PP Written Report
PP Written Report
PP Written Report
Horror Comic
MYP Personal project
Criterion A - investigating 1
Goal, Global Context, and Personal interest 1
Prior Knowledge and Subject Specific knowledge 2
Research skills: 2
Criterion B: 3
Criteria for the product outcome: 3
Plan/record of the process: 3
Self management skills 4
Criterion C - Taking action 4
Creation of Product in Response to Goal, Global context, and Criteria 4
Demonstrate thinking skills 5
Demonstrate communication and social skills. 5
Criterion D - Reflection 6
Evaluate the quality of the product against their criteria 6
Reflect on how complete the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of
the topic and the global context 7
Reflect on their development as IB learners through the project 7
Extracts: 8
Extract 1: 8
Extract 2 9
Extract 3: 10
Extract 4: 11
Extract 5: 12
Extract 6: 13
Extract 7: 14
Extract 8: 15
Extract 9: 16
Extract 10 17
References 18
Evidence of product: 21
Preview of some parts: 21
Criterion A - investigating
My goal for this Personal Project was to create a horror comic which would raise awareness
of eating disorders. This is to allow those who do not know much about this topic to understand
what is it like to suffer from this disorder, the feelings and thoughts of the characters would be
created from research and others stories of battling this disorder, and through these characters, I
hope to raise awareness and increase others knowledge in eating disorders.
This goal is related to my personal interest in, manga or comics, and I love drawing as a way
to express myself. My choice for choosing eating disorders as my topic is also due to my
fascination with it, as some of my friends have this disorder, but I also chose this topic because of
the many misconception others have of this topic.
This was quite a challenging goal for me, as I had never composed a complete comic and I
was used to drawing individual pieces and never drew the same character over and over, I never
drew the same character with different expressions and from different angles, which will be
challenging for me. There is also the fact that I had never took extra courses on art, so I don't have
the basic knowledge on how to structure my characters, again, this will be challenging as I will need
to change the bone structure of my character constantly, since I will need to show the physical
changes of my character.
My global context is personal and cultural expression, it is fitted to my global context
because I will need to learn how to develop my creativity in order to express my feelings and ideas
through the medium of comics, I will also be required to use my critical literacy skills; Concerning
cultural part, eating disorders is an illness that affects more developed countries with media
influence, and it was noted that every hour, one person will die from eating disorders. Through my
comic, I wish to express the thoughts of those affected by this disorder.
The choice of using a comic instead of a conventional written story is because comics is an
universal media and can be understood in every culture. Comics includes both text and pictures, but
through the gesture and expression of characters, you will still be able to figure out the meaning and
intention of the characters without the text.
Through this project, not only will I explore the different techniques of comic making and
take a look at the daily lives of those with eating disorders, but I will also challenge myself by
developing my drawings, trying to replicate them with different expressions and from different
angles, along with exploring my own style of writing.
My personal project relates to eating disorders, english, and art. I had some prior knowledge
regarding these topics from inside and outside of school.
I had some basic knowledge that came from online stories and articles regarding eating
disorders. I understood that eating disorders are not a kind of lifestyle, but a type of mental illness
that haunts you. I had a few friends that had this disorder, from them, I learned that people with
eating disorders tend to disregard comments on how they should eat more and doesn't care for their
health, I also learnt that you cannot determine whether a person has an eating disorders just by
appearance. A person without Anorexia Nervosa can still be unhealthily thin looking, a person with
Bulimia Nervosa can still be overweight. I do not know the specifics, as I never inquire my friends
much on this topic, I will need to research more on this subject.
From school, I learned how to create a comic cover and to design characters, as I had
learned those during Y9 visual arts lessons. This enriched my knowledge for comic creating
process, for example, how to place your character position so it is the focus of your cover, how does
certain font size and types reflect the genre of the comic, and how do you position the characters
and correspond it with the scene to show what is happening in the comic.
In English class, we learned creative writing back then during Y7, such as how to build up
the storyline, conflicts between characters, and the development of characters. Although we did
creative writing, most of the other tasks were analytical essays, so I will need to conduct further
research on how to structure my story and build up the climax.
I learned how to draw by buying books and watching online videos that teaches drawing.
Although I can draw decently, I do not know the basics, for example, the bone structure of a human,
or the hand gestures of a human. Because of my insufficient knowledge on the basics, I will be
required to research more on how to draw backgrounds and the characters.
Research skills:
For research, I recorded data from both primary and secondary sources that is of
relevance to my project. To create a well informed comic based on eating disorders, I would need to
find a range of sources and analyse the credibility of them. To do this, I evaluated and organise my
source by using the OPVL structure, I also considered how my source benefit my project by
considering the impact of the source on my project (refer to extract 1).
Concerning information literacy skills, I read a variety of sources from different media to
find information on eating disorders. For example, I used a textbook developed by National
Collaboration Centre for Mental Health on the topic of eating disorders to investigate the different
typed of eating disorders. The textbook covers the topics of: Symptoms, causes, psychological and
physical interventions, outcome and treatment, and patients experiences of eating disorders. In order
to create realistic characters and look at eating disorders from different perspectives, I also chosen
blogs which gave me an insight to the daily lives of people with eating disorders.
Concerning media literacy skills, I interpreted information regarding the specific medical
terms of eating disorders and comic wise terms. I also evaluated the connection between the source
information and my project, for example, I found out the document Understanding Comics by
McCloud teaches how to panel and put a comic together, which is relevant to my final product,
therefore I analyse the information and organise the gathered research to note down key points to
help me complete my product more smoothly.
Criterion B:
After I had finished my research and achieved basic knowledge this allowed me to proceed
to the next stage of creating my product criteria.
My goal is to express the problems of eating disorders through the medium of comics,
clearing the misconceptions and show the difficulties those people face. After investigating and I
make sure of what I would like my comic to focus on, I developed a product criteria that consider
the following factors of: storyline, character designs, the visuals itself, and how successful I
conveyed the theme (refer to extract 2). I presented my criteria as a checklist instead to check off
which part I completed, ensuring that I had not miss anything, providing me support in completing
my project smoothly.
My product criteria were informed by research. For example, I had to go through various
blogs written by people with eating disorders in order to create my main characters thought process
and development throughout the comic. I will also need to use the aesthetic research gathered on
comic making to design my characters and other visuals. Only after researching those factors I was
able to create my product criteria.
Creating an action plan was critical to my success, as it required me to state my short term
goal and long term goals, allowing me to see what I would need to complete within a certain time
frame (refer to extract 3). I will also need to consider the dates with caution to ensure I give myself
the right amount of time to complete and edit my work. The creation of the action plan help
increased my productivity, as I could check whether I was on track or not.
Keeping a record of development was very useful as well. I record both major and minor
steps I had accomplished, reflecting on my progress as I go on. The noting of my progress helped
me determine what I could improve on, I also noted down the difficulties I faced during the process
of reaching my goal, along with how I overcome the challenge. For example, after I reflected on my
progress, I found out that my first draft for the storyline wasnt up to standards, as the story was
vague and barely has any details, which I then changed it into a script in order to figure out the
angles and expression of my scenes. (refer to extract 4)
I practiced self management skills and demonstrate organisation skills by creating an action
plan to inform me the deadlines of my set tasks, the time between each task should be sufficient for
me to complete and edit. The information gained should be organised in a neat manner and I should
form strategies to overcome obstacles.
I noted my progress every time I made major or minor progress, for every reflection, I
included my initial thought on the stage I was about to start or continue and the problems I
encountered and how I found a solution to my problem. This continued to practice my self
management skills by reflecting on my progress, discovering strategies to organise and solve
problems, this also helped me organise my experiences throughout the project in a neat manner.
Balancing time between normal school work with the personal project was quite difficult,
but with precise and thorough planning, I should be able to manage my time and task efficiently and
meet the deadlines I set.
To create a successful product, which is a 7 to 10 chapter comic that express the problems of eating
disorders, I was required to collect sufficient research on the topic of eating disorders and on comics
in order to to create a product to the best of my abilities, along with following my criterion regularly
to ensure that I was on track. (refer back to extract 2 for criteria)
My product relates to my goal, which is to develop and produce a horror base comic book compose
by my own ideas and imagination. I had chose the theme of my comic, wrote the storyline and hand
drawn the comic by myself. My theme is eating disorders in which I had portrayed it as a fear
which haunts the character. My product also related to the global context of Personal and Cultural
expression. This global context focuses on exploring a persons ideas, feelings, and beliefs as well
as those of others. I had achieved this by using the medium of comics to express my ideas about the
daily lives of those with eating disorders, and express the: fear, anxiety, insecurities, and mentality
of such people. The medium of comics is also universal, as mentioned before, it is composed of
mainly pictures, so the text wouldn't really matter, allowing people from all over the world to
understand, even if they do not understand the language, successfully connecting my comic and the
I considered my comic to be a good quality product overall. I was pleased with how it turned out, as
it serves as something to express my perspectives and viewpoint on eating disorders, and at the
same time, reflects the thoughts of those who suffered from eating disorders. If I were to make my
comic again; however, I would try to find a publishing company to have it published, this could
then allow it to be display in stores which could help raise more awareness to eating disorders.
In order to take actions on my project, I used thinking skills to generate ideas and considered new
perspectives. I brainstormed ideas, considered alternatives, made improvements, and solve
problems. For example, I used critical thinking skills when using books as references for my
drawings, but the books did not teach in sufficient detail so I was required to make inferences and
draw conclusions.
Concerning creative thinking skills, I made improvements to my character designs and increased
my efficiency of drawing the characters by finding ways of simplifying the eye. During the creation
process, I encountered the problem of not being able to replicate the eyes. I was quite adamant
about drawing the eyes to the best of my ability, but due to the time limit, I found out I would not be
able to finish the comic in due time if I were to spend a lot of time just on the eyes, which I then
tried a few methods to try and simplify the eyes of my characters. After a few trails of
experimenting and breaking down the steps, I managed to modify the eyes until it became east to
draw, but still have my own style. (refer to extract 5)
Concerning transfer skills, I combined knowledge to create my characters. I had read and referred to
drawing books for the basics and tried the suggested methods a few times. After a few trials, I
managed to recreate the drawings I had created according to the book without needing to refer back
to it (refer to extract 6). As I was able to replicate and develop the drawings, this means that I was
able to make connections of how traditional manga drawing should look like and sketch out the
drawings. (again, refer to extract 6 for traditional manga drawings)
I demonstrated both communication and social skills in this project. I communicated with people
from different cultures to get ideas on my topic and to , I also collaborated with peers to receive
comments and advise for improvements.
Concerning communication skills, I engaged in meaningful interactions with people who were
relevant to completing my project, for example, my mothers acquaintance from America is
studying in college about book illustrations, she suggested to me that I should try and have a chat
with her to get some ideas for my own comic as well. This was considerably a challenge for me,
seeing as I am uncomfortable with talking to strangers. I was quite unsure of what to do and say to
her, but I was able to overcome my shyness by being a risk taker and taking the first step to initiate
the conversation. I was able to discuss with her about my project and gain ideas for drawings, such
as colouring in my designs. (refer to extract 7)
America is also a more developed country with a lot of media influence, meaning more people who
are victims of eating disorders. Communicating with my mothers acquaintance also helped my
understand their culture more, which aided me in understanding why people fall victim to this
particular disorder.
Concerning collaboration skills, I had negotiated goals and limitations with my peers. Most of them
took art lessons, so I was able to receive tips and comments regarding my character designs and
scenes within my comic. This was useful, as I am not used to drawing the traditional Japanese
manga style, seeing as I developed my drawing style on my own, therefore it will be required for
me to listen to others opinions on what needs to be improved on. (refer to extract 8 for comments
and extract 10 for improvements.)
Criterion D - Reflection
My product has fulfilled most of the criteria I had set. It is a black and white comic with a coloured
cover that I had entirely drawn by myself. My comic also display the physical and mental changes a
person with eating disorder go through, and I also incorporated the mindset of those with eating
disorders in real life into my characters, and by using fear, actions and words of the characters to
show the troubles that eating disorders bring, I had more than 7 chapters, but less than 10. But I was
unable to finish my comic. (refer back to extract 2 for criteria)
I felt that everything went as planned, but I had several issues with following my timeline. The time
was tighter than I expected, and as mentioned above, I was not able to finish my product. My final
product took more time than I anticipated. I was quite disheartened by that fact, but then later
realise that this was due to my own fault in time managing. When I set myself to start drawing the
comic in January, I didnt consider the possibilities of mistakes and difficulties that will be made
during the process, thus causing me to not be able to finish. To improve, I will need to practice my
self management skills and think one step ahead in order to reach my goal next time.
Reflect on how complete the project has extended their knowledge and
understanding of the topic and the global context
The topic of my personal project is expressing the problems of eating disorders through comic.
Throughout the process of creating the comic, I was able to understand more about eating disorders
from the technical research I did, such as the symptoms and negative impacts eating disorders bring
to both a person body and brain (refer to extract 9 for information). In addition, I had also learned
that our decisions and what we do to our own body and mind doesn't just impact ourselves, but also
others too, as they worry for those that are closed to them.
My understanding of the global context of Personal and Cultural expression has also extended. I
learned how to express not only my own, but other ideas through my art. This product is a prime
example, since I had used my own ideas and imagination in order to create the comic and I had also
done sufficient research in order to put myself in other people shoes and use their point of view to
create my characters thought process.
Throughout this project, I felt that I had developed as an IB learner. I think I had developed the
most in being reflective. This had been demonstrated through my project planning, I reflected on
every major step I had achieved in my project and wrote down justifications on why I done this or
that (refer to extract 4).
As the topic I am expressing through my topic is a more personal issue toward others, I was
required to do a lot of research and find blogs written by those with eating disorders. This had
allowed me to expand my view of this world as I can now see how a person with eating disorders
think, for example, the insecurities they have and their emotional turmoil. This project was a
valuable experience, as it helped me develop my own style through the storyline writing and comic
making, allowing me to learn more about myself as well as others around the world, making me feel
more connected to myself and the world.
Extract 1:
Source Analysis:
Extract 2
Product Criteria:
Find a story goal - Establish what my character wants to achieve, and what the story Yes - I thought of a theme which
revolves around. the story will revolve around.
Come up with solutions - Figure out how my character will achieve his/her goal, and the Yes - I planned the consequence
consequences of reaching/not reaching that goal of my character.
Create the background - Think of where the story take place and how it will influence how Yes - I thought of the background
my character will act and their decisions. of my story and how it twist my
characters way of thinking.
Conflict - Think of what my character will need to face throughout the story. Similar to a Yes - I decided the conflict will be
problem the character will need to solve. internal conflict.
There should be 3 main character, one who is the victim of eating disorders, a Yes
protagonist, and an antagonist who encouraged the disorder.
The main character should have physical and mental changes throughout the story. This Yes
is to support my theme on how eating disorders impact a person.
There should be at least one male and one female character, and the gender of each Yes
character should be clear and can be easily seen.
The main antagonist and protagonist should be characters that the main character Yes - I had checked with some of
thought up, and it should represent the internal conflict of the main character. This should my friends to see if I had achieved
also show real life situations where victims of eating disorders are insecure with this criteria.
There should be a front cover in full colour instead of black and white. This is to Yes
challenge myself by colouring and to also create something eye-catching
My comic should be a completed short story and have roughly 7-10 chapters. No - I was able to produce an eight
chapter comic, but I was not able
to finish my product.
The book will include: a cover, table of contents, a prologue, the actual contents, and a Yes
back cover with the summary.
The comic can have some unrealistic parts to it, such as monsters, but it should also Yes
make sense at the same time, and all the facts about health in there should be true.
The pages should be A4 size, and organised in a folder/bind together. This is to make it Yes
more organise, and as I probably wont have enough time to publish it.
The comic should be hand drawn and the content should be in black and white. I would Yes
like my comic to be in my own style, therefore I will hand draw it instead of using web
There should be a front cover in full colour instead of black and white. This is to Yes
challenge myself by colouring and to also create something eye-catching
My comic should be a completed short story and have roughly 7-10 chapters. No - I was able to produce an eight
chapter comic, but I was not able
to finish my product.
The comic should be able to display the negative impacts eating disorders bring, and Yes - I had checked with some of
how it affect the person and the people around them. my friends to see if I had achieved
this criteria.
My theme of eating disorders should be clear and presented throughout the entire Yes - I had checked with some of
comic. Through the characters, it should also display the mind set of those people in my friends to see if I had achieved
real life situations. this criteria.
My comic should be able to educate people more on the topic of eating disorders and Yes - I had checked with some of
raise awareness. my friends to see if I had achieved
this criteria.
Extract 3:
Timeline/Action plan:
This is the timeline I had created, in which I edit and modify along my process and
checked to see whether I was on track or not
Extract 4:
Record of Development:
Extract 5:
Thinking skills
By breaking down the steps from youtube tutorials and books that teaches manga
drawings, I managed to figure out a way on how to simplify an eye, which saved me
time and showed my thinking skills
Extract 6:
Thinking skills:
The picture on the left is took from a book that teaches traditional manga drawings, and I
tried to recreate the circled picture.
The picture on the right is my first trial in recreating the drawing, comparing the two
drawings, there is quite a big difference. The neck of my characters are thicker and the shoulders
are wider, probably because I adapt to realistic drawings more. The eyes of the recreated
drawing also look bigger in terms of both height and width. Although the shoulders are wider, the
body of my version is smaller, but the head is also chubbier.
This shown my transfer skills, as I was able to recreate the drawing without needing
directions or tutorial on how to draw it, meaning I made connections between my normal drawing
and traditional drawing, thus being able to replicate the drawing.
Extract 7:
The first picture is what my colouring looks like before I ask for advice from my mothers acquaintance,
April Jin. The second picture is what my colouring looks like after taking her advice. I used the same media and
the same facial features.
As you can see, the first picture looks more dead and lifeless, due to the lack of light, which I then
added in the second picture (for the hair), for the eyes, I realise I need to use different shade of colours instead of
the same shade in order to create a more lively look.
Extract 8:
Collaboration skills - Feedback given by peers
Name Feedback
Dora Chung the art is nice, I quite like the art and stuff, but I think for the cover, the jacket that she is
wearing looks kind of like green tea ice cream. I didn't know much about eating
disorders so this comic tells me a lot. The comic is very interesting. i don't really like
where the comic left off though, i want to see the ending, but then i don't really like it
when it is so pessimistic and stuff.
Jessica Lau Not to lie, it looks quite good, I can see your style through your art. I can see the
meaning behind the comic and I got more info on the topic of eating disorders. I kinda
like how you included that information on eating disorder about how body size doesn't
reflect if you have eating disorders or not, cause that happens all the time. I don't really
like the art style cause you know I like Doraemon style, but I appreciate your effort in
Dorothy Kam I like the art style and it looks okay. I learned more about eating disorders after reading
your comic and the causes. the thing i like most about your comic is probably the art,
and what i think you could improve on is finishing your product, and it seem so
depressing the whole way through, cant you make it happier?
Michael Cheng I dont really like the art because the eyes doesn't look traditional and it looks very
western, but I do like how you draw the hair, and the colouring on the cover is also quite
nice. I once learned anorexia before in biology, but i haven't look at it from a personal
side, so that is new. I don't know what I like most, and finish your product.
April Jin I like your art style, it is cute. I did learn more about eating disorder, like the negative
impacts of it. I like your take on eating disorders because it is an interesting way of
expressing it. I think you can try and finish the comic next time so it will have a proper
ending, and color in some of the other pages too?
Jasmine Chao The art is pretty, I like your front cover a lot. I didn't know much about eating disorders
before, and your comic taught me stuff on it. I like the art style the most, although it is
different from those manga i read, the comic dialogue is also kind of awkward, but it is
pretty good when its your first time making it.
Cherie Lum The art is fine, I don't read manga or watch those cartoons so I don't really know the
difference between your style and the traditional style. I know about eating disorders
before already, I like how you incorporated the feelings of those people instead of
stating facts in a book report. I think you can improve on putting more detailed in the
background of the fictional world you created, for example society standards, this can
allow us to the psychological causes of eating disorders.
Extract 9:
The above is some of the most important impacts different eating disorders have on a
person. I will include most of these impacts in my comic. Through researching, I also
extend my knowledge on eating disorders, discovering the warning signs, how they
change emotionally, and especially worryingly, I also discover all three types of eating
disorders linked to suicidal thoughts, which makes me want to raise awareness to this
mental illness.
Extract 10
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Evidence of product: