Studies of The HLA Class II Alleles Involved in Human Responses To Ragweed Allergens Ambrosia Artemisiifolia V (Ra5S) and Ambrosia Trifida V (Ra5G)
Studies of The HLA Class II Alleles Involved in Human Responses To Ragweed Allergens Ambrosia Artemisiifolia V (Ra5S) and Ambrosia Trifida V (Ra5G)
Studies of The HLA Class II Alleles Involved in Human Responses To Ragweed Allergens Ambrosia Artemisiifolia V (Ra5S) and Ambrosia Trifida V (Ra5G)
Ragweed allergy has been subdivided into atopy the findings of the Tenth International Histocom-
to various protein components of the ragweed pol- patibility Workshop (8, 9)) to define alleles coding
len. We and others (1-4) have studied specific im- for specific HLA class I1 a and p chains in caucasi-
mune responsiveness to two highly homologous an patients with ragweed hay fever allergy.
low molecular weight proteins, Ambrosia artemisii-
folia V (Arnb a V or RaSS, MW=5000) of short Material and Methods
ragweed pollen, and Ambrosia trifda V (Amb t V
or RaSG, MW=4400) of giant ragweed pollen, We studied 34 Caucasian patients with ragweed
and found a strong association of HLA- sensitivity who represent a subset of patients from
DR2(DRwl5),Dw2 with positive skin test and IgE our previous study (2), specifically those patients
response to Amb a V, and of HLA-DRw52 with from the Ottawa area. These patients are mainly
positive skin test and IgE response to Amb t V (2). Anglo-Saxon in ethnic origin. In that study, pa-
A study of HLA class I1 restriction fragment length tients were tested for cutaneous reactivity to puri-
polymorphisms (RFLPs) in Amb a V-sensitive indi- fied Amb a V (0.01 pg/ml) and to Amb t V (0.1
viduals confirmed the HLA-DR2(DRwl5),Dw2 pgiml). Tests were defined as positive 20 minutes
association, but did not account for the non- post-intradermal testing for wheal and flare diam-
DR2(DRwl5),Dw2 Amb a V-responsive patients eters > 5 and 10 mm respectively. Five patients were
studied (5). Other allergies have been associated reactive to Amb t V only, 10 patients were respon-
with HLA class 11, including allergy to LoZium sive to Amb u V, 6 patients were responsive to both
perenne grass pollen allergen LoZ p I11 (Rye 111) Amb t V and Amb a V, and the remaining 13
with HLA-DR3 and DR5 (6), and allergic contact patients were responsive to neither ragweed aller-
nickel dermatitis with a Tuq I HLA-DQA1 4.5 kb gen. Serologic HLA class I1 typing had been per-
restriction fragment (7). We have used HLA class formed by standard cytotoxicity methods.
I1 typing by DNA RFLP analysis (according to Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood
HLA Class I1 and ragweed allergens
and the Southern method was performed (10-13). Table 1.
HLA class II specificities by RFLP typing in 34 Caucasian patients with
Probes used were cDNA probes for DQP (800 ragweed allergy
bp Pst I/Eco RI fragment) obtained from Dr. D.
Larhammer (14) and DRP (700 bp Psi I fragment) Subject HLA-
obtained from Dr. E. Long (15), and a genomic NO. HLA-DR DQw Allergen reactivity
probe for DQa (2.4 kb Pst I fragment) obtained 1 5(wl1).4,Dw25,53 7.8 Amb tV
from Dr. J. Trowsdale (16). Taq I RFLP patterns 2 5(~11),2(wl5),Dw2,Dw25 7,6 Amb tV
with the DRP and DQa probes Bum HI, and Eco 3 5(wll).l,Dw25 73 Amb tV
R I patterns with the DQP probe, were used to 4 ~8,433 4,8 Amb tV
5 3(wl7),Dw24 2,2 Amb tV
assign HLA class I1 specificities DRl-DRw8,
DRw52, DRw52 subtypes Dw24-Dw26, DRw53 6 2(wl5),Dw2,w6(wl4),Dw9,Dw25 6.5 Amb t V+Amb a V
and DQw2, DQw4-DQw9 according to the find- 7 2(wl5),Dw2,w6(wl3),Dwl9,Dw26 6.6 Amb t V+Amb a V
ings of the 10th International Histocompatibility a 2(wi5),~~2,3(wi7),~w24 6,2 Amb t V+Amb a V
Workshop (8) and as outlined in our previous 9 2(~15),Dw2.5(wll),Dw24,0w25 6,7 Amb t V+Amb a V
10 2(~15),Dw2,3(~17),Dw24 6,2 Amb t V+Amb a V
studies (17). HLA class I1 haplotypes bearing alle- 11 2(wl5),Dw2.7,53 6,2 Amb t V+Amb a V
les coding for specific DQa and DQP chains as
previously defined by 2-dimensional protein gel 12 2(wl5),Dw2,7,53 6.2 Amb a V
13 2(wl5),Dw2,7.53 6,2 Amb a V
electrophoresis were assigned from DQa and DQP 14 2(wl5),Dw2,1 6.5 Amb a V
RFLP patterns (10th International Workshop (9)). 15 2(~15),DW2,5(wll),Dw25 6,7 Amb a V
The Chi-square test with Yates correction, or two- 16 2(~15),Dw2.3(~17),Dw24 6.2 Arnb a V
tailed Fishers exact test when appropriate, were 17 2(wl q.Dw2.433 6.7 Amb a V
used for comparisons between groups. p values less 18 2(wl5),Dw2,1 6.5 Amb a V
19 2(wl5),0w2,4.53 6,7 Amb a 11
than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. 20 w6(wl3),Dwl9.Ow26.7/9,53 6,9 Amb a V
Relative risk (RR) was determined by the odds 21 2(wl5),Dwl2,~6(~14),Dw9,Dw256,5 Amb a V
22 433 7.8 negative
23 1.4.53 58 negahve
Results and Discussion 24 4,7/9.53 8.9 negative
25 1.453 5,7 negative
HLA class 11 RFLP typing (Table 1) confirmed the 26 4,753 2.7 negatlve
serologic association of Amb t V responsiveness 27 4.53.3(~17),0~24 8.2 negative
28 7,71~,53 2.9 negative
with HLA-DRw52 (lo/ 11; 90%) compared to Amb 29 1.4.53 5,7 negative
t V and Amb a V non-responsive patients (5/13; 30 3(wl7),Dw24,2(wl6),Dw21 2.5 negative
38%) (p=O.Ol, RR 16) and of Amb Q V respon- 31 4,3(wl7),53,Dw25 8.2 negative
siveness with the HLA-DR2(DRw15), Dw2, 32 2(~15),Dw2,5(wll),Dw25 6,7 negative
DQw6(DQwl) haplotype (14/ 16; 88%) versus 2/ 5(wl l),w6(wl4),Owl6.Dw24.Dw2
33 5 7.7 negative
13 (15%) of Amb t V, Amb a V-nonresponsive 34 2(wl5),Dw2 6 negative
patients (p=0.0005. RR 38.5) (Table 2). For Amb
t V, no one particular DRw52 subtype (4 OR7 and OR9 cannot be differentiated by the RFLPs used in this study,
Dw24(DRw52a), 5 Dw25(DRw52b), 1 Dw26 when assoctated with DRw9.
(DRw52c) and 1 DRw8 associated DRw52) was
responsible for the HLA-DRw52 association.
The molecular basis for the supertypic DRw52 shares homology with DR3, DR5 and DRw6, and
serological specificity is not fully understood the 3 untranslated portion of the DRB3 gene (21,
(18-20). Serologically, HLA-DRw52 is expressed 25). Although we found only one DRw8 positive
along with DRBI-encoded DR3, DR5, DRw6 and Amb t V-responsive patient (patient 4), this sug-
DRw8 molecules. Sequence homologies found gests that the DRw52 DRB3 coding sequences on
among DR3,DR5 and DRw6 alleles suggest that DR3 and DR5 haplotypes are less likely to underly
DRw52-bearing haplotypes constitute a gene the reactivity to Amb t V, as this one DRw8-positive
family evolutionarily distinct from other haplo- patient should have only DRBl and no DRB3
types (21-23) and bearing 2 DRB genes, DRBl coding sequences. We suggest that it is more likely
and DRB3. The HLA-DRw8 haplotype appears to the linked DRBl alleles in these haplotypes (DR5,
have evolved from this DRw52 group, with a large DR3 and DRw8 in these cases) are actually the
deletion encompassing the 3 untranslated portion common denominator underlying Arnb t V reac-
of DRBl through the coding sequences of DRB3 tivity. In fact, the DRBl-encoded first hypervari-
(24). The result is that the HLA-DRw8 haplotype able region amino acids at positions 9-13 (Glu-
bears only one DRB gene, which is a fusion gene Tyr-Ser-Thr-Ser) are shared by DR3, DR5 and
composed of the DRBl coding sequence that DRw6, with DRw8 differing only at position 13
Goldstein et al.
Table 2. Dw2,DQw6 haplotype is confirmed by molecular
Frequencies of selected restriction fragment length polymorphismdetermined
HLA class II specificities among 34 Caucasian patients with ragweed allergy
techniques, not all Amb a V-reactive subjects are
explained by this association. In particular, 2 Amb
Am6 a V: a V-responsive subjects (patients 20 and 21, Table
Amb a V Amb t V Am6 t V 1) do not bear this HLA haplotype, but rather type
responsive responsive non-responsive
HLA class II patients' patients' patients
as HLA-DRw6(w13), Dw19, Dw26, DQw6, DR7/
specificity (11-16) (n-11) (n=13j DR9, DRw53, DQw9 and HLA-DR2(DRw15),
Dw12, DQw6, DRw6(w14), Dw9, Dw25, DQw5.
DR2( DRwl5).Ow2 Therefore, DQw6 was found in all 16 Amb a V-
responsive patients, compared to 2 out of 13 (ISYO)
Ow25 of Amb a, Amb 't V-nonresponsive patients (2.3 x
Ow26 RR > 83), with this being the strongest associ-
OR3 ation in this group of patients (Table 2). RFLP
OR5(wl1) HLA class I1 typing can provide only indirect evi-
ORw6(wl3) dence of specific alleles present; however, the most
DRwG(wl4) common allele that would be expected to be found
DRw8 by direct DQAl allele typing in Amb a V-sensitive
patients is DQA1*0102 (DQA1.2) (29) (15116 or
6 patients were responsive to both Amb a V and Am6 t V 94%) compared to 4 out of 18 (22%) of non-Amb
t p=0.0005. RR 38.5 versus Amb a V, Am6 t V non-responsive patients. a V-responsive atopic patients (p= 1.2 x RR
p=O.Ol, RR 16 versus Am6 a V: Amb t V non-responsive patients. 53) (Table 3). The DQA1*0102 allele codes for the
5 p=2.3X1V6, RR> 83 versus Am6 a V, Amb t V non-responsive patients.
DQa 1.2 chain as defined by 2-dimensional protein
gel electrophoresis (9). The DQA1*0102 allele is
generally found on all HLA-DR2(DRwl5),Dw2
haplotypes, and on the HLA-DRw6(w13),Dw19
(18, 26, 27). No other known class I1 alleles share haplotype found in 1 of the 2 non-DR2,Dw2 Amb
this homology. However, this is not proven by the a V-responsive exceptions (patient 20, Table 1).
present data, and is therefore only a theoretical The remaining exception (patient 21, Table 1)
hypothesis. The DRB3 alleles and/or DRw52 sero- would be expected to have 2 DQAl alleles,
logic specificity remain alternative candidates for namely DQA1*0101 (DQA1.9) and DQA1*0103
underlying Amb t V responsiveness. (DQA 1.18), which are known to differ from
Of interest, this same gene segment has been DQA1*0102 by coding sequences for only 1 and 2
recently implicated in immune responsiveness to a amino acids, respectively (30). Admittedly, only 2
grass pollen allergen (Rye 111) (6) and in the anti- Amb a V-responsive, HLA-DR2 (DRwl5) Dw2-
Jo- 1 autoantibody response in inflammatory myo- negative patients were found in this study, and
sitis (17). Transposition of this DRBl sequence larger numbers of such patients will be necessary
onto the postulated 3-dimensional structure of the to further test our suggestions. No other HLA class
MHC class I1 molecule (28) maps it to the floor of I1 a or j3 chain is predicted by the RFLP data to
the peptide binding groove. Here this sequence be common to 294?40 of the Amb a V-reactive
would be available for a physical association with patients. We therefore suggest that the strong as-
antigen, in this case Amb t V, and be involved in sociation of Amb a V sensitivity with HLA-DQw6
promoting the immune response to this antigen. is possibly a reflection of an association with
Nonetheless, as mentioned above, the DRw52 DQA*0102. We stress, however, that the associ-
serologic specificity itself remains an alternative ation with DQA*0102 is only theoretical, as we
candidate for underlying the immune response to have not provided direct evidence for this. HLA
Amb t V. There is, however, controversy in this class I1 genotyping of these patients to confirm
area, with another study finding an HLA-DR2, these suggestions is underway in our laboratory.
Dw2 association with immune responsiveness to This DQa 1.2 chain is associated with a subset
Amb t V as well as Amb a V (4). The reason of DQw6 and DQw5 haplotypes (old DQwl) which
for these conflicting results is not clear; however, has previously been associated with Amb a V sensi-
possible explanations include differences in antigen tivity. It is of interest to note that it has recently
used for atopy testing and/or differences in ethnic been suggested that it is the DQa chain which
genetic background of the subjects studied, as in denotes the DQwl serologic specificity (31).
previous studies ethnic background was not men- Studies of other immune diseases such as multiple
tioned. sclerosis (32) and insulin-dependent diabetes melli-
For Amb a V-responsive individuals, although a tus (33), have implicated the DQa chain in involve-
strong association with the HLA-DR2(DRwl5), ment in disease susceptibility.
HLA Class I1 and ragweed allergens
3.7 - 10 - b
5.2 -. 5.8 -
4.4 - ;. B
4.2 +
25 - 3.8
-- * W
2.9 - '* c
C ) m H - WE
t6 -
7.3 -
Figure I. Example of Southern blot analysis or restriction fragment length polymorphisms used for HLA class I1 typing. A) Z q
I-digested genomic DNA hybridized to the HLA-DRP probe. B) 724 I-digested genomic DNA hybridized to the HLA-DQa probe,
and C) Bum HI-digested genomic DNA hybridized t o the HLA-DQP probe. Subject identifications are presented at the top of the
figure. See Table I for corresponding HLA-DR and DQw types for these subjects. The patterns used to assign DR and DQw
specificities are according to the Tenth International Histocompatibility Testing Workshop and our previous studies (8.17). For
example, subject 20 types as HLA-DR7 or DR9 (15 and 4.4 kb Tuq I DRP bands). and DRw6 (Dw19.DC26) (10 and 6.5 kb Tciq
I DRP bands, 5.5 kb Toq I DQa band), DQw6 (5.8 kb Bmi HI DQP band) and DQw9 ( I 0 kb Bum HI DQP band).
This study has implicated the HLA-DRBI gene we suggest an association of Arnb CI V responsive-
first hypervariable region in responsiveness to the ness with DQA*0102. This study has confirmed
Arnb t V component of giant ragweed pollen in and strengthened previously reported associations
atopic individuals. In contrast, responsiveness to of Amb t responsiveness and HLA-DRw52, and of
Arnb a V component of short ragweed pollen is Amb a V responsiveness with the HLA-DR2, Dw2,
associated with the HLA-DR2(DRw15), Dw2, DQw6 haplotype (1-5). The strongest association
DQw6 haplotype, and most strongly with HLA- of Arnb a V responsiveness with DQw6, and the
DQw6 by RFLP. Although not proven by our data, suggestion that this may involve the DQA*O102
allele has not, to our knowledge, been described
before. Examination of the known amino acid se-
quences of Arnb a V (34) and Amb t V (1) with
Table 3. DRB1 and DQA amino acid sequences, respec-
Frequencies of HLA-DR2(DFtwl5),DwZ,DQw&associated HLA class I1 alleles
predicted from RFLP data in Amb a V-responsive ragweed allergy patients tively, show no homologous regions. Further
studies aimed at establishing the regions of these
Amb a V Amb a V class I1 molecules involved, and the inheritability
responsive non-responsive of these susceptibilities in families, are underway.
HLA class II patients patients,
allele (n-16) (n=18) P RR These studies may allow us to understand this spe-
cific human immune response in order to predict
DPBl'O602 14 (88%) 3 (17%) 1.6XlO-' 35 individuals at risk for Ra5 ragweed sensitivity and
DQAl'O102 15 (94) 4 (22) 1.2~10-4 53
DRB1'1501 14 (88) 3 (17) 1.6x10-' 35
to design therapy aimed at blocking the sites of the
HLA class I1 molecule that are involved in the
includes 5 Amb t V-responsive patients. Amb t V and Amb a V sensitivity.
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