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Nius PDF
Nius PDF
ec ronlc
ensors or e
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-VI enlu.-
ec ronlc
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VI enlus
New York C hicago Sa n Francisco Lisbon
London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi
San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto
Contents ::s
-- ------- rt
Introduction -IX Fluid Sensor 91 rt
Humidi ty Monitor 96 (j)
Chapl er 1 Sound Ene rgy 1
Sound En ergy
,- 1 pH Mcte r 99
Types of to.1icroph ones 3 Strea m Stage Water-Level
Amplifying Sounds-
Measurem e nt 103
Th e Aud io A mpli fie r ) Chapt er 5 Gas Sensing 111
E lect ro nic Ste thoscope 7 A ir Pressure Switch III
Unde rwa te r H ydropho ne 10 E lectronic Sniffe r 114
U ltra sonic Liste ne r 16 8 argra ph Press ure Sensor 11 8
lnfrasonics 19 Pel listor Combustible Gas Sensor 123
Chapter 2 Li ght D etection a nd Electronic Barometer 127
Measurement C hapter 6 Vibration Sensin g 135
Light Detection Devices 26 Vibra tio n Ho ur Meter 135
Listening to Li ght-Us ing an Seismic Vibratio n A la rm 137
O plo-Liste ne r 28 Piezo Se ismic D e tector 140
Measuring the So lar ConSla nt-
Resea rch Seismograph 144
Usi ng a Radio me te r 32
AS- l Specifi ca tio ns 158
A Basic Rad iomete r Circuit 36
Measuring Ultra violet Rays- C hapter 7 Detecting Magne tic Fields 161
Us in g a n Ultra vio le t Radi ome te r 39 Historical Review 161
Measuring O zone-Using a n Tra nsfonn e r Actio n 162
Ozone Meter 44 The Radiatio n Fi eld a nd the
Se nsiti ve Optical Tachome te r 48 Induction Field 163
Turbidity 51 The Magnetic Fie ld 163
Cha pter 3 Heat D etection 57 111e E lectronic Fi eld 163
Infra red Fl a me Se nsor Switch 57 Magnetic D c tecto rs 164
Contents vii
Toroid al-Core Flux-Ga te Sensor 188 The Jupite r Rad io Te lescope A nt enn a 243
Th e Flux-Gate Se nso r 189 Cha pter 10 Radiation SenSing 247
Flux-Gate M agneto me ter 190 Space Radiation 247
Chapter 8 Sensing Electric Fields 195 Radiati on Sources
Electrosta tic Fundame ntals 195 on Eart h 248
Bui ld ing a Classic E lectroscope 200 Fun with a Cloud C ha mber 248
Bui ld in g a Leyde n Jar 201 Low-Cost Ion C hambe r 251
Building a Static Tube 202 Low-Cost Ion C hambe r Radi a tio n
Detector 252
Sim ple E lectronic Electroscope 203
Advanced Ion C hambe r Rad ia tion
Io n D e tecto r 204
D e tec tor 254
At mosphe ric Electricit y MonilOr 205
Experim e nting with a Geige r Counte r 258
Advanced E lectrometer 206
Appendix A
C loud C harge Monit or 209
Helpful Contact Information 267
E lectrical Fie ld Disturbance Moni tor 2 12
Appendix n Data Sheets 271
Chapter 9 Radio Proj ects 221
Index 323
Rad io Hi sto ry 221
De tec ti ng Lightening 224
Ligh tn ing De tec tor 225
ELFN LF Radio or Na ture's Radio 227
Shortwave R adi o 234
Freque ncy Calibra tion 237
Jllpite r Radio Te lescope 238
• • •
V~~~ Ele ct ronic Sensors for the Ev il Genius
Introduction rt
- ------ 11
Electrollic Sel/sors for the £1';1 Genills: 54 Elecrrifvil1g ta bles. and diagrams. The append ix provides paris rt
Projecl.~ was created as a voyage of discovery fo r chil- suppl iers and p roject kits sources. 1-"
dren. adults., science buffs. a nd for those Cur iO lIS at
heart of aU ages. This book was d esigned to provide a
spark for the curiosi ty seeker. as well as to inspir e
curious children. stude nts, a nd ad ul lS alike toward Chapter I-Sound Energy
experimentat ion and explonn ion o f the sigh ts.
sounds. and smells of the na lural world. which may Sound energy is a vc ry exciti ng start ing poin t for
not be detectable by OUf lim ited range of human exploring and observing na tural phe nomena all
senses.. lbis book was also writlcn fo r electron ics aro u nd us. The sound waves h uma ns hear with ou r
hobbyists. as well as for electronics technicia ns and ears are but a ve ry limited range of the audio spcc-
engineers who wish to b uild and expe rimen t wilb trum. Our perce p tion of sound a llows us to ··hear"·
electronics se nsing and only a narrow slice of energy bctween 20 Hz to 15
detection circui ts. KHz. In facl a who le range of aud io exists both above
Electronic Sensors for the EI'il Gel/illS: 54 Electrify- and below our range. which we canno t perceive at a ll
illg Projects will introd uce the reader to how to sense. but are in fact ve ry interesting to explore.
detect. and monitor sound. light , heat. a nd gas as well In this chapte r we will explore the inte resting
as 10 vibration, magnetic. electric. radio, a nd rad ia- worlds of audible. ultrasonic. a nd infrasonic sound s.
tion . In this book we will see what few may sec. hear You will investigate how to listen to high-freque ncy
what few have heard. and sense what few have sounds of animals and re mo te conversations and how
scnsed.lbe book sho uld prove to be extre mely help- to track down noise a nd macbine fau lts with a n e lec-
ful in aiding the reader to unde rsta nd a nd ap precia te tro nic stethoscope. You will discover a who le new
some of the unseen and u nheard e ne rgies all around universe o f unde rwater sound s a ft e r building a
us. as well as to help the reader se nse a nd monitor hydropho ne a nd a n aud io am pli fier. You will lea rn
these c nergies.1l1 is book is writte n so that the in te r- that a lo ngitudi nal mechanical wave whose freq uency
ested reader can read ily b uild. test. and explore the is below the audible ra nge is called an infrasollic
fascinating and often mysterious world of natural wave (illfrareli light wa\·cs are waves be low red
phenomena. We will introduce tbe reader to many light). and one whose freq uency is above th e a udible
different types of se nsors., detectors. and transd ucers. range is called a n ultrasonic wave (1IItrtlL'iolet waves
which convert one form of e ne rgy to a not he r. a rc above viole t lig ht). 111e longest waveleng th sound
Our hope is Ihut Eteclr(Jllic Sel/sors for the EI'jf waves that can affect the nomml huma n ear (20 Hz)
Gelliw,': 54 Electri/rillg Projects will inspire a student a re a thousand times as lo ng as the shortest waves to
to construct a science fai r project or two o r pe rhaps which the ca r is se nsitive (20.000 Hz).
send the inquisitive reader on a lifelong q uest to In this chapter you will construct un ultruso nic lis ·
in\'esliga le the natu ra l world thro ugh electronics te ner. which you ca n use to liSlen to insect and o ther
sensing and d etect io n. sounds that are ll bove the human hearing range. We
Electronic Sensors for the E I'it Gel/illS: 54 Electrify- will also explore infrasonic waves. which are usua lly
illg Projects p rovides extensive photos. schematics.. ge ne ra tcd by la rge sources. such as barome tric o r
weather fro n ts o r by cart hq uakes. You learn how to
Introduction ix
construct your own microbarograph. which will allow delect and measure water poll ution in water using
you to detect these very long sou nd pressure waves the optical turbidity meter.
produced by barometric changes lmd approaching
Introduction xi
cry of electrical aHraction principles. electrical waves.
Chapter 7-Detecting and laler the basis for electronics as we know it
loday. In this chapter you will discover and learn
Fields about e lectrostatic fu ndame ntals. e lectric fie lds. and
electromagnetic fi elds. When a magne tic fi e ld is
Magne tic fields are a ll around us. but our normal enjo ine d at 90 degrees with an e lectric field an e lec-
senses can no t de tect the presence o f these fields. O ur tromagnetic fi eld is produced.
senses m ust be e xte nded or enha nced in o rde r to
In this chapte r you will icarn thaI all e lectromag-
sense o r detect these magne tic fi elds. A transduce r. o r
netic energy. regardless of its frequency. has certain
sensor. usually some type of coil. can be used wi th an
ca mmon propert ies. Two things magically bind elec-
amplifie r to de tect the presence of a magnetic fi e ld.
tric and magne tic e ne rgy IOge lhc r into e lectromag-
You will learn that a magnetic fie ld radia tes on its
ne tic radiation : Ihe travel ing e lect ric and magne tic
own. a limited dista nce. but ca n a lso jo in with an elec-
fie lds are (1) always at right angles to each ot her ilod
tric fi e ld to fo rm an electromagne tic field. A mag-
a lways at right angles to the d irection of propagation .
ne tic fi e ld becomes a com pleme nt to a n e lectrica l
a nd (2) they arc a lways becoming weaker with the
fi e ld whe n the twO a re at 90 degre es. to form a com-
distance they travel.
plex tim e-o rie nted wave called an e lectromagne tic
wave. E lectromagne tic waves rad ia te out into space You will d iscover applicatio ns for the classical
as rad io Wflves. e lectroscope. the l eyden jar. the sta tic tube, as we ll as
how to build a nd use a cloud cha mbe r to detect alpha
In this c hapter you will read abou t diffe re nt types
particles. Practical projects include an ion de tecto r.
o f m agne tic senso rs. from the sma ll ind uction pickup
a n e lectronic e lectroscope. and a n atmosphe ric e lec-
coil. which can be used in conjunctio n with Ihe mag-
tricity mo nitor. A d va nced projects presented for jun-
ear projCClto liste n to tele pho ne conve rsatio ns or \0
io r scie ntists include a n ad vanced electronic
loca te hidden e lectrical condui ts a nd hidden me la l, to
e lectroscope and a cloud charge mo nito r, which can
large r coil detectors that can be used to detect mag-
de tect a nd display the charges fro m clouds trave ling
ne tic fi e lds produced by moving cars and trai ns. In
o verhead. The final project of this chapte r is an e lec-
this ehapler yo u a lso learn how to construct a n e lec-
tric fi e ld-disturbance monitor, which can be used to
Iron ic co mpass. called an ELF radiation mo nitor.
de tect human bodies in an electrical field a nd sound
which ca n be used to survey you r ho me e lectronics
a n alarm . The e lectric fi eld-distu rbance monitor
a nd a ppliances for poten tia lly da ngerous low-
could be used fo r serio us electric fi e ld research or
freque ncy m agnetic fie lds. In this chapter you will
co uld form the basis for a home or camping a larm
d iscove r. how a sudde n io nosphe ric disturbance
syste m.
receive r can be used for radio propaga tio n studies:
you will also learn how to build and utilize one. Yo ur
fi na l projeci is a n Ea rth-field magne to meter, which
can be used to de tect solar magne tic sto rms origina t-
ing frolll the sun .
Chapter 9-Radio Projects
E lectro mag netic e nergy e nco mpasses an extremely
wide freq uency ra nge. A classic example of a natural
broadband transmitte r of e lectro magnetic ene rgy is a
Chapter 8 Sensing lightning ll ash or streak . A lightning nash exhibits a
Electronic Fields fa ntastic amo unt of e nergy be ing radiatcd into space
as it generates a n e lectromagne tic signal. This signa l
The e arliest study of nature's wonders be gan wjlh the typically covers frequencies from a few hertz up
o bse rvntio ns re lating to sta tic e lectricity or e lectro- thro ugh the broadcast band, whe re we can hear static
statics. MclllY early o bse rvations of static electricity on the Al\t1 radio. Natural wide band radio frequ e ncy
in vol ved animal skins a nd hair lind glass or sto ne storms. o n Jupite r for example, can be detected a nd
objects. These early observatio ns lead to the d iscov- o bserved in the shortwave freque ncy bands.
Chapter lO-Radiation
Sens ing
Thc radiation spectrum is usually broken down into
electromagnetic rad iation and ionizing radiation.
Electromagne tic radiation is visible light and longe r
Introduction xiii
Chapter One
Sound Energy
l ongitudinal sound wave traveling to the right from the source on the left.
Figure I-I LOl/gill/dinlll sound Il'{lI'e /rI1I'ding fO lite right from (J source 01/ Iile lefl
Sound waves are confined (Q the [requene}' range not e ven twice as lo ng as the shortest light waves visi-
that can stimu late the human e ar and brain to the ble to the eye (violet). TIle car, however. has a range
sensatio n of hearing. We de (ine the a udible hearing of 10 10 12 octaves; the eye range is but o ne octave.
range as the range from 20 10 about 20.000 Hz. (TIle interval between two freque ncies. o ne of which
altho ugh huma ns can seldo m hear so unds as high as has twice the frequency of the other. is an octave- in
20.000 Hz. A s one becomes older, o ne can hear less this case, 400 fu to SOO Hz.)
a nd less at the high e nd of the range. This range is Infrason ic waves of special in terest a re usually
a lso the exact range to which the a \'crage high- ge ne rated by large so urces, such as an earthquake.
fid e lit), or ste reo amplifier is tailore d. Without resorting to such upheaval as an e arthquake,
you can sense these kinds of waves while driving
be hind a la rge trailer truck o n a highway, The large
Ultrasonic Waves fro ntal surface area of the truck (which ofte n is flat )
buffe ts the wind a nd sets up infrasonic waves. which
A very inte resti ng world of so und waves e xists above are impressed on the ears as a " feeling" sensation
the human hearing range. in the ra nge be tween 20 ra the r tha n a sound sensatio n. This bu[feting a lso
KHz and 50 KHz. Insects a nd animals such as ba ts makes steering the car ma rc difficult. A tmosphe ric
create ma ny unique sounds that canno t be heard by wa\'e fro nts and meteors u aveling though the atmos-
our ears. Gas and chemical leaks as well as many phere a lso create infrasonic waves that ca n be
mach ine sq ueaks and grinds are all silent to huma ns. de tected .
but they go o n a ll a round us continuously. witho ut us If you want to " he ar"" a n extre me ly low-freque ncy
knowing it. U ltrasonic waves are a lso crea ted by wave. take a trip in a fast e levato r in a tall building.
intrusion de tectors. These devices [load a room or You will be going from a positio n of high air pressure
area with "sile nt sound" in order to sense an intrude r (on the ground floor) to a posi tion of low air pressure
by de tccting ""beats" of the moving object a nd the (a t the rughes! floor reached) in perhaps 30 to 60 sec-
o rigina l signa l. They norm ally ope rate a t 40 KHz and ODds. D oubli ng this time to get a full wave length of a
cannot be heard by the human ear. Most people are complete cycle. o r pe riod. of the wave is 60 to 120 sec-
fam il iar with these ultrasonic waves that ex ist just onds. Frequency is re la ted to period by the
above the human hearing range. but m any people are •
e xpre ssIon:
not fami liar wi th sound waves fa r be low Ihe human
f= liT
hearing range ca lled illfrasollics.
whe re l is the freq uency in hertz. a nd T is the pe riod
in seconds.
Infrasonic Waves We fmd that lhe frequ e ncy is lfro second. o r 0.0166
cycles per second. This is the same as one cycle every
c:: wavc whose freque ncy is a bove the a udible range is throat every so oft e n to eq ualize the pressure inside
- -
Figure 1-3 Microphone pre-amplifier cirCllit
Fig ure ].\. 1 High-poll'er audio ampliper circilil
"." -- ---.--------------------_ . . . ----
switch S1. TIle output clI pacitor at C4 is used to cau- volt battery at pi n 5 of the LM 386 amplifier Ie. Note
pie the pre-amp circuit to 11 high-power audio ampli- for high output a he utsink should be mOllnted on the
fie r. A shielded microphone cable should be used to Lr.-B86 amplifier. Microphone prc-amplifier shown
connect the microphone pre-amp to the power previously can be combined with the audio power
amplifier (for example. if the microphone is used in a amplifier to form a powerful audio amplification sys-
prabl; configuration and the circui ts are separated by tem. which can be used with many different lYpes of
any distance). U bOlh circuits are placed on the same microphones to aid in listening to distant sou nds.
circuit board then no cable is required. A simple but interesting application for both pre-
A high-power aud io amplifier is depicted in Figure amplifier and power amplifier described previously is
1-4. This audio amplifier ut ilizes a high-output inte- to construct a "rai n" microphone. Locate a small. 8-
grated circuit amplifi er shown at U I. The a udio input to 100inch plastic bucket. About halfway down inside
I signal is fed to the input potentiometer at R 1.1l1e
potentiometer is coupled to the input of the amplifier
the bucket mount the electret microphone on a
round sheet of plywood o r plastic. so that the micro·
Q) through pin 3. Pin 2 of the a udio amplifier is phone points to the closed end of the bucket. Tum
c grounded. The gain of the a udio amplifier can be wlr- the bucket upside down and cut a slot at the bottom
In struments)
d ynami c o r e lect ret
length of ga rden hose. mo\'e one end of the hose
around unde r the hood until you pinpoint the noise.
microphone ( see te~tl which is directed through the bose so that the sound
51 SPST toggle switch coming in travels through the hose to the ear of the
81 9-volt battery mechanic. It 's probably the simplest diagnostic tool
Miscellaneous PC cir- used with modern cars. bu t often the most effect ive
cu it board , wire ,
for situations such as isolating a knocking valve.
shi el ded wire c able ,
etc. A garden hose would be too large for findin g a
problem with a smaiJ part, but a soda straw cut down
to 3 inches in length works quite well. To design a
High-Power Rudio Rmplifier somewhat efficieut diagnostic tool or listening device.
you need to amplify the sound. So we need a way to
Parts List couple a soda straw or small rube to an electronic
R1 1 0K potenti ometer amplifier.
R2 1 . 5x ohm. 1/4- wat t, TIle electrollic sre,IIoscope schematic diagram is
5 \ resi sto r shown in Figure I-S. 1lle electronic stethoscope
R3 1 0 o hm , 1/ 4- watt , 5 % begins with the sensith'e electret microphone. which
rl!: s i sto r
is biased with resistor R 1. The audio from the micro·
Cl 2.2 uF, 35 - vo lt phone is fed through capacitor C2 and R2 and then
e lect rolyti c c apa c it o r
sent to the minus (-) input of up-amp Vl. The out-
C2 10 uF , 35 - vo lt el ec-
t r olyti c c apacitor put [rom the first o p-amp amplifier is then coupled to
C3 0.0 1 uF, 35- volt the next o p-amp at U2 through resistor R5 and R6.
disc c apacito r Op-amp U2 is directly coupled to the final op-amp
C4 0, 05 uF, 35- volt amplifier section at U3. The output of V2 is also fed
disc c a pacito r to a le\'c] meter consisting of the op-amp stage at U4.
cS 22 0 uFo 35-volt which is used to d rive a bicolor !igh,·emil/illg diode
elect r o ly t i c c apacito r
(LED) at Ol. The audio output at U3 is se nt to the
Ul LM386 audio ampli -
final amplification stage al US. through the volume
fier Ie (National)
control at R I L The volume control is coupled to U5
51 SPST toggle switch
via a 0.01 uF capacitor at CS.111e fi nal amplification
SPKR a-ohm spe aker
stage of the electronic stethoscope is made of an
o JI , J2 l IS - inc h mini
phone j a ck
electret mi c r ophone
m usical sounds made by fish. shrimp. crabs. whales.
porpoises. and othe r ma rine life talking back and
fort h.1lle hydrophone will pick up sounds made by
5PK a-ohm Speaker
the propelle rs or turning screws of passing ships.
81 , 82 9 - volt tr an si s-
tor ra dio batteri es motor boats. a nd submarines. You will be a ble to hear
Ul , U2 , U3 , U4 LM7.1 the sounds of people diving and swi nmling in your
op-amp swimmi ng pool. Then when you listen to your home
10 El ec t roni c Se ns o r s fo r th e Ev il Geniu s
fi sh aquarium. you can try to ide ntify the minUie used in conj unctio n with the 10K -ohm pote ntiomete r
sounds your guppies make. You m ight e ven find at RS. TIle electre t microphone e lectronics can be
yourse lf listening to the siagnant pool of water in mounted on a small circuit boa rd . Re member to
your back yard to see if you ca n hear the so unds of observc the correct polarit), when insta lling capaci-
mosqui to la rva. tors a nd the op-amp. to e nsure that the circuit will
ope rate properly when power is applied .
llie tra nsd ucer o r pre-amp board lind tbe ampli-
Hydrophone Listener fier board a re connected via a length o f call.'\: cable.
Now. you will need to d e term ine the le ngth of cable
" n e hydrophone listening syste m is composed of Iwo
pa rts. a hydrophone or microphone p re -amplifier
you wi ll need be tween the m icrophone transduce r
a nd the amplifier board tha t will best suit your partic-
assembly and an electronic a mplifie r assembly linked
together by coaxial cable. Figures 1-6 and 1-7 illLL'i-
ular application. You m ight wish to start with a 15- to
20·(00t cable length between the transducer a nd
tnll e how the hydrophone or sendi ng unit is assem- ampl ifier boa rds. Next. you will need a small plastic
bled. An electre t microphone p re-amplifier film canister: d rill a hold to pass the coax ca ble I
e lectro nics circuit is shown in Figure 1-8. It is thro ugh the lOp of the mill can. De s ure to drill the
mounted in a small soft plaslic film canister. The eIec- hole for the call.'\: cable unde rsized , so it will be a tigbt
tre tlllicrophone is LL'ied as the hyd rophone micro- fit. Pass the transducer e nd of the coax through the
phone and can be purchased in your local Radio
Shack storc. Powe r is applied 10 the e lectre t micro--
phone by thc bias resistor at R I. -Ille audio output
frollllhc electre t microphone is then coupled to Cable to surface
capacitor CL The out pu t of C l is fed to a network
consisting of two 17k inpu t rcsisto rs a t R2 a nd R3.
which act as a high-pa!iS filte r.1l1is network couples
the microphone audio to the op-amp at Ul . a Texas
Instrume nts TL072. A fe ed-back loop a t the minus Audio cable, 2-conductor with shield,
Radio Shack pn 278·513 or equi\l
input o f the op-amp consists o f a 27K a nd a 1.5K-
o hm rcsistor. along witb a 10 uF capacitor. The capac-
itor a t C2 reduces the D C gain to avoid excessive Hal melt glue 10 seaVcanisler
offset problems. Capacitor C3 and resis to r R4 set the joint (both s ides 01 lid)
high-frequenc), rolloff at the o u tp ut. Capacitor C4 at
Silicone RTV blob over end of
the output blocks D C: it fo rms a high-pass ftlter when
cable acls as a walerblock to
keep oil from squishing up
inside althe cable as waler
pressure increases with deplh
1-6 Assembling fhe hydropholl e o r sending Figure 1-7 Assembling fhe hytlropllOlle or sendillg
III lif /fll if
top of the film canister (refer again to Figures 1·6 and a mp 10 the mai n amplifi e r input. Term inal C is the
1-7). Next. solder the cable 10 the transducer or syste m ground connection between the microphone
sender board. and then secure the electronics board p re-amp a nd the main amplifie r. The a ud io o utput
in the fil m can so that it docs not rattle around inside fro m the pre-amplifier board is fed to the main a udio
the can. Fill the canister wi th light mineral oil ncarly amplifi e r through capacitor CI. The o utpu t from C I
to the lOp o f the container. Locate so me silicone is immediate ly coupled to a 50K-ohm potentiome ter.
sealant or room-femperatllre \l1//c(lIIizillg (RTV) which is secondly coupled to the op-amp through
sealant and run a bead all around the coax cable on capacitor C2. a 2.2 u F e lectrolytic capacitor. The
both sides of the film can lOp cover. Place the top o f outpu t of the audio a mp lifie r is conditioned by the
the fil m can ove r the film can and secure it 10 the can. resistive and capacitor network of R3 and C4. The 8-
And fina lly. run a bead of silicone all around the top ohm speaker is coup led to the a mplifier through
cover of the canister. capacitor CS.
AI the opposite end o f the transducer cable. you Note. tha t the hydrophone is powe red by the coax
I will want to attach some Iype of connector such as a
lIs -inch mini a ud io connector that will mate to a
cable from the Il-voh battery through switch Sl:a.
-The remote audio power a mplifier is also powered by
(l) p hone jack on the e lectronics a mp lifie r ch assis box. the 12-\'011 battery. Pins 3.4. 5. 7. 10. 11. and 12 arc all
s:: The hydropho ne main amplifier board shown in tied to ground on the circ uit board. Construction o f
14 + ::s
C6 ro
6 10
B 11
+ 12
2 5 + en
J1 0
C1 1 Speaker ~
R1 C3 R3
\\'he n installing the integra ted circuit. you must be provide a decent a mo unt of c urre nt to powe r the eir-
sure 10 inser! the part correctly to avoid damage to cuit for a reasona ble period of time.
the circuit. lntegra ted c ircuits arc always marked with The hyd ro phone muy be used as a fi sh find e r by
either a sma ll indented c ircle to the right of pin 1 or moun ting it o n a pole o r ha ndle so you cu n hold it
wilh a rectangular cutou t a t the top ce nte r of the Ie o ver the edge of a sllla ll bO<lt o r seawall. A piece of
package. Afte r installing all of the componc nts o n the e lectrical cond uit o r a ba mboo pole ca n be used. Fl at-
circuit board. be sure to look for cold solder join ls. te n th e condui t o n the end to go int o the water so you
shorts. a nd SlnlV wire leads left o n the board after can mo unt and tape the unit to it. Be sure not to
trimming compo ne nl le ads. cover the nat surface of the un it with tape to assure
The main hydrophone a mplifie r ci rcui t is hOLL<;ed maximum se nsitivity to so und while in Ihe wate r. Use
in it j x 7 x ? -inch aluminulll chassis box. The IWO a hose clamp. lacing twine. or electricallape to allach
toggle switches SI and S1. the vo lume co nlrol . a nd the hydropho ne to the pole. If you want to run yo ur
the input jack a l J I are a ll moullIed on the front hydro phone do wn to gre ate r depths. 50 to 300 feet or
panel of the chassis box. The head pho ne jack at J 2 is so. be sure 10 use shie lded cable the whole length of
mo unted on the rear panel of the enclosure. In orde r the run to avoid picking up 10 0 much hum from a ny
10 supply power to the hydrophone circui ls. it is local powe r lines. Solde r all e lect rical connectio ns
<ldvisable to usc J four-ce ll AA plastic ballery hold- you ma ke and a pply sufficient silicon e rubber a nd
e rs. which can be mounted to the lOp co ve r of the elect rical tape to all connections to assure lasting
a luminum chassis box. The e ight AA b<ltte ries will wate rproof conneclions and splices.
r - - ro
3 - stage , Audio amp
I ~
---- - --- ---------------- -- -
Figure I-II Ultrasonic lisrening block diagram
c, "'
I , I I C12
c, n
Ul :0 7 Ul:E "' Ul :F _ _ _ 4
- "1- -
D c, "'
Ul :8
, , , , , , U, c"
- •
Ul:A Ul :C
"' "n C"
"" "
Figure 1-12 Ulrrason;c fisrcncr cirelli/
including the potentiome ters.. integra ted circuits. experiences an increasing freq uenc),. This is easy to
,, capacitors. a nd diodes. The ultrasonic transduce r is visualize when you realize tha t sound propagates as a
mounted off board: to the side of a small plastic longitudinal wave a t a relatively constallt \'elocity. As
enclosure afte r small sound input holes have been the observer moves towa rd the direct ion o f the sound
drilled into the plastic case (sec Figure 1-13). source. he or she intercepts more Wa\'cs in a shorter
The original circuit was modified to aid the experi- period of time. thus hearing a sound tha t seems 10 be
me nt e r in liste ning to the high-frequency sounds of shorter in wavelength or higher in freque ncy. A [un
bats. These changes indude elimina ting resistor R I game for both chi ldre n and adu lts is 10 hide a small
and addi ng a capacitor a t Cx between UI:d pin 8 a nd test oscillator and ha" c your opponent atte mpt to
I U I:c pin 7 as shown. locatc it in a minimal allloull t of time.
< Whe n installing the components on the printed
circu it board. be ca reful to obscr.'e the polari ty of the
ca pacitors and especially the two diodes and the inte- Applications
( grated circuits. If possible usc integrated circuit sock-
e ts for the IWO ICs. in the e\'ent of trouble at a la ter - -
One of the most in terest in !! sources of hi\!h-
frequency sound is the many species of insects e mit-
date. The integrated circu its ha\'c a notch a t the top
of the package and usually to the left of the notch is ting the ir Olming and warning caUs. A whole new
quency sounds easi ly detected by the device. '1l1e fol- Dl . 02 IN4H8 silicon
100\ing list represents only a small fraction of the
Cl , C2 , C7 0.0 1 uF, 2 5-
potential sources of high-frequency sounds that you v o lt c e r amic c apacitor
can explore with the ultrasonic listcner: C4 , C II 20 pF , 25-volt
c eramic capacitor
• Leaki ng gases and rushing air
C5 2 00 u F o I S-vo l t
elect r o lyt ic ca pacitor
Water from sprinklcrs or leaks
its crimped-o n cap replaced with a sinele-hole rubber
stopper. The manom ete r is fashioned from a piece of
C wrtuy (Of Scientific Am eric 9J\
._._-----------------------_...... _--------
Figure 1-14 Microbnrogral'h willi 1IU/llOmeIer
glass lubing, which is bent lifter henting with a 1- 15). Aft e r electrically insul ati ng the bottle with a
propanc lorch. But you ca n link \ WO clear. rigid. plas- laye r of e name l paint. wrap lO e ve nly spaced turns
tic tubes with a short. flexible plas tic hose. You'lI a lo ng the le ngth of the bott le a nd sec ur~ Ihe m with
need to fill this assembly about one-third full with a e lectrical tape. Surrou nd the wrapped bott le with a
liquid Ihal has a low viscosilYlind does not evapo- few inches (about 10 centime te rs) o f a n insulating
ratc. Try to loca le some DOT 3 clear brake fl uid. mate rial such as foam rubbe r o r a spray insulatio n
which works quite well for the manome te r. (which you can purchase at a hardwa re slOre ). Whe n
The instrument senses changes in the nuid level by operating. the circuit he ats the bott le slightly e ve ry 10
using the transparent liq uid to focu s Ihe light fro m an seconds or so. replacing the ti ny a mou nt o f he,ll that
infrared light-emit/illg diode (LED) o nto a photo- leaches th rough the insulation. the re by keeping the
transistor. When the liquid drops be low the sct point. level of the nuid stable. llle LM335AZ chip is a sen-
the de focused light becomes too diffuse to de tect. sitive solid-state the rmome te r tha t "aries its o utput
This change ca uses the circuit 311ached to the pho to- voltage by lO milli"olts fo r e ach de gree Celsius
transisto r to send an electric current through the cha nge in te mpe rature. Th is ma n 'e l ca n m easure te m-
heater. Nehe r e mployed "be ading wire:' obta ined peratu res to Clbo ut O.OI "e. which correspo nds to a n
from a craft sto re. as the heating filam e nt. ulli m,lIe pressure resolutio n approaching 20 micro-
bars:l1la t's a scant ?O m illionths of one a tmosphere.
Hobbyists often usc this beadi ng wire. a 30-gauge
(1f4·miJlimete r) steel wire. to make necklaces. II has a To begin your obse r'o'Clt ions. disconnect the tube
res istance of about I ohm per foot (about 3 ohms per tha t links the manome ter to the a luminum bottle.
meter). which is ideal for this application (sec Figure the n heat the bOllle about lOoC (1 8°F) abQ\'e room
te mpe ra ture by blocking the light from reaching the
phototransislor. Reconnect the tube and altow the to move. mount the assembly on a small piece of per-
circuit to stabilize the b01l1e HI th is Cie\'a led tempe ra- forated circuit board wil h a hole in the middle that is
ture. It "s casy \ 0 know if your instrument is working: la rge e no ugh to leI the manome te r lUbe slip through:
• just lift it. h should register the lOO-microbar drop in a small cable from the photolnlllsistor assembly is
pressure that results when you raise it about I yard wired to the amplifier circuit shown in Figure 1-1 6.
(I meter). You can read the OUlput of the microbarograph
You will want 10 cali brate the microba rograph circuil with a digital \'oltmetc r or record the data con-
O\"er a larger range than you can easi ly generate by tinuously using your computer and an analog-to-
h shifting its height. The solution is q uite sim ple: move
the LE O-pholotransistor pair up or down a bit on the
digital converter. '1l1ese \'ersa lilc devices. ollce too
pricey for amateur budgets. arc now quite affordable.
manomete r colu mn. The circuit will then adjust the Both ~\<I ac i nlosh a nd PC aficionados should check
tempCnl lUre inside the boule to raise or lower the OUl lhc Serial Box Interface. which is available for
liquid between the LED and phototransistor to $99 from Vernier Software. PC users might also con-
match.lllis manipula tio n causes the nuid levcllQ sider buying a similar unit for $100 fro m Radio Shack
become uneven. with the weight of the unbalanced (part number 1191(86). Anothe r al te rnative is to
liquid being supported by the pressure difference check with DATAQ Instruments for their DI -19..J RS
between the atmosphere a nd the a ir inside the bOil Ie. $? ..J chart recorder hardware/software combination at
TIlC speci fic gravity of D OT 3 brake flu id. which is the ir We b site combi-
wide ly available in the U.S.. is 1.05. For this value. nat ions will tum your home compu te r into a sophisti·
each inch (centimete r) differe nce in the lc \'el of the ca ted data-collection sta tion. TIlis sensit ive
C liquid corresponds to a pressu re d ifference of2.62 microbarograph will allow you to detect the infra-
millibars (1.03 millibars).l11is fact allows you to set sonic waves created by atmospheric storms Ihat con-
the dcvice 10 a number of known pressure diffe r- st antly hlo\\' through our li,'cs da ily.
ences while measuring the corresponding outpUt
,·ollages. To ma ke the LED phototransislor pai r easy
22 Elec tronic Sensors f o r the Ev il Genius
S 1:a
w V out
- 15V
- 15V Cl
C R6
R4 I
---- ------------------------
Figure 1-16
--- ----------------- --- ---------------- -- ------
Microbflrortlph 011,,)111 circllir
R7 1 0K ohm, 1 / 4- watt,
Microbarograph Heater 1 \ re s i stor
R8 lK ohm, 1 / 4-wat t , 1 \
Circuit Parts List r esisto r
Early humans knew about the light fom1 we now call ence be tween aboUl te n million s.hades of colar.light
e1ectrom aglletic ellergy many tens of thousands of has a rather narrow spread of wa vele ngths. 111is por-
years before they knew about the radio form of elec- lion tha i is visible by humans is packed into 1.6 pe r-
tromagne tic ene rgy. Allhaugh our eyes a rc se nsili\'c ce nt of the e ntire electromagne tic spectrum. This
- .
to li ght. we ha \'c no wav to d\!tect radio cner2\,:
-. we frequency density is compa rable to crowding all the
necd a receh·cr. Eons ago. people could see the sta rs world ·s human-made radio frequcncio:s into a narrow
and make conjectures as to what they were. On the frequency range from 550 K Hz to 880 KH z in the
other ha nd. radio. as we know i1.l races its infanc" sta ndard Al\'l radio broadcas.t band. The eye is indeed
only \0 the latc lBOOs. an amazing electromagne tic receive r. Consider that if •
Light is defined as those wavelengths of electro- you glance at a yellow dress for just one second.lhe
magnc tic e nergy thaI are visible to Ihe hUnlan eye. electrons in the re tinas of .\'our e .ves vibra te aboul 5
The response of the human eye thus defUlcs the fre- x 1015 times during the inte rval. Next consider th at if
que ncy limits for ligill. as the human ear docs for you we re 10 cou nt all the waves that bea t upon all the
shores on Ea rth .you would ha ve to count for le n mil-
sound. Light covers a vcry narrow band of frequen-
cies. as we can see from Figure 2· J. lion years in order 10 reach the same number of oscil-
lations of yellow Hgill in 1 second.
Whe n we look a t light. or "sec lil!ht"· a nd ··Iook at a t
scene:· we are seeing or observing light in the (re- 111e freque ncy un its common ly used fo r describing
audio waves would be astronomically la rge if the y
que ncy domain. tha t is. in diffe re nt colors. Although
the eye has the unique capability of seeing the differ- were used 10 describe light w"ves. so n diffe re nt se t of l
~ ..
gamma ultraviolet infrared
X-rays radar FM TV shortwav AM
rays rays rays
10·" 10- 12 10-'~ 10< 10< 10~ 10-2 I 10' 10'
Wavelength (meters)
Visible Ught
units has been defin ed . If we defin e the limits o f the conducto r device whose e lectrica l resista nce. o r COII -
wuve lcnglhs o f light as that where Ihe sensitivity of ductivity. is a functio n of the a mount of light striking
the eye has dropped to I percent o f that at itS maxi- ils surface. The photocond uctive cell is also called a
mum se nsitivity. then light covers the wave le ngt hs pholOresislor. The photoemissive cell has a high
from 430 to 690 nanometers (nm).And a nanometer impeda nce. and il readily couples into high-
is eq ual 10 10- 9 me Ie r. im pedance circui t.
In lhis chapte r. we willaake a closer look a t light llle se le nium solar ccll is a vcry se nsitive a nd reli-
sensors such as pho lOccl1s ,IUd sola r cells a nd how able so lid-Sla te device tha i caD readily be llsed in cir-
you can use them 10 detect light or the absence of cuit designs requiring de tection o f electromagnetic
light. how you can measure the solar constant. as well e ne rgy in the infrared. visible. ilnd UV freq uency
as how you can measure Ilitral'iolef (UV) light and ranges. The selen ium sola r ceUcan be purchased [rom
detect ozone in the atmosphere. We will also utilize any neighborhood rad io supply SlOre for less than $2.
light se nsors for o ptj calli s te ning~ l hat is. we will lis- With it. you ca n easily perform a l1lhe e xpe riments
len to the sound that light makes. We can do this by descri bed in this chaplcr. The silicon solar cell will
listening with the ear in the amplitude domain of a lso functio n extre mely weI! in these tests and
light ra the r than by looking Ihro ugh Ihe [req uency demonstra tions.
r domain where tight is received by the eye. After The solar cell is very simple in construction and
o bu ild ing Ihe oplo-listener. you will be able to liSle n to
electronic displays. 10 "singing" a utomo ti\'e head-
fa irly simple in operatio n. It is a fairly rugged device
and consists of a mela l base pla te on which muhiple
la mps. to burning fla mes. a nd to lightning. You will be coalS of selenium compo unds and precious metals
+- able 10 listen to j ust a bo ut a ny lighl source to "see" are deposited . The me ta l base plate can be steel or
u wha l it sounds like. In add ition. you will learn how to alum in um. The sele nium layer o n the base pla te is
Q) measu re the speed of o bjects using light by construct- covered with a barrier layer and a tra nspa ren t fronl
ing your own opt ical tachometer. Fina lly, we will loo k
a t how you can de leet and measure pollution in water
electrode. TIle se le nium layer a nd ba rrier layer are
very thin. bei ng of mo lecular thickness. The selenium
o using the oplicalt urbidity meter. layer is the thicker of the two. being only 0.002 to
0.003 inches thick. The ove ra ll cell is coated with a
thermosetting proteclive resin, which provides a
rugged. sha tte rproof case that is imm une to shock
Light Detection Devices a nd vibra tio n. Like most so lid-state devices that a re
rugged . a sola r cell can survive a fall to the sidewalk
A number of names are used to descri be the photo- a nd still perform. Such a fa ll would q uickly d ispatch a
eieclric cell. popularly known as the solar cell. Some vacuum lUbe of years past.
of thcse names are photocell. electric eye. and pho-
When ligh t fa lls o n the cell. it pene trates the trans-
/oeiemelll. H owe\'er, lhe de" ice is mo re pro pe rly
pare nt front elect rode and causes Ihe se lenium layer
called a phorOl'olUlic cell. Two Iypes o f pho tovoha ic
to relcase e lectrons. which travel across the barrier
cells are available: the se le nium photocell and the sili-
layer. TIle e lcclro ns arc trapped. or collected. on the
con pho tocell. Photovoltaic ceUs are d ifferent fro m
fro nt e lectrode 10 fonn a negative charge. TIley can-
ol her pho tose nsit ive (ligh t sensiti,'e) o r pho toelectric
not re lUm 10 the sele nium layer because of the uni-
cells because they havc the charaClerislic o f generat-
lateral (one-way) cond uctivity properties of the
ing a \'ollage when light slrikes the ir sensitive surface.
barrie r layer.TIle collector strip. or ri ng, which col-
TIlis seif-gencr<Hed vo ltage (up 100.58 volts) will
lects the electrons. becomes the negative te rminal of
cause a curre nt to flow inlO an externally connected
the cell a nd Ihe metal base plate becomes the posi-
circuit such as a motor or a bailer),.
ti\'c terminal of the ce ll . TIle negative lead. connected
O the r photoelectric cells a re p/iOtoCOIllIIICril'l! and to the wh ite strip that runs around Ihe edge of the
plwwl!missiw cells. A pho locond ucth'e cell is a semi- cell. is black, and the positive lead fro m lhe base plate
6 e3
R2 3 6
U2 >5
~ - 4 +
V _ _ e4
- .....
Figure 2·2
Op/O·/isrt'//CT ciTCilit
. . .. ... -- ..............
is nOI \'ery critical. However wire leads between com- Generally a small square cutout cun be fo und ut the
ponents should be kept short if possible. You can top of the IC or a small indented circle can be found
build this circuit in less than an hou r. and it will pro- ncar pin one of the Ie; these markings help you to
vide many hours of interesting im'cst igation into the locate which pin is number onc. Connect up a 9·voit
mysterics of lighl and sou nd. battery power clip's positive lead in se ries with one of
As you build the opto-listener be sure to take the po\. . er switch leads and conncct the remaining
ex tra time to obse rve the correct polari ty of the switch lead to the plus teoninal of the circuit at O .
capacitors and the so lar ceU if used. The use o f inte· Once the circu it has been built, you will need to dou·
2rated circuit sockets is hi2hlv recom mended in the
- -
event that one of the op·amp fa ils at a later date.
ble·check your wiring before applying power 10 the
circuit to avoid burning up the ci rcuit upon power· up.
Note that the iIllegratcd ci rcui ts witl have a locator or l.nspect the circuit board for stray cut component
positioning mark to denote lhe number one pin . leads and bare wires that may have adhered to the
which is usually at the top left of the IC package. circuit board during conslfuction.
rapid burning of the match-strik ing material before behind clouds and cannot be sec n visua llv.
the wood or paper of Ihe ma lch starts burning. Gilce
a sleady light is o utput f.rom the match. the main
sound produced is the hiss of the lighl. The lighting
Listening to Moisture
sound lasts for 1 to 2 seconds. but the hiss from Ihe
light ene rgy lasts fo r as long as the Ill,Hch emits lighl.
A selenium solar cell can be used as a water moisture
A lighted candle is another interesti ng subject to de tector when it is cDrm ccled di rect ly across the
study with the apIa-liste ne r. Pillce the cell about a ile input of a high-gain audio a mplifier. The solar cell
foot away from the candle wi th the audio gain SCI to will produce broad band wh ite no ise at the output of
medium on the oplo-lisle ne r. After the candle is IiI. il the a mplifier whe n the cell becomes wet wi th mo is-
will cause a steady hiss d ue 10 the sleady light output ture. 'llie hissing noise tapers off gradually as the
from the candle. Because the hiss (or white no ise) moist ure evaporates from the seleni um surface. The
from the lighl is the same as ampl ifier hiss. it is d iffi - no ise decay ra te will wpcr off in less tha n iO seconds
'- 111e inte nsilYo f the light [rom Ihe sun va ries only
slightly over the course of a SIfI/Sp or cycle. An entire
Assume .vou have a red slab of gelatin dese rt in
front of you and a light source is ove r your head. If
sunspot cycle is 22 years. with a number of sunspols
reaching a maximum e \'ery II years. You can meas-
ure the a pproximnte inte nsity uf sunlight outside the
atmosphe re by us ing H light me te r known as a
radiome te r 10 make a series o f meas ure me nts O\'cr
12 hours.
lllOUgh this me thod is simple. it ca n yield surpris-
ingly good result s. 'nlis same method is used by both
ama te ur a nd professional astronomers to measure
( Ihe inte nsity of light from planets a nd sta rs. It is also
used to calibra te instrumcnts lhatmeasure amounts
of ozone. wate r \'apor. and oxygen present in a \'e rti-
cal column through the atmosphe re.
<l) AIR
-E 1.325
...E .,.,
H -
::sCJ) ~
'" 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
~ -------. -----
EARTH Figure 2-6 Solnr spec/m ill absorption b(llids
AIR MASS (m) '" "' ' - through the a tmosphe re relati,'ely unimpeded. A
vcry simpl e way \0 avoid the affect o f wale r vapor
and ozone on sunlight mcasuremenlS is 10 monitor
---_." - ----- ------- ------------ o ne or more wavelengths \\~thi n one of these win-
Figure 2-S Double air /IIOSS
dows. While this wi ll not give you lhe total radiation
Sam ue l Pie rpo nt Langley of the Smithsonian Jnsti- from the sun. it will allow YOll \0 keep track of the
tutio n pioneere d in the measuremem of the sun's sun"s inte nsity at a specifi c wavelength. If you do this
inte nsity. He a lso invented instrumen ts fo r measuring over an exte nded period. YOll wi ll learn much about
solar radiatio n. In hono r of his work. Boug ue r graphs the effect o f d ouds. dust. smoke. a nd aerosols on
o f the imensit)' of sunlight received through a ra nge sunli ght.
o f a ir m asses a re oft e n re fe rred 10 as 8 Qllguer·
L tlllgley graphs o r sometimes simply LlIngley graphs.
Althoug h the Bo uguer me thod of me asuring the The Rtmosphere versus
extra te rrestrial sola r consta nt seems simple enough.
it has seve ral d rawbacks. Assume fo r e xa mple. you
use 11 de tector that responds equa lly well to a ll the D uring its passage thro ugh the atmosphe re. the light
UV. visible. a nd infra red wavelengths in a ray of sun-
£ro m the sun is scaHe red a nd a bsorbed by molecules
light. Unfortu na te ly. this does no t mean you ca n of gas. particles of d ust. a nd clo uds of water \'ap0r.
measure the total inte nsity o f all these wavele ngths Some wavelengths o f light are less affected (th at is.
outside the a tmosphe re by ma king measure ments absorbed less) than o thers are.
fro m the surface of the eartb. Wa te r vapor. the most
Ce rta in detectors that morutor the UV radiation
I importa nt of alltbe greenhouse gases. strongly
absorbs many infrared wavelengths. And ozo ne
from the sun are designed to look 3tlhe e ntire sky.
1llese de tectors are sa id to have a global fie ld of view.
a bsorbs virtually a ll the UV radia tio n having a wave-
The\' are used because air molecu les scatter UV lieht
le ngth less than approxima tely 295 na nom ete rs. Vari- ~ ~
a lso a bsorb various wave le ngths o f sunlight. but the ir and not a t the surrounding sky. O t he ",~sc. when
affects are usually conside ra bly less vari able than a rc smoke. haze. and d ust a re in the a tmosphere. they \\~ ll
those of wale r vapor and ozo ne. seaHer sunlight toward your detector a Dd in nate your
readings. Dctecto rs that stare only at the sun a rc said
The gra ph in Figure 2-6 shows that the re a re
to have a direct fi eld of view. TIle simplest wny \0
severa l spectral windows whe re sunlight passes
me nts of solar radiation. Th is radiometer uses a pho- Anothe r way is to usc a I-megohm (1.000.000
o 10voltaic solar cell a nd an operlltiol1a/ {/111/J/ifier (or
op-amp) to increase the lewl o f the signal from the
ohms) pote nt iomc te r for the resistor. Adjust the
potentiometer for the optimum reading when the sun
de tector so thaI it CHn be read by a digital voltme te r. is high in the sky a t or near local noon.I\·lcasure the
l lle op-amp is connected as a linear amplifier. In potentiometer's resislance wi1h a muhimeter. a nd
I ~,
Q) 1111I1
-0 0
C2 R4
dard-sizc potcntiomcters. ~'I any differen t ki nds are -:> --- If.!" UV
available from Newark Electronics a nd other elec~
J _-- ( 12.5 111m) filter
shiny Side up
tronies parts dealers. 0) _
-- - 0 ring
The output of the op-amp U I at pin 6 is fed
directly to the digital \'o ltme te r or digital mu ltimc ler
set on the 2-volt voltnge scale.lbe radio me te r circuit 3,a" brass unton
___ (discard compression
is powered from a standard 9~voh tmnsistor radio rmg)
ballery. The radiometer circuit can be assembled ou a
small piece of breadboard or ci rcuit board wit h the
leads kept short. When assembling the circuit. make
sure thai you install the integrated circu it correctly to Detector
(!TI::.ulalO leads
avoid damaging the Ie. Ie packages will have e ither
a small inden t circle at one end or a sma ll recta ngular
l'/lth tape o r cT
pla3ltc. tubing) (l)
cutout 31 one edge of the plaslic package. Pin I will
always be to the left of either the inde nted circle or o
the plastic cutout. Using an integrated circuit is good
practice. in the c\'e m of a later circuit fai lu re.
o ring to
The radiometer circuit can be installed in a small
- hold phone o
metal enclosure with two temlinal p osts fo r connec- plug In place ::l
tion to a multimeter or d igital voltmeter. TIle power
( detector. Some filte rs are thicker than others. If the
O-ring a nd filler sandwich is so thick that the end cap
cannot be screwed on . you may have to replace one
neCled. If you plan to make measurements with se\,-
eral detectors. you might wish to usc a tape recorder
to record your data. You can even ,lUtomate your sys-
or bot h O-ri ngs with a ring of paper or tape. In any te m wi th the hel p of a chart recorde r or a computer
case. be carefu l not to apply too much pressure when data acquisition system.
you screw on the end cap o r you Illay chip or crack The acquisition of data Cor La ngley graphs
the fi lter. requires that the sun be totally open and unblocked
"nle filler end cap sho uld be fi lled with a collima- by clouds. A lways wear good-quality UV-blocking
tor lUbe wi th an ou tside diamete r o f approximmely sunglasses whe n monitoring the sun. If clouds arc
Ih inch (6.55 mi lli meters). A tube with a lengt h of prese nt. avoid the temptation to peek a l the sun to
around I '/~ inches (abo ut-l5 m illime ters) will pro- see if a cloud is in the way. If you mUSl be sure. you
vide a fie ld of view of a few degrees or so. Al uminum
a nd brass lUbing available fro m hobby and craft
can look at the sun throu2.h a number l-l welder's
glass. available from a welding supply store for sev-
stores works well. Use a calion swab 10 coat the eral dollars. Never obser\'e the sun through a filter
inside of the tube with flat. black pai nt. Anach the thaI is more tra nspare nl lhan a numbe r l -l fil ter.
rube to the end cap with a fasl-selling glue such as
cvanoacn 'l:lle adhesive.
~ ~
Collimator 1 \
Fl 4
L. ..L S3
'" 0 1
R4 R5 03
- ,
I I I +
IN -
9 ND
Figure 2-9 Ulmn';olet rluliol1lC'/t'r eirel/it o
'Ib e UV-B radiome ter has two gain scltings. l 11C megohms works: the n 32 megohms will work but
gain path is set up by using two resistors ut R I and wit h red uced gain.
R2. \\hich is elected I'ia switch 52. R l a nd R2 arc two
very-high-resistance fe edback resistors that arc not
Thc best val ues can be selected bv -
. inse rtinu each
of sc\'c ral resistors in to the circuit te mporarily while
widely available and whose values ca n be specified moni toring the readout. with the fi lte red de tector
only approximately because of varia tions in the sig- pointed a t the sUIl.llle selected resista nce sho uld
nals transmi ncd by different fi lters aI various wave- cause the readout 10 display perhaps 80 pe rcell t or so
lengths. You can use IWO resistors to g il'c two gain of its full range for bright. noon sun with low ozone
levels. Only one is needed if you pla n to make meas- conditio ns.
urements near noon througho ut the year. -ille opti-
Resistors of more than 22 megoh ms a re ha rd to
mum resistance will probably be betwee n 30 and 100
fin d a nd e xpensive. You can make your own by sol-
megohms.l11e exact value is nOI cri tical if -I..J
de ring togethe r sc"eral IO· a nd 22-mcgohm resistors
s:: impon a lll advalllage of th e UV-B radiometer is thnt mini jack for the input sensor is finally mounted a t
the top of the enclosure. A 9-voh transistor radio bat-
it is powered by a single 9-vol1 batte ry. it consumes
litt le curre nt. and the circuit easily fits inside a CO Ill- tery holder is secured to the bOll om of the chassis to
pact housing. hold the baUer'll. Once the circuit has been installed
+.1 and the chassis secu red. you can allach your sensor
U assembly a nd begin your UV-B measurements.
<I) Construction The most expensive component of the UV-B
+.1 sola r- blind rad iometer is the optical filler. High-
<I) Build ing the UV radiometer is pretty straightfor- qua lity filters are made by Barr Associates. Barr
slip Q\'er the de lector. Wrap a layer of ta pe a ro und put voJtClge is ze ro. ( Re peat this procl!du re before
e ach me asure me nt session.) 111c n po int the tube oJ
the detector if it fi ts lOa loose ly in the lu be. Coat the
inside of the lUbe wi th nat. black e namel. A tubc
around 90 millime ters long will pro\'ide a fi e ld o f
toward the s un a nd a lign the tube until its sha dow
d isappears. 111e de tector will now be a ime d d irectl v a l
the sun. Record the voltage and make ano ther me~
\'iew of approxima te h' -
. -t d e!;!.recs when the tu be is
urement. You will soon discove r thilt evcn on a clear
pushed all the way to the de tector's base.
day the signal level nuctua tes.some times conside r-
Before in!ilalling the coll ima tor. you shou ld clean
Ihe surface of the de tecto r's filter because dust and
:tbly especially aro und noon time and whe nevcr the
oil absorb UV-B. Re move fin gerprin ts by swabbing
at mosphere is o bscured by clouds. smoke. o r dust.
Your readings will include an e rro r fac tor because
Ihe surface of the filt e r with e thyl alcohol and wiping II
away the residue with lens cleaning paper. Blow a\\'lIY
dust wilh clean. compressed air. .
the detector responds to the red light that leaks
through its fil te r. You ca n e liminate the e rro r simply
by following each rcadi ng with a second one durin u
plied by 101.000 10 find the sig nal per square me te r. 05P-l Accu lex DP-650
digital p anel meter
c: Ibe formu la that results is
Jl l I S-inch mini t wo -
f.",92~) X
101 ,000
c irc uit phone jack
l I S-inch mini two -
c ircu it phone p l ug
+..l 1.50 - (.116/.92) 10 1,000 Fl filter (see text)
U 30.000.000 X .04 X lOA = .Oll wan per sq uare
Mi sce llaneous PC board ,
Q) meier per nanometer IC s o c ket , enclosu r e ,
wi r e , t e~ini!l.l s, col -
+..l where D, is the detector's calibra ted res ponsivity. and
Ilmator, etc .
Q) F i5t he filt e r's band pass. (The band pass is the n um-
passing. through the filte rs strikes the two de tectors. ozone absorption
which arc two-terminal photodiodes that convert 630 ozone reference
light into a n electrical CUrTe nt. The signal from each
detector is amplified and sent to a miniature digital
700 ozon.: reference
readout. A Itho ugh advanced experimen te rs should 760 oxygen absorption
be a ble to assemble a tool ozone portable speclrora- 7SO oxygen reference
diometer (TOPS) instrumenl. a calibrated instrume nt
850 water \'apor reference
for measuring ozone. it is important to unde rsta nd
water vapor absorption
that the necessary pairs of UV fi lters. photodiodes.
and high resistance resistors a re not readi ly available. 998 wate r vapor reference
Se lecting the Filters A bel1er pair o f wavele ngth ranges for locations I::'
abm'c 350"' north wou ld be 305 to 310 na no me ters for (1)
The most impo rta nt and expensive componcnL'i of an
the short wa\'e length and 325 to 330 na no me ters for rT
ozone-measuring instrument arc the two UV filters.
the lo ng wa\·e le ngth. lllc di sadvantage o f these wa\'c- (1)
le ngths is that aerosols in the atmosphe re may cause (1
Most exisling filter ozone-meters respo nd to a pair of
mo re e rror tha n wit h more closely spaced wave-
wavelengths separated by about 20 nanome ters. but rT
le ngths.. ~.
this means e rrors can be introduced by aerosols in
tbe atmosphere. I minimize this proble m by using For best resulls. the bandpass o f fi llers used to
wa\'elengths on ly 6 nanometers a part. To make sure
the re is ample difference in the ozone absorption al
de tect ozone must be less than the 10 nanometers.
wh ich is sta ndard for most. If you can no t fin d fi lte rs
two wavelengths this close together. it's necessa ry to wi th a 5 nanome ters or less bandpass. you can reduce
use wavele ngths close 10 the point at which all UV Ihe bandpass of a 10 nanometers fi lte r by stacking
radiation is bl ocked bv ozone beca use th at's where rwo ofthc m.
the differencc in absorption is most dramatic. Ultra- Fillers are com mo nly sold in di ame le rs of 1?.5 and
violet filt e r wavelengths of 300 a nd 306 nanometers 25 na nome ters (0.5 and I inch). Smalle r filte rs a re
were chosen for this project. These wave le nglhs work chea pe r and e asie r 10 mount. Stock UV itllc rfe re nce
well at nl\'. la titudc:29 35 ' north. but they
. will not fil ters cost 5100 or more e ach. a nd cus to m fil ters are
work well at higher lat itudes d uring winler and spring considcrubly more expensive. ~...lanu filclU re rs who
becausc of the lower a ngle of the sun a nd the Slack filt ers include TwardyTech nology. lnc.. Micro-
increased amou!ll of ozone (see Table 2-1). Coatings. a nd Andover Corpora lio n.Addi tio na l man·
ufaclU rers advenise in trade magazines for the optics
a nd lase r industries.
- 5 mm DIA HOLE
c A,\ /
o ,
.... \
c c )
o o
- 300 nm FILTER
FILTER - ~::::::'_~d....JI:::::,~~~
r===r=p: or_ ZERO ADJUST
0\ \ LOWER
~T---------L:==::J VANE
be correct. If evef'.'thin\!
. .
is in order. install a batten' in in a clean. d ust-free spot because dust and de posits
from cooking fumes will block UV. Never leave the
the batten' holder and switch on the inst rument.
8 0th readouts should display digits. Block both pho-
todiodes and adjust the lri mme r potentiome te r R2
o zone-mete r instrument inside a closed \'ehicle. The
photodiode window and both faces of both filters
must be ke pt me ticulously clean. D ust must be blown
until the two readou ts read 0 valls. A pair o f a lu- (l)
away with clean compressed air. Especially diTty
minum vanes (sec Figure 2· 11 ) provides a means for
filt ers can be cleaned with a drop of ca mera
optically aligning TOPS. Bore a small. 1 to 2 millime- (l)
le ns cleaner.
ter hole near the eenle,r a t the upper \'ane. With tbe
cabinet open. point the instrume nt at tbe sun and Several methods can be used to cal ibra te ozone
align it until sunlight slrikes bo th filte rs. 111en place a instrume nts. The simplest is to compare your o bser-
small mark where sunlight from the uppe r vane vations with those made by a near by instrument. In
strikes the lower vane. U your fillers are recessed. you the United Sta tes. many locat io ns have Dobson Spec- o
can see when sunlight is striking them by placing a trophotome ters to which you can compare your read- ~
glass microscope slide ove r them . If you then til t the ings. If you nre not near one of these inst rume nts.
slide at a 45 degree angle. you will see the filt ers a no ther met hod is to com pure your readings with
reflected in the slide. those made by sate llite. NASA operates <I compm e r
Web site from the Godda rd Space Flight Center that
gi\'es worldwide measure ments of ozone.
Using the Ozone-Meter
Before usio!! the inslrUmen l. be sure the cabinet is Computing the Rmount of
closed and that no light leaks th rough a ny openings.
If necessary_ use black paper to shield the detecto rs
from lighlleaks. You can also insert tubes over the
Detennining the amount of ozone in the atmosphere
detector filter assemblies. In either case. be sure tha t
ove rhead requires several steps. First you have to find
nothing blocks the sunlight reaching the de tector.
the locallllt!lIIl rillle.this is not noon o r 12:00. To fi nd
To use the instrument. first make sure bOlh ampli- your local mC;1Il time. fi rst Fi nd the numbe r o f
fiers ar.:= zeroed by switching on the power in sub-
by as much as 16 minUles.·nle actual diffe rence le ngths above Eanh's at mosphere_ is known as the
belween local mean time and Ihe actual o r a ppare nt eXfmferre.Hria/ C01l.Wllllt . You will need 10 measure this
lime is called the eq/latioll a/time. wlue from the ground by making a Langley graph on
Second you will have to determine the angle of Ihe a very clear. dry day when Ihe ozone a mount remains
sun abO\'e the horizon to compute the a ir mass and fairlv constan t.
thus the ozone amount O\'erhe ad. If you measure the Record L ] and L: and the lime as often as possible
s:: angle ma nua]] v, be sure to do it immcdiateh' afler
~. . fo r a few hours. e nding or beginning al solar noon.
o mnking your measurements. Yo u ca n insta ll a bubble Plot the log of the ratio L tf L2 against air mass (III. the
..... level on vour ozone-meier. Hold the unit on its side
with the upper alignment \'ane pointed toward the
reciprocal of the sine of the sun's angle above the
horizon) o n a graph. If you ex te nd the plot to 0 air
o sun : when the bubble is cen te red . measure the length
of the shadow cast by the npper vane.
mass. YOli will find the approximate ex traterrestrial
consta nt. L ,IL ! can be the ratio of the UV measure-
(l) men IS in watts per sq uare meter or simply Ihe num-
TIle ta ngent of the sun's angle above the horizon is
~ the length of Ihe uppe r vane divided by Ihe length of bers read [rom the readouts. Because the ralio of the
(l) the vane's shadow. It·s impo n ant that you record the two signa ls is bein g measured. iI's not necessary to
o exact tillle of your mea<;urements. this time in form a-
tion wilt permit you to calculate the sun 's angle elec-
know the cali bration of the photodiodes. The ozone
absorpt ion and Ra le igh scallering coefficients can be
tronicallv, a l a late r time if .vou e lect to do so. Vario us
found in published la bles.
computer programs are available tha t give the a ngle
of the Sll n for a llY location on Earth.
Sensitive Optical
The Total Ozone Equation Tachometer
I The tota l ozone equa tion is given as follows A optical tachometer will pe rmit you 10 measure the
0 , = log (L ]I L!' ) ~ log(L ]IL!) ~ (b ]- h:) limes speed of rOiating objects such as wheels and motors.
(pl inK's mll .013) di\'ided by «(II - {/~) limes m disks. and flywheels. By a llaching a small mirror to a
rotating o bject and shining a light on the mirro r. you
can use a photOiachometer to measure the speed of
L 1 ' and L ~' are the intensities of the two that rotating o bject as shown in Fi gure ?-P. You can
wavelengths o utside the a tmosphe re build a sensitive phototllchometer quite easily. The
L ] a nd L~
are the inlCnsities of the two wave- phototachometer shown in Figure 2- 13 uses a phOlo-
le ngths during a measureme nt lransislor sensor a nd IWO op-amps a nd fir/rl effect
fmllsislOr (FET) along with a n analog meter to meas-
a nd fl : are the absorption coefficie nts for
fl l
ure rotating objects a t speeds up to 50.000 rpm.
ozone at the two wavelengths
, "' - '
,, I
Ught pulses strikim:: the phololransistor Q I pro- The opticallachomcler Ciln be constructed on a
duce voltage pulses at the inp ut of the op-amp V I. 3Y.!: X 6 inch ci rcuit board. When d csigni ng the circui t
which is connected as a schm itl trigger. (A schmitt board. it is recommend ed that the pholotransislor be
trigger is a logic gate that red uces the p roblem of moun ted at one e nd of thc ci rcuil board so that when ••
unwamed slate changes ncar the voltage threshold . II the ci rcu it board is insta lled in an e nclosure. the pho-
prevents nois)' signals from triggeri ng a cireui!.) -Ille lotra nsislor will"look" oUlside thc edge of Ihe box.
OUtput pulses from U1 nrc then di fferentiated by IntcgnHed circuit sockc ts are high ly recommended
C4/'ing voltage spikes thaI are then applied to for the tWO integra ted circui ts. in the eve nt of a circuit
the timer"s (U2) trigger inp ut. "Ille aUipu l from the fail u re at a latc r date. II is much easie r to replace
one-shot logic circuit passes th ro ugh d iode 0 I a nd componen ts if socke ts are used. Whe n insta lling inte-
energiles the FET/ R15 constant-currcn l source 10 grated ci rcuits. you must observc the correct orienta-
produce pulses with conslalll amplitude across R 16. tion of the Ie before insta lling it in its socket.
"hich are averaged by the meter at M I. Capacitor Integm ted circuit packages will gene ra lly ha\'c c ither
ell is added to dampen the meier pointer vibratio n a sma ll indc lHed circle o n one side of the package or
at low rpm ranges. The photot<lchomctc r can be oper- a small cutout o n the top of the Ie package. Pin I of
ated using a 9-voll transistor radio batte ry at B I. the Ie will a lwa\'s be to the le ft of e ithe r Ihe cmom
Power is appl ied 10 the phototacho mcle r via the or the small inde n ted circle. Wh e n insl<llling compo-
JXIwerswitch a t S2. ne nts on the circuit be carefu l to observe Ihe pola rity
of the capacitors and diodes. There a re five e lec-
2.5 5 W so
A" A13
.9V A' A9 AW An
r. • C7
.9V 3
, C9
.9V ~b
~AC2 , Sl :a
" 5
P -w A'
, C
;t;;i>-', f--fr
,, Tca
~, , ~I A7
7 ,,
,, -
A3 ~
C5 , 3 ,,
f' ,,
c -..
A" ,
o 9~~ 02 0 n
0 .9V ,
..... TO
• 9V
,~ Sl .'b
+J •
9V -:- 61
• S,
t'J -, '1' A .~ 0,
• cn
Figure 2-13 Phototm:hollleler circuit
trolytic c:lpat itors (C!. CS. e9. CW. and e ll ). Note 51. and for the RUllffest switch III 53. Yo u will also
the plus mnrking on each capacitor and ils orie nta- have to use a chassis punch to CUI out a hole for the 0
tion with respect to the schematic diagram. A single to 50 uA me ie r. Rnnlly. you will have to drill a ~inch
diode is used in the circuit al O l: the band al one end hole so that the phototransistor can look ( 0 the out~
of the diode is the cathode. and il should be fa cing side world o ut Ihe side of the chassis box.
the drain pin on 0 2. TIle photOlransislor al OJ will In the initial tacho metcr prototype. the power
have its collector connected to Cl. wrule its cmin er is switch 52. the speed switch at 51. and the Runffest
connected to ground . 'IllC FET at Q7 has its ga le con- switch a t 53 were all mounted o n the top frol1l of the
( neeled to the junct ion of R15/ R 16. while its d rain chassis box along with the me tcr. l 11e ci rcuit board
lead is connected to diode D I. Tlle source lead of the was mounted atop fou r lA-inch plastic sta ndoffs " ith
r ET is connected to o ne end of potentiome te r R 15. :Y~- inch -1-40 machine screws. 111e circuit board was
Also notc that the me te r must be insta lled with its oriented so the phototransisto r will face the M·inch
plus or positive lead connected toward thc ro tary hole that was drilled so that the phototransistor can
1-1 switch at 51. look OU t the chassis box. A 9-volt battery holder was
Locate a 6 x 8 x 2 Y: metal chassis box in wh ich 10 mounted on the bOHom of the chassis box.
+J house Ihe phototachomctcr. Yo u will need to d rill a To ca libra te Ihe tachometer. R 15 a nd R1 7 arc fiTS!
0.. few holes in the chassis: for the sens itivi ty control a t set to midposition . a nd the range swi tch is sel to 2,500
I R2. fo r the speed switch a t 5 I. fo r the powe r switch a l rpm. A DC voltme ter is thcn connected across R16.
so El e c t r on i c Senso r s f o r the Ev il Ge n i us
After disconnecting the wirc be twec n points C and 0 Rla 2 00K ohm, l / ~-watt,
5 \ reSi s tor
in the diagram. R1 5 is adjus ted so that the voltme te r
reads I \·olt. This wire is rc connec ted at the rangc Cl 0.002 uF o 35-volt
ceramic disc cap a c itor
s\\ilch and is sel 10 10.000 rpm. A 3-\'011 peak. 120 Hz
C2 0.05 uF , 35-volt
sine wa\'C is applied b e twee n poi n ts A and B: this is c erami c disc c apac itor
equl\'alent 10 applying 7.200 rpm.
C3 , C5 0. 1 u F , 3S-volt
Fmally check for thc rejection of low-Ie\'el. 120 Hz c eramic disc c apacitor
modulation of incandesccn t lighl sources by a imin!! C4 0.001 uF, 35- v o lt
c eramic d isc c apacitor
the phOIOtransistor aI a 50- to 75-\\,<111 la m p whi le
C6 0.068 uF, 3S-vo lt
\<U)·ing the sensith'ity control R1 over ils ra nge. If Ibe
c eramic dis c c apacitor
meter does nOi remain at ze ro unde r all conditions.
C7, ca. ClO 20 uF , 35-
the input hysteresis is increased by incrcasing R4 10 volt electrolyti c
to kilo-ohms. The phototachome lc r is now ready for c apa c it o r
experimen tatio n. eg, Cll 100 uF o 35-volt
elec t rolyti c ca pacitor I
Dl IN9l4 si licon diode
Ql phototranSi stor
Sensitive Phototachometer ECG-30Jl
Parts List Q2 FET transisto r ECG
3 12/451
Rl 3.9K ohm. 1 / 4- watt . Ul LM7 41 op-amp
5 \ r esistor
U2 LM55S timer IC
R2 lOOK ohm potentiome -
Ml 50 uA mic o ramete r
te r (panel mount)
15 0K ohm, 1 / 4- watt ,
5 % re s i:nor
51 two-p o le five -
position r otary switch
52 5P5T toggle (power ("T
R4 5.1K o hm, 1 / 4- watt ,
5\ resi s tor switch)
53 5PDT t o ggl e switc h
R5 , R8 l OO k ohm , l /~
watt , 5 \ resistor
(run /tes t) ()
Miscellaneous PC boa r d, ("T
R6 , R7 47k ohm, 1 /4 -
watt . 5 \ resistor
wire , IC sockets,
hardware, etc.
R9 SOK ohm, 1 / 4-watt .
5 \ re s i s t o r
RI O 25K ohm, 1 /4- watt, ::s
5 % r e s i s tor
Rli 10K ohm . 1 / 4- watt , Turbidity
5 % resist o r
Rl2 5K ohm , l/q - watt , Turbidity wa te r is caused by the presence of vcry fin e
5 % re s istor
suspended matter such as clay. silt. o rganic a nd inor-
R13 , R14 3.9K ohm . 1 / 4- ganic matter. soluble colored o rgan ic compounds.
watt , 5 \ resistor
plankto n. <lnd othc r m icroscopic o rganisms. Turbidi ty
R15 5K ohm c alibration
potenti oml! te r measu re me nts rc lat e to the optical prope rty of wate r
(trimp o t) Iha l causes light to be scattered and absorbed ra ther
R16 lK ohm, 1 / 4-watt. Ihan transmitted in slraightlines th ro ugh the sample.
5 % re sistor 111e common unit of measureme nt o f turbidity is the
R17 10K o hm c alibration Nephelometric turbidity IInit (NT U).
potenti omet er
- .
microoreanism may not be detectable o r rna\'. be ideal fo r a scie nce fai r project. TIle turbidity meter
ci rcuit shown in Figure 2-1 4. revolves around the
grossly underestimated by cUrre ll! detection met h-
ods. The adsorpt ive properties of suspended particles clear plastic or glass nat-surfaced test cell or sample
: //
I I 3
1 54
\ I \ I 3 •
I I \1 5
\ I 4 I '0-
1 51 53 HOLD
---------- -- - - - - - R3 10K '0.- ,
- 12V
9-1 2VDC
51 - 12VDC +12VDC
U2 - DS-l
1 0
6I 6 LM7805
2,A rj - - ---- --- S2:B _I UF
Cl C2 I:'
12V 12V
I' ~=-
- II + •I + - (l)
83 IJ
-------------------_. -- -- ------- - --_. --- -. ._----- t
Figure 2-14 Oplical flI rbidif)" sellsor J.
chamber. which is housed in a "dark" light box. A pu t of the op-a mp at pin 6 is fed di rectly to a Accu lex j
light source such as a small incandescen t la m p or a DP-654 LCD display module. which will provide a
high-outplll or superbright LED is allowed to shine good stable o u tput reading for the turbidity mete r.
through the water sample in the test cell o nto a sili- TIle output of the op-a mp is coupled to the plus (+)
con solar cell. The lamp is a li gned \\~lh the solar cell input pin on the LC D display. 'Ille minus ( - ) lead o f
in a straight beam pat h where a small light tube is the L C D me te r is connected to th e display ground as
placed in front of the lamp to d irect the light to the well as to the circu it ground . TIl e display hold
solar cell. switchcs S3 a nd S4 allow eithe r mo mentary hold
The electronics of the circuit consists o f a n LM 74 1 function or a more pe rmanent ho ld fe a ture. The hold
op-amp as the electronic amplifier. The silicon solar switches are wired directly to the 5-\'01t powe r
cell is connected directly 10 the op-amp as shown. sourcc. as is the power supply lead for the LC D
with the plus (+) lead fro m the solar cell connected meter. A 5-volt regula tor a t U2 is used to ste p down
directly to the plus (+) pin o f the op-map at p in 3. the 12-\'olt power source to 5 volts fo r the display.
The minus lead ( - ) o r the solar cell is connected to Note thai the circuit uses 1WO 12-\'olt bilHeries or 12-
the minus input ( - ) o f the op-amp at p in 2. The OUI- \'olt power supplies to power the turbidity meter. TIle
Heat Detection
R1 NfC
lm741 0
D1 t;
I 0
I:::: RY - l NlO
o ------ ------ ._----- ----------------------.------.--------------.------------------------------.---------------------
..... Figu re 3-1 Inf rared fla me sensor swilch circlI it
o e n tire circui t can be powe red fro m a single 9-vo11 pin I. Whe n insta lling the IC be sure to ali1,'1l pin 1 to
Q) transistor radio battery or "wall wart"" power supply. the so cke t p in correspond ing 10 pin 1. The o nly ot her
+l (A wall wart is a small power supply thai can be co mponen t tha t req u ires co rrect o rie n ta tion is the
Q) plugged d irecl l), into the wall : it gOI its na me WlIrt dio de placed at D l. The re lay used in this project is
Q because when plugged into a power str ip, it oft en an SPOT mini re lay: this type o f re lay is used because
blocks more than the onc Spo t if s allo ned.) it allows yo u to be able to use e ithe r a no rmally
l llC infrared switch is so sensiti ve that it will closed set of conlacts or a no rma lly ope n set o f con-
detect a n infra red source mo re thun 3 feel away. In taclS d ep endin g upo n your particula r a pp licatio n.
order \0 achieve Ihis scnsili vily. lbe rmistor Tl is Afte r constructing the circu it b OCl rd, yo u will need to
mounted in the cen ler or a t the focal poin t of a fl ash- inspect the botto m o r foil sid e of the circuit board to
ligh t re fl ecto r. Care must be ta ke n to e nsu re tha t the make sure that no s tray o r loose compo ne nts leads
theffil isto r is accura te ly mo un ted at the foc.1 [ point o f slUck to tbe u ndersid e o f the circuit boa rd. Yo u want
the re fl ector to e nsure maximum sensitivity of the to be sure that the re are no short -circu it pa ths
circuit. be tween circ uit pads. A p plying power to the circuit
with sho rt-circu its may destro y the circuit.
The in fra red switch circuit can be bui lt on a pe rf-
boa rd o r pro to-board o r o n a small printed circuit The infrared switch is p laced in a me tal e nclosure
bo a rd . The pro toty pe circui t is constructed o n a 21/2 in o rd er to pro teci the circu iLA 5 x 7 inch meta l
X 2 inch circu it boa rd . TIle circuit layout is not crit ica l chassis box is used to house the infra red switch cir-
imd can be b uilt in und er a n hour. Use an illlegrared cuit. The on -off switch a t S I an d the pote ntio meter at
circllir ( IC) socke t whe n b u ilding the circuit to e nab le R2 are mou nted on the top front o f the chassis box.
you to repair the circuit if th e need ever arises. ICs Thermisto rTI is mo un ted o n the circuit board.
have markings o n the m to ind icate the pino u ts of the whe reas therm isto r TI is <It the focal poin t o f fl ash-
d evice. ICs ge ne ra Uy will bave a plastic cuto ut in the light re fl ecto r.
lOp cen te r o f the package. If this is the case then pin 1 A s me n tioned earlie r. the thermisto r must be
will be to tbe le ft o f the cutout. Some ICs may h ave a mo unted in the exact cen te r of th e cente r bole of the
small inde nted circle o n the top j usl to the righ t o f re fl ector. In add itio n to be ing mo un ted in the cen ter
A small round piece of plastic or circuit bQ(lro can be 01 lN4002 silicon diode
tullo fit over the cente r hole of the reflector and Ql 2N222 2 tran sistor
then glued in place. Two small holes arc drille d into RY-l 6 - volt SPOT r elaY
the small diameter piece of plastic in the cente r of the U1 LM141 op-amp
reflector to accept the leads from the thermistor TI. 81 9-volt ba tt ery
The thermistor leads can then be slid in o r o ut of the Sl SPST toggle s witc h
holes to adjust them into the focal plane. a nd the n the Mis c ellaneous PC board,
leadsean be glued to the plastic ce nter disk. An over- wire, IC socket, ter-
minal st r ip, battery
.i1£d hole is drilled into the side of the chassis box to holde r , c has sis box ,
accept the nashlight rencctor. '[be [lashlight re flector flashlight refle c tor ,
then is mOllnted at the side of the chassis box. and a etc.
R3 + 1 ( BZ
3 + 2
Iv - S J lD
C1= = 01
R2 R4
~ -- -- -- --
+9V +5V
Q) U2
+l + + + C3
c I I C2
-- - -
._ .. _----------- --- _.. _------------------
Figure 3-2 Free:.illg iell/IJ/!r(llllre a/arm cirCII;f
amplified bv Ihe QI. an N-channel e nha ncement The fre eze alann is constructed on a smalJ prOlo-
mode \'cnical DMOS FET. llle thrce-pin N-channel board or expe riments universal board. which is aV3il-
FET then drives a solid-slate beeper at BZ . whe n nble [rom D atak (part # 12-611).The circuit can be
32 degrees F is reached. constructed in unde r an hour. Layout is not critical
The freeze alarm is powe red by a 9-\'011 transislor beca use th is is not II high-freque ncy or RF circuit.
radio battery. The 9-\'0It battery is coupled to Ihe Most components <I re not critical a nd a re easily
obtainable. 'ole. however thaI the resistors are all
I regula tor at U2 through the on-o(( switcb at S1. Nine
volts [rom the battery is IIrst supplied to the buzze r. I % resislOrs for accuracy of the circuit operation. The
Nine volts is also fed to U2 where the voltage is omy caveal in building the circuit is to pay particular
reduced and regula ted down to 5 \'olts DC to power a n e ntion 10 the orientation of the semiconductor
the freeze alHrm. A U of Ihe se miconductor devices devices. Study the pinouts of all the semiconductor
arc low-power small foot print dC\'ices; the compa ra- devices before soldering the m into place on the cir-
tor is a National Sem iconductor device: the FET is a cui t board. After conslrucling the circuit boa rd. be
ZETEX product and the regulator is from Seiko . sure to carefully look ror cold solder joints a nd circuit
60 Electr o nic Sensors for the Evi l Geniu s
bridges between circuit pads. Also look fo r loose
component leads that may have a llached tht.! mseh 'cs Freeze Rlarm Parts List
to the underside of the board. All compo ne nts e xcept
Tl Ke Ys t one t h e r mi stor
forthc thermistor are moun ted o n the circu it board.
(s ee text )
The freeze alarm can be housed in a small me tal Rl 499K ohm, 1/ 4- wa tt,
enclosure if desired. A small ) 1h x 5 inch metal box 1% res i stor
\\"3Schosen to house the pro totype freeze alarm R2 1 megohm, 1 / ~ -watt,
1% r eS i stor
circuit. The buzzer and pOwer switch are mo unted o n
the lOp front side of the enclosure. The circu it board R3 72 0K ohm , 1/ 4-wat t ,
1% r es i sto r
is secured to the bollom of the enclosure alone. wi th
the 9-\'olt battery holde r. A two-circu it RCA jack is
Cl O. l u F , 3S- vo l t
ce r am i c c apac i tor
mounted on the side of Ihe box to accommoda te the C2 , C3 10 uf, 3 S-vo l t
remote thermistor. e le ct r o l Yt i c capacito r
Next. you Ilil1 want to prepare a shield ed sensor 01 Z VN ~ 1 06F
N- channe l
enhance ment mode OMOS
cable \Iith an RCA plug a t one e nd and the thermis-
tor at the OIher e nd. Depend ing upon yuur a pplica - rna\' wish \0 house the themlistor in a
Ul LMC7 21 S l ow- power
compa r a to r (Nationa l I
discarded pell. \lith prol'isio ns for the shicJded cable Semi conduc to r )
loe.xilthe lOp of the pen assembly. First. prepare the
thermistor by spraying it and the leads with Crylon o r
tYpe r egu l ato r (Sei k o)
Sl S PST t o ggl e switch
a similar plastic coating to insulale the the rmistor a nd
the first 1'. inch of the le:lds. Th e Ihemlistor le ads are 81 9-volt t ra nsisto r
rad i o batte r y rt
usuall~' I'cry small-gilUge wire. so care must be take n
"hen soldering the shield ed cable to the the rmistor.
Heatshrink IUbing shou ld be put o\'er the connection
8Z QMB-1 2 e l ect r onic
beep er (Sta r ) ,
orjunction between the thermistor and the shie lded
Mi s ce ll a n e ous p r inted
ci r c u it boa r d , b atte ry
cable, and some stra in relief should be provided. ho l d e r, wi r e, chassis t
Once the freeze alarm Iws been insta lled in ils
b o x, RCA jack, RCA
p l u g , s t andoffs,
enclosure. and the Ihe rmistor cable attachl!d to the sc r e ws, nuts, e tc. ()
cirruit. you can installthc 9-volt battery. Place the o n- rt
off switch in the off position and install Ih e battery. ~.
To test the circuil. prepare a bowl with a numbe r of
Overtemperature Rlarm
ice cubes or crushed ict.! in a small amount of wate r.
You want to creatc an ice bat h or icc slurr\'. \ Vait ='
about a minute for the icc to cool the wate r to near The o\,crtempera tu re alarm circuit is a greal sensing
rreezing.then apply pOller to the freeze a la rm and 1001 a nd will alert you to an o l'crheating cond ition.
immerse the thermistor probe in to the icc slurr\'. and The prototype ol'ertempera ture alarm has a trip
the bUller should start to sound. Next remove the poin t around 150 degrees F. but this can be a lte red
probe from the icc slurry and the buzzer shou ld go fo r 0 1he r opera ting rangcs if desired. lllC overte m-
quiet in j ust a momenl. If the circuit is func tioning peratu re a larm can be used 10 a lert yo u of an ove r-
correctly. you can tum orf the circuit and your freeze heating cond itio n in your com p u ter or a lite r home
alarm is now ready to serve you! appl iance. You can easily substitule the elect ron ic
buzze r with a small relay \0 usc the ci rcuit to activate
a sire n or !lashing beacon jf desired.
+IL_ T1
-- A3 =?
UI:B 02
CLK 0 I"'-
- ,
the leads with C~' lon o r a similar plastic coat ing to R4 10K o hm potentiome -
ter (pane l mount)
insulate the themlistor and the fi rs l l/~ inch of the
R5 15K ohm, 1/4- wa tt
thennistor"s leads.. The thermistor leads a re usually reSistor
vcry small·gauge wire, so care m ust be taken when
._......._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
Figure 3-5 Analog data logger sysfem J/
of a radio transmitte r- e it her a walkie talkie o r an FM o hm is a 1:1 transfom1cr with bOlh windings 600 ro
broadcasllransmitter. A t the receiving end of the cir- ohms each.) The transfomlcr's output is connected to rt
euil a rccci\'cr audio circuit is fed d irectly into a [re- a coupling capacitor at C3. 111e capacitor a nd remain- ro
quencY-ID--voltage converter. The frequency-to-
voltage converler is then fed illla a digital vall meter.
ing tra nsformer lead is con neCled to a mjni audio
p lug. which couples the oscillator circuit to either a
In this data logger scheme. you can send th e data transmi tte r"s audio input or 10 the audio input o f a .....
realtime from one location to anothe r. tape recorde r.
The sending or sensor circuit shown in Figu re 3-6
shows a temperature sensor connected between pins
11le receiving or p layback circuitry of the re mote
data logger is shown in Figure 3-7. The hear! o f t he
-t and 7 of an LM555 oscilla tor/timer IC In ope ratio n. freq ue ncy-to-voltage con verter in the d isplay circuit
the L~'1555 oscillates at a frequency d ctenn ined by is the LM331 Ie. The a ud io input circuit to the fre-
the resistance of the tempe rature sensor at T l. As the q uenCY-lo-voltage chip e nten; the circuit at capaci tor
temperature ar T I changes. the resista nce changes. C l. The a ud io is next coupled to a minilransfonne r at
thereby changi ng the frequenc), of Ihe oscillator. Ll . Transforme r L l is a n 8·ohm to I K o hm iTl lerstage
Capacitor Cl has been selected to keep the ma.\:i- matching transfomle r uscd in rad ios. h is readily
mum frequency o f the oscillator within the range of a available a l Hny Radio Shack sto re.11le lK output o f
typicallape recorder. The o ut put of the L M555 at pin the transfo mle r is next coupled to a capacitor at Q.
3 of the IC is fed to a capacito r at 0. which is in tum wh ich is then fed into the freq uency-to-voltage con-
connected to a minitransfomlc r at L I. Transfonner verter chip at p in 6.
Ll is a 6OO·ohm to 6oo-ohm interstage ty pe used to In operation, one o f the inp uts of the Uvf311 is
couple radio circuits together. (A 6OO·ohm to 600- b iased at a voltage d c te nnined b\' R2 a nd R3. When
, C,
2 '"II~J>
, : ~ I
, 0
+l C3 ~ +9VDC
o 'I f-i +
R1 R2
8 R"
Cl 7 S
* C'
" U1 1
C2 2
R' R7
I>--j + i-
8n~1 If::
'- iRiaiRiRiRial
~ 1000 oms
3 • o VOLTS 0
'~ -
Figure 3-7 Tell/permuTe recei\ler cirClIif
the amplitude of the incomi ng exceeds that of the Each time the comparator switches. the one-shot trig-
reference voltage provided by R2 and R3. lhc output gers and closes a current switch.1bis allows the output
of tbe comparator changes stale until the input sign al filler capacitor at C5 10 charge for a lime determined
falls below the refere nce voltage. by the time constan t of R6 and C4. Resislor R 7 func-
The output [rom the comparator is connected to a lions as a bleeder resistor that continually discharges
monoslable multivibrator (a one-shot) in the Uv1331 . the charge on capaci tor C5.l here by causing the volt-
1 uF, 3S-volt elec -
trolytic capacitor
LM331 frequency-to-
C3 4 . 7 uF , 3S-volt
electrolytic capacitor
voltage convert er IC
(National) rt
Ll lK to 8 - ohm mini
Ll 600 to 600 ohm mini
matching transformer matching tran s former ()
Ul LM555 timer/oscilla-
tor IC (National)
Miscellaneous PC board ,
wire, IC socket,
st andoffs , sc rews ,
RCA chass i s jac k
SPST toggle power
nuts, te~inal strip.
switch !:3
Bl 9-volt transistor
radio battery
Miscellaneous PC board.
wire, IC s ocket , LCD Thermometer
sta ndoff s, s crews,
nuts, etc: . It is often necessary to measure temperalure around
your ho me, shop. or office. a nd one accurate and easy
method to measure tempcm ture is to construct the
digitaJ LCD thermomete r described in this section.
The LCD thermome ter can read and display a wide
range of te mperatures from - 20 degrees C to + 150
de grees C.
.-. ---- --- -- --- -- ----_. --_ ..- No te that the IC L7 136 has the high a nd low input
te rminals o n pins 3 1 and 30 respective ly. A lso nOle.
3-8 t e D thermometer
the chip has a se para te commo n ground connection
,, R3
R1 01
, 35
REFHI l aO's
, ~
,, ::r'
A2 , (1)
,, COM
,, (1)
01 C3
10's 02
, I
E2 E2
, ::c(1)
C4 F2
,, R6
, R5 BUF
Bl B3 I rt"
, C5
C3 ,,
,, 'NT
l's 01
,, 0
E1 E3 (1)
,, F3 , rt"
v- G3 ,, (1)
,, 0
OP3 rt"
on pin 32. The COi,'1 ground is differe nt from the po te ntiometer R4 is used to adjust the scale factor of
negative power supply connection on pin 26. The the a na log-to·digital"s input.
analog-to-digital con\'erler sam pling is referenced \'Ia The back plane LCD drive r occupies a la rge por-
the clock fomlcd by the oscillator pins 38, 39. and 40. tion of the chip"s output pins as shown" "1l1e Al
The pOIcntiometcr R3 is used as a zero adjustment through G I or the I"s. digit o utput is shown from pins
011 the input of the a nalog-to-digilal chip_ while 2 thro ugh 8" whi le the 10·s digi ts A2 through G2 are
~ found o n p ins 9 through 14 and pin 25_Finally the llle d igital thermomc te r cons umes lillic power
0 leXr s d igits from OA3 thro ugh G 3 a re found on pins and can be powe red from a 9-\'011 transistor radio
.r-i 15 through 24. balle ry fo r about 3 months or mo re. Construction of
+l A 3 11l digital AND brand FE0203 LCD display the LC D the mlOmc te r is pre tty straigh tforward and
U used in th is project is a T N_ or twisted nema tic type. ca n be comp leted in about 2 hours with litt le diffi-
(I) LCD device. llle 40-pin . 3 11l-digit LCD d isplay is culty on a small pri ntc d circui t board. as shown in the
+l powe red by as-vo lt so urce. In o ur p roject we use figure. All the compo nents are mounted on the circuil
(I) o nly the three d igits and the d ecim al poin t to display board including the ana log-to-digital chip. a ll its sup-
porting compone nts. as we ll as the LCD. llle diode
0 te mperature.-Ille pi nouts diagram for the LCD d isplay
is shown in 1:1 ble 3- 1. se nso r is not mo un led o n the PC board. It is highly
advisable to use an IC socke t fo r the -W pin a nHlog~
+l lo-digi tul chip. so in th e event o f later failure. you can
ro Table 3-1 easily re p lace the c hip if need bc.
(I) The input measurcment capacitors are a ll polycsler
AND Brand Model FE0203 LCD Disp lay Pinouts
::t: film typcs. beca usc they can affect the accuracy of Ihe
LCD Pin Rssignments meter.ll1e clock ge ne ra tor capacitor lhat o scillates
I p'III "" Seg. Pin :; Seg. Pill II Seg. Pill II Seg.
near 50 K Hz is a ce ramic capacitor with good high-
frcque ncy cha racterislics.. A multilaye r ceramic
I OP II CI 21 AJ 31 FI
(I) , y OP2 -, GI
capacitor is used for the bypass capacitor at C6. ~ l os t
IJ 1:2
"-,,- F3
of the capaci tors in this circuit are not pola rity sensi·
live exccp t fo r C6, con nected ncar the baue ry. All the
1-1 res isto rs in the thermometer circuit are 1% so accu-
.t:: , " OJ
" 0'
racy of Ihe me ter is ke p t high.
E-! NC 15 CI
" A2 jj NC
Whe n installing the ,malog-to-digital chip. make
6 NC DP) 1'2 36 NC
" su re yo u o rie nt thc chip correct ly to avoid da maging
1-1 NC E) G2 NC
8 [) I' I
18 DJ
28 L
the chip when powe r is applie d . IC.s ge ne rally have a
marking to assist in orie n ta tion and insta ll ation. The
+l 9 E Il9 19 C2 29 BI 39 X
chip muy have a small cutout a t the top of the pack-
Q.. age. Pin I is to the left of the cutout. Some ICs ha\'c a
ro 10 DI 2. 83 30 AI BP
sma ll inden ted circle just to the righ t of pin I .
72 Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius
When installing the LC D. be careful not to a pp ly LC D the rmo me te r circuit indud ing the ba tte ry.
to much pressure to the front or b etween the fro nt If yo u ch oose to mo unt the LC D the nnome te r inside
and the back of the display to avoid d a maging it. If a plastic e ndosure. yo u will want to ma ke pro visio ns
you can locate a socke t for the LC D. it wo uld ad vis- fo r a n 0 0 -0[( switch a nd screw te rminals o r a n RCA-
able to use o ne. Be very careful whe n wiring the type jack for connecti ng the tempe ra ture senso r.
LCD. because many pins need to be wired. and the You'll be surprised just how handy your n ew LCD
possibility for making a mistake is g reat. the rmo mete r will become aro und your ho use or sho p
After soldering a ll the compone n ts in the p rope r o nce yo u '" e b uilt o nc !
place. carefully look o\'e r the unde rside of the ci rcuit
board for shorts or solder brid ges le f! from cut co m- I-i
ponents leads. Also look fo r cold so lder j oints. which
ca.nrome back to haun t you lat e r wit h inte rmi tte nt
LCD Thermometer Parts List ::T
Rl 1 me g ohm, 1 / 4- wat t ,
opera tion. (l)
1\ r e s is t o r
Next. you ,,-ill need to make a se nso r cable from (l)
R2 41 0 K o hm , 1 / 4- watt ,
the diode sensor to the a nalo g-to-d igit al circu it ry. 1 , re si stor
First. insulate the diode lead s b y coating the m with
spray-on insulation or rubbe r coating. When yo u a re
R3 lOOK ohm p ote nti ome -
t e r (trimpot ) I
satisfi ed that the board looks d ean a nd re ady. you R4 2 00K o hm p o t entiome-
ca.n solder in a 9-vol1 ba tt ery cl ip. ter (trimpot)
R5 l OOK o hm , 1 / 4- wa tt,
Next. prepare a small d iame te r coax cable. fo r
1 \ r es i s tor
e'(ample an RG-I74. betwee n the sensor and the cir-
R6 39 0K o hm , 1 / 4- wa tt ,
cuit. The coax cable should not be too lo ng or they 1 \ r es i st or
\\il1 prevent erro r signa ls from changing the read ings. CI 41 pF , 35-vo l t po ly-
A 2- or 3-(oo( cab le shou ld work fi ne.
Now tbat the LC D thermome te r is now com ple te. C2
e s ter c a p acitor
0 . 1 uF , 35- v o l t
polye s t e r c a p a c ito r
~ ou move on to the ca libration phase . Note. the d iode
C3 , C5 0 . 0 47 uF o 3 5-
~nsor leads must be insulate d fro m the water whe n (l)
v o l t po lyes ter c apa c i -
calibrating the thermo me te r so they won'( d <l mage
the circuit. You must tllke p reca utio ns for insula ting C4
0. 47 uF , 3 5 - vo l t
the leads properl y. Spra y insula tion on the leads o r
coat the leads with a rubbe r coati ng. C6
po lyeste r c a p a c i to r
O. l u F , 35- v o l t
ce rami c c apa c ito r o
Fill a sman or med ium-size bowl wi th ice and
water. Allow a few min utes for the ice 10 cool the
UI I CL7136 or TC7 1 3 6
Harri s o r equivalent
water. An alternative is to ca librate by using a can of DSP-I FE0 2 0 3 3 I / 2 - di git
instant freeze. available (rom a local electronics sup- LCD disp lay { ~~ Co.,
available fr om Purd Y
rl)" house. A pply powe r to the circu it and p lace the
Elect r on i c sBl 9- v o lt
diode sensor atop an ice cube o r spray the insta n t tra nS i s tor radi o bat-
freeze across the sensor fo r a min ute. Adjust R4 for a t e ry
O'C reading. Conve rsely. yo u elln instead calibra te the Mi sc ellan e ou s PC b oa r d ,
LCD thennometc r using bo iling wate r by adjusting s o c k ets, wir e , con ne c -
to r s , enclo su r e, a t c .
R3 to l00~C.
You ma\' want to instaJllhc LC D the rmo me te r
inside a plastic box to protect the me te r [ro m d a m-
age. find a suitab le p lastic box in which to ho use the
• • ..
..,:r .J
~ C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C1.
,, ,,
m 51
01 , I
m l C2
• Optional
-L ~ ... I
- Focus
II I :> R2 I I I I Resistors
1 Focus
::;1 ~ 1 1 1 Cathod \
m 81 Objective Eye
m End Piece
"" Image
0 Tube HV·lead
.... Figure 3-12 I/iSll-vol/age power .w pply
u01-:+::Ja-:+aa -:+l?aH aa.zq.r. .za-:+dl?q:::>
An o bjective lens (LE (SI) with a n adjusta ble To test the high~voltage powe r supply circuit. fol·
foca l length gathe rs tbe re fl ected image. illuminated low these steps.. SepaTate higlH'oJtage output leads
by Ibe infra red le ns.. and focuses this image at the upproximate ly 1 inch (ro m each another. Connect 9
objecti,'e e nd of the tube. 'Ille image is displayed on volts to the input. and note the current draw of
the vie wing scree n of the tube in a greenish tinge.llle approxi ma te ly 150 to 200 milliamperes when SI is
vie wing resolutio n is usua lly udequa te to provide pressed . Decrease the se para tio n o f the high-voltage
object identification at u distance o f 50 fe e t or more. leads until a thin. bluish d ischa rge occurs. using a sep-
de pe nding upo n the infrared sou rce as me ntio ned a ra tio n of a pproximately 112 to ll~ of an inch. No te
ea rlier. the curre nt input increasing.llle increased ,'alue
Transisto r QI is connected as a free running reso- depends upon the length of the spark and should not
nam osci llulOr with a freque ncy de te rmined by the exceed 300 milli amperes.. Check the collector tab of
co mbination resonance of ca pacito r C3 and the pri- 01 and add a small heatsink.
mary winding of the step-up transformerTl. This If you are using a scope. it may be interesting to
oscillating voltage is stepped up to several thousand note the wave shape a t the collector tab. Notice this
in the seconda ry winding of TI . Capacitors C4 occurs withou t a ny NOIe also the takeoff
through Cl 5.lllong with diodes 01 through 01 2. point for the focus lead.TIlis point is a pproximately
form a full -wave voltage multiplier whe re the ou tpu t at 116 the o utput voitage. llle unit ma y be powered up
is m ult iplied by six a nd is co nverte d to DC. Output is to 12~I'olfs direct CIIrrelll (VOe) but will positi\'ely
take n betwee n C5 and C 15. as shown. a nd may be require iI he atsink on the tab 01.
either positive or negati,"e depending on the direc- This unit is capable of producing 10 to 20 KV from
tion of the diodes.. The base of 01 is con nected to a a sma ll. standard 9-volt batte ry. It is buill on a printed
feed back winding ofTI. whe re the oscillator voltage circuit board or a small piece of pe rfora ted circui t
is at the pro pe r value to susta in oscillation. Resisto r board and can e asily be ho used or e nclosed. as the
R2 biases the base into cond uction for the init ia l acti- applicatio n requires. Applica tio ns indude powering
vation . Resisto r Rl limits the base current. whe reas image co n" e rte r tubes fo r night vision de \'ices.. igni·
capaci to r C2 speeds up the deact ivation of Ql by tion cir cui ts fo r flam e-t hrowi ng or flam e-prod ucing
supplying high-freque ncy e ne rgy.llle input power is units. capacito r cha rging for e ne rgy storage. e lectric
supplied th rough switch SI via a snap-in battery. shock ing fe nce. inseci eradication . Kirl ian pho togra·
A ssemble the high-voltage powe r supply board. phy. io n propulsio n e lectric fi e ld gene ra tors. olOne
Stan to insert compone nts into the board holes.. Be producing. a nd more.
sure to start and proceed (rom right 10 left. a tte mpt· To begin the assembly of the night sco pe viewer.
ing to obta in the layout as shown. Certai n leads of refer to Figure 3-13 Cl nd fo llow these ste ps. Assume
the actua l co mpone nts will be used for connecti ng the powe r bO<l rd as o mline d is properly operating.
points and circuit runs. Do not cut or trim at this Check for the absence of corona in the high-voltage
time. It is best to te mporarily fold the leads o ve r to section . Use a coating corona do pe to reduce e lectri·
secure the individ ua l pa rIs [rom fa lling out of the c<llie akage if n ece ssa~'. Re move all sharp points and
board holes for now. Note that the solde r joints in the insu late with corona dope und so on.
multiplier section. consisting of Col through C1 S and
Take a window screen a nd place it flu sh against
01 through 01 2. should be globul ar shaped a nd
the objective end of the image tube. TUBl . Auach it
smoOlh to pre ve nt hig h-" olwge le akage and coro na.
wi th a piece of clear scotch ta pe. Secure the lUbe on
The solder glo bs size should be tha I of a BE. Ru n
the be nch with model ing day. a nd tcmporaril)'
your fin gers over the solder glo bs a nd verify the
connect it to the leads from the power board.
absence of sha rp poi nts a nd pro trusions. A lso no te
Observe the proper clearance of the le ads and com·
that TI is lying o n its side a nd uses sho rt pieces of bus
pone nts.. Da rke n the room and place a source of
wire soldered to its pins as extensio ns fo r con nections
infra red fi lte r light pointi ng to wa rd the lUbe. (Use a
10 the circuit board.
-- -- --._-- --- rt
rn. \ t;
\ \
\ ~
\ ::r'
".... / t;
Stlpllly \
- ....
\ (1)
\ Battery , /
""" I
flashlight preferably with an IR filter.) Note the Fabricatc TUB I (ro m a 31h -inch length of2-inch
greenish glowing of lhe tube and Ihe image on the ill schedule -to P VC tu bing for the objeeti,'c le ns. o(1)
SlTCen appearing either sharp or blu rred. If the image Note th is is o nly 2 inches lo ng when using thc
hgood and sharp. you arc in luck. You may fur ther optional optics a nd C- o r T-mount adapte r filling. rt
improve Ihe focusing by addi ng the JJ megohm resis- (1)
tors. This is usually nol necessary. ()
Fabricate ENI from a 7-inch length of 21th -inch
illSi(11' l!;(Il1ll'ler (ill) schedule -Ul PVC tubi ng. Note ,...
Ihe hole adjacen t 10 the HA I handle for feed ing
high-voltage wires to the lUbe from the power board
and 'b-20 threaded holes arc dimensioned in Figure
3-14 for securing and cen te ring the image tube. These
holes are located on a 120-d egree radius. Fabricate
the HA l handle from an 8-inch le ngth of I lh -inch lD
-.chedule.m PVC tu bing. nle tu be must be shaped
llnd filled where il fil S to the EN I main enclosu re.
Fabricate the BR K I and 2 brackets [rom a ha lf-
inch·\\ide strip of 22-gilUge a luminum as shown. Note
the holes for;6 x I/~ sheet metal screws for securing
the assembly together.
Figure 3-14 Nigll , lIisioll 1:jell'er fillnl assembly
:md el im inate il. Posit io n the boa rd to switch S I adja- infrared so urcc is necessary whc n viewing these
cent to the access hole in the handle. It may be neces- actual sources. Expect to spend S50 to SlOO for this
sary to furt her secure the board in place with foam useful infra red imaging system \\~th all the special-
rubber pieces. a rooll! (emper(ltllre nliClmi:;illg (RTV) ized parts available from
adbesive. and so on. Slide a flexible rubber mem-
wa"elem~t h of 9.4 micrometers.
, whose radiation is strongest at a
12 2 vinyl hookup wire llle infrared body-heat motion-detector project.
WRHV20 l2-inch , 20 KV shown in Figu re 3-15 is designed to detect the 1ll0tiol1
silicon wire (1)
of a human or animal both in dayligh t and at night
IRl6 i mage converter and to provide a nonnnily open relay output that can ()
be used to activate many Iypes of loads. 1lle motion rt"
ENl 8 X 2-3/8 inch
sche du l e 40 graY PVC detector also has temlinals fo r con necting an .....
tube optional photocell to prevent activation of the load o
TUBI 3 1 / 2-inc h length during daylight . ~
X 2-inch schedule 40
graY PVC
BRKl, BRK2 9 X 1 / 2 inch
thi n a lumin um s tri p
CAPl 2 - inch p la s ti c cap
f o r h and le
CAP2 , CAP3 2 3/8 -inc h
plastic c ap
LENS 1 45 / 63 double
convex gla ss l ens
SW1 , 5W2 (6) 1/4-20 X l-
inch l ong nylo n sc r e ws
Figure 3-15 illfra red body-Itemllloriol/ derector
Fresnel l ens
\ IR Rite ,
Thermal Energy
Amplifier Comparator
• Fresnel
Figure 3-19 Fresnel 1t'liS 1Ilid PI R S{'/Isor (Collrtesy GloLnb Corp)
1 0 +5V
6- 14 + ell C12 + C13
'"ro VDC
n -
~ . A2 A17 A1S Dwell
n A13 A15 A16 A20
+ C2 A6
1 U2
ro gl\4 A19~-.J
C4 C6 1 16
'"o +- 2
-, A7 3
14 I NIO
~ An 01
1 13 C9
'" 2 A4 A10
'~ UI:C -+-7 4 AY
PIA 3 + + 5 12 C10
o 13 - 14 + C7
-, 3 1 + C5
6 11 03
A1 UJ : UI:B E6 , La
C1 12 + 7 10 ,
'"' W
0/ V 02 8 9 f-'
ro AS 6 - +-
AS 7 C~, +
1 *3
'"< Q1
~. "
~ A1 2 -+ (.
A9 , I
'" -
. . .... _--_._------.------------------_._---------.--.--.-------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------
Figure 3 -2 1 III/mrl!fllll Ofioll (Ierector (Collrte.\·y GfoLl/b Corp.)
When motion is detected the sensor will output a input of U l:C at pin 9 is biased by the voltage at the ')
I'cr), small-voll age tra nsition at pin 2_ TIlis volwge junctio n of R6 and R7. so it is about 175 millivo lts
must be amplifi ed many times in order to do useful above the 2.5-volt ou tputlcl'el at pin 14 of U I :B. and
work_ Two sections of a L!\B24 or cq uivalent quad inverting input pin IOof U1:C is con nected to UI:B
operational amplifier arc used 10 provide the neces- at pin 14. UI:C will not tum o n until pin 10 goes
sal)'amplification. Sensor pin 2 feeds into the fi rst more positive than pin 9. The non inve rting inpu t at 1"
stage amplifier UI:A at noninverting inpu t pin 3. TIl is pin :'i of UI :O is biased by the vollllge at the junction ID
is Her), high-impedance input and does nOl load the of RS and R9 to about 175 m illivol ts below the 2.5- 1
sensor. A high-pass filter and feedback network at R4 volt output level at pin 14 of UI :B. and inverting
and Col connects between Ul:A's o utput pin 1 10 input pin 6 of UI: O is connected to U I:B pin 14.
inmting input pin 2.A high-pass fill e r and bias ne t- U I: D will not turn on until pi n 6 goes Illore nega tive
work.C3 and R3. connecls from pi n 2 to ground. than pi n 5.
These networks sct the amplifier gain and operating i
point. They also form a bandpass filter that a mplifies
When motion is detectcd and the voltage transilion
only signals above DC and below about 10 Hz. The
a l the o utput of the second·slage amplifier UI: B pin
14 is positive. it musl go more that 175 m ill ivolts
pyroelectric se nsor is a the rmal device and its abm'e 2.5 volts. or to 2.675 volts. It must do Ihis in
response time falls wilhin this band of frequencies.
Filtering out signals that are outside its response time
order to tu rn U I:C on so that its output willtransi- I
tio n to a high leve l. If the \'o llage transi tio n at U I:B
eliminates noise from freque ncies th at are not used
anyway and makes the amplifie r mo re stable.
pin 14 is negative. it must go mo rc than 175 milli volts
be low 2.5 volts. or to 2.325 volts. in order to turn
The output of the fi rst amplifier stage UI:A is UI:O on so th at its o utput will transition to a high
taken from pin I. 11 then feeds through R5 and C5 Ic\·e l. The windo w comparator there fore provides a
into Ihe in\'ening inpul of the second a mplifier stage 350-milli\"0It dead zone centered around 2.5 \'olts
at pin 13 of UI:B. C5 blocks the now of D C a nd.
together with R5. fomls a high -pass fi lter to reduce
wi thin which it will not respond to voltage-level
changes from the a mplifie r. Any val id motion tha t is o
gain at ,·ery low frequencies. A feed back network sensed will be a mplified e nough to genera te a transi- ID
(RIO. RII.and C6) connects from U I:B output pin tion that will exceed this dead zone and will result in 1"
14 to im'erting input pin 13. a comparator output. Another cha racteristic of the ID
RIO is a potent iomete r that cont rols the amount comparators is thai they each produce a positive ou t- o
put transition whe n Lhey turn o n whether the UI:B 1"
of feedback and therefore the gain of this st age. R II
limits the amount of feedback. The noninverting pin 14 a mplifier o utput goes high o r low. The com·
input to Ul: B at pin 12 is biased to 112 of the supply
\'oliage or 2.5 volts by the resis tor divider net work at
parator outputs at UI :C pin 8 and U 1: 0 pin 7 feed
into a logic OR circuit consisting of diodes 0 3 a nd
R6. R7. RS. and R9. This bias sets the operating point 04 and pulldown R 12. The cathodes of 0 3 a nd Dol
of the amplifier so thllt its output pin 14 is at 2.5 \'olts that are connected together will go high wh enever
IIhen no motion is being de tected. e ither U I:C o r UI: O turns on. TIlis amplifier a nd
companHor circuit will there fo re respond to both
The output of U I: B pin 14 feed s into a window
positive li nd negat ive tm nsitions from the se nso r.
comparator made of Ul:C and U I :0 . When a n ope r-
ational amplifier is used as a comparator. it is run at A C O-l-538 d ua l single-shot perfomls two built-in
full open·loop gain so that its outpu t switches 10 a full fun ctions and three optio na l fun ctions. The built-in
upordownlel'cl when o ne input isjust a few milli- func tio ns provide both an adjusta ble delay be tween
,·olls higher or lowe r tha n the other. "Ille purpose of load activat ion when mot ion cvents are se nsed and
this comparator is to pro"idc a small \"ollage window an adjustable dwell time to kee p Lhe load active even
or dead zone centered around 2.5 volts Ihat will not after motion stops. Optional fu nctio ns are (1) rc trig-
respond to small voltage transitions caused by noise gering of the delay so that re peat mo tio n e \'e IllS will
or minor fluctuation s from the sensor. TIle inve rt in!! ex te nd the det,ly be tween load lIcti vation. (2) re trig-
gerable. If the first single shot is triggered o n by a
a fte r motion is detected. Both sine.le sho ts are relrie.- o r back B:lF) that wou ld damage 01 if not sup,
pressed. Diode 0 3 clamps Ihm spike and prc\'ents
positivc transition from 01 a nd 0 2. it will stay o n for back B..,JF da mage. The RY J contacts arc normally
its timc constan t period a nd then \Urn off unless it ope n, and they close whe n motion is de tected. 'Ibe
receives .m o ther trigger be fore it times o ut. If it does contacts a re rated for 3 a mpe res at 120 volt s ACor 32
receive a nOlhc r positi\'c transitio n before it times volts D C
OUI. its time constant compone nts will be reset and Curren t th rough voltage regulator U3 changes
the de lay timeout will be e xtended by an additional rapidly from 40 milliamperes (drawn mostly by RY I
delay period. R etrigge r is the default mode. If it is not whcn 01 is on) to only a few microampe res (drawn
._---- --
FIgure 3·22 From side offhe high·dclISil.\' cirellil Figure 3·23 Back shle ofl he high-dellsilY cirCllil
boflrd (Collrtesy CloLnb Corp) tJO(lrd (Courtesy GloLalJ Co rp)
that a reversed power source will not damage the cir-
cui ls. A DC walltntnsformer may a lso powe r the IR
rect d ireclion. as shown on the boards. Solder all
diode lind resistor leads. Next. insert each poten-
tiomete r ( R IO. R 14. and R 19) with its wiper temlinal
motion de tector. however most walltransfomlers
(the one thai is different from the other two) in the
output much higher than their rated voltage whe n
hole ma rked by an aITOW on the PC board. Press the
lightly loaded. Tllerefore the transform er o utput
potent iome ter in place a nd solder. Now. insert small
should bc measurcd to bc sure that the 14.5-voll
capacitors CI. C4. C6.C II.and C12. bend their leads.
maximum IR mo tio n deleclor power supply input is
cut excess wi re off. and solder them into place. Then.
no t exceeded.
insert electrolytic capacitors 0. 0. CS. C7. CS. C9.
I Capad tors in the amplifier and timing circuits
req uirc time to charge up 10 the ir nomml operating
ClO.and CI 3 with their long posith'e lead in the hole
marked + o n the PC board. lJe nd the Icads. CUi
\'oltages before the circuil"s will operate correctly. The cxcess wire off. and soldc r. Next. insert transistor 0 1
ci rcuits will not respond \0 mot io n until about I
minute a h er power is applied. -
and vol taf!:c regu lutor U3 in the direction indicaled
on the PC boards so Ihey stand at least l/~ inch abo\"e
I Connect a power source 10 the PC board powe r the board. Solde r all pins and CU I off the excess leads..
,J pads marked + PWR -. Connect a load 10 the PC Insert UI and U2 socke ts. wi th Iheir nQ(ch as indio
Eo bourd relav• lerminals marked RY.The RY te mlinals cated o n the PC boards. and hold IheOl against the
a re nOI a source of powe r for a load: they simply con- board while soldering a few pins. Solder all rcmaining
nect together through thc relay contacts when pins. Now. inserl relay RYI and solder. Place the
Illation is sensed. A load musl be powered by an O-ring o \'er the leads of the PI R325 sensor. and
c xternal source that will be swi tched off and on by insert the sensor leads into the bOllom side of the
the relay. board. Be nd the leads over. cut off excess wire. and
straight down and will fit into the sockets. 'Illis can be elIDa p f , SO- v o lt
cerami c dis c
done \\;th a pin straigbter or by resting the Ie on its
C2 , e3 , cS 10 uF , 16 -
side on a flat surface. Gently press o n tbe IC while v o lt e l ectr o l y ti c
rocking it until the leads face straight down [rom the
C4 , e6 , Cll , C12 0. 1
topof lhe Ie. Repeat for the other side. Handle the uF, SO - volt metal i ~ ed
ICs carefully to avoid static discharge damage. film
Finally, insert u I and U2 into their sockets with pin I C7 , C8 , C9 , C13 10 0 uF ,
16-vo lt elec tr o lYti c
ncar the socket notch.
CIa 1 MFD , SO- volt
You are now ready to attach a battery or other e lec tr o lyti c
powcr source to the plus and minus power pads and u 01 2N7000 fiel d effec t
load to the RY pads. Allow about I minute for the transi s tor
circuits to stabilize after power is applied. You can Ul LP324 o r equival e nt
alsoconncct an optional photocell to the C pads for mi c rop o wer quad op-amp
Mi scellaneous IC soc k -
ets , transi s t o r
Rl , Rll lOOK , 1 / 8 - watt ,
s o c ket , wire, c onne c -
t o rs , PC b o ar d ....
S' c arb o n film
R2 , R3 , RS , R13 , R20
FL6S long- di s tan c e
10K, 1 / 8 - watt , 5 \ c ar-
b o n film
S ingle - eleme nt Fres n e l
l e ns (G l o lab )
R4 , R12 , RIS, R16, R17 , CD - l CDS photo c onduc -
R1 8 1 MtG , l / 8-watt, tive c ell for
S, c arbo n film day l night (PDV-P800 1 )
R6 , R9 2 MEG , lIS - watt , Infrared motion - det ec tor
5, c arb o n fillll kit GLMD
R7 , RS ISOK , l I S-watt , IR motion-detec t o r PC
5 , c arb o n film 80ard GLMDPC8
RI O, R14 , R19 1 MtG
p o tentio meter
Liquid Sensing
In this chaplcr we wi ll explore liquid sensing. a vcry momen ts to roll up your car windows. bring in your
interesting and importan t aspect o f sensing. Our first la undry. or bring in your possessions. When used as
project in tltis chapler is a simple yet useful rain pa ri of a weat he r-data collectio n syste m. the exact
detector. In this chaplc r yo u will also learn how to time of a shower can be recorded.
build a liquid sensor. a fl uid·level indicator. Weather The di:lgram in shown in Figure 4-1 illustnltes the
fans ....illicam how to construc t a humidiTY monitor
to measure humidit), around your hom e or shop.
sensor portion o f the rain d e tector. consisting o f two
strips o f a lumi num fo il gl ued to a p iece of plastic. A
Junior scientists will 1e,I m about p H .md how \0 bui ld single square of foil is g lued to the plastic with two
and use a pH meter 10 dete rmine whether a liquid is lead wires unde rneat h. as shown in the fi g ure. TIle
abase or an acid. Nat ure- a nd ecology-minded read- lead wires arc stri p ped back. so that the foi l makes
C(Sv.illlcam abo ut how to build and utilize a stream good e lectrica l contilct with the conductoffi BUI the
gauge ....mer-Ievel monitor for studying river and bare wire sho uld not protrude. a llowi ng Ihe fo il to
Slream (low and runoff. pro tecl the wire from corrosion. A narrow zigzag is
cuI in the foi l 10 electrically separate the two lead
wires. The raindrops b ridge the gap causing cond uc-
Rain Detector
tion. which is then sensed by the electronic circuit
shown in Figure 4-2.Also note that you could usc a
scrap p iece o f circuit board as the sensor. provid ed
The rain detector will en able you to detect the first that yo u Ciln e tch Oul or cui oul the zigzag patte rn ::s
few drops of rain. which will a llow you 1I few p recious (J)
with close separation be tween the p la tes.
: :14- - BARE WIRE
II' 0/ "/,
'II / Ij
t====~~====fl~~_ INSULATED WIRE LEADS
SN - 1
/0 82
P1 01 +
A3 /7\
,-- 02
- 91
< "- -
Figure 4-2 depicts the electronic circuit port ion of sure to ide ntify the pinouts of the transistor before
the rain de tector. One end of the sensor is con nected installing the m 10 avoid damaging these components.
\0 ground as shown. wh ile the other sensor lead is Once the ra in de tector has been assembled. you
con nected thro ugh a I K ohm resistor. which is fed to can simply test the circuit by shorting the two input
the fir-a transistor al Q1 . TransislOr 01 is a 2N4403 leads (i.e .. connect the free input lead of the l K ohm
PNP tra nsistor. The output of QI is coupled \0 a sec- resisto r to the ground. or minus. of the battery and
ond transistor stage at 0 2. a 2N4401 NPN transistor. the buzze r sho uld sound). lf a ll goes we ll and the cir·
via a 220-ohm resistor. The (oUector of transistor 0 2 cuit works properly, you can then decide how to
is connected \0 the black or (minus) lead of an elec- enclose the circuit board. In the prototype, a plastic
tronic buzzer or sonalcrt. The red o r (Plus) lead of box is used to house the rain detector. A small plastic
the e lectronic buzzer is connected to the positive lead box measuring 4 x 6 x 2 inches is used for this proj·
of the ballc ry supply. llle protolype uses three AA eel. A three-cell AA battery holder is mounted on
cells. but a 9-\'0It ban er), could be used. A 5 PST tog- the inside. along the side of the plastic case. The cir·
gle switch was used al 51 to a ppl)' power to the cuit board was mounted on stand-oIT insulators.
I circui t.
Construc tion o f the rain de tecto r is quite simple
which were used to lifl the board a bove the bollam
o f the plastic case. An R CA-type phone jack is
a nd can be assembled o n a pe rf-board or prototype mou nled on one side of the side of the plastic case.
board. Radio Shack. for exam ple. stocks a few differ- l lle RCA jack is used to connect the circui t to tbe
e nt types of sim ple low-cost protoboa rds Ihat can be se nsor. The cente r lead of the RCA jack is connected
used for this project. 1l1cse boards have coppe r foil to the fre e e nd of the I K ohm resislor. and the
around circu it pads with close separa tion between ground. or o utside lcad. of thc RCA jack is connected
holes. which is ideal for this project. Nothing critical is to the ground of the rain de tecto r circuit at the minus
in this circuit . so tie poim construction could also be lead of the battery. The IOggJe switch is moumed on
used . The components a rc all readily availa ble a nd the side of the case near the R CA input jack.
should be available lhrough you r local R ad io Shack Next. you will need to connect the sensor to a two
or e lectronic outle t. Whe n assembling the ra in detec- conductor lead-in wire that has an R CA plug at the
tor. be sure to ohsen'c the corrcct polari ty when opposite e nd. FinaUy. you will need (0 decide the
installing the Ira nsistors a nd the electronic huzzer. Be le nglh o f the sensor wirc. The sensor itself could be
open on the lawn. Alternate ly the se nsor could be Miscellan eou s proto-
boa r d ci r c uit b oa r d,
mounted \\;th velcro on the cd ge of the roof. 'Ille sen-
wr should havc an unobstructed " ie w of the sky. so
battery holder , wi r e,
t ran sistor sock e ts
rain can fall directly upon the sensor for best results.
FIgure 4-3 Fillid sensor circllit
... ity to but separa ted fro m each other. If two sta inless
rods are used. for examplc. a plastic spacer block. IOward the transistor or awa\' fro m the transistor. A
plexiglass block. o r wooden block cou ld be used 10 P NP tra nsistor. as llsed in Ihis circ uit. has the arrow
hold the sensor probes together. Depending upon pointing toward the cen te r of the transistor. When
your particular a ppl icatio n. you m ay wish to d esign a installi ng the IC be sure 10 carefully observe the ori-
probe assem bly such as the one shown in Fllwre 44
that suspe nds the sensor probes over a flat surface.
e ntation when installing. ICs gene ra lly have either a
cuto ut o r notch at the tOp of Ihe d evice. thus pin I is
( usua lly to the le ft of the c uto u t. Othe r ICs often ha\'e
Construction of Ihe flui d sensor is quill' straight-
a sma ll inden ted circle near pin I. After construction
Il forward. llle ci rcuit can be fabricaled on a d edicated
o f the ci rcuit. check over the circuit board for any
circuit board or a p roto-boa rd or pe rf-boa rd for
quick construction. It is ad visable to use a transisto r stray or c ut com ponent leads that may bc stuck 10 the
sockc l as well as an IC socke t. In the e\'entt hal cir- circuit board. r-,<lake sure no sho rting solde r bridges
a re sti1lleft on Ihe board.
c uit should fa il. it is much easier to fix or re pair a ci r-
c ui l if socke ts a rc used. Re member that diodes.. Once complete. you can a pply a 12-\'011 power
transistors. and ICs all ha\'e particu la r pola rity o r ori· so urce a nd test the circuit for proper ope ration. Place
1\ e ntation. which must be obsen'ed. Diodes must be the circuit board on a n insulated s urface. cormect a
92 Electr o nic Sensors for the Ev il Genius
power source. and then place a j umpe r wire between
capacitors CI and C3 to simulate fluid at the probes. Fluid-Level Indicator
At this lime. you should hea r or see Ihe relay cha nge
Our next p roject is the Quid-level indica tor circuit
state.Uthe relay pulls in. Ihe circuit is working. If the
relay does not pull in. you will need 10 check the cir- shown in Figures -'-5 a nd -'-6. This circuit not a nI}'
ruil once again to make sure the wiring and co mpo- indicates the amoun t o f water present in the ove r-
nents have been insta lled correctly. head tank b u t also sets off an alarm whe n th e ta nk is
fu ll.Ine nuid indicator circu it was des igned to show
The fluid sensor circuil is installed in a small me tal
how much liq uid is re main ing in a ta nk o r containe r.
chassis box. The prototype is buill into a 5 X 6 X 3
inch chassis box. The circuit board is placed o n stand- The bea rt of the ei rcuil is a simple sensor. which
oITsand mounted 10 the botlom of the chassis box. A was built using a scra p piece of circuit board ma te rial
C'Oa.'l:ial power jack used for powe r is moun ted o n the
rear of the chassis. An inpu t jack for the senso r
\\~th fi ve etched lines of d iffe re nt le ngths. as shown in
~Q1 ""
.. '
- --
116 1/2
0 LED 4 - FULL
S R6
U4:a >>-.. .
02 R3
2 +--f.-1'l
- ... C7
, 7 2 A4 7 t--- I"+-~
L--J[)-, - fa 1
r)R5 R7
+ R12
,, ,,
.- - - I -
C6 +5v DC I
~~-1 -;==7~CL~~SI
1t _ __I ISEN- l
R1 2 IL_ _ --=5~
v I~
RS 1 0 0
+ R9 2 10 VM-l
FIgure 4-7 HI/midity 1II01l;lOr cirCllil
wiring. The 2 !I! x 4 inch g lass epoxy circuit board avoid damage to the circ uit when Hpplyi ng powe r to
was used fo r the prototype humidi ty monito r. When the circuit. You will need to adj ust the output of the
designing a circuit board for the hu midity monitor. reg ulator (Q 10 volts DV using the pote ntiomete r at
you \\;11 wanl10 conside r mounting the se nsor SEN-l R I. prior to insta lling the ICs to e nsure tha t U4 has
at one end of the circuit board to a llow the se nsor (Q a lO-voit source. Once ,vou have e nsured tha t the
-look out'" the side of the e nclosure. Yo u m ight also voltage regulators are producing the correct \'o itage.
elecl lo mounllhe se nsor remotely_ but this is not rec- yo u can insen the jumper wire between poin ts A
ommended because the capacilance o f the sensor and B.
and long lead-in wire could adversely effect the cir- The h um idity moni tor circuit prOiOlype is installed
cuit operation. in a small me tal chassis box. Place the circuit board
ICsockets a rc recommended in Ihe c ve lll of cir- inside of the chassis box. a nd align the c irc uit board
cuit problems in the future. Ie sockets cost a few to o lle edge of the ch assis box. Drill a ha lf-inch hole
re nts more at circuit construction time but gil'e you in the chassis b ox to a llow the se nsor to sec o utside
riece of mind for fmure service work if ever needed. the chassis box. You can cover the half-hole la te r with
Be careful to obse rve the polarity of the capacitors p last ic screen material if d esired. D ri ll four holes in
.... hen installing them in to the circu it in o rder to avoid the four comers o f the circuit board . The circuit
damage 10 the circuit u pon power up. The humidity board is the n mo unted on ifI-inch p lastic standoffs.. to
monitor circuit has two diodes. so yo u will need to the bOllo m of the chassis box using ~- i n c h 4-40
pay 311enlion to the po larity o f these devices as well machine screws. Using the templa tc sup plied with lhe
when installing them. Be fo re install ing the two regu- LCD panel me te r. a cuto ut hole is marked o n thc top
lators.idcntify the input p ins from the o utput pi ns to o f the chassis box fo r the meter assc mb!v. You will
meter cutout, then punch out the ce nler piece that is R8 ls OK o hm, 1/ 4-watt ,
5 \ r esistor
left. and fina Uy usc a fi le to make all the edges
R9 42. 2K ohm, 1/4 -lIatt ,
smooth and straight. A nother option is to purchase a 1\ re s i s tor
nibbler 100110 make the rectangular cutout for the 011 20K ohm. 1/ 4-watt ,
meIer. The power switch Sl is also mounted on the 5% re sistor
top of the chassis box. Two four·cell AA banery hold- 012 845K ohm. 1/ 4 -Wi!l.t.t ,
re s i sto r
ers are mounted on the baltom of the chassis box for
the baHeries. Note thai e ight AA cells will produce 12 013 " 221- ohm, 1/ 4- wa tt ,
r esistor
valls of direct current 10 power the circuit
O nce the humidity monilOr is assembled . you are
R14 149- ohm, 1/ 4-lIatt ,
1\ r esisto r
ready to calibrate the humidity meter. loser! batteries C1 1 uF , 3s-volt el ec-
in fO the holders. and switch the power 10 the ci rcuil. trolyti c c apacitor
Usc a multimeter to ensure lllal you have 10 volts C2 , C7 0.1 uF , 3s-volt
ou tput at the firs t regulator and 5 volts at the second tanta l um c apac itor
regulator's output. A t this point you can calibrate the C3 , CS , C6 4. 7 uF , 35-
volt elect r olytic
humidity monitor: this can be done in o ne of two c a pac itor
ways. The humidiry monitor can be placed next to a
C4 270 pF , 35 - volt
pot of boiling water. or the sensor can be taken out- ce r am i c NPO capacitor
side while it is raining. If placed near a pm of boiling 01 , 02 IN4148 silicon
wnter. you'lI want to keep the se nsor just at the edge diode
o f the clo ud o f steam and only for a short time. long 5EN-l G-Cap 2 capaci-
enough to adjusllhe pOientiomeler al R5 fo r full tive humidity sensor
(General Ellstern of 5 volts while in the cloud of steam. You can In struments)
also take the sensor outs ide during a rain storm, but U1 LM317 th ree- terminll!
you'll wanl lO keep the sensor protected [:rom the ad j ustabl e r egulator
raindrops. lfyo u or a friend have a calibrated humid- (NlItional)
" /
rather expe nsive, but it is possible 10 build youro\\n
p H me te r for a small o utlay a nd learn a bout how pH
4 Interconnecting pH
\. / is measured. Using an ultra low input cu rre nt ampli·
fier. a Ct-.'IOS micropower, a nd a d igital mul·
signal wi res Iime ie r. you clI n construct a use fu l p H meter. A
generalized pH mete r block diagram is shown
Figure 4- 10.
"111e heart of our ""\'olks'· pH me te r circuit is the
low cost siflwl sihw chloride ( AglAg.CI) pH probe at
the input of the ultra low curre nt amplifier shown in
the diagra m in Figure ..I-11. "I"l1e sigllll i from a pH
probe has a typical resista nce between to megohms
Reference cell and 1,000 megohms. Because of this hi!!h \ a lue. it is
typically filled with
a neutral solution \'e ry impo rta nt tba l the amplifie r input currents be as
such as KCI small as possible. The U."IC600I. wi th less than 25 fA
input cu rre nt. is an ideal choice for this pH meier cir-
I cu it. The theoretical output of a standard Ag/AgCI
pH probe is 59, 16 mY/pH a t 25°C with 0 \'oltsout al
Re ference junction
-10H~ a pH of 7,00, This a m pUl is proportional to absolute
lypiCaDy made 01
H porous ceramic or temper'lIurc. To compensate for this. a temperature·
OH ~ OH- H porous teflon
compenslHing resiSlor R l is placed in the feedback
H IOOp. '111is cHnce ls thc te m perature dependence of
H Ihe pro be. 'nl is resisto r must be mo unted where it
pH electrode bulb
will be :11 the same temperature as the liquid
Probe shown in an acidic
[glass membrane that Is
permeable by H+ lonsl
being measured,
'Ille uh ra low input curre nt a mplifier. the
eO'lironmenl wh ich has
an el(cess of H+ Ions LMC600I. am plifies the probe o utput providing a
scaled \'ollage of + /- 100 mY/p H [rom a pH of7.
Figure Lj. g p H Bulb Q\'e ra ll gain adjustments to the p H meter can be
- AI
Refe rence
Electrode S Digital
-- --
--.- -----.- --------. - ----- .. _- - -------_._----
FIgure 4-10 p/-l ll/ner block diagram
MI- 1
R2 +
~ 97+5v +5v \ 1 I
2 , \ / II , / /
- R4 2 7
VI " -
l-- 4
>" + "- 0
- 0 en
-- It>
.. .
•- . - ~ ~ Cable
Dl R7 Digital Multimeler ::s(J)
pH -- R8
PR -\ probe ::s
- l.Q
-- --------
FIgure 4-11 pH meier l'ircuit
--------- -------------- ------------- ----------- ----
made \"ia potent iomete r R3. Tlle second o p-a mp. a Total cu rre n t consumption of the e ntire pH me ter
micropower LM C6041 . provid es phase inversio n a nd circuit is only a bout 1 mA fo r the whole syste m .llle
offset so that the ou tput is d irectly prop o rtional to pH me ter circui t requires a 5-\'01\ DC power source.
pH,O\'er the full range of the probe. The reference sup plied from the dual plus/minus power supply c ir-
circuit. or offse t ci rcuit. consists o f a zener d iod e. I Wo cuit shown in Figu re 4-12. The dual plus/minus power
resisiors.and the potentiome ter al R8.'Ibe output of supply ut ilizes two 9-\'0It transistor radio batte ries.
U2 can be direct ly coupled 10 a d igit al multime lc r. Battery B 1 supplies a minus (-) voltage to regula tor
IIhich can be calibrated to read pH . You could also U3. a nd B2 supplies a positive (+) voltage to the U·t
elect to purchase a low-cost d igital pa nel voltme ter The two regulators pro \'ide a stable and accun lle 5-
instead of using a nlultimeter. volt power source fo r the IWO o p-amps.
+ +
C2 C3
62 - 9v 51:8 + +
- U4
+ '-----"
--'r 4.7UF I
-; CS ,
, UF
Figure 4 ·1 2 p H meier power supply
--------- .. "-
The pH me ie r circuit can be constructed on a per pads caused by solder blobs or [rom stray dis-
small 2 X 3 inch prim ed circuit board . The layout carded componelll leads.
shou ld be as shorl as possi ble bClwccn lhe two low- Locate a 4 x 6 x ? inch me tal chassis box to house
curren! op-am ps to remove any signal loss. error. or th e pH meter circuit. O btain two 9-\'011 plaslic tran·
noise. llle use of Ie sockets is hjghly recom mended . sistor radio ball e!)' hold ers and mount them to the
in case of a circuil fa ilure at a late r date. ICs a rc bOllom of the chassis box.111e circuit board is then
marked. so you can identi fy the pinoUis of thc device. mounted a top plast ic standoffs to ensure Ihe circuitT)-
G c nc rallv
les a re marked wit h eithe r a small does not short out to the metal chassis box. Power
inden ted circle o n the left side o f the Ie package or a switch S I ca n be mo unted on the top side of the chas·
small cu tout on the top of the Ie. Pin I of the Ie is sis. A d ual bammil jack or two single. red and black
always 10 the left of eithe r the cutou t or the indented banan a jacks for the muilime te r connect io ns can be
ci rcle. The pH meie r circuit contains a zener diode. mounled o n tOp of the chassis. You will need to locale
which m ust be insta lled correctly in o rde r fo r the cir- a Illalchi ng conneClOr for the p H probe: it too can be
cu it to work properl y. The black band on the diod e mo u nted o n the top of the c hassis box.
corresponds to the cathode o f the diode. TIle band
l l le p rototype volks p H meter u til izes a low-cost
should be poi nting toward resistor R5 a nd R6. late
FastG lass model T SP6(XXll p H probe purchased from
that capacitor Cl is a non po larized capacitor. and
EyeThink Corporation.111e pH probe is a glass bulb
that the resis t o~ a re 1% values to ell5ure accuracy of
Ag-AgC I-type. which can measure [rom 0 to 14 pH.
the meter.
Once you have the circuit enclosed and the baller-
A fte r constructin g the circ uit board. yo u 'll want to
its con nected. you can begin the setup and calibra-
inspect the foi l side of the boa rd [or a ny possib le
tion. The calibration proces.<; is q u ite simple wilh little
shorts. ei ther between copper pads or between cop-
possibililY of problems or intcraclions.. Firsl.tum on
inpul of the U,,'IC600 1 grounded. adjust R8 until the PR-l Ag / Ag/CI pH p r obe
outpUi is 700 mV. Nexl.apply - 414.1 mV to the non-
M! digital multimete r
in\'ening input of Ihe LMC6001. And fi nally adjusl or digital panel mete r
R3 for an output of 1.400 m V.l11is comple tes the cali- module
brnlion.As pH probes may be sligh tly differc nt. Misce llaneous pri n ted
minor gain and o([sel adjustme nls should be made by c irc uit board, IC
socket~, battery
trimming while measuri ng a precision buffe r solution. c l ips, ha r dware
- .5 psi and lari!cr d ifferential gauges. The Ho neywell
sensor was se lected due to competi tive cost. simplic-
ity_ a nd lineari ty o f its response.
·1l1e differe ntial gnuge actually detects the differ-
e nce be tween the pressure applied to the pressure
port minus the pressure applied to the background
104 Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius
Nylon con dilioning
housing ceramic
/ Electrical
Aluminum plale Rlj seal /
- - - - - - - /- - - - - - - - - - - - - I
Wire bond Sensor chip , .
i:- SKGel
.,L-'::' coa ting
I t -I I
'--, SX series
base package
plate seal
"" l/
Pressure pori (A) "'"
Pressure pori (Al
--- -
Figure 1.1 -15 /-Iollc.I' lI'e/l ASCXOI DN pn'sSlire sellSor
pon. ln Ihis project. the aCliv(' pressure pOri 13 is COIl- to a resis to r divid er ne twork tonsisting o f resistors •
n~ed to a length of plastic tube in a ft.xed locat ion R5 a nd R6. The output of the pressure sensor is cou-
UndCIW(lIer. and the background pOri A is connected pled to an ONSET HOBO S·bit data logger for
to!he atlllosphere. via the receiving unit. which i5 r.:cording the pressure sensor VCllucs.
abcwe water. H O BO data loggers an! ;wailable in S-bi! and 12-
The stream gauge water-levcl mo nitoring syste m is bit ' ·crsio ns. The HO BO I-I 08-001-07 is a two-
shown in the on'rall circuit diagra m shown in Fig ure channcl. snmlliow-cost data logger. which is powered
+16. The sensor is powe red from a 1)-'·011 source eon- hy a small button ballery for I year of data collection.
sil.ting of six AA batteries housed in two baue ry T1IC t\\'o·chan nel data logger has a built-in te mpe ra -
holders. ·llIe regulator pro\'kks a constant 5 vOl lS DC tu re ~e n so r a nd a second free porI. which ea n be used
to power the pressure sensor. ·rne 5-\'011 output fWIll to record the pressure sensor rc adi ng. lllc I-I OBO
!he regulator is sent to pin 2 o f the p ressure sensor. series d:lI a loggers come in \\\ 0 input configurations.
The resistor network. consisting of resistors R I a ~ to 20 Illa input and a 0- to 2.5-volt input. Our
!hrough R~. pro\' jdes a ze ro o r balance adjustme nt stream gauge projcct utilizes th ~ 0- to 2.5·voll input
for the pressure se nso r o n pin I of the se nsor. 111C logge r. '1l1e I-Io no data logge rs have a small LED ;II
trimpot should he sc t midpoint when constructing the th e side of the plastic housing that ind icates when the
circuil. Pins 5 and 6 on the p ressure scnsor an: not d a ta logger is collecting d ata. 'Ille extc rnal input con-
Ibed.Thc output of the pressure sensor at pin 3 is fed nector is a 2.5-mi llime te r. 1wo-circuit jack. The data
-c., -:?•
~ ,,
~ 0 ,,
o "0m -m
00000 ,
C if>
,£1 ' ,
Zz if>
0 0
m ~
W M ,
a: ,
=> II
" --,,
+ - ,""
" ,
Uiiu- ,' ..
," -
., -'"
+ II
, ,,,
,, -
I , ,
I i-
,, '
' u.
recei\IDI! unit. 'Ille scnduI!!. u nit is laid o n the bottom piece of PVC pipe. The p ress ure sensor and electron-
~ ~
ofa ri"er or stream nnd consists of a 5-\'011 regu la to r. ics a re b ui lt o n a small piece of perf-board and
pressure sensor. sensor o ffset adjustme nt. and output mounted 10 a 3 x 2)1, inch piece of bla nk stock cir-
\oltage di\'ider. as seen in fi gure -1-- 17. 'nle se nsing- cuit board. Circuit bO<lrd guid es are e poxied to the
unit electronics a rc housed in a 3-inch PVC c\'linde r. inside of the 3-inch illsi de dimllf!ler (ID ) PVC pipe. •
1II;lh a three·wi re cable connecti ng the sensing unit to A l o ne e nd of the PVC- l pipe. a Fe rnco 3-inch Q uick •
the receiving/recording unit. The recei"inglrecord ing Cap Q C- I03 rub be r cap is used to wate rproof the
unit is also housed in a 3-inch PVC tu be. and it e nclosure but a llow access to the ci rcuit board if
houses Ihe ONSET data lo(!!!e r and the 9-\'0It ba tte n.'
need ed . Two hole s a rc d riUed a nd ta p ped in a 3-inch I
power supply powering the remote sensor in the PVC na t-end cap to accept two brass fi llings. A ~.
~nsing unit. The three-wire cable betwcen th.: sens· inch olllside dimnclt'r (OD) b rass fi lling is used to
ingand recei,·ing units conlllins the signal wire fro m couple II length o f small-diame te r plastic lubine. frolll ~
thesen~r. a common ground wi re. and a plus 9-"01 1 pon B of Ihe pressure se nsor to the wall o f the PVC
end -cap: the othe r end o f the fi llin g has a brass nip-
power lead. l llis dua l-package system :l lIows the se n-
-ororsending unit to be placed in the stream . wh ilc
thl' receiving/recordi ng unit is housed o n the banks of
pic o n which a le ngth o f sma ll -d ia me te r tu bin g is fit-
led to exte nd into the stream bed . A compre-ssio n
the stream or river. allowing easy access to the d a ta hose clam p is placed over the tubing. A second bmss
Ioggl'r to retrie" c data. fi lling is mounted on the Oat-e nd cap and is used 10
PVC - 1 PVC-2
--- - --- - - - - - ...
, ... - - - -
, ,
, , """',
, , data
R' SEN-1
, , PL- 1
,, , I,,,,,
R2 OA( , l'"
, , Serial
1 2 g~6 ,, R6 , OU1put
,-- ,
c R5 R6 , --}- J: , -L-
, , B-1 --66
, , - '" DC
, , •
- n
- - - - - - -- - - - - " ..... - - - - - - - --- - -
Figure 4-17 Slre(lll/ smge prcssure S('I/!wr
rubb.. '3132' '3132· 3' PVC
end cap 00 brass 00 brass
nipple nipple '"'"
0 0 6·10' length
_ 3/S'tygon
PVC - 2
Sensor J 3"OVC
0'1 DC end cap "'~,
3' PVC end
114' pvc
00 brass
CJ) nipple
run a length of lh-inch OD tubing betwee n the PVC- mounted on a 6 x 21h inch piece of blank stock cir-
1 housing and the PVC-2 housing. The If.·inch 00 cui t boa rd. Ci rcuil board guides a rc epoxied to the
diamete r tu bing between PVC- l and PVC-? allows inside o f the PVC-2 enclosure to accept the circuit
the power/signal wires to pass between the sensor boa rd .A 21/1 inch piece of blank ci rcui t board stock is
sendin g unit and data-logge r assembly_ A compres- secu red to the main ci rcuit board as a handle to slide
sion hose clamp is secured ove r the th-inch tubing to the ci rc ui t boa rd into the PVC-2 housing.
secure the tubing \0 the brass nipple. 'n,e 3/8 -inch Yo u will need 10 locale a second 3-i nch ID PVC
I Tygon tubing a lso a llo ws a tmospheric air pressure
fro m the o utside world to enter the PYC-2 enclosure.
Oat·end cap for the PVC-2 e nclosure. D rill and tapll
ho le in the ce nter o f the Oa t-cnd cap for a brass fit-
which in turn is a llowed 10 pass to the PVC I ho using t ing with a !II· inch nipple o n the o utside of the cap.
a nd fo rm the d iffe re ntia l pressure reference to the which will connect the power and signal \\ires and
sensor. The PVC- I housing sits o n the bOllo m of the will a llow a tmosphe ric a ir pressure between the
stream. measures the pressurc. a nd sends it to the PVC- l and the PVC-2 e nclosure. Place some Teflon
PVC-2 enclosure silling above watc r tied to a tree or tape around the brass fi lling a nd secure in the tapped
a ffi xed 10 a stake high 0 11 the sl ream bank 10 a llow hole. Clean the o utside of bOlh pipe ends and then
easy intc rrogatio n of the data logger in ho used in glue the flat·end cap to o nc end of the PVC-2 hollS-
The HOBO da ta logger a nd the 9-voh ba lle ~l
ini!. Next .vou will need 10 locate a 3-inch clean-oUi
cap a nd gl ue it 10 the opposite cnd of the PVC-2
power su pply. consisti ng o f six AA batte ries arc all housing. The clean-out cap will peml it you to slide
Air and gas sensing generally seems so ephemeral. your own toxic gas sensor. Weather enthusiasts will I-z]
because air and many gases often cannot be seen or be eage r to discover an eleclronic barometer project. 1-"
smelled. BUI once again modem electronics comes to
ourassislance and can help us to sense both ai r and
which can be used (Q bui ld a weather station.
I"aricus gases in our atmosphere. In Ihis cha pter we
\\111 discuss how to build an air pressure sensing
S\\llch, which ca n be utilized to d e tect doors moving Rir Pressure Switch I
or approaching vchicles. OUf next project is an elec-
tronic sniffer. which can detect a numbe r of different TIle air pressure swi tch is a usefu l project that can be
gasses and then sound an alarm. With the bargraph used to detect unwa nted intruders cntering a private
pressure sensor. yo u can monito r WOl le r or air p res- space. Actu ally this project is a great demonstration
sure changes and disp lay their 1e\'c I5 o n an L E D project for showing how a change in air pressure can
bargraph display. In this chapler you will also learn sel off an alarm. A sensitive diffe rential pressure sen-
about how the new pellisfOT (or pcllilizcd resislor) sor is connected to a long length of 'ii-i nch olllsid e
oombusliblc gas se nso rs operate a nd how to construct llinmeler (00). ~"b- i n c h im;ide diam eter (I D) 'I)'gon
,,-------- --- ------ ---------- ------ -- ----- ----- --- ,,
,, ,,
,, ,,
, Thin lilm
,, 2
temperalure , Vout(+)
compre ssion , ,
and ,,
Calibration ,,
circuitry V oul (-)
------- -- -- - ---- -----
-- ---- -- --- -- --. __ . _-- ----
\J Ground
_= __________________________________._ ._
FIgure 5 ·1
4 4 . __ • • _____ 4
(ubing that can be buried in shallow around 10 detect
~ ~
pressure sensor has twO pons. the pressure port al
persons or \'e hicles driving o r walking over the lub- ( PI ) and the vacuum pOri at (1'2).
in!!.ll1 c d iffe re ntial air pressure sensor has I wo input TIle air pressure sensor switch circuit is shown in
pOrls. One porI is used as a re fe re nce pon. and the the diagram in Figure 5-2. 111C pre ssure sensor is a
second pon is actually used for sensing air pressure fou r-wire device. where pin I is con nectl!d to ground,
changes fed (rom the lengt h ofT:vgon tubing placed and pin 3 is connected 10 the 5-vol\ power source.
in or on Ihe grou nd. ' llli5 project could also be used Pins 2 and 4 of the a ir pre ssure se nsor nre connectoo
\ 0 detect wate r p ressure levels and alert you via a
to the input of a two-stage op·amp a mplifier at UI:a
buzzer alarm. and U I :b. The gain path of U l:a is set by resistors R3
The heart of the a ir pressure switch is the and R-I. whereas the gain pat h o f U l:b is formed by
ivlotorola M PX2100DP d i(fe renlial pressu re sensor. R5 a nd R6. The op-amp sect io n al U l:c is configured
as see n in the block diagram in Figure 5-1 . The pressure as a compara tor. '!l,c \·o llage signal from the air pres-
sensor is a silicon piczOfcsis live type. which provides sure se nsor is fed to the minus inpul o f the comparator
a highly accura te a nd line ar o u tpUt \'o lt age that is at pin 9. A resistor " ollage d ivider ne twork consisting
p ro portional to the d ifferentia l p ressure applied . The of R7 and RS provides a re fe re nce voltage to the plus
C1 + C2
S~ + U2 +
I I 1 a
-= h
- ~ ~
V 0
A4 A6 A11 [>NIO ~
2" AS r----UI·e
. Al a c OUTPUT
6 9 -
A3 8~ ~GND
5 1.1!.. +
v Jl 01 e
TP -
t- 3 -
- 4- - - -1
-- --
SENl 1
I mpx I
I _ 2 1000P :
IL _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ .....I
--. --------_._-- ,----------------. --. ---- --< ------- .. --.--<- .. --.----.~- •• -- ••.• .. __ ... -- .. - _.. -.. _- ...----
Fig ure 5-2 Air pressllre sellsor swill'll cirC/lil
The air pressure swi tch ci rcuit is powe red by a comple ted . you can move o n to locati ng a chassis box ••
9·\'0It battery sup ply co nsisting of six C ce lls. 111e or e nclosure in which to mounl it. TllC p rOtotype a ir (l)
power switch connccts the batte ry powc r so urce to p ressure switch is moun ted in a ml! ta l chassis box
the 5-\'011 regulator shown at U2. TllC voltagc reg ula- measuring , 5 ~ X 7 X 2 \.1 inches. Tlle circ ui t boa rd
torat U2 is a 7S05 three-pi n 5-\'0 It regulator a nd is was mo un ted at u ne e nd o f the bOllum o f the chassis I
used to supply a stable powe r so u rce to Ihe a ir pres- box.1lle c ircu it boa rd was moun ted o n sta ndo ffs..
SUTcciTcui!. J a te that the battery powe r so urce can usin ,g I inch machi nc screws. lf .vou elect to usc- bat-
be replaced wilh a 9-\'011 wall warl power supply for teries.. you will need to mount th re e C cell ho lde rs on
stationary applica tions. the hOllo m or sid c o f the chassis box . If you plan o n
The air pressure swi tch ci rcuit can bl! cunstructed using a 9-\'011 wall wa rl powcr supply. you will need
on small printed circui! board or on a small e xperi - 10 insta ll a coaxi,, 1 powe r jack on the side o f the
menter prototyping board . A lI lhe co mponen ts chassis box. You will IHl\'e 10 d rill a silla ll ho le o n the
including the press ure sensor arc mounle d on the sid e of the box near the pressu re sensor to a llow the
printed circuit board . Placing. the senso r at one e nd of ' I~' gonlUbin g to connect 10 the p ressure senso r.
the circuit board and the re lay at the opposite e nd is De pend ing u pon whe re you r measuring. p ressure and
g<:nerally a good layout fo r the circ uit.;-\ n 1C socke t vacuu m a re. you will need 10 observe thc pressu re
fortheop-amp at VI amI a transistor sockel for Q I po rt ma rki ngs. In Ihis appl ical io n. as in a n air pres-
are a good idea in the e\'cnt of a c ircu it fai lure do wn sure switch. YOll will want 10 co nnect the "I~'go n tub-
the road. ote that so me I % va lues resistors a re ing to pa n P l. lhe pressu re port.
LISI.>d in this circuil. ot he rwise none of the o the r COIll- 111e powe r switch a nd the b U7.zc r. if used. ca n be
ponents have to meet pa rticula r spec ifications. A fe w mOUllled on the top of the chassis box to provide
dectrol}'tic capacitors nrc used in thc po we r supply c ase o f usc. If desired you could e lim ina te the b uzzer
portion of the circuit. so be sure to o bse rve polari ty and conn ect <l sire n. malo r. o r o the r so und ing d e" ice
\\"hen ill.'a alling the m.l 11e LM 324 q uad op-amp a l VI at the reJay con tacls. Remember if YOli se lect a
and the \'oltage regulato r a t U2 a re easily loca ted. higher volla ge/curre nt load. then the power fo r the
When installing the se micond ucto rs. for e xa mple. the sound ing d evice will ha ve to be provid ed fro m a di f-
transistor and op-amp. be sure 10 carefll lly obserw feren t source.
tbeir orienlations. The transistor has three le ads: Now tha t your ai r pressure switch has bee n con-
a base. a collector. and a n e mitte r le ad. ;"'I<lke sure
~1lU consul! the Iransistor d ata sheet to be su re yo u
. -
structed. VOli can move o n 10 testin2. the circuit. Insert
the batte ries or connect you r exte rnal power supply
are fam iliar with the pinouts be fore inserting it into . and then a pply power by tu rning on the powe r switch
the circuit. Generally op-amps ha \'e eithe r a sma ll
square cutout in the lOp cente r of the package or a
- -
at S I. Ta ke the e nd of the TV2.o n tubing and blow
into it: the b uzze r shou ld sound imllled ia tel\'. TIle
small indented circle at Ihe top le ft of the package. If prcssure switch is pre tt y sensitivc a nd will indicate
~OIIr or-amp has a ccn tc r cuto ut . the n pin I o n the 1 psi of pressure.
7 N/C
:@ t37
-- 3
Most of the Figaro gas sensors have a healer coil to Ihe se nsor serves as a load-dividing. voltage-
thai draws a cu rre nt of about 130 milli amps and must dividi ng ne twork a nd as a sensit ivity control .md it
be powered by a 5-\'011 regulated source. The six-pin has its ce nte r tap connected to the gate of 0 2. Whe n
lotic gas sensor used in this project is powered by a (oxic fumes come in contact with the sensor. d ecreas-
1oII.'-voliagc. drop-out Na tional LP3850 regulator. ing its e lectrical resistance. curren t nows through the
ahich requires the volt age f.rom four D cells to powe r load pOie ntiomete r R 2. The voltage d eveloped across
Ihe regulator. The regulator provides a stable voltage the wipe r o f R2. which is connected to the gate of Oi.
and current source for the gas sensor for it to triggers the silico/l colltrolled rectifier (SCR) into con-
operate correctly. duction. And as conduction occurs. the LED at 0 7
As mentioned previouslY_lhe gas-sensitive semi- lights up 10 indicate that a gas has been d e tected.
conductor :leiS like a variable resistor in the p resence With the SCR now conducting. the inp ut to the
of loxic gas. lhus decreasing ils e lectrical resistance CO-1071 ga te in tu rn ap plies a trigger voltage to the
\/onen gaseous toxins are absorbed from the sensor U vl555 timer/oscilJ<l tor. Once the gas has been
surface. A 25.000-ohm potentiomete r R2 co nnected detected and the trigger signal has been acti vated. the
desired by placing a po te ntio me ter at R4. ting. usually counte rclockwise. When the power is
W he n co nstruCi ing the e lect ronic sniffe r. you \\~ II fi rsl turned 0 11. you may hear the speaker squeaking.
I need to pay particular a tte ntion to the orie ntation of Le t the e lectronic sniffe r warm up for aboutl min-
certain com pone nts such as the diodes. the SCR. the utes (remember the heate r coil). After 2 minutes has
ICs. as we ll as the ca pacitors. D iodes usua lly have an passed and the sensor has stabi lized . next you \,ili
a rrow po inting to a slTllight line thai indicates the need to grad ua lly adj ust the pote ntio meter Rl
cathode. Capacitors. if they a re po la rity sensi tive. are upward or clockwise to its th reshold point. You may
ma rked with a plus or minus sign to he lp with orien- have to depress the reset switch a nd readjust the
tatio n. IC sockets a rc highly recomme nded a nd \\~II trol for best sensit ivity. Your e lectronic sniffer is now
save you a lo t of grie f if yo u have 10 service the circuit ready to assist you in sniffi ng out toxic gases. As melli
at a la te r da te. When installing rCs. you will notice tio ned earlier. this electronic sniffe r can also be used
e ithe r a sq ua re CUlo ut at the !Op center of the pack- to de tect other gases as shown in Table 5-1. Prices of
age o r a sma ll indented ci rcle at the lOp left com e r. the va rious gas sensors ra nge fro m S14.50 for the LP
G e nerally pin 1 is the left of the cutout or to the le ft propane. natural gas. and carbon monoxide sensors.
of the indented circle. to a bo ut S2.t.OO for the CFC sensors. and finally
l\'la ny people may not rea lize in fact thai pressure sewage and fillrmion piau!!
sensing. measurement. a nd control techniques are Monitor pressure drop~ aCTU,S Air condi tioning. gas
fou nd in many devices. appl iances. and machines used indllSlrial gas fil lers sepnnllion. flow rnonilOrin~
hi!!h -vacuum s~slems
in our homes. offices. and factories wiliI out us e\'cn
knowing. Pressure sensing is often little undcrslOod. O lher monitoring applicllIions Fill ra ti on equipment. com·
pUlt:r fiil<,r5. dean rooms.
and measurements revolve around th ree basic Iypes medical instrum ... nts
of pressure sensi ng methods (see Table 5-1).
-Iltis project is based on a se nsilive low-cost differ,
enlial piezo p ressure sensor thai provides an OUlput
Table 5-2 proportional to the appl ied pre-ssure. D ifferential
pressure sensors have I\\'0 pressure pons. allow appli-
Types of Pressure Measurem ent
cation of p ressure to either side of the diaphragm _
Type of Pressllre Descriplioll
and can be used for gauge or differential pre-ssure
AbsolUle pressure Absolute pr<'>sure sensors measu re an
eXlcrnal pressur ... r... lali"e 10 a zero- measu rement. 'nle SenSym (a division of HoneyweU)
pressu re rderenee point (A vacuum) JC pressure sensor is a four~pin basic pressure sensor
seah:d inside Ibe rde rence cham~r of
\\~lhOlIl signal cond i[ionim!.. as shown in Figure 3,S.
the die during manufacture. This co rre-
sponds 10 a (klleelion o f tbe diaphragm 111e two pressure ports can be seen al port PI and PI.
equal 10 ;)pproxim<ltdy 15 psi or I Po rt P I is shown as the high-pressure pon:nlc piezo
almosphere _r. leasuremelll of external
pressure is ilccomplished by 3pplying a sensor has four internal 500-ohm resista nce elements.
re1ali\"{~ negati ,·e pressure to Ih.: pr.:s- which are confil!ured as a \Vheats lOne bridge,
~ ~
the chip of the differential pressure S<'n-
so r ekm.:nts.
The bargra ph pressure sensor circui try shO\\1l in
Figure 5 ~7 begins with the 0 (0 7 psi SenSym SPX30D
senso r. The pressure sensor is powe red from a regu-
~ The bargraph pressure sensor p roject is a fun
lated 5-volt powe r source, followed b)' a series of
project that will demonstrate how \'O U can b uild.
three diodes connected as a span temperature com-
experiment. and me asure pressure changes in the
pensation source to pin 3 of Ihe sensor. Pin 1 of the
environmen ts around •VOll . It can be used as a sensi-
sensor is connected to ground, TIle positive (+) out-
tive d iagnostic device to sense a nd measure a ir pres-
put of the pressu re sensor at pin 1 is connected to
sure. vacuum pressure, or differenti al pressure (see
both a re ference potentiometer ( RS) a nd to the input
Ta ble 5-3 o f potential pressure sensing applications).
of Ihe second op-amp at Ul: J3 on pin 3. The minus
r:J ' ] HIGH o
PORT soo n
5500 2
1) GROUND 3) + V5
550 0
_-_ <:
... .. -.... _--------- .. _--------------------- --------._------------------------------------
FIgure 5-S HOlleywell SellSYlll S PX 50D presmre sellSo r
-------------- ...
(-) output of the pressure se nsor at pin" is coupled adjusting po te ntiomete r R 5. The circu it illustra tes
to the input of the first o p-amp on pin 3. The gai n o f two test points: TPI and TP2. Test point 1 pro vides a
the first op-amp section is SCI up b y the gain resisto rs full-scale outp ut voltage. whe reas test point 2 provid es
R6 and Rp (see Table 54). By changing the input 5 volts. TIle LED at 014 p rovides a power on light
resistors, you can select a pressure range of 0 to 1 psi fo r the syste m. The 10 L EOs are wifed to the display
orOto 10 psi if desired.llle output of the ftrst op- d ri vers on p ins 10 through 18 as we ll as o n pin I.
amp is coupled to the second op-amp stage via the Thc bargraph p ressure sensor circuit is powe red
resistor at R3. The ou tp u t a t U l:B at pin 7 is sent to fro m a 5 -volt reg ulator at U2 . The regulator pro \'ides
tbe input of the display driver. an LM39 14N. on pin 5. 5 volts for the LM 358. the LM39 14N d isplay drive r.
The display drivcr will drive 10 L EOs to a full -scale and the sensor. A 9-volt battery supp lies powe r to
reading of 0 to I psi or 0 to 10 psi. The display driver o pe ra te the regulator through switch 51. You could
bas a full -scale adjustment control at potentiome te r a lso elect to use a wall wa rt powe r supply instead of a
at Rl3. A zero adjustme nt of the display can be set by battery if desired.
you should consider mo unt ing the pressure se nso r at on lOp or the package. the n pin I will be 10 the Icfl of
one edge of the circuit board . us sho wn. to a llow the Ihe CUto ut.
pressure ports to exit your e nclosure. The se nsor o ff- Whe n insla Uing the LE Os. pay particul ar ane ntion
set n'.SislOrs R7. RS. and R9 a re a ll 1% resistors. as to the ir pola rity to .woid having to insta ll them twice.
are the amplifie r gain resisto rs. A ll mher resisto rs in The prototype pressure se nso r utilizes a IO-segme nt
the circuit are 5% resistors. The c ircuit e mploys on ly LE D d isplay. which is easie r to mount a nd handle
tru-et capacitors. Capacitors C I a nd C2 are e lectrolytic th a n using separa te LE Os. If you use lhe IO-segme nl I"zj
~Jli! d C3 is a ceramic d isk type. POie mio me tcrs LED d isplay. you can use a n Ie socke l for ease o f 1-"
used in the bargraph pressure sensor are a ll Oluh ilum wiring. The three d iodes at 0 I I. D l2. and D 13 are all
circuit board (lrimpot) types. sma ll signa l diodes and can be ide ntified by thc ba nd
at o ne e nd. This band indicil h!S Ihe d iode ·s cat hode.
Check the data sheel for Ihe reg ulator to e nsure that
Table 5·4
you know the differe nce be twee n the inpu t a nd o ut- I
Gas Bargraph-Full-Scale Gain Res istor pu t pins o f the regulator device.
Once you havc comple lcd so lde ring in a ll thc G1
Press/lre D I'I'ice Il5 compo ne nts. you should care fully inspcci Ihe fo il side PI
Range R6 Rp C!l
o f the ci rcui l board to make sure that no shorts o r
0-1 psi SPX50DN 909 ohms 2K ohms
bridges can be seen between co ppe r pads or lines.
0-10 psi SPX5(}D N 909K ohms 20K ohm s AJso look the board o ve r to e nsure that no co ld solder
(1..15 psi SPX tOO 6.'1K ohms 10K ohms joil1ls exist. Cold so lder joints ca n ca use you ma ny
he adaches late r if nOi caught q uickly. so ta ke the
(l..jOpsi SPX100 6.9K ohm~ 20K ohms
_.. _.. _-- - -- - -- - --- - -- -- - e xtnl time to look for the m befo re powe r is applic d
to the circui t. Fina ll y c heck Ihe ci rcuit board once
When installing the pressure senso r. be sure 10 mo rc to ma ke surc Ihat no CUI compo ne nt le ads a rc
carefully obsen 'e the o rie nla tion of the fo ur pinouls stuck 10 the bo n o m of thc circu it board . which Illay
on the device. It is impon antlo use IC sockets whe n cause short circuits.
building the circuit. in the e ve nt o f a circuit fai lure a t A ft e r inspecting the circuit board. you a re read y 10
some laler point in time. ICs a re se nSili\·c loorie nla- install the circuit boa rd into some sort of chassis box.
tlon so pan icular alie ni io n must be paid to pro pe r You can select e itbe r n me la l or plastic e nclosure fo r
orientation. Each Ie will usua lly have e ither a small this project. You will want to co nside r mo un ting Ihe
indented circle on the (Op of the plastic package o r a circuit bo,lrd a l one end of the chassis to a llo w the
pressure po rts to have e asy access to Ihe ou tside
world . A lso cOElsidcr eie \'a ting Ihe ci rcuit board on
sta ndo ffs. so that you can cut a ho le for a IO-segme nt
LED d isplay at the top o r front of the chassis box. if
you decided to use Ihis I)'pe o f d ispl ay.TIlis mounting
me thod will a llow a clean mo unting scheme. TIle
powe r switch and powe r on ind ica tor can be
mounte d o n the top or fro nt pa ne l of Ihc e nclosurc. If
you arc go ing to powc r the circuit from batt eries. you
can mOllnt a ba tte ry ho lde r at the bollom of the
e nclosure. If you e lect to use a wall wart powe r sup-
-,..•........ _------------_.-_._**- --------- - -- _. _._.- ply. you will wanl 10 mo unt a coaxial powc r jack at
Rgure 5·S 8 nrgraph presslfre sellSor prOlotype Ihe rear of the chassis to allow fo r a power connection.
prinrell eirel/ ir board
or vacuum pressure changes. Table 5-5 lists <l number R6 ( s " Table 5 -~ )
of different pressure sensor conversions {hat you may Rp (see Tabl e 5-4)
demellt is manufacture d. Two types of nonsensitive Figure 5-10 Pd/i.wor d,wl Sl'/lSor 1II0UI11
element exist. 'nle first is used primarily in high· power
LEADS l mm
_...... .
Agure 5-9
Pellistor gas Sl'm'or
... -- ---- ------------------------ -_. --- ._ ..... . . ... __ .. _-----------------
poIcntiomelc r a t R8. which is used to adj ust the ref- waml as power is supplied to heat the clemen t a t a ll
erence or sel-point of the comparato r circuit.lllC times. The pe llistor assembly should be mo unted at
OUipUl oflhe comp,lrata r ill pin 7 is coupled to resis- one end o f the circuit board . so tha t the sensor can be
lor R12. \\hich is fed to a PNP transistor al 01. Tran- mo unted n ea r one e nd o f th e chassis box. A n Ie
sistor 01 is used to drive a small SPDT relay. which socket is reconmll:nded in the e vent o f the circui t
can be used to drive a heilv}' load. In Ihis example the fai lure a t some la te r po int in time. The IC must be
relay is used 10 d ri ve a piezo buzze r that sounds whe n o rie nted correctly for the circui t to work properly.
lIle Wheatstone b ridge becomes unba la nced. The Observe the orienta tio n care full y. when installing the
nonnally open contacts of the relay afC wired fTom Ie. ICs usua lly ha ve some form o f marking to d e note
the9·\'oh source through the b uzzer 10 ground. You their orientatio n. On some 1Cs. you may find e ither a
rould use the relay 10 drive a large r load . such as a small indente d circle al the top lefl o f the package o r
pump or siren. The comparator ci rcuit is po wered a squa re cutout at the lOp cente r of the package. If
from 3 9-\"0It power source consisting o f a 9-voll bat- the IC pack age has a sma ll inde n ted circle. pin I o f
ICI}'3nd regulator U3. Switch S l:b applies power to the IC is just to the left of the inde nted circle. If the
the regulator and. in turn . to the comparato r circuit. IC has a square cutout a t the top ce nter of tbe pack-
Nole the load. a buzzer in this e xample. is connected age. pin I is to the le ft of the cuto u t. Capacitors C I.
ahead of the regulator and is su pplied wit h 9 vo lts 0. and C3. C4 a rc all electro lytic types a nd must be
whereas the comparator is po wered [ro m 5 \'olts. installed corre ctly with the positive marking placed
The combustible gas sensor is constructed on a 3 correctly with respect to Ihe plus voltages on the
X 4 inch printed circuit board. No component specifi- powe r supply. Consult with the data sheets for each
cations are crit ical excep t for the matched pair pellis- o f the regul ators to be sure you insta ll the m correctly
tor sensor package. All the compone nts are mo un ted and avoid damage to the circuit. "Jbe transistor a t QI
on the circuit board. including the regulators. Ie. a nd has th.ree pins. m,lrked 1. 2, a nd 3 as shown on the
transistor and relay. Heatsinks sho uld be placed on bottom of the diagram (see Figure 5- 12). Pin 1 o n the
both of the regulator packages. llle pcllistors should transisto r corresponds to the e mitter. whereas pin 2 is
be mounted in a heutsink. because they. will i!:et a bit the base. and pin 3 is the transisto r"s collector pin.
e lect to usc a 6-\'olt. 500 ma wall wart power supply if BUlane·l·onc ( ~1 EK)
desired. llle power source al 8 2 can be supplied by
batteries by installing holde rs for three AA or three
C-<:ells. -1l1e batter)' holder can be mounted on the
boltom of the chassis box.
The DPDT powe r switch was mounted along wit h EllI) I Acclatc
the pie7.o buzzer on the top cover of the chassis box.
til Toluene
if you e lected to use a panel-mounted potentiometer
rd for RS. this con trol could also be mounted on the top
Xyl ene 31
(,!) Acclvlcnc
fron t co,'er of the chassis box.
O nce the comb ustible gas de tector has been com-
----------------- - --- ..
I pleted. yOll a re now ready to calibrate the circuit. 'Ille
combus tible gas detector is sensitive to a numbe r of Tah le 5·7
combusti b le gases (see Table 5-6). You will no tice that
Pellistor CatalYtic Sensor Ope ra ting
the se nsor is most sellsiti,'c to methane. hydrogen. Performance
e thylene. and met hanol. To calibrate the d etector for
A uribllle CAT 16 Sl:IIsor CAT 15 Sellsor
a part icular gas. turn on the combustible gas sensor
Model num bo!r 2111 B20t6 2111 B2125
a nd expose the sensor to the gas of imerest: this will
O perJting princi ple CunSlan l currcm ConSlam \'ollJge
adjust the set-point of the circuit using potentiome te r
RS. Each gas will require a slightly different set-point Gas dc ,ceted Mos, combustible Most combustible
gases gase5
for maximum sensitivity. SixthScnse manufactures
two diffe re nt cma lytic pellistor gas sensors: a CAT I6 Measu remen'rangl' 0-100% lower 0-1 00"0 LEL
e \"rlo~i"e lim it
and a CAT2 5 (see Table 5-7).
( LEL )
Chapter Five Ga s Se n si ng 12 7
Build ing the electronic baromete r shown in Figure increased resistance. while the olhe r two arc lower
5-13 will help yo u keep track or the baromct ric p res- than no rmal. TIlis produces an u nbalanced bridge
su rc and will easily perform as well or bencr Ihan output between pins 2 and 4 of the scnsor. which rep-
moSI expensive a ne roid barome ters you are likely to rese nts the actual absol ute v;l lue of air pressure (and
b uy. TIle resolution of the digiw i display is 0.01 inches ba rometric readi ng).
of mercury. which is greate r than what could be -m e pressure se nso r is a linear device thaI. in this
o h tnincd from a n a na log baromelc r. circuit. is d ri ven by a 5-vo11 regula ted supply. II dc\-ef-
A barome ler measures absol ute ambient air prcs- ops about 20 milfh'o lts outpu t be twee n pins 2 and 4
sure. usually specified in inches of mercur),. At sea at norma l barometric pressure condi tions. Its sensili\'·
levclunder stnndard conditions set by the World ilY to pressure changes equals abo ut O.67R milli\'ol1S
Me teorological Organizatio n . the acceplcd abso lute per inch of me rcury.
air p ressure is equal 10 29.91216 inches of mercury.
-mis tra nslates to 14.696 pounds pe r sq uare inch
absolute (PS IA) . nle aClUal levd of ai r pressure is Rnalog Rmplifie r
a lways cha nging. and such movements pro\'ide an
excellent method o f predicting the weather. Normal lbe pressure sensor bridge circuit is driven by the
p ressure readings fa ll wi thi n the ranee of 29 to 31 5-\'011 regu lated power source a nd provides a nomi-
inches o f merc ur"\'. nal di fferential output vollage of abou t 20 millivolts..
One importa n t aspect of the barometric reading is which wi ll va rv. bv
. onlv
. 0.678 millivolts for each
the direction of ch::lIlge: that is. rising or fa ll ing. 1lle change of one inch of m e rcur~' barometric pressure.
elec tronic barome te r d escribed he re has 11 hold fea- TIlis minute change in bridge ompul mhage must be
lure. wh ich allows the present reading to be frozen. amplified before it can become useful. This is acrom·
TIlen. at a late r time. a new reading may be taken . plished by U2. a dual operational amplifier.
The change of direction therefore indicates if there U2A and U2B are connected as a diffe rential
the p ressu re is rising or fa lling. nle new reading may a m plifier. The gain of the amplifier is detemlined by
the n be frolen until anothe r c heck of the pressure th e resistance values of R7 through R 13 and is
is made. eq ual 10:
G A IN = 2 x {I + lOOKlRI
where lOOK is the value o f R 9. R 12. and R13. and Ris
Rbout the Circuit
the combined nllue of RIO and RI I connected in
series. Addi tionally R 7 and RS form a voltage di\ider
The heart of the electronic barome ter is an absol ute
Ihat provides I j vollS DC offselto Ihe amplifier, and
pressu re sensor Iha t has a detection ra n!!e of 0 to 15
the resist:lnce pair has a Thevinin cquh'aleOl of lOOK
PSIA. -Ibis piezoe lectric d e vice is com posed of four
10 ma tch R9. R I2.:lIld R 13.
resistors impla nted on a silicon substrate. which acts
as a di ap hragm. One side o f the substra te is ex posed Using the voltage gain fonnul a shown and the
to a cha mbe r Ihm has been totally c\'acuat.::d to an resistor values shown in the schematic diagram. the
almost pe rfeci vacuum.ll1e other side is exposed to gain of the amplifier is I.4S. With a scnsor OUlPUI
ambient ai r pressure.
- -
voltaee swin g of 0.678 m illivolts for each one inch of
mercury cha nge in air pressure. it can be seen tbal me
-lb c fo u r resistOrs connected to the sensor are
o ut put voltage of the amplifie r will change 10 milli·
equa l in value and a re con nected in a Wheatstone
volts for each inch of me rc ury. Tlie aClllal output
b ridge configura tion. The substrale is physically
age of the amplifier will be 1.5 volts as prm'ided by
streSsed by the action of ambient nir p ressure on one
offse t resistors R 7 and R8. plus the bridge
side pushing againsl the zero p ressure chambe r on
output voltage multipli ed by the gain of the
Ihe other. and as a result Iwo of the resistors haVe!
Nomlal Out p UI is about 1.8 volts at pin 7 of U2.
the most significan t digit is required to be e ither a 2 ba ro me lric readi ng.. but it cannol produce any digil
or a 3. A clever o ne-chip q uad exclusi,'e OR circuit other Ihan u 2 or a 3.
(U-I) is used 10 genera te the prope r digil.An exclu-
sive O R ga te produces a logic 1 ou tput o nly when its
inputs arc at opposi te logic levels.
ple ted. If the display has deformed digits. it may be R9, R12 , R1 3 l OOK ohm,
1/4 -watt, I 'll me tal
caused by a wiring error between the display and fi lm re s i st.o r
ana log board. a short . or an opening in the wiring. R IO I S.4-ohm, 1/ 4-watt,
The location of the deformed digits will le tl you 1 % met a l f ilm r esisto r
where \0 look for the problem. Refer to the Rll 22 0-ohm, 1 / 4- watt
schematic and check cHch in te rconnecting wire with c ar bon r es i st.o r
an ohmmeter after disconnecting power to the ci rcuit. R1 4 l OO K ohm, 1 / 4-wa tt
c ar bon re sistor
If the display is totally blank. check the orientation
Cl , C3 68 uF , 2S-volt
of U3. a nd check all compone nts associated with it. IJ r adia l e le ct. r olYti c
possible, check pin 21 of U3 and pin I of the display cap a c i to r
I with an oscilloscope (0 \·erify the presence o f the C2 , C6 0. 1 u F , 50-volt
square wave backplane signal . Ve rify the reference c e ram i c dis k capacitor
su re sensor
2 AA c ell s <(l)
DSP- l 3 half - digit LCD
displaY (Di g i-key 153-
I-liscellaneous IC sock -
e tS , PC boards, wire ,
hardware, battery
holder , et c.
Vibration Sensing
-- Ul :b
01 S2
5 B!ue
U1:a Wht 81k
o R2 C1 M1
- -- -
-:-0--.--------------------- .. --------.----------.. ---- ---. -
Agure 6-1 VibmtiOllllClim lcd hO/lr IIIl'fer
Upon activation of a vibra tion. a downwa rd pulse 10 the circui t board. And il has four Icads: the red and
is fed d irectly to the hour mete r at Ml. As vibration white leads are powe r a nd ground respectively. The
from the sensor com in ues the hour me te r will con- rese t pins are located on the blue a nd black leads..
tinue to run. thus reco rding the le ngth of the e"e nt. The hour mete r circuit can be housed in a small
The hour me te r can be rese t fo r the next en:-m by meta l enclosure if desi red. The hour ml'ler and both
de pressing the pushbutton at switch $1. Note Iha t a ll switches ca n be mo unted atlhe front top of the
un used input pins of the CD 4069U B sho uld be tied e nclosure. A Iwo-cell AA batte ry holder can be
10 the 3-\'0It source. mo unted to the bOllom of the e nclosure 10 hold lhe
The ho ur me te r c ircuit is powe red from twO AA balle ries. If desired you can mo unt the piezo sensor
cells wired in series to fo rm a 3-\"011 power supply. A as a remme probe. The probe lend should consist ot8
10 uf capacitor is placed across the ba llery sou rce. small diamete r coax cable such as RGI 7-1IU. The probe
Power to the hour me te r ci rcu it is appl ied via the lead-in sho uld be kept under 10 1012 feet if possible
power switcb a t $ I . to avoid degradation of the signnl over a long dis-
The hour m e te r circuil can be bu ilt on a small tance. A two-circuit RCA jack can be moumed on
piece of experim em e r board o r on a ded ica ted the metal enclosure for the probe cable. and an RCA
primed c irc ui t board. A specific layout of the PC plug can be placed at the e nd of the probe cable.
board is not cri tical. however some precautions must Now the ho ur me te r circuit can be mounted to the!
be observed. You Illav wish to have the sensor bOllom of the metal enclosure via I/J-inch standoffs
moun ted along wi th a ll the othe r pa rts on the same and 1/1 -inch -I-..JO screws. Once the circuit has been
PC board or you may wish to have the sensor as a mounted. mak e sure fhe powe r switch is o fr. insfall
probe device using a coax cable lead-in from the se n- the baHeries. and auach the vibra tion probe to the
sor to the actual circuit board . de pend ing upon your circuit. Nex t. you can tum on the power (0 the circuit
particular application. a nd press the reset swi tch $2. The vi bration hour
Certain compone nts requi re special at te ntion me Ier is now ready to do its job. Place the probeona
when mounting. For example.lI single silicon diode is hard surface. rap on fhe sensor. and the hour meIer
used. When inswUing diodes. ca re must be taken 10 shou ld begi n to o pe rale.
install them corro!ctly.l\'lost d iodes ha\'e a black or
red band a t o ne end of the diode. wh ich correspo nds
to thc cathode of the diode. On the d iagram the cath- Vibration Hour Meter Parts Lisl
ode is the \'enical li ne faci ng the inpu t of UI :b. Some
Rl 2 2 megOhm , 1 / 4- w4tt ,
capacitors ha\'e pola rity. a nd particular atten tion
5, resistor
must be paid to insta lling these. In this circui t a single
R2 4. 7 megOhm, 1/ 4-
e lectrolytic capacitor at C2 is used. Note the positive watt , 5 \ resi sto r
lead of the capacitor shou ld be connected to the posi- Cl 0. 1 u f , 35-vo lt
tive lead of the batte n '. Th e ho ur meter circuit utilizes ::: eramic disc capadto:
a single integra ted circuit a t Ul. lt is a dvisable [Q usc C2 1 0 uf , 35- v olt elec-
a n Ie socket as assurance aga inst a circuit fai lurc at a t r olyt i c capacitor
later date. ICs m ust be orien tated correctly in order Dl I N414 8 s i licon clio':'!
81 C : III 'l ::s
9' B1 -
ADDED R7 V D2 + ::s
MASS R2 01 en
"- 0
; i"'
L -"
2 8
+ I.Q
- G4
G2 Ul
3 c
+ 6 b
rC v 02
:~ R3 1
c1 D1 , A
'" -
Rl 0
R5 G3
- L
------ --.---- -
Figure 6·2 Seism ic vibrmioll alllrlll circllir
BOARD 2X "AN cells
aSCEwS ,
2- TO 3-
,,, ::s
Rgure 6-3 Seismic \librarion alarm mOllllrillg \Q
CI I uF, 35 - volt elec- BZ piezo buzzer
t rolyti c c a pacitor
V5-1 2 -i n c b diameter ,
C2 0. 1 u F , 35-volt 8 - obm speaker
c erami c disc capacito r
51 5P5T toggl. s wit c b
C3 22 0 pF, 35-vo l t 81 6 C cel l s o r a 9 -
c apacitor volt battery
C4 22 uFo 35- volt elec- Misc ellaneo us PC b o ar d,
trolytic c apacitor !C and transistor
Dl IN914 silicon diode so~kets, wire, PVC
D2 IN4001 si li con diode pipe , PVC end caps,
PVC c c ap
Q12N4403 t r ans i s tor a ss embly , PVC glue,
Q2 2N44 0 1 t ran sisto r battery bolders,
Sp eaker mass, et c.
Ul CA3094 t r ansco ndu c -
tance op - amp
me round 2- to 3-inch wooden box [rom a cra ft sup- such as an Onset mini '-lO BO data logger or a n an a~
rJystore. Take the black plastic piezo sounde r case log-tO-d igital converter card in a pe rsonal computer.
and place it over the bo ttom of the small rou nd The piezo seismic detector can be constructed o n II
lII'OO1len box (sec Figure 6-5). r-,'Iark whe re the pl astic Quick-boa rd. a protOlype circuit board o r a conven-
tabs meet the box. a nd drill a hole for each mou nti ng tional pri nted circuit board . G ood construction tech-
lab. Locate a steel rod that is the same diame te r as niq ues should be used. and leads be tween
tile inner diameter of the shaft coupler (i.e.. 1/$. to 5hl componen ts should be ke pi as short a s possible. The
iDcb). You will want to cut the probe shaft to aboUi S [rant e nd of the circuit consisting of the piez:o sensor
inches long. One e nd of the probe sbould be tapered and the o p-amp c ircu it should be shje lded whe n
lOa point. nnd the other end must be sanded 10 fit comple ted.
inside the free end of the d ual-shaft coupler. Afte r When constructing the ci rcuil. be sure to usc an Ie
the epox~' is dry. loosen the outer set screw on the socket for the op·a mp. An Ie socket will save you
~hart coupler a nd inse rt the steel rod into the ope n repa ir time late r in the event of circuit fa ilure, 'Ille IC
eod ofthe shaft coupler. Locate the plastic piezo disk musl be orie nted correctly fo r the circuit to work
case and make the center hole large r 10 accommo- properly. At one e nd o f the IC will be e ithe r a rectan-
date the brass coupler d iamete r. which you will then gular cutout at the top of the IC o r :1 small indented
rbre through the pielo case. As you re asse mble the circle at the top right o f the Ie. If there is a rectangu-
~ J1
fD P1 o SEN· 1
n T J3
-~-- - -,
Vl ,1----- ----- -------- ------ --
fD U1 97
t 06 05
In , R2 ,,
3N R - R6
-, " - • • , ,
, "14 I"
:r C5
fD 01 t-- R8
.., »
______ __ __ ____ ________ _.".. , ___ . ____________________ 0. _0. '0 _________ , ' . _ _ ._ _ __ • _ _ _ _ _ ,_, ••• ___ _ ___________________________________ _
Figure 6 · 7 Ili~Jr ·fl'f:qll/:ll c)' IJiC ZQ xC/Mole vibl'(lliOIi S C II.w ) r drCllil
51 :a
, + 12v
+ I
C1 + U1 +
B1 - 12V
I C4
- T I
I I- I -
+ I
- ,
12V I 2
- I
B2 I
:;1 :b IN OUT
-0" U1 -12v I
C3I +
- - -
_.... . ... - ... -
------------- -- - -
Rqure 6-8 + 111- 12 VDC power supply
larcutout at the top of the re. pin I wi ll be to the left 79 Ll 2 minus 12-\'011 regulator a re connecled through ••
ofthecutouL lfthe IC has a small inde nted circle <1 t
the top of the IC then pin 1 will be just !O the le ft of
power switch 51 to Iwo 12-\'0It batteries as shown. or
they can be connected to a 115 VAC dual 12-voll
!he circle. Be sure a lso to observe the corrcct pola rity power supply or d ua l waU wart power su pply. For ::::l
.. hen installing the capacito~ d iodes. and the meter. portable a pplications. you may wish 10 power the cir-
The diodes connectcd to the mete r need to be cuit from two 12-voit la ntern batteries. -1l1e piezo seis-
installed correct ly in orde r for the circuit to ope ra te mic detector druws very li ttle current in its idle State.
correctly.The arrow points [Q the cathode of the so 12-\'0 It lantern batteries shou ld ha\'e a long life in
diode, which is usually noted as the black band at o ne a portable setup.
end of the diode. llle activity indicator LEDs are The piezo seismic detector electronics a re
mounted in both di rections: it doesn't m,Hler which mo un ted in a sma ll melal chassis box to e limina te
one is in what location as long as the bands are o ppo- picking up inte rfe rence [rom noise or RF sources.
~teeach other when you are fini shed. The mil-
TIle mete r a nd activity ind icator LEDs arc mounted
liammeter should be marked wi th a plus (+) and a on the top fro nt of the chassis box along wi th the
minus (-) lead. powe r toggle switch 5 I. -lbe piezo sensor wires from
When you have completed bu ilding the circuit Ihe circui t board a re brough t OUi of the chassis box
board. be su re to look at the coppe r side of the board via an RCA jack J I at the rear of the e nclosure. lbe
10 make sure that no stray or cut component leads data logger output wires are connected to an RCA
arestill stuck to the circuit board. Re move a nything jack , J 2 at the rear of the chassis box, A three·
that is stuck to the board. Look for bridged or conductor microphone jack a t 13 is mounted to the
shorted circuit leads before applying power to the rea r pane l of the chassis box in order to con nect the 3\'oid damagi ng the circuit. Note that the circuit board to two external p -\'olt lante rn batteries.
piezo seismic detectur circuit req uires a plus and a The diag.ra m in Rgure 6-9 depicts the how to mou nt
minus 12-\'0It DC power supply. The dual power sup- the piezo seismic cryslal to maximize the conduction
ply is illustrated in Figure 6-8. In this dual 12-voll of vibration rrom the ground to the pic7.0 crystal.
po. . -er supply. a 7SL 12 plus I ")-\"011 regulator a nd a
R' poten
10K o hm
. ."
.., •
•-• • .~
t iomet er
.. ,.- .. e
. ~
. , • •, • • · • C1 10 nF, 630-volt
• , •, ,
- • ,
• w
Mylar cap a c itor
22 p f , 10 0 - volt
Myl ar c apa c ito r
C3 , C4 100 pF , 50-volt
Mylar c apa c itor
Figure 6-9
.- ------ -- ------- ----------- -
Piel.o seismid vibrafiOIl sellsor
--------- C5 6.B uF , 50-volt
elec t r o lYtic capacitor
01, 02 red LEOs
Your vibration sensor is now complete and ready 03, 04 , OS , 06 Sa14 0
to install. You are ready to install your new ,'ibra- S c hottkY d iode s
tion/ seismic se nsor. Locate a n a rea away fro m your Ul OPA12-'lR op-amp
house and walkways with lillie or no traffic as a place Ml 0 t o 1 Ma DC meter
to insta ll your sensor. D ig a small-d iameter hole J1, J2 RCA j acks
a bo ut 10 inches deep. a nd insert the metal sensor J3 th r ee-pin mlc r op hon.
probe into the hole. Onee the pro be is secure in the co n necto r
ground rc pack the din a round the hole a nd ta mp it SEN- I pie%o sounde r
(Radio Shac k , 2 73-060
firmly a ro und the se nsor. -m e sensor should protrude
Misce llan eous PC boa rd,
fro m the ground o nly by about an inch or two. Once IC soc ket , wire , ha r d·
the sensor assem bly has been completed. the last ware, screws , nuts,
deta il is to fm the sTlla ll box with lead sho t or rocks to 2 - 1 / 2 -inch diameter
round woo den box ,
give the box some m ass.. Ru n your micropho ne cable dua l~ s haf t coupler ,
back to your electronics mo nitoring circuit and a ttach etc .
the microphone cable wire to the ci.rcuit. TIlis can be
done with match in g spade clips o r with some sort of
male and fe ma le connectors.
Fina lly. connect the micropho ne cable from the Research Seismograph
piezo seismic sensor to the piew amplifie r e lectronics
box. Connect Ihe a na log-to-digital converter 10 Ihe The AS-l research seismograph system shown in Fi
omput of the seismic a mplifier. fin a lly connect the ure 6-J 0 is casv to use and was desioned and built II
. "
power supply. a nd yo ur piezo seismic sensor mon itor mak e the science of seismology accessible to indi\;f
is complete and ready to serve you! ua ls a nd schools at a reasonable cost. Wilh the AS-J
5,rio.l 4cm
_..... ....... . . --- -. -_ ..... . ••• •
Agure 6·10 A S· ) researciJ seismograph syStt'1II
dvnr"'l "esse!
wl J:iht o-J
__ b.u~ pb:t
--- ------------------- ----- -------------------------- ---- ---- ---------------- -._-- ------ --------------------_ .. _-----
FIgure 6 -11 AS- I edllcflIiol1al seismo m eter mail1 compOl1ems
-- . . .... -.+.- • . --
Agute 6-12 Bast' pfare. n?r1ical pOSt. (l11(/spril/g
FigurE! 6 -13 Flflcrum lIrul and magnet
5. Tigh ten the coi l 10 the bnse pla te of the ~ci~ Figure 6 -15 Coil (IIullllllgnelllssembly
~ mometer. The coil should be upright a nd pe r-
,..Q pendicular to 1he basco and it may require
rl tightening ,lOd o r be ndi ng to orient it cor-
motor oil to the damping n uid contain e r. TIle ' 1l1e signal at the pre-amplifie r input connection is '1
nuid le\'el should be 1 cen tim c ter ( 3f~ inch) applied to the ill\·e ning. input of a COIIIIJ/lU{l/jll8 f//IIO- U
below the lOp of Ihe con tainer. ::.ero (CA Z ) imtrument ation operat ional amplifier. a 'I'
Maxim MAX-l20CPA (shown in Figure 6-18). TIle
CAZ a mplifier is uniq ue in its abil ity to se nse its own
RI All
C~ o
with the fee d back resistor. a 0.0 J-IJ-F cnpacil or is sha rp er cutoff cha racteristics (24 d B per oct,we).
incorporated to fi lte r o ut 60 1-11. no ise. which may a fourt h-ord er fil ter ca n be luned to a highcr cutoff
have been introduced via magne tic coupling to the freq uency- on the o rde r o f I Hz. Signals o f a longer
pickup coil. The CA Z amplifie r Ie is rc l at i "c l ~' pe riod would th us pass u natle nuate d: b ut unwante-d.
expensive al $7.30. bUi it is indispensable to the excel- inte rfe ri ng signa ls a t 3 Hz or fa sICr wo uld be effec·
knt o verall pe rforma nce o f the seismo me te r. tive lv• removed .
The ga in is proportional [0 the va lue of the resist- 'n lC inve rting input of Ihe third stag.e is also used
a nce and is co mputed by the fannu la: to in troduce a n o ffset b ias if necessary when a partic·
ular chart record e r o r d ata acq uisition sys h~m
g = 1O.000.0001( 10.000 + DC resistance o f the coil)
requires a signa l voltage Iha t never drops below 0
Note thai the gain is de pe ndent on the D C resistam:e vailS (i.e .. one I ha t req uires a zero-signal sct· point at
of the picku p-coi l wire ,1Ild can also be adjus ted by so me specified DC m ltage Ie"el). No rrnally. theof(·
changi ng the value of the 10K input resisto r. set adj ustlll eni is SCI to prod uce 0 volts with no seis·
mic signal. b ut the adj ustment is included to prm1de
lliere are tWO major ro nns o f e lectrical no ise Iha l
for a + 1- 5·voll offset ca pa bility. An optional con-
see m 10 p rese nt the mOSI lroub le 10 amate ur seismic
nection to Ihe in \'ert ing inp ut of the third stage is
r' recording syslems: (1 ) 60 Hz powe r~lin e no ise with its
used to acce pt Ihe time -signa l pulses from the
Q) hamlOnics and (2) the \'ery low-freque ncy no ise
o ptional time-code rece iw r d ecode r ci rcuiu-y.
U) cau sed by the characteristics of the pre ·a mp lifie r
used to ampli fy Ihe fa im signal from the pickup coil.
Bc vond Ihese 1\\'0 electrical fo rms o f noise is a nothe r
type of no ise Iha l is not e leelrical in nature. but rathe r Time Signal Decoder
is a lrue eart h motion. It is caused by local. man-
made d istu rbances such as b uild ing vibrations result· A \'c ry useftrl option to the seismometer system
ing fro m nc a rby traffic or mach inery. -Illis form o f add it io n of time-marke r sign als to the seismic recool
no ise. however. has a pe riodicity sufficien tly di[fe re n t l b ese signa ls provide fo r the d e lemlinatio n or the
(rom those o f the earthq uak e wave forms we are p recise arrival times of seismic cw nts. This is espe.
in te resled in a nd can th us be fi lte red wit ho ut causing cially impo n a nl if you arc inleresled in correlating
100 se vere a d egrad ation to the wa\'eforms of in terest.
yo ur d a la with Ihat o f a lhe r seismic statio ns far tile
purposc of trian2ulating to locate epice nters. UnCar·
TIle CAZ a mp lifi e r is some what sensitive to the
luna te lv.the time base of a chan recorder or e\'en a
circuitry Iha t fo llows it. req uiri ng a load impeda nce
good computer is comp letely inadequa te to prO\ide
grea te r tha n iO kilohms. TIle second op-a mp. the TL·
true time-o f-a rrival data . E \'e n the Illost expensi\'e
OSI (A ). is used to iso late the fi rst stage [rom the load .
Pen tium IV. 3 G Hz compute rs a re still being shipped
It acts as the firs t stage of the fo u rth-o rder fi lter to
wi lh a low-<:osl. ine ffici e nt ti me -of-d ay clock thai sim·
reduce the response o f the seismic o utput signa l fo r
p ly canno t ke ep accurate lime lO beller than 10r 2
" ('"ems. such as Ihose that would be caused by people
minute s per mo nth. Some thing belle r is needed; so
walk ing past the seismometer. nearby auto mobile
the following syste m was de \'e loped that pro\i de:sfor
traffic. a nd rema ining e lectrica l-Iype irlle rfe rence
una mb iguous. always-accuratc tillle mmks fo r our
ca used by co mp u te rs. motors. fl uorescent lamps.. a nd
se ism ic reco rd ings.
so o n. -lllUS. any 60 Hz powe r-line no ise will be
reduced in am p li tude by a fac tor greater than 1.000 'n lc N m iullal llls rirlllc of Srmulards am i Techno/·
(3 1 d B 10 be e xact). Because we are in tcreSled in ogy (N IST ) ope rates an e asy-to-receive shortwave
seismic signa ls th at ha\'c a pe riod grea te r Ihan I sec- time -signa l se rvice: it's broadcast by mdio station
o nd . such a fil ter has no adverse effect on Ihe q ua lity WWV from Fort C ollins. Colo rado . 'lllC transmitted
of o u r recorded wa \"efonns.. time signals conta in va rio us tones Ihat call be used 10
automaticallv insen markers 01110 the
A4 cTI:: cK:cN:
-- - 4
C1 U3
A3 U4
Cl 0
-- -
--- -_. ------------ - .- ... -. ---- -_.
Agure 6-\9 Seismic clock
_. -- - .. -----_. ---- --.
sYllciJro ll iUllioll circllit
------ ---
Data Loggi ng
The cirruitry of the se ismomeler. once it is amplifi ed Locating the Se ismomete r Ul
~·theseismic pre-amplifi er. is suitable 10 directly 1-'.
Find a suitable location for the seismometer. prefer-
dJj\e a chart recorder or II con ventional drum
rerorder.A ,·ery useful alternative is to send the seis-
ably where local vibrations from peopl e or machinery ><
arc at a minimum. Vibrations can be caused by air-
mic signalslo a com pute rized d,na-Iogging system. In
addition 10 Ihe obvious ndvH ll wge o f sHving tbe costs
condition ing units. traffic. construction. or weather.
The vibrations. ca lled seismic lI oise. can hide seismic
ofcharl paper and pens. an enormous amoulll of data
can besa\'cd 10 disk for laler. nearly instantaneous
signals [rOIll smaller eve nts. llie best surface fo r the
seismometer is a concrete or stone noor. in a location
recall.Additionlllly.the data can be smoothed. filtered .
(ree [rom extreme temperuture variations. A back
.md analyzed in any manner desired by using suitable
room or storage close t OUt o f the way is ideal fo r opti-
!lgorithms in the software.
mal recordings. The se ismometer can be out o n dis-
The following is a small (but growing) list of hard-
play in a public place so that students can see it in ~
. arelsoftware packages that arc available at a nom i-
operation. but the trade-off is that fewer eanhquakes
nal rosL Numerous computerized logging and da ta 1-"
may be dClCcted because of increased local vibration.
analysis packages are o n Ihe markel. costing many
hundreds of dollars.. I·ve restricted this list to systems
tmting less than about $100. on the premise that the
ronstruction of a homemade seismometer implies
Instal ling the RS-l
that the builder may have limited resources at hand. Seismograph Ul
, Radio-Sky Publishing: For the technically 1. Asse mble the A S- I seismometcr as described ::s
inclined . a 3-chllnnel an,llog-lo-digitHI con-
verter with a simple yet nexible softwHre
in the instructions. -nle seismome ter will work en
best in a q ui et en vironment . TIl e most impor- 1-'.
(freeware) package is available from the
Radio-Sky Publishi ng (www.rad iosky.coml) .
!a nt facio r is placi ng it on a solid noor- a con-
crete slab basement or first leve l is best.
This system can be built for less tha n $30. However. the seismome ter will work nearly I.Q
If you can construct Ihe se ismometer anywhere at a lower gain setting. includi ng on
preamplifi er circuit. you can certainly an upper-leve l noor of the building and on a
construct this little beautyl The analog-Io- table lOp (for lesling and demonstration).
digital converter interfaces directly to your Because the instrument is not very sensitive \0
computer's parallel port. bigh-ueque ncy signals. ,!ibrations from walk-
, DATAO Instrumenls: One o f Ihe best values ing near Ihe seismometer arc conside red small
in commercial. off-the-shelf svstems is the un less the pe rso n is walking within a couple of
four-channel. l2-bit A I D de\'ice offered by meters of the seismometer. For this reason, it
DATAQ Instruments. It is ca lled the DI -15SU is desirable to place the connected computer
Kit, and it contains an elaborat e so ft ware and display at least 2 meters away from the
package with terrific daw analysis capabili ties. sfo!ismomfo!ler.
E l ectr on i c Sens o r s f o r t he Ev il Ge n iu s
iI. useful for laboratory test in!!. d emonst rat io ns. and that comes with the AS- I seismo mete r thai is
m.le-your-own-earthquak e activil ies (stomp tests. be tween the se ismometer and the comp u te r in Ihe
ttc.). Rlr lines per hour greate r than 1. tempora rily electric circu il.lll': kno b adjusts the cursor positio n
scHhe decimate faC ia l' to l. on the screen. II is very sensitivc. so ma ke sma ll
Gain: amplil1cmion o f the signal by the software. adjustments and dete rmine wh ich way to tu rn the
5.!tthis to 1 fo r set-up and inilial cente ri ng of the knob in o rde r to cause Ihe curso r to mo ve upward.
trareon the scree n.l hen 10 a h igher numbe r d epend- A s yo u adj usl the knob. the cu rsor should get clo ser
ing on the noise level. In reaso na bl y q uiet installa· 10 the zero li ne lind the display num bers shou ld be
lions, a gain of 50 or more is possible. close to zero . Whe n you h avc succeed ed in gelling
the nu mbers close 10 zero. turn th e gain u p und
low- p!lSS fill er cutoff: low- pass filt e r optio ns fo r
re peal. e\'entually selling Ihe gain to the h ig hest level
!be ITace on the helicorder screen d isplay. Se t th is a t 3
that is consiste nt with the backgro und noise (you
Hz: if high frequency no ise is visible on the screen. lry
sho uld see relativc ly contin uo us. small. approxi-
Ilowercutoff such as 1 o r 0.5 Hz 10 see if the noise is
mate ly +/- \- to 2-millime te r moveme n ts o n the
rooured. Earthquake signals will ge nera ll y not be
greatl)' affeeled by this cutoff fre que ncy for this
scree n) a nd making the disp layed va lues d ose to I
ze ro. To adj ust the knob when the ga in is sella a h ig h
, www.weathenne te
Re lat h·c calibratio n o f the A5-1 seismograph can
different instrume nts. For mo re infomlation on cali·
brat io n of Ihe AS-I seismome te r. see
htl p:llq ua ke .ens. ga tech .edufl\ tag WebJ
( be conducted using a ste p function ml'lhod. A step
, function (a small. sudden increase or lkcrcase in the
CaIReptA S-I.htm. This relative metbod of calibra·
tion has the followi ng uses:
position of the mass with respect to the coil) can be
a pplied to the se ismome te r by lowering (or re mov- • Pe rforming the ca li bra lion tests to see if the
ing) a small mass onto the boom of the instrume nt. seismometer is working properly (the calibst-
Beca use lowe ring the mas... causes an incollsistem tion pulse should look approximately like th~
., input to the seismo me te r. the mClhod works best if
....... you lift the mass. Because the seismo me te r is very
sc nsitivc.the re la tive calibration process. a lthough
one in Figure 6-21: the liflillg-lflt··lIwss pulse is
used: the calibration pulse is extracted from
the stllndard AmaSeis displav to vicw it in a
simple. must be performed wi th a wry specific proce- close-up view). Repeated calibrations sugg
du re and ve ry ca refully. To perfoml the calibratioll. that measurable va lu es o f lh e calibration leY
usc a piece of masking ta pe or post-it no te ma le rial pulse should be (approximately): amplitude
to m.lrk a position on the boom of the AS-I seis- firs t trough (negative) = -1 -120 + / ~ 150
mometer th at is 10 ce ntimeters [:rom the hinee and CO UnlS a mplitude of first pea k (positive) '=
upright. Place the cover back over the instrume nt and -180 +1- 50 countS time from beginning of
drill a small ho le (npproximately -I millimeters or 1/~ ibralion pulse to first zero crossing = 3.0 tI
inch) in the to p of the cover above the mark on the 0.5 seconds
boom. i\ lake the mass used for calibralion by cutting
a I x 2 cen timeter recta ngle of lightweigh t poste r • The rela ti ve calibratio n nllows you 10 com·
board. This mass is a bo ut 0.063 grams. Fold (he poster pare different instrumen ts. A5-1 seismogra
board reclilngle into the shape of a lent. and auach a having calibra tion pulses that are approxi·
3·meter long piece of nylo n monofilament lhread mately the same as the pulse in Figure 6-21
156 Electronic Sensors for the Evi l Genius
Seismograph Filter Circuit
Parts List
Rl 10K ohm. 1 / 4- watt
R2 10 megohm. 1 / 4-watt
'( resistor
R3. R6 . R7 . RS 1-
I megOhm , 1 / 4-watt
re s i s tor
R4 , R9 13 0-ohm, 1 / 4-
.•. _._- watt resistor
Agure 6·21 Calibratioll pltlse RS 2 0 K ohm. 1 /4- watt
resist OJ;
can be <lssu med to have the sa me d isplace-
mcnlamplificlIl ion val ues as give n here. and
RI O 160K ohm,
re Sistor
1 / 4- watt
RII 220K o hm , 1 / 4- watt
the}' can be used to estim ate magnitudes using
the ampl ifica tion values and procedures
Rl2 lOOK o ff set
described here. If the calibra tion pulse for a potentiometer
different AS-! seismomete r is sim ilar to the Cl 0.0 1 uF , 50 - v o lt
one shown in Figure 6·71 (a nd paf:lmelers c erami c disk capacito r '1
gi\"cn here) but has different maximum a m pli~ C2 , C3. C4, CS, C6, C7 u
lUde.lhe amplifica tion facto rs used can be 0 .1 u F o SO-volt T
adjusted in the magnitude calculations by the
c erami c c a p a c it o r
relative diffe re nce be twee n the two AS-I
Ul MAX42 0CPA CAZ auto-
zer o in s trum e ntati o n o
amplif ie r
TL082 op-amp
• The calibration provides a check on the polar-
itfor the seismome ter. Because lifti ng the
mass (rom the boom causes the boom to move
Ll disassembled relay
co il {see text} en
Miscellaneous PC board . CO
up relative to the coil thaI is a tt ached to the
base of the seismome ter. the first Illotion of
wire , I C sockets, con -
ne c tor s, enclosu re ,
the output trace (the calibratio n pulse) should
be down o r negative. A first up motion of the
ground from a n inco ming se ism ic wave will
move the base and the coil up re la ti ve to Ihe Optional Seismic Clock \Q
magnet (corresponding 10 a relative down
Synchronization Circuit
mOlion of the boom) attached to the boom.
because of inertia of the seismomete r mass Parts List
suspended by th e spring. This u p motion of
RI , R2. R3 . R6 , R8 10K
the ground will therefore cause a n up or posi- ohm. 1 / 4- watt resisto r
tin! signal on the seismograph trace. Jf the cal- R4 lOOK ohm potentiome-
ibration pu lse (co rresponding to lifti ng the ter (PC b oa rd)
small mass) has a first positive mOl io n. thc RS, RIO , RII 20K ohm
polarit)' of the seismomete r is revcrsed. To potentiOme t e r (PC
b oa rd )
correct the polarity. simply switch the input
R7 I SOK ohm, 1 / 4- watt
"ire connections o n the amplifie r. re sistor
The magnet is rated a t 22 lbs of p ull. The d imensions
of the magnet arc 25 millime ters ( 1 inch) high, 40 mil -
limclen (19h ~ inches) wide. TIle open c nd o f tbe
magnet is 21 millimeters ( 13116 inch) wide. This gives
approximately 2 millimeters (lito inch) on each side
or 17 millimeters (1I1t6 inch) wide coil when placed
inside or near the edge of the magne t. Cost: $20.00.
Contact: lcochrane@weblron
The AS-I Seismograph magn itude dete nnination
\l,v.w,eas.purd u/- braUe/ed umodlas Imaglas 1rna
AmaSeis software setup
II'ww.iris.washi nglon.ed u/abouIfENO/AS IArnaSc is_v
In this chapler we will discuss different types of mag- ,,~th iron f'i lings sprinkled on iL Similarly. field li nes til
of the earth start near the South Pole of the eurlh. (l)
netic sensors. [rom small induction pickup coils Ihm
can be used to listen \0 telephone conversations and CUfye around in space. and COl1\'erge again near the
North Pole. Faraday called them lillt's of fo rct'. but the
\OiocaIChidden electrical conduit. 10 larger coil (l)
tenn fiett/ lillt's is now in common usc.
&1~Ors that can bl! used to d etect magne tic fi elds ::3
produced by moving cars and trains. We will also con - In nalUre. magnetic fi elds are produced in the
strut! an electronic com puss and 1m E Lf radiation
monitor that can be used \0 survey your home appli-
r;Jrefi ed gas of space. in the glowing heat of sunspots.
and in the molten core of the earth. In the eanh 's
ances for harm ful radiation . Radio enthusiasts will be
interested in the io nosphe ric d isturbance receiver.
m aglletosphere. currents also now through space and
modify this pattern: on the side facing the sun . fi eld o(l)
used for radio propagation studies. Science-minded lines are compressed eanhward . whereas on the night
tlpcrimentcrs will discover the research pote ntial for side. they (l rc pulled out into a "cry long tail. like that ("t
the earth-fi eld magnetome te r for detecring solar of a come l. Ncar E arth . however. the lines remai n (l)
magnetic storms originating from the sun. very close to the dipole pllltem of a bar magnet. so o
named because of its two poles. ("t
To Faraday. field lines were mainly a method o f .....
displaying the structure of the magnetic force. In ::3
Historical Review space rese'lrch. however. they have a much broader I.Q
signifi cance. because electrons and ions tend 10 stay
UntillS2 L iron magnets were the only form of mag· all<lciled to them. like beuds on a wire. even becomin l!
netism known. A Danish scientist. Hans Christian trapped when conditions arc righl. Because of this ~
Oersted. while demollstnning to friends the now of attachment. they define an easy directioll in the rarefied III
an electric current in a wire. noticed that the current gas of space. Like the grain of a piece of wood. the I.Q
caused a nearby compass needle to move. The new easy direction is a direction in which ions and eJee+ ::3
pbenomenon was slUdied in France by A ndrc·tvtaric trons ,IS well as electric curren ts (and certain radio· (l)
Ampere. who concluded that the nalUre of magnet· type Wl\\'cs) can move easily. In contrast. motion from ("t
ism was quite different frOIll what c\'eryone had one line 10 another is more difficult. .....
believed. It was basicaUy a force between electric cur+
rents: twO parallel currents in the same direction
Faraday's ideas evolved into the II/ngllt'tic fielt/
concept- that space in which magnetic forces may be
allmct and will repel when they run in opposite
observed is somehow changed by the fo rce. Faraday I'%]
directions. Iron magnets are a vcry special case. which
Ampere was also able to expl<lin.
also showed that a magnetic field that varied in time
- like the one produced by an alternating current
Michael Faradav is credited with fundam ent al
disoo\'eries on electricity and magnetism. He also
(AC)-cou ld drive electric cu rrents if. for example.
copper wires were placed in it in the appropriate way.
proposed a \\;dely used method for ,~ su alizi ng mag· That idea has come to be known as magllelic illt/IIC+ P-
netic fields. Field lines of a bar magnet are commonly lioll. the phenomenon on which electric transformers (J)
illustrated by holding o,'er a magnet a piece of paper arc based.
$0. magne tic fi e lds could produce electric currents. range of radio reception and in 1903 detected
and we already know thai elect ric currents produce signa ls from E urope and [rom as far as Cape
mab'11c tic fields. Wo uld it pe rha ps be possible fDr Cod. Massachusetts.
space to suppo rt a wave motion alte rnating between
the two?
Electroma gnet ic wa\'es even tua lly . led to the
inve ntions o f rad io a od te le \'ision and to a huge elec-
tronic indust ry. But they are also generated in spare
mmmelic fie ld ---+ electric c urrenl-t mmme lic [ie1<.l ---+
elect ric current ---+
- by unstable electron beams in the
well as at the SUIl and far-awav in our universe.
There was o ne stumbl ing block. Such a WlIve could
not exist in empty space. because e mpty space con-
ta ined no copper wires a nd could not carry the cur-
ren ts needed to complete the above cycle. Transformer Action
A brilliant young Scotsma n. James Cle rk i."laxwel l.
Whe n an alternating vall age is ap plied to an induc-
solved this riddle in 1861 by proposing tha t the equa-
tance. such as that of a coil. an eleclromotille/orce
lions of electricity needed one more term to represent
(em f) is induced in the inductance by the varying
an electric currem that could !ravel through e mpty
magnetic fi e ld that accompanies the flow of alter-
space. but only for very fast oscillations. With that
na ting current. Now if a second coil is brought into
teml added (the displacf'lIlem w rrem). the equa tions - -
the same fi e ld as Ihat of the first coiL a sim ilar emf
of electricity a nd magnetism allowcd a wa\'c 10 exist.
will be induced in the second coi l. This induced emf
propagati ng at the speed of light. Figure 7~1 illus-
may be used to force a curren t through a wire or
tra tes such a wave - (H ) is the magne tic pan. (E) the
o ther e lectrical device connected to Ihe tenninalsol
electric part-t he term Maxwell added. The wave is
the second coil.
drawn propagating just along o ne line. Actuallv it fills
space. but it would be ha rd 10 draw tha!. A n electro- In this ma nner. the two coils are said to be couple<
magne tic wave is comprised of IWO fields: a magne tic together. and the pa ir of coils make up a mills/omit!.
field ( H) a nd an electric field (E ). These combined 'Ine coil connected to the source o f energy. such as
[wo fields rad iate into space. 1?O-volt AC house cu rre o t, is caUed the primary 0011
and the other coil. is caBed tbe secondan' coiL
Maxwell p roposed that it indeed was ligh t. The re
had been e arlier hints-as noted. the velocitv. of lioht The use fulness o f a tra nsfomle r lies in the faclth!
had appeared unexpected ly in the equations o f elec- electrica l energy can be Iransforrned from onc cimril
tricity a nd magne tism -and fu rthe r studies CO Il- (the primary) to the other (the secondary) without
direct connection. Such is the case with induction
I firmed it. For instance. if a beam of light hilS the side
o f a glass prism. only pa rt of the light en ters or passes pickup (discussed shortly). where it acts as theset'-
through: anot he r part is rdlec ted. Maxwell's theory ondary of a transformer. Whatever we a re listeningb
correctly predicted p roperties o f the reflected beam . with the pickup probe is the primary. And as we "iU
see. can be used in a te le phone. a n AC motor, Of
The n in G enna ny. H einrich H e rtz showed th at an
a T V set.
e lectric c urre nt bouncing back a nd forth in a \\~ re
(today it would be called an ameJllla) could be the 111e transformer. of course. cao be used onl~' on
alternating curre nt circuits. because no voltage will b
source of such waves. E lectTic spa rks create such - -
induced in the secondary. or winding coil. if the mag·
back-aod-forth currents when they j ump across a gap.
netic field is not changing. When direct current is
hence the crackling he ard on Al\'! radio caused by.
a pplied 10 the primary of a transfo nm::r. such as wht;
lightning. And Hertz in 1886 used such sparks to send
a radio signal across his lab. La te r the Italian rv!ar- connecting a battery across the \\~ nding. a voltage v.i
con i. with more sensiti ve detectors. extended the be induced in the secondary winding o nly at the
> extends only a few feCI from the antenna. However Magnetic Detectors
at low frequencies. where a \w\'clenglh is much
longe r. the induction fi eld ma kes itself felt al a con- One of the most simple I ypes of magnetic detection
CIl siderable d istance. Wilh the induction pick up loop as dc\'ices is the ind uction pickup coil. The induction
input to the mag-car project thai follows- we will be coil can be coupled with a high-gain a mplifier and
using the induction field fo r some of our expe rimcIlIs. used to liste n \0 mam' -
. different magne tic phenom-
ena. Induction picku p coils are available from man
local radio/e leclronic supply sto res at a cost of only
few dollars.
A!!ure 7-4
,--- ------ ._------------- ,----- ------------------------------ ,------- ._----------_.. -
InductiOIl pickup coil diagrlllll
~I B1
+ 1 I II
R2 1 9V -
.... ,
- R3
~no I I ,, 1>.,," ~ \ 81
ci 1 R4 _ I <- R7
"", I J1
I +
V> C1 R1
0 2 B
V> I +
U1 h I I C5
0 + 4 C3
-, ¢ 3 3 1 >,-1 J2
no - C6
:r C2 , +
R6 - U2
'" +9V
~ .
T 1 2 ''''''''-- ' 4
-'" '
- C7 R9
~ -_________ -____ ________ -_____ ------_0 .. ___ _______________________ ._. _______ .___________ .. ___________________________________________ . __ . __________ .._ __M
O.,__ _____ _
F ig ure 7-5 A4111;-Cflr fllllp/iji.:,.
be installed correctly.-nlc reforc it is importa n t to R8 10K ohm
obserye the proper polari ty. Also be sure tha t the ICs p o t enti omet er
- -By
wirin!! and also in locating cond uit buried in concrete
~rated by a Tconducted through milgnetic fie ld
plIbs is awided. l-"1elds can be in troduced into the unit
walls. sidewa lks. or patios. knowing all which side
of a Willi smd the electrical wirin .g is Tunning. -YOU can .....
ooJy through the ante nna input probe, 11lis makes the d rill or d rive nails \\~thoU1 fear of mak ing accide n tal ::I
mag-ear extremely \"ersatile for probing magnetic co ntact with a hot \\~re. lQ
fields to detemlinc Iheir stre ngth and d ireCiion and
their effect on othe r equipment , II can also indicate 3::
bov.' magnetic shielding reduces these quantities.
The Barkhausen Effect PI
111e Oarkhausen effect is a means of obse rving mag- ::I
Listen to TV Receiver netic domai ns. A mogllelie cio ll/aill is the region in It>
Radiation which the magnetic fields of a to ms a re grouped rt
together a nd a ligned. Favored domains arc those .....
The mag-ear can ensily d etect the strong magnetic
radiated by a TV rece i\'c r. Very high curren ts
domains with a high prope nsity for alignment or
magne tic doma ins. Barkha usen d iscove red that a
are used in the de flection ci rcuits of a TV sct in order
to!:aUSC Ihe electron beam o f the picture lUbe 10
- -
cha n{!e in curren t in an elec trical coil encirdin!! a fer-
romagnetic sample produced CI noise in the sample
Sling properly fro m left to right. retrace. drop down that cou ld be heard when amplified sufficie ntly and
aline. and s\\~ n g from left to right. until a comple te fed to a speake r. This noise could be heard even
frame of a picture is presented to the humnn eye. A though the magne tizing fo rce applied to the sample
romplete pictuTe is presented to the eye 30 times was changed smoothly. From these experi ments.
Barkhausen cond uded tha t the mal?netlsm in the
[ Barkhaflsell jumps. They arc caused by the discontin-
uous movem ent of mobile magnetic boundaries
between magnetic domains.
ing. Many alher applica tio ns will also co me 10 mind.
The amount of signal generated is sufficicni so thai
a sensor pickup probe can be placed 2 \0 3 inches
from the meta l sample a nd still pick up enough signal
for sampling. The pickup can be nonconlacling
Research because it is picking up a radiate d magnetic fi eld.
,"" ",',,,
," ,, ," ,"",":"',"","",',? BARKHAUSEN NOISE SPEAKER C\)
",,"" ",,,, ,',',,'", ::l
'" ",,'"
, II,
", ,' ''''
", . 0''''
', .'" I
,,, ,,, -
I \\\ ,, ,,
,, ,, WOOD oC\)
, /' , .
FIgure 7-6 Locating ferrous mewl o!Jjl!(:t.~ o
112 inch thick Coil Form ::l
50--100 Turns No. 28 to 32 AWG Wire
Diameter Coil
Cable o
Audio Amplifier
, ._-.- .. _.... _-------_._-._------ .. _---------------_ .. ------- _._-_.-----------------------------------
FIgure 7-7 Two-inc" coil probe
E LF radia tio n,
c,lIe d a sta tistica lh' signifi ca nt hazard associated wi th de nce of malfom l<lIions and ca ncers in the children
bom to women who U5l' computers as compared to
As a resull. the scientific community has of late the child ren of women who dOIl'1 usc computers.
becn po rtrayed in the press 11S a bunch of hacks or Excessi\'e ELF fie lds emilted by computer monitors
bureaucratic puppe ts genuflecting fo r grants fro m is a n ind uslrywide problem. virtually all CRT com-
go\'e rnmelll agencies and powe r companies. How- pUler mooitors em it excessive E LF radiation unless
eveL the reason fo r the quick dismissal was o ne of speci fi cally stated ot he rwise. In a recent
genuine d isbelie f. not one o f a mass co\'e r up, 10 popular mon itors. all of the monitors lested emit,
I A lthough in trut h, a few scientists have stepped O\'c r led excessive E LF radi ation a t close range, "lnc on~·
the line a nd mnligned good researchers based upon recommendatio n that can be offe red at this ,i' me
c the profi t a nd loss Sllitement of their employers. these increase the d istance between you a nd lhe monitor.
a> scie ntists a re few in numbe r a nd thc en tirc scientific A working d istance of , feet is recommended,
community sho uld nOt be condem ned based upon
their isolated uneth ical e ndeavo rs.
-llte ELF field propagates from all points around
th.: monitor. nOl just from the front of the screen,
en Concerns over the radia tio n from televisions and
compute r monitors (which a re close ly re lated in
"l"l l<1t fac t becomes importan t in offices where com-
pUler te rmina ls a rc in close proximilY 10 0",' ar.o.
o pe ra tion and tecbnology) is no thing ncw, A n um ber because workers can be exposed oot o nly frolll
o f yea rs ago, concern arose as to whe ther radi ation own mo nitor but also from a coworker's
given o(f by color televisions would have a negati\'e important to realize tha t the ELF
impact on healt h, TIlis concern was based primarily varv somewhat fro m monitor to monitor,
on ionizing radiatio n (or low-le\"c l X-rays) whose
- -
or desk lie.hti ne.. ....'j
Te levision se ts fa ll into the same cntegory as com-
Precautions Around the Home puter monitors. Like our monilors. they produce a I.Q
fi eld thal propagates from around the e ntire se t. The
Other sources of ELF exist around the typical home. ELF fi eld will pro pagate through sta ndard building ~
An appliance in the hOJlle Jllay genera te a very strong ma te rials such as wood and plaste r. So if a T V set is I)l
ElF field. but if the appliance is used only a short placed agCl inst 11 wall. the ELF will pro pmm te through I.Q
time, its risk fa ctor is probably low. Electric razors fall the wall inlO the adjoini ng room. So it becomes "j
iIIto this category. Line-ope rnted (pl ugged into a wall important not 10 place a bed against a wall wi th a TV
S«ket rather than batte ry-powe red) razors prod uce
c:rtremel~' strong E LF field s lind are held in very -
se t on the othe r side. A e.ain. an LC D monitor is a
e.ood choice if .vou ·rc conce rned with ELF radiat ion.
dose proximity to the body. but because they a re The small motors in AC-po\\'ered docks produce
osed for only a short time. the total exposure or dose ELF fie lds. If th e clock is an aluml clock that lies
tsmlaJl and they arc probably safe. In contrast to the close to the sleeper·s head. it could be giving that per-
dearie razor is the electric blank et. which emits a son a significant dose of ELF radia tion duri ng the
mIlCh lower ELF field st re ngth. but for a much longer night. The recommendation would be to move the
aposure time. clock a si!!nificant distance away. Or purchase either
Dr.Nancy Werthci me r. who first published the ,I
a ba ttery-powered dock o r digital dock thai pro-
epidemiological study showing a correla tion between duces a negligible field .
liIHzpowcr lines and the increased incide nce of •
C3 A7
Ml 5•
A. D.
A6 "-
v ,<1 r- "
," A ,
I =~ - "
• '" '"
7 02
" c.=.Il'
• 3
4 U.
~ A5
C5 :
C2 • A3
... - ----------- --. -------------_. -. ~ ---------------- ..- -- ----------------~
Hair dryers fa ll in the same category as electric based on the I mH c hoke acting as the sensor coil,
shave rs. Because using them means shorl-term. high and the op-amp at V I. a n LF351. acting as a low·
fi eld-strength exposure. they arc probably safe for noise op-amp. The ne twork of C3 a nd R2 form a gain
most people. NOIablc exceptions are people who usc path a nd fi lte r be tween pins 2 and 6 of the op-amp.
them in their occupation. slich as hair stylists and hair '111e o utput of VI a t pin 6 is fe d to capacilOrC-l. An
dresse rs. El ectric baseboard heate rs are anoth er a udio output is provided at J I. 'me output from
putential problem appliance. A minimum of -l fee t of capacitor C-l is a lso fe d to transisto r Q I. which driH1
distance is recommended from such heaters. the indicating me te r ~ I l, Diodes OJ and D2 provide
1(5 impossible to slate at this lime exactly what a proteclion [0 the me te r.llic ELF monitor is powered
safe. long-Icnn dose is because it hasn't been eswb· by a single 9-\'01t transisto r radio ba lle~', through
lished. Effects ha \'e been re poTled a l dose rales as switch SI.
low as 1.7 to 3 mi lligauss. And Ihe controversy sti ll The E LF mo nitor ca n de tect any magnetic field
rage s as to the impact and e Xlent of ELF fi elds 011 with frequenci es between 50 Hz and 100 kHz, and b}'
human health. Try to limit long-tcnn exposure to one using headpho nes you can estima te the frequency of
milligauss or less. Of course. it is d ifficult to kno w the magnetic fi eld. -Ill is low-cost ELF meter is a use·
what your ELF exposure level is withoul a m illigauss ful addition to a ny curious experime nter or science
meter. Using an ELF meier a rou nd your home. en thusiast.
apartment. or work space wiJi enable you to identify The ELF monito r can be constructed on a perf,
potent ia lly hazardous ELF fie lds a nd their sources so board or o n a printed circuit board. as desired. Keep
you can imple me nt correcl ive actio n. wiring be tween component leads as shon as possible.
- -
llie dia2tam shown in Figure 7-8 illustrates a low-
COS I ELF monitor [hat you CHn build, This circ uit is
Re me mber, when build ing the ELF monitor circuit
to pay care ful anemion to the corrCeL polarity of the
extre me ly sensitive a nd provides both an analog d iodes li nd capaci tors when insta lling them on the
me te r and provisio ns for a n a ud io output. so you can circu it board. in order to avoid dama1!:ing the circuit
lis te n to the magnetic fi e ld a t the source. The circuit is upon power-up. Ie socke ts a rc highly recommended.
rs (or intee.rated circuits: Often the rt! is eithe r a
tout on the top of the plastic Ie case. or sometimes USing the ELF Monitor
re is a round inde ntl!d circle. Pin I will always be
the left of the phlslic cutOLlt or in de n ted circle. To test the u nil.lU m o n a td e \'ision. Starting fro m
\'ben finished constructing the circuit board. care- approxim,u e ly 2 fee t away. slowly m ove the sensor
Iy check it over for cold solder join ts and a ny so l· closer to the sel. Once you arc close e nough to Ihe
bridges Ihal migh t huve formed while yo u we re T V. you will begi n to sec the monito( s me ter needle
1>uilding the circuit. Once you a re smisfied with yo ur begin to move across the me ier face. As you walk
inspection. ~'ou can move o n to mo un ting Ihe c ircu it a rou nd checking various appliances. yo u 'lI p robably
board and hardware inside an enclosure. fi nd tha t you can lower your E L F exposure. For
The sensor input j.lck at J I. the headphone jack at instance. one o f my comp u ters has a n external powe r
E,as well as power switch 51 ca n a ll be mounted on supply tha t e mitted s tro ng radiatio n: by simply mov-
tile top front of the chassis box. Once you have ing the power supply fa rt her away fro m my work I
r,elecled your meter. it too can be mou nted o n the space \0 nnother locntio n.t he leve l of rad intion
front panel of Ihe chassis box. ~'I ou nt i n g the me ter in
the chassis box may pro\'e to be the most challe nging
d ecreased significa m ly. O ther sim ple things. such as
cha nging from a fl uorescem desk lamp lO a n incan·
.Cl of this projecl. Unless you have the exact size d escen t o ne. will furthe r red uce yo ur expo sure. TIle It
diassis punch. you will ha\'e 10 mark where the meier ELF monito r can also detect a sla tic magne tic field. (1)
islObe mounted . and then d ri ll a nu mber of small whe n it is moved imo or out of Ihe field .
boI~ around the inside circumference of Ihe meter
template. \'cr:o' close togethe r. Then. you wi ll need to
cut out the metal between the small ho les. a nd fi milly Electromagnetic Field
file the crude circle into a smooth ci rcle so you can
Detector Parts List
insert the meter. Next. mou nt a 9-\'0It ban ery hold e r I.Q
on lhe boltom o f the chassis. and secure a locat io n Rl , R3, R7 10K ohm,
fOlthecircuit board within the chassis box. Once all
the switches. meters. and jacks have been insta lled.
1 / 4-wa tt re s i stor
R2 2 . 2 me9 o hm , 1/ 4-wa tt
r es i sto r
\'011 can nJQum the circu it board in to a metal
chassis box on plastic sta ndoffs usin g 'h-inch 4-40 R~ 2 .2 K ohm, 1 / 4-watt I.Q
machine screws.
r es ist o r ::l
R5 l O-ohm, 1 / 4- watt (1)
Finally. you \\~11 need to make up the sensor-probe r es i s t o r
cable assembly. Locate a plastic fil m can ister nnd drill
3 small hole in the nOllope ning e nd of the container.
R6 I - mego hm , 1/ 4-wa tt
r es i sto r
Place the Sl!nsor coi l ( L I) insid e the p last ic film can is- Cl 100 nF , 35 - v ol t ~
c a p a c i to r
rer:you can glue the coil or wrap the coil wit h foa m
C2 10 u F , 35- v olt e lec-
and then insert the foam a nd coi l in to Ihe fi lm canis-
t r o lyt i c c a p a ci tor
"I. Solder thl! ends of th e co il sensor to the lead o f a
C3 150 p F , 3 5 - v o l t
mini two-conductor shie ld ed audio cab le. A t the c ap a c i tor (1)
opposite end of Ihe -1- to 6-foot sensor probe ca ble. C~ , C5 2 2 0 u.F . 35-vo l t
~der an IIII-inch mi ni phone plug. which can be e l ect r o ly t i c capa c i to r
inserted into the inpu t jack 10 the E LF circuit o n the C6 100 uF , 35-v olt
:> reliable magnetic compass that has no moving parts The d iagram in Figure 7-9 illustrates the schematic
Q) a nd eliminates the disadva ntages of inexpensi\"e of the H all-effect e lectronic compass. The Hall-effed
10 ,
- I
'" 13
,9V -{>'
- rt
- ------.- -. --- ----------- o
Electronic COIIIIHISS cirCllir rt
Two Hall-dfl!ct generators arc used in the circuit ,'oitage of U2-b to be SCI 10 a usable level to d rive Ih e
IDprO\ide \\\;ce the sensitivity of a single sensor. The next slilge.
tlU dc\ices are orien ted in opposite directions so O p-amp U2:d is used as a vo ltage comparator.
thallhe change ill o utput voltage o f o ne sensor will wi th a fi xed refe re nce of about 3 .4 vo[ ts fed 10 its
heposilivc. whereas the change in the othe r will be nega tivc inpul.lllU5.. when the o ne outpu t of U2:b
DCgative as the compass is rOI~H cd. -nl C voltage diffe r- fed inlo the positi,'c input o f the comparator exceeds
ential between the two outpul1crmina ls of the se n- the 3 .4-\,0[1 re fe rence le ve l. the output ofU2:d (pin
a represen tation of the magnetic fi eld inICnsil Y (4) goes high. applying forwel rd bi,IS to Q I. 11ml in
md direction. The ,"ollage diffe re ntial produced by turn illumina tes LED I to indic,He that a ,'o llage
!he Hall generators is red \0 a different ial amplifier. exceed ing the reference e xists at U2:b (pin 7).11Ie
ll!:a.As a result. the output of U2 :a (pin I) will be a use of a "ollage comparator to d e tect the change in
minimum (nUll) when the compass is facing the mag- output voltage of U2:b (pin 7) produces two sharply
IIdic North Pole and a maximum whe n it faces the d e fined po ints a nd allows a mo re accura te d e te rmi -
180 Ele c tronic Sensors for the Ev il Genius
txressi\'e mess. Be sure to properl y o rie nt the top of
lheenclosure in accordance with the final posi tion of
When the LED o pe rates as descri bed, the project
is ready to he tested unde r actua l o pe rating condi -
!he PC board, tions. Be fore you start. make sure that the re are no
magnetic fields nearby and the project is no t shielded
- -
bva lame mass o f iron o r steel. Whil e holding the
Checkout Procedure unit horizontally in any direction. apply power and
carefull y adj ust R9 so that the LED is at the switch-
\\l!eO}'OU are satisfied that a ll the wiring is correCL over po int between on a nd off; while doing this. a llow
checkout procedu re m ust be perfo nned, Be sure at least \0 seconds for the ci rcuit to stabilize, Flicker-
lOuse a fresh 9-\'0It battery. Checkout req uires a DC ing o f the LED is nonnal as the ci rcuit switches back
Ioltmeterconnected to ground and the ou tpu t t enn i~ and forth, Once R9 is se t. ro tate the compass o\'er a
a.tIof Ul. Apply power to the circui t. c heck for + 4.75 360-degree arc or full circle, and no te thut the LED
to -515 mlts. ~'l easu re the resist ance between the 5- will be on over pa rt of the arc a nd off over the rest, If
1-o\t bus and ground: A nomla l reading is about 600 necessary, readjust poten tiometer R9 very slightly to
ohms.. Measure the termina l voltage of th e baltery to obtain this result,llle o pt imum se lling fo r R9 will be
resure that it is de1i\'eri ng li t least 7 volts under load at the point whe re the arc of illuminat ion is as small
toUI. Replace a weak bat te ry if necessa ry. as possible, I
Nn.1. measure the outpul voltage of U2 pin I , and As the compass is rotated ow r the illumina ted arc,
writ)' the mlta!!e range of potentiometer R9, (Com - note the two o nloff poi nts. When the com pass is posi-
"",orientation is not importa nt al this time.) The tioned halfway between those points. it is faci ng the
lohageshould be about 2 to 3 volts O C. Measure and magnetic North Pole, and the sca le indications on its
ItWId the DC "ollage that you observe a t U":a pin I. face indicate all other direction,
R3 , R4 , R12 1 00 ,00 0 -
ohm , 1 %, 1 / 4-wa tt
! requCl/cy (NIT-") and lower high-freqlff!Il(Y (HF) ran~
\Vhe n a solar fl are occurs on the sun. a blast of
r e s i sto r (meta l fi lm)
RS , R7 , Rll 47 , SOO-ohm, ultraviolet a nd X-ray rad iatio n hi ts the day side of
1%, 1 / 4- wa tt re sistor th e eart h after 8 minUies. Th is high-e ne rgy radiation
(metal fi l m)
is :lbsorbed by atmospheric particles raising them to
R6 475 ,O OO - ohm, 1%,
e xcited sta tes a nd k nocki ng e lect rons free in the
1 / 4-wa tt r es i sto r
(metal f i l m) p rocess of photoio nizatiol1. The low-altitude ionos·
RB, Rl O 249 ,O OO-ohm, pheric layers (0 region a nd E region) immediately
1%, 1 / 4-wa t t re sisto r increase in d ensitv. O\"er the en tire dav. side orthe
(meta l film)
earth . Radio evil geniuses Illay a lready know thai th~
R9 50 ,OOO -ohm o ionosphe re l<lycr is the lowest layer and is
potentiome te r
a bsorbed d uring the day by sun light. The E layeris
R13 41, 00 0 - ohm , 1 / 4-
watt r e S i sto r the ne xt layer up. foll owed by the F layer. whirh is
R1 4 56 0 -ohm, 1 / 4-watt used for shortwave p ro pagation.
r esi s to r Earth's ionosphere reacts to the intense X·ray and
Cl , Cl , C3 0 . 1 uF, 5 0 - ultraviolet radiatio n released during a solar flare and
volt c erami c c apa c ito r
produces sho rt wave fadcoUi on the day side of the
C~ 0. 01 u F , 50 - vo l t
earth as a resu ll.
cerami c c ap a c itor
Ul AN 7B05 5- v o l t regu- Shortwave rad io wa\'es ( in the I-IF range) are
l ato r I C a bsorbed by the increased pa rticles in the lo\\,-
U2, U3 UGN350 3U Hall - a ltitude ionosphere causing a com ple te bl<lckoUl of
I e f fe c t s e nso r
(Alleg ro)
rad io commun icat io ns. -Illis is where we get the lenn
s!lOrfl l'nl'(! !ndeolll . These f<l deoul.s last for a few min·
cQ) Uq
LM32 q qu a d op-amp
re d LED
utes (Q a fe w hours a nd are most se\'ere in the equa-
torial regio ns where the sun is most directly
Ql 2 N3904 NP N
Q) S1
tr a nsisto r
9 -volt trans i stor
Thc io nosphe ric distur bance e nhances {ong-wm·t
r a dio batt e r y (VLF) radio pro pagatio n. 51Ds are observed and
Sl SPST switch recorded by monitoring the sign <ll strength of a
Misc el l an eous PC boar d , d islant VLF transmitter.
wire , !e soc ke ts . ba t-
tery c lip . etc. Yo u can investigale the p he nomena of Sills by
bui lding a spccial receivcr and a low-cost data-logger
setup. You ca n no t o n ly o bserve when solar flares are
_ _ _ On _ _ ow ·
~.--- ----- .•. _
.... ... . _- .-- _
... _.- ._-------------- --
F I9U' . 7-12 SI D ~' r cc;ciL'cr ~ ~ . . _.
~~ _"..:= _ -.-_ ~ • -.:... -. ......... ~ ..
~ ~- ~- ~ ,
. . ..
-.~ ~.
. --- -- ". -
fomled by some scrap pieces of thin circuit board sol- of thi! IC to the le ft of the cutout. Somi! ICs ha\'e an
dered togethe r. n,C ou tput from U2:a is ncxt fed to indented ci rcle ncar pin 1 of the Ie. Thi! use of Ie
JCd and U2:c. which together fonn an amplifie rl sockets is high ly recommended. in order to avoid cir-
integrator section . A final buffe r a mplifie r sect ion at cuit board meltdo wn if a component fail s a t a late r
UI is used to dri\'c the 0 to I m A meter a t the o utput. date for some reason.
The o utput a t ( A ) Ciln be used to feed a low-cost The SIDs receiver utilizes ICs that require the use
data logger. of a dual power supply providi ng. both a plus and
Thc SI D s receiver is best built on a printed circuit minus milage to th e circuit. Because the circui t is
board. although Othe r RF buildi ng techniq ues could meant to hi! le ft o n for lo ng pe riods of time. the use
be used. The rece ive r is rela tive ly simple to build. but of a dual-voltage wnll-powe red power supply is rec- en
the lUning poten tiome ter R5 should be shielded . This ommended. -1l1e d iagram shown in Figure 7- 13 illus- CD
can be done wi th the use of some scm p circuit board
mate rial solde red toget ber to form a small box. You
trates " simple d ual plus-a nd-minus voltage powe r
supply that can be used to po we r the SID s receiver.
\\;11 have to use a solde ring g un or a higber te mpe ra- A 9-mll 500 mA cente r-tapped transfonn e r is used
ture soldering iron to solde r la rge a reas of circ uit to drive a bridge rec lifii!r that provides both a plus ::s
boa rd material. nle SI Os recei\'cr eOlHa illS silicon and minus voltage. where the plus leg is sent to a 5-
diodes that m ust be installed with respect to polarity volt pl us ri!gulator (7805 regulator) and the Illinus leg I
markings o n the diodes. The white or black band on a of the bridge is sent to <l minus voltage regulator (a
diodc's marki ngs usually de note the cat hode of the 79{)5 minus 5-volt regulator).lllc power supply o
diode. Electrolytic capaci tors also must bi! installed coul d be built on pe rf- boa rd o r on a printe d circuit CD
wi th respect to pola rity marking. Capacitors ,Ire gen- boa rd if di!sired. it"
erally marked with a plus or minus marking. Be sure The SI D s receive r a nd po wer supply can be both CD
to ta ke the e xtra time to install these COITi!ctly. The installed in a metal chassis box e nclosure. The proto- ()
SIDs receive r ut ilizes two ICs. which m ust be
installed correct ly to avoid damaging the circuit. ICs
arc usually m ark ed in one of two ways. Often a plas-
type ri!ceive r is Illounti!d in a sloping cabine t. as see n
in Figure 7-1 4. The power supply is mounted along ,...
l m7805 +v III
1000 I.Q
51 uf + + + ,j
T1 __ .lul . l Ou!
-0' rJ CD
'::l r
- SR1 + I- ,...
t r- + + +
.10 uf
-- ()
PL1 - - .lu!
-{ 1000
l m7805 -v
connect the antenna to the Sills recei\'er. The STDs 19~ R S lO· bit resolution PC data log.ger kit from
receiver requires a ralher large loop antenna. which OATAQ fo r S2~. 95. -Illis da ta logger option is a real
can be placed inside your attic or outside away from ba rgain. providing bOlh hardware and soft ware. and it
large metal struct ures or aluminum siding. -Ibe loop can gel you sta rted recording data in just a short
anten na is shown in Figure 7- 15. time. The company offers many othe r data recorder
TIle loop is a diamond·shaped loop consisting of opt io ns as we ll. Check the DATAQ web site for
50 turns o f sol id #24 enamel-coa led or plastic-coated dela ils 31 www.da
wire.llie specific wi re rcquircmen lS are not critical.
TIle loop has nn enclosed area o f about 9 square feel.
TIle lead-in from the loop antenna shou ld form a 510s Research Opportunities
loose twisted pair.nlis balance d \cad-in is rollled as
far away from any metal as possible to the 6QO-to-6£X) You can jo in Ihe fo re most group involved wilh SlDs
ohm matching tra nsfo nner a t Tl.lhis Iransfomlcr resea rch. 'Ille Americall Associmioll o/lIuriuble SIan
a rra ngeme nt reduces 60 Hz hum interference from OIJSl:'rl'crs (AAVSO) S ID Program is made up of
e nte ring the SIDs receive r. solar o bse rvers who mo nitor VLF radio stations for
The output of the SIDs receiver can be coupled to sudde n e nhance men ts of their signals. As we now
a solid sla te dala logger from the output of the know. Earth's ionosphe re reacts to the intense X·ra)
recei\'e r at point (A) a t the recei"er output te nninals. and ultTilviolet radiation released during a solar [lare.
I n o rde r to save and la te r view a nd correla le your We a lso know that the io nospheric disturbance
recorded data. you will need to acquire some form of e nhances VLF radio propagation. By monitoring the
da ta 10gger.lllree good options are available fo r sav- signal stre ng th of a d istant VLF transminer. SLDs are
ing your data. llle first option is the ONSET Com- recorded and indica te a recent solar flare event.AlI
pute r H OBO series o f data loggers (see appendix for SID monitoring sta lio ns are home buill by the
con tact informa tio n). ONSET oUers a n umber of dif- obse r\'crs. A S I D station operates una ttended until
fe rent mode ls fro m S-bit to 12-bi t models. a ll reason- -
Ihe e nd of e ach month. Rccordin!?s are then ana!\'loo
ably priced frolll a round $60.00. The data loggers a rc for the beginning. e nd . a nd duration of SlD ewnts.
powered by a sllla ll bunon bailer),. which will last for
a long lime. ONSET a lso offe rs low-cost software for
---_. --- ---------- --_. --_.- -.- ----- -----
Figure 7-14 Prototype receiver //IOIlIIleel
sloping cabinet Figure 7-15 Loop al1f(,lIl1a
month. Many o bsen 'crs analyz e the ir own strip cha rls
Dl , D2 lN914 s ili c on
d iod e
and computer plo ts. A na lyzed res ulls arc subm it ted (1)
D3 . D4 lN34 germanium
lye-muil lO the AAVSO SlD analvst for correla tion dio d e 11
"ilb OIher obse n 'e rs' results. -Ille final SID report Ul LM3 5 3 op-amp
combines indi\ idua l obse ryer!; re ports wi th the (Nati onal Semi-
con d u c t o r ) U':l
AAVSO SID coordina(Or"s visual anal \'sis. SID eve lll
resullSare sent month ly to the N(lf;Ol/fll G eophysiCllI
DOla Cellla (NGD C) fo r publ ica tio n in the SO/(lT-
U2 RM41 36 Op-amp (Texas
I n struments )
U3 79L0 5 S- vo l t rli!gu 1 11.-
GtopilysiCliI D(I/(I Report where they are accessed by t o < ( + v o l ts)
researchers worldwide. The red uced SIDs da ta and U' 78LO S S-vo lt regula-
particularly inte resting plols are reprod uced in the to< (- v o lt s )
monthly AAVSO SO/lIr Blllietill ma ile d to all con -
lributing members.
Tl 60 0- t o-60 0 o hm
i n ter st age / ma tc hi n g
tra ns former
l oo p an t e nn a
t ext)
(s ee o(1)
5105 Receive r Parts Li st 51 DPST t o ggl e sw i tc h c+
( on-o ff)
R1 , R2 . R3. R4 3 . 3K
ohm , 1 / 4-watt r esisto r
Bl , B2 9-vo l t t r a n s i s-
tor r adi o ba tte ry o
R5 10K ohm pote nt i ome - c+
t er (c ha ss i s mo un t )
lK o hm , 1 / 4- wa tt
Mi scellan eo u s PC b o ard,
!C s o c k e t s, wire, so l -
d er , so l de r lugs ,
re s i s t o r c h a ss i s hard war e, ::l
R7 l OOK potentiome ter
s c r e ws , stando ff s,
etc .
( PC mount)
R8 100-ohm. 1 / 4- watt
resis to r 3::
R9 10K ohm, 1 / 4- wa t t ~
resis to r Earth Fi eld Magnetom eter I.Q
RI O 47 0 K o hm , 1 / 4 - watt ,j
resis to r
r.,'lagnelic fi e lds arc a ll a ro u nd us.. -nlc e arlh itself pro- (1)
Rll 56K ohm , 1 / 4 -watt
duces a magne tic fie ld. which is why compasses work. rt
re sisto r
R12 22K ohm . I j 4-wa tt
Anvlime a n e lectrical current fl ows in a conductor. a .....
resi sto r
R13 5K ohm poten ti ome -
magne tic fi e ld is generated. Tlla l is why tra nsformers..
inducto rs. a nd radio a nten nas work . Several di ffe re nt
t er (PC moun t I devices could be used to sense a m agnet ic fie ld. O ne
Cl 1 00 p F , 3 S- vo l t
c erami c c a p a cito r
of the ones most fa miliar to electro nics hobbyists is
the 1-IHII-e ffect device. Howcvcr_in Ihis section we 'll
C2 1 , 5 00 p F , 3S - vol t t<l k ~ a look a t a magne tic sensor that is as e asy to usc
Mylar ~ a p a c i to r
bu t is more sensitive. morc linear. and more tempera- .....
C3 0.00 1 u F , 3S- vo l t
c erami c capa c i to r
ture stable tha n the typical H all-effect d e" ices.. A nd l..
just like Ha ll-effect de\'ices. il can be used 10 make a fJ
C4 1 uF , 3S-vol t tanta-
l um cap a c itor va riety o f instruments.. including magne to me te rs a nd
C5 10 u F , 35 - v o lt ta n - grad iomete rs.
If the simple flux-gate sensor was in a magne tically nal is small compared \\ jlh the signal on which it
pure e nvironment.tlten the fi e ld produced by the rides. so it is difficult 10 discriminate properly. Sec-
excitation coi l would be the end of the story. But ond . Ihe re must be a ve ry g.ood m<uch between the
magnetic fi e lds a rc all a round us. a nd these ei ther add cores a nd Ihe excitation winding segme nts on cach
10 or subtract from the magne lic field in the core of winding. AlIhough those problems can be O\'crcome.;
the flux- gate se nso r. Magne tic field lines a long the it makes the sensor more expensi\·c.limiting the
design's popularity.
A be ller solution is to usc a toroidal doughnut-
sha ped magnc lic core.lllis type of core re lic\'es the
problem of picking small signals in the presence of
large o ffset components. II ulso reduces Ihe drive Ie,·
els required from the excita tion source. In the
toroida l-core flu.x-g:ll e sensor. we ca n get away with
using a single exci ta tion coil wound ove r the entire
circu m fe rence o f the to roida l core (see Figure 7-11
-m e pickup coil is wound o ver the o utside diameter
._. of the core. A nathe r advantage of the to roidal-rore
Figure 7-16 Flux -gmi' lIlagnetic sensor \'e rsio n o f the flux -ga te sensor is th ai a pair of
188 Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius
f:reque ncy range of -W to 125 KHz. The de tection sen-
sitivity of the FGM-3 device is +1- 0.5 oersted (+ 50
,,' 11//1
J.t Tes la). That range co vers the eart h's magne tic fi e ld .
'l making it possible to usc the se nsor in E arth-fi e ld
0 -"-"
~ magnetometers.. Using IwO o r three sensors togethe r
provides fun ct ions s uch as compass orienta tio n.
- 'l
'l ,,,"""
th ree-dimensio na l orien tation measure me nt syste ms.
,md three-dime nsio na l gimbalcd de \'ices such as
'il virtUlII-real ity he lme t display devices. They ca n a lso
1// \\\\'\
Iii be used in applica tio ns such as Fe rrous me ta l de tec- (J)
tors. as unde rwa ter shipwreck find e rs. a nd in fHctories ro
as co nveyer-belt se nsors or counters. A host of o ther
a pplica tions exist whe re a sma ll c hange in a magne tic
field needs to be de tected .
Rgure 7-17 Toroid fll/x -ga/I' s('nsor The series a lso includes two othe r d l'vices. lhc
FG M-2 a nd the FG M-3h. The FG rvl-2 is a n o rthogo-
onhogonal (i.e .. right a ngle) picku p coils Ciln be nal sensor with two FGJ\'I- J devices on a circular plat- I
installed that will a llo w Tlull measure ments to be Fonn a t right angl es to one anot he r. TIlat o rthogonal
made.The maximum sensitivit y occurs when the arra ngement pe rmits easier im ple me nta tion o f orie n- t:!
magnetic H-fi eld (or the stre ngth of the magnet ic ta tio n measureme nt. compass fu nctioning. and o ther CD
fteld) is on hogonalto the pickup coil. whe re as mini- applica tio ns. The FG M-3h is the same size a nd sha pe rt
as the FG M -3. but is about 2.5 times more sensiti ve.
mum sensitivity OCClirs when the picku p coil and CD
H-field are aligned with each other. A s you can see. Its o utput frequency changes approximately 2 to 3 Hz
per gamma of fi e ld change. with a dynam ic ra nge of
\lohen two pickup coils are a t right angle s to each "i-
other,onc will be at max imuill sensitivity when the
other is at a null (minimum sen5itivit\') .
+1- 0.15 oerslCd (abo ut one-th ird o f Ea rt h's mag-
ne tic fi e ld stre ngth) .
The o ut put signal in all tbe devices in the FG M !:l
series is a +5-volt (TTL-compatible) pulse whose lQ
pe riod is d ir ectly proportional to the appl ied mag-
The Flux-Gate Se ns or netic fie ld s trength. This relationship ma kes the frc - ~
que ncy o f t he output signa l di rect ly proport io nal to .J
Acompact and reasona bl y low-cost line of nlL~ -ga t e the magne tic field strength. The pe riod va ries Iypi- lQ
sensors. designated FG M-X. is m ade by Spe ake & caUy from 8.5 JIS to 25 JIS or a freq uency of abou t 120 .l
Co. Ltd. and d istributed in the Uni ted States by Fat KHz to 50 KHz. Fo r the FG M-3. the line a rit\' is about
Ouarters Soft ware (see a ppendix for co ntact info r- 5.5 pe rcent o ver ils +1- 0.5 oe rsted range.
mation).Thc FGM -3 device is the a ile used in this
project. It is a 62-millime te r-long by 16-millim eter-
111e response pnlle rn of the FGM- X series sensors .....
diameter (2.-1-1. inches by 0.63 inch ) de vice. Like all
is shown in Figure 7-1 8. II is a fig ure-e ig ht pa tte rn
that has major lo bes ( m a.~illla ) a lo ng the axis o f the
thedcvices in the line. it co nverts the magne tic fi e ld sensor and nulls (mi nima) at right a ngles to the sen-
.trength to a signal with a proportional f:reque ncy. sor a.xis. lbis pa llc-m suggests that for any given situa-
The FGM-3scnsor has on ly three leads: Red is +5 tio n, there is a preferred d irect io n for sensor
VDC (power): Bl ack is 0 vo lts (ground): and White is alignme nt.111e long a.xis of the sensor shou ld be
the output signal (a square-wave whose freq ue ncy poi nted towa rd the ta rge t source. Wben calibrating or
varies \\ith Ihe <lpplied field ). The o utput signal is a al igning senso r circuits. it is common practice to alig n
lminof IUlllsistor-trtmsislOr logic (TIL) co mpatible the sensor along the east-west d irectio n in o rder to
pulses with a period tha t ranges f:ro m 8 to 25 mS. o r a min imize the effects o f Ea rt h's magn etic fic1 d.
FGM·3 16mm
, _ '-
_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _..J _ ________ .l ____________ ~__ /C_I---
~1(---62mm' ---~~
.. - -- -- ----
Figure 7-18 FGM·3 l1I11gllf:tom eler sCl/sor
H "
Figure 7-19 Magllf:tol11nl'r cumroi box
- -- Figure 7-20
----_ .. _, .... _----
i\lagllf'tolllf'ler sellSor aud reglila/of
,s:. ass/!/IIM\"
190 Elec tron ic Sensors for the Ev i l Genius
T O FGM -3
I 01----------;
R4 +
Cl l
02 \1 @ )
n '" -
:T 1 t.<:'
o /l ..L
- - ,-0 O---jll
~ 2 1 ) 1
2 18 I RESET
r 01 '" 1 S2
lJ1 17 r-
< t6 L£!.
m 3
::J 15 R2 -L -L C l +9-15VOC
~ 1,1 I::l Xl
ID 6 1 13
,.'" 12 C3 Ic>J.
ID I +
~ - ~
n 03
11 -
- -
~. 1 I2 3
"":J 9 I I 10
'" o t 81
S1 uT IN
'"'":J C5 + + +
j 1
"" C~ ~7
n - - --
'1 21314 15 6 17 1..:.
8 ..L-
-12 U2 11
.... 13
+ I C4
'" 10 I 9 14 115 11 6
-- I
- L------~o 0 1OUTPUT
.... ---------------_ .. --- .. --------------- -------- -- ----- ------------,,--- -- .. "---- -- _ _ MOO ' "."
Oul +
A Flux-Gate
+ U4 +
i-- GND
-= I-
C9 FGM-3 Sensor
C r
Figure 7· 2 2
Flux-gmt' S('l1sor probe nsscmlJl-"
- -- ----
1 92 El e c tronic Sen so r s for the Evil Gen i us -
chase a flu x-magne to meter kit includ ing PC board. the outside probe e nd of the PVC pipe. A Ill-inch hole
the FGM-3 se nsor. ICs. and most other parts e xcept is d rilled a nd tapped in the center of the seco nd PVC
the ,I!.ain switch . which ca n be obta ined from Fa t end cap. A brass nipple fi n ing is ce mented in Ihe
Quarlers Soflware for about $75.00. -Ille Fa t Qua rte rs tapped hole to allow the three-conduclOr cable 10 exit
circuit boa rd pin layout is showll in Figure 7-23. the probe assembly in the PVC pipe. Be fore ce ment-
Now that the magne tometer ci rcuit bonrd hns ing lhe fi nal e nd cap to the PVC pipe you will want to
been complet ed. you can locale a suito ble me w l test Ihe c,lrth fi eld magneto meter.
enclosure fo r your mllgne to metc r proj ect. ' n It' e arth
fie ld magnetome te r prototype main circuil board is
moun ted in a 6 X 3 X 3 inch mc ta l chassis box as en
shown in Figure 7-24. T1le gain. power. a nd reset ro
powe r switches. a nd the power ind icator LED arc
also mounted o n the fro nt pane l of the chassis bo,x.
The magne tomete r's output connect io ns a re bro ug ht
to a red and blllcJ,; bindi ng post o n the front pa nel of ::3
Ihe chassis. A scre w·te nninlll block is mo unted a l Ihe
~ide of the chassis box to a llow con nections be tween I
the main electronks a nd the probe assembly.
The fl ux-gme probe as descri bed earlie r is mounted o
in a 211.: X 12 inch length of PVC pipe. Circuit board ro
guides a rc e poxied to the inside of the PVC pipe to cT
ailow the circuit board to be slid into the PVC pipe. Figure 7· 24 Elmh p dd maglletometer circuit ro
One 2Y.:· inch e nd ca p is the n cleaned a nd ce mente d to board mOl/med i" (/ mellil chassis box
, ::3
....... -.-. __ .... --
_ - . -. .- --------------
Figure 7·23 Magnetometer PC bOlml
whe n the probe is rota led through north . Note. lh al U3, U4 LM7805 , 5-volt
r e gulator
the circ uitry in U I ta kes ahoUl 7 to 8 seconds for a
Jl, J2 wire jumpers
reading (0 be updated , so lhe results wi ll not show
51 four-pOsition r otary
immediately. O nce the probe assembly has been
gai n switch
tested. you can ce me nt the last end cap to the PVC
52 n orma lly open pus h -
pipe. button switch
For solar storm obsen 'a tions.the magnetometer 53 5PST toggle powe r
probe should be buried ou tside away from your S witch
day e lectronk"s experimenters ha \'c no sho rlal!.e of
magnetic radiation. These are the traveling electric
- -
e lectronic equ ip ment from which to slUd)'. Even a
poorly fin a nced e xperimenler can acquire precision
and magnetic fi e lds. which are al ways at angles
[oeach other. " Iways a t right angles to the di rection equipment that would have se rved proud ly in a mod- ::s
of propagation. and always becoming weake r with ern laboratory only a few d ecades ago. And jun k lQ
the distance thl.!Y uilyel. yards h ave mo un tains of scrap e leclronic components
research or could fonn the basis for a ho me or camp- tiny packet s. C ha rges with the same pola ri t}' p hysi·
ing alarm svstem.
each othe r.
cally re pe l each other. a nd o pposite chan!.es a tlmct
The charge of an electron is genera lly defined as the allracted particles will suddenly flyaway from the
the negative cha rge. A little more thai rod afte r a minute or two- as if repelled. The react ion
6.? e lectrons are needed to is nearly immediate if Ihe lillie pieces of paper are a
make the common unit of charge called the coli/omb. sligh tly damp. Try dropping a damp piece of paper or
TIle uni t of curre nt. the nll/pere. is defined as the flow a tiny piece of aluminum foil past the charged plastic.
of one coulomb per second. Clearly_lhe charge on It will be allracted. btl! as SOO I1 as itlOuches. it will flv
one electron is ral her small. If the d ecl n c chan!.(' on away. The rapid. erratic motion is hard to follow. so
Ihe electron were represented by a tiny drop ofwaler. watch carefully! -Ille charge on the rod attracts the
ODe coulomb wou ld fill a lake more than 30 mi les neutral particle. but as soon as con tact is made Ihe
across and over 100 feet deep_ The current flowing in particle picks up some of the charge and is repelled
a I-amp fla shl ight bulb is equal to one such lake per because like charges repel each other. Dry particles
second! D espite this incredible flow rate. a n electron do not pick up the charge as quickly because they are
entering a short wire al the bane ry might take several less cOl/tillclil'e and remain ,HtraclCd to the rod for a
miuUles to reach the bulb. Obvious!\'. a tre mendolls longer period.
nu mber o f fre e cfectrons <Ire in the wire! Most If you have nc\'cr expe ri mented with stalic
electronic ci rcuits d e al wi th huge numbers of elec- e lectricity. ta ke a few moments and try a few projects
trons. and the discrete nature of the charge carriers descri bed in this chapter. Millikan's amazing experi-
is insign ificant. men! was the result of sound scielHific reasoning
Because there arc 6.24 X (O IS electrons in a combined wi lh an engineering common sense that
cou lomb. the cha rge on a single electron is 1/(6.24 X cOllles onlv from tinkering.
~ - You ha\'e charged
- rubber
(O tH) coulo mbs. or 1.6 X (0- 19 coulombs. R.A. Mil· ba lloons to stick them to the wa ll. no doubt! But did
likan and associa tes are credited with being the first you ever dete rmine if the cha rge on the balloon is the
- - -
to accurately. measure this charge usine: an in genious sa me polarity as the charge on ~'our pocket comb?
llpparatus in what is now known as the Millikan oil- How about the charge o n a glass rod rubbed wilh
drop experiment. Tiny d rops of oil from an alomizer silk? See if you can find out Ihrough experimentation.
were injectcd between two me tal plales with an Here's a useful hin l: Like charges repel: opposites
adj ustable voltage between them. TIle resulting elec- allrac\. Another hint: Glass and silk are positi\·ely
[ric field would att ract one polari[y of charge to the attractive. whereas cheap plastic and fake fur have
top plate. and . if the voltage was just riUhL the force negat ive connotations!
of gravity could be perfccll y balanced. freezing the The force between two ti ny particles with charges
particle in midair. At litis point. gra\'ity multiplied q l and q! is given by COl/lombs lall':The force that
limes Ihe oil drop's mass equals the charge muhiplied one particle exerts on a nother is d irectly propor-
I times the elecl ric fi cld.lvlillikan discO\'ered thai the tiollallo the product of their charges and ill\'ersely
random cha rge on the d roplets was a lways an illtege r proportional to the square of their separation.
mult iple of 1.6 X 10- 19 coulo mbs.
Try Ih is experime nt from elemeillary school.
Obtain a clea r L ucite rod or a black plastic pocket wher~ (j l is the net charge of particle one. (jl is the nel
comb. Rub the rod on your hair. a piece of fur. or silk charge of particle two. r is the separation of the pani-
clo th with rapid strokes. Hold the rod ncar some tiny cles. and eo is equal to 8.85 X 10 12 Nm 3/C C is called
pieces of pape r or sawdust and obse rve the results. the coulomb. which is the unit of electric charge.
Now wa tch closely! Th is force is a \'ector that points along the line
You shou ld have observed the e xpected attract ion bel ween the Iwo charges. lois simple equation can
of the neutral particles to the cha rged plastic. The g ive one food for tho u ght~ If the force is proportional
careful obse r.'er will a lso havc noticed that many of to the product of two charges then why does the
charged plastic rod pick up neutral particles? Bccause
198 El e c t roni c Sen s o r s f o r t h e Ev i l Gen i u s
rod near the l!leClrode o f a sensitive electroscope. tic of e lectricity and magnetism is used in radios to
Without the rod making conlllCI. the leaves will se nd informa tio n to distan t recei\'e rs.
sprcad d ue to the induced cha rge caused by the fi eld . infrared. visible. a nd ultraviole t light arc no t the
o nly types of waves. Further down the spectrum past
infrared lay microwa\·cs. radar waves. telcvision
EIE!ctromagnE!tic WavE!s waves. a nd rad io waves. Microwaves are thought to~
Tha t is. as a n electric fie ld moves thro ugh space. it Ihe soft pMts of our bodies, the y can not penetratc
gives up ils e nergy to a companion magne tic fie ld .
l be e lectric fi e ld loses energy as the magnctic fi e ld
bone. This is why they are used today to take pictures
of broken bones. Gamma rays a rc radioactivc and a re
gains energy. ThUs. we see a g radual tra nsfer of re leased by certai n a to mic nuclei. With the ir la rge
energy from one form of e ne rgy to a no the r. but no amounts of energy. they are able to penetratc me tal
loss or gain in the total e nergy of the wave. Conversely. nnd concrete a nd kill living ce lls. This ty pe of wave tr1
a moving magne tic fie ld c reates an electric fie ld. thus is re leased by nuclear bombs. ca using m ulti tudes ~
a magnetic field moving th rough space will lransfcr of dcstruction. (I)
its energy grudually to a companio n e lectric fi c ld. The highest-energy and most fr equent waves a re o
A static o r unvarying electric field will produce a cosmic rays, Tlley a re made up of particles of atomic cT
static magnetic fi e ld . A varying electric fi eld prod uces nucle i, e lectrons. lI nd gamma rays. The eart h's at mos- Ii
a varvim.!.
. ~ -
ma2nctic field. The reverse is a lso true. A phere protects us from these wa"es. wh ich come from .....
static magnetic fi eld produces a static electric fi e ld. If
the magne tic fi e ld varies so too will tbe electric fi eld.
OUler space (see the elec tromagne tic spectrum chart
in Figure 8-4). Electromagne tic radiation exists a ll
Whe n a n e lectric a nd magne tic field va ry in around us and throughout space. It is produced
strength O\'e r time. thcy form e lectromagne tic waves. through the inte ractio n of e lectric a nd magnetic fie lds.
A now of electric curre nt creutes a corrcsponding These two fie lds always exist togethe r.
magne tic fie ld. If the current now is unvarying. the Waves are measured by the ir le ngth (wavelength)
magnetic field wi ll not vary and no electromagne tic a nd by th e rrequc ncy with which they pass a point in
waves are produced . A varying. or oscilla ting. fi eld space (freq ue ncy). The le ngth o f a wave is usua lly
will produce a cha nging magne tic field. Toge the r. measured in me ters. The freq ue ncy is measured by
changin!! electromagnetic fi elds produce e lectromag- the numbe r of wave-s o r cycles that pass a given point
netic radiat io n that travels in waves. n lis characteris- in o ne second. O ne cycle per seco nd is called a h eriZ
,. tJ ,
.......-... .....
""me " I w~ ....
"",,,'~"'" U >1
I C .!•
- •.....
0 •
"P-' nw "" ' -"-'0 ~" H "
C.... WI per
.~(ond ) 10' 10' ,,. 10' IOIU 10" IOI} l Oll 10" 10li IOu; 1011 lO,a 10 '9 IOro
£'-9Y nf
""" rh<>'''''
(.t~lton ~Ih)
(/-I ::').111e shaner the wavelengt h the highe r the fre- works! '111e classic electroscope is constructed in a
q uency of the radiation. n le higher the freq ue ncy_ the lurge clear glass jar or bottle with an att ractive brass
more e ne rgy the wave has. wire hanger fo r the foil le aves and a polished brass
Electromagne tic radiat ion always travels at the knob a llhe top for the electrode (as seen in Figure
speed of light in a vacuum . or nearly the speed of 8-5). Labora tory-grade electroscopes usc extremely
light if it is traveling thro ug h a medi um of some kind. thin gold foil to minimize the weigh t a nd the refore
The speed of ligh t is approximately 300.000.000 mc!Crs maxi mize the de nc,ctio n. Sim ilar voltage sensitivities
pe r second (300.000 kilometers pe r second). For prac- may be achieved with al uminum foi l if very long
lical purposes we can say thaI radio waves a lwavs le aves are used. 'nlese larger iea\'es will make the
Iravel at the speed of light. electroscope more sensitive. And because the cap"cif}'
o f the electroscope will be higher. more charge will
\ Vhile the wavele ngth and the frequency of radio
be necessarv, but Ih e sensiti\'it y to volt age can still be
I wavcs will vary, the speed of light does not. Th ese
three aspects of e lectrornagnclic radia lion are relaled
quite good.
~ 0 _
Building a Classic
E ven though the electrosco pe is a bit obsole te. it slill
possesses chaml and e legunt simplicity. And in facI it
Figure 8 -5 Eleclroscope
choose il wider jar than the wine boule so that the me nters used 10 help build and store elect ric e ne rgy.
leaves do not become a tt racted to the g.lass when Ii was also referred 10 as II cOl/del/ser becausc ma ny
highly charged. Hani!:ing short leaves can be a bit people though t or electrici ty as Quid or maile r tha t
tricky beca use th ey must swi ng independc ntly. G ivc cou ld b~ conde nsed. Today someone fam iliar wi th
one leaf arms fo r hanging like a pe rson hanging from eleclricallenni nology would cali it a capadlor.
a bar. The other leaf has a single narrow aml in the l3 asically. the Le yden jar is a cylindrica l conta ine r
middle like a monkey hanging by its taii! The two made of a die lectric (that's an insulator. like plastic o r "'Y1
lea ve.s can move awav frolll each other without the
pivot points in terfering with each o ther. -Illc long
glass) wi th a layer o r metal foil o n the inside a nd on ,...-
the oUlside. With the oU lside surface grounded. a lQ
leaves in the picture we re simply attach ed to the
screw on the top because they nre long cnoul!h 10
charge is g i\'(~ n to the inside s urface. TIlis gives Ihe
oUlside an equal but opposite charge. see Figures 8-6
fl ex. Smooth the lea\'es by gently rubbing them with and 8~7. Whc n the outside a nd inside surfaces a rc
a unger al!ai nst a fl a t surface.
If you wish to make an electroscope with a scale.
connected by a conductor ... SNAIJ! You get a spark
and eve rything re turns to nomllll. l 11e a moun! of I
replace one of the lea\'cs wi th a stiU strip of metal or charge one o f these de vices can store is reluted 10 Ihe
copper-elad circuit board. Faste n the fl exi ble lea f to voltage a pplied to it multiplied limes its cupaci la nce. fl
the stiff le ur at the lOp and place a pape r scale be hind In simple tenns. capacitance de pends on (I ) the llrf.'{/ ro
the leavcs. lf the fl exible leaf is at least ~~i n ch wide. it of the foil or metal. (2) the lyPl! o/II/(/feri(ll between ::l
will be stiff e nough a nd therdorc wilt not twist a nd the two layers o f fo il. and (3) th e thickl/ess (ge ne.ra ll y Ul
stick to the scale. Enclose Ihe scope in a large, clear the thinner the better) o f that material.
,... -
plastic box wi th sqUltre sides (the type sold for deco- A more modern \'crsion is made by lining the
rative purposes will do nicely). A colored Lucile rod inside a nd coating Ihe outside of the jar with aluminum
mounted in CI wooden handle makes H nice accessory foil. the reby form ing. two capacitor phlles. The a Urac-
for this unique cOIl\'ersation piece. Actually_ ordina ry tion o f opposite charges be tween the two plalcs gives
glass bottles are infe rior to dear plastic bottles due to the foil Leyden jar the capaci ty to store a significant
surface conduct ivity. So. if you wan I the very best pe r~ cha rge. TIle outcr fo il is usually the grol/lul plllle. and
formancc. consider using a dear plastic jug.. the inner fo il is the hut {Jlme. A connect ion is madc
be twee n a n e1ectrodc on the top of the jar and the
foi l with a wirc o r metal chai n.
The Lcydenja r in the Fi gure S-7 was made from
Building a Leyden Jar an empt~· spaghc tti sallce jar. a rubbe r stoppe r, <I long
screw. aluminum foil. and black elect ric<ll tape. Spray
Afte r c:xperimenting with a comb and a n e lectroscope
fo r a few min utes. lhe expe rime nter will notice tha t
the elect roscope lea\'es can be charged in s teps: Each
touch of thc comb causes more defl ection. Th e leaves
- -
accumula te the bits of chnr!!c a nd the volla!!e builds.
Bigger le:I\'cs will require more cha rge to achicve the
same volt age bc:c,mse the electrons arc spread over a
larger area. If we coal the e ntirc inside o f Ihe jar with
al uminu m. the capaci ty of the ja r to hold charge will
be much highe r. Fig ure 8-6 Lt'.w/m jar
- -
me tal that is connected to i!Tound. This gives the !len-
adhesive was used to affix the foil to th e inside surface e rato r a good volta!le reference poim and keeps the
a nd the e lectrode connection was made by ta ng ling a bod y (ro m building up a big charge that will zap you
long p iece of bare wire with some of the fo il o n the the next time you touch a grou nded object. With the
inside and faslCning the o ther e nd to the screw with spark gap set at aboul L/~ inch. a spark can be produced
e lectrica l tape. A ground wire was fastened to the across it with almost every stroke of the pipe.
outer fo il. and the foi l was wrapped with a coating o f
fiber tape fo r protection . A I-inch gap was le ft at the
top o f the jar for insulation. This gap should be
cleaned with alcohol a nd wrapped with electrical
tape to e nhance the insu lation.
The Leyden jar may be tested by connecting it to
an electroscope with a stiff wire that touches only the
electrodes. A few discharges from a ch a rged pocke t Figure B-8 Simic Ilfbe
-111i5 lube works !!.rcal for demons trll tim~ the a ttractive
~ ~
S, R2
-- R3
, B,
Figure 8 -10 Swtic wlJe charging (/ Leydel/ jar Figure 8-\1 Electrol/ic electro.w:ope eircl/it
form a vohllge divider. When the FET s gate is earth Bl 9-vo l t t r ansis t or
ground ed. the d ivider's outpu t will be abo u t 4.5 volts. radio batte r y
gh'ing a half-scale reading on the me ie r M I. The sen- PI RCA plug
sitive meter is a 200 uA melcr.A positively charged Jl RCA chass i s jack
object (l ike a cotton-rubbed glass) will give u positive Antenna smal l metal
Sph er e o r whip antenna
de fl ection fro m half-scale. nod a neglll ively charged
o bject (a plastic comb) will give a nega tive me ter Mi scellaneous wi r e,
battery clip, per£ -
defl ect ion.llle enti re circu it can be buih in a few boa r d
minutes using a perf-board or circuit board. The whole
circuit including the 9-\'011 transistor rad io battery
will fi t in a small me tal chassis box. For best resulls
the electrome te r sho uJd be ho used in a me ta l box Ion Oetector
and connecte d to an eart h ground if possible.
An ion detector detects static charges a nd free ions in
the air (see the ion detector c ircuit shown in Figure
Simple Electronic 8- 12), 1l can be used to ind icate the presence of ion
e missio ns. Healt h enthusias ts might use the ion de tec-
Electrometer Parts List
tor to detect bene ficial negali\'e ions near wate rfa lls
Rl I - meg Ohm, l / ll - wa tt , or after a rain stoml. 'In c ion detector ca n he llsed to
S\ resisto r d e tect leakage of high voltage in power supplies and
R2 ISOK ohm, 1/ 4- wa t t, radiation circuits. 'Ibe ion d e tector can a lso be used to
R3 " r e sistor
33K ohm, l / ll - watt ,
d e lect sta tic e lectricil)' and e lectrostat ic fields around
your home or workshop. The antenna o r charge
S\ r esisto r
collector can be made [rom a short piece of bare #12
Cl 220 pr , IOO - volt
capacito r or #14 copper wire. The an te nna is then fed to a 100,
Ql MPFl O2 f[; 'I' t r ans i s - megohm resistor. which is coupled to the first transis-
to< tor. a 2N2907, at Q 1. The emitter of Q I is next fed to
I 01
RC\ t
R1 c
100 MEG
02 c b 81
~C1 b ,/
~ , a
e R2
,---- - -- , M1
R3 -
10 meier mast
- - Mast
/ Binding
• Support post
Single conductor
Earth shielded cable
Figure 8 -1 4 ;\lI(ellll(l delector lIssembl\'
-- oUidoor shelte red place. NOle thai placing an
•I alllcnfla outdoors. high on 11 pole. aels as a Ii~hlnin g
rod. therefore be extremely careful when using this
Fig ure 8-13 Almospheric electricity mOllitor
. -
during an electrical stann. When the system is
not in use. the an te nna shou ld be shorted 10 a good
TIl is project o ffers a si mple. ponable. and highly eart h grollnd. l 11c meier display is an uitrasensil jvc
info rma tive device that will a llow you to do your own microammcter. which can be read ily located thro ugh
atlllospheric e lectricity resea rch. At the hean of the Newa rk Electronics. nle air radioactive car-
atmospheric e lectricity monitor is thl." a ntenna system. tridge is available frolll Nuclear Products Co. (see the
A fou r-section te lescopi ng a luminum rad io mao;! appendix for contact info).
(four 2-ffi eter sections) can be used as Ihe detecting
pole or nntenna. TIle insulators clin be moullled on
,.c the to p end of the masl with a single-conduclOr poly-
styre ne insul ated cable carried down inside the pipe Rdvanced Electrometer
to the se nsing instrument (as shown in Figure 8·14).
In order for Ihe syste m to operate effectively. the 'Ine fi e ld of ekctrosHHics concerns itse lf with charges.
a tmospheric electricily 11I0 niIOr must he referenced potelllinis. and fo rces and is ofte n conside red to have
\0 ground as shown. A 4- to 6-foot-Iong copper firs t been studied in the late eigh teen th and early
ground rod should be driven into the ground as the nincteelllh centuries. lntoday's modern world. elec-
refe re nce electrode. When the weather is seye re. trodynamics is the domi nant study in electrical engi-
microammeter readings should be made from an neering. Electrostatics is making somewhat of a come
206 Electr o nic Sen so r s f o r the Ev il Geni u s
back. a nd (he forces a nd charges invoh'ed can be superlat ive o ne. Keithley Instrume nts a nd Victoreen
used for a number of novel purposes in o ur day-to-<lay are major suppliers of these specialized instruments.
lives. X erogmphy. or the process of copying images 'n lis project will supply the experi me mer with
by the action of ligh t o n an electrically charged pho- sche matics and a broad o verview for assembling a
toconductive surface. is a prime example. first class e lectrome te r wi th a very m odest o utlay of
The expe rime nlCr can ann him- o r herself with an cash. -nle advanced electromete r circui t depicted in
old classic e lectroscope and invest igate a number o f Figure 8- 15 is a un ity-gain impeda nce translalOr or
rathe r large e lectrostatic effects. In order to gain real e lec tromete r a mplifier. in th e strictest se nse. as Ihe
insight and do more subtle and difficult expe riments. experime nter will have to supply the readout system
a n electro mete r is oflen needed. The e lect ronic elec- (us ually a VOM or oscilloscope). It will be assumed
tromete r is nothing morc tha n a n ordina ry \'olrmerer tha t the experimen le r has a mod icum of experience •
(VOM). TIle difference between your digital VOM in assembling simple electronic ci rcuits.
and the e lect rome ter is one of input impedance. TIl e adva nced e lectrometer has u frequency
which rela tes to the amou nt of load the instrume nt response ll ro und 10 H z. which is limited by the low-
places on the circuit under test. Most good e lectrom - pass ril ter circuitry so no special PC boards arc needed.
eters have a n input impedance orlOO te rraohms. This Point-to·point or wire-wHl p-type connections are all
is tens of thousands of times greate r than the a"e rage lhat is required. Yo u could a lso assemble this circuit I
electro nic YOM ( I to 10 megohms). It will immedi- on the simple pad per hole. 1 X 3 inch circuit boa rds
ately a maze the experimente r just how e lect rical the found in your local Radio Shack Slore. The key poin t
world really is. once anned with an e lectrometer. is shielding and insulation. The {rant end o f the system
ivlodern e leclfo nic electrometers are very expen- uses iI special precision CivlOS FET IC by National
sive. Five-thousand dolhns will buy a fair ly nice Semkond uctor (U"fC 6081). which can be purchased
instrume nt, while $10.000 would be needed for a from D igikcy e lectronics. 'lllC o nly other IC is an
Sl:a + ..
o-:'-jIIIl'B111' tyl
R3 R4
+9V C1
14 J2
A7 A8
S l :b +
input end of the box is special! Only the input Ie ,md
the ultrashort input connection. a nd air. a re allowed. impedance from the use of feedback a nd the delicate
slat ic experimen ts. This instrumen t gels its ultrll hil!h
51 +
AN 1
C3 C5 C6
C7 A12 + C8
C+ AS A11
____ M ____________ MM"
Figu re 8 -16
. • • ________ . . . . __ • • _____ . _
--.- --
212 Electronic Sensors f o r the Evi l Genius
Unlik e OIher projects Ibat have very specific pur- tor. the body actually distorts the voltages ilS it moves
poses in mind. this construction project provides the through the field. reducing the ac tual potential differ-
experimeme r with a device that can be used to con- ence across the body.
duct a wide varie ty of object-motion expe riments, To illustrate Ihis effect. suppose a n air pote ntial
including simple mOl ion alann applica tions. For ,'oitm e te r was positioned to measure the a tmospheric
example. with sufficie nt signnl processing and analy- voltage be tween ground level and a position 2 meters
sis. it may eve n be possible for the expe ri men te r nOl above the grou nd surface. Wilhout any conduct ing
on ly to de tect the mot ion of a human but to de ter- objects nearby. the device would measure a pote ntial
mine which human was moving. 'lbe objective of this of 200 voits. But. when a conduct ing human walked
construction project is to provide the e xpe rimc nter next to the probe. the ,'o llage is shunted to a near
with the eq uipme nt necessary to conduct rcseil rch in ground le"el pote ntial and the instrume nt's rcadi ng
the nature of the fi eld changes. would drop toward zero ,·olts. As the human walked
I'm hoping 1I iso th ilt this device will excite a new away from the meier. the field would again gradually
gcne riHion of e xperimen ters into exploring Ihis linle be restOred to the 200-volt readi ng. In addit ion to the
known phe nome non. Before we get into the de tai ls <lvenlge voltage changes as a pe rson walks near the
of the circuiLlef s cover some of the basics fi rst-the detector. the shifting conlact of the human's fOOl with
phe nome non of the earth's electric fi eld grad ient. In the ground a nd his o r he r lIrm motion cause small I
his Lectflres 0 11 Physics. Richa rd Feynma n stated that highe r frequ e ncy Ouctuations in the measured voltage.
as you go up from the surfllce of the ea rt h. the electri- Such signal changes are used as the basis fo r detect-
cal polential increases by lIbout 100 volts per mete r. ing human motion near the de tection circuit.
Th us a vCrlicll l electric fie ld gradie nt of 100 valL" pe r The fi eld disturbance monitor is illustrated in Fig.-
me te r exists ill the air. ures So l S a nd 8- 19. It uses a telescoping whip an te nn a
As a means of e xplanation. imHgine the existe nce that is mounted on top of iI metal box to probe the
of a vcry se nsitive voltmeter that could measure the air for field changes. By mising and lowe ri ng the
voltages prese nt in the open air. If you pushed the ante nna . you can increllse or decrease the field
negative te rminal o f the instrument's probe into Ihe change se nsitivity. The design I chose uses an off the
earth's surface. :md you positioned Ihe positive lead shel f me tal box to house the electronics. The circuit is
1 mete r abo,'e (he surface. a bout 100 volts would be powe red by a standard 9-\'0It baue ry. l1tree LED
detected. If you then moved the probe ve rtically by indicator lights provide syste m status. One of the
anothe r meter above the surface. the voltme ter would LEDs indicates a positive fie ld change. a nd anothe r
measure 200 vol ts. This voltilge difference would con- indicates a negati ve fi eld change. A third power indi-
tinue to increllse as you moved the posith'e probe cator light doubles as a battery-voltage indicator. If
upward until it reached the top of the atmosphere. Ihe light f:lils 10 turn on. it is a n indication that the
some 150.000 fec t (46.000 me ters) up. A t tha t point. 9-volt ba u e ry needs to be re placed. An alarm sensi-
the instrume nt would fin ally measure an ave rage tivity dial can sel the minimum disturbance level to
pote ntial diffe re nce of about 4 million volts. trigger an alarm. A loud piezoe lectriNype beepe r
This naturally occurring 100 \'olts per me ter sounds whe never the alarm level is e xceeded. A tog-
electric field gradie nt exists e ve rywhe re in the ea rth's gle switch " lIows the alarm fea ture to be turned o(£.
atmosphe re and can even penelf<l !e inside most An outpu t jack a t the rear of the monit or can be used
buildings. You might ask: If such voltages exist in ope n to connect the monitor 10 a re mole <llarm de vice if
aiL then why isn't the average 2-llle te r lall human desired . I have also included an ou tput jack that can
shocked by the 200 \'olts that shou ld be present be used to send the monitor's processed disturbllnce
between his fee t and the top of his head'! The reason signal to some remote recording de vice. Finally. to
you don't feel anything is beca use the air is too poor e.nsure consisten t operation. an earth ground jack is
a conducto r of electricitv to allow eno ueh also included at the rear of the mOnitor's e nclosure.
• • curre nt to
be delivered by the m ilage. Also. because the human Connec ti ng the ground jack 10 a true earth ground
body is fill ed with salt water. which is a good conduc- improves disturbilnce sens itivity.
~ 2.5V
------------------------- - ._---
Figu re 8-1 8 E/ec/rollic field disllIrbllllc:t' monilOr ei,.("/I;I. pari J
n I + ... ALARM
::r on • •
W 51
"0 »--' ~ BZ
ro +5V +5V
~ +9V
A ¥::3
_. I y y V I +9V
-, ,
A1 6 C16 :r::: R22 U4:A PHONE JACK
- B A20 A23 ! J'
~I 2 ~ 01 "
r T
:J -
+ T
3 1 ~ -
D2 D3
'":J 3
U3:A I I I~ 02
"' I C14
17r - ::3
to +2.5V - - -
n D 6
n AlB Q1·Q2
"to -
lJ1 4
C15== D4
c. R1 9
'" - I-- -
.. . __ . --, • •• __ ,, _ow" ._ . - ___ _
.... ------- ---- .. - -----------_. _ "
.. --._----, .. - --------- ••
Figure 8- 19 Elcctrollic field (/isfllr{)(III Ce lII unitor d n:llif, purl 2
sPTa~~ ~~~~~aT3 DU~SUas ~qD~3 ~a~dl?q::>
response 10 be excessively low. Electric fiel d changes digital recorde r that is connected to a computer.
from nearby rain Slanns cu n be measured with high Using some digital sig.nal processing schemes. a lo t of
resiSlance values.. A resisHUlce value lower than I infonnat ion can be squeezed from the raw signals
gigaohm makes (he monitor more sensit ive to ge nerated by the mo nitor. As sta led pre\'iously. iden-
higher fre que ncies. tification of specific individua l huma ns is possi ble by
The signal that e me rges from the fron l --end circuit carefu lly monilOring the freque ncy signature produced
will con tai n a la rg.e a mo unt of power-line no ise. Eve n by a person's a nn and leg motions during. walking.
when the moni tor is used ou tside away from visible In a simila r manne r. certain a ninmls a nd insects can
power lines. there will st ill be some un wan ted power- be iden tified.
,, line signals collected. llle passive filter sect io n afte r For some experiments. you may wanl to know if
Ihe fro nt-end stage con tains three networks: (I) One the signals exceed a cerwin len!!. This feature is espe-
low-pass filt e r ne twork begins the proces.'i o f cially useful if the monilOr is 10 be used in a mot ion
tlllenu<lling the un wanted high frequencies. (2) One alarm a pplica tion. -nU! signals tha t emerge from the
u high -pass fill er network is designed to block the slow signa l-processing. ci rcuits are ro ut ed to two compara-
., DC shift that will occur a l the fro nl-c nd circuit. -111e IOrs (U3:a and U3:b).TIle two compa rators determ ine
va lues se lected start reject ing frequencies below 0.1 if the signal has sufficien t a mplitude to be considered
Hz. (3) To re move much of the funda metllal 5U to 00 an a larm condi tion. Com parator U3:a is referenced
Hz noise signals. a third no tch filt e r ne twork is used. above the 2.5-\'0It bias poin!. whi le the low U3:b
As shown on the schematic. components were selected
Slage is refe renced below the 2.5-\'oh bias \,0Ita2e.
,.... for a 55 Hz no tch-fi lle r center freq ue ncy. The selec-
tio n is a compromise betwee n the 50 Hz and 60 Hz
llle upper comparato r is triggered when the signal
swinb'S above the uppe r threshold (posi tive "ohage
international power-line freq ue ncy sta ndard!> in use chanue). and the lower comparator is triggered whe n
around the world. The notch filt e r sho uld reduce the the signal swings below the lower threshold (negative
power-line frequ ency noise by a factor of 1 /~ voltage change). The va ri::lblc resistor R 17 symmetri ,
(-34 db). ca lly controls both th resholds and a llows a single
I - --
buffer stage. The va lues chosen 2ivo: the signals of
interest a gain of about x 6 while rejecting some of
\'o ltage changes as small as +1-0.05 \'olts or as high
as +1- 1.5 \'oils. A n LED connected to the o utput of
the unwan ted higher freq uencies. e ach comparato r provides an indication of either a
positive or a negative d islUrbance. Both LEOs are
The output of the firs l bu ffer stage is connected 10
mo ullled on the frOtll side of the mo nitor's metal
a th ree-pole active low-pass filt e r. and!O a second
pn nci. Diodes D3 and 04 sum the t\\'o comparator
buffe r stage. TIle combina tio n of the passive compo-
outputs a nd. with the ::l id of a nother comparator A4a.
ne n ts and the operational amplifier (A1:b) boosts the
l signa ls of interest with a ga in o f x 6 while filtering the
dri\'e the transistors Q I a nd 0 2.111e two transislOrs
0 1 and Q 7 arc used to drive the piezoelectric a la rm
high-frequency signals that may still remain. The over-
connected to the monitor or::ln external alaml that is
all gai n fo r the two amplifiers is about x 36 (+ 31 db).
connect bv a sh ielded cable to the remote ,llaml out,
Note that a ll th ree of the operational amplifier stages
put jack a t the rear o f the monitor. Th e ex ternal
are biased at ?5 \'olts. The signals o f interest wi ll
alarm output ca n sound a re mo te beepe r or close a
the refore swing a bO\'e and below 2.5 \'olts.
relay. If desired. the local ala rm feature can a lso be
The o utput of the second bu ffe r stage is routed to
turned off when the alarm selector switch is placed in
a phone jack a t the re ar of the moni tor enclosure.
the off position. In the o ff posi tion. the swi tch discon-
Using a shie lded cable connecled to the phone jack.
nects the 9-\'0It source to the local beeper alaml and
tho: signa l can be fed to a strip chart recorder o r 10 a
::r:: t-'
U5 +5VDC
52 t'Zj
U6 +2.SVOC .....
61-= 9V IN OUT
+ +
I C20 I e21 p..
Figure 8-20 Field disfllrbfll/ce 1II0l/ilOr power supply
Radio Projects
!!.lobe. I-lear excitilH~ music and news from European
and African radio SHltions. O ur fina l :tdvanced project
-1l1e man responsible for the next conceptual
revolutio n WilS the Scollish physicist James Clerk
in this chapter i ~ the Jupiter radio telescope project. Maxwe ll (1831-1879). who unified the study of elec-
which will pennit you to listen to the strange sou nds tricit}' ,lIld magnetism in fou r relat ively tidy equa-
of stomlS on the planet of Jupiter. -nl is radio receiver tions. ln esse nce. wha t he discovered was that e lectric
projeci is a great starting point for sonte great ama- a nd magne tic fie lds arc intrinsica lly re lated to one
te ur research on radio astronomy. ano the r. lI'if" or lI'irhol/f the presence of a cond uctive
path fo r e lectrons to Oow. Stated morc fomla l!),.
~\'l axwelrs discovery was this:
A changing electric fie ld produces a perpendicular between these kinds of electromagnetic radiations is
magnetic field . and a changing magnetic field produces the fre quency of their oscillation (alternation of the
a perp<! ndicular eleclfic field. A ll of this ca n lake electric and magnetic Fields back a nd fonh in polarity).
place in open sp<lce.lhe alternating electric a nd nHII!-
By using a sou rce of AC \'olwge and a special device
ne tic 6elds supporting each other as they trawlthro-
ugh space at the speed of lighl.1l1is dynamic stmctu re ca lled an lIIlIell/llI. we can create electromagnetic
of elect ric and magnetic fie lds propag<lIing through waves (of a much lower frequency than tha i of light)
space is better known as an elecrro/J1(/gllclic II'{WC. wi th ease.
I! was discovered that hig.h-frequency electromag-
La ter between the years l886 Clnd 1888 He inrich
netic cu rrents in CI wire (antenna). which in turn result
Hertz. the G ennan physicist who is honored by our
in a high-frequency electromagnetic field around the
re placing the expression cycles per secolld with herr:.
an tenna. will result in electromagnetic radiation that
( Hz). proved J'\'ta.'\well"s theory. Shortly aCter Ihat in
will move away from the antenna into free space at
189 7. Edouard Brunly.a Fre nch physicisl. inven ted a
the velocity of light (approximately 300.000.000
device that could receive radio wllves (as we know
mete rs per second).
them today) a nd cause them to ring an electric bell.
Note thilt at the time. a ll the re.sea rch being conducted In radio broadcasting. a rad iating antenna is used
in what was to become radio a nd later radioe lectron- to convert a time-varying. electric current into an
ics was done by physicists. electromagnet ic wa\'e. wh ich frecly propagates
through a nonconducting medium . such as air or space.
The n finally in 1895. the fa ther of modem radio.
An antenna is nothing more than a device huilt to
Guglie lmo !vlarconi of Italy. put illlthis togethe r and
prod uce a d ispersing e lect ric or magn etic field . An
deve loped the first wireless telegraph. The wire tele-
electromagnetic wave. with its electric and magnetic
graph had been in comme rcial use in Europe for a
componen ts. is shown in Figure 9 -1.
number a vears.
When allached to a source of radio-frequency
signals (a generator or a transminer). an antenna acts
as a transmilling device. converting AC voltage and
Types of Radio Waves
current to c.1ectromagne tic-wa\'e energy. Antennas
a lso have the ability to intercept electromagnetic waves
There are many kinds of natural radioactive energy
composed of c.1cctromagnetic waves. Even light is _.
and convert their ener!!\, into AC vollaue -. and current.
In this mode. an aillenna aCls as a recei\'ing device.
electromagne ti c in nature. So are shortwave. X-ray.
and gamma-ray radia tion. The only di(ference
I }, = Wavelength Field
MHz). Following the FM broadcast band are aircraft (UHF) band
~- & "
.... ......
"""''- r....., 1'1 .." ..........
/U/TIoII rJ WI'"!
~"ua ~.
, ,I ~
1~' '''''''' ~--
,- V
.._ l-...,
( "'h~1 ptt
,0' '0' ,0' 10' 10 111 lO ll 101' 1011 10 14 101\ 1(1 1• ]0 11 1011 101~ ION
[ __ 91°1 '"""
,.' ,.' ,.' ,,.. ,.' ,.' ,.' ,.' , ,..
ont pt>oto.o
(11IN"l roo \dr.) 10" 10' 10' 10' I O· 10'
. __ ..... _._._-_ .. _._ .... _-----._ ..... --.---- ...... _----------------_._------_._ .. _...----._ ..... _--------- ...... _-_.- ...
Figure 9 -2 Radio freqllellcy specrntm dum
stmcl vo ur own li!!.hlnine monitor 10 obtain an advance
- -
nine. check ou t these two great We b sites:
warni ng of an approaching electrical stoml be fore h ttp://
you sec o r hear the lightn ing. ·Ille sc nsiti"e lighting
www.lig t uxljsp/gpg/lex Uma J'
detecto r project will a lert yo u to an oncoming storm
from o ver 50 miles away. gh'ing you time to take
cove r or go inside to safe ty. Sate ll ite s are often used to follow lightning s trikcs
i\!la ny have wond e red : During a ligh tning strike. around the wo rld a nd haven·t ad\'unccd to the point
is the e arth conside red positive or neg<ll ive? In an whe re they can accura te ly map local areas. Two major
electrlcll l Slaml. the stoml cloud is charged like u Types of senso rs are commonly used: m<lgnc lic direc-
g iant capacitor. ·1l1e uppe r portion of the cloud is tio n fi nde rs and V HF inte rferome terv. The NariOlwl
positive and the lower portio n is negali ,'e. Like all Lightl/ ing D etection N em·urk (NLDN). which is ope r-
capacitors. an e lect ncal fidd gradient e x.ists be t ween ated by Global AlIl/osphl'ric.s. III Co (GA l ) in Tucson.
the upper positive and lower negative regions. The Arizona. is a ne twork o f more than 130 magne tic
(!) st rength or in te nsity o f the eleci ric fi e ld is d irectly
related to the amount of cha rge b uildup in the cloud.
d irection fi nders thaI covc rs the e ntire U.S. A.- more
than twice the co\·crage of existing weather radar
Antenna R3
Ll A11
Rl R9
C2 03 /
L2 A
/ A17 A16
/ A1S
• •
Figure 9 ·3 U ghtening t/t'teclOr cirCllit (Col/rres." Charles \ I'ell :::eJ)
two C ce lls. As mentioned earlier. to drive a higher
load. the compara tor circuit is powered by a second
the ,lIlte nna in to the input jack a nd power up Ihe
ci rcuit via swi tch S I .
balte ry detennine d by the load that you choose. If.
Z for e xample. you select a 6-\'011 load or buzzer at the
Next. adjLL<;t the sensiti\1ty cont rol \1a potentiometer
R5 for maximum sensiti\1ty. or fully clockwise. Finally.
o utput of the comparator circuit. you would have to adjust the comparator potentiometer at R 13. Turn
provide a 6-volt source by us ing four C cells. the R 13 c1ock\\1se until the ala rm sounds and the n
You will need to lOCale two ballcn' holders. one back down the control until the sound stops. and the
for the main circuit and o ne for the load circuit. The comparator control is set for normal uperation. Your
main circuit can usc a two·C-ce ll battery holde r. a nd light ing monitor is now ready for Storm de tection!
the ba tte ry holder chosen for the load circuit is de pen- You'll be glad you built it once the next storm rum·
dant upon the load that you have chose. A 6-volt load bles into vour town.
trolytic c apaci to r
1 00 uF, 35-volt
by lil!htning stri kes that fall in pitch. A whistler. as
heard in the audio output (rom a VLF whistler
elect rolytic capac itor receiver. generally [.llIs lower in pilch . from as high as
01, 02 lN914 silicon the middle-to-upper frequency range of our hearing
diode downward 10 a low pilch of a couple hundred cycles
LI 10 mH cho ke coi l per s('coml (or hertz). i\'feasured in freque ncy tenns. a
L2 33 0 uH cho ke coi l whistler can begi n nt over 10.000 Hz and fall to less
Ql , Q3 2N4~ 01 than 200 Hz. though the mlljority nre heard from 6.000
t r ansi sto r
down to 500 Hz. Whistlers can tell scientists a greal
Q2. Q4 2N~403
deal abOlH the space environme nt between the sun
and the ea rth lind also a bout Earth's magnetosphere.
transist o r
U1339 quad compa ra-
The causes of whist len; arc {!eneraJlv well known
ning stanns all irlle raC\ 10 cre:lle the intriguing Whistlers and the sounds of the dawn chorus can
sounds and great varie ties of whbth.:rs. not he heard equ ally \\cll everywhere in the world.
How whistlers happe n fro m this combina tion of Reception o f these is poor in equatorial regions and
nat ura l solar- te rrestrial forces is (brien,,) as fo llows: - .
best at geomagnetic latitud e~ abo\'c 50 de!!.
. ree~ For-
Some of the radio e ne re" bums from li!!.htninl!. strikes
travel into space beyond Earth's ionosphe re layers
- - tu natelv the con tinental United States and Canada
arc well positioned for reception of \\ histkrs and
and into the magnetosphere. where they follow OIher signals of nat ural radio.
ap proximate ly the lines of force of the enrth's magnetic
o field to the opposite pola r he misphere. They travcl
Considered bv. manv . liste ners to be the l\lu::.ic of
whistlers.thc dick being the lightnim~ discharged that
- - - -
Ihe D lave r does not exist because it is ionized by
hie.hest when the sun is above the horizon. At ni!ilit.
causell the whistler. A s the ~'I arconi workers conti n- ~ ~
ued their resea rch. they a lso d iscovered a new type o f solar ultraviolet rays.
atmospheric acti"ity that sounded somewhat like the The whistler ra te. or the number of whistlers heard u.
warbling of birds. Because the sound tended to occur per minute. has a marked dependence o n sunspot (1)
most frequently at dawn. they gave il the name dOIl'II act ivity: the rate increases with the sunspot number. ()
chorus. Whistlers are heard on ly when suffici e n t ionization M'
L.R. O. Storey of Cambridge University began a n e xists along the pa th to guide the waves towa rd Ul
in te nsive study of whistlers in 1951. H e confimlcd Earth's magnet ic fi e ld. Th is ionization is assumed to
Eckersk,,'s law. which showed tha t most whistlers be supplied from the sun du ring a solar even!. such as
origina te in ordinaT)' lightning discharges. and fo und su nspot activity. "10 hear a whistler or other signals
the path of propagation of the whistle r to be along such as the dawn chorus. you will no doubt have 10
the lines of Earth's magne tic field. get away [TOm power lines and industrial noise, The
liste ning time for these signals will be from ncar local
Oth~r inte resl ing sounds incl ude tweeks. which
m id nigh t to early mo rning hours.
have been described by one listener as a cross
betwecn chirping birds and a hundred litt lc men hitting
iron bars with hammers. The epheme ra l dawn chorus
is a cacophony of sound that resembles noth ing clse
o n Earth. Tweeks are abrupt. descending notes th at
resemble pings. On ley are us ually heard at night du ring
the wint~r and early spring.
4 -
Even though whistlers and re l.lIed emissions occur al
acoustical (requencies. they are radio signals. To hear
s"itch S2 is used to s\\itch in the high·pass filter circuit.
whereas switch 53 is USeUto switch in the low· pass
whistlers. you must in tercept their electromagnetic filte r. You ca n select either or both filters if desired.
energy wit h an antenna and transfoml il 10 Ihe The ou tput of the low-pass filte r circu it is coupled
•I mechanica l vibra tions to which OU T ears respond. to the (inal a udio amplifier slllge via capacitor e17.
( It is not easy to go oul and buy a radio capable of Po tentiometer R 12 controls the audio le\'eI enlc ring
lUning I to JO K Hz. but il is possible 10 build a sensi· the U.1386 audio amplifier at U I. Notc that R 12 also
live receiver 10 penni t you hear the sounds of nalUral contains a switch 55. which is used \0 supply power to
rad io waves. We will explore what causes these the LM386 nudio :lmplifier. ·1l1e ompUi of the LM386
( sounds and sec how you ca n study them yourself. is cou pled to an audio output jack via capacitor 00.
• The classic whisllcr rece iving system consists of an C lpacitor CIS is coupled to a recorde r output jack to
antenna for signal collection. an a mplifier to boost allow a chan recorder o r a nulog-IO-digital converter
the signal le\"e l. and headphones or a speaker to trans· to be used to monitor and record the output from the
fonn the signal to sound waves. (A magnetic tape whistler receh'er. The whistl.:r recei\'er can be powered
recorder can be substitu ted for th e headpho nes or from a 9-volt ballery for field receiving applications.
speaker.) A whistler receiver cll n simply be an audio Power 10 the circuit is supplied via power switch S....
amplifier connected to an antenna system. However. For slHlio nary reception a nd recording. you can
powerful manmade interference immediately abo\·e power the circuit from a 9-\·011 wall·wan power supply.
and below the frequencies of interesl tcnd 10 seriously ·1l1e \\ hisllcr receiver is cOIlSlructed using good R F
overload receivers of this sort and make rece ption of techniques on a glass epoxy circui! board \\~th large
wh istlers and related phenomena difficult. ground p!:lI1e structures. that is. using scrap pieces of
To overcome these probl ems. a good whistler circuit boards placed ve rtica lly acting as RF sh ielding
receiver circuil includes a circui t called a low-pass (Figure 9·6). Yo u could modularize the circuit building
filter thaI allenuatcs all signals a bo\"e 7 KHz. This by using three small circuit boards: one for the R F
grea tly reduces in te rference from such sources. To filter and trap ci rcuit. one for the high-pass a nd 10\\-
escape in te rference fro m AC power lines a nd other pass filter. and a third board for the audio amplifier
, AI 5
C2 C3 ,
,, 84 AI7
AI 6
,, 9V 11
- ---- --
60 Hz TRAP 81 C23 C24 0
,, u.
-- IN- -,
- --l OW- PASS 0
C6 , , -- - --,
I S2:b , - - -- ("t
A9 Q2'
, All
,, CIO
, I
, I
,, C I6
A7 C8 A8
, L2
---- .. _--_. - ------_ .. _---
Figure 9-5
--- ------- . -- ----- ------ .---- ----
Dual FET whislfer receil'l!r eirellif
------- -- ----_ .. -----_. - . ---. -.-- ----- ._-_. -.... ---"-
1 0~rne gohm.
res i!lto r
1 /4~ watt , z....
lea\·es or I!rass movine. in the wind. and e\'en the elec-
~ ~ R8 lK ohm, 1 / 4- watt, 5 \
re s ist o r
Irostatic cha rges that build up on your cloth ing. P<lSS-
ing vehides o ften e mit noise [rom their electrical and R9 lk ohm , 1 / 4- watt, 5\
r esistor
ignition systems. A nd if you have 11 digital watch .
keep it aW<ly from the ante nna or you'll he listening Rl O 3.3K o hm . 1 /4- wat t.
5% resi sto r
to it instead of whistlers.
A nything you hear o ther than whjstlers and
Rl l , Rl2 820-ohm , 1 /4 -
wa tt. 5 \ re Sistor :xJ
related phenomena o r orvlEGA signals are likely to Rl3 10K ohm pote n tiome - IlJ
be the result of extraneous signals overloadi ng your
recei\'e r. Burbling sounds (possibly mixed with
ter (panel)
Rl4, R1 7 l a-ohm. 1 /4 - ....
Oi>.'IEGA tones) are caused by mili tary sigmlls in the
15 to 30 KHz range, perhaps overloading the receiver.
watt, 5\ resistor
R1S. Rl6 2 . 2K ohm, 1 / 4-
watt. 5 \ re Sistor
A ticking sound Ht a 10 Hz fate is from Loran-C
C l , C3 47 p F , 35-v olt
radio-navigat ion signals at 100 KHz. The Loran-C mica capacitor
navigation syste m was used extensively by ship cap- C2 100 pF, 3S-volt mica
tains. sa ilors.. a nd boaters before the adven t of global c apac ito r
positioni ng system (G PS). In gene ral. don·t be sur- C4, CS, C6 3.3 nF . 35 -
prised if you experience overloading from tnmsmit- volt Mylar capac itor (l)
ters ope ra ting on a ny freque ncy. if they are wit hin C7, CIS 0.0 1 u F , 35-
volt c 8ramic disk
sight of the location where you're using your whistler ca pacito r r+
receIver. Ul
C8 2 7 pF, 3S - vo l t mica
Some whistle rs lllld rela ted signals are so sha n c apa c i to r
lived and impossible 10 predict thai you migh t want C9 1 uf, 35 - volt elec-
t r o lyti c c apacitor
to consider usi ng an unattended tape recorder to
record the signals in the field. A ny tape recorder wi th C I O 0. 18 uF o 35-volt
tantalum capacitor
an external microphone input can be used. Best
CII 0.1 2 uF , 35-volt
results a re obtained wit h a recorder tha t has no (I!/fO - tantalum c apacitor
II/f//ic It"'d colllroi (A LC). The VLF receiver shown Cl2 1 .8 uF , 35-volt
has II output jack that can be coupled to a recorder tantalum c apacitor
input for fidd recording. You may have to place the C1 3 0. 68 uF , 35- v olt
tape recorder away from the recei\'er to a\'oid pick- tan t alum capacito r
ing up motor noise. G ood luck and happy exploring! Cl4 0. 22 uF, 35-vo lt
tantalum c apa c it o r
Cl6 0.068 uF, 35-vo l t
tantalum c apa c it o r
~ +9V
- R3 -
U2 j5.UT
-2 B
5 Rl
Ul ,
" i:"Cl 1
"" 7 6 3
7 ' _ +V
C6 I ': C7 :!cC12
- I
- - - -C2b- T2
C2. 7
- - B
J- "*-
2 C13
U3 >5 + " 5 PK
R7 ( I 3 7
C11 '-
Figure 9-7 Three Ie sl/Or/wlI\'" receil'er cirellil
nern leads should be ke pi ns short as possi ble because receiver. Bo th potentio me ters R4 and R7 are mounted •
this is an RF cin:ui l. Be sure 10 usc Ie socke ts for the o n the fron t pan e l of the chassis box. A 2- or 3-inch D
ICs lu a\'o id problems switch ing out compo nenlS at a speaker is also mounted o n the fron l panel of the I
later date if the re arc defecti,'c parlS.. ICs need to be c hassis along with the on-off swj tch at SI. -1l1e pri ntcd t
installed correctly 10 avoid destroying them. Most ICs circui t board is mou nted to the bonom of the chassis )
h ,m~ a notch CUI o ut of Ihe plastic at the l Op or Ie box with If, -inch pl astic sta nd-offs to lift the boa rd of
package or they ha" e an indented ci rcle near pin I of the metal floo r of the chassis.
Ihe IC Be carefu l when handling the ceram ic fi lte r -Ine front -cnd coil asse mbly at TI is a hand wound
and be sure to obsen'e the cen te r or ground wire coil consisting of a T37-2 ferrit e core from Micromctals.
\\ hen insta lling Ihis device. When build ing the in Anaheim . Ca lifornia. The inp ut transforme r coi l T I
shortwave receiver be sure to observe Ihe correct consists of two coils wo u nd o n the fe rri te corL'_ The
polari ty of Ihe electrolytic capacitors as we ll as that p rim ary coil consists of '4 turns o f iP6 gauge enamel
of the tnmsislor. wire closely wound o n the fer rite core. The sccondar)'
Because this p roject is a radio p roject. you sho uld coi l consis ts o f 5 turns of #26 ga uge enamel wi re
choose a mew I e nclosure for the project. A n "Iu- wound on top of the primary coil. 111e coil at T2 con-
minum chassis box measuring 6 X 6 x 21h inches is sists of 2' turn s of it26 gauge e name l Wife closely
best for this project. Tuning capaci tors CI ,md Cl afe wound o n a ferrite core_
both mounted on the fronl panel of an alum inum
chassis box. which was used to house th e shortwave
.c.o-""G~O'~~ 105'1Y.1'27U W
-'-1>1'1 11 ./ 1 I 1 1 ~ .]- 1
I . I . I . A27 ~ A5} .I. ;::
- - - --
C39 C40 C41 HQ A -.
LED1 C6 -=-
L3 C7
J2 Cl C23
...:.....J ...,
n "";"1 1" ,1 1 , '
o A2 I.
- 11~ -bI. -
- - - -.=- ell C20 C2 1
-:Jz. I- C12I .
ru A •
, I - A12
A6 R7
C38:r: i L5
'"c. C24 I
o TPl -
ID A26 "-, I
'; ---"I ':L ZD2 C29
n J3
- -- R15
'"' U3./
'" - I
A16=- C28
- J4
R18 I C34 OUT
'" Figure 9-11 JUpill'l' radio IC'llfs('(lpe l'i/"{:lIil
l b PVC
--------------_.-------- ------------, ------------_. ------------- -------------_ .. _---
9 -13 Basic dipole
<C---- -
t 1'6"
--'-'-"------+> I+-<---'-'-"'--~>, :
11 '6" I
+- /)2 of AG-59
}J of AG -59
F - POWER 16.2' +
If you want to locale your receiver indoors and cable supplied with the kit is one \\;welength: thaI is.
your an lenn a is outside or on the rooftop. and if your 9.85 me ters long (ta king into account the 66 percellt
antenna Icad will not reach. you mus t use a longer \<eloci ty factor of the RG -591U cable). The maximum
coax cable. Do not usc just ilO)' lenbr1h of coax. The recommended cable length is fi ve wavele ngths.
cable going from lhe power combiner to the rccei\'er l llere are ma ny differe nt manufacturers and
should be a multiple of half a wa"elength long. The quali ties of coaxial cable.llle 75-ohl11 cable supplied
l 7. 4-ohm re sisto r
29'1- o hm r esistor
l OO-ohm re s i !Sto r
th at JO\'inn rad io storms mav be short in duration . so R' 2 .2 K ohm re sistor
persistence and luck are nee ded to capture J upi ter's R7 1 0K ohm li n ear
pote n tiomet er
radio signals.
R8 2 . 2K ohm
Nigh ttime observations fro m a lCmporary fie ld
R9 . R19 l OO K ohm
setup can be dange rous. so phm earefull)'! G L't per-
RlO 22 . ohm
mission in ad\'ance to use the site. set up be fore da rk.
R11 l.SK ohm
and use cau tion when walking arou nd the site a t
R12 , R20 , R21 , R27 lK
nighl. lllc Jupitcr radio telescope has two audio o ut·
puts: one channel can be used for ordinary listening
Rl ), R1 8 27K ohm
and the second outpu t jack can be used for recording.
R14 l OO K Ohm
You can e lect 10 use a port able audio la pe recorde r.
R15 1 0K ohm po t ent i ome-
howeve r note that ne arly all cOlllmon portable tape te r / s wi t c h
recorders usc an lI//tommie r('cordillg It,\"(,/ COI/tI'O/ R16 1 0K ohm
(ALe) circuiLlllC ALe can Illask the variatio ns in R17 1 . 5K ohm
Q) L3 3.9 mH , (o range ,
CIO 270 pF, 35-volt g old. white , gold)
disc c eramic
L4 , L5 1.5 mH,
CIS 10 pF disc ce rami c adjustable inductor
C16 , C24, C25 10 mF , L6 , L7 82 mH, fixe d
35- v olt DC, induc tor
Ql J-310 jun c tion field
C17, C18, C21 , C23, C26 , effect , transistor
C29 0.1 mF, 35-volt (JFE.T )
dipped ce rami c
Q2 2N-3904 bipOlar , NPN
c apacitor
C19 1 mF, 35- v olt metal
polyester capacit o r Q3 2N-390 6 bipOlar , PNP
transisto r
C20 . C22 0.0 68 mF. 35-
Ul SA602~~ mixer I
volt, 5% metal film
o scillator IC
Radiation Sensing
photons. e lectrons. protons.. and ion ized e lemen ts. cosmic rtlllilllioll. \ Ve now know it is coming uni·
such as he lium and iron . The ionized e le menls h,H'e formly [rom all over space and not just from ou r
been stripped of th eir electrons. Whe n these high- galaxy. so it does not make sense to say gll/aclic. I •
speed pan icles pass thro ugh ma ile r. they can do Shie ldi ng aga inst cosmic radiat io n is difficult )
danmge. possibly dee p inside the mailer. As they go
throue.h . they leave behind them a tra il of ion ized
beca use its particles lire so high energ.y. Tlle energy of J
• cosmic radiation can pe netTa te through me ters of
panicles (tllllt is. pa rticles with missing electrons). The
number of ionized panicles per centimeter of path
shielding. Fortunate ly. the level is low enough Ihal it
is not a problem fo r a short tri p into o ute r space.
depends on the type of particle a nd its veloci ty. A big- Howeve r. cosmic rad ia tion could be a significant ro
ger a nd higher-speed particle will do lTlore damage. problem for long-te rn} space travelers. for exa mple ':l
The io nizing radiation nea r Ea rth comes from our those who migh t sla[f a space slatio n for more than a fJ
sun and also dista nt parts of the universe. couple years. oJ.
In this chapter. you will learn how to construct and The sun gives off a regular SO/lIr lI'iml and a few
. a clo ud chamber for dctecline: low-ionizine:
utilize - times a year a sollir pliMicle {'I'em (SPE). These SPEs
a lpha part icles. You will discover how to de tect ioniz- are so me times called sO/lir flares. bU I they are really
ing radiation using the )ow-cost electronic ion cham- mo re linked to COrollll/ mllss ejectiolls. SPEs se nd OUI
ber. which can be constructed using four common ly elec trons and la rger particles. Tlle e lectrons arrive
avai lable transistors. Junior scientists can construct well in ad "ance of the larger particles (on the order
their own a dva nced e lectronic io n cham be r that will of half a day). The e lectrons arc 110 \ so dangerous and
permit more serious radialio n stud y. Rock ho unds can be used 10 predict when the large r particles will
can build a battery-powered G eige r counter th at C<l n be coming. AJso o bservations o f the sun can indicale
be used for rock collectio n <lnd field radiation stud ies. when things a re happen ing. NASA has a Web page
called Space We ather Now whe re you can sec predic-
tions fo r the sun"s activity.
Some of Ihe part icles from the sun get trapped and simple number. And although it soon gels:l hil Illorc
collected bv . Ihe earth's ma!!nclic
- fi eld. Inside Ihis complicated. it is slill much si mpler than dealing with
area Ihe panicles build lip to higher conccn lnllions nu,'" inform.llion.
Ihan they do in open space. The ,nmospherc has an Working wi lh radiation and radioac l in~ materials
inner concentration of protons and an ouler concen- req uires great care and ca n be hazardolli. to your
tration of electrons. Each group circles Ihe earth lik e health if pro pe r handli ng techniq ues a re not used .
a dough nlll or helt . T1IIS area is known as the Vall ivla ke sure that VOII a re \\·ell infomlcd as to radiation
A f/ell belts after the man Ihat discovered them in safety methods before handling. ntdioact i\·c substances.
1958. Probably the VII/I A llt'l t dOl/gi ll/fits docs nOI
sound as good. Below about 1.000 kilomelcrs ahi-
tude. the radiation is reduced \0 lrace levels.
Fun with a Cloud Chamber
A cloud cham her is a de\·ice u!jcd to de leCt elemen-
Radiation Sources tary particles ami other ionizing radiat ion. A cloud
E,lfIh _such as radon eas. which is often found leaking
from the ground in certain are:lS of the counlr"_
V:LpOr. it leaves a tmil of charged panicles (ions) that
se n 'e as condens.ation centers for the vapor. which
( ,
then condenses a rou nd these particles. The path of
R"dium and uranium can be found in man\' locations
c. in the Southwest. Radioactivi t"• can also be found in the radiat io n is thus ind ica ted by tmcks of tiny liquid
mass. Absorbed radiat ion dusage starts out as a single
toward the cool bOil am . becoming. supersaturated. II
248 Electronic Sens or s for t he Evil Genius
Because the vapor is at tc mperClture where it ()
normall y can·t e xist. it wi ll \"Cry easily conden.:,e inlo
liquid form. Whe n an e lectrically charged cosm ic ray
comes II lo ng, it ionizes the '-apor. 'Inat is.. the cosmic
ray tears away the e leclrons in some of Ihe gas atoms
along its path. This leaves these moms positi,·e ly
cha rged (because il removed e lectrons tha t have II
negative c harge). Othe r. nearhy aloms are attracted
10 this newly io nized atom, This is e noug.h 10 s tart the
conde nsntion process. So. you sec little d roplets
Figure 10-1 OiIImiol! dO/ill chllll/ber forming a long the path the particle took through
the cham ber.
I Slide Projector
Relaining Box
detecting- nuclear rad ia tion a re fairl v easv. to build -
rad ia tion detector had onl\'. IWO darlinU(Qns to test
but the circuitry is tricky and should be attemptcd the principal. )
o nl y by seasoned experime nters TIle ion chamber at RC-l is constructed by using a
-l.S x -l inch diame te r peanut can. as seen in Figure
10-5. One cnd of the peanut can is removed . and the
opposite end is drilled with a ~/.,- inch hole.lllc sens-
Low-Cost Ion Chamber ing transistors and other componen ts are placed in
their own com partment. as shown in Figu re 10-6. For
Radiation Detector
Is it possible to bui ld a sensitive yet inexpensive radi-
at ion de tcctor with a couple o f transistors? 111('
.mswer is 11 defini te yes! A s imple radiilt ion detector
was fab rica ted around il sma ll ion chamber with four
darlill!.~ton tra nsistors acting as curren t ampl ifiers.. A
few extril componen ts were required illso (see the
photo in Figure 10-3).
The basis for this experiment is 11 sin gle da rlington Figure 10-4 [>1.'(//1111 call 1I.~ed to make 1/11 iOIl
s:: tra nsistor. wi th its base connected di rectly to the chamber (Collrfesy Ciwrles Wenzel)
Figure 10-3 Silllple radimioll d('le{·lOr (Collrtesy Figure 10-6 £11(1 (-"lIp lIlIll COllI/ector pillS
Charles Wenzel) (Collrfesy Charles Wen:el)
, • 00
... ---------_. . --- ----- ------- --- --_.. _. _. .. ---------------------------------------
Figure 10-8 1011 chamber' (COllrtesy Charies \Vellz!'l)
<l solvent <lnd IhOrou2hlv-
. - it. If the , 'oltage is
still high. your darlingtons may not be good enough:
Miscellaneous p er f-
bOa r d c ircu i t, wi r e ,
peanut can, mountinq
try <lIlOlher Iype. Once the reading is low and steady. ha r dwa r e, b a t tery
hold a radioactive: source. such as a lantern mantle. clips, wOoe b asep l ate,
m<!ler shown.
"' 111e ion chamber circui l actually. works vcrv . well
Rdvanced Ion Chamber
( and. after giving il .5 or 10 minu les 10 se ttle down. it Rad iation Detector
" , could delect Ihe lan tern mantic from several inches
away. The circuil is somewhat te mperatur<! se nsi liv..:. Sensitive ho memade ion chambers for det..:cting
and the mete r will move up the scale slig.htly with a ny nuclear mdiation are fairl". eas\'. 10 build. but the cir-
I increase in roo m te mperature. l1le pe rfomlance of cuitf)' is tricky and should be attempted only by sea-
~ th is circuit is quile amazing. You can easily detect a soned expe rimc llIcrs. The curre nts arc likely to be
Colem.m lantern mantic and walch the meter mo,'c- well below I pA unless a serio us nuclear war is in
mcnt as the mantle is brought closer to the detection progress! Special electronics are needed at the front
loop gain. a nd a 0.01 uF Miller capacitor is added to
reduce the am plifier frequency response (for stll bility
chamber. The bias curre nt that gives this wonderful
tempe rat ure compensation is 40 uA . and because the
(\) and to reduce 60 Hz gain). An op-amp (O P-07) is drai n resistor will have 5 volts across il.the desired
added to boost the OUtput by a faclor of 100. The zero resistor val ue is 5/ J6 uA = 115k. Your res ults may vary.
2 56 El ect ron ic Se n sors f or the Evi l Ge ni us
A3 C2 ~'
~ A4 I
b~e ~
I- 01
e ~3
.A 02
A5< A6
- - - --
"" D2 ~
- - 8 1:A +
- 81
C5 - I ::0
.> I
A 1/\ -ti-
I P-
Ul '6 I
f-b 41 Y I PI
A9 r- -'-- B2
-- o
Al0 +
- -
------ --- --- ---- ------ ----- -- --._ .. --- .. ----._-------------._------ ._--_ .. _._-- -_._--- . --------------
Figure 10-11 1011 chilmber If (Collrlt's), Charles Well:;eI)
e xample. you could use Mylar aU ached ovcr the e nd
of the can with a rubber band.l11e chamber is at
room pressure so the membrane does not need
added slrength. Linle feet a re added 10 the bouom of
Ihe can so that you could easily slip Ihe radial ion disk
underneath without dist urbing the chambe r. Ion
chamber n produces some gratifying results: A ve ry
minute radiation source gives an o utput \'oltage
cha nge o( lIhout 70 mY. which is vc ry large compared
to the meIe r wande r of about 2 mV.
------ -------------.------.-._._-- .. _-_ .. -. __ ._---
Figure 10-12 101/ chamber hOI/sed ill II melfll e (1II
down to a sleady reading. The 15-voll power supply C2, C3 0.0 1 uF, 35-volt
disc c apacitor
voltage should be fi ne for most ion chamber sizes. If
C4 10 uF, 35 -volt elec -
the. voltage is 100 low. the readings \ViII be low. as the
trolytic c apacitor
ions have lime to recombine before being swept to C5 O. l uF, 35-volt di~c
the electrodes. capacito r
TIle mdioaclive ele ment from a smoke deleclOr 01 IN7S1 Zener diode
can be held up to Ihe Geige r counter so yOll can 02 IN7S) Zen er diode
walch the coun t soar to about 22.000 COlli liS per lIIill- Q1 2N4117A FET transi~-
in betwi!en 10 watch the count drop 10 200 cpm. The Q2 2NHOI NPN t ran s is -
ion chamber should gi ve a readim! of 200 mY. which
~ ~
Experimenting with a
Advanced Ion Chamber Geiger Counter
Parts List
Eve rything on Earth is constantly bombarded by var-
RI 100,OOO -megOhm g la ss ious kinds of nuclear radiation .1l1ese invisible parti .
re si st or (Vietoreen)
cles and rays arc collectively known as backgrol/nd
I R2 12SK ohm, 1 /4-watt
r esistor radi(lfion. Electromagnetic radiation includes e"ery-
photons and have wavelenglhs much shOrl e r than a In some 1u e as radon seeps i11l0 bllseme11ls and
wavelength of light. Onley tra\'e l ilt Ihe speed of light lowe r stories of houses. office buildings. factories. and
a nd have e no rmously high penetra ting power. They schools.. A study of some houlies in He lsinki. Finland.
can pass e nt ire ly throug.h a human body and are revealed that radonle \·els inside were more than
sto pped only hy Ihick layeP-O of soil a nd concrete. 5.000 times higher than outs ide.
Gamma rays arc able to pass through sevcral ccn- We ll waler sometimes con tai ns radon. and a Cana-
timcters of lead and other denSe materials anti can dian study fou nd th at radon increased dramat ically in
st ill be detected on the othe r side. a dosed bath room during a shower with contami-
Beta ra\'s we re found to be madt.: of electrons. na ted wa te r. i t took more than an hou r for the bath-
identical to the ekctrons found in atoms. Be ta ravs room to re turn to the level thaI it was before thc
ha\·e a net negative chan!e. Beta rays have a greater sho wer. Ho uses havc been built on o r ncar the radon-
penetrating. power than do apha rays and can pene- e mitting tailings from uranium mines. And some
Irate 3 millim\!ter.i of aluminum. A beta particle can building m ateri als emit radon. For example. bricks
pass through a few centimeters of human lissue. arc some times made from radioactive slag and fly ash
Alpha rays were found in the nuclei of helium from coal-fired power plants.And radioactive sub- I
stances such as phosphogypsum <lnd alum shales I'
atoms. where t\\'o protons and two neutrons bound
tog.cther. A Ipl11l rays have a ne t positive charge. have been used to make plasterboard. blocks. ....
Alpha particles hm'e weak penetrating abi lity. a cou-
ple of inches of ai r or a few sheets of papcr can effec-
cement. ilnd o therbuilding materia ls. Ordinary sand
,lIld gnl\'el canbe slightly radioHctive. Nuclea r power
tively block them. Your skin protects you from alpha plants.a tmosphe ric nudear explosio ns. radioactive
radiation. but a source of alpha particles Cilll pro\'e waste. and medica l a nd dental X-ray machines are
dangerous if it is inhaled or swnllowed . a lso sources of radiation. fJl
De pe nding on where you ]j\·e. perhaps ha lf the
background radinlion passing through this page. and
Sources of Background
throug h your body. comes from outer space. The rest
comes from soil. rocks. building mat erials. air. a nd ....
even "our own bones.
Gamma Aay ~ ~
is sensiti\'e to gamma. be ta. and alpha radiatio n
sources. The Gei!!er counter ci rcuit depicted in
Detected Aay Figure 10·16 litera lly Sla rts w;lh the 4m9 hex inverting
buffer a l the left of the diagram. Tht.:' hex inverters nre
- s..: t up as a square \\'n\'c gc ne rntor. The ·UK ohm
I potentiometer adjusts the width of the squa re wave.
( Fig ure 10 -13 C/frml 'oy (Irml'illg of (I Geiger
111e power MOSF ET I R FS30 switches Ihe curre nt o n
MI/ella ( G M ) lIIb e
260 El ect r onic Sen sors fo r the Evi l Ge n ius
Counl ",10 n _ Do . . ",I.
Geiger -
-, -.. . ~
-• -,
Do .. ",10 mR I I!.
Figure 10-14
. ... ----- .. ---_._..
Co/IIII mte I'en·us dose rare
- -----
Image courlcsy of Images S.I.
.. ---_ .. _--- .. _----_._-_ .... _---_._-----_ .. _-------- ... -
Figure 10-15 Geiger COlWler
02 A4 GM
A1 A3
Ul :C Q1
C2 01 .--------------.r--o +v
Ul :E
A2 C6
+v A5
C7 A6
U2 U3
81 5 3 +
-.. _.--- ... ----_._--- .... ----------._----- .. _-_ .. _-----._---_ ... _-----------------------------------------_.- ... --------
Figure 10·16 Geiger CO//l/ler circuit
from 0.1 to 0.2 milliroent ge ns per hour (mR/hr) when '111e Rada1crt 5U is a small sdf-contained di ,l!ital
the end wi ndow of a Geige r counter is placed directly Geiuer counter made by lnlemational ~...Iedcom.
adjacent to the m'IOI!c. Whe n the mantle is rolled into wh ich sells for about S IS5. This rugged instrumen t
a tigh t bundle. the reading will increase to around 0.5 indicates either the accum ulated count or the counts
mRlhr. Because the ("QUill ratc drops only slightly per minute. One of its most impo rta nt feat ures is an
when a piece of paper is placed between a lamp man- output jack that perm its Ihl! instrumelll to be coupled
tll! and a G -M tube. it appears that most of the radia- to an ex l~mal circuit. recorder. or compute r. This will
Ol lion is in the form of beta pa rticles emitted by the a llow you 10 colleel dOlO o\·,.:r a pe riod of time and
rad ium-J28 byproduci of Ih e thorium in the ma ntle. a na lyze the results later. Ma ny researchers have used
this G eige r count e r a long with an j-lP-95 LX mini-
computer. The R_M -60 fro m Aware Electronics is
Using a Ge iger Counter to another G eiger COUlHe r and contains an oulpUI thai
C ca n be connected to a computer. 'I1tis coun ter with
Q) Monitor Solar Flares softwa re sells for abou t SI49.00.
Ul Solar [Jares a re explosive storms in active are as on
8 hours.. r eaistor
Flares a re classified by inte nsity. An M-e/ass pare R2 15K o hm , l / ~-wa tt
re siato r
is te n limes as inte nsc as a C·dass flare. a nd an X-
R3 lK ohm. 1 / 4-w3tt
cflls.~·plln· is ten times as inte nse as a n ~'I -class narc.
re s i , t o r
There are five different dasses of X-ra\, [lares. The
R4 10 -megohm . 1 /4- watt
purpose of this project is to de tect M- a nd X -class r e,iator
solar X-ray nares from the surface of the eart h using R5 , R7 lOOK ohm, 1/~
a Geiger counter to de lcet changes in the back- W3tt re sisto r
ground count.1l1e background coun t of a G c iger R6 10K o hm , 1 / 4-watt
counte r is caused bv. cosmic ra\'S r eS ist o r
. a nd rad ioac ti\'c
mate rials in the earth"s crust. Cosm ic ravs come fro m RS 5K potentiometer
deep space and from solar narcs on the sun. Radium Cl 0.00 41 uF, 35- v olt
Myl ar capacitor
is fou nd in the !!round and can be localed bv. usi ng a
~ ~
C2. CS 0 . 01 uF , 35-volt
Geiger counte r to detect radon sec-pin!!: from soil a nd
disc capa c itor
rocks. For this project. I used a G e ige r counte r to
C3 100 uF o 35 - v01t
de tect the background count o n a n hourly basis. I e l ec trolyti c c apacito r
the n made graphs of the b;lckground coun t a nd of C4, C5 0.00 1 uF, 35-
both ~vl - and X-class solar X-ra\' nares. 'Ibe de tection volt disc c apa c ito r
Frccscale Semiconductor MicroCoatings
7700 West PUnne r Lane One Li berty Way
Maiislop PL-02 Westford. MA 01 886
Austin. TX 78729 Inte rfere nce filters
Mo torola MPX2100DP pressure se nsor
Genera1 Easte rn instruments 5615 E La PalmaAvC.Anaheim. CA
500 Research Drive Anaheim. CA
Wilmingto n. MA 01887 (7 14) 970-9400
(800) 334-8643
G-Cap2 capacitive bumidity sensor Mouser E lectronics
PO Box 699
Glolub Corporation Mansfield. TX 76063
307 Pine Ridge Dri,'c (800) 346-6873
Wappingers Fa lls,i\ry 12590
(845) 297-9772 fax (for credit card o rde rs) Na tional Instit ute of Standards and Technology
Infrared mOl ion detector kit and pa rts (NIST)
Washingto n, DC 20402
Ha mamatsu Corporation Publica tions available
PO Box 6910
Bridgewater. NJ 08807 National Semiconducto r
+-l 2900 Semicond uctor Drive
o Honeywelllnternatiomll r.o. Box 58090
n3 101 Columbia Road
r.·fo rristown. NJ 07962
San ta Cla ra. CA 95052
Sixt h SeilsI.'
Ohmite ivlfg.. Co.
3601 H oward Street
-I Stins(ord R oad Skok ie. IL 60076
Poole Dol'Set (8-l7) 675-2600 te lephone I
Engla nd BH I7 ORZ (R47) 675 -1 505 fax
CATI 6n5 pellislOr gas se nsor in fo@o
wWw.sixt hse www.o hmit
Data Sheets
2 71
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More compact and a fm ction ofa tradit iona l
chart recorder price .
Includes WinDaqfL ite Chart Recorder So Ct-ware. Wi nDaq Wavefoml Browser Playback and
Anal ys is Software, and Documentat ion.
Provided Acti veX Contro ls all ow you to program the 01- 194 from any Windows programmin g en
env lrOllment . ::r'
NEW OataqSOK 1.0 (beta) Linux Package. Free C++ So nware Developers Kit for use with the
DI-194RS and DJ-1 54 RS Starter Kit devices. C li ck here to Jearn more ...
Download our Starter Kit Oata sheet
Download a PDF of the DI- 194RS Starter Kit Manual
sl a rtc rki l~df.jpg (6666 b)1CS)
Question s? Check oul our Starter Kit Frequent ly Asked Questi ons Page.
Need more power? Take a look al our new starter kits and Olber dala acqu isition units:
NEW 01- 148 and 01 -158 Series Data Acquisition Starter Kits. With up to 14,400 Hz
sample rates. USB interface. and lip to ±64V FS range.
NEW 01-710 Dala Acqui sition System with stand-a lone capabi lity. Low-cost yet
powerful data acqui siti on sys tem with stand-alone option allowing you to record data directly to
memory card.
View our fu ll speclnJlll of products: C li ck here to cbeck out our se lection guide
- -
Product Hi ghlight s
The DI-1 94RS is a fo ur-chann el data acqui sition modul e des igned to familimize you wilh
WinDaq chart recorder software. It provides lO-bit measurement accuracy, a ± IOV analog
measurement range, up to 240 samples/second throughput, and four analog input channe ls. It
features a seria l port interface, making insta ll ation a snap. h also features two di gital inputs that
can be used for remote start/stop and remote event marker comro l with WinDaq/Li tc so ftw are.
Ou r DI- 194RS starter kit provides a taste of the exceptional power and speed possible with
WinOaq software. A free CO demonstrates the WinDaq Waveform Browser, our pl ayback and
anal ys is software (just call and ask), but to get a hands-on illustratio n of the chart recorder and
display capab il ities of W inDaqlL ite, you need the DI- 194RS starter kit. When connected to your
pe s serial pon , the 01-194RS starter kit allows you to record, chan, and analyze dat a lIsing your
own signal s. The DI - 194RS staner kit con sists ora portable, four- channel, 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.25 inch
ND module that can be directl y connected to the serial pOlt of any pc. The module features
four, singl e-ended, bipolar ana log inputs (maximum measurement range ± lO vo lt s) and two
di gital in put ports for remot e stop/start or remote event ma rker control. It also fea tures an
onboard wavcfoml generator thai can be used as a quick, con venient input signal. The kit ships
with WinDaqfli tc chart recorder software and WinDaq Wave[oiUl Browser pl ayback and
anal ysis softw are. Data acquisition rales up to 240 samples per second are supported fo r
Windows 95, 98, N T, ME, 2000, and XP.
Self-Powered Advantage
The DI-194RS derives it s power directly fTOm the RS-232 serial port to which it is connected -
no batteri es to replace or external power supplies to connect.
~ OP.6SO Stl'lel IS :1..1 uilr.l.<Omp.ltL k'l,\ -J'O"' tl LCD 1:I.t!ICI I~II\; onh :5111 W of
pLMtI Thi mrlC'f li hi!ll fJI 1pplJClUOM r~n~ I hl!,i\h .dubk lCD dtiJ'il> 1.11 ~
SI!LlH p.1C~e The srup-m benl ~mg oubl~ ~ :tnol r.lpiJ 1ll;U1:J!l0II of ~
, I. 1 8
1f.t[<!1 The illr~hc:L' of 1Ie;.gt. II' ff\olL3t1:~ poOI«1rCln. iltld \0\\
Ctlllll'lbYlt III Ilr bJ~ relLlbl!11 orlhali cr.1a
J'OI\ ~I COIb~mrlilXl .lll
~ InJlllI \club~ flll},'tS.tre l"li.l~bIt '!')!Om\', .t2VOC. :.nd t..!O\ t t A J·11mA
cutfdll IOput ~r<:T :OP-670) u also orrtl~d A~onuuc pcIbrl1l . OICtr3l!j1t rn.bcailon.
aJ)umbk d~1IJI31 ~'IIi. w tb.pI.l'I HOlD Me $UrWrJ fell\ll'H l l i DP.(,<(t ~LtS
=pI~H 1 dlLll ilc • tD~,;nllnj; AID CI'!I\nt&:I'. :md Op::r.!ld rrOf:l:ln mUm;!1 .' -!mV
ld"i.'IetlCc ItU prtCWOD IX:-It).[)C CMler'.i'1 T'IlIOI )((l,Q'\ IS ill ' " __
Features Technical Notes ro
· tmf"'''' ....,.. b=I prl V ! TbI: (!.1DDCI.-Dm ~D c!ltre>'OUwllpm. fu DII~~ ~um. INI'UTI') u ro
• \'er) ICIWI p;>acr .... :_(WDCIi1"""l
~ 10 GND .rlllo: ~r!1 1I1"'"n1 fm:II Lbt pcMtt mm:c (tmo;llNf'UT\.,.,(iSD
mlackm:tl} a Il!r~. 10K It$lIOI"Dt'I ..orlllllb..'lIlt1 rtdI« ,mn-
D.fli:n:nual il:~l'oj'S"'=tP (I)
l Dupll~ bd.d~ ~ ,,11m HOLD" lup 1-5V) Ru1IIIp ~ ~P"17ed ".'" HOlD Illo\ll
• o.t·.l)pala:t1lIXY
J Tb: ~IIllII"'W " uiC' iCI<::UhII: b~ «fl_: lilt cIe ' "'"I ;aliI pal i~ ~ III ~ II<I OP
• lkid-di"'~ r,..;. .. COM(pa 11
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QL-u~di_1I I!ic I11III1"" """'"-led <XI w, b:ad.1'l \be Di'~ 1
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~lC iIIllll IIPJI (Itt T........." Not: I)
Nil Cm ,<!(IICQ ItCJlllral
HOLD Httd IasI ~~ (ICI:Tcdullw Salt 1)
(I) .Jl.lsr -!
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3 1/2 Digits, 0.5 Inch (1 2.1mm) Character Height
I . .. " r..", Utdo.rw_ ..... 1LCoO.'_ ' -.:I UdIL
~I CI·'-' ,-, 2.. C ONN ' ...... "" •••
Acuill Size
1111'1'1 • I.
I ; I'• en
.... .... ,., .., .... ""' ..... ... ..... ..,. .......c
Pin Auignments
r..,·, ,
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<>•. ",,' 'M ... .
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" " "," " '" " " ,.."" Ne'" " ~ 1'1-
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" '" " " " " " " " L BP
Product spocm:::atbns oontalood heloo may bo chan ged wlthoul pi'ill notic:o. _
II Is theu!fOlO advisabkll0 contact Pullfy EIeclIOOICS beloro p!'ocoqd"ng wth thg design 01 oquipmllnt IncorPQl'atng this pmcIuct.
Sensor Outline - FGM-3
- a'- FIB 0
16 mill a GNO III
mm •~ +fly
I 62 rnm I• I Pin Size: O.63rn m sq
CD Pin 4 : +5 volts
Pins Ut standard OIL p ac kage-
types but at 0.076 inch spacing
(P01P) IMQFP )
,. osc 1
,, ,
osc 2
• •
•w •w •zw •wz 0 Z 0
"Z , ••, • ,
osc 3 •• U U U
•• Z
tn) " REF HI
G' CREF · "'G'
"" CRE F"
(10'5) " A·'
2 I Intersil
CAunon SueP'" ilbtNe _filled in 'Abschl. t.1ann<.m RJOngs ' m.q uuse pefmM»'" d.i"'V" 10 lhII devu. n.. is a !!lIeu ody,IJIlI>fJ IPId <>pMiII1Ot> allIM
dc..a ll! 1 _ Of lillY othe, cotUtt/OlI5 abg,oe 'hose m ical/xj lit rIM opetafulWll se<:OonI oIlhI, s~n IS _ iInplJ«I.
1 Input voltages may exceed !lie supply voltages provided the input CUHent is limned 10 :100,tA .
2. i1JA 15 measured ....,th the component mounled on a low effective !hermat conductJvily lest board in Iree alt. sea Tech Brief TB379 fOI details
lero Input Readlll9 VIN" OV. Full Scale" 200mV -000.0 ~.O "000.0 Digital
RaUomebic Reading VN VREF . VREF IOOmV 999 999/ 1000 Digital fJ)
Rollovel ErrOl -VIN '" "V,N" 200mV Dillelence in Reading for Equal Posili'Je -
.", ~1
and Negative Inputs Near Fill Scale
lilleaJity Full Scale" 200mV or Full Scale" "2V 1.lilximum ±O.2 Counts (l)
Deviaoon Irom Best Straight LiIle Fit (NOla 5) " rt
Common ~.Iode RejectIOn Rabo VCM '" ±IV. VIN ~ OV. Full Scale - 200mV (NOle 5)
Tempetature COefficient 01 Analog 25kn Between Common and PoSI~VII SUpplY(W"I!h Respect - 150 - ppmf'c
Corn~" to • Supply) (Note 5)
VIN - 0 (Does Nol Include Common Curren t) 16k Hz
OsciUator (Noia 6)
" I 100 1'"
3. Unless o!hef'...-ise noted. sptcilicaliOllS 3W~ to tile tCL1 136 at TA : 25"C. 'CLOCK z 481<Hz. ICLl l 36 is l!!SIed in the cltcull 01 Figul1I I.
4 . Sactr. plane drive i!I in ph;H8 ',\illl sagmenl drive lor '011" SC9menl, t80 degrees oul of phase for -on' SIgll enl Frequency is 20 times oonvel$lon rnte
Awrnge DC component i!l1ess than 50mV
5 t-kltlesloo. guaranteed by design.
6. 46kHl oscillator inc:reasesamenl by 2!¥A (Typ) .
3 intersil FI8()!S5
c, = O.IF
C:1 = O.4 7JIF
CJ =0047""
C4 = SOpF
•" IC11136
= O.Ol.lf
= 2<WkO
R2 ,, 180k.'1
RJ " l OOk!!
R! " l Okn
R5 = H.ID
4 [ intel'kil fN3OES5
liNT '" 1000 x (4I1ase)
O .OI~F <: CAl < I~F
tlNTitsOHz or ti NT/150Hz = Integer
In-IT" lpA • VCOM
Biased bet>.veen V+ and V-
VINFS (Typ) " 200mV or 2V
• VCOM '= V+. 2.8V
• INTEGRATE RE SISTOR Reg ulation lost whe n V + \0 V- '" =6.8V.
Vl tl FS
If VCOM IS externally pulled down 10 (V + to V -)12.
the VCO,,", circuit wUl tu rn off.
Digital supply is generaled internally
VTEST =- V+ ·4.5V
Type: Direct drive with digilallogic supply amplilude. CIl
,, ,,.- -- - -- -- - -.,, -- - --- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - -
(COu/H S)
0·I999COUNTS ,
t n99·1DOO
• I
•~ ~ .
l OTAL CONVERSIO N l lME .. .oIooo x !cLOC K" 16.000 x Iosc
5 I intersil
Appendi x 8 Dat a Sheets 291
fCL 7136
Pin Descriptions
~" digll-
C/) 22 JO
(l) 25
(l) JS
en JO
" J9 IN HI
It! "
Q "4_'
I J9 6 QSC2
CiICUII connec bon pins
" 1
6 I intersil F1~5
ate connected to the external pins_ The converter Ihen Differen tia /Input
integr.ltes the differential voltage between IN HI and IN LO The input can accept differential VQkages anywhere within the
for a fIXed time. Th is differential voltage can be w ith in a wide
common mode range of the input amplifier, or specifically from
common made range : up to lV from either supply, If, on Ihe O.5V below the posilive supply to lV_above the negative supply
other hand . the Input signal has no return with respect to the In th is range , the system has a CMRR of 86dB typical.
converter pO'.... er supply, IN LO can be tied to analog However, care must be exercised to assure the integrator
COMMON to establish the correct common mode Voltage. AI
output does nol saturate. A worst case condition would be a
the end of thi s phase. Ihe polarity of the Integra ted signal is large positive common mode voltage with a near rull scale
determlned _ negative differential input voHage. The negative input signal
De·lntegrate Phase drives the inlegrator positive when most of ~ s s,'Iing has been
used up by the poSitive common mode Voltage. For these
The final phase is de·i ntegrale, or reference i ntegrate. Input
critical applications the integrator output S\"';ng can be reduced
low is internally connected to analog COMMON and input
10 less than the recommended XV fuB scale S\ving with little loss
high Is co nnected across the previously charged reference
of accuracy. The integrator output can swing to w~hin 0.3V of
capacitor. Circuitry within the ch ip ensures Ihat the capacito r
\"'; 11 be connected with the correcl polarity 10 cause the
integralor output to return to zero. The l ime required for Ihe
either supplywithoul loss of linearity.
Differential Reference
outpul to return 10 zero is proportional to Ihe input signal. The reference voltage can be generated anywhere within Ihe
Spe cifically the digItal reading displayed is:
power supply voltage of Ihe converte r. The main source 01
-• - 0., R_
, ,.
~ ------- -------- - ------ --- ----
• "
------ '"'
------ -----
,, " " " "
,, A·Z,
, " m
,,'" ,~
, '""""
, •
"- - ---- -- ---- -- ---- - -- "- ---------- ---- - ---- -- ------ - --- -
7 1 intersil
Analog COMMON y.
This pin is included pr imanly to set the common mode
voltage for battery operation or for any system where the
input signals are noating w ith respect to the power supply.
The COMMON pin sets a voltage that is approximately 2.SV
more negative than the positive supply Th is Is selected to
REF LO J-+: •••y
give a minimum end-of- life banery voltage of <lboul 6.BV. " ""
However, analog COMMON has some of the attributes of a
reference vo1\age. Whe n th e lolal supply voltage is large
enough to C<!use the zener to regulate (>7V), the COMMON
vol tage will have a 1000v voltage coefficient (0 .001 %/V). low
output impedance ( ;:;1501, and a temperat ure coefficient
typically less than 150pprn"'C. FIGURE l A.
noise near full scale from 25~V to 8O,Np.p. Also the 6ne arity in
going from a high dissipation counl such as 1000 (20 segroonts REF HI L&069
on) to a low dissipation count wch as 111 1 (6 segments on) Y
can suffer by a count or more. Devices wi th a positive TC
reference may require several counls 10 puD out of an over COMMON
rang e ccndilion. This is because over.(ange is a k)w dissipation
mode. with the three least signifICant digits blanked . Similarly, FIGURE 3B.
CI) units WIth a n ega tive TC may cycle between OV"er range and a FIGURE 3. USING AN EXTERNAL REFEREN CE
non-over range count as the die alternately healS and cools . All
+-l Ihese problems are of course eliminated if an exlernal
Q) reference is used. The TEST pin serves two functions. O n the ICL7136 it is
coupl ed to th e internally generated dIgItal supply through a
Q) The ICL7136. wIth its negligible dissipation, suffers Irom soon resistor. Thus it can be used as the nega tive supply for
none 0 1 these problems. In either case, an exte rnal referen ce
can easily be added, as shown In Figure 3
externally gen erated segment drivers such as decimal points
or any oth er presentation the user may wa nt to Include on
Analog COMMON i s also used as the input low return during the LCD display. F igures 4 and 5 show such an application.
auto-zero and de-integrate. If IN LO IS different from analog No more than a 1mA load should be applied.
COMMON . a common mode voltage exists in the system
and is laken care of by the excellent CMRR of the converter.
However, in some applications IN LO WIll be set at a fIXed ,. '"0
known voltage ( powe r supply common for ins tance) . In this
application, analog COMMON should be tied to the same w ,co
IM.... t
poln1. thus removing the commo n mode voltage from the ,,0<
conve rt er. Th e same holds true for the refere nce voltage. If
ICl1 tl6 "'
I re fe rence can be conveniently tied to analog COMMON, II
should b e since this removes the common mode voll age '" 1;;-1~
from the reference system. r" TOlCD
WithIn th e IC , an alog COMMON Is tied to an N-Channel FET
tha t can sink approximately 3mA of current to hold Ihe FI GURE 4. SIMPLE INVE RTER FOR FIXED DECIMAL POINT
> voltage 2.8V below the posltJve supply (wh en a load is Irying
The second function is a "lamp lest~ When TEST is pulled
to pull the common line positive). However. there is only
10IlA of source current. so COMMON may easHy be tied to a high (to V+) all se gments will be turned on and the display
more negative vo ltage thus overriding the inl ernal reference . should read'-1888". The TEST pin w ill sink abou t 5mA
under Ihese co nditions
8 i n t e l
Digital Section
V· .- - . Figures 6 shows the digital s!:!ction for the ICl7136 In the
[Cl7136. an inlemal digital ground is generated from a 6V
" , Zenar diode and a large P-Channel source follower. This
supply is made stJtf 10 absorb the rela tively large capacitive
ICL7136 DECIMAL ClJrrenlS when the back plane (BP) voUage is switched. The
"',<IT ,, BP frequency is the clock frequency divid!!d by aoo. For
, three readings/second this is a 60Hz square wave with a
nominal amplitude of 5V. The segment s are driven allhe
"" , CD4030
'- -. same frequency and amplitude and are In phase with BP
when OFF. but out of phase when ON. tn aU cases negligible
OC voltage\s across the segments.
The polarity Indication is 'on" lor negative analog Inpuls. If IN
LO and IN HI are reversed . Ihis indication can be reversed
also, if desired.
--- ----------------- -- ---- ;r- -.
::::::::::1:;"-; ----..; ,.
------------- --- - --------- -- -- ------_.
Me , OSC 2
9 I Intersil
,, Auto-Zero Capacitor
, The size of the auto-zero capacitor has some influence on
~ .0 ____ __ 39 ______ 3& -----------, the noise of the system, For 200mV fu ll scale where noise is
very important, a O.47j..1F capacitor is recommended . On the
2V scale, a 0.047~LF capacitor increases the speed of
recovery from overload and is adequat e for noise on thIs
TEST scale.
Reference Capacitor
, -------- ----------, A O. ' ~F capacitor gives good results In most applications.
However. where a large common mode voltage exists (i.e ..
the REF LO pin is not al analog COMMON ) and a 200mV
scale is used , a larg er va lue is requ ired 10 prevent roll-over
,, , error. Generally lj..1F will hold the ro ll-over error to 0.5 count
I ~ . 0 ______ 39 ______ 18 - - - - - - - - - - _
in this instance.
Oscilfator Components
For all rang es of frequency a 180kO res istor is
recommended and Ihe capacitor i s selected from th e
f .. ~~ For 48kH z Clock (3 Re adings/s.).
C - 50pF .
10 I intersil
AH052 'llps lor Using Single Chip J ' (2 Digit AID Converters'
TOPlN 1 +---
TO PIN 1 _ _- ,
osc 1
osc 2
osc 3
,.0 •
COMMO N ,.0 •
,. ,.
c, ~
Values shcr,o,ll ilfl! lor 200mV full scale, J leadIng s/sec .. lIoating
supply voltage (9V batiefY)
11 I intersll
ose I
a se2
,. ase,
"" ' CO "
A> ""
C REF G. ,~
NPS 3104 OR
BUfF "
~ A·Z
,. " BU FF
GZ " '",.
" _ _ _• TO BACKPLANE " "
A silicon diode-conneded lJansislor ha s a temperature coartlcienl
01 abcu t -2 mV,.oC. CalibraHon is aChieved by placin g the sel15in g
transistor in;oo wa ler and adju sting the leroing po tentiometer lor a
",. "
000.0 reading. The sensor should IIlen be pl aced in boding water
and me scale -factor potenUome ter adjusted for a 100.0 rCildin g.
t Value depends a ll clock freq uency.
470k Q
~ .3kn
A· Z
I "."
Tes t is used <IS a common·mode reference level to ensure compa~bHily with most op amps.
12 I Intersil FNm565
Die Characteristics
127 mils x 149 mils Type - PSG Nitride
Thickness: 1SkA :!:3kA
Type: AI
Thickness: 10kA !C111A
(3) C,
(2) D\
A8 ~ ( 19 ) ( I ) V'
POL (20)
BPiGND )211
(19) O SC 2
(33) osc 3
(37) TES t
V-( 26)
1'0 (28) (29) (30) ( 31 ) (l2) Ill) (~ ) )35) (36)
13 I intersil
14 I intersil
~;::=== 0 044.1 Ox 10 (JEOEC MS-022A8 ISSUE B)
• ~
0.096 I ~
• "l
N 7
• "
0.032 sse
O.BOsse ~
Rev 2 4199
1 Controlling dimensIOn l.ttlLII.IETER. Co",. erted Inch
olmenSlOils ilrc nOl necessariy exael
2 AU dimensions and tolerances per ANSI YI4 51.1·1982.
3 Olmensioos 0 alld E to be delermllled a t sea ~ng plane ~ .
=={ '" ..
<I Ol!T1ensioos 01 and El to be delermined a t datum plane
5 O,rnenslOlls 01 and E 1 do nor indocle mold proUUSlOn.
Allowable protrusion Is O_25mm (0.010 inch) per Side
6 Ormtlflsion b does no t include dambal protnJsion !\JIO'.'o'abic
Gambar protrusion sl'lall be O.06mm (OJ)03 inch) lotal.
7. "N" is !he /lumber of lermilliil POSItIOns
A11lntersU us prodUClS are manufactured. assembled and tested utilizing IS09000 qualtty systems.
Intersi! Corporauon"s quality certifica tions can be vrewed al \'fI'l\'d esignlquaJfly
IlTer~ ~oduas .7.0 sold !If o._1Pf1OO on;o,:
IM/f_ Cotpor..-.#! ~ ......_ /he "'1'" ro IfW:e dw"9"" WI arCUI Ouqll . ..",......,.. ,.,r>d Of ~kalO<ll' .., ""11.........Il0<l
,<)/>0" ka)nt.TY/Y /h<J "Jmt IS CJJdiantKllO vwJr IIJai data $MtlIS /lf8 CURlrr bebe pOontJ ordets. InVnlOr..,., futni!hfd by Irr~r is lHtW.-..d 10 be and
......-_ Hooo,_ ,.., ~"'Y is a.........d by 'rcMSi Of IS Sl.r.S01"lmu for iI.!.IM ".". for .. "" ~ 01 pM.'U or ott.... .~,.,. of /hid JDlI_ ../JdI tTMy ,O$IJI
from to UW. No ~ Of fr.IrrN by ;mp«.bYJ or IIIfhMme utdeI any poc;,'" or ~.", ,;gin oIlrrelfllor '$ $<Ibstd".at ....
For in formation regarding Intersi! Corporation and its products. see 'Mw/.inlersil com
15 I intel""sil
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Figure 1. Temperatura Compensated Pressure Senso r Schamatfc
ZN414Z, ZN415E, ZN416E
• . .-
• Single c:ell 'operatig" p.l to 1.6 volt ,operating range) ,
• low curtent consumption I
• '50kHz to 3MHz frequency range
,., G1'IOUND
(i.e . full coverage o~ medium and lo"ng wavebands)
.• Easy to assemble. -no alignment necessary
. ' Simple and effective AGe action
• 'Will drive crystal
.. earphone direct (ZN414ZI
• Will drive headphones direct (ZN415E and ZN41 6E) PLASTIC CTo.92)
\ - -- _. . -
. -
,The ZN414Z is 8 10 transistor tuned radio frequency (TRF) circuit OP8
packaged in 8 3-pin TO·S2 plastic package for simplicity and space · . ,
The circuit provides a complete R.F. amplifier . detector and AGe circuit which requires only six
external components to give a high quality A .M. tuner. Effective AGe acti()O is available and is
simply adjusted by selecting one 8)(ternal resistor value. Excellent audio quality can be achieved .
and current consumption is extremely low. No setting· up or alignment is required and the circuit
is completely stable in use.
The ZN415E retains all the features of the ZN414Z but also incorporates 8 buffer stage giving
sufficient output to drive headphones directly from the 8 pin Dll.
Similarly the ZN4 1 6E is a buffered output version of the ZN414Z giving typically 1 20m V (f .m .s .1
output into a 640 load . The SamB package and pinning is used fo r the ZN416E as the ZN41SE .
EVICE SPECIFICATIONS T amb = 25°C . Vee = 1.4V , Parameters apply to all types unless
lherwi se stated , •
Input resistance - 4 .0 •
- MO
Threshold sensitivity (Dependant on Q
of com
' '-' ,
- 4.0 - kHz
• •
Total harmoniC distortio n •
- 3.0 -
.. .
AGe 'range
20 - dB
.. .
ZN414Z 40
Quiescent output vo ltage ZN4t5E 80 mV
ZN416E 200
Operating temperanJre range o 70 ·c
Maximum storage temp erature - 65 125 ·c
<. •
,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -::"'::-::"'::I:J--t~·· .•
I ---
- IL _ _ _ _ _ ______ _
T~ ZN41U 1$ witNn I~ clott~ QA'O
L ___ _ --- "--'
-- ------- - - _._---
I "
L ___ _ __ .J
A s w ith any h igh gain RF . device. certain baSIC la yout ru les must be. adhered to if stable and reliable
operation is to be obtained . These are liste d below : .
1 . The outpu t dec oupling capacitor should be soldered as near as possible to the output and ear th
leads of the ZN414Z . Furthermore. its vall(~ toge ther w ith th e AGe resis t or !RAGe) should be
calculated at ... 4kHz, i.e .: .
C 1----:_ =
!farad s l = ::--,::--,-
2w.R AGC . 4 . 10 3 ,
2. All lead s should be kepI as short as possible. especially those in close proximity to the ZN414Z .
3, The tuning assembly should be some distance from the battery. loudspeaker and their associated
leads .
4. The 'earthy' side of the tuning capacitor should be connect ed to the junction of the 100kO
resistor and the 0.01 J.l F capacitor. " I
- . .,.-
lal Selectivity
To obtain good selec tivity, essential with any T .R.F. device. the ZN414Z must be fed from an
efficient, high '0' coil and capacitor tuning network . With suitable components the selectivity is
comparable to superhet designs. except that a-very strong' signal in proximity to the receiver may
swamp the device un less the ferrite rod aerial is rotat ed to .. null ·o ut~ the strong signal.
Two other factors affect the apparent selectivity of the device. Firstly. the gain of the ZN414Z
is voltage sensitive (see previous page) 50 that, in strong signal areas. less supply voltage will be
needed to obtain correct AGe action . Incorrect adjustment of the AGe causes a strong station
to occupy a much wider bandwidth than ne cessary and in extreme cases can cause the AF s tage s
to saturate before the AG e ca n limit RF ga in. This gives the effect of swamping together w ith
reduced AF output. All the above factors have to be c onsidered if optimum performance is to be
Three types o f drive circui t ate sho wn. each has been us~d success fu lly. The choice is largely
an economic one. but circ uit 3 is recom mended wherever possi ble. ha ving severa l advantag es
over th e ot l:ler circuits. Values f or 9V supplies arc st\o...,.n, simple calc ulation s will give va lues f or
other $up plles . t
• •
• • •
• •
. • ••
, ."", ,
Note: Replacing the 6800 resistor with a 500n resistor and <l 250n preset. sensit ivi ty may b e
adjusted and w ill enable op timum rece pt io n to be realised under most condit ions .
_ . _ .- ..
\. •
,.,, 1'1 .
0, •
. .. recomm ended value bO e ing 2500 . .
, • •
... To aU.14l D.JI.p.,rt
Q) 3. Transistor Drive (ZN414Z and ZN415E)
(1 3k)
To ZN414l ou lpul
(a) Earphone radi o
The ZN414Z will drive a ~e n sit i ve earpiece directly . In th'IS case. an earpiece of equivalent imped ance
to RAGe i s substituted for R AGC in the basic t u ner c i(cui L Unfortunately . the cost of a sensi tive ::l
earpiece is high , and u nless an ult ra·OV n iature radio is wanted . it is co nsiderabl y cheaper to use
a low cost crys tal earpiece and add a single gain stage. One f urt her advantage o f t h i s tech n iq ue
is that provi sion for a vo lume con trol can be m ade . A su itable Clrcui l i s shown below . ....
It _ 80 turns of O.3mm dia. enamelled copper wire o n a Scm or 7 . 5 c m tong ferrit e rod . 00 not
expec t to adhere rigidly t o the coil·capacitor details given. Any value o f L\ and C, which will give
a h igh ' Q ' at th e desi red frequ ency may be used.
Volume Control : a 2500 potentio m e ter in se ries with a 1000 fixe d resist or substituted for the 2700
em itter resiSlOr provides an effective volume con trol.
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