Suraj Biscuit
Suraj Biscuit
Suraj Biscuit
2. Project at a Glance
3. Partners Profile
5. Location
8. Financial Analysis
15. Bibliography
Snack Food & Biscuit
(2) Status:
Small Scale Industry
(3) Constitution:
Partnership Firm
(8) Product:
Salty & Sweet Biscuits Products
(9) Proposed Installed Capacity:
58, 42,553
Term Loan:
(3) Address:
Amin Marg,
Near Kalawad Road,
(5) Responsibility:
With a good communication ability and a little but
effective experience in the field of marketing. Mr. Rakesh
will handle the marketing department of the unit.
(6) Experience:
(3) Address:
New Meghani Nagar,
Near Kamal Park,
(5) Responsibility:
(3) Address:
3- Valkeshwar Society,
Near Srinagar,
(5) Responsibility:
(3) Address:
3- Kamal Park,
Near Anand Garden,
(5) Responsibility:
(6) POWER:-
As we know it is the foremost thing requires
for production process. Here powers in terms of
electrical diesel etc. are available, because factory
is situated in an industrial area. There will be a
sufficient power supply and the uniformity in getting
supply can be maintained.
Unit Operations
Source ingredients
Delivery of ingredients
Fillings added
Finish applied
The total land required for industry will be 3000 sq. feet and the
rate per Sq. feet is Rs. 167 (166.67).
Selling Expenses:
Power Cost:
Packing Expenses:
At 60% capacity,
96,000 x 60 57,600 Boxes
4 Debtors 7,12,500
Creditors 7,43,893
Particulars Amt.
Source of Funds:
Total 76,35,205
Application of Funds:
Fixed Assets:
Current Assets:
Stock 24,000
Debtors 7,12,500
Loan & Advance -
Cash 17,61,716 24,98,216
Total 76,35,205
Cost of Project & Means of Finance
Particulars Amt.
Land & Site Development 5,50,000
Building 3,26,000
Plant & Machine 36,00,000
Tools & Equipments 50,000
Electrification 3,00,000
Other Misc. Assets 4,50,000
Preliminary & Pre Operating 2,00,000
Margin of Working Capital 66,513
Total 58,42,553
Means of Finance
Particulars Amt.
Partners Capital 40,00,000
Secured Loan (14%) 10,00,000
Unsecured Loan (14%) 8,42,553
Total 58,42,553
Break Even Analysis
= 27, 73,327
39, 36,640 (85, 50,000 46, 13,360)
= 70.45%
= 70.45 x 57,000
As this is a new product in the mkt. so, one has to see that
there should be cost reduction by improving the quality. So the maximum
use of available resources can work at this stage but again here, the
specialized product i.e. only cream & salty biscuits will be produce.
There will be a considerable beginning power because of large
quantities purchased. Firm can adopt new technology and can develop
research & develop department efficiently that allow superior quality &
Quality Consciousness:
Natural condition:
The management of store-keeping should be
flexible. It means it should be protected by natural
conditions like monsoon, winter or summer.
(4) All the national and regional players are looking forward to
fast growth over the next few years. And one thing seems
certain at least for the foreseeable future. The days of
single company monopoly are over. Indias cookie market
will continue to be ruled by many kings.
Web Sites:
0 Financial Management
- By Khan & Jain
0 Financial Management
- By I.M. Pandey