out to his Mind.
It was a gentle telepathic probe which, delicately, insinuated itself into his Mind.
Once in, she hesitated. Her awareness watched the surface layer of his thoughts flow by.
Finally, she tagged one which caught her interest. It led her to what she wanted to
She lay there, fascinated, as every detail of the last day flowed from his Mind.
Several times, she stopped B and reviewed a particular scene as it had happened. It took
an hour to view everything, from start to finish. Very gently, she disengaged her probe.
Her questions had been answered.

She opened her eyes. Tears blurred her vision, and she rapidly blinked them away.
For the next two hours she remained awake. During that time, she reviewed everything
she had learned. To think that such a man exists, she thought, awed by his knowledge of
the >Light= and B how he used it to save her life. His reaction to the telepathic scream B
knowing only that someone was in mortal danger, and he responded. That thought
sobered her. She realized he would have responded, unselfishly, for anyone in similar
She continued to review everything concerning the rescue and his efforts to save her
life. She had literally, in probing his Mind, thought his thoughts. She felt the hurt her
anger had caused, and felt his puzzlement. She made a promise, to herself, to make up
for that. She recalled his thought that she was beautiful. Something stirred deep inside
her and tears, again, came to her eyes.
A warm and comforting glow spread through her. To her surprise her thoughts had
caused her body to respond. She blushed. Then, a smile appeared. She knew what it
meant. He had touched her with Love and >Light.= Contented, she closed her eyes as
sleep claimed her, again.


When she next woke, Radon was standing beside her bed. AIt=s good to see you
awake. How are you feeling?@ He said.
She noticed he seemed somewhat reserved and formal. Instantly, she flashed on
what was happening. He=s reacting to my anger of yesterday, she thought. I have to
clear that up.
She smiled at him. AI know you, don=t I! You=re a Zone Agent. Radon, isn=t it?@ She
turned her head on the pillow and looked around the room letting puzzlement show in
her expression.
AAnd,@ she continued, AI have a thousand questions.@
Radon was momentarily flustered by her smile. It wasn=t the angry outburst he=d
AYou=re right,@ he said, and relief spread over his features. AAnd, I know you. You=re
Re=Esha. We last met at Corlandra, during the Arisian discovery, if I remember
AAnd, you=re right,@ she answered, her smile still brighter. ANow, I=d feel better if I
could sit up. Then, maybe, you can tell me where I am, how I got here, and all those
other questions. Would you help me up?@
He moved quickly to her side, concern showing in his eyes. AI=m not sure you=ve
healed enough, internally. Sitting up might put too much strain . . . @
AThen help me do it, very carefully,@ she interrupted him, Athen you can check if
anything breaks. I presume you were going to examine me anyway, since I seem to be
in a Med-Unit, and you appear to be the Medical Specialist.@
Noting the determination in her voice, he nodded and bent to slide an arm under her
back and legs, so he could help her into a sitting position. Suddenly, he stopped. A slow
flush crept upward from his neck. AYou don=t have any clothing on, under that cover,@
he stammered.
Now, her smile changed to a grin and a mischievous look came into her eyes. AAs a
woman, I=ve been aware of that since I woke up,@ she said. ASurely, handling or
examining a naked woman isn=t a problem for a Zone Agent or Medical Specialist.@
Radon caught the grin, and the look in her eyes. The flush faded. AAh . . . No,@ he
said. AYou knew, huh?@ Suddenly, he was very professional and reached under, and
behind her raising her to a sitting position. He placed a pillow behind her back. She

winced slightly. AI felt something pull. Maybe you=d better check,@ she said, letting the
cover slip to her waist and pointing to her stomach.
Quickly, he pushed the cover aside. A glow appeared around his hand as he placed
it on her abdomen, the glow spread. The area became transparent to his eyes as they
searched for what had pained her. He found a muscle that was pressing against a nerve.
AThis will feel uncomfortable for a minute; please don=t move,@ he said. Without
waiting for her response, the glow around his hand brightened. Light parted the flesh as
two fingers reached inside her abdomen. They grasped the muscle and moved it away
from the nerve and, more light, fastened it in place. The fingers withdrew and circled
the area they had entered.
Re=Esha, fully conscious and without pain, watched the procedure. Her look of
wonder changed to amazement as the light from his fingertips circled the opening and
the flesh closed. An instant later there was no sign of the opening. Also, there was no
pain. ARadon,@ she said.
He looked up. She reached out with her right hand and grasped his still glowing
hand. She lifted it, and pulled, causing him to move closer. Her left arm reached out,
drawing him still closer. She leaned forward. Her right hand, placed his glowing hand
on her breast. Simultaneously, she drew his head down to her lips and kissed him.
The universe seemed to explode for both of them. Radon was swept into a galaxy of
lights and exploding sensations, so suddenly, his shock never registered. Re=Esha was
caught in a whirlwind of dancing lights which shifted through every color of the
rainbow. Finally, the kiss ended. They parted, breathlessly.
Weakly, he sat down on the edge of her bed. He had a look of wonder and
tenderness on his face. He stared at her, speechless.
Her face was radiant and a luminous glow in her eyes slowly softened. She was still
holding his hand. She raised it, lacing her fingers through his. She lifted her eyes to
look directly into his.
AI=ve never been touched with this kind of love before,@ she said, Aor received it
from anyone. Nor, have I ever given this kind of love, in return, to anyone. You saved
my life, using the >Light.= Unknowingly, you gave its Love, and your own, in the
She paused, never removing her eyes from his.
Indescribable feelings raced through him. Emotions he had never known before.
She said it softly B ARadon . . . I love you.@
Her words, again, caused a thrill of happiness. He put his arms around her, drawing
her head to his chest. Holding her gently, he stroked her hair. Then he moved back and
tilted her head, up, cupping her face with both hands. He looked deeply into her eyes
and said it simply, but with all the feeling he could express.
AAnd, I love you Re=Esha.@
He drew her to him, again, and she melted into his embrace. Whatever words were
spoken afterwards had meaning only to the two of them. The hours stretched into a day;

a day of wonder and paradise for both of them. The thousand questions Re=Esha had
mentioned earlier, somehow, were never asked.
The next morning at Radon=s request, Captain Arons made a courtesy visit to the
Med-Unit. Its purpose, to meet the young woman that had been rescued. A half-hour
later, Radon walked a stunned Captain back to the control room of the Aurora.
Captain Arons stopped. He faced the Zone Agent. AI don=t know how you did it,@ he
said, shaking his head. He was still remembering the shapeless bundle, wrapped in a
cocoon of light, that the Zone Agent had carried into the Med-Unit two days ago.
ANot only is she lucky to be alive,@ he continued, Ait was a miracle seeing her sitting
up, and all in one piece. No one has ever survived a reactor failure, while in star-drive.@
He stopped, apparently at a loss for words.
AUntil now.@ Radon said. He sensed the Captain=s present line of thinking would
raise more difficult questions, if allowed to continue. He started walking again, forcing
the Captain to join him. He needed to steer the conversation into more conventional
areas. He said, AIt=s vitally important that we get her to a major medical center as
quickly as possible. When do we reach Altair Four?@
AWe=re due to arrive in three hours.@
AGood. May I use your comm-unit? I need to contact Zone Headquarters.@
AOf course. Use anything you need,@ the Captain replied.
All comm-circuits to Trantor were busy for the next half-hour as Radon filed the
reports of what had happened. On Agent=s authority, he requested the Re=Aris be sent to
Altair Four immediately. He also requested the complete personnel records of Galactic
Survey Specialist Re=Esha. Then, he looked up Leil and briefed him on the situation.
Finally, he returned to Re=Esha. Until the Aurora reached Altair Four, they both wanted
to explore their new-found love.

The local G.Z. Med-Staff was waiting when the space-liner reached its destination.
Within an hour, Re=Esha was surrounded by a team of specialists. For the next few days
she would be examined, checked, and checked again.
Radon, meanwhile, divided his time between visiting her, answering the questions
of the specialists, and a myriad of other details. Re=Esha=s personnel records arrived and
he spent hours studying her past. He wanted to know everything he could about this
woman he loved.
According to the records, she was ranked as one of the Survey=s leading specialists
on planetary flora. Advancement had been rapid due to the brilliance of her insights and
dedication to every aspect of her work. As a result, her social life had been secondary.
She was not interested in male friends or in developing any relationships. In that
respect, the records were quite clear. Her work took precedence over her social

Almost a loner, Radon thought, which seems a paradox for a woman of such beauty.
He reviewed all he had learned of her during the past few days. Something about her --
yes, something in her eyes had touched him. Touched him in a way he couldn=t explain.
When he looked into them, it was as if he was looking into the universe B a universe
filled with stars B filled with mystery.
No other woman, and he had met many of them, had ever affected him so deeply.
Her spontaneous outburst of love had been an explosion of joy and happiness. Her love
had erupted like a pent-up volcano. It had touched something deep inside him,
something he hadn=t known was there. In an almost supernatural way they had touched
something deep within each other and drawn it out, where upon examining it, they
shared the realization that it had been a mystical experience B an ecstasy of love.
The next day the Re=Aris arrived. The moment he boarded the ship, IT began
describing the latest modifications Zone=s Labs had installed. He listened to the report,
absorbing the details. ITS= mental qualities, and personality, had developed over the
years. The Re=Aris by way of ITS= interfacing with the ship=s systems, had become the
living extension of its Zone Agent pilot.
Not only had IT become the mental counterpart of Radon, acting and thinking in
unison with him, it had its own personality as well. The two faces of IT had blended
well. The Zone Agent and the Izar life-form shared respect, and friendship together, as
Radon had strolled to the ship=s control room, as IT was finishing the report. When
he arrived, he sat down. A thoughtful expression crossed his face.
AMy friend,@ he said, Asomething unusual has happened. Let me tell you about it.@
When he finished, there was silence for a moment before IT responded.
AFriendship, I have experienced,@ IT said. AIt is what you and I share with
one-another. What Man has shared with my kind. From what I understand, there are
elements of love in friendship. But, what you have described, the love that you and
Re=Esha have discovered, are beyond my understanding. How may I learn of this?@
ITS= question, caught him off-guard. He thought for a moment before answering.
AAn excellent question, my friend. I feel as you do. I also, want to know more about
love. I suppose for the time being, in answer to your question, that we both observe this
strange and wonderful phenomena.@
Then, a flash of inspiration raced through his thoughts. AAnd,@ he continued, Awe
consult an authority on the subject.@
AAuthority?@ IT asked.
AYes. Probably the greatest expert there is on the subject of love. My friend, activate
the comm-unit. I=d like to contact Hatonn.@
Within minutes, the connection was made. Radon related the story of what had
happened to his old friend, and asked permission for a visit. Hatonn seemed delighted
and quickly extended an invitation for their visit.

At Radon=s request, Re=Esha=s personal belongings had been recovered from her
crippled ship. They had been transferred to the Medical Center. Her ship had been
picked-up and towed to Altair Four where a team of specialists was investigating the
Her medical checks were finally completed. The Medical Staff was astonished at
her rapid recovery and how quickly she had healed. Radon was besieged for details
concerning the rescue and his subsequent efforts, and methods used, to save her life.
He visited Re=Esha several times each day, keeping her informed of what was
happening and checking on her progress. The wonder of their love filled the remaining
time of each visit.
When he told her that Hatonn had invited them for a visit, she was delighted.
However, she was concerned the Survey wouldn=t authorize time-off from her work.
AThat won=t be a problem,@ Radon said. AThe nature of the accident and the fact that
you=re the first person to ever survive such an incident, has made you something of a
celebrity. Your Department has already granted you an indefinite leave of absence. Of
course, they=d appreciate a statement from you, and a formal report, when you feel up to
She nodded her understanding. AI=ll send them a report right away.@ She paused
before continuing. AThe Staff says they=re releasing me later today. But what about you
B will Zones let you have some time-off?@
AThat celebrity stuff works both ways,@ he said, grinning. ABoth our Departments are
currently basking in the glare of highly favorable publicity. You know B daring rescue
and recovery against impossible odds, that kind of stuff. Inter-Stellar and Captain Arons
are sharing the publicity too.@
AAnd,@ he continued, AG.Z. Headquarters, with the blessings of your Department,
wants me to be your escort for the time being. My ship is waiting at the spaceport and
we=re ready to leave whenever you=re released. If you wish, I can have your personal
items, and anything else you need, transferred to the ship.@
Later that day, after countless details had been completed, the Re=Aris left Altair
Four. Radon had given a smiling and very healthy looking Re=Esha a tour of the ship
and introduced her to R-1. Her curiosity was astounding. It was the first time she had
ever been aboard a Zone Agent=s ship.
When it came to selecting her quarters, she decided to share his, rather than accept a
private room of her own. With that taken care of, she was soon busy unpacking and
arranging her belongings. Meanwhile, Radon was busy in the control room.
AShe doesn=t know about me, does she?@ IT was saying.
ANo,@ Radon answered, Ashe doesn=t. No one knows, other than top Zone=s
personnel, that your kind is Mind-Linked with our Agents and their ships. And,
unfortunately, we can=t let her know. At least not until someone higher-up clears her for
that knowledge. Meanwhile, you=ll have to behave like an ordinary piloting and

navigational computer. Be careful. Don=t do anything, unless it appears I=ve initiated the
AI understand,@ IT responded. Then, in a curious and somewhat hesitant manner, he
added B AI have observed her. Is she beautiful, as your kind defines beauty?@
Radon seemed taken off-guard by the unexpected question. He paused before
AYes, my friend, to me, she is very beautiful. I am sure that others would agree.
Maybe I can give you an understanding.
He mentally recalled, again, as he had done so long ago, the beauty of a thousand
sunrises and sunsets. To this picture he added fields of beautiful flowers in every color
imaginable. His emotions spilled over coloring the pictures, vividly, with his feelings.
IT, was once again deeply impressed by the mental pictures. After a long moment
he said B AI believe I now know one of the methods of defining beauty, now that you=ve
shown me. By that definition, she is very beautiful.@
IT, hesitated, AAbout love B may I observe you both, to further my understanding?@
Radon broke out laughing. AIT, my friend, if I didn=t know better I=d think you were
a voyeur.@ Then, he paused to consider. He couldn=t suppress a grin as he said B AAt this
stage of your understanding and development, observing might be hazardous. I don=t
know if your circuits are insulated enough to handle observing love, particularly if the
observations occur in my quarters. It might be better if, for the time being, you merely
observed us at other times, and we discuss it later.@
AAs you wish,@ IT responded, sounding disappointed. Then he interjected, ARe=Esha
has finished and is now on her way to the control room.@
AThanks. And remember, she can=t pickup our conversations because of the
Mind-Link. To any other telepath, our thoughts would be blurred while we=re

The remainder of the trip to Terminus was routine. Radon and Re=Esha spent many
hours in discussion, sharing their memories and experiences. It was a time of getting to
know each other. It was a fascinating time, with each new discovery deepening their
bonds of understanding, respect, admiration, and love. Both of them eagerly looked
forward to the coming meeting with Hatonn. Somehow, being able to share the wonder
of their experience with the old scholar had become important.

Comment [COMMENT3]: April

28, 1988
Richard T. Miller
CHAPTER THREE Created 10/2/86. Edited &
revised for Word Perfect on
4/28/88 from Pro Write.

The remainder of the trip and the landing at Terminus was routine. One of Hatonn=s
staff was waiting for them when they left the ship. He guided them to a waiting shuttle
craft and explained that Hatonn was expecting them at his island home. They could use
the ship for the duration of their stay.
Since this was Re=Esha=s first trip to Terminus and the Archives Complex, Radon
took her for a sightseeing trip over the vast computer complex and its associated city.
Then he swung the shuttle craft and headed for the beautiful little island, and Hatonn=s
Hatonn had been notified of their arrival and was present to meet them. He greeted
them warmly and welcomed them to his home. AIt=s been a long time since I=ve seen
either of you. Come! I have someone waiting to meet you.@
He clasped Radon=s hand, firmly, then turned to Re=Esha. AIt seems that you=re more
beautiful than I remembered. Could it be that love is the cause?@ he said, taking her arm
and leading them both toward the house.
Entering his home, he led them both to the central area and offered them
comfortable chairs. When they were seated, he summoned one of the household robots.
AWould you please ask our other guest to join us,@ he said. The robot acknowledged his
request, turned, and left the room.
Hatonn settled back in his chair and smiled encouragingly at them. AThe news
reports are full of thrilling stories about you two. I=m anxious to hear all about what
happened, but I=d rather wait until our other guest is present before you begin. Perhaps,
Radon, you=ll remember her.@
Before Radon could ask the obvious question, a tall and very beautiful woman
joined them. He stood, along with Hatonn, to greet her. Recognition flashed through his
AMay I introduce an old friend and colleague,@ Hatonn said. AThis is Senior Scholar
Jero of Procyon. Jero, this is Senior Specialist Re=Esha of the Survey and Zone Agent
Radon whom, no doubt, you remember.@
Jero stepped forward and clasped Re=Esha=s hand. AI=ve looked forward to meeting
you,@ she said, her voice expressing a warm greeting. Then, she turned to Radon and
offered him her hand. AIt=s been a long time, my friend, and you never returned for a

A thoughtful grin crossed Radon=s face as he took her hand. AMuch too long,@ he
said, Ato disregard the courtesy due an old friend.@ He was remembering her help, so
many years ago, on Procyon, during the Izar Mission.
Hatonn noticed the puzzled look on Re=Esha=s face as Jero and Radon exchanged
greetings. He turned to her and said B AThey know each other from a long time ago. It=s
quite a story. Later, if you wish, I=ll tell you all about it.@
He turned to the others. AIf everyone will be seated, Jero and I would like to hear all
about the recent events you=ve both experienced.@
ARadon, perhaps you can start, and Re=Esha can fill in her part when you come to
For the next hour Radon and Re=Esha recounted the events of what had happened.
Hatonn and Jero listened attentively, asking questions when they wanted more details.
When the account ended, Hatonn suggested refreshments. The group moved to the
wide outside veranda and several robots served them. As they all sipped a delicious
fruit-flavored beverage, Hatonn finally brought up the reason for their visit.
His thoughtful gaze rested on both Radon and Re=Esha. AAnd, after all that=s
happened it occurred to you,@ he said, addressing Radon, Athat I might be able to help
you both in gaining an understanding of the love you=re experiencing. It=s true that the
Archives contain everything on the subject that=s ever been recorded by Man. It=s been
my good fortune to have studied that data and gained some understanding of the topic.@
He turned and, with a wave of his arm to include Jero, continued. AIt=s, also,
fortunate that Jero happened to be visiting the Archives on a research project for the
Procinian Council.
AWhen your message reached me and you explained the type of information you
wanted, I thought of her and asked if she would lend us her assistance. Graciously, she
consented. She is an outstanding scholar in many fields, and I can vouch for her
knowledge, as an authority, on the subject of love. That=s why I invited her to join us.
Hopefully, we can be of some help.@
Re=Esha was the first to respond. APlease accept our gratitude, for any understanding
you can share with us,@ she said.
AMy thoughts exactly,@ Radon added. Then, earnestly and sincerely, with a look of
wonder in his expression, he said B ARe=Esha and I have dealt with many of life=s
experiences, in our regular day-to-day activities. But what we=ve felt and experienced,
since love has touched us, seems beyond our comprehension. We want to understand
what=s happening to us.@
Hatonn nodded in agreement. AA challenging task B indeed. There are several
possible methods available.@ He turned to Jero. AWhich would you suggest?@
AThe De=los Teachings,@ she said. AThe Seventeenth Degree. It explores the
beginnings of Love=s Trans-Luminal Process.@
AYes B that might do it,@ Hatonn said in agreement. He turned to Radon and
Re=Esha. AWhat Degrees of the Teachings have you reached?@

AThe Eleventh,@ Radon said.

AThe Ninth,@ Re=Esha responded.
A serious expression appeared on Hatonn=s face. He glanced at Jero B his look
asking a silent question.
She caught his look and seemed lost in thought for a moment. AIt can only be done
if we tutor them personally,@ she said.
Hatonn turned back to Radon and Re=Esha. AThere are enormous issues concerning
the Teaching=s involved here,@ he said; attempting to explain the sudden dilemma their
answers had created. ATo reveal information of a higher degree to those who haven=t yet
reached and earned the right to it, violates the ethics of the Teachings, unless certain
conditions prevail.
AIn addition, to bridge the gap between the ninth and eleventh degree, and the
seventeenth, would require a tremendous effort on your part.@
Hatonn paused for a moment, considering the problem, before continuing. AThe
only way the ethical aspects can be handled, are if the teachers present only those parts
of the >in-between-degrees= which are necessary to comprehend a specific portion of the
higher teaching. This must be done in such a way that the student, when studying the
skipped-over-degrees at a later time, still receives the full benefits of each degree.
Fortunately, both Jero and I have reached the Twentieth Degree, and are De=los
AWe can tutor you both,@ Hatonn continued, Ain such a way that the integrity of the
Teachings remains intact. The question that only you can answer,@ he said, looking at
Radon and Re=Esha, Ais whether you=re willing, both of you, to accept such a challenge?
No! Don=t give us your answer now. Think about it; sleep on it.@
Hatonn=s expression became very serious, before he said B ALet me warn you, that
an understanding of Love, a true understanding, will challenge everything you now
know about the subject. Many of your ideas, and many of the concepts held by society B
particularly, those you=ve been taught to believe in, will be challenged, revised, or
discarded entirely. Unfortunately, widely held popular beliefs, about love, are gravely in
Jero reached across to take Hatonn=s hand, and interrupted him. AHatonn has stated
the problems, the solutions, and the conditions required to tutor both of you. The
elements of the Seventeenth Degree De=los Teachings will start you on the path of
understanding real love. If you both wish to pursue this, and truly want our help,
consider it carefully. You can give us your answer tomorrow.@
ANow,@ she continued, Awhy don=t we take a break.@
AAn excellent idea,@ Hatonn said. AI=m sure that Re=Esha would like to see the
AYes,@ she answered. AI=d like that very much.@

AGood! Come my dear,@ he said, standing and taking her hand. AI=ll show them to
you. I have many interesting varieties of flora, and it=ll give Radon, and Jero a chance to
talk over old times. And, It will give me a chance to tell you that story I promised.@
Re=Esha stood and, together, with Hatonn leading the way they left the veranda.
Moments later they disappeared down one of the winding pathways. During the tour of
the gardens, and between pausing to examine various plants that caught Re=Esha=s
attention, Hatonn told her about the Izar Mission, so many years ago, and the part Jero
had played in it.
Meanwhile, Jero and Radon reminisced about the past. She was interested in how
the Izar life-forms had been incorporated into Man=s culture. Jero, then, politely
changed the subject, to the topic of Inuai=s mating ceremony, so long ago.
Radon, full of curiosity, listened intently as she described the ceremony, and how
happy Inuai had been. She mentioned how Danon, Radon=s old friend and
representative at the ceremony, had been very helpful and courteous. Then, pausing, she
lifted an eyebrow and looking directly into his eyes, said B AOver the years you seem to
have developed a remarkable series of friends. It=s a trait many Zone Agents have
difficulty with.@
Radon considered her remark, thoughtfully, before answering. AThe job,@ he said,
Aand its demands, and the nature of our work, is not exactly conducive to forming many
friendships. Maybe, I=ve been more fortunate than some of the other Agents.@
AOr, maybe, it=s something else,@ Jero said, mysteriously. She looked up and smiled,
then glanced beyond him. AI see the others are returning.@ She stood cutting off the
question he was about to ask.
Re=Esha was all smiles as she and Hatonn joined them. Her earlier reserve, caused
by the respect and admiration she felt toward Hatonn, had evaporated. She had the
pleasure of inspecting several new plant species, always a love of hers, and of having
the gentle old scholar listen respectfully as she described her love of the flowers, plants,
and beautiful ferns. In addition, learning of Radon=s work with the Izar life-forms had
deepened her understanding of his background. She felt a different sense of pride as she
saw him standing there, quietly, beside Jero.
Moments later, she and Jero, excusing themselves, moved into the house.
Hatonn motioned Radon to a chair. When they were seated, he said, indicating the
two women, AThey need some time together.@ He smiled a knowing smile. AWhatever
they=ll be talking about would seem as mysterious to us, as the Arisian mysteries.@
Radon gave his old friend an answering smile, nodding in agreement. AI=ve noticed
the ladies share an unknown language. I=ve always wondered about it.
A twinkle appeared in Hatonn=s eyes. AOne of the great mysteries of the universe B
defying both solution and understanding. An enigma destined to fascinate the male
species for an eternity.@

Later that day, in the evening, they were all gathered in the spacious living area of
Hatonn=s home. Somehow the conversation had drifted back to a discussion of the Izar
Mission. Hatonn was finishing the story with the events following the successful tests
of the Procinian force-fields installed on the Aris. He came to the part where Radon and
Inuai were preparing to leave, and how Jero had presented them each with a present B
the little silver stars on a sapphire gem stone.
Jero interrupted the story, by asking if Radon still had his.
Radon smiled. ARight here,@ he said, reaching into a pocket. AFor some reason I=ve
always carried it on my person.@ He reached across and handed it to Jero.
She looked at it and held it up to the light.
There was a slight gasp from Re=Esha. AMay I see that,@ she said, a tremor in her
Jero looked startled. She nodded and handed it to her.
Re=Esha, took the stone and examined it carefully. She handed it back to Jero and
there was a perplexed look on her face. In an almost strangled voice she said B AI have
one exactly like it, but it=s mounted in a ring.@
Hatonn, leaned forward, a strange look on his face. AExactly like it?@ he asked. ADo
you have it with you?@
AWhy yes,@ Re=Esha replied. AIt=s in my luggage. Excuse me; I=ll get it.@ Almost in a
daze she stood up and left them. In a few moments she returned. In her hand was a
small box. She sat down. Opening the box she withdrew a small object and unwrapped
the fabric surrounding it. She handed the ring to Jero.
A curious look appeared on Jero=s face as she examined the ring, before passing it to
He looked at it carefully. Then, he looked at Re=Esha. There was an equally curious
expression on his face. AThe two stones are identical,@ he said. AHow did you come by
Re=Esha appeared more bewildered than ever. She looked at Radon, as if asking him
for help. He, looking as amazed, shook his head, but reached out and took her hand.
AIt was given to me by my Mother,@ Re=Esha said. AIt=s some kind of family
tradition. It=s supposed to be passed on from mother to daughter, in every generation.@
Jero was the first to break the stunned silence following Re=Esha=s answer.A Can you
give us at least three of your ancestor=s names?@
Re=Esha thought for a moment and gave her the names.
Hatonn, with a very thoughtful look on his face, said B AExcuse me a moment. Let
me check the Archives regarding these names.@ He stood and walked over to a
computer terminal, and keyed in the information.
Jero, a look of kindly concern on her face took Re=Esha=s other hand. AMaybe it=s
just a coincidence,@ she said. AWe should know in a moment.@

The computer terminal beeped and several sheets of information slipped into
Hatonn=s waiting hands. He looked at the data and turning, walked back to them. AWill
wonders never cease,@ he said, as he handed the papers to Jero.
AMy dear,@ he said, addressing Re=Esha, Ait appears that one of your ancestors, long
ago, was named Inuai. It was she who helped Radon during the Izar Mission. Many
years later, she mated. Not long after that she had a child. It was a girl, and she named
her daughter Re=Esha. According to the records, you are the latest descendent bearing
that name. The present, that Jero gave Inuai, is rightfully yours by inheritance. You
should be very proud. I remember your ancestor as a very brave and capable woman.@
Tears suddenly flooded Re=Esha=s eye. She buried her face in Radon=s chest. His
arms went around her, holding her gently. Memories of Inuai, brought back by Hatonn=s
words, rushed through his thoughts. Incredible as it seemed, he was holding one of her
descendants in his arms. Tears gathered in his eyes, also, and slowly trickled down his
cheeks. Tears caused by memories and his happiness. He remembered the moments of
love and the feelings he had shared with Inuai. Now, his love was being shared with
Re=Esha, one of her descendants. What astounding series of events had led to this, he
thought. What quirk of destiny?
Finally, Re=Esha=s tears subsided. Her emotions, now, under control, she lifted her
head, dabbing at her eyes to brush away the remnants of her tears. She looked at Radon.
He saw something in her eyes B something so beautiful and mysterious B so
profound, that an involuntary shock sent a shiver through his body. She=s so beautiful,
he thought.
She saw his expression and the look of adoration in his eyes. Something deep inside
her thrilled for an instant and she nodded to him B a silent acknowledgment of their
Hatonn and Jero had observed the emotional storm, and its passing. Both had
recognized the significance of what had passed between Radon and Re=Esha.
Something silent, yet understood, was exchanged between them. They waited quietly.
AI=m terribly sorry,@ Re=Esha said, turning to them, Abut learning about Inuai and
how I=m related to her, and all of this, was overwhelming.@
AIt=s quite all right,@ Hatonn said. AIt=s an astonishing set of circumstances. I can
understand how you must feel.@ Then he glanced at Jero. AIt has been a long day.
Perhaps we should all get some rest. We can talk more tomorrow.@
AI agree,@ Jero said, with a look of understanding. AYou both have had enough
experiences for one day.@
AThings have been moving a bit fast,@ Radon said. AI=m sure everything will seem a
lot clearer in the morning. Will you excuse us?@
AOf course,@ Hatonn said.
When Radon and Re=Esha had left, Hatonn turned to Jero. AWe put them through
quite an ordeal. First, with the cautions regarding the Seventeenth Degree and, then, the
information concerning Inuai and the ancestral link to Re=Esha.@

Jero took his hand. She smiled, but there was a thoughtful expression on her face.
AThere was no other way,@ she said, her voice expressing genuine concern. AWhat
they=re about to learn, about love, will shake them to the very core of their Beings.
What we had to force on them, will seem mild in comparison. We=ve got to know if
they can handle it without falling apart mentally and emotionally B whether their
understanding and awareness can cope with it. Man=s next evolutionary step forward, is
too important. We had to establish the link with the past so, later, they would start
thinking about destiny and how it=s affecting them and their future.@
Hatonn nodded in agreement. He seemed very thoughtful. He sighed. ABecause we
love them so much, it pains us to be rough on them.@
There was a misty look in Jero=s eyes as she squeezed his hand, signaling her
Jero, still holding his hand, stood up, drawing him to his feet. ACome,@ she said.
ATomorrow will be busy. We need to rest and prepare for it.@ Arm in arm they went to
their rooms.
Hours later the two Watchers materialized in their guests= room and hovered over
the sleeping forms of Radon and Re=Esha. Their thoughts reached out and gently probed
the Minds of the two sleepers. Mental questions were asked and answered. When the
exchange ended, twin shafts of light radiated from the Watchers and flowed into the
bodies of the sleepers, removing the emotional fatigue both had experienced. Upon
awakening they would be refreshed, mentally and emotionally.

Hatonn and Jero were sitting on the veranda enjoying the early morning sunshine,
when their guests joined them. Two of the household robots, obeying a previous order,
served them a delightful beverage.
For a while, there was silence as each took in the beauty of the lush park-like setting
spread out before them. Then Re=Esha, with a wistful sigh, broke the silence.
ARadon and I have thought about, and discussed, what you shared with us
yesterday,@ she said. AWe=ve reached a decision.@
Hatonn and Jero swiveled in their chairs to face their two guests. Hatonn leaned
forward resting his arms on the table. There was an expectant look in his eyes. AWhat
have you decided,@ he asked?
Re=Esha took Radon=s hand. Her gaze was clear as she looked directly into Hatonn=s
eyes and then, momentarily, into Jero=s. AIf your offer still stands, if you and Jero will
tutor us, we=re ready to learn what you can share with us regarding love and the higher
Warm smiles lit the faces of the two scholars. AThe offer stands,@ Hatonn said. He
glanced sideways at Jero receiving her nod of agreement. AWe=re glad you decided to
accept it. It also means we can get an early start.

AHowever,@ Hatonn continued, Athere are a few more details you should know,
before we begin. The uniqueness of the Seventeenth Degree and how it is presented is
different, depending on whether the student is a man or woman.@
Hatonn paused before continuing. ABecause of that difference each of you will
receive individual tutoring. Jero will instruct Radon and I will do the same for Re=Esha.
Since what you each receive is presented differently, the instruction must be done in
AThis means we=ll have to keep you apart,@ he continued. He smiled and a humorous
twinkle appeared in his eyes, as he saw Radon and Re=Esha exchange a disappointed
look with one another. AOf course,@ he went on, Ayou=ll only be separated during the
times of instruction.@
Another look, one of sudden relief, appeared in the young couple=s eyes.
ANormally, this Degree would be presented in the privacy of a Temple of The
>Light.= Here, we can achieve the same privacy by using different areas of the gardens. I
think that=s enough for the moment. Jero, is there anything you=d like to add?@
ANo,@ she replied. AYou=ve covered the essentials. Why don=t we meet back here in
an hour, if that=s agreeable?@
Radon looked at Re=Esha. She nodded agreement. AThat=s all right with us,@ he said.
ADo we need to bring anything, to take notes?@
At his remark, Hatonn=s smile changed to laughter. Jero seemed stricken as well. In
a moment they stopped. Jero brushed her long blonde hair back from her face and
wiped a tear of laughter from a corner of her eye.
On the verge of breaking into laughter again and deliberately avoiding looking at
Hatonn, to prevent it, she said B AI don=t think either of you will need anything other
than your awareness. You won=t have any trouble remembering what you gain from the
Teaching.@ She stood indicating the discussion had ended. AForgive me, but I have a
few things to take care of before we meet back here.@ She excused herself and
disappeared into the house. Hatonn, still grinning, also excused himself.
Radon exchanged a puzzled look with Re=Esha. AWhat do you suppose that was all
about,@ he said?
AI have a feeling we=ll know before long,@ she answered. ALet=s take care of a few
things, ourselves.@
He caught the look in her eye. It was his turn to grin.

Comment [COMMENT4]: April

29, 1988
CHAPTER FOUR Richard T. Miller

Created 12/17/86. Edited &

Revised for Word Perfect on
4/29/88 from Pro Write.

When they met on the veranda an hour later, Radon and Re=Esha were surprised at
Hatonn and Jero=s appearance.
Hatonn was wearing a lightweight hooded robe, royal purple in color. A braided
silver cord gathered the ankle-length robe at the waist. Two silver bands, four inches
wide, were woven into the fabric just above the lower portion of each of the wide
flowing sleeves. A medallion on a silver chain hung from around his neck. It bore the
symbol of a De=los Teacher, a five-pointed star above the apex of a triangle.
Jero=s appearance was just as stunning. She wore a flowing, sleeveless, gown of
some unknown silk-like fabric. It was pure white and as she moved it caught tiny
reflections of light which seemed to ripple through the fabric like miniature waves. The
gown hung from her right shoulder and swept diagonally downward across her breasts
to a point just above her left hip. Flowing streamers of the same fabric, were fastened to
the shoulder material and hung loosely until they were gathered together at a golden
bracelet she wore on her right wrist. Around her waist was a narrow sash of woven
metallic gold. A thin gold tiara with the symbol of a De=los Teacher circled her head,
resting lightly on her shoulder-length blonde hair. All of this combined with her
bronze-tan complexion, and clear green eyes, produced an image of exquisite
Radon and Re=Esha were speechless. Their two teachers resembled a mythical God
and Goddess. The humor and laughter of an hour ago had completely vanished from
Hatonn=s and Jero=s features. Their expressions were now of strength and purpose.
At some unspoken thought Re=Esha moved to Hatonn=s side. He took her hand.
Without a word they walked silently away and disappeared around the bend of a path.
In similar fashion, Jero took Radon=s hand. She led him away in the opposite
Hatonn continued walking silently, until they came to a small glade. It was a
beautiful spot. Overhead, the branches of the trees were laced together creating a soft
shade. Here and there, sunlight broke through the high branches. Shafts of sunlight
acted as spotlights picking out a delicate fern or bathing a shrub in brilliant light. He led
her to two small benches on one side of the path. Releasing her hand, they sat down,
facing each other. With one hand he pushed the hood of the robe back slightly. Then, he
rested both of his hands in his lap.

In a firm but gentle voice, he spoke. AWe are now ready to begin. First we will
review some basics. Then, we will start covering what you need to know from the
Seventeenth Degree Teachings. Are you comfortable?@
AOh yes,@ she answered. AA little nervous, perhaps. I never expected to receive the
Teachings from such a qualified teacher. I=m a bit overwhelmed.@
A gentle smile appeared on Hatonn=s face. AThe nervousness will disappear shortly,@
he said.
He paused for a moment as if gathering his thoughts. AI will begin by explaining
certain concepts. Some of which you already know, however, there are
interrelationships between some of them that you=ve never heard of.
AYou learned, in the beginning, that the >Light= of The Radiant One was one of the
most powerful forces in the Universe. As each of us becomes more aware, we each gain
an increasing understanding of The >Light= and how to use its power more effectively.
The De=los Teaching=s provides us greater understanding of these powers. In simplistic
terms, the >Light= is a doing force. We use it to do things. The lesser known twin aspect
of The >Light,= its mirror twin, is The >Love= of the Radiant One. This >Love= is unlike
The >Light,= in a unique way. Where the >Light= is a doing force, The Radiant One=s
>Love= is a causal force. It exists in the Universe as a presence. It is the cause in a cause
and effect relationship, and it has a magnificent purpose.
AKnowing of this, the cause and effect relationship between >Light= and >Love= and
how to use these two forces individually, and then together, is absolutely vital to
knowing what love is all about. Without this understanding, without an understanding
of what love really is, Mankind will never know or experience anything other than the
effects of love. Without knowledge of its Cause, Galactic Mankind will never master the
physical universe and, more tragically, never know what lies beyond it. Without an
understanding of the combined power of The >Light,= and the power and purpose of
>Love,= they cannot develop the creative force which can pierce the barriers of a
three-dimensional universe allowing them to enter the higher dimensions of reality.
AThe power of The >Light= combined with the power of The Radiant One=s >Love= is
the most powerful combination of forces imaginable. Combined, they are responsible
for the creation of a totally new force. A force of such magnitude that a fraction of its
power can either create, or transform entire sections of the physical universe.@
Re=Esha, as she listened to Hatonn=s words, found her eyelids growing heavy. It
wasn=t from fatigue, or boredom, in listening to him. She was fascinated with the way
he was tying together parts of what she had already learned, with startling new
concepts. She just knew that she wanted to close her eyes. She could then focus her
attention on what he was saying. A soothing sensation enveloped her. She relaxed,
stilling her conscious thinking, allowing his thoughts to reach into her Higher Mind.
She felt herself slipping into a detached Asleep-like@ state. Instinctively, she knew it
would help her. Her attention remained focused on what he was saying. However, she
noticed something new in her awareness, the crystal clarity of her thoughts. She became

aware of this as she experienced an increasing tranquillity and peacefulness. Pictures of

what He was describing started forming in her Mind as He continued speaking. Soon,
the pictures took on a startling depth and realism.
AThe Arisians,@ Hatonn was saying, Agained an understanding of how to combine
the forces of the Radiant One=s >Light= and >Love=. When they realized the significance
of their discovery, they could hardly wait to leave the physical universe. But certain
obligations, concerning Mankind, delayed their departure for some time. However,
when the final moment arrived, their entire race focused on uniting >Love= and >Light.=
The awesome power of the resulting third force, which was thus created, literally tore
their worlds from this space-time continuum and hurled them into another dimension of
reality. The exiting of their worlds caused such a disturbance of the mass-energy ratios
in the De=los Sector that the entire region went nova.
AIt was proof that a real understanding of the Radiant One=s >Light= and >Love= could
alter the physical universe. It was proof that, that power could transform anything
physical, including the physical body, in any way desired.@
Hatonn paused. He noted Re=Esha=s still form, and closed eyes. His Mind reached
out and examined her thoughts with a skill she would never have imagined possible.
She was totally unaware of his mental probe, or what it was searching for. Finding what
he sought, his Mind withdrew. A more thoughtful expression formed in his eyes.
AWhat you and Radon have experienced, what you both interpret as love, however
profound the experiences may have been is, unfortunately, only an effect of >Love=B The
effect momentarily touching the two of you. And, speaking of effects, what you have
experienced is minimal. You are not alone in this, as most of Mankind has not
experienced anything more than this.
AYou are both standing at the threshold of a new awareness, as is the rest of
Mankind, when it comes to knowing or understanding anything about the Cause, the
Purpose, and the transforming Power of >Love.=
AThere are many reasons for this present state of wide spread ignorance. Most are
due to a popular misconception of what love really is. What Mankind has experienced
thus far is based, primarily, on the effects of love which cover a wide-range of feelings.
For most, the effects are pleasurable.
AWhen and individual, or group, do something out-of-love or gives their love and
thinks that what they=re doing, giving, or receiving B is Love B they=re sadly mistaken.
They are really giving, sharing, or receiving the only thing they know B the effects of
>Love.= Without a knowledge or understanding of the Cause, how could they offer,
share, or receive real >Love?= They have no way of knowing what it is.
AKnowing the dilemma this ignorance creates, the Arisians left the De=los Teachings
for all of Man. The teachings gradually increase the awareness of those making an
effort to study and understand them. Beginning with the Seventeenth Degree, the De=los
Teachings start revealing how one can gain an understanding of the Cause and Purpose
of >Love.= This Degree of the Teachings, and those beyond, reveal a process whereby

the student can start experiencing and using, based on knowledge, the Purpose and
transforming power of `Love.=@
Hatonn paused, again, before continuing. ANow that we have laid a foundation of
understanding, we can move onto a greater awareness of >Love.= We can examine how it
really functions. How it can be perceived and used.
AOne fact must be firmly realized, before we continue B >Love,= real love, is a power
and a force of the Radiant One. It has awesome potential B and can only be used in
combination with the >Light.= Together, these two forces have the power of
transforming physical matter. They can produce effects of unbelievable magnitude. To
expand the evolution of awareness is Loves= purpose. Thus, it is the most noble power
in all manifestation.@
This time, Hatonn paused for a longer period of time. Again, his Mind reached out
to Re=Esha=s. He sought confirmation of her understanding of everything he had been
explaining. After several minutes, satisfied with her comprehension, he withdrew his
telepathic probe.
ANow, Re=Esha,@ he continued, Awhat I explain will take on a deeper meaning. A
more personal and intimate meaning. I will be describing certain techniques for you to
use in increasing your awareness of the Radiant One=s >Light and Love.= It is essential
that you give me your complete attention B and that you visualize, mentally, what I
He waited until he received her nod of understanding and agreement, before
A>Love= is the companion of the >Light=,A he said. It, with the >Light,= flows from the
Radiant One. They move together, through every level of manifestation. Both are
present everywhere.
Now visualize your total and entire Being, as consisting of three cone-shaped shells
aligned in a vertical column. The cones are separated from each other by a small
interval of distance. The largest cone, representing your Mind and eternal spirit, is on
top. The next cone, directly beneath it, is slightly smaller in diameter. It represents your
emotional self, the emotional part of your entire Being. Directly beneath this cone, is
one smaller in diameter. It represents your physical, material, self. It is the physical you.
AThe cones are capable of merging, each one, starting with the smallest, fitting
inside the next larger and higher one. The largest cone, the one representing the Mind,
can fit over the other two. However, the top two cones, do not exist in the physical
dimensions. The Mind and the emotional parts of our Being=s, are nonmaterial. They
exist in different levels or dimensions of reality. Although we cannot see them with our
physical eyes, they are real. That is why, for this instruction, you must picture them
ATo understand how >Light= and >Love= are brought into one=s awareness, there must
be a merging of the three states of your Being B the mental, the emotional, and the

physical. I will illustrate. Please focus your attention on your mental picture of the three
The picture of the cones, Re=Esha had been holding in her thoughts, suddenly
changed. She saw the top one, representing the Mind, slowly descend until it
overlapped the one directly beneath it B the one representing the emotional self. Then,
together, they both descended until they overlapped the bottom one, the physical self. In
her mental picture, the three cones had become one.
AThat, is the key. If you learn nothing else, remember this B the mental, emotional,
and physical must merge and become one.@
Hatonn continued, AThis is what must occur if you are ever to perceive, understand
and experience real love, the three levels of your Being must become one.
ANow Re=Esha, picture a shaft of white light hovering just above you. Raise your
arms and reach up to it. With your hands, draw it down until it touches the top of your
head. Picture light flowing from this shaft, entering your head, and spreading downward
throughout your body. As this light flows into and through you, notice that your body is
beginning to glow with a soft light of its own. Notice, also, that the light is exiting
through your feet and curving up and away from you, until it vanishes.
AInwardly, you have a feeling of peace. But you also have a feeling of exhilaration.
You can feel its power.
AFor the next few minutes, continue to picture the light flowing into and through
you. And, examine and study the feelings it is producing.@
Hatonn paused, to allow Re=Esha time to follow his instructions. Again, he reached
out to her with his Mind and observed her progress. He watched her efforts to keep the
light flowing, then how she examined her feelings. He let her practice for a while.
AAll right Re=Esha,@ he said, Ayou may release the light. Let it disappear along with
the mental pictures.@ He waited until she had done so and then withdrew his mental link
to her Mind.
Hatonn made a slight gesture with one hand. Re=Esha=s eyes opened. She smiled.
AHow did you like the experience,@ he asked, in a gentle tone of voice?
Her smile broadened. AIt was wonderful,@ she said.
AGood!@ He stood and offered her his hand. AI think that is enough for today.
Tomorrow, we can go deeper into the Teaching. Come, let=s walk for a while.@
Re=Esha accepting his assistance, stood up. Unconsciously, she held his hand as
they started walking along the path.
AThere is a great deal yet to learn,@ he said, as they walked along the tree-lined path.
AAn important part of what you=ll be learning will require skill in flooding yourself with
the `Light.= I want you to practice the technique you learned today as often as possible,
before tomorrow.@
AI understand,@ she said.

Hatonn and Jero remained by themselves, deep in conversation, the rest of the day.
Radon and Re=Esha took advantage of their free time to talk about the instruction they
had received and to practice the exercises they had been taught. Thus far, they had both
received the same basic teaching and information. Between their periods of practice,
they wandered through the parks and gardens of the island estate, enjoying the
peacefulness and beauty it provided.

The next morning after breakfast, the instruction continued. Again, Hatonn and
Re=Esha were seated in the quiet glade, facing each other. After a discussion and review
of the previous day=s instruction, and at Hatonn=s suggestion, Re=Esha quickly slipped
into the detached mental state she had achieved the day before. This allowed her to
focus her entire attention, without distractions, on what he was presenting.
AIn learning to perceive, understand, and experience true >Love,=@ he was saying,
Athere are two states of awareness involved. First B the conscious state where you
command and Invoke the >Light,= where you specify and direct what it is to accomplish
and draw it into and through your entire Being. This is the preparation stage. It begins
the process of aligning and merging the mental, emotional and physical parts of your
Being. You become conscious of the >Light,= flooding into and through your physical
body. You can picture it and feel it. This, along with instructions on what the >Light= is
to accomplish, is the only part of the process you can consciously, with the thinking part
of your brain, command.
AThe second state is to experience and understand Love=s power,@ Hatonn
continued. AThis state can only be achieved unconsciously, without the interference of
your thinking activity. The conscious activity of thinking must be stilled completely.
This is necessary to bridge the gap between the physical self and the nonphysical higher
levels of your Being B the emotional and mental levels. It is here that your awareness
enters their realms. Everything, now perceived, has an amazing clarity. A new
dimension of feelings and sensations, exquisite in beauty and richness can, now, be
AAgain, and this is most important B this reaching-up process, started consciously,
to gain entry to the higher levels B is only gained, when the conscious state is dormant.
The conscious brain activity of thinking interrupts and conceals this path. That is why it
must be stilled.
AWhat you perceive, in the higher realms, is acquired by an inductive process. What
is perceived, the knowledge gained, the sensations and feelings experienced, are all
stored and recorded in your Mind. Nothing is lost. Everything retains its clarity, and the
vibrant quality of every feeling and sensation is preserved. Later, this can all be brought
into your conscious state of awareness. There, by the process of reason, using the
objective process, you can use it as needed. To learn how this is accomplished, how it is
merged into your conscious awareness, is why you are here.@

Hatonn paused to let Re=Esha absorb what he was explaining. Then he continued.
AThe physical body, an integral part of the merging of the mental, emotional, and
physical levels of awareness, cannot be ignored. It must be free to accept, feel, respond
to, and experience the combined power of the >Light= and >Love= flowing to it from the
perception=s of your higher Mind.
Again, in order to perceive, experience, and understand the power of the Radiant
One=s >Light= and >Love= the three parts of your Being must become One.@
In a state of rapt attention, Re=Esha listened to Hatonn=s presentation and
explanation of the De=los Teachings. As he spoke, she unconsciously nodded her head
as she absorbed the meaning of each statement.
ANow,@ Hatonn said, Ait is time for you to gain an understanding B to perceive, feel,
and experience something of the real power of the >Light= and >Love.= But, before we
start, I must ask you several very personal questions. Your answers will verify, some of
what you=ve learned thus far and benefit your awareness in the future. Will you answer
the questions?@
Re=Esha, thought about his request, before answering. Without knowing why, she
sensed and felt her admiration and respect for the renowned scholar, and something else
B something wonderful. Her hesitation abruptly ended.
AYes,@ she said, AI=ll answer the questions.@
With a thoughtful look on his face, and very gently, he said, AWhen you=re with
Radon and you reach the peak of your sexual orgasm B what are your thoughts, at that
She thought for a moment before answering. AWhy, nothing! I=m at the peak of an
overwhelming sensation. I=m off somewhere B somewhere else.@
AExactly,@ he said. AAt that instant, without your being consciously aware of it, your
awareness reached up to another level. For that instant, and the brief interval following
it, you briefly entered the emotional and mental levels of >Love,= yet you retained the
physical sensations and memory of that flash of ecstasy B without thinking. Does this
agree with what I=ve been explaining?@
AYes,@ she answered; amazed she hadn=t thought of it before. Suddenly, she realized
the truth of what he=d been explaining to her.
AAnd,@ he asked, Ais it true that once you reach that peak all that follows is a series
of diminishing sensations lasting only moments?@
Again, she answered B AYes.@
AWhat would you think, if I told you that once you start learning about real `Love=
that the peak of your orgasm can be extended for minutes or even hours? And, that it
can reach higher and higher peaks during that time.@
A look of wonder appeared on Re=Esha=s face. AI never dreamed it could be
possible,@ she said, a tinge of awe in her voice. Then, another thought occurred to her.
AWouldn=t it be exhausting, both emotionally and physically?@

A smile appeared on Hatonn=s face as he considered her question. AWe are

discussing real >Love,=@ he said, Anot love as most of Man has experienced it.
Remember, that the continuous flow of >Light= and >Love,= to those experiencing it, is
one of the most powerful forces in the universe. It is a regenerating force supplying
vitality. Yes, Re=Esha, what I have said is possible and, no, it is not exhausting.@
She seriously considered his answer before replying. AThen, the purpose of such an
experience,@ she said, Ais not merely to gratify one=s desire for more intense sensations
of love, if I understand it correctly, but to increase our awareness of real >Love=B to
perceive it, experience it, and understand it. To find out how the Radiant One would
have us use it. That should be the goal or objective of it all.@
Hatonn=s smile deepened. He was pleased with her response.
AThat my dear, is a remarkable insight, and summation. You are absolutely correct. The
entire purpose of the De=los Teaching=s is to bring that type of awareness to all
Even in her detached mental state, with her eyes closed, Hatonn=s praise brought a
smile to her face. AIf I reached the right conclusion,@ she said, Ait=s because you took the
time to explain everything so completely.@
AThank you,@ he replied. ANow we can proceed to the next part.@
She nodded agreement.
AThus far, we=ve discussed the basis of understanding real >Love.= But, to firmly
implant that understanding in your awareness, you must have the opportunity to
experience it for yourself. Otherwise, it is knowledge without wisdom B and wisdom
can only be achieved when knowledge is applied. At present, both you and Radon seek
to understand >Love= and share that understanding, and its experiencing, with each
other. The individual wisdom each of you achieves in that pursuit, when combined and
acted upon, will lead you both to an awareness and experiencing of the third force. An
ecstasy beyond your present comprehension. And that experience, and the awareness
you obtain from it, will illumine all Mankind.@
Re=Esha listened intently. Hatonn=s words seemed to slide further and deeper into
her awareness. Even her curiosity about how she and Radon could have a love
experience affecting all Mankind, was quelled and accepted. She felt a feeling of
anticipation growing inside her. Something wonderful is going to happen, she thought.
ANow, Re=Esha,@ Hatonn said, Ayou are going to experience something of the power
of both the >Light= and its >Love.= Follow my instructions carefully.
APicture yourself as standing away from your seated body and observing what I am
describing. Observe that you are drawing the >Light= into and through your entire Being.
Become aware of a wonderful feeling of joy and happiness surfacing in your thoughts.
Notice, that as the >Light= flows into and through your body that it is beginning to glow
with a soft radiance of its own. You are standing apart from your body observing with
your Mind, using its ability to picture what is happening. This way your brain is not

involved. You are not limited by thinking about what=s happening. Your Mind is linked
to that body, allowing you to experience the pure feelings of every physical sensation.
AAnd, as the >Light= continues to flow through you, your body is glowing still
brighter. You become aware of an increasing mental and emotional feeling of joy and
happiness. Suddenly, you are experiencing physical sensations of pleasure. Every atom
of your body is now being caressed by the causal force of >Love.= As this continues, you
are starting to enter the higher realms of pure feeling B your body is responding, without
thought, to ripples of physical sensation. You feel your emotional and physical self
becoming more involved, more at-one with one another. You are beginning to
experience pleasure and sensation beyond anything you=ve ever experienced before.
Re=Esha, in a mentally detached state, was picturing and feeling everything Hatonn
was describing. She marveled at the delight each wave of pleasure produced, as it
washed over her. She felt her body squirm as it unconsciously responded to the ever
increasing sensations of pleasure.
ANow, my dear,@ Hatonn continued, Apicture yourself and Radon, together, standing
at the base of a tall pyramid. There are very high steps before you. They lead upward
from the base to the top of this structure. If you are to reach the top, you must climb
them together, hand-in-hand B helping each other. Neither of you can reach the top by
yourself. Only the power of >Love= created by fusing it with the >Light= within and
between you, can help you climb each step elevating you both higher and higher.
ANow! Reach up. Place your hands on the edge of the first step. Pull yourselves up.@
Re=Esha, picturing everything being described, took Radon=s hand. Together,
standing on their toes, they grasped the edge of the first step looming in front of them.
At the exact instant their hands touched the step, a wave of pleasure, so intense, swept
through her that she let out a gasp and fell back. Every part of her tingled with
sensations of pleasure so overwhelming she was breathless. Radon had been affected in
the same way.
ATry again,@ Hatonn said. There was a note of command and urgency in his voice.
In her Mind, she saw herself and Radon stagger to their feet. Taking a deep breath,
she reached up and grabbed the edge of the step again. Again, pleasure shot through her
body. It raced along every nerve. She ached with an indescribable happiness. Her vision
blurred and she felt her hold on the edge, slipping. Suddenly, she felt something. An
unseen hand gripped her wrist, and Radon=s. Next, she felt it pulling her, them B
upward. Upward? B the question echoed through her conscious thoughts.
A commanding thought flashed into her awareness B Stop thinking; you=re blocking
it. Feel the power of >Love.= Let it work.
She stopped thinking, abandoning herself to the sensations of pleasure still rushing
through her. As she felt the unseen force continue drawing her upwards, she flung out
her hand and grasped the edge again. Suddenly, the pleasure became more intense. It
was becoming sheer ecstasy. Lost, now, in a world of pure feelings and sensations, she
felt lighter. Weight seemed to drop from her. In her Mind she saw herself rise, floating

upward. Without knowing how, she found herself lying on top of the first step.
Instantly, she pulled on Radon=s hand. He too, had made it, and was lying beside her.
She rested there, almost fainting from the exquisite sensations of pure ecstasy which
coursed through her. She existed in a new dimension of >Love= and happiness. She felt
her Mind, emotions, and body B become one. For the first time, ever, she felt complete.
Her total Being was experiencing a moment of complete At-One-Ment. From far away,
a beautiful light was rushing toward her. It stopped, just beyond her reach. She tried to
reach for it B and fainted.
Her conscious awareness came back slowly. Someone was holding her, calling her.
The words, dimly, filtered through to her. Finally, her eyes fluttered open. It was
Hatonn. He had left his bench-seat to move to her side. Gently, he was shaking her,
holding her shoulders and repeating her name.
Awareness returned with a rush. Tears flooded her eyes and splashed down her
cheeks. She threw her arms around him and buried her head in his chest. She sobbed for
several minutes, before it ended. Then she drew her head back and lifted her eyes to
gaze into his. With an astounding new insight she saw the expression in his eyes. It was
gentleness, compassion, caring B and Love.
Words stumbled out of her. AThat was the most revealing, powerful, sensuous, and
beautiful experience I=ve ever had,@ she said, her voice still shaky. Hatonn nodded
slowly, still looking into her eyes.
AIt was only the first step,@ he said gently. AThere are twenty-six steps more to be
climbed. You have felt and experienced only the beginning of real >Love.= Later on, as
you progress, you will come to know the power, and majesty of it.@
He paused, and Re=Esha, still gazing into his eye=s saw something else appear.
Again, momentarily, she was caught-up in a vision. A vision of the beautiful light she
had tried to reach for only moments ago. It was filling an immense space. It
encompassed a universe of flickering lights. Her body shook for an instant, as a thrill
touched her. Something warm, something full of >Love,= flashed through that universe.
ATwenty-six more steps,@ she said, in a wistful voice.
AYes,@ Hatonn replied. AAnd,@ he said, cryptically, Aone day, the two of you will
climb them all and know how to control and use that Love B and its power.@
Again, the vision appeared. Only this time, she felt the presence of Radon beside
her. She knew they were a part of it.
Hatonn released her shoulders and turned her gently. AThat is enough for today,@ he
said, indicating the lessons had ended. Taking her arm, he helped her to stand. With one
hand on her arm, they started walking back to the house.

Jero had returned with Radon, shortly after Hatonn and Re=Esha had finished. The
two Teachers then, excused themselves. They would all meet again at dinner. Radon

and Re=Esha took the opportunity to discuss what each had learned and experienced that
They were amazed, when they realized they both had the same experience at the
pyramid. Their recall had left them both shaken.
AIt must have been some type of telepathic linkup, tying us all together,@ Radon
said. AWhat I don=t understand is who, or what, grabbed our wrists and pulled us up to
the top of that first step.@
AThat=s right,@ Re=Esha said. AI=d almost forgotten about that. It happened so quickly,
and then I realized I was floating upwards, and it slipped my mind. What was it?@
AMaybe we=d better ask Hatonn and Jero,@ he said. Then he looked at her. A
question was in his eyes.
She read the question. AIt was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me,@
she answered. ABut, it sure takes getting used too.@ She, then, arched an eyebrow and
asked B AWas it that beautiful for you, with Jero?@
He grinned in return. AI=m in trouble, whichever way I answer that.@
He paused, trying to read the expression in her eyes. ANext to you,@ he answered,
Ano other woman, except Jero, ever created what I experienced.@ He paused again. AShe
did suggest I practice, what I learned, with you.@
Re=Esha, with a peculiar expression on her face, grabbed him. Her kiss left him
breathless. Then, she whispered in his ear B AI think she made an excellent suggestion.@
She drew back to look up at him. Her eyes twinkled. APractice makes= perfect, or so I=ve
heard. What are we waiting for?@
For the second time that day, >Light= and >Love= were experienced.

Two exuberant guests met their Teachers for dinner that evening. Hatonn and Jero
exchanged knowing looks with one another. After the meal, they moved outside taking
chairs on the veranda.
Hatonn was the first to speak, after they were settled comfortably. AJero and I have
decided that you=ve learned enough from the Teachings, for the time being, to gain the
understanding you sought. You=ve received enough guidance to continue on your own.@
He paused and smiled. AYou=re both exceptional students. We=re more than pleased with
your progress.@
AThank you,@ Radon said, accepting the fact that Hatonn and Jero had presented
enough of the Seventeenth Degree to start them on their way. AThen it=s time Re=Esha
and I return to Trantor.@ He paused, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.
AHowever, there are difficulties that need to be worked out.@
Radon was thinking about his relationship with Re=Esha; he didn=t want to be
separated from her. He was concerned that Galactic Zones wouldn=t let her be with him.
The thought of being without her, now, was totally unacceptable.
The same thoughts were occurring to Re=Esha. A sudden cloud had appeared which
could affect their future together.

AMore like several problems,@ Jero said, noting the expressions on their faces. She
reached over and took Re=Esha=s hand, and squeezed it gently. Something seemed to
pass between them. Then, she turned to Hatonn. AMaybe they are problems we can help
Hatonn didn=t respond immediately. He seemed to be considering the matter. After a
moment, he turned to his guests.
AOne step at a time,@ he said, giving them a significant and meaningful look. AHas it
occurred to either of you to consider becoming mated?@
Re=Esha shook her head before answering. ASo much has happened, so fast, we
haven=t had time to consider it.@
Hatonn=s gaze shifted to Radon. Changing expressions were flitting across the Zone
Agent=s face. He appeared both perplexed and concerned with Hatonn=s question.
ANo,@ Radon answered, Awe haven=t discussed it. The thought had crossed my mind,
but I didn=t mention it to Re=Esha, because of the problem with Zones it would create.
However, nothing, would make me happier than to have Re=Esha as my mate. But, I
can=t speak for her happiness, or if that is what she wants.@
ASo, it seems like an ocean of problems has surfaced,@ Hatonn said. ALet=s deal with
them one at a time.@
He turned to Re=Esha. AFor your benefit, my dear, Radon is referring to the fact that
Galactic Zones has never permitted an active Agent to be mated. It that was to occur,
the Agent would be reassigned, usually within the Department, and taken off active
duty. Such matters are viewed with great concern as it is a double loss. The Department
loses a highly trained field Agent, and the Agent gives up a job they are dedicated too.
At best, it=s an unsatisfactory solution. But, as a matter of policy, that=s the way it=s
Hatonn paused, noting the troubled concern which had appeared on Re=Esha=s face,
before continuing. ABut, it is obvious that you love each other. Since neither of you
have discussed becoming mated lets start there, because that is the heart of the matter.@
ARe=Esha,@ Hatonn asked, Ado you want to become Radon=s Mate?@
AYes,@ she answered, without hesitation, but with tears in her eyes as she looked at
Radon. AEven though I, now, realize what it could do to his life=s work.@
AAnd?@ Hatonn prompted, turning to Radon.
The Zone Agent brushed something from the corner of his eye. His gaze was level,
looking directly into Re=Esha=s eyes. AI=ve never said this before, to anyone,@ he said,
speaking directly to her, Abut if need be, I=d give up everything to be with you.@ He
stood, moved over and sat down beside her. His arm went around her.
She, in turn, leaned her head against his shoulder, and looked up at him. Something
wonderful appeared in her eyes.
When Radon put his arm around Re=Esha, Jero released her hand. She stood up, and
walked over to stand beside Hatonn=s chair. One hand rested on his shoulder. He looked

up at her. Jero then made a statement, which startled their guests, getting their
immediate attention.
She was looking down into Hatonn=s eyes. A tender glow had appeared in her
luminous green eyes. She placed her other hand on his silver white hair. AI recall your
saying something very similar, to me, many years ago.@ She bent down and kissed him
on the forehead.
Hatonn looked flustered for a moment, before he reached up and took her hand.
Re=Esha, was the first to react as if in confirmation of some inner realization, a
knowing and happy look appeared on her face. The seriousness of the moment,
vanished. She wriggled out from under Radon=s arm and moved quickly, first to hug
Jero, and then to throw her arms around Hatonn. AI thought so,@ she said, giving Hatonn
a mischievous look. Her eyes sparkled.
Radon, at first, sat dumbfounded. Then he stood. There was a look of wonder on his
face. Then, his familiar grin appeared. He moved until he was standing in front of his
old friend. AIt seems a little late for it, but congratulations. Would any type of
explanation be in order?@
AI might be inclined to offer one,@ Hatonn said, with a touch of laughter in his voice,
Aif you could persuade this amorous woman to release me.@
Re=Esha, promptly, let go. AThis, I want to hear,@ she said, taking Radon=s hand and
leading him back to their chairs.
As if a mysterious bond existed between the two women, Jero took her seat, also.
Something sparkled in her eyes. AI=d like to hear it too,@ she said.
Hatonn straightened up in his chair. A look of mock unhappiness crossing his
features. AWe seem to have strayed a long way from our original discussion. All right,
then,@ he said, after glancing at Jero and noting the expression on her face. AIt was a
long time ago. We met, and fell in love. Because of our respective positions, both of us
felt it was better if we kept our relationship private. And, I faintly remember saying
something to Jero, similar to what Radon said to Re=Esha. You two are the first to know
about it and I=d appreciate it, if it remained that way.
ASomeday, Jero and I will let it be known B when it serves a purpose.@
Re=Esha had lost her mischievous look, with his telling of the story. It was replaced
with a look of understanding. AHow can, you bear being apart, I mean, it must be
months or even years that you=re separated?@
AThat part is difficult,@ Hatonn replied. ABut we=ve managed to deal with it. Besides,
we have a private comm-link and talk to each other as often as we want. That makes it
Jero spoke. AIt=s the time we=re together that counts. We=ve learned to make the most
of it.@
Radon had listened with interest, a thoughtful look on his features. He addressed
Hatonn. AAnd, you allowed us to interrupt your time together. And, burden you with our

requests and problems. Why? You could have suggested that we visit you at another
Hatonn noted the genuine distress in Radon=s question. He tried to answer,
meaningfully. AWhen you called and explained what you wanted, for Re=Esha and
yourself, both Jero and I thought your request was important. Someday, when the time
is right, we=ll tell you why we made that decision.@
Radon with respect and sincerity in his voice said B AI=ll accept that. There=s one
other question, however. I presume your relationship with Jero existed, when we went
to Procyon during the Izar Mission. Does the fact that you didn=t mention it then, tie in
with your explanation of keeping it private, or your other reason for being reluctant to
say why you allowed us to visit at this time?@
AI can answer that,@ Jero broke in. AThe answer is B both reasons. Hatonn and I
discussed the possibility of telling you then, but, at the time, you were deeply involved
with solving the Izar problem. We felt that telling you then, would have been a
distraction. It was more important that your attention be focused on that matter.
AIt was only a matter of time,@ she continued, Abefore we would have told you. That
is why I gave you the stones with the stars. I=d hoped you would return. Unfortunately,
your duties prevented our meeting again, until now. As to the other reason, it has to do
with what you and Re=Esha have received from us. It concerns the Teachings, and
something you=ve both yet to learn. We can=t discuss it with you, until you=ve reached
another level of awareness.@
AI see,@ Radon answered. AThank you, and please understand that it was only my
concern about infringing on your private time together, and my curiosity, which
prompted my questions. Both Re=Esha and I owe you both a great deal. We=re very
AThen, if that=s settled@ Hatonn said, Awe can move onto the next step. If you two are
to become mated, we=ll have to make arrangements. The nearest Temple of the >Light= is
on the mainland near the Archives. Would tomorrow be all right?@
It was Re=Esha=s turn to look surprised. AYou don=t waste time, do you?@ She turned
to Radon, seeking his response. He nodded his approval. ATomorrow would be fine.@
Jero had seated herself alongside Hatonn. She held his hand in hers. AIf it=s
agreeable with both of you, Hatonn and I will be your sponsors at the ceremony,@ she
AWe=d be honored,@ Re=Esha said happily.
Radon had remained strangely silent for the past few minutes. He looked both
happy and sad, as the conversation went on. Hatonn noticed it, and felt obliged to add to
his earlier comments.
AThat=s several steps taken care of. There=s still the matter of Galactic Zones to be
considered. Since it=s growing late and tomorrow will be another busy day I=d hate to
end this evening on a gloomy note. I cannot see Radon ending his career, and all he=s
worked for, just because he=s met the woman of his dreams, fallen in love, and learned

something about >Love,= and had the good sense to hold on to her. Let me see what I can
do. As an Adviser to the First Coordinator, I may be able to have that particular policy,
of Zones, reviewed. Keep a positive thought in mind, regarding it. Now both of you, get
yourselves some rest. I intend to spend some time with Jero.@ Radon=s face registered
some relief. He stood up, thanked them, and started to leave. Re=Esha momentarily
glanced back and flashed Hatonn a smile. It was followed by a wink, as she left.
When they were alone on the veranda, Hatonn turned to Jero. AShe=s very much like
you,@ he said. AI should thank the Radiant One for two gifts.@
Jero didn=t say anything, but her look expressed her understanding. She took his
hand and drew him to his feet. Slipping an arm around his waist, she led him into the
house. She planned on making good use of the time they were together.


The new day dawned bright and cheerful, as if in anticipation of the coming events.
Hatonn had sent a number of high-priority messages to Confederation Headquarters
the previous evening. His longest conversation had been with the First Coordinator. He
had explained the general nature of events concerning Radon and Re=Esha, his two
celebrity guests.
Hatonn had been pleased to hear that the story of Re=Esha=s disastrous mishap, and
Radon=s dramatic rescue of her, was still capturing galactic-wide public attention. It had
made his proposals to the First Coordinator all the more meaningful.
It was at this point in their conversation, that Hatonn had brought up the
forthcoming mating ceremony between Radon and Re=Esha to be conducted on
The First Coordinator had been delighted with the news. He=d mentioned it was a
perfect wrap-up to the disaster and rescue events B an ending, with a love story. It
would fascinate the news media and public alike, and keep the couple in the spotlight
for a considerable time.
Hatonn had agreed. Then, however, he=d brought up the matter of Zone=s policy
concerning mated Zone Agents, which was totally unknown to the public and possibly
to the First Coordinator, as well. He=d posed the question of what would happen if the
Zone Agent was forced to leave his position, because of that policy. The event would
undoubtedly become known. A public outcry would surely follow. He could foresee
unwanted attention being focused on Galactic Zones. Embarrassing questions would be
asked. He had left his comments dangling.
The expression on the First Coordinators= face had then changed to one of
thoughtful concern, as Hatonn had explained the events and their probable outcome. He
agreed with his Adviser=s thoughts.
The First Coordinator had outstanding qualifications for his position. His ability to
solve administrative problems were well known. He had, seriously, considered Hatonn=s
comments. Hatonn had sensed when a solution was discovered.
ALet=s see,@ the Coordinator had said, ARe=Esha is a member of the Survey. That
means two Departments are involved. Delay the mating ceremony, with my apologies to

Radon and Re=Esha, until I advise you to proceed. I=ll work on this and get back to you
as soon as I can.@
Hatonn had acknowledged his instructions and waited for the comm-unit=s screen to
clear. Moments later, he had briefed Jero regarding the conversation.
When Radon and Re=Esha joined their friends for breakfast, Hatonn told them of his
conversation with the First Coordinator.
AHe asked me to convey his apologies for delaying the ceremony. Under the
circumstances, I had to agree with his request. However, I have the feeling we=ll be
hearing from him sometime this morning.@
Re=Esha was impressed that Hatonn had taken the matter to the highest levels. Even
Radon felt more confident about the future. Next to his love for Re=Esha, he loved his
work as an Agent.
The conversation drifted to other subjects, as they enjoyed the morning and the
relaxed atmosphere of their discussions. It was, really, the first time since their arrival
when some other activity wasn=t scheduled. And, it was giving Radon a chance to
discover different aspects of his friendship with Hatonn.
Jero reminded him of his previous promise to show her some of the other
interesting things aboard the Re=Aris. At this, Radon remembered that moment on
Procyon so many years ago when she=d whispered the request in his ear. He grinned at
the remembrance.
AYou wouldn=t recognize very much. The ship=s been rebuilt several times since
those days,@ he said. ABut, I promise you a tour before we leave.@
Their conversation at this point was interrupted by the soft signal of the comm-unit.
Hatonn raised an eyebrow. AThis could be what we=ve been waiting for,@ he said.
Excusing himself he went to answer the call. A moment later, he called them all to join
When they entered Hatonn=s study, a picture of the First Coordinator, momentarily
talking to his secretary, was on the screen of the comm-unit. The secretary left, and the
Coordinator turned to face the screen. He cast a swift glance at the group, and noted
Jero=s presence.
AGreetings everyone, and how nice to see you again Chief Scholar Jero,@ he said. AI
asked that you all be present to witness my signing of the documents before me and to
be advised of what is going to occur.
AAs I start, let me congratulate Zone Agent Radon and Survey Specialist Re=Esha on
your forthcoming mating. You both have my best wishes and blessings in the >Light= for
a long and happy union.@
He paused, carefully looking Re=Esha over, from head to foot. She observed his
scrutiny and gave him a slight smile.
AExcuse me,@ the First Coordinator said to her, Abut I, like the public, have never
seen anyone who lived through a ship=s reactor failure. You certainly seem fit.@

AThank you sir,@ Re=Esha responded. AI=m feeling fine. Zone Agent Radon is
responsible for saving my life and the body reconstruction you=re looking at.@
The Coordinator shifted his gaze to Radon. ABoth remarkable feats, according to the
records, and from what I see,@ he said, giving Radon a nod of approval. AI=ll have more
to say about that in a moment.
ABut let me continue. News of your pending mating ceremony has created quite a
stir here at the Capitol. So much so, that the Coordinator=s of Galactic Zones, and The
Survey, requested the honor of attending. They wish to convey the official sentiments
and best wishes of your Departments and coworkers. You should be receiving their
requests shortly.@
He paused and looked at Radon and Re=Esha. With a momentary sideways glance at
Hatonn, he said B AMy suggestion would be to accept their requests. Obviously, since
the Ceremony itself, is a very private one, limited to your sponsors and yourselves, you
would only be meeting with them afterwards.
AI understand,@ he continued, Athat both Departments will also use the occasion to
present commendations to each of you, and for other official transactions.
AAnd, speaking of official transactions, I have before me several documents. The
first, concerns an internal action by the Policy Review Board of Galactic Zones. It
seems that early this morning they revised a policy concerning the status of mated Zone
Agent=s. In essence, it states that such Agent=s may be mated, and their mates may
accompany them on mission assignments, providing such mates have reached a
level-two grade assignment, within Zones, and have been cleared for information at
Zone Agent levels. The document has been signed by the Zone=s Coordinator and
forwarded to me for my confirmation. I want you to witness my signature.@
The First Coordinator signed the document and embossed his Seal of Office.
AFacsimiles of these documents will be sent for your signatures, and those of the
witnesses. Hatonn will see that I receive them back.
AThe second document consists of two parts@ the Coordinator went on. AThe first
part is an official commendation for Survey Specialist Re=Esha, for outstanding service
to the Galactic Survey, and valor extraordinary in the performance of her most recent
mission. It notes, as well, that she is the first known survivor of a ship=s reactor failure.
AAppended to this document is my request that Specialist Re=Esha, based on the
foregoing commendation, be transferred to the Department of Galactic Zones in
recognition of her service to the Confederation.
AThe second part of this document is an internal departmental memorandum from
the Coordinator of Galactic Zones appointing Citizen Re=Esha, on receipt of an official
transfer from the Survey, to the position of Galactic Zone=s Research Specialist - Level
Two. It addition, per an appended recommendation from myself, that she is cleared for
information at Zone Agent levels, pending completion of any required security checks
and briefing by Departmental Supervisors.@

The First Coordinator paused. He went through the procedure of signing the second
document. Then, again, he looked intently at Re=Esha. AI have thoroughly studied your
service records and talked with your immediate supervisors. The decisions I=ve made,
and the actions that have resulted, are based entirely on what those records and
conversations revealed. You are not receiving special treatment or favoritism because of
publicity or personal friendships. I have every reason to believe you will be of further
credit to your new Department and the Confederation, and that you will honor your new
There were tears of gratitude and happiness in Re=Esha=s eyes when she raised her
head to look into his eyes. AI will do my best,@ she said. AThank you.@
The Coordinator nodded, indicating his understanding, and then turned to Radon.
AThere is one other document. It was prepared by the Coordinator of Galactic Zones and
bears his signature. It is a request, to me, to award you the Confederation=s >Award of
Valor.= The reasons stated are B For the rescue of Survey Specialist Re=Esha, and your
subsequent efforts to sustain her life. It mentions actions taken by yourself, which
demonstrate the highest ideals of service. It also contains an order advancing you to the
grade of Zone Agent - Senior Level.@
He directed his attention to Radon. His look was one of personal and official
approval. AI have reviewed your service records, as well. It seems you have, indeed,
been a credit to the Agent=s of the Confederation. It gives me pleasure to endorse your
Coordinator=s request.@ Again, the document was signed.
AThank you Sir,@ Radon answered.
AThe other matters,@ the Coordinator went on, Aconcern the presentation of the
commendations and the award. Normally, I would present the award myself, but the
demands of this Office, prevent me from being there. I am sorry, as well, to miss your
reception. In view of this, I am sending a representative in my place to make the award.
And, I would ask Hatonn, my Adviser, to represent me at the ceremony.
AUnfortunately, the news media is already en route to cover that event. You=ll have
to bear with their presence and endure the glare of further publicity for the time being.
In that, you have my sympathetic understanding. The Coordinator=s of Survey and
Zones, along with my Representative, is being transported by one of Zone=s fastest
ships. They will be leaving shortly and will arrive there tomorrow. I=d suggest having
the ceremony two days from now.
AWhen you return to Trantor, I=d like to see both of you. Again, my congratulations.
Now, I would like a few words with Hatonn privately.@
Radon and Re=Esha, again, expressed their thanks to the First Coordinator. Jero, as
an Official Diplomat of Procyon, bowed her head, momentarily. It was a diplomatic
custom, due, to the Confederation=s highest official. Quietly, they left the room.
Hatonn found them on the veranda moments later. Radon stood and warmly clasped
the hand of his old friend. AI don=t know what you did to bring this about, but I want you

to know that I=ll be forever grateful. You worked a miracle, and saved the two most
precious items of my life, Re=Esha and my work.@
Before Hatonn could possibly reply, Re=Esha jumped up and threw her arms around
him, laying her head against his chest, her eyes brimming with tears. ASomehow, I knew
you=d find a way. Thank you,@ she said.
Hatonn, floundering under the tide of gratitude and happiness disengaged himself
from both of them. He placed his hands on Re=Esha=s shoulders and held her at arms=
length. AAll right. All right,@ he said gently. ABut, it wasn=t any miracle. It was time for
that policy to be changed, anyway. You two just happened to be the ones on the scene at
the right time.
AAfter what I told the First Coordinator last night, he undoubtedly used his good
sense and the combination of favorable factors present. Because of your good records,
everything was in order. I can assure you he didn=t pressure anyone. Radon=s award and
promotion would have come anyway, because of what he did. Re=Esha, you were also in
line for a promotion. Again, the timing was right. The Coordinator merely made it easy
for things to fall in place. Everyone, including your Coordinators, is happy about the
way things turned out. That=s why they=re coming here. They=re very proud of both of
Radon grinned and took Re=Esha=s hand. AHowever, you=re the one,@ he said to
Hatonn, Awho brought the matter of the proper timing to the First Coordinator=s
attention. I=m certain, as busy as he is, he wouldn=t have thought about it, without a little
Hatonn smiled, and waved his hand to signify it was nothing. AThat=s what Advisers
are for,@ he said. Suddenly, they were all laughing.
The balance of the day was spent rehearsing the procedure of the mating ceremony.
According to custom, the mates-to-be, would spend the next day in the Temple of the
>Light= in seclusion. Only their sponsors, in this case Hatonn and Jero, would be
allowed to see or visit them. It was a time for meditation and preparation. The
ceremony itself would be conducted at the Temple in the presence of the Maxim Light.
Only the couple to be mated and their sponsors would be present.
Hatonn, as a high-ranking De=los Teacher, would conduct the ceremony.
Afterwards, the couple would leave the Temple and go to their public reception. There,
they would meet their guests B The First Coordinator=s Representative, Official Guests,
and the News Media. The commendations and award=s presentation, would then take
place. Following that, a social reception would be held in the Archives Complex.
Afterwards, the couple would spend the night at Hatonn=s home and leave the following
morning for a leisurely return trip to Trantor.

The early evening was spent enjoying each other=s company and talking about
everything that had happened. The evening ended happily. The concerns and troubles of
the previous day had vanished. Before falling asleep Re=Esha turned on her side, and

resting on one elbow, looked at the man beside her. He was already asleep. Tenderly,
she brushed a stray lock of his hair back, from where it had fallen across his forehead.
Then she kissed his cheek. AI=ll love you always,@ she whispered. AThank you, Radiant
One for bringing us together.@ Then, she slid down beside him and was soon asleep.
The next morning, they left Hatonn=s island home. The waiting shuttle-craft, flew
over the stretch of water to the mainland, and the Archives Complex. Then, it circled
the city and landed at the Temple of the >Light.= Hatonn and Jero escorted them to a
small suite of rooms toward the rear of the Temple. Arrangements were made for their
meals. Then, they were left alone. The period of reflection and preparation had begun.
In the afternoon Hatonn and Jero came to them. They again rehearsed the ceremony
and the vows each would speak. Radon was coached by Hatonn, and Re=Esha by Jero.
When they finished, they were served an evening meal. Hatonn informed them that the
officials had arrived, and the news media was due that evening. Hatonn=s secretary was
handling all the arrangements. The ceremony was to take place at the sun=s zenith hour,
the next morning. Then their sponsors left. Hours later, Radon and Re=Esha were

The next morning, thirty minutes before the zenith hour, Hatonn and Jero, dressed
in their Teacher=s Robes, came for them. Each carried a folded white gown. At the
conclusion of the speaking of their vows, together, Radon and Re=Esha would enter the
Maxim Light.
APlease remove your clothing and put these gowns on,@ Hatonn instructed. AThey are
designed to disintegrate when you step into the sacred flame.@
Obediently, Radon and Re=Esha stripped, and slipped into the gowns. The gowns
were made of a sheer diaphanous material. Radon looked at himself and then at
Re=Esha. AI certainly hope the hallways are empty. Now, I understand why the ceremony
is private,@ he said, noting that the gowns were practically transparent.
In response, Jero took his arm. There was an amused smile on her face. Hatonn did
the same with Re=Esha. They started to leave the room. Re=Esha hesitated for an instant
looking back at Radon. She giggled. AYou look absolutely terrific,@ she said.
Radon was speechless.
Jero leaned close and whispered in his ear. AI do believe you=re starting to blush,@
she teased, as she started him walking again.
Fortunately, or on purpose, the hallways leading to the Chamber of the Maxim Light
were deserted.
Radon decided the only way he could maintain a calm exterior was to engage in the
same levity the women had started. He leaned close to Jero and whispered, with a wide
grin on his face, AI=d like to see you in one of these outfits.@

Jero stopped, and swung about to face him. Her luminous green eyes engulfed him.
Suddenly he felt dizzy. AYou have and you will,@ she said lightly, and smiled. Then,
spinning around, she hurried him along to catch up with the others.
Radon stumbled after her, speechless again. His Mind spun as he tried to understand
the meaning of her words. Before he could figure it out, they arrived at the chamber.
Hatonn had stopped before a wide and high door. At some unseen signal from him,
it opened, allowing them to pass. It was the first time either Radon or Re=Esha had ever
seen a Chamber of the Maxim Light. The room was large. It was over sixty-feet in
Alcoves, with curtains, and all empty, were spaced at intervals around its
circumference at knee level. However, what claimed the most attention was a high
circular pedestal, with steps leading up to it from two sides. From its center a circular
column of swirling pale-white light, shot upward and disappeared into an opening in the
chamber=s ceiling. The room was filled with a soft rushing sound.
Something tugged at Radon=s memory. He tried to capture it, but it slid away.
ACome,@ Hatonn said, leading them across the room. With his arm still through
Re=Esha=s, he mounted the steps with the others following. He approached the center of
the wide pedestal and stopped several feet from the glowing shaft of light. According to
what they had rehearsed, Re=Esha moved until she was standing about two feet from the
shaft of light, with her back turned to it. Radon moved until he was standing before, and
facing her. Hatonn and Jero took up their positions on either side of the couple, facing
each other.
Hatonn started the ceremony with a reverent Invocation of the >Light.= Each one
present, repeated it silently to themselves. When he finished, he requested Radon and
Re=Esha to take hold of each other=s hands. They stood this way, holding hands, and
facing each other.
Hatonn spoke the words of the ceremony, and Re=Esha felt happiness and love flow
through her. From somewhere deep inside her it came to her awareness that an inner
need, a need to receive, know, and give love, was about to be fulfilled. The man she
loved, the one she had chosen, stood facing her. In a few moments she would step
backwards and, drawing him to her, they would enter the sacred flame.
The sacred flame would take their love, merge it, and fuse it back into their Beings.
From that moment, they would be united forever. The look in her eyes spoke to him, in
a language older than Man.
Radon, caught-up in the emotion of the ceremony and the words Hatonn was saying,
stared back at Re=Esha. Her lovely form, in silhouette, backlit by the column of swirling
light, was revealed in all its beauty. Something caught his eye; he blinked, trying to
clear his vision. A glow, no, it was an aura, appeared to shimmer in the air all around
her. His eyes sought hers. What he saw there seemed to swallow him. A yearning, so
strong it was painful, crashed through him. The thought, she=s so beautiful, I love her so
much, raced through his Mind. He swayed, almost losing his balance. He was only

partially aware that Re=Esha had tightened her grip, steadying him. Unable to take his
eyes from hers, he became aware that she was speaking her vows.
Tears of happiness were in her eyes, as she spoke the vows which would unite them.
A moment later, Radon spoke the same vows.
Hatonn, then, said B AThe lifetimes, and the love, that you will share together is a
gift of the Radiant One. Remember, always, to honor its source.@
With those words, Re=Esha felt Jero touch her hand. It was the signal Jero had told
her about. Re=Esha started backing toward the Maxim Light.
Hatonn and Jero had made it perfectly clear to the couple, while instructing and
rehearsing them for the ceremony, that stepping into the Maxim Light would not harm
them in any way.
ACome my love,@ Re=Esha was saying, while at the same time, drawing him to her.
Again, she stepped backward. An instant later they entered the flame.
The memory which had tugged at his Mind earlier, rushed into Radon=s awareness.
Her words, coupled with the light which exploded around them, brought back what he
had experienced in the Arisian Chamber on Corlandra so many years ago. Suddenly, he
was reliving that experience.
As they entered the sacred flame of the Maxim Light, their gowns vanished in a
flash of light. Re=Esha was still moving backwards until her feet felt the circular disk,
she had been told about. It was in the center of the brilliant column of light. She drew
him closer, until he was standing on it also. Instantly, the sacred flame changed color
and roared up about them. Her arms went around his neck. Their bodies were pressed
together. Reaching for his lips, with hers, she said B AWe are one, my love. We will be
together for all eternity.@ Her lips touched his.
A circular shaft of sparkling light, encompassing them both, sprang from the disk on
which they were standing. Starting at their ankles, it moved gradually up their bodies.
Tiny flames, of multicolored coruscating light, danced in the air about them. Vivid
sparks, electric blue and amethyst colored, shot between them, wherever their bodies
touched. A thrill, such as neither had ever experienced, kept pace with the ascending
shaft of light.
Unable to bear the ecstasy, Radon tore his lips from hers and, with his hands,
gripped her head. Tilting it back, he looked into her eyes. AI love you,@ he heard himself
The ascending shaft of blazing light reached their necks and engulfed them. In the
light above them, two shadowy outlines of their forms appeared. They were separated
and distinct, only inches apart. The sparks of light surrounding them came together
frantically twisting and turning drawing the forms together. They merged.
In that instant, for Radon, the universe exploded. He saw a million stars and star
systems approach, and race past him. Glowing nebulas came next. They were lit by
their internal nuclear fires. They glowed with every color imaginable. In the distance,
an intense light was approaching at blinding speed. The cosmos reeled and something

incredible reached out, and touched him with love. Again, Re=Esha=s eyes claimed his.
The mystery and majesty of what he saw there, staggered him.
He wrapped his arms around her as she lowered her gaze and buried her head in his
shoulder. Whatever had happened had touched them both. Tears of happiness and joy,
trickled down his cheeks and splashed on her shoulders. She felt them and tilted her
head back. This time, his lips found hers.
The glowing form of their At-One-Ment hovering above them, descended and
enveloped them. In a flash of golden radiance it moved into them, and vanished.
Their lips parted. A thought reached out and touched their awareness. It was
Hatonn=s. AYou are mates, consecrated in the Maxim Light,@ it said. AIt is time to rejoin
Slipping an arm about her shoulders, Radon led Re=Esha from the Maxim Light.
Hatonn and Jero were waiting for them. They stepped forward and covered them with
white robes, edged in gold.
Hatonn put his arms around Re=Esha, giving her a hug. He kissed her tear-stained
cheek. Then looking into her eyes, he said B ACongratulations. Radon was right. You=re
as beautiful as an angel.@
Jero stepped forward and placed her arms around Radon=s neck. A smile appeared,
when he looked confused. AThis is what you get,@ she said, Afor having the uncommon
good sense to mate with the right woman.@ She winked at him, and pressed her lips to
his. An electric shock ran through his body. Laughing, she released him.
ACongratulations,@ she said.
The next moment her arms were around Re=Esha. What she said wasn=t heard, as
she led her away.
Radon was shocked the second time, as Hatonn gave him a brief hug.
ACongratulations, my friend,@ he said, with unusual warmth in his voice. AI=m very
proud of you.@
An emotion Radon had never felt before passed through him. He was deeply
touched by Hatonn=s gesture.
AI=ll always remember this,@ Radon said. AMaybe, just maybe, I can repay everything
you=ve done for us, someday.@
For a second, something misted in Hatonn=s eyes, then he led Radon out of the
chamber. ACome,@ he said. AWe must get you ready for the reception.@
As they were walking back to their rooms, Radon suddenly remembered the
experience of the Maxim Light. In an excited voice, he related his experience in the
Arisian chamber on Corlandra. When he finished, he looked expectantly at Hatonn.
AYou did ask me to tell you, if I ever remembered what happened,@ he said.
Hatonn had stopped, and listened, as Radon told the story. AI=m glad you finally
remembered,@ he said. There was a thoughtful look on his face. APerhaps you
experienced a type of precognition. However, we must hurry. There are some very
important people waiting to meet both of you.@

When they reached their quarters in the Temple, Re=Esha was putting on the dress
uniform of the Survey. Hatonn pointed to Radon=s, lying on the bed. AI had them
brought over from your ship. You=d better change. We haven=t much time.@
Hatonn and Jero went into another room. When they reappeared, they were dressed
in their official robes of office.
When Re=Esha and Radon were both ready, Hatonn and Jero led them to a side
entrance of the Temple. An official ground vehicle was waiting for them. In moments
they were on their way to the reception.
AThings are going to be a little hectic for a while,@ Hatonn was saying. ADon=t be
surprised at anything that happens. By-the-way, Radon, an old friend of yours is here, as
the personal Representative of the First Coordinator.@
AWho?@ Radon asked.
AIt=s a surprise,@ Hatonn answered. AI=m not supposed to tell you, but you=ll find out
soon enough. We=ll be there in a few minutes.@
AThere will be a reception line,@ Jero said, Aand the news media. Hatonn and I will
keep you moving, so you=re not tied up with them. We won=t have much time to talk
together until after the Reception. Just know, that if you need us, we=ll be there.@
Their vehicle entered the complex and wound its way through the maze of
buildings. It slowed and finally stopped. There was a crowd of people waiting and a
walkway leading to a building.
An honor guard of the Galactic Patrol, lined both sides of the walkway, keeping a
horde of news media and the public at bay. When the vehicle stopped, they came
smartly to attention. An Officer of the Patrol, opened the door and helped the women
out. The men followed. Jero was wearing a full length gown with a flowing cape. The
cape bore the Official Emblem of Procyon. The honor guard was as much in her honor,
as a visiting dignitary, as it was for the newly mated couple. They were all outside the
vehicle, when the Officer saluted and asked them to follow him.
As they moved toward the building, six men of the Patrol formed a box-like
formation around them. On raised platforms visual cameras, and media personnel were
describing the events for the public. Arm in arm, Radon and Re=Esha walked toward the
building. Hatonn and Jero were just behind them. Excited people called congratulations
to the couple as they passed. Radon and Re=Esha, smiling, waved back. Inside, the
hallway had been cleared and they were led to the doorway of a very large room. As
they entered, a loud round of applause started.
The Patrol Officer bowed and excused himself. Standing at the head of the line, of
waiting dignitaries and guests, was a smiling face that Radon recognized. It was Zone
Agent Danon. The Zone Agent, who had given Radon his initial training. In this life, as
a young man of Radon=s age, he was handsome and resplendent in his dress uniform.
Radon, overjoyed, accepted Danon=s hand wondering what he was doing at the head
of the official reception line. Danon, smiling, then turned and bowed to Re=Esha. AMay I

offer the best wishes and the personal congratulations of The First Coordinator to both
of you,@ he said.
AHow did you get tagged for this,@ Radon said in a hushed whisper, leaning toward
his old friend?
AJust lucky I guess,@ Danon whispered back, while he was still looking with
admiration at Re=Esha. AI=ll tell you about it later.@
Then, they had to move on. Next in line, out of respect for Re=Esha, was the
Coordinator of the Galactic Survey. After the congratulations and courtesies were
completed, they moved on and were face to face with the Coordinator of Galactic
Zones. Years ago, Talon had been promoted to the Confederation=s Council. Grayson,
the present Coordinator, was tall, dark haired, and distinguished looking. He had the
reputation of being very efficient. At the moment he was smiling, an action most
Coordinator=s of Galactic Zones, seldom had the opportunity to perform. He took
Radon=s hand firmly, and expressed his congratulations.
AThank you Sir,@ Radon responded. AMay I have the honor of presenting Re=Esha.@
Grayson, with great courtesy, took her offered hand. He bowed graciously. His
smile was one of approval. AIt is a pleasure I=ll not soon forget,@ he said. AI=m looking
forward to your transfer to Galactic Zones.@
Re=Esha gave him a dazzling smile, before replying. AThank you, Coordinator
Grayson. I=m looking forward to the experience.@
AI=m sure you=ll find it rewarding,@ he said, releasing her hand.
Eventually, they moved down the line of waiting guests. When they finished, they
were led to a large table in the front of the room. They were seated near the center, next
to the Coordinators and Danon. Hatonn and Jero were next to them. Refreshments were
brought in.
It was then that Hatonn rose and stood before a small podium. The murmuring in
the room grew silent. He introduced Danon as the Representative of The First
Coordinator. Danon gave a short speech in which he explained the First Coordinator=s
reason for not being there personally. The award and commendation presentations had
After the award=s presentation, the reception continued.
Hatonn was again at the podium. He was announcing that refreshments would be
served and the festivities could begin.
What followed, meeting guests and friends, and interviews with the news media,
lasted for hours. Both Radon and Re=Esha had various opportunities to talk with Danon.
He explained that he had piloted the Zone=s ship which had brought the dignitaries from
Trantor. As soon as the reception ended, he would be taking them back. They would
have more time to talk when Radon and Re=Esha returned to Trantor.
Finally the reception ended. Tired and happy they joined Hatonn and Jero for the
trip back to Hatonn=s island home. After some discussion of the day=s activities and a

chance to relax, they headed for their rooms. It had been a day none of them would
After breakfast the next morning, the four took the shuttle to the spaceport. After
transferring and stowing their personal items, Radon took Jero on the promised tour of
the Re=Aris. Hatonn and Re=Esha remained in the lounge discussing the previous days=
IT, observing and listening to all that was occurring aboard the ship, was surprised
when Radon and Jero stopped in front of the ship=s main computer.
AWhen are you going to tell Re=Esha about IT?@ Jero asked.
Radon was also surprised. AYou know about IT,@ he asked?
AEver since I came aboard,@ Jero responded. AI picked up his telepathic probes and
his conversations with you. Remember, telepathy, even very sophisticated telepathy,
like a Mind-Link, is nothing new to those of us from Procyon.@
AI should have guessed,@ Radon said. He shrugged his shoulders.
Jero turned to face him. ARe=Esha, won=t fail any of the security checks that Zones is
going to conduct. She=ll be cleared for Level-Two information. I=m absolutely certain of
this. I=d suggest telling her about IT, when Hatonn and I leave.@
Radon, brushed his hand through his hair, a somewhat perplexed expression on his
face, then a grin appeared.
AYou=re a remarkable woman, Jero,@ he said. AI=ll take your advice.@
AGood,@ she said. ANow be a gentleman and introduce me to IT.@
A short time later, they joined the others. Hatonn looked at Jero. She nodded. AIt=s
time we were leaving,@ he said.
As they walked to the main hatch, they were all busy talking. Jero, in a side
conversation with Re=Esha, told her that if she ever needed help or inspiration she
could, telepathically, call on her. In that instant, a silent understanding passed between
the two women. Re=Esha nodded.
They caught up with the two men at the hatch entrance. It was a sorrowful but
happy farewell. Both Radon and Re=Esha expressed their deep gratitude for the help and
friendship they had received.
Hugs were exchanged. Then, Hatonn and Jero left the ship. They walked to the
safety zone and waited to see it depart.
Radon and Re=Esha walked back to the control room. In moments, Radon had
cleared them for departure. Seconds later, the graceful gold-bronze ship lifted, and
gradually ascended. Hatonn and Jero waved.
AAnd, what about the threads of destiny, now?@ Jero asked, taking his arm.
AOnly time will tell,@ Hatonn replied. AI don=t doubt that they=ll achieve their destiny.
But, we=ll need to keep an eye on them.@
Jero nodded and smiled. AThey=re the first to carry the Arisian essence we
implanted. They=re the hope for Man=s future.@ She paused. A reflective look appeared
on her beautiful face. ASuddenly, I feel very maternal.@

AI know,@ he said. They turned and walked away.

As the Re=Aris left Terminus, under automatic guidance, Radon took Re=Esha by the
arm. ACome, my love, there=s something I need to show you, and something I need to
explain.@ He walked her back to the main computer section and stopped.
In the hour that followed Re=Esha learned about IT. She was introduced. There
followed a long discussion among the three of them. Re=Esha, finally, asked to talk with
IT alone. Radon understood. He left and returned to the control room. An hour later,
Re=Esha joined him.
She was smiling. AI think IT and I have established a relationship of joint respect
and admiration for each other,@ she said. She tilted her head to one side and looked at
Radon quizzically. AHe certainly seems interested in knowing about love. His memory
banks are full of every classical definition imaginable. But, in other respects, he=s
terribly naive. Terribly one-sided, don=t you think?@
Radon grinned. AYou don=t know the half of it,@ he said. Then he laughed. AHe even
wanted to know if he could watch us making love. I cautioned him against it.@
Re=Esha had a strange expression in her eyes. AI need to think about that,@ she said.
The rest of the day, they made plans for a leisurely trip, with sightseeing stops along
the way, for their return to Trantor.
That night, together, side-by-side, Re=Esha looked at him expectantly. Without a
word, he took her in his arms. His lips found hers.
When the kiss ended, Re=Esha raised her head and said B AIT, will you please turn
off the lights.@ Obediently, the room darkened.
AHe has infrared sensors on the visual pickups,@ Radon whispered in her ear. AHe
can see perfectly in the dark.@
AGood,@ Re=Esha giggled, as she moved into another position. AI hope what he sees
teaches him something. He=s never going to learn about love, with such a one-sided
She poked Radon in the ribs. ACome on my love,@ she said, her eyes shinning, Awe
have all those steps to climb.@
A few moments later a puff of smoke appeared and a breaker tripped in the ship=s
main computer. The Re=Aris executed a complicated maneuver before, erratically,
resuming its preset course.
IT, thought about resetting the breaker, but decided against the action. After all, he
thought, I=ll have plenty of time to learn.

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