Pi Is 0022346814003935
Pi Is 0022346814003935
Pi Is 0022346814003935
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: To analyse the surgical and oncological outcome of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for tumor
Received 18 February 2014 nephrectomy in Wilms tumor (WT) patients.
Received in revised form 4 June 2014 Methods: WT patients from the SIOP 2001 trial, undergoing MIS for tumor nephrectomy were analyzed with
Accepted 5 June 2014 regard to demographic characterization, surgical specications, complications, and outcome.
Results: There were 24 children matching the inclusion criteria. Median age at operation was 40.35 months
Key words:
(14.365.4). All patients received preoperative chemotherapy. Median tumor volume was 177.5 ml at
diagnosis (46.5958) and 73.0 ml at surgery (3.8776). There was one surgical complication (splenic injury),
Tumor resection no intraoperative tumor rupture occurred. Abdominal stage was I in 14, II in 7, and III in 3 patients. Adequate
lymph node sampling was performed in only 2 patients. One local relapse occurred. Event-free survival was
23/24, overall survival was 24/24, median follow up was 47 months (2114).
Conclusions: We present the largest series so far of minimally invasive nephrectomies for nephroblastoma
based on a multinational trial. Treatment results were comparable to those of open surgery; however,
experience of operating surgeons was generally high. Discipline of lymph node sampling was inadequate.
Based on this analysis a prospective study on MIS in nephroblastoma is planned by the SIOP Renal Tumor
Study Group.
2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Surgery plays a key role as local treatment for nephroblastoma. The determined [911]. The use of MIS in patients suffering from WT has
guidelines for resection of Wilms tumors (WT) have been well been reported in singular cases [1214], however, a systematic analysis
established and have by now been thoroughly analyzed [14]. From has not been undertaken so far and by now there are no evidence based
the surgical point of view, complete tumor resection is one of the main data available. This is of importance since the minimally invasive
prognostic factors in the treatment of WT [3,4]. For many years, open approach seems to be increasingly used. Current treatment protocols do
nephrectomy was the common surgical approach in unilateral cases. not contain surgical guidelines or recommendations concerning
However, alternative surgical concepts have been introduced during indications and contraindications for MIS in WT. In this study we
recent years and are meanwhile used to a relevant extent. Minimally systematically assessed for the rst time the role of MIS in the treatment
invasive surgical (MIS) procedures are regularly used in pediatric of Wilms tumors based on a multicenter prospective data registration.
surgery for standard as well as complex operations [5,6]. This approach The outcome parameters were technical/surgical aspects (including
is especially relevant in pediatric urologic operations of the upper tumor rupture, lymph node sampling, and complications), as well as
urinary tract [7,8]. MIS also plays a certain role in pediatric surgical oncological measures (event-free survival and overall survival).
oncology although the exact relevance in most entities has not yet been
1. Materials and methods
Corresponding author at: Dpt. of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology, University 1.1. Patients
Children's Hospital Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany. Tel.: +49 7071
2986 621; fax: +49 7071 294 046.
E-mail address: steven.warmann@med.uni-tuebingen.de (S.W. Warmann). Patients with newly diagnosed nephroblastoma were registered in
SW Warmann and J Godzinski share equal rst authorship. the multicenter trial SIOP 2001 by participating institutions. We
0022-3468/ 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S.W. Warmann et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 49 (2014) 15441548 1545
retrospectively analyzed all children suffering from unilateral WT reduced to 2/3 in cases of body weight below 12 kg (and further to
who underwent laparoscopic tumor resection between June 2001 and 1/2 if poorly tolerated). Tumor response to initial chemotherapy was
July 2013. Data were obtained from the central SIOP 2001 data base in dened comparing volume at diagnosis and volume at surgery.
Amsterdam/The Netherlands. Patients' characteristics, surgical data as Primary tumor response was assigned as complete response (CR:
well as clinical and oncological outcome measures were assessed. The complete disappearance of the tumor), partial response (PR: volume
multi-institutional study was approved by the Institutional Review regression more than 50%), stable disease (SD: volume regression
Board of the rztekammer des Saarlandes, Germany (No. 136/01). between 0 and 50%), and progressive disease (PD: volume increase
under chemotherapy).
1.2. Treatment Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was to be followed by resection of the
primary tumor as local treatment [3,15]. According to the protocol,
All patients registered within the above cited time frame were to laparoscopy was not banned as approach for tumor nephrectomy. The
be treated following the SIOP 2001 protocol guidelines. According to postoperative treatment strategy (chemotherapy radiotherapy
this protocol, patients older than 6 months should receive neoadju- and treatment of possible metastases) depended on the postoperative
vant chemotherapy depending on the tumor stratication: staging and the histological risk stratication [16,17].
Actinomyin D/Vincristin (AV) over 4 weeks in localized cases,
Actinomycin D/Vincristin/Doxorubicin (AVD) over 6 weeks in
metastasized cases. The recommended doses were: Actinomycin D 2. Results
45 g/kg once every 2nd week, Vincristin 1.5 mg/m 2 once every
week, Doxorubicin 50 mg/m 2 every 4 weeks. Doses should be 2.1. Population demographics (Table 1)
Table 1
Patients demographic data. Gender: F = female, M = male; Side: L = left, R = right;
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy: AV = 4 weeks Actinomycin D + Vincristin; AVD = 6 weeks
Actionomycin D + Vincristin + Doxorubicin. n.d. = no data.
2.2. Chemotherapy/radiotherapy Pathologically, there were positive margins in the 2 cases, in which
the operating surgeon also had regarded the capsule as not being
Before operation, all children received neoadjuvant chemotherapy intact. Additionally, there were pathologically positive margins in one
(19 AV, 4 AVD, no data for 1 patient). The median tumor volume case, in which the surgeon had regarded the capsule as intact. Local
regressed under chemotherapy from initially 177.5 ml (range 46.5 tumor stage according to SIOP was I in 14, II in 7, and III in 3 instances.
883) to 73.0 ml (3.8776, Table 1). Taken together there was partial Reasons for stage III were positive margins in all three cases, in one of
response to chemotherapy in 18 tumors, stable disease in 2 tumors, them there were also positive lymph nodes and in another one there
and progressive disease in 2 tumors (no data for 1 patient). All was preoperative tumor rupture additionally.
children except one received postoperative chemotherapy (12 AV, Histological workup according to SIOP classication revealed inter-
9AVD, 2 other regimens). Postoperative local radiotherapy was mediate risk histology in 20 (13 regressive, 4 mixed, 3 stromal
applied in 2 children (Table 2). subtype), and high-risk histology in 3 tumors (all blastemal subtype).
There were no data for 1 case).
2.3. Surgical and pathological data (Tables 12)
2.4. Lymph nodes
All patients underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic tumor ne-
phrectomy (Fig. 1). The median age of patients at surgery was Lymph nodes (LN) were sampled in 15 of the 24 patients. Numbers
40.35 months (range 14.365.4). Before surgery the median tumor of sampled nodes differed between 0 and 11. Positive LN were
volume on imaging was 73 ml (3.8776). There was one preoperative observed in 5 patients (Table 3).
tumor rupture (patient #15). Among the operating surgeons, there
were 17 with pediatric surgery as subspecialty (no data for 7 cases).
During the 2 previous years the number of nephrectomies for WT 2.5. Oncological outcome
performed within the listed institutions was more than 10 in 7, 610
in 8, and 15 in 2 instances (no data in 7). The number of tumor One local relapse occurred in one patient (patient No. 12). In this
nephrectomies for WT performed by the listed operating surgeon patient initial treatment consisted of 4 weeks AV, histological subtype was
during the previous 2 years was more than 10 in 5 cases, 610 in 8 blastemal. The tumor had shown partial response under neoadjuvant
cases, and 15 in 4 cases (no data in 7 cases). chemotherapy, local stage was I, there were 3 lymph nodes sampled (all
Complete tumor nephrectomy was performed in all children. negative). Postoperative treatment consisted of AVD; no local irradiation
There was one intraoperative complication (splenic injury, surgically was applied. The relapse occurred 8.5 months after surgery.
managed by splenectomy). No conversion to open surgery had to be After a median follow-up of 47 months (2114) all patients were in
carried out. The median value of largest tumor diameter was 5.0 cm complete remission, resulting so far in an event-free survival of 23/24
(2.812), median weight of resected specimen was 134 g (47730). and an overall survival of 24/24 (Table 3).
According to the operating surgeon the tumor capsule was grossly
intact in 17 specimens, operating surgeons were uncertain in 3 cases, 3. Discussion
and they regarded the capsule as not being intact in 2 cases (no data
for 2 cases). Tumors were removed from the abdominal cavity using a Minimally invasive techniques are well established in pediatric
Pfannenstiel incision in 6 cases or using an anterior transverse surgery. Urology represents one major eld within this eld. Laparo-
abdominal incision in 1 case (no data given for 17 patients). scopic procedures have become the standard approach for several
operations on the upper urinary tract. This especially includes
Table 2 pyeloplasties and nephrectomies for benign pathologies [9,18,19]. In
Surgical and pathological data. Tumor histology: IR = intermediate risk, HR = high risk; adults, MIS is regularly used for the surgical treatment of renal
blast. = blastemal predominant subtype, regr. = regressive type, mixed = mixed malignancies [20]. In children, Wilms tumors (WT) are more and
subtype, stromal = stromal predominant subtype; Tumor margins: Neg. = histologically
more often resected laparoscopically, however, only infrequent analyses
free margins, Pos. = histologically detectable tumor cells on margins.
have been published by now, mostly reporting on small patients' cohorts
Pat. No. Age at Largest Tumor Specimen Local Tumor Tumor [1214,21,22]. Very recently, Varlet et al. published the rst multi center
surgery diameter [cm] weight [g] tumor histology margins
study on 17 children undergoing laparoscopic nephrectomy for renal
[M] stage
malignancies. This study included 15 children with WT [23].
1 53.6 4.4 125 I HR (blast.) Neg. Guidelines and recommendations for minimally invasive tech-
2 65.4 5.0 n.d. I IR (regr.) Neg.
3 40.7 6.0 157 II IR (regr.) Neg.
niques and criteria for their use have commonly not been included in
4 34.2 5.5 169 II IR (regr.) Neg. the multicenter treatment protocols so far. On its meeting in Rome in
5 35.7 3.8 68 III IR (regr.) Pos. 2012, the surgical panel of the SIOP Renal Tumor Study Group (RTSG)
6 52.8 3.0 91 I IR (regr.) Neg. found it important to retrospectively analyze respective data of the
7 33.8 3.0 134 I IR (mixed) Neg.
most recent study (SIOP 2001) in order to dene recommendations
8 37.4 2.8 56 I IR (regr.) Neg.
9 42.2 4.0 190 II IR (mixed) Neg. and guidelines for MIS in nephroblastoma to be included in the
10 45.5 7.5 177 II IR (regr.) Neg. upcoming new treatment protocol. Based on these guidelines a
11 46.6 4.0 98 II IR (mixed) Neg. prospective data acquisition and evaluation is then to be undertaken
12 43.3 6.5 254 I HR (blast.) Neg. within the next trial.
13 62.4 9.5 323 I HR (blast.) Neg.
The present study retrospectively analyzed data, which were
14 14.9 5.0 53 III IR (regr.) Pos.
15 48.5 4.0 105 III IR (regr.) Pos. obtained from various countries worldwide. Several limiting aspects
16 22.5 6.8 134 II IR (regr.) Neg. of the analyses have to be considered.
17 46.4 12.0 730 I IR (mixed) Neg. The patient number is small and general conclusions are thus
18 14.3 n.d. n.d. I IR (regr.) Neg.
difcult to draw. Furthermore, follow-up in some patients is short
19 25.6 n.d. n.d. I IR (stromal) Neg.
20 15.0 8.5 310 II IR (stromal) Neg. with respect to an oncological analysis. Nevertheless, we are
21 40.0 5.5. 157 I IR(regr.) Neg. presenting the largest cohort of respective patients with important
22 27.5 6.5 136 I IR (stromal) Neg. implications. The main purpose of this study was not to present a
23 57.5 7.2 47 I n.d. Neg. complete evaluation but rather to build up a basis for the further
24 23.5 3.5 63 I IR (regr.) Neg.
prospective analysis of MIS for nephroblastoma as stated above.
S.W. Warmann et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 49 (2014) 15441548 1547
Table 3
Data on lymph nodes and oncological outcome. LN sampled = total number of biopsied lymph nodes, LN positive = total number of lymph nodes containing tumor cells; *: lymph node
sampling was documented by surgeon in patient No. 23; however, biopsies did not contain LN material; Postop Chemotherapy: AV-1 = Actinomycin-D + Vincristin, AVD = Actinomycin-
D + Vincristin + Doxorubicin, VCCD = VP-16 + Cyclophosphamid + Carboplatin + Doxorubicin; Outcome: NED = No evidence of disease.
Pat. No. LN sampled LN positive Postoperative chemotherapy Postoperative Radiotherapy Relapse Outcome Follow-up [M]
By the time the study, from which the analyzed data were is a relevant difference of approaching nephroblastoma between
collected, was set up, MIS did not play a great role in pediatric different study trials. This mainly concerns the use of upfront surgery
oncology and urology. Many technical improvements, surgical in North America (COG) without neodadjuvant chemotherapy in
advances, and innovations of MIS in children have only been tumors that seem resectable. However, because of the stated risks of
introduced during recent years through which MIS for nephroblas- intraoperative tumor rupture and subsequent spillage, MIS should
toma became more and more feasible. As a consequence, the number only be considered in Wilms tumors after initial chemotherapy.
of laparoscopic WT operations was altogether low in the present Furthermore, large tumors are an important issue because once they
study. Although feasibility is not the main aim of surgery in become dissected and more and more liberated they are potentially
oncological patients, it seems very likely that the rate of laparoscopic difcult to handle intra-abdominally. In such cases there is a relevant
nephrectomies for WT will further increase. risk for rupture with subsequent tumor spillage. Herein, the ipsilateral
Another limitation of the present study results from the data border of the vertebral corpuses seems to be a certain limit. In
collection. Many relevant details of surgical procedures were not addition, visualization and management of the renal pedicle is
recorded because MIS did not play a relevant role at the time when the relevantly restricted in such cases.
collection modalities of surgical data were established. For example Recently, there has been a discussion about a possible overlapping
there was no information about why surgeons chose the laparoscopic of indications for MIS and nephron sparing surgery (NSS) in
approach or why they didn't. Details of the operative technique were nephroblastoma. From the pure technical point of view, minimally-
regularly lacking including trocar number and positioning, insufa- invasive resection of a kidney with a small tumor nodule is certainly
tion parameters, modality of specimen removal, and others. Further- similar to a standard MIS nephrectomy for benign reasons in children.
more, it is not known whether the removed kidneys were extracted in However, oncological and functional considerations have to be taken
a bag without breakage (to allow an adequate pathologic evaluation), strongly into account at this point. Recent studies indicate that NSS in
because this information was not considered in the surgical form. This unilateral WT is associated with a comparable oncological outcome as
information will be included in the next study. The same holds true for classical tumor nephrectomies [2426]. At the same time there is
the extent of surgical incision to allow excision of the bag. With these growing evidence that late effects after tumor nephrectomy result in
experiences in mind, the surgical data acquisition will be adapted and renal failure to a relevant degree; this seems not as much to be the
improved for the next trial. case after NSS in unilateral WT [2630]. The discussion process within
Despite the cited limitations there were numerous relevant the surgical panel of the SIOP RTSG therefore resulted in the
aspects drawn from the analyzed data. There is an ongoing debate recommendation that MIS and NSS should not interfere in terms of
about indications and the general role of MIS in nephroblastoma. The surgical approach: If feasible according to the guidelines of the SIOP
SIOP 2001 protocol commonly recommends neoadjuvant chemother- Wilms Tumor protocol [31], NSS should be performed. If NSS is not
apy in unilateral Wilms tumors except in patients younger than feasible and the decision for tumor nephrectomy has been estab-
6 months or older than 16 years. All children in this study received lished, MIS may be chosen as surgical approach but only by those
chemotherapy before surgery. Arguments pro and contra chemother- surgeons that have a substantial expertise in oncologic pediatric
apy before operation have been thoroughly discussed between surgery, pediatric urology, and minimally invasive surgery.
different Study Groups. Following the SIOP protocol, the rate of Lymph node (LN) sampling was not sufcient in the present study.
intraoperative ruptures with spillage of tumor cells is lower after Adequate sampling of LN is precondition for correct tumor staging,
neoadjuvant chemotherapy compared to primary surgery due to risk stratication, and a correct treatment approach for WT patients in
tumor shrinking and encapsulation [3]. This certainly holds true in order to minimize the risk for a local relapse [3,32]. Ehrlich et al.
MIS and therefore the authors emphasize the recommendations of clearly have shown that LN metastases and microscopic residual
preoperative chemotherapy before laparoscopic WT resection. There disease have a negative impact on Overall- and Event Free-Survival in
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