Pro Data Sets
Pro Data Sets
Pro Data Sets
OpenEdge Development: TM
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August 2004
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface1
2. ProDataSet Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Passing a ProDataSet as a parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Passing a ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
INPUT BY-REFERENCE can be like INPUT-OUTPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
OUTPUT BY-REFERENCE can be like OUTPUT APPEND . . . . . . . . . . 25
ProDataSet instance passed BY-REFERENCE must exist in the caller . 26
Main block references ignored in internal procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Specifying BY-VALUE in the called procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Importance of optimized code with BY-REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
ProDataSet parameter table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Local parameter passing example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Deleting a dynamic ProDataSet passed as a parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Reducing the data to be passed in a parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Passing a ProDataSet with APPEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Extending the sample procedure to pass a parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
3. ProDataSets Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Event procedures for ProDataSets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Defining FILL events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Using event procedures in the sample procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
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Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index1
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Figure 11: ProDataSet architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 12: Typical client/server round trip with a ProDataSet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Figure 21: Passing ProDataSets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Figure 31: Trigger order for nested events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Figure 61: Relationship of before- and after-tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Figure 71: Use of ProDataSet definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
Figure 72: ProDataSet in an AppServer session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
Figure 91: ProDataSets and data granularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Figure 92: Reusing temp-table buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Figure 101: Data access procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Figure 102: Business entity procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Figure 111: OpenEdge Reference Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Figure 112: ProDataSet flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1119
Figure 113: Data Access object as super procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
Figure 114: Data Access object as super procedure with RUN SUPER . . . . . . . . . 1123
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Table 21: ProDataSet parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Table 61: Change conflict settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
Table 62: Change methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
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This Preface contains the following sections:
Typographical conventions
Example procedures
OpenEdge messages Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The Progress ProDataSet represents a significant new OpenEdge technology for creating
efficient in-memory databases from Progress and non-Progress data sources. ProDataSets
use familiar and new 4GL elements, thereby making ProDataSets easy to absorb for
experienced 4GL programmers. This manual provides basic information about ProDataSets,
expert-level insight into their mechanics, as well as forward-looking application design
Note: Readers of John Sadds six white papers on ProDataSets (released on the Progress web
site with the launch of Open Edge 10) will be familiar with much of the material in this
manual. The Organization section on page Preface2 details how the chapters in this
manual map to the original white papers, as well as pointers to new and changed
This Expert Series manual is full of the technical detail and design advice that experienced
Progress 4GLprogrammers and application architects will need to fully exploit ProDataSet
technology. For less experienced 4GL programmers, there are many exercises that carefully
walk through and develop ProDataSet sample code.
Chapter 1, Introducing the Progress DataSet
This chapter contains all the material from the first ProDataSet white paper: Introducing
the Progress DataSet. There are no significant technical changes.
This chapter contains the first half of the second ProDataSet white paper: ProDataSet
Parameters and Events. The Extending the sample procedure section is rewritten to use
the new AppBuilder temp-table maintenance features.
Preface2 Page 3 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
This chapter contains the second half of the second ProDataSet white paper: ProDataSet
Parameters and Events. There are no significant technical changes.
Using dynamic ProDataSets presents expanded possibilities. This chapter covers their use
in detail.
This chapter contains the first half of the third ProDataSet white paper: Dynamic Access
to the ProDataSet. There are no significant technical changes.
This chapter contains the second half of the third ProDataSet white paper: Dynamic Access
to the ProDataSet. This manual updates the section on the SYNCHRONIZE method and adds
a new section on the AUTO-SYNCHRONIZE attribute.
Covers two critical programming skills: tracking changes and processing changes.
Together these techniques allow you to update your data sources with data from
This chapter contains all the material from the fourth ProDataSet white paper: Updating
Data Using ProDataSets. The code and programming examples are updated in this
This chapter contains the material from the beginning of the fifth ProDataSet white paper:
Advanced Read Operations for ProDataSets. New or edited sections include: the section
on advanced ProDataSet events and the section on the COPY-DATASET and
Preface3 Page 4 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
This chapter contains the material from the middle of the fifth ProDataSet white paper:
Advanced Read Operations for ProDataSets. This manual provides a complete rewrite of
this material and provides examples that use the new OFF-END and FIND-FAILED events.
This chapter contains the material from the end of the fifth ProDataSet white paper:
Advanced Read Operations for ProDataSets. There are no significant technical changes.
Discusses several kinds of reusable procedures you may want to develop to execute
specific ProDataSet tasks in a distributed environment.
This chapter contains all the material from the sixth ProDataSet white paper: Advanced
Update Operations for ProDataSets. There are no significant technical changes.
Discusses a model architecture for the design of enterprise applications that exploit
Typographical conventions
This manual uses the following typographical conventions:
Convention Description
Preface4 Page 5 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Convention Description
SMALL, BOLD Small, bold capital letters indicate OpenEdge key functions and
CAPITAL LETTERS generic keyboard keys; for example, GET and CTRL.
KEY1 KEY2 A space between key names indicates a sequential key sequence:
you press and release the first key, then press another key. For
example, ESCAPE H.
Period (.) All statements except DO, FOR, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and REPEAT
or end with a period. DO, FOR, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE, and REPEAT
colon (:) statements can end with either a period or a colon.
{} Large braces indicate the items within them are required. They are
used to simplify complex syntax diagrams.
{} Small braces are part of the Progress 4GL language. For example,
a called external procedure must use braces when referencing
arguments passed by a calling procedure.
Preface5 Page 6 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Convention Description
... Ellipses indicate repetition: you can choose one or more of the
preceding items.
FOR is one of the statements that can end with either a period or a colon, as in this example:
In this example, the outer (small) brackets are part of the language, and the inner (large) brackets
denote an optional item:
Preface6 Page 7 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
A called external procedure must use braces when referencing compile-time arguments passed
by a calling procedure, as shown in this example:
{ &argument-name }
In this example, EACH, FIRST, and LAST are optional, but you can choose only one of them:
In this example, you must include two expressions, and optionally you can include more.
Multiple expressions are separated by commas:
In this example, you must specify MESSAGE and at least one expression or SKIP [ (n) ], and
any number of additional expression or SKIP [ ( n ) ] is allowed:
In this example, you must specify {include-file, then optionally any number of argument or
&argument-name = "argument-value", and then terminate with }:
{ include-file
[ argument | &argument-name = "argument-value" ] ... }
Preface7 Page 8 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In this example, ASSIGN requires either one or more field entries or one record. Options
available with field or record are grouped with braces and brackets:
Preface8 Page 9 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Example procedures
This manual provides numerous example procedures that illustrate syntax and concepts.
Examples use the following conventions:
If a procedure is available online, its name appears above the box and starts with a prefix
associated with the manual that references it:
Otherwise, if the name does not start with a listed prefix, the procedure is not available
If a procedure is not available online, it compiles as shown but might not execute for lack
of completeness.
You must create all subdirectories required by a library before trying to extract files from the
library. You can see what directories and subdirectories a library needs by using the PROLIB
-list command to view the contents of the library. See OpenEdge Deployment: Managing 4GL
Applications for more details on the PROLIB utility.
Preface9 Page 10 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
1. From the Control Panel or the Progress Program Group, double-click the Proenv icon.
Running Proenv sets the DLC environment variable to the directory where you installed
OpenEdge (by default, C:\Program Files\Progress). Proenv also adds the DLC
environment variable to your PATH environment variable and adds the bin directory
3. At the proenv prompt, enter the following command to create the prodoc.txt text file,
which contains the file listing for the library:
Extracting source files from a procedure library involves running PROENV to set up your
OpenEdge environment, creating the directory structure for the files you want to extract, and
running PROLIB.
1. From the Control Panel or the Progress Program Group, double-click the Proenv icon.
3. At the proenv prompt, enter the following command to create the prodoc directory in your
OpenEdge working directory (by default, C:\OpenEdge\Wrk):
MKDIR prodoc
MKDIR prodoc\langref
Preface10 Page 11 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
5. To extract all examples in a procedure library directory, run the PROLIB utility. Note you
must use double quotes because Program Files contains an embedded space:
To extract one example, run PROLIB and specify the file that you want to extract as it is
stored in the procedure library:
OpenEdge messages
OpenEdge displays several types of messages to inform you of routine and unusual occurrences:
Compile messages inform you of errors found while OpenEdge is reading and analyzing
a procedure before running it; for example, if a procedure references a table name that is
not defined in the database.
Startup messages inform you of unusual conditions detected while OpenEdge is getting
ready to execute; for example, if you entered an invalid startup parameter.
Continues execution, subject to the error-processing actions that you specify or that are
assumed as part of the procedure. This is the most common action taken after execution
Returns to the Progress Procedure Editor, so you can correct an error in a procedure. This
is the usual action taken after compiler messages.
Preface11 Page 12 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Halts processing of a procedure and returns immediately to the Progress Procedure Editor.
This does not happen often.
OpenEdge messages end with a message number in parentheses. In this example, the message
number is 200:
If you encounter an error that terminates OpenEdge, note the message number before restarting.
Choose HelpMessages and then enter the message number to display a description of a
specific OpenEdge message.
Preface12 Page 1 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Introducing the Progress DataSet
This chapter presents a thorough overview of the Progress ProDataSet, as described in the
following sections:
Using ProDataSets
Data-Source object
Populating a ProDataSet
Conclusion Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The Progress 4GL is a powerful and flexible tool for building most parts of an enterprise
business application. Enabling application developers to capture domain expertise, produce
intelligent designs, and quickly code the necessary business logic is a special strength of the
4GL. The result is full-featured and intelligent applications.
Recent versions of Progress increased developers ability to build applications that are more and
more open to distributed access across many platforms. Your applications can access both
Progress and non-Progress platforms using the newer Progress AppServer, Open Client, and
other technologies.
To extend both these capabilities in the latest major release, OpenEdge 10 includes a major new
object called the Progress DataSet (commonly referred to as a ProDataSet). The ProDataSet:
Extends your ability to define complex business objects with many levels of related data.
Lets you associate each level with a distinct data source when you need to fill the
ProDataSet with data or pass updates back to the database.
Allows you to define a mapping between the database tables that are the source of your
data and its representation within the ProDataSet. The internal view of the data can be
significantly different from how it is physically stored.
Defines hooks that let you associate your own custom procedures with many events in the
life cycle of a ProDataSet.
Logs changes to ProDataSet records so that you can pass the ProDataSet to a separate
procedure to write those changes back to the database.
Allows you to pass the ProDataSet as a single parameter with a single handle from one
procedure to another, within a single Progress session or between sessions.
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In this way the ProDataSet extends both the power of expressing business logic in the Progress
4GL and the requirements for open applications that can be partitioned between Progress and
other technologies such as .NET.
The ProDataSet can be thought of as an in-memory database in the sense that it is filled with
a set of related records in potentially multiple temp-tables that can then be traversed in a
predictable way, and also passed as a single parameter from procedure to procedure or session
to session with all the data being passed together.
ProDataSet goals
Overall, the fundamental goal is to define a representation of a set of related records that:
Provide a convenient, powerful, and consistent way to separate application data access
from the specifics of the underlying data definition or data access mechanism.
Define not only the data but the relationships between tables that together make up the
13 Page 4 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Can be passed as parameters to .NET and other open technologies, and mapped to .NET
data objects (and potentially other third-party objects).
Can be represented by a single handle, with all the elements of the ProDataSet accessible
through that handle.
Can be updated on either client or server in such a way that changes, adds, and deletions
are captured, marshaled efficiently to the server, and written to the database or other data
source under flexible transaction control.
Reuse and combine to the greatest extent possible existing objects in the 4GL, including
queries, buffers, and temp-tables, in order to provide a programming experience that is
familiar to todays developers and a convenient extension of existing procedures and
programming techniques.
Can be represented as either a static or dynamic object, in a way consistent with other
objects such as temp-tables.
Support events that allow developers to define business logic for the ProDataSet and its
elements that is executed consistently and more or less transparently whenever that
ProDataSet object is populated or updated.
Provide a migration strategy for the SDOs and SBOs of the ADM2 and Progress
Dynamics, improving performance while reusing business logic defined for those
objects with minimal change.
14 Page 5 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The ProDataSet object is basically a collection of one or more member temp-tables. It also
optionally contains a collection of Data-Relations among the member tables. Each ProDataSet
member table can attach to a Data-Source object that allows filling the ProDataSet table from
the source, or updating the source from the table. In addition, you can attach 4GL procedures to
numerous events that occur during the life cycle of a ProDataSet so that you can customize its
Field Map
Order CustNum
Query 1 Lift Line Skiing
2 Urpon Frisbee
1 53 01 /01/93 Contact
Q1 for 3 Hoops Croquet
2 81 01 /04/93
3 66 01 /04/93 Customer
6 1 01 /05/93
Lift Line Skiing
36 1 01 /19/93
Urpon Frisbee Field Map
79 1 01 /10/93
Hoops Croquet OrderNum
Query CustNum
OrderDate Relationship2
Q2 for
Order Buffer3
6 1 00009
6 2 00009
ProDataSet 6 3 00011
6 1 00009 EventLogic
6 2 00009
6 3 00011 before _buffer _fill
after _buffer _fill
before _buffer _update
15 Page 6 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Using ProDataSets
This section introduces the key concepts you need to successfully understand and use
A temp-table allows you to define a table that is not part of any persistent database. You can use
temp-tables within a session or pass them between sessions. Temp-tables provide in-memory
buffering of data and transparent overflow to a temporary database on disk when necessary. You
can define a temp-table as being LIKE a database table, and you can add fields of any type to this
definition, or you can define the table as a set of fields independent of any particular database
table. You can create, read, update, and delete records in the temp-table much as you can with
records in a database table. You can define indexes to manage large sets of data efficiently. You
can access the records in the table with FIND and FOR EACH logic or with queries.
You can define a temp-table in a static definition, specifying all its fields and indexes in a single
statement. You can also create a temp-table as a dynamic object with a handle and then add
fields, buffers, and indexes to it in individual successive statements, finalizing the temp-table
structure with a TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE method. You can also retrieve the handle to a static
temp-table and then access its attributes, the same as you can a dynamic temp-table, in order to
see what fields and indexes it contains, what its default buffer is, and so forth.
Passing temp-tables
You can pass a temp-table between procedures within a session or between sessions, such as
between a server session that loads database data into the table and a client session that views
the data and perhaps allows changes. You can pass a temp-table as a static parameter and receive
it as a static or dynamic object. You can also pass a dynamic temp-table and receive it as either
a static or dynamic object.
16 Page 7 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In all these cases, the names of the tables and fields do not need to match on the two sides of the
call. Only the essentials of the field definitionstheir number, sequence, and data typesneed
to match. Field names along with the format and other attributes can be different, as can index
definitions, because indexes are rebuilt as the temp-table is received.
In addition, you can pass a temp-table by HANDLE, in which case only the handle as a pointer to
either a static or dynamic temp-table is passed. Nothing is copied from caller to callee. Because
handles are not valid between sessions, and because there is no way to share either the definition
or data across sessions without copying it, the HANDLE form can be used only between
procedures in the same session.
ProDataSet comparison
A ProDataSet is constructed from multiple temp-tables and shares and extends all of these
temp-table characteristics:
The temp-table definitions that make up the ProDataSet allow developers to define, in a
standard way, a level of indirection between the actual data configuration in a database, or
other data source, and the data definition that the application uses. These table definitions
can mask joins between tables in order to simplify data representation. They can rename
fields to match names used in business logic or to standardize naming. They can combine
data from one or more databases with data from other data sources. They can mask
changes to the underlying data structure, for example, as database design work is done to
gradually clean up a complex and inconsistent older design. Temp-tables allow all these
things today, but the ProDataSet makes it more straightforward for developers to
standardize their design on this view of data.
The ProDataSet supports the parameter forms HANDLE, DATASET, and DATASET-HANDLE.
Like the TABLE parameter form for an individual temp-table, the DATASET form passes the
ProDataSet as a static parameter. Similarly, the DATASET-HANDLE form is like
TABLE-HANDLE in that it passes a dynamic reference to the ProDataSet. When the procedure
call is within a session, the ProDataSet is normally passed by reference for maximum
efficiency. When the call is remote, the entire definition of the ProDataSet, with its
temp-table buffers, relationships between buffers, and so on, is marshaled along with the
data just as is done for temp-tables today.
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ProDataSet relations
A single temp-table lets you define any two-dimensional set of data. A business application
typically must be able to treat a number of different sets of data as a single object, representing
header and detail records, various parent-child relationships, useful lists of codes or other
lookup values that are part of the validation logic, and so forth. The fundamental feature of a
ProDataSet beyond what you can do with a single temp-table is that it allows you to define these
relations as part of the ProDataSet definition. It also uses relations when it loads data into the
ProDataSet and also to filter data in a useful way when application code is navigating a
ProDataSet after it has been populated.
To support this, part of the ProDataSet definition, whether static or dynamic, is a set of relation
objects, called Data-Relations, each of which defines a relationship between a parent buffer and
a child buffer in the ProDataSet. These relations name the fields in parent and child that form a
primary-foreign key relationship between the buffers. Progress uses this information when the
ProDataSet is populated, or filled, with a set of related records to retrieve child records related
to a parent automatically.
The Data-Relations are also used after the ProDataSet has been filled, in what we can term
navigation mode, when the application, either through a user interface or in business logic,
needs to traverse the ProDataSet to display or examine the data, make changes, add records, and
so on. In this mode, Progress uses the Data-Relation to provide an automatically generated
dynamic query on each child buffer of a relation that filters the records at that level to include
only those related to the currently selected parent. This is helpful when the records in one of the
temp-tables are displayed in a browse, or when the application code needs to traverse records
related to the current parent.
The ProDataSet supports any number of levels of relation, so that you can represent
parent-child-grandchild relationships in a complex business object using a single ProDataSet.
You can deactivate Data-Relations and then later reactivate them. You can do this to populate
portions of a ProDataSet at a time. Or you might deactivate a relation because it is more efficient
to populate all the records for the child table at once, rather than selecting them individually for
each parent record.
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Data sources
Each temp-table in a ProDataSet can be loaded from a different data source. Updates made to a
ProDataSet also need to be applied back to the data source. In the simplest case, the data source
is a Progress database or another database type that you can access through a Progress Data
Server. To support this, there is a Data-Source object that you define independent of a particular
ProDataSet, and then attach to the ProDataSet when you need to fill data from the Data-Source
or apply updates back to it. This allows you to pass a ProDataSet from one session to another
without any database-specific definitions or dependencies going along with it. Also, in some
cases you might need the same ProDataSet to attach to different Data-Sources at run time.
When a ProDataSet buffer has a Data-Source, the ProDataSet can perform a fill operation for
the buffers temp-table in one of two ways. If the buffer is for a top-level temp-table in the
ProDataSet, meaning that it is not the child in some Data-Relation, then you can define a query
that is referred to in the Data-Source definition to tell Progress what records to load. This might
identify, for example, a single header record representing something like a Purchase Order,
which has many related child records in other tables. Or it could be a set of records satisfying
some condition. If there is no query, then the top-level table is loaded with all the records from
the underlying database table. This might be appropriate when the table represents a list of
coded values such as states or order status codes that are to be used as a lookup list within the
If a buffer is for a child of a Data-Relation, then Progress can fill the child temp-table without
any explicit query definition simply by examining the Data-Relation between it and the parent,
and retrieving all child records for each parent. This is the standard case for a child of a
Data-Relation. You can still define a query for the child buffer if the default selection based on
the relation is not sufficient to identify the right records to retrieve, or if the query involves a
join to one or more other tables that contribute fields to the temp-table. Note that if you define
your own fill queries, or add rows to the ProDataSets temp-tables in any other way, Progress
does not enforce the field relationships defined by the Data-Relations for you. You will not get
an error if you add rows to a child table that do not match a row in the parent table.
One of the important values of the ProDataSet is that the contents of its tables, and therefore the
business logic that uses its records and the user interface logic that displays them, can be defined
independent of the nature or structure of the actual data sources. In some cases this simply
means that the ProDataSets temp-tables allow you to define internal tables whose fields come
from different database tables, or have different names, or represent expressions, or are different
in some other way from the underlying database.
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In addition, you can fill a ProDataSet without having a Data-Source for a member buffer at all.
If this case, you must supply the code that fills that buffers table. Whether there is a
Data-Source or not, an event is triggered that can execute application-specific code to handle
the fill (if theres no Data-Source) or to extend the default behavior (when there is a
Data-Source). This is just one example of the usefulness of events that allow custom code to
either augment or replace default behavior, or to provide behavior where there would be no
In addition, because each buffer in the ProDataSet has its own Data-Source, a single ProDataSet
can be filled, in a single operation, from a variety of different data sources that represent
different databases or in some cases nondatabase customized data sources. And data can be
loaded from the disparate sources in a coordinated, interleaved fashion so that you can be sure
that the integrity of the Data-Relations is maintained during the fill. These are capabilities that
.NET does not provide for its DataSets.
FILL operations
A ProDataSet is exactly what its name impliesa set of related data. It is typically populated
in a single operation, where one or more top-level records and all their related records are
retrieved at once. This is called a FILL operation, or just a FILL. You can define a query for the
top-level buffer (or for each top-level buffer if there is more than one) and execute a FILL on
the ProDataSet itself, in which case all of its tables are loaded. Progress executes the queries for
top-level buffers and also for other buffers that have specific queries. The ProDataSet follows
the Data-Relations to identify and load the children for each parent. A simple example is a
purchase order header (where the top-level query identifies a single Order by its key), plus all
of the OrderLines for the Order, plus Items for the OrderLines, plus Inventory for the
OrderLines, and so on.
In other cases, you might want to populate only a part of a ProDataSet at one time. To do this,
you can run the FILL method on a buffer rather than on the ProDataSet as a whole, and it is filled
from there on down. When you do this, you can also deactivate Data-Relations in order to limit
the scope of the FILL. You can also execute a FILL multiple times to add more data to a
ProDataSet that already has data. Each temp-table has a FILL-MODE that allows you to specify
that a table should be emptied before it is filled again, or that it should be skipped altogether, or
that new records are simply to be appended to existing ones, or merged with existing ones by
checking for duplicates.
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The ProDataSet extends this integration by allowing developers to associate business logic
procedures with ProDataSets, to be executed when specific events occur, such as beginning a
ProDataSet FILL operation, loading a record into one of its member buffers, making a change
to a row, and so forth. This event logic can be written in separate procedures from the procedure
where the ProDataSet is defined and used, so that it can be coded independent of the ProDataSet
and attached to the ProDataSet in any procedure where it is used. Generally speaking, these
event procedures receive the ProDataSet as an INPUT parameter so that they can examine and
modify any records in the ProDataSet, depending on the nature of the logic and the event. This
provides developers with a standard way to associate business logic with a ProDataSet to extend
or replace the default behavior the ProDataSet provides, or to provide behavior where no default
support is possible. This logic is executed consistently wherever the ProDataSet is used so that
the developer can write business logic in one place and know that is will be applied uniformly.
Updating a ProDataSet
There is also support for updating data through a ProDataSet. This can be more complicated
than performing individual database record updates because a ProDataSet, by its very nature,
represents a set of related records, possibly in many tables, which are likely to be changed in
one session (in a client session, typically) and then returned to a server session to be applied to
the database or other data source. The ProDataSet therefore needs a standard way to keep track
of multiple changes, to identify which records have been modified, added, or deleted. It also
needs to keep track of the original or before-image versions of modified or deleted records, so
that the server can verify whether records have been changed by other users since they were
read, and then apply all changes to the database either in a single transaction or in multiple
transactions, as appropriate.
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The server must also be able to return errors to the client and pass back the final versions of
records that might have been further changed on the server. All this is done in a consistent way
with a substantial level of default support from the ProDataSet methods, plus events to allow
the process to be extended through custom 4GL code at all the appropriate places. As changes
are made to the ProDataSets tables, they are logged within the ProDataSet so that, when the
ProDataSet is returned to the server, processing the changes and applying them to the database
is straightforward.
In a typical interaction, a client-based session requests a ProDataSet from the server as a result
of a UI event, such as the user requesting the data for a particular purchase order. The client runs
a procedure on the server that has the PO number as an INPUT parameter and the PO ProDataSet
as an OUTPUT parameter.
On the server side, the application procedure typically provides a static definition for the
ProDataSet, attaches Data-Sources to the ProDataSets buffers, and executes a FILL operation
to load a set of related data for the PO into the ProDataSet. It then returns the ProDataSet to the
caller on the client.
The client session receives the ProDataSet as an OUTPUT parameter into its own ProDataSet
definition. It then makes the ProDataSet available to the user interface. Individual temp-tables
might be displayed in different browses and individual records from a table displayed in a
Viewer or single-record frame where record detail is displayed and updated. The client can
update different records in any of the ProDataSets tables, add records to some tables (such as
new OrderLines for the PO), and delete other records. Lists of lookup codes that are part of the
ProDataSet can be displayed, in browses of their own or in drop-down lists, and cached on the
client for future use within that session. Some of the updates and other user interactions could
require additional calls to the AppServer for validation or for additional information. This is all
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When the user is finished making a set of changes, a client procedure runs another procedure on
the server that accepts the changes made to the ProDataSet as an INPUT-OUTPUT parameter. If
the ProDataSet contains a large number of records that have not been changed, then the client
can return only changed records and their before-images to reduce the amount of data sent
across the network. Typically, the original ProDataSet is no longer available on the server when
the changes are passed back. This is especially true when the environment uses a stateless
AppServer connection, which is the norm for most modern applications. The server-side
procedure reads the contents of the ProDataSet, and possibly other parameters that accompany
it, and applies changes to the data sources based on the before-image records in the ProDataSet
that indicate what the changes were.
The server procedure then performs any required validation of the data. This normally is
encapsulated in a server-side logic procedure. The server procedure can pass errors and possibly
further changes made to the records back to the client.
This is the basic client-to-server round-trip scenario. This works more or less exactly the same
whether the client is a Progress session or a .NET session. Figure 12 illustrates this scenario.
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Order Order
Relation OrderLines
RUN returnOrder (
DATASET dsOrder ).
Updated DataSet
Order Order
Handle errors or
redisplay final record
values in user interface.
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The second basic use case is for strictly server-side business logic. In this scenario, a business
logic procedure on the server uses one or more ProDataSets to access the application data it
needs to look at. The ProDataSets encapsulate the data in a standard way, insulating the logic
from the actual structure of the data sources. They also apply update validation logic and other
ProDataSet behavior in a standard, consistent way. The business logic therefore fills a
ProDataSet with data it needs to see or change, and then applies updates back to the database.
This is somewhat different from the individual FIND, FOR EACH, and ASSIGN statements an
application would typically use today to access various tables it needs to look at, but this change
in programming standards reflects the degree of encapsulation we are trying to achieve. In this
second type of use case, there is no need for client/server interaction or passing ProDataSets
between sessions. The ProDataSet is strictly being used to encapsulate data definition, data
access, and update logic in a standard way. This is an essential part of a stable, future-proof
application architecture.
Using update events and custom business logic procedures to provide validation logic on
both the client and server, where the client-side logic is restricted to what can be evaluated
without direct database access.
Building a ProDataSet from a set of complex calculated data, such as a price sheet, that is
expensive to derive from the original data sources but needed for frequent reference once
it is loaded.
Using a ProDataSet in place of a temp-table even within a single session, simply to take
advantage of the fact that they can be passed by reference.
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buffer-name is a static buffer name for a previously defined temp-table whose scope
includes the procedure where the ProDataSet definition is.
data-rel-name is the optional name given to the Data-Relation, which can be used to
obtain its handle at run time. The default name is Relationn (with n starting at 1 for each
ProDataSet). The presence of this option requires the following keyword FOR.
field-mapping-phrase is:
The first field of each pair of RELATION-FIELDS is from the parent buffer, the second field is
from the child.
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In some cases, there might be a relation between two buffers that cannot be defined in terms of
an equality match between fields. This might be if the relation is based on a concatenation of
fields or some other expression, or if special application logic is required to identify the related
records. In this case the field-mapping-phrase can be omitted, and it is then the responsibility
of the developer to define a query on the child buffers Data-Source that identifies the correct
records, or to supply custom logic in response to the FILL events to take over complete
responsibility for filling that level of the ProDataSet.
Because a ProDataSet is made up of Progress temp-tables, you must define those temp-tables
before you reference them in the ProDataSet.
For the example window, there are three temp-table definitions. To make it easier to use those
definitions in more than one procedure, the definitions are in the include file dsOrderTT.i:
The first temp-table, ttOrder, is based on the Order database table but adds three fields to it:
The first additional field is a calculated field that shows the total of all OrderLines for the
Order. Youll write event logic later on to calculate this field for each selected Order.
The second field is the Customer Name from the Customer table. Youll define the join for
this table in the query for the ttOrder tables Data-Source.
The third field is the Sales Rep name from the SalesRep table. You will also join this table
into your Data-Source.
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The second temp-table, ttOline, is exactly like the OrderLine database table. The third
temp-table, ttItem, uses a subset of the fields in the Item database table.
Design tip: When you design your ProDataSets, define temp-tables that reflect the proper
internal representation of the data, regardless of what the external structure of
your database might be. This way you can write your business logic and data
display logic to reference properly normalized and properly organized data, in the
form best suited to the data and the application. You can use ProDataSet mapping
features and your own custom logic to map that internal representation to your
existing database design. If your database design requires change or cleanup at a
later date, you can simply change the mapping code so that the internal
representation stays the same. You can also use a temp-table as a target for
complex data calculations far removed from specific fields in your database, and
also for data that is derived from a data source other than your database, and keep
the internal form the same.
Once you have defined the temp-tables your ProDataSet needs, you define the ProDataSet itself.
In this case, the ProDataSet definition is also in an include file, dsOrder.i:
Design tip: To have a consistent definition of a static ProDataSet that you only need to
maintain in one place, keep your ProDataSet definitions in include files that you
include where the ProDataSet is referenced. Generally, keep your temp-table
definitions in separate include files so that you can maintain them separately, and
so that you can include one without the other when this is needed (for example
when you need to define the temp-tables separately in the AppBuilders
temp-table utility).
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Each Data-Relation defines an implicit query for the FILL operation. When you attach a
Data-Source to ttOline at run time that uses the OrderLine table in the database, then the
predicate for this implicit query is:
This way the ProDataSet automatically loads all OrderLines for the current record in the parent
temp-table ttOrder.
Likewise, the Data-Relation from ttOline to ttItem selects the Item for each record in
ttOline as the ttOline table is filled. This results in the ProDataSet containing all Items for
the OrderLines that are part of the specified top-level Orders. Later, youll modify the
ProDataSet so that it also loads all Items into the ttItem table. The initial definition provides
the flexibility to load various combinations of data into the ProDataSet at runtime by changing
or deactivating relations.
The purpose of the reposition mode on a relation is to handle the situation where you want to
load a limited set of child records into a ProDataSet table that is related to possibly multiple
parent rows of another table in the ProDataSet. For example, you might want to include a
separate State table with state abbreviation and full state name in your ProDataSet rather than
joining that information into each individual Customer or Order record in the ProDataSet. Or
you might want to include an Item table with all available Items in your ProDataSet and be able
to join an Item to all of the OrderLines that include that Item.
If REPOSITION mode is true at the time of a FILL, either because the keyword is part of the
definition or because you have set the attribute to true, then Progress ignores the Data-Relation
that would otherwise filter the children to retrieve only those related to a parent of the relation,
and fills the table as a top-level table.
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For example, consider an Order ProDataSet with a Data-Relation from ttOrderLine to ttItem,
with relation fields of ttOrderline.ItemNum and ttItem.ItemNum. If you do not define or set
the REPOSITION attribute, then Progress loads into ttItem the Item information for every Item
used in at least one OrderLine that is also loaded into the ProDataSet. There might well be
multiple OrderLines that use the same Order, but because the default fill processing is to
discard records with duplicate keys, Progress automatically discards all duplicates based on the
unique index definition for the ttItem temp-table, and you wind up with exactly one instance
of each Item used on the ProDataSets OrderLines. If there is no unique index on the ttItem
temp-table, then you wind up with one instance of ttItem for each OrderLine that uses a given
Item, which is almost certainly not what you want.
Alternatively, if you define or set the REPOSITION attribute of the relation, when Progress fills
the ProDataSet, it disregards the relation fields of that Data-Relation and fills that table
independent of its parent. This means that by default Progress loads all records from the child
tables database buffer into the temp-table. Or if you have prepared a specific query for the child
tables Data-Source, then the records that satisfy the query are loaded.
Using the same example for OrderLines and their Items, with REPOSITION set to true, Progress
loads all Items into ttItem regardless of whether they are used by OrderLines in this instance
of the ProDataSet. This makes the entire list of Items available for display and selection in the
user interface, or within business logic that uses the ProDataSet. You can set REPOSITION true
or false for this type of relation, depending on your application requirements.
During navigation, REPOSITION mode serves a somewhat different purpose. As you learned in
the introduction, Progress generates a dynamic query for each child table of a Data-Relation that
you can use to browse the current records at that level, where the meaning of current is
normally the set of children for the currently selected parent. If REPOSITION is true when your
application is navigating the ProDataSet, then the query works differently. The query does not
filter children, but selects all rows in the child table regardless of the parent. However, the child
query is repositioned to the child row for the currently selected parent.
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Once again using the same example, if your user interface uses browse objects to show
OrderLines of the current Order in one browse and Items in another browse, then with
REPOSITION False, the Item browse will show only the one ttItem row for the current
ttOrderLine. With REPOSITION True, the ttItem browse displays all Items and repositions to
the Item for the current OrderLine. This REPOSITION mode has no other effect when you are
navigating the ProDataSet. Again, set REPOSITION to True or False for this kind of many-to-one
relationship, depending on which default behavior you want.
Through the handle to a ProDataSet, you can access all its attributes and methods, along with
its sub-elements (its temp-tables, queries, buffers, relations, and so on.) and their attributes and
As we go along, you will learn the new object attributes defined for the ProDataSet. Standard
Progress object attributes that are valid for ProDataSets include:
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Data-Source object
There is a new object called a Data-Source to support the filling of a ProDataSet temp-table
from one or more database tables, as well as saving ProDataSet updates back to the database.
You define a distinct Data-Source for each member buffer, which allows a single ProDataSet,
and a single FILL operation on that ProDataSet, to combine data from multiple tables or even
In this statement:
dsource-name is the name you are giving to the Data-Source, as you would for any other
static object.
query-name is the name of a query you have defined separately, before the Data-Source
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In this phrase:
ROWID can occur exactly once in place of a field list to use the ROWID of the database record
as the key. If you do this, you must define a field in the ProDataSet temp-table to hold the
value of the RowID and map the RowID to that field when you attach the Data-Source to the
ProDataSet temp-table buffer.
Note that the QUERY phrase and the source-buffer-phrase are not mutually exclusive. If you
specify a query, then the query definition itself names the buffer or buffers it uses. However,
you might still want to include a source-buffer-phrase in the Data-Source definition in order
to define the fields that make up the unique key Progress should use to eliminate duplicate
records when it is filling the table from the Data-Source, or to locate the database records for a
temp-table record when you have updated the record.
If you specify a source-buffer-phrase without the QUERY phrase and the Data-Source is for a
child of a Data-Relation, then Progress can generate the correct query when you fill the
ProDataSet to load children of each of the parent records. Otherwise, the default is to load all
records from the database table. If there is no QUERY phrase, then you can have only one
source-buffer-phrase if you intend to use the Data-Source to fill a ProDataSet. Progress
cannot automatically join multiple tables without a query definition.
Note that if you use the Data-Source solely to write changes back to the database using the
Data-Source definition, then there is no need for a query at all.
Attaching Data-Sources
After you have defined a ProDataSet and its Data-Sources, you use the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE
method to associate them. This method, which is described in more detail later in this chapter,
lets you specify which fields from the Data-Source go into the ProDataSet, and whether any are
renamed in the process. Youll learn how to use this method a little later. In the meantime, there
are a few rules about how you specify the key fields for a Data-Source.
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All the fields in the KEYS phrase must be represented in the ProDataSet buffer that the
Data-Source is attached to. That is, they must not be excluded from the table in an EXCEPT list
as part of the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method that associated the buffer and the Data-Source. The
fields might be renamed in the ProDataSet buffer, however, and mapped in the
ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method. Instead of a field list, the KEYS phrase can specify (also within
parentheses) the single keyword ROWID, in which case the table RowID is used as the key for
retrieval and updating. In this case, there must be a field in the ProDataSet buffer that is mapped
to the table ROWID at the time of the ATTACH.
If you dont specify the KEYS phrase, then Progress uses one or more primary keys of the
database tables to determine the key fields. Therefore, if the primary key is in fact the
appropriate key to use to do a unique FIND on a record, then you do not need to specify it in the
definition. If the KEYS phrase is not specified and the database tables do not have a unique
primary key, then Progress has no way to locate a record for update or delete or to eliminate
duplicate records. This means that if records in the ProDataSet are deleted or updated, the
developer must provide an event procedure for that event that handles the operationthere can
be no default support provided by Progress.
Because the KEYS list is associated with a specific buffer, you must include the
source-buffer-phrase in the definition if you need to specify the KEYS. If you also specify a
QUERY name, then the buffer list itself is really redundant, except to identify which keys go with
which buffer, since the query definition also specified them. In this case Progress simply
verifies that the list of buffers is the same.
In the example for ProDataSet dsOrder, these are the Data-Source definitions, along with their
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You need a definition for query qOrder for two reasons. First, it is the top-level query, so unless
you want all Orders and all their OrderLines and Items in the ProDataSet at the same time,
which is unlikely (and which would be very expensive to load and pass between sessions), you
will need to open that query with specific selection criteria for a single Order or a group of
related orders. The second reason its needed is that it joins the Customer and SalesRep tables
to the Order to pick up the Customer Name and SalesRep Name fields. You cant do this join
without the query because Progress wont be able to join the tables for you automatically.
There is also a query qItem for the Item table so that under some circumstances you can specify
that you want all Items loaded into the ProDataSet.
The Data-Source srcOrder shows you how to define the keys for each table in query qOrder.
In this case, each of these is a unique primary key for the table, so the buffer list and the KEYS
phrases are not strictly necessary. However, they provide you with explicit confirmation within
your procedure of which keys are used to identify records.
Likewise, the phrase ITEM KEYS (ItemNum) is not strictly necessary in the Data-Source srcItem.
Defining the Data-Source as a separate object allows you to define the ProDataSet without
having to combine the Data-Source definitions with the ProDataSet definition. When a
ProDataSet is passed to another session, the Data-Sources are not passed as part of the object,
since they have no meaning on another session and their database tables cannot normally be
referenced there. Separating the ProDataSet from its Data-Sources also allows a ProDataSet to
attach and detach Data-Sources during program execution, and to switch Data-Sources when
this is necessary, for example to retrieve data from different databases. You cannot pass a
Data-Source as a parameter, but you can access the handle of an attached Data-Source through
its ProDataSet if the ProDataSet is passed locally. You can also simply include the same
Data-Source definition in multiple procedures where this is appropriate.
However, once the Data-Source is instantiated as an actual object instance, it can be attached to
only one ProDataSet at a time.
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There are several ways in which you can use a Data-Source. How you are using it determines
whether it is appropriate or necessary to associate it with an actual query or simply with one or
more buffer names. In the following cases it is appropriate not to have a query for the
If the Data-Source is for a child table in a relation, then it could indicate that the default
query generated by Progress on a FILL is sufficient, which retrieves all child records for
the parent based on their foreign key relationship, so no query is needed.
If the Data-Source is for a top-level table (one with no parent) and you want to retrieve all
records from the table named in its definition, then no query is needed. For a top-level
table, retrieving all records is the default action on a FILL operation. This might be
appropriate for something like the State table, if it is made a part of a ProDataSet in its
entirety for lookup purposes.
If you are using the Data-Source for update purposes only, then no query is used or needed.
The query is used only on a FILL. In this case the Data-Source is actually used as a
Target for the updates.
If you intend to attach a query to the Data-Source dynamically at run time, then you do not
need to associate it with a query in its definition. As with other Progress objects,
ProDataSets let you combine static object definitions and dynamic actions on those objects
very flexibly.
If you do not attach a Data-Source to a table before filling or updating the ProDataSet, then you
must provide an event procedure to fill or update that table. Progress provides no default fill or
update behavior in this case. If the source for the ProDataSet table is in fact one or more
database tables, then you will normally want to define a Data-Source and attach it to the
ProDataSet buffer to get the default behavior Progress provides. You can still extend that
behavior in event procedures to further qualify which records go into the ProDataSet or to make
other changes.
In some cases, however, your actual data source might not be a Progress or Data Server database
at all. It could be a flat file that you read data from, an XML document that you process yourself,
or some other source of data. In this case you simply do not define a Data-Source at all. Progress
then depends on the event procedure code you write for the fill events for the table, and your
own code must do the work of populating that table. If theres no Data-Source for a temp-table
and no supporting event procedure to replace it, then no data is loaded into that table, and no
error results.
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This gives you the flexibility to attach very different sources of data to the same ProDataSet
without the ProDataSet definition or its business logic changing at all. At one time, the data
might come from a file you read yourself. At another time, it might be moved into a database
table. Or in a later release, Progress might natively support the nonstandard data source you use,
and you can define a Data-Source object to handle it. You can do all this without changing
anything at all in the ProDataSet itself.
Progress provides methods to attach Data-Sources to and detach them from the Data-Source
buffers that use them. There is no static statement equivalent for these methods. For static
objects, you can always obtain the handle through the objects HANDLE attribute.
[logical-var = ] buffer-handle:ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE
(data-source-hdl [ , field-mapping [, except-fields
[, include-fields ]]] ).
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The fields in the Data-Sources buffers are mapped to the fields in the target buffer of the
ProDataSet in the same way that fields in a source buffer are mapped to fields in a target buffer
during the BUFFER-COPY method. That is, Progress uses name matching to associate target and
source fields. The except-fields are skipped, if specified, or the include-fields alone are
copied. Otherwise, all fields with matching names are copied. Progress uses the field-mapping
to make specific assignments where the field name is different in the ProDataSet buffer. As with
a BUFFER-COPY, any fields in the Data-Source whose names dont match any field in the target
temp-table and which arent in the field-mapping list are simply skipped without error.
Since there is the possibility of a joined set of tables mapping to the target table, the
except-fields, include-fields, and field-mapping arguments of the BUFFER-COPY method
have been enhanced to take buffer name qualifiers such as Customer.CustNum.
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Here are ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE methods you can use to associate database tables with each of
the three temp-table buffers in the dsOrder ProDataSet:
The first of these maps the Name field in the Customer table to the field CustName in the ttOrder
This syntax detaches the Data-Source from the buffer it is currently attached to:
[ logical-var = ] buffer-handle:DETACH-DATA-SOURCE().
Generally, it is good practice to detach Data-Sources as soon as you are done using them, unless
you know that the same ProDataSet instance will again be used for another FILL or UPDATE
The ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method defines some of the same elements, such as a pairs-list for
field mapping, as a BUFFER-COPY statement. The FILL method then uses these definitions to
copy database fields into the ProDataSet temp-tables. Since this behavior has been extended to
support ProDataSets more effectively, there are also equivalent extensions to the behavior of the
BUFFER-COPY and also the BUFFER-COMPARE methods on a buffer handle.
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There is no except-list and no pairs-list in the methods arguments. (Note that the
two methods dont support an include-list in any casethis optional argument is a
ProDataSet enhancement for the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method only.)
If these two requirements are satisfied, then the method uses the pairs-list from the
ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method for the Data-Source, if any, along with either the except-list or
the include-list, if any, to determine what fields to copy or compare. This works in both
directions, so in the expression hFromBuf:BUFFER-COPY(hToBuf) or
hFromBuf:BUFFER-COMPARE(hToBuf), either hFromBuf or hToBuf can be the Data-Source
buffer, and the other the temp-table buffer. This saves you from having to repeat the
field-mapping from the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method in a BUFFER-COPY on the same buffers.
Populating a ProDataSet
To populate the ProDataSets tables in a uniform way, there is a FILL method that you can apply
to either the ProDataSet as a whole or to a member buffer. Before you do a FILL, you must
prepare a query for each top-level table you are filling. If you do not do this, then that table is
filled with all records from its Data-Source. Even when you are using a static query for a table,
you must use the dynamic QUERY-PREPARE method to define the selection criteria for it. Progress
cannot associate a static OPEN QUERY statement with a ProDataSet.
For example, to fill the dsOrder ProDataSet with Order number 1 and all its OrderLines and
Items, you prepare this query on the query you have associated with that temp-table:
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Progress opens the query for you when you start the FILL. If the Data-Relations describe the
parent-child relationships for children of the top-level table, then you dont need to define or
prepare an explicit query for them.
Note: There is no static FILL DATASET statement, but the second form of the FILL method
makes it easy to execute on a static ProDataSet without explicitly having to retrieve its
handle separately.
A FILL operation does not support any explicit batching or chunking of records in order to
limit the size of a ProDataSet and the expense of filling it and passing it remotely as a parameter.
However, you can define a query at any level of the ProDataSet to limit the number of records
filled in one operation.
When applied to the ProDataSet handle, the FILL method finds all the top-level buffers in the
ProDataSet, which are those that are not children in any active Data-Relation. This means that
a child of a relation that has been deactivated is treated like a top-level buffer for a FILL of a
ProDataSet. In this way you assure that a FILL on a ProDataSet touches every buffer in the
The FILL method then starts a nested filling operation starting at each top-level buffer, paying
attention to the Data-Relations for which the top buffer is the parent, and proceeds down
through parent-child relationships recursively. If the buffer is a parent to any other buffer and
the relation is active, the method gets each record in the parent, goes to each child of that parent
and fills the child temp-table with those records related to the current parent, and cascades as it
fills in further children down the hierarchy, before moving on to the next parent record.
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If you want to fill a ProDataSet in a non-nested manner, that is, by loading all records at the top
buffer level and then loading all records for that buffers children using a single query, you can
do this by deactivating the relations (individually by setting each relations ACTIVE attribute to
False or for the whole ProDataSet by setting its RELATIONS-ACTIVE attribute to False) and
defining the appropriate query for the child that retrieves all records for all parents in a single
pass. This might be more efficient under some circumstances. Youll learn more about using
these attributes in Chapter 5, ProDataSet Attributes and Methods.
BUFFER ttOrder:FILL().
This fills the ProDataSet starting with the buffers temp-table. If the temp-table is the child of a
Data-Relation, then only rows matching the rows already in the parent will be filled. This means
that there must be at least one parent row if the FILL is to add any rows to the ProDataSet. If
there are active relations to the buffers child tables, they are filled as well. When you execute
the FILL method on a buffer handle rather than on the ProDataSet handle itself, you can
deactivate Data-Relations to limit the depth to which the ProDataSet is initially filled.
Note that a FILL on a buffer traverses each branch of the hierarchy below that buffer until it
encounters an inactive relation or a buffer marked as NO-FILL, which you will learn about
shortly. In either of these cases, the FILL stops on that branch of the hierarchy.
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In order to facilitate defining a query for a child table that references its parent (but which
presumably does additional selection beyond what Progress would do by default), the query
syntax for these queries within ProDataSets has been extended to permit the query definition to
reference a field in the parent table directly. The child query needs to be prepared only once,
and Progress substitutes the proper value for the current parent record each time the FILL
proceeds from parent to child.
Summary of a FILL
Progress effectively goes through the following steps for the buffer you execute the FILL
method on, or for each top-level table in the ProDataSet if you are filling the whole ProDataSet:
3. Performs a BUFFER-COPY from the database record buffers to the data table buffer, doing
field mappings and excluding or including fields as specified in the table and Data-Source
definitions and the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method.
4. If the data table is a parent in one or more active relations, prepares each child query in
turn if this is the first use of it. Then does steps 5-7 for each child.
5. Opens the child query; does a GET-FIRST on it; creates a record in its temp-table; and
buffer-copies the database buffers into the temp-table buffer.
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7. Does a GET-NEXT on the child for as long as there are more records in its query, and
buffer-copies them into new records in its data table.
8. Goes back to the top level, does a GET-NEXT at that level, and continues the process in steps
2 through 7. For each child level, it just plugs key values from the parent into the child
query, without having to actually re-prepare it, and reopens the child query for the current
Events and the custom code that developers can write for them are not discussed here, but later.
This interleaving allows Progress to maintain integrity throughout the entire FILL process, so
that parent and child records are not read in separate loops, which would allow for the possibility
that parent records would have changed or been deleted.
A ProDataSet buffer has a FILL-MODE attribute that can be set to one of several character values:
EMPTY If there is any data in the table it is emptied before the fill begins.
NO-FILL This means that the table should not be filled at all on a FILL method because
it has already been filled on a previous operation, or it will be filled separately. This might
typically be used when one or more data tables are filled once with static or relatively static
data that does not change when other data changes; for example, a list of codes that
remains constant even as the rest of the ProDataSet is being reused and refilled for
different Orders and their related records. If a NO-FILL data table is encountered in the
course of a fill that is initiated at a higher level, then that table is not touched, and any
relations to child buffers are not traversed, so the FILL effectively stops on that branch of
the relation hierarchy. If you issue a FILL directly on a buffer marked NO-FILL, no error
results, and no data is loaded into that buffers temp-table, beyond what might already be
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MERGE MERGE is the default FILL-MODE. This mode tells Progress to check for records
that are already in the temp-table, based on the tables unique index, and otherwise add
new records to the table. This assures that there are no duplicates. Note that MERGE mode
requires that there is a unique primary index using the KEYS fields on the buffers
temp-table. Progress simply allows the standard database support code to attempt to add
each new record to the temp-table. If this fails because of a duplicate key violation in a
unique index for the temp-table, that error is suppressed. The cost to this is minimal. Also,
in MERGE mode, if a record with the same key is found, it is not replaced. Thus, MERGE
cannot be used to refresh records already in a ProDataSet, but only to make it possible to
fill a ProDataSet in such a way that the same record might be encountered twice without
error or duplication. If you need to refresh records in a ProDataSet table, you can set the
tables FILL-MODE to EMPTY, or you can delete all records or selected records you need to
refresh before doing the FILL.
1. Includes the temp-table definitions and the ProDataSet definition youve already seen.
2. Defines the queries for the ttOrder table and the ttItem table (the second one is used
4. Prepares the top-level query for the ttOrder table to bring in Order number 1.
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At this point Order number 1, its OrderLines, and their Items, are all in the ProDataSet
You can verify this simply by displaying some fields from them:
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When you run the procedure, you see the results of the DISPLAY statementsthe Order:
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This looks fine, but in fact, you were lucky you didnt get an error when you ran it. Try changing
the selection for the Order query to fill all Orders less than 10:
This will also fill all their OrderLines and all the Items used on any of those OrderLines.
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Run the procedure and display the Orders, OrderLines, and finally the Items:
Some of the Item records, such as Item 54, are represented more than once. This is because they
are used in more than one OrderLine. You probably dont want them in your ttItem table more
than once. Since MERGE is the default FILL-MODE, why didnt Progress eliminate the duplicates?
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The answer is that you didnt have an index on the ttItem table. Progress eliminates duplicates
in a ProDataSet temp-table by relying on the internal indexing mechanism. Because this
temp-table is not defined to be LIKE a database table, it does not inherit the Item tables indexes
automatically. For Progress to eliminate duplicate Items from this temp-table should they
occur, you need a unique index on the ItemNum field. Add an index to the temp-table definition
in the include file dsOrderTT.i:
Run the procedure again and the duplicate records are gone from the ttItem table. The Items
now come out in order as well, because of the index. This is the end of the display:
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Design tip: If there is a chance that a FILL operation might create duplicate records in a
temp-table that you want eliminated, you must either define or inherit from the
database schema a unique index for the temp-table, as done here for the ttItem
As described earlier, a Data-Relation is an object that exists only within the context of a
particular ProDataSet. It cannot be separately defined. It receives a handle when it is created as
part of the instantiation of a ProDataSet with Data-Relation definitions, or when the relation is
added dynamically to the ProDataSet. It has the same scope as the ProDataSet and is deleted
when the ProDataSet is deleted.
You can define or create a Data-Source independent of a ProDataSet. Indeed, it is important that
Data-Sources be maintained independently because their definitions cannot be passed with the
ProDataSet beyond the session where the definition is, since the database tables named in the
Data-Source definition likely are not available to Progress in other sessions. A Data-Source,
whether static or dynamic, has a life independent of the ProDataSet. It is attached to and
detached from a ProDataSet when it is needed. If it is dynamic, it must be independently deleted
as an object if this is not done automatically when its procedure is deleted with a widget pool.
A Data-Source cannot be attached to more than one ProDataSet at a time. This is necessary to
prevent conflicts between different ProDataSet buffers trying to use the same Data-Source. An
attempt to attach a Data-Source to more than one ProDataSet buffer results in a run-time error.
A dynamic buffer must be created before it is used in a ProDataSet, and a static buffer must be
defined before it is used in a ProDataSet. Dynamic buffers and temp-tables are deleted by
default when the ProDataSet where they are used is deleted, and there is a logical AUTO-DELETE
attribute for a dynamic buffer, which can be set to false to override this.
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A temp-table can be part of multiple ProDataSets at the same time. If a ProDataSet is built up
of tables in other, less complex ProDataSets, which is a very valuable feature, then it makes
good sense to allow a temp-table to be simultaneously part of both ProDataSets. For example,
a ttItem temp-table that is the only table in an Item ProDataSet, might be used as part of a more
complex PO ProDataSet. It would be awkward and unnatural to force these two ProDataSets to
use independent temp-table definitions when the whole purpose of building one from the other
is to use the same underlying temp-table structure in both. It must be understood that multiple
references to a temp-table within the scope of that temp-table are in fact using the same instance
of the temp-table. There is only one set of records in the temp-table at any time, and if code
manipulating the temp-table through its ProDataSets is at cross-purposes, then the result can be
undesired behavior. But this is the developers responsibility and entirely under the developers
control. There is no way to create multiple instances of a single temp-table definition within a
procedure. Each ProDataSet must, however, use its own distinct buffer for the temp-table so that
currency can be maintained independently in the ProDataSets.
If you require multiple instances of the same ProDataSet, or multiple instances of some of the
components of a ProDataSet such as its temp-tables, you can accomplish this in several ways.
If your definition is static, the best general design is to include the ProDataSet definition along
with related definitions for objects such as its temp-tables, in a procedure that represents that
ProDataSet as a business object. You can then create an API for that object procedure that has
the necessary routines to fill the ProDataSet based on some set of parameters, to return it to the
caller, to accept updates, to encapsulate business logic, and other requirements. If you need
multiple instances of that ProDataSet as a complete business object, you run an instance of its
procedure PERSISTENT for each one. Each procedure instance then holds the same definition and
the same logic, but a distinct set of related data. Using Progress constructs such as super
procedures, along with the callback mechanism for ProDataSet events, which is described in
Chapter 2, ProDataSet Parameters, you can share single business logic procedures among any
number of instances of a ProDataSet procedure.
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This chapter has introduced you to the ProDataSet and the components that it uses. The next
chapter explores how to pass a ProDataSet as a parameter between procedures or between
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ProDataSet Parameters
This chapter shows you how to pass a ProDataSet as a parameter between procedures within a
session and between Progress sessions, as described in the following sections:
The DATASET parameter form passes a ProDataSet as a static object to another procedure in the
same session or another session. This is the syntax for a parameter definition of this form:
The DATASET-HANDLE form passes the ProDataSet as a dynamic object through a handle
variable. This is the syntax for a parameter definition of this form:
You can pass a ProDataSet statically from one procedure using the DATASET parameter form,
and receive it in another procedure in the same session or another session as a dynamic object
using the DATASET-HANDLE parameter form, and vice versa.
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ProDataSet Parameters
This technique allows you, for example, to take a statically defined ProDataSet on the server
and pass it to a general-purpose client procedure that:
Browses or otherwise uses the ProDataSet and its contents using dynamic client-side
A static definition is most useful on the server because it allows static business logic to operate
directly on the ProDataSet and its temp-tables.
A ProDataSet can also be passed just as a handle using the HANDLE parameter type. As with other
objects, a ProDataSet can be passed by a simple reference to its handle only within the same
session, and can be accessed only dynamically, that is, through the handle, in the receiving
When you pass a ProDataSet to a remote session, Progress has no choice but to copy the data
from one session to the other. However, when you pass a ProDataSet as a parameter locally, you
can optimize the call by including the keyword BY-REFERENCE on the parameter in the RUN
statement, as in these syntax examples:
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Optionally, you can also specify the keyword BY-VALUE, but this is always the default.
If you pass the ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE and the procedure call is local, Progress optimizes the
call by having the called procedure refer to (point to) the instance of the ProDataSet already in
the calling procedure. This saves all the overhead of copying the ProDataSet definition and data.
If the call is remote, then Progress ignores the BY-REFERENCE keyword and passes the
ProDataSet by value, as it must in that case.
Because of the efficiency of passing the ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE, you should normally use
this keyword in your parameter definitions in RUN statements for any case where the called
procedure will always or sometimes be in the same session as the caller. Because Progress
ignores the keyword on a remote call, you get the most efficient behavior in either case.
Passing objects by copying them is the standard for other Progress parameter types. Passing a
ProDataSet by reference has certain side effects that you need to be aware of, which could make
the behavior confusing if you are not conscious of what Progress is actually doing in the
background to enable your called procedure to point to the same ProDataSet instance as the
caller. For this reason, you have to make a specific request to pass by reference, and you should
always make sure you have considered the consequences before doing so. Since this is different
from how Progress behaves otherwise, some of the effects can seem counter-intuitive, so we
explain them in some detail here.
In general you must consider that on a call BY-REFERENCE, Progress substitutes the ProDataSet
handle in the calling procedure for the ProDataSet defined in the called procedure, and that is
the cause of most of the side effects. Consider the cases described in the following sections.
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ProDataSet Parameters
Design tip: If the called procedure can make changes that should be visible in the caller, then
you should make the parameter INPUT-OUTPUT. This reflects whats actually
going on, and also provides the correct behavior when the call is remote, as the
changes must explicitly be passed back to the caller in that case. If the called
procedure will only read the data and not change it, then make the parameter
If you configure your application so that the call is made to a remote session and the called
procedure doesnt make any changes to the ProDataSet, then Progress will needlessly pass the
unchanged ProDataSet back to the caller, creating unnecessary network traffic. This is why the
INPUT mode is still useful.
Design tip: When you pass an OUTPUT parameter BY-REFERENCE, and dont want APPEND
behavior, always explicitly empty the ProDataSet in the calling procedure just
before the call.
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This might seem like extra overhead, but in fact if you execute the statement
hDataSet:EMPTY-DATASET(), this executes exactly the same code internally as Progress uses to
empty the ProDataSet for you, so the net cost is the same. If you do want APPEND behavior, then
include the APPEND keyword on the parameter as you would for a temp-table.
The intention is that the called-procedures ProDataSet definition and data are passed back
as the OUTPUT parameter to populate the dataset-handle in the caller. This cannot work
properly when the call is local. When the call is made, the dataset-handle has the unknown
value because it has not been used yet. But the BY-REFERENCE keyword instructs Progress to use
the calling procedures ProDataSet as the basis for the parameter. Since there is no such
ProDataSet at the time of the call, this results in an error. A ProDataSet passed BY-REFERENCE,
regardless of the parameter mode, must be initialized by specifying its tables and relations
before the call.
It can create a ProDataSet using the handle and use dynamic methods to create a structure
of temp-tables and relations for it that are compatible with the ProDataSet in the
called-procedure. In this way the calling procedures dynamic ProDataSet is used for
the call, and the data from the called-procedure is effectively appended to it, just as for
the static example described earlier.
It can omit the BY-REFERENCE keyword and pass the ProDataSet by value in all cases,
which means that the called-procedures ProDataSet definition and data are copied
back into the calling procedure to instantiate a dynamic ProDataSet there.
It can assign the handle to some valid existing static or dynamic ProDataSet before the
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ProDataSet Parameters
If the OUTPUT parameter is a DATASET-HANDLE, it presumably means that the calling procedure is
prepared to accept a variety of ProDataSet definitions returned to it. If this is the case, then once
a particular ProDataSet has been passed back and has populated the dynamic ProDataSet, any
further calls using the same RUN statement form must receive back a ProDataSet of the same
type. Even though Progress empties the target dynamic ProDataSet so that the data from the
called-procedure replaces any data in the calling procedures ProDataSet, Progress does not
automatically delete the dynamic ProDataSet structure in the calling procedure. If it is not
compatible with the OUTPUT parameter, an error results.
If you want to use the same dynamic ProDataSet handle to receive different ProDataSets during
the lifetime of the calling procedure, you must delete the dynamic ProDataSet using the DELETE
OBJECT statement. Set the handle variable to the unknown value before you run a
called-procedure to get back a different ProDataSet to avoid the error.
Sometimes the calling procedure needs to get back a dynamic ProDataSet (that is, one with a
variable definition) on the first call and then wants to be able to make further calls to get back
new or additional data in the same ProDataSet type, but without copying the ProDataSet
definition locally on subsequent calls. If this is the case, then the first RUN statement must be
made by value, in order to get back the ProDataSet definition with the data, and then subsequent
calls can be made with a separate RUN statement BY-REFERENCE. This avoids copying the
ProDataSet definition locally. (Note that in these descriptions the words by value are
normally not capitalized in order to emphasize that this is the default behavior, so that the
keyword BY-VALUE is not required to get this behavior.)
Naturally you could not pass an uninitialized dynamic ProDataSet as an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT
parameter, as there would be no definition to pass to the called-procedure. In such a case you
could only pass the handle variable and let the called-procedure associate it with a ProDataSet
of its own.
Design tip: To summarize: if the target ProDataSet in the calling procedure is dynamic, then
you must either initialize it before making a call to another local procedure
BY-REFERENCE, or make the first call by value and subsequent calls BY-REFERENCE
so that you obtain the ProDataSet definition the caller needs.
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Heres a simple procedure that defines the dsOrder ProDataSet, runs another procedure
persistent, and then runs an internal procedure to fill the ProDataSet:
/* refCaller.p */
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ProDataSet Parameters
Heres the procedure it runs. It defines its own instance of the ProDataSet and then uses its
handle to attach three Data-Sources. Inside the internal procedure fillProc, it fills the
ProDataSet and returns it as an OUTPUT parameter:
/* refCallee.p */
If you run the main procedure refCaller.p, you get the following error:
What happened? All three Data-Sources were attached in the main block, so why cant Progress
see them?
The reason is that the instance of dsOrder defined in the main block, the one whose handle was
used to attach the Data-Sources, isnt the one used by the internal procedure. Because the
ProDataSet is passed in by reference, fillProc is pointing to the instance of dsOrder defined
in refCaller.p, which has no Data-Sources. A few messages confirm this.
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Run refCaller.p again and you can see the proof. When refCallee.p is first run, it gets a
handle for its own ProDataSet:
Next, the calling procedure displays the handle of its copy of the ProDataSet:
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ProDataSet Parameters
You can see that fillProcs ProDataSet has the same handle as the one in the calling procedure
refCaller.p. It is in fact the same ProDataSet, the one with no Data-Sources.
If you change the persistent procedure to do all its work in the internal procedure, then
everything works:
/* refCallee.p */
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RefCaller.p RefCallee.p
hDset =
dsOrder :HANDLE
RUN fillProc
(OUTPUT dsOrder ) FillProc :
OUTPUT dsOrder
Procedure refCallee.p has a definition of dsOrder, but the ProDataSet instance this represents
is replaced by the one from refCaller.p when its ProDataSet is passed BY-REFERENCE. All
internal references to hDset are therefore invalid because they point to a ProDataSet instance
that isnt being used. This teaches two important lessons, as described in the Design Tips below.
Design tip: Dont set ProDataSet handles at the main procedure level when they will be
accessed in internal procedures. Set the handle variables where they are used to
capture a reference to an externally defined ProDataSet.
Design tip: Its always good practice to perform operations such as attaching Data-Sources
locally to where they are needed. Its essential if the ProDataSet is being passed
by reference.
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ProDataSet Parameters
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You can pass a ProDataSet reference locally as a HANDLE PARAMETER as you can with other
objects such as temp-tables. This gives the called procedure access to the ProDataSet instance
defined in the caller, but has two essential limitations. First, the called procedure must be in the
same Progress session as the calling procedure. You cant pass an object handle of any kind
across an AppServer call and have it maintain its validity. Second, the called procedure can only
reference the ProDataSet using dynamic attributes and methods if it receives it as a HANDLE. In
other words, the called procedure cant receive the HANDLE parameter into a static DATASET
definition and reference it using static table and field names.
By contrast, when you pass or receive a ProDataSet as a DATASET-HANDLE, this simply means
that the procedure using the DATASET-HANDLE parameter form sees the ProDataSet as a dynamic
object. The procedure on the other side of the call can see it as a static object. The table below
shows the different combinations. Normally, passing a ProDataSet as a DATASET-HANDLE causes
its definition and data to be copied to the receiving procedure. Using the BY-REFERENCE option
on the parameter makes passing a ProDataSet as a DATASET-HANDLE cost no more within a single
session than passing a reference to it as a HANDLE. For this reason, we recommend that you
normally use the DATASET-HANDLE form. In this way, if the call is ever moved to a remote
procedure, it will still work properly, whereas the HANDLE parameter will fail on a remote call.
Passing a ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE is particularly valuable when the called procedure uses the
DATASET parameter form to receive the ProDataSet into a static definition. This will be the norm
in most server-side procedures, and especially in most event handling procedures. The business
logic in these procedures is much simpler to write if it uses static 4GL statements to refer to and
manipulate the records in the ProDataSets temp-tables. All the elements of the ProDataSet
definition, along with all the data in its temp-tables, are available to the called procedure. The
default buffers that are part of the ProDataSet, which have the same names as their temp-tables,
are in fact shared between caller and callee. Therefore, if the called procedure changes the
record position in any of these buffers, this will be visible to the caller after the procedure
returns. The called procedure can define buffers of its own to avoid this. Any changes to the
ProDataSet data made by the called procedure are visible to the caller, as if the object were
There are several restrictions in ProDataSet usage that are at least partially related to this
parameter support:
You cannot define a ProDataSet inside an internal procedure or trigger. This is the same
restriction that applies to temp-tables.
The new behavior for passing BY-REFERENCE is not supported for temp-tables, but only for
ProDataSets. You can pass a buffer parameter for a temp-table to provide shared access to
a record, or you can make a temp-table part of a ProDataSet if it is essential to be able to
provide this kind of support for a temp-table.
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ProDataSet Parameters
The static parameter form (that is, DEFINE INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETER DATASET FOR
dataset-name) cannot be used in the main block of a procedure that is run PERSISTENT.
As a final note, it is possible to specify a ProDataSet as a parameter for a dynamic CALL object,
which lets you set up the entire definition of a RUN statement dynamically. You can also specify
the BY-REFERENCE qualifier in the arguments to the dynamic CALL. See the reference
documentation or online help on the dynamic CALL object for more information.
DATASET dsXYZ DATASET-HANDLE hDS INPUT Remote or BY-VALUE: Definition and data
of static ProDataSet dsXYZ in the caller are
copied to the callee, which constructs a
dynamic definition using handle hDS and
loads the dynamic ProDataSet (and
dynamic temp-tables) with the data.
Local BY-REFERENCE: Callee points to the
same ProDataSet as the caller using its
dynamic handle, which can accept any
ProDataSet passed in.
215 Page 16 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
DATASET-HANDLE hDS DATASET dsXYZ INPUT Remote or BY-VALUE: Definition and data
of dynamic ProDataSet whose handle is
hDS in the caller are copied to the callee,
which receives the data into its static
definition dsXYZ. The definition passed in
must match the local static definition.
Local BY-REFERENCE: Callee points to the
same ProDataSet as the caller using its
static definition, which must match the
ProDataSet passed by the caller.
of dynamic ProDataSet whose handle is
hDS in the caller are copied to the callee,
which receives the definition and uses it to
construct a dynamic temp-table using its
own local handle hDS, then loads the data
into this dynamic table.
Local BY-REFERENCE: Callee points to the
same ProDataSet as the caller using its
dynamic handle, which can accept any
ProDataSet passed in.
DATASET dsXYZ DATASET-HANDLE hDS combinations are supported. Nothing is
DATASET dsXYZ passed in to the callee. The definition of
the ProDataSet and its data are passed back
in the same form from callee to caller when
callee returns. For the OUTPUT DATASET
form, the definition is used to validate
compatible ProDataSet definitions; for the
OUTPUT DATASET-HANDLE form, it is used
to construct the ProDataSet in the caller.
Local BY-REFERENCE: Likewise, all the
same combinations are supported. Calling
procedure receives the OUTPUT
ProDataSet by obtaining a pointer to the
ProDataSet defined in the called
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ProDataSet Parameters
DATASET dsXYZ DATASET-HANDLE hDS same combinations are supported. The
DATASET dsXYZ table definition and data are passed in from
caller to callee. Callee can make changes
to the data in the table, which is returned
by being copied back to the caller.
Local BY-REFERENCE: This is effectively
the parameter form of all local calls,
except that nothing is actually passed in or
out, only a reference to the ProDataSet in
the caller.
217 Page 18 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Procedure B has the same static ProDataSet definition. Procedure B obtains a reference to
DATASET dsOrder without it being copied. Procedure B can then reference the current records in
ttOrder and ttOline directly. Buffer currency in Procedure B is the same as in Procedure A.
If, for example, Procedure B is responding to a record fill event for the ttOrder table, then the
current record in ttOrder is the one just filled:
Procedure B can also navigate through the ProDataSet and its temp-tables:
On return to Procedure A, any changes made by Procedure B are visible to Procedure A because
the ProDataSet is the same object.
If B.p is remote from A.p, then the ProDataSet is copied into Procedure B because it is an INPUT
parameter. It is not copied back to Procedure A. If it were defined as an INPUT-OUTPUT
parameter, then any changes would be passed back across the network to Procedure A and the
end result would be the same as if it had been called locally. Therefore the INPUT-OUTPUT mode
should be used when changes can be made that should be seen by the caller. The INPUT case is
supported so that when the called procedure does not make any changes, the ProDataSet is not
needlessly copied back to Procedure A. The OUTPUT case is supported so that if the original data
in the ProDataSet is not used by Procedure B and only Procedure Bs changes (creates or the
result of a FILL) are to be used and passed back to Procedure A, the ProDataSet is not needlessly
copied into Procedure B.
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ProDataSet Parameters
In order to simplify this, you can use this statement in the called procedure when it uses a
In this way, the ProDataSet is deleted when appropriate. The NO-ERROR keyword suppresses any
error message if the object has already been deleted (in which case dataset-handle is no longer
a valid handle). Also, this statement does not delete a ProDataSet object when the ProDataSet
is passed locally and by reference, which means that the ProDataSet is not owned by the
procedure attempting the delete.
For this reason there are two new temp-table attributes available to all temp-tables, not just those
in ProDataSets, to reduce the overhead of this schema information. The first eliminates all
schema description from the parameter:
If you set this logical attribute to true on a temp-table, then no schema information is passed
when the temp-table is marshaled. This includes index descriptions and field information. The
receiving side must have a static definition to receive the temp-table into.
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The second attribute reduces the schema information passed to the minimum needed to validate
or establish the temp-table dynamically in the receiving procedure:
If you set this logical attribute to true on a temp-table, then only minimum schema information
is passed along with the data. This includes the field name and data type and extent. The
temp-table ERROR-STRING (a new attribute used by ProDataSets, described in the Setting and
using ERROR, REJECTED, and ERROR-STRING section on page 645) is also passed.
Values for other field attributes are passed as unknown values, so that the protocol for the call
remains the same but the amount of data is greatly reduced. No index information is passed. You
can use this option even when the receiving procedure has a dynamic parameter (TABLE-HANDLE
for a single temp-table or DATASET-HANDLE for a ProDataSet), because the field names, along
with the data type and extent, can be used to construct a minimally complete dynamic
temp-table on the receiving side without setting all the other field attributes.
In this example, suppose that ProDataSet MyDSet is defined within the calling procedure and has
already been filled with some amount of data, normally in a previous call to a procedure on
server XYZ. In that previous call, not all the data that could be used was filled. The procedure on
the server might have deactivated some of the relations in the ProDataSet in order not to fill all
levels of detail (on instructions from the client, perhaps).
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ProDataSet Parameters
Based on some event on the client, such as the user selecting a particular parent record for which
detail has not yet been filled, the client procedure runs getMoreData.p on the server with the
same ProDataSet as an OUTPUT parameter along with possibly one or more additional parameters
that indicate how the ProDataSet should be further filled. The server procedure fills that part of
the ProDataSet the caller wants, perhaps by retrieving the parent record the user wanted more
detail for, and then doing a FILL on that buffer, which would fill all its children. The server
procedure then returns the ProDataSet to the caller.
The APPEND keyword tells Progress to append all the data passed back to the data that is already
in the clients ProDataSet. Duplicate rows will result in an error when the data is appended, and
thus must be eliminated in advance, before making the call. This happens regardless of the
setting of the FILL-MODE attribute on the ProDataSets buffers. The FILL-MODE thus applies only
on FILL, not on parameter passing.
If you need to empty one or more of the receiving procedures temp-tables during this kind of
operation, you can simply empty it before the call, rather than using the EMPTY FILL-MODE.
If you want to refresh records with later versions from the called procedure, you must empty the
table or delete the selected records to be refreshed before making the call.
Another typical use case beyond filling in levels of detail not yet retrieved is to define a form of
batching of data by requesting more records for one or more tables not yet completely filled.
For an exploration of batching and selective filling use cases, see Chapter 8, Batching Data
with ProDataSets,), and Chapter 7, Advanced Events and Attributes.
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1. If you already have a database called Temp-DB where you have stored temp-table
definitions, you can continue to use it and make its definitions available to the AppBuilder
by connecting the database at design time. If you have not done this, you must create an
empty database called Temp-DB, place it in your ProPath, and then follow the rest of these
4. If the Temp-DB isnt already connected, the AppBuilder prompts you to connect it:
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ProDataSet Parameters
5. The first time you use the Temp-DB Maintenance Tool, it must add a special control
table to the Temp-DB where it holds meta-information about all the temp-table definitions
it manages. If you get this prompt, press OK to load the definitions for this meta-table:
Next you need to create temp-table definitions in the Temp-DB for the three temp-tables in
your Order ProDataSet. You could import the include file you already have and start from
that, but theres a good reason why you shouldnt. Creating temp-table definitions that are
defined to be LIKE the corresponding database tables is a simple shortcut, but its not a
good way to build definitions for a real application. It ties the temp-table definitions to any
later changes that are made to the database tables, and it creates a requirement that the
application database be connected at compile time, even though it should not be connected
to the client side of the application at runtime.
The Temp-DB Maintenance Tool can easily generate a temp-table definition that is
initially the same as a database table definition, but it does this with each field
independently defined, so that you can edit the definition to be exactly what the internal
data definition should be, and remove any ongoing dependencies on the external table
definition. For this reason, youll replace dsOrderTT.i in these steps.
The Temp-DB Maintenance Tool lets you create temp-table definitions based on
database tables, or using your own field definitions, or any combination of the two. You
do this in the editor part of the window. You can also import and manage any number of
existing include files using the File Import tab, which displays all the temp-tables in the
tools browse control.
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6. Right click in the editor to bring up its popup menu and select InsertTable Definition
as shown. You can also access this option through the Edit menu:
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ProDataSet Parameters
7. Select the Order table from the Sports2000 database as your first temp-table:
8. The tool builds a complete description of the Order table as a series of temp-table field and
index definitions and displays it in the editor. Modify this to change the table name to
9. Add the three field definitions for the additional fields OrderTotal, CustName, and
RepName as you did when you created the first version of dsOrderTT.i, as shown in the
editor below.
10. Remove all the index definitions except the unique primary index OrderNum.
11. Repeat these steps for the OrderLine table. Select InsertTable Definition to select
OrderLine and add its temp-table definition to the end of the editor contents. Rename the
temp-table ttOline. Remove all but its primary index definition.
12. Repeat these steps again for the Item table. Name the temp-table ttItem and remove all
but its unique primary index definition.
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13. When youre done, click the Save button above the editor, as shown below. Select your
dsOrderTT.i filename as the file to save the definitions to. The tool saves the include file,
analyzes it, and displays the three temp-tables it contains in the browse:
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ProDataSet Parameters
The Use as Include toggle box above the editor (which is also shown as the Use Include
browse column for the temp-tables) indicates that you want the tool to save the definition
as an include file to be included in your AppBuilder procedures, rather than having the
AppBuilder generate the temp-table definitions inline. This is beneficial for keeping your
temp-table maintenance independent of the procedures the temp-tables are used in.
14. In the Definitions section of your new Window procedure, include the Order ProDataSet
definition include file:
The AppBuilder will automatically generate a reference to the temp-table include file for
you, when you bring those temp-tables into the procedure in a later step.
15. The temp-table definitions you just created are independent of any particular procedure
that you build in the AppBuilder. To tell the AppBuilder that you want to use particular
temp-table definitions in your new window, you use the Temp-Table Maintenance
utility. To access this, press the Procedure settings button in the AppBuilder main
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16. Press the Temp-Table definitions button ( ) in the Procedure Properties dialog:
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ProDataSet Parameters
17. Add a temp-table LIKE ttOrder from the Temp-DB database. Because you have already
defined the temp-tables exactly as they should be, you dont need to change anything in
the definition, including the temp-table name:
18. Check off the NO-UNDO toggle for the table. Your tables will want to be able to take
advantage of Progress undo capability when you allow updates to the tables.
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20. Press OK to exit the Temp-Table Maintenance dialog and then the Procedure Settings
21. Name the window dsOrderWin, and its default frame dsFrame.
22. Define several fill-in variables to display some of the ttOrder fields in: integer fill-ins
iOrderNum and iCustNum, character fill-ins cCustName and cRepName, and a decimal
field dOrderTotal.
23. Make each of these fields Enabled, and also set the Read-Only toggle box in the field
property sheet for each of them except the iOrderNum field.
You will use iOrderNum to enter an Order Number to pass to the ProDataSet fill procedure.
The other fields simply display the Order values that come back. Making them enabled
but read-only gives them a field border that makes them easier to read.
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ProDataSet Parameters
24. Drop a browse object from the AppBuilder palette onto the window and use it to define a
browse on the temp-table ttOline.
You do this by selecting Temp-Tables from the database list. The AppBuilder represents
the temp-table definitions as if they were in a dummy database called Temp-Tables:
25. Press the Fields button and add some or all of the ttOline fields to the browse.
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27. Create another browse for the ttItem table and add the ItemNum and ItemName fields to it.
Name the browse ItemBrowse.
When youre done, your window should look something like this:
Now you need to run a separate procedure that fills the Order ProDataSet with all the
records for an Order, and then displays what that procedure returns.
ASSIGN iOrderNum.
IF iOrderNum NE 0 THEN
RUN fillDSOrder.p (INPUT iOrderNum, OUTPUT DATASET dsOrder\
cCustName:SCREEN-VALUE = ttOrder.CustName
cRepName:SCREEN-VALUE = ttOrder.RepName
dOrderTotal:SCREEN-VALUE = STRING(ttOrder.OrderTotal).
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ProDataSet Parameters
If the user has entered an Order number, the trigger first empties the ProDataSet in case it
still has data from a previous request. It then runs the procedure to fill the Order
ProDataSet, passing in the Order number and getting the ProDataSet back as an OUTPUT
parameter with the BY-REFERENCE qualifier. Passing it BY-REFERENCE eliminates the need
to copy all the data from fillDSOrder.p back to the window procedure, but requires that
you explicitly empty the ProDataSet first so as not to append data to the existing
ProDataSet in the window procedure when the call is made locally.
The trigger then displays the Order fields and uses the AppBuilder-generated preprocessor
to open the browses for OrderLines and Items.
29. Save this window procedure as dsOrderWin.w. Now you need to modify the fill procedure
to accept the parameters.
30. Add these parameter definitions to fillDSOrder.p following the temp-table and
ProDataSet definitions:
The parameters need to follow the ProDataSet definition because the OUTPUT parameter
references the ProDataSet dsOrder.
31. Change the FOR EACH statement in the Order query to use the Order number passed in:
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Now when you run the window you can enter an Order number and see all its data:
The window shows that the ProDataSet parameter has returned, through a single handle,
the fields from the ttOrder record, the set of OrderLines in the ttOline table, and all their
Items in the ttItem table. When the ProDataSet comes back as an OUTPUT parameter in a
remote call, all the local copies of its temp-tables are automatically populated.
The Order Total isnt filled in yet because thats a calculated field. In the next chapter,
youll learn about event procedures for ProDataSets and how to write code to calculate that
Order Total value for each Order as its filled. Later, youll also learn how to synchronize
the OrderLine browse and the Item browse so that the Item browse is repositioned to the
currently selected OrderLine.
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ProDataSets Events
This chapter describes the capabilities of the ProDataSet to respond to named events and
execute custom internal 4GL procedures, as outlined in the following sections:
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The SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method lets you associate a named event with an internal
procedure to run when the event occurs, and a persistent procedure handle to run it in.
Because the procedure handle for the event handler is part of the callback definition, the event
handler can be in a logic procedure completely separate from where the ProDataSet is defined
or used. In addition, many different procedures that all use the same ProDataSet can reference
the same business logic that need only be running once within a session. Business logic for
different parts of a ProDataSet can be handled by different procedures, so you can organize that
logic to be as flexible as is needed. For example, it is entirely possible for you to use a single
pass-through event procedure as the registered handle for all events, and then build a super
procedure stack of procedures where the actual processing logic resides. Other organizational
techniques are also possible; the mechanism provides efficiency and flexibility.
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ProDataSets Events
[ logical-var = ] object-handle:SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE
( event-name-expr, internal-proc-expr [ , proc-handle ] ).
The ProDataSet is always passed in as an INPUT parameter. The event procedure can receive this
either into a static definition, using the parameter form DATASET PARAMETER FOR dataset-name,
or into a handle using the parameter form DATASET-HANDLE handle-var. Within the callback
event procedure, the SELF handle function evaluates to the ProDataSet handle or buffer handle
associated with the event.
Note that you can only have a single active callback procedure for an event/object combination
at any time. If you execute the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE for an event name and object handle
that already has a callback for that event, the latest one defined replaces the earlier one.
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Because the FILL can apply (either explicitly or by cascading) to the whole ProDataSet or to
individual temp-table buffers, there are separate events for each of those levels.
The ProDataSet is passed into each event procedure as an INPUT parameter BY-REFERENCE. This
allows the event procedure to operate on the ProDataSet using static 4GL to reference its buffers
and fields, without the ProDataSet being physically copied. This also means that because the
ProDataSet is not copied, changes made to the ProDataSet by the event procedure are made to
the same copy all procedures are using.
These are the FILL events for the ProDataSet and its members:
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ProDataSets Events
You use the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method to register each of these events for a ProDataSet
handle or a ProDataSet buffer handle, which identifies the code to run for each object.
The lowest event level is for the individual record, fired once for each record created in each
table during a FILL:
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Figure 31 illustrates the order in which these nested events are triggered, using a single
parent-child relationship as an example. Multiple levels of nesting would result in multiple
levels of nesting of the events for each table. If there are multiple top-level tables, the process
is repeated for each top-level table. Events for top-level tables are triggered in the order in which
the tables are defined in the ProDataSet definition or added to a dynamic ProDataSet.
1 hDataSet :BEFORE -FILL
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ProDataSets Events
1. The ProDataSet BEFORE-FILL event fires first, before any record reads begin.
2. The table BEFORE-FILL event for the top-level table fires once before each row in that table
is populated.
3. A nested table BEFORE-FILL event fires once for each parent row, before any rows in the
child table are populated.
4. A BEFORE-ROW-FILL event fires once for each row in the table before it is populated, but
after the corresponding records in the Data-Source have been read into their database
5. An AFTER-ROW-FILL event fires once for each row in the table after it has been created and
its field values assigned.
6. The AFTER-FILL event on a nested table fires once for each parent row, after all the rows
in the child table have been created and populated.
7. The AFTER-FILL event on a parent table fires once for each parent row, after it and all of
its children have been populated.
8. The AFTER-FILL event on the ProDataSet itself fires last of all, when all rows have been
37 Page 8 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
1. Create a new procedure called OrderMain.p that acts as the defining procedure for the
This new procedure simply defines the ProDataSet, accepts the Order number, and then
runs a new event procedure where all the rest of the work is done. It passes the Order
number and the ProDataSet handle in as INPUT parameters. OrderEvents.p binds the
supporting events to the ProDataSet handle passed in as part of its main block, using the
SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method. OrderMain then does a FILL on the ProDataSet, which
triggers the various events in OrderEvents.p. Finally, it deletes the persistent event
procedure. In a real application, of course, it is likely that you would start event procedures
like this one when you first need them and then leave them running to serve any caller.
2. Modify dsOrderWin.w to run this new procedure instead of fillDSOrder.p in the LEAVE
trigger for iOrderNum.
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ProDataSets Events
3. Create the event handling procedure OrderEvents.p. Include the temp-table and
ProDataSet definitions, and define the two INPUT parameters it needs:
There is a rule that states you cannot define a static ProDataSet parameter at the top main
block level of a procedure that you are going to run persistent, like this one. This is because
Progress needs an enclosing procedure block to pass a static ProDataSet reference into a
persistent procedure by reference. For this reason, only internal procedures can have a
static ProDataSet parameter. The static ProDataSet definition in dsOrder.i is used in
these internal procedures later on, but the initial parameter at the top-level must be just a
ProDataSet handle.
4. You need your top-level Order query definition, which you use to prepare a query for the
Ordernumber passed in:
5. A couple of variables are needed to identify temp-table buffers based on the ProDataSet
6. Following the variables, Data-Source definitions from the first test procedure for dsOrder
are found:
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7. The main block of the procedure establishes all the callbacks, so that when OrderMain.p
does its FILL, they will be ready to respond to the events that happen as the Order,
OrderLine, and Item records are read in and temp-table records are created for them. The
first two callbacks are for the start and end of the entire FILL at the level of the ProDataSet,
so they are executed on the ProDataSet handle itself:
("AFTER-FILL", "postDataSetFill", THIS-PROCEDURE).
The first of these procedures, which youll define in a moment, prepares the Order query.
The second one detaches all the Data-Sources.
The remaining callbacks attach procedures to the temp-table buffers. Since the temp-table
and ProDataSet definitions are included in the OrderEvents.p, it is natural to think that
you can simply reference a buffer such as ttOrder in the callback definition:
Lets explore why this cant work the way you might expect it to. The code in
preOrderFill attaches all the Data-Sources to the buffer. This is what the preOrderFill
event procedure looks like:
PROCEDURE preOrderFill:
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ProDataSets Events
The SET-CALLBACK-METHOD method along with its event procedure compiles just fine,
because there is indeed a local ttOrder buffer the compiler can refer to. But before we go
any further, well show you what will happen if you run the window with the callbacks
defined in this way:
This message is telling you that Progress was unable to fill the ProDataSet because when
it got to the first table, ttOrder, there was no Data-Source for it, and there was also no
callback procedure to take the place of the Data-Source and to do the table fill itself. But
the code defines a callback procedure, and the callback procedure attaches the
Data-Sources. So what went wrong?
The answer is the same as in the example which showed the side effects of ProDataSets
passed BY-REFERENCE (Local parameter passing example section on page 217). The
ttOrder buffer definition in the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method in the main block has
no relationship to the ttOrder buffer for the ProDataSet handle phDataSet passed into
OrderEvents.p. The ProDataSet definition in dsOrder.i and its temp-table definitions in
dsOrderTT.i are strictly local at this point, and define what amounts to a separate instance
of the same temp-tables and ProDataSet. Thus, when the code is attached to a callback to
BUFFER ttOrder, its attaching it to a handle for a temp-table the procedure isnt really
using and that the caller isnt aware of.
8. To get the right buffer handle from the ProDataSet handle, you need to use one of the
ProDataSet methods, GET-BUFFER-HANDLE, to access the buffer handle through the
ProDataSet handle. This is the correct block of code that the main block of OrderEvents.p
must use to attach the remaining callback events:
("AFTER-FILL", "postOlineFill", THIS-PROCEDURE).
Youll learn about all the ProDataSet methods and attributes in following chapters. For
now, lets look at all the remaining callback procedures.
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9. The first one is for the BEFORE-FILL event of the ProDataSet itself. It prepares the Order
query based on the OrderNum that was passed in to OrderEvents.p:
PROCEDURE preDataSetFill:
Remember that this procedure isnt run when OrderEvents.p is run, but only later when
the FILL event occurs. The piOrderNum parameter value is still available only because in
this simple example the callback is only used by one caller, and its value is set when the
persistent procedure is first run. In a real application you should construct your callbacks
so that they can be shared by multiple instances of the objects that use them.
10. The second procedure is the AFTER-FILL event for the ProDataSet. It detaches all the
Data-Sources, again using the NUM-BUFFERS attribute and the GET-BUFFER-HANDLE method
to walk through the ProDataSet:
PROCEDURE postDataSetFill:
Youve seen the first buffer-level callback procedure, preOrderFill, which is the
BEFORE-FILL event for the ttOrder table. Take another look at the first lines of this
PROCEDURE preOrderFill:
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ProDataSets Events
The answer to this is one of the key points you must keep in mind as you build applications
with ProDataSets. The internal procedure preOrderFill receives a static reference to the
ProDataSet dsOrder as an INPUT parameter. This is valid because you can pass a static
ProDataSet reference to an internal procedure, whereas you cannot pass a static
ProDataSet reference to the main block of a persistent procedure such as OrderEvents.p.
Because Progress passes the ProDataSet dsOrder into preOrderFill by reference, it
simply points this internal procedure to the instance of dsOrder defined in the calling
procedure. The local temp-table and ProDataSet definitions in dsOrder.i and
dsOrderTT.i that the compiler uses to compile the reference to BUFFER ttOrder are
automatically mapped, at the time the internal procedure is run, to a completely separate
temp-table and ProDataSet definition. Therefore, within this internal procedure, the
expression BUFFER ttOrder refers correctly to the buffer handle of the ttOrder
temp-table, which is part of the ProDataSet dsOrder that is passed into the procedure. By
contrast, in the main block the same reference is not correct because the only thing
available to the main block is the handle of the callers ProDataSet, not the ProDataSet
itself. This is very important to understand as you start to work with ProDataSets.
Design tip: Always keep in mind as you develop your applications whether you have a
local ProDataSet, a reference to a ProDataSet defined in another procedure,
or simply a handle to a ProDataSet.
The callback for the AFTER-FILL event on the ttOline buffer calculates the extra field
OrderTotal in the ttOrder record:
PROCEDURE postOlineFill:
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There are two more important points that this very simple calculation illustrates:
Since the ttOline table has just been filled with all the OrderLines for the Order,
the code can refer to the temp-table rather than the database records. This helps you
write business logic that refers to the internal definition of your data, as distinct from
the details of how its stored in the database. If you change the nature of the mapping
between the OrderLine data in the database and the fields in the ttOline table in the
future, or even replace it with a completely different data source, the code that does
the calculation doesnt need to change.
Design tip: Always write your ProDataSet business logic to use the temp-table
definitions in your ProDataSets wherever possible, because this is the
definition that should remain constant and consistent regardless of how the
mapping to the underlying database tables or other data source might
The ttOrder record for the current ttOlines is immediately available to you
because of the way in which Progress executes the fill. For each ttOrder it populates,
it immediately goes down a level in the relations and fills the children of that parent.
This buffer currency is available to you even here where the local temp-table
definitions for ttOrder and ttOline are actually pointing to a ProDataSet defined
Design tip: Always remember that all the contents of the ProDataSet are available to
you in every event procedure. You can freely refer to parent records of the
current table, and the buffer for the parent table for an event executed during
a FILL will hold the parent record for the current children that triggered the
event. Once the FILL is complete, a ProDataSet reference can give you
access to any data in any of the ProDataSets tables.
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ProDataSets Events
11. The final procedure is different from the others in that it is executed at the level of a single
row fill, the AFTER-ROW-FILL event for the ttItem table. The procedure is executed once
for every row in the ttItem table, just after the row is created and the fields from the Item
Data-Source copied in:
PROCEDURE postItemRowFill:
DO iType = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(cItemTypes):
cType = ENTRY(iType, cItemTypes).
IF INDEX(ttItem.ItemName, cType) NE 0 THEN
ttItem.ItemName = REPLACE(ttItem.ItemName, cType, cType).
This bit of code looks at the ItemName field, identifies whether it contains one of several
key strings such as BASEBALL or CROQUET, and highlights those strings by replacing the
string in the name with all uppercase. This is a simple illustration of the usefulness of the
row-level event. You can use it to fill in calculated fields, to filter records beyond the
default record selection, and for other row-level purposes.
315 Page 16 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
12. Now if you run the Order ProDataSet window, you can see first of all that the code to
attach Data-Sources and other such things that was moved into the event procedures
executes correctly. In addition, the special event processing code that calculates the
OrderTotal field and highlights the key words in the Item Name are working as well:
Now you understand how to define business logic that will execute whenever your ProDataSet
is filled. The next chapter covers the dynamic forms for ProDataSets, Data-Sources, and other
objects, and the methods and attributes you can use to inspect and control a ProDataSet through
its handle.
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Dynamic ProDataSet Basics
Like other Progress objects, ProDataSets can be either static or dynamic. You define a static
ProDataSet and its related objects, such as Data-Sources, using the statements you learned
earlier. In this chapter, you will learn how to create a dynamic ProDataSet, add buffers
dynamically, add Data-Relations dynamically, and create dynamic Data-Sources.
You can also access a ProDataSet, Data-Relation, or Data-Source through its object handle.
Whether the ProDataSet is static or dynamic, you can execute methods, set object attributes, and
get object attributes through the handle, as described in the following sections:
Conclusion Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Instead of defining a static ProDataSet, you create a dynamic ProDataSet when part or all of its
definition has to be determined at run time. For example, you might need data in the application
or from specific user requests to define your ProDataSet. The CREATE DATASET statement gives
you a handle in the variable dataset-handle, which you can then use to build up the
ProDataSet through additional statements that add buffers and relations to it, much as you build
up a dynamic query or temp-table.
Note: If you do not specify the WIDGET-POOL poolname syntax to allocate storage in a specific
named widget pool, you might expect that the ProDataSet will be created in the closest
unnamed widget pool. This is the default behavior for other objects such as dynamic
queries. Instead, the ProDataSet goes into the sessions unnamed widget pool. This is
necessary because the ProDataSet object must be able to serve as an output parameter.
Therefore, the object cannot disappear when its defining procedure returns. Deletion
must be delayed until the object can be handed off as an output parameter to the calling
procedure. Likewise, the ProDataSet cannot go into a pool that is deleted when the
procedure is deleted. If you give a pool name for an output parameter ProDataSet,
remember that the pool must outlive the procedure where it is created.
The CREATE statement simply allocates storage for the ProDataSet description and puts a pointer
to that storage into the dataset-handle variable. You must then run methods on the ProDataSet
handle to define its buffers and relations. At this point, you can:
Pass it to another procedure that can receive and operate on it as a dynamic object.
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Passing ProDataSets
If you want to pass only the ProDataSet handle to another local procedure, which can then
access methods and attributes through the handle, use the HANDLE parameter form. As with any
other object, this form cannot be used in a remote call.
If you want to pass a reference to the entire ProDataSet structure and data to another procedure,
whether local or remote, use the DATASET-HANDLE parameter form. In this case, the receiving
procedure can also use the DATASET-HANDLE form to receive the ProDataSet as a dynamic object
and access it through its handle.
If the receiving procedure has a static ProDataSet definition, then it can receive the ProDataSet
as a static object using the DATASET parameter form, even though the ProDataSet was created
In either of these latter two cases, where you pass the ProDataSet as a DATASET-HANDLE, you can
pass it by reference when the call is local. Just like when you pass static ProDataSets, the call
incurs no overhead from copying the ProDataSet.
Remember that when you pass a ProDataSet remotely or by value (the default), Progress
instantiates the ProDataSet, along with its temp-tables, buffer, relations, and all the temp-table
data, in the procedure that receives the ProDataSet. If you use the dynamic DATASET-HANDLE
form in the procedure that receives the ProDataSet, then the procedure can access all the
ProDataSet elements through its attributes and methods.
You can also delete the ProDataSet by deleting its named widget pool if it was created in one.
If the ProDataSet is being passed as an output parameter, its widget pool should not be deleted
in the called procedure. It is okay to delete the ProDataSet object itself in the called procedure.
If the ProDataSet is in the unnamed session widget pool, the deletion will be delayed in the same
way that TEMP-TABLE object deletions are delayed when they are output parameters. If the
ProDataSet is in a named widget pool, it will be deleted when the widget pool is deleted.
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Dynamic buffers and tables in a dynamic ProDataSet are normally deleted automatically when
the ProDataSet is deleted. If you do not want one of a dynamic ProDataSets buffers or
temp-tables to be deleted, you can set the LOGICAL buffer attribute AUTO-DELETE to FALSE to
prevent auto-deletion of the buffer and its temp-table. This applies only to dynamic buffers.
You can specify one or more buffers for a dynamic ProDataSet with the SET-BUFFERS method,
which has the following syntax:
[logical-var = ] dataset-handle:SET-BUFFERS
( {buffer-handle-expression | buffer-name-expression }
[ , {buffer-handle-expression | buffer-name-expression } ] )
This statement defines all the buffers for the ProDataSet in a single method call, whether there
are one or more temp-tables in the ProDataSet.
Alternatively, you can add buffers to a dynamic ProDataSet one at a time, using the ADD-BUFFER
[ logical-var = ] dataset-handle:ADD-BUFFER
( buffer-handle-expression | buffer-name-expression )
These definitions apply to both the ADD-BUFFER and the SET-BUFFERS methods:
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Both ADD-BUFFER and SET-BUFFERS return an optional logical status, which is true if the method
was successful and false if not. Use SET-BUFFERS just once to set the entire buffer list for the
ProDataSet. If there were any buffers already added, SET-BUFFERS removes them first.
ADD-BUFFER adds a single buffer to those already there.
If you want to reset your ProDataSet to have no buffers, you can use this method:
This removes all elements from the ProDataSet definition, including buffers, relations, and so
on. It restores the state of the handle to exactly what it was after the CREATE DATASET statement.
As noted, by default, dynamic buffers that are added to a ProDataSet are deleted when the
ProDataSet is deleted, unless you set the buffers AUTO-DELETE attribute to FALSE.
relation-handle = dataset-handle:ADD-RELATION
( parent-buffer-handle, child-buffer-handle,
[ field-mapping-list ] [,reposition-mode ] ) .
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You can add multiple Data-Relations involving the same parent member temp-table. A table can
be a child in only one relation.
If the buffer handles specified are not in the ProDataSet, or fields supplied are not in the
indicated tables, Progress raises an error at run time.
The ADD-RELATION method returns a handle to the Data-Relation object, or the unknown value
if there was an error.
A buffer for a temp-table does not have to have any Data-Relations at all. In this case, it is
treated as an independent top-level data table within the ProDataSet. It must therefore be filled
independently, either individually or when the ProDataSet as a whole is filled. There can be any
number of top-level data tables (tables that are not the child in a Data-Relation). Each top-level
table can have child tables or not.
You cannot take a static ProDataSet and add a buffer to it using the ADD-BUFFER method, or
replace its buffers using SET-BUFFERS, or erase its buffer definition using the CLEAR method.
However, you can add a dynamic Data-Relation to a static ProDataSet. This could be useful in
the case where you need to use relations to navigate the ProDataSet but which are not necessary
for filling it. Another case could be where a single ProDataSet might require different relations,
depending on how it is used.
A difference in the ProDataSets relations does not cause an error when the ProDataSet is passed
as a parameter. If the ProDataSet is received dynamically using the DATASET-HANDLE form, then
Progress creates all the Data-Relations that are defined in the caller as dynamic relations in the
ProDataSet in the called procedure.
If the ProDataSet is received statically using the DATASET parameter form, then Progress ignores
the relations in the caller and uses the Data-Relation definitions in the receiving procedures
static ProDataSet definition. This means, for example, that you could pass a static ProDataSet
from server to client, add a Data-Relation to it dynamically on the client, and then pass the
ProDataSet back to the server without error. If the server-side definition is static, the extra
relation on the client is simply ignored when it arrives on the server.
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You can also create a dynamic Data-Source when you need one. You can attach a dynamic
Data-Source to either a static or dynamic ProDataSet. You use this statement to create a
dynamic Data-Source:
Like other database objects, the dynamic Data-Source is created in the closest unnamed
widget-pool unless the IN WIDGET-POOL phrase is used. It is automatically deleted when the
widget-pool is deleted. If there is no WIDGET-POOL phrase and no local CREATE WIDGET-POOL
statement, then it will go into the sessions unnamed widget pool. In this latter case, it must be
deleted specifically, using the DELETE OBJECT statement. By contrast, a static Data-Source is
automatically deleted when the procedure it is defined in is destroyed.
When you create a dynamic Data-Source, you get a handle and an empty structure to fill in. You
can then associate a query with the dynamic Data-Source by setting its QUERY attribute:
data-source-handle:QUERY = query-handle.
To disassociate the query and Data-Source, set the QUERY attribute to the unknown value:
data-source-handle:QUERY = ?.
Just like a static Data-Source, a dynamic Data-Source must have a set of buffers that can be
deduced from the query, or you can supply them separately from the query.
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In this method:
buffer-handle is the handle of a database buffer, or a temp-table buffer that you want to
use as a Data-Source for a temp-table in a ProDataSet.
As with ProDataSets, you cannot use the ADD-SOURCE-BUFFER method to add a buffer to a static
Data-Source dynamically. The DEFINE DATA-SOURCE statement must contain the complete
definition of the static Data-Source.
second-dataset-handle:CREATE-LIKE( { first-dataset-handle |
first-dataset-name-expr }
[ , prefix ] ).
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prefix is an optional prefix string to be added to the beginning of the table names in the
second-dataset. If you do not specify this, then the tables in the second-dataset have
the same names as the tables in the first-dataset.
To use this method, you must first create a dynamic ProDataSet, and then use CREATE-LIKE to
extract the definition of another, as in this sequence, where hDataSet is the handle of an existing
The temp-table buffers in the second ProDataSet have the same name as those in the first.
Because these are dynamic temp-tables and dynamic buffers, there is no name scoping conflict
with the names of the original ProDataSet. You must, in any case, reference the temp-tables and
buffers in hDataSet2 by their handles in order to identify them properly. However, if you wish
to have distinct table names, you must supply the optional prefix argument.
You can use CREATE-LIKE any time you need a second dynamic ProDataSet within a procedure
that has the same structure as another already defined or created. The ProDataSet structure,
including temp-table and relation definitions, is copied to the second ProDataSet; the source
ProDataSets data, however, is not copied.
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If you need two static ProDataSets with the same structure within a single procedure, you need
to define them individually using two different names, along with temp-tables with distinct
names. Unlike the dynamic temp-tables in a ProDataSet you build using CREATE-LIKE, two
static temp-tables scoped to the same procedure cannot have the same name. So, you could use
a sequence of statements, such as this, to create two equivalent static ProDataSets:
An include file with an argument that adds a standard prefix or suffix to the temp-table and
ProDataSet names could, of course, simplify the job of defining multiple sets of temp-tables and
ProDataSets with equivalent structures, like those in the preceding example.
Keep in mind that these static ProDataSets and their temp-tables must have distinct names
because they are top-level, unqualified objects that share the same name space within the
procedure. The Data-Relations and Relation-Fields can have the same names in both
ProDataSets because they are implicitly qualified within their definitions by the ProDataSet
name, just as the temp-table fields are implicitly qualified by the temp-table name. Any
reference to the fields within the procedure needs to explicitly qualify the names so that Progress
knows which one youre referring to. A relation can be accessed by name through its parent
ProDataSet, as in DATASET DataSet1:GET-RELATION(Relation1) or in DATASET
Alternatively, you can use a persistent procedure that defines a ProDataSet as a kind of factory
for multiple instances of that ProDataSet. Each running instance of the procedure has its own
ProDataSet, scoped to that procedure, each with its own data.
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You typically use the CREATE-LIKE method to create a second ProDataSet for holding just the
changes that have been made so that you can pass them to another procedure or another session
for processing. This topic is discussed in later chapters along with the operation of before-tables
where the original field values for changed rows are held. For now, note that if the original
ProDataSet has defined before-tables, the CREATE-LIKE method creates a before-table for the
tables in the new ProDataSet as well.
For cases where you want to copy the data in one ProDataSet to another ProDataSet, you can
use the COPY-DATASET method, which is described in COPY-DATASET and
COPY-TEMP-TABLE methods section on page 725. COPY-DATASET also lets you copy the
ProDataSet structure and definition as well, if the target is a dynamic ProDataSet handle with
no structure. In this way, it lets you combine what the CREATE-LIKE method does with
copying data in the same operation.
The ProDataSet can have any number of buffers, but (for the sake of simplicity) creates a single
Data-Relation between the top two buffers. Any additional buffers are considered independent
buffers not related to others in the ProDataSet.
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pcFields A list of fields to define the relation between the first two buffers passed in.
pcSources A list of database table names to use as Data-Sources for the buffers, one
for each buffer.
pcSourceKeys A list of key fields for the Data-Source tables, one for each Data-Source.
pcKeyValue A key value for the top-level table to use to fill the ProDataSet.
It this first example, the ProDataSet is actually constructed from static temp-tables defined in
the calling procedure, so it will work only within a single session. Later you will take advantage
of additional dynamic ProDataSet methods and attributes to separate the caller from the called
program entirely.
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The procedure then walks through the list of temp-table buffer handles passed into it as a
comma-separated string and adds each in turn to the ProDataSet, by converting each string back
into a handle and executing the ADD-BUFFER method for it:
Next, the procedure adds a single Data-Relation to the ProDataSet, using the first buffer as the
parent and the second buffer handle as the child. The GET-BUFFER-HANDLE method returns the
ProDataSets temp-table buffers in the same order in which they were added. The pcFields
parameter defines the parent and child fields to use to establish the relation:
Next, the procedure walks through the list of source tables for the ProDataSet. For each one, it
creates a dynamic Data-Source. It then creates a dynamic buffer for the table and uses
ADD-SOURCE-BUFFER to add it to the dynamic Data-Source.
The final statement of this group uses a sequence of handle attributes to do several steps. Once
again GET-BUFFER-HANDLE returns the handle of the temp-table buffer in the ProDataSet that
corresponds to the Data-Source. The statement then uses this handle to attach the Data-Source
to that buffer:
DO iEntry = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(pcSources):
CREATE BUFFER hBuffer FOR TABLE ENTRY(iEntry, pcSources).
hDataSource:ADD-SOURCE-BUFFER(hBuffer, ENTRY(iEntry,pcSourceKeys)).
Theres no problem with using the same buffer handle for each dynamic buffer and the same
handle for each dynamic Data-Source because as each is added to the ProDataSet, the dynamic
ProDataSet can keep track of them internally. Attributes and methods such as
GET-BUFFER-HANDLE let you walk through the ProDataSet after its been built so that you can
identify all of its components.
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Now the procedure needs to prepare a database query for the table that is the source for the first,
top-level temp-table in the ProDataSet so that the ProDataSet can be filled with all the records
related to a single top-level record.
For this entry, the procedure creates a dynamic query and adds the dynamic buffer for this
tables database source table as the querys buffer. Then it constructs a QUERY-PREPARE string
from the table name, the key field for the table, and the key value to use to populate the
ProDataSet. (Note that for simplicity the procedure expects only one key field for each
Data-Source.) Finally, it makes this dynamic query the query for the first Data-Source:
IF iEntry = 1 THEN
hQuery:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH " + ENTRY(1, pcSources) +
" WHERE " + ENTRY(1, pcSourceKeys) +
" = " + pcKeyValue).
hDataSource:QUERY = hQuery.
END. /* END DO IF iEntry = 1 */
END. /* END DO iEntry = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES */
This ends the loop that walks through the list of Data-Sources.
Finally, the procedure issues a FILL on the ProDataSet handle, and cleans up by deleting the
dynamic query and each dynamic Data-Source:
DO iEntry = 1 TO phDataSet:NUM-BUFFERS:
hBuffer = phDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(iEntry).
After this method executes, the procedure returns the dynamic ProDataSet to the caller as an
output parameter.
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Now its time to write a procedure, DynamicMain.p, that calls this one. This version of the
procedure defines some static temp-tables for the ProDataSet to use, along with a handle to hold
the ProDataSet that is returned to it:
In this statement:
The first parameter is a list of the buffer handles of this procedures static temp-tables.
Once again, this simplifies the example to the extent that these handles could, of course,
not be passed across an AppServer call to be used on the server. Later in this chapter, you
will see a fully dynamic version.
The second parameter is a list of key fields for the parent and child of the ProDataSets
one Data-Relation.
The fourth parameter is a list of the (single) key fields for each of those tables.
The fifth parameter is the key value to use to the top-level table, in this case Customer
number 1.
The final OUTPUT parameter receives the ProDataSet back from the other procedure.
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Following this, a series of simple FOR EACH statements shows what we get back:
And finally, remember to delete the dynamic ProDataSet thats been returned:
Design tip: When your procedure creates a dynamic ProDataSet or receives a dynamic
ProDataSet as an OUTPUT parameter, you must remember to take responsibility for
deleting it when you are done using it. If you specify BY-REFERENCE in the
parameter, your procedure might not know for sure whether it owns the
ProDataSet or not. If the called procedure is run locally, then the calling
procedure is actually using the ProDataSet owned by the called procedure. If the
same procedure is run across an AppServer connection, then the ProDataSet is
copied across the network and a new dynamic ProDataSet is created in the calling
procedure. In such a case, you should use the statement DELETE OBJECT
dataset-handle NO-ERROR to delete the object if it is created for the calling
procedure and not otherwise. Progress prevents the calling procedure from
deleting a ProDataSet passed BY-REFERENCE from another local procedure, and
the NO-ERROR keyword suppresses the warning error in this case.
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Run the main procedure to see what you get back. First is the single Customer record that
satisfies the top-level query:
Next come all of its Orders (this screen shot is somewhat abbreviated):
These are identified by Progress based on the dynamic Data-Relation between these two tables.
Progress has constructed a query automatically that selected just these Orders for the
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Last come the SalesReps. Because there is no Data-Relation defined for this table, and no query
for it either, Progress retrieves all the SalesReps and loads them all into the ProDataSet:
This chapter introduced you to creating, duplicating, and deleting the components of a dynamic
Member buffers
Dynamic Data-Source
The next chapter describes the attributes and methods you can use to manipulate these
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ProDataSet Attributes and Methods
This chapter introduces the attributes and methods of the ProDataSet, Data-Relation, and
Data-Source objects, as described in the following sections:
Accessing Data-Relations
Conclusion Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
You can, of course, also use the expression DATASET dsOrder:HANDLE in place of a handle
within a larger Progress statement without assigning it to a variable at all.
In order to access the member buffers in a ProDataSet, you use the GET-BUFFER-HANDLE
method, which accepts either a numeric index or a buffer name:
[handle-var = ] dataset-handle:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE
( buffer-index-expression | buffer-name-expression )
52 Page 3 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In this method:
GET-BUFFER-HANDLE returns the buffer handle of the member buffer, or the unknown value if
the buffer cannot be found.
To find out how many temp-tables there are in a ProDataSet, you use the NUM-BUFFERS attribute:
[ integer-var ] = dataset-handle:NUM-BUFFERS
Of course, if the ProDataSet definition is local to the procedure seeking the buffer handle, you
can simply get the handle directly if you know its name without going through the ProDataSet,
as in:
The buffer-name-expression form is useful if you have only the handle to the ProDataSet
available and need to locate one of its buffers by name to act on it, to set a callback procedure,
or to attach a Data-Source, for example.
The buffer handle provides the same access to the data in the temp-table as any other usage of
a buffer handle.
The member buffers of a ProDataSet point back to the ProDataSet handle using the DATASET
dataset-handle = buffer-handle:DATASET.
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To modify the example, create a copy of DynamicDataSet.p and name the new procedure
DynamicDataSet2.p. Modify the parameter list to eliminate the pcBuffers parameter and to
reorder the others to base the ProDataSet definition on the database tables it is filled from:
Also, you need another handle variable to point to a series of dynamic temp-tables you will
create for the database sources:
Modify the block of code that walks through the buffer handle list in DynamicDataSet.p to walk
through the list of database source tables and create a dynamic temp-table LIKE each in turn.
Prepare each temp-table definition and then add the tables default buffer handle to the
ProDataSet. The following block of code replaces the code beginning with DO iEntry = 1 TO
DO iEntry = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(pcSources):
hTable:CREATE-LIKE(ENTRY(iEntry, pcSources)).
hTable:TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE("tt" + ENTRY(iEntry, pcSources)).
54 Page 5 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
As with other parts of these procedures, you can use the same temp-table handle variable for
each of the temp-tables because once it has been added to the ProDataSet, the ProDataSet
structure keeps track of the handles value and position within the ProDataSet. You are then free
to reuse the same handle variable to create another new dynamic temp-table that will have its
own value for that handle.
There is one more small change. The pcKeyValue parameter used to retrieve data related to a
single top-level table is changed to accept an expression such as = 1 or < 10, by removing
the equal sign literal ( = ) from the QUERY-PREPARE method. This lets you have one or more
top-level records in the ProDataSet. This will help illustrate some of the object attributes as we
go along:
The rest of the procedure remains the same. Now the dependency on static temp-table
definitions has been removed, and there is no need to pass any handles in the parameter list that
would not survive being passed across the AppServer boundary.
Copy DynamicMain.p to a new variant called DynamicMain2.p. In this new procedure, you can
delete the static temp-table definitions because you are making everything dynamic. This is why
dynamicDataSet2.p now creates them as dynamic temp-tables instead of receiving their
Youll need several variables along the way to hold various attributes and other values, so define
them at the top of the procedure:
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Change the RUN statement to run DynamicDataSet2.p, and rearrange the parameters to match.
Change the pcKeyValues parameter 1 to be = 1:
Create a dynamic query that you will use in several parts of the procedure:
Remove all the rest of the code (the DISPLAY blocks) except for the final DELETE OBJECT
At this point, you can add a series of blocks of code following the CREATE QUERY statement to
illustrate how to access the ProDataSet dynamically.
This first example is a block of code that retrieves the number of buffers in the ProDataSet. For
each one, it retrieves its buffer handle and then does a dynamic FIND-FIRST method on that
handle to position to the first record in that temp-table. (FIND-FIRST is, of course, a standard
Progress dynamic buffer method.) The MESSAGE statement shows the first two fields in each
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When you run this, you can confirm that the dynamic temp-tables have the same data as the
static temp-tables did before:
A ProDataSet buffer that is not the child of a relation is referred to as a top-level buffer. There
might be more than one top-level buffer in a ProDataSet. The NUM-TOP-BUFFERS attribute gives
you the number of those buffers:
[ integer-var = ] dataset-handle:NUM-TOP-BUFFERS
The GET-TOP-BUFFER method returns the handle of one of those buffers using its index within
the list of top-level buffers:
This example code for DynamicMain2.p shows that ttCustomer and ttSalesRep are both
top-level buffers, because they do not participate in a relation:
/* This block shows the attribute and method that access the
list of DataSet buffers that are not children in a relation.*/
DO iBuffer = 1 TO hDataSet:NUM-TOP-BUFFERS:
hBuffer = hDataSet:GET-TOP-BUFFER(iBuffer).
MESSAGE "Buffer " iBuffer hBuffer:NAME
57 Page 8 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Accessing Data-Relations
This section looks at attributes and methods that give you access to and information about the
ProDataSets Data-Relations. First there is a NUM-RELATIONS attribute to return the number of
[ integer-var = ] dataset-handle:NUM-RELATIONS
You can retrieve the handle to a particular relation using the GET-RELATION method with its
numeric index in the ProDataSet or its name:
[ handle-var = ] dataset-handle:GET-RELATION
( relation-index-expr | relation-name-expr)
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Once you have a relation object, you can access its attributes. CHILD-BUFFER returns the buffer
handle of the child member of the Data-Relation:
[ buffer-handle = ] relation-handle:CHILD-BUFFER
[ buffer-handle = ] relation-handle:PARENT-BUFFER
The following two attributes and method provide access to a relation through one of the member
buffer handles. The NUM-CHILD-RELATIONS attribute returns the number of Data-Relations for
which the buffer is the parent. There might be more than one because a buffer can be a parent
in multiple relations, with different children:
[ integer-var = ] buffer-handle:NUM-CHILD-RELATIONS
As with the ProDataSets GET-BUFFER-HANDLE method, you can use the GET-CHILD-RELATION
method to walk through the list of child relations for a particular parent buffer using the buffer
index within the list:
You can also point back from the child buffer of a Data-Relation to its PARENT-RELATION:
[ handle-var = ] buffer-handle:PARENT-RELATION
Because a buffer cannot have more than one parent, there is no need for an attribute to return
the number of parent buffers.
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This code sample and output for DynamicMain2.p confirms the parent and child of the
ProDataSets one relation:
Progress creates a dynamic query representing each Data-Relation in the ProDataSet. This
query provides filtering of child records in each relation so that you can use it if you want to
walk the child records for the current parent. If you attach this query to a browse object, the
browse is automatically refreshed with the right child records as the currently selected parent
record changes. Several attributes provide access to and information about this query.
The first attribute is the relations WHERE-STRING, which returns the current where clause used
to link the child of the relation to its parent, beginning with the keyword WHERE but not including
the FOR EACH phrase of a QUERY-PREPARE method on a query. This attribute evaluates to the
query string that Progress generates for you based on the relation between parent and child. You
could use this attribute to build an extended query of your own based on the default relationship
but extending it in some way:
[ character-var = ] relation-handle:WHERE-STRING
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The RELATION-FIELDS attribute returns the list of join fields between the parent and child as
specified in the relation definition. This can be useful in code that exploits or extends the list of
join fields without parsing the WHERE-STRING. In the default case, it provides essentially the
same information but not necessarily in an ideal form for analyzing the relation:
[ character-var = ] relation-handle:RELATION-FIELDS
You can access the dynamic query itself through the relations QUERY attribute:
[ handle-var = ] relation-handle:QUERY
This returns the handle of the navigation query that Progress manages to filter children of the
current parent when navigating the ProDataSet. This is not the same as the query defined for a
Data-Source. This automatically generated query expresses the relation between parent and
child temp-tables. This handle cannot be set, and the query cannot be modified. You can use this
query to navigate the child records, if you wish. This might be useful because it is automatically
opened for you each time the parent changes. Progress can insert the correct parent key field
values directly into the child query each time the parent record changes, so it does not need to
be fully prepared when the parent changes. This makes this default query more efficient than a
4GL query you would re-prepare and reopen yourself each time the parent changes. You can
also prepare and open your own query on any of the member buffers, or use FOR EACH or FIND
syntax to access the rows in any member table.
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Its output shows you the WHERE-STRING and RELATION-FIELDS attributes for the ProDataSets
one relation:
As you can see, the WHERE-STRING of the query selects records in ttOrder whose CustNum
matches ttCustomer. The RELATION-FIELDS attribute lists the fields used in the join. You can
use either of these strings as a starting point, if you want, for a query of your own. Remember
that you cannot change these strings or alter the default query itself. You can only use the strings
to construct a new query of your own if you need to refine the selection in some way.
So lets use this query to walk through the records in the ttOrder table:
hQuery = hRelation:QUERY.
hBuffer = hRelation:CHILD-BUFFER.
This block of code retrieves the relations query, whose join fields and where-clause youve
already seen. It opens the query, retrieves the first record, and displays the first two fields in the
buffer for each record that satisfies the query.
If you run the procedure with this block of code, you get nothing. Why?
The reason is that theres no ttCustomer record selected. The ProDataSet does not
automatically select any records in its temp-tables. You have to set the navigation in motion
with queries or find statements of your own. The ProDataSet prepares queries for dependent
tables, but again, you need to use the query to actually bring records into the buffers.
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If you add this next statement just before the code in the previous code example, it brings the
first (and, in this case, only) ttCustomer record into that parent tables buffer:
Now the query for ttOrder has a proper ttCustomer.CustNum value for its own query, and you
get the results you expect, and so forth:
[ logical-var = ] relation-handle:REPOSITION.
This method returns true if the relation is a REPOSITION relation, otherwise false. It can be set
to change the mode of a relation.
The ProDataSet also supports a logical RELATIONS-ACTIVE attribute. By default, all relations in
a ProDataSet are active. To deactivate all the Data-Relations in a ProDataSet, set the attribute
value to false:
dataset-handle:RELATIONS-ACTIVE = FALSE.
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Alternatively, you can deactivate or reactivate a relation between two buffers in a ProDataSet
by setting the ACTIVE attribute on the relation handle:
When a relation is false, there are several changes to the default behavior of the ProDataSet,
depending on whether the FILL is done on the ProDataSet handle or on one of its buffer handles.
By contrast, if the FILL is done on the ProDataSet handle, then every child of a deactivated
relation is treated as a top-level table and filled either according to its query definition, if it has
one, or with all records from its Data-Source.
Second, if a relation is inactive during navigation of a ProDataSet, the dynamic query for the
child table is not prepared or opened as parent records are selected, even if there is a browse
associated with the relations query. Any access to the child temp-table must be through a query,
FOR EACH, or other standard Progress construct in the application code.
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Standard object attributes that are defined for the Data-Relation object include:
The GET-DATASET-BUFFER attribute on the Data-Source handle returns the buffer handle for the
Data-Sources associated ProDataSet buffer:
buffer-handle = datasource-handle:GET-DATASET-BUFFER.
You can get the source buffers from a data-source with the NUM-SOURCE-BUFFERS attribute and
datasource-handle:GET-SOURCE-BUFFER [ (buffer-index) ]
Because a Data-Source most often has only one source buffer, the buffer-index argument is
optional and defaults to 1.
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You can retrieve the current where-clause for a buffers query, whether it has been set explicitly
or derived automatically from the fields in its relation, using the read-only FILL-WHERE-STRING
You cannot set this attribute, but you might want to use the string to help you construct a query
of your own to retrieve records that perhaps require more filtering than the relation provides by
As with other objects, you can get a handle to a static Data-Source. Precede the Data-Source
name with the keyword DATA-SOURCE:
This block of code added to DynamicDataSet2.p retrieves the Data-Source for each of the
ProDataSets buffers and displays its database source buffers name and the where-clause that
Progress generates automatically for the table based on the relation:
DO iEntry = 1 TO phDataSet:NUM-BUFFERS:
hBuffer = phDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(iEntry).
MESSAGE "Data-Source: "
516 Page 17 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The first database table for the ProDataSet is the Customer table. Theres no default
where-clause for it because its the top-level table and has no parent. Even though you have
defined a where-clause for this top-level table in the DynamicDataSet procedure, thats not
assigned to the FILL-WHERE-STRING attribute. This attribute shows only the default selection
Progress generates for you:
The second Data-Source is the Order table. It does have a FILL-WHERE-STRING because it is the
child of a relation. If you compare its FILL-WHERE-STRING attribute with the WHERE-STRING of
its Data-Relation, you can see the difference between the job the Data-Source has to do during
a FILL and the job the relation does after the FILL is complete and youre navigating the
This FILL-WHERE-STRING retrieves Order records from the Order database table by matching
the CustNum of the ttCustomer temp-table record that has just been retrieved from the database
Customer table and created in the ProDataSets temp-table.
The relations WHERE-STRING compares the ttCustomer temp-table with the records already in
the ttOrder temp-table, because its used to navigate the filled ProDataSet:
Finally, you see the Data-Source for the SalesRep table. It also has no FILL-WHERE-STRING
because it is not involved in a relation at all.
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Standard object attributes that are valid for the Data-Source and accessible through its handle
CREATE ttOrder.
FIND Order WHERE Order.OrderNum = 1.
BUFFER-COPY Order TO ttOrder.
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This has been a limitation ever since dynamic queries were introduced into the language.
Progress cannot parse out ttOrder.OrderNum from the rest of the where-clause and insert the
current value of the field. Instead you have to code it this way:
CREATE ttOrder.
FIND Order WHERE Order.OrderNum = 1.
BUFFER-COPY Order TO ttOrder.
However, when a query is associated with a buffer that is a member of a ProDataSet, it has
enhanced rules for what will compile in its dynamic predicate. As you can see from this
example, the predicate of a normal query on a normal buffer is limited to an expression
involving exclusively either constants or fields from the buffers table itself. But if the buffer is
part of a ProDataSet, this restriction is relaxed to allow references to any other member buffers
in the ProDataSet. Also, if the buffer is part of a Data-Source, you might be able to do a dynamic
FIND on it using the tables in any attached ProDataSet buffer. If the buffer is part of a query that
is attached to a Data-Source, you also might be able to do a dynamic QUERY-PREPARE on it,
referencing the Data-Sources ProDataSet target buffers.
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This means, for example, that given a ProDataSet for ttOrder and its ttOrderlines, the
Data-Source query for populating the ProDataSet temp-table ttOrderline from the OrderLine
database table can reference the parent temp-table ttOrder directly. In such a case, Progress
automatically generates and manages queries that use the information in the Data-Relations to
filter the current set of ttOrderLine records for a ttOrder. Internally, Progress can take
advantage of internal buffer references to insert a key value such as ttOrder.OrderNum into the
ttOrderline query without having to re-prepare the ttOrderline query each time the selected
ttOrder changes. This greatly increases the run time efficiency compared to what you would
have to do in 4GL code to re-prepare and re-open a child query each time the parent row
You can then follow the chain of all dynamic Data-Sources using the SESSION:NEXT-SIBLING
You can identify the first dynamic ProDataSet in a session, using the new session attribute
You can then follow the chain of all dynamic ProDataSets, using the SESSION:NEXT-SIBLING
Although it is somewhat independent of the ProDataSet support, there is also a new session
attribute FIRST-QUERY to identify the first dynamic query in a session:
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You can again follow the chain of all dynamic queries in a session using the
SESSION:NEXT-SIBLING attribute. This chain will include all auto-generated queries, such as
those for Data-Relations, as well as ones youve created in your procedures.
The CLEAR method destroys the entire definition of a dynamic ProDataSet, returning it to the
state it was in just after the CREATE statement for it. You can then reuse the ProDataSet handle
to build another dynamic ProDataSet. This method cannot be used on a static ProDataSet.
By contrast, the EMPTY-DATASET method empties all records from all the ProDataSets tables,
but does not destroy the ProDataSet definition. You can use this method on a static ProDataSets
handle or on a dynamic ProDataSet. This is similar to the EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE method for a
temp-table. It is much more efficient than looping through the records and deleting them one at
a time. Unless there is an active transaction, the records in each temp-table of the ProDataSet
are eliminated in a single operation. If there is an active transaction, then the slower
record-by-record operation is done. Normally, you should empty a ProDataSet only when there
is no active transaction.
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In some cases, it is more likely that a user interface procedure on the client side of the
application wants to accept a variety of different ProDataSets and display their data in a
consistent way, by inspecting the ProDataSet structure and creating dynamic user interface
objects such as fields and browses appropriate to the ProDataSet.
This section shows you an example of how you can build these kinds of procedures. Youll run
the same DynamicDataSet2.p procedure you built earlier, but from an AppBuilder-built
window procedure that creates a series of dynamic browses for the tables in the ProDataSet.
Attaching a browse to a ProDataSet temp-table is very easy. If the table the browse displays is
the child of a Data-Relation, then you can simply associate the browse with the dynamic query
the ProDataSet generates for the relation. In this way the browse automatically shows the right
records for the parent of the relation, because the dynamic query is filtered based on the parent
key values and automatically reopens itself internally each time the record in the parent buffer
changes. This can happen either programmatically by using a GET-NEXT() method or similar
statement on the query, or by selecting a record in a browse for the parent table.
2. Name its default window BrowseWin and its default frame BrowseFrame.
4. In the procedures Main Block, add a statement to run an internal procedure called
RUN enable_UI.
RUN showDataSet.
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5. Define the internal procedure showDataSet. The procedure gets a dynamic ProDataSet
back from DynamicDataSet2.p, and it creates three browses, each of which has a query
and a buffer handle, so it needs these variables:
Note that this example is somewhat simplified in that it is designed to accept a ProDataSet
of exactly the kind that DynamicDataSet2.p creates, with three tables and a single
Data-Relation between the first two of these tables. By extending the procedure somewhat,
you can make it work properly for virtually any combination of tables and relations that
might come from another procedure. You can also make a decision as to which data to
display with dynamic fill-ins or other single field objects, and which to display in browses.
The top-level buffer does not have a query created for it automatically because these
Data-Relation queries are only for the child table of a relation, where the filtering occurs.
So, retrieve the buffer handle for the ProDataSets first buffer and create a dynamic query
for it.
7. Prepare the query for each record in the top-level temp-table and open it:
hBuffer1 = hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(1).
hQuery1:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH " + hBuffer1:NAME).
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The QUERY attribute connects the browse to the query on the top-level table.
The HIDDEN attribute makes sure it is displayed when the window is displayed.
The NO-VALIDATE attribute disables any field-level validation expressions that are built
into the schema definitions for the database tables and inherited, by default, by the
ProDataSets temp-tables. For example, if theres a field validation expression for the
ttOrder table that tries to check that the CustNum is in the Customer table, this might not
work because the ProDataSet, and potentially your window as well, are not connected to
the database.
The SEPARATORS attribute provides vertical and horizontal lines between columns and
rows to improve readability.
The SENSITIVE attribute allows you to scroll the browse, even though its columns are not
9. Complete the browse definition by adding all the columns from the top-level tables buffer
to it:
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10. You need to identify the query for the second table in the ProDataSet (the ttOrder table
in this example). Because this is the child buffer of a Data-Relation, theres a query already
available for you to use. You will recall that this query has a WHERE-STRING that filters
ttOrder records for the currently selected ttCustomer:
Progress inserts the right value for ttCustomer.CustNum each time the ttCustomer record
in its buffer changes.
To use this query, simply retrieve its handle from the Data-Relation and open it:
hQuery2 = hDataSet:GET-RELATION(1):QUERY.
11. Create a second dynamic browse to display its records, positioning it below the first one:
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12. Get the temp-tables buffer handle and add its columns to the second browse:
13. Create a query for the third table. Because this is not in a relation, theres no Data-Relation
query for it, so you need to create and prepare it yourself:
hBuffer3 = hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(3).
hQuery3:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH " + hBuffer3:NAME).
14. Create a third browse to display the third buffers records, positioning it below the second
one and add the buffers columns to the browse:
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Voil! The top-level browse confirms that you selected just one Customer. The second one
displays the Orders for that Customer. Because displaying the Customer browse
automatically positions to that one record in the ttCustomer buffer, the Data-Relations
query for the ttOrder query finds the value it needs there. The third browse shows all
SalesReps, unrelated to the other tables.
16. Just to confirm what the Data-Relation query does for you, and how this is especially
useful when you attach it to a browse, modify the RUN statement to request all Customers
less than 10, along with their Orders:
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As you select different Customers, the Order browse reopens automatically with its
Orders. Remember that the ttOrder table in the ProDataSet actually contains all the
Orders of all the selected Customers, but its default query filters them for you when this
is useful, as it is when you use a browse to display them.
18. Just to prove that the dynamic nature of the procedure really works, change the parameters
of the RUN statement to use a different set of tables:
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Theres one small problem here. Our simplified example expects a single key field for each
table, and the key for OrderLine is, in fact, OrderNum and LineNum together. However, this
doesnt affect the example in this case:
So what you have created here is a factory for a particular class of ProDataSets (the procedure
DynamicDataSet2.p) and a general-purpose display mechanism for any ProDataSet of that type
(the window procedure DynDataSetWin.w). This is a simple example of a very powerful
Feel free to extend the window to prompt the user for the table and field names the parameters
need, to make the example more fully dynamic.
529 Page 30 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
This causes the ProDataSet to traverse the ProDataSet hierarchy starting at buffer
buffer-handle. It reopens each relation query for the current parent at each level, just as it
happens automatically when you select a record in a browse or perform some 4GL action that
changes the record position in a parent buffer whose children are attached to browses. The
synchronize behavior is not provided automatically in all cases because there are simply too
many different ways in which the position could be changed and too many different responses
that a developer might want. Always reopening all related queries is not appropriate, because of
the expense involved.
As part of the SYNCHRONIZE() method, Progress automatically positions to the first row in each
relation query in addition to reopening it on children of the current parent row. This is not done
if the query is being browsed (with a 4GL client browse widget) because the browse effectively
forces a GET-FIRST already.
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Doing this automatically spares the developer from having to write a GET-FIRST method on each
child query. A typical block of code to navigate through the children of the current parent looks
like this:
/* If there are further children */
/* Processing code for the current row goes here. */
If you forget the GET-FIRST, the loop exits immediately because the query is OFF-END if
theres no row at all in its buffer.
In addition, this is the only way to propagate a SYNCHRONIZE() through multiple parent-child
levels. Consider the example of a three-level ProDataSet with tables ttCustomer, ttOrder, and
ttOrderLine. The application does a SYNCHRONIZE() on the ttCustomer table when the user
selects a different row in that table. Without doing an implicit GET-FIRST on the ttOrder table
to position it to the first ttOrder for the newly selected ttCustomer, the relation query for the
ttOrderLine table wont be properly reopened and filtered for OrderLines of the Customers
first Order, because there would be no current row in the ttOrder table.
Independent of all this, you can freely define queries of your own to navigate the tables in the
ProDataSet after it has been filled, or even as part of custom code to populate one or more tables
of a ProDataSet independent of its FILL method.
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However, in situations where the parent table of a Data-Relation is not viewed in a Progress
browse control, and where the application is making use of the relation queries, it can simplify
the programming not to have to insert SYNCHRONIZE methods in all the places where the current
row position might be changed. To support this, there is an AUTO-SYNCHRONIZE Logical attribute
available for both the ProDataSet and each ProDataSet temp-table buffer. This is initially FALSE
and is never set to TRUE by Progress. If it is set to TRUE by the application, then every change of
row position in an affected ProDataSet buffer causes a SYNCHRONIZE automatically, just as
invoking the SYNCHRONIZE method would do. Setting the attribute to TRUE for the ProDataSet
effectively sets it to TRUE for all its buffers. Otherwise, you can selectively set it for individual
buffers where you want the automated synchronize behavior.
When you fill a ProDataSet, REPOSITION mode on a relation causes Progress to treat the relation
as deactivated and to populate the child table with all records from its Data-Source buffer, or
with all those you specify in your own Data-Source query.
When you are navigating, REPOSITION mode causes Progress to reposition its default query on
the relation to the correct record rather than reopening the query to select only that record.
In this section, you will extend the dsOrderWin.w example to show the effect of the REPOSITION
mode on a relation. Youll also use the SYNCHRONIZE method to readjust the queries the browses
for OrderLines and Items use.
First, open dsOrder.i and add the keyword REPOSITION at the end of the LineItem relation
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Next, get the window procedure to use the relation queries rather than the static queries the
AppBuilder generates. When you created dsOrderWin.w, you created two static browses to
show the contents of ttOline and ttItem. The AppBuilder generated queries for the
temp-tables for you when you did this, and associated them with preprocessor values:
You then used the OPEN-BROWSERS preprocessor in the LEAVE trigger for the Order Number field:
Now, however, you want to use the dynamic queries the ProDataSet provides for you so that
you dont even have to bother using those the AppBuilder defines.
In the Main Block of dsOrderWin.w, add these lines to associate the two browse objects with
the ProDataSet relation queries:
RUN enable_UI.
/* Replace the default AppBuilder-generated static queries with
the ones that are part of the Data-Relations. */
OlineBrowse:QUERY =
ItemBrowse:QUERY =
533 Page 34 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The OrderLine relation query is filtered automatically for ttOlines of the currently selected
ttOrder. In the case of this sample window, there is only one ttOrder in the ProDataSet at a
time. As you have seen from other examples, if there is more than one parent, the relation query
filters for the current parent.
Because of the REPOSITION qualifier on the relation, the LineItem relation query doesnt select
just the ttItem for the current ttOrder. Instead, this qualifier tells Progress to leave the ttItem
query open for all ttItem records, and to reposition it to the correct ttItem for the current
The SET-REPOSITIONED-ROW method tells Progress to make the selected row the fourth row in
the viewport, so its in the middle, unless its already being displayed (thats the CONDITIONAL
In the LEAVE trigger for iOrderNum, you need to add statements that close the relation queries
that the ttOline and ttItem browses are now using. If you dont do this, you might see
anomalous behavior when they are reopened for the ProDataSet on another Order:
IF iOrderNum NE 0 THEN
Remove or comment out the OPEN-BROWSERS preprocessor. In addition, add a line to run the
SYNCHRONIZE method on the top-level buffer, for ttOrder:
Since youve connected the two browses to the relation queries, you dont need to use the static
ones anymore. But because theres no browse at the top level, for the ttOrder fields, you need
to nudge Progress and tell it to go through the steps to reopen or reposition the related queries
for the current ttOrder record. This is what SYNCHRONIZE does.
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When you rerun the window procedure, you can see the effect of the REPOSITION relation:
You can scroll up and down in the ItemBrowse to see that Progress has retrieved all Items into
the temp-table. Thats what REPOSITION does at FILL time. As you can see, the relation query
the browse is using is automatically positioned to the correct ttItem each time you select a
ttOline record. Thats the part that REPOSITION does when youre navigating a filled
ProDataSet. If you want one behavior without the other, you can turn the REPOSITION attribute
on and off at run time.
Just to reinforce what is happening here, try removing the REPOSITION keyword from
dsOrder.i again and rerunning the window:
At fill time, Progress is loading only Items that are in one or more of your OrderLines into
ttItem. When you view the data, its filtering ttItem to show only the one ttItem for the
current ttOline in the browse. So theres really nothing to browse in this case.
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At this point, youve been introduced to all the important code features of the ProDataSet.
Following chapters will focus on common use cases for updating, reading, and writing
ProDataSet data.
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Updating Data with ProDataSets
Once you have filled a ProDataSet with data and passed it to a client for display, you will likely
have to process changes to the data. The ProDataSet supports a number of features to help you
capture changes made on the client, pass them back to the server, and then apply those changes
to the Data-Source tables. Of course, you can also make changes within a single session, even
within a single procedure, and write them back to the database without passing the ProDataSet
from session to session. The ProDataSet update features map to similar support for capturing
updates in Microsofts ADO .NET environment, so that changes made to a .NET DataSet, for
example, in a Visual Basic or C# application, can be passed directly to Progress, and the record
of all the changes is reproduced on the Progress side with no loss of information. The same
process works in the other direction as well. This chapter discusses the support for these
update-related features within Progress sessions, as described in these sections:
Processing changes
Fill mode The ProDataSet is being filled with data. Normally you do this using the
FILL method on the ProDataSet or on one or more of its buffers. You can create records
in its temp-tables using standard 4GL statements as well, and even add a temp-table that
already has data in it to a ProDataSet. In any case, Progress does not keep track of any of
these additions or changes to the ProDataSet while you are filling it.
Navigation mode The ProDataSet has been filled and you are navigating the data. This
might be in a user interface, such as the one you built in Chapter 5, ProDataSet Attributes
and Methods, or it could be in a business logic procedure that walks through the data to
examine or process it in some way.
Change mode You are making changes to the ProDataSet data that you want to save
back to the database or other data source. Its important that Progress keep track of these
changes because they can be made in a different procedure or even a different session from
the one that writes them back to the database.
The fill and navigation modes are not strictly differentiated. You can fill a ProDataSet with data,
navigate and display that data, and add more data at will.
However, the change-tracking mode must be clearly differentiated from the others because
Progress needs to know whether a statement needs to be tracked for later update to the database
or is just part of an ongoing fill process. This applies to a statement that adds records to a
ProDataSet temp-table or a statement that modifies existing records.
For this reason, there is a TRACKING-CHANGES logical attribute for temp-tables that are part of a
ProDataSet. TRACKING-CHANGES tells Progress when to track changes to the data in the
temp-table so that the changes can later be properly made to the database tables that are the
Data-Source for the temp-table.
TRACKING-CHANGES is initially false for any temp-table. This means that the temp-table is
implicitly in FILL mode. Any changes made to the data in the temp-table while
TRACKING-CHANGES is false are considered part of the process of filling the temp-table with data
for the ProDataSet. This can be done by means of a FILL method on the table if it is part of a
ProDataSet, on the ProDataSet itself, or simply by adding, changing, or deleting records in the
temp-table using standard Progress 4GL syntax. In addition, any data already in the temp-table
when it becomes part of the ProDataSet is considered part of the fill process. This allows the
procedures managing the ProDataSet to populate it in any way they like without Progress
keeping track of changes to the ProDataSets temp-tables.
62 Page 3 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
You can set TRACKING-CHANGES independently for each temp-table in a ProDataSet for which
changes are to be tracked.
You set TRACKING-CHANGES to true when you want Progress to start tracking changes to the data
in a temp-table or an entire ProDataSet. This means that any changes made from that point
onward are intended to be written back to the Data-Source for the table, if there is one, or used
by application code to process changes in some other way if there is no Data-Source. This means
that although TRACKING-CHANGES is an attribute (not a method) that you can set and query, it has
more serious side-effects than setting most attributes. This especially refers to the creation of a
special companion table for each affected temp-table for keeping track of before images of
changed rows, if one does not already exist.
Changes are tracked only for those temp-tables for which TRACKING-CHANGES is true. Any FILL
method that is invoked on a temp-table whose TRACKING-CHANGES attribute is true, or on a parent
temp-table or ProDataSet of that temp-table that cascades the fill down to that temp-table, will
cause an error. You cannot mix use of the FILL method and change tracking.
You set TRACKING-CHANGES back to false for a temp-table only after you have executed the
ACCEPT-CHANGES method (described below), which marks the changed versions of rows as the
new current versions. Once you set TRACKING-CHANGES back to false, you can once again run a
FILL method or otherwise add records to the ProDataSets temp-tables. Those new or modified
records will not be recorded as changes until you set TRACKING-CHANGES back to true.
Within this chapter, we refer to the temp-tables that hold the current versions of records that are
seen by the user interface or by logic that walks through the ProDataSet as the after-tables. This
is because when changes are made they are applied to these tables so as to be immediately
visible. Thus, they are the current or after-change version of the records.
Changes to each after-table are tracked using a companion temp-table referred to as the
before-table, which is created (if it does not already exist) and managed automatically by
Progress when you set TRACKING-CHANGES to true. This table is used to hold before-images of
modified records, deleted records, and a placeholder for each newly created record. The latest
version of each record is always held in the after-table, so that it properly reflects all changes,
creates, and deletes. Any attempt to modify the records in the before-table results in a run-time
63 Page 4 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
ROW-STATE attribute
There is a ROW-STATE attribute on the temp-table buffer in both the after-table and the
before-table to allow you to determine how, if at all, each record has been changed. ROW-STATE
is an integer value representing one of these constants, which you can and should use to identify
the meaning of the ROW-STATE:
Note that these are unquoted literals that correspond to integer values, much like the values
NO-LOCK, SHARE-LOCK, and EXCLUSIVE-LOCK for LOCK-MODE. You use the literals in 4GL logic,
in statements such as this:
Each record in the after-table that has been modified or added has an internal pointer to its
counterpart in the before-table. These after-table records have a ROW-STATE value of
ROW-MODIFIED or ROW-CREATED, depending on whether the row has been added to the temp-table
since TRACKING-CHANGES was set to true. Deleted records do not appear in the after-table,
because it reflects the current state of the data. Records in the after-table that have not been
added or changed have a ROW-STATE of ROW-UNMODIFIED. These records have no counterpart in
the before-table.
Every record in the before-table has a nonzero ROW-STATE because every record is the
before-image for a deleted, created, or modified record. Records in the before-table can have a
ROW-STATE equal to one of these values:
ROW-DELETED A deleted row in the before-table holds the original field values of the
record at the time TRACKING-CHANGES was set to true. It has no counterpart in the
after-table. A record is moved from the after-table to the before-table when it is deleted.
Thus, the only way to locate deleted records is in the before-table. If a record is modified
and then later deleted before changes are processed, then its state is ROW-DELETED and there
is no record of the changes made before that.
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ROW-MODIFIED A modified row in the before-table holds the field values of the record
at the time that TRACKING-CHANGES was last set to true. The row is copied from the
after-table when it is first changed. No intermediate changes between the original values
and the latest values are saved anywhere.
ROW-CREATED A newly created row is created in the before-table at the same time that
the equivalent record is created in the after-table. The before-table row for a created row
does not hold any meaningful field values. It serves merely as a placeholder for the row so
that you can identify created rows along with modified and deleted ones by looking at the
before-table. The field values in the after-table can then be changed as the record is edited,
just as for changed rows. The ROW-STATE remains ROW-CREATED until changes to the table
have been processed, regardless of how many times field values have been modified in the
ROW-STATE function
It is not possible to check the value of an attribute such as ROW-STATE in a where-clause. For this
reason, there is also a ROW-STATE function that can be referenced in a where-clause to let you
filter ProDataSet temp-table rows by their ROW-STATE. The ROW-STATE function takes a buffer
name as its argument and returns the same integer value as the ROW-STATE attribute. Ordinarily
you should apply the function to a before-table buffer, but you can also use the after-table buffer
name as well with the same effect. If there is no record in the buffer passed, or it is not a
before-table, or is not an after-table that has a before-table associated with it, then the ROW-STATE
value returned is ?. An error is not raised.
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There are some general restrictions on the use of TRACKING-CHANGES that mostly exist as sanity
checks to prevent people from doing unexpected things and expecting something useful to
If you pass a ProDataSet remotely or locally by value and TRACKING-CHANGES is true for
the ProDataSet or any of its tables, the before- and after-tables are passed in their current
state, but the value of the TRACKING-CHANGES attribute is not passed, that is, it is not
automatically set to TRUE on the receiving side.
Normally, if you set TRACKING-CHANGES to TRUE, make changes, and then pass the ProDataSet
as a parameter, the receiver processes the changes without making further changes that should
be recorded in the before-table. If the receiving procedure wants to make further changes, it
must set TRACKING-CHANGES to true after receiving the ProDataSet parameter.
When you pass a ProDataSet parameter, if the receiving procedure receives the ProDataSet as
a dynamic object (as a DATASET-HANDLE), then Progress automatically creates a before-table for
each modified temp-table if one does not already exist.
In the case of a static temp-table that might be used to track changes as part of a ProDataSet,
you must provide a static name for its before-table by naming it in the DEFINE TEMP-TABLE
66 Page 7 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Progress cannot create a before-table for you at run time as it does for dynamic tables. Procedure
code can refer to the before-table by name exactly as it does other temp-tables, except that any
attempt to modify its records in any way results in a run-time error. For a static definition, the
before-table is instantiated along with the after-table, and you can freely refer to it in procedural
code. Until the temp-table is associated with a ProDataSet and TRACKING-CHANGES set to true for
the after-table, the before-table simply is empty.
When you pass a ProDataSet parameter, if the receiving procedure receives the ProDataSet as
a static object, then its static definition must include a static name for the before-table.
Otherwise, Progress does not create a before-table and raises an error. Figure 61 shows how
the before-table and after-table are related.
6 1 01 /05/93
36 1 01 /19/93
79 1 01 /10/93
After -Table :
6 1 09 M
6 2 10 U 4
6 3 11 C
6 4 77 U 4
Before -Table :
0 0 000 C
6 2 009 M
3 6 5 022 D
Actually, the before-table has a nonunique index on the ROW-STATE, so that changes are in order
with delete operations first, then modify operations, then create operations.
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Both the before-table and after-table are part of the ProDataSet. They are passed together as part
of the ProDataSet parameter and have the same scope and lifetime, with the exception that a
before-table for a dynamic temp-table is created only when first needed. The arrows illustrate
the four states and relationships:
1. When OrderLine 09 is modified, the before image is copied to a new record in the
before-table. The ROW-STATE for both records is ROW-MODIFIED, represented by the M in the
illustration. The ROW-STATE is not actually stored as a user-accessible temp-table column.
It is accessible only through the ROW-STATE attribute.
2. When row 11 is created, a placeholder for it is created in the before-table. It serves only to
log the creation and point to the record in the after-table.
3. When row 22 is deleted, it is removed from the after-table and moved to the before-table.
These attributes allow you, for example, to execute a static FIND statement with a where-clause
such as WHERE ROWID(ttBeforeTable) = ttAfterBuffer:BEFORE-ROWID, or a dynamic
FIND-BY-ROWID method, to retrieve the buffer handle for the corresponding record in the other
table, to do comparisons of field values.
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There are also attributes to point back and forth between the temp-tables themselves:
In addition, you can point directly from the buffer for one table to the buffer for the other using
these attributes on a buffer handle:
When you pass a ProDataSet as a parameter remotely, any before-tables associated with its
temp-tables are automatically and transparently marshaled along with it. If passed locally by
value, then the before-tables are copied along with the after-tables. If passed locally
BY-REFERENCE, then all references to the before-table are available to the procedure receiving
the ProDataSet.
69 Page 10 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
2. Enable the Price, Qty, and Discount columns in the ttOline browse.
To do this, double-click on the browse, choose the Fields button in its property sheet, and
double-click on each of the three fields. An e appears next to each field to indicate that
it is now enabled for input:
You have to define a before-table for the ttOline temp-table. Because this is a static
temp-table, its before-table must be defined statically as well.
3. Edit the include file dsOrderTT.i to add the BEFORE-TABLE definition to the temp-table for
610 Page 11 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Using this definition, Progress creates the companion temp-table ttOlineBefore along
with ttOline. The two temp-tables share the same scope. You can reference
ttOlineBefore in your procedure code just as you can ttOline, but you cannot directly
make any changes to its records. The before-table remains empty until you set
TRACKING-CHANGES to true for ttOline and start making changes to ttOline records.
You need to set the TRACKING-CHANGES attribute to enable tracking of any updates to the
4. In the LEAVE trigger for field iOrderNum, add a line to set TRACKING-CHANGES to TRUE after
receiving an Order ProDataSet back from OrderMain.p. In addition, set
TRACKING-CHANGES to FALSE before requesting the ProDataSet:
When you set TRACKING-CHANGES to TRUE, you enable the user to change the Price, Qty,
and Discount fields of one or more ttOline records and have those changes recorded in
the client window procedure. For each change, Progress adds a record to ttOlineBefore
with the records values before it was first changed.
To make sure that you can select and view one Order and then another without getting an
error that says you are doing a FILL when TRACKING-CHANGES is TRUE, you need to set
TRACKING-CHANGES to FALSE before making the call to OrderMain.p.
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/* Disable the Order Number until changes are saved. */
In this trigger block, if the browse row has been modified, you assign the list of enabled
columns. This is available as the preprocessor value
ENABLED-FIELDS-IN-QUERY-OlineBrowse, which allows you to make changes to the list
of enabled columns without having to remember to go back to change a hard-coded field
list in this trigger.
Once the user has made any changes, you prevent them from switching Orders until the
changes have been saved back to the database, by disabling the iOrderNum field.
6. Progress does not automatically set the MODIFIED browse attribute to FALSE when you
switch rows, so you need to define a VALUE-CHANGED trigger block for the OlineBrowse to
do this:
OlineBrowse:MODIFIED = NO.
The ROW-LEAVE event fires before the browse switches rows, when you press the up or
down arrow or select a different row with the mouse, for example. This lets you capture
changes to the current row. The VALUE-CHANGED trigger fires after the browse switches
rows, so it would be too late to capture changes to the row you left. All you can do here is
reset the MODIFIED attribute in preparation for the next change.
Start to build the trigger code that sends changes back to the database.
7. In the AppBuilder, drop a new button called BtnSave onto the window and label it Save
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8. To illustrate how ROW-STATE and the BEFORE/AFTER-ROWID attributes work, add this code
to the CHOOSE trigger for the button:
For each OrderLine that you change, there should be a record in ttOlineBefore. That
record points to its companion in ttOline using the AFTER-ROWID attribute. The MESSAGE
displays the value of ROW-STATE for each record, along with the Price before and after the
9. To try this out, run the window procedure, select an Order, and modify one or two of the
Price values of its OrderLines.
For each OrderLine you changed, you should see a message such as this for a Price
change from 23.95 to 23.85:
This confirms that the ROW-STATE attribute is always set for both the before-table record
and the after-table record, so that you can query it starting at either table. The ROW-STATE
value of 2 represents the literal ROW-MODIFIED. In the case of a delete, of course, there will
be a record with a ROW-STATE of 1 (ROW-DELETED) only in the before-table, and no record
in the after-table.
The message also confirms that the before-table record holds the value of the fields before
any changes were made, and the after-table holds the modified values.
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Record states in .NET can be Added, Deleted, Detached, Modified, or Unchanged. These
correspond to ROW-STATE values in Progress except for Detached. Detached means
created but not yet in the DataTable. This is a state that can be supported in Progress using
transaction semantics. If you CREATE a temp-table record inside a transaction, then until
that transaction ends that record is Detached; it has been created but it is not yet
officially or definitively in the table. It can be backed out if the transaction fails or is
otherwise undone.
Records in DataTables in .NET also have a version, which is a qualifier on the record
object (like an attribute reference). This can be Current, Default, Original, or Proposed.
The Current version is like a record in the ProDataSet after-table. We have specifically
decided to use the term (and keyword element) AFTER because CURRENT already has a very
specific, and very different, meaning in Progress, namely in functions and statements such
as GET CURRENT, FIND CURRENT, and so on, that normally refer to a database record buffer.
The Original version is like a record in the ProDataSet before-table. Once again, we have
decided to use the term and keyword BEFORE rather than original because in Progress we
create and maintain a separate, additional table for the before images of records. It is
logical to think of this table as being created as a by-product of the actual temp-table
containing the data as it is retrieved and viewed. Therefore, anyone referring to these
objects is likely to think of what Microsoft calls the current records as the original
table, not the other way around. Also, the word before complements after, so if one
term is going to be different from .NET both might as well be, and also it matches our use
of the well-established term before-image, which is precisely what the before table
The Default version is defined to be the Current version for an Added or Modified record,
or the Original version for a Deleted record. This rather specialized identifier is not
duplicated in Progress and provides no information that cant be obtained otherwise.
The Proposed version is one that exists but has not yet been committed to the DataTable.
This state is possible inside a BEGIN-EDIT/END-EDIT block, which is essentially like a
transaction block in Progress. Like the Detached state, this can be represented using
transaction semantics in Progress, as a record still within an unfinished transaction.
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Processing changes
Once you have made a set of changes to a ProDataSet, you then need to process them in a
session that is connected to the database, and where the ProDataSet is attached to the
Data-Sources. If you made the changes in a separate client session, such as our little Order
window application, you need to pass the ProDataSet back to the server session. To minimize
the amount of network traffic, in most cases you only want to send back those rows that were
changed in some way, along with their before-images, leaving out all the rows in the after-tables
that werent changed. There might be some exceptions to this, such as when the server-side
business logic needs all the records in the original ProDataSet to do its processing, but in most
cases you should do everything possible to limit the number of rows sent back across the
network in a distributed application.
The GET-CHANGES method extracts the changes for you into a second ProDataSet, normally one
that you have just created using the CREATE-LIKE method. However, there is nothing to prevent
you from defining two equivalent ProDataSets statically and using GET-CHANGES to move
changes from one to the other. If the target ProDataSet is static, it must contain temp-tables
whose field definitions are the same at least in field data type, extent, and order. The temp-table
index and Data-Relation definitions do not need to match between the ProDataSets, but the
fields of the temp-tables must match in name, order, data type, and extent.
We call the result of a GET-CHANGES method a change ProDataSet. We refer to the original
ProDataSet that acts as the source for the change ProDataSet the origin ProDataSet.
GET-CHANGES uses the handles of the two ProDataSets, just as CREATE-LIKE does:
change-dataset-handle:GET-CHANGES( origin-dataset-handle ).
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GET-CHANGES effectively does the following for each temp-table in the origin-dataset for
which there is a before-table:
For each row in the before-table, create a row in the before-table of the change-dataset
and buffer-copy the origin-dataset row into the change-dataset.
For each before-table row that is not for a delete, locate the row in the after-table of the
origin-dataset that is paired with the row in the before-table (using the AFTER-ROWID
attribute), create a row in the after-table in the change-dataset, and buffer copy the
origin-dataset row to the change-dataset table.
Set the ROW-STATE of the change-dataset row to the ROW-STATE of the origin-dataset
row in the target-dataset before-table, and if applicable, the after-table.
Save the RowID of the before-table record in the origin-dataset as an attribute, called
ORIGIN-ROWID, of the same row in the change-dataset. This can be used later to allow the
final versions of changed rows to be merged into the original origin-dataset.
As a later example shows, your procedure can then pass the target dynamic ProDataSet as an
INPUT-OUTPUT parameter to the server-side procedure, get back the final versions of any records
further changed on the server, and merge them back into the original ProDataSet, using the
MERGE-CHANGES method described next.
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Your client-side procedure can then scan the ProDataSet for error messages as it is returned. It
then needs to merge any changes into the origin ProDataSet on the client so that the user can see
the final versions of records in the user interface. The MERGE-CHANGES method replaces all the
after-table values in the origin ProDataSet with the final values in the change ProDataSet.
MERGE-CHANGES has the same syntax as other methods that operate on two ProDataSets:
change-dataset-handle:MERGE-CHANGES( origin-dataset-handle ).
MERGE-CHANGES is almost always used in conjunction with GET-CHANGES. The ProDataSet that
is the origin-dataset of the GET-CHANGES method must be the origin-dataset of a
MERGE-CHANGES method, and the change-dataset for the MERGE-CHANGES method must be the
change-dataset of the GET-CHANGES method that populated it. The GET-CHANGES method sets
attribute values that allow a later MERGE-CHANGES method on the same pair of ProDataSets to
move changes back into the origin ProDataSet.
In some cases, you might need to construct a change ProDataSet yourself that is not the result
of a call to GET-CHANGES, for example, if you need to do specialized processing that is not
handled by GET-CHANGES. For this reason, we expose the attributes that MERGE-CHANGES uses to
reconcile the two ProDataSets and allow you to set their values so that you can simulate in your
own custom 4GL code everything that GET-CHANGES does for you. These attributes are the
ORIGIN-HANDLE of each modified temp-table and the ORIGIN-ROWID of each row, and they are
explained just below.
Likewise, you might in some cases need to do your own merge between two ProDataSets
instead of using the MERGE-CHANGES method. In this case, if you have a way to identify the
corresponding rows reliably between the two ProDataSets, you can do this in your own 4GL
code if you need behavior different from what MERGE-CHANGES does for you.
GET-CHANGES stores the RowID of each before-table row from the origin-dataset as an attribute
of the equivalent row in the change-dataset, so that MERGE-CHANGES can correctly buffer-copy
final row values back to the origin ProDataSet. Relying on the primary key or other data in the
records would not be reliable in the general case because the key value might have been changed
in the business logic. In fact, in the case of a newly created record, it is likely to have been
changed because key values are often assigned from database sequences that are available only
where the database is connected.
The before-table RowID attribute is called ORIGIN-ROWID. For each before-table row in the
change-dataset of the MERGE-CHANGES method, this attribute holds the RowID of the
corresponding before-table row in the origin-dataset.
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Temp-table RowIDs are, of course, highly transitory. If you create the same set of temp-table
rows twice in succession, they will almost always have different RowIDs each time. To assure
insofar as possible that the RowIDs saved as the ORIGIN-ROWIDs are still valid, GET-CHANGES also
stores the temp-table handle for the after-table of the origin-dataset as an attribute called
ORIGIN-HANDLE on the equivalent temp-table in the change-dataset. When you apply the
MERGE-CHANGES method to two ProDataSets, Progress verifies that the ORIGIN-HANDLEs of any
modified temp-tables in the change-dataset (the source of MERGE-CHANGES) match the
temp-table handles in the origin-dataset. If they do not match, or if any ORIGIN-ROWIDs
cannot be found in the origin ProDataSet, an error results.
If you set these attributes yourself to do your own custom version of what GET-CHANGES and
MERGE-CHANGES do, you must exercise care to make sure that you identify, set, and use the values
properly. Invalid RowIDs could result in very unpredictable and undesirable behavior.
There is also a MERGE-ROW-CHANGES method to merge only a single changed row back into the
change-buffer-handle:MERGE-ROW-CHANGES( [original-buffer-handle] ).
These methods are normally executed after passing the change ProDataSet to another procedure
to process the changes. MERGE-CHANGES verifies that the ORIGIN-HANDLE of each change table
matches the object handle of the equivalent table in the original ProDataSet, and returns an error
if they dont match. It finds each before-table record in the original ProDataSet based on the
ORIGIN-ROWID attribute of each changed row, and uses that to merge changes back into the
original ProDataSet. If there are any mismatches here, this likewise results in an error.
MERGE-ROW-CHANGES does the same for a single row.
When changes are merged, any error flags in the data cause a change to be rejected instead of
merged. Otherwise, the change is accepted and the table statuses are updated accordingly. The
methods and attributes that control this are described just below and are summarized here with
respect to their relation to the MERGE-CHANGES method.
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If either the ERROR attribute or the REJECTED attribute is true for a row, then MERGE-CHANGES or
MERGE-ROW-CHANGES performs a REJECT-ROW-CHANGES on the row instead of merging it. If the
REJECTED attribute is true for a table, then a MERGE-CHANGES that is executed on the whole
ProDataSet runs REJECT-CHANGES on the table instead of merging it. For each table or row that
is merged back into the original ProDataSet, the merge operation does an ACCEPT-CHANGES or
If the method is executed on the ProDataSet, then all before-tables in the ProDataSet are
emptied, and the pointers to those records in the after-table are removed so that the
BEFORE-ROWID attribute of every record in the after-tables is the unknown value and the
ROW-STATE of every record in the after-tables is set to ROW-UNMODIFIED (0). The before-tables
are not deleted, only emptied for possible later use.
There is a separate ACCEPT-ROW-CHANGES method for the buffer handle, which executes only on
the current row in the buffer. It is applied only to that one record in the table and its
corresponding record in the other table. ROW-ACCEPT-CHANGES can be executed only on the
before-table buffer handle of the temp-table in the origin ProDataSet:
These methods effectively reset the ProDataSet, temp-table, or row so its current state is as if a
FILL was just executed.
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Like ACCEPT-CHANGES, this can also be executed on a single temp-table buffer handle within the
As with other methods, there is also a method to reject only a single row:
buffer-handle:REJECT-ROW-CHANGES( ).
The methods REJECT-CHANGES and REJECT-ROW-CHANGES restore one more of the original
ProDataSet rows by copying the before-table rows back to the corresponding after-tables,
deleting the before-table rows and resetting the ROW-STATE in the after-table rows to
ROW-UNMODIFIED. When the REJECT-CHANGES method is executed on a ProDataSet handle, all
modified tables in the ProDataSet are rejected. When executed on a buffer-handle, only changes
to that buffers temp-table are rejected.
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Note: Some of the behavior and attributes described in this and the following section require
the first Service Pack for OpenEdge 10, release 10.0A01.
Once a set of changes has been completed, you can use the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method on a
before-table buffer handle to save the changes recorded in that row back to the Data-Source:
buffer-index is the sequential position of the buffer within the buffer list for the table that
is being updated, if there is more than one buffer in the Data-Source definition. The
argument is optional and the default value is 1.
buffer-name is the buffer-name as an alternative to the buffer index and defaults to the
first (or only) buffer in the Data-Source.
create-field is an optional field name that should not be assigned after the CREATE of a
new record because it is a key field or other field assigned a value by a CREATE database
trigger. Because a CREATE trigger fires as soon as a new record is created, a key field that
is assigned a value in the CREATE trigger, such as an integer field assigned from a database
sequence, would be overwritten by the default value for the field when SAVE-ROW-CHANGES
assigns fields to the new database record. This optional argument suppresses the ASSIGN
for that one field.
This method does the default handling of a create, modify, or delete on that buffers record.
There is no SAVE-CHANGES method for an entire change ProDataSet or temp-table. Instead, you
execute the row-level method for each row you want saved. This way you can determine the
exact sequence, transaction scoping, and other coding details for handling a set of related
changes. Note that although we speak of a set of related changes and provide methods to handle
multiple changes at a time, you can just as easily make a single row change and save it back to
the Data-Source.
621 Page 22 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In a distributed application, you will typically collect just the changes into a change-ProDataSet
using GET-CHANGES, and then pass them back to the server to be processed by executing
SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on each row. However, there is no need always to use GET-CHANGES to
extract just the change rows from the original ProDataSet. This is simply an optimization step
to minimize network traffic for a distributed application. If you are not passing changes across
a network, you can just as easily execute SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on each before-table row in the
origin ProDataSet. How you use the methods is entirely up to you.
Changes can be automatically saved only for a single buffer at a time. If there is more than one
buffer in the Data-Source, you can specify which buffer to update as the first argument to
SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. Typically, an update to a row that contains fields from multiple database
tables updates only one of those tables. For example, in the example we have been using of a
ttOrder table that joins in the Customer Name from the Customer table and the SalesRep name
from the SalesRep table, your application would not normally allow the user to change the
Customer Name by updating one of its Orders. This is because the Name is directly associated
with the CustNum field that is the actual join field between the tables, and there would be no
proper way to map a change to Customer Name for one Order with either the Customer table or
with other Orders for the same Customer.
If you have a special situation where you are, in fact, updating both sides of a join through a
ProDataSet (which might be the case if the join is one-to-one) then you can use
SAVE-ROW-CHANGES to assign fields from one table and assign the others in your own code, or
you can execute SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on each buffer in turn. Otherwise, if your update
requirements are quite specialized, you can simply not use the method at all and assign all fields
yourself. As with other methods, all the steps taken by SAVE-ROW-CHANGES can be duplicated in
your own code when you need to change the default behavior.
You must assure that the Data-Source is attached before doing a SAVE-ROW-CHANGES. In cases
where there is no Data-Source or where special processing is needed, you must write the update
code yourself instead of using SAVE-ROW-CHANGES.
Finds the corresponding database record for the updateable buffer the row is derived from,
based on its key values (not RowIDs unless the ROWID is explicitly identified as the KEYS
field and mapped to a field in the temp-table that holds the RowID) as defined in the
Data-Source definition. There must be a unique key defined on the database table for the
Data-Source to support this. This find is done with an EXCLUSIVE-LOCK so that the row can
be updated. If the record is not available the method retries once after a pause of one
second, and then returns an error if the record is still not available.
622 Page 23 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Validates the updated database record to force any WRITE or ASSIGN triggers to fire.
Sets the ERROR logical attribute in the after-table row, as well as in its temp-table and in the
ProDataSet if any errors resulted from the attempted update, such as duplicate unique
Repopulates the after-table record from the database record, to catch any changes made by
either event procedure code or trigger procedure code. If the procedure defines the
ProDataSet as an INPUT-OUTPUT parameter sent from client to server, for instance, these
changes are returned to the client where they can be displayed.
For a newly created row, SAVE-ROW-CHANGES creates the record in the database and
buffer-copies all data table buffer fields except any create-field to the database buffer. It then
validates and copies the database record back to the temp-table buffer as for a modified row.
For a deleted row, SAVE-ROW-CHANGES deletes the corresponding row from the Data-Source,
based on the records keys.
As with a modified row, SAVE-ROW-CHANGES can create or delete only a single database buffer
at a time, not both sides of a one-to-one join. In most cases, the creation or deletion of related
rows is likely to be implemented in the CREATE or DELETE trigger for the primary buffer anyway.
623 Page 24 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The first decision you need to make is whether a conflict with another change should be
overwritten by the current ProDataSets change, or rejected when Progress detects a conflict.
In some cases, you might not care whether a record has been changed by another user since it
was read. Although this is certainly not typical or recommended, for some non-transactional
tables that contain fields that can safely be changed independently of one another (possibly
address information, for example), you might not want to reject a change if the record has been
changed elsewhere. There is a PREFER-DATASET logical attribute for the Data-Source to support
this option. (In the very first release of 10.0A, this attribute was called
IGNORE-CURRENT-MODIFIED, and this name is still supported for compatibility, though the new
name is preferred for being a clearer description of the behavior wanted.) The attribute is false
by default. If PREFER-DATASET is false for the tables Data-Source, then Progress makes the
comparison between the before-table row in the database and the corresponding data-source
fields before applying the change, and if there is any conflict then the change is rejected and the
ERROR attribute set. If PREFER-DATASET is true, this check is not made. The ProDataSet row
changes are written to the Data-Source without regard to any other changes made to the same
row. As noted previously, only the database fields that are present in the ProDataSet temp-table,
either implicitly or by being mapped to a field with a different name, can be compared.
You also may want to apply changes and resolve conflicts on a field by field basis. This is
somewhat more expensive than either applying or rejecting all changes, but minimizes the
overwriting of either your changes or another users changes when a conflict occurs. There is a
MERGE-BY-FIELD logical attribute on the Data-Source to specify this preference. This attribute
is true by default. It gives you the ability to define whether a change is wholly rejected if there
are any conflicting changes, even to different fields than the ones the ProDataSet is changing.
If it is false, then if another user has changed a record, the ProDataSet changes are either entirely
accepted or entirely rejected, depending on the setting of PREFER-DATASET. If it is true, then
Progress blends the two sets of changes where possible, if they are to different fields. If it is
true, then changes are applied field by field only for modified fields, and there is no conflict
unless the same field has been modified both by the current update and by another transaction.
A logical DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED attribute on the temp-table buffer is set to TRUE if any field
changes by another transaction are detected, regardless of whether they result in a conflict and
error or not. Note that it is somewhat slower to have MERGE-BY-FIELD set to true, so it can be set
to false to improve performance where a field-by-field check is really not necessary, in addition
to cases where it is not wanted because of the application logic.
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Here are the details of how changes are applied in the face of these attributes. In this description,
current changes refers to modifies and deletes that are part of a ProDataSet the procedure is
doing a SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on (the current ProDataSet). Obviously create operations do not
need to check for conflicting field values. Other changes refers to changes made to the fields
in the same rows by another user or procedure since the current ProDataSet was filled, which
will be detectable by comparing the database buffers with the before-tables in the current
If PREFER-DATASET is true, then the modified or deleted row is updated or deleted without
regard to whether there were other changes. In the case of a modify, all fields in the current
ProDataSet row are copied to the database buffer, whether they were changed in the
current ProDataSet or not. In the case of a delete, the database record is simply deleted.
If MERGE-BY-FIELD is true (the default), then rather than doing a wholesale buffer-copy in one
direction or the other, Progress does a field by field compare of the two buffers. In this case:
If the operation is a delete, then the database row is deleted without regard to whether
there were other changes.
If the field has not been changed in the current ProDataSet, then nothing is copied.
This means that a change made by another user to a field that wasnt changed in the
current ProDataSet wont be overwritten by the current change.
If the field has been changed in the current ProDataSet, it is copied to the database
field. There is no check of whether there were other changes.
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If the operation is a delete, and there are no other changes to the row, then the
database record is deleted.
If the operation is a delete, and there are other changes to the row, then the delete
fails, Progress buffer-copies the entire database record into the ProDataSet buffer,
and sets the ERROR and DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED attributes.
If the field was changed in the current ProDataSet and not by other changes, then it
is copied to the database.
If the field was not changed in the current ProDataSet, and also not by other changes,
then nothing is copied.
If the field was changed in the current ProDataSet, and also by other changes, then
Progress checks whether the other change was the same as the current ProDataSet
change. If this is the case, then there is no conflict. Nothing is copied, because the
current ProDataSet value is already in the database, and there is no error. Otherwise,
if the changed values are different, Progress buffer-copies that one field from the
database record back into the ProDataSet buffer, and sets the ERROR and
DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED flags. The current ProDataSet changes are not applied to the
database, but the field by field comparison continues so that only those fields
changed by other changes overwrite the current ProDataSet changes.
If the field was not changed in the current ProDataSet, but was changed by other
changes, then the other change is copied into the ProDataSet buffer, and Progress sets
the DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED flag. This is not an ERROR, however.
The net result of all this, when PREFER-DATASET is false and MERGE-BY-FIELD is true, is that a
modified row in the current ProDataSet is rejected in its entirety and causes an ERROR only when
one or more of the same fields have been changed by another user. Otherwise changed fields in
the current ProDataSet row are successfully written to the database. Changes made by others
are copied to the ProDataSet buffer to be returned to the client, and the CHANGED flag is set.
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This may all sound complicated, but in effect it means that Progress does the right thing based
on whether you want the new change or the old one to take precedence, and whether you want
to apply changes field by field or as a whole. Table 61 summarizes the results.
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As with SAVE-ROW-CHANGES, SAVE-WHERE-STRING defaults to the first (or only) buffer in the
Data-Source. The attribute value is set internally by Progress to be the where-clause phrase
(including the initial keyword WHERE) needed to find the database buffer identified by the
buffer-index or buffer-name within the Data-Source. This can be useful when you need to
build up custom code to retrieve database records of changed buffers, if using the
SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method is not adequate. If you specify a buffer-index, it is the sequential
position of the buffer within the list of multiple buffers for the Data-Source. If you specify the
buffer-name, it must be the name of an after-table buffer in the list of buffers attached to the
Data-Source. The buffer must be one that has a before-table, either static or dynamic. The
attribute value qualifies field names in the buffers temp-table with the before-table name, not
the after-table name. This is because this string can be used to find database records based on
field values in the before-table rows, as your code is cycling through the before-table,
processing each change.
If an error occurs during the database update, the ERROR attribute is set to true for the ProDataSet,
the temp-table where the error occurred, and the buffer where the error occurred.
Table 62 summarizes all these change methods and the handles they can be used on.
ProDataSet Temp-table
Method name handle buffer handle ROW version
In summary:
You execute a method on a temp-table buffer handle to affect that one temp-table.
You dont execute any of these methods on a temp-table handle. However, the
TRACKING-CHANGES attribute is on the temp-table handle.
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Theres no row-level method for GET-CHANGES. You execute this only for an entire
temp-table or ProDataSet.
The row-level method is executed on the temp-table buffer handle. The name tells
Progress whether to act on a single row or the entire table.
1. In dsOrderWinUpd.w, Remove or comment out the entire FOR EACH block with the MESSAGE
statement in the CHOOSE trigger for BtnSave, and add these variable definitions to the top
of the block:
629 Page 30 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
2. This series of statements in the CHOOSE trigger creates the change ProDataSet:
The CREATE DATASET statement simply allocates a structure for the ProDataSet definition
and points the handle hDSChanges at that structure.
The CREATE-LIKE method creates the dynamic temp-tables and Data-Relations in that
structure. If you provide a prefix as a second argument to CREATE-LIKE, then the
temp-table names are prefixed by that string. Otherwise, they have the same names as in
the original ProDataSet.
The GET-CHANGES method copies all the before-table rows and their after-table partners
into the dynamic change ProDataSet.
3. Turn the TRACKING-CHANGES flag off for the ttOline table, before passing it to the update
procedure for processing:
The MERGE-CHANGES method that you will use later to merge any final field updates back
into the ttOline table the browse is displaying requires that TRACKING-CHANGES be false.
In any case, you need to set it off at some point as part of preparing for the next set of
changes the user makes.
4. Add a statement to run a new business logic procedure that accepts the changes and writes
them back to the database:
The change ProDataSet is an INPUT-OUTPUT parameter so that the window procedure gets
back any final changes to the data, as well as any messages. The BY-REFERENCE qualifier
tells Progress to share the same ProDataSet instance when updateOrder.p is run locally.
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Because the procedure uses the static temp-table and ProDataSet definitions, it can receive
the dynamic change ProDataSet that was passed into it as a DATASET-HANDLE using the
static DATASET parameter form. If this procedure is run locally within the same session as
the window, as it is in this simplified example, then the ProDataSet is passed by reference
so that updateOrder.p is actually pointing to the dynamic ProDataSet as it was created in
the window procedure. If the same call is made remotely across an AppServer connection,
then the BY-REFERENCE qualifier is ignored and the ProDataSet is marshaled across the
network in both directions. The net result is the same, so this single call lets Progress run
the procedure in the most efficient way whether or not the application is actually
The update procedure needs these variable definitions. You will need the Data-Source
definition for the OrderLine table later in the procedure. Define and attach the
Data-Source srcOline:
Just to verify that the right data got transferred into the change ProDataSet, you can get the
handle to the ProDataSet and the after-table buffer for ttOline:
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You can then retrieve the corresponding before-table buffer in this way:
This is a bit convoluted, as you have to go from the after-table buffer to its temp-table
handle, then to the before-table temp-table handle, and then from there to the
before-tables default buffer handle. Alternatively, you can accomplish the same thing
with the BEFORE-BUFFER or AFTER-BUFFER attribute:
hBeforeBuf = hAfterBuf:BEFORE-BUFFER.
Remember that the BEFORE-TABLE and AFTER-TABLE attributes are on the temp-table
handles and return a temp-table handle. The BEFORE-BUFFER and AFTER-BUFFER attributes
are on the buffer handles and return a buffer handle.
You can likewise find the first row in the before-table and display the Price from both
buffers to show that the procedure got the right records:
"Before:" hBeforeBuf:BUFFER-FIELD("Price"):BUFFER-VALUE.
You can save the updateOrder.p procedure and run the window to confirm this. Select an
Order, modify the price of one of its OrderLines and press the Save Changes button:
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Because there is a static definition of the ProDataSet and its temp-tables, you can access
the before-table and its buffer directly by name. This code begins a CASE statement to
process different kinds of changes:
In this example, youll just handle modified rows, not creates or deletes. Defining the
scope of the transaction is your responsibility. There are so many different ways in which
you might want to handle multiple related changes. You can accept each successful change
and reject the ones that fail. You can reject the entire set of updates if anything fails. Or
you can define anything in between. In this example each modified row is a separate
transaction. This is appropriate if they are independent to the extent that you are not
leaving the database in an invalid state if you allow some changes to be committed while
returning an error status to be corrected for others.
Also, remember that as always, the default buffer name for a temp-table is the same as the
temp-table name. Depending on which one you are referring to, you might need to qualify
the reference with the keyword BUFFER or TEMP-TABLE. In this case, the FOR EACH
statement always expects a buffer name, so there is no need to qualify the name to tell
Progress that this is a buffer reference. The CASE statement, however, doesnt know what
to expect, so you have to provide an explicit reference to BUFFER ttOlineBefore so that
Progress knows to look for the ROW-STATE attribute on the buffer, not its temp-table.
Remember, also, that the keyword ROW-MODIFIED evaluates to the integer value 2, which
is the actual value the ROW-STATE attribute returns.
For each modified row, you need to assign the changes back to the database. To
demonstrate what the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method does for you, you can do the same work
by hand in 4GL statements so that you understand all the steps.
First, you need to find and lock the database record that was used to populate the changed
row. In this case, the unique key is composed of the OrderNum and LineNum fields:
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In the general case, it can be difficult to assemble the proper where-clause to retrieve the
database record. This is what the SAVE-WHERE-STRING attribute on the Data-Source is for.
You can substitute that value, which in this case is the same as the string in the FIND
statement above, starting with the keyword WHERE. In order to access the
SAVE-WHERE-STRING attribute, you must first attach the Data-Source. You did this at the
top of the procedure. With that done, this statement can replace the FIND statement in the
last code block:
You need to compare the before-table record with whats in the database, to make sure
no-one else changed it since your procedure read it into the original ProDataSet. You can
set the ERROR-STRING attribute for the row if theres a conflict:
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If theres no conflict with another change to the same database record, next you need to
find the after-table row for this change and copy its values into the database:
FIND ttOline WHERE ROWID(ttOline) = BUFFER ttOlineBefore:AFTER-ROWID.
Its important to examine why we used the BUFFER-COMPARE and BUFFER-COPY methods on
the buffer handles here rather than the BUFFER-COMPARE and BUFFER-COPY statements.
After all, were dealing with static buffers, so the statements would have been usable.
The reason, as you should recall, is that the BUFFER-COMPARE and BUFFER-COPY methods
have been extended to use the Data-Source field mapping list and field include list when
they are used to compare a ProDataSet temp-table buffer to its Data-Source buffer. In this
case the definition of ttOline is simple enough that the static statements would have
worked correctly. There are no field name changes between OrderLine and ttOline, and
no limited list of fields to include in the copy or compare. But in other cases where there
is a field mapping or an include field list, the static statements would not work unless you
went to the trouble of including the field mapping and include list as options on the static
statement. If you use the methods instead, this is done for you.
Design tip: Use the dynamic BUFFER-COPY and BUFFER-COMPARE methods wherever
possible to copy rows into and out of ProDataSet temp-tables. Even if a table
definition has no field mapping or include field list, your copy and compare
will continue to work without change in the future if the table definitions
ever change.
You need to retrieve any changes made by database triggers into the temp-table in
preparation for returning it to the caller. To do this, you release the database buffer to force
any triggers to fire, and then re-read the record, NO-LOCK this time, and buffer-copy it back
into the after-table. You can use the SAVE-WHERE-STRING attribute again to find the record,
this time NO-LOCK:
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It receives back the modified ttOline rows as part of the dsOrder INPUT-OUTPUT
parameter. You have to merge these final changes back into your original ProDataSet so
that they show up in the user interface. The MERGE-CHANGES method can do this for you,
but again lets go through the steps in 4GL code to confirm what the method will do for
7. Create a dynamic query to walk through the after-table for OrderLines in the change
Because you used a dynamic ProDataSet to hold the changes by using the CREATE DATASET
statement and the CREATE-LIKE method, all references to the ProDataSet need to be
Design tip: You can refer to the buffer in the GET-BUFFER-HANDLE method by position,
as in this example, or by name (ttOline in this case) as you did in
updateOrder.p. If youre writing general-purpose code that needs to be
reusable for a variety of ProDataSets, then the position option is more
flexible because it does not hardcode the buffer name into the procedure.
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One other important thing to note here is that you must not refer to the buffer name directly
without getting it through its dynamic ProDataSet. That is, you can refer to the buffer name
relative to the ProDataSet, like this:
But you must not just refer to the buffer name directly in this way:
The reason is that if you dont give Progress any context for the reference to ttOline, it
locates the static temp-table definition for ttOline, which is part of the original static
ProDataSet dsOrder. This is the wrong buffer in this case. You have to direct Progress to
use the buffer in the dynamic change ProDataSet. This is a by-product of the fact that it is
acceptable to have multiple objects with the same name within a procedure if no more than
one is statically defined, but you must refer to the dynamic objects that share the name
through their handles or the handles of their parents. So in this example, any unqualified
reference to ttOline refers to the static temp-tables buffer. Any references to the dynamic
ttOline must be through a handle.
Design tip: As these examples show, you will often need to refer to multiple different
temp-tables and buffers with the same name when you are working with
ProDataSets. Make sure that you properly reference dynamic references so
that they point to the proper table or buffer.
If you had used the prefix argument to prepend a string to the beginning of each temp-table
name, then you could safely refer to the buffer by name in an ADD-BUFFER method, because
the name would be unique.
While were on the subject of buffer names, theres one more thing you should understand
about the buffer names in these dynamic ProDataSets. The before-table and its buffer in
any dynamic ProDataSet are given the name BI plus the after-table name (up to 32
characters). So, for example, the before-table for ttOline in a dynamic ProDataSet that
you CREATE-LIKE dsOrder is named BIttOline. If you had specified the prefix argument
such as chg to the CREATE-LIKE method, then the before-table name would be
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The QUERY-PREPARE method requires a string that evaluates to FOR EACH ttOLine. You
could do this just by passing that literal string to QUERY-PREPARE directly. In the example
above, the reference is more indirect, going through the buffer handle of the ProDataSet.
This kind of reference is useful when you want to be able to reuse the same code for
potentially different temp-table names.
You might wonder why it would be acceptable to refer to ttOline directly in the
QUERY-PREPARE method, as in hQuery:QUERY-PREPARE(FOR EACH ttOline), when it is
not acceptable to refer to this dynamic buffer directly by name in the preceding
ADD-BUFFER method, as in hQuery:ADD-BUFFER(ttOline). The reason is that the
ADD-BUFFER method has no context for the name. You could be adding any ttOline buffer
to this dynamic query. This is why you need to make sure that it uses the right one by
referencing it through its parent ProDataSet handle. However, having done this, the
QUERY-PREPARE method can use the name of the buffer without a problem because it knows
that this query is for the particular ttOline buffer that was established by the ADD-BUFFER
10. Open the after-table query and position to the first row in the table:
hBuffer = hQuery:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE().
Instead of getting the buffer handle from the query, you could also get it from the
ProDataSet reference that was used to build the query:
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Note that in the first instance, GET-BUFFER-HANDLE is operating on the query, which in this
case has only one buffer. This makes the buffer number argument optional. The alternative
uses the same method name to extract the second buffer handle (for ttOline) relative to
the ProDataSet its a part of.
11. Walk through the rows in the query and locate the corresponding row in the original
ttOline table. Buffer-copy the final values to the original ProDataSet table.
Heres how to do this with specific code to use the key fields from ttOline to identify the
appropriate row in the other table:
FIND ttOline WHERE ttOline.OrderNum =
AND ttOline.LineNum =
BUFFER ttOline:BUFFER-COPY(hBuffer).
This technique has its problems, though. For one thing, its difficult to generalize. This
FIND statement is very specific to the OrderLine table and its key fields. Second, if the key
field values have been assigned by the update logic (as is often the case for a newly created
record), then the key values wont even match up.
For this reason Progress provides the ORIGIN-ROWID attribute to point directly at the
corresponding row in the origin ProDataSet. This value is assigned by Progress for every
modified row when you execute the GET-CHANGES method specifically so that you can
identify the right rows in the origin ProDataSet at the time of a merge. Naturally, you have
to be merging changes back into exactly the same ProDataSet instance as GET-CHANGES
was run on. Otherwise, the temp-table RowID values will not match. Progress uses the
ORIGIN-HANDLE attribute internally when it executes the MERGE-CHANGES method to verify
this. You can use ORIGIN-HANDLE yourself if you are doing the work of MERGE-CHANGES in
your own 4GL code and there is a need to verify that the ProDataSet youre merging
changes back into is the appropriate one.
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The ORIGIN-ROWID attribute is set for both the before-table and after-table rows in the
change ProDataSet, so that you can start with either one. It holds the RowID of the
before-table row in the origin ProDataSet. If you are applying final changes back to
modified or created records, then you need to get to the corresponding after-table row in
the origin ProDataSet. This makes identifying the right row a two-step process. Here are
the statements that can replace the FIND statement above:
/* This is where the ORIGIN-ROWID lets me get to the right ttOline record
in the base ProDataSet. */
/* FIND ttOline WHERE ttOline.OrderNum =
AND ttOline.LineNum =
BUFFER ttOline:BUFFER-COPY(hBuffer).
From the after-table buffer for ttOline in the change ProDataSet (which is the handle
hBuffer), you use a dynamic FIND-BY-ROWID to position the before-table for ttOline in
the origin ProDataSet to the before-image of the same row. Then you reference this
records AFTER-ROWID to identify and find the after-table row in ttOline in the origin
ProDataSet. This is the row you want to copy final field changes to. The BUFFER-COPY
method does this.
This two-step process is unavoidable because in the case where you need to back out, in
the origin ProDataSet, a delete that has failed on the server, you need to locate the
before-table row in the origin ProDataSet to delete it after you re-create the undeleted row
in the after-table. This is all part of what Progress does for you when you use the
/* This forces the relation queries to re-open and refresh the browse. */
This is necessary to force the relation queries to re-open and refresh the browse. Using the
preprocessor {&OPEN-QUERY-OlineBrowse} would not work because the query the browse
is using is the query on the Data-Relation, not the static ttOline query generated by the
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13. Use the ACCEPT-CHANGES method to clear all the before-table records and to accept the new
values in any changed after-table records as the starting point for any further changes.
Delete the dynamic change ProDataSet now that youre done with it:
14. Enable the OrderNum field again so the user can request another Order and disable the Save
Changes button until there are more changes to save. Also, turn the TRACKING-CHANGES
flag back on for ttOline to capture any further changes that are made to this Order before
another Order is selected:
Because this is the trigger for the button, you can refer to it as SELF, and no frame qualifier
is needed.
15. Go into the property sheet for BtnSave and make it initially disabled. It will be enabled by
the code when there are changes to save.
16. In the ROW-LEAVE trigger for OlineBrowse, enable the Save button if the row was modified:
/* Disable the Order Number until changes are saved. */
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17. In the LEAVE trigger for field iOrderNum, disable the Save button when a new Order is
Here the DO block around the ASSIGN statement scopes the references to the dsFrame, so
the IN FRAME phrase isnt needed.
If you save this and rerun the window procedure, you can see the effect of the code that
writes the changes back to the database.
18. Select one or more OrderLines, change the Price (and also Qty and Discount if you like),
and choose the Save Changes button.
You see the confirmation that the records were written back to the database, because the
Extended Price field, which is calculated by a database trigger procedure, it changed to
reflect the new Price, Qty, and Discount. For example:
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Changing the Price and Qty of line 2 recalculates the Extended Price:
You can save this and rerun the window procedure to confirm that the save works the same as
before. SAVE-ROW-CHANGES saves you all the work of the steps you coded individually in the
CASE statement. You can still take advantage of the attributes and methods you used if you need
to perform some part of the work of SAVE-ROW-CHANGES without using all of what it does. The
default transaction handling is to treat each individual row save as its own transaction. If you
want a larger transaction scope, you can define the DO TRANSACTION block at the level that is
appropriate. Remember that there is no SAVE-CHANGES method to apply all changes in a single
method call because there is so much variety both to the order in which the changes should be
applied and to the transaction scope used for the changes.
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1. Comment out or remove all the code in the CHOOSE OF BtnSave trigger starting at the
CREATE QUERY statement and ending with the end of the DO WHILE AVAILABLE block.
2. Replace this with the MERGE-CHANGES method on the ProDataSets to merge changes in the
change ProDataSet hDSChanges back into the origin ProDataSet whose handle is
3. Also, remove the ACCEPT-CHANGES method later in the trigger. MERGE-CHANGES does the
work of ACCEPT-CHANGES, or in the case of a failed update, REJECT-CHANGES, for you:
MERGE-CHANGES replaces all the code that builds a dynamic query on the change
ProDataSets before-table, walks through it, finds the corresponding rows in the origin
ProDataSet table, and copies final field values back into the origin ProDataSet. In addition,
if there were any errors, MERGE-CHANGES would reject those changes by restoring the origin
ProDataSet rows back to their state before the update was attempted. Using
MERGE-CHANGES, you dont need to worry about using ORIGIN-HANDLE and ORIGIN-ROWID,
following the chain of RowIDs to the AFTER-ROWID, and so forth. The attributes are there
for you to use only when you need to do something different from what MERGE-CHANGES
does for you in a single statement.
Design tip: Use the high-level methods like SAVE-ROW-CHANGES and MERGE-CHANGES
whenever you can to take advantage of all the programming steps they take
care of for you. However, dont hesitate to code your own alternatives when
the default behavior is not what you need in a particular situation.
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There is an ERROR logical attribute on a Data-Set, ProDataSet temp-table, and temp-table buffer
that indicates whether any errors have occurred in applying changes back to the database.
The attribute is set by the 4GL when an error is encountered during FILL or SAVE-ROW-CHANGES.
The FILL error condition sets ERROR to true for the ProDataSet and temp-table for which the
error occurred. SAVE-ROW-CHANGES sets it to true for the ProDataSet and temp-table as well, but
also for the particular buffer that failed in the save attempt. This might be because of a unique
index violation or other constraint violation that generates a native Progress error, if a trigger
procedure for the database table returns error, or if the record was changed by another user.
The ERROR attribute can also be set programmatically to signal an error condition of any kind. If
you set ERROR to true for a buffer, it is not automatically set to true for the buffers temp-table
and for the ProDataSet. You can set the attribute at those levels yourself, if you wish. Setting
the attribute at the level of a temp-table or the entire ProDataSet allows you to tell immediately
whether there is an error anywhere in a set of changes. You can then check each individual row
in the updated temp-table to locate one or more specific rows that have errors.
There is also an ERROR-STRING character attribute on each ProDataSet temp-table and on each
temp-table row. This attribute is never set by Progress because it is not always clear what error
message (among several, for example) to store into the attribute. Your program can store a value
into ERROR-STRING to return a useful message to the caller. Setting ERROR-STRING is
independent of setting the ERROR condition.
There is also a REJECTED logical attribute for the ProDataSet, temp-table, and temp-table buffer.
This is never set by Progress, but can be set programmatically to indicate that a change was not
saved to the database because of an error condition. Progress does not set the attribute because
it is not possible for Progress automatically to determine the scope of a failed update. This
depends on the transaction scoping of the update process when multiple records are involved.
The REJECTED attribute can be used to signal to the caller (and most specifically to the
MERGE-CHANGES method) which rows were and were not successfully updated, so that the proper
adjustments can be made to the client interface or to other logic.
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For example, if your transaction scoping is such that a single error causes the whole set of
changes to be rejected, then either you or Progress can set the ERROR status for the one row that
actually failed. Because the entire transaction was undone, however, you could set the REJECTED
attribute to true for every affected row. In this way, the calling procedure can tell that all the
changes were rejected and reset the origin ProDataSet and the user interface accordingly. At the
same time, you can identify the single row that actually caused the update to fail, whose ERROR
attribute is true, and flag that as the row that needs to be corrected. This is why ERROR and
REJECTED are separate attributes.
If you use the MERGE-CHANGES method (or MERGE-ROW-CHANGES), it checks the REJECTED and
ERROR attributes for each row and does the merge accordingly. For each row marked REJECTED
or ERROR, MERGE-CHANGES effectively does a REJECT-ROW-CHANGES internally to restore the row
in the origin ProDataSet to its original values. You can take advantage of this default behavior,
or you can use the REJECT-CHANGES and REJECT-ROW-CHANGES methods yourself to get exactly
the behavior you require.
In the event of an error, you might not want to use MERGE-CHANGES at all. For example, say the
user updates a whole series of OrderLines and saves them. One of the OrderLines causes an
error, and the nature of the transaction is that none of the changes are accepted. If you run
MERGE-CHANGES on the change ProDataSet when you get it back on the client, it will restore the
ttOline table and its browse to the state of the rows before the user made the changes. This does
indeed reflect the state of the database, but its almost certainly not the behavior you want. Now
the user has to remake all the changes to all the rows in order to resubmit them for update.
Instead, you might check the ERROR attribute in your own code and use the REJECT-ROW-CHANGES
method to restore just those rows that generated errors to their original values, so that just those
rows need to be corrected. Or you might not restore any rows to their original values, but simply
display the errors and let the user correct them and resubmit the changes. Then you can run
MERGE-CHANGES when the updates succeed. This is why these different methods exist, so that
you can determine the behavior you want and program accordingly. Dont blindly use the
top-level methods like MERGE-CHANGES when they dont give you the behavior you want.
In principle, when you set any of these attributes at the individual row level, you set them and
check them on the before-table buffer. However, to provide maximum flexibility, you can set
them on either the before-table or after-table buffer and the effect is the same. If you set one of
the attributes on the before-table buffer, you can check its value on the corresponding after-table
buffer and vice versa. Remember in particular that for deleted rows, there will only be a
before-table row that records the delete, so in general you should do your error setting and error
checking on the before-table buffers.
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As you learned earlier, there is also a DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED attribute that indicates whether
there was a conflict between the before-table values for a row being saved and what is currently
in the database, indicating that the database has been changed by another transaction since the
ProDataSet was filled. If this attribute is set for any row in a temp-table, it is also set for the
temp-table itself, and for the ProDataSet. If a conflict results in a field value or an entire row not
being saved, then Progress sets the ERROR attribute. You can use the DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED
attribute to identify conflicts and flag them in the user interface, whether it is to signal why a
change was unsuccessful, or to draw the users attention to other changes that were either
overwritten by the users changes or combined with the users changes, when the changes are
to different fields.
The ERROR, ERROR-STRING, DATA-SOURCE-MODIFIED, and REJECTED attributes are all cleared for
all tables and rows affected by an ACCEPT-CHANGES, REJECT-CHANGES, MERGE-CHANGES, or FILL
method on a table or ProDataSet, or for an EMPTY-DATASET method on the ProDataSet or
EMPTY-TEMP-TABLE method on a table.
1. In updateOrder.p, retrieve the after-table row for each before-table row in the change
ProDataSet. Add this dynamic FIND statement at the top of the FOR EACH ttOlineBefore
Remember that even though the change ProDataSet is created as a dynamic ProDataSet in
the window procedure, updateOrder.p receives it into a static definition, so you can
reference both the before- and after-table buffers by their static names.
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2. Now that you have both versions of the row, compare the price and generate an
ERROR-STRING if the price has been increased by more than 10 percent:
Here you are first setting the ERROR attribute for the whole change ProDataSet. This makes
it easy to tell back in the calling procedure whether there were any errors.
Next, you set ERROR for the individual buffer along with the REJECTED attribute to signal
to MERGE-CHANGES that this update did not make it into the database.
Then you construct an error message and attach it to the buffer in error. The text of the
message, when assembled, will be something like:
If the validation check does not fail, the ELSE keyword invokes the SAVE-ROW-CHANGES
method to save the changes to the database. Note that this is one kind of error you can
generate, one that is detected by your own code. The SAVE-ROW-CHANGES method itself
could also generate errors if a native Progress error results from the change. In this case,
Progress sets ERROR at all levels but not REJECTED or the ERROR-STRING.
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8. In the CHOOSE OF BtnSave trigger, add this block of code after you run updateOrder.p:
This first checks the ERROR attribute on the ProDataSet as a whole. This is why you set this
attribute at this level, so that you know at once that there was an error in one of the updates.
To locate each error, you need to create a dynamic query for the ttOline buffer, prepare
it, open it, and walk through all its rows. For each one with the ERROR status, you append
the ERROR-STRING message to the editor text, with a line feed in between each one.
After closing and deleting the query, you display the status string.
Following this, the code already runs MERGE-CHANGES on the ProDataSet. When this
happens, MERGE-CHANGES checks the REJECTED attribute of each row and restores the
original row to the values it had before the update. Once again, this might not always be
the behavior you want, but we use it here to illustrate what MERGE-CHANGES does for you.
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10. Select an Order and change the Price of one or more of its OrderLines to be more than
10% higher than before:
The error strings are displayed in the status editor, and the changed prices have been rolled
back in the ttOline table and its browse. Any successful updates would be displayed,
along with the updated Extended Price, in the browse as well.
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The mechanism for defining change events is exactly the same as for defining FILL events. You
use the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method to associate an internal procedure name and the
handle of an active procedure instance containing that internal procedure with a fixed event
name. Since these are events that occur when the temp-tables themselves are modified while
TRACKING-CHANGES is true, it is reasonable that the event procedure could be located either on
the client side or on the server side of a distributed application, depending on whether the
temp-tables are being changed by user actions on the client or by other business logic actions
on the server. Note that there are no distributed calls to event procedures. Progress will not
automatically run an event in a server-side procedure from the client. The expectation is that if
the temp-table is changed on the client, then the supporting event logic is running on the client.
The application can, of course, make its own calls from the client event procedures to
procedures on the server, but you must consider the expense of doing this and avoid it wherever
In every case the event procedure receives the ProDataSet object as an INPUT parameter, just as
FILL events do. The event procedure can define the parameter as DATASET or as
DATASET-HANDLE, depending on whether it has a static definition of the ProDataSet. All of these
events are defined on a temp-table buffer, not the ProDataSet itself. That is, the
SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method is executed on a temp-table buffer handle.
Event procedures are defined for create and delete events. There is no support for a modify
event. This section uses the general term change statement to refer to any language statement
that causes one of these events. The event procedures all have access to the before images of
changed or deleted records using the attributes described earlier.
ROW-CREATE This is fired on a CREATE temp-table statement, after the record is created
in the temp-table. The current buffer for the temp-table is available and contains initial
values as defined in the temp-table definition (or inherited from the schema). This event
could be used to calculate other initial values for other fields or to make changes to other
records (such as to update a child record count in some parent record). You could also
reject the create by deleting the new temp-table record. This will cause it to be expunged
from the before-table as well as the after-table. Any CREATE trigger procedure is executed
after this event is handled.
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If you RETURN ERROR, this raises the Progress error condition as it does elsewhere. You can also
set the ERROR-STRING attribute of a row yourself to signal an error internally.
Progress passes the ProDataSet into the callback procedure as a parameter. If there is no
callback procedure, then nothing happens. The whole intent is to provide consistent behavior
(including no behavior at all if theres no event code).
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Advanced Events and Attributes
Chapter 3, ProDataSets Events introduced the FILL events you can use to extend the default
behavior of a ProDataSet or buffer FILL. This chapter describes more events and attributes.
Some of the techniques well show include examples of:
Doing a successive FILL of a ProDataSet, where an initial FILL populates the parent table
of a ProDataSet and then later requests fill in more detail for selected top-level rows.
Activating and deactivating Data-Relations and using FILL-MODE to control how much of
a ProDataSet is filled at one time.
Refreshing rows that have already been retrieved by re-reading the Data-Source.
Using the OUTPUT APPEND option on a parameter to bring successively more data over.
Summary Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The OFF-END event is available for any query on a ProDataSet temp-table. The OFF-END event
occurs when the query is positioned beyond the last row in the query, no matter how this is done.
This can be because of a browse scroll to the end of the query, or a GET-NEXT() method or GET
NEXT statement on the query beyond the last row.
This event can be attached to the query handle using the same SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE
method the FILL events use, as shown in the following context:
query-handle:SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE(OFF-END, event-procedure
[, procedure-handle ] ).
event-procedure is the name of an internal procedure to run that handles the event.
In keeping with the calling sequence for the FILL and temp-table change events, the ProDataSet
is passed in as an INPUT parameter implicitly BY-REFERENCE, providing the event procedure full
access to all the data at no cost (because there is no copying of data involved). And as with other
callback events, your code can use the APPLY-CALLBACK method to invoke the event handler
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A typical use of these events would be to fetch additional batches of data from the server if not
all data has been retrieved and sent to the client. The event handler for OFF-END can find the last
currently available row and pass its key to the server as a starting point for the next batch.
Theres an example of using this technique to provide data batching later in Chapter 8,
Batching Data with ProDataSets. The event procedure can of course also look at other
information in the ProDataSet, including the current row in other tables (so that the query
requesting more data could identify the parent for example), and whatever else is helpful.
Note that this event is similar to the existing QUERY-OFF-END query attribute. The difference is
that the QUERY-OFF-END attribute is a condition that must be tested at a specific place in the
application code, whereas the callback event procedure executes whenever the condition occurs
regardless of where it happens in the application code or the user interface. This allows a single
event handler to be executed whenever the condition occurs.
The event can be attached only to a query that is on a single buffer for a ProDataSet
temp-table; it is not possible to attach the events to a query that involves a join. Because
ProDataSet temp-tables can already mask database table joins, this should not normally be
a serious restriction.
The query must be defined as SCROLLING (so that it has an internal result-list maintained
by Progress).
The query open statement or method should not have the INDEXED-REPOSITION keyword;
if present, it is ignored.
The SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method must come before the query is opened for the first
time to assure that the event is triggered properly. Once the callback is registered, you can
open and close the query as much as you need to and the callback procedure remains
attached to the OFF-END event.
If the event handler is able to add a row or rows to the end of the temp-table, it must RETURN
NO-APPLY in order to prevent the QUERY-OFF-END (or browse OFF-END) condition from
occurring. If the event handler returns NO-APPLY, the application event or code that
triggered the event never even knows that the attempt to keep scrolling through the query
initially failed.
If the event handler is unable to add more rows to the temp-table, it should not RETURN
NO-APPLY. That would result in an infinite loop, since the NO-APPLY will prevent the
OFF-END condition from happening when it should.
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If you execute a GET LAST statement or GET-LAST() method on the query, the event handler
is called repeatedly until it does not return NO-APPLY, signifying that all records have been
retrieved. In the case of a very large set of rows this can result in a significant wait while
all rows are retrieved. If you need to take advantage of the behavior that
INDEXED-REPOSITION provides for you, allowing you to rebuild the querys result-list from
the end, for example, so that you can jump directly to the last row, then you cannot use an
OFF-END event handler to accomplish this.
The handler will get an error if it does an OPEN, GET, or REPOSITION on the query itself,
since the application is still in the middle of a query operation like NEXT or PREV that is
suspended while the event handler executes. Also, any references to a different row in the
querys temp-table must be done using a separate buffer.
References to the Progress SELF keyword in the event handler evaluate to the query handle.
From this the code can access the querys buffer if needed, using the construct
The query open can have the PRESELECT keyword or a BY clause for sorting, but note that
in the case of a PRESELECT or non-indexed sort, the handler will be called repeatedly until
all records are read before starting the post-select loop. This is not useful when the event
handler is used for batching, but it is supported primarily so that dynamic cases do not have
to check for special restrictions on the query.
The OFF-END event fires before the QUERY-OFF-END condition is set, and before any other
condition that signals the end of available data. This means, for example, that if there is an
OFF-END event on a query, and the end of the rows in the query is reached because of some
action (such as GET-NEXT), then the OFF-END event fires. If that event results in more rows
being added to the query, then the QUERY-OFF-END condition does not occur. In this way,
a single DO WHILE NOT hQuery:QUERY-OFF-END block, or the act of scrolling down through
a browse, can continue seamlessly until the OFF-END fails to add any new rows to the
An example in the next section shows how to use the OFF-END event to providing batching for
an application window when you need to be able to scroll seamlessly through a large number of
rows that cannot be retrieved all at once.
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The BATCH-SIZE attribute on a ProDataSet temp-table buffer lets you determine how many rows
to fill at a time. If you set this integer attribute to a non-zero value, then whenever you execute
a FILL on that buffer or its ProDataSet, Progress copies no more than BATCH-SIZE rows from
the Data-Source to the temp-table. If the BATCH-SIZE is reached before the end-of-data
condition on the Data-Source, the FILL stops for that buffer.
If the end of data is reached before the BATCH-SIZE is exceeded, then Progress sets the buffers
logical attribute LAST-BATCH to true. If the number of rows remaining to be read exactly matches
the value of BATCH-SIZE, Progress detects this and sets LAST-BATCH even without attempting to
position beyond the last row of data. In this way, LAST-BATCH is set correctly when the total
number of rows that satisfy the buffers query is an exact multiple of the BATCH-SIZE.
LAST-BATCH is automatically set during the execution of the FILL method when the BATCH-SIZE
on the buffer is non-zero and the end of the data is reached, and is cleared before the start of any
FILL or EMPTY actions on the same buffer or ProDataSet. If this default behavior is not
satisfactory, it can be set programmatically, right after the FILL or in an AFTER-FILL event.
LAST-BATCH is always false when BATCH-SIZE is zero or unknown, which means that data
batching is not being done.
This attribute is marshaled along with the rest of the ProDataSet definition when the ProDataSet
is passed as a parameter to another Progress procedure, whether local or remote. If you define
an OFF-END event handler for the buffer in the other procedure, it can check the LAST-BATCH flag
for the buffer and determine whether it should make a call to get more rows or if there are no
more rows to retrieve. Chapter 8, Batching Data with ProDataSets shows an example of this.
Batch-size is primarily intended to limit the number of rows added to a top buffer in a
ProDataSet, or to a non-top buffer whose parent table normally has only one row in it. However,
it can be set at any level of the hierarchy. The counter used to compare the rows read against the
BATCH-SIZE for a buffer is reset for every FILL action. If a buffer is not a top-level buffer in the
ProDataSet, then FILL may be called on it many times, once for each parent row. The
BATCH-SIZE limit is applied anew each time. For example, if you have ttCust and ttOrder as
parent and child, and you put a BATCH-SIZE of 10 on ttOrder, then for each ttCust record that
is added to ttCust during the FILL, you can have up to 10 ttOrder records added to the
ProDataSet. Thus in a case such as this the BATCH-SIZE on the child table limits the number of
child rows for each parent, not the total number of rows for the FILL.
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Note: If there are multiple FILLs on the same temp-table, either because FILL is invoked
multiple times in succession, or because FILL is invoked on a buffer that is a child of
some parent buffer in a ProDataSet and the parent buffer has more than one row, the
value of LAST-BATCH will be true if the last invocation of the FILL for that buffer reached
the end of data, but false otherwise, and therefore cannot really be relied on. For
example, lets go back to the case of a ProDataSet with ttCust and ttOrder tables, and
multiple Customers and their Orders being read in the same FILL. If there is a
BATCH-SIZE for ttOrder, then within a single ProDataSet FILL, that BATCH-SIZE may be
reached for Orders of some Customers but not for others. LAST-BATCH will be true if the
last Customer had more Orders than the BATCH-SIZE for ttOrder, and false otherwise.
This is why we say that BATCH-SIZE is really intended for use on a top-level buffer, or
on a child buffer when there is only one parent being FILLed at a time.
Though the LAST-BATCH attribute is marshaled with the ProDataSet, the BATCH-SIZE is not
marshaled as part of a ProDataSet remote or local parameter. This value must be set and kept
on the server side. Normally the client will need to know the value of LAST-BATCH, which is
marshaled, but not be concerned about the BATCH-SIZE.
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If an application procedure is looking for a row that may have been cached already in a
ProDataSet, and it is not there, this event gives the procedure the opportunity to suspend the
FIND in order retrieve the row in question, and to do anything else that might be appropriate. So
the event procedure could retrieve just the row for which the FIND failed, and add it to the local
cache, or it could retrieve a set of related rows, or anything else. The event handler has to be
able to determine from the context of the ProDataSet, which as always is passed into it as an
INPUT parameter, what the missing data is. For example, if the current row in the ttOrder table
as passed in does not yet have its OrderLines, then the code can make a call back to the server
to return OrderLines of the current Order and append them to the ProDataSet. However, the
event handler does not have direct access to the where-clause used on the FIND that failed.
As with the OFF-END event, it is completely transparent to the 4GL code that causes the initial
failure that the FIND ever failed in the first place. If the event handler is able to add the needed
row to the temp-table and RETURN NO-APPLY, the original statement simply succeeds as if the
row had always been there.
As with the OFF-END event, this event is supported only for FINDs on ProDataSet temp-table
buffers, not other buffers.
FIND-FAILED can be triggered by the static FIND and FIND FIRST statements and the dynamic
method equivalents FIND-UNIQUE and FIND-FIRST. FIND-FAILED does not occur for any FIND
NEXT or LAST statement or their equivalent GET methods for queries, or for the CAN-FIND
function. By contrast, FIND NEXT and FIND LAST conditions that dont yield a row of data are
handled by the query OFF-END event.
If a unique find (that is, an unqualified FIND statement or a FIND-UNIQUE method) fails due to
ambiguity, the event does not fire, since the problem in that case is not that the row does not
exist, but that there are too many matches.
It is important that the event handler itself not do any FINDs on the same buffer that the event is
defined on. Attempting to do this will cause an error.
The Setting up an event handler for the FIND-FAILED buffer event section on page 87
illustrates how to use the FIND-FAILED event to fill in Item rows in the client-side user interface
as they are explicitly referenced for the first time by an OrderLine that uses that Item.
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Whenever the application code does an explicit SYNCHRONIZE on that buffer or a parent of
that buffer in the ProDataSet hierarchy that cascades the SYNCHRONIZE through the levels
of the ProDataSet.
When there is an explicit browse row selection for a browse on a ProDataSet temp-table,
such as when the user clicks on a row.
This event allows the procedure code that responds to the event to display buffer values in a
frame or take some other action. The event is set using the same SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE
method and receives the ProDataSet as INPUT as other events do:
buffer-handle:SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE("SYNCHRONIZE", event-procedure
[, procedure-handle ] )
The event handler is invoked just before the SYNCHRONIZE behavior occurs, that is, before the
current buffers child relation queries are re-opened. The handler procedure can RETURN
NO-APPLY to cancel the effects of the SYNCHRONIZE in the event that it detects that the
synchronization should not occur (to avoid the overhead of opening child queries when this isnt
wanted, for instance).
78 Page 9 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
1. To get started, copy the final version of dsOrderWinUpd.w from Chapter 6, Updating Data
with ProDataSets, to a new procedure called PickOrder.w.
3. Define a browse for ttOrder with the columns OrderNum, CustNum, SalesRep, and
OrderDate. Name the new browse OrderBrowse.
Remember that you can do this in the AppBuilder by selecting the Temp-Tables dummy
database in the query builder for the browse. Since you copied the procedure from the
earlier one, it has all the same temp-table definitions.
5. Make the initial value of daOrderDate blank (using the unknown value ?) so that it
doesnt display todays date by default.
An easy way to get the fill-ins to inherit the attributes of the fields they represent in
ttOrder is to go through these steps for each one.
6. Select the fill-in from the Palette and drop it onto the design window.
7. Double-click on it to bring up its property sheet and choose the Database Field button:
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8. From the Field-Selector dialog box, select the field from the Temp-Tables database and
ttOrder table:
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10. Set the Object name in the property sheet to the variable name, such as iCustNum.
This creates a local variable definition with the same attributes for label, format, and so
forth as the temp-table field, but does not actually define the fill-in as the temp-table field.
This is because you wont use these fill-ins to display fields from the current ttOrder, but
rather to enter filter criteria for retrieving Orders through the ProDataSet.
You will use these fill-ins to allow the user to filter Orders by entering a value into one or
more of the fields. The window procedure will request a dsOrder ProDataSet with all the
Orders that satisfy the selection, and then allow the user to select an Order and fetch
OrderLine detail for it.
11. Next, remove all the commented-out code from the CHOOSE trigger for BtnSave.
Change the statement at the end that re-enabled iOrderNum (which is no longer there) to
re-enable the three filter fields after a Save has been processed:
12. Change the ROW-LEAVE trigger code for the OlineBrowse to change the reference to
iOrderNum to disable the three filter fields, in the same way as above:
/* Disable the Order Number until changes are saved. */
711 Page 12 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Now youre ready to start writing the support logic to retrieve data into the window.
13. In the Definitions section, define a handle to hold the procedure handle of the procedure
that contains the event logic and other support procedures for the data retrieval:
14. In the Main Block, add a statement to kill this procedure when the window exits:
RUN disable_UI.
712 Page 13 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
RUN enable_UI.
RUN orderSupport.p PERSISTENT SET hOrderProc.
The support procedure can be based on the procedure OrderEvents.p that you created
18. Add variable definitions for a ProDataSet handle and a string to hold selection criteria:
19. Set the handle variable to the dsOrder ProDataSet handle and change the
SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE references to the old input parameter phDataSet to be
713 Page 14 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
PROCEDURE fetchOrders:
cSelection = pcSelection.
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(2):FILL-MODE = "NO-FILL". /* ttOline */
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(3):FILL-MODE = "NO-FILL". /* ttItem */
This saves off the selection criteria and empties the server-side ProDataSet in preparation for
responding to the request.
When the user requests a set of Orders, you dont want to return all the OrderLine detail yet
because that can be a lot of data. Instead, you just return the Order headers and wait for the user
to select a specific Order to fill in. For this reason fetchOrders needs to set the FILL-MODE
attribute for the ttOline and ttItem tables to NO-FILL. In this way, when you then do a FILL
on the ProDataSet, it fills only the ttOrder table and skips the other two tables.
714 Page 15 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
There are three ways to change the extent of a FILL, either to limit or to extend the amount of
data loaded into the ProDataSet at one time:
Setting the FILL-MODE of one or more tables to NO-FILL is the first, as used in this
example. When Progress encounters a NO-FILL table, it doesnt fill that table and does not
continue down to any children of that table, in effect ending the FILL for that entire branch
of the ProDataSet, if there are multiple levels of Data-Relations. In the case of the present
example, the ttItem table (which is referenced in the code block above as buffer-handle
3 in the ProDataSet) is the child of ttOline, so ordinarily it would suffice to set ttOline
to NO-FILL. But the ProDataSet definition makes the Data-Relation between ttOline and
ttItem a REPOSITION relation, which means that at the time of the FILL, ttItem is treated
as a top-level table, so that all Items are loaded into the ProDataSet. The REPOSITION
relation just tells Progress to select the current Item for each OrderLine automatically in
the user interface. For this reason you have to set the FILL-MODE to NO-FILL for ttItem,
as well as ttOline, to keep the Items from being populated until theyre needed.
The second way to change the extent of a FILL is to set the ACTIVE attribute of one or more
relations to FALSE, or to set the ProDataSets RELATIONS-ACTIVE attribute to FALSE, which
sets ACTIVE to false for all relations. When you do a FILL on the ProDataSet handle in this
case, Progress does not stop filling children when it encounters a deactivated relation.
Instead, it treats every child of a deactivated relation as a top-level table and fills all such
tables independently, that is, either with all records from the Data-Source or by using a
query if youve defined one for the Data-Source. This method can, therefore, be useful
when for some reason you want to define independent queries for a set of tables that are
otherwise related, or that should be related after the FILL, when you are navigating the
The third way to change the FILL is to execute the FILL method on a temp-table buffer
handle rather than on the ProDataSet itself. In this case, Progress fills only from that table
down. This can limit the extent of the fill if there is more than one top-level table in the
ProDataSet. Also, when you execute a FILL starting at a specific buffer, Progress does not
treat children of deactivated relations under that buffer as top-level tables. Instead, it
simply ends the fill at the level of the parent of the deactivated relation.
This different behavior for a FILL on a buffer is there specifically to provide you with enough
alternatives to satisfy just about any requirement. There is almost always more than one way to
get the level of FILL that you want. Dont be unduly confused by all the alternatives. Just pick
a way that works for your situation.
715 Page 16 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
To show you an example of one alternative to the one the example uses, the code in
fetchOrders could deactivate the first relation in the ProDataSet, between ttOrder and
ttOline. In this case, you would have to do the FILL on the ttOrder buffer rather than on the
ProDataSet. Otherwise, the ttOrder and ttItem tables would be filled with all the OrderLines
and Items in the database, which is not what you want. So the code would look like this:
Note, again, that in this case you do the FILL on the first buffer handle, not on the ProDataSet.
Also, you have to remember to set the ACTIVE attribute back to TRUE when you need to fill the
detail later on.
Another point to remember in this case is that any event procedures defined at the level of the
ProDataSet will not fire when you do a FILL on the ttOrder table. In our example, the support
procedure prepares the Order query in the BEFORE-FILL event for the ProDataSet and detaches
the Data-Sources in the AFTER-EVENT for the ProDataSet, so this code would need to be moved
to the FILL events for the Order table. These are all things to consider when you are designing
the structure of your procedures and event handlers.
Why is this here? After all, as you learned earlier, passing ProDataSets by value (that is, by
copying the data from one procedure to the other) is the default behavior, and you have to
explicitly specify BY-REFERENCE in the RUN statement to pass the ProDataSet by simply pointing
the called procedure at the same instance the calling procedure is using.
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To answer the question, lets look at a sketch of how the ProDataSet definitions are used in these
two procedures, the window procedure that represents the client and the support procedure that
represents the server code, as shown in Figure 71.
PickOrder.w orderSupport .p
DATASET dsOrder 5
preDataSetFill :
2 fetchOrders :
RUN fetchOrders OUTPUT DATASET dsOrder FILL ().
Here are the steps the procedures go through using the default behavior of passing the
ProDataSet by value:
1. The ProDataSet that is going to supply the data to the client is defined in orderSupport.p.
The SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE methods that attach its behavior to it all point to that
definition by using the local ProDataSet handle or one of its buffer handles.
2. When the client procedure calls fetchOrders, the ProDataSet parameter in fetchOrders
also references the local ProDataSet dsOrder whose definition it shares.
3. When fetchOrders does a FILL, that FILL also references the local ProDataSet dsOrder.
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4. Because the FILL callback events have been attached to that local instance of dsOrder,
they all execute correctly to prepare the query, attach Data-Sources, and take other actions
as part of the FILL.
5. When fetchOrders returns ProDataSet dsOrder as OUTPUT, it again refers to the local
ProDataSet, which is copied back to the window procedures own instance of ProDataSet
In this way, the ProDataSet in orderSupport.p, enclosed in the dotted line, maintains its
integrity. All the behavior that has been attached to it executes properly. This is always how a
procedure call like this operates when the application is actually distributed. If the window
procedure truly executes in a client session and the support procedure in an AppServer session,
then the ProDataSet is always copied back to the client from the server. Given this expectation,
the way you have set up the server procedure is entirely appropriate.
However, you also want to code your procedures so that even when they are all run in the same
session, even if only for initial testing purposes, they run correctly. Because ProDataSets are
passed by value by default, the default behavior in a strictly local situation is also correct. The
potential problem lies in the fact that orderSupport.p depends on the ProDataSet always being
passed by value. Figure 72 shows what happens if the client procedure in the same session
decides to ask for the OUTPUT DATASET dsOrder BY-REFERENCE.
718 Page 19 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
PickOrder.w orderSupport .p
preDataSetFill :
RUN fetchOrders
(OUTPUT DATASET fetchOrders :
dsOrder BY -
2. When the window procedure runs fetchOrders locally with the ProDataSet passed
BY-REFERENCE, it is forcing the support procedure to use its instance of dsOrder in order
to avoid copying the ProDataSet back.
4. Unfortunately, the callback procedures are still attached to the (now unused) ProDataSet
instance in orderSupport.p. Therefore they dont run when the FILL happens because the
FILL is on a different instance of the ProDataSet.
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5. When fetchOrders returns, it doesnt copy anything back to PickOrder.w because the
BY-REFERENCE qualifier tells Progress to use the callers instance of the ProDataSet.
Because the fill events never fire to prepare the query and attach the Data-Sources, nothing
happened and there is no data on the client.
The design of orderSupport.p in this case requires that the ProDataSet be passed by value. For
this reason, you can assure that the calls will be made properly by forcing the parameter to be
passed by value by using the BY-VALUE keyword on the parameter definition in the called
procedure. Then everything works properly even if a local caller tries to use BY-REFERENCE. The
qualifier is simply overridden by the definition in the called procedure, without error.
As with the earlier discussion about when and how to use BY-REFERENCE, the implications of its
use can seem confusing. The best guideline is to pass ProDataSets BY-REFERENCE when you
expect that the procedure call will always, or at least sometimes, be made locally (within the
same session) in the deployed application (where performance counts), and when you have
structured your procedures such that you wont have references to the wrong ProDataSet
instance, as could happen in the second example here. Passing a ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE can
be a valuable optimization, but it is only an optimization, and you must always make sure that
sharing the same ProDataSet instance wont have unintended consequences.
PROCEDURE preDataSetFill:
Now the fill will load not just one Order, but typically a whole set of Orders into the top-level
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ASSIGN iCustNum daOrderDate cSalesRep.
IF iCustNum NE 0 THEN
cSelection = "CustNum = " + STRING(iCustNum).
IF daOrderDate NE ? THEN
cSelection = cSelection + (IF cSelection NE "" THEN " AND " ELSE "") +
"OrderDate = " + QUOTER(daOrderDate).
IF cSalesRep NE "" THEN
cSelection = cSelection + (IF cSelection NE "" THEN " AND " ELSE "") +
"SalesRep = " + QUOTER(cSalesRep).
OPEN QUERY OrderBrowse FOR EACH ttOrder.
The code first constructs a where-clause using whichever of the filter fields were filled in,
and passes this to fetchOrders. It gets the ProDataSet back as an OUTPUT parameter. Since
the ProDataSet is not passed by reference, any data that comes back replaces whatever
might have been in the local ProDataSet before, so theres no need to empty the
ProDataSet in advance. If you wanted to have the new set of Orders appended to the ones
already there, then you could use the APPEND option on the parameter to do this.
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2. Try running this much of the PickOrder.w procedure. Enter some selection criteria for
Orders and tab through the SalesRep field.
Here, for instance, we retrieve all the Orders for Customer 1 and SalesRep HXM:
You see that no OrderLine or Item information came back, because those tables were set
When the user selects an Order, the trigger saves off the Order number for later reference.
It must then delete the temp-table row for that Order:
iOrderNum = ttOrder.OrderNum.
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Why is this? When you pass the request to the support procedure to fill in the detail, it is
going to prepare the top-level Order query for that one selected Order, set the FILL-MODE
back to APPEND for OrderLines and Items, and then do a FILL. That FILL will read the
Order into the top-level table along with its OrderLines and all Items. When this is
returned to the client to be appended to the data already in the clients ProDataSet, that
ttOrder row is going to be a duplicate of the row already there, and this will cause an
error. Remember, when you use the OUTPUT APPEND parameter form, new data in each
temp-table is always appended to the rows already there. There is no ability to use the
FILL-MODE to define a different behavior for each temp-table.
Therefore, you must delete rows that will result in duplicates in advance, either on the
sending side or the receiving side, before the new data is appended. In this case, deleting
the existing row has the advantage of returning the latest field values for the Order along
with its OrderLines, giving you what amounts to a REFRESH mode for the Order. This, in
general, is how you accomplish a refresh of data in a ProDataSet, simply by deleting the
rows you want to refresh and then requesting them again.
2. In case the user has selected an Order that has been selected before, you delete any
OrderLines for it so that they are refreshed as well:
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4. To reset the user interface, you need to open the top-level query, reposition the query to
the selected Order (which repositions the browse as well), and do a SYNCHRONIZE to reset
the dependent queries for OrderLines and Items as well:
PROCEDURE fetchOrderDetail:
cSelection = "OrderNum = " + STRING(piOrderNum).
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(2):FILL-MODE = "APPEND". /* ttOline */
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(3):FILL-MODE = /* ttItem */
With all this done, you can fully test the procedures.
6. First make sure that your dsOrder.i include file has the REPOSITION keyword for the
LineItem relation so that you can see all the items in the ttItem browse.
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7. Run PickOrder.w, select a set of Orders using the filter fields, and then double-click on
one of the Orders:
The first time you double-click on an Order, its OrderLines and all Items are brought over
from OrderSupport.p. After that, double-clicking on another Order brings over its
OrderLines without refetching the Items. If you simply select an Order without
double-clicking on it, this empties the ttOline browse, showing that its OrderLines are
not yet part of the clients ProDataSet.
The COPY-DATASET method copies all the data in one ProDataSet to another:
target-dataset-handle:COPY-DATASET(source-dataset-handle [ , merge-flag ] ).
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If the target-dataset already has temp-table definitions, and these are not compatible with the
source-dataset, then an error results when you try to execute the COPY-DATASET method. To
be compatible, the field data-types and field order must match in all corresponding temp-tables
in the two ProDataSets. If fields in the same position within the temp-tables have different
names, this is ignored, as temp-table field values are copied from the source to the target based
on their position within the buffer. Naturally the temp-table names in the two ProDataSets do
not have to be the same, as each ProDataSet must have its own distinct temp-tables. In addition,
the two ProDataSets do not need to have identical Data-Relation definitions. If the target
ProDataSet already has Data-Relations defined, they are left in place regardless of the
Data-Relations in the source ProDataSet.
By default, the tables in the target ProDataSet are emptied at the start of the COPY-DATASET
operation, so that the end result is that the target ProDataSet temp-tables have the same rows as
in the source ProDataSet. If you instead want to merge the data in the two ProDataSets, you
include the optional second merge-flag parameter on the method call. If this logical parameter
is present and evaluates to true, then data from the source ProDataSet temp-tables is merged into
the target temp-tables according to the rules of the MERGE value for a temp-table buffers
FILL-MODE during a FILL. That is, rows from the two corresponding tables in each pair are
combined so that the target ends up with all the rows that were in either the source or target at
the start. If there is a unique index on the target temp-table, all rows from the source that violate
that index constraint are silently eliminated during the COPY-DATASET operation, so that the
target winds up with only one row for each index value. Note that there is no interleaving of data
in related tables as it is copied from the source ProDataSet to the target. Each temp-table is
copied individually in its entirety, starting at the top of the ProDataSet hierarchy. If duplicate
rows are eliminated from a parent table in the course of the copy, this has no effect on the related
rows in any child table.
If the source ProDataSet has any before-tables that have any rows in them, you cannot use
COPY-DATASET on that ProDataSet. It would not be appropriate to copy and duplicate this
transactional data, which is presumably waiting to be committed back to its Data-Source. Since
it would also not be appropriate to copy the ProDataSet and silently omit this data, its simply
not allowed. If you need to copy after-tables from one ProDataSet to another at a time when the
before-tables have data in them, you can use the COPY-TEMP-TABLE method.
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target-table-handle:COPY-TEMP-TABLE(source-table-handle [ , merge-flag ] ).
You can use the COPY-TEMP-TABLE method on any source or target temp-table, whether it is part
of a ProDataSet or not. Therefore you can use this method to copy individual temp-tables from
one ProDataSet to another, or for other temp-tables having nothing to do with ProDataSets.
As with COPY-DATASET, by default the target temp-table is emptied at the start of the operation.
The rules for temp-table compatibility, the use of the optional merge-flag, and so on, are the
same as for COPY-DATASET.
The procedure next defines a static query for the Order table, along with the Data-Sources the
ProDataSet uses:
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It then prepares the source ProDataSet query to retrieve Orders for Customer 1, along with their
OrderLines and Items, and attaches the Data-Sources. The FILL brings all this data into the
source ProDataSet:
A simple DISPLAY loop confirms that the Orders are in the source ProDataSet dsOrder and its
ttOrder temp-table:
The procedure creates the dynamic ProDataSet using the handle hDataSet2:
This is initially an empty structure for a ProDataSet. It has no table or relation definitions. The
COPY-DATASET method copies first the table and Data-Relation structure from dsOrder to the
new dynamic ProDataSet, and then its data. To verify that both the definition and its data have
been copied, the procedure creates a dynamic query for the top-level table in the new
ProDataSet and prepares the query to navigate its rows. As explained above, the COPY-DATASET
method gives the new dynamic buffer the name cpy_ plus the source buffer name:
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The procedure opens the dynamic query and walks through all the rows at the top level of the
target ProDataSet, displaying the same OrderNum and CustNum fields to verify that it contains
the same data as the source:
hBuffer2 = hQuery2:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE.
When you run the procedure it shows you the Orders in both ProDataSets:
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To show a possible use for COPY-DATASET, lets start by making some changes to the way
PickOrder works, which will cause a problem that will then need correcting.
2. Create a variation on dsOrder.i called dsOrderNoRepos.i, which does not have the
REPOSITION keyword on the Item relation:
This will be used in the OrderSupport procedure when it fills the ProDataSet, so that
rather than retrieving all Items regardless of their relationship to the OrderLines (which
is what REPOSITION does on a FILL), it will retrieve only those Items that match one of the
OrderLines being filled at the same time.
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PROCEDURE fetchOrderDetail:
cSelection = "OrderNum = " + STRING(piOrderNum).
/* We need to reset the FILL-MODE from its initial setting of
NO-FILL for these two tables. */
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(2):FILL-MODE = "APPEND". /* ttOline */
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(3):FILL-MODE = "MERGE". /* ttItem */
/* IF lFillItems THEN "APPEND" ELSE "NO-FILL". */
6. Change the SalesRep LEAVE trigger in PickOrderCopy.w to run the new version of
fetchOrders, with only two parameters:
7. Change the MOUSE-SELECT-DBLCLICK trigger for the ttOrder browse, likewise eliminating
the second argument to fetchOrderDetail:
8. Now try running the window procedure. Enter 1 for the Customer and tab through the other
fill-in fields. Youll see Orders for Customer 1 as before.
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9. Double-click on the second Order (number 36). You see that only its Items have been
retrieved to be displayed in the Item browse:
10. Now double-click on the next Order, number 79. Its OrderLines and Items are retrieved
and added to those already in the window procedures ProDataSet. So far so good.
11. Now double-click on the next Order, number 177. This time you get an error:
What went wrong? Because the APPEND mode on the ProDataSet parameter in the Order
browse trigger doesnt eliminate duplicates, Progress attempted to add an Item to the
window procedures ttItem table that was already used in another OrderLine, and was
therefore already there. This violates the unique index on the ttItem table, and Progress
complains accordingly.
Since you cant get the APPEND parameter mode to do a merge for you, eliminating
duplicates, how can you accomplish this?
One way is to use the COPY-DATASET method to combine the data from two ProDataSets,
one which is already on the client, and the other which is retrieved into a separate
ProDataSet from the support procedure.
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12. To do this, insert the contents of the include files dsOrderTT.i and dsOrder.i into definitions section, and edit them to give unique names to the second
copy of the ProDataSet and its temp-tables. The temp-tables should be named ttOrder2,
ttOline2, ttOlineBefore2, and ttItem2. The field and index names can stay the same.
The new ProDataSet definition should look like this:
Remember that there is no way to have multiple instances of the same static ProDataSet
or temp-table in a single Progress procedure, so the second ProDataSet and its temp-tables
need distinct names. You could of course also use a dynamic ProDataSet as the second
ProDataSet, as we showed in the previous example.
13. Now re-edit the MOUSE-SELECT-DBLCLICK trigger on the Order browse to remove the code
that empties the target ProDataSet, and to receive the additional Orders, OrderLines, and
Items into a second ProDataSet that is then copied into the first one:
/* DELETE ttOrder.
FOR EACH ttOline WHERE ttOline.OrderNum = iOrderNum:
DELETE ttOline.
END. */
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The second argument to COPY-DATASET, the merge-flag TRUE, tells Progress to merge data from
ProDataSet dsOrder2 into dsOrder rather than emptying dsOrder first. Now when you rerun
the window, retrieve Orders for Customer 1, and select Orders 36, 79, and 177 in turn, the error
is gone, because new data is being merged into the original ProDataSet and duplicates
automatically eliminated:
The examples showed several ways to use the ProDataSet to read data flexibly and efficiently:
Doing successive fills, starting with header information and filling in detail when needed,
can be much more efficient than initially filling a ProDataSet with a large amount of data
that the user might never need to look at.
You can refresh data on the client by deleting the rows to be refreshed and then requesting
new data from the server.
You can use the OUTPUT APPEND parameter mode to add data to a ProDataSet in multiple
Alternatively, you can use a second ProDataSet as a parameter and then use the
COPY-DATASET method to combine data from multiple fills more flexibly.
In the next chapter, well move on to giving an example of how to batch large amounts of data
from server to client.
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Batching Data with ProDataSets
This chapter describes how to batch with a ProDataSet and includes an example of batching data
by retrieving subsets of a large number of rows in successive requests, as described in the
following sections:
Using the include-field list to limit the fields copied into the table
Summary Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
If you run PickOrder.w and tab through all the filter fields without entering a value into one,
youll see a small but noticeable delay before the Order browse displays the Orders. After all,
Progress has to read nearly 4000 Order records from the database, plus their Customers and
SalesReps, create a temp-table record for each of them, and buffer-copy the database records
to the temp-table. Then it copies the ProDataSet definition and the entire contents of the
ttOrder table to the window procedure. Considering the amount of work its doing, its pretty
amazing that it doesnt take a lot longer than it does. However, if the number of rows were even
larger, or if you were running the support procedure across an AppServer connection on a
different machine, the delay would be much greater.
Generally, you should try to avoid giving your users the opportunity to browse through very
large numbers of rows on the client, instead prompting them to filter the data in advance as the
example window does. However, in some cases you need to move a potentially large number of
rows from server to client, and it is often better to do it in batches so the user can see some of
the rows before every database record has been read and copied into the temp-table and across
to the client. This section extends the example from Chapter 7, Advanced Events and show you a way of doing this. At the same time well show you how to limit the
number of fields copied into the temp-table. After all, the window is only showing four fields
from the ttOrder table, so there is really no point in copying every field into the temp-table,
and more significantly, passing all those field values across to the client where they will never
be seen or used.
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3. In the LEAVE trigger for cSalesRep in PickOrderBatch.w, change the RUN statement so that
you run a different support procedure if the user doesnt enter a value into any of the filter
The new procedure fetchOrderBatch takes an Order Number to start with, and a list of
fields to populate the temp-table with. Since you want to start fresh when the user tabs out
of the SalesRep, you just pass 0 as the starting point in the Order table. The four fields in
the second parameter are the fields the browse uses; those are the only ones you need
values for on the client.
4. Switch over to OrderSupportBatch.p. First you need a new definition at the top:
The cFieldList is the list of fields to include in the ttOrder table, passed over to
5. Write the fetchOrderBatch procedure. It needs the three parameters you saw in the
SalesRep trigger:
PROCEDURE fetchOrderBatch:
The selection that becomes the where-clause for the Order query needs to start with the
first Order Number greater than the one passed in. For the call in the SalesRep trigger, this
is the first Order in the database. In later calls, the INPUT parameter will be the highest
Order Number retrieved so far.
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The pcFieldList parameter passed in is saved in the variable cFieldList, which can be
seen throughout the procedure:
6. You use the BATCH-SIZE attribute on the ttOrder buffer to tell Progress to fill only a
maximum of 20 rows into the ttOrder temp-table at a time:
7. The next four lines are the same as in fetchOrder, and you can copy them from there:
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(2):FILL-MODE = "NO-FILL". /* ttOline */
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(3):FILL-MODE = "NO-FILL". /* ttItem */
Using the include-field list to limit the fields copied into the
Next, you need to make use of the field list passed in to limit the number of fields that are copied
into the ttOrder temp-table.
Edit the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method for the ttOrder table in preOrderFill to use cFieldList
as the value for the include field list.
84 Page 5 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The first of the optional arguments to ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE following the Data-Source handle
is the field mapping for fields whose names are changed. This argument was already there in
this example:
PROCEDURE preOrderFill:
"Customer.Name,CustName", ?, cFieldList ).
The second and third optional arguments are a list of fields to exclude from the temp-table and
a list of fields to include. You can specify one of these but not both.
Limiting the field values that are buffer-copied speeds up the creation of the temp-table rows
somewhat. But the major reason for not filling fields that the client doesnt need is to cut down
on the network traffic, as always anticipating the deployment situation where the support
procedure is running on an AppServer and the window on a separate client machine. The field
values that arent buffer-copied into the temp-table will be null, blank, or 0, unless the field has
another specific initial value. Even though these values do go across to the client, this greatly
reduces the number of bytes of data being passed.
To set up this event, add this SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method to the LEAVE trigger for the
SalesRep field, after getting the initial ProDataSet back from the support procedure:
/* Set up an OFF-END event handler for the Order buffer to do batching. */
OPEN QUERY OrderBrowse FOR EACH ttOrder.
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Code the OffEndOrder internal procedure itself, also in PickOrderBatch.w. Like all event
handlers, it receives the ProDataSet as an INPUT parameter by-reference:
Purpose: Procedure OffEndOrder handles the OFF-END event on the Order
It asks the support procedure for another batch of rows unless
the LAST-BATCH has already been returned.
Parameters: INPUT DATASET dsOrder
This procedure needs to check to see whether all the Orders have been retrieved in the window
procedure yet. The LAST-BATCH attribute on the ttOrder buffer provides this information. If the
last batch of rows hasnt been returned, it passes the highest OrderNum value received so far to
the same fetchOrderBatch routine that brought the first batch of rows over to the SalesRep
LEAVE trigger. Whatever rows come back are appended to what is already in the local
/* If the LAST-BATCH flag doesn't indicate that all rows have been returned,
then pass the current last OrderNum to tell where to start, and
get another batch. */
FIND LAST ttOrder.
iOrderNum = ttOrder.OrderNum.
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After disabling the Save button until the user has actually retrieved and made changes to an
Orders OrderLines, the procedure simply executes a RETURN NO-APPLY statement to cancel the
default effects of the OFF-END event on the query. In the background, Progress has automatically
reopened the OrderBrowse query on the ttOrder table, and repositioned it to the first new row
returned. In this way, the rest of the client application doesnt even know that the event occurred
or that the end of the set of rows on the client was temporarily reached:
If the LAST-BATCH flag had already been set when the event occurred, none of the code would
be executed and the procedure would return normally. Because there was no RETURN NO-APPLY
statement to cancel the OFF-END, the QUERY-OFF-END event and any other related events such as
OFF-END on the browse itself would occur.
To see the effects of the new event handler, save both procedures and rerun the window. Tab
through the SalesRep field and see the first batch of 20 Orders come up in the Order browse. If
you scroll down through those Orders, successive batches are transparently retrieved, added to
the temp-table and its query, and therefore displayed in the browse. The browses own OFF-END
GUI event never occurs until the last batch of Orders is retrieved. (If you scroll patiently through
all 4000+ Orders, youll see the scrolling eventually end. If you defined an OFF-END trigger for
the browse, perhaps just to display a message, youd see that the message doesnt appear until
you reach the end of all the Orders.) The same thing happens if the querys OFF-END event
happens for any other reason, such as executing successive GET-NEXT methods on the query.
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1. Add a callback for a FIND-FAILED event handler to the LEAVE trigger for SalesRep in
PickOrderBatch.w, right after the callback for the OFF-END event:
Note that the OFF-END event must be attached to a query, and the FIND-FAILED event to a
ProDataSet buffer, in this case the ttItem buffer, which will allow the procedure to
retrieve Items to add to the browse the first time they are referenced.
In this case, fetchOrderDetail will never return any Items. They will be retrieved one at
a time as theyre needed.
88 Page 9 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
PROCEDURE fetchOrderDetail:
/* Removed lFillItems parameter -- never return all items */
cSelection = "OrderNum = " + STRING(piOrderNum).
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(2):FILL-MODE = "APPEND". /* ttOline */
hDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(3):FILL-MODE = "NO-FILL". /* ttItem */
As with all callbacks, this one gets the ProDataSet as INPUT. It runs a new procedure called
fetchItem, which youll write in a moment, which accepts the needed Item number and
returns its ItemName. As always with callbacks, the buffer in the appropriate temp-table in
the ProDataSet parameter holds the row that was current when the event occurred. In this
case Progress is attempting to reposition the ttItem browse each time you select a
ttOline row in its browse. To do this, Progress is doing the equivalent of a FIND statement
internally. When the Item is not already there, the FIND-FAILED event occurs, giving your
event handler the opportunity to add the needed Item to the client. Since the browse shows
only the ItemNum and ItemName fields, fetchItem only needs to return the name. You then
create a new ttItem temp-table row for that item, and RETURN NO-APPLY. This tells
Progress to ignore the failure and try to locate the row again, transparent to wherever the
find failed. This now succeeds, and the new Item appears in its browse and becomes the
currently selected row.
89 Page 10 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
PROCEDURE fetchItem:
FIND Item WHERE Item.ItemNum = piItemNum.
pcItemName = Item.ItemName.
This accepts the current ItemNum, which the window procedure discovered that it didnt
have when it tried to reposition the Item browse when you select an OrderLine. It finds
the database record for that Item and returns its ItemName. Since youre just returning a
single field, theres no need to do a FILL. That would be overkill in this case.
6. Save all of this and rerun PickOrderBatch.w. Enter some selection criteria for Orders,
such as Customer 1, tab through the fill-ins, and then double-click on an Order to retrieve
its OrderLines.
When you do this, your modified version of fetchOrderDetail is not returning any
Items. Only when you select an OrderLine does Progress detect that its Item is missing,
because theres no row for it to reposition the Item browse to. This fires your FIND-FAILED
event handler, which retrieves that one Item, and adds it to the temp-table. By executing
a RETURN NO-APPLY, the handler tells Progress to ignore the failure and retry the reposition.
Now it succeeds:
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As you continue to select OrderLines, Progress continues to retrieve each Item the first
time its needed, adding it to the ttItem temp-table and to the browse:
Note that because youve created a general-purpose event handler for any FIND on the
ttItem table that fails, any other action your client might take that tries to find a ttItem
row unsuccessfully will automatically trigger the same handler, and will transparently add
the row to the temp-table and make the row available to the statement that needed it,
without that statement or its surrounding code needing to do anything special to allow for
the possibility that the row is not yet there when it is first referenced. This is the value of
the event handlers, that they execute whenever they are needed within the session.
Retrieving rows to cache on the client one at a time may not be a good strategy in many
cases. Your FIND-FAILED handler could also retrieve batches of rows up to the one that is
needed, or batches of related rows that are likely to be needed by the client. In any case,
the FIND-FAILED event is just one more tool you can use to make batching and caching
data in your ProDataSets as transparent as possible.
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This chapter has illustrated several techniques you can use to access data more flexibly using
ProDataSets, including:
Setting a batch size and retrieving large amounts of data a batch at a time, to avoid the
overhead of loading all rows into a temp-table and sending all the data across a network at
one time.
Using the OUTPUT APPEND parameter mode for the ProDataSet to build up both header and
detail information on the client a step at a time.
Using the include-field list to limit the number of fields that are actually populated with
data from the Data-Source, and therefore reducing the amount of data sent across the
network to the client.
Using OFF-END and FIND-FAILED event handlers to retrieve data transparently to add to the
clients ProDataSet when it is needed.
You could, of course, extend this example in many ways, for example, to support a FIND LAST
or other client-side event to jump to a later batch of rows, and to enable scrolling and retrieving
batches of rows backwards as well as forwards, etc. Much of this simulates what the
SmartDataBrowser object does in conjunction with a SmartDataObject for data retrieval in an
ADM2 application.
812 Page 1 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Advanced Read Operations
Earlier chapters introduced you to the syntax, attributes, and methods of the ProDataSet. This
chapter contains information on advanced use cases for read operations as well as examples, as
described in the following sections:
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There is no single right answer to this question, but if you think of your ProDataSets as
representing business objects or documents your application manages, then you should be able
to define the right scope for them. Even with such a simplified database as the Progress
Sports2000 database that we have been using to illustrate the use of the ProDataSet, you can
identify some combinations of tables that can properly be thought of as single business objects
and some that probably cant.
For example, an Order is a common object in many applications. Generally, an Order has a
header record. This is likely the right choice for the top level of an Order ProDataSet. The
OrderLines for an Order can then be a separate table in the same ProDataSet, if you think of
the OrderLines as being a part of the Order.
Are the Item records then also a part of the Order? Well, probably not really, even though we
have added an Item temp-table to the Order ProDataSet in these examples so that we can
demonstrate certain things about how ProDataSets work. The Item identifier is a part of each
OrderLine, but the Item list or catalog itself is really independent of any particular Order. You
might decide that having a separate temp-table in an Order ProDataSet that lets you pull in Item
detail information for all the Items used in a particular Order is a useful way to represent the
data, as we have done in some of these examples. This is perfectly legitimate if it suits your
purposes, but that is different from how you think of the Item catalog as a whole.
In this kind of situation, ProDataSets let you define multiple levels of granularity and then
combine them as you need to. For example, you can define an Item temp-table ttItem and an
Item ProDataSet dsItem to represent Items as objects in their own right. You could use this
ProDataSet to present a list of all Items or all Items that satisfy some selection. Having a
ProDataSet that contains just one table is perfectly reasonable. Even though there are no
relations within the ProDataSet, the ProDataSet structure still provides services for you to
manage the Items. For example, it could provide a common internal definition for the ttItem
table and perhaps common FILL logic to map the external Items onto the internal temp-table,
as shown in Figure 91.
dsItem itemSource.p
93 Page 4 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In Figure 91, itemSource.p represents a procedure that manages the Data-Source and FILL
logic for the ttItem table. This is the kind of procedure well use to build a simple example later
in this section.
You could then use this same ttItem temp-table and any of its logic as part of a larger
ProDataSet, such as an Order ProDataSet that wants to present Items used in the Order, as
shown in Figure 92.
buffer ttOrder
PROCEDURE fillOrder :
Note that while you cant actually make a ProDataSet such as dsItem a part of another
ProDataSet, you can make its temp-tables part of another ProDataSet such as dsOrder by using
a different buffer for the temp-table. Because the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE mechanism lets
you associate event procedures in any running procedure with a ProDataSet event, you can
combine logic from multiple support procedures in a single ProDataSet as shown here.
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In a real database, a customer or client is typically represented by data in several tables. There
might be a Customer header table, one or more addresses from an Address table, one or more
contacts from a Contacts table, and so on. This is probably the right set of tables to combine in
a Customer ProDataSet.
95 Page 6 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In summary, then, there is no single right granularity or complexity for a business object or the
ProDataSet that represents its data. Design your ProDataSets so that they represent useful
collections of data, either single business documents or sets of data that are normally handled
together. Remember as you do this that Progress gives you a lot of flexibility in how you load
and use the data in a single ProDataSet. As youve seen in earlier examples, an Order
ProDataSet can contain a single Order with all its detail, or it can be used to browse Order
headers and filling in the detail as you need it. Thus, you can make the scope of a business object
larger or smaller, depending on your needs.
Put your Data-Source definitions into the data access support procedure for the
ProDataSet. These identify the specifics of the relationship between the internal and
external data representations.
Put your FILL logic into this procedure as well. Your FILL logic can supplement the
default loading of data into the ProDataSets tables, or it can replace it entirely where there
is no standard Data-Source.
Attach the internal procedures that contain the FILL logic to the ProDataSet. You can do
this by passing the ProDataSet handle into a specific FILL procedure handler as an input
parameter, as shown in the Data access procedure example section on page 97.
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If you can code your FILL logic and other supporting logic without the static ProDataSet
and temp-table definitions, leave them out of the data access procedures. This way you
dont even have to recompile these procedures or check them for consistency with upper
layers of the application when it isnt necessary. In the example procedure, the temp-table
and ProDataSet include files are left out and the few references to specific database fields
that are needed are made dynamic, so that there are no dependencies on any fields other
than the ones that need to be specifically mapped or transformed. If your data
transformation is such that you would need many dynamic references, then go ahead and
include the static temp-table definitions. Just consider omitting them when you can.
To show something different from Orders and OrderLines, and to provide a basis for data
caching and data sharing between procedures, the sample ProDataSet is a set of independent
tables that have coded values of one kind or another. Within the limited confines of the
Sports2000 database, likely candidates are the State table, the Department table, and the
SalesRep table. These are all limited enough in scope that the tables can be completely
populated when the ProDataSet is first filled.
You can see that the ttSalesRep table is different from the database table its derived from. It
maps some database fields to different names in the temp-table and generates two calculated
fields as well.
97 Page 8 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
This couldnt be any simpler. There are no relationships between the tables, so the ProDataSet
definition only needs to list them.
Now lets start to build the data access support procedure that defines the Data-Sources and
handles the FILL logic. First, it defines the Data-Sources, which are also quite simple, as each
one names just a single database table the ProDataSet temp-table is derived from. Thus, theres
no need for query definitions. Progress can generate the queries it needs for loading data
The other thing to note about the top of the procedure is that it doesnt include the temp-table
or ProDataSet definitions. The ProDataSet is always referenced by its handle alone, which
means that anything about the ProDataSet definition can change without requiring even a
recompile of this procedure. The only dependencies are the specific fields that the procedures
must map or reference for calculations. Even in those cases, the code that maps or references
them could be made conditional so that it would not fail if the fields were removed from the
ProDataSet, or this procedure was used with a version of the ProDataSet that didnt have them.
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There are various alternatives to this approach. If the derived data is common to all use cases,
then it can be calculated once each time the data it depends on is changed, for example, by
database trigger procedure code, and stored in permanent database tables of its own. But in
many cases the calculations are specific to the immediate user of the data. For example, a price
sheet might depend on various factors that change from session to session, including who the
current Customer is, who the user is, what the nature of the product requirements are, and so
forth. In a case like this, a ProDataSet instance can provide reusable calculations that can be kept
available for the users session or until a different Customer or product line is selected. This
example illustrates such a case.
As with all FILL event procedures, this receives the ProDataSet as an INPUT parameter, passed
by reference. There are also several local variables:
PROCEDURE postRepRowFill:
The ProDataSet supports several different code tables. You need to get the handle to the
SalesRep table:
hSalesRep = phDataSet:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE("ttSalesRep").
Design tip: Its a good idea to keep any references to the specifics of the ProDataSet structure
like this as flexible as possible. In this case, the ttSalesRep table is the first one
in the ProDataSet, but referencing it as GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(1) can give you
maintenance headaches as definitions change. Also you might find yourself able
to reuse parts of this code with a very different ProDataSet structure if you dont
assume any dependencies that you dont need to. In some cases even the table
name could be a parameter.
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The first calculated field is the total Annual Quota for each SalesRep. To calculate this, you
total the 12 elements of the MonthQuota array:
DO iMonth = 1 TO 12:
dTotalQuota = dTotalQuota + SalesRep.MonthQuota[iMonth].
hSalesRep:BUFFER-FIELD("AnnualQuota"):BUFFER-VALUE = dTotalQuota.
Remember that because the temp-table definitions arent included, you need to reference the
fields dynamically through the buffer handle. You need to decide when this makes the code too
complex without sufficient benefit of flexibility.
Next, you calculate the Total Balance of all the SalesReps Customers:
The other entry points are functions that attach and detach the ProDataSets. The attachDataSet
function takes the ProDataSet handle as an INPUT parameter, sets the callback procedure for the
AFTER-ROW-FILL event for the ttSalesRep table, and attaches the Data-Sources:
(DATA-SOURCE srcRep:HANDLE, "SalesRep.SalesRep,RepCode").
END FUNCTION. /* attachDataSet */
Nothing special happens here except mapping the SalesRep field in the database table to the
RepCode field in the temp-table.
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You can pass a HANDLE of a ProDataSet to a user-defined function, but you cannot pass a
ProDataSet using the DATASET or DATASET-HANDLE parameter forms. This is simply not
supported. Its likely that if you find yourself needing the actual ProDataSet to be
instantiated, or you need to reference more of the ProDataSet than a single field or other
element that you pass in as a parameter, you are probably overstepping the bounds of
whats appropriate for a function as opposed to an internal procedure. Remember that
because a function can appear anywhere within a larger expression or where-clause, there
are some restrictions on the kinds of data manipulation that are permitted within a
function, where indexes and transactions are concerned. Try to limit your use of functions
to concise operations that return a useful value that you would want to reference in an
expression. (This recommendation is really independent of ProDataSets, but can serve to
explain why passing a DATASET to a function was not deemed essential to support.) As you
can see from the example, you can still access anything within the ProDataSet through its
Remember the difference between the DATASET-HANDLE form in the event procedure
postRepRowFill and the HANDLE form in the function. Both parameters are in fact handles,
but in the former case Progress is prepared to pass in the entire ProDataSet definition and
data. In the latter case only the handle itself is passed. Because Progress internally passes
the ProDataSet to the event procedure by reference, what happens is effectively the same
as when the HANDLE is passed to the function: Progress simply supplies the handle of an
existing ProDataSet that is defined somewhere else. You can reference any element in the
ProDataSet by walking through it by starting with its handle. But because the effects of
this could be extremely different if the call were remote, Progress requires that the
parameters be of the appropriate form. You can supply a static DATASET parameter or a
dynamic DATASET-HANDLE parameter to pass the ProDataSet itself, but if the caller passes
just the HANDLE, then the called procedure (or function) must also define the parameter as
END FUNCTION. /* detachDataSet */
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Thats all there is to the data access procedure. To summarize:
In short, it handles everything that needs to be aware of the database specifics and nothing
at all that happens to the ProDataSet after its filled.
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Lets write that server procedure now. As with other examples, the code is simplified to the
extent that it all in fact runs in a single session, but the backend server procedures are clearly
separated from the user interface procedures that run on the client.
1. Create the new procedure called CodeSupport.p, as shown in the following code block.
It first includes the temp-table and ProDataSet definitions. The definitions, of course, also
create an instance of that static ProDataSet and its temp-tables when CodeSupport.p is
run. This means that in effect each run-time instance of CodeSupport.p owns its own
instance of the ProDataSet as well. This allows any internal procedures to use static 4GL
to reference the ProDataSet and its data, as well as any other procedures to which the
ProDataSet might be passed by reference. This is different from how CodeSource.p
operates. Because it has no static definition and receives only the ProDataSet handle as
input, it operates only on an instance of the ProDataSet actually created and managed
elsewhere (namely here in CodeSupport.p).
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2. Next, create the internal procedure that actually generates a new ProDataSet with a subset
of the tables in the original one, fetchCodeTables:
PROCEDURE fetchCodeTables:
This takes a table list as input, creates a new dynamic ProDataSet along with new buffers
for the static ProDataSets tables, and adds the buffers to the ProDataSet. This makes the
existing data (already retrieved and filled) in the ProDataSet dsCode part of the new
ProDataSet without any need to copy it, because the caller wants all the data in the
requested subset of the tables.
Since youre putting the same static temp-tables into the new ProDataSet, why do you
need new dynamic buffers for them? Remember that there is a rule that a temp-table can
be part of more than one ProDataSet at a time, but one temp-table buffer can only be part
of one ProDataSet at a time. Progress generally manages the temp-tables in a ProDataSet
through their buffers, and it can do this only when each ProDataSet has its own distinct set
of buffers, even when temp-tables are shared. If you were to leave out the CREATE BUFFER
statement, you could try to add the existing static buffer from dsCode directly into the new
/* You cant do this you cant use the same buffer in two ProDataSets: */
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If you did, you would get this error when you run an application that uses
4. Use the AppBuilders temp-table utility to define a temp-table ttState LIKE the State
database table.
5. Drop a browse called StateBrowse onto the design window and attach it the ttState table
and its three fields.
Your window should look roughly like this. Place the StateBrowse as shown to leave
room for other objects:
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6. Add a statement to the Main Block to run a procedure where all the code will go to start
up the window:
RUN enable_UI.
RUN startupCodeWindow.
7. Add a line to the CLOSE trigger in the Main Block for a procedure to shut down the window
support code:
RUN shutdownCodeWindow.
RUN disable_UI.
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9. Create the internal procedure startupCodeWindow. This starts the CodeSupport procedure
and then asks it for a ProDataSet with just the ttSalesRep and ttState tables in it:
Procedure: startupCodeWindow
Purpose: Fetch needed code tables from server.
Parameters: <none>
10. Create a dynamic query for the ttState table that comes back as part of the dynamic
ProDataSet, attaches it to the StateBrowse, prepares it, and opens it. The variables you use
in this procedure are the ones you added in the Definitions section:
Again, you might ask why you need a new dynamic query for this table. After all, you just
defined a static temp-table ttState and a static browse StateBrowse against that
Once again, the answer is that youre not really using that static temp-table. It only
provides a definition to base the browse on. What comes back from fetchCodeTables is
a separate dynamic temp-table that happens to have the same name and the same fields so
that you can easily use it in place of the static temp-table you defined.
This means that you cant simply open the static query and use it:
/* Can't do this:
OPEN QUERY StateBrowse FOR EACH ttState. */
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11. To reinforce how to do this properly, you can create a dynamic query for the other table
youre getting back, ttSalesRep:
Be sure to add the right buffer to the query, which is the one for the temp-table that comes
back as part of the dynamic ProDataSet hCodeSet. If you had a local definition of
ttSalesRep, its buffer wouldnt do you any good for the same reason that your local
definition of ttState cant be used.
12. Finally, the procedure needs to prepare and open the dynamic query on ttSalesRep:
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13. Now, when you run the window, you see both the static browse and the dynamic browse.
Both are, in fact, using dynamic temp-tables that came back as part of the dynamic
ProDataSet hCodeSet:
14. Define the internal procedure shutdownCodeWindow to delete the supporting procedure
Procedure: shutdownCodeWindow
Purpose: Cleanup supporting procedure and any other objects when
the window.
Rather than deleting it directly, applying the CLOSE event to it gives it a chance to clean up
after itself. This is modeled on the standard code the AppBuilder generates to close a
procedure by running disable_UI.
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15. To handle the CLOSE event in CodeSupport.p, add this trigger to its main block so that it
can delete the other persistent procedure CodeSource.p that manages the Data-Sources,
and then delete itself:
DYNAMIC-FUNCTION(detachDataSet IN hSourceProc,
INPUT hCodeSet).
This part of the new window, along with its supporting procedure, shows you that you can make
the same tables part of more than one ProDataSet, as long as each ProDataSet has its own unique
set of buffers for those tables. You can fill commonly used data just once, on the server or on
the client as needed, and then subset it in this way without any need to copy the data to each new
view of that data.
In the next section, youll extend this procedure to show an alternative to this, namely, how to
create a new ProDataSet that actually uses an existing one as a Data-Source, and creates new
temp-tables with only a subset of the columns in the original ones.
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1. Create the new procedure fetchCustomTable in CodeSupport.p. It takes the table name,
field list, and selection where-clause as input parameters and returns the new dynamic
PROCEDURE fetchCustomTable:
3. Create a dynamic ProDataSet and a dynamic temp-table to put into it, with the fields the
caller requested:
/* Create a new dynamic ProDataSet based on the table and fields passed
in. */
DO iField = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(pcFields):
cField = ENTRY(iField,pcFields).
hTable:ADD-LIKE-FIELD(cField,pcTable + "." + cField).
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4. Create a dynamic query for the temp-table in the original ProDataSet and prepares it using
the where-clause passed in:
/* Next create a dynamic query for the selection criteria passed in. */
hOldBuf = DATASET dsCode:GET-BUFFER-HANDLE(pcTable).
5. You can open the query yourself and buffer-copy all the rows that satisfy the selection into
the new temp-table:
Or, you can create a dynamic Data-Source for the temp-table in the original ProDataSet
and attach that Data-Source to the new temp-table buffer in the new ProDataSet. This
shows how one ProDataSet table that has already been filled can be used as a Data-Source
for a table in another ProDataSet. As in this example, this is appropriate if the original
ProDataSet is filled with some set of generally useful data (and possibly, data that is
expensive to regenerate and that needs to be used as a cache for the session), and if the
second ProDataSet only wants a subset of its rows or fields. Remember that this approach
does involve copying data from one ProDataSet to another.
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To use this method, remove or comment out the lines in the code section immediately
above and replace them with this code:
/* NOTE: hOldBuf is the source temp-table buffer, and the KEYS list is
not needed */
hCodeSource:ADD-SOURCE-BUFFER(hOldBuf, ?).
/* Now when it attaches the Data-Source and fills the new ProDataSet
it gets rows from its Data-Source, which is the table in the original
ProDataSet. */
This is the end of the alternative code to use the original ProDataSet
as a Data-Source for the custom subset. */
6. Delete the dynamic objects the procedure uses. Note that it's OK to delete the ProDataSet
before returning because Progress delays the actual delete until the parameter has been
7. Return to the window procedure CodeWindow.w to create a user interface for the custom
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Youre going to add some Customer fields to the window along with a Region combo box
that lists the four regions in the US. When the user selects a region, the procedure runs
fetchCustomTable to request a list of state codes and state names for that region. For
simplicitys sake, to reduce the size of the example somewhat, youll just use fields from
the Customer table directly rather than a Customer ProDataSet, which, of course, would
be the proper way to do things.
9. From the AppBuilder palette, select the DB Fields icon and drop the fields CustNum, Name,
and City from Sports2000.Customer onto the window.
10. Select the combo box from the palette and create a combo box. It has the Object name
cRegion, the Label Region, 5 Inner Lines, and the set of List-Items
<select>,East,West,Central,South. The <select> choice prompts the user to select a
region before seeing any SalesReps for it:
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11. Create another combo box called cState, with a label of State and 5 Inner Lines as well.
It has no initial List-Items.
If the user makes a region selection, the trigger runs fetchCustomTable, requesting a
ProDataSet with the ttState table, two of the three fields from the table, and only those
SalesReps where the Region matches the one chosen:
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It empties the State combo in case this is not the first request, creates a dynamic query for
it, and adds each StateName that came back in the ProDataSet from fetchCustomTable to
the List-Items for the State combo. It makes the first one the current choice, and deletes
the query now that its done with it:
cState:SCREEN-VALUE = cState:ENTRY(1).
Now your procedures are finished. When you run the window, the standard
AppBuilder-generated code opens a Customer query and retrieves the first Customer for
you because you added fields from that table to the window. You can then select a Region
and see a list of all the States in that region to choose from:
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This illustrates how a ProDataSet that is filled with a set of useful data can be divided in many
ways by other procedures that need various subsets of the data in the same session or another
session. Data held in a ProDataSet in a client session can act as a cache for visual objects or
client-side business logic that needs to view or use the data or a subset of the data. Any object
in the same session can define its own query to browse or otherwise use a subset of the rows in
the data.
The sample procedure in this section showed you how to effectively create different internal
views of data when using a ProDataSet as a Data-Source.
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928 Page 1 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Advanced Update Operations
Previous chapters introduced you to the language syntax, attributes, and methods that support
processing database updates through a ProDataSet. That introduction was somewhat
complicated, as it was necessary to cover all the different ways of handling ProDataSet changes,
including the attributes and methods that you can use when the higher-level methods provided
dont do everything you need to do. In most cases, however, the high-level methods such as
GET-CHANGES, SAVE-ROW-CHANGES, and MERGE-CHANGES can make collecting changes and
applying them to the database straightforward. This chapter takes this simplification a step
further. It shows you how to create general purpose dynamic procedures that encapsulate all the
client-side and all the server-side steps used in handling a set of changes. These include
applying multiple changes to the database within a single procedure, with the looping
mechanism provided to locate all the changed rows and save the changes in an appropriate
order. The chapter also extends the sample procedures you have written so far for Order
management into something more like a real business object or business entity. The samples
encapsulate the Data-Source management procedure, validation logic, and the API other
procedures use to access the entity. This chapter includes the following sections:
Summary Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Query definitions
ProDataSet definition
Data-Source attach/detach
ues t
h req
ProDataSet instance Attac
FILL events
Da t
a req
Database QUERY-
The data access object encapsulates all database references. Therefore, query definitions
are part of the object.
Data-Source definitions that map database tables and queries to ProDataSet buffers are
part of the object.
102 Page 3 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Methods (internal procedures or functions) that attach and detach Data-Sources for the
ProDataSet buffers are part of the object.
Methods that prepare database queries or methods that in other ways reference database
table and field names directly are part of the object. For example, one kind of request of
the Order ProDataSet is to return all the data for a particular Order number. This request
can be made of the higher-level business entity (as youll do later in this chapter), but the
query itself should be prepared in the data access object. This is because that request
requires defining a particular database query to get the right Order from the database.
FILL event logic that determines the final form of what is in the ProDataSet is part of the
object. These FILL event procedures can be associated with the ProDataSet instance at the
time of the ATTACH, as in these examples.
In this way, all the definitions and code that reference the database are nicely captured in a single
place. Here they can be maintained, as needed, when database definitions or data sources
change. All the higher levels of access to the ProDataSet dont contain any such references,
which isolates them from the specifics of the Data-Sources. Once the FILL event procedures
have been associated with the callers ProDataSet instance and the Data-Sources attached to it,
the caller can simply execute the FILL method, and all the required logic is executed properly
on that instance.
Much of the code in this procedure comes from the OrderEvents.p procedure in Chapter 7,
Advanced Events and Attributes. You can copy code from there and adapt it as needed. The
purpose of this exercise is to begin to isolate the code better, based on what role it plays, to begin
to provide more of an architecture to the applications objects.
In this example, the data access procedure has a static definition of the ProDataSet and its
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As we noted in Chapter 7, Advanced Events and Attributes,, it can help you isolate your
ProDataSet definitions better if you can avoid this, but if there are many references to
ProDataSet tables and fields in the FILL logic or elsewhere, then this might not be practical. This
example shows the alternative of having the definitions in the data access procedure so that they
can be referenced in static 4GL statements. As we work through the procedure, it will be
important to note how the actual ProDataSet instance the code is operating on is not the one that
this procedure gets by including the definitions. The support code is always using the instance
from the requesting procedure.
The top-level definition and the Data-Source definitions will be familiar from OrderEvents.p:
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The procedure uses the QUERY-PREPARE method to get the right order, and then fills the
PROCEDURE fetchOrder:
The calling procedure runs the attach method (defined later) before running fetchOrder, so that
everything has been set up properly for the FILL. The code checks to make sure that there is a
Data-Source for the top-level buffer before proceeding with the FILL. If not, it sets the ERROR
attribute for the ProDataSet and an error message on the top-level temp-table, which the caller
can inspect.
Later in this chapter, youll write another procedure that really represents the Order entity itself.
This will have the ProDataSet instance that is actually used in the application, and it will define
the API that other procedures, such as a client window, would use to access the ProDataSet.
That API will include a fetchOrder procedure.
Why, then, is this version of fetchOrder here in the data access procedure? Since it needs to
use a specific database query to prepare the top-level table, it is better to put the procedure into
the data access object. The fetchOrder procedure in the Order entity itself will turn around and
run this one to maintain the right level of encapsulation in the objects.
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Two of the FILL event procedures from OrderEvents.p are preserved here, postOlineFill and
postItemRowFill. Procedure postOlineFill calculates the OrderTotal in the ttOrder table:
PROCEDURE postOlineFill:
PROCEDURE postItemRowFill:
DO iType = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(cItemTypes):
cType = ENTRY(iType, cItemTypes).
IF INDEX(ttItem.ItemName, cType) NE 0 THEN
ttItem.ItemName = REPLACE(ttItem.ItemName, cType, cType).
END PROCEDURE. /* postItemRowFill */
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Theres something important to note about these two procedures. They contain direct references
to fields such as ttItem.ItemName, which is possible because the temp-table definitions are
included in the procedure. But remember that the local instance of the ProDataSet and its
temp-tables is used for definition only. When Progress invokes these procedures during the
FILL, it passes in the current ProDataSet instance implicitly BY-REFERENCE. Progress not only
adjusts all references to the ProDataSet itself to point to that external ProDataSet, but also all
references to its temp-tables and their fields. This gives you the best of both worlds, as it were:
a local static definition that makes the code simpler and clearer, but an automatic reference at
run time to an externally defined ProDataSet that is passed into the procedure without any
copying or other overhead.
The code to attach the Data-Sources has been separated out, however, so that it can be executed
not only for a FILL but also on a save. This is in the function attachDataSet, which also runs
the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE for the two FILL events:
("AFTER-FILL", "postOlineFill", THIS-PROCEDURE).
(DATA-SOURCE srcOrder:HANDLE, "Customer.Name,CustName").
107 Page 8 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The goal of this part of the exercise is to create a business entity object that manages dsOrder,
expanding on the data access procedure you created earlier. Figure 102 is a sketch of the larger
entity object.
dsOrder entity
Entity API
Data-Source definitions
Temp-table definitions
Query definitions
ProDataSet instance
Data-Source attach/detach
ue FILL events
Validation and business logic Database QUERY-PREPAREs
108 Page 9 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The data access object becomes part of a larger Order entity or business object. The entity
presents an API to the outside world that supports specific types of access to the object. Any
requests that need to fill or save data use the business entity procedure as a gateway to the data
managed in the data access object.
Validation logic for saving changes and other business logic associated with the ProDataSet are
also encapsulated within the entity so that the logic is always executed consistently whenever
the ProDataSet is referenced. Now you are working with a true business object.
Procedure OrderEntity.p is a simple example of the business entity procedure. It manages the
API the client window uses to test the procedures and coordinate access to the data. Later, youll
attach validation logic to it as well.
There isnt very much code in the procedure, partly because some of it is in OrderSource.p and
partly because some of it will be moved to a new general purpose dynamic procedure to handle
the whole save-changes process.
This is the procedure that actually owns the ProDataSet instance on the server side. It is this
procedures ProDataSet instance that the FILL events and the Data-Sources are attached to, and
this instance that is actually filled with data to be passed back to the client.
OrderEntity.p will be run PERSISTENT in support of the client window, as a server side
procedure, either locally in the client process or remotely. It first gets the handle of the
ProDataSet and uses this to set up a CLOSE trigger for the procedure to clean up:
DYNAMIC-FUNCTION("detachDataSet" IN hSourceProc, INPUT hDataSet).
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Remember that you cannot obtain a handle such as hDataSet in the procedure main block and
then use it inside internal procedures that have a ProDataSet as a parameter passed
BY-REFERENCE. The handle wont be valid in those procedures because they are pointing to the
external ProDataSet instance. This code gets the handle at the top of the main block simply
because there is a limitation in the DYNAMIC-FUNCTION syntax that does not recognize the form
DATASET dsOrder:HANDLE as a parameter. (This is actually the same restriction that already
exists for BUFFER handle references.) Thus, you need to obtain the handle in advance so that you
can simply name the handle variable in the function reference.
Next, the main block starts the data access procedure and runs the attachDataSet function for
the local ProDataSet instance:
Because the methods in OrderSource.p operate on the ProDataSet instance passed into it, a
single instance of the procedure itself could support any number of external instances of the
ProDataSet. Therefore, in your application you could check whether there is already a running
instance of a procedure such as this and use its handle if there is.
Remember that the fetchOrder procedure in OrderSource.p is intended to be called from its
enclosing business entity procedure. Following is the version of fetchOrder that a procedure
outside the Order entity calls to get an Order back. It defines its own OUTPUT parameter
explicitly BY-VALUE to assure that no other procedure tries to pass in another ProDataSet
instance BY-REFERENCE. This is because it is the instance in OrderEntity.p that has been
attached to the FILL events and Data-Sources, and only that instance can be filled properly.
Procedure fetchOrder turns around and passes in the Order Number value to fetchOrder in
OrderSource.p, along with its own ProDataSet instance BY-REFERENCE. In this way, it makes
sure the local instance is used:
PROCEDURE fetchOrder:
1010 Page 11 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
PROCEDURE saveChanges:
As you can see, saveChanges is actually entirely generic. It could operate on any ProDataSet,
as long as it knows the procedure handle of the data access procedure thats stored in
hSourceProc. If you had a generic session manager that coordinated running procedures on the
server, your client could simply run saveChanges in that session manager, which could use the
ProDataSet parameter to identify the ProDataSet type or name (dsOrder in this case), and set
hSourceProc to the data access procedure for that ProDataSet. Since our simple example
doesnt have such a manager, we put saveChanges into the Order entity itself.
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In this section, well show you how to simplify the update process even further, providing a
simple dynamic procedure for the client side and for the server side of an application that can
collect and apply changes for any ProDataSet, using its handle and the attributes that let you
inspect its structure.
So, lets create procedure clientChanges.p based on code from the CHOOSE trigger for BtnSave
in dsOrderWinUpd.w.
ClientChanges.p takes the ProDataSet handle as input, along with the supporting entity
procedure handle. As we noted, this procedure handle parameter would be unnecessary if there
were a single service procedure on the server to handle all updates. It returns any status
messages as OUTPUT:
It defines variables for the handles of the change ProDataSet, query, buffer, and a buffer
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It creates a dynamic ProDataSet, makes it like the INPUT ProDataSet, and extracts changes from
the input ProDataSet:
It then runs this generic saveChanges procedure in the support procedure handle, passing the
change ProDataSet as INPUT-OUTPUT. This is done BY-REFERENCE so that in the case where this
procedure and the supporting entity procedure are in the same session, the change ProDataSet
does not need to be copied:
If any errors were logged, it places them into the status parameter for return to the caller:
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And finally, it merges the final change records back into the ProDataSet passed in, deletes the
dynamic change ProDataSet, and does a synchronize on behalf of the user interface to make sure
it redisplays any parts of the ProDataSet that are on the screen:
Its worth noting here that you need to decide when to use MERGE-CHANGES in your own
applications. An additional parameter to clientChanges.p could provide some alternatives, or
the generic procedure could leave the merge up to the caller entirely. If there were any errors,
you might not want to do a MERGE-CHANGES because this rejects any change that has been marked
with the ERROR or REJECTED attribute on the record, which restores the original record values.
This overwrites whatever changes the user has made. Typically, you are more likely to want to
leave the changes in the user interface alone, point them out to the user using the Status return
messages, and give the user the opportunity to correct the errors without having to re-enter all
changes. In this case, you should run MERGE-CHANGES only when the updates all succeeded. This
is entirely up to you. In some cases the SYNCHRONIZE method might also better be left up to the
So now you have a general client-side change handler that you can call from any procedure that
has accumulated changes in a ProDataSet. Now, move on to the server side of the update.
The transaction scope Are all updates made as part of a single transaction that fails in
its entirety if any change is not valid? Are all updates to a single table made together? Or
is each individual change a separate transaction that can succeed or fail independent of
others? These questions are the reason why we support both an ERROR and a REJECTED
attribute for ProDataSet rows. A change that fails or conflicts with a change made by
another user is REJECTED and also made an ERROR. Any other change that is backed out
because it is part of the same transaction is REJECTED whether it caused an error or not.
You can check these flags back in the caller to understand what made it into the database
and what didnt, and why.
1014 Page 15 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The order of creates, deletes, and modifies to a single table Do you want deletes
applied before or after creates and updates? This might depend on your data definitions or
business logic. The ROW-STATE attribute has a numeric value that orders rows so that
unmodified rows are first, followed by deleted rows, modified rows, and created rows, in
that order. You can take advantage of this default ordering, but you can also change it as
you need to.
This section shows you a sample for a general purpose procedure that makes default decisions
about these variants. Each row is a single transaction. Tables are processed from the top of the
hierarchy down (and multiple top-level tables are processed in the order in which they appear
in the ProDataSet definition). And changes are processed in ROW-STATE Order. You could, of
course, extend or modify this procedure for other defaults and to accept parameters to change
the behavior.
The example procedure is commitChanges.p. It handles changes to any ProDataSet with any
number of tables in its hierarchy. It takes the ProDataSet handle as its INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.
The variables represent the handle to the current top-level buffer and a buffer counter:
/* commitChanges.p */
The procedure starts its main loop through all top-level buffers, using the NUM-TOP-BUFFERS
counter and the GET-TOP-BUFFER method to return each one in turn. These are the temp-table
buffers with no parent. They are returned in the order they appear in the ProDataSet definition.
There is one special case for which the loop must check. Because of the FILL behavior, children
of a REPOSITION Data-Relation show up in the list of top-level buffers, even though they arent
really top-level for the purpose of walking through the hierarchy of the ProDataSet as this
procedure does. For this reason, the loop contains a check to see if there is a PARENT-RELATION
for the buffer. If there is, then its really a child of a reposition relation, not a true top-level
buffer, and it is skipped.
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For each top-level buffer, the recursive procedure traverseBuffers is run to walk down that
branch of the ProDataSet definition:
DO iBuff = 1 TO hDataSet:NUM-TOP-BUFFERS:
hTopBuff = hDataSet:GET-TOP-BUFFER(iBuff).
NEXT. /* Skip the reposition children. */
Procedure traverseBuffers serves only to recurse down through any number of levels of
parent-child tables. It runs another internal procedure saveBuffer on itself and then loops
through each child of the current buffer. NUM-CHILD-RELATIONS returns the number of relations
for which this buffer is the parent, and GET-CHILD-RELATION returns each one in turn. Since
GET-CHILD-RELATION returns the handle of the Data-Relation object, you need to follow that to
its CHILD-BUFFER to get the buffer handle of each of the currents buffers children:
PROCEDURE traverseBuffers:
RUN saveBuffer(phBuffer).
DO iChildRel = 1 TO phBuffer:NUM-CHILD-RELATIONS:
RUN traverseBuffers
END. /* END DO iChildRel */
PROCEDURE saveBuffer:
hBeforeBuff = phBuffer:BEFORE-BUFFER.
1016 Page 17 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The buffer handle passed in is actually the after-table buffer for the current table. You want to
run SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on the before-table buffer, especially since in the case of a Delete there
is no after-table row to process. Variable hBeforeBuff points to that buffer.
The VALID-HANDLE test checks whether there is a before-table for this temp-table at all. If the
table does not have a BEFORE-TABLE in its definition and has not been enabled for update by
setting TRACKING-CHANGES to true, then there will not be a before-table. Otherwise, the
before-table could contain zero, one, or many rows, depending on how many rows in that table
have been changed. The query simply walks through all those rows and runs SAVE-ROW-CHANGES
on each one. SAVE-ROW-CHANGES starts its own transaction if there is none active, so each change
is saved independently. If the save fails because of invalid data or because it had been changed
by another user, Progress sets the ERROR attribute on the row. The procedure checks this and also
sets the REJECTED attribute, so that the caller knows row by row which rows were successfully
updated into the database and which ones were not:
hBeforeQry:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH " + hBeforeBuff:NAME).
/* If there was an error signal that this row
did not make it into the database. */
hBeforeBuff:REJECTED = YES.
END PROCEDURE. /* saveChanges */
The buffer to save, if there is more than one buffer in the Data-Source and the modified
buffer isnt the first one.
The name of a field not to copy to the database buffer because its value is assigned by a
database trigger. Normally this is the primary key for a newly created row.
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Because this is a generic save procedure, there is no straightforward way to specify these
parameters if theyre needed. This example uses the default.
2. Add this new Definition to it. This is the handle of the Order entity. This is now a
persistent procedure, rather than running OrderSupport.p as a standalone .p:
4. Change the CLOSE trigger in the Main Block to give the Order entity procedure a chance
to clean up:
APPLY "CLOSE" TO hOrderSupport.
RUN disable_UI.
1018 Page 19 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
5. In the LEAVE trigger for iOrderNum, change the run of OrderMain.p to run fetchOrder in
the Order entity procedure:
Note that the OUTPUT DATASET dsOrder parameter is not passed BY-REFERENCE, and should
not be. If OrderEntity.p were running in a separate session, it would be ignored and
would make no difference. But when it is running in the same session, you want the
ProDataSet that is initialized, attached, and returned by fetchOrder to be the one the client
uses, not the clients locally defined ProDataSet, which is not attached to any
6. In the CHOOSE trigger for BtnSave, remove the code that is now in clientChanges.p so
that the trigger is reduced to this:
RUN clientChanges.p
(INPUT hDSOrder, INPUT hOrderSupport, OUTPUT cStatus).
You can see how much of what this trigger does has been replaced by the generic support
procedure clientChanges.p.
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Thats it. If you save this and run it, it should work exactly as it did before, with much less code
in the client procedure and much less code in the support procedures because of
clientChanges.p and commitChanges.p. Also, your Order support logic has been better
organized into procedures that do specific parts of the job in ways that you can use as a standard
for other ProDataSets.
Validation procedures will be executed in the calling procedure from the internal
procedure saveBuffer. At the time commitChanges.p is run, the calling procedures
handle is the SOURCE-PROCEDURE. By running validation in the caller, you can code
validation logic directly into the entity procedure or into another procedure that you run as
a super procedure of the entity. The problem is that from within an internal procedure like
saveBuffer, called from the main block, the value of SOURCE-PROCEDURE is
commitChanges.p itself. For this reason the new code saves off the value of
SOURCE-PROCEDURE in the main block so that it can be referenced in saveBuffer.
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2. Add a variable definition to saveBuffer for a character string to hold a procedure name:
The new code assumes a naming convention of the temp-table name plus Delete, Create,
or Modify for validation logic procedures. For example, a procedure to execute when a
ttOline record is modified is called ttOlineModify. Youll code just such a procedure
below. Add this statement to generate the procedure name at the beginning of the DO block
that walks through the dynamic query:
Before the code runs the logic procedure it needs to find the right after-table row so that
the validation procedure can see its values. Remember that the dynamic query hBeforeQry
is navigating the rows of the before-table. The after-table rows arent automatically found,
so you need this statement to bring the corresponding after-table row into its own buffer:
Now you can run the logic procedure if it exists. The code passes the ProDataSet as INPUT
BY-REFERENCE just as Progress does for FILL event procedures. Remember that an INPUT
parameter passed BY-REFERENCE to a local procedure is effectively the same as an
INPUT-OUTPUT parameter, because any changes made are visible to the caller. Nonetheless,
we pass the ProDataSet as INPUT for consistency with the calling sequence of FILL events:
The validation procedure can set the ERROR attribute for the row if it fails validation. If this
isnt the case then it runs SAVE-ROW-CHANGES on the row.
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After this, if the ERROR attribute has been set either by the validation procedure or by
SAVE-ROW-CHANGES itself, the code sets ERROR on the ProDataSet itself. This is because
when your code sets ERROR on a row programmatically, Progress does not set it on the
ProDataSet. This happens only when Progress detects an error internally and sets ERROR
on both the row and the ProDataSet:
Now you have a general-purpose save procedure that also runs general-purpose business
logic at key points during the update process.
3. Open the procedure OrderEntity.p, where Order-specific business logic goes, and create
an internal procedure ttOlineModify that compares some values in the before- and
after-tables for the current ttOline row.
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If the Quantity order has been doubled or more, then the procedure rewards the customer
by increasing the discount by 20%. On the other hand, if the Quantity has been cut by half
or more, this is considered an error and the procedure sets the ERROR flag and also an
PROCEDURE ttOlineModify:
Now if you re-run the window you can see the effects.
4. Run dsOrderWinAdv.w. Select an Order, increase one Qty by more than double, and cut
another by more than half:
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In this case, we doubled the Qty for Line Number 2, and the discount was increased
accordingly. We decreased the Qty for Line Number 3 by more than half, and that change
was rejected and the message displayed. This is an example of why you might not want to
run MERGE-CHANGES on the whole ProDataSet when not all changes were successful. The
original values for the rejected row are redisplayed and the users changes erased. It would
probably be better to run MERGE-ROW-CHANGES just on successful updates and leave the
incorrect values for other rows so that they can be seen and more easily corrected.
This chapter has introduced the concept of a business entity that manages a ProDataSet, along
with a standard design for a business entity. You also learned how to create dynamic procedures
that can be used to handle parts of the update process for almost any ProDataSet and how to
execute standard validation procedures from those procedures.
ProDataSets have the advantage that you can attach an ERROR-STRING to each row
independently rather than stringing together all errors for the transaction. In addition, you can
set ERROR-STRING for messages that you dont want treated as errors (in which case the attribute
name is a bit of a misnomer). In this way, you can return informational messages to the caller
without signaling error by setting the ERROR flag.
1024 Page 1 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Data Access and Business Entity Objects
This book has developed a series of increasingly advanced examples on how to use the
ProDataSet object. As the later chapters illustrate, you can mask some of the advanced features
of the ProDataSet by standardizing your use of ProDataSets and building parts of the data
management behavior into generic procedures to handle any ProDataSet using dynamic access
through its handle. The sample procedure commitChanges.p you developed earlier
demonstrates these techniques.
You can also establish standard templates for procedures that provide and use static definitions
of ProDataSets and their temp-tables as well as business logic procedures with object-specific
4GL logic.
This chapter discusses in more detail some of the basic principles you should consider when you
design your procedures in this way. In particular, it continues the discussion of how you should
consider your Data Access objects and procedures as distinct from your Business Entity objects
and procedures. (Data Access objects define and reference the database tables or other sources
of data for your ProDataSets. Business Entity objects apply your business logic to the internal
data definitions in your temp-tables and the ProDataSets themselves.) This chapter contains the
following sections:
presentation and Users Enterprise
integration layers
Presentation Integration
Managed Unmanaged
data stores data stores
In particular, these are the elements of the architecture that pertain to how you use ProDataSets
in your application.
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The Data Access object discussed in the next section implements the data access layer of the
architecture. Its goal is to provide a separation between the physical data in your database or in
any other type of data source and the logic that uses that data in the rest of the application. The
data itself may be in what we refer to as a managed or unmanaged data store. A managed data
store is typically your Progress database or other database you can access through a Progress
DataServer. An unmanaged data store could be a set of XML documents, a flat file, a data
stream coming from a scanner or other device, or anything else that isnt a true database.
Typically the ProDataSet represents the internal data definition used by the application. If the
data source is in a managed data store, then typically you can define Progress Data-Source
objects to specify what tables the data comes from, along with any joins or field mapping that
must be done to transfer data to the ProDataSet. If the data source is in an unmanaged data store,
then you have to write custom 4GL logic that you use as FILL event procedures for the
ProDataSet to define how it is populated. In either case, the overall goal is to make the ultimate
source of the data as transparent as possible to the rest of the application.
The Business Entity object is a key part of the implementation of the Business Servicing Layer
of the architecture. It can encapsulate one or more ProDataSet definitions that make up a logical
application object at the level at which your application typically needs to deal with its data.
This might be anything from a single table to a large number of related tables that typically have
to be processed together. The Business Entity also includes basic validation logic for its data
and an API for all the types of both read and update calls that other objects need to make when
they use the objects data.
Multiple Business Entities together can be used as part of a larger business task or workflow. A
Business Entity can also be packaged as a Web Service to be called from outside the Progress
environment altogether. A detailed discussion of these uses of Business Entities is beyond the
scope of this chapter.
The presentation and integration layers of the architecture can then be defined independently of
the business servicing layer, and use the APIs of the Business Entities and other components to
retrieve, process, and update data.
The following sections discuss the principles behind each of the components that make up the
data access and Business Entity parts of the architecture.
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The database may not be properly normalized, which can mean that you need to execute
complex queries in order to relate data in one table to another, or that there is redundant
data that requires fields in multiple tables to be updated when data in another table
The database may have inconsistent naming conventions, or similar data may be stored in
different places in different ways. This could result in a single entity such as a customer
number being stored in different tables under different names or in different formats or
even in different data types. You will want your internal representation to be consistent.
The database may contain overly large tables with many fields, which have been accreted
over time as various special end-user features required more and more fields to hold values
used by only a subset of your users, or for other reasons. Often these fields could be
logically grouped according to when or by whom they are needed, so that the internal
tables dont use or see all the fields at the same time.
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Conversely, sometimes multiple tables that really represent a single data entity must be
joined together because they were developed at different times. Internally these might
better be seen as fields in a single table.
Often, you would like to denormalize the data internally but not in the database. For
example, it may be helpful to include the customer name along with customer number
internally, if they need to be viewed together, while you wouldnt want to repeat the
customer name in multiple tables that all used the customer number as a key.
These are just a few of the considerations that would lead you to want to provide a different
internal view of data from how its actually stored. Even when the database is well designed,
there will likely be times when you still would want the internal view of the data to be different,
for example, when you need to present a denormalized view or specially filtered subset of the
data to the application.
If you have an existing application, it is likely that you cannot (and should not) face the prospect
of doing an extensive cleanup of the database schema and data as an initial part of a
transformation effort. There may be various reasons for this. If you have a large installed user
base, it may not be feasible to convert their databases to a new form all at once. Also, you may
have large numbers of reports and business logic procedures that you expect to be able to reuse
or easily repackage in the newer version of your application, even as you adapt your application
for a distributed environment and in other ways that help it conform with the guidelines of the
OpenEdge Reference Architecture. If you make extensive changes to the database schema, you
may improve the quality of the data representation at the expense of a great deal more upfront
design and development work, and with more disruption to your current installed base.
Isolating the database schema specifics in the data access layer of your modernized procedures
lets you clean up or otherwise change the underlying schema independent of how the
application logic uses the data. When you make changes to the schema, only the mapping code
in the data access layer needs to change. If you have older procedures that reference the database
directly, then these can be kept isolated from the new internal definitions until youre prepared
to rework or replace them.
In addition, some of your data may come from a source other than a Progress database or a
database accessible through a Progress DataServer. In this case the actual Data-Source object
will not be useful to you. Your data may come from an unmanaged source such as a flat file, a
spreadsheet, or an XML document. Or it might be read dynamically from a data streaming
device. In this case, you can still define a data access procedure that uses FILL event procedures
to populate the Business Entitys ProDataSet with your own custom code. This means that, as
with database Data-Sources, the rest of your application does not need to know about the
specifics of where the data comes from or how it is managed once it gets beyond the business
logic of the application.
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The sample procedures from earlier chapters are a reasonable starting point to identify the
proper elements to include in a Data Access object. In later documents well extend these basic
elements with a more detailed API to provide a template with additional standard behavior. In
general you can think of a Data Access object as being paired with a Business Entity object that
manages the actual ProDataSet instance data for the rest of the application and applies
validation and other business logic. This mapping might not be one-to-one, however. For
various reasons you might have multiple Business Entities that use the same data sources and
therefore the same Data Access object.
There is also no reason why a Data Access object or any other object in your application must
be thought of as a single Progress 4GL procedure. A base procedure can extend its behavior
through the use of super procedures or other forms of procedure library. Or a single procedure
could manage multiple Data Access objects, if thats appropriate to your situation. The
important thing is how you think about organizing your definitions and the code to manage
them, and how this fits in with the rest of your application.
So given these points, lets look at some of the elements of a typical Data Access object.
As weve discussed in earlier chapters, in most cases your ProDataSet and temp-table
definitions on the server-side of the application (at least) will be statically defined, because they
represent specific sets of data with their own distinct structure and characteristics. Therefore the
first element in a typical Data Access object will be the temp-table and ProDataSet definitions
for the data it retrieves from the data sources.
There is no reason why some Data Access objects couldnt be based on dynamic ProDataSets,
especially if they represent a collection of tables or sets of table in the database that all have a
similar structure and are all processed in the same way. As always, if you support these kinds
of variant objects, you should make sure you structure them in such a way that other objects that
communicate with them dont need to know whether their data comes from static or dynamic
objects. Since Progress supports freely interchanging static and dynamic temp-tables and
ProDataSets when you pass them as parameters, this should not be difficult.
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Here are the include file references from the earlier example procedure OrderSource.p, which
is really an example of a Data Access object:
These are defined as two separate include files just to make it possible to include them
independently in a procedure where you dont need or want both.
How are these definitions used in the Data Access object? If you remember the interaction from
the sample procedure OrderSource.p and its Business Entity, OrderEntity.p, the definitions
are used for compilation only, so that Progress can understand references to temp-tables and
their fields in the internal procedures inside the Data Access procedure.
Why is this? The Business Entity object, described later, owns the data for its instance of the
ProDataSet, whether thats all the data for an Order or summary information for all of a
SalesReps Orders or whatever else it may be. Every running instance of the Business Entity
represents a distinct instance of its ProDataSet and a distinct set of data rows.
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By contrast, the Data Access object only serves to populate the Business Entitys ProDataSet
with data, and where necessary to assist in getting updates back to the data source. In any call,
the actual ProDataSet instance will be passed in from the Business Entity or other requesting
procedure BY-REFERENCE, so that it replaces the locally defined instance that is used to compile
the Data Access procedure. Since each call to the Data Access object passes in a ProDataSet
instance, there should be no reason why a single running instance of the Data Access procedure
should not be able to serve all requests. It needs to be designed to make sure that there is no
context kept from call to call that would prevent this, or else context needs to be managed in
some way if this is necessary.
The local temp-table and ProDataSet definitions also cause an instance of the ProDataSet and
its temp-tables to be instantiated in the data access procedure. Since this instance is not actually
used at runtime, it is important to observe the guideline discussed in earlier chapters concerning
ProDataSets passed BY-REFERENCE, namely that you should not use the handle or any other
references to this ProDataSet instance from the procedures main block in code located within
one of the procedures internal procedures that receives the ProDataSet as a parameter.
Data-Source queries
The next thing to define in a Data Access object is any database queries the procedure uses to
fill the ProDataSet tables. In the sample procedure OrderSource.p, there is one query for the
top-level table, which is needed because it involves a join of multiple database tables:
Because these queries define the nature of the Data-Source, and because they are used in the
FILL process and the FILL events that the Data Access object defines, they belong here rather
than in the Business Entity.
In cases where there is no standard database Data-Source, there may be no queries of this kind.
In that case, whatever other definitions may be needed to allow the FILL event procedures to do
their job belong here.
118 Page 9 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Data-Source definitions
If the ProDataSet can be filled from Progress database or Progress DataServer-managed tables,
then you can define Data-Source objects to handle the fill. These name the database table that
is the source of data, or the query that identifies one or more tables, along with the key fields for
the tables. The dsOrder ProDataSet used in the sample procedures has these Data-Source
The Data-Sources in effect define the part of the FILL process that Progress can handle
automatically for you. In the simplest case this is everything, and no special FILL logic is
needed. In other cases the standard FILL behavior must be supplemented by additional code.
This goes into FILL event procedures that are also part of the Data Access object. In cases where
there are no standard Data-Source objects, then all the FILL logic goes into the event
If you need special logic to supplement or to fully control the FILL process, the procedures that
implement that logic also go into the Data Access object. They can be attached to any
ProDataSet instance passed in to the procedure using the SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE method.
They belong there because they have full knowledge of the specifics of the sources of data,
whether they are standard Progress Data-Sources or not, and how the data is mapped to the
internal representation used by the rest of the application.
119 Page 10 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
PROCEDURE postOlineFill:
PROCEDURE postItemRowFill:
DO iType = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(cItemTypes):
cType = ENTRY(iType, cItemTypes).
IF INDEX(ttItem.ItemName, cType) NE 0 THEN
ttItem.ItemName = REPLACE(ttItem.ItemName, cType, cType).
END PROCEDURE. /* postItemRowFill */
1110 Page 11 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The reason why all the FILL event procedures can be defined in the Data Access object, even
though the procedures ProDataSet instance isnt really used to hold data at runtime, is that the
Data Access object takes responsibility for attaching those procedures to any ProDataSet
instance passed into the Data Access object. OrderSource.p has an attachDataSet function to
do this:
("AFTER-FILL", "postOlineFill", THIS-PROCEDURE).
(DATA-SOURCE srcOrder:HANDLE, "Customer.Name,CustName").
This could just as easily be an internal procedure, of course. A more thorough implementation
of the function should check the return value for each SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE and
ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE method and return an error status to the caller. The
SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE methods attach the needed FILL events handlers, and the
ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE methods connect the ProDataSet instance to its database tables.
If a repository or other persistent store holds the field mapping and Data-Source mapping for
the ATTACH-DATA-SOURCE methods, and the callback procedure names and locations for the
SET-CALLBACK-PROCEDURE methods, then this function could become generic, and be part of a
standard procedure that supports all Data Access objects (as a super procedure, for instance).
1111 Page 12 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
There should also be a function or procedure to detach all Data-Sources, as in this example:
As this sample shows, this function can easily be made generic, so it is written only once and
resides in a Data Access support procedure.
Its important to note that once the Data-Sources are attached and any callback procedures
established, the calling procedure that passed in the ProDataSet instance to attachDataSet can
simply do a FILL if the Data-Source definitions and FILL event handlers fully determine what
rows to populate the ProDataSet with. In other words, once the ProDataSet is returned to the
caller, the Data-Sources and callback procedures remain associated with it through its handle,
so these associations remain intact even in the ProDataSet instance is passed around within the
session, so that other procedures and invoke a FILL or other methods on that handle from
anywhere in the session. In many cases, however, a FILL will require that the ProDataSets
queries first be prepared to retrieve only a selected set of related rows before doing the FILL. An
API for such calls is discussed next.
There can be both standard and specialized API calls that populate a ProDataSet. Depending on
the data in the ProDataSet, there will be different sets of data that are useful to the application.
In the case of the sample Order Entity, theres a call to retrieve all data for a single Order
Number and another call to retrieve summary data in just the Order table for some related set of
Orders. What these calls have in common is that they require code that is data source aware
to prepare the right queries or otherwise adjust the parameters of the FILL. For this reason, they
belong in the Data Access object.
1112 Page 13 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In general, it is a good idea not to allow anything except the Data Access objects Business
Entity to use its API directly, so that if the user interface or some other part of the application
needs to request data, it should use the API of the Business Entity, which can then turn around
and use the API of the Data Access object to retrieve the right data. In the sample procedures,
theres a fetchOrder procedure that accepts an Order Number and returns a ProDataSet as
output. This then runs this procedure of the same name in the Data Access object
OrderSource.p, passing in the Order Number, along with the Business Entitys ProDataSet
instance as an INPUT-OUTPUT parameter:
PROCEDURE fetchOrder:
The primary reason for this separation is to avoid having data-source-aware code, such as the
QUERY-PREPARE method, in the Business Entity. If the nature of the data source ever changes,
then all the references to it are captured in the Data Access object and can be changed together.
As you can see, fetchOrder requires that the caller previously run the attachDataSet method
to attach Data-Sources and callback procedures. It could also be good practice to embed a check
inside each API call in the Data Access object that assumes that the Data-Sources and any
callback procedures are attached. The check can then run the attach function as needed, rather
than depending on the caller to do this first.
1113 Page 14 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
For example, you could conditionally invoke attachDataSet from within fetchOrder. First
you could define a function prototype for attachDataSet at the top of the procedure:
Then fetchOrder can invoke it if the Data-Sources are not attached rather than raising an error:
PROCEDURE fetchOrder:
/* Note that this reference to dsOrder is not using the local definition
but rather the actual dataset instance being passed in. */
hDataSet = DATASET dsOrder:HANDLE.
attachDataSet(INPUT hDataSet).
/* The attach call makes the error message unnecessary.
"Data-Sources not attached".
The ProDataSet update examples use a generic update procedure called commitChanges.p to
return updates to the database. It illustrates how you can attach validation logic procedures in a
standard way much as you would do for SmartDataObjects in the ADM2. In a large percentage
of cases this can provide you with a general purpose update mechanism that applies to many
different Business Entities.
1114 Page 15 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
There are however cases where a generic procedure wont be adequate. In particular, if there are
no standard Data-Sources to attach to the ProDataSet, because the data source is unstructured
data, then there can also be no built-in update support, and you will need to write your own
update API to accept changed ProDataSets and do whatever is necessary to get those changes
back to the data sources. As with the retrieval API, it is best if any requests from outside the
Business Entity go through the Business Entity, which can then make the right request of the
Data Access object to get the job done.
A dynamic support procedure would not be able to do very much in a generalized way for most
ProDataSets. As you have seen from the simple examples in these chapters, both the queries that
prepare the ProDataSet for a FILL and the logic of FILL event procedures themselves are likely
to be very specific to the structure of the ProDataSet. Even an attachDataSet function needs
to know what event handlers to attach and what the field mapping is for attaching Data-Sources.
1115 Page 16 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In a distributed stateless environment, a server-side Business Entity will normally not live
beyond a single request. It can fill its ProDataSet for a particular Order, for example, return that
Order to the client, and then either terminate or remain in memory to be used by another
independent request, depending on how the application manages its procedures. On the other
hand, if one Business Entity is used by another Business Entity in the same session, as part of
its validation logic, for example, then there could be a relationship between the two procedures
that would last beyond a single request.
As with the Data Access object, the Business Entity will typically be a static object. That is, it
will be based on one or more static ProDataSet definitions, and contain (directly or indirectly)
mostly specific logic to support its use. This logic will include a specific API for the various
kinds of requests that can be made of it, and validation logic to apply to update requests. A
dynamic Business Entity designed to handle a certain class of similar data objects is also entirely
possible, of course.
Given these basics, the following subsections outline some of the common elements of the
Business Entity.
1116 Page 17 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
A Business Entity will typically contain the same temp-table and ProDataSet definitions as its
Data Access object. The significant different is that it is the Business Entitys instance of the
ProDataSet that is actually filled with data used to satisfy a request, when it is passed
BY-REFERENCE to its Data Access object.
If the application model is that an instance of the Data Access object serves a single Business
Entity instance, then the Business Entity can run that instance as a persistent procedure, as in
this example:
The Entity can then use the API of the Data Access object to run support methods in this
procedure handle.
The Business Entity could also make the Data Access object a super procedure of the Business
This allows the Entity to use the API of the Data Access object as if it were part of its own
Using the super procedure technique also changes the nature of calls from outside that are routed
from the Business Entity to the Data Access object. This is discussed in the Data retrieval API
section on page 1112.
The entity procedure can, as part of its main block startup code, request that the Data Access
object attach Data-Sources and set callback procedures to its ProDataSet instance, as in this
1117 Page 18 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
As was illustrated earlier, this can also be done in each of the methods of the Data Access object,
rather than as a separate step.
Any requests for data should be made to the Business Entity, never directly from outside to the
Data Access object. This simply preserves the isolation of the different layers of the application.
The fetchOrder procedure in OrderEntity.p is an example of this:
PROCEDURE fetchOrder:
This turns around and runs an equivalent procedure in the Data Access procedure. Significantly,
the ProDataSet parameter is INPUT-OUTPUT BY-REFERENCE in the second-level call to the Data
Access object. This uses the Business Entitys ProDataSet and avoids the expense of copying
the ProDataSet back and forth. Having avoided this, the overhead of the second procedure call
is not very significant.
1118 Page 19 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Figure 112 shows how the ProDataSet is being used in this case.
Client Server
fetchOrder :
RUN fetchOrder
RUN fetchOrder
IN hdsOrder fetchOrder :
IN hSource
1 DATASET dsOrder 2
dsOrder )
1. A requesting procedure on the client runs fetchOrder in the Order Business Entity on the
2. That fetchOrder procedure runs fetchOrder in the Data Access object in its session.
4. The fetchOrder procedure in the Data Access object attaches Data-Sources, which are
tables in the database, and also sets any callback procedures for FILL events.
1119 Page 20 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
5. It then does a FILL, which actually fills the ProDataSet instance back in the Business
6. It returns the ProDataSet to the requesting procedure. It is copied there rather than being
passed BY-REFERENCE because the presumption is that the requester is or may be in a
different session.
Alternatively, if the Data Access object is a super procedure of the Business Entity, then in cases
where the Business Entity version of a procedure like fetchOrder doesnt do any additional
work of its own, it could be dispensed with, and a call to fetchOrder from another procedure
would be handled automatically by the Data Access object. In this case, there are a couple of
things to consider:
First, the Data Access object version of fetchOrder would need to make its ProDataSet
parameter OUTPUT instead of INPUT-OUTPUT, because it would be passed back directly to
the caller. The caller would not be passing in a ProDataSet of its own. In this case, the Data
Access objects ProDataSet instance is the one that is used to satisfy the request. It then
becomes the Data Access objects responsibility to make sure the Data-Sources are
attached, as the second version of fetchOrder in Data Access object template section
on page 1115 illustrates.
1120 Page 21 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Second, if there is any reason for the Business Entity procedure to run fetchOrder in the
Data Access procedure, or to provide extended behavior for a call from outside to
fetchOrder, then this arrangement becomes inefficient, because the ProDataSet would be
copied from the Data Access procedure to the Business Entity procedure. For example,
consider this alternative to fetchOrder in the Entity:
/* fetchOrder does some prep work here, for example validating the
INPUT data or the requesters privileges to make the request */
However, the ProDataSet is copied from OrderSource to OrderEntity before being copied
back to the caller. This is not a good thing. Because of this, and because of the potential
for confusion between when the Data Access ProDataSet instance is being used and when
the Business Entity instance is being used, making the data access procedure a super
procedure may not be a good practice.
1121 Page 22 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Figure 113 illustrates what happens if the Data Access object is a super procedure of the
Business Entity, and it has the only implementation of procedure fetchOrder.
Client Server
RUN fetchOrder
IN hdsOrder fetchOrder :
dsOrder ) 1 2
Super procedure
2. There is no fetchOrder procedure in the Business Entity. However, since the Data Access
object is a super procedure, Progress runs fetchOrder there.
3. This means that it is the Data Access objects ProDataSet instance that is used for the
1122 Page 23 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
6. The fetchOrder procedure then returns this ProDataSet to the original caller as an OUTPUT
parameter. The ProDataSet instance in the Business Entity is not used.
This all works correctly in this case, but could be a source of confusion and errors because the
ProDataSet instance being used is not consistent.
By contrast, Figure 114 shows the case where, once again, the Data Access object is a super
procedure of the Business Entity, and fetchOrder in the Business Entity does a RUN SUPER to
run the standard attach and fill behavior.
Client Server
fetchOrder :
RUN fetchOrder
RUN fetchOrder
IN hdsOrder fetchOrder :
IN hSource
1 DATASET dsOrder 2
dsOrder )
Super procedure
Figure 114: Data Access object as super procedure with RUN SUPER
1123 Page 24 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
1. The requesting procedure runs fetchOrder in the Business Entity as before. There is an
implementation of fetchOrder there, so it is executed.
2. Procedure fetchOrder does a RUN SUPER, which runs fetchOrder in the Data Access
object. Because the parameter definitions must be consistent in this case, the ProDataSet
is simply an OUTPUT parameter.
3. Because of this, the Data Access object uses its own ProDataSet instance.
6. It returns its ProDataSet as an OUTPUT parameter to the Business Entity, copying it to the
Business Entitys ProDataSet instance.
7. The Business Entity then returns it to the original caller as OUTPUT, again copying the
Because of the extra copy operation, this is not a good configuration. This is something you
need to keep in mind when you design your procedures and decide how they are related.
This discussion may seem complex, but the intention is to make you aware of some of the issues
and how you should consider them when youre designing your application. As with every other
aspect of design, once you have thought through an appropriate solution to a part of your design,
if you keep to your solution consistently, then you wont have to worry about it anymore, and
developers writing business logic dont need to be concerned about the details of the Data
Access architecture supporting them.
As the sample procedures in earlier chapters show, you can create a general-purpose update API
that can take changes made to any ProDataSet and apply them to the database, even executing
validation procedures for the specific ProDataSet if they conform to a standard naming
convention. This approach is very much like how the SmartDataObject and
SmartBusinessObject in the ADM2 handle their update logic.
1124 Page 25 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The generic update procedure in the samples is commitChanges.p. The sample entity procedure,
OrderEntity.p, wraps this in a call of its own to provide an API for other procedures to use:
PROCEDURE saveChanges:
This wrapper procedure attaches the Data-Sources and event handlers, runs commitChanges.p,
and then detaches the Data-Sources. This could as easily be incorporated directly into a
procedure like commitChanges if it knows where to run the attach and detach methods. Beyond
that, having a wrapper procedure gives the specific object an opportunity to add special commit
logic before or after the standard code.
The OrderEntity procedure, for example, has this sample validation procedure which based on
its name will be executed whenever a row in the ttOline table in the ProDataSet is modified:
PROCEDURE ttOlineModify:
1125 Page 26 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
You can pass in the entire ProDataSet BY-REFERENCE from another procedure in the same
session without the cost of copying it, so that the validation logic can examine any part of
the ProDataSet that it needs to.
The current rows in the buffers will be those that were current in the caller. In particular,
the current row in the table that triggered the event is the one that was modified, so you
can examine its values without having to FIND it.
Validation procedures can set the ERROR and/or ERROR-STRING attributes for the row to
communicate status information. Setting ERROR-STRING without setting error lets you return an
informational or warning message without causing an actual error.
In addition to using a standard update mechanism for general updates, there can of course be
additional more specific update API calls in your Business Entity that handle particular
situations where the default behavior is not sufficient.
Managing Business Entities and their Data Access objects needs to be coordinated in some
fashion, so that entities can locate each other, can be accessed from client requests, and can be
started and stopped when appropriate.
In general, Business Entities and their APIs should be designed such that there are no
dependencies between requests. This is especially necessary for a stateless distributed
environment where a client cannot expect to be given access to the same procedure instance on
an AppServer in successive calls. Thus, there is little reason to leave data in a Business Entity
on the AppServer after a request completes.
This means that a Business Entity instance can be left running on an AppServer to service any
number of unrelated requests. If the Business Entity procedures themselves are not enormous
amount of r-code, it may be just as efficient to destroy each instance after its use and start a fresh
instance when needed. It takes very little time to load a compiled procedure into memory. Any
significant overhead is in startup code for the object, and this should be minimized. Keep in
mind that while only one business instance is needed in an AppServer session to satisfy any
number of successive requests from client sessions, the business logic within a session may need
to use (and possibly start) other Business Entities to execute its own logic.
1126 Page 27 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
There should be a mapping between Business Entity names as used in business logic and actual
procedure names, so that objects do not need to be aware of other procedure names to run them
directly. This can be repository-based, and managed by a single session management utility
within the session that accepts requests for entities and either locates or starts them and returns
their handles. For example, an Order entity should be able to make a request of the Customer
entity without having to know an actual procedure name to run. It should be the responsibility
of the entity manager to handle this.
Support procedures that require only a single instance within a session, such as Data Access
procedures, and most supporting business logic and update validation procedures, cam be
started by the Business Entities or started by the entity management utility the first time they are
needed, and then left running for the duration of the session, or else shut down on some form of
LRU basis if memory becomes a problem.
1127 Page 28 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Some limited operations that either involve processing large batches of data or doing extremely
data-intensive operations against the database may suffer unacceptably from the use of Business
Entities as a strict access interface to the data. You must decide when the internal data model
needs to be compromised for these reasons, and carefully isolate procedures that bypass the
entities and access the database or other data source directly. If you do this only when really
necessary and keep the instance of it isolated and identified, then you should be able to manage
schema changes or other application life cycle events that change the nature of the data source
without too much difficulty. Its very important, however, not to fall into the trap of making
direct access to the database because it seems the simplest way to write a section of code. If you
construct sensible APIs for your business logic, you can develop a coding standard that uses
Business Entities effectively without the need to access the database directly. These standards
should in fact improve the modularity, maintainability, and reusability of your business logic by
forcing you to identify, name, and encapsulate logic operations that can be modified or reused
elsewhere, rather than simply writing line after line of business logic that is not reusable and
does not clearly identify what the purpose of each piece of code is. If your business logic is
modular, you can much more easily add rules processing and workflow layers to your
application that run, sequence, extend, and customize as a series of identifiable organized steps
rather than an unorganized mass of 4GL code.
1128 Page 29 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
In some cases, developers have used trigger procedures for substantial parts of their business
logic, beyond basic integrity checks. This has not been the advised way of organizing business
logic, partly because it can make the job of providing flexibility to that somewhat hidden logic
more complicated, including customization of logic and changing parameter values for business
logic calculations and decisions. Nonetheless, there can be advantages to this approach. In
particular, since trigger procedures execute on the server-side of a distributed application, an
older client-server-style application that has a large percentage of its logic encapsulated in
trigger procedures already has done a lot of the separation of user interface from business logic
that is required to make the application distributable between client and AppServer. Existing
trigger procedures designed for client-server may still require changes, in particular to remove
any MESSAGE statements or other user interface elements, and to make sure errors are properly
returned in such a way that they can be transmitted back to the client. However, if you are going
through an application transformation to provide a new user interface for an older Progress
application, you can consider leaving business logic in triggers at least for the first phase of your
work, to simplify the amount of code rework thats required. Again, the advantage is that at least
you know where the code with the direct database table and field reference is. The disadvantage
is that all the code that references those fields will need maintenance if the database schema
changes, or if you need to substitute an entirely different data source type in the future. In
addition, if the internal Business Entity definition differs from the database schema, there are
then two different names you need to search for whenever you need to identify all the references
to a particular data element.
1129 Page 30 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
To a large extent, the same applies to any existing application with business logic procedures
that are already well adapted to a distributed environment. You will need to judge when it is
most effective to leave complex logic procedures alone, providing some wrapper code for them
as necessary to make them work in the new environment, and when it is better to rework them
to use your Business Entity definitions. You dont need to make a hard and fast decision from
the beginning of the process. It may be most practical to leave these procedures isolated while
you are reworking the architecture of the rest of the application, and then address them at a later
stage. Keep in mind that other aspects of a new application architecture should include
standardized, flexible support for customization and personalization, language translation,
application security, and other important features that can be supported in a standard way in a
new architecture, but which are likely supported in a more ad hoc manner, intermixed with the
real business logic, in older existing procedures.
In many cases, however, a larger business task may require multiple successive calls where each
AppServer procedure must be aware of the previous calls. There are at least two basic ways to
approach handling this.
The first is to pass context along with each call. This is practical if the amount of data is not
excessive and if the client needs or actually produces some of the context information needed
on the server. One way to do this is to include a context temp-table definition as part of the
ProDataSet definition. In this way the context is identified as an essential part of the Business
Entity, and always passed along with its other data. This temp-table could contain a single row
with fields representing scalar context values, or it could contain multiple rows representing any
sort of tabular data. If you use a standard naming convention for the context table, such as
ttContext, then even a general purpose procedure on the client can routinely pass this table as
input to any server call that requires context. For example, if one or more tables in the
ProDataSet require batching, to avoid reading and passing all rows at once, then the context
table could contain the key values for the last row retrieved by the previous batch, and perhaps
also the selection criteria used for the query. The server batching procedure could receive the
context table alone as input, repopulate an instance of the ProDataSet with the next batch of
rows and return the ProDataSet, including the context table with the new identifier for the last
row retrieved, to the client.
1130 Page 31 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
The second method is to store the context persistently on the server, either in a database table
or a file or in some other place where all AppServer sessions can read it. The CONNECTION-ID
can be used as a key to differentiate one clients context from anothers. This is the method used,
for example, by the Progress Dynamics context manager.
This chapter introduced you to some design issues related to Business Entities and Data Access
objects using ProDataSets. Most fundamentally, design and implement your application in
layers that provide the greatest flexibility:
If you define reusable templates and standard APIs for your business objects, you will be best
positioned to extend and maintain your application as your needs change.
1131 Page 32 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
1132 Page 1 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Change mode 62
Batching with ProDataSets 81
include-field list 84 Child table queries 134
BATCH-SIZE buffer attribute 74 COPY-DATASET method 725, 727,
Before-tables 730
creating 66 COPY-TEMP-TABLE method 725
locating rows 68
CREATE DATASET statement 42
BUFFER-COMPARE statement 130
BUFFER-COPY statement 130
CREATE-LIKE method 48
Business entity objects 111, 1116
elements 1116
managing instances 1126 Page 2 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Data access layer ERROR attribute 645
defined 92
granularity 92 ERROR-STRING attribute 645
internal representation 92
Event procedures 32
support procedure 96
top-level table 95 Events
Data access object FILL 110
template 1115 ProDataSet 111
Dynamic ProDataSets M
creating 42
deleting 43 MERGE-CHANGES method 616, 644
introduced 41
passing as a parameter 218 MERGE-ROW-CHANGES methods 616
Dynamic user interfaces 521 Microsoft .NET DataSets 12, 13, 614
Microsoft DataSets 12
Index2 Page 3 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
N ProDataSets
architecture 15
Navigation mode 62 business logic 111
caching data in 98
capabilities 12
O change conflicts 623
client/server round trips 114
OFF-END query event 72 compared to temp-tables 17
event handler 85 copying 48
defining static 116
development goals 13
P events 111
filling entirely 132
Passing ProDataSets filling partially 133
discussed 43 filling selectively 135
in called procedure 213 filtering 720
reducing data 219 introduction 11
using APPEND qualifier 220 object life cycles 142
partial FILL 714
ProDataSet populating 131
retrieving detail 722 processing changes 615
returning partial 721
ProDataSet attributes 51 session attributes 520
standard attributes 122
ProDataSet buffers static 116
accessing 52 static handles 122
enhanced query support 518 static with Data-Relations 116
specifying 44 successive loading 78
SYNCHRONIZE event 78 temp-tables 16
updating 111, 61
ProDataSet events
use cases 112
change events 652
ProDataSets events
ProDataSet methods 51
introduced 31
ProDataSet parameters 215 ProDataSets, sharing definitions 96
introduced 21
Progress DataSet
ProDataSet passing
See ProDataSets 11
as a parameter 22
in the caller 26
main block 28
session attributes 520
Queries, child table 134
ProDataSet views 920
Index3 Page 4 Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Reference architecture 112
Standard attributes 122
SYNCHRONIZE method 530
REJECTED attribute 645