CPP Interview Questions
CPP Interview Questions
CPP Interview Questions
The C++ programming language provides a model of memory and computation that
closely matches that of most computers. In addition, it provides powerful and flexible
mechanisms for abstraction; that is, language constructs that allow the programmer to
introduce and use new types of objects that match the concepts of an application. Thus,
C++ supports styles of programming that rely on fairly direct manipulation of hardware
resources to deliver a high degree of efficiency plus higher-level styles of programming
that rely on user-defined types to provide a model of data and computation that is closer
to a humans view of the task being performed by a computer. These higher-level styles
of programming are often called data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and
generic programming.
C++ History
In the early 1980's, also at Bell Laboratories, another programming language was
created which was based upon the C language.This new language was developed by
Bjarne Stroustrup and was called C++. According to Stroustrup, the purpose of C++ is
to make writing good programs easier and more pleasant for the individual
programmer.When he designed C++, he added OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
features to C without significantly changing the C component. Thus C++ is a "relative" of
C, meaning that any valid C program is also a valid C++ program.
C++ Features
User-defined types
2)Operator overloading
Attach different meaning to expressions such as a + b
Pass-by-reference function arguments
4)Virtual Functions
Dispatched depending on type at run time
Macro-like polymorphism for containers (e.g., arrays)
C++ Structure
2)Memory alignment
3)Bit Fields
4)Using structure in Assembly
1. If you want many different iterators to be active simultaneously then which of the
followings can be used?
a. Internal Iterators
b. External Iterators
c. Both
d. None
Answer:b External Iterators
An internal iterator is implemented with member functions of the class that has items to step
through. .An external iterator is implemented as a separate class that can be "attach" to the
object that has items to step through. .An external iterator has the advantage that many
different iterators can be active simultaneously on the same object.
2. Write a function which gets the n bits from an unsigned integer x, starting from
position p .(the right most digit is at position 0)
a.mask = FFFF;
mask = mask << p;
output = mask & x;
b.mask = FFFF;
mask = mask << p;
output = mask ^ x;
c.mask = FFFF;
mask = mask >> p;
output = mask & x
d.mask = FFFF;
mask = mask >> p;
output = mask ^ x;;
1. What is C++?
Released in 1985, C++ is an object-oriented programming language created by Bjarne
Stroustrup. C++ maintains almost all aspects of the C language, while simplifying
memory management and adding several features - including a new datatype known as
a class (you will learn more about these later) - to allow object-oriented programming.
C++ maintains the features of C which allowed for low-level memory access but also
gives the programmer new tools to simplify memory management.
C++ used for:
C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It can be used to create
small programs or large applications. It can be used to make CGI scripts or console-only
DOS programs. C++ allows you to create programs to do almost anything you need to
do. The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, has put together a partial list of applications
written in C++.
2. How do you find out if a linked-list has an end? (i.e. the list is not a cycle)
You can find out by using 2 pointers. One of them goes 2 nodes each time. The second
one goes at 1 nodes each time. If there is a cycle, the one that goes 2 nodes each time
will eventually meet the one that goes slower. If that is the case, then you will know the
linked-list is a cycle.
4. Base class has some virtual method and derived class has a method with the
same name. If we initialize the base class pointer with derived object, calling of
that virtual method will result in which method being called?
a. Base method
b. Derived method
Ans. B
Operator overloading allows existing C++ operators to be redefined so that they work on
objects of user-defined classes. Overloaded operators are syntactic sugar for equivalent
function calls. They form a pleasant facade that doesn't add anything fundamental to the
language (but they can improve understandability and reduce maintenance costs).
6. What are the advantages of inheritance?
It permits code reusability. Reusability saves time in program development. It
encourages the reuse of proven and debugged high-quality software, thus reducing
problem after a system becomes functional.