Sveučilište U Mostaru (Napisi Puno Ime Fakulteta I Smjer Ako To Nesto Ima)
Sveučilište U Mostaru (Napisi Puno Ime Fakulteta I Smjer Ako To Nesto Ima)
Sveučilište U Mostaru (Napisi Puno Ime Fakulteta I Smjer Ako To Nesto Ima)
Mostar, 2017.
How to quit smoking?
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Step I: Decision .................................................................................................................. 4
Step II: setting quitting date............................................................................................ 5
Step III: Avoiding Tempting Situations ........................................................................ 5
Step IV: Considering Medication .................................................................................. 6
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 7
The smoking problem has become quite prevalent in our society. Several governments
have had problems dealing with a huge health care burden due to diseases and
conditions brought about by smoking. At the same time, individuals suffer several
addictive and health issues due to smoking. While this information may be apparent to
most of the smokers, studies have found that quitting a smoking habit is quite a
challenge. The reason behind such challenge is attributed to Nicotine. Nicotine is an
addictive substance naturally occurring in Tobacco. Nicotine, just like any other
addictive substance creates a new feeling to the user. It creates feeling associated with
drug such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. It gives the users the perception
that they are managing feelings of depression, anxiety, fear and loneliness. However,
just as other drugs, the additive extent of nicotine is quite wide. Nicotine users tend to
develop a high physical dependence on nicotine to a point that normal physical
functionality is inhibited without smoking. Either, emotional and mental dependence on
nicotine is expected and in the end, a nicotine user becomes fully hinged to
smoking. Therefore, an attempt to stop quit is usually a difficult undertaking due to the
emotional, mental and physical attachment to the nicotine. This paper will provide a
step by step process that would assist a smoker to quit.
Step I: Decision
The first step in quitting smoking is by making a vital decision that there is need to quit
the practice. It is upon the smoker to make individual effort and get to the point of
conceding to the position that smoking is both repugnant and unhealthy. Smoking is
one of the greatest health risk known to humanity. There are several health conditions
and diseases that can directly or indirectly be associated with smoking.
One of the greatest health concerns for smoking is cancer. It is common knowledge,
almost known to everyone, that smoking is a leading cause for lung cancer. Other
cancers that have attributed to smoking include cancer of the throat (pharynx), mouth,
blabber, nose, kidney, pancreas, stomach, colon and acute myeloid leukemia.
Other heath conditions that are associated with smoking are lung diseases. It has been
established that smoking highly increases the chances of contacting long term lung
conditions such as Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. These are diseases that affect
the breathing functionality of the lungs commonly referred to as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).
Health conditions relating to smoking do not end there. Long time smoking has been
associated with heart attacks, blood vessel diseases and stroke. It may also lead to
blindness, tooth loss, bad breath, gum diseases and poor personal hygiene. Moreover,
smoking has serious repercussion on women and babies. Older women who smoke
and use birth control pills tremendously increase their susceptibility to cancer and blood
clots in the blood vessels. Finally, quitting smoking will increase the life of an individual
and this perhaps one of the most important reasons to quit smoking. Therefore, the
first step in quitting smoking is making the decision to quit.
Step II: Setting quitting date
Once the decision to quit smoking has been arrived at, the next important step is to set
a date that the quitting starts. It is advisable to pick a quitting date that is within the
month. This is due to the fact that taking too long to start the quit process will provide
enough time to rationalize smoking and thus reverse the decision the quit. At the same
time, one should take time to make a quit strategy in order to review all angles to evade
failure. Thus, an individual could take about two to three weeks to properly plan the
This time should also be used to develop and identify physical and emotional activities
that will replace the role of nicotine. In most cases, smoking is a routine performed
along with other activities such watching TV, drinking, breaks at work or drinking coffee.
One should identify these activities in order to replace the smoking with something
else. For instance, if free hours were spent drinking and watching TV while smoking,
such free time should be used in other activities say going to the gym, swimming,
cycling or taking extra working hours. The emphasis is physical and mental
involvement taking the mind and body off smoking.
A successful quit is proved by a total avoidance of nicotine in all its variations. A quitting
smoker who is around other smokers is very likely to revert to smoking. Either, going
to locations where there smokers exposes the individual to secondary smoke which
still contains nicotine and the psychological effects may be as smoking. Therefore, a
quitting smoker should try as possible to keep off heavy smoking locations as well as
On the other hand, a quitting smoker should try and gain new behavior. If during
smoking, the quitting individual was used to coffee and alcohol, it advisable to switch
to other drinks such juice and water. There are other things used to occupy the mouth
such sugarless gum, carrot sticks or just hard candy.
Step IV: Considering Medication
Smoke quitters may not be able be cope with a complete quit due to a high physical
dependence on nicotine. While this may be case, studies have found medication that
assist quitters cope with lack of nicotine. There are several nicotine replacement
therapies that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Some
of the most common replacement therapies include patch, lozenges, gum, inhalers and
nasal sprays. These replacement therapies contain a predetermined dosage of
nicotine. The idea is to provide the body with a diminishing amount of nicotine so that
the physical shock to the body is mitigated. However, any replacement therapy should
not be administered by the patient. A quitting smoker needs to consult a physician in
order to establish the extent and type of therapy to use. Either, the dosage used should
be such that weaning off should be steady in order to record results. Therefore, it is
important to have a personal physician who will provide guidance throughout the
quitting process.
Smoking is a habit, usually easy to pick up but extremely difficult to let go. Several
youths in their prime find smoking a cool indulgence and in most cases do not draw
any direct pleasure from it. With time though, they become addicted to the nicotine and
in the process grow as older smoking. With it come the health risks such as cancer,
lung disease, stroke, heart attack, gum disease among others. Other undesirable
outcomes have long been associated with smoking. In retrospect, it is of vital
importance that individuals should quit smoking. It begins by the individual admitting
that the practice is dangerous, health-wise and therefore must quit. The next step is
draw a plan on when and how to stop smoking. The individual should develop activities
that would replace time spent during smoking. Either, a change of character will be
paramount for the individual to do away with things that remind them of the smoky past.
Finally, quitters who need additional pharmaceutical therapy may seek such therapy
with the assistance of qualified physicians.