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English Italian English Italian

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The document provides a list of common Italian verbs and their English translations across various topics such as daily activities, emotions, learning etc.

Some common verbs used when learning Italian include imparare (to learn), parlare (to speak), capire (to understand), studiare (to study) among others.

Some common verbs used when describing emotions and feelings include piacere (to like/please), odiare (to hate), amare (to love), divertirsi (to have fun) among others.

English Italian English Italian

to be essere to play giocare

to have avere to follow seguire
to do fare to continue continuare
to make fare to pay pagare
to be able to (can) potere to know (personally) conoscere
to say/tell dire to learn imparare
to go andare to listen to ascoltare
to see vedere to hear sentire
to give dare to go up salire
to eat mangiare to sell vendere
to know (info) sapere to travel viaggiare
to want volere to change cambiare
to arrive arrivare to explain spiegare
ought to, must dovere to finish finire
to put mettere to prefer preferire
to place mettere to serve servire
to believe credere to like (please) piacere
to speak/talk parlare to feel sentirsi
to read leggere to drink bere
to sleep dormire to cook cucinare
to understand capire to eat breakfast fare colazione
to find trovare to eat dinner cenare
to call chiamare to eat lunch pranzare
to come venire to look at guardare
to carry portare to watch guardare
to wear indossare to receive ricevere
to leave lasciare to take out portare fuori
to open aprire to count contare
to live vivere to play (instrument) suonare
to bring portare to get ricevere
to write scrivere to win vincere
to think pensare to earn guadagnare
to look for cercare to visit visitare
to take prendere to wait for aspettare
to walk camminare to help aiutare
to run correre to remember ricordare
to need avere bisogno di to desire desiderare
to lose perdere to practice esercitarsi
to dance ballare to clean pulire
to buy comprare to converse fare conversazione
to answer rispondere to deliver consegnare
to ask chiedere to repeat ripetere
to close chiudere to return ritornare
to work lavorare to get sick ammalarsi
to begin iniziare to wash oneself lavarsi
to study studiare to get dressed vestirsi
to ask for chiedere to break rompere
to order ordinare to bathe (oneself) fare il bagno
to sing cantare to burn bruciare
English Italian English Italian
to brush spazzolare to rain piovere
to get up alzarsi to return (an object) riportare
to meet incontrare to show mostrare
to shave radersi to agree essere daccordo
to forget dimenticare to choose scegliere
to swim nuotare to shower fare la doccia
to invite invitare to take of andare via
to start iniziare remove oneself allontanarsi
to be located essere to dry (oneself) of asciugarsi
to leave sth or sb lasciare qualcosa o qualcuno to get angry arrabbiarsi
to fall down cadere to get married sposarsi
to happen succedere to be called/named chiamarsi
to enter entrare to get oneself ready prepararsi
to draw disegnare to complain lamentarsi
to drive guidare to worry preoccuparsi
to fix aggiustare to devote oneself (work) dedicarsi
to go down scendere to get tired stancarsi
to lower abbassare to remain rimanere
to hit colpire to stay restare
to jump saltare to say goodbye salutare
to keep tenere to feel (well or ill) sentirsi
to maintain mantenere to have fun divertirsi
to die morire to sit down sedersi
to loan prestare to wake up svegliarsi
to love amare to lay down sdraiarsi
to paint dipingere to realize rendersi conto
to plan pianificare to accept accettare
to prepare preparare to accuse accusare
to rest riposarsi to add aggiungere
to return ritornare to add (numbers) sommare
to send spedire to admire ammirare
to spend spendere to advance avanzare
to teach insegnare to move forward andare avanti
to touch toccare to advise dare consigli
to try provare to let know far sapere
to use usare to announce annunciare
to promise promettere to advertise pubblicizzare
to surprise sorprendere to attack attaccare
to understand capire to be busy essere occupati
to attend partecipare to be located trovarsi
to decide decidere to carry out, fulfill compiere
to permit permettere to carry trasportare
to continue continuare to recharge ricaricare
to destroy distruggere to celebrate celebrare
to include includere to charge far pagare
to give dare to cash (a check) riscuotere
to require richiedere to chat chiacchierare
to snow nevicare to concentrate concentrarsi
to cost costare to cool rafreddare
to move muovere to create creare
to move muovere to cross attraversare
English Italian English
to cry piangere to sign
to cut tagliare to smoke
to declare dichiarare to stop
to deposit depositare to turn of
to dial fare il numero to turn
to mark segnare to fold
to doubt dubitare to use
to employ assumere to be born
to experiment sperimentare to be harmful
to experience provare to be damaging
to express esprimere to be scared
to fight litigare to be worth it
to find out scoprire to conquer
to finish finire to overcome
to get rid of liberarsi di to convince
to throw away buttare via to depend
to fly volare to deserve
to form, shape formare to disappear
to function, run (machine) funzionare to distract
to get dirty sporcarsi to fit
to get someone's attention attirare l'attenzione di qualcuno to grow
to get ricevere to hide
to grab aferrare to pay attention
to give as a present dare un regalo to pick up
to greet salutare to respond
to guess indovinare to suppose
to guide guidare to switch on (light)
to have just avere appena (+ past participle) to admit
to hug abbracciare to cover
to indicate indicare to demand
to introduce introdurre to describe
to judge giudicare to direct
to jump saltare to discover
to kill uccidere to discuss
to last durare to debate
to let/allow permettere to exist
to mention accennare to insist
to occupy occupare to interrupt
to organize organizzare to occur
to participate partecipare to sufer
to pronounce pronunciare to correct
to reach raggiungere to smile
to register registrare to ski
to repair riparare to construct
to reserve prenotare to contribute
to rob derubare to lie
to save salvare to maintain
to scream urlare to suggest
to separate separare to take care of
essere nato
essere nocivo/dannoso
essere dannoso
avere paura
valere la pena
fare attenzione
contribuire a
prendersi cura di
English Italian English
to attend to badare to be scared
to bite mordere to break
to say/tell dire to fall in love
to count on contare su to graduate
to dream about sognare di to grow up
to let go lasciar andare to be raised
to pass a course/exam passare to imagine
to resolve risolvere to improve
to smell sentire un odore to make fun of
to sound sembrare to take a walk
to ring suonare to take care of one's self
to appear apparire to get along well with
to attract attrarre to laugh
to establish stabilire to remember
to ofer ofrire to warm up
to produce produrre to leave
to protect proteggere to become
to recognize riconoscere to give up
to thank ringraziare to stand up
to translate tradurre to ache
to be right avere ragione to interest
to be worth valere la pena to lack
to propose proporre to love (things)
to turn out (well) finire to adore
to be important essere importante to seem
to be lef essere lasciato to appear
to fascinate afascinare to be glad
to hurt fare male to be mistaken
to hurt fare male to be quiet
avere paura
essere cresciuto
prendere in giro
fare una passeggiata
prendersi cura di se stesso
andare d'accordo con
rinunciare a
alzarsi in piedi
fare male
essere contento
avere torto
essere tranquillo

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