Steel Arch Bridges
Steel Arch Bridges
Steel Arch Bridges
1, 214-227, 2013
A review of the current status and progress of steel arch bridges in China and Japan, as well as an outline
of the design vehicle load and design method against global buckling for such bridges, is presented in this
paper. The existing steel arch bridges in China and Japan were analyzed in terms of year of completion, main
span length, structure type, main arch rib form and construction method. It is shown that the steel arch bridge
in China has developed rapidly since 2000, characterized by a long main span, while in Japan it has stepped
into a fast-growing period since 1955, with medium and small bridges holding a great majority. As for the
main span length, most of the bridges have a span from 100m to 250m in China, while majority of bridges
are shorter than 150m in Japan. Over 80% of the bridges in China are through and half-through bridge types,
and the arch ribs are hingeless structures. However, over 88% of bridges in Japan are deck and through
bridge types, and a two-hinged structure was mostly adopted in through and half-through bridges. Sin-
gle-hinged and three-hinged arches were seldom adopted in the two countries. The rise-to-span ratios of the
arches in China and Japan are mainly in the range of 1:6-1:4 and 1:7-1:5, respectively. Most of the arches
both in China and Japan use solid box ribs, and only a small fraction uses truss ribs, in which box sections are
mostly adopted for the truss members. The cantilever method and scaffolding method are the two main
construction methods used in China and Japan, although some other construction methods have also been
Key Words : steel arch bridge, comparison, design vehicle load, design method, main span, structural
type, arch rib, construction method
Very few steel arch bridges had been built before pletion years of 68 bridges are known. They are
2000 in China, but more and more steel arch bridges shown in Fig. 1 by markers with some representative
were built later on. Some of them have very long bridges labelled. The red broken line and blue solid
spans. The present span record of the steel arch line show the development of the main span and the
bridge is held in China3), 4), and some new construc- number of bridges, respectively. Twenty bridges
tion methods have been employed, such as the swing with main spans of more than 200m are listed in
method. Table 1.
From a brief review of the history of the steel arch It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the development of
bridge in China and Japan, it can be seen that it is steel arch bridges in China can be partitioned roughly
beneficial for engineers to learn from the rich ex- into two stages using the year 2000. Before 2000,
periences of Japan and their techniques for design only 10 bridges (13.2%) were built. Compared with
and construction. The quick evolution of steel arch steel arch bridges in other countries and RC and
bridges in China is also worth knowing for engineers. CFST arch bridges in China8), 9), the construction of
In this context, a large amount of data and litera- steel arch bridges has obviously lagged behind.
ture about steel arch bridges in China and Japan The Dahong Bridge in Tianjin may have been the
constructed before December of 2011 and 2008, first steel arch bridge in China. It was first a wooden
respectively, have been collected, and are analyzed bridge and was reconstructed into a steel arch bridge
in terms of their history, main span length, structural in 1887, but was swept away by flood in 1924. Re-
form, construction method and aesthetics. In addition, construction of the New Dahong Bridge was planed
a design vehicle load and design method against again in 1933, and completed in 1937. It is a
global buckling for steel arch bridges are outlined. through-type steel arch bridge with three spans; the
main span is 57.37m10).
For a long time in China, scarcity of material and
2. EVOLUTION OF STEEL ARCH the backwardness of industrialization prevented a
BRIDGES large number of steel bridges from being built. Steel
was only used in key bridges crossing major rivers.
The evolution of arch bridges is closely related to When the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was built in
that of construction materials. Such evolution due to the 1950s, the steel for its construction was imported
improvement in the technique of steel production is a from the former Soviet Union. Afterwards, it became
common matter all over the industrial field. The possible to produce the type 16Mn steel (yield stress:
industrialization of iron and steel enabled their initial
use in arch bridges, which was the main long-span 600 Chaotianmen Bridge 70
bridge type at that time. The worlds first cast iron Lupu Bridge
bridge was constructed in the UK (completed in 450
Number of bridges
Xinguang Bridge
1779). Some wrought iron bridges were also built
Main span, m
Bridge in Massif, France, with a main span of 165m 250 River Bridge 30
(completed in 1884), and the Maria Pia Bridge in 200 Dukou Bridge
Guandu Bridge
Porto, Portugal, with a main span of 160m (com- 150 Midi Bridge
pleted in 1877)3). 100 Yingsuihe Bridge 10
The steel arch bridge was first established in the 0
New Dahong Bridge
USA (Eads Bridge, completed in 1874). Its success
343MPa, carbon content: 0.16%, low alloy) to build steel type for bridge) and the Q370q types, and more
the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in the 1970s. and more bridges use the Q420q steel. There is a
However, this kind of steel showed quick degrada- tendency to use high-performance steel. Therefore,
tion in strength and ductility with an increase in more and more steel bridges have been constructed
thickness. A new type of steel, 15MnVNi (yield in the last three decades of large-scale infrastructure
stress: 420MPa, carbon content: 0.15%, main alloy: construction. Steel arch bridges are becoming more
manganese, vanadium and nickel) was developed popular even after many long-span steel cable-stayed
and used in the Baihe Bridge in 1976. But poor bridges and steel suspension bridges have been built.
weldability prevented it from further use except in In the decade after 2000, 66 bridges were built,
the Jiujiang Bridge in 1992. It was really embar- which accounted for 86.8% of the total. Most
rassing that no steel other than the 16Mn could be long-span bridges were built in this period, 60
used in bridge engineering at that time11). bridges with main spans of 100m or longer, the av-
Very few steel highway bridges had been built erage main span being 216m. In 2003, a long-span
before the 1990s. The No. 2 & 3 Panzhihua Bridges steel arch bridge, the Lupu Bridge in Shanghai, was
were two representatives from this early time. The built (shown in Fig. 3). The completion of this bridge
former, shown in Fig. 2, is a steel box arch bridge set a new world record for the steel arch span. The
with a main span of 180m, completed in 1966. The bridge type is a half-through steel tied arch. The main
latter is a steel truss arch bridge with a main span of arch spans 550m, with a rise-to-span ratio of 1:5.5,
180m, completed in 1969. Surely, the 16Mn steel and the other two side arches span 100m each. The
type was the only choice12). With the slow devel- steel used for the bridge is the normalized structural
opment in steel arch bridge for almost 26 years, the steel S355N, in accordance with the German indus-
Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge, with a main span of trial standard DIN10113-1993 for weldable
216m, was completed in 1992. fine-grained steel13).
As a result of Chinas Economic Reform and Afterwards, several long-span steel arch bridges
Opening Up from 1978, the steel industry has de- were built successively, such as the Xinguang Bridge
veloped rapidly and they are now the top producer in in Guangzhou, with a main span of 428m (steel truss
the world. There are rich types of steel products arch bridge, 2006); the Caiyuanba Yangtze River
available now. At present, steel bridges in China Bridge in Chongqing, with a main span of 420m
mainly adopt the Q345q (Q denotes yield stress; (steel box arch bridge, 2007); the Chaotianmen
number 345 means yield stress is 345MPa; q denotes Bridge in Chongqing, with the worlds longest main
span of 552m (steel truss arch bridge, 2007, Fig. 4); and material, the span limit of the steel arch bridge
the Daninghe Bridge in Chongqing, with a main span can be 1200m10).
of 400m (steel truss arch bridge, 2010).
It is expected that the upper limit of the span of the (2) Evolution in Japan
steel arch bridge is far from being reached. Theo- Detailed information on 1509 steel arch bridges
retically, with the current construction technology has been obtained from a website survey14) and a
literature review. Among them, the main spans and 400 Kuko Bridge
completion years of 1467 bridges are known. They 1400
350 Shinkizugawa Bridge
Number of bridges
are shown in Fig. 5 by markers with some repre- 300
Main span, m
sentative bridges labelled. The red broken line and Omishima Bridge 1000
250 Saikai Bridge
blue solid line show the development of the main 200 800
span and the number of bridges, respectively. Thir- 150 600
Sakuranomiya Bridge
ty-six bridges with main spans of more than 200m 100 400
are listed in Table 2. 50 Shinmachi Bridge 200
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the number of steel 0 0
arch bridges in Japan had been increasing since 1920,
almost stopped increasing between 1935 and 1955,
Completion year
increased conspicuously between 1955 and 2004,
Fig. 5 Main spans and completion years of steel
and then slowed down from 2004. The evolution of arch bridges in Japan.
steel arch bridges in Japan can be partitioned roughly
into two stages using the year 1955.
The Shinmachi Bridge was the first iron arch
bridge constructed from imported cast iron in 1872.
During the period 1883-1885, the Mikohata Bridge
and Habuchi Bridge were constructed. They disin-
tegrated and were reconstructed in parks as precious
heritages. Now, they are the oldest existing cast iron
arch bridges in Japan. The early arch bridges in Ja- Fig. 6 Saikai Bridge in Nagasaki.
pan were designed and manufactured with Western
The Yamaga Bridge, with a length of 164.2m and
height of 27m, was established in 1910. It was the
largest two-hinged steel arch bridge and one of the
representative bridges constructed by domestic
technology in the Meiji Era. In 1913, the first
through-type steel arch bridge, with a length of Fig. 7 Kuko Bridge in Hiroshima.
41.4m, was constructedthe old Yatsuyama Bridge.
Subsequently, some through-type steel arch bridges
were constructed, such as the old Taisho Bridge, main span is 110m. Before 1955, the annual pro-
with a relatively larger span of 91.5m (two-hinged, duction of steel for bridges in Japan was 50 thousand
completed in 1915); Rokugo Bridge, with a main tons, and most of them were employed in con-
span of 67m (completed in 1925); Choroku Bridge, structing truss bridges.
with a main span of 73m (completed in 1927). The After 1955, the steel production for bridges in-
Juso Bridge was the first railway tied steel arch creased with the rapid economic growth, which came
bridge, with a main span of 64m (completed in 1932). to a peak of 600 thousand tons in 1971. Although the
With the technological development of the steel arch steel production for bridges decreased to 350 thou-
bridge in Japan, the Arakawa Bridge with three spans sand tons in 1975 because of the oil crisis, it re-
was constructed in 1928. The three-hinged bounded to 550 thousand tons in 1980, and has kept
Sakuranomiya Bridge, with a main span of 104m, the output at more than 550 thousand tons for two
was constructed in 1931. Some combined-system decades2).With the developments in theory and in
bridges were also constructed. For example, material, steel arch bridges of various structural
Sumidagawa Bridge and Owari Bridge with rigid types and with large spans and attractive appearances
girder flexible arch ribs were constructed in 1932 were constructed. In the decades after 1955, 1355
and 1933, respectively1), 2). bridges were constructed, which accounted for
Although the technology for steel arch bridges had 92.4% of the total. There are 531 bridges with a main
kept developing and improving, just a few bridges span of 100m or longer, and the average main span is
were constructed before 1955 due to limited steel 98.5m. Saikai Bridge, with a main span of 216m
production. From 1872, when the first cast iron (steel truss arch bridge, 1955, Fig. 6); Mitou Bridge,
bridge was completed, to 1955, only 112 bridges with a main span of 131.2m (first steel box arch
(7.6%) were built in this duration of 85 years. Only 4 bridge with X-shape, 1969); Kobe Bridge, with a
bridges main spans are 100m or longer. The longest main span of 217m (first steel box arch bridge with
double-deck, 1970); Omishima Bridge, with a main 120
70 130 60 120 70 130 70 130
span of 297m (steel box arch bridge, 1979);
Yumemai Bridge, with a main span of 280m (mov-
able steel arch bridge, 1999); Kuko Bridge, with a 4m 15m
15m 4m 15m 4m 10m 4m 15m
main span of 380m (the largest steel truss arch bridge
in Japan, 2008, Fig. 7), are the representative ex-
(a) Vehicle-20 (unit: kN)
120 140
70 130 70 130 30 120 140 70 130 70 130
P 2/2
Uniform load P1
Uniform load P 2
Lateral direction
P2 P1+P2 P2
loadings, Highway-I and Highway-II, are adopted to
P 2/2
P2/2 (P1+P2)/2 P2/2
replace Vehicle-over 20, Vehicle-20 and Vehicle-15,
Longitudinal direction
while Vehicle-10 is abolished. Most of the steel arch
bridges in China mentioned in this paper were de- Fig. 10 L-load in Japanese code.
signed according to Highway-I and Highway-II of
the JTG D60-2004. The uniform load qk for High-
way-I is 10.5 kN/m, and concentrated load Pk is 180 direction) subjected to uniform loads p1 and p2 is
kN and 360 kN when the main span of the bridge is 5.5m maximum, and the remaining portion is sub-
shorter than 5m and longer than 50m, respectively. jected to half-values of p1 and p2.
When the main span falls from 5m to 50m, Pk can be The same uniform load as p2 is specified as the
interpolated in a linear manner. The loadings for pedestrian loads.
Highway-II are 0.75 times those for Highway-I. The
vehicle lane is determined according to the width of
Pedestrian loads are 3.0 kN/m2 and 2.5 kN/m2 BUCKLING
when the main spans are shorter than 50m and longer
than 150m, respectively. For the main span from 50m (1) Chinese code18)
to 150m, the pedestrian load may be interpolated in a In-plane stability of the arch should be checked
linear manner. under the following assumptions: The arch rib is a
member subjected to axial compressive load, the
(2) Japanese code length of the member relates to the span of the bridge,
The L-load is provided in specifications for and no favorable effects of suspenders and tie bars
highway bridges for the design of the main compo- exist. The effective length is determined by the
nents of the steel arch bridge 17). The L-load consists rise-to-span ratio and the structural style, since the
of two kinds of uniform loads, p1 and p2. The dis- critical load of steel arch bridges is significantly
tribution and values of p1 and p2 are provided in Fig. affected by those two parameters.
10 and Table 3, respectively. The width (lateral The critical flexure force Ncr of the arch for
Table 3 L-load.
Uniform load P1 Uniform load P2
Vehicle Vehicle load (kN/m2) Vehicle load (kN/m2)
load Applied
length D For calculating For calculating
L80 80<L130 130<L
moment shear force
A-class 6m
10 12 3.5 4.3-0.01L 3
B-class 10m
Table 4 Value of K.
f/L 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fixed arch 60.7 101.0 115.0 111.0 97.4 83.8 59.1 43.7
Two-hinged arch 28.5 45.5 46.5 43.9 38.4 30.5 20.0 14.1
Three-hinged arch 22.5 39.6 46.5 43.9 38.4 30.5 20.0 14.1
where H is the horizontal component of the axial 30
In the 1165 steel arch bridges of Japan with deck Two-hinged
relative location known, there are 369 (31.7%) deck 67.59% Single-hinged
bridges, 129 (11.1%) half-through bridges, 662 Hingeless
(56.8%) through bridges and 5 (0.4%) double-deck
The through and half-through types of steel arch
0.77% 0.11%
bridges are generally suitable for plain and urban
areas. Deck-type steel arch bridges consist of an arch 31.53%
Fig. 15 Articulation of main arch in Japan.
rib and a spandrel structure. It is ideal for crossing a
valley with sound rock walls. In order to match the 14 450
they are generally uneconomic in mountainous areas
compared to RC and CFST arch bridges, if there are Rise-to-span ratio
no navigation and traffic requirements in site and Fig. 16 Rise-to-span ratios of steel arch bridges.
construction time is sufficient. Fig. 13 shows that the
through-type steel arch bridges in Japan are em-
ployed mainly when the main span is shorter than 1/2
200m. Furthermore, Japan is a hilly, mountainous Steel arch bridges in Chian
Rise-to-span ratio
(2) Three-hinged, two-hinged, single-hinged and
hingeless steel arch bridges 1/6
With respect to the articulation of the main arch, 1/8
they can be classified into four categories, i.e.,
three-hinged, two-hinged, single-hinged and hinge- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
less (or fixed) steel arch bridges. Main span, m
For single-hinged and three-hinged arch bridges, Fig. 17 Relationship between rise-to-span ratio and main span.
the existence of a hinge in the arch crown increases
the tendency of suffering damage from heavy impact
loads, and the maintenance of the hinge is difficult.
Volume of steel
main span of 138.3m. Two-hinged forms were in China and Japan still requires further study.
adopted in the majority of deck and half-through
steel arch bridges, and there are 286 two-hinged (4) Arch axes
bridges in total. Since data about arch axes of steel arch bridges in
Japan have not been collected, arch axes of steel arch
(3) Rise-to-span ratio bridges in China are analyzed in this section.
The rise-to-span ratio is an important parameter of To maximize the compressive resistance of the
steel arch bridges. The distribution of rise-to-span arch rib, the arch axis is expected to be close to the
ratios used in existing steel arch bridges in China and compression line of the dead load. Among the se-
Japan are illustrated in Fig. 16. It shows that the lected 82 steel arch bridges, the arch axes of 34
rise-to-span ratios of steel arch bridges in China are bridges (excluded were peculiarly shaped bridges or
in the range of 1:2 to 1:8, mostly from 1:4 to 1:6, those with unknown shape) are shown in Fig. 19. It
while the rise-to-span ratios of steel arch bridges in can be seen from Fig. 19 that 23 (67.6%), 7 (20.6%)
Japan are in the range of 1:9 to 1:3, commonly be- and 4 (11.8%) bridges adopt the parabola, catenary
tween 1:7 and 1:5. Other ratios such as beyond and other curves (such as ellipse, circle, combination
1:8-1:3 and 1:9-1:3 are usually employed in of parabola and catenary), respectively. It is obvious
short-span bridges. The rise-to-span ratio of steel that the parabola is the most popular arch axis in steel
arch bridges in China is slightly greater than Japans. arch bridges because of the approximately uniform
In addition, as shown in Fig. 17, there is no direct spanwise distribution of its dead loads.
correlation between the rise-to-span ratio and the
main span of steel arch bridges in China and Japan. (5) Section of arch rib
For parabolic arches, the relationship between The sections of arch ribs can be classified into
steel volume, f/l and g/p, where g and p are the dead solid type and truss type. There are 76 bridges in
load and the live load acting on the arch rib, and f/l is China and 912 bridges in Japan with known section
the rise-to-span ratio, has been derived by the varia- types. They are selected for analysis here, as shown
tion method in Reference 19), as given in Fig. 18. in Table 6. In China, solid ribs are used in 57 (75.0%)
Fig. 18 shows that the most materialsaving struc- bridges and truss ribs are used in the remaining 19
ture is when the f/l varies in the range of 1/6-1/5. In bridges (25.0%). In Japan, solid ribs and truss ribs
addition, the ratio of g/p has a significant influence are employed in 900 bridges (98.6%) and in 13
on the amount of steel used. The larger traffic vol- bridges (1.4%), respectively. Therefore, mainly solid
ume in China than in Japan possibly causes the larger ribs are adopted in steel arch bridges in China and
rise-to-span ratios of steel arch bridges in China. But Japan.
the rationality of rise-to-span ratios commonly used The solid rib is usually adopted in short steel arch
bridges, and its section can be I- or L-shaped, a cir- member connection and the complexity sometimes
cular tube or box-shaped, etc. The I- or L-shaped affects their beauty. Because steel arch bridges have
sections are used in a few short-span steel arch larger stiffness than cable-stayed bridges and sus-
bridges in some countries. In China, the L-shaped pension bridges, many have been used as high-speed
section is adopted in a very small steel arch bridge. In railway bridges, which need very rigid structures.
Japan, the I-shaped section is employed in Sa- The sections employed in solid ribs may also be used
kuranomiya Bridge. Circular tubes adopted as arch in truss members of steel arches, such as I- or
ribs are usually filled with concrete in China, while H-shaped, circular tube and box sections. However,
mainly hollow circular tubes are employed in Japan. mostly box section members are used in China and
The box shape is the main section of steel arch Japan for their great stiffness and simple configura-
bridges in China and Japan. Meanwhile, for the sake tion in long-span steel arch bridges. Other section
of an elegant appearance, some unfamiliar box sec- members are rarely used.
tions such as octagon-shaped (the No. 1 Bridge
crossing the Chanba River in Xian) and elliptical (the
Yangtze River Bridge in Zhongsan and the Liuwu 7. CONSTRUCTION METHOD
Bridge in Lasa) are occasionally used in China. For
some long-span bridges, a single box section with Similar to RC and CFST arch bridges8), 9), the
double cells is used in China, such as in the Lupu scaffolding method, cantilever method and swing
Bridge in Shanghai (main span: 550m) and the method are used for steel arch bridge construction. In
Mingzhou Bridge in Ningbo (main span: 450m). addition, the lightweight quality and high stiffness of
Truss ribs can be more effective and are preferred steel arch bridges enable the use of launching and
when the arch span exceeds 200m. Members in truss large block methods for the whole superstructure or
ribs are smaller and lighter than those in solid section large segments of the structure. The known con-
ribs; therefore, they facilitate delivery and erection. struction methods used in selected steel arch bridges
However, truss ribs are more difficult to fabricate in are shown in Table 7.
Fig. 20 Construction of Dashengguan Bridge. Fig. 21 Construction of Dongping Bridge by swinging vertically.
Fig. 22 Construction of Dongping Bridge by swinging horizontally. Fig. 23 Construction of Xinguang Bridge.
Main span length, m 500 Japan
Ogatayama Bridge in the Yamanashi Maglev Test high-low arch bridge with a main span of 78.8m (see
Line. Fig. 30)20). With regard to pedestrian bridges, lots of
The large block method is a method in which the forms have been designed, including tilting arches
whole superstructure or large segments of the and butterfly arches. An example is the Forest Bridge
structure are hoisted by a floating crane or winch. in Kenkounomori Park in Aichi prefecture21) (see Fig.
This method was seldom employed in China. It was 31).
used in the construction of the Xinguang Bridge in It can be seen that the irregular steel arch bridges
Guangzhou of China, shown in Fig. 23. The arch rib were constructed in China with not only small but
was hoisted and assembled from three large seg- also larger main spans, while they were only em-
ments. The heaviest one, weighing 3078t, was ployed in small highway and pedestrian bridges in
hoisted to 85.6m high by 16 synchronous hydraulic Japan. If the appearance and aesthetics of a bridge
jacks. In Japan, the large block method employing a are presumably very important and the increased
floating crane, such as in the 2nd Ondo Bridge shown costs are limited and acceptable, various arches may
in Fig. 24, was relatively common. be considered. But they should not be excessively
The launching method was used for the Jiubao used for long spans or for heavily loaded bridges,
Bridge in Hangzhou and the Xiangjiang Bridge in because the likely result would be very expensive but
Changsha of China. The construction of Xiangjiang not exactly beautiful bridges.
Bridge is shown in Fig. 25. This method has not been
adopted in Japan.
The cantilever method and scaffolding method are 9. LAST REMARKS
the main construction methods. Of the selected steel
arch bridges in China and Japan, 79.6% and 92.9% The results of a comprehensive survey of steel
employed these methods, respectively. The rela- arch bridges in China and Japan with respect to
tionship between construction method and main span history, steel material, design traffic load, design
length is illustrated in Fig. 26. The cantilever method method against global buckling, main span, struc-
can be adopted not only for small bridges but also for tural form and construction method have been re-
large bridges. Other methods are usually employed ported in this paper. Statistical comparison of steel
for bridges with spans shorter than 250m. Owing to arch bridges in China and in Japan has also been
the lightweight quality and high stiffness of the steel briefly addressed.
arch rib, it is possible to develop better construction Steel arch bridges have a long history in Japan.
methods to promote technological progress in con- The experience and technique of design and con-
struction. struction of steel arch bridges in Japan provide a
good reference for engineers worldwide. Steel arch
bridges have been used relatively late and still on a
8. AESTHETICS small scale today in China. However, rapid progress
has been made in recent years. The development of
There is no doubt that the arch bridge is a beautiful, steel arch bridges in China has improved steel arch
functional, and expressive structural form. The bridge engineering technologies in the fields of de-
lightweight but strong characteristics of the steel sign, fabrication and erection for long-span bridges.
arch coincide with the architects vision on structural Steel arch bridges remain popular structure types
forms; therefore, there has been a trend to pursue the that are frequently adopted for modern bridges, even
aesthetic appearance of steel arch bridges in China in though designers now have many other structural
recent years. The main approaches are done by 1) types to choose from. Many steel arch bridges will be
adopting outer-inclined arch ribs, such as the Dagu built for their elegant appearance and favored by
Bridge, with a main span of 106m, shown in Fig. 27; designers and owners for highway and city roads. At
2) spatial composition of arch ribs of various scales, the same time, this bridge type is strongly competi-
such as the Jiubao Bridge in Hangzhou, with a main tive in long-span high-speed railway bridges with a
span of 210m, shown in Fig. 28; 3) deformed arch high requirement for stiffness. Therefore, the steel
axial line, such as the Fenghua Bridge in Tianjing, arch bridge still has a prosperous future in this era of
with a main span of 138m, shown in Fig. 29. large-scale transportation infrastructure construction
In Japan, a few girder bridges are stiffened by a in developing counties. The survey of steel arch
single arch rib or a couple of arch ribs without bridges in China and Japan in this paper is expected
bracing. A few irregular steel arch bridges are found to provide base data and a reference for its future
in highway and railway systems, such as the New research and construction.
Nishigawara Bridge in Ibaraki, which is a combined
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