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Tpack Lesson 1

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TPACK Lesson Plan 1

Name and Grade Level:

Andrea DeCaires Grade 2


Lesson 1: Recognize the value of coins and count up to find their value.

Content Knowledge - Objective:

Students will be able to solve problems involving coins and bills. Students will begin at the
concrete level in Lesson 1, using play money to review the different coin value from Grade 1.
Beginning with the largest coin value (often the quarter), students count the total value of a
group of coins, applying their knowledge of addition strategies and skip counting by five and
ten when there are multiple nickels or dimes.

Common Core/ISTE Standard:

Common Core Mathematics Standards

2.NBT.5 Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties
of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.

2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $
and symbols appropriately

ISTE Standards

4. Innovative Designer

Students use a variety of technologies with a design process to identify and solve problems by
creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions.

Assessment Plan: Check off which apply: Detail How

X: Informal X: Formal

_____: Formative ____: Summative

Best Practice:
1. I do, We do, You do Model
2. Class Discussion
3. Think-Pair-Share
4. Modeling

Students will be divided into 4 groups based on their STAR Math Assessment.

Informal: Teacher will use an informal checklist as student work in groups.
Formal: Students will take an online quiz about the coins learned and their value.
Teacher will assess students using a 4-point rubric. Student will need to receive a 3 out
of 4 to reach mastery level.

Technology for Learners Being Used

Interactive SmartBoard Slides
Brain Pop Video: Money
Math Centers: iPads (Applications/Games on money)

Technology for Teachers Being Used

Interactive SmartBoard Slides
Brain Pop Video: Money
Math Centers: iPads (Applications/Games on money)
Online Access: Engage NY Grade 2 Module 7

What 21st Century Skills are Students Using?

Communication: Students will work communicate with each other through small group work to
discuss the value of each coin. Students will communicate with each other on how each coins
value is different.

Collaboration: Students will work together to identify and describe the coins and their values.

Which Blooms Taxonomy? And Which Bloom Taxonomy for Digital?

Blooms Taxonomy
Apply: Students will apply their understanding of coins and their values.
Understand: Students will describe each coin and their value.
Remember: Students will recall the value of each coin.

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

Applying: Students will apply their understand of coins and their values through an online
google quiz.
Understanding: Students will apply their understanding of the lesson through Smart Notebook

Essential Vocabulary:
Nickels, Quarters, Penny, Money, Value, Coin, Nickels, Dimes

Engage NY: Module 7

Students will be able to explore and interact with coins at their tables. Students will be able
to pair share about what they notice about the coins. (Different sizes, color etc.)

Lesson: (developmental procedures)

Model: Teacher will hold up each coin and have students name each coin and the value. Teacher
will go over each coin with the coins name and value. (Penny: 1 cent, Nickel: 5 cents, dime: 10
cents, quarters: 25 cents). Teacher will explain the importance of money and how money helps
us throughout the day. Teacher will show BrainPop Video. As students watch the video, teacher
will have students think about why is money important and why is knowing each value of each
coin important. Teacher will write an addition sentence to show the value of three nickels.
(5+5+5=15). Teacher will ask students what coin do each of the fives represent in the number
sentence. Teacher will continue this model with each set of coins. (10+10+10=30, 25+25+25=75)

Guided: Teacher will take out various coins (Examples: 2 dimes and 3 pennies. 3 quarters and
2 pennies...etc.). Students will turn and talk about the total value of each set and how they
know? Students will work in pairs to practice counting mixed groups with the following

1 quarter 1 dime 1 penny

1 quarter 2 nickels 1 dime
1 quarter 2 pennies 1 dime
1 quarter 2 dimes 1 nickel
2 quarters 3 dimes
2 quarters 5 dimes

Independent: Students will break up into their math groups to continue to practice identify
the values of coin(s).





Students will wrap up the lesson with an online exit ticket given through google quizes.

Additional hands-on materials and online tools will be provided for students who need
additional support.

Students who are at a higher level will use SmartNotebook to create an interactive math

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