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Washington State Department of Transportation

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses WSDOT's Traffic Manual which provides guidance for department personnel in traffic operations and design. It outlines WSDOT's traffic functions and administration as well as how they program safety dollars and develop their Safety Management System in accordance with state laws.

The main responsibilities of WSDOT's traffic functions include signals, illumination and delineation systems, safety and traffic operations, signing and traffic control devices, work zone traffic control, technology traffic applications, traffic regulations, local agency traffic services, and traffic engineering training.

WSDOT follows several plans, procedures and systems when programming safety dollars including the Safety Management System, Statewide Systems Plan, State Prioritization and Programming Law, and Federal Regulations for standards and the FHWA/WSDOT Stewardship Plan. The programming instructions for the Roadway Preservation and Improvements subprograms also guide their safety programming.

Washington State Department of Transportation

M 51-02

Washington State Department of Transportation

Environmental and Engineering Service Center
Traffic Office
Persons with disabilities may request this information
be prepared and supplied in alternate forms by
calling collect 360-664-9009;
deaf and hearing impaired people call
1-800-833-6388 (TTY relay service).

Washington State Department of Transportation

Engineering Publications
Transportation Building
Washington State Department
Olympia, of Transportation
WA 98504-7400

The Traffic Manual is provided as a guide for department personnel
in traffic operations and design. This manual does not establish
absolute standards but, with the application of traffic engineering
analyses, helps establish uniform guidelines and procedures for the
use of traffic control devices.
This manual should be used in conjunction with the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to assure uniform
statewide application of traffic control devices. This document
provides interpretive guidance but does not change the requirements
of the MUTCD.
The Traffic Manual contains references to the Design Manual,
Standard Plans, Plans Preparation Manual, Construction Manual,
and the Maintenance Manual. Copies of these documents are avail-
able from the Washington State Department of Transportation
(WSDOT) Engineering Publications Branch.

Assistant Seretary
Program Development Division


Traffic Manual Page i

July 1993

Page ii Traffic Manual

July 1993
Comment Request Form

Please use this form to submit any corrections or suggestions you believe might
improve this manauls accuracy or usefulness.

From: Date:

To: Washington State Department of Transportation

Traffic Engineer
724 Quince Street SE
Capital View Building 2
Olympia WA 98504-7344

Subject: Traffic Manual Comment

Addition Correction
Deletion Other

Comment (marked copies attached):

Preserve this original for future use Submit copies only

Traffic Manual


Chapter 1 General Information

1.1 WSDOT Traffic Functions 1-1
1.2 Traffic Operations Administration 1-1
A. Signals, Illumination, and Delineation Systems 1-2
B. Safety and Traffic Operations 1-2
C. Signing and Traffic Control Devices 1-3
D. Work Zone Traffic Control 1-3
E. Technology Traffic Applications 1-3
F. Traffic Regulations 1-4
G. Local Agency Traffic Services 1-4
H. Traffic Engineering Training 1-4
I. Special Advanced Technology Projects 1-4
J. Traffic Program Planning 1-5
1.3 Regional Traffic Administration 1-5
A. Coordinate Traffic Studies, Data Collection, and Analysis 1-5
B. Maintain Compliance With Rules and Regulations 1-5
C. Provide Traffic Expertise 1-6
D. Manage Freeway and Arterial Operations 1-6
E. Coordinate Traffic Information 1-6
F. Administer Program Q 1-6
1.4 Office of Planning and Policy, NW Washington Division 1-6
1.5 Transportation Data Office (TDO) 1-7
1.6 Abbreviations 1-7
1.7 References 1-8

Chapter 2 Signs
2.1 General 2-1
A. Sign Fabrication Manual (M55-05) 2-1
B. Sign Legend Design 2-1
C. Reflective Sign Sheeting Material Requirements 2-3
D. RCW, WAC Purview 2-3
E. Wood Post Drilling 2-3
F. Temporary Attention Devices 2-3
G. Sign Storage 2-3
H. Sign Maintenance Responsibility City Streets as State Highways 2-5
I. Responsibility for Stop and Stop Ahead Signs 2-5
J. Controlling Vegetation Around Signs 2-5
K. Sign Placement 2-5

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March 2002

2.2 Regulatory Signs 2-6
A. Bicycle Prohibition Signing 2-6
B. Signing for Auxiliary Climbing and Passing Lanes 2-6
C. Signing for Shoulder Driving 2-6
D. Signing for Slow Vehicle Turnouts 2-7
E. Speed Limit Signs 2-7
F. Speed Zone Signing 2-7
G. Two-Way Left Turn Lane Signs 2-7
H. Yield Signs on Ramps 2-8
I. Range Area Signs 2-8
J. No Pedestrian Crossing Sign 2-8
K. Lane Use Control Sign 2-8
L. Unmuffled Compression Brakes Signs 2-8
M. Compression Brake Prohibition Signing 2-8
2.3 Warning Signs 2-9
A. Added Lane Sign 2-10
B. Chevron Alignment Signs 2-10
C. Deer Crossing Sign 2-10
D. Exit Advisory Speed Sign 2-10
E. Ramp Advisory Speed Sign 2-10
F. Fire Station Signs 2-10
G. Grated Bridge Deck Sign 2-10
H. Grooved Pavement Sign 2-11
I. Hairpin Curve Sign 2-11
J. Truck Tipping Signs 2-11
K. Intersection Warning Signs 2-11
L. Low Clearance Signing 2-11
M. Merge Sign 2-12
N. Stop Ahead/Signal Ahead Signs 2-12
O. Turn and Curve Signs and Advisory Speed Plaques 2-12
P. Pavement Ruts Sign 2-12
Q. Transit Stop Ahead Sign 2-13
R. Snowmobile Signs 2-13
S. Bikes on Road Signs 2-13
T. Left Turns Ahead Signs 2-13
U. Object Markers/Lateral Clearance Markers 2-13
V. Watch for Ice Signs 2-14
2.4 Guide Signs 2-14
A. Route Marker Signs 2-14
B. Primary Guide Signs 2-15
C. Distance Signs 2-16
D. Supplemental Gudie Sign 2-17
E. Follow-Through Signing 2-22
F. Other Essential Guide Signs 2-22
2.5 Miscellaneous Signing 2-30
A. School Areas 2-30
B. Closure Plaques for State Parks 2-31
C. City/Community Entrance Markers 2-31
D. Limited Access Signs 2-34

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March 2002

E. Carpool Information Signs 2-34
F. DNR Fire Danger Signs 2-34
G. Adopt-A-Highway Signs 2-34
H. DUI Victim Memorial Signs 2-35
I. Private Road Signing 2-35
J. Fire District Boundary Signs 2-35
K. Fire Hydrant Marker Signs 2-35
L. Litter Control Signs 2-35
M. Post Offices 2-35
N. Signing for Highway Advisory Radio and Traveler
Information Station 2-36
O. Changeable Message Signs on State Highways 2-37
P. Commercial Dump Prohibition Signing 2-41
2.6 Motorist Information Signs 2-41
A. WAC 468-70-030, Location of Panels and Signs 2-41
B. WAC 468-70-040, Interchange and Intersection
Selection for Motorist Information Sign Panels 2-42
C. WAC 468-70-050, Business Eligibility 2-43
D. WAC 468-70-070, Permits and Procedure 2-45

Chapter 3 Delineation
3.1 General 3-1
3.2 Pavement Markings 3-1
A. Intersection Channelization 3-1
B. Interchange Off Ramps 3-1
C. Crosswalks 3-1
D. No Passing Zone Marking 3-2
3.3 Guideposts 3-2
3.4 Barrier Delineation 3-2
3.5 Chevron Alignment Signs 3-2
3.6 Raised Pavement Markers 3-2
A. Right Edge Lines 3-2
B. Recessed Markers 3-2
3.7 Impact Attenuator Marking 3-3

Chapter 4 Signals and Illumination

4.1 MUTCD 4-1
4.2 Design Manual 4-1
4.3 Flashing Operation 4-1
4.4 Intersection Control Beacons 4-1
4.5 Audio-Tone Signal Application 4-1
4.6 Illumination 4-1
A. General 4-1
B. References 4-1
C. Definitions 4-2

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March 2002

D. Approval Requirements 4-4
E. Warrants 4-4
F. Design Report 4-5
G. Design Criteria 4-6
H. Example Applications 4-8

Chapter 5 Work Zone Traffic Control

5.1 General 5-1
5.2 Principles 5-1
A. Traffic Control Features 5-1
B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety 5-2
C. Types of Work Zones 5-3
5.3 Strategy Planning 5-4
5.4 Plan Preparation 5-4
A. The Traffic Control Zone 5-4
B. Plan Development 5-5
5.5 Work Zone Operations 5-7

Chapter 6 Traffic Regulations

6.1 General 6-1
6.2 Signals 6-2
6.3 Speed Limits 6-3
6.4 Stop Control 6-3
6.5 Bicycle Restrictions, Limited Access Highways 6-4
6.6 High Occupancy Vehicles Lanes 6-4
6.7 Parking Restrictions 6-4
6.8 Turn Prohibitions 6-5
6.9 Fishing From Bridges 6-5
6.10 Pedestrian Prohibitions 6-6
6.11 Documentation 6-6

Chapter 7 Special Highway Use

7.1 Bicycling, Running, Walking, Festival, and Parade Events 7-1
7.2 Banners 7-2
7.3 Memorial Highways/Bridges 7-2
7.4 Routes of Travel for School Buses Longer Than 36 Feet 6 Inches 7-3
7.5 Overwide Load Restrictions 7-3
7.6 Interpretive Signs/Markers 7-3
7.7 Road Closures/Restrictions 7-5
7.8 Special Event Direction Signing 7-5
7.9 Shoulder Driving for Slow Vehicles 7-6
7.10 Commercial Filming on State Highways 7-6

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March 2002


Chapter 8 Highway Adverstising Control

8.1 General 8-1
8.2 Outdoor Advertising Signs 8-1
A. Definitions WAC 468-66-010 8-3
B. General Provisions WAC 468-66-030 8-3
C. Classification of Signs WAC 468-66-050 8-3
D. Rules and Regulations for On-premise Signs WAC 468-66-070 8-5
E. Rules and Regulations for Type 4 and 5 signs (Interstate)
WAC 468-66-080 8-6
F. Priority Criteria for Issuing Permits Type 4, 5 and 8 Signs
WAC 468-66-090 8-6
G. Rules and Regulations for Type 4 and 5 signs (Non-Interstate)
WAC 468-66-110 8-6
H. Non-conforming (Grandfathered) Signs-Type 4 and 5
WAC 468-66-120 8-6
I. Removal of existing signs WAC 468-66-130 8-7
J. OAC Permit Process WAC 468-66-140 8-8
K. Penalties Permitted Non-conforming Signs WAC 468-66-150 8-10
L. Miscellaneous 8-10
8.3 Advertising at Rest Areas and on Washington State Ferries 8-11

Chapter 9 Corridor Traffic Management

9.1 General 9-1
9.2 SMS Collaboration Responsibilities Within WSDOT 9-1
9.3 SMS Needs Identification Within WSDOT 9-2
9.4 SMS Solution and Resource Development Within WSDOT 9-2
9.5 SMS Investment Prioritization/Implementation Within WSDOT 9-3
9.6 SMS Investment Tracking Within WSDOT 9-3
9.7 SMS Investment Evaluation Within WSDOT 9-3
9.8 WSDOT Programming for Safety Preservation and Improvements 9-4
9.9 References 9-4


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March 2002

Page viii Traffic Manual

March 2002
Chapter 1 General Information

1.1 WSDOT Traffic Functions these resources are allocated to the regions
Traffic functions within the Washington State for implementation. Such traffic maintenance
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) are functions are components of Program M.
administered by: Under the direction of the State Traffic Engineer,
Headquarters Traffic Operations Office (State the Headquarters Traffic Operations Office is
Traffic Engineer) and Highway Maintenance responsible for traffic engineering and related
Office (State Maintenance Engineer) safety functions in three fundamental areas:

The six Regional Traffic Offices (Regional Statewide Policy Development To ensure
Traffic Engineers) statewide consistency and uniformity, the
Headquarters Traffic Office responds to
The six Regional Maintenance Offices issues and questions on traffic engineering.
(Regional Maintenance Engineers) Topics range from technical design and
Planning and Policy group of the Northwest specifications to traffic flow control
Washington Division operations, maintenance functions and
traveler information systems. These tasks
The Office of Highways and Local Programs often require efforts to research, coordinate,
The Transportation Data Office (TDO) and summarize issues for executive level
decision making.
A WSDOT organization chart showing the
relationship between the six regions and the Statewide Resource Development and
various Headquarters offices is available by Deployment The resources required
contacting the WSDOT Administrative to fund new and existing statewide traffic
Services Office at 360-705-7732. and spot safety investments are pursued
through decision packages that require
The following sections explain how each of legislative approval. When approved by
these work groups accomplish the goals of the legislature, these funds are allocated
the departments traffic program. to the regions for implementation. Such
traffic and spot safety functions are
1.2 Traffic Operations
components of Program Q.
Statewide Traffic Expertise The
The Offices of the State Traffic Engineer and
Headquarters Traffic Office provides
the State Maintenance Engineer are part of the
expertise to the regions and other agencies
Headquarters Maintenance and Operations group.
in areas of general traffic operations, traffic
Under the direction of the State Maintenance analysis, and design activities. The Traffic
Engineer, the Headquarters Highway Office provides technical training, and
Maintenance Office is responsible for coordinates statewide traffic activities
maintaining traffic control devices, and issuing including: consultation with Attorney
vehicle permits and road approach permits. Generals Office on legal matters, offering
Statewide Resource Development and advice or guidance upon request from the
Deployment The resources required to regions and other WSDOT offices, and
fund existing and new traffic control devices, facilitating statewide meetings of the
such as lane markings, signs, safety regions traffic personnel.
hardware, electronic traveler information Headquarters Traffic Office provides expertise in
systems, traffic signals, and illumination the following areas:
equipment are pursued through decision
Traffic Signals, Illumination, and Delineation
packages. When funded by the legislature,

Traffic Manual Page 1-1

March 2002
General Information

Safety and Traffic Operations 7. Conduct or coordinate statewide training on:

Signing and Traffic Control Devices Signal and Illumination Design
Work Zone Traffic Control ITS
Advanced Technology Traffic Applications Electrical design portions of contract plan
Traffic Regulations
Signal operations, including optimization
Local Agency Engineering Assistance
of timing and coordination
Traffic Engineering Training
8. Share information with the Materials
Special Advanced Technology Projects Laboratory and manufacturers about current
(e.g., CVISN, rWeather, traveler information trends in materials and equipment used to
systems, and US/Canada Border Crossing construct signals, illumination systems,
Improvements) and delineation.
Traffic Program Planning 9. Develop and maintain Operations and
Outdoor Advertising Control Maintenance Time Standards used for budget
planning, and for planning preventative
The following sections describe the functions maintenance activities for electrical systems
and services provided by work groups within and delineation.
the Headquarters Traffic Operations Office.
B. Safety and Traffic Operations
A. Signals, Illumination, and 1. Research and evaluate operational traffic
Delineation Systems improvements along existing state highways.
1. Provide statewide contract plan review for
2. Act as technical consultants to the regions on
traffic signal, illumination, and delineation
the design and construction of traffic
operations and safety improvement projects.
2. Prepare signal system PS&E plans for
3. Develop and implement the Corridor
WSDOT regions.
Safety Program. This multi-jurisdictional
3. Maintain operational standards, standard statewide safety program identifies low cost
specifications, and standard plans for signals, enhancements that increase safety on project
illumination, and delineation. corridors.
4. Provide guidance and support for the 4. Assist in implementation of the departments
Attorney Generals Office on traffic related Safety Management System. Support the
tort claim cases. Office of Program Management and the
5. Assist the Materials Laboratory in the regions by giving expert review and training
approval process for electrical and in the benefit cost analysis methodologies
delineation items. used to analyze I-2 Safety Improvement
Program issues.
6. Provide technical information to General
Administration and WSDOT purchasing 5. Review and research advanced traffic
personnel involved in the development of simulation and optimization software models.
procurement contracts for: Distribute this software and pertinent
information throughout the department.
Materials and equipment for traffic signal
systems 6. Administer the WSDOT DUI Victim
Memorial Sign Program and Highway
Materials and equipment for illumination Fatality Memorial Program.
Materials and equipment for delineation

Page 1-2 Traffic Manual

March 2002
General Information

7. Develop and initiate programs as required Construction, Maintenance

by the legislature; for example, service
Public Information
patrols, statewide speed limit changes, work
zone safety programs. 2. Develop and conduct training in the following
C. Signing and Traffic Control
Design Strategies
1. Operate statewide traffic sign management Work Zone Reviews
system, including the statewide sign 3. Research and develop new devices, equipment,
inventory database, Traffic Sign Management and methods by working with industry and
System (TSMS). Maintain the Sign participating on:
Fabrication Manual (M 55-05).
New Products Committee
2. Serve as technical consultants to the regions
regarding sign fabrication. Conduct periodic Safety Products Team
inspections of sign fabrication shops and 4. Develop departmental policy, specifications,
develop inspection criteria for sign and procedures by working with Headquarters,
fabrication inspectors. Evaluate new sign the regions, and by partnering with:
fabrication shops for approval as WSDOT
contract fabricators. Work Zone Safety Task Force

3. Review deviation requests, contract plans, Washington State Patrol

and other WSDOT documents, for the proper Traffic Safety Commission
application of traffic control devices. Ensure
conformance to the MUTCD and other state
standards for permanent signing and Target Zero Program
temporary traffic control.
Highway Contracting Industry
4. Serve as technical consultant to the regions
5. Upon request, provide expertise to the regions
on permanent signing issues, challenges, and
in the following areas:
special applications.
Field Reviews of Work Zones
5. Develop specifications for new or revised
signing items to be included in the Standard Design and PS&E Reviews
Specifications, General Special Provisions, Specifications Review and Comment
and Standard Plans.
Applications of WSDOT and Federal
6. Communicate with manufacturers to analyze (MUTCD) Standards
current trends in materials and equipment
used to construct signs and appurtenances. E. Technology Traffic Applications
7. Provide final approval for byway logo 1. Provide expertise throughout the department
signing on eligible inter-regional scenic and and to other agencies on urban traffic
recreational highways. management strategies and systems, including
HOV operations.
D. Work Zone Traffic Control
2. Manage the departments Intelligent
1. Provide statewide guidance and assistance Transportation Systems (ITS) effort by
for all work zone traffic control issues providing ITS and traffic management system
including: technologies throughout the department and to
Design/PS&E other agencies.
Work Zone Safety 3. Serve as the departments technical contact on
Transportation Research Center (TRAC)

Traffic Manual Page 1-3

March 2002
General Information

research projects. Evaluate and implement 5. Analyze traffic operations or safety-oriented

results of TRAC research when appropriate. legislation and respond to legislative
inquiries on traffic matters. Provide executive
F. Traffic Regulations management with information necessary to
1. Develop statewide policies for the determine appropriate departmental positions.
implementation of MUTCD principles and
6. Conduct quadrennial reviews of traffic
guidelines. Maintain operational policies in
related WACs and make related changes to
the Traffic Manual and departmental
brochures and other items for outdoor
directives. Provide standards for all traffic
advertising control, motorist information
control devices used on public roadways.
signs, and the MUTCD. Respond to
2. Evaluate traffic regulations submitted by the AASHTO Ballots, Federal Register notices,
regions to ensure that statutory requirements and inquiries from the public.
are met, and that engineering support data is
complete and accurate. Recommend approval G. Local Agency Traffic Services
or denial of traffic regulations for: Working closely with the Highways and Local
Programs Service Center, the departments
Permanent speed limits
Traffic Services Engineer provides on-call traffic
High occupancy vehicle (HOV) engineering and microcomputer services to local
designations agencies throughout the state, particularly smaller
Bicycle prohibitions agencies lacking in professional staff.

Truck restrictions H. Traffic Engineering Training

Angle parking Determine traffic related training needs of
the regions and establish training sessions
Parking facilities, including park and ride to meet those needs. This involves designing
lots operated by WSDOT and instructing new courses to meet specific
3. Administer the departments statewide needs, and facilitating courses that are conducted
Outdoor Advertising Control Program under by consultants.
purview of the Scenic Vistas Act (RCW
I. Special Advanced Technology
47.42) and WAC 468-66.
Administer permitting process Commercial Vehicle Information Systems
Provide guidance to regions and Network (CVISN) This program is
developing and implementing an Intelligent
Serve as liaison with Attorney Generals
Transportation System for Commercial Vehicle
office regarding legal questions and for
Operations on Washington state highways.
illegal sign abatement activities
Through automation of regulatory procedures,
Carry out rule making the CVISN program improves the overall
efficiency and safety of traffic operations by
Coordinate with FHWA
allowing commercial trucks with proper
4. Sanction inter-regional events on state credentials and good safety rating to bypass
highways such as running or bicycling weigh stations. Members of this demonstration
events, parades, caravans, or other special project partnership include WSDOT, WSP,
events. Provide information to event sponsors Department of Licensing, Washington Truckers
about how to safely conduct events on state Association, State of Oregon, and the Federal
highways, including all applicable traffic Highway Administration (FHWA).
regulations. Provide the regions with support
and direction regarding events on state
highways in their areas.

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March 2002
General Information

Other projects include: 3. Determine the need for appropriate traffic

regulations that ensure safe and efficient
Federally Funded Safety Demonstration
operation of the transportation system
within the region.
Traveler Information Projects
4. Maintain inventories of traffic control
Freight Mobility Projects devices in the region.
Wrong Way Traffic Deterrent Projects B. Maintain Compliance With Rules
J. Traffic Program Planning and Regulations
Facilitate development and implementation of Ensure that all traffic control devices are installed
the Statewide Highway Safety Strategic Plan. in accordance with appropriate portions of the
Support the Headquarters Traffic Office and MUTCD, WAC rules, and WSDOT policies.
regions traffic engineers in the following areas: In addition, ensure that outdoor advertising is
in compliance with applicable regulations.
Development of Intelligent Transportation
Systems regional plans 1. Through departmental directives and
policies, the Regional Administrators have
Identifying and managing Q program been delegated the authority to approve:
performance measures
Permits for installation of traffic signals
Planning processes regarding Traffic on state highways
Operations Service Objectives and Action
Strategies Stop control on state highways
Turn prohibitions
1.3 Regional Traffic
Administration Pedestrian prohibitions on partial access
controlled highways
Approval authority for various traffic
considerations has been delegated to Regional Roadside parking restrictions (except
Administrators through Departmental Directives angle parking and park and ride
and other policies. This approval authority may restrictions)
be further delegated to senior regional managers. Prohibitions on fishing from bridges
All regions appoint a Regional Traffic Engineer
who is responsible for traffic related services. Reduced regulatory speeds in
Depending on regional organization, the Traffic construction or maintenance areas
Engineer reports to one of the regions senior Regulatory speeds in rest areas
managers, for example the Regional Operations
Engineer, or the Regional Project Development Transit vehicle stop zone locations
Engineer. Vehicle weight restrictions
The responsibilities for regionally administered 2. In addition, the Regional Administrator is
traffic engineering and safety services can be charged with the following duties that impact
summarized into six components: traffic operations:
A. Coordinate Traffic Studies, Data Conduct the Outdoor Advertising Control
Collection, and Analysis and Motorist Information
Signing programs
1. Provide traffic data for upcoming projects
or planning functions. Review access permits required under
State Access Management legislation
2. Conduct accident analyses and provide
information to other department work groups,
including Planning and Programming,
Design, Maintenance, and Project Engineers.

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March 2002
General Information

Review development proposals for E. Coordinate Traffic Information

potential impacts to safety, capacity, and Respond to local agency and citizen concerns,
maintenance of the state highway system and the news media about traffic related issues.
Implement and maintain Safety and Represent WSDOT at city, county, and other
Congestion Management Systems in the public forums regarding traffic issues.
F. Administer Program Q
C. Provide Traffic Expertise Administer region allocations of Program Q funds.
1. Ensure that traffic signals and signal systems This includes identifying safety and efficiency
operate efficiently to meet traffic operation investment priorities and programming low cost
goals. enhancement funds.
2. Provide expertise on traffic related items 1.4 Office of Planning and Policy,
included in design projects (signals, NW Washington Division
illumination, signing, delineation).
Planning and Policy group (P&P) is a planning
3. Review traffic design elements provided by body that coordinates WSDOT activities within
consultants. the geographic area covered by the Puget Sound
4. Approve or deny requests to conduct special Regional Council (PSRC). PSRC is the
events or filming operations on state Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for
highways within the region. King, Kitsap, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties.
P&P recognizes the need to integrate all
5. Conduct design and operational reviews for transportation modes and coordinate long-range
work zone traffic control plans. regional growth management plans to create
6. Perform periodic operational and safety a balanced transportation system. P&P works
reviews to verify that posted advisory speeds, with the Olympic and Northwest Regions,
intersection sight distances, and other Washington State Ferries, and local officials to
roadside features are in compliance with accomplish this goal. The director of P&P reports
acceptable standards. to the Assistant Secretary for Northwest/Olympic
Operations and Project Delivery. P&P
D. Manage Freeway and Arterial responsibilities include:
Operations Transit Planning/HOV Represent the
Ensure safe and efficient highway operations in department in establishing a Regional Transit
the following areas: Plan and promote transportation alternatives
1. Surveillance, Control, and Driver through transportation demand management
Information (SC&DI) systems including data methods. Provide lead responsibility
stations, ramp meters, television cameras, for planning and prioritizing HOV facilities.
signal systems, changeable message signs Regional Coordination Work with
(CMS), Intelligent Transportation Systems the PSRC, sub-regional groups, and local
(ITS), and highway advisory radio (HAR) jurisdictions in the regions to develop
systems. regional transportation plans that maintain
2. HOV system. accessibility, manage congestion, and are
modally balanced and coordinated with land
3. Incident response.
use objectives. Represent the departments
4. Coordination with local agencies regarding interests in regional forums, especially in
traffic flow management, serving as technical programming and prioritization efforts under
advisor when appropriate. TEA-21.
5. Signing and Channelization Systems.

Page 1-6 Traffic Manual

March 2002
General Information

Technical Analysis of Corridor Challenges lists. Provide support for regional

Provide assistance and expertise during the database uses
evaluation of alternative proposals for
Traffic counting, summarization, and
transportation facilities. Activities include
reporting in support of statewide
travel forecasting, providing modeling
systems, projects, and planning
expertise to support EIS documentation, and
providing guidance on system management
and demand management project alternatives. Traffic forecasting expertise for
planning and design projects
Advocate a Balanced, Multi-modal
Transportation System Support
Washingtons Transportation Plan by Technical Support for Planning Functions
evaluating and identifying feasible strategies Provide statewide review of all traffic data
for transportation modes that are state owned, and analysis in Environmental Impact
and in which the state is a stakeholder. Statements, developer submittals, design
projects, and prioritization projects.
1.5 Transportation Data Office
Technical Support for Work Zone
(TDO) Functions Provide technical support and
The Transportation Data Office (TDO) is part of review expertise for work zone working
the Planning and Programming Service Center. hours, penalties (liquidated damages), and
TDO is responsible for: incentives costing analysis.
TRIPS Support Development and Video and Digital Imaging of State
operation of the departments traffic data Highways Providing video and digital
standards, under FHWA guidelines, which images (video logs and SRView) of the state
are incorporated into the TRIPS traffic highway system.
Maintain State Highway Milepost System
TMS Support Development and operation Establish milepost locations for all existing
of the Traffic Monitoring System/Highways and proposed state highways and distribution
(TMS/H). of the annual State Highway Log.
TMG Support Provide Traffic Monitoring
1.6 Abbreviations
Guide (TMG) quality data for all
management systems as required. AASHTO American Association of State
Highway and Transportation
Statewide Database Development and
Support Provide database support for:
CADD Computer Aided Drafting and
Traffic, roadway, and accident data
included in all state and federal
systems and submittals (HPMS, CMS Changeable Message Sign
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
HAR Highway Advisory Radio
Managment of statewide accident
data including: coding, coordination HAC High Accident Corridor
with WSP and the Traffic Safety HAL High Accident Location
Commission, analysis, safety
programs including the High HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
Accident Location (HAL), High HPMS Highway Pavement Management
Accident Corridor (HAC) and System
Pedestrian Accident Location (PAL)

Traffic Manual Page 1-7

March 2002
General Information

ITE Institute of Traffic Engineers MUTCD (M 24-01) RCW 47.36.030 directs

WSDOT to adopt a uniform standard for the
ITS Intelligent Transportation
application and location of traffic control devices
installed along public roadways in the state of
MPO Metropolitan Planning Washington. The MUTCD, published by FHWA,
Organization has been adopted into Chapter 468-95 of the
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Washington Administrative Code (WAC).
Control Devices for Streets and To comply with state laws, certain modifications
Highways to the MUTCD have also been adopted into
NHS National Highway System the WAC. A booklet of these modifications,
Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD
PAL Pedestrian Accident Location (M 24-01), is available from WSDOT Engineering
PPSC Planning and Programming Publications.
Service Center Amendments to the MUTCD are developed by
PSRC Puget Sound Regional Council the FHWA through the Federal Register process.
These FHWA amendments become effective
RCW Revised Code of Washington when the department receives notification of
SC&DI Surveillance, Control and Driver the approved changes from the FHWA.
Information WSDOT Design Manual (M 22-01) The
SMS Safety Management System Design Manual provides guidance for the
development of traffic features included in design
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for reports and contract plans. Numerous sections
the 21st Century contain information on traffic design features.
TDO Transportation Data Office Many of these features may also apply to traffic
operations. The Traffic Manual, to the extent
TMG Traffic Monitoring Guide possible, avoids duplication of Design Manual
TRAC Transportation Research Center materials, but provides cross-references where
(University of Washington) appropriate.
TRIPS Transportation Information and WSDOT Sign Fabrication Manual (M 55-05)
Planning Support The Sign Fabrication Manual provides sign
fabricators and designers with the detailed layout
WAC Washington Administrative
information for official traffic signs used in
Washington State.
WSDOT Washington State Department
WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and
of Transportation
Municipal Construction (M 21-01) The
WSP Washington State Patrol Standard Plans for Road and Bridge and
Municipal Construction provides standard
WTSC Washington Traffic Safety
plans for the following traffic items:
Sign Bridges
1.7 References
The following reference materials may be
useful to regional personnel involved in traffic Cantilever Sign Structures
operations and traffic design duties. Striping (typical layouts)
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Guide Posts
for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) and
Washington State Modifications to the Lane Markers

Page 1-8 Traffic Manual

March 2002
Illumination Many WSDOT publications are available on the
internet. Contact the departments Engineering
Publications website at:
Concrete Barrier http://ww.wsdot.wa.gov/fasc/EngineeringPublications
Guardrail FHWA (Publications)
Earthberms T21 Regulations
WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Traffic Control Devices Handbook (TCDH)
Bridge, and Municipal Construction (M 41-10)
The Standard Specifications provides detailed Traffic Control Systems Handbook
requirements and techniques for construction and Traffic Monitoring Guide
installation of the following traffic related items:
AASHTO (Publications)
Guide Posts
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways
Plastic Traffic Buttons
and Streets
Lane Markers
Guide for Selecting, Locating, and Designing
Signing (Materials and Fabrication) Traffic Barriers
Illumination Guidelines for Traffic Data Programs
Signals (Electrical) TRB (Publications)
Pavement Markings (temporary and Highway Capacity Manual
ITE (Publications)
Work zone traffic control items (flagging,
signs, delineation devices, etc.) Transportation and Traffic Engineering
Other Documents
Manual of Traffic Engineering Studies
The following reference documents may also
be helpful in conducting traffic related designs Traffic Detector Handbook
and analyses: Other Reference Sources
WSDOT Manuals The following reference sources may also
Plans Preparation Manual (M 22-31) be helpful in conducting traffic engineering
investigations and analyses:
Construction Manual (M 41-01)
Maintenance Manual (M 51-01)
Washington State Highway Video log
Traffic Control Guidelines for Survey
Operations (M 55-02) TRIPS WSDOT Corporate Mainframe
Database for transportation data
Motorist Information Signs (M 55-94)
Internet information The WSDOT
Scenic Vistas Act of 1971 (M 55-95) homepage url is: www.wsdot.wa.gov
Traffic Forecasting Guide
Training Manual, Traffic Operations in
WSDOT (class available through Traffic
Operations Office)

Traffic Manual Page 1-9

March 2002
General Information

Page 1-10 Traffic Manual

March 2002
Appendix 1-1 Traffic Office Org Chart

Traffic Manual Appendix 1-1

November 1996 Page 1
Appendix 1-1 Traffic Manual
Page 2 November 1996
Chapter 2 Signs
2.1 General on the Engineering Publications CD, or in the
Effective signing provides clear information and Online Library at:
instruction to motor vehicle operators, pedestrians, www.wsdot.wa.gov/fasc/EngineeringPublications
and bicyclists. Properly installed signing The sign number codes indicated in the Sign
facilitates legal, safe, and orderly progress on Fabrication Manual and other departmental
public roadways. publications are exclusive to WSDOT and may
State law requires the department to adopt not, in all cases correspond to MUTCD number
uniform standards for traffic control devices, codes for similar signs.
including signs that are placed along state B. Sign Legend Design
highways. WAC Chapter 468-95 recognizes the
standards of the Manual on Uniform Traffic For layout and fabrication of signs that are not
Control Devices (MUTCD). Among the types of covered in the Sign Fabrication Manual, use the
signs described in the MUTCD are: (1) following information:
Regulatory, (2) Warning, (3) Guide, and (4) Letter Sizing The letter height used to display
Motorist Information. The MUTCD provides messages must be large enough to provide the
guidance on the intended use and placement of motorist with an adequate opportunity to read and
signs, as well as specific information on the size comprehend the information, and decide whether
of standard regulatory and warning signs. or not a driving task is required.
Information in this chapter supplements material
Studies indicate the average driver comprehends
covered in the MUTCD with specific
three words per second after a perception time
interpretations and unique applications for signs
of up to two seconds. Unique messages require
on the state highway system.
more recognition time than messages that are
Foreign language signs are not allowed on the commonly displayed. The following formula
state highway system. combines this comprehension rate with a given
Guidelines for the various classifications of operational speed to determine the desirable
official traffic control signs are discussed in the letter height for a particular sign:
following MUTCD sections: LETTER HEIGHT = (N3 + 2) f

Sign Type MUTCD Section where: N = Number of words

Regulatory Signs Section 2-B f = Legibility Factor. Found by

dividing vehicle speed in feet
Warning Signs Section 2-C per second by 40 (the legibility
Guide Signs Sections 2-D, 2-E, distance per inch of letter height)
and 2-F
The following example applies the formula and
Work Zone Signs Sections 6-B, 6-F* calculates desirable letter height:
School Area Signs Section 7-B Example 1. SNOQUALMIE PASS RADIO
*Refers to MUTCD Part VI, a stand-alone publication. TRAFFIC INFO 1 MILE
Table 2-1 Speed = 65 mph
N = 7
A. Sign Fabrication Manual (M 55-05)
f = 2.4
Geometric layout details for most signs used by Height = (73 + 2) 2.4 = 10.4
the department are available in the WSDOT Sign use 10 inch letters
Fabrication Manual. The manual can be viewed

Traffic Manual Page 2-1

March 2002

Comm Community
'f' Values by Speed Cr Creek
*MPH (fps) f Co County
Ct Court
25 37 0.9 DNR Department of Natural
30 44 1.1 Resources (Campground, etc)
Dr Drive
35 51 1.3 E East
Elev Elevation
40 59 1.5 Ft Fort
45 66 1.7 Fwy Freeway
Fy Ferry
50 73 1.8 Hist Historic, as in Natl Historic
55 81 2.0 Districts
HOV High Occupancy Vehicles
60 88 2.2 Hts Heights
Hwy Highway
65 95 2.4 Info Information
70 103 2.6 Intl International
Jct Junction
*Speed (Legal or 85 Percentile).
km Kilometers
Table 2-2 Lab Laboratory
Message Layout and Spacing Sign message Ln Lane
layout and spacing requirements are specified in Lp Loop
Appendix A of the Sign Fabrication Manual. Lt Left
M Meters
Abbreviations Abbreviations used should
Max Maximum
be immediately recognizable by the motorist.
Mi Mile(s)
Abbreviate only to avoid excessively long sign Min Minimum
messages. Do not use abbreviations if the
MPH Miles Per Hour
controlling message line is long enough to allow
Mt Mount (Rainier)
using the complete word. N North
Periods are not necessary in sign abbreviations NE North East
except for British Columbia (B.C.) and United NW North West
States (U.S. Customs). NAS Naval Air Station
Natl National
Do not abbreviate names of places.
Ore Oregon
The OSC Traffic Office must approve ORV Off Road Vehicle
abbreviations other than those listed below. Ped Pedestrian
Submit a request for consideration as a written Pkwy Parkway
or electronic document. Pl Place
Pop Population
AFB Air Force Base
Pt Port or point
Alt Alternate
Rd Road
Ave Avenue
Rec Area Recreational Area
B.C. British Columbia
RR Railroad
Bch Beach
Rt Right
Blvd Boulevard
RV Recreational Vehicle
Ctr Center
S South
Coll College
SE South East

Page 2-2 Traffic Manual

March 2002

SW South West D. RCW, WAC Purview

Sea-Tac Seattle Tacoma Airport Criteria for appropriate signing applications on
Airport state highways are also described in state rules
St Street and regulations. Many Rules of the Road (RCW
Temp Temporary 46.61) are not enforceable unless appropriate
Thru Through signs are posted.
Univ University
USA United States of America WAC 468-95 contains rules pertaining to signing
USFS U.S. Forest Service which are amendments to the MUTCD. These
U.S. U.S. (Customs, etc.) rules are published in WSDOT Washington State
W West Modifications to the MUTCD (M 24-01). See
WSDOT Washington State Department Table 2-4.
of Transportation
E. Wood Post Drilling
State Patrol Washington State Patrol
Xing Crossing To provide necessary breakaway characteristics,
drill and notch timber sign posts in accordance
C. Reflective Sign Sheeting Material with details shown in WSDOT Standard Plan
Requirements G4-a.
Several types of reflective sheeting material are
F. Temporary Attention Devices
used to fabricate traffic control signs. The
sheeting types have different reflective properties Attention devices such as flags are used only to
and different practical applications. The draw the motorists attention to newly installed
following sheeting types are designated in ASTM warning or regulatory signs. Display these
Specification D 4956: supplemental devices for a minimum of two
weeks, and a maximum of one month.
Type I Medium-intensity retroreflective
sheeting, referred to as Engineer Grade. G. Sign Storage
Service life of seven years To prevent damage to sign face, store signs
Type II Medium-high-intensity properly. Do not expose sign faces to dirt and
retroreflective sheeting, referred to as Super water during storage.
Engineer Grade. Service life of ten years Never store signs laying flat. Water accumulation
Type III High-intensity retroreflective between signs will cause sheeting failure. Store
sheeting, referred to as High Intensity. packaged signs indoors on edge. If packaged
Service life of ten years signs become wet, unpack immediately and
separate the signs to allow drying. Provide ample
Type IV High-intensity retroreflective space between signs to allow free air circulation
sheeting, referred to as High Performance. and moisture evaporation from the face of each
Service life of ten years sign. Clothespins work well to provide a
Type VII Super-high-intensity separation between the sign faces.
retroreflective sheeting, referred to as If outdoor storage is required for short periods,
Diamond Grade. Service life of ten years remove all packing materials so nothing is against
Use appropriate sheeting on sign types shown for the sign face. Store signs upright on edge in a
the general areas, see table 2-3. clean area above the ground.

Traffic Manual Page 2-3

March 2002

Sign Type General Area Sheeting Type

All red background signs (Stop, Wrong Way, etc.) All III or IV
Freeway/Highway Entrance Sign All III or IV
Regulatory Signs Rural II
Urban III or IV
Warning Signs Rural II
Urban III or IV
School Signs - FYG* (S1-1, S2-1, S4-3, and the
School portion of S5-1, and S5-101) All VII
Route Markers (M Series Signs) All II
General Information (I Series) All II
Milepost Markers All II
Guide Signs (Backgrounds)
Ground Mounted All II
Overhead (Lighted) All I
Overhead (Not Lighted) All III or IV
Letters, Border, Symbols All III or IV
Blue and Brown Background Signs All II
Orange (Construction Signs) All I or II
Fluorescent Orange (Construction Signs) All IV or VII
*Fluorescent Yellow Green.
Table 2-3

Sign Message Sign Number RCW Number

BICYCLES MUST EXIT R5-601 46.61.160
HOV FACILITIES R3-10, 11, 12, 13 46.61.165
LIMITED ACCESS I2-601 and I2- 701 47.52.110
RANGE AREA I2-401 and I2-501 16.24.060
DISABLED PERSONS R7-801 46.61.581
SPEED LIMIT R2-1 46.61.405
SPEED LIMIT, TRUCKS_________ R2-2 46.61.410
STOP & YIELD R1-1 and R1-2 47. 36.110
Table 2-4

Page 2-4 Traffic Manual

March 2002

H. Sign Maintenance Responsibility In accordance with RCW 47.24.020(13), the state

City Streets as State Highways shall install and maintain all stop signs at the
Responsibility for installing and maintaining intersections of city streets with state highways
signs on city streets that are part of the state within the corporate limits of cities having
highway system can be assigned to the populations less than 22,500.
department or to a local agency. This Stop Ahead Signs
responsibility is based on the population of the
Where appropriate, local agencies install and
city or town, as determined by the Office of
maintain any required STOP AHEAD (W3-1,
Financial Management. On Fully Controlled
W3-1a) signs on the local road legs that intersect
Limited Access highways, the department is
with state highways (RCW 47.24.020(12&13).
responsible for all traffic control devices,
including signs, unless superseded by J. Controlling Vegetation Around
an agreement with a local jurisdiction. (See Signs
RCW 47.42, WAC 468-18-050, and City Streets
As Part of State Highways, an agreement Provide effective sign visibility by clearing away
between the department and the Association vegetation that grows in front of signs, obscuring
of Washington Cities for further direction.) full view. The departments maintenance crews
do this work. Clear to the following dimensions:
Sign Maintenance Responsibility Area Description Distance Width
Non-Limited Access Highways Low Speed Urban 200 feet Varies
Population Population Rural 500 feet Varies
Sign Type Over 22,500 Under 22,500
Freeways and 800 feet Varies
Regulatory City State All Guide Signs
Parking City City Table 2-6
Warning City State Distance is measured along the edge of
Route Markers State State traveled way, back, from the location
of the sign
Guide Directional State State
(Prime) Width varies. Clear from the edge of
pavement to the edge of the sign that is
Street Name City City farthest from the roadway, plus 5 feet;
School City State or to right of way
MIS Logo City* City*
K. Sign Placement
Informational City City MUTCD Section 2A provides basic information
DWI Victim City City about sign location. Refer to Design Manual
Memorial Chapter 820 guidelines for information on the
selection of post dimensions, longitudinal
*The department may install these signs, based on a specific
agreement with a city or town.
placement, mounting height, and lateral
placement of signs on state highways. Design
Table 2-5
guidelines also provide details for overhead sign
I. Responsibility for Stop and Stop installations, including vertical clearance,
Ahead Signs horizontal location, and service walkways.
Installation layout details are contained in
Stop Signs
WSDOT Standard Plans.
In accordance with RCW 47.36.100, the state
shall install and maintain all stop signs at the
intersections of county roads with state highways.

Traffic Manual Page 2-5

March 2002

2.2 Regulatory Signs Install a PASSING LANE XXX MILES

Regulatory signs alert motorists to applicable (R4-601) sign 1/4 to 1/2 mile in advance of the
traffic laws or regulations, and provide passing lane. This sign shows the
information and instructions required for approximate distance to the passing lane,
compliance. Place these signs where areas of measured to the nearest 1/4 mile
mandate or prohibition begin and end. Install a KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS
(R4-301) sign at the beginning of the passing
A. Bicycle Prohibition Signing lane
Bicycle traffic is generally permitted on state
Where spacing allows, install a RIGHT
highways except where restricted by regulation
LANE ENDS (W9-1R) sign in advance of
(see RCW 46.61.160). On highways that
the passing lane terminus
transition from permissive to restrictive, identify
restricted sections in advance by installing Install a PAVEMENT WIDTH TRANSITION
signs that inform bicyclists of the upcoming (W4-2L) sign in advance of the passing lane
prohibition, and give exit directions: terminus
On the mainline, install a BICYCLES MUST An optional NEXT PASSING LANE XXX
EXIT 1/4 MILE (R5-601) sign in advance of MILES (R4-602) sign may be installed up to
the prohibited area 500 feet beyond the passing lane terminus.
This sign displays the approximate distance
to the next passing lane
(R5-601with arrow) sign at the off-ramp
(See Appendix 2-2)
BICYCLES PROHIBITED (R5-1002) sign at Guidelines for the design of auxiliary climbing
on-ramp entrances to prohibited areas lanes and passing lanes are contained in Design
Manual Chapter 1010.
Design Manual Chapter 1020 discusses signing
for bikeway facilities. C. Signing for Shoulder Driving
B. Signing for Auxiliary Climbing Shoulder driving is permitted on selected portions
and Passing Lanes of two lane highways in accordance with RCW
46.61.428. Section 7.9 of this manual defines the
For sections of state highway that feature auxiliary
highway characteristics required to designate a
climbing lanes:
shoulder driving area. For sections of state
Install a TRUCK LANE XXX FEET (R4-6) highways where shoulder driving is permitted:
sign in advance of the climbing lane
Install a SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT SHOULDER (I8-501) sign at the beginning
(R4-3) sign near the beginning of the of the shoulder driving zone
climbing lane
Supplement with a NEXT XXX MILES
Where spacing allows, install a RIGHT LANE (I7-702) advisory distance plaque
ENDS (W9-1R) in advance of the climbing
Supplement with a DAYLIGHT HOURS
lane terminus
ONLY (I8-701) sign
Repeat this signing at a maximum interval
(W4-2L) sign in advance of the climbing lane
of 8 km (5 miles)
(See Appendix 2-1)
(I8-601) sign at the end of the designated
For sections of state highway that feature auxiliary shoulder driving zone
passing lanes:
(See Appendix 2-3)

Page 2-6 Traffic Manual

March 2002

D. Signing for Slow Vehicle Turnouts beyond acceleration lanes, in accordance with
For sections of state highways that feature slow MUTCD Section 2E-32. Install signs on both
vehicle turnouts as passing opportunities: sides of the traveled way on multi-lane divided
highways. In areas where interchange ramps are
Install a SLOW VEHICLES USE TURNOUTS closely spaced, conduct a traffic engineering
NEXT XXX MILES (I8-101) sign in advance analysis to determine the most effective intervals
of the initial turnout for posting speed limit signs.
Install the DELAY OF 5 VEHICLES Do not place speed limit signs between curve/turn
ILLEGAL (I8-201) sign in advance of each warning signs and the curve or turn.
F. Speed Zone Signing
XXX FT/MILE (I8-401) sign in advance Install SPEED ZONE AHEAD (R2-5C) or
of each turnout REDUCED SPEED AHEAD (R2-5A) signs with
supplemental speed plaques (R2-501) in advance
Install a SLOW VEHICLE TURNOUT of speed zone boundaries. This advance sign
arrow (I8-301) sign at the beginning of provides the motorist with an effective
each turnout opportunity to decelerate to the lower speed with
NO PARKING (R8-3) or NO PARKING minimal braking. Conduct a traffic engineering
SYMBOL (R8-3a) signs may be installed analysis to determine the advance placement
within the turnout area when required distance. Consider factors such as roadway
geometrics, gravity deceleration, and the mph
(See Appendix 2-4) value of the speed reduction when making this
Guidelines for the design of slow vehicle turnouts determination.
are contained in Design Manual Chapter 1010. Install a SPEED LIMIT (R2-1) sign at the speed
E. Speed Limit Signs zone boundary.
Install SPEED LIMIT (R2-1) signs to display the For all highways, locate signs for both directions
maximum allowable speed as established by law of travel opposite one another at speed zone
or regulation. Where the speed limit is greater boundaries. Install signs on both sides of the
than 60 mph, or where a special speed limit is traveled way on multi-lane divided highways.
mandated for vehicles over 10,000 pounds gross If existing highway features prohibit opposite
weight, or vehicles in combination, install installations, the signs may be installed a
TRUCKS XX (R2-2) sign. Mount this sign below maximum distance of 300 feet apart, or offset up
the standard speed limit sign. Speed limits signs to 150 feet in either direction from the speed zone
shall be in multiples of 5 mph. On two-lane boundary. If these distance parameters cannot be
highways, locate speed limit signs: met, the speed zone boundary may be changed by
authorization of the State Traffic Engineer to
At urban area entry/exit points allow for sign installation.
At intersections of state highways Where the speed limit is raised, install SPEED
At major interchanges or intersections LIMIT (R2-1) sign and when appropriate,
TRUCKS XX (R2-2) sign at the speed zone
At locations having a change in speed limit
boundary. See Appendix 2-5.
At entrances to Washington State
G. Two-Way Left Turn Lane Signs
In rural areas, locate speed limit signs at 10 to 20
mile intervals.
installed where a lane in the center of a highway
In addition to these criteria, where possible on is reserved for the use of left-turning vehicles in
multi-lane highways, locate speed limit signs on either direction and is not to be used for passing
the far side of major intersections and 1,500 feet

Traffic Manual Page 2-7

March 2002

or overtaking. The post-mounted (R3-9b) or the commissioners. Install the LEAVING RANGE
overhead mounted (R3-9) sign may be used to AREA sign where a state highway leaves an
supplement pavement markings for the two-way open range area.
left turn lanes. A plaque indicating BEGIN or
END may be mounted above either sign to J. No Pedestrian Crossing Sign
identify the limits of the two-way left turn area. Install a NO PEDESTRAIN CROSSING sign
(R9-3a) at a signalized intersection where
Additional WSDOT criteria apply to the use of
pedestrian crossing is prohibited. Locate the sign
two-way left turn lane signs:
so that it is visible to all pedestrians who may
Install the initial sign near the beginning of consider crossing, normally on the opposite side
the two-way left turn lane and repeat of the roadway in line with the travel path of the
installation as necessary, based on an analysis pedestrian. If supplemental signing is called for,
of operating conditions install USE CROSSWALK, R or L sign (R9-3B)
BEGIN or END plaques should not be below this sign.
installed where a two-way left turn lane is K. Lane Use Control Sign
temporarily interrupted by left turn
channelization on either one or both Install appropriate LANE-USE CONTROL
approaches to an intersection sign (R3-8, R3-801, R3-802, R3-5A) between
the applicable traffic signal heads to indicate
H. Yield Signs on Ramps allowable through/turning movements.
YIELD (R1-2) signs may be installed along L. Unmuffled Compression Brakes
on-ramps to freeways or expressways where
adequate acceleration lanes are not provided.
Under purview of RCW 46.37.390, it is against
Tables in Design Manual Chapter 940 are used to the law to use unmuffled compression brakes.
determine the appropriate length for the The department posts signs (R4-605)
acceleration lane portion of an on ramp accordingly, just inside state boundaries at border
connection. This minimum length is based on crossings used by trucks, and along the ramps
the design speeds of the mainline and the ramp. to or from weigh stations as sign spacing allows.
Where the acceleration lane meets or exceeds the Do not post these signs at other locations.
Design Manual minimum length requirements, a
yield sign is normally not required. M. Compression Brake Prohibition
Conduct a traffic engineering analysis to determine Signing
the appropriate application of yield signs for The department does not regulate compression
on-ramp connections: brake use. Compression brake regulations are
enacted by local agencies. Local agency
If the acceleration lane does not meet the compression brake prohibitions are typically
Design Manual minimum length noise regulations rather than traffic regulations,
If ramp conditions, such as sight distance, intended for environmental purposes rather than
gradient, etc., inhibit the effective traffic safety purposes. Thus, signs prohibiting
acceleration speed of merging vehicles compression brake use are a local agency issue in
which the department becomes a partner through
Install the yield sign so that it is not visible to
a local regulation that includes state highways.
mainline traffic.
There is no clear mandate in state law or
I. Range Area Signs Department of Ecology (DOE) regulations that
Install the RANGE AREA sign in accordance assist the regions in responding to local agency
with RCW 16.24.060, wherever a state highway requests for compression brake prohibition signs.
enters an open range area. Repeat signing at Further, the DOE noise program was terminated
points designated by the governing county in 1982. Consequently, it is necessary to interpret

Page 2-8 Traffic Manual

March 2002

the limited guidance in a manner that assures Along non-access controlled routes outside
highway safety is not compromised, that signs are corporate limits, install such signs upon
installed with a reasonable degree of uniformity leaving corporate limits, and beyond the
statewide, and that the desires of local agencies junction of major intersections accessed by
are respectfully considered. trucks, not to exceed one sign every 5 miles
RCW 70.107.060(3) provides that a local In addition, the local agency shall agree to partner
government may, upon finding that special with the department in the following manner:
conditions necessitate such requirements, control
For each situation, the local agency must
noise sources, or impose noise limits that are
have a valid noise ordinance (submitted to
different from those adopted or controlled by
DOE at least 90 days prior to contacting the
DOE. Such locally imposed noise limits are
department), and must agree to pay the
invalid unless first approved by DOE. If DOE
fabrication and installation costs for the
does not approve or disapprove noise limit
original installation and subsequent
standards submitted by local jurisdictions within
maintenance installations
90 days, such standards are deemed to be
approved. Accordingly, since DOE has no noise Along non-access controlled state routes
program, any local agency noise regulation within corporate limits (city streets that are
submitted to DOE is approved by default 90 days also state highways, RCW 47.24), cities or
past the date of submittal. towns may install the signs at their discretion
Key to the subject is the interpretation of special 2.3 Warning Signs
conditions, as required by RCW 70.107.060(3).
Warning signs alert motorists to unexpected
The department considers highways, residential
conditions on or adjacent to state highways that
areas, and commercial areas to be common
require extraordinary attention. Install these signs
conditions rather than special conditions.
in advance of conditions that require special
Therefore, the special conditions cited in a
attention of the motorist. The table for advanced
local agency noise ordinance are evaluated by the
placement of warning signs, located in MUTCD
regions, in consultation with the Headquarters
Section 2C, offers guidance by providing
Traffic Office, prior to the installation of com-
minimum advance placement distances, based on
pression brake prohibition signs.
vehicle speeds and location specific conditions.
Where special conditions are deemed to exist, Determine appropriate installation of these signs
and where sign spacing is available, the on the basis of MUTCD Section 2C guidelines,
department will install signs (R4-604) to reflect traffic engineering analysis, and reasonable
the nature of the prohibition cited in the local judgment.
ordinance as follows:
Minimum Warning sign sizes:
Along access controlled routes approaching
restricted areas, install such signs beyond the Minimum
junction of major interchanges accessed by Warning
trucks. Locate these post-interchange signs Highway Type Sign Size
between the route marker assembly and the Freeways and Expressways 48
speed limit signs. For locations approaching
Multilane Streets 36
corporate limits, where these installations
would create sign crowding, the signs may be Conventional Roadways 30
installed below the city entrance maker, on Table 2-7
each approach to the corporate limits

Traffic Manual Page 2-9

March 2002

A. Added Lane Sign motorists of the recommended speed, based on

An ADDED LANE (W4-3) sign may be used in traffic engineering analysis, for negotiating the
advance of a point where two roadways converge alignment. Locate the sign along the right
and merging movements are not required. The shoulder of the deceleration lane prior to the exit
sign should be used at all added lane conditions gore or ramp entrance, at a point which allows
to eliminate unnecessary mainline lane changes. the motorist time to make a safe slowing and
If the mainline sign is not visible from both exiting maneuver.
roadways, a sign may be installed on the If an advisory speed condition is located on the
converging side of each roadway. ramp, well beyond the exit gore, install a standard
warning sign with an advisory speed plaque, in
B. Chevron Alignment Signs accordance with Section 2C-3 of the MUTCD.
CHEVRON ALIGNMENT (W1-8) signs may be
installed on non-illuminated circular interchange E. Ramp Advisory Speed Sign
ramps, or on other sharply curving alignments Install the RAMP ADVISORY SPEED (W13-3)
where run off the road crashes have demonstrated sign to inform motorists of the recommended
an operational deficiency. Install signs in series speed, based on traffic engineering analysis, for
and configure arrays to include a minimum of negotiating a ramp alignment with curvature or
three signs, with at least two signs visible to the other unexpected conditions. Use this sign on
motorist throughout the curve. freeway/expressway entrance ramps, and
freeway/expressway to freeway/expressway
C. Deer Crossing Sign connection ramps. Locate this advance sign at
Install DEER CROSSING (W11-3) signs to alert a point which allows the motorist time to make
motorists when approaching an area where deer a safe slowing maneuver before entering a turn
or elk may unexpectedly enter the roadway at or curve.
random or numerous locations.
If an advisory speed condition is located well
Install this sign only in areas where motorist beyond the gore or ramp entrance from surface
warning is required. Consider information streets, install a standard turn or curve sign with
from the following sources when determining an advisory speed plaque (W13-1) in accordance
appropriate installation: with Section 2C-3 of the MUTCD.
The Headquarters Environmental Affairs
F. Fire Station Signs
Office records and compiles deer kill data
reported by WSDOT personnel FIRE STATION (W11-8) signs may be installed
at locations where there is limited sight distance
Records of accidents with wildlife which to the fire station road approach or where the
are maintained by the Transportation Data approach is in an area where a motorist would
Office, Accident Data Section of the Planning not normally expect to see a fire truck enter the
and Programming Service Center roadway.
The Department of Fish and Wildlifes Conduct a traffic engineering analysis at each
regional biologists who have additional location to determine appropriate applications for
information on concentrations and migratory this sign.
routes of deer
Fire station warning signs are not generally used
Existing DEER CROSSING sign locations at intersections.
should be reviewed every five years to determine
if the location still warrants a sign. G. Grated Bridge Deck Sign
Install the GRATED BRIDGE DECK sign
D. Exit Advisory Speed Sign
(W8-2101) in advance of bridges with grated
Install the EXIT ADVISORY SPEED (W13-2) decks. Deck grates may affect the handling
sign at freeway/expressway exit ramps to inform

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March 2002

characteristics of some vehicles, particularly entering from the side approach is not
motorcycles and bicycles. continuously visible to traffic on the through
highway for the minimum advance distance
H. Grooved Pavement Sign suggested in the table for advanced placement of
Install the GROOVED PAVEMENT sign warning signs located in MUTCD Section 2C.
(W8-2001) in advance of highway sections where These signs may be modified to show offset
the finish of the roadway surface features closely geometrics of intersection or approach curves
spaced longitudinal grooves. The grooves may when necessary. Width of lines used to show
affect the handling characteristics of some roadways may vary to demonstrate the
vehicles, particularly motorcycles and bicycles. predominate highway. Intersection warning
Do not use this sign in areas of rutted pavement. signs are not normally used at signalized or
channelized/illuminated intersections.
I. Hairpin Curve Sign
WSDOT criteria recommend installing the
sign with the black on yellow ROAD NAME
hairpin curve sign (W1-901L,R) at locations
(D3-201) sign
where a horizontal curve alignment contains a
central angle of 135 degrees or greater, and: Install white on green ROAD NAME
(D3-302) signs 200 feet or more in advance
A traffic engineering analysis of roadway,
of intersections where the INTERSECTION
geometric, and operating conditions shows
WARNING sign is not used (see Section
the recommended curve speed to be 30 mph
2.4.F.1 of this manual)
or less; or
Refer to the MUTCD installation criteria for
The recommended curve speed is equal to
railroad/intersection signs W10-2, W10-3,
or less than the speed limit established by law
and W10-4.
or regulation for that section of highway
To provide additional guidance, the hairpin curve L. Low Clearance Signing
sign may be supplemented with: The maximum legal vehicle height permitted on
state highways is 14 (RCW 46.44.020). At the
Advisory speed plaque (W13-1)
direction of the MUTCD, and through operational
Large arrow sign (W1-6) experience, a 15 buffer (including 3 for frost
Chevron alignment signs (W1-8) heave) has been added to the 14, creating a
minimum threshold of 153 for low clearance
J. Truck Tipping Signs warning signs.
The special TRUCK TIPPING sign may be For locations where the clearance is 14 or
installed where there is a history of truck tipping greater, but less than 153, install the LOW
accidents. Install this sign in addition to, not in CLEARANCE (W12-301), or LOW
lieu of, standard curve or turn, large arrow, and CLEARANCE W/ARROW (W12-302) sign
chevron warning signs. Conduct a traffic on overhead structure, or install the advance
engineering analysis to determine the LOW CLEARANCE (W12-2) sign on the
recommended speed at which trucks can right shoulder. Refer to the table for
negotiate an alignment. Display this advanced placement of warning signs,
recommended speed on an advisory speed plaque located in MUTCD Section 2C for advanced
(W 13-1) below the TRUCK TIPPING sign. placement distance
K. Intersection Warning Signs Where the clearance is less than 14, install
the LOW CLEARANCE (W12-301) or LOW
CLEARANCE W/ARROW (W12-302) sign
Series) sign on through highways to indicate the
on the structure. In addition, install LOW
presence of an obscured intersection. Consider
CLEARANCE (W12-2) sign in advance of
installing this sign at locations where traffic

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March 2002

the closest intersecting road that provides a advance of the minimum distances provided
detour around the low clearance impediment. in the table for advanced placement of warning
Supplement this sign with an ADVISORY signs located in MUTCD Section 2C. Refer
DISTANCE (W13-501) sign, showing the to Section 2.1.F of this manual to determine
distance to the impediment. Install an responsibility for installation and maintenance
additional advance LOW CLEARANCE of these signs.
(W12-2) sign in accordance with the table
for advanced placement of warning signs, O. Turn and Curve Signs and
located in MUTCD Section 2C Advisory Speed Plaques
In situations where clearance may vary greatly, Install the TURN (W1-1) sign where traffic
such as arched structures or tunnels, make a engineering analysis of roadway, geometric, and
specific determination regarding the number operating conditions indicates an advisory speed
of signs required on the structure to provide for a horizontal turn to be 30 mph or less, and:
effective clearance information. If any This advisory speed is 5 mph or more below
portion of the roadway, for example at the the legal speed limit
edge stripe, does not provide minimum legal
Install supplemental advisory speed plaque
clearance, the advance signing should include
(W13-1) if this advisory speed is 10 mph or
this information
more below the legal speed limit, or where
Display the low clearance to the nearest inch not traffic engineering analysis indicates the need
exceeding the actual clearance. If surface overlays to advise drivers of the recommended speed
decrease the overhead clearance, measure the
Install the CURVE (W1-2) sign where traffic
clearance and if necessary, revise sign message
engineering analysis of roadway, geometric, and
operating conditions indicates an advisory speed
Vertical clearance for all overhead signs shall for a horizontal curve that ranges from 35 mph to
be in accordance with the Design Manual 65 mph, and:
Section 820.
The advisory speed is 5 mph or more below
M. Merge Sign the legal speed limit
Install the MERGE (W4-1) sign to warn motorists Install supplemental advisory speed plaque
of upcoming merging movements, in advance of (W13-1) if the recommended speed is 10 mph
a point where two roads converge and no turning or more below the legal speed limit, or where
conflicts occur. Consider installing this sign if traffic engineering analysis indicates the need
the minimum visibility distance for an alignment to advise drivers of a recommended speed
convergence is less than the Condition A value,
Advisory speeds on curves are indicated by
suggested for the given operating speed in the
ball-banking instrument readings as follows:
table for advanced placement of warning signs
located in MUTCD Section 2C. Place the sign Advisory Speed Maximum Ball
on the major alignment, in advance of the point (mph) Bank Reading
where two roads converge. An additional sign
20 mph or less 14
may be placed on the entering roadway as
a reminder. Do not use this sign where roads 25 and 30 mph 12
converge with added lanes. 35 mph and greater 10
Table 2-8
N. Stop Ahead/Signal Ahead Signs
(W3-3) signs are generally required only if the P. Pavement Ruts Sign
stop sign or the traffic signal is not visible in Install PAVEMENT RUTS signs (W8-2201) in
advance of highway sections where longitudinal
wheel track ruts may cause unexpected move-

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March 2002

ments when vehicles change lanes or exit the regional transportation organization, such as
roadway. The Regional Traffic Office should an RTPO, or MPO
determine appropriate placement of these signs, There is a documented history of complaints
based on traffic engineering analysis. On and conflicts between bicyclists and motorists
multi-lane divided roadways, post signs on both
sides of the roadway. Use these signs in conjunction with the
BICYCLISTS signs (W11-1). Do not install these
Q. Transit Stop Ahead Sign signs on state highways that have designated
Install the TRANSIT STOP AHEAD (W14-1101) bicycle lanes.
symbol sign on state highways in advance of T. Left Turns Ahead Signs
transit vehicle stop zones. In accordance with
WAC 468-46, this sign shall be installed when: The MUTCD does not provide guidance for the
use of the LEFT TURNS AHEAD (W2-601)
The transit stop has been approved by the sign. This sign may be used to mitigate conflicts
Regional Traffic Office at intersections where traffic engineering analysis
The transit stop is located in an area that is indicates that a left turn movement is contributing
not incorporated to operational deficiencies. Install this sign at
locations where:
The transit vehicle stops upon the roadway
to receive and discharge passengers The intersection is not channelized

There is limited sight distance condition Left-turning vehicles may queue in the
traveled lane
Install the sign at locations where the transit
vehicle, when stopped upon the roadway, is not Approach to intersection does not provide
visible from a minimum advance distance of adequate stopping sight distance
500 feet. To locate the sign, use advance distances
U. Object Markers/Lateral Clearance
from the table for advanced placement of warning
signs located in MUTCD Section 2C.
Install object markers to identify hazardous
R. Snowmobile Signs objects and conditions located within or adjacent
Install SNOWMOBILE Warning signs where to the roadway. Objects located close enough to
motorists may encounter snowmobiles in the edge of the traveled way to present a hazard
accordance with RCW 46.10.110. require a lateral clearance marker (W12-401 L/R).
These hazards may include, but are not limited
S. Bikes on Road Signs to underpass bridge piers and abutments, barriers,
Install BIKES ON ROAD (W11-101) signs in handrails, and culvert headwalls. Object markers
areas where motorists may encounter bicyclists may be installed at some locations where the
on the roadway. These signs help mitigate road hazard is not presented by a physical object, but
use conflicts on state routes with narrow paved where conditions such as narrow shoulder
shoulders. Consider using these signs on sections drop-offs, small traffic islands and abrupt
of state highway where the paved shoulder width changes make it undesirable for the motorist to
is less than 4 feet and one or more of the following leave the roadway. The MUTCD states, the
conditions are met: inside edge of marker (W12-401 R/L) shall be in
line with the inner edge of the obstruction. The
Average Daily Traffic volume is greater than mounting height to the bottom of the lateral
1,700 vehicles, based on the most current clearance marker is 4 feet above the lane edge.
WSDOT Annual Traffic Report
Impact Attenuator Markers (W12-501 and
The state highway is part of a recreational or W12-502) are used to identify the nose section
commuter bicycle route that is officially of an impact attenuator. Install a W12-501 when
recognized by the department, or a county or traffic approaching an attenuator passes only one

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March 2002

side of the attenuator; install a W12-502 when Pursuant to MUTCD Sections 1A-1 and 1A-3.1,
approaching traffic passes on both sides of the sign messages that provide advertising or
attenuator. commercial information are not allowed.

V. Watch for Ice Signs Types of Guide Signs The guide sign group
consists of several types of signs. Route Markers
The use of WATCH FOR ICE signs to alert
clearly display the official highway number and
motorists to roadway surface conditions caused
direction of travel. Primary Guide Signs (advance
by weather shall be discontinued, except where
guide signs, exit directional signs and destination
there are intelligent signs linked to pavement
signs) direct motorists along state highways to
exit points for principal destinations served by
Intelligent WATCH FOR ICE SIGNS may intersections or interchanges; and to control
also be posted where some natural or manmade cities that are located on intersecting state routes.
feature causes the highway to be consistently wet Distance Signs display distances to destinations
without reference to immediate weather and junctions along state routes. Supplemental
conditions and there is substantial likelihood that Guide Signs provide direction to major traffic
cold temperatures will often occur and cause ice generators or other points of interest.
on the highway in that specific and limited Follow-Through signs provide continued
location. Examples of this limited kind of direction, beginning at the point of exit from the
condition may include, but are not limited to: state highway, following through to the
destination displayed on the guide sign. General
A waterfall or some industrial plant proximate
Motorist Information Signs provide information
to a highway that consistently causes spray
for the unfamiliar motorist about services
Moisture from vapor on the highway available at upcoming intersections and
Wetness from drainage problems for which interchanges.
there has been no feasible short or long-term Guide Signs on Conventional Roads Install
design or maintenance solution guide signs on conventional roadways in
Any decision to post an Ice sign for these reasons accordance with guidelines in MUTCD Section
must be reviewed and approved by the State 2D. Advance destination and destination signs
Traffic Engineer, based on traffic engineering should be used on through routes at junctions of
analysis, and in consultation with the appropriate state highways and at junctions of county roads
Regional Traffic Engineer. or city streets that lead to significant destinations.
Include numbered state route markers (D1-501)
2.4 Guide Signs on the destination signs where appropriate.
Overview These signs serve as primary Guide Signs on Expressways and Freeways
navigational tools for the unfamiliar motorist on Install guide signs on expressways and freeways
state highways. Guide signs provide information in accordance with guidelines in MUTCD
about route designations, distances and directions Sections 2E and 2F. Generally, this consists of
to destinations, motorist services, and other one or two advance guide signs, an exit
geographical, recreational, or cultural points directional sign, one supplemental guide sign,
of interest. and other signs as shown. The minimum spacing
is 800 feet between guide signs. Install only one
Limit the number and spacing of these signs;
supplemental guide sign, approximately halfway
this allows the driver adequate time to read and
between the advance destination sign and the
respond to the messages. When new signs are
destination sign.
being added to highways that serve urban and
suburban built up areas, use reasonable judgment A. Route Marker Signs
to avoid sign proliferation. This may require the
General The MUTCD requires the use of
removal or relocation of existing signs.
route markers to identify and mark all numbered

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March 2002

highway systems. Each highway system type destination selection criteria for guide signs on
(e.g., interstate, state route, US) has a uniquely conventional roads, freeways, and expressways.
designed route marker. Use the specific route
Control City/Terminal Destination Signing
marker only on the appropriate route and
As provided in the MUTCD guidelines, use a
approaches to the route. The following criteria
control city or terminal destination on guide signs
are applied when using route markers:
at junctions with other highways. Choose the
Install route marker signs at: primary destination (control city or terminal
destination) for selected state routes from those
Entrances to Washington State
given below:
Beyond interchanges or on the far side of
intersections with other numbered routes, SR 2
or major local roads EB from Everett ................................... Wenatchee
EB from Wenatchee ................................ Spokane
Beyond city limits EB from Spokane .................................... Newport
Install the cardinal direction sign (M3 series) WB from Idaho State Line ...................... Spokane
above route marker sign WB from Spokane ................................ Davenport
WB from Davenport ............................ Wenatchee
Install junction signs where appropriate WB from Wenatchee ................................. Everett
In urban and residential areas, install route
markers at intervals that will keep an unfamiliar SR 5
motorist informed of the route. NB from Vancouver, WA .......................... Seattle
NB from Seattle .......................... Vancouver, B.C.
B. Primary Guide Signs SB from Vancouver, B.C. .......................... Seattle
General Advance guide, exit directional, and SB from Seattle ....................................... Portland
destination signs provide guidance to destinations SR 12
served by upcoming exits or intersections. EB from Aberdeen................................... Olympia
Provide the unfamiliar motorist with the most EB from Elma ......................................... Centralia
effective message, and ensure consistency by EB from Interstate 5 ................................. Yakima
displaying the same message on all signs installed EB from Yakima .................................... Richland
in series. EB from Pasco ................................... Walla Walla
MUTCD guidelines define the required and EB from Walla Walla ............................. Lewiston
allowable numbers of advance guide signs for WB from Idaho State Line ................ Walla Walla
various roadway types and interchange WB from Walla Walla ................................. Pasco
classifications. One exit directional or destination WB from Richland ................................... Yakima
sign is located immediately prior to the exit or WB from Yakima ................................ Interstate 5
intersection. The MUTCD guidelines also WB from Interstate 5 ............................. Aberdeen
provide installation location, and letter/legend
SR 14
criteria for these signs.
EB from Vancouver..................... I-82/Kennewick
Display a maximum of two destinations on a WB from I-82 ...................................... Vancouver
single primary guide sign. A sign support having
two or more signs may display a maximum of SR 20
three destinations. EB from Keystone ................................. Anacortes
EB from Anacortes .............................. Burlington
Destination Selection Display the primary EB from Burlington .............................. Okanogan
destination(s) served by the upcoming exit or EB from Okanogan ................................... Colville
intersection. This could include the name of a EB from Colville ..................................... Newport
city, street, junction with another numbered WB from Idaho State Line ....................... Colville
highway or control city along the intersecting WB from Colville ................................. Okanogan
route, or other traffic generator. Use the same WB from Okanogan ............................ Burlington

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March 2002

WB from Burlington ............................. Anacortes SR 395

WB from Anacortes............................. Coupeville NB from Oregon State Line ................ Kennewick
NB from Pasco ........................................ Spokane
SR 82 NB from Spokane ..................................... Colville
EB from Ellensburg .................................. Yakima NB from Colville ..................... Grand Forks, B.C.
EB from Yakima .................................... Richland SB from Canadian Border ....................... Spokane
EB from Richland .................................. Pendleton SB from Ritzville ........................................ Pasco
WB from Oregon State Line ............... Kennewick
WB from Kennewick................................ Yakima SR 405
WB from Yakima ................................ Ellensburg NB from Jct. I-5 (Southcenter) .................. Renton
NB from Renton ......................................Bellevue
SR 90 NB from Bellevue ..................................... Everett
EB from Seattle ................................... Ellensburg SB from Jct I-5 (Lynwood) ..................... Bellevue
EB from Ellensburg ................................. Spokane SB from Bellevue ...................................... Renton
EB from Spokane .......................... Coeur dAlene
WB from Idaho State Line ...................... Spokane If a terminal destination is not required or if space
WB from Spokane ............................... Ellensburg is available for a second destination, display the
WB from Ellensburg .................................. Seattle destination that will benefit the greatest number
of motorists. Consider the following destinations
SR 97 when making this determination:
NB from Oregon State Line ..................... Yakima
A city or town situated at or near a major
NB from Ellensburg ............................ Wenatchee
highway junction; or the major highway
NB from Wenatchee ............................. Okanogan
junction route marker if junction is located
NB from Okanogan ...................... Penticton, B.C.
prior to a city or town
SB from Canadian Border ................... Wenatchee
SB from Wenatchee............................. Ellensburg The name of the cross-road or street
SB from Yakima ................................. Goldendale
A second major city or town on the route
SR 101 Other major destinations such as: Mountain
NB from Oregon State Line .................. Aberdeen passes on primary highways, National parks,
NB from Aberdeen ........................... Port Angeles and the Seattle-Tacoma or Spokane
NB from Olympia ............................. Port Angeles International Airports
SB from Port Angeles (East Leg) ............ Olympia
SB from Port Angeles (West Leg) ........ Aberdeen C. Distance Signs
SB from Aberdeen ..................................... Astoria General MUTCD guidelines permit distance
signs to display up to three destinations. In addition,
SR 182
the following criteria should be observed:
EB from SR 82 ....................................... Richland
EB from Richland ........................................ Pasco Locate signs in rural areas at 10 to 15-mile
WB from Pasco ...................................... Richland intervals
WB from Richland ....... SR 82/Yakima/Pendleton
Locate signs beyond city limits or urban
SR 195 boundaries
NB from Idaho State Line ....................... Spokane Locate signs beyond intersections and
SB from Spokane.................................... Lewiston interchanges of numbered routes
SR 205 Locate signs at entrances to Washington State
NB from Oregon State Line ....................... Seattle
Where two or more of these location conditions
SB from Jct. I-5 ........................................... Salem
occur within 10 miles, sign the most effective

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March 2002

Destination Selection Use the top line to highways. State law also requires signing from
identify the next city with services available, or state highways to regional shopping centers that
the next intersected route number. The second meet specific criteria (RCW 47.36.270).
line can be used to identify communities of
The largest category of destinations to consider
general interest and may be varied on successive
for supplemental guide signing is traffic
signs to provide maximum information for the
generators. Although the department receives
motorist. Display the next control city or terminal
numerous requests for these signs, it is not
destination on the third line. Use the same
possible to sign for all traffic generators that
destination selection criteria for guide signs on
warrant signing. The following information offers
conventional roads, freeways, and expressways.
prioritized selection criteria to aid in determining
Determining Mileage Display on Distance the most appropriate destinations for
Signs For Freeways and Expressways, display supplemental guide signs.
the distance in miles from the sign to the first
interchange/intersection that provides motorist Selection Criteria Factors for Supplemental
services within the destination city corporate Destinations Priority Order
limits, or the distance in miles from the sign to 1. Primary Guide Sign Over-Flow Messages
the interchange/intersection that provides In some cases, appropriate messages cannot
destination signing to the City Center. For be included on primary guide signs due to space
conventional highways, display the distance in limitations. Place these messages on
miles from the sign to the boundary of the supplemental guide signs with priority over
destination city corporate limits. For destinations other supplemental sign messages.
such as Mt. Rainier National Park, display the
distance to the park boundary. 2. Statutory Selection Signing to State
Parks from interstate highways and signing to
D. Supplemental Guide Sign regional shopping centers from state highways
General Supplemental guide signs direct the has priority over other traffic generators.
unfamiliar motorist to destinations that are 3. Traffic Generator Volume This signing
significant traffic generators, or other points of should serve an essential traffic control function;
interest that cannot be displayed on primary guide traffic generators with the greatest traffic volume
signs. A supplemental guide sign may display a should be given priority.
maximum of two destinations. It may be
4. Local Consensus Local agency
necessary to replace existing destinations with
partnership is an important consideration.
more important ones as development occurs.
Routing traffic onto local roadways may impact
MUTCD guidelines define appropriate
local traffic patterns. Determine if signing to a
application and installation location for these
traffic generator will impact local roadway traffic
signs on expressways and freeways. No more
operations. Seek local agency concurrence with
than one supplemental guide sign should installed
proposed signing location.
on each interchange approach.
5. Nearest Interchange/Intersection
Destination Selection In some cases, essential
Determine if the sign will be located at the
messages cannot be included on primary guide
interchange or intersecting road that provides
signs due to space limitations. Place these
the most direct route to the traffic generator.
messages on supplemental guide signs with
In general, avoid signing to destinations that
priority over other supplemental sign messages.
require complex navigation on multiple high-
State law requires the department to install and ways, unless the activity is of national
maintain signing to State Parks located within significance. Determine if the local agency
15 miles of interstate highways (RCW 47.36.290). concurs with proposed signing.
These destinations have first priority on
supplemental guide signs located on interstate

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March 2002

6. Distance From Route to Destination Industrial/Commercial

Determine if the traffic generator lies within Business Routes
the prescribed distance criteria for the type of Ports/Port Districts
destination being signed (see categories below). Industrial Parks
7. Follow-Through Signing Determine if Section 2.4D.11 lists traffic generators that
follow-through signing is required to direct the normally do not warrant signing. Evaluate the
unfamiliar motorist to the traffic generator. The given interchange and select the destinations that
local agency must concur with proposed signing provide the most benefit to the motorist.
and be willing to assume responsibility for
installation and maintenance of follow-through Destination Selection Criteria and Installation
signs. Refer to Section 2.4.E for further Details for Specific Types of Traffic Generators
information regarding follow-through signing. To warrant sign messages on supplemental guide
8. AASHTO Guidelines for Selecting Traffic signs, traffic generators must meet these criteria.
Generators Adjacent to Freeways Appendix 2-6 contains these criteria in a table
Determine if the traffic generator meets or format. Supplemental guide signing for these
exceeds criteria contained in this AASHTO traffic generators shall be installed according to
publication. the following details.

9. National/Regional/Local Establish 1. State Parks

priority based on scope of recognition. Prioritize Overview The department provides signing
traffic generators that are nationally recognized along state highways for routes leading to state
over traffic generators that have state or regional parks under purview of RCW 47.36.290. The
recognition, and regional destinations over local State Parks and Recreation Commission is
points of interest. responsible for any State Park signing route not
Supplemental Guide Sign Destination Types located on a state highway. Parks within 15 miles
(Non-Priority) of an interstate highway will be signed from the
interstate, including follow through signing on
This non-priority list of traffic generator types any state route that connects the interstate to the
may aid in determining the most appropriate park. Do not install mainline signing until all
destinations for supplemental guide signs. These follow through signing is in place.
are general categories, a traffic generator may
cross over into several groups. All signs shall have white letters, symbols, and
border on a brown background. The Headquarters
Multi-Modal Traffic Office maintains an inventory of the
Airports recreational symbols to be used at each state park.
Amtrak/Other Railroad
Ferries Freeways
Park and Ride Lots Mainline Install supplemental guide signs
Heritage displaying the name of the state park and a
Indian Reservations directional message, such as NEXT RIGHT,
Military Installations in advance of the interchange off-ramp. If a
Natural/Cultural/Historic Attractions park has restricted hours or days of operation,
Scenic Byways add signs displaying the operating schedule to
the supplemental sign assembly.
Fairgrounds Ramp Install directional signs with the
National Parks message STATE PARK and a maximum of
Recreational Areas four symbol plaques for each sign assembly.
Stadiums (Sports Facilities) Display the mileage to the park from the ramp
Colleges/Universities terminal, using 1/4 mile increments if the distance
USFS (HQs Facilities/Campground)

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March 2002

is less than one mile. If the park does not have 3. Airports
camping facilities, display the message NO
Airports are eligible for signing if they are
CAMPING in place of one of the symbol
included in the National Plan of Integrated
Airport Systems and classified as air carrier,
Conventional Roadways commuter or reliever, or general aviation
airport and meet the following criteria:
To provide guidance to state parks from
conventional roadways, install signs displaying The airport is associated with an area
the name of the park, the NEXT RIGHT/LEFT population of 10,000 or more
directional message and a maximum of four The airport is located within 5 miles of
recreational symbol plaques. If the park does not interchange or intersection
have camping facilities, display the message NO
CAMPING in place of one of the symbol The airport runway shall be paved, lighted,
plaques. If a park has restricted hours or days of and 2,500 feet, or more, in length
operation, add signs displaying the operating The airport is municipally owned, or privately
schedule to the directional assembly. owned, and substantially used for commercial
At the intersection of a state route, and a roadway enterprise with the following minimum
leading to a state park, install a white on brown number of regularly scheduled commercial
D1-101 with the message STATE PARK and flights per day:
a directional arrow. Display the mileage to the 35 flights per day in major metropolitan
park from the intersection, using 1/4 mile area (greater than 50,000)
increments if the park is less than one mile
from the intersection. 20 flights per day in an urban area
2. Regional Shopping Centers
15 flights per day in urban areas
WAC 468-95-025 requires signing to regional
shopping centers when all of the following Airports at remote locations serving a smaller
criteria are met: population may be signed when their location
is not obvious
Shopping center has greater than 500,000
square feet of retail space for lease Contact WSDOTs Aeronautics Division to
determine if a specific airport meets these
Shopping center contains at least three major criteria. Airports that have scheduled flights
department stores that are owned by a na- can be signed with the airport name. All other
tional or regional chain organization municipal airports will be signed with the airport
Shopping center is located within 1 mile of a symbol or with the word message Airport.
state highway Existing signs not meeting these criteria may
Shopping center must generate a minimum of remain in place.
9,000 daily one-way trips 4. Rail Passenger Stations
Sign space is available for installation as Install signing to Amtrak and other rail passenger
specified in the MUTCD stations as described below. In some cases, Public
Supplemental follow-through directional Transit Authorities may choose to enter into a
signing is required if the shopping center is partnership with the department regarding signing
not clearly visible at the point of exit from issues. This may include the use of logo signs
the main traveled way that have been approved by the Public Transit
Authority and the department, as the standard
All follow-through signing must be in place prior guide sign. Use these guidelines to install signing
to installing supplemental guide signs. All costs that directs traffic from state highways to Amtrak
associated with installing and maintaining signs and other passenger rail stations:
shall be the responsibility of the shopping center.

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March 2002

Conventional Roadways Use Amtrak Interstate Highways

symbols or approved logo signs in the
Install signing if the main campuses of state
trailblazer format with the appropriate
colleges and universities are located within
directional arrows
5 miles of an interstate highway. Where two
Multilane Highways: interstate highways are within the 5 miles
limit, sign from the nearest one
If there is enough space to install an
individual feature sign, the Amtrak Signing to state college and university
symbol plaque or approved logo sign satellite campuses, other public or private
may be placed alone on a green colleges and universities, and technical
background sign panel with either of schools is the same as above. Where two or
these messages: NEXT RIGHT or more colleges or universities share a common
EXIT XXX (see Appendix 2-7a) campus, enrollments may be combined to
meet enrollment criteria. If this and all other
When there is not enough space to install
criteria are met, multiple facilities may be
an individual feature sign, the Amtrak
displayed on guide signs. In addition, the
symbol plaque or approved logo sign may
be installed below the advance exit or the
exit directional sign on the post closest to Must be a regional institution
the traveled way (see Appendix 2-7b)
Must have total enrollment (including
If the sign cannot be installed in part time and full time) of:
accordance with the details above, the
4,500 students in a major
Amtrak symbol plaque or approved logo
metropolitan area (50,000 or greater)
sign may be installed below the
supplemental guide sign, on the post 2,500 students in an urban area
closest to the traveled way (see (5,000-49,999)
Appendix 2-7c) 1,000 students in a rural area
Install Amtrak trailblazer signs or Must have accreditation To determine
approved logo signs along freeway ramps if a Washington state institution of higher
or at ramp terminals. All trailblazer signs education is duly accredited, contact the
must be in place before any mainline Council on Colleges of the Northwest
signs are installed Association of Schools and Colleges.
The Amtrak symbol plaque or approved A list of Washingtons accredited schools
logo sign may be installed as part of a is available on line at the agency website:
multi-modal transportation logo board, www.cocnasc.org. This agency also has
along with approved symbols for other accurate enrollment data. The agency can
modes of transportation be contacted by phone at (425) 827-2005
for information about a school accredited
If none of the above is possible, the sign shall
outside the northwest region which
not be installed.
operates a satellite campus in
5. Colleges and Universities Washington.
Provide signing along interstate and state Other State Highways
highways to colleges, universities, and public
technical schools in accordance with Install signing if the main campuses of
the following criteria: state colleges and universities are located
within 5 miles of a state highway. Where two
state highways are within the 5 miles limit,
sign from the nearest one

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March 2002

All other criteria are the same as those for 10. United States Forest Service Facilities
interstate highways.
Signing to facilities of the USFS, including
6. Event Venues Arenas, Auditoriums, campgrounds and Headquarters buildings may be
Convention Halls, Fairgrounds, Stadiums installed if the facility is located within 1 mile of
an interchange in major metropolitan or urban
Event venues may be signed with white on green
areas, and within 10 miles in a rural area.
supplemental guide signs if the following
requirements are met and sign space is available. 11. Unwarranted Traffic Generators
Major Metropolitan Area (population 50,000 Signing to ventures operated by private entities
or greater) The venue must be within 2 for profit, and other areas or ventures not of
miles of the state highway, and the annual general interest to the traveling public are not
attendance at the facility must be at least permitted on state highways. Traffic generators
300,000 that do not normally warrant guide signing
Urban Area (population 5,000-49,999)
The venue must be within 2 miles of the state Businesses
highway, and the annual attendance at the TV/Radio Stations
facility must be at least 250,000 Theaters
Rural Area The venue must be within
Local or State
5 miles of the state highway, and the annual
attendance at the facility must be at least
Military (A National Cemetery, as designated by
the U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs, that is located
7. Industrial Parks within 5 miles of the nearest intersection or
Signing to industrial parks may be installed if: interchange may be signed)
The area has at least 500,000 square feet of Convention Centers
space available for lease (may include a mix Civil Centers
of manufacturing, service, warehouse Libraries
facilities) Churches
The area is within 5 miles of the state highway Subdivisions
8. Ports/Port Districts Governmental
Signing to activities located on properties owned County Facilities
and operated by Ports or Port Districts may be Courthouses
installed if the facility is served by two or more Vehicle Emissions Testing Facilities
modes of transportation (Water, Highway, Rail, Drivers and Vehicle License Centers
of Air). Highway Buildings
9. Major Recreation Areas Jails/Prisons
Civil Defense Facilities
Signing to major recreation areas may be installed Maintenance Facilities
if the facility is open to the public and has annual Power Plants
attendance of at least:
Major Metropolitan Area 300,000 Grade/High
Urban Area 250,000 Seminaries
Rural Area 100,000 Mental Facilities
Research Facilities

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March 2002

Infirmaries or Treatment Centers Lane Type Single Single/ Single/

County, Fraternal, or Nursing Homes Multi-lane Multi-Lane
Retirement Facilities Speed 25-30 mph 35-45 mph 50 + mph
Humane Facilities Limit (mph)
Military Sites or Detachments
Armories Sign
Arsenals Street Sign 4 6 6
Recreational/Conservation Letter Size
Tree Nurseries/Arboretums
Points of Interest Advance
Sign NA 6 8
Camps: Scout, Church, 4-H, Youth, and
Letter Size

E. Follow-Through Signing Fabrication D3-101* D3-101* D3-101

Number D3-102* D3-102* D3-102
Follow-through signing provides guidance along D3-301* D3-301
local roadways to locations off the state highway D3-302* D3-302
(Advance Only) (Advance Only) **
system. They are installed and maintained by the
agency responsible for the local roadway. * The 8, and 6 D letter size combination is for signs
Regional traffic personnel coordinate the signing mounted on traffic signal mast arms or advance sign
plan with the appropriate local agency and ensure installations.
that all the follow-through signing is in place ** Modify to use 8 D letters and increase sign heaight to
18 for one line, or to 30 for two lines.
before any directional signs are installed on state
highways. Periodic reviews will determine the Table 2-9
effectiveness and ongoing need for follow- For street name signs installed above a stop sign;
through signing. in cases where using 6 letters would create a sign
Use 6-inch D series letters on follow-through message that exceeds 60, 5 letters may be used.
signs in high traffic volume areas. Use 5-inch White on green advance street name signs may be
C series letters as a minimum on other installed for critical and significant cross streets
follow-through signs. Directional information or where the intersection is not obscured. A critical
arrows should be part of the legend. or significant cross street is classified as a
Install these signs in advance of decision points minocollector or higher, or one which may serve a
where route changes are required. Do not install unique traffic generator or possess other
these signs in combination with regulatory or comparable physical or traffic characteristics
warning signs. Additional signs may be placed at deemed to be critical or significant.
mandatory stop locations. Placing these signs on On city streets that are part of state highways, the
the far-side of the intersection allows the motorist local agency shall install and maintain street signs
time to read the sign message while stopped, then within their corporate limits.
continue driving in the proper direction.
Where county roads intersect state highways,
F. Other Essential Guide Signs the counties shall install street signs above state
installed stop signs. By agreement, the department
1. Street Name Signs
maintains these signs.
Install street name signs and advance name street
signs according MUTCD guidelines. The use of 2. Canadian Customs
a chevron on the street sign, as in sign D3-302 is For Canadian Customs stations with limited hours
acceptable. of operation, display the hours of operation on an
Use this table to determine appropriate letter size: advance sign. Install these signs in advance of the
last exit before the border, where overnight
boarding is available.

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March 2002

Canadian Customs at 24-hour crossings need no 6. General Motorist Services

signing in advance of the last exit before the (Generic Signs)
Install motorist service signs where the services
3. Highway and Freeway Entrance are not visible, or readily apparent to the motorist.
Signs Periodic reviews by regional personnel ensure
Install the HIGHWAY ENTRANCE sign (E12-1) that these signs are provided only for services and
on undivided two-lane two-way highways where facilities that meet eligibility criteria, and that
interchanges are provided at intersecting signs are removed or covered when the service or
crossroads. Install signs on both sides of the facility is no longer in operation, or is closed for
on-ramp, facing approaching traffic to clearly the season.
identify the entrance to the on-ramp.
Do not combine motorist service (general
Install the FREEWAY ENTRANCE sign (E12-2) service) signing and motorist information (logo)
on both sides of the freeway or expressway signing on one installation at an interchange or
on-ramp, facing approaching traffic to clearly intersection. Services should be signed under the
identify the entrance to the ramp. logo sign program wherever possible.

4. Milepost Signs The following motorist service signs may be

installed on interstate and non-interstate
Install MILEPOST signs on all state highways.
The D10-1/2/3 are single faced signs used on
multilane highways. They are placed on the right
side of the traveled way. The D10-101/102/103 Sign Fabrication
signs are double-faced signs that are placed on Sign Symbol Number
the right side of the roadway in the direction of Gas D9-11
increasing milepost. Refer to Directive D32-20
Food D9-8
for detailed and complete rules regarding
milepost sign installation. Lodging D9-9
Phone D9-1
5. Indian Reservations
Upon request, a Regional Administrator may Hospital D9-2
provide signs identifying Indian Reservations Emergency Medical
under the following policy: Care Facility D9-13
If sign space is available, ENTERING Camping D9-3
______________ INDIAN RESERVATION Recreational Vehicle
signs may be installed where a state highway Park (text) D9-301
crosses a reservation boundary. The boundary Table 2-10
shall be the original treaty boundary. These signs
shall have white letters on a green background. In the vicinity of an interchange or intersection,
Where there is an official tribal or community install only one sign array per approach, with up
center, a directional sign may be installed to to four signs per array. Use symbol signs in lieu
provide guidance from the nearest state highway of word messages where applicable.
intersection if the center is within 5 miles. These Signs for motorist services are reflectorized and
signs have white letters on a brown background. have white symbols or letters on a blue back-
ground. Do not intermix word messages,
symbols, or logo signs on the same sign panel.
The sign legend for the recreational vehicle park
panel consists of the words; RV PARK, and for a
visitor information sign; VISITOR INFO.

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March 2002

These motorist service signs may be installed in The facility must be within 1 mile of an
conjunction with other guide signs. On ground interstate highway interchange or within
mount signs, install the panel below the guide 5 miles, and not readily visible from a
sign on either post (Appendix 2-7 b, c). If more non-interstate highway
than two signs are required, they may be placed Food
on a bracket below the guide sign, provided it
does not interfere with the breakaway The facility must be licensed or approved by
characteristics of the sign structure. On overhead the appropriate county health agency
signs, a service sign may be installed above the The facility must operate for at least 12
guide sign. uninterrupted hours per day, 6 days per week,
Where appropriate, install signs D9-101, D9-102, and serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner
or D9-103. These signs combine the motorist Shall feature free public rest room facilities
service message with a directional message such with appropriate locks for the security of the
as NEXT RIGHT, SECOND RIGHT, or the exit occupants. In addition, these facilities shall
number. The NEXT SERVICES ____ MILES contain sink with running water for hand
(D9-1601) sign may be placed below the motorist washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and
services sign if the services are 20 miles or more sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices
Telephone service shall be available to the
When services are not readily visible from an public
interchange, install directional follow-through
signs at ramp terminals. Install the same type of Seating capacity for a minimum of 20 patrons
legend or symbol on the follow through and main or parking and drive-in service facilities for a
line signs. If the services are located more than minimum of ten vehicles must be provided
1 mile from the interchange, display the distance The facility must be within 1 mile of an
to the services on the follow through signs. interstate highway interchange or within 5
The following criteria must be met prior to miles, and not readily visible from a
installing each type of sign. The State Traffic non-interstate highway
Engineer can approve minor deviations to these
criteria on a case-by-case basis.
The facility must be licensed or approved by
Gas, Diesel, and/or L-P Gas the Washington State Department of Social
Vehicle services must including fuel, oil, and Health Services (Bed and Breakfast
and water facilities exempt from DSHS licensing
requirements must have a letter of approval
Shall feature free public rest room facilities from the appropriate county health authority)
with appropriate locks for the security of the
occupants. In addition, these facilities shall Facilities signed from an interstate highway
contain sink with running water for hand must have 12 units or more
washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and Facilities signed from non-interstate
sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices highways must have 6 units or more
Shall provide free potable water drinking Telephone service must be available at the
fountain and free cups as necessary for public facility
The facility must be within 1 mile of an
The facility must operate for at least 16 interstate highway interchange or within
uninterrupted hours per day, 7 days per week 5 miles, and not readily visible from a
Telephone service must be available and non-interstate highway
visible from the facility

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March 2002

Phone Emergency transportation capabilities must

be available
Phone service must be available 24 hours per
day, 7 days per week The emergency care facility must be located
within a reasonable distance of the highway,
The phone must be located within 1 mile of
but, when operating at legal speeds, not more
an interstate highway interchange
than 20 minutes driving time away
Phone signing is not required if another
For an area with two or more qualifying
service in the vicinity of the interchange has
hospitals, provide signs to the closest facility
met the phone criteria as part of qualification
(by approach direction), located within a
Hospital reasonable travel time
Continuous emergency care service must be Do not use this sign if a hospital sign is
provided with a doctor on duty, or on installed
immediate call 24 hours per day, seven days
Police (Local or State)
per week
The law enforcement agency must have an
Availability of emergency care service must
officer on the premises at all times, or a
be certified to WSDOT by the Washington
dispatcher on duty with an officer within
State Department of Health
radio or local telephone contact
The hospital must be located within a
The law enforcement agency must be located
reasonable distance of the highway, but,
within a reasonable distance from the state
when operating at legal speeds, not more than
20 minutes driving time away
For an area with two or more qualifying Visitor Information Centers
hospitals, provide signs to the closest facility Must be a service facility whose sole function
(by approach direction) located within a is to provide tourist information, and must
reasonable travel time operate a minimum of 8 hours per day, 7 days
per week from Memorial Day through Labor
Emergency Medical Services Facility
Day, or during the months that visitors
The facility must operate continuously customarily visit the area. If the Visitor
24 hours per day, 7 days per week Center operators can document to the
Availability of emergency care services must Regional Traffic Engineer that a variance to
be certified to WSDOT by the Washington these hours is both reasonable and justified,
State Department of Health the Regional Traffic Engineer may approve
different operating hours
The facility must at all times have:
The facility must be operated by a nonprofit
a Physician on duty, or organization; however, the center may be
a Registered Nurse on duty, or sponsored by a commercial enterprise. For
example, the Visitor Information Center
a Paramedic on duty, or could be located within a commercial
an Emergency Medical Technician on establishment such as a mall or shopping
duty, plus: center provided the visitor center is visibly
separate from the commercial activity
a Physician on call, or
Literature and information on visitor attractions
a Registered Nurse on call, or must be free of charge to the public
a Paramedic on call A full-time attendant, whose primary duty
is to disseminate visitor information must be

Traffic Manual Page 2-25

March 2002

on duty during the hours of operation unless occupants. In addition, these facilities shall
there is electronic means available to answer contain sink with running water for hand
visitor questions washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and
sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices
There must be adequate floor space to
accommodate the anticipated number of Shall provide free potable water drinking
visitors and provide necessary display space fountain and free cups as necessary for public
for material of local and statewide interest use
The operators must demonstrate to the A full-time attendant must be on duty during
Regional Traffic Engineer that the number of operating hours
parking accommodations, for both cars and
Camp area facilities must be available
travel trailer units, will accommodate the
24 hours per day
expected number of visitors
Campground facilities must be within 5 miles
The availability of a telephone for public use
of an interstate highway interchange or
is encouraged. If no public phone is on site,
within 8 miles of, and not readily visible
the nearest public phone must be within a
from a non-interstate highway
reasonable distance
For seasonal operations, signs must be
The facility must be within 1 mile of an
removed or covered with a CLOSED
interstate highway interchange or within 5
plaque during the off season
miles, and not readily visible from a non-
interstate highway. Follow-through signing is Recreational Vehicle Park
required if the visitor center is not directly
adjacent to the roadway Recreational vehicle parks must be licensed
or approved by the appropriate county health
During hours of operation, shall feature free office
public rest room facilities with appropriate
locks for the security of the occupants. In Adequate parking must be provided for not
addition, these facilities shall contain sink less than 10 recreational vehicles (camper
with running water for hand washing, a flush truck, motor home, or recreational trailer)
toilet, toilet tissue, and sanitary towels or Shall feature free public rest room facilities
other hand-drying devices with appropriate locks for the security of the
The facility must also be approved by the occupants. In addition, these facilities shall
Department of Community, Trade and contain sink with running water for hand
Economic Developments (CTED) Tourism washing, a flush toilet, toilet tissue, and
Division sanitary towels or other hand-drying devices

If the Visitor Information Center is operated Shall provide free potable water drinking
seasonally, the signs must be removed or fountain and free cups as necessary for public
covered with a CLOSED plaque during the use
off season All park facilities and use areas, including
telephone, must be available 24 hours per day
The park must be within 5 miles of either an
Facilities must accommodate tent camping on interstate highway interchange or a non-
half the available sites interstate highway
Facilities that are accessed from intestate For seasonal operations, signs must be
routes must have at least 20 camping sites removed or covered with a CLOSED
Shall feature free public rest room facilities plaque during the off season
with appropriate locks for the security of the

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March 2002

7. Natural, Historic, and Cultural The signs must be removed or covered with a
Attractions CLOSED plaque during the off season
Install signing to natural, historic, and cultural Attractions must be served by at least a
attractions if it does not interfere with normal two-lane, all-weather road
interchange or intersection signing. The attraction
The attraction may be operated by a private
must have a regional or national significance and
or public organization. If the activity is
be of interest to a majority of the traveling public.
privately operated, the private business/
Do not sign attractions that are primarily of local
organization must pay the fabrication,
interest. Attractions of this type that charge an
installation, and replacement costs for the
admission or entrance fee are included as part of
signs. Execute a co-signed agreement to pay
the Motorist Information Sign (TOD) program.
letter with private business, showing regional
Conduct periodic reviews to ensure that signing account charge number and estimated cost of
is displayed only for facilities that meet eligibility sign prior to ordering signs. If the activity is
criteria. These reviews may identify new operated by a governmental agency, the
attractions that meet eligibility criteria, or identify department will install the signs at no cost to
signing that leads to attractions that are no that agency
longer in operation, or no longer meet criteria.
The attraction must be maintained in good
Apply the following criteria to signing of natural, repair and presented in a professional manner
historic, and cultural attractions:
The following additional criteria also apply:
Do not provide signing if the attraction is
readily visible and has direct access to the Watchable Wildlife
state highway Consider signing to Watchable Wildlife sites if
Signing may be provided along access- they are accessible to the motoring public and
controlled highways in urban areas, or within located within 10 miles of the interchange or
city limits. On highways without access intersection being signed. Use the WILDLIFE
control and within incorporated cities or VIEWING sign on the interstate highway exit
towns having populations over 22,500, such nearest the viewing area. Post the WILDLIFE
signing is under the jurisdiction of the local VIEWING AREA sign at the state highway
agency intersection nearest the viewing site. Use the
Binoculars logo sign for a trailblazer and for site
The attraction must be located within identification if no other signing is posted. (The
10 miles of the interchange or intersection FHWA has adopted the binoculars logo as the
being signed. Any required follow-through international wildlife viewing symbol, and it will
signing shall be in place prior to installing be added to the MUTCD.)
signs on state highway
All lettering, arrows, borders, and figures shall be
For attractions located more than 1 mile from in white; and all sign backgrounds in brown.
the interchange or intersection, display
mileage information on the ramp terminal or Interpretive signing at the site may explain the
direction signs. The hours of operation may features and management practices at the site.
also be shown on the ramp terminal or It can be simple or elaborate, and is generally
direction signs provided by the landowner or manager of the site.
Provide signing only on the state highway Natural Attractions
nearest to the attraction. The signs shall be
Consider signing to natural attractions if they
white letters on a brown background
are unique or few locations are accessible to the
The attraction must be open without motoring public. Examples of natural attractions
appointment to all segments of the motoring are the Palisades Rock Formation, Ice Caves west

Traffic Manual Page 2-27

March 2002

of Trout Lake, Hurricane Ridge, and the Snake Cultural Attractions

River Canyon.
Consider signing to cultural attractions if they are
Historic Attractions similar to, or are defined by one of the following
Requests from the public for signing to historic
attractions should be routed through the Regional Museums Approved by the Heritage
Traffic Office (see form, Appendix 2-8). Consider Resource Center of the Washington State
signing to historic attractions if: Historical Society. For applications, see
Appendix 2-8
They are included in the Washington Heritage
Register, as designated and maintained by the Religious Sites, shrines, etc., that are of
State Historic Preservation Officer; and a unique religious nature and provide visitor
facilities or tours
They have been approved by the Heritage
Resource Center of the Washington State Educational Centers (other than public or
Historical Society; and private schools, vocational schools, or
colleges and universities) that are of out-
The attraction also includes one or more of standing educational value and provide
the following features at the site: visitor facilities or tours
An interpretive center and/or a guided tour Scientific Places used for research or
Visible historic buildings, features, or scientific advancement that provide visitor
ruins with an interpretive marker facilities or tours
Examples of historic attractions are the Whitman Examples of cultural attractions are the Maryhill
Mission, Steptoe Battlefield, Jackson House, Fort Museum, and St. Marys Mission.
Simcoe, and the Monticello Convention Site.
Heritage Marker Signs
To determine if the attraction is included on the
Install HERITAGE MARKER (I5-103/104) signs
Washington Heritage Register, contact the State
to guide motorists to historical or heritage
Historic Preservation Officer at:
interpretive features located along state
Washington State Office of Archaeology highways. These signs replace existing historic
and Historic Preservation (CTED) markers and roadside attraction signs. Do not use
State Historic Preservation Officer this sign to direct motorists to historical sites on a
420 Golf Club Road SE, Suite 201 National or state registers. Examples of these
Mail Stop 48343 interpretive sites include Willy Keils Grave or
Lacey, WA 98504-8343 the Bridge of the Gods.
(360) 407-0826
8. Recreational Activities
To check for approval by the Heritage Resource
Center of the Washington State Historical Guide motorists to recreational activities by
Society, contact the director of the Heritage installing a RECREATION AREA NEXT
Resource Center at: RIGHT (D7-7701) sign. The components of the
sign message: RECREATION AREA, and NEXT
Director, Heritage Resource Center RIGHT or NEXT LEFT are displayed on two
211 West 21st Avenue separate lines. For conventional highways, below
Mail Stop 40950 the RECREATION AREA and direction
Olympia, WA, 98501 message, the sign may display a maximum of
(360) 586-0219 four recreational activity symbol plaques, such

Page 2-28 Traffic Manual

March 2002

Recreational activity signing is not permitted

Activity Sign Fab Number
along interstate highways or along access
Picnic Area D7-2201 controlled highways in urban areas or within
Fishing D7-1301 city limits. On highways without access
control and within incorporated cities or
Trailer Camping D9-3a towns having populations over 22,500, such
Boat Launch D7-1101 signing is under the local agencys
Swimming D7-1401 jurisdiction

Hiking* D7-501 The activity must be located within 10 miles

of the interchange or intersection being
Skiing D7-2001 signed. Before signing is installed on a state
Snowmobile Area D7-2101 highway, necessary follow-through signs
Public Golf Course D7-701 on local roads and streets must be in place
Public Beach Area D7-1402 For activities located more than 1 mile from
Table 2-11 the interchange or intersection, distance
information may be shown on the ramp
The signs shall be a white on brown trail symbol terminal or direction signs
with the trail name (white on brown) below.
Provide signing only on the state highway
Provide additional arrows and/or distance
nearest to the activity
information as necessary.
The activity must be open to all segments
For public recreation areas, the sign may identify
of the motoring public, without appointment,
the name of the area in lieu of the RECREATION
at least eight hours a day, five days a week
AREA message.
including a Saturday and/or a Sunday
Identify multiple agency recreation areas by
Signs must be removed or covered for
naming the area and displaying each agencys
seasonal closures
logo. Do not include recreational activity symbols
on these multi-agency signs. Requesting agencies Activities must be served by at least a
shall coordinate installation of follow-through two-lane all-weather road
signing with local road jurisdictions. Do not The destination facility must be maintained in
install mainline signs until all follow-through good repair and presented in a professional
signing is in place. manner
The following specific criteria also applies to
signing of recreational activities: 9. Signing to Other Agencies
Provide signing to facilities of other federal, state
Provide signing if the activity is not readily
and local agencies in accordance with guidelines
visible from the highway, and has no direct
contained in the MUTCD, this manual, and any
access to the highway
Memorandums of Understanding or agreements
The activity may be operated by a public or between the department and the agency. Install
private organization. If the facility is operated this signing in accordance with criteria for
by another governmental agency, the supplemental guide signing.
department will install the signs at no cost to
When space is available, install signing to:
that agency
State parks (per Section 2.6.D.1, this manual)
Privately owned recreational activities should
be signed under the Motorist Information National parks
Signing Program, described in section 2-6 of U.S. Forest Service facilities
this manual.
Department of Natural Resources campgrounds

Traffic Manual Page 2-29

March 2002

State Patrol The local agency having jurisdiction over the

business route must agree, in writing, to
State public fishing areas
install and maintain BUSINESS LOOP (M1-
State and national fish hatcheries 2 or 3) trailblazers along the route
Department of Corrections facilities Business route signing is not permitted where
motorist service signing is installed.
10. City and County Entrance Signs
CITY and COUNTY ENTRANCE signs 13. Signing to City Center
(I2-201/301) may be placed at city/county limits Historically, the department has provided City
in accordance with RCW 47.36.120. The depart- Center signs for the purpose of directing motor-
ment is responsible for installing all entrance ists to local government buildings (i.e., City Hall,
signs on state highways. If the city or county Courthouse, etc.). Currently, Regional offices are
elects to provide a sign with a political jurisdic- receiving requests from local business communi-
tion logo per the MUTCD, the standard sign will ties for City Center signs that direct motorists
not be installed. The local agency is responsible to business areas within a city.
for purchasing and supplying this sign.
When such requests are received, recommend
11. Unincorporated Places that the appropriate city take the lead and submit
a letter of request to the department. This letter of
The department may install a Community
request should include the following information:
Entrance sign (I2-301) on each state highway
approach if an unincorporated place features: Description of where the city center exits
within the corporate limits
An office of the United States Postal Service
Proposed sign location interchange or
At least two motorist services. May be gas,
intersection name
food, or lodging (e.g., two gas stations, a gas
station and a motel, etc.) Verification that representatives of local
government and area chamber of commerce
12. Business Routes mutually agree on the location of the city
Business route signing, using business route center
shields, can direct motorists to alternate routes
Upon verification of information contained in this
passing through the business portion of a city
letter of request, the department may give formal
or through districts of continuous business
consideration to sign installation.
development. Approval by the Executive
Committee of the American Association of State 2.5 Miscellaneous Signing
Highway Officials is required prior to adding or
deleting a business route as part of the Interstate A. School Areas
or US highway system. Proposals to add or delete Reduced School Zone Speed Limit Signs
such routes should be sent to OSC Planning and In accordance with RCW 46.61.440, install
Program Service Center. SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT signs (S4-1, S4-2,
S4-3, S4-4) where a reduced school zone speed
Provide business route signing in accordance limit has been established at a crosswalk, on a
with the following criteria: state highway. Locate these signs 300 feet in
Install only after evaluating and approving a advance of the school crosswalk. This sign
request submitted by a local agency consists of three sections. The top portion is a
black on fluorescent yellow green SCHOOL
Install only if the business route passes
legend. The middle portion is a black on white
adequately and logically through a business
posted SPEED LIMIT. The bottom portion
contains one of several black on white legends
that define a window of enforcement. The school
district determines which legend is used:

Page 2-30 Traffic Manual

March 2002

S5-1 SCHOOL + SPEED LIMIT + WHEN extraordinary traffic control device are the
FLASHING This sign is used in responsibility of the school district. However,
conjunction with a speed limit sign beacon, on a case-by-case basis, the department may
as described in MUTCD Section 7D-24 choose to partner with the school district
regarding installation costs. On state highways
that are part of city streets, consider installing this
sign only if the School District and Local Agency
used in conjunction with definitions provided
agree to assume responsibility for maintenance.
in WAC 392-151-035 and WAC 468-95-060
S5-102 SCHOOL + SPEED LIMIT + WHEN B. Closure Plaques for State Parks
FLAGGED This sign is used in During winter closures, install CLOSED plaques
conjunction with warning flags or plaques on guide signs that lead to state parks, in lieu of
that are installed on the sign during the removing or turning existing signs. Mount the
window of enforcement plaque diagonally on the face of the existing sign,
S5-103 SCHOOL + SPEED LIMIT + selecting a panel size that is large enough to
8:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M This sign displays effectively cover the sign legend, from lower
the specific hours of the window of leftcorner to upper right corner. Provide letter
enforcement size that is greater than or equal to the upper case
letters in the sign message. See Appendix 2-10.
Mark the end of the reduced school zone speed
limit with a standard SPEED LIMIT sign (R2-1) C. City/Community Entrance Markers
displaying the posted speed limit for the section WSDOT allows cities or communities, either by
of highway that follows, or an END SCHOOL permit or agreement, to construct and maintain
ZONE sign (S5-2). Provide signing as shown in city/community entrance beautification areas that
Appendix 2-9. are of mutual benefit and are in the public
School Crossing Signs School zone cross interest. A marker may be installed on state
walks may be established at locations that are not highway right of way under the following
controlled by a stop sign or traffic signal. Install conditions:
the SCHOOL CROSSING sign (S2-1) and a
Incorporated Unincorporated
SCHOOL ADVANCE sign (S1-1) where
Cities/Towns Communities
Overhead School Crosswalk Sign The Limited Access-
Yes No
is an extraordinary traffic control device, not
Limited Access-
mentioned in the MUTCD. Consider installing Yes No
this sign on state highways where school
authorities request supplemental traffic control Non-Limited
for marked school crosswalks, and traffic Yes Yes
engineering analysis has determined that
conventional traffic control measures are not Table 2-12
adequate. Do not use this sign in lieu of standard One entrance marker may be installed for each
school crosswalk signs. direction of travel on a major state highway as it
The signs should include flashing lights that are passes through a city or community. For example,
activated when school children are present. The if Interstate 5 passes through a city, one marker
school district should ensure that these lights are may be installed for the northbound approach,
activated only during times when the crosswalk and one marker may be installed for the
is occupied by school children. Generally, costs southbound approach. Any landscaping
associated with installing and maintaining this associated with the marker shall be in compliance
with the WSDOT Roadside Classification Plan.

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March 2002

An entrance marker for a neighborhood It must be sponsored by the city in which the
community that lies within the corporate limits of marker is located
a city or town may be allowed if that city or town
The State Traffic Engineer must review the
having jurisdiction over the neighborhood
design and placement of the marker before
approves and recognizes the neighborhoods
recommending the marker to FHWA
marker. This marker will count against the total
number of entrance markers (two per city) The local authority is responsible for
allowed on a state route. relocating and/or removing any markers
displaced as a result of highway improvement
Entrance Markers on Limited Access Highways projects, such as roadway widening. Markers
All Markers installed on Interstate highway rights not relocated by the local authority shall be
of way require FHWA approval. removed by WSDOT, with removal costs
billed to the local authority
Non-Profit Service Club Plaques (i.e., Kiwanis,
Lions, Rotary, etc.) are not to be installed on The city or community group is responsible
City Entrance Markers along limited access for maintenance of the marker and any
highways. These plaques are considered to be associated landscaping. Inadequate
Type (1)(b) signs under purview of the Scenic maintenance of marker and/or landscaping,
Vistas Act, RCW 47.42, and WAC 468-66. as determined by WSDOT, will be grounds
for marker removal
Interstate On behalf of the local agency, the
State Traffic Engineer must submit all Interstate Non-Interstate (Limited Access) The
City Marker requests to the FHWA for approval. Regional Traffic Engineer shall approve the
The marker must meet the following guidelines: design and placement of the marker. If there are
any deviations from these guidelines, the design
Be simple, dignified, and devoid of any must be submitted to the State Traffic Engineer
advertising for approval.
Be placed in the terminal area of the Non-Profit Service Club Plaques (i.e., Kiwanis,
interchange ramp with the connecting city Lions, Rotary, etc.) are not to be installed on City
street, between the ramp and the right of way Entrance Markers along limited access highways.
line These plaques are considered to be Type (1)(b)
Be positioned so that the marker is not a signs under purview of the Scenic Vistas Act,
roadside safety hazard, not likely to be struck RCW 47.42, and WAC 468-66.
by an errant vehicle, and is not a sight The marker must meet the following guidelines:
Be simple, dignified, and devoid of any
Be oriented so the marker can be read by the advertising
motorist leaving the ramp and entering the
city street system and not by the motorist on For divided highways with interchanges, the
the limited access highway mainline marker is to be placed in the terminal area of
the interchange ramp with the connecting city
Shall not interfere with, nor distract from any street or county road, between the ramp and
existing or future traffic control or safety the right of way line. For undivided high-
device. Any lighting associated with the ways, the marker may be placed just inside
marker shall be in compliance with RCW corporate limits, or at the far side of an
47.36.180 intersection located inside corporate limits
The total marker area shall not exceed 100 Be positioned so that the marker is not a
square feet, and the message area shall not roadside safety hazard, not likely to be struck
exceed approximately 60 square feet by an errant vehicle, and is not a sight

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March 2002

Be oriented so the marker can be read by the Be simple, dignified and devoid of any
motorist leaving the ramp and entering the advertising
city street system and not by the motorist on
Be placed inside corporate city limits,
the limited access highway mainline. This
beyond curb line or outside edge of highway
only applies for divided highways with
Be positioned so that the marker is not a
Shall not interfere with, nor distract from any
roadside safety hazard, not likely to be struck
existing or future traffic control or safety
by an errant vehicle, and is not a sight
device. Any lighting associated with the
marker shall be in compliance with RCW
47.36.180 Shall not interfere with, nor distract from any
existing or future traffic control or safety
The total marker area shall not exceed 100
device. Any lighting associated with the
square feet, and the message area shall not
marker shall be in compliance with RCW
exceed approximately 60 square feet
It must be sponsored by the city in which the
The total marker size shall not exceed 150
marker is located
square feet, including the border and trim,
The local authority is responsible for and service club plaques. The service club
relocating and/or removing any markers plaque area of the sign shall not be
displaced as a result of highway improvement disproportional to the marker message.
projects, such as roadway widening. Markers The maximum size for each service club
not relocated by the local authority shall be plaque is 24 x 24
removed by WSDOT, with removal costs
It must be sponsored and approved by the
billed to the local authority
city in which the marker is located
The city or community group is responsible
The local authority is responsible for
for maintenance of the marker and any
relocating and/or removing any markers
associated landscaping. Inadequate
displaced as a result of highway improvement
maintenance of marker and/or landscaping, as
projects, such as roadway widening. Markers
determined by WSDOT, will be grounds for
not relocated by the local authority shall be
marker removal
removed by WSDOT, with removal costs
Entrance Markers on Non-Limited Access billed to the local authority
Highways The community group is responsible for
The Regional Traffic Engineer shall approve the maintenance of the marker and any
design and placement of the marker. If there are associated landscaping. Inadequate
any deviations from the guidelines, the design maintenance of marker and/or landscaping,
and placement must be submitted to the State as determined by WSDOT, will be grounds
Traffic Engineer for approval. for marker removal
Non-Profit Service Club Plaques (i.e., Kiwanis, Entrance Markers for Unincorporated
Lions, Rotary, etc.) may be installed on a City Communities (Non-Limited Access Highways
Entrance Marker along a state highway if the Only)
marker is located within corporate limits and is
The department may receive requests from
not within a limited access area. These plaques
unincorporated communities to install community
are considered to be Type (1)(b) signs under
entrance markers on state highway right of way.
purview of the Scenic Vistas Act, RCW 47.42,
The Regional Traffic Engineer shall approve the
and WAC 468-66. The marker must meet the
design and placement of the marker. If there are
following guidelines:
any deviations from these guidelines, the design
and placement must be submitted to the State

Traffic Manual Page 2-33

March 2002

Traffic Engineer for approval. The marker must E. Carpool Information Signs
meet the following guidelines: CARPOOL INFORMATION signs (D12-201/202)
Be simple, dignified, and devoid of any may be installed along conventional roads and
advertising on-ramps to multilane highways where
appropriate. These signs should not be placed on
Be positioned so that the marker is not a the mainline of multilane facilities. Transit logos
roadside safety hazard, not likely to be struck may be included in the sign design in accordance
by an errant vehicle, and is not a sight with MUTCD Section 2D-41.
Shall not interfere with, nor distract from any F. DNR Fire Danger Signs
existing or future traffic control or safety DNR fire danger signs may be placed on
device. Any lighting associated with the non-Interstate right of way, outside the clear
marker shall be in compliance with RCW zone. When space does not allow, signs with
47.36.180 appropriate breakaway features may be placed
within the clear zone.
The total marker size shall not exceed 150
square feet, including the border and trim, DNR shall be responsible for the installation,
and service club plaques. The service club daily message changes, and maintenance of
plaques shall not be disproportional to the the signs.
marker message. The maximum size for each
service club plaque is 24 x 24 G. Adopt-A-Highway Signs
Adopt-A-Highway (AHA) participant recognition
It must be sponsored and approved by the
signs are installed for volunteer groups and
county in which the marker is located
privately sponsored contractors that perform litter
The community group is responsible for pick up and/or other roadside enhancement
relocating and/or removing any markers activities. Adoptions are assigned for a minimum
displaced as a result of highway improvement two center line miles, but may extend up to a
projects, such as roadway widening. Markers maximum of ten center line miles, and may occur
not relocated by the community group shall on outside shoulders and medians. Typically, the
be removed by WSDOT, with removal costs signs are placed at or near the beginning of each
billed to the community group adopted section for each effected direction of
travel. If an adoption includes both shoulders of
The community group is responsible for
a two-lane highway or a median on a divided
maintenance of the marker and any
highway, signs should be placed for both
associated landscaping. Inadequate
directions of travel. No more than two signs shall
maintenance of marker and/or landscaping,
be installed per adoption, with one sign for each
as determined by WSDOT, will be grounds
direction of travel. Signs on the same shoulder
for marker removal
or median shall be no closer than 2 miles apart
D. Limited Access Signs in a given direction of travel. Where conditions
dictate, the lateral placement of the AAH signs
For state highways that operate with intermittent
may be as much as 50 feet from the edge of
access control, in accordance with RCW 47.52.110,
traveled lane, if right-of-way is available and
the signs are still visible from the traveled lanes.
AREA (I2-701) signs where appropriate. Facilities These signs are secondary to existing highway
operating with fully controlled limited access signing and shall not be installed within 300 feet
need not be signed unless deemed necessary by of any existing highway signs, excluding
the Regional Administrator. milepost markers. The signs should be installed
as close as practicable to the beginning of the
adoption section. If the AAH signs cannot be

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March 2002

installed within a reasonable distance of the J. Fire District Boundary Signs

beginning of the assigned section without The ENTERING FIRE DISTRICT sign (I8-804)
conflicting with existing signing, the section may be installed along state highways at Fire
limits should be adjusted to accommodate the District boundaries. Apply these general guidelines
sign locations. AAH signs should normally be for this sign:
installed in the median on divided highways.
Under regional sanction, signs shall be
There are two sizes of AAH recognition signs installed and maintained by the jurisdiction
(see the Sign Fabrication Manual). Use the larger requesting the sign
sign along divided highways, the smaller sign
along conventional roadways (see Appendix Signs may be placed on state right of way as
2-11). In some cases, recognition signs may also far away from the roadway as possible and
be installed for special enhancement projects shall not constitute a hazard by their physical
such as landscaping at interchanges, or other location or by obstructing drivers vision
special areas. In these cases, the smaller sign Mounting posts shall be no larger than
shall be used and the Regional Traffic Engineer 4 x 4. Mounting height shall be 7 feet
shall determine sign placement on a case-by-case
basis. It may not be possible to accommodate The sign color shall be white letters on blue
recognition signs for all such adoptions. background
The word LEAVING may be substituted for
H. DUI Victim Memorial Signs ENTERING
(I20-201) sign accompanied by the IN MEMORY K. Fire Hydrant Marker Signs
plaque at locations approved by Headquarters signs may be installed on limited access highways
Traffic Office. Install signs in accordance with to help local fire department personnel locate
MUTCD Section 2A. Place signs for both fire hydrants that are outside of the right of way.
directions of travel along state highways, or The sign shall be placed parallel to, and facing
on interstate freeway on-ramps. the roadway. The sign shall be visible from the
shoulder, mounted either on the right of way
I. Private Road Signing fence or on a post, and shall state the distance
WSDOT does not furnish, install, or maintain from the edge of traveled way to the fire hydrant.
stop signs or street name signs for private An additional (24 inch) wide plaque may be
roadways that intersect with state highways. added below the sign to indicate the nearest street
Pending approval of the departments area or intersection if requested by the fire department.
maintenance superintendent, citizens may install
their own signs at such intersections, in The Regional Traffic Engineer shall contact local
accordance with the MUTCD. fire departments to determine signing needs for
fire hydrants located near limited access highways.
Unless otherwise directed by a local jurisdiction, State forces will maintain the signs.
private road name signs (D3-104) shall be
fabricated in accordance with the Sign L. Litter Control Signs
Fabrication Manual. Maintenance for private Install litter control signs in areas where littering
road signs is the responsibility of the citizens is a common problem.
installing the signs. If a stop sign is necessary for
a private approach, the citizen requesting the sign M. Post Offices
must secure an access permit from the Post offices may be signed from state highways
appropriate regional office. The permit holder in unincorporated areas if the post office is not
must coordinate details of work alongside the visible from the state highway and there is a
state highway with the area maintenance demonstrated need for the sign. The sign shall
superintendent prior to beginning any operations.

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March 2002

be a D1-101. Cities or towns may sign for post type of TIS sign shall be noncommercial in
offices inside incorporated areas. nature and consistent with FCC Regulation,
CFR 47, Section 90.242(a)(7) which specifies
N. Signing for Highway Advisory the content of HAR messages per the
Radio and Traveler Information Station following paragraph.
Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) allows traffic Travelers Information Stations shall
operations organizations to communicate traffic transmit only noncommercial voice
and travel related information to the motoring information pertaining to traffic and road
public via AM radio. HAR installations shall conditions, traffic hazards and travel
comply with the Federal Communications advisories, directions, availability of lodging,
Commissions (FCC) requirements and must rest stops and service stations, descriptions of
be approved by and coordinated through the local points of interest. It is not permissible to
WSDOT State Radio Engineer. identify the commercial name of any business
The department uses HAR to broadcast messages establishment whose service may be available
in several general categories; construction within or outside the coverage area of a
information, which may include work zone Travelers Information Station. However, to
locations, lane closures, route diversions, and facilitate announcements concerning
lane or road restrictions, and traffic control or departures/arrivals and parking areas at air,
roadway condition information, which may train, and bus terminals, the trade name
include airport or special event parking control, identification of carriers is permitted.
and mountain pass inclement weather advisories. The requesting agency is responsible for
Color combinations for HAR signs on state funding all TIS sign fabrication, installation,
highways are as follows: Traffic Alert/Traffic and future maintenance costs. Signs will be
Advisory or Mountain Pass Information/Road fabricated to WSDOT standards and will be
Conditions shall be black non-reflective legend installed by WSDOT workforce only. The
on yellow reflective background; Traffic TIS signs for tourist information purposes
Information/Motorist Service Information shall shall be white reflective legend on blue
be white reflective legend on blue reflective reflective background. TIS signs for
background. recreational purposes (National Parks,
National Forests, and National Historic
For tourist information and recreational purposes,
Reserves ONLY) may be white reflective
Travelers Information Station (TIS) signing may
legend on brown reflective background.
be installed on state highway right of way under
These federal agencies may also incorporate
the following criteria:
their official agency logo on the TIS sign.
The requesting agency (non-commercial)
All TIS transmitters shall be accessible to
will submit a written request for TIS signing
federal, state, or local incident response
to the Regional Traffic Office. The request
agencies to broadcast public safety or traffic
should include broadcast signal boundaries
management messages in the event of natural
along the highway(s) to help establish sign
or civil emergencies. The Regional Traffic
locations. The Regional Traffic Engineers
Engineer, or his/her representative will
approval is required before signs are
monitor broadcasts occasionally to determine
fabricated. Permits will be issued on a first
compliance with FCC regulations. If the
come - first served basis. There will be no
broadcasts are not in compliance with
radio signal overlap allowed.
paragraph 2 of this policy, the party
The FCC recognizes Highway Advisory responsible for TIS sign will be notified by
Radio transmitters as Travelers Information certified letter and given 30 days to comply.
Stations. The broadcast messages for this If the broadcast is not in compliance after 30
days the signs will be removed and the agency

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March 2002

reported to the FCC by the Regional Traffic FHWA Technical Report (FHWA/RD-80/167),
Engineer. Additionally, signs will be Highway Advisory Radio Systems Design
removed if the agencys FCC permit is Guidelines, May 1981
M 24-01, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
When a preemptive message EMERGENCY Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD)
INFO WHEN FLASHING is included with
WAC 468-66, Highway Advertising Control
the TIS sign, this portion of sign shall be
black non-reflective legend on yellow
reflective background. This will provide the O. Changeable Message Signs on
department and other public agencies with State Highways
the ability to transmit emergency traffic
Introduction The Changable Message Sign
information to motorists. TIS signs will
(CMS) system is part of WSDOTs Traffic
be erected only when there is adequate space
Management System and is operated by staff at
available along the highway, per MUTCD
the regions office or area traffic service
and WSDOT sign spacing requirements.
management center. Depending on the specific
HAR and TIS signing are secondary to
location, a CMS system may provide information
official traffic control signs (i.e., regulatory
about: lane use control, regulatory information
and warning signs, primary guide signs,
such as variable speed limits, or information
supplement guide signs, etc.).
about unusual traffic conditions. The system may
In the future, WSDOT will be developing also be used for other traffic-related purposes on
an Intelligence Traffic System (ITS), and as a limited basis.
part of the ITS, will include HAR signing
Operation of CMS System and Coordinating
elements. WSDOT may require exclusive
Organizations The WSDOT Regional Traffic
rights to certain radio frequencies now
Offices are responsible for operation of the CMS
available for tourist information format
system, however, this operational responsibility
broadcasts, thereby eliminating their access
may vary from area to area. Each region should
to those frequencies. The requesting agency
designate a CMS specialist(s) to schedule CMS
will be notified that their signs are being
messages and answer questions from the public
removed, if this situation does occur.
and private sector about CMS operations. The
The requesting agency must discontinue TIS CMS specialist may coordinate CMS operations
broadcasting if there is interference with with WSDOT entities, and other Coordinating
Highway Advisory Radio transmitters Organizations. Coordinating Organizations may
installed by the department for construction include, but are not limited to: WSP, WSDOT
and maintenance purposes. The department Incident Response, WSDOT maintenance or
will consider providing a portable TIS at an construction, cities and counties, Oregon
alternate site if requested, in exchange for use Department of Transportation, or Oregon
of the requesting agencys HAR during State Patrol.
construction and maintenance operations.
Requests for Messages Consider message
The department will relocate signing in
requests in one of the categories below; direct
these circumstances.
message request to appropriate personnel:
References for HAR include:
Requests from outside the Regional Traffic
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Office for messages in Emergency situations
Chapter 1 should be routed through the Regional Radio
FHWA Technical Report (FHWA/RD-82/059), Operations office. In addition, route any
Highway Advisory Radio Message Develop- requests made after normal business hours to
ment Guide, October 1982 Radio Operations

Traffic Manual Page 2-37

March 2002

Requests for messages relating to 1. Safety-related Messages that are directly

Maintenance or Construction activities related to safety are given first priority for
should be routed through the Regional Traffic display. Examples of this type of message may
Office (work zone specialist, or construction include traction requirements, mountain pass
traffic coordination officer) in advance of the information, or flammable restrictions for tunnels.
requested service
2. Roadway Closures The CMS system
Requests for Public Service should display road or ramp closures, regardless
Announcements should be routed through of the reason for the closures (accident,
the Regional Traffic Office, to the attention construction, weather etc.). This can be important
of the CMS specialist navigational information, even for the familiar
Traffic office staff shall develop the message and
display sequencing. No more than two displays 3. Minor Traffic Impacts The CMS system
should be used within any message cycle. Each should display information about minor traffic
display should convey a single thought. The impacts. Minor traffic impacts include
entire message cycle should be readable at least construction lane closures, blocking incidents,
twice by drivers traveling at the posted speed, the and delay information.
off peak 85th percentile speed, or the (anticipated)
4. Public Service Announcements The last
operating speed. Message request information
priority for the CMS system is Public Service
should include:
Announcements (PSAs). These messages do not
Justification for using the CMS directly impact drivers, and therefore are not
critical to the safe and efficient operation of the
Location/Geographical coverage required
transportation system.
Description of the Activity
5. Test Messages Test messages may be used
Intended times and dates of the Activity to perform sign operation/maintenance checks,
Documentation of CMS Usage Documenting and to ensure proper operation of new signs.
CMS operations provides important backup Traffic Conditions for CMS Usage Demands
information that supports regulatory enforcement, on CMS system messages may change,
possible tort defense, and safety operations. depending on traffic conditions. Required traffic
Maintain a log of CMS message operations for control, and various traffic conditions are
traffic restrictions, incidents, construction and described below, along with specific information
maintenance activities, and Public Service on the appropriate use of the CMS system.
1. Regulatory and Lane Control Some
CMS System Priorities The first priority is CMS systems are dedicated to long term traffic
safety. The departments primary goal in control, such as lane designation near the entrance
deploying CMS messages is to ensure and to an express lane. Because these changeable
enhance safety in traffic operations. signs are not reinforced with fixed signing, CMS
Dedicated Traffic Control CMS Systems message use is limited to display of dedicated
CMS systems dedicated to specific traffic control purpose messages. Other CMS systems have been
functions must first display messages intended installed to display variable speed limits (VSL)
for the primary purpose, such as lane use in areas that have approved traffic regulations.
designation or regulatory speed limit. In addition Because roadside speed limit signs are not
to the dedicated message, some signs can installed in these areas, these changeable signs
simultaneously display alternate messages. Use serve as the only source of regulatory speed
the following priority list to determine the most information for the motorist. Additional space on
appropriate alternate message. these changeable signs can be used for messages
in accordance with the CMS system priorities.

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March 2002

2. Traffic Restrictions For purposes of this Messages shall describe the general nature
section, traffic restrictions refer to the prohibition of the situation (e.g., Accident At Mercer)
of vehicles from using any or all portions of a and traffic impacts (e.g., Congestion from
roadway. These restrictions may be planned or Northgate to Ship Canal Bridge)
unplanned, short or long duration, and specific or
Specific alternate routes included only if
general. Requests for traffic restriction messages
alternate is a state route, or if approved by the
generally come from WSDOT or local agency
appropriate jurisdiction
maintenance offices.
Messages describing severe incident-related
Road Closures CMS can provide advance
traffic conditions may be continued at the
warning of road closures for either
discretion of the operator (e.g., Congestion
emergencies or for scheduled maintenance
from Northgate to Ship Canal Bridge Due to
operations. Message request initiated by a
Earlier Accident), however, CMS should not
maintenance or construction office
be used to describe recurrent congestion (e.g.,
Bridge Draw Span Openings Usually normal day to day backups)
SR 520 Evergreen Pt., SR 104 Hood Canal,
Road and Driving Conditions CMS should
or I-5 Interstate Bridge openings for boat
not be used to display weather conditions or
traffic or weather conditions
driving conditions (e.g., icy roadway under
Flammable Restrictions Message near-freezing temperatures).
displayed when SR 5 Convention Center, SR
The Travel Aid Project, across Snoqualmie Pass,
90 Mt. Baker Tunnel, or SR 90 Mercer Island
is allowed an exemption to this guideline due to
Lid fire control systems are inoperable
the experimental nature of the operation.
Weight, Height, Width Restrictions
Special Events CMS may be used to manage
CMS use is only appropriate in emergency
freeway traffic destined for high impact special
situations (e.g., earthquake damaged bridge),
events (e.g., Seahawks game at Husky stadium)
or short term use (e.g., construction-related
when traffic conditions warrant.
height restriction)
Special event related CMS messages for freeway
Incidents The use of the CMS system for
management should be coordinated prior to the
incident information requires close monitoring
event with the Regional CMA specialist. Message
by personnel operating the signs. Displaying
information is limited to description of
inci-dent response information is the most
event-related traffic impacts and their duration.
dynamic uses of the CMS system. Accurate and
timely CMS messages will increase both the Construction and Maintenance Information
credibility of the signs, and the publics The CMS system can be an effective supplement
confidence in using the signs as navigational to construction traffic control, but should not be
tools. used in lieu of adequate traffic control planning.
Anticipated CMS use for construction and
Disabled Vehicles and Accidents CMS is
maintenance should be included in traffic control
used only when incident is visually confirmed or
plans and scheduled in advance with the Regional
when requested by Coordinating Organizations,
CMS specialist. The CMS system should be used
in this case usually WSDOT Incident Response
when construction activities require drivers to
Team (IRT) or Washington State Patrol (WSP).
perform complex or unusual maneuvers, or in
Communication with Coordinating cases where traditional signing methods are
Organizations should take place by way of impractical.
Radio Operations office
Messages are to be removed once the incident
is no longer blocking

Traffic Manual Page 2-39

March 2002

WSDOT private company names, trade-mark

indications, etc.
CMS system may be used to display
information on lane, ramp, or road closures; Display PSAs on a rotating schedule, with
detours; and advanced notice for high impact no beacons, in accordance with the CMS
closures system priorities
Construction-related CMS use should be Approved Rideshare Promotions
coordinated with Regional CMS specialist
The Oil Smart Wednesdays and Rideshare
Message information should be limited to the Week promotions are approved for statewide
nature of the construction impact and the CMS usage. These messages, which
effect on drivers (e.g., Left Lane Closed encourage regional participation in rideshare/
Ahead; Exit 116 Closed; Use Caution; Use transit usage, may be displayed on
Alternate Route; Follow Detour (only if detour consecutive Wednesdays in March
signing is in place); Expect Delays)
Messages of this type may be unique for the
Non-WSDOT particular event, but should focus on
long-term traveler behavior (e.g., Upgrade
CMS use should be coordinated with the
Your Commute The Oil Smart Way - Call
Regional CMS specialist
METRO Ridematch 625-4500). While this
Establish a method of maintaining message does not specify the name or date of
communication with Coordinating Agency the event, it displays the contact phone
Messages shall follow same guidelines as number for the alternate commute resource.
above These messages are intended to benefit the
transportation system by encouraging drivers
Public Service Announcements Normally, to use alternate modes of transportation
the CMS system will only be used for Public
Service Announcements (PSAs) that are directly Encourages travelers to utilize alternative
related to transportation (e.g., carpool or transit modes of transportation; strong tie to usage
information). These messages should be used of the freeway HOV system
sparingly so that the warning impact of the sign Messages displayed on selected signs, with
will not be degraded. Operational limitations of no beacons, and in accordance with the CMS
some CMS signs, such as overheating and system priorities
degrada- tion, may be considered when
Messages other than those related to traffic
scheduling PSAs.
operations should be avoided.
Commuter Info Line Test Messages It may be necessary to run
CMS may be used to display the phone test messages on a CMS sign in order to ensure
number(s) of the WSDOT Commuter Info correct operations or to burn-in a new sign.
Line. This message informs commuters of These messages shall not confuse or misdirect
alternate resources that are available traffic. Use non-message, or appropriate public
service announcements as test messages.
CMS may be used to display phone number Acceptable non-message test messages may
for carpool matching or public transit contain the legend: TEST MESSAGE, display
information or phone numbers. CMS may a portion of the alphabet or a sequence of
also be used to display the phone number(s) numbers, or non-message test patterns such as
of privately sponsored commuter information moving columns or rows, etc. The Regional
lines, provided the firm has a written Traffic Office should approve other test
agreement or contract with WSDOT. The messages.
PSA shall be generic and not include any

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March 2002

P. Commercial Dump Prohibition 468-70-040, Interchange and intersection

Signing selection for motorist information sign panels
Some rest areas along state highways provide 468-70-050, Business eligibility
RV dump stations for use by noncommercial
468-70-060, Signing details
vehicles. Install the COMMERCIAL VEHICLE
USE PROHIBITED (I8-704) sign at these RV 468-70-070, Permits and procedure
dump sites. This is the only valid application
468-70-080, Fee schedule
for this sign on state highways.
468-70-085, Maintenance replacement of
Design Manual Chapter 1030 discusses RV
pictorial business signs manufactured by the
Dump Stations.
department prior to January 1, 1987
2.6 Motorist Information Signs From the traffic engineering perspective, and
Motorist information signs guide travelers, for procedural efficiency, it is obvious that the
people of all ages, to activities essential to their regions need to apply the provisions of WAC
journey. The resultant advertising medium for 468-70 uniformly. It is only fair that travelers
business is a program by-product. Motorist unfamiliar with any given area receive
information sign assemblies consist of motorist information about services, in the same manner,
information sign panels, on which individual regardless of where they travel within the state.
business signs may be displayed (see Appendix Likewise, applying the regulations uniformly
2-13). results in equitable treatment for the business
RCW 47.36.310 authorizes the department to
install motorist information sign panels, where The discussions in the following portion of the
space is available on Interstate highway rights of Traffic Manual clarify specific parts of the
way, to display individual business signs for gas, WAC to assure that the motorist information sign
food, lodging, camping, and tourist-oriented program is administered statewide as uniformly
activities. RCW 47.36.320 authorizes the as possible.
department to install motorist information sign
panels where space is available on primary and A. WAC 468-70-030, Location of
scenic rights of way, to display individual Panels and Signs
business signs for gas, food, lodging, and 1. Interchanges WAC 468-70-030(1)(a)
recreation (includes camping), and tourist- provides that, For freeways and expressways the
oriented activities. These statutes also require that motorist information sign panels shall be erected
the department charge reasonable fees for between the previous interchange and at least
installing and maintaining the individual business 800 feet in advance of the exit direction sign at
signs; and, authorize the department to charge the interchange from which the services are
reasonable fees for erecting and maintaining the available. The WAC is silent in providing
motorist information sign panels. regulation about where motorist information
To support and enhance state law, official sign panels are placed beyond the previous
regulations for motorist information signs are interchange, or if placement between the
provided in Chapter 468-70 of the Washington crossing structure and the on-ramp merge point
Administrative Code (WAC). WAC 468-70 is is permissible.
divided into nine sections, which are: The Headquarters Traffic interprets the WAC to
468-70-010, General mean that motorist information sign panels are
intended to be erected beyond the on-ramp merge
468-70-020, Definitions point. Locate the panels far enough downstream
468-70-030, Location of panels and signs so that mainline and on-ramp traffic, both
approaching the merge area and within the merge

Traffic Manual Page 2-41

March 2002

area, can focus on the driving task without B. WAC 468-70-040, Interchange and
distraction. Intersection Selection for Motorist
It is possible that locations exist where panels can Information Sign Panels
be placed, for an upcoming interchange, between 1. City Streets That are Part of State
the crossing structure of the previous interchange Highways WAC 468-70-040(2) provides
and its on-ramp merge point. Installations at these general regulations about locating motorist
locations are extraordinary. Conduct an on-site information sign panels within the corporate
review to assure that a motorist information sign limits of cities towns, with regard to limited
panel will not block the on-ramp traffics view of access highways.
upstream traffic approaching the merge area, and
to assure that a panel installation will not WAC 468-70 provides limited regulations about
overload the immediate area with signs. Before erecting and maintaining panels within corporate
installation, the regions are requested to consult limits along city streets that are also state
with the State Traffic Engineers Office about highways (non-access controlled routes). WAC
candidate locations. 468-70-050(4) provides that Within cities and
towns having a population greater than 22,500,
2. Intersections WAC 468-70-030(1)(b) the department shall obtain concurrence from the
provides in part that For conventional roads municipality of locations for installing panels,
the panels shall be erected between the previous and may request that the municipality install the
intersection and at least 300 feet in advance of panels. This regulation cannot be interpreted to
the intersection from which the services are mean that the department has blanket authority
available. Neither the WAC nor the MUTCD for motorist information signs in cities and town
recommends spacing guidelines to apply between having a population of 22,500 or less.
panels where more than one type of motorist
service activity is available from a particular In April, 1997, the department entered into a
intersection. However, the panels may be spaced, written agreement with the Association of
based on the speed limit of the roadway, in Washington Cities which in part sets forth the
accordance with the following table. maintenance responsibility for various roadway
appurtenances including traffic control devices.
The basis in law for this agreement is RCW
MIS Signing Spacing (Feet)
Chapter 47.24, City Streets as Part of State
Posted Highways. Unfortunately, neither the agreement
Speed (MPH) Minimum Desirable nor the law clearly establish the responsibility
25 160 200 for motorist information signs along non-access
controlled routes within corporate limits.
30 190 235
Some cities and towns have established
35 220 270
ordinances to include motorist information signs,
40 255 315 while some have not. Further, some cities and
45 285 350 towns declare motorist information signs to be a
form of billboard and prohibit them. The
50 315 390
Headquarters suggests that the regions encourage
55 350 430 cities and towns, regardless of population, to be
60 380 470 lead agency in motorist information sign matters.
However, the regions can install and maintain the
65 410 510 signs at the request of a city or town, through a
Table 2-13 written agreement.
2. Signing From State Highways WAC
468-70-040(3) provides in part that signing will
be provided from the nearest interchange or

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March 2002

intersection from the nearest freeway/expressway 2. Food Activities WAC 468-70-050(1)(b)

or conventional highway to the activity. There requires that food activities be open at least
may be situations where two exits are nearly 12 hours per day and serve breakfast, lunch, and
equidistant to a business, and signing from either dinner. With regard to specialty food services,
exit is convenient for the motorist. In these such as pizza houses, questions often arise about
situations, it is appropriate to sign from either what constitutes breakfast and what are reason-
exit, or to split the signing directionally since able morning hours for food activities to open.
the business is equally accessible by either exit. Historically, the department has been
WAC 468-70-040(3) also provides in part that unsuccessful in establishing a prescribed
signing will not be provided from a freeway or regulation to address these two questions. A
expressway to another freeway or expressway. popular dictionary defines breakfast as the first
The intent of this regulation is to assure that meal of the day, without reference to specific
signs are not provided along a major route, food arrangements. Thus, it is not appropriate to
where tourists typically travel, to direct motorists require that food activities serve traditional
to another major route where tourists typically breakfast items. Also, the business signs
travel. However, the regulation does not preclude depicting specialty houses provide travelers with
signing from a freeway or expressway to a a pretty good idea of what to expect.
conventional state highway in circumstances The department normally does not receive
where the conventional highway is used primarily complaints from traveling motorists provided that
by local traffic. In these cases, the regions can specialty houses are open by 11:00 a.m. and the
consider the conventional highway to serve menu offers items that are typically associated
travelers more in the nature of a county road or with lunch and dinner. Opening hours are not
a city street. normally an issue for food activities that offer the
full complement of menu items typically
C. WAC 468-70-050, Business Eligibility associated with breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
WAC 468-70-050 provides the minimum eligibility because they usually open fairly early in the
criteria that businesses must meet to qualify for morning.
the display of individual business signs on
motorist information sign panels. The regions WAC 468-70-050(1)(b)(i) provides that food
may use the following interpretative information activities must be licensed or approved by the
to assist with eligibility analysis of the nuances county health office. For casino restaurants on
that arise. Indian lands, there is no county jurisdiction over
health interests at casinos. The Federal
1. Gas Activities WAC 468-70-050(1)(a) Department of Health and Human Services has an
specifies the minimum eligibility requirements Indian Health Service Office at its District
for the display of gas activity business signs on Offices around the state. The regions can ask the
motorist information sign panels. casino restaurant for a copy of the Indian Health
Within the WAC, restroom facilities available to Service inspection report as a means to meet the
patrons are an eligibility requirement. Some gas health eligibility criteria.
activities may utilize portable toilets, while others WAC 468-70-050(1)(b)(iii) provides that food
keep the doors locked and signed for customer activities must have parking facilities for a
use only. Travelers expect indoor restrooms, and minimum of 10 vehicles. This Rule was written
a sink for clean-up, when they stop for fuel. prior to 1985, when legislature authorized
Portable toilets are acceptable only for temporary motorist information signs within urban areas. In
use when the indoor facilities are temporarily out urban areas, notably downtown business districts,
of order for repair or remodel. Its acceptable for there are food activities having on-street parking
a gas activity to keep the restroom doors locked, only but that meet the other eligibility criteria.
provided that patrons may use the services. Rather than amend the WAC to address this

Traffic Manual Page 2-43

March 2002

nuance, the Headquarters interprets on-street visitors. Other traditional historic and cultural
parking to meet the specified parking attractions described earlier in this chapter may
requirements for these food activities. be eligible for TODs. Where possible, TODs
are the recommended sign medium for these
Bar and grill type food activities may qualify for
business signs provided that minors are allowed
in the food area. If patronage of the grill requires The types of businesses not intended for display
that visitors access through the bar, then minors on TODs are those offering commonly available
would not be allowed and the business is not retail goods and services, and catering to local
eligible. residents. Accordingly, the regions should review
applying businesses on a case-by-case basis to
3. Lodging Activities WAC 468-70-050(c)(i)
determine their eligibility for the TODs program.
provides that lodging activities must be licensed
For questionable businesses, the regions should
and approved by the Washington Department of
contact the State Traffic Engineers Office prior
Health. Bed and Breakfast facilities having less
to final approval, to avoid the possibility of
than three rooms for rent are exempt from the
setting an undesirable precedent.
Department of Health licensing requirements,
thus an approval letter from the county health 5. Multiple Business Activities WAC
authority fulfills the eligibility requirement. 468-70-050(6) provides that for businesses
which qualify for business sign placement on
The regions are occasionally asked to approve
more than one type of motorist information
youth hostels for business signs. Typically youth
sign panel, placement will be made on the type
hostels fail to pass the lodging eligibility criteria
of panel, determined by the department, which
because they have dormitory type sleeping
best describes the main product or service.
arrangements. The Headquarters Traffic Office
interprets the language in RCW 47.36.340(2) and This subsection further provides that business
WAC 468-70-050(1)(c)(ii), provide adequate signs for such businesses may be placed on more
sleeping ... accommodations, to mean individual than one type of motorist information sign panel,
sleeping rooms must be available. As a signing provided that sign space is available and that a
alternative, there is an international youth hostel qualifying single business activity that submits
symbol that can be used, in the manner of the an application in the future will not be precluded
generic motorist service signs discussed in from receiving business signs. Under these
section 2.F.6 of this chapter. circumstances, the department will remove,
without refund of any fees, the second set of
4. Tourist-oriented Activities The
business signs for a multiple business activity
minimum eligibility requirements for the display
to accommodate business signs for a single
of business signs on tourist-oriented directional
business activity. Before approving the second
signs (TODs) are provided in WAC
set of business signs, obtain the business owners
468-70-050(1)(f). WAC 468-70-020(11) defines a
written acknowledgment and concurrence with
tourist-oriented business as a lawful cultural,
this stipulation.
historical, recreational, educational, or
entertaining activity or a unique or unusual A newly evolving motorist service industry joins
commercial or nonprofit activity, the major together previously independent businesses, such
portion of whose income or visitors are derived as a food activity and a mini-mart, into one
during its normal business season from motorists combined business activity. An example is a
not residing in the immediate area of the McDonalds combined with a Chevron
activity. mini-mart. Accordingly, the regions may be
asked to approve logos for both the food activity
These are businesses that could not exist without
and the gas activity and to display the activities
tourists, and other tourist-oriented businesses,
on their respective back panels. Applicable to the
such as wineries and factory outlet complexes,
question is the word qualifying. If each activity
having tourists comprise a majority of their
qualifies for business signs under its own merit,

Page 2-44 Traffic Manual

March 2002

then each can be signed for under WAC 1. New Applications The MIS status
468-70-050(6). However, it is inappropriate to worksheet (Appendix 2-16) may be used to assist
sign for both activities on one business sign if the Regional Outdoor Advertising
only one of the activities qualifies. An interesting Representatives with pending applications.
nuance to this situation is where two food Applications for logo sign permits, together with
activities, such as Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, are the accompanying fees, are accepted at the
combined either under one roof or together with a regional offices. The steps below are followed to
gas activity. In this situation, review the process the applications:
combined food activity as if it were one activity,
The Regional Mail Receptionist opens the
and if it qualifies use one business sign that
application envelope and, if a check is
displays both food activities.
enclosed, records the date received and other
6. Qualifying Business With the Same Name information about the check onto the
There are a few locations where more than one Mailroom Cash Receipt Log. An application
business with the same name, e.g., Union 76, will not accompanied by a check is forwarded to
be accessible to travelers from a particular the Regional Outdoor Advertising
interchange or intersection. Because travelers do Representative, for return to the submitter
not need redundant information on mainline back together with a request for the application fee
panels at these locations, some level of
The application and check is sent to the
interaction between the two businesses will most
Regional Accounting Office, where the
likely be required.
TRAINS Cash Receipt document is
If both businesses are located on the same side completed
of an interchange or intersection, an agreement
The Regional Accounting Office sends the
between the competing businesses may be needed
original application to the Regional Outdoor
to direct the department as to which activity will
Advertising Representative for a permit
be the permit holder for the signing. Where the
number assignment
two activities are located on opposite sides of the
mainline, it may be possible to place both The Regional Outdoor Advertising
activities under permit, and sign each activity Representative assigns the permit number,
from one direction of travel using a right arrow documents the state route number and
on the off-ramp follow-through sign. As an milepost, the type of highway, and the type of
option, provided both businesses agree both a business. A copy of the original application is
right and left arrow may be used on each ramp then sent from the Regional Outdoor
sign. Advertising Representative back to the
Regional Accounting Office
D. WAC 468-70-070, Permits and
The Regional Accounting Office enters the
required information into TRAINS and then
The regional offices are responsible for processing sends a copy of the application to the
permits, and applications for permits Headquarters Accounting Office
(Appendixes 2-14 and 2-15), determining
business eligibility, and assisting the The Regional Outdoor Advertising
Headquarters Accounting Office with the process Representative visits the business within 30
for billing and collecting annual maintenance days to review compliance with the eligibility
fees. WAC 468-70-070, Permits and Procedure, requirements and to verify that sign space is
provides the general requirements and procedures available
for the information contents on permit Qualifying businesses receive an approval
applications, ineligible business grievance letter (see Appendix 2-17), whereas non-
hearings, fabrication and installation of business qualifying businesses receive a non-approved
signs, business sign maintenance and replacement explanatory letter (see Appendix 2-18)
fees, and revocation and expiration of permits.

Traffic Manual Page 2-45

March 2002

Note: New applicants have priority, over existing The business sign may duplicate the on-premise
permit holders requesting business sign revisions, sign which is helpful in assessing business signs
if a backlog develops in application processing. for food activities, such as having Bar and Grill
as part of an on-premise sign. Otherwise, in this
A business may apply for a location having a full
case, references to bar, lounge, spirits, etc., are
complement of business signs on a back panel. At
not appropriate on business signs.
the request of an applying business that otherwise
qualifies for signs, a copy of the application may Another tool for use in evaluating incidental
be retained on a waiting list maintained by the business sign messages is whether or not the
Regional Outdoor Advertising Representative. messages provide useful information to travelers
The original application and a refund check for concerning service availability. For example, an
the application fees are then returned to the Open 24 Hours, Food Mart (if part of the
submitter. business name), or a Closed Sundays(for food
activities open 6 days per week) supplemental
A business under construction may apply for a
message on a business sign provides useful
permit. Although the motorist information sign
information for travelers. Whereas, incidental
program is intended for operating businesses, the
messages such as ATM, Postage Stamps, Car
regions may consider holding an application in a
Wash, Casino (not open to minors), and
pending status where there is less than a full
Drive-Thru Espresso do not. (The message
complement of business signs on a back panel.
Casino Cafe may be displayed on food business
The application fee is remitted after the business
signs to provide drivers with a clear picture about
becomes operational and just prior to regional
what they will find. However, food activities
review for eligibility compliance. Should
affiliated with casinos are only eligible for
available space on a back panel be limited, an
business signs if they serve minors.)
operating business that applies during the
pending period, receives a higher priority for Corporate logos are allowed on business signs,
signs than the business under construction. Thus, reflecting the provisions of RCW 47.36.005(7).
before accepting an application from a business This statute in part provides that Nationally,
under construction, the Regional Outdoor regionally, or locally known commercial symbols
Advertising Representative obtains written or trademarks for service stations, restaurants,
concurrence from the prospective permit holder and motels shall be used when applicable.
acknowledging the signing priority.
The primary message on a business sign needs
2. Business Sign Messages WAC to be more conspicuous than the supplemental
468-70-070(5) provides that business signs may message. Accordingly, it is recommended that
not display messages advertising products or supplemental messages be incorporated into the
services incidental to the qualifying motorist overall business sign message with a letter height
service activity. The WAC also provides that no taller than 75 percent of the primary message.
the department has final approval authority of Refer to Section (C)(5) of this part for additional
the designs. guidance to assist with business sign messaging
for multiple business activities.
WAC 468-70-050(1)(a)(vi) discusses eligibility
criteria for card-lock gas activities. Business Directional information, except for arrows and
signs for and eligible card-lock gas activity are mileage information on ramp or conventional
to incorporate the message CREDIT CARDS highway business signs is not acceptable.
only if cash is not accepted at the activity. Follow-through signs are the appropriate medium
for route direction.
Over time, businesses have proposed an array
of incidental messages on business signs for the 3. Fabrication and Installation of Business
Regional Outdoor Advertising Representatives to Signs WAC 468-70-070(8)(a) provides in
consider. A few guidelines will help the regions part that Once an application is approved, the
with the assessment. department will request the business to provide

Page 2-46 Traffic Manual

March 2002

the signs .... It is preferable that the signs not be If the annual fees remain unpaid 30 days after the
pre-drilled by the fabricator. WAC 468-70-070(8)(b) business receives the certified letter, the permit
provides the circumstances under which the is expired and the business signs removed. The
department will manufacture the business signs. Regional Outdoor Advertising Representative
In either case, the business signs are considered notifies the Headquarters Accounting Office,
to be the property of the business. using the Motorist Information Signing Customer
Change Form, when permits have expired for
4. Business Sign Maintenance and
non-payment of the annual fees.
Replacement WAC 468-70-070(9)(a) and (b)
provide general regulations for maintaining and 6. Prorated Maintenance Fees WAC
replacing business signs due to weather-wear. 468-70-070(9)(d) provides in part that annual
However, the WAC is silent on replacing maintenance fees will not be prorated for fractions
business signs prematurely due to vandalism or of the year in the event of business sign removal
vehicle impact. The department will replace signs or coverage. This regulation is intended to
irreparably vandalized, only once. Subsequent support WAC 468-70-050(8) regarding seasonal
replacements will the business responsibility. business operations, and maintenance activities,
The department always replaces business signs severe storms, vehicle impact, and changes of
that are irreparably damaged due to vehicle ownership or operation. The WAC is not intended
impact, although this is an infrequent occurrence. to consider business sign removal due to
Costs for replacing business signs damaged by construction activities.
vandalism or vehicle impact are appropriately
Typically, when long-term projects are planned,
charged against Program M, although Program Q
temporary motorist information signing is
funds may be used at the regions discretion.
developed as part of the sign plan. For some
5. Annual Maintenance Fees and Permit projects, however, temporary motorist
Expiration for Failure to Pay The information signs cannot be installed due to
Headquarters Accounting Office mails the construction logistics. For these projects, during
annual maintenance fee billings about 30 days the design stage, the regions contact the
prior to the anniversary date of permit issue. businesses impacted by the project and also make
About a month before that, the Headquarters arrangements through the Headquarters
Accounting Office provides the Regional Outdoor Accounting Office to suspend the annual
Advertising Representative with a Scheduled maintenance fees until such time as the
Billing Report of impending renewals (see permanent motorist information signs are
Appendix 2-19) for the upcoming month, to reinstalled. The time frame for fee suspension is
review, update, and return. The regions use the rounded to the nearest year.
Motorist Information Signing Customer Change
7. Reassigning Valid Permits WAC
Form (see Appendix 2-20) to notify the Service
468-70-070-(10) provides that the department
Center Accounting Office about changes needed
shall reassign valid permits, effective only after
on the billing report.
receiving notice from the permit holder, when an
WAC 468-70-070 requires that annual maintenance activity changes ownership or an activity changes
fees be paid within 30 calendar days of the operation, such as temporary closures for remodel
anniversary of the permit issue, and also specifies or repair. In either case the eligibility
that failure to pay by that date causes the permit requirements must still be met, and such
to expire and the business signs to be removed reassignments have preference over applications
from the motorist information sign panel. The on a regional waiting list. The Regional Outdoor
name of a business, delinquent in fee payment by Advertising Representative should also notify the
the due date, is provided from the Headquarters Headquarters Accounting Office about the
Accounting Office to the Regional Outdoor reassignment using the Motorist Information
Advertising Representative. The region then Signing Customer Change Form (see
sends the business a certified letter (Appendix Appendix 2-20).
2-21) requesting the payment.

Traffic Manual Page 2-47

March 2002

The WAC does not allow permit reassignment for

businesses having simultaneous changes in both
ownership and operation, or where businesses
have closed for reasons other than change of
ownership or operation. For either of these
reasons, a new application and permit is necessary,
giving preference to applications at the top of a
regional waiting list.
8. Surveillance and Permit Revocation for
non-Compliance Occasionally, the regions
will learn through field review or motorist
complaints that participating businesses are not
operating within the eligibility requirements.
When this occurs, a certified letter is sent to the
business (Appendix 2-22), followed up with a
field review for compliance verification.
Business signs may be removed and permits
revoked 30 days after the written notification
for businesses not yet in compliance. However,
before permit revocation and sign removal, a
hearing in accordance with the Administrative
Procedures Act is required by WAC 468-70-070(11).
9. Program Documentation It is
recommended that the regions document
expenditures associated with motorist
information signs, so that cost information is
available to support requested levels of funding
during upcoming budget cycles.
Labor for the program administration is paid for
under Program Q, Operations, whereas labor and
materials associated with sign installation are
paid for under Program Q, Minor Enhancements.
(Note: See Section (D)(4) of this part for business
signs replacements due to vandalism or vehicle
impact.) Refer to the Chart of Accounts, M 13-02,
for the correct work operation codes.

Page 2-48 Traffic Manual

March 2002
Appendix 2-1 Auxiliary Climbing Lane





RIGHT Notes:
EXCEPT 1. Sign spacing
and pavement markings
TO PASS shall be installed per

1/4- MILE


Traffic Manual Appendix 2-1

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-2 Auxiliary Passing Lane






RIGHT Notes:
EXCEPT 1. Sign spacing
and pavement markings
TO PASS shall be installed per

1/4- MILE


Appendix 2-2 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-3 Shoulder Driving

Note: Sign spacing and

pavement markings shall
be installed per MUTCD




2 MI




Traffic Manual Appendix 2-3

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-4 Slow Moving Vehicle Turnout

Note: Sign spacing and

pavement markings shall
be installed per MUTCD


F R8-3a


1000 FT



Appendix 2-4 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-5 Speed Zone Signing
R2-5A R2-5C


R2-501 R2-501

**Distance Varies

R2-1 R2-1*


50 60
Speed Zone

60 50
R2-1* R2-1

**Distance Varies
R2-5A R2-5C

*If posted speed is greater than 60 mph OR
install TRUCKS XX (R2-2) sign
** Distance to be determined by traffic
and engineering investigation
R2-501 R2-501

Install signs on both sides of traveled way for each direction of multi-lane divided highways

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-5

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-6 Supplemental Guide Sign Criteria
Selection Criteria for Supplemental Guide Sign Destinations
For Full Access Control Freeways

Type of Generator Specific Criteria Major Urban Rural

Metro Area2 Area
Airports -(Destination Regularly Scheduled Commercial 35 20 15
name only, not symbol) Flights Per Day
Distance from Interchange (miles) 5 5 5
Paved &Lighted Runway > 2,500 ft - - -
Colleges, Universities, Must Be Accredited.
and Branch Campuses Total Enrollment , full & part time 4,500 2,500 1,000

Distance from Interchange (miles) 5 5 5

Regional Shopping 3 Major Department Stores; 500,000
Centers sq ft of Leasable Space; Minimum
9,000 Daily One Way Trips4 - - -

Distance from Interchange (miles) 1 1 1

Industrial Parks 500,000 sq ft of leasable space5 - - -
Distance from Interchange 5 5 5
Ports/Port Districts Served by two or more Transportation
Modes (Water, Highway, Rail, Air)
Distance from Interchange 5 5 5
Event Venues Annual Attendance 300,000 250,000 200,000
Distance from Interchange (miles) 2 2 2
Major Recreation Areas Annual Attendance (open to public) 300,000 250,000 100,000
National Parks Sign from Major Junctions; Case by
State Parks6 Distance from Interchange (miles) 15 15 15
USFS Facilities 1 1 10
(Campgrounds, HQs) Distance from Interchange (miles)

Population greater than 50,000
Population 5,000 - 49,999
See section 2.4.D.3 for additional criteria
See WAC 468-95-025 for additional criteria
Leasable space can be a mix of manufacturing, service, and warehouse facilities
Per RCW 47.36.290

Appendix 2-6 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-7 Signing to Rail Passenger Stations

EXIT 139



Nowhere Nowhere


Nowhere Notes:
1. The Amtrak symbol is
used to show typical
NEXT RIGHT installation. Sign logo will
vary with transit or rail
2. These typical installations
may also be used for motorist
services signs (Police, Food,
Gas, etc).
3. Install signs per MUTCD
c. spacing requirements.

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-7

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-8 Application for Historic/Cultural Sign
Organization Address Mailing Address (if different)

Name of authorizing Official (Include title, e.g., Director, Trustee, etc.)

Address of Authorizing Official Telephone #

email address

Has your organization been granted non-profit status (IRS 501 (c)(3)) Yes No
Please provide the following information about your organization:
What are your visitation hours and when are you open to the general public (note any
seasonal variations to schedule of operation)?

Is the facility easily accessible to all visitors, including ADA features? Yes No
Is the facility readily visible from the highway? Yes No
If not, how far is your facility from the state highway on which the sign is being requested

Is the road serving your facility a two-lane, all-weather road? Yes No

Please indicate the name or number of the road, street or highway serving your facility

Please describe where you would like the sign to be located. Be specific, include the state
highway number and milepost, or distance to the nearest important intersection or

For Official Use Only

Historical Attractions
OAHP Is attraction included on the Heritage Register? Yes No
HRC Does site include IC? Yes No
Are there historic buildings, features, or ruins w/ interpretive marker? Yes No
HRC approval? Yes No by___________________________
Cultural Attractions
Museums HRC approval? Yes No by____________________________
Religious Shrine, or unique religious nature w/ visitor facility or tour? Yes No
Educational Outstanding educational value w/ visitor facility or tour? Yes No
Scientific Used for scientific advancement w/ visitor facility or tour? Yes No

Sign approved Sign disapproved Reason for disapproval

Regional Traffic Engineer Date

Appendix 2-8 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-9 School Crosswalk Signing


2020 50
** R2-1 S5-2





S5-2 R2-1 **

** Sign Legend determined by School District

Sign Code # Sign Legend
S5 - 103 8:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. S1-1
See MUTCD Section Traffic Control for School Areas for sign spacing

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-9

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-10 Closed Plaques for Signs to State Parks


Appendix 2-10 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-11 Adopt-A-Highway Sign Configurations

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-11

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-13 Motorist Information Signs


8 MOTEL 60X36





8 RIVER 60X36


Appendix 2-13 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-14 Motorist Information Sign Permit

Permit for Motorist Information Signing

or Tourist-Oriented Directional Signing
Permit No. Check One Payee No.

MIS TODS New Update

In accordance with RCW 47.42 and Washington Administrative Code 468.70, and subject to all terms, conditions,
and provisions written below or on any part of this form, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO:
Business Name

Physical Address

for the privilege to have motorist information signing or tourist-oriented directional signing installed by the
Department of Transportation. Such signing is to be installed on SR , at an intersection
or interchange located at State Route Milepost .

Dated At This day of ,

I, the undersigned, hereby accept this permit subject to the terms

and conditions as herein set forth.
This day of ,

Company Representative Signature WSDOT Representative

Billing Name Billing Phone

Billing Address RE Location (22-Character TRAINS Field)

Federal Tax ID Bill Code

General Provisions
This permit is expressly conditioned and subject to Permittees:
1. Agreement to limit the height of any on-premise signs to no greater than 15 feet higher than the roof of the
main building of the business (applicable to businesses located within one mile of the interchange or
intersection, and further applicable to on-premise signs visible from interstate highways, RCW 47.42.046
and RCW 47.42.047.
2. Agreement to provide for and maintain adequate follow-through signing.
3. Payment of a manufacturing and/or installation fee of for:
(Rev. Source 0299-29)
Mainline Ramp Conventional

4. Agreement to and payment of an annual maintenance fee within 30 calendar days after the anniversary
date of the permit issue.
5. Acknowledgement that the annual maintenance fee is set at subject to change by the
Department of Transportation. (Rev. Source 0299-30)

6. Acknowledgement that assignment of this permit shall be effective only upon receipt of assignments by
the Department of Transportation.
7. Acknowledgement that this permit may be revoked for failure to provide any of these general provisions or
for failure to provide the services and/or facilities required by section 468.70.050 and 468.70.070 of the
Washington Administrative Code.

DOT Form 224-042 EF

Revised 11/96

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-14

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-15 MIS Permit Application

Permit Application -
One or More Business Signs
Permit Application - One or More Business Signs to be affixed to Information Panels.

Business Name For WSDOT Use Only

Permit Number
Physical Address
Payee Number

SR Mile Post
Federal Tax ID Highway Type
1 - Interstate 3 - Scenic
2 - Non-Interstate
Interchange or Intersection Name or Number
Type of Business
1 - Gas 3 - Lodging 5 - Recreation
2 - Food 4 - Camping 6 - TOD

Bill Code 8110

Brief Description
Application Fee:
* $150.00 Per Application -
Make checks or remittance payable to:
Department of Transportation
Mail with proper fee to the appropriate
Region Traffic Engineer listed in the

Fees in the amount of $150.00 are paid herewith to defray the basic administrative expense incident to the processing of this
application according to Washington Administrative Code 468-70-070.

* Application fee may only be refunded if, after approval, the activity is not signed for reasons caused by the department.

This application is subject to RCW 47.42, Washington Administrative Code 468-70 and provisions contained on the back

Applicant indicates willingness to enter formal agreement to limit the height of any on-premise signs to no greater than 15 feet higher
than the roof of the main building of the business. (Applicable to businesses located within one mile of the interchange or intersection,
and further applicable to on-premise signs visible from interstate highways, RCW 47.42.046 and RCW 47.42.047). Applicant further
agrees to provide for and maintain follow through signing if required by the department. Applicant expressly understands that failure to
limit the height of the on-premise signs or to provide for or maintain follow through signing if required or to pay annual maintenance
fees may result in the revocation of business signing.

Billing Name

Dated this day of ,

Billing Address

(Print Name)

Billing Phone

DOT Form 224-041 EF
Revised 6/00

Appendix 2-15 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-16 MIS Status Worksheet


SR: ____________
MP: ____________
Permit #: ________

Business type and name: __________________________________

Date and summary of initial contact: __________________________

Information package and application sent: _____________________

Completed application and application fees received: ____________

Review business eligibility and highway location (order backboards if

needed): _______________________________________________

Approved (Backboard order date): _________________________

Denied (sent letter giving reasons and refund fees): ____________

Issue sign specifications, information sheet: ____________________

Inspect logo signs, issue permit, collect installation fees: __________

Install signs: _____________________________________________

Telephone contacts: ______________________________________

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-16

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-17 MIS Application Approval Letter

Washington State
Department of Transportation Regional Address Information



Re: MIS Signing

Dear __________________

Your application for Motorist Information Signing has been approved. Since you will be providing your own
pictorial logo sign, your cost will be $___.00 per sign for the installation fee or a total cost of $___.00. Your
annual renewal fee will be $___.00 per sign permit each year, beginning in 20__.

As soon as we receive your $____ fee, we will order your background signs. Installation should follow in
approximately 90 days.

Enclosed are your sign specification sheets and a Permit for Motorist Information Signs. Please review them.
If everything is satisfactory, please sign the permit and return it to me along with two copies of your sign design
(for approval). Send your sign specification sheets to the sign manufacturer of your choice.

If you have any questions, please call __________________ of my staff at _____________.


Regional Traffic Engineer


Appendix 2-17 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-18 MIS Application Non-Approval Letter

Washington State
Department of Transportation Regional Address Information



Re: MIS Signing Application

Dear __________________

The Department of Transportation is not able to approve your application for a Motorist Information Sign
on SR ___ at milepost ___.

(A new intersection is being constructed in this vicinity beginning next month. The new intersection will
prohibit installation of any new motorist information signs due to sign spacing restrictions described in
WAC 468-70-030).

Since this information was not provided to you at the time of your initial inquiry, your application fee of $_____
is being refunded in accordance with WAC 468-70-070(6).

Please contact _____________________of my staff at ____________ with any questions regarding this issue.


Regional Traffic Engineer

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-18

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-19 MIS Scheduled Billing Report

Appendix 2-19 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-20 Customer Change Form

Motorist Information Signing

Customer Change Form
Please indicate both old and new information for each change.

1. Delete customer from TRAINS:

Customer Name ___________________________________________________
Billing Name ___________________________________________________
Customer # __________________ Permit # __________________________

Adjust the following RE/INs for the above named customer/permit:

________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________

2. Billing Address Change:

Customer Name ___________________________________________________
Customer # __________________ Permit # __________________________
Old Address ____________________________________________________
New Address ____________________________________________________

3. Business Name Change (Same Owner / Same Customer):

Customer # __________________ Permit # __________________________
Old Business Name _______________________________________________
New Business Name ______________________________________________
New Business Address ______________________________________________
4. Business Sold (New Owner / New Customer:
Permit # _________________________________________________________
Old Customer #____________________________________________________
Old Business Name ________________________________________________

New Customer # ___________________________________________________

New Business Name ________________________________________________
New Business Address ______________________________________________
5. Permit Denials or Other Changes:

Authorized by _________________________________________ Date ___________________

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-20

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 2-21 MIS Delinquent Fee Letter

Washington State
Department of Transportation Regional Address Information

___________________________ DRAFT

Re: Annual Maintenance Fees - Motorist Information Signs


Dear __________________

The Department of Transportation has not received your annual maintenance fees which were due

Should you not make this payment within 15 days, we will assume that you no longer wish to participate in the
Motorist Information Signing program. Then, 30 days after your receipt of this certified letter, we will remove
your business signs.

If you have mailed the annual maintenance fee, please disregard this letter.


Regional Traffic Engineer

cc: State Traffic Engineer

Appendix 2-21 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 2-22 MIS Surveillance/Revocation Letter

Washington State
Department of Transportation Regional Address Information

___________________________ DRAFT

Re: MIS Signing

Dear __________________

The Department of Transportation periodically makes a field review of motorist information signing and ensures
that each business is providing services for (the required number of hours per day).

A recent review indicated that (your business is not open for business twelve hours a day, seven days a week).

Item 7 of the Motorist Information Signing permit, which you signed, acknowledges that your permit may be
revoked for failure to provide the services required by Section 468-70-050 of the Washington Administrative
Code. Accordingly, we will require written assurance within 15 days that your facility will (be open the required
number of hours and days).

Should you choose not to respond, we will assume that you no longer wish to participate in the Motorist
Information Signing program. Then, 30 days after receipt of this certified letter, we will revoke your permit and
remove your business sign.

Your timely response to this matter is recommended. Should you have any questions, please contact
_____________________ of my staff at ________________.


Regional Traffic Engineer

Traffic Manual Appendix 2-22

March 2002 Page 1

Chapter 3 Delineation

3.1 General An offset centerline and minor widening may

Delineation is the pavement markings, guide- help accomplish the proper lane assignments.
posts, and raised pavement markers used on Stopbars are to be included at all signalized
and adjacent to the roadway to define vehicular intersections with or without crosswalks. At
travel paths. The MUTCD, Design Manual, nonsignalized intersections stopbars are neces-
and Standard Plans provide delineation sary on the stop sign control approaches when
placement guidelines. crosswalks are not included. Including the
The Roadway Delineation Practices Handbook, stopbar at stop sign control locations having
published by FHWA, discusses specialized marked crosswalks is optional.
materials and delineation treatments for unique B. Interchange Off Ramps
applications and situations. This handbook does
At either a parallel or a tapered deceleration
not establish policies or standards but is only a
lane, the MUTCD allows the application of an
reference document.
optional dotted extension of the main line right
3.2 Pavement Markings edge line through the ramp opening. The dotted
line is a 2-foot stripe with a 4-foot gap.
Pavement markings are classified as either
longitudinal or transverse. Materials typically For statewide uniformity, these optional dotted
used for each are paint for longitudinal markings extensions should only be installed where the
and thermoplastics for transverse markings. exit ramp is located on a horizontal curve,
Approved sources for thermoplastic materials except for locations with continuous illu-
are listed in the General Special Provisions. A mination, and at locations with prevalent foggy
purchase contract is available for the purchase periods. They are generally not needed at ramps
of paint. Other durable materials are continually exiting from tangent sections. These markings
being evaluated. are only to be installed as a result of a traffic
engineering analysis.
A. Intersection Channelization
The MUTCD has a provision that allows C. Crosswalks
pavement markings to be extended through an Marked crosswalks serve to guide pedestrians
intersection where design or visibility conditions in the proper paths. Crosswalks should only be
make it desirable to provide control through the marked at locations that are signalized (and
intersection. These markings are only installed have significant pedestrian volumes), where
as the result of a traffic engineering analysis that crossing guards are provided, or where pedes-
considers horizontal curvature and other visibil- trian volumes meet the criteria for signal
ity conditions. For statewide uniformity, the Warrant 3 in Section 4C-5 of the MUTCD.
dotted line used for this extension is applied as Crosswalk markings should not be used at
a 2-foot stripe with a 4-foot gap between stripes. remote locations or where the speed limit
Multilane approaches may provide exclusive or exceeds 35 miles per hour unless protection
shared lanes for turning and through vehicles. is provided by a traffic signal or stop sign.
At most intersections through traffic must share Studies show that marked crosswalks have
a lane with one direction of turning traffic. To higher accident rates than unmarked crossings,
minimize delay, through traffic should normally thus crosswalks should not be considered
be combined with right-turning traffic unless safety devices.
opposite approach geometrics are unfavorable.

Traffic Manual Page 3-1

July 1993

Illumination of marked crosswalks is normally Concrete barrier is delineated by placing

provided when pedestrian volumes meet the reflective devices on the face of the barrier
criteria in MUTCD Section 4C-5. When mark- about 6 inches down from the top. When con-
ings are requested by others and volumes do crete barrier is placed immediately adjacent to
not meet those requirements, funding and power the traveled lane, such as in construction zones,
for crosswalk lighting is normally provided by delineator spacing should be a maximum of
the requestor. 40 feet on tangents and 20 feet through curves.

D. No Passing Zone Marking 3.5 Chevron Alignment Signs

No passing zones are to be established and Although the Chevron Alignment Sign is
marked on horizontal and vertical curves in intended to provide additional emphasis and
accordance with the MUTCD. guidance for drivers through horizontal curves
State law, in the Rules of the Road RCW in the roadway, this sign is not a delineator.
46.61.100 - RCW 46.61.165, identifies several See the MUTCD and the warning sign section
situations with a statutory no passing zone of this manual for use.
distance such as . . . when approaching within 3.6 Raised Pavement Markers
100 feet of or transversing any intersection
or railroad crossing . . . or . . . the view is As described in the Design Manual, raised
obstructed upon approaching within 100 feet of pavement markers are extensively used in
any bridge, viaduct, or tunnel . . . . However, western Washington to simulate lane lines and
state law does not imply a need to mark no to supplement painted pavement markings.
passing zones for such situations. Maintenance of raised pavement markers is
discussed in the Maintenance Manual.
3.3 Guideposts
Guideposts, discussed in the MUTCD as A. Right Edge Lines
delineators, are light retroreflecting devices The general use of raised reflective pavement
mounted at the side of the roadway to indicate markers to supplement, or in lieu of, right edge
roadway alignment. They are effective aids for lines is strongly discouraged. At night, such
night, wet, or other reduced visibility driving markers can be easily mistaken for lane lines.
conditions and are intended to guide rather
The State Traffic Engineer has approved the use
than warn motorists.
of reflective markers to supplement right edge
Guidepost installation and spacing requirements lines in these locations:
are included in the Standard Plans and the
On the taper in lane reduction sections,
Design Manual. The field spacing for guide-
such as from four lane to two lane.
posts shall be determined from Figure 3-1.
Approved sources for guideposts as well as Through sections with reduced lane width,
reflective materials are listed in the General such as narrow structures.
Special Provisions.
At the gore of exit ramps.
3.4 Barrier Delineation B. Recessed Markers
Barrier delineation is the extension of guideposts Recessed reflective markers and recessed lane
through an area of guardrail or concrete barrier. lines appear to be an effective way to provide
Spacing is the same as for guideposts. additional centerline and lane line delineation in
Guardrail is delineated by mounting guideposts areas requiring extensive snow plowing.
on guardrail posts as shown in the Standard

Page 3-2 Traffic Manual

July 1993

The details for installation of the recessed marker

are contained in the Standard Plans.
Recessed markers and recessed lane lines are
expensive and data is still being collected to
determine effectiveness and expected life. As a
result, the criteria for application and installation
are still subject to change and the State Traffic
Engineers office should be contacted when
recessed markers or recessed lane lines are
being considered.
With prior approval of the State Traffic
Engineer, recessed markers may also be installed
on bridges. Currently several alternative methods
are being considered for this application to
minimize the impact on bridge decks.
3.7 Impact Attenuator Marking
The end of impact attenuators adjacent to the
roadway and facing traffic are to be marked
with a modified type 3 object marker. The
design and use of the marker shall be the same
as the MUTCD type 3 marker except that the
attenuator marker shall be square. Attenuators
in gore areas or where traffic may pass on either
side shall have the stripes in a chevron pattern
sloping down from the center of the marker.
These designs are provided in the Sign
Fabrication Manual.


Traffic Manual Page 3-3

July 1993

Figure 3-1

Page 3-4 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Chapter 4 Signals and Illumination

4.1 MUTCD where traffic or physical conditions do not justify

The MUTCD, Section IV, discusses the types conventional traffic signals but where accident
of signals and their application, and provides rates above the statewide average for like
warrants and other guidelines used to justify locations indicate a special hazard.
signal installations. The most common application for these beacons
is at intersections with minor approach stop
4.2 Design Manual control where some approaching vehicles on the
Design Manual Section 335 provides the controlled legs have failed to stop.
guidelines for signal installations with regard to
An intersection control beacon should be
state laws, department policies, permit approval
considered for a problem location only after
procedures, design report requirements, prelimi-
other remedial measures have been tried and
nary signal plans, phase analysis (level of
determined to be ineffective based on traffic
service/optimum cycle calculations), detection
engineering studies.
systems, pedestrian considerations, signal
supports, and contract plan preparation. Twelve-inch lenses on the intersection control
beacon may be desirable to enhance visibility at
Special attention should be given to signal permit
some locations.
applications submitted by local agencies or
developers. The permit application should be 4.5 Audio-Tone Signal Application
submitted to the State Traffic Engineer at least
Pedestrian crosswalk signals with audio-tone
two months prior to the time the approved permit
application for the visually handicapped are
is desired. The request can then be processed for
available, although fairly new on the market. The
approval in a timely manner.
audio-tone, if installed, should be activated from
See Chapter 6, Traffic Regulations, for the a push button control mounted on the signal post.
information required as support data which This will provide audio-tone only when needed.
must accompany permit applications.
4.6 Illumination
4.3 Flashing Operation A. General
Occasionally traffic signals have been, or are, Transportation facility illumination enhances
installed primarily to reduce intersection delay visual perception of conditions or features that
during the morning, noon, and evening peak require additional driver or pedestrian alertness.
hours. These signals may not be warranted This is accomplished through the use of materi-
during off-peak hours. At locations having als and techniques that result in optimum energy
fixed time signals, flashing operations may be efficient illumination designs.
considered for nonpeak hours where there is
significantly larger traffic volumes on the major B. References
approaches than the minor approaches (i.e., Roadway Lighting Handbook, USDOT,
intersections meeting primarily warrant No. 2). Washington, D.C., December 1978.
If off-peak flashing operations are implemented, AASHTO Pamphlet, An Informational Guide for
follow-up accident studies should be conducted. Roadway Lighting.
4.4 Intersection Control Beacons WSDOT Directive D22-21 Truck Weigh
The MUTCD states that intersection control Stations and Vehicle Inspection Facilities on
beacons are intended for use at intersections State Highways.

Traffic Manual Page 4-1

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

National Electrical Code. Coefficient of Utilization (CU). The percentage

of the total light output that actually falls on the
RCW 47.24.020.
area to be illuminated.
Washington Administrative Code 468-18-040.
Dirt Factor (DF). A factor used in illumination
C. Definitions calculations to relate the initial illumination
provided by a clean, new luminaire to the reduced
Area Designations
illumination caused by dirt accumulation on the
Commercial Area. A district of continuous luminaire components. A dirt factor of 85 percent
adjacent retail businesses at least 1,000 feet in is normally used.
length, with lighted store fronts, parking lots, etc.
Footcandle (fc). The unit of illumination used
Intermediate Area. A partially built-up area when the foot is the unit of length; the illumina-
consisting of approximately 50 percent adjacent tion of a surface one square foot in area on which
land use for retail businesses at least 600 feet in is uniformly distributed a flux of one lumen. A
length, with lighted store fronts, parking lots, etc. footcandle equals one lumen per square foot.
Residential Area. An area of continuous Design footcandles (Dfc). The average light
residences with occasional businesses where the level on the roadway at the end of rated life.
local street grid has a continuous illumination
system. Initial footcandles (Ifc). The average light
level on the roadway after the first 200 hours
Rural Area. Areas not defined as commercial, of operation.
intermediate, or residential.
Foot Lambert. A unit of luminance equal to
Ballast. An electrical device which provides the 1/3.14 candela per square foot or to the uniform
necessary voltage, current, and wave form to start luminance of a perfectly diffusing surface emit-
and operate an electrical discharge lamp. ting or reflecting light at the rate of one lumen
Basic Illumination. The minimal amount per square foot.
of illumination to be provided at certain Glare. The effect of brightness or brightness
transportation facilities. differences within the visual field sufficiently
Basic Interchange Illumination. The minimum high to cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss of
amount of illumination at interchanges which visual performance.
consists of two luminaires on each single or Hours of Darkness. The time from sunset
double-lane on ramp, two luminaires on each to sunrise, inclusive of summer and winter
single-lane off ramp, three luminaires on each conditions.
double-lane off ramp, and one luminaire at each
ramp-crossroad intersection. IES Distribution. Light patterns for luminaires
consistent with the Illumination Engineering
Candela. A unit of luminous intensity equal to Society standards for various patterns and
one lumen per steridian. distributions.
Candlepower. Luminous intensity expressed Isolux Diagram. A graphical representation of
in candelas. points of equal illumination connected by a
Contrast Ratio (CR). continuous line. These diagrams usually show
footcandle values on a horizontal plane from a
Brightness. The ratio between the single unit having a definite mounting height.
photometric brightness, measured in foot
lamberts, of any two relatively large areas Lamp Lumens (LL). The total light output from
in the field of view. a lamp for the position in which the lamp is
maintained. LL for a standard luminaire is
Light. The ratio between the maximum and 37,000 lumens.
minimum light levels of the design zone.

Page 4-2 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Lamp Lumen Depreciation Factor (LF). The light values when a different mounting height
factor used in illumination calculations to relate than the one on the isolux curve is used.
initial rated output to the anticipated output at
Nighttime. The period of time from one-half
replacement time. This factor is 0.73 for high
hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise
pressure sodium sources. Consult manufacturers
and any other time when persons or objects
data for other sources.
may not be clearly discernible at a distance of
Light. Radiant energy capable of producing a 500 feet (RCW 46.04.200 Hours of Darkness).
visual sensation.
Photometrics. The isolux diagram and
Light Standard. A support provided with coefficient of utilization plot for a particular
necessary attachments for wiring and luminaire luminaire and light source.
mounting. See Standard Plan J-1.
Spacing (S). The distance in feet measured on
Lumen. A unit of luminous flux; equal to the centerline between adjacent luminaires. Spacing
flux emitted through a unit solid angle (one (S) is equal to the lamp lumens (LL) times the
steridian) from a uniform point light source of coefficient of utilization (CU) times the mainte-
one candela. nance factor (MF) divided by the width (W) and
the design footcandle value (Dfc).
Luminance. In roadway lighting luminance is the
reflected light from the pavement surface that is Security Lighting. The techniques of providing
visible to the motorists eye. low level lighting for public safety or theft
reduction. Security lighting is not subject to any
Luminaire. The complete lighting unit inclusive
lighting uniformity requirements.
of the lamp or light source; the optical system for
the control of the light distribution; and the Uniformity Ratio (UR). The ratio of the average
ballast for electrical regulation. The standard light level on a section to the weak point light
luminaire is a cobra head fixture with a Type III level of the same section for those applications
medium cutoff distribution, a 310 watt lamp and when uniformity rates applies. The minimum
a flat glass refractor. Decorative cutoff fixtures uniformity rates are 4:1 approaching 1:1. Unifor-
may be considered for parking area applications. mity ratio requirements do not apply to security
or single source applications.
Maintenance Factor (MF). The percentage of
light degeneration through the life of the lamp Walkway. The connection between two areas
equal to the product of the lamp lumen deprecia- over which the user is required to travel in order
tion factor (LF) times the dirt factor (DF). The LF to utilize available services. Typical examples are
for high pressure sodium lamps is 62 percent. as follows:
Major Parking Lot. Major parking lots for park Walkways between parking areas and rest
and ride, carpool, and ferry terminal facilities are room buildings at rest areas.
those with nighttime usage exceeding 50 vehicles
Walkways between drop-off or pick-up
during the nighttime peak hour.
points and bus loading areas at flyer stops.
Mounting Height (MH). The vertical distance
Walkways between parking areas and bus
between the surface to be illuminated and the
loading areas.
center of the light source of the luminaire.
Standard mounting height is 40 feet. When For the purpose of this section bicycle trails,
nonstandard luminaires are approved, the walking trails, pet trails, etc., are not considered
mounting heights noted in Figure 4-5 are walkways.
recommended. Weak Point Light (WPL). The lowest light level
Mounting Height Factor (MHF). A factor used within the area being illuminated. The minimum
in illumination uniformity calculations to correct WPL is 0.2 footcandles for applications where
uniformity criteria applies.

Traffic Manual Page 4-3

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Width of the area to be illuminated. This whether approval by the State Traffic Engineer is
measurement is from edge of traveled way to required.
edge of traveled way for highway lighting
Approval by the State Traffic Engineer is
required for illuminating the following facilities:
D. Approval Requirements All highways with or without access control.
1. General. WSDOT is responsible for Unsignalized or unchannelized intersections.
illumination on state highways with access
control regardless of location and for illumina- Tunnels, underpasses, and lids.
tion of highways without access control located Bridges.
outside of the corporate limits of any city. Cities
are responsible for illumination of state highways Illumination of the following facilities will not
without access control located within their require the State Traffic Engineers approval.
corporate limits. In cities with a population under Construction zones.
22,500 where the state is responsible for signal-
ization, the state may assume responsibility for Detours.
illumination installed on signal standards in the Railroad crossings without gates or signals.
interest of reducing intersection clutter.
When the State Traffic Engineers approval is
required, it will be obtained through the design Bicycle trails.
deviation approval process. See Design Manual, Minor parking lots.
Chapter 330.
Pavement transitions, including drop lanes.
2. Basic Illumination. Basic illumination is
4. Nonstandard Features. Approval by the
required at the following facilities:
State Traffic Engineer is required for any pro-
Freeway ramp gore areas. posal that incorporates lighting equipment or
Ramp terminals. features other than those identified as standard
in the Traffic Manual.
Channelized intersections.
E. Warrants
Signalized intersections.
1. General. Proposals to install additional
Railroad crossings with gates or signals lighting at basic illumination locations and to
provided there is nighttime train traffic. illuminate other locations requires satisfying
Loading areas at flyer stops. the warranting conditions listed below. When
volumes are used to determine the level of
Major parking lots. service, the counts should be taken during the
Rest areas. nighttime peak hour.
Scale platforms at weigh stations. Peaking characteristics in urban areas are related
to clock time. Traffic counts taken during
Any proposal that provides less than or more daylight hours after 4:30 p.m. and before
than basic illumination at these facilities requires 7:30 a.m. may be used to satisfy nighttime
approval of the State Traffic Engineer. Basic volume warrants providing seasonal adjustment
illumination applications are shown on Fig- factors have been applied to demonstrate warrant
ures 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3. satisfaction for the applicable portions of the
3. Illumination Beyond Basic Levels. months of November, December, and January.
Illumination at the locations listed below is When accidents are used to warrant illumination,
divided into two categories depending on the ratio of nighttime to daytime accidents
should be at least 1.5 times higher than the

Page 4-4 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

average for similar locations, and a study should of service is D or the nighttime accident warrant
indicate that illumination will result in a reduc- is satisfied.
tion in nighttime accidents. When comparing
4. Intersections. Illumination of unsignalized
similar locations, volumes, speed, land use, and
and unchannelized intersections is warranted if
access control should be similar.
channelization warrants are satisfied or the
2. Highways With Access Control. All nighttime accident warrant is satisfied.
roadways within the limits of access control are
5. Tunnels, Underpasses, and Lids. Daytime
covered in this category and include mainline,
illumination is warranted if portal conditions
ramps, and crossroads.
result in a condition where brightness reduction
a. Mainline. Illumination is warranted is greater than 15 times and the length to vertical
when the nighttime peak hour level of clearance ratio is ten to one or greater.
service is D or below and any two of the
6. Construction Zones. Illumination may be
following conditions occur:
warranted if construction activities take place on
Three or more successive interchanges the roadway at night.
are located within an average spacing of
7. Detours. Illumination is warranted if detour
112 miles or less.
alignment and grade are unusual or result in
The segment is in an urban area. unexpected maneuvers.
The nighttime accident warrant is 8. Minor Parking Lots. Security lighting is
satisfied. warranted if vandalism or security problems have
developed or are anticipated.
b. Ramps. Illumination is warranted when
any of the following conditions occur: 9. Bridges. Warrants for illuminating bridges
are the same as those for highways with or
Nighttime peak hour level of service is D
without access control, whichever is applicable.
or worse.
10. Railroad Crossing Without Gates or
Complex ramp alignment and grade.
Signals. Illumination of these facilities is war-
There are routine queues of five or more ranted if there are potential nighttime accidents.
vehicles per lane during darkness due to The extent of nighttime train activity should be
traffic control features at the ramp terminal. taken into consideration. Also, if there is the
The exit advisory speed is more than probability that railroad cars may be stopped on
20 mph below the posted mainline speed. the crossing during the nighttime, lighting should
be considered.
The nighttime accident warrant is satis-
fied. 11. Walkways and Trails. Security lighting is
warranted if security problems have developed or
c. Crossroads. Illumination is warranted if are anticipated.
any of the following conditions occur:
F. Design Report
Nighttime peak hour level of service is D
or below. The design report shall note the following:

The nighttime accident warrant is The facilities where basic illumination is

satisfied. proposed.

3. Highways Without Access Control. Justification for any proposal to install less
Illumination is warranted if the segment is than or more than the lighting required for basic
classified as commercial and the nighttime level illumination.
Justification for any proposal to install
illumination at other highway facilities.

Traffic Manual Page 4-5

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

The status of existing illumination before, tunnels on continuously illuminated road-

during, and after construction. ways should be approximately two times, but
not exceeding three times, the light level
G. Design Criteria required on the roadway outside the tunnel.
1. Roadway Light Levels. Design light levels Nighttime light levels in short tunnels on
are indicated in Figure 4-4. These levels are the noncontinuously illuminated roadways
minimum average levels to be provided on the should be consistent with Figure 4-4.
roadway at end of rated lamp life for applications
b. Long tunnels have a portal to portal
requiring a spacing calculation. Light level
length greater than the wet pavement stop-
requirements do not apply to single source or
ping sight distance. Long tunnels are divided
security level installations.
into zones for the determination of daytime
When illumination is proposed for a roadway light levels. Each zone is equal in length to
with a radius of 450 feet or less, it may be the wet pavement stopping sight distance.
necessary to reduce spacing, thereby increasing The entrance zone beginning point is usually
the average light level in order to achieve taken to be a point outside the portal where
uniformity ratio requirements. the motorists view is confined to the
predominance of the darkened tunnel
Light levels at railroad crossing shall be
consistent with the area classification and
highway functional classification. The entrance zone light level is dependent
upon the brightness of the features within the
2. Nonhighway Light Levels. Average,
motorists view on the portal approach. The
maintained end-of-rated-life light levels for
brightness level is defined as the average
various types of nonhighway facilities are
brightness measured over a 20 degree cone at
indicated in Figure 4-4.
a point 500 feet in advance of the portal. The
Security light levels are defined as follows: entrance zone light level produced within the
Park and ride lots, ferry terminal parking tunnel must be sufficient to provide a bright-
lots. Approximately one-fourth of the luminaires ness level of approximately 115 of the
required for full illumination are left on. measured portal brightness, after adjustment
for the reflectivity of the roadway, walls, and
Rest area parking areas. Typically two ceiling.
luminaires per parking area.
Successive zones should have a daytime light
Walkways. Luminaires provided at angle level of 115 of the previous zone light level
points and shadow areas. until a minimum value of 5 foot candles
Bus loading zone. One luminaire in the is achieved.
immediate vicinity of the loading zone. Requirements for nighttime light levels for
Weight stations. One luminaire at the public long tunnels are the same as those noted for
telephone, if any. short tunnels.

3. Light Levels for Special Applications. 4. Control Requirements. The control

requirements for various types of illumination
a. Short tunnels and underpasses with systems will vary with the application as follows:
length to vertical clearance ratios of 10:1 or
less will normally not require daytime a. Continuous Nighttime Operation.
illumination. Short tunnels with length to Controls for continuous nighttime operation
vertical clearance ratios greater than 10:1 will normally consist of a photocell for
will be treated the same as an entrance zone sunset turn-on and sunrise turn-off. The
on a long tunnel to establish daytime light following types of applications will have
levels. Nighttime light levels in short controls for continuous nighttime operations.

Page 4-6 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

All basic interchange illumination on on and sunrise turn-off along with another
access controlled highways. mechanism capable of providing independent
nighttime turn-on and turn-off. This mecha-
All illumination in excess of basic levels
nism will override photocell control on a
that was installed by special condition
regular basis, during periods of low use. If
warrant on access controlled highways.
requested by the WSP, manual switching
Illumination at intersections. may be provided inside scale houses at truck
Illumination at railroad crossings. weigh stations. The following applications
will require this type of control:
Security lighting at bus loading zones at
park and ride lots, and at flyer stops. Illumination in excess of security levels
in parking areas at park and ride lots, ferry
Security lighting in parking areas at park terminals, and pool-it lots.
and ride lots, ferry terminals, and pool-it lots.
Illumination in excess of security levels
Illumination for walkways at park and at bus loading areas at park and ride lots and
ride lots, flyer stops, ferry terminals, and rest flyer stops.
Illumination in excess of security levels
Illumination for parking areas and at truck weigh stations.
conflict points at rest areas.
d. Special Applications. Some special
Detour illumination. applications, such as tunnels with daytime
Construction illumination. lighting, will require special controls. Cir-
cuits for fixtures providing nighttime light
Illumination installed on nonaccess levels will be energized continuously
controlled highways by accident warrant. throughout the day. Minimum daytime
The single luminaire in the vicinity of light levels, entrance zone light levels, and
the public telephone at truck weigh stations. any subsequent zone light levels will be
accomplished with fixtures in addition to
b. Continuous Nighttime Operation With continuously burning nighttime light level
Reduction Capability. Controls for these fixtures. In most cases, fixtures providing
applications will normally consist of a light levels in addition to minimum daytime
photocell control for sunset turn-on and light levels will be provided with controls so
sunrise turn-off along with another mecha- that reduced light levels can be achieved
nism capable of providing independent during periods when the portal brightness is
nighttime turn-off and turn-on. This mecha- less than the design value.
nism will override photocell control only
during periods of energy crisis. The follow- 5. Wiring Design.
ing applications will require this type of a. Line Loss. Line loss is the voltage drop
control: between the electrical service and the electri-
Illumination in excess of basic levels on cal load. Line loss usually controls wire size
access controlled highways. determination rather than the allowable
ampacities listed in Chapter 3 of the National
Illumination in excess of basic levels Electric Code. For design purposes, allow-
installed on ramp segments because of able line loss is assumed to be a function of
nighttime backups that routinely occur due to the stage of plan development and the ballast
ramp terminal intersection control. characteristics of the luminaire being uti-
c. Noncontinuous Nighttime Operations. lized. See Figure 4-6 for allowable line loss
Controls for these applications will normally and lamp load factor requirements.
consist of a photocell control for sunset turn-

Traffic Manual Page 4-7

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Loads shall be determined by dividing the Behind traffic barrier provided the traffic
lamp wattage by the voltage and then multi- barrier is warranted for reasons other than the
plying by the appropriate lamp load factor. luminaire support installation.
Construction illumination circuits and other Fixed based may be considered for roadways
temporary circuits that are both installed and with speeds under 30 mph with considerable
removed on the same contract may be adjacent pedestrian activity.
designed for 10 percent line loss.
9. Overcurrent Devices. Branch breakers are
b. Voltages. Illumination systems should to be sized to carry 140 percent minimum of the
operate on 240 or 480 volts, single phase. computed illumination load. Loads should be
computed in accordance with the lamp load
c. Wire Size. The minimum wire used by
factors noted in Figure 4-6.
any illumination circuit is No. 8, except for
the No. 10 pole and bracket cable included Main breakers are to be sized to carry
within the light standard. The ampacity of 140 percent minimum of the computed
the wire, exclusive of pole and bracket cable illumination load in addition to 125 percent
which is protected by fusing, shall equal or minimum of all other loads on the service. The
exceed the branch breaker rating. minimum size main breaker shall be 60 AMP.
d. Wire Type. With the exception of Lighting contactors are used to switch the light-
temporary aerial installations where alumi- ing circuits. Lighting contactors shall be rated to
num conductors are allowed, all wiring from equal or exceed the branch breaker rating for the
the service on shall be copper. circuit it switches. Lighting contactors are
available in 30, 60, and 100 AMP ratings.
6. Conduit. Conduits carrying illumination
circuits are to be sized to provide 26 percent H. Example Applications
fill, maximum, with 114-inch minimum size
under all roadways and 1 inch minimum size at 1. Spacing and Uniformity Ratio
other locations. Calculation. Determine the spacing and
uniformity ratio for the intersection in Figure
7. Luminaire Support Locations. Luminaire 4-7. Channelization is painted, highway class is
supports will normally be located 16 feet from other, and area classification is intermediate.
the edge of the traveled lane pavement on the Utilize standard luminaires, standard mounting
right of the roadway with respect to the driving height and standard base location.
Design values are:
8. Base Types. Luminaire supports are in-
stalled with either fixed base or slip base. The Approach Design Footcandles (Dfc) = 0.8 fc,
pole schedule in the plans should indicate the Figures 4-3 and 4-4.
required base type. Fixed bases are installed at Intersection Design Footcandles (Dfc) = 1.5
locations where it is either unwarranted or x 0.8 fc = 1.2 fc, Figure 4-4.
undesirable to install a slip base. Locations
where fixed bases are normally installed are: Uniformity Ratio (UR) = 4:1.

Parking areas. Weak Point Light (WPL) = 0.2 fc.

Where the support location is outside the Mounting Height (MH) = 40 feet.
clear zone. Luminaire = 310 watt high pressure sodium.
Median lighting applications where the Dirt Factor (DF) = 0.85.
luminaire support is mounted on cast-in-place
median barrier.

Page 4-8 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Lamp Lumen Depreciation Factor (LF) = 37, 000 MF MHF

0.73. WPL = chart value 2
1, 000
Maintenance Factor (MF) = DC x LF = 0.85
The mounting height correction factor (MHF) is
x 0.73 = 0.62.
0.56 from Figure 4-8.
Roadway Width (W) = 39 feet, Figure 4-7. WPL = 0.035 2 37 0.62 0.56 = 0.9 fc
Initial Lamp Lumens (LL) = 37,000 lumen. Dfc 1.27
UR = = = 1. 4:1 OK
The formula for spacing is: WPL 0.9fc

LL CU MF Light standard A can now be located as indicated

S= on Figure 4-7.
Dfc W
S = Spacing Check to see if 0.2 fc is provided at the left turn
LL = Initial Lamp Lumens lane full width point.
CU = Coefficient of Utilization
135 ft/40 ft = 3.37 MH
MF = Maintenance Factor
Dfc = Design Footcandles Entering Figure 4-8 a chart value of 0.008fc is
W = Roadway Width determined. WPL = 0.008 x 37 x 0.62 x 0.56 =
0.10 fc
The CU is determined from the utilization curve
on Figure 4-8. The ratio of transverse width Since 0.10 fc is less than 0.20 fc, additional light
(TW) to mounting height (MH) is 39/40 or 0.97. standards will be required to illuminate the
From Figure 4-8 the CU is 0.26. approach. A new calculation is required since the
design light level on the approach is 0.8 fc versus
Spacing for the intersection can now be
1.2 fc for the intersection.
37, 000 0.26 0.62
37, 000 0.26 0.62 X= = 191 feet
S= = 127 feet 39 0.8
1.2 39
Round to 190 feet and adjust Dfc
Round odd spacing down to the nearest 10 foot
increment, therefore, S = 120 feet. Reducing 191
Dfc = 0.8 = 0.80 fc
spacing increases Dfc. The adjusted Dfc is: 190
127 Check WPL at half spacing in the center of
Dfc = 1.2 = 1.27 fc
120 the roadway.
Check uniformity at mid spacing in center of Entering Figure 4-8 at 190 (2 x 40) or 2.37
the roadway. longitudinal and 39 / (2 x 40) or 0.48 transverse
yields a chart value of 0.017. WPL = 0.017 x 2 x
UR = 37 x 0.62 x 0.56 or 0.44 fc.
The weak point light is determined by entering UR = or 1.8:1
0. 44
the isocandle curves on Figure 4-8.
Locate luminaires C & D at 190 feet spacing.
The ratio of transverse distance to mounting
height at midpoint is 39/(2x40) = 0.48. The ratio 2. Line Loss Calculation. Determine the
of longitudinal distance to mounting height is wiring requirements for the circuit in Figure 4-9.
120/(2x40) = 1.5. From Figure 4-8 a value of The wiring is installed in conduit and conductors
0.035 is determined. This value must be doubled are copper. Ultimate loads are known. Service
since two luminaires are contributing light on the voltage is 240. Luminaires are 310 watt high-
point. The value must also be adjusted for the pressure sodium vapor. From Figure 4-6 the
lumen output of the lamp, the lamp maintenance lamp load factor is 1.2 and the maximum
(MF) and for mounting height correction (MHF). allowable line loss is 8 percent.

Traffic Manual Page 4-9

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

The load at each luminaire is:

310 watts x 1.2 = 1.55 amps
240 volts
The maximum voltage drop is:
240 volts x 0.08 = 19.2 volts
Line loss is computed in ampere-feet and is the
current in the circuit times the distance to the
load. Typically the circuit segments with the
greatest length and load will control. On this
basis the line loss table in Figure 4-11 can be
computed. The circuit segment from Luminaire 1
to the service has the highest line loss.
First check No. 8 wiring. From Figure 4-12, the
line loss is:
10,000 amp-ft = 15.0 volts
4,000 amp-ft = 6.0 volts
800 amp-ft = 1.2 volts
Total 14,800 amp-ft = 22.2 volts > 19.2 volts. Not good.
Try changing the wiring from the service to
Luminaire 5 to No. 6 wire with the remainder
No. 8 wire.
Service to 5 (10,850 amp-ft) No. 6
10,000 amp-ft = 9.7 volts
900 amp-ft = 0.9 volts
Total 10,900 amp-ft = 10.6 volts
5 to 1 (14,800 - 10,900 = 3,900 amp-ft) No. 8
3,000 amp-ft = 4.5 volts
900 amp-ft = 1.4 volts
Total 3,900 amp-ft = 5.9 volts

The line loss to Luminaire 1 is:

10.6 + 5.9 = 16.5 volts which is less than
19.2 volts maximum allowed.
Final wire sizes are shown in Figure 4-10.


Page 4-10 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-1

Traffic Manual Page 4-11

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Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-2

Page 4-12 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-3

Traffic Manual Page 4-13

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Average Maintained Horizontal Illumination Levels (Foot Candles)

Highway Applications

Area Classification

Highway Class Commercial Intermediate Residential Rural

Full Access Cont. - Divided 0.6* 0.6* 0.6* 0.6*

Arterials 1.6 1.2 0.8* 0.6*

Other 1.0 0.8* 0.6* 0.6*

Construction Lanes
and Detours 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Non-Highway Applications

Parking Loading Weight
Areas Areas Walkways Scales

Park & Ride Lots 0.8 2.0 0.8 N.A.

Flyer Stops N.A. 2.0 0.8 N.A.

Ferry Terminals 0.8 2.0 0.8 N.A.

Rest Areas 2 Luminaires N.A. Security Level N.A.

Pool-It Lots 0.8 N.A. N.A. N.A.

Weigh Stations None N.A. N.A. 2 Luminaires

*Increase light level by 50 percent at intersections where more than one light standard is installed.

Figure 4-4

Page 4-14 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Recommended Mounting Heights

High Pressue Sodium

Wattage Mounting Height (Ft)
70 20
100 25
200 30
250 35
310 40
400 50
1000 100

Line Loss and Lamp Load Factor Requirements

Maximum Line Loss

Lamp Ultimate Loads Ultimate Loads

Lamp Load Factor Known Unknown

High Pressure Sodium 1.2 8% 5%

Metal Halide 1.2 8% 5%

Mercury Vapor 1.1 10% 5%

Figures 4-5 and 4-6

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July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-7

Page 4-16 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Figure 4-8

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Signals and Illumination

Figures 4-9 and 4-10

Page 4-18 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Line Loss Table

Load (A) Loads (A) Distance (D) AxD AD


1 1.55 1.55 250 390 390

2 1.55 3.10 250 780 1170

3 1.55 4.65 250 1,160 2,330

4 1.55 6.20 250 1,550 3,880

5-6-7 4.65 10.85 1,000 10,850 14,730

Service Say 14, 800

7 1.55 1.55 250 390 390

6 1.55 3.10 500 1,550 1,940

5-4-3-2-1 7.75 10.85 1,000 10,850 12,790

Service Say 12,800

Figure 4-11

Traffic Manual Page 4-19

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Voltage Drop for Aluminum Conductors

(Aerial Installation only, underground installation prohibited)
Power Factor 100 Percent Single Phase 2 Wire

Figure 4-12

Page 4-20 Traffic Manual

July 1993
Signals and Illumination

Voltage Drop for Copper Conductors

(In Conduit or Aerial Installtion)
Power Factor 100 Percent Single Phase 2 Wire

Figure 4-13

Traffic Manual Page 4-21

July 1993
Work Zone Traffic Control

Chapter 5 Work Zone Traffic Control

5.1 General A. Traffic Control Features

Work zone traffic control is a major aspect of 1. Lane Geometry. The approach lane width
any roadway project. It must be designed from should be equaled or exceeded throughout the
the motorists point of view to provide the motor- connection. The minimum allowable lane width
ists with the necessary information to proceed in is 10 feet. Design the lane and the lane width
a safe and orderly manner through a construction reductions prior to any lane shifts within the
or maintenance work zone which may have transition area.
unexpected roadway conditions, changes in Every effort should be made to maintain an
alignment, and temporary roadside obstacles approach speed that matches the design speed of
relating to the work activity. The sudden transi- the facility. Where this is not possible, a 10 mph
tion to tighter geometrics and the closer reduced speed advisory, posted with a warning
proximity of traffic control must be incorporated sign which tells the driver of the hazard, is
into the work area in a manner that will minimize considered maximum per speed change. Design
driver uncertainty. Effective work zone traffic for the highest design speed allowed with respect
control is the result of strategy planning, plan to curve radii. Curve radii and lane width should
development and preparation, and field applica- not be reduced simultaneously.
tions. The goal of any work zone traffic control
plan is to allow no reduction in the level of The objective is to use lane geometrics that will
service for traffic. be clear to the driver and keep the vehicle in the
intended lane. Lane lines and construction joints
TCP (Traffic Control Plans) must be included in must be treated to provide a smooth flow through
the PS&E to provide for the orderly movement the transition area. It may also be necessary to
of vehicular and pedestrian traffic through modify or remove other existing traffic control
construction and maintenance areas. devices.
No single standard sequence of signs or other 2. Physical Barriers. There are three types
traffic control devices can be used as an inflex- of barrier protection used in construction
ible arrangement for all situations due to the workzones: water-filled barriers, moveable
variety of roadway and traffic conditions that barrier, and concrete barriers. Several items as
may be present in a roadway project. A TCP that summarized below must be considered when
adequately address the variables motorists will determining their use.
encounter on each specific project are generally
preferred Water-filled Barriers:
Short-term projects (zero to three days) for a
5.2 Principles
minimum 100-foot length.
Guidelines for TCPs are found in Section VI of
the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Do not use in lane transitions until further
(MUTCD). Section VI details the fundamental testing has been done or unless the situation
principles of temporary traffic control, including meets with manufacturers specifications. In the
the design and erection of signing, traffic control case of an open construction work area, use in
layout, pavement markings, delineation, lighting, conjunction with TMAs.
and flagging standards. This chapter sets forth Evaluate risk and site conditions and if used,
specific principles for designing traffic control. follow manufacturers guidelines and specifica-
tions. Provide chart for Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT)

Traffic Manual Page 5-1

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

designers to use which shows deflection based In areas where temporary concrete barriers
on speed of vehicle. cannot be installed, drums, cones, barricades, or
vertical panels can be used as an acceptable
Moveable Barriers: alternate. However, temporary concrete barriers
High volume traffic conditions with very must be used in the transition areas between
short-term lane closures. multilane and two-lane, two-way roadways, and
Continuous operation over extended period as described in (c) above.
of time, where there is a need to get the lane back Exposed ends of concrete barriers must be
in operation at some point in the day. (Could be located outside the clear zone and adequately
used in lieu of reduced lane widths or lane flared, or have a crashworthy end treatment.
reduction, i.e., HOV lane additions; wall next
Where drums, cones, etc., are used, consistent
to roadway.)
patterns of the devices are important to help
Temporary Concrete Barriers: alleviate driver confusion. Random mixing
High speed roadways and areas where there of these devices at any given location is
is a high potential for injury to workers (i.e., undesirable.
internal lane work). Where positive barriers are not used throughout a
Work zones in no escape areas such as two-way connection, warning lights may be used
tunnels, bridges, lane expansion work, etc. to mark opposing traffic separation devices.

Long term, stationary jobs (work that occu- 3. Illumination. Full lighting is normally
pies a location more than three days). provided through traffic control areas where
power is available. Illumination will be placed
Worker and traveling public exposure in accordance with Chapter 840 of the Design
considerations such as high speed and volume Manual.
of traffic, when workers are not protected by
vehicle, and in proximity to traffic (concrete 4. Delineation. Removable temporary or
slab repair in freeways). painted lane lines and edge lines are normally
used to delineate the roadway. These pavement
Temporary concrete barriers are normally markings are preferred for shifts in travelway
installed for: alignment. Type 2 raised pavement markers and
a. The operation of opposing traffic where guideposts may be used to accentuate the lane
two-way traffic must be maintained on one and edge lines in illuminated areas.
roadway of a normally divided highway for In areas where power for illumination is not
an extended period of time. available, reflective devices must be used to
b. The separation of opposing traffic where delineate the traveled way for nighttime driving.
a four-lane divided highway transitions to a Guideposts provide eye-level delineation, while
two-lane, two-way roadway that is being Type 2 raised pavement markers provide lane
upgraded to become a divided four-lane line delineation. Reflective devices are also
roadway. installed on temporary concrete barriers used in
transition areas and/or to separate opposing
c. Projects where existing safety features traffic.
such as bridge rail or guardrail are removed.
When concrete barrier is used, lateral clearance
A 2-foot minimum shy distance is normally markers may be installed at the barriers angle
provided between the lane edge and the near points and at other locations along the barrier
edge of the separation barrier. where additional delineation may be needed.
It may be necessary to utilize a portion of the Pavement marking arrows are placed in lanes to
roadway shoulder to provide the roadway width indicate direction of travel.
needed for the barrier use.

Page 5-2 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

Delineation guidelines are shown in Chapter 830 Where significant queuing and delays
of the Design Manual. are expected.
5. Speed Limit or Speed Advisory Signing. Where adverse environmental conditions
As part of the design process for construction are present.
and projects for maintenance, speed reductions
Where there are changes in alignment or
are an option requiring a thorough traffic analy-
surface conditions.
sis conducted prior to making a change. For
emergency and other necessary speed reductions, To provide advance notice of ramp, lane,
guidelines are outlined in RCW 47.38.020, or roadway closures.
WSDOT Construction Manual, and Directive For accident or incident management.
D 55-20 Reduced Speed in Maintenance and
Construction Zones. Operators must always be aware of what the
arrow board is displaying. Keep displays appro-
When a change of speed is necessary, a request priate and when not needed, turn them off. For
for change of speed limit must be submitted to instance, when the vehicle or arrow board is
the regional Traffic Control Engineer. When placed on the right shoulder, never display the
regulatory speed limit reduction or advisory right arrow because it would move people off
speed signing is necessary, use the letters XX the shoulder/road and be potentially hazardous to
to represent the speed limit on the TCP. The drivers/workers. This also applies to left arrow
actual posted speed indicated on the signs is usage in the left lane/shoulder placement.
determined prior to opening the temporary
connection. Make messages clear and brief. Keep messages
to a maximum of two panels. If special messages
Some items to consider when reducing speeds are necessary, be consistent with conventional
in work zones because of worker safety include: signs and standards normally used. Whenever
Post speed limit signs in the work zone. possible, use the pre-programmed canned
When speed limit is lowered and enforced messages that the VMS is equipped with.
(monitored by WSP/local law enforcement), 7. Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMAs).
ensure work zone is adequately signed. Items to consider for determining TMA use:
Post regulatory speed limit signs for work Speed of Traffic: Higher operating speeds
hours only (identify hours when the limit is in leave less time for response, and impacts at
effect if condition for speed limit reduction is not higher speeds generally result in more severe
present when work is not being conducted). injuries and damage. Therefore, activities on
Remove signs when reduced speed limit is not facilities with high speed limits are likely to
in affect. entail more frequent and more severe incidents
Use variable message signs more frequently than are activities on facilities with low
(as a supplement to standard signs) to display speed limits.
either advisory speeds or regulatory speed limits Type of activity: moving, intermittent,
and explain the activity requiring the reduction. or stationary.
6. Variable Message Signs. Per the MUTCD, Duration of project.
the primary purpose of VMS in temporary traffic
control zones is to advise the driver of unex- Roadway environment: access controlled vs.
pected traffic and routing situations. Some non-access controlled, urban vs. rural; and
typical situations can include the following: geometrics of roadway. Access controlled
facilities frequently give drivers a false sense
Where speed of traffic is expected to drop of security resulting in a lower expectation of
substantially. interruptions to free traffic flow. Therefore,

Traffic Manual Page 5-3

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

activities on freeways may be more likely to Slow Traffic Do not rely solely on flaggers
become involved in incidents than are activities to slow the traffic; supplement with traffic
on non-access controlled facilities where most control set up (i.e., simplify traffic flow, restrict
drivers are operating at a higher state of traffic flow).
Direct Traffic The flagger is sometimes
Traffic volumes which relate directly to necessary to keep traffic from following work
worker exposure. vehicles into the work zone. They are responsible
for redirecting vehicles back into the flow of
Exposure to special hazards: Operations
traffic safely.
involving personnel on foot or located in
exposed positions on or within work vehicles Stop Traffic.
(for example, on the platform of a cone pickup
9. Use of Enhanced Enforcement. For use of
truck or in a lift-bucket performing overhead
enforcement, the initial determination should be
operations) are particularly susceptible to high
based on engineering judgment (between mainte-
severity incidents.
nance/construction office and district traffic
Location of work area: Locations of primary office) considering the type of construction
concern are those within the traveled lanes and activity, complexity of the traffic control plan,
those within all-weather frequently used shoul- possible speed reduction needs, traffic volumes,
ders. Activities taking place within the traveled nighttime work activity, geometric conditions,
lanes are more likely to become involved in an associated cost for use of enforcement (cost
incident than are shoulder activities. benefit analysis), and actual traffic problems
observed as the work progresses.
Some suggested priorities for the application of
truck-mounted attenuators are contained in Enhanced enforcement in the work zone is
Figure 5-2. recommended to:
8. Use of Flaggers. Flaggers should be Provide single stationary patrol car for work
employed only when all other methods of traffic zones where the work area is less than 1,000 feet
control are inadequate to warn and direct traffic. in length. (This is the length of the actual work
They should be used prudently when signing and area and excludes the advance warning, taper,
other methods cannot work. The use of more and buffer spaces before and after the actual
innovative, restrictive, traffic control methods work zone.)
such as signs, signals, channelization, etc.,
Provide two or more stationary patrol
should be considered.
vehicles for work zones with a work area greater
Flaggers must be part of an approved Traffic than 1,000 feet in length. (This is the length of
Control Plan and included in the initial design. the actual work area excluding the advance
warning, taper, and buffer spaces before and
On high speed locations, post speed advisory
after the actual work zone). The WSP stated that
plaques with appropriate warning signs and other
use of two troopers (one set up at the start of the
innovative traffic control methods, preceding
project who would radio to the trooper at the end
flaggers, to slow the traffic down and to let
of the project) works best for enforcement. One
drivers know there are people ahead.
trooper would be available to transport individu-
Flaggers should not be used when there is no als as needed and one trooper would remain to
intention to control traffic. cover the work zone.
Use of flaggers should be consistent between B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
regions/offices/locations for like jobs. For
Special consideration must be given to the safe
instance, use flaggers for the following
accommodation of pedestrians when the work
zone encroaches upon a sidewalk, crosswalk, or
other areas used by the pedestrian.

Page 5-4 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

Where walkways are closed by construction or of these categories. The following is a general-
maintenance, provide an alternate walkway when ized description of the characteristics for these
feasible. Where it is necessary to divert pedestri- three types of work zones.
ans into the parking lane of a street, provide
1. Short-Term Stationary. In this type of
barricades and delineation to separate the pedes-
work zone, situations exist where the work
trian walkway from the adjacent traffic lane.
activity is of a very short time, such as, picking
Pedestrians should not be diverted into a portion
up obstacles or inspecting a culvert for debris.
of the street used for vehicular traffic. At loca-
For these very short-time work periods, a flash-
tions where adjacent alternate walkways cannot
ing/rotating beacon in addition to the vehicles
be provided, post appropriate signs at the limits
four-way flashers may give drivers, approaching
of construction and in advance of the closure at
on sections of highway that have no restrictions
the nearest crosswalk or intersection to divert
to sight distance, adequate warning. When the
pedestrians across the street.
drivers sight distance is obscured by roadside
When overhead work could endanger obstacles or the roadway geometry, appropriate
pedestrians, it may be necessary to install a advance warning signs, and/or other traffic
fixed pedestrian walkway of the fence or canopy control devices, are required.
type to protect and control pedestrians. In such
Advance warning signs should be used if the
cases, wood and chain link fencing can be used
short-term activity is repetitive after moving only
with warning lights and illumination to warn and
a short distance. The signs selected should be
guide both pedestrians and motorists.
appropriate for the operation and the signs
Fences around a construction area are often should be moved ahead as required in order to
necessary. They are constructed in conjunction maintain an appropriate spacing between the
with a special pedestrian walkway around deep warning signs and the activity. The maximum
excavations, or when pedestrian access to the job advisable distance between the advance warning
site is not desirable. Installation of such fencing signs and the work activity is one mile.
must consider relocation of existing control
2. Continuous Moving. Continuous moving
devices and facilities such as traffic signals,
work areas are activities where work is being
pedestrian signals, traffic signs, and parking
done while the equipment is moving either
meters. Open mesh or other suitable fencing may
beside or on the traveled lanes of the highway.
be needed at intersections to ensure adequate
Included in this category would be striping,
sight distance.
roadside spraying, sweeping, and other similar
When the work zone encroaches upon a bicycle tasks.
path, an alternate route should be considered and
The advance warning signs used for moving
provided for cyclists where feasible. Bicycles
operations can be mounted on the shoulder or
should not normally be directed into the same
on a shadow vehicle, or both. Shadow vehicles
path used by pedestrians. See Part IX of the
should carry a sign which describes the work
MUTCD for details on bicycle traffic control.
ahead and warning lights. If the shadow vehicle
Appropriate considerations should be made for must encroach on the traveled lane, a flashing
traffic control operations that are conducted arrow board should be used. Whether the ad-
during the hours of darkness. vance warning signs are ground mounted on the
roadside shoulder or mounted on shadow ve-
C. Types of Work Zones hicles, the signs should be moved ahead as
Anticipated work zones are categorized as: required in order to maintain an appropriate
(1) Short-Term Stationary, (2) Continuous distance between the signs and the work activity.
Moving, and (3) Long-Term Stationary. Differ- The maximum advisable distance between the
ent criteria will apply to the design and planning advance warning signs and the continually
of the necessary traffic control measures for each moving work activity is one mile.

Traffic Manual Page 5-5

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

On Multi-Lane Highways If ramps, structures or intersections are to be

temporarily closed, signs giving advance notice
The requirements for traffic control during
of the closure dates and times are necessary so
moving operations on multi-lane highways
commuting motorists have the option of selecting
are similar to those for stationary operations.
alternate routes. The advance notice should be
If work vehicles must encroach on the
placed a minimum of seven days in advance of
traveled way, a flashing arrow board should
the closure.
be used while working on multi-lane
highways. 5.3 Strategy Planning
An advance warning sign which describes On construction projects, the design report
the operation should be mounted on a establishes the parameters for the projects
separate or shadow vehicle. The distance specific needs. At that time such items as lane
between the shadow vehicle and the work restrictions and closures, working hours, ramp
vehicle can vary but it should not be so great closures, detour options, and other possibilities
that traffic has the tendency to pull back into should be considered. On low volume rural
the lane behind the work vehicle where the highways, traffic control procedures may be
work is being done. simple to develop; whereas, traffic control
On Two-Lane Highways procedures on limited access, multi-lane, high
volume routes can be complex and require
Moving operations on two-lane highways extensive planning.
can basically be handled in the same manner
as on multi-lane highways with the exception From this strategy the Work Zone Traffic
that a flashing arrow board should never be Control Plan is developed to identify the type
used in the arrow or directional mode. and location of devices (signs, pavement mark-
Advance warning signs should be placed ings, delineation, and flaggers) required to
on the roadway shoulder or on a shadow adequately inform the motorists of the situation.
vehicle. The keys to strategy planning for traffic control
3. Long-Term Stationary. Traffic control on any public roadway, whether rural roads,
plans developed for long-term stationary opera- urban streets, or freeways are the traffic, with
tions address each anticipated work situation that considerations for both volume and types of
encroaches into the traveled lanes or shoulders. vehicles, and the roadway characteristics. Care-
The considerations for those traffic control plans ful consideration should be given to the effect the
should include all traffic entering the work zone traffic control will have on the traffic flow in the
from driveways, intersections, ramps, and the work area and on the adjacent roadways. Traffic
main roadway. The plans should also consider volumes, along with the speed and classification
how traffic will leave the work area and re-enter of vehicles, express the character of the traffic to
the main traffic stream or leave by the way of an be encountered. Hourly volumes show the
intersection or off-ramp. periods of heavy traffic which should be avoided
or that will require special treatment. Any
Detour routes should be given special restrictions, such as lane closures, and the hours
consideration when directing traffic through for those restrictions can then be established by
urban areas. Local jurisdictions are to be con- the District Traffic Engineer. Special attention
sulted when detoured traffic must use local should be directed to bicycles and over-sized
streets and roads. Also, advise local emergency vehicles and the detouring of those vehicles
services, transit and major traffic generators, which may be necessary. Figure 5-1 is a general-
such as airports and port facilities, about any ized checklist intended to assist in strategic
detour routes. planning and does not necessarily contain all the
elements for consideration.

Page 5-6 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

5.4 Plan Preparation on the project unless the roadway and the work
To aid in the preparation of traffic control plans, operation is repetitive and each location is
the Traffic Control Zone is divided into traffic similar in character.
control areas or elements. These individual There are a number of typical traffic control
traffic control areas or elements are used to situations stored in a CADD file. These figures
develop the complete traffic control plan. are not intended to be standard control plans for
any given operation. They are shown only as
A. The Traffic Control Zone examples for the situations depicted and are to be
The traffic control zone is the section of street or used as aids in the development of traffic control
highway having traffic control devices warning plans.
motorists of upcoming conditions or to guide
The traffic control devices shown in each area or
motorists through a construction or maintenance
element of the traffic control zone are available
operation. Complex projects may have more than
in a CEL library for CADD or PC Microstation
one traffic control zone, one for each operation
and can be placed directly on the plan sheets
which may be going on at any one time. The
drawn in either one of these systems.
traffic control zone extends from the first
advance warning sign to the last sign which Roadway plan sheets for the project should be
indicates the end of the traffic control zone. used in preparing the traffic control plan. This
provides the scale drawing of the roadway
The traffic control zone typically consists of five
section needed to establish proper placement for
areas (illustrated in Figure 5-2):
the signs and devices. Signs and devices can then
1. Advance Warning Area. The area of initial be placed on the plan sheet in their proper
warning and communication with the driver. locations by using the CADD. An on-site review
2. Transition Area. The area where lane of the area is recommended, since many charac-
closure tapers and detours transition traffic to teristics cannot be determined from a drawing.
the paths required for travel through or around Give special attention to existing signs which are
the work area. to be maintained during the work activity that
could conflict with or obstruct the view of the
3. Buffer Area. The area in advance of the traffic control signs. All features and characteris-
work area which provides a margin of safety for tics which will have an effect on the movement
both traffic and the workers. of traffic within and adjacent to the traffic
4. Work Area. The area where the operation or control zone should be included in the plan.
activity is taking place. The drawings of sample situations included in
5. Termination Area. The area which provides the CADD file can be used as guidelines for
a short distance for traffic to clear the work area the selection and placement of traffic control
and to return to normal traffic lanes. devices. The unique characteristics of the spe-
cific work area should be individually addressed.
B. Plan Development Those features may include side roads, drive-
The work zone traffic control strategies are to be ways, ramps, commercial approaches, bus stops,
identified early in the design of a project in bridges or areas which have no shoulders (which
accordance with Section 8.10 of the Design make temporary sign placement difficult),
Manual. Plan development begins with a review substandard roadway width, vertical or horizon-
of the strategy contained in the design report. tal alignment which will affect the sight distance
The supporting data should be checked and any of approaching traffic, add-lanes, drop-lanes,
changes in roadway or traffic characteristics railroad crossings, regulatory traffic controls, or
should be taken into consideration while prepar- any other characteristics which differ from the
ing the traffic control plan. Site specific traffic examples shown in the sample drawings or the
control is to be prepared for each work operation standard plans.

Traffic Manual Page 5-7

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

The traffic control devices shown on traffic channelization which the driver must follow,
control plans should clearly and concisely give the next upstream element to be designed is the
the motorists information needed to adjust their Transition Area.
speed and travel direction through the work area.
3. Transition Area. This is the area where
The prepared plans should include any special
normal traffic flow is transitioned or shifted to
signs for situations in which standard signs do
the path it must follow around or through the
not give accurate information and should be
work area. No parking of vehicles or storage
supplied as an item in the contract. The use of
should be permitted in the transition area. Lane
special signs should be kept to a minimum and
closure and traffic shift taper lengths are estab-
used only where necessary. The Headquarters
lished to recommended minimums depending on
Traffic Office should be consulted regarding the
the speed limit of the highway and width of the
use of special signs. Signing should be as spe-
traveled lane. Formulas for determining a taper
cific as possible and always relate to the
length are found in Part VI of the MUTCD and a
immediate situation to be encountered.
chart for determining taper lengths is available in
1. Work Area. Although the work area is not the CADD file.
the first area of a traffic control zone encountered
4. Advance Warning Area. Upstream from
by a motorist, it is the area that must be consid-
the transition area is the advance warning area
ered first when developing traffic control plans.
that gives the oncoming driver information
Traffic control requirements for all the other
about the situation ahead. Messages used on the
traffic control zone areas are determined by the
advance warning signs will depend on the type of
location of the work area and type of activity
transition ahead. Sign messages which give the
taking place within that area. The other areas of
driver clear and concise information are the most
traffic control will then be designed to comple-
ment the activities and channelization
requirements within the work area. 5. Termination Area. The final area of traffic
control to be designed is the termination area.
Identifying the work requirements in the work
This is the area which gives the driver notifica-
area, such as which lanes need to be closed,
tion that the temporary traffic control situation
exposure to drop-offs, obstacles created, and
is ended. Terminal notification is generally
equipment considerations will indicate what kind
accomplished with a sign such as END
of traffic control or warning devices will be
CONSTRUCTION or may be indicated with
required in advance. With an understanding of
channelizing devices which indicate the conclu-
the kind of work to be done, the designer then
sion of the road work situation and a transition
works back to the next element of traffic control
back to normal alignment.
which is the buffer area.
6. Other Considerations. Planning temporary
2. Buffer Area. The buffer area is a safety
traffic control area by area has distinct advan-
area but it can have other uses. Vehicles hauling
tages, especially for complex situations. For
material can be parked in the buffer area for
instance, if a flagger is needed in advance of the
short periods of time during the work day. This
work area, the buffer space should be lengthened
area should never be used as a material or
to provide space for a secondary warning area
equipment storage area unless the traffic is
where warning signs for the flagging situation
protected by a temporary barrier. The buffer
would be placed. Roadway features can affect
area allows the driver to become accustomed to
the traffic control in many ways. For example, an
the channelization and to recognize the path
on-ramp or side road which enters the highway
of channelization they will follow through the
within the proposed transition area will require
work area.
special treatment. In such situations advance
After the desirable length of the buffer area is warning signs should be installed on the ramp or
determined, by considering the number of side road and the transition area might have to be
vehicles which might be parked there and the

Page 5-8 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

relocated to provide a well channelized path for be conducted by the individual designated as the
all vehicles. responsible person for the projects traffic
control to check the installation and position of
After locations for the work site traffic control
the signs and other devices; and, to determine if
have been established, project signing such as
the overall configuration of the traffic control
Road Construction Ahead, Road Construction
relays clear, concise information to the reason-
Next XX Miles (if required by the length of the
able motorist. Special attention should be given
project), and End Construction may be added
to the traffic control for overlapping and poten-
to the plan.
tially conflicting traffic control zones. If the
The time of day when most drivers will encoun- traffic control plan is going to remain in effect
ter the traffic control should be considered while during the hours of darkness, a drive-through
preparing the plans. If traffic control will be in inspection is to be made after sunset to ensure
effect during nighttime hours, the signs and that all devices meet the requirements for
devices might need to be supplemented with reflectorization, proper position, and that the
lights to increase perception and credibility. messages are clearly legible. The night review
During a nighttime field review, give consider- should also ensure work area flood lights and
ation to the areas background lighting from flashing arrow boards do not blind approaching
adjacent facilities and advertising signs which motorists.
are competing for the drivers recognition.
Periodic reviews (twice daily is recommended
Warning signs and channelization devices should for long-term traffic control) of the traffic control
be positioned in a sequence which can be recog- devices should be made to verify the adequacy
nized and respected by the driver. In order to of the traffic control and to identify any needed
assure proper application, conduct a visualization revisions. Additional night reviews may be
review of the signs and devices on the plans from necessary to confirm that the devices are clean
a reasonable drivers point of view. Make sure and that the reflectorized qualities of the signs
that the messages and devices are appropriate for and devices are being maintained. These reviews
each situation the reasonable driver will face. should be documented. Particular attention
Temporary concrete barriers and barrier end should be given to motorists reaction through or
protection are to be shown on the traffic control around the work area and if there appears to be
plans. confusion, additional reviews should be initiated.
The documentation refers to both the location,
5.5 Work Zone Operations appropriateness and condition of the signs or
After traffic control plans based on strategy from devices. Devices are to be replaced as necessary
the design report are reviewed by the District when their appearance and condition dictate. A
Traffic Engineer, traffic control can be put into form to document the traffic control reviews is
operation on the project. useful and most districts or project offices have
developed their own forms for this purpose. A
A drive through inspection of the project to
photo or video inventory of the work zone traffic
compare actual field conditions, prior to install-
control may be used to supplement documenta-
ing the traffic control, can identify characteristics
tion. If photos or video are used, supplemental
which might require adjustments on the traffic
inventory information should be referenced in
control plan. Aspects of the plan that are not
the project documentation.
appropriate for the field conditions should be
revised. Any modifications to the traffic control Should an accident occur on the project or within
plan should be documented. Section 1 of the the work area, a review of the traffic control plan
Construction Manual gives additional guidelines and the devices should be made and documented
for effective traffic control. as soon as possible. This review should be done
not only to see if the devices are in place as
Immediately after the traffic control is laid out on
shown on the plan, but also to determine if the
the roadway, a drive-through inspection should

Traffic Manual Page 5-9

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

devices are adequate or if the plan should be

revised in light of experience. Each field office
should have a procedure for analyzing accidents
which take place with the limits of the project.
Formal communications with the Washington
State Patrol must be established at the pre-
construction stage and arrangements made to
receive copies of accident reports in a timely
manner. Occasional contact with WSP for
their perception of the traffic flow through the
construction area can be beneficial.
If any assistance is desired at any stage of traffic
control plan development, consult the District
Traffic Engineers office. Each district traffic
engineers office should have a traffic control
specialist to review and provide guidance in the
preparation of the traffic control plans for the
PS&E, to review traffic control in the field, and
to have the authority to approve revisions to the
traffic control plans.

Page 5-10 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

Traffic Control Planning and Strategy Check List

Figure 5-1

The following is a list of things to consider when

designing construction traffic control and writing
traffic control specifications. Determine if liquidated damages or
Effective traffic control is integrated into the incentives for early completion should be
project early in the design and planning process. included in the special provisions.
Traffic control will often determine the staging Step 2 Strategy Or How Can This Thing
of a project and will always effect the project Be Built?
If the roadway must remain open during
Step 1 To Close Or Not To Close construction, determine how to build the project
with the least possible impact on traffic.
Closing the roadway or ramp is the most
desirable option. This usually lowers construc- 1. Read any District policy about lane closures
tion costs, decreases contract time and increases or restrictions.
worker safety. 2. Determine the volumes of traffic on the
Roadway closure can be considered if an facility and the hours of high volume.
alternate route is available. The alternate route 3. Determine if long duration lane closures are
must carry the additional traffic volumes and any needed. Some construction activities that require
weight or height restrictions must be considered. long closures are:
For the traveling public, closing the road for a Concrete panel replacement
short time may be less inconvenient than having
the road under construction for a long time. Bridge overlays

Consider the following while determining if a Major excavations in the roadway

road should be closed. Large continuous concrete pours
1. Is there an available detour route? 4. Determine the hours of restriction the
2. Can the proposed detour carry the additional hours that lanes and shoulders must be open and
traffic? clear for traffic.
3. Will businesses or residences be isolated if For a quick analysis, assume the following
the road is closed? If so, is there an alternate volumes of vehicles per hour in urban
access point. construction areas:
If a complete closure is possible, do the 1400 Veh/hr/lane on controlled access
following: highways
Get the approval of the governing agency to 600 Veh/hr/lane on undivided rural and
use the proposed detour route. suburban highways.

Meet with the community and businesses to (any signals will lower the capacity)
discuss the roadway closure. Find resolutions to When determining the hours of restriction, check
the communitys concerns. This may mean the local noise ordinances and determine what
leaving the roadway open during construction. construction work can be done at night. Loud
Determine the maximum number of construction work, such as pile driving, is
allowable days of closure and incorporate prohibited at night in many areas. For work that
this into the special provisions. is prohibited from being done at night, provisions

Traffic Manual Page 5-11

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

must be made for daytime work. Avoid engine 8. Study the project and determine if traffic
powered generators for VMS or arrow panels in control or lane closures are needed on adjoining
residential areas during night-work, if possible. roads. Adjoining roads include frontage roads,
intersections, overcrossings, and undercrossings.
Be sure to consider holiday weekends, special
Some examples are:
events, and regular weekend traffic when
determining the hours of restriction. Low clearance because of bridge falsework.
Also, consider the impact on private or Long-term lane closures for bridge falsework
commercial driveways or road access. and substructure excavation.
5. Determine if there should be liquidated Short- and long-term lane closures on
damages in excess of the standard specification frontage roads because of retaining wall
amount. Determine if there should be contract construction.
incentives for early completion of the project.
Placement of Road Construction Ahead
Determine the amounts of each of these.
signs and other warning signs.
6. Study the project and determine how it could
Short-term access closures for paving
be built. Is it possible to build the project within
the restrictions stated? Is staging necessary?
If traffic control is needed on facilities that are
Staging a project can be as simple as deciding
not state highways, get permission to use the
one lane must be paved at a time. Staging is a
facility from the governing agency.
suggested way of building the project, not the
only way to build a project. By staging the 9. Determine if there are any areas that
project we determine: construction vehicles cannot safely leave or enter
the highway because of limited sight distance.
If our traffic control special provisions are
Label these areas on the traffic control plans.
10. Work zone sites exhibiting one or more of
The approximate duration of lane closures.
the following characteristics should be reviewed
If temporary structures and detours are for possible enhanced enforcement needs:
Sites where excessive speeding is
If existing utility systems can remain observed or could be anticipated within the
operational during construction, or will they construction zone. Based on a study conducted
have to be relocated/replaced. (Examples: by the California Department of Transportation
signals, electrical, drainage) (Caltrans), speeding and speed-related
measures were identified as the primary factor
If the work areas are adequate. (Examples:
affecting work zone safety. While sufficient
storage space for equipment and materials, space
warning of desirable travel speeds through the
to load/unload trucks.)
work zone may be placed in compliance with the
7. Incorporate into the project design ways of MUTCD, driver acceptance and compliance with
lessening the traffic impact. Some examples are: the advisory speeds is, in many cases, poor. The
A. Use precast concrete or steel girders use of increased enforcement to command
instead of cast-in-place concrete for adherence to the speed limit has been shown to
structures over main traffic lanes. be effective in maintaining these speeds, as
evidenced by the findings in the literature review
B. Specify materials that have faster cure and interviews with the Caltrans and California
times than conventional materials. Highway Patrol (CHP) personnel.
C. Building detours and improving Sites where a reduced speed limit is
alternate routes in order to carry the recommended. The purpose of a reduced
increased traffic volumes. regulatory speed limit within a construction zone

Page 5-12 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

is based on a perceived need, such as reducing sites exhibiting a high accident rate prior to
travel speeds prior to diverting or detouring construction (under normal field conditions) may
traffic, reducing speeds adjacent to unprotected require supplemental traffic control in the form
construction workers. For a complete discussion, of enhanced enforcement in order to minimize
refer to D 55-20. Based on the findings from the accidents during construction. Oftentimes, site
study sources, adherence to reduced speed limits characteristics (horizontal and vertical curvature,
is, in many cases, poor. To ensure adherence to geometrics, access) prior to construction are a
the speed limit, enhanced enforcement may be major factor in the level of pre-construction
necessary. accident activity. The presence of construction
activity may worsen the impact of these
Sites having a complex traffic plan or
multiple phases to the plan. Sites with traffic
control plans having a number of traffic diver- Sites having high volume conditions
sions, lane closures, or traffic restrictions and/or limited roadway capacity. Construction
requiring a number of decisions by motorists, activity resulting in significant reductions in the
particularly in a short distance, are highly available roadway capacity can have a dramatic
susceptible to increased accident activity. Much impact on travel speeds and congestion in an
of this activity may be attributed to motorists area. To aid in maintaining an acceptable level of
indecision through the area, to differentials in traffic operations, selective enforcement through
travel speeds through the site, and to the lack of the work zone may be desirable. The enforce-
adherence to speed controls in the area. Past ment may take the form of traffic control/
efforts have shown that enhanced enforcement, flagging or the visible presence of police
through manual control/flagging or a visible officers and vehicles.
presence, have resulted in smoother, more
Sites planned for nighttime construction.
efficient traffic flow through the work zone.
Research has identified safety problems associ-
Typically, a lower level of accident activity
ated with nighttime work in construction areas.
has resulted.
Increased distraction to motorists, unique con-
In addition, construction projects requiring struction lighting needs, reduced perception
multiple traffic control phases are shown to levels by motorists, sub-optimal traffic controls,
exhibit greater accident activity than those as well as excessive travel speeds for the condi-
containing a single phase. Much of this may be tions through the work zone contribute to the
attributed to the driver indecision associated with increased accident activity. The use of enhanced
learning a new traffic pattern each time a new enforcement to alert motorists to the need for
traffic control phase occurs. As the requirements increased caution and to enforce excessive
for the motorists decision-making increases speeding in the area can be extremely valuable
between subsequent phases, accident activity is in maintaining safety during nighttime
also likely to increase. The use of enhanced construction activities.
enforcement to supplement the existing traffic
The safety impact associated with nighttime
controls has an alerting effect, helping motor-
travel through work zones with no construction
ists recognize field changes and the need for
activity presents a similar problem. Faced with
increased safety through the area. Use of
similar field situations as identified above (e.g.,
enhanced enforcement for a specific time period
reduced perception levels by motorist, sub-
following traffic control phase changes has been
optimal traffic controls, excessive speeding),
found to be effective.
accident activity through the work zone during
Sites currently exhibiting a high nighttime conditions has exhibited major
accident rate. Based on research, accident rates increases over nighttime conditions prior to
during the construction activity typically increase construction, particularly where traffic move-
over the pre-construction accident rate. As such, ment through the area drastically differs from

Traffic Manual Page 5-13

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

the normal condition. Enhanced enforcement conditions and are likely to become lax in
measures have been shown to aid safety in these maintaining safe driving practices. Examples
situations. of such practices can include speeding or unsafe
lane changes. At this location, there is a need to
Sites involving short-term activities. Past
reinforce safe driving techniques and motorists
studies have shown that the most critical safety
caution within the work zone. Proper placement
period for work zones is the initial implementa-
of enhanced enforcement personnel are included
tion period. Motorists accustomed to driving
in a later portion of this section.
through an area with no restrictions are forced to
adhere to restrictions and unfamiliar situations Sites requiring incident management.
that did not exist previously. Driver indecision is Where immediate response to freeway incidents
at its peak and driver compliance to regulations (accidents, breakdowns) is desirable in order to
varies sharply. As a result, increased accident reduce traffic delays and additional traffic
activity typically results. As drivers become accidents, the use of enhanced enforcement
more familiar with the field conditions, the level techniques is beneficial. Numerous studies
of accident activity typically is reduced. For have documented the benefits associated with
short-term project activities (less than one day), improved response times to freeway incidents.
little or no adjustment period exists. The accident These benefits have often led to the implementa-
activity can be quite high, particularly for field tion of freeway surveillance techniques. On-site
situations requiring traffic diversions, detours or availability of enhanced enforcement personnel
lane reductions. Enhanced enforcement for these at areas where quick response is critical (high
conditions may be warranted. volume corridors, peak period conditions, limited
off-road space) is desirable.
Sites with restricted geometrics. Where
steep grades, sharp curves, narrow lanes, or Sites where workers are not protected by
other abnormal field conditions exist, enhanced barrier. Situations falling under this heading
enforcement to supplement the traffic controls generally include only those work areas where
per the MUTCD may be necessary. Sites with personnel must work within 10 feet of the
restricted geometrics can exhibit accident rates traveled way. Having an officer on the site can,
higher than normal. The use of enhanced as stated before, keep the drivers more alert
enforcement can reduce the anticipated and attentive, increasing the safety margin for
accident levels. both the workers and the drivers.
Sites in areas during periods of poor 11. Determine traffic control concerns that
weather conditions. In areas where weather should be addressed in the special provisions.
conditions such as snow, fog, ice, and heavy Examples are:
rain are anticipated to occur during periods of
Abrupt lane edges
construction activity, enhanced enforcement
services during these conditions would be Installation of sign bridges
beneficial. The visible presence of enforcement Rolling slow-down operations for short time
personnel would serve to alert motorists to complete closures of a highway.
the potential hazards and need for driver caution
through the area. Most construction projects shut
down during adverse weather conditions. 5:P3:TM1

Sites extending for long distances (>1/2

mile). Past studies show that in long construction
zones, a location within the zone exists in where
motorists become comfortable with field

Page 5-14 Traffic Manual

Interim Draft August 1994
Work Zone Traffic Control

Figure 5-2

Suggested Priorities for the Application of Truck-Mounted Attenuators

Traffic Manual Page 5-15

Interim Draft August 1994



Traffic regulations place specific operating restrictions on the use of

the road. RCW 46.61 regulates basic traffic movements on public
roadways with regard to maximum speeds, lane use, and assignment of
right-of-way, and further requires an official action by the
jurisdictional authority where additional regulations are necessary to
enhance safety or operating efficiency on state highways, county roads,
or city streets. Where city streets are part of state highways without
access control, RCW 47.24 requires a concurrent city or town ordinance
for speed limits, parking restrictions, stop control, and turn
prohibitions within the corporate limits.

For state highways, the State Operations and Maintenance Engineer is

delegated authority for approving the following traffic regulations:

Signal permits for new signal installations.

Speed limits below the statutory maximums.

Stop control on state highway approaches to intersections.

Bicycle prohibitions on limited access highways.

HOV lane operations.

For state highways, the district administrators are delegated authority

for approving the following regulations:

Work zone speed limits.

Parking restrictions.

Turn prohibitions.

Fishing from bridges prohibitions.

Pedestrian prohibitions on highways with partial and modified

access control.

The guidelines in this chapter identify the data to be compiled and

analyzed in preparing traffic regulation submittals. This data helps
achieve uniform statewide consideration and interpretation in obtaining
approval of proposed regulations.

6-1 April 1989


Permits are required for the following types of signals:

Conventional Traffic Signals

Emergency Vehicle Signals

Intersection Control Beacons

School Signals

Reversible Lane Control Signals

Movable Bridge Signals

Ramp Meter Signals

Hazard Identification Beacons installed overhead at an


Temporary or Portable Signals

Emergency vehicle signals require an annual permit renewal. The renewal

is extended by a letter to the permit holder from the district
administrator with a copy to the State Traffic Engineer.

See Traffic Signal Approval Requirements, Section 335 of the Design

Manual; and, submit the following information with the signal permit

A. A vicinity map showing SR/MP location of the intersection. Include

traffic volume and lane distribution on a detailed sketch, showing
other data relative to the request. If possible, include photos of
the intersection and surrounding area.

B. A complete warrant analysis based on actual traffic volumes per

MUTCD Section 4C or traffic volume estimate per Design Manual,
Section 335 if new alignment. Submit a capacity analysis and other
justification if volume warrants are not met but a signal appears
necessary to resolve operational problems.

C. An accident data summary listing for the last three years. State
whether or not the location is scheduled for improvement in the
latest priority array. Provide a statement of funding and
maintenance responsibilities of local agencies if appropriate.

D. All city/county fire districts and citizen requests along with

copies of other pertinent documents and correspondence.

E. The history of previously tried corrective countermeasures.

F. Other supporting data such as proximity to schools, shopping

centers, pedestrians traffic, etc., as appropriate.

April 1989 6-2

For locations where signal removal may be considered, refer to FHWA
publication titled FHWA-IP-80-12 For Removal of Not Needed Traffic
Signals, available through headquarters or district traffic engineering


The following information on the existing and proposed speed changes are
to be submitted:

A. A strip map showing 85th percentile speed locations with SR/MP.

Show locations of pedestrian walkways, schools, etc., on the strip

B. If applicable, a brief description on the alignment based on Design

Manual data. Include geometrics, sight distances, lane widths,
shoulders, and other data, such as three year accident data which
may affect the request.

C. A copy of any required local agency ordinance. Also include copies

of any citizen petitions or other letters regarding the proposed
speed zone.

D. State Patrol and/or local police agency concurrences.

Work zone speed limits are approved by the district administrator as

prescribed in policy Directive 55-20.


Requests for stop control on state highway approaches to intersections

are supported with the following information:

A. A vicinity map showing SR/MP location of the intersection, together

with the total traffic volume and approach distributions.

B. A description of the operational problems, such as limited sight

distances, which identify the need for stop control. Include a
history of previously tried corrective measures.

C. An accident summary listing for the last three years. State

whether or not the location is scheduled for improvement in the
latest priority array.

D. A city or town ordinance is required for city streets which are

part of state highways. Also includes copies of city, county,
and/or citizen requests along with other pertinent documents and

E. Copies of State Patrol and/or local police agency correspondence.

6-3 April 1989


Provide the following information to support requests for approval of

bicycle regulations:

A. A vicinity map and strip map showing SR/MP to highlight the area

B. Descriptions of operational problems (e.g., restricted shoulder

width, interchange configurations) which identify the need for the

C. Information and descriptions of alternate routes.

D. Copies of documents, correspondence, and citizen requests. Include

the recommendation, if any, of WSDOTs Bicycling Advisory

E. State Patrol concurrence.


To support requests for high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane regulations,

provide the following information:

A. A vicinity map identifying the SR/MP limits and showing the

locations of ramps within the proposed lane.

B. The proposed minimum number of occupants per vehicle, and

engineering documentation to support that minimum. Also show
projected lane occupancy rates for both the HOV lane and the
adjacent general purpose lanes.

C. Identify the types of vehicles to be allowed in the HOV lane.

D. Copies of design report data if the lane is part of an upcoming

construction project.

E. If a shoulder HOV lane is proposed, concurrence from Project

Development that the shoulder has adequate structural strength must
be included.


The following information is to be provided in support of requests for

parking regulations:

A. A detailed strip map of the area showing SR/MP, intersecting streets and
driveways, and other on-street or off-street parking
alternatives. Photos are helpful.

B. Identify the type of restriction required (e.g., time of day,

mid-block location to corner).

April 1989 6-4

C. An analysis of operational problems such as narrow shoulders or
limited distances that identify the need for the regulation.

If the regulation is for approval of angle parking by the Secretary

(see RCW 46.61.575), include a traffic engineering analysis
regarding safety of operation.

D. When the request is in cooperation with another agency or includes a city

street portion of a state highway, obtain copies of all
related correspondence and required ordinances.

E. Correspondence or comments regarding adjacent property owners

parking requirements and concurrence with the regulation.

F. Copies of State Patrol and/or local police agency concurrences.

Except for angle parking approval by the Secretary, parking restrictions

are approved by the district administrator.

Within the Departments park and ride facilities, parking is limited to

48 hours maximum, when posted with signs. This restriction was
established by official calendar action by the State Operations and
Maintenance Engineer on January 8, 1982.


Support requests for turn prohibitions with the following information:

A. A vicinity map and intersection sketch showing the SR/MP location.

Also show the traffic volumes with approach lane distributions.
Photos are helpful.

B. Descriptions of operational problems, such as lack of adequate gaps

or pedestrian movements, that identify the need for the regulation.

C. An accident data summary for the last three years. Consider

whether or not the location is scheduled for improvement in the
latest priority array.

D. A copy of any required local agency ordinance. Also include copies

of any citizen petitions or other correspondence regarding the

E. Copies of State Patrol and/or local police agency concurrences.

Turn prohibitions are approved by the district administrator.


The prohibition of fishing from bridges is needed for State Patrol

enforcement. Support information is to include:

A. A vicinity map showing the SR/MP of the bridge.

6-5 April 1989

B. Identification of the magnitude of the potentially hazardous
condition requiring the prohibition.

C. Copies of State Patrol concurrence.

Prohibitions of fishing from bridges are approved by the district

administrator. See WAC 468-30-030 for prohibitions adopted by the
Highway Commission prior to transfer of traffic regulation authority to
the department.


Both RCW 46.61.160 and 47.52.025 authorize the Department to prohibit

nonmotorized traffic (e.g., pedestrians) on limited access highways but
do not differentiate between the levels of access control.
WAC 468-58-050 prohibits pedestrians only on highways with full access
control. Thus, traffic regulations are required on highways with
partial and modified access control where it is desirable to prohibit
pedestrian travel.

Prohibitions are appropriate for highways with partial and modified

access control in areas having the appearance of full access control,
areas where parallel pedestrian routes are available, and other areas
where pedestrians on the shoulder create a potential hazard to them-
selves or motor vehicles. These types of considerations are documented
to support requests for pedestrian prohibitions.

Pedestrian prohibitions on highways with partial and modified access

control are approved by the district administrator.


Traffic regulation requests are submitted in writing from the district

traffic engineer to the district administrator for regulations approved
in the district or to the state traffic engineer for regulations
requiring headquarters approval. To support the request, the submittal
letter should provide a summary of the engineering data and other
support data discussed in this chapter.

Traffic regulations, and their approval or denial, are recorded on a

Calendar Agenda form (see Figures 6-1 and 6-2). Informational copies of
completed agendas are exchanged between the headquarters and district
traffic offices and are provided to the Secretary, Assistant Secretary
for Highways, headquarters Location-Design Engineer, and State Patrol,
and to appropriate local agencies for concurrent regulations required by
RCW 47.24.020.

Traffic regulation records are to be permanently retained together with

the supporting engineering data and analysis.

April 1989 6-6

Figure 6-1

6-7 April 1989

Figure 6-2

April 1989 6-8



RCW 46.61 prescribes the rights and duties for bicycle and pedestrian
travel an highways, county roads, and city streets, With regard to
bicycle or pedestrian events, traffic control considerations are
essential to minimize potential traffic hazards.

Requests to use state highways for bicycle, running, and walking related
events require written approval from the district to the event sponsor
for events occurring within a district. Headquarters coordinates the
required activities for multi-district events, responding to the
involved districts and the State Patrol. Approvals may be granted after
consideration and documentation of the following guidelines:

A. Event sponsors should be encouraged to use county roads or city

streets if at all possible.

B. Where use of a highway without access control is necessary, there

should be a detour route available. The detour should be
satisfactory for through traffic and appropriately signed by the
local jurisdiction(s). Request for state highway use within
incorporated areas should receive concurrence from the affected
city or town.

C. Sponsor developed traffic control plans must adequately and safely

accommodate anticipated traffic conditions. Such plans must
be approved by the district traffic engineer. All traffic control
devices shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (MUTCD).

D. The organizers, or sponsors, will prepay all extraordinary costs

for labor and materials provided by the Department of

E. The party requesting the state highway use shall notify, at least
48 hours (preferably seven days) in advance of the event, all local
fire, ambulance, transit, law enforcement departments, and other
service oriented activities that could be affected by the event.

F. The department must be included as an additional insured when

highway authorities are not specifically named within event
insurance policies.

Department regulations and policies do not allow bicycling, running, or

walking related events on limited access highways except when prior
approval is granted at locations where no alternate route exists. On an
event basis, written approval by the State Operations and Maintenance
Engineer is required.

7-1 April 1989

Where a limited access highway has been approved for use, sufficient
lane(s) are to be left open in each direction to allow expected volumes
of traffic to operate without serious congestion. Appropriate traffic
control plans and devices are to be used to enhance safety and to warn
event participants and vehicle drivers of each others presence.

Public information efforts should be commensurate with the anticipated

traffic impacts. The news media should be encouraged to publicize the
event and possible congestion. This can be accomplished by imposing
special requirements for public information on the sponsor, by news
releases or media contacts by WSDOT personnel, or a combination.

Provide informational copies of correspondence related to such events to

the State Traffic Engineer. When these events may affect ferry
operations, contact the Marine Transportation Division.


In accordance with RCW 47.24, district administrators may grant written

approval for suspending banners above state highways without access
control provided that the organizers or sponsors comply with the
following criteria:

A. A vertical clearance of 20 feet to the bottom of the banner must be

maintained above the pavement surface.

B. The banner is located so as not to interfere with, or obstruct the

view of, any traffic control device.

C. The banner must be removed within three days after the event is

D. Banner messages are limited to name, date, and event sponsor.

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in future request


The content of the banner message must comply with the requirements of
the Scenic Vistas Act, RCW 47.42. Banners to promote civic events are
permitted only if the profits derived from the activity they promote go
directly to the support of nonprofit organizations.


The Transportation Commission names a highway or bridge by resolution.

The Commission normally will only consider naming a facility upon
receipt of a resolution by the Washington State Legislature. This
practice assures the Commission that: (1) local and state officials
jointly agree the facility should be named, (2) there is agreement on
which name should be used, and (3) residents along the roadway agree.

Plaques or signs memorializing highways or bridges are typically

installed in rest areas, scenic overlooks, recreational areas, or other

April 1989 7-2

appropriate locations with parking, where the installations are not
visible to mainline traffic.

For locations where there is no appropriate off-the-main-roadway site,

the MUTCD provides that one memorial sign per direction may be erected
along the mainline, independent of other guide and directional signing,
if not adversely compromising the safety or efficiency of traffic flow.


RCW 46.44.030 prescribes that the routes of school buses longer than 36
feet 6 inches upon or across state highways shall be limited as
determined by the Department of Transportation.

Accordingly, all state highways are considered satisfactory as routes

for such school buses except:

Selected highways or segments determined as inappropriate for the

operation of the buses, because of inadequate turning radius and/or
related operational characteristics.

Where crossing or left turns onto a multi-lane divided highway

utilizes a median 50 feet wide or less and a reasonable alternative
route exists.

Upon request by a school district, an exception to B. above may be

granted by the district administrator for locations where no reasonable
alternate route is available.

Restricted highway segments and intersections on multi-lane highways

having a median width of 50 feet or less are shown in Figure 7-1.


District administrators are authorized to require a pilot car for

overwide loads on a location basis after the following criteria are met:

A. Notice of the restrictions are provided to the State Operations and

Maintenance Engineer for dissemination to the permit offices.

B. Signs are installed giving notice of restriction, identification of

corridor (milepost) limits and duration of restriction. The signs
are to be installed at selected locations providing pilot car
operators safe on/off access to the highway without conflicting
with other traffic.


Agreement GM 869 between WSDOT and the Washington State Parks and
Recreation Commission provides the procedures and guidelines for
developing and maintaining interpretive signs and markers which depict
the states natural and manmade history.

7-3 April 1989

April 1989 7-4

Within the provisions of RCW 47.48, WSDOT may close highways in part or
in whole to any class of motor vehicles where such continued use will
damage the roadway or would be dangerous to traffic.

Prior to closing or placing such restrictions, the districts must give

notice of such action by:

A. Publishing a notice describing the restriction in at least one

newspaper issue of general circulation in the county, city, or town
where the restricted highway is located.

B. Posting notice describing the restriction in a conspicuous place at

the ends of the highway.

The highway may be closed or restricted no sooner than three days after
such notice and posting occurs.

The districts may implement emergency closures or restrictions

immediately, without prior notice or posting, in accordance with the
procedures in the Maintenance Manual, M 51-01, which also provides
signing guidelines for both nonemergency and emergency closures and


District administrators may execute agreements for special event

directional signing. Special events are activities such as county
fairs, conventions, major sports events, and other large scale spectator

The department will fabricate, install, maintain, and remove signs to

direct motorists to a special event only after:

A. The agency sponsoring the event submits a written request to the

applicable district sufficiently in advance of the event to permit
orderly sign fabrication and installation.

B. The event is determined by the district to generate sufficient

traffic to create a hazard or congestion at one or more points
along a state highway.

C. The agency sponsoring the event provides copies of agreements with

local agencies for follow-through directional signing from the
state highway to the event.

D. By written agreement, the cost for fabrication, installation,

maintenance, and removal of the special event signs, is prepaid by
the sponsoring agency.

When requests for special signing are denied, requestors will be

provided with an explanatory letter from the district administrator. A
copy is to be provided to the State Operations and Maintenance Engineer.

7-5 April 1989

The installation and removal of special event signs on state highways,
will be accomplished only by the department.


As authorized by RCW 46.61, district administrators may designate

segments of two-lane state highways on which drivers of slow-moving
vehicles may safely drive onto improved shoulders for the purpose of
allowing overtaking vehicles to pass.

The following highway characteristics are required for designating

shoulder driving areas:

A. A minimum length of 600 feet of paved shoulder must be available.

B. The structural strength of the paved shoulder is adequate to

support driving.

C. The shoulder width is 8 feet or more; except, shoulder widths of 6

to 8 feet may be utilized after review of the following

Horizontal and vertical alignment.

Shoulder slope from pavement edge.

Absence of passing opportunities.

Character of traffic (e.g., recreation, logging, or other

significant volumes of slow-moving traffic).

Refer to Chapter 2, for signing requirements.


A memorandum of understanding between the department and the Washington

State Patrol provides guidance for filming commercial advertisements on
state highways. The department, the State Patrol, and the filming
company enter into a written agreement (see Figure 7-2) that authorizes
the filming and defines the terms and conditions applicable to the
particular filming operation.

The agreement letter is to be adjusted considering the guidelines below

for each specific filming project and must be completed 10 days prior to

Notice of a proposed filming operation is provided to the department and

the State Patrol by the Department of Trade and Economic Development
(DTED) Motion Picture Bureau (MPB). The notice enables the department
and the State Patrol to investigate operational requirements for the
proposed filming.

April 1989 7-6

7-7 April 1989
Initial contact may be by telephone or letter. However, a verbal
request is to be followed with a letter identifying the type of filming
operation to be undertaken, together with an indication of the state
highway location, date, and time desired by the filming company for the
filming operation.

Periods and/or locations of high traffic volume or peak traffic flow are
to be excluded from any roadway filming because of the potential adverse
impact to traffic.

Normally, interstate and other freeway mainline closures will not be

permitted. Road or lane closures on other highways will be considered.

A rolling traffic break, which is the intentional slowing of traffic

through a moving roadblock provided by the State Patrol, may not be
slower than 35 mph on full-access controlled highways.

Operational decisions and/or emergency situations may require immediate

reopening of closures or suspension of rolling traffic breaks.

In no event are any vehicles permitted to exceed the regulatory speed


Traffic enforcement shall be provided by the State Patrol, in

cooperation with local police agencies where appropriate.

Prior to any filming operation requiring a road or lane closure or the

use of a rolling traffic break, an operational meeting scheduled by the
DTED/MPB may be required with the department, the State Patrol, and the
film company. When appropriate, local authorities and police agencies
should attend this meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to assure that all traffic control plans
and related operational procedures are finalized, and that participants
are aware of their individual responsibilities prior to filming. Minor
filming operations, as determined by the department and the State
Patrol, may not require this operational meeting.

Normally, the filming companys base of operations is to be located

outside state highway right of way. Authorization in the agreement is
required for locations within the right of way.

Stunts, accidents, or pyrotechnics that may cause damage to state

property or that potentially may disrupt or endanger traffic are not
allowed. Use of pyrotechnics must meet all federal and state laws and
regulations. No liquid or solid materials may be placed on the highway
except as approved by the department and identified in the agreement.

All costs for labor, equipment, and supplies incurred by the department
and the State Patrol for traffic control and related operational
procedures must be prepaid by the filming company.

The filming company must obtain liability insurance of at least one

million dollars to cover the state of Washington for any and all

April 1989 7-8

liabilities, including all costs of defense, arising from state highway
use for filming operations. A verification certificate must be provided
to the department and the state patrol prior to filming.

The filming company must also agree to indemnify and hold the state of
Washington harmless against any claims or actions by third parties for
injuries or property damage, including all costs of defense, caused by
or arising from the filming operation.

The department and the State Patrol may develop additional guidelines
and operational procedures relative to individual filming operations on
state highway rights of way. These are to be included in the agreement.

Detailed arrangements and development of letter agreements will be

administered by each WSDOT district. The State Traffic Engineers
office participates only in requests for multi-district filming

7-9 April 1989

Chapter 8 Highway Advertising Control
8.1 General WAC 468-66 & M 55-95 The Department
The Department is directed by law to regulate sanctions advertising signs on state highways
advertising signs that are visible to state highways. under purview of the Scenic Vistas Act and the
Advertising messages may be displayed by one of companion regulations in WAC 468-66.
several methods: Department manual M55-95, Scenic Vistas Act
of 1971, contains the laws and regulations together
Billboards and other outdoor advertising signs with a map showing a breakdown of the statewide
may display business logos and highway systems. Because M55-95 contains only
advertising print along selected areas of state text of the law and regulations, this chapter
highways, outside state right of way provides operational guidelines and technical
Advertising venues exist at rest areas on information to assist in application of these
Interstate highways, and at several regulations. From the traffic engineering
Washington State Ferry system locations perspective, and for procedural efficiency, all
WSDOT Regions need to apply the provisions
Motorist Information Signs display logos for of these regulations as uniform procedures. This
specific types of motorist services along state uniform application also results in equitable
highways on regulated signs within the right treatment for the business community in all
of way. See chapter 2, section 6 of this manual corners of the state.
8.2 Outdoor Advertising Signs A. Definitions WAC 468-66-010
Signs located on private property that are visible This section provides definitions for terms and
to certain state highways are regulated by an array concepts used when applying these WAC rules.
of Federal and state laws and regulations. In addition to definitions provided in the WAC,
United States Code, Title 23, Section 131 use the following information to assist in
Federal laws provide direction to the states interpretation and application of specific
through the Federal Highway Administration and regulations.
the Code of Federal Regulations regarding outdoor 1. Unzoned Commercial/Industrial Areas &
advertising along Interstate and National Highway Visible Development Several sections of
System (NHS) non-Interstate highways, and at these regulations refer to the three-business
safety rest areas. Washington state is required to rule.
comply with these regulations or be subject to
The rule is used to determine the presence
penalty of Federal-aid highway funds forfeiture.
of unzoned commercial/industrial areas along
RCW 47.42 This law, referred to as The Scenic Interstate and non-interstate NHS highways.
Vistas Act of 1971, authorizes and directs the Use the following requirements to establish
Department to regulate advertising sign an unzoned commercial/industrial area, as
installations visible to interstate, non-interstate described in RCW 47.42.020(9) and WAC
NHS, and scenic highways in accordance with 468-66-010(4):
federal regulations. Advertising sign installations Requirements are met where three or more
are not regulated adjacent to other state highways. commercial or industrial activities are
The intent of the Scenic Vistas Act is to enhance located within a space of five hundred
the roadsides scenic beauty while assuring that feet. The five hundred foot establishment
information of specific interest to travelers is area is measured parallel to edge of the
presented safely and effectively. highways main traveled way, and may
include activities located on both sides
of the highway.

Traffic Manual Page 8-1

March 2002

In addition, these commercial or outside the right of way, subject to all other
industrial activities must be located applicable regulations for the particular type
within six hundred sixty feet of the of highway.
nearest edge of the right of way.
2. Maintain Rebuilding Damaged
All measurements shall be made from Non-conforming signs Non-conforming
the outer edges of regularly used signs that are damaged or partially destroyed
buildings, parking lots, or storage or by weather related incidents, or other acts of
processing areas, not from property lines. God, may be re-erected, depending upon the
On certain highways, where the above extent of damage to the sign. A sign that
criteria are met, additional buffer zones remains at least 50% intact after being
may be established. See Appendix 8-1. damaged by non-tortious acts may be
rebuilt in kind. WAC 468-66-010(12)
The rule is expanded in WAC468-66-010(27)
by adding a definition for Visible development. 3. Primary system Language in the WAC
This subsection states that criteria defined in refers to several highway system types:
RCW 47.42.020(9) shall be met; and in addition, Interstate, Primary, and Scenic. In
the businesses shall not be visibly obstructed by Washington state, outdoor advertising control
vegetation or other physical objects. The presence applies to highways that are included as part
of visible development is used, along with of the National Highway System. The NHS,
local zoning requirements, as criteria to exempt created by the National Highway System
portions of state highways from the scenic system Designation Act of 1995 includes; the
for the purpose of allowing off-premise Interstate system, the non-Interstate former
advertising signs. (See WAC 468-66-010(16)(c)) primary system, and other routes added by
congress to the National Highway System.
Interstate and non-interstate NHS systems
Routes that were previously included as part
If the above requirements are met, the five
of the primary system can now best be
hundred foot establishment area may be
described as NHS non-interstate. WAC
expanded by including buffer zones, extending
500 ft. before the beginning of the area, and 500
ft. after the end of the area. The buffer zones are 4. Visible Signs on Unregulated
measured parallel to the main traveled edge of the Roadways See WAC 468-66-010(21). In
highway, and include both sides of the highway. addition to the definition provided in this
Advertising signs may be permitted along both WAC section, consider the following
sides of this 1500 ft. section of highway, outside information about signs located on
the right of way, subject to all other applicable unregulated roadways. Signs, located along
regulations for the particular type of highway. unregulated roadways that intersect with
interstate or other regulated state highways,
Scenic system If the above requirements are
shall be considered not visible if they meet
met on sections of the scenic system that lie
at least three of the following criteria.
within areas zoned commercial/industrial by
the governing county, and the commercial or The sign faces are not substantially larger
industrial development is visible to the highway, or at a substantially higher elevation
the five hundred foot establishment area is above the ground line than other signs
excluded from the scenic system. Because the along the same unregulated intersecting
visible development criteria defined in WAC roadways
468-66-010(27) refer only to the requirements The angles of sign faces are generally
of the three-business rule, the five hundred foot oriented toward unregulated intersecting
establishment area shall not be expanded to roadways rather than interstate or other
include the buffer zones. Advertising signs may regulated state highways
be permitted along both sides of the highway
within this five hundred foot section of highway,

Page 8-2 Traffic Manual

March 2002

The length of time that the informative motor vehicle, or otherwise interfere with any
contents of signs can be viewed is drivers operation of a motor vehicle.
substantially greater for the travelers on
Electronic Signs Electronic signs may be
unregulated intersecting roadways than
used only to advertise activities conducted or
from interstate or other regulated state
goods and services available on the property on
which the signs are located (Type 3 signs); or to
The signs are visible to a motorist present public service information in accordance
traveling at the posted speed on the with WAC 468-66-010(23).
interstate or other regulated state
highway, for a period of time that is less For Interstate highways and NHS non-interstate
than that required to read the entire sign highways outside corporate limits and
message commercial and industrial zones, the specific
language in WAC 468-66-030(7) that prohibits
The signs are only incidentally visible
. . . any flashing, intermittent, or moving
from interstate or other regulated state
lights . . . does not apply to electronic signs
used as on-premise signs; provided the lights
The signs advertise activities accessible operate in accordance with WAC
from unregulated intersecting roadways 468-66-030(12).
along which the signs are located
C. Classification of Signs WAC
B. General Provisions WAC 468-66-030 468-66-050
This section of the WAC describes features and This section of the WAC describes and defines
characteristics that are regulated on all outdoor highway advertising sign classifications. The
advertising signs installed adjacent to state Scenic Vistas Act authorizes and regulates eight
highway rights of way. specific sign types. The following information
Moving Parts Signs visible from the will help identify each type.
main-traveled way of the interstate, NHS Type 1 Directional or other official signs or
non-interstate, and the scenic system that move or notices. This type is divided into two groups:
have any animated or moving parts (except
Type 1a The following information
giving public service information as described in
provides specific criteria for both
WAC 468-66-010(23)) are prohibited.
Directional and Official signs.
Sign Lighting No signs are permitted which:
Directional Signs
1. Contain, include, or are illuminated by any
1. Publicly Owned Places May contain
flashing, intermittent, or moving lights,
directional information about public places
except those signs giving public service
owned or operated by Federal, state or local
information as described in WAC
government, or their agencies.
468-66-010(23). This prohibition does not
apply to Type 3 signs visible from NHS 2. Publicly or Privately Owned Places
non-interstate highways that are located May contain directional information about
within city limits or within areas zoned publicly or privately owned places that
commercial/industrial. RCW 47.42.062. feature: natural phenomena; historical,
cultural, scientific, educational; religious
2. Use any lighting in any way; unless the lights
sites, areas of scenic beauty, or naturally
are shielded to prevent beams or rays of light
suited for outdoor recreation.
from being directed at any portion of the
traveled way of the highway, or are of such 3. Privately Owned Places May contain
low intensity or brilliance as not to cause directional information about privately
glare or impair the vision of the driver of any owned places that feature scenic attractions.

Traffic Manual Page 8-3

March 2002
These attractions must be nationally or 3. Official signs shall be pursuant to and in
regionally known or of outstanding interest accordance with direction or authorization
to travelers. contained in Federal, state, or local law for
the purpose of carrying out an official duty
Directional Sign Standards
or responsibility.
1. Sign area shall not exceed 150 sq. ft. - The
Official Signs Authority to Install
maximum height or length of the sign shall
not exceed 20 ft. 1. The officer or agency authorizing the sign
installation must exercise some form of
2. The Department must approve sign
governmental authority over the area upon
installation location.
which the sign is located governmental
3. Along the Interstate system or other freeway authority means the authority to enact or
type roadways, the sign shall not be located administer the law.
within 2000 ft. of an interchange, measured
2. The officer or agency authorizing the sign
from the ramp physical gore, or within 2000
installation must be directed by statute or
ft. of a rest area, parkland, or scenic area.
local law and/or must have the specific
4. Directional signs shall not be placed closer authority by statute or local law to erect
than 1 mile apart. and maintain signs.
5. On a state route approaching an activity, Official Sign Standards
a maximum of three directional signs, per
1. Official signs shall not exceed 150 sq. ft.
direction of travel, are allowed for that
The maximum height or length of the sign
shall not exceed 20 ft.
6. Signs located along the Interstate system
2. There are no restrictions on the message
shall be within 75 air miles of the activity.
content, provided the activity being described
7. Signs located along the non-Interstate, NHS is in furtherance of an official duty or
system shall be within 50 air miles of the responsibility.
activity. Type 1b Service club and religious notices,
Directional Signs Message Content Limitations containing only group name and location
and schedule of meetings. These
1. Message shall be limited to identification organizations must be nonprofit.
of, and guidance to the activity or attraction.
Type 2 For sale or for lease signs.
2. Signs may include directional information
that helps the motorist locate the activity such 1. These signs shall only advertise the sale
as mileage, route numbers, or exit numbers. or lease of the parcel or real property upon
which the sign is located.
3. Descriptive words, phrases, and photographic
or pictorial representations of the activity or 2. The name and phone number of the owner
its environs are prohibited. or the owners agent shall not be displayed
more conspicuously than the message FOR
Official Signs SALE or FOR LEASE. Discretion is
1. Official signs shall be erected and maintained suggested in enforcing this stipulation
by public officers, or public agencies, for because of the real estate industrys trend
example county, city, or county toward national conglomerates in recent
commissioners. years. State of the Art real estate signs
typically may not include the words for
2. Official signs shall be located within the
sale or for lease, especially on signs
governing jurisdiction of the public officer
provided to agencies and agents by national
or public agency.
conglomerates. Accordingly, real estate signs

Page 8-4 Traffic Manual

March 2002
may require case-by-case evaluation to Type 6 Advertising sign lawfully in place prior
determine if they are located on property to October 22, 1965. Signs are to be landmark
for sale or lease. signs, of historic or artistic significance.
Currently there are no permitted Type 6 signs
3. No other message may be displayed on this
visible to Washington state highways.
sign. This is an area where property owners
have attempted to stretch the rules by Type 7 Public service sign, located on school
displaying a business name, or other bus shelters. Currently there are no permitted
information in lieu of the name of the owner
Type 8 This seasonal sign provides direction
or his agent. The WAC is specific, allowing
to specific agricultural activities. This temporary
only the names of the property owner, or the
sign is regulated through a permit issued by the
name of the owners agent and phone
Type 3 On-premise signs. The on-premise D. Rules and Regulations for On-premise
signs are divided into 3 separate groups. Signs - WAC 468-66-070, and others
Type 3a This sign advertises the activity This section of the WAC discusses regulations
conducted, or products available on the applied to Type 3, on-premise signs. The
property on which the sign is located. following details discuss how this, and other
WAC components apply to on premise signs.
Type 3b This temporary sign expresses
the property owners endorsement of a Location of On-Premise Signs - Along the
political candidate or ballot issue. Each Interstate system, Type 3a signs that exceed
year in June, OSC Traffic Office mails twenty feet in length, width, or height, or one
out a political information packet to all hundred fifty square feet in area may not be
county auditors. This packet contains located more than fifty feet from the advertised
information for political candidates activity. (See WAC 468-66-030).
regarding type 3b signs. Type 3 signs located less than fifty feet from
Temporary political campaign signs the advertised activity, or within corporate limits
are limited to a maximum size of or commercial or industrial zones adjacent to the
thirty-two square feet in area. primary system (WAC 468-66-110), do not have
Temporary political campaign signs a size limitation. The fifty-foot distance is
must be removed within ten days measured from that building, storage, or other
after the election. structure or processing area, which is most
Type 3c This sign is allowed on properties regularly used and essential to the conduct of
where a planned business will be the activity (WAC 468-66-070).
operating within a year. Signs will Some business activities, such as auto dealerships
typically display the message future site and recreational vehicle sales, have locations
of or other similar wording. contiguous to the main building structure for
Type 4 This commercial advertising sign is persons to view vehicles. These locations are
regulated by permit. The business or activity essential to the business activity (i.e., a
being advertised shall be within twelve air miles processing area). Thus, an on-premise sign
of the sign. located within fifty feet of a contiguous vehicle
display area complies with WAC 468-66-070.
Type 5 This commercial advertising sign is
regulated by permit. The information displayed A single on-premise sign advertising a shopping
must be of specific interest to the traveling center, mall, or other combined business facility,
public. See WAC 468-66-100(2). There is no may be located within 50 feet of the nearest
geographic location limitation as with Type 4 portion of any parking area that serves the
signs. business combination (WAC 468-66-070(3).
See Appendix 8-2, figure 1. This single

Traffic Manual Page 8-5

March 2002
on-premise sign does not have a size limitation F. Priority Criteria for Issuing Permits
(WAC 468-030(11)(c); however, on-premise Type 4, 5 and 8 Signs WAC 468-66-090
signs advertising individual businesses within This section of the WAC provides priority criteria
the complex that are displayed in array with the to be used when issuing permits. When the
single on-premise sign are limited to maximum number of applications for Type 4, Type 5, and
size of 150 sq. ft. (WAC 468-030-(11). See Type 8 signs exceeds the number of available
Appendix 8-2, figure 2. sign sites, use the following preferential criteria
On-Premise Signs Located Within Incorpo- to award sign permits.
rated Areas and Commercial/Industrial Areas 1. Agencies of the state of Washington in
On the NHS Non-Interstate System Certain order of their applications.
RCW and WAC sections are written so that they
do not apply to on-premise signs that lie within 2. Counties or incorporated cities in order of
incorporated areas and commercial/industrial their applications.
areas located along the NHS non-interstate 3. Federal agencies in order of their
system. On-premise signs located in these areas applications.
are administered under local ordinance and
regulations. These portions of WAC 468-66 4. All other applicants in order of their
and the Scenic Vistas Act refer to this exception: application; giving preference to existing
permit holders who are due for renewal.
WAC 468-66-070(1)
G. Rules and Regulations for Type 4 and 5
WAC 468-66-010 All sections signs (Non-Interstate) WAC 468-66-110
RCW 47.42.045(2) This section of the WAC discusses allowable
RCW 47.42.062 All sections, except numbers, and spacing requirements for type 4,
that signs resembling official traffic control and 5 signs located within commercial and
devices are prohibited under purview of industrial areas and visible to the NHS
RCW 47.36.180. non-interstate system. Refer to Appendix 8-4,
pages 1 and 2, for spacing requirements that
Crop Identification Signs Crop identification apply to various levels of access control.
signs are classified as on premise signs, and are
used to identify specific agricultural crops being Section (1) (c) states that signs which exceed
grown on property adjacent to state highway three hundred twenty-five square feet in area may
right of way. Regional OAC representatives not be double-faced (abutting and facing the same
review these signs for compliance with the direction). The intent of the WAC is to limit the
Scenic Vistas Act. The sign message is limited to size of abutting double-faced signs to three
the display of the name of the crop, and the name hundred twenty-five square feet; per sign face.
of the sponsor. The letter size should be three The total size allowable is six hundred fifty
times larger for the crop message than the square feet for both sign faces combined.
sponsor message to maximize readability. H. Non-conforming (Grandfathered)
E. Rules and Regulations for Type 4 and 5 Signs- Type 4 and 5 WAC 468-66-120
signs (Interstate) WAC 468-66-080 This section of the WAC discusses signs that
This section of the WAC discusses the number were lawfully erected and maintained, and in
of allowable signs, and spacing requirements for place prior to enactment of the Scenic Vistas Act
type 4 and 5 signs visible to the Interstate system. (June 1, 1971). These signs were permitted to
Refer to Appendix 8-3. remain and be maintained if they were visible
from the primary system within commercial and
WAC 468-66-080 (4) The one thousand foot industrial areas. Consider these signs when
distance in which type 4 or 5 signs are prohibited determining spacing requirements for additional
shall be measured from terminus of the on-ramp sign installations. These signs are issued permits
taper. as Type 4 or 5 signs, and are categorized as

Page 8-6 Traffic Manual

March 2002
nonconforming (grandfathered) signs. Refer to 2. If the sign owner cannot be contacted, or
section 1B, Maintain. there is no voluntary compliance after thirty
days, notify the sign owner and the property
I. Removal of existing signs WAC owner about the sign by way of certified
468-66-130 letter, return receipt requested. (See appendix
This section of the WAC discusses removal of 8-6, pages 1 and 2) Describe the illegal
existing signs that were lawfully in place prior to aspects of the sign and advise them of actions
enactment of the Scenic Vistas Act, but became they must take within fifteen days to comply
illegal under provisions of the Act and with the law and/or WAC rule. (Refer to
accompanying WAC regulations. RCW 47.42.080)
Nonconforming or Grandfathered Signs 3. If the sign owner or property owner does not
Knowing the history of how OAC legislation was comply with the abatement notice within 15
applied helps clarify this section of the WAC. days of receiving the Regions certified letter,
Enactment of the Scenic Vistas Act created the request assistance from the Attorney
June 1, 1971 deadline for removing signs that Generals Office by submitting a letter from
did not comply with the new laws. A three-year the Regional Traffic Engineer to the State
window was established to allow removal of Traffic Engineer. The State Traffic Engineer
existing signs that did not conform to the new then works with the Assistant Attorney
regulations, creating the May 10, 1974 deadline. General assigned to outdoor advertising to
Removal of these signs required just secure sign removal. Include the following
compensation to the sign owner, with Federal information along with the letter of request
funding contributing 75% of the buyout cost. to the State Traffic Engineer:
Federal funding was not adequate to buyout all All correspondence to the sign owner
nonconforming signs on Washingtons highway from the region, including phone call
systems within the three year window. Under logs and a brief discussion of any
purview of RCW 47.42.105, no sign can be conversation.
required to be removed if the Federal share of just
All applicable WAC and RCW
compensation to be paid upon removal of the sign
is not available. As a result of this lack of federal
funds, existing nonconforming signs that had not Submit quality descriptive 3 x 5 (or
been bought out by May 10, 1974, were allowed larger) color photos of sign features or
to remain and be maintained on state highways. components that contribute to violations;
These types of signs are nonconforming or include any sketches, measurements or
grandfathered signs. Refer to section 1B, other pertinent data that provide
Maintain. supporting evidence of the violation.
Abatement Under RCW 47.42.080 any sign 4. The Assistant Attorney General (AAG)
constructed or maintained contrary to the Scenic assigned to the Department will notify the
Vistas Act or companion regulation is illegal. sign owner and property owner, by way of
The following steps are utilized to abate illegal certified letter, that the sign is illegal,
signs installed on private property. considered to be a public nuisance, and must
be removed. The Regional OAC
1. Contact the sign owner, and if necessary, representative conducts a review to determine
the property owner personally. Explain the if the sign owner has complied with the
requirements in law, options available, and abatement notice. This review should take
actions necessary to resolve the problem, place 15 days after the sign and/or property
and ask for voluntary compliance within owners receipt of the AAGs certified letter.
thirty days. If requested by the sign owner, If, after this time period, the sign remains in
this initial contact may be immediately place, the Regional OAC representative
followed by a letter that documents the informs the State Traffic Engineer, preferably
essence of the conversation (Appendix 8-5).

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March 2002
by e-mail. The State Traffic Engineer may J. OAC Permit Process WAC 468-66-140
then request in writing that the AAG pursue a This section of the WAC discusses outdoor
legal remedy. advertising sign permits issued by the
5. When WSDOT outdoor advertising personnel Department.
are contacted by anyone, public or private, Sign Relocation Signs with valid permits that
regarding matters that have been referred are being relocated to a different property are
to the Attorney Generals Office, advise the considered to be a new sign, requiring
caller that the matter has been referred and appropriate application and permit fee submittal,
that information is only available from the and review for approval by the Region.
Assistant Attorney General. Obtain the
callers name and phone number and explain Existing permits shall be revoked upon approval
that you will ask the AAG to contact them. of the relocation application, or upon the
In the event the caller demands immediate effective date of the existing lease termination,
attention, provide the AAGs phone number whichever comes first.
and address. Notify the Assistant Attorney A sign being relocated to a new location on the
General immediately after receiving such same property does not require a new permit,
inquiries. providing the proposed location meets the size
Maintain a current inventory of all illegal and spacing requirements, and all other
sign action activities. The File Maker program provisions, of the Scenic Vistas Act and WAC
(IllegalSignInv.FP5) is available to all Regional 468-66. The sign owner shall submit a letter of
OAC personnel as a standardized method notification along with a sketch showing the
of tracking all illegal sign activity within the proposed location and approximate distance from
Region. the existing permitted sign to the new location.

Create a file for each illegal sign immediately Change of Ownership or Transfer
following receipt of initial report or observation. When signs with valid permits are sold or
All information, such as the sign owner, property otherwise transferred, the new sign owner
owner and all contact with the owners, whether assumes control of the existing permit. Regions
by phone or letter shall be included on the form. shall forward information identifying the new
See Appendix 8-7. sign owner, and/or the new property owner to
OSC Traffic to facilitate inventory update.
The Scenic Vistas Act defines any illegal sign
placed on state highway right-of-way as a public Signs Subject to Authorizing Permits
nuisance. (See RCW 47.42.080(5)) The The WAC excludes sign types 1, 2, and 3 from
Department is authorized to remove such signs permit requirement; therefore, permits are
immediately without notice. For uniformity, required for sign types 4 through 8. Type 4
illegal signs on the right-of-way are to be and 5 signs account for the vast majority of
removed as quickly as practical. permits issued. A small number of type 8 signs
are issued permits throughout the state. The
Signs removed from the right-of-way are to be Department has no valid permits outstanding for
stored for thirty days (seven days after election type 6 and 7 signs; however, the WAC includes
for illegal political campaign signs) or until such these as signs that shall be placed under permit.
time as they interfere with operations at the A permit, duly issued by the Department, does
storage site. When contacted by a sign owner not negate the permit holders responsibility
about recovering a sign that has been removed, to comply with local rules, regulations, and
advise the caller where the sign is stored, and let ordinances pertaining to signs and signing
them know that the sign may be recovered if it structures. Thus, a permit issued by the
has not yet been destroyed. Dispose of usable Department does not necessarily grant the
materials obtained from these signs in accordance permit holder the right to erect a sign.
with M72-91, Disposal of Personal Property.

Page 8-8 Traffic Manual

March 2002
Permit Processing Procedures Type 4 & 5 Permit Processing Procedures Type 8
The application and $300 permit fee for each Applications for type 8 sign permit, along with
Type 4 and 5 sign structure are received at the $50 permit fee are submitted to the
Headquarters Traffic, or the regions (See appropriate regional office. This permit is valid
Appendix 8-8). Applications received at the for 5 years, and may be renewed upon expiration.
regions are submitted to Headquarters Traffic See Appendix 8-11.
Office. Sign applications are assigned a
Annual Permit Renewal Certification Prior
sequential identification number and the permit
to January 1 of each year, Headquarters Traffic
fees are deposited through the departments
will mail a permit renewal notice to each sign
Accounting Office. The effective application date
permit holder. If the permit holder intends to
is the day it is received in Olympia.
continue operation and maintenance of the sign,
Headquarters Traffic forwards the application to the permit holder certifies this intent by signing
the region with a letter of request for site the notice and returning it to Headquarters
investigation (Appendix 8-9) along with a Traffic. This signed renewal notice shall be
checklist used for investigating proposed sign returned to the Department no later than February
sites (Appendix 8-10). Within thirty days, the 1. For any renewal notice not received by Head-
region investigates the proposed sign site for quarters Traffic by February 1, the Department
compliance with the zoning and spacing may initiate legal proceedings for abatement as
requirements of WAC 468-66. During review of an illegal sign.
the proposed sign locations on NHS
Inventory An inventory for all type 4 and 5
non-Interstate highways, Regional personnel
signs is maintained in Headquarters Traffic.
should focus special attention on meeting the
Copies of this inventory are sent to the regions
spacing requirements for limited access
periodically, or upon request.
controlled areas that have been established
pursuant to RCW 47.52. These spacing Inventory updating is required whenever
requirements are called out in RCW 47.42.062 revisions are made to existing signs. Such
(3)(b) and WAC 468-66-110 (2)(b). revisions include any changes in sign size,
sign owner, or sign removal. The inventory
Limited access areas include sections of state
revision process is initiated when OSC Traffic
highway that are classified and operate as full,
receives notification from the permit holder, or
partial, and modified. Sections that are planned
when regional traffic personnel discover changes
or proposed for classification as limited access
during field review.
areas are not included.
Inventory of Signs on Local Jurisdiction NHS
Access classification information can be obtained
Roadways The National Highway System Act
from the Regional work group that focuses on
of 1995 (NHS) extended outdoor advertising
limited access control determination and
control to all NHS routes. This means that signs
documentation, or the Headquarters Design
on private property visible to NHS routes,
Access Office.
including NHS routes under local agency
For all locations meeting the requirements of jurisdiction, are required by Federal law to be
WAC 468-66, the region assigns an inventory regulated under the purview of the Scenic
number to each sign face indicated on the Vistas Act.
application. This number is selected sequentially
Headquarters maintains an inventory of
from a block of inventory numbers provided to
off-premise outdoor advertising signs on the
the Regional traffic offices for a particular
NHS local roadways, however the actual control
highway or highway section.
of such signs is the responsibility of the local
The application package is then returned to OSC jurisdiction or agency. Our department is
Traffic with the regions recommendation for committed to provide technical assistance when
approval or denial noted on the application. requested, or assume the control responsibility if

Traffic Manual Page 8-9

March 2002
asked to do so. Periodically the regional outdoor L. Miscellaneous
advertising personnel include a review of local Billboards on Indian Trust Lands Background
NHS routes to assure that the departments
The Department first learned about this subject
inventory is up to date
through a March 7, 1986 Federal Highway
K. Penalties Permitted Non-conforming Administration (FHWA) memorandum. This
Signs WAC 468-66-150 memorandum cited the United States Court
ruling that left in place a California Supreme
This section of the WAC discusses sanctions and
Court decision that held the following:
penalties that may be applied to permit holders
who maintain signs that do not comply with the The California Department of Transportation
provisions of the WAC. After a hearing could not use the states outdoor advertising
conducted under the Administrative Procedure act to regulate billboards erected on
Act, RCW 34.05, the Department may revoke a reservation land held in trust by the United
sign permit, without refund, for any of the States for the beneficial use of the Morongo
following reasons: Indian Band
Making false statements on a permit The Federal Highway Beautification Act
application (HBA) preempts the states regulatory
authority in the area of outdoor advertising
Allowing any sign to remain in a state of
on Indian reservations.
disrepair for thirty days after receiving
letter notifying permit holder about the The Federal Department of the Interior is
condition of the sign. the appropriate agency to enforce the HBA
Maintaining any sign, for which permit has
been issued, that is in violation of any These decisions set the precedent which remains
provision of the Scenic Vistas Act or this today, that the states have no regulatory authority
WAC. over billboards on Indian land. The Department
has not included signs on Indian land in its
Maintaining a discontinued sign, as defined
billboard inventory since 1986.
by WAC 468-66-010(6)
Advertising on Commercial Trailers
The OSC Traffic Office will coordinate
Advertising on commercial vehicles and trailers
establishing the required hearing through the
in normal business usage is not controlled by the
Attorney Generals Office.
Scenic Vistas Act. This includes times when they
If convicted of violating the Scenic Vistas Act, are intermittently parked at locations visible to
sign permit holders may face revocation of state highways.
permits for other signs that they maintain.
Should a commercial vehicle or trailer visible
Discontinued Signs A discontinued sign is to the state highway remain stationary for an
defined as a sign absent of advertising content for extended period of time, it must then be
a period of six months. Permits may be revoked determined whether or not its intent is for
for maintaining a discontinued sign. Signs vacant off-premise advertising purposes. An expired
of advertising display should be noted and vehicle registration is a primary indicator of its
monitored. After three months of vacancy, the use for advertising purposes. Under these
sign owner or permit holder is notified by circumstances, commercial vehicles or trailers
certified letter (Appendix 8-12) about the failure visible to state highways are abated in the same
to display advertising content on an existing manner as illegal advertising signs.
billboard. If the sign remains vacant after an
additional three-month period, a certified letter
of permit revocation (Appendix 8-13) may be

Page 8-10 Traffic Manual

March 2002
Digital or Lighted Signs Used for Advertising 8.3 Advertising at Rest Areas and on
on State Highways (Signs in Motion) Washington State Ferries
WAC 204-65, Vehicle Lighting and Equipment, Advertising at Rest Areas on State Highways
prohibits displaying any digital or lighted Businesses may purchase advertising space on
advertising sign from motor vehicles on state displays in 12 rest areas located along interstate
highway rights of way. This includes any sign 5 and interstate 90. This advertising program
device towed behind a motor vehicle. This features lighted display boards. In rest areas, the
prohibition does not include messages displayed only requirement is that services advertised be of
on traffic control vehicles, taxicabs, or interest to travelers. For more information about
destination placards on public transportation this program, contact WSDOTs sales contractor:
Storeyco, Inc.
Laser Lights On occasion, laser lights have 234-D SW 43rd Street
been used to project images onto an area visible Renton, WA 98055
from the traveled way of state highways. 1-800-558-7867 Fax (425) 251-9726
Washington state has no specific laws that Ron Storey
regulate laser lights. Informally however, RCW E-Mail - storeyco@storeyco.com
47.36.180 (Forbidden Devices) provides some
basic guidance that may be applied on a Advertising on Washington State Ferries
case-by-case basis. The Department has cited Businesses also have the option to purchase
Subsection (4) of this law in the past to prohibit advertising space on 6 Washington State Ferry
projection of laser lights onto an area that was runs and at 4 terminals. This advertising program
visible from the Interstate system. features lighted display boards. For more
information about this program, contact
In the event that the laser light is being used to WSDOTs sales contractor:
project advertising display, the moving lights
components of the Scenic Vistas Act (RCW Certified Folder Display
47.42.062 (4)(a)) prohibits such use in all areas 5808 S. 196th
except those located on the non-Interstate NHS Kent, WA 98032
system inside commercial and industrial areas, 1-800-799-7373
and/or within corporate limits. Website: www.certifiedfolder.com click on
Documentation of Illegal Sign Abatement E-Mail - weldonv@certifiedfolder.com
Activity-The Headquarters Traffic Office
provides the Assistant Secretary for Maintenance
and Operations with an annual summary of illegal
sign abatement activities conducted during the
previous year. A copy is provided to the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) Division Right
of Way Office.
The FHWA Division Right of Way Office is a
valuable resource when responding to questions
or investigating apparent ambiguities within the
laws. Normally, the Headquarters Traffic
conducts these inquiries or communications with
the FHWA.

Traffic Manual Page 8-11

March 2002
Appendix 8-1 Unzoned Commercial/Industrial Area

500 500 500

MAX. (2)

660 MAX.


660 MAX.


WAC. REF. 468-66-010 (4)

Commercial or Industrial Activity

Qualifying Commerical/Industrial Area

Additional Buffer Area - Where Applicable

1. Billboards may be permitted within this 1500 max. area, measured parallel
to the highway.

2. Three or more separate and distinct commercial and/or industrial activities

are required within 500. Activities may be located on either or both sides of the
highway and must be within 660 of the right of way line to qualify.

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-1

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 8-2 Single On-Premise Sign
WAC 468-66-070 (3)
Single On-Premise Sign may be placed within 50 feet of combined parking area

50 (typical)


Figure 1
(Plan View)

Single On-Premise
No Size Limit

Individual Business Sign

150 sq ft max
Individual Business Sign
150 sq ft max

Figure 2
(Elevation View)

Appendix 8-2 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 8-3 Off Premise Sign Spacing - Interstate

Signs Not Permitted

Within Right of Way

Number and spacing

of signs

0 - 2 Miles
From Off-Ramp 0 Signs

Maximum of 6 signs
Not more than 2 signs within any
2 - 5 Miles one mile distance from any point
1000 Minimum spacing between signs

More than Average - 1 sign per mile

5 Miles
1000 Minimum spacing between signs

1000 ft
From On-Ramp
Taper 0 Signs

Sign spacing includes all sign faces visible
to traffic approaching from any one direction
(TYPE 4, 5, or 6)
WAC. REF. 468-66-080

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-3

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 8-4 Off Premise Sign Spacing
- NHS Non-Interstate Controlled Access
Signs Not Permitted
Within Right of Way

1000 Minimum if
At-Grade Intresection

3000 Min. in advance of

interchanges, safety rest
1000 areas, or Information Centers

Maximum total of 5 sign


structures shall be

permitted on both sides

of the highway per mile
1000 1000

Double faced signs

are prohibited

3000 Min. In advance of

Interchanges, Safety Rest
Areas, orInformation Centers

1000 Minimum if
At-Grade Intresection

- Billboard Sign


(Type 4,5, or 6)
WAC Ref. 468-66-110(2)(b)

Appendix 8-4 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 8-4 Off Premise Sign Spacing
- NHS Non-Interstate Non-Controlled Access

Signs not permitted

within right of way

500 MIN






1. Within corporate limits, a maximum of 4 sign

structures shall be permitted within a space of 660,
or between platted intersections. This includes signs
on both sides of the highway

100 min. spacing between sign structures on both

sides of the highway


2. Outside corporate city limits the minimum spacing

is 500 between structures on each side of
the highway
NHS Non-interstate Noncontrolled Access 3. In areas where one side of a highway is within
(Type 4,5, or 6) corporate limits and the other side of the highway
WAC. REF. 468-66-110 (2) (c) is outside corporate limits, the appropriate sign
spacing shown above applies

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-4

March 2002 Page 2
Appendix 8-5 Abatement - Initial Contact Follow-up Letter

Inside Address

Dear __________________

This letter is to follow up our recent conversation about signs located on private property adjacent
to the (direction, e.g., east, west) side of SR WX , near milepost Y.Z, and visible to (lanes, e.g.,
both northbound and southbound, or, eastbound) traffic.

The Washington State Department of Transportation is directed by law to regulate signs on

private property and visible to certain state highways. The statutes and regulations governing
allowable visible signs are provided in Chapter 47.42 of the Revised Code of Washington
(RCW), the Scenic Vistas Act, and Chapter 468-66 of the Washington Administrative Code
(WAC), respectively.

Accordingly, the department conducts periodic reviews of state highway corridors to fulfill its
statutory obligation. A recent review of SR WX in the vicinity of milepost Y.Z revealed that you
maintain an advertising sign, displaying the message type the sign message here, on property
owned by Mr./Ms. name of property owner.

Please be advised that the sign is illegal because it cant meet the eligibility requirements for
permittable off-premise advertising signs visible to note highway type, and is thus prohibited by
RCW 47.42.030. [Insert description of illegal aspects of the sign, e.g. spacing, sign type, sign size,
zoning, etc. Cite applicable RCWs and WACs] Further, under RCW 47.42.080, the sign is declared
a public nuisance and we request that the sign be removed within 30 days.

The department desires to provide you with the opportunity to voluntarily remove the sign,
without issuing a formal complaint or initiating enforcement action against you. Failure to
remove the sign will cause the department to begin formal abatement procedures through the
Attorney Generals Office.

Please call Mr./Ms. Name of Regional Outdoor Advertising Representative of my staff, phone
(123) 456-7890, should you have any questions or to notify the department that the sign has been


Regional Traffic Engineer

cc: (Name of ) Sign Owner

Appendix 8-5 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 8-6 Sample Abatement
Property Owner



Inside Address


Dear Mr. and/or Mrs./Ms. :

The Department of Transportation is directed by state law to regulate signs on private property and visible
to certain state highways. The statutes and regulations governing allowable visible signs are provided in
Chapter 47.42 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the Scenic Vistas Act, and Chapter 468-66 of
the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), respectively.

Accordingly, the department conducts periodic reviews of state highway corridors to fulfill its statutory
obligation. A recent review of SR WX in the vicinity of milepost Y.Z revealed that an advertising sign,
displaying the message type the sign message here, is maintained on your property.

Please be advised that the sign is illegal because it cant meet the eligibility requirements for permittable off-
premise advertising signs visible to note highway type, and is thus prohibited by RCW 47.42.030. [Insert
description of illegal aspects of the sign, e.g. spacing, sign type, sign size, zoning, etc. Cite applicable RCWs
and WACs] Further, under RCW 47.42.080, the sign is declared a public nuisance and must be removed
within 15 days of the date you receive this letter.

The department desires to provide you with the opportunity to voluntarily remove the sign, without issuing
a formal complaint or initiating enforcement action against you. Failure to remove the sign will cause the
department to begin formal abatement procedures through the Attorney Generals Office.

Please call Mr./Ms. Name of Regional Outdoor Advertising Representative of my staff, phone (123) 456-
7890, should you have any questions or to notify the department that the sign has been removed.


Regional Traffic Engineer

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-6

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 8-6 Sample Abatement Letter Sign Owner

Inside Address


Dear Mr. and/or Mrs./Ms. :

The Department of Transportation is directed by state law to regulate signs on private property
and visible to certain state highways. The statutes and regulations governing allowable visible
signs are provided in Chapter 47.42 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the Scenic
Vistas Act, and Chapter 468-66 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), respectively.

Accordingly, the department conducts periodic reviews of state highway corridors to fulfill its
statutory obligation. A recent review of SR WX in the vicinity of milepost Y.Z revealed that you
maintain an advertising sign, displaying the message type the sign message here, on property
owned by Mr./Ms. name of property owner.

Please be advised that the sign is illegal because it cant meet the eligibility requirements for
permittable off-premise advertising signs visible to note highway type, and is thus prohibited by
RCW 47.42.030. [Insert description of illegal aspects of the sign, e.g. spacing, sign type, sign size,
zoning, etc. Cite applicable RCWs and WACs] Further, under RCW 47.42.080, the sign is declared
a public nuisance and must be removed within 15 days of the date you receive this letter.

The department desires to provide you with the opportunity to voluntarily remove the sign,
without issuing a formal complaint or initiating enforcement action against you. Failure to
remove the sign will cause the department to begin formal abatement procedures through the
Attorney Generals Office.

Please call Mr./Ms. Name of Regional Outdoor Advertising Representative of my staff, phone (123) 456-
7890, should you have any questions or to notify the department that the sign has been removed.


Regional Traffic Engineer

cc: (Name of) Property Owner

(Name of) Assistant Attorney General
(Name of) Olympia Service Center Outdoor Advertising Specialist

Appendix 8-6 Traffic Manual

Page 2 March 2002
Appendix 8-7 Illegal Sign Inventory

Data Entry Panel

Region SR MP R Month/Year Prepared

Sign Message Reported By:
Sign Co. DOT Employee
Citizen Other (List Below)

Sign Owner Information Property Owner Information

Name Name

Address Address

City/State/Zip WA City/State/Zip WA

Phone Phone

Date of PhoneContact Response or Action

No Response Sign Removal Refusal to Remove Other (Describe)

Date of 15 Day Letter Response or Action

No Response Sign Removal Refusal to Remove Other (Describe)

Date AG Notified Final Action

No Response Sign Removal Refusal to Remove Other (Describe)

Sign Status Date Closed

Closed Open

Referred to AG

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-7

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 8-8 OAC Sign Permit Application

Application - Outdoor
Advertising Sign Permit
Name For WSDOT Use Only
Log Number
Date Received
City State Zip Code
Permit Number

Phone Date Year

Date Permit Issued

Location of Sign Inventory Number

Control Section
State Highway Number
CS Mile Post
Side of Highway N E S W
SR Mile Post
Sign Facing N E S W
Direction and Distance from Center of Nearest Cross Road or Street Application Fee:
$300.00 Per Sign Structure
Make checks or remittance payable to:
Direction N E S W Distance ft. Department of Transportation
Sign Description Mail with proper fee to:
Size ft. X ft. Total Area sq. ft. Washington State
Department of Transportation
TriVision Outdoor Advertising Control
Shape Rectangular Octagonal Other PO Box 47300
Square Round Olympia, WA 98504-7300

Other (Describe)

Product(s) Being Advertised

Name and Address of Advertised Activity


Address City State Zip Code

Phone Property Tax I.D. No.

I, the undersigned, have consented to the erection and maintenance of the above described outdoor advertising sign on property which
(I own) (I Lease) in conformance with the Washington Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of
1971 (RCW 47.42) and the Department of Transportation rules and regulations for outdoor advertising control along interstate, primary, and
scenic routes.

A Copy of Lease Accepted in Lieu of Signature

Property Owner

This permit shall not be considered to allow a sign to be erected or maintained that is otherwise prohibited by Statute or by the
Resolution or Ordinance of any county, city or town of the State of Washington. By issuance of this permit the Department of
Transportation does not warrant that this sign is not prohibited by such Statute, Resolution, or ordinance.

Signature of Department of Transportation representative

validates this permit and acknowledges receipt of fee paid. By
For Department of Transportation
DOT Form 224-018 EF
Revised 9/99

Appendix 8-8 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 8-9 Illegal Sign Inventory


DATE: Date

FROM: OSC Traffic Office

PHONE: Scan 705-7291 SUBJECT: OAC Sign Permit Application

TO: Regional OAC Representative LOG #______

We are enclosing _________________ sign permit applications from __________

that have been received by this office . Please return the completed application to
this office no later than mmddyy.

Please investigate the legality of the signs with respect to size, spacing, property
owner consent and highway right of way limits and furnish your
recommendations for approval at your earliest opportunity, together with all
necessary information for issuance or reply to the applicant.

If there are any discrepancies that arise concerning the permit application, please
have them clarified by the sign owner.

Approved: Y N

Reason for disapproval:

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-9

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 8-10 New OAC Sign Permit Checklist

Checklist for Outdoor Advertising Permits

New Sign on Interstate System

SR ___ Milepost ______ Direction of Travel ____ Sign Type ____ Date ______

Proposed Location _______________________________________________________

Nature of Sign Site:

Scenic Area - Y N Commercial/Industrial Area - Y N
Sign Length (20 max) ____ Sign Height (20 max) ____ Sign Area (150 max) _____

Distance Between Interchanges Number/Spacing of Signs Does site comply?
0-2 miles No Signs Allowed Y N
2-5 miles Max of 6 signs. Y N
Max of 2 within any 1 mile Y N
1000min between signs Y N
More than 5 miles Average 1 sign per mile Y N
1000 min between signs Y N
Within 1000 of on-ramp terminal No Signs Allowed Y N
Within 2 miles of off-ramp taper No Signs Allowed Y N

Sign Owner/Operator: ____________________________________________________

Property Owner: ________________________________________________________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Appendix 8-10 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 8-10 New OAC Sign Permit Checklist

Checklist for Outdoor Advertising Permits

New Sign on NHS Non-Interstate System

SR ___ Milepost ______ Direction of Travel ____ Sign Type ____ Date ______

Proposed Location _______________________________________________________

Nature of Sign Site:

Scenic Area - Y N Commercial/Industrial Area - Y N
Sign Length (50 max) ____ Sign Height (25 max) ____ Sign Area (672 max) _____
A. Inside Corporate Boundaries of City or Town Not Controlled Access
Including this sign, and counting both sides of the roadway, how many signs are located
within any platted intersection; or any 660 ft.* section? ________ (4 max)
Is the proposed sign location at least 100 ft.* from any existing sign? - Y N
B. Outside Corporate Boundaries Not Controlled Access
Is the proposed sign location at least 500 ft.* from an existing sign structure? - Y N
C. Limited Access Highways
Is the proposed sign location at least 1000 ft.*from any existing sign, or any at grade
intersection? Y N
Is the proposed sign location at least 3000 ft.* from any interchange, safety rest area, or
information center? Y N
Is the sign double-faced? Y N (not allowed on limited access roadways)
Including this sign, and counting both sides of the roadway, how many signs are located
within any 1 mile* section? ________ (5 max)
*All distances measured parallel to edge of the highways main traveled way

Sign Owner/Operator: ____________________________________________________

Property Owner: ________________________________________________________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-10

March 2002 Page 2
Appendix 8-11 Agricultural Sign Permit Application

Permit Application - Temporary

Agricultural Directional Sign
Name For WSDOT Use Only
Date Received
Permit Number
City State Zip Code
Date Permit Issued

Phone Date Federal Tax I.D. Number Expiration Date

CS Mile Post

Location of Sign SR Mile Post

Side of Highway N E S W
State Highway No.
Application Fee:
Sign Facing N E S W
$50.00 Per Sign Face
Direction and Distance from Center of Nearest Cross Road or Street
Make checks or remittance payable to:
Name Department of Transportation
Direction N E S W Distance ft. See Instructions for correct
mailing address.
Sign Description
Size ft. X ft. Total Area sq. ft.

Shape Rectangular Octagonal Other

Square Round

Description of Sign Copy

Product(s) Being Advertised

Name and Address of Advertised Activity

The applicant agrees to remove the sign(s) at the expiration of this temporary permit or cover the sign(s) during the times when no sales occur, and
further agrees to provide and maintain follow-through signing if required by the Department of Transportation. In addition, if the sign(s) remain up in
non-compliance for longer than 10 days after notification to the applicant thereof, the applicant does hereby authorize the Washington State
Department of Transportation and its agents or employees to remove and dispose of such sign(s) and waives all claims for damages against the
Washington State Department of Transportation and its agents or employees for such removal and disposal of each sign(s).
This permission and waiver is granted in order to permit the removal of such sign(s) as required by the Washington Highway Advertising Control Act
of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of 1971 (Chapter 47.42 RCW).

Sign Owner
Land Owner Name Phone Property Tax I.D. No.

Address City State Zip Code

I, the undersigned, have consented to the erection and maintenance of the above described outdoor advertising sign on property which
(I own) (I Lease) in conformance with the Washington Outdoor Advertising Control Act of 1961 as amended by the Scenic Vistas Act of 1971
(RCW 47.42) and the Department of Transportation rules and regulations for outdoor advertising control along interstate, primary, and scenic

A Copy of Lease Accepted in Lieu of Signature Signature

Property Owner

This permit shall not be considered to allow a sign to be erected or maintained that is otherwise prohibited by Statute or by the Resolution or
Ordinance of any county, city or town of the State of Washington. By issuance of this permit the Department of Transportation does not warrant that
this sign is not prohibited by such Statute, Resolution, or ordinance.

Signature of Department of Transportation representative

validates this permit and acknowledges receipt of fee paid. By
For Department of Transportation

DOT Form 224-068 EF

Revised 12/99

Appendix 8-11 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Appendix 8-12 Discontinued Sign 3 Month Letter


Re: Sign Permit #____

Dear __________________

The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Chapter 468-66-010 (6) considers an

outdoor advertising sign to be Discontinued if, after receiving notice of absence of
advertising content for three months, the permit holder fails to put advertising content on
the sign within the next three months.

Through documented observation, it has been determined that the billboard structure for
which you hold permit # ____, located along SR ___ at milepost ___, has been absent of
advertising material since (date), a period of three months.

Please be advised that this billboard structure will be considered Discontinued if, after
receiving this letter, you fail to affix advertising copy by (date). At such time, your
permit for this sign will be subject to revocation without refund under purview of WAC

For your information, I have enclosed a copy of the applicable WAC regulations. If you
have any questions, please contact (Mr. or Ms.) (Region OAC Representative) at


Regional Traffic Engineer

Traffic Manual Appendix 8-12

March 2002 Page 1
Appendix 8-13 Discontinued Sign - Permit Revocation

Re: OAC Signing

Dear __________________

The Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Chapter 468-66-010 (6) defines an

outdoor advertising sign as Discontinued if, after receiving notice of absence of
advertising content for three months, the permit holder fails to put advertising content on
the sign within the next immediate three months.

Through documented observation, it has been determined that the sign for which you
hold a permit, located along SR ___ at milepost ___, has been absent of advertising
material for a period of three months.

If you fail to display advertising content on this sign within the next 3 months, the sign
will be considered Discontinued, and the sign permit will be revoked under purview of
WAC 468-66-150(1)(e). For your information, I have enclosed a copy of the applicable
WAC regulations. If you have any questions, please contact (Mr. or Ms.) (Region OAC
Representative) at ____________.


Regional Traffic Engineer

Appendix 8-13 Traffic Manual

Page 1 March 2002
Safety Management System

Chapter 9 Safety Management System

9.1 General
2. Ensure that traffic safety will be considered
The Safety Management System (SMS) is a at all phases of roadway-related programs;
systematic process designed to assist decision
makers allocate limited transportation safety 3. Provide for partnership among citizens,
resources. Through SMS, the state defines, statewide agencies, regional organizations, and
prioritizes, and measures the effectiveness of local jurisdictions on traffic safety efforts.
safety efforts. There are also two main coverage elements of
SMS consists of two key processes. The the SMS:
Collaboration Process provides statewide 1. All public roads within the state;
organizations with a reference network for
sharing various available safety resources. The 2. All roadway, traveler, and vehicle safety-
Decision-making Process ensures that all needs related elements.
and opportunities are given due consideration in While the SMS covers all public roads, the
all phases of our plans and programs, and com- extent of SMS requirements (such as data
patibility with the other management systems collection, analyses, and standards) vary depend-
(Pavement, Bridge, Congestion, Public Transpor- ing on roadway functional classification. Also,
tation, and Intermodal) is maintained. The five because each jurisdiction within the state imple-
steps of the Decision-making Process are: ments SMS within their own individual
Needs Identification processes and programs, describing each of
them within this manual is not feasible. As an
Solution/Resource Development example, the following subsections describe
Investment Prioritization and Implementation WSDOTs implementation of SMS.

Investment Tracking 9.2 SMS Collaboration

Investment Evaluation Responsibilities Within WSDOT
As resources allow, within their own existing The region offices may contact the following
processes, all jurisdictions within the state are Olympia Service Center offices for information,
encouraged to (1) take part in the SMS Collabo- resources, and assistance regarding safety-related
ration Process, and (2) implement the SMS decisions:
Decision-making Process. This occurs through Office (Service Center) SMS Responsibilities
the appropriate existing partnership and assis-
Transportation Planning (P&P) Develops/
tance forums for each jurisdiction. Examples:
Maintains the Systems Plan: Service Objectives
a city might work with WSDOT TransAid; a
and Performance Indicators, needs identification,
county might work with the County Road
solutions/strategies, and financial responsibility.
Administration Board; or the Department of
Health might work with the Traffic Safety Transportation Data (P&P) Maintains
Commission. traffic and highway crash statistics and technical
assistance on safety data analysis.
There are three main goals of SMS:
Research (P&P) Provides for research
1. Prevent and reduce the number and severity
projects and reporting on highway safety issues.
of roadway collisions;

Traffic Manual Page 9-1

November 1996
Safety Management System

Traffic (E&E) Leads Development/Mainte- identification in our long-range (20-year) system

nance of the statewide SMS, leads standing plan. Some examples of safety-related service
committee for Workzone Safety, provides objectives within WSDOT are:
technical assistance/training on safety investment
and benefit/cost analysis, and coordinates safety Maintenance
investment tracking and evaluation efforts. Ensure safe, reliable roadway surfaces.
Program Management (P&P) Directs/ Maintain the visibility and operation of
Coordinates program activities, such as targeting traffic control and safety devices.
region allocations and providing programming
instructions to the regions. Provide safe travel through work zones.

Design (E&E) Develops/Maintains design Preservation

approach to effective safety design features/ Repave highways at regular intervals to
standards for transportation projects. minimize long-term costs.
Maintenance (Operations) Develops/ Restore existing safety features.
Maintains effective approach to safety
maintenance activities. Improvements
Construction (Operations) Provides for Improve highway sections that have a high
implementation of transportation projects, and accident history.
provides guidelines for workzone safety.
Improve roadways where geometrics, traffic
TransAid (TransAid) Provides support volumes, and speed limits indicate a high
and coordination with local transportation accident potential.
jurisdictions on highway safety issues.
Improve geometrics of the Interstate system
Staff Development (Personnel) Provides for per the FHWA/WSDOT Stewardship
training/staff development on highway safety for Agreement.
all program areas.
9.4 SMS Solution and Resource
Communication and Public Involvement
Development Within WSDOT
Office Provides for public information and
media coverage on traffic safety (i.e., Give Em As safety needs are identified through the State
a Brake campaign) Systems Plan for each biennium, solution and
resource development is performed throughout
9.3 SMS Needs Identification the WSDOT program structure. This is generally
Within WSDOT carried out as scoping work by region project
development staff (as determined by each region)
Needs identification is the first step to ensure
for the Preservation and Improvements pro-
that safety is considered in all phases of traffic
grams, and region/area maintenance staff for the
and roadway related efforts focused on the goal
Maintenance program.
of preventing and reducing the number and
severity of collisions. This basically means an Each region provides to Transportation Planning
identification of historically or potentially (P&P), resource estimates for safety related
hazardous conditions, or identification of any activities that address the identified needs.
cause/effect issues that contribute to collisions. Supported by the other Olympia Service Centers,
Transportation Planning then checks for financial
Measurable service objectives are established for
feasibility. If the solution costs do not match
all WSDOT programs and subprograms. These
expected revenues, the service objectives are
service objectives provide a baseline for needs
reviewed and modified. Once the solution costs
are in balance with revenues, the Systems Plan is
updated. This occurs every two years.

Page 9-2 Traffic Manual

November 1996
Safety Management System

9.5 SMS Investment Prioritization/ The basic elements of tracking are:

Implementation Within WSDOT 1. Need Addressed For example: crash
Prioritization is based on (1) the anticipated reduction, risk of leaving roadway, etc.
benefits of preventing and reducing collisions 2. Description A description of the identifi-
(focusing of identified needs) and (2) the cost able safety related activity (e.g. straighten curve,
and duration of implementing the solution. Many install illumination, slope flattening, public ads
safety activities may overlap with solutions on work zone traffic control, etc.), including
developed for other program/subprogram needs. location, region, roadway classification, etc.
Therefore, individual project prioritization
should also be coordinated with those other 3. Date The date(s) the safety related
efforts. activity is effectively implemented.
Prioritization of safety projects, funded from the 4. Resources Funding (staff, equipment,
Improvement Program, is based upon project time, etc.) requirements dedicated to each safety
benefit-cost ratios. First, the statewide System related activity.
Plan needs are ranked from greatest to least, 5. Projected Benefits Identification of
using societal costs of collisions per year as a expected benefits for identified needs from each
common denominator. Then, starting at the top safety related activity.
of the list, benefit-cost methods are applied to the
solutions which adequately address the identified 6. Actual Benefits The actual benefits
needs. To be considered for implementation, a derived from the activity (e.g. societal costs of
safety solution must have a projected benefit collisions, public education benefits, etc.)
value equal to or greater than the solution cost. 7. Investment Type The investment category
This analysis is repeated until the available of the activity. (General headings: System
safety improvement resources for a two year Management, Traffic control, Roadside,
program have been allocated to the array of Roadway.)
safety solutions which maximize the projected 8. State Program Source The program/
benefits. subprogram (Maintenance, Preservation,
Implementation includes the specific funding, Improvements) from which the investment was
scheduling, and management of the prioritized made.
solution activities. Examples include: program- The guidelines for safety investment tracking are
ming, design, construction or manufacturing, currently being developed.
maintenance, operations, enforcement, and driver
safety instruction. 9.7 SMS Investment Evaluation
Within WSDOT
9.6 SMS Investment Tracking
Safety investments should be monitored and
Within WSDOT
evaluated to determine whether appropriate and
As safety solutions are implemented under SMS cost-effective investments were made. Monitor-
they become safety investments. A variety of ing and evaluating provides new insight for
safety investment data will be tracked by loca- future problem identification, solution develop-
tion, funding source, projected benefit/cost, type ment, and solution prioritization and
of investment, and roadway safety feature to implementation. The districts will monitor and
ensure that each investment can be easily evaluate all safety investments.
identified for the purpose of monitoring and
evaluation. The regions will uniformly track All evaluations will be documented in a stan-
safety investments. dardized format provided by the Olympia
Service Center Traffic Office and should address
each of the five items listed below:

Traffic Manual Page 9-3

November 1996
Safety Management System

1. Need addressed. 9.9 References

2. Total resource investment for all safety- Section 1034 (Public Law 102-240) of the 1991
related activities. Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency
Act (ISTEA) calls for each state to develop six
3. Projected benefits for each activity, based on
inter-related transportation management systems
the prevention and reduction in number and
and a traffic monitoring system. By October 1,
severity of collisions.
1994, the state shall develop a work plan for
4. Actual benefits for each activity, based on SMS which will be fully operational by
the prevention and reduction in number and October 1, 1996.
severity of collisions.
Washington State Law, C 406 L 93, directs that
5. Associated collision rates and societal costs measurable, outcome based objectives shall be
applicable to the before/after evaluation used to track the performance of agencies with
period. traffic safety responsibilities.
As the evaluation data is compiled regionally and RCW 47.05 requires WSDOT to develop a six
statewide, new trend data becomes available for year program and financial plan for highway
future decision-making. improvements specifying program objectives.
The program and plan shall be based upon the
9.8 WSDOT Programming for improvement needs for state highways as
Safety Preservation and determined by WSDOT.
Improvements Under RCW 47.01.250 the State Patrol,
Programming safety dollars must be consistent Washington Traffic Safety Commission
with several plans, procedures and systems: (WTSC), County Road Administration Board,
SMS, Statewide Systems Plan, State and the Department of Licensing shall consult
Prioritization and Programming Law (RCW with the Transportation Commission and
47.05), and Federal Regulations for standards WSDOT to ensure that their transportation
and the FHWA/WSDOT Stewardship Plan. related responsibilities, goals, and activities are
The programming instructions for the Roadway fully coordinated. Results of this interaction shall
Preservation subprogram identifies typical safety be reported to the Governor and the Legislature.
restoration type items which are to be Among other duties listed in RCW 43.59, the
addressed on our Preservation projects. This is WTSC shall plan and manage at both the state
funded with a 12 percent program maximum and local level, safety activities and programs for
allocation. The longer safety improvements the prevention of accidents on roads, streets, and
which address System Plans safety needs in highways. WTSC shall confer with and advise
reduction or prevention of collisions are funded the political subdivisions and all agencies of
from the Improvements program. The Safety Washington State government whose programs
Improvement Projects Workbook guides the and activities are within the scope of traffic
regions in the process of prioritizing safety safety.
improvements within the Safety Improvements

Page 9-4 Traffic Manual

November 1996

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