1 Pakistan Islamabad: S. No. Country Capital Flag
1 Pakistan Islamabad: S. No. Country Capital Flag
1 Pakistan Islamabad: S. No. Country Capital Flag
1 Pakistan Islamabad
2 China Beijing
3 Srilanka Coloumbo
4 Nepal Kathmandu
5 Bangladesh Dhaka
7 Bhutan Thimpu
1. Jasmine, Jasminum.
Jasmine is a common outdoor vining plant in warmer climates but can do well indoors anywhere
where there's enough natural day light. Its smell can help improve sleep quality and alertness.
2. Lavender, Lavindula.
Lavender doesn't just smell amazing, but it can help reduce anxiety and stress, slow heart rate,
improve your sleep, and may even help reduce crying in babies. I know a lot of new parents who
could use some lavender in their lives.
3. Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis.
Rosemary is a plant that can help you improve your memory by 75% according to one study.
The effect comes from rubbing it with your hands and then smelling its odor. Not only does it
help you stay sharp, but it smells delightful and improves air quality.
Aloe is all business when it comes to air quality. It's listed among NASA's top oxygen-
generating and air-improving plants. More oxygen in the room can help you get to sleep and stay
5. English ivy plant, Hedera helix.
English ivy is a great plant to grow in the bedroom if you suffer from breathing problems at night
or asthma. Studies have shown that growing English ivy can reduce up to 94% of airborne mold,
reducing allergies and lung irritation.
This is my favorite on the list. Snake plants are impossible to kill. Some studies have shown a
snake plant in the room helps prevent eye irritation, respiratory problems, headaches, and can
make you more energetic.
Make a collage of pictures on water scarcity pics
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20 , 2014
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