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Chapter 6: Construction and Maintenance

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Chapter 6:

Construction and Maintenance

The project construction phase involves
construction preparations, actual A brief outline of the overall
construction, and post-construction construction process can be found
management. During the construction in the Toolkit (page 199).
phase, the project team will carry out the
design, while referring back to project Estimating construction costs.
goals and objectives. Consulting the Costs and methods of tidal hydrology
project goals and objectives is important restoration projects vary widely within and
for keeping construction on track. between ecosystems and regional economies.
Costs result from factors including project
This chapter focuses on: location, size, time of year or day (because of
tidal regimes), site accessibility, equipment
Pre-construction considerations, and material needs, site contaminants,
including selecting a construction earth moving, erosion control, and the
contractor, budgeting and cost amount and type of vegetation to be
analyses, scheduling, and final plans; planted. Current market conditions will
directly impact all costs. Though there
Construction implementation, are no standard construction costs for
including site preparation, removal or restoration, the following recommendations
installation, and contingency planning; may be useful when developing a budget:

Post-construction management, Work closely with contractors to estimate costs.

including as built monitoring Discussions with local contractors and
and maintenance; and experienced engineers may help provide
rough cost estimates expected for that area.
Construction and maintenance
highlight project: Sandpiper Pond Research similar projects. It may be
Tidal Hydrology Restoration Project, helpful to start pricing based on estimates
Murrels Inlet, South Carolina. derived from other similar projects,
especially if they are in the same region.
Additional construction and maintenance
resources and summary recommendations Leverage resources. Pooling resources
can be found in the Toolkit (page 198). and partnering may be the most cost-
effective approach to any project. In-kind
contributions can help defray costs and
is also viewed favorably in federal grant
Pre-Construction Preparation applications. However, having more
partners also elevates the need for effective
During the pre-construction stage, a coordination and communication.
project team will develop a budget and

estimate costs for construction, develop a

statement of work, select a construction
Budgeting for Contingencies
contractor, determine a schedule, and Restoration practitioners along the Gulf Coast
finalize construction plans (Diefenderfer have had first-hand experience with cost increases
and Thom 2003). Some of these efforts may due to weather. Hurricane seasons and resulting
overlap with design and permitting phases. demand on construction resources have more
For instance, developing an initial cost than doubled some material costs. Some smaller
estimate during the design and permitting restoration projects have had difficulty attracting
phase allows the team to plan and provide competitive construction bids, given the high
budgets to potential funding agencies. demand for contracting services on much
However, once the project has reached larger, expensive post-storm projects. Although
the construction phase, the contractor changes in market conditions are generally
may recommend modifications to the unforeseeable, budgeting for contingency
design, which may require adjustments may help cover unplanned cost increases.
to the permit and the project budget.

42 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

Replacement of a portion of the causeway with a 40-foot span bridge at Fort DeSoto Park in Tampa Bay, FL,
involved a range of heavy equipment including cranes, a long-arm excavator and dredge pumps.
Photo Credit: NOAi

Be aware that estimated costs may Developing an independent cost estimate.

differ from actual construction costs There are two reasons to develop an
because of uncertainties about site independent cost estimate, or line item
condition and implementation. budget. First, it will assist the project team
in considering costs associated with all
Identify construction needs and potential aspects of the contract, which in
incorporate realistic expectations into turn, ensures that an appropriate budget
the budget. If specific expertise or has been allocated. Second, it may prove
technologies are deemed necessary for useful during contract negotiation.
the project, then budget for them.
Project costs can be categorized in various
Budget for construction and monitoring ways. For instance, teams can organize
contingencies, or unforeseeable their budget by specific restoration
cost requirements. This typically tasks, restoration phase (e.g., design,
ranges between 15 and 25 percent construction, monitoring), construction
of total construction costs. stage (e.g., site preparation, planting,

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 43

Construction and Maintenance

Table 6a. Potential budget line items for construction phases.

Pre-Construction Active Construction Post-Construction

Baseline data collection Mobilization As-built assessment/survey

Site surveys Materials Physical and biological

(i.e., culvert, plants) data collection

Phase I or II Environmental Labor (heavy equipment Maintenance

Assessment (survey for operators, manual labor, etc.)
potential contaminants)

Employee Construction activity (i.e., Removal of

briefing/training clearing and grubbing, temporary structures
excavation, planting)

Project management Sediment and Grant administration/

and oversight erosion control report generation

Meeting space for team Road demolition and repair/ Permit-required

and public meetings traffic management report generation

Communications/public Project management Adaptive management

relations staff time and oversight (if possible to budget)

Volunteer coordination/ Independent oversight Project management

education/outreach activities and inspection and oversight

Plant Propagation Contingency costs Communications/public

(if preferable to (i.e., budget overruns, relations staff time
existing nursery stocks) unanticipated circumstances)

Development of work/ Non-traditional labor Volunteer coordination/

implementation plans ("paid volunteers) education/outreach

installation/removal), or input (e.g., labor, contractor will be hired. Project partners may
equipment, materials). Construction also commit to certain budget items, if they
budgets are most often itemized by: have the expertise on staff to complete them.

Labor and equipment where the cost Example financial documents,

of labor is separated from the cost of the independent cost estimates, and a
equipment for any given activity; or match analysis tool can be found
in the Toolkit (page 200-203).
Construction activity where the cost of
the labor and equipment is included in an
overall cost of the activity (e.g., excavation). Writing a statement of work. The statement,
or scope, of work (SOW), developed by the
Table 6a (above) includes potential budget project team, is a narrative description of the
line items common for tidal hydrology deliverables and services required to meet the
restoration construction. Project teams contract requirements. It provides the basis
should consider which of these budget items on which contractors develop proposals and
are critical and realistic to incorporate. Some bids. A SOW will be drafted for any project
may be included in a Statement of Work phase for which a contractor is required to
(see Writing a Statement of Work) for any complete a task. For instance, a SOW may be
individual phase of the project for which a required for the design phase, the scientific

44 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

monitoring phase, etc. The process described Request all projected expenses to be
here focuses on development of a SOW for explicitly identified by the contractor.
construction, but much of the process is Consider whether to request line item
applicable to the development of any SOW. cost estimates (such as those in Table
6a) versus lump sum bids, and consider
Construction contractors need a clear per hour or a lump sum for labor costs.
SOW in order to detail the work plan and
expectations for project success. Specifically, Be explicit about the tasks to be delivered
the SOW should establish a chain of by project partners so the contractor
command, especially if multiple partners does not budget for those tasks.
are involved, and require a communications
plan (i.e., establishment of a main point Reference example projects comparable
of contact for both the contractor and in size and scope to your project.
the project team and a time line when
communication is anticipated.). If there Do not be too rigid in your requirements.
are any special grant, NEPA, or permit Ask for and be willing to consider
conditions to the project, they need to be alternative potential techniques, design
specified in the SOW. Safety is also a critical modifications, and construction methods
consideration for construction, so the SOW posed by the contractor. Their previous
should require a written safety plan for all experience could save time and money.
construction related activities, including
management of volunteers (if applicable). Request information on the contractors
Below are some additional tips to keep in prior experience with similar projects.
mind when writing a construction SOW.
Ask for qualifications of and references
Describe the project background, for key staff to be assigned to the
goals and objectives. project and prior notification of
any changes made to key staff.
Provide a template of the project design.
This can save time and reduce costs. Selecting a contractor. Once proposals and
bids are received in response to the SOW,
Include as many project requirements the team will evaluate responses to choose
as possible in the SOW to help avoid the most appropriate contractor. The goal
change orders on contracts. is to hire a knowledgeable and experienced
contractor who can provide expertise and
Incorporate a construction activity resources not found in the initial project
schedule that shows required timing team. Before selecting a contractor, be
(e.g., on-site construction must occur sure they are bonded and fully insured.
between November and March to Typically, state contractor licensing boards
avoid bird nesting season) and request will know if issues have been reported for a
that bid proposals incorporate a contractor. Other tips to keep in mind when
detailed scheduled of all activities. selecting construction contractors include:
More detail is provided below in the
Scheduling subsection (page 46). Consider hiring companies that have
experienced teams of biologists,
Request consultations with all parties engineers, and construction personnel.
involved at each stage of the construction
process to reduce confusion, Hold pre-construction meetings on-site
redundancy, and unnecessary costs. with potential contractors if possible;
viewing the site allows contractors to
Require all parties to visit the site prepare better bids and may reduce later
before bids are submitted, if possible. bid addendums. Site visits are especially
In instances where pre-bid site visits prudent for non-local contractors.
are not possible, require on-site
meetings during cost negotiations. (continued on page 46)

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 45

Construction and Maintenance

Use local contractors for small-scale Negotiating with contractors. Once a

projects because they will be more preferred contractor has been identified, the
knowledgeable of site conditions and team will enter into formal negotiations to
appropriate construction techniques finalize elements of the proposal and bid.
for the area. However, this may narrow
the pool of qualified contractors. The independent estimate generated during
budgeting may be a tool used to assist with
Closely evaluate any alternatives and negotiating cost, manpower, and expertise
techniques that have been proposed required for specific project elements.
by contractors: they may have some Two example negotiating points follow.
innovative and cost-effective ideas.
The contractor may have budgeted
Be cautious if considering using marine to lease a staging site that could be
contractors who specialize in building docks provided by the project team.
and bulkheads. Their experience working
in coastal areas may not be relevant to The project team anticipated (and budgeted
the construction of restoration projects. for) one senior and one junior engineer
to be on site during construction, but
Keep in mind that there may be the bid from the contractor proposes
alternatives to hiring a contractor for two senior engineers (at a higher rate).
all phases of project construction,
especially when specialized skills are In both instances the team can negotiate
not necessarily required for the project anticipated requirements, roles of contract
at hand. For example, consider using staff, and related costs. The contract is
non-traditional labor resources such finalized when all services, deliverables,
as local prison-work programs, youth and an associated schedule are agreed
corps organizations, or local volunteer upon through the negotiation process.
service clubs. These alternatives can also
help keep construction costs down. Scheduling. The SOW will include a rough
schedule for implementation; however, this
schedule will be revised through negotiations
and discussions with the construction
contractor and will ultimately be determined
Finding Experts by some factors outside the project teams

The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)

can help project teams locate trained Table 6b.
wetland science professionals. SWS Construction scheduling considerations.
has created a certification program
aimed at serving the publics need Construction Timing/Scheduling
Factor Consideration
to identify qualified individuals to
assess and manage the Nations Biological Seed germination, invasive
wetland resources. An online database species removal, species
migration or nesting seasons
is available to search for certified
individuals in your city or state. The Physical Tidal regime, water flow and
SWS Professional Certification Program velocity, erosion, weather
also offers a Vendor Listing to help
you locate sources of state-of-the- Funding Grant cycles
science technology and information
Legal Permitting, land acquisition,
pertinent to wetland science. conservation easement

Climate Hurricane season, wet/dry seasons

For more information, visit
Local Traffic volumes, tourist seasons,
circumstances local events, equipment and
labor availability

46 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

Challenges in Estuaries
Tidal hydrology restoration in estuarine or
brackish environments presents several
challenges to the construction stage.
First, activities may need to be timed
around tide levels. In many instances,
construction can only take place during
low tide to allow full access to the site, yet
as-built monitoring may need to occur at
high tide to determine if maximum flow
is being achieved. Second, saltwater and
sediment conditions of estuaries will play Low ground pressure
a big factor in the type of equipment equipment, characterized
which can be used at the site and for how by wider treads to
long. For example, heavy metal machinery spread the weight of the
may sink in soft-ground conditions or rust machinery, is sometimes
if continually exposed to the saltwater. desired to reduce soil
Although the contractor should ultimately compaction. In other cases,
be responsible for any damage to the site, soft tires may be preferred.
make sure that potential contractors are Photo Credit: NOAA

knowledgeable of estuarine ecosystem

characteristics and specialized equipment.

control. Such factors include the availability Scheduling for biological, physical, and
of funding (e.g., grant award expiration), time engineering considerations are important to
needed to procure required permits, and the take into account when constructing tidal
specifications of those permits. Compliance hydrology restoration projects. Table 6b
with the Endangered Species Act (ESA), (opposite) describes some of these factors.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),
Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), and other Developing construction plans. After
permitting regulations can dictate the timing entering into the contract, there are
of construction. For example, regulations may typically implementation details that
prohibit in-water construction during certain need to be finalized before construction
seasons due to threatened species presence. can begin. Most contractors will develop
construction plans, or field protocols,
For more information on that incorporate written guidelines for
scheduling and permits, see field crews to follow. At a minimum, field
Chapter 5: Permitting protocols should include (IWWR 2003):

Descriptions of site preparation needed;

Societal interests can also impact scheduling.
For instance, culvert construction at Specifications/diagrams for
Clam Bayou was completed during off- construction features;
peak tourist season to minimize traffic
congestion since construction impacted (continued on page 48)
traffic flow to Sanibel Island, Florida.

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 47

Construction and Maintenance

Descriptions of how to install erosion protection, substrata composition,

features, such as culverts or plants; and schedule. Have hydrologists and
ecologists review construction plans to
Specifications of equipment to be used; make sure the structures and related
functions are consistent with scientific
Inventories and locations of all goals and objectives of the project.
plant species, if applicable;

A safety plan and a communications plan;

Construction Implementation
Plans to prevent construction
impacts on other resources, such Construction is the action of restoring the
as a Sediment and Erosion Control site, whether the aim is habitat restoration,
Plan and a Tree Protection Plan; habitat enhancement, or outright creation of
new habitat. The construction phase often
Indemnification language, in case there receives public attention because the activities
are accidents or damage to property; are visible and community members may
serve as volunteers. Construction activities
Plans for site maintenance for tidal hydrology restoration usually include
during construction; physical alterations, such as dike, dam, or
levee removal; grading; culvert installation,
A construction schedule with terms for cleanout, or removal; channel cleaning;
terminating the construction; and erosion control; and vegetation planting (see
Table 6c, page 50). Construction activities
Plans for monitoring key environmental can disturb and even harm the ecosystem
features while construction is underway, and should be limited in duration and
such as tidal flow and velocity, water scale as much as possible. Try to reduce
depth, and groundwater swells to the footprint of activities by controlling the
determine if any adjustments in number of people and pieces of equipment
construction need to be made. on site and by having the appropriate
environmental protection plans in place.
Construction plans, or field protocols, can be
complicated, as they typically require input Implementation stages. There are
from hydrologists, engineers, ecologists, several stages involved with construction
and community leaders. As these plans are implementation (IWWR 2003):
developed, work closely with the contractor
to make sure the plan is as specific and Plant preparation. This stage typically
intelligible as possible to avoid confusion. begins during the Pre-Construction Phase
Review the engineering drawings and and carries through to the Construction
specifications with the contractors; by doing Phase. It may involve identifying
so the team can visualize the project and native seed banks, collecting seeds, and
understand project specifications relating propagating plants. If purchasing plants
to water flow/velocity, elevation, slope, from a nursery, (continued on page 51)

Reducing the Negative Impacts of Construction

At the Don Pedro Tidal Hydrology Restoration Project in Florida, the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection has been careful to control the footprint
of activity by stipulating the types of equipment that may be used on site, specifically
in regard to tire type. They recommend using soft track and soft tires. Otherwise the
damage done is often not worth the benefit of the project. Annette Nielson, FDEP.

48 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

Implementation of the Tarpon Bay Tidal Hydrology Project required careful
coordination with local utilities regarding pipes and other right-of-way issues.
Photo Credit: Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 49

Construction and Maintenance

Table 6c. Design strategy considerations related to budget.

Design Relative Equipment Needed Considerations
Strategy Cost

Culvert Low to Corrugated metal or Causeways, berms, and other barriers often
placement Moderate pre-fab concrete pipes, contain electrical, gas, and sewer lines. Coordinate
(pipe or arch) gravel, rip-rap, excavator with utility companies prior to construction.

Culvert Moderate Excavator or crane See above consideration. Also, for culverts
placement for placement of under roadways, timing of construction must be
(box) pre-fab culvert or carefully coordinated to minimize road closures.
molds for pouring
on-site; gravel, rip-rap

Culvert Low to Culvert cleaning tools, See above culvert considerations. Velocity of
replacement Moderate sleeve inserts, mesh flow and scour are both ecological and safety
or repair benders, mesh flatteners, considerations; construct during low flows and
gravel, rip-rap use armoring materials to protect culvert.

Bridge Very High Cranes and hoists, For smaller spans, consider the use of pre-fab
installation concrete pouring stations, modular bridges that reduce costs by eliminating
piles, pile driver the need for concrete form work or pours.

Barrier breach Low Backhoe/excavator, If possible, distribute soil to on-

(berms, dikes, bulldozer, dump truck, site locations to reduce costs.
levees, dams) rip-rap

Barrier High Backhoe, excavator/ Erosion control is imperative; loosening large

removal cranes, dump truck amounts of soil/sediment can make sediment flow
(berms, dikes, into gutters, storm drains, and the ocean. Cost may
levees, dams) be controlled if soil can be redistributed on site.

Ditch filling Low Bulldozer, backhoe Plug ditches at their lowest point at an
or plugging elevation 20% to 33% above grade to allow for
soil settling (Reis, personal communication,
2009). Utilize original spoils if available.

Tidal creek High Trailers, bulldozer, Excavation levels must be precise and monitored
creation backhoe and gardening as-built. Use of amphibious or low ground
machines, dump truck pressure tracked vehicles may be necessary for
working in sites with existing wetland conditions.

Mosaic Moderate Backhoe/excavator, May increase design costs or on-site costs due to
habitat bulldozer extra time and care needed to implement precise
creation elevations. This technique is most applicable
at large sites or areas prone to sea level rise.

Sediment Moderate Backhoe/excavator, When raising elevations over a large area in

grading and/ to High bulldozer, dump truck, proximity to dredging operations, consider
or elevation silt fences, straw bales, use of dredge spoils. When lowering
alterations compost berms or filter elevations (scraping), coordinate with
socks, and sediment construction sites in need of fill to reduce
control basins transportation and disposal costs.

Water control Moderate Gates, molds for Consider structures with fish slots or variable-
structures concrete wingwalls, crested weirs to optimize fish passage and water
(i.e., tide gates culverts, rip rap management options. Use low-maintenance
and weirs) structures able to withstand extreme hydrological
and climactic events, such as hurricanes.

Broad-crested Low Excavator, bulldozer, Weir heights must be precise to be effective.

earthen weir geoweb materials

50 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

the origin of the stock should be considered. Consider preserving or stockpiling
Always use native species and cuttings or topsoil on site as it may contain a
seeds from local plants. Locally adapted valuable seed source that can be
seeds and plants will have a better chance distributed near project completion.
of surviving the conditions at your site than
plants or seeds of the same species that come Restoration experts generally agree
from another area (Stedman 2003). that bare root vegetation is most cost-
effective in intertidal areas, while three-
Acclimation to local salinity gradients gallon pots (or larger) are typically
prior to planting can also increase success. recommended in upland areas.
Although re-establishing vegetation is a
common practice, not all tidal hydrology Most practitioners agree that at least
restoration projects will necessitate it. three to five years of maintenance is
Consider negotiating a warranty with your required to combat non-native vegetation
plant supplier that will ensure a minimum on a site, so plan accordingly.
survival period for transplants. The IWWR
2003 report, cited in the References, Ensuring quality implementation. There
includes more information on this activity. are numerous actions a project team can
take to ensure the quality of construction.
Site preparation. This stage may involve Restoration experts offer the following advice:
installing temporary tide controls;
removing and/or bringing in dirt; plugging Ensure quality construction through
or removing drains; breaching levees; independent oversight, and budget
staging heavy equipment; preparing and/ appropriately for this expense. Hold
or installing erosion control devices; weekly construction oversight meetings
clearing access to the site (e.g., brush that include input from the construction
removal); and removing invasive species. manager and project team. Create
agendas for meetings, conduct site
Construction (removal or installation). visits, and take notes to keep a careful
This stage involves constructing essential record. For example, the Hopedale
project components such as water Tidal Hydrology Restoration Project
control and stabilization structures, in Louisiana budgeted approximately
soil gradations, and habitat structures. 10 percent of total costs for on-site,
Different design strategies require different independent oversight and inspection.
equipment, costs, and environmental
and logistical considerations. Based Consider keeping the permit process
on the restoration design strategies separate from the construction contracting
presented in Chapter 4: Project Design, process, but maintain communication
Table 6c (opposite) offers construction about permit specifications. This approach
considerations for each strategy. provides the project team with more
control over final design, scheduling,
Vegetation considerations. If vegetation and costs. However, it will require clear
planting follows earth-moving operations, communication with the contractor to
here are some tips to keep in mind: ensure construction elements comply
with permitting requirements.
Sand is a good substrate to use for building
a marsh platform because it is easier Do not implement changes to the construction
to manipulate during construction, to plan without thorough evaluation by
plant healthy vegetation, and to fertilize the planning and design team.
(sand will need fertilizing since it lacks
nutrients and organic matter). With
correct plant spacing, using sand will
generally result in a two-year grow-
out to vegetate the site completely.

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 51

Construction and Maintenance

When Implementation does not go Post-Construction

as planned. Restoration experts know Management
that construction does not always go as
planned and offer the following advice: Post-construction management of tidal
hydrology restoration projects includes
Have a contingency plan maintenance and monitoring of the physical
and funds to implement it. construction (IWWR 2003). It is critical to
Know when to cut your losses, the projects value over time, especially for
and modify the contingency plan projects that involve engineered structures.
if necessary during the project. Because of its importance, post-construction
management should be planned and
Engage design experts throughout the entire budgeted from the outset of the project,
project so you can adapt quickly to changes. along with funds for corrective action.

Communicate with persistence, even when Construction monitoring. The project

the team, contractors, or stakeholders manager should monitor the site
are reticent. Help the team translate their during and after construction to ensure
expertise to others. For example, biologists work is progressing and completed as
need to understand how construction planned. An example of monitoring
equipment works, and engineers need during construction might be measuring
to understand the ecology of the site to and adjusting invert elevations of
participate effectively on a project team. culverts to achieve maximum flow.

An as-built survey should be completed

immediately following construction, ideally
before the contractor removes their equipment
and leaves the site. The as-built survey records
Budgeting for
Construction Monitoring
and Maintenance
It is a good idea to budget for
construction monitoring and Cutting Your Losses
maintenance to ensure the funds
are available for these activities. The Tarpon Bay Tidal Hydrology
Some funding sources even require Restoration Project in Florida
it. For example, projects completed encountered many challenges
under the federal Coastal Wetland during construction that resulted
Planning, Protection, and Restoration in unplanned daily oversight of the
Act (CWPPRA) must budget for these construction contractor by the project
costs at project outset. For instance, team. In addition to safety and site
the project team for the Hopedale maintenance issues, the contractor
Tidal Hydrology Restoration Project attempted to use equipment that was
in Louisiana set aside a budget insufficient to complete construction.
of $500,000 prior to construction The project lost time and resources
of this large-scale project for all before the team decided to cut their
construction monitoring and losses and select a new contractor who

maintenance over a 20-year period. successfully completed the project.

For more information, For more information,

see the Hopedale Tidal see the Tarpon Bay Tidal
Hydrology Restoration Hydrology Restoration
Project Portfolio (page 98). Project Portfolio (page 134).

52 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

Construction underway to breach the dikes at the Eden Landing Salt Pond
Restoration Project on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, CA.
Photo Credit: NOAA

post-construction physical structure, elevation,

soil type, and other relevant parameters. The For more details on baselines, see
survey should be closely compared to the Chapter 7: Scientific
design (goal and objectives) and construction Evaluation and Monitoring
specifications. In fact, many project managers
suggest having an independent contractor Construction maintenance. Maintenance of a
complete the post-construction evaluation tidal hydrology restoration site involves structure
to ensure compliance with design. repair; plant replacement (if planting was part of
the original project); and control or elimination
Be realistic about the project team's of invasive species, herbivores, and predators.
expectations for construction, but if there are Local entities will likely be the most accessible
major problems with the final construction and cost effective for administering long-term
results, request that the contractor make maintenance of the project site; however, local
specific corrections if it is within the contract priorities may shift in the future and diminish
or if it is otherwise cost-effective to amend their ability to follow through with construction
the contract. Use the as-built assessment as a maintenance. Consider contracting for long-
baseline for monitoring and evaluation needs. term maintenance if the project budget allows.

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 53

Construction and Maintenance


Top left: Increased sedimentation due to coastal modifications led to the

loss of an inlet through coastal dunes that provided tidal flow to Sandpiper
Pond in Murrells Inlet, SC. Top right: Tidal flow moves through the restored
inlet at high tide. Bottom: The restored tidal inlet at low tide. Annual
maintenance is required to sustain tidal flow through the dune system.
Photo Credit: SC State Parks

54 NOAA Restoration Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center | 2010

Sandpiper Pond Tidal Hydrology Restoration Project
Huntington Beach State Park, Georgetown County, SC
Sandpiper Pond at Huntington Beach State Park is a thriving coastal wetland system. System
health relies on tidal flushing and circulation from a short inlet that meanders through
coastal dunes and connects to the Atlantic Ocean. In 1989, the inlet was blocked due to
years of increased sedimentation along the coast caused by the construction of a nearby jetty
and a powerful storm surge associated with Hurricane Hugo. The lack of tidal circulation
resulted in lower salinity levels, an influx of invasive plants, and a series of major fish kills.

In an effort to restore the health of the pond, the Friends of Huntington Beach
AGE State Park (a nonprofit group) along with Park officials sought to breach the newly
formed dunes and reintroduce tidal flushing to the system. In order to mimic
original conditions and maintain a natural appearance to the dune system, detailed
engineering plans with specific elevations were created that called for the movement
of sand only. Unlike many tidal hydrology projects, no hard structures, culverts, or
armoring were used to convey tidal waters. Although this construction technique was
simple and low impact, it required planning for intensive on-going maintenance.

Prior to construction, volunteers removed dune vegetation from the project area and
transplanted it nearby. Shortly after, Park employees used two rented bulldozers over a
one-week period to create a 40-foot-wide swath through the sand to allow ocean tides
to reach the Pond. Volunteers with engineering expertise closely monitored elevations,
and the final stages of earthwork were timed to coincide with low tides. Now after
several years of tidal flows into Sandpiper Pond, salinity levels have increased and
native estuarine species such as Spartina, sheepshead, and blue crab have returned.

With the constant accretion of sand and the shifting dynamics of the dune system,
the inlet to Sandpiper Pond requires consistent maintenance that was anticipated
and incorporated into long-term Park management plans. Park staff must rent
bulldozers annually and allot time for clearing the inlet. As stipulated in the project
permit, this work must be completed in April before turtle nesting season.

Through the many years of experience acquired by the inlet maintenance staff, construction
maintenance techniques continue to become more effective and efficient. Originally, the
created inlet was a straight channel built at a right angle to the pond. Over time, the channel
has meandered, forming an indirect route to the pond. During annual maintenance,
construction crews work with this naturally defined course. Crews have also learned that sands
excavated from the channel must be graded at an angle less than was previously thought.

Perhaps as a benefit from the constant attention required to maintain Sandpiper

Pond, a high degree of familiarity with the site dynamics now exists among the
project team. After the initial breach, the project team recognized an opportunity
to further enhance the tidal flushing and circulation of the Pond. A culvert was
installed under a nearby road to create another access point for flow in the Pond.

For more photos, details, and example project documents, see the
Sandpiper Pond Tidal Hydrology Restoration Project Portfolio (page 146).

Returning the Tide | Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual 55

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