InfralinePlus April2017
InfralinePlus April2017
InfralinePlus April2017
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The Complete Energy Sector Magazine for Policy and Decision Makers
April 2017 | Volume 5 | Issue 12
Editors Letter
Cover Story 34
Digital transformation beckons
Indias energy landscape
The development of a fully-fledged,
low-carbon economy with increasing
deployment of renewable sources
will require changes to the existing
transmission and distribution
infrastructure. Smart technologies
will be a vital component of this
transformation. Increasingly,
consumers expect reliable supply,
clean energy, responsive service, new
facilities and cost efficiency from their
utilities. Smart grids can enable all that
4 and more.
Power Coal
6 18
News Briefs p6 News Briefs p18
In Conversation: Mahadevan Anand, Managing Expert Speak: Alok Perti, former coal secretary,
Director, ANDRITZ HYDRO Pvt. Ltd p10 Government of India p22
In Depth: Amendments to Mega Power Policy to bring In Depth: Commercial coal mining talks gather steam
much needed relief to private developers p12 once again p25
Statistics p16 In Depth: Underground Coal Gasification: India needs
to probe further p29
Statistics p32
Expert Speak/Interview
Off Beat
Port sector on cusp of explosive growth 68
Reports & Studies
People in News
Suyash Gupta,
Director General,
Yogendra Prasad,
Former Chairman,
Indian Auto LPG Coalition NHPC
April 2017
NTPC and its group companies collectively solar generation of NTPC touched maximum
achieved highest ever cumulative gross of 2.353 million units on March 12. NTPC, the
generation of 263.95 billion units during countrys largest power utility contributed
current year surpassing previous annual 24 % of countrys generation. NTPC is the
best of 263.42 billion units recorded in FY-16. third largest power company in terms of
Generation of the group registered an annual coal based power generation capacity, 2nd in
growth of 4.71% over last year.NTPCs pit capacity utilisation, 3rd in machine availabil-
head coal stations, with total capacity of ity and 7th in terms of electricity generation.
25840 MW, recorded capacity utilisation of NTPC has total installed capacity of 48,188
95.71% on that day and cumulative monthly MW from its 19 coal based, 7 gas based, 10
capacity utilisation of 91.4% for March-17. As Indias largest power station having capac- solar PV, one hydro and 9 subsidiaries and
many as 29 units of NTPC coal plants have ity of 4760 MW, achieving highest ever day joint venture power stations. The company
generated at a capacity utilisation level of generation of 114.254 million units at full has capacity of over 23,000 MW under imple-
more than 100% on that day.NTPC stations capacity utilisation. Mouda Thermal Power mentation at 23 locations across the country
have continued excellent performance in station also recorded highest ever day gen- including 4300 MW being undertaken by joint
the current month with Vindhyachal station, eration of 31.2 million units on March 9, and venture and subsidiary companies.
April 2017
Operating in losses for four consecutive years, following revocation of distribution licences of
the state-owned bulk power trading utility the Anil Ambani-led Reliance Infrastructure
Grid Corporation of Odisha Limited (Gridco) Limited by the Odisha Electricity Regula-
has outstanding receivables of more than Rs tory Commission (OERC). While bulk of the
7,000 crores from the four power distribution supply power bills of four discoms stood at Rs
companies (discoms) operating in the state. 3,320.26 crore, the outstanding loan including
Bulk of this outstanding dues are pending the interest has swelled to Rs 2,343.59 crore
against the Central Electricity Supply Utility till the end of last year. The net worth of the
(Cesu), currently managed by the Odisha company has turned negative. Gridco reported
Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC). a loss of Rs 1455.49 crore in 2013-14, Rs
The company owes Rs 2592.94 crore to Grid- 109.74 crore in 2014-15 and Rs 392.30 crore
co as on December 30, 2016. The three other Company of Orissa Limited (Southco)have in 2015-16. An inter-state trading license is a
discomsNorth Eastern Electricity Supply to pay Rs 1,410.41 crore, Rs 1,777.71 crore prerequisite for trading of power outside the
Company of Orissa Limited (Nesco), Western and Rs 1089.27 crore respectively. These state. The negative net worth of the company
Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Limited three discoms are now functioning under has rendered it ineligible for obtaining such
(Wesco) and Southern Electricity Supply the supervision of Gridco since March 2015 license, according to sources.
April 2017
Indonesia adds 500 MW into electricity grid from new mobile power plants
President Joko Jokowi Widodo recently capital of Pontianak, whose new MPP
inaugurated the operation across the can generate up to 100 MW of electricity.
archipelago of eight gas-based mobile The current government is aiming to
power plants (MPP) with a total capacity exponentially increase the amount of
of 500 megawatts (MW). Each of the eight power available to the nation by 2019
power plants has an electricity production through an ongoing program to generate
capacity of between 25 MW and 100 an additional 35,000 MW of electricity.
MW. They are located in Lombok in West The project is basically a continuation
Nusa Tenggara, Bangka Island, Lampung of the attempt by then president Susilo
in South Sumatra, Pontianak in West Bambang Yudhoyono during his first
Kalimantan, Bengkalis in Riau Islands, presidential term in 2005 to generate an
Belitung Island and Nias and Medan in additional 10,000 MW of electricity to
North Sumatra. Some of them have been keep the reserve margins the difference
operating since last year. Mempawah, between capacity and peak demand
home to some 250,000 people, is located within the International Energy Agencys
next to the West Kalimantan provincial recommended level of 20 to 35 percent.
April 2017
We are open to acquisitions in
the Indian hydro power market
With the new hydro policy expected to be finalised soon, the sector
is abuzz with new opportunities for developing mega projects. It is
felt that while enough attention is being given to renewable energy,
the hydro sector also needs to up the ante when it comes to
meeting Indias energy needs. In this regard, InfralinePlus speaks
to Mahadevan Anand, Managing Director, ANDRITZ HYDRO Pvt.
Ltd - a global supplier of electromechanical systems and services
for hydropower plants - on the challenges being faced by the hydro
sector and the companys growth plans.
How was Andritzs growth at the moment but we have our eyes
performance last year in India as open. A very important milestone was
well as globally? achieved in 2016 with the synchronis-
Mahadevan Anand, Managing Director, ANDRITZ
Andritz has shown a steady and continu- ing of all 6 units of 200 MW of the HYDRO Pvt. Ltd
10 ous growth in India for the last couple Teesta III hydro project in Sikkim
of years. In spite of a complete slack in which added 1200 MW to the national our leading position in this space. The
the power sector, we managed to book grid. Andritz is proud to be the core policy will surely bring in much needed
some good orders from the India region contractor for this important project. relief for hydro power developers who
as well as the South East Asian markets. have been intending to develop mega
Looking at the anticipated orders ex- What are the companys growth hydro projects.
pected in 2017, we are also enhancing plans for India? What will be its While Andritz has already contributed
our capacity and increasing manpower. major focus areas for the next with supplies aggregating over 22,000
Globally too there is a slump in the 2-3 years? MW in India and Asia, we are clearly
hydro markets but the Andritz Group Andritz is planning to double its focussing on clean green renewable
has outshined in the pulp and paper order intake in the coming 1-2 years energy specifically in the hydro power
segment. Additionally, the company by focussing on key markets. We are domain and continue to sustain our
has made important acquisitions in readying a work force of over 1500 leading position in the market.
China. Further, slow markets and com- skilled employees to tackle the ambitious
petitors that are aggressively reducing growth plans. We will continue to focus What are some of the most
their costs force us to have a close eye on the hydro market and high capacity promising and emerging
on maintaining our competitiveness. multi-purpose projects. Additionally, we technologies for the hydro power
The acquisition of companies with are ready to increase our efforts in the air segment? What are some of the
complementary products has been key pollution control segment, which has just new solutions that Andritz plans
for Andritzs global success. However, begun to take-off in India. Looking at the to offer to the market?
in India, with our existing state-of- Indian market in totality, we may also Global technology providers like An-
the-art manufacturing set-up, we are bring in more products and technology in dritz focus and invest huge amounts on
also looking at expanding these units diversified areas. R&D. We have developed technology
by increasing the bays, which could We are eagerly waiting for Indias in plant automation, turbine efficien-
happen as early as Q1 2018. beleaguered hydro sector to pick-up cies, created a complete water-to-wire
We are also open to acquisitions in the speed and with the much awaited solution for hydro project developers
Indian market for specific products Hydro Policy which is expected within and also are the first foreign company
which is very preliminary to talk about 2017, we would be keen to continue to set up an advanced coating facility in
April 2017
India for under water parts to increase up steam but hopefully the trending The government is considering
plant life. levelised tariffs could end in a bubble several ideas to reduce the cost
Another important and critical area burst. We expect initiatives like UDAY, of power generation from hydel
is the complete operation and mainte- Make in India, RPO and HPO to come sources, including the possibility
nance of hydro plants which we are now to aid in putting greater thrust in Indias of gradual escalation of tariffs.
actively involved. We also undertake power sector. Your views?
annual maintenance contracts for the This is a very crucial issue today.
plants limited to the power house. The government intends to bring Hydro power projects under imple-
Further, we now have the complete hydro power under the ambit of mentation for the last couple of years
expertise in the service & rehabilitation renewable energy, along with have faced inherent delays leading to
of hydro power plants. While we now small hydro. How will it impact tariffs reaching as high as Rs. 5.5-6.5/
have this diversified portfolio, we have the sectors growth? unit. Such uneconomic values make
also broad based our manufacturing the entire proposition unviable for
capacity to address the mini hydro While we are expecting commercial use. Front loading of
market by being capable of manufac- equity could be one way to reduce
turing and supplying turbines from 300
the government in tariffs, introduction a minimum 15%
kW to 800 MW unit size in India. India to revive the through HPO, lower interest rates and
hydro market, foreign tax holidays are other ways to help
What are your expectations on companies like Andritz reduce the saleable tariffs of hydro
equipment orders in the hydro who are perfect projects. There are discussions on
power segment in the next one- examples of Make in these issues, which we hope will fruc-
two years? tify in the coming months.
While we are expecting the govern-
India are not allowed
ment in India to revive the hydro a free hand at bidding More than 6,000 MW of hydro 11
market, foreign companies like Andritz for projects through projects in India are currently
who are perfect examples of Make in the G2G bilateral route. stressed. How has the slowdown
India are not allowed a free hand at The preference is in the hydro sector in last few
bidding for projects through the G2G mainly given to certain years impacted the sectors
bilateral route.The preference is mainly growth. Has financing been a
given to certain government-owned
government-owned concern?
equipment suppliers, which nullifies equipment suppliers, I would rather say that the hydro sec-
the very purpose of Make in India. which nullifies the very tor is in coma rather than a slowdown.
We are however hopeful that projects purpose of Make in We have not seen any new projects
totalling near 3000-4000 MW could be India come up in the last 4-5 years. In spite
tendered in the coming one-two years of over 83,000 MW of untapped
in the Indian market. There are talks of the new Hydro Pow- hydro potential in the country, we
er Policy and bringing all hydropower have utilized less than 10% of this
What is your outlook for the projects under the ambit of renewable potential. The hydro share in India
power sector in India in the next energy (RE). This if implemented, has been dwindling constantly for the
few years? would extend the benefits of RE to last 10 years. Today hydro contrib-
With the focus shifting to environ- all hydropower projects including utes to about 14% against the thermal
mental concerns, coal is surely not the subsidies (Rs. 1.5 to 20 Crore/MW), figure. Secondly, there has been no
solution for the future. Renewable en- tax benefits and power off-take (RE fresh infusion of equity in projects and
ergy like solar and wind are not alone defined projects get preferential sale debt financing has almost come to nil.
capable of justifying power demands of power). This in particular is aimed These negative traits continue because
for the country. The only alternative at bringing relief to private develop- of project cost overruns coming from
is from hydro power which is a clean ers. This will work absolutely fine if geological problems, untimely clear-
energy source. Unless the policy mak- hydropower comes under the RE ambit ances, debt ridden IPPs and no clear
ers take cognisance of its importance, especially considering the fact that the mandate from policy makers.
we do not expect any big developments share of RE has increased over 14%
to come by. Solar power is picking from a mere 3% share in 2005. For suggestions email at
April 2017
Amendments to Mega Power Policy to bring
much needed relief to private developers
Amendments will help avoid potential stressed assets worth INR 1.5 lakh crore
To bring down power tariff for making electricity more affordable for consumers
By Team InfralinePlus
Cast your mind back to start of the new inadequate fuel supply and aggressive Krishna-Godavari (KG) basin, even
financial year in April 2015 and we bidding to win projects. Out of this 46 after the introduction of scheme to
were informed about the time ticking GW, about 36 GW were coal-based bail out these projects through PSDF.
bomb in the Indian banking sector. This projects within which tariff under- Loans to these projects were said to
bomb was referred to the rising number recovery has impacted 20 GW of ca- be around INR 1.5-2 lakh crore, with
of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in pacities, while the rest were said to be about two-thirds lent by public sector
the infrastructure sector, especially reeling because of inadequate feedstock banks. Of these loans, as much as INR
power. According to a CRISIL report and poor electricity offtake by state 75,000 crore of loans or nearly 15%
released in 2015, power projects with distribution companies (DISCOMs). of aggregated debt to power generation
around 46 GW capacity were said The remaining 10 GW of gas-based companies are still at risk of becom-
to facing viability issues due to lack projects have become unviable because ing delinquent in the medium term.
of long-term purchase agreements, of dwindling fuel supplies from the Fast forward to the new financial
April 2017
institutions that have extended loans to and some of them were taking too capacity/net capacity through com-
such projects. long for finalizing the bids that were petitive bidding and 35 per cent under
received at that time. The developers regulated tariff of host state under
Evolution of Mega Power had requested that any power project long term Power Purchase Agreement
Policy: 1995 - Present tying up the long term PPA of their (PPA) with DISCOMs/State designated
The Mega Power Policy was intro- part capacity be given Mega benefits agency to avail benefits under the
duced in November 1995 for provid- proportionately. In other words, if any policy. The amendment had provided
ing impetus to development of large developer was able to achieve less this dispensation would be one time
size power projects in the country than 85% power tie up, they can be and limited to 15 projects which are
and deriving benefit from economies extended mega benefits in the pro- located in the states having mandatory
of scale and quick capacity addition. portion of the tied up PPA. host state power tie up.
Under Mega policy, fiscal benefits in In 2012, a list of 111 power projects,
the form of zero duty imports, income with a total capacity of 167 GW was NPAs in the power sector:
tax waiver etc., were extended to the frozen to enjoy mega power project An assessment
certified Mega power projects. status. Out of these, 25 were provi- While the gross NPAs in the sector
The Policy was amended in 2009 sional mega projects of independent had increased from 1.3 percent to 4.4
to make it liberal and operationally power producers (IPPs). As per the percent in financial year 2015-16, the
more effective. Amended Mega Policy original guidelines, no greenfield stressed assets as measured by gross
allowed the developers to tie up all project was to be given the mega status NPAs and restructured standard assets
power to even one state and as per after July 2012. The policy was later continue to remain steady, close to 14
National Electricity Policy they could amended in 2014 mandating developers percent last year. According to a data
also sell power upto 15% outside to tie up at least 65 percent of installed published by the Reserve Bank of
the long term PPA. Thus, the policy
stipulated that the private power
companies must tie up only 85% of
The Mega Power Policy was introduced in
power of the plant with DISCOMs / November 1995 for providing impetus to
State designated agencies through tariff development of large size power projects in the
based competitive bidding. country and deriving benefit from economies of
Based on the representation from
the industry that there had been delays
scale and quick capacity addition. Under Mega
in signing of PPA through competitive policy, fiscal benefits in the form of zero duty
bidding (which is mandatory for imports, income tax waiver etc., were extended
grant of mega power status), MoP to the certified Mega power projects
in consultation with Department of
Revenue, issued guidelines for issuance
of Provisional Mega Certificate where
the projects undertake to sign long term
PPA of at least 85% of plant capacity
within 36 months from the date of
issuance of such Provisional Mega
certificate, to enable the developers
to continue with the execution of the
project and tie up PPAs in that three
year period with an undertaking to that
effect backed by bank guarantee.
Developers had also represented that
even if they had commission the plant
they were unable to get the benefits of
Mega Policy as they were unable to
tie up 85% power through competitive
bidding because not many states are
calling bids for procurement of power
April 2017
Table: Stranded Capacity without PPAs capacities (10,000 MW) without PPAs
will be exposed to the vagaries of the
Commissioned Total Capacity short-term electricity market.
States Construction
Capacity (MW) (MW) The Ujwal Discom Assurance
Capacity (MW)
Yojana (UDAY), launched by the
Chhattisgarh 4636 990 5626
government for financial turnaround
Madhya Pradesh 1824 1200 3024 and revival of power distribution com-
Odisha 1315 - 1315 panies, will have definite impact on
Maharashtra 3098 1080 4178 the buying capacity of the distribution
utilities. But thats going to be more
Himachal Pradesh 1174 244 1418
long term and sustainability would
Sikkim 96 535 631 depend on the overall turnaround of
Uttarakhand - 76 76 the distribution segment.
Andhra Pradesh 1150 2020 3170
Gujarat 945 945 Way forward
Recent trends indicate that short term
Tamil Nadu 942 150 1092
(including day ahead) prices have
Karnataka 980 980 remained lower in comparison to the
Rajasthan 120 120 prices under LTPPAs. With the onset
Uttar Pradesh 198 198 of ambitious renewable energy (RE)
programme in the country, DISCOMs
Gas-based projects 5000 5000
will now have to tie-up significant por-
Total (in MW) 21280 6493 27773 tion of the RE capacity in order to fulfil
Source: Motilal Oswal Securities Limited (MOSL) document their renewable purchase obligations 15
(RPOs). This leaves very little scope
India (RBI) last year, the infrastructure for developers to sign LTPPAs (based
sectors share in gross non-performing Constraints of power on thermal power) with utilities.
assets of banks was 13.90 per cent in purchase agreements The policy decision is expected to
June 2016, higher than 12.69 per cent (PPAs) as well as fuel be welcomed by the promoters of the
in December 2015, and the power sec- supply agreements mega power projects as most of their
tors contribution to these numbers was projects have seen a sharp increase in
5.97 per cent in June 2016.
(FSA) are majorly re- cost because of execution delays, non-
Constraints of power purchase stricting these plants availability of fuel and depreciation of
agreements (PPAs) as well as from approaching the the rupee. However, a lot will depend
fuel supply agreements (FSA) are power market and find- on how Power Ministrys flagship
majorly restricting these plants from ing buyers. Further, scheme, UDAY, will help in complete
approaching the power market and revival of distribution segment which
finding buyers. Further, coal linkages
coal linkages are given in turn will allow DISCOMs to sign
are given to power plants on the basis to power plants on the PPAs going forward.
of Long Term PPAs signed by them. basis of Long Term With the increasing adoption of
However, since the past 2-3 years there PPAs signed by them renewable power (particularly solar) and
has been little or no activity on the growing preference for competitively
part of the DISCOMs to issue fresh though power generation has increased bid merchant contracts mean the thermal
tenders for long term PPAs (LTPPAs) and there is new installed capacity of power industry can no longer have
with power producers setting up power 12,000 MW, lack of power purchase the luxury of stable long-term PPAs.
plants under Case-1 Bidding. power agreements continues to keep However, with states adopting UDAY
Power plants are generally built on plant load factor at its lowest. There wholeheartedly and with amendments
a 70:30 debt equity ratio and if plant has been an increase in private sector to the mega power policy, the light is
load factor falls below 65 per cent capacities without PPAs in the last finally beginning to appear at the end of
return on investment falls to such a three years. If PPA signing does not tunnel for private sector developers.
low level that it becomes difficult for commence soon, by the end of fiscal
the company to service its debt. Even of 2018, nearly 15% of private sector For suggestions email at
April 2017
Performance of Coal/Lignite Based Thermal Power stations during 2002-03 to 2014-15
Sp. Sec. Fuel
Sp. Coal oil cons. Partial Loss (%) due to
Capacity Generation PM Op.Av. Aux. (ml/ kWh)
Year PLF (%) FO (%) cons. (kg/
(MW) (MU) (%) (%) Cons (%)
kWh) Equipment LSD/ RSD
etc. (%)
2002-03 61152 383379 72.34 8.3 9.87 81.83 9.55 0.71 0.68 9.55 1.57
2003-04 62727 398412 72.96 8.59 9.48 81.93 9.91 0.7 2.3 9.09 1.98
2004-05 64646 415484 74.82 8.23 8.84 82.93 8.57 0.71 1.37 8.35 0.92
2005-06 66449 426138 73.71 9.48 8.74 81.78 8.44 0.7 1.77 7.08 2.1
2006-07 67596.5 451480 77.03 8.43 8.14 83.72 8.29 0.72 1.89 6.15 1.02
2007-08 70569.5 475552 78.75 7.5 7.71 84.76 8.17 0.73 1.4 6.3 0.52
2008-09 74914.5 498019 77.22 5.66 9.29 85.05 8.33 0.74 1.93 8.21 0.27
2009-10 80439.5 535433 77.53 6.05 8.85 85.1 8.34 0.72 1.51 7.57 0.46
2010-11 86137 553696 75.08 5.83 10.32 83.85 8.49 0.72 1.85 9.88 1.43
2011-12 97768 606684 73.32 5.93 11.46 82.61 8.44 0.72 1.83 8.34 1.09
2012-13 118024.5 689036 70.13 5.71 13.59 80.69 8.15 0.7 - 9.8 0.88
2013-14 132624.5 792477 65.56 5.02 17.64 77.35 8.16 0.69 - 8.96 3.16
2014-15 147297 878320 64.29 4.66 19.05 76.29 8.02 0.68 - 9.41 2.22
Details of energy shortage in the country during last two decades (FY1992 to FY2016)
Requirement Availability Shortage
16 Year
(MU) (MU) (MU) (%)
1991-92 2,88,974 2,66,432 22,542 7.8
1992-93 3,05,266 2,79,824 25,442 8.3
1993-94 3,23,252 2,99,494 23,758 7.3
1994-95 3,52,260 3,27,281 24,979 7.1
1995-96 3,89,721 3,54,045 35,676 9.2
1996-97 4,13,490 3,65,900 47,590 11.5
1997-98 4,24,505 3,90,330 34,175 8.1
1998-99 4,46,584 4,20,235 26,349 5.9
1999-00 4,80,430 4,50,594 29,836 6.2
2000-01 5,07,216 4,67,400 39,816 7.8
2001-02 5,22,537 4,83,350 39,187 7.5
2002-03 5,45,983 4,97,890 48,093 8.8
2003-04 5,59,264 5,19,398 39,866 7.1
2004-05 5,91,373 5,48,115 43,258 7.3
2005-06 6,31,554 5,78,819 52,735 8.4
2006-07 6,90,587 6,24,495 66,092 9.6
2007-08 7,39,343 6,66,007 73,336 9.9
2008-09 777,039 691,038 86,001 11.1
2009-10 830,594 746,644 83,950 10.1
2010-11 861,591 788,355 73,236 8.5
2011-12 937,199 857,886 79,313 8.5
2012-13 995,557 908,652 86,905 8.7
2013-14 10,02,045 9,59,614 42,431 4.2
2014-15 10,68,923 1,030,785 38,138 3.6
2015-16 11,14,235 10,90,713 23,522 2.1
April 2017
Average Power Purchase Cost (APPC) Details for different States/Discoms for
FY15 & FY16
State Discom APPC for FY16 APPC for FY15
BYPL - 3.78
Delhi BRPL - 4.19
TPDDL 4.12 4.09
SBPDCL 3.9 3.9
NBPDCL 3.9 3.88
Jharkhand JBVNL 4.14 3.98
West Bengal WBPDCL 4.24 4.14
Chhattisgarh CSPDCL 3.09 -
Madhya Pradesh MP Discoms 3.53 3.16
MSEDCL - 3.75
Maharashtra R-Infra 4.14 4.51
BEST - 5.52
Haryana Haryana Discoms - 3.71
Kerala KSEB - 3.39
Tamilnadu - 2.62
BESCOM 3.89 -
GESCOM 2.83 2.38
AP AP Discoms 3.6 -
UK UPCL 2.61 2.51
J&K J&KPDCL 3.6 3.52
Goa Goa Discom 3.66 3.9
Telangana Telangana Discom 3.88 -
Meghalaya 2.48 2.49
Punjab 2.25 2.39
Himachal Pradesh 2.25 2.19
PVVNL - 4.41
Uttar Pradesh
NPCL 5.03 4.59
PGVCL 4.15 4.13
DGVCL 3.76 -
MGVCL 3.76 -
UGVCL 3.76 -
April 2017
Centre warns Odisha of moving away coal production as MCL miss target
The Centre has warned Odisha that Coal be contributed by MCL.There were serious
India will have to move away its production problems, like relief and rehabilitation (R&R)
from the state if the government there does in MCL, the Secretary said, adding that he had
not improve law and order situation and ac- rushed a team of officials, including additional
cused it of being very casual. Coal Secretary secretary, Coal, to Odisha to take stock of the
Susheel Kumar said that the production of situation. In MCL because of R&R issues
Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd (MCL), a Coal India not do it (improve the law and order situation) they (protesters) come and stop production....
arm, has been hit due to sporadic stoppage then we will move away from Odisha. We you reach a stage when you have to proceed,
of work at some mines due to protests and will leave Odisha and do more production crack new ground. That can only be possible
it may miss the output target by 20 million from somewhere else in the next year, the if the people who are living there are shifted
tonnes this financial year. Mahanadi Coalfields secretary asserted.Moving away implies that to some other place. They (the villagers) are
Ltd. (MCL) is targeting production of around Coal India will reduce the target of MCL and not shifting, Kumar said.Coal India which
167 million tonnes (MT) in 2016-17. Odisha raise the target of some other subsidiary. Coal accounts for over 80 percent of the domestic
government is also very casual.... I conveyed India targets a production of 598 MT in the coal production is eyeing one billion tonnes
it to Chief Secretary (of Odisha) that if you do current fiscal of which 167 million tonnes will output by 2020.
April 2017
NTPC okays Rs 3,000 crore investment for Talaipalli coal mining project
State-run power giant NTPC has approved greater self reliance on coal will go
investment of Rs 3,004 crore for Talaipalli a long way in ensuring the sustained
Coal Mining Project which has an growth of power generation.NTPC has
estimated 18 million tonnes per annum been allotted coal blocks namely, Pakri-
capacity in Chhattisgarh.In line with Barwadih, Chatti-Bariatu, Kerandari,
the Corporate Disclosure requirements, Dulanga, Talaipalli and Chatti-Bariatu
we wish to inform that the Board of (South), Banai, Bhalumunda and Mandakini
Directors of the Company has accorded B. These mines have total geological
investment approval for Talaipalli Coal reserves of around 7.15 billion tonnes.
Mining Project (18 Million Tonnes per These blocks have production potential of
annum) at an appraised current estimated 107 MMTPA catering to requirement
cost of Rs 3,004 crore, NTPC Ltd said in of 20,000 MW. Pakribarwadih has block
a statement.According to the statement, area of 46.26 sq km and mine capacity
coal mining is integral to NTPCs fuel of 18 MTPA with mineable reserve of
security strategies. NTPC realises that 641 MMT.
April 2017
Indonesia is cracking down on corruption area to pay extra fees to load ships. One coal
and widespread graft at some of its top coal mining company had been asked by steve-
export hubs, disrupting shipments to destina- dores to pay 3 billion rupiah ($225,000) per
tions across Asia. Indonesia is the worlds month in illegal fees based on tonnage. Such
top exporter of thermal coal, still the main fees had been charged on shipments since
feedstock for global power generation. Inter- last year and that police estimated Komura
ruptions to coals output and shipment can had amassed several hundred billion rupiah
impact seaborne prices of the fuel as well as from the illegal charges. Transportation Minis-
wholesale electricity markets. The investiga- ter Budi KaryaSumadi said in the ministry
tions are targeting port operations along the (Komura) office, a Transportation Ministry statement he had asked police not to hesi-
large anchorage area off Samarinda in East statement said, based on allegations of tate in cracking down on all forms of illegal
Kalimantan, delaying ships waiting to load blackmail, corruption, money laundering, and fees.The crackdown follows coal shipment
new supplies from the regions mines. Police thuggery. East Kalimantan Police said that disruptions that occurred last month, when
initially raided four port facilities, including the authorities were targeting stevedores that authorities put up road blocks in investigations
Samudra Sejahtera Stevedores Cooperative were asking coal companies in the Mahakam that prevented workers from accessing ports.
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Teesta Low Dam III, 132 MW
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Panchet Hill HEP
Varahi UG II, 230 MW
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Kerala Sholayar, RM&U
Neriamangalam Extn, 25 MW
Need to fast track modernization of coal
transportation to improve productivity
In this article, Alok Perti, former coal secretary, Government of
India, talks of the need to improve and modernize coal transporta-
tion infrastructure in India to increase coal production. Perti feels
that while there is still scope for improvement in movement of coal
by rail, especially in the major potential coal producing areas, there
is also a need for coal companies to set up modern coal handling
plants along with adequate coal washing facilities.
Coal production in India has been quantities are transported by belts and
constantly increasing with demand and rope conveyors. Table 1.0 provides
this has had a fall-out on the methods details of the trends noticed in the past
of transportation being employed by the several years in coal movement.
coal companies and the coal users. In It can be seen that the maximum
1973 when coal mining was national- increase has been in road transport.
ized, the production was about 80 It has almost doubled Alok Perti, former coal secretary, Government
of India
million tons and this was mainly from in the last ten
22 underground mines located in parts of years. Rail rake loading per day would mean
West Bengal and erstwhile Bihar. The movement Establishment transportation of one million tons
famous mines of Jharia and Raniganj has of adequate annually. A truck is expected to
are in these areas. With exploration, improved coal washing transport anything between 10 to
increasingly more and more areas were significantly 20 mts, depending on the capacity.
brought under mines. The main areas in the last
facilities is For transporting,one million tons of
where coal was found are in the Gond- four years. imperative coal by road would require anything
wana belt which spreads over large Movement between 50,000 to 100,000 truck
portions of the states of Jharkhand, through MGRs loads. Moving coal in bulk through
Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, has been more or less road transport will lead to excessive
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Maha- steady. This is because MGRs caters air pollution and extensive damage to
rashtra. Some coal is also found in the to only pithead power stations and roads. For supply to power stations and
North Eastern states but the origin of establishment of such power stations large steel plants, the mode of transport
this is different. Moving this mineral have considerable gestation periods. should be rail and only small consign-
out to the users requires an elaborate While the number of such power ments should move by road. Unfortu-
transport infrastructure both for rail as utilities is increasing, the coal supply nately in India, coal movement by road
well as road. These coal bearing areas does not seem to reflect this increase is increasing much more rapidly than
in the country have unfortunately not in demand. These figures are related to rail. The mail reason for this is the lack
been the focus areas for development of the movement of coal from the mine of proper infrastructure for moving coal
good infrastructure, as a result when the lease areas of CIL and SCCL against by rail.
demand for coal grew rapidly mainly linkages and movement of coal by other
for power generation, movement of coal private and public sector companies Inadequacy of rail
to utilities became a major hurdle. from their captive mines or against infrastructure
e-auction. Normally, a railway rake will The main method of transportation
Trends in movement of coal be transporting 3600 mts, except in the is the railways. Coal mining is being
Coal is being moved from the mines to North East where coal transport is still expanded by Central Coalfields Ltd
the end users by various means. Rail is being done through meter gauge rail (CCL), Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd
the dominant means followed by road lines. If we presume that loading will (MCL), Eastern Coalfields Ltd (ECL),
and MGR (merry go round). Small be on an average 300 days, then one South Eastern Coalfields Ltd (SECL)
March 2017
Table 1.0: Trends in movement of coal (2006-07 to 2015-16) completed in the next 2-3 years.
CIL had initiated these proposals
some 10years ago and this excessive
2006-07 202.7 81.5 87.9 7.13 6.33 delay had resulted in the company
2007-08 212.8 101.7 90.0 7.4 6.5 suppressing its production despite
2008-09 226.24 118.3 92.8 15.94 8.83 having the necessary environment and
2009-10 236.47 127.6 97..4 13.5 4.77 forest clearances. Expansion projects
of coal mines were also held up due to
2011-12 249.3 148.33 86.8 13.1 3.7
lack of EC and Forest clearance. This
2012-13 276.1 142.4 94.6 13.14 3.2 combined effect of lack of rail infra-
2013-14 273.3 146.9 88.6 19.7 2.9 structure in critical areas and delay in
2014-15 296.8 150.6 93.52 23.45 2.83 awarding EC and forest clearances for
2015-16 313.1 151.9 98.2 28.14 2.43 expansion projects resulted in slow
growth of coal production.
and Northern Coalfields Ltd (NCL).As from Panchayats under the provisions
far CCL and ECL are concerned, the of the Forest Rights Act is also quite Coal handling: Lack of
North Karanpura area has the potential troublesome. Invariably, the quorum modern technology in mines
to enhance annual production by about required for holding these panchayat- Besides the need to have a good and
70-80 million tons. In the master plan sabhas was easily fulfilled and hence modern infrastructure of railway in the
prepared by CIL, there is a proposal meeting had to be convened by the col- coal mining areas, it is also necessary
to build a rail network in the area to lectors repeatedly for this purpose. to have rapid loading systems to ensure
evacuate the mineral. Since this area The third critical area is the Mand- bulk movement of coal to large users.
is densely forested, the Ministry of Raigarh area in South Eastern Coal- A power plant of 1000 MW should get
Environment did not give clearance for fields Ltd. Here, the initiative taken by about 4.0 to 4.5 million tons annually 23
forest diversion for several years and as the state government to team up with to be able to operate efficiently at 85%
a result coal production had to be sup- CIL and the Ministry of Railways to PLF. This would mean that such a power
pressed. In addition, this area also had expedite the implementation of the plant should be receiving on an average
insurgent activities which restrained project helped to move faster. IRCON of 4.0 rakes per day. Today, we are think-
the establishment of rail infrastruc- was given the responsibility for both ing of mega plants of capacities of 4000
ture. Subsequently, the Ministry of project formulation and execution. to 6000 MW. Getting 16 rakes of coal
Railways had to re-align the railway The project envisages construction of every day would demand a very efficient
line squirting the forest. Finally, the about 60kms of rail line in a large coal highly-automated system to unload and
clearance was accorded in 2012 and the bearing land area which has a huge convey to the boiler of the power station.
work was to be started. This a project potential to produce about 70 million Similarly, mines producing 10 million
to establish about 60 kms rail line. The tons of coal annually. The project is tons and above would require a rapid
MOEF & CC later imposed a restric- now progressing and is expected to be loading system. Conventionally, the
tion of rail movement during night in
the area. It is not known whether this
has been lifted. The work on this sector
has been initiated and is progressing
well. It is still a single line, though this
will require strengthening if the full
potential of the area is to be exploited.
Similarly, the Talcher and Ib valley
areas of MCL have additional potential
of producing about 80-100 million tons
annually. Here again there are rail lines
proposed. The progress has been tardy
mainly because it was taking years to
get environment and forest clearances.
Land acquisition in this area was also
difficult. The procedure of getting NOCs
March 2017
coal companies had been loading coal Conditions imposed by MoEF to environmentally sensitive areas.
in rakes at railway sidings which meant on movement of high ash coal Subsequently, in 2012 this limit was
initial movement from mine to rail- Most Indian coal as we know has very proposed to be brought down to 500
way siding by truck or tipper and then high quantities of ash. Ash content kms. This should have been achieved
either manual loading or with mechani- in most of the coal in India is around by 2014-15 but because of lack of ad-
cal shovels. This is a time consuming 40% and in some places even as high equate coal washing facilities this date
process limiting the loading capacity. In as 52%. MOEF & CC had imposed a has been extended repeatedly. The coal
newer mines the coal is being crushed at restriction on movement of high ash companies are trying to set up a good
the mine-pit and transported by con- coal stipulating that coal of less than number of washeries but unfortunately
veyor to the silo for rapid loading. Lack 34% ash will be allowed movement the process of tendering has been such
of such modern facilities for transporting beyond 1000 kms from the coal mines. that in each case it is taking consider-
coal within the mines not only limits Further, no movement of coal having able time to place orders. In some cases
the loading capacities but gives ample more than 34% ash can be allowed the matter has also been challenged
opportunity to unscrupulous transport- in courts. However, the end result is
ers to pilfer the coal. Except in Northern In newer mines the that such a stipulation will put severe
Coalfields Ltd such facilities are not coal is being crushed restriction on the movement of coal
adequately available and the progress at the mine-pit and if adequate facilities for washing are
of establishing them is dismally slow not established. With the current level
despite the urgent need to do so.
transported by conveyor of production, there will be need to
There is the classic case of a very big to the silo for rapid beneficiate about 250-270 million tons
mine in SECL where even the Ministry loading. Lack of such of coal and the present capacity includ-
of Environment, Forest and Climate modern facilities for ing the private sector is just about 130
Change had given an ultimatum that million tons which is running at sub-
transporting coal
24 if a proper coal handling plant is not optimal efficiency (less than 50%).
established they would be constrained within the mines not
to close the mine. Putting up a modern only limits the loading Way forward
system of coal handling can help to capacities but gives The improvement in movement of coal
increase the speed of loading of railway ample opportunity by rail has been noticeable and despite
rakes and also provide the necessary very good progress there is need for
arrangement required for installation
to unscrupulous further improvement. Firstly, there is
of auto analyzers needed to measure transporters to pilfer need to strengthen the rail infrastructure
the calorific value and hence determine the coal. Except in in the three potential coal producing ar-
the quality. Unfortunately, despite the Northern Coalfields Ltd eas to a level that is adequate to handle
coal company being flushed with funds, such facilities are not the increased production. There may
the enthusiasm to set-up modern coal be need to have double or triple lines
handling plants is lacking.
adequately available in these areas. The Eastern Rail Freight
Corridor being constructed will be a
great boon for coal movement from the
eastern region to northern India, once it
is operational and connected to the rail
networks in the major coal producing
areas. The coal companies also need to
improve their internal arrangements by
setting up modern coal handling plants
in at least most large mines having
capacities of over 5 million tons. Fur-
ther, to be able to meet the requirement
of the MOEF&CC, the establishment
of adequate coal washing facilities is
The views in the article of the author are personal
For suggestions email at
April 2017
Commercial coal mining talks
gather steam once again
To contribute 500 million tonne annually to cater to the demand from other sectors
Peak deficit expected to come down to 2.5 per cent in the current year
By Team InfralinePlus
The clamor for introducing commercial government has decided to open com- some for sectors other than power,
coal mining in India is picking up once mercial mining of coal after more than like cement, and four for commercial
again, with government said to be de- a year of deliberations. The coal blocks mining, it was recently announced by
veloping a framework document which allotted to states last year under the the coal secretary.
is expected to be published for public new auction process were for captive With the amended Coal Mines
comment before the end of the current usage only and auction for commercial (Special Provisions) Act, 2015
financial year. This will likely pave the mining was not permitted. already in play after being passed in
way for inviting private sector min- Next year (2017-18) in the coal Parliament, mining and sale of coal is
ers to bid for coal blocks to be put up sector, we will allocate 25 mines. open for private companies as well.
for auction exclusively for such use in Of these, two will be allotted and 23 The idea of commercial mining has
the next financial year (2017-18). The auctioned, some for coking coal and been gaining ground because private
April 2017
sector/ mining operators have not Figure 1: Overall scenario for commercial coal mining
been able to achieve much even after
they were allotted blocks either on
nomination basis or through auction mining and sale of
Post auction of The government is
last year. In fact, several operators have cancelled coal now finalising
coal is now
mines for end use, terms such as
not even been able to start production allowed under the
the government eligibility criteria
new Coal Mines
from blocks that are ready to produce. (Special
now mulling to and whether and
Since nationalisation of coal blocks award mines for how to set up
Provisions) Act,
market sale of coal revenue sharing.
in 1973, commercial coal mining has 2015
remained a monopoly of state-run
behemoth Coal India. India sits on
reserves of 301.56 billion tonnes and contribute 500 million tonne annually Will coal giants romance
annually produces roughly over 500 to cater to the demand from other to the idea?
million tonnes. The great majority of sectors/end use. Coal Indias (CIL) This move is likely to attract coal block
the output is produced by the public output has shown an impressive bids from Indian conglomerates such
sector monopoly, Coal India Ltd growth rate in recent months, but there as the Adani Group and GVK, but the
(CIL), practically the only producer of are still challenges to contend with. government should open up the sector
commercial coal. Lack of modern technology, issues quickly for leading world players, such
The decision to open up coal with manpower, land acquisition as BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Anglo-
mining to private companies is aimed and problems with environmental American and Peabody Energy to
at enhancing domestic production of clearances need to be addressed if the come in and do commercial mining.
coal to 1.5 billion tonnes/year by 2020. country is going to get anywhere close These companies have far greater
Commercial mining is expected to to its ambitious target. resources and access to technologies
26 to produce coal in a much cleaner and
Since nationalisation of coal blocks in 1973, efficient way. Over the past decade it
has been alleged that we do not have
commercial coal mining has remained a monopoly the technology, capability and capacity
of state-run behemoth Coal India. India sits on to do underground coal mining. This is
reserves of 301.56 billion tonnes and annually where the bigger companies can help
produces roughly over 500 million tonnes. The us, and this will also help us in cutting
great majority of the output is produced by the down our carbon footprints. But there
public sector monopoly, Coal India Ltd, practically are challenges in that too. Coal prices
are at multi-year lows amid global
the only producer of commercial coal oversupply, and foreign companies
have faced obstacles to investing in
India, such as problems in getting land
and environmental approvals. Some
private companies also worry that the
best quality mines would be left for
Coal India.
The challenge would be the
involvement of CIL (which controls
more than 80 percent of the nations
production) and how will the private
players respond to such competition
from the coal giant. It is expected that
large mines would allow commercial
miners to achieve economies of scale,
allowing them to compete with the
only commercial producer, CIL.
However, blocks would first be offered
to state government-owned entities so
April 2017
Rationale for In particular, it is expected that such a regime would be the best
way to attract international best practices and technology to the
commercial countrys coal mining.
coal mining? It appears that this has been the experience in countries like Indonesia
where coal production has gone up rapidly after opening up the sector
to private participation, though questions have been raised about the
social and environmental sustainability of such an approach.
that they could commercially mine the An even bigger challenge lies in the Rationale for commercial
dry fuel and sell it in the open market. fact that the government will have to coal mining
It is expected that private miners will offer mines with reserves of more than Increasing coal imports have not only
be given the next chance. This may 1 billion metric tons to enable scale affected the countrys trade deficit
scupper the competition and put off of operation and use of technology and energy security, but also resulted
several biggies such as Adani Mining, and allow investors complete pricing in an increase in power generation
Jindal, GVK and GMR. freedom. costs. In turn, this has led to some
contractual disputes about who 27
Increasing coal imports have not only affected will bear the increased the cost of
power generation, due to ambiguities
the countrys trade deficit and energy security, in policies such as the New Coal
but also resulted in an increase in power Distribution Policy (NCDP). This
generation costs. In turn, this has led to some uncertainty about fuel supplies
contractual disputes about who will bear the and power generation cost has also
increased the cost of power generation, due to resulted in a significant amount of
ambiguities in policies such as the New Coal stranded power generation capacity.
Distribution Policy Is the timing right?
India has an ambitious plan to double
its coal production to 1.5 billion tonnes
a year by 2020, as part of governments
push to bring power to 300 million
people who lack proper access to elec-
tricity, and give a boost to manufactur-
ing and is to open up commercial coal
mining to private companies for the
first time in four decades, with the aim
of shifting the worlds third-biggest
coal importer towards energy self-
However, the million-dollar
question that prevails - that by
introducing commercial coal mining,
is the government ignoring the current
scenario of demand-supply mismatch
in the coal sector. The country has
April 2017
turned surplus and exploring export plants in 2022-27. This may lead to plan, CEA estimates new coal-based
options as demand has lagged rise in significant demand-supply mismatch capacity requirement of 44,085
production and dispatch. in future. As per the records available MW in 2022-27. Since, 50,025 MW
While the production has been with Ministry of Coal (MoC) and of coal power projects already in
increasing continuously there has Coal India (CIL), supply of coal to different stages of construction and
not been many takers of coal. Coal the power sector by state-owned CIL likely to yield benefits in 2017-22,
demand has remained subdued; it did saw a fall of 6 per cent at 33.7 million CEA does not foresee any immediate
not increase as per the increase in the tonnes in November 2016. The supply requirement for fresh capacity
production. CIL has achieved 8.6% of coal by CIL in April-November addition from coal-based source up
increase in production this year so period of the ongoing fiscal also to 2027. Seeing the muted demand
far vs an average of 1-3% production dropped by 4 per cent to 250.7 MT. from DISCOMs owing to recurring
growth between 2009-10 & 2013-14. Based on demand projections financial troubles and increasing
Coal production grew by 6.9% in done in the draft national electricity preference towards buying power
2014-15. through the exchange route, it will
At the same time, electricity demand become impossible for the government
from financially beleaguered state While the production to auction all the cancelled coal blocks
electricity distribution companies has been increasing while also factoring in the record
(DISCOMs) has not shown similar continuously there production by CIL.
corresponding increase. The peak has not been many
deficit between power demand and takers of coal. Coal Conclusion
supply during last year was 3.2 per Pricing under commercial coal mining
cent. The government in its estimates
demand has remained and valuations of coal blocks at
expects it to come down to 2.5 per cent subdued; it did not the time of auction will be crucial,
28 in the current year. increase as per the since India has not yet established a
The government is not keen increase in the produc- coal regulator, which is essential in
on revising the coal production tion. CIL has achieved any free pricing regime. Harnessing
target despite a Central Electricity 8.6% increase in pro- Indias coal potential is constricted
Authority (CEA) report not foresee by political and socio-environmental
any immediate requirement for
duction this year so far factors. Despite the advancements in
fresh capacity addition from coal- vs an average of 1-3% technology, it has failed to develop
based source up to 2027. Given the production growth adequate transportation infrastructure
massive capacity addition plans in between 2009-10 & to swiftly move coal freight. In
the renewable sector, CEA estimates 2013-14 addition, substantial coal deposits lie
there is no requirement for new coal under Indias already shrinking forest
cover, which houses endangered
species and a large tribal population.
While the government needs to
fast-track other sources of energy
such as renewables, LNG and shale,
Indias dependence on coal means
it must find ways to ramp up coal
production. Commercial mining in the
coal sector should be one of the more
viable solutions but surely not the
only one. It is safe to say that talk for
commercial coal mining is once again
gathering steam. However, seeing the
phenomenal rise of renewable energy
sector in India, this steam may fizz
out soon.
Underground Coal Gasification:
India needs to probe further
Huge potential for coal gasification globally given its wide applications
CMPDI has identified 7 blocks for development of UCG technology in India
By Team InfralinePlus
Having signed the Paris Agreement is Underground Coal Gasification can convert much of this stranded coal
on climate change last year, India (UCG). into syngas without having to mine it
has committed to cut down its carbon Coal is the paramount source of can then be used to produce power and
emissions significantly by 2030. energy globally including in India. other useful products.
However, at the same time, it cannot A substantial amount of the worlds UCG uses a similar process as
afford to compromise on energy coal resources are deeply sited to be surface gasification and it allows
security, which is a key component mined by traditional methods. It is not countries that are endowed with
for economic growth. To resolve technically feasible or economically coal to fully utilize their resource.
this dilemma, the country needs viable to mine all coal resources and In UCG, the actual process takes
to explore all possible options for this is where UCG finds its usefulness. place underground, generally below
generating energy. One such option Gasification that occurs underground 1,200 feet. The underground setting
April 2017
provides both the feedstock source as & Technology (S&T) pilot project at factors including coal type, operating
well as pressures. The main difference Merta Road Lignite Deposit was taken pressure andtemperature, water
between the two gasification up by the CIL/CMPDI for ascertaining ingress to the process, and the type
processes (surface gasification and the techno-economic viability of the of oxidant used (air or oxygen). The
UCG) is that in UCG the cavity project. However, on apprehension consequential syngas after cleaning
itself becomes the reactor so that of contamination of groundwater, the can be used either as raw material for
the gasification of coal takes place project could not be pursued further. synthesis of liquid fuels and chemicals
underground instead of the surface. UCG is a method of extraction including fertilizer/urea or as a fuel for
In order to provide energy security of energy from coal or lignite electricity generation.
UCG is envisaged in the country. In resources which are regarded as
India, the work related to development uneconomical to work through Policy framework
of UCG was initiated in early 80s conventional mining methods. In In December 2015, the central
by Coal India and Oil and Natural this method coal is converted into government approved a policy
Gas Corporation (ONGC) separately a combustible gas in-situ through framework for development of
with Soviet Experts. While CIL/ a physico-chemical process. The underground coal gasification in coal
CMPDI activities were confined produced syngas is a mixture and lignite bearing areas in India. The
to the coal seam having shallow of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, approved policy is broadly on the
occurrence, ONGC took up the studies methane, carbon dioxide and higher lines of existing policy for Coal Bed
in areas having occurrence of coal/ hydrocarbons. The composition of Methane development on revenue
lignite in deeper horizon. A Science the gas produced depends on many sharing basis is adopted for offering
the blocks through competitive
CMPDI is the nodal agency for all business relat- bidding. Subsequently, the Central
ed proposals and regulations related to UCG. It is Mine Planning and Design Institute
(CMPDI) has identified 7 blocks (5
30 also identified for conducting the bidding process Lignite & 2 Coal) for development of
and evaluation of bids. CMPDI, on two occasions UCG technology in India (Table 1.0)
had invited tenders from interested companies CMPDI is the nodal agency for
for operationalization of UCG projects earlier, all business related proposals and
however owning to various issues in absence of regulations related to UCG. It is also
any clear policy on UCG these were annulled identified for conducting the bidding
process and evaluation of bids.
CMPDI, on two occasions had invited
tenders from interested companies for
operationalization of UCG projects
Electricity earlier, however owning to various
issues in absence of any clear policy on
UCG these were annulled. Availability
of large amount of cheap natural
gas, the danger of contamination of
underground water, non-availability of
Further suitable drilling technology, and failure
of processed
to produce
to administer proper control over
gasification process are some of the
(Coal) was constituted for identification selection of suitable consultancy non-mined coal seams using injection
of areas to be offered, deciding organization for technical evaluation of of oxidants, and bringing the product
about blocks to be put to bidding or blocks for examining their suitability gas to surface through production wells
awarding to PSUs on nomination for undertaking Underground Coal drilled from the surface. The syngas
basis, proposing mechanism for Gasification (UCG) projects through eliminates surface damage and solid
bidding process and other related global bidding for UCG development. waste discharge, and reduces sulfur
matters. Recently CMPDI, on behalf dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide
of MoC (Ministry of Coal) has invited Process of UCG (NOx) emissions in comparison to
an Expression of Interest (EoI) for The process of UCG is carried out in traditional coal mining and processing.
Underground combustion produces 31
There is a huge potential for coal gasification NO2 and SO2 and lowers emissions,
including acid rain. These kind of
globally, as the technology enables production initiatives can bolster Indias efforts to
of fuels and feedstock for many applications meet its clean energy commitments.
such as transport, chemicals production, heat India has pledged to reduce its
emissions intensity of its gross
and power generation. Even low grade coal can
domestic product by 33-35% by 2030
be used for gasification; the technology is of compared with 2005 levels.
primary interest in many regions There is a huge potential for coal
gasification globally, as the technology
enables production of fuels and
feedstock for many applications such
as transport, chemicals production,
heat and power generation. Even low-
grade coal can be used for gasification;
the technology is of primary interest
in many regions. Underground coal
gasification technology can play a
crucial role in harnessing energy given
the huge coal reserves and particularly
low and deep seated coal resources in
India. Increasing gas prices and limited
availability of natural gas in regional
consumer markets are driving factors
for investments in coal gasification
Production and Despatch of Coal - FY12 to FY16 (Provisional & Actual)
Production [Million Tonnes] Despatch [Million Tonnes]
Digital transformation beckons
Indias energy landscape
By Infraline Bureau
Increasing urbanisation, rapid capac- leaving a considerable population Infrastructure companies in Asian
ity addition in the renewable energy without reliable access to electricity. countries have the advantage to leapfrog
segment, energy efficiency measures & The development of a fully-fledged, ahead of those in the developed econ-
trading and electric vehicle programme low-carbon economy with increasing omies given the increasing investments
are some of the important factors that deployment of renewable sources in greenfield projects in these countries.
will bring a comprehensive change in will require changes to the existing Hence, these countries are expected to
the energy landscape in India in the transmission and distribution infra- have fewer legacy issues pertaining to
next 10 years. Indias rapidly growing structure. Smart technologies will be a outdated systems, processes, techno-
economy has fueled an intensifying vital component of this transformation. logical capabilities, etc., which will have
demand for energy. India is now the Increasingly, consumers expect reliable to be addressed in the wake of techno-
fourth-largest generator of electricity supply, clean energy, responsive logical advancements.
after Japan, United States and China service, new facilities and cost effi- Digital innovations have already
though still comparatively low energy ciency from their utilities. Smart grids begun to transform the energy industry
access rate of 81% (World Bank, 2015) can enable all that and more. all around the world. They help open the
April 2017
way for multi-directional energy flows in sources. Smart grid systems can help Digital revolution for
the grid, for real-time demand adjustment integrate multiple, variable renewable utilities: Opportunities
in response to supply patterns, for energy sources by directing the power The one important thing to remem-
creating a suitable energy mix from dif- efficiently to electricity end users. ber what is happening on the power
ferent sources and more. Together, these Particularly, in the context of recent network at all stages of the value chain
changes brought about through digital initiatives such as Digital India and will only grow stronger, and the need
innovation will increase the efficiency, Smart City, consistent power supply is to support a variety of data streams
reliability, and sustainability of the power a basic requirement. from the field and route them efficient-
grid and other systems. ly, is only going to grow exponentially
Indias journey from an in future.
Enabling drivers for digital ageing transmission & As consumers become more mobile,
revolution: Smart Grids distribution (T&D) to connected via social media and more
Indias journey from an ageing trans- conscious of their energy needs, they
mission & distribution (T&D) to a
a smart grid-enabled are beginning to expect more from their
smart grid-enabled network infrastruc- network infrastructure energy experience than just keeping the
ture can have several enabling drivers. can have several en- lights on. Utilities/ distribution com-
Clearly transition from conventional abling drivers. Clearly panies (DISCOMs) face a key choice
to renewable generation will throw up of where and how quickly they should
transition from con-
radically new challenges. Identification transition from the traditional and clas-
of the appropriate new technologies ventional to renewable sical to smart technologies.
and move to actualisation of the same generation will throw As more distributed, renewable
will be the need of the hour. up radically new chal- energy is integrated into the grid,
The challenges of climate change lenges. Identification and as the sector learns to cope with
and the continued growth of electricity two-way power flows, the utility
of the appropriate new 35
demand (albeit at tepid growth rate) will face new safety and protection
are putting increasing stress on Indias technologies and move challenges. Add to that the addi-
electricity network infrastructure. The to actualisation of the tional two-way data flows that will
existing distribution grid infrastructure same will be the need accompany dynamic pricing (time of
is primarily designed for one-way flow of the hour day pricing), and the interaction of
of electricity and limited consumption that price signal with a future home
in the home. With the growing imple-
mentation of large-scale, intermittent Figure 1: Opportunities for a utility driven by digital
renewable energy generation, distributed revolution
generation and electric vehicles, the
operational limits of the network as it is
currently designed will be reached.
The country is now at the point
of transition to a new era where
power generated from clean sources
(renewable energy) will be at a
premium, networks will need to be
flexible to the incorporation of new
low-carbon technologies and customers
will demand greater insight and control
over their own consumption with
greater use of Information and Com-
munication Technology (ICT), more
than ever before.
Expanding the use of smart grid
technologies will also be instrumental
as India strives to rapidly increase
generation from variable renewable Source: McKinsey & Company
April 2017
energy management system that Figure 2: Emerging themes under Internet of Things
allows customers to shed load and (IoT) for Utilities
shift their peak.
The future of demand response is
well on its way and with so many smart
Smart Grids
grid projects envisioned in the country
and further advancements in field of
information & communication tech- Digital Billing Smart Homes
nology (ICT), this will soon become a
reality. The question that begs: are Indian
Utilities/ DISCOMs/ other agencies
prepared for this paradigm shift? Themes for
The utility will want to understand Digital Utilities
Data Security
precisely how much load is being shed, Buildings
(ICS), designed to support industrial Getting familiar with Internet of Things (IoT)
processes. The largest subgroup of ICS
is SCADA systems. Over time, the ICS Internet of Things is an emerging paradigm of internet connected things that
have evolved from isolated systems to allows the physical objects or things to connect, interact and communicate
open architectures; highly interconnect- with one another similar to the way humans talk through web in todays
ed with other corporate networks and environment. It connects systems, sensors and actuator instruments to the
the Internet. This has increased their broader internet.
vulnerability to computer network- IoT is not just about connecting machines, devices and appliances, but
based attacks. Therefore, the protection also allows the things to communicate, exchange control data and other
of these information networks becomes necessary information while executing applications towards machine goal.
as important as protecting all the con-
stituents of critical infrastructure. How IoT impact industries?
According to a report by WIPRO o Energy & Electrical Power
Technologies on Facing the reality The major area where IoT deals with energy management systems is the
of cyber threats in the power sector smart grid. IoT extends the benefits of smart grid beyond the automation,
(2013), it highlighted that traditionally distribution and monitoring being done by the utilities. The task of the IoT in
transmission sub-sector has faced the
the field of electrical energy include:
brunt of majority of the attacks aimed
at power systems. It also pointed out Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
that, with increased use of ICT, power SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
systems have become increasingly Smart Inverters
complex and interconnected. Today Remote control operation of energy consuming devices
the role of information technology and
telemetry have increased substantially Smart grid
in the distribution and generating o Manufacturing and Industries
sectors, making them integrated, and IoT deals with real-time optimization of production and supply chain
thereby exposing the entire value chain networks in a manufacturing industry by networking sensors, actuators,
of the power sector to cyber threats.
control systems and machinery together. In case of process industries, it
Going into 2017, the threats to these
automates the process controls, service information systems and operator
sub-sectors due to the use of ICS
tools using digital controllers in order to achieve enhanced productivity
have been demonstrated through the
and safe distribution system. The tasks of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
examples of Stuxnet (said to be worlds
first digital weapon - a 500-kilobyte
computer worm discovered during Real-time monitoring and control of processes
investigation at Natanz uranium Deploying smart machines, smart sensors, and smart controllers with
enrichment plant in Iran) and more proprietary communication and internet technologies
recent power grid failures in Ukraine Maximize safety, security and reliability through high precision automation
due to repeated software hacks. and control
An attack on a smart grid/other
o Home and Building Automation
power system has the potential to
breach the privacy of the consumers to IoT devices are used to monitor and control electronic, electrical and
cause blackouts, overloads, device mal- mechanical systems in homes and buildings in order to improve convenience
functions, data tampering, or even cata- and safety. The tasks of IoT in this domain include:
strophic cascading effects that could Smart lighting by adapting ambient conditions based switching
bring down the existing infrastructure. Web application and mobile apps enabled wireless and internet connected
Hence, in the era of smart technologies lights
coupled with an aim of an overall
Smart appliances management and control
digitisation of the energy sector and as
the government and private enterprises Intrusion detection systems, alarm systems and surveillance systems
invest heavily in digital technologies, Safety systems such as smoke and gas detection
they must continue to implement a Home entertainment management such as video, audio and projectors
robust cyber security infrastructure.
April 2017
S ynthes is S implifies
G IS different types of R eveals s patial
confirmation of
geos patial data obs ervation by others
Government of India has embarked Other technologies for 2015), the renewable sources of elec-
on an ambitious mission to integrate Smart Utilities tricity generation are being explored
100 GW of solar power and 60 GW (i) Geographic Information Systems and promoted all throughout the
of wind power by 2022. For this to (GIS) world, including India. As a result
become a reality there is an urgent GIS is a suite of software tools for of this, the share of wind & solar in
need to adopt path breaking measures mapping and analyzing data which the total installed capacity is going to
in the Grid operation. Extending is geo referenced (assigned a specific go up. Geospatial technologies will
real time SCADA data from the location on the surface of the Earth, have a very critical role to play in this
Renewable Generators would provide otherwise known as geospatial data). evolving scenario. Also, the off-grid
Situational awareness to the System The real power of GIS is through and decentralised distributed gen-
Operators about the ramp events. eration (DDG) projects are gathering
Establishment of Renewable Energy With the view to combat pace in India. Not only these projects
Management Centers (REMC) would take some load off the grid, but also
facilitate trading of RE sources (market
climate change effects facilitate rural electrification drives.
participation) across the states. through large scale de-
With the view to combat climate ployment of renewable Conclusion
change effects through large scale energy projects, one India today is in a strong position for
40 deployment of renewable energy of the most effective an advanced smart grid infrastructure.
projects, one of the most effective A few factors are in the countrys favor
solutions to address the lack of
solutions to address include growing pressure to improve
scheduling/high intermittency the lack of scheduling/ transmission efficiencies, increased
while allowing scale up of these high intermittency while emphasis on power cost management
technologies is the use of energy allowing scale up of and reliability, increasing adoption of
storage technologies. Energy storage renewable energy, including captive
these technologies is
options need to be explored and a micro-installations in industrial and resi-
significant push towards the R&D of the use of energy stor- dential spaces, which require options for
these technologies is required. Energy age technologies feeding electricity back into the grid and
storage not only provides means to rapid IT infrastructure growth across the
absorb higher penetration of variable using spatial and statistical methods country, including broadband access.
wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) to analyze attribute and geographic Smart Grids with automation, inte-
generation into the electricity system, information. GIS applications enable grated controls, and new technologies
it also helps in effective utilisation of the storage, management, and analysis such as connected sensors can help in
transmission and distribution assets of large quantities of spatially distrib- faster restoration of electricity after
(T&D) assets, provides competitive uted data. outages, efficient power transmission,
frequency regulation service (grid (ii) Geospatial Technology reduced management expenses and inte-
ancillary service) ad enables the Currently geospatial data and tech- gration of energy systems that are run on
thermal generation plants to operate nology are used tactically by electric both conventional & non-conventional
more efficiently. power utilities all around the world for energy sources. Utilizing the IoT & ICT,
It is expected that, IoT along with many purposes including asset man- the stakeholders could pave the way for
smart metering, cloud computing, and agement, outage management, disaster greater grid automation as well as more
wireless connected sensors could not management, renewable energy, rural efficient energy management and overall
only help the consumer to produce, use electrification planning, energy density digitisation of the Indias energy sector
and efficiently manage power supply mapping, etc. and bringing the country very much on
but in case of extra generation, also With increased emphasis on par with developed economies.
supply it back to the grid which will reducing carbon emissions post
further monetise the consumer. UNFCCC Paris Convention (December For suggestions email at
April 2017
Oil India Limited (OIL) has signed an MoU help in more oil recovery from the oilfields,
with the University of Houston in a bid to Pradhan said. The major focus of the MoU
augment its reserves base and maximise is collaboration in the areas of improved
recovery from its ageing oilfields. The MoU oil recovery and enhanced oil recovery
was inked in the presence of Petroleum (EOR) for augmenting the production from
and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra matured fields, improvement in drilling
Pradhan. The MoU was signed by Utpal and well intervention practices, seismic
Bora, CMD, OIL, and University of Houston interpretation and reservoir characterisation
(UH), represented by Chancellor and studies, and unconventional hydrocarbon
President Renu Khator. Terming the MoU studies. It is believed that this collaboration
as historic, Pradhan said this will go a long will help OIL to further consolidate and
way for the pilot study of CO2 capture ahead for oil and gas sectors growth, upgrade the various initiatives the company
technology application in Assam oil fields. Pradhan said. If there is (a) good strategy, has undertaken to improve production
Innovation, institutional hand-holding innovative technology and willpower, a and contribute significantly to the energy
and scientific temperament is the way good ecosystem can be formed that will security of the country.
April 2017
State-owned ONGC will invest over Rs Tapas Kumar Sengupta said.ONGC plans
21,500 crore to develop Indias deepest to drill nine wells on the discovery that
gas discovery by 2022-23, helping it lies in water depths of 2,400-3,200 metres
more than double output from its prime and will produce a peak output of 19
KG basin block.Oil and Natural Gas Corp million standard cubic metres per day. The
(ONGC), which had last year firmed up an company had previously decided to develop
investment of Rs 34,012 crore in bringing other discoveries in KG-D5 block and leave
to production 10 oil and gas discoveries in the UD-1 find in the same block for a later
its Bay of Bengal block KG-DWN-98/2 (KG- date as it thought there was no technology
D5), plans to invest another Rs 21,528.10 available to produce gas from such water
crore in developing the ultra-deepsea UD-1 depths.Sengupta said that there are
find.We have submitted to the Directorate consultants who have showed to ONGC that
General of Hydrocarbons a declaration of the field development plan, by end-2017 and discoveries deeper than UD-1 have been put
commerciality (DoC) for the UD-1 find. We hope to bring the discovery to production to production in recent times, particularly in
will submit a final investment plan, called by 2022-23, ONGC Director (Offshore) Gulf of Mexico.
April 2017
According to the most recent forecast weve seen for some time. And with
from financial advisory firm Deloitte, reductions in operating costs that
oil costs ought to average around $55 companies have realized in the last
US a barrel in 2017 for West Texas year or two, there are more plays that
Intermediate, which ought to be sufficient are going to be economic. According
for some thinned down Alberta producers to Deloittes outlook, the OPEC consent
to work beneficially.Its significantly to limit production is one variable
better than what the average was through affecting everything, except that single-
last year, which is bringing some optimism handedly isnt probably going to build
into the sector, said Andrew Botterill costs generously at any point in the near
with Deloittes resource evaluation and future.Its going to take some time for
advisory group. Obviously, it isnt at a people to really see how many barrels are
level thats going to allow all producers going to leave the system with the OPEC
to produce all of their inventory, Botterill cuts, Botterill said.
added. But it certainly is better than
April 2017
Massive shale gas output from US
has spurred growth in LPG market
Suyash Gupta, Director General, Indian Auto LPG Coalition
(IAC) shares his views on the auto LPG market in India,
global trends and what India needs to do to tackle the
growing menace of air pollution. Excerpts:
India is projected to be one for a country like India which produces based power plants. Electric vehicle
of the biggest car markets in most of its electricity from coal- may ultimately be more pollutant
India in future. Please provide than gaseous fuel. To adopt any fuel
suggestions on reducing India needs to adopt strategy the government really needs to
vehicular pollution in India. What formulate a judicious mix of all cleaner
are the advantages of auto LPG
the right mix of cleaner fuel available. LPG offers one such
as a fuel in comparison to others fuels. While bio fuels solution which is available immediately
like biofuels and upgraded look great on paper, yet
emission norms like BS-IV? availability of the same What are the key issues being
India needs to adopt the right mix of shall always remain a faced by the auto LPG industry in
cleaner fuels. While bio fuels look India? What are your suggestions
great on paper, yet availability of the
challenge particularly to address the same?
same shall always remain a challenge on account of Indias One of the key issues is differential
particularly on account of Indias efforts to ensure pricing on various grades of
efforts to ensure availability of food for availability of food LPG, which results in diversion
masses at lower prices. Any increase in on subsidized domestic LPG to
for masses at lower
demand of bio fuel shall undoubtedly automotive usage. Secondly, there
impact prices. prices. Any increase is a need for OEMs to push LPG
Meanwhile in terms of the much in demand of bio fuel variants.
talked Electric vehicles, Government shall undoubtedly
needs to realise and consider the total impact prices For suggestions email at
well-to-wheel emissions, particularly
April 2017
Marketing and pricing freedom
to give CBM producers a leg-up
By Team InfralinePlus
Indias natural gas demand is projected production from domestic sources CBM blocks have been relinquished
to outpace supply in the foreseeable falls below projection. Coal bed by operators.
future, which means dependence methane (CBM), an unconventional Even a big upstream player like
on imported LNG would go up. As gas, can help in mitigating countrys ONGC has struggled to produce
per one estimate, LNG imports will natural gas shortages, thereby putting CBM. The upstream major was
rise by nearly five times in 2029- a check on rise of LNG imports. awarded 9 CBM blocks. But it has
30 from the level of 2012-13. The However, extracting CBM has proved relinquished 5 of these blocks. Given
incremental demand for imported more difficult than conventional gas. difficulties in mining CBM, the
natural gas could further rise if Consequently, as many as 18 out of 33 International Energy Agency (IEA)
April 2017
is not very bullish on unconventional Analysis Cell notified prices or selling tion difficult, risky and costly. Even its
gas addressing Indias energy prices, whichever is higher. ventilation to atmosphere adds green
security concerns. In this context, In 2014, the new domestic natural house gas causing global warming.
the significance of the governments gas pricing guidelines also included However, CBM is a remarkably clean
recent decision to allow marketing CBM blocks, which resulted in CBM fuel if utilized efficiently. CBM is a
and pricing freedom to CBM gas gas beyond this date to be priced clean gas having heating value of ap-
producers cannot be overstated. at natural gas rates. Consequently, proximately 8500 KCal/kg compared
Specifically, the Union cabinet has contractors who had discovered to 9000 KCal/kg of natural gas.
allowed CBM contractors freedom CBM reserves started going slow on India holds worlds fourth
to sell their production at a price production plans. After announcement largest coal reserves and it is not
discovered though arms length of new pricing policy, these contractors surprising that CBM is being seen
transactions. Of course, the contractors are now expected to expedite as an alternative source for boosting
will have to follow transparent development work to bring their output countrys energy security. As per
procedures for price discovery. In case, to the market as soon as possible. estimate by the Directorate General
there is no third party buyer available of Hydrocarbons, India has 92 trillion
for CBM production, a possibility that CBM potential in India cubic feet (tcf) of CBM reserves spread
cannot be ruled out given the poor CBM is generated during coalifica- across 12 states.
pipeline network in the country, the tion process which gets adsorbed on The government formulated CBM
contractor can sell gas to its affiliates. coal at higher pressure. However, it is policy in 1997. Under the policy, four
Royalty and other dues will be payable a mining hazard. Presence of CBM in rounds of CBM bidding rounds have
on the basis of Petroleum Planning and underground mines makes coal extrac- been implemented by the petroleum
ministry, which led to award of 33
CBM blocks with estimated reserves of
The Union cabinet has allowed CBM contractors 62.4 tcf. Of this, only 9.9 tcf has been 47
freedom to sell their production at a price established as Gas in Place (GIP).
discovered though arms length transactions. Two CBM blocks in West Bengal
Of course, the contractors will have to follow by GEECL and Essar Oil, one in
Jharkhand operated by ONGC and
transparent procedures for price discovery. In one in Madhya Pradesh operated RIL
case, there is no third party buyer available for are producing CBM. Four blocks, one
CBM production, a possibility that cannot be in west Bengal and two in Jharkhand
operated by ONGC and one in
ruled out Chhattisgarh-MP operated by RIL are
in development phase and are likely
to start CBM production soon. India
produced 1.07 million standard cubic
meter per day (mmscmd) CBM gas in
In India Energy Outlook 2015, the
IEA acknowledged that as a country,
India has large unconventional
hydrocarbon resources, including
CBM. Although private companies
such as RIL and Essar are already
engaged in the development of CBM,
commercial development is a long way
ahead, the agency said.
Challenges in harnessing
CBM potential
India faces serious challenges in
harnessing potential due to the
April 2017
difficulty of land acquisition, high is a significant expense compared to integrated gas pipeline infrastructure
cost of disposing water released from that of conventional development due is needed to ensure expeditious
CBM blocks, poor infrastructure to to the presence of high total dissolved harnessing of CBM reserves.
evacuate gas and the cumbersome solids (TDS) and salinity. Sustaining CBM production is a
procedures for obtaining statutory Petroleum mining lease and key challenge. Due to their geological
clearances. Due to large number of petroleum exploration licence are makeup, CBM formations can offer
required wells for efficient drainage issued by state governments on highly variable production and two
of CBM, land acquisition challenges the recommendation of the central wells drilled in close proximity can
are severe. CBM blocks in Jharkhand, government. This mechanism often see radically different productivity
Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are leads to delay. Getting clearances for rates. Indian coal is also of a relatively
mostly in remote and primarily tribal starting mining is another big challenge low grade. Because of this, its lower
area. In addition, poor land record for operators. Operators need to obtain porosity and permeability can be a
and multiple holdings also complicate as many as 30 clearances before they challenge to production.
challenges of land acquisitions. can start CBM mining. A house panel recently queried the
CBM wells produce large volumes Most of CBM blocks are located petroleum minister about availability
of water during the initial period to in remote and inaccessible areas of gas transport infrastructure in areas
lower the pressure in the coal seams which lack industrial activity. That where CBM blocks fall. In reply
till the critical adsorption pressure and means gas production cannot be the minister said, CBM produced
as the quantities of produced water consumed locally. Nor is there pipeline from these blocks are being sold off
decline the gas production increases. infrastructure in these areas to transport to customers in the vicinity of these
Cost to dispose of the produced water gas to consumption centres. So, producing blocks. In Jharia CBM
block, CBM produced is being sold
off by filling CBM in cascades and
Sustaining CBM production is a key challenge. transported on trucks. In Raniganj
Due to their geological makeup, CBM East CBM block, contractor (Essar
formations can offer highly variable production Oil Limited) has constructed pipelines
and two wells drilled in close proximity can see from Gas Collecting Station/Gas
Gathering Station to individual
radically different productivity rates. Indian coal vendors. Similarly, operator of
is also of a relatively low grade. Because of Raniganj South CBM Block GEECL
this, its lower porosity and permeability can be has built pipelines from its GCS/GGS
to individual customers. Reliance
a challenge to production Gas Pipeline Limited (RGPL), one
of the subsidiary of RIL is laying
around 300 KM of natural gas
pipeline from Shahdol in Madhya
Pradesh to Phulpur in Uttar Pradesh to
transport gas from RILs CBM blocks
(Sohagpur East and West).
Due to serious challenges in
extracting CBM gas in India, the
International Energy Agency has
said that CBM might not contribute
more than 31 per cent of its total gas
production by 2040. Developing gas
transportation infrastructure has proved
a mammoth challenge for policy
makers. Industry remains reluctant to
invest in pipeline infrastructure due
to low and geographically uneven
demand for LNG whose spot prices are
highly volatile.
April 2017
In Union Budget 2014, the 36-47 per cent, to this demand in removed, the PNGRB report said.
government announced the the projected period. The share of The PNGRB report also touched on
construction of an additional 15,000 the fertilizer sector in overall gas the controversial issue of gas pricing,
km of gas pipelines on a public-private consumption in the country is expected saying the government had to make
partnership (PPP) basis along with to go down from 25 in 2012-13 to 15 investment in the upstream and mid-
viability gap funding (VGF). However, per cent in 2029-30 owing to higher stream gas sectors attractive to meet
the work on the project is moving growth in other sectors. The report growing demand.
at a slow speed. In this context, the forecast 7.2 per cent annual growth in The investment and infrastructure
industry has suggested that Carrier gas supplies reaching 400 mmscmd required for developing a CBM block
First, Commodity Later policy should by fiscal 2021-22 and 474 mmscmd is not at par with conventional natural
be followed for the development of in fiscal 2029-30. On the other hand, gas. Drilling of natural gas well
the domestic gas market. In a survey supply from domestic sources is approximately till 3000 meter-depth
conducted by consulting firm PwC projected to rise from 101.11 mmscmd nominally costs $8 million. However,
recently, respondents overwhelmingly in fiscal 2012-13 to 156.7 mmscmd the nominal cost of drilling a CBM
supported the idea of Carrier First, in fiscal 2016-17 and 230 mmscmd in well is $1.2 million.
Commodity Later policy. fiscal 2029-30. Due to low productivity large
As per estimates of a study The PNGRB report was critical of number of CBM wells are required to
commissioned by Petroleum and the current government policy that be drilled against single conventional
Natural Gas Regulatory Board, India determines priority in gas allocations hydrocarbon well to produce the
will have to import as much as 214 and the volumes supplied. The Gas same quantity of gas. Natural gas
mmscmd of LNG in 2029-30. Utilization Policy creates artificial produced from a conventional well
Gas-based power generation is demand and discourages new suppliers is produced at high pressure whereas
expected to contribute the highest, and hence needs to be progressively CBM produced at surface is at much
lower pressure. Therefore, there 49
The investment and infrastructure required is a need for higher compression
stages at the Gas Collecting Station/
for developing a CBM block is not at par with Gas Gathering Station. Moreover,
conventional natural gas. Drilling of natural condensates and water often
gas well approximately till 3000 meter-depth accompany Natural gas during its
production. In CBM operations, water
nominally costs $8 million. However, the has to be continuously dewatered from
nominal cost of drilling a CBM well is the coal seams to increase the CBM
$1.2 million production.
CBM operations work on a marginal
scale of economics in comparison
to conventional natural gas where
margins are high and so is the period
of production. The producing life of a
CBM well is up to 15 years however
the average producing life of a natural
gas well is 20 to 25 years.
In view of the above-mentioned
challenges, the marketing and pricing
freedom granted by the government
for CBM is expected to go some way
in boosting investors confidence.
However, more needs to be done. Land
acquisition and clearances are two
areas wherein investors need a helping
hand from the government.
Petchem manufacturers on
capacity expansion overdrive
By Team InfralinePlus
Keen to tap the growing demand for dition. What is supporting this trend petrochemical project in its Kochi
petrochemical products, domestic is the fact that petrochemical products refinery. The company expects to
refiners are investing big time to build fetch better margins compared to fuels, complete the refinery expansion by the
petchem production facilities even experts add. end of FY17 and to start operations
as other manufacturers are unable to Leading players like RIL, Indian in 2017. RIL recently commissioned
utilise their existing capacities due to Oil, BPCL and HPCL have invested the first-phase of paraxylene (PX)
weak demand. According to experts, as heavily in petrochemical production production facility at Jamnagar.
margins fall due to growing competi- capacity expansion in recent years. The private refiner hopes to become
tion, domestic refiners are increasingly For example, state-owned refiner worlds second second-largest PX
pursuing integration of refining with BPCL is investing Rs 4,600 crore producer after the commissioning the
petrochemical business for value ad- to build a propylene derivative full capacity.
April 2017
State-owned Gail India and HPCL Table 1 India: global rank in polymer consumption (1988)
have together planed a Rs 30,000- Country Polymer consumption (mt)
crore petchem unit in Andhra Pradesh. US 16.6
Indian Oil plans to invest Rs 34,000 Japan 6.4
crore in its Paradip petchem complex Germany 4.3
in Odisha by 2021. Earlier, the oil China 3.7
PSU spent more than Rs 14,000 crore Italy 3.1
to build naphtha cracker facility at its CIS 2.4
Panipat refinery. France 2.4
Experts say that with shrinking UK 2.2
refining margins, it has become Taiwan 1.9
almost inevitable to look for value Korea 1.8
added opportunities to be integrated India 1.6
in the complexes through petro-
Source: CPMA
chemical integration. The fact that
most of the petrochemical produces of 81,000 tonnes annually. It has
invite a higher degree of margin The fact that most 70 per cent equity in a joint venture
vis--vis the fuels, there is a strong of the petrochemical company, Brahmaputra Cracker
case for integration between refinery and Polymer (BCPL), at Dibrugarh,
produces invite a
and petrochemical complex, wherein, Assam. GAIL also has stake in
both feed as well as energy inte- higher degree of ONGC Petro additions (OPaL)
gration can be exploited for soliciting margin vis--vis the new petrochem project at Dahej, to
higher revenues, they add. fuels, there is a strong produce high and low density poly-
GAILs plant at Andhra Pradesh is ethylene, or PE, (HDPE and LLDPE) 51
part of a plan to expand its presence case for integration and polypropylene.
in petrochemicals. The unit will have between refinery and Although India imports certain
three feeds naphtha, ethane and petrochemical complex, categories of petrochemicals, it is also
propane. Naphtha will be supplied an exporter of some. RIL and IOC
from the Visakhapatnam refinery of
wherein, both feed have been exporting petrochemicals
HPCL, through a 150-km pipeline. as well as energy for some time now. GAIL entered
The ethane and propane feeds will integration can be the overseas market for the first time
be imported via the Kakinada port. this year with about 7,500 tonnes of
exploited for soliciting
The complex will produce a million polymer exports so far to Bangladesh,
tonnes of ethylene with derivatives, higher revenues Nepal, Vietnam and China. GAIL
to go into manufacturing of deter-
gents, paints and coatings, cosmetics
and textiles. A detailed feasibility
report is under work.
GAIL and HPCL joined hands after
HPCLs plans to team with Frances
Total, the Lakshmi N Mittal Group and
Oil India for a 15-million tonne a year
unit at Visakhapatnam was put on the
back burner because of viability issues.
The two companies are now in talks to
bring in a third partner. There are also
plans to import ethane from the US for
the plant.
GAIL has interest in three pet-
rochem plants, including its own
complex at Pata in Uttar Pradesh
that has been expanded to a capacity
April 2017
Table 2 India: global rank in polymer consumption (2000) will reverse. Indian players are almost
Country Polymer consumption (mt) doubling total PE capacity, which
remained 2.9 million tonnes a year over
US 27.3
those five years, the report says. RIL,
China 14.4 GAIL, IOC and Haldia Petrochemicals
Japan 9.1 (HPL) are key PE players in India.
Germany 6.4 HPL was operating at lower utilisation
Korea 4.7 due to working capital funding issues,
the report said.
Italy 4.7
In 1988, India was the tenth largest
France 4.1 consumer of polymers in the world.
UK 3.5 However, because of robust growth in
India 3.4 demand, India is now worlds largest
Brazil 3.4 producer of polymers. Its demand grew
by 14 per cent between 2000 and 2015.
Taiwan 3.3
India has currently excess PE production
Source: CPMA capacity. However, with domestic
demand growth at more than 10 per cent
produces HDPE and LLDPE. They annually and capacity addition unable
account for 88 per cent of Indias total According to a recent to keep pace, the country will have to
PE consumption. HDFC Securities import PE from 2019.
report, PE consumption PE is primarily used in packaging
Demand supply scenario like plastic bags, plastic films, geo mem-
According to a recent HDFC Securities
in India grew at a branes, containers including bottles,
report, PE consumption in India grew compounded annual etc. Demand for polypropylene (PP), a
at a compounded annual growth rate growth rate (CAGR) of thermoplastic polymer, too is growing
(CAGR) of seven per cent in the five seven per cent in the at a brisk pace. During 2016-21, PP
years ended 2015. However, produc- demand is projected to grow by 11.8
five years ended 2015.
tion grew only a five per cent yearly. per cent. However, capacity addition
This has made India a net importer of However, production is expected to keep pace with demand,
PE. The import share in total consump- grew only a five per meaning India will continue to have
tion has increased from 14 per cent in cent yearly. This has surplus production during this period.
FY08 to 42 per cent in FY15. made India a net PP is used in a wide variety of applica-
However, over the next two to three tions including packaging and labeling,
years, the demand-supply scenario
importer of PE textiles -- ropes, thermal underwear and
carpets --, stationery, plastic parts and
Table 3 India: global rank in polymer consumption (2015) reusable containers of various types,
laboratory equipment, loudspeakers and
US 38.9
China 31.3 Purified terephthalic acid (PTA) is
India 12.5 a raw material used in making high-
Japan 11.5 performance multi-purpose plastics
such as polybutyl terephthalate(PBT),
Germany 9.4
polyethylene terephthalate(PET), and
Korea 7.4
polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT).
Italy 6.8 Domestic PTA demand is projected to
Brazil 6.7 grow by 7.7 per cent annually in period
CIS 6.2 up to 2021. India is a net exporter of
PTA and it is projected to have surplus
France 6.1
capacity in coming years.
UK 5.2
India is a net importer of PVC, or
Source: CPMA styrene. The domestic demand-supply
April 2017
gap is expected to widen in the period Projections: polyethylene production capacity, demand,
running up to 2021 as annual con- surplus or deficit (kt)
sumption rises by 9.75 per cent. India Production
had PVC shortfall of 146 kilo tonne Year Demand Surplus or deficit
in 2016, which is projected to go up
2016 4,980 4,421 559
to 2980 kilo tonne in 2021 as demand
2017 5355 4793 562
outpaces supply.
2018 5355 5209 146
Inadequate availability of 2019 5355 5681 -326
natural gas a concern 2020 5355 6199 -844
The Indian petrochemical industry is 2021 5355 6755 -1400
constrained by inadequate domestic
Source: Industry
availability of natural gas, which is
used as a feedstock in addition to naph- Projections: polypropylene production capacity, demand,
tha by the industry. In that context, the surplus or deficit (kt)
governments decision to halve import
duty on LNG is expected to some way Year Demand Surplus or deficit
towards addressing domestic industrys
2016 5047 4108 939
feedstock concerns. Petrochemical
plants using naphtha as feedstock face 2017 5115 4497 618
fluctuations in their profitability due to 2018 5815 5405 410
volatile nature of the naphtha market. 2019 5815 5405 410
Analysts say Indian companies should 2020 6315 5936 379
import naphtha from West Asia under 2021 6815 6515 300 53
long-term contract to avoid
Source: Industry
price uncertainty.
Meanwhile, RILs revenue from
Projections: PTA production capacity, demand, surplus or
petchem business during October-
December 2016 increased by 17.8 to Rs deficit (kt)
22,854 crore ($ 3.4 billion), primarily Production
Year Demand Surplus or deficit
due to increase in prices across polymers capacity
and polyester chain. Petrochemicals 2016 7075 5319 1756
segment EBIT increased sharply by 2017 7400 5678 1722
25.5 per cent to Rs 3,301 crore ($ 486 2018 7400 6047 1353
million), supported by favorable product 2019 7700 6431 1269
deltas and marginal volume growth,
2020 8900 6878 2022
according to the company.
2021 8900 7362 1538
PP and HDPE prices showed
marginal increase of 1 per cent on a Source: Industry
sequential basis whereas PVC prices
increased by 12 per cent. PP delta growth slowed down due to demoneti- polymers, driven by a strong pull from
strengthened on account of softness in zation of old currency notes announced the multilayer film, HM pipe, HD
propylene prices due to ample supply by Prime Minister Narendra Modi raffia and monofilament segments. PP
after the restart of cracker units post on November 8. However, demand demand was 5 per cent higher, aided
maintenance shutdown. PE delta is expected to revive as the effects of by consumption from raffia packaging,
softened with a firm naphtha price demonetisation are absorbed and the fibre filament and appliances sector.
environment. PVC deltas strengthened economy readjusts to the new normal. PVC demand witnessed a marginal
amid increasingly stringent environ- In the third quarter, domestic growth rate of 1 per cent due to lower
mental regulations impacting coal- polymer demand was 5 per cent higher demand on account of seasonality and
based production inChina. compared to the same period last year. high rural exposure.
During the October-December 2016 PE demand witnessed the highest
quarter, the pace of domestic demand growth rate of 8 per cent among all For suggestions email at
April 2017
1. PSU Sales :
LPG-Packed Domestic 16,040.40 17,181.70 1519.4 1574.1 3.6 15571.8 17206.3 10.5
LPG-Packed Non-Domestic 1,051.00 1,464.40 136 157.2 15.6 1322.3 1629.8 23.3
Auto LPG 163.8 170.9 14.2 13.7 -3.4 156.3 152.5 -2.4
Sub-Total (PSU Sales) 17,570.90 19,134.20 1,694.00 1,773.80 4.7 17,333.60 19,324.70 11.5
2. Direct Private Imports 429.2 489 53.3 35.5 -33.3 437.5 341.7 -21.9
Total (1+2) 18,000.10 19,623.20 1,747.30 1,809.30 3.5 17,771.10 19,666.40 10.7
Status of PNG connections, CNG stations and CNG vehicles across India (Nos.)
PNG connections
CNG No. of CNG
stations vehicles
Domestic Industrial Commercial
State Entity operating Geographical region
As on As on As on As on As on
1.3.2017 1.3.2017 1.3.2017 1.3.2017 1.3.2017
Bhagyanagar Gas
Telangana Hyderabad 24 2,321 5 23,545
Tinsukia, Dibrugarh,
Assam Assam Gas Co. Ltd Sibsagar, Jorhat, 0 29,965 400 1,000 0
Gandhinagar, Mehsana,
Sabarkantha, Nadiad,
Sabarmati Gas Ltd,
Halol, Hazira, Rajkot,
Gujarat Gas Ltd,
Khambhat, Karjan-
Adani Energy Ltd ,
Palej, Valsad, Navsari,
Vadodara Gas Ltd,
Gujarat Surendernagar, Vadodara, 380 16,41,340 4,256 14,718 10,5,937
Hindustan Petroleum
Ahmedabad, Surat,
Corporation Ltd,
Ankleshwar, Bharuch
Charotar Gas
& surrounding areas,
Sahakari Mandal Ltd
Bhavnagar, Jamnagar,
Vapi, Anand
NTPC recently started power generation from alternative to conventional ground mounted
Indias largest floating solar power plant at photo-voltaic systems which are land inten-
Kayamkulam in Kerala. The 100 kWp floating sive. It has various benefits like conserving
solar generation plant, largest of its kind in water through reduction of evaporation,
India, was indigenously developed as a part increased generation due to cooling effect on
of Make in India initiative, at Rajiv Gandhi the panels and requires lesser installation
Combined Cycle Power Plant (RGCCPP) in time than conventional land mounted ones,
Keralas Kayamkulam district. Solar panels NTPC said. Installation potential of such
mounted on floating boards that hold them in type of systems in India is huge because of
place saves land usage and has been found Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Chennai abundance of water bodies, within NTPC, the
to be efficient than the ones installed on land. and a patent has been applied for. The system potential is about 800 MWp in various reser-
These floating platforms were indigenously was installed by Swelect Energy Systems Ltd, voirs in existing stations.Particularly in Kerala,
developed by NTPC Energy Technology Re- Chennai with support from NETRA & NTPC due to availability of water bodies and lack of
search Alliance, the R&D arm of NTPC Ltd, in Kayamkulam station in a short span of 22 presence of enough land, this type of system
collaboration with Central Institute of Plastic days.Such systems are fast emerging as an has a great potential, it said.
April 2017
Three solar thermal plants in Chile could generate electricity 24 hours a day
The Chilean government recently gave heat exchanger, where it will lend its heat
the go-ahead on a massive solar thermal to water to create a super-heated steam.
plant that is expected to produce That steam is used to move a traditional
electricity 24 hours a day, seven days a steam turbine to create electricity.
weeka considerable feat for a plant that Because the molten salt will stay hot for
depends solely on solar energy. The plant, hours in its thermal storage tankeven
proposed for a site in Chiles Tamarugal throughout the night or during a cloudy
province, would consist of three 150 morningthe molten salt is said to store
megawatt solar thermal towers, which that thermal energy. SolarReserve, the
become heated as mirrors placed around US-based company that proposed this
each tower reflect sunlight onto it. That project, has also proposed two othersa
heat is transferred to molten salt, which nitrate thats kept at a balmy 1,050 260 MW, 24-hour plant near the city of
circulates through the plant during the day degrees Fahrenheit (566 degrees Celsius), Copiap in the Atacama Region of Chile,
and is stored in tanks at night. The salt, a is used as a heat transfer fluid. As energy as well as a 390 MW, 24-hour plant in the
mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium is needed, the salt can be dispatched to a Antofagasta Region.
April 2017
Increasing supply of renewable energy to
help replace carbon-intensive energy sources
Yogendra Prasad, former chairman, NHPC, makes a strong case for
promoting renewable energy in India. According to him, deployment
of renewable energy will not only help reduce green house emission,
but will also lead to significant opportunities for job creation.
have shown that renewable energy are also getting royalties based on In contrast, fossil fuel prices are
can be rapidly deployed to provide a the project annual revenue. Similarly, varying dramatically on upper side.
significant share of electricity needs of farmers and rural land owners can also With development of more solar and
the world. The jobs directly created in generate new sources of supplemental wind power project the only problem
the renewable industries and growth in income by producing feedstock for bio- is that in day time the power frequency
the renewable industry creates multiple mass power generation. goes high due to more power generation
effects. For example, industries in in the power system that the demand
renewable industries supply chain of Affordable power which is detrimental for safety of
benefits to unrelated local business With the development of renewal generators life of generating plants for
with benefit from increase of household energy, electricity can be provided which it is essential for us to develop
and business incomes. In addition to poor population of the country by simultaneously the pumped storage
to creating new jobs, the renewable stabilizing the prices of energies in hydroelectric projects for which lot of
energy offers important economic local future. The costs of renewable tech- potential is there in the country and
benefits to the people. Local gov- nologies are declining steadily and projects are also identified by Central
ernment collect property and income have been projected to drop in future. Electricity Authority (CEA). There is
taxes and other taxes from renewable For example, the average price of solar lot of shortage of power during peak
energy project owners. These revenues panel has dropped almost sixty percent hours during morning and evening
can help support vital public services approximately since 2011. The cost of for which storage typed hydroelectric
especially in rural communities where generating electricity from wind has projects must be developed to balance
projects are often located. Owners of dropped 20% in last five years. Cost the frequency as per grid code of
the land on which wind project are of renewable energy could decline Government of India. For this, lot of
built often receive lease payments on further in future with the enhancement potential is available in the country and
very high side in comparison to their of technologies. In hydro projects, after details of which are available withCEA.
agricultural products per megawatt commissioning the projects, the cost of (Yogendra Prasad has worked in the 61
of installed capacities. Local people energy declines day-by-day. post as CMD of NHPC, SJVPC and as
Chairman of NHDC and Uttrakhand
In addition to creating new jobs, the renewable Jal Vidhyut Nigam Limited. He has also
worked as honorary Vice Chairman
energy offers important economic local benefits
of International Hydro Association,
to the people. Local government collect property National Hydro Association, President
and income taxes and other taxes from renew- of Central Board of Irrigation &
able energy project owners. These revenues can Power, and Special Advisor (Energy) to
help support vital public services especially in ru- Govt. of Uttarakhand).
ral communities where projects are often located. The views in the article of the author are personal.
For suggestions email at
April 2017
Small hydro projects need
special treatment
By Team InfralinePlus
The Union power ministry is plan- quite slow due to challenges like scale, undermining growth prospects of
ning to come out with a new national geological and hydrological risks SHP projects.
hydropower policy in 2017-18, which involved in building hydel projects, The Centre has mooted radical
would incentivise large hydel projects which often lead to undue delays and policy changes in the existing hydro
at par with small hydropower projects cost escalation in project costs. That policy as it tries to push hydel gener-
(with capacity of up to 25 mw). The in turn makes tariff unpredictable. ation as a counterbalance to the massive
envisaged policy will definitely help That is the reason power distribution deployment of renewable capacity such
in expeditious harnessing of Indias companies are reluctant to sign long- as solar and wind. Since India does not
unutilised hydropower potential esti- term power purchase agreements with have much fuel for gas-based power
mated at above 1 lakh mw but it could hydropower projects. plants, there is now a policy push to the
also undercut prospects of small hydel In contrast, SHPs projects are hydro sector as hydel generation can
projects (SHPs) which need differential an economical source of electricity be ramped up and down, depending on
treatment to compete with large ones. because they are entitled to fiscal sops availability of electricity from solar and
India has nearly 43,000 mw like renewable energy plants. If the wind projects.
installed capacity based on large distinction between SHPs and large There will be a major thrust on
hydel projects against the potential hydel projects goes away, the latter hydro sector by different ways to
to generate 1.5 lakh mw electricity. would become commercially more bring down cost of electricity from
The pace of capacity addition remains attractive as they enjoy economies of this renewable source, power minister
April 2017
Piyush Goyal said recently. Hydro Since overhead engineering costs get India has estimated potential to
power is also renewable energy. We minimised and development costs spread generate 20,000 mw power from
are working on a position paper after over multiple units, the cost of such small hydro projects. It had targeted
studying all international experiences, systems is improved. While synchronous to harness at least 7,000 mw capacity
we will look very seriously to see generators capable of isolated plant by the end of March 2017. But actual
whether these should be categories as operation are often used, small hydro capacity addition was just 4,300 mw,
renewable power, Goyal said. plants connected to an electrical grid far less than the target.
system can use economical induction The comptroller and general (CAG),
Advantages of small hydro generators to further reduce installation which recently audited small hydel
SHP plants have certain inherent advan- cost and simplify control and operation. scheme, found glaring irregularities
tages over large hydro and other power in implementation of these projects
projects. For example, they can generate Policy interventions in areas ranging from preparation of
clean energy at a competitive cost and The recent amendments by the Central feasibility studies states to approval
have features that make them suitable for Electricity Regulatory Commission to detailed project reports in states
meeting electricity requirements during like Himachal Pradesh and Arunachal
peak hours. They are less affected by SHP plants have certain Pradesh. In certain cases, project devel-
rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) inherent advantages opers struggled to obtain environment
problems vis--vis large hydro power over large hydro and clearance and acquire land, which led
plants and can meet the power require- them to finally abandon allotted projects.
ments of remote and isolated areas.
other power projects. The CAG report observed delays
Small hydro can be further subdi- For example, they can and problems in conducting feasibility
vided into mini hydro, usually defined generate clean en- studies for identifying potential sites
as less than 1,000 kW, and micro hydro ergy at a competitive for setting up Small Hydro Power
which is less than 100 kW. Micro cost and have features projects, which was a critical planning 63
hydro is usually the application of that make them suitable activity for development of small hydro
hydroelectric power sized for smaller for meeting electricity power. In Himachal Pradesh 37 consent
communities, single families or small letters were issued but the IPPs did not
enterprise. SHP plants may be con-
requirements during submit any DPR even after five years.
nected to conventional electrical distri- peak hours. They are And out of 88 DPRs submitted by
bution networks as a source of low-cost less affected by rehabil- Himurja to the Department of Energy
renewable energy. Alternatively, small itation and resettlement for technical approval, none had been
hydro projects may be built in isolated (R&R) problems approved and the IPPs had not sub-
areas that would be uneconomical to mitted feasibility study reports for 78
serve from a network, or in areas where (CERC) in grid code are a positive projects allotted to them.
there is no national electrical distri- for SHP plants with less than 10 MW Further, due to delays and problems
bution network. capacity. As per the amendments, re- in according technical approvals to
Since SHPs usually have minimal newable energy power plants including DPRs, allotment of projects, acquiring
reservoirs and civil construction work, SHPs with installed capacity of less land and obtaining forest and envi-
they are seen as having a relatively than 10 MW will be treated as must ronmental clearances, several projects
low environmental impact compared run and will not be subjected to merit could not be taken up and completed
to large hydro projects. Small hydro is order dispatch principles. in time. In Arunachal Pradesh, the state
often developed using existing dams Also, the allowed variation of up government had entered into agreement
or through development of new dams to 30 per cent of the schedule and the with private developers for setting
whose primary purpose is river and lake burden of applicable Unscheduled up 52 small/mini/micro hydro power
water-level control, or irrigation. Many Interchange (UI) charges to be shared projects of 714 MW but none had been
companies offer standardized turbine among system users on an all-India commissioned. Similarly, in Chhat-
generator packages in the approximate basis and not on project developers tisgarh the state nodal agency sanc-
size range of 200 kW to 10 MW. These and permission to fine-tune schedules tioned 50 SHP projects of 612 MW but
water to wire packages simplify the (based on the forecast) as close as three none had been commissioned.
planning and development of the site hours before the actual generation The national auditor recommended
since one vendor looks after most of the should facilitate further integration of that the nodal agency, Ministry of New
equipment supply. SHP projects. and Renewable Energy (MNRE), must
April 2017
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Programme/ Scheme wise Physical Progress in 2016-17 (Cumulative upto the month
of February, 2017)
FY- 2016-17 Cumulative Achievements
Sector Achievement (April
Target (as on 28.02.2017)
- February, 2017)
Biomass Gasifiers
2.00 0.00 18.34
-Industrial 8.00 4.30 168.54
Water mills/micro hydel 1 MW + 500 Water Mills 0.10 MW + 100 Water Mills 18.81
Buy Bid (No. of Sell Bid (No. of MCP (Rs. / MCV (No. of certificate)
Year | Month Type
certificates) certificates) Certificate) Qty (MWH)
State Wise & Source Wise Renewable Energy Generation for the month of February,
2017 (All fig. in MU)
Name of State/ Total
Wind Solar Biomass Bagasse Small Hydro Other
UT/ Organisation Generation
Chandigarh 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45
Delhi 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.32 11.58
Haryana 0.00 3.08 14.80 0.00 10.75 0.00 28.63
HP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83.42 0.00 83.42
J&K 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.78 0.00 20.78
Punjab 0.00 80.13 36.84 39.77 12.43 17.40 186.57
Rajasthan 353.29 183.69 19.08 0.00 1.51 0.00 557.58
Uttar Pradesh 0.00 29.04 15.39 575.85 2.71 6.34 629.32
Uttarakhand 0.00 3.17 0.00 22.22 24.60 0.00 49.99
NTPC-Dadri, Fbd, Un-
0.00 10.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.68
chahar, Sing.& Bhadla
Oil India Ltd 12.37 2.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.47
Total NR 365.66 312.61 86.11 637.84 156.20 35.07 1593.48
Chhattisgarh 0.00 11.19 108.22 0.00 1.62 0.00 121.03
NTPC Raj garh
0.00 7.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.43
Gujarat 550.71 152.19 1.92 0.00 3.36 0.00 708.18
Madhya Pradesh 251.73 127.10 3.20 0.00 19.40 3.62 405.06
Maharashtra 245.26 52.93 50.44 234.59 79.34 0.00 662.57
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15
Daman & Diu 0.00 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.60 67
Total WR 1047.70 352.60 163.78 234.59 103.73 3.62 1906.02
Andhra Pradesh 221.50 163.58 30.11 24.62 20.58 0.68 461.08
Telangana 13.41 162.32 19.02 21.37 3.93 7.69 227.74
Karnataka 353.43 82.78 15.39 53.84 82.78 30.30 618.51
Kerala 3.42 2.74 0.00 16.58 0.00 0.00 22.74
NTPC Ramagundam 0.00 40.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.55
Tamil Nadu 480.85 196.87 21.70 50.63 1.57 0.00 751.60
Lakshadweep 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20
Puducherry 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04
Total SR 1072.61 649.07 86.21 167.04 108.85 38.67 2122.46
Andaman Nicobar 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 1.07 0.00 1.46
Bihar 0.00 11.86 0.00 35.38 1.28 0.00 48.52
Jharkhand 0.00 3.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.25
Orissa 0.00 18.86 0.00 0.00 7.82 0.00 26.68
Sikkim 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50
West Bengal 0.00 1.51 0.00 117.39 11.95 0.00 130.85
DVC 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 9.29 0.00 9.30
NTPC Andman/Talcher 0.00 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.64
Total ER 0.00 37.52 0.00 152.78 32.91 0.00 223.21
Arunachal Pradesh 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03
Assam 0.00 2.85 0.00 0.00 1.35 0.00 4.20
Manipur 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
Meghalaya 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.33 0.00 2.33
Mizoram 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00
Nagaland 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.58 0.00 2.58
Tripura 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.01 0.00 3.01
NEEPCO 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62
Total NER 0.00 3.48 0.00 0.00 13.30 0.00 16.78
All India Total 2485.97 1355.28 336.10 1192.25 414.99 77.36 5861.95
April 2017
Port sector on cusp of explosive growth
New model concession expected to go a long way in improving
investment sentiments
Sagarmala project could lead to annual logistics cost savings of close
to Rs 35,000 crore
by Team InfralinePlus
As Indias international trade picks up has decided to halve the timeframe will hold 51 per cent equity until 3
pace after nearly two years free fall, for implementation of its flagship years after Commercial Operation Date
entailing increased flow of cargoes, the Sagarmala project, which envisages (COD) and 26 per cent thereafter for
pace of capacity addition in the domes- port-led development model to boost another 3 years. Hence, the private party
tic port sector is likely to quicken in exports. Countries like the US, Korea would be free to exist after 6 years from
coming days. Also bolstering sentiments and China have reaped huge benefits COD. The concessionaire may approach
about the port sector is the governments from this model of growth. However, the Concessioning Authority to waive
plan to increase its exports to $900 bil- the success of the project critically the equity holding requirement during
lion by 2020 from nearly $260 billion hinges on private participation. the second 3 year term if performance
in 2015-16. On the import side, Indias In this context, the governments parameters have been achieved during
fast-growing demand petroleum con- recent move to de-risk private investors the first three year period.
sumption means higher crude oil import. through introduction of a new model The new MCA is also aimed at
Indian ports handle about 90 per concession is also expected to go a long facilitating availability of low cost
cent by volume and 70 per cent of way towards improving investment long term funds to concessionaire so
value of the countrys export-import sentiments about the sector. The revised as to improve the financial viability
cargo. Meanwhile, the government MCA has provides that concessionaire of the projects and is based on the
April 2017
Model Tripartite Agreement approved Rating agency recently said in an in cargo handled by the non-major
by Department of Economic Affairs. update, The Indian port sector is at ports was 4.9 per cent compared to
Under this agreement, the conces- a crossroads. Relatively untapped all 1 per cent decline of recorded in the
sionaire can issue bonds on completion these decades as far as its potential to corresponding period of previous year.
of one year of operation for refinancing contribute to economic development is Over the medium to long term, the
of debt, which will help in optimising concerned, it is poised for the big leap outlook for cargo growth continues to
project financing costs. over the next decade, if only the Union be strong, driven by domestic require-
The new agreement also provides governments ambitious roadmap ments, said analysts.
for compensating developers for all translates into change at the ground, The installed capacity of the ports
unforeseen changes in law except nay, port level. has gone up to 1716 million tonne
imposition of new direct tax. It also In FY16, major ports, with a per annum (mmtpa) in 2015-16 from
has provisions for a mid-term review volume of 606 million tonnes, regis- 1312 mtpa in 2012-13 and is projected
by a Review Board at the end of 15 tered moderate 4 per cent growth over to reach 1897 MTPA by the end of
years from COD to arrive at required the previous fiscal, largely due to a the 2016-17. Similarly, cargo traffic
mitigation measures. The triggers and slowdown in coal imports. A decline of handled by the ports has increased to
nature and quantum of mitigation mea- 22 per cent in iron-ore cargo volumes 1072 mt in 2015-16 from 934 mt in
sures will be as per guidelines issued 2012-13 and is expected to hit 1133
by the Government in this regard. The installed capacity mt by the end of 2016-17. Major ports
Presently, revenue share is payable added a record 94 MTPA capacity
on Gross Revenue, calculated as per
of the ports has gone in 2015-16, which took aggregate
tariff ceilings even if concessionaire up to 1716 million capacity to 965 MTPA from 871 MTPA
has to allow discount to keep the tonne per annum (mmt- at end of the preceding fiscal.
charges competitive. With a view to pa) in 2015-16 from
have a balanced risk allocation, the 1312 mtpa in 2012-13 National perspective plan on 69
new MCA provides that concessionaire and is projected to Sagarmala project
will be entitled to approach Port to con- Meanwhile, the government has
sider and approve discounts on ceiling
reach 1897 MTPA by unveiled national perspective plan on
traffic and revenue share will be paid the end of the 2016-17. its ambitious Sagarmala project which
on the approved discounted tariff of the Similarly, cargo traffic envisages port-led industrialisation and
approved revenue share. Cargo storage handled by the ports economic development of the country
charges will be excluded while com- has increased to 1072 and make Indian exports competitive. In
puting Gross Revenue for the purpose mt in 2015-16 from 934 a major boost to port-led development
of Revenue Sharing. model, the government has decided to
The Union cabinet has also
mt in 2012-13 and is reduce timeframe of its ambitious Sagar-
approved shipping ministrys proposal expected to hit 1133 mt mala project by half. Following Prime
to replace the Major Port Trusts Act, by the end of 2016-17 Minister Narendra Modis intervention,
1963 with the Major Port Authorities it has been decided to finish Sagarmala
Bill, 2016, which will allow PPP was another factor behind the subdued project in five years instead of 10 years
operators to fix tariff based on market performance. But industry sources to create 1 crore jobs, shipping minister
conditions. An independent Review said that cargo throughput at the major said at the maiden Maritime India
Board has been proposed to be created ports in the current fiscal has increased, Summit. The programme could lead to
to carry out the residual function of driven by a five-fold increase in iron annual logistics cost savings of close to
the erstwhile TAMP for Major Ports, ore cargo volumes. Rs35,000 crore, he added.
to look into disputes between ports The volume of seaborne cargo This plan is based on four stra-
and PPP concessionaires, to review traffic handled by ports is mainly tegic levers - optimising multi-modal
stressed PPP projects and suggest mea- shaped by the levels and changes in transport to reduce cost of domestic
sures to review stressed PPP projects both the global and domestic activity. cargo, minimising time and cost of
and suggest measures to revive such Cargo traffic at Indias 12 major ports export-import cargo logistics, lowering
projects and to look into complaints during first six months (April-Sep- costs for bulk industries by locating
regarding services rendered by the tember) of 2016-17 was 315.42 million them closer to the coast, and improving
ports and private companies operating tonnes, registering growth of 5.2 per export competitiveness by locating dis-
within the ports would be constituted. cent over the previous year. The growth crete manufacturing clusters near ports.
April 2017
People in News
B P Kanungo appointed RBI Deputy Governor
PESB recommends N B Gupta as
for three years. The Appointments Com- PFCs Director-Finance
mittee of Cabinet (ACC) has approved his
appointment to the post with effect from
the date of taking over the charge on or af-
ter April 3. He has been appointed in place
of R Gandhi. The ACC has also named
Dilip S Shanghvi as Member, Western
Local Board of RBI. The appointment of
Shanghvi, the promoter of Sun Pharma-
ceutical Industries Limited, to the post is
for a period of four years. Kanungo was
B P Kanungo has been appointed Deputy in March last year appointed as executive
Governor in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) director in the central bank.
Power Secretary P K Pujari gets additional charge of DoT Secy The Public Enterprises Selection Board
(PESB) has recommended Naveen
Power Secretary Pradeep Kumar Pujari Bhushan Guptas name for the post
has been given the additional charge of director finance at Power Finance
of the post of Secretary, Department Corporation. At present Gupta is
of Telecommunications (DoT). The general manager finance at PFC. PESB
move comes after former Telecom had shortlisted 13 candidates for the
Secretary J S Deepak was named Indias post eight from PFC, two from NTPC,
next Ambassador to the World Trade one each from BSNL, SECI and the
Organisation (WTO).The competent department of expenditure. PFC is into
authority has approved assignment of financing power projects as well as 71
additional charge of Secretary, DoT to transmission projects. The company is
Pujari with immediate effect. Pujari is a planning to tap a significant portion of
1981 batch IAS officer of Gujarat cadre. the Rs 6 lakh crore investment that is
Deepak, a 1982 batch IAS officer from likely to go into the renewable sector
Uttar Pradesh cadre, was on March 1, in India.
shifted from the Telecom Ministry and
made Officer on Special Duty in the
Commerce department.
Former New and Renewable Energy solar resource rich countries jointly by
Secretary Upendra Tripathy has been Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and
appointed as the full-time interim Director French President Francois Hollande in
General of International Solar Alliance. the presence of the then UN Secretary
Piyush Goyal, Union Minister for Power, General Ban Ki Moon on the first day of
Coal, New and Renewable Energy and the Paris Climate Conference or CoP21.
Mines, and Ms Segolene Royal, Minister The ISAs mission and vision is to provide
for Environment, Energy and Marine a dedicated platform for cooperation
Affairs, Government of France, jointly among solar resource rich countries where
decided to appoint Upendra Tripathy, as the global community including bilateral
the Interim Director General (IDG) of the and multilateral organisations, corporates,
International Solar Alliance (ISA) on a industry, and stakeholders can make a
full-time basis. Tripathy was secretary positive contribution to assist and help
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy achieve the common goals of increasing
from April 1, 2014 until October 31, 2016. and union governments in India for use of the solar energy in meeting energy
Tripathy is an Indian Administrative the last 36 years. The International needs of prospective ISA member
Service (IAS) officer of Karnataka Cadre. Solar Alliance (ISA) was launched on countries in a safe, convenient, affordable,
He has worked with local, provincial November 30, 2015 as a coalition of the equitable and sustainable manner.
April 2017
People in News
Dharmesh Arora appointed managing director of FAG Bearings India
Oil Ministry brings Shazia Ilmi on
effective March 6, 2017. Arora is currently the EILs board
president and CEO of the Schaeffler Group,
a leading global integrated automotive and
industrial supplier, in India (the parent com-
pany of FAG Bearings India), a position that
he will continue to hold. He will also continue
to be the managing director of INA Bearings
India, another group company of Schaeffler
in India. FAG Bearings India together with
INA Bearings India and LuK India forms the
Schaeffler Group in India. Arora replaces Ra-
Dharmesh Arora has been appointed as the jendra Anandpara, who has decided to leave
managing director of FAG Bearings India the company for personal reasons.
said recently. The goal set at the December budget by 85 percent by then if it continues
2015 Paris conference to maintain average with current emissions rates at coal plants.
temperature increases to less than two It said there were 315 coal plants across
degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) the 28-nation bloc, and that 11 newly an-
over pre-industrial levels requires the nounced plants would raise EU emissions
gradual closure of EU coal plants, Climate to almost twice the levels required to limit
Analytics said. The long-term temperature temperature rises. We find the cheap-
goal adopted under the Paris agreement... est way for the EU to make the emissions
requires a rapid decarbonisation of the cuts required to meet its Paris Agreement
global power sector and the phase out of commitments is to phase out coal from the
the last unabated coal-fired power plant electricity sector, and replace this capacity
in the EU by around 2030, the report said. with renewables and energy efficiency
Climate Analytics estimated that the EUs measures, said Paola Yanguas Parra, a
The European Union must close all 315 of carbon budget, which is how much carbon lead author of the report. Parra said Ger-
its coal-fired power plants by 2030 in order dioxide it can emit to stay under two de- many and Poland had the most work to do
to meet its commitments under the Paris grees Celsius, is at 6.5 giga tonnes by 2050. as they were together responsible for 54
climate agreement, a research institute The institute said the EU will exceed the percent of emissions from coal.
IIT Bombay: Chennai and Mumbai have high wind energy potential
Of the six cities studied by Indian Institute demand scenario in the major cities, said
of Technology, Bombay researchers, Chennai Prof. Subimal Ghosh from the Department
and Mumbai seem to have the highest poten- of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay, and one of
tial to harvest wind energy during the time the authors of the paper. Our study tries to
when the wind energy potential is very high answer the question if possible extraction of
(active period) during the monsoon period. wind energy in the six cities can be relied on 73
Compared with these two cities, Indore, to meet the additional power demand during
Ahmedabad and Kolkata have less potential prolonged dry spells in the monsoon season.
to harvest wind energy; Delhi has the least Mumbai and Chennai have predominantly
potential. The results were published in the higher-than-average wind energy potential
journal Meteorology and Atmospheric Phys- during the active period compared with the
ics. The researchers studied the strength of energy potential during the active period also break periods. In the case of Delhi, besides
southwest wind during the time of the mon- coincides with more rainfall; there is less that the likelihood of wind energy potential
soon and called the period when the wind rainfall and less wind energy potential during being above average is much less, a large
energy potential is high, the active period and the break period. The idea behind the study number of high-rise buildings further damp-
the period when the wind energy potential was know what the implications of the active ens the prospects of efficient wind energy
is low, the break period. The high wind and break periods would have on energy extraction.
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