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Application Form validated

Name: Vartolomei
First Name: Argentina Claudia
Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD): 1974-11-12

Registration Data
Validation date: 2014-11-24 at 23:07
Application number: 3935268
Competition: EPSO/AD/293/14 - Administrators (AD7)
Field: Macroeconomics

Citizenship: Romanian

Type of legal document: Identity Card

Identification number: 403925

CBT Test Centre: Romania - Bucharest


Main Language (language 1): Romanian

Second Language (language 2): English
Source: EU-Careers.eu / EPSO website

Are special requirements necessary for you to sit the tests? No


My education and my great and long experience in economic field,

How is your education and in designing, analysing and implementing economic/fiscal policy
experience relevant to this and in forecasting the future economic tendencies are very
particular profile? important for bringing the econonomy of Europe to the new normal,
on a sustainable path.

Why do you want to apply for this Working with the EU gives me the opportunity to work in a
particular career opportunity? multicultural environment, in a international atmosphere which has
a positive influence on work. Another great benefits of working as
You should also explain why this macroeconomist is the posibility to learn the different perspectives
particular profile interests you. of people from other countries, to take the best decisions together
with people from all parts of Europe for improving the life of the
people and to develop and test theories to explain the world around
them. Finally, the EU institutions are the best place where you can
learn how are the EU policies shaped.
Working in this field gives me the opportunity to have a contribution
in economic development of the EU countries, to learn more about
economy and to understand better the complexity of the world
where I live.

The specific contribution I could make is to improve economic/fiscal

The role I could best contribute is in designing, analysing and
implementing economic/fiscal policy, in forecasting the future
economic/fiscal tendencies and in economic/fiscal surveillance.
What specific contribution do you I would bring the following particular strenghts to my work:
think you could make to the work -performing the tasks accurately, independently and organizing
of the European institutions and work with a view to meet short deadlines
agencies? -open-minded team player
In what role could you best -good drafting and communicating skills
contribute? What particular -good numerical skills
strengths would you bring to your -flexible thinker with innovative ideas
work? -problem-solving skills
-sound level of competence in economic analysis
-intelectual curiosity (the Treaty especially the Economic and
Monetary Policy Title and the Stability and Growth Pact, economic
books:J.M. Keynes, Adam Smith, Milton Friedman)
-good knowledge of informatics tools (ECDL Start)

Outline two of your main 1.My first achievement was implementing the Box-Jenkins
achievements. Describe what they methodology for time series analysis for forecasting of the state
are, the process you went through budget revenues.
and their positive outcomes for The process I was going through was the following for this
you and for others. achievements :
-differencing the series so as to achieve stationarity
-identification of a tentative model
-estimation of the model
-diagnostic checking
-using model for forcasting and control
The positive outcomes were:
- deeper work satisfaction using mathematics
- provided to management with the information needed to make
2.My second achievement was implementing an accounting
system on budgetary classification and implementing an
accounting system on individual and legal persons.
The accounting system on budgetary classification and the
accounting system on individual and legal persons help for
collection, storage and processing of fiscal and accounting data
(mainly regarding the debts-budgetary tax of individual and legal
persons) , that is used by decision makers.
The process I was going through was the following for this
achievements :
-detailed requirements analysis where all individuals involved in the
system were interviewed. What the users need that was not in the
current system was outlined and documented.
-systems design (synthesis)the analysis was thoroughly
reviewed and a new system was created.
-documentationas the system was being designed, it was
-testingprior to launch, all processes were tested from input
through output, using the documentation as a tool to ensure that all
processes are thoroughly documented.
-trainingprior to launch, all users needed to be trained, with
-supportthe end-users and managers have ongoing support
available at all times.
The positive outcomes were:
- deeper work satisfaction
- provided to management with the information needed to make

Talent Screener
Please answer the following questions concerning your qualifications and
The information you provide will be used to rate your application against other candidates and
identify the best to be invited to the Assessment Centre stage of the competition. It is important
that you are completely honest in your answers as they will be validated and any attempt to
deceive the Selection Boards will result in disqualification for the competition. All your answers
will be verified by the Selection Board and validated against your application form. Your
answers will then be scored by the Selection Board.
You must reply yes or no to each question by clicking on the appropriate button. If you reply yes
to a question you must also reply to the question underneath by entering your answer in the text
box. If you reply no to a question you will not be able to enter anything in the text box or to save
any text that you may have already written there.
We suggest that you describe only the main aspects of your education / training / professional
experience, as you cannot exceed four thousand characters when responding to each
Question 1a:
Have you obtained a degree
(other than a PhD) or
certificate in addition to that
required for access to the
competition in one of the
following areas: economics,
quantitative analysis,
statistics, finance or applied
The title:
-Economics of Transition and Emerging Markets (macroeconomic
stabilization, domestic and external liberalization, and privatization of
the transition and emerging-market economies, the role of European
Union integration process in transition of countries of Central and
Question 1b: Eastern Europe, market reforms in the Arab world including the period
If so, please specify the title, of Arab Spring, impact of the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 on
field and duration of studies emerging-market economies, changes in international financial
(giving dates) and the institutions)
institution awarding the The field:
degree. -Economics
Dates of the studies:
-from November 24, 2014, during 6 weeks
The institution awarding the degree:
-National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE)
Question 2a: No
Do you have a PhD in one of
the following areas:
economics, quantitative
analysis, statistics, finance or
applied macroeconomics?
Question 2b:
If so, please specify the title,
field and duration of studies
(giving dates) and the
institution awarding the PhD.
Question 3a:
Do you have professional
experience of at least 2 years No
in international economic or
financial institutions?
Question 3b:
If so, please provide the name
of the employer and the
duration of your professional
experience (giving dates).
Please describe the nature of
your work, your specific role
and responsibilities in the
institutional framework.
Question 4a:
Do you have professional
experience of at least 2 years
in national public
administrations responsible
for design or implementation
of economic, fiscal or
monetary policies?
Question 4b: The name of the employer:
If so, please provide the name -Ministry of Finance, National Agency for Fiscal Administration, General
of the employer and the Administration for Public Finance of Arad county
duration of your professional The duration of your professional experience:
experience (giving dates). -from 2001-01-03 until present
Please describe the nature of
The nature of my work:
your work, your specific role
and responsibilities in the -design and implementation of fiscal policy
institutional framework. My specific role:
1.proposals for designing and improving the fiscal law and fiscal policy
for a better government revenues collection (mainly taxes), to stabilize
the economy over the course of the business cycle, and for helping
government to influence the level of aggregate demand in the
economy, in an effort to achieve economic objectives of price stability,
full employment, and economic growth.
-designing progressive taxes for the encouragement of the poor people
-amendments on how to improve the tax exemption for reinvested
-point of view regarding clarifications on the application of the reduced
9% VAT rate
2.fiscal inspection of legal persons and compliance with fulfilment of
their tax obligations
3.high quality fiscal assistance of taxpayers(legal persons)
4.solving the VAT returns with negative amounts with reimbursement
option, compensation of VAT with other taxes, fees, contributions and
other amounts owed to the general consolidated budget (the profit tax,
the income tax, the tax on the incomes of micro-enterprises, the excise
5.management of fiscal evidence for legal persons
Responsabilities in the institutional framework:
-to analyse and to design the fiscal policy and to evaluate its impact on
government revenues collection (mainly taxes) to allocate resources
the most efficiently, taking in consideration that the overall tax-to-GDP
ratio of Romania is lower than the EU average, as a part of Romanian
Convergence Programme 2014-2017.
-implementation of fiscal policy (fiscal inspection, fiscal assistance of
taxpayers, VAT returns, management of fiscal evidence for legal

Question 5a:
Do you have professional
experience of at least 2 years
in academic, policy or
research institutions
(specialising in the field of
economics or economic
The name of the employer:
-Ministry of Finance, National Agency for Fiscal Administration, General
Administration for Public Finance of Arad county
The duration of your professional experience:
-from 2001-01-03 until present
The nature of my work:
Question 5b: -evaluate the impact of the economic policy
If so, please provide the name My specific role:
of the employer and the
-analysing the impact of fiscal policy on aggregate demand
duration of your professional
Responsabilities in the institutional framework:
experience (giving dates).
Please describe the nature of -analyse and estimate how much aggregate demand expands or
your work, your specific role contracts when taxes raises or lowers (for designing policies related to
and responsibilities in the development economics, policies dealing with the redistribution of
institutional framework. income, fiscal policy)
-estimation of the personal income
-evaluation of the multiplier effect
-estimation of households' perceptions about whether the tax change is
permanent or temporary

Question 6a:
Have you published articles in
peer-reviewed economic
journals in the areas of
quantitative analysis or
Question 6b:
If so, please specify the name
of the journal, the title and
date of the article and the
publication details.
Question 7a:
Have you published articles in
peer-reviewed economic No
journals in the area of
Question 7b:
If so, please specify the name
of the journal, the title and
date of the article and the
publication details.
Question 8a:
Do you have professional
experience in drafting
technical or non-technical Yes
reports on macroeconomic
trends, surveillance or
The subject matter:
1.forecasting of the state budget revenues, part of budget law, taking in
consideration the country-specific recommendations made by the
European Commission and the compliance with the medium-term
budgetary objective.
2.surveillance of public debt (the national public debt in Romania
increased by 1,595 million euros in the first quarter of 2014) or
revenues with compliance of the preventive arm of the Stability and
Growth Pact, that should ensure that the Treaty's limits ( 60% of GDP
for gross debt or 3% of GDP for the general government deficit ) are
Question 8b: not broken over a normal economic cycle. The most important objective
If so, please specify the of the preventive arm is to achieve the medium-term budgetary
subject matter, the audience objective (a country-specific reference value). In case that the
addressed and the frequency thresholds of 60% of debt to GDP or 3% of GDP for the general
of reports produced. government deficit are not diminishing at a satisfactory pace it will
implement the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).

The audience addressed:

1.Ministry of Finance, Government and the European Commission.
2 Ministry of Finance, Government, Eurostat, the European
The frequency of reports produced:
-quaterly (Ministry of Finance)
-monthly (Ministry of Finance)
Question 9a:
Do you have professional
experience in drafting
technical or non-technical
reports on the economic
effects of structural reforms
and policies to improve
The subject matter:
-reports on the progress on structural reforms of key sectors (part of
national reform programme) to improve competitiveness
Question 9b: 1.reduction of arreas in economy caused by local authorities
If so, please specify the 2.simplification and modernization of tax procedures (the single
subject matter, the audience statement for social security contributions and income tax on wages,
addressed and the frequency the number of tax returns that had to be filed by the taxpayers has
of reports produced. been reduced)
The audience addressed:
Ministry of Finance, Government and the European Commission.
The frequency of reports produced:
Question 10a: Yes
Do you have professional
experience in drafting
technical or non-technical
reports on public finances or
European economic
The subject matter:
1.forecasting of the state budget revenues, that can be the origin of
possible macroeconomic imbalances.
2.surveillance of public debt or revenues taking in consideration the
preventive arm, to ensure that fiscal policy is conducted in a
Question 10b: sustainable manner over the cycle and the corrective arm, in the case
If so, please specify the the government deficit is above 3% of GDP or when the debt is over
subject matter, the audience 60% of GDP, with compliance of structural deficit or ESA deficit.
addressed and the frequency The audience addressed:
of reports produced. 1.Ministry of Finance, Government and the European Commission.
2 Ministry of Finance, Government, Eurostat, the European
The frequency of reports produced:
-quaterly (Ministry of Finance)
-monthly (Ministry of Finance)
Question 11a:
Do you have professional
experience of at least 2 years
in applied econometrics such
as time series analysis or
panel regression analysis?
The duration of your experience:
-from 2001-01-03 until present
Question 11b: The econometric methodology applied:
If so, please specify the - the Box-Jenkins methodology for time series analysis (differencing the
duration of your experience series so as to achieve stationarity, identification of a tentative model,
(giving dates), the estimation of the model, diagnostic checking, using model for
econometric methodology forcasting and control)
applied and indicate the
The subject matter:
subject matter as well as the
software used. -forecasting of the state budget revenues
The software used:
Question 12a:
Do you have professional
experience in developing or Yes
using macroeconomic models
(e. g. DSGE models)?
Question 12b: The duration of your experience:
If so, please specify the -from 2011-01-03 until present
modelling methodology The econometric methodology applied:
applied and indicate the - for DSGE model
subject matter as well as the
1) Specify nonlinear optimization model
software used.
2) Obtain Euler equations
At this point, can estimate by GMM (single equation or system)
3) Log linearize
4) Solve the model (solve out expectations) log linearization
5) Put into state space form
6) Estimation options:
a) Moment matching (match impulse response functions, possibly
using simulation methods)
b) Maximum Likelihood
c) Bayes methods
7) Inference and evaluation
The subject matter:
-transmission of fiscal policy shocks into Romania's economy to
describe the behavior of fiscal authority, using fiscal data as: public
debt, budget revenues, budget expenditure, VAT, personal income tax,
social contributions paid by employees and employers, transfers and
government consumption and to evaluate effects of fiscal policy both
on the government revenue and expenditure
The software used:
Question 13a:
Do you have professional
experience in designing or No
implementing an economic
adjustment programme?
Question 13b:
If so, please provide the name
of the employer and the
duration of your professional
experience (giving dates).
Please describe the nature of
your work, your specific role
and responsibilities, the
countries involved and the
institution for which you

Education and Training

Entry 1
Dates (YYYY-MM-
from: 1995-10-01 to: 1999-06-30
Type of Education Economics
Additional information
(if "Other" or (+)):
Name, address and Economic Sciences and Engineering Faculty,Revoluiei Blvd., no. 77, Corp D,
type of organisation Arad, Romania, Aurel Vlaicu University
providing education
and training
Principal -Economics: macroeconomics (economic policy
subjects/occupational analysis, econometrics ),microeconomics (including business cycles)
skills covered -Finance: corporate finance, international finance,public finance (fiscal policy),
mathematical finance, financial economics, money and credit (including
monetary issues)
-Accounting:financial accounting, national accounting
-Statistics: in mathematics and in economy
-Budget and treasury
Country in which Romania
diploma was issued
Title of qualification ROM Diploma de licenta
Additional information
(if "Other" or (+)):
Level in national ISCED 6
Entry 2
Dates (YYYY-MM-
from: 1994-09-01 to: 1996-06-30
Type of Education Other (College level)
Additional information
(if "Other" or (+)):
Name, address and Grup Scolar Economic-Administrativ
type of organisation 310131, George Enescu Market, No.2, Arad, Romania
providing education Economic College
and training
Principal Accounting, Finance:theoretical skills based on accounting and finance
subjects/occupational knowledge,mathematical and logic skills,basic financial skills,people,
skills covered teamwork, and interpersonal communication skills,analytical, creative, and
innovative thinking skills,computer, intellectual, and technology skills,
management and leadership skills,teamwork and collaboration
skills,networking skills,industry-specific knowledge, budgeting, payroll,
auditing, state income tax awareness, spreadsheets, accounting controls, and
financial forecasting, mastery of a variety of financial statements, including
balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements.
Country in which Romania
diploma was issued
Title of qualification ROM Certificat de absolvire
Additional information
(if "Other" or (+)):
Level in national ISCED 4
Entry 3
Dates (YYYY-MM-
from: 1989-09-01 to: 1993-06-30
Type of Education Economics
Additional information
(if "Other" or (+)):
Name, address and Grup Scolar Economic de Administratie si Servicii
type of organisation 310131, George Enescu Market, No.2, Arad, Romania
providing education Economic High School
and training
Principal -Trade and Merceology:customer service, managing the buyer/seller
subjects/occupational relationship, sales call planing,best sales practising,presentations skills,sales
skills covered questioning skills, gaining commitment
Country in which Romania
diploma was issued
Title of qualification ROM Diploma de bacalaureat
Additional information
(if "Other" or (+)):
Level in national ISCED 3

Professional Experience
Entry 1
Dates (YYYY-MM-
from 2011-03-01 to 2014-11-24
Months: 44 Days: 23
Experience Month and Day count Values:
Your Values: Months: Days:
Type of Experience Local Government / Civil Service
Additional details if
Classification Public service/Government
Additional details if
Type of business or Public sector
Name and Address Ministry of Finance, National Agency for Fiscal Administration, General
of Employer Administration for Public Finance of Arad county, 79 Revolutiei Blvd.,310130,
Arad, Romania
Occupation Superior Counselor
Nature of Duties -developing and using macroeconomic models (DSGE models)
Entry 2
Dates (YYYY-MM-
from 2001-01-03 to 2014-11-24
Months: 166 Days: 21
Experience Month and Day count Values:
Your Values: Months: 166 Days: 0
Type of Experience Local Government / Civil Service
Additional details if
Classification Public service/Government
Additional details if
Type of business or Public sector
Name and Address Ministry of Finance, National Agency for Fiscal Administration, General
of Employer Administration for Public Finance of Arad county, 79 Revolutiei Blvd.,310130,
Arad, Romania
Occupation Inspector: from 2001-01-03 until 2004-03-31
Assistant Inspector: from 2004-04-01 until 2008-12-31
Main Inspector: from 2009-01-01 until 2012-05-14
Superior Counselor: from 2012-05-15 until present
Nature of Duties -design and implementation of fiscal policy
-analysing the impact of fiscal policy on aggregate demand
-forecasting of the state budget revenues
-reports on the progress of structural reforms
-surveillance of public debt or revenues
-applying econometrics
-the state budget, the social budget insurance, the unemployement insurance
budget, the sole national Fund of health social insurance budget accounting and
coordination of this activity for 11 fiscal units
-analysis of the debts accounts' balance
-proposing amendments to financial law
-management of the database of legal and individual persons of over 30.000
from Arad county
-risks management
-provide training in the field
-control managament
-management of fiscal evidence for legal persons
-solving the VAT returns with negative amounts with reimbursement option,
compensation of VAT with other taxes, fees, contributions and other amounts
owed to the general consolidated budget (the profit tax, the income tax, the tax
on the incomes of micro-enterprises, the excise duties,etc,)
-financial situations checking of legal persons
-high quality fiscal assistance of taxpayers(legal persons)
-fiscal inspection of legal persons and compliance with fulfilment of their tax
Entry 3
Dates (YYYY-MM-
from 2000-03-01 to 2000-07-31
Months: 4 Days: 30
Experience Month and Day count Values:
Your Values: Months: Days:
Type of Experience Accounting / Tax
Additional details if
Classification Private sector
Additional details if
Type of business or Trade with non-food products
Name and Address Optima R Ltd, 60-62, Calea Victoriei Street, Arad, Romania
of Employer
Occupation Economist
Nature of Duties Bookkeeping:recording financial transactions (such as checks written and
received ), managing accounts payable and receivable, reconciling bank
statements, updating the trial balance, profit-and-loss statement and balance
sheet,end of financial year report, managing payroll, invoicing clients,chasing up
invoices, making state tax deposits and completing annual tax forms, answering
queries from society members about past and current payments

Language Skills
Language Ability to Ability to Read Ability to Ability to Write
Listen Speak
Romanian Proficient user (C2) Proficient user (C2) Proficient user (C2) Proficient user (C2)
English Proficient user (C1) Proficient user (C1) Proficient user (C1) Proficient user (C1)
French Independent user Independent user Independent user Independent user
(B2) (B2) (B2) (B2)
German Basic user (A2) Basic user (A2) Basic user (A2) Basic user (A2)


1. I fulfil the general admission

I am a citizen of one of the Member States of
the European Union
I enjoy my full rights as a citizen
I have fulfilled any obligations imposed by
the applicable laws concerning military service
I meet the character requirements for the
duties involved
2. I fulfil the specific admission
I meet the minimum requirements concerning
Qualifications as specified in the Notice of
Competition/Call for expression of interest
(including professional experience or training if
I meet the requirements concerning
Professional experience as specified in the
Notice of Competition/Call for expression of
interest (if applicable)
I meet the language
requirements as mentioned in the
Notice of Competition/Call for
expression of interest

For information about when you have to send the signed online application form (your
signature must be handwritten) and supporting documents please refer to point 2 of the "How
to Apply" section of the Notice of Competition.

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