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Health Teaching Plan

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After 6 minutes of Introduction: Discussion Discussions- are Time: Oral recitation

discussion, the highly imaginative and regarding proper
family can define Definitions idealistic. They 7:00am- 8:30am nutrition to promote a
proper nutrition Enumerations consider things that do healthy lifestyle.
within 2 minutes. Illustrations Venue-
not exist but that might
After 15 min. of
be and consider ways Multi-purpose Hall,
Lifestyle Change: things could be ought
discussion, the Brgy. Pasadena, San Oral recitation
family will be able Discussion to be. This type of Juan City regarding the
to understand and thinking requires logic, importance of proper
state 10 out of 14 organization, and Resources: nutrition.
Meal Plan
importance of proper consistency.
nutrition, within 5 Family Participation: Adolescents use new Sample of
minutes. information to solve nutritious
Questions everyday problems and food (e.g.
After 7 min. of can communicate with vegetables, Oral recitation
discussion, the Discussion milk, wheat regarding
Opinions adults on most
family will be able and meat.) enumeration of six
to enumerate the six
subjects. types of nutrients
types of nutrients Wrap Up
within 2 minutes. food. (e.g.
salted chips
After 10 minutes of and soft Pencil and paper test
discussion, the drinks) regarding the Dietary
family will be able Discussion Picture or Guidelines
to jot 5 out of 7 illustration
Dietary Guidelines of a meal
within 4 minutes.
After 10 minutes of Pen/ Pencil Oral recitation
discussion, the Paper regarding the ways
family will be able Discussion Chalk on how to reduce
to verbalize 10 out Black Board dietary fat.
of 12 ways on how
to reduce dietary fat Fund:
within 5 minutes.
After 15 minutes of Return demonstration
discussion and regarding on making
demonstration, the Discussion and a meal plan.
family will be able Demonstration
to make their own
meal plan within 5
Pen and paper test
After 7 minutes of regarding some
discussion, the ways on how to
family will be able Discussion promote healthy
to demonstrate ways lifestyle.
to promote healthy
lifestyle through
following their meal
plan and having
proper nutrition.

NUTRITION- is the sum of all the interactions between an organism and the food it
consumes. In other words, nutrition is what a person eats and how the body uses it.
(Fundamentals of Nursing 8th edition; by Kozier and Erb; 2008; page 1232)

PROPER NUTRITION- is a key element in leading a healthy lifestyle. It deals with

all the various factors of which they are composed and the way in which proper
nourishment is brought about wherein the intake of food and supplements is utilized
for maintaining, health, growth and energy. (Nutrition; by Amanda Padilla 2009;
page 71)

NUTRIENTS- are organic and inorganic substances found in foods that are required
for body functioning. (Fundamentals of Nursing 8th edition; by Kozier and Erb;
2008; page 1232)


Importance of Nutrition

Eating nutritious food is essential for proper growth and good

health of all
necessary for growth and wear and tear of our body
achieve high stamina and endurance levels only after eating healthy
provide energy and strength to the body
plays an important role in the working of the cells of our body.
very essential to stay away from infections, cardiovascular and
contagious diseases
do the task of building the tissues of the muscles and also
maintaining and repairing them
are necessary for proper functioning of the body
very useful to meet the energy requirements of the body
protect the delicate and important organs in the body
proper contraction of the muscles and clotting of the blood
assist the growth of bones and teeth
supplies oxygen to the lungs
overall development of the body
Food is more than something to satisfy your appetite. Food is fuel for your body.
Each type of nutrient has a specific purpose and meets a specific need that your body
has. The SIX NUTRIENTS are:


Water is a nutrient. It is the most important nutrient. In fact, your

body is approximately 50 to 55 percent water. Your body uses water
24 hours a day. A by-product of the energy production in your body
is heat. Water regulates your body temperature by dissipating that
heat. Water also carries nutrients to the cells in your body. Water
does not produce energy.


Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for your body.

Carbohydrates power every system in your body, including
your brain, heart, muscles and internal organs. Carbohydrate
can be simple (table sugar, corn syrup) or complex (whole
grain). Simple carbohydrates enter your bloodstream very
quickly. That is why you get a sugar high when you eat candy.
Complex carbohydrates are processed and used more slowly.


Protein is like the brick and mortar of your body. It is the

building blocks that provide the structure for the tissues of your
body. Proteins are also used to transport essential elements in
your blood stream.

Fat are our storehouses of energy. When we have excess nutrients in our body,
some of it is stored as fat. The primary purpose of fat is energy production. There are
two main types of fats - saturated and unsaturated. Animal fats (meat, butter, lard) are
usually saturated fats and contribute to heart disease and cancer. Vegetable fats (olive
oil, corn oil) are generally unsaturated fats and are less harmful. Some fats have been
found to be helpful in preventing some cancers and heart disease. These fats called
omega-3 fatty acids are found in some fish, especially cold-water fish.


Minerals are compounds, obtained from your diet, that combine in

several ways to form the structures of your body. For instance,
calcium is a mineral that is crucial in the formation and maintenance
of your bones. Minerals also help regulate body functions. Minerals
do not produce energy.


Vitamins are essential for the regulation of many of the functions

of the body. Most vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body
and must be obtained from your diet. Vitamins do not produce



In today's fast paced society we often grab whatever is quick and easy for lunch or
dinner as we rush to get onto the next "big" thing. Many of us simply do not stop and take

the time to think about what we are putting into our bodies and the fact is that if you are

not eating a nutritional diet, you may find yourself feeling ill or developing a serious

medical condition.

By maintaining a well balanced diet, you will be able to keep yourself at your ideal

weight, as well as preventing further medical conditions.

Following a healthy dietary program will also reduce your risk of certain diseases

and illnesses, related to poor nutrition. For example, research has concluded that

choosing fast food even just twice a week can increase your risk of developing diabetes.

there has been some controversy on whether saturated fats that are commonly used at

fast food restaurants, plays a role. Eaten in excess, these will increase your

risk of heart disease, as well as high blood pressure.

When you begin a healthy diet, you will find that you will not only feel younger,

you will end up looking younger. Nutrition plays an important part in the health of the

dermis, the innermost layer of the skin. Skin is made up of elastin and collagen and when

it does not receive proper doses of vitamin C, you may find that you are more prone to

wrinkles and sagging.

Vitamin C, as well as vitamins A and E are antioxidants and will help to reduce

the damage caused by free radicals. As vitamin C assists in the manufacturing of

collagen, you will find that it will help reduce skin damage, therefore, leaving your skin

healthier, as well as, looking more vibrant and fresh.

Another benefit to engaging in a lifestyle of proper nutrition is the increased

energy and lack of fatigue you will feel. Food is fuel for your body. If you are not

currently following a nutritious diet, you may notice that you will go through spells of

fatigue throughout the day. Perhaps, one moment you are feeling very energetic and the

next moment tired.

Feelings of fatigue could be due to an overabundance of sugar in your diet. Sugar

is known to harm the body in many ways: including raising your cholesterol level and

increasing digestive difficulties, such as indigestion, acid reflux, and problems with

bowel movements. If you follow a nutritious diet, you will be limiting your intake of

sugar and therefore, limiting your risk of health issues associated with sugar.

The fact is, following a proper nutritional program can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

When you have more energy, you are much more likely to exercise, making it easier to

maintain a healthy weight. You will also reduce the risks of illness and disease that are

caused by either a lack of vitamins and minerals or due to an over-abundance of foods

that will increase the risk of certain health conditions.

When you enlist in a proper nutritional program, you will find yourself not only

feeling healthier, but looking healthier, as well.



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