Codex - Sons of Medusa
Codex - Sons of Medusa
Codex - Sons of Medusa
A Successor of the First Founding Iron Hands Chapter, SONS OF MEDUSA CHARACTERS
the Sons of Medusa are a highly unusual case, in that they Sons of Medusa characters can be created in one of two ways.
were not created by way of any conventional means. The If the player has access to the FIRST FOUNDING supplement,
Chapters roots are to be found in the dark days of the the rules given for creating an Iron Hands Battle-Brother
Moirae Schism, during which the servants of the Cult can be used. If this supplement is not available, however, it
Mechanicus were split in two by a doctrine that claimed is perfectly appropriate to use the rules presented on page
to be able to read the future in minute fluctuations in 99 for creating a Codex Battle-Brother.
the blessed Astronomican. Furthermore, the future the A Sons of Medusa Space Marine created using the
schismatics read in the wave forms spoke of a future age Codex Character Creation rules gains the following
in which the Cult Mechanicus and the Ecclesiarchy were benefits: +5 Weapon Skill, +5 Ballistic Skill.
merged as one unified creed. Needless to say, neither Bonus Talent: Scourge the Heretic. May start out
bodies would countenance such a thing and internecine with The Flesh is Weak for 200 XP.
war soon split the Adeptus Mechanicus in two. Restrictions: Some members of the Ecclessiarchy
Ordinarily, the so-called Moirae Schism might have been may (at the GMs discretion) have some knowledge of
contained within the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Moirae Schism and therefore harbour a mistrust of
need not have resulted in bloodshed. It was unfortunate then the character and his brethren. This could manifest as
that the schism occurred during an age when the Imperium as anything from full-blown antagonism to a simple 10
a whole was also was split in two the so-called Nova Terra penalty on Interaction Skill Tests.
Interregnum. With the Imperiums ruling bodies fighting SONS OF MEDUSA ADVENTURE SEED
themselves and one another, the schism was able to spread far
and wide, soon penetrating the consciousness of groups with During a mission near the cursed Heretek Forge World
close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus. One such group was the of Samech, the Kill-team encounter echoes of the
Iron Hands Chapter. Moirae Schism and the heretical dogma preached by
A highly divergent Chapter, the Iron Hands organise its instigators. Should the Kill-team include a Sons of
themselves into all but autonomous Clan Companies instead Medusa Battle-Brother, he will surely wish to investigate
of the codex-prescribed, centrally organised system. As the further, to determine if a genuine link to the Moirae
doctrines of the Moirae techno-mystics took hold, some techno-mystics exists. If there is a connection, how
Clan Companies embraced them while others rejected them will he react? Will he determine to silence the heretic
entirely. Soon, the Chapter was riven with discord and an all- spouting the words of a long-forgotten dogma or will
out war between the opposed factions seemed inevitable. It he seek to learn more of them? Furthermore, what if
was only by convocation of the Chapter Great Clan Council the Kill-team also includes a Battle-Brother of the Iron
that such a destructive end was averted, and it was agreed that Hands Chapter? Will the Moirae Schism erupt afresh in
those Iron Hands who would not renounce their new beliefs the ranks of the Deathwatch of the Jericho Reach?
should leave the Chapter, and that neither side would ever
take up arms against the other. or so Battle-Brothers of the Sons of Medusa belong to
Despite their effective banishment, the schismatics still one of three War Clans, each of which comprises a Battle
considered themselves Iron Hands and loyal servants of the Company, a Tactical Company, and a Support Company
Imperium. They took to a new existence crusading against the that includes numerous specialist squads. This takes
foes of the Imperium and when the Nova-Terra Interregnum the Chapters numbers up to around 900 brethren, and
was ended and the Imperium launched its Great Cull against the remaining hundred or so are Scouts, split between
those deemed to have strayed too far from the Emperors light, each of the three War Clans. Thus, the Chapter broadly
the exiles were at the fore of the campaign. By this time, their adheres to the Codex Astartes while maintaining its own
ranks had been swollen by others of the Iron Hands who internal chain of command that differs significantly from
shared their beliefs, as well as by continuation of gene-seed Roboute Guillimans vision.
propagation procedures. By the end of the Great Cull, the In temperament, the Battle-Brothers of the Sons of
exiles numbered several hundred Space Marines, amounting Medusa display the same demeanour as their progenitors.
to a nascent Chapter in their own right. They abhor the weakness of the flesh, and while they
In recognition of the exiles service during the Great Cull, encase their bodies in cold steel they are blessed of a
the High Lords of Terra formally recognised them as a Chapter hatred of the Emperors foes far hotter than any furnace.
of the Adeptus Astartes, and the title Sons of Medusa was Given their crusading roots during and immediately
bestowed upon them. Thus, the Chapter was never Founded following the Nova-Terra Interregnum, it is not surprising
as such, marking its origins as virtually unique in the annals that the Sons of Medusa display an even keener urge to
of the Adeptus Astartes. prosecute the Emperors foes than their sires.
Centuries after its unusual creation, the Sons of Medusa
Chapter resembles one modelled on the Codex Astartes.
There are differences however, and these are rooted in
the Clan Companies of the Iron Hands. The thousand
VAYLUND CAL ............................................................................225 Points
Iron Thane of the Atropos War Clan, High Artificer of the Sons of Medusa,
Scion of the Moirae (IA10: The Badab War Part Two, p181)
Vaylund Cal 5 5 5 6 3 4 2 10 2+
Angel of Death: The Warlord and his unit have the Fear
special rule.
The Sons of Medusa shattered Vigilances orbital defences and landed en masse to begin combat
operations. The chapter fought bravely, but were stalemated for a year, until the Executioners
voluntarily stood down. The Sons of Medusa were granted the Executioners homeworld as
spoils of war, and serve as a Guardian of the Maelstrom to thiss day.
Might of Heracles Marine Strike Cruiser
Land Raider 4
Predator 6
Vindicator 3
Whirlwind 6
Land Speeder 5
Rhino 45
Siege of Vigilance
The Sons of Medusa were a fitting inheritor of their Iron Hands geneseed. They fought with a characteristic
grim, remorseless demeanor, and clinically destroyed their foes with no hint of mercy, or even humanity. During
the siege of Vigilance they were tested versus the Executioners - a foe as full of vigor as they had ever faced.
Fighting in rugged mist-shrouded mountainous terrain, the chapter found their foe refused to play their game.
Time and again, Ancient Perseus' intricate killzones and siegelines were penetrated by Executioners veterans who
could endure back-breaking hardship for months, then spring into action with the energy of fresh reserves. The
Sons of Medusa pressed on, but were forced to engage in more risky operations as their attritional casualties
began to mount. Their reprieve in the midst of bloody stalemate was the honor of Master Lavoisier, who
surrendered to his stunned foes a year to the day after the Sons of Medusa set foot on their homeworld.
58 www.bello
Ancient Perseus (Ven. Dread)
A Sons of Medusa army may include Perseus. If you decide to take him, he
counts as one of the armys HQ choices.
Lord of the Armory: If you include Ancient Perseus in your army, Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts and
Ironclad Dreadnoughts may be taken as Heavy Support choices as well as Elites choices.
Battle Hardened: Perseus ignores stunned and shaken vehicle damage results.
The Sigma Cluster
Gorgon Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ The first campaign of the Sons of Medusa was
Gorgon 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+
the purging of the Sigma Cluster in the far
A Sons of Medusa army replaces Sternguard Veteran Squads with eastern edge of the Tarturga IV sector. A force
Gorgon Veteran Squads. They count as one of the armys ELITES
of Lamenters and Badab PDF had established
fortified listening stations to monitor convoy
"What the enemy does not see, traffic. The Gorgon Veteran squads fought as
WILL kill them." "Desert Support Squads" on the dusty worlds,
completely routing their opposition.
-Gorgon Veteran saying
Unit Composition Wargear: - amer or -plasma .....+5 points
1 Gorgon Sergeant Power armor Two Gorgons may replace their
4 Gorgons Bolt gun bolt gun with:
Bolt pistol - a amer, meltagun ...+5 points
Unit Type: Special issue ammunition - a plasma gun ........ +10 points
Infantry Frag and krak grenades Up to 2 Gorgons may replace
their boltguns with
Special Rules Options - a heavy bolter with additional
And They Shall Know No Fear The squad may include up to hell re shells ........... +15 points
Combat Tactics 5 additional Gorgons for +28
Combat Squads points per model. Dedicated Transport:
Scout Any model may replace his May select a Drop Pod, Rhino, or
Stealth boltgun with: a Razorback
- a storm bolter, combi-melta,
Badab War 59
For two centuries, Watch Captain Mathias has served the
Deathwatch. From the battlefields of the Orpheus Salient
to the dusty halls of long-lost Watch Stations, Mathias has
devoted his service to the tenets of the Deathwatch and their
guardianship of the Jericho Reach.
SONS OF MEDUSA Mathias came to the Deathwatch from the Sons of
Medusa Space Marines for what was to be a decade long
Only those who have peered into the darkness can be fully be
assignment. Early during his tenure with the Watch,
prepared for the horrors that await us. We must be ever vigilant.
Mathias was assigned to guard Inquisitor Ramaeus
Watch Captain Mathias during a tense encounter with a group of Eldar said to
have valuable information about the Dark Pattern. The
recently-seconded Battle-Brother found himself fascinated
Watch Captain Mathias Profile by the enigmatic Inquisitor and her mysterious prophecies
and after this encounter he devoted a great deal of time
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel to studying all he could learn about them. Mathias was
14 8 intrigued by the relationship the Eldar seemed to have with
60 45 62 47 41 53 55 51 60 the Dark Pattern and he quickly became convinced that
these beings knew a great deal more than the Imperium
Movement: 5/10/15/30 Wounds: 25
knew about these worlds.
Distinctions: Crux Terminatus
The interest that Mathias displayed in researching the
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Charm (Fel) +10, Ciphers (Chapter
Dark Pattern drew the attention of Inquisitor Ramaeus,
Runes, Dead Cabal) (Int) +10, Ciphers (Deathwatch) (Int) +20,
Climb (S), Command (Fel) +20, Concealment (Ag), Demolition
(Int), Dodge (Ag) +10, Drive (Ground Vehicle) (Ag), Drive
(Skimmer) (Ag), Evaluate (Int), Intimidate (S), Literacy (Int) +20,
Lore: Common (Deathwatch, Imperium) (Int), Lore: Common
(Adeptus Astartes, War) (Int) +10, Lore: Common (Jericho
Reach) (Int) +20, Lore: Forbidden (Adeptus Astartes) (Int), Lore:
Forbidden (Xenos) (Int) +10, Lore: Scholastic (Codex Astartes)
(Int) +10, Navigation (Surface) (Int), Pilot (Personal) (Ag), Search
(Int), Silent Move (Ag), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low
Gothic) (Int), Tactics (Orbital Drop Procedures, Void Combat)
(Int), Tactics (Assault Doctrine) (Int) +20, Tracking (Int) +10.
Talents: Air of Authority, Ambidextrous, Astartes Weapon
Training, Bolter Drill, Bulging Biceps, Call to Vengeance,
Combat Formation, Deathwatch Training, Duty Unto Death,
Hatred (Tyranids), Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Hip
Shooting, Hunter of Aliens, Iron Discipline, Iron Jaw, Killing
Strike, Master Orator, Mighty Shot, Nerves of Steel, Quick Draw,
Rapid Reaction, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Psychic Powers), Sprint,
Storm of Iron, True Grit, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic, Melee),
Unarmed Master, Unarmed Warrior, Unbowed and Unbroken.
Traits: Size (Hulking), Space Marine Implants, Tactical
Expertise, Touched by the Fates (2), Unnatural Strength (x2),
Unnatural Toughness (x2).
Armour: Artificer Armour (12 All).
Weapons: Master-crafted Astartes plasma pistol (30m;
S/2/; 1d10+12 E; Pen 8; Clip 12; Rld 3 Full; Volatile),
Master-Crafted Astartes power sword (1d10+20 E; Pen 6,
Balanced, Power Field), Astartes combat blade (1d10+16 R;
Pen 2; Balanced), 3x frag grenades, 3x krak grenades.