Article 1769 Cases
Article 1769 Cases
Article 1769 Cases
Their original purpose was to divide the lots for residential purposes. If
Demosthenes B. Gadioma for petitioners. later on they found it not feasible to build their residences on the lots
because of the high cost of construction, then they had no choice but to
resell the same to dissolve the co-ownership. The division of the profit
was merely incidental to the dissolution of the co-ownership which was
in the nature of things a temporary state. It had to be terminated sooner
or later. Castan Tobeas says:
Como establecer el deslinde entre la comunidad ordinaria o
copropiedad y la sociedad?
This case is about the income tax liability of four brothers and sisters
who sold two parcels of land which they had acquired from their father.
El criterio diferencial-segun la doctrina mas generalizada-esta: por
razon del origen, en que la sociedad presupone necesariamente la
On March 2, 1973 Jose Obillos, Sr. completed payment to Ortigas & Co., convencion, mentras que la comunidad puede existir y existe
Ltd. on two lots with areas of 1,124 and 963 square meters located at ordinariamente sin ela; y por razon del fin objecto, en que el objeto de
Greenhills, San Juan, Rizal. The next day he transferred his rights to his la sociedad es obtener lucro, mientras que el de la indivision es solo
four children, the petitioners, to enable them to build their residences. mantener en su integridad la cosa comun y favorecer su conservacion.
The company sold the two lots to petitioners for P178,708.12 on March
13 (Exh. A and B, p. 44, Rollo). Presumably, the Torrens titles issued to
them would show that they were co-owners of the two lots.
Reflejo de este criterio es la sentencia de 15 de Octubre de 1940, en la
que se dice que si en nuestro Derecho positive se ofrecen a veces
dificultades al tratar de fijar la linea divisoria entre comunidad de bienes
In 1974, or after having held the two lots for more than a year, the y contrato de sociedad, la moderna orientacion de la doctrina cientifica
petitioners resold them to the Walled City Securities Corporation and seala como nota fundamental de diferenciacion aparte del origen de
Olga Cruz Canda for the total sum of P313,050 (Exh. C and D). They fuente de que surgen, no siempre uniforme, la finalidad perseguida por
derived from the sale a total profit of P134,341.88 or P33,584 for each los interesados: lucro comun partible en la sociedad, y mera
of them. They treated the profit as a capital gain and paid an income tax conservacion y aprovechamiento en la comunidad. (Derecho Civil
on one-half thereof or of P16,792. Espanol, Vol. 2, Part 1, 10 Ed., 1971, 328- 329).
In April, 1980, or one day before the expiration of the five-year Article 1769(3) of the Civil Code provides that "the sharing of gross
prescriptive period, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue required the returns does not of itself establish a partnership, whether or not the
four petitioners to pay corporate income tax on the total profit of persons sharing them have a joint or common right or interest in any
P134,336 in addition to individual income tax on their shares thereof He property from which the returns are derived". There must be an
assessed P37,018 as corporate income tax, P18,509 as 50% fraud unmistakable intention to form a partnership or joint venture.*
surcharge and P15,547.56 as 42% accumulated interest, or a total of
Such intent was present in Gatchalian vs. Collector of Internal Revenue,
67 Phil. 666, where 15 persons contributed small amounts to purchase
Not only that. He considered the share of the profits of each petitioner in a two-peso sweepstakes ticket with the agreement that they would
the sum of P33,584 as a " taxable in full (not a mere capital gain of which divide the prize The ticket won the third prize of P50,000. The 15
is taxable) and required them to pay deficiency income taxes persons were held liable for income tax as an unregistered partnership.
aggregating P56,707.20 including the 50% fraud surcharge and the
accumulated interest.
The instant case is distinguishable from the cases where the parties
engaged in joint ventures for profit. Thus, in Oa vs.
Thus, the petitioners are being held liable for deficiency income taxes
and penalties totalling P127,781.76 on their profit of P134,336, in
addition to the tax on capital gains already paid by them.
** This view is supported by the following rulings of respondent
The Commissioner acted on the theory that the four petitioners had
formed an unregistered partnership or joint venture within the meaning
of sections 24(a) and 84(b) of the Tax Code (Collector of Internal Co-owership distinguished from partnership.We find that the case at
Revenue vs. Batangas Trans. Co., 102 Phil. 822). bar is fundamentally similar to the De Leon case. Thus, like the De Leon
heirs, the Longa heirs inherited the 'hacienda' in question pro-indiviso
from their deceased parents; they did not contribute or invest additional
' capital to increase or expand the inherited properties; they merely
The petitioners contested the assessments. Two Judges of the Tax continued dedicating the property to the use to which it had been put by
Court sustained the same. Judge Roaquin dissented. Hence, the instant their forebears; they individually reported in their tax returns their
appeal. corresponding shares in the income and expenses of the 'hacienda', and
they continued for many years the status of co-ownership in order, as
conceded by respondent, 'to preserve its (the 'hacienda') value and to
continue the existing contractual relations with the Central Azucarera de
We hold that it is error to consider the petitioners as having formed a Bais for milling purposes. Longa vs. Aranas, CTA Case No. 653, July
partnership under article 1767 of the Civil Code simply because they 31, 1963).
allegedly contributed P178,708.12 to buy the two lots, resold the same
and divided the profit among themselves.
WHEREFORE, the judgment of the Tax Court is reversed and set aside. Petitioners maintain the view that the Evangelista ruling does not apply;
The assessments are cancelled. No costs. for them, the situation is dissimilar.1wph1.t Consequently they
allege that the reliance by respondent Court of Tax Appeals was
unwarranted and the decision should be set aside. If their interpretation
of the authoritative doctrine therein set forth commands assent, then
SO ORDERED. clearly what respondent Court of Tax Appeals did fails to find shelter in
the law. That is the crux of the matter. A perusal of the Evangelista
G.R. Nos. L-24020-21 July 29, 1968 decision is therefore unavoidable.
FLORENCIO REYES and ANGEL REYES, petitioners, As noted in the opinion of the Court, penned by the present Chief
Justice, the issue was whether petitioners are subject to the tax on
vs. corporations provided for in section 24 of Commonwealth Act No. 466,
otherwise known as the National Internal Revenue Code, ..."9 After
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and HON. COURT OF referring to another section of the National Internal Revenue Code,
TAX APPEALS, respondents. which explicitly provides that the term corporation "includes
partnerships" and then to Article 1767 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines, defining what a contract of partnership is, the opinion goes
Jose W. Diokno and Domingo Sandoval for petitioners. on to state that "the essential elements of a partnership are two, namely:
(a) an agreement to contribute money, property or industry to a common
Office of the Solicitor General for respondents. fund; and (b) intent to divide the profits among the contracting parties.
The first element is undoubtedly present in the case at bar, for,
admittedly, petitioners have agreed to and did, contribute money and
property to a common fund. Hence, the issue narrows down to their
FERNANDO, J.: intent in acting as they did. Upon consideration of all the facts and
circumstances surrounding the case, we are fully satisfied that their
purpose was to engage in real estate transactions for monetary gain and
then divide the same among themselves, ..."10
Petitioners in this case were assessed by respondent Commissioner of
Internal Revenue the sum of P46,647.00 as income tax, surcharge and
compromise for the years 1951 to 1954, an assessment subsequently
reduced to P37,528.00. This assessment sought to be reconsidered In support of the above conclusion, reference was made to the following
unsuccessfully was the subject of an appeal to respondent Court of Tax circumstances, namely, the common fund being created purposely not
Appeals. Thereafter, another assessment was made against petitioners, something already found in existence, the investment of the same not
this time for back income taxes plus surcharge and compromise in the merely in one transaction but in a series of transactions; the lots thus
total sum of P25,973.75, covering the years 1955 and 1956. There being acquired not being devoted to residential purposes or to other personal
a failure on their part to have such assessments reconsidered, the uses of petitioners in that case; such properties having been under the
matter was likewise taken to the respondent Court of Tax Appeals. The management of one person with full power to lease, to collect rents, to
two cases1 involving as they did identical issues and ultimately traceable issue receipts, to bring suits, to sign letters and contracts and to endorse
to facts similar in character were heard jointly with only one decision notes and checks; the above conditions having existed for more than 10
being rendered. years since the acquisition of the above properties; and no testimony
having been introduced as to the purpose "in creating the set up already
adverted to, or on the causes for its continued existence."11 The
conclusion that emerged had all the imprint of inevitability. Thus:
In that joint decision of respondent Court of Tax Appeals, the tax liability "Although, taken singly, they might not suffice to establish the intent
for the years 1951 to 1954 was reduced to P37,128.00 and for the years necessary to constitute a partnership, the collective effect of these
1955 and 1956, to P20,619.00 as income tax due "from the partnership circumstances is such as to leave no room for doubt on the existence of
formed" by petitioners.2 The reduction was due to the elimination of said intent in petitioners herein."12
surcharge, the failure to file the income tax return being accepted as due
to petitioners honest belief that no such liability was incurred as well as
the compromise penalties for such failure to file.3 A reconsideration of
the aforesaid decision was sought and denied by respondent Court of It may be said that there could be a differentiation made between the
Tax Appeals. Hence this petition for review. circumstances above detailed and those existing in the present case. It
does not suffice though to preclude the applicability of the Evangelista
decision. Petitioners could harp on these being only one transaction.
They could stress that an affidavit of one of them found in the Bureau of
Internal Revenue records would indicate that their intention was to
house in the building acquired by them the respective enterprises, FRANCISCO BASTIDA, plaintiff-appellee,
coupled with a plan of effecting a division in 10 years. It is a little
surprising then that while the purchase was made on October 31, 1950 vs.
and their brief as petitioners filed on October 20, 1965, almost 15 years
later, there was no allegation that such division as between them was in MENZI & Co., INC., J.M. MENZI and P.C. SCHLOBOHM, defendants.
fact made. Moreover, the facts as found and as submitted in the brief
made clear that the building in question continued to be leased by other MENZI & CO., appellant.
parties with petitioners dividing "equally the income ... after deducting
the expenses of operation and maintenance ..."13 Differences of such
slight significance do not call for a different ruling. Romualdez Brothers and Harvey and O'Brien for appellant.
Jose M. Casal, Alberto Barretto and Gibbs and McDonough for appellee.
It is obvious that petitioners' effort to avoid the controlling force of the
Evangelista ruling cannot be deemed successful. Respondent Court of
Tax Appeals acted correctly. It yielded to the command of an VICKERS, J.:
authoritative decision; it recognized its binding character. There is
clearly no merit to the second error assigned by petitioners, who would
deny its applicability to their situation.
This is an appeal by Menzi & Co., Inc., one of the defendants, from a
decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila. The case was tried on
the amended complaint dated May 26, 1928 and defendants' amended
The first alleged error committed by respondent Court of Tax Appeals in answer thereto of September 1, 1928. For the sake of clearness, we
holding that petitioners, in acquiring the Gibbs Building, established a shall incorporate herein the principal allegations of the parties.
partnership subject to income tax as a corporation under the National
Internal Revenue Code is likewise untenable. In their discussion in their
brief of this alleged error, stress is laid on their being co-owners and not
partners. Such an allegation was likewise made in the Evangelista case. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION
This is the way it was disposed of in the opinion of the present Chief Plaintiff alleged:
Justice: "This pretense was correctly rejected by the Court of Tax
Appeals."14 Then came the explanation why: "To begin with, the tax in
question is one imposed upon "corporations", which, strictly speaking,
are distinct and different from "partnerships". When our Internal I
Revenue Code includes "partnerships" among the entities subject to the
tax on "corporations", said Code must allude, therefore, to organizations
which are not necessarily "partnerships", in the technical sense of the
That the defendant J.M. Menzi, together with his wife and daughter,
term. Thus, for instance, section 24 of said Code exempts from the owns ninety-nine per cent (99%) of the capital stock of the defendant
aforementioned tax "duly registered general partnerships", which
Menzi & Co., Inc., that the plaintiff has been informed and therefore
constitute precisely one of the most typical forms of partnerships in this
believes that the defendant J.M. Menzi, his wife and daughter, together
jurisdiction. Likewise, as defined in section 84(b) of said Code, "the term with the defendant P.C. Schlobohm and one Juan Seiboth, constitute
corporation includes partnerships, no matter how created or organized."
the board of directors of the defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc.;
This qualifying expression clearly indicates that a joint venture need not
be undertaken in any of the standard forms, or in conformity with the
usual requirements of the law on partnerships, in order that one could
be deemed constituted for purposes of the tax on corporations. Again, II
pursuant to said section 84(b), the term "corporation" includes, among
others, "joint accounts, (cuentas en participacion)" and "associations",
none of which has a legal personality of its own, independent of that of
its members. Accordingly, the lawmaker could not have regarded that That on April 27, 1922, the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc. through its
personality as a condition essential to the existence of the partnerships president and general manager, J.M. Menzi, under the authority of the
therein referred to. In fact, as above stated, "duly registered general board of directors, entered into a contract with the plaintiff to engage in
copartnerships" which are possessed of the aforementioned the business of exploiting prepared fertilizers, as evidenced by the
personality - have been expressly excluded by law (sections 24 and contract marked Exhibit A, attached to the original complaint as a part
84[b]) from the connotation of the term "corporation"."15 The opinion thereof, and likewise made a part of the amended complaint, as if it were
went on to summarize the matter aptly: "For purposes of the tax on here copied verbatim;
corporations, our National Internal Revenue Code, include these
partnerships with the exception only of duly registered general co-
partnerships within the purview of the term "corporation." It is, therefore,
clear to our mind that petitioners herein constitute a partnership, insofar III
as said Code is concerned, and are subject to the income tax for
That in pursuance of said contract, plaintiff and defendant Menzi & Co.,
Inc., began to manufacture prepared fertilizers, the former
In the light of the above, it cannot be said that the respondent Court of superintending the work of actual preparation, and the latter, through
Tax Appeals decided the matter incorrectly. There is no warrant for the defendants J.M. Menzi and P. C. Schlobohm, managing the business
assertion that it failed to apply the settled law to uncontroverted facts. Its and opening an account entitled "FERTILIZERS" on the books of the
decision cannot be successfully assailed. Moreover, an observation defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., where all the accounts of the partnership
made in Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Manufacturing Co. v. business were supposed to be kept; the plaintiff had no participation in
Commissioner of Internal Revenue,17 is well-worth recalling. Thus: "Nor the making of these entries, which were wholly in the defendants'
as a matter of principle is it advisable for this Court to set aside the charge, under whose orders every entry was made;
conclusion reached by an agency such as the Court of Tax Appeals
which is, by the very nature of its functions, dedicated exclusively to the
study and consideration of tax problems and has necessarily developed IV
an expertise on the subject, unless, as did not happen here, there has
been an abuse or improvident exercise of its authority."
That when the plaintiff received the information mentioned in the
preceding paragraph, he demanded that the defendants permit him to
examine the books and vouchers of the business, which were in their
possession, in order to ascertain the truth of the alleged false entries in CONTRATO
the books and balance sheets submitted for his approval, but the
defendants refused, and did not consent to the examination until after
the original complaint was filed in this case; but up to this time they have que se celebra entre los Sres. Menzi y Compaia, de Manila, como
refused to furnish all the books, data, and vouchers necessary for a Primera Parte, y D. Francisco Bastada, tambien de Manila, como
complete and accurate examination of all the partnership's accounts; Segunda Parte, bajo las siguientes
(c) For having collected from the partnership the income tax which
should have been paid for its own account by Menzi & Co., Inc.; 5. La Segunda Parte no podra, directa o indirectamente, dedicarse por
si sola ni en sociedad con otras personas, o de manera alguna que no
sea con la Primera Parte, al negecio de Abonos, simples o preparados,
o de materia alguna que se aplique comunmente a la fertilizacion de
(d) For having collected, to the damage and prejudice of the plaintiff, suelos y plantas, durante la vigencia de este contrato, a menos que
commissions on the purchase of materials for the manufacture of obtenga autorizacion expresa de la Primera Parte para ello;
Upon the strength of the facts set out in this first cause of action, the 7. La Primera Parte se obliga a ceder y a hacer efectivo a la Segunda
plaintiff prays the court: Parte el 35 por ciento (treinta y cinco por ciento) de las utilidades netas
del negocio de abonos, liquidables el 30 de junio de cada ao;
2. To summon each and every defendant to appear and give a true 9. Durante el ao 1923 la Parte concedera a la Segunda permiso para
account of all facts relating to the partnership between the plaintiff and que este se ausente de Filipinas por un periodo de tiempo que no
the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., and of each and every act and exceda de un ao, sin menoscabo para derechos de la Segunda Parte
transaction connected with the business of said partnership from the con arreglo a este contrato.
beginning to April 27, 1927, and a true statement of all merchandise of
whatever description, purchased for said partnership, and of all the
En testimonio de lo cual firmamos el presente en la Ciudad de Manila, and the share of the net profits pertaining to the plaintiff as his
I. F., a veintisiete de abril de 1922. compensation under said agreement; that after the said manufacturing
and profit and the loss account and balance sheet for each year of the
business of its said fertilizer department up to and including the year
1926, had been prepared by the said auditors and certified by them, they
MENZI & CO., INC. were shown to and examined by the plaintiff, and duly accepted, and
approved by him, with full knowledge of their contents, and as evidence
Por (Fdo.) J. MENZI of such approval, he signed his name on each of them, as shown on the
copies of said manufacturing and profit and loss account and balance
General Manager
sheet for each year up to and including the year 1926, which are
Primera Parte attached to the record of this case, and which are hereby referred to and
made a part of this amended answer, and in accordance therewith, the
said plaintiff has actually received the portion of the net profits of its said
business for those years pertaining to him for his services under said
(Fdo.) F. BASTIDA agreement; that at no time during the course of said fertilizer business
and the liquidation thereof has the plaintiff been in any way denied
Segunda Parte access to the books and records pertaining thereto, but on the contrary,
said books and records have been subject to his inspection and
examination at any time during business hours, and even since the
commencement of this action, the plaintiff and his accountants, Messrs.
MENZI & CO., INC. Haskins & Sells, of Manila, have been going over and examining said
books and records for months and the defendant, Menzi & Co. Inc.,
through its officers, have turned over to said plaintiff and his accountant
the books and records of said business and even furnished them
Acting Secretary
suitable accommodations in its own office to examine the same;
3. That the accounts of the business of the said fertilizer department of I. That the plaintiff hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV, and V of
Menzi & Co., Inc., were duly kept in the regular books of its general the first cause of action.
business, in the ordinary course thereof, up to June 30, 1923, and that
after that time and during the remainder of the period of said agreement,
for the purpose of convenience in determining the amount of II. That the examination made by the plaintiff's auditors of some of the
compensation due to the plaintiff under his agreement, separate books books of the partnership that were furnished by the defendants disclosed
of account for its said fertilizer business were duly, kept in the name of the fact that said defendants had charged to "purchases" of the
'Menzi & Co., Inc., Fertilizer', and used exclusively for that purpose and business, undue interest, the amount of which the plaintiff is unable to
it was mutually agreed between the said Francisco Bastida and the said determine, as he has never had at his disposal the books and vouchers
Menzi & Co., Inc., that the yearly balances for the determination of the necessary for that purpose, and especially, owning to the fact that the
net profits of said business due to the said plaintiff as compensation for partnership constituted between the plaintiff and the defendant Menzi &
his services under said agreement would be made as of December 31st, Co., Inc., never kept its own cash book, but that its funds were
instead of June 30th, of each year, during the period of said agreement; maliciously included in the private funds of the defendant entity, neither
that the accounts of the business of its said fertilizer department, as was there a separate BANK ACCOUNT of the partnership, such account
recorded in its said books, and the vouchers and records supporting the being included in the defendant's bank account.
same, for each year of said business have been duly audited by Messrs.
White, Page & Co., certified public accountants, of Manila, who, shortly
after the close of business at the end of each year up to and including
the year 1926, have prepared therefrom a manufacturing and profit and III. That from the examination of the partnership books as aforesaid, the
loss account and balance sheet, showing the status of said business plaintiff estimates that the partnership between himself and the
defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., has been defrauded by the defendants by
way of interest in an amount of approximately P184,432.51, of which 35
per cent, or P64,551.38, belongs to the plaintiff exclusively. 1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs
1, 2, 3 and 4 of the special defense the first cause of action in this
amended answer;
Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the court to render judgment ordering the
defendants jointly and severally to pay him the sum of P64,551.38, or
any amount which may finally appear to be due and owing from the 2. That the defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., through its manager,
defendants to the plaintiff upon this ground, with legal interest from the exclusively managed and conducted its said fertilizer business, in which
filing of the original complaint until payment. the plaintiff was to receive 35 percent of the net profits as compensation
for this services, as hereinbefore alleged, from on or about January 1,
1923, when its other departments had special experienced Europeans
in charge thereof, who received not only salaries but also a percentage
Defendants alleged: of the net profits of such departments; that its said fertilizer business,
after its manager took charge of it, became very successful, and owing
to the large volume of business transacted, said business required great
deal of time and attention, and actually consumed at least one-half of
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs the time of the manager and certain employees of Menzi & Co., Inc., in
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this carrying it on; that the said Menzi & Co., furnished office space,
amended answer; stationery and other incidentals, for said business, and had its
employees perform the duties of cashiers, accountants, clerks,
messengers, etc., for the same, and for that reason the said Menzi &
2. That under the contract of employment, Exhibit A, of the amended Co., Inc., charged each year, from and after 1922, as expenses of said
complaint, the defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., only undertook and agreed business, which pertained to the fertilizer department, as certain amount
to facilitate financial aid in carrying on the said fertilizer business, as it as salaries and wages to cover the proportional part of the overhead
had been doing before the plaintiff was employed under the said expenses of Menzi & Co., Inc.; that the same method is followed in each
agreement; that the said defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., in the course of of the several departments of the business of Menzi & Co., Inc., that
the said business of its fertilizer department, opened letters of credit each and every year from and after 1922, a just proportion of said
through the banks of Manila, accepted and paid drafts drawn upon it overhead expenses were charged to said fertilizer departments and
under said letters of credit, and obtained loans and advances of moneys entered on the books thereof, with the knowledge and consent of the
for the purchase of materials to be used in mixing and manufacturing its plaintiff, and included in the auditors' reports, which were examined,
fertilizers and in paying the expenses of said business; that such drafts accepted and approved by him, and he is now estopped from saying
and loans naturally provided for interest at the banking rate from the that such expenses were not legitimate and just expenses of said
dates thereof until paid, as is the case in all, such business enterprises, business.
and that such payments of interest as were actually made on such
drafts, loans and advances during the period of the said employment
agreement constituted legitimate expenses of said business under said FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION
I. That he hereby reproduces paragraph I, II, III, IV, and V of the first
As third cause of action, plaintiff alleged: cause of action.
I. That he hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV, and V of the first II. That the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., through the defendant J. M.
cause of action. Menzi and P. C. Schlobohm, has paid, with the funds of the partnership
between the defendant entity and the plaintiff, the income tax due from
said defendant entity for the fertilizer business, thereby defrauding the
II. That under the terms of the contract Exhibit A, neither the defendants partnership in the amount of P10,361.72 of which 35 per cent belongs
J.M. Menzi and P.C. Schlobohm, nor the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., exclusively to the plaintiff, amounting to P3,626.60.
had a right to collect for itself or themselves any amount whatsoever by
way of salary for services rendered to the partnership between the
plaintiff and the defendant, inasmuch as such services were III. That the plaintiff has, during the period of the contract, paid with his
compensated with the 65% of the net profits of the business constituting own money the income tax corresponding to his share which consists in
their share. 35 per cent of the profits of the fertilizer business, expending about
P5,000 without ever having made any claim for reimbursement against
the partnership, inasmuch as it has always been understood among the
III. That the plaintiff has, on his on account and with his own money, paid partners that each of them would pay his own income tax.
all the employees he has placed in the service of the partnership, having
expended for their account, during the period of the contract, over
P88,000, without ever having made any claim upon the defendants for Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the court to order the defendants jointly
this sum because it was included in the compensation of 35 per cent and severally to pay the plaintiff the sum of P3,362.60, with legal interest
which he was to receive in accordance with the contract Exhibit A. from the date of the filing of the original complaint until its payment.
IV. That the defendants J.M. Menzi and P.C. Schlobohm, not satisfied Defendants alleged:
with collecting undue and excessive salaries for themselves, have made
the partnership, or the fertilizer business, pay the salaries of a number
of the employees of the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc.
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this
amended answer;
V. That under this item of undue salaries the defendants have
appropriated P43,920 of the partnership funds, of which 35 per cent, or
P15,372 belongs exclusively to the plaintiff.
2. That under the Income Tax Law Menzi & Co., Inc., was obliged to and
did make return to the Government of the Philippine Islands each year
during the period of the agreement, Exhibit A, of the income of its whole
Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the court to render judgment ordering the business, including its fertilizer department; that the proportional share
defendants to pay jointly and severally to the plaintiff the amount of of such income taxes found to be due on the business of the fertilizer
P15,372, with legal interest from the date of the filing of the original department was charged as a proper and legitimate expense of that
complaint until the date of payment. department, in the same manner as was done in the other departments
of its business; that inasmuch as the agreement with the plaintiff was an
employment agreement, he was required to make his own return under
Defendants alleged: the Income Tax Law and to pay his own income taxes, instead of having
them paid at the source, as might be done under the law, so that he
would be entitled to the personal exemptions allowed by the law; that department of Menzi & Co., Inc., but due allowance has now been given
the income taxes paid by the said Menzi & Co., Inc., pertaining to the to the department for such item.
business, were duly entered on the books of that department, and
included in the auditors' reports hereinbefore referred to, which reports
were examined, accepted and approved by the plaintiff, with full
knowledge of their contents, and he is now estopped from saying that SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION
such taxes are not a legitimate expense of said business.
I. That hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV and V, of the first cause
As fifth cause of action, plaintiff alleged: of action.
I. That hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV, and V of the first cause II. That the defendant Menzi Co., Inc., in collusion with and through the
of action. defendants J.M. Menzi and P.C. Schlobohm and their assistants, has
tampered with the books of the business making fictitious transfers in
favor of the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., of merchandise belonging to
the partnership, purchased with the latter's money, and deposited in its
II. That the plaintiff has discovered that the defendants Menzi & Co., Inc., warehouses, and then sold by Menzi & Co., Inc., to third persons,
had been receiving, during the period of the contract Exhibit A, from thereby appropriating to itself the profits obtained from such resale.
foreign firms selling fertilizing material, a secret commission equivalent
to 5 per cent of the total value of the purchases of fertilizing material
made by the partnership constituted between the plaintiff and the
defendant Menzi Co., Inc., and that said 5 per cent commission was not III. That it is impossible to ascertain the amount of the fraud suffered by
entered by the defendants in the books of the business, to the credit and the plaintiff in this respect as the real amount obtained from such sales
benefit of the partnership constituted between the plaintiff and the can only be ascertained from the examination of the private books of the
defendant, but to the credit of the defendant Menzi Co., Inc., which defendant entity, which the latter has refused to permit notwithstanding
appropriated it to itself. the demand made for the purpose by the auditors and the lawyers of the
plaintiff, and no basis of computation can be established, even
approximately, to ascertain the extent of the fraud sustained by the
plaintiff in this respect, by merely examining the partnership books.
III. That the exact amount, or even the approximate amount of the fraud
thus suffered by the plaintiff cannot be determined, because the entries
referring to these items do not appear in the partnership books, although
the plaintiff believes and alleges that they do appear in the private books Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the court to order the defendants J.M.
of the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., which the latter has refused to Menzi and P.C. Schlobohm, to make a sworn statement as to all the
furnish, notwithstanding the demands made therefore by the auditors profits received from the sale to third persons of the fertilizers pertaining
and the lawyers of the plaintiff. to the partnership, and the profits they have appropriated, ordering them
jointly and severally to pay 35 per cent of the net amount, with legal
interest from the filing of the original complaint until the payment thereof.
IV. That taking as basis the amount of the purchases of some fertilizing
material made by the partnership during the first four years of the
contract Exhibit A, the plaintiff estimates that this 5 per cent commission Defendant alleged:
collected by the defendant Menzi Co., Inc., to the damage and prejudice
of the plaintiff, amounts to P127,375.77 of which 35 per cent belongs
exclusively to the plaintiff.
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this
amended answer:
Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the court to order the defendants to pay
jointly and severally to the plaintiff the amount of P44,581.52, or the
exact amount owed upon this ground, after both parties have adduced
2. That under the express terms of the employment agreement, Exhibit
their evidence upon the point.
A, the defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., had the right to import into the
Philippine Islands in the course of its fertilizer business and sell fro its
exclusive account and benefit simple fertilizer ingredients; that the only
Defendants alleged: materials imported by it and sold during the period of said agreement
were simple fertilizer ingredients, which had nothing whatever to do with
the business of mixed fertilizers, of which the plaintiff was to receive a
share of the net profits as a part of his compensation.
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraph
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this
amended answer;
2. That the defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., did have during the period of
said agreement, Exhibit A, and has now what is called a "Propaganda As seventh cause of action, plaintiff alleged:
Agency Agreement" which the Deutsches Kalesyndikat, G.M.B., of
Berlin, which is a manufacturer of potash, by virtue of which said Menzi
& Co., Inc., was to receive for its propaganda work in advertising and
I. That he hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV, and V of the first
bringing about sales of its potash a commission of 5 per cent on all
cause of action.
orders of potash received by it from the Philippine Islands; that during
the period of said agreement, Exhibit A, orders were sent to said concern
for potash, through C. Andre & Co., of Hamburg, as the agent of the said
Menzi & Co., Inc., upon which the said Menzi & Co., Inc., received a 5 II. That during the existence of the contract Exhibit A, the defendant
per cent commission, amounting in all to P2,222.32 for the propaganda Menzi & Co., Inc., for the account of the partnership constituted between
work which it did for said firm in the Philippine Islands; that said itself and the plaintiff, and with the latter's money, purchased from a
commissioners were not in any sense discounts on the purchase price several foreign firms various simple fertilizing material for the use of the
of said potash, and have no relation to the fertilizer business of which partnership.
the plaintiff was to receive a share of the net profits for his services, and
consequently were not credited to that department;
III. That in the paid invoices for such purchases there are charged,
besides the cost price of the merchandise, other amounts for freight,
3. That in going over the books of Menzi Co., Inc., it has been found that insurance, duty, etc., some of which were not entirely thus spent and
there are only two items of commissions, which were received from the were later credited by the selling firms to the defendant Menzi & Co.,
United Supply Co., of San Francisco, in the total of sum $66.51, which Inc.
through oversight, were not credited on the books of the fertilizer
IV. That said defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., through and in collusion with contract was negotiated during the existence of the partnership, and
the defendants J.M. Menzi and P.C. Schlobohm upon receipt of the while the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., was the manager thereof.
credit notes remitted by the selling firms of fertilizing material, for rebates
upon freight, insurance, duty, etc., charged in the invoice but not all
expended, did not enter them upon the books to the credit of the
partnership constituted between the defendant and the plaintiff, but VI. That the defendant entity now contends that the contract entered into
entered or had them entered to the credit on Menzi & Co., Inc., thereby with the Compaia General de Tabacos de Filipinas belongs to it
defrauding the plaintiff of 35 per cent of the value of such reductions. exclusively, and refuses to give the plaintiff his share consisting in 35
per cent of the profits produced thereby.
V. That the total amount, or even the approximate amount of this fraud
cannot be ascertained without an examination of the private books of Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the honorable court to order the
Menzi & Co., Inc., which the latter has refused to permit notwithstanding defendants to render a true and detailed account of the business during
the demand to this effect made upon them by the auditors and the the last four months of the existence of the partnership, i. e., from
lawyers of the plaintiff. January 1, 1927 to April 27, 1927, and to sentence them likewise to pay
the plaintiff 35 per cent of the net profits.
Wherefore, the plaintiff prays the court to order the defendants J.M.
Menzi and P.C. Schlobohm, to make a sworn statement as to the total Defendants alleged:
amount of such rebates, and to sentence the defendants to pay the
plaintiff jointly and severally 35 per cent of the net amount.
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this
Defendants alleged: amended answer;
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs 2. That the said order for 3,000 tons of mixed fertilizer, received by Menzi
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this & Co., Inc., from the Compaia General de Tabacos Filipinas on April
amended answer: 21, 1927, was taken by it in the regular course of its fertilizer business,
and was to be manufactured and delivered in December, 1927, and up
to April, 1928; that the employment agreement of the plaintiff expired by
its own terms on April 27, 1927, and he has not been in any way in the
2. That during the period of said employment agreement, Exhibit A, the service of the defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., since that time, and he
defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., received from its agent, C. Andre & Co., cannot possibly have any interest in the fertilizers manufactured and
of Hamburg, certain credits pertaining to the fertilizer business in the delivered by the said Menzi & Co., Inc., after the expiration of his
profits of which the plaintiff was interested, by way of refunds of German contract for any service rendered to it.
Export Taxes, in the total sum of P1,402.54; that all of department as
received, but it has just recently been discovered that through error an
additional sum of P216.22 was credited to said department, which does
not pertain to said business in the profits of which the plaintiff is NINTH CAUSE OF ACTION
I. That he hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV, and V of the first
A eighth cause of action, plaintiff alleged: cause of action.
I. That he hereby reproduces paragraphs I, II, III, IV and V of the first II. That during the period of the contract Exhibit A, the partnership
cause of action. constituted thereby registered in the Bureau of Commerce and Industry
the trade marks "CORONA NO. 1", CORONA NO. 2", "ARADO", and
"HOZ", the plaintiff and the defendant having by their efforts succeeded
in making them favorably known in the market.
II. That on or about April 21, 1927, that is, before the expiration of the
contract Exhibit A of the complaint, the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc.,
acting as manager of the fertilizer business constituted between said
defendant and the plaintiff, entered into a contract with the Compaia III. That the plaintiff and the defendant, laboring jointly, have succeeded
General de Tabacos de Filipinas for the sale of said entity of three in making the fertilizing business a prosperous concern to such an extent
thousand tons of fertilizers of the trade mark "Corona No. 1", at the rate that the profits obtained from the business during the five years it has
of P111 per ton, f. o. b. Bais, Oriental Negros, to be delivered, as they existed, amount to approximately P1,000,000, Philippine currency.
were delivered, according to information received by the plaintiff, during
the months of November and December, 1927, and January, February,
March, and April, 1928.
IV. That the value of the good will and the trade marks of a business of
this nature amounts to at least P1,000,000, of which sum 35 per cent
belongs to the plaintiff, or, P350,000.
III. That both the contract mentioned above and the benefits derived
therefrom, which the plaintiff estimates at P90,000, Philippine currency,
belongs to the fertilizer business constituted between the plaintiff and
V. That at the time of the expiration of the contract Exhibit A, the
the defendant, of which 35 per cent, or P31,500, belongs to said plaintiff.
defendant entity, notwithstanding and in spite of the plaintiff's insistent
opposition, has assumed the charge of liquidating the fertilizing
business, without having rendered a monthly account of the state of the
IV. That notwithstanding the expiration of the partnership contract liquidation, as required by law, thereby causing the plaintiff damages.
Exhibit A, on April 27, 1927, the defendants have not rendered a true
accounting of the profits obtained by the business during the last four
months thereof, as the purposed balance submitted to the plaintiff was
VI. That the damages sustained by the plaintiff, as well as the amount
incorrect with regard to the inventory of merchandise, transportation
of his share in the remaining property of the plaintiff, and may only be
equipment, and the value of the trade marks, for which reason such
truly and correctly ascertained by compelling the defendants J. M. Menzi
proposed balance did not represent the true status of the business of
and P. C. Schlobohm to declare under oath and explain to the court in
the partnership on April 30, 1927.
detail the sums obtained from the sale of the remaining merchandise,
after the expiration of the partnership contract.
(c) Ordering Menzi & Co., Inc., upon the second ground of action, to pay
VIII. That the true value of the transportation equipment and machinery the plaintiff the sum of P 60,385.67 with legal interest from the date of
employed in the preparation of the fertilizers amounts of P20,000, 35 per the filing of the original complaint until paid;
cent of which amount to P7,000.
2. To order the defendants to pay the plaintiff jointly and severally the
amount of P350,000, which is 35 per cent of the value of the goodwill
(i) Ordering the defendant Menzi & Co., Inc., upon the eighth cause of
and the trade marks of the fertilizer business;
action, to pay the plaintiff the sum of P6,578.38 with legal interest from
January 1, 1929, the date of the liquidation of the fertilizer business, until
3. To order the defendants to pay the plaintiff jointly and severally the
amount of P7,000 which is 35 per cent of the value of the transportation
equipment and machinery of the business; and
(j ) Ordering Menzi & Co., Inc., upon the ninth cause of action to pay the
plaintiff the sum of P196,709.20 with legal interest from the date of the
filing of the original complaint until paid;
4. To order the defendants to pay the costs of this trial, and further, to
grant any other remedy that this Honorable Court may deem just and
(k) Ordering the said defendant corporation, in view of the plaintiff's
share of the profits of the business accruing from January 1, 1927 to
December 31, 1928, to pay the plaintiff 35 per cent of the net balance
Defendants alleged: shown in Exhibits 51 and 51-A, after deducting the item of P2,410 for
income tax, and any other sum charged for interest under the entry
1. That they repeat and make a part of this special defense paragraphs
1, 2, 3 and 4, of the special defense to the first cause of action in this
amended answer; (l) Ordering the defendant corporation, in connection with the final
liquidation set in Exhibit 52 and 52-A, to pay the plaintiff the sum of
P17,463.54 with legal interest from January 1, 1929, until fully paid;
(a) Holding that the contract entered into by the parties, evidenced by III. The trial court erred finding and holding that the defendant, Menzi &
Exhibit A, as a contract of general regular commercial partnership, Co., Inc., had wrongfully charged to the fertilizer business in question
wherein Menzi & Co., Inc., was the capitalist, and the plaintiff, the the sum of P10,918.33 as income taxes for the years 1923, 1924, 1925
industrial partner; and 1926, and that the plaintiff is entitled to 35 per cent thereof, or the
sum of P3,821.41, with legal interest thereon from the date of filing his
complaint, and in disallowing the item of P2,410 charged as income tax
in the liquidation in Exhibits 51 and 51 A for the period from January 1 In November, 1921, the plaintiff, who had had some experience in
to April 27, 1927. mixing and selling fertilizer, went to see Toehl, the manager of the
sundries department of Menzi & Co., Inc., and told him that he had a
written contract with the Philippine Sugar Centrals Agency for 1,250 tons
of mixed fertilizers, and that he could obtain other contracts, including
IV. The trial court erred in refusing to find and hold under the evidence one from the Calamba Sugar Estates for 450 tons, but the he did not
in this case that the contract, Exhibit A was daring the whole period have the money to buy the ingredients to fill the order and carry on the
thereof considered by the parties and performed by them as a contract on the business. He offered to assign to Menzi & Co., Inc., his contract
of employment in relation to the fertilizer business of the defendant, and with the Philippine Sugar Centrals Agency and to supervise the mixing
that the accounts of said business were kept by the defendant, Menzi & of the fertilizer and to obtain other orders for fifty per cent of the net
Co., Inc., on that theory with the knowledge and consent of the plaintiff, profits that Menzi & Co., might derive therefrom. J.M. Menzi, the general
and that at the end of each year for five years a balance sheet and profit manager of Menzi & Co., accepted plaintiff's offer. Plaintiff assigned to
and loss statement of said business were prepared from the books of Menzi & Co., Inc., his contract with the Sugar Centrals Agency, and the
account of said business on the same theory and submitted to the defendant corporation proceeded to fill the order. Plaintiff supervised the
plaintiff, and that each year said balance sheet and profit and loss mixing of the fertilizer.
statement were examined, approved and signed by said contract in
accordance therewith with full knowledge of the manner in which said
business was conducted and the charges for interest and income taxes
made against the same and that by reason of such facts, the plaintiff is On January 10, 1922 the defendant corporation at plaintiff's request
now estopped from raising any question as to the nature of said contract gave him the following letter, Exhibit B:
or the propriety of such charges.
VI. The trial court erred in finding and holding that the value of the good- MUY SR. NUESTRO: Interin formalizamos el contrato que, en principio,
will of the fertilizer business in question was P562,312, and that the tenemos convenido para la explotacion del negocio de abono y
plaintiff, Francisco Bastida, was entitled to 35 per cent of such valuation, fertilizantes, por la presente venimos en confirmar su derecho de 50 por
or the sum of P196,709.20, with legal interest thereon from the date of ciento de las untilidades que se deriven del contrato obtenido por Vd.
filing his complaint. de la Philippine Sugar Centrals (por 1250 tonel.) y del contrato con la
Calamba Sugar Estates, asi como de cuantos contratos se cierren con
definitiva de nuestro contrato mutuo, lo que formalizacion definitiva de
nuestro contrato mutuo, lo que hacemos para garantia y seguridad de
VII. The trial court erred in rendering judgment in favor of the plaintiff and Vd.
against defendant, Menzi & Co., Inc., (a) on the second cause of action,
for the sum of P60,385.67, with legal interest thereon from the date of
filing the complaint; (b) on the fourth cause of action, for the sum of
P3,821.41, with legal interest thereon from the date of filing the MENZI & CO.,
complaint; (c) on the eight cause of action, for the sum of P6,578.38,
Por (Fdo.) W. TOEHL
with legal interest thereon from January 1, 1929; and (d) on the ninth
cause of action, for the sum of P196,709.20, with legal interest thereon
from the date of filing the original complaint; and (e) for the costs of the
action, and in not approving the final liquidation of said business, Menzi & Co., Inc., continued to carry on its fertilizer business under this
Exhibits 51 and 51-A and 52 and 52-A, as true and correct, and entering arrangement with the plaintiff. It ordered ingredients from the United
judgment against said defendant only for the amounts admitted therein States and other countries, and the interest on the drafts for the
as due the plaintiff with legal interest, with the costs against the plaintiff. purchase of these materials was changed to the business as a part of
the cost of the materials. The mixed fertilizers were sold by Menzi & Co.,
Inc., between January 19 and April 1, 1922 under its "CORONA" brand.
Menzi & Co., Inc., had only one bank account for its whole business.
VIII. The trial court erred in overruling the defendants' motion for a new
The fertilizer business had no separate capital. A fertilizer account was
opened in the general ledger, and interest at the rate charged by the
Bank of the Philippine Islands was debited or credited to that account on
the daily balances of the fertilizer business. This was in accordance with
It appears from the evidence that the defendants corporation was appellant's established practice, to which the plaintiff assented.
organized in 1921 for purpose of importing and selling general
merchandise, including fertilizers and fertilizer ingredients. It appears
through John Bordman and the Menzi-Bordman Co. the good-will, trade-
On or about April 24, 1922 the net profits of the business carried on
marks, business, and other assets of the old German firm of Behn,
under the oral agreement were determined by Menzi & Co., Inc., after
Meyer & Co., Ltd., including its fertilizer business with its stocks and
deducting interest charges, proportional part of warehouse rent and
trade-marks. Behn, Meyer & Co., Ltd., had owned and carried on this
salaries and wages, and the other expenses of said business, and the
fertilizer business from 1910 until that firm was taken over the Alien
plaintiff was paid some twenty thousand pesos in full satisfaction of his
Property Custodian in 1917. Among the trade-marks thus acquired by
share of the profits.
the appellant were those known as the "ARADO", "HOZ", and
"CORONA". They were registered in the Bureau of Commerce and
Industry in the name of Menzi & Co. The trade marks "ARADO" and
"HOZ" had been used by Behn, Meyer & Co., Ltd., in the sale of its mixed Pursuant to the aforementioned verbal agreement, confirmed by the
fertilizers, and the trade mark "CORONA" had been used in its other letter, Exhibit B, the defendant corporation April 27, 1922 entered a
business. The "HOZ" trade-mark was used by John Bordman and the written contract with the plaintiff, marked Exhibit A, which is the basis of
Menzi-Bordman Co. in the continuation of the fertilizer business that had the present action.
belonged to Behn, Meyer & Co., Ltd.
The fertilizer business was carried on by Menzi & Co., Inc., after the
The business of Menzi & Co., Inc., was divided into several different execution of Exhibit A in practically the same manner as it was prior
departments, each of which was in charge of a manager, who received thereto. The intervention of the plaintiff was limited to supervising the
a fixed salary and a percentage of the profits. The corporation had to mixing of the fertilizers in Menzi & Co.'s, Inc., bodegas.
borrow money or obtain credits from time to time and to pay interest
thereon. The amount paid for interest was charged against the
department concerned, and the interest charges were taken into
account in determining the net profits of each department. The practice The trade-marks used in the sale of the fertilizer were registered in the
of the corporation was to debit or credit each department with interest at Bureau of Commerce & Industry in the name of Menzi & Co., Inc., and
the bank rate on its daily balance. The fertilizer business of Menzi & Co., the fees were paid by that company. They were not changed to the
Inc., was carried on in accordance with this practice under the "Sundries fertilizer business, in which the plaintiff was interested. Only the fees for
Department" until July, 1923, and after that as a separate department. registering the formulas in the Bureau of Science were charged to the
fertilizer business, and the total amount thereof was credited to this
business in the final liquidation on April 27, 1927.
unanimously of the opinion that under the facts of this case the
relationship established between Menzi & Co. and by the plaintiff was to
On May 3, 1924 the plaintiff made a contract with Menzi & Co., Inc., to receive 35 per cent of the net profits of the fertilizer business of Menzi &
furnish it all the stems and scraps to tobacco that it might need for its Co., Inc., in compensation for his services of supervising the mixing of
fertilizer business either in the Philippine Islands or for export to other the fertilizers. Neither the provisions of the contract nor the conduct of
countries. This contract is rendered to in the record as the "Vastago the parties prior or subsequent to its execution justified the finding that
Contract". Menzi & Co., Inc., advanced the plaintiff, paying the salaries it was a contract of copartnership. Exhibit A, as appears from the
of his employees, and other expenses in performing his contract. statement of facts, was in effect a continuation of the verbal agreement
between the parties, whereby the plaintiff worked for the defendant
corporation for one-half of the net profits derived by the corporation from
certain fertilizer contracts. Plaintiff was paid his share of the profits from
White, Page & Co., certified public accountants, audited the books of those transactions after Menzi & Co., Inc., had deducted the same items
Menzi & Co., Inc., every month, and at the end of each year they of expense which he now protests. Plaintiff never made any objection to
prepared a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement of the fertilizer defendant's manner of keeping the accounts or to the charges. The
business. These statements were delivered to the plaintiff for business was continued in the same manner under the written
examination, and after he had had an opportunity of verifying them he agreement, Exhibit A, and for four years the plaintiff never made any
approved them without objection and returned them to Menzi & Co., Inc. objection. On the contrary he approved and signed every year the
balance sheet and the profit and loss statement. It was only when
plaintiff's contract was about to expire and the defendant corporation
Plaintiff collected from Menzi Co., Inc., as his share or 35 per cent of the had notified him that it would not renew it that the plaintiff began to make
net profits of the fertilizer business the following amounts: objections.
1922 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1,874.73 The trial court relied on article 116 of the Code of Commerce, which
provides that articles of association by which two or more persons
1923 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,212.62 obligate themselves to place in a common fund any property, industry,
or any of these things, in order to obtain profit, shall be commercial, no
1924 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,081.56 matter what its class may be, provided it has been established in
accordance with the provisions of this Code; but in the case at bar there
1925 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,665.03 was no common fund, that is, a fund belonging to the parties as joint
owners or partners. The business belonged to Menzi & Co., Inc. The
1926 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,649.98 plaintiff was working for Menzi & Co., Inc. Instead of receiving a fixed
salary or a fixed salary and a small percentage of the net profits, he was
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to receive 35 per cent of the net profits as compensation for his services.
Menzi & Co., Inc., was to advanced him P300 a month on account of his
P196,483.92 participation in the profits. It will be noted that no provision was made for
reimbursing Menzi & Co., Inc., in case there should be no net profits at
To this amount must be added plaintiff's share of the net profits from
January 1 to April 27, 1927, amounting to P34,766.87, making a total of the end of the year. It is now well settled that the old rule that sharing
P231,250.79. profits as profits made one a partner is overthrown. (Mechem, second
edition, p. 89.)
Prior to the expiration of the contract, Exhibit A, the manager of Menzi &
Co. Inc., notified the plaintiff that the contract for his services would not It is nowhere stated in Exhibit A that the parties were establishing a
be renewed. partnership or intended to become partners. Great stress in laid by the
trial judge and plaintiff's attorneys on the fact that in the sixth paragraph
of Exhibit A the phrase "en sociedad con" is used in providing that
defendant corporation not engage in the business of prepared fertilizers
When plaintiff's contract expired on April 27, 1927, the fertilizer except in association with the plaintiff (en sociedad con). The fact is that
department of Menzi & Co., Inc., had on hand materials and ingredients en sociedad con as there used merely means en reunion con or in
and two Ford trucks of the book value of approximately P75,000, and association with, and does not carry the meaning of "in partnership with".
accounts receivable amounting to P103,000. There were claims
outstanding and bills to pay. Before the net profits could be finally
determined, it was necessary to dispose of the materials and equipment,
The trial judge found that the defendant corporation had not always
collect the outstanding accounts for Menzi & Co., Inc., prepared a
balance sheet and a profit and loss statement for the period from regarded the contract in question as an employment agreement,
January 1 to April 27, 1927 as a basis of settlement, but the plaintiff because in its answer to the original complaint it stated that before the
expiration of Exhibit A it notified the plaintiff that it would not continue
refused to accept it, and filed the present action.
associated with him in said business. The trial judge concluded that the
phrase "associated with", used by the defendant corporation, indicated
that it regarded the contract, Exhibit A, as an agreement of
Menzi & Co., Inc., then proceeded to liquidate fertilizer business in copartnership.
question. In October, 1927 it proposed to the plaintiff that the old and
damaged stocks on hand having a book value of P40,000, which the
defendant corporation had been unable to dispose of, be sold at public
or private sale, or divided between the parties. The plaintiff refused to In the first place, the complaint and answer having been superseded by
the amended complaint and the answer thereto, and the answer to the
agree to this. The defendant corporation then applied to the trial court
for an order for the sale of the remaining property at public auction, but original complaint not having been presented in evidence as an exhibit,
apparently the court did not act on the petition. the trial court was not authorized to take it into account. "Where
amended pleadings have been filed, allegations in the original pleadings
are held admissible, but in such case the original pleadings can have no
effect, unless formally offered in evidence." (Jones on Evidence, sec.
The old stocks were taken over by Menzi & Co., Inc., and the final 273; Lucido vs. Calupitan, 27 Phil., 148.)
liquidation of the fertilizer business was completed in December, 1928
and a final balance sheet and a profit and loss statement were submitted
to the plaintiff during the trial. During the liquidation the books of Menzi
& Co., Inc., for the whole period of the contract in question were In the second place, although the word "associated" may be related
reaudited by White, Page & Co.., certain errors of bookkeeping were etymologically to the Spanish word "socio", meaning partner, it does not
in its common acceptation imply any partnership relation.
discovered by them. After making the corrections they found the balance
due the plaintiff to be P21,633.20.
The 7th, 8th, and 9th paragraphs of Exhibit A, whereby the defendant
Plaintiff employed a certified public accountant, Vernon Thompson, to corporation obligated itself to pay to the plaintiff 35 per cent of the net
profits of the fertilizer business, to advance to him P300 a month on
examine the books and vouchers of Menzi & Co. Thompson assumed
the plaintiff and Menzi & Co., Inc., to be partners, and that Menzi & Co., account of his share of the profits, and to grant him permission during
Inc., was obliged to furnish free of charge all the capital the partnership 1923 to absent himself from the Philippines for not more than one year
are utterly incompatible with the claim that it was the intention of the
should need. He naturally reached very different conclusions from those
of the auditors of Menzi Co., Inc. parties to form a copartnership. Various other reasons for holding that
the parties were not partners are advanced in appellant's brief. We do
not deem it necessary to discuss them here. We merely wish to add that
in the Vastago contract, Exhibit A, the plaintiff clearly recognized Menzi
We come now to a consideration of appellant's assignment of error. After & Co., Inc., as the owners of the fertilizer business in question.
considering the evidence and the arguments of counsel, we are
contract Menzi & Co., Inc., continued its fertilizer business, as it had a
perfect right to do. There was really nothing to which any good-will could
As to the various items of the expense rejected by the trial judge, they attach. Plaintiff maintains, however, that the trade-marks used in the
were in our opinion proper charges and erroneously disallowed, and this fertilizer business during the time that he was connected with it acquired
would true even if the parties had been partners. Although Menzi & Co., great value, and that they have been appropriated by the appellant to its
Inc., agreed to furnish the necessary financial aid for the fertilizer own use. That seems to be the only basis of the alleged good-will, to
business, it did not obligate itself to contribute any fixed sum as capital which a fabulous valuation was given. As we have seen, the trade-
or to defray at its own expense the cost of securing the necessary credit. marks were not new. They had been used by Behn, Meyer & Co. in its
Some of the contentions of the plaintiff and his expert witness Thompson business for other goods and one of them for fertilizer. They belonged
are so obviously without merit as not to merit serious consideration. For to Menzi & Co., Inc., and were registered in its name; only the expense
instance, they objected to the interest charges on draft for materials of registering the formulas in the Bureau of Science was charged to the
purchased abroad. Their contention is that the corporation should have business in which the plaintiff was interested. These trade-marks
furnished the money to purchase these materials for cash, overlooking remained the exclusive property of Menzi & Co., and the plaintiff had no
the fact that the interest was added to the cost price, and that the plaintiff interest therein on the expiration of his contract.
was not prejudiced by the practice complained of. It was also urged, and
this seems to us the height of absurdity, that the defendant corporation
should have furnished free of charge such financial assistance as would
have made it unnecessary to discount customers' notes, thereby The balance due the plaintiff, as appears from Exhibit 52, is P21,633.20.
enabling the business to reap the interest. In other words, the defendant We are satisfied by the evidence that said balance is correct.
corporation should have enabled the fertilizer department to do business
on a credit instead of a cash basis.
For the foregoing reasons, the decision appealed from is modified and
the defendant corporation is sentenced to pay the plaintiff twenty-one
The charges now complained of, as we have already stated, are the thousand, six hundred and thirty-three pesos and twenty centavos
same as those made under the verbal agreement, upon the termination (P21,633.20), with legal interest thereon from the date of the filing of the
of which the parties made a settlement; the charges in question were complaint on June 17, 1927, without a special finding as to costs.
acquiesced in by the plaintiff for years, and it is now too late for him to
contest them. The decision of this court in the case of Kriedt vs. E.C.
McCullough & Co. (37 Phil., 474), is in point. A portion of the syllabus of
that case reads as follows: HEIRS OF TAN ENG KEE, petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and
BENGUET LUMBER COMPANY, represented by its President TAN
ENG LAY, respondents.
Following the death of Tan Eng Kee on September 13, 1984, Matilde
4. ID.; ID.; ILLUSTRATION. One of the parties to a contract, being Abubo, the common-law spouse of the decedent, joined by their children
aware at the time of the execution thereof that the other placed a certain Teresita, Nena, Clarita, Carlos, Corazon and Elpidio, collectively known
interpretation upon a provision of doubtful application, nevertheless as herein petitioners HEIRS OF TAN ENG KEE, filed suit against the
proceeded, without raising any question upon the point, to perform the decedents brother TAN ENG LAY on February 19, 1990. The
services which he was bound to render under the contract. Upon the complaint,[3] docketed as Civil Case No. 1983-R in the Regional Trial
termination of the contract by mutual consent a question was raised as Court of Baguio City was for accounting, liquidation and winding up of
to the proper interpretation of the doubtful provision. Held: That the party the alleged partnership formed after World War II between Tan Eng Kee
raising such question had acquiesced in the interpretation placed upon and Tan Eng Lay. On March 18, 1991, the petitioners filed an amended
the contract by the other party and was bound thereby. complaint[4] impleading private respondent herein BENGUET LUMBER
COMPANY, as represented by Tan Eng Lay. The amended complaint
was admitted by the trial court in its Order dated May 3, 1991.[5]
The trial court held that the plaintiff was entitled to P6,578.38 or 35 per
cent of the net profits derived by Menzi & Co., Inc., from its contract for
fertilizers with the Tabacalera. This finding in our opinion is not justified The amended complaint principally alleged that after the second World
by the evidence. This contract was obtained by Menzi & Co., Inc., shortly War, Tan Eng Kee and Tan Eng Lay, pooling their resources and
before plaintiff's contract with the defendant corporation expired. Plaintiff industry together, entered into a partnership engaged in the business of
tried to get the Tabacalera contract for himself. When this contract was selling lumber and hardware and construction supplies. They named
filled, plaintiff had ceased to work for Menzi & Co., Inc., and he has no their enterprise Benguet Lumber which they jointly managed until Tan
right to participate in the profits derived therefrom. Eng Kees death. Petitioners herein averred that the business prospered
due to the hard work and thrift of the alleged partners. However, they
claimed that in 1981, Tan Eng Lay and his children caused the
conversion of the partnership Benguet Lumber into a corporation called
Appellant's sixth assignment of error is that the trial court erred in finding Benguet Lumber Company. The incorporation was purportedly a ruse to
the value of the good-will of the fertilizer business in question to be deprive Tan Eng Kee and his heirs of their rightful participation in the
P562,312, and that the plaintiff was entitled to 35 per cent thereof or profits of the business. Petitioners prayed for accounting of the
P196,709.20. In reaching this conclusion the trial court unfortunately partnership assets, and the dissolution, winding up and liquidation
relied on the opinion of the accountant, Vernon Thompson, who thereof, and the equal division of the net assets of Benguet Lumber.
assumed, erroneously as we have seen, that the plaintiff and Menzi &
Co., Inc., were partners; but even if they had been partners there would
have been no good-will to dispose of. The defendant corporation had a
fertilizer business before it entered into any agreement with the plaintiff; After trial, Regional Trial Court of Baguio City, Branch 7 rendered
plaintiff's agreement was for a fixed period, five years, and during that judgment[6]on April 12, 1995, to wit:
time the business was carried on in the name of Menzi & Co., Inc., and
in Menzi & Co.'s warehouses and after the expiration of plaintiff's
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered: PARTNERSHIP; (D) THERE WAS NO AGREEMENT AS TO PROFITS
a) Declaring that Benguet Lumber is a joint adventure which is akin to a
particular partnership;
b) Declaring that the deceased Tan Eng Kee and Tan Eng Lay are joint
adventurers and/or partners in a business venture and/or particular THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RELYING
partnership called Benguet Lumber and as such should share in the SOLELY ON THE SELF-SERVING TESTIMONY OF RESPONDENT
profits and/or losses of the business venture or particular partnership; TAN ENG LAY THAT BENGUET LUMBER WAS A SOLE
c) Declaring that the assets of Benguet Lumber are the same assets
turned over to Benguet Lumber Co. Inc. and as such the heirs or legal
representatives of the deceased Tan Eng Kee have a legal right to share III
in said assets;
f) Ordering the appointment of a receiver to preserve and/or administer b. THAT BOTH TAN ENG LAY AND TAN ENG KEE WERE
the assets of Benguet Lumber Company, Inc. until such time that said COMMANDING THE EMPLOYEES OF BENGUET LUMBER;
corporation is finally liquidated are directed to submit the name of any
person they want to be appointed as receiver failing in which this Court
will appoint the Branch Clerk of Court or another one who is qualified to
g) Denying the award of damages to the plaintiffs for lack of proof except
the expenses in filing the instant case. d. THAT TAN ENG KEE AND TAN ENG LAY WERE THE ONES
Private respondent sought relief before the Court of Appeals which, on
March 13, 1996, rendered the assailed decision reversing the judgment
of the trial court. Petitioners motion for reconsideration[7] was denied by
the Court of Appeals in a Resolution[8] dated October 11, 1996. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT
Admitted exceptions have been recognized, though, and when present, xxx xxx xxx xxx
may compel us to analyze the evidentiary basis on which the lower court
rendered judgment. Review of factual issues is therefore warranted:
It is obvious that there was no partnership whatsoever. Except for a firm
name, there was no firm account, no firm letterheads submitted as
(1) when the factual findings of the Court of Appeals and the trial court evidence, no certificate of partnership, no agreement as to profits and
are contradictory; losses, and no time fixed for the duration of the partnership. There was
even no attempt to submit an accounting corresponding to the period
after the war until Kees death in 1984. It had no business book, no
written account nor any memorandum for that matter and no license
(2) when the findings are grounded entirely on speculation, surmises, or mentioning the existence of a partnership [citation omitted].
And then in 1981, the business was incorporated and the incorporators
were only Lay and the members of his family. There is no proof either
(10) when the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on that the capital assets of the partnership, assuming them to be in
the absence of evidence but such findings are contradicted by the existence, were maliciously assigned or transferred by Lay, supposedly
evidence on record.[12] to the corporation and since then have been treated as a part of the
latters capital assets, contrary to the allegations in pars. 6, 7 and 8 of
the complaint.
In reversing the trial court, the Court of Appeals ruled, to wit:
(a) A joint adventure (an American concept similar to our joint accounts) Besides, it is indeed odd, if not unnatural, that despite the forty years the
is a sort of informal partnership, with no firm name and no legal partnership was allegedly in existence, Tan Eng Kee never asked for an
personality. In a joint account, the participating merchants can transact accounting. The essence of a partnership is that the partners share in
business under their own name, and can be individually liable therefor. the profits and losses.[29] Each has the right to demand an accounting
as long as the partnership exists.[30] We have allowed a scenario
wherein [i]f excellent relations exist among the partners at the start of
the business and all the partners are more interested in seeing the firm
(b) Usually, but not necessarily a joint adventure is limited to a SINGLE grow rather than get immediate returns, a deferment of sharing in the
TRANSACTION, although the business of pursuing to a successful profits is perfectly plausible.[31] But in the situation in the case at bar,
termination may continue for a number of years; a partnership generally the deferment, if any, had gone on too long to be plausible. A person is
relates to a continuing business of various transactions of a certain presumed to take ordinary care of his concerns.[32] As we explained in
kind.[21] another case:
A joint adventure presupposes generally a parity of standing between In the first place, plaintiff did not furnish the supposed P20,000.00
the joint co-ventures or partners, in which each party has an equal capital. In the second place, she did not furnish any help or intervention
proprietary interest in the capital or property contributed, and where in the management of the theatre. In the third place, it does not appear
each party exercises equal rights in the conduct of the business.[22] that she has even demanded from defendant any accounting of the
Nonetheless, in Aurbach, et. al. v. Sanitary Wares Manufacturing expenses and earnings of the business. Were she really a partner, her
Corporation, et. al.,[23] we expressed the view that a joint adventure first concern should have been to find out how the business was
may be likened to a particular partnership, thus: progressing, whether the expenses were legitimate, whether the
earnings were correct, etc. She was absolutely silent with respect to any
of the acts that a partner should have done; all that she did was to
receive her share of P3,000.00 a month, which cannot be interpreted in
The legal concept of a joint adventure is of common law origin. It has no any manner than a payment for the use of the premises which she had
precise legal definition, but it has been generally understood to mean an leased from the owners. Clearly, plaintiff had always acted in
organization formed for some temporary purpose. (Gates v. Megargel, accordance with the original letter of defendant of June 17, 1945 (Exh.
266 Fed. 811 [1920]) It is hardly distinguishable from the partnership, A), which shows that both parties considered this offer as the real
since their elements are similar-community of interest in the business, contract between them.[33] [italics supplied]
sharing of profits and losses, and a mutual right of control. (Blackner v.
McDermott, 176 F. 2d. 498, [1949]; Carboneau v. Peterson, 95 P.2d.,
1043 [1939]; Buckley v. Chadwick, 45 Cal. 2d. 183, 288 P.2d. 12 289
P.2d. 242 [1955]). The main distinction cited by most opinions in A demand for periodic accounting is evidence of a partnership.[34]
common law jurisdiction is that the partnership contemplates a general During his lifetime, Tan Eng Kee appeared never to have made any such
business with some degree of continuity, while the joint adventure is demand for accounting from his brother, Tang Eng Lay.
formed for the execution of a single transaction, and is thus of a
temporary nature. (Tufts v. Mann. 116 Cal. App. 170, 2 P. 2d. 500
[1931]; Harmon v. Martin, 395 Ill. 595, 71 NE 2d. 74 [1947]; Gates v.
Megargel 266 Fed. 811 [1920]). This observation is not entirely accurate This brings us to the matter of Exhibits 4 to 4-U for private respondents,
in this jurisdiction, since under the Civil Code, a partnership may be consisting of payrolls purporting to show that Tan Eng Kee was an
particular or universal, and a particular partnership may have for its ordinary employee of Benguet Lumber, as it was then called. The
object a specific undertaking. (Art. 1783, Civil Code). It would seem authenticity of these documents was questioned by petitioners, to the
therefore that under Philippine law, a joint adventure is a form of extent that they filed criminal charges against Tan Eng Lay and his wife
partnership and should thus be governed by the law of partnerships. The and children. As aforesaid, the criminal cases were dismissed for
Supreme Court has however recognized a distinction between these two insufficiency of evidence. Exhibits 4 to 4-U in fact shows that Tan Eng
business forms, and has held that although a corporation cannot enter Kee received sums as wages of an employee. In connection therewith,
into a partnership contract, it may however engage in a joint adventure Article 1769 of the Civil Code provides:
with others. (At p. 12, Tuazon v. Bolaos, 95 Phil. 906 [1954]) (Campos
In determining whether a partnership exists, these rules shall apply: necessarily have to perform this particular task. It is, thus, not an
indication that Tan Eng Kee was a partner.
(1) Except as provided by Article 1825, persons who are not partners as
to each other are not partners as to third persons; (iii) although Tan Eng Kee, together with his family, lived in the lumber
compound and this privilege was not accorded to other employees, the
undisputed fact remains that Tan Eng Kee is the brother of Tan Eng Lay.
Naturally, close personal relations existed between them. Whatever
(2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not of itself establish a privileges Tan Eng Lay gave his brother, and which were not given the
partnership, whether such co-owners or co-possessors do or do not other employees, only proves the kindness and generosity of Tan Eng
share any profits made by the use of the property; Lay towards a blood relative.
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a partnership, (iv) and even if it is assumed that Tan Eng Kee was quarrelling with Tan
whether or not the persons sharing them have a joint or common right Eng Lay in connection with the pricing of stocks, this does not
or interest in any property which the returns are derived; adequately prove the existence of a partnership relation between them.
Even highly confidential employees and the owners of a company
sometimes argue with respect to certain matters which, in no way
indicates that they are partners as to each other.[35]
(4) The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business is prima
facie evidence that he is a partner in the business, but no such inference
shall be drawn if such profits were received in payment:
In the instant case, we find private respondents arguments to be well-
taken. Where circumstances taken singly may be inadequate to prove
the intent to form a partnership, nevertheless, the collective effect of
(a) As a debt by installment or otherwise;
these circumstances may be such as to support a finding of the
existence of the parties intent.[36] Yet, in the case at bench, even the
aforesaid circumstances when taken together are not persuasive indicia
(b) As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord; of a partnership. They only tend to show that Tan Eng Kee was involved
in the operations of Benguet Lumber, but in what capacity is unclear.
We cannot discount the likelihood that as a member of the family, he
occupied a niche above the rank-and-file employees. He would have
(b) As an annuity to a widow or representative of a deceased partner; enjoyed liberties otherwise unavailable were he not kin, such as his
residence in the Benguet Lumber Company compound. He would have
moral, if not actual, superiority over his fellow employees, thereby
entitling him to exercise powers of supervision. It may even be that
(d) As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with the among his duties is to place orders with suppliers. Again, the
profits of the business; circumstances proffered by petitioners do not provide a logical nexus to
the conclusion desired; these are not inconsistent with the powers and
duties of a manager, even in a business organized and run as informally
(e) As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or other as Benguet Lumber Company.
property by installments or otherwise.
Petitioners seem to have missed the point in asserting that the above Fresh from her stint as marketing adviser of Technolux in Bangkok,
enumerated powers and privileges granted in favor of Tan Eng Kee, Thailand, private respondent Nenita A. Anay met petitioner William T.
were indicative of his being a partner in Benguet Lumber for the following Belo, then the vice-president for operations of Ultra Clean Water Purifier,
reasons: through her former employer in Bangkok. Belo introduced Anay to
petitioner Marjorie Tocao, who conveyed her desire to enter into a joint
venture with her for the importation and local distribution of kitchen
cookwares. Belo volunteered to finance the joint venture and assigned
(i) even a mere supervisor in a company, factory or store gives orders to Anay the job of marketing the product considering her experience and
and directions to his subordinates. So long, therefore, that an employees established relationship with West Bend Company, a manufacturer of
position is higher in rank, it is not unusual that he orders around those kitchen wares in Wisconsin, U.S.A. Under the joint venture, Belo acted
lower in rank. as capitalist, Tocao as president and general manager, and Anay as
head of the marketing department and later, vice-president for sales.
Anay organized the administrative staff and sales force while Tocao
hired and fired employees, determined commissions and/or salaries of
(ii) even a messenger or other trusted employee, over whom confidence the employees, and assigned them to different branches. The parties
is reposed by the owner, can order materials from suppliers for and in agreed that Belos name should not appear in any documents relating to
behalf of Benguet Lumber. Furthermore, even a partner does not their transactions with West Bend Company. Instead, they agreed to use
Anays name in securing distributorship of cookware from that company.
The parties agreed further that Anay would be entitled to: (1) ten percent
(10%) of the annual net profits of the business; (2) overriding
commission of six percent (6%) of the overall weekly production; (3) Petitioners (defendants therein) further alleged that Anay filed the
thirty percent (30%) of the sales she would make; and (4) two percent complaint on account of ill-will and resentment because Marjorie Tocao
(2%) for her demonstration services. The agreement was not reduced did not allow her to lord it over in the Geminesse Enterprise. Anay had
to writing on the strength of Belos assurances that he was sincere, acted like she owned the enterprise because of her experience and
dependable and honest when it came to financial commitments. expertise. Hence, petitioners were the ones who suffered actual
damages including unreturned and unaccounted stocks of Geminesse
Enterprise, and serious anxiety, besmirched reputation in the business
world, and various damages not less than P500,000.00. They also
Anay having secured the distributorship of cookware products from the alleged that, to vindicate their names, they had to hire counsel for a fee
West Bend Company and organized the administrative staff and the of P23,000.00.
sales force, the cookware business took off successfully. They operated
under the name of Geminesse Enterprise, a sole proprietorship
registered in Marjorie Tocaos name, with office at 712 Rufino Building,
Ayala Avenue, Makati City. Belo made good his monetary commitments At the pre-trial conference, the issues were limited to: (a) whether or not
to Anay. Thereafter, Roger Muencheberg of West Bend Company the plaintiff was an employee or partner of Marjorie Tocao and Belo, and
invited Anay to the distributor/dealer meeting in West Bend, Wisconsin, (b) whether or not the parties are entitled to damages.[10]
U.S.A., from July 19 to 21, 1987 and to the southwestern regional
convention in Pismo Beach, California, U.S.A., from July 25-26, 1987.
Anay accepted the invitation with the consent of Marjorie Tocao who, as
president and general manager of Geminesse Enterprise, even wrote a In their defense, Belo denied that Anay was supposed to receive a share
letter to the Visa Section of the U.S. Embassy in Manila on July 13, 1987. in the profit of the business. He, however, admitted that the two had
A portion of the letter reads: agreed that Anay would receive a three to four percent (3-4%) share in
the gross sales of the cookware. He denied contributing capital to the
business or receiving a share in its profits as he merely served as a
guarantor of Marjorie Tocao, who was new in the business. He attended
Ms. Nenita D. Anay (sic), who has been patronizing and supporting West and/or presided over business meetings of the venture in his capacity
Bend Co. for twenty (20) years now, acquired the distributorship of Royal as a guarantor but he never participated in decision-making. He claimed
Queen cookware for Geminesse Enterprise, is the Vice President Sales that he wrote the memo granting the plaintiff thirty-seven percent (37%)
Marketing and a business partner of our company, will attend in commission upon her dismissal from the business venture at the request
response to the invitation. (Italics supplied.)[3] of Tocao, because Anay had no other income.
Anay arrived from the U.S.A. in mid-August 1987, and immediately For her part, Marjorie Tocao denied having entered into an oral
undertook the task of saving the business on account of the partnership agreement with Anay. However, she admitted that Anay was
unsatisfactory sales record in the Makati and Cubao offices. On August an expert in the cookware business and hence, they agreed to grant her
31, 1987, she received a plaque of appreciation from the administrative the following commissions: thirty-seven percent (37%) on personal
and sales people through Marjorie Tocao[4] for her excellent job sales; five percent (5%) on gross sales; two percent (2%) on product
performance. On October 7, 1987, in the presence of Anay, Belo signed demonstrations, and two percent (2%) for recruitment of personnel.
a memo[5] entitling her to a thirty-seven percent (37%) commission for Marjorie denied that they agreed on a ten percent (10%) commission on
her personal sales "up Dec 31/87. Belo explained to her that said the net profits. Marjorie claimed that she got the capital for the business
commission was apart from her ten percent (10%) share in the profits. out of the sale of the sewing machines used in her garments business
On October 9, 1987, Anay learned that Marjorie Tocao had signed a and from Peter Lo, a Singaporean friend-financier who loaned her the
letter[6] addressed to the Cubao sales office to the effect that she was funds with interest. Because she treated Anay as her co-equal, Marjorie
no longer the vice-president of Geminesse Enterprise. The following received the same amounts of commissions as her. However, Anay
day, October 10, she received a note from Lina T. Cruz, marketing failed to account for stocks valued at P200,000.00.
manager, that Marjorie Tocao had barred her from holding office and
conducting demonstrations in both Makati and Cubao offices.[7] Anay
attempted to contact Belo. She wrote him twice to demand her overriding
commission for the period of January 8, 1988 to February 5, 1988 and On April 22, 1993, the trial court rendered a decision the dispositive part
the audit of the company to determine her share in the net profits. When of which is as follows:
her letters were not answered, Anay consulted her lawyer, who, in turn,
wrote Belo a letter. Still, that letter was not answered.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered:
On April 5, 1988, Nenita A. Anay filed Civil Case No. 88-509, a complaint
for sum of money with damages[8] against Marjorie D. Tocao and 2. Ordering defendants to pay five percent (5%) overriding commission
William Belo before the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 140. for the one hundred and fifty (150) cookware sets available for
disposition when plaintiff was wrongfully excluded from the partnership
by defendants;
In her complaint, Anay prayed that defendants be ordered to pay her,
jointly and severally, the following: (1) P32,00.00 as unpaid overriding
commission from January 8, 1988 to February 5, 1988; (2) P100,000.00 3. Ordering defendants to pay plaintiff overriding commission on the total
as moral damages, and (3) P100,000.00 as exemplary damages. The production which for the period covering January 8, 1988 to February 5,
plaintiff also prayed for an audit of the finances of Geminesse Enterprise 1988 amounted to P32,000.00;
from the inception of its business operation until she was illegally
dismissed to determine her ten percent (10%) share in the net profits.
She further prayed that she be paid the five percent (5%) overriding
commission on the remaining 150 West Bend cookware sets before her 4. Ordering defendants to pay P100,000.00 as moral damages and
dismissal. P100,000.00 as exemplary damages, and
In their answer,[9] Marjorie Tocao and Belo asserted that the alleged 5. Ordering defendants to pay P50,000.00 as attorneys fees and
agreement with Anay that was neither reduced in writing, nor ratified, P20,000.00 as costs of suit.
was either unenforceable or void or inexistent. As far as Belo was
concerned, his only role was to introduce Anay to Marjorie Tocao. There
could not have been a partnership because, as Anay herself admitted,
Geminesse Enterprise was the sole proprietorship of Marjorie Tocao. SO ORDERED.
Because Anay merely acted as marketing demonstrator of Geminesse
Enterprise for an agreed remuneration, and her complaint referred to
either her compensation or dismissal, such complaint should have been
lodged with the Department of Labor and not with the regular court. The trial court held that there was indeed an oral partnership agreement
between the plaintiff and the defendants, based on the following: (a)
there was an intention to create a partnership; (b) a common fund was
established through contributions consisting of money and industry, and Art. 1768. The partnership has a juridical personality separate and
(c) there was a joint interest in the profits. The testimony of Elizabeth distinct from that of each of the partners, even in case of failure to comply
Bantilan, Anays cousin and the administrative officer of Geminesse with the requirements of article 1772, first paragraph.
Enterprise from August 21, 1986 until it was absorbed by Royal
International, Inc., buttressed the fact that a partnership existed between
the parties. The letter of Roger Muencheberg of West Bend Company
stating that he awarded the distributorship to Anay and Marjorie Tocao Petitioners admit that private respondent had the expertise to engage in
because he was convinced that with Marjories financial contribution and the business of distributorship of cookware. Private respondent
Anays experience, the combination of the two would be invaluable to the contributed such expertise to the partnership and hence, under the law,
partnership, also supported that conclusion. Belos claim that he was she was the industrial or managing partner. It was through her reputation
merely a guarantor has no basis since there was no written evidence with the West Bend Company that the partnership was able to open the
thereof as required by Article 2055 of the Civil Code. Moreover, his acts business of distributorship of that companys cookware products; it was
of attending and/or presiding over meetings of Geminesse Enterprise through the same efforts that the business was propelled to financial
plus his issuance of a memo giving Anay 37% commission on personal success. Petitioner Tocao herself admitted private respondents
sales belied this. On the contrary, it demonstrated his involvement as a indispensable role in putting up the business when, upon being asked if
partner in the business. private respondent held the positions of marketing manager and vice-
president for sales, she testified thus:
The trial court further held that the payment of commissions did not
preclude the existence of the partnership inasmuch as such practice is A: No, sir at the start she was the marketing manager because there
often resorted to in business circles as an impetus to bigger sales were no one to sell yet, its only me there then her and then two (2)
volume. It did not matter that the agreement was not in writing because people, so about four (4). Now, after that when she recruited already
Article 1771 of the Civil Code provides that a partnership may be Oscar Abella and Lina Torda-Cruz these two (2) people were given the
constituted in any form. The fact that Geminesse Enterprise was designation of marketing managers of which definitely Nita as superior
registered in Marjorie Tocaos name is not determinative of whether or to them would be the Vice President.[18]
not the business was managed and operated by a sole proprietor or a
partnership. What was registered with the Bureau of Domestic Trade
was merely the business name or style of Geminesse Enterprise.
By the set-up of the business, third persons were made to believe that
a partnership had indeed been forged between petitioners and private
respondents. Thus, the communication dated June 4, 1986 of Missy
The trial court finally held that a partner who is excluded wrongfully from Jagler of West Bend Company to Roger Muencheberg of the same
a partnership is an innocent partner. Hence, the guilty partner must give company states:
him his due upon the dissolution of the partnership as well as damages
or share in the profits realized from the appropriation of the partnership
business and goodwill. An innocent partner thus possesses pecuniary
Marge Tocao is president of Geminesse Enterprises. Geminesse will
interest in every existing contract that was incomplete and in the trade
finance the operations. Marge does not have cookware experience. Nita
name of the co-partnership and assets at the time he was wrongfully
Anay has started to gather former managers, Lina Torda and Dory Vista.
She has also gathered former demonstrators, Betty Bantilan, Eloisa
Lamela, Menchu Javier. They will continue to gather other key people
and build up the organization. All they need is the finance and the
Petitioners appeal to the Court of Appeals[11] was dismissed, but the products to sell.[19]
amount of damages awarded by the trial court were reduced to
P50,000.00 for moral damages and P50,000.00 as exemplary damages.
Their Motion for Reconsideration was denied by the Court of Appeals
On the other hand, petitioner Belos denial that he financed the
for lack of merit.[12] Petitioners Belo and Marjorie Tocao are now before
partnership rings hollow in the face of the established fact that he
this Court on a petition for review on certiorari, asserting that there was
presided over meetings regarding matters affecting the operation of the
no business partnership between them and herein private respondent
business. Moreover, his having authorized in writing on October 7, 1987,
Nenita A. Anay who is, therefore, not entitled to the damages awarded
on a stationery of his own business firm, Wilcon Builders Supply, that
to her by the Court of Appeals.
private respondent should receive thirty-seven (37%) of the proceeds of
her personal sales, could not be interpreted otherwise than that he had
a proprietary interest in the business. His claim that he was merely a
Petitioners Tocao and Belo contend that the Court of Appeals guarantor is belied by that personal act of proprietorship in the business.
erroneously held that a partnership existed between them and private Moreover, if he was indeed a guarantor of future debts of petitioner
respondent Anay because Geminesse Enterprise came into being Tocao under Article 2053 of the Civil Code,[20] he should have
exactly a year before the alleged partnership was formed, and that it was presented documentary evidence therefor. While Article 2055 of the Civil
very unlikely that petitioner Belo would invest the sum of P2,500,000.00 Code simply provides that guaranty must be express, Article 1403, the
with petitioner Tocao contributing nothing, without any memorandum Statute of Frauds, requires that a special promise to answer for the debt,
whatsoever regarding the alleged partnership.[13] default or miscarriage of another be in writing.[21]
The issue of whether or not a partnership exists is a factual matter which Petitioner Tocao, a former ramp model,[22] was also a capitalist in the
are within the exclusive domain of both the trial and appellate courts. partnership. She claimed that she herself financed the business. Her
This Court cannot set aside factual findings of such courts absent any and petitioner Belos roles as both capitalists to the partnership with
showing that there is no evidence to support the conclusion drawn by private respondent are buttressed by petitioner Tocaos admissions that
the court a quo.[14] In this case, both the trial court and the Court of petitioner Belo was her boyfriend and that the partnership was not their
Appeals are one in ruling that petitioners and private respondent only business venture together. They also established a firm that they
established a business partnership. This Court finds no reason to rule called Wiji, the combination of petitioner Belos first name, William, and
otherwise. her nickname, Jiji.[23] The special relationship between them dovetails
with petitioner Belos claim that he was acting in behalf of petitioner
Tocao. Significantly, in the early stage of the business operation,
petitioners requested West Bend Company to allow them to utilize their
To be considered a juridical personality, a partnership must fulfill these banking and trading facilities in Singapore in the matter of importation
requisites: (1) two or more persons bind themselves to contribute and payment of the cookware products.[24] The inevitable conclusion,
money, property or industry to a common fund; and (2) intention on the therefore, was that petitioners merged their respective capital and
part of the partners to divide the profits among themselves.[15] It may infused the amount into the partnership of distributing cookware with
be constituted in any form; a public instrument is necessary only where private respondent as the managing partner.
immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto.[16] This
implies that since a contract of partnership is consensual, an oral
contract of partnership is as good as a written one. Where no immovable
property or real rights are involved, what matters is that the parties have The business venture operated under Geminesse Enterprise did not
complied with the requisites of a partnership. The fact that there appears result in an employer-employee relationship between petitioners and
to be no record in the Securities and Exchange Commission of a public private respondent. While it is true that the receipt of a percentage of net
instrument embodying the partnership agreement pursuant to Article profits constitutes only prima facie evidence that the recipient is a
1772 of the Civil Code[17] did not cause the nullification of the partner in the business,[25] the evidence in the case at bar controverts
partnership. The pertinent provision of the Civil Code on the matter an employer-employee relationship between the parties. In the first
states: place, private respondent had a voice in the management of the affairs
of the cookware distributorship,[26] including selection of people who
would constitute the administrative staff and the sales force. Secondly,
petitioner Tocaos admissions militate against an employer-employee
relationship. She admitted that, like her who owned Geminesse
Enterprise,[27] private respondent received only commissions and Q: Again in concept of commission, representation, promotion, etc.?
transportation and representation allowances[28] and not a fixed
salary.[29] Petitioner Tocao testified:
A: Yes, sir.
A: Yes, sir.
A: Yes, sir this is what I am talking about earlier. Thats the one I am
telling you earlier a certain percentage for promotions, advertising,
Q: And, as in your previous statement it is not by coincidence that these
two (2) are the same?
A: Thats her overriding commission. The fact that the cookware distributorship was operated under the name
of Geminesse Enterprise, a sole proprietorship, is of no moment. What
was registered with the Bureau of Domestic Trade on August 19, 1987
was merely the name of that enterprise.[33] While it is true that in her
Q: Overriding commission, I see. Of course, you are telling this undated application for renewal of registration of that firm name,
Honorable Court that there being the same P21,410.50 is merely by petitioner Tocao indicated that it would be engaged in retail of
coincidence? kitchenwares, cookwares, utensils, skillet,[34] she also admitted that the
enterprise was only 60% to 70% for the cookware business, while 20%
to 30% of its business activity was devoted to the sale of water sterilizer
or purifier.[35] Indubitably then, the business name Geminesse
A: No, sir, I made it a point that we were equal because the way I look Enterprise was used only for practical reasons - it was utilized as the
at her kasi, you know in a sense because of her expertise in the business common name for petitioner Tocaos various business activities, which
she is vital to my business. So, as part of the incentive I offer her the included the distributorship of cookware.
same thing.
Petitioners underscore the fact that the Court of Appeals did not return
Q: So, in short you are saying that this you have shared together, I mean the unaccounted and unremitted stocks of Geminesse Enterprise
having gotten from the company P21,140.50 is your way of indicating amounting to P208,250.00.[36] Obviously a ploy to offset the damages
that you were treating her as an equal? awarded to private respondent, that claim, more than anything else,
proves the existence of a partnership between them. In Idos v. Court of
Appeals, this Court said:
A: As an equal.
The best evidence of the existence of the partnership, which was not yet
terminated (though in the winding up stage), were the unsold goods and
Q: As an equal, I see. You were treating her as an equal?
uncollected receivables, which were presented to the trial court. Since
the partnership has not been terminated, the petitioner and private
complainant remained as co-partners. x x x.[37]
A: Yes, sir.
It is not surprising then that, even after private respondent had been
Q: I am calling again your attention to Exh. Y Overrides Makati the other unceremoniously booted out of the partnership in October 1987, she still
one is --- received her overriding commission until December 1987.
A: That is the same thing, sir. Undoubtedly, petitioner Tocao unilaterally excluded private respondent
from the partnership to reap for herself and/or for petitioner Belo financial
gains resulting from private respondents efforts to make the business
venture a success. Thus, as petitioner Tocao became adept in the
Q: With ending August 21, words and figure Overrides Marjorie Ann business operation, she started to assert herself to the extent that she
Tocao P15,314.25 the amount there you will acknowledge you have would even shout at private respondent in front of other people.[38] Her
received that? instruction to Lina Torda Cruz, marketing manager, not to allow private
respondent to hold office in both the Makati and Cubao sales offices
concretely spoke of her perception that private respondent was no
longer necessary in the business operation,[39] and resulted in a falling
A: Yes, sir. out between the two. However, a mere falling out or misunderstanding
between partners does not convert the partnership into a sham
organization.[40] The partnership exists until dissolved under the law.
Since the partnership created by petitioners and private respondent has
no fixed term and is therefore a partnership at will predicated on their 4. Petitioners are ordered, jointly and severally, to pay private
mutual desire and consent, it may be dissolved by the will of a partner. respondent moral damages in the amount of P50,000.00, exemplary
Thus: damages in the amount of P50,000.00 and attorneys fees in the amount
of P25,000.00.
An unjustified dissolution by a partner can subject him to action for YANG CHIAO SENG, defendant-appellee.
damages because by the mutual agency that arises in a partnership, the
doctrine of delectus personae allows the partners to have the power,
although not necessarily the right to dissolve the partnership.[42] Punzalan, Yabut, Eusebio & Tiburcio for appellants.
The winding up of partnership affairs has not yet been undertaken by The record discloses that on June 17, 1945, defendant Yang Chiao
the partnership. This is manifest in petitioners claim for stocks that had Seng wrote a letter to the palintiff Mrs. Rosario U. Yulo, proposing the
been entrusted to private respondent in the pursuit of the partnership formation of a partnership between them to run and operate a theatre
business. on the premises occupied by former Cine Oro at Plaza Sta. Cruz, Manila.
The principal conditions of the offer are (1) that Yang Chiao Seng
guarantees Mrs. Yulo a monthly participation of P3,000 payable
quarterly in advance within the first 15 days of each quarter, (2) that the
The determination of the amount of damages commensurate with the partnership shall be for a period of two years and six months, starting
factual findings upon which it is based is primarily the task of the trial from July 1, 1945 to December 31, 1947, with the condition that if the
court.[45] The Court of Appeals may modify that amount only when its land is expropriated or rendered impracticable for the business, or if the
factual findings are diametrically opposed to that of the lower court,[46] owner constructs a permanent building thereon, or Mrs. Yulo's right of
or the award is palpably or scandalously and unreasonably lease is terminated by the owner, then the partnership shall be
excessive.[47] However, exemplary damages that are awarded by way terminated even if the period for which the partnership was agreed to be
of example or correction for the public good,[48] should be reduced to established has not yet expired; (3) that Mrs. Yulo is authorized
P50,000.00, the amount correctly awarded by the Court of Appeals. personally to conduct such business in the lobby of the building as is
Concomitantly, the award of moral damages of P100,000.00 was ordinarily carried on in lobbies of theatres in operation, provided the said
excessive and should be likewise reduced to P50,000.00. Similarly, business may not obstruct the free ingress and agrees of patrons of the
attorneys fees that should be granted on account of the award of theatre; (4) that after December 31, 1947, all improvements placed by
exemplary damages and petitioners evident bad faith in refusing to the partnership shall belong to Mrs. Yulo, but if the partnership
satisfy private respondents plainly valid, just and demandable agreement is terminated before the lapse of one and a half years period
claims,[49] appear to have been excessively granted by the trial court under any of the causes mentioned in paragraph (2), then Yang Chiao
and should therefore be reduced to P25,000.00. Seng shall have the right to remove and take away all improvements
that the partnership may place in the premises.
On October 27, 1950, Mrs. Yulo demanded from Yang Chiao Seng her
share in the profits of the business. Yang answered the letter saying that In the second assignment of error plaintiff-appellant claims that the lower
upon the advice of his counsel he had to suspend the payment (of the court erred in not striking out the evidence offered by the defendant-
rentals) because of the pendency of the ejectment suit by the owners of appellee to prove that the relation between him and the plaintiff is one
the land against Mrs. Yulo. In this letter Yang alleges that inasmuch as of the sublease and not of partnership. The action of the lower court in
he is a sublessee and inasmuch as Mrs. Yulo has not paid to the lessors admitting evidence is justified by the express allegation in the
the rentals from August, 1949, he was retaining the rentals to make good defendant's answer that the agreement set forth in the complaint was
to the landowners the rentals due from Mrs. Yulo in arrears (Exh. "E"). one of lease and not of partnership, and that the partnership formed was
adopted in view of a prohibition contained in plaintiff's lease against a
sublease of the property.
In view of the refusal of Yang to pay her the amount agreed upon, Mrs.
Yulo instituted this action on May 26, 1954, alleging the existence of a
partnership between them and that the defendant Yang Chiao Seng has The most important issue raised in the appeal is that contained in the
refused to pay her share from December, 1949 to December, 1950; that fourth assignment of error, to the effect that the lower court erred in
after December 31, 1950 the partnership between Mrs. Yulo and Yang holding that the written contracts, Exhs. "A", "B", and "C, between
terminated, as a result of which, plaintiff became the absolute owner of plaintiff and defendant, are one of lease and not of partnership. We have
the building occupied by the Cine Astor; that the reasonable rental that gone over the evidence and we fully agree with the conclusion of the
the defendant should pay therefor from January, 1951 is P5,000; that trial court that the agreement was a sublease, not a partnership. The
the defendant has acted maliciously and refuses to pay the participation following are the requisites of partnership: (1) two or more persons who
of the plaintiff in the profits of the business amounting to P35,000 from bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common
November, 1949 to October, 1950, and that as a result of such bad faith fund; (2) intention on the part of the partners to divide the profits among
and malice on the part of the defendant, Mrs. Yulo has suffered themselves. (Art. 1767, Civil Code.).
damages in the amount of P160,000 and exemplary damages to the
extent of P5,000. The prayer includes a demand for the payment of the
above sums plus the sum of P10,000 for the attorney's fees.
In the first place, plaintiff did not furnish the supposed P20,000 capital.
In the second place, she did not furnish any help or intervention in the
management of the theatre. In the third place, it does not appear that
In answer to the complaint, defendant alleges that the real agreement she has ever demanded from defendant any accounting of the expenses
between the plaintiff and the defendant was one of lease and not of and earnings of the business. Were she really a partner, her first concern
partnership; that the partnership was adopted as a subterfuge to get should have been to find out how the business was progressing, whether
around the prohibition contained in the contract of lease between the the expenses were legitimate, whether the earnings were correct, etc.
owners and the plaintiff against the sublease of the said property. As to She was absolutely silent with respect to any of the acts that a partner
the other claims, he denies the same and alleges that the fair rental should have done; all that she did was to receive her share of P3,000 a
value of the land is only P1,100. By way of counterclaim he alleges that month, which can not be interpreted in any manner than a payment for
by reason of an attachment issued against the properties of the the use of the premises which she had leased from the owners. Clearly,
defendant the latter has suffered damages amounting to P100,000. plaintiff had always acted in accordance with the original letter of
defendant of June 17, 1945 (Exh. "A"), which shows that both parties
considered this offer as the real contract between them.
The first hearing was had on April 19, 1955, at which time only the
plaintiff appeared. The court heard evidence of the plaintiff in the
absence of the defendant and thereafter rendered judgment ordering the Plaintiff claims the sum of P41,000 as representing her share or
defendant to pay to the plaintiff P41,000 for her participation in the participation in the business from December, 1949. But the original letter
business up to December, 1950; P5,000 as monthly rental for the use of the defendant, Exh. "A", expressly states that the agreement between
and occupation of the building from January 1, 1951 until defendant the plaintiff and the defendant was to end upon the termination of the
vacates the same, and P3,000 for the use and occupation of the lobby right of the plaintiff to the lease. Plaintiff's right having terminated in July,
from July 1, 1945 until defendant vacates the property. This decision, 1949 as found by the Court of Appeals, the partnership agreement or
however, was set aside on a motion for reconsideration. In said motion the agreement for her to receive a participation of P3,000 automatically
it is claimed that defendant failed to appear at the hearing because of ceased as of said date.
his honest belief that a joint petition for postponement filed by both
parties, in view of a possible amicable settlement, would be granted; that
in view of the decision of the Court of Appeals in two previous cases
between the owners of the land and the plaintiff Rosario Yulo, the We find no error in the judgment of the court below and we affirm it in
plaintiff has no right to claim the alleged participation in the profit of the toto, with costs against plaintiff-appellant.
business, etc. The court, finding the above motion, well-founded, set
G.R. No. L-9996 October 15, 1957
aside its decision and a new trial was held. After trial the court rendered
the decision making the following findings: that it is not true that a
partnership was created between the plaintiff and the defendant
because defendant has not actually contributed the sum mentioned in EUFEMIA EVANGELISTA, MANUELA EVANGELISTA, and
the Articles of Partnership, or any other amount; that the real agreement FRANCISCA EVANGELISTA, petitioners,
between the plaintiff and the defendant is not of the partnership but one
of the lease for the reason that under the agreement the plaintiff did not vs.
share either in the profits or in the losses of the business as required by
Article 1769 of the Civil Code; and that the fact that plaintiff was granted THE COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE and THE COURT OF
a "guaranteed participation" in the profits also belies the supposed TAX APPEALS, respondents.
existence of a partnership between them. It. therefore, denied plaintiff's
claim for damages or supposed participation in the profits.
Santiago F. Alidio and Angel S. Dakila, Jr., for petitioner.
As to her claim for damages for the refusal of the defendant to allow the Office of the Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla, Assistant Solicitor
use of the supposed lobby of the theatre, the court after ocular General Esmeraldo Umali and Solicitor Felicisimo R. Rosete for
inspection found that the said lobby was very narrow space leading to Respondents.
the balcony of the theatre which could not be used for business
purposes under existing ordinances of the City of Manila because it
would constitute a hazard and danger to the patrons of the theatre. The
court, therefore, dismissed the complaint; so did it dismiss the CONCEPCION, J.:
defendant's counterclaim, on the ground that the defendant failed to
present sufficient evidence to sustain the same. It is against this decision
that the appeal has been prosecuted by plaintiff to this Court.
This is a petition filed by Eufemia Evangelista, Manuela Evangelista and 1945
Francisca Evangelista, for review of a decision of the Court of Tax
Appeals, the dispositive part of which reads:
FOR ALL THE FOREGOING, we hold that the petitioners are liable for
the income tax, real estate dealer's tax and the residence tax for the
years 1945 to 1949, inclusive, in accordance with the respondent's 1946
assessment for the same in the total amount of P6,878.34, which is
hereby affirmed and the petition for review filed by petitioner is hereby
dismissed with costs against petitioners.
2. That on February 2, 1943, they bought from Mrs. Josefina
Florentino a lot with an area of 3,713.40 sq. m. including improvements
thereon from the sum of P100,000.00; this property has an assessed 1,912.30
value of P57,517.00 as of 1948;
3. That on April 3, 1944 they purchased from Mrs. Josefa Oppus
21 parcels of land with an aggregate area of 3,718.40 sq. m. including
improvements thereon for P130,000.00; this property has an assessed
value of P82,255.00 as of 1948; 1,575.90
4. That on April 28, 1944 they purchased from the Insular Total including surcharge and compromise
Investments Inc., a lot of 4,353 sq. m. including improvements thereon
for P108,825.00. This property has an assessed value of P4,983.00 as
of 1948;
5. That on April 28, 1944 they bought form Mrs. Valentina Afable
a lot of 8,371 sq. m. including improvements thereon for P237,234.34. REAL ESTATE DEALER'S FIXED TAX
This property has an assessed value of P59,140.00 as of 1948;
6. That in a document dated August 16, 1945, they appointed
their brother Simeon Evangelista to 'manage their properties with full
power to lease; to collect and receive rents; to issue receipts therefor; in P37.50
default of such payment, to bring suits against the defaulting tenants; to
sign all letters, contracts, etc., for and in their behalf, and to endorse and
deposit all notes and checks for them;
P38.75 By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind themselves to
contribute money, properly, or industry to a common fund, with the
intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
1948 1. Said common fund was not something they found already in
existence. It was not property inherited by them pro indiviso. They
created it purposely. What is more they jointly borrowed a substantial
portion thereof in order to establish said common fund.
TOTAL TAXES DUE 3. The aforesaid lots were not devoted to residential purposes,
or to other personal uses, of petitioners herein. The properties were
leased separately to several persons, who, from 1945 to 1948 inclusive,
paid the total sum of P70,068.30 by way of rentals. Seemingly, the lots
P6,878.34. are still being so let, for petitioners do not even suggest that there has
been any change in the utilization thereof.
The issue in this case whether petitioners are subject to the tax on
corporations provided for in section 24 of Commonwealth Act. No. 466, 6. Petitioners have not testified or introduced any evidence,
otherwise known as the National Internal Revenue Code, as well as to either on their purpose in creating the set up already adverted to, or on
the residence tax for corporations and the real estate dealers fixed tax. the causes for its continued existence. They did not even try to offer an
With respect to the tax on corporations, the issue hinges on the meaning explanation therefor.
of the terms "corporation" and "partnership," as used in section 24 and
84 of said Code, the pertinent parts of which read:
Although, taken singly, they might not suffice to establish the intent
necessary to constitute a partnership, the collective effect of these
SEC. 24. Rate of tax on corporations.There shall be levied, assessed, circumstances is such as to leave no room for doubt on the existence of
collected, and paid annually upon the total net income received in the said intent in petitioners herein. Only one or two of the aforementioned
preceding taxable year from all sources by every corporation organized circumstances were present in the cases cited by petitioners herein,
in, or existing under the laws of the Philippines, no matter how created and, hence, those cases are not in point.
or organized but not including duly registered general co-partnerships
(compaias colectivas), a tax upon such income equal to the sum of the
following: . . .
Petitioners insist, however, that they are mere co-owners, not
copartners, for, in consequence of the acts performed by them, a legal
entity, with a personality independent of that of its members, did not
SEC. 84 (b). The term 'corporation' includes partnerships, no matter how come into existence, and some of the characteristics of partnerships are
created or organized, joint-stock companies, joint accounts (cuentas en lacking in the case at bar. This pretense was correctly rejected by the
participacion), associations or insurance companies, but does not Court of Tax Appeals.
include duly registered general copartnerships. (compaias colectivas).
The term 'partnership' includes a syndicate, group, pool, joint venture or BARREDO, J.:p
other unincorporated organization, through or by means of which any
business, financial operation, or venture is carried on, . . .. ( 8 Merten's
Law of Federal Income Taxation, p. 562 Note 63; emphasis supplied.) .
Petition for review of the decision of the Court of Tax Appeals in CTA
Case No. 617, similarly entitled as above, holding that petitioners have
constituted an unregistered partnership and are, therefore, subject to the
For purposes of the tax on corporations, our National Internal Revenue payment of the deficiency corporate income taxes assessed against
Code, includes these partnerships with the exception only of duly
them by respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue for the years
registered general copartnerships within the purview of the term 1955 and 1956 in the total sum of P21,891.00, plus 5% surcharge and
"corporation." It is, therefore, clear to our mind that petitioners herein 1% monthly interest from December 15, 1958, subject to the provisions
constitute a partnership, insofar as said Code is concerned and are
of Section 51 (e) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended by
subject to the income tax for corporations. Section 8 of Republic Act No. 2343 and the costs of the suit, 1 as well
as the resolution of said court denying petitioners' motion for
reconsideration of said decision.
As regards the residence of tax for corporations, section 2 of
Commonwealth Act No. 465 provides in part:
The facts are stated in the decision of the Tax Court as follows:
The project of partition (Exhibit K; see also pp. 77-70, BIR rec.) shows
that the heirs have undivided one-half (1/2) interest in ten parcels of land 51,301.31
with a total assessed value of P87,860.00, six houses with a total
assessed value of P17,590.00 and an undetermined amount to be
collected from the War Damage Commission. Later, they received from
said Commission the amount of P50,000.00, more or less. This amount 120,349.28
was not divided among them but was used in the rehabilitation of
properties owned by them in common (t.s.n., p. 46). Of the ten parcels
of land aforementioned, two were acquired after the death of the
decedent with money borrowed from the Philippine Trust Company in 110,605.11
the amount of P72,173.00 (t.s.n., p. 24; Exhibit 3, pp. 31-34 BIR rec.).
The project of partition also shows that the estate shares equally with
Lorenzo T. Oa, the administrator thereof, in the obligation of
P94,973.00, consisting of loans contracted by the latter with the approval
of the Court (see p. 3 of Exhibit K; or see p. 74, BIR rec.). 67,927.52
Although the project of partition was approved by the Court on May 16, 87,065.28
1949, no attempt was made to divide the properties therein listed.
Instead, the properties remained under the management of Lorenzo T.
Oa who used said properties in business by leasing or selling them and 152,674.39
investing the income derived therefrom and the proceeds from the sales
thereof in real properties and securities. As a result, petitioners'
properties and investments gradually increased from P105,450.00 in
1949 to P480,005.20 in 1956 as can be gleaned from the following year- 1953
end balances:
Petitioners have assigned the following as alleged errors of the Tax
(See Exhibits 3 & K t.s.n., pp. 22, 25-26, 40, 50, 102-104)
Net income as per investigation ................ P40,209.89
In support of the third ground, counsel for petitioners alleges: CORONA, J.,
Even if we were to yield to the decision of this Honorable Court that the VELASCO, JR.,
herein petitioners have formed an unregistered partnership and,
therefore, have to be taxed as such, it might be recalled that the NACHURA,
petitioners in their individual income tax returns reported their shares of
the profits of the unregistered partnership. We think it only fair and DEL CASTILLO,* and
equitable that the various amounts paid by the individual petitioners as
income tax on their respective shares of the unregistered partnership
should be deducted from the deficiency income tax found by this
Honorable Court against the unregistered partnership. (page 7,
Memorandum for the Petitioner in Support of Their Motion for Promulgated:
Reconsideration, Oct. 28, 1961.)
March 3, 2010
In other words, it is the position of petitioners that the taxable income of
the partnership must be reduced by the amounts of income tax paid by
each petitioner on his share of partnership profits. This is not correct;
rather, it should be the other way around. The partnership profits x------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x
distributable to the partners (petitioners herein) should be reduced by
the amounts of income tax assessed against the partnership.
Consequently, each of the petitioners in his individual capacity overpaid
his income tax for the years in question, but the income tax due from the
partnership has been correctly assessed. Since the individual income
tax liabilities of petitioners are not in issue in this proceeding, it is not
proper for the Court to pass upon the same.
Petitioners insist that it was error for the Tax Court to so rule that
whatever excess they might have paid as individual income tax cannot
be credited as part payment of the taxes herein in question. It is argued
that to sanction the view of the Tax Court is to oblige petitioners to pay
double income tax on the same income, and, worse, considering the Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari[1] under Rule 45
time that has lapsed since they paid their individual income taxes, they of the Rules of Civil Procedure, assailing the Court of Appeals (CA)
may already be barred by prescription from recovering their Decision[2] dated June 29, 2005, which reversed and set aside the
overpayments in a separate action. We do not agree. As We see it, the decision[3] of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Lucena City, dated April
case of petitioners as regards the point under discussion is simply that 12, 2004.
of a taxpayer who has paid the wrong tax, assuming that the failure to
pay the corporate taxes in question was not deliberate. Of course, such
taxpayer has the right to be reimbursed what he has erroneously paid,
but the law is very clear that the claim and action for such reimbursement The facts of the case are as follows:
are subject to the bar of prescription. And since the period for the
recovery of the excess income taxes in the case of herein petitioners
has already lapsed, it would not seem right to virtually disregard
prescription merely upon the ground that the reason for the delay is Petitioners are the heirs of the late Jose Lim (Jose), namely: Jose's
precisely because the taxpayers failed to make the proper return and widow Cresencia Palad (Cresencia); and their children Elenito, Evelia,
payment of the corporate taxes legally due from them. In principle, it is Imelda, Edelyna and Edison, all surnamed Lim (petitioners),
but proper not to allow any relaxation of the tax laws in favor of persons represented by Elenito Lim (Elenito). They filed a Complaint[4] for
who are not exactly above suspicion in their conduct vis-a-vis their tax Partition, Accounting and Damages against respondent Juliet Villa Lim
obligation to the State. (respondent), widow of the late Elfledo Lim (Elfledo), who was the eldest
son of Jose and Cresencia.
Petitioners also alleged that, at that time, Elfledo was a fresh commerce
graduate serving as his fathers driver in the trucking business. He was
never a partner or an investor in the business and merely supervised the IN THE APPRECIATION BY THE COURT OF THE EVIDENCE
purchase of additional trucks using the income from the trucking SUBMITTED BY THE PARTIES, CAN THE TESTIMONY OF ONE OF
business of the partners. By the time the partnership ceased, it had nine THE PETITIONERS BE GIVEN GREATER WEIGHT THAN THAT BY A
trucks, which were all registered in Elfledo's name. Petitioners FORMER PARTNER ON THE ISSUE OF THE IDENTITY OF THE
asseverated that it was also through Elfledos management of the OTHER PARTNERS IN THE PARTNERSHIP?[7]
partnership that he was able to purchase numerous real properties by
using the profits derived therefrom, all of which were registered in his
name and that of respondent. In addition to the nine trucks, Elfledo also
acquired five other motor vehicles.
In essence, petitioners argue that according to the testimony of Jimmy,
the sole surviving partner, Elfledo was not a partner; and that he and
On May 18, 1995, Elfledo died, leaving respondent as his sole surviving Norberto entered into a partnership with Jose. Thus, the CA erred in not
heir. Petitioners claimed that respondent took over the administration of giving that testimony greater weight than that of Cresencia, who was
the aforementioned properties, which belonged to the estate of Jose, merely the spouse of Jose and not a party to the partnership.[8]
without their consent and approval. Claiming that they are co-owners of
the properties, petitioners required respondent to submit an accounting
of all income, profits and rentals received from the estate of Elfledo, and Respondent counters that the issue raised by petitioners is not proper in
to surrender the administration thereof. Respondent refused; thus, the a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Civil
filing of this case. Procedure, as it would entail the review, evaluation, calibration, and re-
weighing of the factual findings of the CA. Moreover, respondent invokes
the rationale of the CA decision that, in light of the admissions of
Respondent traversed petitioners' allegations and claimed that Elfledo Cresencia and Edison and the testimony of respondent, the testimony
was himself a partner of Norberto and Jimmy. Respondent also claimed of Jimmy was effectively refuted; accordingly, the CA's reversal of the
that per testimony of Cresencia, sometime in 1980, Jose gave Elfledo RTC's findings was fully justified.[9]
P50,000.00 as the latter's capital in an informal partnership with Jimmy
We resolve first the procedural matter regarding the propriety of the
and Norberto. When Elfledo and respondent got married in 1981, the
instant Petition.
partnership only had one truck; but through the efforts of Elfledo, the
business flourished. Other than this trucking business, Elfledo, together Verily, the evaluation and calibration of the evidence necessarily
with respondent, engaged in other business ventures. Thus, they were involves consideration of factual issues an exercise that is not
able to buy real properties and to put up their own car assembly and appropriate for a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45. This rule
repair business. When Norberto was ambushed and killed on July 16, provides that the parties may raise only questions of law, because the
1993, the trucking business started to falter. When Elfledo died on May Supreme Court is not a trier of facts. Generally, we are not duty-bound
18, 1995 due to a heart attack, respondent talked to Jimmy and to the to analyze again and weigh the evidence introduced in and considered
heirs of Norberto, as she could no longer run the business. Jimmy by the tribunals below.[10] When supported by substantial evidence, the
suggested that three out of the nine trucks be given to him as his share, findings of fact of the CA are conclusive and binding on the parties and
while the other three trucks be given to the heirs of Norberto. However, are not reviewable by this Court, unless the case falls under any of the
Norberto's wife, Paquita Uy, was not interested in the vehicles. Thus, following recognized exceptions:
she sold the same to respondent, who paid for them in installments.
Respondent also alleged that when Jose died in 1981, he left no known
assets, and the partnership with Jimmy and Norberto ceased upon his (1) When the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculation,
demise. Respondent also stressed that Jose left no properties that surmises and conjectures;
Elfledo could have held in trust. Respondent maintained that all the
properties involved in this case were purchased and acquired through
her and her husbands joint efforts and hard work, and without any
participation or contribution from petitioners or from Jose. Respondent (2) When the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or
submitted that these are conjugal partnership properties; and thus, she impossible;
had the right to refuse to render an accounting for the income or profits
of their own business.
(3) Where there is a grave abuse of discretion;
Trial on the merits ensued. On April 12, 2004, the RTC rendered its
decision in favor of petitioners, thus:
(4) When the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts;
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered:
(8) When the findings of fact are conclusions without citation of specific
evidence on which they are based;
Aggrieved, respondent appealed to the CA.
(9) When the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the petitioners'
main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondents; and
On June 29, 2005, the CA reversed and set aside the RTC's decision,
dismissing petitioners' complaint for lack of merit. Undaunted, petitioners
filed their Motion for Reconsideration,[5] which the CA, however, denied (10) When the findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are premised on
in its Resolution[6] dated May 8, 2006. the supposed absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence on
(4) The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business is a
prima facie evidence that he is a partner in the business, but no such
We note, however, that the findings of fact of the RTC are contrary to inference shall be drawn if such profits were received in payment:
those of the CA. Thus, our review of such findings is warranted.
A partnership exists when two or more persons agree to place their (d) As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with the
money, effects, labor, and skill in lawful commerce or business, with the profits of the business;
understanding that there shall be a proportionate sharing of the profits
and losses among them. A contract of partnership is defined by the Civil (e) As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or other
Code as one where two or more persons bind themselves to contribute property by installments or otherwise.
money, property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention of
dividing the profits among themselves.[12]
Undoubtedly, the best evidence would have been the contract of Applying the legal provision to the facts of this case, the following
partnership or the articles of partnership. Unfortunately, there is none in circumstances tend to prove that Elfledo was himself the partner of
this case, because the alleged partnership was never formally Jimmy and Norberto: 1) Cresencia testified that Jose gave Elfledo
organized. Nonetheless, we are asked to determine who between Jose P50,000.00, as share in the partnership, on a date that coincided with
and Elfledo was the partner in the trucking business. the payment of the initial capital in the partnership;[15] (2) Elfledo ran
the affairs of the partnership, wielding absolute control, power and
authority, without any intervention or opposition whatsoever from any of
petitioners herein;[16] (3) all of the properties, particularly the nine trucks
A careful review of the records persuades us to affirm the CA decision. of the partnership, were registered in the name of Elfledo; (4) Jimmy
The evidence presented by petitioners falls short of the quantum of proof testified that Elfledo did not receive wages or salaries from the
required to establish that: (1) Jose was the partner and not Elfledo; and partnership, indicating that what he actually received were shares of the
(2) all the properties acquired by Elfledo and respondent form part of the profits of the business;[17] and (5) none of the petitioners, as heirs of
estate of Jose, having been derived from the alleged partnership. Jose, the alleged partner, demanded periodic accounting from Elfledo
during his lifetime. As repeatedly stressed in Heirs of Tan Eng Kee,[18]
Petitioners heavily rely on Jimmy's testimony. But that testimony is just a demand for periodic accounting is evidence of a partnership.
one piece of evidence against respondent. It must be considered and
weighed along with petitioners' other evidence vis--vis respondent's Furthermore, petitioners failed to adduce any evidence to show that the
contrary evidence. In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof real and personal properties acquired and registered in the names of
must establish his case by a preponderance of evidence. Elfledo and respondent formed part of the estate of Jose, having been
"Preponderance of evidence" is the weight, credit, and value of the derived from Jose's alleged partnership with Jimmy and Norberto. They
aggregate evidence on either side and is usually considered failed to refute respondent's claim that Elfledo and respondent engaged
synonymous with the term "greater weight of the evidence" or "greater in other businesses. Edison even admitted that Elfledo also sold
weight of the credible evidence." "Preponderance of evidence" is a Interwood lumber as a sideline.[19] Petitioners could not offer any
phrase that, in the last analysis, means probability of the truth. It is credible evidence other than their bare assertions. Thus, we apply the
evidence that is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief than basic rule of evidence that between documentary and oral evidence, the
that which is offered in opposition thereto.[13] Rule 133, Section 1 of the former carries more weight.[20]
Rules of Court provides the guidelines in determining preponderance of
evidence, thus:
Finally, we agree with the judicious findings of the CA, to wit:
Art. 1769. In determining whether a partnership exists, these rules shall been dissolved and its assets liquidated. On the contrary, these were
apply: not done but instead its operation continued under the helm of Elfledo
and without any participation from the heirs of Jose Lim.
(1) Except as provided by Article 1825, persons who are not partners as
to each other are not partners as to third persons; Whatever properties appellant and her husband had acquired, this was
through their own concerted efforts and hard work. Elfledo did not limit
himself to the business of their partnership but engaged in other lines of
businesses as well.
(2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not of itself establish a
partnership, whether such co-owners or co-possessors do or do not
share any profits made by the use of the property;
In sum, we find no cogent reason to disturb the findings and the ruling
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a partnership, of the CA as they are amply supported by the law and by the evidence
whether or not the persons sharing them have a joint or common right on record.
or interest in any property from which the returns are derived;
WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is DENIED. The assailed Court of consideration. Mabato alleged and the lower court held that the answer
Appeals Decision dated June 29, 2005 is AFFIRMED. Costs against should be in the affirmative, because "it is really inconceivable how a
petitioners. partnership engaged in the fishpond business could exist without said
fishpond property (being) contributed to the partnership." It should be
SO ORDERED. noted, however, that, as stated in Annex "A" the partnership was
established "to operate a fishpond", not to "engage in a fishpond
G.R. No. L-24193 June 28, 1968 business". Moreover, none of the partners contributed either a fishpond
or a real right to any fishpond. Their contributions were limited to the
sum of P1,000 each. Indeed, Paragraph 4 of Annex "A" provides:
MAURICIO AGAD, plaintiff-appellant,
vs. That the capital of the said partnership is Two Thousand (P2,000.00)
Pesos Philippine Currency, of which One Thousand (P1,000.00) pesos
has been contributed by Severino Mabato and One Thousand
(P1,000.00) Pesos has been contributed by Mauricio Agad.
The operation of the fishpond mentioned in Annex "A" was the purpose
CONCEPCION, C.J.: of the partnership. Neither said fishpond nor a real right thereto was
contributed to the partnership or became part of the capital thereof, even
if a fishpond or a real right thereto could become part of its assets.
The Petition for Review on Certiorari before us assails the March 5, 1998
Subsequently, Mabato filed a motion to dismiss, upon the ground that Decision[1] Second Division of the Court of Appeals[2] (CA) in CA-GR
the complaint states no cause of action and that the lower court had no CV No. 42378 and its June 25, 1998 Resolution denying
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case, because it involves reconsideration. The assailed Decision affirmed the ruling of the
principally the determination of rights over public lands. After due Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City in Civil Case No. R-21208,
hearing, the court issued the order appealed from, granting the motion which disposed as follows:
to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a cause of action. This
conclusion was predicated upon the theory that the contract of
partnership, Annex "A", is null and void, pursuant to Art. 1773 of our Civil
Code, because an inventory of the fishpond referred in said instrument WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing considerations, the Court, finding for
had not been attached thereto. A reconsideration of this order having the defendant and against the plaintiffs, orders the dismissal of the
been denied, Agad brought the matter to us for review by record on plaintiffs complaint. The counterclaims of the defendant are likewise
appeal. ordered dismissed. No pronouncement as to costs.[3]
Art. 1771. A partnership may be constituted in any form, except where Sisters Antonia Torres and Emeteria Baring, herein petitioners, entered
immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto, in which case into a "joint venture agreement" with Respondent Manuel Torres for the
a public instrument shall be necessary. development of a parcel of land into a subdivision. Pursuant to the
contract, they executed a Deed of Sale covering the said parcel of land
in favor of respondent, who then had it registered in his name. By
mortgaging the property, respondent obtained from Equitable Bank a
Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable loan of P40,000 which, under the Joint Venture Agreement, was to be
property is contributed thereto, if inventory of said property is not made, used for the development of the subdivision.[4] All three of them also
signed by the parties; and attached to the public instrument. agreed to share the proceeds from the sale of the subdivided lots.
The issue before us hinges on whether or not "immovable property or The project did not push through, and the land was subsequently
real rights" have been contributed to the partnership under foreclosed by the bank.
The Petition is bereft of merit.
W I T N E S S E T H:
Hence, this Petition.[6]
In affirming the trial court, the Court of Appeals held that petitioners and
respondent had formed a partnership for the development of the Whereas, the FIRST PARTY had given the SECOND PARTY, the sum
subdivision. Thus, they must bear the loss suffered by the partnership in of: TWENTY THOUSAND (P20,000.00) Pesos, Philippine Currency,
the same proportion as their share in the profits stipulated in the upon the execution of this contract for the property entrusted by the
contract. Disagreeing with the trial courts pronouncement that losses as SECOND PARTY, for sub-division projects and development purposes;
well as profits in a joint venture should be distributed equally,[7] the CA
invoked Article 1797 of the Civil Code which provides:
The Issue
THIRD: That the FIRST PARTY, will not collect from the SECOND
PARTY, the interest and the principal amount involving the amount of
Petitioners impute to the Court of Appeals the following error: TWENTY THOUSAND (P20,000.00) Pesos, Philippine Currency, until
the sub-division project is terminated and ready for sale to any interested
parties, and the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND (P20,000.00) pesos,
Philippine currency, will be deducted accordingly.
x x x [The] Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the transaction x x
x between the petitioners and respondent was that of a joint
venture/partnership, ignoring outright the provision of Article 1769, and
other related provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines.[8] FOURTH: That all general expense[s] and all cost[s] involved in the sub-
division project should be paid by the FIRST PARTY, exclusively and all
the expenses will not be deducted from the sales after the development
of the sub-division project.
The Courts Ruling
FIFTH: That the sales of the sub-divided lots will be divided into SIXTY formed from such agreement due to their supposed misunderstanding
PERCENTUM 60% for the SECOND PARTY and FORTY of its terms.
PERCENTUM 40% for the FIRST PARTY, and additional profits or
whatever income deriving from the sales will be divided equally
according to the x x x percentage [agreed upon] by both parties.
Alleged Nullity of the Partnership Agreement
Claiming that respondent was solely responsible for the failure of the
Courts are not authorized to extricate parties from the necessary subdivision project, petitioners maintain that he should be made to pay
consequences of their acts, and the fact that the contractual stipulations damages equivalent to 60 percent of the value of the property, which
may turn out to be financially disadvantageous will not relieve parties was their share in the profits under the Joint Venture Agreement.
thereto of their obligations. They cannot now disavow the relationship
We are not persuaded. True, the Court of Appeals held that petitioners In this petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, petitioner
acts were not the cause of the failure of the project.[16] But it also ruled Aurelio K. Litonjua, Jr. seeks to nullify and set aside the Decision of the
that neither was respondent responsible therefor.[17] In imputing the Court of Appeals (CA) dated March 31, 2004[1] in consolidated cases
blame solely to him, petitioners failed to give any reason why we should C.A. G.R. Sp. No. 76987 and C.A. G.R. SP. No 78774 and its Resolution
disregard the factual findings of the appellate court relieving him of fault. dated December 07, 2004,[2] denying petitioners motion for
Verily, factual issues cannot be resolved in a petition for review under reconsideration.
Rule 45, as in this case. Petitioners have not alleged, not to say shown,
that their Petition constitutes one of the exceptions to this doctrine.[18]
Accordingly, we find no reversible error in the CA's ruling that petitioners
are not entitled to damages. The recourse is cast against the following factual backdrop:
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED and the challenged Petitioner Aurelio K. Litonjua, Jr. (Aurelio) and herein respondent
Decision AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners. Eduardo K. Litonjua, Sr. (Eduardo) are brothers. The legal dispute
between them started when, on December 4, 2002, in the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) at Pasig City, Aurelio filed a suit against his brother
Eduardo and herein respondent Robert T. Yang (Yang) and several
SO ORDERED. corporations for specific performance and accounting. In his
complaint,[3] docketed as Civil Case No. 69235 and eventually raffled
to Branch 68 of the court,[4] Aurelio alleged that, since June 1973, he
and Eduardo are into a joint venture/partnership arrangement in the
AURELIO K. LITONJUA, JR., Odeon Theater business which had expanded thru investment in
Cineplex, Inc., LCM Theatrical Enterprises, Odeon Realty Corporation
Petitioner, (operator of Odeon I and II theatres), Avenue Realty, Inc., owner of lands
and buildings, among other corporations. Yang is described in the
complaint as petitioners and Eduardos partner in their Odeon Theater
- versus investment.[5] The same complaint also contained the following material
4.01 from 22 June 1973 to about August 2001, or [in] a span of 28 years,
Present: [Aurelio] and Eduardo had accumulated in their joint venture/partnership
various assets including but not limited to the corporate defendants and
[their] respective assets.
PANGANIBAN, J., Chairman 4.02 In addition . . . the joint venture/partnership had also acquired
[various other assets], but Eduardo caused to be registered in the names
SANDOVAL- GUTIERREZ, of other parties.
5.05 What is worse, [Aurelio] has reasonable cause to believe that
Eduardo and/or the corporate defendants as well as Bobby [Yang], are
transferring . . . various real properties of the corporations belonging to
the joint venture/partnership to other parties in fraud of [Aurelio]. In
consequence, [Aurelio] is therefore causing at this time the annotation
on the titles of these real properties a notice of lis pendens . (Emphasis 1. On April 14, 2003, Yang filed his ANSWER, but expressly reserved
in the original; underscoring and words in bracket added.) the right to seek reconsideration of the April 2, 2003 Omnibus Order and
to pursue his failed motion to dismiss[13] to its full resolution.
I am trying my best to mold you the way I work so you can follow the
pattern . You will be the only one left with the company, among us Earlier, Eduardo and the corporate defendants, on the contention that
brothers and I will ask you to stay as I want you to run this office every grave abuse of discretion and injudicious haste attended the issuance
time I am away. I want you to run it the way I am trying to run it because of the trial courts aforementioned Omnibus Orders dated March 5, and
I will be all alone and I will depend entirely to you (sic). My sons will not April 2, 2003, sought relief from the CA via similar recourse. Their
be ready to help me yet until about maybe 15/20 years from now. petition for certiorari was docketed as CA G.R. SP No. 76987.
Whatever is left in the corporation, I will make sure that you get ONE
MILLION PESOS (P1,000,000.00) or ten percent (10%) equity,
whichever is greater. We two will gamble the whole thing of what I have
and what you are entitled to. . It will be you and me alone on this. If ever Per its resolution dated October 2, 2003,[16] the CAs 14th Division
I pass away, I want you to take care of all of this. You keep my share for ordered the consolidation of CA G.R. SP No. 78774 with CA G.R. SP
my two sons are ready take over but give them the chance to run the No. 76987.
company which I have built.
Acting on the separate motions immediately adverted to above, the trial C. When it ruled that the complaint stated no cause of action against
court, in an Omnibus Order dated March 5, 2003, denied the affirmative [respondent] Robert Yang; and
defenses and, except for Yang, set the case for pre-trial on April 10,
D. When it ruled that petitioner has changed his theory on appeal when
all that Petitioner had done was to support his pleaded cause of action
In another Omnibus Order of April 2, 2003, the same court denied the by another legal perspective/argument.
motion of Eduardo, et al., for reconsideration[12] and Yangs motion to
dismiss. The following then transpired insofar as Yang is concerned:
The underlying issue that necessarily comes to mind in this proceedings Petitioner, in an obvious bid to evade the application of Article 1773,
is whether or not petitioner and respondent Eduardo are partners in the argues that the immovables in question were not contributed, but were
theatre, shipping and realty business, as one claims but which the other acquired after the formation of the supposed partnership. Needless to
denies. And the issue bearing on the first assigned error relates to the stress, the Court cannot accord cogency to this specious argument. For,
question of what legal provision is applicable under the premises, as earlier stated, petitioner himself admitted contributing his share in the
petitioner seeking, as it were, to enforce the actionable document - supposed shipping, movie theatres and realty development family
Annex A-1 - which he depicts in his complaint to be the contract of businesses which already owned immovables even before Annex A-1
partnership/joint venture between himself and Eduardo. Clearly, then, a was allegedly executed.
look at the legal provisions determinative of the existence, or defining
the formal requisites, of a partnership is indicated. Foremost of these
are the following provisions of the Civil Code:
Considering thus the value and nature of petitioners alleged contribution
to the purported partnership, the Court, even if so disposed, cannot
plausibly extend Annex A-1 the legal effects that petitioner so desires
Art. 1771. A partnership may be constituted in any form, except where and pleads to be given. Annex A-1, in fine, cannot support the existence
immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto, in which case of the partnership sued upon and sought to be enforced. The legal and
a public instrument shall be necessary. factual milieu of the case calls for this disposition. A partnership may be
constituted in any form, save when immovable property or real rights are
contributed thereto or when the partnership has a capital of at least
P3,000.00, in which case a public instrument shall be necessary.[25]
Art. 1772. Every contract of partnership having a capital of three And if only to stress what has repeatedly been articulated, an inventory
thousand pesos or more, in money or property, shall appear in a public to be signed by the parties and attached to the public instrument is also
instrument, which must be recorded in the Office of the Securities and indispensable to the validity of the partnership whenever immovable
Exchange Commission. property is contributed to it.
Failure to comply with the requirement of the preceding paragraph shall Given the foregoing perspective, what the appellate court wrote in its
not affect the liability of the partnership and the members thereof to third assailed Decision[26] about the probative value and legal effect of
persons. Annex A-1 commends itself for concurrence:
Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable Considering that the allegations in the complaint showed that [petitioner]
property is contributed thereto, if an inventory of said property is not contributed immovable properties to the alleged partnership, the
made, signed by the parties, and attached to the public instrument. Memorandum (Annex A of the complaint) which purports to establish the
said partnership/joint venture is NOT a public instrument and there was
NO inventory of the immovable property duly signed by the parties. As
such, the said Memorandum is null and void for purposes of establishing
the existence of a valid contract of partnership. Indeed, because of the
Annex A-1, on its face, contains typewritten entries, personal in tone, but failure to comply with the essential formalities of a valid contract, the
is unsigned and undated. As an unsigned document, there can be no purported partnership/joint venture is legally inexistent and it produces
quibbling that Annex A-1 does not meet the public instrumentation no effect whatsoever. Necessarily, a void or legally inexistent contract
requirements exacted under Article 1771 of the Civil Code. Moreover, cannot be the source of any contractual or legal right. Accordingly, the
being unsigned and doubtless referring to a partnership involving more allegations in the complaint, including the actionable document attached
than P3,000.00 in money or property, Annex A-1 cannot be presented thereto, clearly demonstrates that [petitioner] has NO valid contractual
for notarization, let alone registered with the Securities and Exchange or legal right which could be violated by the [individual respondents]
Commission (SEC), as called for under the Article 1772 of the Code. herein. As a consequence, [petitioners] complaint does NOT state a
And inasmuch as the inventory requirement under the succeeding valid cause of action because NOT all the essential elements of a cause
Article 1773 goes into the matter of validity when immovable property is of action are present. (Underscoring and words in bracket added.)
contributed to the partnership, the next logical point of inquiry turns on
the nature of petitioners contribution, if any, to the supposed partnership.
The CA, addressing the foregoing query, correctly stated that petitioners Likewise well-taken are the following complementary excerpts from the
contribution consisted of immovables and real rights. Wrote that court: CAs equally assailed Resolution of December 7, 2004[27] denying
petitioners motion for reconsideration:
It is at once apparent that what respondent Eduardo imposed upon Clearly, [petitioners] claim against Yang arose from his alleged
himself under the above passage, if he indeed wrote Annex A-1, is a partnership with petitioner and the respondent. However, there was NO
promise which is not to be performed within one year from contract allegation in the complaint which directly alleged how the supposed
execution on June 22, 1973. Accordingly, the agreement embodied in contractual relation was created between [petitioner] and Yang. More
Annex A-1 is covered by the Statute of Frauds and ergo unenforceable importantly, however, the foregoing ruling of this Court that the purported
for non-compliance therewith.[30] By force of the statute of frauds, an partnership between [Eduardo] is void and legally inexistent directly
affects said claim against Yang. Since [petitioner] is trying to establish 14. All told, the Decision takes off from a false premise that the
his claim against Yang by linking him to the legally inexistent partnership actionable document attached to the complaint does not establish a
. . . such attempt had become futile because there was NOTHING that contractual relationship between [petitioner] and Eduardo, Sr. and
would contractually connect [petitioner] and Yang. To establish a valid Roberto T Yang simply because his document does not create a
cause of action, the complaint should have a statement of fact upon partnership or a joint venture. This is a myopic reading of the actionable
which to connect [respondent] Yang to the alleged partnership between document.
[petitioner] and respondent [Eduardo], including their alleged investment
in the Odeon Theater. A statement of facts on those matters is pivotal to
the complaint as they would constitute the ultimate facts necessary to
establish the elements of a cause of action against Yang. [35] Per the Courts own count, petitioner used in his complaint the mixed
words joint venture/partnership nineteen (19) times and the term partner
four (4) times. He made reference to the law of joint venture/partnership
[being applicable] to the business relationship between [him], Eduardo
and Bobby [Yang] and to his rights in all specific properties of their joint
venture/partnership. Given this consideration, petitioners right of action
Pressing its point, the CA later stated in its resolution denying petitioners against respondents Eduardo and Yang doubtless pivots on the
motion for reconsideration the following: existence of the partnership between the three of them, as purportedly
evidenced by the undated and unsigned Annex A-1. A void Annex A-1,
as an actionable document of partnership, would strip petitioner of a
cause of action under the premises. A complaint for delivery and
xxx Whatever the complaint calls it, it is the actionable document accounting of partnership property based on such void or legally non-
attached to the complaint that is controlling. Suffice it to state, We have existent actionable document is dismissible for failure to state of action.
not ignored the actionable document As a matter of fact, We So, in gist, said the Court of Appeals. The Court agrees.
emphasized in our decision that insofar as [Yang] is concerned, he is
not even mentioned in the said actionable document. We are therefore WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED and the impugned
puzzled how a person not mentioned in a document purporting to Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals AFFIRMED.
establish a partnership could be considered a partner.[36] (Words in
bracket ours).
The former Chief Justice of the Spanish Supreme Court, D. Jose Casan,
The present case is a petition for review, filed by the Commissioner of in his Derecho Civil, 7th Edition, 1952, Volume 4, page 546, footnote 1,
Internal Revenue, of the tax court's aforesaid decision. It raises these says with regard to the prohibition contained in the aforesaid Article
issues: 1677:
(a) Whether or not the corporate personality of the William J. Suter Los conyuges, segun esto, no pueden celebrar entre si el contrato de
"Morcoin" Co., Ltd. should be disregarded for income tax purposes, sociedad universal, pero o podran constituir sociedad particular?
considering that respondent William J. Suter and his wife, Julia Spirig Aunque el punto ha sido muy debatido, nos inclinamos a la tesis
Suter actually formed a single taxable unit; and permisiva de los contratos de sociedad particular entre esposos, ya que
ningun precepto de nuestro Codigo los prohibe, y hay que estar a la
norma general segun la que toda persona es capaz para contratar
mientras no sea declarado incapaz por la ley. La jurisprudencia de la
(b) Whether or not the partnership was dissolved after the marriage of Direccion de los Registros fue favorable a esta misma tesis en su
the partners, respondent William J. Suter and Julia Spirig Suter and the resolution de 3 de febrero de 1936, mas parece cambiar de rumbo en la
subsequent sale to them by the remaining partner, Gustav Carlson, of de 9 de marzo de 1943.
his participation of P2,000.00 in the partnership for a nominal amount of
(a) That which is brought to the marriage as his or her own; ....
The difference in tax rates between the income of the limited partnership
being consolidated with, and when split from the income of the spouses,
is not a justification for requiring consolidation; the revenue code, as it
presently stands, does not authorize it, and even bars it by requiring the
limited partnership to pay tax on its own income.