Manas Publications: New & Bestselling Books by
Manas Publications: New & Bestselling Books by
Manas Publications: New & Bestselling Books by
Manas Publications
ISBN Author Titledhar
81-7049-063-4 Padma Shri Dr M Kirti Singh Folk Culture of Manipur 1993
81-7049-031-6 Rossiter Johnson, Ed Great Events of the World: BC 5867-1905 AD (20 vols) 1995
81-7049-088-X Sangeeta Saxena Defence Journalism in India 1997
81-7049-082-0 Brig BN Sharma India Betrayed: The Role of Nehru 1997
81-7049-089-8 Maj Gen Arjun Ray Kashmir Diary: Psychology of Militancy 1997
81-7433-016-X Ashok Khanna Rhythm in Khajuraho (Multi-Coloured) 1997
81-70490715 Bimal K srivastav Aviation Terrorism 1998
81-70490790 Dr. S Subramaniam Executive Protection 1998
81-70490804 Cmde. Ranjit B rai Indians: Why We Are, What We are 1998
81-70490792 Dr S Subramanian, IPS Industrial Espionage: Causes and Cure 1998
81-7049091X Dr P Rathnaswamy, IAS International Environment Management 1998
81-7049-097-9 Birbal Nath, IPS Kashmir: The Nuclear Flashpoint 1998
81-70490839 Dr P Rathnaswamy, IAS Political Question and Article 356 1998
81-7049-087-1 Dr N Rajavel Tourism in Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1998
81-7049-094-4 Dr S Subramanian, IPS 50 Years of Indias Independence 1999
81-7049-092-8 Dilip Bhattacharya Musical Instruments of Tribal India (Multi-Coloured) 1999
81-70490723 Maj. Gen. Pratap Narain Subedar to Field Marshal 1999
81-7049-076-6 Air Cmde NB Singh Air Power in the New Millennium 2000
81-70491118 Dr AK Pasha Arab-Israeli Peace Process: An Indian Perspective 2000
81-7049-108-8 Dr S Subramanian, IPS Human Rights Training (in 2 vols) 2000
81-7049-090-1 Brig Parmodh Sarin Military Logistics: The Third Dimension 2000
81-7049-123-1 Col MN Gulati Military Plight of Pakistan (2 Vols.) 2000
81-70491037 Air Vice Marshal Samir K Sen Military Technology and Defence Industrialisation 2000
81-7049-124-X Lt Col JR Saighal Pakistans Split: The Birth of Bangladesh 2000
81-7049-100-2 Lt Gen Ashok Joshi, PVSM, AVSM Restructuring National Security 2000
81-7049-114-2 Brig RP Singh & Cmde Ranjit B Rai Sacked or Sunk? Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat 2000
81-70491096 Vijay Naik, Journalist South Africa: The Land of Mandela 2000
81-7049-107-X SR Arun, IPS The Peace Keepers: Indian Police Service (IPS) 2000
81-7049-085-5 Lt Gen PN Hoon, PVSM, Unmasking Secrets of Turbulence: Midnight Freedom to a Nuclear 2000
81-7049-130-4 Prof ML Sondhi & Dr KG Tyagi Asia Pacific: Security, Globalisation & Development 2001
81-7049-128-2 Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat Betrayal of the Defence Forces: The Inside Truth 2001
(Former Chief of the Naval Staff)
81-70491320 Dr PK Agrawal, IAS Bureaucracy to Bureaucracy 2001
81-7049-129-0 Prof ML Sondhi & Dr KG Tyagi India in the New Asia-Pacific: Technology Economics, Social & 2001
Culture Aspects
81-7049-119-3 N Vittal, IAS & Dr S Mahalingam Information Technology: Indias Tomorrow 2001
81-7049-112-6 GN Gauhar Military Operation in Kashmir: Insurgency at Charar-e-Sharief 2001
81-70491258 Prakash Nanda Nuclearisation of Divided Nations: Pakistan- India-Koreas 2001
81-70491223 Dr D P Khanna Reforming Human Rights 2001
81-7049-145-2 VK Singal, IRS Behind Psychology: Searching for the Roots 2002
(Cmr. of Income Tax)
81-7049-154-1 Ambassador Kishan S Rana Bilateral Diplomacy 2002
81-7049-270-X Dr. RP Shukla & Buno Zetsuvi Education Development in Nagaland 2002
81-7049-105-3 GN Gauhar Elections in Jammu & Kashmir 2002
81-7049-138-X Jayant Dasgupta Japanese in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Red Sun over Black 2002
81-7049-070-7 VP Srivastav Justice for Judges: The Bitter Experiences 2002
81-7049-116-9 Sudhir S Bloeria, IAS , J&K Pakistan Insurgency Vs Indias Security: Tackling Military in 2002
81-70491517 RSD Dogra Para-Military Forces: Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 2002
81-7049-131-2 Lt Gen NS Narahari Security Threats to North-East India 2002
81-70490847 Brig DK Khullar Security, Peace and Honour 2002
81-7049-146-0 Air Cmde RV Kumar Chinese Air Force Threat 2003
81-7049-150-9 Yonah Alexander Combating Terrorism: Strategies of Ten Countries 2003
81-7049-158-4 Air Cmde (Dr) CN Ghosh Future Defence Challenges: Armed Forces of the 21st Century 2003
81-7049-169-X Brig BN Sharma India and Israel Against Islamic Terror: Old Nations New Leaders 2003
81-7049-197-5 William T Tow Asias Emerging Regional Order: Reconciling Traditional & Human 2004
(In Collaboration with UN) Security
81-7049-181-9 Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar A-Z of Law in Management 2004
81-7049-190-8 PS Bhatnagar, IAS (Retd.) Behind the Power:Vignettes from my life in the IAS 2004
81-7049-183-5 Rabin Roychowdhury Black Days in Andaman & Nicobar Islands 2004
81-7049-173-8 Ms Aparna Jha, Advocate Black, White and Polka Dot 2004
81-7049-192-4 Robert Latham Bombs and Bandwidth: Emerging Relationship Between 2004
Information Technology & Security
(In Collaboration with New Press)
81-7049-140-1 Brig Kim Yadav British Lions and the Indian Tigers 2004
81-7049-208-4 PW Singer Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry 2004
(In Collaboration with CUP)
81-7049-106-1 Brig Nilendra Kumar Court Martial and Military Matters 2004
81-7049-188-6 Prof Harish Kapur Diplomatic Journey: Emerging India 2004
81-7049-118-5 N Vittal, IAS & Dr S Mahalingam Fighting Corruption and Restructuring Government 2004
Dr Gokulesh Sharma 2004
81-70491630 (Addl. Distt. & Sessions Judge) Future of Law and Justice
81-7049-194-0 Maj Gen Vinod Saighal Global Security Paradoxes 2000-2020 2004
81-7049-115-0 Prof N Sanajaoba Human Rights in the New Millennium 2004
81-7049-068-5 Dr. S. Subramanian, IPS Human Rights: International Challenges-in 2 vols 2004
81-7049-210-6 Avtar Singh Bhasin India in Sri Lanka: Between Lion & the Tigers 2004
81-7049-178-9 Dr BM Ponappa, Scientist Information Security and Technology 2004
81-7049-198-3 M Alagappa and Takashi International Security Management and the United Nations: The UN 2004
(In System in the 21st Century
Collaboration with UNs)
81-7049-186-X RK Ohri, IPS Long March of Islam: The Future Imperfect 2004
81-70491703 VK Aggarwal, IRS (Retd.) Managing Indian Railways: The Future Ahead
81-7049-141-X Dr Chandrika Singh North-East India: Politics and Insurgency 2004
81-7049-224-6 Col Anil Shorey Pakistans Failed Gamble: The Battle of Laungewala (with 2004
81-7049-200-9 Parvez Dewan, IAS, J&K Parvez Dewans Jammu-Kashmir-LadakhLadakh 2004
81-7049-176-2 VK Singal, IRS Psyche of the Common Man (HB) 2004
81-7049-325-0 VK Singal, IRS Psyche of the Common Man (PB) 2004
81-7049-196-7 E Newman & Joanne Van Refugees and Forced Displacement: International Security, Human 2004
Vulnerability, and the State
81-7049-202-5 Arvind Gupta, IFS Security and Diplomacy: Essential Documents 2004
81-7049-104-5 RN Manickam, IPS Security, Espionage and Counter Intelligence 2004
81-7049-193-2 Rainer Stahlberg Surviving Terrorism: How to Understand Anticipate and Respond to 2004
(In Terrorist Attacks
Collaboration with Barricade)
81-7049-136-3 Maj Gen Samay Ram Tackling Insurgency and Terrorism 2004
81-7049-213-0 Taina Susiluoto Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Time for Control 2004
(In Collab. with
81-7049-160-6 Aditya Bakshi Terror on the High Seas 2004
81-7049-199-1 Pamela S Chasek The Global Environment in the Twenty-first Century: Prospects for 2004
(In International Co-operation
Collaboration with UN)
81-7049-189-4 Maj Gen Samay Ram The New Afghanistan: Pawn of America? 2004
Martha Finnemore The Purpose of Interventtion : Changing Beliefs about the use of 2004
81-7049-205-X force
81-7049-204-1 Robin M Williams The Wars Within: Peoples and States in Conflict 2004
(In Collaboration with CUP)
81-7049-175-4 Gen S Padmanabhan The Writing on the Wall: India Checkmates America 2017 2004
(Former Chief of Army Staff)
81-7049-203-3 RT Naylor Wages of Crime: Black Markets, Illegal Finance, and the 2004
Underworld Economy
81-7049-174-6 Maj Gen Partap Narain Weapons, Wars and Economics 2004
81-7049-185-1 Col MN Gulati What America did for Indias Independence 2004
81-7049-206-8 Lynn Eden Whole World on Fire: Organisations, Knowledge, and Nuclear 2004
(In Collaboration with CUP) Weapons Davastation
81-7049-249-1 General S Padmanabhan A General Speaks 2005
81-7049-228-9 Yevgeny M Primakov A World Challenged: Fighting Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century 2005
(In Collaboration with Brookings)
81-7049-254-8 B. Bruns & A. Mingat etc. Achieving Universal, Primary Education by 2015: A Chance for 2005
Every Child
81-7049-261-0 Philip Smucker Al-Qaedas Great Escape: The Military and the Media on Terrors 2005
(In Trail
Collaboration with Brasseys, INC)
81-7049-217-3 Colonel MN Gulati American African Gandhis 2005
81-7049-237-8 Anuj Dhar, Journalist Back from Dead:Inside the Subhas Bose Mystery 2005
81-7049-266-1 James Hutton Central Asia: From the Aryan to the Cossack 2005
81-7049-220-3 Air Cmde RV Phadke Chinas Power Projection 2005
81-7049-251-3 David De Ferranti & G E Perry Closing the Gap in Education and Technology 2005
(In Collaboration with The World Bank)
81-7049-259-9 Karl Zinsmeister Dawn Over Baghdad: How the US, Military is Using Bullets and 2005
(In Collaboration with Encounter Books) Ballots to Remake Iraq
81-7049-235-1 Col MN Gulati Enigmatic Tibet 2005
81-7049-226-2 William J Daugherty Executive Secrets 2005
81-7049-252-1 M A Aksoy & J C Benghin Global Agricultural Trade and Developing Countries 2005
(In Collaboration with The World Bank)
81-7049-221-1 :i yky iwoZ [kqfQ;k ,staV ikfdLrku% Qklh ls okilh 2005
81-7049-262-9 Anonymous Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror 2005
(In Collaboration with Brasseys, INC)
81-7049-248-3 Arvind Gupta, IFS Important Documents on Security & Diplomacy 2005
Collaboration with NSCS)
81-7049-242-4 Prof N Sanajaoba International Human Rights (Set of 3 Vols) 2005
81-7049-250-5 Al J Venter Irans Nuclear Option: Tehrans Quest for the Atom Bomb 2005
(Collaboration with Casemate)
81-7049-218-1 Colonel MS Jarg Journey to Peace: The Stable South Asia 2005
81-7049-260-2 Ethan Gutmann Losing The New China: A Story of American Commerce Desire and 2005
(In Collaboration with Encounter Books) Betrayal
81-70492416 B Venkatesh Kumar Madhya Pradesh: Developement Challenges 2005
81-7049-209-2 Cdr Manoj Gupta Maritime Affairs: Integrated Management for India 2005
81-7049-231-9 Oskar Verkaaik Migrants and Militants: Fun and Urban Violence in Pakistan 2005
978-81-7049-343-3 Parvez Dewan, IAS The People & Culture of Jammu - Kahmir - Ladakh 2011
978-81-7049-374-7 Rabin Roychowdhury The Untold Andaman and Nicobar Islands 2011
978-81-7049-417-1 Ashok Saighal Ultimate Game of Life: Mystical Reflections 2011
978-81-7049-400-3 Kalyan Ray, IAS Why Bureaucracy Fails 2011
978-81-7049-421-8 Vivek Garg 2G Bomb: RTIs Shook North Block 2012
978-81-7049-428-7 Parvez Dewan, IAS Amazing Ladakh: Travels, Trekking, Religion, 2012
Culture, Wildlife almost everything about Leh, Kargil, Zanskar,
978-81-7049-445-4 Deptt of Army, USA Army Leadership 2012
978-81-7049-423-2 US Army's Training and Doctrine Command Chinese Strategies on Central Asia: The New Great Game 2012
978-81-7049-512-3 Dhruva Joshy Nepal's Republic & India: Corridors of Power 2016
81-70492467 Col Anil Shorey A Legendary Force 1st Patiala: 300 Years of 15 Punjab (Patiala)
81-7049-308-0 Andrew R. Thomas Aviation Insecurity: The New Challenges of Air Travel
(in Collab. with Prometheus Books)
81-7049-300-5 A Novel by Col. MS Jaswal Crimson Kashmir 2007
81-7049-214-9 PK Agrawal & N Vittal, IAS I am Sorry (IAS): Indian Bureaucracy at Crossroads
81-7049110X Dr AK Pasha India, Iran and the GCC States: Political Strategy & Foreign Policy
81-7049-073-1 Brig Trigunesh Mukherjee Inside the Indian Army
81-70493358 Vivek Kr. Garg, Advocate Master Plan For Delhi 2021 (MPD - 2021)
81-7049-230-0 Stephen Biddle Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle
(In Collaboration with Princeton Univ.)
81-70490960 Brig. K Kuldip Singh Overcoming Crisis In Leadership
81-70490200 Carl Cleman Religion of the world
81-7049-276-9 Carlos Ramirez-Faria The Downsizing of America
81-7049-017-4 Col DS Grewal (Retd.) Tribes of Arunachal Pradesh (2 vol set)
Manas Publications
4402/5-A Opp HDFC Bank, Main Ansari Road
Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
Ph-011-23260783, 23265523;
s by
Binding Currency Price Stock Weight
HB INR 495
HB INR 495
HB INR 500 100
HB INR 495 100 890g
PB INR 495 390g
HB INR 495
HB INR 995 100 415g
HB INR 695 300 685g
HB INR 595 100
HB INR 595 200 522g
HB INR 495 100 586g
HB INR 495 566g
HB INR 695 100 315g
HB INR 995 510g
Out of Stock
HB INR 495 576g
PB INR 295 200 350g
PB INR 295 200 300g
PB INR 295 200 260g
HB INR 595
HB INR 495 100 325g
HB INR 495 100 490g
HB INR 695 100
HB INR 495 455g
HB INR 495 100 552g
HB INR 495
HB INR 495 100 490g
HB INR 495 100 450g
HB INR 495 1.700g
HB INR 495 100 640g
HB INR 1495 100 1.060g
HB INR 495 50 850g
HB INR 495
HB INR 795
HB INR 495 100 422g
HB INR 495 100 345g
HB INR 495 405g
HB INR 495 100 610g
HB INR 495 100 790g
HB INR 495 100 550g
HB INR 695 470g
HB INR 995 100 755g
HB INR 595 200 425g
HB INR 595
HB INR 995 640g
HB INR 595 100 630g
HB INR 795 100 965g
HB INR 995 100 734g
HB INR 595 100 370g
HB INR 995 100 285g
HB INR 3500 735g
HB INR 295 100 415g
HB INR 495 100 555g
HB INR 495 800g
HB INR 495 100 515g
HB INR 795 200
HB INR 995 100 590g
HB INR 795 100 832g
HB INR 995 100 436g
HB INR 495 100 630g
HB INR 695 100
HB INR 495 Out of Stock 734g
HB INR 295 100 705g
HB INR 295 100 705g
HB INR 595 150
HB INR 495 Out of Stock 470g
HB INR 995 200 620g
HB INR 595 100 520g
HB INR 695 470g
HB INR 595 100 320g
HB INR 295 100 320g
HB INR 995 100 676g
HB INR 595 435g
HB INR 495 100 420g
HB INR 495 395g
HB INR 700 100 340g
HB INR 795 100 480g
HB INR 595 100
HB INR 495 426g
HB INR 595 560g
HB INR 495 200
HB INR 4995 1.490g
HB INR 4500 2.240g
HB INR 595 516g
HB INR 595 100 1.056g
HB INR 995 100 420g
HB INR 495 100 450g
HB INR 995 100 420g
HB INR 795
HB INR 795 Out of Stock
HB INR 595 575g
HB INR 595 200 418g
HB INR 995 100 1.115g
HB INR 495 100
HB INR 595 100 940g
HB INR 795 100 856g
HB INR 995 200
HB INR 595 100 495g
HB INR 495 200 300g
HB INR 695 510g
HB INR 395 100 305g
HB INR 495 100 355g
HB INR 695 525g
HB INR 595 200 420g
HB INR 595 100 366g
HB INR 595 100 356g
HB INR 495 365g
HB INR 695 300 410g
HB INR 2995 430g
HB INR 795 376g
HB INR 495 100 475g
HB INR 595 100 430g
HB INR 995 100 375g
HB INR 795
HB INR 595
HB INR 595 300 950g
HB INR 495 100 786g
HB INR 795 100 496
HB INR 1995
HB INR 995 200 580g
HB INR 795 100 460g
HB INR 300 200
HB INR 695 100 825g
HB INR 995 200
HB INR 995 790g
HB INR 595 300 450g
HB INR 695 385g
HB INR 3995
HB INR 495 500
HB INR 695 300 420g
HB INR 495 300
HB INR 695 500 490g
HB INR 595 Out of Stock
HB INR 495 100 500g
HB INR 695 200 450g
HB INR 595 100 390g
HB INR 695 100 960g
HB INR 995 500 735g
PB INR 295 100 300g
HB INR 595 300 386g
HB INR 795 200 428g
HB INR 995 300 555g
HB INR 595 300 405g
HB INR 495 200 365g
HB INR 795 760g
HB INR 995 500g
HB INR 995 300 275g
HB INR 595 440g
HB INR 695 300 565g
HB INR 495 Out of Stock
HB INR 1995
HB INR 795 300
HB INR 595 200 430g
HB INR 595 300 465g
HB INR 495 300 310g
HB INR 995 300
HB INR 695 300 450g
HB INR 495 500 450g
HB INR 1995 300
HB INR 495 300
HB INR 795 500 975g
HB INR 595 500 885g
HB INR 495 300 425g
HB INR 2995 500 455g
HB INR 495 300 990g
HB INR 995 300 140g
HB INR 595 100 450g
HB INR 695 500 302g
HB INR 495 300 200g
HB INR 995 200 480g
HB INR 995 300 525g
HB INR 995 300 450g
HB INR 495 300 410g
HB INR 695 300 730g
HB INR 1995 300 456g
HB INR 595 486g
HB INR 595 300 468g
HB INR 995 300 720g
HB INR 995 50
HB INR 995 300 802g
HB INR 695 300 544g
HB INR 495 300 286g
HB INR 595 300 470g
HB INR 795 300 590g
HB INR 995
200 510g
HB INR 995
200 562g
HB INR 495
200 430g
HB INR 495
HB INR 495
HB INR 795
HB INR 1495 100
HB INR 795 100
HB INR 795
HB INR 595
HB INR 695
HB INR 995
495 200
Amazing Kashmir: Almost Everything About Travel. Trekking,
Religion, Culture, Wildlife
British Detective: Mission to India
Psychology of Sex
Religion in Jammu-Kashmir-Ladakh
Voice of CBI
Leadership Failure in Police
A Bureaucrat Speaks
Enigmatic North-East
Mission R&AW
Military Philosophy
Importance of Teaching
Jawan to General
Military Ethics
Gods of Corruption
Police Operations