1-Care and Concern
1-Care and Concern
1-Care and Concern
Consider logistics. When a Dabur dealer wanted stocks from i. Logistics Systematized forecasting method and
any of the companys 19 branches across the country, the branch sales staff encouraged to collect orders from
branch took 6 days to process the order. It then took an almost geographical routes;
equal number of days to ferry the goods from its godowns. ii. Forecasting A three-month rolling forecast is made
Very often, the godowns did not have the right stocks. Since with firm productions for one month and for the
the goods used to be sent by truck, and truckers wanted full other two, tentative. This is also done SKU-wise;
truckloads before they started rolling, at time, the goods iii. Vendors Vendor appraisal systems are being put in
would remain at the transporter godown for a week.\. Dabur place. Every month, vendors are rated on the four
distributors also used to pay the company through an parameters of cost, quality, delivery and service.
elaborate system of vouchers, and that too almost never on Vendors can be dropped if found unsatisfactory;
time. iv. Inventory Finished goods inventory were already
down from 52 days to 40 days;
Similarly, there was little coordination between production v. Production Planning Indents replaced by a
procurement and sales. Neither were Daburs forecasting replenishment model which uses available
technique precise and it used to be an annual procedure. information to control both manufactured and transit
Feedback from the companys sales department would be of goods to the marketplace.
jointly. Again, the branch heads would request for fresh
stocks based on the estimates which were part statistical and When Dabur benchmark itself against other FMCG Cos like
part gut feel. T his, at times, led to huge inventory pile-ups. HLL, P&G, Cadbury India, etc., it realized where it stood.
The finished goods inventory cost is Rs.118 crore and the Normally, a stock replenishment cycle is of about 2 weeks in
working capital cycle used to be 160 days against an industry the FMCG industry. Furthermore, every time Dabur failed to
average of 60 days. restock a dealer on time, the Co lost sales. For example, HLL
tracks the number of times in C&F agents fail to restock
The commercial department of the company looked at after dealers (which incidentally happened only once in 10
all these activities and prepared six copies of challan one attempts). Dabur did not even know the number of times its
copy for the department itself, one copy for the warehouse, dealer returned empty handed because there was no scientific
one copy for the information cell, two copies for the branch, system of knowing what is happening.
and one copy to move with truck.
It was only on 2nd November 1988, when he 114-year old
Dabur India reinvented itself. Breaking over a century of 1) Being the head of CSCC, identify the major logistical
tradition, executive powers of running the company were problems associated with Dabur India Ltd.
handed over to Ninu Khanna, an outsider appointed as CEO, 2) Suggest a detailed logistics and supply chain system
former Marico General Manager (commodities) Mr. Shyam in order to reduce the replenishment cycle time and
Shanker, as head of Daburs purchase and procurement working capital cycle.
planning cell, and exchange-HLL man Mr. G. Kashinath in 3) How can an information technology solution to
the central supply chain cell (CSCC). L&SCM in the implementation of a new strategy
facilitate in the improvement of productivity and
Dabur began to set right its entire supply chain from the efficiency?
buying of raw materials to the selling of finished goods at the 4) What sorts of restructuring would you suggest?