Che 501
Che 501
Che 501
2.a) Derive an expression for exit substrate concentration of an activated sludge process.
b) A completely mixed ASP is to be used to treat W/W flow of1000m3/h having a BOD of
250mg/L. Design criteria are as follows
k : 8/day, kd : 0.1 /day, Ks : 75 mg/L, :5days, X = 2000mg/L
Calculate the exit substrate concentration and volume of aeration tank.
3.a) What is an Oxygen sag curve? Show minimum oxygen from this curve.
b) Just below the point where a continuous discharge of pollutant mixes with a river, the BOD is
10.9 mg/Land DO is 7.6 mg/L The river and w/w has a temperature of 20 0c, a deoxygenation
const. kd 0.20/day an avg flow speed of 0.30m3/s and avg depth of 3.0m.
Find the time and distance d/s at which oxygen deficit is maximum Also find the min value of
2nd Internal Test (2014)
Time-1 hr. Chemical Engineering (6th Semester) Full Marks-15
Environment Engineering (Subject code: CHE-605A)
1. Choose the correct alternative for the following questions: 51=5
a) Define yield coefficient in connection with waste water.
b) What is mean cell residence time?
c) How is substrate concentration measured?
d) A COD &BOD ratio of above 0.8 indicates
i) chemical degradation is possible ii) biological degradation is possible iii) both chemical and
biological degradation possible iv) aquatic life is endangered.
e) Mention the name of attached growth biological reactor.
2.a) Derive an expression for exit substrate concentration of an activated sludge process.
b) A completely mixed ASP is to be used to treat W/W flow of1000m3/h having a BOD of
250mg/L. Design criteria are as follows
k : 8/day, kd : 0.1 /day, Ks : 75 mg/L, :5days, X = 2000mg/L
Calculate the exit substrate concentration and volume of aeration tank.
3.a) What is an Oxygen sag curve? Show minimum oxygen from this curve.
b) Just below the point where a continuous discharge of pollutant mixes with a river, the BOD is
10.9 mg/Land DO is 7.6 mg/L The river and w/w has a temperature of 200c, a deoxygenation
const. kd 0.20/day an avg flow speed of 0.30m3/s and avg depth of 3.0m.
Find the time and distance d/s at which oxygen deficit is maximum Also find the min value of